Apr 2019 EliteGen Calgary

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APRIL 2019 Vol. 43 Calgary

Calgary ApRil 2019

A sing tao publicAtion





Pants, Prints & Peepers jewellery

we go to Bal harbour & hokkaido


happy 160th Boucheron Tech


next gen of fold phones

i d e: s n i o s al



o arT: MoneT T MaTisse 理 ce 正宗懷石料 n e i r e P x e d i n i n g : T i c K a i se K i auThen c u i si n e 色彩異世界

inTeriors: The suPreMaTisM MoveMenT


Selena Lee The highlighTer girl 進取的 施嬅



A sing tao publicAtion

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 佩嘉露 Carol Peddie 總裁 President 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief 胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 加東版 Canada East Editor 徐少玲 Iris Chui 加西版 Canada West Editor 張萬青 Katherine Cheung 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編輯部 Editorial enquiries editorial@singtao.ca / 604-321-1111

參與 Contributors Marc Atchison, Grace Chan, Sidney Chao, Lorne Drury, Kenson Ho Crystal Ng, Shuk Wa Tsang, Miranda Tsui, Emilia Ku Yazar, Iris Yim

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan

美術部 production & design 美術及製作經理 Production Manager/Art Direction 邱卓庭 Cliff Yau 美術助理 Graphic Art Assistant 陸凱茵 Gloria Luk

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出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada, affiliated with Torstar 加拿大星島傳媒集團出版,附屬多倫多星報 星尚歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 星尚每年出版九期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 9 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 930-55 Avenue NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 6Y4

四月號謝安琪的封面故事,由於溝通問題,內容供應方並未取得謝安琪小姐經理人幻國文化娛樂有限公司授權, 而eliteGen刊出的文章亦偏離原文訪問內容,因此對謝安琪小姐及幻國文化娛樂有限公司造成的困擾和種種不便, 本刊深感歉意,在此向謝安琪小姐及幻國文化娛樂有限公司衷誠致歉。

publisher’s letter


Rest In Peace KaRl lageRfeld     春天是萬象更新的季節,亦是一個讓人反思的時 候。看著每顆剛萌芽的小生命,就會想起若沒之前開 花、結果以至凋謝,又如何孕育出新生命?     雖 說 生 老 病 死 是 常 態 , 但 驚 聞 老 佛 爺 K a r l  Lagerfeld過世,仍是真切地以  「痛失」 來形容。作為一 個神級設計師,他對全球時裝業的貢獻及影響力,相信 還會伸延多幾個年代。自1983年起,他已成為Chanel 的主帥,同時亦參與多個品牌如Jean  Patou、Pierre  Balmain、Fendi、Valentino及Chloé的創作,更自設品 牌。我們衷心感激他於世上植下了高級時裝及高尚品味 的種子,並於《eliteGen》及許多同業的身上盛放。     我們帶著對他的思念,繼續堅守對完美品質的追 求。一句常常掛在口邊的說話,與其擁有無數的平庸, 倒不如擁有一件非凡之作,今期Bovet全新的陀飛輪配 備月相功能,即時顯示月亮哪一面正被太陽照射著,共 限量六十枚,地球儀的地圖方位更可由用家自行選定。     另一個春季的熱門話題是如何為家居添新意,是時 候換換形象,把藝術感帶到家中。奉行至上主義的設計 師Daria Zinovatnaya,於今期的室內設計專題,示範了 如何以她擅長大玩多種顏色及幾何圖案的手法,打造出 蒙德里安式的室內空間。另外,我們去到溫哥華美術館 欣賞了《法國現代 從莫內到馬諦斯》展覽,展品包括60 件來自布魯克林美術館的畫作及雕刻品。     日照時間長了,外出的時間自然也會增加,就趁現 在研究一下自己的護膚程序是否足夠。我們的  「Forever  Young」 美容專題就會看看如何幫助肌膚免受污染及紫 外線導致加速老化。別忘了保護雙眼,參考一下我們精 選的性感太陽鏡,在玫瑰色的玻璃下,世界會變得更美 麗吧!同時,亦會令你的臉色更好看。


pring may be a time of renewal, but it is also a time of reflection. As buds begin to bloom we ponder who parted this life in order to let new life thrive.

And as necessary as it is to accept death as a part of everyday life, there is a real sense of loss felt with the recent passing of designer extraordinaire Karl Lagerfeld. His contribution to the global fashion industry and his influence on everyday culture will live on for decades after his death. Though he was at the helm of the House of Chanel since 1983, the master designer made his mark on many fashion houses from Jean Patou and Pierre Balmain to Fendi, Valentino and Chloé. Not to mention his own eponymous fashion line. We owe him a debt of gratitude for leaving us a world filled with high fashion and supreme style, the signature of magazines like eliteGen and so many others. With his passing we remember him in our pursuit of the finest. With a mantra to only have the best than myriad of the mediocre, look no further than at Bovet’s latest astronomical watch with a real-time mechanical rendition of the Earth, the moon and the sun with a hand-painted topographical map of our planet. Only 60 are available and buyers can personalize their own location on the map. Another obvious topic for springtime renewal is the home. It is time to reimagine, reinvent and bring art in. Designer Daria Zinovatnaya, an advocate for the suprematism art movement, builds her aesthetic from basic but bold geometric shapes and limited-range colours, evident in the Mondrian-like touches in our interiors feature. Plus, we go to the Vancouver Art Gallery for a peak into their French Moderns: Monet to Matisse exhibition, 60 paintings and sculptures from the Brooklyn Museum. And with longer days meaning more time outdoors, now would be the time to review your skincare routine. Learn how to shield your skin from pollution and aging UV rays with our Forever Young beauty pages. And don’t forget to protect your peepers with our picks of the season’s sexiest shades. The world may look better through rose-tinted glasses, but they also do wonders for your complexion. Sincerely,

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher facebook.com/LeslieYip Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911


E L I T E G E N. C A




eliteGen 26


up front 6 團隊 Masthead

celebrity 22 封面故事 進取的李施嬅 cover girl: selena lee

fashion: women 10 鎂光燈下 on the red carpet

fashion: women 28 潮流特區 do the twist, panting For pants, sexy shades, and r.i.p. karl lagerFeld

8 出版人的話 publisher's letter

timepieces 14 破格時計 bovet, Mb & F Flow jewellery 18 巴黎總店華麗新裝 the house oF boucheron

beauty & scents 44 護膚懶不得 Making skincare a priority & poppy love fashion: men 48 體面男生 the big short, loewe


l 5 i c

6 t

6 t 6 c 6 w 7 e k 7 a



54 78

lifestyle 54 色彩異世界 interior design: colour your world 60 意大利之光 the italian Flare

62 完美至善廚房 the perFect luxury kitchen 64 操控於無形 coMMercial electronics 68 性格與命運 wine not: single Malts 70 正宗懷石料理 experience authentic kaiseki dining 74 追溯現代藝術的濫觴 art: Monet to Matisse


78 旅遊 travel: bal harbour & hokkaido, japan automobiles 90 新科技舒適豪跑 audi a6 tech

94「摺」續有來 Fold phones society

96 有請 the party circuit

68 94 70

Dress coDe

by Lily Lee


眼前一亮 dRaped daRLing

經典組合 sneak peek

復古氣派 caped crusader




Charmaine Sheh

Kelly Chan

Sammi Cheng

Ruffles設計雖屢見不鮮,但佘詩曼的Solace London 長裙仍教人眼前一亮,配以自色短靴,更是醒神。

Kelly以立體時尚、左右不對稱剪裁的上衣,配襯大 格長裙,稍稍露出纖腰,為黑與白的經典組合加添 新意。

斗篷式設計的白色一件頭裙子,很有六十年代的感 覺,也貫徹一向型格至上的Sammi風格。

Dings with drama.

Black and white: the perfect mix 'n' match.

Purity personified.

E L I T E G E N. C A



時尚前衛 siLver fox

玩味潮流 tuLLe of the trade

相得益彰 wow in white




Kathy Chow

Joey Yung

Charlene Choi

周汶錡穿上這Moschino銀色大閃片連身套裝,既時 尚又前衛,黑色bra top設計,令造型更突出。

Joey穿著的上厚下薄和漸變色Oscar de la Renta娃 娃裙,設計新穎,玩味感重,亦適合隆重場合,非 常討人歡喜。

蔡卓妍這白色長裙的腰間皺摺剪裁,為本來不甚突 出的身段增添曲線,卻又不減清新感覺。

Jubilant in a jumpsuit.

Gorgeous in gauze.

A waist peplum boosts the body's curves.





Dress coDe


斯文大方 cLean cLassic

瑕不掩瑜 in the red

畫龍點睛 fancy free




Kathy Yuen

Priscilla Wong

Alice Chan

修腰剪裁和闊腳設計,展露湯怡纖瘦身形優點,乾 淨俐落的造型,任何場合也無往而不利。

alexis Mabille這玫瑰色裙子十分高貴,黃翠如穿上雖 稍顯成熟,但能突出修長美腿,依然搶鏡。

陳煒身材好,穿elliatt吊帶長裙格外顯得好看。配以 aquazzura毛毛尖頭高跟鞋,更是畫龍點睛,簡約 又高貴。

The wrap two-piece for any occasion.

The mini gown: It's all about the legs.

Spaghetti strap mixed with drop-cap sleeve capitalizes on two sexy silhouettes.

E L I T E G E N. C A



頭號達人 rare Gem

閃耀光采 BLushinG Beauty

一顆少女心 Jumped and GLoved

Cate Blanchett

Camila Cabello

Kylie Jenner

難得Cate Blanchett在打扮上從不固步自封,不時有 所突破,像今次以大而誇張的寶石融入黑色長裙, 果然是頭號時尚達人。

桃紅晚裝登場的Camila Cabello,不以性感爭鋒頭, 但閃鑠的布料、玲瓏有致的身型,一樣光采奪人。

即使已為人母,Kylie Jenner依然愛美和有勇於嘗新 的少女心。身上設計獨特的粉紅色套裝,便是最佳 說明。

The little black dress reinvented.

Aglow and aglitter in Giorgio.

She dared to ditch a dress for this pink jumpsuit. Hooray.

Designer:Christopher Kane

Designer:Armani Prive

Designer:Balmain Haute Couture






An AstronomicAl wonder Bovet returns to Earth with the Récital 22 Grand Récital, the third in its trilogy that took top honours at the Grand Prix d’Horlogerie Genève. Oh yeah, and it only costs $639,000 in platinum Story | 金成

Photography | Kauzrambler

2016年的Récital 18 Shooting Star和2017年的Récital 20 Astérium,分別以流星和星座為主題,Bovet今回將大舞台回歸至 地球,於去年末推出其詩意天文系列的第三部曲Récital 22 Grand Récital,製作靈感來自天文儀。三顆與人類最密切的星體—太陽、 地球與月亮,在錶盤上都有極精緻的微縮呈現。恆星太陽由固定於 六時的飛行陀飛輪來擔任,其框架中央支點不僅飾有一輪金太陽, 框架的五條支臂亦以人手屈曲成光線狀來展現太陽的萬丈光芒。作 為一款六十秒陀飛輪,陀飛輪框架亦加配了指針,結合上部的弧形 刻度來指示秒鐘。最搶眼的部分,當屬位於錶盤上半部的立體地球 儀,這亦是小時顯示所在,皆因此半球體可如真實地球般每二十四 小時逆時針完成自轉。

The Récital 18 Shooting Star in 2016 and the Récital 20 Astérium in 2017 were themed after shooting stars and the galaxy. With the third watch in this series, Bovet shines the spotlight on Earth. The Récital 22 Grand Récital, unveiled late last year, resembles an astronomical device. The sun, Earth and moon are represented on the dial to underscore how closely the planets are linked to our evolution. The flying tourbillon at 6 o’clock represents the sun, denoted by the sun icon in the centre and five carriage bridges manipulated to evoke fiery sunrays. The tourbillion rotates once every 60 seconds, and a hand is affixed to the carriage of the tourbillon to indicate the seconds as it sweeps over a scaled arc. The most eye-catching element is the hemisphere that represents Earth. It also doubles as an hour indicator, completing a full rotation counter-clockwise every 24 hours.

Red gold, $598,000


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六時位置的飛行陀飛輪象徵着太陽,五條支臂以人手屈曲而成,展現太陽的光線。 The flying tourbillon at 6 o’clock symbolizes the sun, with the five carriage bridges hand-crafted to denote sunrays.

The globe is hand-engraved and micro-painted, realistically depicting clouds floating on top of blue oceans, mountains and forests, much like a weather map. The sphere rotating around the Earth is, of course, the moon, which shows the changing moon phases three-dimensionally in a complete orbit once every 29.53 days. 製作靈感源自天文儀,錶盤的地球以全人手雕刻和微繪製成,旁邊更有小月球 運行。 Inspired by astronomical elements, the Earth on the dial is hand-engraved and painted, with a sphere as the moon orbiting around it.

全由人手雕刻和微繪製成的地球,雲霧裊裊繚繞於汪洋山林之 上,有如一副逼真氣象圖。伴於地球旁運行的小圓球理所當然充當月 球一職,它亦是一個三維月相顯示,可真實再現每29.53天循環一次的 月相盈虧變化。跟不少高階月相錶一樣,此月相每一百二十二年才會 產生一天誤差,小圓球黑白對半,以此顯示月球目前那一面正受陽光 照射。此外,地球與月球均塗有夜光物料,當黑夜降臨,腕錶就會發 出美麗光芒,有如在外太空欣賞着這顆藍色星球般。 錶盤左右兩側為兩個飛返功能顯示,左為分鐘,右面則顯示機 芯的九日動存狀態,另外陀飛輪旁邊也設有日期視窗。此錶背後亦有 乾坤,有完整的萬年曆資訊;其中最為特別和少見的,是其日期環圈 亦能飛返運作。作為一款超複雜作品,此錶的調校遠比想像簡單,用 家只需按下位於錶殼十二時的按鈕,即可以天為單位,將所有曆法和 天文功能同步。腕錶採用專利的「寫字斜板」不對稱錶殼,令這款厚度 不少的作品亦可便於佩戴。錶殼直徑46.3毫米,有紅金和鉑金版本, 搭載17DM03-TEL手動上鏈機芯,具備九天長動能儲備,共限量六十 枚,地球儀的地圖方位更可由用家自行選定。

Like most high-end moon-phase watches, this one registers a discrepancy of one day over 122 years. The sphere comprises a black half and a white half, showing which side is illuminated by the sun at a specific point in time. Both the Earth and the moon are painted with luminous materials to reflect brilliant lights, much like observing the planets in outer space. There are two retrogrades on either side of the watch—the left for showing minutes and the right to indicate the nine-day power reserve. A date window is located next to the flying tourbillon. On the case back, more surprises await. Behold a perpetual calendar that features a patented retrograde mechanism with a micrometric rack. For a super-complicated watch, this one is relatively simple to adjust. The pushpiece at 12 o’clock can be used to reset all calendar and astronomical functions simultaneously, in units of days. As it has adopted a patented writing slope design for the case, the relatively thick watch doesn’t feel chunky on the wrist. At 46.3mm in diameter, it comes in red gold and platinum. It is powered by the 17DM03-TEL hand-winding calibre, offering nine days of power reserve. There are only 60 pieces in the collection, and the location of the map can be personalized for individual buyers.







Flying without wings Maximilian Busser and Friends (MB&F) is a relative newcomer to Swiss watchmaking. Established in 2005, the company devoted three years to research and develop Horological Machine N°9 Flow. Its streamlined silhouette is a nod to the aerodynamic designs of a bygone era Story | 金成


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成立於2005年的瑞士新貴手錶品牌Maximilian Busser and Friends(簡稱MB&F)的最新力作,是花三年時間研製的 Horological Machine N° 9「Flow」,設計靈感源自四、五十年代 的飛機和跑車,外形流線該已跟空氣動力學有關,盡展當代空 氣動力學的成果。 二十世紀初期,無論是飛機或汽車的外形,主要還是依 據設計師或工程師的直覺來設計,縱使世界第一個風洞早已在 1871年在英國建成,但空氣動力學還未發展至實用階段。直至 四、五十年代,空氣動力學才開始廣泛應用於工業設計中,這 時期的飛機和汽車都有相當圓渾流線的機體。 MB&F今次推出的HM9「Flow」,造型便是參照自這個年代 的飛機和汽車,驟眼看既似擁有兩個特大引擎的飛機,又似兩 邊輪拱凸出的落場跑車,更有趣是左右兩個「引擎」側還有近似 汽車導風口的設計,彷彿透視在藍寶石水晶底下的兩個平衡擺 輪真的需要引進冷空氣來散熱一樣。 HM9起伏有序的外形同時突顯MB&F對腕錶造型的極致癡 迷程度。因為腕錶線條的高低落差如此大,不但增加了生產錶 殼的難度,對拋光打磨的功夫也是一大考驗,而機芯的設計亦 同樣是一大難題。縱使MB&F對奇特造型的機芯設計已有多年 經驗,又有近似的雙擺輪LM2可作參考,也要花足三年時間才 能研製成功。 HM9「Flow」不只外形前衛有型,錶殼線條更忠於飛行工 具,兩個擒縱系統分別設於兩個引擎中,透過腕錶中間的恆星 齒輪連接來將擺輪速率平均化,從而提升走時的精確度,而前 端呈九十度角的直立式錶盤則以錐形齒輪帶動,配合頂端凸出 的錶圈,十足汽車儀錶板,造型維肖維妙又不失實用價值。錶 殼以鈦金屬製造,錶殼尺碼是不規則的57毫米乘47毫米,搭載 手動上鏈機芯,防水五十米。除了文中所載、採用玫瑰金夾板 和銀色錶盤的Road版本,另外還有採用黑色NAC機芯配黑色 錶盤的Air版選擇,一車一飛機,各限量三十三枚,約售24萬。

In the early 20th Century, designers and engineers went by instinct when creating the shapes of aircraft and/or automobiles. Even though the world’s first wind tunnel was built in England in 1871, the studies of aerodynamics was still in its infancy. It wasn’t until the 1940s and 1950s that aerodynamic industrial designs were widely adopted. Planes and cars from those periods began to sport more streamlined silhouettes. The HM9 Flow referenced the designs of speed machines from that period. At first glance, it looks like a plane with two oversized engines, or a super car with two protruding wheels. It’s interesting that there appeared to be air vents on either side of the two “engines”, as if the two balance wheels peeking through the sapphire crystal case back required cooling ventilation. The undulating shape of HM9 is a tell-tale sign of MB&F’s obsession with design. The extreme height difference of the outlines not only made the watch so much more difficult to manufacture, but it was also a challenge for polishing, and equally challenging for the mechanism’s design. Even with MB&F’s experience in fashioning unusual mechanisms, and even if having the twin balance-wheel LM2 as a reference, it still took three years to get it right. The shape of the HM9 Flow is outrageously ahead of its time. The silhouette is an accurate interpretation of aerodynamic shapes. Two escapements are placed within the two “engines”. They are connected by the mainspring barrel in the central pod to average the rates of the two independent balances and produce a more accurate time display. The vertical display on the front is powered by a unique conical gear system. With a protruding bezel, it is reminiscent of a car dashboard, and it’s practical and intriguing at the same time. The irregular titanium case measures roughly 57mm by 47mm. The calibre is hand-winding. It is water resistant to 50m. Other than the Road version in rose gold and silver dial, there is also the Air in black with a NAC calibre and black dial. There are 33 pieces in each collection paying tribute to both automobiles and aircraft.

HM9「FLOW」的兩個擒縱系統分別設於左右引擎中, 由中間的齒輪連接,前端是直立式的錶盤。 The twin escapements of HM9 FLOW in the two “engines” are linked with a mainspring barrel in the middle. The vertical dial stands in front. $240,000





jewellery: Boucheron

Boucheron於巴黎芳登廣場26號的外觀,曾監督過法 國重要地標性建築的修繕工作的Michel Goutal,將 Hôtel de Nocé入口還原至它在七十年代時的模樣, 這個入口採用了雙倍挑高設計和巴黎石質外牆,保留 了原始建築的凸圓形裝飾和棋盤格圖案石材。 Boucheron headquarters in the Hôtel de Nocé at 26 Fontaine Square in Paris.


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Boucheron Natural Ceremony Collection Lierre de Paris rose gold and diamond necklace. Approx. $289,000


Happy 160th

The Boucheron family celebrates a landmark birthday and restoration project Story | Chappie

Boucheron於1893年以首個珠寶品牌在 巴黎芳登廣場26號開設專門店,店舖所在大 樓 Hôtel de Nocé 更於1930年獲列為歷史古 跡。Boucheron家族乘2016年慶祝世家誕生 160周年,在Kering集團的支持下展開了脫胎 換骨的翻新工程,經歷兩年時間,這棟私人 大宅蛻變成世家地標,重現昔日輝煌風采。 早前在巴黎舉行盛大祝賀晚宴,同時展出頂 級珠寶典藏和限定珠寶,盡顯高貴氣派。 Boucheron Bleu de Jodhpur Collection, Bagha Tiger white gold ring inlaid with 22.74 carats of pillow-shaped aquamarines, sapphires and diamonds. Approx. $231,000

Boucheron opened its first jewellery store in Paris in 1893 at the Fontaine Square in Paris. The building where the store is located, Hôtel de Nocé, was listed as a historical monument in 1930. In 2016, in celebration of the 160th anniversary of the family, Boucheron launched a two-year landmark renovation project. In honour of the project’s completion, the jewellery house hosted a gala dinner showcasing some of their jewellery.





jewellery: Boucheron

早前Boucheron巴黎總 店經過兩年蛻變之後 重開,為隆重其事, 邀請了大中華區代言 人周冬雨和國際影后 鞏俐(圖下)到場參與慶 賀晚宴。 Boucheron Paris head office reopens after a two year renovation. Gala goers at the grand event included ambassador for the House of Boucheron, Zhou Dongyu, and Gong Li (below).

Animal Series Hopi Hummingbird gold ring inlaid with a 35-carat beryl, yellow sapphires and diamonds. Approx. $114,000.

Limited edition Vendome gold bracelet with 3.51 carats of diamonds. Approx. $30,500

Serpent Boheme bracelet, Pompon Collection, with diamonds, turquoise and gold. Approx. $60,000


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Cover girl


The highlighTer girl Selena lee: Actor or animal activist? Try both Story | Iris Chui 李施嬅首次拍的北美電視劇《Blood and water》第二 季中飾演的黑警角色,令她獲提名競逐《2019年加拿大銀 幕獎》(Canadian Screen Awards)電視組別的「最佳女 配角」,雖然輸了給英國老戲骨Geraldine James,她說 自己是心服口服,「就像我跟惠英紅相比,難道演技會比 她好嗎?」 出席頒獎禮之前,她感覺甚是患得患失,害怕走在 紅地氈上時,外國媒體不認識她,也不知會不會有人給 自己拍照。幸好著名澳洲時裝設計師Toni Maticevski的瑩 光黃晚禮服為她打破僵局。「我很喜歡那襲裙的款式,本 來選了紫色的,但已給人預訂了,設計師團隊建議我選 這瑩光黃,但我擔心自己駕馭不到。是他們鼓勵我,並 說這將是潮流大熱顏色。結果是由我步進會場那一刻開 始,每個見到我的人,即使是素未謀面的,都說我穿上 這裙很美麗奪目,反而令我忽然間有點不好意思。」 更意外驚喜的是,她還因此獲CBC選為當晚的「最佳 衣著」。「我沒有想過可以得到這樣大的回響。也更體會 到︰原來人生中,有時要冒險,才會得著意想不到的結 果。」 這幾年跳出安樂區,不住在北美試鏡,有好幾次殺 進最後兩強,但都失諸交臂,對方明言不選她,並非是 她的演技問題,而是對手知名度更高、市場價值較大。 所以她看《La La Land》,當Emma Stone在多次試鏡失敗 時,沮喪灰心的說:「I can’t handle this anymore ! (再 也承受不了)」即時有共鳴。「TVB原來是一個安樂窩,自 己慣了被保護。來到真實世界去試鏡,和其他人競爭,方 知過程原來這樣艱辛,才發覺自己很多方面都未夠好。 有時真的很傷自尊,接受不來。第一次試鏡失敗時,很 不甘心,情緒足足低落了一個星期。如何保持鬥心,也 是一種學習。告訴自己跌低沒關係,最重要是要站起 身,堅持下去。」

Photo: George Pimentel 22

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Heads turned and cameras flashed like a lightning storm as Selena Lee stepped onto the red carpet at the 2019 Canadian Screen Awards. She was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in the Canadian TV crime drama Blood and Water, in which she plays an assassin. She was hard to miss, dressed in a figure-hugging fluorescent yellow gown. The dress, designed by Australian Toni Maticevski, was immediately given the moniker the “Highlighter” dress by fashion critics, while the actress, dubbed the “highlighter girl” was crowned Best Dressed by CBC. Following the awards ceremony, we talked to Lee about her bold fashion choice. “It wasn’t even my first choice,” says Lee. “I originally wanted that dress in lilac, but it was already taken by someone else. The designers suggested that I try the yellow version instead. “At first, I wasn’t sure. The colour seemed hard to carry off, but they were really enthusiastic, saying that it looks good on me and it is totally on trend. Needless to say, they convinced me.” Lee admits that she got cold feet right before the event. “Since I’m based in Hong Kong, and this was my first time to walk the Canadian red carpet, I wasn’t sure anyone would even recognize me. “Well, the dress saw to it that I would not be ignored. Total strangers came up to me and told me how eye-catching my dress was. I was actually a little bit overwhelmed by all the attention.” Although she lost the award to British actress Geraldine James, Lee wasn’t disappointed. “On the contrary,” she says, “I feel very honoured to be nominated in the same category as James, whom I have always admired. Furthermore, I’m so smitten to be on CBC’s Best Dressed List. I never expected to be so well-received on my debut at the Canadian Screen Awards. It shows that with a little risktaking you can reap great rewards.”

Hair | Zap Tang Makeup | Stephen Lau Styling | Mildred Lo





Cover girl

永不言棄 屢敗屢戰,卻反而激起李施嬅的鬥心,她說現在自己心 內對演戲那團火,是之前從未有過的,永不言放棄。「置身娛 樂圈的確很多時都很被動、有不知道甚麼時候會被選上的危機 感,然而也因此有著很多可能性和驚喜在前方,我也試過做生 意,但發覺最令我開心的還是演戲。也因為要做好準備迎接每 一個機會,有時即使多麼辛苦或疲倦,都會保持做運動,因為 拍攝期間通常都很辛苦,訓練體能是鍛鍊意志的方法之一,也 可以保持健康,加強能量。」

貼心姊妹 李施嬅跟胡杏兒、胡定欣、黃智雯、姚子羚和胡蓓蔚組 成的「胡說八道會」是圈中著名的姊妹淘。「在我們這班姊妹當 中,只有我一個人沒有在TVB拿過獎,有時會想是不是自己不 夠好,不是一個好演員,真的感到很氣餒,幸好有她們在我身 邊,不住的打氣和帶正能量給我,讓我堅持下去。」她在2008 年憑《紫禁驚雷》第一次獲提名競逐TVB的最佳女主角,當年的 對手是黎姿、佘詩曼、宣萱和張可頤,落敗是意料中事。

她愛動物,剛和姚子羚到非洲親歷動大遷徒的景象。 Lee went to Africa with one of her besties, Elaine Yiu, to watch the great migration. 24

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Two years ago, Lee jumped out of her comfort zone and came to North America to go on auditions non-stop. The disappointments were new to her as she did not get many of the parts she went to audition for. Even coming close and being one of the final two, she lost out on the role to other more famous Chinese actors. But seeing the film La La Land, and hearing Emma Stone’s character say, “I can’t handle this anymore” after failing so many auditions, Lee saw her real life self on the big screen. “It turns out that TVB was a very comfortable home. I was used to being protected,” says Lee. “Once I entered the real world of auditions and competition with others, I realized that the process was actually very challenging. I then noticed that there were many areas I still was not good at, which was quite bruising to the ego and difficult to accept. The lesson learned is to keep fighting, to keep telling oneself that it’s fine to fall down. What’s important is to get back up, and to persist.”

NEVEr GIVE up Lee’s fighting spirit and the fire in her belly continued to grow. Doing a lot of prep work, she welcomed every opportunity, acknowledging the many possibilities and surprises ahead. And whether too busy or just too tired, Lee kept up her rigorous workouts. Says Lee: “While you are filming, the schedule is grueling. So physical fitness training is one way to build up discipline, while building up your health and your strength.”

Cover girl 她很感恩這兩年多有姊妹們在身邊的日子, 「如果沒有她們出現在我的生命,我不會變成今 天的李施嬅。杏兒的超凡工作態度,豹嫂的堅 強,智雯的幽默,子羚經常陪我喝酒聊天,定欣 工作雖然辛苦,也依然正面處之……都讓我覺得 工作也可以是開心事。」 許多人以為娛樂圈存在太多利益衝突,很難 交到知心好友。但李施嬅卻說她們「胡說八道會」 這幾個女孩子均是很正面的互相幫助,彼此為對 方著想,沒有妒忌較勁這回事。 「大家都很努力工 作。其實身邊人愈好,自己也會愈好;就等於你 扶起一個人時,自己也會因而站得高了。」

宣揚保育 現在每逢放假,李施嬅都到洛杉磯上演技課 程,同時也參與有關保育和環保的活動。 「我很喜 歡動物,好想宣揚環保及保育訊息,不過都是以 私人性質參與。」 她也到過夏威夷參與和鯊魚一起潛水的活 動,鼓吹停止吃魚翅的風氣,還拍了好些和鯊魚 共游的照片給傳媒發放。 「公眾不是沒有聽過,但 久而久之卻淡忘了,我們希望多做一些能喚起大 家注意的事,而圖片往往是吸引大家注意力的最 佳媒介之一。」 早前她便和姚子羚抽了八天空檔到非洲看 動物大遷徙,起程前單是打各式預防針已要個多 月,還要轉接的先飛曼谷 奈羅比 再到盧旺達。 「這不是容易去的地方,各式費用加起來也頂肉 赤。但親眼目睹大象和大猩猩等是我向來嚮往的 事,值得花這些時間和錢。其實我真的不明白為 什麼有人那樣短視,為了得到象牙而非法獵殺大 象,我相信很多人都有興趣接觸大自然,觀賞動 物,以此作招徠發展旅遊業,不是可以賺取更多 收入嗎﹖把動物殺了就什麼都沒有了。」

Things started to look up after she auditioned and got the role of a cop killer in the second season of Blood and Water. Last December, before she went to Hamilton, Ontario to film, she worked hard to prepare for her new role. Not only did she learn martial arts and shooting, she also lost 15 pounds. “This is a role that has many dark and sad sides,” says Lee. “She has secret reasons for doing bad things, even killing. A slimmer body would look more seasoned and darker. This is a role I have never done before, so I hope it will be convincing, and will open up new directions for me.”

SISTErHOOD Even though Lee’s career is on an upswing, she still finds the time to see TVB besties Myolie Wu, Nancy Wu, Mandy Wong, Elaine Yiu and paisley Wu. And last year, the friends took a trip to Australia to film a travel reality show for TVB. During the trip Lee and her friends shared some teary-eyed joy when she received a Best Actress Award for her role in Once More. “Among our sisters, I was the only one who hadn’t won an award at TVB,” says Lee. “Sometimes I thought I wasn’t a good enough actress, and got really discouraged. Fortunately, I have my friends by my side, constantly cheering me on and passing on positive energy. There isn’t jealousy or competition. If I did not have them in my life, I would not be the Selena Lee of today. In truth, the better the people around you, the better you will be. It’s just like when you are lifting someone up, you will stand taller.” In 2008, Lee was nominated for the TVB Best Actress Award for The Life and Times of a Sentinel. unlucky for her, that year she went up against the very famous Gigi Lai, Charmaine Sheh, Jessica Hester Hsuan and Maggie Cheung. So it was not so much of a surprise that Lee did not win. “These days the new generation of actors rise rapidly that we do not have strong impressions of them,” says Lee. “But when I first started acting, everyone tried small roles and had to climb up slowly. It took a lot before gaining recognition, and every award was hard earned. So this time, for my first Best Actress Award, even though it was not from a well-known, prestigious film festival, I was still very emotional when I won. It was a great joy to be recognized, so I couldn’t help but cry.”

prOMOTING CONSErVATION These days, whenever Lee has time off, she would go to Los Angeles to take acting classes, and she would also participate in conservation and environmentalist activities. Says Lee: “I like animals a lot, and so I want to share the message of environmental protection and conservation. But I always participate as a private individual.” With the courage of her convictions, she also took a trip to Hawaii for an event in which she goes diving with the sharks to discourage eating shark fin. “It’s not that the public has not heard about this before, but people forget after a while. We just hope to raise awareness, and pictures are often one of the best mediums to draw attention.”

多倫多之後,她到了洛杉磯,跟著便得到日本、北京和 上海工作。 She was off to Los Angeles right after the awards. After that on to Tokyo, Beijing and Shanghai for work.


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Before shooting starts this fall for the TVB TV series Detective Investigations File IV, which she stars in, Lee went with gal pal Elaine Yiu to Africa to watch the great migration of animals. Not only did she keep herself in the public eye, she also raised awareness for nature conservation. Just to get all the immunization shots took them over a month. She found elephants and gorillas and took pictures to share with the media. During the trip, they have to first fly to Bangkok, then Nairobi, and then rwanda. Says Lee: “This is not an easy place to get to. The costs really add up. But I have always looked forward to seeing these animals in person. So it is worth it to spend the time and money. I actually don’t understand why some people are so short-sighted and want to poach the elephants to harvest their ivory. I believe many people will be interested in getting in touch with nature and observing animals. If we use this as to advertise and develop tourism, we should be able to touch more people. On the other hand, if you kill the animals, you’ll get nothing in the end.”

The better the people around you, the better you will be. It’s just like when you are lifting someone up, you will stand taller.





fashion: women

Max Mara

Panting over pants 褲革天下

Slacks are sexy again

Story | C_Hung

上世紀初,若不是要騎馬,女子穿裙是唯一選擇。不過事隔百年, 長褲已成為現代女性的衣櫥必備。 At the beginning of the last century, women wearing trousers was not the norm—and certainly never in public unless, of course, riding a horse. Women wearing skirts and dresses were the only options. Fast forward a century and slacks are an absolute must for any woman’s wardrobe, from casual day wear to classy for cocktails.


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Jil Sander

Black Power 黑色長褲無疑是長青又易襯的首選,有人或會 嫌它驚喜欠奉,但正是其低調穩陣的特性,使它成 為百搭配件。

Black is undoubtedly the foundation for any wardrobe, the first choice from which one can build out a classic, low-key look.





fashion: women Off White



Just Jeans 誕生超過一個世紀的牛仔褲,從工 人服進化成為人人必備的潮流褲款,不同 剪裁、洗水、細節更是千變萬化,讓人永 不生厭。

around for more than 100 years, denim has evolved from being just worker wear to becoming an indisputable clothing staple the world over. cuts, washes and details are ever-changing, but no one ever tires of its constant comfort.


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Prints & Patterns 搶眼的圖案長褲,是春日的時尚造 型焦點。既可以淨色上衣,配格紋或條子 等簡單圖案褲款;亦可碰撞不同圖案於一 身,即使圖案不同,只要顏色屬相同色 系,便不致令人花多眼亂。

competing, clashing patterns can be eye-catching at times. But they certainly are a fashion focus for spring 2019.

Louis Vuitton Tod’s






fashion: women

Go with the flow 鬆身的闊腳褲能減少拘束感覺,配 鬆身上衣更可展現慵懶休閒的風格。若改 襯貼身衫和西裝褸,則可營造線條及格調 對比,宜挑選用料較優質和挺身的設計。

loose-legged silhouettes paired with flowing tops can connote a more lazy, casual sense of style. But a relaxed approach can also compound an air of confidence and self assurance.


Diane von Furstenberg

Jil Sander


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Paul Smith Boss

suit Yourself 聖羅蘭1966年推出第一套女裝燕 尾服後,女性褲裝年代正式來臨;到 Giorgio Armani於80年代掀起女強人風 潮,上班族紛紛穿上套裝,展現中性魅 力。時至今日,西褲之於女生,正如上 世紀初帽子之於男仕,同為不可或缺的 裝備。

after saint laurent launched the first women’s tuxedo in 1966, the age of women wearing pants in public became more and more acceptable. in the 1980s, Giorgio armani capitalized on that trend. today, women in pantsuits are as commonplace as it was for men to wear hats in the early part of the last century.





fashion: women

Jacket, Gucci, $5,910

盛 興 t s i 復 y a w w 變奏 t ir e e h h g t Do c a t t in r s n e a d Scar fs are our h back into W ael

ich |M al y h io n t p a a rn gr oto s Inte Ph l de an Story Mo | Sum Ch t a K. Model | Wioletta


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o ng

Elizabeth Taylor曾經說:「沒有絲巾的女人沒 有未來。」絲巾本源於上流社會專屬的奢華講究,二 十年代Flapper Girl趨之若鶩的真絲絲巾造價高昂, 因此未算普及。到三十年代人造絲(Rayon)誕生, 從此改變了絲巾作為奢侈品的局限,當人人負擔得 來自然就流行,Hermès的皇牌真絲方巾亦順應潮流 於1937年誕生。後來隨著二戰後Dior New Look的時 代來臨,數得出的經典潮流偶像,如柯德莉夏萍、 嘉麗絲姬莉與積琪蓮甘迺廸等等,都成為絲巾的支 持者。 絲巾作為優雅時尚的關鍵詞,一直風靡至九十 年代。不過近年,見絲巾最多的地方卻只在手挽袋 上,正經穿戴的人卻少之有少。年紀小或不小的怕 老氣,喜歡隨性風格的嫌其難配襯……還以為絲巾 快要放進時間錦囊被供奉之際,今季多個品牌不約 而同推出scarf的變奏設計,將絲巾轉個形式翻生— Gucci的70s復古silk total look、Hermès的Silk City Bag、J.W. Anderson的print shirt、Balenciaga的 choker等都是誠意之作,個人特別喜歡Ferragamo 的絲巾內裡大褸,花俏卻同時夠低調。

Bag, Hermès, $2,510

Legendary actress Elizabeth Taylor is reportedly to have once said, “A woman who doesn’t wear a scarf has no future.” That may be a bit of a stretch, but truth be told silk scarves were once a rarity, a luxury available only to those of high society. A trademark of Flapper Girls of the Roaring Twenties, they were so expensive that they were never widely popular. It wasn’t until they were mass produced in new fabrics like acetate and, hence, became more affordable, that they gained mainstream popularity. Amid a growing trend, Hermès introduced a square silk scarf in 1937. Following the Second World War and Dior’s return to femininity with his New Look, trendsetters like Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly and Jacqueline Kennedy all became fans, followed by the masses. Until the 1990s, the scarf was a key element of elegant fashion. But in recent years, it’s become more common to see scarves adorning bags rather than necks. Younger women worry about looking too old with a scarf, while more casual types may think this fashion accessory is too fancy for them. So, just when you might have given up on the scarf and thought it was destined to a time capsule, voilà, this season many brands are reinterpretting it, integrating it into coats, bags, shirts and dresses: Gucci’s 1970s retro silk dress, the Silk City Bag by Hermès, the choker by Balenciaga, and Ferragamo’s coat with a silk scarf-like lining.

Dress, $2,460 Shoes, $965 Both Salvatore Ferragamo





fashion: women

Dress, Gucci, $9,150


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Dress, $1,860 Coat, $6,260 Both Salvatore Ferragamo Sandals, Hermès, $1,170

Choker, Balenciaga, $1,460





accessories: Women


Linda Farrow $630


Mood Makers 太陽眼鏡早由功能性配件演變為時尚配 飾,像鮮艷的多彩鏡片、嫵媚的貓眼鏡 框,或是別出心裁的幾何框架造型,一如 既往為女士們的春夏造型點睛。

Sunglasses always make a statement about one’s sense of style whether mild or wild Story | Michelle Chow

The Owner $290


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Linda Farrow $1,320


Eque.M $1,100





accessories: Women

Marni $660

Chloé $570


Saint Laurent $380

Chloé $600

Alexander McQueen $440


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Tod’s BurBerry





in memoriam

Karl Lagerfeld (1933-2019)


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the Beauty pages




Forever Young Story | Angel Leung Photography | Julio Miguel

收緊肌膚 即使只是稍稍出現鬆弛現象,臉容立時顯得蒼老,故趁 着晚間是修復肌膚的黃金時間,還是好好借助具鎖水及緊緻 作用的保養品,為「抗老工程」作先頭部隊。

如欲擊退歲月痕迹,注意飲食及運動 以外,還得由護膚方面入手。切記— 沒有醜女人,只有懶女人。

Firming the Skin

To help combat aging, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly and make skincare a priority. Remember: there are no ugly ladies, just lazy ones.

At the earliest signs of sagging, the face immediately looks older. thus, it is important to take advantage of nighttime’s “golden hours” to repair the skin. the best protective skincare will lock in moisture and firm up the skin, combating aging’s “advance troops”.


a. Albion Excia Embeage Creme Parfait | $920 成分之一的紫金牛科植物酸藤子,內含山柰酚及槲皮苷等類黃酮類成 分,另配合紅葡萄葉精華及番石榴葉精華等,用後有助活化細胞,令 肌膚回復緊緻。 A key ingredient of this product is the Zijinniaceae acid vine, which contains flavonoids, such as kaempferol and quercetin. It also contains red grape leaf extract and guava leaf extract to help activate cells and restore skin firmness. b. Sisley Supremya Baume At Night | $830 至臻活膚再生乳霜蘊含專利的十二小時長效植物複合精華,能於夜間 把握皮膚修復的黃金時間,延長皮膚細胞壽命,讓母細胞於充足的時 間下進行修復。 This revitalizing renewal cream contains a patented 12-hour, longacting botanical complex, which can be used during night’s golden hours to repair and prolong the life of skin cells. c. Giorgio Armani Crema Nera Extrema Supreme Reviving Cream | $500 注入豐富的長葉車前精華,另採用高科技自然植物細胞技術,不僅令 肌膚倍感水潤,更有助提升肌膚的抗氧化能力。 This reviving cream is infused with four vital minerals and reviscentalis, one of the most powerful resurrection plants. Not only does it make the skin feel moist, but also helps to enhance the skin's antioxidant capacity.

強化肌底 皮膚嚴重缺水,會加速幼紋形成,因此塗搽任何護膚品 前,不妨先塗上肌底液,有助強化肌底及促進後續保養品的 吸收度。亦可使用天然精油來按摩肌膚,讓乾涸的皮膚底層 徹底吸收油分,保持水潤。

Strengthen the Skin Severe dehydration accelerates the formation of fine lines. thus, it is important first to strengthen the skin and enhance its absorption properties. One can also massage natural essential oils into the skin. this allows the dry base layer of the skin to absorb the oils and remain hydrated. d. Lancôme Advanced Génifique Youth Activating Concentrate 50ml | $134 Advanced Génifique含高度濃縮益生菌成分,有效修復包括細紋、皺 紋、膚質粗糙、膚色暗啞和緊緻度等肌膚問題,激活嫩膚再生。於每 天護膚程序前塗上,有助讓肌膚呈現年輕水嫩感。4星期後,使用者 的膚色變得更亮白均勻、肌膚更平滑、水嫩和充滿彈性。 Highly concentrated in probiotic fractions, Advanced Génifique activates all signs of youth. Thanks to its light texture, the serum glides onto the skin, creating a surprising sensation. It envelopes the skin in its unique softness and gently soaks in, releasing its active ingredients in the process. This powerful anti-aging serum is your ultimate face, neck and decollete repair serum to target all signs of wrinkles, fine lines, puffiness and signs of aging in only 4 weeks.


眼部護理 眼部肌膚天生較脆弱,很易出現眼紋、眼袋及黑眼圈等 老化迹象,需要格外呵護。

eyecAre in order to delay signs of aging such as lines and dark circles, it is necessary to take extra care of eyes. e. Clé de Peau Vitality-Enhancing Eye Mask Supreme | $190 可配合Enhancing Eye Contour Cream Supreme眼霜使用的眼膜,同 時含楊桃葉及山楂花萃取精華,10分鐘快速消除疲勞感,建議睡前使 用,第二日即可喚醒明亮雙眸。 In addition to Iris Florentina Extract, the mask also includes Averrhoa Carambola Leaf Extract and Crataegus Monogyna Flower Extract that work synergistically to help create healthy-looking skin. f. Clé de Peau Enhancing Eye Contour Cream Supreme | $330 專門針對眼周敏感區域而研發的保濕眼霜,其鳶尾花萃取精華成分, 有效改善乾燥、暗沉和細紋,重新煥發眼部活力。 A first-of-its-kind scientific approach that promotes a recontoured eye area and a more youthful, lifted eye look. Infused with Iris Florentina Extract, its exceptionally precious essence helps to stimulate and revitalise skin.





the beauty pages: scents


E L I T E G E N. C A




Poppy Love Story | Leslie Yip

花姿嬌柔卻又美艷奪目的罌粟花,堪稱是最能觸動詩人情感的野 生花卉。罌粟花的花蕾呈青綠色而且長滿絨毛,亳不起眼,就算遍佈 田野也不易察覺。直至晚春一個和暖早上,花卉突然盛極綻放,把一 整遍田染上一片豔紅。 加拿大詩人John McCrae的詩作〈In Flanders Fields〉這樣寫道: 「In Flanders fields the poppy blow(意謂:罌粟花在弗蘭德斯的土 地上隨風吹動)。」此後,罌粟花便成為國殤日的襟花。Robert Burns 亦在他的詩〈Tam O’ Shanter〉中這樣形容罌粟花轉瞬即逝的美麗, 「Pleasures are like poppies spread: you seize the flow’ r, its bloom is shed(意謂: 快樂就好像罌粟花,只再一抓住花朵,花瓣便會散 落。)Janet Fitch於〈White Oleander〉中把罌粟花形容為「petals of sheer excess( 空寂的花瓣)」」,而Henri Cole於〈Poppy〉一詩中以 「unregimented beauty(隨性的美)」及「effortless existence(輕鬆地存 在)」來形容罌粟花。 透過詩人的文字,罌粟花的美盡情綻放,但要把它留香卻並非易 事,因為罌粟花本身並沒有香氣。不過這也難不到高級香氛品牌NEST Fragrance創辦人Laura Slatkin。18世紀英國藝術家Mary Delany的植 物畫作是她的靈感繆斯,她利用各種花香及果香把她對野生罌粟花的 感覺詮釋出來。「罌粟花是如此美麗和令人愉悅的花卉,我希望這款香 水同樣充滿明亮氣息。」她與調香師Jerome Epinette合作,以梨香、 覆盆子、杏子、喜瑪拉雅山茉莉及格拉斯玫瑰打造出充滿朝氣的Wild Poppy香氛。

Wild Poppy by NEST Fragrances Eau de parfum spray, 50ml | $98 Eau de parfum rollerball, 8ml | $36

The fragile yet luscious poppy is probably the one wildflower most capable of capturing a writer’s imagination. They tend to grow en masse in fields and meadows, but are unassuming in their hairy green buds—until one warm morning in late spring, when they suddenly spill their petals, transforming the landscape into a glorious sweep of colour. “In Flanders fields the poppies blow” begins Canadian John McCrae’s famous war poem of remembrance. “Pleasures are like poppies spread: you seize the flow’r, its bloom is shed,” laments Robert Burns on its fleeting beauty in Tam O’Shanter. Janet Fitch admires their “petals of sheer excess” in White Oleander, while Henri Cole pines over their “unregimented beauty” and “effortless existence” in Poppy. It is actually easier to immortalize the flower in words than in a perfume bottle, because the poppy has no scent. This poses no challenge to Laura Slatkin, founder of Nest Fragrances. Using a botanical painting by 18th-century British artist Mary Delany as her muse, she composes her sensorial impression of the wild poppy using a variety of floral and fruity scents. “It’s such a pretty, cheery flower, so I wanted it to have this vibrancy,” she says. Working with parfumeur Jerome Epinette, she infuses the aromas of pear, raspberry and apricot with Himalayan jasmine and Rose de Grasse to create the spirited scent of Wild Poppy.





fashion: men


The big short Shirt sleeves are coming up up up in a big way Story | Simon Au & Timothy Lo Photography | Bowy Chan Model | Demitry R. at Primo Makeup | Cheuk Ng Hair | Peter Cheng

Fendi logo shirt, $1,000 trousers, $950 Pequin Mon Tresor bag, $3,300


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Lanvin camp-collar printed mattesatin shirt, $690

John Elliott camp-collar, tie-dyed cotton-poplin shirt, $430

Gucci camp-collar fil coupé cotton-poplin shirt, $960

Prada camp-collar embroidered checked cotton-poplin shirt, $890

Balenciaga oversized camouflage-print brushed cotton-twill shirt, $1,200

Calvin Klein 205W39NYC camp-collar printed cotton-poplin shirt, $630

出現於二十世紀初的短袖恤衫,由網球運動服裝演 變而來,所以質料較為硬身,但有一定的透氣及舒適程 度。走smart casual的短袖恤衫,當年一線的「壞男孩」偶 像如皮禮士利、占士甸和馬龍白蘭度,不約而同以此為電 影造型,成為年輕人的穿搭指南。 短袖恤衫雖不及長袖入屋經典,但它擁有的是無 限的可能性。當短袖恤衫潮流一度淪為(不修邊幅的)中 年男士御用單品時,有心的時尚分子再次同心合力捧紅 它,街頭和時裝天橋不乏古巴恤衫、保齡球恤衫、夏威 夷恤衫的蹤影,活像《La La Land》的萊恩葛斯林般雅痞 和放蕩不羈。今季短袖襯衫已經成為名副其實的時裝潮 流,來自美國的John Elliott都是相對大路易襯的款式,前 者一向以「化繁為簡」的設計風格而聞名,其紮染campcollar shirt後背採用褶襉設計,更貼合肩部設計。較為 特別的則有:Fendi與Gucci為迎合logo熱潮而度身訂造 的款式;Balenciaga的黑黃色迷彩印花oversize恤衫和 Prada的復古睡衣恤衫都是另類玩味選擇;Calvin Klein 205W39NYC的camp-collar shirt,印上的都是攝影師 Willy Vanderperre在棕櫚沙漠拍攝的照片;Lanvin則印上 滑雪場景插圖,同樣散發濃厚藝術氣息。溫馨提示,穿上 短袖恤衫的時候,可以將袖口捲起來,配合恤衫下擺的凌 亂中帶有型,感覺更瀟灑。

After more than half a century, the short-sleeved shirt has once again taken the fashion world by storm. Once worn with Bermuda shorts and knee-high socks (yes, it’s true, and we have the pics to prove it) this soon to be shirt staple is back in a big way. Short-sleeved shirts first gained popularity in the 1950s. Evolved from tennis sportswear, the material was breezier and more comfortable to wear. The “bad boy” icons of the good old days—Elvis Presley, James Dean and Marlon Brando—made casual short-sleeved shirts chic through their on-screen alter-egos. They set the trend for young people back then. Granted, short-sleeved shirts have never enjoyed the same popularity as its long-sleeved counterpart, but they do offer plenty of possibilities. And it would seem trendsetters are working together to make them a hit once again. There are plenty of Cuban shirts, bowling shirts and Hawaiian shirts in streetwear collections and on the catwalks, sculpting carefree images à la Ryan Gosling in La La Land. American designer John Elliott is known for being minimalistic. His tie-dyed, camp-collar shirt with pleats on the back frames the shoulders perfectly. Other outstanding examples of this burgeoning trend are the Fendi and Gucci collections that ride the wave of their logo designed shirts. Balenciaga’s black-and-yellow oversized camouflage shirt and Prada’s pajamas shirt are a retro tribute. There is also the camp-collar shirts from Calvin Klein’s 205W39NYC collection and the palm beach photos shirt shot by Willy Vanderperre. Lanvin, on the other hand, uses ski scenes.





fashion: men 四種恤衫領


所謂「Suits Maketh Men」,見其裝知其人,恤衫也是一樣,就算 是看似最微小的細節,都不能忽略。請記住:無領不成恤衫,全因小 小一個領子,就能改變你整個裝束的風格。

It is sometimes said that suits maketh the man—so do shirts. Even the minutest of details will not go unnoticed by fashion aficionados. And the collar can be that single element that anchors an overall look.


恤衫領上各有一枚鈕扣,避免領子翻起來。以前是 馬球球員專屬,避免騎馬時領子飛揚而騷擾賽事, 故又名 「Polo collar」 。通常在休閒狀態時穿著,卻又 不失紳士風範。

Button down collar

Also called a polo collar, it was originally designed for polo players to prevent the collars from flying up and becoming a distraction. It became the staple of the ’80s preppy movement.


領尖較長,領子敞開的幅度也較寬,能讓男士 在比例上看起來肩膀較寬,西裝穿起來會感覺 更魁梧;卻會看起來比較成熟,配搭較簡約設 計的領帶,甚至不打呔,感覺會更時尚。

Pointed collar

The pointed ends are relatively long, and the collar opens up wider, making the shoulders appear broader, and the look stockier when wearing a suit. It is a more mature image. Pair it with a simple tie, or even go tie-less. 50

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最典型而常見的恤衫領子,配任何類型的領帶和配 飾均可;喜歡簡約穿搭的話,不妨以「Air Tie」(即 扣上所有恤衫鈕扣而不打呔) 作為造型重點。

Classic collar

The most common type of collars go with ties and accessories of any design. Those who think less is more can try the air tie, which means buttoning up to the neck without a tie.


富有中式風格的圓領,因此這種設計又名 「中 山領」 。穿立領恤衫時並不需要打呔,適合更 年輕、隨性、舒適的穿搭。

Band collar

Rounded collars with an oriental touch, also known as a Mandarin collar, are a cool and casual statement. No tie needed.


MARLON BRANDO 憑 《教父》 贏得金像獎最佳男主角的馬龍白蘭度, 自身演技固然超群,一身黑幫老教父的造型全由 經典的白恤衫與黑西裝撐起威嚴和氣勢,可見翻 領恤衫和煲呔是熟男的完美武裝。 Enshrined in the Academy Awards Hall of Fame for his classic performance in The Godfather, Marlon Brando brought to life a mafia boss who commanded respect. The white shirt and black suit image, highlighted with a bow tie, was the perfect attire for the sophisticated mafia man.

LEONARDO DICAPRIO Leonardo在電影中飾演金融大鱷,身穿的對比 領恤衫與條子西裝由Giorgio Armani量身訂造, 不同的造型均呈現狂氣與慾望。 Leonardo DiCaprio led a hedonistic lifestyle in the movie The Wolf of Wall Street, conning wealthy investors in his signature, tailored Giorgio Armani striped suits and proportionate collared shirts.

ROGER MOORE 這位第四代占士邦奠定了 「型格西裝特務」 的新高 度:寬肩膀、寬劍領的西裝外套,再配上長尖領 恤衫,正是七十年代最有男子氣概的電影造型。 The fourth-generation James Bond redefined the image of a spy in suits that stood out with broad shoulders and lapels, paired with shirts sporting long, pointed collars. That was the epitome of 1970s masculinity.

ANSEL ELGORT 新生代的恤衫代表怎少得了《華爾街狼群》的 Ansel Elgort。電影中他飾演天才富二代騙子, 一身鈕扣領西裝配條紋領帶得體之餘,亦帶著常 春藤貴族學院的復古風格。 In Billionaire Boys Club, Ansel Elgort epitomized a new-generation of elites. He’s the typical talented rich kid turned crook, displaying Ivy League retro style with a button down collar and a striped tie.





fashion: Loewe

Cotton long sleeve T-shirt, $490


Nature bound Luxury label Loewe inspired by the rugged outdoors Story | 冰汪 聰明的Loewe主帥Jonathan Anderson將高級時裝山系 化,創作了Eye/LOEWE/Nature系列。他熱愛自然,希望能夠 打破店舖那種奢華隔膜的感覺。他狂熱迷戀日本,將系列袋款 及小物的生產重任,交到日本專業生產商,專程把物料從歐 洲國家送到日本生產,衣服則繼續由歐洲製衣廠負責。那兩 款背囊的帆布,以及parka jacket的布料,均經過撥水處理 (water-repellant),擁有一定實戰功能。 系列為自然而設,宣傳照當然要回歸自然。由英國新 紮小生Josh O'Connor遠赴西班牙東北部沿海地區Cap de Creus拍攝。 既以nature為名,衣服亦從愛護自然出發,幾款針織 衣服,都是由循環再造的棉質纖維製成,質感與一般冷衫 無異。而每件在今年內出售Eye/LOEWE/Nature的任何產 品,品牌便會捐出十五歐元,減少塑膠污染,支持環保。

For spring 2019, Loewe’s creative director Jonathan Anderson turns to rugged mountainous terrain for his inspiration. A nature lover himself, he hopes to make nature an integral part of the luxury brand. Popular new British actor Josh O’Connor agreed to travel to Cap De Creus on the northeast coast of Spain for this fashion photo spread. Several styles of knits were made with recycled cotton fibers with a texture that exactly mimics wool. And for every Eye/LOEWE/Nature item sold, the company will donate 15 Euros towards reducing plastic pollution and supporting environmental protection.

All available at loewe.com.


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Cotton sweatshirt, $650

Cotton cargo shorts with tape adornments, $790

Canvas and leather backpack, $1,690

Fleece turtle neck jacket, $1,590

Leather rubber sole hiking boots, $990





Design: interiors


Colour your world Story | 袓慧 Photography | courtesy of Daria Zinovatnaya

見過Daria Zinovatnaya作品的人無不眼 前一亮,一見難忘。她真的有本事將所 有顏色六神合體。Zinovatnaya設計的 家居,望望地板茶几沙發以至後牆,可 能已經數到有十種顏色。豐盛色彩背後 隱約透現不少熟悉名字—牆上的幾何圖 案令人想起Piet Mondrian的藍紅黃黑格 保畫;配搭的顏色與線條,又叫人回到 Le Corbusier那個時代;瘋狂撞色亦有 Memphis的影子。所有二十世紀前衛大 膽的設計風格,都被她重新帶進屋。 Daria Zinovatnaya’s design is both bold and magical. She can twist and fuse mad colours of 20th century’s avantgarde while simultaneously delivering a homogeneous tone to any interior space. Her choice of rich shades and geometric patterns evokes the works of Piet Mondrian, Memphis and the Le Corbusier era.


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Design: interiors 仍然活躍的西班牙設計師Jaime Hayon亦是Zinovatnaya的偶像。看她設計 的Cherokee系列也帶點偶像的影子。 Zinovatnaya’s Cherokee furniture series mirrors Spanish designer Jaime Hayon’s style.

這個叫Utopia的家居項目,色彩豐富之餘,同時有溫馨親密氣氛。 The colourful Utopia home project delivers a warm and intimate atmosphere.

色彩有生命 出生於烏克蘭克里米亞、現居俄羅斯,芳齡廿五的年輕建築/設計 師Daria Zinovatnaya,兒時已經想成為一名設計師。及後修讀藝術, 再入讀建築學院。畢業後Zinovatnaya當上3D visualizer,為不同設計 公司工作。在俄羅斯設計比賽Pinwin獲獎,令她有更多機會參與跟室 內設計相關的項目。 Daria Zinovatnaya認為現代人在家居設計上愈來愈怕顏色,最常 見的是一屋素白或者木調,頂多放一兩件色彩奪目的裝飾點綴一下。 她想打破慣例,覺得顏色可以堂而煌之全屋通行,因此往往用上重劑 量顏色與幾何圖案。Zinovatnaya的主張,深受二十世紀初俄羅斯的 至上/絕對主義(suprematism)影響。那時俄國發生兩次革命—沙皇退 位,共產黨掌權。革命成功初期,人民總會滿心希望,憧憬未來,自 然有更多前衛大膽主張。這批藝術家拋開傳統西洋畫技法,用純粹的 色彩與幾何圖案作畫,成了當時流行的抽象畫流派……畫家Kazimir Malevich的抽象畫經歷百年後,成為Zinovatnaya的美學根源。她覺得 色彩是活的,每次設計她都像進行一場撞色實驗,看看不同色彩拼湊 一起可以產生甚麼化學反應。

波蘭的新居 Zinovatnaya為波蘭一對夫婦設計有三間房的新居,貫徹其作風, 客廳一角已經有紅黃藍白黃等色彩;細心的看,用的顏色都是偏暗、 更具質感的顏色—牆上塗的直線圓形正方形,用的藍是深藍色,紅是 有點七十年代的暗啞磚紅色,另一種藍是淺中帶點灰。綠色是近乎 forest green甚至是jade green teal green。由於它們同屬曖曖昧昧的 色調,走在一起非但不覺突兀,反而有和諧感。 家具方面,Zinovatnaya選了丹麥設計師Erik Rasmussen在69年 設計的芥辣黃沙發、丹麥設計師Erik Kirkegaard的扶手椅,意大利大 師Castiglioni經典的Snoopy雲石燈。為了配合牆上的磚紅色,她更自 行設計一張磚紅色茶几,跟牆上的磚紅色呼應。再在上面放一個意大 利Ettore Sottsass的花瓶。不同年代的經典作品,安靜閒適地走在一 起。至於廚房,她理所當然將四種顏色的磁磚放在同一面牆,廚櫃門 還要加上最強烈的黑白斜紋圖案。如前文所述,俄羅斯藝術家Kazimir


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At age 25, Daria Zinovatnaya is already a winner of Russia’s Pinwin Designer Competition. Born in Crimea, Ukraine and now based in Russia, she was committed to becoming a successful designer from a young age. Upon graduation from art and architectural studies, Zinovatnaya worked as a 3D visualizer before becoming a designer. And her many accolades have led to many unique interior design projects. The 20th-century Russian art movement suprematism brought out Zinovatnaya’s aesthetic roots. After the dethroning of Tsar Nicholas in 1917, communism took root. During the early days of the revolution, civilians had a new sense of hope, which gave birth to a number of bold moves and ideas. This new wave of artists abandoned traditional western-style painting techniques, instead focusing on aggressive colours and geometric patterns. This movement created a new wave of abstract painting. For Zinovatnaya, colour is life. Modern design often makes its mark with minimalistic, clean white tones. Not Zinovatnaya. She plays with massive colour fusion, adding in contrasting shapes and patterns to produce an anomalous space.

The PoliSh APARTMeNT Zinovatnaya started with a combination of red, yellow, blue and white textured colours throughout the living room of a Polish couple’s three-bedroom apartment. The tone is complex, combining congruous shapes with a set of ambiguous shades. Together, they orchestrate a sense of harmony. For furniture, Zinovatnaya blended Danish designer erik Rasmussen’s famous mustard yellow 1969 sofa set, townsman erik Kirkegaard’s armchairs and italian designer Castiglioni’s classic Snoopy marble lamp. Zinovatnaya designed her own coffee table in brick red so as to echo the same along the wall, complemented with an italian ettore Sottsass vase on top. All these classical pieces from different eras effortlessly co-exist. She embedded twill black and white patterns into the kitchen cabinets, in addition to four tile shades. inspired by Russian artist Kazimir Malevich, Zinovatnaya injected abstract concepts into modern artistic living.

畢業後第一份工作是3D visualizer,難怪Zinovatnaya的 作品,層次誇張到以為是3D造圖。 With her first job as a 3D visualizer, Zinovatnaya’s work adds in layers of exaggerated 3D elements.





Design: interiors

Daria Zinovatnaya將Piet Mondrian風格帶到現實生活。 Daria Zinovatnaya brought Piet Mondrian’s concept to life. 58

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這位烏黑蘭設計師真的是無色不歡。 Colours with style.

Malevich的抽象畫是她美學根源,Zinovatnaya試圖在抽象畫中生活, 或者將現代藝術融入家中。

挪威的新居 走入Zinovatnaya另一個在挪威、名為CORB的項目。開宗明義向 偶像Le Corbusier致敬。Le Corbusier在他那個年代大膽的以明亮色彩 及幾何圖案注入室內設計以至建築。 這個挪威居室間格並不分明,沒有獨立的廚房。所以Zinovatnaya 更可順理成章將廚櫃位弄得色彩鮮明,法國大師Jean Prouvé的掛牆 燈、硬朗的線條與幾何圖案,完美融入客廳。而起居室的區分亦不明 顯,設計師在地上用顏色區分不同區域,甚至用浴室做間格,這亦是 Le Corbusier常用的方法。客廳的後牆,更活脫脫是Piet Mondrian的 畫作風格。 現在Zinovatnaya的工作室設在聖彼得堡,繼續設計家居、酒店、 展覽等項目,有俄羅斯、瑞士、美國甚至中國客人。她設計的家具系 列Cherokee是她用對她來說最普通的紅色藍色,不過配合幾何形狀造 出最誇張的對比效果。這個設計在2017年拿下一個Red Dot設計獎。 不要以為Zinovatnaya因為年輕,所以對色彩毋畏毋懼,用最搶 眼激進的風格吸引眼球。事實上她是一名考古女青,藝術家Kazimir Malevich、Piet Mondrian、建築師Le Corbusier、Charlotte Perriand 及 Jean Prouvé 等全部都是她靈感來源。直到她設計的概念家具系列 Itten,單單用鮮明的紅黃藍白拼出不同效果,同樣是向Bauhaus的核 心成員,瑞士畫家Johannes Itten致敬。Zinovatnaya表示她不是因為 愛懷舊,而是相比今日的現代設計,昔日大師們在用色及線條方面更 加大膽前衛,那種設計能量過了百年一樣源源不絕。

Daria Zinovatnaya, at 25.

Zinovatnaya創造的紅黃藍世界,向瑞士畫家Johannes Itten致敬。 A tribute to Swedish painter Johannes ltten, through the colourful world of red, yellow and blue.

New NoRwegiAN SPACe The next venture was Norway’s CoRB. A tribute project to Swiss architect le Corbusier, Zinovatnaya incorporated bold, sharp patterns and colours to the interior design and architecture. with an open-concept area, this space does not have individual kitchen zoning. As such, Zinovatnaya made the cabinet doors bright and colourful. She smoothly combined French master Jean Prouvé’s wall lamp with abstract geometric lines, shapes and patterns throughout the living room. She also used different floor colours and patterns to define areas between the living room and bathroom, staging consistent with le Corbusier’s concept. The wall display at the far end articulates Piet Mondrian’s painting style. Zinovatnaya’s current projects, ranging from homes to hotels, take her to Russia, China, Switzerland and North America. And she is busy exhibiting, too. her extravagant, colourful Cherokee furniture series won a Red Dot Design award in 2017. Zinovatnaya may be seen as a naturalist archaeological “artsmith” inspired by many art masters of the past. And her concept furniture series ltten, which integrates contrasting colours like yellow, red, white and blue with striking visual effects, is indeed be a tribute to Bauhaus Swiss painter Johannes ltten. Clearly, this is one designer who appreciates and honours classic art and design in all her work, virtually guaranteeing her daring decor will always be on trend.





special home supplement


The Italian Flare 對於生活在加拿大西部的消費者,想揀選富有藝術感、 豪華、優質、由意大利設計及手工打造的家具,已不再是遙 不可及的事。

Western Canadians can now access the most artistic, luxurious and highquality, Italian-designed and handcrafted furniture, right in their own backyard.

Luxuries of Europe為追求高尚品味的用家提供頂級家 具,每件產品都蘊含著意大利匠人對精緻完美無可比擬的追 求精神以及建造理念,既古典、時尚兼且獨特。所有家具都 在威尼斯生產,手工上乘。

Luxuries of Europe delivers premium furniture to those with the finest tastes. The unparalleled Italian attention to detail and architectural stories behind these furniture pieces is classic, stylish and unique. In particular, some of their brands furniture is manufactured exclusively in Venice, which provides confidence you are getting the best craftsmanship available.

作為其中一個領頭品牌,Reflex Angelo是首個以 Murano大幅玻璃作為桌子底座的,他們以優質材料包括玻 璃、雲石、鍜鐵和木料,採用創新的切割技術,打造出獨一 無二的高水準藝術作品,品牌還與多位意大利及國際著名 建築師包括Pininfarina、Sacha Lakic、Maurice Barilone、 Andrée Putman、Arnaldo Gamba、Leila Guerra和Marco Piva合作,從作品設計到材料運用,務求完美。 另一個奢華品牌Prianera,以製造雋永持久,設計講 究、風格經典的皮具著稱,他們夥拍馳名世界的創意設計 師,包括Dino Savasta、Rodolfo Bertozzi、Carlo Bimbi、 Fabrizio Ballardini、Giorgio Ragazzini、Carlo Sironi、 Angelo Tomaiuolo及Enrico Cesana,打造出多個品質超卓 的產品系列,產品每一針每一摺都以人手製作,頂級品質保 證恆久價值。適合在任何空間隨意組合。 Luxuries of Europe是非一般的家具陳列室,會帶引你 開啟奇妙的家具設計之旅,按照顧客的興趣提供個性化服 務。由空間構思、家具用料、圖案,甚至玻璃厚薄度,都能 根據顧客自己的心意和喜好量身訂造。

One of their leading brands, Reflex Angelo, is the first to use Murano massive glass as a base for their tables. They incorporate high-end materials, such as glass, marble, forged iron and wood with innovative cutting-edge technology to produce their one-of-a-kind affluent art pieces. Furthermore, Reflex Angelo collaborates with acclaimed architects and designers, including Pininfarina, Maurice Barilone, Andrée Putman, Arnaldo Gamba, Leila Guerra and Marco Piva, in terms of design and materials used. Another lavish label, Prianera, excels in delivering long-lasting, designerrich and classy leather products. It partners with world-renowned creative contributors, including Dino Savasta, Rodolfo Bertozzi, Carlo Bimbi, Fabrizio Ballardini, Giorgio Ragazzini, Carlo Sironi, Angelo Tomaiuolo and Enrico Cesana, to develop and bring various product lines to life with the highest quality of excellence. Every single stich and fold is handmade, with the best quality assurance for lasting value. Their products are authentic yet elegant, which makes them easy to mix and match in any space. Not your regular showroom, Luxuries of Europe can guide you along the amazing furniture design journey by providing personalized customization to each piece — from dimensions, to fabrics, to patterns and even the thickness of glass being used. They can customize all these elements to meet your unique desires, according to your heart and preferences. Luxuries of Europe Inc. 221 10 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0A4 403-262-6813 @loeyyc luxuriesofeurope.ca

Vele 72 dining table with Sit dining chairs - Reflex Angelo

Impact mirror - Reflex Angelo

Foulard console - Reflex Angelo

Rigoletto sectional - Prianera

Lucciola floor lamps - Reflex Angelo

special home supplement

Bradlee陳列室齊備各種專業級數的豪華廚房設備和用具。 Bring your dream kitchen to life at a Bradlee Showroom.


The Perfect Luxury Kitchen

Sub-Zero的冰箱和酒櫃跟 Wolf入牆 焗爐令廚房更臻完美。 Sub-Zero refrigeration and wine storage, complimented with Wolf professional oven and steam oven.

Bradlee明白每個人心目中都有理想廚房的不同 定義,更深知讓顧客親身體驗各種專業級數設備的重 要,獲取打造夢想廚房靈感的重要。顧客可以於輕 鬆氛圍中參觀陳列室,從Bradlee代理的多個高級廚 房設備品牌,包括Wolf、Sub-Zero、Cove和ASKO 中,挑選出最合適的產品。不但有專業顧問提供意 見,更有廚師作現場示範,讓顧客親身感受旗下產品 的卓越表現。

Bradlee代理的Wolf嵌入式無把手焗爐、電磁爐頭和抽氣扇,組合成簡約現代化廚房。 Sub-Zero and Wolf offer styles to compliment the most contemporary kitchens, including handless ovens and ceiling mounted ventilation.

理想的廚房包含切合用者需要的架構,用起來 得心應手的各式高級廚房電器設備,才讓每一天也可 享受入廚樂。如若喜歡款宴親朋,又或是最愛戶外燒 烤,更是需要度身設計的組合和配備。Bradlee代理 皆為市場頂尖產品。Wolf和Sub-Zero的工程團隊不斷 精益求精,力求完美,每件新產品均經至少20年的研 究和嚴格檢測才推出市場。Wolf產品以堅固及現代化 設計著稱,有多種煮食用具,包括煮食爐、爐頭、嵌 入式焗爐、戶外燒烤爐、咖啡機系列,還有保溫及真 空密封碗櫃。Sub-Zero冰箱則以材料優質、技術頂 尖及匠心獨運而享負盛名,同時提供各種尺寸及儲存 選擇。被譽為市場最佳的Cove洗碗碟機,旗下經精 心研發的DW2450型號於今年四月面世。無論是設計 和建造均確保潔淨無暇的清洗效果,及近乎無聲的運 作。 Bradlee不但締造真實的體驗,更重要的是啟發 並觸動顧客建造夢寐以求的完美至善廚房。

Bradlee knows how to personalize your cooking experience and believes that every dream kitchen deserves a test drive. As the official showroom and test kitchen for Sub-Zero, Wolf, Cove and ASKO, it offers a hands-on experience with professionalgrade appliances in a pressure-free environment. Once you’ve been inspired by all that your dream kitchen can be, Bradlee kitchen specialists will help you choose the right ingredients to make your plans really sizzle. The best kitchens reflect a personalized approach to cooking. Ideally, kitchen layout and appliance functionality support a lifestyle—the way people use and enjoy their kitchen, each and every day. Are you an active family, an entertainer, an outdoor grill-master? Different combinations of gas, dual fuel, induction, module or steam-powered cooking products allow you to personalize your cooking experience. Appliances are a continuous evolution, and the Sub-Zero and Wolf engineering teams are often the trailblazers of those technologies. Every new product is launched into the market after a rigorous development and testing process, because it’s expected to perform at the highest level for at least 20 years. Bradlee is proud to represent professional grade products. Believing that knowledge is power, its showroom offers a no-pressure introduction to its brands, where consumers are encouraged to see, touch and explore their options before visiting a retail dealer location. At Bradlee, it’s about creating an authentic experience that excites and inspires guests to build the kitchen they’ve only dreamed of.

Vancouver Showroom 13780 Bridgeport Rd., Richmond, BC 604-244-1744 Calgary Showroom 1245 – 73rd Ave. SE, Calgary, AB 403-297-1000 bradleedistributors.com

萬眾期待的全新Cove洗碗碟機,於今年四月發售。 The new Cove Dishwasher launching April 2019.



Commercial Electronics

Way more than just a high-end hifi store Story | Kenson Ho

B&O BeoLab 18 speaker.

B&O BeoSound Edge speaker.


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在溫哥華住上一段時間的音響發燒人,對Commercial Electronics這個名字應該相當熟悉,因為他們過去30多年來 是卑詩省Bang&Olufsen鉑傲品牌的獨家代理商。《eliteGen》 最近訪問了Commercial Electronics的系統設計/工程總監Hal Clark,方知公司業務主要涉及三個範疇。

商業部門 「商業部分方面,我們為教堂、會議室等設置媒體系統。 比方為溫哥華市政廳完成了整個聯絡中心,在理事會會議室 周圍設有觸控屏通訊;為溫哥華市提供緊急服務的工業應用 程式。我們亦建造了McMillian天文館的控制系統、人類學博 物館和溫哥華水族館的所有媒體系統。」

家庭整合 「第二部份是家庭整合,這對我們來說亦是一個很重要的 市場。這個部門稱為RSI(住宅系統集成)。客戶通過他們的室 內設計師或建築師,帶來戶型設計圖與我們會面,讓我們可 以想像他們的未來家園,以及了解他們的期望,如何將不同 的科技融入其中,例如家園周邊的保安系統,設有安全和監 控攝像鏡頭,在花園、水療和游泳池播放音樂,照明控制, 電動簾篷,室內放送音樂網絡和家庭影院。」

For Vancouver-based audiophiles, Commercial Electronics should be a familiar name, for it has been B.C.’s exclusive Bang & Olufsen agent for more than 30 years. eliteGen recently visited the store and, after an educational conversation with Hal Clark, director of systems design and engineering, a whole lot more was revealed.

COmmErCial DiVisiOn “There are actually three major divisions in our operation,”Clark explained. “First is the commercial. We set up media systems for churches and boardrooms. We did the whole communications centre at Vancouver City Hall, with touch-screen communications around the council chamber, emergency services for the city of Vancouver and other industrial applications. We did the macmillan planetarium control system, the museum of anthropology and all the media at the Vancouver aquarium.”

HOmE inTEgraTiOn B&O BeoVision Eclipse Television 2.

“secondly, home integration is an important market for us,” Clark continued. “This division is called rsi (residential systems integration). Clients are sent to us by their interior designers or architects with drawings, so we can see what their homes are going to be like. They may want to incorporate different technologies into their home, such as a security system at the perimeter of their house. There can also be security and surveillance cameras, music distribution in the garden, maybe in the spa and pool, and lighting control, motorized shades, the network that distributes the music and home theatre.” Computer Electronics is the founding member of CEDia (Custom Electronics Design & installation association), which is a global association for 30 years that sets standards for the home integration industry.

客廳的大型電視,可收藏於地底下。 The living room floor entertainment unit can be stored below ground level.

“The kind of technologies we have today allow us to get things from point a to B across the room without having to open up walls and install lots of wiring, because there’s a lot of wireless technology, which works very well. and at the same time, we have some very special techniques, where they are able to make a small hole in the wall at one end and wire through to the other end.” ELITEGEN





Commercial Electronics Retail shop.

原來Commercial Electronics是已有30年歷史CEDIA(定制電子 設計和安裝協會)的創始成員,這是一個專為家庭集成行業製定標準 的全球協會。 現時的無線科技亦將不便減至最低,Clark說:「今天的先進無 線科技,讓我們需穿越房間,從A點到B點進行連線操作時,無需打 開牆壁和增添大量鋪線。我們的安裝人員同時擁有高超技術,只需 在牆的一端開一個小洞,便可達至另一端,牆壁幾乎看不到有修復 的需要。」

新一代的家庭影院 Clark認為「家庭影院」這詞語已經被濫用,很多人以為配備揚 聲器的電視機就是一個家庭影院。「我們覺得應該有專門的房間裡, 讓用者可以沉浸式體驗和享受,即是在家裡設一個專用房間,純粹 用作看電影、玩電子遊戲或唱卡拉OK,這是親友共聚同樂之地。 現在可在天花板和牆壁上都裝有揚聲器;營造杜比全景聲(Dolby Atmos),這是一種直接來自電影音軌的12聲道音頻,還有寬屏,大 型和高清的視頻投影。」 有時走進某些大家庭,或會看到七至八部電視機,不同的成員 同時在觀看不同的節目;於家居不同位置播放各自喜歡音樂的需求 也增加。Clark說透過特別裝置設備,可以將各人需要的播放源頭, 集中到一個設備架構中,而不必在每台電視機上安裝電視盒,或是 有放大器的揚聲器,控制簡單自如。

Bang&Olufsen鉑傲 「最後的是零售部門;主力的B&O鉑傲質素非常高超,具有多 房間音頻的完全無線整合,無論身在何處,都能輕鬆聽音樂。很多 千禧世代都喜歡在手機或iPad上儲存音樂,方便他們隨時隨地放送。 Bang&Olufsen無需安裝,讓他們以相對實惠費用而又簡單方便的辦 得到。當然,B&O的美學設計也是客戶鍾愛原因。在店內,我們還 有Sonos、NAS、Mirage、Denon Heos等商品,因此我們有很多選 擇。」Clark補充道。


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THE “nEW” HOmE THEaTrE The phrase “Home Theatre” has been a bit overused, according to Clark, because most people think that a TV set with some speakers around it constitutes a home theatre. “What we are interested in is what we call an immersive experience in a dedicated room,” he says. “it’s where a room is set aside just for watching movies, playing video games, or doing karaoke. it’s a place for family and friends to meet and enjoy. now we have speakers in ceiling and walls, and what we call Dolby atmos, which is 12-channel audio that comes right off the sound track of a movie, and also a widescreen, high-resolution video projection.” “more and more people are looking for distributing music everywhere,” Clark says. “and even television, you go into a large home, maybe you’ll see seven or eight TVs around the house, and different members of the family watching different programs at the same time. But the sources for what they see, we centralize them in an equipment rack, so you don’t have to have a cable box on each TV, or an amplifier with speakers, making it simple to control.”

Bang & OluFsEn Finally, the retail division. B&O is very high quality and it also features totally wireless integration of multi-room audio, and that means it is easy to listen to music wherever you are. a lot of millennials like to have their collection of music on the phone or an iPad, and they take it with them. When they get home, they want to play it in the kitchen, the bedroom or the living room. Bang & Olufsen makes it very easy and at a reasonable cost, as it doesn’t involve installation. Of course, these customers are also very much into B&O’s aesthetics. “Here, we also have commodity products, such as sonos, nas, mirage and Denon Heos,” says Clark, “so we have many resources to choose from.” Commercial Electronics 1565 W 7th Ave, Vancouver (604) 669-5525 commercialelectronics.ca

家居的帳簾及燈飾系統。 Shading, lighting solutions in your home.

豪華私人影院。 Private Cinema Room at home.





wine not?

性格與命運 Fateful character Single malts appeal to many, from the moderates to the adventurous Story | Ivan Wong


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不少蘇格蘭單一純麥芽威士忌均是以「木」為中心,就是 我們這裡常說的橡木桶醞釀。 記得有人說,Single Malt Whisky是性格(要做威士忌專 家的話便要說成風味)定命運——既看蘇格蘭人的某些性格, 又因不同地區的風土氣候,衍生出各種具代表性的風格。蘇 格蘭氣候嚴寒,普遍日短夜長,天然資源不甚豐富,習慣在 資源不足下長時間與大自然「做朋友」。相對於氣候溫和並擁 有充沛農作物的西南歐葡萄酒產區,蘇格蘭人顯得更刻苦、 更具耐性、更懂得運用有限資源採長補短。 蘇格蘭人最初把麥芽蒸餾酒放進釀過葡萄酒的橡木桶, 也算是命運安排,無心插柳使然。原來十八世紀時,英國政 府對蘇格蘭威士忌徵收不合理的重稅,迫使蘇格蘭威士忌酒 商及酒農們,為逃稅而走到深山裡暗中釀酒,然後在夜間私 運進城鎮售賣。傳聞有次某「走私」酒商為逃避耳目,情急之 下把威士忌倒進空置的舊橡木桶中,隨即逃之么么避風頭; 一段時間過後,當他去取回木桶的威士忌之際,驚覺透明 的酒液呈晶瑩的琥珀色調,並滿帶煙燻木香及各種乾果酒 香……自此後,橡木桶便成為醞釀蘇格蘭威士忌不可或缺的 主角。 You are what you drink!具備不同性格的Single Malt,且看是否真的格外受性情相若的人垂青:對任何人 與事從不過態、溫柔和順但亦從不向人示弱的人,應會偏 向典型Speyside風格中那柔潤而剛勁的平衡酒感,如The Glenlivet;具備冒險精神的話,可能是來自Highland(高地 區)的Glenmorangie的愛好者,他們是採用波本木桶醞釀的先 驅;性格剛烈、大情大性又不拘小節的,可能會很喜歡極重 泥煤味的艾雷島出品;追求完美得近乎吹毛求疵而又花心的 人,必定要向Independent Bottler獨立酒商(從各威士忌酒廠 購入原桶酒作自家陳存醞釀)靠攏了。

Ardbeg Ten Years Old的性格— 剛烈、大情大性又不拘小節。 The character of Ardbeg Ten Years Old is strong, exuberant and broadminded.

喜歡Berrys Reserve Speyside NV,大概是追求完美得近乎吹毛 求疵而又花心的人。 Those who like Berry’s Reserve Speyside NV are likely to be perfectionists, wanting nothing less than the best.

The assessment of single-malt Scotch whiskies is often associated with wood, given that many of them are matured in oak barrels. Some say it’s “terroir” (soil, topography and climate) that determines the fate of a singlemalt whisky. It does, for the differing climates across Scotland produce various iconic flavours. The climate is harsh, with short days and long nights. The country is not blessed with abundant natural resources, so people are used to putting up with nature and limited resources on a long-term basis. Unlike those from the warm and resource-rich wine regions of southwestern Europe, the Scots are hardier, with remarkable resilience and good instinct to make the most of their limited resources. The act of putting distilled malt into wine oak casks was unplanned— yet fateful. In the 18th century, when the English government slapped an exorbitant tax on whisky, Scottish distillery merchants and growers turned to brewing in secret and then sneaking their product into towns at night to sell. Folklore has it that one merchant poured whisky into an empty oak barrel as an impromptu cover-up ploy and then disappeared. After a while, he returned to recover the whisky and found to his pleasant surprise that the translucent liquid had turned vividly amber, with a hint of smoky fragrance and rich dried fruit aromas. Since then, it is said, that oak barrels had become the norm in the aging of whisky.

YoU ArE whAT YoU drInk It would seem that single malts, each with different character, appeal to a different set of connoisseurs. Moderates, who are gentle and agreeable, but no doormats, may be partial to Speyside’s balanced, smooth and strong taste, as found in Glenlivet. More adventurous palates might prefer Glenmorangie from the highlands, which pioneered the use of bourbon barrels. The strong-willed, broad-minded and unconventional types just might opt for the Isle of Islay’s brews that impart a strong peat note, such as Ardbeg, Talisker or Laphroaig. The perfectionists who want nothing less than the best might look to independent bottlers, who buy barrels of whisky from distilleries and blend them.

酒性溫柔和順但亦從不向人示弱 的The Glenlivet Excellence 12 Years Old。 The Glenlivet Excellence 12 Years Old is gentle and smooth, but never weak.

Glenmorangie最合具備冒險精神 的人。 Glenmorangie is just the thing for the adventurous.






行政主廚/合伙人大森昌弘。 Executive Chef/Co-owner Masahiro Omori.


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在吧檯進食,客人可欣賞壽 司師傅出神入化的造詣。 At the bar, customers can watch the sushi chef’s amazing craft.

第一道菜:先付 聖子皇后蟹酢物、山薯、若芽、蟹膏、BC富士蘋果。 配酒:Dassai 50 Jumai Daiginjo–山口 Course #1: Sakizuke Seiko Crab Sunomono – Queen crab, mountain potato, wakame, kani-su tamago liver, BC Fuji apple. Paired with Dassai 50 Jumai Daiginjo – Yamaguchi.

第二道菜:前菜 五小碟:鮑魚配海膽乾/上海白菜、白菜苗和金針菇/帶子、黑鱈魚、蝦博多蒸/ 烤Snake River農場和牛/炸百合根 配酒:Kanazawa Nomu 2014 Voignier Semillon–卑詩省 Course #2: Zensai Abalone with Dehydrated Uni / Shanghai Bok Choy, Baby Bok Choy & Enoki Ohitashi/ Hotate, Sablefish, Ebi Hakata-Mushi / Roasted Snake River Farm Wagyu Beef / Yurine Karaage. Paired with Kanazawa Nomu 2014 Voignier Semillon – BC.

溫哥華正宗懷石料理 Yuwa

Experience Authentic Kaiseki Dining in Vancouver Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Yuwa and Kenson Ho

日本料理在溫哥華有著悠久歷史,水 準卻是參差不齊。正由於此,年多前 當高檔的正宗日本料理Yuwa在溫哥 華(前身為Zest)的Kerrisdale地區出 現時,令老饗為之雀躍。

Japanese cuisine has a rather long history in Vancouver, hence an abundance of choices. However, only a few Japanese restaurants serve traditional and authentic dishes. Thankfully, customers are beginning to know the difference. Last fall, the high-end authentic Yuwa (formerly known as Zest) opened in the primarily residential Kerrisdale neighbourhood.





RestauRant 第三道菜:汁椀 若芽、豆苗、青豆、柚子、鰹魚汁湯 配酒:Masumi Yawaraka Type 1 Junmai Ginjo–長野 Course #3: Owan Osuimono – Wakame, tomyo, snap pea, yuzu, katsuo dashi. Paired with Masumi Yawaraka Type 1 Junmai Ginjo – Nagano.

第四道菜:刺身 藍鰭金槍魚、縞鯵、真鯛 配酒:Dewazakura Oka Ginjo–山形 Course #4: Sashimi Med. Fatty Bluefin tuna, striped jackfish, Japanese snapper. Paired with Dewazakura Oka Ginjo – Yamagata.

第五道菜:揚物 (煎炸物) 雪蟹、冬南瓜,紅菜頭天婦羅,綠茶海鹽 配酒:Cuve de Lugny Cremant de Bourgogne Brut Rose–法國勃艮第 Course #5: Agemono Snow crab kanibou tempura, butternut squash tempura, beets tempura, green tea sea salt. Paired with Cuve de Lugny Cremant de Bourgogne Brut Rose – Burgundy, France.

第六道菜:蒸物 燉安康魚、卑詩白蘿蔔、蠔菇和鮮香菇、蝦、山葵芥末、檸檬皮 配酒:Tangumai Yamahai Juami–石川 Course #6: Mushimono Simmered monkfish, BC kabu turnip, oyster and shiitake mushrooms dashian, Ebi, mitsuba, wasabi with lemon zest. Paired with Tangumai Yamahai Juami – Ishikawa.

《星尚》與餐廳的現任老闆Iori Kataoka會面,她解釋 說:「其實我是之前Zest的老闆,因為前身廚師離開,造 就了重塑品牌的機會。」本身來自大阪,Iori在1988年移居 溫哥華,自1990年開始其飲食生涯,管理幾家不同風格的 日本餐廳。 她的新廚師大森昌弘在千葉出生長大,他的祖母 Yuwa在當地經營魚市場,有超過50多年之久。Yuwa敬業 樂業、精益求精的態度,深深感動了大森昌弘,他在東京 著名、歷史悠久的懷石料理餐廳工作時,就是秉持祖母這 份信念和精神。 Yuwa的菜單靈感來自傳統的懷石料理,以最好的本 地時令食材,展現與眾不同的美食體驗。Omakase這字意 思是「由廚師決定」,亦是體驗日本正宗美食的最佳方式。 由於他們非常重視採用最新鮮的元素,所以菜單是不斷更 新變化。這些七或八道菜的Omakase懷石晚餐需提前72小 時預定。


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eliteGen met up with owner Iori Kataoka, who said: “I was actually the owner of the previous restaurant Zest, and because the former chef moved on to other projects, it was a good opportunity for us to rebrand.” Originally from Osaka, Kataoka came to Vancouver in 1988 and began her career in the restaurant business two years later. Since then, she has managed several Japanese restaurants of differing styles. Her new chef, Masahiro Omori, was born and raised in Chiba, where his grandmother Yuwa owned a fish market for more than 50 years. Yuwa’s dedication to her craft deeply touched Omori and he lovingly brings her spirit forward, along with his professional experience at the well-known and longestablished Kaiseki restaurant in Tokyo, to this fine establishment. Yuwa’s menu offers an inspired approach to the traditional kaiseki style of dining, where the very best local and seasonal ingredients are showcased in a culinary experience unlike any other. Omakase literally means “up to the chef”, and that’s the best way to experience authentic Japanese cuisine. As they place a premium on featuring the freshest products possible, the menus are ever-changing. These multi-course Omakase Kaiseki dinners should be reserved 72 hours in advance.

第七道菜:燒物 3天醃製黃尾大鯖,椰菜花泡沫 配酒:Shichida Junmai–佐賀 Course #7: Yakimono Three-day marinated Buri-yellowtail, cauliflower dashizuk ohitashi. Paired with Shichida Junmai – Saga.

第八道菜:握壽 藍鰭金槍魚,柚子柑橘胡椒,炙帶子,針魚,伴蔥及薑 配酒:Robert Weil Riesling Tradition–德國萊茵高 Course #8: Nigiri Bluefin tuna, with yuzu citrus pepper, aburi scallop, halfbeak with green onion and ginger. Paired with Robert Weil Riesling Tradition – Rheingau.

第九道菜:餡蜜 肉桂味白葡萄酒果凍塊、黑糖冰淇淋、黑糖漿,鮮奶油、紅豆醬和新鮮水果。 配酒:Taylor Fladgate Late Bottled Vintage Port 2011–葡萄牙 Course #9: Anmitsu cinnamon-flavoured jelly cubes in white wine, kokuto ice cream, black sugar syrup, whipped cream, red bean paste and fresh fruits. Paired with Taylor Fladgate Late Bottled Vintage Port 2011 – Portugal.

作為一名侍酒師,老闆Iori Karaoke鑽研了清酒8年。 As a sommelier, owner Iori Karaoke has studied sake for eight years.



Yuwa與眾不同之處,是他們精心策劃的菜式與酒的 配對。作為一名鑽研了清酒8年的侍酒師,Iori在菜單中巧 妙地提供了葡萄酒和清酒。 「我們做了很多實驗,以發掘口 腔中精美食物和酒精的化學反應,創造能量及和諧感。顧 客在享用美食時,會感到無限驚喜。合適的配對是一份感 性和情感體驗,就像一場完美的婚姻,這亦是我工作中最 有趣的部分。」Iori激情和興奮地解釋。在這裡,你可找到 鰹魚與Beaujolais葡萄酒,肉與白酒,昆布醃製白魚與霞 多麗等配對。

What elevates Yuwa from the others is its meticulously planned pairings. As a sommelier who has studied sake for eight years, Kataoka has elaborately integrated wine and sake into the menu.

Yuwa的裝潢富現代、時尚和優雅感覺,開業以來已 深受歡迎。喜歡嘗新的話,Yuwa的懷石晚餐將是一次充 滿無盡驚喜、獨特而令人興奮的旅程。

Yuwa’s interior is contemporary, sleek and elegant. Since its opening, the restaurant has been popular with a mix of Asian and Caucasian residents of the neighbourhood, and elsewhere. If you are adventurous and open to new flavours, a kaiseki dinner at Yuwa is a unique and exciting journey, filled with endless surprises.

“We do a lot of experimentation to discover the chemical reaction of fine food and alcohol in the mouth to create energy and harmony,” she says. “Customers will feel surprised. It’s a sensual and emotional experience. finding the right match is like a perfect marriage, and that’s the fun part of my job.” You will find bonito paired with Beaujolais, meat with white wine, kombu cured white fish with chardonnay.

Yuwa Japanese Cuisine 2775 West 16th Avenue 604-731-9378 yuwa.ca ELITEGEN




art: exhibition

Alfred Sisley, Flood at Moret, 1879, oil on canvas


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追溯現代藝術的濫觴 French Moderns: From Monet to Matisse This collection of French art from the Brooklyn Museum is considered to be the most exceptional in North America Story | Iris Yim Photography | Brooklyn Museum

在1850至1950這黃金百年裡,正是以法國巴黎為 中心的各個現代藝術流派萌發及互為影響的豐收期, 影響了之後世界各地的現代藝術之路。 由即日起至5月20日,溫哥華美術館(Vancouver Art Gallery)舉辦年度展覽盛事—「French Moderns: Monet to Matisse, 1850–1950」。參觀者可欣賞到來 自紐約布魯克林博物館館藏,包括繪畫、素描和雕塑 等六十件藝術展品,當中包括了塞尚(Paul Cézanne)、 夏加爾(Marc Chagall)、德加(Edgar Degas)、馬奈 ( Édouard Manet )、莫奈(Claude Monet)、馬蒂斯 (Henri Matisse)、雷諾亞(Pierre-Auguste Renoir)和羅 丹(Auguste Rodin)等當代藝術大師的名作。 布魯克林博物館是美國最初收購法國現代主義作 品的機構,藏品被公認為是北美最傑出的法國現代主 義館藏之一。這次在溫哥華的展覽,展示的著名藝術 品包括有法國本土以及曾在那裡生活的藝術家的創意 力作,除了上述藝術家,還有Pierre Bonnard、William Bouguereau 、 Gustave Caillebotte 、 Jean-BaptisteCamille Corot、Gustave Courbet、Fernand Léger、 Berthe Morisot和Gabriele Münter等的作品。 1848年,自法國大革命以至第二次世界大戰結束 之前,部分由工業革命驅動的重大政治和文化演變, 預示了一個在巴黎藝術界引起的全球反思和變革進程 的誕生。

The years 1850 to 1950 was the golden era of art in Paris. It influenced, set the tone and paved the way for the evolution of modern art around the world. From now until May 20, the Vancouver Art Gallery hosts the spectacular French Moderns: Monet to Matisse, 1850–1950, an exhibit of more than 60 paintings, drawings and sculptures from the Brooklyn Museum in New York, featuring such French masters as Paul Cézanne, Marc Chagall, Edgar Degas, Édouard Manet, Claude Monet, Henri Matisse, Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Auguste Rodin. The Brooklyn Museum is the American pioneer of French modern art and this collection is considered to be the most exceptional in North America. The exhibit also includes work by a mix of French natives and friends like Pierre Bonnard, William Bouguereau, Gustave Caillebotte, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Gustave Courbet, Fernand Léger, Berthe Morisot and Gabriele Münter. Between the French Revolution and the end of World War II, industrial revolution initiated a number of major changes in Paris, which foreshadowed a global change in art, politics and culture. Around 1848, French artist concepts, such as impressionism, realism and surrealism, impacted the perception of art worldwide. The rise of modernism and abstract concepts unrooted naturalism in the art scene. These new waves of French artists redefined a new sense of landscapes, portraits, stills and nude art concepts, styles and genres.





art: exhibition

William-Adolphe Bouguereau, The Elder Sister, reduction, c. 1864, oil on panel 76

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Claude Monet, Rising Tide at Pourville, 1882, oil on canvas

Paul Cézanne, The Village of Gardanne, 1885–86, oil and conté crayon on canvas

Berthe Morisot, Madame Boursier and Her Daughter, c., 1873, oil on canvas

印象派(Impressionism)、現實主義(Realism)、超現實主義 (Surrealism)和其他現代藝術畫派,於十九世紀在巴黎草創和磨練了藝術家 們的創作理念,進而影響了之後整個世界的藝術觀。從自然主義深深地根 植,以至統領和桎梏了藝術界這麼多年,到現代主義和抽象概念的興起, 當年法國的前衛藝術家以一反傳統的方式,重新定義了風景、人物肖像、 靜物和裸體的不同藝術風格與流派。 十九世紀藝術工作者在巴黎咖啡館中的清談爭辯與及畫室中的努力 磨練,這種種的前瞻和嘗試,當時雖不盡被同一時代的大眾以至藝術評論 家所了解和接受。然而,經過歲月的洗禮,物換星移的沉澱,我們才知道 這些藝術先行者是如何地高瞻遠矚,突破了數世紀以來傳統學院派及巴黎 官方藝術沙龍的規範和框框;法國現代藝術家在西方藝術史的這一關鍵時 刻,是如何地表現了自我的所感所思,影響了之後的藝術、文學的發展以 至現代人的思維、個人價值觀、女權主義等等,啓迪後世至深且遠。 French Moderns的展出作品,按時序分為五個部分:學院派 (Academy)、打破學院派(Breaking from the Academy)、印象派及其他 (The Impressionists and their Circle)、早期現代主義(Early Modernism)、 超現實主義(Surrealism)和抽象主義(Abstraction)。 展出亮點從代表L’École des Beaux-Arts的Bouguereau保守之作,以 至後來Degas、Monet和Renoir等藝術家曾因落選巴黎沙龍官方展而另起 爐灶的創意;以及 Léger對線條和顏色的非描述性使用的畫作,後來導致 完全抽象的畫風等,都可讓觀眾從中窺見現代藝術的濫觴和演變。

Henri Matisse, Flowers, 1906, oil on canvas

The casual debates in Parisian cafes by the French artists received no compliments or understanding from common folk or critics. Indeed, after years of habitual conversations amongst these avant garde deep-thinkers, they were able to break with traditional art norms and moulds from scholars and official parties. They were revolutionary and changed the development of Western art, even extending their impact into modern literature, human values and even feminism. This French exhibition consists of five chronological parts: The Academy, Breaking from the Academy, The Impressionists and Their Circle, Early Modernism and Surrealism. Highlights include conservative works by Bouguereau of L’École des Beaux-Arts, works by such artists as Degas, Monet and Renoir from various group shows in rejection of the official Paris Salon exhibitions, and examples of Léger’s non-descriptive use of line and colour, which later led to complete abstraction.

French Moderns: Monet to Matisse, 1850–1950 Vancouver Art Gallery, 750 Hornby St. 604-662-4719 vanartgallery.bc.ca







Miami, refined Great beaches, world-class shopping, tantalizing food and a vibrant art scene. Bal Harbour has everything nice that Miami has—without the vice Story | Leslie Yip


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水清沙幼的海灘、世界級的購物商場、無可抗拒的美食及精彩的藝術展覽,Bal Harbour完美呈現邁阿密的非凡魅力。 巴爾港(Bal Harbour)的概念始於90年前,旨在打造美國的海濱度假勝地、上流社 會的度假天堂。在這個現代化的社區一切盡是最頂級的,優越的服務質素令它成為城中 驕傲。規劃完善的社區於1946年建成並起名Bay Harbour,但因此名未能貼切描述這個 沿海地區而被否決。最後當局結合了bay及Atlantic兩字而創造了Bal一字,成為這個環 繞港灣及海洋新社區的名字。 巴爾港位於邁阿密海灘最北端,由96街至離岸沙洲島的邊緣,位處Biscayne港灣 及大西洋之間。全長一公里的巴爾港村是長周末的度假勝地,非凡的服務水準、高雅的 氛圍,打造尊貴的度假體驗。

寧謐的海灘 邁阿密最有名的是陽光與海灘,但渴望享受寧靜假期的旅客或會被南海灘(South Beach)的熱鬧嚇怕。巴爾港的海灘雖然同是公共海灘,但四周被豪華酒店及公寓大廈 建築群包圍,私隱度較高。由於區內不設路邊停車位,海灘人流多數是區內居民及酒店 住客,他們可由住處從私人通道前往海灘。因此,旅客可在更舒適的環境下享受陽光與 海灘。

購物名人堂 Bal Harbour Shops購物中心讓巴爾港成為購物天堂。購物中心於1965年由Stanley Whitman建立,它是全美首個名店雲集的室外購物商場。商場指南根本就是時裝周的品 牌名單,部分品牌如Balmain、Celine、Balenciaga及Roger Vivier在加拿大還未有專門 店。

Bal Harbour was born of a vision 90 years ago, to create an American Riviera—a playground for the crème de la crème. It was to be a modern community that would maintain exceptionally high standards, provide superior services and foster civic pride. When it was incorporated in 1946, the master-planned village was first called Bay Harbour, but the name was soon discarded as it did not properly describe the oceanfront property. So, a new word was created, taking letters from “bay” and “Atlantic” to form “Bal”. Thus Bal Harbour, a new town encompassing bay and ocean, was named. Located on the northern tip of Miami Beach, from 96th Street to the tip of the barrier island and between Biscayne Bay and the Atlantic Ocean, the mile-long Bal Harbour Village is the perfect size for a long weekend getaway. It has everything Miami has to offer, except the standards are elevated and ambiance cultivated, making for a much more exclusive experience.

SeRenITy On THe BeAcH Take the beach, for instance. Miami is known for its year-round sunshine and white sand beaches, but discriminating travellers might shun the party atmosphere of South Beach. At Bal Harbour, the beach, despite being designated for public use, is shielded by a continuous facade of luxury hotels and condominiums. There is no street parking, thus limiting beach traffic mostly to residents and hotel guests. As a result, you will find a much more charming experience as you enjoy the sun and the sea.

“SHOppIng HALL Of fAMe” Home to Bal Harbour Shops, shopping is the heart and soul of the village. Opened in 1965 by visionary Stanley Whitman, it was America’s first all-luxury fashion centre, featuring high-end retailers in a tropical, open-air setting. The store directory reads like a paris couture show roster, many of which have yet to open a stand-alone boutique in canada—think Balmain, celine, Balenciaga and Roger Vivier.






匯集了過百間奢華時裝及珠寶品牌專門店的Bal Harbour Shops,設計融入棕櫚樹及鯉魚池,營造熱帶風情。商場正在進行 340,000平方呎的擴建工程,佛羅里達州首間Barney’ s New York亦 將進駐。 按每平方呎銷售額計算,Bal Harbour Shops是全球銷售額最高 的商場之一,因而有「購物名人堂」的美譽。與此同時,商場亦是尋 寶者的天堂。據知情人士透露,各品牌會把最新及整全的系列放於 商場的分店出售。更可在這裡找到一些稀有珍品如Harry Winston每 款只造一件的戒指系列、Richard Milles以糖果為設計主題的Bonbon 時計,還有限量版Chanel J12 38mm白色陶瓷粉紅金鑲鑽腕錶等。 不少品牌特別為Bal Harbour Shops的分店設計限量版單品, 就好像印上棕櫚樹圖案的Louis Vuitton Petite Malle手袋,只於Saks Bal Harbour有售。 The Shops亦不時舉辦社區活動。我到訪之際便參加了第二屆 Ice Cream We Love年度慈善義賣活動,共有20家pop-up雪糕店參 與,為當地醫療中心籌得超過79萬美元款項。今年五月,6位合共摘 下9顆米芝蓮星的名廚將會帶來一連串烹飪課程及主題晚宴,出席的 名廚包括來自法國蒙佩利爾Le Jardin de Sens的Jacques Pourcel, 以及荷蘭廚神 Alain Caron。


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palm trees and koi ponds provide a tropical setting to more than a hundred of the world’s most coveted luxurious fashion and jewellery brands. Undergoing a 340,000 square-foot expansion, it will soon be home to the first Barney’s new york in florida. Known as the Shopping Hall of fame, it is one of the world’s most productive shopping centres, generating the highest sales per square foot. And this point is not lost on the fashion houses. Insiders tell me that the stores here always get the latest and most comprehensive collections. This is also where you can peruse the rarest treasures, like the one-of-kind ring collection from Harry Winston, Richard Milles’s candythemed “Bonbon” timepieces and chanel’s J12 38mm white ceramic pink gold and diamonds limited edition. Be sure to look out for specially-created limited pieces exclusive to Bal Harbour Shops, such as Louis Vuitton’s palm-printed petite Malle, which is available only at Saks Bal Harbour. The Shops is also a social activity hub. I was there during the second-annual “Ice cream We Love” charity event, where 20 popup ice-cream booths raised more than $79K in two days for the local medical centre. come this May, it is bringing together six chefs with a combined nine Michelin stars for Haute cuisine Bal Harbour, a series of cooking classes and themed dinners. chefs attending include Jacques pourcel of Le Jardin de Sens in Montpellier, france, and Dutch masterchef Alain caron. balharbourshops.com

住宿推介 St. Regis Bal Harbour酒店就在Bal Harbour Shops對面馬路。酒 店設計由加國室內設計公司Yabu Pushelberg主理,獲福布斯評為五星 及AAA五鑽級別。這家充滿都市風格的酒店可直達海灘,設施包括兩 個泳池(其中一個只招待成人)、4間餐廳及酒吧、Remède水療中心、 日間別墅以及數之不盡的活動包括瑜伽、免費單車租用及兒童俱樂部 等等。酒店提供216間寬敞的客房及管家服務套房,面積最小的客房也 有650平方呎,每間客房均有陽台可欣賞無敵海景。千萬不要錯過每晚 7時於酒窖St. Regis Bar and Wine Vault舉行的開香檳儀式。

WHeRe TO STAy St. Regis Bal Harbour is located right across from Bal Harbour Shops. Designed by canadian duo yabu pushelberg, the forbes fiveStar and AAA five-Diamond facility is an urban-style resort with direct access to the beach, two swimming pools (one for adults-only), four restaurants and bars, a Remède Spa, day villas, plus ample activities such as yoga, free bicycles, a kid’s club and more. The 216 guest rooms and butler-serviced suites are expansive—the smallest room starts at 650 sq. ft.—and every room has a balcony with direct ocean views. Don’t miss the nightly champagne sabring ritual at 7 p.m. in the St. Regis Bar and Wine Vault. st-regis.marriott.com






Le Zoo海鮮拼盤。 Le Zoo's Seafood platter .

海鮮吃個夠 邁阿密的海鮮非常出名,亦吸引識食之人慕名前來。St. Regis Bal Harbour的住客想要享用巴爾港最優質的海鮮更是容易,只要前往 4樓由廚師Anastasios Chasekioglou(人稱Tasos)主理的 Atlantikós便 可吃個夠。美食當前,饞嘴的我當然無法抗拒,午餐吃了一整隻龍蝦。 回想起來,到訪Bal Harbour期間,海鮮以外,我什麼也沒有吃 過。我在Bal Harbour Shops其中一間餐廳Le Zoo,點了一客一人前的 海鮮拼盤。這個迷你海鮮塔擠滿了來自東、西兩岸的生蠔、青口、幼 頸蜆、大蝦、皇帝蟹及龍蝦!當日我坐於露天patio用餐,賣相一流的 海鮮塔惹來不少途人羡慕眼光。 而在Makoto享用的晚餐,絕對是其中一頓令我印象最深刻的晚 餐。餐廳同樣位於Bal Harbour Shops,餐牌選擇豐富,不過有兩道 菜是必吃之選:冰火生蠔(the Fire & Ice oysters)及和牛炒飯(Frosty Wagyu Fried Rice)。新鮮開的生蠔上放上蜜桃冰沙及serrano辣椒, 冰凍及辛辣同時夾擊味蕾,而生蠔的柔滑口感是味覺體驗的完美作 結。炒飯則以冰鮮鵝肝配合香軟的和牛及温泉蛋,是鮮味的最高層次。

SeAfOOD, AnD nOTHIng BUT SeAfOOD Seafood lovers have long been flocking to Miami,and you don’t need to venture very far in Bal Harbour to enjoy the most exquisite seafood. In fact, as a guest at St. Regis Bal Harbour, I only needed to take the elevator to get to Atlantikós by chef Anastasios “Tasos” chasekioglou. I know I’m a glutton and I’m not afraid to admit it: I indulged in a whole grilled lobster for lunch. atlantikosrestaurant.com In fact, looking back, I ate almost nothing but seafood during my stay in Bal Harbour. There was my seafood platter for one at the Le Zoo patio at Bal Harbour Shops. The “petit plateau” was crammed with east- and west-coast oysters, mussels, little-neck clams, huge prawns, king crab and a lobster. The showy presentation drew quite a few oohs and ahhs from passersby. lezoo.com One of the most memorable dinners I had was definitely at Makoto, also at Bal Harbour Shops.The menu is extensive, but there are two dishes that you must try: the fire & Ice Oysters and the frosty Wagyu fried Rice. freshly-shucked oysters are topped with peach granita and serrano chilies. your tastebuds are hit with an icy shot and a spicy kick at the same time, rounding off with the creaminess of the oyster. As for the fried rice, it’s topped with shavings of frozen foie gras. Mixed with the fragrant wagyu beef and jidori egg, it is the coziest umami bomb. makoto-restaurant.com


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與藝術結緣 邁阿密跟藝術結下不解之緣,它是藝術展Art Basel的主辦城市, 又有著名的Wynwood藝城,還有到處可見Romero Britto的普普藝術 品,藝術稱得上是邁阿密的景點之一。Bal Harbour村對推廣藝術及文 化亦不遺餘力,到處皆見藝術蹤跡—Jeff Koons的Seated Ballerina(坐 著的芭蕾舞者)雕像佇立於Oceana泳池畔、Ugo Rondinone的白瓷雕 塑2,000 Year Old Olive Tree(二千歲的橄欖樹)就在Kennilworth公寓 大廈對開、Robert Chamber的雕塑作品Rotorelief猶如空降Founder’ s Circle、海灘步道兩旁則可欣賞Jill Peters的Burneshas of Albania攝影 作品。 Bal Harbour村的居民及旅客亦可尊享Unscripted計劃,免費參 觀邁阿密多家博物館,欣賞創意十足的視覺藝術。如果你入住任何 Bal Harbour酒店,只需向前台索取Unscripted卡,便可跟一名同行客 人免費參觀17間藝廊及博物館,其中包括世界知名的MoCA(Museum of Contemporary Art)、PAMM (the pérez Art Museum Miami) 、 Fairchild熱帶植物公園及Phillip and Patricia Frost科學博物館。 查詢計劃的詳情及Bal Harbour的旅遊資訊,可瀏覽 balharbourflorida.com。

cARTe BLAncHe TO THe ARTS As an Art Basel host, home to the evolving Wynwood art scene, and canvas for Romero Britto’s pop pieces, art is one of the major attractions in Miami. Bal Harbour Village is an avid supporter of arts and culture, and you will find evidence everywhere: Jeff Koons’s Seated Ballerina is at Oceana’s beachside garden, Ugo Rondinone’s white enamel 2,000 year Old Olive Tree is just outside Kennilworth, Robert chamber’s Rotorelief looks like it just landed on the founder’s circle and Jill peters’s Burneshas of Albania multi-image installation dots the beachwalk. The village also offers an exclusive Unscripted program for residents and guests to enjoy complimentary access to some of the most dynamic, creative and captivating visuals arts in the country. If you are staying at a Bal Harbour hotel, just go to the concierge desk and ask for the Unscripted card, which gives you and a guest free entrance to 17 art galleries and museums, including the worldrenowned MocA (Museum of contemporary Art), the pAMM (the pérez Art Museum Miami) fairchild Tropical Botanic garden and the phillip and patricia frost Museum of Science. for more information about the program and about visiting Bal Harbour, visit balharbourflorida.com. The Pérez Art Museum Miami又被當地人稱為PAMM,位於佔地20公頃的 博物館公園內,園內亦可找到耗資$275萬元興建的科學博物館。 The Pérez Art Museum Miami, affectionately known by locals as the PAMM, is part of the 20-acre Museum Park, which also includes the $275 million Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science.

Jeff Koons的Seated Ballerina (坐著的芭蕾舞者) 雕像 佇立於Oceana Bal Harbour。 Jeff Koons’s Seated Ballerina at Oceana Bal Harbour.







Love Japan

In 2019, Hokkaido celebrates its 150th anniversary of statehood and Sapporo will be the epicentre for many of the events surrounding that celebration Story | Marc Atchison | TraveLife magazine

從函館山俯瞰函館夜景,才發覺整個城市從山腳以扇形向外伸延。 Night time view of Hakodate from Mount Hakodate - the city spreads out from the mountain like a fan 84

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trAvel The workers at Hokkaido’s famous fish market are still trying to rub the sleep out of their eyes when I arrive a few minutes after it opens at 5 a.m. Despite the early morning hour, the place is a beehive of activity. Men driving tiny trucks unload giant boxes filled with freshly caught fish. Fishmongers comb through them, looking for the largest crabs and squid to put on display. Some of the crabs are as big as a baseball catcher’s mitt. I watch curiously as one fishmonger wrestles with a massive red crab. The old man with the craggy face tries to tie the crustacean’s razor-sharp claws together with a rubber band, but the crab is putting up a fight. Suddenly, the man blurts out a Japanese curse word, kisama (you bastard). The crab has nipped his finger. The exchange provides entertainment for the other workers who erupt in laughter when the man angrily tosses the crab aside to nurse his wounds. A festive mood hangs over the old fish market, where workers exchange smiles with foreigners snapping pictures. And that’s not unusual in this incredibly beautiful city that started welcoming foreign ships in 1854 when Hakodate became the first Japanese port open to Western traders during Japan’s Meiji Era. And foreigners haven’t stop coming since, the southern gateway to Hokkaido prefecture that fans out from the base of iconic Mount Hakodate into a tranquil bay filled with lots of ships flying foreign flags. On the street opposite the market is where Hokkaido’s farmers display their famous fruits and vegetables. The island prefecture is Japan’s biggest food producer and is often called the bread basket of Japan. A farmer wearing white gloves attracts my attention as he carefully places one of his prized Hokkaido cantaloupes on a bed of straw like it was a precious gem. The incredibly sweet and juicy orange flesh has been lovingly cared for during its cultivation; Hokkaido farmers even outfit their melons with small hats to protect them from the sun. All that care commands a large price, of course—I fork over 3,000 yen (about Cdn$35) for one cantaloupe, but it‘s the best investment of my life. Hakodate, Hokkaido’s third-largest city behind Sapporo and Asahikawa, is now one of its most important because this is where the vast agricultural prefecture is connected to the mainland by the Seikan Tunnel, a 53.85km long engineering marvel that sits 23.3km under the Tsugaru Strait seabed. Completed in 2016, the tunnel, where Japan’s famed bullet trains—Shinkensen—run at speeds of up to 400km/h, has opened beautiful Hokkaido and its remarkable cities and natural wonders to even more foreigners.

在函館著名的魚市場,一名魚販正展示一隻大蟹。市場供應的海鮮每日由日本 海新鮮運抵。 A fishmonger shows off a giant crab at Hakodate’s world famous fish market. The seafood is delivered fresh daily from the Sea of Japan.

日本北海道函館—魚市場清晨5時開始營業時,我已抵達,場內 的魚販們揉著惺忪的眼睛迎接新一天。 雖然時間尚早,但魚市場已經非常繁忙。工人從小型貨車卸下一 箱一箱的新鮮海鮮。魚販從中揀選最巨型的蟹及魷魚放於當眼處作招 徠,有些蟹跟棒球手套一樣大。 我好奇地看著一名魚販跟一隻大紅蟹較勁。這位伯伯出盡力嘗試 把鋒利的蟹拑用橡筋紮起,不過大蟹奮力反抗。突然,伯伯忍不住吐 出一句日文髒話kisama(意謂:你這混蛋),手指隨即被大蟹夾住。 伯伯一怒之下把大蟹甩開並處理傷口,在旁觀看這場人蟹大戰的 工人們隨即爆笑。魚市場日日都像過節般熱鬧,遇到外地遊客舉機拍 照,工人們會報以燦爛的笑容。事實上,函館人十分歡迎外國遊客, 因為函館自1854年開始接待外國船隻到訪,是日本明治時期首個向 西方商人開放的港口,外國遊客自此絡繹不絕。位於北海道南端的函 館,由著名的函館山一直伸延至一個恬靜的海灣,海灣更停泊了多艘 掛著外國國旗的船隻。 魚市場對面的場外市集,可找到北海道出產的新鮮蔬果。北海道 是日本最大的食品生產地,有「日本麵包籃」之稱。


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五稜郭塔與堡壘同名。這座五星形的西式要塞栽種了1,600株櫻花樹,春天時把 要塞染成一片粉紅色。 Goryōkaku Tower is reflected in the castle of the same name. The western style fort is a five-pointed star design that features 1,600 cherry trees that blossom in the spring and turn the fort pink.

The first “tourist” welcomed to Hakodate was the famed American naval hero Commodore Matthew Perry who was invited by the Japanese to survey the port so foreign ships could start arriving. A statue of the great man stands tall in one of Hakodate’s public parks near the base of Mount Hakodate. There are many other reminders of foreign influence here: Western-style homes, public buildings and churches dominate the slanted streets in the city’s Motomachi (Old Town) area, which offers the best views of the harbour and far off volcanic mountains that dominate this island prefecture. Among the most impressive buildings in Motomachi are the onion-domed Russian Orthodox Church, the old British and Russian consulates, the massive Koryu-ji Buddhist Temple and the dollhouselike Old Public Hall, where town meetings and performances were often held. One of the most popular things for tourists to do is to take the Mount Hakodate Ropeway (cable car) to the top of the dormant volcano at night to see the city’s twinkling lights. It's an awesome sight. However, what foreigners really come to Hakodate to see is Goryōkaku Castle, the massive Western-style fort shaped like a five-pointed star. The remarkable fortress was designed by Takeda Ayasaburō in 1855, based on forts created by the famed French engineer Vauban. Goryōkaku is revered by the Japanese because this was the scene of the last battle of the Boshin War, often referred to as the country’s civil war, that saw the end of the short-lived Republic of Ezo. The manicured grounds of the fort are dotted with statues of heroes from that tumultuous period in Japanese history and the 1,600 cherry trees that draw hundreds of thousands of tourists in the spring when they blossom and cover the grounds like a giant pink quilt. A similarly designed fort sits on Citadel Hill in Halifax, Nova Scotia; a local guide tells me that each year the Canadian city sends Hakodate a giant Christmas tree decorated and floated into the city’s harbour for all to enjoy. 這位果農手上的是他種植的得獎北海道哈密瓜,在東京等地賣得很貴。圖中的 哈密瓜盛惠加幣$35。 A farmer proudly holds one of his prized Hokkaido melons, which fetch top dollars in cities like Tokyo. This Melo cost $35 Canadian.

一位戴著白手套的農夫吸引了我的視線,因為他把其得獎北海 道哈密瓜小心翼翼地放於禾稈之上,就好像對待珍寶一樣。這些美味 香甜的哈密瓜在耕種過程中一直被悉心照料,當地農夫更會為哈密瓜 戴帽作防曬之用。如斯矜貴當然亦賣得賣,我花了3,000日元(約加幣 $35)買了一個哈密瓜,這是我人生中的最佳投資。 函館是北海道第三大城市,僅次於札幌及旭川,隨著青函隧道建 成,開通了北海道與本州的陸路交通,函館這個農業重鎮的地位亦急 速上升。青函隧道是沿津輕海峽挖通的一條海底隧道,全長53.85公 里,海底部分長23.3公里。青函隧道於2016年竣工,同年北海道新幹 線正式通車,以每小時400公里的高速接載遊客到訪北海道各出色的城 鎮,欣賞自然美景。 美國海軍准將Matthew Perry是首位獲邀到訪函館的「遊客」,當年 他獲日本政府邀請前往當地視察港口,自此外國船隻陸續前往日本通 商。於函館山腳附近的一個公園便豎立了他的銅像。

髹上鮮色的議政廳座落於函館的老城區,可眺望廣闊的海港。 The brightly-painted Meeting House is situated in Hakodate’s Old Town and sits perched overlooking the city’s vast harbour.

函館到處可找到深受西方國家影響的元素,例如西式洋房、公共 建築及元町區(老城區)斜坡上的教堂等。元町區更可欣賞港口美景, 及遠眺壯麗的火山。 元町區有不少富特色的建築,包括圓拱形的俄羅斯東正教堂、前 英國及俄羅斯領事館、偌大的高龍寺及玩具屋似的舊函館區公會堂, 後者經常舉辦市政會議及各種表演。 其中最受遊客歡迎的活動,是乘坐函館山纜車登上這座睡火山的 山頂,俯瞰城市的璀璨夜景。景色叫人難忘。 不過要數最多遊客打卡的景點,則非五稜郭莫屬。這座星形的要 塞由武田斐三郎於1855年參照法國工程師Vauban的「棱堡式」築城格 式設計而成。五稜郭深受日本人尊敬,因為它見證了幕末內戰「戊辰戰 爭」最後一場悲慘戰役,結束了蝦夷共和國短時間的統治。經悉心打理 的城郭豎立了不少戰爭英雄的銅像,園內亦栽種了1,600株櫻花樹,每 年春天都吸引大量遊客前來賞櫻。

圖中所見是函館的另一幢西式建築。 One of Hakodate’s western-style buildings.





trAvel 札幌百年紀念塔可說是小型版東京鐵塔。 Sapporo features a communications tower designed after a much larger one in Tokyo.

原來斯高沙省哈里法斯的Citadel Hill有一座設計類同的要塞, 當地導遊告訴我,每年加國都會向函館贈送一棵巨形聖誕樹,函館 會把聖誕樹佈置得美美的並於海港之上供民眾觀賞。 從107米高的五稜郭塔,可俯瞰星形城郭的壯美景觀,亦可欣 賞函館山及市內景色,望遠一點更可望到鋸齒狀的橫津岳火山。 我的導遊Katsuko Kemanai說:「瞭望塔在春天的賞櫻季節人 潮最多,可能要排上幾小時才可進入。」 護城河到了冬季便會結冰,導遊表示以前的人會把把冰塊刨出 來送到附近的札幌,用來製作城中著名的啤酒。 函館到處可見色彩繽紛的古老電車,全部都有過百年歷史。電 車會在市中心行走,接載遊客前往各個景點。但只在每年4月中旬 至10月,逢周末及公眾假期提供服務。 由於火山活動頻繁,函館擁有日本最佳的溫泉酒店。而函館附 近的湯之川溫泉區,溫泉旅館及酒店櫛比鱗次,每到冬天旺季尤其 繁忙。 不過,你可能要跟當地的猴子一同享受溫泉樂。調皮的猴子多 數在市內的植物公園出沒,間中也會浸浸溫泉,又或者擺好甫士供 拍照。看來就連函館的猴子也深明好客之道。 距離函館以北310公里,便是北海道的滑雪勝地札幌,不少世 界級滑雪酒店坐落於此。 札幌被火山環繞,其中6座是活火山,為滑雪愛好者提供世界 級的滑雪道。事實上,當地極端的地理環境令降雪量增加,每年 14至18米的降雪量遠高於其競爭對手,包括威士拿(11.7米)、Val d'Azure(7.82米)、Aspen(4.3米)及St. Moritz(4.3米)。 不過札幌最著名的始終是啤酒。 導遊Katsuko Kemanai說:「日本最大型的釀酒廠包括Kirin、 Asahi、Suntory及Sapporo都雲集於此。我們有一所啤酒博物館, 亦是市內最具人氣的博物館。」

From the tower’s 107-metre observation deck, I get stunning views of the star-shaped fort, Mount Hakodate, the city’s skyline and the jagged Yokotsu mountain range off in the distance. “The observation deck is especially busy during the (spring) cherry blossom season; you can wait many hours in line before gaining entry to the tower,” says my guide, Katsuko Kemanai. In the winter, the fort’s moat freezes and during ancient times, according to the guide, the ice was shaved off and sent to nearby Sapporo to be used in the production of that city’s famous beer. The streets of Hakodate are dominated by colorful restored trams that date back 100 years. They are used mainly in the downtown core to carry tourists to the city’s many attractions, and run only on weekends and national holidays between April and October. Thanks to all the volcanic activity in this area, Hakodate is home to some of Japan’s best hot spring (onsen) hotels. The Yunokawa area, just outside Hakodate, features many spa hotels and inns, and is especially busy during the winter months. However, you may have to share the hot spring baths with the area’s local monkey population, who regularly soak in the soothing warm baths. The playful monkeys usually hang out in the city’s botanical gardens and love posing for camera-wielding tourists. Even the monkeys in Hakodate make foreigners feel welcome. Sapporo, which lies 310km to the north, is Hokkaido’s ski capital and home to world-class ski resorts. The volcanic mountains—six are actually active—surrounding Sapporo offer skiers some of the best runs in the world. In fact, this land of fire and ice gets more snow—between 14 metres and 18 metres annually—than do global competitors like Whistler (11.7 metres), Val d’Azure (7.82 metres), Aspen (4.3 metres) and St. Moritz (4.3 metres). What Sapporo is most famous for, though, is beer. “All the major Japanese breweries have factories here—Kirin, Asahi, Suntory and, of course, Sapporo,” says Katsuko Kemanai. “We even have a beer museum and it’s the most popular museum in our city.” I wonder why.


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五稜郭可找到莊嚴肅穆的和風建築,充滿古代日本皇室風格。在明治時期,五稜郭成為了多場戰爭的舞台。 Goryōkaku Castle is full of regal buildings that date back to Japan’s kingdoms. The fort was the scene of many fierce battles during the Meiji Era.

我在博物館內試飲過幾款本地啤酒,原來札幌擁有全日本最 優質的地下水,用來釀製啤酒最適合不過。用來釀製啤酒的啤酒 花,在北海道更是隨處可見。 北海道亦是日本名物拉麵的出生地,札幌的拉麵店星羅棋 布,隨時都可以吃到正宗日式拉麵。 札幌好玩的地方多不勝數,愈夜愈精神的你必定要來到中央 區的薄野,有說薄野將逐漸取替東京的歌舞伎町及福崗的中洲, 成為全日本最佳的紅燈區。這裡有多達1,600間酒吧、夜場及餐 廳,讓你盡情玩至通宵達旦。 導遊說:「薄野是個不眠的地方。」她同時提醒我薄野的餐飲 物價比札幌其他地區為高。 曾主辦1972年冬季奧運會,札幌的冬季活動自是十分精彩。 二月舉行的札幌雪祭每年都吸引數百萬遊客參加;每年聖誕節, 市中心的公園都會掛上燈飾,氣氛十足。 札幌的人口由1857年的七人激增至現時二百萬,令它為為北 海道最大的城市及日本第四大都會。 北海道剛慶祝命名150周年,多項慶祝活動集中於札幌舉 行。想了解北海道的歷史,當然要參觀北海道博物館。博物館位 於大通公園的入口處,宏偉的紅磚大樓於1888年興建,前身為政 府議會大樓,旁邊的百年紀念塔另人聯想起東京鐵塔。 札幌鐘樓博物館則可讓你認識北海道深厚的農業歷史。它前 身是札幌農務學校的體育館,建於1878年。時鐘於波士頓製造, 並在1881年安裝,至今仍準確無誤。鐘樓於數年前被遷至市中心 現址,四周被摩天大樓包圍,令它更形突出。 購物狂肯定會愛上札幌的狸小路購物街,此商店街發祥於開 拓使時代,時至今日仍然吸引不少遊客到訪。 Katsuko說:「商店街的日文名稱翻譯為浣熊購物街。」 全長1公里的商店街約有200家商店,售賣各式各樣的北海道 特產及伴手禮。 日本兩大祥瑞—仙鶴及海龜皆來自北海道。兩者皆象徵長 壽,到過札幌及函館,真希望可以活得長久一點,將來有機會重 遊北海道。 查詢北海道或日本的旅遊資訊,可瀏覽網址 ilovejapan.ca。


At the museum, where I get to sample some of the local brews, I learn that Sapporo’s ground water is the best in Japan and perfectly suited for making beer. Hokkaido is also where hops, the key ingredient in beer, flourish in the wild. Hokkaido is also where the famed Raman noodle first made an appearance, and there’s plenty of shops scattered around the city offering Japan’s favourite dish. Entertainment is never in short supply in Sapporo. And for those who are looking for some naughty nightlife, Susukino, in Sapporo’s Chuo-ku district, is the place for you. Susukino is said to rival Tokyo’s Kabukicho and Fukuoka’s Nakasu as Japan’s best red light district and, with more than 1,600 bars, nightclubs and restaurants, there’s plenty to keep you up late. “Susukino never sleeps,” says my guide, who cautions me “to be careful because the prices in Susukino for food and drink are much higher than the rest of Sapporo.” No one does winter better than Sapporo, the city that hosted the 1972 Winter Olympics. Sapporo’s annual Snow Festival in February attracts millions each year. And during the Christmas season, downtown parks are decked out in colourful light displays. From a population of just seven in 1857, Sapporo has grown to almost two million residents, making it Hokkaido’s biggest city and the fourth largest metropolis in Japan. In 2019, Hokkaido will celebrate its 150th anniversary of statehood and Sapporo will be the epicentre for many of the events surrounding that celebration. The best place to see all of Hokkaido’s remarkable history is at the Prefecture Museum, housed in the former Prefecture Government Office (parliament), a handsome red brick building from 1888 that dominates the entrance to Odori Park, where a version of Tokyo Tower stands. The prefecture’s deep agricultural roots are best explored at the Clock Tower Museum (Tokeidai), the former drill hall of Sapporo’s original Agricultural College, which opened in 1878. The clock, made in Boston, was installed in 1881 and hasn’t missed a beat since. The building was moved to its present downtown location a few years ago and stands out from Sapporo’s steel and stone skyline. Visitors who like to shop will fall in love with Sapporo’s Tanukikoji Shopping Arcade, which dates back to the city’s pioneer days. “The literal translation of this shopping arcade is Raccoon Dog Street,” says Katsuko. The one kilometre arcade is a big tourist draw and features 200 shops, most of which sell Hokkaido souvenirs. Two of Japan’s most treasured symbols, the Japanese crane and the sea turtle, make their home in Hokkaido. Both creatures are symbols of longevity, and once you visit Sapporo and Hakodate, you’ll hope to live long enough to visit them again. For more information on Hokkaido or Japan, go to ilovejapan.ca.

For more information, visit www.toureast.com. ELITEGEN





新科技舒適豪跑 Luxury in a sporty comfortable package Loaded with the latest tech, the Audi A6 is one of the best in sedan design Story | Lorne Drury (Metroland Media)


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有些汽車從你登上那一刻開始,已經感覺愜意。奧迪A6就是其中 一款。

Some vehicles just feel right from the moment you climb inside. The Audi A6 is one of them.

A6的車門可以大開,方便身型較大的人士上落;舒適的座位可以 調校至適合任何體型,控制器的設計亦符合人體工程學。

The doors open wide, the seats are comfortable and adjustable for all body types and the controls are ergonomically friendly. And while sedans are becoming an endangered species these days, with seemingly everyone jumping over to SUVs, sales of luxury sedans are faring somewhat better.

雖然SUV大受歡迎,房車仿佛正瀕臨困境,不過豪華房車的銷情 其實已有改善。奧迪因此重新設計2019年款中型豪華四門房車,把它 改良為混合動能車,希望能殺出一條血路。 A6是奧迪2019年加拿大車系的兩款中型豪華入門車的其中之一 款;另一款是A7 Sportback,一款具有轎跑車外形的揭背式四門車。 這兩款車採用同一平台,均使用3公升渦輪增壓DOHC V6引擎, 輸出335匹馬力和369磅扭力;也都配備奧迪久經考驗的Quattro全輪驅 動和7前速雙離合器自動波箱,同樣要面對寶馬5系、平治E級、積架 XF、凌志GS及其他品牌的激烈競爭。不過,本文只集中介紹造型吸引 的全新A6車款。 我認為,奧迪的內部設計真的十分出眾。可以說,目前業界車廂 設計最佳的汽車製造商仍然是奧迪和富豪。 在加拿大推出的A6有兩個級別,分別是售價由68,200元起的 Progressive,以及由75,800元起的Technik。我們測試的Technik還添 置了多個總值達21,200元的選項,加上運費2,095元,把這車的售價提 高至99,095元。 所增添的選項包括名廠Bang & Olufsen環迴立體聲音響系統(價值 5,100元) 、個人化外形座椅套件(3,600元) 、自動感應氣壓懸掛(2,400 元) 、輔助駕駛系統(2,550元) 、動態操控套件(2,500元) ,以及S-Line 跑車套件(1,600元)配以黑色飾件組合(1,500元) 。另外添置了價值 1,600元的21吋升級輪胎套件。由於我們試駕時正值冬天,故此換上了 20吋的雪胎。

With this in mind, Audi has redesigned its mid-size luxury A6 four-door sedan for 2019 and given it a mild hybrid touch to boot. The A6 is one of two mid-size luxury entries in Audi’s Canadian lineup for 2019, joined by the A7 Sportback, a hatchback-styled four-door with a coupe-like profile. Based on the same platform, these cars both sport a turbocharged 3.0-litre DOHC V6 engine, putting out 335 horsepower and 369 lb/ft of torque. Both come with Audi’s tried-and-true Quattro all-wheel drive and a seven-speed dual clutch automatic transmission. Audis compete in a tough marketplace, up against the BMW 5 Series, Mercedes-Benz E Class, Jaguar XF, Lexus GS and others. The focus of this review, however, is the new A6—a car that has attractive styling, but without the flash of some others in the segment. Inside is where the car really shines from a design standpoint, as Audi and Volvo continue to produce the best interiors in the business. In Canada, the A6 comes in two trim levels —the Progressive, starting at $68,200, and the Technik, priced from $75,800. We tested the Technik model, loaded with $21,200 in options that priced out at $99,095, with the $2,095 freight cost included. Options included an outstanding Bang and Olufsen 3D surroundsound system ($5,100), individual contoured seat package ($3,600), adaptive air suspension ($2,400), driver assistance package ($2,550), dynamic package ($2,500) and the S-Line sport package ($1,600) with the black optics package ($1,500). Also included was a 21-inch wheel upgrade package ($1,600), although our tester was switched out with 20-inch winter tires. Now into its eighth generation, the A6 is an extremely comfortable car on the road. With a two-hour-plus commute to and from Audi Canada’s head office, I had ample opportunity to test the highway manners of this luxurious touring machine.





automobiles 經過多年不斷的精益求精,現在是第八代的A6已經是一款非常舒 適的汽車。我花了2個多小時來回奧迪加拿大總公司,有很多機會測試 這輛豪華房車在高速公路上的表現。 首先,坐在選置的個人化外形座椅上駕駛,絕對是樂趣。加熱的 座椅有多個調校角度和按摩功能,在寒冷和多雪的冬日裡,這簡直是 天賜的恩物。而選置的自動感應氣壓懸掛,在所有的路面情況下都會 增加駕駛的舒適度。 新A6的車廂內部比舊款的稍微大一點(21毫米,即0.8吋),而後座 位的腳部空間則闊了12毫米(即半吋)。車尾的行李箱寬敞,容量有530 公升(18.7立方呎),配有方便的電動行李箱蓋,橫放兩個哥爾夫球袋也 綽綽有餘。車頂的大型全景玻璃天窗讓車廂更明亮舒適。 這款全新A6採用最新的科技,擁有不少於39個輔助駕駛功能。 今年新加設的輕混動力系統,增添了一個鋰離子電池和48V供電系 統,透過這個發電機與起動器一體的系統(belt alternator starter,簡稱 (BAS) ,有助更省油。這套供電系統讓車輛在引擎關掉後,可以在55

First and foremost, the optional contoured seat package was an absolute delight on the commute. The heated seats, with their myriad adjustments and massage functions, proved a godsend on the drive back into the city on a cold and snowy winter’s day. Another optional feature, the adaptive air suspension, also helps add to the comfort level in all driving situations. The cabin is nice and bright, thanks to the large panoramic glass sunroof. As well, the interior is somewhat larger than the outgoing model—by 21mm (0.8 inch), with 12mm (½ inch) more legroom in the rear. Storage space is generous (530 litres, or 18.7 cubic feet) and will accommodate two golf bags crosswise. It also features a handy electric trunk lid. Loaded with the latest in technology, this new A6 has no fewer than 39 driver-assistance systems available. New this year is a mild hybrid system that works via a belt alternator starter, with an additional lithium ion battery. This technology permits coasting between 55 and 160 km/h with the engine switched off and extended start-stop operation that kicks in at 22 km/h. Audi says that during deceleration, up to 12 kW of energy can be recovered and 0.7 litres of fuel saved per 100 kms, thanks to the mild hybrid system.

奧迪2019年款A6一覽 車身款式:豪華中型四門房車。 驅動方式:前置引擎,Quattro全輪驅動。 引擎:3.0公升渦輪增壓DOHC V6引擎 (335匹馬力,369磅/呎扭力), 搭載7前速雙離合器自動波箱。 耗油量:市內:10.7公升/100公里;高速公路:8.2公升/100公里。 行李箱容量:530公升。 價格:75,800元,試駕車款售99,095元,包含2,095元運費。 優點:駕駛舒適。 缺點:沒有什麼缺點。 誘人之處:這款全新A6採用輕混動力系統,配備一個鋰離子電池,儲 存車輛回收的能量。

Audi A6 2019 at a glance: BODY STYLE: four-door, mid-size luxury sedan. DRIVE METHOD: front-engine, Quattro all-wheel drive. ENGINE: turbocharged 3.0-litre DOHC V6 (335 hp, 369 lb/ft of torque) with a seven-speed dual clutch automatic transmission. FUEL ECONOMY: 10.7 L/100 km city, 8.2 L/100 km highway. CARGO VOLUME: 530 litres. WHAT’S BEST: The ride and comfort are superb. WHAT’S WORST: Not a lot to complain about here. WHAT’S INTERESTING: This new A6 features a mild hybrid electric system employing a lithium ion battery to store recovered energy. PRICE: $75,800, as tested $99,095 (including $2,095 freight charge).

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至160公里的車速之間滑行,還能延長啟停系統的操作,於車速低於 22公里時已經把引擎關掉。廠方說,在減速期間,由於採用輕混動力 系統,回收了高達12千瓦的能量,每100公里可節省0.7公升的汽油。

Acceleration is fairly brisk (it takes just over five seconds to do the 0-100 km/h run) and steering and handling are decidedly sporty, particularly if you choose the optional Dynamic Package that includes all-wheel steering.

A6的加速時間頗快,從零加速至100公里,僅僅需要5秒多一點, 而掌控方向盤和操控方面非常具有跑車感,特別是選用額外添置、包 括有全輪轉向的動態套件(Dynamic Package)。

Our test car also had the S-Line sport package that spices up the exterior appearance with items like an S-Line logo, unique S-Line bumpers and illuminated door sills. The package also provides sport suspension, a black headliner and a wheel and tire package.

我們測試的車輛選用了S-Line跑車套件,包括增添了S-Line標 誌、裝上獨特的S-Line保險桿和照明門檻、跑車懸掛、黑色車頂篷, 以及輪胎和輪圈組合,令外觀更加帥氣。 奧迪在提升數碼科技方面下了不少功夫,新一代A 6的多媒體界面 觸控操作系統採用雙屏幕,取代舊A6大部分的按鈕及控制器。各系統 功能如智能手機操作般方便。上方的10.1吋屏幕展示導航信息,而下 方中控台的8.6吋屏幕展示氣溫控制,和各種便利功能等等。 在司機位正前方的是奧迪著名的虛擬駕駛艙,設有一個12.3吋的 數碼化儀錶板,圖像高清。駕駛者可以按自己的喜好靈活配置,透過 操控多功能方向盤,選擇傳統的顯示方式,或是採用資訊娛樂的模式。 我可以滔滔不絕地介紹A6的科技,因為它實在有很多基本級別以 上的功能。有興趣購買這款豪華中型房車的人士,要認真花點時間去 研究了。

With the technology upgrades on the A6 come a number of digital enhancements, including a new MMI touch response operating system that features two displays that replace most of the buttons and controls found on the previous A6. With a smartphone-like display, the system is intuitive, even for a non-techy type like me. By using it, however, the driver has to take his/ her eyes off the road a little too much for my liking. A 10.1-inch screen on top displays navigation information, while the 8.6-inch display in the centre console manages climate control, convenience functions and the like. Directly in front of the driver is Audi’s amazing virtual cockpit, with its 12.3-inch digital instrument cluster and high-definition graphics. Fully configurable, the driver can operate it via the multifunction steering wheel and choose between the classic view and the infotainment mode. I could go on and on about the technology, but there is just too much to cover here, other than the basics. In short, the new A6 has so much to offer that buyers shopping the luxury mid-size segment should take a long, hard look at it.







Opening the door to smart 5G living Story | Iris Chui Huawei Mate X

華為將於今年年中推出的5G摺疊式手機Mate X, 搭載華為首款7nm 5G芯片「巴龍5000」,4組5G天線設 計,下載速度高達4.6Gbps,下載1GB電影僅需3秒。 採用的是外翻式設計,全機只有一個可以摺疊的 柔性屏幕,兩面屏幕並不對等,一面是一塊6.6吋、 2480x1148的19.5:9屏幕,一面是25:9的2480x892解 像度屏幕,打開後整個屏幕為8吋。至於手機厚度,打 開後只有5.4mm,對摺後是11mm厚,且中間沒有縫 隙,主屏幕右上也沒有切角。自拍時可雙屏幕顯示畫 面。重量則是295g。 Mate X採用的是真「背貼背」的摺疊式屏幕設計, 在摺合軸承處採用了上百個零件才能達到這個效果。 而機身一側較為凸起的位置,估計是放置其三鏡頭。 由於Mate X前後都有屏幕,同一組相機鏡頭可同時用 作自拍或拍攝他人。指紋辨識放在側邊來解鎖。

When folded, the device is a huge display smartphone with a 6.6-inch screen; when opened, it turns into a slim tablet with an 8-inch screen. Huawei says the Mate X is the first key for consumers to open the door to 5G smart living.” The 2-in-1 smartphone/tablet features a high strength OLED panel. As light as it is appealing, the foldable smartphone comes in a new Interstellar Blue. With a design that blends style with technology, the revolutionary Falcon Wing Mechanical Hinge supports movement, balancing between the overall aesthetics and technology. When unfolded, the screen is a perfectly flat surface; when folded, the two halves of the screen fit snugly to the frame. Huawei’s flagship smartphones have always come with powerful cameras, and the Mate X is no different. Inside its slim body is the latest Leica camera, supporting the most advanced imaging features to date. The foldable design makes it possible for the camera system to play the role of both front and rear cameras. When folded, the Mate X shows a view finder on both sides.

手機內置雙電池,提供4500mAh電力,以及支援 SuperCharge 55W快速充電,官方稱只需要30分鐘即 可充滿80%以上的電力。

Equipped with the world’s first 7nm 5G multi-mode modem chipset Balong 5000, the chipset has unprecedented 5G download speeds, and users will not need a device upgrade to continue enjoying 5G connectivity. The Mate X’s dual SIM feature supports both 4G and 5G.

雖然現時5G仍未普及,但Mate X可支援5G網 絡,其雙卡雙待機能支援5G+4G的連線。機身右側加 入的長條,除了是方便以單手握持,更加是全機的按 鍵和插槽集合處。

A new, purpose-designed 4500 mAh battery is packed in HUAWEI Mate X’s 5.4 mm-thick body, combined with the AI smart power saving technology, fulfilling the demand for greater battery performance in the 5G era. And the 55 W HUAWEI SuperCharge tops the battery up quickly to minimize downtime. In just 30 minutes, the battery is back to 85 percent.

標榜是「全球最快、最薄、充電最快的5G摺機」的 Mate X,8GB記憶體、256GB容量,官方售價為2,299 歐元。 94

Huawei unveiled the Mate X, a new breed of smartphones, combining 5G, foldable screen, AI and an all-new mode of interfacing to provide consumers with what the company calls an unprecedented user experience.

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The Mate X is a multi-form factor that unlocks a new page of the 5G interfacing era. MSRP will be Euro $2,299.

SaMSung galaXy Fold 經過8年的研製與開發,三星宣布將於4月26推出 首部摺疊手機Galaxy Fold,機價為1,980美金,有銀、 白、綠及藍四色選擇。 Galaxy Fold使用內、外雙屏幕設計,向外的「前 置屏幕」,採用了4.6吋Super AMOLED設計,驟眼看 會感覺非常長,因為它用了21:9的超闊屏設計;從機 側如將手機如「書本」打開時,會發現一個可摺叠的「主 屏幕」,採用了7.3吋QXGA+ Dynamic AMOLED屏 幕,屏幕比例是現時較少見的4.2:3,猶如變身為平板 電腦般,是全球首款的7.3吋Infinity Flex可摺叠屏幕! Samsung使用了新發明的聚合物面層,創造比典 型的智能手機屏幕薄50%的顯示器。新物料令Galaxy Fold更具靈活性和堅韌性,提供足夠的耐用性。 Samsung為了Galaxy Fold這個特別的設計,加 入App Continuity概念。用戶在機面4.6吋使用中的 Apps,於打開內屏幕時,Apps會自動切換為大畫面 顯示,繼續原本的工作。主屏幕還有一個同時運行三 個不同程式的功能,在7.3吋的屏幕下,同時睇片、 收發訊息及網上搜尋,感覺猶如使用手提電腦般。只 需將希望放大的Apps拖拉到最大的視窗,就可以交換 Apps的顯示位置。 Galaxy Fold設有三個後置鏡頭(1,600萬像素/F2.2/ 超廣角、1,200萬像素F1.5/F2.4/廣角、1,200萬像素 F2.4/遠攝)、兩個內部鏡頭(1,000萬像素/F2.2、800萬 像素/F1.9/RGB深度鏡頭),以及一個封面鏡頭(1,000 萬像素/F2.2)。內建12GB RAM及512GB ROM,設有 4380mAh電池。指紋感應設於摺疊後的機側位置,使 用的7nm製造處理器,相信是Samsung自家的Exynos 系列處理器。

The keenly anticipated Samsung Galaxy Fold smartphone-cum-tablet recently launched alongside the Galaxy S10 and will be available in market on April 26 with MSRP US $1,980. Samsung says there will be two versions of the Galaxy Fold: a 5G model and an LTE model. The handset will be available in Space Silver, Cosmos Black, Martian Green and Astro Blue, and the company says you’ll even be able to customize the hinge colour. As expected, the Fold features two screens: a 4.6-inch, HD+ Super AMOLED outer display with a 21:9 aspect ratio, and a 7.3-inch, QXGA+ Dynamic AMOLED inner “Infinity Flex” display with a 4.2:3 aspect ratio. Both screens feature rounded corners. The Fold opens up like a book, and when closed it essentially looks like two phones stuck together. And yes, that means it’s thick—although Samsung has yet to reveal its dimensions. The Galaxy Fold is being touted as a “luxury device”, and its specs certainly suggest that this is a suitable description. Inside is an as-yet unnamed 7nm 64-bit octa-core processor and a whopping 12GB of RAM, as well as 512GB of internal storage. There’s not one but two batteries—one on each side —that will work in tandem. Samsung says the Fold’s total battery capacity is 4380mAh. The Galaxy Fold can be used to wirelessly charge another device via Wireless PowerShare. AKG-tuned speakers are on board, too, as well as a side-mounted fingerprint sensor and UFS 3.0 support. There’s no microSD card slot, however. The Fold runs a special version of Android Pie that Samsung revealed in November 2018. The Fold is home to six cameras. On the rear you’ll find a 16-megapixel, f/2.2 ultra-wide camera, a 12-megapixel wide-angle camera and a 12-megapixel telephoto sensor; on the inside is a 10-megapixel f/2.2 camera and an 8-megapixel f/1.9 RGB depth camera; on the front sits a 10-megapixel f/2.2 sensor. With the Galaxy Fold, Samsung is said to be writing the next chapter in mobile innovation history by changing what’s possible in a smartphone. Galaxy Fold introduces a completely new category that unlocks new capabilities never seen before with an Infinity Flex Display. The Galaxy Fold is for those who want to experience what a premium foldable device can do, beyond the limitations of a traditional smartphone.





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eliteGen was at @palladio_jewellers grand opening. The dedicated Rolex boutique is a testament to Palladio’s passion for horology. Jason Bosa and Ashley Lin Bosa @palladio

Kowloon, Kowloon, Hong Kong… the newly rebranded Tibetan-inspired beauty line @akarskin is made in Hong Kong by this pretty lady, Kate Chen. She was deeply moved by the beauty of Tibet during a personal journey to the region. Her brand sources traditional ingredients like sea buckthorn and goji berries from Tibet's high plateaus and are packaged in beautiful frosted Tibetan-red glass. We are in love with the Ruby lip restoration and the balance toning mist. #BeautyMeetsMindfulness #西藏紅 96

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We are mesmerized by flamenca Sofi Gudino’s Flame of Passion performance at the Dragon Ball @yeehongfoundation. The 30th edition of one of Toronto’s premier galas was an unforgettable evening of gourmet food, exquisite performances and show of generosity. @eliteGenMag is a proud sponsor of the event. #龍宴三十周年@sofidances

The Canadian International Auto Show was a resounding success! It was especially exciting to see the DEVEL Sixteen and Jaguar’s Project 8 in person, but the Genesis Essentia is arguably the most photogenic. #cias #加拿大國際車展 #supercars

Fashion bloggers @jia_zhang, @mercuryyuki, @wd_ddddd and @jilljiujiuliu attending @holtshproject #HProject, where the spotlight is on Southeast Asia. Curated from around the world, every product in the H Project must have an economic, environmental or social benefit to its local community. So happy to see local handicrafts being celebrated. Look for exotic fabrics and handmade trims on apparel, bags and accessories. #UncrateSoutheastAsia #環球社區合作


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