Jan / Feb 2019 EliteGen Calgary

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JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019 Vol. 41 Calgary

Calgary JAn/FEb 2019

A sing tao publicAtion


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g n i p p o h s guide inside

A sing tao publicAtion

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 佩嘉露 Carol Peddie 總裁 President 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A Vernon 副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief 胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 加東版 Canada East Editor 徐少玲 Iris Chui 加西版 Canada West Editor 張萬青 Katherine Cheung 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編輯部 Editorial enquiries editorial@singtao.ca / 604-321-1111

參與 Contributors Marc Atchison, Grace Chan, Sidney Chao, Grant Cornett, Lorne Drury, Kenson Ho, Leila Kwok, Ava Liu, Zoe Mak, Crystal Ng, Shuk Wa Tsang, Livian Wu, Emilia Ku Yazar

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan

美術部 production & design 美術及製作經理 Production Manager/Art Direction 邱卓庭 Cliff Yau 美術助理 Graphic Art Assistant 陸凱茵 Gloria Luk

廣告及市場部 Advertising sales & marketing 總經理 General Manager 鄺翠嬋 Sandy Kwong 營業代表 Sales Representatives Pierra Chiu, Paul Liao 營業部 Advertising enquiries calsales@singtao.ca / 403-213-6882

發行部 Circulation & Distribution 羅譚綺玲 Elaine Lo caladmin@singtao.ca / 403-263-1668

出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada, affiliated with Torstar 星星島日報傳媒集團出版,附屬多倫多星報

星尚歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 星尚每年出版九期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 9 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 930-55 Avenue NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 6Y4

publisher’s letter


Happy Chinese New Year     又一次感謝您支持新一期的《eliteGen》,每年一/二 月號都附有特別意義,除了是新一年出版的首期,亦因 為它覆蓋了兩個重要節日—情人節及農曆新年。     我 們 的 編 輯 團 隊 , 巡 遍 實 體 及 網 店 , 由 H o l t  Renfrew、Nordstrom及Saks Fifth Avenue的禮品目錄、 Chanel、LV、D&G及Saint  Laurent等品牌新年特定產 品、到因張曼玉在康城配戴廣受注目的Qeelin紅瑪瑙葫 蘆耳環……六頁的禮品特集,可說是搜羅了世界不同 地方的驚喜之作,奪取芳心;當然,今期的驚喜不止於 此,除了各式各樣名錶、珠寶及衣裳外,Gucci賞心悅目 的全新香水系列,「煉金術花園」內14種香氣各配上個性 化的瓶子,足以教人在情人節如沐愛河。     當然我們不會重女輕男,試問你身邊喜歡收集得獎 名錶的男士,又哪能抗拒一個能自動搖晃充電及有夾萬 功能的錶櫃?用鑲上珠寶的墨水筆簽署下一宗大生意, 再從一個價值44萬多的防潮盒中取出一支雪茄慶祝;若 你身邊是一位重視外型的男士,也可以參考香港紳士帽 專家教路,如何選購及保養紳士帽。     2019是亥豬年,豬是一種溫馴及象徵好運的動物, 代表著開開心心、無憂無慮、幸運及富足,就把這種開 心及幸運演變為我們選出的「豬題」飾品,例如Prada以 馳名Saffiano皮合子包裝的麻雀牌,上面的字樣以金屬刻 製,開枱時手風應該會更加順。     今年就讓自己及身邊人,以歡樂及笑聲作為新一年 的好開始吧!     祝大家2019開開心心!

Thank you for picking up our latest issue of eliteGen. The January and February double issue is always a special one. Not only is it the first book of the year, it also covers two very important celebrations: Valentine’s Day and, of course, Chinese New Year. Our editorial team worked diligently to bring you the best inspiration for gift-giving. They scoured the globe (online and on foot) for the most exquisite and unique objects. Suffice it to say that our six-page shopping guide may come close to rivalling the famed Neiman Marcus holiday catalogue. A pair of rose gold and red agate wulu earrings from Qeelin, a brand made famous by actress Maggie Cheung, is sure to win any lady’s heart; or shower her with love by presenting the complete garden from Gucci’s new luxury perfume collection, featuring 14 heavenly scents. And we didn’t forget the gents. What man in your life wouldn’t delight in a new watch safe to house his prized collection of timepieces? How about a bejeweled Visconti pen for signing the next big deal, or indulge in a celebratory puff from a cigar straight out of his new $440,000+ humidor? But if you are only looking to protect his coiffure from wintry elements, make sure to check out our gentleman’s hat guide, with expert advice from Hong Kong’s foremost hat man. The year 2019 rings in the year of the Pig, which is a mild and lucky animal, representing carefree fun, good fortune and wealth. Channel that joie de vivre and good fortune with our selection of pig-themed gift items. Why not test your luck with Prada’s mahjong pieces wrapped in Saffiano calf leather with metal lettering. Just setting up the game table will be half the fun. So, go ahead and indulge yourself and your loved ones, and start the New Year off with lots of joy and plenty of laughter. Here’s to good times for 2019. Sincerely,

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher facebook.com/LeslieYip Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911


E L I T E G E N. C A






30 24

up front 8 團隊 Masthead

jewellery 36 復古作時興 designer bangles and beads

6 l

celebrity 14 dress code: on the red carpet

fashion: women 46 潮流特區 the return of the dress, knee-high boots

7 w j

10 出版人的話 publisher's letter

timepieces 18 史上最複雜作品 coMplicated bulgari celebrity 24 封面故事 不是女神 陳瀅 cover girl: chan Ying

shopping 30 豬年獻寶 chinese new Year and valentine's daY gift guides

42 奧妙精奇的四季 the four seasons of tiffanY & co.

beauty & scents 56 hair care secrets

60 煉金術師的花園 the alcheMist's garden bY gucci

fashion: men 62 體面男生 the gentleMan's hat guide lifestyle 66 向探險家致敬 designed bY Marcel wanders for roche bobois

7 v j

7 r

8 t

a 9 b


62 52

46 68 情迷工業loft loft living

72 tojo's─日本料理的傳奇 vancouver’s high-end japanese cuisine

76 震不掉,熊本好酒! wine not: More than sake in japan


94 全球最小的高倍變焦數碼相機 sonY's hX99 incredible zooM society 97 been there:

the partY circuit


78 布列塔尼浪漫假期 roMantic brittanY

82 天堂巴拿馬 travel: panaMa citY automobiles 90 盡顯獨有氣派 bMw alpina b6 gran coupe


Dress coDe

by Lily Lee


搶眼至上 art Deco

不落俗套 BaDge of armor

美鱗美奐 Snake eyeS




Jacqueline Wong

Elaine Yiu

Carina Lau

黃心穎這身打扮可能被評為過於眼花繚亂,卻毫無 疑問的搶鏡。

姚子羚所穿的Nicole + Felicia裙雖然閃爍,但勝在設 計簡約大方,不會落於庸俗。

劉嘉玲的Atelier Versace鱗片圖案晚裝裙,完全凸顯 其線條美,美得可以。

Steely with style.

Slinky in silver.

Sexy in serpentine.

E L I T E G E N. C A



大將之風 fancy fLounce

高貴優雅 Lacy Luxury

美中不足 graphic gLam




Mandy Wong

Grace Wong

Chrissie Chau

黃智雯的Marchesa魚尾晚裝裙,設計和配搭均簡約 為尚,相當大方得體。

王君馨的InbalDror雖然以deep V作賣點,但反傳統 的泡泡袖設計,顯得高貴優雅。

周秀娜的Michael Kors人像圖案長裙,無疑很時尚, 只是伊人太瘦了,誠為美中不足。

Peau de soie simplicity.

Fishnet is fine every time.

A strapless sheath always makes a statement.





Dress coDe


似有還無 Sheer SexineSS

富層次美 LayereD‘n’LoveLy

又似花嬌美 BrocaDe Beauty




Kathy Chow

Cathy Chui

Yumiko Cheng

周汶錡這透視效果的Prada熒光綠裙,性感在似有 還無、若隱若現間。

徐子淇的白襯衫、軍綠色背心和皮裙,每樣都有細 節位,放在一起卻又不覺over,一對Gucci boots更 是焦點所在。

Yumiko以The Swank花裙襯Gianvito Rossi粉紅色長 靴,一身pastel colour,配搭非常和諧。

See-through chartreuse.

The three-piece suit revisited.

Feminine in florals.

E L I T E G E N. C A




史上最複雜作品 So many parts, so much time Bulgari might just make the most complicated watch ever made Story | Ringo Chan

Bulgari早前在上海舉行發布會,展示品牌四大傑作—品牌自製最複雜的一枚 Octo腕錶;終極手藝的Serpenti Pallini;反映意大利lifestyle、農曆新年才推 出的豔紅LVCEA;以及採用不妥協設計、美豔得出神的女裝Divas' Dream; 直如一次pre Basel展覽。 At a recent press conference in Shanghai, Bulgari showcased four masterpieces: The Octo Grande, the Octo Monete, the Serpenti Pallini, the Divas’ Dream and the LVCEA. The brand is known for its uncompromising craftsmanship and luxury so any one of these would make the perfect Chinese New Year gift for that special someone who has everything.

OcTO Grande SOnnerie PerPeTual calendar 擁有12項功能的Octo腕錶,堪稱品牌自家製最複雜的作品。 有大、小自鳴、有四錘四簧西敏寺鐘聲、有三問、有陀飛輪、有 萬年曆、有月相、有動存顯示、有自鳴動存顯示、有鏤空機芯……這枚 擁有976件零件的BVL5037自動機芯,體積一點不厚,18K玫瑰金磨砂 Sand Blasted錶殼尺寸只有44mm;日常配戴亦可—如果你有錢又買得 到的話。 腕錶的錶盤布局有條不紊,12時位置有品牌logo及月相、1點半自 鳴動存顯示、3時位置有月份窗、4點半是走時能量顯示、6時盤兼具日 期及閏年指針、9時位置有星期窗,在透明錶底可看到陀飛輪。最後補 充,腕錶的貴金屬線重量僅及94.9克,且能防水30米。 (只此一枚,約售 $945,000)

With more complications than one can count on two hands, Octo is truly Bulgari’s most complicated watch. The list of 12 functions is impressive: grand et petit sonnerie, Westminster carillon striking on four gongs, minute repeater, tourbillion, perpetual calendar, phase and age of the moon phase, power reserve indications for the strike train and gong train, plus skeletonized calibre and more. There are 976 parts in the automatic mechanism, yet it doesn’t feel chunky. The 18-karat sandblasted rose gold case measures only 44 millimetres, which is a good size for daily use—that is, if you have the budget and good fortune to acquire it. The dial is neat, with the logo and moon phase at 12 o’clock, the strike indicator at 1:30, the month window at three o’clock, the power reserve indicator at 4:30, the date and leap year indicator at 6 o’clock, the day of the week window at 9 o’clock, and a see-through case back to reveal the tourbillon. Water resistant to 30 metres, the weight of the precious metal in this watch is just 94.9 grams. (One piece only, approx. $945,000.)


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OCTO MONeTe 錢幣向來是羅馬人的設計好題材, Bulgari也樂於以此為創作繆思,套用於 Octo系列裡。 設計師把古羅馬錢幣直接化身腕錶 前蓋,把它翻開才看到鏤空了的錶盤,看 透了的BVL 268手動上鏈機芯,6時位置 的陀飛輪立刻躍然眼前。腕錶名為Octo Monete,具百多個切割面的錶殼鑲嵌了長 階梯型切割鑽石,散落於錶圈、錶側及錶 耳裡,跟18K玫瑰金材質互相輝映。腕錶 還能拆卸四側錶耳,摒棄了黑色鱷魚皮帶 後再繫上18K玫瑰金錶鏈,使它搖身一變 成為懷錶,更添懷舊典雅味道。

Coins, a popular source of inspiration for Roman designers, have been adopted by Bulgari for the Octo collection. An ancient Roman coin is applied to cover the see-through dial that reveals the intricacy of the hand-winding BVL 268 calibre. The tourbillon at 6 o’clock jumps out and grabs your attention. Named Octo Monete, its multi-faceted, 18-karat rose gold case is adorned with trapeze diamonds, scattered on the bezel, ring and lugs. The lugs can be detached, and the black alligator strap can be replaced by an 18-karat rose gold chain to turn it into a pocket watch for that vintage look.






SeRpeNTi iNCANTATi Bulgari是將靈蛇融入珠寶設計的先鋒,今天帶來的新款 以優雅精緻掛帥,一條飾有鑽石和珍珠母貝,另一條則以孔 雀石幽綠點綴腕錶。色調不同,散發氣質亦不可同日而語。 前者白皙優雅,襯上紅色鱷魚皮帶,能搶盡所有派對風頭; 後者綠光醒神搶眼,配上同色系錶帶就是晚禮服的最佳配 搭。腕錶的37mm錶殼以18K玫瑰金打造,搭載石英機芯。

Bulgari was among the first to introduce serpent-inspired jewellery. The latest delightful creations have combinations of diamonds with mother of pearl, or diamonds with malachite— both celebrating elegance in a different way. The white version, paired with a red alligator strap, is sophisticated and attention-grabbing, while the green version, matched with an alligator strap of the same tone, is arresting for an evening look. The quartz watch’s 37-mm case is in rose gold.


E L I T E G E N. C A



DiVAS' DReAM ROMAN NighTS Divas' Dream是品牌的女士夢想系列,今次這枚Divas' Dream Roman Nights少了複雜功能,以皎潔夜空優美取悅 女士歡心。錶殼形狀如一,砂金石錶盤圓中有圓,藍色「夜 空」布滿「星星」,形態就如銀河裡的星宿,當中有兩顆特別大 粒,分別呈圓形及淚滴形。位於中央圓形的圓鑽,它每12小 時走動一圈,兼任了時針功能;外層的淚滴鑽石,就是每小 時轉動一周的分針。37mm的錶殼以18K玫瑰金或18K白金打 造,總共鑲了213顆共重2.38卡的圓鑽及0.98卡藍寶石水晶。 翻轉到錶底,又是另一番夜空美景,在煙燻了的藍色藍寶石 水晶鏡面下,穩約可看到BVL 308機芯結構,上面滿布星河 圖案。

The Divas’ Dream Roman Nights collection for women wins hearts, not with complications but with its mesmerizing constellation dial—classic in shape with concentric circles. The blue “night sky” is dotted with stars to evoke the Milky Way. The prominent brilliant diamond in the centre traces a full round in the inner circle in 12 hours, serving as an hour indicator. The pear-shaped diamond in the outer circle is the minute indicator. The 37-mm case comes in 18-karat rose or white gold. it is covered with 213 round diamonds weighing a total of 2.38 carats, punctuated by sapphires weighing 0.98carats. The case back displays yet another night scene depicting the Milky Way, while the translucent smoky blue sapphire crystal offers glimpses of the BVL 308 calibre inside.






LVCeA TuBOgAS Art Deco時期喜歡把大型機械物件微型及形象化, Tubogas煤氣管也就化身為腕錶鏈帶,進入Bulgari的首 飾世界。今天,這條煤氣管首次入籍LVCEA。 當LVCEA系列配上經典Tubogas鏈帶,不只令人眼 前一亮—33mm錶殼內的錶盤,以鑲鑽時標配襯紅色太 陽射線紋,計劃於2019年農曆新年推出,誓要成為最矚 目的拜年配飾。腕錶搭載自動上鏈機芯,一如LVCEA的 設計特色,18K玫瑰金錶冠上鑲了凸形蛋面切割粉紅寶 石和鑽石。其實最近LVCEA Tubogas也推出了5個新款 式,分28及33mm兩種尺寸,前者配石英,後者則為自 動機芯。形態亦大不同,精鋼殼搭配黑漆錶盤,珍珠貝 母錶盤則有精鋼與玫瑰金互間的Tubogas錶鏈相伴。

One trait of the Art Deco era is having large mechanical objects in miniature. here, springy gas pipes are translated into a stylish bracelet, elevating Tubogas in Bulgari’s world of jewellery with a debut in the LVCeA collection. The classic Tubogas bracelet helps the LVCeA collection turn heads. The 33-mm case has diamonds for hour markers on a sun ray dial. Scheduled for release around Chinese New Year this year, it will surely be a glamorous accessory for festive gatherings. it features an automatic calibre and bears LVCeA’s signature cabochon pink stone and diamond crown. The LVCeA Tubogas collection comes in five new styles in 28-mm quartz or 33-mm automatic with a black dial in steel case or a mother-of-pearl dial matched with a steel case, and a pink gold Turbogas bracelet. 22

E L I T E G E N. C A



Cover girl

瀅 陳 神 不是女

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Asta pussy-bow silk-crepe blouse Black velvet vest dress Both The Row


E L I T E G E N. C A



陳瀅在《跳躍生命線》中飾演個性爽朗、熱愛助人的急症室護士。「我的主要對手是 飾演我嫲嫲的羅蘭姐,想帶出『時間很寶貴,要愛惜身邊人』的訊息,不要覺得一切都 是理所當然的。有時當你愈愛一個人,便愈難表達自己的感情。現在有些小朋友都是 由嫲嫲或婆婆撫養,但長大後卻未必懂得去照顧老人家,也不懂得生死別離。」 現實生活中,她的生父於她未出世時因病去世,母親改嫁後,一家人長時間分隔 異地,陳瀅正是由婆婆在加拿大一手湊大。「今次角色跟我自己很相似,我是跟婆婆相 依為命的,所以拍攝時十分投入,有時甚至抽離不了,也加入許多自己的元素,令角 色更立體和生活化。」 首次跟羅蘭姐合作,陳瀅說她獲益良多,「她令我很快便有家人的感覺,覺得她就 是我嫲嫲,十分神奇,我真的要好好學習她能夠令對手入戲的優點。還有就是她的耐 性和專業精神,雖然她已80多歲,但即使通告去到凌晨一、兩點,也沒有半句怨言, 只會靜待埋位,反而有時是我會看不過眼,跟導演提出不如先拍羅蘭姐的戲份,讓她 可以早點回家休息。」 拍完此劇之後,她放了三個月長假,回溫哥華探望患腎病的婆婆,同時也反思自 己是否能夠成為更好的孫女、更好的朋友,善待身邊的人。 陳瀅和外婆感情極佳,小時候外婆最緊張她有否學壞,經常著她早點回家。現在 她每次返加拿大,都會給錢外婆買東西吃。「當我賺到多一點錢,有次外婆到香港,我 主動提出買商務客位機票給她,她多番拒絕,表示坐經濟客位好了,但我希望她坐得 舒服點,堅持買給她。」

The series finale of Life on the Line has aired. And Chan Ying counts her lucky stars for being part of the cast of this successful show, which this year was the second highest rated TVB drama in viewership numbers. That kind of exposure ensured that Chan’s star would continue to rise. But as art can sometime imitate life, Chan, who played an ER nurse on the show, was often on screen opposite Law Lan, who played her grandmother. In reality, Chan’s father died before she was born. After her mother remarried, the family spent long periods of time being apart. So Chan was brought up by her grandmother in Canada. “I wanted to bring out the message that time is valuable, and that you must care about those around you, and not take anything for granted,” Chan says of the message she had hoped to get across while playing her part in the show. “I was very close to my grandmother, so I was very much into the role during filming. Sometimes it was difficult to pull back. I also added a lot of my own elements to make the role more vivid and real.” Chan says she benefitted a lot from working with Law. “She made me feel like a part of her family very quickly. She had the magic to make me feel like she was my own grandma. Her patience and professionalism are also impressive. She is already more than 80 years old, yet she never complained when a shoot lasted until midnight or later. She would always quietly take her position. Sometimes I would suggest to the director that he film her part first, so she could get home earlier to rest.” ELITEGEN




Cover girl

Printed dress, tulle dress both Stella McCartney


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雖然家裏經濟條件佳,有指陳瀅媽媽的第二任丈夫在中國從事房地 產生意,有商場大王之稱,在廣州有一幢6層樓高的商場。但陳瀅很早 已自力更生,即使當時法例規定滿16歲才可工作,她13歲便到朋友父母 開設的珍珠奶茶店工作,賺取比最低時薪要低的6加元;升讀大學後, 向政府申請學生貸款應付學費,閒時便做兼職賺取生活費,做過時裝店 售貨員,以及牙醫診所的「姑娘」。 Knit turtleneck, skirt and patterned shirt, All Chloé

富生意頭腦 陳瀅是卑詩大學工商管理系學士,早前和兩位好友合資,自創品牌 onliest & co,以網店形式經營,主打個人化首飾及生活用品。她負責市 場推廣,拍檔分別負責營運和網站。 她選擇於自己參演的劇集熱播期間,戴著有自己英文名字 「Jeannie」的頸鍊拍照,再上載到個人IG,並加入公司的標籤。網民看 到照片後,爭相查詢如何購買,反應極之熱烈,結果公司於三個星期內 極速回本,首月便已開始有錢賺。除了首飾,Onliest & Co也有推出手 機殼、杯和水壼等,推出逾70種產品,當中約10種可作個人化選擇, 其他則是原創設計,主要出自陳瀅的手筆。「我負責發揮創意,構思不 同意念,以及推廣策略;拍檔則負責執行,例如我要設計這樣那樣的產 品,她就去物色廠商。」 陳瀅最初也沒向外間說那是自己有份的品牌,「因為『衰了』也不會 有人知道,不過現時愈做愈好,成績超乎想像,令我可以很驕傲地對人 說這是我做的。」她的公司現時聘用五名全職員工,由於未有辦公室,全 部需在家工作,她希望明年能夠租用較佳的辦公室,更期待有一天能夠 開設實體店舖。 「我們三人合作以來雖爭吵過一次,但其他時候都很順利。這也是 我當演員後帶來的好處,令我懂得怎去表達自己,吵架有時是源於你不 去表達,其實多溝通便能減少誤會。跟任何人合作都會有困難,就視乎 你怎去解決問題。」

When the series concluded, Chan took a three-month vacation and returned to Vancouver to see her grandmother, who was by that time suffering from kidney disease. She also took time to reflect on whether she could become a better granddaughter and a better friend. “Once I made a little money, I offered to buy a business-class plane ticket for my grandmother to come to Hong Kong. She refused, saying that taking economy class was just fine. But I wanted her to be more comfortable and insisted on buying her the ticket.” Chan grew up in a well-to-do family. Her stepfather is a successful real estate mogul, with a six-storey shopping complex in Guangzhou. Even so, she developed a work ethic at an early age. She was already working at a boba tea shop owned by a friend’s parents at age 13, earning $6 an hour. And while in college, Chan racked up student loans, so she worked a variety of part-time jobs, including clothing stores and assisting at a dental office.

A MInd fOR BuSInESS After earning a bachelor’s degree from the university of British Columbia, she partnered with two friends to create Onliest & Co., an online store that sells personalized jewellery. Chan was in charge of marketing, her partners ran the operation and the website. To promote the company, Chan wore a necklace with her name “Jeannie” on her shows. She then uploaded the images to her Instagram page, adding the company’s logo. Her fans responded enthusiastically, asking how they could buy one. Within a month, the company had turned a profit. In addition to jewellery, Onliest & Co sells smartphone covers and water bottles. In all, it offers more than 70 products, 10 of which can be personalized, mostly by Chan herself. “I am in charge of the creative side of the business,” she says. “I come up with different concepts and also the marketing strategy. My partners are responsible for execution. for example, if I design a product, they will shop around for a manufacturer.”





Cover girl 我不是女神 陳瀅說未來最想參與動作片。「許多人以為我很 女仔、很軟弱,但其實我很粗魯、很男仔頭,小時候 還學過跆拳道,有點武術底子。」被冠以「宅男女神」之 名,她卻表示:「女神應該是很優雅的,不過好些跟 我合作過的演員都跟我說原來我是那樣粗魯和貼地的 人。之前有戲份是我挖鼻後,再抹到別人身上,這是 我自己提議增加的,為何會想得出來?因為我本身就 是這樣的人,這麼核突的人怎會是女神?」 她心目中的真女神是舒淇,「我喜歡她夠自然、 真實和勤力,又肯素顏示人,是很好的演員。」 至於男神是誰?她秒答:「古天樂!我很欣賞他 的專業精神,對香港電影付出很多。而且他暗地裏幫 助了許多慈善機構,不求人知。」

At first, Chan was reticent to let it be known she was a partner in the company, saying, “If the company doesn’t make it, no one would know. But now it is getting better and better, and the results are beyond my imagination, so I can proudly tell people that it is my work.” The company now has five full-time staff, who all work from home, but Chan hopes to open an office soon and an actual retail store someday.

nOT A GOddESS What’s next for Chan? She now hopes to land a role in an action film in order to dispel the myth that she is so sweet and feminine. She actually admits to lacking in manners and to being quite the tomboy. Says Chan: “When I was little, I took taekwondo; so I do have a martial arts background.” no surprise, Chan feels a bit uneasy when people bestow titles on her like The Goddess of Young Men. Her response? “A goddess should be elegant, but many of the actors who have worked with me say that I am actually very direct and down-to-earth. I was supposed to pick my nose in a scene once and put it on someone else. That was my suggestion. Why would I think to

people think I am very confident. “ Many But there was a time during which I was not used to the attention I was getting. I didn’t want to go out. I was afraid of others looking at me.

尋找滿足感 2012正式出道至今,陳瀅認為入行以來最大得 著是學會跟別人溝通,「年紀輕的時候,有點自我中 心,有時不想聆聽對方說話,便會自顧自地玩電話。 演戲多了,時常要跟別人溝通,要表達自己的感覺。 而且演了那麼多不同的角色,每個角色都帶給我新的 想法。」 凡事總有兩面,她說自己近年緊張和焦慮了許 多。「不少人覺得我很自信,但有段時間很不適應別 人對我那麼關注,令我不想上街,不想去太多陌生 人的地方,也害怕別人的目光,有時要看醫生食藥。 我的解決方法是盡量少出街,連購物也是上網,外出 感覺很緊張的時候,便按手機逃避。另外我也很想再 學跆拳道,可以發洩一下,而且考上黑帶會很有成功 感,不過要待我工作沒那麼忙碌的時候吧!」 身邊好姊妹如王敏奕和陳嘉寶都成雙成對,甚 至成家立室,單身了一段日子的陳瀅坦言自己亦想拍 拖,「之前想專注事業,投入工作。但近來每次出席 朋友聚會,見到她們都甜蜜溫馨,會覺得自己有所欠 缺。不過隨緣吧,我也不太心急,合適的人自然會出 現的。」她的擇偶條件是對方要夠勤力和細心,「而且 要體諒我的工作和脾氣,當我已經很忙碌時,會不想 交代自己究竟在哪裡、甚麼時候收工,不過有些男朋 友會在意為何你不跟我交代、不陪我食飯,所以我很 希望對方能給我多些私人時間。」


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do that? Because that’s the kind of crass person that I am. I can’t possibly be considered a goddess.” for Chan, a real goddess worthy of the name is Shu Qi. “I like that she is natural, authentic and hard-working. She is also brave enough to appear in public without makeup. She is also a great actress.” As for a male counterpart, she singles out Louis Koo: “I admire his professionalism. He has given a lot to the movie industry in Hong Kong, and has also secretly helped many charitable organizations.”

fIndInG SATISfACTIOn Since her acting debut in 2012, Chan thinks the best thing she’s learned is how to communicate with others. “When I was younger, I was more selfcentred. I didn’t want to listen to others. After acting for a while, I learned to communicate with others and to express my own feelings. Having played so many different roles, I’ve learned new perspectives from each. “Many people think I am very confident. But there was a period of time during which I was not used to the attention I was getting. I didn’t want to go out. I was afraid of others looking at me.” Chan says she would like to take up taekwondo again, as a release, but, she says, “that will have to wait until I am less busy.” Her good friends, Venus Wong and Anjaylia Chan, have both found partners, but Chan remains single. However, she says she would like to date again. “Before, I was focused on career, and wanted to put all my energy into work. But lately, every time I get together with friends, I see them happy with their significant others. So I can’t help but feel that there is something missing in my life. “But you have to let things happen naturally. I am not too impatient. I know the right person will come. He must respect my work and my temper. When I’m busy, I don’t want to have to report where I am, when work is over, etc. I want someone who will give me my space, some private time.”

RedValentino black mesh dress Kate Spade blue tassel earrings





CNY gift guide

MCM x Wizpak Visetos sound system backpack $2,590 (Nordstrom)

Limited edition Year of the Pig cigars, price upon request (Cigar Company)

Shanghai Tang embossed Shou round clutch US$734 (shanghaitang.com)

Stuart Weitzman Lunar New Year sneakers capsule collection $325 (Stuart Weitzman)


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Prada leather mahjong game $4,250 (prada.com)

Lalique Year of the Pig crystal with gold trim sculpture $645 (harrods.com)

Dior Diorific Vernis nail lacquer limited edition 220 Promesse $34 (Holt Renfrew)

Guerlain Eau de Cologne Imperiale 100ml $121 (Guerlain)


Chinese new year gift guide

Tory Burch Peggy the Pig metallic mini bag US$328 (Tory Burch)

Missoni Oroscopo Year of the Pig cushion $375 (missoni.com)

Celebrating the year of the pig Story | Zoe Mak

Loquet London 18k yellow gold sapphire Chinese New Year pig charm $470 (lanecrawford.com)

Erno Laszlo Lunar New Year skincare set $198 (Holt Renfrew)

Estee Lauder Year of the Pig powder compact $220 (esteelauder.ca)





valeNtiNe’s daY gift guide Louis Vuitton Capucines Mini hand embroidered with Swarovski $9,400 (Louis Vuitton)

Jimmy Choo crystal shimmer suede trainers with crystal application and chunky platform US$5,500 (Jimmy Choo) Alexander McQueen crystal ring clutch $4,855 (Holt Renfrew)

Givenchy limited edition Le Rouge Lunar New Year semi-matte lipstick $55 (Saks Fifth Avenue)

Christian Dior J’Adior slingback $1,150 (Holt Renfrew)

Marc Cain silk dress with magnolias $780 (Marc Cain)


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Saint Laurent Stars & Love star brooch with metal chains $395 (Saint Laurent)

Irene Neuwirth opal heart ring $2,700 (barneys.com)

Chanel love letter brooch $695 (Chanel)

Delvaux Brillant MM leather satchel $10,200 (barneys.com)

for her Qeelin red agate earring $3,600 (Holt Renfrew)

BeautyBio rose quartz face roller $80 (Holt Renfrew)







valeNtiNe’s daY gift guide

Shanghai Tang Knot cufflinks US$292 (shanghaitang.com) Paul Smith socks gift box $305 (paulsmith.com)

Visconti The Forbidden City H.R.H limited edition gold & diamond fountain pen $67,100 (visconti.it)

Burberry shearling duffle coat $6,900 (Burberry)

Buben & Zörweg Mirage Time Mover watch winder and safe $169,200 (lanecrawford.com)

Opus body 3-speed Kineic Skin Cleansing silicone body brush $229.95 (bloomstar-co.com)


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Off-White gradient split T-shirt $678 (Off-White) Crosley Slimline jukebox US$8,996 (crosleyradio.com)

for him

Dolce & Gabbana pajamas in printed silk $1,805 (shirt) $1,635 (pants) (Dolce & Gabbana)


Agresti ebony wood cigar humidor $442,952 (lanecrawford.com)

holt Renfrew Toronto – 50 Bloor St W, 416-922-2333 Vancouver – 737 Dunsmuir St, 604-681-3121 Chanel Toronto – 98 Yorkville Ave, 416-925-2577 Vancouver – 737 Dunsmuir St, 604-682-0522 Gucci Toronto – 130 Bloor St W, 416-963-5127 Vancouver – 900 W Georgia St, 604-488-0320 Louis Vuitton Toronto – 150 Bloor St W, 416-968-3993 Vancouver – 730 Burrard St, 604-696-9404 Dolce & Gabbana Toronto –111 Bloor St W, 416-921-1939 Vancouver – 737 Dunsmuir St, 604-681-3121 Saint Laurent Toronto – 3401 Dufferin St, 416-256-3888 Vancouver – 746 Thurlow St, 778-373-2190 Nordstrom Toronto – 260 Yonge St, 416 552- 2900 Vancouver - 799 Robson St, 604-699-2100 Jimmy Choo Toronto – 3401 Dufferin St, 416-787-6240 Vancouver – 1035 Alberni St, 604-800-5935 Saks Fifth Avenue Toronto – 176 Yonge St, 416-507-3100 off-White Toronto – 83 Yorkville, 416-546-4384 Vancouver – 1076 Alberni St, 604-565-8262 Tory Burch Toronto – 1 Yorkdale Rd, 416-783-0698 Vancouver – 1092 Alberni St, 604-688-4163 Burberry Toronto – 144 Bloor St W, 416-920-7717 Vancouver – 737 Dunsmui St, 604-681-3121 Cigar Company Toronto (Markham) – 8 Main St N, 905-270-2134 Guerlain Toronto – 100 Bloor St W, 416-929-6114






Chanel: a Forest oF Colour 樹木啡、青苔綠和秋葉橙襯金屬元素是Chanel今 季秋冬時裝的主打色調,線條奪目的金屬飾邊耳環、 頸鏈及手鏈,為優雅點綴帥氣。

The browns of trees, the greens of moss and the oranges of fallen leaves are integrated into the metallic elements of this Fall/Winter collection. The mantra “the bigger the better” rules when it comes to accessories.






Starry starry nights Designer jewellery sparkles in silver and gold, and evokes the free spirit of the flower power era story | Chappie

Christian Dior: Vintage reneweD 60年代崇尚女權解放,Christian Dior透過嬉皮 元素的衣衫,配搭視覺強烈的choker及星球耳環, 帶出復古與新時代共存的風格。

The hippy generation of the 1960s brings together chokers and galaxy earrings that scream of an earlier rebellious era.






louis Vuitton: the new retro lV主帥nicolas ghesquiere的秋冬女裝明前衛暗復 古,加入重金屬亮麗元素,像鏈帶鑲邊外套和質感強烈 的鎖鏈頸鏈等,都是象徵power women的意識形態。

Creative director Nicolas Ghesquiere has created a Fall/ Winter collection that’s big on heavy metals. It’s as much new as it is borrowed from the past with these accessories constructed out of pearls, black enamel and crystals.






guCCi: FlambéeD FlamboyanCe gucci的誇張與懷舊成就一種大膽時尚,重量級 閃石配飾,穿插在充滿復古細節的時裝,喜歡與否, 都得承認gucci飾物易襯又實用。

No-holds-barred large crystals woven into an ensemble rich with retro elements make this the designer of choice for those who want to stand out in a crowd.





Jewellery: Tiffany

位於Burrard及Alberni的Tiffany溫哥華專門店。 The exterior of Tiffany (at Burrard and Alberni) truly exudes elegance and quality.


The Four Seasons of Tiffany & Co. Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Grant Cornett

成立於1837年的紐約,Tiffany&Co.是公認首屈一指的珠 寶品牌,擁有豐富傳奇歷史。除了有林林總總的珠寶首飾, Tiffany亦相當重視產品設計和發展,提供鐘錶、純銀器、瓷 器、水晶、文具和香水等。時至今天,Tiffany已在20多個國 家開設了300多家專門店。而在溫哥華的一家則選址於市中心 Burrard及Alberni交界。 Tiffany於1845年出版了第一本藍皮書目錄。自此,這本 年冊展示了品牌完美無瑕的工藝和無與倫比的設計,預示著全 球最受期盼和精美的高級定製珠寶系列之一。世界珠寶鑑賞家 們均熱切期待這些令人嘆為觀止、極為罕見的珠寶傑作,希望 率先欣賞並擁有這些獨一無二和值得珍藏的珠寶。

最新四季系列 在Tiffany的2018年藍皮書便以「Tiffany的四季」作系列主 題。結集大膽創意、工藝和革新表達方式,以春、夏、秋、冬 和色彩理論作為這全新高級珠寶系列的設計靈感,展現來自 植物、動物和自然界的奇妙結構複雜性。更採用稀有技術和獨 特寶石,呈現現代圖形,帶來意想不到的效果。每件珠寶都是 獨一無二的創作,融匯了工匠的夢幻設計和經歷千錘百錬的技 藝。要同時表現出大自然的精簡與複雜,設計需極精確和注重 細節,從色調、複雜的幾何到高級珠寶的藝術,均體現了品牌 對提升自然之美的熱情及無與倫比的工藝。 Tiffany的首席藝術官Reed Krakoff說︰「Tiffany藍皮書系 列是一個作為開發突破性概念的實驗室,這些作品將來很可能 會成為我們的新系列。可以說這是我們最具創作性、實驗性和 革新性構思的起點。」


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Founded in New York in 1837, Tiffany & Co. is an iconic brand with a rich and storied heritage, a global manufacturer and retailer of jewellery and luxury accessories. Tiffany’s merchandise includes an extensive selection of jewellery, timepieces, sterling silverware, china, crystal, stationery, fragrances and accessories. Through Tiffany and its other subsidiaries, the company is engaged in product design, manufacturing and retailing activities. The company operates more than 300 stores in 20 countries. In Vancouver, the Tiffany store is located at the corner of Burrard and Alberni. Tiffany published its first Blue Book catalogue in 1845. This annual presentation of flawless craftsmanship and peerless design heralds the fall season with one of the most extensive and exquisite collections of couture jewellery on earth. These breathtaking masterpieces of exceedingly rare gems are eagerly anticipated by jewellery connoisseurs, who flock to Tiffany for these one-of-a-kind treasures.

DIsCoVer The lATesT Blue Book oF TIFFANY & Co. Tiffany’s 2018 Blue Book Collection: The Four Seasons of Tiffany is a bold expression of creativity, craftsmanship and innovation. Composed of winter, spring, summer and autumn colours, the new high-jewellery collection draws inspiration from flora, fauna and the architectural complexity found in nature. With modern and graphic shapes rendered with rare techniques and exceptional gemstones, the Tiffany Blue Book Collection is a discovery of the unexpected. each piece is a unique creation, where visionary designs and the time-honored talent of Tiffany artisans combine to create extravagant jewels that evoke dreams and defy possibilities. “The Tiffany Blue Book Collection serves as a laboratory for developing groundbreaking concepts that will one day make their way into new collections,” says reed krakoff, Tiffany’s chief artistic officer. “It’s where our most creative, experimental and innovative ideas begin.”

總重量超過68卡混合切割海藍寶石的鉑金手鐲,配混合 切割鑽石,總重量超過10卡。 Bracelet in platinum with mixed-cut aquamarines, over 68 total carats, and mixed-cut diamonds, over 10 total carats. Price: $420,000.


總重量超過10卡的鑲嵌綠寶式切割 海藍寶石鉑金耳環,鑲有長方形和 圓形明亮式切割鑽石。 Earrings in platinum with emeraldcut aquamarines, over 10 total carats, and baguette and round brilliant diamonds. Price: $74,500.

冬季系列內有前所未見的冰圖案,首先 需由最精練的工匠研究冰雪不規則的美態, 然後透過鑽石演繹出來。而要展現出冰的晶瑩 感覺,得通過將每顆鑽石單獨切割成鋸齒狀、 獨特的形態來達成,這些形狀模仿了鉑金的海 上,漂浮著無數的冰山。 「以冰作為創作意念是因為它們不規則, 以及撕裂破碎時的無縫性。我們希望大家只要 看見這作品,便能聯想到冰的無窮可能性和變 化。」Krakoff解釋設計過程。

WINTer—The BeAuTY oF ICe Within the winter theme is one of the most exemplary designs —the never-before-seen ice motif, which required the most skilled craftsmen to study the beauty of irregularity and render it in diamonds. The illusion of ice was achieved by individually cutting each diamond into jagged, unique shapes that mimic icebergs adrift on a sea of platinum. “The idea of ice was more a suggestion of irregularity and the seamlessness of ice when it’s cracked and broken,” krakoff says of the design process. “We wanted to suggest the idea of these things rather than creating a representation of them.”





Jewellery: Tiffany 春季—百花盛放 春天系列則以建立在自然世界的 輕淡隨機性和不對稱美態作主題。繡 球花設計揭示著花團錦簇,不規則的 分組,混合切割的鑽石與多色調的藍 寶石,電氣石和坦桑石並置,產生一 種漸變色的效果。

sprINg— The BlossomINg The spring theme builds on the randomness and asymmetrical beauty of the natural world. The hydrangea designs reveal an intricate clustering of flowers, where groupings are off-centre and mixed-cut diamonds juxtaposed with multi-hue sapphires, tourmalines and tanzanites to create an ombré effect.

有超過43卡圓形和橢圓形坦桑石的鉑金吊墜,配總重量超過33卡的長 方形和定製切割鑽石及總重量超過18卡的圓形藍寶石。 Pendant in platinum with round and oval tanzanites, over 43 total carats, baguette and custom-cut diamonds, over 33 total carats, and round sapphires, over 18 total carats. Price: $535,500.

夏季—蛾舞紛飛 夏季的主題中,柔軟飄逸的鑽 石鑲嵌飛蛾,與大膽的角形鏈接形 構成了鮮明的對比,靈感來自上世 紀40年代的坦克鏈。 18k黃金手鐲固定著不同大小的 飛蛾,似是在飛行或著陸,讓這些 生物的自然圖案和動態,為這個經 典的鏈條添上了現代化的更新。

summer— DANCINg moThs In summer, the soft, fluttery diamond-encrusted moths contrast against the bold, angular links inspired by a 1940s tank chain. An 18-karat yellow gold bracelet anchors different size moths that appear to be in flight or landing, allowing the natural pattern and movement of these creatures to give this classic chain a modern update.


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18k金和鉑金鑲嵌混合切割鑽石的手鐲,總重量超過8卡。 Bracelet in 18k yellow gold and platinum with mixed-cut diamonds, over eight total carats. Price: $223,500.

秋季—盡顯豐盈 混合切割鑽石的鉑金項鍊,重量超過43卡。 Necklace in platinum with mixed-cut diamonds, over 43 total carats. Price: $1,098,000.

秋季主題顯露了寶石色彩和切割所創出的輕盈和互 動。在一條令人驚嘆的項鍊中,你可以看到自然循環定律 下,發芽和開花串聯而生的葡萄藤,其中重疊的鏈條顯示出 蕨類植物圖案,並從背後輕輕展開。這款項鍊的優雅款式營 造出流暢的線條,混合切割鑽石鑲入鉑金中,包括9顆欖尖 形鑽石,超過5卡,333顆圓形明亮式切割鑽石,總重量超 過5卡,以及85顆枕形鑽石,總重量超過21卡。 「Tiffany的四季」 系列現正在溫哥華市中心的商店展出。

AuTumN—TIme To hArVesT Autumn reveals a lightness and interplay of gemstone colours and cuts. Vines that sprout and blossom in tandem with nature’s cycle can be seen in a stunning necklace where overlapping chains reveal a fern motif that emerges and gently unwinds down the back. This necklace’s elegant silhouette creates a fluid line with mixed-cut diamonds set in platinum, including nine marquise diamonds of more than five carats, 333 round brilliant diamonds of more than five carats and 85 diamond baguettes, totalling more than 21 carats. The Four seasons at Tiffany & Co. are now on display at the store in downtown Vancouver.

寬敞的空間,讓客人舒適地挑選珍貴的瑰寶。 The extremely spacious interior provides privacy for shoppers to select their precious pieces.





runway: women

Maison Mihara Yasuhiro

Dries Van Noten Ellery 46

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四大裙裝潮流 Valentino

Feminine —finally

The dress is back, big time Story | J Coordination | Michelle Chow

the high-neCk 曾幾何時,高領裙被歸入媽媽輩專屬的老式優雅,然而今季 卻出現不少讓人眼前一亮的設計,由有減齡效果的浪漫風,到沉 實得來具備設計感的款式,均讓人心動。

Once called dowdy, this less revealing silhouette is reinterpreted in a flashy format that rolls back the years with down-to-earth variations and flair to spare.





runway: women


Simone Rocha

the Midi Midi dress的輕熟氛圍,除了恰到好 處的優雅與隨性,今季也能找到不少低調 可愛的款式,迷人而不過火,適合偶爾想 走微甜路線的妳。

The mid-calf dress hasn’t been the rage since the 1970s. But with the hippy era influencing runways of all the biggest luxury brands, expect to see it thrive for the next few seasons.


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the Shirt dreSS Shirt dress單穿能打造出時尚感,也 能當成薄外套方便mix & match,即使在一 周間重複穿搭,亦不會顯得枯燥乏味。

Like the trench coat, this easy-to-wear classic is a big deal this season. Great dressed up or down.


Tory Burch






runway: women the Mini 近來看到不少成熟又幹練的迷你裙 設計,當中尤以連身款式最教人驚喜連 連,從本季大熱的格紋到復古印花,還 有俏麗的半截裙款,只需搭一雙過膝長 靴,走出來就是型格氣派。

Since the 1960s, this daring length seems to have taken its place in almost every collection of the last 50 years. Maybe it’s because this risqué silhouette always screams sex appeal.

Saint Laurent


Dolce & Gabbana


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fashion: women


High rollers 穿長靴,謹記三點:一、寧簡單,忌累贅; 二、tone on tone或上深下淺;三、保持好身 材和自信。

Though they may be a challenge to put on at times, when paired with a mini dress or palazzo pants, knee-high boots are the foot fashion statement of the season Story | Sum Chan Photography | Shek Po Kwan Model | Aurika R. at Models International



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fashion: women


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the Beauty pages

c a



Care for your hair Story | 張琬雯 Photography | Julio Migue


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冬天不但要轉用較保濕及滋潤的護膚產品,秀髮亦需加強保 養,預防乾旱、毛燥及開叉等情況。保持頭皮健康,方能對抗 天氣轉變、漂染、環境污染等侵害,讓秀髮時刻保持柔順亮澤。 During harsh winters, it’s not just our skin that requires extra protection and nourishment. Our hair needs similar attention to keep frizz and split ends at bay. Haircare needs to be more than scalp-deep to counter the impact of weather, frequent colour treatments and pollution.

淨化頭皮 頭皮在冬天因天氣轉變而出現油脂分 泌不正常及敏感痕癢等情況,再加上漂染 電燙、使用造型產品及環境污染等因素, 削弱了頭皮健康。如能選用專為潔淨頭皮 而設的護理產品,為健康髮質打好基礎。

Scalp purification cold weather will cause unstable sebum on the scalp, as well as sensitivity and itchiness. colour treatments, constant hairstyling and pollutants can weaken our scalp. it takes specialized shampoos and haircare products to support the scalp and foster healthy hair growth.

a. Melvita Organic Pre-Shampoo Indigo Oil Colour And Scalp | 50ml $40 (melvita.com) 品牌利用清熱解毒的中草藥蓼藍調製有機頭皮淨化 護色精華油。洗髮前,將數滴精華油滴於頭皮上並 加以按摩,不但具有排毒、紓緩頭皮敏感及滋養的 作用,更有助保護髮色。 This organic oil is derived from indigo-producing Persicaria plants. Indigo is hailed for its soothing and detoxifying properties. Massaging in a few drops before shampooing can help soothe the scalp, drain toxins and relieve sensitivity, while sealing in hair colours. b. Klorane Soothing & Anti-Irritating SOS Serum With Peony | 62ml $25 (kloraneusa.com) 主要成分為牡丹萃取物、甜菜鹼、甘油及薄荷醇的 SOS牡丹抗敏紓緩頭皮免沖水精華,用後能強化頭皮 的防禦能力,減低外來刺激對頭皮構成的敏感不適。 Enriched with peony extract, betaine, glycerin and menthol, this leave-in serum provides an immediate cooling sensation to soothe sensitivity caused by external irritants. It also reinforces the scalp’ s natural protection.


e 深層修護 護髮素以外,選用質地較滋潤的護 髮膜能更深層保養秀髮,只需敷三至五分 鐘,養分即可徹底滲入受損的髮根,令原 本乾旱的秀髮瞬間變得亮澤起來。洗髮 後,亦建議為髮絲塗上免沖洗的護髮油及 護髮精華,透過當中如橄欖果油、堅果油 及向日葵油等天然滋養成分,減低頭髮折 斷及開叉的機會。

Deep nouriShing in addition to using hair conditioner, applying rich and moisturizing hair masks can give your hair deeper nourishment. after shampooing, leave the nourishing oil and serum on for three to five minutes to let the olive oil, argan oil, sunflower oil and other nutrients work their way into the hair roots to make the hair stronger and avoid split ends. it gives dry hair an instant shine.

c. Yves Rocher Anti-Pollution Rinsing Vinegar 150ml $12.95 (yvesrocher.ca) 以天然成分調配成的護髮醋,蘊含黃芩及葡萄糖酸 鋅,能淨化所有損害頭皮的有害殘留物,建議每周 使用兩至三次,可延長頭髮的生命力,亦可令髮質 回復明亮。 Formulated with botanical extracts, this rinsing vinegar contains moringa seed extract that clears harmful residues from the scalp. Use two to three times per week to strengthen hair and recover radiance. d. John Masters Organics Scalp Deep Scalp Purifying Serum | 59ml $35 (clementinefields.ca) 深層頭皮淨化精華借助留蘭香、胡椒薄荷及維他命B 群分,以修護及紓緩受損的頭皮,並有助去除積聚 於頭皮位置的油脂分泌。使用時配合頭皮按摩,效 果更是顯著。 This deep-scalp purifying serum contains meadowsweet extract, spearmint, peppermint and vitamin B complex to repair and heal dry scalp and clear scalp residues. Massage into the scalp for best results.



f e. Apivita Nourish & Repair Hair Mask With Olive & Honey | 200ml $41 (strawberrynet.com) 由橄欖、百里香蜂蜜、乳木果、小麥胚芽油及蘆薈 等多達96%天然成分調製而成的深層滋養護髮膜,能 針對秀髮斷裂、髮尾開叉及毛燥等問題,快速為髮 絲注入源源不絕的水分及養分。 This 96-per-cent natural formulation, including olive oil, thyme honey, shea butter, wheat oil and aloe vera, offers intensive nourishment to repair damages, such as split ends. f. Melvita Repairing Concentrated Mask Dry And Damaged Hair | 175ml $38.87 (amazon.ca) 為乾旱及受損髮質而設的修護髮膜,蘊含有機山茶 花油、玫瑰果油及金盞花油成分,有效修護及強化秀 髮的角質層。 Containing rosehip, camellia and calendula oil, this hair mask serves to strengthen hair and reduce split ends. g. Apivita Rescue Hair Oil With Argan Oil & Olive | $63.5 (strawberrynet.com) 糅合了99%天然成分的全效修護護髮油,蘊含摩洛 哥堅果油、橄欖油及向日葵油,有助修復及重整髮 質,同時預防秀髮斷裂及減少毛燥。 Boasting 99 per cent natural ingredients, this product

contains argan oil, olive oil and sunflower oil, which help to restore hair bounce and shine, and prevent breakage and split ends. h. Briogeo Rosarco Oil | 30ml $35 (sephora.com) 護髮油糅合了玫瑰果油及堅果油兩大成分,可即時 改善毛燥、折斷及髮色暗沉等現象,並防止紫外線 引致的髮質老化問題。 Blending rosehip oil and argan oil, this product transforms hair from being dry and brittle to being vibrant and healthy looking. It also shields hair from UV and free-radical damage. i. Kiehl's Strengthening And Hydrating Hair Oil-In-Cream | 180ml $38 (kiehls.ca) 橄欖果油強韌滋養護髮精華以橄欖果油及牛油果油 為主要成分,只要於洗髮後塗上精華,即可為乾燥 受損的髮絲提供養分,更有助重整髮絲結構,使髮 質變得強韌。 With olive oil and avocado oil as its key ingredients, this oil-in-cream product should be massaged in after shampooing to nourish and strengthen hair. It penetrates hair fibres to fortify them and make them more resistant to damage.





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$36 | 100 ml Available at Hudson’s Bay & Shoppers Drug Mart

染後保養 不少女生愛染髮來打造新形象,可是染髮產品蘊含的化學成分,會對髮絲構成負面 影響。建議選用專為染後髮質而設的洗護產品,既有效保護秀髮,修復染髮所引致的損 傷,亦能發揮鎖色作用,令髮色更艷麗持久。

protection for coloureD treateD hair the chemicals in hair colour can be detrimental to hair health, but products formulated especially for coloured hair can offer protection, and even repair damage, while locking in colour and maintaining shine.

j. Melvita Organic Expert Color And Scalp Conditioner With Indigo Oil | 150ml $28 (melvita.com) 以蓼藍油為主要成分的有機頭皮淨化護色護髮素,能密集修復受損髮絲,讓剛漂染過的秀髮 保持柔順及富光澤,同時有效保護髮色。 Enriched with indigo oil, this organic colour and scalp conditioner offers intensive care for damaged hair, and keeps newly coloured hair soft and glossy, while maintaining the vibrant colour. k. John Masters Organics Herbal Cider Hair Clarifier & Color Sealer | 236ml $28.50 (thebay.com) 蘊含多種植物精油及有機蘋果醋的平衡煥彩鎖色素,主要功效是去除積聚的皮屑、保濕及令 髮色更顯鮮明。建議於洗髮後及使用護髮素前使用。 This mixture of essential oils and organic apple cider vinegar seals in colour and removes sebum, cleans away buildup and environmental residues, while locking in moisture and maintaining colour. It is to be used after shampooing and before conditioning. l. Yves Rocher Color Radiance-Activating Mask 150ml $8.95 (yvesrocher.ca) 染髮護色髮膜不但具有修護髮絲的作用,透過以有機方式種植的山楂萃取成分,更有效增強 髮色的亮澤度。由於配方並不含矽,可減低對秀髮的傷害。 This silicon-free mask with organic hawthorn extract can repair, nourish and enhance hair radiance. m. Kiehl's Sunflower Color Preserving Deep Recovery Mask | 237ml $38 (kiehls.ca) 髮膜特別加入蘊含豐富維他命的葵花籽油配方,滋潤乾旱髮芯及減低紫外線所造成的傷害, 並為秀髮帶來強效的防褪色保護。 This mask is infused with vitamin-rich sunflower oil to nourish dry hair and protect against damaging UV lights, while extending colour vibrancy.


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8小時潤澤霜多效護膚油 為肌膚提供全方位保濕修護

Elizabeth Arden

Eight Hour Cream All-Over Miracle Oil 伊麗莎伯雅頓的8小時潤澤霜多效護膚油(Eight Hour® Cream All-Over Miracle Oil) ,是一款可適用 於面部、身體及頭髮的全新護膚油配方。產品中的 成分包括原產自韓國濟州島的樁花油(Tsubaki Oil) ,當中蘊含高濃度奧米加6及9,有效滋潤、舒緩及 呵護肌膚;同時有助提升肌膚的天然骨膠原,令皮 膚更柔滑細緻,改善整體膚質。而在秀髮上薄薄的 噴一層,則能帶來亮麗光澤。多效護膚油散發淡雅 的橘子花香,清新的香氣使人心曠神怡。

as a leader in multi-purpose beauty essentials, elizabeth arden scoured the globe to source and extract botanical oils to develop eight hour® cream all-over Miracle oil, an oil formulation for use on the face, body and hair. tsubaki oil, native to Jeju island, off the coast of Korea, contains a high concentration of omegas 6 and 9 to help nourish, soothe and protect the skin. in addition, it helps to boost skin’s natural collagen to smooth skin and improve its overall texture. a light mist can be smoothed into damp or dry hair, to impart hair with a glossy shine, without leaving a greasy residue. catering to the at-home spa experience, it is delicately scented with a light, citrus floral fragrance that promotes the sense of wellbeing.


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scents: Gucci


Why settle for one bouquet when you can have the whole garden? Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Gucci launches The Alchemist’s Garden, a luxury collection of 14 scents Story | Leslie Yip

The Alchemist’ s Garden的七款香氛可單獨使用,或可與其他香氛隨心配搭使用。由左至右: 「蛇之聲」 :沉香、 「虎眼」 :琥珀、 「蘭之潔」 :紫羅蘭、 「冬之春」 :含羞草、 「夏之末」 :木、鳶之淚: 「鳶尾花」 、 「玫瑰 之歌」 :玫瑰 The seven eaux de parfum in the Alchemist’s Garden. From (L to R): The Voice of the Snake-Oud, The Eyes of the Tiger-Amber, The Virgin Violet-Violet, Winter’s Spring-Mimosa, The Last Day of Summer-Woods Tears of Iris-Iris, A Song for the Rose-Rose 100ml | $368

如果可以擁有整個花園,又怎會滿足於一束花?情人 節 將 至 , G u c c i 隆重呈 獻擁 有1 4 種香 氣的 奢華 香氛系 列T he Alchemist’ s Garden。 深受煉金術科學的啟發,Gucci把煉金工藝結合香氣藝術, 創造出擁有不同標誌性香氣的七款香水:玫瑰化身「玫瑰之歌」、 紫羅蘭呈現「潔淨謙遜」、鳶尾花代表「眼淚」、沉香展現「神秘的 蛇之聲」、琥珀是「猛虎之眈」、含羞草營造「冬末的歡樂」、而木 香則讓你感受「寧謐的夏末」。 充滿詩意的描述能啟發想像力,香氛不單只是氣味,更是 深存於潛意識的多重感官。除了七款香氛,系列更包含了四款香 油、三款花露水,以及一款香氛蠟燭。 當14款香氛排列於眼前,潛藏的選擇困難症或會即時發作, 不過當逐一感受時,卻又神奇地對某一或幾種香氛情有獨鍾,更 會把香氛隨心搭配,調製最符合自己個性的香氣,猶如煉金術般 的神奇魔法。 我個人偏愛含羞草香氛,更喜歡於日間加入紫羅蘭油及薰衣 草花水,晚間則加入玫瑰和木香油,這就是我的專屬配方。


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Inspired by the enchanting world of alchemy, Gucci reimagines the perfume-making process with seven hero elements, each with its own mystical setting: the Rose becomes a song, the Violet is a virgin and the Iris represents tears. Oud is the voice of a snake, Amber is the eye of the tiger, the Mimosa is winter’s spring, while Wood is the end of summer. The poetic Arthurian descriptions are meant to trigger one’s imagination, so a scent is not just a smell, but a multi-sensorial experience. In addition to the seven eaux de parfum, there are four precious oils, three acque profumate (perfumed water) and a candle in the collection. Your first encounter with the 14-scent line-up may at first unleash some latent decidophobia, but as you explore each scent, you will feel an unexplainable affinity for certain ones, and a desire to mix and layer them. This is where the magic of alchemy happens. My preferred base is the Mimosa eau de parfum, but to make it truly my own, I layer Violet oil and Lavender water for day, Rose and Wood oils for night. “The oils and acque profumate create individual statements,” says Alberto Morillas, Gucci’s perfumer. “Personalize your beloved scent with an oil or a floral water to build a unique sillage.

三款花露水可作淡香水使用。花露 水配以精心設計的白色塗漆玻璃 瓶,點綴極富女性魅力且充滿奇思 妙想的粉紅玫瑰圖案。香氣包括: 「冬之旋律」–柏樹、「月之小夜曲」– –木。 薰衣草及 「褪色之秋」 The acque profumate can be used as an eau de toilette. They come in an ultra-feminine white lacquered glass bottle decorated with a whimsical pink rose print. Available scents: A Winter Melody- Cypress, Moonlight Serenade-Lavender and Fading Autumn-Bois Moderne. 150ml | $268

四款香氛精油可說是整個系列入的 瑰寶:「被遺忘的玫瑰」–玫瑰、「夜 之細語」–沉香、「哀之頌」–木及「蘭 之潔」–紫羅蘭。玻璃瓶配上鼠尾草 綠的色調,瓶內精緻的玻璃滴管若 隱若現。 The crown jewels of the collection are the four precious oils: A Forgotten Rose-Rose, A Nocturnal Whisper-Oud, Ode on MelancholyBois Moderne and The Violet KissViolet. The sage green-toned, lacquered glass bottles hide a touche oreille, a glass pipette style applicator. 15ml | $458

Gucci香氛師Alberto Morillas表示:「香油與花露水是個性宣言, 透過組合來調配出心愛的香氣,創造出獨一無二的專屬香跡。這個系 列中的每款香氛精油和香氛花水均可以隨心配搭使用,大膽嘗試,發 掘出自己的最愛,恰似煉金術士找到他的黃金配方。」 The Alchemist’ s Garden吸引的不單只香氣,更在於其精心設計 的瓶身。香氛瓶的設計靈感源自古老藥劑師木架上的藥瓶,把往昔浪 漫完美詮釋。七款香氛分別置於配有瓶塞的塗漆玻璃瓶中,再以金色 的字句、裝飾與動物符號點綴於瓶身之上。 系列中有5款香氛瓶均塗上白色,除了蛇之聲的瓶身為黑色, 而玫瑰之歌則被Gucci創作總監Alessandro Michele欽定為藍色。靈 感來自他回憶中曾在母親浴室中看到的玫瑰香氛顏色。Alessandro Michele憶述:「這是一款令人安心的瑰麗香氣,時至今日仍能喚起美 麗的嚮往,這正是醉人花香創造出的美好。」 Gucci的奢華系列—The Alchemist’ s Garden,1月10日起在網 上公開發售。另會於Holt Renfrew獨家發售,多倫多開售日期為2月1 日,溫哥華則為2月8日。

“Each oil or floral water of the collection can be layered with each eau de parfum. Just play with the scent to find your favourite, as an alchemist would work to find the gold formula.” The Alchemist’s Garden tempts you not just with its scents, but by its bottles. Inspired by ancient apothecaries, the perfume containers evoke the romance of bygone eras. Gold lettering, decoration and animal symbols lend a handcrafted look to the lacquered glass bottles. You may note that all the flacons are white, except for The Voice of the Snake, which is black, and A Song for the Rose, in a shade of blue chosen by Gucci’s creative director, Alessandro Michele. The blue bottle pays homage to one he saw in his mother’s bathroom that was filled with the essence of roses. Says Michele: “It was a beautiful scent, an enveloping, reassuring perfume that today brings me back to the idea that the flower of this scent creates beauty.” The Gucci Luxury Collection: The Alchemist’s Garden is available online in January 2019, and exclusively at Holt Renfrew in Toronto and Vancouver in February.





fashion: men

SUPERDUPER oversized fedora


DSQUARED2 brown trilby

ANDERSON & SHEPPARD grosgrain-trimmed felt


PAUL SMITH dégradé wool fedora


Hat tricks

They may not be for everyone, but those who dare deserve a special place among sophisticates Story | Simon Au & Timothy Lo Photography | Bowy Chan 並不是人人戴紳士帽都好看得體,箇中不但有相當學問,更 存在一條男孩與男人的界線,成功跨過的話,恭喜,你已經是一 位優雅成熟的男士。 帽子早在遠古時代已經誕生,當初只是運用布巾纏繞頭部, 是單純的保護功能;直至中古世紀,教庭頒布法令要人民將頭髮 遮蓋起來,才漸漸出現簡單的帽型。作為公認擁有最多紳士的英 國,據說當時的英國紳士因為走進室內、與人打招呼,甚至是看 到淑女都要脫帽,往往一天至少穿脫帽子達三十次。遂出現上 方擁有縱向褶痕的Fedora紳士帽,方便男士脫帽。後來Michael Jackson將之融入潮流,逐漸成為時尚分子的日常生活配搭單品。 其實紳士帽沒有指定的類型,更多是一個派系,就像電影《北 非諜影》的Fedora帽、《教父》的Homburg帽;《霹靂神探》的Pork Pie帽,又或者是福爾摩斯般的Bowler帽等等,都是不同變奏的紳 士帽,配合對生活有要求的男士。紳士帽是很多男士時裝品牌的 永恆單品,例如Paul Smith棗紅色的Fedora帽,底部以深紫色作為 配襯,在黑白灰的單調冬日搭配之中,成為亮眼的焦點;又如成 立於2010年的佛羅倫斯帽子品牌SuperDuper,以人手編織外圍的 緞帶,同樣搶眼。 62

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Headwear has been around since time immemorial. It started off with a head scarf worn mainly for protection. In the Middle Ages, the church decreed that everyone should cover their hair and a rudimentary form of hat was born. In England, gentlemen would doff their hats as a greeting, or in the presence of ladies. Fedoras, with a crease at the crown, became very popular at the turn of the 20thcentury—Michael Jackson would even make it a signature part of his wardrobe. Hats of varying styles have been prominent in a number of high-profile movies, including the fedora in Casablanca, the homburg in The Godfather, the pork pie in The French Connection and the bowler on Sherlock Holmes. Gentleman hats have a permanent place in certain menswear brands. Paul Smith’s burgundy fedora, with a deep purple lining, makes for a colourful accent in monochrome winter ensembles. The SuperDuper hat, created in Florence, Italy, captures attention with hand-woven trim details. Hats from Hermès, Dsquared2, Anderson & Sheppard and Brian Dales are renowned for their understated simplicity and stylishness. Agnès b. has introduced a series of hats in its “Dare Sirs!” collection.

AGNÈS b. fedora





fashion: men



Five classics

男士們,不要再見到有帽緣 (Brim) 的圓帽便大叫 「紳士帽」 了,形 狀、設計、物料不同的帽,各有分門別類和配搭方式,買帽子時 千萬不要再似懂非懂了。

Let’s set the record straight. Not all hats with brims are gentleman hats. Learn to tell them apart by their shape, design and material.




最常見且最多被稱為 「紳士帽」 的設計。帽緣 較寬,前端微微向下翻用作遮陽,帽冠中間 凹陷,兩邊亦有壓痕,方便男士脫帽。除了 正經八百的西裝襯衫,以Fedora配連身工服 和恤衫領帶,也是型格的另類穿搭。

與Fedora形狀相似,卻以厄瓜多爾生產的巴 拿馬草 (toquilla straw) 編織而成,更因編織方 法別樹一格而被聯合國教科文組織於2012年 納入非物質世界文化遺產。Panama Hat的草 織材質予人休閒感,最適合隨性不羈的打扮 風格。

與Fedora非常相像,只是Trilby的帽緣比前者 更短更窄,看來也更休閒帥氣,少了幾分正 式和拘謹。像圖中男士以橘色Trilby配toneon-tone簡化海軍長外套和西褲皮鞋,整體造 型更有玩味。

Touted as the most common type of hat for a guy, fedoras tend to have a wider brim and the front tips downwards to serve as a visor. The crown is indented and pinched near the front on both sides as a handle for taking it off. Fedoras, traditionally made of wool, look equally good with tailored shirts and suits, or with overalls, shirts and ties.

Panamas are shaped like the fedora, but instead of wool, are woven with toquilla straw. The unique weaving style was listed as intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO in 2012. Its laid-back style makes it a great accessory for the carefree individual.

A trilby looks similar to the fedora, except for a narrower brim. It also looks more casual and chic. An orange Trilby, paired with a naval coat, pants and shoes of the same tone, makes for a fun look.

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紳士堅持的是一份低調的品味,Hermès、Dsquared2、英國的 Anderson & Sheppard以及意大利奢華品牌Brian Dales的紳士帽便 以最簡約的款式取勝。值得一提的是Agnès b.,今季男裝以「Dare Sirs!」為主題推出多款紳士帽,當中以表面平平無奇,實則後端是微 微凹上的Fedora帽最為突破,為現代紳士添上不失俗套的玩味。

玩味帽子戲法 香港帽子品牌Tasteless Hat Co.主理人Yuman認為紳士帽與品 味無關,因帽子是配飾,如何詮釋風格全由戴帽之人一手掌握。 Yuman的「帽痴生涯」源於旅行,每次到歐美國家都必定選購不 同地方的紳士帽,之後甚至開了一家帽子專門店。「帽子其實是很有 意思的配飾,隨著不同的季節和場景,物料和形狀也會有所不同,美 感之餘也重實用性。」然而紳士帽在男裝市場並不是主流單品,產品 的價格和質素也良莠不齊:「要不你在Fast Fashion店舖中看到低價 帽子,品質欠佳,令人不感興趣;要不是在高級時裝店中看到天價帽 子,設計雖好卻買不起。」 他認為紳士帽並不一定要配西裝。「你把黑色的Stone系列圓帽 配整套Rick Owens,便能營造Dark Edgy風格;而拿草帽配Levi’ s牛 仔褸牛仔褲,或者藍領工服裝,又是另一種效果。帽子只是帽子,沒 有既定風格和品味,只有你才能為自己決定。」

Fun HAT TrIckS Yuman ng, founder/designer of the Hong kong-based Tasteless Hat co., thinks hats are not about taste. rather, they are accessories and it is up to the wearer to define his style. “Hats are meaningful accessories,” he says. “They have a different feel in different seasons, occasions, materials and shapes. They look good and are also practical.” ng also points out that gentleman hats can vary in price and quality: “You either find cheap and unremarkable hats in fast-fashion shops, or you get exorbitantly priced hats in up-market fashion stores.” And he doesn’t think hats necessarily have to be worn with suits. Says ng: “Pairing a black round hat from the Stone collection with a rick Owens ensemble has a dark edgy feel. Whereas a straw hat with a pair of jeans and a denim jacket has a totally different effect. Hats are hats, and there is no set style or trend about it. It’s entirely up to each individual.”




較為復古的圓帽款式,帽冠沒有壓痕和凹 凸位置,帽緣兩側微微翹起。Bowler質地堅 挺,皆因這本是英國紳士騎馬時戴的帽子, 避免頭部被樹枝刮到。前英國首相邱吉爾酷 愛此帽,令Bowler變相成為白領階層的配飾 代表。

Pork Pie圓滾滾的帽緣和帽冠沒有任何壓痕 和凹凸,形狀酷似英國豬肉批。這款帽早在 1830年代已經出現,但直到二十年代才漸漸 成為男裝單品之一。至近數十年,Pork Pie因 深受The Beatles、Mick Jagger等英倫搖滾歌 手喜愛,成為BritRock的時尚象徵。

The bowler is a round hat with no dents or creases on the crown. The brim curls up on either side. A bowler is quite stiff and was originally worn by English gents when riding to protect the head from being scratched by tree branches. The bowler was synonymous with former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and became a classic accessory for white-collar folk.

Pork pies have brims and crowns, but no dents or creases. They emerged in the 1830s, named after the traditional English pork pie, and became a part of men’s fashion in the 1920s. In recent decades, the pork pie has being favoured by British rock icons, such as The Beatles and The Rolling Stones’ Mick Jagger.

收藏帽子時,Yuman說最好用 店裡提供的盒子裝好並平放, 以免變形;若草帽變了形,可 先略略將帽子沾濕,塑好形狀 後吹乾收藏,便能回復如初。 若遇上天氣潮濕,收藏時可於 盒子內放置防潮珠,避免濕氣 過重,導致帽子變形變色。

Storing your hats

除了經典的絲帶和羽毛,Yuman新系列 的帽子上釘了一些古著襟針,並專門在 阿姆斯特丹訂製了一些裝大麻煙的塑料 管,為帽子添上充滿幽默的點綴。 Other than laces and feathers, Ng’s new collections are adorned with vintage pins and custom-made containers (pictured) for joints from Amsterdam to add a touch of humour.

To keep hats in good shape, Ng recommends storing them in their boxes to avoid being squashed. If a straw hat loses its shape, spray on water, reshape it and then blow dry before putting it away. In humid weather, it’s best to put dehumidifying agents in the box to prevent the hats from discolouration and deterioration.






Montgolfiere沙發造型沉厚雅致,兩側扶手的設計靈感來自Montgolfiere兄弟 發明的熱氣球。靠墊的圖案來自Globe trotter水彩畫,帶你走進夢幻國度。 The Montgolfiere sofa features a strong, yet graceful silhouette framed by two armrests inspired by the hot-air balloons invented by the Montgolfiere brothers. The cushions, dressed with images from the Globe trotter fresco, invite one to take a journey through imaginary worlds.

向探險家致敬 GLOBE TROTTER Collection Designed by Marcel Wanders for Roche Bobois 66

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呼應沙發的名字,企燈的造型設計 源自熱氣球。企燈猶如自燈座緩緩 上升,懸浮在空中。 Echoing the name of the sofa, the Up lamp is subtly inspired by the shape and delicacy of hotair balloon. The lamp appears to emerge from the base whereas its movement seems to be suspended in motion.

La Parisienne餐桌採用了啞色桌面,底部是亮漆。枱腳以Globe trotter系列的專用布料包裹,而最底部 則以精鋼製成。 The La Parisienne table has a matte top and shiny lacquer underneath. Its elegant legs dressed in “tights” are upholstered with the exclusive fabrics from the Globe trotter collection. They feature delicate steel heels at the bottom.

組合式沙發Cerf-Volant好像添了雙翼般,兩側及背部用上絮綿布料、皮革或木材。以Globe trotter系列的專用布 料製成的沙發,更配有來自水彩畫的圖案靠墊。 The modular and versatile Cerf-Volant Sofa seems to have wings: the side and back panels are covered with quilted fabric, leather, or wood. It is upholstered in the exclusive fabrics of the collection and accented by cushions with patterns from the fresco.

在全球擁有超過255間陳列室,於溫哥華及卡加利均有分 店的世界級頂尖家居設計品牌Roche Bobois,展示了由Marcel Wanders特別為品牌設計的Globe trotter系列。玩味十足的設 計,靈感來自周遊列國發掘新文化及新奇事物的探險家。產品 風格開放、自由及富啟發性,充分展現Marcel Wanders獨有 的大膽趣味。巨型水彩畫呈現如夢似幻的仙境,讓人一下子走 進童話世界。水彩畫拼湊出整個系列背後的夢幻世界。把歷史 元素及童話中的奇幻之旅和諧結合,Marcel Wanders的Globe trotter系列是既浪漫又富詩意的旅行狂想曲。 正如Marcel Wanders所說︰「這個系列是向那些我們渴望 成為的探險家致敬。旅行是一個蛻變的經歷,我們希望你把產 品帶回家時,就好像把旅行時發掘到的奇珍異寶帶回家一樣。」 VANCOUVER 716 West Hastings Street | Tel. 604-633-5005 CALGARY 225 10th Avenue SW | Tel. 403-532-4401 roche-bobois.com

Marcel Wanders designed the Globe trotter collection for Roche Bobois…a world leader in furniture design with over 255 showrooms around the world including Vancouver and Calgary. This unique and eclectic collection is inspired by the legendary adventurers and explorers who traveled the world to discover new cultures and rare objects. The collection expresses openness, freedom and inspiration, showcasing Marcel Wanders’ signature design style. A large illustrated fresco portrays a whimsical wonderland, inviting one to take a walk among all the familiar characters from our beloved childhood stories. The fresco connects the pieces and different worlds to create a cohesive story throughout the entire collection. Cleverly combining historical references and imaginary journeys, Marcel Wanders’ Globe trotter is a romantic and poetic “promenade collection”. “This collection is a tribute to the adventurer we all dreamed of being. A journey is a transformative experience, and we wanted each piece to capture the feeling of bringing home worldly treasures from faraway places.”- Marcel Wanders

名為Wonder的餐具櫃模擬潛艇造型, 在中央開了一個舷窗,讓你可窺探內裡 的珍寶。櫃子更內藏秘密,就是Globe trotter系列那色彩斑斕的水彩畫。 Like a little submarine, the Wonder sideboard features a porthole offering a glimpse of a treasure inside. But its interior hides another secret: the spectacular, vibrant and poetic fresco from the Globe trotter collection.






外露的木樑結構跟柱子,明顯的工業風特色。 Industrial characteristics with exposed wood pillars and beams.


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Retro magic Condo conversion merges modern with early 20th century charm Story | Livian Wu Photography | Tom Arban Photography

走進多倫多市中心「皇后西街」充滿波西米亞風格的藝 術區域,不難看見令人驚喜的建築物。其中一座於20 世紀初工業革命時期落成的工廠,近年演變成紐約風 格,泛稱Loft的閣樓住宅單位。閉上眼,彷彿回到工 業的年代。 In the past 25 years, Toronto’s Queen Street West has evolved from being an industrial hub to a centre for Canadian broadcasting, music, fashion and the visual arts. Included in this revitalization is a factory built early in the 20th century that’s been transformed into trendy New York-style condo lofts. ELITEGEN





頂層臥室的天然採光設計,與下層鬱鬱的神秘感形成強烈對比。 The loft section uses natural lighting to generate a significantly contrasting vibe with that of the ground floor.

這座建築物建於1907年,當時為一家製衣廠,於1963年改 建為一家名為Ce De Candy Co的糖果廠。來到1990年代中期, 開發商Harry Stinson把工廠重建為住宅用途,面積2,700平方呎 並由設計師Johnson Chou打造出現代主義風格。 設計師置力詮釋簡約時尚風,利用各式各樣的豪華建材, 提升家的溫馨感。材料包括意大利大理石及充滿異國風情的黑檀 木。原有的外露木樑及和橙黃色磚牆被塗成白色,與新添的細節 互相呼應,帶出粗獷沉穩的視覺效果。 這閣樓單位劃分成兩層,下層的高樓底特質最能提升視覺 上的觀感。設計師刻意將多樣物件聯繫一起,包括坡道、樓梯、 台階、平台和橋樑等,締造出多層次空間感,猶如徘徊於天然山 脈之間,喚起自然景觀的感覺。而多個空間如廚房、飯廳、客 廳、書房及客房套間等所採用之黑檀木飾板,亦能營造出非一般 的氛圍。


Originally built in 1907 as a garment factory, this building evolved into the Ce De Candy Company. In the mid-’90s, real estate development firm Harry Stinson converted it into a residential building, and appointed modern designer Johnson Chou to drive its interior design. Chou’s focus was to bring a simplistic, yet stylish, homey vibe to each unit. He has utilized a variety of luxury materials, including Italian statuario marble and exotic imported ebony. The original brick walls, now dressed in white paint, harmonize nicely with the authentic wood beams. The high ceilings of this two-storey loft feels expansive. Chou combined a number of elements, including ramps, stairs, platforms, steps and bridges, to create a layered look, similar to mountainous regions in a natural landscape. In addition, using ebony plaques throughout the unit produces a unique and unifying sense of space.

樓房中央最為矚目的木質螺旋樓梯能通往頂層,驟眼看來 就如一個巨大雀籠,又或是聯想成一棵樹的形狀。沿梯攀上,彷 彿由地面爬到樹頂,頓時進入另一片明亮開揚的空間。

The focal point belongs to the spiral wooden staircase in the centre of the unit—love at first sight. It is almost as if you’ve come across a huge birdcage, or even a tree trunk smack dab in the middle of the unit.

頂層的主臥室設有獨立浴缸、淋浴、衛生間、衣櫃和洗衣 區。由臥室延伸出的大型陽台,附設用餐及享受日光浴的區域, 能隨時欣賞享受市中心的壯麗景色,實在教人心曠神怡!

The loft features the master bedroom, along with an individual bathtub, shower, toilet, wardrobe and laundry—all in a separate area. There is also a dining/sunbathing strip adjacent to the bedroom with amazing views of the downtown core.

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辦公區域儼如圖書館,後方設有水療般的沐浴區,可 隨時變身為客房套間。 The home office has a library feel. And an abutting open shower area easily converts it to a guest room.






小蟹是東條英員採用的其中一樣新鮮食材。 One of the freshest ingredients Chef Tojo used – baby crab.


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東條英員是溫哥華高級日本料理的傳奇標誌。 Chef Tojo is a legendary icon in Vancouver’s high end Japanese cuisine.

高級日本料理的傳奇 Tojo's, the legendary icon in Vancouver’s high-end Japanese cuisine Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Leila Kwok 東條英員出生於日本鹿兒島南部, 18歲時為了要成為廚師而搬到大阪,在 一間著名的料亭(豪華的傳統日本料理 店)工作,開始了飲食世界的歷程。1971 年,他搬到溫哥華,先後在兩家壽司店 工作,1988年自立門戶開設了Tojo’ s, 2007年搬到西百老匯1133號的現址。

Born in Southern Kagoshima, Japan, Hidekazu Tojo moved to Osaka at the age of 18 to become a chef. He entered the culinary world at a renowned ryotei (a type of luxurious traditional Japanese dining). In 1971, he moved to Vancouver and worked at two sushi restaurants before opening Tojo’s Restaurant in 1988. In 2007, he moved to their current location at 1133 West Broadway.

Tojo’ s因東條英員創作的精采美食而 享譽國際。菜餚清新、獨特而時尚,以日 本精緻傳統料理為根,添以太平洋西北的 視角,採用最佳時令的本地有機食材,在 這裏用餐是一種與眾不同的體驗。

Today, Tojo’s Restaurant is internationally recognized for creating exquisite food served as an art form. Rooted in Japanese fine-dining traditions, with a distinct Pacific Northwest perspective, the dishes are prepared with the finest seasonal, local and organic ingredients.

非凡卓越成就 東條英員在日本料理上的非凡廚 藝,讓他歷年獲得數不勝數的獎項和榮 譽,如《溫哥華雜誌》的「終身成就獎」、 《華爾街日報》的「世界十大最佳壽司廚 師」、以及《Food and Wine》的「人物投票 獎」等。他同時曾為不少政要準備盛宴, 如泰國公主、荷蘭國王和王后、日本天皇 和皇后等等。2016年,日本政府更頒予全 球僅得13位的日本料理親善大使榮銜, 確定其世界頂級日本大廚師地位。 東條熱衷於嘗試研發不同口味和烹 飪方法,並創造新的菜餚。雖然他在大阪 工作時表現出色,前途無限,但為了突破 日本烹飪文化的嚴格傳統所帶來的局限 感,遂欣然接受於1971年搬到溫哥華的 機會。

OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENTS Chef Tojo has garnered numerous awards and accolades throughout his culinary career. From Vancouver Magazine’s “Lifetime Achievement” award, to the Wall Street Journal’s “Top 10 Sushi Chefs in the World”, to Food and Wine’s “People’s Choice Award”, he has earned respect as an international master chef. Over the years, Tojo has prepared meals for numerous dignitaries, including Her Royal Highness the Princess of Thailand, the King and Queen of the Netherlands and the Emperor and Empress of Japan. In 2016, the Japanese government made Tojo a Goodwill Ambassador for Japanese Cuisine, one of only 13 in the world to be so honoured. From the beginning of his career, Tojo has been passionate about experimenting with flavours and cooking methods. Although he showed real promise in the kitchen in Osaka, Tojo felt limited by the strict traditions of Japanese culinary culture and so he jumped at the opportunity to move to Vancouver in 1971. ELITEGEN





小魷魚也是入饌食材之一。 One of the freshest ingredients Chef Tojo used – baby squid.

「扭轉乾坤」 的壽司 由他創造的多款菜餚和技術,今天無處不在。他解 釋:「往昔的溫哥華人在吃方面比較保守,不喜嘗試異 國美食,引進吃魚生是一個漫長的過程,單是要他們吃 Nori(紫菜乾)已是一個挑戰。所以我創出了一個『扭轉乾 坤』的Tojo卷,把紫菜部分隱藏起來,後來它在洛杉磯非 常受歡迎,變成現在通稱的加州卷。」 在東條的創作中,亦有卑詩卷(使用燒烤過的鮭魚 皮)、彩虹卷、黃金卷(用蛋縐包裹的精緻卷)和蜘蛛卷。 他也是首位在日本料理中使用熏鮭魚的人。在溫哥華第 一家Poke商店開業前,他幾十年來一直為客人提供Tojo’ s Tuna(醃製金槍魚)服務,最近還推出了以熱門食材藜麥 製的壽司。

Omakase廚師發辦 東條亦率先將Omakase(廚師發辦)引入溫哥華的 食肆。Omakase的意思是「廚師,一切由你主導」,是體 驗大師創作的終極方式。他利用當日最好和最新鮮的食 材烹製特色晚餐,精選冷熱菜餚。整頓餐宴反映自然環 境,並盡可能使用本地產品和海鮮,體現廚師在烹飪視 角上的精髓。他的烹飪理念是「靈活變化、味道最佳、好 看和最具吸引力,及最具原創意。」對使用傳統日本料理 中不常見的西方食材,絕不迴避,如芹菜,奇異果,芒 果,牛油果,及蘆筍等。 74

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THE CREATOR OF INSIDE-OUT ROLL, NOW BETTER KNOWN AS CALIFORNIA ROLL He is the creator of countless dishes and techniques that are ubiquitous today. He explained, “In those days, Vancouverites were not as adventurous with more exotic cuisine. Introducing raw fish was a long process, but just getting them to eat Nori (dried sea weed) was a challenge. So I created an inside-out Tojo Roll and hid the nori. It later became very popular in Los Angeles and is now universally known as a California Roll. Among Tojo’s other creations are the BC Roll (using barbecued salmon skin), Rainbow Roll, Golden Roll (a delicate roll wrapped in egg crepe) and Spider Roll. Tojo was the first to use smoked salmon in Japanese cuisine and was serving Tojo’s Tuna (marinated tuna) to delighted guests decades before the first Poke shop opened in Vancouver. He recently introduced sushi using quinoa.

OMAKASE Tojo was the first to introduce Omakase to Vancouver’s culinary scene. Omakase, which means “Chef, I’m in your hands” is the ultimate way to experience the master’s creations. Tojo draws upon the best and freshest ingredients to prepare a special dinner with a curated selection of hot and cold dishes. The meal will be reflective of the natural surroundings and, as much as possible, use local produce and seafood to embody the essence of Tojo’s culinary perspective. His philosophy in cooking is, “Make it flexible, should taste best, attractive and appealing, and original.” He does not shy away from using western ingredients that are not part of traditional Japanese cuisine, such as celery, kiwi, mango, avocado and asparagus.

食客可以選擇Tojo’ s Favourites( $80),6道菜, 提供各種最受歡迎的菜餚;Chef’ s Choice($120), 7 道 菜 , 提 供 當 天 最 精 采 的 海 鮮 和 時 令 食 材 ; T o j o’ s Experience($150),專為客戶設計的特別餐—食客 只需告知預算和喜好,然後由廚師發辦;Sushi Bar Omakase($180或以上)是與廚師的一個親密交談,帶 來時令創意、優質魚生和壽司的難忘體驗;最後,日本 和牛晚餐(市價)是一個特別的多道菜餐,包括飛彈和牛 牛肉。

You can choose Tojo’s Favourites ($80), a six-course meal featuring a selection of his most popular dishes; Chef’s Choice ($120), a delectable seven-course meal featuring the choicest seafood and seasonal ingredients; Tojo’s Experience ($150), a special meal created just for the client – all you have to do is tell them your budget and preference, and leave the rest to the chef.

去年十月,Tojo’ s設宴慶祝成立30周年。席上除了 客人外,東條更邀請鎮上的大廚師(亦是他的老朋友) 齊為這個特殊場合大展身手。包括Cioppino的Pino大 廚、Maenam的Angus大廚、Araxi的Wayne大廚 ;還 有曾是Tojo’ s超過10年的副手,現任Masayoshi的廚師 Masayoshi。不要看東條英員個子小小,卻是溫哥華高 級日本料理的巨人,備受尊崇愛戴。

Last October, Tojo’s celebrated its 30th anniversary. Other than guests, he invited master chefs in town to cook together for this special occasion. Among them were Chef Pino of Cioppino’s, Chef Angus of Maenam and Chef Wayne of Araxi. Also attending was Chef Masayoshi of Masayoshi, who was Sous Chef at Tojo’s for more than 10 years.

The Sushi Bar Omakase ($180+) features an intimate conversation with the chef — an unforgettable experience with seasonal creations, premium sashimi and sushi. And finally, Japanese Wagyu Dinner (market price) is a special multi-course meal, featuring Hida Gyu Wagyu beef.

Despite his short stature, Chef Tojo is a giant on Vancouver’s high-end Japanese culinary scene, someone everybody looks up to. Tojo's 1113 W Broadway, Vancouver 604-872-8050

高手出招,鮮露筍也可 以成為卷物食材。 One of the freshest ingredients Chef Tojo used – asparagus.

新鮮、天然及少油, 正是東條的料理風格。 Chef Tojo’s cooking style is fresh, natural and non-greasy.

卑詩卷亦由他所創。 Another creation of Chef Tojo – BC roll.

大啡菇亦是東條愛用 的新鮮食材。 One of the freshest ingredients Chef Tojo used – Portobello mushroom. 黃金卷是東條另一創作。 Another creation of Chef Tojo – Golden roll.





wine not?


Made in Japan

Kumamoto vintage untouched by quake Story | Ivan Wong 日本人的葡萄酒歷史始於明治時代,由第一家酒莊於山梨縣建成至今,雖只不過一百 數十年光景,但今天的日本葡萄酒也漸隨日本威士忌的揚威步調,在歐美地區均有不錯聲 譽。 提到日本葡萄酒產地,除了知名的山梨縣、長野縣、山形縣和北海道四大地區,現在 備受注目的釀酒廠,得數位於九州中部熊本縣菊鹿町的「菊鹿葡萄酒」釀酒廠。 九州中部的熊本縣,本是個農業重鎮,盛產水果、蔬菜、花草及稻米,十多年前與葡 萄酒扯上關係,全因一個日本農業正面對著的重大問題:人口老化——整體出生率偏低, 農夫們的下一代亦無意繼承祖業,更遑論新生代會以務農為生。為了不要再讓棄耕地面積 擴大,熊本縣開始嘗試在山鹿市進行葡萄的栽培,以作為釀製葡萄酒的原料,在地釀製屬 於熊本縣的葡萄酒。 即使在日本生產,但若不是使用百分百的國產葡萄,也無法冠上「日本葡萄酒」的稱 號,因此熊本葡萄酒莊的葡萄均是採用菊鹿町簽約農家嚴選出產的最高品質葡萄。包括於 創業當時使用的新潟縣原產地的日本特有種「Muscat Bailey A」和日本原產品種「巨峰」,隨 後還增加了美國的黑葡萄「Campbell early」的無籽版「Delaware」。熊本葡萄酒株式會社的 「菊鹿葡萄酒」,便是當中熊本葡萄酒代名詞之一。 「 菊 鹿 葡 萄 酒 」當 初 揚 名 , 在 於 只 有 使 用 高 品 質 年 份 葡 萄 所 釀 造 的「 菊 鹿 N i g h t Harvest」。於氣溫低的夜間進行葡萄採收和榨汁,讓葡萄酒的香味更上一層。這酒於2009 年的「日本葡萄酒大賞」中榮獲「最優秀新世界白酒獎」,菊鹿葡萄酒自此備受注目。 熊本縣兩年前因一次大地震備受各界關注,那年被「震走」的,無法以數字衡量,幸 而,熊本的好酒仍能繼續堅毅成長,讓我們感受得到、喝得到從那裡散發的純真善美之味。

When you speak about Japanese liquor, the first thing that comes to mind is sake, made from rice. But did you know that the Japanese began making wine from grapes during the Meiji era nearly 150 years ago? The first vineyard in the Yamanashi Prefecture has been around for more than a century, but Japanese wine, just like Japanese whisky, has been gaining ground in the West. The wine-growing regions in Japan are Yamanashi, Nagano and Yamagata Prefectures and Hokkaido, the most notable winery of which is the maker of Kikuka Chardonnay in Kikuka, Kumamoto, in the central region of Kyushu. Kumamoto is a major agricultural town known for its fruit, vegetables, flora and rice. More than a decade ago, it embarked on wine production as Japan’s agriculture was hampered by its aging population compounded by a low birth rate. The offspring of farmers had no intention to continue on the family farming tradition—with the younger generations even less inclined to do so. In order not to have more farmland going to waste, Kumamoto began growing grapes in Yamagata so wine would be native to Kumamoto. But a natural disaster almost put an end to that. Two years ago, a big earthquake in Kumamoto caused extensive damage. Yet good wines continue to come out of the region and continue to impart the authentic taste of the land. Clearly the Japanese take their wines very seriously. Much like champagne can only be termed Champagne if it is grown and bottled in the Champagne region of France, so, too, in Japan. If the wine is not made with 100 per cent locally produced grapes, it cannot be branded “Japanese Wine”—even if it’s made in Japan. As such, all the grapes used in the Kumamoto winery are picked from contracted farmers’ top-quality produce in Kikuka. In the early days, the grapes used included Japan’s most unique Muscat Bailey A grade grapes grown in the Niigata Prefecture, as well as the Kyoho grapes native to Japan. Since then, dark “Campbell early” grapes from the US and the seedless “Delaware” have been added. Kumamoto Wine’s Kikuka Chardonnay has become synonymous with wines from Kumamoto. Kikuka wines became famous with the Kikuka Night Harvest that used only top-quality grapes from good years. The grapes were harvested and pressed at night when the temperature was low to enhance the wine’s aroma. The wine was awarded the “Best New World White Wine” in the 2009 at the Japan Wine Challenge. Since then, Kikuka wine has been gaining more and more attention.


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相信也只有日本人才會在意那麼細緻 的葡萄種植設施。 Perhaps only the Japanese will go to great lengths to finesse the vines' setting.

「菊鹿」 Chardonnay葡萄— 他們以夜間低溫進行採收 及榨汁而自豪。 The grapes used to make Kikuka Chardonnay were harvested and pressed at night when the temperature is low.

歐洲式建築加上燦爛陽光,單看照片誰能料到 這竟是熊本縣 「菊鹿葡萄酒」 生產之地。 European-style architecture and brilliant sunshine… who would have guessed this is the birthplace of Kikuka Chardonnay.







Beautiful Brittany With medieval castles, seaside towns, indulgent spas and oysters galore, this hilly peninsula in the northwestern most region of France may just be the most romantic destination in the world Story | Leslie Yip 布列塔尼或許不如普羅旺斯或者勃根地出名,但對於當地 的名產,大家必定早有所聞—那便是幾乎每個法國人衣櫥必備的 條紋棉織Breton shirt。這種間條汗衫早盛行於19世紀,是海軍 制服,設計的一大考慮,是水手即使掉進水中也能被輕易辨識。 有一段時間,法國的水兵都出自布列塔尼,於是這種衣服就叫做 Breton shirt。最正宗的Breton shirt有21條條紋,也代表著拿破 崙對抗英國取得的勝利。 布列塔列半島位於法國西北部,被大西洋包圍,由於戰略位 置重要,這裡無論是內陸或是沿海都建築了眾多堡壘及城堡,現 在大部分也開放給遊客觀光。 加拿大人對這裡一個叫St. Malo的小鎮應該最有親切感。 1534年雅克卡蒂亞Jacques Cartier號便是從這裡啟航,前往當 時尚未開發的加拿大。這裡有一所魁北克博物館,標誌著新法國 的建立,也是魁北克省與St. Malo的友好象徵。 不到水療縱情放鬆一下,布列塔尼的假期便稱不上圓滿。當 地人很早就發現了土地和海洋的天然治癒力量,其中一個傑出例 子是Yves Rocher,他在風光如畫的La Gacilly建立並經營起全球 性的皮膚護理王國。 故事由1959年講起,Yves Rocher在自家閣樓將從附近田原 採集到的植物製成潤膚膏。時至今日,這個地區仍為品牌產品提 供著三分之一的植物材料。10年前這個家族經營的公司開了一家 名叫La Grée des Landes的環保水療酒店,客人可享用著名的草 本治療療程。


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Brittany may not be as well-known as Provence or Burgundy, but you may already know their most famous product—the Breton shirt. Often regarded as the most quintessential item in the French wardrobe, the striped shirt was originally a 19th century naval sailor’s uniform, designed to help distinguish sailors from sea waves so you could find them more easily when they fell overboard. At one time, all the French navy hailed from Brittany, so the shirt was coined the Breton shirt. The most authentic ones would have 21 stripes: one for each of Napoleon’s victories against the British. The peninsular region is in the northwestern part of France and is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. Due to its strategic location, many forts and castles were built, both inland and along the coasts. Many of these sites are open to visitors. One of the most relevant towns for a Canadian to visit would be St. Malo, where Jacques Cartier set sail in 1534 and discovered Canada. You will find the Québec House on the ramparts, a commemoration of the establishment of New France, and a symbol of friendship between the province of Quebec and the walled city of St. Malo. A holiday in Brittany would not be complete without a visit to one of their many spas. Local residents have long discovered the natural healing power from the land and the sea. One prominent example is the late Yves Rocher, who built a worldwide skincare empire from picturesque La Gacilly. The story began in 1959 with a homemade cream he made in his attic, using plants collected from nearby fields. Today, the area still supports a third of all the plant ingredients required in the production of its products. Ten years ago, the family-owned company opened an eco hotel spa called La Grée des Landes, where guests can reap the benefits of its signature botanical treatments.

於1979年已列入聯合國世界遺產的聖米歇爾山,是布列塔尼最著名的景點,每年有超過三百萬遊客 觀光。當中,包括不少來朝聖的天主教徒。 The most famous landmark in Brittany must be Mont St. Michael. Visited by more than three million people each year, this uneSco site is popular with tourists and pilgrims.





trAvel 這裡也是海水浴療法(thalassotherapy)的發源地,thalasso來 自希臘語,意指「海」,therapia則是「治療」之意,這種療法利用海 水及海洋環境,達到人體康健安寧的效果。清新怡人的海洋空氣、 蘊含豐富礦物質的海水,加上以海洋物質為基礎富含微量元素和抗 氧化劑的產品……置身海療中心感受與水療無異,但得到的遠不止 鬆弛和美容。 海療中心體驗從針對個人特點及需要的諮詢開始,無論是減 磅、減壓、一般健康問題、產後恢復還是戒煙等,中心會制訂一套 療程,通常是暖海水循環、浸泡、按摩和裹身等。位處海邊的海療 度假屋也提供極盡浪漫的環境。 說到浪漫,這個地區還以天然壯陽食物—鮮蠔馳名。當中最值 得一探的,是離聖米高山Mont St. Michel半小時車程、有法國(有人 甚至說是世界)蠔都之稱的康卡勒Cancale。這裡專門養殖被高度讚 賞的扁殼Belon蠔,肉質結實、口味豐盈、特別鮮甜。 還有林林總總的貝殼類海產,包括日本常見的圓形蠔或者有 幼紋的克勒茲蠔。這裡還出產法國唯一身份受到保護的青口,列明 “Appellation d’Origine Protégée”(AOP),這種青口以傳統養殖方 法生產,將青口籽種在繩上,用兩枝桿擱起,潮漲時青口仍能呼 吸,水退時則暴露於海洋空氣,結果是風味獨特。 想了解更多相關資料,請瀏覽brittanytourism.com

The region is also the birthplace of thalassotherapy. Stemming from the Greek word thalasso, meaning “sea” and therapia meaning “treatment”, it uses the healing and beneficial properties of the sea and the marine environment for health and well-being. Think invigorating sea air, mineral-rich seawater and marine-based products rich in trace elements and antioxidants, a visit to a thalasso centre is a similar experience to a spa, but the emphasis is not only on relaxation and beauty. Typically, it begins on a consultation to address your areas of concern, whether it’s weight loss, stress reduction, general wellness, post natal or smoking cessation. Then, a customized program is prescribed, which usually combines warm seawater circuits, soaks, massages and wraps. Because of its seaside location, thalasso spa resorts also make for a romantic setting for a getaway. Speaking of romance, the region is also famous for its oysters— nature’s aphrodisiacs. One of the best places to indulge is Cancale, about half hour’s drive from Mont St. Michel. Touted as the oyster capital of France, and some say even the world, it specializes in farming the highly prized flat shell Belon oysters, which offer a firmer texture, rich taste and a distinctive sweetness. Other types of shellfish can be found in abundance, too, including Japanese style round or creuses oysters, winkles and cockles. The region also produces the country’s only mussels with a protected origin status. Marked as “Appellation d’Origine Protégée” (AOP), the bouchot mussels are produced using a traditional aquaculture technique that seeds the mussels on ropes suspended by two poles, so they can bathe in water during high tide and be exposed to the marine air when the sea recedes, giving them a distinctive flavour. For more information, visit brittanytourism.com.

Yves Rocher的La Grée des Landes環保水療度假屋有29間房,情侶私人水療套裝360歐元起,包括在Les Jardins Sauvages有 機餐廳享用一頓午餐、50分鐘情侶療程、50分鐘情侶健康活動及使用所有水療設備。 La Grée des Landes by Yves Rocher is a 29-room eco spa and resort. A private couple’s spa escape starts at 360 euros, and includes an intimate lunch at the Les Jardins Sauvages gourmet organic restaurant, a 50-minute treatment, a 50-minute wellness activity session and access to all spa facilities. lagreedeslandes.com


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寧靜的小鎮風光。 There are many picturesque towns like this waiting to be discovered.

現代法國追求享受一族喜愛的Diane Barrière thalasso水療中心位於Le Royal in La Baule,佔地1,000平方米,提供海水浴療程,9個步驟有助燃燒脂肪、消減脂 肪團及調整體形。La Baule號稱擁有全世界最美麗的海灣,綿延9公里,也是歐 洲最長的海灣。離此15公里的Guérande ,有中古城鎮及鹽沼地,適合一日遊。

享用地道生蠔的最佳方法是在碼頭街市即買即食,幾乎所有海邊小鎮都有這種 街市,最出名的是Cancale, Riec-sur-Belon和Vannes。蠔販可以為顧客打開貝 殼 (每打收0.5歐羅) ,還會送半個檸檬 (額外則要收0.5歐羅) ,蠔的售價以每打 計算,尺寸數字反向遞增,數字愈大,蠔的個頭愈小。扁蠔0至6,圓蠔0至5。

Modern French aristocrats flock to the Diane Barrière thalasso spa at Le Royal in La Baule. The 1,000 square-metre facility boasts the aquaminceur course, a nine-step circuit to help burn fat, shed cellulite and tone the body. La Baule is said to have one of the most beautiful bays in the world. At 9 km, it is also one of the longest in Europe. The medieval town and salt marshes of Guérande is just 15 minutes away and makes for a nice day trip. hotelsbarriere.com

The most authentic way to enjoy local oysters is to buy and eat right at the quayside market. You can find these markets in almost every coastal town, the most famous being Cancale, Riec-sur-Belon and Vannes. The stall holders will open the shellfish for you (half a Euro per dozen) and even give you half a lemon (another half a Euro). The prices pictured above is per dozen, and the numbers refer to the size in reverse order: the higher the number, the smaller the mollusk. Flat oysters go from 0 to 6 while round varieties go from 0 to 5.


Getting There

前往布列塔尼的主要城市是雷恩Rennes及南特Nantes。 法國航空來往加拿大主要城市與巴黎,可以從巴黎CDG機場飛往 南特Nantes。 巴黎Gare Montpartnasse每日有數班直通火車TGV開往雷恩 Rennes(車程1.5小時)或者St. Malo(車程不到3小時),查詢火車時間 表,可到en.oui.sncf,或到raileurope.com了解火車票事宜。

The major gateway cities to Brittany are Rennes and Nantes. Air France connects most major Canadian cities to Paris, and from the CDG airport, you can fly into Nantes Atlantique. airfrance.ca There are several daily direct TGV links from Gare Montpartnasse in Paris to Rennes (1.5 hours), or St. Malo (less than 3 hours). For train schedules, visit en.oui.sncf, or go to raileurope.com for passes.







Perfect Panama Latin American beauty full of nice surprises Story | Marc Atchison /TraveLife magazine


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身形圓潤的老闆娘向我喊著:「Gringo, gringo(意謂外國佬)。」 希望我走到她那色彩繽紛的路邊車買份熱狗(hotdog y chingas)。天 呀,才清晨6時半啊! 我的導遊Ernesto說熱狗原來是巴拿馬人的早餐。即使很早,但 巴拿馬首都巴拿馬城的街上已經十分繁忙。當地警察Policia Nacional 已出動「捉快車」,警車坐滿被扣上手銬、即將被送進監牢的違例駕駛 者,可見當地嚴厲打擊衝紅燈。 此時,一台台掛有聖誕裝飾的柴油校巴浩浩蕩蕩出現。Ernesto 說:「巴士是國民的主要公共交通工具,所有巴士都是私營,本地人稱 巴士司機為紅魔鬼,因為他們經常釀成交通意外。」 巴拿馬運河連接大西洋及大平洋,這個充滿活力的拉丁美洲首都 似乎驚喜處處。 趁遊客未算多,Ernesto建議先到運河參觀。我們驅車沿Avenida Balboa大道向目的地進發,Avenida Balboa是市內的主要大道,一面 是太平洋海岸線的天然美景,另一面則是摩天大樓林立的石屎森林, 感覺跟香港十分相似。

The rotund woman with the moon-beam face draws me to her colourful food cart by shouting, “Gringo, gringo”. She playfully flirts with me, hoping I’ll purchase one of the “hotdog y chingas” cooking on her greasy grill. I’m tempted, but heck, it’s only 6:30 in the a.m. “Apparently the hot dog is the breakfast food of Panama,” at least that is what my guide Ernesto tells me. It’s early, but the streets of Panama’s handsome capital, Panama City, are already alive with people and traffic. Down the street, the Policia Nacional have set up a speed trap and their patrol truck is packed with handcuffed traffic violators about to be carted off to jail. They take running red lights seriously in this town. A convoy of diesel-belching school buses decorated with Christmas presents suddenly appear on the horizon. “The buses are public transportation for most of our citizens,” says Ernesto. “All the buses here are privately owned and the drivers are locally known as the Red Devils because they cause so many accidents.” There seems to be a surprise around every corner in this vibrant Latin American capital where the Atlantic and Pacific oceans are linked by the Panama Canal.

巴拿馬城是巴拿馬首都,大廈林立的天際線跟香港 十分相似,是美洲發展步伐最快的地方之一。 A panoramic view of Panama City.





trAvel 老城區充滿雅致的殖民地式房屋及公園。 The Old Town is filled with lots of lovely colonial homes and gardens.


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老城區已被列入為UNESCO世界遺產, 圖中是區內部分歷史建築。 More historic buildings from the Old Town, which has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

“Let’s get to the canal before too many tourists arrive,” says Ernesto while devouring the last of his hotdog. “A day without a hotdog y chingas is not a good day,” he says as we speed along the Avenida Balboa, the city’s handsome main thoroughfare that’s lined on one side by a pristine Pacific coastline and on the other by a forest of glass and steel towers that make this vertical city look a lot like Hong Kong. “Our population has really grown in the last 10 years thanks to the influx of (retired) Canadians and Americans,” says the guide as the modern skyline gives way to a grouping of colonial-style buildings painted in pretty pastel colours. “That’s Casco Antiguo (the Old Town) and some of the buildings date back to when the Spanish first arrived in the 16th century,” says Ernesto. One street on the edge of the Old Town stands out from all the rest—surprisingly, the signs in front of the restaurants and shops all have Chinese lettering. “We have one of the biggest Chinatowns anywhere. Chinese labourers were brought to Panama to help build the canal and they never left,” says Ernesto, quickly adding, “once you’ve lived in paradise, you never leave.” There are more than 160,000 Chinese living in Panama City, which offers one of the most diverse populations in the world, thanks primarily to the canal’s international draw. That’s given Panama City a unique culinary and entertainment scene that’s the envy of its Latin American neighbours.

「由於很多加國人及美國人在退休後移居巴拿馬,我們的人口在 過去10年持續上升。」導遊Ernesto如是說。我們身後是一群色彩淡 雅、充滿殖民地特色的建築物。「這裡是Casco Antiguo(老城區),部 分建築物是西班牙人於16世紀首次踏足巴拿馬時興建的。」 老城區邊緣的其中一條街十分搶眼,因為出奇地所有餐廳及店舖 門外都掛上中文招牌。「我們擁有全世界其中一個最大的唐人街。當年 很多中國勞工被帶到這裡興建運河,之後更在此落地生根。活在人間 天堂,試問有誰捨得離開?」 巴拿馬城有超過16萬華人,運河吸引了世界各地的人前來定居, 使它成為全球人口最多元化的地方之一,從而衍生出獨一無二的飲食 及娛樂文化,令其他拉丁美洲鄰國十分「眼紅」。 終於,我們抵達運河並攀上瞭望台的頂層,鳥瞰這人工興建的 奇蹟,當然要找個好位置欣賞大型船隻如何進入這狹窄的河道—距離 兩大洋最短的距離。運河是巴拿馬人的驕傲,亦是國家最大的收入來 源。自1999年美國把這條全長80公里的人工運河主權移交巴拿馬政府 後,以每艘船需繳交平均14萬元的通行費來計算,當地政府收取的通 行費已達數億元。政府把這些款項用於興建學校、醫院及大型基建工 程,令巴拿馬成為拉丁美洲發展步伐最快的國家。 巴拿馬亦是外國銀行及保險公司的主要樞紐,不少美國人更特意 前往當地進行手術,手術費用相宜外,當地醫院的醫療技術亦數一數 二。 運河工人Judith Rios這樣說:「這條運河不僅只有海水、船隻及 鋼閘,更是我們國家的命脈。向全世界展示出只要巴拿馬人願意付出 心思及努力,甚麼都難不倒我們。」 遊客中心內的博物館記錄了運河興建時不同階段的歷史,以及 建造初期法國及美國工人的辛酸事跡。當中的互動展覽解構了運河背 後巧妙的設計。其中最受歡迎的展覽是一隻足足有棒球手套般大的昆 蟲,這是工程期間,工人於沼澤及森林時需要對付的昆蟲。

When we finally reach the canal, we climb to the top of the observation tower that overlooks the man-made wonder and jockey for position as a giant ship enters the narrow channel that is the shortest distance between the world’s two major oceans. The Panama Canal is a symbol of great national pride for Panamanians and a major source of income for the country. Since the United States turned management of the 80km wonder over to Panama in 1999, the country has collected billions of dollars in tolls from shippers. Those funds—it costs ships an average of $140,000 each to pass through the canal—are used to fund schools, hospitals and major infrastructure projects, making Panama one of the most progressive countries in Latin America. The country is also a major hub for foreign banks and insurance companies, and many Americans come to Panama City for inexpensive surgical procedures—the hospitals here have few equals. Judith Rios, a worker at the canal says that “this canal is not just water and ships and steel gates, it’s the lifeblood of my country. It showcases to the world what Panamanians can do when they put their minds and backs to it.” A museum inside the visitors’ centre chronicles the different building stages of the canal and the hardships endured first by the French and then by American workers. It employs interactive exhibits to explain the ingenuity behind the canal. One of the most popular displays is the one with giant bugs, like cockroaches the size of a baseball glove, that workers had to contend with in the swamps and jungles during the canal’s construction. On our way back to the Old Town, we pass many high-end designer shops. Ernesto tells me Panama has become the shopping mecca of Latin America. “The ships bring lots of duty-free goods to Panama City, so you can buy Gucci, Prada, Chanel and all the other major brands for a fraction of what you’ll pay in Miami and New York.” Walking the narrow streets of the Old Town is like stepping back in time. The balconies of the homes and shops in this area are decorated with artistic wrought-iron railings, and many of the colonial buildings have been transformed into chic boutique hotels and restaurants. When we reach the Iglesia of San Jose on Avenida A (Church of the Golden Altar), I am told that this is one of Panama’s most treasured landmarks. ELITEGEN




trAvel 巴拿馬城有很多美麗的公園,園內可欣賞到各種熱帶植物及偉人的雕像。 Panama City features many handsome parks filled with lots of tropical plants and statues of past heroes.

巴拿馬城的老城區充滿殖民地色彩,穿上傳統服飾的本地人喜歡跟遊客聊天。 Panama City’s Old Town is a colonial paradise, where locals in traditional dress like to mingle with the tourists.

返回老城區途中,我們經過很多設計師名店,Ernesto說巴拿馬 已成為拉丁美洲的購物聖地。「船隻把大量免稅商品帶到巴拿馬城,你 可以在這裡買到Gucci、Prada、Chanel及其他知名品牌,售價更比邁 阿密及紐約便宜一大截。」 穿梭於老城的橫街窄巷,感覺有如時光倒流。房子及商店的陽 台都飾以別緻的鑄鐵欄杆,區內很多殖民地式建築都已改建為時尚的 精品酒店及餐廳。而位於Avenida A街上的聖荷西教堂(Iglesia of San Jose),以其黃金聖壇聞名,是巴拿馬最珍貴的地標之一。 踏入教堂之際,目光立即被刻有天使及聖像的黃金聖壇吸引,實 在美得令人屏息。Ernesto娓娓道來教堂的歷史:「老城區於300年前 被英國海盜Henry Morgan洗劫一空,他所經過之處盡被燒毀。一名祭 師為了保護黃金聖壇,在聖壇上塗抹黑色瀝青來掩蓋它的價值,才讓 這瑰寶幸保不失。」 由於老城區已被列入為UNESCO世界遺產,當地政府著力修飾區 內的歷史建築物,因此不難發現位於教堂附近、座落Avenida A及一 些橫街的建築物外面都搭有建築棚架。 此際,見到面前走過兩位穿上傳統服飾的原住民女性,令人一下 子回想起巴拿馬的古老過去。巴拿馬共有11個原始部落,很多都已移 居到城市生活。而其他的部族仍大多沿巴拿馬運河流域中的湖泊及河 流居住。 街上到處可見人民聚集於公園及廣場閒聊,享受明媚的熱帶氣 候。Bolivar廣場是老城區最美麗的廣場之一,它以南美獨立運動領袖 Simon Bolivar命名。Bolivar被稱為El Libertador(解放者),他帶領拉 丁美洲國家脫離西班牙的統治,因此在當地備受尊崇。


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As I enter the church, my eyes are immediately drawn to an ornate golden altar carved with angels and saints. It’s absolutely breathtaking. Says Ernesto: “When the English pirate Henry Morgan attacked the Old Town 300 years ago and was burning and looting everything in sight, a priest covered the Golden Altar in black tar to hide its real value from the pirate. So Morgan left without our city’s greatest treasure.” Around the church many of the historic buildings along Avenida A and the side streets are covered in scaffolding. Since Casco Antiguo was given UNESCO World Heritage Site status, Panama has been sprucing up much of its historic structures. Suddenly, a reminder of Panama’s ancient past is blocking our route—we’ve come upon two native women dressed in traditional garb who are out for a walk. “There are 11 native tribes in Panama,” says Ernesto, “and many of the native people have moved into the city.” Many others, though, live along the lakes and rivers created within the Panama Canal system. Everywhere I look, there are parks and squares where people gather to engage in casual conversation or to enjoy the tropical splendour. One of the loveliest squares in the Old Town is Plaza Bolivar, named after the South American leader Simon Bolivar. Better known as El Libertador (The Liberator), Bolivar is revered here because he secured Latin America’s independence from Spain. Because of its stable government and new-found wealth, many five-star resorts have cropped up in recent years with championship golf courses and condo residents surrounding them. One of the most impressive is the recently completed Santa Maria Golf and Country Club, located halfway between Panama City and Tocumen International Airport. Stunning seems such an inadequate word to describe this breathtaking resort complex, where you get remarkable views of Panama City’s dramatic skyline from almost every tee.

運河於太平洋一側的巨型河閘。 A view of the massive locks from the Pacific side of the Panama Canal.

政局穩定,加上從運河而來的豐富收入,近年巴拿馬興建了愈來 愈多附高爾夫球場的五星度假酒店及高級住宅大廈。當中有最近落成 的Santa Maria Golf and Country Club,它位處巴拿馬城和Tocumen 國際機場中間,高球場上幾乎每一個洞都可以欣賞到巴拿馬城的無敵 天際線,景色之美絕非筆墨可以形容。 Santa Maria盡顯現今巴拿馬的繁榮富庶。不過,相比起其他度假 勝地如邁阿密,這裡的樓價相宜得多。Ernesto說:「巴拿馬城的柏文 售價平均為14萬元。」 巴拿馬最吸引人的地方,是這一分鐘你可以在巴拿馬城被繁囂的 石屎森林包圍,下一分鐘便可置身熱帶森林之中。在到訪Summit Golf Club and Resort時便有如此感受,這間Radisson集團旗下的度假酒店 位處懸崖之上,可俯瞰翠綠的高爾夫球場,同時可眺望巴拿馬城及運 河美景以及附近的自然生態。 最令我印象深刻的是JW Marriott Resort,它位於巴拿馬城外的 Rio Hato。當中的Buenaventura高爾夫球場由名師Jack Nicklaus設 計,這更是他其中一個最得意之作。The Sheraton Bijao Beach Club Santa Clara及全新開幕的Vista Mar Resort亦同樣值得推介,難怪巴拿 馬已迅速成為拉丁美洲最熱門的度假勝地。 巴拿馬亦逐漸趕上哥斯達黎加及貝里斯,成為生態旅遊的勝 地。距離巴拿馬城僅短短車程的Baru火山國家公園,亮點當然是雄 偉的火山。喜歡水底探險的朋友則可前往位於Bocas del Toro群島的 Bastimentos Island國家海洋公園,亦可於Zapatillas Cays島上潛水。 到訪這個美麗的拉丁美洲國家,別忘了戴上經典的巴拿馬帽,因為你 會不住地將帽子微微向前傾,向巴拿馬的美致敬。


Santa Maria certainly reflects Panama’s new-found prosperity. However, unlike Miami, the condos and residents here are very affordable. “Condo prices in Panama City average about $140,000,” says Ernesto. The remarkable thing about Panama is that you can be standing in a forest of highrise towers in Panama City one minute and in a tropical forest the next. That’s what I experience when I visit the Summit Golf Club and Resort, where I check into a stunning Radisson Hotel perched high on a cliff overlooking the course that affords guests stunning views of the city, canal and surrounding wilderness. For my money, though, the most impressive hotel in Panama is the JW Marriott Resort in Rio Hato, just outside Panama City. The Buenaventura Golf Club there was designed by non other than the legendary Jack Nicklaus; it’s one of his best efforts. The Sheraton Bijao Beach Club Santa Clara and the newly-opened Vista Mar Resort are other stunning examples of why Panama is quickly becoming the hottest destination in Latin America. Panama is also challenging Costa Rica and Belize as a desired destination for eco-tourists. Tropical adventures can be experienced a short drive from Panama City in places like Baru Volcano National Park, home to a spectacular volcano. Underwater adventurers can get their fix in Bastimentos Island National Marine Park in the Bocas del Toro archipelago and the Zapatillas Cays offers scuba buffs some challenging dives. The legendary Panama Hat is required dress in this Latin American beauty and it’s easy to see why—you’ll be tipping your hat a lot in gratitude for what this country has to offer.

For more information, visit www.toureast.com.





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Meet the next generation of Acura

以製造精準工藝汽車和SUV聞名的Acura,於過去30多年來在加拿大聲譽日 隆。 Acura是本田汽車公司旗下的豪華汽車品牌,也是第一個引進北美的日本豪 華品牌。自1987年首次亮相以來,Acura以一絲不苟、重視細節的嚴謹要求而傲 視同儕,製造出性能超卓,極度舒適和可靠的汽車而贏盡口碑。 作為豪華汽車市場的領導者,Acura不但在科技和安全的創新方面一直領 先,更將源自其超級跑車如頂級NSX的刺激感注進旗下車輛。 只要看全新的A-Spec跑車外觀套件便可體驗這刺激感。所有Acura的核心車 款,即MDX、RDX、TLX和ILX均可選置。 且看MDX這款中型豪華3排座位的跨界SUV,它被加拿大汽車專業記者協會 (AJAC)選為2018年度最佳豪華多功能車。而2019年款的MDX更加添了多項增強 功能的設備,包括可配置專為Acura超級四輪驅動自由控制系統(SH-AWD)而設的 全新A-Spec套件 。 全新A-Spec套件的主要特色在於擁有獨特的A-Spec 20吋鋁合金輪圈和配搭 低扁平比265/45系列輪胎。其他亮點包括有霸氣的車頭飾板,與車身同樣顏色的 門邊,和巨大圓形的排氣喉嘴。外觀方面,A-Spec套件的車頭大燈周圍、進氣格 柵、車窗四周及後擋板和擾流板使用亮黑和深色的鍍鉻裝飾,別具一格。 A-Spec的跑車型座椅採用紅色或黑色皮革,配上觸感良好的高檔Alcantara材 質,縫線顏色對比分明,加上獨特的儀錶裝置和跑車型不鏽鋼踏板。同時還包括 採用觸感軟軟的Alcantara車門裝飾、有獨特標誌及帶有換檔撥片的方向盤和獨特 的A-Spec門邊。 而於RDX、TLX和ILX車款選置A-Spec套件所得的效果與MDX的大致相同, 從外至內看起來都更大膽和更具跑車感。 Acura所有核心車款皆可配置全新的A-Spec外觀套件,把豪華、精準的工 藝,卓越性能和激情設計結合起來,將Acura帶進新的境界。

For more than three decades, Acura has been growing its reputation in Canada for building precision-crafted cars and SUVs. As the luxury division of the Honda Motor Company, Acura was the first Japanese luxury brand introduced into North America. And since its debut in 1987, Acura has never looked back. In fact, Acura prides itself in building vehicles with exhilarating performance, unmatched attention to detail and exceptional comfort and reliability. As a leader in the luxury market, Acura has been at the forefront of technological and safety innovations over the years. But more than that, Acura has built a sense of excitement into their vehicles with DNA derived from supercars like Acura’s range-topping NSX sports car. To get an idea of this, one need look no further than the new A-Spec sport appearance packages, now offered on all of Acura’s core models— MDX, RDX, TLX and ILX. Let’s take a look at the MDX, a mid-size luxury three-row crossover SUV that was voted Best Premium Utility Vehicle in 2018 by the Automobile Journalists Association of Canada (AJAC). For 2019, the MDX adds to an already winning formula with a number of enhancements including the new A-Spec package available exclusively with Acura’s Super-Handling All-Wheel Drive (SH-AWD). Key features include unique A-Spec 20-inch aluminum alloy wheels clad with lowprofile 265/45 series tires. Other highlights include an aggressive-looking front fascia, body-colour lower sills and larger diameter exhaust finishers. Outside, the A-Spec variant also gets gloss black and dark chrome trim around the headlights, grille, window surround and rear tailgate spoiler. Inside is distinguished with sport seats that are trimmed in red or black leather with black Alcantara inserts, contrasting stitching and gauges and sport pedals that are unique to A-Spec. The A-Spec interior on the MDX also gets Alcantara door inserts, a special badged steering wheel with paddle shifters and unique A-Spec door sills. The RDX, TLX and ILX get similar treatments with their A-Spec packages that create a bolder, sportier appearance both inside and out. All this adds up to a lineup of vehicles under the Acura brand that combine luxury, precision-craftsmanship, performance and design excitement when you factor in the new A-Spec appearance packages, available on all core models.



High performance Exclusivity is the name of the game with BMW’s Alpina B6 Gran Coupe Story | Lorne Drury (Metroland Media) 對於喜歡「只此一家」的人來說,2019年款的 Alpina B6就是不二之選。這款Alpina B6豪華四門 轎跑車Gran Coupe源自寶馬六系,擁有流線型下 滑的車頂,線條優美獨特。 Alpina B6的產量比寶馬M系的車款更少,可說 是專為鍾情於限量版、高性能四門房車和享受一枝 獨秀的愛車人士而設。 性能超卓就是Alpina B6與別不同之處,和六 系的分別主要在於配備了強勁的4.4公升V8雙渦輪 增壓引擎,能迸發出600匹馬力和590磅/呎的扭 力,同時搭載先進的八速自動波箱,把動力分配到 所有四個車輪,讓這輛車在動力表現方面無可挑 剔。 任何熟悉寶馬的人都知道其M系車款是在以性 能主導的M系廠房內生產。既然M6已經在六系的陣 容內,為什麼還會有B6呢?而Alpine這名字又從何 而來? 簡而言之,M6與B6的分別就在於兩者的驅動 模式—M6是後輪驅動,而B6則採用寶馬的xDrive 全輪驅動系統,最適合加拿大這個難以預測的冬季 天氣。


For anyone who values exclusivity, it doesn’t get much better than the 2019 Alpina B6. Based on BMW’s 6 Series, the Alpina B6 is called a Gran Coupe, a luxury four-door sedan with a sloping, coupe-like roofline. Produced in even lower volume numbers than BMW M series models, the Alpina B6 might be just the vehicle for the customer who wants a limited-edition, highperformance sedan that will stand out from the crowd. Performance is the key word here. This limitedproduction variant of the 6 Series boasts a twin-turbo, 4.4-litre V8 engine that kicks out 600 horsepower and a whopping 590 lb/ft of torque. It’s mated with an eightspeed automatic transmission and power is distributed to all four wheels. Anyone familiar with BMW will know all about its M models, produced in-house at the performance-oriented M division. So, with an M6 already on the 6 Series lineup sheet, why a B6 as well and where does this Alpina name come from? In short, the difference between the M6 and B6 is the drive modes—M6 is rear-wheel drive, while the B6 has BMW’s xDrive all-wheel drive system, making it a perfect fit for Canada and its unpredictable winter weather.

而Alpina是獨家品牌的高性能汽車,它與寶 馬合作,採用六系Gran Coupes並把它們改裝成 Alpina的模樣。B6的車身在寶馬車廠製造,然後由 位於德國Buchloe的Alpina以人手精心製作完成。

Now to Alpina, which is a high-performance, exclusive automotive brand unto itself that partners with BMW and takes 6 Series Gran Coupes and transforms them into the Alpina mold. The B6 body is manufactured in the BMW factory and then hand-finished by Alpina in Buchloe, Germany.

根據寶馬車廠的介紹,Alpina B6巧妙地採用 了寶馬六系Gran Coupe的精粹部分,配合Alpina的 優質設計和開發的機械工程,可謂相得益彰。

According to BMW, the Alpina B6 has “subtle BMW enhancements adopted from the 6 Series Gran Coupe and benefits further from design and engineering developments made by Alpina.”

單以顏色而論,我們試駕的轎跑車外表與別不 同,噴上了獨特的冷冽金屬黃銅色(價值2,000元), 而車內則選用吸睛的象牙白高級Nappa皮革裝飾。

Based on its colour scheme alone, our test vehicle had a distinctive look, painted a unique Frozen Bronze Metallic ($2,000) on the exterior, with an eye-catching Ivory White Extended Nappa Leather interior.

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B6售價由103,900元起,選置Alpina套件需另加34,500 元,而添置Alpina行政套件得再加9,700元。單項選置有價值 1,000元的輔助駕駛加強系統(Driving Assistant Plus) 、具偵 測行人功能的夜視鏡頭(價值2,500元) ,以及優質的Bang & Olufsen音響系統(價值4,900元) 。這些添置項目加起來,把 測試的座駕價格提升至158,500元,另外還要加上2,245元的 到岸費。 Alpina套件包括有型的20吋多輻條輪圈,配以高性能非 防爆輪胎,中心鑲上奪目的Alpina徽章。而六系Gran Coupe 的前擾流板更刻上其名字「Alpina」,凸顯其非凡的設計。可 能有人會覺得這裝飾華而不實,但它就是增加了這車的吸引 力。

Starting at $103,900, the Alpina Package adds $34,500 and the Alpina Executive Package tacks on an additional $9,700 to the list price. Stand-alone options like Driving Assistant Plus ($1,000), Night Vision with Pedestrian Detection ($2,500) and a Bang and Olufsen sound system ($4,900) took the as-tested price to $158,500, plus $2,245 in destination charges. Included in the Alpina package are gorgeous 20-inch, multispoke wheels with performance non-run-flat tires and an eyecatching Alpina badge in the centre. There’s no mistaking this for the Alpina variant of the 6 Series Gran Coupe with the Alpina name on the front spoiler. One might think this would be gaudy, but it simply adds to the allure of the vehicle.

除了有陶瓷裝飾控制裝置、Sirius衛星電台、皮革儀錶 板、縫線顏色對比強烈的舒適座椅、車胎氣壓監察器和應變 式駕駛系統之外,這套件還包括多個Alpina的特別設計。

There are other Alpina-specific design cues included in the package in addition to ceramic controls, Sirius satellite radio, a leather instrument panel, comfort seats up front with contrasting stitching, tire pressure monitor and adaptive drive.

而行政套件包括添加緩關門設備、兩邊和後面遮陽簾、 通風座椅、平視顯示器、環視鏡頭等等。我們測試的B6選 置了Bang & Olufsen音響系統,取代標準裝置的Harmon Kardon環迴音響系統。

The Executive Package adds soft-close doors, side and rear sunshades, ventilated seats, head-up display, surround-view camera and other features. The optional Bang & Olufsen sound system on our tester replaced the standard Harmon Kardon surround-sound system.

你一定會認為以這個偏高的售價,Alpina B6應該有齊所 有的豪華設施和高科技的功能。它確不負所望,車內裝飾奢 華、舒適和非常吸引。

Needless to say, the Alpina B6 has all the luxury and technology features one would expect in this price range. The interior is sumptuous, comfortable and oh so inviting.

擁有600匹馬力的Alpina B6,用盡全力從零加速至時速 100公里,所需的時間在4秒之內。但它似是一般在路上行 駛的汽車多於像賽道上的耀星。你可能會以為這樣強勁的汽 車,在車內一定會聽到很巨大的聲浪,然而車廂隔音很好, 車內很寧靜。 這輛車的駕駛質量簡直一流,部分原因是其懸掛系統由 Alpina調校。駕駛者可以選擇四個駕駛模式,感受不同模式 在駕駛、操控和性能方面的獨特表現。 車廂座位舒適,前排座椅有16向調校,並有很多空間。 雖然後排座椅的頭頂空間由於車頂線下滑而收窄,但仍真正 用得著,因此Alpina B6是可作為日常使用的汽車。 對於喜歡高性能、外型似雙門跑車而實際是豪華家庭轎 車的人士來說,Alpina B6絕對符合要求。而對於重視「物以 罕為貴」的人來說,這車與寶馬陣容的一樣好。

With an engine putting out 600 horsepower, one would expect cabin noise to be considerable, but that’s not the case with the Alpina B6. In fact, cabin occupants are well insulated from outside intrusions. Even with all the power and a 0-100 km/h acceleration time in the four-second range, the B6 Alpina is more of a road cruiser than a track star. The ride quality is excellent, thanks in part to the Alpina-tuned suspension. The operator can choose between four driving modes, all of which give the car a different feel when it comes to ride, handling and performance. The front seats are 16-way adjustable with loads of room. Rearseat headroom is compromised by the sloping roofline, but this is a real back seat folks and is more than usable, making the B6 Alpina an everyday vehicle. For anyone who loves a high-performance, luxury family sedan with a coupe-like look, the B6 Alpina certainly fits the bill. And for those who value exclusivity, this is as good as it gets in the BMW lineup.

寶馬2019年款Alpina B6 xDrive Gran Coupe一覽

BMW Alpina B6 xDrive Gran Coupe 2019 at a glance:

車身款式:豪華四門轎車 驅動方式:前置引擎,xDrive全輪驅動 引擎:4.4公升V8雙渦輪增壓引擎(600匹馬力,590磅/呎扭 力),配搭8速自動波箱 行李箱容量:396公升 耗油量:14.7/9.6 L/100公里 市內/高速公路 優點:這款車相當獨有,不會在路上看到很多這款車行走 缺點:這車沒有什麼缺點 誘人之處:M6和B6非常相似,但因為B6是全輪驅動,所以我 們投了它一票 價格:103,900元,用作測試的車售158,500元,另加$2,245 元到岸費

BODY STYLE: four-door luxury sedan DRIVE METHOD: front engine, xDrive all-wheel drive ENGINE: twin-turbo, 4.4-litre V8 engine (600 hp, 590 lb/ft of torque) with an eight-speed automatic transmission CARGO: 396 litres FUEL ECONOMY: 14.7/9.6 L/100 km city/highway WHAT’S BEST: This is a very exclusive vehicle; you won’t find many others like it on the road WHAT’S WORST: Not much to find wrong with this car WHAT’S INTERESTING: The M6 and B6 are very similar vehicles, but the B6 gets our nod because of its all-wheel-drive system PRICE: $103,900; as tested $158,500, plus $2,245 destination charge bmw.ca







Great things come in small packages The Sony HX99 is the world’s tiniest broad zoom-range digital camera Story & photography | Ringo Chan

看到湖中亭台樓閣柱樑的細節位,便知遠攝效果驚人。 Notice the ornamental detail of the zoomed image (right) from the original circled above.





今時今日,還有人要買個子小小的數 碼相機嗎? 看到Sony HX99的ZEISS VarioSonnar T鏡頭變焦範圍由24-720mm而只 有102x58x35mm大小,是全球體積最小的 高倍變焦數碼相機,能夠一鏡走天涯卻又 不會有重量及體積負累,或許會改觀。 要知道720mm的遠攝功能和效果,大 可看看這裡的示範圖片,便知其遠攝的「震 撼力」。更讓人驚訝的是相機的防震系統, 在光線充足於超長距情況下拍攝的影像沒 有抖震,成象比想象清晰得多。 HX99採用具1,820萬有效像素的 Exmor RTM CMOS感應器,尺寸是1/2.3 吋,對焦時間是0.09秒、連拍速度每秒10 張、緩衝拍攝達155張。4K拍片,相機聲 稱能收集多1.6倍data,能令影像減少摩爾 紋及鋸齒,解像度更出色。全新的BIONZ X影像處理系統加持,拍照及拍片均操作流 暢。 即使相隔百碼以上,也能清楚顯示旗幟上的人像。 Even from hundreds of yards away, you can see the detail of the red banners below.

So you think mini-digital cameras are irrelevent in this day and age? The Sony HX99 may change your mind. This camera, measuring only 102x58x35mms, has a Zeiss Vario-Sonnar 24-720mm zoom lens. It claims to be the world’s smallest compact camera that offers a broad-range zoom, making it a very handy device to carry around. Judge for yourself how well it works through the demo pics on these pages. The SteadyShot system for compensating camera vibration is a pleasant surprise. It delivers clearer-than-expected pictures with shake reduction, even at high zoom range in decent lighting. The HX99 is fitted with the 1/2.3 type Exmor RTM CMOS sensor with 18.2 megapixel resolution. The fast intelligent autofocus offers a very quick 0.09-second response. High-speed continuous shooting delivers 10 frames per second and is able to shoot up to 155 continuous images. Video recording can record about 1.6 times as much information as required for 4K video output, in superior resolution with reduced moiré and jaggies. Together with the new BIONZ X image-processing system, shooting pictures or videos are smooth operations.






在陽光充沛下看相機的LCD屏幕是苦事,難得HX99在如此袖珍身段 仍然加入內置可伸縮對比度達638,400點的OLED Tru-Finder觀景器。還 在薄薄機身加設手柄,提供相當舒適的握機手感和穩定度。 有待改進的,是F3.5-6.4的光圈有點不夠,微距能力也未發揮 得好。

Viewing LCDs in bright light is usually a challenge. However, the HX99, despite its compact size, has a retractable built-in, high-contrast OLED Tru-Finder with about 638,400 dots, as well as an upgraded grip to offer a firm hold and stability. Having said all that, the aperture range of F3.5-6.4 is a bit limiting, and the micro shots have some room for improvement. But in all, this tiny camera is still a marvel of photo tech.





$599.99 sony.ca

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La Différence Time Centre #大偉表行 has moved to #downtownMarkham! We can’t believe it’s been 40 years since they started selling Rolex watches. Congratulations on yet another milestone! #newaddress #勞力士

Last November, select media were treated to a sustainable seafood feast @boehmerto. In celebration of #OceanWise month, the menu included roasted Arctic char and pan-seared pickerel. Partner restaurants also included @omaw.ca and @momofukutoronto, and program ambassador Ned Bell flew in from Vancouver to add his signature West Coast influence. Pictured (L to R) are chefs Hans Vogels, David Schwartz, Paul Boehmer, Josef Larita and Ned Bell. #海鮮節

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Escada’s pre-spring 2019 collection is bloom-tiful! Did you know it was designed by Toronto artist @kauragulshani? It’s eye-opening to see the original painting and how the art has been transformed into garments. Love those bright blooms —guaranteed to brighten up a wintry day. #flowerpower #花花世界

Have you seen champagne sabrage in real life? Now that St. Regis Toronto is open, you can see the performance every day at 5 p.m. @louixlouis on the 31st floor. It’s one of several signature rituals at the luxury hotel. The Bloody Mary is another one—said to have been invented in St. Regis New York’s King Cole Bar in 1934. #neweraofglamour #瑞吉酒店 ELITEGEN




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