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ScoreApp 45

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Knowing the score when it comes to improving marketing results, ScoreApp's digital model is designed to support growing businesses anywhere in the world

2019 Hertfordshire Tech 16

In 2015, Daniel Priestley enlisted the help of Steve Oddy’s digital agency to develop an online assessment/quiz to better understand his audience and improve marketing results. This strategy was a stand-out success and generated over 90,000 qualified leads resulting in over £15M of sales.

A number of businesses noticed the campaign and wanted to replicate the experience for their business. Each new referral was then built from scratch on wordpress and required a considerable investment of time and planning to launch.

In 2019, Steven and Daniel realised the potential to create a platform that would automate the majority of the work at a fraction of the cost. It could allow businesses to create an online assessment, quiz or interactive scorecard in a matter of hours rather than weeks. It would also give businesses access to data driven insights that most small companies have never had access to.

ScoreApp was launched in 2019 as powerful marketing software that helps businesses attract warm, qualified leads. With ScoreApp, you can create engaging quiz campaigns that capture the attention of your target audience and encourage them to take action. A person logging into ScoreApp will discover it is easy and fast to build an assessment or quiz. The portal consists of tools for building a beautiful landing page, a questionnaire with a scoring system, a dynamic results page and a set of promotional tools and data insights. Very rapidly a ScoreApp client can build and launch an online scorecard that delivers instant value to clients and collects relevant information for the business.

ScoreApp is a digital business designed to support growing businesses anywhere in the world. Globally over 100m small-medium sized businesses could utilise ScoreApp in their marketing approach. Any business that currently has a blog, a YouTube channel, a podcast or has built an online community would use ScoreApp to engage their audience, collect more data, qualify sales leads and make sales. ScoreApp clients are coaches, consultants, advisors, fitness professionals, healthcare providers, financial planners, property developers, training and education businesses and beyond.

Small businesses typically make up 50% of the economy and almost all employment growth comes from the SME sector. This sector is at risk of being massively disrupted by technology that allows big businesses to harness data. When big businesses collect data they can customise and personalise the experience they deliver to customers. Traditionally small businesses compete on these terms and are losing their edge.

ScoreApp has created a marketing approach that brings powerful technology to small businesses giving them the power to collect and harness data that drives sales. Quiz marketing is a strategy that involves using quizzes as a way to engage with and attract potential customers for a business. By offering a quiz on a relevant topic, businesses can capture the attention of their target audience and start a conversation with them.

Data received from the scorecard can be used to start relevant sales conversations, feed into marketing initiatives and be used to create products and services that your ideal customer needs. Better leads, more data, more sales.

Each step of the Scorecard marketing journey includes:

1. Create scorecard landing page.

2. Create your questions.

3. Insert scoring logic.

4. Customise the results page.

5. Generate an offer/CTA.

6. Connect your CRM.

7. Promote your scorecard.

8. Leverage the leads and data for marketing & sales.

ScoreApp has over 2,650 customers, a celebrated support team and multiple awards to date. If you are a service based business and want to discover if Scorecard Marketing is right for you then join ScoreApp for a free trial today!