Sep 2019 EliteGen Toronto

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fifth anniversary issue

SEPTEMBER 2019 Vol. 46 Toronto

ToronTo sePtember 2019

luxury living for canada's chinese elite


jackson wang for fendi


239 years of chaumet


workin’ it at the office a sing Tao Publication


area 27 for car buffs


from pin-up girl to mom

Display until Sept 30, 2019


linda chung



available on CHANEL .COM

B® CHANEL S. de R.L.

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I O U S RE R I O U S 19.07.19 08:33

A sing tao publicAtion

luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief 胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 編輯 Editor 徐少玲 Iris Chui 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 編輯部 Editorial enquiries / 416-861-8168

參與 Contributors Grace Chan, Lorne Drury, Kenson Ho, Crystal Ng, Renée Suen, Shuk Wa Tsang, Miranda Tsui, Emilia Ku Yazar, Iris Yim

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan

美術部 production & design 美術及製作經理 Production Manager/Art Direction 邱卓庭 Cliff Yau 美術助理 Graphic Art Assistant 陸凱茵 Gloria Luk

廣告及市場部 Advertising sales & marketing 副總裁 Vice President of Sales & Marketing 周潔華 Tina Chow 營業總監 Director of Advertising Sales 李啟治 Redmond Lee 綜合媒體銷售經理 Integrated Media & Digital Sales Manager 陳雅力 Eric Chan 市場及傳訊經理 Marketing & Communication Manager 盧凱菁 Gloria Lo

營業代表 Sales Representatives Patrick Leung, Emily Lu, Kenneth Wong, Fanny Yeung, Harold Yu, Derek Yuen 營業部 Advertising enquiries 905-754-1534

發行部 Circulation & Distribution 副總裁 Vice President 黎文華 Raphael Lai 市場行銷總監 Consumer Marketing Director 奇士文 Craig Sweetman 發行助理 Circulation Officer 胡智豪 Tony Aw, 陳鳳 Tiffany Chen / 905-754-1548

出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada, affiliated with Torstar 加拿大星島傳媒集團出版,附屬多倫多星報

星尚歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 星尚每年出版九期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 9 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 221 Whitehall Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 9T1

publisher’s letter

百尺竿頭 Happy BirtHday to us     一晃眼原來已經五年了!九月這期正是《星尚》的五歲生 辰。     回想五年前,當大家都說紙媒面臨挑戰,聽到我們要辦 一本行銷全國、以時尚潮流生活為主題的雜誌時,都瞪大了 眼,各式勸諫聽到不少,但不改我們開拓這個市場的決心。     五年來闖過不少高山低谷,但事實證明我們的決定是正 確的—2017年進軍加拿大市場的50個國際品牌,當中四成 均是劍指豪華消費市場。市場情報公司POTLOC指出,加拿 大的富裕階層人均財富增長高於美國,帶動著珠寶、手錶、 豪華汽車、品牌時裝等行業的發展。顧問公司Bain於2018 年的報告中,更預計去到2025年,華人將佔豪華消費市場 銷售額的一半。剛過去的七月,豪華品牌策略專家Amish  Dargan亦發文表示,加拿大亞裔人士將是推動本土奢侈品 市場營業額增長的最大支柱。     《星尚》迎合潮流走勢,是加拿大市場上唯一以高級時尚 市場為對象的雙語雜誌。在市場熾熱增長的同時,我們也積 極擴充發行網,今個夏天開始,《星尚》進軍卑詩省、亞爾伯 達省、安省和魅北克省,超過六百家主流書店、超級市場、 藥房和報攤等零售商。讀者可到輸入 郵區編號,便可找到鄰近的銷售點。     今期更有兩大紅人︰鍾嘉欣和王嘉爾跟我們慶祝。封面 人物鍾嘉欣,即使淡出螢幕數年,成為了兩個小孩的媽媽, 明星光芒依舊無減,更增添溢於言表的幸福感。香港出生 的王嘉爾,曾是亞青錦標賽的劍擊金牌得主,現在是男團 GOT7一員,紅遍亞洲,最近成為著名品牌Fendi的形象大 使,聯乘推出Capsule服裝系列。

Half a decade ago, eliteGen was born out of a vision to create a high quality, beautifully printed luxury lifestyle magazine for Chinese-Canadians. It was a bold idea then, to launch a new print product when many publications appear to be struggling. But we soldiered on, recognizing the need for a high-end, bilingual magazine that caters to Canada’s Chinese elite. The first issue of eliteGen was published in September 2014. Fast forward five years, and we are happy that the market is telling us we made the right decision. Retail Insider notes that 40 per cent of about 50 new international retailers that entered Canada in 2017 were considered to be “in the luxury segment of the market”. Market intelligence hub POTLOC observed a “rapidly increasing population of wealthy residents with growth exceeding that of the United States, and that jewellery, watches, luxury cars, fashion boutiques and bridal salons are retail categories that are benefiting from the increase of this population segment. Bain consultancy estimated in a 2018 report that Chinese consumers will account for half of all luxury sales by 2025. And this July, Canadian luxury branding specialist Amish Dargan published an article citing that “the Asian demographic has become a major driver for the growth of luxury brands, a trend that is only expected to pick up steam”. We are proud to be the only Chinese-English magazine targeting this red hot market. As the luxury retail landscape expands, so does our readership. We began as a closed circulation publication distributed in select outlets and to select households. Since the beginning of summer, we have been awarded shelf space by mainstream newsstands (see pic below), adding more than 600 distribution points across British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec, increasing our reach multifold. You can find your nearest outlet simply by entering your postal code at elitegen. ca/newsstand. Helping us celebrate our fifth anniversary issue are two very beloved Asian celebrities: our cover girl Linda Chung who, seemingly in a blink of an eye, went from star actress to doting mom; and heartthrob Jackson Wang, in our exclusive chat, talks about his first capsule collaboration with Fendi for Fendiman. Plus, don’t forget to count the carats on the most bedazzled timepieces or take your exotic car on vacation to a resort with its own Formula One racetrack. We hope you enjoy this issue and that you make this September a month to remember.

今期尚有不少精彩內容迎接這個饒有意義的九月,誠邀 閣下與我們一同慶祝。

《星尚》已進駐逾600家主流書 店、超級市場和藥房等。 eliteGen is now on newsstands nationwide, including Shoppers Drug Marts, Loblaws, and Chapters and Indigo stores.


Leslie Yip Associate Publisher Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911 12








38 up front 10 團隊 Masthead

12 出版人的話 publisher's letter

18 dress code: on the red carpet

fashion 20-43 潮流特區 runway, hot handbags, black accessories and back to work beauty & scents 46 來一場肌膚盛宴 alMost good enough to eat, bottega Veneta illusione celebrity 52 封面故事 鍾嘉欣 • bb成長記 coVer girl: linda chung timepieces 58 一閃一閃亮晶晶 Jewelled watches jewellery 64 喚醒睡美人 chauMet

52 58



性能驅動 展現強者風範 渴望在路上澎湃奔馳、享受超越快感, 這款跑車必定能夠滿足您 – 全新 Panamera GTS︒ © 2019 Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. 保時捷建議您在道路上必須帶上安全帶和遵守交通規則。Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG是擁有 Porsche Crest®,Panamera®的商標。



72 fashion: men 68 王嘉爾 X Fendi Jackson wang For Fendi, Men in white

68 80

lifestyle 76 讓光線來設計 悼貝聿銘 architect i. M. pei tribute, quirky design by Farg and blanche 86 自己橡木自己種 wine not: bollinger Vintage chaMpagne 88 創意新滋味 dining to tell: Fet Zun, planta queen, seoul shakers 94 旅遊 traVel: area 27 For car buFFs automobiles 100 豪華與性能合體 range roVer sport fine art 104 達利的奇幻秘境 salVador dalí in VancouVer society 108 get out:

local eVents

110 been there: hobnobbing and schMooZing


Dress coDe

by Lily Lee


氣勢十足 classy cloak

羽出驚人 Funk up

甜美公主 layered and loVely




Carina Lau

Cathy Tsui


劉嘉玲一身橙色Valentino晚裝,皺摺曳地斗篷款式 新穎又特別,盡顯氣勢。

銀色晚裝裙一般不離釘珠或閃片,徐子淇卻選了另 類的印花布料,加以肩上的羽毛設計,看上去更覺 年青。

楊穎的漸變色蛋糕裙,款式隆重,出落甜美得猶如 公主一般。

A classic Valentino is the ultimate hostess gown.

Feathered silver lame adds carnival chic.

Looking fabulous in flounces.

E L I T E G E N. C A



新鮮玩味 gorgeous geometry

大膽復古 meow

時尚性感 Beauty in Balmain




Rosamund Kwan

Joey Yung

Grace Wong

關之琳的黑白裙採領口及手袖長短不一斗篷設計, 充滿玩味,再配搭以星星高跟鞋,充滿新鮮感。

容祖兒的tom Ford橙色豹紋短裙造型特別又大膽, 襯以smokey eye,充滿六十年代復古味道,且不失 時尚感。

王君馨穿上Balmain晚裝,單膊和開側叉裙擺,突出 其健美身段,時尚性感兼而有之。

Black and white and glam all over.

Tom Ford animal print makes modesty sexy.

A scene-stealer in silver.





fashion: women


bohemian Power

mixing the 1960s with the 1970s in a clash of the decades Story & styling | Lucas Tang Photography | Sing Ho Model | Suzanne @ Sun Esee Makeup | Angel Wong Hair | Eas Fu @ Fifth Salon

Suit and shirt, Dice Kaye, $TBD Hat, $1,150 Handbag, $7,340 Both Dior Shoes, Malone Souliers, $930


E L I T E G E N. C A



Jumpsuit, $5,670 Coat, $3,590 Shoes, $TBD Gloves, $1,400 All Gucci Handbag, Chloé, $3,110





fashion: women

Dress, $6,010 Sweater, $1,670 Boots, $2,120 Bracelet, $520 All Dior Hat, Gucci, $8,470


E L I T E G E N. C A



Dress, $5,100 Shirt, $1,910 Both Chloé Shoes, Dior, $1,490 Bag, Gucci, $TBD


E L I T E G E N. C A



SubScription offer

eliteGen singtao


限時訂閱優惠 • $29一年* (9期) • 比零售價 (價值$45) 節省35% 並免費送到府上 *另13% HST,受若干條件限制

Special limited-time offer • $29 for one year* (nine issues) • Save 35% off the newsstand price (a $45 value)

plus FREE delivery

*Plus 13% HST, some conditions apply

fashion: women

Dress, Lanvin, $5,440 Necklace, $4,050 Gloves, $620 Both Gucci


E L I T E G E N. C A



一所地標建築 矗立於 及

無論從歷史、地點、或者是建築而言, THE UNITED BLDG. 絕對是一支獨秀。 它 的 獨 特 之 處 在於它是北美最大型的 原有建築改造項目。


逕可直達 St. Patrick 地鐵車站,座落於 University 及 Dundas 的優越位置更令它 自成一格。其極盡豪華之住宅單位,位處 多倫多最充滿節慶的 University Avenue

大道上,實屬不可多得。一個可供生活、 工作及休憩的地方,堪稱獨一無二。 假如閣下希望擁有真正的輝煌,現在 就是時機。


展銷中心:周一至周四 正午12時至下午6時 / 周六及周日正午12時至下午5時 / 周五休息。

fashion: bags


Hot Handbags: let tHe sHow begin 轉眼又是時裝換季時節,且由百搭手袋系列作先頭部隊,拉開序幕。 Story | See So


E L I T E G E N. C A



Reptile stenciled bag, $4,525

ChAnEl 結合古埃及和紐約的玩味主題,充 斥神秘的符碼—塗鴉、金泊、聖甲蟲與 Chanel招牌的人手工藝交織出趣味的精彩 設計。

A touch of whimsy weaves ancient Egypt with modern-day symbols like graffiti.

Minaudière, $TBD

Waist bag with chains and pearls, $6,000 Pyramid-shaped minaudière, $4,375 ELITEGEN




fashion: bags

Twist MM, $4,700

中國女星鍾楚曦拿著的是圓筒 型Cannes手袋。 Chinese star Chung Chuxi carries the cylindrical Cannes bag; $3,400

Petite Boite Chapeau, $5,950

louis Vuitton nicolas Ghesquière將招牌印花化成極大與迷你版圖 案、混入藝術感重的Liberty London印花,甚至重現五十 年代的丹寧風色彩,以各種不同的細節拼貼出風格強烈的 選擇。 nicolas Ghesquière transforms her signature with liberty london prints reminiscent of the 1950s.


E L I T E G E N. C A



Mini saddle embroidered bag, $8,160


Dior Maria Grazia Chiuri以Dior的 精神地標建築作新袋的創作主軸, 帶點古典美的盒子外形設計,配上 復古色調及招牌織花圖案,取名 「30 Montaigne」。而其他經典袋 款如Saddle、Lady Dior等亦換上 質樸素調,配以精緻刺繡及壓花工 藝點綴。

Maria Grazia Chiuri uses the Dior logo as the creative core of her new box bag named 30 Montaigne. Also, Dior’s signature woven pattern bags make a new splash.

Lady Dior bag, $7,340

30 Montaigne calfskin bag, $4,620





fashion: bags

Jessica Jung以黑色Kan U手袋配襯出 高雅感覺。 Jessica Jung sports a Kan U; $2,650

Kan U bag, $3,100

FEnDi Fendi今季推出全新、三款尺寸的Kan U 手袋,將功能與外形完美整合。柔軟的結構 配上雋永的設計,以實用袋蓋飾以經典FF標 誌金屬袋釦,呈現出復古玩味。同時為經典 袋款換上新色、新用料,加入絲絨、印花圖 案等,增添新鮮感。

new this season is the Kan u handbag in three different sizes, a perfect combination of form and function with a soft structure and a classic design.

Kan U large bag, $3,590


E L I T E G E N. C A



名模Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley一身隨性打扮配襯 Pouch手袋。 Supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley opts for a pouch bag by day; $3,266

Slip tote, $2,588 (S), $3,006 (L)

BottEGA VEnEtA 新帥Daniel Lee上場,小試牛刀改造了超大碼 的經典格紋織皮;緊接極藝術形態的泡泡Pouch手拿 包,玩味美藝感叫人眼前一亮。

new creative director Daniel lee injects a bit of fun into this season’s bags with a reinterpretation of the classic woven bag, followed by an artsy puffy pouch. Playful is the new aesthetic at this fashion house.

Drop bag, $2,656

Arco 33, $4,430 ELITEGEN




accessories: Women


Black is Best accessories can be as edgy as they are elegant Story | Sum Chan Photography | Shek Po Kwan Model | Denise Yiu at Models International

若要說時尚界歷久長青的代表,黑,是個爽 快合理的答案。既簡單又複雜;是靜止的, 卻也流動著。不同式樣的黑色配件,不但是 畫龍點睛,甚至成為全身聚焦所在。

Leather cuff set, Chanel, $2,475


E L I T E G E N. C A



Bag, Celine by Hedi Slimane, US$2,800

Gloves, Chanel, $875





accessories: Women

Dress, Celine by Hedi Slimane, $5,450 Belt, $1,100, Round onyx ring, $700 Pinky onyx ring, $670 All Givenchy 36

E L I T E G E N. C A



Belt, Chanel, $1,675

Headpiece, Celine by Hedi Slimane, US$2,200 Black wool vest, Dior, $4,450

Bag, Chanel, $4,725





fashion: women

The jackeT 綴有腰帶的外套剛毅且不失 女性韻味,不論粗腰帶的Safari jacket、流麗的長袍腰帶,突出 的腰線令層次更見鮮明。

This tailored feminine classic is all about adding curves by pulling in a waistline belt.

the row


The office What you wear to work should always be standout stylish 誰說職場穿著千篇一律沒新意? 就看你是否肯花心思而已! Story | Lucas Tang 38

E L I T E G E N. C A



alexa chung

tory Burch

The ShirT 白恤衫乃上班 服基本必備,也可來 個有趣變奏,如Tory Burch於恤衫外搭配 連身裙,及Jil Sander 的誇張袖口,提升不 少玩味。

jil sander

a white shirt is as classic a wardrobe staple as it gets. But that doesn’t mean you can’t play with silhouettes like exaggerated sleeves to notch up the fun factor.





fashion: women The VeST 70年代的西裝背心再度 復興,配搭絲質恤衫與高腰西 褲,瀟灑態度教人難忘。修腰 的長身背心外套既顯休閒,又 能高效修飾下盤線條。

The 1970’s three-piece is back. Paired with a silk shirt and high-waisted pant softens the masculine mystique.

salvatore ferragamo alexa chung


E L I T E G E N. C A



The Trench 乾濕褸早已超脫了實 用的層面,新季的trench coat更帶幾分浪漫底蘊,如 Simone Rocha為Moncler打 造的燈籠袖款、又或是Ann Demeulemeester的絲質風褸, 統統都扭轉了trench coat的刻 板印象。

ann demeulemeester

The trench coat is always more than just practical. This season turns this classic on its head with balloon sleeves, even substituting the typical gabardine or poplin with all silk.






fashion: women

salvatore ferragamo


The SkirT 以flare skirt中和上班服 那股剛陽味最為合適。新季既 有不規則裙襬剪裁,又有飄逸 的百褶裙,皆為造型增添無比 活力。

The flared “a-line” skirt and dress have been around for decades. count on it to compound the feminine factor in a sea of trousers.


E L I T E G E N. C A



The PanT 闊身西褲帥氣又富動感, 配搭簡潔背心及男裝皮鞋,自 信滿滿的。若怕過長的褲管行 動不便,可嘗試七分長度,配 對短靴同樣精神爽利。

ralph lauren


The wide-leg adds both fabric flow and architecture. Matched with a tank top and a pair of brogues, the result is instant confidence.





fashion: Marc cain Check cape, $350

Gloves, $140


The moTTo: marc cain's animal patterns and plaids Story | Alan A. Vernon 柔軟的羊絨和羊毛、蓬鬆的山羊毛、性感的絲綢……融入優雅 色調,動物及格紋圖案,合奏出Marc Cain最新秋冬系列。

Campari with pink, lemon with green, blue violet with cognac. Sounds like a colourful cocktail best enjoyed on the rocks. But it’s also the colour scheme for Marc Cain’s fall collection. With fabrics like soft cashmere and wool, fluffy mohairs and sexy silks, the line’s signature sophistication, quality and elegance is consistently about cool and class.

Leopard print wool pullover, $430

Suede boots, $840


Leopard print pant, $350 E L I T E G E N. C A







Neon check coat, $780

Leopard print faux fur bag, $410

Python print booties, $710

mix 'N' maTch

for the strong, self-confident woman

Wool blazer, $760

Leopard print blouse, $430





the Beauty pages 黑加侖子 乳酪質地的面膜加入了來自法國 Ardèche的新鮮黑加侖子,蘊含鎂質及 鈣質。只需敷上5分鐘,肌膚即時獲得紓 緩。如欲效果更明顯,可先把面膜放入 雪櫃冷凍10分鐘才使用。

BLACKCURRANT This yoghurt-like mask is enriched with freshly picked blackcurrants from the Ardèche, which contains magnesium and calcium. Five minutes are all it takes for an instantly refreshing and soothing sensation. For an extra boost of freshness, place the mask in the fridge 10 minutes before using. L’Occitane en Provence Soothing Mask, 75ml | $39

榛子 這款蘊含維生素E的阿比西尼亞、 榛子、月見草油、冷壓石榴籽油,番茄 籽、大麻籽油和普羅旺斯蜜瓜萃取的雙 效輕盈精油,提供抗氧化劑和植物營養 素。保護面部和肩頸皮膚免受環境損害。

HAZELNUT This dual-action, lightweight oil for the face, neck and décolleté blends Vitamin E-rich Abyssinian, hazelnut and evening primrose oils with cold-pressed pomegranate seed oil, tomato seed extract, hemp seed oil & Provence melon extracts to provide antioxidants and phytonutrients to protect the skin against environmental damage. Bastide Elixir II Nourishing Oil for Face & Décolleté, 30ml | $130

椰子油 椰子油因其蘊含具抗菌作用的月 桂酸,因而被稱為世界上最健康的油。 這種天然的抗氧化劑百分百純淨和純天 然,面霜可用作卸妝、潔面或為肌膚保 濕。它可滋潤肌膚、髮絲及睫毛,更能 紓緩曬傷皮膚。

COCONUT Coconut oil is considered one of the healthiest oils on earth for its high levels of lauric acid, which has antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties. This natural antioxidant is a 100 per cent pure, raw and unrefined cream that can be used as makeup remover, facial cleanser or skin moisturizer. It nourishes skin, hair and lashes, and helps soothe sunburns, too. RMS Beauty Raw Coconut Cream, 70g | $22.50 46

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Almost Good EnouGh to EAt Story | Leslie Yip 你最愛的食物不但美味可口,更會呵護妳的肌膚。 Celebrate nature’s bounty with skin care products that feature your favourite foods as star ingredients. If they’re good enough to eat, they must be good for your skin too, right?

紅石榴 紅石榴是最古老的可食用水果之一,科研顯示它具高效抗氧化、抗 微生物及防癌成分。這款滋潤乳霜蘊含2倍濃度的紅石榴精華,精華透過 8個步驟極冷萃取所得,以保存其效用。早、晚使用能為肌膚注入深層水 分,打造水潤、亮澤美肌。

POMEGRANATE The pomegranate is one of the oldest known edible fruits, and scientific research shows that it exhibits potent antioxidative, antimicrobial and anticarcinogenic properties. This rich, cushioning lotion contains a double-concentrated complex from fruits harvested from the Mediterranean basin and transformed through an eight-step whole-fruit cold-solvent extraction process to preserve power and potency. Use morning and evening for super-hydrated, plump and glowing skin. Estée Lauder Nutritious Super-Pomegranate Radiant Energy Lotion Intense Moist, 200ml | $72

藍莓 這款磨砂啫喱面膜主要成分 為5種含豐富AHA(果酸)的植物萃 取,包括藍莓、甘蔗、橙、檸檬 及楓糖,能發揮微煥膚效果。加 上杏桃核仁萃取帶來細緻的磨砂 效果。只需3分鐘,即可令肌膚重 拾柔滑、淨透及明亮。

BLUEBERRY This dual-scrub jelly mask contains five botanical extracts that are naturally rich in AHAs for a micro-peel effect: blueberry, sugar cane, orange, lemon, sugar maple, plus refined apricot seed powder for gentle mechanical exfoliation. It works in just three minutes to give you smooth, clear and glowing skin. Dior Hydra Life Glow Better Fresh Jelly Mask, 50ml | $79

靈芝 靈芝具極佳的抗炎成分,被稱為「菇菌 皇后」。用於護膚產品中,能有效紓緩肌膚 並提升修護能力。這款眼部精華能紓緩敏感 的眼部肌膚,除蘊含Dr.Weil's經典靈芝菇菌 配方,亦加入薑根、薑黃及聖羅勒,有效改 善眼袋,酵母萃取則可改善黑眼圈。

REISHI Often referred to as “the queen of mushrooms”, reishi have superlative anti-inflammatory properties. When used in skin care, it can help promote healing and improve resilience. This moisturizing eye serum calms the sensitive eye area with Dr. Weil’s signature Mega-Mushroom blend plus ginger, turmeric and holy basil. It quells over-reactive skin and reduces the appearance of under-eye puffiness. It also contains yeast extract to help visibly diminish dark circles.

柑橘 輕盈保濕乳霜蘊含具潔淨 效果的中國柑皮、檸檬皮、柑橘 皮及草本植物精油。乳霜質感輕 盈,適合中性及混合性皮膚、以 及清涼天氣期間的油性皮膚。

MANDARIN Mandarin, lemon and tangerine rind gives this light moisturizing cream a blend of purifying citrus-derived botanical oils. This lightweight cream is suited for normal and combination skin, and oily skin through cooler seasons. Aesop Mandarin Facial Hydrating ˉ Cream, 60ml | $65

Dr. Andrew Weil for Origins MegaMushroom Skin Relief Eye Serum, 15ml | $59 ELITEGEN




the Beauty pages 清酒

除了食物, 飲品一樣可以護膚……

And to drink…

科學家發現,日本清酒廠的年邁釀酒師 雖然滿面縐紋,卻擁有一雙嫩滑的手。從而在 清酒發酵的過程中發現了Pitera。這支神仙水 蘊含超過90%Pitera,為肌膚帶來蛻變,包括 減褪黑眼圈、減少縐紋、提升膚質、令肌膚緊 緻飽滿及亮澤剔透。

SAKE You may have heard the story: scientists noticed that elderly workers at a sake brewery in Japan had wrinkled faces but extraordinarily soft and youthful-looking hands. This led to the discovery of Pitera, a naturally-derived liquid from sake fermentation. This iconic essence contains over 90 per cent Pitera, and works to transform the skin in five ways—dark spots are less visible, appearance of wrinkles is reduced, texture is more refined, firmness is improved, and radiance is elevated. SK-II Facial Treatment Essence, 160ml | $235

紅酒 來自法國波爾多的護膚品牌,研製出 Vinergy專利配方,把葡萄的抗衰老及美肌成 分加入護膚產品。這款精華素能減少歲月在臉 上留下的痕跡,令肌膚重拾活力,更有玫瑰花 瓣浸泡於橡木桶後的淡淡幽香。

RED WINE This Bordeaux-originated brand harnesses the power of grapes for its anti-aging and beautifying properties. Formulated with patented Vinergy complex, this serum leaves skin looking visibly energized and reduces the signs of aging. It is subtly scented with rose petals infused in an oak barrel. Caudalie Premier Cru The Serum, 30ml | $179

菠蘿水 蘊含54%酵素菠蘿水、抗氧化成分極高 的楊桃及火龍果萃取,這款多功能啫喱面霜的 果酵素及補濕功效,瞬間令肌膚回復年輕。產 品更帶有piña colada的香味。

PINEAPPLE WATER With 54 per cent enzymatic pineapple water, antioxidant-rich star fruit and dragon fruit extracts, this multitasking gel crème gives you an instant youthful look with exfoliating fruit enzymes and plumping hydration for a youthful glow. Added bonus: it smells like piña colada. Marc Jacobs Youthquake Hydra-full Retexturizing Gel Crème, 50ml | $79


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蜂皇槳 蜂皇槳是工蜂餵蜂后時所產生的分泌物,十分矜貴,能高 效修護肌膚。這款面油蘊含獨門蜂皇槳及Ouessant黑蜂蜂蜜, 結合精華素的修護、面油的潤澤感和乳霜的輕盈清爽。

ROYAL JELLY Royal jelly is the most precious substance produced by worker bees to feed their queen, and it provides exceptional skinrepairing benefits to the skin. This facial oil containing exclusive royal jelly and Ouessant black bee honey combines the power of a serum, the richness of an oil and the freshness of a lotion. Guerlain Abeille Royale Youth Boosting Oil, 30ml | $129

蘋果醋 這款100%純棉製化妝棉醮有蘋果醋、檸檬及香橙萃取、乙 醇酸及金縷梅汁,為肌膚去角質時不會有繃緊的感覺。貼心的設 計讓妳可套入兩指,使用時變得更容易。

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR These cotton pads are infused with apple cider vinegar, lemon and orange extracts, glycolic acid and witch hazel water to exfoliate and tone your skin with no stripping feeling. It is designed so you can slide two fingers inside the pad for better control as you swipe the pad across the face and neck. Volition Apple Cider Vinegar Resurfacing Peel Pads, 30 pads | $80

綠茶 這款綠茶啫喱面霜的抗氧化兒茶酚含量十分豐富,加上氨 基酸及縮氨酸,為皮膚形成一層保護膜,抵抗由污染等外來環境 因素引致的乾燥。塗抹於面上感覺猶如雪芭一樣清新,更有陣陣 抹茶清香。

GREEN TEA This green tea-infused gel-cream has exceptional levels of antioxidant catechins in addition to amino acids and peptides to protect the skin from dryness caused by environmental stressors such as air pollution. It is as refreshing as sorbet with the delicate scent of matcha tea. Teaology Matcha Fresh Cream, 50ml | $49





the Beauty pages: scents


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Illusione Eau de Parfum for Her 50ml | $145, 75ml | $182 Illusione Eau de Toilette for Him 50ml | $100, 90ml | $132


Grand illusions Bottega Veneta launches a his and hers fragrance inspired by Italy’s landscape 世界知名意大利品牌Bottega Veneta以織紋皮革製品最為人熟悉,而品牌對藝術的追 求同時呈現於香氛之中,說的是一對全新香氛—Illusione For Her女士香氛及Illusione for Him男士香氛。 香氛的靈感源自意大利的歷史、風貌及當地出產的原材料。男、女版香氛由三位調香 大師攜手打造,以意大利柑橘作主要元素,並以不同形式出現。 通常一對推出的男、女裝香氛都會有若干相同元素,Illusione亦不例外,不過形式稍 有不同。今次調香師在男、女裝香氛加入了不同柑橘科的花和果來營造各具特色的香氣。 女性版本由調香師Annick Menardo及Amandine Clerc-Marie打造,糅合橙花及佛手柑的清 香,綠色無花果葉帶來暖意,橄欖樹及零陵香豆則令香氣更圓潤。 男士版本由Antoine Maisondieu打造,結合了檸檬及苦橙的香氣。香脂冷杉及白色雪 松,帶來樹脂味的剛陽之氣,同時混合了香根草的活力及零陵香豆的感性。 男、女裝均用上線條簡潔的厚玻璃香水瓶,配圓形的膠木紋瓶蓋。Illusione For Her呈 帶銅的粉紅色,Illusione for Him則是鮮綠色。

Renowned Italian fashion house Bottega Veneta may be most known for its woven leather goods, but it is just as artful in the interplay of scents, as shown by its new duo of fragrances, Illusione for Her and Illusione for Him. The fragrances are inspired by the heritage, landscape and extraordinary raw materials of Italy. Three master perfumers came on board to create the scents, and for the key element, they have chosen the Italian citrus—with a twist. His and hers scents usually have one or two common ingredients to make for a complementary pair, but in this case, the chosen element is manifested through various stages of growth and different members of the fruit family. The female version, crafted by perfumers Annick Menardo and Amandine Clerc-Marie, features orange flowers and bergamot. Vegetal green fig adds warmth to the floral heart, and the dry down is anchored by a base of olive wood and tonka bean. 加藉模特兒Simon Nessmann是Illusione電視廣告 的男主角,女主角則是意大利美女Vittoria Ceretti。

The male version, created by perfumer Antoine Maisondieu, is spiced with lemon and bitter orange essence. Woody fir balsam and white cedarwood provide a resinous masculinity leading to an energetic blend of vibrant vetiver and sensual tonka bean.

Canadian model Simon Nessmann is the male face of Illusione in the video campaign, opposite Italian beauty Vittoria Ceretti.

Both scents are housed in weighty glass flacons with clean architectural lines. Her version is a dreamy coppery pink, playing contrast to the luminous green for him. A circular Bakelite-inspired textured cap crowns the bottle.





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Dress, Ellery, $1,120

鍾嘉欣‧ BB 成長記

from Pin-uP to mom Linda Chung is having the time of her life Story | Candy Woo Photography | Karl Lam Styling | Lucas Tang Makeup | 小白 Hair | James Lee@HAiR FW


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曾幾何時,鍾嘉欣是宅男討論區的女神BB,嘉欣BB封號深入民心。 經歷十數年娛樂圈磨練,當年廿歲未夠的渾沌BB,進化成勇敢女子。四年 前,遇上命中注定的人,閃電成為人妻,真正擁有兩個可愛BB,建立幸福的四 口之家。 嘉欣媽媽說︰「全職照顧小朋友,比以前拍劇辛苦十倍,也不會有假期,卻 更切實地感覺自己活著。」媽媽這個角色,才是嘉欣的最佳演繹。

出道的苦日子 當選華姐冠軍,隨即由加拿大移居香港,全身投入演藝圈,生活三百六十 度改變,完全沒空間適應。回顧十五年前初出道的自己,嘉欣也忍不住自嘲: 「拍第一套劇《皆大歡喜》時,我佔戲百多二百集,但每日開工,除了埋位拍攝之 外,我只會和媽媽坐在一角讀劇本,收工便走,完全不懂跟別人溝通。」 只有二十歲,沒有受過演藝訓練,卻背負主角的重擔,惟有默默努力。「那 些年,自己的廣東話差,拍劇壓力大,日以繼夜,水土不服,臉上狂爆暗瘡, 好辛苦。跟鄭伊健拍《隨時候命》,演技生硬,加上性格不夠主動,曾經被伊健 取笑:『你是不是啞巴?』」 結婚生子後,嘉欣重踏演藝圈,發現那段天昏地暗的人生,造就她成為堅 毅的太太和媽媽。「當時忙到一個點,沒想過將來,只知道機會得來不易,一定 要珍惜,努力做到最好,現在回看便知道,做人要捱過苦,才會找到突破,正 如蝴蝶也要破繭才變得美麗,當年拍劇的日子雖然很難捱,但我學習到很多, 所以很懷念。」。

Linda Chung is the poster girl for netizens, a “babe”in the online world. Chung, who made it in showbiz before the age of 20, is now her own person. Four years ago, she met “the one” and got married. Now a mother of two, she is living her happily ever after. “Being a full-time mom is 10 times harder than being on a set,” says Chung, “but I feel so much more alive.”

The Tough earLy years after winning the Miss Chinese International Pageant in 2004, Chung moved to hong Kong from Vancouver to pursue a career in showbiz. recalling those first days 15 years ago, Chung says she thought she was awkward. “I was in nearly 200 episodes of my first sitcom Virtues of Harmony. every day on the set, I would get into position and then hide in a corner with my mother to go through the script. We left when my parts were done. I totally didn’t know how to mix with fellow cast members.” Becoming a-list at just 20, and without any formal actor training, she had to work hard and quietly. “Those days, my Cantonese was very bad,” she says. “The pressure of filming day and night was tremendous, and it took a while to adjust to living in a different place. The stress showed on my face. I had a serious break-out. That was tough. When shooting Always Ready with ekin Cheng, my acting was stiff and I wasn’t outgoing. ekin often teased me: ‘you are not a mute, are you?’.” returning to showbiz after having children, Chung believes those challenges prepared her to be bold, both as a wife and a mother. “When I was wrapped up with work, I didn’t think of the future. I only knew that every opportunity was hard to come by and that I had to make the most of it and do my best. Looking back now, I realize that we have to work through challenges to find breakthroughs, just like a butterfly has to break out of its cocoon to become an object of beauty. The TV production days were challenging, but I have learned a lot. I really missed it.” ELITEGEN




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Suede jacket, Ralph Lauren Collection, $5,270


MarVeLous FaMILy LIFe

當年的閃婚消息,令大家十分驚訝。嘉欣的說法 卻是:「我當時覺得不用分析太多,只需要聆聽自己的 心靈,感覺他是對的人,就決定結婚吧!」面對路人甲 乙丙諸般議論—兩人外型相不相襯,男方是甚麼背景等 等……嘉欣卻只瀟灑回應:「我不是預言家,不知道幾 十年後會怎樣,他雖然不是perfect guy,but perfect for me(他不是十全十美,但對我來說是完美的),這個理由 已很足夠。」

The news of Chung’s wedding plans came out of the blue and took everyone by surprise.

更完美的,是她婚後可以回到成長地溫哥華定居, 更快適應新婚生活。「我的家人一直在溫哥華,現在加 上我一家四口,更加開心。」近年因工作不斷加、港兩邊 走,她竟然說不疲累,「我反而覺得很精彩,結婚定居溫 哥華之後,我以為連事業也要放棄,但上天繼續給我機 會,讓我繼續發揮專長,重新找回自己的價值,求之不 得啦!」

What’s more perfect is that she settled into married life back in Vancouver, where she grew up. “My family is always in Vancouver. Now that our family of four is here, too, we are all much happier.”

五月份嘉欣舉家回港之旅,她既忙工作又頻頻與友 敍舊,加上有丈夫Jeremy全程陪伴,一定是最精彩的一 次。

“I didn’t think we should overthink it, just listen to your heart,” she says. “If I felt he was the one, then why not get married?” as to the chatter about whether they were a perfect match, or what her other half did for a living, she says: “I can’t gaze into a crystal ball and predict what it will be like decades later. he may not be a perfect guy, but he’s perfect for me. That’s enough.”

These days she has to fly back and forth between Canada and hong Kong for work, so one would think she is always tired. au contraire! “I feel my life is full. settling in Vancouver after we got married, I thought I would have to give up my work. But the divine has given me opportunities to do what I do well and discover my self-worth. That’s icing on the cake.” The whole family travelled to hong Kong in May. she was busy with work and catching up with friends. her husband Jeremy was with her all the time.

「以前丈夫每年只會陪我回一次香港,留一個星期 便走,今次難得陪我一個月,是最久的一次。期間完成 了很多計劃,包括拍攝廣告歌MV。」拍MV應該是行程重 點,皆因這首是她第一次為女兒創作的歌。

“In the past, my husband only came back to hong Kong with me once a year, and stayed only a week. This time, he stayed for a whole month. I wrapped up a few projects, including shooting a music video for a commercial.”


The music video was the highlight of the trip as it was the first time Chung wrote a song for her daughter, Kelly, titled Mommy I Love You So.

她一手包辦曲詞唱的〈Mommy I Love You So〉,中 文版〈做你的晨曦〉,本來是給女兒Kelly的安眠曲。 「每晚Kelly睡前,我都會在她耳邊哼歌,某日,我 看著她可愛的臉蛋,不其然就哼出這首歌來,想著我 對她的愛,也想起我媽媽怎樣愛我,邊唱邊感動得流眼 淚,於是索性寫成一首完整歌曲,填上歌詞,後來有廣 告商找我談工作,客戶對這首歌很有興趣,便將它定為 主題曲,還拍成MV,留為紀念。」 成為嘉欣媽媽後,她將自己一切都奉獻給兒女,事 無大小均以他們為先。「今次雖然留港一個月,但仍無時 間約見所有朋友,因為需要遷就小朋友作息,而且日日 都是玩玩玩的話,太多刺激,小朋友晚上就不願睡,要 給他們安靜空間,才可訓練思考力和集中力。」

DeVoTeD To her ChILDreN “I sang her this song every night to put her to sleep,” she says. “one day, I was humming the song as I looked at her lovely face, and thought about how much I loved her and how my mother loved me. It moved me to tears. so I wrote the full song and lyrics. When I was discussing a project with an advertiser, the song was picked, and a music video was made. It was a great memento.” Fully into her role as a mom, Chung says her children will always come first. “although we stayed a month in hong Kong this time, there wasn’t enough time to catch up with all our friends because we had to schedule around the children’s rest time. There was so much fun every day that the kids were too hyped up to sleep at night. We needed to give them time to quiet down. “a few years ago, I worked with Damian [Lau]. he suggested I





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她不是教育專家,這套想法純屬個人參透。「幾年 前跟松哥(劉松仁)合作拍劇,他建議我學打坐,學習靜 下來跟自己和宇宙溝通,思維會更清晰,嘗試一段時間 後,朋友發現我說話比以前多,而且有條理,亦少了焦 慮,所以我相信,安靜對小朋友成長很有益處。」 為了小朋友健康成長,她甚至勇敢接受挑戰。「去 年懷孕七個月時,聽聞朋友決定在家中生產,說會對媽 媽和BB健康更好,我們跟助產士商量後,也決定讓兒子 Jared在家中出世。」 聽來動魄驚心,但嘉欣媽媽只是輕描淡寫,「BB是 上天的禮物,忍少少痛算甚麼?聽從身體的自然反應, 完全不用藥物,小朋友會更健康。」她愈來愈崇尚天然, 現在唯一的娛樂是追看網上的醫學、營養、烹飪頻道。 「我是Netflix訂戶,但看健康特輯多過電視劇,唯一會看 的電視劇是《皆大歡喜》,因為想Kelly學廣東話,她最喜 歡的兒歌,便是家燕姐唱的主題曲,一聽到就開心到跳 舞。」 嘉欣重視小朋友的生活質素。「在加拿大生活,對他 們最好。香港的入學面試壓力大得恐怖,我不想他們自 尊受損,童年太重要,我不希望他們有陰影。」 至於工作,她說︰「我依然很喜歡演戲,要我放棄, 我會好傷心,如果有好劇本,一定會演;丈夫一向鼓勵 我做喜歡的事,他說:『做你喜歡的工作,才會快樂, 如果你不快樂,這個家也不會快樂。』接工作的前提是時 間、地點都配合得到,例如之前客串《再創世紀》,監製 找我之前,我也在想:『如果TVB劇集可以去加拿大拍 外景的話,我便可以客串。』不久之後,《再創世紀》監製 竟然真的找我客串加拿大拍攝的戲份,原來念力可以成 真,好神奇!」看著她的笑容,肯定現在活得實在的鍾嘉 欣,比當年追逐名利的鍾嘉欣更快樂。


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learn meditation to quiet myself and connect with the universe and think more clearly. after trying it for a while, my friends found that I was less anxious. That’s why I think quiet time is good for children.” she will take on any challenges for the well-being of her children. seven months into her pregnancy last year, she heard that a friend was going to have a home birth because it was better for mother and child. after discussions with midwives, she decided to have a home birth for her son Jared. “Babies are a gift from god,” she says. “The pain is nothing. Listen to your body, with no medication, and the baby will be healthier.” she is very much into natural medicine, and her favourite pastime these days are online health and cooking channels. “I subscribe to Netflix, and I watch health documentaries more than dramas. The only series I still watch is Virtues of Harmony because I would like Kelly to learn Cantonese. The song she loves the most is the theme song of the show, sung by Nancy [sit]. she starts dancing along when the song plays. “It’s best for them to grow up in Canada. Interviewing for hong Kong schools is far too stressful. I don’t want them to feel bad about themselves. Childhood is too important. I don’t want them to be scared.” as for her work, she says: “I still like acting. It would be very sad if I had to give it up. If there is a good script, I will take it on. My husband encourages me to do what I enjoy. you are happy when you do what you enjoy. If you are not happy, the family won’t be happy. “But the work has to be at the right time and the right place, as in the case of taking a small part in Another Era. Before the producer approached me, I was thinking: ‘If a TVB production is done in Canada, then I can play a part.’ Not long after that, the producer asked me to get involved in the Canadian location shoot. see, positive thinking does work. It’s amazing.” From her big smile, it’s clearly evident that Chung is truly having the time of her life.

Dress, Ralph Lauren Collection, $13,170 Earrings, Kenneth Jay Lane, $65






ROLEX 今年Rolex在3月瑞士 錶展中宣布推出新款Oyster Perpetual Day-Date 36腕錶, 將原本40毫米的錶殼設計, 改成更適合女士的36毫米錶 殼;所搭載的3255型機芯配置 Rolex新設計的專利Chronergy 擒縱系統,有效不受磁場干 擾,並配備了品牌專利優化藍 色Parachrom游絲,抗震力比 傳統游絲高出十倍,另外機芯 動力儲備增至約70小時。

Unveiled by Rolex in March is a more feminine Oyster Perpetual Day-Date at 36mm, compared with the original 40mm. The 3255 calibre boasts Rolex’s latest patent, the Chronergy escapement, which is immune to magnetic interference. It has also been optimized with the brand’s proprietary Parachrom Bleu hairspring that is 10 times more shock-resistant than the regular variety. The power reserve has been boosted to 70 hours.

Oyster Perpetual DayDate 36, yellow gold and diamonds, $49,000


Counting carats Some watches are as much about fine jewellery as they are about timepieces Story | 金成, Chappie & 伍旅卓


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CHANEL 今年重新演繹的J12,採用 鎢合金重新設計自動盤,在實現 背透設計的同時亦能維持有效的 上弦動力,新機芯Caliber 12.1是 一枚通過COSC(瑞士官方天文台 檢測機構)認證的精密時計。品牌 還推出一枚獨一無二的J12全鑽 錶,18K白金錶殼,錶殼、錶盤 和錶帶共鑲嵌793顆、總重44.26 卡長階梯形切割鑽石。

J12 has a new interpretation, using the COSC-certified Calibre 12.1 that features an oscillating weight in tungsten. The full glory of the calibre is revealed through the transparent back.

This all-diamond piece in the J12 collection is covered with 793 baguette diamonds (44.26 cts) on the 18-karat white gold case, dial and bracelet, price upon request






DIOR 內圓外方、直徑36mm的 Dior Grand Bal Opera N°7, 枕形錶身是首次登場;設計概 念來自巴黎歌劇院建築綫條, 包括對稱支柱、拱廊及穹頂。 白金錶盤以雪花鑲嵌法鋪鑲圓 形鑽石,飾以白金裝飾元素及 黃金和釉漆金質圓珠;錶圈鑲 嵌長方形切割鑽石,並點綴珍 珠貝母和黃金圓珠,白金錶冠 則鑲嵌一顆玫瑰式切割鑽石。 配備Inversé 11½自動上鍊機械 機芯,42小時動力儲存。

Dior Grand Bal Opera N°7, price upon request


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Dior features a cushion case for the first time with the 36mm Grand Bal Opera N°7, taking its inspiration from the Opéra Garnier. The symmetry of the pillars, the arched ceiling and the dome roof are denoted on the watch. The white-gold dial is paved with round snow-set diamonds embellished with white gold elements, and yellow gold and lacquered gold beads. The bezel is a ring of baguette diamonds lined with pearls and gold beads. The white gold crown is set with a rose-cut diamond. It is powered by an Inversé 11½ automatic mechanism with 42 hours of power reserve.

HERMèS Hermès最近推出兩款、 黑白錶盤各一的全新Arceau H Déco珠寶錶,重新演繹由 Henri d'Origny於1978年設計 的Arceau腕錶,34毫米白金錶 殼,鑲嵌198顆鑽石,白金錶盤 鑲嵌372顆鑽石,以黑色珍珠貝 母細工鑲嵌 H déco 圖案,襯亮 面黑色短吻鱷魚皮錶帶,搭載自 家製H1912自動上鏈機芯,其錶 盤中心的雙H圖騰隨著手腕擺動 同步旋轉。同時從珍珠貝母和 珠寶細工鑲嵌的技藝中呈現出品 牌源自於巴黎Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré 總店裡的鐵製裝 飾,帶出傳承經典。 Hermès introduced two new watches from the Arceau H Déco collection—one black and one white—as an update to the Arceau originally designed by Henri d’Origny in 1978. The 34mm white gold case is paved with 198 diamonds. The white gold dial dazzles with another 372 diamonds. The mechanism is the in-house automatic H1912. The double H motif in the centre is meticulously framed by black mother of pearl and rotates on the wrist. The mother-of-pearl and gem setting reflects the ironwork that adorns the brand’s boutique on Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré in Paris.

Arceau H Déco, $75,000






JAQUET DROZ 擁有280年歷史的Jaquet Droz,是歷史最 悠久的鐘錶製造商之一。今年推出最新Magic Lotus Automaton機械動偶腕錶,是秏時三年 籌劃的荷塘流水風光︰黑瑪瑙時分盤棲身十二 時位置,錶盤下半部分設有以琺瑯彩繪的紅金 荷塘,採用珍珠貝母製成花瓣的蓮花,蓮花中 的寶石會在藍、紅、黃色之中隨意更替,金雕 錦鯉間中會露出水面或於荷葉中暢游。最後是 蜻蜓動力儲備顯示,上滿鏈後,蜻蜓會飛躍半 空中,一旦動力快將耗盡,蜻蜓才會靠向荷葉 歇息。腕錶備有紅金或白金選擇,直徑43毫 米,限量發行二十八枚,

Jaquet Droz, with 280 years of craftsmanship, is one of the world’s oldest watchmakers. Its new Magic Lotus Automaton dazzles with a lively scene of a lotus pond, which took three years to plan and assemble. The black onyx sub-dial sits at 12 o’clock, above the red-gold lotus pond. Mother-of-pearl adorns the lotus petals and buds. Gemstones of blue, red and yellow appear at random when the flower disappears and re-emerges. A koi carp swims in the pond, occasionally dipping below the surface to pass under the lotus leaves. The dragonfly on the lotus leaf is, in fact, the power reserve indicator. When the watch is fully wound, the dragonfly hovers midair, and then it gradually flies lower and eventually rests on the lotus leaf when the power goes down. The watch comes in red gold or white gold, with a diameter of 43mm. Only 28 pieces were made.


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Magic Lotus Automaton, $285,000

In-house self-winding movement, 40mm steel case


喚 醒 睡 美 人

'Waking the sleeping beauty' Exclusive European jewellery house Chaumet makes a quiet splash at Maison Birks Story | Alan A. Vernon


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Natalie Portman以Soir de Fête系列的紅寶石鑽石項鍊,配搭Joséphine Aigrette 耳環。 Natalie Portman wore a necklace from Chaumet's Soir de Fête collection and Joséphine Aigrette earrings. The necklace is white gold set with 15 pear-shaped Mozambique rubies (30 cts), 20 pear-shaped and brillant-cut diamonds (11 cts).

說到高級珠寶品牌,Chaumet絕對榜上有名,它更是 全歐洲歷史最悠久及最尊貴的珠寶品牌之一。 品牌成立至今已接近兩個半世紀,但很多北美洲人對 來自法國的Chaumet仍然不太熟悉。品牌首席執行長JeanMarc Mansvelt對此抱平常心看待,儘管過去四年半他花了 很大努力去喚醒這位「睡美人」。 加國Maison Birks被選定成為品牌進軍北美市場的首 個銷售點,比美國還要早一步。這個決定或多或少帶點忌 諱成分—Chaumet於1927年首度進軍美國市場,兩年後便 遇上股災及經濟大蕭條,結果要打退堂鼓;1980年捲土重 來卻又再次失望離場,Chaumet自此決定徹離美國市場至 今。 自1907年起,品牌的總部便設於巴黎的12 Rue Place Vendome,這裡前身是一家酒店,乃著名作曲家蕭邦於 1849年與太太度過生命最後4個月的地方。除了蕭邦, Chaumet跟很多名字響噹噹的人物都有著淵源。事實上, Chaumet的崛起全靠拿破崙及約瑟芬皇后,它是法蘭西第 一帝國的御用珠寶工匠。Mansvelt說:「拿破崙的皇冠及寶 劍都是Chaumet的作品。」 Chaumet悠久而又豐富的歷史不容置疑。他們的資料 庫收藏了品牌過去250年、超過20噸的文件,單是貴客們 訂製的首飾設計草圖便多達62,000幅。Mansvelt說:「從這 些資料我們可以知道某日某時,畢加索跟太太Olga曾經來 過Chaumet。我們的記錄可謂鉅細無遺。」

Taylor Hill出席康城影展時,正是穿戴Soir de Fête系列的鑽石項鍊。 Taylor Hill illuminated the red carpet at Cannes with a necklace in white gold fully paved with diamonds (55,37 cts) from Chaumet's Soir de Fête collection.

The name Chaumet may not be on the tips of tongues when it comes to high-end jewellery. Yet it happens to be one of the oldest and one of the most prestigious jewellers in all of Europe. For almost two and a half centuries Chaumet, as far as brand identity goes, has been one of France’s best kept secrets, at least to most North Americans. And that does not seem to bother CEO Jean-Marc Mansvelt (pictured opposite page) one bit, who for the last four and a half years has been trying, he says, “to wake up the sleeping beauty.” As part of the plan to reinvigorate the name, Maison Birks in Canada was chosen as the first stop ahead of any U.S. expansion. Perhaps that decision was more about superstition than anything else. When Chaumet first attempted to penetrate the U.S. it was ill timed: it was 1927, two years before the stock market crash and the Great Depression. So they just packed up their bags and went back to France. Another unfortunate incident followed in the 1980s that had Chaumet exit the American market for good. Until now. The famed French jeweller has been headquartered at 12 Rue Place Vendome in Paris since 1907, the same address that composer Chopin spent the last four months of his life when it was a hotel in 1849. But the Chaumet name has been associated with many more luminaries than just a famous Polishborn, French composer. In fact the start of Chaumet is very much attributed to Napoleon and empress Josephine. Chaumet was, in fact, the jeweller to the first French Empire. Says Mansvelt: “The crown of Napoleon was a Chaumet piece; the sword of Napoleon was a Chaumet piece.” The rich and wealthy history of Chaumet is evident. Their archives alone hold more than 20 tons of documents, including some 62,000 drawings of jewellery pieces for their coterie of rich clients that spans almost 250 years. Says Mansvelt: “We can see in these archives at a certain time on a certain day when Pablo Picasso came to Chaumet with Olga. We have records of everything.”






在摩納哥舉行的 「Chaumet in Majesty」 展覽中的部分展品。 Tiara models from an exhibition in Monaco titled “Chaumet in Majesty”. 66

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Chaumet位於12 Rue Place Vendome的總部將於2020年1月經大肆翻新後重開。 In January 2020, the iconic Chaumet address at 12 Place Vendome will re-open after extensive renovations.

Mansvelt進軍北美洲的鴻圖大計終於成事,他計劃如 何在這個競爭激烈的市場突圍而出?「Chaumet本身已經與 別不同,有著悠久的歷史背景,成立至今接近250年,年資 比起Cartier及Van Cleef [and Arpels]足足超過一個世紀,跟 Boucheron相比亦多出將近一個世紀,對很多人來說,這點十 分重要。從Chaumet以噸計的資料中,可以知道我們的客人 包括很多知名的美國貴族及藝術家。我們絕不墨守成規,經常 發表不同的設計。很多珠寶品牌可以讓人盡情炫富,但這並非 Chaumet的風格。」 繼2017及2018年分別於北京及東京進行展覽後, Chaumet在今年夏天於法國蔚藍海岸的摩納哥展出一系列典藏 珍寶,展品由博物館、富豪家族及皇室借出,部分更是首次對 外展出。這個名為 《Chaumet in Majesty: Jewels of Sovereigns Since 1780》的展覽,焦點落在珠寶及藝術之間的邂逅,而冠 冕則是歷久不衰的配飾。展出的珍品包括50頂冠冕及250件珠 寶精品,完美展現品牌在過去兩個半世紀的精湛工藝及設計。 2020年1月,Chaumet位於12 Rue Place Vendome的總 部經大肆翻新後重開。「回顧Chaumet的悠久歷史,就好像回 顧藝術的歷史。」Mansvelt說:「珠寶臻品由一幅草圖開始,它 塑造了品牌的風格及時代的潮流,仿似同時回顧法國的歷史。 客人今天花一千歐羅買一枚Bee My Love戒指,其實亦買了品 牌在法國的悠久歷史。」 Chaumet為什麼不選擇跟其他珠寶品牌如Tiffany般,在加 國開設專賣店?答案很簡單,因為Birks是一個明確的合作好 伙伴。Mansvelt說:「我們(Chaumet 及 Birks)都正在轉型, 大家並肩同行,這就是有趣的地方。再者,Tiffany是無人不曉 的美國品牌,而我們要打入市場並非一蹴而至,Birks能為我 們的品牌增加可信性。就好像Van Cleef,一開始也是跟Birks 合作,現在已開設了專賣店。」 期待Chaumet於未來數年在加國大展拳腳。目前,品牌 的設計只於Maison Birks獨家發售。

Yet Mansvelt’s mandate is for Chaumet to finally make its mark in North America’s highly competitive high-end jewellery market. And how does he plan to accomplish this feat? “We will stand out by being ourself,” says Mansvelt, “because we have a great history. For many people, knowing that Chaumet has survived for almost 250 years—a century more than Cartier, a century more than Van Cleef [and Arpels], almost a century more than Boucheron—is important to them. If you dive into the tons of documents at Chaumet you will find so many famous American families and artists who were all clients of Chaumet. But Chaumet has always done things differently. It has never been a brand for those who want to show off their wealth. Other brands may be more in your face. That is not Chaumet.” After Beijing in 2017 and Tokyo in 2018, Chaumet went to Monaco in the French Riviera this past summer to unveil rare historical pieces—loaned by museums, grand families or royalty—some of which are being seen publicly for the first time. Titled Chaumet in Majesty: Jewels of Sovereigns Since 1780, the exhibition highlighted the ongoing dialogue between jewellery and the arts, rendering the tiara a continually reinvented accessory. The exhibit included 50 tiaras (some models of which are pictured left), 250 jewels, all summarizing two and a half centuries of creations. And in January 2020 the iconic Chaumet address at 12 Place Vendome will re-open after extensive renovations. “When you navigate the very long story of Chaumet,” says Mansvelt, “you are navigating the history of art. Jewellery is at first a drawing, the style of the maison and the current styles of the times. You are navigating the history of France. Even today buying our 1,000 Euro Bee My Love ring, you are also buying our long history in France.” So with the expansion into Canada, why not a standalone store like other more known jewellery brands like Tiffany have done. Easy answer. That is because Birks seemed like an obvious partner. “We [Chaumet And Birks] were both going through our own mutual transformations, says Mansvelt. “That is what is interesting; both brands are on a parallel journey at the same time. “Also Tiffany is an American brand. Everyone knows the name. So we realize our journey will take a bit longer. But launching in Birks gives us certain credibility in this market. It is very much like what Van Cleef did. They started at a Birks and now they are opening standalone stores.” Expect to see Chaumet follow suit in the next few years. In the meantime, their pieces are available exclusively at Maison Birks. ELITEGEN





王嘉爾 X Fendi

Cool style Got 7 band member Jackson Wang inspires Fendi for fall Story | Alan A. Vernon

Sweatshirt, $1,590 Pants: $1,450 Running shoes, $1,100 Baseball hat, $570 Baguette, $3,890


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Fendi最近宣佈邀請中港韓紅人、歌手 及作曲人王嘉爾(Jackson Wang)成為中國 品牌大使,並合作推出Capsule系列。 由Silvia Venturini Fendi當創作主腦, 全新系列把Jackson的型格及充滿個人化的 風格跟Fendi DNA完美結合,每件單品都充 滿時尚、奢華,突破時裝與音樂之間的界 線。 星尚 Fendi對你來說有什麼意義?

Fendi recently announced the launch of a special Capsule Collection created in collaboration with Jackson Wang, popular singer, songwriter and the maison’s brand ambassador in China. Under the creative direction of Silvia Venturini Fendi, the new collection, Fendi X Jackson Wang, combines Wang’s cool and recognizable style with the Fendi DNA, giving life to modern, luxury pieces that break the boundaries between fashion and music. eG: What does Fendi mean to you?

JW: Fendi除了是出色的品牌,亦充滿創造 自我潮流及歷史的觸覺。我們都忠於自己的 風格,不隨波逐流,不斷創新並自我挑戰。

JW: Apart from the amazing brand, to me it’s a vision of creating our own trend, creating our own history. We stick to our own style. We don’t follow trends. We keep creating new things and keep challenging ourselves.

星尚 是什麼啟發你創作Capsule系列?

eG: What was the inspiration behind this capsule collection?

JW︰我們跟Silvia Fendi都希望做一些全新 的東西,不想回望過去或參考以往的創作。 有一日我突然想到,Fendi從未推出過絲絨 系列,我們何不打造Fendi史上第一個全以 絲絨這種材質的系列?有了這個意念後,於 圖案、設計及logo都秉承「少即是多」的原 則,保持簡單的風格,沒有太多瘋狂的東 西。為了表現這個系列的內在美,因此整個 系列的產品都是黑色。

JW: With Silvia Fendi, we are trying to make something new. We don’t want to look back or take a reference from the past. I was just thinking one day that Fendi hasn’t ever released a collection that is all about velvet. So why not, why don’t we create a first-ever Fendi velvet collection. And then, for the pattern, the design and the logo we just focused more on less is more. Nothing too crazy; we kept it simple; we want to bring out the inner beauty of the capsule. The first-ever velvet collection in all black.






T-shirt, $890 Pants, $1,290 Shoes, $1,100


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Jacket, $1,450

星尚 如何形容跟今次Silvia Venturini Fendi的 合作?

eG: How did you find the design process and working with Silvia Venturini Fendi?

JW︰跟Silvia合作是一次很好的經驗。很感謝 她容讓我天馬行空的思考,並隨心地說出自己 的想法。她啟發我的創意,讓整個團隊思考, 很感恩能跟她合作。

JW: Working with Silvia was such a good experience. I was very touched and very thankful that she let me think without barriers. She let me talk freely about what I have in mind, what I brainstormed. And yeah, I just went crazy with the idea. She helped me to be creative, she let everybody think. I’m very grateful.

星尚 Capsule系列如何反映你的個性? JW︰系列正正反映了我的個性,是我每天都會 穿的衣服—簡單的黑色,不浮誇,可以用來配 搭其他顏色的衣服。

eG: How much do you feel this capsule collection reflects your personality? JW: It is me. It’s something that I will wear every day. You have the black, nothing too crazy even with various colours.

星尚 Capsule系列中你最喜歡哪一件單品?

eG: What is your favourite piece of the capsule collection?

JW︰每一件單品都是我的最愛。雖然圖案、物 料及絲絨材質看似類同,但每件都有不同的設 計。系列中有涼鞋、運動套裝、「tuxedo」禮服 西裝及T恤。亦有Baguette袋及clutch袋。種類 十分多,每一件我都喜歡。

JW: My favourite piece is… I would say every piece. Actually, each piece is very similar in a way, the pattern, the material, the velvet. It’s the same material and the same pattern but on each with a different design. We have sandals, the tracksuit, the tuxedo suit, the T-shirt. And we have the Baguette and the clutch. We have a lot of stuff. And I love each one.

星尚 在你心目中誰是Fendiman? JW︰唏!我就是Fendiman。

eG: Who is the Fendiman for you? JW: Hey…Hey! I am the Fendiman. Fendi x Jackson Wang collection is available at the Fendi boutique in Holt Renfrew ELITEGEN




fashion: Men

Timothée Chalamet

Ezra Miller

孔劉 Gong Yoo


Men in white through the decades Story | Simon Au & Timothy Lo


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James Dean 在《阿飛正傳》中的James Dean身穿合身白Tee和直腳牛仔 褲,是當時型格叛逆青年(Teddy Boy)的代表形象。時至 今日,他那身帶點頹廢的造型雖然簡單,卻還是沒人能超 越的經典。

His famous Teddy Boy look in a white T and straightlegged jeans in Rebel without a Cause was trendsetting. The couldn’t-care-less style is simply a classic. Elvis Presley


Elvis Presley 白色連身衣(Jumpsuit)造型是「貓王」Elvis Presley的經典造 型,寬肩膀與喇叭褲剪裁讓他更顯魁梧男人味。衣服上的 閃爍珠飾與刺繡是另一特色,讓這位「搖滾樂之王」永遠成 為舞台上的焦點。

He made the white jumpsuit famous. Period. The bling and embroidery ensured that the King of Rock ’n’ Roll commanded attention on stage.


張國榮 Leslie Cheung 作為香港永遠的男裝icon,張國榮在《熱情演唱會》穿上 Jean Paul Gaultier的高級訂製服上台演唱,白色西裝的雙 肩加上天使羽毛,完美呈現他「姣、靚、型、串」的魅力。

James Dean

An everlasting male fashion icon of Hong Kong, Leslie Cheung wore Jean Paul Gaultier’s couture for his Passion concerts. The white feathered shoulders of a white suit spoke volumes of his sense of style and cockiness.


David Beckham 球壇巨星碧咸向來有自身時裝品味和形象。近期穿 起白西裝登上《Love Magazine》封面時,竟畫上 綠色眼影示人,頓時為這個白馬王子造型增添幾分 前衛味道。

The English soccer star is known for his style and image. He wore a white suit with green eye-shadow on the cover of Love Magazine, giving the knight in shining armour a bit of an edge. 孔劉 Gong Yoo 身材高挑勻稱的孔劉可駕馭任何衣服,一身寬鬆休閒的純 白西裝(還要是低胸),若非有像他般的高度和身材,只怕 會落得慘淡下場。

Leslie Cheung

Tall and well-proportioned, he rocks every look. The loosefitting white shirt, unbuttoned down to the chest is sexy on him.


Timothée Chalamet 《以你的名字呼喚我》法籍男星Timothée Chalamet穿的 Berluti西裝非常合身,掩藏其身材瘦削扁平的弱勢,讓他 看起來更挺拔。更聰明是曉得以短皮靴配搭,突出他的年 輕活力。

The Call Me By Your Name star dons Berluti. Ezra Miller 新一代怪誕男裝icon非Ezra Miller莫屬,出席《怪獸與葛林 戴華德之罪》倫敦首映時,身穿白色羽毛裝向《哈利波特》中 的貓頭鷹「嘿美」致敬,戲劇化又不失時尚感覺,比一般男 星的紅地氈造型更有看頭。

The latest indisputable icon of odd-ball style attended the London premiere of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald in a white feathered ensemble, a nod to Hedwig, the owl of Harry Potter fame. A definite standout on the red carpet.





fashion: Men

Shirt, $675 Pants, $690 Both Ambush Sneakers, JW Anderson X Converse, $TBD Pullover, $675 Bag, $2,575 Both Bally

Leather shirt, $7,850 Leather pants, $14,650 Both Hermès

Shirt, Prada, $1,050 Nano bag, Louis Vuitton, $1,860

白色反擊戰 Black gets some pushback 黑與白,是時尚永恆的色彩,偏偏特別多人鍾情黑色,足以建立一個帝 國;幸好,舒適、簡潔、明亮的白色終於吐氣揚眉,不少品牌今季從頭至腳均 不乏白色單品。白色,宣佈正式獨立。 今年白色的氣勢不比黑色弱,Ambush、Bally、Ermenegildo Zegna、 Hermès、Prada和Louis Vuitton等品牌皆推出遊走正裝與運動風的白色單品, 還加添一點色彩的鬼馬圖案,甚是有趣。

White seems to be making a big statement at big fashion houses. Just look at the collections of Ambush, Bally, Ermenegildo Zegna, Hermès, Prada and Louis Vuitton. With only a dash of colour, white is giving black a run for its money. Shirt, Louis Vuitton, $1,180 Pants, Dries Van Noten, $860


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男士衣櫃中,一定要有和一定會有的,除了白恤衫,還有充 滿可塑性的白Tee。

Apart from a clean white dress shirt, a multi-functional white T-shirt should be a staple in every man’s wardrobe.

香港的賴秉堅(阿堅)更開了「Imperfect Atelier」白T-shirt專賣 店,為男士搜羅世界各地優質白T恤。但為何在芸芸白色時裝單品 中,只取這一件白T-shirt?他笑說:「白T恤整潔、乾淨、沒有局 限。它未必一定要當主角,卻能助你突出自己,既可拿來襯西裝 褸,配搭短褲亦成,充滿可能性。」

Kin Lai runs Imperfect Atelier, which specializes in good quality Ts, sourced from around the world. Why Ts? says Lai: “Because a white T is neat and clean and has no limits. It may not be the star, but it helps you stand out. It can be worn with a suit jacket or shorts. It offers lots of possibilities.”

白Tee講求細節,選擇時需要細心留意,當中大有學問, 賴秉堅說:「買T恤首看質地,由埃及棉(Egyptian Long Fiber Cotton)、精梳棉(Combed Cotton)這類長纖維編織出來的T恤,質 地較順滑且耐穿,親膚度較高。其次看T恤的『支數』和『磅數』,前 者數字愈高代表T恤愈薄,磅數也相對輕,穿起來雖然舒適,卻很 容易出現『激凸』的窘況,一般磅數較高的白Tee,相對挺身厚實。」 當然,編織方法、車工和剪裁同樣重要:「一般機器編織出來的T 恤,纖維經用力拉扯而相對硬淨,但某些日本和德國製的圓筒Tee 由紡輪(Loopwheel)編織,製作緩慢,出品卻柔軟舒適,保持棉 質本身的特色。另外,若不想衣領部分變形,選擇羅紋領(ribbed collar)設計會更耐穿。」

Details are crucial for a white T, so one must look closely and choose wisely. “Quality is most important,” emphasizes Lai. “The Ts made with Egyptian long-fibre cotton and combed cotton are smoother and more durable. They feel good on the skin. “Then you have to look at the count and the ounce. The higher the count, the thinner and lighter the T. It’s more comfortable to wear, but it can be embarrassingly fitting. Ts of higher ounces are thicker and keep their form better.” Lai also says weaving, cutting and sewing technigues are equally important: “Machine-woven Ts are sturdier as the fibres have been stretched. some Ts from Japan and Germany are loopwheel woven. The process is slow but it keeps the characteristics of the cotton and the Ts are very soft and comfortable. Ribbed collars will be better for those who don’t want misshapen collars after a few washes.”

白 T-shirT 保養教室

Care for your white t 洗滌:若白T-shirt不慎蘸上污跡, 應立即用清水擦拭,洗衣前再用梳 打粉和洗衣粉開水浸泡半小時,即 可去跡;若衣領上有黃色汗跡,可 使用檸檬汁去除。 固形:不想白T-shirt領子變成彎彎 曲曲的「荷葉領」,謹記在脫衣時不 要拉扯領子,並使用闊身衣架掛好。 防毛粒:放進洗衣機或多或少總會 有摩擦產生靜電,讓T恤的纖維捲起 來形成毛粒。洗衣時必須把衣服翻 轉放進洗衣袋,便會減少產生毛粒 的機會。

Washing: If it is stained, dab the stain with water immediately. Before washing, mix baking soda and detergent into warm water and soak for half an hour to remove the stain. Use lemon juice to remove yellow sweat stains on collars and under the arms. Shaping: To keep the collars in shape, avoid pulling the collars when undressing. Use wide hangers to hang the T. Pilling: Machine-washing a T will produce a certain level of static from rubbing, which will lead to pilling. Turn the T inside out and wash in a laundry bag to avoid this.






讓光線來設計 悼貝聿銘

Let there be Light

the late, legendary architect i.M. Pei leaves a legacy of beautiful buildings Story | Ernus


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說起貝聿銘,香港人特別熟悉;就算不知道《英雄本色》的經典 場口新寧大廈是出自他的手筆,中銀大廈也必定深入民心。這位首 個獲得普立茲克獎的華裔建築大師在5月16日以102歲高壽離世,標 誌著一個傳奇的落幕。 何以一個出生於廣州的男孩子,能成為靡聲國際的建築師?答 案很簡單,因為貝家不是普通人家,而是當時的名門望族,貝聿銘 的父親貝祖貽更是中國銀行的創辦人之一。因為戰爭、父親工作調 職、母親猝然離世等原因,出生於廣州的貝聿銘曾到蘇州、香港、 上海等地居住,最後輾轉移居美國,在安穩的日子中,貝聿銘分別 在麻省理工學院及哈佛大學取得建築學學士學位及碩士學位。

I.M. Pei, the first Asian architect to win the prestigious Pritzker Architecture Prize, passed away peacefully on May 16 at the age of 102. It is the death of a legend. Pei is famous the world over, especially to those in Hong Kong. The landmark Bank of China Tower in the financial district and Sunning Plaza in Causeway Bay were both prominently featured in John Woo’s internationally acclaimed action film A Better Tomorrow. Pei’s ancestry traces back to the Ming dynasty, when his family moved from Anhui province to Suzhou. The family made their wealth in medicinal herbs, then proceeded to join the ranks of the scholargentry, a class which stressed the importance of helping the less fortunate. His father, Tsuyee Pei, was a senior executive at the Bank of China. When Pei was 10, his father was promoted and the family moved to Shanghai. Pei lived in a number of cities before moving to the United States to attend university. He successfully completed his B.A. in Architecture at MIT’s Beaux-Arts school and added a Master of Architecture degree from Harvard.

羅浮宮的金字塔形透明建築。 Glass pyramid at the main entrance to the Louvre in Paris. ELITEGEN





華盛頓國家美術館東館是現代主義的體現。 The National Gallery in Washington, DC is a mantra of modernism.

貝聿銘 I.M. Pei (1917-2019)


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美秀美術館猶如人間仙境,完美結合現代主義及傳統日式風格。 The Miho Museum is a paradise, fusing modernism with Japanese style.

香港人最熟悉的中銀大廈,是 貝聿銘的代表作之一。 The Bank of China Tower is a Hong Kong landmark.

畢業不久,貝聿銘便進入Webb and Knapp擔任Architecture Director,同時成立以個人名義運作的建築事務所Pei Cobb Freed & Partners(前身為I.M. Pei & Associates)。初期作品大多在美國,類型 涉獵公共項目、圖書館、藝術館等。其中最廣為人熟悉的,是建成於 1978年的美國華盛頓國家美術館東館,貝聿銘以混凝土為主要物料, 設計出一幢正面看起來為「H」形,實則以幾何線條組成的建築物,簡 潔明淨,呈現出強烈現代主義的風格,輕易融入周邊環境。 1982年,貝聿銘在北京設計了第一幢在中國的建築—香山飯店, 以現代主義的手法融合中國風,這次嘗試效果出色,取得了很好的平 衡,也是中國改革開放後極具代表性的作品。談起回到小時候成長的 地方,不得不提於1989年完工的中銀大廈,它不但成為了香港中區摩 天大廈林立的其中一個地標,同時也代表了貝聿銘建築師生平最崇尚 的設計—「讓光線來設計」 ;雖說是商業大廈,貝聿銘在裡面設計了中 庭,盡可能讓光線進入建築內。 實踐「讓光線來設計」這個宗旨的,還有貝聿銘生平之中最具爭議 性的作品—羅浮宮。當年的羅浮宮重建計劃,法國文化部部長跳過正 常招標程序,找來貝聿銘主理,他在入口處設計了一個金字塔形狀的 透明建築,引來超過90%的法國人反對,認為洋溢現代主義的金字塔 與羅浮宮本身格格不入,後來建築在軟硬兼施之下順利建成,一年又 一年過去,已成為羅浮宮不可或缺的一部分。 貝聿銘除了透過建築展現理性的一面,有時還散發出詩意。看看 他最初期與陳其寬共同設計的作品—台灣臺中市東海大學路思義教堂 就是一例,簡單的大筆一揮,為教堂披上令人難忘的外衣,數十年來 成為遊客不能錯過的景點。另一個詩意代表,必定是建成於1997年的 日本滋賀縣甲賀市美秀美術館,走過長長的隧道,眼前就出現一條穿 越森林的吊橋,走過這裡就來到位處於森林中的美秀美術館。美秀美 術館以和式格調融入現代主義,兩者取得完美的和諧,來到這裡感覺 異常平靜,猶如置身世外桃源,貝聿銘的功力在這時已登巔峰。

Pei joined Webb and Knapp as its architectural director shortly after graduation in 1948, before setting up his own independent firm, I.M. Pei & Associates, in 1955. His early projects were mostly government buildings, libraries and art galleries. In 1978, Pei used mainly concrete to build the East Hall of the National Gallery in Washington, DC. The iconic ‘H’ shaped building showcases a simple and unique modernist style that blends easily into the surrounding area.

東海大學路思義教堂是貝聿銘早期作品,至今看來絕不過時。 Pei’s timeless classic: The Luce Memorial Chapel in Taichung, Taiwan.

In 1982, Pei constructed his first building in China, the Fragrant Hill Hotel in Beijing, fusing Chinese culture with a modernist style. The Hong Kong landmark Bank of China Tower was built in 1989. It represented Pei’s most appealing design framework—letting light take control of the design in an office setting. Pei’s most famous yet controversial work is arguably at the Louvre in Paris. In order to directly recruit Pei to lead the museum’s reconstruction project, the French Minister of Culture overrode the standard bidding process. When the modern glass pyramid design (a focal point in the main courtyard outside the main entrance) was unveiled, 90 per cent of French citizens were opposed. When construction was completed, it received mixed reviews. Today, it is an internationally recognized landmark. The Luce Memorial Chapel on the campus of Tunghai University in Xitun District, Taichung, Taiwan reveals the poetic side that Pei brought to architecture. The tent-shaped Christian gathering place has also become a landmark for tourists. Another epic design is the Miho Museum, located southeast of Kyoto, Japan, near the town of Shigaraki in Shiga Prefecture. Built in 1997, its suspension bridge goes right through a forest, leading directly to the museum’s main entrance. Pei’s contribution to the world’s landscape is legendary and sure to stand the test of time. In fact, Pei himself once said, “I want to bring out the best in a community and contribute something of permanent value.” Say no more.





InterIor DesIgn


The odd

couple Farg and Blanche a bold Swedish furniture house with quirky designs Story | 袓慧 Photography | courtesy of Farg and Blanche


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Farg and Blanche可能是 最多合照的設計夫妻檔。 Farg and Blanche are possibly the most photographed designer couple.

Farg and Blanche跟瑞典塑膠地毯品 牌Bolon合作,用日本武士盔甲的原 理設計出一張高背椅。 Farg and Blanche worked with Swedish vinyl rug brand Bolon to make this high-back chair influenced by Samurai armour.

由瑞典脆餅Knackebrod引發靈感,再交予瑞典手製玻璃品牌 Maleras製作,實際行動愛惜本土文化。 The design duo value local culture. They were inspired by Sweden’s iconic Knackebrod crackers for this lighting collection by Swedish glassmaker Maleras.

Farg and Blanche的 Succession系列,形似麵包 的燈飾,對應百年大宅歷史。 Loaf lights from Farg and Blanche’s Succession collection reflect the history of their family home.

Farg and Blanche是夫妻檔設計組合。先生Fredrik Farg生於瑞 典,修讀設計課程之前,幼年已接受家具製作訓練,乃科班師傅一 名。太太Emma Marga Blanche同是瑞典人,但在法國長大,自幼隨 教藝術的母親看展覽,兩母女還會自製手工藝到聖誕市集擺賣。Farg 與Blanche一次同參與瑞典的設計展,又同獲邀到柏林參展。因為 Blanche的作品是一張磁石製的小,不能帶上機。Farg就決定一起 開車到柏林……就這樣成就了之後十年的設計愛情故事。 兩夫妻相處之道是這樣的—Blanche有藝術背景,思想跳脫天馬 行空;Farg有製作家具專業知識,成功將創意化成實物。Farg對生產 過程/手工感興趣,研究生產過程時,又引發出無限靈感。去到最後, 每件設計也分不清是誰的主意,兩夫妻同工同酬榮辱與共。 這對來自北歐的模範夫妻沒有依循一貫的直白簡樸設計風格,全 部設計均以出軌聞名。他們會拿木頭金屬車線,將皮革陶瓷又縛又 又焗,成就奇形怪狀質感獨特的變形家具。夫妻最新大作,是用新設 計跟太太的百年家族大宅對話,在傳統歐洲華麗大宅,注入其獨步江 湖的變種DNA。

Fredrik Farg and Emma Marga Blancheis are both designers. Husband Fredrik was born in Sweden and grew up immersed in furniture making before studying design. Wife Emma, also Swedish, grew up in France, her artistic mom often taking her to exhibitions from a young age. Not to mention making handicrafts to sell at Christmas fairs. The design duo met at a Swedish design fair and were both invited to a show in Berlin. Blancheis made a magnet stool, which she couldn’t bring onto a plane. So Farg decided to drive to Berlin with her. That was the beginning of their business and a love story—10 years and counting. Their firm Farg and Blanche is a perfect fit for the couple. Blanche comes up with wild ideas while Farg translates them into actual products. And the two simply share in the glory. One might expect the Nordic couple’s designs to be minimalist. But nothing could be farther from the truth. Their outside the box ideas like adding metal trim to timber and baking leather with ceramics to create oddly shaped and textured furniture is the kind of quirky furniture making they have become known for.





InterIor DesIgn

用了wood tailoring技術的座 椅,還有鎖匙孔矮櫈,跟古色 古香的傳統沙發和諧共融。 Upholstered chair made by wood tailoring and a keyhole stool mix well with a vintage sofa. 82

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The Baker's House展覽中,出落得如此漂亮的百年袓屋。 The Baker's House exhibition is staged in a beautiful townhouse with more than a century of history.



太太Blanche自幼已受藝術老師媽媽灌輸「想做就做」的精 神,21歲設計學院畢業後,毅然到南印度Tamil Nadu當老師,之 後更決定回歸祖家瑞典。原來她太公一代已經在瑞典憑設計麵包 致富!Ikea有售的瑞典脆餅Knackebrod就是她太公發明的。太 公因為脆餅大賺特賺,就搬入這間建於1889年的大宅。下舖上 居,下面是麵包工房,上面是豪華住家。Farg and Blanche覺得 自己家族原來有此華麗背景,何不將自己設計搬入大宅?於是這 個名為The Baker's House的展覽,就在今年的斯德哥爾摩設計 周出爐。

Blanche was always encouraged by her art teacher mother to “just do it.” When she graduated from design school at 21, she travelled to south india to be a teacher before settling in Sweden, where her greatgrandfather made a fortune as a baker. He was known for inventing the Swedish cracker knackebrod, which is still sold at ikea. She moved into the grand mansion built in 1889 by her great-grandfather, which still serves as a bakery, with living quarters up top. Farg and Blanche came up with the idea to put their designs into the family’s heritage home? So they launched The Baker’s House exhibition at this year’s Stockholm Design Week.





InterIor DesIgn

為瑞典品牌Garsnas設計的Julius沙發,背面見到他們的wood tailoring技術。 The Julius sofa designed for Swiss brand Garsnas shows the wood tailoring technique on the back.

Farg and Blanche以設計向家族動人故事致敬,用手製玻璃片模仿 瑞典脆餅的凹凸表面,再將它們串成一起成為燈飾,同時模仿百多年前 掛起脆餅風乾的生產過程。加了七彩色澤的玻璃脆餅除了外觀有趣,原 來負責製作的,更是瑞典國內過百年歷史的手製玻璃品牌Maleras,同時 向兩頁瑞典歷史致敬。 低頭望百三年豪華大宅,單單是地板的星型裝飾已經像藝術品。 Farg and Blanche因而設計一張木檯,將地面的圖案帶上檯面。去到樓 梯,發覺有奇幻的麵包型燈飾,再次喚起這個大宅的麵包淵源。古宅當 然有壁爐,他們在壁爐上放的蠟燭檯,模擬蠟燭在壁爐上融化式樣。 二樓放有Farg and Blanche近幾年設計的沙發及茶几。沙發用了他 們發明的wood tailoring技術,正面看跟古色古香的傳統沙發沒太大衝 突。全屋都放滿不同形狀的矮,多看幾次,才發現它們都是不同形狀 的鎖匙孔!原來Blanche自幼喜歡透過鎖匙孔探索世界。

夫妻同心 捆綁聯針 這對實幹型夫妻在斯德哥爾摩Sodermalm的studio,與其說是陳列 室與辦公室,不如說是家具實驗室。在大宅內見到的麵包型燈,其實源 自他們的Succession系列。推開實驗室大門,內裡有大量原料及機器。 可以即時用裁床裁出皮革,再用釘槍釘在夾板上,效率神速造出一張不 錯的皮革小。這時最好玩,最Farg and Blanche的情節出現—他們用 繩索將小捆綁實,再將它扔入焗爐!焗完之後再鬆綁,皮革被捆綁 的痕跡就會長留,跟焗雞一樣!Succession系列奇幻的外觀,就像一隻 隻滿身肌肉的小動物一樣,東京Comme des garçons便極為欣賞,將大 量Succession系列帶到店內展覽。


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Farg and Blanche paid tribute to their family’s story with design, and used hand-made glass discs to mimic the dimpled surfaces of the Swedish crackers. They also took inspiration from the centuryold process of hanging up the crackers to dry after baking, and strung the glass discs together to create lighting. The glass pieces were stained with vibrant colours in fun shapes. They were made by renowned Swedish glassware brand Maleras, which boasts more than 100 years in business. The ornamental star-shaped floor boards of the 130-year-old house is an art form in itself. So Farg and Blanche designed a timber table replicating that design on its surface. The intriguing loaf-shaped lights on the staircase are also reminders of the house’s baking history. The second floor is dotted with sofas and coffee tables designed by the couple. The sofas were made with a wood tailoring technique that they invented. And they don’t seem out of place in the heritage house.

BuNDliNg CREATiviTy WiTH ONE MiND The couple’s studio in Sodermalm, Stockholm, is more like a furniture lab than a showroom or an office. in the lab, there are lots of materials and machines. They can cut leather and then nail it to a timber board with a nail gun to make a leather stool in no time. The unique part takes place when they tie a rope tightly around the stool and then bake it in an oven. After baking, the rope is loosened, leaving behind a tie mark, not unlike grill marks from barbecuing a chicken. Fashion label Comme des garçons loves them so much they exhibit them in their retail shops.

除了皮家具,Farg and Blanche還將此法用在陶 瓷上,紥實後再焗。Succession陶瓷系列外觀更有最 organic的質感,就像西蘭花椰菜花般。不過碗碟內裡 一樣平滑,方便清洗。這些花巧的餐具外表大膽離經 叛道,實質上入得焗爐微波爐洗碗碟機,完全滿足現 代生活。 Farg and Blanche笑言從不買任何設計書,買也 是買時裝書。Farg最愛Hussein Chalayan,時裝令他 對裁縫剪裁非常感興趣。也因此令他們發展出wood tailoring / metal stitching的技術,將夾板甚至金屬視為 布料,放到一部特製衣車上,像縫衫一樣「縫」出他們 的家具。上面縫線既是結構亦是外觀裝飾。兩口子覺 得將一軟一硬的物料縫在一起實在奇妙。到日本小住 三個月,他們發覺這種軟硬結合的設計模式,原來日 本人早就用在武士盔甲上。離開日本後,他們又用武 士盔甲的原理跟布料設計出一張盔甲椅子,安坐於內 的人有如被柔軟盔甲包裹。 Farg and Blanche就是這樣,用自己的實驗室將 傳統智慧、手工跟大膽創意結合。製作出踩界家具, 設計同時對應小眾,又適合大量生產。造就一個設 計、手工、奇想、傳統與現代的愛情故事。

Farg and Blanche are greatly influenced by fashion design, which inspires their interest in developing wood tailoring and metal stitching techniques. They spent three months in Japan where they discovered that hard and soft designs have long been integrated in making samurai armour. Now the duo treat wood and metal as if they were fabrics, putting them on a special machine that “sews” furniture. Farg and Blanche is a modern love story marrying design and artistry with wild ideas and tradition. Their bold artistry might only appeal to a niche market yet they are ready for mass production.

在日本住了三個月,從武士盔甲得到靈感,發展出metal stitching技 術,將軟硬結合。 After spending three months in Japan, the couple took inspiration from samurai armour to develop the metal stitching technique. ELITEGEN




wine not?


Harvesting its own barrels

Almost two centuries old, Bollinger still believes in the complexities of the oak fermentation process for its vintage Champagne Story | Ivan Wong 木或鋼,wood or steel?香檳不像威士忌般要「依靠」橡木桶 才能發揮其潛在風味,所說的wood or steel,主要是指釀造香檳 的第一次發酵程序時該採用橡木桶還是不鏽鋼桶。 選用橡木桶發酵的香檳,原因在於橡木桶較「透氣」,能讓 酒液和空氣接觸,專業人士稱之為「呼吸」,同時亦能讓木桶的味 道「融入」酒液之中,這亦是釀酒人常說的seasoning。然而,這 亦是鼓吹採用不鏽鋼桶來保持香檳天然原味的一大立論—採用不 鏽鋼桶可保存天然果香原味,或更清新爽朗,亦比橡木桶便宜很 多,可能更合乎資本主義原則。 的確,橡木桶香檳換來較複雜細膩風味的背後,是更昂貴 的木桶成本,在「呼吸」過程中又有少部分酒液會被蒸發掉……與 其辨別孰優孰劣,倒不如說愛喝香檳的你們就是左右逢源的大贏 家,因為愈來愈多香檳酒莊肯投入更大的資源,不惜工本為橡木 桶香檳作貢獻,Bollinger便是一例。 Bollinger向來是橡木派香檳的龍頭代表,旗下的年份香檳 均經過橡木桶發酵,常用的3,500個老舊(有些過百年)橡木桶, 要由自己的木桶匠悉心「照料」,這在香檳區屬罕有例子。最近, 他們更宣布三年前在Côte des Blancs地區所擁有的森林中砍伐的 三棵百年橡樹,將製成二、三十個木桶,趕得上在今個收成中使 用。 雖然,這些橡木桶只是不足總用量的1個巴仙,意義卻很重 大,畢竟是自己橡木自己種。再者,從限量處想,不知會造就怎 樣的一瓶Bollinger橡木概念香檳?


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Oak barrels are airy, which not only allows Champagne to “breathe”, but it also takes on the wood’s aroma. That’s also why there is a call for using stainless steel barrels to preserve the original character of a Champagne, without any foreign odours. There are also the arguments that stainless steel keeps the wine better and that it is a lot cheaper than oak. So, does money speak louder? It’s true that oak barrels do come at a steeper cost to give Champagne more complexity. The “breathing” process will lead to some evaporation, so the jury is still out on wood-versus-steel. While the debate continues, however, connoisseurs win as more Champagne makers are loosening their purse strings to bring in oak casks for making more unique Champagnes. And Bollinger is just one of them. As a “poster boy” for oak-fermented Champagne, Bollinger has put its vintage Champagne through oak fermentation. Its 3,500 oak barrels— some of them have been around for more than a century—are personally taken care of by barrel carpenters. This is a unique arrangement for the Champagne region. Bollinger even announced recently that it harvested three centuryold oak trees in the forest of Côte des Blancs three years ago to make between 20 and 30 oak barrels, in time for use with this year’s crop. Although these oak barrels comprise less than one per cent of the lot, they are significant in that they are home-grown. From a collector’s point of view, it will be interesting to see what an oak-concept Champagne Bollinger brings forth.

近二百年歷史的老香檳酒莊,在上世紀五、六十年代不鏽鋼桶興起時沒放棄 百年傳統,堅守橡木桶發酵原則。 This Champagne house, with nearly 200 years of history, has not given up on the long-standing tradition of using oak barrels for fermenting, spurning stainless steel, which became the rage in the 1950s and ’60s.

醞釀十年才推出的Bollinger La Grande Année 2008,窖藏十載仍是清新爽 朗,但又別具深度,可說是橡木派香檳的代表作。 The Bollinger La Grande Année 2008 was cellared for a decade. It speaks volumes about why oak is used.

雖說由自家橡樹製成的木桶不足總用量的1個巴仙,卻是意義重大。 Though the oak barrels made with the home-grown trees constitute less than one per cent of the total lot of barrels, they make a pretty big impact.

很難想像在這樣的環境,放上十年的香檳,還像昨天般新鮮。 It is hard to imagine that a bottle of 10-year-old Champagne stored in this condition can be as fresh as a younger vintage. ELITEGEN




dining to tell


Fun and FlavourFul Three restaurants to tantalize and tempt your taste buds Story & Photography | Renée S. Suen

多倫多有著多樣化的美食體驗,當中有三 間同於去年開業的餐廳加入戰團,帶來精 彩的美食及充滿個性的氛圍。


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Toronto is blessed with a food scene offering up a plethora of cuisines. And within that diversity are a trio of restaurants that have opened in the past year, each beaming with their own personality.

上海麵酸酸甜甜,材料包括 舞茸菇、椰菜、紅蘿蔔、醃 薑、芝麻及牛蒡沙律。 Planta Queen’s Shanghai noodles is a sweet-andsour course with shiitake, cabbage, carrot, pickled ginger and sesame topped with a burdock root and shoot salad.

取名為Herb Your Enthusiasm的雞尾酒,材料包括以泰國辣椒浸泡的 龍舌酒、君度酒、青檸、菠蘿及辛辣香草糖漿。 Herb Your Enthusiasm is made with Thai chili-infused tequila, Cointreau, lime, pineapple and a spicy herb syrup.

Planta Queen Queen West的龍頭餐廳Nota Bene於2018年底正式結業,店 址搖身一變成為Planta第四間分店。這間主打百分百素食的餐廳由 名廚David Lee夥拍The Chase餐飲集團及David Grutman攜手經 營。

the end of 2018 saw Queen West stalwart nota Bene close its doors, but quickly re-open as the fourth and newest outpost of Planta. Celebrated chef David lee’s 100 per cent plant-based restaurant opened in partnership with the Chase Hospitality Group and David Grutman.

Lee的亞裔背景為餐廳注入濃濃的亞洲風,一系列精彩的亞洲 素食包括適合分享的小碟,如餃子及握壽司,Lee更把原來在Nota Bene供應的招牌菜絲沙律改為全素食版本,當然少不了豐富的主 菜及甜品。

Concentrating on asian flavours inspired by lee’s upbringing, the sophisticated plant-based asian menu has share-friendly small plates that feature a section devoted to dumplings, a whimsical selection of thoughtfully prepared nigiri, a meatless version of lee’s signature slaw from nota Bene, punchy mains and desserts.

餐廳提供的餐酒及飲品種類非常廣泛,提供可持續、有 機、生物動力及素餐酒,以及啤酒、清酒、冷壓果汁、紅茶菌茶 (kombucha)及茶,酒保更會創新地加入冷壓果汁及自家浸泡酒來 調製雞尾酒,絕對值得一試。

Pair your meal with a sustainable, organic, biodynamic and vegan wine, beer, sake, cold-pressed juices, kombucha or teas, but be sure to check out the cheeky-named cocktails that incorporate cold-pressed juices and house-infused spirits.





dining to tell

食物吸引之外,由多倫多設計師Nivek Ramas打造的室內裝潢 亦十分吸睛。模仿中式庭園的設計,焦點是由Candice Kaye親手 繪製的龍圖案。餐房設有多組廂座,大枱都放上餐桌轉盤。 店內劃有私人餐房,面向大街的酒吧設計搶眼,黃銅吊燈、 綠色絲絨廂座還有亮麗的大理石吧枱。酒吧更不時舉辦主題之夜, 例如星期一以卷物為主題的Maki Mondays、星期二以清酒為主 題的Sake-It-To-Me Tuesdays及星期五的迪士高餃子之夜Disco & Dumplings Fridays。每逢星期四至星期六晚更有DJ打碟。

Besides a transformed menu, toronto-based nivek Ramas is behind the space’s interior that resembles a traditional Chinese courtyard. adorned with hand-painted dragon murals by Candice Kaye, the dining room is filled with banquette seating and large tables outfitted with lazy susans. there’s also private dining and a street-facing bar and lounge with eye-catching details, including copper chandeliers dangling above green velvet banquettes and a large polished marble bar. the latter gets active at night with programs like Maki Mondays, Sake-It-to-Me tuesdays and Disco & Dumplings Fridays. there’s also a DJ spinning tunes nightly, thursday through Saturday. ▲這道Shanghai菜絲沙律是Nota Bene招牌菜鴨肉沙律的變奏版。材料包括 青木瓜、椰菜、香茅、芫荽及大堆洋蔥圈絲。 The Shanghai Slaw at Planta Queen is a riff on Nota Bene’s signature duck salad. This version includes green papaya, cabbage, lemongrass and coriander topped with a generous pile of shaved onion rings.

這杯Hawaiian Pineapple 的創作靈感來自珍珠奶 茶。材料包括珍珠、菠 蘿、熱情果gelato、青檸 葉、菠蘿汁及大菜糕。 The Hawaiian pineapple is a whimsical creation that’s inspired by bubble tea. It features tapioca pearls, pineapple, passion fruit gelato, lime leaf, pineapple juice and agar-agar strands.


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Planta Queen 180 Queen St. W. 647-812-1221

Fet Zun 由一間時尚酒吧變為Fet Zun,店址前身為Bar Begonia,是老闆兼廚師 Anthony Rose及拍擋Robert Wilder於Dupont街開設的最新成員餐廳。 Fet Zun(意第緒語即「胖兒子」)主打輕食,室內裝潢比之前更充滿綠意及 明亮。原來的馬蹄形吧枱改為出菜位,亦是廚師進行擺盤的地方。餐廳前方位 置則改為吧枱。餐廳可找到不少藝術擺設,除了出自本地藝術家手筆的長頸鹿 畫作,及Wilder太太祖父的半身像外,牆上亦繪上Fet Zun的吉祥物駱駝。 Rose表示,相比起姐妹店Fat Pasha,由廚師Michael Sarino設計的餐牌 提供較輕盈的經典街頭美食,比方是適合多人分享的tahini芝麻醬及新鮮即製 的口袋餅pita及薄餅flatbread。 黑板上寫上全日供應的重點推介如各款小碟及份量大的餐點如Sabich Plate–這是一道伊拉克/以色列三文治,在flatbread放上炸茄子、沙律、炸薯 條及tahini醬。餐廳亦提供brunch,一系列美食包括以babka麵包(於Schmaltz Appetizing烘焙)製成的法式吐司,以及challah猶太辮子麵包配楓糖漿或紅菜 頭根tahini芝麻醬。 餐飲由前Bar Begonia酒保Mike Tanchuk主理,他設計了多款口感清新的 雞尾酒,有些易入口,但有些十分辛辣。店內亦提供鮮榨果汁,可單飲或製成 果汁雞尾酒,果汁內加入軟雪糕,杯邊沾上香料za’ atar或開心果碎,最後淋 上石榴或薰衣草糖漿。

Zun自設軟雪糕機,可製作 多款雪糕甜品包括 「胖兒子 雪糕新地」 ,軟雪糕加上滿 滿的開心果、芝麻、焦糖 醬及糖絲酥糖。 Bonus: Fet Zun has a soft-serve ice-cream machine for dessert like the Fat Son Sundae that’s piled high with pistachios, sesame seeds, caramel and halva floss.

▲一系列精彩的小碟包括:加入黑、白芝麻的烤開心果dukkah;加入薄 荷、蒜泥、紅和青辣椒醬等的spicy things;蒜香tahini芝麻醬;茄泥沾醬 babaganoush;利馬豆沾醬massabaha;tabbouleh沙律;加入labneh乳 酪、harissa辣醬及石榴糖蜜的甜薯沾醬等。配搭自家製pita或flatbread, 並灑上za’ atar或芝麻便最滋味不過。 The assortment of meze includes many goodies: toasted pistachio dukkah with black and white sesame seeds; spicy things, a jalapeño mash with mint and garlic, hanif, and red and green zhug; tahini-garlic confit; babaganoush with fried eggplant and salsa verde; massabaha, a chunky lima bean dip; tabbouleh; and chirshi, a chunky squash and sweet potato dip topped with labneh, harissa and pomegranate molasses. It’s best consumed with homemade pitas or flatbread, topped with za'atar or sesame.

transforming what was previously Bar Begonia, this dining establishment is the latest brainchild of co-owners chef anthony Rose and Robert Wilder’s family of restaurants along Dupont. Fet Zun (Yiddish for “fat son”) aims towards lighter fare than its sibling restaurants. the room is now greener and brighter, the original horseshoe bar now converted into a kitchen pass and plating station. But it’s the flavour-packed food prepared by chef Michael Sarino that Rose describes as being lighter and brighter classic street food than sister space Fat Pasha. Great shared and eaten with your hands, the food is not about hummus or falafels (like at Fat Pasha). Here, the focus is on tahini, pitas and flatbreads that are baked throughout service. the all-day chalkboard menu features staples like meze next to substantial dishes including a sabich plate. Here the Iraqi/ Israeli sandwich is served on an open flatbread and topped with fried eggplant, chopped salad, French fries and tahini. there’s also brunch featuring an additional lineup of dishes that include French toast using babka (made at Schmaltz appetizing) and maple or beetroot tahini on challah. to drink, Mike tanchuk, formerly of Bar Begonia, literally spiced up the cocktail menu. there’s also a fresh juice program, served straight or in an Orange Julius-like dessert cocktail that’s made with soft-serve ice cream swimming in a glass rimmed with either za’atar or pistachios, then finished with pomegranate or lavender syrup. Fet Zun 252 Dupont St. 647-352-3337 ELITEGEN




dining to tell 店內可找到不少古董小物及擺設,當中的古董點唱機是 Han花了8年時間搜羅,現在仍可使用。 From vintage tchotchkes to dried pantry goods, there’s even a working jukebox that Han finally secured after an eight-year search.

SeOul SHaKeRS 「繼Odd Seoul之後,我時常都希望有機會再做韓國 料理。」行政總廚Leemo Han解釋他決定跟拍擋Ihn Huh在 Bloordale Village開設全新韓式餐廳的原因。「餐廳氛圍有 別於一般韓國餐廳,希望大家會喜歡。」 店名Seoul Shakers來自Leemo朋友在紐約的單車隊名 稱,隱約可知餐廳的美食及餐飲均充滿韓式及南美風格。 喜歡為傳統美食注入時代元素,他會把大家最愛的韓式牛 肋骨做成餡餅empanadas,醬汁是墨西哥醬及以aji辣椒及 黑薄荷做成的青醬。 由廚師長Jason Poon炮製的鱈魚天婦羅伴以沙律及他 他醬。他更把泡菜跟梨組合成沙律,材料包括萵苣生菜、 經發酵的韓國梨、stilton芝士、玄米、醃辣椒及白蘿蔔絲, 最後淋上厚厚的洋蔥薑汁沙律醬。 除了瓶裝、罐裝及手工啤酒外,餐廳亦提供少量餐 酒及大瓶天然乾蘋果酒。酒吧更收藏了大量威士忌及龍舌 酒,還有Huh調製的各款雞尾酒,當然少不不了韓國米酒 (二至四人份)。 Han把餐廳的原來裝潢拆毀,並在牆身裝上木板及訂 製圓拱。餐廳前方的木面吧枱來自70年代咸美頓市的一間 酒吧。本身是古董收藏家的Han希望為餐廳打造懷舊風, 「就好像那種老人家聚腳的小酒館氛圍。」這家設計別緻, 不設訂座的餐廳,還有更多有趣事物待你發掘。

“I’d always wanted to come back to Korean (cuisine) after Odd Seoul,” says exec chef leemo Han about his newest Bloordale Village space that he co-owns with Ihn Huh. “It’s a little different. I hope people like it and dig the vibe.” Borrowing the name of a friend’s new York bike gang, Seoul Shakers alludes to the restaurant/bar’s Korean and South american-inspired food and cocktail program. expect modern takes on Korean favourites like kalbi empanadas dressed with pico de gallo and green sauce made with aji peppers and black mint. Chef de cuisine Jason Poon places tempura salt cod on a pool of green and tartar sauce. there’s also a Kimchi pear wedge salad, where he tops a thick slice of ginger/ onion dressing-doused iceberg lettuce with fermented Korean pear, stilton, roasted brown rice, pickled chilies and shredded radish. In addition to a selection of bottled, canned and draught craft beer, there’s a short list of wines and largeformat brut ciders. More exciting is a cocktail list featuring classic house specials by Huh plus the house makgeoli for two to four. no stranger to creating unique no-reservation spaces, Han gutted the original room, replacing it with wood panels and custom arches. He also outfitted the front area with a wood-topped bar salvaged from a ’70s bar in Hamilton. an antiques collector, Han wanted to make the space look dated, “like an old-man bar or an uncle’s man cave with a cantina vibe.” It’s that and so much more. Seoul Shakers 1241 Bloor St. W. @seoulshakersclub


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這道菜主打牛肉他他及墨魚魚生 (是傳統活章魚的變奏版) , 配以韓國梨及蛋黃,可以海苔捲著享用。 Mongo yukkae tops beef tartar with sliced squid sashimi (versus live squid on the traditional version) with matchsticks of Korean pear and egg yolk. It’s served with seaweed.

這道炸茄子掃上甜甜辣辣的醬油,伴以燈 籠椒、香蔥及辣油。 Eggplant kangpungi with fried eggplant in a spicy sweet soy glaze with bell peppers, scallions and chili oil.

廚師長Jason Poon Chef de cuisine Jason Poon. ELITEGEN




travel: area 27

極速激情 AreA 27

Fast and Furious

area 27 offers a Grand Prix lifestyle with luxurious amenities; it's the perfect playland for the motorsport enthusiast Story | Kenson Ho

假如你是一位高速跑車的愛好者,擁有夢寐以求的汽車。踏下油門 時,衝力將你猛烈地按在座位上,急速剎車時,感覺心臟衝向胸前,這種 扣人心弦的感受,只有在賽道上享受駕駛體驗時才能得到,而在市區內只 能幻想。 在南奧肯納根Oliver市一個山坡下的Area 27賽道,在2016年9月公開 啓用,由專業賽車手構思、設計,策劃和建造。賽道設計利用自然地形, 讓Area 27的十六個彎角穿越高度的變化,一如最引人入勝的郊野道路。 長長的直路足以讓車手達至高速,精彩的彎位是由入彎前及出彎後的 一切來定義,Area 27構建時也考慮到這一點,賽道的構思經許多年時間方 完全發芽。

冠軍車手設計 Area 27的策劃者是一級方程式世界冠軍Jacques Villeneuve和他的商 業夥伴Bill Drossos。Jacques Villeneuve當年以24歲之齡成為有史以來最 年輕的Indy 500冠軍和CART系列賽冠軍。兩年後,他更成為了F1世界冠 軍。Jacques是著名法裔加拿大車手Gilles Villeneuve的兒子,但他很快就 創造了自己的傳奇。 2007年,Jacques Villeneuve與Peugeot車隊簽約參戰Le Mans大賽, 讓他能夠成為首名同時贏得一級方程式世界錦標賽、Indy 500、Champ Car系列賽和Le Mans大賽的人,創造賽車界歷史。


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Imagine the thrill of a roller coaster but you’re in control. Get slammed into your seat as you push the accelerator and feel your heart press against your chest as you stamp hard on the brakes. You own your dream car. Perhaps a Ferrari or a Lamborgini, but in the city driving at high speeds is only a fantasy, and rightfully so. Put pedal to the metal and you risk a hefty speeding ticket. Not at Area 27. Open since September 2016 and stretched out across a hillside in Oliver, South Okanagan, Area 27—chosen as a tribute to Canadian racing legend Gilles Villeneuve, who claimed that number as his own driving for Ferrari—has the unique distinction of being envisioned, designed, engineered and constructed by professional racecar drivers. Designed to take advantage of the natural terrain, Area 27’s 16 turns flow through elevation changes like a favourite country road, with straightaways long enough to generate great speed. The masterminds behind Area 27 are Formula One World Champion Jacques Villeneuve and business partner Bill Drossos. Villeneuve was just 24 when he became the youngest ever Indy 500 winner and CART champion; two years later he was F1 World Champion. Son of the late, great Gilles Villeneuve, the French Canadian quickly went about creating a legend of his very own. “My passion for racing started when I was 5,” says Villeneuve. “The only thing I wanted to do as a little boy was to play with little

最近新增的The Clubhouse會所。 A recent addition to Area 27—The Clubhouse

在Area 27,一嚐一級方程賽車手滋味。 Imagine yourself as a F1 racer at Area 27.

Area 27的策劃者是一級方程式世界冠軍Jacques Villeneuve(右)和他的商業夥伴Bill Drossos。 The masterminds behind Area 27: Formula One World Champion Jacques Villeneuve (right) and business partner Bill Drossos.

「我5歲已開始迷上賽車。作為一個小男孩,我每天唯一想做的就是在地 毯上用書本堆砌自己設計的賽道,玩我的模型小車。後來升級至玩電動軌道賽 車,發覺設計賽道的樂趣和熱情與玩車一樣強烈。 「多年來,我有幸能夠在世界各地不同的賽道上比賽。其中一些賽道在排位 賽的單圈,能讓車手迸發潛能,將駕駛技術發揮至極限,令人驚嘆。有些賽道 則提供令人難以置信的超車機會。當然,也有一些猶如缺乏靈魂和刺激感的賽 道。 「我一直渴望設計一條令人興奮的賽道,既有單圈的刺激,配合輪貼輪決戰 的機會,同時要避免沉悶賽道的弊病。我們的目標是設計一條可以讓排頭位的 車手覺得自豪,同時令車迷欣賞到激動人心賽事的賽道。」 Area 27的面積達227英畝,暗暗呼應賽道名稱的來源。此外,選擇27這數 字亦是向加拿大賽車傳奇人物Gilles Villeneuve致敬,當年他一直以27為車號給 法拉利車隊出賽。

新增The Clubhouse會所 Area 27新增的會所經巧意設計和建築,將形態和功能融入科學與自然中, 為愛車人士展示最先進的設施。會所擁有一間3,200平方呎的餐廳、高端會員更 衣室,最先進的教室和汽車用品專賣店。2,500平方呎的平台擁有賽道的絕佳景 致,設有室外燒烤中心,是款待客人的理想場所。Area 27旨在為賽車運動愛好 者,提供格蘭披治大賽的生活方式和豪華設施。

cars around tracks I had designed on carpets. I have been lucky to race all over the globe on a diversity of tracks over the years. Some were amazing others seemed to lack soul or excitement. “I have always relished the challenge of designing an exciting track, taking into account the single lap excitement, combined with wheel-to-wheel racing opportunities, all while avoiding the pitfalls of uninteresting tracks. The goal is to design a track I would be proud of getting pole position on, where the fans would also enjoy watching an exciting race.”

The CLuBhOuSe Architecturally designed with purpose, the Area 27 Clubhouse (pictured above) infuses science and nature with form and function to showcase state of the art amenities for the driving enthusiast. The Clubhouse features a 3,200 sq. ft. dining room, high-end member locker rooms, state of the art classroom and drivers pro shop. Featuring commanding views of the circuit and an outdoor BBQ centre, the 2,500 sq. ft. patio is the perfect location to entertain guests. Area 27 offers a Grand Prix lifestyle with luxurious amenities for the motorsport enthusiast.





travel: area 27

Area 27 賽道是高速跑車愛好者的完美樂園。 Area 27 Circuit is the perfect playland for fast car enthusiasts.

Academy 27/Camaro Academy


Academy 27備有最先進教室設施的駕駛學院,包括4K視 屏和具有實時和回放功能的音頻設備。會員可接受征戰世界各 地的專業賽車手進行私人一對一教導。

State of the art classroom facilities for Academy 27/Camaro Academy are fitted with 4K monitors and audio equipment with real-time and playback capabilities. Members can receive private one-on-one coaching by instructors who are professional racecar drivers who compete around the world. Courses include a two and a half day program of theory and on circuit. There is also a one-day course designed for drivers with previous experience at an accredited performance driving school. A race preparation course focuses on strategy, passing, vision, and how to begin a race. There is also a two-day performance motorcycle program.

學院提供包括2天半的理論和實際賽道課程。此外,還有1 天課程,專為那些已擁有認證高性能駕駛經驗、並希望提高技 能的車手而設。比賽準備課程將側重於戰略、超車,視覺以及 如何在比賽起步;另有一個為期兩天的摩托車課程。



當Area 27高卡小型賽車(Kart)賽道落成後,將會提供「一 抵達即開車」的輪貼輪比賽,保證令腎上腺素激升。在完美的 賽道上使用無瑕的高卡賽車,帶來本能憑直覺的體驗所需的一 切元素。

Once completed, the Area 27 Karting track will feature Arrive and Drive wheel-to-wheel racing guaranteed to get the adrenaline flowing. Proper race karts on a proper race circuit provide all the right ingredients for a visceral seat of the pants experience.

Area 27位於Oliver BC的127 Area 27 Drive,是一個獨家 會員制的豪華賽車俱樂部,需付入會費和年費。

Area 27, located at 127 Area 27 Drive, Oliver BC, is an exclusive membership based luxury motorsports club that requires joining plus an annual membership fee. For more information visit


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在Area 27享受駕駛體驗的同時,在Osoyoos附近的 Watermark Beach Resort度假酒店,專為車手提供「駕駛住 宿」的配套組合。123間豪華套房,位於度假酒店主樓,提 供開放式、一房、一至兩睡房及三睡房頂層套房。每個窗 戶都可以欣賞到Osoyoos湖景、美麗小鎮和周圍群山的壯 麗景致。

While enjoying your driving experience at Area 27, there is a Stay and Drive package offered exclusively to the circuit participants at Watermark Beach Resort in nearby Osoyoos. The luxurious 123 suites in the main building of the resort offer a combination of studios, one, two and three-bedroom penthouse suites. Spectacular views of Osoyoos Lake or the lovely town and surrounding mountains unfold at every window of this top-rated resort.

這個Osoyoos度假公寓為遊客提供了額外的空間,讓 你在南奧肯納根旅遊時,有賓至如歸的感覺。對於那些追 求獨特度假體驗的人士來說,兩睡房海濱別墅將是完美選 擇。坐落在Osoyoos湖畔的五棟建築,每棟建築由六個別 墅組成,位於主要度假村旁,毗鄰Osoyoos湖的美麗綠茵 地帶。

Osoyoos vacation rentals offer visitors the added space to spread out and feel at home while visiting the South Okanagan. For those who are looking for an exclusive vacation experience, the twobedroom beachfront villas are the perfect choice. Situated on the shores of Osoyoos Lake are five buildings each consisting of six villas, conveniently next to the main resort.

平和美態水療中心 經過一天的刺激活動,客人可以在度假酒店的Levia Wellness Spa享受從頭至腳的整體護理服務。他們注重細 節和充滿創意,使用新鮮香草和大自然的豐盛礦物質,讓 客人有洗滌疲累,煥然一新的暢快感覺。

大廚到會即席烹調 大廚師可在客人的套房內,現場烹製精彩獨特的美 食。高超廚藝加上當地農夫即日新鮮收割食材,還有高質 卓越的土產美酒,相得益彰。客人更可額外付費,享受由 行政侍酒師提供的全套葡萄餐酒服務。

INNeR PeACe AND BeAuTY After a strenuous day of excitement, guests can pamper themselves with an extensive head-to-toe treatment at the resort’s Levia Wellness Spa. With attention to detail, creativity, the use of fresh herbs and nature’s bountiful minerals, a visit to this spa will brighten the soul and open the heart.

IN-SuITe CheF’S TABLe Make your important event a one-of-a-kind epicurean experience. The Chef will prepare and serve a one-of-a-kind meal for guests, right in their own suite. Perfectly paired with outstanding local wines and inspired by the day’s fresh harvest from local growers and producers, the menu also includes complete wine service from the executive sommelier at an additional charge.

酒店房外Osoyoos湖的景色。 Room view at the Watermark Beach Resort in nearby Osoyoos. ELITEGEN





Adair Scott

Howard Soon是卑詩省葡萄酒釀造業的傳奇人物。 Howard Soon is a legend in British Columbia winemaking.



廚師Adair Scott從小已深愛當地美食的原味。他 在喬治王子城外的一個小農場度過童年,與當地的原 住民交往,讓他對不少食材的起源深表敬意和理解。

An affinity for flavourful local fare has been ingrained in chef Adair Scott from birth. From his idyllic childhood on a small farm outside Prince George mingling with the feathered and bovine residents, Adair gained a deep respect and understanding for the origin of great ingredients.

Adair帶著對當地食材的熱愛,成為了Watermark Beach Resort行政總廚。他負責為度假酒店的會議中 心提供餐飲服務,這些會議/宴會廳全年均會舉辦會 議、婚禮和大型宴會。Adair亦主持The Restaurant at Watermark餐廳,菜單帶濃厚地中海風味,提供全方 位的餐廳服務。他精於以當地釀製的美酒搭配佳餚, 還會隨著季節性的變化來配合。他還負責度假酒店的 戶外燒烤部,團隊每天為客人提供新鮮燒烤的夏日菜 餚。


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Adair brings his love of all things local to his role as the executive chef of the Watermark Beach Resort. he oversees catering for the resort’s conference space, which hosts meetings, weddings and large group gatherings throughout the year. Adair has also taken the reins of The Restaurant at Watermark, the resort’s full-service restaurant in the sun-soaked town. With distinct influences from the Mediterranean, the restaurant focuses on fine regional wine pairings and tasty dishes perfect for sharing that change seasonally. Additionally, he manages the outdoor kitchen featured on the resort’s deck, where the culinary team serves up sizzling summer dishes fresh off the grill.



如果你喜歡參觀葡萄酒莊,南奧肯納根的豐富選擇和獨特 個性定必令你滿意。比方是︰LaStella Winery的葡萄園出產很 棒的果子,並將它們製作成意大利風格的Allegretto,Vivace和 Maestoso等專屬葡萄酒;Tinhorn Creek的葡萄園是加拿大率 先支持碳中和措施的酒莊之一,致力於土地管理,實踐保護和 環境可持續性;Covert Farms有機種植的葡萄酒產品組合包括 Roussanne / Viognier, Sauvignon Blanc / Semillon, Rosé,以及 他們專有的混成紅酒,The Bluff, MDC和具標誌性的Amicitia。

If you are into touring wineries, the South Okanagan certainly has an abundance of selection with unique personalities. A few examples include LaStella Winery vineyards (wines include Allegretto, Vivace and Maestoso); Tinhorn Creek vineyards, one of the first wineries in Canada to support carbon neutral measure, land stewardship, conservation and environmentally sustainable practices; and Covert Farms whose organically-grown wine portfolio includes red blends like The Bluff, MDC and the iconic Amicitia.

此外,還有Vanessa葡萄園,他們的願景是只生產最高質 量的葡萄,能反映其生長的風土條件,然後成為加拿大最好的 紅酒產地之一。在最初五年,他們只是葡萄農夫,向卑詩省數 家葡萄酒莊出售優質果子。到2012年才決定開始生產限量的優 質葡萄酒,希望通過在釀酒過程中使用百分百自家莊園種植的 果子,可以充分代表Similkameen山谷並鞏固其被《EnRoute雜 誌》稱之為「鮮為人知的世界五大葡萄酒產區之一」的聲譽。 Howard Soon是Vanessa的釀酒師,亦是卑詩省葡萄酒 釀造業的傳奇人物。Howard原是啤酒釀酒師,為追求更高的 創作性,於1980年加入了剛剛起步的BC葡萄酒行業。此後不 久,Howard開始在BC葡萄酒業創立里程碑,成為首家推出一 系列指定單一莊園葡萄酒的公司。與農夫們的合作關係,驅使 他在2006年與Vanessa Vineyard的葡萄栽培團隊共事,掌管他 們葡萄園的種植。隨後,他為其備受好評的Sandhill Vanessa Vineyard葡萄酒購買了絕大部分所出產的葡萄。在2017年, Howard「退休」到他所謂的「回歸工作檯」,作為Vanessa的釀酒 大師,並專注於真正的小批量釀酒。他的中國優良傳統教曉他 「勤奮和價值」的重要性。最近,Howard Soon因其在塑造、拓 展和提升卑詩省葡萄酒業方面的領導地位更榮獲加拿大勳章。

And then there’s Vanessa Vineyard. Their vision is to produce only the highest quality grapes that reflect the terroir on which they grow and, in time, to become one of the best red wine sites in Canada. For the first five years they were exclusively grape growers, selling their high quality fruit to a select few wineries in British Columbia. In 2012, the decision was made to begin producing small batches of premium wine. They hope that by using only 100 per cent estate-grown fruit in the making of their wines that they can properly represent the Similkameen Valley and strengthen its reputation as what enRoute magazine calls one of the “world’s five best wine regions you’ve never heard of.” A living legend, howard Soon has been on the leading edge of winemaking innovation for more than three decades. Originally a brewmaster, Soon had a taste for more creativity that saw him join the fledgling BC wine industry in 1980. Shortly thereafter, he began establishing milestones in BC wine, becoming the first to release a series of single vineyard designated wines, amongst innumerable other benchmarks. his collaborative relationships with growers led him to Vanessa Vineyard in 2006, where working with the viticulture team he oversaw the planting of the vineyard. he subsequently purchased the vast majority of the grapes for his highly-acclaimed Sandhill Vanessa Vineyard wines. In 2017 Soon “retired” to “go back to the workbench” as he coins it, focusing on truly small-lot winemaking as master winemaker for Vanessa. his Chinese heritage taught him the importance of “hardwork and value”. Recently Soon was honoured with The Order of Canada for his leading role in shaping, expanding and elevating British Columbia’s wine industry.

Vanessa葡萄園宗旨是生產最高質量的葡萄,能反映它們 生長的風土條件,成為加拿大最佳的紅酒產地之一。 The Vanessa Vineyard vision is to produce only the highest quality grapes that reflect the terroir on which they grow, and to become one of the best red wine sites in Canada.






automobiles: Range RoveR


Luxury and performance

fine features are endless in the range rover Sport Story | Lorne Drury (Metroland Media)

如果你想買一輛豪華越野車,一定不會忽略積架越野路華 (Jaguar Land Rover) 的出品。

When you’re in the market for a luxury SUV, it’s difficult to ignore the offerings from Jaguar Land Rover.

在中型車市場,越野路華的Range Rover Sport是當中佼佼 者。它的內飾高檔,擁有卓越的越野功能和強勁引擎,包括全新 的插電混合動力電動(PHEV)車型,滿足各種不同的口味,

In the mid-size segment, the Range Rover Sport is among the market leaders with its upscale interior, superior off-road chops and a range of powerful engines to suit all tastes, including a new plug-in hybrid electric (PHEV) model.

我們試駕的HSE型號,是所推出的6種不同級別車款之一, 入門的SE型號售價79,300元,最高級的SVR型號擁有5公升增壓 V8引擎,輸出575匹馬力和516磅/呎扭力的,性能是系列之首, 售價達134,500元。

Our test vehicle was the HSE, one of six different trim levels, ranging from the SE, starting at $79,300, to the SVR at $134,500.

作為這系列的旗艦車,SVR針對重視性能高於一切的駕駛 者,從靜止加速至時速100公里只需4.4秒。 對於那些希望既省油但又能享受駕駛性能車樂趣的人士來 說,我們所測試的HSE裝置了3公升V6渦輪柴油引擎正好符合他 們的要求。它能迸發出254匹馬力和輸出443磅/呎扭力。據廠方 提供的數據顯示,HSE幾乎在任何駕駛情況下都能快速奔馳,從 零加速至時速100公里的時間為7.7秒。 HSE的售價由87,300元起,試駕車加添選項後售97,610 元,另加1,700元運費。此外,HSE的級別也配備擁有355匹馬力

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The SVR is the performance leader of the group, boasting a supercharged 5.0-litre V8 engine that puts out 575 horsepower and 516 lb/ft of torque. It is also the flagship model in the lineup and aimed squarely at those who value performance above all else with a 0-100 km/h time of 4.4 seconds. At the other end of the spectrum, for those who want better fuel economy with a touch of performance thrown in for good measure, our HSE tester would fill the bill quite nicely, with its 3.0-litre, V6 turbo diesel engine. This power plant has lots of low-end grunt, producing 254 horsepower and 443 lb/ft. of torque. And it’s plenty fast enough in its own right for almost any driving situation, with a 0-100 km/h time of 7.7 seconds, according to manufacturer’s data. With a starting price of $87,300, our test vehicle priced out at $97,610 with options and the $1,700 delivery charge. A 355-horsepower, 3.0-litre, turbocharged six-cylinder gasoline engine is also available in the HSE trim.

的3公升渦輪增壓6缸汽油引擎供選擇。 另一方面,全新的PHEV車型是整個系列中最省油的,能 夠在全電動的模式下可行駛最多51公里,而車尾排氣管的廢氣 排放量為零。 相信在你閱讀這篇試車報告時,2020年款的Range Rover Sport已經開售,但預料只會有很少改動,因為新一代的車款 將於2021年面世。 自2004年以來,Range Rover Sport一直是積架越野路華 的旗艦車,從那時至現在全球的銷量已超過75萬輛。它的外觀 造型採用了車系的標誌設計元素,如獨特的修長水箱格柵、蜆 殼式車頭蓋,和浮動式車頂。新設計的前後保險桿是2019年款 才有的,車尾的保險桿把廢氣喉收藏在內。另外,所有車款都 採用高級的LED頭燈。 這款車有5座位和7座位供選擇。所有款式都是四輪帶動和 搭載八前速自動波箱。試駕的HSE有5個座位,車身噴上火紅 色,配襯黑色車頂,更選置了21吋的輪圈(標準裝置是有5條輪 輻的20吋輪圈) ,價值2,450元。

Meanwhile, the new PHEV model is the most fuel efficient of the bunch and capable of driving up to 51 kilometres in all-electric mode with zero tailpipe emissions. By the time you read this, the 2020 Range Rover Sport models will be on sale, but the changes are minimal, as the next generation is due out in 2021. So with this range of trim levels available, the British-built Range Rover Sport can really offer all things to all people. It has been a staple in the Jaguar Land Rover lineup since 2004, with worldwide sales well over the 750,000 mark since then. The Range Rover Sport’s exterior features trademark design elements, like the distinctive slim-line grille, iconic clamshell hood and floating roof. The front and rear bumpers are new for 2019, with integrated exhaust finishers at the rear. All models have premium LED headlights. Both five- and seven-passenger configurations are available and all models include four-wheel drive and an eight-speed automatic transmission. The HSE, as tested, was a five-passenger version in Firenze red with a black top and 21-inch wheels (20-inch five split-spoke wheels are standard), a $2,450 option.



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這車的另一項熱門選置是專業駕駛套件(Drive Pro Pack),價值1,730元,當中包含自動感應定速控制系統、 防止偏離行車線輔助系統、盲點輔助和高速緊急煞車。此 外,這車還裝有價值1,730元的視線輔助套件(Vision Pack Assist) ,包括自動高燈和平視顯示器。

Another popular option is the Drive Pro Pack ($1,730) that includes adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assist and blind-spot assist, along with high-speed emergency braking. Vision Pack Assist ($1,680) includes auto highbeam assist and head-up display.

車廂的裝飾一流,採用觸感柔軟的材料,剪裁和打 磨均屬上乘;舒適的16向加熱座椅採用豪華的Windsor穿 孔皮革製成。

Inside, the cabin has a premium look and feel, with lots of soft-touch materials and excellent fit and finish. The comfortable 16-way heated seats are covered in sumptuous perforated Windsor leather.

HSE有很多設施是標準裝置,例如車前霧燈,一套 380瓦的Meridian音響系統、360度泊車輔助,和滑動式 全景天窗等。

The HSE trim brings items like front fog lights, a 380-watt Meridian sound system, 360-degree parking aid and a sliding panoramic sunroof to a long list of standard features.

所有Range Rover Sport的車款都採用Touch Pro Duo資訊娛樂系統,裝有兩個觸控屏幕,一個用於收音 機、導航和媒體,而在下面的一個則用於調控溫度、車輛 設置和駕駛模式。

One neat feature on all Range Rover Sport models is the Touch Pro Duo infotainment system that offers two 10-inch touchscreens—one for radio, navigation and media, and another underneath for climate control, vehicle settings and drive modes.

若要拖大型物件如船隻或掛車,Range Rover Sport 一定不負所託。在配備適當的裝置後,它可以拖行重達 3,500公斤(7,716磅) 的物件,輕鬆遊走於市區和閒暇時駛 往郊外度假屋。

Towing a boat or trailer? The Range Rover Sport will handle up to 3,500 kilograms (7,716 pounds) when properly equipped, making it an ideal vehicle for weekdays in the city and weekends in cottage country.

駕駛Range Rover Sport是樂事,在高速公路上固然 平穩舒適,而在彎彎曲曲的路上亦能操控自如。

On the road, the Range Rover Sport is a pleasant vehicle to drive—smooth and comfortable on high-speed highways and easy to handle when the roads get twisty.

眾所周知,柴油引擎一般比汽油引擎嘈吵,但這情 況不適用於HSE,行車期間車廂內的噪音並沒有比汽油引 擎的大。

While diesel engines are known to be a bit noisier than their gasoline counterparts, we found no issues with cabin noise when the vehicle was at speed.

這輛2,156公斤(4,753磅)重的SUV相當靈活,駕駛者 可輕鬆扭動方向盤,即使在市區狹窄的停車場泊車也很容 易。

The Range Rover Sport is fairly agile for a 2,156-kilogram (4,753-pound) SUV and with light enough steering to make it easy to manoeuvre in tight urban parking lots.

若真的要在崎嶇的路上行走,Range Rover Sport肯 定是最好的,因為它裝置了廣受好評的地形反應系統 (使 用自動模式時,它會為你調節所有裝備)和位於4個角落的 氣壓式懸掛系統。

While few drivers take their vehicles off-road, the Range Rover Sport is among the best when the going gets tough, thanks to Land Rover’s acclaimed Terrain Response system (set it in auto and it will even adjust all the settings for you) and four-corner air suspension.

上述提及的種種功能,只是Range Rover Sport的皮 毛。想知道更多,你可以從其6個不同級別的車中找一輛 去深入了解。Range Rover Sport確是適合所有人和四季 合用的車輛。

2019 Land Rover Range Rover Sport HSE Diesel 一覽 車身款式:四門5人及7人豪華SUV。 驅動方式:前置引擎,四輪驅動。 引擎:3公升V6渦輪柴油引擎(254匹馬力,443磅/呎扭 力),搭載8前速自動波箱。 行李箱容量:第二排座位之後有780公升,而把尾排座位 折疊後有1,686公升。 拖物重量:3,500公升(7,716磅) 耗油量:10.5/8.0/9.4公升/100公里,市內/高速公路/綜合 價格:87,300元,試駕車售97,610元,包括1,700元運費。 優點:大型豪華SUV,在公路及越野的表現俱佳的性能車 缺點:選置配件可令價格大幅飆升。 誘人之處:Range Rover Sport系列有6種不同級別的型 號,當中總會有適合每一個人的東西。

This just scratches the surface in describing the features available on the Range Rover Sport. You’ll have to check one out to learn everything that it offers, with its six decidedly different trim levels, making it a vehicle for all seasons and all people.

LAnD ROVER RAngE ROVER SPORT HSE DIESEL 2019 BODY STYLE: four-door, five- and seven-passenger luxury SUV. DRIVE METHOD: front engine four-wheel drive. EngInE: 3.0-litre V6 turbo diesel engine (254 hp, 443 lb/ft of torque) with an eight-speed automatic transmission. CARgO CAPACITY: 780 litres behind second-row seat, 1,686 with rear seat folded. TOW RATIng: 3,500 kg (7,716 lb). FUEL COnSUMPTIOn: 10.5/8.0/9.4 L/100 km city/highway/ combined. WHAT’S BEST: This is a big, luxurious SUV that has performance to go along with great on- and off-road capabilities. WHAT’S WORST: Options can escalate the price very quickly. WHAT’S InTERESTIng: There’s something for everyone in the Range Rover Sport lineup with six different trim levels. PRICE: $87,300, as tested $97,610 (including $1,700 delivery charge).



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Exhibition: Salvador dalí

Nobility of Time, bronze

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DefiniTely Dalí

The famed surrealist caught between reality and delusion Story | Iris Yim Photography | Chali-Rosso Art Gallery

溫哥華又迎來了西班牙超現實大師薩爾瓦多達利(Salvador Dalí)的作品了。 由Chali-Rosso Art Gallery及F.I.N.E Art in the City Foundation 主辦的達利藝術展(Definitely Dali Exhibition),將世界級藝術家達利 的原創作品帶到溫哥華。 Chali-Rosso Art Gallery今年已是第六年主辦達利作品展。於 「Definitely Dali」展出的達利原創作品,數量是溫哥華歷來之最,當 中最大亮點是在溫哥華市中心街角豎立的兩尊達利的大型雕塑︰估 值為280萬的 《Space Venus》 和估值為120萬的 《Dalinian Dancer》 , 不管是街上走過的行人,或是遠方旅客均可駐足欣賞,讓達利的奇 幻世界展現在溫哥華的天空下,展示達利三度空間的獨特藝術語 言。展出時間為2019年5月17日至10月1日,歷時四個多月。可惜 在展覽期間,《Space Venus》的部分組件被盜。 至於其他一百多件達利原創作品,包括小件雕塑與畫作,將永 久收藏於Chali-Rosso Art Gallery。售出藝術品的部分收益將捐贈予 溫哥華的「Recovery Through Art」組織。

The works of world-renowned Spanish surrealist Salvador Dalí have returned to Vancouver courtesy of the Chali-Rosso Art Gallery. Partnering with F.I.N.E Art in the City Foundation, Definitely Dali exhibits two massive sculptures (Space Venus, valued at $2.8 million; and Dalinian Dancer at $1.2 million) at two intersections in downtown Vancouver, where locals and tourists can experience for free the wacky surrealism of Dalí. But don’t miss out on seeing the other 100 pieces of his work, including smaller pieces and paintings on exhibit at the Chali-Rosso gallery. Public donations, as well as a percentage of Chali-Rosso gallery sales, will go to the Recovery Through Art Society, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support innovative mental health and addiction recovery, and growth through art. This exhibit is a showcase of the surrealist’s most symbolic iconography: anti-gravity flying objects, melting clocks, space elephants, angels, snails and butterflies, appearing in such works as Nobility of Time, Triumphant Elephant and the Snail and the Angel.

Vision of the Angel, bronze



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Exhibition: Salvador dalí

Dalinian Dancer, bronze 106 E L I T E G E N. C A



Snail and the Angel, bronze

展覽以「Definitely Dali」為標題,皆因展覽中的雕塑 品都帶有達利最具代表性的圖象和符號:如物體向四周無 重心地飛開、融化的時鐘、太空象、天使、蝸牛、蝴蝶及 內心隱藏很多秘密的抽屜人等等,都是達利最常採用且饒 有寓意的創作元素。這些象徵性的圖形不斷出現在其作 品中,如《Nobility of Time》、《Triumphant Elephant》和 《Snail and the Angel》等。 超現實主義是二十世紀在法國開始的藝術潮流,源於 達達主義,理論背景為弗洛伊德的精神分析學說和帕格森 的直覺主義。強調直覺和潛意識心理,呈現人內心深處的 形象世界,試圖將現實與本能、潛意識與夢幻的經驗相結 合,不受邏輯和理性支配而憑本能與想象來描繪超現實的 題材,表現想象領域中的夢幻世界。 達利的藝術總是呈現雙重性:剛與柔、真實與虛幻, 以對比的方式來表現兩種不同情境的差異。他將潛意識的 影象精確地以卓越的具象繪畫技巧來表達,全然是非正常 邏輯思維產生的幻覺境界,構圖充滿張力和戲劇效果,這 種介於現實與臆想、具體與抽象之間的超現實畫面,帶給 人視覺與心靈的震撼。

Surrealism originated in France following WWII. It stemmed from the Dada art movement, meant to ridicule the meaninglessness of the modern world. Combining reality with instinct and essence with dream states, while not supporting either logic or rationality, surrealism as an art movement is said to influence imagination so as to reveal a world of fantasy. Dalí is illogical, illusionary, intense and dramatic, and, of course, caught between reality and delusion. Definitely Dali To Oct. 1. Chali-Rosso Art Gallery 549 Howe St., Vancouver 604-733-3594



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get out

Miles Davis: Birth of the cool, September 13 to 26, Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema, Miles Davis不但是爵士樂傳奇人物, 更是公認20世紀最有影響力的音樂人 之一。本記錄片搜羅了不少從未曝光的 短片和錄音片段,還有殿堂級音樂人如 Quincy Jones及Carlos Santana講述對 Miles Davis的感受,重構Miles Davis豐 盛的一生。 Never-before-seen footage and studio session outtakes reconstruct the rich inner life of one of the most influential jazz musicians of all time, along with new interviews from the artists he inspired, including Quincy Jones and Carlos Santana. Toronto Beer Week 2019, September 13 to 22, 今年是多倫多啤酒周十周年 紀念,可找到全城最佳和有 趣的各式啤酒,還可跟專家 學習精釀啤酒,或是參與品 酒會等。 Toronto Beer Week returns for its 10th anniversary, showcasing the best and most interesting beers being made in the city. The week-long craft beer festival includes master classes taught by craft beer experts, tastings at breweries and bar crawls.

Alegria by Cirque du Soleil, September 12 to December 1, Ontario Place, 看過太陽劇團的演出,便明白甚麽是馬戲雜耍,甚麼 是舞台表演藝術。Alegria雖不是新劇目,但經重新演 繹後又有一番新貌。 Beloved by fans around the world, iconic Alegría is reinterpreted in a renewed version to share its timeless story once more. The classic power struggle of old meets new is reinterpreted for today’s cultural pulse. Led by an intangible wind of change, an emerging movement strives to shake the established order, instilling hope and renewal to bring light to a world in perfect harmony.

The Band's Visit, September 17 to October 20, Ed Mirvish Theatre, 音樂劇The Band’ s Visit獲包括最佳音樂劇等10項東尼獎,以充滿中東色彩的旋律,講述受邀到以色列演出的埃及樂 隊,不小心迷了路,來到一個小鎮,在此借宿一晚期間,與寂寞居民們的交流。 Canadian Broadway star Chilina Kennedy and award-winning Israeli actor Sasson Gabay head the North American tour of this Tony® Winning Best Musical. In this joyously offbeat story, a band of musicians arrive lost and out of the blue. Under the spell of the desert sky the band brings an off-the-beaten-path town to life in unexpected and tantalizing ways.

Kensington Market Jazz Festival, September 13 to 15, Venues in Kensington Market, 由本地創作歌手Molly Johnson發起舉辦的 Kensington Market爵士音樂節,雖只有三年 歷史,卻已舉辦了超過320場音樂會和500多 名樂手參加,是不容錯過的城中音樂盛事。 Kensington Market Jazz Festival, dreamt up by local singer-songwriter Molly Johnson, takes place in one of the city's most vibrant heritage neighbourhoods. It has presented more than 320 concerts in the last three years with more than 500 musicians at 25 venues. Dont miss it.

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J u Ly / A u G u s T


Game Of Thrones Live Concert Experience in Toronto, September 6, Budwesier Stage, 《權力遊戲》雖已落幕,但人散曲未 終,餘音繚繞,要欣賞劇中代表性名 曲,指揮家Michael Sobie的現場音樂 會自是不容錯過。 Experience the iconic theme song of Game of Thrones and many other thrilling tunes with music by Michael Sobie.

Michael Moore in Toronto, September 30, The Danforth Music Hall, 美國著名紀錄片導演、作家及時事評論員Michael Moore向 來勇於發言,今次演出源自其百老匯項目「The Terms of My Surrender」,不諱言發表對特朗普政府的看法。還將邀請觀 眾即場參加互動問答環節,相信會有不少火花。 These unique, interactive and inspiring events will feature a special selection from Michael Moore’s Broadway show The Terms of My Surrender, a monologue about his thoughts on the Trump administration. Additionally, audience members will be invited to take part in an interactive Q&A period that promises to generate a provocative discussion.

FoodBall, October 4, Liberty Grand, 來自世界各地,超過40位名廚將於10月4日雲集多倫多的 Liberty Grand,齊施渾身解數,以美食為西乃健康基金籌募 善款。與會者還能品嚐來自意大利和加州的優質美酒和多款 雞尾酒。 Forty chef’s from around the world—from the Amalfi Coast to Vancouver—will stand shoulder-to-shoulder at Toronto’s Liberty Grand for a culinary showcase in support of Sinai Health Foundation. The event will also feature a selection of top wineries from Italy and California and signature cocktail tastings.



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Been There 關注星尚,緊貼潮流。潮人潮服,名貴新品,華麗派對,搶先預賞新刊以及讀者回饋活動, 盡在Instagram: @EliteGenMag。Hashtag #EliteGen,你的圖片更有機會登上《星尚》。 Discover inspiring images, new luxury products, the latest fashion and the swankiest parties. Readers are invited to hashtag us for a chance to get featured: #EliteGen. Watch out for sneak previews of future issues and giveaways, too.

The Italian Contemporary Film Festival is one of the largest Italian film festivals outside of Italy. This year, it partnered with Square One for an elegant party celebrating the 3 F's of Italy: film, food and fashion. The Grand Rotunda was transformed into a catwalk featuring @massimodutti, @evernew_ official, @maskamodeofficial and @holtrenfrew. #意國風情

Our editorial director, Alan A. Vernon (left) with Chaumet CEO Jean-Marc Mansvelt at the Chaumet opening at Maison Birks on Bloor. Chaumet is one of the oldest and most prestigious jewellers in Europe. For interview, go to page 62. #尚美巴黎 110 E L I T E G E N. C A



@MarcCain Canada held a special cocktail party to celebrate the new store opening at Pacific Centre in Vancouver. We had a fun night joining the celebration and discovering new arrivals from #FW2019 collections. Congratulations! #MarcCain #GrandOpening #大展鴻圖

Looking for clean beauty, wellness, luxury fashion, and curated home essentials? Be sure to catch goop’s MRKT pop-up at the Hazelton Hotel in Yorkville before it’s gone on Sep 22. Founded and helmed by Gwyneth Paltrow, the Toronto #goopMRKT is designed by Yabu Pushelberg, and features a Canada-specific edit of goods, including Canadian brand SMYTHE and more. A virtual reality shopping experience was launched on Aug 1, too. #popupalert #潮人朝聖點 @Goop

In celebration of Canada Day, Estée Lauder launched its #ShadesofCanada campaign the Walker Court @agotoronto. The campaign features 11 Canadians of different ages and ethnicities, all of whom have a story to tell about their background and what finding the perfect foundation match means to them. First introduced in 1997, #DoubleWear Stay-in-Place Makeup offers an astounding 56 shades and remains the brand’s #1 foundation. #百花齊放

Negroni Week, presented by Imbibe magazine and Campari, is an annual celebration of one of the world’s great cocktails to raise money for charities around the world. This year, @mapleleaftavern, in Leslieville, participated in support of Slow Food International. We had a fun evening learning how to make an all-Canadian Negroni from head barman Ben Lemieux (pictured) and exec chef Jesse Vallins. #雞尾酒

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1 0 0 B l o o r S t r e e t We s t 6 4 7. 7 3 0 . 9 5 3 0 | VA N C O U V E R

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Pacific Centre 604.681.7988

2019-03-01 3:16 PM

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