E L I TE 時 尚 精 英
名人專訪 冬季時尚 節日禮物 古法養生 老宅翻新
A New Program Called Piano Talks With Janara Khassenova 在傳統音樂中淨化心靈
Dr. S. David Wu: Leading Baruch College With Passion and Determination 專訪巴魯克學院首位華裔校長吳思永
Healing Principles for Mind and Body Gleaned From Ancient Chinese Artwork 杏林春滿 書畫養生
Denny-Blaine Home A Historic Tudor-Style Home Gets a Contemporary Revival 西班牙都鐸式風格老宅翻新
November-December 2020 $6.99
for Winter Getaways 2020
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2020/11/6 上午10:53
B A C C A R A T. C O M
N E W YO R K • G R E E N W I C H • PA L M D E S E R T • S O U T H C OA S T P L A Z A • L A S V E G A S • H O U S T O N • M I A M I
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2020/11/6 上午10:53
T E A M U P F O R E XC E L L E N C E Baptiste Loiseau Cellar Master
Julien Georget Wine Estates Manager Laura Mornet Winegrower Advisor
© 2019 E. Rémy Martin & Co., Rémy Martin ® XO Cognac Fine Champagne, 40% Alc./Vol., Imported by Rémy Cointreau USA, Inc., New York, NY. Centaur Design ® XO Bottle Design ® Please drink responsibly.
Behind every success there is a collective story.
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2020/11/6 上午11:19
Editor’ s Note 序
Holiday Gift Guide: Fashion 節日選禮指南——時尚篇
Effortless Chic Outfits for Winter Getaways 2020 隨性優雅冬季度假時尚
Beauty: New Launches 美容新品
Holiday Gift Guide: Beauty 節日選禮指南——美容篇
Jason J. Kim: The Master Ceramist, Part II 美齒新境界 專訪高級瓷牙師——金政道(下)
Elevating Spirits With Traditional Music: A New Program Called Piano Talks With Janara Khassenova 在傳統音樂中淨化心靈
The Three Friends of Winter: Symbols of Virtue in Traditional Chinese Culture
Healing Principles for Mind and Body Gleaned From Ancient Chinese Artwork
杏林春滿 書畫養生
Dr. S. David Wu: Leading Baruch College With Passion and Determination 矢志於教 春風化雨三十載 ——專訪巴魯克學院首位華裔校長吳思永
How to Sleep for a Healthier Life in a Busy World 睡眠養生之道
Photographer: Ronald Ji Stylist: Marisa Ellison Model: Kuynh Chi at Fenton Model Management Makeup and Hair Stylist: Wendy Lin Full Look By Max Mara
Treasures and Traditions for a Memorable Christmas 節日選禮指南——家飾篇
Denny-Blaine Home: A Historic Tudor-Style Home Gets a Contemporary Revival 老屋復興﹕西雅圖Denny-Blaine區的都鐸式風格住家 Exuding Southern Delights: The Maple Ridge House 承載記憶 老宅新生之楓嶺住宅
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2020/11/6 上午11:20
The Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove 展示廳是充滿創造與合作氣息的空間。 廚師演示和互動產品帶給您無窮的靈感。經驗豐富的顧問將指導您完成 整個廚房項目。與您所愛的人一起度過美味的時光,從這裡開始。
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12/16/19 8:43 AM 2020/11/6 上午11:20
全美最大的家庭裝飾連鎖公司 Carpet One Floor & Home 唯一華人成員
地毯 | 窗簾 | 牆紙 | 地板 華麗地毯窗簾牆紙中心 是您的最佳選擇
無論生活遭逢何種巨變,唯一不變的就是向前推進的時間,這一年終究 是走到了尾聲。我們能在這樣艱難的時刻下,透過文字與各位一同走 過,豈非一件幸事? 因為一場瘟疫,我們在被迫改變的環境裡,適應新的日常型態。疫情的 衝擊,成了壓倒零售業的最後一根稻草;紐約人紛紛搬離曼哈頓的公寓, 定居郊外;遠程工作已經變成日常,面對面的交往竟也成為難得的光景, 未來會如何變化,似乎仍充滿迷茫⋯⋯ 我們都在漫瀚的歷史洪流之中,雖然渺小,卻因為對美好的追尋而不斷 地創造價值,因為我們都堅信,前行的動力,源自信守內心的良善。 每年的秋冬是古典音樂的旺季,然而今年所有演出都被迫取消,音樂家 們不得不尋找新的方式與觀眾交流。鋼琴家嘉娜拉 · 卡森諾娃(Janara Khassenova)與《新唐人電視台》合作,開創了一檔全新的電視節目 「Piano Talks」,節目以介紹古典音樂界的泰斗人物,如巴赫、貝多芬、 蕭邦、拉赫曼尼諾夫等人的音樂為主線,希望通過音樂來安撫觀眾居家 生活的焦慮與壓力。 今年2月紐約市立大學系統的巴魯克學院(Baruch College)新上任的 校長吳思永,是一位來自臺灣的學子,他來到美國,學習西方的優秀文 化,融合中華傳統文化,在美國的教育界闖出了一片天。上任伊始,就 面臨著前所未見的困境,對此,吳思永仍泰然處之,他向來視困難為挑 戰,欣然接受,我們透過吳校長的分享,學習到在逆境中應有的態度。
大量現貨 歡迎設計師 洽談合作
今年冬季,遠程旅行也許難以實現,但是開車自駕尋個度假場所接近大 自然,放飛身心靈仍是個好選擇。本期時尚專題,特別推薦冬日度假的 穿搭法,帶您一探保暖舒適而不失優雅的時尚心法。 防疫期間,多了很多在家的時間,不妨趁機將長期以來裝修老屋的計畫 付諸實踐。本期居家欄目介紹了兩個老屋翻修的經典案例,或許您也能 從中汲取翻修的靈感,為生活增添新意。 其實只要稍微調整一下心態,人人都能在逆境中拾獲前行的能量,在改 變中找到不變的價值。
Adeline 電話:718-460-1161 Email: qcarpetone@gmail.com 地址: 18-13 128th Street College Point, NY 11356 (大口福附近)
P01-05_Index_note_pubinfo.indd 4
2020/11/6 上午11:20
SENIOR DESIGNERS Hsinyu Lo, Ingrid Longauerová
• 德國皮膚科及醫藥局推薦
DESIGNERS Benson Xiao, Tan Zhao
• 日本最熱銷醫美護膚品
CORRESPONDENTS Pia-Maria Norris, Angela Feng, Cora Wang, Megan Wang, Erin Wang, Faithe Lo
• 日本最新化妝品
• 精選蜂蜜和各國零食
TRANSLATORS Ivy Tseng, Minghui Wang, Selina Lum, Anne Scott COPY EDITORS Connie Phillips, Louise Rothman, Huixuan Yang
$75 以上免運費
Address 229 W 28th Street, 7FL, New York, NY 10001 Phone 646-862-9930 Email editor@elite-magazine.com advertising@elite-magazine.com subscription@elite-magazine.com www.elite-magazine.com
San Francisco Ke Bian 510-299-4392
Los Angeles Yan Lieser 818-836-2937
Boston Timothy Pi 617-388-1688
Seattle Echo Liu 425-877-5121
lamaison-ny.com P01-05_Index_note_pubinfo.indd 5
2020/11/6 上午11:20
6 2
Gifts for Her
By Joy Ye
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2020/11/6 上午11:24
5 1
Gifts for Him By Joy Ye
4 7
P06-07_Editor's Pick.indd 7
2020/11/6 上午11:24
for Winter Getaways 2020
Design is a constant challenge to balance comfort with luxe, the practical with the desirable.” —Donna Karan 「設計是一門從不間斷的挑戰,用於平衡舒適與奢華、現實與渴望。」 ——唐納‧卡蘭
Photographer: Ronald Ji Stylist: Marisa Ellison Model: Kuynh Chi at Fenton Model Management Makeup and Hair Stylist: Wendy Lin Location: Courtesy of Southampton Inn
P08-13_Fashion shoot-3.indd 8
2020/11/5 下午3:10
今年在巴黎時裝週伸展臺上的 亮點之一,就是帶有 70 年代風 格的羊毛 皮 大衣。無 論是 蓬鬆 型 大 衣,還 是 泰 迪 熊 型 大 衣, 多位頂級設計師都採用了在羊 毛 皮 大衣外加 一副 腰 帶,突顯 女性線條美又不失寬鬆舒適。 FULL LOOK BY ETRO
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2020/11/5 下午3:11
內曼‧馬庫斯(Neiman Marcus) 曾 說: 「愛 穿 黑 色 衣 服 的 女 人 生 活 都 豐 富多 采。」( Women who
wear black have color f ul lives)有質 感 的黑色 適 合任 何季 節,任 何場合,配 上不同的首 飾和 鞋款,就能呈現不同的個性與氣質。 ROMPER BY VINCE EARRINGS BY CHLOÉ FLATS BY GUCCI
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2020/11/5 下午3:11
上下 同 色 的 針 織 衣 裙 搭 配 是 今 年冬 季 的 新 寵 之一。 不但 可以 減 輕 度 假 中 服 飾 搭配的視覺壓力,而且從上 到下看起來既時尚又舒適。 FULL LOOK BY ROSETTA GETTY
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2020/11/5 下午3:11
COVID-19 疫情還未結束,與家人朋友在度假屋後院小規模的野餐聚會,成為 2020 年的新趨勢。略微帶有40 年代風格的蓬蓬裹腰裙,加上本季流行的冷灰 色,替女主人打造幹練又有品味的氣質。有質感的灰色永不過時。 FULL LOOK BY PRADA
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2020/11/5 下午3:11
今 秋 風 靡 70~80年代的牛仔褲 重 返 時 尚 舞 臺。 頂 級 設 計 師 們 頻 頻 推 出 各 類 高 腰、 寬 褲 腳 和 喇 叭 型 ( H igh - rise、 Wid e - le g、
Flared jeans)牛仔褲。無論從它 的多功能性還是舒適性而言,牛仔 褲都是本季值得投資的百搭款。 FULL LOOK BY CELINE
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2020/11/5 下午3:11
EW LAUNCHES By Pia-Maria Norris
Based on the idea that less is more, aN-hydra offers three fabulous, innovative, and sustainable water-activated products to cleanse, hydrate, and brighten the skin.
Sisley Paris - Phyto Blanc Le Concentré Pure Bright Activating Serum Visibly diminishes dark spots and provides an intense, overall brightening effect. ($380, sisley-paris.com)
1. Microbiome Cleanser ($55), 2. Hyaluronic Hydrator ($60), 3. Powder-C Brightener ($60) (an-hydra.com)
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2020/11/5 下午4:44
Lead the band.
屢獲殊榮的賽貝格極致抗老系列,給您肌膚一個“清透明潤” 的聖誕大禮。具有獨家粉化霜專利技術的美白VC粉不僅可 以單獨使用,也可與素有“超級精華液”之稱的賽貝格經典精 華系列混合搭配使用,打造專屬於您的肌膚“盛宴”。 賽貝格專櫃及drsebagh.com有售。
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2020/11/5 下午4:44
Marmur Metamorphosis - MMRepose Serum StriVectin - Super-C Retinol Serum Combining the power of vitamin C and retinol, this nonirritating and nonsticky serum visibly brightens, firms, and restores the skin’s radiance.
This all-in-one serum plus moisturizer comes in an innovative gel-textured, water-based formula that hydrates and seals in moisture, leaving the skin dewy, plump, and radiant. ($85, mmskincare.com)
($72, strivectin.com)
Fancy Face - Supermodel Lip Bath (honey shot) This collagen lip treatment nourishes lips with ultra-rich shea butter, vitamin E, and castor oil. Its deep hydration revives dry and dull lips and softens lines. ($28, fancyface.ca) Shiseido – Uplifting and Firming Cream Enriched This superb cream revitalizes, firms, and visibly lifts the skin in just a week. ($135–$160, shiseido.com) Cascara Beauty - CascaraBerry Superfruit Face Oil An anti-aging gem, packed with brightening ingredients and the powerful antioxidant coffeeberry. ($75, cascarabeauty.com)
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2020/11/5 下午4:45
By Pia-Maria Norris
La Prairie - Platinum Rare Haute Rejuvenation Collection La Prairie takes anti-aging skin care to a new level. The innovated Platinum Collection strengthens the skin by protecting against external stress factors, renewing epidermal cells, and stimulating cell communication. With the unprecedented science of Haute-Rejuvenation, the skin's moisture is augmented, refining its texture. The skin tone appears more even, and the restored firmness, elasticity, and volume enhance a natural youthful glow. Rare Haute-Rejuvenation Elixir ($1,315): Provides a tensing effect for an immediate youthful look.
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Platinum Rare Haute-Rejuvenation Cream 50 mL ($1,525 for 50 mL, $985 for 30 mL): Gives intense nourishment to the skin and a feeling of supreme softness. Platinum Rare Haute-Rejuvenation Eye Elixir ($985): Provides subtle tensing for a lifted look and decreases under-eye puffiness. Platinum Rare Haute-Rejuvenation Eye Cream ($985): Smooths imperfections, refines the skin’s texture, and decreases under-eye darkness. (laprairie.com)
2020/11/5 下午4:45
Natura Bissé - Diamond Extreme ($385) A rich anti-aging bio-regenerative cream that provides supple, firm, and luminous skin. Natura Bissé - Diamond Life Infusion ($625) Superbly anti-aging night serum that achieves unprecedented levels of rejuvenation. Natura Bissé - Diamond Life Infusion Retinol Eye Serum ($300) A powerful anti-aging night eye treatment with retinol. Reduces wrinkles, crow’s feet, puffiness, and dark circles.
Natura Bissé - High Density Lift ($325) A contour volume cream that reduces sagginess, helps rejuvenate and firm the skin. Natura Bissé - Inhibit Tensolift Neck Cream ($215) A cutting-edge neck cream that lifts, firms, and smooths skin of the neck and décolleté. Natura Bissé - Inhibit High Definition Serum ($765) This “Botox in a bottle” inhibits facial contractions while filling and smoothing out wrinkles. (naturabisse.com)
Sulwhasoo - Bloomstay Collection This revitalizing skin care set uses antioxidant-rich plum blossoms to bring a youthful vitality to the skin. Vitalizing Water ($75): Brightens and soothes. Vitalizing Serum ($145): Brightens and fights wrinkles. Vitalizing Cream ($155): Brightens and hydrates. Vitalizing Eye Cream ($100): Brightens and reduces puffiness. (sulwhasoo.com)
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2020/11/5 下午4:45
Diptyque - Scented Star A decorative and scented star created in the finest white crepe paper and infused with the limited edition scent—Moonlit Fir. ($85, diptyqueparis.com)
StarSign Scents Available in 12 different scents, with each designed to enhance your mood through a special blend of essential oils made for your personality and star-sign traits. ($99, starsignscents.com)
Sisley Paris - Supremya Cream The ultimate anti-aging night cream for dry skin. Firms, plumps, tightens and smooths skin. ($810, sisley-paris.com)
CREED for Kids (alcohol-free) Subtle, magic scent in notes of plum, crisp apple, rose, lemon, and tart grapefruit. Also perfect for adults. ($235, creedboutique.com)
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2020/11/5 下午4:46
DefenAge - Luxe Kit This anti-aging set visibly improves and corrects aging and damaged or exhausted skin. Set contains: 8-in-1 BioSerum (1 oz.), 24/7 Barrier Balance Cream (1.5 oz.), 2-Minute Reveal Masque (2.5 oz.), 3D Eye Radiance Cream (0.5 oz.), 1-Step Multi-Cleanse (5.0 oz.), 100% Silk Pillowcase in Queen Size ($380, DefenAge.com)
Carolina Herrera - Good Girl Suprême Eau de Parfum A glamorous and daring scent in notes of intense Egyptian Jasmine, creamy Tonka Beans, and sparkling Vetiver. ($76–$130, macys.com)
Sisley Paris - Supremya at Night
Sisley Paris - Supremya Eyes at Night
Exceptional rejuvenating night skin care for firmer, smoother, and more radiant skin.
Anti-aging treatment for the eyecontour area. ($320, sisley-paris.com)
($810, sisley-paris.com)
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2020/11/5 下午4:46
Sulwhasoo - Timetreasure Invigorating Collection A luxurious anti-aging set, formulated with highly concentrated Upright Korean Red Pine for visible skin vitality, improved resilience, and radiance. Set includes: Timetreasure Invigorating Cream (2 oz.), Eye Cream (0.85 oz.), Water (0.85 oz.), Emulsion (0.85 oz.), Serum (0.14.oz.), Cream (0.14 oz.), Eye Serum (0.14 oz.), Sleeping Mask (0.5 oz.) ($720 ($911 value), sulwhasoo.com)
Parfums de Marly – Meliora
Dr. Sebagh - Signature Gold Gift Box
A happy, vibrant, and sparkling floral-fruity scent in notes of rose, lily, raspberry, and black currant.
Features Dr Sebagh’s two most luxurious serums: the Signature Serum, which boosts skin cell energy and increase its DNA life span for faster and more effective cellular renewal, and four Platinum Gold Elixir; a one-month treatment that tightens, firms, and lifts while also deeply hydrating the skin.
($320, marlyboutiqueusa.com)
(£870.00 ($1,315), drsebagh.com)
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2020/11/5 下午4:46
diptyque – Limited Edition Moonlit Fir Interior Scent (50 mL)
Charlotte Tilbury - Limited Edition Filmstar Bronze & Glow Set
Limited edition room spray featuring the scent Moonlit Fir.
A golden highlighter and sun-kissed powder for red-carpetlooking cheekbones! The set includes a mini powder and sculpting brush.
($45, diptyqueparis.com)
($75, charlottetilbury.com)
Diptyque – 190-Gram Limited Edition Scented Candle
Clé de Peau Beauté - The Serum
Scented candle available in Floral Majesty, Amber Feather, and Moonlit Fir—a majestic Lion, a mysterious Swan, and a loyal Deer!
A first-step serum that awakens the skin, leaving it luminous and radiant, similar to the beautiful and magical awakening of the White Swan.
($78 each, diptyqueparis.com)
($295, cledepeaubeaute.com)
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2020/11/5 下午4:46
Marmur Metamorphosis - MMSphere 2.0 A sophisticated LED skin care device for at-home use that is smartphone-driven and paired with high-performing photo-activated serums and masks. It has nine settings, with each color having a different effect on your skin and mood. For example, green light reduces wrinkles by improving collagen synthesis; red light soothes and reduces redness due to inflammation; blue light reduces inflammation and fights acne-causing bacteria; amber light can improve mood and help improve symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). The red light also features a unique, slow pulse setting that mimics the heart rate to induce relaxation. ($795, mmskincare.com)
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2020/11/5 下午4:46
The Master Ceramist Part II 美齒新境界 專訪高級瓷牙技師——金政道
By Pia-Maria Norris|Chinese translation by Ivy Tseng Photography by Ronald Ji
n our September issue, we learned about the fascinating background of legendary master ceramist Jason J. Kim, the man responsible for some of the most famous celebrity smiles in the world. For the current issue, we had the opportunity to sit down with Jason himself to learn more about his art form, how he creates his legendary individualized smiles, and how a smile makeover can enhance one’s face and appearance.
九月號的專題,我們專訪了高級瓷牙技師金政道先生, 了解他傳奇豐富的故事,他是目前諸多名人的笑容曲線 負責人。本期,我們有機會與金政道先生面對面,了解 他的藝術理念,如何建立每個人的個人化微笑?並如何 相信微笑可以改變人們的面容與外型?
ELITE: 首先想請問金政道先生,高級瓷牙技師與其他 瓷牙技師的不同? Jason Kim: 每位瓷牙技師,都是具備實驗精神的專業 人士,他們奉獻不同的專業與才能製作瓷牙。而高級瓷
ELITE: Jason, what is the difference between a master ceramist and other ceramists? Jason Kim: All ceramists are laboratory technicians with varying levels of talent and dedication to their craft. A master ceramist needs to have a higher level of scientific knowledge and artistic talent, one that goes beyond standard dental restorations. There is also a master-level training, which focuses on the masticatory system, in short, how the muscles, jaws, and chewing system work. It’s very scientific. A master ceramist also needs to have extensive knowledge about ceramic qualities, because they all have different characteristics, baking duration, and
牙技師需具備比一般水準更高的專業科學知識,以及藝 術天賦,還需接受碩士級別的培訓,培訓著重在人體咀 嚼系統,例如肌肉、下顎和牙齒間的合作關係,課程內 容很專業。 高級瓷牙技師同時也要具備陶瓷特性的知識,因為 各種陶瓷來自不同的燒製時間、升溫速度等,這些就如 陶藝家可以掌握自己的作品一般。 比如說古代陶藝家會判斷燒陶的不同品質,朝鮮王 朝以製作純白的高麗白瓷著名。陶藝師會確認陶瓷的顏 色是否正確,如果顏色不對,便會將作品扔掉。純乳白 色調、透出深邃又美麗的光澤,那是最好的極品,這些 品質需透過陶藝家的巧手掌握,如光澤普通便無法成王 室用品,只能做一般用途。
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2020/11/6 下午12:43
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speed of rising temperature. A master ceramist has to be able to define the characteristics. It’s like ancient times when people baked vases and created pottery. In ancient Korea, the masters would examine their baked pottery, and if the color wasn’t right, they would break the items and discard them. During the Joseon Dynasty, they created what they called “the famous white vase.” The ceramic quality was white, but it had a very milkish depth, a very mysterious and beautiful depth to it. So if they baked a white vase with beautiful depth, you knew it was good. If the pottery were not well-made, they would use it for common use, but the ones that were baked well would go to the king’s palace. So even in those days, they knew the quality of ceramics when they baked them. ELITE: What are some of the other key components in achieving superior aesthetic results? Jason: You need an excellent clinician who understands biology and science. Even if I am a master ceramist, my work doesn't mean anything if the clinical work is not good. That is where the importance of teamwork comes in. The dentist and ceramist have to be on the same page. Communication is also key, both between the patient, the clinician, and the master ceramist. ELITE: Can cosmetic dentistry provide anti-aging benefits? Jason: Yes, it can. When we age, the skin loses strength, so some people have facelifts. The nose and ears don’t have wear and tear. The lower one-third of your face, which is structurally supported from the inside by the teeth and arch, is the part that has the most wear and tear. So most of the aging process happens in the lower one-third of the face. So, whenever we look at cases, it’s not just about “my teeth are yellow, I want to have white teeth.” We look at it as a whole, as a complete structural rehabilitation, all of which can provide anti-aging benefits and considerable improvements to the person's facial aesthetic. For example, we can bring back and correct tooth color and the deterioration of structural movement. Doing cosmetic dentistry will not change the whole face or facial features, but what we can do is to help harmonize the face by addressing certain imbalances and issues, such as color and building out the arch to
Jason determines the ceramic shades he will use for a case.
ELITE: 請問還有什麼關鍵因素,讓技術更接近卓越? Jason: 首先,需要一位優秀的臨床醫師,具備豐富的生 物科學知識。即使我是一名高級瓷牙技師,缺乏臨床經 驗輔助,也無法進行完整判斷。其次,這是重視團隊合 作的工作,牙醫與瓷牙師需站在同一陣線,臨床醫師與 瓷牙師的溝通過程,是影響瓷牙服務能否卓越的關鍵。
ELITE: 請問牙齒美容可以提供抗老化的好處嗎? Jason: 是的,它可以。隨著我們年紀的增長,皮膚會慢 慢老化,因此有人臉頰會下垂凹陷,鼻子跟耳朵較不會 受到影響。臉部的下三分之一處,牙齒是磨損最多的部 分,因為臉下半部結構大多是由牙齒、牙弓支撐,因此 磨損就會使衰老的感覺很明顯,也最常發生在這個部位。 所以說我們在面對任何案例,都不會只注意「 因為牙 齒泛黃,所以想美白 」這樣的觀點。我們會將所有的情況 視為一個整體,思考要如何完備地讓臉部結構康復,這些 都有抗衰老功效,大為改善人體的面部美學。例如,我們 會修復並糾正牙齒的顏色,防止牙齒因為運動造成的結構 惡化。 進行牙齒美容不會改變整個臉部或是面容特徵,我 們是透過解決「 不平衡 」( 例如色彩調整、修補缺失之 處 )來協調臉部的面容,這些小改變都會使一個人整體看 起來更協調。
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compensate for what they lost, all of which will enhance and harmonize the look of the person. ELITE: Just as fashion changes, does people’s perception of beauty change? Jason: Yes. There is a lot of history to it. When cosmetic dentistry and veneers came around in the late 1980s, they looked very opaque with no translucency. But people didn't mind, as they just wanted white teeth. But that era thankfully passed, as the veneers looked chalky and Chiclets-like. Nowadays, we make them much thinner, with translucencies that react naturally to different light environments. White has to have a certain level of translucency because if it has too much opacity, it blocks the light from going through the tooth, and it looks very unnatural. Patients often ask for very white teeth, so back then, I asked myself, how could we create very white teeth that still look natural and transmit light the same way as natural teeth do? So I did a lot of research into this. For many years, I collected natural teeth, and then I sliced the enamel of a 0.7 mm tooth to scientifically study how it transmitted light and how much of the light goes through. I then started formulating my own ceramics and was able to create shades of white that transmit the same amount of translucency as real teeth, so when the patient wears them, they naturally adapt to different lights. For example, in the sunlight, they look nice and white, and the color tones down indoors. In dimly lit rooms, they don't glow, but instead, tone down and absorb the light. And when one is watching the sunset with a lot of orange light, the orange light reflects on them in the same way it would on a real tooth.
Jason works on a porcelain buildup, which is the feldspathic process of adding layers of porcelain in order to mimic natural light reflection and depth. (Picture courtesy of Neil Gershman)
ELITE: 流行會隨時代改變,這是否也會影響人們對美 的定義? Jason: 是 的, 它 有 許 多 歷 史。 1980年 代 後 期, 美 容 牙科及瓷牙貼片剛問世的時候,它們看起來沒有一點透 明性,但當時的人們並不在意,一心只想要有潔白的牙 齒。如今,現在的瓷牙貼片更薄,在不同的光線下會有 自然反應的半透明感,這些白色的貼片必須有透明感, 因為如果阻止光線穿過牙齒,看起來會非常地不自然。 患者經常要求想要潔白的牙齒,所以我常詢問自己 如何能製作出來?並且要看起來很自然、能夠透光。為 此,我進行大量的研究,近年來透過蒐集天然牙齒,以 0.7 公釐(mm)切成牙齒瓷釉薄片,慢慢進行科學研究, 探討光將如何透射進去? 我開始配置自己的陶瓷配方,想創造出與真實牙齒
ELITE: Can you actually replicate nature and how the light is transmitted, absorbed, and reflected? Jason: To a certain degree. The ceramic reacts naturally in different environments. I can increase or decrease the brightness as long as I know where nature's translucency level is. For example, if someone has thick lips, the teeth can seem to “disappear” in the mouth, so I then increase the brightness. There are times when natural translucency does not work with everybody. As long as I know where the translucency level is, I can measure how much I need to increase or decrease the brightness. It is different
相同透明度的白色陰影。當患者配戴他們時,瓷牙貼片 會自然適應不同的光線,例如於陽光下,就會看起來又 白又漂亮,而在昏暗的房間,轉而不發光,而會調低亮 度並吸收光線。而在觀看橘黃色的落日時,會如真牙一 般反射橘光。
ELITE: 您真的可以複製自然光線嗎?想請您談談光是 如何透射、吸收與反射的? Jason: 通常來說,陶瓷在不同環境中會有自然的透光反 應。只要知道大自然的光線頻率,就可以再增加或減少 亮度。例如某人的嘴唇較厚,會遮蔽光線造成牙齒有消 失感,就可以增加亮度。而有時這種自然半透明並不適 │27
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for each person, depending on their lip, teeth, and mouth environment. I researched and wrote an article pertaining to this subject in the JCD (volume 28, issue 1), which is the publication for the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.
ELITE: How do you know which white shade to choose? Jason: People often request white teeth, but white teeth should not be fake-looking. They have to have depth and certain qualities. They also have to match the person’s complexion. White ceramics have different tones. They could have a slightly warmer tone, a bluish tone, or a creamier tone. For example, if someone is blond with very fair skin, warmer tones usually don’t suit them. So I have to add a cooler tone. It’s white, but it has a cool tone to it. And if someone is a brunette or has red hair, they need a warmer or creamier tone. As I make my own porcelain, I can formulate it into the exact tone of white that the patient needs. I can create different levels of white to customize the shade for the person so that it works with their complexion.
ELITE: What is your vision of beauty and superior aesthetic results? Jason: Beauty is a form of energy. I see it all the time. For example, when someone finally wears their new smile, and it brightens them up, they gain confidence; thus, they feel and transmit a new energy. Beauty can create such energy. It's like when you wear beautiful shoes or beautiful clothing and get a certain energy because you feel beautiful—same thing. When I create, this is the very thing I strive for. ELITE: Any exciting news on the horizon in the dental industry? Jason: My hope is that we will see bone, or a bone substitute, used in the mouth to rehabilitate and help with anti-aging. While this is in the very early stages, some of my colleagues and I have been participating in some preliminary studies, and the results are very promising and exciting.
牙齒和嘴巴的條件都不同。我曾在美國美容牙科學院的 刊物JCD (volume 28, issue 1)上發表過相關文章。
ELITE: 請問要如何選擇合適的白色色調與陰影? Jason: 人們通常想要潔白的牙齒,但潔白的牙齒是假 膚色。白色的瓷器具有不同色調,有時他會有一些溫柔 的色調,比如有點偏藍或這是呈現乳白色。如果某人的 皮膚很白,那溫暖的色調便會不適合他們,因此我會加 些冷色系調和,那是有點酷的白色。而又例如某人是黑 髮或是紅髮,那就需要暖色調或是一點奶油色。 因此當我製作自己瓷牙貼片時,會配置成患者需要 的白色色調,創建不同的白色,定義不同的陰影,配合其 膚色。
ELITE: 請問您個人對於美以及傑出美學效果的願景為 何? Jason: 美是一種能量。我總是能見到它,例如當某人 終於露出新笑容時,會感覺到他們在發光、充滿自信, 因此透過他們感受到了新能量。美,可以創造這種能 量,就像是穿了漂亮的鞋子、衣服,會感到很有元氣一 樣。在我創作時,這就是我所追尋的。
ELITE: 請問最近在牙齒產業有什麼新消息嗎? Jason: 我希望可以使用牙骨的替代品來對抗衰老,雖 然目前我和同事還在初期的研發實驗階段,但已有一些 令人鼓舞的結果。
ELITE: 您如何觀察牙齒美容的未來? Jason: 牙 科 行 業 現 在 正 走 向 自 動 機 械 製 造 的 發 展 路 線,今日許多陶瓷都是機器製造的,雖然便宜許多,站 在機械功能的角度來說他們很好,但是站在藝術的角度 來看,由於機器無法分層,它不是人眼,會失去一些只 有人專屬的手感技術。 我 透 過 調 製 粉 末、 液 體 的 分 層 手 工 製 作 陶 瓷 方 式,就像古時的藝術家作畫。唯一的方法是使用原始的 粉末與液體技術的分層技術,又稱為長石技術( 利用 Feldspathic porcelain ,長石係瓷粉 )。這個技術可以 讓瓷牙技師完全控制瓷牙貼片各類元素,比如透明度、 密度、深度以及光反射率等。 的 確, 有 更 簡 單 製 作 瓷 牙 貼 片 的 方 法, 比 如 說 CAD/CAM 數位 3D 齒雕(Computer Aided Design/ Manufacturing,電腦輔助設計 / 電腦輔助製作 )或壓
ELITE: How do you see the future of aesthetic dentistry? Jason: The dental industry is now moving and developing more and more along the machine-made route.
鑄式(e.Max Empress)術,但是這些機械的單一式工 法,缺乏個性化的陶瓷色調與深度。有時我會問患者, 您想穿機械製的快時尚衣服,還是手工縫製衣裳?質量 上有很大的不同,在這裡我相信手工的力量。
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Jason is the author and co-author of numerous books, including Style Seoul, one of his self-published books.
A lot of ceramics are machine-made nowadays. It’s much cheaper to produce. Mechanically they are very good, but artistically, the results are lacking. Machines cannot do layering, and they don’t have human eyes. Using machines loses a certain aspect of humanity. The way I handcraft ceramics, by powder, liquid, and layering, is like how the old masters would paint. The only way to achieve the right tone of white ceramic color for different individuals is by using the original powder or liquid layering technique, also known as the feldspathic technique. This way, the master ceramist can fully control and almost taste the elements of ceramic expressions such as translucency, density, depth, and light reflectivity. There are easier methods of making veneers and crowns, such as machine engineering and the simple pressed-ceramic technique. But with these methods, one gets “one size fits all” results that lack individualized ceramic tone and depth. Sometimes I ask patients, do
you want to have a machine-sewn suit, or do you want to have a hand-stitched one? There is a big difference in quality. Here I do the hand-stitching. This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.
Two of Jason’s books: The Master Ceramist (left) and Style Seoul.
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Elevating Spirits With Traditional Music A New Program Called Piano Talks With Janara Khassenova
English text by Masha Savitz Chinese translation by Anne Chan
The arts and music are things that bring people good intentions,” says celebrated pianist Janara Khassenova. “When you go to the concert hall and listen to music, you know you’re going to be faced with something beautiful, or something beyond this ordinary life.” Khassenova has spent her life creating such experiences for audience members around the world and teaching others to do the same. Based in New York, she is a faculty member of the Bard College Conservatory of Music’s Preparatory Division, and collaborates with various musicians on a plethora of projects. This year, as a result of the global pandemic, access to live music has vanished, and anxiety levels have risen. The situation prompted the acclaimed musician to join forces with NTD, a multilingual American television broadcaster and supporter of traditional arts programs. Together, they’ve designed a new TV program they hope will act as a salve for our bereft souls. Right page: Janara Khassenova at the piano in New York City. (Photo by Samira Bouaou, Hair Stylist by Takuyama Salon, Makeup Artist by Kevin Cheah )
「 當你走進音樂廳,聆聽音樂時,你知道,你將體驗一 種美好的事物,那可能是超凡脫俗的。」著名鋼琴家嘉 娜拉 · 卡森諾娃(Janara Khassenova)這樣說。在她 看來,美妙的音樂能夠激發善意,振奮精神。 多年來,卡森諾娃致力於為世界各地的聽眾創造 這種美好的體驗,同時向他人傳授技藝。她現居美國紐 約,在巴德音樂學院先修部任教,並與眾多音樂家合作 開展了許多項目。 今年,由於疫情在全球蔓延,現場音樂表演暫停, 人們長期居家,導致焦慮陡增。這一情形促使卡森諾 娃與新唐人電視台合作,推出全新藝文欄目:「Piano Talks」,希望藉此撫慰人們的心靈。 新唐人電視台是美國最大的獨立中文電視頻道,亦 有英、法、西等多語種,長年支持傳統藝術節目的創作。 「Piano Talks」的創意源自新唐人舉辦的國際鋼琴大賽, 為觀眾回顧歷屆比賽的經典演繹。節目既呈現美妙的古 典旋律,也有對作品和作曲家的深入分析,所涉及的音 樂或博大精深,或輕鬆易懂。 卡森諾娃從 2016 年起擔任鋼琴大賽的藝術指導 和評委,此番她擔綱節目主持人,在鏡頭前暢談名曲 的故事。
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Contestants at the 2016 NTD international piano competition. Pianists from dozens of countries around the world came to New York City for the competition. (Photo by Samira Bouaou)
Piano Talks is a new series inspired by NTD’s world-class International Piano Competition. Khassenova has been NTD’s artistic advisor and jury member of the International Piano Competition since 2016. Now, NTD is reaching into its archives, reaching back in time to when much of the great music was born, and is bringing Khassenova into the spotlight as host. Piano Talks presents an intimate experience with classical music while offering erudite yet accessible insights into the work and the composers. Its mission is to elevate the viewer through promoting the traditional arts, and to bring back the glory of masterful piano pieces to show the beauty of the music. Elite recently interviewed Khassenova about her new endeavor and her musical journey. “This program mainly represents works by the old masters, composers like Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, and Rachmaninoff. We realized that NTD TV has an incredible archive from the NTD piano
《時尚精英》雜誌近日採訪了卡森諾娃,進一步了解 她的新節目與音樂旅程。 卡森諾娃說:「『Piano Talks』主要介紹古典音樂界 的泰斗人物,如巴赫、貝多芬、蕭邦、拉赫曼尼諾夫等。 歷屆新唐人國際鋼琴大賽吸引了來自世界各地的傑出音樂 家,新唐人電視台因此保存了大量演奏精品。」 卡森諾娃及許多幕後製作人員都認為,在當今歷史 的關鍵時刻,「Piano Talks」這類節目顯得尤為重要。 卡森諾娃解釋道:「 時局艱難,很多人情緒低迷,擔 心接下來不知道還會發生什麼事,該如何應對?人們束手 無措,不知道自己還能堅持多久,也沒有機會和他人深度 交流。此時此刻,藉由音樂或其他藝術形式,以喜聞樂見 的方式,幫助人們緩解壓力,重歸寧靜。」 卡森諾娃表示,她很高興在「Piano Talks」節目中 暢談古典音樂傑作,以及她個人關於國際鋼琴比賽的美 好回憶。她說,新的電視節目與國際鋼琴比賽的宗旨是 一致的,「 都是想保存古典音樂以及傳統的作曲方式。」 「Piano Talks」在著重介紹古典樂曲的同時,也致力 於呈現當代傑作,例如新唐人國際鋼琴比賽中的一首原創 作品。
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The 2016 NTD international piano competition. Since 2008, the competition’s mission has been to promote artistic excellence and the 250-year legacy of classical piano literature. (Photo by Samira Bouaou)
competitions, featuring very great musicians from all around the world.” Those behind the show, including Khassenova, believe this show is especially important at this moment in history. “It’s been quite a difficult time,” Khassenova explains. “People are feeling very frustrated, even fearful about what's next, what we're going to do, and how long they are going to be able to continue with nowhere to go and little opportunity for meaningful interaction. Music and the arts in general are a kind of a relief for audiences who are seeking a certain state of mind, something consoling, something to entertain and to calm them.” Khassenova said she’s delighted to talk about the great masterpieces and all of her fond memories of the competition. The TV program overlaps with the mission of the competition, she says, “to preserve the classical repertoire, the music itself, and that traditional way of composing."
新唐人國際鋼琴比賽包括決賽、初賽、複賽,為期 三天。參賽選手需要彈奏巴洛克時期、古典時期、浪漫主 義時期的古典音樂以及一首指定原創曲目。 這首曲目改編自神韻藝術團藝術總監 D.F. 先生的作 品,由作曲家 Susan Liu 專為鋼琴比賽創作。據卡森諾 娃介紹,此曲基於中國傳統音樂,又融入了西方音樂的元 素,所以演奏難度比較高,「 從選手們的演奏中,可以看 出他們對作品的理解,以及在比賽壓力中,適應和學習新 曲的能力。」 卡森諾娃十分欣賞選手們演奏原創曲目的這一環 節,選手們們的演奏帶出了個人風格,「 非常精采 」,她 點評說:「 這是文化的體現。不論彈奏何種音樂,你都需 要把內在的感受演繹表達出來。」 卡森諾娃善於捕捉不同文化之間的細微差別。她出 生在前蘇聯的哈薩克斯坦,畢業於莫斯科國立音樂學院, 又在該學院完成了研究生學業,其後在美國朗依音樂學院 修讀了鋼琴演奏藝術家文憑課程。她曾在前蘇聯多國、義 大利、希臘、美國等地表演過鋼琴獨奏、鋼琴伴奏及管弦 樂團合奏。
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But although Piano Talks primarily focuses on earlier classical works, it also highlights outstanding compositions from today, including an original piece written specifically for the piano competition. NTD’s piano competition includes three rounds, including preliminaries where participant pianists show their talent over three days, playing repertoires from predominantly the baroque, classical, and romantic eras. They’re also required to learn and play a new composition—a commissioned piece. Written especially for the competition and to be featured in a future episode of Piano Talks, the piece was arranged for piano by composer Susan Liu. It was based on original melodies written by D. F., the artistic director of Shen Yun Performing Arts. This innovative commissioned work comes from traditional Chinese music, but it is blended into the Western style, Khassenova explains: “So it is difficult for the musicians to play. By watching them playing, you can see how they, as artists, understand it, how quickly they can respond and learn it under the pressure of the competition.” Khassenova seems to revel in this aspect of the competition, the personal touch each participant brings to that one new piece of music. She says it’s incredible to see their personalities through music. “Westerners, or musicians from different parts of the world, play through their own understanding. It's a cultural thing that all the music you play, you need to feel it inside, and then you bring it outside." Khassenova understands the nuances of cultural differences well. Originally from Kazakhstan, she is a graduate of the Moscow State Conservatory where she completed postgraduate studies. While in the United States, she completed an Artist Diploma Program in Piano Performance from the Longy School of Music. She has performed as a soloist and with chamber ensembles and orchestras in countries from the former Soviet Union to Italy and Greece as well as the USA. Khassenova described her background growing up in the country of Kazakhstan: “The house of the average family would be full of books, albums, and artworks. For highly educated parents like mine, they knew that arts and music in general are very important for education.”
Recognizing their daughter’s aptitude for music, her parents sent her to a special music school for gifted children. “It was quite stressful for kids because the entrance exam was based on competition again. You knew that this was your profession—becoming a musician—when you were age 6.” "Later, when I came to the U.S., I was often asked, what do you do? When I told people I’m a musician they still asked, how do you make a living? So for Americans it wasn’t understandable that being a musician is a profession rather than a hobby. But for us, musicians are the elite class of the society and the privileged niche." Khassenova says Russian training in music teaches excellent technical skills, but also a sensitivity and deep understanding for the music itself. Russian training sets a master apart from someone 卡森諾娃回憶在哈薩克斯坦的童年時光說: 「 在一 個普通的家庭裡,到處都是書籍、音樂專輯和藝術品。 我的父母都受過良好的教育,他們知道音樂和藝術在教 育中的重要性。」 卡森諾娃的父母發現了她的音樂天分,於是把她送 到一所天才雲集的音樂學校。她說,「 去那裡學習對小孩 子來說壓力很大,因為入學考試的競爭很激烈。當你才 六歲大,你就已經確定了未來的職業——音樂家。」 「 我來到美國生活後,經常有人問我做什麼工作, 當他們聽到我是個音樂家時,便會問我靠什麼謀生。也 就是說,美國人很難理解,音樂家不僅僅是個愛好,還 是個職業。然而,在我們的文化中,音樂家是社會的精 英。」 卡森諾娃說,俄國的音樂訓練方式不僅教授高超的 技巧,而且培養對音樂的靈敏度和深刻的理解。這種訓 練方式能夠造就音樂大師,而不只是一個普通的音樂家。 所以說,俄國學派奠定的基礎有著非常深遠的影響。 「 俄國學派是有根源的,歷史悠久的根源。我們必 須完全沉浸在各種音律中,理解樂曲背後的故事,彈奏 出自己的解讀。」 在忙碌之餘,她習慣在清晨打坐,這是她最喜愛的 休閒活動之一。她說: 「 在快節奏的紐約,人們步履匆匆。 不過,有些東西是永恆的,那些屬於我們內心的東西。 當內心歸於平靜時,你才能開啟智慧。」 卡森諾娃是一位教師、母親和演奏家,她擅長傳遞 富有意義的故事,她把自己對人生的深刻理解,對音樂 及作曲家的熱忱,奉獻給學生、聽眾和「Piano Talks」 的廣大觀眾。
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Janara Khassenova at her show Piano Talks. (Picture courtesy of NTD)
who is simply a good musician. She explains the type of foundation provided by the Russian school, whose influence is far-reaching. “First of all, it has roots—very deep and historical roots that have been established for such a long time. We had to immerse ourselves into different vaults of sounds. It meant that you had to know the story behind the composition and express your interpretation of it.” Khassenova’s ability to convey meaningful stories runs deep. Talking about finding a serene place for her morning meditation practice, she says, “We live in the fast-paced society of New York. The pace of
life is different right now, but something stays eternal. I’m talking about the things you can find within yourself—the inner peace, being able to find wisdom. It’s one of the greatest ways of spending my free time besides my busy life of teaching, performing, and being a mother.” This depth, understanding, and passion for the music and its composers, is what Khassenova brings to her students, to her audiences, and to viewers of Piano Talks. We are all enriched by the experience. Learn more about Piano Talks at InspiredOriginal.Org
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THE THREE FRIENDS OF WINTER Symbols of Virtue in Traditional Chinese Culture 歲寒三友 中國傳統文化中理想人格象徵 English text by Anne Chan | Chinese text by Erin Wang Pictures courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The National Palace Museum
n the depths of winter, nature is frozen, and almost everything has withered away. However, pines remain lofty and steadfast, bamboos are evergreen, and plum trees burst into blossoms that brave heavy snow. Renowned for their vitality, perseverance, and resilience, the three plants were called “the three friends of winter” in ancient China.
隆冬季節,天寒地凍,萬物凋零。然而,堅忍不拔的蒼松、 直節挺拔的翠竹、傲雪凌霜的冬梅,三者都有終年不凋、 剛毅、堅韌的高潔風格,因此被古人稱為 「歲寒三友」。 「 歲寒三友 」的傳說 「 歲寒三友 」的由來還有一個有趣的傳說,和北宋文學家 蘇軾有關。 據傳北宋神宗時,蘇軾仕途不如意,被貶至黃州(
THE TALE OF THE THREE FRIENDS OF WINTER There is an intriguing story about the origin of the three friends of winter. It involves Su Shi, a prestigious literati in the Northern Song Dynasty (960–1127). Under the Shenzong Emperor, Su’s political career was at risk, and he was exiled to Huangzhou (now Huanggang in Hubei Province). He cultivated a parcel of new land that was called Dongpo (Eastern Slope) by local villagers. Pines, cedars, bamboos, and plums blossomed in Dongpo. One day, Xu Junyou, the mayor of Huangzhou, paid a visit to Su Shi. Looking around at Su’s desolate yard, Xu asked if his daily life was lonely and cheerless. To Xu’s surprise, Su pointed to the swaying plants, laughed heartily, and said: “I have the duet of the wind and spring water, as well as three faithful friends accompanying me.”
今湖北省黃岡縣)。蘇軾開墾了一大片荒地,這塊荒地, 被當地人喚為「 東坡 」。蘇軾栽種稻、麥、桑等農作物, 還在院子裡遍植松、柏、竹、梅等花木。有一天,黃州知 州徐君猷特地來探望蘇軾。他一見周遭荒涼寂寥,就打 趣地問他日常起居,不會太冷清、寂寞嗎?沒想到,蘇東 坡指著院內枝葉扶疏的花木,開朗地大笑說︰「 風泉兩部 樂,松竹三益友。」意思是說,風聲瀝瀝,泉水淙淙就是 兩部最優美的樂章,而四季常青的松樹、枝幹挺拔的綠 竹、冷豔報春的冬梅,就是嚴冬相伴的三位好友。徐君猷 見蘇軾雖身處逆境,猶能以「 松、竹、梅」自勉,還保有 正直坦蕩的高尚品德。從此之後,便對他更加的敬重。 在歷史悠久的中國傳統文化中,松、竹、梅是文人 墨客寄物托志的精神象徵,古人描繪或吟詠松、竹、梅 的詩畫不勝枚舉。如元朝白樸〈朝中措〉: 「 蒼松隱映竹 交加,千樹玉梨花,好個歲寒三友,更堪紅白山茶。」宋 朝時,歲寒三友常作為文人畫、水墨畫的題材,如文同、 蘇軾的作品。元、明的陶、瓷器也常有松竹梅的圖案。
南宋 佚名 倣馬遠 松陰玩月圖 冊頁 Scholar Viewing a Waterfall, late 12th–early 13th century, by Ma Yuan. Pictures courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. │37
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He meant that the whispering wind and the gurgling brook provided melodious sounds, and the evergreen pines, steadfast bamboos, and the cold-tolerant plum blossoms were his best friends during the harshness of winter. The qualities of pine, bamboo, and plum inspired Su Shi to maintain his bright outlook despite adverse circumstances. One might say that pine, bamboo, and plum are spiritual symbols that represent the moral principles of the ancient Chinese people. There are countless poems and paintings that depict the three friends of winter in ancient China. For example, Bai Pu, a poet from the Yuan Dynasty, once wrote: “The shadows of pines and bamboo intertwine, numerous plum blossoms brave the snow. What three friends of winter are they! Even red and white camellias pale beside them.” In the Song Dynasty, the three plants were popular subjects for literati paintings and ink paintings, as evidenced by Wen Tong’s and Su Shi’s works respectively. Illustrations of pine, bamboo, and plum often appear on ceramics made in the Yuan and Ming dynasties. THE STAUNCHNESS OF PINE Pine trees are evergreen and unadorned, embodying serene qualities. In ancient China, the cold winter was often compared to turbulent times, and pine trees were regarded as men of virtue. It is written in The Analects of Confucius: “In winter, the pine and cypress are known as the last to wither away.” In other words, only in adversity can one’s moral integrity manifest. Fan Yun, a poet from the Northern and Southern dynasties once saluted winter pines: “Lofty pine trees touch the Silver River, their thick leaves screen the heavenly light. Their strong characters appear in the bitter winds, their high morals are shown under white snow.” In ancient China, pines and cypresses embody the virtues of a scholarly gentleman: integrity, steadfastness, traditional culture, grace, simplicity, and reticence. Even amid turbulence, a noble man will not waver or be deceived. He will remain faithful to his beliefs. Pine is one of the most significant symbols of the “nobleman culture” in China and a highly representative
宋 馬麟 靜聽松風圖 軸 Quietly Listening to Wind in the Pines by Ma Lin. (Pictures courtesy of The National Palace Museum)
松之貞 松樹四季常青,其質樸、莊重的個性給人以祥和持重的 感覺。古人經常以歲寒比喻亂世,以松柏比喻君子。《論 語 · 子罕》中記載了孔子說的一句名言︰「 歲寒,然後知 松柏之後凋也。」就是說在惡劣環境下,才能看出一個人 的節操;就像松柏般,在寒冬中依然屹立不搖。 南北 朝 詩人范雲 的《詠 寒 松 詩》中 說: 「 修條拂層 漢,密葉障天潯。凌風知勁節,負雪見貞心。」在中國古 人心中,君子的品德就如同松柏一樣,正直、穩健、古樸, 儒雅、樸實、深沉,雖身處亂世逆境,但不為物惑,不改 初衷,始終道心堅定。 「 松 」是中國「 君子文化 」最重要的符碼之一,也是 東方藝術審美中極具代表性的表達載體。譬如,中國園
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embodiment of aesthetics in Eastern artworks. Browsing through the shan shui paintings of the Song and Yuan dynasties, one can see pine trees everywhere: Twin Pines by Guo Xi, Quietly Listening to Wind in the Pines by Ma Lin, and Playing Guqin Under Pine Trees by Zhao Mengfu, for example. Tang Dynasty painters like Zhang Zao, Bi Hong, and Wei Yan enjoy a reputation to this day because of their excellence in depicting pines. THE INTEGRITY OF BAMBOO Bamboo is an evergreen—a symbol of eternity. A bamboo stalk is hollow, but it remains upright, which came to represent humbleness and integrity. With its qualities of perseverance and tolerance, bamboo can withstand powerful storms. Intellectuals in ancient China compared bamboo to the nobleman’s strong sense of integrity. Many literati considered themselves to have bamboo-like characteristics, such as the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove in the Jin Dynasty and the Six Hermits of West Bamboo Temple in the Tang Dynasty. Ancient poetry and paintings have always brimmed with admiration for bamboo. Bai Juyi, a poet from the Tang Dynasty, once wrote: “Water, able by its nature to be serene, has been my friend; Bamboo, understanding its core to be empty, is my teacher.” He implies that the hollow stalk of bamboo indicates humility, and the clear division between segments of bamboo represents high moral standards. Moreover, bamboo has auspicious meanings in China, such as steady growth, prosperity, and peace. The symbol is often used when wishing people success in academic or professional pursuits. Su Shi famously said: “Better having no meat in eating than having no bamboos in living.” As a matter of fact, since the Wei and Jin dynasties, bamboo has been an important material in building houses. In Li Gefei’s Famous Gardens of Luoyang, the popular elements for an ideal home are in the order of water, bamboo, and house. From the private gardens
明 夏昶 清風高節圖 軸 Bamboo in Wind, Xia Chang (1388–1470), Ming Dynasty (1368– 1644). (Pictures courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
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林中處處可見松樹的影子。同時,自五代起,畫松者就 絡繹不絕。縱觀宋元山水畫,松樹隨處可見:從郭熙《雙 松圖》到馬麟《靜聽松風圖》;從趙孟頫《松蔭會琴圖》到 吳鎮《雙松圖》;從朱德潤《樹下鳴琴圖》到倪瓚《幽澗寒 松圖》。假如把歷史往前推到唐代,張璪、畢宏、韋偃 等都是以畫松著稱而流傳至今。 竹之節 竹子的終年常綠代表著永恆持久;竹節空心卻能保持挺 立,代表著虛心正直;即使飽受狂風暴雨的肆虐,也仍然 元 李衎 竹石圖 對軸 Bamboo and Rocks, Li Kan (1245–1320), Yuan Dynasty (1271– 1368). (Pictures courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
屹立不搖,更具有堅忍不拔的精神。古代文人認為竹子 象徵君子的高風亮節,故當守節如竹。很多文人亦以竹自 居,晉初有「 竹林七賢」,唐代有「 竹西六隱 」。 古今文人墨客對竹充滿了讚美,留下了大量的詠竹 詩和竹畫。唐朝白居易〈池上竹下作〉詩曰︰「 水能性淡 為吾友,竹解心虛即我師。」詩中隱喻竹莖中空表示人 要謙虛,竹節分明則表示人要有節操。而且竹在中國被 視為祥瑞之物。竹子作為節節高升和富貴平安的象徵, 常用來祝福學業不斷進步、事業步步高升。 蘇東坡更有「 寧可食無肉,不可居無竹」之說。實
in the region south of the Yangtze to the royal gardens in Northern China, aesthetic designs never leave out bamboo.
際上,魏晉時期,竹子已經成為造園的重要元素,李格 非的《洛陽名園記》中更描述了「 三分水,二分竹,一分 屋 」的理想中國式園林配置比例。無論是江南私家園林 竹,還是北方皇家園林中,到處是以竹入景的詩情畫意,
THE VIRTUES OF PLUM BLOSSOMS Yang Weizhen, a poet from the Yuan Dynasty, praises plum in The Inspiration of Plum Blossom: “A riot of plum blossoms brave the snow, one plum tree claims spring ahead of all.” Plum blossoms signal the forthcoming spring, and the metaphor is seen in many poetic pieces. Ouyang Xiu from the Song Dynasty wrote: “Through the curtains, east wind cold and chilly; snow inside the courtyard, fragrant plum blossoms; spring tells me that it will arrive early.” In traditional Chinese culture, plum blossoms are so much more than flowers, for they have come to represent noble and unsullied pursuits. Their purity and pristineness reminded ancient literati to discipline themselves and purify their minds. Plum is one of the eternal themes in their literature, and poets always eulogize plum’s aloofness. Plum’s other rich cultural connotations have been praised throughout history: perseverance, gentleness, nobleness, and morality.
楹聯匾額上也是書不盡的絲竹之語。 梅之德 梅之異於百花,唯在其「 萬花敢向雪中出,一樹獨先天下 春」,被譽為報春的使者。詩人常借梅花傳達春的消息: 「 簾幕東風寒料峭,雪 裏 香梅,先報春來早」 ( 宋.歐陽 修《蝶戀花》 )、「 一朵忽先變,百花皆後香」 ( 宋.陳亮 《梅花》 )、「 飛雪滿前村,千尋翠嶺,一枝芳豔 」 ( 楊億 《少年遊》 ),這些詩句不僅刻畫了梅花傲寒的品性,更描 繪了梅花嫻雅不俗,歷經風霜依舊傲然挺拔的貞秀丰姿 和盎然的生命力量。 中國傳統文化中,梅花不僅僅是一種花卉,她已成 為人們心目中高潔的象徵和追求的精神目標。 從道德文化方面看,梅花自古就被賦予「 德 」的品 性。她,通體清澄、內外俱淨,至純至清,引發了文人潔 身淨心的自覺意識,詠梅成為文學作品中永恆的主題之 一,詩人寄予梅花高潔的人格美,賦予豐富的文化內涵。 或詠其意志堅強,或吟其君子之風,或頌其節操凝重, 歷代不絕,意象幽遠。如宋代歐陽修寫的《對和雪憶梅 花》: 「 窮冬萬木立枯死,玉豔獨發凌清寒,鮮妍皎如鏡 ,讚美梅之風骨;辛棄疾在《臨 裏面,綽約對若風中仙」
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In Facing the Snow, Recalling Plum Blossoms, Ouyang Xiu praises the plum blossoms’ charm: “In the depths of winter, thousands of trees stand erect, withered and dead. Her jade beauty blossoms alone, enduring the clear cold. Her fresh charm is dazzling white like a face seen in the mirror. With graceful bearing she faces you: an immortal in the breeze.” In Looking for Plum Blossoms, Xin Qiji eulogized plum’s spirit: “backbone of ice, countenance of jade, enduring the cold like snow pines” and “no attitude of flowers, only the spirit of snow.” There are also many traditions about plums. The “four virtues of plums” are recognized as great potential in the bud, prosperity in the flower, harmony in the fruit, and righteousness in maturity. It is also said that the five petals of plum blossoms represent five blessings: happiness, luck, longevity, health, and peace. The three friends of winter—pine, bamboo, and plum—represent the ideal personality of a nobleman. Pine withstands challenges and symbolizes a fearless warrior. Bamboo is evergreen, and it reaches out, segment upon segment, with abundant stamina.
Huangbo Xiyun, an influential Chinese master of Zen Buddhism during the Tang Dynasty, once said, “Without undergoing a whole spell of cold that bites into your bones, how can one enjoy the plum blossoms that regale with piercing fragrance?” Although plum appears to be unadorned, its elegance is crystal clear in cold winter, symbolizing effortless tolerance.
江仙.探梅》中寫的「 冰作骨,玉為容,常年鬢雲松 」、 「 更無花態度,全是雪精神」,讚美梅之精神。 民間也流傳著許多關於梅的相關習俗。古人有梅具 四德之說: 「 初生蕊為元,開花為亨,結子為利,成熟為 貞 」;亦有梅開五福之說,梅花的五個花瓣象徵五福, 一是快樂,二是幸運,三是長壽,四是順利,五是和平。 在中國傳統文化中,歲寒三友,松、竹、梅是人們 心中的理想人格的表徵。松,是經得起考驗、無所畏懼 的勇者代表。竹,常年不凋,節節向上生長,有著不屈的 毅力, 常被文人們喻為象徵君子的品格高風亮節。「 不 經一番寒徹骨,焉得梅花撲鼻香」 ,梅花型態雖不華麗, 卻在寒天裡,別有一番晶瑩玲瓏、玉骨冰心的清雅美感, 在中國人心中是堅忍不拔的精神象徵。
明/ 清 文止 疏影橫斜 扇 Plum Blossoms, Wen Zhi (active mid-17th century), Qing Dynasty (1644–1911). (Pictures courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
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HEALING PRINCIPLES for Mind and Body Gleaned From Ancient Chinese Artwork 杏林春滿 書畫養生 English text by Anne Chan | Chinese text by Erin Wang Pictures courtesy of the National Palace Museum
or thousands of years, the ancient Chinese have gained great wisdom in regards to controlling diseases and prolonging life. The Medical Cla ssic of the Yellow Emperor praises the ancient way of cultivating one's state of well-being: "Those who knew the Way of Daoist practice in ancient times always kept their daily behavior following nature. They followed the principle of Yin and Yang and kept in conformity with its art of prophecy. They were able to modulate their life in harmony with nature’s seasonal changes to recuperate their essence and vital energy. Their food and drink were of a fixed quantity, their daily activities were all in regular times, and they never overworked. In this way, they could maintain both the body and the spirit's substantiality, and were able to live to the old age of more than one hundred years." Many ancient Chinese paintings and calligraphy pieces describe how people in the past cultivated a state of well-being in pursuit of good health and longevity. The Baduanjin (Eight Pieces of Brocade) style of qigong, or ancient Chinese energy practices, shown in this painting, along with Taichi and Wuqinxi
數千年來,中國古人在抵禦疾病、延年益壽方面,積累了 豐富的養生智慧。《黃帝內經》中就有精闢的論述: 「上 古之人,其知道者法於陰陽,和於術數,食飲有節,起居 有常,不妄作勞,故能形與神俱而盡終其天年,度百歲乃 去。」意思是說,上古時候的人,懂得養生之道,會順應 自然界的這種陰陽變化,來調養自己體內的陰陽,合理地 運用養生的方法和技術。飲食方面要有節制,不能過飽, 又不能過飢;酸、苦、甘、辛、鹹,五味要調和。工作不要 過勞。如此就能夠形體強健、精神飽滿。因此能正常度過 天賦的壽命。 在古人書畫中,不乏展現養生和療養場面的作品,不 僅反映了中國古人追求康健和長壽的心願,同時也展現了 古人的日常養生生活。 八段錦同太極拳和五禽戲等,都是中國古代民間的 健身法。八段錦早在南宋時期 , 即有相關專著。明代以 後,在有關養生專著中,多有記載,如冷謙的《修齡要》、 高濂的《遵生八簽》等書中,都有八段錦的內容。八段錦 由八種功法集錦組成,內容包括肢體運動和氣息調理,
Right page: 八段錦 冊 無款雙手鞠躬固腎腰 A man is demonstrating the Eight Pieces of Brocade qigong. He is bending upward to reach his toes by his two hands to strengthen his kidney and waist. This is part of the illustrated album of the Eight Pieces of Brocade, which is part of a National Palace Painting Collection from the Qing Dynasty.
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宋拓 王羲之書 黃庭經 局部 Part of a Song Dynasty stone rubbing of Wang Xizhi's manuscript of the Yellow Court Classic. The Yellow Court Classic is a Chinese Daoist meditation text. (Public Domain)
(Five-Animal exercises), are common forms of qigong exercises in ancient China. The Baduanjin is mentioned in several encyclopedias from the Southern Song Dynasty and is widely seen in works about lifestyle regimen in the Ming Dynasty. Composed of eight individual exercises, it includes both body movements and breathing methods. It distinguishes between two kinds of posture: standing and sitting. When standing, the two feet should be apart as wide as one's shoulders. The other posture requires cross-legged, upright sitting, with one's tongue against the palate and mind focused on the “dantian” (lower abdomen). Each movement should be practiced repeatedly. It is worth noting that the traditional Chinese exercises vary from contemporary kinesiology, which emphasizes physical training. According to Wang Fuzhi's commentaries on Yijing (“Classic of Changes”), movement and stillness are interwoven, and together they consist of the “principle of all changes.” While exercises improve one's physical health, tranquility promotes one's well-being and spiritual health. Aside from physical health, the ancient Chinese also attached great importance to spiritual wellness, including the cultivation of spirit, interests, and virtues. The Yellow Court Classic, a Daoist meditation scripture, focuses on the absorption of qi (a vital force that must f low unimpeded through the body for health) and cooperation with the heavenly spirits. The calligraphy of The Yellow Court Classic explicates the five sense organs and the internal organs’ many functions: One can achieve longevity through sustaining one's spirituality, practicing qigong, and filling one's energy center. The Classic was also popular among the literati. Wang Xizhi, a calligrapher from the Jin Dynasty, presented the full text of the scripture on stone tablets, which became a masterpiece cherished by all. Lu You, a poet from the Southern Song Dynasty, once praised the Classic in his work: "I only realized the secrets to longevity when my hair was turning gray—all are presented in the Yellow Court Classic."
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明 唐寅 燒藥圖 卷 Brewing Medicine, Tang Yin (1470–1524), Ming Dynasty.
Traditional Chinese medicine is unique in curing diseases. Medicines are made according to principles like "four properties and five flavors," "ascending and descending," "f loating and sinking," and the meridian tropism theory. The four properties of traditional Chinese medicine refer to coldness, heat, warmth, and coolness. Specifically, herbal medicines
姿勢分站、坐兩種,站式要求雙腳與肩同寬,坐式要求 盤膝正坐,配合舌抵上顎、意守丹田等細節,每種動作反 覆多次。值得注意的是,中國古代的健身法和現代醫學主 要的「生命在於運動」頗為不同。 《周易外傳》所說「 動靜 互涵,以為萬變之宗」, 《類經 · 醫易》所說「天下之萬理, 出於一動一靜」。總體來所,中國古人強調養生要動靜 結合,動為健,靜為康,動以養形,靜以養氣。
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with warm and hot properties are prescribed for cold-related syndromes;cool and cold characteristics are prescribed for heat-related syndromes. The herbal medicines are grouped under f ive primary flavors: acridness, sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and saltiness. Some medicines also possess light or astringent flavors. Each flavor serves different functions. For instance, acridness helps relieve stagnation and activates blood circulation. The decoction of Chinese herbal medicines is also essential. The painting Decocting Herbal Medicine was illustrated by Tang Yin, a painter from the Ming Dynasty. He suffered from lung disease in his twilight years, and he expressed his gratitude to his doctor Lu Yue with this painting. In this piece, a doctor sits with his legs crossed. A young lad is decocting the medicine with a fan in his hand, and the medicine is boiling in the stove under the pines, deep in the mountains. A ncient Chinese people also cured diseases through massage, “Tui na,” along with moxibustion. The painting Moxibustion shows the details of this method. The patient in the painting is wincing in pain, and the itinerant doctor is conducting moxibustion on him. The doctor puts the medical equipment on his head and holds a moxa cone in his hand. He and his assistant are restraining the patient while the person on the far left cannot stand to watch. One of the assistants is preparing a medicinal patch for the patient. The vivid and expressive painting shows the curing process in rural areas. Moxibustion can be used for many reasons, and it would feel warm, relaxing, and comfortable if it is applied correctly, even though it does look a bit scary. Dried mugwort has been a popular herbal medicine for over 2,000 years. It can be used in cooking, expelling mosquitos, and performing moxibustion. As a proverb goes: "Three years worth of mugwort keep; a doctor you shan't need to seek." As an ancient Chinese expression goes, “Man stands between heaven and earth.” It encapsulates the belief that healthy living is a balance of body, mind, and spirit, and a combination of yin and yang.
形體養護之外,古人強調神養,即精神、情趣、品 質等方面的調養,正所謂「 形神兼養 」。 比如《黃庭經》, 便是道教修習養生的重要典籍之一,主旨在服氣以養精 神,修煉之道以誦讀此經為主。 《黃庭經》以韻語描述人 體五官、臟腑等形象作用,謂存神內觀,固精練氣,填 滿黃庭,久之可得長生。《黃庭經》不僅被道教尊為重要 經典,同時也很受文人墨客的歡迎。東晉王羲之曾書寫 《黃庭經》全文,是書法界的珍寶。北宋除了歐陽脩刪正 過《黃庭經》,蘇軾、米芾、黃庭堅都曾書寫《黃庭經》, 其中蘇軾又仿其文體作讚詞。陸游也很喜愛《黃庭經》, 曾作詩曰:「 白髮始悟頤生妙,盡在《黃庭》兩卷中 」。 在治療疾病方面,中藥自成體系,藥性理論講究四 氣五味、升降浮沉、歸經等。四氣是中藥的寒、熱、溫、 涼四種性能特徵,能夠治療熱性病症的中藥,屬於寒性 或涼性;能夠治療寒性病症的中藥,則屬於溫性或熱性。 五味是中藥的辛、甘、酸、鹹、苦五種味道,還有些中藥 具有澀或淡味。每一味都有適合施藥的病症,比如辛有發 散、行血之功效,多用來治表癥。 把藥配好之外,煎熬中藥也是一門學問。那麼古人 是怎麼煎藥的呢?明朝畫家唐寅晚年為肺疾所苦,他畫了 一幅《燒藥圖》感謝醫師陸約費心診治。這幅畫生動地展 現了中國煎藥的場景,畫中有醫師席地而坐,童子執扇燒 藥。遠山松樹之下,二人靜心熬藥,只聽見爐子裡咕嚕、 咕嚕地煮著中藥的聲音。 針對病症,除了中藥之外,中國古人還會利用按摩、 推拿、艾灸等療法進行醫治和養生。比如 《炙艾圖》中展現 的,便是中國民間常用的艾灸療法。畫中病人齜牙咧嘴, 痛苦難耐,醫生正設法以炙艾法將其膿引出,醫生頭上插 著醫用器械,手上拿著艾錐,和其他二人合力一起按住病 人,讓其保持穩定,旁邊一人目睹慘狀,不敢直視,右側 則有一名背著膏藥招牌的助手,正在準備膏藥,稍後為病 人敷上。這一誇張又生動的鄉間生活片段,頗有趣味。畫 中的艾灸療法,能溫通經絡,調和氣血,促進血液循環, 尤其對於身體虛弱的虛證、寒證,最有助益。艾灸所使用 的艾草也叫艾蒿,是一種常見的中草藥,可以用來入菜、 驅蚊,也可以入藥、艾灸,既可養生又能治病。在中國文 化中,艾葉用於治病已有二千多年的歷史。中國民間至今 還流傳著「家有三年艾,郎中不用來 」的諺語。
Right page: 宋 李唐 炙艾圖 軸 Moxibustion, Li Tang (ca. 1070-after 1150) Song Dynasty.
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DR. S. DAVID WU Leading Baruch College with passion and determination
矢志於教 春風化雨三十載 專訪巴魯克學院首位華裔校長吳思永
English text by Angela Feng Chinese translation by Selina Lum Photography courtesy of Baruch College
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n February 3, 2020, Dr. S. David Wu made history when he was appointed the eighth president of Baruch College. Selected by unanimous vote, he is the first Asian-American to ever head a school in The City University of New York system. Such an esteemed position comes with great responsibilities and would feel daunting even under normal circumstances. With the instability and uncertainty brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the job is all the more difficult. However, Wu has a knack for adapting to change, and has never been one to shy away from a challenge. From being the dean of Lehigh University’s College of Engineering, to the provost and executive vice president of George Mason University, Wu has always led with an open mind and a philosophy inspired by traditional Chinese values.
Dr. S. David Wu, the eighth president of Baruch College, is the first Asian-American to head a school in The City University of New York system.
HUMBLE BEGINNINGS Wu was born in Taiwan and received a Bachelor of Science degree in industrial and systems engineering from Tunghai University. Upon graduating, he served in the Navy for two years, as at that time, all men in Taiwan were subject to compulsory military service. At the time, Pennsylvania State University had one of the best systems-engineering programs in the world. Wu wanted to further his studies in America, and received an offer to pursue his master’s and doctoral degrees. So, in 1983, Wu and his wife made the daunting move halfway across the globe. Though it’s been nearly four decades, Wu still vividly remembers the excitement he felt when he first landed at John F. Kennedy Airport and stepped into New York City. Walking along the bustling streets, he was filled with a sense of exhilaration and belonging. Little did he know then that he would return years later and call the city home. Wu and his wife got married in New York before relocating to Centre County, Pennsylvania, so he could begin his studies at Penn State. As an international student, Wu had no idea what to expect. However, he found that he was greeted with generosity and open arms by faculty members and other students. Penn State had a very large international student population, and Wu developed friendships with people from all parts of the world. In fact, he described the graduate student housing facility he lived in as being “like the United Nations.” │49
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Left page: A hanging scroll titled Tapestry-Embroidery of Nine Goats Opening the New Year from Qing Dynasty (1644–1911)
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Wu recalled that he initially was surprised by the difference in learning styles between the United States and Taiwan. “I remember feeling this sense of liberation, if you will,” said Wu in an interview with Elite Lifestyle Magazine. While the education he got in Taiwan was excellent and very rigorous, he found that it focused a lot more on exam preparation. His professors in the United States, on the other hand, encouraged more independent thinking. “I’m naturally a very curious person, so I really enjoyed having the freedom to pursue what I was interested in,” Wu said. In social situations as well, Wu found himself having to cross cultural gaps. The university often held cocktail parties for graduate students, giving them the opportunity to network and get to know one another. Initially, Wu found himself struggling in these situations. “You have to be good at reading social cues, which was at first hard to do. I often didn’t know what the right thing to say was, or when it was the right time to say something,” Wu said. “However, I made a point of attending all the events and challenging myself to get better at it.” His persistence paid off. Nowadays, Wu frequently has to attend social events as a part of his job, and he finds himself thriving that way. Wu also found sports to be an easy way to get past cultural barriers and bond with others. People may come from different backgrounds and speak different languages, but they can all come together for a game of pick-up soccer. It helps that Wu has always been an active person, enjoying pastimes such as soccer, tennis, golf, and motorcycle sports. “I’ve made many friends through these activities,” Wu said.
2020年2月3日,吳思永(S. David Wu)經一致投票,當 選曼哈頓巴魯克學院(Baruch College)的第八任校長, 也成為有史以來第一位擔任紐約市立大學校長的華裔。 由 於 新冠 疫 情 大 流行 帶 來 的 社 會不 穩 定 和 不 確定 性,使這份工作更加艱鉅。但是,吳校長有著過人的適應 能力,從來不會迴避挑戰。 吳思永出生於臺灣,從東海大學獲得了工業和系統工 程的理學學士學位。畢業後,服完兵役,吳思永開始追尋 前往美國深造的夢想。而當時,賓夕法尼亞州立大學是少 有幾所,擁有世界上最好的系統工程專業之一的高校。經 過申請,他收到了在賓夕法尼亞州立大學攻讀碩士學位和 博士學位的邀請。 1983 年,吳思永和妻子做了一個勇敢 的決定,他們飛越半個地球,赴美求學深造。 追尋熱情 謙遜學習 儘管已經過去了將近40年,但吳思永仍然清晰地記得他 第一次走出約翰.肯尼迪機場,坐上紐約的黃色計程車, 穿梭在紐約市街區的興奮。在熙熙攘攘的街道上行走時, 他至今仍能憶起當年內心的激昂與興奮。那時的他,未曾 想過,數年後,會來到紐約這個「 家 」。 吳思永和他的妻子在紐約結婚,然後搬到賓夕法尼 亞州,以便吳思永在賓夕法尼亞州立大學深造。如同所有 剛來美國的國際學生,吳思永不知道自己的未來會如何發 展。但是,他發現教師和其他學生對他很友善,張開雙臂 表示歡迎。賓夕法尼亞州立大學的國際學生眾多,在校園 裡,吳思永與來自世界各地的學生建立了友誼,他形容自 己曾居住的研究生宿舍「 像聯合國一樣 」。 吳思永回憶道,他最初對美國和臺灣學習風格的差 異備感驚訝。「 我記得我可以感受到那份自由,如果你希 望,就可以得到 」,吳思永在接受本刊專訪時說。儘管吳 思永在臺灣接受的教育非常出色而且嚴格,但他發現臺灣 的教育更側重在準備考試上。相反的,吳思永的美國教授 鼓勵他進行更多的獨立思考。吳思永說: 「 我天生就是一 個對事物抱有強烈好奇心的人,所以我非常享受這份追求
AN UNEXPECTED CHANGE Upon obtaining his doctoral degree in 1987, Wu worked briefly as a systems engineer before returning to academia to further his own research. He became a professor at Lehigh University, where he worked for more than 25 years. In 2004, he was appointed dean of the College of Engineering, a position that he held for a decade. Throughout Wu’s years in academia, his focus and direction gradually evolved. In the beginning of his career, he tended to focus on work that was more theoretical and mathematical. As he progressed, he began working more closely with companies in the tech industry, such as Intel and IBM. “My work has always
自己感興趣事物的自由。」 在社交場合也一樣,吳思永發現自己必須跨越文化差 異的鴻溝。賓夕法尼亞州立大學經常為研究生舉辦雞尾酒 會,使他們有機會建立聯繫並相互了解。最初,吳思永發 現自己在社交場合很掙扎。 「 你必須善於在社交場合察言觀色,而這最初是很難 做到的。我常常會因為,不知道說些什麼是正確的、什麼 時候說些什麼話最適當的而感到困擾⋯⋯」,吳思永解釋 道。「 但是,我堅持參加所有的活動,並且挑戰讓自己變 得更好。」吳思永的堅持不懈,得到了回報——如今,吳 思永經常因為工作需求而參加社交活動,他發現在參加社 交活動中遊刃有餘。 吳思永還發現,體育運動是克服文化障礙,與人建立 聯繫的一種簡單而速成方法。人們可能來自不同的背景,
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Dr. Wu has always been an active person, enjoying pastimes such as soccer, tennis, golf, and motorcycle sports.
had a sort of direct connection to the real world,” Wu explained. “I wanted my work to have an impact in the high-tech industry.” Wu was also a visiting professor at the University of Pennsylvania and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. During his time at the University of Pennsylvania, he taught at the Wharton School of Business. This was a tough adjustment at first, going from engineering to a business school environment. However, Wu felt that his time at Wharton helped him better transition into his later career in higher education administration. When asked how he got into higher education administration, Wu chuckled. “To be frank, I kind of just fell into it,” he said. “I certainly didn’t wake up one day and decide that I wanted to be an administrator.” Back when he was a professor at Lehigh, the department chair left to work for the National Science Foundation. In need of a new chairman, Wu’s colleagues nominated him. “I was reluctant at the time. I had been doing great as a faculty member, and didn’t really want to take on all these administrative responsibilities,” Wu said. However, he accepted, figuring the position would just be temporary.
說的是不同的語言,但是他們可以聚在一起參加足球比 賽。這些活動幫助他一直保持活躍,他喜歡的休閒活動 包含足球、網球、高爾夫,甚至運動摩托車等。吳思永還 說: 「 通過這些活動,我結交了很多朋友。」 意外的旅程 在1987年獲得博士學 位後,吳思永曾短暫地擔任系統 工程師,然後全身心返回學術界,繼續專攻自己的科研 項目。他成為理海大學(Lehigh University)的全職教 授,在該大學工作了25年以上。 2004年,他被任命為 理海大學工程學院院長,並在這一職位擔任了逾10年。 在吳思永的整個學術生涯中,他的科 研主題和方 向逐漸發展起來。職業生涯開始,他傾向於研究理論知 識和數學上更多的推導和計算。隨著發展,他開始與英 特爾、IBM 等科技界跨國大公司更加緊密地合作。吳思 永說: 「 我的研究和成果一直與現實世界有著直接的聯 繫。同時,也能夠希望自己的工作對高科技行業產生影 響。」 吳思永還是賓夕法尼亞大學和香港科技大學的客 座教授。在賓夕法尼亞大學期間,他在沃頓商學院任教 一段時間。從工程學院到商學院,兩個截然相反的學術 環境和學生團體,這最初都是一個艱難的調整。但是, 吳思永認為,他在沃頓商學院的工作,對他後來過渡到 高等教育管理工作很有幫助。 │51
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Dr. Wu was the provost and executive vice president of George Mason University. He held this position for six years.
To his surprise, Wu ended up liking many aspects of the position. Being the department chair allowed him to have a more direct impact and make substantive changes. As a result, when the college held a nationwide search for a new dean, he was chosen for the position. “When you’re a dean, you end up interacting with people from all different departments,” Wu said. “I enjoyed getting to expand my horizons and learn more about different fields.” In 2014, Wu was made the provost and executive vice president of George Mason University, Virginia’s largest public research university. He held this position for six years, before coming to Baruch. Under his leadership, Mason experienced historic growth in innovative academic programs and increased student diversity, and became the youngest university to earn Carnegie research-one (R1) designation.
當被問及,他如何進入高等教育管理部門時,吳思 永笑說: 「 坦率地說,我只是陷入其中。 」他接著說: 「 我當然沒有一天醒來就決定要成為管理者。」在他擔 任理海大學的教授時,該系系主任去了國家科學基金會 工作。系裡需要一位新主任,同事們推薦了吳思永。 吳 思永承認: 「 當時我很不情願,作為一名教員,我一直做 得很好,並且真的不想承擔這些行政職責。」最後,他接 受了此職位,認為這個職位只是暫時的。 令吳思永先生驚訝的是,他最終喜歡上了這個職位 的許多方面。擔任系主任可以使他產生更直接的影響, 並進行實質性的更改。結果,當學院在全國徵詢新院長 時,那個職位落到了他身上。「 當您擔任院長時,您最終 會與各系的人員進行互動 」,吳思永說: 「 我很高興能 開闊視野,了解更多跨領域的知識。」 2014 年, 吳 思 永被 任 命 為 弗吉尼 亞 州 最 大 的 公 共 研 究 型 大學 —— 喬 治. 梅 森 大學(George Mason University)的教務長兼執行副校長。在來到巴魯克之 前,他在喬治.梅森大學這個職位做了 6 年。在他的領
TRADITIONAL VALUES Much of Wu’s personal and academic philosophy is influenced by traditional Chinese principles. His father, a physics professor and scientist, instilled in him the importance of the “four arts”—lyre-playing, chess, calligraphy, and painting. These were the four main academic and artistic accomplishments required of ancient Chinese scholars. In a more modern sense, the tradition translates to having a well-rounded set of talents and achievements that go beyond the merely academic. “Besides being an accomplished physicist, my father was also a poet, musician, and painter,” Wu said. “He had a very holistic idea of what an educated person should be.” Wu applies this same philosophy to both his
導下,梅森在創新性學術課程方面突飛猛進,增加了學 生族裔和思想的多樣性,並成為歷史上,獲得卡內基研 究 -1(R1)稱號最年輕的大學。 寓傳統於教學 吳思永的許多個人和學術上的哲學,都深受中國傳統思 想的影響。他的父親是物理學教授和科學家,在吳思永 成長過程中,傳給他「 四藝」( 琴、棋、書、畫 )的重要 性。「 四藝」是中國古代學者在學術和藝術上必須具備 的素養。從現代的意義上理解,這「 四藝」意味著一個 學者不僅在學術上有造就,同時具備全面的才能與素養。 「 除了作為一位出色的物理學家,我的父親還是一 位詩人、音樂家和畫家。」吳思永說到: 「 父親對受過高 等教育的人應該是什麼概念、有非常全面的理解。」吳
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children and his students. He encourages them to expand their horizons, to go beyond the books and enrich their minds in a myriad of ways. Wu’s vision is to make Baruch the new model for higher education—institutions with high-quality academics that are accessible to everyone, regardless of economic status. When it comes to location, Baruch is second to none, as it sits right between Wall Street and the United Nations. Wu plans to fully leverage this advantage and provide students with a full range of opportunities. By taking on the position of president of Baruch College, Wu has already made history, and he fully intends on leaving an even greater legacy.
思永將父親的教育哲學沿用到他的孩子和他的學生身上。 他鼓勵學子們盡可能擴大視野,超越書籍上的知識,豐 富自己的想像與思考。 吳思永的願景是在他的任期內,打造巴魯克大學成 為美國高等教育的新模式:無論經濟狀況如何,每個人都 有機會申請高等教育的項目。巴魯克大學有著優越的地 理位置,因其坐落在華爾街和聯合國之間。他想充分利用 此優勢,為學生創建和提供全方位的發展機會。透過擔 任該校校長一職,吳思永已經載入華人參與美國教育的 史冊,他更有計畫,為美國的教育界留下歷史性的突破。 Baruch College campus community reception to welcome Dr. Wu. (Left to right) Dr. Wu; Mrs. Sheau-Ping Wu, his wife; Allison Wu Troianos, his daughter; Andrew Troianos, his sonin-saw; Brian Wu, his son; Mei Parnes, his son’s fiancée. │53
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Let’s Talk with Dr. Hu
HOW TO SLEEP FOR A HEALTHIER LIFE IN A BUSY WORLD 睡眠養生之道 Chinese text by Hu Naiwen | English translation by Minghui Wang Photos by Shutterstock
id you know that staying up for a single night can take your body 11 days to fully replenish itself? Yet, with many of us leading a busy life in this modern world, this practice has become almost inevitable, thereby causing serious harm to our body. To undo the damage done to our health, quality sleep is a must.
你知道嗎?熬夜一天要用11天才能補足元氣,長期熬夜, 造成身體嚴重負擔,儘管許多人都知道熬夜不好,但對 於忙碌的現代人來說,似乎總難以避免這項困擾。睡眠 永遠都是一道重要的養生課題。 淺眠者必知4穴位助眠 淺眠易醒者,從中醫來看就是「 心腎不交 」,人體有幾 個穴道跟心腎有關,例如:在手上有個「 勞宮穴 」主心, 在腳心上也有個「 湧泉穴 」則主腎。常用手心撫摸腳心, 使兩穴相交、發熱,並互相傳熱,即使「 心腎相交 」,能 有效改善睡眠品質。 除此之外,在手上有一個穴叫「 神門穴 」,在腿上、 內踝上方有個穴位叫作「 三陰交穴 」。也可時常按摩這 兩個穴道,「 神門穴 」可安神,「 三陰交穴 」為肝、脾、 腎相交的穴位,能促進血液循環,改善內分泌,也能幫
Original video of this article:
助入眠。 早睡養肝膽 何其重要? 常晚睡或睡不飽,你會發現似乎很想發怒、發脾氣,其 實肝膽跟我們所謂的「 脾氣 」很有關係。以中國時辰的 概念來算,晚間11點至凌晨1點為「 子時」,子時屬膽經
【About Dr. Hu】Currently a professor at Nine Star University of Health and Sciences in Sunnyvale, California, Dr. Hu Naiwen was previously a pharmacological researcher of Western medicine in Taiwan. He was also the director for traditional Chinese medicine clubs at numerous Taiwanese universities.
活動的時間,而凌晨1至3時為「 丑時」是養肝的時間, 若長期熬夜,無法讓身體在此二時辰內充分休養,則無 法養好膽跟肝,會連帶影響脾胃、腎、心等臟腑的健康 問題。 在我個人經驗中,白天是「 最好的讀書時間 」。我 以前為了考試,會在白天聚精會神地讀書,晚上則早早 入睡,這給我一個最大的好處是——如同大家知道的,
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Top, left: Wei pours his heart and soul into every production, even if it means bringing himself to
MASSAGE FOUR ACUPOINTS FOR DEEPER SLEEP Shallow sleep, according to traditional Chinese medicine, is due to “a lack of coordination between the heart and the kidneys.” Since the myriad acupoints throughout the human body correspond to different organs, we can improve this condition by gently stroking the center of the palm, where the the “Palace of Toil” is located, and the “Gushing Spring” on the sole, as the former accupoint correlate to the heart while the latter directly impacts the kidney. Since heat transfers between the two points, the inner coordination of their respective organs can be enhanced. Doing so frequently for a period of time can effectively improve our sleep quality. Other acupoints include the “Spirit Gate” on the hands and the “Three Yin Intersection” on the upper inner ankle. The former can be massaged to soothe the nerves and alleviate tension. The latter, being the intersection of the liver, spleen, and kidney acupoints, is the impact spot for enhancing blood circulation and balancing the endocrine system.
無論是就職、升學考試等測驗都是在白天考,養成正常 作息,才能在考場上正常發揮。因此,白天就是適合花 費精神的時間,倘若選擇熬夜,膽跟肝無法休養。 膽跟肝養不好時,皮膚會變得乾燥,容易老化,眼 睛也容易老化,有的人在 30、40 歲的時候就開始出現 輕微的老花症狀,眼睛充滿血絲,容易熱、痛、紅、腫。 進而使腎臟變得虛弱,出現掉髮。有許多年輕人差不多 35 歲左右就開始掉髮了,嚴重者還會禿頭、喉嚨乾啞、 心悸、頭暈眼花,大小毛病都會出現,為了讓身體走得 健康長遠,最好養成早睡的作息,讓肝、膽、腎都獲得 滋養。 褪黑激素分泌旺盛能助眠 有人會特別補充「 褪黑激素 」促進睡眠品質, 「 褪黑激素 」 確實能改善睡眠品質。「 褪黑激素 」是我們「 松果體 」所 分泌的一種物質,「 松果體 」在腦裡面,從眉心進入跟百 會穴交匯的那個位置,是一個內分泌器官。 其實,當一個人在非常安靜、平和的狀況之下,能 使副交感神經( 主要負責人體休息和消化 )起作用,會 使人比較容易入眠,不但如此,它還能刺激松果體,分 泌出「 褪黑激素 」,使人容易入睡,也不用特別吃褪黑 激素了。那麼如何激活「 褪黑激素 」呢? │55
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IMPROVE HEALTH BY SLEEPING AT THE OPTIMAL TIME If you go to bed too late at night, or simply do not get enough sleep, you will find yourself extra irritated throughout the day. That is because our temper is directly impacted by the liver and gallbladder. According to the Chinese Zodiac Hour, a system in which time in a day is organized into 12 two-hour blocks, “Zi Hour” (11 p.m. to 1 a.m.) is the prime time for gallbladder activity, while “Chou Hour” (1 a.m. to 3 a.m.) acts as the golden hour for the liver to replenish its energy. If we do not properly let our body rest during these hours, the activity of these two organs can be disrupted, leading to more malfunctions in our body. From my personal experience, I’ve found that studying is most productive during the daytime. When I had to prepare for exams, I would give it my all during the day and then go to bed early. This proved very beneficial because, as exams are administered during the day, it’s natural to perform our best during those hours. Adapting to a reasonable workrest routine, therefore, allows the body to function most efficiently in any field, whether it be work or study. Otherwise, the gallbladder and liver can become exhausted from nights of staying up late. If those two vital organs are not properly taken care of, it will become evident in our appearance. It may start with the skin aging quickly, slowly becoming stripped of its natural moisture. Our eyesight may begin deteriorating noticeably; in fact, many people today start to show symptoms of presbyopia— age-related farsightedness—as early as in their 30s. Other symptoms include bloodshot eyes often accompanied by swelling, pain, heat, or redness. After a while, the kidneys weaken, leading to major hair loss and other health concerns such as dry throat, palpitations (irregular rapid heartbeats), as well as frequent dizziness. Treat life as a marathon: Only by taking care of our health and following a reasonable sleep schedule can we go a long way. MELATONIN SECRETION HELPS WITH SLEEP Some people take melatonin supplements specifically to improve sleep quality. Melatonin is produced
by our pineal gland, an endocrine organ in the brain that is located between the eyebrows and the "Bai Hui" acupoint. In fact, when in an unhurried, peaceful state, our parasympathetic nerve system, which is responsible for the body’s ability to rest and digest, can effectively decrease our heart rate and blood pressure, making it easier to fall asleep. Moreover, it stimulates the pineal gland to release melatonin, the sleep-regulating hormone, thereby naturally sending one into a deeper state of rest. If our body can produce ample melatonin, we won't need to take supplements. But how can that be achieved? The first method is to frequently immerse yourself in slow, soft-sounding music. In ancient China, there were five tones, namely, Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu. These five tones have an impact on the five vital organs, which are the liver, heart, spleen, lung, and kidneys, respectively. Virtuous tones indeed nourish the organs. In my experiments, I have found that through listening to the five tones, one's health can be well maintained and, furthermore, pineal gland secretion can be enhanced. Traditional Chinese medicine stresses the seven emotions, which are joy, anger, anxiety, contemplation, sadness, fear, and surprise. In order to maintain emotional balance, it is not appropriate to let any one of the seven emotions dominate. Listening to slow and soft music often can harmonize emotions and make the pineal gland develop better. The second method is to learn to meditate. Meditation can help calm the mind, so people who meditate regularly will also have optimal production of melatonin in the pineal gland, leading to better sleep. REST BETTER WITH A RELAXED STOMACH Traditional Chinese medicine maintains that an unsettled stomach disrupts the quality of rest. Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon records a prescription for soothing the stomach, which involves cooking Pinellia ternata (a plant used in Chinese medicine) with glutinous rice (fermented in sorghum wine) into soup. This dish effectively harmonizes the stomach, sending you into better-quality sleep.
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Some would drink warm milk or warm soy milk, and maybe add some saltine crackers to help with their sleep. This is because any stomach unrest negatively impacts our sleep, so I advise not consuming any fruit right before you sleep, as fruit is cold and can shock the stomach.
第二種方法為學習打坐,打坐可使心神安定,因此 長期打坐的人,其松果體也一直會正常地分泌褪黑激素, 讓睡眠變得更好。 養胃亦能助眠 俗話說: 「 胃不和,則卧不安」,就是意思把胃養好,那 麼也會讓你睡得更好。《黃帝內經》記載一個處方叫作
「 半夏秫米湯」。「 半夏 」是一種中藥,「 秫米 」就是高
粱米之類的,半夏跟高粱米能「 養胃」,把胃養好,睡
How to make: Cook lotus seeds in water for 20 minutes until softened, then add in red dates and tremella (snow fungus). Stew until the tremella becomes creamy and sticky. Finally, add the lily bulbs and cook until they start to become translucent; the longer the stewing time, the softer the ingredients. Sweeten with some crystal sugar to your liking when the decoction is almost ready.
LILY BULB, TREMELLA, AND LOTUS SEED DECOCTION: Strengthen the Kidneys and Calm the Spirits
Note: All mentioned ingredients can be bought in Chinese grocery stores or Chinese medicine pharmacies. For best results, see a trained practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine. 百合蓮子銀耳湯:安神強腎 有一個處方叫做「 百合蓮子銀耳湯 」,這可以安神、補
This three-ingredient prescription helps to calm the mind, nourish the spleen, comfort the stomach, strengthen the kidneys, and enhance sleep quality. Of course, it can also serve as a casual everyday drink. Add in some crystal sugar if you prefer a sweetened taste.
養脾胃、強腎,增強睡眠品質。「 百合蓮子銀耳湯 」也 可以當作日常飲品,喜歡甜的人,可以加一點點冰糖。 作法:將蓮子加入一鍋水先煮 20 分鐘至其軟化, 再放入紅棗、白木耳一起燉煮直至白木耳開始黏稠,最 後再加入百合,煮到它開始變得透明,燉得越久食材越 軟綿,最後再用冰糖調味。
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for a
Memorable Christmas
Chinese text by Faithe Lo | English translation by Selina Lum
Have a very Merry Christmas! It’s the best time of the year! At this critical period with the global health crisis and all, let us not forget to rejoice and celebrate the wonderful season of Christmas. Start preparing for a grand celebration by scouting for the perfect Christmas tree. Breathe in the cool, moist air and catch the bliss and euphoria f loating around the Christmas tree. Put aside all business concerns. If you can, take a leave from them in order to stay present in this joyful time. Decorate the home and prepare the Christmas Eve meal. Garnish the rooms to herald relaxation and reunion with friends and family.
聖誕節該從哪裡開始準備呢?不如就從挑一棵最完美的聖誕樹作為起點吧! 隨著漸漸變冷的天氣,愉快的佳節氣息也漸漸出現在生活中的各個角落。在 這個艱難時刻,暫時忘卻煩憂,沈浸在佈置家裡、準備過節的過程中,好好 地放鬆、沈澱自己,為與家人團聚的美好時光儲備愉悅心情。 CRATE & BARREL, THE TREE MARKET, PRICES UPON REQUEST, CRATEANDBARREL.COM
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Sit together around a table stacked with one-of-a-kind, delicate silverware for that stuffed turkey and crystalline glassware for apéritifs. Rejuvenate and nourish the body with food—delicious food. While gratifying those taste buds with a gourmet dinner, embellish your dinner table with some festively creative plates and dinnerware. Enhance the experience with good cheer, too. 用美味的食物滋養身體和味蕾,用美麗的餐具和擺飾裝飾餐桌,讓餐桌旁充滿 歡聲笑語。 1 MACKENZIE-CHILDS, NOTRE DAME VOTIVE TREE ORNAMENT, $495, MACKENZIE-CHILDS.COM | 2 WILLIAMS SONOMA, SNOWMAN NAPKINS, SET OF FOUR, $49.95, WILLIAMS-SONOMA.COM | 3 CHOCOLATE COVERED COMPANY, BELGIAN MILK-CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRIES, 12 PIECES, $42, BLOOMINGDALES.COM | 4 MARK ROBERTS, NORTH POLE CATERING ELF WITH WINE HOLDER, $299, FRONTGATE.COM | 5 BACCARAT, MILLE NUITS GLASS, SIZE M, $220, US.BACCARAT.COM | 6 VILLEROY & BOCH, TOY'S FANTASY BOWL WITH DEER RELIEF, $80, VILLEROY-BOCH.COM │61
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4 3 6
The year 2020 brought many unforeseen crises and added stress to our lives. Christmas is a time to renew and rejoice, so bring out the bells and furnish your home with festive Christmas ornaments. May we all be filled with gratitude for those small moments that keep us going. 2020是特別的一年,在聖誕樹上掛滿2020年的年度吊飾,紀念這一年歷經的 種種失意及感動的瞬間。 1 SWAROVSKI, CHRISTMAS TREE TOPPER, $159, BLOOMINGDALES.COM | 2 WATERFORD, CHRISTMAS ANGEL TREE DECORATION, $69, AMARA.COM | 3 ROYAL COPENHAGEN, BING & GRØNDAHL COLLECTIBLES, CHRISTMAS BELL, $120, ROYALCOPENHAGEN.COM/US/ | 4 BACCARAT, ANNUAL ORNAMENT 2020, $110, US.BACCARAT.COM | 5 WEDGWOOD, CHRISTMAS SKATING BAUBLE, $49, AMARA.COM | 6 VILLEROY & BOCH, TOY'S DELIGHT ROYAL CLASSIC DECORATION BALL, $24, VILLEROY-BOCH.COM LEFT PAGE: FRONTGATE, DELFT BLUE 40-PIECE ORNAMENT COLLECTION, $349, FRONTGATE.COM
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DENNY-BLAINE HOME A historic Tudor-style home gets a contemporary revival 老屋復興 西雅圖Denny-Blaine區的都鐸式風格住家 English text by Angela Feng Chinese translation by Ivy Tseng Photography by Haris Kenjar 64│
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The den gives off a sultry, moody vibe, taking inspiration from modern English clubrooms. │65
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ith its tranquil environment and rich history, Denny-Blaine is one of Seattle’s most exclusive neighborhoods. Known for its grand early-20th-centur y mansions and stunning views of Lake Washington, it's a peaceful oasis amid the bustling city. A young couple recently relocated to the neighborhood, moving into the husband’s childhood home—a historic, 1905 lakefront Tudor-style abode. The couple reached out to Hoedemaker Pfeiffer, an award-winning Seattle-based architecture firm. They hoped to give the home’s dark, Gothic interior a contemporary makeover, yet preserve the memories it holds. Therefore, designers sought to modernize and brighten the home while leaving the original woodwork unpainted throughout, so as to maintain its nostalgic essence. “Reimagining the stately—almost academic— environment for a modern and sophisticated young family presented a sensitive challenge and required artful exploration,” the Hoedemaker Pfeiffer team said in a statement. To give the space an overall lighter tone, designers removed several of the original Gothic-style pediments. They brought in more modern materials, such as marble, bronze, and light-painted finishes. Upon walking into the entryway, one is greeted by a monumental Lindsey Adelman light fixture hanging above the Hoedemaker Pfeiffer (HP)-designed bronze handrails. A new integrated-marble powder room was also added to the area. With a subdued geometric wallpaper and minimalistic decor, the powder room feels elegant and feminine. The design inspiration for the living room was based on an open and inviting boutique hotel lobby. To give the room a more spacious lounge feel, the hardwoods were lightened, and the walls were painted a fresh ivory. A custom Mondrian-inspired marble and bronze fireplace was made the focal point of
An additional powder room was added to the entryway area. With an integrated-marble sink, subdued geometric wallpaper, and minimalistic decor, the room feels elegant and feminine.
Denny-Blaine,西雅圖最精華的住宅區之一,有著靜謐 的環境、豐富的歷史,還可飽覽華盛頓湖的風光,是這 座繁忙城市中的綠洲。一對年輕夫妻想搬回丈夫位於此 處的孩提家屋,一棟建於西元1905年的都鐸風格住家。 他們與西雅圖在地得獎無數的Hoedemaker Pfeiffer建 築設計事務所合作,希望能在改善房子老舊灰暗室內的 同時,保留豐富的歷史記憶。Hoedemaker Pfeiffer團 隊在設計概念說明中提到: 「 要將原先嚴謹、莊嚴的環境 改造成適合年輕家庭需求的住屋,是一個亟需巧思的挑 戰與探索。」 為了要使原先的空間更明亮、補強採光,設計師除 去了一些原始的哥德式山形牆,並且引入了較具現代感的 材質,如大理石、青銅及中性調的淺色裝飾,而房子的 原木則保留屋主與房屋的歷史。入口玄關處,垂吊一座 Lindsey Adelman 玻璃燈具,燈具下方的樓梯口是由 Hoedemaker Pfeiffer 量身打造的青 銅扶手。此區域
Left page: In the entryway, a monumental Lindsey Adelman light fixture hangs above the HP-designed bronze handrails.
新增一處由大理石打造的化妝間,透過輕盈簡約的壁紙 裝飾,使空間帶有優雅而柔和的風格。
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the room. Furnishings in a pale, neutral palette were chosen to add to the airy, contemporary ambiance. In the adjoining dining room, the walls are clad in a patterned rice cloth. The clients were drawn to geometric and circular shapes, which add a playful touch. An ebonized Belgian brutalist credenza with Carrera top is paired with a gently curved, HP-designed walnut-and-brass dining table. Italian and Spanish mid-century chairs were reupholstered in pale leather and linen, matching the light tones of the living room. The den gives off a sultry, moody vibe, taking inspiration from modern English clubrooms. The metallic geometric-print cork wall covering is a subtle yet unconventional touch and provides a backdrop for a large-format photograph taken by Isaac Layman. The dark-teal, velvet Chester f ield-style sofa contrasts the vintage Swedish club chairs remade
客廳 設計靈感 來自精品酒店大 廳寬敞氛圍,為了 讓空間更自由、大器,設計師減輕了木頭的厚重感,並 在 牆上漆了象牙白。訂製的蒙德里安風 格 壁 爐 成為客 廳的焦點,中性色調 的淺色家具則 讓 空間帶有舒適閒 散 的 氣 息。鄰 近 的 飯 廳,牆上使 用了小 幾 何 圖形 的 壁 紙,充滿趣味。餐廳以深色的比利時粗獷風格邊櫃搭配 Hoedemaker Pfeiffer 設計的黃 銅核桃木餐桌,在硬 挺中帶有柔和。餐椅採用了二十世紀中期的義大利與西 班牙老件椅架,重新以淺色皮革與亞麻面料縫製,與客 廳的淺色調家具互相輝映。 書房設計則受到現代英國俱樂部會所的啟發,厚重 而沉穩。金屬質感的幾何圖案軟木牆紙是巧妙且不落俗 套的設計,將 Isaac Layman 的大 型攝影作品襯托得 更加出彩。透過青綠色天鵝絨布、經典的切斯特菲爾德 式沙發(Chesterfield-style),帶出英式古典風格,與 瑞典的老件皮製俱樂部扶手椅形成對比,再放置幾個金 色與青綠色主題的抱枕點綴,延續玄關及客廳的色系, 連 結 不 同 空 間 形 成 整 體 感。絨 布 沙 發 旁 擺 設 的 Tom Dixon 玻璃與黃 銅邊桌,替這個充滿古典 味道的空間 The design inspiration for the living room was based on an open and inviting boutique hotel lobby.
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in oxblood leather. Golden shearling and Italian printed velvet pillows accent the seating, while the Tom Dixon brass-and-glass side table adds another modern layer. Though the couple initially hesitated to take such a bold turn with the room, it ended up being one of their favorite parts of the house. The covered terrace was transformed into an alfresco bar and cocktail lounge, making it the perfect place to entertain family and friends. In the kitchen, large windows and light furniture give an elegant, airy vibe. A built-in banquette was added, giving the couple a more casual dining option. A stairwell vestibule, newly paneled and painted, connects the main floor with the previously unused lower level, which contains a guest apartment, playrooms, and a wine cellar. Through deliberate, meticulous touches, the Hoedemaker Pfeiffer designers were able to reimagine this storied abode. They flawlessly fused the clients’ desire for modernity with the manse’s historic spirit, creating a sophisticated and timeless space.
Top left: A built-in banquette was added to the kitchen, giving the couple a more casual dining option. Top right: The covered terrace was transformed into an al fresco bar and cocktail lounge, making it the perfect place to entertain family and friends. Left page: In the dining room, an ebonized Belgian brutalist credenza with Carrera top is paired with a gently curved, HPdesigned walnut-and-brass dining table.
注入一絲現代氣息。屋主原先對這些嘗試感到猶豫,最 後卻成為他們最喜歡的空間之一。 帶有棚架的露臺成為露天酒吧最合適的理想場所, 可以招待家人與朋友,也可增加宴客空間,滿足年輕夫 妻的社交需求。廚房裡則設置大片窗戶並延續淺色家具 的配色,讓廚房雅緻明亮,並增設了一排窗邊桌椅,讓 屋主夫妻在正式用餐區之外,能更隨興地吃點小食。 而樓梯間的前廳,透過新裝設的牆板,連接了主樓 層以及之前較少使用的下層空間,在這裡,設計師新增 了一間獨立套房、遊戲室與酒窖。 透 過每個精心而又 細 緻的安排,設計師巧妙地使 這座屋宅的歷史精神與現代氣息互相交融,重新打造為 一個既復古又時尚的精緻空間。
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EXUDING SOUTHERN DELIGHTS The Maple Ridge House 承載記憶 老宅新生之楓嶺住宅 English text by Megan Wang | Chinese text translated by Ada Tian Photography by Laurey Glenn
legant yet youthful, this house in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is home to the family of Noah and Emily. Built in 1929, this Tudor-style house carries stunning historic beauty and irreplaceable personal memories. Noah grew up here, and in a way, Emily did too: The couple fell in love here during their formative years and even had their first kiss in the sunroom. Bits and pieces of Noah's childhood still abound—this is why they chose to purchase it from Noah’s parents to house their growing family. To continue adding to this treasure trove of unforgettable memories, Noah and Emily invited interior designer Mel Bean of Mel Bean Interiors to reimagine the
位 於俄 克拉荷馬州塔爾薩,這所優 雅而溫馨 的都鐸風 格住宅,散發著近百年歷史帶來的魅力,同時亦承載著 屋主不可替代的回憶,它便是諾亞和艾米麗的家。諾亞 在這裡長大,童年的點點滴滴仍隨處可尋,在某種程度 上,艾米麗也同樣是如此:這對夫婦是兒時玩伴,從兩 小無猜成為青梅竹馬,日光房仍為他們保留著初吻的記 憶。如今,他們也已從甜蜜的戀人,走入擁有4個可愛孩 子的六口之家。 為了繼承這個充滿珍貴記憶的寶庫,諾亞和艾米麗 邀請室內設計師梅爾 · 比恩(Mel Bean)重新設計他們 的住宅,將其變為一個豐富多采並溫馨的港灣。他們希 望翻新後的住宅,是一個可以讓孩子們開心生活和無拘 無束成長的地方 。
Top: Radiating a delightful southern charm, the living room is a bright, hospitable place where the family can share with guests the favorite details of their family life: family photos, colorful artworks, as well as their guitars within easy reach. Left page: The dark-tone dining room presents a more formal space than the living room but is nonetheless inviting.
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The family room is a cozy space with abundant sunshine, providing the family with a perfect haven in which to unwind. Surrounding the room are French windows that create a more intimate connection to the outdoors.
house. They hoped to create a space where their kids could “live and be kids,” Mel said during an interview.
溫馨舒適的家庭空間 翻新後的客廳溫馨而舒適,大面積的開窗將庭院的景 色引入其中,並且在此盛款冬日的暖陽。優雅中性的
A HOSPITABLE AND FAMILY-ORIENTED SPACE Exuding warmth and comfort, the redesigned living room lets in abundant sunlight through the classy wooden window frames. The elegant neutral-tone couch sets up a welcoming palette while the pillows provide for pops of color that add playfulness to the atmosphere. Lively elements, such as the vibrant artworks and guitars hanging on the walls, showcase the family’s fun-loving nature. Just a few steps outside of the living room, the family room likewise delivers “a sense of a home cultivated over time,” as the designer puts it, with each element reflecting the family’s cherished memories. Surrounding the room are French windows that welcome natural light. On a day spent inside, the family can relax on the cozy window sofa to enjoy a
淺灰色作為主色調,牆上的藝術品和沙發靠墊的跳躍 色彩,則恰到好處地為這個年輕家庭注入了一絲輕鬆 與俏皮。銅製配件和藝術品則悄無聲息地提升了空間 的質感。 與客廳幾步之隔的起居室,同樣溫馨友愛,充滿 家的舒適感。大片的法式窗戶,最大限度地將自然光 線引入室內。在白天,一家人可在窗邊舒適的沙發旁 放鬆休息,亦或享受美好的閱讀時光。晚上,則可以聚 在中央的壁爐周圍,圍坐一圈分享故事,共同度過一 個的美好夜晚。高質量的陪伴和互動,將為每一位家 庭成員留下更多美好記憶。 雖然諾亞和艾米麗的工作十分忙碌,但這裡為他 們和四個孩子提供了一個放鬆和享受彼此陪伴的避風 港。從空間的整體結構,到精心挑選的裝飾品,這所 住宅的每個細微之處,都體現出一種獨特的南部生活 的魅力——舒緩、放鬆、以家庭為重的特點。
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Top left: The boot room on the back porch was redesigned as a convenient storage space for coats, shoes, purses, and backpacks. Top right: The loft space was turned into the children’s secret play station. The middle of the loft features a hanging swing chair for the children and the teddy bear. Bottom: In the kitchen, new lighting and cabinet hardware have been installed. The elegance of the space is heightened by the new marble countertop, which complements the brass hardware while contrasting with the sapphire-blue bar stools.
good read. In the evening, they can gather around the center fireplace for a night of storytelling. A perfect space for relaxation, brimming with sunshine and warmth, the combination of the family room and the living room epitomizes southern charm. From a guest’s perspective, this sweet home invites you in, unfolds the life of the family in front of you, and makes sure that every second of your stay is well-spent. Though Noah and Emily lead a busy life outside, their home provides a haven in which to unwind and enjoy the company of their children. From the meticulously selected ornaments to the overall structure of the space, every inch of the home radiates a delight characterized by southern living—slow, relaxed, and family-centered.
梅爾 · 比恩和她的室內設計團隊將這座已有 90 年 歷史的住宅煥然一新,翻新後的內部空間也變得更加實 用。廚房保留了原來的櫥櫃結構,僅更換了新的白色大 理石檯面、防濺牆和金屬櫥櫃配件。新的黃銅照明燈具 與櫥櫃但配件整體呼應,相得益彰。 將局部空間重新整合後,設計師為這個逐漸成長的 家庭設計了一個衣帽間,為每一位家庭成員都留出足夠 的空間來歸類整理日常使用的外套、鞋帽和背包。 此外,設計師還從閣樓開闢出一個單獨的空間,作 為孩子們的遊戲室。裡面不但可以儲藏大量的玩具,甚 至還懸掛了一個木色的秋千椅 。 保存珍貴的記憶 這座住宅的歷史對新的六口之家有著特殊的意義,因此 設計師盡可能地保留了原有的結構特點和住宅所傳遞的 歷史信息,在此基礎上引入現代元素,通過新舊銜接、對
MAXIMIZING FUNCTIONALITY Mel Bean and her interior design team turned this 90-year-old house into a more functional space than
比的方式來突出歷史元素。在客廳,木質的拱形都鐸門 和中央壁爐被完整保留下來,在提高設計感的同時,更 為室內空間保留了一份歷史的厚重。 │75
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Top: The elegant light-palette master bedroom is a relaxing space with lots of intimate textures, such as the brass-framed black-and-white family photos. The upholstered bed frame along with the textured rug expands the room in a way that maximizes comfort. Right page: The hallway leads you into a refined home full of class and personality.
it had ever been before. In the kitchen, though the original cabinets were preserved, new countertops, backsplash, and cabinet hardware were installed. New lighting with brass accents was added as a contrast to the white cabinetry. Not too far from the kitchen is the boot room, redesigned from a back porch as a convenient “drop zone” for coats, shoes, purses, and backpacks. Another highly effective design came out of the former utility room in the attic. It was turned into a play station with abundant toys, some lovely signs, and a hanging swing chair for the children and the teddy bear.
CONTINUITY OF DESIGN Every space in this home seems to have a personality of its own. From the bright, cozy family room to the darktoned dining area, from the neutral-palette master bedroom to the daughter’s vibrant duo-toned room, each space showcases its unique beauty while complementing the other spaces. A sense of tranquility, warmth, and harmony special to the southern lifestyle illuminates the entire space.
對於那些不能保存下來的元素,便嘗試用記憶連結 的方式帶入。如選擇複古風格的地毯,以向這幢老宅的 悠長歷史致敬。保存古風的同時,設計師還有意創造著
PRESERVATION OF THE PAST Because the history of the house has such special meaning to the new family, the designer sought to preserve the prominent elements in a way that is cohesive with the rest of the design. In the living room, the gorgeous arched Tudor doors and the center fireplace were preserved, heightening the aesthetics and adding to the historical texture of the home. Though not necessarily preserved from the past, some antique-looking elements, such as the patterned vintage-style rugs, were juxtaposed with modern elements to pay homage to the home’s history.
屬於這個新家庭的共同記憶,如以家人的照片或孩子的 塗鴉點綴空間。 連續性與獨特性 雖然每個房間的設計都是獨特的,但整體上卻由相同的 氛圍所貫穿。當走在這個家裡時,能感受到每一處細節 所透出的友好與溫馨。 從明亮、舒適的起居室到暗色調的餐飲區,從中性 色調的主臥到孩子們充滿活力色彩的臥室,每個空間都 有自己的鮮明特點,但整個空間卻被友好、舒適的氣氛 統一著。在這裡,你會感受到一種寧靜、溫暖及和諧, 這是種特別彰顯南部特色的生活方式。
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Southampton Inn is a charming place for your winter getaway.
Southampton Inn A charming, small-town experience 舒活鄉村情 紐約近郊度假首選 橙紅的秋色逐漸凋零,轉為枯枝蔓延至冷冽的冬日天 空,迎來年末的度假時節。從曼哈頓市中心出發,驅車 約 2 小時可抵達紐約長島東部的海濱小鎮——南安普敦 (Southampton),質樸的小鎮風情依舊,送給自己一 個遠離喧囂的假期。 位 於 小 鎮 中 心 的 南 安 普 敦 飯 店(Southampton Inn),以濃厚的小鎮特色帶給旅客獨特的住宿體驗。放 眼一望,英格蘭都鐸式建築設計映入眼簾,恍如置身英 國小鎮,不用飛到歐洲,也能一品歐式優雅的閒情。飯 店內共有 90 間客房,採用 90 年代的典雅鄉村風格, 打造居家般舒適的住宿體驗。 飯店座落於景色優美的廣闊綠地,占地 5 英畝,有 歐式風格的廣闊庭園、戶外網球場以及恆溫泳池。戶外 共享的空間,因應防疫措施,落實社交距離,住宿旅客 可安心使用。旅館內的「Claude's Restaurant」餐廳供
he warm red-orange tones of autumn have gradually begun to fade, ushering in the beginning of the holiday season. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city. Starting from downtown Manhattan, it takes about two hours to drive to Southampton, a seaside town on the east end of Long Island. Located in the center of the town, the Southampton Inn offers travelers a unique experience with charming, small-town characteristics. Surrounded by classic English Tudor architectural design elements, one feels as if one is in a small European village. There are 90 rooms in the hotel, each with its own unique decor and all offering a comfortable, homelike feel.
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The hotel is situated across 5 acres of beautiful scenery, with a large European-style garden, outdoor tennis courts, and a heated swimming pool. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, all outdoor spaces implement social distancing measures, so guests can enjoy themselves outside with peace of mind. Grab a meal at the inn’s award-winning Claude's Restaurant, which recently launched a new brunch menu, available from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Wednesday through Sunday. The restaurant can be rented for private events of up to 50 people—perfect for a small wedding. Southampton Inn is just a few minutes’ walk from the town’s most delightful boutiques and best restaurants. Guests can also easily visit the Southampton History Museum, as well as several local art galleries. In summer months, the hotel has a shuttle that takes guests to nearby Coopers Beach. Although it’s too cold to get in the water now, one can still enjoy the beautiful seaside views, or stroll along the bay during sunset. It’s only a little more than a 10-minute drive to nearby parks, such as the Sears Bellows County Park. The hotel also provides bike-rental services, available through the end of November. Throughout autumn, the town holds many seasonal activities that are perfect for families. Go pumpkin-picking at Hank’s Pumpkintown, or explore the Maze Park. During the harvest season, farm stands selling the freshest local produce pop up around town. With beautiful natural scenery and a plethora of entertainment options, Southampton Inn offers a memorable holiday experience for people of all ages.
A cozy guest room at Southampton Inn.
Guests can order a picnic brunch from Claude’s Restaurant to enjoy in the backyard.
趕在 11 月期間入住,還可以享受被秋色簇擁的氛 應豐盛的餐點,近期還推出了新的早午餐菜單,每週三
至日的早上 11 時至下午 2 時供應。同時也開放私人派對
多秋日限定活動,如 Hank's Pumpkintown 的南瓜採
租用,例如作為小型婚禮場地( 可納 50 人 )。
普敦歷史博物館(Southampton History Museum),
以及當地的藝廊、文化中心等。夏季時,飯店有專車接 送旅客至庫柏斯海灘(Coopers Beach)。冬季時雖不 宜戲水,但仍可以驅車前往,欣賞美麗海景,或在夕陽 西下時漫步海灣。驅車 10 多分鐘,還可抵達郡立公園, 如 Sears Bellows County Park,有景色優美的森林步 道,適合各項戶外活動。
網站:southamptoninn.com 電話:631-283- 6500 郵箱:reservations@southamptoninn.com 季節特惠: 感恩節推出優惠組合——295美金(未含稅)的套票, 包含雙人房一間,四道菜的火雞主題晚餐。 │79
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Original artworks, canvas wraps, art posters, and framed prints of Award-winning oil paintings now available at
Ins pire d O ri g i n a l .O rg
P78-80_Advertorial_Southampton+AD_yingchu.indd 80
2020/11/4 下午4:53
時尚 · 優雅 · 尊貴
Ana Cristina Alvarado, Director +1 917 488 7326 592 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10036 Instagram: Giovaneinternational1 www.giovaneinternational.com For the Holiday Season: 485 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022
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2020/11/6 上午10:53
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2020/11/6 上午10:53