Mar / Apr 2020 EliteGen Toronto

Page 1

Mar/Apr 2020 Vol. 51 Toronto

ToronTo Mar/aPr 2020

luxury living for canada's chinese elite


a sing Tao Publication

Vicki Zhao welcomes

the unknown 穿Chanel的女人

celebrities in chanel


the baguette bag by fendi


aston martin: women in the driver’s seat 尋找哥倫布的足跡

exploring santo domingo

Display until Apr 30, 2020


LA COLLECTION LUMIÈRE ALL THE POWER OF LIGHT IN A SKINCARE COLLECTION Enriched with the benefits of Vanilla Planifolia and the power of Anthyllis - a French Alpine plant that intensely captures light - this collection of exquisite formulas offers a complete ritual for glowing skin. Day after day, the complexion appears smoother, more even


B® CHANEL S. de R.L.

and luminous.


A sing tao publicAtion

luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief 胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 編輯 Editor 徐少玲 Iris Chui 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 編輯部 Editorial enquiries / 416-861-8168

參與 Contributors Grace Chan, Sidney Chao, Norris McDonald Crystal Ng, Renée Suen, Shuk Wa Tsang, Emilia Ku Yazar, Iris Yim

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出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada, affiliated with Torstar 加拿大星島傳媒集團出版,附屬多倫多星報

《星尚》歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 《星尚》每年出版六期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 6 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 221 Whitehall Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 9T1

publisher’s letter

戀戀櫻花 Flower Power 還 記 得 那些櫻花樹下的美好時光嗎?可能是某些 人、可能是某些事,但在櫻花暗香浮動的芬芳底下,都 彷彿格外觸動人心。 對 於 住 在加國的我們來說,櫻花綻放更有特別意 義—花兒開了,冬天也離我們而去了。經過多月苦寒雪 冷的日子,身心都渴望著初春的來臨。今期eliteGen但 見花踪處處︰美容專頁介紹多款以櫻花作材料的護膚 美妝品;欲感受沸沸揚揚、繁花似錦的櫻花盛況,不 妨參加溫哥華櫻花節的多項活動;香水篇中的Giorgio Armani最新Les Eaux系列,呈獻四款以花香及橘子香 為主題的香氛;還有由已故知名建築女王Zaha Hadid 主理的長沙梅溪湖國際文化藝術中心,猶如湖畔鐵花盛 放…… 踏進春天,自然要換上新裝,且看一眾時尚達人出 席Chanel工藝坊Métiers d’Art的穿戴,加上多個品牌初春 系列的亮點,自然能為您提供不少靈感。 Fendi的手袋備受追捧,看當中一絲不苟的製作過 程,牽涉到的精湛手工,方知名聲得來之不易。 多明尼加除了是陽光與海灘的熱門度假勝地,其首 都聖多明加其實也極具吸引力。這裡是當年哥倫布發現 美洲新大陸首個踏足的地方之一,我最近造訪當地,驚 訝有著數百年歷史的多個建築物,巍然矗立,手工精 細,充滿藝術美感。加上質樸純粹的咖啡,地方人手精 工巧製的糖果、冰棒,以至鞋履……在這個美洲最古老 的殖民城市體會到不一樣的旅行感受。 憑《還珠格格》走紅至今的趙薇,冏冏有神的大眼睛 不但傳情達意,更可透徹人心。集導演和演員一身的 她,成績同樣驕人,聽她坦言自己如何看待年齡漸長、 人氣消褪的狀況,更覺她不是徒有外表的一般美女明星。

Hans Christian Anderson once said, “Just living is not enough… one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower.” And is this issue ever full of flowers, starting with the sakura, a.k.a. the cherry blossom. We can’t wait to stand under the soft clouds of pink at the Sakura Festival in Vancouver. This flower has plenty of beauty benefits, too; entire collections are inspired by it. So don’t forget to check out our Beauty Pages. The floral theme blooms on with our coverage of Giorgio Armani’s latest Les Eaux Haute Couture that pairs the gardenia, the rose, the jasmine and tea plants each with a different country. But the biggest bloom on these pages is the hibiscus: we take you to the Hunan Changsa Meixihu International Cultural & Arts Centre, awesome architecture inspired by the shape of these flamboyant flora. Also, take a look at a stunning black and white photo shoot inspired by Chanel’s Métiers d’Art show, a showcase of craftsmanship, embroidery, lace-making and weaving. This celebration of fine workmanship is not limited to the French, of course, which is why we also feature the painstaking process that goes into the making of a Fendi handbag and the jewellery of Van Cleef & Arpels. That artisanal spirit is also alive and well in Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic. While famous for being the first European city in the New World, on a recent visit, I was pleasantly surprised to see how craftsmen and artisans are thriving. From expertly roasted coffee to hand-made candies, custom-made espadrilles to fruity popsicles, the oldest colonial city in the Americas is nurturing a new generation of creative and innovative entrepreneurs. Creative and innovative, two words that also describe our Cover Girl, Vicki Zhao. Catapulted to stardom 20 years ago in My Fair Princess, Zhao has never been one to rest on her laurels. Today she is an actor, director and producer, and one of the most respected women in China’s film industry. In our interview she reveals the challenges she has faced and what keeps her going strong. Enjoy the issue and remember to take time to smell the flowers. Sincerely,

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911


E L I T E G E N. C A




eliteGen up front 10 團隊 Masthead

12 出版人的話 publisher's letter

18 鎂光燈下 on the red carpet

fashion 22-49 潮流特區 chanel, pattern Making, spring sweaters beauty & scents 50-55 櫻花綻放的時候 cherry blossoMs, arMani


celebrity 56 封面故事 做有意思的事 • 趙薇 cover girl: vicki Zhao


jewellery 62 傳承魅力 van cleef & arpels

56 34

62 26 70


讓分子氧 MOleculAR Oxygen 為您肌膚煥發 健康活力神采



Bionic Oxygen Recovery 居家美容煥發亮麗神采

蘊含分子氧及6%乳酸 (PHA/BiOnic Acid) 此款潔面泡沫能針對顯見的老化跡象、有效恢復 及重新改善疲勞肌膚。


100 % 97


用家注意到肌膚 整體外觀有所改善 用家發現肌膚更: • 細膩 • 光滑 • 煥發 • 健康 * 用家認為膚質有所改善的比例 (%)

©NeoStrata Company, Inc., 2020


eliteGen 76

timepieces 66 太空頭盔內的火星 jaquet droZ, richard Mille fashion: men 70-75 長短兩相宜 wow wallets, berluti architecture 76 湖畔鐵花 floral fantasy 80 白蘭樹下造gin酒 perfuMe trees gin 82 遊走美食節 dining to tell: food festivals 90 旅遊 travel: santo doMingo, vancouver's sakura festival

90 102

automobiles 102 為女士而設 aston Martin suv tech 106 接近完美 devialet phantoM reactor society 108 get out: local events

110 been there: hobnobbing and schMooZing


Dress coDe: oN the 'reD' carpet

中空奪目 linked in luxury

線條取勝 goin' in glitter

簡約高貴 casual chic




Natalie Tong 唐詩詠的晚裝無論是布料或圖案都很特別和漂亮, 中空設計亦突破一貫形象,叫人眼前一亮。


E L I T E G E N. C A



Kelly Cheung 張曦雯穿上暴露指數甚高的黑色晚裝,銀色亮片幼 帶縱橫交錯掩映下,性感得來仍覺甚有品味。

Jessica Hsuan 宣萱以baby pink上衣配白色闊西褲色調極討好,以 同色系腰帶作焦點,身形顯得修長,簡約高貴。

巨星氣派 galactic goWn

輕易突圍 Warrior Princess

曲線玲瓏 sexy sheath

Anne Hathaway

Charlize Theron

Reese Witherspoon

金光閃閃的晚裝並非容易駕馭,身形、氣派缺一不 可。anne hathaway的黃金閃爍的Versace超低胸晚 裝,氣場和美艷度同樣壓場。

當大家都選黑、白和紅,charlize theron以前衛的綠 黑雙色dior晚裝上陣,輕易成為焦點所在。

reese Witherspoon的純白roland Mouret度身訂造 晚裝,盡見其曲線美,簡單而出色。





fashion: spring collection



suit yourself fashion houses look to men's tailoring for inspiration Story | Elaine Chung


E L I T E G E N. C A



Louis Vuitton







fashion: spring collection





E L I T E G E N. C A

michaeL kors



michaeL kors


Louis Vuitton






穿 Chanel 的女人

Celebrities in Chanel 由Virginie Viard接掌的Chanel,在早 前品牌發布的2019/20工藝坊(Métiers d'art)系列,展現創新中不忘兼顧傳 統、又有個人風格的特色,吸引了大 批明星潮人來捧場。

The 2019/20 Métiers d’art collection an exhibition of style and tradition

French model Caroline de Maigret in a printed satin jumpsuit with a matching jacket from the SpringSummer 2020 Ready- to-Wear collection.





French actress Marion Cotillard in a navy blue crepe dress from the Haute-Couture Fall-Winter 2019/20 collection. Camélia ring in 18K white gold, white ceramic and diamond.






Canadian singer/songwriter Charlotte Cardin in a black silk blouse with embroidered pants, from the Fall-Winter Haute-Couture 2019/20 collection. Coco Crush rings and earrings in 18K yellow gold and diamonds.







Actress/model Lily-Rose Depp in a black and white organza dress from the SpringSummer 2020 Ready-to-Wear collection. Camélia earrings and necklace in 18K pink gold and diamonds.






French actress Isabelle Adjani in a black and white wool coat.





Model 劉雯 Liu Wen in a multicolour tweed dress from the SpringSummer 2020 Ready-the-Wear collection. Première Mini watch in 18K white gold and diamonds.






French writer Anne Berest in a black and white tweed jacket with a matching skirt from the Spring-Summer 2019 Haute Couture collection. 32




體驗 豪華水療新標準 古老傳統造就現代靜修, 獨特量身定製成果與真正奢華 融合之所在 身體護理 | 按摩 | 美容 | 美甲

醫學美容由 主理的高級醫美中心

注射保養 | 激光 | 護膚品

fashion: fEndi


A new level of luxury The fendi Baguette collection celebrates the centuries old magnificence of rome's churches and palazzos with precious materials, artisanal techniques and opulence

RENAISSANCE MARBLE BAGUETTE 以珍貴貂皮和白色納帕皮革製成的Baguette 包包,配有翡翠綠蜥蜴皮製的可拆卸手挽和 仿大理石製的FF搭扣。 Iconic Baguette in precious mink fur decorated with a leaves garland made in white nappa leather. Created with 1.500 pieces of shaved mink reproducing a floor pattern. Enriched by a detachable handle, in emerald green lizard skin, and a synthetic marble FF buckle.


E L I T E G E N. C A







fashion: fEndi


E L I T E G E N. C A



RENAISSANCE MARBLE CLUTCH 充滿70年代復古風,將仿大理石細意組合, 營造出綠瑪瑙效果,既可手挽也可掛在肩上 使用的手袋。 Exceptional restyling of a vintage Fendi clutch from the 1970s, made of handmixed synthetic marble in green onyx effect. Enriched by a refined aged-gold metal chain and details.





fashion: fEndi

ROMAN NATURE BAGUETTE 以近300片貂皮製成,以毛皮和納帕皮革構造 花蕊圖案。配有以黑色蜥蜴皮製的可拆卸揹 帶及仿大理石製的FF搭扣。 Iconic Baguette created with almost 300 pieces of shaved mink. Decorated with fur inlays and pistils, and white nappa leather stems. Enriched by a detachable handle, in black lizard skin, and a synthetic marble FF buckle.


E L I T E G E N. C A






celebrity chanel



the legendary journey of the famed jeweller

gifts guiDes:

executive class


can your own private plane really be cheaper?


so many sunglasses, military chic & drama dressing inspired by the Dutch Masters




Off to Peru 陽光設計


Patio posh by Spain’s Diabla



aSton martin: women in the driver’S Seat





LOndOn Luxury: Off to the Savoy

toronto MArch 2019

A sing tao publicAtion



MAY/JUNE 2019 Vol. 44 Toronto

The quartz revolution: celebrating yeArS


Display until FEB 29, 2020

A sing Tao puBlicAtiON


MARCH 2019 Vol. 42 Toronto

November 2018 Vol. 39 Toronto

ToronTo NOVEMBER 2018


the Bag BiBle:



Selena Lee Action

sPring PreView: exclusive fashion shoot at hotel X toronto

進取的 施嬅

accessories for men


Lots to smILe about at the

神級高球場 飛繩釣勝地

Iron Chef Rob Feenie on the thrill of the competition

KELLy cHEung

Fiona Sit




Living with minimalism


Also inside

sihh watches jaguar F-Pace Van cleeF & arPels norwegian cognac


fifth anniversary issue

luxury living for canada's chinese elite


jackson wang for fendi

OCTOBER 2019 Vol. 47 Toronto

SEPTEMBER 2019 Vol. 46 Toronto

ToronTo sePtember 2019

luxury living for canada's chinese elite


tiffany in shanghai



do-notdisturb beauty +r &r in new york city


workin’ it at the office

a sing Tao puBlication

a sing Tao Publication





fabulous fall outfits

SiSley linda Choi is one ‘tough cookie’ 蔡思貝 新•烈女正傳


from pin-up girl to mom



Display until Sept 30, 2019

Display until June 30, 2019


50+ inspiring ideas From carats to cakes and everything in between...

限時訂閱優惠 ToronTo octoBer 2019

239 years of chaumet

area 27 for car buffs

THE BRIDAL IssuE 全方位 婚禮特刊


Beauty Queen to TV star

talks Fashion, Family, Friends and the Future. is she ready For total stardom ?


A sing tao publicAtion

THE 巴黎/米蘭秋冬時裝周 coLLEcTIons: Paris & Milan

反差魅力 張曦雯

aBaco cluB,

chinese cinema’s


toronto MAY/June 2019

the hottest leather

Anti-pollution remedies for your skin

The season’s shoe bible





Display until DEC 31, 2019

picks to clutch on to



Out of Africa with Chaumet

巴黎/米蘭/ 倫敦/紐約時裝周

PARIS, MILAN, LONDON & NEW YORK FASHION WEEK: What you’ll be wearing in 2020

exploring Santo domingo

Display until Apr 30, 2020



周筆暢 隨心而行

the baguette bag by fendi



Coats for the cold


chinese new Year & valentine’s Day


the unknown

luxury living for canada's chinese elite


a sing Tao publication

a sing Tao Publication

Vicki Zhao welcomes

ToronTo Jan/feb 2020

DECEMBER 2019 Vol. 49 Toronto

luxury living for canada's chinese elite

Jan/Feb 2020 Vol. 50 Toronto

Mar/Apr 2020 Vol. 51 Toronto

ToronTo Mar/aPr 2020

Display until Oct 31, 2019


tr avel: loire valley châteaux 吃得出的「質」感

new & notable japanese restaur ants

• $20*/ 6期 • 比零售價 (價值$30) 節省33% 並免費送到府上 *另13% HST,受若干條件限制

Special limited-time offer • $20*/6 issues • Save 33% off the newsstand

price (a $30 value) plus FREE delivery

*Plus 13% HST, some conditions apply

fashion: The shooT


Fierce Femininity With plenty of patterns to choose from Story & styling | See So Photography | Simpson Chiu Model | Liza O @ Sun Esee Makeup | Angel Wong Hair | Eas Fu

Dress, $5,380 Boots, $2,610 Belt, $1,850 All Celine


E L I T E G E N. C A



Dress, Longchamp, $1,000 Bag, Chloé, $2,490





fashion: The shooT

Shirt, $3,030 Skirt, $4,050 Both Valentino Shoes, Malone Souliers, $850


E L I T E G E N. C A



Shirt, $2,180 Jacket, $TBD Pants, $1,990 Boots, $1,250 All Chloé





fashion: sweater style


在 不 」處

l o Wo ple

sim a n n i r tu ent ld rities m

Wi ow these creelaelbstyle state See hter into a swea Story

| 鄭大

李沁 Qin Li





歐陽娜娜 Nana Ou-Yang

倪妮 NiNi

套頭毛衣 thepullover

木村光希 Kimura Mitsuki ELITEGEN




fashion: sweater style

馬甲款 the vest

張雪迎 Sophie Zhang

周冬雨 Dongyu Zhou

劉雯 Wen Liu 46




Kendall Jenner

吳宣儀 Xuan Yi

羊毛開衫 the cardigan

袁姍姍 Mabel Yuan





fashion: sweater style

麻花款 the cable knit

劉雯 Wen Liu

鄭秀妍 Jessica Sooyoun Jung





幾何款 the arglYle

何穗 He Sui

鄭秀晶 Chrystal Soo Jung

楊冪 Mi Yang





the Beauty pages


Para Para Sakura Story | Leslie Yip 無論是在日本東京的新宿御苑、華盛頓特區的潮 汐盆地、溫哥華西22大道,抑或多倫多的高地公園, 競相盛放的櫻花總是令人嘆為觀止。 淡粉紅色的櫻花也深受美容愛好者的喜愛,花朵 富有抗氧化劑及舒緩效果的成分,能對抗衰老,亮白 肌膚;奇妙的香氣及悅目的形象,更是眾多香水的靈 感源泉。

靈感系列 AN iNSPiReD ColleCTioN 嬌蘭品牌今年呈獻櫻花限量版系列。les Météorites重塑Happy Glow–融和四種獨特的 珍珠光色調。兩種悅目新穎的Rouge G色調裝 飾以櫻花浮雕圖案,可以配襯天藍色或白色、同 樣有櫻花圖案裝飾的盒子。系列以全新的Aqua Allegoria Flora Cherrysia作主打,由Thierry Wasser精心調配的香水,甜美的果香加入西 瓜、佛手柑、梨及玫瑰香味,綻放異彩。

The house of Guerlain is dedicating a limited-edition collection to the cherry blossom this year. les Météorites is reinvented in “Happy Glow”, a harmony of four exclusive pearlescent shades. Two cheerful new Rouge G shades come with an embossed cherry blossom, and they can be paired with a sky blue or white cherry blossom-motif case. The collection also features the new Aqua Allegoria in Flora Cherrysia, a sweet, fruity scent created by Thierry Wasser, who added watermelon, bergamot, pear and roses to make it sparklingly multi-faceted. Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Flora Cherrysia, 75ml | $94 Les Météorites | $77 Rouge G Case | $24 Rouge G Bullet | $24


E L I T E G E N. C A



Whether it is in Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden in Tokyo, the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C., along West 22nd Avenue in Vancouver or in Toronto’s High Park, the spectacle of cherry trees in full blossom is always awe-inspiring. The pale pink flowers are also a darling to skincare lovers. Rich in anti-oxidant and soothing properties, it is said to have potent anti-aging, whitening and brightening properties. Their subtle scent and beautiful sight are an inspiration for many beautiful fragrances.

閃耀亮麗 SHiNe BRiGHT 這五合一輕盈日間保濕霜,有助於預防及抵抗黑 斑、保護並滋潤肌膚,明顯提升光澤,即時顯得亮麗。 其採用的SakuraRESIST專有技術,利用日本櫻花,保 護皮膚免受黑斑侵害。

This 5-in-1 lightweight daytime moisturizer helps correct and resist the appearance of dark spots, protects, hydrates, visibly brightens and instantly luminizes. Featuring SakuraReSiST, it is a proprietary technology that utilizes Japanese cherry blossoms to equip the skin against the appearance of dark spots. Shiseido White Lucent All Day Brightener, 50ml | $78

花瓣無瑕 PeTAl PeRFeCT 令面容如櫻花花瓣般完美無瑕兼且晶瑩通透,此 CC霜以獨特結構的油分、滋養物、櫻花精華、報春花 精華及透明質酸製成,滋養皮膚,遮蓋毛孔,同時修復 斑點。

Channel a beautiful flush that’s flawless and translucent like cherry blossom petals. Made with textured oils, moisturizing agents, cherry blossom extract, evening primrose extract and hyaluronic acid, this CC cream moisturizes your skin while covering pores and correcting any patches. Jill Stuart Airy Tint Watery CC Cream UV Veil, 34g | $40

亞洲元素 ASiAN FuSioN 將櫻花的雅緻香味融合亞洲不同地區的標誌性香 氣,包括日本的紫蘇、印度的茉莉桑巴克,以及印尼的 天竺薄荷。

The delicate scent of cherry blossoms gets an exotic touch with a blend of iconic scents from different parts of Asia: shiso from Japan, jasmine sambac from india and patchouli from indonesia. Berdoues Somei Yoshino, 100ml | $105

俏皮香吻 A PlAyFul kiSS 亮粉紅色奢華滋潤唇膏,以活力充沛的閃亮光澤, 妝點迷人雙唇。

A luxuriously hydrating lipstick in bright light pink that envelopes lips in a vibrant shimmer finish and glossy shine. Armani Beauty Ecstasy Shine Lipstick in 507 Sakura, $49





the Beauty pages

煥然一新 FReSH FluSH 可用作化妝底料、輕質粉底或者加強妝 容效果的乾粉,即使是平時啞暗的膚色,用 後都能綻放出獨特的櫻花光彩。是2020年必 備的妝物。

This cushion compact can be used as a makeup base, a lightweight foundation, or as a highlighter, and it brings that elusive sakura glow, even on sallower skin tones. A must-have product of 2020. Chanel Le Blanc Limited Edition Tone-up Rosy Touch, 11g | $85

天使光芒 ANGeliC GloW 備受喜愛的皮膚活化精華,注入了櫻 花酵素。來自日本岩手縣手工採摘的重瓣櫻 花,配上石川縣的清酒酒糟,用取自兼六園 的櫻花酵母,發酵製作而成。配方專門針對 亞裔人士皮膚,有助撫平幼細皺紋、收縮毛 孔、迅速更新平衡肌膚及補充水分,全新配 方且能更有效地提高亮白剔透度。

The much-beloved, skin-activating essence is now enriched with sakura ferment, which is made from handpicked double-flowered cherry blossoms from the iwate Prefecture in Japan and sake lees from ishikawa Prefecture fermented with cherry blossom yeast found in the kenroku-en Garden. Formulated for Asian skin, it helps plump the appearance of fine dry lines, refine the look of pores and rapidly renew, rebalance and rehydrate skin. The new formula is even more potent in bringing clarity and translucency. Estée Lauder Micro Essence Skin Activating Treatment Lotion Fresh with Sakura Ferment, 200ml | $124

綻放光彩 leT THeRe Be liGHT 質感輕盈的護膚霜,蘊含來自普羅旺斯 Luberon的乳木果油及櫻花精華,能迅速滲 透皮膚,令之滋潤柔軟,並產生閃亮效果。

enriched with shea butter and cherry extract from luberon in Provence, this light-textured moisturizing body lotion sinks quickly into the skin to moisturize and leaves skin soft with an iridescent finish. L’Occitane Cherry Blossom Shimmering Lotion, 250ml | $38


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全身呵護 FRoM HeAD To Toe 香水師François Demachy在日本觀賞 櫻花盛放時深受觸動,決定以作品致敬,詮 譯櫻花的柔和、纏綿及溫柔的香氣,加上玫 瑰色彩。這個系列包含有香水、護手護膚凝 膠,香水護膚霜、洗手液等。

Parfumer François Demachy was inspired by the cherry blossom while in Japan, and decided to pay tribute to it by interpreting its gentle, lingering, tender scent with rosy nuances. The collection includes a perfume, a hand and body gel, perfumed body cream, liquid hand soap and more. Maison Christian Dior Sakura, 40ml | $130, 125ml | $285, 250ml | $410 Perfumed Hand & Body Gel, 350ml | $75 Perfumed Body Crème, 40ml | $130

春花盛放 SPRiNG BloSSoMS 今春最受人喜愛,三款靈感分別來自 梅花、梨花和櫻花的限量版香水。Plum Blossom是於梅花的淡雅浮香滲入清新潔淨 的白麝香;Nashi Blossom則是梨花香味中 夾雜蘋果的清香,再配上玫瑰芬芳令其柔和 溫潤;Sakura Nashi同時集合櫻花、玫瑰、 紫羅蘭多種花卉,不同層次的香氣加上清爽 的佛手柑,令人精神大振。

Discover a collection of spring’s most beloved scents with three new limitededition fragrances inspired by beautiful blooms. Plum flowers blossom over a heart fresh with yellow plums with a trail of clean white musk. Nashi (pear) flowers are accented with succulent pear, crisp apple notes and softened with roses. The sakura comes with layers of cherry blossom, rose and violet, brightened with sparkling bergamot. Jo Malone London Blossoms Girls Collection, 3 x 100ml | $540

朝露光澤 DeWy RADiANCe 取自韓國濟州島的濟州櫻花葉,採集後風乾,在火山熔 岩海水中陳化、乾燥,然後壓製提煉出精華,能增加皮膚光 澤,煥發光彩。

Jeju Cherry Blossom leaves are responsibly sourced from the island of Jeju, South korea. leaves are harvested, dried, aged in lava seawater, dried and then compressed to extract its essence, which is said to boost skin radiance for a glowing, clear complexion. Dewy Glow Emulsion with Jeju Cherry Blossom 100ml | $23 Dewy Glow Toner with Jeju Cherry Blossom 200ml | $25 Dewy Glow Jelly Cream with Jeju Cherry Blossom 50ml | $32 ELITEGEN





全新感性氣息 CompELLINg ANd CoLourfuL New Les Eaux collection inspired by China, Antigua, Italy and Japan Story | Leslie Yip

Giorgio Armani於2004年將Armani/Privé Haute Couture高級訂造時裝系列的精髓,完美呈現於四個香水系 列:Les Eaux、La Collection、Les Terres Précieuses及Les Mille et Une Nuits。以珍貴的材料展開香氣之旅,

Since 2004, Giorgio Armani has translated the essence of his Armani/ Privé Haute Couture collection into four complementary fragrances:

踏入2020年,品牌為清新明亮的Les Eaux系列注入 新色彩,呈獻4款以花香及橘子香為主題的香氛,包括 Thé Yulong、Gardénia Antigua、Rose Milano及Jasmin Kusamono,貫徹Giorgio Armani兼收並蓄的作風。

In 2020, a new compelling and colourful chapter unfolded in the Les Eaux collection with the introduction of four floral and citrus scents conveying Giorgio Armani’s eclectic influences: Thé Yulong, Gardénia Antigua, Rose Milano and Jasmin Kusamono.

煙燻清香:Thé Yulong Thé Yulong是綠茶跟紅茶的契合,以獨特的芳香帶你神 遊雲南。雲南以壯麗的名山勝景聞名,種植於高山之上的紅 茶茶葉更冠絕全球。 紅茶為香氛加入煙燻及木香,而綠茶、柑橘及青檸則提 升清新氣息。Thé Yulong是Mane調香師Julie Massé的精心 傑作,把綠茶及柑橘的清新與紅茶的濃郁及木香完美結合。

飄揚麝香:Gardénia Antigua 梔子花的純淨、感性及高雅,跟品牌掌舵人Giorgio Armani位於安地卡島(Island of Antigua)祥和寧逸的家互相 呼應。 54

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Les Eaux, La Collection, Les Terres Précieuses and Les Mille et Une Nuits. Each is an invitation to an olfactory journey through the finest ingredients.

A SMoKY fRESHNESS: THé YULoNG A unique encounter between green and black tea, Thé Yulong evokes a sensory journey through the Yunnan region of China. Not only is the region known for its magnificent mountainous landscape, but the black teas growing in the highest altitudes are said to be among the best black teas in the world. Black tea brings a smokiness and woodiness to the scent, while green tea, mandarin and lime essences transform the fragrance with bursts of freshness. Created by Julie Massé (Mane), Thé Yulong balances the freshness of green tea and citrus with the intensity of black tea and smoked woods.

A MUSKY BREEzE: GARdéNIA ANTIGUA The gardenia flower is infused with a pure, intense and sophisticated light to echo Giorgio Armani’s haven of peace, the island of Antigua. Reinterpreted by perfumer dora Baghriche (firmenich), the floral icon unveils

Armani/Privé Haute Couture Fragrances, Les Eaux

經firmenich調香師dora Baghriche的重新詮釋,梔子花 展現出陽光、活潑的一面。前調是柑橘及橙花醇精油,接著 是濃醇、性感及令人著迷的梔子花香。當香氛停留在肌膚上 時,散發廣藿香精油、龍涎香及白麝香的優雅香氣。 以優質的原材料為成分,Gardénia Antigua巧妙地把加 勒比海小島及島上花卉的美呈現出來。

頌讚玫瑰:Rose Milano

100ml | $220

its sunny and powdery facets. The scent opens with notes of mandarin and neroli essences. At the heart, gardenia unfurls with milky, voluptuous and addictive accents. The drydown unleashes elegance and voluptuousness with Patchouli essence, Ambrox and White Musk notes. An exquisite composition of raw materials, Gardénia Antigua subtly translates the beauty of the Caribbean island with the delicate sunny and powdery notes of island flowers.


Rose Milano是對玫瑰的全新詮釋,香氛頌讚玫瑰嬌柔與 強悍的矛盾對比,同時向米蘭的優雅致敬。

A contrasting fragrance in which delicacy and boldness come face to face, Rose Milano is a tribute to Milanese elegance and a new interpretation of the rose.

Rose Milano的前調是明亮的橘子及花香,充滿色彩。嬌艷 的玫瑰在firmenich調香師daphné Bugey及Marie Salamagne 的演繹下,代表永恆而且充滿都市氣息的西普調子。

Rose Milano opens with a luminous citrus and floral play, filled with colours. At the heart of this effervescence, created by daphné Bugey and Marie Salamagne (firmenich), the sublime rose with a timeless and urban cypress balance.

優雅明亮:Jasmin Kusamono 單看名字以知香氛的創作靈感源自日本插花藝術, 同時貫徹Giorgio Armani對簡約亞洲美學的鍾愛。Jasmin Kusamono是輕盈的茉莉花香氛,著重一種或多種天然元素並 提升至另一層次。 由Iff調香大師dominique Ropion打造,明亮的香氛以 沙梨香結合粉紅胡椒為前調。其他成分包括鈴蘭及把原來帶 海水及鹽味的茉莉原精重新研製,突顯其植物、香果及明亮 的一面,不過當停留在皮膚後,卻散發出雪松及白檀的木 香,形成強烈對比。

香氛色彩 透明的香水瓶展示不同香氛的迷人色彩︰精緻的葉綠 色、嬌艷的蜜桃色、懷舊的粉紅以及清新的綠色,每一種顏 色都突顯香氛本身的特色、靈感來源及主要成分。 承襲Armani/Privé一貫特色,瓶身中間有方形標籤。透 明瓶身設計明亮優雅,加上亮黑色塗漆瓶蓋,盛載著全新的 彩色香氛。

A dELICATE LUMINoSITY: JASMIN KUSAMoNo Inspired by the Japanese floral compositions from which it takes its name, and echoing Giorgio Armani’s love for simple Asian aesthetics, Jasmin Kusamono is a transparent and airy jasmine scent that highlights several natural elements to elevate them to new heights. Crafted by master perfumer dominique Ropion (Iff), the luminous fragrance opens with Nashi pear combined with pink pepper essence. Lily of the valley and a reinvented aquatic and salty writing of Sambac Jasmine absolute then highlight its vegetal, fruity and luminous facets, contrasted by a musky and woody drydown of cedarwood and santal essences.

THE CoLoUR of A SCENT finely hued in leaf green, flamboyant peachy, antique pink and refreshing green, the coloured juices echo each fragrance’s personality, inspiration and key ingredients, brought to the fore thanks to the transparency of the glass bottle. The collection follows on from the iconic and utterly distinctive Armani/Privé stamped blown-glass bottle. Luminously elegant and transparent, topped by a shiny black lacquered cap, it encapsulates the new coloured fragrances.





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ords of isdom

Actor director producer Vicki Zhao welcomes the winds of opportunity Story | 劉倩 Photography | Vic of Youngchic Makeup | 張丁元 of Ontime


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趙薇一雙炯炯有神的大眼睛,總是叫人不自主的被吸進去。在北 京電影學院唸導演系碩士研究生時,李少紅導演曾經給她上過課,李 少紅回憶:「她很勤奮,總是坐在前排。我當時請她別坐在前排,被她 的那雙大眼睛這樣一直盯著,真的不是一件容易事。」如今,在趙薇自 己的眼睛裡,多了一份與成長相匹配的睿智與從容。正如在綜藝節目 《演員請就位》中,趙薇面對組裡兩位演員「誰留下,誰待定」的艱難選 擇時,會提出上台走近她們,看看她們的眼睛,各自近距離四目相對 後,會很快有了選擇。趙薇說其恩師謝晉老師說過︰「看演員,要看眼 睛,能從裡邊讀懂許多東西。」 在《演員請就位》中,趙薇的話不算多,卻字字在理,錄製節目拍 戲時她可以豁達地調侃「爛片就是這麼誕生的」。與老師級的陳凱歌導 演、李少紅導演同台,趙薇也不怕闡述不同的觀點,鎮定坦然,清晰 表述,但不會面紅耳赤地據理力爭;在與年輕導演郭敬明的交流中, 則表現出理解與共存。 趙薇說錄製《演員請就位》真的太累了,每次坐在台上點評的時 候,大多是由早上6點多到通宵。「我綜藝節目做得不多,基本上自己 感興趣的才會去。比如說我喜歡做飯,便去參加《中餐廳》。演員和導 演都是我的職業,《演員請就位》的內容都是我很熟知的東西,所以我 才會選擇。」

Vicki Zhao’s gaze is intense. So much so that while working on a master’s degree in directing at the Beijing Film Academy, her mentor, director Li Shaohung, recalls: “She was diligent and often took a frontrow seat. I asked her not to sit at the front because her gaze could be unsettling.” Today, Zhao’s eyes express the wisdom and ease that come with maturity. On the reality show Everyone Stand By, when she was faced with the difficult decision of keeping one of two team members, she would walk up and stare into their eyes, and then make her decision almost immediately. She was mindful of the advice of her teacher, Xie Jin, that “to evaluate an actor, one must look through the actor’s eyes, and you will see a lot about that person.” Zhao didn’t speak much in Everybody Stand By, but every word she spoke was to the point. During filming, she would tease: “That’s how trash movies came about.” While sharing the stage with mentorlevel directors like Chen Kaige and Li Shaohong, she was not shy about articulating divergent views in a calm and collected manner, without being argumentative. Yet in her exchange with young director Guo Jingming, she would show empathy. Zhao says working on Everyone Stand By was tiring; they would have to be on set from 6 a.m. until the wee hours of the following morning before being able to offer any comments. “I haven’t taken part in many reality shows,” says Zhao. “I’ll only take on the ones that interest me. For example, I enjoy cooking, so I took on the Chinese Restaurant celebrity reality show. Acting and directing are what I do for a living. Everyone Stand By is about something I know well. That’s why I chose to take the part.”


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“ It’s a blessing for an actor to perform in a well-prepared production, meticulously planned by the scriptwriter and director.”





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完成北京電影學院導演系研究生學業之後,趙薇在 演而優則導的道路上交出亮麗成績,執導的電影處女作 《致我們終將逝去的青春》獲得了7.26億元的票房成績,當 導演這件事,趙薇是認真的。隨後,她突破以往的角色形 象,在電影《親愛的》裡演一個和自身差別很大的苦情角 色,憑這個說方言的短髮農村婦女角色,一舉拿下了第 34屆香港電影金像獎「最佳女主角獎」等多個獎項。 在導演與演員身分之間來回穿梭,趙薇用了三個字 來形容—「牆頭草」。有意思的風往哪邊吹,她就往哪邊 倒。她評價自己是一個隨性的人,並沒有刻意規劃自己的 軌跡,總是一路上在遇、在碰。「我也希望一些好的導演 找我演戲,因為開發一個劇本和導演確實很耗時。有時候 演員等到一個角色,但創造者如編劇、導演,可能已經辛 辛苦苦忙活了好幾年,很多工夫已經做了。去演一部由好 的編劇、導演精心籌備的電影,對於一個演員來說是很幸 福的事。我也希望有這樣的導演來找我演戲。」 在嘗試過《港囧》和《橫衝直闖好萊塢》的喜劇角色 後,好幾年沒有演戲的她,遇見了《兩隻老虎》這部電影的 劇本。她花了一個小時,就把《兩隻老虎》的劇本看完。劇 本的作者是李非,是姜文導演《邪不壓正》以及王小帥導演 《闖入者》的編劇。趙薇與李非的相識,緣於她去年擔任了 First青年影展的形象大使,「和李非做了一段時間的酒肉 朋友之後,跟他說『哎?我還沒看過你的最新劇本呢?』」 《兩隻老虎》講的是兩個男人的戲,綁匪與人質相互 救贖的故事,李非告訴趙薇創作劇本的初衷是「我心裡有 兩隻老虎,一隻是悲傷的,一隻是快樂的。」,但是不知 道為甚麼一直沒有拍成。被劇本吸引的趙薇很爽快,吐出 四個字「我們拍吧!」為了更好地支持新導演,一開始只確 定了監製身分的趙薇,考慮到觀眾喜歡熟知度高的演員, 決定出演戲中的女主角。


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After completing her master’s degree, the acclaimed actor made her directorial debut in 2013 with So Young, a box-office hit that took in 726 million yuan (CAD$137 million). She returned to acting the following year, playing a peasant in Dearest. Through this tragic character—totally unlike her real self—she won wide acclaim, including Best Actress at the 34th Hong Kong Film Awards. Plying her way between the roles of director and actor, Zhao describes herself as “grass” that will bend in whatever direction the wind of opportunity blows. She professes to be carefree with no roadmap, taking on whatever comes her way. “I also hope for good directors knocking on my door, as it is time-consuming to develop a script and direct a production,” says Zhao. “By the time an actor finally gets a part, the creators—including the scriptwriter and the director—have already spent years toiling over the groundwork of the production. “It’s a blessing for an actor to perform in a well-prepared production, meticulously planned by the scriptwriter and director.”

拍攝《兩隻老虎》中最棘手的事,身為監製的趙薇認為是迎來了 葛優的加盟。葛優突破了固有的光頭基層群眾形象,在戲中飾演有 著一頭齊劉海秀髮的成功人士。趙薇在戲中的角色就是飾演一名演 員,與葛優飾演的張成功是前男友和前女友的關系。拍攝這部戲讓 趙薇有一種感覺:一群詩意的人在幹一件詩意的事。劇組的氛圍是 少有的每天都其樂融融。 在演員之外,趙薇還得考慮怎樣幫到導演。大家都覺得她是一 個很認真和負責任的監製,給予很多拍攝意見,有些鏡頭導演已經 滿意了,還是提出覺嘗試一下別的鏡頭方式,去嘗試更多的可能性。 在導演和演員兩者間,她說「不適合我演的,我就去導呀。就 像《致青春》裏的鄭薇,我就說我別演初戀了,我都35歲了。編劇也 特別可愛,說不如把女主角改成老姑娘,屢次考大學不中,最後考 大學時已經30多歲了,並且第一次遇到了愛情……我說算了吧。」

給未知留白 無論是演員趙薇,還是導演趙薇,抑或是監製趙薇,從她出道 以來,她的方方面面就不斷受到關注。當被問到「怕不怕自己沒有人 氣,沒有流量?你有過這種焦慮嗎?會如何應對?」,她輕描淡寫地 說:「人生就是一句話,能過則過,過氣就過氣吧!」 在生活中的起落與是非之中,如何回歸自我、救贖自我,是每 個人都要面對的課題。當下的趙薇,在採訪中也流露出更多淡然的 態度,去應對生活中出現的各種問題。她更多時候的心態就是,遵 照自己的喜好去選擇。 面對大挫折時,她的建議是︰「不管是觀眾,還是我們每一個 人,一生當中碰到大大小小可怕的玩笑應該是挺多的。《兩隻老虎》 這電影也可以拍得很殘酷,為甚麼我說它很暖呢?就是某種角度還 是有一些理想主義在裡面。即使人生很絕望了,還是可以救贖的, 生活欺騙了你,你不要欺騙生活。」

On HIATuS After her 2015 comedy roles in Lost in Hong Kong and Hollywood Adventures, Zhao was on hiatus for a number of years until the script of Two Tigers landed on her lap. It only took her an hour to read it. The author, Li Fei, who penned Hidden Man, directed by Jiang Wen, and Red Amnesia, directed by Wang Xiaoshuai, met Zhao when she was the ambassador for China’s First International Film Festival in 2018. Says Zhao: “After hanging out with Li Fei for a while, I said to him, ‘I haven’t read your latest script yet.’” Two Tigers is a comedy about a kidnapper and a hostage who eventually find themselves sharing a journey filled with absurdity and deception. Zhao liked the story so much she didn’t hesitate to ask him to make the movie. And to further support young directors like Fei, she upped her offer, agreeing to be both producer and star. Zhao says that the production was like a group of poetic people doing a poetic thing, which made for a rare kind of happy harmony on the set.

THe unKnOWn Whether as an actor, director or producer, Zhao has been in the limelight from day one, no matter the project. When asked whether she worries about losing popularity and how she would face it, she says in a philosophical tone: “Life comes down to this: make it count, come what may. If my time has passed, so be it.” Dealing with the ups and downs of life amid controversy is something we all deal with. everyone grapples with trying to stay in touch with one’s self. And Zhao is no different. During our interview, Zhao showed a greater degree of nonchalance when it comes to life’s issues, now seemingly more inclined to follow her heart. When dealing with major setbacks, she has some advice: ”Life can play tricks. even though life can seem hopeless at times, it can still be redeemed. Life might have cheated you, but you shouldn’t cheat life.”







A hAllmArk of refinement Van Cleef & Arpels reinvents two classic collections from their legendary past Story | Chappie

Helene Arpels是Louis Arpels的妻子,也是當時傾倒眾 生的名模。這位繆思女神猶如法式優雅的化身,在衣 領上佩戴胸針及黑色長手套上戴上Ludo手鐲,拍攝姿 態優美的造型照。 Louis Arpels’ wife, Hélène, was a model and a muse of Arpels. She showed off French elegance by simply pinning a brooch on the collar and wearing a Ludo bracelet on top of her black glove. 62

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至今擁有113年歷史的法國珠寶世家Van Cleef & Arpels,以寶石鑲嵌超卓工藝見稱,創製獨門隱密式鑲嵌法, 成就珠寶藝術的發展。品牌早前特意復刻兩大經典系列— Ludo和Perlée,重新展現百年傳承的線條美學與雋永魅力。

For 113 years, the French jewellery house Van Cleef & Arpels has been revered for the exquisite artistry of its gem-encrusted accessories. And the revival of two classic collections, Ludo and Perlée, is a testament to the everlasting appeal of its superior craftsmanship.

1934年的初代Ludo手鐲。 The original Ludo bracelet of 1934.

典雅四重奏 Ludo系列共有四款新作,以平滑拋光鐫刻於金 質表面細鑲寶石,纖巧流麗的手鐲線條,突顯女性手 腕的優雅輪廓。

The Ludo CoLLeCTion Bringing together four new dazzling designs

18K黃金手鐲,鑲嵌藍寶石、綠松石、 青金石和鑽石。 18K yellow gold, lapis lazuli, turquoise, diamond, sapphire, $73,000

18K黃金和白金鑲鑽石手鐲。 18K yellow gold, diamond, $80,500

18K白金手鐲,鑲嵌縞瑪瑙和鑽石。 18K white gold, diamond, onyx, $82,000 18K玫瑰金手鐲,鑲嵌紅 寶石、珊瑚和鑽石。 18K rose gold, diamond, ruby, coral, $80,500





jewellery 藝術圓珠 金質圓珠,是Van Cleef & Arpels自1920年開始採用於製作 珠寶的獨門工藝,由工匠以手工逐 顆巧手製成,這工藝於1948年起 成為品牌的重點設計,將金珠融入 頸鏈、手鐲、戒指及腕錶。誕生於 2008年的Perlée系列,正是傳承此 金珠工藝,復刻的 Perlée 以玩味新 姿態延續此傳奇,主打新推出由金 珠組成的圓環吊墜頸鏈與開口手鐲 神秘腕錶,另外也有配鑲特色天然 寶石,迎合新世代的高貴時尚主 義。

The PerLée CoLLeCTion Gold beads, a Van Cleef & Arpels classic, dating back to 1920, are each made individually by expert craftsmen. They have been the brand’s hallmark feature since 1948. The famed gold beads have been used in necklaces, bracelets, rings and watches. And the relaunch of the Perlée collection, first introduced in 2008, celebrates these beads to ensure the legend of the technique lives on.

左手 Left hand Perlée couleurs 18K黃金手鐲,鑲孔雀石和圓鑽 18K yellow gold bracelet, diamond, malachite, $23,700 Perlée Variation 18K黃金鑲孔雀石戒指 18K yellow gold ring, malachite, $2,600 Perlée pearls of gold 18K玫瑰金戒指 18K rose gold ring, $1,490 右 Right hand Perlée clovers 18K黃金鑲鑽戒指 18K yellow gold ring, diamond, $13,600 Perlée clovers 18K黃金鑲鑽手鐲 18K yellow gold bracelet, diamond, medium model, $31,800 Perlée diamonds 18K黃金鑲鑽手鐲 18K yellow gold bracelet, diamond, 1 row, $26,800


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MS11_CC15_9x11.75_Berani.indd 1

2020-01-29 1:43 PM


Jaquet Droz Petite Heure Minute relief rat 錶殼: 41 x 13.77 毫米, 18K 紅金 錶盤: 縞瑪瑙錶盤,黃金小老鼠乃手工鐫刻並上彩的18K 紅金浮雕主題圖案,浮雕石榴用紅寶石鑲嵌 機芯:2653.Si 自動上鏈機械機芯,硅質擺輪游絲及擒縱 叉,雙發條盒,68小時動力儲存 顯示:時、分 限量: 8枚 Case: 41 x 13.77 mm, 18-karat red gold Dial: onyx dial, gold rat and pomegranate appliqués set with rubies MoveMent: automatic Caliber with balance spring and pallet fork in silicon; 68-hour power reserve via double spring barrels FunCtions: hours, minutes liMitation: 8 pieces $96,500


200 years of telling time

Jaquet Droz celebrates the year of the rat with a limited edition Story | 伍旋卓


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應用了很多不同的寶石鑲嵌琺瑯工藝。 various gem-setting techniques are utilized, along with the enamelling.

Jaquet Droz Petite Heure Minute rat DiaMonD-set 錶殼: 35 x 10.75 毫米, 18K 紅金鑲崁232 枚鑽石 (共1.23卡) 錶盤: 象牙色大明火琺瑯微型彩繪 機芯: 2653.P自動上鏈機械機芯,硅質擺輪游絲及擒縱叉,雙發 條盒,68小時動力儲存 顯示:時、分 限量:28枚 Case: 35 x 10.75 mm, 18-karat red gold set with 232 diamonds (1.23 ct) Dial: ivory-colored high-fire enamel with miniature painting MoveMent: automatic Caliber 2653.P with balance spring and pallet fork in silicon; 68-hour power reserve via double spring barrels FunCtions: hours, minutes liMitation: 28 pieces $51,600 老鼠圖案的彩繪紋理細緻逼真,並刻意營造立體視效。 sophisticated engraving and sculpting give form and life to the zodiac icon.

琺瑯錶面製作難度可謂無止境,特別是需要有三維立體感的演 繹,Jaquet Droz早於十八世紀已生產機械玩偶,又遠渡歐洲、俄羅斯 以至中國一帶,經營時鐘業務,融合很多民族的獨特琺瑯色彩文化。 Jaquet Droz的彩繪琺瑯製作跟一般品牌有別,其立體感極強, 主要是參考了文藝復興時期的繪製技巧,畫功驟眼看似簡單,然而運 用於直徑只有40mm的錶面,難度即時大增。好像剛推出的鼠年Petite Heure Minute,大明火琺瑯上描繪兩隻老鼠,除了神似,還加入自然 主義的場景襯托,呈現生機勃勃視效。 創辦人Pierre Jaquet Droz早於十八世紀,已醉心創作微型機械人 及音樂鐘錶,並行銷歐洲、俄羅斯、中國等地,一直不斷吸取各地繪 畫文化,奠定深厚基礎,當年清朝乾隆皇帝亦對Pierre琺瑯畫作青睞有 嘉,現時北京故宮博物院也有品牌藏品。

The intricacy of enamel work can be mind-numbing, and exponentially more so when done in three-dimensional form. And Pierre Jaquet Droz, who embarked on making miniature automatons and musical timepieces during the 18th century, has finessed this art, expanding the reach of his horology empire beyond Europe, to Russia and China. Droz even counted Qing Emperor Qianlong among his fans, and his works are included in the Palace Museum collections. The Droz technique is drawn from the art of painting dating back to the Renaissance. It may look simple, but the challenges are huge when applied to a watch dial of just 40mm. The Petite Heure Minute, marking the Year of the Rat, features two zodiac creations fashioned with grand feu enamelling, made all the more vivid and vibrant with naturalistic backdrops. On the black onyx dial of the Petite Heure Minute, the Chinese zodiac icon for the Year of the Rat holds a ruby pomegranate, while an open fruit on the side is bursting with snow-set rubies. The rodent is adorned in diamonds, gold and rubies. Only 8 pieces were made. ELITEGEN






Time and space singer, songwriter and record-producer pharrell Williams joined hands with Richard mille to create the galactic Rm 52-05 Story | Ringo Chan


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Pharrell Williams的音樂以 「顛覆」 見稱,創作腕錶也不會 「循規蹈矩」,想到兒時迷戀星空的感覺,啟發了從另一個角 度觀看火星及地球的腕錶─RM 52-05。 整個錶盤就是一個太空頭盔,由五級鈦合金雕刻而成, 模擬太空人身處火星上遙望地球,從頭盔的倒影觀看穹蒼宇 宙,赤褐色一大片的是雕刻師捕捉峽谷岩壁的沙漠,配合琺 瑯師添加不同顏料燒製而成,以傳統的大明火琺瑯層層塗 上,由橙到紅到藍再到黑色的色彩漸變,當中經過多次攝氏 850度的高溫燒製。頭盔左右兩側的白金零件分別鑲嵌了黑 色藍寶石和兩枚鑽石,代表著照亮環境的探照燈。 腕錶呼應太空主題還有不少,例如鏤空了的指針和錶 背橋板都是為了呼應火箭發射台及衛星臂、錶冠設計來自火 箭艙,連包裹著它的橡膠都是來自火星探測車的輪胎紋理。 錶殼方面,一向是物料專家的Richard Mille,想到把棕色金 屬陶瓷混合鈦合金,調製出既輕且硬、令人耳目一新的棕色 色調和金屬光澤,中層錶殼則一如以往,採用了航空界別的 Carbon TPT碳纖維製造。在49.94×42.35×16.15mm的錶殼 內,藏有一枚RM52-05陀飛輪機芯,內裡的底板也是由五級 鈦合金加工而成,並嵌入大片的藍色砂金石玻璃。腕錶限量 發行30枚。

His music is disruptive, so the watch that Pharrell Williams (pictured right) helped create is certainly anything but ordinary. He has satiated his childhood obsession with space and presented a different perspective of Mars and Earth through the RM 52-05. On the Grade 5 titanium dial, it’s as if Earth is being viewed from Mars through an astronaut’s helmet during a galactic journey. The rugged Martian landscape is engraved using specially created burins. The changing colours of the landscape—from orange to red, blue and black—are achieved with grand-feu enameling, after multiple rounds of high-temperature firing at 850Cº before being hand-painted. Two diamonds and a black sapphire on the dial mark the projectors and cameras on either side of the helmet. The space theme is further underscored with features like cutout hands and the bridges visible from the case back that evoke rocket launch platforms. The crown is modeled after a space capsule and the rubber ring around the crown resembles a Martian rover tire. The unique brown hue of the case with metallic reflections is a result of combining light titanium and hard ceramic. Space-grade Carbon TPT is integrated into the 49.94×42.35×16.15mm case. The watch also features a RM52-05 tourbillon, the baseplate of which is also made of Grade 5 titanium alloy, embellished with a large blue aventurine glass insert. There are only 30 pieces in the collection. US$969,000.





men: accessories

O.N.S., $300

O.N.S., $460

COmme deS GarçONS, $210


WoW Wallets

these accessories are both posh and practical Photography | Bowy Chan


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HermèS, $2,700

BOtteGa VeNeta, $605

Prada, $550

COmme deS GarçONS, $220

LOewe, $590

Prada, $980

GuCCi, $670





runway: men


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變色龍 Berluti

The luxury of simpliciTy under Kris Van Assche, Berluti maintains an haute style statement minus the many embellishments so many designers rely on Story | 冰汪 離開Dior的Kris Van Assche,來到LVMH旗下相對成熟的Berluti,他 先參觀品牌位於意大利北部城市Ferrara的廠房,希望從了解得到一點啟 示。當他去到鞋匠為皮鞋上色的工作室,看見五顏六色的染料樽,以及房 間內的白色大理石工作檯,檯面被染料樽印上色彩繽紛的歲月痕跡,他找 到系列的設計起點。「我愛死這矜貴與粗糙的對比,於是為檯面拍照,相 片完全沒有retouch,就變成恤衫、大褸的主題圖案,那漂亮色調,亦為系 列定下基調。」當然,品牌最迷人的patina古法染色工藝,他不會錯過。 結果,Kris Van Assche為Berluti炮製的處男騷,開場第一套衫,便 是以Berluti最招牌的啡色patina皮革,造了一套西裝,省招牌效果天下 無雙。當marble print系列一出場,更是驚為天人,以往曾經有無數設 計師以畫室顏料作靈感,希望攝取當中的藝術靈魂,但KVA這一幅,百 分百自家製,絕無添加。圖案之美,絕對有資格永續,轉化成Berluti的 monogram,與品牌另一經典Scritto圖案雙翼齊飛。可惜,2020春夏已不 見染色大理石。 Kris Van Assche的定位,比較摩登與平易近人,一系列紅紅綠綠的 西裝,活化了tailoring,雋永瀟灑,不用過多裝飾。在時裝騷用上幾位銀 髮男模,為一眾銀髮族目標客人作親身示範。 衣服以外,皮鞋與小物是Berluti主要收入來源,KVA參考鑽石切割, 下令鞋匠製作了一個疑似鑽石鞋頭的鞋楦,設計了一系列皮鞋及球鞋,並 在球鞋加上幾塊金屬鞋頭,得意但不能天長地久。小物之中,心水推介 一個迷你鞋楦鎖匙扣,細緻可愛。幾年前,曾經參觀Berluti的bespoke工 場,曾問過客人可否將自己的鞋楦據為己有?答案是不。原來鞋楦對於鞋 匠來說是商業秘密,因此不會為客人做一個正常大小的鞋楦,頂多只能做 個迷你版。這個大量生產的迷你版,雖不是自己腳型,已夠討好。

Soon after leaving Dior for the relatively mature LVMH brand Berluti, Kris Van Assche paid a visit to the brand’s factory in the northern Italian city of Ferrara to find inspiration. At the atelier, where shoes are given their colour, he noticed that the white marble workbenches had become stained over the years. Here he found what he was looking for. “I was so in love with the contrast between the luxurious and the raw,” he said. “I took pictures of the workbench and didn’t retouch them. They became the theme for shirts and coats. The beautiful palette set the design tone.” Of course, he also made good use of the brand’s proven technique of creating alluring aged patina. This all culminated in his debut fall show for Berluti, which included a stunning marble print collection. Many designers have attempted to recreate in studio the essence of paintings or photographs, but KVA’s work was original in every sense of the word. And while the marble print is not part of his 2020 Spring/Summer collection, KVA continues to set himself apart with colourful suits that breathe new life into stylish tailoring—little embellishment required. For shoes and accessories, KVA had artisans create lasts (a trade secret) with diamond-shaped tips for both the leather shoe and sneaker collections. ELITEGEN




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flower by the lake the Meixihu International Culture & arts Centre in Changsha is a showpiece of design mastery Story | Stella


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Photography | Virgile Simon Bertrand

建築女王Zaha Hadid雖於2016年離開人世,設計卻在世界各地遍地開花。 由其他建築事務所主理的長沙梅溪湖國際文化藝術中心,早前終於全面開幕。藉 著三朵特大白色芙蓉花的造型,加上大師經典曲線建築元素,在梅溪湖湖畔帶來 大劇院、藝術館及小劇場共三大重點建設,締造文化美藝地標,迎接長沙之春。 全新文化藝術中心由Zaha Hadid建築事務所主理,結合一所當代藝術館 (MICA),一個具1,800座位的大劇院,以及一個多功能展廳。它律動的形態,跟 周遭的行人路相互交織,與鄰近社區緊密連繫。這文化地標集合三個不同文化建 築,營造出戶外庭園空間,讓參觀者遊走於各種活動與雕塑展覽之間;不但盡收 梅溪湖畔景致,同時引領參觀者走進公園或最新開幕的湖畔觀光塔。 作為湖南省最大型的文化建築,長沙梅溪湖國際文化藝術中心以全國最出色 的藝術重心為目標。整個建築以流線型結構為主,造型飄逸靈動,宛如在梅溪湖 畔三朵燦爛綻放的芙蓉花,與素有「芙蓉國」之稱的湖南相互呼應。藉著靈蛇般的 曲線勾勒結構,大劇院、藝術館及小劇場彷彿融合為一,與周遭景觀相連。計算 精密且複雜的空間與建築設計,讓鋼材的彎曲、製作、拼接遇上極大挑戰。經過 多達上千次鋼材構件吊裝,最終耗費鋼材2.2萬噸,才把「芙蓉花」的「花瓣」還原 出來,成為世界最大的芙蓉鋼鐵花。此外,幕牆由鋁板及玻璃等組成,不規則曲 板讓它呈現如雲朵如花瓣的多變姿態。 率先於2017年開幕的梅溪湖大劇院,為呈現各式各樣表演藝術而設。多層 次的結構、綿延不絕的曲線、百轉千迴的彎曲面,正好把Zaha Hadid的招牌元素 完美發揮。大劇院圍繞十字形平面,分別為主舞台,側舞台,後舞台及觀眾席。

Queen of architecture Zaha Hadid passed away in 2016, but her designs live on around the world, including the Changsha Meixihu International Culture & Arts Centre, which opened recently. This new cultural landmark for Changsha— three gigantic hibiscus-shaped buildings that frame Lake Meixi—heralds in a new era of cultural development in the municipality. The centre houses a contemporary art museum named MICA, an 1,800-seat theatre and a multi-purpose venue. Or visitors can climb the observatory tower to take in the lake views. It is the largest arts and cultural complex in Hunan province, aspiring to be the nation’s foremost artistic hub. The hibiscus shapes aim to celebrate Hunan, known as the hibiscus state, while connecting the complex to its natural surroundings. Huge challenges had to be overcome. It took a thousand rounds of aerial assembly to shape 22,000 tons of steel into petals. The irregularly shaped aluminum and glass walls breathe life into the cloud-like structures.






計算精密且複雜的空間與建築設計,讓鋼材的彎曲、 製作、拼接遇上極大挑戰。 Huge challenges were overcome to shape and connect steel beams in accordance with precise and complex calculations.

百轉千迴的彎曲面,正好把Zaha Hadid的招牌元素完美發揮。 The fluid curves throughout the space showcase Zaha Hadid’s master strokes.

整個建築以流線型結構為主, 造型飄逸靈動。 Seamless lines bring the architecture to life. 78

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大劇院配合彎曲建築空間而安裝的燈光裝置,根據室內動線的走向而成。 The integrated lighting design follows the building’s convoluted curves and form.

建築的前廳以上層建築投影為基礎,利用光影與建築輪廓互相交 錯,營造出或明或暗的和諧美態。大劇院觀眾席採用傳統的馬蹄形 設計,分為三層,採用統一木調設計。牆面和天花的曲線元素,不 僅為空間塑造出獨特的動態,同時將聲音均勻擴散到整個空間,音 質效果和藝術性兼備。 旁邊的當代藝術館(MICA)以八個不同形狀的展廳不規則排列而 組成,面積達一萬平方米,中央交匯的大廳則用作展示大型裝置或 舉行活動等。小劇場以靈活性見稱,這個多功能展廳備有500座位, 能根據演出要求改變座位分佈。最具心思的還有配合彎曲建築空間 而安裝的燈光裝置,根據室內動線的走向和造型而成。日間當代藝 術館呈現大師傑作,晚上大劇院則透過表演藝術發光發亮,讓這朵 芙蓉花一直盛放。

The theatre, which was first to open in 2017, was designed to stage all types of performances. The multi-layered structure, complemented by curves that fluidly extend throughout the space, is a perfect showcase of Hadid’s design mastery. The MICA has eight exhibition halls in irregular formations, totalling more than 100,000 square feet. The big hall is designed for major installations or events. The multi-purpose venue is flexible, equipped with 500 seats that can be configured according to the specific requirements of different performances.

陽光從玻璃天幕微微透現。 Natural light is maximized through the skylit ceiling.

This hibiscus is in bloom day and night.





in the spirit of...

白蘭樹下造 Gin 酒

'Made' in Hong Kong award-winning Perfume Trees gin a celebration of a city Story | Ivan Wong


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白蘭樹下gin的香港味道五大材料:白蘭花、 陳皮、檀香、龍井茶和當歸。 The five vital ingredients for Perfume Trees gin are 50-year-old magnolia from Yuen Long, aged mandarin peel, sandalwood, Longjing tea and Dang Gui.

若gin和tonic是英國的代表,也期待身為調酒師的Kit Cheng能以白蘭樹下gin調製出一杯代表香港的雞 尾酒。 If gin and tonic is considered a quintessential English tipple, Kit Cheng—himself a bartender— can use Perfume Trees gin to create a cocktail symbolic of Hong Kong.

Kit Cheung是個滿帶笑容的八十後港產型人,有理想,有大志,在香港僅有的 資源下,竟能創造出屬於自己、屬於香港人的土產手工gin酒—「白蘭樹下」,更在 2019年的World Gin Awards中取得Best Contemporary Style獎項,踏出香港新時代 釀酒歷史的第一步。 從歐洲回流香港的Kit Cheung,在味道上、在造酒功架上,都算是有所交代, 但這種香港味道,卻欠香港政府的一點支持,「對我們這些獨立小本手工造酒人來 說,要在香港申請蒸餾酒廠牌照可說是困難重重,縱使過了食環處那關,往後等著 你去闖的關口還有消防處、環保排污及屋宇署等等……」 因此,Kit雖以百分百香港概念創造的「白蘭樹下」(Perfume Trees gin),但之 前原酒是在荷蘭蒸餾,不過去年12月底時宣布,即將於香港開設專屬酒廠。 常帶笑顏的這個香港造酒人是個樂天派,相信自己擁有的是一種無可替代的香 港精神,也相信終有一天,「白蘭樹下」的酒瓶上必定會印上Made in Hong Kong這 幾個讓每一代香港人自豪的英文字。 原酒出自荷蘭蒸餾酒廠,卻是完全根據他的要求度身訂造。Gin酒依仗的是所 加入香料、香草及不同植物的特性,Kit的「香港精神」,便是經多年精研下的初步成 果— 「白蘭樹下」 的五大材料,便是:元朗老樹白蘭花、陳皮、檀香、龍井茶和當歸。 「白蘭樹下」雖不算是那種讓人一喝難忘的極品佳釀,作為雞尾酒基酒的可塑性 極高之外,亦是難得的一種可以淨飲的高雅細緻gin酒—當中的白蘭花香、陳皮等味 道似有若無,像告訴你那些都是定要全神貫注細意品味才能「追」得出來的味道,尤 其是呷到隱藏在複雜味道中的當歸微澀甘香時,那種身為香港人的感覺會即時湧出 來,觸動人心。

老樹,是葡萄酒命脈,居然也主宰著這種gin酒的獨特風 味—白蘭樹下gin的白蘭花,用的是採自元朗50年老樹的白 蘭花。 Old vines are lifelines for making wines. Similarly, Perfume Trees gin owes its existence to old trees—the 50-year-old magnolia from Yuen Long.

Kit Cheung is a charming thirty-something from Hong Kong with a seemingly perpetual smile. Despite limited resources, this man with big ideas has created his own brand of gin, Perfume Trees, which garnered the Best Contemporary Style award at the 2019 World Gin Awards. This achievement marks a new chapter in contemporary distilling in Hong Kong. But after returning from Europe with the necessary skills and a more refined palate, Cheung faced an uphill battle with the Hong Kong government. “For us independent craft alcohol makers, it is very difficult to get a distillery licence,” says Cheung. “Even if we get past the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, we still have to jump through more hoops with the Fire Services Department, the sewage rules of the Environmental Services Department and the Buildings Department.” Although Perfume Trees gin is made utilizing a 100 per cent Hong Kong process, it can’t be listed as “Made in Hong Kong” because its base spirit is from the Netherlands. While the base spirit is made in a Dutch distillery, it is still his formulation. But Cheung announced recently that they would have their own distillery soon in Hong Kong. Gin is differentiated by the spices, herbs and the various botanicals in the mix. Cheung’s “Hong Kong spirit” is the product of years of research, incorporating five key ingredients: 50-year-old magnolia from Yuen Long, aged mandarin peel, sandalwood, Longjing tea and Dang Gui (Angelica). Nevertheless, Cheung is optimistic and maintains his irrepressible Hong Kong spirit. He is confident that one day Perfume Trees will carry the “Made in Hong Kong” label and make Hong Kong proud.

白蘭樹下聯乘香港電車115周年推出的限量1,150瓶的特別版氈 酒,刻畫出香港人的生活點滴,將幸福回憶封存於玻璃樽中。 Perfume Trees gin collaborated with Hong Kong Tramways to produce a limited edition of 1,150 bottles to commemorate Hong Kong’s 115th anniversary, a special spirit in celebration of the city.





dining to tell 數年前,Cochon555的Heritage Fire由多倫多的 Evergreen Brickworks主辦。參賽廚師要在戶外 自行生火來烤製豬肉及蔬菜。 A few years ago, Toronto’s Evergreen Brickworks hosted Cochon555’s Heritage Fire, where chefs built their own fires and roasted various meats and heirloom vegetables outdoors.

遊 走美食節

worth travelling for Plan your next getaway with these foodie festivals Story & Photography Renéewandering S. Seen festivals for |the gourmand 每個人對美食體驗各有喜好;有些人只喜歡光顧熟悉的餐廳,但這種體驗跟 花上幾天完全陷入佳餚美酒的懷抱,絕不可同日而語。 多倫多及溫哥華市政府每年都會跟市內各大、小餐廳合辦美食推廣,民眾可 到參與的餐廳品嚐各國美食,但論氣氛始終及不上招聚了志同道合美食愛好者聚 首一堂的美食節。對於筆者來說,在周末走訪各地參與這些美食節,不但可以大 快朵頤,更可認識來自世界各地的食家,交流心得。 雖然本地街頭節如Taste of Danforth及為Second Harvest籌款的Toronto Taste等都十分受市民歡迎,但始終未能吸引國際知名食家參與,美食工作坊及特 色料理等亦欠奉。如果想參與真正的美食聚會,一睹名廚風采及品嚐他們炮製的 特色美食,以下介紹的北美洲美食節(根據舉行日期先後排序),絕對值得參加。


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While some foodies may be content with neighbourhood restaurants, nothing compares with the experience of packing a bag and spending a few days immersed in everything food and drink. Sure, both Toronto and Vancouver have city-run restaurant weeks, but there is nothing like the sights, sounds and buzz created when like-minded food lovers gather at North American food festivals to rub elbows with A-list food aficionados and wine connoisseurs From familiar names to one-off collaborative meals, here are culinary festivals (listed chronologically) that are worth travelling for.

CoCHoN555 如果你是豬肉控,絕對不能錯過Cochon555。主辦單位會介 紹本地的家庭式豬農、推廣食用無論味道、肉質及營養價值俱佳 的傳統飼養豬隻、以及舉行即席烹調原隻豬隻的美食活動。 這個全豬美食大賽由每年二月起分別於15個城市巡迴舉行。 Heritage Fire是其中一個重點活動,集合超過20位最優秀的廚師 以生火烤製超過3000磅豬肉。而分別於9個周末舉行的Signature Series,參加者可以品嚐到以傳統方法養殖的健康豬肉及美酒,壓 軸活動是新穎的全豬烹飪大賽,要以豬的不同部位炮製美食,讓 各米芝蓮星級廚師來個廚藝較勁。 班芙在過去兩年是大賽的唯一加拿大分站,嘉賓廚師包括參 加過Top Chef Master的美藉華裔名廚Anita Lo。五位來自班芙及 露易斯湖的廚師進行廚藝較勁,為在場賓客炮製重達200磅的豬 肉。各區優勝者會晉級參加在芝加哥舉行的總決賽。 同場加映Punch King大賽,調出最佳手工賓治的酒保將是優 勝者。而Somm Smackdown則是侍酒師之戰,看看誰能為全豬美 食配以最合適的佳釀。 查詢更多資料請參閱

Shining the spotlight on family farmers, the agricultural importance of eating heritage-breed pigs—known for having meat that’s superior in flavour, texture and nutritious qualities—and whole pig cookery through a gamut of hyper-local food events, Cochon555 is the ultimate event for any pork aficionado. Its 15-city tour started in February with lively celebrations ranging from the Heritage Fire (a whole-animal, live-fire event featuring 20-plus top chefs and more than 3,000 pounds of roasted meat) to its Signature Series (nine epic weekends filled with responsibly-raised pork and delicious drinks) that culminates with an innovative nose-to-tail pig cooking competition between farm-to-table Michelin chefs. For the past two years, Banff, Alberta has been the tour’s only Canadian stop, featuring celebrated Chinese-American and Top Chef Master Anita Lo at long table dinners in a main battle, pitting five Banff and Lake Louise chefs against one another in the preparation of 200 pounds of heritage pork for event guests. Regional winners, picked by celebrity judges, advance to the Grand Cochon, a winner-takes-all finale held in Chicago. Running concurrently, there’s the crowning of the Punch King—a.k.a. the bartender—who creates the show’s best crafted punch, and the Somm Smackdown, where top sommeliers battle to make the best wine pairing with a heritage pig dish. For more info go to

來自班芙吊車山頂站Sky Bistro的Chef Scott Hergott是 2019年Cochon555班芙站的優 勝者。他的6道菜餐單採用了 亞省熊肉及Flower Farms的走 地豬肉。 Chef Scott Hergott of Sky Bistro at the Banff Gondola took first place at 2019 Cochon555 Banff with a sixcourse menu that featured Alberta-based Bear and the Flower Farms free-range pork.





dining to tell

Quartier des Spectacles的表演場地Place des Festivals可找到各種適合一家大 小的免費戶外活動,包括長110米的冰滑梯、冰棍球及冰壺球場、摩天輪、全長 180米的綱索滑行 (zip-line) 、大型舞台以及互動燈飾展。 The Place des Festivals in the Quartier des Spectacles is transformed into a host of free, outdoor family-friendly activities: a 110-metre ice slide, iceskating and curling rinks, a Ferris wheel, a 180-metre zip-line and a giant outdoor concert stage, plus interactive installations that include Illuminart works.

曾榮獲法國最佳工藝師(Meilleur Ouvrier de France (M.O.F.))殊榮,並任職 Daniel & Denise餐廳的Joseph Viola,去年獲邀成為嘉賓廚師,於Balmoral為食 客帶來傳統的里昂菜,而里昂素有法國美食首府的美譽。 A past program featured Joseph Viola, “Meilleur Ouvrier de France” and chef of the Daniel & Denise restaurants, as a visiting chef serving traditional Lyonnaise cuisine at Balmoral. Fun fact: Lyon is known as the capital of French gastronomy.

在加國頂級名廚Normand Laprise的餐廳Brasserie T供應的松露菜式,是Montréal en Lumière 的焦點之一。美味多汁的香腸釀入來自法國Drôme的黑松露並伴以雞蛋,之後更可參加在 Quartier des Spectacles舉行的其他活動。 A highlight of Montréal en Lumière is the special menu that features fresh black truffles from Drôme, which are offered at top Canadian chef Normand Laprise’s Brasserie T. Enjoy dishes like a juicy home-made, truffle-stuffed sausage and eggs, surrounded by the activities at the Quartier des Spectacles.

MoNTRéAL eN LuMIèRe 每年二月底,滿地可都瀰漫著美食及藝術氣氛。跟Bell合辦的High Lights Festival為期11天,精采活動包括精緻美食體驗、戶外家庭樂、於Quartier des Spectacles舉行的互動燈飾展Illuminart及文化活動包括Nuit Blanche。 作為全球最大型冬日節之一,大會今年邀得50位國際名廚出席,當中9位為 米芝蓮星級廚師,包括來自香港的梁經倫Alvin。他們於Air France Finest Tables 環節中跟當地廚師攜手炮製創意美食。而La Nuit Gourmande則把焦點放在本土 食府及廚師,當日會有過百家食肆、酒吧、麵包店、特色雜貨店、魚市場及餅店 等參加並延長營業時間。 其他精彩美食活動還包括:咖啡店Quartier Gourmand會於Maison du Festival舉辦免費活動;Galerie Gourmande則會售賣魁北克產品。當地的日 本料理店將=會在Saveurs du Japon環節展示美食、舉辦工作坊及烹飪示範, L’Astral邀得著名作家及廚師舉辦名為Women in Gastronomy Brunch的座談 會。由餐廳Tastet主辦的美食遊,請來廚師、餐廳老闆、侍酒師及調酒師充 當嚮導,帶參加者逐一訪尋élise Taster及其食評家父親Jean-Philippe的心水 推介。 查詢更多資料,請參閱 84

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For more than 11 days, starting in late February, Montreal is transformed into an epicentre of gastronomy and art. Presented in collaboration with Bell Canada, the High Lights Festival’s program includes everything from unique refined dining experiences, outdoor family fun and captivating Illuminart—interactive light installations— at the Quartier des Spectacles to cultural programs, including Nuit Blanche. As one of the world’s biggest winter festivals, this year 50 international chefs—nine of them Michelin-starred, including Hong Kong’s Alvin Leung—created unique menus in collaboration with their Quebec counterparts in Air France Finest Tables. Then La Nuit Gourmande puts a spotlight on local gastronomy and talents via various gourmet activities in more than 100 establishments— restaurants, bars, bakeries, speciality grocery stores, fish markets, pastry shops—that stay open later for one night. There are also gourmet tours to the favourite places of respected food critic Jean-Philippe, in the company of chefs, restaurateurs, sommeliers and mixologists. For more info, go to

James Beard基金會頒獎典禮及晚宴於芝加哥Lyric Opera舉行,現場還會舉行美國餐飲業界名人堂。 圖片由James Beard基金會提供。 Held at the Lyric Opera of Chicago, the James Beard Foundation Awards ceremony and reception features a Who’s Who from America’s culinary scene, all under one roof.

JAMeS BeARd AWARdS GALA ANd JAMeS BeARd eATS WeeK 被喻為「餐飲業界的奧斯卡」,每年5月舉行的James Beard Awards (JBA)大獎評 選出美國最優秀的業界精英。芝加哥自2015年起便成為比賽的主辦城市,招待來自全 美國各地接近2,000位頂級廚師、餐廳老闆、飲食媒體及食家。 參加者可出席正式晚宴,試食20位近年獲獎廚師的佳餚(費用$500美元),又 或者參加在頒獎禮舉行前、為期11日的美食周James Beard Eats Week。由Choose Chicago及伊利諾州餐廳協會合辦的活動,介紹超過130家當地餐廳,他們都曾以基 金會創辦人James Beard為靈感創製美食或餐單。去年,在Acanto餐牌中出現的兔肉 意大利雲吞便出自James Beard撰寫的烹飪書《American Cookery cookbook》。因為 Beard特別喜歡椰子蛋糕,Eli’ s Cheesecake便特別製作了五層的椰子蛋糕。透過此次 活動去認識芝加哥的美食文化是有趣的體驗,參與餐廳更會向James Beard基金獎學 金捐贈$100。款項會直接用以資助當地有需要的廚藝學生。 查詢更多資料,請參閱及

來自Boka的Meg Galus(右二)入圍2019年最佳糕餅廚師,她的團隊以創意 甜品及餐廳特製的朱古力棒招待賓客。 Boka’s Meg Galus (pictured second from right), 2019 nominee for Outstanding Pastry Chef, and her staff greet guests with a dessert creation and the restaurant’s customized chocolate bars.

Considered the “oscars of the food world,” the James Beard Awards celebrate America’s best and brightest culinary professionals every May. Chicago has hosted the prestigious event since 2015, welcoming some 2,000 of the country’s top chefs, restaurateurs, food media and culinary enthusiasts to the city. Foodies can attend the black-tie ceremony and gala reception with a walk-around tasting of 20 recently awarded chefs (uS$500) or participate in James Beard eats Week, which runs for 11 days before the awards. The Choose Chicago and the Illinois Restaurant Association initiative features more than 130 Chicagoland restaurants, which have created custom dishes or menus inspired by the foundation’s namesake, James Beard. Last year, restaurants like Acanto served a spring rabbit ravioli dish straight out of Beard’s American Cookery cookbook, while eli’s Cheesecake offered a five-layer coconut cake dressed in coconut buttercream and shredded coconut as a tribute to Beard’s love of coconut cake. It’s a fun way to explore the city’s exciting food scene, with participating restaurants donating $100 to the James Beard Foundation Scholarship Fund, which directly supports aspiring Chicago culinary students. For more info, go to

新派高檔日本料理店Yūgen,把其tasting menu中的蟹飯帶到James Beard Eats Week。蟹飯加入三文魚子、醬油蛋黃、優質穀物及海膽牛油。 During James Beard Eats Week, Yūgen, a contemporary Japanese fine-dining establishment, offered its tasting menu’s signature crab rice dish, topped with ikura, tamari-cured egg yolk, puffed grains and aerated uni butter. ELITEGEN




dining to tell FeAST PoRTLANd 位於美國俄勒崗州的Portland憑著多元化的美食風格而成為美 食之都,每年9月舉行的Feast Portland是當地飲食界的盛事,值得 預留時間參加。精采活動遍布全市,日間,Tom McCall湖濱公園會 舉行多樣戶外活動,而重點環節共有21個,包括烹飪工作坊、互動 討論及特色晚餐等。

Block your calendar in September for this culinary festival that’s as much a celebration of the diverse food and beverage community in Portland, oregon as it is the delicious and artisanal goods they create. Spread out across the city, with daytime al fresco activities at Tom McCall Waterfront Park, intimate workshops, panel discussions, special dinners and buzzy over21 main events.

美食較勁亦是焦點之一,去年的主題是東岸鬥西岸,雖屬友 誼性質,但吸引了大批入場人士輪流到訪每個帳篷,試食由名廚精 心預備的美饌及來自不同地區的美酒。夜市更是人山人海,碎燈天 幕,現場DJ音樂,入場人士在這氛圍下品嚐超過20位JBA大獎的得 獎廚師及國際星級名廚的大師級美饌。Smoked是另一個不可錯過的 環節,多位名廚雲集以生火烤製美食,打造都市夏令營火晚會。而 Sunday’ s Brunch Village則把新派美國經典味道融入自日本、澳洲、 黎巴嫩及菲律賓的美食,早起的人有口福了。

driven by friendly competition, last year’s east Coast vs. West Coast throw-down saw guests roaming among booths to sample dishes prepared by renowned chefs from city-defining restaurants and tipple on regional beers, wines and spirits.

不過最受歡的活動絕非由多位廚師合作的多道菜晚餐。非洲菜 是去年的主題,參加廚師包括在當地備受推崇的Gregory Gourdet、 兩次JBA得主Edouardo Jordan、Kwame Onwuachi及Dolester Miles。多不勝數的官方(及非官方)美食活動及派對,肯定可以把 你的時間表排得滿滿。門票收益將撥捐慈善組織Urban Gleaners及 Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon。 門票十分搶手,查詢及買票可參閱

overload the senses at the extremely popular Night Market that celebrates global street food. Held under a canopy of lights, attendees feasted on bold flavours by 20-plus chefs from JBA winners to international stars. Not-to-be-missed, Smoked gathered the country’s top chefs, who cooked over live fire in a sophisticated urban summer camp setting. Then there’s Sunday’s Brunch Village, which featured an array of flavours from Japan, Australia, Lebanon and the Philippines, as well as new American classics. But the hot tickets are the multi-course collaborative dinners. Last year’s event included an African Roots dinner with locally revered chef Gregory Gourdet and two-time JBA winners edouardo Jordan, Kwame onwuachi and dolester Miles. Sleep is optional, for there’s plenty of official (and unofficial) Feast activities and after-parties. Proceeds benefit non-profit causes urban Gleaners and Partners for a Hunger-Free oregon. Take note, tickets sell out fast:

只要跟著香氣走,便會來到星期五晚舉行的夜市。當晚,香港餐廳Aaharn的泰菜大 師David Thompson及Portland餐廳Pok Pok老闆Andy Ricker,攜手炮製了咖哩三重奏。 Punchy flavours and aromas fill the air at Friday night’s Night Market, where you might find top chefs like Thai food guru David Thompson of Hong Kong’s Aaharn and Portland’s own Andy Ricker of Pok Pok serving a trio of homemade curries. 另一場晚宴可找到加拿大廚師的蹤影,來自Raymond’ s餐廳的加國廚師Jeremy Charles及其副廚師長Ross Larkin,夥拍Olympia Provisions的Elias Cairo、肉類大師 Chris Cosentino (來自Portland的Jackrabbit) 及Bon Appetit’ s It’ s Alive節目主持Brad Leone,於The Nightwood Society呈獻以蛋白質為主題的豐富盛宴。 Another dinner had Canada’s own Jeremy Charles and his chef de cuisine Ross Larkin of top St. John's, Newfoundland restaurant Raymond’s. He joined Elias Cairo of Olympia Provisions, meat master Chris Cosentino (Portland’s Jackrabbit) and Brad Leone, host of Bon Appetit’s YouTube series It’s Alive, for a proteinfocused feast at The Nightwood Society.


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Cask Days讓你品嚐來自加國及美國的特色啤酒。 The unique brews offered at Cask Days come from across Canada and the United States.

CASK dAYS Cask Days是啤酒迷的樂園,有機會試 飲生啤、未過濾啤酒及天然碳酸化啤酒,啤 酒更全部由酒桶直接倒出。為期3日的活動 每年10月在Evergreen Brickworks舉行,是 北美洲最大型的桶裝啤酒節之一。除了本地 手工啤酒,還有美食及現場DJ打碟,當中 品嚐到超過400種啤酒,都是特別為此次活 動釀製。活動邀得來自加國及美國的釀酒商 參加,打頭陣的是由業界領袖、啤酒及木桶 專家主持的研討會。 啤酒節曾以不同地區作主題,紐約是 其中之一,更首次把當地的啤酒及蘋果酒帶 來安省。紐約手工啤酒吧Tørst的東主Daniel Burns及米芝蓮星級廚師Luksus亦獲邀為嘉 賓廚師。 近年新增的元素包括適合一家大小參 加的周日啤酒花園、由Keep6 Imports或 Bar Raval老闆Michael Webster主理的木桶 雞尾酒、Grape Witches的天然餐酒及秘密 酒吧,專門展示小型酒廠的成品如布魯塞爾 酒廠Brasserie Cantillon的lambics啤酒。 入場費包5個代幣,可於網上購買多天 代幣。查詢詳情及去年的酒廠名單,可參 閱

For beer geeks, Cask days is a one-stop shop for all that is unpasteurized, unfiltered, naturally carbonated and served direct from a cask barrel. Held for three days at Toronto’s evergreen Brickworks in mid-october, this is one of North America’s largest cask-conditioned beer festivals. A celebration of local craft beer, food and music by top local dJs, it’s known most for offering 400-plus one-off brews that are made especially for the event. Featuring producers from across Canada and the united States, the festival kicks off with an industryattracting first tapping and educational seminars led by industry leaders, beer and cask experts. Past years have featured regions like New York State, bringing in a selection of beers and ciders for the first time, and brewers from throughout ontario. Chefs such as daniel Burns, owner of New York’s craft beer bar Tørst, and Michelin-starred Luksus are among food vendors. Recent additions include Sunday’s family-friendly beer garden, cask cocktails by Michael Webster of Bar Raval or Keep6 Imports, natural wine poured by the Grape Witches, and a secret bar-pouring lambics from small breweries, like Brussels’ Brasserie Cantillon. Admission includes five tokens, with more available for purchase onsite. details, including the year’s cask list, can be found at

美食方面,Cask Days邀請了Harry’ s Charbroiled的 Grant Van Gameren、Brandon Olsen的炸雞、PG Clucks及Birreria Volo。 Food-wise, Cask Days vendors have included Grant Van Gameren’s Harry’s Charbroiled, fried chicken by Brandon Olsen, PG Clucks and Birreria Volo.





dining to tell

去年的Wicked Cocktails, Wicked Plates於 Sheraton Maui度假酒店舉行,日落美景營造醉 人氣氛,璀璨的煙花為晚宴畫上完美句號。 Sheraton Maui Resort’s sunset setting provided the stunning backdrop to last year’s Wicked Cocktails, Wicked Plates event that closed with sky-glittering fireworks.

HAWAII Food & WINe FeSTIVAL 每年10月,本來人多的夏威夷變得更熱鬧,大家都慕這個太平洋 美食活動而來。為期3周的夏威夷美食及美酒節,雲集150位國際知名 的大師級名廚、餐飲業界名人、調酒師及釀酒商,帶來烹飪示範及試 食體驗。 活動由JBA大獎得主Roy Yamaguchi及Alan Wong共同創辦,並 由非牟利機構的夏威夷Ag and Culinary Alliance策劃,目的是令更多 人認識夏威夷菜及當地的廚藝精英,同時推廣本土優質農產品。門票 收益用來資助當地廚藝學校及廚師、協助小型農場進行推廣、以及舉 辦兒童文化及烹飪教育課程。 去年的美食節共舉辦了20個活動,包括Hawaii島的黎巴嫩盛宴、 Oahu島的後園燒烤、在Maui島舉行的戶外6道菜意大利晚宴Pasta La Vista。而Yamaguchi、Henry Adaniya( 來自Lahaina的Hank’ s Haute Dogs)、社區領袖及Maui島的專業高球手一同參與了18個洞 的高球加美食活動,打球後便在位於Ka’ anapali的Roy’ s餐廳享受晚


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For three weekends in october, crowds descend on Hawaii for the Pacific’s premier epicurean destination event. Spanning the tropical state’s multiple islands, Hawaii Food & Wine Festival features more than 150 internationally-renowned master chefs, culinary personalities, mixologists and winemakers, taking part in events, demos and tasting experiences. Co-founded by the state’s JBA-winning chefs, Roy Yamaguchi and Alan Wong, and organized by the non-profit Hawaii Ag and Culinary Alliance, the festival’s goal is to raise awareness of Hawaiian cuisine and its diverse culinary talent, with an emphasis on its quality local produce, its tradition and its connection to the land. Proceeds go towards local culinary colleges, grants for Hawaii chefs, programs to help small farms get their produce to consumers, plus cultural and culinary educational programs for kids. Last year’s program included 20 events, from an Iberian feast on the island of Hawaii to a backyard barbecue on oahu. There was also

宴。在Sheraton Maui度假酒店舉行的Wicked Cocktails, Wicked Plates,有多位名廚助陣,包括飲食節目 《Restaurant: Impossible》的Robert Irvine、三藩市The Slanted Door的 Charles Phan、Anita Lo及位於Lahaina 島上Star Noodle的Abby Ferrer。

Pasta La Vista於Maui島的Hyatt Regency度假酒店舉行,6道菜晚宴由JBA獲獎名廚及 星級名廚主理,名單包括Marco Canora (紐約Hearth Restaurant)、Michael Chiarello (Yountville 的Bottega Napa Valley)、Celestino Drago (洛杉磯知名食府Drago Centro)、 Johnny Iuzzini (Chocolate by Johnny Iuzzini)、來自Kaʻanapali的 Greg Grohowski (Hyatt) 及來自Honolulu的 Daisuke Hamamoto (Arancino at the Kahala)。 Maui’s Hyatt Regency Resort hosted Pasta La Vista, a six-course gala dinner prepared by JBA-recognized and celebrity chefs, including Marco Canora (New York’s Hearth Restaurant) Michael Chiarello (Bottega Napa Valley in Yountville, CA), Celestino Drago (Los Angeles’s acclaimed Drago Centro), Johnny Iuzzini (Chocolate by Johnny Iuzzini) with Kaʻanapali’s Greg Grohowski (Hyatt) and Honolulu’s Daisuke Hamamoto (Arancino at the Kahala).

美食節還預備了專為小朋友而設的免費活動Keiki in the Kitchen,活動於Ka’ anapali島上的Whalers Village舉 行,除了邀得Food Network節目《Ace of Cakes》的Duff Goldman擔任主持外,亦有多位星級廚師出席。活動包 括trick-or-treating及cupcake裝飾課堂等。 門票由免費以至Culinary Masters Gala的$1,000不 等,查詢請參閱

an al fresco, six-course Italian dinner with local wine pairings under the moonlight at Pasta La Vista on Maui. At Roy’s signature 18-hole play-and-eat Golf Classic, mixed teams included Yamaguchi and Henry Adaniya (Hank’s Haute dogs from Lahaina), community leaders and Maui pros, followed by dinner at Roy’s in Ka’anapali. Guests had a wicked time at Sheraton Maui Resort’s Wicked Cocktails, Wicked Plates, enjoying culinary creations from Restaurant: Impossible’s Robert Irvine, Charles Phan from San Francisco’s The Slanted door, Anita Lo, and Abby Ferrer of Star Noodle in Lahaina. Kid-friendly Keiki in the Kitchen is a free event held in Ka’anapali’s scenic Whalers Village, with Food Network’s Ace of Cakes star duff Goldman at its helm. Joined by the festival’s celebrity chefs, the afternoon activities included safe trick-or-treating on Treat Street and a cupcake-decorating class. Tickets vary in price, ranging from free to $1,000 for the Culinary Masters Gala. For more info, go to

飲食節目 《Restaurant: Impossible》 的主持Robert Irvine Restaurant: Impossible’s Robert Irvine ELITEGEN






where the new world began a visit to Santo domingo in the dominican republic may be to follow in the footsteps of Christopher Columbus, but you'll discover so much more in the western hemisphere’s first european city Story & photography | Leslie Yip


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聖多明加被發現後的11年,首間醫院開始動工興建。充滿意大利文藝風興建築風格的St. Nicolás of Bari醫院於1522年啟用直至18世紀中期。醫院經歷無數次的地震及颶風仍屹立不倒,可惜最終敵不 過1911年的一場颶風。 Construction of the first hospital in the New World began just 11 years after the city was founded. Built in the Italian Renaissance style, the Hospital of St. Nicolás of Bari opened its doors in 1522 and was in use until the mid-18th century. The majestic building survived centuries of earthquakes and hurricanes until it succumbed to a hurricane in 1911.

或許,最初是為了尋訪哥倫布的足跡而踏足此多明尼加共和國的首都, 但這個西半球第一個歐洲城市肯定會讓你驚喜不絕。 1492年12月,哥倫布首次向西面航行,發現了今日的多明尼加共和 國。島上樹林蔥翠茂盛、氣候怡人而且充滿各樣的天然地形,他決定以 贊助他遠征的西班牙為小島命名,稱為La Isla Española,及後譯成拉丁語 Hispaniola。 哥倫布於一年後再訪並開始殖民工作,他的弟弟Bartholomew其後於 1496年建立聖多明哥(Santo Domingo)。這是西班牙新世界的首個殖民地城 鎮,也是西班牙遠征隊伍的基地,之後更發現古巴、波多黎各及墨西哥等地。 新世界的歷史由此展開。

You can say this is where the New World began. It was Christopher Columbus’s very first voyage to the West, and he arrived in what is known today as the Dominican Republic in December, 1492. He dedicated the name of this lush island with its mild climate and diverse landscape to Spain, the sponsoring country of his expedition. He called it La Isla Española, later Latinized to Hispaniola. Columbus returned a year later to establish a colony and, in 1496, his younger brother, Bartholomew, founded Santo Domingo. It was the first seat of the Spanish colonial rule in the New World, and it became the base for some of the most important Spanish expeditions that led to the conquest of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico and more.






哥倫布跟聖多明加的歷史不可分割。哥倫布於 1492年首次向新世界遠征時發現了Hispaniola 島。及後他的弟弟Bartholomew發現了聖多明 加,其大兒子Don Diego更於當地海旁興建了一 座宮殿。為了紀念他,當地歷史舊區的中心便有 一個以他命名的廣場,並豎立了他的銅像。 The history of Santo Domingo is very much entwined with Christopher Columbus. The explorer discovered the island of Hispaniola on his first voyage to the New World in 1492. His younger brother, Bartholomew, founded the city and his first son, Don Diego, built a palace by the sea. He is honoured with a statue in his namesake square, in the heart of the historic district.


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Basilica Cathedral of Santa Maria la Menor 大教堂是新世界的首座教堂,至今仍然舉 行彌撒。哥倫布的遺駭曾埋葬於此。 The Basilica Cathedral of Santa Maria la Menor is the first cathedral of the New World, and regular services are still held to this day.

住宿方面,Hodelpa Nicolás de Ovando可讓你完全沉醉於歷史當中。酒店建於 1502年,由3座石屋及庭院組成,是首位西班牙駐美洲總督的家。據說,哥倫布 亦曾於此作客。建築物雖富殖民地色彩,室內裝潢卻充滿當代元素,並有現代化 豪華設施。 For a sense of history, stay at Hodelpa Nicolás de Ovando. Comprising three stone houses and courtyards built in 1502, this historic site was the home of the first Spanish governor of the Americas. Christopher Columbus is said to have stayed here as well. While the building is colonial, the decor combines contemporary elements with luxurious modern amenities.

這個新世界城鎮急速發展,陸續興建首條道路、醫院、大學、教 堂、城堡、大宅、修道院及要塞等。 到了1600年後期,法國從西班牙搶奪島嶼西面的統治權,島嶼自 此一分為二,成為今日的多明尼加共和國和海地。 多明尼加共和國首府聖多明哥是新世界最重要的歷史地點之一, 並於1992年被聯合國教科文組織列為世界文化遺產。當地仍可找到很 多早期的古跡。聯合國教科文組織對城鎮有這樣的評價:「雖然城市不 斷發展,亦飽受颶風及地震的侵害,但成就聖多明哥城的種種重要元 素仍然得以保存。」 就好像坎昆的Chichen Itza及古巴Varadero的夏灣拿,聖多明加 是到訪多明尼加著名沙灘度假城鎮Puerto Plata及Punta Cana的必訪之 地。無論你喜歡研究歷史,又或者純粹為了上載美景到Instagram,這 裏都不會讓你失望。

A building frenzy quickly ensued. One by one, the first road, hospital, university, cathedral, castle, customs house, monastery and fortress were established in the New World. (In the late 1600s, France took over the western part of the island from Spain, dividing the island into what is now the Dominican Republic and Haiti.) The Dominican capital of Santo Domingo is one of the most important historical destinations in the New World, designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in1990. Many of the “first monuments” are still standing. In fact, the world organization remarked that “… despite the pressures caused by property development, damage caused by hurricanes and earthquakes, the essential attributes, upon which the functional and physical integrity of the City of Santo Domingo are based, are preserved.” 皇家大宅博物館及國家神殿是市內其中兩座最具歷史意義的建築。前者於1508 年建成,是新世界西班牙王權的法治核心。而後者曾是耶穌會教堂,現在已成 為國內重要人物死後的歇息之所。 The Museo de las Casa Reales (the Royal Houses) and the National Pantheon are two of the most important cultural monuments to the city. The former was erected in 1508, and was the administrative heart of Spanish power in the New World. The latter used to be a Jesuit church, and today it serves as the final resting place of the country’s most honoured citizens.

Just like Cancun has Chichen Itza and Varadero has Havana, Santo Domingo is a must-see for visitors heading to the famous Dominican beach towns of Puerto Plata and Punta Cana. Whether you are a history aficionado or just in search of cool backdrops for your next Instagram post, the New World’s first city will not disappoint. ELITEGEN






馬車、汽車及果販的三輛車一同行駛的有趣畫面。 Horse-drawn carriages share the road with modern cars and fruit vendors on tricycles. E L I T E G E N. C A



咖啡控都知道多明尼加共和國出產優質咖啡豆,而La Cafetera則被當地人選為 最佳咖啡店。店主Don Benito Paliza是當地烘焙咖啡豆的先驅,他在1932開設 了這間咖啡店,為藝術家及知識分子提供一個聚腳地。 Coffee aficionados know that the Dominican Republic grows good coffee beans and Dominicanos consider La Cafetera the city’s best café. It’s founder, Don Benito Paliza, the country’s coffee-roasting pioneer, created this establishment in 1932 as a meeting place for artists and intellectuals.

雪茄店Boutique Tabacos Caoba售賣的雪茄全部由人手捲製及存放在店內的冧 酒酒桶進行熟成。Caoba是世界上其中一種最優質紅木的西班牙名字,這種樹 木只在古巴種植,木材過往一直只作內銷,直至兩年前才開始出口國外。店內 牆上有一封由前美國總統克林頓寫的信,表示其妻子希拉莉很高興到訪該店。 At Boutique Tabacos Caoba, all cigars are hand-rolled and aged in rum barrels right in the shop. The name Caoba is the Spanish name for one of the world’s finest mahogany woods that once was grown only in Cuba. You may not have heard the name, for it was never exported outside of the country until two years ago. There is a letter on the wall from former U.S. president Bill Clinton, who wrote that his wife, Hillary, enjoyed her visit there.

聖多明加是有著很多美洲「第一」的城市,難怪遊客絡繹不絕。不 過城內並非只有古老建築物及銅像,還有很多只此一家的特色小店值 得到訪,比方是以當地水果製成的甜品,人手編織的帆布鞋子等,四 處閒逛都可以找到不少隱世小店。 不用擔心走在街上會迷路,市內十字縱橫的路網非常工整,更是 新世界各城鎮的的指定規劃模式。橫跨十個路口的石鋪大街Calle el Conde是最佳的購物大道,街上商店林立,可找到精品小店、藝廊、 咖啡室及餐廳。

Dabeiba是當地一位手工糖果師,拿手好戲是無糖椰子糖。其他推介還有加入 當地水果如車厘子、無花果、椰子及香橙製成的焦糖糖果dulce de leche。 Dabeiba is one of the artisanal candy-makers at La Casa de los Dulces (House of Sweets) on Calle Emiliano Tejera. This is where you can stock up on dulce de leche, a caramel-like candy with local fruits like cherries, figs, coconuts and oranges.

想買一對度身訂造的手工帆布鞋,就要來到La Alpargateria。選擇鞋跟高度、 帆布或皮革的顏色及款式,一日內便可取貨。這家由家族經營的鞋店至今已傳 至第四代,一雙鞋子售價約$50美元。 Pick up a pair of custom, hand-sewn espadrilles at La Alpargateria. Just choose the heel height, the colour of the canvas or leather and the trimming design, and the craftsmen will get them made for you within the day. The family has been making espadrilles for four generations, and a pair will set you back around $US50.

With so many primadas de Américas—firsts of the Americas—it is easy to see why tourists flock to the colonial zone of Santo Domingo. But it is not just about old buildings and statues. You will also find many one-of-a-kind artisanal stores. From sweets made from local fruits to hand-sewn jute shoes, you will discover many hidden gems as you wander. Don’t worry about getting lost. The town is laid out in a grid pattern that became the model for almost all town planners in the New World. The best shopping is along the cobblestoned Calle el Conde, stretching over 10 blocks and lined with little shops, art galleries, cafes and restaurants. ELITEGEN





偌大的西班牙廣場(Plaza de España),一旁是哥倫布宮殿,另一旁則是林立 的餐廳。如果想停下來吃點東西,不妨考慮建於1505年的Pat’ e Palo European Brasserie,它是新世界最古老的餐館。 The enormous Plaza de España is framed by the Columbus Palace on one end and a restaurant row on the other. If you are looking to stop for a bite, check out Pat’e Palo European Brasserie. Established in 1505, it is the oldest tavern in the New World. 加勒比海的天氣熱力迫人,不妨來一支Paletas Bajo Cero的冰棒 paleta降溫。Paletas意思為 「小棒」 ,是以新鮮水果等製成的冰棒。 When seeking respite from the Caribbean heat, cool yourself down with a paleta from Paletas Bajo Cero, frozen popsicles made with fresh fruits and other decadent ingredients.


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d 位於海旁的Adrian Tropical是當地人氣餐廳,大家都為了mofongo (大蕉泥加入香蒜、橄欖油及脆豬皮) 和海鮮而來。 以木杯盛著的mofongo可當作前菜或是大伙兒分享的小吃。 Local foodies flock to Adrian Tropical by the sea for mofongo (mashed green plantains with garlic, olive oil and crispy pork rinds) and seafood. It is served in a wooden footed cup and eaten as an appetizer, or as a shared dish.

聖多明加的美食亦同樣精彩。市內可找到令人垂涎的街 頭小食、經典的克里奧爾菜餚、傳統的西班牙美食以至新派 各國菜系。大蝦(camarones)及蟹(cangrejo)是當地常見的食 材,本地人亦對咖喱情有獨鍾。mofongo是必食推介,把大蕉 煮成泥並加入香蒜、橄欖油及醉豬皮,看似平平無奇的一道 菜卻帶來豐富味覺享受。 聖多明加跟當地兩大著名沙灘度假熱點Puerto Plata及 Punta Cana分別距離164及162公里,有高速公路連接,往來 十分容易。 旋風式一日遊聖多明加並非不可,但由於景點多,加上 購物及美食,建議留宿一晚。當地的歷史背景、傳統歐洲色 彩跟多明尼加文化的融和 ,肯定會令你大開眼界。 更多詳情,請瀏覽。

The food scene in Santo Domingo is nothing short of exciting. You can find tantalizing street foods, classic Creole dishes, authentic Spanish fare and even avant-garde international cuisine. Many dishes feature prawns (camarones) and crabs (cangrejo), and they also have a soft spot for curries. One local specialty you must try is the mofongo, which is mashed green plantains with garlic, olive oil and crispy pork rinds. It may not look like much, but it is a flavour bomb. Santo Domingo is easy to access from Puerto Plata and Punta Cana, the most popular beach destinations in the Dominican Republic. It is just 164 and 162 kilometres away respectively, and there are modern highways linking them.

遊覽聖多明加其中一個方法是踏單車。Zona Bici提供多個單車遊覽行程,其中一個2小 時的行程最受歡迎,由殖民地區域至海濱大道Malecón,欣賞如畫般的加勒比海美景。 單車店內更設有手工啤酒吧,不過店主Jose Palica強調他不會容許酒後駕駛單車。

You can visit the city as a whirlwind day trip, but with so many sights, shopping and foods to try, it warrants at least a night’s stay. You will feel enlightened by the history and will appreciate the authentic immersion into Dominican culture. For more info, go to

A cool way to explore the capital city is to rent a bike. Zona Bici offers different itineraries. The most popular is a two-hour tour that takes you through the colonial zone to the Caribbean Sea on the Malecón, the picturesque seafront boulevard. The bicycle shop also houses an artisanal beer bar—though the owner, Jose Palica, says he does not condone drinking and cycling. ELITEGEN




travel: festival

戀戀櫻花 see the sakura

Vancouver's Cherry Blossom Festival shows off its 43,000 trees Story | Iris Yim Photography | Johnny Liu


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戀戀櫻花季,粉似錦霞白勝雪,最美人間三月天。 從二月底到四月,溫哥華地區最 先 伸 出 了 嫩 芽 的 是 耐 寒 的 李 樹,跟著開花的是褒獎櫻(Accolade Cherry)、惠空櫻(Whitecomb Cherry)、夕櫻(Afterglow Cherry)等櫻花品種,接續而來的吉野櫻 (Yoshino Cherry)、美國曙櫻(Akebono Cherry)、白妙櫻(Shirotae Cherry)、關山櫻(Kwanzan Cherry)等亦次第綻放,再加上桃李爭春杏 花開,把樹梢枝底春意鬧得沸沸揚揚,溫哥華通衢幽巷頓時成了花海。 櫻花落戶溫哥華,始於上世紀三十年代日本神戶和橫濱市長贈 送了五百棵櫻花樹給史丹利公園,之後溫哥華公園局在市內廣植櫻花 樹。據統計,現時全溫共約有五十四個櫻花品種,植有四萬三千多株 櫻花樹,可說是除了日本以外,種櫻密度最高的城市之一。 除了迎風賞櫻,溫哥華民眾和櫻花深深結緣的還有溫哥華櫻花節 (Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival,簡稱VCBF)舉辦的多款活動, 或到公園櫻花樹下野餐的一期一會,以至在溫市大小餐廳中享用以櫻 花為主題的特色美饌等,色香味形美,全方位感受櫻花之魅。 今年第14屆的溫哥華櫻花節是溫市標誌性的春季活動,也是 每年一度櫻花盛開時的慶典,其靈感來自日本傳統文化活動「花見」 (hanami)。舉行地點分布市內各個社區,方便全民參與。最先是4月2 至3日於Burrard Sky Train Station拉開序幕的「Cherry Jam Concert」。 重頭節目是4月18至19日在VanDusen Botanical Garden舉行的 「Sakura Days Japan Fair」,有日本歌舞表演、茶道、太鼓、花道、書 道、俳句唱頌、跆拳道、空手道、漫畫和烹調示範等助興。有興趣試 穿和服者必不能錯過當中的「Yukata Dressing」環節,現場更有多個可 品嘗日式美食的小吃攤檔。

Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn. Each year, from late February until April, the cold-resistant plum tree is the first to sprout in Vancouver, followed by various cherry blossoms, such as the Accolade, Whitcomb and Afterglow varieties. Further blooming in sequence will be the Yoshino, Akebono, Shirotae and Kwanzan. All these trees bring a beautiful sea of flowers to areas of the city, particularly its parks and botanical gardens. Cherry blossoms were introduced to Vancouver in the 1930s, when mayors from the Japanese cities of Kobe and Yokohama graciously presented 500 cherry trees to Stanley Park. Thereafter, the Vancouver Park Bureau planted cherry trees throughout the city. Statistics indicate there are now more than 43,000 cherry trees in Vancouver under 54 different species, so it’s safe to say that Vancouver is one of the cities with the highest density of cherry trees outside of Japan. To celebrate this lovely season, cherry tree lovers can participate in a variety of events organized by the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival. You can picnic under the cherry trees in the park, or specialtydine in one of the city’s restaurants participating in the festival. The festival, now in its 14th year, is the city’s iconic spring event, inspired by Japan’s traditional hanami (flower viewing) cultural event. Participating locations are spread throughout the city, beginning with the Cherry Jam Concert opening ceremony at Burrard Sky Train Station, April 2-3. The festival’s highlight event, the Sakura Days Japan Fair, takes place April 18-19 at the VanDusen Botanical Garden. It will feature Japanese musical performances, a tea ceremony, taiko drums, flower ceremonies, book chanting, haiku chanting, taekwondo, karate, manga and even cooking demonstrations. For anyone interested in trying on kimonos, the Yukata Dressing is a must-see event.





travel: festival

溫哥華櫻花節讓人更了解日式傳統文化,試穿日本和服Yukata Dressing更是Sakura Days Japan Fair最受歡迎的環節。 The Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival gives people a better understanding of traditional Japanese culture. Trying on Japanese kimonos at the Yukata Dressing is one of the most popular events during the Sakura Days Japan Fair.

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溫哥華市內約種有四萬三千多株櫻花樹,一到櫻花季,大街小巷都是花海。 It’s estimated there are about 43,000 cherry trees in Vancouver. The streets and alleys are a sea of flowers when in season.

溫哥華櫻花節的序幕表演 「Cherry Jam Concert」 ,櫻花仙子𦲷𦲷𦲷𦲷𦲷。 The Cherry Blossom Concert, a prelude to the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival. (Credit: VCBF, Photography: Judith Guzman)

櫻花節其他亮點 Other Spotlights TrEE TAlKS & WAlK 分別在市中心及West End、Stanley Park、QE Park、UBC、 VanDusen Botanical Garden等不同區域的導賞團,由專家帶隊,因 應不同開花時間推出的賞櫻步行團。

led by experts, these cherry blossom walking tours will be available based upon the differing blossoming periods across the city centre, West End, Stanley Park, QE Park, UBC and the VanDusen Botanical Garden. SAKUrA NIGhT 在Stanley Park Pavilion舉辦的美食節,有多家本地餐廳參與, 提供與櫻花及跟「花見」有關的美食。

A number of local restaurants participate in the food festival at Stanley Park Pavilion, which offers lots of choices for lovers to further adore the cherry blossoms.

ThE BIG PICNIC 日本徘句有云:「櫻花樹下沒有陌生人」,買上美食在各大公園 的櫻花樹下野餐,可全方位體驗和式賞櫻之樂,女皇公園(QE Park) 的老櫻花樹是此中熱點。園內櫻花盛放,更是攝影發燒友取景的好機 會。溫哥華櫻花節主辦的「The Big Picnic」,每年都會吸引約三千人 參與,共享「花見」野餐之樂。 更多有關温哥華櫻花節的資料,可瀏覽。踏花歸去滿身 香,網頁內還附有相關地圖(Neighbourhood Maps),介紹溫哥華賞 櫻路線的開花期,一於來個賞花自由行。

There is a Japanese saying: “There are no strangers under the cherry trees.” Each year, this event attracts around 3,000 participants to share one big “hanami” picnic, and all you need to do is bring some delicious food to picnic under a cherry tree. You can enjoy this amazing experience, especially under the mature cherry trees in QE Park. It is the hot spot. A lane of cherry blossoms provide the best Instagram opportunity for both social media and photo fanatics. For more information about the 14th-annual Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival, visit It provides information on blooming periods, plus walking and biking tour routes in the city. Take some time and enjoy a pleasant and fragrance-enhanced walk.



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首輛為女性度身定造的 Aston mArtin

The SUV redefined Aston Martin is hoping that more women will get behind its wheels Story | Norris McDonald

今時今日的汽車製造商,個個都要緊貼市場,連英國老 牌豪華跑車Aston Martin也推出第一款SUV,就是DBX型號。 有些人可能認為此舉瘋狂,但其實它的背後大有謀略。 去年聖誕節前我曾訪問Aston Martin的總裁兼集團行政總裁 Andy Palmer,他表示72%的Aston Martin車主同時也擁有 SUV。雖然他沒有明言,但相信這72%車主都是DBX的潛在 顧客,而其他對豪華SUV感興趣的人當然也是DBX的銷售對 象。 Palmer 明確表示,這款車的目標是要成為市面上最漂亮 的SUV。「就好像著名的薩佛街(Savile Row)高級西裝,是按 照客人的具體要求,用心製造出來的。DBX是所有SUV之中 最漂亮的。」 102 E L I T E G E N. C A



There isn’t an automaker in business today that isn’t concerned about being left behind in the marketplace. That explains why even Aston Martin has built its very first SUV, the DBX. It appears there might very well be method behind what some people see as madness. In an interview before Christmas, Andy Palmer, president and group CEO of Aston Martin, told me that 72 per cent of current Aston Martin owners also have an SUV in their garage. He didn’t come out and say it, but the inference was that the people making up that 72 per cent were potential DBX customers. “The goal of this car is to be the best-looking SUV on the market,” says Palmer. “It’s like a Savile Row suit: it’s been made to your specifications and it’s been made with passion. DBX is the most beautiful of all the SUVs.” At present, nearly 95 per cent of Aston Martin owners are male. Although

目前,Aston Martin的車主當中,接近95%是男性。雖然Palmer希望 所有人都購買DBX,但這家占士邦電影主角的座駕製造商更加希望得到更 多女性垂青。因此,在北京和洛杉磯車展的發布會上,宣傳重點放在廠方 花了很多心思在設計上以吸引更多女性駕駛者,雖然廠方其後很快澄清 說,這款車並不僅是為女士而設,而是無論對女士、家庭,或男士來說它 都更實用。 不過,Palmer仍堅持這款車的目標之一是女性顧客。「我們不去憑空 猜測女士想要怎麼樣的車,而是成立了一個女性顧問委員會去探討。從一 開始這個委員會就與我們在一起(他說在2015年他上任後4天,便拍板製造 這車並成立委員會) 。我們精心研究,並特別為如何安排那5個座位而傷透 腦筋。我們大概用了一年時間來找出完善方案,而現在座椅的位置在上下 車方面都是最好的。」車廠尤其重視駕駛者的座位,單在這方面就花了6個 月的時間才找到最適當的位置。

Palmer would like anybody and everybody to buy the DBX, the firm that makes the cars that James Bond drives would prefer that a few more women get behind its steering wheels. And so, during its unveiling at the Beijing and L.A. auto shows, there was an emphasis on how much effort had gone into the design of the DBX in order to attract women, although the company was quick to clarify that it’s not talking about making cars exclusively for the female market, but ones that are more practical for women and families. “Let there be no doubt, though, that one of the targets of this car is the female customer,” says Palmer. “Rather than trying to guess what women want from their car, we set up a female advisory board. They’ve been with us from the very beginning. (Palmer says he and the board commissioned the car in 2015, four days after he joined the company.)



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內廂方面,DBX特意把前座和後座的空間分佈均 等,前排跑車型的座椅既可為駕駛者提供堅實的支撐 和長途駕駛的舒適感,也兼顧後排乘客的膝蓋和腳部 空間。車頂設有大型全景天窗,讓車內光線很明亮。 此外,所有主動安全系統皆為標準裝置,增添安全 感。 專為DBX而設的女性顧問委員會在裡裡外外做了 很多微細的改善工作,包括座椅的手枕、前排座位前 的雜物箱設計,以及符合人體工程學裝置的控制系統 等。在中央控制台之下設有擺放物件的空間;在駕駛 者正前方有一個12.3吋的屏幕展示車速、汽油、油壓 和溫度表,而與中控台齊平有一個10.25吋的屏幕, 提供大量資訊和娛樂信息。蘋果的CarPlay和360度全 景行車輔助系統都是標準裝置。 車尾箱的空間有632公升,如把後排座椅折疊, 容量就更大,可擺放各種物件如高爾夫球桿、旅行 和背包等。同時還有多種套件供選配,其中一些也蠻 有趣,例如寵物套件,設有便攜式手提洗滌器,方便 清除愛犬外出後沾上的泥濘。 Palmer稱,DBX採用平治車廠的4.0公升V8雙渦 輪增壓引擎,可輸出542匹馬力及516磅/呎扭力,從 靜止加速至時速100公里僅需4.5秒,極速可達時速 291公里,配合9速波箱及配備主動差速器的四驅系 統,令DBX更扎實和動力更強勁。它還配有汽缸歇止 系統,可於低負載時切斷部分汽缸,以降低耗油;而 主動排氣系統可確保在市區內聲音微細,但在高速公 路上馳騁時聲浪雄渾。 「除了是最漂亮的SUV,我們同時要求它是駕駛 性能最好的SUV。」Palmer說道:「 (保時捷) Cayenne 公認是這界別中最出色的,但我們要做到比它更優 秀,要達至極致,無懈可擊。這款車對我們非常重 要,希望每年可賣出4,000輛,在加拿大可賣幾百 輛。」 DBX在加拿大的廠商建議零售價為218,400元, 稅項及運費等另計。Aston Martin在多倫多有兩個經 銷商,一個在市中心,另一個在旺市,目前正接受訂 購,預計首批新車可於2020年第二季運到。 104 E L I T E G E N. C A



“We agonized, in particular, over how the five seating positions should be. It probably took us a year to get that perfected, but the seating points are such that the ingress and egress are as best as can be.” Particular attention was paid to the driver’s seating position. It took them six months to get that one just right. The interior of the DBX is designed so there is equal space, front and back. Sports car seat packaging in the front not only provides the driver with solid support and long-distance driving comfort, but also knee and footwell clearance for those sitting behind. And it’s bright in there, thanks to a fulllength glass roof. All available active safety systems are on board to add to the sense of security. The female advisory board was responsible for many of the small touches throughout, including separate central armrests, glove-compartment design and the ergonomic positioning of the car’s control systems. The centre console has room for storage below. A 12.3-inch screen sits directly in front of the driver showing speed, fuel, oil pressure and temperature gauges, while a 10.25-inch touchscreen sits flush in the centre console and provides a wealth of information and entertainment. Apple CarPlay comes standard, as does a 360-degree camera system. With 632 litres of trunk space (the rear seats can fold down for more), a variety of luggage can be handled, including golf clubs as well as suitcases and backpacks. Some of the optional accessory packages are quite interesting. For example, the pet package includes a portable washer to clean off your pooch after a walk. Palmer said the DBX is using the Daimler four-litre, twin-turbocharged V-8 engine (542 hp; 516 lb.-ft. of torque; zero to 100 km/h in 4.5 seconds with a top speed of 292 km/h) mated to a nine-speed automatic gearbox and coupled with a four-wheel-drive system with active differentials. As a result, this car is powerful and robust. Cylinder deactivation helps improve fuel economy, and the active exhaust system ensures the SUV can sound refined when cruising through the trendy parts of town and powerful when opening up on the freeway. “As well as being the best-looking SUV, we want this to be the best driving SUV,” says Palmer. “The (Porsche) Cayenne is acknowledged to be the best in the segment, and we wanted something better than that. It’s a very important car to us. We think we can sell about 4,000 a year (several hundred in Canada). We hope it’s the best it can be.” The MSRP in Canada is $218,400, plus the usual taxes, freight and so-on. Aston dealerships in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Calgary are taking orders now, with first deliveries expected in the second quarter of 2020.

Aston Martin DBX 2020一覽

Aston Martin DBX at a glance

引擎:採用平治車廠的4.0 公升 V8 雙渦輪增壓引擎 波箱:由平治車廠供應的9前速自動波箱 馬力及扭力:542匹馬力,516 磅/呎扭力 0-100公里/小時:4.5秒 極速:291公里/小時 耗油量:未有提供 車尾箱容量:22立方呎,後排座椅折疊後有54立方呎 拖曳能力:2,694公斤 競爭對手:Cadillac Escalade,Mercedes-Maybach GLS

Engine: 4.0-litre, twin-turbo V-8 engine supplied by Mercedes-AMG. Transmission: 9-speed automatic, also supplied by Mercedes. Horsepower and torque: 542 hp; 516 lb./ft. torque. Zero-100 km/h: 4.5 seconds. Top speed: 291 km/h. Fuel economy: Not available. Cargo: 22 cubic feet; 54 cubic feet with the rear seats folded. Towing capacity: 2,694 kilograms. Competition: Mercedes-Maybach GLS, Porsche Cayenne, Cadillac Escalade. ELITEGEN


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Perfect harmony Devialet Phantom reactor has both audio and design excellence Story | PC Market

啞黑色機身造型獨特,陽剛味十足。 The matte black finish looks sharp and masculine.

尺寸 219×157×168mm 重量 4.3kg 功率 600W及900W峰值 響應範圍 18Hz-21kHz 單元 鋁金屬全頻揚聲器×1、鋁金屬低音揚聲器×2 處理器 ARM Cortex-A9 1.25GHz處理器 記憶體 512MB DDR3-1600 無線網絡 Wi-Fi (a/b/g/n 2.4GHz & 5GHz) 藍牙 A2DP、AVRCP 支援音樂編碼 AAC、SBC 接連 AirPlay、Spotify Connect、RJ-45 0/100/1000Mbps (Gigabit) 、CPL插座AV2、Analog/Optical Jack Input

可以連接有線網絡、3.5mm或光纖輸入。 Wired, 3.5mm and fiber input jacks available.

Dimensions: 219×157×168mm Weight: 4.3kg PoWer: 600W/ 900W peak Frequency range: 18hz-21khz sPeakers: 1 x aluminum full-range driver, 2 x aluminum bass drivers Processor: arm cortex-a9 1.25ghz memory: 512mB DDr3-1600 Wireless netWork Wi-Fi: (a/b/g/n 2.4ghz & 5ghz) Bluetooth: a2DP, aVrcP encoDing suPPort: aac, sBc connections: airPlay, spotify connect, rJ-45 0/100/1000mbps (gigabit), cPl aV2 socket, analog/optical Jack input $1,450 (600W) $1,850 (900W)

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可下載Devialet應用程式,為喇叭進行 網絡配對。 The Devialet app can map network and speakers.

可透過無線網絡將兩台Phantom連接 起來。 A pair of Phantom Reactors can be used as stereo speakers via wireless network.

法國科技音響品牌Devialet的Phantom Reactor超小型擴音器,憑 着小巧的體積、最高900W輸出功率及最高九十八分貝聲壓,加上相對 親民的售價,為Devialet贏得漂亮一仗。最近推出全新的Matte Black 啞黑色版本,陽剛味十足,跟原有典雅的白色版擁有同樣細緻雄渾的 音色。 Phantom Reactor體積比足球還小,卻有4.3公斤重,無論在技術 上或物理上都經過精密設計,務求達至最佳音響表現。精巧的球面外 殼設計配備完美原音制式,內置的兩個雙推挽低音揚聲器備有錐形振 幅,配合全頻揚聲器,能造出低至18Hz的醇厚超低音,亦能播放清晰 細緻的21KHz高音。 性能方面,原有的白色和今次的黑色版本並沒有分別,推出今次 Matte Black版前,廠方經過了一年的篩選和測試,因喇叭在運作時會 產生強大的聲壓和力量,一般塗料可能因為承受不了而出現碎裂致影 響外觀,最後才決定使用現有的顏色和塗料。 使用方面,基本上是一插即用,亦可透過專用手機應用程式來控 制;支援藍牙傳輸、Spotify Connect、AirPlay、UPnP及光纖輸入。如 已有兩隻Phantom Reactor,更可透過無線網絡及手機應用配對起來並 擴展聲場,帶來親歷其境的立體聲震撼。不過,在使用藍牙時,只能 使用單一隻喇叭播放,但以它高達900W的強勁力輸出,可將聲音傳送 至每一角落,效果亦相當震撼。 透過無線網絡接連Phantom Reactor,只要在手機安裝Devialet程 式,簡單按照指示就能配對有關裝置,然後就可以透過AirPlay播放音 樂,好處是音樂是經過網絡直接播放。用家可以繼續使用手機,就算 有短訊或來電也不會影響音樂播放。

控制面板採用觸感控制。 A tactile control panel.

使用AirPlay播放,輕鬆簡單。 Easy Airplay playback.

可用手機調控音樂和播放。 You can use the smartphone app to operate music playback.

French audio start-up Devialet has done it again. This time, it’s with the ultra-tiny Phantom Reactor 900 amplifier. While it is compact in size, it delivers 900 watts of maximum output power and a maximum sound pressure of 98 decibels. This unit produces sound resembling what one might experience in a concert hall. The newly released matte black version may be more masculine than the original white finish, but performance remains the same. The Phantom Reactor is deceptively heavy. Despite being smaller than a football, it weighs 4.3 kilograms. It aims to achieve audio design excellence from both a technical and physical standpoint. With a pair of duo built-in full range, tapered amplitude subwoofer speakers, it delivers pure bass frequency as low as 18Hz, and also conveys clear high treble at 21KHz. Since these speakers produce high audio power and energy, their outer coatings must be able to withstand it without cracks in the finish developing. So sound engineers spent more than a year testing the black matte finish before its launch. For usage, it’s simply plug-and-play and can operate via a mobile app. The app supports Bluetooth transmission, Spotify Connect, AirPlay, UPnP and optic input. If you already have a pair of Phantom Reactors, through Wi-Fi and a mobile app you can pair them up and generate an expanded sound experience. The only caveat is that if you use Bluetooth transmission, it can only feed to one Phantom Reactor. That said, with its powerful 900-watt output, there is no doubt that solid state frequency can be transmitted to every corner with no difficulty whatsoever. To install the Devialet app on your smartphone, simply follow instructions to map your Wi-Fi and play music through Airplay. Since the music plays via Wi-Fi, the stream will not break, even if you have an incoming text message or call. You can also continue to surf the net or play games on the phone while listening. 可選購的輕鋼支架,外觀亦採用 大膽的設計風格。 Even an optional lightweight steel tripod has a bold design.



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get out Kyung Wha Chung with Kevin Kenner, March 6, Koerner Hall,

The Cloth that Changed the World: India's Painted and Printed Cottons, April 4 to September 27, Royal Ontario Museum, 印度的印花布藝享譽世界,今次是50年來首次公開展示,展示此技藝精湛的彩繪 布由五千年前的起源至現在的大量成品,探索其發展其對世界產生的深遠影響。 This world-renowned collection of Indian chintz will mark its first public display in 50 years, celebrating the technical mastery, creativity and far-reaching influence this vividly painted and printed cloth has had on the world, from its origins 5,000 years ago to the present day.

被《星期日泰晤士報》推許 為「純粹的樂韻中,展現 了激動人心的動力」的南 韓小提琴家鄭京和,聯同 鋼琴家Kevin Kenner一起 演繹勃拉姆斯、弗朗克和 貝多芬的作品,作為多倫 多皇家音樂學院慶祝貝多 芬誕生250周年音樂節的 一部分。 “Simply, relentlessly, magnificent: a miracle of momentum and humanity,” is how The Sunday Times describes legendary violinist Kyung Wha Chung. She is joined by Kevin Kenner on piano to perform works by Brahms, Franck and Beethoven. Part of The Conservatory’s Beethoven 250 Festival.

Lumina Toronto Zoo, to April 13, Toronto Zoo, 多倫多動物園的Terra Lumina是Moment Factory的 Lumina幻影燈光系列之一。夜幕降臨後,觀眾沿著 1.5公里長的步道,於奇妙的光影景象中,穿梭過 去和未來。 Terra Lumina is the eleventh unique experience created in the Moment Factory’s Lumina night walk series. After nightfall at the Toronto Zoo, audiences are invited to pursue an immersive experience along Summer: The Donna Summer Musical, March 10-22, a 1.5 km walking path that travels into the future Princess of Wales Theatre, and back. 她是來自波士頓的一個女孩,有著天使般的聲音,從福音 合唱團到「的士高女皇」。且看Donna Summer如何勇敢突 破框框,成為一個時代的標誌。是一齣有著跌宕劇情和連 場精采歌舞的音樂劇。 She was a girl from Boston with a voice from heaven, who shot through the stars from gospel choir to dance floor diva. But what the world didn’t know was how Donna Summer risked it all to break through barriers, becoming the icon of an era and the inspiration for every music diva who followed.

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California Wine Fair, April 6, Beanfield Centre, 舉杯暢飲加州葡萄酒,難得可以一次過品嘗的機會由 150家加州頂級酒莊中挑選出來的400多種優質葡萄 酒,是加拿大最大型的加州葡萄酒巡迴展。 Raise a glass to California wines and enjoy a unique opportunity to sample a wide selection of more than 400 premium wines from 150 of California’s top producers. This is the largest, walk-around tasting tour of California wines in Canada.

Winter Stations, to March 30, Woodbine Beach, Winter Stations是一個國際競賽和展覽,從來自世界各地的參賽 設計選出得獎作品,將Woodbine沙灘的救生站轉化為教人意想 不到和目為之眩的冬季藝術品。 Winter Stations is an international competition and exhibition that receives design submissions from around the world. Each year, the winning installations transform the unused lifeguard stations along Woodbine Beach into whimsical works of winter art.

Toronto Symphony Orchestra: Gimeno, Yuja Wang and Brahms, April 8, 9 & 11, Roy Thomson Hall, 年僅33歲的中國鋼琴家王羽佳近年表現光芒四射,The Philadelphia Inquirer形容她 演奏時「觀眾情不自禁站起來及歡呼」。今次將和多倫多交響樂團即將上任的音樂總 監Gustavo Gimeno合作,演奏包括勃拉姆斯的《第二交響曲》等的優美樂章。 Experience Brahms’ romantic genius with the dazzling Yuja Wang. When she played, “the audience stood and roared,” reported The Philadelphia Inquirer. The TSO’s incoming Music Director, Gustavo Gimeno, makes his second appearance of the season in these all-Brahms concerts, also featuring the lyrical Second Symphony.

Crypto by Guillaume Côté, April 22-26, St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts, Guillaume Côté是加拿大國家芭蕾舞團的首席舞者和編舞助理,是同輩中最激動人 心和最受歡迎的舞者之一。其最新的劃時代當代舞蹈創作,採用瑞典作曲家Mikael Karlsson的音樂,探索強迫性流離失所以及人類控制和改造美的要求。 Guillaume Côté, Principal Dancer and Choreographic Associate at The National Ballet of Canada, is one of the most electrifying and in-demand dancers of his generation. Featuring the music of Swedish composer Mikael Karlsson, and infused with theatre and technology, Côté’s latest cutting-edge contemporary dance creation is a ground-breaking work that explores forced displacement and the human need to control and transform beauty.

Winnie-the-Pooh: Exploring a Classic, March 7 to August 3, Royal Ontario Museum, 倫敦Victoria and Albert博物館的珍藏,將由A.A. Milne( 1882-1956)創作、E.H. Shepard(1879-1976)負責插圖的經典小熊維尼故事,以200多幅作品涵蓋了小熊維 尼從1920年至今的90年歷史,當中包括︰初創繪圖、早期版本的信件和證明、照 片、卡通、陶瓷製品和服裝,喚回大家的童心。 Organized by the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, the exhibition explores the origins, creation and enduring legacy of the classic stories by A.A. Milne (1882–1956) and illustrations by E.H. Shepard (1879–1976). More than 200 works in the exhibition span 90 years of Winnie-the-Pooh history, from 1920 to the present. The objects include original illustrations, letters and proofs along with early editions, photographs, cartoons, ceramics and fashion.


由 萄




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Been There 關注星尚,緊貼潮流。潮人潮服,名貴新品,華麗派對,搶先預賞新刊以及讀者回饋活動, 盡在Instagram: @EliteGenMag。Hashtag #EliteGen,你的圖片更有機會登上《星尚》。 Discover inspiring images, new luxury products, the latest fashion and the swankiest parties. Readers are invited to hashtag us for a chance to get featured: #EliteGen. Watch out for sneak previews of future issues and giveaways, too.

Sing Tao Media Group is proud to support #DragonBall #龍宴@yeehongfoundation again this year. The foundation is launching a capital campaign this spring with a fundraising goal of $80 million as seed money for the construction of three new long-term care homes with a total of 800 beds.To celebrate the New Year, the event opened with a specially choreographed Lion Dance by Sunny Tang Performance Team, and a large-scale spectacular, featuring 40 female dancers that transformed the stage into a Han Dynasty setting. (Photo credits:, Stephen Sin and Visions by David)

Our associate publisher @leslieyip0911 joins the DJs at our sister radio station, A1 Chinese Radio, in attending a special #ConcordCNY tasting of Louis XIII cognac. The Concord Park Place presentation centre was set up as a modern floral garden for the occasion. Not only was the party beautiful, it was such a treat to try one of the world’s best cognac. @concordsocial #路易十三

Longing for Asia? The new @popa.toronto at Bayview Village, helmed by chef @trevorlui and @hemant_ bhagwabi_, transports you to Burma, Bali and Macau with their elevated street food. Our favourites include the silky Shan tofu made with chick peas, and the Mohinga fish rice noodle soup, which comes with six bowls of spices and extras to personalize your bowl. #魚湯米粉

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@holtscafetoronto at Holt Renfrew’s Toronto Bloor Street store has re-opened. Designed by architect Alex Cochrane with a contemporary menu by Executive Chef @benjaminlillico in collaboration with @chasehospitalitygroup, the café now features a private dining room in addition to a bar and lounge area. #邊吃變血拼

Every seat at the recently-opened Aburi Hana at Yorkville Village is a VIP seat. Whether at one of the 16 counter seats or one of five private rooms, which accommodates two to eight guests, you will be awed by the artful 15-course menu created according to Kyoto kaiseki tradition by chef @ryusuke_nakagawa @hanayorkville. #懷石料理 In our last issue we incorrectly printed the website address for the Yabu Pushelberg Departo home line. It should have read We regret the error.

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