Mar / Apr 2021 EliteGen Vancouver

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March/April 2021 Vol. 56 Vancouver

vancouver Mar/aPr 2021

luxury living for canada's chinese elite


Tiffany by naTure


A sing tao publicAtion

sPrinG fashion Trends


230 years of GirardPerreGaux 靈巧易駕

Porsche Panamera 4s e-hybrid

撕掉標籤 顛覆過往‧ 鹿晗

Display until April 30, 2021


Lu Han

no Looking back

A sing tao publicAtion

luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief 胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 編輯 Editor 李彩 Connie Li 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 編輯部 Editorial enquiries / 604-321-1111

參與 Contributors Simon J Boucher-Harris, Iris Chui, Michelle Demaree, Kenson Ho, Norris McDonald, Michael Muraz, Crystal Ng, Isabelle Ngai, Truc Nguyen, Renée Suen, Shuk Wa Tsang, Miranda Tsui, Emilia Ku Yazar, Iris Yim

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan / 王碧琪 Becky Wong

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publisher’s letter

暖意將臨 hope ahead ! "Spring will come and so will happiness. Hold on. Life will get warmer.” —Motivational poet Anita Krizzan

春天將臨,幸福將臨,堅持,等待,生活的暖意也 將來臨。 ——勵志詩人Anita Krizzan 被疫情隔離的生活已有一年,記得去年的此時我正 在為飛赴巴黎參加2020年秋冬時裝周作準備,疫情開始 變得令人難以捉摸,Giorgio Armani宣佈取消他的米蘭 發佈會,而法國的新冠感染病例與日俱增。 我 的 法 國 之旅仍然成行,旅行結束後,為安全起 見,回到家我堅持作了14天的自我隔離。也就在隔離的 第一周,加拿大開始封城,直至五月下旬我才有機會再 次回到辦公室。對這個工作了8年的小天地我曾是那麼的 熟悉一如自己的手掌,再次踏足此地,卻倏然有了種陌 生感……。哦,我的桌上擺着一台嶄新的電腦顯示屏, 這還是我去巴黎之前申請的新設備,足足三個月之後才 跟它有了第一次照面,原來如此! 是 啊 , 整 個世界都在變,方方面面都是如此。就 拿時尚圈來說,設計師們將他們的作品搬到了網上, Jeremy Scott以視頻方式發佈了他的Moschino 2021年春 季系列,秀場上模特被人偶取而代之。同樣,Chanel的 Métiers d’ Art系列大秀只有一位現場觀眾——品牌大使 Kristen Stewart。不過,這不會難倒我們,這個從傳奇 「貴婦堡」 中汲取靈感的系列在本期雜誌裡得以精彩展現。 人們的購物習慣也在改變,雖然西裝、高跟鞋可能 現時都在衣帽間裡蒙塵,但零售業卻錄得可喜數字—— 人們需要在一個接一個的Zoom會議上衣裝鮮亮。賣得較 少,自然品質要較高,精美的設計,細緻的做工,哪怕 多花點錢也值得。追上今春最新的時尚,我們為您包羅 萬象。 休閒方式不會沒有調整,不能外出就餐,美味佳餚 叫外賣也能享受到。再者,捲起衣袖自己動手,跟着我 們向您推介的頂級大廚學習烹飪手藝,菜鳥變廚神, 其中大有樂趣。要是把我們的居所營造得如Concord Bridge的空中城堡一樣炫酷,您一定不會對居家生活感 到煩悶。如果實在是旅遊之癢難耐,就去魁北克的薩格 奈峽灣,在針葉林中穿行,於勞倫斯河中浮潛。 但 願 本 期 雜誌能給您送去些許安慰和鼓舞。春將 臨,張開我們的雙臂去擁抱陽光擁抱溫暖擁抱希望。


E L I T E G E N. C A



March 2021 marks the first anniversary when pandemic panic hit the globe. I still remember getting increasingly wary while preparing for my trip to Paris for the Fall/Winter 2020 Fashion Week. Giorgio Armani just announced he was cancelling his show in Milan, and France was reporting increasing numbers of cases. I still made the trip to France, and when I returned, I insisted on self-isolating for 14 days, just to be safe. Then, exactly a week into my voluntary self-quarantine, Canada went into lockdown. It was not until late May when I set foot in my office again. I have worked in that office for almost eight years, so I should know it like the back of my hand, but it felt strange… until I realized that it was because there was a new computer monitor on my desk, one that I had asked for but didn’t get to see it until three months later. Yes, the world has changed in so many ways. On the fashion front, designers began taking their shows online. Some got creative: designer Jeremy Scott released his Moschino Spring 2021 collection via film format, and instead of models on a catwalk, he dressed marionette dolls in his new collection. Meanwhile, Chanel showed its Métiers d’Art collection to just one live audience—brand ambassador Kristen Stewart had the whole front row, in fact, all the rows to herself. But that didn’t stop us from bringing you the collection inspired by the fabled Chateau de Chenonceau. Our shopping habits, too, have changed. Suits and heels may be gathering dust in the closet, but retailers are reporting a soar in the sales of tops—we still want to look sharp on those never-ending Zoom meetings. We may be buying fewer items, but we are buying better—instead of 10 casual purchases, we prefer to invest in higher quality, craftsmanship and design. And our early spring fashion guide will keep you abreast of the best trends of the season. Leisure time has also had an adjustment. We may not be dining out quite yet, but that hasn’t stopped us from seeking out the best that takeout has to offer. We even roll up our sleeves to try our own hand in the kitchen. For all you budding home chefs, our gourmet kitchen and pantry feature will surely elevate your next dine-in meal to a whole new culinary level. Now if only our own kitchen and living space was as cool as the Concord Bridge Suite featured in our special supplement. And if you are still itching to travel, why not explore our own country? Saguenay in Québec is one of the most beautiful places in Canada, with historic villages, wild fjords and a majestic coastline. We hope this issue finds you happy and filled with inspriation. Spring is coming, so get ready to embrace brighter, warmer and more hopeful days ahead.

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911

置 身 於 SUB-ZERO 及 WOLF的 陳 列 室 , 就 仿 如 佳 餚 美 食 當 前 , 牽 動 你的感官味蕾!

歡迎親臨切身感受,揀選合適你廚房的品味之列,無論是初試設施 以至大廚級的要求,定能令你的感官得到全新體驗!



up front 6 團隊 Masthead


8 出版人的話 publisher's letter

14 鎂光燈下 on the red carpet

fashion 16-41 潮流特區 chanel Métiers d'art, dior, spring trends, boots & checking'in beauty & scents 42-47 美肌產品入手攻略 spring splurge, Maison Margiela celebrity 48 封面故事 鹿晗 • 撕掉標籤 顛覆過往 cover boy: lu han

48 16






jewellery 54 大自然讚歌 tiffany & co. timepieces 58 營造腕上精靈 girard-perregaux fashion: men 60 重拾珠光寶氣 the return of eMbroidery interior design 64 多治見體驗 tajiMi custoM tile

lifestyle 72 旅遊 travel: saguenay Québec

78-82 展覽 exhibition: victor vasarely, van gogh 86 當意大利遇上美國南方 restaurant: say Mercy! tech 90 當高科與奢華相遇 louis vuitton earphones automobiles 92 靈巧易駕 porsche panaMera 4s e-hybrid



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Dress coDe: oN the ‘reD’ carpet

露得有「禮」UV protected

樸素莊重 fringe benefits

貴氣優雅 chic cinderella




Elaine Yiu 姚子羚以超低開胸兼高衩裙現身香港TVB萬千星輝 頒獎典禮,中門大開,美腿畢露,性感度爆燈。


E L I T E G E N. C A



Sisley Choi 蔡思貝這次頒獎典禮加冕「視后」,卻不張揚。以 黑色吊帶穀胸上陣,樸素、莊重,且修長身段展露 無遺。

Katy Kung 龔嘉欣的晚裝不算搶鏡,但以素淨長裙襯托出的卡 地亞貴重首飾,顯得貴氣優雅。

活躍可愛 lady in red

性感耀眼 'bUst' it

渾然天成pink pearl




Crystal Fung 在頒獎禮眾星黑白色調衣裝中,馮盈盈的大紅裙分 外熱烈,輕薄紅紗配上亮晶晶動感耳墜,顯得活躍 可愛。

YoYo Chen 陳自瑤身着連身閃石長褲超低胸兼騷腰露背裝,在 典禮上甫一現身,立即成為全場性感之冠,夠曬搶 眼。

Kelly Cheung 張曦雯這身粉紅色晚裝,與卡地亞貴價首飾成絕 配。粉紅裙配襯有粉紅珍珠的耳環,很是和諧。





fashion: chanel


E L I T E G E N. C A




Château Chanel

Chanel’s Métiers d'art Collection 20/21 inspired by a fabled castle Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Juergen Teller





fashion: chanel


E L I T E G E N. C A



今年的Métiers d'Art工坊系列在盧瓦爾河谷的香儂頌城堡 (Châteaude Chenonceau)舉行,城堡標誌性的黑白菱格地板不但 是時裝秀的天橋,也成為設計靈感。亮片迷你裙、黑白提花毛衣配 襯流蘇幾何花呢長裙正是呼應此黑白圖案。 系列中亦同時見到城堡其它特色︰花園裡的花朵以夾克寬翻 領上的花卉刺繡得以永生,花呢斗篷則讓人聯想到城堡的著名掛 毯,城堡輪廓出現到寶石斑駁的寬腰帶上。城堡不單只是舉行時裝 秀場地,更是系列的繆斯。 Chanel的創意總監Virginie Viard說︰「在有『貴婦堡』之稱 的Château de Chenonceau舉行時裝秀,是最自然不過的選 擇。這裡由女性設計和居住,包括Diane de Poitiers和Catherine de’ Medici。而Catherine de’ Medici的徽號和Chanel一樣,都是以 兩個交錯的『雙C』作標誌。」 Chanel的Métiers d'Art高級手工坊系列傳承了Karl Lagerfeld 的理念,將法國的經典文化結合非凡手工藝。黑色喱士長裙上便有 來自Lemarié的鉚釘格子,錦緞連衣裙的上半部由來自Lesage的刺 繡師處理,雙色調的銀色厚底涼鞋和黑靴則是來自Massaro的製鞋 匠的傑作……工匠們的精湛工藝跟Chanel的設計相輝映。

The runway show in the grand gallery of the Château de Chenonceau was a dramatic backdrop for a motif echoed on sequined minis and long skirts in a fringed geometric tweed patchwork. Other elements from the château, which span the River Cher, are reimagined in a variety of ways: flowers from the gardens are immortalized in the floral embroideries on the wide lapel of a jacket; the famous tapestries of the castle inspire the warm hues of a tweed cape and the facade of the castle adorns a bejeweled wide belt. Chenonceau was not just a stage for the collection—it is its muse. “Showing at the Château de Chenonceau, the ‘Château des Dames’, was an obvious choice,” says Virginie Viard, creative director of Chanel. “It was designed and lived in by women, including Diane de Poitiers and Catherine de’ Medici. And Catherine de’ Medici’s emblem was a monogram composed of two intertwined Cs, just like that of Chanel.” The Métiers d’Art ready-to-wear show is a nod to Chanel’s late creative director Karl Lagerfeld, who wanted to perpetuate French cultural legacy and an uncommon craft expertise. From the long black lace dress composed of lattices punctuated with studs by Lemarié and the top of a damask dress embroidered entirely by Lesage to the two-tone sparkling silver platform sandals and the tapered black boots made by Massaro, these artisans surely shine.





fashion: chanel


E L I T E G E N. C A







fashion: dior


E L I T E G E N. C A




not your average wallpaper

Dior's precious pajama sets, bathrobes and ponchos inspired by the tropics Story | Connie Li Chez Moi是Dior首個家居服系列,由創意總監Maria Grazia Chiuri於居家檢疫 時期創作。 睡衣、浴袍、披風,處處透露出居家的舒適慵懶,與長裙、短褲搭穿,與「疊 穿」風潮相呼應。居家服綴上繁複的熱帶雨林圖案,正正將睡房、浴室、餐廳、廚 房變成時尚大秀場,悠閒飄逸得像是在叢林濕地呼吸自由的空氣,和大自然共舞。





fashion: dior


E L I T E G E N. C A







fashion: trending


spring has sprung

Blossom by blossom, spring is in bloom with garden colours, and denim as is season’s major trends

Story | Elaine Chung


E L I T E G E N. C A



呢絨外套及刺繡Tube Top,配搭呢絨 點綴牛仔褲。 Woolen coat and embroidered tube top with woolen embellished jeans.

春暖花開,萬象更新。春園花色、中性造型、 牛仔面料,是各大品牌早春系列設計的三大潮流元 素,為的是讓大家隨喜好展現個性,塑造切合季節 氛圍的新形象。

高街牛仔 親民的牛仔服飾已成為國際時裝舞台的常客, 今季多了各種花樣:用呢絨點綴牛仔褲、牛仔褸加 上長身多袋口、牛仔連身褲以藍色束腰,既輕鬆休 閒,又迎合春暖氣象。

HigH Street Cowboy Classic denim has long been popular on the international fashion front. And this season it comes embellished with woolen fabrics and embroidery.

丹寧Caftan襯以帽子、 Valentino Garavani 涼鞋、 Valentino Garavani tote bag。 Denim Caftan hat, sandals and tote bag, all Valentino Garavani

Tod's早春系列牛仔連身褲,襯以啡 色高跟鞋與樽領上衣。 Turtleneck, jumpsuit, shoes, all Tod’s





fashion: trending 春日花色 春季伊始,千嬌百媚的繁花景 致與季節色彩,都是設計師的熱門取 材。各式造型採用截然不同的花卉圖 案,顏色十分豐富,配合各具特色的 剪裁設計,展現獨有型魅。

Spring FlowerS Flora has always been a major inspiration for designers for warmer weather collections.

手繪花朵圖案麖皮斗篷上 衣、棉質恤衫、花朵圖案半 截長裙。 Hand-painted, leather cape, cotton shirt and maxi, all Dior


E L I T E G E N. C A



花朵刺繡圖案連身裙、Valentino Garavani Supervee小型號手袋。 Embroidered dress and bag, Valentino Garavani

花卉圖案連身裙、腰帶。 Floral dress with belt, Max Mara





fashion: trending

中性造型 新季延續中性熱潮,西裝外套 設計百花齊放。或將千鳥格紋拼橫紋 圖案融入招牌經典,或增加粉嫩色 彩,或以西裝外套配襯短褲,釋放朝 氣與活力的手法層出不窮。

neutrAl iS niCe unisex suit jackets continue to trend for the new season. plus, classic horizontal patterns and houndstooth also play a key role.

西裝褸襯以同色的短褲與 黑色涼鞋。 Suit, sandals, all Chanel 格紋科技羊毛外套及長 褲、Love印花Vintage 格紋棉質恤衫、羔羊皮 高跟涼鞋、Vintage格 紋棉質Olympia Bag。 Plaid wool coat and trousers, vintage printed plaid cotton shirt, lambskin sandals, vintage plaid cotton Olympia bag, all Burberry


E L I T E G E N. C A



斗篷上衣、鬆身長褲、Valentino Garavani VLogo腰帶,配以紅色 手袋、綠色窩釘Mules及耳環。 Cape, pants, belt, handbag, studded mules and earrings, all Valentino Garavani





fashion: women

王霏霏 Wang Feifei


Power Boots Classic, practical, fashionable and comfortable, How will you wear yours? Story | Zheng Da Fa Photography | Weibo 要經典也要實用,要潮尚也要舒適,選一款與身材腿型相適宜 的長靴,所有的願望都能實現。



E L I T E G E N. C A



趙佳麗 Zhao Jiali


膝下直筒靴 Below the knee Boots 相比過膝靴的性感嫵媚 膝下直筒靴的線 條乾淨俐落 能夠修飾一切腿形問題 讓雙腿 看上去筆直纖長。整體鞋型偏硬朗復古風 更 適合時下流行的大女人風,高級不失帥氣。






fashion: women

趙露思 Zhao lusi

騎士靴 Good kniGht 騎士靴是近年流行「風向標」。芭蕾綁 帶元素被添加到騎士靴的設計之上 自帶 酷帥值Buff 長腿美少女們穿成大型撞鞋 現場也要pick。



E L I T E G E N. C A



歐陽娜娜 Ou-yang nana 趙麗穎 Zhao liying







fashion: women

楊冪 yang mi

超長過膝靴 over the knee 過膝靴捲土重來 款式更加時髦洋氣。包裹 感很強的極度綁腿長靴 最適合又瘦又長的大直 腿。而把被各大時髦達人玩得不可開交的「疊穿」 法則運用到過膝靴的搭配上 也毫不違和。



E L I T E G E N. C A



虞書欣 yu Shuxin

李宇春 li yuchun,

Saint laurent

Stuart WeitZman





fashion: trending

格外 開心

checks & balances Story | Sum Chan 過去的一年沒有正常的工作、正常的 生活、正常的都市,有的只是隔離的 節日、隔離的人情,這令人更覺快樂 不易,需要自己製造。經典的蘇格蘭 款正路,但自由組合放眼再看便有了 些許瘋狂。去年的話一、兩件配飾當 然無問題,但今年,一定要total look 才夠意思!

Geometric patterns are big for spring. Don’t be afraid to clash.



E L I T E G E N. C A



Bag, loewe, $3,528

Scarf, Moncler, $652

Coat, Prada, $3,895

Boots, Maison Margiela, $1,160






fashion: trending Dress, noir Kei ninomiya, $1,800

Blouse, Dries van noten, $1,288

Skirt, Chopova lowena, $1,269


E L I T E G E N. C A




Pants, Dries van noten, $1587

Tote bag, Burberry, $1,590

Blazer, vivienne Westwood, $1,747

yohJi yAMAMoTo

Sneakers, Reebok×opening Ceremony, $220 ELITEGEN




the Beauty pages


Spring Splurge Emerge from your winter hibernation looking your best with the latest and most luxurious Story | Leslie Yip

眼前一亮 有沒有想過為什麼眼睛最容易出賣年齡?除了因為眼周肌膚又薄 又脆弱之外,我們每日平均眨眼10,000次亦令肌膚受壓。而且,眼部 是人體其中一處最多神經分佈的部位,增加了肌膚的敏感度。就算是 輕微的疲勞、黑眼圈及眼袋,都會令眼周肌膚變得鬆弛、皺紋變深及 眼眉下垂,從而令雙眼看上去變得沉重、無神、細小及失去光彩。 這款眼部精華特別針對上述種種眼部衰老問題而研製。產品含 高達94%天然萃取成份和全新黑蜂蜜修護科技。結合殿堂級的蜂皇產 物,包括烏埃尚島黑蜂蜜及特級蜂皇漿,針對皮膚及神經細胞因壓力 及環境而造成的損害進行修復。天然萃取的緊緻複合物讓眼睛由睫毛 以至眉毛整體輪廓上揚,而微細珍珠粉末有提亮效果,重現亮麗明眸。 全新設計的黃金塗抹器在塗抹時可釋出適當的份量,配合獨門的 按摩手法,令眼瞼肌膚回復緊緻,減少疲勞、浮腫及黑圈等問題,雙 眼顯得圓大有神。

Open YOur eYes Why are our eyes the first to show our age? Well, perhaps because the eye area has one of the body’s largest supply of nerves, and this over-innervation can increase sensitivity. not only does the eye area have the thinnest layer of skin on the face, but it also exerts pressure as we blink around 10,000 times per day. Furthermore, when even the slightest fatigue, dark circles and puffiness appear, the skin loses firmness, wrinkles deepen and eyebrows sink. This all leaves the eyes looking heavier, sadder, smaller and less radiant. Halt these signs of aging with this eye serum featuring 94 per cent, naturally derived ingredients and the new BlackBee repair technology. It combines the very best in hive products, including Oeussant Island honey and royal jelly, which target skin and nerve-cell damage caused by stress and the environment—naturally-derived tensing polymers that form a flexible tightening mesh to lift the eyes from eyelash to eyebrow, and micro-pearlescents to ensure perfect light reflection. The new hybrid Gold Drop applicator delivers the precise dose of serum and, when applied following the exclusive and precise massage technique, the skin is left stronger and firmer. signs of fatigue, puffiness and circles are minimized and eyes look wider and more radiant. Guerlain Abeille Royale Eye R Repair Serum, 20ml | $155


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護膚基本步 爽膚水是美肌護膚程序的第一步,同時是打造亮澤肌膚的根本。 在潔面後塗上爽膚水,讓肌膚為吸收隨後護膚品作好準備。這款爽膚 水蘊含紫花苜蓿萃取和磁性水份複合物,帶來深層補濕及抗衰老功效。 磁性水複合物有如磁石般吸收及鎖住水分因子,令保濕效果更 持久。而紫花苜蓿籽則含有豐富礦物質、微量元素及氨基酸,具有高 效、平滑皺紋及緊緻肌膚的活性成份。產品性質溫和,其效用跟維生 素A醇(retinol)相仿,能有效增加第一型膠原蛋白製造。 這款水狀啫喱質感的爽膚水為肌膚補水。配方能即時被肌膚吸 收,令肌膚變得水潤飽滿、明亮細緻,更有收細毛孔的作用。使用 後,皮膚的飽滿及水潤感覺持續達8小時。肌膚變得更柔滑、緊緻,並 形成屏障抵抗外在侵害。

DOn’T skImp Lotions are the prelude to every beauty ritual and are fundamental for radiant skin. They finalize the cleansing ritual and prepare the skin to receive the next products. This lotion contains botanical alfalfa concentrate and a magnetic water complex to deliver deep hydration within the skin and provide anti-aging effects. The magnetic water complex acts like a magnet to attract, bind and retain water molecules for intense, long-lasting epidermal hydration. Alfalfa seeds, which are rich in minerals, trace elements, vitamins and amino acids, are extracted for their high-performance, smoothing and firming active ingredients. Gentle on the skin, its action is similar to that of retinol, and it also stimulates the production of Type I collagen. The lotion has a new, denser, jelly-like texture that transforms into a water-on application. It absorbs instantly, with immediate tensing, plumping, luminizing and pore-minimizing effect. The skin appears plumped and stays hydrated for eight hours. smoother and firmer, it is better prepared to face daily aggressors. Chanel Le Lift Lotion, 150ml | $100





the Beauty pages



最近一項研究,邀請了一群女性模擬平日忙碌的一周,藉此檢視 繁忙的生活對她們肌膚的影響。結果顯示肌膚的疲勞隨時日加劇。進 一步的研究顯示,當實驗進行至第三日,膚色開始泛黃,而愈接近尾 聲,皮膚的衰老跡象便愈加嚴重。

這款抗老精華15年前首次面世。添加超強的高效艾地苯抗氧精 萃,其抗氧化功效比帕克硫辛酸、維生素C、維生素E及輔酵素Q10更 厲害,至今已累積超過220個美容獎項,深受世界各地女士喜愛。15 年後的今日,品牌將推出全新版本,抗氧化功效提升4倍。

這款含豐富抗氧化劑的面膜,結合24K金、梔子花及人蔘萃取 物,專門對抗日積月累的各種皮膚衰老跡象。它能有效抗氧化,從而 改善皺紋和鬆弛問題。一次使用已經有提拉緊緻效果,重拾光彩美肌。

The Prevage Anti-Aging Daily Serum 2.0加入10種全新高效成 份,保護肌膚的同時,又可改善膚質,令皮膚更完美。品牌為全新配 方進行研究,結果顯示,超過90%參加者在使用產品2星期後覺得皮膚 比之前年輕、更有光澤、膚質亦有改善。在持續使用下,100%參加者 認為皮膚無論在光澤、透亮、膚質、日光性皮膚損傷、膚色及整體肌 膚觀感都有改善。

面膜是敷完後清洗配方,產品附有設計獨特、質感柔軟的塗抹 掃。微微呈彎形的掃頭方便把面膜順着面形輪廓,包括鼻子兩側均勻 地塗抹。

THe GOLD sTAnDArD A recent study replicated the effects of a typically busy week to examine the impact on the skin of a panel of women. results showed that fatigue built up over time. Further studies demonstrated that skin began to take on a yellowish cast, typically around Day 3 of the experiment. signs of aging intensified toward the end of the week. This antioxidant-rich mask is designed to counteract daily cumulative aging by leveraging 24k gold infusion, gardenia and ginseng extract. It helps to prevent skin oxidation, which may lead to aging factors, such as wrinkles and sagging, The skin appears visibly firmer, lifted and radiant with just one use. The rinse-off formula comes with a velvet-soft and uniquely designed application brush. Its off-centre tip ensures effortless application. The gently curved shape smooths the mask thoroughly and evenly around the nose and over natural contours of the face. Clé de Peau Beauté Precious Gold Vitality Mask, 75ml | $395


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pOWersHOT 2.0 The original version of this anti-aging serum was launched 15 years ago. Featuring Idebenone, a super anti-oxidant that is more powerful than alpha lipoid acid, vitamin C, vitamin e and coenzyme Q10, it became a perennial favourite all over the world and accumulated more than 220 beauty awards. now, 15 years later, a new version with four times the antioxidant power, will be launched. The prevage Anti-Aging Daily serum 2.0 is now boosted with the addition of 10 powerful ingredients to protect, correct and perfect the skin. The new formula is also backed up with new studies. In just two weeks, more than 90 per cent of the subjects saw more youthfullooking skin, more radiance and skin texture more refined. With continued use, 100 per cent experienced a clinical improvement on radiance, clarity, texture, photo damage, skin tone and overall look of skin. Elizabeth Arden PREVAGE Anti-Aging Daily Serum 2.0. 50ml | $215

賦活美肌 隨着年齡增長,皮膚細胞的更新會逐漸減緩,細胞支撐每層皮 膚,從而令肌膚結實、緊緻、有彈性及飽滿,缺乏新的細胞最終引致 皮膚組織流失。 為了對抗因年齡引致的流失,這款產品透過三方面活顏美肌。首 先,配方會暫時軟化肌膚的屏障,讓活化成份更容易被吸收。接着, 喚醒皮膚細胞,修復及更新肌膚。最後,全新的皮膚組織會形成,帶 來賦活煥新的美肌。 整套療程包括3次10日用量的小瓶和一個啟動儀,每次使用30 天,建議每年進行4次,讓皮膚在療程與療程之間得以重新平衡。每個 小瓶內有兩格,用以分隔精華以確保其高純活性,把小瓶放置入鉑金 啟動儀後,便會啟動活性成份。

rejuvenATInG rITuAL As we age, the skin’s cellular activities slow down, including essential cells that produce fewer new skin cells and the structural architecture in all layers of the skin that provide the skin with mechanical strength, firmness, elasticity and volume, leading to a loss of skin tissue. To help counteract this age-induced loss, this rejuvenation ritual takes a three-faceted approach. First, the formula temporarily softens the skin barrier to allow better penetration of the active ingredients. next, skin cells are reanimated so they resume their full renewal and regeneration. Third, as an outcome, skin appears rejuvenated due to the creation of new tissue. The course consists of three 10-day vials and an activator—to be used as a month-long intensive treatment four times a year—allowing the skin to rebalance between each use. each vial is composed of two chambers to protect the integrity of two separated formulas, which is activated by a signature platinum catalyst. La Prairie Platinum Rare Haute-Rejuvenation Protocol, 3 vials with 8ml each | $2,560 ELITEGEN






A Different KinD of BuBBly Maison Margiela’s new scent promises you that squeaky clean and cozy feeling—anywhere, anytime Story | Leslie Yip


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Maison Margiela ‘Replica’ Bubble Bath eau de toilette, 100ml | $159

《101斑點狗》的英國作家Dodie Smith曾在另一作品《I Capture the Castle》中寫過「高尚的行為和熱水浴是治療抑鬱的最佳方法」。 如果你自問平日「高尚」行為做得不多,又沒有浴缸,不用擔心,因 為Maison Margiela最新推出的Bubble Bath香水能讓你隨時隨地也 能有潔淨怡人的舒適感覺。 今 次 推 出 的 中 性 香 水 是「 R e p l i c a 」系 列 的 其 中 一 部 分 , 「Replica」由比利時設計師Maison Margiela於1994年創立,從世界 各地搜集經得起時間考驗和有獨特風格的衣物,再根據原作照辦複 製,每件衣服均配上專有標籤,標明其出處、時期和風格。 與其重現有形物體,Maison Margiela更擅於擷取記憶中的 片段作靈感,捕捉到瞬間的香氣,充滿感性。就像當中的「Coffee Break」香水,便是新鮮烤的阿拉伯咖啡豆、鮮奶忌廉和薰衣草香 氣,仿若置身魅力咖啡室般;「Springtime in a Park」則能帶你到春 天的公園,經過漫長寒冷的冬天,終於看到花兒在温暖陽光照拂下 發芽生長……每一種香氛都喚起回憶,湧現相關景象和情感。 顧名思義,「Bubble Bath」當然是帶來在家中來一個舒適自在 的泡泡浴後那份怡然純淨感覺。這款柑苔調的香水,初調是帶有肥 皂泡清潔香氣和佛手柑精華,中調是玫瑰、薰衣草和茉莉花,基調 則廣藿香、和白麝香。 盛載在只有布料標籤,簡約猶如藥水瓶的「Bubble Bath」,跟 同系列的香水如 「Beach Walk」 、 「Lazy Sunday Morning」 和 「Flower Market」搭配,無論是氣味和感覺都相得益彰。喜歡這香氣的話, 還可以選擇 「Bubble Bath」 香氛蠟燭來為家居或工作空間增添香氣。 當然,可以的話,最好便是以這香氣推出泡泡浴露和沐浴液 了……。

Maison Margiela ‘Replica’ Bubble Bath scented candle, 165g | $75

“Noble deeds and hot baths are the best cures for depression,” wrote Dodie Smith in her novel, I Capture the Castle. If your scout badges are long lost, or you don’t own a bathtub, fret not. The next best thing is Bubble Bath by Maison Margiela. This unisex fragrance is part of Replica, a collection of clothing and accessories inspired by garments collected from around the world and chosen for the universality and timelessness of their style and history. Created by the maison in 1994, each garment is reproduced identically and is marked with a plain white label indicating its provenance, period and style description. The scent collection is inspired by this curative sentiment, but instead of recreating tangible objects, it aims to capture the scent of a moment. Coffee Break is freshly roasted Arabica beans, frothed milk cream and fine desserts garnished with lavender blossoms at a charming café. Springtime in a Park transports you to a green city oasis in spring, where sprouting flowers are warmed by the first rays of sunshine after a long, cold winter. Every scent evokes an image and an emotion that echos with our own past. Like the name suggests, Bubble Bath is the soothing sensation of bathing in the comfort and safety of one’s own home. A Chypre floral, the scent reveals itself with a soap bubble clean accord and bergamot essence. Roses, lavender and jasmine follow, enhanced with relaxing hints of patchouli and white musks. Housed in a simple apothecary bottle with a cloth label, Bubble Bath complements well in smell and in feel with Beach Walk, Lazy Sunday Morning and Flower Market from the collection. A luxury candle of the same scent is also available to infuse your home or workspace. If only they would make an actual bubble bath or shower gel with the same fragrance….





Cover Boy

撕掉標籤 顛覆過往

No lookiNg back lu Han puts his ‘idol’ image in the rear view mirror Story | 傅圓媛、王麗敏 Photography | 受訪方提供 鹿晗,在中國是頂級流量的代名 詞,由韓國練習生出道於2014年回國發 展,自此一直領跑偶像時代。2020年對 三十而立的鹿晗是豐富多彩的一年。這 一年,他顛覆過往。 這一年,他突破形象,在電視劇 《穿越火線》和《在劫難逃》中分別飾演兩 個完全不同的角色:一個是經歷磨難的 初代電競人,另一個是在善惡間徘徊的 多面反派。 這一年,他是《創造營2020》中以 「溫柔一刀」教學風格圈粉的鹿教練;也 是《哈哈哈哈哈》中傳遞後疫情時代的正 能量。 這一年,在音樂領域他步履不停, 推出單曲、專輯,正式啟動鹿晗2021巡 迴演唱會「π DAY」。

新戲獲讚,圈粉 「路人」 《穿越火線》裡的電競人「肖楓」,落 魄而邋遢,頂着從不打理的卷毛,腳蹬 人字拖,身着T恤大褲衩,但內心卻極 度乾淨、善良,做着許多電競人同樣的 夢,為追夢不怕挫折。《在劫難逃》中的 連環殺手趙彬彬,內心深處有過無數次 掙紮,最終被苦痛和復仇的欲望吞噬。 戲中的角色讓人暫時忘掉了鹿晗這個人。


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Last year marked a watershed for Chinese social media darling Lu Han. He’s been an adored idol since returning to China in 2014 after leaving South KoreanChinese boy group Exo. But in 2020, at 30, he began a new chapter in his life. His aim was to turn his image on its head by playing polarizing characters on two TV series—as a tormented trailblazing gamer in CrossFire and as a two-faced villain drifting between good and bad in Sisyphus. It was also the year he won over fans as Coach Lu, gently dishing out cutting critiques on talent show Chuang 2020, and sharing positive energy on reality show Hahahahaha. He also kept busy on the music scene, producing singles and albums, as well as embarking on his 2021 “π DAY” Tour.

PoSITIVE rESPonSE To ConTroVErSIAL roLES As Shuo Feng in CrossFire, Lu Han plays a downon-his-luck, messy-haired disheveled gamer, often shot in a T-shirt, boxers and flip-flops, in a relentless pursuit of a gamer’s dream with a pure and kind heart. As serial killer Zhao Binbin in Sisyphus, he struggles deep down but gives in to pain and the urge to take revenge. In just two roles, Lu Han obliterated the misconceptions many may have had about him. So let’s hear directly from the man some have referred to as the Chinese Justin Bieber.





Cover Boy

記者:當初接「肖楓」這個角色的時候,自己不會有形象上 的考量嗎?

Q: When you took on the role of Shuo Feng, did you consider how it would affect your image

鹿晗:其實沒考慮那麼多造型的問題,主要是劇本我一 個通宵就看完了,覺得特別好,就決定接了。當初第一次試妝 完,我覺得還是可以再邋遢一點、頭髮可以再卷一點,因為當 年我就是錫紙燙過來的,錫紙燙確實會更卷。但是劇組沒同 意,我覺得現在這樣也挺好。另外我覺得也不能說故意扮醜 吧,就是要符合人物,還原那個時候的肖楓。而且我覺得遊戲 裡肖楓挺帥的。

A: I didn’t think much about the character’s styling. It was the script that captivated me. I read it overnight and thought it was special, so I took it on. After the first makeup test, I thought the character could look even more unkempt, and the hair could be curlier. I permed my hair with tin foil before, so I knew it could be curlier if done that way. But the production team didn’t think so. It looked good enough anyway. I didn’t think it was deliberately making the character look ugly. It was about making the character believable. I thought Shuo looked very handsome when he was gaming.

記者:和肖楓相處了4個月,過了一把他的人生,你覺得 從他身上收穫了什麼嗎?比如一些思考一些啟示? 鹿晗:肖楓認準的事兒,雖然當時環境不好,但他就是能 堅持到底,不管別人怎麼說,這個勁兒我挺佩服的。人活着還 是得有夢想,有夢想就要去努力實現,不然還不如一隻豬。 記者:在《在劫難逃》中初次演反派,會覺得有挑戰嗎?趙 彬彬這個角色很複雜,如何把握好這個度?

A: When Shuo knows what he wants to do, he will keep at it against all odds, disregarding what people think of him. I admire that determination. Humans need to have a dream and work hard to make it come true, lest we are no better than pigs. Q: What challenges did you face playing a bad guy for the first time in Sisyphus? Zhao Binbin is a very complex character. How did you get it right?

鹿晗:趙彬彬雖然看起來像是個「反派」,但他內心還是善 良的。進組之後,五百導演、千源哥、齊溪姐、吳越姐都幫了 我挺多的,大家會一起討論怎麼演更合適。趙彬彬要切換自己 的兩個身份,晚上要犯罪,白天是兒科醫生,而且還要面對張 海峰的拷問,那個狀態確實開始時不太好找。千源哥拉着我一 起對戲,他說你一定要淡定,要和張海峰對視,眼神不要飄。 後面進入狀態就好了。

A: Zhao might look like a villain, but he is a good person at heart. Since joining the production, the crew—from director Guo Shubo to the cast, including Wang Qianyuan, Qi Xi and Wu Yue—helped me a lot. We discussed how best to interpret the character. Zhao Binbin moves between two identities: a pediatrician by day and a criminal by night. He also has to face interrogation from Zhang Haifeng. It’s difficult to get the nuances right. Qianyuan took me aside to rehearse together and he said, ‘You have to keep cool, look Zhang Haifeng in the eyes and hold a steady gaze.’ That put me in the right frame of mind.

記者:很多人討論你接演這些角色是為了撕掉流量的標 籤,你同意這個說法嗎?

Q: There were comments that you took on these roles to rid yourself of the social media darling label. Is that so?

鹿晗:沒想那麼多,什麼時間就做什麼時間該做的事兒, 把一切交給時間就行了。


Q: Having lived as Shuo Feng for four months, what did you learn from the character? What inspiration did you get?

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A: That didn’t cross my mind. We do what feels right when the time comes.

穩紮穩打 全面開花 螢屏之外,鹿晗在2020年也格外活躍。以全能唱跳型偶 像出道的他,在真人秀《創造營2020》中化身學員們的「鹿教 練」,給學員門做聲樂指導。而在戶外真人秀《哈哈哈哈哈—— 很高興認識你》中,鹿晗與「五哈旅行團」成員一起,在一段東 西穿越中國的公路之旅中,從當搬蟹工、地攤小販、計程車司 機,到賣早餐、送外賣、街頭貼膜……體驗各式普通工作。在 音樂方面,他的「π」系列,繼《π-Volume.1》和《π-Volume.2》 之後,於去年5月推出了有着復古浪漫調性的《π-Volume.3》, 11月又有《π-Volume.4》如約而至。 記者:有網友評價你在《創造營2020》中的風格是「溫柔一 刀」,這是你在點評中自然形成的風格,還是之前就已經給自 己定下了? 鹿晗:我自己點評的時候沒有太注意,有問題就說了,播 出後看到大家的評價,也是沒想到,算是有點犀利。其實我從 學員身上學到更多,他們比我們那個時候更會表達自己,而且 聽的歌、看的東西比我們那時候多多了,挺觸動我的。 記者:在《哈哈哈哈哈》中你綁過螃蟹、擺過攤,印象最深 是哪一次?參加這個節目都有哪些收穫? 鹿晗:送餐算印象比較深的,能接觸到很多不同的人。我 有一單,當時操作還不太熟練,店裡拿了餐應該點已取餐,我 點了個已送達,點餐人可能出門來拿,發現沒有,就不爽了, 最後點了取消這一單,我也能理解。我以後點外賣,肯定不會 給差評,哈哈。其實大家都是一樣的上班人,藝人是我的職 業。可能以後也會有節目,讓大家來體驗我們的工作。 記者:「π」系列專輯概念是由哪些想法而來?這張專輯打 磨了多久?可以具體談談它從零到有的過程嗎? 鹿晗:《π》這張就是試了很多曲風、各種風格,而且分了 幾個階段製作,每個階段選Demo,可能會因為當時正在聽什 麼風格的音樂都不太一樣,現在回頭看也覺得挺有意思的,這 張專輯可能記錄了我這一年的變化。

rEELInG IT In, CooL AnD STEADY In 2020, Lu Han became a triple threat. He assumed the role as Coach Lu in Chuang 2020, offering musical training to the apprentices. In the outdoor reality show Hahahahaha—Nice to Meet You, Lu Han toured with the crew on highways across China to work, among other things, as hawkers, taxi drivers and delivery drivers—to experience different walks of life. In music, he also added to his “π” series with the retro-romantic “π-Volume.3” in May and “π-Volume.4” in november. Q: You were labelled by netizens as a “gentle critic” regarding your coaching style in Chuang 2020. Was that critique style formed during the show or have you always been like that? A: I wasn’t conscious of that when giving a critique. I just made observations as I saw them. I read the public’s reviews after the broadcast, and I didn’t expect that. It was indeed a bit cutting. Actually, I learned a lot from the apprentices. They were much better at expressing themselves, compared to us back at that stage of our development. They also had greater exposure to different genres of music and other things. They inspired me. Q: In Hahahahaha, did you actually tie up crabs or set up hawker stands? What was the most memorable job, and what was the most rewarding? A: Delivering meals was unforgettable. I got to meet different types of people. In handling one order, when I still wasn’t too familiar with the procedure, I should have punched in “delivery collected“ from the outlet when updating the status, but I clicked “meals delivered“. So when the person who ordered the meal came out to collect, but didn’t see it, he wasn’t happy, and then he clicked “cancel order“. I could understand why he responded that way. So when I order takeaways in future, I will not give negative feedbacks, haha. Indeed, we are all just doing our jobs. Being a performer is my job. Perhaps there will be a show in future for others to experience our jobs. Q: Where did you get the idea for the π album? How long did it take to polish it? Can you take us through the journey? A: π was made after trying differing genres and styles. It was made in various stages of production. We picked a demo in every stage. The style varied depending on what music we listened to at that particular time. Looking back, it was quite interesting. This album is perhaps a record of how I evolved during the year.

在《在劫難逃》中,鹿晗演出了 趙彬彬善與惡的雙面人性,表 情入微。 Lu Han shows the right nuances as two-faced bad guy Zhao Binbin in Sisyphus. ELITEGEN




Cover Boy


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鹿晗在 《穿越火線》 中演繹從落魄到崛起的 電競人肖楓,演技獲贊。 Lu Han’s interpretation as a downtrodden gamer in CrossFire has been widely applauded.

找到節奏 擁抱變化 鹿晗以突破性的表現帶來了不少令人眼前一亮的驚喜,讓人一時 間忘記他「偶像」的標籤。有網友直言,「通過鹿晗,甚至打破了過往的 看法,決定開始正視流量明星。」許多業內人士在點贊鹿晗表現的同 時,也開始「揣摩」他的路線,不少媒體在報導時直接用上了「轉型」一 詞,認為鹿晗開始走上「撕掉流量標籤」的道路。 記者:你認為從事藝人職業後,自己的性格會因此被塑造嗎?還 是說你心裡一直在堅持自我? 鹿晗:其實大家都一樣吧,工作之後,身邊認識的人、經歷的事 兒都或多或少有點影響。但是我自己知道,我還是我,別做超越底線 的事兒就行了。 記者:你說找到自己的節奏很重要,對當下的你來說,最令自己 喜歡的節奏是怎樣的,實際上可以做到嗎? 鹿晗:人的時間和精力是有限的,不能把所有好事兒都攥在自己 手裡,人會崩潰的。所以找到自己的節奏,把時間和精力分配好,把 事一件件做好。但現實肯定有變化的,不能所有事情都按照你計劃的 那樣,所以還是得擁抱變化,大方向不變,結果是你想要的就行。

EMBrACE CHAnGE Lu Han has shown everyone what he’s capable through these new and surprising roles, possibly putting his original “idol” label in the rear-view mirror. Some netizens have commented that Lu Han has changed their perception of him—so much so that he should be regarded as “more than just a social media star.” Q: Do you think showbiz has changed who you are? A: We are inevitably shaped by our work, the people we know and our experiences. But I know that I’m still who I am. It’s all fine, as long as we don’t cross the bottom line we set for ourselves. Q: You said it was important to find your own rhythm. At this moment, what’s your preferred rhythm, and can you achieve that? A: our time and energy are finite. We can’t attempt to keep hold of every good. It will destroy us. So it’s important to find our own rhythm, making good use of time and energy to do things well. Things change and won’t necessarily go as planned. So it’s also important to embrace change while maintaining the same direction. It’s fine as long as the result is what you want.





jewellery: tiffany

18K黃金胸針,一邊是超過8卡的定製切割紫色藍 寶石,另一邊則是總數超過11卡的碎鑽和定製切 割長方形鑽石。 Brooch in 18K yellow gold with custom-cut purple sapphires of more than eight total carats, and cracked-ice and custom-cut baguette diamonds totaling more than 11 carats.


Natural beauty tiffany & Co. Colors of Nature inspired by luscious landscapes, awesome oceans and stunning skies Story | Connie Li Photography | Tiffany & Co. Tiffany & Co.最新的「2021 Blue Book Collection, Colors of Nature」系列讓我們重新體味「身在福中」的意義, 原來環繞在我們身邊所熟悉的大自然,日常有着諸般令人讚 嘆的美感。 品牌的藝術總監Reed Krakoff創作了一個充滿生機的色 彩世界,與生機勃勃的大自然相呼應,當中有美麗的風景、 蔚藍的大海和天空璀璨的雲彩。「『Colors of Nature』有別於 傳統高級珠寶,豐富的色彩滿載能量和脈動,然而無論怎樣 大膽和醒目的設計,都完全適合穿戴。將珍罕的寶石以別出 心裁的組合配搭起來,創作出一件件非凡的作品。」


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Tiffany’s Chief Artistic Officer Reed Krakoff has created a world of vibrancy from the world of nature. Says Krakoff, “Colors of Nature has this energy and pulse that deviates from the more traditional high jewellery forms. “These pieces explode with colour, yet no matter how bold or striking, they’re completely wearable. There’s something very special about that.” Vibrant gemstones layer together in surprising combinations, some of which are rarely used in the aesthetic vocabulary of high end jewellery, transforming the elemental into the extraordinary.

瑞士製造石英機芯的18K黃金鑽石手錶,搭配了超 過12卡混合切割鑽石。 Watch in 18K yellow gold with mixed-cut diamonds of more than 12 carats. Quartz movement. Swiss made.

18K黃金戒指鑲有一顆超過10卡的枕形切割未加工 紫色藍寶石,再加上總數超過2卡的方形祖母綠切 割和圓形紫色藍寶石,以及長形鑽石。 Ring in 18K yellow gold with a cushion-cut unenhanced purple sapphire of more than 10 carats, square emerald-cut and round purple sapphires of more than 2 total carats, and baguette diamonds.

18K黃金胸針上有超過57卡的白瑪瑙,還有總數超 過9卡的長形和圓形鑽石。 Brooch in 18K yellow gold with carved white agates of more than 57 total carats, and custom-cut baguette and round brilliant diamonds totaling more than nine carats.

白金和18K黃金手鍊上有一顆超過11卡的祖母綠式 切割未加工黃色藍寶石,以及總數超26卡的長形 鑽石。 Bracelet in platinum and 18K yellow gold with an emerald-cut unenhanced yellow sapphire of more than 11 carats and baguette diamonds totalling more than 26 carats.





jewellery: tiffany

18K黃金和白金戒指,配以超過5卡的橢圓形艷彩黃 鑽石,以及總數超過2卡的定製切割的長方形白鑽。 Ring in 18K yellow gold and platinum with an oval modified brilliant Fancy Vivid Yellow diamond of more than five carats and customcut baguette white diamonds totalling more than two carats.

18K黃金蜻蜓胸針上是超過39卡的多色定製切割藍 寶石,以及總數超過5卡的定製切割鑽石。 Brooch in 18K yellow gold with custom-cut multicoloured sapphires of more than 39 total carats and custom-cut diamonds totalling more than five carats. 56

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18K黄金項鍊上有着色彩絢麗,總計超過81卡的藍 色、紫色和粉紅色混合尖晶石,加上總數超過39卡 的長形紫色藍寶石及總數過7卡的混合切工鑽石。 Necklace in 18K yellow gold with mixed-cut blue, purple and pink spinels totalling more than 81 carats, baguette purple sapphires of more than 39 total carats and mixed-cut diamonds of more than seven total carats..

白金和18K黃金吊墜中是一顆超過21卡的枕形切割 未加工黃色藍寶石,還有總數超過36卡的長形切 割黃色藍寶石和精工鑲嵌鑽石。 Pendant in platinum and 18K yellow gold with a cushion-cut unenhanced yellow sapphire of more than 21 carats, custom-cut baguette yellow sapphires of more than 36 total carats and custom-cut diamonds.







Celestial being girard-Perregaux marks its 230th anniversary with the Quasar light Story & Photography | Gavin Ho


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瑞士名表Girard-Perregaux( 芝柏)今年便 屆230周年,品牌以最明亮的天文體之一—類星 體 (Quasar) 命名它藍寶石新款男表—Quasar Light。Quasar Light擁有藍寶石表殼,還將品牌 著名三金橋都變成透明,配合鏤通機芯,在光線 反射下驚艷無比,且帶懸浮效果。 由於Sapphire藍寶石是硬度僅次於鑽石的 一種剛玉,切割和打磨修飾的難度極高,製作成 本不便宜,用來製作表殼甚至量產化只是十年內 發生的事。此次的Quasar Light與眾不同之處在 於,它的46mm表殼都是從一整塊藍寶石經超過 200小時和數百工序才能完成,限量只有18枚。 它所搭載的GP09400型機芯,連品牌在1884年獲 專利的著名三橋設計都改用藍寶石來製造,所採 用的Aerial Neo-bridges呈拱形和帶弧度的鏤通立 體造型。

Swiss watch brand Girard-Perregaux marks its 230th anniversary this year with Quasar Light, named after the most brilliant astronomical entities. Encased in sapphires, the watch also features the brand’s signature Three Golden Bridges in sapphires. Coupled with the skeletonized mechanism, the timepiece dazzles. The hardness of sapphires is second only to diamonds, so cutting and polishing them is a big challenge. The cost is prohibitive and Quasar Light ups the ante, investing 200 hours and taking hundreds of steps to fashion the 46mm case. Not surprising, there are only 18 pieces in the limitededition collection.

Quasar LiGht 表殼和三橋透明,可全方位完全無阻欣賞機芯的構造和 運作。 機芯:GP09400-1128自動 物料:藍寶石 The see-through case and the three bridges exhibit the full glory of the mechanism. Calibre: GP09400-1128 self-winding MaTerial: Sapphire $294,000

今年便屆230周年的芝柏,歷史悠久卻不保守,在平面上大玩立體設計屢見不鮮。 Marking its 230th anniversary, Girard-Perregaux stays true to its heritage while continuing to break the norms, playing with dimensions to give substance to its designs.





fashion: men


The ReTuRn of embRoideRy Story | 冰汪

上一個十年,Riccardo Tisci在 Givenchy帶領街頭起義,一手將T恤 衞衣捧上天橋,奠定影響深遠的street fashion潮流。物極,必反,街頭風 終會登陸,風向逆轉,設計師們放下 logo,紛紛重投釘珠刺繡的懷抱,拾 回高級時裝的矜貴。

A decade ago, Riccardo Tisci took high-end street fashion to another level. Bringing T-shirts and sweatshirts to the runway. That was then. Now, designers are introducing a new highfashion stardard of luxury full of beads that be dazzle.

Balmain 60

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Kim Jones


louis Vuitton ELITEGEN




fashion: men

wHedi slimane


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JonatHan anderson

alexander mCQueen

mattHew williams






interior design


A JApAnese Art form tajimi Custom tile part of a centuries-old tradition Story | Zu Hui Photography | Tajimi Custom Tile

本來在米蘭見人的多治見瓷磚,唯有在東京展出。 The Tajimi tiles exhibition, originally planned for Milan, was ultimately held in Tokyo. 64

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說得一口流利日文的瑞士先生David Glaettli 在瑞士著名設計學院ECAL畢業,其後到日本當上 傢俱品牌的創作總監,已經在日本組織家庭落地 生根。他用自己的當代藝術觸覺,將日本多個傳 統產業推廣到世界市場。在將傢俱老牌大翻新成 為年輕消費者寵兒,令古老瓷器有田燒變得摩登 有型之後,David的新任務是推廣日本多治見市的 瓷磚。 David Glaettli現在主理的瓷磚品牌叫Tajimi Custom Tiles。Tajimi即是日本多治見市。這個 位於岐阜縣的城市得天獨厚,土壤除了礦物質豐 富,更是最適合造陶瓷。所以多治見早於1,300年 前已經發展陶器工業,更是日本最聞名陶器美濃 燒的誕生地。去到20世紀初,多治見亦發展為日 本瓷磚生產中心,日本九成國產瓷磚皆出於此。 你下次去日本旅行見到屋靚瓷磚正,如無意外都 是多治見出品。

David Glaettli’s career has been an interesting one, to say the least. The Zurich native’s schooling took an interdisciplinary approach, studying art, communications and Japanese—to the point that be became fluent in the language. After graduating from renowned Swiss design school ECAL, he went to Japan to be creative director of a furniture line. He subsequently applied his contemporary art sensibility to promote various Japanese industries on the global market. After rejuvenating an old furniture brand and winning over young consumers in the process, Glaettli turned his attention to Arita ware, making the centuries-old porcelain process hip. In 2019, Glaettli embarked on a new mission, helping to establish Tajimi Custom Tiles. Tajimi—a town in Gifu province blessed with mineral-rich soil and where ceramics have been made since the 16th century—is the birthplace of Japan’s best-known ceramic products, Mino ware.





interior design 有David Glaettli帶團,所以過往多年來, 有數之不盡的設計師去到日本見學。 David Glaettli has collaborated with numerous designers to explore ceramics in Japan over the years.

德國瑞士跟北歐,美學上向來可以跟日本同步。不過David Glaettli前世 這就是幾百年來成就美濃燒的多治見土壤。 應該是日本人吧……。 Tajimi soil has been used for Mino ware for hundreds of years. Germany and Switzerland have aesthetics to match Japan’s, yet David Glaettli (pictured)chose Japan, perhaps due to an innate affiliation.


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現在多治見當然以大廠房大量生產標準瓷磚 為主,不過仍然有一些規模小技藝高的製造商, 他們仍然保留日本傳統的上光和燒製,簡直是舖 上牆的瓷器。Tajimi Custom Tiles所用的對策是, 針對全球建築師和設計師,為天下最挑剔的眼睛 度身訂造瓷磚。你想使用什麼材料,用哪種生產 和燒製方法,形狀、大小、釉面、質地或顏色如 何都好,你不是一車車貨櫃訂都好,多治見瓷磚 都可以為你訂造,全球送貨。反正Tajimi Custom Tiles有的是工匠那雙巧手及超過700年歷史的陶器 土壤。說到這裡,筆者開始想買樓。

缺憾美值千金 多治見瓷磚最獨特的魅力,除了精通各種生 產、上釉和燒製技術之外,就是成品予人溫婉細 膩、手工製作才有的獨有質感。成品的顏色和質 地上的輕微不規則,被視為日本美學的體現。世 界大部分的瓷磚都是在輥道窯中燒成的,為了達 到一式一樣,有如塑膠啤出來。但在多治見市, 使用的是隧道窯和梭式窯。這些窯就成就到那種 日式美學:由色彩至質感,每塊瓷磚都會有些微 變化。透過這種「人為意外」,就可以成就到值千 金的缺憾美、科技難以生產的人情味。此外,還 可以用特殊釉料及燒成方法,創造獨特的紋理和 色彩,就像傳統日本陶器一樣。

In the early 20th century, Tajimi emerged as Japan’s hub for ceramic tile, accounting for 90 per cent of the country’s production. The mesmerizing tiles covering thousands of beautiful houses in Japan are likely the products of Tajimi. While the majority of its tile companies specialize in high-volume production of standard slates, there are a number of smaller, highlyspecialized manufacturers using a rarely seen combination of alternative production methods and traditional Japanese glazing and firing. Tajimi Custom Tiles is one such company. It seeks to make bespoke tiles that meet the most discerning demands of architects and designers around the world. No matter what shape, size, firing, glazing, texture, colour or amount, Tajimi Custom Tiles utilizes the deft skills of its artisans and the region’s renowned pottery soil to create its custom-made tiles for delivery worldwide.

IMpErfECTIoN ADDS vALuE Tajimi tiles are beautiful, not only because of skillful production, glazing and firing techniques, but also because they have the sophisticated unique texture of handmade artworks. The colours and textures of the finished products are not uniform, which is revered as a full expression of the Japanese aesthetic. While most tiles in the world are made in roller kilns and look identical, as if produced in standard moulds, Tajimi tiles are made in tunnel and shuttle kilns. They give life to Japanese aesthetics, displayed in colours, textures and small variations from tile to tile. The invaluable beauty of “intentional” imperfection and the human factor in making these tiles are what make them so intriguing and so highly sought after.

這就是Tajimi Custom Tiles的瓷磚 「常餐」 ,他們做慣做熟的傳統款式,看得人想買樓。 Could these quintessential Tajimi Custom Tiles prompt one to buy a classic Japanese house, just to show them off?





interior design

瓷磚那隻藍會不會太靚? Such a gorgeous blue.

Max Lamb用新派造型表達日式瓷器獨有質感。 Max Lamb celebrates the unique textures of Japanese ceramics with a new interpretation.


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Kwangho Lee設計的Tide,大概有改變市容的效力。 Kwangho Lee’s Tide design has the potential to change the face of a city.

為了表達Tajimi Custom Tiles的獨有創造力,Glaettli請來英國 設計師藝術家Max Lamb合作。Lamb在英國陶瓷重鎮Cornwall長 大,本身未設計過瓷磚,去了多治見市,親身感受那裡的水土及生 產文化後,成就了Working Tile系列。它是一套模塊化的3D瓷磚, 可以生成無數的形狀和形式。Lamb就設計出有花瓶、梳化、檯、 長櫈和屏風。這些3D瓷磚傢俱看上去好奇幻,不過Lamb選用了多 治見最通用的粘土,以及多治見市最出名的風格:模棱兩可的釉料 顏色,向經典的日本瓷磚致敬。他的生產方法是壓力模製,可以創 建高精度的3D形狀和圖案。 除了Max Lamb,Glaettli亦將韓國設計師Kwangho Lee帶到 多治見市。Lee向來喜歡用編織為主題設計傢俱,全因他很沉迷不 斷迴圈同一個圖案。他設計的Tide原理又好像編織:不斷迴圈同一 個圖案,織出不同形狀作品。Lee覺得看着一堆又濕又軟的泥土變 硬,不過瓷磚結構又似編織品,充滿反差,非常過癮。

本身來自英國陶瓷重鎮,能夠去日本陶瓷重鎮交流,Max Lamb一口答應。 Hailing from the English pottery hub of Cornwall, Max Lamb was eager to visit Japan’s ceramic centre for an exchange.

To expand Tajimi Custom Tiles’ unique creativity, Glaettli invited English designer artist Max Lamb to collaborate. Lamb, who grew up in English pottery stronghold Cornwall, hadn’t designed ceramic tiles until visiting Tajimi multiple times to get a feel for the land and the production culture there. Subsequently, he created the Working Tile collection, comprising a set of 3D ceramic tile modules that can be put together to form numerous shapes and styles. Lamb designed vases, sofas, tables, benches and screens with these tile pieces. He used Tajimi clay and the style of morphing glazing synonymous with Tajimi to pay tribute to Japan’s longstanding ceramic artistry. He applied pressure moulding to make it possible to create super-precise 3D shapes and patterns. Glaettli also invited Korean designer Kwangho Lee to Tajimi. Lee, known for making woven furniture with looping patterns called Tide, got a kick out of watching soggy soil turn into tiles resembling a woven item.

韓國設計師Kwangho Lee設計的Tide,就是一個pattern不斷loop。 Kwangho Lee’s Tide design loops the same pattern.





special supplement

The Grand Bridge Suite的室內設計和裝潢由LIV Design Studio主理,典雅耐看,手工精巧細致。 The Grand Bridge Suite features timeless design, finishes and furnishings from LIV Design Studio.


Laputa t.O. Concord’s Bridge Suites—Your Castle in the Sky 要想象占士邦住的地方,Concord的Bridge Suites庶幾近矣! 由開始策劃到真正落成,Bridge Suites已教全世界充滿好奇地翹首 以待—在多倫多市中心Canoe Landing Park公園旁的兩幢高樓中間,於 98米的高空橫空連接,仿如橋樑般架在兩幢大樓中間,意念、建築難度 都是世所罕見。 許多市中心居民對2012年6月發生的一幕記憶猶深—一組玻璃和鋼 的結構被提運到現場,它跟波音737客機的長度相同,惹來一片驚嘆。 來到今天,當發展商為這充滿懸念的劃世建築掀開神秘面紗,推出發售 時,再一次教人讚服。 兩個Bridge Suites單位是加國最高和最大旳懸空式住宅。當中以 Grand Bridge Suite的面積最大,也是率先公開發售的。單位面積達 4,168平方呎,分為3層,客廳、飯廳和書房更享有格外開揚的特高樓 底;面積相當於小型城市花園、達823平方呎的陽台備有室內酒吧和日 光浴室,成就最佳私人休閒區,不禁令人聯想起巴比倫的空中花園。此 外,單位還配備了三個泊車位的私人停車庫和特優儲物空間。 Concord Adex的銷售與市場部副總裁Isaac Chan說︰「從前您很難 凌空一指,很肯定和具體地跟人說『我就住在那裏』 ;但現在就可以了,如 此獨特的府邸位置,絕對不會讓人錯過。」 當您驚嘆於美麗雅致的室內裝潢,以及北眺市中心、南望安大略湖 無與倫比的美景時,或許亦該為如此難以置信的工程和建築壯舉而鼓掌。

It’s a lair fit for James Bond himself. Suspended 98 metres mid-air between two skyscrapers at the foot of Canoe Landing Park in downtown Toronto, Concord’s Bridge Suites have been a source of curiosity and wonderment throughout the city— and the world—since its inception nearly a decade ago. Many downtown dwellers may recall the crowds standing in awe when this glass-and-steel structure, the same length as a Boeing 737, was lifted into place in June 2012. Now, the world is dropping its collective jaw again as the developer unveils a residential suite for purchase. The two Bridge Suites are the country’s highest and largest suspended residences. The Grand Bridge Suite is the larger of the two, and the first one being offered to the public. Spanning 4,168 square feet over three floors, this living space features double-height living, dining and study areas. It also boasts an outdoor retreat serviced by an indoor bar and sunroom that would put the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to shame. At 823 square feet, it is the size of a small city parkette. Additionally, the suite comes with a private three-car garage and premium storage space. “Rarely in a city can you point in the sky and say definitively, ‘I live there’,” says Isaac Chan, Vice President, Sales and Marketing at Concord Adex. “The uniqueness of this residence makes it very hard to miss.”

儘管高層建築物之間的天橋屢見不鮮,但通常都是作為行人天橋。 這項目的結構工程師及Halcrow Yolles的前高級負責人Halcrow Yolles表 示,從未有住宅單位建築在連接建築物之間的天橋上。 由天橋連接的兩幢大樓已落成,當中一幢更是已經入夥且有人居 住,如何在兩者中間組裝翻新天橋,成為了項目的一大挑戰。經過足足 四年的規劃、分析和推敲微調,才將重達450噸的結構以千斤頂起重裝 置,以每次升高16吋的速度向上絞合到位,整個過程歷時超過14小時。 正如Isaac Chan所說,多倫多人這些年來一直對這個建築計劃大感 興趣。「我們很高興拉開帷幕,讓大家終於可以一同欣賞和感受這個令人 難以置信的生活空間。」

As you marvel at the beautiful interiors and the unparalleled views of Lake Ontario to the south and Toronto’s cityscape to the north, don’t forget the incredible engineering and architectural aspects of its creation. While flyovers between high-rise buildings are not uncommon, most of them are experienced in a passageway, like a pedestrian bridge, and not a residence. According to Agha Hasan, former Senior Principal at Halcrow Yolles, the project’s structural engineers, there was no precedent for integrating a residence into a sky bridge. One major challenge was that the bridge was to be retrofitted between two existing buildings, one of them already occupied. It took four years of planning, analysis and fine-tuning before the 450-tonne structure was strand-jacked into place, employing beams, hydraulic jacks and heavy-duty cables, six inches at a time. The whole process took more than 14 hours. “The Bridge Suites have long sparked intrigue from Torontonians,” says Chan. “We’re excited to pull back the curtain and finally give everyone the grand tour of this incredible space.”

Bridge Suites小百科 •售價$4,550,000 •面積4,168平方呎 •陽台面積823平方呎 •10.5呎樓底 •3 層 •3 睡房 •3 浴室 •1 個私人停車庫 •3 個泊車位 •1 書房 •1 閱讀間/鋼琴室 •長度130呎 •空中橋堡內有2個單位,其中一個已售出 •2020年的物業稅為$12,299 •每月管理費$1,897.25 •擁有2個美不勝收景觀—北望繁華都市,南觀秀麗安大略湖 BRIDGE SUITES BY THE NUMBERS • $4,550,000 purchase price • 4,168 square feet • 823-square-foot terrace • 10.5-foot ceilings • 3 floors • 3 bedrooms • 3 bathrooms • 1 den • 1 reading nook/piano room • 130 feet in length • 1 private garage • 3 parking spaces • 2 suites inside the bridge, 1 already spoken for • $12,299 property taxes • $1,897.25 monthly maintenance fees

主人房浴室將安大略湖秀麗景致盡收眼底。 The master bedroom comes with Toronto’s ultimate bathing area, featuring breathtaking views of the lake.



Exploring thE unparallElEd bEauty along thE SaguEnay rivEr From gastronomy to great scenery, this Québec region is indeed a destination for adventure Story & Photography | Renée S. Suen (additional photos by Mathieu Dupuis, Lise Gagnon and Marc Loiselle)


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加拿大有着豐富的大自然美景及精彩的戶外體驗,包括保護自然生態的 國家公園以至遼闊的海岸線。當中,位於薩格奈的14個城市被喻為魁北克省 最美地區。由聖讓湖出發,途經薩格奈市前往Tadoussac,沿途風景美不勝 收,十分適合自駕遊。Val Jalbert歷史村莊、壯麗的薩格奈峽灣,以及於聖 羅倫斯河賞鯨等都十分值得一遊。你更可以品嚐當地特產、結識友善的當地 人,並呼吸一口久違了的清新空氣,令這趟旅遊回憶特別珍貴。


在Val-Jalbert村莊舉行的室外博物館,你有機會碰到村內工頭Mr.Thibeault。 You might encounter Val-Jalbert’s Pierre Thibeault, based on the historic village’s foreman, in the unique open-air museum.

聖讓湖地區位於魁省,由於該處可捕捉內陸水域的三文魚及鼓眼魚,是 釣魚愛好者的天堂。除了沙灘及單車徑外,走進Val Jalbert歷史村莊讓人彷 彿時空穿梭返回1927年。當年一位企業家決定在Ouiatchouan瀑布下方興建 一座製漿廠及其員工的家,村莊因而誕生。爬上764級樓梯或乘坐纜車登上 瀑布頂,可飽覽村莊全貌。這個工業村莊因為有自來水及電力供應,曾經是 區內最現代化的小鎮,後來由於製漿業式微,村莊於1929年被荒廢。村莊現 時由魁省省府擁有,保留了40座原始特色的建築,包括完整保存的女修道院 學校(為全省最後存留的一所)、雜貨店及製漿廠。 遊客可在村內留宿,雜貨店上的房間又或者建於1920年的房子都經過 改建,既保留原有特色,同時提供現代化設備。村莊入口處附近亦提供營地 及小型度假屋(可使用室外暖水泳池),適合有小朋友的家庭。由廚師Gilbert Nault主理的磨坊餐廳主打當地特色美食,遊客飯後沿河畔散步至鄰近的公 園,欣賞由彩燈映照的瀑布夜景;翌日早上再參加導賞團,以徙步或乘坐觀 光巴士的方式遊覽Val-Jalbert,參觀破舊的廢宅及體驗各種導賞活動。這些 活動包括在磨坊研磨房舉辦的多重感官沉浸式表演、前居民的視像訪問,以 及於每年5月至10月舉行的戶外博物館,由演員穿上當時的服飾重現鎮上居 民的模樣。 前往薩格奈途中,可順道參觀位於Saint-Ambroise的Ferme Michel Rivard et Fille農莊,品嚐該區的獲獎農產品、野生藍莓及馬鈴薯。農莊以休 閒農場的形式運作,讓美食愛好者有機會透過周末舉辦的導賞遊,了解全手 工摘收水果的過程。之後可以遠足,又或者採摘生果或農產品,更可即興野 餐,農莊小店提供多款新鮮食品如藍莓批、現烤麵包配藍莓牛油,以及著名 的藍莓poutine等。別忘了多買一些新鮮莓子在車上吃,而果醬及三文治醬 則可帶回家慢慢享用。

From breathtaking national parks of protected wilderness to vast stretches of coastline, Canada is blessed with incredible vistas and an abundance of activities for adventure seekers. One such gem is the 14 municipalities that comprise the Saguenay, one of the most beautiful regions of Québec. Threaded together by scenic routes from Lac-Saint-Jean through the city of Saguenay to Tadoussac, this stretch is ideal for road trippers. Take your time to explore the historic village of Val Jalbert, the majestic Saguenay Fjords and whale watching in the St. Lawrence estuary. Here’s how you can feast on regional specialities, meet friendly locals and create lasting open-air memories.

CHambOrd a haven for fishing enthusiasts to catch landlocked salmon and walleye, the municipality’s Lac-Saint-Jean is an oasis tucked within a wilderness area. besides beaches and bike trails, visitors can travel back in time to experience the spirit of 1927 at the historic village of Val-Jalbert, a company-planned town that was built around a pulp mill at the base of Ouiatchouan Falls. Climb 764 steps, or take the cable car to the top of the waterfall, to get a panoramic view of the quaint single-industry village that was once the most modern town in the region—heck, it had electricity and running water. However, with the decreased demand for pulp, the mill closed in 1927 and it quickly became a ghost town. Take in the 40 charming original buildings, including the well-preserved convent school, general store and mill itself on the provincially-owned property. Spend an evening or two in the heart of the village in a room above the general store, or in a 1920s period house that’s been beautifully retrofitted with contemporary comforts. There’s also a campsite and mini-cottages, with access to a heated outdoor pool—great for young families. dine at the mill restaurant and enjoy the regional cuisine created by chef Gilbert Nault, before taking a leisurely evening stroll along the river to the illuminated falls in the closed theme park.

比尼亞加拉瀑布還要高20米的Ouiatchouan瀑布,在村莊仍 然有人居住時,透過水力發電為村內提供電力。現時的水 壩非常隱蔽,而電能則售予魁北克電力局。 Twenty metres higher than Niagara Falls, Ouiatchouan Falls was used for hydroelectric power when the village was in operation. The current dam is more hidden, with the electricity produced sold to Hydro-Québec.

The next morning, how about a guided tour of Val-Jalbert—on foot, or aboard a trolley bus—to explore rows of abandoned houses in various states of decay and experience a bevy of interpretive activities? Included is an immersive multi-sensory show in the old mill’s grinders’ room, video interviews with former residents and costumed actors portraying former citizens in the unique open-air museum, which operates from may to October. ELITEGEN





跟超市售賣大大粒的藍莓不同,細小的野生藍莓有着光滑的外皮,味道如果醬般 香甜。當地人喜歡用藍莓入饌,比如位於Saint-Ambroise的Ferme Michel Rivard et Fille餐廳便提供藍莓poutine。 Unlike the plumper cultured version, tiny wild blueberries have a smooth frosted skin and are packed with gorgeous jammy flavours. You can sample them in local creations, like blueberry poutine, at Ferme Michel Rivard et Fille in Saint-Ambroise.

薩格奈 由Chicoutimi、Jonquière及La Baie鎮三個行政區組成的 薩格奈,是該地區最大的商業樞紐。Chicoutimi作為區內主要 行政及商業中心,多個世界知名的節慶活動都在這裡舉辦, 如Regard短片電影節、Festival des Bières du Monde啤酒節 及Festival des vins de Saguenay餐酒節等,兩個酒節每年都 吸引不少愛酒之人慕名而來。La Baie位處薩格奈峽灣旁,因 而成為旅遊熱點。鎮上可找到不少精緻小店及藝坊,包括位 於市中心的玻璃及石雕工作坊Touverre,店內亦出售自家製 的玻璃藝術品。La Baie更是郵輪港口。沿Véloroute du Fjord du Saguenay單車徑由碼頭的村莊可前往科學博物館Musée du Fjord。館內設施包括峽灣水族館、海洋生物展覽、昆蟲生 態園和不時更新的短期展覽等。參觀者可了解Saguenay-LacSaint-Jean地區的大自然及歷史,探索300米深的薩格奈峽 灣,亦可透過Navis多媒體演示或峽灣海岸導賞遊,加深對當 地的認識。

薩格奈峽灣國家公園 薩格奈峽灣是全球十大最長的峽灣之一,同時是北美 洲唯一有野生動物居住的峽灣,難怪被米芝蓮指南選為必到 景點。全長126公里的冰川峽谷於9億年前形成,由石崖及 針葉林組成,可以遠足、划艇,或在Véloroute du Fjord du Saguenay單車徑騎單車。乘坐觀光船是欣賞Saguenay-St. Lawrence海岸公園景色的最佳方法,由Navettes Maritimes du Fjord營運的輪船往返La Baie、薩格奈峽灣國家公園(碼頭 位於 Rivière-Éternité)、Tadoussac及其它小鎮(視乎季節而 定)。連綿起伏的群山巒演變成300米高的垂直峭壁,景觀壯 麗。前往Cap Éternité欣賞美景,並拜訪由Louis Jobin雕刻的 聖母像,腦海不期然奏起「聖母頌」。愛酒之人,不妨到訪灣 畔小鎮L’ Anse-Saint-Jean的Bistro de La’Anse,這家小型酒 廠採用來自當地森林的產物如喇叭茶(Labrador tea)、香脂冷 杉、覆盆子及蕎麥釀製而成的有機啤酒,餐廳的庭院更可望到 峽灣風景。 74

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遊客可以參加Economusée Touverre的工作坊,欣賞藝術家Mr. Benedetto如何創 製他的玻璃和石雕作品。 Economusée Touverre is where visitors can attend workshops to observe how artisan Giuseppe Benedetto creates his artful hand-blown glass and stone-cutting.

On the way to Saguenay, stop by Ferme michel rivard et Fille in Saintambroise to savour the region’s prized produce—wild blueberries and potatoes. The agri-tourism operation offers curious food lovers the opportunity to visit a working farm on guided weekend tours to see how the hand-picked fruit is harvested. Explore the interpretation trails and pick your own fruits or tubers, before enjoying a picnic with delicacies purchased from the farm’s boutique that might include fresh wild blueberry pie, wild blueberry butter on fresh-baked bread, or their signature blueberry poutine. Grab a pint of sweet berries for the road, and stock up on jams and spreads to enjoy back home.

SaGuENay an amalgamation of three municipalities—Chicoutimi, Jonquière and La baie—the city of Saguenay is the area’s largest commercial hub. as the main administrative and commercial centre of the region, Chicoutimi hosts a series of festivals that draw international crowds. There is the regard shortfilm festival, as well as Festival des bières du monde and Festival des vins de Saguenay, both of which attract crowds of beer and wine connoisseurs. meanwhile, La baie is a popular tourist destination, thanks to its location on the shores of the Saguenay Fjord. besides being home to many small businesses and artisans—this includes Touverre, a glass-blowing and stonecutting workshop in the downtown core—it’s also a port for international cruise ships. There is the Véloroute du Fjord du Saguenay, a bike trail that runs through the port village to musée du Fjord, a science museum with a fjord aquarium, discovery spaces featuring marine fauna and a vivarium filled with exotic insects. Learn about the natural and historic heritage of the Saguenay-Lac-SaintJean region, the cold dark waters of the Saguenay Fjords that aren’t as well explored due to its 300-metre depth, and discover more aboard the Navis multimedia presentation, or through guided excursions on the shores nearby.

SaGuENay FJOrdS NaTIONaL Park as the only inhabited fjord in North america, the Saguenay Fjords are also one of the 10 longest in the world. a michelin Guide-listed must-see attraction, the 126-kilometre glacial valley is more than 900 million years old with rocky cliffs and boreal forest that you can hike, parks that permit sea kayaking and the aforementioned Véloroute du Fjord du Saguenay.

Tadoussac Tadoussac位處魁省北岸區的入口,大片針葉林及湍急 水流,提供多姿多彩的探索體驗。該區是北美洲首個法裔定居 地,前身為皮草交易站(在市中心可找到一個複製的交易站)。 這裡更是北美洲數一數二的觀鳥勝地,可以觀賞超過80種鳥 類遷徙。 Tadoussac海灣是全球最美海灣之一,可找到海濱長 廊、特色小店及餐廳,每年5月至10月的觀鯨季節更吸引遊人 蜂擁而至。位處聖羅倫斯河及薩格奈峽灣的交匯處,水質適合 餵養海洋生物。Saguenay-St.Lawrence海岸公園被喻為最適 合賞鯨的地方,共有13種鯨魚在這海域生活,包括小鬚鯨、 藍鯨及白鯨。雖然身處陸地,無論是岸邊(沿着被稱為賞鯨路 線的Route 138的各個觀景台)或跟着海洋生物資料中心的地圖 尋找景點,均可見到鯨魚的蹤影,但總比不上跟牠們近距離接 觸。加拿大最佳的觀光船Grand Fleuve,提供無敵海洋全景, 船上設備完善,男女老幼都得到周到照顧,可舒適地賞鯨。想 刺激一點的話,可參加由Croisières AML營運的Zodiac賞鯨之 旅,船長是獲認證的大自然學家,帶領遊客乘坐快艇至大量鯨 魚出沒的水域,還去到薩格奈峽灣。 區內可進行不同的戶外活動,遠足、於峽灣划艇,又或 者在聖羅倫斯河浮潛等。從Tadoussac驅車20分鐘,可到達 由加拿大公園局管理的Cap-de-Bon-Désir Interpretation and Observation Centre資訊中心,這裡提供各類適合一家大小的 展覽及項目如Ocean Encounters。中心的導賞員會帶遊客趁 潮退時在潮池找尋蜘蛛蟹及水藻,又會一同認識由潛水員從海 中捕捉的無脊椎生物如海膽等。每年由6月至10月開放的BonDésir燈塔亦值得一遊,它是佇立於聖羅倫斯河岸40座燈塔的 其中之一。從燈塔可以欣賞聖羅倫斯河全景,又可觀鯨及海 豹,更可藉着航海展覽了解燈塔及其看守人的歷史及故事。 喝啤酒是當地人的文化,尤其喜歡由小酒廠以當地食材釀 製的啤酒。Microbrasserie Tadoussac酒廠出產多種啤酒,酒 名更充滿當地特色如Pale (Wh)Ale。Chez Mathilde則提供絕美 的海灣美景,一邊呷着St-Pancrace啤酒,一邊品嚐新鮮魚獲, 一流享受。這家位於北岸的小型酒廠,憑着其創意及對品質的 要求,曾兩獲世界啤酒大獎。他們的招牌啤酒名為Crâââbe, 特別之處是在釀製過程中加入藍蟹殼。(溫馨提示:鎮上超市 Intermarché提供酒廠出產的全線系列產品,記 Épicerie Côté L’ 得入貨。) 想要品嚐真正的當地風味,La Galouïne Restaurant是不 二之選。行政總廚Martin Brisson以其家鄉Algonquin的烹調傳 統,並採用北岸海鮮,魁北克省肉類及農場野味,農產品如 雲杉針、野菌及越橘,炮製出各道精彩美食。5道菜時令餐單 Le Croutier du Fjord由5月至10月供應,菜色包括海鮮周打魚 湯,材料有龍蝦尾、鮮蝦、帶子及魚,還有自家煙燻三文魚、 醃製鰜魚配芝士薄餅、Le Croutier Montagnais配紅酒燉野 味–材料包括牛仔肉、鹿肉腸及兔腿,再配以煙燻鴨肉及鴨肝 慕絲沙律。餐廳更推出自家食品品牌Terroir Boréal,提供產品 如油封鴨、古法製三文治醬及糖漿、鹽醃北方香料、野菌味粉 及北岸莓子味喇叭茶,讓你把Brisson的精彩美食帶回家。

Take in the awe-inspiring vistas of the Saguenay-St. Lawrence marine Park on a boat cruise with Navettes maritimes du Fjord that shuttles between docks at La baie, Saguenay Fjords National Park (at rivière-Éternité), Tadoussac, plus other small towns depending on the season. appreciate how the rolling mountains rise to steep vertical cliffs that are 300 metres high. Enjoy the scenery at Cap Éternité, where you’ll be serenaded with ave maria on a brief stop under the Notre-dame-du-Saguenay statue carved by Louis Jobin. Stop for a flight of organic beers at bistro de La’anse in the charming bayside village of L’anse-Saint-Jean. This microbrewery utilizes the unique flavours harvested from the surrounding boreal forest, like Labrador tea, balsam fir, raspberries and buckwheat.

TadOuSSaC Located at the entrance to the province’s Côte-Nord, with its boreal forest and fast-flowing rivers, Tadoussac offers light adventurers plenty to see and do. as the first French settlement in North america, this former fur-trading post (with a replica located in the heart of the village) is also known for being one of the best birdwatching sites on the continent, where you can observe the migration of more than 80 species. Tadoussac bay is one of the most beautiful bays in the world, lined with an easy-to-stroll boardwalk, quaint boutiques and charming restaurants. Wildlife enthusiasts flock to the village every may to October for whale-watching. Situated at the confluence of the St. Lawrence river and the Saguenay Fjord, Tadoussac’s waters are a rich feeding ground for marine mammals. Saguenay-St. Lawrence marine Park is home to 13 species of whales, including minke, blue and beluga. although visible from the shore (and viewpoints along route 138, also known as the Whale route) or via an updated map showing pod locations at the marine mammal Interpretation Centre, the best way to encounter these majestic giants is up close. Hop aboard the Grand Fleuve, the best observation boat in Canada, which offers panoramic views and comforts for all ages. adventure seekers can also enjoy an open-air ride on a zodiac with Croisières amL, where a certified naturalist boat captain guides a small group through the whale-rich waters and concludes the tour inside the Saguenay Fjord. The area is rich in activities, from hiking trails to kayaking and scuba diving. about a 20-minute drive from Tadoussac, Parks Canada operates Cap-de-bondésir Interpretation and Observation Centre, which offers family-friendly exhibits and programs like Ocean Encounters. Here, visitors can beachcomb in tidal pools for organisms like spider crabs and algae at low tides in the company of an interpretive guide, or examine marine invertebrates like sea urchins that divers have brought up from the sea depths. From June to October, stop by the bon-désir Lighthouse, part of the Lighthouse Trail of 40 lighthouses dotting the St. Lawrence. The popular spot is home to a navigation exhibit where you can learn about the history of the lighthouse and its lightkeepers. It also provides a panorama of the St. Lawrence for whale and seal watching. Imbibers will also be pleased to know that the region boasts an established beer-drinking culture, serving microbrews made from local ingredients. Whether it’s a pint at microbrasserie Tadoussac, where you can savour a wide variety of beers with names inspired by the region (including the Pale (Wh)ale), or enjoy a bottle of St-Pancrace beer at Chez mathilde while feasting on the catch of the day. The latter, a Côte-Nord microbrewery, has twice been recognized by the World beer awards for its innovative and quality products, including signature beer Crâââbe, where blue crab shells are added to the brewing process. (Pro tip: village grocery store Épicerie Côté L’Intermarché carries the full lineup that you can purchase to take home.) For a true taste of the region, check out La Galouïne restaurant, where executive chef martin brisson taps into his algonquin heritage to transform lower north shore seafood, Quebec-sourced meat and farmed game with plants and fruits like spruce needles, wild mushrooms and lingonberries into flavourful plates. Experience the seasonal menu from may to October through Le Croutier du Fjord, a five-dish course that may include seafood chowder with lobster tail, shrimp, scallops and fish, homemade maple-smoked salmon, marinated turbot with a local cheese capped flatbread, or the hearty Le Croutier montagnais that includes a wild game casserole of veal osso buco, venison sausage and rabbit leg, along with house-smoked duck magret.

Cap-de-Bon-Désir Interpretation and Observation Centre資訊中心其中 一個活動,是帶參觀者趁潮退時在潮池找尋無脊椎生物如海膽等。 Spot such organisms as sea urchins while beachcombing in tidal pools at low tide at the Cap-de-Bon-Désir Interpretation and Observation Centre.

Take brisson’s foraged flavours home via the restaurant’s Terroir boréal products that include confit, spreads and syrups made using traditional methods, salt flavoured with boreal herbs, a wild mushroom powder and Labrador tea flavoured with northern berries. ELITEGEN





Saguenay St-Laurence海岸公園賞鯨是最佳的賞鯨熱點,你有機會在安全距離下觀賞到瀕臨絕種的白鯨成群結隊出沒,還有小鬚鯨及長鬚鯨。為了保護賞鯨旅遊 業,賞鯨只可在5月至10月進行。圖片提供:Mathieu Dupuis/Le Québec maritime or Marc Loiselle/Tourisme Côte-Nord Whether it’s a pod of endangered belugas admired from a safe distance, or spotting the fin or a blow from a minke or fin whale (seen here), the Saguenay St-Laurence Marine Park is one of the best places to whale watch between May and October, where responsible whale tourism is practised. Photo credit: Mathieu Dupuis/Le Québec maritime or Marc Loiselle/Tourisme Côte-Nord

交通安排 無論你經由海路、陸路或乘飛機抵達魁北克,前往薩格奈區最容易的方法 是駕車。行程可安排由Chicoutimi或Tadoussac作起點(或以兩地作終點)。加 航提供由多倫多、渥太華及溫哥華往返Saguenay-Bagotville(可前往Lac SaintJean、Chicoutimi和La Baie) 與及魁北克城 (最近城市為Tadoucssac) 的直航班機。

住宿安排 觀鯨季節是當地的旅遊旺季,如果計劃夏季前往當地,建議在冬天或最遲春 天預訂酒店,以免向隅。

HOW TO GET THErE Whether you arrive in the region by air, train, ferry, bus or automobile, the easiest way to truly access the region is by car. a tentative itinerary through the region might begin in Chicoutimi or Tadoussac (or vice versa). air Canada offers direct flights to Saguenay-bagotville (to reach Lac-Saint-Jean, Chicoutimi and La baie) and Québec City (the closest city to Tadoussac) from Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver.

WHErE TO STay It’s recommended to book your stay by late winter or spring for summertime accommodations, due to the area’s popularity during the whale-watching season.

新冠疫情須知 旅遊期間要不斷留意政府發佈的最新指引。注意營業時間或會因疫情變更; 部分景點必須事先預約和標示了單一方向路線。在公眾室內空間必須配戴口罩。 保持社交距離、進行消毒、保持衛生及實行「泡泡概念」(即只限與自己的家庭成 員有緊密接觸)。

COVId-19 PrOTOCOLS 沿岸有不少觀景點,如De la Pointe-de-l’ Islet,這條全長900米的木 建長廊由海洋生物資訊中心伸延至薩格奈河河口。 The region is blessed with multiple viewpoints along the shore, including De la Pointe-de-l’Islet, a 900-metre wooden boardwalk that runs from the Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre to the mouth of the Saguenay River.


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Stay up to date on the latest government regulations when travelling. be aware of altered hours of operation. Some attractions require mandatory reservations and have marked one-way routes. masks or face coverings are enforced in public indoor spaces. Social distancing, sanitizing, hygiene practices and the bubble concept are practised.

於1747年興建的Tadoussac教堂是加國歷史最悠久的木建教堂,它跟Hôtel Tadoussac的前園只有咫尺距離。 Build in 1747, the Tadoussac Chapel is Canada’s oldest wooden church and is located a stone’s throw from the front lawn of the iconic Hôtel Tadoussac.



95, rue Saint-Georges Chambord, Que. 888-675-3132

Sainte-rose-du-Nord: Cap au Leste 55a Chemin du Cap à l’Est Sainte-rose-du-Nord, Que. 418-675-2000

村莊共提供24間客房,分別在民宅或雜貨店上方。住宿套票包導 賞遊、磨坊晚餐及豐富早餐。另提供190個營地、15間小型度假屋和 室外暖水泳池,住客在購買村莊入場票時可獲折扣。

Choose from 24 rooms divided among period homes, or above the general store in the heart of the village. The accommodation package includes a tour of the site, table d’hôte dinner at the mill and full breakfast. There’s also a campground with 190 sites, 15 mini-cottages and heated outdoor pool that includes a discount on admission to the historic village.

La baIE: aubErGE dES 21 621 rue mars La baie, Que. 418-697-2121 這間4星級酒店坐擁薩格奈河美景,酒店內有高級餐廳及水療中 心,部分客房備有壁爐或按摩浴缸。

This four-star hotel has direct views of the Saguenay river, a refined dining restaurant, a spa and rooms that may feature a fireplace or whirlpool tub.

CHICOuTImI: HOTEL CHICOuTImI 460 rue racine Est Chicoutimi, Que. 418-549-7111 酒店既著重環保,同時提供現代化的舒適及完善的設施,住客更 可享用自助早餐。

an eco-friendly option that’s equipped with modern comforts, amenities and a complimentary breakfast buffet.

如果想探索針葉林,可考慮這家位於峽灣峭壁(高300米)旁的木 屋度假村。La Baie就在對面。

For those looking for an escape to the boreal forest, this rustic cabin resort is located right on the edge of the fjord’s cliffs (about 300 metres high). It’s located opposite La baie.

TadOuSSaC: HôTEL TadOuSSaC 165 rue du bord de l’Eau Tadoussac, Que 418-235-4421 紅屋頂是這間地標酒店的特色,位於薩格奈峽灣的入口,提供 149間客房、完善的設施、室外泳池及網球場,亦鄰近多間餐廳及商 店。餐廳The Coverdale主打當地風味美食,店內以Coverdale系列的 木刻及壁畫作裝飾。每年5月至10月開放。 露營:區內三個國家公園,包括薩格奈國家公園,提供其它住宿 選擇,包括由Innu community of Essipit營運的Natakam Condos(全 年開放)、露營、小屋以及奢華露營glamping等一一俱備。查詢詳情。

Sporting an iconic red roof, this landmark resort is located at the mouth of the Saguenay Fjord and boasts 149 rooms offering modern amenities, outdoor pool and tennis court, plus front-row access to the village’s restaurants and shops. The Coverdale dining room serves regional fare and is decorated with period woodwork from the Coverdale collection and wall frescoes. Open may to October. Camping: From year-round Natakam Condos operated by the Innu community of Essipit, to camping, huts and ready-to-camp glamping tents in the area’s three national parks, including Parc national du Fjord du Saguenay. more details can be found at






木板蛋彩畫 OERVENG, 1968, tempera on wood composite board. 78

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紙本蛋彩畫 VEGA-VA, 1968–69, tempera on paperboard.

歐普藝術大師 Victor Vasarely

MIND trIcks Story | Iris Yim Photography | Vancouver Art Gallery

線條、形狀、色彩,在歐普藝術中都動了起 來,平面圖案通過組合或有規律地特殊排列, 出現了凹凸形狀、立體感或振動的視覺效果, 它是光學的藝術,又是視幻的藝術。

Stimulating the eye, the vibrant paintings, prints and sculptures produce the optical illusion of dynamic movement, appearing to pulse, shimmer and vibrate.

音譯作歐普藝術的Op Art是Optical Art的縮寫,是二十 世紀興起的藝術新潮。Vancouver Art Gallery現舉辦Victor Vasarely展覽,直至4月5日。將匈牙利裔法國藝術家Victor Vasarely在上世紀六十-七十年代的歐普藝術顛峰之作呈現出 來,其中包括大量繪畫、雕塑、掛毯作品。

Hungarian-French artist Victor Vasarely (1906–1997), the father of Op Art, is internationally renowned for his colourful abstract patterns and playful pop aesthetic.

匈牙利裔法國藝術家Victor Vasarely(1906-1997年)可說 是歐普藝術的創建者,他的作品都是利用垂直線、水準線、曲 線交錯及圓形、弧形、矩形、柵格等形狀並置,利用透視、光 影和紋理變換進行視覺實驗,引至觀賞者在看到畫面圖形時產 生眩目的光效應現象和錯覺,以為這些平面圖案出現了凹凸形 狀、立體感或振動。歐普藝術給予人們視覺上的不穩定性和變 化,既是由於構圖中的光學現象,也是由於觀賞者在藝術品面 前的身體活動及移動視線所致。

Until April 5, the Vancouver Art Gallery is presenting Victor Vasarely, focusing primarily on Vasarely’s work from the 1960s and ’70s—the peak of his popularity. With a background in graphic design, Vasarely was deeply invested in making art that could easily reach the broadest possible audience. To this end, he created his Plastic Alphabet, an abstract language that comprises a series of geometrical shapes in varying colours, easily reproducible in countless configurations across multiple media.






紙本絲網印刷 Hexagone (Ion-7), 1969, screenprint on paper.

紙本絲網印刷 OERVENG I, 1970, screenprint on paper.

紙本絲網印刷 Constellations (Sir Ris), 1967, screenprint on paper. 80

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木板油畫 CALCIS, 1959, oil on wood composite board.

紙本絲網印刷 Planetary Folklore (Orion MC), 1964, screenprint on paper.

打破公眾認為藝術高不可攀的看法,Vasarely着意於使人們能夠輕鬆地在家中 或公共場所接觸到藝術品,將藝術範圍擴展到畫廊之外,延伸到公眾日常生活當中。 通過藝術品和印刷品的結合,Vasarely的抽象語言和藝術不僅體現在其繪畫、絲網印 刷、雕塑和建築之中,而且還在海報、餐具和紡織品上出現。從這點看來,Vasarely 對藝術普及化的貢獻更是功不可沒,他對量產和跨媒介的使用,在當今的藝術實踐中 依然引起共鳴,永不過時。 擁有平面設計背景的Vasarely因其豐富多彩的抽象圖案、生動有趣充滿玩味的視 覺吸引力及不一樣的藝術語言而享譽國際。Vasarely這些易於複製的藝術語言,可以 在不同媒體上以多種配置應用,並讓全人類共用。 溫哥華美術館同場另外有Op Art in Vancouver展覽,作品選自溫哥華美術館永久 收藏的繪畫和版畫,反映了歐普藝術在本地的興起和發展。

The utopian nature of Vasarely’s vision can be found in his desire to take art beyond the gallery, and to make it accessible to people in their homes, as well as in the public domain. Merging artworks and commercially printed multiples, his abstract language is featured not only in his paintings, sculptures and architectural integrations, but also reproduced on prints, posters, dishware and textiles. Vasarely’s interest in the democratization of art for all, his use of mass production and his embrace of interdisciplines continue to resonate with artistic practices today.







EntEr thE World of VincEnt Van GoGh Story | Kenson Ho


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參觀者被梵高的每一個筆觸、細節、繪畫顏料 和色彩激動着心弦。 Visitors are swept away by every brushstroke, detail, painting medium and colour.






一百幾十年以來,梵高的作品感動了許多人。 van Gogh’s work has touched many people for more than a century.

梵高筆下的棕櫚樹林。 van Gogh’s world of Olive Trees.


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展覽為梵高的作品,提供了一個虛擬的精彩舞台。 Each presentation provides a virtual promenade through the life and work of the iconic van Gogh.

由於日本與荷蘭早年有貿易邦交,梵高的作品顯示了在這方面的影響。 Because of the early trade relationship between Japan and the Netherlands, some of van Gogh’s art displays Japanese influences.

無論你對藝術有興趣與否,都應該熟悉梵高的大名。這位荷 蘭的後印象派畫家,賦予畫作大膽的色彩,畫風衝動,具有強烈 的戲劇性和表現力。你將有機會在溫哥華一個與別不同的沉浸式 展覽「Imagine van Gogh」中欣賞這位大師的藝術作品。 作為一名多產的藝術家,梵高一生創作了約2,100幅畫作, 雖然去世後才揚名世界,但被公認是現代繪畫藝術的代表,畫壇 最具影響力的人物之一。他的作品如今已躋身世界上有史以來最 昂貴的畫作之中。在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹,有以他命名的博物館, 收集了數量最多的梵高畫作,將他的藝術光輝保留下來傳播出 去。百多年來,梵高的作品感動了許多人。Don McLean的名曲 「Vincent」,就是向梵高致敬。 「Imagine van Gogh」展出方式與眾不同。各年齡段的參觀 者,都會從中發現一種與梵高作品重新聯繫的新方式。「Imagine van Gogh」展出梵高的200多幅畫作,構想十分壯麗宏偉:參觀者 在畫作的巨大投影中遊走,被每一個筆觸、細節、繪畫顏料和色 彩扣動心弦,所有感官都被完全喚醒,被這精彩的美學完全地感 動。 這次展覽是Annabelle Mauger和Julien Baron的製作,他們 曾利用Albert Plécy構思的「全像」概念,採用多面投影和身臨其境 的先進技術音響,合作創造了沉浸式展覽。這次展覽通過擴大畫 作的比例,以非傳統的手法展示繪畫藝術作品,提供放大式的演 譯,從夜空中的星星,到向日葵的種子等畫作中的細節,都一一 盡現。每幅圖像在光影中增添了情感深度,參觀者置身其中,體 會和感受到偉大藝術家的非凡創造力。 展覽中的每一幅畫作除了被放大並投影在多個落地的觸控螢 幕上,還伴有古典音樂強化情境,讓參觀者在肌膚幾乎可以親近 到每個筆觸的同時,得到全方位的感官體驗。參觀者還可以與畫 作互動,以全新的視野來觀賞藝術品。 「Imagine van Gogh」暫定於3月19日至5月28日在溫哥華 Vancouver Convention Centre(1055 Canada Pl, Vancouver, BC, V6C 0C3) 亮相,公眾可到imaginevangogh.com上登記預約入場。

Whether or not you’re into fine art, you’ve undoubtedly heard of Vincent van Gogh, the Dutch post-impressionist who posthumously became one of the most famous and influential figures in the history of Western art. As a prolific artist, he painted more than 2,000 pieces that included landscapes, still lifes and portraits. He had a distinctive characteristic of bold colours and dramatic, impulsive and expressive brushwork that contributed to the foundations of modern art. Through the years, van Gogh’s works touched many people. The popular ’70s song Vincent, by Don McLean, was written as a tribute to the famous artist. For the next two months, you have an opportunity to view this Dutch master’s work in Imagine van Gogh, an immersive exhibition running March 19 to May 28 at the Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre. Visitors wander amongst giant projections of more than 200 of the artist’s works, swept away by every brushstroke, detail, painting medium and colour. You’ll be immersed in an extraordinary experience, where all senses become fully awakened. This exhibition is the work of Annabelle Mauger and Julien Baron, who collaborated on the creation of immersive shows, using the concept of “Image Totale” conceived by Albert Plécy. They’ve employed advanced techniques of multi-projection and immersive audio to add emotional depth to each image, allowing attendees to live and feel the creative energy of the esteemed artist. This exhibit takes a fresh, non-traditional approach to van Gogh’s work by enlarging the scale of the paintings, providing an amplified interpretation that uses the details as a means to explore the work —from the stars in his night skies, to the seeds in his sunflowers. It provides a virtual promenade inside the life and work of the iconic artist. Each painting is magnified and projected onto multiple floor-to-ceiling video touchscreens. The exhibit is accompanied by classical music—a truly sensory experience that allows visitors to almost feel the brush strokes on their skin. Viewers engage and interact with the paintings in a way that completely recharges and reinvigorates their appreciation and approach to art. You can now register at ELITEGEN





玉米粉脆皮玲鱈魚,配白豆泥、青豆、花生香蒜醬、醃青蔥。 Cornmeal Crusted Ling Cod with white bean purée, green beans, peanut pesto and pickled shallot.


When ItalIan meets amerIcan southern Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Say Mercy! 位於溫哥華Fraser街4298號的Say Mercy!於去年初開業,是 大廚Sean Reeve嘗試跳出框框的最新「作品」。 Say Mercy!的菜單經過精心設計,精選菜式季節性推出,選 用最好的本地食材,尤其是那些供應期極短的品種。要Reeve提點 建議,點哪幾款菜,他的回答是:「美食太多,太難選擇,把自己 的口味交給廚師吧!」——安坐下來,放鬆,Say Mercy!由人做 主!——這大概也是餐廳名字的寓意所在吧。


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Sean Reeve decided it was time to think outside the box. With Say Mercy!, the acclaimed Vancouver chef has done just that, combining his experience and passion to create an amazing fusion restaurant in the city’s Riley Park district. Referring to itself as “Italian Through the Lens of American Barbeque”, the well-designed menu features seasonal selections to showcase the best local ingredients, especially those available for only a short period of time.

室內環境舒適宜人。 The interior is welcoming and relaxing.

Jesus Take The Wheel是Carrie Underwood的歌曲名字,也 是Reeve精心策劃的菜譜,他覺得最能代表菜單的精粹,讓客人 (最少2人起)享受5道菜,大碟奉上一起分享。葡萄酒的選擇全部來 自較小且獨特的意大利酒莊,與食物完美搭配。

認識歐美風味 Say Mercy!是間融合風味餐廳,構想源於Reeve的人生經歷。 他15歲就在一家美國南方風味燒烤式餐館兼職洗碗,之後學習烹飪 並在意大利接受培訓。在滿地可、多倫多、帕爾馬、都靈和巴塞隆 拿工作多年,大約5年前,回到卑詩省創業。 對於融合,Reeve有自己的見解。他形容,意大利美食本身已 有強烈對比,南北特色之間的差異實在吸引。北部廣闊的平原盛產 各種牲畜,造就了世界聞名的產品,如帕爾瑪火腿和帕瑪森芝士。 因鄰近法國和德國邊界的地區,北部形成了獨特而醇厚的風味,出 產精細的乾貨。南部的烹飪風格,則受山脈和水域的影響很大,新 鮮海產、番茄,和麥田所帶來的麵食佔據了主要地位。透過與摩爾 人的歷史關係,堅果、水果和香料也是普遍使用的美食材料。 而美國南方食譜,則出於必要性,特別實在誠信。風格謙遜而 真實,簡單的食材通過慢煮的烹飪方式,產生飽滿而獨特的風味。 美國南方美食展示了該地區的豐厚,將季節性、乾貨和名菜重溫作 為重點,融入西非洲的穀物、種子、香料和豆類,同時從克裡奧爾 人受法國傳統烹飪技術中獲取營養。

When asked what he would recommend, Reeve says: “When everything looks good, it’s hard to choose. So leave it to the chef, which explains the name of the restaurant. Sit back, relax and let him make you SAY MERCY! Surrender yourself to the experience.” Jesus Take The Wheel, which is the name of a Carrie Underwood song, is Chef Reeve’s guided tour through a curated experience that he feels best represents the menu, allowing guests (minimum 2) to enjoy five courses, plated family style. The wine selections are all from small and unique Italian vineyards, and they work perfectly well with the food. At the age of 15, Reeve started working part-time as a dishwasher in a southern American barbeque restaurant. After graduating from high school, he attended culinary programs on French and Italian cooking. Part of his training took place in Italy. Five years ago, after living in Montreal, Toronto, Parma, Turino and Barcelona, Reeve returned to B.C.

A CUISInE oF ConTRASTS From his experiences, Reeve describes Italian food as a cuisine of contrasts. In the north, the vast plains and varying cattle herds bring forth such world-renowned items as Prosciutto di Parma and Parmigiano Reggiano. The influences from nearby France and Germany provide the north with a distinct richness and fine-tuned preservation techniques. In the South, the culinary landscape is greatly influenced by its mountains and waters, which offer up fresh seafood, tomatoes and dried pastas from its wheat fields. The cuisine is formed greatly by its relationship to The Moors through items like nuts, fruits and spices.






燒烤肉醬意粉,配意大利香腸、煙豬臀肉、意大利芝士。 BBQ Bolognese with pancetta, smoked pork butt and Grana Padano.

行政總廚 Sean Reeve。 Executive Chef Sean Reeve.


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爆谷意式鮮奶凍,配粟米片脆碎、壓縮蘋果、蜜餞檸檬。 Popcorn Panna Cotta with Cap'n Crunch crumble, compressed apple, candied lemon.

煙芹菜頭意大利餃子,配烤菊 芋清湯配焦檸檬油、脆菊芋 片、焦化奶油。 Celeriac Tortellini en Brodo with smoked celeriac, roasted sunchoke broth, burnt lemon oil, sunchoke chips and brown butter.

融于祖母的飯桌 幾個不同地區的美食乍看之下好像截然不同,但它們都鐘意於 當地食材,又受到外部歷史文化的影響,「融合」這一風味特徵將它們 勾連在了一起。Reeve稱:「意大利和美國南方烹飪的基礎,實際上 是非常相似的。一切都源自祖母的飯桌上,一家人吃飯,分享日常故 事。食物非常簡單,極具季節性。」美食本身就是一種傳統,具有深 厚的家族根源,無論是簡單還是隆重,目的都是使各人聚首一堂。 溫馨提示:疫情期間,請及時查詢餐廳營業時間,以免向隅。

Whereas, southern American cuisine has an honest integrity to it. Humble and true, the simple flavours develop deep character through slow cooking. The South focuses on seasonality, preservation and rediscovery, while being supported by West African grains, seeds, spices and legumes, and benefiting from the Creole influence of classic French culinary techniques.

EVERYTHInG HAPPEnS ARoUnd GRAndMA’S TABLE These regions may seem quite different at first glance, but they are united by their appreciation of, and relationship to, the raw ingredients of their landscapes, as well as the impact of outside cultural and historic influences. “The foundation of Italian and Southern cooking is actually very similar,” Reeve says. “Everything happens around Grandma’s table, where the family eats, where they share their stories. The food is very simple, very seasonal.” Their food is a tradition unto itself, and has deep familial roots, whether simple or elaborate. It comes with a purpose—to bring everyone together, around the table. Say Mercy! 4298 Fraser St., Vancouver 604-423-3624 具有當代氣息的裝飾風藝術圖案。 The art deco motif with some contemporary flair.

notice: At time of publication, restaurants in Vancouver remained open for indoor dining. Regulations are subject to change.






當高科與 華相遇

Fashion meets tech Louis Vuitton horizon earphones combine the classic monogram with super sound Story | Connie Li Photography | Louis Vuitton


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Louis Vuitton 兩年前開發Horizon無線耳機,先後推出了亮黑、深紅、 純白、粉紅、螢光黃、黑色與螢光綠色壓花圖案版本,如今再次擴大這系列 的版圖,繼續將奢華風格深入科技圈。 全新漸變藍色(Blue Gradient)版本已於一月上市,耳機採用色彩明麗的 醋酸纖維和鏡面拋光不鏽鋼,營造出不對稱的鮮明對比,彰顯LV的驚人創 意。機身以細膩的漸變效果襯托經典Monogram圖案,中心的花卉辨別左右 兩耳,左邊的花瓣是尖的,右邊是圓的,放置在靈感源自Tambour Horizon 智能手錶的不鏽鋼充電盒內。 結合了新的美學價值與頂級音色和先進功能,全新的漸變藍耳機選用音 響專家Master & Dynamic的卓越系統,配搭感應充電模式,可連續播放達30 小時。 每個耳機都藏有兩個傳聲器,大大提升音質,同時還可以單獨使用一個 耳機。此外,耳機提供「主動降噪」和「收聽環境音」兩種音效體驗模式,前者 不受外界噪音幹擾,後者則可與外界保持聯繫。 設計 •漸變藍色醋酸纖維機身,以淺藍色Monogram圖案和精鋼色拋光Monogram 花卉點綴 •矽膠耳塞及固定翼 •尺寸:25 x 22.2 x 28.3毫米 技術規格 •音質:10毫米鈹金屬驅動單元 •重量:每邊耳機各重9克 •傳聲器類型:全方位收音,MEMS技術支援接聽,每邊耳機配備兩個傳聲器 •距離感測器支援自動播放/暫停功能 •功能:播放/暫停、前後跳播、音量控制、收聽環境音及主動消噪模式、接 聽及透過每邊耳機的控制按扭快速開啟語音輔助功能。每邊耳機可獨立接聽 來電及聆聽音樂 •連接:藍芽*5.0,連接距離可達至30米以上 •防水功能:IPX5 •充電:耳機隨附充電套裝,包括一個無線充電盒及一條USB-C充電線

Available in black, red, white, pink, fluorescent yellow, blue and a black and neon green padded version, and at the intersection of two worlds—fashion and technology—Louis Vuitton Horizon earphones combine style with market-leading sound quality, demonstrating the technical know-how of audio specialist Master & Dynamic. An optimized Bluetooth connectivity is paired with an induction charging mode for up to 30 hours of play time. The two microphones, embedded in each of the earphones, significantly enhance sound quality and allow each earphone to be used separately. Moreover, the earphones provide a two-mode audio experience: active noise-cancelling to isolate oneself and ambient listening to stay connected with the outside world. A sophisticated and cutting-edge accessory, the Louis Vuitton Horizon wireless earphones have found their place in today’s connected, on-the-go society, becoming an ideal solution for both communicating and listening. Design • Blue gradient acetate body with light blue monogram pattern, and mirrorpolished steel colour monogram flowers. • Silicone ear tips and fit wings. • Dimensions: 25 x 22.2 x 28.3 mm. Technical features • Sound: 10 mm Beryllium drivers. • Weight: 9 g each earphone. • Microphone type: omni-directional, MEMS technology enabling call answer, 2 microphones per earphone. • Proximity sensor enabling the automatic play/pause. • Functions: play/pause, skip forward/skip back, volume control, ambient listening and active noise-cancelling modes, call answer and quick access to voice assistant through control buttons located on each earphone. Each earphone can be used independently for call and listening functions. • Connectivity: Bluetooth* 5.0, connectivity distance up to 30 metres. • Water resistance: IPX5. • Charging: the earphones are delivered with a charging kit, including a wireless charging case and a USB-C cable. $1580 ELITEGEN






Another porsche winner the porsche panamera 4s e-hybrid is nimble and easy to Drive Story | Norris McDonald

幾個月前,我看過保時捷Panamera 5款全新型 號,包括後輪推動的Panamera(售價由99,300元起)、 AWD Panamera 4 (104,600元)、AWD 4S E-hybrid (128,500元)、AWD Panamera GTS (147,400元)和 AWD Panamera Turbo S (202,400元),已急不及待 躍躍欲試。 機會終於來了。我借到了Panamera 4S E-hybrid 試駕幾天,感覺是它真的如廣告所說,結合了跑車的 性能和房車的舒適。 4S E-Hybrid全新插電式混合動力車型,擁有134 匹馬力的電動摩打,配搭8前速PDK雙離合器波箱和 2.9公升V6雙渦輪增壓引擎,可迸發出552匹馬力和輸 出553磅/呎扭力。新的電池不僅提升了容量,還增加 了續航能力。車廠列明這車極速可高達298 km/h,而 從靜止狀態加速到時速100公里僅需3.7秒。


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Several months ago, I previewed Porsche’s five new Panamera models: the RWD Panamera (starting at $99,300), the AWD Panamera 4 ($104,600), the AWD 4S E-hybrid ($128,500), the AWD Panamera GTS ($147,400) and the AWD Panamera Turbo S ($202,400). Oh, to drive at least one of them! Well, I got my wish. I borrowed a Panamera 4S E-hybrid for a couple of days and, as the advertising says, it really does combine the performance of a sports car with the comfort of a sedan. The 4S E-Hybrid is a plug-in. The 134-horsepower electric motor, when combined with an eight-speed, dual-clutch, PDK transmission and a 2.9-litre, twin-turbo V6 engine, generates a system output of 552 horsepower and a maximum system torque of 553 lb./ft. With its updated battery pack and improved range, this one boasts a top speed of 298 km/h. When launched, you can go from zero to 100 km/h in 3.7 seconds.

我把這輛保時捷駛到密西沙加市Eglinton Avenue夾Satellite Drive 角落的偌大停車場內測試,證實廠方所言非虛。試車時真的要非常小 心,因為從零加速到時速100公里只是3秒多,實在很容易失控。 這輛4S E-Hybrid十分靈巧,非常容易操控。只是它也有一小個問 題:在天氣潮濕時,剎車掣有點鬆軟像海綿的感覺,但其實剎車掣也 運作得很好,只是操控時沒有像路面乾爽的那麼有信心。 坦白說,4S E-Hybrid看似是保時捷911加了兩個車門的伸長版。 它的車頭前端是跑車設計(這在舊款的Panamera屬於選置項目),兩側 冷卻風口寬大,配上面積更大的進氣格柵。重新設計的車尾燈條橫過 行李箱蓋,與兩側LED尾燈組融為一體。 我喜歡所有保時捷車款的駕駛倉,不僅僅是4S E-Hybrid。這款車 換上新的駕駛方向盤,並大量使用優質真皮,令人更加心儀。此外, Panamera提供道路限速和公路工程的資訊,同時有多種輔助系統如防 止偏離行車線輔助、夜視輔助 、轉線輔助、泊車輔助連360度環景攝 像鏡、自動感應定速控制系統和平視顯示器等。

I found the car to be extremely nimble and easy to drive. One negative: when the weather was damp, the brakes felt spongy. They worked perfectly, but I didn’t feel as confident using them as when conditions were dry. Now, let’s be honest. The 4S E-Hybrid looks like a stretched 911 in order to accommodate the two additional doors. The car comes with a Sport Design front end (which was optional on previous Panameras), large side cooling openings and enlarged air-intake grilles. At the rear, a revamped light strip now runs over the trunk lid and connects with the two LED taillight clusters. Inside, you’ll find a new steering wheel and extensive use of leather and premium materials. The Panamera offers speed limit and highway construction information, plus an extensive range of assistance systems: Lane Keeping Assist, Night Vision Assist, Lane Change Assist, Park Assist including Surround View, Adaptive Cruise Control and head-up display.






我和太太都身材高大,然而只要把座椅推後,我們都坐得很舒 適。鑽進這保時捷後,感覺就好像雙手戴上了尺寸恰好的手套般舒 服,而一切盡在手指尖的掌控之中。

My wife and I are both tall, but with the seats all the way back, we were very comfy. In fact, we were so comfortable, sliding into this Porsche felt like slipping on a glove. Plus, everything’s at your fingertips.

不過,後座位則是另一回事,沒有足夠空間容納像我們這樣高大 的人。如果你只是坐短程(最多不超過30公里)而不是長途,同時坐直 身子的話,後排座位是沒有問題的。

The back seat is another matter, however. There is not a lot of room for people our size, but if you’re not travelling far, and you sit up straight, you’ll be OK.

說到短途,E-Hybrid提供Hybrid自動駕駛模式、E-Power和幾個 充電模式,讓你可在寧靜中駕駛近30公里。若耗電完畢,從電能轉用 汽油是無縫的。

Speaking of short trips—let’s say less than 30 kilometres—you should be able to do them in silence. The E-Hybrid comes with driving modes Hybrid Auto and E-Power and a couple of charging modes. When you get to the EV max, the transition from electricity to gasoline is seamless.


This is another winner from Porsche.

規格 車身款式:4門5座位轎跑車 傳動:前置引擎,全輪驅動,8前速自動波箱 引擎:2.9公升V6雙渦輪增壓引擎配搭134匹馬力電動摩打,共可輸出552匹馬 力和553磅/呎扭力 耗油量:市內:12-15公升/100公里;高速公路:8-10公升/100公里 行李箱容量:405立方呎,後排座椅摺疊後可將容量增加至520公升 重量:2,200公斤 售價:128,500元

FACT BOX BODY STYLE: Small sedan/sports car (4-door, 5-passenger). DRIVE METHOD: Front engine, all-wheel drive, eight-speed automatic transmission. ENGINE: 2.9-litre, twin-turbo V6 engine with 134 hp electric motor (552 total hp; 553 lb./ft. of torque). FUEL ECONOMY: 12-15 L/100 km (city), 8-10 L/100 km (hwy). CARGO VOLUME: 405 L (rear seat upright), 520 L (rear seat down). CURB WEIGHT: 2,200 kg. $128,500 94

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.