Elite Magazine September-October 2021

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E L I TE 時 尚 精 英

丹寧時尚 護膚保養 自然風格 廚房收納

The Vibrancy of Autumn 尋味東西楓葉文化


A Family’s Natural Farm in Arizona 一場農場裡的生命課

Cobble Hill Townhouse Reimagined 漫漫「 拾 」光——百年紅磚舊宅翻修

Appreciating the Fall Harvest 金秋橙黃饗宴——簡易南瓜食譜



Denim Trends for Fall

September-October 2021 $6.99








Editor’ s Note 序


Editor’ s Pick 編輯精選


Beige Lovers 米色愛好者 Classic Versatility: Denim Trends for Fall 秋尚經典丹寧


Safe Year-Round Sun Protection 啟動全年日晒防護






Beauty Redefined: Queen of the World Pageant Launches 2022 Competition 重譯美麗——世界皇后選美大賽預告

˙有機會成為時尚、美妝等 專題模特

Beauty Buzz: What’ s New? 秋日新品


The Vibrancy of Autumn: Maple in the East and the West 掬一葉胭紅歎秋光——尋味東西楓葉文化





Returning to Tradition: A Family’ s Natural Farm in Arizona 生生流轉 承天地之澤:一場農場裡的生命課


Appreciating the Fall Harvest: Simple Recipes to Reap the Many Benefits of Pumpkin 金秋橙黃饗宴——簡易南瓜食譜


Cobble Hill Townhouse Reimagined Breathing new life into a 19th-century home 漫漫「拾」光——百年紅磚舊宅翻修


Explore the Style: Little Shed in the City


Streamlined Kitchen: 11 Ideas to Organize the Heart of Your Home 廚房放大術——收納11招 Where Can We Find Good Feng Shui?






Photographer: Edward Dye Stylist: Marisa Ellison Model: Darin Itdhanuvekin Makeup and hair stylist: Naomi Liu

Chia-Chun Chang ("Capturing Eternity," July-August edition) studied at the Royal College of Art. Later she enrolled in the Institut Supérieur de Luxe in Paris. Elite regrets the errors.

Jean top and denim pants by Alberta Ferretti Scarves by Echo Scarves Earrings and rings by Bonheur Jewelry Boots by Casadei




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晨裡的露水結成霜,入夜微風沁涼,當青草不再翠綠,街邊群樹逐日轉 黃,枝葉隨風窸窣顫動,仿若聽見秋日的跫音。 太史公曰,「 夫春生夏長,秋收冬藏,此天道之大經也,弗順則無以為 天下綱紀。」四時運行如常,體現天道秩序,四季轉化如同天地為人們 立下之規律,而感知時序之變,則是天地指派予我們的作業。 秋收,是感受天地禮贈的最佳時節。座落於亞利桑那州南錢德勒城內的 私家天然農場「Molovin Farm」,在今年首次迎來秋收時節。這裡原是 一片荒蕪,如今果樹蓊鬱,收成豐碩,雞隻成群,羊兒自在吃草,一景 一物都是Molovinsky一家人可貴的耕耘。他們用心體會人類延續千年 的文明智慧,堅守著寸寸土壤,帶我們看見天、地、人共榮之景。 秋收,有豐盛的節令美食,肥美的秋蟹、豐腴的南瓜。讀養生名醫推薦 食譜,煲一碗南瓜濃湯或南瓜粥,呈上簡單而饒富誠意的可口佳餚。 秋收,大地陽氣收斂而陰氣轉盛,感受萬物邁入凋零的氣息。然而,楓 紅卻是一年之最。楓木有著古老的傳說,見證其美麗與哀愁。從西方的 「 楓葉之國 」,到東方古老的楓木信仰與感悽之情,東西文化裡楓葉的

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身影,各自有其獨特的寓意。凝望滿山的橙黃橘綠,亦能探尋其背後的 人文風景。 秋收,不見春夏之生機,細細聆聽,卻也多了一分幽靜。位在布魯克林 Cobble Hill區成排的19世紀紅磚建築,赭色的磚牆,融進了秋色。一幢 翻修後的舊宅,一掃過往的昏暗狹小,引光入室,照亮日常中細瑣而幸 福的片刻。天高氣爽的午後於自家後院,砌一壺熱茶,坐賞庭園秋光。 秋日,何嘗不是個值得您靜心品賞的美麗季節?


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DESIGNERS Benson Xiao, Tan Zhao





CORRESPONDENTS Pia Norris, Hu Naiwen, Angela Feng, Ann Lin, Cora Wang, Faithe Lo, Ada Tian

紐約市歷史建築翻新與改造設計等 歡迎您來電諮詢。

TRANSLATORS Anne Scott COPY EDITORS Louise Rothman, Huixuan Yang

擁有紐約、新澤西及康州執照 美國建築師學會 AIA 會員


美國建築師註冊委員會 NCARB 認證 綠色建築註冊專業人士 LEED AP

BEAUTY EDITOR Pia-Maria Norris PEOPLE EDITOR Angela Feng ART & CULTURE EDITOR Cora Wang BUSINESS EDITOR Hong Wang HOME EDITOR Faithe Lo Address 229 W 28th Street, 7FL, New York, NY 10001 Phone 646-862-9930 Email editor@elite-magazine.com advertising@elite-magazine.com subscription@elite-magazine.com www.elite-magazine.com

San Francisco Ke Bian 510-299-4392

Los Angeles Yan Lieser 818-836-2937

Boston Timothy Pi 617-388-1688

Seattle Echo Liu 425-877-5121

電話:(917) 383-2345 網址:www.xzarch.com Email:szhang@xzarch.com 地址:80 Broad Street, 5th Floor, Manhattan, NY, 10004, USA


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Beige Lovers 米色愛好者 By Vera Liu Beige colors go with nearly everything. They are easy to wear and mix. Stay cozy and modern and emit calm vibes with an elevated feel. 米色不僅百搭,還是秋天最受歡迎的經 典色系。溫暖、時 髦,帶來平和愉 悅 好 心情的同時,提升整體穿搭的質感。 6│






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Denim Trends for Fall Jeans represent democracy in fashion.” —Giorgio Armani 「牛仔褲是時裝界的民主代言者。」 ——喬治·亞曼尼

After a year of wearing laid-back “work-from-home” clothing, we are readjusting our style in a more comfortable, approachable way. This year, fashions of the 1970s are in revival, and tailoring denim to our lifestyle will be the fashion trend for fall 2021.

Photographer: Edward Dye Stylist: Marisa Ellison Model: Darin Itdhanuvekin Makeup and hair stylist: Naomi Liu


DENIM PLUS OVER-THE-KNEE BOOTS A denim button-down minidress is a classic wardrobe piece that transitions seamlessly through seasons. Pair it with over-the-knee boots. DRESS BY BRANDON MAXWELL HEADBAND AND EARRINGS BY JENNIFER BEHR RINGS BY BONHEUR JEWELRY BOOTS BY CASADEI

DENIM JACKET WITH BLACK LEATHER PANTS The denim jacket is a classic wardrobe piece that can be worn in any season. For fall 2021, pairing a denim jacket with a turtleneck and black leather pants is a must-have look. FULL LOOK AND HANDBAG BY CELINE BOOTS BY CASADEI


WASHED DENIM FLARE PANTS The ’70s never died. Flare jeans are the denim trend again. You can create either a bohemian or refined look, depending on your top and accessories. FULL LOOK BY GUCCI EARRINGS AND RINGS BY BONHEUR JEWELRY

VINTAGE-INSPIRED STRAIGHT-LEG JEANS The straight-leg jeans are modern and sleek and can be worn in any season—comfy, versatile, and stylish. FULL LOOK AND NECKLACE BY CHRISTIAN DIOR RINGS AND EARRINGS BY BONHEUR JEWELRY

DENIM HYBRID JACKET This fall, a denim hybrid suit is the ultimate statement. Wide leg denim trousers are super comfortable and perfect for a “jeans Friday.” SUIT BY ALEXANDER McQUEEN HANDBAG BY ROGER VIVIER EARRINGS AND RINGS BY BONHEUR JEWELRY HEELS BY SERGIO ROSSI

DENIM BAG STATEMENT PIECE Denim bags are making a strong comeback. This curved denim bucket bag boasts a leather trim. It goes well with any look, in any season. DRESS AND BELT BY CHLOÉ HANDBAG BY ALEXANDER McQUEEN EARRINGS BY BONHEUR JEWELRY BOOTS BY CASADEI


WARMTH AND COMFORT WITH A PUFFER COAT Puffer coats remain in trend—bold and eye-catching. Best of all, you can stay extra warm during cool weather. COAT AND BOOTS BY CHLOÉ HANDBAG BY JIMMY CHOO EARRINGS BY BONHEUR JEWELRY




SUN PROTECTION 啟動全年日晒防護 English by Pia Norris | Translated by Cora Wang


陽光帶來的紫外線是造成肌膚老化的主因,它們會破壞 肌膚彈性與膠原蛋白——維繫肌膚青春的重要成分。此 外,紫外線還會導致晒傷、黑斑、膚色色調不均,甚至 是皮膚癌等問題。數據顯示,百分之九十的肌膚老化現 象都是因為日常曝晒,而其中又有百分之九十的皮膚癌, 諸如黑色素瘤等肌膚疾病,皆起因於此。 雖然中波紫外線(UVB,導致皮膚晒傷的光線)在 夏季最為強烈,但是長波紫外線(UVA,導致皺紋、晒 黑的光線)則是全年未曾消失。因此,無分任何季節或 天候,全年做好防晒就更為關鍵,除了了解防晒的必要 性,知道如何在琳琅滿目的防晒商品中,挑選正確的品 項也極其重要。



he sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays may be the single biggest reason for premature aging. They damage the skin by destroying its collagen and elastin, which are needed to maintain a youthful complexion. They can also cause sunburn, dark spots, uneven skin tone, and skin cancer. In fact, 90 percent of the signs of aging are caused by daily sun exposure. About 90 percent of all skin cancers, including melanoma, are directly related to exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. While UVB rays (which cause sunburn) are strongest in summer, UVA rays (which cause wrinkles)

Illustration on right: Natural sunscreens sit on top of the skin and create a barrier that reflects the UV rays away from the skin.

are constant throughout the year, so it is critical to protect your skin every day, year-round, regardless of season and weather. Aside from applying sunscreen, it is also essential to know how to choose the right one, which can be a challenge, given all the different options on the market.

選擇天然防晒 防晒產品主要分作兩種類型:化學性與物理性防晒。物 理性防晒即人們所熟知的「 天然 」或「 礦物型 」防晒。當 涉及使用安全性時,兩者間的關鍵差異如下: 所 謂 化 學 性 防 晒,其成分 為 有機 化合 物。近 來, 有些化學 性防晒產品中的常用成分,受到更加嚴格的 審查,例如,具有干擾 荷 爾 蒙分泌 潛 在 風 險 的氧 苯 酮

CHOOSE A NATURAL SUNSCREEN There are two kinds of sunscreens: chemical and physical (also known as “natural” or mineral sunscreens). There are some key differences between them, especially when it comes to safety. Chemical sunscreens are made of synthetic ingredients. Lately, some of the ingredients in chemical sunscreens have come under increased scrutiny. For example, oxybenzone has been shown to potentially disrupt hormones, and some of the other active ingredients have also been linked to possible hormone disruption and cancer. Synthetic sunscreens are also more likely to irritate your skin. Natural, mineral-based sunscreens, on the other hand, are non-toxic. They contain 100 percent active minerals, such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, making them safer and less likely to cause skin irritation than chemical sunscreens. Natural sunscreens also work differently than chemical sunscreens. They sit on top of the skin and create a barrier that reflects the UV rays away from the skin. Chemical sunscreens, on the other hand, don't block the UV rays. They absorb them, convert them

(Oxybenzone),還有其他化學有效成分也有此負面作 用,並具有致癌風險。此類防晒品也對肌膚較具刺激性。 天 然 礦 物 型 防 晒, 則 是 以 無 毒 的 礦 物 成 分 為 基 底, 含有 百分之百 有 效 礦 物 成 分, 像 是 氧化 鋅(Zinc oxide)以及二氧化鈦(Titanium dioxide)。這些成分 較為安定,提高產品安全性,相較於化學性防晒,也較 不會有刺激肌膚問題。該類防晒與化學性防晒的作用方 式不同,是透過附著在肌膚表層來打造屏障,使紫外線 遠離肌膚。 而化學性防晒,則不阻隔紫外線,它是以吸收的方 式,將之轉換成熱量後釋放出體外。不過,當這種化學 性防晒品吸收紫外線時,也會從肌膚為人體吸收進入血 液,被視作日常中的環境荷爾蒙,干擾人體激素正常分 泌,高齡女性族群更為關注此問題。 其他關於天然礦物型與化學性防晒的相異之處,還 包含其質地與表層效果。化學性防晒通常較為滑順,質 地輕盈,不易在肌膚上留有明顯痕跡;而天然礦物型防 晒,較難以融進肌膚,塗抹後較易留有白色膏狀感,出 現泛白問題。不過現在有許多品牌研發出的新產品,質 地滑順,有些還帶有光澤感,或可校正肌膚色調。除此 之外,天然礦物型防晒在塗抹之際,可即刻產生防護效 果,持效性勝於化學性防晒,反之,化學性防晒在塗抹 後,需等待 15~20 分鐘讓肌膚吸收才能產生防護力。


into heat, and then release them from the body. Unfortunately, when chemical sunscreens absorb into the skin, they can also absorb into the bloodstream, becoming potential hormone disruptors, which is especially concerning for women in older age groups. Some other differences between natural and chemical sunscreens are texture and finish. Chemical sunscreens tend to go on smoothly and feel lighter. They are also less visible on the skin than natural sunscreens. Natural mineral sunscreens can be more difficult to blend into the skin and sometimes leave a white caky look, but many brands now offer options that glide on smoothly with a sheer finish or a tint. Another difference is that mineral sunscreens protect immediately after application, and they also last longer than chemical sunscreens that need at least 15–20 minutes to absorb into the skin. Lately, there has been a growing demand for natural alternatives to chemical sunscreens, as many people are looking to reduce the number of synthetic


近來,市場上對於天然性防晒的需求日增,人們開 始淘汰化學性防晒,越來越多人會去思考,如何在日常 生活中減少接觸化學合成物。此外,各方的皮膚科專業 人士也更頻繁地推薦人們使用天然礦物型防晒,因其成 分相對安全,低刺激,對敏感性肌膚也更加友善。 「 天然 」之名從何而來? 一件防晒品是否天然,取決於它的有效成分。在美國地 區,氧化鋅以及二氧化鈦都是可在地表取得的天然礦物 原料,它們也是唯二被美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)於 天然防晒品中認證的有效成分。只要您使用的防晒品是 以此類礦物質製成,就會被稱作「 天然 」防晒。換言之, 那些被稱作化學性防晒的則是採用化合物,如氧苯酮 (Oxybenzone)、阿伏苯宗(Avobenzone)或甲氧基 肉桂酸辛酯(Octinoxate)等。 需多加留意的是,號稱「 天然型防晒 」的商品僅指 涉其有效成分,其他添加成分,很可能也是非天然的化 合物,所以被稱作「 天然 」的防晒品並不一定是百分之百 純天然。如果您想購入「 百分之百純天然 」的商品,也必 須留意其他成分。

C’est Moi: Gentle Mineral Sunscreen Lotion Broad Spectrum SPF 30

C’est Moi: Sunshine Mineral Sunscreen Face Stick Broad Spectrum SPF 50

Made for sensitive skin, this gentle, silky mineral sunscreen helps protect skin while nourishing and soothing with organic aloe, shea butter, and extracts of kiwi, strawberry, and apple.

Combining zinc oxide, cocoa butter, and a super fruit antioxidant, this 80-minute water-resistant mineral sunscreen protects while nourishing the skin. ($10, cestmoi.com)

($15, cestmoi.com) C’est Moi: Sunshine Mineral Sunscreen Face & Body Lotion Broad Spectrum SPF 45

LATHER: Daily Defense Mineral SPF 50

This 40-minute water-resistant mineral sunscreen uses zinc oxide and antioxidants to protect, nourish, and boost the skin’s defense against the sun.

Enriched with natural botanical extracts and oils to moisturize, soothe, and protect the skin, this broad-spectrum, non-nano, zinc-based mineral sunscreen has a light texture that glides on smoothly and has a slightly tinted matte finish.

($16, cestmoi.com)

($32, lather.com)


chemicals they are exposed to daily. Dermatologists also increasingly recommend using natural sunscreens, as they are safer, less irritating, and a better fit for people with sensitive skin. WHAT MAKES SUNSCREEN ‘NATURAL’? Whether a sunscreen is natural or not is determined by the active ingredients in the sunscreen. In the United States, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which are minerals naturally found in the earth, are the only natural sunscreen active ingredients approved by the FDA. So, if the active ingredients in your sunscreen are made of these minerals, it is a natural sunscreen. On the other hand, it is a chemical sunscreen if it contains synthetic active ingredients like oxybenzone, avobenzone, or octinoxate.


TIZO: SheerFoam Body & Face Non-tinted SPF 30 The unique mineral sunscreen mousse formula offers sheer, weightless protection while providing broad-spectrum sun protection. ($41.99, tizoskin.com) TIZO: Sheer Botanicals Body & Face SPF 45 This non-irritating, silky, plant-based mineral sunscreen spreads easily to a soft, virtually invisible finish. Offers broad spectrum protection. ($41.99, tizoskin.com) TIZO: Eye Renewal Sunscreen SPF 20 While gently protecting the delicate eye area from the sun’s damaging UV rays, this anti-aging mineral eye sunscreen also firms and smooths the skin. ($41.99, tizoskin.com)

Be aware that the "natural" in your natural sunscreen refers only to the active ingredients. All the other ingredients could be completely synthetic. Just because a sunscreen has natural active ingredients does not in and of itself make it 100 percent natural. So if you want an all-natural sunscreen, check all the other ingredients as well. NANO VERSUS NON-NANO SUNSCREENS “Nanoparticles” refer to the size of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide ingredients used in mineral-based sunscreens. A mineral sunscreen labeled “micronized” (for nanoparticles), either on the front or in the active ingredients, absorbs more fully and leaves little opacity on the skin. A non-nano mineral sunscreen, on the other hand, tends to leave a white film across the surface of the skin. However, the concern with tiny nanoparticles is that they can penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream. A normal size, or non-nano, particle, on the other hand, is too big to pass through the skin. So if you're concerned about the potential health risk of nanoparticles, then choose a non-nano mineral sunscreen.

奈米與非奈米型防晒 防晒品名中所指的「 奈米 」(Nano)或「 非奈米 」 ( Non-Nano),是指礦物型防晒品原料的粒子大小—— 即氧化鋅以及二氧化鈦的大小。若產品為奈米型,無論 是其前端添加物,或有效成分本身,都將更有效地全面 吸收,只會在肌膚表面留下些微的泛白與不透明感。 不過,消費者亦對奈米微粒的穿透性有所疑慮,擔 心成分是否會滲入血液?倘若選擇非奈米型防晒,因其

BROAD-SPECTRUM SUNSCREENS Another important consideration when choosing a sunscreen is selecting one with an SPF labeled "broad spectrum," which means it protects against both UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays, also known as “ultraviolet aging rays,” are the rays that penetrate the skin more deeply and can cause skin aging and skin cancer. UVB rays, also known as “ultraviolet burning rays,” are the rays that penetrate the outer layer of the skin. They can damage the DNA, cause sunburn, inflammation, and skin cancer. Zinc oxide is the only natural mineral filter that protects against both UVA and UVB rays. So if titanium dioxide is listed as the main filter, make sure that zinc oxide is also included in the ingredients list.

成分顆粒太大,不會有穿透肌膚問題,如果您擔心使用 的產品會帶來潛在風險,那麼可考慮選用非奈米型防晒。 廣效性防晒 選購防晒品時還有一項重要指標,那就是具有防晒係數 (SPF)的廣效性防晒(Broad Spectrum),如果有此 項指標則說明它能有效防護中波以及長坡紫外線。長波 紫外線(UVA)即為人所熟知的老化紫外線,這種光線 會穿透肌膚,導致老化或癌變。中波紫外線(UVB)則 被視作燒灼型紫外線,這種光束可以穿透肌膚表層,破 壞其中的遺傳分子(DNA,去氧核糖核酸),導致肌膚 出現晒傷、發炎以及癌變。氧化鋅是唯一能抵禦兩種光 線的關鍵成分,所以如果您在防晒品的成分表上發現, 二氧化鈦為其主要成分,那麼也必須留意氧化鋅是否也 添加其中。


WHAT SPF SHOULD I CHOOSE? SPF stands for sun protection factor, which indicates the time one can spend in the sun without getting sunburned. So, for example, SPF 30 protection means that it will take about 30 times longer for you to burn than if you were not wearing sunscreen. The higher the SPF, the longer (not stronger) the protection is. For everyday skin protection, choose an SPF between 30 and 50, not only when you are directly exposed to the sun but also throughout the day.

防晒係數如何選? SPF為防晒係數,該資訊說明:保護肌膚不受太陽紫外 線攻擊的持效時間長短。舉例來說,防晒係數為30的 產品代表——相較於沒有使用任何防晒的情況下,它能 夠帶來30倍長時間的防護效果。越高的防晒係數,代 表防護持效性更長( 並非更強)。因此在日常防晒中, 選擇防晒係數介於30~50之間的產品,不僅能讓您免於 直接曝晒於紫外線中,也能夠帶來全天的防護力。 許多人以為紫外線不存在於在陰雨、下雪天,然而, 根據美國皮膚病理學會指出,百分之八十的太陽紫外線 仍會透過其他途徑抵達地球表面,這就是必須全年做好

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using broad-spectrum sunscreens that offer SPF 30 or higher, not only when you are directly exposed to the sun, but also throughout the day. UV rays might seem absent on rainy, cloudy, and snowy days, but according to the American Academy of Dermatology, 80 percent of the sun’s UV rays still make their way to the earth, which is why sunscreens should be worn 365 days a year. So make it a daily habit to add sunscreen as the last step of your morning skin care routine, and reapply throughout the day on days when you get direct sun exposure. Your skin will thank you for it both now and later.


防晒的原因。養成塗擦防晒的晨間習慣,假以時日,您 的肌膚會以健康的姿態回報您的悉心照護。


CHEMICAL FILTERS TO AVOID IN SUNSCREENS 避免以下常見防晒化合物成分 • Oxybenzone 氧苯酮 • Avobenzone 阿伏苯宗 • Octisalate 水楊酸辛基酯 • Octinoxate 甲氧基肉桂酸辛酯 • Octocrylene 奧克立林 • Homosalate 胡莫柳酯

Mad Hippie: Sheer Mineral Sun Spray SPF 25 This zinc oxide-based broad-spectrum mineral sunscreen and antioxidant powerhouse protects skin from the sun and oxidative stress. ($19.99, madhippie.com) Mad Hippie: Ultra-Sheer Body SPF 40+ This broad-spectrum mineral sunscreen, which goes on clear, keeps skin safe from the sun while also protecting it from oxidative stress. Waterresistant (80 minutes). ($18.99, madhippie.com) Mad Hippie: Hydrating Facial SPF 25+ This broad-spectrum mineral sun-care lotion combines natural antioxidant-rich oils, hydrating hyaluronic and polyglutamic acids, ferulic acid, and vitamin C to combat the sun’s aging UV rays. ($24.99, madhippie.com) Mad Hippie: Daily Protective Serum SPF 30+ This broad-spectrum mineral sunscreen serum protects, hydrates, and nourishes skin while also combatting oxidative stress. ($22.99, madhippie.com)

REPLENIX: Sheer Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50 This advanced dermatologist-developed mineral sunscreen offers antioxidant protection coupled with superior broad-spectrum SPF protection in a sheer formula that is ultra-light and absorbs quickly. ($32, replenix.com) Heliocare: Daily Use Antioxidant Formula The Sun’s UVA rays penetrate the dermis (the deeper layers of skin) and stimulate the production of free radicals in the skin, which in turn causes oxidative stress and can lead to indirect DNA damage. For added daily protection from the damaging effects of the sun, take Heliocare’s Daily Use Antioxidant Formula, a natural and dermatologistrecommended dietary supplement that combats the effects of damaging free radicals on the skin. ($31.99, walgreens.com)





WHAT’S NEW 秋日新品 By Pia-Maria Norris

HEURE Beauty HEURE, a new Singapore-based luxury skin care brand, just launched in the United States with its Ageless line, which includes six high-powered products. The secret behind the line is a transdermal delivery system that allows active ingredients to reach the deeper layers of the skin where and when it matters. Coupled with a smart time-release formula, optimal efficacy is ensured for up to 24 hours, and visible results are attained in as little as seven days. The collection includes AGELESS Serum ($145), Eye Serum ($125), Day Treatment ($135), Night Treatment ($145), Skin Booster ($95), and Facial Treatment Mask ($125). (heurebeauty.com)


La Prairie: Skin Caviar Nighttime Oil With a unique blend of caviar-derived retinol and caviar lipids, La Prairie’s new line-smoothing night treatment restores skin firmness and elasticity, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and visibly smooths the skin’s surface while also sealing in moisture and improving the skin’s barrier. ($530, laprairie.com) Tatcha: Indigo Overnight Repair This soothing and nourishing two-inone serum-in-cream calms irritation, strengthens the skin barrier, and balances the microbiome for a radiant complexion. ($88, tatcha.com)

AVYA Skincare: Nourishing Hand Treatment This nourishing balm-like hand treatment softens and smooths hands, protects from environmental stressors, and improves collagen production and elasticity, leaving hands more radiant and youthful-looking. ($26, avyaskincare.com) Medik8: Press & Glow This gentle and non-irritating toner harnesses the power of PHA’s (polyhydroxy acids), prickly pear extract, aloe vera, and acai extract to hydrate and exfoliate the skin for a radiant glow. ($30, medik8.us, spacenk.com) Desert Harvest: Aloe Renew This moisturizing and firming cream is packed with nutrient-rich aloe and other powerful, allnatural ingredients that help fight aging and skin-damaging environmental elements, leaving your skin healthy and more supple. ($27, desertharvest.com)


Gucci Beauty: Rouge à Lèvres Voile


Gucci Beauty has added five new permanent shades to enrich its moisturizing Rouge à Lèvres Voile sheer lipstick collection with fresh and bright hues.

The popular British beauty brand REFY has debuted its complexion-enhancing range of cream-based skin products in Sephora, United States. The versatile range includes a blush, highlighter, and bronzer to simplify your makeup routine for a natural, fresh look.

($42, sephora.com) Complex Culture: Good Glow Blush Duo This two-in-one blush duo pairs two complementary shades for a glowy radiance. It has a blendable and buildable formula that allows for a soft, barely there blush to a full-on pop of color. Available in six shade combinations. ($30, complexculturebeauty.com) Tiffany & Co.: Rose Gold Eau de Parfum A bright, vibrant, and captivating scent in notes of black currant, blue rose accord, and ambrette seed. ($108–$138, tiffany.com)


Cream Blush ($20) Provides cheeks with a fresh, dewy glow. Gloss Highlighter ($26) Its non-sticky formula can be used on cheekbones, eyelids, under brow, and lips for a natural glow. Cream Bronzer ($26) Ultra-versatile, buildable formula that creates a radiant warmth and glow. (us.refybeauty.com)


BEAUTY REDEFINED Queen of the World Pageant Launches 2022 Competition 重譯美麗——世界皇后選美大賽預告 By Ann Lin | Pictures courtesy of Queen of the World Pageant

Left: Dr. Lili Wang (4th left); Dr. Helen Heish (5th left), medical director of Vibrance BPC; Alice Lee Giannetta Esq. (6th left), CEO of the Queen of the World Pageants, at the Queen of the World Launch Party at Vibrance BPC in New York on August 1, 2021. The four queens and Alice Lee Giannetta are wearing custom dresses by YSG designs of Vietnam. Center: Katrina Spagnoletti, Elite’s Mrs. Queen of the World 2021, tries the Emsculpt device for arms by BTL. Right: Alice Zulmira, Ms. Queen of the World 2021.

The Queen of the World Pageant co-hosted a party with Vibrance BPC and BTL Aesthetics in Lower Manhattan on August 1, 2021, to celebrate Vibrance BPC’s one-year anniversary. The party was attended by many distinguished guests, including Congresswoman Grace Meng and New Jersey’s Morris County Sheriff James Gannon. During the event, Queen of the World Pageant announced it is accepting applications for contestants for its 2022 competition. Alice Lee Giannetta Esq. is the founder of the Queen of the World Pageant and is the first Chinese-American to win Mrs. New York America (2017) and Mrs. World (2018). The Queen of the World Pageant has four divisions based on age and marital status, with a category for married women over 50. Each contestant is required to participate in an interview and in swimwear and evening-wear competition. Mrs. Giannetta said the judges are not focused on only the attractiveness of contestants, but are also looking for women who represent confidence and health. The pageant finale will be held in Morristown, New Jersey, on March 7 through 12, 2022. Fashion director Allison Feng will oversee the styling of all

contestants. For the opening number, the contestants will be wearing dresses by American designer Ashley Lauren. 由2018年「 世界夫人 」選美冠軍李浩宜所創辦的「 世界 皇后 」選美大賽,將於明(2022)年3月在新澤西州舉 行。李浩宜於8月1日帶領4位世界皇后選美冠軍,與華裔 醫生謝智華,在紐約醫療美學健康中心Vibrance BPC一 同慶祝該中心開業一周年,並同時宣布世界皇后選美大賽 正式開放報名。國會眾議員孟昭文、紐約市第20選區的 民主黨議員候選人Sandra Ung以及新澤西莫里斯郡警長 James Gannon皆前來參與這場世界皇后選美大賽的首 次發布會。 李浩宜先後於 2017、2018 年獲得紐約夫人和世界 夫人選美比賽冠軍,同時也是這兩場賽事首位摘冠的華 裔。她從選美中培養自信,因而萌生創辦選美比賽的構 想,她希望比賽方式與評分基準能更加多元,並能藉由比 賽展現各年齡層不同樣貌的女性美。因此,18 至 50 歲以 上的女性均可參賽,並依據年齡與婚姻狀況分為四組,各 有不同的后冠頭銜。比賽將於明年 3 月 7 日至 12 日舉行, 參賽者造型將由該比賽時尚總監 Allison Feng 負責,並 身著設計師 Ashley Lauren 提供的服飾。李浩宜強調, 這場選美比賽不以性感,而是以自信、健康為評判標準, 她希望能讓每個參賽者從中獲得成長。 │27

天然燕麥萃取 金色修復奇蹟 ——Oattbe 敏感肌知音 By Ann Lin

形成一層透氣、彈潤的生物薄膜,隔絕環境中對皮膚的 有害物質,並能充分鎖水,增強保溼持久度,同時也能增 強免疫細胞功能,抑制發炎,促進傷口癒合。該乳液有 效成分為食品級,嬰幼兒皆可以安心使用。 Oattbe 品牌負責人 MH Global 公司理 事 李 旼 虎 提 供的臨床案例顯示,今(2021)年 5 月,韓國一名三 歲男孩由於花粉引發過敏,眼睛下方出現血管性水腫, 緊急住院就診。由於免疫力弱,孩子又患帶狀皰疹,在 接受抗病毒治療期間,醫院也給孩子開了 Pedatosol 乳 液。每天擦 2 ∼ 4 次,用後不到一週就有變化,一週後 水泡開始萎縮並結痂,兩週後完全康復,且未留下疤痕。 韓國真實康復案例,男孩Theo (右)和他的家人。

溫潤煥顏 Syn-Bio β-葡聚糖還能增 加皮膚的膠原蛋白和彈性蛋 白,提升肌膚彈性,減少皺紋,延緩皮膚衰老,並保護皮















品牌 Oattbe 為此而生,透 過專利技術,在 2014 年研


製出一款名為 Pedatosol 的高保溼乳液,適用於各年齡

多人多年的肌膚問題。一如 Oattbe 的核心理念,從裡到


外,日益改善的肌膚健康,讓人人都能重拾美麗與自信, 健康生活。

精研妙方 該乳液是由韓國免疫和傳染病領域的名醫康鎮漢教授 所研發,他長期診治兒童異位性皮膚炎、乾癬、帶狀皰 疹等疾病。在其40年的臨床經驗中,他發現 雖然市面 有許多保養品,能改善皮膚過敏的症狀,卻無法解決根 本問題,於是親身投入研究多年,終於研製出對所有皮 膚症狀皆有顯著療效的護膚產品。 「Syn-Bio β- 葡聚糖 」為該產品主要成分,含量高 達 87.5%,提煉自燕麥。康教授使用其成功開發的專利 技術,取出燕麥中豐富的 β- 葡聚糖成分,並結合其他 酵,使原先不可溶性的高分子成分,最終轉化為奈米級 的水溶性顆粒——Syn-Bio β- 葡聚糖。因其具備水溶 性,使成分能更有效地通過細胞間隙,滲入真皮層中, 28│


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Vibrancyof Autumn Maple in the East and the West

掬一葉胭紅歎秋光——尋味東西楓葉文化 Chinese by Ann Lin | Translated by Anne Scott 30│



Autumn leaves weave a golden beauty around Château Frontenac in Quebec City, Canada. _Shutterstock


poetic season is around the corner. In many reg ions, the arr iva l of autumn overturns nature’s color palette, leaving a multihued landscape of orange, yellow, scarlet, and brown. Maple forests, vibrant at first and shriveled in the end, forecast both the advent and departure of autumn. The cultural significance of maple trees can hardly be overstated. Many poets in both the East and the West have eulogized maple leaves.

時序入秋,金風颯爽,楓林中吹起一地繽紛,澄黃、金 赤、絳褐、銀紅,一片色彩斑斕。楓葉的燦爛與飄零,恍 若定義著秋季的到來與結束。自古以來,無分東、西方, 多少詩詞歌賦吟詠、唱誦著楓紅的美麗與淒淒。宛若掌形 的葉片,牽繫著一個國家乃至一整個民族的文化情感。 西方楓葉之國 加拿大素來便有「 楓葉之國」的美譽,其境內楓樹樹種豐 富多樣,在東部便有近百種的楓樹連綿不盡,從九月中 旬開始,一路火紅到美國東部。秋天的加拿大,楓紅似

CANADA, LAND OF THE MAPLE LEAF Maple trees grow in variety and abundance in Canada. From mid-September, hundreds of varieties of maple leaves spiral to the ground across Canada and the eastern United States, coloring the landscape crimson. In late autumn, Canada becomes a fairy-tale land, and the remaining maple foliage can prompt us to reminisce about the country’s history and culture. The maple leaf has been long-recognized as the symbol of Canada and the national tree. Canadians’ 32│

火,深秋時節,美得宛如童話,道路兩旁的楓樹層疊迤 邐,交織著古意盎然的城市景觀,每一個轉角處都是一 道風景。 加拿大人民自豪他們國家特有的絕世美景,他們愛 楓成癡,視之為國寶和民族的象徵,國樹、國花、國旗、 國徽皆是楓葉,其街道、衣服、錢幣、郵票上也處處都有 楓葉的蹤跡。被稱為楓葉旗的加拿大國旗,以一片有十一 個角的紅色楓樹葉為中心圖案,襯以紅白相間的背景, 紅色與白色代表其所傳承的國家文化,也象徵著希望與和 平,楓葉則象徵著居住在這片土地上的所有加拿大人民。

fondness for it can be seen in the national flag, the national emblem, clothes, pennies, banknotes, and stamps. The center of the f lag of Canada has an 11-pointed red maple leaf on a white background. The red and white symbolize hope and peace in Canadian culture, while the maple leaf represents the Canadian people. The vibrancy and colorfulness of maple foliage correspond with the diversity of Canada’s population. In Canada’s more than 200 years of history, newcomers have embraced the indigenous peoples’ open-mindedness and kindness, bringing their unique traditions into Canadian culture. First established in 1965, the iconic maple-leaf f lag indicates the settling down of migrants. The everlasting sense of community fostered by the maple leaf is evidenced by the patriotic song “Maple Leaf Forever”: May peace forever be our lot, And plenteous store abound: And may those ties of love be ours Which discord cannot sever, And flourish green o'er freedom's home The Maple Leaf  forever!

如同楓葉隨著溫度變化所展現的豐富色彩,加拿大 族群多元,建國獨立兩百多年以來,原住民與來自四面 八方的大量移民,面對族群對立與文化衝突時,他們吸 收著楓的養分,養成了一種寬容且平和的民族特質,既 保留著自己的原生文化,同時也是加拿大整體的一部 分。 1965 年繪製而成的楓葉國旗,即代表著新移民們 的落地生根與民族認同,旗中心的紅色楓葉,匯聚著所 有族群的文化能量,在日光下閃耀生輝。 加拿大人因楓葉而驕傲,因楓葉而團結,楓葉既代 表著加拿大的人民,也象徵著他們的民族精神,如同他 們世代傳唱的愛國歌曲——《永遠的楓葉》: 願和平永世長存, 物產豐隆, 願我們的愛能緊緊相繫, 混亂與紛爭也無法使我們分離, 願我們的自由家園繁榮昌盛, 永遠的楓葉! 在這嘹亮昂揚的歌聲中,加拿大人彷彿驕傲地告訴 我們,他們的紅葉精神永不凋朽,至今傳承了兩百多年, 今後還會繼續傳唱下去。 東方楓木信仰 在遙遠的彼岸中國,也有一個民族信仰著楓木——苗 族。 坊 間 流 傳 著, 其 楓 木 信 仰 源 自 於 一 個 古 老 的 神

THE MAPLE IN ANCIENT EASTERN CULTURES The Miao ethnic minority in China believe that maple trees carry their ancestors’ spirits. In their mystic tales, Chiyou, the tribal leader of the Miao, was defeated by the Yellow Emperor (the legendary ancestor of all Chinese people) in an epic battle. In exile, Chiyou’s chains and flesh were eventually transformed into a maple forest. In the Miao people’s religion, maple trees are the source of life and the mother of all things. The Miao have brought up generation after generation as maple trees grace the center of every village. To this day, on important festivals, the Miao still burn incense and chant under ancient maple trees as they pray for blessings and a good harvest. Behind the ritual is the firm belief that their forefathers’ spirits are protected at the core of maple trees. Qu Yuan, poet in the State of Chu during the Warring States period, depicted how the Miao chant to call back their ancient spirits: “Maple leaves flutter by the flowing river. The spring is delicate as far as the eye can see. The ancient spirits return and lament for the River South.” Since then, the sadness of the fall season has been embodied in all kinds of Chinese literature.

話——涿鹿之戰,許多古籍與苗族的詩歌均有記載,這 場上古時期的史詩級大戰。 相傳漢族之祖黃帝,於涿鹿之野,大戰戰神蚩尤, 當時戰況激烈,驚天地泣鬼神,最後黃帝借助眾神之力, 將蚩尤擒殺於梨山之上,成為天下共主。蚩尤身上的枷 鎖連同血肉,被棄置於大荒,經年累月後,遂長成一片 血紅楓林。 苗族的史詩《楓木歌》接續吟唱著故事,那棵由蚩 尤精血幻化而成的楓木,經過世紀洪水的洗禮、燎原野 火的燃燒,始終屹立不搖。這棵具有靈性的大樹,在被 砍倒之後,其木心幻化成世間的萬事萬物及人類的祖 妣。苗族人深信,他們便是由這棵楓木孕育而生的後代 子孫。 迄今,位於中國雲貴和湘西鄂北地區的苗族依然愛 栽古楓,他們視楓木為神靈,每到重要節日,便祭祀楓 樹、吟詠楓樹的頌歌以祈求五穀豐稔。他們相信,楓樹 的木心是先祖的安息之地,其招魂儀式便是吟唱《楓木 歌》引導亡魂復歸於楓樹。 中 國 的 辭 賦 之 祖 屈 原, 其 悲 惋 動 人 的《招 魂》卒 章——「 湛湛江水兮,上有楓。目極千里兮,傷春心。 魂兮歸來,哀江南。」寫得是願苗族人的魂魄能回到楓 木所在的江畔之上。而屈原此一千古絕唱,情景交融, 充滿著淒清哀怨之美,也從此開啟了後世傷春悲秋的辭 賦美學。 │33

WITHERED LEAVES: BEAUTY AND IMPERMANENCE In winter, maple leaves are scattered by the wind, their colors fade away, and nature goes into dormancy. Inspired by nature, poets remind us that autumn’s glory cannot last forever. Li Yu, the third ruler of the Southern Tang, wrote: “Who could retain the autumn light fading away? At dusk the marble steps are strewn with withered leaves.” Liu Yong, of the Song Dynasty, wrote: “The riverside maples grown old, sweet orchids wither by and by. The faded red and green spread out before the eye.” 五代十國〈五代人丹楓呦鹿〉佚名 Herd of Deer in a Maple Grove, anonymous, Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. The painting depicts several deer resting in a maple forest. The yellow, ocher, red, and green scattered throughout the painting, illustrate the vibrant hues of maple trees. _Courtesy of The National Palace Museum

Japanese literature often mourns the impermanence of life. The term “mono no aware,” literally translated as “the pathos of things,” has been a popular theme of literature since the Heian period. In Japanese culture, the word for “aware” can be used to express both sadness and appreciation. For instance, awareness of the withered maple leaves and cherry blossoms heightens the beauty of delicacy, decay, and incompleteness. Immersing oneself in the vibrancy of maple forests has been a leisure activity with thousands of years of traditions. Dating back to the Heian period (794–1185), elites would write waka (poems) and haiku (short poems) while viewing maple trees. For instance, Fujiwara no Okikaze wrote: “The river murmurs in the deep mountains, it washes away the maple leaves. The leaves, once scarlet, are withered as autumn departs. How time flies!” Maple trees, along with cherry blossoms, are admired by the Japanese people as a cultural symbol.

霜葉之美 秋天的美,在楓葉上層疊浸染出斑斕的紅赤金絳,變化 得細膩紛紜,但隨著冬季的來臨,葉子於風中迴旋飄 零,當色彩一一凋落,大地化為一片枯寂,文人墨客們 發現,縱使曾經繽紛,卻也什麼都留不住。「 冉冉秋光 留不住,滿階紅葉暮。」( 李煜 )和「 江楓漸老,汀蕙 半凋,滿目敗紅衰翠。」( 柳永 )寫得皆是詞人們於暮 秋時節感嘆韶光易逝,而萬物正逐漸衰敗凋零的悲悽。 對季節更迭敏感的大和民族,在傷春悲秋的文學領 域中更是登峰造極,他們稱之為「 物哀 」 。在日文裡「 哀 (あ)」是哀憐,也是讚歎,是直搗靈魂深處最直覺的聲 音。大自然反映著人事無常、萬物的一期一會,日本人 看櫻花的飄落、楓葉的凋零,從中感受到消逝的美麗。 正因美是如此的脆弱易逝,更而唯美。所謂物哀,便是 感受將逝之物必然消逝的唯美瞬間,為其哀憐。物哀追 求唯美,象徵人們感受到生命侷限後的淨化與超脫,從 而呢喃的真實情感。 日本人熱愛賞楓,秋季到山野間感受楓紅之美,是 超過千年的傳統活動,故日本的楓景,交織著古都深厚的 文化底蘊,總是有著一種風雅幽玄之美。究源於平安時 代,貴族之間的閒情雅致,他們賞玩著楓葉,將秋季的 寂寞與愁思寄託於楓葉之上,吟詠著一首首哀戚的和歌俳 句 , 如藤原興風筆下的楓林美景 ——「 深山水潺潺,落 來溪水盡楓紅,其色雖豔美,卻憶秋日今將盡,不覺歔欷 嘆時移。」既櫻花後,楓葉是日本歌人深愛的詠嘆之物。 秋季象徵著萬物正逐漸衰敗死亡,但在那悲涼的氛 圍中,楓葉卻豔紅勝春日之花,轉瞬即逝的燦爛,猶如 34│

Agemachi (Trefoil Knots), Tale of Genji: Chapter 47, Japan, Edo period (1615-1868), about 1620. In Tale of Genji, Kaoru (adopted son of Prince Genji) arrives in Uji to observe the anniversary of Prince Genji’s death. He goes boating on the river in a boat “Roofed with scarlet leaves.”_Sean Pathasema, from the collection of the Birmingham Museum of Art. The estate of Carolyn Quinn provided the funds for the acquisition.

Many plants decay in early autumn while maple trees are still vibrant. Their beauty is a flash in the pan, but it is adored by people around the world. For Canadians, the Miao, and the Japanese, the maple’s cultural connotations are everlasting.

火苗,傲然地燃燒著最後的生命——日人哀詠它,苗族 信仰它,加拿大人將之視為國家的精神與驕傲。 楓葉兀自美麗,而我們賦予其中的文化寓意,使得 滿樹的紛黃絳紅渲染著濃厚的人情,在秋季清透的日光 中層疊出詩意。 │35


RETURNING TO TRADITION A Family’s Natural Farm in Arizona 生生流轉 承天地之澤 一場農場裡的生命課 English by Angela Feng | Chinese by Cora Wang Photography by Jennifer Schneider

Molovinsky’s children look after every single creature on the farm. Even though there are hundreds of animals, each life is so precious that they try their best to keep every one of them healthy and happy.


Diana Molovinsky and her son Brady at their farm in South Chandler, Arizona.


owadays, people are a lot more conscious of what they are putting into their bodies. All-natural foods have rapidly grown in popularity, with many people seeking out organic produce and pasture-raised eggs or meat. However, most of us are unaware of what makes a product organic and the processes that go into all-natural farming. Diana Molovinsky, owner of Molovin Farm, has been practicing sustainable agriculture for a decade. Over years of trial and error, she has developed a sense of harmony with nature. Despite all of her experience and success, she is still constantly learning, adjusting, and finding new ways to balance her relationship with the land she farms.

「 今年,終於迎來我們農場的第一個秋天。」位於亞利桑 那州南錢德勒城內的全天然農場「Molovin Farm」的主 人Diana Molovinsky興奮地表示,「 我們會舉辦一場盛 大的秋日宴!」那些巨大而鮮豔多彩的南瓜,肥美豐碩 的瓜果,成群的雞與可愛的山羊,一群人踏在青青草原 上歡慶的景象,這幅可以想見的秋日美景,不再是幻想 情節。十年來,Molovinsky堅持不使用化肥與任何化學 藥劑,以有機、純天然的永續農耕方式經營農場,點滴 而漫長的積累,終於迎來首次的「 秋收 」時節。 一份使命 Molovinsky並非出身於農家,但是兒時家中的果園,在 母親悉心照料下結實累累的場景,至今仍是她心頭的美 好回憶。年幼的她也不知那隨手摘下的番茄、櫻桃為何 能夠如此生長,只覺得神奇,或許是那小小果園施下的

PLANTING THE FIRST SEEDS Unlike most farmers, Molovinsky wasn’t born into farming. Her mother had a passion for planting, and would grow flowers and cherry tomatoes in their garden. However, Molovinsky admitted with a chuckle, “I didn’t inherit my mother’s green thumb.” Her first real experience with farming came when she met her husband, Oren, who had grown up on a farm in Israel. His sister’s husband ran a farmers market in the Washington, D.C., area. “I loved the fresh produce. I loved that you could just go to one place and buy stuff from all the local farms,” she said. She was inspired and started to buy produce from local farmers and sell

魔法,讓她一步步地踏上創建自己農場的冒險之旅。 回想起創辦 Molovin Farm 的緣由,Molovinsky 感慨表示:「 我感覺到,我們離天然食材好遠,那些曾經 我們深深仰賴的一切。」如今我們餐盤上的食物,有多 少是真正的天然食材呢?在美國,民生日常所能購得的 食材,大多為企業農業掌控,一部 2008 年的紀錄片《美 味代價》(Food, Inc.)揭示了人們未曾注意的食品業真 相。生產者為了供應大量的市場需求以及壓低成本,因 此那些生產自惡劣環境下的農產品,最終都進了消費者 的肚子裡。由於關注此議題,Molovinsky 認為打造一座 能生產健康農作的農場,是她無須猶疑的使命。 2011 年,Molovinsky 一家從華盛頓特區搬回她的家 鄉——亞利桑那州,緊接著命運般地邂逅了一片 3.5 英畝 │37

them at various markets. While doing so, Molovinsky established rapport with farmers in the D.C. area, and learned about the ins and outs of farming. In 2011, Molovinsky’s family relocated to her home state of Arizona and purchased 3.5 acres of land in South Chandler. It was through a fate-like coincidence that she came across the piece of land that would become her future farm. She had just finalized the purchase of her house and was driving around her new neighborhood when she came across a land-for-sale sign. The location and timing felt like it was meant to be. Molovinsky had watched a documentary called Food Inc., which exposed the harmful effects of corporate farming, further motivating her to move forward with her dream. “It made me realize that I shouldn’t wait on this dream, that it is something that needs to happen right away,” she said. Over the decade since, the Molovinsky family has gradually developed the land into the thriving oasis it is today. The beginnings were full of hardships—the land was barren and full of tumbleweeds. There was no water or electricity, and they didn’t have the financial means to purchase equipment. Nevertheless, with a handful of seeds and her family by her side, Molovinsky set about growing the farm of her dreams.

的土地。在 Molovinsky 接手之際,手頭已因為購地而 無多餘資金整建,這裡沒水、沒電,一切從零開始。儘 管眼前是一片荒蕪,她卻想著, 「 在這死灰般的地上種下 種子,對它灌溉,然後它將成為美麗而豐碩的果實,可 以餵飽全家人。」手上的那一把種子,帶給她莫大的希望 與動力。 十年之栽 10年間,這片原本貧脊的大地已蛻變成充滿生機的生態 區,日益茁壯。Molovin Farm裡採用的一切方式,都需 花費大量的時間,耐心守候,在完善這些基本條件前, 農場並未創造利潤,數年間幾乎都是無償投入。 Molovin Farm 身為在地小農,以土地永續性為首 要考量,採少量而多樣的栽植方式,並讓家禽能夠以自 然野放的方式在農場生活,農場裡也未從事任何宰殺活 動。Molovinsky 多方進行嘗試,找尋最適合自家農場 的生態組合。她分享到,桃子是最早於此豐收的作物, 後來她放入了 6 隻雞,發現效果出奇地好。雞隻和果樹 成了好朋友,炎炎夏日裡,果樹茂密的樹枝為放養的雞 群們庇蔭,而勤奮的雞隻們,天天幫大地除草、除害蟲, 同時處處「 施肥 」,兩者相得益彰,如今成排的桃樹與 300 多隻雞成了農場裡最熱鬧的一隅。 「 我必須對數以千年來未曾使用農藥的農人懷有信 心 」,Molovinsky 深信著維繫千年的智慧,她為了打造 一座健康天然的農作樂園,最初花費大量時間研究閱讀, 吸取各種知識。

GRADUALLY HARMONIZING WITH NATURE Farming is not easy, and sometimes the weather or pests cause losses. But Molovinsky and her family are guided by the teachings of Falun Dafa, a meditation 38│

受美國知名的農人兼講師 Joel Saladin 的啟發,她 意識到必須從土壤開始,打下良好的基著。她強調:「 必 須花費時間讓土壤回到最原始的狀態中。」唯有提供好 的土壤,作物才能生長得好。他們不耕地與挖地,而是

practice in the Buddhist tradition and based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. The Molovinskys believe that adversity provides an opportunity to improve character. “I think one of the biggest things for me is that I realized that everything happens for a reason,” Molovinsky said. “I don’t have control over the wind coming through at 70 miles an hour and taking out a tree or something. Okay, maybe that tree wasn’t supposed to be there.” Molovinsky also knows that having high-quality, nutritious soil is one of the most important things to natural farmers. One of Molovinsky’s farming inspirations, Joel Salatin, said, “You can’t have a healthy civilization without healthy soil.” You can do everything you’re supposed to do—water consistently, have the most expensive equipment—but still fail to keep your crops alive if the soil isn’t right. Molovinsky decided to start out by planting peach trees, as trees not only help build up soil, but also thrive with minimum effort. Growing trees on one’s land has many other benefits as well: They’re environmentally helpful in carbon removal, provide a natural barrier from the wind, and can manage soil erosion. They also have a bonus aesthetic appeal. Now, with rows of hundreds of fruit trees—including peaches, figs, pomegranates, and mulberries—Molovin Farm turns into a colorful, natural haven during harvest season. Chickens were the first livestock Molovinsky incorporated into the farm. She started off with only 6, and now has nearly 300 roaming among the trees. The chickens at

以「 千層 」方式(Lasagna Gardening)堆疊有機土壤, 讓每一層土壤在自然分解後增進土地養分,以利日後栽 種。此外,她亦效仿 20 世紀率先提倡天然農耕的日裔 農夫福岡正信的「 無為 」(Do-nothing)原則。她笑著 說,作為一名農人,當然不可能什麼都不做,這個觀念 是在教導農夫採用「 減法 」,剔除多餘的人為干預,去 了解整個自然界運行的機制,例如無需去清理落枝與落 葉,腐化後,養分自然回歸大地。農人替土地維護一個 健康的生態,它們也會因此生產更多。 天地之師 Molovinsky經營農場,並非孤軍奮戰,她的丈夫與五個 孩子都是她最信任的夥伴,孩子們各個都能獨當一面。 「 那是在一月,下著非常冰冷的雨⋯⋯」她回想起多年前 的植樹季節,為了完成農期的工作安排,孩子們頂著惡 劣的天候環境,在泥濘的農地裡來回奔走,就連當年年 僅四歲的老么,在沒有任何人的指派下,主動下田和哥 哥一起推著一只輪子已故障的老舊推車。「 他們知道我 們必須完成,因為這些樹都仰賴著他們。」那一天,孩 子們毫無怨言地完成任務。 這些年來,她一再看見孩子們在面對那些棘手的農 務時,卻能自我要求的使命感。她期許,孩子們在農場裡 的歲月,最終能轉換成生命的養分,幫助他們在面臨未 來的人生課題時,有著過人的毅力去完成未知而艱鉅的 挑戰。

Left: Molovin Farm now has nearly 300 free-range chickens that not only provide eggs, but also help fertilize the soil. Center: Molovinsky’s daughter Ceci picks peaches. Right: Molovinsky’s youngest daughter, Ashlyn, loves playing with the goats. │39

Diana Molovinsky, owner of Molovin Farm, and four of her children practice Falun Dafa meditation. This spiritual practice in the Buddhist tradition has given the family a greater appreciation and compassion for the plants they grow and the animals they raise.

Molovin Farm are free-range, resulting in a symbiotic relationship that benefits both the birds and the fruit trees. The chickens get to move around freely, leading to a higher quality of life and producing healthier eggs. They also fertilize the trees with their manure, spread compost, and eat any pesky insects. “The chickens are honestly some of our hardest workers,” Molovinsky said, laughing. Molovinsky’s farming philosophy was also inspired by Masanobu Fukuoka, a celebrated Japanese farmer and philosopher. He was an early advocate for no-till, herbicide- and pesticide-free cultivation, and coined a method known as “do-nothing farming.” This technique calls for minimum human intervention, allowing crops to flourish on their own. Molovinsky employs this method through doing what is called “lasagna gardening,” which involves no tilling or digging. She begins by laying down cardboard, before putting down compost, which she plants directly into. Over time, the materials break down and turn into nutrient-rich soil. This approach works great with Arizona soil, which is very hard and clay-like. The hard texture makes it very difficult to plant in, but it is dense in nutrients. 40│

Molovinsky 相信能在自家農場內生長的萬物,都 是與他們有緣的生命,「 如果一棵樹獲取的水分不足,我 們得去找出原因,因為那是我們的樹,」「 一旦它選擇了 我們,我們就要盡所能的照護它。」這份源自佛家的因 緣思想,與她的信仰息息相關。 Molovinsky 是一位虔誠的佛家上乘大法——法輪 大法——的修煉者,以真、善、忍為最高原則,精進自 己的品行。而經營農場仰賴著天地,當天災變來臨,亦 無以遁逃。修煉使其能夠泰然應對,她說:「 萬事皆有因 由。有些事,我必須明白我無須全然掌控,有些事就是 會發生,例如風速 70 英里的風帶走了大樹或其他,我 會想,或許就是那棵樹不該在那裡了⋯⋯這些自然現象, 會讓我去思考,或許這是一種來自上天的暗示。」她說, 「 或許就是我不需要那麼多,或許,我已經擁有了那些我 所需要的,明白這些,對我而言是一種寬慰與解脫。我 為何而種?我是為了賺錢嗎?」透過詰問自己,她在挫 折中仍心繫初衷,在信仰下堅守正確的價值。 她照看著出現在她農場裡的所有生命,無論是原本 的居民,抑或不懷好意的訪客,她選擇擁抱一切,「 我知 道,當我懷著正確的想法,並且感激那些賜予我的一切, 一切都是一種淬鍊,無論我需要多麼辛勤地工作,或是 我的手上札了多少根刺,如果這一切有所成效,那麼都 是無所謂的。」

BALANCING WORK AND FAMILY LIFE Molovin Farm is family-owned. Aside from two parttime employees, the majority of the time it’s just Molovinsky, her husband, and their five children working on the farm. Unlike most other jobs, farm work has no set hours—an emergency may occur at 5 o’clock in the morning, and the family will be out there to take care of it. As a result, it’s often hard to balance work and family life. However, Molovinsky strives to make sure her kids are having fun with their work, often incorporating games into their various farm duties. “I want my kids to look back on the farm with fond memories, instead of just remembering work all the time,” she said. While growing up on a farm is hard work, it also teaches the children important life lessons that will follow them for the rest of their lives. Most tasks can’t be completed alone, requiring the children to collaborate and strengthen their teamwork abilities. Farm work also takes a lot of discipline and persistence. After planting seeds for hours in the hot sun, one may be tempted to give up and finish the task another day. But the kids have learned to stick to their jobs and finish what they’ve started. “I’ve seen the way they can push themselves beyond what a lot of their friends can do,” Molovinsky said. “I’m hoping that carries through their lives, whether it’s in farming, in their careers, or in homework.” Molovinsky hopes to continue expanding her business in the future, experimenting with a wider variety of crops and growing the farm into something even more self-sufficient. Farming is a never-ending learning process. Every day comes with the possibility of facing a new hurdle that she has to adapt to and overcome, all while adhering to her values. There are few things more rewarding than eating fresh produce that you have grown yourself. You have full control of what goes into your body, and can guarantee that the fruit or vegetable is fresh and hasn’t been in contact with harmful pesticides. While many may think that food gardening is only possible with a spacious backyard and lots of land, it can actually be done no matter where you live. “As long as you have a window, you can start growing,” Molovinsky said. “Start small and grow on your window sill, or on your balcony. You’d be amazed at what you can pack out there. You have to get more creative, but it can always be done.”

心懷稼穡 在 資 源 豐 沛 的 現 代, 剩 食 問 題 逐 漸 為 人 們 所 重 視, Molovinsky 一家人恪守節儉美德,她說: 「 自己生產自 己的食物不是件簡單的事,所以當你獲得時,你會更加 感謝。」當他們要處理過剩的農作時,一家人會一起發 揮創意,開發食譜。例如用大豐收的西葫蘆( 櫛瓜),試 著做成了西葫蘆麵包販售,並將食譜免費分享於網上。 Molovin Farm 雖 然 不 是 大 規 模 的 農 場, 但 也 足 以供應當地居民豐美的食材,加入社群支持型農業團體 (Community Supported Agriculture)後,讓在地居 民能近距離了解食材供應者,也讓農人們可以直接與消 費者對話,相互交流、扶持。Molovinsky 認為,就算 沒有大片農地,人人也都能體驗農務,她鼓勵大家:「 從 小小的窗臺開始,假以時日,在那小小空間獲得的東西, 將帶給你滿滿的驚喜。」從播種到果實,這份踏實的成 就感,會讓我們感激,也讓豐收的喜悅富足我們的內心。 這座落於炎熱之地的小農場走過的十年,是一段謙 卑而樸實的天地歲月,從荒地到沃土;從一把種子到一 片菜園;從青青嫩芽到群樹蓊鬱,一群良善的人在這片 土地勤懇努力,見證農場裡的每一寸地,不僅有維持生 計之必須,還孕育著維繫生命的哲理。

Top: The Molovinsky family has built up and enriched their farm’s dense, clay-like soil through natural methods. Bottom: The chickens at Molovin Farm lay brown, green, and blue eggs. │41

NATURE’S GIFTS Fruit Picking in Hamilton Township, NJ 金風捎稼香 玉露沾鮮果 By Cora Wang


utumn’s gentle breeze carries the soft fragrance of Korean pears, golden pears, apples, and grapes over the hundreds of acres of farmland that is Evergreen Farm in Hamilton Township, New Jersey. Many of the farm’s loyal customers return each year to take in the beautiful scenery and go fruit picking. Some even travel hundreds of miles to visit. After the owner of Evergreen Farm, Mr. Chong Il Kim, immigrated to the United States in 1984, he felt nostalgic for Korean Singo pears with their delicious honey-like flavor. He started to plant the pears in the United States in 1985. Planting Koren species proved difficult. Because of the cold weather, the trees couldn’t survive. So the couple moved further south and started again. The lifespan of a fruit tree is 30 years, and it takes 6 years for a tree to produce fruit for harvest. When the year of their first harvest arrived, the orchard suffered from fire blight, causing huge losses. They had to build up their farm again. 42│

當金風吹拂,百畝農地已果香四溢,桃子、新高梨、 紅露蘋果、韓國紫葡萄等纍纍鮮果壓滿枝頭。這是新 澤西漢彌爾頓鎮上常青農場的年年盛景,許多老主顧 們驅車數百英里,只為再次造訪此地。 常青農場老闆金鐘一先生誠懇地說:「 吃到顧客 嘴裡的桃子都不簡單,每一顆都要經過農夫四次觸 摸,測量生熟後才決定採摘。水果、蔬菜絕對保證新 鮮和天然,採下後只需用清水洗去上面的灰塵就可食 用了。」他對自家農產品充滿信心,顧客亦領受這份 真心,讓農場每一年的採收季人潮絡繹不絕。 金鐘一自幼跟隨父親學習種植技術,1984年從 韓國移居美國,因懷念故鄉擁有蜜香的新高梨,下定 決心親自栽培,1985年創建了常青農場。然而,果 樹培育之路漫長,最初因為所在之處天氣過於寒冷而 失敗,因而遷移至較溫暖的南方。果樹雖有 30 年的 壽命,但須培植 6 年後才能收成,某次屆逢收成之 年,果實已長得豐美,整個果園卻又遭病蟲害,損失 巨大,金鐘一只得再次重來。 好事多磨,金鐘一花費 12 年的心血,讓韓國新 高梨終於在新澤西的常青農場開花結果。他說:「 雖 然頭兩次都失敗了,第三次從失敗中總結經驗,終於


The couple’s 12 years of labor came to fruition when they finally harvested the plump and flavorful Singo pears at Evergreen Farm. “Although we failed two times, we encapsulated these experiences in our third try and we nailed it. Our farm is the first and the only one [in the United Sates] that has grown Singo pears successfully,” he said. Korean Singo pears are the signature crop at Evergreen Farm. They are known as the sweetest pear in the world. When they are ripe, the skins turn a light yellow, and the f lesh is white and translucent. The fruit is tasty and juicy. Hong Lo, a Korean variety of apple, is ripe for harvest in late August, while Fuji apples become available in late October. The apples grown at Evergreen Farm are crisp and sweet. After they’ve been chilled, they become even more flavorful. Evergreen does not wax their apples to extend their shelf life, so people can eat the peel without worry. Fall is also harvest season for Evergreen’s grapes. The Korean rose-scented, dark-purple grapes contain more vitamins and minerals—selenium, iron, calcium, and zinc, for example—than common varieties. They are a highly nutritious fruit, good for easing fatigue. Peaches are another of the farm’s best-sellers. When they are perfectly ripe, their fragrance will make your mouth water, and their ripe flesh won’t disappoint your taste buds. Mr. Kim is a man of faith, so he refuses to plant any genetically modified crops. He believes that what the Creator bestowed upon human beings should be used in its original way instead of modifying it. That’s why the food from Evergreen Farm is pure and natural. Mr. Kim also actively gives back to his community. He holds an event for the Jungyangjeol festival on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month to show respect and care for the elders in the community. He cherishes traditional culture and believes that sharing is a source of happiness. Web: Evergreenfarm.us Tel: 609 -259 - 0029 Address: 1023 Yardville Allentown Rd., Hamilton Township, NJ 08620

The harvest season is open to the public from July to November.

Evergreen Farm owner Mr. Kim Chong Il and his wife. 常青農場老闆金鐘一與太太合影。

栽培成功。在美國像這樣成功栽培新高梨的只有我 們這一家。」 常青農場占地 140 英畝,育有數萬株梨樹、蘋 果樹等品質優良的果樹,還有健康無汙染的有機蔬 菜、農產品等。另闢的第二座果園占地 260 英畝, 種植大片的桃樹、葡萄等各類果樹,品種豐富。 該農場的明星商品「 新高梨 」,號稱為全世界 最甜的梨,果皮近成熟時淡黃色,表面光亮,果肉 白而透,肉質細膩多汁。紅露蘋果在 8 月底可採收, 而富士蘋果則在 10 月底登場。常青農場生產的蘋果, 入口清脆、爽甜,尤其經過冷空氣以後,味道更好。 有些農場為了長期保存,幫蘋果打蠟後附著了化學 物質,而常青農場的富士蘋果不打蠟,可以連皮一 起吃,營養豐富,過敏者也可安心品嘗。 秋季亦為葡萄成熟時,韓國改良品種——玫瑰 香黑葡萄,較一般品種含有更豐富的維生素,以及多 種人體所需的胺基酸、礦物質,如:硒、鐵、鈣、鋅, 營養價值極高。常食對神經衰弱、疲勞過度等大有裨 益。其富含原花青素、葉綠素等,具抗氧化性。另 外,桃子也是農場歷年來的熱銷農產品,無論是大 白桃或黃桃,熟度完美時,香氣四溢,鮮嫩欲滴。 金鐘一敬天信神,建立常青農場 25 餘年以來, 堅持不栽植基因改造農作。他認為,上蒼為人們創 造了什麼,人們就應該用什麼,不能 任意改變。所以常青農場內的產品樣 樣純正天然。十年如一日,金老 闆在農場裡栽下的一切,如今成 了豐美的碩果,他亦積極回饋 社區,每當重陽之際,舉辦 敬老活動,關愛長輩。對此, 他只謙遜地說:「 與人分享 是一種快樂!」


Let’s Talk With Dr. Hu

APPRECIATING THE FALL HARVEST: Simple Recipes to Reap the Many Benefits of Pumpkin 金秋橙黃饗宴——簡易南瓜食譜 Chinese by Hu Naiwen|Translated by Anne Scott


umpkin is nutrient-rich, wholesome, and beneficial. It can aid weight loss, protect the eyes, and prevent stomach ulcers and prostate diseases. As a low-sugar, low-calorie, and high-fiber superstar, pumpkin promotes satiety, helps you keep fit, and induces bowel movements. Its gooey texture owes to its richness in pectin, a fiber that prevents the body from absorbing excessive fat. Pumpkin is also mildly diuretic, reducing water retention and detoxifying the body.

南瓜全身都是寶,是非常好的食物。搭配以下介紹的烹 調方法來吃南瓜,可以減肥、養胃、護眼,還能預防胃 潰瘍和攝護腺疾病。 瘦身吃法:電鍋蒸南瓜、南瓜飯 南瓜是低糖食物,它熱量低、飽腹感足,有助減肥。由 於南瓜富含膳食纖維,可以幫助排便。另外,南瓜還含 有豐富的果膠,因此食用時能感覺到嘴巴有點黏黏的, 果膠可以吸收脂肪,因此能避免人體吸收過多脂肪。南 瓜本身還有利尿的功效,能夠消水腫,進而達到排毒、 養顏的效果。 想以南瓜為主要食材製作減肥餐,最簡單的作法就

STEAMED PUMPKIN AND PUMPKIN RICE FOR WEIGHT LOSS One of the simplest pumpkin recipes for a weight-loss diet is steamed pumpkin. Simply place peeled, cubed pumpkin pieces in a rice cooker or steamer basket with water in the bottom and steam until softened. If you would like to try pumpkin rice, just steam the pumpkin cubes with rice. You’ll be amazed.


是用電鍋蒸南瓜。先把南瓜切成塊狀,直接放進鍋子裡 蒸熟。若想做成南瓜飯,就先把米洗好加入適量的水, 再把南瓜塊鋪在上面,放進電鍋煮熟即可。

EASE EYE FATIGUE WITH PUMPKIN SOY MILK AND PUMPKIN CHOWDER In recent years, overuse of mobile devices and computers has increased the risk of developing eye diseases. The young and old alike indulge in a great amount of screen time, leading to myopia, macular degeneration, and even cataracts. Pumpkin is plentiful in nutrients that can prevent such diseases and sharpen your night vision. If your children are hungry and have been studying after dusk, you could make them a glass of pumpkin soy milk to refresh them and ease eye fatigue.

改善眼睛疲勞:南瓜豆漿和濃湯 近來,因為眼睛問題來看病的人,有明顯的增加趨勢。 如今不只是青少年,連中、老年人也成了3C族。人們 長時間看電腦、滑手機,結果出現視力減退、眼油分泌 過剩等問題,嚴重者會產生黃斑部病變和罹患白內障。



Pumpkin Soy Milk


Dice 5 ounces of peeled pumpkin into cubes and steam until soft. Heat 2 1/2 cups soy milk and mix it with the steamed pumpkin in a blender.


Pumpkin Chowder Ingredients: ・ 18 ounces pumpkin, peeled and cubed ・ Milk, 3/4 cup plus 2 1/2 tablespoons ・ Water, about 1/2 cup

Directions: Steam the cubed pumpkin pieces until they are soft. Put the pumpkin in a blender along with just enough water (about 1/2 cup) to facilitate mixing. Add the milk and blend well. Simmer the mixture over low heat for about 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.


南瓜豆漿 食材:南瓜150公克、豆漿600c.c.。 作法:先把南瓜切塊,放進電鍋中蒸熟;再把豆漿 加熱,和蒸熟的南瓜一起用果汁機打成漿, 味道很可口。 南瓜濃湯 食材:南瓜500公克、牛奶200c.c.、水100c.c.。 作法:先將南瓜放到電鍋中蒸熟倒在果汁機裡,再 加少量水一起打成泥;把南瓜泥、牛奶放入 鍋子,用小火煮10分鐘,最後放入少許胡椒 和鹽來提味。


PROTECT THE STOMACH WITH PUMPKIN LATTES AND PUMPKIN PORRIDGE A lifestyle of “métro, boulot, dodo,” or living to work, can be overwhelming, especially when you believe in maintaining healthy dietary and sleep habits. These days, peptic ulcer disease and duodenal ulcers are common illnesses among young office workers. Neglecting to treat such diseases can lead to life-threatening gastrointestinal perforations. If you have experienced reflux or abdominal distention, you might have already developed peptic ulcer disease. Don’t panic. Consuming pumpkin is one of the best natural ways to prevent peptic ulcer disease. If you are experiencing mild symptoms, eating pumpkin can promote healing, protect your stomach lining, stimulate bile production, and improve digestion. So why not make a pumpkin latte before you head to work?

養胃有妙方:喝南瓜拿鐵、南瓜粥 現代上班族因為工作忙碌、三餐和作息不定,結果年紀 輕輕就得胃潰瘍、十二指腸潰瘍。胃潰瘍疼痛難忍,還 會反覆發生,甚至造成胃穿孔,危及生命。許多人一開 始都是胃部不舒服,反酸、飽脹,其實胃黏膜可能已經 開始潰瘍了。

Pumpkin Latte Ingredients

・ 3 teaspoons mashed, cooked pumpkin ・ 3/4 cup milk ・ 1 teaspoon maple syrup ・ 1/4 cup black coffee (omit coffee if the latte is for children) Directions Blend brewed coffee, mashed pumpkin, and milk in a blender for 20 to 30 seconds. Add maple syrup to sweeten and cinnamon spice to taste.

Pumpkin Millet Porridge Pumpkin Millet Porridge can promote healing of peptic ulcer disease and protect your stomach. It can boost metabolism and give you a refreshing start to the day.


・ 7 ounces pumpkin, peeled ・ 3 3/4 tablespoons millet


Slice the peeled pumpkin into cubes and rinse the millet. Pour the ingredients carefully into boiling water. Simmer on low heat for 30 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent the porridge from sticking to the pot.


南瓜是預防胃潰瘍的天然食材。有輕度胃潰瘍的患 者,吃南瓜有助加快胃部傷口癒合,並保護胃腸道的黏 膜,促進膽汁分泌,幫助食物消化。上班族不妨考慮在 下次上班之前,先在家裡打一杯南瓜拿鐵來喝! 此外,清朝名醫陳修園說,南瓜是「補血妙品」。從 現代營養學來看,南瓜有豐富的礦物質,如鈷、鋅、鐵, 都是製造血液的要素,能有效改善貧血(貧血最常見的症 狀之一:久坐突然站起時,會感到暈眩、眼冒金星),讓 你重拾好氣色。

南瓜拿鐵 食材:南瓜泥10公克、鮮奶180c.c.、楓糖漿一湯 匙、黑咖啡50c.c. (如果是給孩子喝,可以 不加咖啡)。 作法:將咖啡煮好,與南瓜、鮮奶一同倒在果汁機 裡,攪打20~30秒。然後放入一點楓糖漿調 味,最後可以依照各人喜好,撒上一點肉桂 粉增添香氣。 南瓜粥 食材: 南瓜200公克、小米50公克。 作法: 把南瓜切塊、小米洗淨,一起放入滾水, 轉小火煮30分鐘。烹煮期間注意要不時攪 拌,以免沾鍋。

Chen Xiuyuan, a prestigious doctor during the Qing Dynasty, once reminded people that pumpkins can enrich the blood. Nutritional scientists today believe that pumpkin can boost the intake of minerals, such as cobalt, zinc, and iron, which are all essential for the blood. Pumpkin can help correct anemia and improve one’s complexion. (Common symptoms of anemia include feeling dizzy and lightheaded when standing up after sitting for a long time.)

南瓜子的特別功效 南瓜能夠解決熟齡男性的困擾。近年來,熟齡男性最大 的困擾,就是攝護腺疾病。 攝護腺肥大的發病逐漸在年輕化。以前都是 60 多 歲的人才有,現在我在診所裡看診,有時候可以看到 40


PUMPKIN SEEDS FOR PROSTATE HEALTH The risk of developing prostate disease grows as a man gets older. However, in recent years, it is worrisome to see that the disease is also striking young men. In my clinic, some patients with this complaint are only around the age of 40. Some have difficulty urinating, while others urinate very frequently. During the night, some cannot rest well, as they need to urinate multiple times. Aside from aging, the symptoms may be due to one’s craving for sexual intercourse. Merely thinking about sex can enlarge one’s prostate. Therefore, it is healthy to deny incessant sexual urges. Both pumpkin pulp and seeds can improve prostate health. Studies have shown that pumpkin seeds can improve urination speed and reduce frequent urination at night. If any of your family members suffer from these issues, you can recommend pumpkin seeds to them. PUMPKIN-SEED MILK It is very easy to make pumpkin-seed milk from scratch: Grind 4 teaspoons of pumpkin seeds into powder. Blend the powder with milk and add some sugar to taste. You can drink this on a daily basis. Despite all the remarkable benef its of eating pumpkin, I must remind you to not consume an excessive amount. Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners believe that eating too much pumpkin can induce beriberi and jaundice. Also, don’t eat pumpkin with mutton because the combination can lead to a bloated stomach. A healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits bring healthy rewards. Please note: The above measurements have been converted from grams to ounces, cups, tablespoons, and teaspoons. The ingredients mentioned in the dishes must be used proportionately.

歲左右的人,就已經有這個問題了。例如:站在小便斗 前,等很久才能把小便排出,或是剛剛才上過廁所,很 快又有尿意。一到晚上,問題更嚴重,需要起夜上廁所 好幾次,連覺也睡不好。除了正常老化外,常常想著房 室之事的人,也容易得攝護腺肥大的毛病。因為在想的 時候,攝護腺就會一直被刺激著。所以,對性事一定要 盡量的放淡,不要看得太重。 除了南瓜肉能保護攝護腺,南瓜子也有這個功效。 醫學研究發現,南瓜子可以改善排尿的速度,減少夜尿 次數。家中年長的父親很可能也受此問題困擾,您可以 買南瓜子或南瓜子粉來孝敬父親,他會很開心的。 南瓜子牛奶的做法也很簡單,取 10 公克的南瓜子 磨成粉,泡入牛奶,加一點點砂糖,每天喝一點很好。 有的人不習慣自己咬南瓜子,可以改買南瓜子粉。 吃南瓜雖然有許多好處,但還是得提醒一下:不能 夠攝取過量。李時珍曾表示,南瓜多食發腳氣,還可能 引起黃疸。此外,南瓜不能和羊肉一起吃,否則會造成 氣壅,容易感到飽脹,所以記得要適量食用。

Original video of this article:

【About Dr. Hu】Currently a professor at Nine Star University of Health Sciences in Sunnyvale, California, Dr. Hu Naiwen was a pharmacological researcher of Western medicine in Taiwan. He was also an instructor for traditional Chinese medicine clubs at numerous Taiwanese universities.




COBBLE HILL TOWNHOUSE REIMAGINED Breathing new life into a 19th-century home 漫漫「拾」光 百年紅磚舊宅翻修 English by Angela Feng | Chinese by Ada Tian Photography by Dustin Aksland


tepping into the Warren Place Mews, one feels transported out of New York City and into a different time and place.

當您來到紐約布魯克林的Cobble Hill,一定會被

The hidden street, made up of 34 idyllic brick


cottages, is located in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn.


The historic Gothic-style homes were built


in the 1870s for working-class families by Al-

好的19世紀建築。位於Warren Place Mews私

fred Tredway White, a wealthy merchant and


philanthropist. Though these residences have


這綠樹成蔭且生活氣息濃厚的街區吸引。這裡有 許多時尚咖啡館、酒吧、餐廳以及風格各異的精

since been renovated into luxury townhouses,

是1870年 代 由 慈 善 家Alfred Tredway White

the neighborhood maintains an antique, vil-


lage-like charm.


Top: In the living room, shelves around a window maximize living space in the 11-foot-wide townhouse. Right: The 34 cottages within the Warren Place Mews in Brooklyn’s Cobble Hill were built in the 1870s by philanthropist Alfred Tredway White.


The kitchen, located on the first floor, contains similar design elements as the rest of the home: herringbone floors, exposed beams, and dove-white walls and ceilings.


令人神往的房型之一。其中一間由Elizabeth Roberts Architecture & Design工作室主導的翻新計畫,彰顯 了今昔共存的美妙平衡。 建築師 Elizabeth Roberts女士接受本刊採訪中談 到,這是為一對夫婦和他們的孩子所設計,夫妻兩人極 富創造力,「 妻子是室內設計師,而丈夫是一名音樂作 家,也是黑膠唱片的收藏家。客戶從一開始就以他們清 晰的審美觀來指導設計方向,並積極參與項目之中。」 小空間 大格局 住宅面積共為1,100平方英尺,分做三層。最下面一層是 廚房和餐廳,也與後部的私人庭院相連;與入口相接的 一層,作為起居室和書房;樓上的二層是臥室,分別設 有主臥和次臥。面向公共庭院的一側不但光線充足,還 同時保有了良好的隱密性;底層連接的私人庭院,除了 提供賞心悅目的戶外休憩空間,也創造了更為靈活的空 間運用。然而,建築寬度僅 11 英尺,這給改建和翻新帶 來了極大的挑戰。 「 住宅占地面積很小,而且原有房間很暗。從布局、 飾面,以及深棕色的牆壁到許多占用生活空間的結構, 都使人感覺空間更小。」Roberts女士表示,處理局促 的空間是一件十分棘手的事情。住宅內部格局設計受限 於建築面積,建築師在評估了原有建築的各方條件後, 保留了原有的布局,在拆除部分結構的基礎上做了澈底 的翻新。她強調,「 我們的設計忠於原來的建築,讓它 引導我們的設計。翻新的主要工作和設計一件家具更為 相似,因為每一寸空間都很寶貴。我們研究了房間的比 例,以及可以打掉多少非必要的牆體,如何創造更開放 的空間,並盡可能地帶入更多的自然光線;與此同時, 如何讓房子恢復迷人的原始特色,如壁爐和樓梯,如何 使其在局促的空間內作為主角,彰顯歷史魅力。」 Top: Herringbone flooring, dove-white paint, and exposed beams brighten the dining room, making it feel more spacious. Bottom: The stairs, which had been completely enclosed, were restored and redesigned.

擁抱歲月 共繪此時 翻新後的住宅,各樓層的功能清晰有序,室內設計中融 合了歷史、復古和當代元素,延續了歲月的風華,同時 營造了的舒適的居家氛圍。原有的木質橫梁裸露,讓歲 月流淌其間,客廳中復古的壁爐和木地板相得益彰,質

A creative young couple took interest in one of these 1,100-square-foot townhouses, seeing it as the perfect place for their growing family. They sought out architect Elizabeth Roberts to oversee the renovation. The wife is an interior designer, and the husband a music writer. Both with an artistic eye, they had a clear aesthetic vision for their future home. “She wanted a layered and cozy interior with a mix of historic, vintage, and contemporary elements that spoke to the history of the house,” Roberts said in an interview with Elite.

樸而不失溫馨。餐廳裡厚重並帶有磨痕的餐桌,與局部 保留的粗獷磚牆,延續了原屋的本粹。 儘管留有時光流轉的印記,也不忘透過細節維持整 體的精緻度——如餐廳裡別緻的造型吊燈;廚房選用的 淺色大理石紋理飾面;浴室裡的拼接瓷磚,以及復古風 格的銅配件,藉由種種巧思打破單調,繪出空間質感。 擁有一座私人的室外庭院,對於生活在紐約都會 的家庭來說極具吸引力。在男主人的提議下,庭院內原 本搖搖欲墜的簡易木棚,變成了一間舒適的工作室,在 都會裡打造一間專屬的小型工作室,便能頓離喧囂,專 注於工作之中。Roberts 女士說,「 我們僅保留了它的 │51

home while adding to the rustic-modern ambiance. Roberts was able to successfully modernize and transform the home without losing its personality. “I think the concept was staying true to the original building and letting that character guide our work,” she said. This is reflected through the color scheme: neutral with splashes of dark blues and grays, creating a comfortable yet luxurious feel. Vintage-style furniture—such as the venerable dining table with bench seating—pays homage to the home’s historic roots.

Top: The gold bridge faucet with its cross handles provides a contemporary twist on a classic style in the bathroom. Right page: In the private garden, a small shed was transformed into a modern writers cottage.

A SPACIOUS TRANSFORMATION The house is made up of three floors with a stairway running through the middle. The family enjoys meals together on the first floor, where the kitchen and dining room are located. The second floor is a relaxing space to unwind, as it contains the living room and a study. The family’s sleeping quarters are on the third floor. The home has two bedrooms, one full bathroom, and one powder room. One of Roberts’s main goals was to brighten the living spaces and make the home feel more spacious. The home had originally felt dark and cramped. The house was already very narrow, and its existing layout and finishes made it appear even smaller. The dark-brown walls were repainted a dove-white, which instantly lightened the place. The proportions of the rooms were adjusted, and walls were removed to create a more open floor plan. The stairs had originally been completely enclosed, but were restored and redesigned to be visible to the rest of the home—a change that is Roberts’s favorite design element. Other features, such as a skylight and exposed beams, helped enlarge the 52│

A SERENE OASIS Perhaps one of the most-coveted aspects of living in a Warren Place Mews townhouse is the delightful, English-style courtyard. The townhouses all face one another across a beautifully landscaped garden that stretches down the street. This unique feature was originally designed to ensure that the homes received natural light throughout the day without impediment. The lush greenery provides residents with the perfect backdrop for their evening strolls, and a change of pace from the bustle of the city. The place also comes with a private backyard garden, a rare find for a New York City home. Tucked away in the gorgeous garden is a small shed that was transformed into a modern writers studio. The charming, one-of-a-kind addition was an especially useful feature during the pandemic. If one parent needed a break from the commotion at home to focus on work, he or she could simply escape into the backyard. Neighborhoods like Warren Place are a breath of fresh air among the city’s sea of sleek, high- rise apartments. After a day out in the clamor of the city, residents can come home and relax in their peaceful oasis. The structure of the Mews also cultivates a stronger feeling of camaraderie among neighbors. Many people who live in such areas describe a sense of community that’s hard to find in big cities. 原始尺寸、簡單的形式和質樸感,盡可能接近它原有的 特質,然而,能加熱的水泥瓷磚地板則是一套豪華的升 級。」在城市奔忙一天的心靈,也能回到寧靜、溫馨的 家中,慢下來享受生活。半私密的共享庭院,增進了鄰 居間的連結,擁有一份在大城市中難尋的社區感,是件 無可取代的都會體驗。 To learn more about Elizabeth Roberts Architects, please visit ElizabethRoberts.com



LITTLE SHED IN THE CITY 都市綠洲 By Faithe Lo | Photography by Dustin Aksland

Architect Elizabeth Roberts turned a small shed into an urban oasis. To recreate the design by building your own wood shed, keep the original wood color of the walls. The black-framed French doors can add a modern feel, while the green-and-white zigzag tiles create a funky, youthful touch. Plant a tree that will grow with the family. Set out some potted flowers and plants. Add a bistro set on the deck for the adults to hang out and unwind. If you lay a radiant heating system under the patio, you won’t need to give up this oasis during the winter. 建築師Elizabeth Roberts把一座不甚起眼的木棚,改造 成一片小小的都市綠洲。想重現這個設計,可以在小院子 裡搭建一個原木色的小屋,讓牆面自然地融入小院子,別 具現代感的簡約法式黑框門,綠白相間的人字形地磚則能 為小屋注入一股活潑的氣息。種幾棵樹,伴一家子一同成 長,在涼臺上放上一組歐式露天咖啡桌椅,添上幾盆植 物盆栽。難得偷閒時,便能待在這裡享受一下偽單身的時 光。別忘了在磁磚下鋪設地暖,即使在冷颼颼的冬天,也 可以窩在小屋裡享受暖意。








STREAMLINED KITCHEN 11 Ideas to Organize the Heart of Your Home 廚房放大術——收納11招 By Faithe Lo

Boxed foods, canned goods, and spices; pots, pans, and dishes; flatware, plates and bowls; special-occasion china and other infrequently used items, plus the toaster, the coffee machine, and various other appliances can all present a challenge to keeping the kitchen tidy. A well-designed kitchen system is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also allows you to cook more efficiently.

罐頭、香料、醬油、料理油、各種大小的鍋碗瓢盆和做菜用具、刀叉碗筷、季節用的 餐具瓷器,再加上吐司機、咖啡機等大小家電,這些各種不同尺寸形狀的料理道具, 為收納整齊帶來了極大的挑戰。完善的廚房系統,可以讓收納更輕鬆,同時也可以 提升做菜效率喔!

Poliform, alea pro, poliform.com │55

Team7, echt.zeit kitchen, team7-home.com


Install special shelving for must-have appliances.

A designated shelf for your favorite small appliances, such as a coffee machine or toaster, is a must. These appliances are the most-often reached for, so keep them in an accessible cabinet to ensure they don’t take up too much counter space.


Try movable shelving systems for flexibility in design.

Unfitted elements, such as a portable island, a trolley, or a movable shelving system are flexible items, easy to add or remove from an existing kitchen structure. They’re perfect for people who want to change their kitchen while preserving the original architectural features.

Leicht, bossa, leicht.com

設置常用小家電的專屬櫥櫃 專門準備一個儲藏空間用於擺放常用的小型家電,如咖 啡機或烤吐司機,如此才不需要每天拿進拿出,也不占 用檯面空間。

移動式設備 增加收納彈性 在現有的廚房添加一個移動式中島、推車、或者搭配一 座古董櫃這類獨立式設備,此類活動式收納設置、裁撤 或增設容易,搬家時也都很有彈性。另外,想給廚房來 點變化,或想增添收納空間,又不想破壞建築物內裝的 話,獨立式設備也能達成任務。

bulthaup, b2, bulthaup.com


bulthaup, b3, bulthaup.com


Install a practical backsplash for storage and display.

Aside from decorative purposes, the backsplash can be a great place to store small items. It can be used to keep frequently used tools and spices close at hand, while keeping the countertop clear. The height of the storage space can also make it a good place to keep items you frequently reach for.


善用廚具背牆 水槽和爐子後的背牆是個很好的收納處,常用的做菜道 具和香料就置放手邊,方便又順手,同時還能保持檯面 淨空。此外,對於有幼童的家庭而言,該收納處高度不易 為幼童取得,把刀具等危險物品收在背牆處關上門,家 長也能較安心。

Install cabinet lighting for style and practicality.

Interior lighting can be a convenient addition to a drawer or cabinet. It helps you see those items often forgotten deep in the cupboards, and makes organizing and decluttering easier. It can also brighten the heaviness of the cabinets, and gives the kitchen a lighter ambiance. 櫥櫃燈 巧妙助攻 櫥櫃燈雖不是收納空間,但對收納卻很有幫助。它讓人 能清楚看到櫥櫃和抽屜深處的東西,易於整理櫥櫃和清 除多餘物品。同時,櫃內燈可以讓櫃體看起來較輕盈, 也能為廚房營造氣氛。 Poliform, alea pro, poliform.com │57


Display your favorite crystal and china behind glass.

Glass cabinet doors are a great way to display collectibles while keeping dust away. The visibility of the items behind the glass will remind you to keep the cupboard neat and uncluttered. Pieces that are less pleasing to the eye can be stashed behind solid doors. A cabinet with half glass and half solid doors is the perfect addition to a kitchen, offering the best of both worlds.


混用玻璃、實心門 各取所長 玻璃門可以在展示收藏品的同時隔絕灰塵,而玻璃透明 的特性讓雜亂無所遁形,提醒你要適時斷、捨、離。將不 太美觀的必需用品存放在實心門後,只要門一關上即可 眼不見為淨,維持視覺上的整潔。最好玻璃門和實心門 混合使用,則可取兩者之所長。 St. Charles New York, stc no. 3 kitchen, stcharlesnewyork.com

Ornare, shaker, ornare.com.br


Consider different options for your island or peninsula storage.

Installing drawers, cabinets, or shelves under an island or peninsula is a good way to display collectables and cookbooks. For wine lovers, it’s also a great place for a wine rack. If your range is set on an island, integrated trays in the countertop surface are a great option for keeping things at hand and making sure the countertop is clutter-free. Replacing the range hood with downdraft ventilation can remove obstruction and open up the kitchen.

Team 7, rondo kitchen, team7-home.com

轉換收納方式 全方位使用中島 中島或半島下設置抽屜、櫥櫃,或開放式層架,用來放些 食譜書和展示花瓶、瓷器都很好。愛酒人士可以增設置 酒架,為中島帶來設計上的變化。若是採取將火爐設置 於中島上的廚房設計,則可增加下凹溝槽,將常用的料 理用具或香料等就近收納,料理時更順手。此外,也可 將吸頂式抽油煙機改為升降式,降低視覺壓力,視線不 受阻礙,廚房空間感更開闊。


Achieve unity of design with integrated appliances.

Integrated appliances, such as wall ovens, microwaves, and refrigerators, are a popular way of creating an organized and tidy-looking kitchen because they make it easy to achieve a uniform look and provide visual continuity. 內嵌式設計 維持視覺整齊 將烤箱、微波爐或冰箱等家電嵌於櫥櫃中的設計相當受 歡迎,因為統一外觀和無接縫的設計,容易在視覺上維 持整體簡潔、乾淨。 Nolte Kuchen, windsor lack, nolte-kuechen.com │59

St. Charles New York, stc no.1 kitchen, stcharlesnewyork.com


Choose drawers to maximize space.

Struggling to make the best use of limited space? Most high-end kitchen brands use drawers as the main storage space in the lower cabinets. Drawers are especially effective for organizing knickknacks. Well-designed drawers can hold more than you’d expect and with better logic. Everything has its own place, allowing for easy access and greatly reducing tidy-up time.


Poliform, alea pro, poliform.com

利用抽屜分隔 聰明收納 由於必須收納各種不同用途,且形狀、尺寸各異的物品, 諸如:刀具、餐具、碗盤、香料以及保鮮膜、烤箱紙等, 如何在有限的空間進行有效的收納?這便是各大廚具品 牌大展身手之處。許多品牌偏好以抽屜作為下層櫃的主 力,分類瑣碎物品時特別方便。好的抽屜設計可以裝進 比預想更多的東西,而且分類上也更有邏輯,每個物品 都有自己的位置,便於收取,能大幅減少整理時間。

Install open shelves for aesthetic efficiency.

Make good use of wall space by adding open shelving. Keep your mostused items within sight for easy access while reducing the clutter on the counter.

開放式層架 一目了然 開放式層架好用易收,並且還有通風、不積攢溼氣等優 點。利用牆面收納,將使用率最高的物品放在眼前,一目 了然,器具用畢之後要歸位也相當方便。 Ernestomeda, k-lab, ernestomeda.com



Team7, ceraline kitchen, team7-home.com


Benefit from the convenience of pull-out cabinetry.

A well-designed cabinet will provide convenient access to items while facilitating organization. Many people are switching from basic shelving to pullout trays and racks for their ease of accessibility. If you’ve ever struggled to reach something lost in the back of a cabinet, you’ll appreciate the accessibility of a pull-out cabinet.

Leicht, bossa-e, leicht.com

推拉式層架 好用又好收 好的櫥櫃設計應該要可以方便拿取,也方便收拾。越來 越多人改用推拉式的層架,好用又好收。如果您有過拿不 著櫥櫃深處物品的經驗,推拉式層架的便利性,將帶給 您驚喜!


Opt for revolving shelves in corner cabinets.

Although not always easy to access, corner cupboards can provide abundant space. Adding pull-out revolving shelves can make good use of the space. Pay attention to the metal and hinges to ensure stability and smoothness when rotating them.

旋轉角櫃 空間利用零死角 廚房的轉角櫥櫃空間大,裝上角落轉盤或推拉層架就能 好好利用。角落轉盤需要做工精細的五金,如耐重度、穩 定度和推拉時滑順與否,都是選擇時需多加留意的重點。 (All product prices are available upon request.) Aran Cucine, erika, arancucine.com │61

WHERE CAN WE FIND GOOD FENG SHUI? 風水寶地何處尋——淺談建築設計中的風水問題 Chinese by Simon Zhang | Translated by Sarah Matheson


eng shui tends to be an important issue for Chinese people when considering interior design or the construction of buildings. The ancient discipline has been passed down for thousands of years and is inherently part of Chinese culture. Although some people today have doubts about the efficacy of feng shui, many still consider it vitally important. It was widely rumored that Hong Kong business magnate Li Ka-shing placed importance on feng shui when deciding on the layout of his office buildings and private residences. When former U.S. President Donald Trump converted the Gulf and Western 62│

華人在進行室內裝修、房屋建設等活動時,風水往往是 個繞不開的話題。這一流傳了數千年的古老學科,儘管 在當代社會面臨很多人的質疑,仍然具有強大的生命力。 有一些廣為流傳的名人、名樓的風水故事,也為當代社會 風水概念的活力增添了有趣的註解。 坊間流傳,華人巨富李嘉 誠 的辦公樓和 私宅布局 即涵蓋許多風水的考量。又如紐約著名的川普國際酒店 (Trump International Hotel and Tower),據說是接受 了風水師的建議,在大樓前擺放了一個巨大的金屬地球, 用來緩和車流帶來的負面能量,風水裡叫煞氣,同時把大 樓的入口改了方向。筆者也曾遇到一位客戶,請筆者設計 房子的後花園,一上來就直言,根據風水師的建議,水池 假山必須放在院子的西北角。

Building in New York City into the Trump International Hotel and Tower in the early 1990s, a huge silver globe was placed in front of the building to alleviate the negative energy from the traffic flowing by. In feng shui, undesirable elements are called “sha qi,” or life-draining energy.

當然,也有很多人認為,風水就是沒有根據的過氣玄 學。持不同觀點的人,有時候會在一個共同的項目上相 遇,這就產生了衝突。比如,修建一棟房屋,男主人和 女主人一個相信風水,一個不相信,在房屋的規劃布局 上可能就會有分歧;幾位合夥人裝修一套辦公室,有的 相信風水,有些則不,就可能在空間規劃上產生矛盾。下



COMMON PRINCIPLES OF FENG SHUI When it comes to renovations or building a new house, referencing some general feng shui principles can be helpful, since the same concepts tend to apply to good architectural design: for example, designing a home so that it faces a body of water and has its back to a mountain. When a house is built on relatively higher terrain facing water with mountains behind it, it will have open space in the front. This is also optimal from the perspective of environmental design. Looking out over a wide, open space with good ventilation benefits residents' physical and mental health. Houses positioned according to these basic principles will naturally hold their value, and even appreciate in value. Take a smaller space as another example. In designing apartments with a small floor space, an architect might put the entrances of the kitchen and bathroom opposite each other. In feng shui, this is deemed “as incompatible as fire and water” because the kitchen represents fire, and the bathroom represents water. When these two are positioned opposite each other, it will cause conflict, affecting the health of residents and disrupting harmony within the family. This concept is also easily understood in professional design: The kitchen is an essential place for making food and closely connected to the family’s health. On the other hand, bathrooms are for cleansing and are full of bacteria. If these two entrances connect to each other, it would be difficult to stop the air from moving between them, and the bacteria from the bathroom might enter the kitchen. So situations like this should be avoided, both from the perspective of feng shui and from the perspective of architectural design.

專業角度探討空間設計與風水的關聯,並對此提出一些 個人見解,盼能對風水問題有所疑惑的讀者,有所助益。 常見風水原則 裝修房屋或是建設新房時,也不妨考慮參照些一般的風 水原則。為什麼呢?因為一般的風水原則,和普通的設 計原則,若從用戶的心理和身體健康角度考量,往往是 並行不悖的。比如,人們耳熟能詳的房屋方位原則:背山 面水。有山又有水的地方,必然是山高水低。水體所在之 處,往往是空間更開敞,光線更充足,通風更好的。那麼 房屋背面靠山,面對著水,就是建在較高的地勢上,面對 著開敞的空間。這個方位從建築環境科學的角度分析, 也是極佳的。視野開闊,通風良好,對生理健康和心理健 康都是有益的,何況水體本身還兼具觀賞和趣味性。如此 位置的房屋,必然在房產保值和升值上更占優勢。 再舉一個小的空間範圍為例。在面積稍小的公寓平 面設計中,有時候設計師會不小心把廚房和衛生間的門 口設計成對位,這在風水上叫做「 水火不容」,因為廚房 是火,衛生間是水,二者對位就會造成衝突,影響住戶的 健康和家庭關係。這個從設計專業上也是很容易理解的: 廚房是食物重地,與人的健康關係密切;而衛生間是清 潔之地,多有細菌。二者門口相對,難免空氣互通,衛生 間裡的細菌跑到廚房裡,沒有誰喜歡這樣。因此這種做 法在風水上和在設計專業裡,都應當竭力避免。 切合實際 考量中西差異 當然,一些 風 水 原 則 也不需 生硬 的 套用,給自己 造 成 精神負擔。筆者曾遇過一位業主,擔心自己的公寓犯了 「 橫梁壓頂 」的風水忌諱,因為她的公寓的天花板是暴 露的井字梁結構。其實這種擔心就是多餘的了。因為傳 統意義上的中國建築的「 橫梁 」,是古代坡屋頂木樑柱 結構裡的主要結構構件。一個大的空間內往往只有一根 橫梁,位於正中,與房屋的面寬方向一致,尺寸都比較 大。這樣的建 築構件下,放 上一張 床,躺在床上,信與 不信風水的人都會產生巨大的心理壓力。而這位業主家

PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS: EAST AND WEST Of course, we needn’t strictly adhere to all of the principles of feng shui and unnecessarily burden ourselves. Because of exposed beams in her ceiling, one of my clients worried that her apartment had a

的「 梁 」,乃是英文的beam一詞翻譯而來,與傳統中國 意義上的「 橫梁 」並非是一回事。Beam一詞,在一些語 境中,反倒翻譯為「 柱 」,比如手電筒射出的光,英文叫 light beam,翻譯為「 光柱 」。因此,捕風捉影式的聽 到一些風水原則,生硬的套在自己身上,會給自己帶來不 必要的心理壓力。 │63

problem that is considered taboo in feng shui: “heng liang ya ding” (“horizontal beams pressing from above”). But the Chinese term refers to the beams used in traditional Chinese architecture, which were the main structural component in ancient sloping roofs. A large room usually only had one beam in the center, which was quite large and ran the width of the house. If a bed was placed under this kind of beam, whether the person believed in feng shui or not, the huge beam would cause significant mental pressure. In my client’s case, the beam in her apartment was a common roof beam, not the type used in traditional Chinese architecture.

福德相依 風生水起 那麼是不是真的像傳說中的那樣,有了好的風水,自己 的命運就會改變,升官發財接踵而至呢?其實未必。民 間有種說法:一命二運三風水,四積陰德五讀書。 臺灣 易經專家、名設計師蔡竺欣表示,這五大要素實際上是 輪迴的,形成一個閉環。「 很多人認為,找一個好的風 水是『 因』,因為有了這個好風水,所以有了好的人生際 遇這個 『 果 』。事實上,我認為是『 倒因為果 』。」他 說,人要能得到一個好的風水,其實是個果而不是因, 因為人要想找 到 好風水,必 須有那個 福 分。福 分 怎 麼 積的?通過積陰德、讀書修養——這些自己能夠控制的 因,只有做到了這個「 因」,才容易找到一個好的風水, 這是「 果 」。新加坡風水師林雨生也說,人要正,要是 做壞事的話,風水也幫不了。「 我曾經講,大不過因果。

FENG SHUI AND BLESSINGS Chinese people have a saying: “Fate first, luck second, feng shui third, accumulating virtue fourth, studying fifth.” Tsai Chu-Hsin, a well-known Taiwanese architect and I Ching (The Book of Changes) specialist, said: “A lot of people believe good feng shui is the ‘cause,’ and because they have good feng shui, they have good luck in life as a ‘result.’ In reality, I believe that people have reversed the relationship between the cause and the result.” Mr. Tsai believes that finding good feng shui is the result, not the cause because people who seek good feng shui must have the good fortune to obtain it. But how do we accumulate the blessing of good fortune? We do so through doing good deeds and cultivating our character. These are factors that we have control over. Wesley Lim, a famous feng shui specialist in Singapore, says that people should be righteous; if people do bad deeds, no matter how fabulous the feng shui is, it won’t help. So rather than being fixated on finding good feng shui, we could give attention to improving our character, trying our best to follow the Dao of nature, and meriting Heaven’s blessings. These are purer and more reasonable ways to pursue good feng shui. We would be wise to align ourselves with Mencius’s philosophy: “Turn inward and examine yourself when you encounter difficulties in life.” The ultimate factor behind having good luck comes from oneself.

The views expressed in this article are the writer’s opinion and do not necessarily represent views ELITE.


就是如果他沒有這個因果去承擔這個好處的話,他的局 會破的。」正如《道德經》所言: 「 天道無親,常與善人。」 與其挖空心思,追求完美風水,不妨花時間想辦法提高 自己的道德修養,努力順應天道,求得上天佑護,這會 比單純的追求風水合理得多。 所以,華人朋友如果家裡有建築活動,家裡一位 信風水的要找風水師看看, 另一位不信風水的也不用攔 著。或是您本來不相信風水,裝修房屋的時候不太放心, 看看一般的風水原則,也不用不好意思。正如蔡竺欣先 生所說, 風水是果,不是因。孟子曰:「 行有不得,反 求諸己。」為自己帶來真正好運氣的終極良方,還在於您 自身。 本文內容不完全代表本刊立場、觀點。

作者簡介:張曉鋒,美國註冊建築師,在大紐約地區執 業,設計住宅和商業建築。室內、室外及景觀均有心 得。廣泛的涉獵及實踐經驗,讓他對一些設計問題有獨 到的看法。請造訪 www.xzarch.com 瞭解更多資訊。



Sep.3 - Nov.8, 2021 V I S I T O F F I C I A L W E B S I T E F O R M O R E D E TA I L S


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