Jan / Feb 2021 EliteGen Toronto

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January/February 2021 Vol. 55 Toronto

ToronTo Jan/FEB 2021

luxury living For canada's chinEsE EliTE

happy chinese new year

A sing tao publicAtion

Chanel, Dior, Berluti & Shawn Dou for CanaDa GooSe Caviar 101 Getaway to anGuilla


Great Gift GuiDeS 自我解鎖十五年‧ 李宇春

Triple ThreaT


Display until Feb 28, 2021


li Yuchun


冬天已至,歡迎到Sporting Life選購最新的 Canada Goose服飾系列。 歡迎來到就近的商店或是瀏覽網址sportinglife.ca Yonge St. 2665 Yonge St. Toronto, ON M4P 2J6 Curbside Only Dix30 Mall 9120 Boul. Leduc Brossard, QC J4Y 0L3

Sherway Gardens Mall 25 The West Mall Etobicoke,ON M9C 1B8 Curbside Only

Hillcrest Mall 9350 Yonge St Richmond Hill, ON L4C 5G2

Yorkdale Mall 3401 Dufferin St. North York, ON M6A 2T9 Curbside Only

Markville Mall 5000 Hwy 7 Markham, ON L3R 4M9

Lansdowne Park 125 Marché Way Ottawa, ON K1S 5J3


A sing tao publicAtion

luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief 胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 編輯 Editor 李彩 Connie Li 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 編輯部 Editorial enquiries elitegen@singtao.ca / 416-861-8168

參與 Contributors Simon J Boucher-Harris, Iris Chui, Michelle Demaree, Norris McDonald, Michael Muraz, Crystal Ng, Isabelle Ngai, Truc Nguyen, Renée Suen, Shuk Wa Tsang, Miranda Tsui, Emilia Ku Yazar

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan 編輯 Editor 徐少玲 Iris Chui

美術部 production & design 美術及製作經理 Production Manager/Art Direction 邱卓庭 Cliff Yau 美術助理 Graphic Art Assistant 陸凱茵 Gloria Luk

廣告及市場部 Advertising sales & marketing 副總裁 Vice President of Sales & Marketing 周潔華 Tina Chow 營業總監 Director of Advertising Sales 李啟治 Redmond Lee 綜合媒體銷售經理 Integrated Media & Digital Sales Manager 陳雅力 Eric Chan 市場及傳訊經理 Marketing & Communication Manager 盧凱菁 Gloria Lo

營業代表 Sales Representatives Patrick Leung, Kenneth Wong, Fanny Yeung, Harold Yu 營業部 Advertising enquiries elitegen@singtao.ca 905-754-1534

發行部 Circulation & Distribution 副總裁 Vice President 黎文華 Raphael Lai 市場行銷總監 Consumer Marketing Director 奇士文 Craig Sweetman 發行助理 Circulation Officer 胡智豪 Tony Aw, 陳鳳 Tiffany Chen circulation@singtao.ca / 905-754-1548

出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada, affiliated with Torstar 加拿大星島傳媒集團出版,附屬多倫多星報

《星尚》歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 《星尚》每年出版六期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 6 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 221 Whitehall Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 9T1

publisher’s letter

為新春乾杯! GunG Hei Fat CHoy, GonG xi Fa Cai! 我知道,一個母親,在自己的子女中不應該有所偏 愛,但對於我,2021年新年的第一期eliteGen,是那麼 的與眾不同,它伴隨著新年的鐘聲誕生,又為中國農曆 春節和西方情人節添上一份喜慶。 春節和情人節都是頗受奢侈品牌青睞的節日,許多 產品會奉上這個時節特有的限量版,從美妝到珠寶,從 外套到鞋履,我們的節日禮品指南裡將它們匯總起來任 讀者們挑選,讓大家能以別致的裝扮歡度節日。 2021年是中國農曆牛年,牛,是倔強和勤奮的象 徵,本期的封面女郎李宇春似乎與之正正遙相呼應,從 超級女聲開始一路的歷練和成長,你說憑藉的只是運 氣?我可不這麼認為。 本期eliteGen裡還有個同樣用勤奮延申自己運氣的 人,他就是竇驍,比較熟悉亞洲演藝圈的讀者對這個名 字不會陌生。Canada Goose近期與竇驍合作展開新季 產品宣傳,讀者會從我們的故事中瞭解他的努力和追求。 過節少不了吃喝玩樂,我們當然不會忘了給讀者推 介最好吃的。要說吃得奢侈,魚子醬算不算一個?什麼 魚子醬最好?要怎麼吃才地道?我們會為你開出一道魚 子醬盛宴。 那什麼是最好玩的?逃避加拿大的寒冷季節,怎會 有比加勒比海安圭拉島上的奢華五星級度假酒店更好的 去處!更美妙的是,當新冠疫情再度嚴重的時候,安圭 拉島是個零疫情的安全避風港。這個時候說那裡是天堂 一點也不為過。

As we ring in 2021 together, our optimism reaches new heights in celebration of Chinese New Year spoiling our loves on Valentine’s Day.

And luxury brands love it. Their many season-exclusive limited editions make it so hard to choose. From makeup and jewellery to coats and footwear, our curated gift guides have something for that someone who has everything. The Year of the Ox may have some curious about what the new astrological sign will bring. But for us it was obvious. As the ox stands for steadfastness and diligence, we just knew that Li Yuchun would be the perfect cover-girl for the New Year. Fueled by her passion for music, she went from zero to Asia’s Best Singer in just four years. For those into Asian Cinema, we managed to get an exclusive interview with heartthrob Shawn Dou, who recently collaborated with Canada Goose for their Live in the Open campaign. While he would not divulge anything juicy about his love life, he was generous enough to share with us his love of extreme sports and what life is like in the limelight. And we also chat with Canada’s foremost caviar purveyor, who walks us through the selection process and gives us ideas on how to serve this pricey delicacy. And if you’re looking to escape the cold, Anguilla is calling. The beautiful Caribbean island has been categorized by the World Health Organization as having “no cases” of COVID-19 since last June. The tropical paradise boasts some of the most luxurious abodes and best beaches in the Eastern Caribbean. Oh, and while you are there, you must try the goat curry. We hope you enjoy our first issue of 2021. Let’s all raise a glass to the New Year, one filled with joy, abundance, achievement and adventure.

新 年 來 臨,親愛的讀者們,請接受我最美好的祝 願:新年吉祥如意,幸福安康,恭喜發財! Leslie Yip Associate Publisher

facebook.com/LeslieYip Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911


E L I T E G E N. C A



Happy New Year! NEOSTRATA® 恭祝大家新年快樂, 萬事如意!

獨特強效亮麗美膚系列,蘊含維他命C、煙酰胺、薑黃 精華、維他命A及葡萄糖胺,重現均勻光采肌膚。

科學驗證亮麗之道 護膚問答—NEOSTRATA ® 公司研究及開發總監李雅玲博士(Yaling Lee, PhD) 對於亞裔女性,什麼護膚品成份最有效?


答:亞裔女性皮膚老化主要是膚色轉變、出現 色斑及黑點,彈性及緊緻度減退。部分女士會 對一般護膚用品變得過敏。NEOSTRATA® 研 發了幾種專門針對這些問題的成分,包括葡萄 糖胺,葡萄糖酸內酯和彷生酸,這些成分有多 種抗老化效果,能亮麗肌膚、減褪色斑、黑點、 浮腫,並改善皮膚質感。

答:通常都是由色斑、皮膚組織變得黯啞及幼紋等開始,NEOSTRATA® ENLIGHTEN煥膚系列能解決這些問題,該系列包含整個面部的護理 產品,必要時可以加強對抗色斑,或者換膚去角質死皮。

臨床研究證明,每日使用蘊含NEOSTRATA® 研發成分的護膚品,配合其他領先抗衰老科技 來護理皮膚,對於多種膚質包括亞裔皮膚,都 能有明顯改善效果,而且耐受性良好。

哪種產品革新是你們最引以為傲的?為什麼? 答:BRIGHTENING EYE CREAM晶亮眼霜經過精心配製,集合抗氧化 劑、肽、海藻精華、穩定的維他命C、E及PHA等多重功效成份,有效減 少黑眼圈,令呈現疲勞狀態的眼部重現亮麗緊緻。 使用前



塗抹於整個眼 部,12周後即可 見顯著效果。



up front 3 團隊 Masthead


6 出版人的話 publisher's letter

12 鎂光燈下 on the red carpet

fashion 14-29 潮流特區 Floral & Fringe, dior 'it' bags & chanel ss21 backstage beauty & scents 30-35 捍衛肌膚 k-beauty, toM Ford shopping 36 金牛獻瑞 giFts For those with everything celebrity 42 封面故事 李宇春 • 自我解鎖十五年 cover girl: li yuchun

42 36








jewellery 50 無拘無束 Messika timepieces 54 破格創新 panerai fashion: men 56-63 保持自然 canada goose, berluti architecture 64 古老沙漠的生存之道 sossusvlei lodge in naMibia lifestyle 68 旅遊 travel: anguilla

76 魚子醬全面睇 dining to tell: caviar 101 86 為加拿大舉杯 wine not: canadian club tech 88 經典昇華 leica M10-r automobiles 90 型爆跨越40年 Mercedes-benz g 63


Dress coDe: oN the ‘reD’ carpet

雅致脫俗 ElEgant in EmbroidEry

仙氣逼人 grEEk goddEss

清新紅粉 prEtty in pink




Xiawei Lin 很多人在著黑色蕾絲裙衫時,都選擇全身黑色的搭 配。而林夏薇這身長裙有綉花圖案,且有藍紅色點 綴,顯得高貴而又不過分隆重。


E L I T E G E N. C A



Rebecca Zhu 朱晨麗現身慈善晚宴,晚裝連肩及地撒袖輕盈飄 逸,仙氣逼人。白色又將清純溫婉表達得淋漓盡致。

Stephy Tang 這件樽領露背衫設計不錯,衫上佈滿細珠卻不給人 老派的感覺。腰間小露與上衣相得益彰。粉紅裙襯 雪白肌膚,少女感十足。

性感養眼 flaunting it

自然靈動 a for asymmEtrical

輕重相宜 rockin' it




Sammi Cheung 張秀雯在TVB台慶之夜一襲「戰衣」博得關注,除了 展現34D上圍,吊帶長裙露背露腿性感養眼。

Moon Lau 剪了一頭短髮的劉珮玥以新形象示人,斜肩高衩白 色長裙令身形綫條富於動感,整體造型令人感覺舒 適自然。

Kelly Cheung 張曦雯以蕾絲恤衫襯短褲,與她一貫的穿衣風格很 搭。稍稍欠缺的是Bra top款式有些老舊保守,如果 再性感一點會更好。





fashion: women


Flowers and Flow “窈窕淑女,君子好逑”, 體態輕盈活潑生氣勃勃的 女子誰不喜愛呢?審美感 受異常敏銳的頂級時裝設 計師又怎會對此視而不 見,他們將花卉和流穗元 素玩轉於手掌之間,將一 襲襲衣裝幻化成一個個躍 動和綻放的生命。 Floral & Fringe are the biggest trends this spring


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fashion: women

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Flor 16

fring e ELITEGEN




fashion: women



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fashion: dior ‘it bags



E L I T E G E N. C A






ClassiCs to Carry the Dior Caro 'it' bag for spring Story | Connie Li Photography | Dior

創意總監Maria Grazia Chiuri為Dior 2021開啟一個優雅又柔美的春天。最先登場的「Caro Bag」,輕巧可愛的外型搭配經典籐格紋皮革面料,揹帶選用鏈帶搭配皮革製作,滑動鏈帶便能輕鬆 變換揹法,令舒適度提升。

As part of the 2021 Cruise collection by Maria Grazia Chiuri, the famous fashion house presents the Dior Caro bag. Clad in supple leather, this object of desire is available in two sizes in shades of black, gray, beige and ivory. It also comes in red, blue, mint green and compass rose.






fashion: dior ‘it bags



E L I T E G E N. C A










fashion: chanel


Hollywood in Paris Chanel's spring/summer 2021 celebrates cinema Story | Leslie Yip 收到邀請卡在多倫多同步觀賞Chanel於巴黎舉行的2021春夏時 裝秀,甫打開,即時看到立體紙雕上以荷里活標誌樣式呈現的 「Chanel」字樣,加上之後舉行的派對正是在Bloor街、剛翻新裝修的 Paradise Theatre,不難想象今次的時裝秀會以星光燦爛的電影世界作 靈感來源。


E L I T E G E N. C A



The invitation to view the Paris live show came in the form of a pop-up card with the word “Chanel” cut out in the style of the Hollywood sign, and the Toronto after-party took place in the newly refurbished Paradise Theatre on Bloor Street. It isn’t hard to put two and two together to figure out that the Chanel Spring/Summer 2021 collection took its inspiration from the cinema.

當第一個模特兒從「Chanel 」字樣中步出,才讓大家比對到這個 以品牌標誌字樣作背景的宏偉規模—12米高的英文字母,幾乎是跟 洛杉磯Santa Monica山本尊的同樣高度。儘管模特兒們在如此戲劇 性場景中映襯得身形相對「嬌小」,然而她們所穿著的新裝,卻仿若 有著比現實更巨大的存在感,投射出往昔電影世界中眾女神的感覺。

One does not realize the grand scale of the Chanel sign serving as the backdrop until the first models emerge from between the letters. At a height of 12 metres, it’s almost as tall as the real thing atop the Santa Monica Mountains. The models may seem dwarfed by the dramatic set, but the looks they present have a larger-than-life presence, harkening to screen goddesses of the silver screen.

對CHANEL的設計總監Virginie Viard來說,今次的時裝秀是向 品牌的昔日 「繆思」 們和Gabrielle Chanel及Karl Lagerfeld致敬之作。 「Gabrielle Chanel和Karl Lagerfeld曾經在電影和現實生活中打扮 過那麽多女明星,啟發我們去夢想。當然今次的系列,我不想複製 或是走舊路,而是希望打造成非常快樂、色彩豐富且充滿活力的感 覺。」

“This collection is a tribute to the muses of the House,” says Virginie Viard, Chanel’s creative director. “Gabrielle Chanel and Karl Lagerfeld dressed so many actresses in film and in real life.

因此,除了珠片褲裝、黑白連身褲和飄逸的露肩花裙,還有熒 光色牛仔褲、飄逸的連衣裙、印有CHANEL字母的霓虹色T恤、淺粉 色的三個骨褲、百慕大短褲套裝,或是充滿層次感的服裝……。 正如Virginie Viard所說︰「Chanel的世界喚起了許許多多的影 像,而這些其實都跟電影有著千絲萬縷的聯繫。」

“I was thinking about those who make us dream, but without wanting to replicate, without falling into a vintage cliché. I wanted it to be very joyful, colourful and very vibrant, too.” So, alongside the sequined pantsuit, the dramatic black-framed white jumpsuit and the ethereal off-shoulder flower dress are jeans in fluorescent colours, fluid dresses, T-shirts with the letters of CHANEL like neon lights, pale pink capri pants, bermuda shorts suits and layers of asymmetry. Says Viard: “The world of Chanel evokes so many images, a whole unconsciousness that’s linked to cinema.”





fashion: chanel


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fashion: chanel


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且聽Chanel全球彩妝創意與色彩設計總監Lucia Pica如何為2021春夏時裝秀的一眾模特兒塑造 妝容︰ 為最新春夏成衣時裝秀設計妝容時,靈感從何而來? 「今次時裝秀主題是向電影中的女主角致敬,我們希望營造剛柔並重的感覺,極為簡約,卻依然精 緻優雅。統一使用柔焦啞緻效果的『matte look』,令模特兒們有超脫不凡的明星氣場。」 可以分享您用了甚麼化妝品嗎? 「正如我之前所說,無論是雙眼、嘴唇和皮膚,都是用上霧面啞光『matte』的化妝品。比方在臉 上,我便用了全天候輕透無瑕粉餅Ultra Le Teint ,再輔之以Le Correctrue de CHANEL遮瑕筆,以此 達到blurry柔焦、啞緻和自然的效果。 至於眼部化妝,我把來自Les 4 Ombres四色眼影盒中的兩種顏色混合使用— Blurry Grey眼影盒中 的灰色眼影和Modern Glamour眼影盒中的黑色眼影,塗到整個上眼瞼,營造煙熏和啞光效果;再以防 水眉筆Stylo Sourcils Waterproof描畫眉形,之後便用立體塑型眉膏Le Gel Sourcils修整定形;最後僅 在上眼睫毛塗抹上黑色睫毛液Le Volume Révolution de CHANEL Noir。 我還用了Le Crayon Levrès Nude Brun裸色唇線筆,締造明確唇形,配合Rouge Allure Velvet Extrême Modern蜜桃色極緻啞光柔滑唇膏,成就整個妝容。」 可以跟我們分享箇中的專業技巧和心得嗎? 「要達至理想效果,竅門在於用Le Correctrue de CHANEL遮瑕筆作底妝,塗抹到整個眼瞼部位, 之後以平底化妝掃直接將灰黑眼影抹上去,跟著融入眼窩線以營造柔焦感覺。」 負責時裝秀的彩妝,當中有沒有特別喜愛使用的產品? 「我特別喜歡全天候輕透無瑕粉餅Ultra Le Teint,它的超幼細粉末無比細膩,與肌膚完美融合,結 合遮瑕及輕透親膚的舒適享受,仿若臉紗般,塑造明亮啞緻的妝效,而這種柔焦啞緻效果,正是我一 直追求的。」

What were your sources of inspiration for this makeup? “It’s about a cinematic woman, the makeup look is a very exquisite masculine and feminine with a minimalist glamour feel to it. It’s an all-over matte look. It’s very finished and matte in a pristine kind of way. The girls feel slightly untouchable. Can you describe the fashion show makeup? All the finishes are matte, like on the eyes, lips and skin. On the face, I used a concealer (Le Cirrectrue de CHANEL) where needed and a powder compact foundation Ultra Le Teint as I really wanted the girls makeup to look very blurry, matte and pristine. On the eyes, I used two colours from Les 4 Omberes mixed together, a grey from Blurry Grey’s palette and a black eyeshadow from Modern Glamour, to create a smoky effect all over the lids with a matte finish. I brushed up and defined brows with a pencil, Stylo Sourcils Waterproof and an eyebrow gel Le Gel Sourcils. I finished with a black mascara (Le Volume Révolution de CHANEL Noir), on the top lashes only. Then, I used a nude lip pencil, Le Crayon Levrès Nude Brun and Rouge Allure Velvet Extrême Modern, a matte peachy brown lipstick on the top. And that’s the look! Do you have any professional tips and tricks to share with us? The trick to get this look right is to put a base of Le Correctrue de CHANEL concealer all over the eyelid and then put the grey black eyeshadow directly on the lid, using the flat brush and patterning on all over the eyelid. Then blend it in the socket line to create that blurriness around it. Is there a product that you particularly enjoyed using for this makeup look? I particularly enjoyed using the compact foundation Ultra Le Teint because it’s a creamy powdery foundation but it feels very light, like a veil. I really loved using it because it gave me that matte blurry finish I was looking for.” ELITEGEN




the Beauty pages


K-Beauty Although South Korea is half a world away, its skincare products are becoming more and more accessible to Canadians Story | Leslie Yip 雖然南韓距離加拿大有半個地 球那麼遠,但其護膚產品卻在這裡漸 見流行,不但一改以往呆板的印象, 更是每提到K-Beauty便讓人聯想起創 新、高效和天然成份,無怪加國也加 入過去幾年間席捲全球的韓式美妝潮 流,多個韓國護膚美妝品牌大受歡迎。

Most people think of the infamous 10-step skincare routine when it comes to Korean beauty products, but that is not the reason K-Beauty has taken the world by storm in the past few years. K-Beauty is also known for innovation, high efficacy and the use of natural ingredients. Many K-Beauty brands have recently made their way to our country. Here are a few of our favourites.

Dr. Belmeur的積雪草修護系列(CICA Recovery Collection)是高 級醫學美肌產品,以植物萃取成份為皮膚形成保護屏障,泛醇(provitamin B5)有深層保濕和舒緩作用,積雪草萃取則有治愈效果,此系 列非常適合皮膚極易敏感和有問題的人。

必試產品 首先使用積雪草胜肽安瓶CICA Peptite Ampoule為肌膚補充能 量,有效抗皺緊緻,彈力活膚,打造柔嫩肌膚;再使用積雪草修護保 濕面霜CICA Advanced Recovery Cream,瞬間形成深層高效保濕保 護膜,特別適合在寒冷日子使用。

Dr. Belmeur’s CICA recovery Collection is a premium derma-cosmetic line that uses plant-based ingredients like ceramics to form a moisture barrier for our skin, pantheon (pro-vitamin B5) to moisturize and soothe, and tiger grass extract to heal. this collection is ideal for those with very sensitive and problem skin.

try tHIs Energize, smooth and strengthen your skin first with CICA Peptite Ampoule and follow with a generous application of CICA Advanced recovery Cream. the cream forms an immediate moisturizing and protective barrier to the elements, which is especially appreciated on cold, wintry days. CICA Peptite Ampoule, $65 CICA Advanced Recovery Cream, $60


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Amorepacific相信來自大自然的力量是給皮膚的最佳禮物,特別 是珍罕的亞洲草本成份,比方是綠茶和竹樹汁液;品牌甚至在濟州島 上種植自己的綠茶,希望以當地獨有生態環境和富含營養的火山土壤 孕育出極高質素的綠茶。

必試產品 淨透活肌昇華原液是抗衰老精華,僅含六種成份。主要成份是源 自濟州道順茶園的珍貴綠茶,置於大自然中發酵50日後,再移至濟州 傳統陶甕中進行50日的自然熟成程序,經天然發酵與熟成過程而擁有 強效抗氧化成份的Vintage Tea Leaf ™,其完整提煉的昇華原液可發揮 極致的抗氧活膚效果,改善肌膚的紋理、彈性與光澤度。每天早晚塗 抹爽膚水後使用。

Amorepacific believes in unlocking the potency of nature through ingredients unique to Asia, such as green tea and bamboo sap. It even farms its own green tea on Jeju Island, whose volcanic soil is believed to be extremely rich in nutrients, producing some of the most desirable green tea in Asia.

try tHIs the Vintage single Extract Essence is an anti-aging essence with only six ingredients—the key one being vintage green tea from Dolsongi tea Garden on Jeju Island, which goes through 50 days of fermentation before being aged in traditional earthenware for another 50 days. In addition to being one of the world’s most potent antioxidants, this tea leaf extract also helps to improve skin’s clarity, texture and elasticity. Use morning and night after toning. Vintage Single Extract Essence, 70ml | $125, 150ml | $230

乍看Belif,還真想象不出這是韓國品牌。原來是韓國製造商承繼 160年前由蘇格蘭草本植物學家Duncan Napier研發的傳統製造技術、 醫學理念和美顏護膚配方,再針對現代人的皮膚問題,配合現代化科 技開發的品牌,包括大受歡迎的「bomb」系列。

必試產品 品牌兩大皇牌產品必屬斗篷草高效水分炸彈霜Aqua Bomb和紫芹 潤澤炸彈霜Moisturizing Bomb。啫喱質地的Aqua Bomb冰涼清爽, 是油性及混合性皮膚的最佳保濕選擇,能為肌膚提供即時補濕效果, 提升皮膚水分,同時平衡油脂水平,為皮膚打造保護膜,持續滋潤。 而紫芹潤澤炸彈霜Moisturizing Bomb柔滑純淨的白色乳霜,則能緊緊 包裹肌膚,在肌膚表層形成一層滋潤的保濕膜,有效滋潤皮膚達26小 時,舒緩乾燥不適的肌膚,Moisturizing Bomb的2019年全球銷售量已 超過六百萬個。

Belif may not seem like a Korean brand at first glance. Its legacy began 160 years ago when scottish herbalist and botanist Duncan Napier founded a herbal clinic, and developed proprietary extraction processes and exclusive formulas. the brand inherited this knowledge, and applied modern Korean skincare science to create highperformance bestsellers, such as its renowned “bomb collection”.

try tHIs two hero products lay the foundation for the brand: the true cream Aqua Bomb and true cream Moisturizing Bomb. Using lady’s mantle to soothe and keep skin trouble at bay, the Aqua Bomb is an ultra-lightweight, mineral oil-free gel cream that instantly cools and refreshes the skin while providing intensive hydration. targeting skin on the dry side, the Moisturizing Bomb is a 26-hour-lasting moisture keeper that uses the powerful effect of comfrey leaf to calm and reduce skin tautness. As of 2019, the Moisturizing Bomb had sold more than six million units worldwide. The True Cream Aqua Bomb And True Cream Moisturizing Bomb, both 50ml | $50

Dr. Jart不是真有其人,而是英文「Doctor Joins Art」的縮寫。於 2004年成立的品牌以把護膚跟科學和藝術融合為一為宗旨,Dr.Jart+ 首先發明的BB Cream,便是多功能美容產品的代表作。旗下有9組不 同系列產品,每系列均會針對特定皮膚問題或成份。

必試產品 Shake & Shot Rubber Masks是寓玩味於護膚的有趣體驗。使用 跟韓國水療美容中心相同的「橡膠面膜」技術。只需要將內附的精華素 和材料包放進Shake Shake杯上下搖動混和,再塗到臉上,大約15分 鐘,本來是糊狀的面膜會變成可撕走的軟膜,極速修復和鞏固肌膚的 保濕屏障,回復光澤。有保濕、舒緩、亮白和緊緻四種配方供選擇。

Dr. Jart+ is not an actual person. the name is an abbreviation of “Doctor Joins Art”, and the brand’s motto is to fuse skincare with science and art. Founded in Korea in 2004, Dr. Jart+ pioneered the invention of the BB Cream, setting the standard for multifunctional beauty. today, there are nine different lines under its name, each focused on a specific ingredient or skin issue.

try tHIs For a dose of fun, try one of the shake & shot rubber Masks. Using the same “rubber mask” technique found in Korean spas, you need to mix the ingredient pack and the ampoule in the cup before applying to your face. In about 15 minutes, it transforms from a creamy mixture into a peel-off rubbery mask, delivering high-potency active ingredients. Choose from one of four formulas: hydration, soothing, brightening and firming. Shake & Shot Rubber Masks, $16 each





the Beauty pages

Innisfree是另一個以來自濟州島的天然原料來製作產品的韓國護 膚品牌。品牌的名字靈感來自愛爾蘭詩人William Butler Yeats的抒情 詩《The Lake Isle of Innisfree》,表達了人們渴望離開城市,來到一 個美麗而寧靜的島嶼,享受大自然的生活。產品中的主要成份,除了 常見的綠茶,還有其餘超過15種同樣來自濟州島的原料,包括濟州寒 蘭、櫻花、柑橘、熔岩海水等。透過先進的萃取方法,保持原料的純 淨和強力功效。

必試產品 Glow Recipe在其網站上以水果列出產品,所以您會找到最「美 味」的產品名稱,例如是香蕉疏芙厘潤膚霜 Banana soufflé Moisture Cream、牛油果視黃醇眼膜Avocado Melt Retinol Eye Sleeping Mask 和李子玻尿酸保濕精華素Plum Plump Hyaluronic Serum等。品牌最初 是一個教育平台,並於2014年建立了銷售獨立韓國品牌的電子商務網 站,期後看到北美市場的龐大發展空間,三年後推出了同名護膚系列。

必試產品 先說說西瓜面膜Watermelon + AHA Glow Sleeping Mask的彪炳 事跡—它是2019年度Sephora最暢銷產品,經常被搶購一空,試過一 次五千人的輪候名單。如此受歡迎,自然名不虛傳,此面膜能為皮膚 注入水分和去角質,有保濕、舒緩和提亮功效,不會沾污枕頭,更有 令人上癮的香氣。

Glow recipe lists its products by fruits on its website, and you will find the most delicious of product names: Banana soufflé Moisture Cream, Avocado Melt retinol Eye sleeping Mask and Plum Plump Hyaluronic serum. the brand began as an educational platform and curated an e-commerce site selling indie Korean brands in 2014. seeing a void in the North American market, it launched its eponymous skincare line three years later.

try tHIs A cult favourite that lives up to its hype, the Watermelon + AHA Glow sleeping Mask is pillow-proof, skin-smoothing and radianceboosting with an addictive scent. In fact, this 2019 sephora bestseller became so popular that shops just couldn’t keep it in stock, resulting in a 5,000-person waiting list at one point. Watermelon + AHA Glow Sleeping Mask, 80ml | $59


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當我們把蜂蜜和生薑作溫暖飲品時,品牌已把這些熟悉的成份套 用到護膚品去。選用在濟州島肥沃土地上生長的薑,以及每年春季從 黃色花海般的芥子花收集的蜂蜜,製作成護膚四部曲︰生薑蜂蜜爽膚 水Nourishing Ampoule Toner with Ginger Honey、生薑蜂蜜精華乳 液Nourishing Essential Emulsion with Ginger Honey、生薑蜂蜜面霜 Nourishing Cream with Ginger Honey和生薑蜂蜜睡眠面膜Nourishing Sleeping Mask with Ginger Honey.

Innisfree is another Korean brand based on natural ingredients from Jeju Island. Its name is inspired by William Butler yeats’ The Lake Isle of Innisfree, a lyric poem that expresses a longing to leave behind urban life for a beautiful peaceful island, where one can enjoy the fruits of nature’s abundance. Green tea features prominently in its ingredient list, together with more than 15 other ingredients responsibly sourced from the island, including camelia, cherry blossom, tangerine and lava seawater. Cutting-edge extraction methods help preserve their purity and potency from plant to bottle.

try tHIs While some of us turn to honey and ginger as a warming drink, the brand incorporates these familiar ingredients into its skincare products. Using ginger grown in fertile Jeju soil and honey originating from the yellow waves of canola flowers that the island sprouts every spring, the four-step collection process helps protect and nourish skin that’s been weakened by external stressors and dryness. the regimen includes Nourishing Ampoule toner with Ginger Honey, Nourishing Essential Emulsion with Ginger Honey, Nourishing Cream with Ginger Honey and Nourishing sleeping Mask with Ginger Honey. Nourishing Ampoule Toner with Ginger Honey, 200ml | $28 Nourishing Essential Emulsion with Ginger Honey,160ml | $28 Nourishing Cream with Ginger Honey, 50ml | $35 Nourishing Sleeping Mask with Ginger Honey, 60ml | $30

Laneige是最早打入國際舞台的韓國品牌之一。它的名字來自法 語「la neige」,即是「雪」的意思,品牌認為水分是健康美肌的根本, 期望女士們都能擁有如雪般的水嫩美肌,因此亦以其豐富的保濕產品 而聞名,旗艦皇牌產品包括Water Bank護膚系列、水亮補濕睡眠面膜 Water Sleeping Mask、BB氣墊粉底和雙色唇膏。

必試產品 很多人都認為面膜和粉底不適宜走在一起,但如果希望有亮麗膚 色,卻不想使用有色粉底,可於早上進行例行潔膚程序,塗過面霜和 防曬用品後,再使用粉潤光感持妝精華Glowy Makeup Serum,如精 華液般的保濕質地,空氣感3D貼膚科技,加上超微細鑽石礦物粉末帶 來晶亮感,同時維持清爽感。亦可用作妝前精華液使用,提升底妝的 持久及服貼性。

Laneige is one of the earliest Korean brands to reach the international stage. Its name comes from the French “la neige”, which means snow. the brand is known for its vast range of hydration products. Deemed as “water science”, its flagship products include the Water Bank skin care line, Water sleeping Mask, BB Cushion foundation and two-tone lipsticks.

try tHIs Most will agree that facial masks and foundation don’t go well together. If you want to refine the look of your skin without wearing coloured foundation, just apply the Glowy Makeup serum as the final step of your morning routine, after you have applied moisturizer and sunscreen. this lightweight ceramide hydration gel locks in moisture while maintaining the skin’s oil-water balance. Extra-fine diamond mineral powder creates a visibly translucent glow and smooths the skin’s appearance without leaving messy marks on your mask. It can also be used as a makeup primer to provide a smooth and radiant base. Glowy Makeup Serum, 30ml | $43

Sulwahsoo最近剛慶祝研究高麗人參美容功效的50周年紀念。在 亞洲,服食人參作食療來強身健體,延年益壽已有數百年歷史;而品 牌的研究更發現從高麗參根部和漿果提取的皂素,應用到皮膚時還具 有極佳抗衰老效果。

必試產品 一片分成上下兩部分的滋陰生人參煥顏面膜Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Creamy Mask,蘊含品牌最受歡迎的滋陰生人參 面霜Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Cream的珍貴人參精髓,以嶄 新Double Wrapping Sheet ™為肌膚深層灌注人參的珍貴滋養,抗衰 老、褪色斑、均勻膚色和提升水潤亮澤。可於塗過滋陰生人參煥顏精 華露Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Serum後敷上,每星期使用兩 次。

sulwahsoo recently celebrated its 50th anniversary of studying the beautifying effect of Korean ginseng. the miraculous power of its roots has been known and used in Asia for centuries. taken as a food, it is renowned for its potency in promoting longevity and vitality. the brand’s research has found that the saponins from its roots and extracts from its berries also have a formidable anti-aging effect when applied to the skin.

try tHIs the two-piece Concentrated Ginseng renewing Creamy Mask is infused with the brand’s bestselling Concentrated Ginseng renewing Cream. touted as the world’s first-ever cream-textured sheet mask, it delivers the benefits of ginseng to the skin for age prevention, as well as to target dark spots, uneven skin and dehydration problems. Use twice a week after applying the Concentrated Ginseng renewing serum. Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Creamy Mask, 5 sheets | $158 Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Cream, 60ml | $317 Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Serum, 50ml | $270






Tom Ford Bitter Peach, 50ml | $425

桃李盈枝 喜氣洋洋

A PeAch of A Scent A new fruit for tom ford’s Private Blend fragrance collection Story | Leslie Yip


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Tom Ford Venetian Bergamot, 50ml | $425

Tom Ford Lost Cherry, 50ml | $425

Tom Ford的Private Blend私人調香系列向來陣容鼎盛,眾 香雲集,最新加盟的是Bitter Peach香水。 就如之前系列中的「Lost Cherry」香水般,這些備受喜愛 的夏日水果經過Tom Ford加持,自然不會是一般水果的尋常甜 香,而是如Tom Ford形容的,別有一番魅力︰「甜美可人而又 性感誘惑的Bitter Peach,潛藏着暗黑、肌膚之親的魅力。香氣 猶如水果熟透所散發的濃郁味道,充滿自然誘惑力。」 令人陶醉的水果花香由葡萄蜜桃pêche de vigne和西西 里血橙油開始,摻入荳蔻精油,營造成熟圓滑的豐美感覺;感 性帶苦澀的韻味則來自天芥菜,輔以印蒿油、茉莉香精和點點 的冧酒和干邑精油;尾調將檀香木花香、安息香樹脂和克什米 爾木共冶,配合香草、零陵香豆和印度尼西亞廣藿香精油,令 Bitter Peach香氣達至巔峰,餘韻更是悠長。 初登場的Bitter Peach,瓶身包裝也別具特色,內層漆上橘 色,搭配外層的半透明色調瓶身,色彩靈感源自蜜桃的香熟果 肉和復古色彩的玻璃,彰顯深度和立體感。 Private Blend私人調香系列中還有其它值得一提的「水 果」︰「Lost Cherry」在被譽為香水業界奧斯卡的Fragrance Foundation中,獲得「女士奢侈品」類別「2019年度香水」的榮 譽,以黑櫻桃、櫻桃酒和苦杏仁作主要材料,馥郁芳香卻又不 會甜得發膩,散發高雅溫暖的香味;「Plum Japonais」則以日 本青梅作標榜,再混合富有異國情調的亞洲成份如肉桂、藏紅 花、山茶和琥珀,調製非一般的氣息;而「Venetian Bergamot」 把有「柑橘類王子」之稱的威尼斯佛手柑從意大利南部發掘出來 當主角,再摻以槴子花和依蘭的濃郁花香、粉紅胡椒和黑胡椒 等辛辣香料,以及檀香木和克什米爾木等珍貴木質香味。

Tom Ford Plum Japonais, 50ml | $425

Like its predecessor, Lost Cherry, the beloved summer fruit has been given the “Tom Ford treatment”, so don’t expect Peach Blush à la Strawberry Shortcake. “Explicitly sweet and dangerously voluptuous, Bitter Peach surges with dark, skin-gripping sensuality,” says the designer. “Like the fullflavoured fruit at its most ripe, the scent is erotic by nature.” The intoxicating fruit floral opens with pêche de vigne and Sicilian blood orange oil. Spiked with cardamom oil, the impression of explicitly ripe and voluptuous flesh comes to life. A sensual heart reveals itself through the bitterness of heliotrope, fused with davana oil, jasmin sambac absolute and a dash of rum absolute and cognac oil. The final depth is a sumptuous mélange of sandalwood absolute, benzoin resinoid and cashmeran. With a surge of vanilla, Tonka beans and Indonesian patchouli oil, the scent is addictive and long-lasting. Tom Ford Bitter Peach debuts in a flacon with an opaque inner lacquering and a tinted translucent outer layer to provide depth and dimension. The hue was inspired by the array of shades at the peach’s luscious centre, with a nod to vintage coloured glass. Other notable fruits in the collection include Lost Cherry, winner of the 2019 Fragrance Foundation Perfume of the Year award in the Luxury Women’s category. The full-bodied scent blends black and tart cherries with cherry liqueur and bitter almond, making for a sophisticated and warming scent. Plum Japonais features the iconic ume plum, with a lush and unconventional melange of exotic Asian ingredients, such as cinnamon, saffron, camellia and amber. Venetian bergamot brings the “prince of citrus” from southern Italy to the northern floating city with rich floral scents of gardenia and ylang ylang, warm spices like pink and black peppers, and precious woods like sandalwood and cashmeran.





CNY gift guide

Chinese-Zodiac Ox, $599, swarovski.com


Chinese new Year

Celebrating the year of the OX 備受新冠疫情困擾的2020年終於過去,希望 我們的生活回到正軌,新的一年喜事連連牛氣 滿滿。 Story | Connie Li

Alexander McQueen double duchesse silk blazer, $3,820, holtrenfrew.ca

Estee Lauder Year of the Ox powder compact limited edition, $220, esteelauder.ca

Lego Story of Nian, $109.99, lego.com 36

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Aquazzura Kiki suede slingback pumps, $935, holtrenfrew.com

Theragun percussive therapy device, $799, theragun.com

Dolce & Gabbana leather baker boy hat, $955, dolcegabbana.com

Fendi CNY 2021 peekaboo ISeeU bag, $5,500, fendi.com

Jackson-Triggs VQA holiday gift pack, $28.50, LCBO

Loewe XL Anagram brooch, $990, loewe.com

Versace Medusa stud sunglasses, $321, versace.com

Moose Knuckles Men's Ballistic Bomber Jacke, $895, sportinglife.ca

Claus Porto 9 mini soaps gift box, $98, holtrenfrew.com







Valentine’s day gift guide

Dior 5 couleurs couture, $72, sephora.com

Dyson airwrap hair styler, $699.99, holtrenfrew.com

Pandora heart & rose dangle charm, $75, ca.pandora.net Guerlain Orchidée Impériale micro-lift concentrate, 30ml, $625, guerlain.com

Canada Goose women's mystique parka fusion fit, $1,295, sportinglife.ca 38

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Chanel visor sunglasses, $950, chanel.com •


Tiffany mini heart tag bead bracelet, $2,700, tiffany.ca

La Prairie skin caviar powder foundation, $285, laprairie.com

Chopard happy hearts earring, $14,800, chopard.com

LV victoire, $3,500, ca.louisvuitton.com


Cle de Peau Beaute La Creme limited edition, $700, cledepeaubeaute.ca

Chanel Coco crush ring, $4,150, chanel.com

Gucci houndstooth wool skirt, $1,850, gucci.com

Valmont masque majestueux votre visage, 50ml | $580, lamaisonvalmont.com

Cartier tank cintree watch, $84,000, cartier.com

Dolce & Gabbana midi dress, $3,295, holtrenfrew.com







Valentine’s day gift guide

Rolex Cosmograph Daytona Oyster 40mm, Everose gold, $35,050, ladifference.ca

Fendi wool sweater, $1,350, fendi.com

Tom Ford leather Airpods case, $690, holtrenfrew.com

Canada Goose standard expedition parka with reclaimed fur, $1,595, canadagoose.com

Burberry signatures antique oak eau de parfum, 100ml | $240, ca.burberry.com

Stone Island S.I. compass logo canvas high-top sneaker, $660, holtrenfrew.com

Prada saffiano leather card holder, $400, prada.com 40

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Balenciaga cap, $560, balenciaga.com Hermès Clic HH bracelet, $790, hermes.com Dolce & Gabbana cotton and silk shirt, $1,795, dolcegabbana.com

Muzen OTR metal portable FM radio bluetooth speaker, $135 muzenaudio.com

FOR HIM Oculus quest 2 64GB, $459, oculus.com

Givenchy leather backpack, $2,735, holtrenfrew.com Saint Laurent camp duffle bag, $ 2,465, ysl.com Frank and Oak alpine parka, $349, frankandoak.com ELITEGEN




cover girl


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Lasting in the

LimeLight Li Yuchun starts to turn up the heat Story | 林帆 入行之初,李宇春曾一度陷入自我封閉,面對 質疑與不友好,把自己變成一座孤島,這段「適應期」 長達十年;之後她重新認識到人與人之間的關係,開 始「伸出觸角」去感知世界,打開自己與外界交流。而 內心和視野的轉變也讓她在音樂上有了新的思考和表 達。十五年來,李宇春始終堅持自我,她滿意現在的 狀態,不急不躁,汲取養分,一點點去豐盛自己。至 於未來,「就展開雙臂擁抱吧!」她唯一能確定的是, 「我一定還是會和音樂相處相伴,不是在舞台上,而 是在生活的縫隙裡。」 2020年9月4日,《乘風破浪的姐姐》成團之夜, 李宇春與30位姐姐共同帶來開場秀,首次在舞台上演 繹了《無價之姐》,並小秀了一段舞蹈。 《無價之姐》中有一句歌詞「娛樂記者的採訪,淨 重幾斤幾兩,一頓刻板的開場,再議議男友和裙妝, 千人一面,萬人一腔,凝固的氣場,喔,敬請原諒。」 描述的就是早年她接受採訪時的場景。李宇春將原因 歸結於對媒體還沒有信任感,「因為我是在很多質疑 聲中長大的,所以會有一個保護機制,不太去分享自 己。」現在的她會更願意表達,一是因為自己放鬆了很 多,二是因為採訪做得多了,和很多媒體也變得熟悉 起來,「你說慢熱,慢了十五年,我覺得應該也會稍 微熱一點了。」

When Li Yuchun started out on stage, she was somewhat of a loner. When faced with self doubt and outside hostility, she would retreat even further. It may have taken her a decade to adapt, but she broke through to face her fears. That fight came with a silver lining. Through it she found music. And now 15 years later, Li remains true to herself and full of confidence. In a very nonchalant manner, says Li, “I am embracing the world with open arms.” But Li still remembers how hard it was in the early days of her career. In fact the lyrics from “Priceless Sisters” describes in detail Li’s distrust of the media, attributing it to her own self doubt. “I developed a protection mechanism,” says Li, “and I didn’t give much of myself.” Today Li is much more willing to open up; sure, she’s more relaxed, and has done many interviews for the media. “I was warming up very slowly,” says Li. It’s been 15 years, so it’s time to bring up the temperature a bit.”





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中性風造型清新又自然。 Li's androgynous style is refreshing and natural.



對自己的這十五年,李宇春從人生的視野上來解鎖,認為自己經歷了 兩個階段。前十年,她處於自我封閉的狀態,陷入這個職業所帶來的種種不 適,為什麽要拍雜誌?為什麽有商業活動?埋頭做好自己的事情不就好了 嗎?如今李宇春正處於第二個階段,她開始感知到人與人不是一座座孤島, 「每個人都不一樣,但是交流是會拉近我們,而且這個世界那麽大,應該要 伸出觸角去感受和學習音樂之外的更多,去旅行、去閱讀、去看藝術展覽、 去參加電影節……感受人生的可能。」這種對於人與人之間關系的認知的變化 源自何處?李宇春說這是一個過程,是多年感受的積累與總和。

The first decade of her career Li found herself closed off, feeling uncomfortable with her growing star status. She found herself asking why should she shoot magazine covers or attend glamorous events. But has now come to reLize that no man or woman is an island. Says Li: “every person is different. Communication brings us closer together. The world is so big, we should reach out to feel and learn beyond music, to travel, read, go to art exhibitions, film festivals…experience all the possibilities of life.”

李宇春的工作夥伴這樣總結:十五年來,李宇春能在這個疊代更新越來 越快的娛樂圈始終擁有屬於自己的位置,「最核心的力量就是她的清醒。她 永遠知道自己在做什麽。」對於「清醒」的評價,李宇春笑言「太清醒了,有的 時候也不好。」她認為這與自己性格有關,「我性格本身就不是個那麽喜歡熱 鬧和社交的人。除了工作以外,大部分時間還是喜歡宅著。」

People who have worked with Li point out that she has managed to stake her claim in the entertainment world due to her core strength. But Li remains a very private person, preferring home life to being out on the town. “I am by nature not very sociable. other than for work, I’d much rather be home.” Which worked for her when three years ago, she was injured and had to stay home to recuperate. even then Li found her creative juices flowing. She learned to play the guitar, practicing daily. during the pandemic, it was music that made her most happy as it gave her an outlet to express her most inner thoughts—even off stage to an audience of one.

三年前,李宇春因為受傷,在成都家休養,從那時開始學彈吉他,以後 每天彈一彈,形成了習慣。後來疫情期間,天天在家彈琴,感覺很開心,甚 至想這或許是她年老時候的生活方式。她說她一定還是會和音樂相處相伴, 真正思考和想要表達的東西還是會通過音樂去表達,不是在舞台上,而是在 生活的縫隙裏。未來再來一個十五年會是什麽樣子?在她的心裏沒有預設, 唯一的確定是展開雙臂擁抱未來。





cover girl

堅持用音樂來表達自我。 Music gives Li an outlet to express her most inner thoughts and feelings.



十五年前,李宇春才21歲,還是四川音樂學院的學 生,卻帶著《超級女聲》全國總冠軍的光環,登上了美國《時 代週刊亞洲版》封面。出道十五年發行了十五張音樂專輯, 獲得過MTV亞洲音樂大獎中國最受歡迎歌手、WMA世界音 樂大獎大中華區最高銷量獎,還入駐上海杜莎夫人蠟像館。

At 21, a student at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Li was on the cover of Asian edition Time magazine after being named a national female singer champion. She released 15 albums in 15 years, and was once named Best Singer in the Asia Song Festival. She also won the greater China Best-selling Award in the World Music Awards as well as the APeC outstanding Female award in 2014. But her clever androgynous style was what people really took notice of. Her audience had had their fill of girly girl singers so Li was a breath of fresh air.

2020年8月26日這天,李宇春頗有儀式感地穿上了一 件黃色短袖襯衫現身機場。這件衣服正是她在十五年前這一 天《超級女聲》全國總冠軍比賽時穿過的。李宇春能在當年奪 得全國總冠軍,除了必備的唱功之外,很大程度上是她聰明 地選擇了與自己女中音高度契合的中性風造型。觀眾在看慣 了嬌柔之姿後,突然被這個英氣硬朗卻又透露嫵媚的女孩子 徹底吸引。 李宇春引領的中性風就此刮遍中國刮向世界。從2013 年起,她時而以冷酷搖滾風造型,時而以英姿颯爽小清新 姿態,登上包括義大利《Vogue》、美國《W》、法國版《名利 場》、美國版《時尚芭莎》等國際知名時尚雜誌。從2015年到 2017年連續三次入選BoF 500全球時尚權力榜。紀梵希、 Gucci、Chanel、L'Oreal、Clarks、Nike、Diesel、鬼塚虎 Onitsuka Tiger等時尚品牌都先後與她展開合作。


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Her gender-neutral look captivated China and the world. She was even featured on the cover of ItLian Vogue’s first issue of the year in 2013. Since then, she has appeared in internationally renowned fashion magazines including US “W” , French Vanity Fair, and the US Harper’s Bazaar. Between 2015 to 2017, Li made it to the BoF 500 list of people shaping the fashion world. She has also worked with various luxury brands, including givenchy, gucci and Chanel.

Every person is different. COmmuniCatiOn brings us closer tOgether. The wOrld is so big, we should experienCe all the possibilities of life.





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每天彈彈吉他成為了李宇春的習慣。 Playing guitar every day turned into a habit.

我不是偶像 自《超女》出來後,形象鮮明,不難想象會被貼上偶像的標籤。 對此李宇春亦有自己的態度,認為是職業原因,別人會用不同的 角度看她,她所希望的平視關係很難實現,有很多讚美,也有很多傷 害,這些都是必須去面對和接受的。她說:「我覺得這個東西不影響 我在生活當中對自己的一種認知,我不會隨時走到哪兒都覺得自己是 個偶像。我覺得我平時還是一個很正常的人、很普通的一個人。」她還 說:「你接受外界這樣稱呼你,或者是給你前面加一個標籤,你好像沒 有辦法去做別的,你只能去做你自己能夠做的事情。」 她就連官方後援會也沒有,她說:「確實沒有,對,因為我不想彼 此有什麼負擔或者是一個包袱,我特別不想。我覺得還是應該要努力 地去經營好自己的生活,(和粉絲之間)是一種有欣賞、但平時還是各 自精彩的關系,我覺得這樣好像比較健康一點。」 有媒體採訪問李宇春為什麼能火十五年,她回答說:「火這個事情 是個玄學,沒有人能真的分析明白。但是我個人認為,在別人要求你 之前,不斷地更新反覆運算、驅動自我成為更好的人,是無論從事什 麼職業都很重要的事。」那未來十五年又如何?她說:「我沒想過這麼 具體的,我更習慣的方式可能還是回望和總結過去,對於未來就展開 雙臂擁抱吧。」

NoT AN IdoL Since her debut in “Super girl”, Li with her unique image was destined to get labelled an idol. But Li has her own way of looking at it. There was lots of praise and lots of hurt, which she had to learn to face and accept. Says Li: “This would not change the way I look at myself. I don’t think of myself as an idol wherever I go. I live like a very regular person. When you accept how other people label you, it might seem there is nothing you can do about it. But you can. I just want to do my part well. My relationship with my fans stops at admiration. But you have to continue to live your own life. I think that’s healthier.” Now having endured the spotlight for more than 15 years, Li is quick to respond as to what makes her popular today: “Popularity is abstract. No one can really say for sure what it is. Personally, I think it’s about pushing yourself to be a better person before other people push you. This is important in whatever line of work.” What’s in store for the next 15 years? “I haven’t thought it through. I’m more used to looking back and taking stock. As to the future, let’s just embrace it with open arms.”

現在的李宇春開始打開自己與外界交流。 Today Li is much more willing to open up.





jewellery: Messika


No rules The Kate Moss line of jewellery by Messika Paris inspired by her own love of bohemian culture Story | Connie Li Photography | Messika


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近年備受荷李活名人紅星熱捧的珠寶品牌Messika,作品由概 念、設計和製作向來均出自創辦人和藝術總監Valérie Messika手筆, 但最新推出的高級珠寶系列「No Rules by Kate Moss」,卻是跟時尚界 女神級的Kate Moss合作。且聽Valérie Messika細說二人合作緣起及過 程。 「兩年前我在Ritz酒店遇見Kate Moss,很詫異她身上配戴了那麼 多珠寶首飾,挑起我的好奇心,很想知道那些珠寶首飾背後的各種故 事。也是由這時候發覺她對珠寶、特別是對高級珠寶十分著迷。」 Valérie Messika說她禁不住問Kate Moss有沒有興趣跟自己合作設 計珠寶系列,對方也爽快的一口答應,而且跟她分享珠寶在其生活中 留下的種種足印和意義︰快樂的回憶、困難的時刻和那嚮往自由的波

For the launch of Messika’s newest jewellery collection, No Rules by Kate Moss, Valérie Messika, founder and Artistic Director of Messika Jewellery, tells us how this collaboration came to life. “I met Kate Moss at the Ritz two years ago,” says Messika. “Surprisingly, she was wearing a lot of jewellery, and I became curious to know the various stories behind her jewels. According to Messika, Moss is obsessed with fine jewellery, telling her about moments in Moss’ life through her jewellery: both happy memories and difficult times, and her bohemian spirit. Messika speaks of Moss’ preferences for yellow gold, and emerald and baguette cut stones, and discovered a travel lover who is particularly drawn to Indian culture, which provided much of the inspiration for the collection, No Rules by Kate Moss.





jewellery: Messika


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西米亞精神。原來Kate偏愛黃金、祖母綠和枕形切割的寶石, 更是一位特別喜愛印度文化的旅行愛好者……而這些都成為 「No Rules by Kate Moss」系列的創作靈感。 當Kate Moss打開自己的首飾盒,跟Valérie分享她的珍藏 時,看見當中的大型墨西哥遊牧民族Aztec頭飾、Art Deco風格 和各種各樣的圖案時,均挑戰和激化Valérie的創作思維,無論 是寶石的選擇、線條構思和製成品的大膽度,都有一番新角度 和面貌。 「對Kate和我來說,創作打造出體現我們雙方特色的高級 珠寶系列很是重要,因為這是我們一同創作出來的新概念,是 一種輕鬆的奢華。」

Much of the inspiration for the collection also came from Kate’s own jewellery box, including large decorative Aztec head pieces and the Art Deco style. This wide array of motifs presented a real exciting challenge and opportunity for Messika, everything from selection of stones and the fluid lines to the audacity of the finished pieces. Says Messika: “It was important for Kate and I to create jewellery that embodied both of us. Out of this came a new concept we created together, one of relaxed luxury.”







Barrier-Breaking technology Panerai marks it’s 70th anniversary with the luminor laB-iDtM Story | Connie Li


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Panerai沛納海Luminor LAB-IDTM (PAM01700) 隆重面世,這枚非凡極致的腕錶把品牌傳統及突破性 的製錶技術完美結合。 Luminor是Panerai最具代表性的腕錶系列,為慶 祝面世70周年,品牌特別推出全新型號Luminor LABIDTM。這枚由Panerai Laboratorio di Idee (創意工坊) 精心打造的非凡傑作教人驚艷,而且全球限量發售70 枚。 潛水錶最著重於昏暗水底時仍保持清晰的讀時效 果,而Panerai最備受推崇的是其經典的三文治夾層 式錶盤,錶盤上包括指針、小秒盤、 錶殼、錶冠護橘及錶帶上的縫線均覆蓋夜光物 料塗層。品牌更特別為這個項目研發出最新一代的 Super-Luminova X-1夜光物料。 Luminor LAB-IDTM充分運用碳材質,包括碳纖 維錶殼及納米碳管鍍膜錶盤,亦因為碳纖維的特質, 它的零件完全無需上油潤滑。

規格 LUMINOR CARBOTECH TM 49MM LAB-IDTM 錶殼:49mm CarbotechTM 錶圈:CarbotechTM 錶盤:黑色納米碳管錶盤 錶背:透視藍寶石水晶 功能:時,分,秒,日期,動力儲存指示 機芯:P.3001 / C-3天,手動上鍊 防水:100米 錶帶:沛納海SportechTM黑色與白色夜光針跡 (MXE0DQDJ) 錶扣:梯形鈦合金,帶DLC塗層 (PAV00675) 可更換錶帶:彈簧桿系統

With the introduction of the Luminor LAB-IDTM (PAM01700), Panerai has produced a masterwork that lies at the nexus of the brand’s heritage and barrier-breaking technology. Luminor, the most iconic of all Panerai collections, marks the brand’s 70th anniversary with one of its most advanced iterations. With a limited edition of just 70, Luminor LAB-IDTM is a groundbreaking product of the Panerai Laboratorio di Idee. Steeped in the world of underwater instruments requiring legibility in the darkest of underwater environments, one of Panerai’s most acclaimed inventions is the classic sandwich structure dial, featuring a luminous substance that emerges through the openings in the dial corresponding to the hour markers, the small seconds dial and case, crown protector and strap. In this case, the design is enhanced by Super-Luminova X-1, a new generation of super-luminova created specifically for this project. The full potential of carbon is apparent in every component of the Luminor LAB-IDTM. The case is constructed from a composite material based on carbon fibre, the dial is blanketed with carbon nanotubes and, because of the special attributes of carbon fibre, the movement never requires lubrication.

Specifications LUMINOR CARBOTECH TM 49MM LAB-ID™ CASE: 49mm, Carbotech™. BEZEL: Carbotech™. DIAL: Black nanotubes dial. BACK: See-through sapphire crystal. FUNCTIONS: Hours, minutes, seconds, date, power reserve indicator. MOVEMENT: P.3001/C -3 Days, hand-wound. WATER RESISTANCE: 10 BAR (100 metres). STRAP: Panerai Sportech™ black with white luminous stitching (MXE0DQDJ). BUCKLE: Trapezoidal titanium with DLC coating (PAV00675). INTERCHANGEABILITY: Spring bars strap system. SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE: $108,000.





fashion: men

保持自然 幸運男孩竇驍的自白

‘Down’ with it Shawn Dou, a new face for Canada Goose, believes man and nature can coexist Story | Connie Li 有人說竇驍是受上帝特別眷顧的人,是個幸運 男孩。1988年出生在中國陝西一個文化氣息濃郁的 家庭,小小年紀就隨父母來到加拿大,在這裏度過青 少年時期。20歲時他順利考進北京電影學院開始演藝 生涯,更在兩年後被著名導演張藝謀看中,出演電影 《山楂樹之戀》,憑借該片一炮而紅。從2010年起, 他每年都有亮眼的影視作品和觀眾見面,還在2011 年參加過中央電視台春節聯歡晚會,2019年主演了 古裝傳奇電視劇《燕雲台》。在個人生活方面,竇驍與 澳門豪門小公主何超蓮的戀情傳遍全球華人圈,甚至 受到全球「圍觀」,網民更稱他為「寶藏男孩」、「豪門 女婿」。 2020年秋天,竇驍與著名品牌Canada Goose 合作,回到加拿大為該品牌拍攝宣傳片,EliteGen有 幸對他進行了遠程專訪。他分享了與Canada Goose 的合作經歷,對時尚潮流的理解,對演藝生涯的回顧 和展望,但就記者提出的有關他個人生活的話題避而 不談,態度非常謹慎。


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You might say Shawn Dou was an overnight sensation. Since 2010, he has been in one blockbuster after another, starting with Zhang Yimou’s Under the Hawthorn Tree. A slew of hits followed. Up next: the period drama The Legend of Xiao Chuo. Born in 1988 in Shanxi, China, Dou immigrated with his parents to Canada where he spent his early years. But it was at the Beijing Film Academy where his love affair with showbiz was sealed. Today Dou and girl friend Laurinda Ho Chiu Lin, the “darling” of Macau’s famous Ho family, are the talk of the town and social media among the expat Chinese. With that kind of celebrity‘status— and, of course, his Canadian connection—Dou’s collaboration with the Canada Goose was an easy fit. Upon returning to Canada to shoot a commercial, Dou spoke with EliteGen to share stories about his partnership with the clothing brand and what the future might hold.





fashion: men

遇到 「貴人」 張藝謀


說起竇驍的幸運,自然離不開出演張藝謀的電影《山楂樹之戀》,在他演藝生涯 的初期就遇上這樣一名蜚聲國際的著名導演,真的可以說是他的運氣。

Dou’s good fortune began when Zhang Yimou cast him as Lao San in Under the Hawthorn Tree. “i was a big fan of Red Sorghum when i was in the film academy.

在談到張藝謀時,竇驍說:「我在就讀電影學院的時候就很喜歡張藝謀導演的 《紅高粱》,它講述的是在東北高粱地裏,一群有著強盛生命力的、以釀酒為生的人 的生活。當他們面對日本人的入侵時,他們又是怎樣地奮力抵抗。 「其實最初我對張導的了解停留在他非常擅長於運用顏色及畫面去展示很多的民 族文化。我一開始被導演選中當然是非常開心激動。在讀書時就能被這樣國師級的 大導演選中去參演一部電影,是一個可遇不可求的機會。 「在拍攝過程中我記得我們非常非常艱苦。拍攝的前二十多天幾乎是不開機的, 通常是在第三十天左右才會開機,因為張導在不斷磨我們的戲。當時張導給我們的 每一條建議,對現在來說都是非常寶貴的。」

“The filming was grueling. The camera didn’t roll until around the 30th day, because Zhang spent time working on our acting. Every suggestion he gave us then is still valuable today.”

可以說張藝謀為竇驍打開了演藝圈的大門,也為他打通了光輝燦爛的星途。但 老話說得好,幸運只會光顧不斷努力的人,在之後的十年裏,竇驍不斷磨練演技, 令自己在跌宕起伏的演藝圈裏,能穩穩地站立在那個高高的起點上,繼續沖向更高 峰,而不是逐漸沉淪。

As for always being in the spotlight, Dou takes it in stride: “Acting is a job to me. i draw attention wherever i go because of the roles i play. Whatever the circumstances, i’ll stay natural. i’m thankful for the public attention. it’s definitely not a burden. As a public figure, i want to be a positive role model.”

出鏡Canada Goose宣傳片


竇驍北京電影學院的同學曾回憶竇驍2008年參加藝考的情形,似乎他當時的才 藝表演並不突出,但學院的老師稱考官對他擁有的獨特氣質非常欣賞。十幾年來竇 驍一直保持著一種自然清新的獨特氣質,再加上他曾在加拿大生活的經歷,促成了 著名加拿大品牌Canada Goose選擇與他合作,在該品牌的最新產品系列宣傳片裏出 鏡。

“When i came to Canada at the age of 10, school kids were very proud if they owned a classic parka,” he says. “My first one was a brown Canada Goose parka,” adding that even today the brand is very popular in China among Chinese youth.

竇驍可以說跟Canada Goose有頗深的淵源,他回憶說:「我十歲來到加拿大, 讀書時期就非常自豪擁有一件經典的派克大衣。我的第一件Canada Goose就是一件 咖啡色的派克大衣。」竇驍現在在中國生活工作,他驚喜地發現,這個品牌在中國的 年輕人中也很風行,和他一樣的年輕人都喜歡它簡約的設計,覺得它很大氣也很經 典。


But what i knew about director Zhang was superficial, about how well he used cinematography to depict a culture. When i was picked by him, i was over the moon. it was an opportunity of a lifetime to work with a national icon, even before i left the academy.

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Dou once said: “Challenge your own comfort zone to understand yourself better.” A man of his word, Dou takes on extreme sports—mountaineering, rockclimbing and BASE jumping—all of which bring him closer to nature.

向自我身心挑戰 「向自我身心發起挑戰,去更好地了解自己。」這是竇驍曾經說過的一句話。在生 活中,除了拍戲,竇驍還是一個極限運動的深度愛好者,登山、攀巖、高空跳傘, 這些與大自然高度親密的運動中都有他的身影。從攀登非洲最高的乞力馬紮羅山, 到參與從紐西蘭南島至北島的記錄片《穿行紐西蘭》,他在不斷以自己的方式與大自 然親近。 Canada Goose此次推出第二季的Live In The Open,意在貫徹品牌弘揚不同 行業精英戰勝逆境的精神,與竇驍的追求達到高度契合。竇驍在采訪中就提到,與 Canada Goose的合作,是因為雙方都崇尚自然,他認為Canada Goose對於人與自 然的共洽擁有非常好的理念。同樣出於崇尚自然的生活理念,竇驍說他平時生活中 比較喜歡休閑的著裝,只是在出席活動或者拍戲的時候才去挑戰一些不同的風格。

Canada Goose launches the second season of the Live in The open campaign featuring creators and explorers who have triumphed in the face of adversity. From climbing Mount kilimanjaro to starring in the adventure documentary Walk Through New Zealand, Dou finds new ways to push himself, which is how his collaboration with Canada Goose came about. He identifies with the brand’s belief in the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

說到出席活動,搜索有關竇驍的時尚新聞我們發現,他除了與Canada Goose合 作之外,去年1月的巴黎時裝周上,他曾亮相Paul Smith 2020秋冬系列大秀秀場。在 這之前,他還曾一身白色西裝出席瑞士名表Roger Dubuis的品牌活動。

繼續專注做影視 針對竇驍逐漸多方向拓展事業的跡象,記者問他今後還會不會繼續專注做影 視。他毫不猶豫地回答:「我還是會繼續專注於影視,因為演員對我來說是非常心儀 的職業。在體驗了每一個角色不同的生活之後,可以感受到這個職業的趣味性和魅 力,也感受到了它是值得我一直去探索和堅持的。沒有想過要去發展別的,但是會 有一些自己的興趣,例如珠寶的鑒定、設計,對地下礦石也很有興趣。」 頂著「寶藏男孩」的光環,竇驍現在的一舉一動都在「探照燈」的注視之下,可以 說是名副其實的「圍觀」焦點。對於自身目前的處境,竇驍卻有著非常正面的態度。 他更多地是把自己看作一個職業演員,而不是什麽豪門女婿。 他說:「我其實覺得演員只是我的一個職業,走到哪裏都是焦點,這只是因為 角色給我們的一個光環。無論是何時,都會保持自然的狀態,也非常感謝大家對我 的關注。一定不會是負擔。當然作為公眾人物,也一定要給大家一個正面積極的形 象。」





fashion: men


In lIvIng colour

Berluti’s winter collection full of French flair Story | Elaine Chung Photography | Tiegang Chen & Berluti

太陽眼鏡、紫色茄士咩樽領上衣、Camel Coat、駝色茄士咩上衣、 黑色長褲、Globe-Trotter×Signature Canvas迷你郵差袋、黑色 Venezia Hoxton皮鞋。 Sunglasses with cashmere turtleneck and coat, trousers, Venezia Hoxton leather shoes and Berluti x Globe-Trotter’s Signature Canvas mini-messenger bag. 60

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Berluti冬季系列由設計師Kris Van Assche主理,大膽利用王牌古法染色工 藝與經典印花圖案,加上現代感的剪裁設 計,重塑法式雅士的時尚格調。 新裝主打休閒輕鬆的風格,色調包 羅橙、藍、白及粉色等,搶眼度十足。 西裝與外套在設計中融入Prince of Wales Check、千鳥格及人字斜紋等經典圖案, 招牌古法染色工藝與手工潑染技術由此呈 現出只此一家的獨特色彩魅力。另外, 全新Signature Canvas系列從品牌經典 Scritto圖案取材,裝飾背囊、手提袋及行 李箱等,充滿典雅氣派。

Kris Van Assche’s winter collection for Berluti combines a traditional colour dye methodology with classic print patterns. With a modern feel and tailored design, it marks a renewal of French flair. The colorful collection reflects a fun casual lifestyle in orange, blue, white and pink with jackets and suits that incorporate Prince of Wales plaid, houndstooth and herringbone twill patterns. As well, there is the elegant Alessandro Scritto inspiration in the new Signature Canvas series, including backpacks, messenger bags and suitcases.

太陽眼鏡、綠色小牛皮皮褸、絲質恤 衫、紫色茄士咩樽領上衣、黑色長褲、 Signature Canvas腰帶及Miles Messenger Bag、紫拼橙色Gravity運動鞋。 Sunglasses with calfskin leather jacket, silk shirt, cashmere turtleneck, trousers, Signature Canvas belt, Miles messenger bag and gravity sneakers.





fashion: men

藍色西裝褸、紅色茄士咩樽領上衣、西褲、 紫拼橙色Gravity Sneakers、背囊。 Cashmere turtleneck, suit jacket and trousers, gravity sneakers and backpack.


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太陽眼鏡、紫色茄士咩樽領上 衣、拼色Sweater、黑色長褲、黑 色Venezia Hoxton Boots、啡色 Venezia Messenger Bag。 Sunglasses with cashmere turtleneck, chevron-design sweater, trousers, Venezia Hoxton boots and Venezia messenger bag.

茄士咩樽領上衣、格紋羊 毛大衣、格紋羊毛西裝 褸及長褲、黑色Venezia Hoxton皮靴。 Cashmere turtleneck top, with check wool overcoat, check wool suit jacket and trousers, and Venezia Hoxton leather boots.







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Design in the Desert sossusvlei lodge in namibia a hotel like no other Story | 陳菁 Photography | Dook Photography 要不是聚精會神,看見遠方處的Sossusvlei Desert Lodge, 你也許會誤以為是人體過熱而產生的海市蜃樓。建築物用上和 沙丘近似的赤紅磚塊,若以老鷹的角度從高空俯瞰,建築物以 幾何形狀組成。沙丘流動的線條,後來也成了流線型牆身的藍 本,無法虛偽地說成品像渾然天成,但起碼不失和諧,在人工 和自然之間拿捏到巧妙的平衡點。 Sossusvlei Desert Lodge由南非建築事務所Fox Browne Creative和建築師Jack Alexander聯手設計,希望旅客入住時能 和大自然融為一體,並盡量減輕建築對沙漠產生的人為影響。 畢竟這個位於納米比亞縱深130平方公里的個古老地區已擁有最 少八千萬年的歷史,也因地質重要性和擁有瀕臨絕種動物種而 被列入世界遺產名錄。

Looking at Sossusvlei Desert Lodge from afar, one might think the heat is playing tricks on you, its red bricks blending in with the colour of the sand dunes. However, when seen from an aerial perspective, the geometry of its architecture is apparent. Curved walls mimic the wavy lines of the surrounding dunes, creating a balance between man-made and natural beauty. Located on a 130 sq. km. expanse deep in the Namib, the world’s oldest living desert, the lodge is a collaboration between the South African architecture firm Fox Browne Creative and architect Jack Alexander. They wanted to create a place where guests can be at one with nature, while minimizing the lodge’s impact on the desert, which has been around for an estimated 80 million years. In fact, it is listed as a World Heritage site for its geological significance and endangered wildlife.






納米比沙漠被聯合國教科文組織列入世界遺產名錄。 The Namib Desert is a listed World Heritage site.


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讓住客休息的公共空間,是建於沙漠上的地台。 The wooden terrace is the public space for guests.

從太陽能電池板收集的電量,令旅館足以自給自足。 The electricity collected from solar panels allows the hotel to be self-sufficient.

在極乾的沙漠中游泳,那赤紅的沙丘顯得更不真實。 Swimming in a water-scarce desert, framed by red sand dunes, seems surreal.

旅館只有數間客房,以落地玻璃面向無邊際景觀,見證著 混沌的漆黑,漸變為分明的藍天和黃土。同時,每個獨立客房 的兩側都被磚牆環抱,故仍擁有一定的私隱度。入夜的前夕, 木造露台會開放並提供可口的晚餐,並安排天文專家在旁分享 近在咫尺的星體故事。若果意猶未盡,沐浴後回到軟枕上,仍 可透過天窗觀賞那幾乎伸手可及的夜星。 旅館室內擺放的枯木雕塑也是迎賓的細節,務求裡外都和 沙漠更為和諧。畢竟無論是千年蘭,還是其餘的沙漠物種,早 就打造出一套自給自足的求存之道。 荒蕪之地電從何來?—旅館以太陽能發電。建築物的頂部 鋪上太陽能電池板,能源也用於冷氣和污水回收。在經常性超 過五十度的高溫下,電池板還能保護旅館上蓋。這種設計的巧 思,是後來加上的。Sossusvlei Desert Lodge的元祖版本早於 九十年代已踏足該區。 旅館的設施包括朝陽健身房和麵向日落的健康中心,該 中心既提供帶私人水療浴缸的理療室,又提供獨立的濕室水療 中心。旅館的商店更是有琳琅滿目的納米比亞精緻手工藝品。 入住度假村每天的費用,包括一日三餐和酒水,根據季節的不 同,從790元到1,270元不等。時代發展,人類對大自然開發的 開發、抽取的抽取,願意把環境列入考量之列,並以科技作實 在的支援,總算是沙漠中的清泉。詳情查詢可瀏覽andbeyond. com。

床舖上方的天窗,可以不受光害影響下欣賞星空。 Enjoy the night sky without light interference through the skylight window.

The lodge has only 10 stone-and-glass guest suites. The full-length glass windows offer 180-degree endless views of pitch darkness at night, which by day transform into scenes of blue sky and yellow sand. At dusk, the wooden terrace opens up to serve a delightful dinner, while an astronomer tells stories about the stars. Guests then retire to their suites and continue their star-gazing through a skylight window. Solar panels cover the roof of the buildings and energy is also recovered from air-conditioning and waste water recycling. In an environment where the mercury can exceed 50 degrees Celsius, these solar panels double as a means of heat protection. The driftwood sculpture in the interior greets guests with a touch of harmony between the indoors and the desert outside. Whether it is the Welwitschia, which is aptly named in Chinese as thousand-year-old orchid, or other desert flora and fauna, they have worked out a way of surviving the harsh desert. The resort’s amenities include a sunrise-view gym and sunset-facing wellness centre, which offers both a treatment room with a private spabath and a separate wet-room spa. The lodge’s Signature Shop showcases Namibia’s finest craft offerings. Daily rates, including three meals a day, wine and spirits, range from $790 to $1,270, depending on the season. As time goes on, while humans continue to build on and take from nature, the willingness to take environment into consideration and use technology to support the notion, is refreshing. For further details, visit: andbeyond.com. ELITEGEN





Barnes Bay沙灘被幼細的黃金沙粒覆蓋,非常易認。 Barnes Bay Beach is most identifiable by its secluded golden sand beach. 68

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Upscale Getaway: FoUr seasons anGUilla where to stay, what to do and what to eat in this island paradise Story & Photography | Renée S. Suen






5星級的安圭拉四季度假村,坐擁Meads Bay及Barnes Bay的壯麗海岸線美景,每一個細節都盡顯尊貴奢華。 Hugging the shoreline stretched between Meads Bay and Barnes Bay, the Four Seasons Anguilla’s five-star sprawling property is luxury in every sense of the word. (Courtesy of Four Seasons)

位於加勒比海東部的安圭拉被喻為加勒比海的旅遊秘點。 安圭拉是英國海外領土,它由一個面積為91平方公里的主島及 數個外島組成,是世界上最美群島之一。儘管面積不大,但島上 純白柔軟的白沙沙灘、友善的島民及慵懶閒適的氛圍,令安圭拉 成為頂級度假勝地。 島上共有33個景致迷人的公眾沙灘,基本上每隔1至2公里 便會見到沙灘,伴隨隱蔽的海灣和湛藍色的和暖海水。由於島上 禁止興建賭場、高層酒店及郵輪停泊,因此不會人迫人。景點包 括可看到聖馬丁島的Rendezvous灣,以及一些可乘船抵達的隱 蔽海灣如Little Bay,每一片水清沙幼的沙灘都可成為你的私人 沙灘。 由於鄰近赤道,安圭拉沒有四季之分,全年皆可享受舒適 的熱帶氣候。日間最高溫度徘徊在28° C,伴隨著信風帶來的清 涼感。小島有加勒比海美食首府的美譽,為旅客提供數之不盡的 選擇,由高檔餐飲至路邊燒烤,應有盡有。不過要數小島最有名 的一定是豐富的海鮮。 如果你是好動派,可盡情體驗島上各式各樣的活動,包括 在沙灘上策騎及揚帆出海等。但當地華麗的5星級沙灘度假酒 店、精緻的私人度假別墅及公寓等,卻真正令人樂不思蜀。這些 優質的度假酒店,包括安圭拉四季度假村,營造家一般的舒適寧 謐氛圍,難怪吸引旅客不斷再訪。


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Anguilla is considered one of the Caribbean’s best-kept secrets. The British Overseas Territory, composed of a small 90-square-kilometre main island and several offshore islets, is considered one of the world’s most beautiful island groupings. Despite its quaint size, it’s the barefoot-elegant country’s soft white sands, friendly locals and laid-back atmosphere that make Anguilla a favourite playground for A-listers. It boasts of 33 breathtaking public beaches within a two-kilometre radius, along with secret coves and warm cerulean waters. In fact, due to an embargo on cruise ships, casinos and high-rise hotels, this Caribbean sanctuary’s shoreline is rarely crowded. Each breathtaking stretch of sand feels like its own private space—from Rendezvous Bay that overlooks the neighbouring island of Saint Maarten, to secluded coves reached by boat, such as at Little Bay. Anguilla’s location near the Equator means its pleasant tropical climate is absent of seasons, with daily highs averaging 28°C, tempered by cooling trade winds. Its reputation as the Caribbean’s culinary capital means that diners have ample options, ranging from fine tables to roadside barbecues. However, the island is best known for its array of seafood. An abundancy of attractions and activities—from horseback riding on the beach, to sailing along the coast—will keep light adventurers busy. However, it’s the gorgeous five-star beachfront resorts, exquisite private villas and condominium residences that will entice you to stay longer. As an oasis of peace and serenity, these incredible properties, including the Four Seasons Anguilla, help make Anguilla a home-away-from-home that many continue to return to.

寬敞的客房設有大理石浴室、特大淋浴間、大浴缸和私人泳池。當中八成客房可欣賞到浪漫醉人的海景。 Spacious rooms are outfitted with ensuite marble bathrooms, oversized walk-in showers, deep soaking tubs and plunge pools. About 80 per cent of rooms have ocean views. (Courtesy of Four Seasons)

安圭拉四季度假酒店及住宅 安圭拉四季酒店位處島上西北岸,擁有近一公里的海濱美 景,是島上最新派及最豪華的度假設施。這家由Kelly Wearstler 設計的5星級酒店於2009年開業,188間客房的設計走新派格 調,藝術擺設加上天然元素如石化木材及義大利銀洞石地板等, 營造休閒沙灘氛圍。酒店建於未受污染的珊瑚崖之上,被Meads Bay沙灘及Barnes Bay沙灘環繞,景色一絕。 客房空間感十足,大理石浴室內有特大淋浴間及大浴缸, 更備有免費Wi-Fi上網,當中八成客房可欣賞到浪漫醉人的海 景。酒店員工的服務更是無可挑剔,他們好像能看穿顧客的心 意,全程提供貼心周到的服務。 鄰近Meads Bay泳池及沙灘的客房,皆擁有私人陽台及面 向花園的泳池,最適合情侶或夫婦入住。而1,268平方呎的一睡 房海景套房則設有飯廳、客廳及小廚房,陽台更有泳池,可盡情 享受日光浴及迷人海景。 住宿Residences客房的客人可直達酒店的海洋中心及健身 中心。這裡提供一至三睡房套房,全都有私人泳池及設備齊全的 廚房,猶如置身家中一樣舒適,加上無敵海景及面積達6,050平 方呎的水活空間,最適合一家大小或一大班朋友入住。另外,鄰 近水療中心及Meads Bay沙灘的分層鎮屋則備有三或四睡房,屋 內有私人廚房、戶外燒烤爐及讓一家人歡聚的客廳,亮點是可看 到加勒比海景的私人泳池。 如果人數多而且入住時間長,不妨考慮三至五睡房的豪華 度假別墅。單幢式的別墅備有特大洗衣房、廚房及飯廳、寬敞的 室內及室外空間、室外淋浴間,更可欣賞無遮擋的海景及直達寧 靜的Barnes Bay沙灘。專屬私人助理會為住客提供各種服務, 包括預約及使用兒童設施–入住別墅、鎮屋及頂層套房的客人均 可使用,別墅住客更可使用酒店的廚師服務。

THE FOuR SEASOnS RESORT AnD RESIDEnCES AnguILLA Spanning nearly a kilometre of beachfront on Anguilla’s northwest shore, The Four Seasons Anguilla is the island’s most modern—and arguably most luxurious—property. Opened in 2009, the Kelly Wearstler-designed five-star resort and its 188 units are contemporary and chic, filled with art installations and natural elements, like petrified wood and Italian silver travertine marble floors. Perched on unspoiled coralline bluffs and framed by pristine Meads Bay Beach and Barnes Bay Beach, it blends upscale with relaxed beach vibes. The spacious accommodations are outfitted with marble bathrooms featuring oversized walk-in showers and deep-soaking tubs. There is free Wi-Fi and 80 per cent of the units feature romantic ocean views. Experience incredible hospitality by staff who intuitively know all your preferences and needs throughout your stay. The property’s 1,268-square-foot, one-bedroom ocean-view suites have living and dining areas, kitchenettes and sundecks (with a plunge pool) to soak up the sun and enjoy the ocean view. Those staying in the residences have direct access to the resort’s Sea Centre and Sports Pavilion. A perfect option for families and groups of friends, each one- to three-bedroom suite (the latter encompassing 6,050 sq. ft. of floorspace) has a private plunge pool and is fully equipped. There are also split-level townhomes, with three or four bedrooms, that are located near the Spa and Meads Bay Beach. They have a private kitchen, outdoor grill and living area built for entertaining at home, plus a private pool overlooking the tranquil waters of the Caribbean. For the ultimate getaway or extended stay with a group, the stand-alone villas are three- to five-bedroom palatial homes that have a large laundry room, gourmet kitchen and dining room, expansive indoor-outdoor living spaces, outdoor showers, plus a direct view of the ocean and access to secluded Barnes Bay Beach.






寬敞的客房設有大理石浴室、特大淋浴間、大浴缸和私人泳池。當中八成客房可欣賞到浪漫醉人的海景。 Infinity pool in panoramic views of the Caribbean sea. (Courtesy of Four Seasons)

度假村私人住宅業主都可享用該品牌著名的個人化服務 及世界級的設施,包括4間食府、3個泳池、設備一流的健身中 心、寬敞的戶外運動設施、兒童設施及海景水療服務。豪華開 放式單位的全額會藉由82,5000美元起,而5睡房海濱別墅則由 1千萬美元起。酒店提供出租計劃,讓業主把住宅在空置期間 出租。

設施及水療 度假村位處島上其中幾個最美的白沙沙灘之上,Meads Bay優美的海岸線及Barnes Bay寧靜的金黃沙灘,讓你盡情享 受日光浴。在柔軟如粉狀的細沙上散步,於一望無際的海中暢 泳,又或者在清澈的海上浮潛都樂趣無窮。無論你想玩滑浪、 獨木舟、臥式衝浪板、槳板或風帆衝浪,海洋中心會提供所需 設備。你更可以報名參加風箏衝浪班,或參加私人船河,隨經 驗船長及導遊出海。 除私人泳池外,住客亦可使用Sunset Lounge對開的無 邊際鹹水泳池(成人專用),在加勒比海在艷陽下,欣賞懸崖 美景。很多人亦喜歡在Aleta Pool旁的棕櫚樹蔭或涼亭下休 息,眼前就是無遮擋的加勒比海景色。而Meads Bay附近的 Bamboo Pool則適合家庭樂。 好動的朋友肯定會愛上運動中心的設施,籃球場、排球 場、攀石牆、羽毛球場等一應俱全,另有三個符合公開賽規


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There are also dedicated personal residence assistants, who can assist with everything from reservations to child-friendly amenities—available to guests staying in the villas, townhomes and penthouses. Villa guests can also access the resort’s chef services. Private residence homeowners have access to the respected luxury hotel brand’s signature personalized service and world-class amenities, including four restaurants, three pools, a state-of-the-art fitness centre, expansive outdoor sports facility, kids programming and an ocean-side spa. Full ownership ranges from uS$825,000 for a deluxe studio to uS$10 million for a five-bedroom beachfront villa. The resort also has optional rental programs that permit owners to rent out their space if they so desire.

AMEnITIES & SPA It’s easy to fill your days with sun and fun on the white sand beach along the pristine shores of Meads Bay or the secluded golden sand beach of Barnes Bay. Sink your toes into the soft sand, swim along the expansive shoreline or head out into the crystalline waters to snorkel at a nearby reef. Surf, kayak, boogie board, paddleboard and windsurf are among the long list of gear available at The Sea Centre. You can also sign up for kitesurfing, or take a customized private boat tour with one the property’s experienced captains and guides. Besides private plunge pools, guests can enjoy the Caribbean sunset from the saltwater adults-only infinity pool that overlooks the bluffs in front of Sunset Lounge. Relax under the shade of giant palms or in a big cabana at the Aleta Pool where you can enjoy unobstructed views of the Caribbean Sea. There’s also the family-friendly Bamboo Pool that’s steps away from Meads Bay.

樓高兩層的水療中心提供寬敞的室外空間,讓人盡情放鬆身心。 The two-storey spa has many outdoor spaces to relax and unwind. (Courtesy of Four Seasons)

格的網球場,安圭拉網球學院營運總監兼專業網球手Vallan Hodge Richardson是駐場教練,有興趣的話可以報名上堂跟 他學幾招。而健身中心備有一流的器材,同時提供瑜伽、普拉 提及健身單車班。 酒店更照顧到小朋友的需要,提供名為Kids For All Seasons的免費兒童節目。活動天天不同,如尋寶或裝飾曲奇 班等。又會帶小朋友參觀度假村附近的17個天然地形。 想放鬆身心,酒店的水療中心提供一系列尊貴療程,可 於中心內進行,又或於室外的水療小屋,甚至在客房做spa亦 可,當中的安圭拉海鹽磨砂更使用了島上的天然海鹽。

餐飲服務 雖然酒店並非全包形式,但亦提供餐飲套餐讓住客品嚐 村內4間餐廳的美食。同時提供房間用餐服務,24小時全天候 為住客預備世界級的加勒比海美食,別墅住客更可享用燒烤盛 宴。 酒店著名食府SALT,以安圭拉首個工業命名,提供新派 加勒比海料理。由行政總廚Carmine Esposito掌舵,晚餐主打 海鮮,海螺紅鯛ceviche加入蘇格蘭帽辣椒、羊肉肉醬玉米餅 又或者海螺龍蝦risotto。而帶子蟹餅綴以辣木葉,這種在島上 種植的葉子含豐富營養,口感清新如豌豆但味道卻像青蕉。餐 廳位處懸崖之上,坐擁加勒比海的壯麗景色。餐廳另一大特色 是新鮮而且選擇眾多的早餐(疫情期間暫停供應),提供全素或 無麩質選擇,充滿安圭拉風格的早餐包括鹽醃魚、雞蛋及大蕉 片,亦提供傳統歐陸式早餐選擇包括奄列及華夫餅、鮮果吧及 各式精美糕點。

For the active, the Sports Pavilion has basketball and volleyball courts, a rock-climbing wall, badminton and three championship tennis courts, where you can take lessons from tennis pro Vallan Hodge Richardson, COO of the Anguilla Tennis Academy. For gym-goers, their impressive modern fitness centre is stocked with state-of-the-art equipment. Yoga, pilates and spin classes are also offered. The resort is great for familiies, offering complimentary Kids For All Seasons programming—a rarity on Anguilla, which features daily-changing activities, like scavenger hunts or cookie decorating classes. Or, you can simply explore the 17 landscapes across the property. Be pampered at The Spa, which offers a luxurious lineup of treatments —indoors or outdoors in a spa cabana. There is also in-room services that include an Anguilla salt scrub using ingredients native to the island.

FOOD SERVICES While not all-inclusive, the resort does offer meal-plan packages at the property’s four excellent restaurants. In-room dining is also available, catering world-class Caribbean cuisine 24 hours a day. Villa guests can also indulge in a barbecue feast. named after Anguilla’s first industry, Salt is the resort’s signature restaurant, serving modern Caribbean cuisine. Here, executive chef Carmine Esposito serves a seafood-focused dinner menu with dishes like conch and snapper ceviche, that’s gently laced with scotch bonnet peppers, goat rillettes on Johnny Cakes, or Anguillan risotto with conch and lobster. Sample a scallop-topped blue crabcake that’s garnished with a moringa leaf—a nutritious, tender island-grown green that’s fresh like snap peas, but tastes of green banana. The space is also known for its fresh, vibrant and elaborate breakfast buffet (temporarily suspended due to COVID) where guests can indulge in vegan or gluten-free meals, heartier Anguillan breakfast with salt fish, eggs and plantain chips, or continental classics, including an omelette and waffle station, fresh-cut fruit bar and a fully-loaded pastry table. ELITEGEN





SALT的餐室可飽覽加勒比海的全景。 Salt dining room offers panoramic views of the Caribbean Sea. (Courtesy of Four Seasons)

顧名思義,Sunset Lounge是欣賞日落的最佳地點, 被選為區內最佳酒吧,提供手工雞尾酒或陳釀蘭姆酒,更 有壽司及拼盤佐酒,及有現場樂隊及DJ坐陣製造氣氛(因疫 情暫停)。

Enjoy picturesque views from Sunset Lounge, aptly named for the spectacular scene that unfolds in front of the open-air social hub every evening. Voted one of the region’s best bars, sip on a crafted cocktail or vintage rum, while sampling the menu’s inspired sushi rolls and share plates—all the while being serenaded by a live band or DJ spinning tunes (which will resume in the future).

位於Barnes Bay沙灘的Half Shell Beach Bar走休閒 風,提供簡餐如黑煎紅鯛魚三文治、墨西哥tacos三吃及龍 蝦堡。可預約私人晚餐派對。沙灘小吃攤亦人氣十足,酒 保Caroma Walters Walwyn坐陣調製各款美酒。推介Dean Supreme Moringa,雞尾酒以餐廳經理Dean Bryan而起 名,材料包括香蕉、香橙、芒果及椰子蘭姆酒,還有營養 豐富的辣木葉,口感清新。

There’s the intimate-yet-casual Half Shell Beach Bar on Barnes Bay Beach that offers light lunch plates, including blackened snapper sandwiches, tacos three ways and spiny lobster roll. Available for private dinner parties, the beach shack is also where many chill with a drink that bartender Caroma Walters Walwyn creates on the spot. Try the Dean Supreme Moringa, named after Half Shell manager Dean Bryan—a refreshing banana-orange-mango and coconut rum smoothie that uses the nutrient-packed plant’s leaves.

Meads Bay沙灘上的Bamboo Bar and Grill是另一家 休閒餐廳,提供簡餐及充滿沙灘風味的餐點如沙律及地中 海美食龍蝦薄餅等。想食到新鮮海產,記住在午餐時段之 前光顧,漁民剛從海中捕獲的鮮魚任你挑選。廚房會把烤 好的海鮮按你的喜好調味(牙買加煙燻香料、黑煎、濃汁, 另配酸豆牛油或阿根廷青醬),你不妨邊等邊嘆杯美酒。 Four Seasons Resort & Private Residences Anguilla P.O. Box 8028, AI-2640 West End, Anguilla fourseasons.com/anguilla或致電+1-800-819-5053 收費由$895美元起;入住時間:3PM,退房時間:12PM 詳情查詢可瀏覽網址 anguillaprivateresidences.com或致電+1-800-901-7079


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For a leisurely meal, head to Bamboo Bar and grill on Meads Bay Beach, which serves light, beach-friendly treats from salads to Mediterranean-inspired soul food like lobster pizza. Stop by late morning for the best selection from the catch of the day, where you can pick the freshest fish just hauled in by local fishermen. Let the kitchen prepare your meal to your chosen finish (jerk-spice, blackened, glaze, served with caper butter or chimichurri) that’s grilled to perfection while you soak in the paradise surrounding you with a crisp glass of wine or ice-cold beer. Four Seasons Resort & Private Residences Anguilla P.O. Box 8028, AI-2640 West End, Anguilla 1-800-819-5053 fourseasons.com/anguilla Rates start at uS$895 Check-in: 3 p.m., Check-out: 12 p.m. For specific information on Private Residences, call 1-800-901-7079, or visit anguillaprivateresidences.com

別墅住客可享用廚師服務,無論是幾道菜晚宴或燒烤派對一樣無問題。 Villa guests can also access the resort’s chef services and enjoy a gourmet multi-course dinner or barbecue feast for your party.

SALT提供豐富的早餐選項,晚餐主打海鮮並由行政總廚 Carmine Esposito親自主理,當然不能不提餐廳面向的加勒 比海全景。 Salt dining room offers panoramic views of the Caribbean Sea that can be enjoyed during its elaborate breakfasts, or in the evening when executive chef Carmine Esposito serves a seafood-focused menu.



加航提供航班前往安圭拉,中途於美國轉機。亦可查詢 其他航空公司如Sunwing及 Westjet。大部分航班會先飛抵 聖馬丁島,然後轉乘渡輪或包船前往安圭拉的Blowing Point 渡輪碼頭,船程約30分鐘。溫馨提示:由Blowing Point返回 聖馬丁每人須繳付$20離境稅。另一選擇是搭乘私人飛機前 往Clayton J. Lloyd國際機場。四季酒店提供往返機場的接送 服務。

Air Canada flies to Anguilla with connections through the united States. Options on other carriers (Sunwing and Westjet) are dependent on availability. Most carriers fly to St. Maarten, where you can transfer via a 30-minute scheduled or chartered boat to Blowing Point Ferry Terminal, Anguilla. note there is a $20 departure tax for all passengers leaving through Blowing Point back to St. Maarten. Another option is via private air to Clayton J. Lloyd International Airport. Let the Four Seasons team help you make transfer arrangements to the resort.



旅客持有的護照須至少有6個月的有效期(在入境當日起 計算),住宿亦必須在抵埗前預約好。出發前請查詢簽證要 求(加拿大護照無需簽證)。

Besides a valid passport with a minimum of six months from the date of entry, accommodations must be booked before arrival. Check visa requirements before travelling (Canadians do not require one).



無論在當地餐廳或市集,都會發現融入了印度西部、非 洲、法國及英國的烹調風格。島上的Blanchard鎮有不少美 食店,一定要試Meads Bay上的沙灘小食攤。

You’ll find a blend of West Indian, African, French and British cooking at the island’s restaurants and markets. Of the many options, be sure to visit Blanchard’s and its casual Beach Shack nearby on Meads Bay.



美元或當地貨幣,東加勒比海貨幣(XCD) 。亦可使用各 主用信用卡及銀行卡。

uSD or local currency, Eastern Caribbean Dollar (XCD). Major credit and debit cards are also accepted.



旅遊期間要不斷留意政府發佈的最新指引。在室內公眾 場所或當員工把餐飲送到客房時,必須配戴口罩。保持社交 距離、進行消毒、保持衛生及實行「泡泡概念」(即只限與自 己的家庭成員有緊密接觸)。注意營業時間、設施及活動安 排或會受疫情影響。

Stay up to date on the latest government regulations when travelling. Masks or face coverings are enforced in public indoor spaces and when receiving in-room service. Social distancing, sanitizing, hygiene practices and the bubble concept are practised. Be aware that availability and hours of operation of some amenities and activities may be affected.

去年6月,安圭拉被世界衛生組織確認為「零感染」。旅 客在入境前3至5日須進行對病毒檢測呈陰性,旅遊保險須包 括新冠肺炎相關治療的保障。所有人士入境時需接受病毒檢 測,10或14日後接受第二次檢測。如果兩次檢測結果均呈陰 性,旅客便可自由地在島上遊覽。

In June 2020, Anguilla was categorized by the World Health Organization as having “no cases” of COVID-19. Visitors must obtain a negative test result three to five days before arrival, along with travel health insurance that covers COVIDrelated treatment All will be given a test on arrival and a second administered 10 or 14 days later. Once the second test proves negative, guests are free to explore the island.

政府為入住獲認可酒店的旅客推出病毒檢測收費,如 逗留5日或以下,單人$300美元,雙人$500美元;逗留6至 90日,單人$400美元,雙人$600美元。費用包每人兩次檢 測、監察及附加公眾健康費用,收費只適用於已獲批核的旅 遊申請。

The government has introduced a fee for visitors staying at a pre-approved property that range from uS$300 for an individual (uS$500 per couple) staying for five days or less, to uS$400 for 6-90 days (uS$600 per couple). This covers two tests per person, surveillance and costs associated with the additional public health presence, with fees payable only on approval of the travel application.


Travel applications are available online at the Anguilla Tourist Board’s website: ivisitanguilla.com. ELITEGEN




dining to tell


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Caviar 101 Enjoy the delicacy

Story & Photography | Renée S. Suen 要 數 名「 貴 」食 品 , 總 少 不 了 既 可 以 是 餐 前 開 胃小吃,亦可以是主菜的魚子醬,而當中的種類、 等級和價錢,在在均是學問︰最貴價的魚子醬來自 Beluga鱘魚,跟著是體型僅次、來自裏海和黑海的 Osetra鱘魚;還有其它來自三文魚、圓鰭魚等非鱘魚 類魚子和飛魚子等選擇……,到魚子醬專門店和精品 食材店時,該以怎麼樣的準則來挑選? 凡此種種,當然最好向業內人士取經—多倫多 的Caviar Center是加拿大主要魚子醬分銷商,供應 給著名餐廳如Langdon Hall、Shoushin、Chabrol 和ONE,以及高級食材店如McEwan Grocery、 Summerhill Market和Mike's Fish Seafood at St. Lawrence Market。直接訂購,亦可瀏覽網址https:// caviarcentre.com。

什麼是魚子醬 ? 魚子醬是公認的美食,但不是所有魚子都可以 稱為魚子醬,而是指來自特定鱘魚的魚子,經過鹽醃 製成。魚子醬的味道和質感會因應魚子大小、魚穫產 地、醃製和貯藏方法而存在細微分別。 傳統上,魚子醬指來自歐亞交界的裏海和黑海 的野生鱘魚魚子,俄羅斯和伊朗是最著名的魚子醬生 產國。然而,由於野生鱘魚因濫捕而愈趨稀罕,現在 大部分的魚子醬均產自世界各地以可持續養殖方法經 營的水產養殖場。

When it comes to the finer things in life, few foods can compete with caviar. Wherever caviar appears, luxury is implied. Served with accoutrements, christening hors d’oeuvres or gilding the main course, there are as many ways to enjoy the delicacy as there are varieties and grades. It might feel overwhelming when sourcing a tin of caviar at specialty and fine grocers, given the wide range in quality and price points available. There’s prized Beluga, highly desired Osetra and many non-sturgeon roes, like salmon, lumpfish and flying fish. But what exactly is caviar, and how do you know you’re getting the real deal? To help with this, we’ve put together an informative guide that features premium products sourced from Toronto’s Caviar Centre. As Canada’s main caviar distributor, they also supply restaurants, including Langdon Hall, Shoushin, Chabrol and One, plus gourmet grocers like McEwan Grocery, Summerhill Market and Mike’s Fish Market at St. Lawrence Market. For direct-tohome orders, visit caviarcentre.com.

WHAT IS CAvIAr? A delicacy that’s sought-after worldwide, caviar isn’t just any fish egg. Specifically, it’s the salt-cured roe from specific species of sturgeon. Exquisite in flavour and texture, subtle variances exist between caviar varieties that range in size, texture and flavour, depending upon the fish it was harvested from, the method of preservation and storage.





dining to tell

廚魔 (Bo Innovation) 其中一款精緻點心 便是以炸竽巢盛著煙熏鵪鶉蛋,上面 再放魚子醬。 The dim-sum course from Bo Innovation’s The Hong Kong Story blue menu features a delicate caviarcapped crispy wu gok (crispy taro puff) that hides a smoked quail egg.


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魚子醬按魚子顆粒的均勻度、大小、顏色、光澤、香氣和結實度等因素分為 不同等級,售價亦跟其等級掛勾。 (Caviar Centre指出,新鮮的魚子醬含鹽量為2% 至5%,便宜魚子醬的含鹽量則通常為7%-8%以上。) 一般來說,俄羅斯的Beluga魚子醬最珍稀、價錢也最貴。至於從養殖鱘魚如 Osetra和Sevruga得來的魚子,以Imperial(或稱Tsar Imperial)為最高等級,魚子顆 粒最大和明亮,甚至泛微微金黃光澤;其次是Royal,魚子顆粒較小,色澤界乎米 色至淺灰色;然後是Classic(或稱Select),魚子色澤為深灰黑色。 有很多美食家對味道及價錢較實惠的非鱘魚如匙吻鱘、圓鰭魚和鱒魚等的魚 子,也持開放接受態度。

為什麼魚子醬這樣昂貴? 鱘魚因被濫捕而日漸稀有,物以罕為貴,求過於供,加上以往只有皇室貴族 才可食用,是另類身份象徵,都讓魚子醬售價相當。鱘魚是自遠古已有的魚類, 一般要長大至20年才會產卵,來自愈年長鱘魚的魚子會更大顆、更具光澤,自然 也更昂貴。以往只有靠捕殺鱘魚才可取得肚內魚子,由於魚子易破,整個過程要 以人手進行,殺魚取卵其實間接減少日後的鱘魚數量。但現在很多鱘魚養殖場改 以按摩取卵方法,可以留活來繁衍。

魚子醬的營養價值 魚子醬通常少量享用,當中含有豐富的鈣、磷、蛋白質、硒、鐵、鎂和維生 素B12、B6、B2、B44、C、A和D。其高蛋白質成份包括胺基酸中的精胺酸、組 胺酸、賴胺酸、異亮胺酸和蛋胺酸。每湯匙的魚子醬含有1克Omega-3脂肪酸,但 要注意鈉和膽固醇含量也很高,同時因產品未經加熱消毒,因此不建議孕婦食用。

Traditionally, caviar came from wild Caspian Sea and Black Sea sturgeon, with russia and Iran being the best-known sources of caviar. However, due to the depletion of wild sturgeon stocks, most caviar today is sustainably raised and harvested from aquaculture farms around the world. Caviar comes in different grades based on such factors as roe uniformity, size, colour, glossiness, fragrance and firmness. Caviar’s taste and texture, in addition to its cost, is also reflected in the grade. (Caviar Centre notes that fresh caviar is 2-5% salt in contrast to cheaper quality caviars that tend to have over 7% salt content.) In general, russian beluga caviar is the most prized and priciest. Of the popular raised caviars like osetra and sevruga, Imperial (or Tsar Imperial) is the highest grade and possesses the biggest and lightest beads. It’s followed by royal, with smaller beige to light grey eggs, then Classic or Select, with darker grey-black beads. Traditionalists tend only to consume bona fide caviar, but modern connoisseurs are open to trying more affordable non-sturgeon roes, like paddlefish, lumpfish or trout.

WHy IS CAvIAr SO ExpEnSIvE? not only considered the food of royalty, as well as a status symbol, the premium price commanded for this cherished commodity is due to its high demand and low availability—at one point it was overfished almost to extinction. In general, besides rarity, caviar that comes from older fish is larger, lighter and glossier, but also more expensive. Sturgeons are an ancient fish that have to mature over 20 years before producing eggs. In the past, the only way to extract eggs was by killing the sturgeon – a process that would also eliminate future generations of caviar-producing fish. These days, many sturgeon farmers milk the fish instead, leaving them alive to reproduce.

CAvIAr’S nuTrITIOn Typically enjoyed in small amounts, caviar is a good source of calcium and phosphorus, as well as protein, selenium, iron, magnesium and vitamins A, B2, B6, B12, B44, C and D. The high-protein food is also an excellent source of amino acids (lysine, isoleucine and methionine). Each tablespoon of caviar contains a gram of Omega-3 fatty acids, but is also high in sodium and cholesterol. It is not recommended for pregnant women, since the product isn’t pasteurized.





dining to tell 非鱘魚類魚子醬中,三 文魚和鱒魚的也非常受 歡迎。 Of the non-sturgeon roes, highly desirable varieties include salmon and trout.

成立於2011年,在Neuvic的Domaine Huso是法國七家養殖魚子醬主要生 產商當中最新的一家。 Founded in 2011, Domaine Huso in Neuvic is the newest of seven major producers of farmed caviar in France.

Caviar Centre的四款鱘魚魚子醬 (從左上 角順時針方向) ︰Beluga (Huso Huso)、 Osetra、Venetian和Imperial Osetra。 A sampling of sturgeon caviars from Caviar Centre, from bottom to top: Beluga (Huso Huso), Imperial Osetra, Osetra and Venetian Sturgeon.


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BELuGA (HuSO HuSO) Beluga是鱘魚之中,體型最大和稀罕的品種,可活 至一百歲,以往只有皇室才可享用Beluga魚子醬。Caviar Centre獨家供應的Beluga(Huso Huso)魚子醬來自全世界唯 一在裏海鹹水養殖場的Beluga鱘魚,每罐容量由10克至250 克不等。

As the most luxurious caviar commercially available, belugas can live up to 100 years and are the largest and scarcest of sturgeons. Once reserved for royal families, the variety that’s exclusive to Caviar Centre is sourced from the only farm in the world that raises its fish in Caspian Sea saltwater and is available in tins ranging from 10 to 250 grams.

最頂級的Beluga魚子醬,顆粒大而明亮,色澤淡灰至 灰黑,甚至微微泛着金黃的光澤,外觀飽滿渾圓,仿若有海 帶般的鹹味,但又同時帶甜味,入口甘香,有令人回味的餘 韻。

Considered the highest premium grade available, beluga caviar’s large pale grey eggs are clear, glossy and have a prominent eye (dark spot). Their flavour is smooth, delicate and balanced, briny like kelp but slightly sweet. The caviar has a mild oily-creamy—almost buttery—body and melts in the mouth with a pleasing lingering finish.



僅次於Beluga的,是Osetra 鱘魚,中等體型,可活至 五十歲,其魚子顏色由棕灰色帶黑金亮澤至近乎全黑色(顏 色較淺的魚子一般來自最年長的Osetra,味道也更是濃郁豐 富。)因其食味和高水準而備受美食家歡迎,每罐重量由30 至250克不等。

next to beluga, osetra is most prized. The medium-sized sturgeon can live up to 50 years with roe that ranges from gold to almost black (the lighter varieties are coveted for their richer flavour and generally come from older sturgeons). It’s a connoisseur choice that’s popular for its taste and quality and comes in 30- to 250-gram tins.

IMpErIAL OSETrA CAvIAr Imperial Osetra Caviar又被稱為「黃金」魚子醬,來自 年歲極成熟的俄羅斯鱘魚Ocetra,以往只有俄國皇室才能享 用。中型大小的魚子富光澤,顏色是呈淺琥珀色的深棕色, 質感半硬,帶堅果味,初入口有頗強、猶如醬油的食味,但 隨之而來的是綿密細膩鮮美的回甘。

The Imperial or “golden” osetra caviar is a rare variety produced from very mature osetra sturgeons that was once reserved exclusively for russian czars. The medium-sized roe is glossy and deep brown with pale amber undertones. Its semi-firm texture gives way to nutty flavours that have a sharp almost soya saucetasting start, which mellows out with a creamy-oily lasting saline finish.

OSETrA CAvIAr Osetra魚子醬顆粒中型大小,深棕色中帶淡淡的金黃。 咬開柔軟的外殼,會嘗到淡淡的麥芽味和堅果味,以及微微 的醬油味,口感粘密細膩。

Medium-sized Osetra is dark brown with faint golden tones. These soft orbs dissolve on the tongue, with a flavour that’s mildly malty, bordering on nutty, with hints of soya sauce that lingers in its sticky, creamy finish.

vEnETIAn STurGEOn CAvIAr 在威尼斯養殖場生長的是壽命可長達60歲的意大利西 伯利亞鱘魚,成熟期較晚。具有中等大小的閃亮顆粒,色澤 是深黑中帶黃。以礦物鹽(相信是喜馬拉雅鹽)醃製,鹽度適 中,但稍有油膩的粘膩感;味道盈腔旳持續時間較短,也略 帶澀味;但精緻的味道跟Osetra魚子醬類似,售價卻只是後 者的一半,是性價比最高的魚子醬之一。

Farm-raised in venice, the Italian Siberian sturgeon lives up to 60 years and matures late. Its glistening roe is medium-sized and very dark, bordering on black, with yellow undertones. The soft texture gives away to a clean salinity that’s like mineral-enriched salt (think, Himalayan salt) and has a slightly oily-rich sticky finish. The taste is shorter lasting, lingering faintly with a slightly astringent, clingy finish. As one of the best-valued ostera caviars on the market, it checks all the boxes in taste and texture for almost half the price of Osetra.



EurOpEAn TrOuT CAvIAr 在歐洲淡水養殖場生長的歐洲鱒魚,於水質好的環境 下,孕育出更出色的橙色魚子,閃閃發亮,有「咬口」的獨特 口感,鹹鮮中擁有甜美的煙熏味,適合搭配含奶油成份的食 物。每罐為50克至100克不等。

Brilliant orange, these glistening beads have a crisp, al dente texture that yields to a firm bite. The flavour is salty clean, but leaves a hint of smoky bonito on the palate. raised on aquafarms in Europe, these leading freshwater cultured species produce heartier roe that’s great when consumed with creamy ingredients and comes in 50- to 100-gram jars.

SALMOn CAvIAr (WILD CHuM SALMOn rOE CAvIAr/GrADE A) 來自太平洋西北部海域和亞拉斯加的野生三文魚魚子, 猶如橙紅色的珍珠,體積較大和豐美多汁,咬開即感受到混 合著三文魚、清潔海水和脆青瓜般的美味,富含奧米茄3, 無論是生吃或是作烹飪材料也適合。每瓶由113克至1000克 不等。

prized for having voluptuous, fiery orange-red pearls, these juicy roe bust to release a bright and briny creamy-viscous liquor that’s intensely of salmon, clean sea water and crisp cucumber. A wild product from the cold waters of the pacific northwest and Alaska, it can be used raw as a garnish or cooked into many dishes. Full of Omega 3s, these come in 113- to 1000-gram jars.





dining to tell 傳統搭配魚子醬進食的是薄脆餅、 紅洋蔥碎、熟蛋黃、蛋白和細香蔥。 Traditional caviar service may serve the delicacy on blini with accoutrements, such as crème fraiche, chopped red onions, hard-boiled egg yolks, egg whites and chives.

魚子醬圈餅是Fairmont Pacific Rim酒店行政 總廚Damon Campbell 的招牌菜,將數量可 觀的Northern Divine魚子醬 (最佳的可持續 鱘魚魚子醬之一) 放到新鮮鬆軟的圈餅上。 The caviar donut is the pretty and dainty signature dish of Fairmont Pacific Rim’s executive chef Damon Campbell, formerly of Bosk in Shangri-La Toronto. Featuring traditional caviar accoutrements piled generously on an airy light, fresh fried brioche donut and christened with Northern Divine sturgeon roe—one of the best sustainable caviars on the planet.


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無論產品是否經過加熱殺菌,奉上魚子醬時通常會放到加入碎 冰塊的玻璃器皿以保鮮。無論是作食材主角或是點綴,應以每人半 安士至1安士的份量來款客。

Whether pasteurized or fresh, caviar should always be chilled when served. Whether a stand-alone course or for topping canapés, hosts should aim to serve ½ to 1 oz. per person.

最直接的吃法便是用湯匙舀起送入口中,但謹記需使用珍珠貝 母、骨瓷或水晶製的湯匙,絕對不要用金屬匙,免得因氧化而令味 道變質。又或是把魚子醬放到手背虎口位置,讓手溫把魚子醬略微 變暖,增加香氣。

But when it comes to eating caviar, purists prefer theirs unadulterated, eaten with either a spoon made of mother-of-pearl, bone or crystal (never metal), or as a large bump off the back of the hand between the index finger and thumb. The latter lightly warms the caviar, allowing for more aroma to enhance the experience.

很多人都愛以傳統方式享用魚子醬,就是把開蓋的魚子醬罐 頭放到碎冰上,伴以多士、薄脆餅或小薯仔、法式酸奶油、紅洋蔥 碎、熟蛋黃、蛋白和細香蔥;也可以放到煮好的麵條和燴飯頂,甚 至拿來作醬汁。而相對價格較廉的飛魚子和多春魚魚子,則常作裝 飾或壽司食材用。

Others may choose elegant and classic caviar service that features an open tin of caviar on a bed of crushed ice with the lid – an important detail – propped up beside it, accompanied by toast points, blini (thin buckwheat pancakes) or small steam potatoes, and traditional accoutrements such as crème fraiche, chopped red onions, hard-boiled egg yolks, egg whites and chives.


Some may even top hot dishes like pasta and risotto with caviar, or fold it into sauces. Inexpensive roes, like tobiko or capelin, are often used as a garnish or in sushi.

魚子醬很容易腐壞變質,需要小心處理,未開封的新鮮魚子 醬應放在冰箱,以-2°C至+2°C之間的溫度冷藏。未開罐的新鮮魚 子醬可以保存長達4周,而經加熱消毒的罐頭魚子醬罐則可保存6至 9個月。部分魚子冰凍後更可保存長達一年。不管是何種類的魚子 醬,一經打開便應在2至3天內食用。

魚子醬配酒之道 香檳可說是魚子醬的最佳配搭,氣泡與酸度可將兩者完美結 合。對講究的老饕來說,更喜以冰涼的伏特加配鹹味略濃的俄羅斯 魚子醬,及以白酒來配法國魚子醬。也有人認為配哪一種酒最重要 是看個人喜好,只要不是果味太濃、太甜和有橡木味,配雞尾酒和 啤酒亦可。一般來說,顏色較淺、較年輕的魚子醬應配搭年份淺的 白酒;而配搭顆粒較大、味道較濃和質感較強如Osetra魚子醬,則 最宜配陳年白酒;而任何種類的魚子醬或魚子均適合配搭清酒或蘇 打水。

配酒貼士 • Beluga、Imperial和Osetra魚子醬最是適合跟blanc de noir香 檳、brut香檳、有氣玫瑰葡萄酒sparkling rosé、白酒chablis,未有 經過橡木桶烘培處理的chardonnay白葡萄酒、雪利酒、砵酒或精 釀啤酒搭配。 • Venetian和Siberian魚子醬則適宜伴brut香檳、sauvignon blanc 白酒、雪利酒和砵酒。 • 三文魚和鱒魚製的魚子醬可以用blanc de noir香檳、chenin blanc白酒、sauvignon blanc白酒、玫瑰紅酒rosé、pinot noir紅酒 或pilsner啤酒來配搭。

STOrInG CAvIAr Delicate and highly perishable, caviar should be handled with care, with unopened containers of fresh caviar kept refrigerated between minus -2°C and 2°C. unopened tins of fresh caviar can be kept for up to four weeks, while pasteurized caviar tins can last up to nine months. Some roes can be stored frozen for up to a year. However, all caviars should be consumed within three days of the tin being opened.

CAvIAr pAIrInGS Serving to cleanse the palate without competing with the prized product’s flavour, caviar is classically served with champagne. However, connoisseurs are also known to devour saltier russian varieties with a shot of ice-cold vodka and subtler French caviars with white burgundies. Others believe it’s best to find a drink that you enjoy—including cocktails and beer—that are not too fruity, sweet or oaky with this delicacy. A general rule is to pair lighter-coloured, younger caviars with early-drinking white wines. Larger, fuller-flavoured and textured caviars like Osetra go best with age-worthy whites. Finally, any caviar or roe works well with sake or sparkling water.

HErE ArE SOME OTHEr SuGGESTIOnS: • Beluga, Imperial and Osetra caviars pair nicely with blanc de noir, brut, sparkling rosé, chablis, unoaked chardonnay, sherry, porter or amber ale. • Venetian and Siberian sturgeon caviars match beautifully with brut, sauvignon blanc, sherry or porter. • Salmon or trout roe can be served with blanc de blanc, chenin blanc, sauvignon blanc, rosé, pinot noir or a pilsner.





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Something Special

the Dalmore marks 180 years of exceptional whisky making

1951年,註定是個不平凡的年份。 正是在這一年,柯德莉夏萍獻上了她的百老匯舞台劇處女作《金粉世界》 ;著名 美國作家沙林傑出版了他的驚世之作《麥田裡的守望者》 ;人們第一次看到在彩色電 視上播出的棒球賽。威士忌釀製商The Dalmore前不久推出限量版60年單一麥芽威 士忌「The Dalmore 60 Years Old」,僅只三瓶,也正是在這一年釀造的。 這三瓶限量版60年單一麥芽威士忌最難得的是,它所使用的酒液是在1951年 6月7日首次蒸餾的威士忌,同時所儲藏的容器也大有名堂,乃是來自Mackenzie 年代、並排躺在蘇格蘭高地、碩果僅存的最後兩個曾儲藏雪麗酒的酒桶。酒液在 桶內經過60年久遠歲月慢慢交纏熟成,構建出層次、深度和複雜性,再將兩桶 Mackenzie時代的原酒調和在一起,成就叫人回味的佳釀。 不管是過去或現在,The Dalmore在這180年來都是釀酒界的大師級精英分 子,所釀製的單一麥芽威士忌皆是獨一無二,體現了品牌的企業氣魄視野和對釀 製完美威士忌的不懈追求。現任釀酒大師Richard Paterson剛於2020年慶祝在The Dalmore服務踏入了第六個十年,而他會繼續從世界上最好的酒窖和釀酒廠親自挑 選稀有酒桶,務求讓精心釀造的威士忌透過使用不同的酒湧來相互影響及烘托,成 就更佳作品。 品牌的付出也深受肯定,出品的「The Dalmore 35-Year-Old」便獲得全球威 士忌四大競賽之一的International Spirits Challenge頒發2020年度的「Supreme Champion」至尊冠軍大獎;Richard Paterson也榮獲終身成就獎,以表揚他對行業 超過50年的積極奉獻。 The Dalmore自1839年由Mackenzie家族創立以來,現在已是第三代,始終如 一的是所秉承的不斷努力突破釀製威士忌界限的精神,以極致複雜的轉桶工藝為旗 下威士忌創造無法言喻的奧秘層次,透過長時間熟成來傳遞恆久璀璨的品牌傳奇。 而在每一瓶The Dalmore單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌上的「12支鹿角的鹿首皇室徽章」更 是品牌圖騰,成為公認的優質威士忌標記。

The year was 1951. Audrey Hepburn made her Broadway début in Gigi, J.D. Salinger’s Catcher In The Rye was released, the first baseball game was televised in colour (Brooklyn Dodgers vs. Boston Braves) and the spirit in Dalmore’s recently released 60 Year Old was first distilled. According to current master distiller Richard Peterson, the spirit was first distilled on June 7, 1951 and was then transferred into twin ex-sherry casks for aging. They laid side by side in the Scottish Highlands for the next 60 years, while the whisky in each evolved in an entirely different direction. Blending them together again after six decades is the ultimate reunion, made extra special because they are the last casks of the great Mackenzie era. For the uninitiated, Mackenzie is the name of the clan which owned Dalmore for almost a century. Three generations of the family provided masterful stewardship to the distillery, putting it at the forefront of whisky-making. The longstanding, deep-rooted alliances they established with the finest winemakers and bodegas to source exquisite casks remain today an integral part of the quality and depth of The Dalmore character. It was also the Mackenzie Clan that began the tradition of adorning each decanter with the distinctive Royal stag, which has become an icon recognized worldwide. The Dalmore 60 Year Old is also special because it commemorates five decades of dedication to the distillery by Paterson, who continues to hand-select rare casks from around the world. In recognition of his contribution to the industry, he was recently awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the International Spirits Challenge. Perhaps most importantly, the 60 Year Old bears testimony to the long and illustrious legacy of The Dalmore since its establishment in 1839. Overseen by an unbroken chain of visionary whisky makers, whose entrepreneurial spirit and restless pursuit of the perfect whisky endures today, it continues to push the boundaries of whisky making, cultivating an entrepreneurial and creatively brave vision to invest in the future and continue the relentless pursuit of the perfect whisky.

wine not


Shady RootS, GloRiouS PReSence new release of canada’s oldest whisky harkens to a much darker past Story | Leslie Yip 講究威士忌年份、愈陳愈愛的話,其實可不假外求—在加拿大 本土釀製的威士忌品牌Canadian Club剛推出了加拿大年份最高、 43年陳的Canadian Club 43 Year-Old Chronicles Issue No. 3。此 限量版佳釀又被冠名「Speakeasy」,是這家以安省為基地酒廠編年 史系列中的第三版,亦是向一個世紀前禁酒令期間,酒廠成就的傳 奇致敬。 於1977年開始在橡木酒桶陳釀的Canadian Club 43 Year Old, 散發仿若焦糖和太妃糖的香氣,並帶有肉荳蔻、丁香、焦糖和乾果 的甜味,口腔中彷彿品嚐到甜和辣之間的微妙交鋒卻又相輔相成的 平衡感。 在潤澤古銅酒色和柔順口感的掩映下,卻隱藏著這家加拿大最 大釀酒廠罕為人知的歷史。 86

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For those in pursuit of well-aged whiskies, look no further. Canadian Club has unveiled the oldest whisky ever released by a Canadian distiller—the Canadian Club 43 Year Old. Dubbed “The Speakeasy”, this limited release is the third edition of the Ontario-based distillery’s Chronicles Series, paying tribute to the brand’s legendary role a century ago during Prohibition. Batched and barrelled in 1977, Canadian Club 43 Year Old boasts notes of caramel and toffee grounded by oak and leather on the nose, and delivers nutmeg, cloves, burnt sugar and dried fruit on the palate, striking a lovely balance between subtle spiciness and sweetness. While the luminous coppery tones and the unctuous mouthfeel is warm and bright, the history of Canada’s largest distillery is shaded with a clandestine past.

Canadian Club 43 Year Old, 45% ABV, 750ml | $319.99

首先,雖然名字跟加拿大扯上關係,Canadian Club其實是由 一名美國穀物商人創立,他在底特律以生產威士忌作為副業,為了 要避開山雨欲來的禁酒令,匆匆將釀酒廠搬到一河之隔的加拿大, 亦即是現在的溫莎市。 當美國實施禁酒令,為釀酒廠成就發財機會,數以千箱計的威 士忌透過地下水道偷運過邊境,而這些偷運者為了避免執法部門注 意,過程中總是輕聲說話,這也是該威士忌別號「Speakeasy」的由 來,亦成為當時走私到美國數量最多的威士忌。 臭名昭著的黑幫人物Al Capone也是釀酒廠當時最大的買家之 一,雖然加拿大進行酒精交易是合法的,但像Capone這樣的黑幫老 大卻希望能秘密進行,因此釀酒廠把地庫的酒窖變成方便行事的避 風港。傳聞酒窖牆上的子彈孔便是來自一場特別激烈的 「商務會議」 。 由於這威士忌的經銷商眾多,加上優質水準,成為不少俱樂部 備受歡迎的熱門選擇,因此被稱為「club whisky (俱樂部威士忌) 」。 當美國的禁酒令解除後,美國的威士忌酒商希望為自己討好處,請 願要求非美國釀造的烈酒標明產地;因此Club Whisky便在前面加上 「Canadian」一字,如此一來,反而令「Canadian Club Whisky」揚名 立萬,更受追捧。 所以,Canadian Club Whisky不是「加拿大俱樂部」威士忌,而 是「加拿大」的俱樂部威士忌,代表著更高的質量和更廣的受歡迎程 度。為加拿大舉杯!

First of all, despite the name, Canadian Club was not founded by a Canadian. Rather, it was built by an American grain merchant by the name of Hiram Walker, who produced some whisky in Detroit as a side business. He saw the impending temperance movement as a threat, so he hopped across the river and built a distillery on a 190-hectare plot of land that would eventually be incorporated as the village of Walkerville, now part of Windsor. When Prohibition went into effect, the distillery prospered. Thousands of cases of the whisky were smuggled across the border by bootleggers to underground watering holes known as “speakeasies” —patrons had to speak softly while inside, so as not to alert the authorities. In fact, it became the No. 1 smuggled whisky to the U.S. at the time. The infamous Al Capone was one of the distillery’s biggest buyers. And while it was perfectly legal in Canada to trade in alcohol, bootlegging gangsters like Capone wanted more privacy. So the distillery turned its basement wine cellar into a speakeasy to provide a haven. Rumour has it that a bullet hole on the wall bears testimony to one particularly tempestuous business meeting. Thanks to its arduous wheeler-dealers and its quality, the distillery’s whisky became the brand of choice in numerous exclusive bars and became known as the “club whisky”. After Prohibition was lifted, bourbon makers petitioned for non-American liquors to identify their country of origin, hoping to give themselves an advantage. The distillery obliged with a prominent “Canadian” above the words “Club Whisky” on the bottle and, to the bourbon makers’ chagrin, this only made the product more sought after. So it wasn’t “Canadian Club” whisky, but “Canadian” club whisky, a proud proclamation of quality and business savviness. Cheers to Canada! ELITEGEN






A clAssic redefined leica upgrades the M10 with the M10-r Story | Chen Xuying 經典相機品牌Leica從2017年起,先後推出M10、M10-P、M10-D、 M10 Monochrom,今次新推出M10-R,其中的R代表Resolution,為M10 Monochrom的解像度升級到四千萬像素,並將黑白感光元件換成彩色 CMOS,讓M10-R除了能拍攝風格獨特的黑白相片外,亦能為相片裁剪及 後製提供更多空間。 外觀設計來說,M10-R較接近M10-P,繼續採用手工打造的全金屬機 身,亦採用三吋TFT後置屏幕、Maestro II處理器,以及手動對焦系統。操 作方面,M10-R機頂只有快門及ISO轉盤。快門速度、光圈都是透過機頂轉 盤及鏡頭的光圈環來調整,但驅動模式、曝光補償、測光模式等就需要透 過顯示屏幕操作,而ISO轉盤的操作,需要先把轉盤拉起,才可調校。 M10-R支援每秒4.5張連拍,並備有2GB的緩衝記憶,支援連拍10張相 片,用作街頭抓拍會更方便。另外,M10-R曝光時間最長可達16分鐘,更 有利於夜景拍攝。整體而言,憑着四千萬像素的威力,M10-R對細節處理 會更理想。


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Since 2017, Leica has unveiled the M10, M10-P, M10-D and M10 Monochrom one after the other. The latest, the M10-R, has been upgraded to 40 megapixels. The monochrome image sensor has given way to a colourful CMOS, giving the M10-R greater photo-editing capabilities other than shooting monochrome images. The M10-R resembles the M10-P, with a hand-assembled, all-metal body, a three-inch TFT LED, a Maestro II processor and a manual-focus rangefinder. The top of the M10-R features a shutter and an ISO dial, which has to be pulled out to turn. Settings, exposure compensation, white balance and other settings are controlled through the touch screen. The M10-R supports up to 4.5 fps with 2GB buffer memory for bursts of 10 frames for off-the-cuff shooting. The longest timed exposure is 16 minutes.

ISO轉盤的操作,就需要先把轉盤拉起才可進行調校。 Pull up the iSO dial to make adjustments.

外觀設計上,M10-R會較接近M10-P。 The M10-R resembles the M10-P in form.

1,300mAh電池,電量比很多無反相機更充足。 The 1,300mah battery offers more juice than many mirrorless interchangeable-lense cameras.

不少設定都需要透過LED顯示屏來執行。 a number of settings are set on the LeD touch screen.

今代M10-R黑白感光元件換成彩色CMOS,讓用家可以彩色與黑白兩者兼得。 cMOS image sensor is used in the M10-R instead of the monochrome image sensor, to enable colour or monochrome photos.

Leica M10-R 類別:旁軸數碼相機 鏡頭接口:Leica M 感光元件:4,089萬像素24×36mm全片幅CMOS 影像處理器:Maestro II 相片格式:DNG(RAW 14bit 無損畫質) 、JPEG(8bit) 最大解像度:7,864×5,200(DNG 40,89MP)/7,840×5,184(JPEG 40,64MP) 連拍:4.5fps 緩存:2GB/10張照片 (連拍時) 白平衡:自動、手動、8個預設、色溫輸入 快門速度:1/4,000至960秒 (16分鐘) ,支援B快門 測光模式:多區測光、中央重點測光、重點測光 曝光補償:+/-3EV 可選擇1/3EV級調整ISO 感光值:自動、ISO 100-ISO 50000 Camera type: Compact digital view and rangefinder system camera Lens attaChment: Leica m sensor: 4,089 pixels, 24×36mm full-frame Cmos Image proCessor: maestro II FILe Format: Dng (raW 14bit compressed loss-free, Jpeg (8bit) resoLutIon: 7,864×5,200 (Dng 40,89mp)/7,840×5,184 (Jpeg 40,64mp) pICture serIes: 4.5fps BuFFer memory: 2gB/10 pictures in series. WhIte BaLanCe: automatic, manual, eight presets, manual colour temperature control shutter speeDs: 1/4,000 to 960 seconds (16 minutes), supports 2nd shutter meterIng moDes: multi-zone metering, centre–weighted metering, selective metering sensItIvIty range: Iso 100 to Iso 50.000 us$8,295







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平治 G 63 越野車 型爆跨越 40 年

EyE catching the 2020 Mercedes-Benz g 63 SUV is a sexy gas guzzler

Story | Norris McDonald 我住在一個汽車只是作代步工具的社 區。在過去一年裡,因工作的關係,我的 車道上泊過很多不同類型和款式的汽車, 引來鄰居的艷羨目光。早前,我試駕了一 輛以白色為主調襯上黑色的2020年平治G 63越野車,更加成為鄰居的熱門話題。

Over the course of a year, a variety of cars and trucks are parked in my driveway. I live in a neighbourhood where a car is basically a means of getting from A to B. My neighbours rarely stop and talk about these vehicles. But last November, I had a white 2020 Mercedes-Benz G 63 SUV with black trim out on loan and that one sure got people talking.






我不否認我對平治情有獨鍾,原因之一是英國車手Lewis Hamilton雄霸一級方程式賽車冠軍多年,他所駕駛的正是平治品 牌。一級方程式賽車是當今世上最昂貴的運動,這或可解釋到為何 平治汽車往往比一般的家庭房車或SUV要貴一些。例如今次介紹的 G 63,零售價就要195,900元。不過,要是價格平一半的汽車,就 不會像這輛車般吸引人們的注意了。

G 63誘人之處


I have a soft spot for Mercedes-Benz. One of the reasons, of course, is that Lewis Hamilton has dominated Formula One racing for years and he drives for Mercedes. F1 is the world’s most expensive sport and that might help explain why Mercedes-Benz cars tend to be a bit more pricey than your average family sedan or SUV. This all-wheel-drive G 63, for instance, has a sticker price of $195,900.

A cLOSer LOOk AT THe G 63

外觀:粗獷有型。這輛越野車看起來像是第二次世界大戰中 使用的軍車,既復古同時又非常現代化。例如古老的車門把手有按 鈕,而後備車胎以不鏽鋼蓋覆蓋著,掛在車尾箱的門上。你需要用 力砰的一聲,才能把門關上,質感很強。21吋的輪胎內置一個很長 的火紅色制動鉗,十分性感。車旁的黑色迎賓腳踏,教人喜歡。

Exterior: This SUV looks like a military vehicle from the Second World War. It’s very retro, yet very modern at the same time. There are buttons in the door handles and a stainless-steel cover for the spare tire and wheel mounted at the back. You have to slam the doors to shut them properly. This model comes equipped with 21-inch wheels and the visible red brake calipers are quite sexy. The side running boards, in black, add to its appeal.

內廂:全部採用真皮裝飾,包括座椅、儀表板、方向盤等等。 你還可以擁有所有的標準駕駛安全功能、駕駛模式、越野設定,以 及資訊娛樂系統和590瓦特的Burmester環迴音響系統。而當你啪 地把門關上時,所發出的聲響絕對令你難忘。行李箱空間更是綽綽 有餘,有足夠地方放置我和太太每周一次外出購買的物品。

Interior: First, you’re surrounded by leather. Seats, dash, steering wheel, you name it and it’s covered by leather. All of the now-standard safety features, ride modes and off-road settings are right there for you, as are the infotainment and speaker systems (590-watt Burmester surround sound). And the sound the door locks make as you pull away is unforgettable. The “trunk” space is more than adequate—we did the

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此外,車內設有車道保持輔助系統,確保你開始搖擺並偏離車道 時把你拉回正路,同時還有盲點監控系統、後方橫向車流警示等等, 令你駕駛倍感安全。

weekly shopping and my wife was more than satisfied with the amount of cargo space. And then you have lane-keep assist, which really jerks you back into line if you start to wander, blind-spot monitoring, rear cross-traffic assist and so on.

引擎:4.0公升雙渦輪增壓V8引擎,配以9前速自動波箱,全輪驅 動,輸出577匹馬力和627磅/呎扭力,短短4.5秒便能從靜止加速至時 速100公里。

Engine: The 4.0-litre, twin-turbo V8 engine, which is mated to a nine-speed automatic transmission, produces 577 horsepower and 627 lb.-ft. of torque. It goes from a dead stop to 100 km/h in 4.5 seconds.

若真的要挑剔的話,我勉強找到兩個:1. 後座位空間不足。這車 從外看像是一輛大型汽車,但內進後你便會發現它其實沒有想象中那 麼大。2. 它的耗油量頗大:綜合市內及高速公路每100公里平均需要 約16公升汽油。除了上述兩個小瑕疵之外,2020年平治G 63 SUV確是 一輛非常出色的汽車。

Two nitpiks: There is no backseat room. It looks like a big car till you get into it. And it inhales gasoline: combined fuel mileage is around 16 L/100 kms. Otherwise, this is a great vehicle.

規格 車身款式:四門5座位小型SUV 傳動:前置引擎,全輪驅動,9前速自動波箱 引擎:4.0公升雙渦輪增壓V8引擎,輸出577匹馬力和627磅/呎扭力 耗油量:市內:18.093公升/100公里;高速公路:15.681公升/100公里 行李箱容量:38.1立方呎,後排座椅摺疊後可大幅增加容量 重量:2,485公斤

FACT BOX BODY STYLE: Small SUV (4-door, five passenger) DRIVE METHOD: Front engine, all-wheel drive, nine-speed automatic transmission ENGINE: 4.0-litre, twin-turbo V8 (577 hp, 627 lb.-ft. of torque) FUEL ECONOMY: 18.093 L/100 km city; 15.681 L/100 km highway CARGO VOLUME: 38.1 cu. ft. (with back seats upright) CURB WEIGHT: 2,485 kg $195,900

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