Oct 2018 EliteGen Calgary

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October 2018 Vol. 38 Calgary

Calgary OCTOBER 2018


Ali Lee 追夢之路

thanks her lucky stars 天地任我行

What do

Bugs Bunny and Elton John have in


《我的超豪男友》 大宅設計師

The house that Crazy Rich Asians built 太陽底下

Men in shades: elitegen.ca

Sunglasses for all seasons CAN$4.99

A sing tao puBliCATiOn

Lupita Nyong’o

+ Saoirse



talk scents and the women they admire

A sing tao publicAtion

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 佩嘉露 Carol Peddie 總裁 President 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A Vernon 副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief 胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 加東版 Canada East Editor 徐少玲 Iris Chui 加西版 Canada West Editor 張萬青 Katherine Cheung 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編輯部 Editorial enquiries editorial@singtao.ca / 604-321-1111

參與 Contributors Marc Atchison, Simon Boucher-Harris, Grace Chan, Lorne Drury, Kenson Ho, Wah Sum Lung, Zoe Mak, Crystal Ng, Kevin Rolston, Shuk Wa Tsang, Carola Vyhnak, Emilia Ku Yazar, Clarice Yik, Iris Yim

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan

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出版 Publishing Sing Tao Daily Limited, a division of Toronto Star Media Group 星島日報,多倫多星報傳媒集團轄下機構

星尚歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 星尚每年出版九期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 9 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 930-55 Avenue NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 6Y4

publisher’s letter


Fall pursuits


he mercury may be dropping, but the social scene is just about to heat up. This month’s eliteGen is full of inspiration to let you standout this Fall.

綠葉快將換上彩衣,社交圈亦感染了斑斕色彩,不同 的只是後者正值升溫。今期《eliteGen》奉上漫天靈感,讓 你成為萬綠叢中的一點紅。     每年到了這個時間,都會打開衣櫃,為迎接佳節擬訂 時尚攻略,小黑裙是一眾派對動物必會入手的衣著之一。 今期時裝專題帶大家回到二十年代,Coco Chanel的Ford  dress初登場,迅即成為當時高品味女性的「制服」 ;去到五 十年代,Dior象徵反叛的“New Look”成為一個新主流;十 年一變,六十年代又因為Audrey Hepburn在《珠光寶氣》中 的Givenchy裙子而變為經典。今季的小黑裙,則換上奪目 的珠片及打破常規的層次,詳情可細閱今期「個性小黑裙」 一文。     另一潮人必入之物,就是轉季必備的乾濕褸。除了經 典的杏色格仔,今季不乏鮮色及雜色,內文將示範如何演 繹出個人風格。     部分人可能正忙著安排假日避寒之旅,拿起雪橇去到 貓王當年學滑雪之地-瑞士小鎮Andermatt,入住高山中 時尚與亞洲風結合的五星級酒店。想於瑞士雪山嚐一口中 式點心?完全沒難度。若還是比較想去一個氣候和暖之 地,不妨參考我今期介紹的加勒比隱世桃源,在Riviera  Maya森林內一嚐青蔥式豪華的滋味。若看過兩篇文章後 覺得難以取捨?我誠懇地建議-「兩個都去!」     無論十月份你會身在何處,我們也希望今期eliteGen 能為你帶來靈感。

For instance, take the party staple—the little black dress. When Coco Chanel presented her “Ford” dress in the 1920s, it was regarded as a uniform for women of taste. Then, in the late 1940s, it evolved into a symbol of rebellion with Dior’s “New Look”. Its connotation came full circle a decade and a half later when Audrey Hepburn sported that iconic Givenchy number in the film Breakfast at Tiffany’s. This season, the LBD is updated, revealing more skin, daring pleating and sparkly embellishments, as seen in our “Naughty Little Black Dress” story. Another must-have during this transitional season is the trench coat. New silhouettes are emerging, and we show you how to style them. Now is also the time to finalize plans for your winter getaway. Snow bunnies will delight in the five deluxe hotel finds around the Swiss Alps, including a stupa on the slopes that merges Alpine chic with Asian expression. For those who prefer to escape to somewhere warm, let me take you to a hidden gem in the Riviera Maya jungle where luxury is as lush as the greenery. Torn between a skiing holiday and a tropical paradise getaway? Now that’s a good dilemma to have. Wherever the month of October may take you, we hope this issue of eliteGen will inspire. Sincerely,

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher

facebook.com/LeslieYip Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911


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eliteGen 24 18


46 up front 4 團隊 Masthead

fashion: women 32 潮流特區 neWs: Fendi, bottega, lv plus: Fairy tale chic, trendy transeasonal and in the bag

celebrity 12 dress code: on the red carpet

fashion: men 42 體面男生 spot light on gucci, eyeWear For all seasons and sneaker pigs

6 出版人的話 publisher's letter

18 封面故事 李佳芯 追夢之路 cover girl: ali lee

timepieces 24 黑 • 金起義 Watch out: black gold, herMÈs and dubuis


jewellery 28 屏風傳奇 at hoMe With coco chanel

beauty & scents 52 bioderMa, elizabeth arden 54 重塑嫩肌 the science oF skincare


Joséphine Collection


07/09/2018 10:47



56 星味 the it girls oF calvin klein's latest Fragrance


lifestyle 58 活得精彩 live grand With grand Marnier 60 葡萄成熟時 Wine not: the Mercedes oF vineyards, hainle Wines

64 基洛納葡萄酒區的精選餐廳 WaterFront Wines restaurant 68 西海岸靈感 West coast inspiration 72《我的超豪男友》大宅設計師 architecture: the house that crazy rich asians built


76 森林中的世外桃源 travel: blue diaMond riviera Maya


82 豪遊瑞士 travel: sWiss deluxe hotels automobiles 88 張志德的汽車代理王國 the grandMaster oF Motorcars 92 王者風範 Mercedes-benz sl 63 tech 96 sony and garMin society 98 the party circuit

in the car museum story of our september issue, germany's Motown, we omitted the byline of Marc atchison from travelife magazine. elitegen regrets the error.


皮膚的本質 激發BIODERMA研製 首支含Micelle膠束科技 的深層卸妝潔膚水

根據加拿大 全國統計

無比超高徹底潔膚 及卸妝除污能力 高度耐受性,適合敏感肌膚 Sensibio H2O之獨特Micelle膠束科技 潔膚配方,與皮膚天然結構非常相近, 能提供超卓的徹底潔淨及卸妝功效。 水溶分子溶解表面油脂污垢,配合 油溶分子吸走毛孔殘留物,促進 Sensibio H2O之絕佳耐受性。 肌膚經徹底潔淨,感覺紓緩舒適, 並且功效持久。

不含防腐劑•不含香精 低致敏•不含酒精



Dress coDe

Lily Lee 自小已經是時裝精,曾修讀時裝設計,並夢想成為時裝設計師,致力宣揚 「飯可以不吃,衣服不可以不買」 的精神。 近年由藝人轉型為Fashionista,在網上撰寫時裝專欄,同時身兼網上節目 《谷乜Trend》監製及主持,分享時尚及美容資訊。 Born with an eye for fashion and style, becoming a fashion designer was always Lee's dream. Now that she’s a fashionista, not only does she have her own styling blog, she also directs and hosts the reality show Music Live Valley, where fashion and beauty trends are explored.


懷舊有型 In rewInd

復古高貴 Ball, anyone?

性感之作 Super Sexy




Paisley Wu

Shu Qi

Gaile Lok

即使是同一襲長裙,不同的穿著方式和配襯,效果 可以差天共地。胡蓓蔚以開胸造型穿這Vetements長 裙,有型自在,配上七十年代感覺的Pushbutton木 底靴,更覺特別。

這珊瑚粉紅色晚裝裙,顏色本已不易駕馭,胸口的 半圓形設計也顯得膊位較橫,幸好穿的是富壓場感 的舒淇,高貴氣質依然。

這Self-Portrait紅黑長裙的袖口位設計特別,只是斜 膊設計令樂基兒看上去顯得粗壯,難以展示腰部線 條,卻依然性感撩人。

On Paisley Wu, this low-cut Vetements reinterprets the New Wave with Pushbutton wooden platform boots.

This coral evening gown with a deep cresent-shaped bustline accentuates cleavage while making shoulders look broader. But Shu Qi has the stage presence to pull it off.

The sheer fabric of this asymmetrical, off-the-shoulder Self-Portrait dress is quietly daring.

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明艷照人 radIoactIve


骨感美態 Bone Structure


高貴典雅 ModIfIed ModeSty


Ada Choi

Charisse Chau

Kelly Chan

斜膊設計很易顯得人健碩,不過蔡少芬勝在身形高 挑,承受到那誇張的ruffle褶飾,加上顏色搶眼又討 好,很是明艷照人。

周秀娜身上的恤衫款裝,雖然不能展示身材,卻藉 著露出鎖骨來凸顯骨感美,展現出另類型格。

Dolce & Gabbana這大玫瑰花圖案裙的款式討好, 特別是泡泡手袖和傘裙設計,非常典雅,再由天生 模特兒身段的Kelly加持,相得益彰。

The exaggerated shoulder may ruffle but this dress is all about the eye-popping colour.

This casual shirt suit is a study on the sex magnetism of the female collarbone.

This floral with stylized bishop sleeve ushers is the perfect homage to the once popular hostess gown.





Dress coDe

女王現身 alwayS regal

甜蜜如雪糕 ScreaM for Ice creaM

發熱發亮 lookIn’good

Emily Blunt

Michelle Monaghan

Cheryl Cole

不知怎的,英國出身的演員就是多了一份貴氣; Emily Blunt更是不在話下,配上典雅服飾和首飾, 仿如女王現身。


Michelle Monaghan的晚裝顏色仿如朱古力薄荷雪 糕,看上去就是甜美。

Looking like a queen.

The colour combo may be a bit mint chocolate chip, but this gal rocks in any frock.

Designer:Christian Dior


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縱使是35歲,Cheryl Cole依然勇於打扮。若沒有伊 的蜜色股膚和健美身型,也實在很難襯出那分時尚 味道。 Slits and open shoulders give this dress lots of movement for women on the gala go.

Designer:Cushnie et Ochs

烈女本色 warrIor prInceSS

神采飛揚 carefree

散發潮氣 Sloppy chIc

Lady Gaga

Gemma Arterton

Gwyneth Paltrow

永不過時的皮製衣物,跟Lady Gaga的反叛形象本 就如天作之合,由頭至腳的全副皮裝上陣,示範何 謂一體化!

Gemma Arterton一身懷舊感覺打扮,簡單的妝容、 髮型,配上耀目彩藍迷你裙,既展現活力,女人味 也十足!

能在平凡中顯功夫才是高手。Gwyneth Paltrow一身 家居便裝,但以身大熱的鬆身褲示人,潮味十足。

Leather is hot for fall and this head-to-toe ensemble is a perfect fit for this rebel’s image.

The belted retro mini-dress: good for day into night.

Sashed baggy pants and a simple tank top is all about ease and comfort: Ahhhh.

Designer:Sonia Rykiel

Designer:Emilia Wickstead

Designer:Proenza Schouler





Cover Girl

李 佳 芯


Dream catcher

Ali Lee thanks her lucky stars Story | Elva Pang Photography | Mon

人氣急升、擔正做女主角、 去年更憑《踩過界》成為 視后候選人的李佳芯(Ali), 難得觀眾緣亦好。 當大家以為幸運之神似乎對Ali 特別眷顧之際, 她卻說: 「我不算是個幸運的人。」


li Lee’s star power is garnering her popularity with the paparazzi. Not only did she just land a starring role in the medical drama Big White Duel, but last year she was nominated for Best TV Actress for Hong Kong TVB’s Legal Mavericks.

Styling | Michelle Chow Makeup | Henry Hair | Jay@hair salon Wardrobe | Rachel Comey From Harvey Nichols、Atelier Swarovski


E L I T E G E N. C A



Rachel Comey sequin dress $763 (modesens.com) Atelier Swarovski Calypso choker US$299 (atelierswarovski.com, US only)





Cover Girl

Ali說自己和普通人一樣,城市大學視覺藝術副學 士畢業後,也不知道自己想做甚麼。她做過秘書、市 場助理、影樓助手、模特兒。「覺得有興趣便去做, 甚麼都試試。當時試過賺三千港元一個月,生活無目 標、方向,覺得很迷茫。」 但正是這種跌跌碰碰的經歷,令Ali開始思考自己 究竟想走怎樣的一條路。「有段時間我不斷問自己想走 怎樣的路,機緣巧合下拍攝香港電台的單元劇,發現 自己很喜歡演戲,於是便決心踏上演藝之路。」她明白 人必須累積足夠的成熟和智慧,才能走出一條真正屬 於自己的路,方能專心一意地做好。

來自女神的啟發 「在迷失的時間裡,我看了 大量的電影和書,令自己從中 學習。當中影響我至深的是經典 電影《亂世佳人》,戲中的女主角 郝思嘉於戰亂時期經歷了生離死 別,最後幾乎一無所有,她在最 絕望的時候對自己說『Tomorrow is another day 』。這句話啟發 了我無論遇到甚麼事,開心不開 心,睡醒了就是另一天,得收拾 心情,重新面對世界,這種自強 不息、豁達正面的想法深深地影 響著我。因此,我也想透過演戲 去啟發別人。」

她說以前的自己很固執,任何人都難以改變她的 想法,現在卻會適度調節自己,「人大了便相信『變幻 原是永恆』,以前我發夢也沒有想過會當上演員。也許 將來我不演戲了,可能會去寫書、畫畫或做教師,希 望能以自己的力量去啟發別人。」

幸運人馬座 身為好動、愛自由和冒險的人馬座,Ali似乎很適 合演藝工作,即使放假亦停不下來。「我喜歡接觸大自 然,行山、到郊外呼吸新鮮空氣是最佳的減壓方法。 大自然的構造如此精密複雜,有甚麼問題會比大自然 更複雜呢?這樣一想,所有煩惱都會一掃而空!」 行山更是她和拍拖三年、在ViuTV擔任主持和旁 白工作的男朋友陳炳銓的共同嗜好。「拍拖不一定要燭 光晚餐。我們放假多數會去行山,在大自然環境裏已 很是放鬆,是既所費無幾,又有滿足感的節目。」即使

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“I am not a lucky person,” says Lee. ”Some people are lucky and they know from a young age their strengths and what they want to do. But if someone had asked me about my career plans, I would not have known what to say. At that time, being a nurse or a flight attendant are jobs my mother wanted me to have. So that is all I would think about being.” Even after graduating with an associate degree in visual arts from the City University of Hong Kong, Lee still didn’t know what she wanted to do. She has been a secretary, a marketing assistant, a photography studio assistant and a model. “Whatever I felt like doing, I would try,” she says. “I only made HK$3,000 per month, and felt quite lost with no goals or direction.”

The movie Gone with the Wind influenced me the most.

Ali選擇了以演戲作為媒 介,以生命影響生命。「能演活一個平凡人的生活,與 觀眾一同呼吸、經歷和成長,就是我最想演的角色。 除了電視劇,也希望日後可以參演電影和舞台劇,發 掘自己更多的可能性。」


Being showered with success, one might think that either her stars are perfectly aligned or she has that proverbial horseshoe up you know what. But the Hong Kong native sees her career successes in an entirely different way, insisting that luck has nothing to do with it.

「有些人很幸運,從小就知道自己的專長或將來 想做甚麼。我只知自己喜歡藝術,小學時開始學畫 畫,但被問及『我的志願』,便一頭霧水,當時就隨手 寫護士或空姐,因為那是媽媽想我做的工作!」

This trial-and-error career approach was starting to get the best of Lee. She was frequently frustrated, though starting to give some serious thought to her career path. Then, by sheer luck, an opportunity presented itself for her to be in a TV series produced by Radio Television Hong Kong. That’s when the aha moment hit her. Show business it was.

InspIred by a ClassIC “During my ‘lost years’, I watched a lot of movies and read a lot of books in order to learn as much as possible,” says Lee. “The movie Gone with the Wind influenced me the most. The leading lady, Scarlett O’Hara, experienced life and death during war times and ended up with almost nothing. During her most desperate times, she told herself, ‘Tomorrow is another day.’ This sentence was an inspiration to me. Regardless of what I encounter, and whether I am happy or unhappy, there will be a new day where I will calm down and face the world again. This persistent, positive mindset deeply influenced me. In fact, Lee was so influenced by that classic Margaret Mitchell character that not only did it inspire her in her acting but now she could use acting to inspire others as well. “If I can make a regular person’s life come alive, breathe together with the audience, and experience and grow together with them, that’s the role I want to play the most,” says Lee. “Besides television, I would also like to act in movies and theatre to uncover more possibilities.“

David Koma white button-embellished stretch-cape dress Joomi Lim small hoop earrings with long box chain fringe & crystal $190 (joomilim.com)





Cover Girl

Christopher Esber watch band release dress $1,392 (farfetch.com)


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被視為「美女與野獸」的一對,Ali大讚男友不但有才華,更很 能給她安全感。「即使有很多報導都會將我們的外表和知名度 作比較﹐但都不會否認他的才華。其實我們做演藝工作的, 當紅與否都是看曝光率及當時觀眾的喜好,最重要是我們溝 通沒問題。我找對象一定找長遠的。」 陳炳銓最介意的反而是傳媒傳他與其他女藝員有緋聞, 怕Ali誤以為真而不開心。 「他覺得為什麼要寫一些破壞我倆感 情關係的報導?特別是我工作很忙,大家相處時間已經少, 再聽這些傷害性的事,後果可以很嚴重,所以他會很生氣, 需要我倒過來安慰他。」 她也有好靜的一面,「有段時間我很自閉,喜歡自己一 個去旅行,最難忘是有一次去台灣一星期,沒有刻意結交朋 友,除了買東西問價錢外,幾乎沒有說話!回港後更被朋友 嘲笑,問我會不會口臭!哈哈!」 除了獨自旅行,師承台灣畫家胡凱評的Ali,閒時也愛畫 國畫。「畫國畫與我的人生觀很相似,一落筆就不能回頭, 如何精準地拿捏著墨的多少、力度的輕重,均是最困難的地 方。這一點也像演戲,如何把演技收放自如,做到恰到好 處,正是我學習的課題。」 畫國畫能讓 她於忙碌的工作中得到放鬆,心情好自然漂 亮。「我沒有扮靚心得,平時注重清潔保濕和會吃一些維他命 和抗氧化的補充劑。人最重要是享受每一個當下,心情好、 狀態便會好,人自然會亮麗!」

Lee says she used to be very stubborn. No one could change her mind about anything. Today, a more mature Lee realizes that as one ages you are more open to accept that change is a constant. “I would never have dreamt of becoming an actress,” says Lee. “And perhaps in the future, I will stop acting and become a writer, a painter or a teacher. I hope I can still use my own power to inspire others.”

a luCky saGIttarIus? Born a Sagittarius, a fire sign, Lee loves activity, adventure and freedom. Even on vacation, she’s always on the go. Hiking is an activity the 35-year-old actor shares with boyfriend Danny Chan, whom she has dated for three years. “I like to be in touch with nature,” she says. “Breathing in fresh air in the countryside is the best way to de-stress and wash all of my troubles away. Dates don’t have to be only about candlelight dinners. When we are off work, we usually relax in the great outdoors. And hiking is an inexpensive and satisfying activity.” Even though some mean-spirited chatter have titled the couple Beauty and the Beast, Lee has only praise for Chan and his talents, and the fact that he provides her with a sense of security. “It’s hard to compare who is doing a better job in entertainment,” says Lee. “Being popular or not is kind of superficial, it all depends on how audiences react to your performance at a given time. I think Chan does a great job being the host and narrator of ViuTV. Even though many people focus on his appearance, they still admit he’s a talented person. And what matters most is that we communicate well and we are soulmates.” Danny claims not to pay much attention to the rumour mills, but he draws the line when it comes to gossip that he’s secretly seeing other girls. “He gets so upset,” says Lee. “He doesn’t understand why people write fake news just to make some noise, not thinking about how it could be harmful to our relationship. We’re both busy, so we don’t have much time to be together. And with this kind of stuff, I have to calm him down.” Though the happy couple has been known to spend as much time as their hectic lives permit, they also make time to do things on their own. Says Lee: “I like to travel by myself. The most memorable time was when I went to Taiwan. I had no intention of making new friends and I actually hardly talked. After returning to Hong Kong, my friends laughed at me for not talking and suggested that perhaps it was because I had bad breath. Haha.” Also in her spare time, Lee likes to create Chinese ink paintings and has taken lessons from Taiwanese painter Hu Kai Ping. “Making these paintings is similar to my world view,” she says. “Once the brush meets the paper, there’s no turning back. It’s difficult to accurately predict how much ink to use, and how much pressure to apply on the brush. Kind of like acting. It’s always different. You have to be flexible, it’s a lesson I keep learning.”

李佳芯和男友陳炳銓閒時最愛行山。 Chan and Lee take a leisurely stroll with their new puppy.

As for health and beauty tips, Lee’s regimen is pretty simple: “Regular cleansing and moisturizing. I also take vitamins and antioxidant supplements. But I think the most important thing is to enjoy every moment. When you feel good, your body is in good shape, and you give off an air of natural beauty.”






Gold is the new black Story | Chappie

黑色,在時尚界代表品味,形象變幻莫測,近期高級 腕錶新款式,更以不重質感的黑配上金色,展現出年 輕獨特的氣派。

A new trend in watches is quietly sneaking up on the wrists of timepiece aficionados. Where large, bold and brash was once fashionable, today more refined and elegant designs in black and gold are fast becoming the norm for high-end timetelling.

Dior Grand Bal Plume 36毫米精鋼鑲鑽錶殼,黃金太陽放射紋錶盤, 搭載自動上鏈機芯,黃金自動盤鑲嵌圓形切割鑽 石,飾以黃金包覆羽毛專利設計,襯半霧面鱷魚 皮革。限量88 枚,約售$47,000。 Golden sunrays and gold feathers cover the 36mm, steel-and-diamond automatic watch, framed by a diamond-adorned golden bezel, with a matte alligator strap. It is limited to 88 pieces. About $47,000. Dior Grand Bal Plume Noire 36毫米精鋼鑲鑽錶殼,黑色錶盤飾以黃金線繡的太陽放 射紋,搭載自動上鏈機芯,黃金自動盤鑲嵌圓形切割鑽 石,飾以黑色羽毛專利設計,襯半霧面鱷魚皮革。限量88 枚,約售$43,000。 Golden sunrays and the brand’s signature black feathers set off the black dial of the 36mm steel-and-diamond automatic watch, framed by a diamond-adorned golden bezel, with a matte alligator strap. It is limited to 88 pieces. About $43,000.


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Bulgari OCTO Finissimo 噴沙打磨鏤空腕錶40毫米18K 玫瑰金打磨錶殼,搭載自製BVL Calibre 128SK型號鏤空超薄手動 上鏈機械機芯。約售$37,000。 Inside the 40mm, 18K pink-gold sandblasted case is the brand’s in-house BVL calibre 128SK skeletonized ultra-thin, handwinding mechanism. About $37,000.

Louis Vuitton Tambour All Black & Gold 39.5毫米PVD黑色腕錶,於錶盤中央飾以金色 Monogram花卉圖案,錶圈綴有鑽石刻度及金 色阿拉伯數字,襯專利黑色Monogram配品牌 專利可更換式錶帶設計。約售$5,500。

Bulgari OCTO Finissimo 噴沙打磨自動錶18K玫瑰金噴 沙打磨錶殼,搭載自製Calibre BVL 138 Finissimo型號超薄機 械機芯,機芯厚度只有2.23毫 米。約售$58,500。 A sandblasted 18K pink-gold watch, featuring an automatic BVL 138 Finissimo ultra-thin calibre and measuring just 2.23mm in thickness. About $58,500.

Within the 39.5mm PVD black case, the dial is decorated with a gold floral patented monogram. The bezel is set with diamond markers and numerals in gold, and the watch features a detachable strap. About $5,500.

Louis Vuitton Tambour Chronographe Automatique 46毫米PVD啞黑色和玫瑰金色腕錶,啞 黑色錶盤,12時位置飾有碳黑色經典 Gaston V字標誌,搭載自動上鏈機芯, 襯深黑色短吻鱷魚皮錶帶,配品牌專利 可更換式錶帶設計。約售$16,000。 The 46mm PVD pink-gold case frames a matte black dial, featuring the brand’s classic Gaston V motif in carbon at 12 o’clock. It houses a selfwinding calibre and is matched with the brand’s patented detachable black alligator strap. About $16,000.

Chaumet Montre Hortensia 「Eden」 21.5毫米18K玫瑰金錶殼,錶殼鑲嵌27 顆共重0.4卡鑽石,錶殼上鑲飾18K玫瑰 金鑲鑽花朵和蜜蜂。約售$19,000。 The 21.5mm, 18K pink-gold case is decorated with 27 diamonds measuring 0.4cts. Blooms and bees in 18K gold and diamonds are perched on the case. About $19,000. ELITEGEN






Iconic Hermès

Médor Rock精鋼鑲鑽錶,16×16毫米白色漆 面精鋼錶殼以十字鑲嵌44顆鑽石,襯白色粒 面小牛皮錶帶。 Médor Rock with a diamond-set steel bracelet, featuring a 16x16mm white lacquered steel case, cross-set with 44 diamonds, with a white calf leather strap. $7,700 (approx.)

Story | Chappie

愛馬仕的全新Médor Rock腕錶系列所採用之金字塔 式鈕釘裝飾,其實最初是為加固獵狗項圈而設,品牌於上 世紀三十年代將此加在時裝配飾中,逐漸成為經典設計。 Médor Rock腕錶採用凸面金字塔形飾釘隱藏錶盤, 分別有鏡面拋光、漆面或漆面搭配十字交叉的鑽石鑲嵌裝 飾,迎合不同個性,高尚帥氣兼而有之。

Hermès’ latest Médor Rock watch collection stands out with the iconic pyramid-shaped stud that was originally used to decorate hunting dogs’ collars in the early 20th century. The brand applied it to its fashion accessories in the 1930s and it has subsequently become the brand’s signature feature. Médor Rock watches use a pyramid stud as a dial cover, mirror-polished or lacquered and cross-set with diamonds for a feminine but sophisticated look.

Médor Rock 精鋼錶,16×16毫米精鋼錶殼,錶 帶以小牛皮製,有黑、棕、硃紅和橙色。 Médor Rock featuring a 16x16mm polished steel case and calf leather strap in black, natural, red or orange. $5,000 (approx.)


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輪胎造型的錶冠,代表Excalibur Aventador S的身份。 The wheel-shaped crown is a nod to Excalibur Aventador S’s supercar DNA.


Power of two

Roger Dubuis Excalibur Aventador S marries supercar engineering with sophisticated watchmaking Story | 金成 Photography | Kauzrambler

Roger Dubuis這個由跑車或輪胎與時計結合的限量版腕 錶系列,代表着速度與時間的關係,亦引發了車迷與錶迷相 互交錯的激情。品牌在2017年正式宣布與意大利林寶堅尼聯 手推出全新限量版Excalibur Aventador S腕錶,以Aventador S超跑車引擎和Huracan Super Trofeo EVO車款造型,製作 出全新的鏤通式手上鏈機芯。 今年的SIHH錶展,Roger Dubuis再接再厲,加推限量 88枚的藍色版本(約售$275,000)及限量28枚的玫瑰金款式 (約售$305,000),七月中還再推出限量8枚的綠色版本(約售 $305,000)。藍色與綠色版同樣以與跑車相同技術的C-SMC (片狀塑模)碳纖維做殼、鈦金屬錶環覆有同色系橡膠塗層; 玫瑰金版則用複層碳纖維製殼,鈦金屬錶環及玫瑰金錶圈。 腕錶直徑45毫米,搭載的是全新改造過的RD103SQ手上鏈機 芯,如引擎蓋般的機芯部件與兩個傾斜擺輪形成如跑車般的 造型,非常突出。日內瓦印記認證的機芯,其雙擺輪游絲可 儲備四十小時動力,擁有跳秒及動力儲備顯示功能。

Roger Dubuis joined forces with Italian luxury car brand Lamborghini Squadra Corse last year to debut with the Excalibur Aventador S limited edition, featuring a skeleton hand-wound mechanical calibre inspired by the engine of supercar Aventador S and the silhouette of the Huracán Super Trofeo Evo. At this year’s SIHH, Roger Dubuis added blue (88 pieces, $275,000 approx.) and pink gold versions (28 pieces, $305,000 approx.) to the collection, followed by a green style (8 pieces, $305,000 approx.) in July. Both blue and green have the supercar’s C-SMC carbon for the case and their titanium bezels carry the accent of the watch’s key colours. The pink gold model features a multi-layered, 45-millimetre carbon case and pink gold bezel. The RD103SQ hand-wound mechanical calibre has been re-engineered, evoking the look of a supercar with parts inspired by the engine block, with two inclined sprung balances. The collection carries the Geneva Seal and the double-sprung balance provides 40 hours of power reserve. It also features a jumping second and a power reserve display.





Jewellery: chanel


E L I T E G E N. C A




The legend of Coco lives Story | Chappie

Chanel’s own lacquered screens inspire the Coromandel Collection of jewellery

屏風,在香奈兒的世界裡是創作的泉源。 Gabrielle Chanel曾讚嘆:「我第一次看到烏木屏風時不禁驚 呼:太美麗了!我從未如此形容過其他物件。」自此她的寓所內置滿 32幅烏木漆面屏風,第一扇屏風更是由她的一生摰愛Arthur Capel贈 送這些讓人細味的過去,成就早前於巴黎大皇宮發布的Coromandel 高級珠寶系列。 Coromandel系列分別以三個篇章來演繹Chanel女士的鍾愛、 亦是屏風上屢屢出現的花卉、動物與礦物:花卉自是最經典的山茶 花;動物取材自屏風上雀鳥振翅高飛的圖案;礦物則是呼應她喜愛 的寶石及水晶,透過繽紛寶石呈現屏風的漆繪色彩。 整個系列有59件作品,當中23件是獨一無二的作品,全面展現 Chanel獨有的藝術美學和非凡鑲嵌工藝。

Gabrielle Chanel once said, “The first time I saw an ebony screen I shouted, ‘How beautiful.’ I’ve never used this word to describe another object.” From that moment on, Chanel, aka Coco, acquired 32 lacquered ebony screens for her Paris apartment, the first of which was given to her by love of her life Arthur Capel. So impressed by their beauty the legendary designer incorporated them into pieces of jewellery, oneof-kind pieces that today inspired the Coromandel High Jewellery Collection that recently débuted at Paris’ Grant Palais. The jewellery collection consists of 59 pieces. Among them, 23 were one-of-a kind, showing off Chanel’s own artistic philosophy and gemsetting craftsmanship. Each piece requires more than 550 hours in the setting process. Voila la beauté.





Jewellery: chanel

獨一無二的Bestiaire d'Wapiti 18K白金胸 針,鑲嵌鑽石、藍寶石、縞瑪瑙、祖母綠 寶石、碧玉和碧璽。 This one-of-a-kind Bestiaire d'Wapitii 18K white gold brooch is inlaid with diamonds, blue sapphires, onyx, emeralds, jasper and tourmaline.

Horizon Lointain 18K黃金及鉑金耳環, 鑲嵌鑽石及珍珠貝母。 Horizon Lointain 18K yellow gold and platinum earrings, set with diamonds and mother-of-pearl.

獨一無二的Bestiaire d'Chevaux 18K白金胸 針,鑲嵌鑽石和托帕石。 This one-of-a-kind Bestiaire d'Chevaux 18Kwhite gold brooch has inlaid diamond and topaz. Vol Suspendu 18K白金鑲鑽腕錶,呈現山 茶花與靈動雀鳥的優美。 Vol Suspendu 18K white gold watch with diamond, showing the elegance of the camellia flower and birds.

獨一無二的Bestiaire d'Asie Oiseau 18K白金和 黃金胸針,鑲嵌鑽石、石榴石、珊瑚、橙紅尖 晶石和翡翠。 This one-of-a-kind Bestiaire d'Asie Oiseau 18K white and yellow gold brooch has inlaid diamond, garnet, orange red spinel and jade.


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Précieux Envol耳環,18K白金鑲嵌鑽石。 Précieux Envol earrings in 18K white gold and inlaid diamonds.

Fashion news

Mon Tresor bag

巧手設計的Madras格紋和心形圖案同屬早秋服裝 系列特色。 The skillfully designed madras pattern and heartshaped pattern figure prominently this fall.

Runway shopper bag US$3,890 fendi.com


Hearthrob Style Story | Michelle Chow

Fendi的早秋系列以「Open your heart」為題, 從經典童話人物「紅心皇后」汲取靈感,注入精緻而 強悍,擁有懾人魅力的現代女性氣息。搶眼的心形 圖案與華麗風格配合得恰到好處,加上色彩繽紛的 Madras格紋,成為系列的標誌。 為向品牌傳統致敬,給於1974年面世的FF標誌 以巧手改造成皮革壓紋或印花圖案,點綴衣飾和手 袋系列,配合頂尖的編織工藝和珍貴皮革,散發出 復古味道。

Fendi’s “Open Your Heart” fall collection draws inspiration from the Queen of Hearts in the classic fairytale Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Adding a delicate but strong modern femininity, the collection is stunningly eye-catching. And in a nod to the brand’s classic logo first introduced in 1974, the collecton uses the double Fs, skillfully adapted as leather embossing or fabric print to decorate clothing and handbags. Combining topnotch weaving techniques with the finest leathers, the collection makes a strong retro statement.

Multicolor wool slingbacks $1,190 fendi.com/ca

Multicolor leather belt bag $1,590 fendi.com/ca ELITEGEN




FASHION: RuNwAy/ReAlwAy Sacai

長身乾濕褸與短裙的組合,反差比例別具層次感。 The contrast of a long trench coat with a short skirt adds a warm layering effect.


Tran ~seasonal

The classic trench is always a safe bet when transitioning from summer to fall 一轉眼便踏入秋天,要輕鬆打造出既型格又浪漫的秋裝層次,不妨從乾濕褸入手。

經典乾濕褸長青耐看,瀟灑一族衣櫃必備。新季不乏鮮色與條子、格紋等圖案設計,為 造型添上活潑神采,至於iconic杏色款,不妨以trench dress穿法演繹,盡顯女人味。

When the leaves start to turn, it’s time to learn about layering. And no other item for fall is a better fashion statement that the classic trench coat.

Ted Baker Marrian double-breasted cotton mac $559 (tedbaker.com)


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Trench coats are an absolute must-have in any wardrobe. Even fashion trendsetters make room for this classic. And available they are in beige and khaki but bright, striped and checkered choices are aplenty for a splash of vitality and verve. Even the 1970s trench dress is making a comeback.

鮮色調乾濕褸教人耳目一新。 Bright trench coats offer a refreshing wardrobe update. Trench dress穿搭充滿挑逗意識,配白 波鞋作低調襯搭減低造型的俗艷。 A trench dress can be seductive even when worn with sneakers.


IRO Harper trench coat $1,572 (farfetch.com)






黑色hoodie外加皮革頭巾,為街頭打扮添上復古風情。 Leather bandana on black hoodie adds street cred.

Louis Vuitton


運動風是大勢所趨,就連Louis Vuitton、Fendi、Burberry也爭相投入,將 經典衞衣以不同物料及層次配搭,打造新鮮 局面。新季備有大量印字衞衣及帽衣,不妨 挑選芥末黃、dusty pink等懷舊色調,注入 陣陣學院派風味。

A sporty sense of style always includes a sweatshirt. And all the luxury brands agree. Labels like Louis Vuitton, Fendi and Burberry are diving in big time. Reinterpreting this comfy casual classic is a big player when it comes to layering. And don’t be afraid to go with retro colours like mustard and dusty rose for some added nostalgia.

Maje sweatshirt with back embroidery US$240 (maje.com, US only)


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以剪裁出色的西褲配搭衞衣,不用多餘裝飾, 足以艷壓全場。 No attention-grabbing accessories needed when pairing fluid trousers with a sweatshirt.

Kenzo Color By Kenzo sweatshirt $315 (farfetch.com) 新季衞衣以印字設計及露腰剪裁為兩大熱門主題。 Large logo and cropped designs are two prevailing sweatshirts themes of the fall season.


Markus Lupfer black sweatshirt





FASHION: RuNwAy Lanvin


naughty little black dress Story | Lucas Tang 小黑裙是每個女生的衣櫥必備,但若想性感魅力 翻倍,不妨添上一點反叛個性,Ashish珠片裙的幼吊 帶、Lanvin的透視元素、Sacai不按常規的層次,就是 那麼一點的挑釁,足以把小黑裙的格調升溫。

This staple should be in every woman’s wardrobe. But if you want to turbo charge the sexy factor, add a bit of sassy to the style. Ashish’s sequin spaghetti strap dress, Lanvin’s sheer see-through, and Sacai’s irregular layering all add a bit of naughtiness and makes the little black dress just a little bit hotter. Ouch!

Sandro lace up detail woven dress $192 selfridges.com


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Maje Renota ruched polka dot crepe mini dress $310 selfridges.com

Zimmermann ruffled polka dot mini dress US$995 net-a-porter.com








spotlight: louis vuitton


All about attitude An aesthetic journey from retro to futuristic

Story | Simon Au Photography | Collier Schorr

Trunk clutch $4,100

Louis Vuitton全新2018早秋系列在女裝創意總監 Nicolas Ghesquière引領 下,展現花樣繁多的款式,將運動與傳統風格融合,猶如遊走復古與未來之間 的唯美旅程,無論白天還是黑夜都可以展現自信的生活態度。 「旅行」作為品牌永恒的主題,集時尚與型格於一身。無論是飄逸柔軟的長 裙配以透現未來感的連帽中褸、幹練的皮衣夾克,還是展現叛逆態度的牛仔褲 配襯提花毛衣,都能夠在剛柔並重之際,譜寫浪漫的氛圍。配飾走少而精的路 數,每一件單品都彷彿是度身訂造般,monogram花朵造型的孔眼、鐳射切割的 路易威登迷你花朵圖案通花皮革、扣飾與搭帶皆向精湛的皮革工藝致敬,加上 精致的剪裁,正正體現了巴黎獨一無二的魅力都會風格。 Under Women’s Fashion Creative Director Nicolas Ghesquière, Louis Vuitton’s 2018 Early Fall Collection has a wide array of styles. Combining sportswear and traditional styles, the collection takes us on an aesthetic journey from retro to futuristic. The collection will express a confident attitude day and night. Travel is a recurrent LV theme. Whether it’s a soft flowing long skirt matched with a see-through futuristic medium-length hooded jacket, or a smart-looking leather jacket, or a pair of rebellious looking jeans matched with a jacquard sweater, the look is romantic and strikes a perfect balance between strong and gentle. For accessories, it’s best to be minimalist, treating each piece as if it was custom made. Be it the buttonholes with monogrammed flowers, a laser mini-floral cutout, or specially chosen clasps and belts, every accessory is a tribute to high-level leather craftsmanship.

New wave pochette


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City steamer mm $5,250







Form over function

Louis Vuitton Petite Boite Chapeau $5,800

Should style be more important than substance? This season it sure is with the hot box bag Story | Sum Chan Photography | Shek Po Kwan Louis Vuitton Trunk clutch in Monogram Canvas $4,100

Chanel Blue resin & silver tone metal Minaudiere $14,550 chanel.com

Chanel Nut clutch

在時裝世界,絕對以「好看」先行。就如Moynat推出了圓形的 Sphere與金字塔形的Pyramid,嬌小外形十分討喜;Saint Laurent 亦以嬉皮士大帽箱湊熱鬧,加上那個姣到不得了、連不抽煙的人也 想擁有的緞質小煙盒,成功掙到注目禮;Louis Vuitton將經典元素化 成三分可愛七分型格的Petite Boite與Trunk clutch;還有季季新鮮的 Chanel晚裝袋,今季是創意與誠意十足的貨櫃與螺絲母……這些美感 大於一切的盒子,愈奢侈的更可能愈不實用。中庸選擇推介Delvaux 的Cool Box,斯文大方得來有點怪怪的逗趣氣息,且有合理容量!


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In the world of fashion, fashionistas may not often weigh in on a hot trend’s practicality, throwing caution to the wind at all costs. So I guess the trendiest of trendsetters won’t mind sporting one of this season’s box bags. Just look at the Sphere and Pyramid bags by Moynat. Saint Laurent pushes the envelope with a large hat box and the always chic cigarette box that even non-smokers will love. Louis Vuitton uses classical elements for its Petite Boite, with 30% cutesiness 70% style, while Chanel gets a bit more creative with cargo containers, and nuts and bolts as inspiration. Even Delvaux has come out with a Cool Box.

Saint Laurent Mica hatbox in calfskin with black and white tiger print $5,746 ysl.com

Moynat Mini pyramid in green leather Delvaux Cool Box leather bag

Minaudiere bag in magenta satin $1,779 ysl.com





Runway: Men

膽大包天 任我行 Gucci

不經不覺, Alessandro Michele執掌 Gucci已近四年﹐ 不但有前速,後 勁亦見凌厲,每 季均展示不同味 道,就像今次找 來賓尼兔、白雪 公主與Elton John 作主角,集幽默 童真於一身!

Bugs Bunny suede vest with patches $5,890


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What’s up, Doc? What do Bugs Bunny and Elton John have in common? Ask Gucci Story | 冰汪

Time flies when you’re having fun. And this season more than any other Alessandro Michele, in charge of Gucci for almost four years, is having fun with design inspiration filled with retro cartoons like Bugs Bunny and Snow White. Even Elton John figures prominently in the mix.


Cotton knit sweater with lamb $2,145

Snow White sweater with sequins $6,185

在銷量掛帥的當下, Alessandro是極少數能 夠隨心所欲的設計師。這 次回到七、八十年代的光 輝歲月:五光十色金光閃 閃,賓尼兔與白雪公主齊 齊出場,連同大膊頭及當 年潮物腰包一起回春。 Alessandro崇拜 Elton John的音樂才華和 風格。在系列中大量繁 殖Elton John,這裡有華 麗複製的紅白藍格仔西 裝 , 那 裡 是 星 星 與「 E J 」 tracksuit,還有繡滿音符 的造型,重現舞台上最大 膽最包容的七十年代。

With sales always a key factor, Michele’s motivation for this collection evokes the glory days of the ‘70s and ‘80s, when sparkles ruled the runway as did the accentuated shoulder pad and fanny packs. Yes, trendy all over again. Alessandro Michele has always admired Elton John, certainly for his talent and sense of outlandish stage style. So it comes as no surprise that this pop music icon influenced this season’s collection in a big way. The fashion frolic includes John’s beautifully replicated red, white and blue plaid suits as well as stars and “EJ” tracksuits. Some styles sing with embroidered musical notes, an homage to the bold and carefree era of the 1970s.





Runway: Men 新 作 中,西裝為數不少。其中一套是全 身布料刻意弄皺的西裝(這是他的成名技倆之 一),印滿密密麻麻的Gucci stamp,靈感源自 十八世紀巴黎考古學家Bertrand Capmartin de Chaupy著作的印章字款設計,Alessandro來一 招搬字過紙,創作了一個stampprint系列,更 以偏黃的布料營造出舊書本久經閱讀洗禮的風 霜,書卷味十足。

Suits, too, are full of whimsy. Among them, a deliberately wrinkled one (wrinkled suits is what Michele was known for in his early days as a designer). The suit with a Gucci stamp all over was inspired by a font on 18th Century Parisian archeologist Bertrand Capmartin de Chaupy’s work. The stamp print series in a yellowish fabric is supposed to resemble the yellowed pages of an old book.

誠如Alessandro所說:「我一直努力,希 望證明時裝是充滿意想不到的有趣小物。」因 此,天橋上不只有宅男眼鏡,還有骨頭耳環及 各式狂野小飾物,每一件都是如此Gucci,如此 Alessandro。

“I have been working hard to prove that fashion is full of the unexpected, both small and interesting things,” says Michele. But rest assured, every piece is totally Gucci—and totally Alessandro.

Track suits both inspired by Elton John's outlandish 1970s stage shows.


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Accessories: Men


Men in


Sunglasses are a must-have accessory for any season. They add attitude and an air of confidence anywhere you go Story | Simon Au/Timothy Lo Photography | Ray Tang





時尚之外,太陽眼鏡早已在流行文化中自成,多得一眾man icons,為這副遮光擋風的工 具增添多一層象徵意義。 1. TOM CRUISE 若數軍裝加黑超打扮,湯告魯斯在《壯志淩雲》中的美國大兵look絕對是始 祖,但他真正的巔峰造型卻一定是 《職業特工隊》 中上天落地的特務角色,戴 着復古茶色大烏蠅鏡輕鬆飆車,絕對深入民心。

5. 王家衛 電影圈最著名的黑超王並非演員,而是導演王家衛。有說甚至連張國榮都曾 經說過,最憎王大導戴太陽眼鏡導戲,因為會讓演員壓力加倍。但不能不承 認:他那副變種Aviator能有效為他藏拙,繼而強化他的神秘感。

2. KURT COBAIN 見黑超如見人,看到這幅如ET眼球一樣大的白框太陽眼鏡,就會想起 Nirvana的Kurt Cobain。這身太陽眼鏡造型,在Saint Laurent的2016年春夏系 列也曾出現。

6. KARL LAGERFELD 「老佛爺」Karl Lagerfeld的黑色粗框太陽眼鏡是標記,配上黑白西裝和皮手 套,早已行為時裝界的專屬造型。

3. 劉德華 劉德華去年參演的電影 《王牌逗王牌》 劣評如潮,惟電影中的Wayfarer黑超造 型簡單有型,勉強扳回些許分數。 4. BRAD PITT 《搏擊會》 當中,主角的分裂人格Tyler Durden代表完全自由的本我意志,造型 上也放蕩不羈,除了經典紅色皮褸和花恤衫,一副鮮紅色鏡面的銀框太陽眼 鏡也是自我風格的體現。


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7. 余文樂 「余文樂/眼鏡」 一直都是網絡搜尋的熱門關鍵字,他的自家潮牌Madness更三 度與日本眼鏡品牌Native Sons推出聯乘黑超系列,最佳演繹當然是他本人。 8. JEAN RENO 《這個殺手不太冷》由尚連奴飾演的Leon,真正是黑超型男的極致。圓形 teashades太陽眼鏡本身就是難以駕馭的款式,一不小心便會冒出趣致幽默 感。戴上這副teashades,角色性格中的冷酷陰沉兼外冷內熱完全表露無遺。


7 6


Male icons have made sunglasses a pop culture fixture as well as a styling accessory. They give sunglasses more symbolic significance beyond their function as eye shades. 1. Tom Cruise Tom Cruise in Top Gun exemplified the military look with sunglasses. His cool look sporting sunglasses with big brown lenses going on car chases in Mission Impossible is most memorable.

hated Wong directing with his shades on because it put extra pressure on the actors. You have to admit that his modified aviator style has worked very well as a cover up, and made him an enigma.

2. Kurt Cobain The late Kurt Cobain of Nirvana was easily identified by the white framed sunglasses as big as ET’s eyeballs. The look was reprised in Saint Laurent’s 2016 spring summer collection.

6. Karl Lagerfeld Sunglasses are one of Karl Lagerfeld’s signature looks— along with his fans and leather gloves.

3. Andy Lau Mission Milano was a flop, but Andy Lau’s Wayfarer sunglasses helped redeem him somewhat. 4. Brad Pitt Tyler Durden in Fight Club is the split personality of the Narrator and a manifestation of the completely free person he wishes to be. The look, in red leather jacket, floral shirt and a set of silver framed shades with bright red lenses, is the free spirit personified. 5. Wong Kar-wai The best-known man in sunglasses in showbiz isn’t an actor at all, but director Wong Kar-wai. Leslie Cheung once said that he

7. Shawn Yue “Shawn Yue/eyewear” are popular search words on the internet. His own brand, Madness, has launched cross-over collections with Japanese eyewear brand Native Sons. The best person to showcase his products ought to be himself. 8. Jean Reno Jean Reno, well known as Leon in Leon the Professional, is the epitome of what a man in sunglasses should look like. Round teashades sunglasses are hard to carry off, and could become comical on the wrong face. But Leon’s cool, dark but warm-hearted persona was brought to life with them.





Accessories: Men 今時今日戴太陽眼鏡十居其九都是為了造型。但早於 1930年,美國空軍已經率先戴上太陽眼鏡,美軍航空隊當時 委託博士倫公司,開發一種能保護飛行員的眼睛、免受強太 陽光傷害的鏡片,這副黑色鏡片的太陽眼鏡七年後正式名為 家傳戶曉的“Ray-Ban”,更從此落入民間,款式亦隨年代不斷 演變,近年流行小鏡片,色彩以搶眼之極的藍色、紅色及黃 色為主,名正言順戴有色眼鏡視人。 一、二線時裝品牌紛紛推出吸睛太陽眼鏡,logo大大 的放在鏡框之上,街頭感十足;在每季五花百門的海量款式 裡,總有幾副較為踏實而簡約,例如Giorgio Armani採用鈦 合金製成的全金屬眼鏡,鏡框表面硬度高,但質量相當輕 盈,適合長時間佩戴;Fendi的“I SEE YOU”太陽眼鏡設計鮮 明,鏡框配以對比色啞光黃色側片和鼻托,腳套綴以經典Bag Bugs眼睛,相當經典;Alexander McQueen與溥儀合作的 Iconic Skull Hinge款式以低調方式詮釋品牌的標誌性骷髏。 近年韓國時裝起義,部分眼鏡品牌質素相當不俗,就如 Scene Number For的角形鏡框在簡約中不乏玩味;Projekt Produkt的藍色鏡片也相當突出。香港本土的Revé by René出 產的全灰tone款式既斯文也容易配襯。另外,Tom Ford的太 陽眼鏡支線N.14 Private Collection,線條簡單優美,全人手 製造,採用專門開發的高質素物料,精彩就在細節中。

Fendi I See You sunglasses $324 (otticanet.com)

不過亞洲人選擇太陽眼鏡時需要考慮多重條件,因為彼 等的鼻樑一般較平,加上顴骨高,所以戴上市場上為外國人 面形而設的款式,往往輕易下滑,甚至壓出紅印。因此挑選 太陽眼鏡時必須根據本身面形:如圓形臉的男士可以選擇漸 進變色鏡片,以拉長臉部視覺比例;方形臉不妨考慮圓形的 鏡框來減少面部稜角;心形臉可以挑選輕薄金屬的款式令下 巴變寬; 橢圓形臉便需要方形鏡框令臉部顯瘦。男士配戴太 陽眼鏡,需要在功能與美觀取平衡,才是真正的smart buy。

These days sunglasses are more about making a fashion statement, but in the 1930s they were actually part of the US Air Force uniform when Bausch and Lomb was commissioned to develop protective lenses for fighter pilots. Seven years later, those signature dark sunglasses were officially branded Ray Ban, and, well, the rest is history. Today, leading fashion brands vie to dazzle with stylish sunglasses collections sporting their logos prominently. But subtler choices appeal to more sophisticated less-showy tastes. Giorgio Armani, for example, offers a light titanium frame ideal for long wear. Fendi’s I See You sunglasses stand out with contrasting yellow accents and nose pads, and the Alexander McQueen label collaborated with Puyi Optical on the Iconic Skull Hinge for a low-key reinterpretation of the brand’s skull icon. Korean fashion is also in on popular sunglasses styles with Scene Number For, playful yet simple angular frames. Projekt Produkt stands out with blue lenses. Hong Kong’s very own Revé by René has a graceful all-grey model and Tom Ford’s sunglasses collection Tom N.14 Private Collection impresses with elegant propriety, hand-crafted silhouettes made with the best quality materials. After all, the devil is in the details. Asians, with flatter nose bridges and higher cheekbones, should heed a few pointers when choosing sunglasses. It is easy to end up with the wrong shades that constantly slip down or leave unsightly red marks. Ombre lenses will visually lengthen rounder faces. Round frames can smooth out square faces. Light metal frames can widen the jawlines of heartshaped faces. Square frames will make oval faces look slimmer. And finally, gimmicky designs will offset masculinity, so men should find a balance between form and function.


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Tom Ford black sunglasses with clip-on

Khromis Arezzo Klip US$360 (khromis.com)

Revé by René Baby Black US$250 (revebyrene.com)

Projekt Produkt in a gunmetal tone

Giorgio Armani Catwalk US$215 (armani.com)

Alexander McQueen and Puyi Optical Iconic Skull Hinge





fashion: Men


Sneaker pig Story | Simon Au Photography | TPK

Dad Sneakers風仍在熱烈地吹,但正如 家有一老,如有一寶,有一對阿伯球鞋 傍身,正是出得廳堂,不會失禮呢! You know them. Those old familiar, comfortable “running shoes” that dad used to wear. Well, believe it or not, they’re a must for today’s local hipster – and now appropriate for both business functions and casual occasions.

Hermès rapid sneakers $1,225 (hermes.com)


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比利時設計師Raf Simons這邊廂為Adidas聯乘鞋身印 有大R字的Stan Smith球鞋系列,那邊廂又在2013年起打造 Ozweego,成為Ugly Sneakers風潮的「始作俑者」,後來 Gosha Rubchinskiy又將Ugly Fashion發揚光大,Balenciaga 和Gucci紛紛順水推舟,自此成為一發不可收拾的潮流。 絕大部分時裝品牌都有推出自家品牌的球鞋:Dior Homme、Lanvin、Berluti、Moncler、Boss、Stella McCartney繼續遊走老套與型格的界線;Tod’ s與Hogan就趕 上logo熱;Prada則嘗試從工藝入手,低筒的鞋身輪廓由提花 針織結合皮革材質打造而成;另一玩針織的還有Louis Vuitton 的Vuitton New Runner,用了一年時間研發,最後成功於布料 中結合三股紗線,令出來的效果增添深度及美感。而Hermès 標榜輕盈柔軟的Rapid運動鞋,展現山羊絨與技術帆布異材質 的拼接技藝,更以生動活潑的配色與線條突顯整體設計,是一 種奢華的享受。

Belgian designer Raf Simons has been into successful sneaker collaborations for more than a decade. But teaming up with Adidas in 2013 really saw his street wear cred really begin to shine. His take on the Stan Smith tennis shoe for Adidas with a big perforated “R” punched out of premium leather was an instant hit. And like moths to a flame, other designers followed suit. Today, almost all high-end designer labels have their own sports shoe line, toeing the line between traditional and stylish: Balenciaga, Gucci, Dior Homme, Lanvin, Berluti, Louboutin, Moncler, Prada, Ferragamo, Tods, et al. While Tod’s and Hogan emphasize their logos, Prada, on the other hand, has been selling on handicraft, the low profile body made with a combination of jacquard knitted fabric and leather. Another fashion house using jacquard knitted fabric includes Louis Vuitton’s Vuitton New Runner, which was the result of a full year’s research and development. The final product successfully combines three strands of thread to create depth and beauty. Finally, Hermès’ light and soft Rapid athletic shoe (opposite page) shows off the stitching skills that piece together the diverse textures of cashmere and techno canvas, while utilizing vibrant combos of colours and lines for a luxurious feel unlike any other.

(From top to bottom) Berluti run track torino glazed calf leather sneakers US$1,120 (berluti.com, US only); Prada nylon tech fly sneakers; Hogan yellow H357 sneakers US$230 (italist.com); Lanvin mid-top neoprene diving sneakers US$585 (lanvin.com, US only); Louis Vuitton VNR sneakers $1,450 (louisvuitton.com); Ermenegildo Zegna Tiziano XXX sneakers; Stella McCartney loop sneakers $960 (stellamccartney. com); Tod’s men’s leather trainers $430 (frmoda.com); Moncler Garry sneakers $736 (moncler.com); BOSS lace-up trainers; Adidas by Alexander Wang Reissue sneakers; Dior Homme calfskin trainers





the Beauty pages


On the matte Fight shiny oily skin Story | Clarice Yik

Bioderma Sébium Mat Control控 油面霜,為混合與油性肌膚提供迅速 顯著的控油保濕護理,效力能持續八 小時。面霜質地清爽、容易塗抹,肌 膚即時吸收,問題瞬間獲得舒緩。早上 更可當底妝使用,效果完美。 使用7天已能改善膚質:油分和水 分得以重新平衡,保濕度恰到好處,令 肌膚持久柔軟、光滑,散發動人神采。

Sébium Mat Control 採用鋅和維他 命B6調節油分,緊緻肌膚;運用角質層 分離活性成分和收斂劑令毛孔收細,再以 Fluidactiv專利複合成分,減少肌膚瑕疵。 而8小時啞光舒緩技術則以生物調節 作用控制肌膚油光,撫平紋理,緊緻毛 孔。

Sébium Mat Control已進行皮膚病學 測試,證實低致敏、高效抗敏,不會誘發 粉刺,完美護理油分過多和油性皮膚。 Bioderma Sébium Mat Control is the essential anti-shine hydrating treatment for oily skin. Its fresh and pleasant texture is quickly absorbed and lasts for up to eight hours. Used in the morning, it is also a perfect makeup base. Within seven days, skin is rebalanced and perfectly hydrated, radiant and smooth. So how does it work to control shine for so long? Sébium Mat Control biologically regulates shine (zinc, vitamin B6), refines skin texture and tightens pores (keratolytic active ingredients and astringent). It also limits the appearance of blemishes with its Fluidactiv patented complex, biologically regulating sebum quality and providing lasting protection against blocked pores.

Sébium Mat Control 30ml | $19.9


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Tested under dermatological supervision, Sébium Mat Control is hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic—the perfect product for oily skin.


Skincare revolution Elizabeth Arden’s capsule technology on a whole new level with line erasing night serum Story | Clarice Yik 伊麗莎白雅頓於1990年革命性推出的黃金導航膠囊,是 第一種以生物工程研發、與皮膚相同的神經酰胺,採用的單劑 量膠囊儲存方式更是別樹一幟。超過25年來,品牌的膠囊技 術均是業內趐楚,在全球獲得逾46個獎項,如今推出Retinol Ceramide Capsules Line Erasing Night Serum去紋夜間精華黃 金導航膠囊,再度帶領皮膚護理革命。 全新的Retinol Ceramide黃金導航膠囊,主要成分包含: 可增強皮膚天然骨膠原以擊退細紋及皺紋的Retinol;補充皮 膚的神經醯胺的Ceramides 2 & 3,提升肌膚滋潤度;YouthRestoring Peptides讓臉上的皺紋和細紋明顯轉淡減少,改善膚 質、膚色和彈性;而牛油果、葵花子和橄欖油成分則提升肌膚 滋潤亮麗度。相輔相成下,人也煥發年輕光彩。 Retinol是維他命A衍生物,對改善膚質及延緩肌膚衰老極 度有效。然而它對光線和空氣極為敏感,可每次單一使用的 Retinol Ceramide Capsules Line Erasing Night Serum膠囊, 有助維持其穩定性,也讓用者更易掌握適當用量。用時只需輕 輕扭動拉環兩次,打開膠囊。每晚在潔淨的面部和頸部塗抹均 勻的精華液,再塗保濕霜,肌膚將加倍光滑,煥然一新。

In 1990, Elizabeth Arden forever changed the skincare industry with the introduction of Ceramide Capsules—the first of its kind bio-engineered, skin-identical ceramides available in a singledose capsule format. With more than 25 years of leadership and 46-plus awards worldwide for its capsule technology, Elizabeth Arden now introduces the next revolution in skincare– Retinol Ceramide Capsules Line Erasing Night Serum. The new Retinol Ceramide Capsules combine the powerful line-erasing benefits of Retinol with the moisture-boosting and skin barrier repair benefits of Ceramides. Together, they visibly diminish the look of lines and wrinkles, improve skin texture, tone and clarity to reveal dramatically younger-looking skin. In addition to other key ingredients such as youth-restoring peptides, avocado, sunflower seed and olive oils, users will find their skin looks healthy and radiant. As powerful as Retinol is, it is extremely sensitive to light and air which can affect its stability. The monodose capsule format allows for a targeted and precise dosage, and along with a meticulous manufacturing process it helps to protect Retinol from light and air exposure, ensuring the potency of every application. Retinol Ceramide Capsules Line Erasing Night Serum, 60 capsules | $106





the Beauty pages


Skincare Reborn Story | 張琬雯

Photography | Julio Miguel

肌膚一旦出現老化迹象,必須由肌膚底 層的保養做起,先強化細胞活力及提升 肌膚防禦力,再集中處理表面的老化問 題,才能回復年輕嫩肌。

When signs of ageing show, skin care must go deeper to first strengthen cells and fortify the skin before zeroing in on reversing the ageing issues.



c b


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缺乏充足休息,既影響肌膚細胞活力及防禦能 力,更會觸發鬆弛、乾紋及暗啞等衰老現象,需 選用有助促進細胞活力及防禦能力的護膚品。

隨着年紀增長,臉龐容易出現鬆弛、浮腫及暗 啞問題,若要重啟年輕嫩肌,可選用具收緊及 亮膚功效的護膚產品。

Lack of rest affects skin cell vibrancy and defence, leading to ageing symptoms like slack skin and fine lines. Skincare products for promoting cellular health and protection are vital.

Time robs skin of elasticity, making the face puffy and lacklustre. Firming and brightening products could help keep the savage of time at bay.

a. SASSOU JAPAN Gold Beauty Gold Shimmering Essence 30ml $170 (sassou.com) 以日本純金及鉑金為主要成分的精華素,刺激膠原蛋白製造及促進肌膚細胞活 力,更添加了具抗氧化作用的橄欖葉精華。 Enriched with pure gold flakes, this essence from Japan stimulates collagen generation to promote cellular health. The anti-oxidant olive tea extract helps promote rejuvenation. b. RéVive Moisturizing Renewal Cream Night Retexturizer 50ml $265 (saksfifthavenue.com) 以生物表皮更生科技複合物為核心成分的晚霜,有助修復肌膚及促進細胞再生 機制。 The retexturising hydrator night cream helps to repair cells and promote cell regrowth. c. The History Of Whoo Cheonyuldan Ultimate Rejuvenating Emulsion 110ml 天率丹極緻再生乳液蘊含以鹿茸骨粉及山參玉珠等成分混和而成的天氣秘丹, 還帶有鐵皮石斛的和率丹,有效調理肌膚內在平衡,令脆弱的肌膚迅速再生。 The mix of powdered deer antler, ginseng extract, jade mixture and Cheonyuldan infused with Dendrobium candidum readjusts skin balance, and rejuvenates and revitalises fragile skin. d. Guerlain Abeille Royale Youth Watery Oil 15ml $65 (sephora.com) 殿級蜂皇水凝黑蜂活肌蜜以烏埃尚島黑蜂蜂蜜及特級蜂皇漿調製而成,有助促 進細胞再生功能。 The Ouessant Black Bee Honey and exclusive Royal Jelly in the formula will give skin cells a new lease of life. e. Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate 50ml $125 (sephora.com) 紅妍肌活免疫力再生精華除導入革命性免疫再生技術,同時匯聚三重高效成 分,提升肌底防禦力,確保肌膚免疫力維持高水平。 Fortified by revolutionary ImuGeneration Technology and three potent ingredients, the concentrate claims to build stronger defence and strengthen skin against day to day damages.

f. Guerlain Abeille Royale Double R Renew & Repair Serum 50ml $254 (beauty.shoppersdrugmart.ca) 全新殿級蜂皇再生修護雙效精華,採用一瓶雙管設計,結合了獨家提升 塑顏技術及革命性溫和煥膚技術,可緊緻輪廓及亮澤美肌,持續使用, 能改善肌膚幼滑度。 The two-in-one formulation combines an exclusive lifting-effect formula and a soft-peel formula to make face contours more refined and add a glow to the complexion. Continued use could notably smooth skin texture. g. Origins Plantscription Anti-Aging Power Serum 30ml $79 (sephora.com) 採用榆木樹樹皮為主要成分,有效改善因膠原蛋白流失而引致的鬆弛及 皺紋現象,配合強效竹子複合物及海茴香,可緊緻肌膚及提升表皮層飽 滿度。 The serum featuring Anogeissus minimises wrinkles caused by collagen loss and improves skin tone. The Bamboo Power Complex and Crithmum in the formula give skin resilience and helps plump upper skin layers. h. ReFa Face-Up Cream 50ml $65 (saksfifthavenue.com) 包含特殊油分、保濕啫喱及納米化美容成分的三層結構ReFa ECT成 分,令面霜具有出色的緊緻作用。 The three-layered structure, formed of a special oil, a moisturising gel and nano beauty ingredients, gives the cream exceptional tightening effects. i. Thalgo Prodige Des Oceans L’Essence 30ml US$186 (thalgousa.com) 海洋奇蹟全效精華糅合了海洋智能再生複合物,更採用了V面塑顏修正 技術,有助提升輪廓、緊緻肌膚及撫平皺紋。 The patented Regenerative Marine Intelligence and 3D lifting correction with marine stem cells improve skin contours, firm up skin and smooth out wrinkles.





the Beauty pages: role models

Eartha Kitt

中文標題 Katharine Hepburn

Lupita Nyong’o


Famous faces

From Katharine Hepburn to Lupita Nyong’o, Calvin Klein’s latest perfume is packed with star power Story | Leslie Yip Images | Anne Collier 即使是四分一世紀的事,Calvin Klein以Kate Moss半裸給香 氛Obsession拍的廣告至今仍叫人記憶猶新。自此,Calvin Klein 推出全新香氛時均會邀請具化表性的面孔作代言人。最新推出的 Women,代言人更有六位之多。 其中一位星級代言人是Lupita Nyong'o。她於2013年憑Steve McQueen執導的得獎電影《12 Years a Slave》出道,此片為她贏得 包括奧斯卡、美國演員工會獎、影評人協會的最佳女配角殊榮,以 及有色人種促進協會形象獎及獨立精神獎。參演的《Star Wars: The Force Awakens》及《Black Panther》也票房彪炳。 另一位代言人則是金球獎得主及曾3度獲奧斯卡提名的Saoirse Ronan。這位曾演出電影《Atonement》的女星活躍當今影壇,即將 上映的參演電影包括由Ian McEwan執導的《On Chesil Beach》、 Chekov執導的《Seagull》及擔綱女主角的傳記片《Mary Queen of Scots》。不少人都認為Lupita Nyong'o和Saoirse Ronan對於塑造一 個全新的荷李活有極大影響力,她們充分表現出才能、創意、睿智 及毅力。CK特意邀請二人分享曾經啟發她們的靈感女神。 Nyong'o的靈感女神是Eartha Kitt跟Katharine Hepburn。 「Eartha Kitt及Katharine Hepburn從不固步自封,永遠為自己爭取進 步空間。她們誠懇,勇於發聲說出自己的見解,從而改變世界,讓 我得到很大鼓舞。我欣賞她們前衛的藝術觀點,而且從不背棄自己 的理念。我以她們為榜樣,希望像她們一樣真實可信、正直無偽。」


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Since Kate Moss posed half-naked for Calvin Klein’s Obsession a quarter of a century ago, Calvin Klein has always picked the most iconic faces to promote his latest fragrances. And the launch of Women is no exception. This time, however, instead of one woman becoming the face of a CK campaign, there are six. And one of the most famous faces of all is Lupita Nyong’o. Since her feature film debut in Steve McQueen’s acclaimed 2013 movie 12 Years a Slave, she’s won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, alongside multiple other accolades, including the Screen Actors Guild Award, the Critics’ Choice Award, the NAACP Image Award and the Independent Spirit Award. Nyong’o shares the spotlight with Golden Globe winner and three-time Academy Award nominee Saoirse Ronan. The Atonement star will be seen in the movie adaptation of Ian McEwan’s On Chesil Beach, Chekov’s The Seagull, and the title role in the biopic Mary Queen of Scots, all due out later this year. These two women are said to have profoundly shaped a new Hollywood, and are recognized for their talent, creativity, intelligence and strength of character. In this campaign, they were invited to name other figures who have inspired them. Nyong’o draws inspiration from beautiful photography of Eartha Kitt and Katharine Hepburn. “Eartha Kitt and Katharine Hepburn are examples of people who didn’t accept the status quo. They made room for themselves,” says Nyong’o. “I am drawn to their integrity, and their ability to speak up and speak out for what they believe in, to change the course of history. I admire their fierce artistic points of view and that they did not betray themselves. I aspire to be similarly authentic and full of integrity,” says the Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Blank Panther star.

Sissy Spacek

Nina Simone

Saoirse Ronan一邊放著Nina Simone的音樂,一 邊分享她對Sissy Spacek的景仰。「坦率開放的Sissy Spacek勇於嘗試任何事物及前往任何地方。她自由率 性,是時代先驅人物。而Nina Simone則忠於自己的 音樂,影響著整個音樂界。看著別人做著自己熱愛的 事,對我來說十分鼓舞,希望可以跟她們一樣,感受 相同的喜悅。」 Calvin Klein創意總監Raf Simons表示:「我希 望展現『傳遞女性力量』的意念,突顯女士們如何深受 她們的靈感女神所啟發。Lupita Nyong'o及Saoirse Ronan的真性情、朝氣及力量完全體現出新一代女性 的堅強及魅力。」 香水本身大玩對比,堅強與脆弱、清澀與感性。 淡粉紅色香水散發木質花香,香水糅合三種主要成 分—新鮮桉樹橡實為前調,矜貴的燈花為中調,濃郁 的阿拉斯加松木為基調。

Saoirse Ronan

Meanwhile, Saoirse Ronan plays a Nina Simone record and shares her admiration for another famous face in Hollywood. “Sissy Spacek has this openness to her, this presence. She seems to have a willingness to try anything and go anywhere. She was free and a pioneer. Nina Simone was able to shape the music industry and herself, make it into what she needed it to be… . Seeing people doing something that they’re passionate about is inspiring. It encourages you to do the same, to feel the same.” Raf Simons, chief creative officer at Calvin Klein, explains that he wants to celebrate “the profound inspiration women draw from one another. The authenticity, vibrancy and strength of Lupita Nyong’o and Saoirse Ronan shine through as strong and beautiful voices of a new generation of modern femininity.” The perfume itself is a play of contrasts. Fusing strength with fragility, freshness with sensuality, the light pink-hued woody floral fragrance builds around three core ingredients: fresh eucalyptus acorns as a top note, delicate orange flower petals as a mid-layer, and a rich base of Alaskan cedar wood. The bottle makes a striking statement with a graphic, oversized disc-shaped cap with a close-up photographic print of a female eye. Created by Suzanne Dalton in collaboration with Anne Collier, it blurs the boundaries between art and fashion.

瓶身的圖案設計獨特鮮明,超大碟形瓶蓋上印 有女性眼睛圖案。香水瓶由Suzanne Dalton及Anne Collier攜手設計,完美駕馭時尚與藝術兩種風格。

Calvin Klein Women 50 ml | $92 100 ml | $119





special wine supplement


Grand Marnier invites you to Live Grand 要活得精彩,便需敢於突破傳統,把經歷變為精彩體驗。 To Live Grand is to have the vision to boldly twist the elements of tradition and transform a good experience into a GRAND one. Story | Crystal Ng

Patrick Raguenaud是Grand Marnier的總調製師,並於2017年11月獲委任為National Interprofessional Bureau of Cognac的總裁。 Grand Marnier’s Master Blender, Patrick Raguenaud who is also the President of the National Interprofessional Bureau of Cognac, appointed in November 2017. 58

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Grand Marnier邀請你活出精彩人生,讓富 品味且有要求的新一代飲家,認識及體味這款結 合法國干邑及獨特苦橙精華的優質甜酒。

grand marnier invites you to Live grand – while reintroducing this premium liqueur that combines refined French cognac with exotic bitter orange essence to a new generation of stylish and sophisticated spirits drinkers.

舉世聞名的法國甜酒Grand Marnier夥拍世 界知名音樂錄像導演,呈獻名為We Live Grand 的全新品牌推廣項目。

grand marnier, the award-winning French luxury spirit, has enlisted the visual dynamism of the world’s most acclaimed music video director to present their newest brand campaign “We Live Grand“.

「We Live Grand是把經歷變為精彩體驗的 一個旅程。」導演Joseph Kahn表示。「Grand Marnier的豐富歷史成為短片的靈感泉源,品牌 的美學及創意,讓觀眾完美沉醉於由陳年干邑及 苦橙精華結合而成的精彩世界。」 Grand Marnier優雅而大膽,其獨特風味為 飲家帶來無可比擬的體驗,展現忠於傳統同時大 膽前衛,不斷推陳出新的精神。

世紀不變的名貴法國佳釀 Grand Marnier的經典配方Cordon Rouge,由Louis-Alexandre Marnier Lapostolle 於1880年在鄰近巴黎的小城最先創製,是他花 了10年時間研製才找到醇厚干邑跟苦橙味的完 美比例,甫面世便成為當時法國時尚的標誌。 Louis-Alexandre在一個世紀前發明的釀製過程 一直沿用至今,絲毫無改,深受全球餐廳及酒 吧的青睞。 Grand Marnier期後推出 Cuvées 系列,包 括Grand Marnier Centenaire、Grand Marnier 1880及Grand Marnier Quintessence。每一種 配方中的干邑比例至少有51%或以上。 Grand Marnier擁有高雅精緻的品位,將干 邑結合野生苦橙精華的獨特口味為它塑造了鮮 明形象。如何把苦橙皮蒸餾後混入甘醇干邑, 至今仍是不為人知的秘密配方。

“We Live Grand“ is about the journey of taking a good experience and transforming it into a grAnd one,” says director Joseph Kahn. “i was inspired by the deep, rich heritage of grand marnier, the brand aesthetic, and the creative license to submerge viewers in a fantastical world that plays into the rich Cognac and bitter orange cues found in this iconic French spirit.” the unique history comprised of sophistication and eccentricity provides grand marnier imbibers with a drinking experience like no other. it is the spirit for those grounded in tradition, yet daring enough to forge their own path.

A Luxurious FrenCh spirit unChAnged From 1880 to present dAy grand marnier’s signature expression, Cordon rouge, was first created in 1880 in a small city outside of paris by Louis-Alexandre marnier Lapostolle. he experimented for 10 years before identifying the perfect balance of smooth Cognac and surprising, flavourful oranges, yielding a refined spirit considered the height of fashion in French society. today, the process he introduced more than a century ago remains unchanged, and has become a staple at restaurants and bars around the world. the grand marnier family extends to a sophisticated range of Cuvées, including grand marnier Centenaire, grand marnier 1880 and grand marnier Quintessence. each expression within the grand marnier range contains a minimum of 51% Cognac. sophisticated in its very nature, grand marnier’s aura is characterized by its unique and eccentric blend of cognac and exotic bitter oranges. the complexity and mellowness of cognac, combined with the exoticism of distilled essence of orange, is still a secret recipe today.





Wine not?

Hainle葡萄園俯瞰寧靜的奧肯納根湖。 Hainle vineyard overlooking the peaceful Okanagan Lake.


Like great grandfather, like great grandson You might say the Hainle Wine Estate is the Mercedes of vineyards Story | Kenson Ho & Kevin Rolston Photography | Hainle Deep River Wine Estate 當Walter還是一個年輕男孩時,他的曾祖父握著他的手,說 道: 「Es gibt vier Arten von Wein: Weiß, Rot, Gut und Böse」 ,即 「只 有四種葡萄酒:白酒,紅酒,好酒和劣酒。」而最重要的是,「耐心等 候,到適當時候才可推出發售。」


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As a young boy, Walter Huber’s great grandfather took his hand and said, “Es gibt vier Arten von Wein: Weiß, Rot, Gut und Böse” or “There are four kinds of wine: White, Red, Good and Bad.” And the most important thing is, “Take your time and sell it when it’s ready.”


WinemAkinG AT An eARly AGe

Walter Huber是位於卑詩省奧肯納根、屢獲國際獎項的Hainle Organic Deep River葡萄酒莊的世界級釀酒大師。六歲時,他的父親 正忙著在德國汽車代理業中建立自己的王國,將Walter送往與曾祖父 同住。

Walter Huber is a world class winemaker at the international award-winning Hainle Vineyards estate Winery in British Columbia’s Okanagan wine country. At the age of six, Huber’s father was so busy building his German car dealership that he sent his son to live with his great grandfather who grew up on the family’s heritage wine estate in munich, Germany.

Walter的曾祖父在德國慕尼黑的家族式傳統葡萄酒莊園長大,在 歐洲擁有4,500年種植葡萄歷史的東奧地利「Weinland」建立了自己的 酒莊。 Walter在十三歲時第一次釀製自己的葡萄酒,是名為雷司令 (Riesling)的傳統德國白葡萄酒。在共住的七年期間,Walter耳聞目睹 九十七歲的曾祖父以歐洲傳統方法釀酒。曾祖父跟他說:「不要想著 把所學的傳授給兒子,還是教你的孫子吧!因為兒子永遠不會聽你那 套。」然而,在他們的家族中擔起傳承的則是曾孫,Walter不僅聽,更 將曾祖父對葡萄酒釀造的熱情,藏於靈魂深處。 15歲的Walter完成學業後回到慕尼黑,準備投身社會,夢想成為 一名平治AMG車系的優秀汽車技師。他父親卻希望Walter能夠學好商 業管理,接管家族的平治代理生意。

從賣車到度假村 可是,Walter並不想為父親工作,選擇到錫根(Siegen)加入一家 平治經銷商當學徒。雖然他那時沒能力負擔,但卻深信自己總有一天 會擁有「世界上最好的汽車」。 眼見當時對平治的E系列房車需求甚殷,不想等候五至六年才收 到車的買家願意支付溢價以求即時擁有,Walter看準並抓緊這機會, 前往北美洲搜購平治E系列柴油汽車,並運回歐洲。在隨後的兩年間每 月運送200至300輛汽車到德國。

So it’s little surprise that great granddad established himself in Weinland, europe’s 4,500-year-old grape growing region of eastern Austria. it was here at the age of 13 that Huber crafted his first wine, an old German Riesling. For seven impressionable years Huber watched his 97 year old great grandfather practice traditional european winemaking techniques. He told his great grandson, “if you ever want to teach your son, teach your grandson, because your son will never listen.” Huber not only listened, he absorbed his great grandfather’s passion for winemaking. At age 15, Huber finished school and was back in munich ready to take on the world. He envisioned himself an auto mechanic of the same caliber as those masters at mercedes Benz AmG. But his father had other plans, wanting him to improve his business skills so he could one day take over the family’s mercedes Benz dealerships.

CAnAdiAn SpORT And FiSHinG lOdGe Huber didn’t want to work for his father, so with a little tenacious teenager negotiations, Huber left munich to apprentice at a mercedes dealership in Siegen, Germany. He could not afford the cars he worked around, but his ambition was to one day own the best car in the world. That aspiration and his growing enthusiasm opened other doors: He travelled to north America to buy back as many mercedes Benz e Class diesel cars as he could to meet the european demand that could take up to six years to buy. Huber

仍在運作的古舊製冰酒機器。 The classic icewine-making machine is still in use.





Wine not?

酒莊內其中一個試酒房。 One of Hainle’s tasting rooms.

當他回到德國時,父親再次希望他承擔平治代理業務的管理。自 知性格跟父親的鐵腕手法不符,對父親說他要留在加拿大。 Walter的第一個項目是在安大略省西部建造一個擁有五層高大 樓和六間木屋的釣魚度假村。在這裡他第一次接觸到Hainle葡萄酒, Hainle正是度假村餐廳的供應商之一。

Walter Huber

seized the moment and returned 200 to 300 cars per month for the next two years. When it was time to return to Germany, Huber’s father wanted him back at his mercedes dealership. instead, Huber stayed in Canada to build a six cabin sport and fishing lodge in Western Ontario. it was here where he first experienced Hainle wines, a supplier to the resort’s dining room.

HAinle ORGAniC deep CReek Wine eSTATe

根深蒂固 Hainle酒莊的原主人於1998年去世。Walter當時正計劃投資卑詩 省漸趨成熟的奧肯納根的房地產,建造一個新的酒莊和其他房地產項 目。聽到Hainle葡萄酒莊連同紮根已久的葡萄園出售時,Walter把握機 會買入。 早於2006年前,Hainle Wine Estate已以第一個在加拿大使用德 國葡萄而聞名,也是首個在北美生產冰酒的酒莊,且是加拿大第一家 沒有添加化學品或添加劑,獲得100%有機認證的酒莊。源自曾祖父 的釀酒根源,終於在Walter身上開花結果。他在Hainle的首次製作即 獲獎,Hainle Wines連續多年被評為加拿大最佳釀酒廠之一。2015年 時,Hainle已成為世界上評價最高的酒莊之一。Walter的夢想成真,他 承認:「我的曾祖父做得正確!」 Walter指出Hainle享譽國際背後的原因在於酒莊葡萄園的葡萄根 粗健壯,深入地底吸取充足水分和養分。葡萄是根據月相時間表、當 礦物產量最高時採摘。這些獨特技術加上歐洲傳統之一的小桶釀酒 法,以及歷史悠久的工藝,讓Hainle的美酒得以發揚光大。 Walter於2016年將Hainle Vineyards Estate Winery的擁有權出售 予一個國際營銷網絡,對方完全認同他對葡萄酒的熱情和做法,邀請 Walter出任總經理和釀酒師,延續他對美酒的熱誠。

Hainle優待 《星尚》 讀者 顧客可以一周七天親到酒莊品嘗及選購Hainle葡萄酒,酒莊以外 購買,則僅限售予Hainle美酒俱樂部的會員,而新會員均需是被邀請 的。Walter現優待《星尚》讀者,只需電郵至wineclub@hainle.com,註 明希望加入為酒會成員即可。

Huber had his sights on property in BC’s ripening Okanagan to build a new winery and other real estate ventures. The original owner of the Hainle Winery passed away in 1998, and when the vineyard became available, he jumped at the chance. prior to 2006 the Hainle Wine estate was well known for being the first to use German grapes in Canada, and the first to produce ice wine in north America. it was also the first winery in Canada to be certified 100 per cent organic, using no added chemicals or additives. Huber’s winemaking roots planted by his great grandfather began bearing fruit. His first production at Hainle was award winning, followed by numerous accolades as Canada’s Best Winery multiple years in a row. As of 2015, Hainle is among the highest rated wineries in the world. A dream come true for Huber: “my great grandfather did it right.” Huber explains that one of the unique distinctions behind his vineyard’s international acclaim is that the grape vines have very deep roots, drawing their water and nutrients from deep down below the surface. The harvests are collected according to the full moon’s schedule when the mineral yield is the highest. These techniques along with other Old World winemaking practices of small bins and time-honored processes allow Huber to share Hainle wine when it’s ready.

exCluSiVe Wine CluB On-site tastings at Hainle are available any day of the week, however, purchasing Hainle wines outside the winery is reserved solely for members of its exclusive wine club. new members are welcome by invitation only. But Huber is making one big exception: he has extended this invitation to all readers of eliteGen magazine. Just email wineclub@hainle.com and note that you would like to become a member of this extraordinary wine club. Check out the website for membership fees and other info. Hainle Organic Deep River Wine Estate, 5355 Trepanier Bench Rd, Peachland, BC Canada V0H 1X2 604.687.8800 / 250.767.2525 hainle.com


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烤Yarrow草原鴨胸。 Roasted Yarrow Meadows Duck Breast.


Waterfront Wines Restaurant Forefront Dining in Kelowna’s Wine District Story | Kenson Ho & Kevin Rolston Photography | Waterfront Wines Restaurant

「做喜愛的事,活出自己的人生。」 是大廚師Mark Filatow的理念。當客人來到其靠近奧 肯納根湖邊,迷人葡萄酒山谷的餐廳Waterfront Wines Restaurant,品嚐以本地農場 和花園的時鮮食材,結合精湛廚藝的美食時,成就精彩的一章。 “Live life and do what you love” is at the heart of chef Mark Filatow’s raison d’etre. Fresh, local vitality, from the garden and farm to the table, is what brings life to those who experience the dishes he creates at Waterfront Wines Restaurant, located near the shores of Lake Okanagan at the crest of British Columbia’s luscious wine valley.


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脆皮野生三文魚,甘筍和意大利燴飯。 Crusted Wild Salmon, Carrot & Farro Risotto.

Mark熱愛大自然,中學畢業後毅然離開大多倫多郊 區,入讀卑詩省UBC大學的家庭科學和營養學系。因為 迷上威士拿的震撼雪山景致,到當地餐館兼職,也因此 發掘了他對烹調美食的熱情,繼而申請入讀加拿大西部 著名的Dubrulle烹飪學院並以榮譽生畢業。

Filatow’s love of nature is what led him to leave the suburbs of Toronto after high school and study Family Sciences and Nutrition at UBC. In balance with his studies, he facilitated his affection for the snow-covered slopes of Whistler by working at local restaurants. It was in these kitchens that he discovered his passion for creating good food and then decided to enrol at Western Canada’s top culinary school.

自此,Mark跟隨加國多位知名廚大師習藝 – 在位 於托菲諾太平洋海岸、激浪澎湃水域旁的Wickaninnish 酒店,與大廚Rod Butters工作;兩年後,Mark重回急速 發展的城市脈搏,為Bishops餐廳的名廚John Bishop工 作;然後是贏得加拿大Iron chef名號的Michael Noble主 理的Diva at the Met 。

Soon after graduating with honours from the Dubrulle Culinary Institute, Filatow began to absorb the wisdom and techniques of some of the country’s top chefs.

在以學徒習藝的同期,Mark更鑽研美酒方面的知 識,成為屢獲殊榮的認證侍酒師,亦是加拿大唯一被接 納加入Sommelier Guild侍酒師協會的廚師。 2001年,憑藉對優質食品和葡萄酒配對的高度評價 資格,加上於奧肯納根這城市綠洲成長的吸引力,Mark 與主廚Rod Butters以及Audrey Surrao結盟,開設了基 隆拿的著名高級餐廳Fresco(現為時尚的RauDZ)。

He worked under Rod Butters at the Wickaninnish Inn, along the wild surf waters of Tofino’s Pacific Coast. Two years later, he was back in the city, working for chef John Bishop at Bishop’s Restaurant. Then it was on to Diva at the Met, under the tutelage of Canadian Iron Chef Michael Noble. It was during these influential years that Filatow achieved something that few chefs can claim — he became an award-winning, certified sommelier and is one of the only chefs in Canada to be a member of the coveted Sommelier Guild. In 2001, with this level of appreciation for quality food and wine pairing, as well as his attraction to the growth of the Okanagan as an urban oasis, Filatow reconnected with chef Butters and, along with restaurateur Audrey Surrao, opened Kelowna’s revolutionary fine‐dining restaurant, Fresco (now the contemporary RauDZ).






一羊二吃,配上香烤蔬菜及意大利湯糰。 Lamb Duo, roasted vegetable and gnocchi.




Mark於2004年創立了他的心血結晶 – Waterfront Wines Restaurant。自2006年以來每年均獲得Wine Spectator的卓越 獎,同時連續九年被Vancouver Magazine評為「最佳奧肯納根餐 廳」。

Since opening his own labour of love in 2004, Waterfront Wines Restaurant has garnered the Wine Spectator’s “Award of excellence” every year since 2006. It has also been recognized as “The Best Okanagan Restaurant” by Vancouver Magazine each of the last nine years.

他積極支持使用新鮮的當地有機食材,與一群志同道合的獨 立供應商合作,互助互惠。他還擁有稱之為「Eldorado農場」的半 私人花園,供應餐廳大部分的香草和精選番茄。

Filatow is devoted to using fresh, locally sourced organic ingredients and has partnered with a group of independent like‐minded suppliers. He is also partial to his own not‐so‐secret garden that he calls “eldorado Farm,” where most of the restaurant’s herbs and select tomatoes are harvested.

客人不但欣賞Mark所創作的菜式,也相當受落所建議的搭配 葡萄酒,當中選擇主要來自奧肯納根社區。由於菜單每三周轉換 一次,Mark重視其葡萄酒單的靈活性。目前精心挑選的葡萄酒組 合中,60%來自卑詩省,40%來自小型國際葡萄酒廠。

The exceptional wine pairings for each of Filatow’s creations are also sourced primarily from the Okanagan. However, with the menu changing every three weeks, it is paramount that the wine selection be flexible. Currently, the carefully chosen wines are 60 per cent from British Columbia and 40 per cent from small international wineries.

為了擬定Waterfront Wine Restaurant的季節性菜單,Mark周 遊列國,於技巧、香料、構思、文化家庭特色等方面尋找靈感。 菜式也會反映他本人的歐洲淵源及往昔經歷,其中一道招牌菜便 是烤碎胡椒安格斯翼板牛排,配有附近出產的德國食Sieglinde黃 薯,配波爾多醬汁。

Filatow travels the world for inspiration — be it ingredients, spices or culinary techniques. He also reflects on his own european heritage and the childhood experiences of those working with him. One signature dish that has secured a life of its own at Waterfront Wines is the Grilled Peppercorn Crusted Heritage Angus Flat Iron, with Fork Mashed Sweet Life Farms Sieglinde Potatoes, and Sauce Bordelaise.

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Mark是個親力親為的大廚。 Mark is a hands-on chef.

烤碎胡椒扁鐵牛排,手打薯蓉,波爾多醬汁。 Peppercorn Crusted Flat Iron, Fork Mashed Potatoes, Sauce Bordelaise.

Waterfront的裝潢,是大自然及城市生活的完美結合。 The décor of Waterfront is a perfect marriage of nature and urban living.



Waterfront Wines餐廳的成功同時得力於 充滿活力、包容和快樂的環境。這能量見諸於 每個細節和裝潢。輕鬆隨意但溫馨的氛圍,為 客人提供賓至如歸的感覺,即使穿著短褲和涼 鞋亦無妨。

Filatow credits the ongoing success of Waterfront Wines to the dynamic, inclusive and happy environment within the restaurant’s workplace. This energy goes into each glass, bowl and dish of the guest’s experience. It is also reflected in the restaurant’s fresh and tasty decor. The casual, yet sophisticated, intimate dining atmosphere is designed to be inviting, comfortable and shorts-and-sandals friendly.

Mark在2017年還開設了Waterfront Café Catering,毗鄰基隆拿極受歡迎的一個湖濱。 這裡的廚房面積是餐廳的五倍,能讓Mark能 夠準備二百至五百人聚會的美食。這家咖啡館 通過香濃咖啡,自家麵包店手工製作的非凡美 味小吃,成為客人相互聯繫的好地方。

In addition to the restaurant, Filatow opened Waterfront Cafe and Catering last year, located next to one of Kelowna’s popular beachfronts. The kitchen here is five times the size of the restaurant’s and provides Filatow with the capability of catering to parties as large as 500. The cafe is a place where people can connect with each other over coffee, remarkable meals and tasty bites handcrafted in Waterfront’s own bakery. Waterfront Wines Restaurant is a place to enjoy fresh local ingredients married with international flavours and paired with a delicious wine. It’s also a place to experience a unique cocktail or a martini. This is place to connect with friends and a place to be.

Waterfront Wines Restaurant#104 - 1180 Sunset Drive, Kelowna, BC 250.979.1222 waterfrontrestaurant.ca






Roasted lamb sirloin配黑橄欖醬汁,配搭新鮮有趣。以低溫 慢煮處理的西冷羊肉,口感柔腴豐潤。配對味道甘鹹的黑橄 欖醬汁不常見但非常討好。 What a unique blend of black olive sauce with roasted lamb sirloin! The low-temperature, slow-cooking method gives the meat a rich and gentle taste. It is served with turnip soubise, chickpea panisse, fried cabbage and edible flowers.

現製意大利粉配以羅勒、橄欖油、帕瑪芝士,簡 單又美味。 The fresh spaghetti with basil, olive oil and Parmesan cheese, simple yet delicious.


West Coast Inspiration, Classic Italian Expression Story | Iris Yim Photography | Johnny Liu


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Il Caminetto的出現,讓威士拿的 美食版圖更為廣闊和完美。 The launch of Il Caminetto late last year added extra juice to Whistler’s already comprehensive foodie map.

Il Caminetto的主層餐房設計典雅中帶有現代感。 The design of the lower dining room is both modern and elegant.

威士拿村裡有眾多美食,當中又以西太平洋海岸風 格的fine dining水準較高及最多選擇。去年底才開業的Il Caminetto則以意大利風味添加創意手法的fine dining突 圍而出。 Il Caminetto的行政總廚James Walt是廚藝家,對 炮製美食有著熱切追求和執著,曾於威士拿另一知名餐 廳Araxi Restaurant擔任行政總廚逾廿年,從西海岸風格 演變至如今的意大利美食,創意每每讓人喜出望外。

Classic Italian fine dining with a twist, Il Caminetto stands out among all restaurants in Whistler Village. Executive chef James Walt’s regionally focused menu melds Italian and local flavours. He has cooked at the celebrated James Beard House in New York City on three occasions and has been voted best chef in Whistler by Pique Newsmagazine. In 2011, he was inducted into the British Columbia Restaurant Association Hall of Fame.





food 冰鎮而上的醃三文魚,以鮮豌豆茸製成 的意大利式奶凍,加上細碎的烤開心果 仁碎粒等,把醃三文魚的鹹鮮襯得相當 有層次。 Cured local salmon with panna cotta, fresh peas and edible flowers–a tasty and jazzy presentation.

秘製檻欖油蛋糕把經 典意式甜品tiramisu和 panna cotta奶凍合而 為一,呈半溶的流質狀 態,成就了又甜又酸又 滑又香的複合味道。 House-made olive oil cake, a traditional fusion of tiramisu and panna cotta.

Il Caminetto行政總廚James Walt。 Executive chef James Walt. (image source: Il Caminetto)

本省優質食材哈里拔魚配以意式小雲吞的香煎BC halibut。 Local pan-roasted halibut with tortelli pasta.


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Chef James對本土當季優質食材有一份執 著;堅持以手製意大利美食作為骨幹,在傳統味 道上加以稍微現代風的變調,標榜手製美食,如 生盆、前菜、意大利麵食、麵包、醃肉及冰淇淋 等都是膾炙人口的經典。西太平洋海岸的優質食 材到了他手中,透過意大利式的烹調手法而成為 雋永佳味。 Il Caminetto每天現製的七、八款新鮮意式麵 食,成為了意式食制primi的皇牌,「簡單就是美」 是意式麵食的終極精神,一道fusilli al pomodoro 是傳統有機番茄、上好橄欖油和新鮮羅勒香草的 組合,再灑上滿滿芝士碎,把手工麵的al dente 口感,有嚼勁有麵香的特質完美地呈現出來。再 如butternut squash tortelloni、wild mushroom risotto等,莫不是以簡單食材配精緻手工麵食的 概念來發揮。

Walt is no stranger to the Whistler restaurant scene, having served as managing director of renowned Araxi for more than 20 years. An executive chef alumnus at the Canadian Embassy in Rome, Walt is committed to using fresh, local inseason ingredients to produce classic Italian food, such as crudo, antipasti, pasta, bread, charcuterie and even gelato. He adds a modern flavour to traditional Italian cuisine with every dish. Il Caminetto offers seven or eight types of in-house pasta daily. Check out their fusilli al pomodoro, which features organic tomatoes, fresh basil, olive oil and grated cheese. This simple combination has plenty of flavour and a pasta with a nice, chewy texture. The butternut squash tortelloni and the wild mushroom risotto are also not to be missed.

距威士拿不遠的Pemberton,農場處處,為Il Caminetto 提供很多新鮮的本土食材。 A number of local farms from nearby Pemberton provide fresh ingredients to Il Caminetto. (Image source: Il Caminetto)

頭盤首選必然是beef carpaccio。這道菜以十六世紀威尼斯畫家Vittore Carpaccio為名,早已 在威尼斯發揚光大。Chef James先把BC Blue Goose Cattle的上好牛柳在煎鍋上輕炙,然後 薄切如紙,平鋪在碟中成為四方底座,上面似隨意地擺置泡漬嫩姬菇、烤麵包脆片、可食用 花卉、蛋黃醬、有素食parmesan之稱的parmegan芝士等,擺盤設計造型精緻,牛肉入口而 化,酸脆鹹香鮮盡在一口間。 Named after Venice painter Vittore Carpaccio, the beef carpaccio appetizer will ignite your gastro juices. Chef Walt slightly pan-fries high-quality BC Blue Goose beef, then lays out a thin slice on the plate. Add-ons include pickled shimeji mushrooms, crunchy flatbread, edible flowers, egg yolk jam and parmegan (vegetarian parmesan cheese). The presentation is simple, yet quite impressive. Your tastebuds will spring to life with the first bite.

Il Caminetto 4242 Village Stroll, Whistler 604.932.4442 ilcaminetto.ca






共三層的大宅建於34度的山坡,屋內寬闊的樓梯 連接各層 。 Wide, winding stairs connect the home's three levels that rise from the 34-degree hillside slope.


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VINCE TALOTTA/TORONTO STAR Be-landa大宅的建築師Stephanie Maignan 現於多倫多定居。 Architect Stephanie Maignan, now based in Toronto, designed Be-landa House used in Crazy Rich Asians.

多倫多建築師打造 《我的超豪男友》豪華大宅

How a Toronto architect designed the home in Crazy Rich Asians Story | Carola Vyhnak Photography | Toronto Star 誰會料到,吉隆坡一間由多倫多建築師設計的大宅,竟然被選 中成為荷李活電影《我的超豪男友》的拍攝場地。 現實中,大宅是一個五口之家的安樂窩。去年電影攝製隊在大 宅中花了13小時進行拍攝,雖然寧靜的家突然變得喧嘩吵鬧,居主 一家卻異常興奮。

It’s kind of a crazy story: a stunning house in Kuala Lumpur designed by a Toronto architect is cast as the home of “crazy rich Asians” in a Hollywood movie of the same name. And the proud family of five who actually live there have a blast when their home became a bit of a madhouse for 13 hours during filming last year.

華納電影《Crazy Rich Asians》改編自關凱文(Kevin Kwan) 的同名小說,是一部浪漫喜劇。故事講述由Constance Wu飾演的 Rachel,跟男友Nick(Henry Golding飾)一同返回新加坡參加朋友 的婚禮,赫然發現男友原來是當地首富的兒子,是城中鑽石筍盤, 男友家人更對他倆的關係甚有意見……

The Warner Bros. movie, Crazy Rich Asians, is a romantic comedy based on a novel by Kevin Kwan. The plot follows Rachel (played by Constance Wu) and her boyfriend Nick (Henry Golding) to Singapore for a friend’s wedding. Nick introduces her to his very wealthy family who have different plans for the dashing young man, considered to be the “Prince Harry of Asia.”

鏡頭一轉,讓我們看看電影中的主角之一:Be-landa大宅。 大宅建於叢林山腰,由支柱支撐佇立樹梢之上。設計師Stephanie Maignan曾於馬來西亞工作15年,去年夏季移居多倫多。設計新派 的6睡房大宅住著Jan及Ineke Hofstede以及他們分別15、18及20歲 的子女。

Cut to the silent star of the film: Be-landa House, built on stilts among the treetops on a jungle hillside. Designed by Stephanie Maignan, who moved to Toronto last summer after working in Malaysia for 15 years, the six-bedroom, contemporary oasis belongs to Jan and Ineke Hofstede and their three kids aged 15, 18 and 20.






《我的超豪男友》 戲中一幕。 Constance Wu and and Henry Golding in Crazy Rich Asians.

Hofstedes一家於1992年移居馬來西亞後,便邀請Maignan為 他們設計這所建於34度斜坡上的新居。(Maignan解釋,Be-landa在 當地語言是荷蘭人的意思。)

The Hofstedes, who moved to Malaysia in 1992, asked Maignan to design their home on a 34-degree slope. (Be-landa, Maignan explains, means “Dutch” in the local language.)

Maignan跟拍檔Amanda Teh在2005年成立建築公司29 Design,她表示:「他們購下的地段位處叢林,要在那兒建房子對我 們來說極具挑戰性。」

“They came to us with this jungle lot they bought which was the most challenging place for us to build on,” says Maignan, who partnered with Amanda Teh to set up their architectural firm, 29 Design, in 2005.

整個項目耗時冗長。由最初的圖則至2014年完工,共花了5年 時間,當中遇上季候風、山泥傾瀉及新頒布的建築要求,均是導致 工程延誤的原因。

“It took a crazy amount of time,” five years from first draft to completion in 2014, thanks to monsoons, landslides and newlyimposed construction requirements.

大宅由三個分層的亭子組成,並以玻璃橋連貫,由於房子沿斜 坡興建,因此全屋共有7組樓梯連接各層。

The house consists of three pavilions on different levels, linked by a glass-walled bridge and seven staircases necessary for vertical connection because of the slope.

「當工程師得悉我的種種要求時,他把我叫作瘋子建築師。」 Maignan笑說。她的設計概念源自屋主對熱帶及東南亞風格的愛好。 「大宅的設計跟電影的要求不謀而合。」Maignan補充道。 屋內有上下兩層客廳,戲內一場戲講述Nick的母親在其中一 層閱讀聖經,而賓客們則在另一層一邊喝茶,一邊說是非。Jan Hofstede表示其中一個航拍鏡頭把這間耗資2百萬興建的大宅完美地 展現出來。身為屋主,他本身對於這間佔地8,000呎、位處繁忙都市 中的度假式住宅十分自豪。


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“The engineer called me a crazy architect because of what we were asking,” laughs Maignan, who took her design cues from the Hofstedes’ affinity for the tropics and Southeast Asian lifestyle. “It worked well for filming,” Maignan adds. In a scene in one of the two living rooms that sit atop each other, Nick’s mother reads passages from the Bible while her guests gossip over tea. There’s a “really nice drone shot” of the $2-million property, says Jan Hofstede, who’s “very proud of our resort-style house in the middle of a busy city” that boasts 8,000 square feet of space.

就在2017年的某一天,100名演員及工作人員,連同26台載 滿拍攝器材、中式陶瓷及藝術品的大貨車進駐大宅。

Just as well, when 100 cast and crew members plus 26 trucks of equipment, Chinese antiques and art showed up for a day in 2017.

「我們一家人在開拍前花了三天時間準備,拍攝完畢後又花了 兩天把房子回復原狀。」本身是一家德國農具公司的區域董事總經 理的Hofstede表示。但看見自己的安樂窩竟能登上荷李活大銀幕, 心情非常特別。

The family spent three days preparing then another two putting everything back, says Hofstede, a regional managing director for a German farming equipment company.

Hofstede在電郵中提到:「突然有100人加上各種器材進駐寧 靜的家中,一下子又回復平靜,感覺十分奇妙。」 他續說:「導演Jon Chu(朱浩偉)十分友善,更帶同15歲的兒 子來到片場親授電影製作的過程。」 在美國出生的設計師Maignan,現為多倫多B+H建築公司的 高級合伙人,她亦因為其傑作被全世界關注而十分興奮。 問到她會否透過大銀幕欣賞其精心傑作,她肯定地說:「當然 會,我跟同事們將會大伙兒前往為Be-landa大宅歡呼。」

He said it was “quite something” to have their home appear in a Hollywood film. “An amazing experience from living in a very quiet community to having about 100 people with equipment taking over your house, to complete silence again,” Hofstede said in an email. Director Jon Chu (“a really nice guy”) took their 15-year-old son under his wing to explain the filmmaking process, he adds. American-born Maignan, who’s a senior design associate at Toronto-based B+H Architects, is equally tickled by the global exposure of her Malaysian masterpiece. Will she see it on the big screen? “Of course!” she says. “There’s a group of us from the office going as the cheering section for Be-landa House.” How crazy is that?

楊紫瓊在電影中飾演男主角的巴辣母親。 Michelle Yeoh in Crazy Rich Asians.







Jungle sanctuary Hidden jewel in Riviera Maya provides a luxurious getaway experience through nature and nurture Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Simon Boucher-Harris

既沒有閃爍的霓虹招牌,亦不見大型噴 泉或瑪雅雕像,這所度假酒店的入口 非常低調,駕車經過亦未必留意得到。 在白色外牆及巨形柚木大門後,是一 座匠心獨運的大自然樂園:歡迎來到 位於加勒比海的Blue Diamond Riviera Maya,一所隱藏於森林中的全包式度 假酒店(只招待成年人)。 There are no garish neon signs, sprouting fountains or gaudy Mayan sculptures. The entrance to this exclusive resort is so understated, you could drive by without noticing it. Yet, beyond the whitewashed wall and giant teak door lies a meticulously curated nature paradise.


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Blue Diamond的臨海別墅,開揚遼 闊的加勒比海壯麗景色,盡入眼簾。 The beachfront casitas at Blue Diamond offers a front row view of the Caribbean sea.






半開放式間格,將大自然融入室內。 Semi-open air architecture blurs the line between indoors and out.

以茅草屋頂設計的大堂寬敞開揚,辦妥入住手續後,我們 的私人管家Roberto告之單車停泊所在:「我們的住客大多喜歡騎 單車四處晃遊,這就是你們入住期間的專用單車。當然有需要的 話,亦可隨時通知要求高爾夫球車接載。」 他提醒我們:「別忘了今晚7時預約了chef’ s table,如果早到 更有可能見到短吻鱷在環礁湖出沒,短吻鱷都被美食吸引過來。」

貼近大自然 佔地36英畝的Blue Diamond,佈局有別於一般的度假酒 店,並沒有沿著水淺而延綿的海灘而建,這裡的地形呈長形並由 海洋通往森林,沿途玩意多的是。 酒店有一個心形的天然湖,這個水質清甜的天然湖泊在古瑪 雅文化中象徵神聖。湖水流經蜿蜒曲折的水道,兩旁是茂密的綠 林,仿如亞馬遜河的景色。酒店還有兩個環礁湖,恬靜的湖水令 人嚮往,更有機會見到野生動物的蹤影。 為了讓住客盡情欣賞這些自然美景,酒店摒棄了多層式的 建築設計,所有客房及套房都位於單層或兩層高的別墅內,提升 空間感外更可盡享無遮擋美景。無論是臨近心形湖、環礁湖或大 海,每間客房都附有平台或庭園享受戶外空間,部分更設有私人 泳池。 當中最豪華的是海灘旁的別墅,可眺望Playa del Carmen市 的美景及直接通往。頂層是偌大平台及無邊際泳池。住宿其他客 房的住客,則可於沙灘俱樂部享用無邊際泳池及私人海灘。


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Welcome to Blue Diamond Riviera Maya, an adults-only, all-inclusive resort nestled in the jungle by the Caribbean Sea. Upon check-in at the open-air, thatchroof lobby, our personal concierge, Roberto, shows us to our bicycles. “These bicycles are yours to use exclusively during your stay,” he says. “Of course, if you prefer, you can call us and we will send a golf cart to take you from one point to another, but our guests have always enjoyed discovering the grounds on bicycle. “Don’t forget you have a chef’s table reservation at Ambar restaurant tonight at 7 pm. If you arrive a bit earlier, you might even spot the alligators in the lagoon. You see, alligators love good food, too.”

NATURE Blue Diamond may be all about nature and nurture, but this 14½-hectare property is not your typical resort. Most properties have a shallow, sprawling beachfront; here the grounds consist of an elongated strip stretching a kilometre and a half from sea to jungle, with plenty of interest in between. There is a heart-shaped cenote, a natural sweet water cave that’s regarded as sacred in ancient Mayan culture. Its water meanders through a channel that is bordered by lush greenery, creating scenery that is almost Amazonian. Then, there are not one but two lagoons, offering the view of calmer waters and lots of wildlife spotting. The guest rooms and suites make good use of these unique features. Instead of big multi-unit buildings, they are situated in single- or two-storey villas, so there is minimum disruption to the view and plenty of open space. Whether by the cenote, the lagoons or the sea, every room features a terrace or garden from which to enjoy the vistas. Some even come with a private plunge pool. The most premium abodes are the beachfront casitas, offering direct access and an incomparable view of Playa del Carmen. There is also a rooftop terrace with a private infinity pool. For those staying in the other areas, the beach club is your gateway to an infinity pool as well as private beach access.

度假村入口種有茂盛的劍麻。 Native agave plants frame the entrance to the resort.

踏單車暢遊度假村最是適合不過。 The best way to explore the property is by bicycle.

在向海的無邊際泳池畔享受日光浴,無以尚之。 The ocean-facing infinity pool is flanked by sexy day beds. ELITEGEN





蒼翠叢林環繞的心形湖在瑪雅文化中被視為神聖 象徵,也是蜿蜒水道的源頭。 This heart-shaped cenote is considered sacred in Mayan culture, and is the source of the peaceful waterways meandering through the grounds.



美食是每個假期的重要環節,Blue Diamond肯定會為你帶 來精彩的體驗。酒店最有名的餐廳Ambar位於中央環礁湖之上, 落地大窗令景色一覽無遺。中央的chef’ s table是焦點所在,在這 裡可品嚐到只此一家的12道菜tasting menu。餐單主打美式及亞 洲創意混合菜,當中我最欣賞的是酥皮龍蝦伴釀青辣椒。

For most, food and drinks are an essential part of a vacation, and Blue Diamond does it with flair. Its signature restaurant, Ambar, overlooks the central lagoon, huge windows framing the view. The focal point of the restaurant is a central pagoda where you’ll find the coveted chef’s table and an exclusive 12-course tasting menu. The cuisine is an innovative fusion of American and Asian fare like stuffed poblano pepper with lobster wrapped in puff pastry.

沙灘旁的Aquamarine氣氛截然不同。餐廳主打國際美食, 於室外用餐更可欣賞海景及下層的泳池風光。 酒店更提供地道墨西哥式體驗,可以在下午時分預約私人龍 舌酒試飲活動,或於M-Bar酒廊抽一根即場捲製的雪茄,更可在 晚飯後欣賞刺激的火舞表演。酒店亦提供24小時全天候房間送餐 服務。 美食滋養味蕾,這座世外桃源更可滋養身心。Blue Diamond提供一站式的水療體驗。面積達2,300平方呎的水療中 心是區內設施面積跟客人比例最高的,客人可免費享用中心內的 蒸汽浴、桑拿浴、室外及室內泳池。由於酒店只招待成年人,本 已覺分外舒適閒逸,水療中心的泳池更可讓人盡享百分百寧謐祥 和,我誠意推薦。 中心的療程結合了瑪雅傳統哲學及東方治癒理念。我們嘗試 了情侶香薰按摩療程,之後於私人露台享受暖洋洋的按摩浴,伴 著送上的香檳及朱古力草莓,絕對是寵自己的一大享受。 酒店亦為愛運動的朋友預備了一個設備完善的健身中心,當 中包括高端的Kinesis健身器材。充滿禪意的瑜伽室提供每日瑜伽 課程,內裡的佛像水池可以俯瞰平台風景。你更可參加射箭、步 槍或擲馬蹄鐵課程,我從來沒有發現原來我是天生的神槍手。 80

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Aquamarine, located near the beach, offers a completely different vibe. Specializing in international cuisine, this exclusive à la carte restaurant serves up a world of flavours, with indoor and al fresco dining areas overlooking the ocean and pool below. And for an authentic Mexicana touch, you can book a private tequila tasting in the afternoon, enjoy a freshly-rolled cigar at the M-Bar lounge, or see an exciting fire show during dinner. In-room dining is also available 24 hours a day. But nurturing is more than food in the stomach. This nature paradise is also a sanctuary for your well-being. The spa is a central experience at Blue Diamond. At 2,300 square metres, it has one of the highest facility-size-to-guest ratios in the region. Guests have complimentary access to the steam room, sauna, and the outdoor and indoor pools. While the adults-only resort already offers a refined elegance, the spa pool area is calm and peaceful. The spa treatments here incorporate Mayan philosophy with Asian-healing principles. We were treated to a couple’s aromatherapy massage. After the treatment, we were led to the private patio to indulge in a warm jacuzzi, complete with a bottle of champagne and chocolatedipped strawberries. Decadent. For those who like a good workout, the fitness centre is well-equipped, including state-of-the-art Kinesis machines. Daily yoga takes place in a Zen-like studio, with a buddha fountain overlooking the terrace. You can also join an archery, rifle or horseshoe class. I didn’t realize I was a natural marksman.

透過每天的瑜伽課程滋 養身心。

精彩的火舞表演。 Fire show performance by the pool.

Nurture your body and mind with a daily yoga session.

度假村內亞洲色彩的裝 飾擺設比比皆是。 The resort blends natural surroundings with Asianinspired design features throughout the property.



相比區內大部分提供500間客房的酒店,只有128間客 房的Blue Diamond屬於少見,正因如此,即使酒店客滿也不 會覺得擠擁。事實上,此酒店是全球小型豪華酒店協會成員 之一,協會的成員酒店全是規模較小及非連鎖式經營的豪華 酒店,旨在為客人提供真正的度假享受。

There are only 128 rooms at Blue Diamond—a rarity in a region where most hotels boast more than 500—so even when it’s operating at maximum capacity, you won’t feel crowded. In fact, the resort is part of the exclusive Small Luxury Hotels of the World Association, champions of small, independent luxury hotels that ensure guests enjoy a truly authentic travel experience.

規模較小,更突顯個人化的貼心服務。入住的第二天, 員工既曉得稱呼我們的名字,亦了解我們的喜好。私人管家 Roberto比我們更清楚當日行程。每日早餐時間,他都會過 來建議當日的行程安排,更辦妥所有預約,包括機場接送, 無需自己跑到前台查詢。我們只需放鬆心情,享受貼心周到 的服務。 大自然美景、身心滋養的享受及殷勤周到的服務,Blue Diamond為墨西哥豪華度假的標準重新定義。

The intimate size also means personalized service. By the second day, the staff had learned our preferences and greeted us by name. Roberto, our personal concierge, seemed to know our itinerary better than we did. Every morning over breakfast, he would drop by and make suggestions for our day. He took care of all reservations, including airport transportation, so there was no need to run to the front desk. All we needed to do was relax and be pampered. With nature practically upon your doorstep, ample nurturing and sophisticated service, Blue Diamond has redefined the meaning of luxury for Mexican getaways. For more info, visit bluediamondrivieramaya.com. ELITEGEN






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Life wiLL never be the same We all know about Swiss watches, Swiss chocolate and Swiss cheese. But remarkable hospitality is also a signature of Swiss Deluxe Hotels 「瑞士」出品必屬「佳品」,瑞士手錶、瑞士朱古力、瑞士銀行、瑞士火車以 至瑞士乳牛,皆被認定為全球最優質的。擁有「優質」標誌的原來還有當地 的酒店,尤其是Swiss Deluxe Hotels(瑞士奢華酒店聯盟)中的41間豪華 酒店。 The word “Swiss” has become synonymous with quality—be it Swiss watches, Swiss chocolate, Swiss cheese and Swiss banks. What I didn’t know was that it extends to Swiss hotels, specifically to the 41 that operate under the Swiss Deluxe Hotels banner. Story | Marc Atchison/TraveLife magazine






(左至右)位處湖畔的The Carlton傳承瑞士一貫高質服務水準,更提 供精彩美食。The Carlton高昂的房價更於全歐洲數一數二。

由蘇黎世前往瑞士大都會St.Moritz的火車上,一位男 士問我將入住哪一家酒店,知道是「The Carlton」時,雙眼 即時發亮,微笑著說:「The Carlton簡直就是童話中的古 堡。」我即時想起「五星級酒店」便是由瑞士人發明的,巴黎 Hôtel Ritz及倫敦Ritz Hotel的創辦人César Ritz正是瑞士人。 The Carlton Hotel St. Moritz是我這次瑞士6天之旅的首 家入住酒店。治途我還入住了瑞士奢華酒店聯盟旗下的其 他地標式酒店,包括位於風景優美小鎮Andermatt、玩味十 足的Chedi酒店,當年貓王皮禮士利就是在這小鎮學滑雪; 以及現時由中國投資者擁有、位於琉森的Palace Luzern; 以及位於Interlaken的Victoria-Jungfrau Grand Hotel & Spa 及蘇黎世的Hotel Widder。酒店各有特色,但服務水準同屬 頂級,不愧為瑞士奢華酒店聯盟成員,絕對符合「優質服務 的創建者」的宗旨。 當火車緩緩駛進St. Moritz車站,那位男士道別時說: 「享受過The Carlton的住宿體驗,你的人生從此不再一樣。」 步出火車站,酒店司機開著一輛簇新的Bentley房車迎 接我,他帶著濃厚的意大利口音說道:「我只在酒店工作了 3個月,因為酒店全年只營業3個月。」 酒店開放的那三個月均吸引富豪們蜂擁而至,無他, 酒店內的米芝蓮一星餐廳Da Vittorio及面積達3,600平方 呎、耗資一億元興建的超豪水療設施,都可讓富商貴冑們 盡享奢華假期。 酒店於1913年開業,是St. Moritz地區四間瑞士奢華 酒店聯盟成員酒店中最「年輕」的,其他成員包括Badrutt's Palace Hotel、Kulm Hotel St. Moritz及Suvretta House。 The Carlton歷年進行過不少現代化翻新工程,酒店內 63間豪華客房均可欣賞鎮上的絕美湖景及山景。 客房各有特色,部分房間內更可找到著名法國畫家 Marc Chagall及俄羅斯畫家Wassily Kandinsky的作品。來 自亞洲或中東的富豪都鍾情於面積達4,000平方呎的頂層套 房。最近便有來自杜拜的商人以$45,000一晚的天價租住套 房三個星期。而一般客房每晚房價由1,600瑞士法朗起(約 $2,150),最少需住四晚。 難怪,酒店全年只需要開放三個月。


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(Pictured L to R) The Carlton sits on the edge of the lake and service is typical Swiss—and the food is gourmet. The lavish rooms at The Carlton are fit for royalty among the most expensive in Europe.

“Where will you be staying in St. Moritz?,” asks the man on the train taking me from Zurich to Switzerland’s Alpine playground for the rich and famous. When he hears the words “The Carlton,” his eyes get big as saucers and a smile creeps across his moonbeam face. “The Carlton is like a fairytale castle,” he says, reminding me it was the Swiss who invented five-star hotels. “Don’t forget, César Ritz (founder of the legendary Hôtel Ritz in Paris and the Ritz Hotel in London) was Swiss.” The Carlton Hotel St. Moritz (pictured on previous page) is the first stop on a six-day whirlwind tour of this fascinating place of peaks and valleys. Other landmark properties belonging to the Swiss Deluxe Hotels brand include the Chedi in beautiful Andermatt, the town where Elvis Presley learned to ski; the sophisticated Victoria-Jungfrau Grand Hotel & Spa in Interlaken; Lucerne’s flamboyant Palace Luzern, now owned by a Chinese investor; and the gorgeous Hotel Widder in Zurich. While each is different, the one thing they all share is a standard of service and quality that few other hotels in the world can match. Swiss Deluxe Hotels, whose motto is “founder of exceptional service”, would expect nothing less from its members. As the train pulls into St. Moritz station, I am wished a good stay with a warning: “Life will never be the same after a stay in The Carlton.” A driver arrives at the train station in The Carlton’s Bentley, telling me that he works at the hotel just three months, “because we are only open three months of the year.” “Yes, that’s right, just three months,” says Dominic Bachofen, the Carlton’s congenial GM confirms later when we meet for drinks in the hotel lobby lounge, opposite the renowned Restaurant Romanoff. When The Carlton is open for those winter months, jet-setters beat a path to its entrance. Here, they are treated to haute cuisine meals in the Michelin one-star Da Vittorio restaurant and the best spa treatments this side of the Alps in a gorgeous 3,600-square-foot facility that cost $100 million to build. Open since 1913, The Carlton is the youngest of four Swiss Deluxe Hotel member properties in St. Moritz—Badrutt’s Palace Hotel, Kulm Hotel St. Moritz and Suvretta House make up the rest. Over the years, updates have kept The Carlton in tune with today’s modern travellers and each of its 63 well-appointed suites offers priceless views of the town’s iconic lake and Alpine backdrop. Each of the hotel’s suites offers its own unique touches. Some rooms even feature original artwork from legendary painters like France’s Marc Chagall and Russia’s Wassily Kandinsky. The 4,000-square-foot Penthouse Suite is usually occupied by the mega-rich from Asia or the Middle East. A Dubai businessman recently rented the suite for three weeks at a cost of $45,000 a night. Regular room rates at The Carlton start around 1,600 Swiss francs ($2,100) a night, and there’s a minimum four-night stay. No wonder it only needs to be open three months a year.

THE CHEDI ANDERMATT 在St.Moritz登上全世界開得最慢的火車–「冰河列 車 」, 從 高 點 O b e r a l p P a s s 途 經 如 仙 境 般 的 美 景 進 入 Urseren Valley山谷,美麗小鎮Andermatt及另一家瑞士奢 華酒店聯盟成員酒店The Chedi正正坐落於此。 從火車站步行數分鐘便可抵達Chedi酒店。酒店外型採 牧人小屋的風格,尖頂跟四周環繞的雄偉峰巒完美結合。 走進酒店大堂時,驚嘆室內裝潢竟充滿亞洲風格,差 點以為自己身處泰國。猛然醒起,Chedi一字解作廟宇,亦 即泰文的stupa,自然洋溢暖和愜意的氛圍。酒店市場部經 理Aylin Arabaci對酒店的獨特風格有這樣的詮釋:「酒店結 合了高山時尚及亞洲元素。」 於2013年開業的The Chedi Andermatt,由埃及發展 商Samih Sawiris投資十億元興建,把原來沉悶的Andermatt 鎮搖身一變成為瑞士熱門的滑雪度假勝地。之前小鎮主要 是瑞士軍隊進行訓練的地方,貓王皮禮士利在參軍時曾於 1958年隨美軍前往該地並學習滑雪。

Anticipation builds as the scenic Glacier Express train begins its long, slow decent from the Oberalp Pass into the Urseren Valley, where lovely Andermatt and my next Swiss Deluxe Hotel, The Chedi, is located. A few minutes after leaving the town’s charming train station, I find myself standing in front of the Chedi Andermatt, admiring its chalet-style design. Its peaked roof blends in beautifully with the jagged Alpine mountains that surround this lovely holiday resort. But the wow moment comes upon entering the lobby of the unique five-star property. It’s almost like I’m back in Thailand. Then it strikes me: the word “Chedi” means temple, or stupa in the Thai language, and is meant to convey a feeling of warmth and coziness. “We like to say our hotel is a combination of Alpine chic with Asian elements,” says Aylin Arabaci, the hotel’s marketing manager. The Chedi Andermatt (pictured below), which opened in 2013, is actually the cornerstone of a billion-dollar investment by Egyptian developer Samih Sawiris that is transforming sleepy Andermatt into the crown jewel of Swiss ski resorts. Until recently, the town was used primarily by the Swiss Army for training purposes. Elvis visited here when he was in the U.S. Army in 1958 and took ski lessons.

酒店共有123間客房,當Arabaci為我打開客房門之 際,我不禁愣住了。超大的房間空間感十足,而且可透過 iPad調控,十分高科技。房間設有壁爐營造暖和的氛圍, 原來整間酒店的壁爐數量竟多達200台。

When Arabaci swings open the door to my sprawling room, speechless describes the Alpine view from the room’s floor-to-ceiling windows. The spacious state-of-the-art room—one of 123—is governed by an iPad control system. It’s cozy and inviting, thanks to a roaring fireplace. (There are 200 fireplaces in the hotel.)

The Chedi的亞洲風情亦見於餐飲中。酒店的主餐廳提 供傳統中式美食如點心,亦設有日本菜館提供精緻的日式 料理如柚子味噌黑鱈魚、Alpine壽司及和牛等。

The Chedi’s Asian theme extends to the main dining room, which offers Mandarin and Cantonese delicacies like dim sum, along with traditional fare, while a well-appointed Japanese restaurant specializes in classic dishes, like black cod with yuzu-miso sauce, “Alpine sushi” and Wagyu beef.

酒店更會舉辦年度音樂會,邀請國際知名音樂家如中 國鋼琴家郎朗及俄羅斯歌唱家Olga Peretyatko前來演出。

The Chedi Andermatt also hosts an annual concert series that attracts renowned international stars like Chinese pianist Lang Lang and Russian opera singer Olga Peretyatko.

The Chedi距離Andermatt鎮上的大型滑雪場只數步之 遙,不過舒適的客房及酒店提供的各種設施已足已令你樂 以忘返,根本捨不得離開半步。

The hotel is located within easy walking distance of Andermatt’s main ski lifts, but leaving the comfort of your Chedi Andermatt room, or the luxurious features this amazing property offers, won’t be easy.

The Chedi的外型設計跟四周環繞的群山美景完美結合 。 Chedi Andermatt’ s exterior is designed to blend in with its Alpine surroundings, but its interior is very Asian inspired.






位於Interlaken的the Victoria-Jungfrau Grand Hotel & Spa擁有全世界最 美的水療設施。 Victoria-Jungfrau Grand Hotel & Spa in Interlaken has one of the most beautiful spa facilities in the world.

因動人風光而聞名的Interlaken是少女峰山腳下的一個 城市,據說旅客前來該地為的是放空身、心、靈。如果入 住的是瑞士奢華酒店聯盟成員酒店之一、擁有150年歷史的 Victoria-Jungfrau Grand Hotel & Spa,心情肯定會大大放鬆。 用盛極奢華來形容酒店的風格就最適合不過。在歐洲美 好年代(Belle Époque),不少皇族及知識分子都愛來這個寧 謐小鎮度假,放鬆身心,酒店亦從那時起變得聲名顯赫。 酒店共有224間客房,當中大部分可欣賞四周壯麗的阿 爾卑斯山美景,遠眺高聳入雲的峰姿。酒店內設有面積達 5,500平方呎的超大型水療中心,於1991年開業,據稱是全 歐洲甚至全世界最首屈一指,提供的服務及療程種類是我見 過最出色的,加上專業的員工令你的身、心、靈享受提升至 另一層次。 酒店知名的La Terrasse餐廳,由歐洲其中一位最受敬重 的行政總廚Stefan Beer掌廚,其創意美食加上窗外的綺麗山 巒,怎不叫人陶醉?

People come to this picturesque mountain community nestled in the bosom of an enchanting Alpine valley seeking solace on what’s known as “wellness weekends.” Those staying at the ritzy Victoria-Jungfrau Grand Hotel & Spa usually feel better as soon as they arrive at this 150-year-old property, another gem in the Swiss Deluxe Hotel collection. Grand is the perfect word to describe The Grand, which rose to prominence during Europe’s Belle Époque period when royals and intellectuals beat a path to this peaceful town for a little R&R. Most of the hotel’s 224 rooms look out on the mountain brilliance that surrounds this immaculate community, where legendary Alpine peaks rise high in the sky. The hotel’s massive 5,500-square-foot spa is regarded as one of the best in Europe—maybe on the planet—but mind you, this is no ordinary spa. Opened in 1991, the facility is one of the most advanced in the world. The range of its services goes well beyond anything you might imagine and the expertise of its staff takes wellness to a whole other level. It’s world-renowned La Terrasse restaurant is governed by one of Europe’s most respected executive chefs, Stefan Beer. His culinary creations are legendary and, combined with the Alpine eye candy looking out of La Terrasse’s windows, make The Grand a sweet treat for travellers.

THE pALACE LUZERN, LUCERNE 坐落於琉森湖畔的5星級酒店Palace Luzern Hotel (87頁 下圖)是另一間瑞士奢華酒店聯盟成員酒店,被來自中國深圳 的投資者高雲峰購入後便關閉進行數十億元的翻新工程,預 計於2019年重新開幕,屆時相信會吸引不少中國遊客入住, 順道選購名錶。


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The Swiss Deluxe Hotel in Lucerne, the Palace Luzern Hotel (pictured opposite page bottom), has since been bought by Chinese investor Yunfeng Gao of Shenzhen. He immediately closed it and launched a billion-dollar renovation of the five-star property, which sits on the shores of Lake Lucerne. It’s scheduled to reopen in 2019.


美麗以外,Hotel Widder更是瑞士奢華酒店聯盟中最 獨一無二的成員。這家地標式酒店位於蘇黎世的老城區, 被一座座古老建築物環繞,酒店由9幢相連鎮屋組成,由 於極具歷史意義而被瑞士國家登記處列入為歷史建築物。 要把這些建於12世紀的鎮屋改建成酒店,當中的過程極為 細緻而漫長,因此Hotel Widder耗時長達10年才完工。施 工期間更發現了不少珍貴古物,包括羅馬硬幣及15至17世 紀的油畫等。 Hotel Widder的頂層套房除了擁有奢華陳設及無價的 藝術品,更有一個頂層平台可眺望輝煌的蘇黎世老城。於 萬里無雲的晚上仰望天際更是浪漫至極,每晚4,000瑞士 法郎(加幣$6,000)的房價絕對物有所值。 走傳統美國風的Widder Bar十分有名,其單一麥芽蘇 格蘭威士忌的選擇獲獎無數,在歐洲更掀起了熱話。而蘇 黎世Hotel Widder為我的豪華瑞士之旅寫上完美句號。


Outside of Zurich’s bustling main rail station, a police officer on the corner of the city’s busy shopping street offers up directions to the landmark Hotel Widder. “Follow Bahnhofstrasse until you reach Rennweg and turn left,” he says. “You can’t miss it—the Widder is the most beautiful hotel in Zurich.” Besides being beautiful, Hotel Widder is also one of the most unique of the Swiss Deluxe Hotels group. The landmark hotel, which sits nestled amongst the ancient buildings of Zurich’s Old Town, was created out of nine historic town homes and, because of that, it holds a place of honour on Switzerland’s National Registry. Hotel staff tell me it took 10 years to complete the Hotel Widder and that during the painstakingly slow conversion of the 12th century town homes into one of the world’s great hotels, many treasured artifacts—among them Roman coins and paintings from the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries—-were discovered. Hotel Widder’s Penthouse suite is one of the most unique in the hospitality business. Besides featuring opulent furnishings and priceless works of art, the Penthouse offers a rooftop terrace that looks out on the splendour of Old Town Zurich. On a clear night, it’s the perfect place for romantics and well worth the 4,000 Swiss francs ($5,300) it costs per night. The famed Widder Bar is a classic American-style room, whose award-winning selection of single-malt Scotch is the talk Europe. Zurich’s Hotel Widder is the perfect ending to a “Deluxe” tour of Switzerland, a country where the term for remarkable hospitality is synonymous with the Swiss. For more information, visit www.toureast.com.

Hotel Widder的客房把舊世界魅力及現代化科技完美結合。 ▲ The rooms at Hotel Widder are a combination of Old World charm and modern technology, and the results are truly stunning.

Palace Luzern坐落琉森湖畔,酒店剛被華人投資者購下,現正 進行翻新。 The aptly-named Palace Luzern, on the edge of Lake Lucerne, was recently purchased by Chinese interests and is currently closed for renovations. ▲

步出熙來攘往的蘇黎世火車站,便是市內最繁盛 的購物大道Bahnhofstrasse,沿Bahnhofstrasse大道走 至Rennweg左轉便是被譽為蘇黎世最美麗酒店的Hotel Widder。





Special car Supplement

經典保時捷911,由內到外永不過時。 Porsche 911 is a forever classic.

張志德憑一間車行一道氣 走過高山低谷廿多年 The Grandmaster of Motorcars: Danny Cheung still a stalwart after 30 years of ups and downs


Story | 龍華琛 Photography | Mayowill Photography

王家衛電影《一代宗師》裡,葉問不是存心成為宗師, 痛擊外敵救國救民。全憑師父一句「一條腰帶一道氣」, 即使經歷幾十年的動亂,在歷史巨輪下,武夫之勇無可匹 敵,由佛山走難香港,用功夫開拳館授徒,討口安樂茶 飯。三道板斧「攤、膀、伏」,看似簡單,但專注深度煉成 宗師,把詠春發揚光大,桃李滿門。電影充滿傳奇色彩, 但背後訊息,也像不少移民紮根故事,就像張志德(Danny) 當年漂洋過海留學,未有想過投身汽車行業,因緣際會一 做三十載,一切都是時勢使然。 88

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In Wong Kar-wai’s The Grandmaster, Yip Man lived by determination and became a legendary master. His story is not unlike those of many migrants. When Danny Cheung travelled alone across the seas for schooling, a career in auto trading never crossed his mind. He stumbled into it and made a name for himself over some 30 years. It’s more than just being in the right place at the right time.

London Motorcars開業邁向25周年。 London Motorcars will celebrate its 25th anniversary.

張志德 Danny Cheung

只有眼前路 沒有身後身

Keeping an eye on the road ahead

1975年,15歲的Danny隻身來到加拿大緬省讀書,只因學費相宜, 八百元讀大學,冰天雪地寒窗夜讀,83年數學系畢業後,回香港打拚做買 手,把握市場觸覺,每兩星期到日本秋葉原入貨,香港出貨。曾試過袋著 一萬現金,兩手數個購物袋,足跡遍布港九,每次貨物轉手賺幾千,年青 加上錢銀易賺,雄心壯志,決定擴充業務,增聘人手租寫字樓,個體戶變 中小企,奈何一闊三大,應付不暇損手離場。Danny笑言:「我慶幸自己跌 得早。」回望舊路,總是輕描淡寫。

in 1975, at the age of 15, Cheung made the solo trek to Manitoba and, after eight years of hard work in a foreign and often harsh climate, he had earned a degree in mathematics. he returned to hong Kong as a buyer, and went from working alone to running an SMe. the business went south, but as Cheung says, “i was lucky that i failed early,”

人生馬拉松剛起步便重摔一跤,站起來繼續往前是唯一方法。回流溫 哥華後,1989年加入汽車行業便走進木人巷,從租車公司出身,800元底薪 加佣金,日做14小時,每周七天,三年沒有放假。租車公司不像品牌經銷 商,只推銷自己品牌,難度在於「顧客要甚麼車款,你也得找。」客人一通電 話,無論車款還是性能比較,身為銷售人員,「不知道」是大忌,但吹噓也 失信於人影響聲譽,唯有收工後「補習」汽車知識、款式性能比較,甚至潮 流觸覺,缺一不可。 「那時,木人巷出身,車款、保險、維修一腳踢,客人打電話來問一 句,掛線後還要處理大量問題,就連合同也要等秘書放工後,我走到她座 位的打字機逐個字打出來。」Danny說時仍不忘當年粒粒皆辛苦。但功夫, 多加練習便有回報。一年後,Danny成為公司的Top Sales。

he moved to Vancouver in 1989 and joined a car dealership. he was expected to provide knowledgeable responses whenever customers asked about the performance and the pros and cons of various models. as a result, he learned all there was to know about cars. his efforts paid off and he became the company’s top sales person within a year. in 1992, Cheung formed a partnership with counterparts in Burnaby and specialized in trucks. having failed with his first startup, he was more cautious this time around. two years later, he decided to strike out on his own and founded London Motorcars in Vancouver, dealing in pre-owned luxury vehicles.





Special car Supplement

陳列室內放有各式各樣的車款,顧客亦可向職員查詢心儀車款。 There are variety of motels in the showroom.

寧可一思進 莫在一思停 站在小山丘望遠處,眼界自然開闊。「Top Sales」只一時之名,於是在1992 年,在本拿比與同行合伙,主攻貨車類型,再次成為老闆後,有了之前經驗,小 心翼翼,1994年二人商量後,合伙人繼續貨車類型,Danny決定搬出溫哥華並獨 力經營London Motorcars。時至今日仍與當年合伙人是好朋友。 雖不是品牌經銷商,反而有生存空間。「Benz好還是Audi好?我沒有品牌 的束縛。」Danny說。入貨快狠準,是剛勁;營銷方式,是柔勁,缺一不可,是 London Motorcars的靈巧之處。職業曲棍球隊租車生意,天價高薪球星要求一到 步便有跑車等候,98年至今未曾間斷;廿年前的舊客,幾年換一次車,越換越名 貴;同樣廿年舊客,每次換車都偏向價廉物美;各式各樣的客戶也有,但一視同 仁,因為他著重的並非眼前的一宗交易,還有售後服務及將來潛在的生意。 Danny建立的不止是汽車品牌,還有汽車業界的信譽,公司職員跟著他的營 銷守則逾十年,業界友好也保持多年。這種互相尊重的關係,讓他多年來無論在 採購獨特車款,或者對市場交易價值等一手資訊保持敏感度,建立自家品牌。說 來容易,三十年經歷過不少經濟環境的高山低谷。堅持,並非人人做到。


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not a dealer for any specific vehicle line, he found a niche because “there was no brand ties”. running a car business requires both hard skills for making quick, decisive and precise decisions, and soft skills for selling. London Motorcars works because of its agility. For example, when catering to the car rental needs of professional hockey teams, he has to have sports cars waiting before star players land at their destination. he deals with a variety of long-standing customers with varying needs. Some are constantly trading up to more luxurious vehicles, while others are content with more down-to-earth models. Whatever they need, he deals with them with the same courtesy, looking beyond each single transaction to establish after-sales relationships and potential new business. this is why Cheung’s reputation is solid. he is friendly and courteous with all employees and industry colleagues, and is astute with procuring unique models and getting first-hand transaction information.

交易的功夫 一買一賣

true CoLourS ShoW in adVerSity

原本有兩位客戶預算今年購入40萬的跑車,卻因實施的新稅務 而放棄。Danny一笑置之,不是生意無憂,而是二十年經濟周期輪換 交替,順流逆流早已見慣,逆境日子才見真章。他說來自豪:「07、 08年間,加幣對美元一兌一,當時不單衝擊本土汽車的市場,令存 貨眨值,而且很多新人入行,選擇到美國買貨,開新車行,人人叫我 分一杯羹,但我沒有。」別人笑他太瘋癲。「當時連伙記都勸我到美國 入貨,因為當時美國汽車便宜20%,部分客戶都流失至美國汽車的 市場。我把庫存的加拿大汽車減價15%,登廣告「加拿大人買加拿大 車。」價錢相若之下,Danny成功突圍,雖然蝕錢,但員工繼續有生 意有糧出,客戶沒有大量流失。捱過之後,投機入行的損手離場, Danny卻因逆境堅持賣加拿大車,贏得本地經銷商信任。

Cheung has gone through good and bad times in the auto industry over the years. in 2007 and 2008, when the Canadian dollar was above or at par with its american counterpart, he lost some customers to the u.S. market.

「當然要賺錢。」Danny直言:「但錢並非首位,我的原則是良 心,值得別人信賴,過得自己過到人。」他相信自己做得好,客戶回 頭率自然高,甚至會介紹其他朋友,才是紮根多年的正途 。最難忘 的一單交易可總結他的生意之道:「1996年,20萬購入一部跑車,其 時11月,正值汽車交易淡季,也擔心賣不出,兩星期後,有客戶答 應以21萬買。」當年創業不久,兩星期有5%的利潤心滿意足,但條件 是48小時內從卑詩省改至亞省登記。星期四傾妥,星期六成交,當 時找來一間貨車公司將跑車運至亞省檢驗再回來,由於路程太趕,得 額外聘請司機日夜趕路,最後兩日內成功完成程序交易。扣除額外 開支成本,雖然賺不到5%,但交易令客戶刮目相看,自此更變成好 友,多年來,這位客戶與他的太太替Danny購買超過30部汽車。

後記: 「我為何要向你買車?」這是Danny多年來被問得最多的一句。 「這是我的行業。」踏足汽車業界第三十個年頭 的Danny,氣定 神閒回答。他成立的London Motorcars也迎來25周年,說話的份 量,是顧客信任及多年功夫累積,所以他坦言:「London Motorcars 的市場定位不是我訂立,而是跟據客戶要求而走下來。」正如葉問最 為人熟悉的徒弟李小龍,道出功夫的哲學:「像水一樣無形無相,水 能載舟,亦能覆舟。」 Be Water, My Friend.

he found a way out by cutting the prices of his Canada inventory by 15 per cent and advocating that Canadians buy cars in Canada. although he lost money, his staff managed to retain the bulk of their clientele. “of course we have to be profitable,” Cheung concedes, “but money is not a priority. integrity is more important to me. it’s about winning confidence and creating win-wins.” he believes that as long as he gets it right, customers will naturally return and bring along their friends. he cites a particular case: “in november 1996, when it was a quiet time for the business, i bought a sports car for $200,000. i worried whether it would sell. two weeks later, a customer agreed to buy it for $210,000, but it had to be shipped within 48 hours and the registration changed from B.C. to alberta. “i got a truck to take the car to alberta for inspection and then bring it back, paying the driver extra for the overnight rush. i made less than five per cent on the deal after costs, but the client was impressed. We became friends and he has bought more than 30 cars from me over the years.”

epiLogue Cheung says he is often asked: “Why should i buy a car from you?” “it’s my business,” he replies nonchalantly, his confidence coming from the trust of his customers and the depth of his experience. London Motorcars will soon be celebrating its 25th anniversary. “London Motorcars’ positioning is not defined by me, but shaped by the demands of our customers.” as yip Man’s famous disciple Bruce Lee said: “Be water, my friend!” — water being formless and therefore able to adapt to any form.







Power Pack The Mercedes SL 63 roadster is a lot of car 平治SL車系與其他豪華開篷跑車相比,性能往往更優勝,特別是 SL 63和SL 65 AMG型號。修長、優雅、英姿勃發正是SL 63 AMG 的最佳形容詞。 AMG是平治性能車的旗艦。試駕的2018年款平治AMG SL 63 開篷跑車,擁有手工精製的5.5公升雙渦輪增壓V8引擎,迸發出577 匹馬力和輸出664磅/呎扭力,搭載七前速自動變速箱。 It’s long, sleek and oh so pretty, but, what really separates the MercedesBenz SL from many other luxury roadsters is performance, particularly when you’re talking about AMG models SL 63 and SL 65. AMG is the performance arm of Mercedes-Benz, with headquarters in Affalterbach, Germany. When you see the AMG badge on a Mercedes, you know it means business. Story | Lorne Drury/Metroland Media


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SL車系有四款車型,而強勁的AMG車款除了SL 63之外,SL 65擁有更厲害的雙渦輪增壓V12引擎,輸 出超強的621匹馬力和驚人的738磅/呎扭力。兩款非 AMG車款的SL450 和SL550,前者配備3公升雙渦輪 增壓V6引擎,輸出馬力達362匹;後者則備有4.7公升 雙渦輪增壓V8引擎,馬力達449匹。 只需輕輕一按頂篷開關,SL63 AMG的電動硬頂 篷隨即打開,整齊地收藏在車尾箱內,優雅的轎跑車 搖身一變為帥氣迷人的開篷跑車。即使把硬頂篷收在 尾箱,仍有足夠空間擺放兩件行李。不論在樸素的鄉 郊小鎮還是在繁華熱鬧的多倫多市中心,必定引來艷 羨目光。 SL 63的外型氣派不凡,三芒星廠徽穩坐車頭前 方中央,修長前衛的高性能LED頭燈從別緻的AMG進 氣格柵往後拉。獨特的AMG車頭群板採用高光黑色 的A字型翼板飾條;車尾裝上了如唇型般優美的定風 翼,配合AMG運動排氣系統,左右共四條鍍鉻排氣 喉,彰顯不凡的性能地位。


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Our tester was a 2018 Mercedes-AMG SL 63 roadster, boasting a handcrafted 5.5-litre, twin-turbo V8, putting out 577 horsepower and 664 lb/ft of torque. It is teamed with a seven-speed automatic transmission. The SL 63 is one of four SL variants, joining its more powerful AMG counterpart—the SL 65 with its AMG biturbo V12 engine that produces 621 horsepower and an amazing 738 lb/ft of torque. The two non-AMG models in the SL lineup are the SL 450, with a 3.0-litre biturbo V6, and the SL 550, with a 4.7-litre biturbo V8 engine. These two power plants put out 362 and 449 horsepower, respectively. With its retractable hardtop roof that stows neatly in the trunk with the flick of a switch, the SL can transform itself from a sleek coupe to an open-top roadster in a matter of seconds. As Mercedes says in its promotional literature, “for generations few cars have inspired desire like the SL lineup.” Well, let me tell you that this trend continues with the 2018 SL 63. I can’t begin to tell you how many “nice car” comments I got during my week with it. Of course, living in a small southwestern Ontario community, there aren’t any others like it in the vicinity, so it’s certain to draw its share of attention.

我們試駕的汽車裝置了價值9,000元的AMG Performance Package套件,提升了最高車速,添加了 一個高性能懸掛系統。車身採用碳纖維製造,還有特製 的AMG Nappa皮製性能方向盤、紅色煞車卡鉗和亞光 碳纖擾流尾翼。 裝置價值6,100元的The Premium Package,可享 受能調節冷暖的座椅、Airscarf頸部加熱系統、有按摩 功能的多角度電動調節座椅、自動車門吸附系統,以及 鑲嵌在電動硬頂的神奇天空控制(Magic Sky Control)。 硬頂寬大的天窗看似跟普通的天窗沒分別,但只需一按 掣,「神奇」的車頂便會透過電流,把深色的玻璃轉為清 澈無色,讓人擁抱自然的天色。 其他選項包括價值2,500元亮麗的赤色Nappa名牌 皮革內飾(Bengal Red Nappa Leather),以及價值2,700 元的智能駕駛套裝(Intelligent Drive Package),提供多 項安全科技駕駛功能。 以上多個額外添加的選項,把SL 63的基本價從 166,600元提升至186,900元,卻是物有所值。 SL 63的車廂內盡顯奢華,尤其是選置了充滿運動 色彩和高貴氣質的赤色Nappa皮革套裝。從司機位處 看,車艙看似飛機的駕駛艙,當中四個大型鍍鉻風口, 已成為平治的特色。 幾乎所有車艙的裝置,都符合人體工程學的設計, 方便司機駕駛。司機使用的平底AMG特色方向盤製作 精美,採用優質Nappa皮革包裹。總的來說,這車艙精 緻、高檔,遠比一般兩座位車輛寬敞。 很多買家選擇SL 63,就是因為AMG的徽章和V8引 擎所發出的動力和性能。只要按下啟動掣,引擎便馬上 怒哮,蓄勢待發。 可惜,由於這裡沒有容許極高速行車的高速公路, 因此沒甚機會感受這強勁引擎的真正威力–從靜止到時 速100公里,只需約4秒。 無論在高速公路上,還是在蜿蜒曲折的鄉郊小路, 駕駛極佳操控性和動力強勁的SL 63都是一種樂趣。市 面上甚少豪華開篷車,可以提供像SL 63所具備的一切 設備。

But even at a couple of stops in Metro Toronto where exotic vehicles are the norm rather than the exception, the classic roadster elicited more than its share of nods and smiles. It’s that type of vehicle. Up front, long and modern high-performance LED headlamps sweep back from the special AMG grille, with the iconic Mercedes-Benz star front and centre. A special AMG front apron, with an A-wing trim strip in high-gloss black, sets the SL 63 apart. The rear has an AMG spoiler lip and AMG sport exhaust system with twin chrome-plated tailpipes. Our test vehicle was equipped with the optional AMG Performance Package ($9,000) that raises the top speed and adds a performance suspension, exterior carbon-fibre trim, a special AMG Nappa performance steering wheel, red brake calipers and a matte carbon-fibre rear spoiler. The Premium Package ($6,100) adds climate comfort seats, the Airscarf neck-level heating system, multi-contour seats with massage function, soft-close doors and a unique feature called Magic Sky Control. While it may look simply like a huge glass sunroof, the ‘magic’ roof has an electrical current passing through it that, with the press of a button, can switch the panoramic roof from tinted to clear. What will they think of next? Other options included brilliant Bengal Red Nappa Leather ($2,500) and the Intelligent Drive Package ($2,700) that provides a number of safety tech features. All this takes the as-tested price to $186,900, up from the base of $166,600. Not an insignificant sum, but when you consider the overall package, you’re getting a lot of car. The list of standard features is mind-boggling, particularly the technology and safety features included. Inside, it’s all luxury, particularly sporty and elegant looking with the red Nappa leather package. From the driver’s seat, the cabin has the look of an aircraft cockpit, with four huge familiar-looking chrome vents that have become a Mercedes-Benz staple. Almost everything is ergonomically placed within easy reach of the driver, who pilots this machine with a beautifully-finished, flatbottom AMG steering wheel, also done in premium Nappa leather. All in all, there’s a refined, premium look to the cabin that is actually more spacious than one might expect for a two-seater. While the SL 63 is about as nice a grand tourer as can be found on the market, for many buyers it’s all about the AMG badge and the power and performance the big V8 delivers. However, with no highspeed Autobahns to cruise in these parts, there are few opportunities to appreciate the true power potential under the hood. Just know it’s there, with a 0-100 km/h time of about four seconds. A weekend getaway to the country becomes even more enjoyable in the SL 63, which has luggage space for two in the trunk—even with the roof neatly stowed away there. Be it on an expressway, or a winding country road, the SL 63 is a treat to drive, with wonderful handling and power to spare. There are few, if any, luxury roadsters that offer everything the SL 63 can provide. It can be a coupe or a convertible; a quiet and comfortable grand tourer, or a fire-breathing monster. But whatever it is, it is simply a wonderful car to drive. Period.

平治2018年款AMG SL 63一覽

2018 Mercedes-AMG SL 63 at-a-glance

車身款式:豪華高性能雙門硬頂開篷車 驅動方式:前置引擎,後輪驅動 引擎:5.5公升雙渦輪增壓V8引擎 (輸出577匹馬力和664磅/ 呎扭力) ,配搭七前速自動變速箱。 耗油量:14.7/9.5/12.4公升/100公里 市內/高速公路/綜合。 優點:款式和動力均令人讚歎,無與匹敵。 缺點:選項昂貴。 誘人之處:平治SL車系有四款車,其中兩款為高性能的 AMG車型。 售價:166,600元,試駕車售186,900元。

BODY STYLE: two-seat, luxury high-performance hardtop/convertible. DRIVE METHOD: front engine, rear-wheel drive. ENGINE: 5.5-litre bi-turbo V8 (577 hp, 664 lb/ft of torque) with a seven-speed automatic transmission. FUEL CONSUMPTION: 14.7/9.5/12.4 L/100 km city/highway/combined. WHAT’S BEST: The styling and power are spectacular. WHAT’S WORST: It doesn’t take long for the price to jump when you tick off some of the option boxes. WHAT’S INTERESTING: Mercedes-Benz offers four variants in the SL lineup, with two of them being high-performance AMG models. PRICE: $166,600, as tested $186,900. mercedes-benz.ca







killer features Sony Xperia XZ2 Premium

Story | Ringo Chan 優點:作為旗艦機,Sony Xperia XZ2 Premium的撒手鐧是雙 鏡頭配一個稱為Aube的實時融合影像處理器。這個獨家研發的 處理器,原理就是把一個彩色一個黑白鏡頭同時拍攝的影像進 行即時融合;平時作用不大,但當環境不夠光時兩個鏡頭便能 攝取不同環境資訊,融合起來便能減少大量雜訊。配合光圈達 f1.8的1,900萬像彩色鏡頭及光圈達f1.6的1,200萬像黑白鏡頭, 再配合ISO值能推到51,200,再配合5軸電子防震,令手機能夠 在超暗環境下發揮最佳效能。這些數據,以往的確只能在相機 內看到。 XZ2 Premium同時備有4K HDR影片攝錄及4K(3,840 x 2,160)屏幕,遇上不足4K片源,也可把影像增線至HDR畫質。 攝錄模式下ISO也可達至12,800,是世界第一。 缺點:236g機身略嫌有點重、上下的粗粗邊框也有點不合 時宜,但最多人詬病的,大概是作為旗艦機也只內置64GB ROM。

Pros: As Sony’s flagship product, the Aube real-time dual-lens image

processor is the killer feature of Sony Xperia XZ2 Premium. The proprietary principle of Aube is to merge a black and white image with a colour image from both lenses in real-time. This feature excels in dark situations, in which both lenses can capture the details in different environmental settings. When both images fuse together, Aube can cut out a lot of noise while processing signals. With a f1.8 aperture that reaches 19-million coloured resolution, and a f1.6 aperture that produces 12-million black and white resolution, combining a 51,200 ISO plus 5-axis electronic shockproof, these specifications produce superior imagery in super dark conditions. These metrics are impressive, as it can only be found in cameras back in the days. The XZ2 Premium delivers world leading 4K HDR video recording and 4K screen (3,840 x 2,160), with 12,800 ISO. It is capable to upgrade lower quality video source to HDR picture quality.

Cons: The rigid frame design is untrendy. It is also heavy (236g) with limited ROM availability (64GB). $1,200


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remote control Garmin Fenix 5X Plus

Story | Ringo Chan Photography | Shek Po Kwan 優點:Garmin的Fenix 5X Plus是一枚定位專業的智能運 動錶。以三項鐵人為例,只要透過內置的Trendline程式, database裡的數十億英里戶外數據,很快便替用家推介最佳 的跑步及單車路線。只要輸入所需跑步及踏單車距離,腕錶也 會根據你所在位置給你推介路線。 腕錶能夠離線使用地圖,即使電話離身,也能配合 GPS定位、給你戶外導航,不至迷失於荒山野嶺;它還設有 Garmin Pay功能讓用家無線購物。 基本配備包括Elevate測心率、GPS及Glonass及Galileo 定位、氣壓計、高度計、指南針、100米防水、可儲500首歌 的16GB記憶容量……更兼備Pulse Ox感測器,能偵察佩戴者 的血氧濃度,對攀山用家來說是一道平安符。

Pros: Garmin Fenix 5X Plus is a professional positioning smart watch. Users can enter required jogging or biking distance in the Trendline app, and based on the metrics and users’ geographical location, it will recommend the best match jogging or biking routes. It leverages GPS positioning offline, even if your phone is not around. This is especially helpful when you are in the remote outdoors, where it can guide you back on track through GPS navigation. In addition, the Garmin Play function lets users to shop wirelessly. Other basic features include Elevate heart rate measurement, GPS Glonass and Galileo positioning, barometer, altimeter, compass, 100 meters waterproof, 16GB memory capacity for 500 songs... and also a Pulse Ox sensor that monitors users oxygen concentration in blood streams, which is instrumental for mountain climbers. Con: The price tag: $1,100






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Armani Beauty @cedricjolivet shared the following makeup tips for Asian faces, where there is a tendency to line the eyes too thickly. Try a more sophisticated look by drawing a sleek line with their Eyes to Kill liquid Proliner. Then, even out skin tone with #fusionpowder, highlight and blush with #armaninude and accentuate with #Rouge d’Armani intense matte and comfort lip colour, which is nondrying and contains 50% more pigments than a traditional lipstick. #裸肌美學 #makeuptip

Our Associate Publisher @leslieyip0911 strikes a pose with #ArmaniBeauty International Celebrity Face Designer @cedricjolivet on his visit to Toronto to launch the Holiday Collection. When asked who the typical Armani woman is, he said, “Elegance is not about being noticed. It’s about being remembered.” (所謂優雅,不是瞬間奪 目,而是永遠銘記。) #beautyquotes Meet Tiffany True, the new @tiffanyandco engagement ring with a T-shaped detail in the setting. It comes in platinum with a colourless True cut diamond, or 18k yellow gold with a fancy yellow cushion modified brilliant diamond. We North Americans are in luck—other parts of the world will need to wait until next year to get it. #willyoumarryme #真心鑽戒 #新經典

The Hermès Carré Club makes its Canadian debut in front of the Toronto flagship store. Fans of silk scarves were able to sign on as a member, have their official portraits taken, even become a model for #cyrillediatkine and keep the sketch. Most importantly, they were able to buy the limitededition Hermès Carré Club capsule collection of scarves at the members-only gift shop. #sketchomaton #會員特享 98

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Contemporary calligraphy artist David Chan wowed the crowd at Mel Lastman Square with a live demonstration of his oversized creation “Perspectives of Love”. Master Chan believes in bringing love and peace to mankind through his multilingual calligraphy in Italian, Hebrew, Arabic, English, Russian and Chinese. #impact #陳子慧#巨匠巨幅大愛大度

Approximately 2,700 Torontonians dressed up in their best white attire on a mid-summer’s night to attend the world-renowned Dîner en Blanc. The secret location this year turned out to be The Bentway and Fort York National Historic Site! Thank you @concordadex for the invitation. And doesn’t our new editorial and design director, Alan A. Vernon, look particularly dashing in white Armani. Photo credit @shoottheplanet #DEBTO2018 #白色晚宴

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