luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite
May/June 2020 Vol. 52 Toronto
toronto MAy/june 2020
ThE 巴黎/米蘭秋冬時裝周 collEcTioNs : Paris & Milan 搖滾反叛一甲子
A sing tao publicAtion
‘Doc’ Martens celebr ates 60th anniversary 美鑽洗禮
ParMigiani Fleurier: the art oF jewellery
Elva Ni 愛在瘟疫蔓延時‧倪晨曦
key influencer
ThE BridE GuidE 35+
Display until Jun 30, 2020
inspiring ideas from carats to cakes and everything in between
available on CHANEL.COM
A sing tao publicAtion
luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite
行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip
編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief 胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 編輯 Editor 徐少玲 Iris Chui 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 編輯部 Editorial enquiries / 416-861-8168
參與 Contributors Sidney Chao, Michelle Demaree, Crystal Ng, Isabelle Ngai, Truc Nguyen, Renée Suen, Shuk Wa Tsang
互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan
美術部 production & design 美術及製作經理 Production Manager/Art Direction 邱卓庭 Cliff Yau 美術助理 Graphic Art Assistant 陸凱茵 Gloria Luk
廣告及市場部 Advertising sales & marketing 副總裁 Vice President of Sales & Marketing 周潔華 Tina Chow 營業總監 Director of Advertising Sales 李啟治 Redmond Lee 綜合媒體銷售經理 Integrated Media & Digital Sales Manager 陳雅力 Eric Chan 市場及傳訊經理 Marketing & Communication Manager 盧凱菁 Gloria Lo
營業代表 Sales Representatives Patrick Leung, Emily Lu, Kenneth Wong, Fanny Yeung, Harold Yu, Derek Yuen 營業部 Advertising enquiries 905-754-1534
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出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada, affiliated with Torstar 加拿大星島傳媒集團出版,附屬多倫多星報
《星尚》歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 《星尚》每年出版六期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 6 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 221 Whitehall Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 9T1
publisher’s letter
攜手走過風暴 Love in turbuLent times 準備今期《eliteGen》的這兩個月裏,真的發生了許多 不曾預計和前所未有的事—正在密鑼緊鼓籌劃《婚禮專 輯》的時候,收到Chanel邀請,出席巴黎時裝周,本來 雀躍期待的心情,隨著新冠肺炎全球肆虐而變得低沉。
It has been an interesting two months leading up to this issue of eliteGen.
我們是否應該延期出版?要不要更改內容?考慮過 不同的方案,最後還是決定依照本來的計劃走。是的, 每個人都無可避免的受疫情影響,但我們深信風暴終會 過去,更希望可以和您—我們的讀者共同面對,一起度 過難關。
That left us with some pretty tough questions: Should we postpone the issue? Should we change our editorial direction? We considered different options, but in the end, we decided that we should go ahead as planned. With so many of us social distancing and/or self-isolating, an extra magazine around the house might help to pass the time. Yes, everyone is affected by this pandemic in one way or another, but we know this will pass, and we wanted to weather the storm with you—our readers.
就正如今期的封面女郎倪晨曦,曾是多倫多華裔小 姐冠軍,到香港發展模特兒事業,再成為粉絲眾多KOL 的她,原來在二月舉行的婚禮,因疫情而不得不押後。 然而,即使是失望,她卻知道這只是時間問題。作為準 新娘,她分享了選擇婚紗的心得,以及如何保持最佳狀 態。
Which leads us to our gorgeous cover girl, Elva Ni. The former Miss Chinese Toronto-turned-model/actress was about to get married in February, but the pandemic meant that she had to postpone her nuptials. Understandably, she was disappointed, but she also knew that it was just a temporary setback and that her big day would come soon enough. So the bride-to-be was more than happy to take the time to share her tips on choosing the right dress and how to stay in tip-top shape.
還在為婚禮的諸多事項而煩惱?不妨從今期的《婚禮 專輯》汲取靈感?好萊塢名人婚禮顧問為您提供求婚及準 備婚戒建議、不同品牌的婚戒、還有琳琅滿目的名師婚 紗、結婚蛋糕、酒品、讓新娘子在人生大日子留下芳芳 回憶的香水、含珍稀成分的護膚美容產品……準備婚禮 總會讓人感到壓力重重,但在法國波爾多,我們找到了 天堂般的勝地,裡面有上乘水療中心、佳釀和優質美食。 米蘭和巴黎時裝周在逆境中依然堅持,且看今期的 男女秋冬系列,依然充滿心思創意。今年亦是其中一款 經典鞋履創立60周年誌慶,不但有名師聯乘作品,且有 一眾名人紅星作捧場客……
It started off on a high note, as we prepared for our second annual Bridal Guide. Not to mention an invitation from Chanel to attend Paris Fashion Week. Sadly, as the new coronavirus raged on around the globe, the mood turned a bit sombre.
Perhaps you are still fretting about how to pop the question. So we enlisted the help of a Hollywood celebrity engagement concierge for some creative tips. But once you accept the ring and say “yes”, you’ll be looking for some inspiration. And our pages are filled with ideas from the dress and the cake to what to tipple for the toast and how to up your skincare routine. The days leading up to the wedding might indeed be stressful, so we also found a heavenly escape filled with indulgent spa, fine wines and great food for you—in Bordeaux, France. We also have lots of excitement from the fashion front, with a dozen pages on the Fall/Winter collections from the Milan and Paris fashion weeks. Plus, we celebrate the 60th birthday of one of the most iconic shoes in fashion history. We hope you enjoy this issue. From all of us at eliteGen we wish you good health and happiness through these tough times. Sincerely,
希望你喜歡我們為您精心準備的內容,更祈願大家 身體健康﹗
Leslie Yip Associate Publisher Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911
E L I T E G E N. C A
M AY / J U N
up front 6 團隊 Masthead
8 出版人的話 publisher's letter
14 鎂光燈下 on the red carpet
fashion 16-45 潮流特區 paris & Milan collections, 'doc' Martens, it bags celebrity 46 封面故事 愛在瘟疫蔓延時 • 倪晨曦 cover girl: elva ni bridal guide 52-89 全方位婚禮特刊 the dress, the ring , the cake, the glow, the spirits & the trip
68 timepieces 90 美鑽洗禮 parMigiani fleurier architecture 92 租客天堂 garden of eve apartMent 96 城中新滋味 dining to tell: scene, savour & sip society 102 been there:
hobnobbing and schMoozing
Beauty: special supplement
publisher’s letter
感激我遇見 “For they say when you marry in June, you’re a bride all your liFe. and the bridegroom who marries in June, gets a sweetheart For a wiFe.”
Story | Leslie Yip —"June & bride"photography lyrics from the movie Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. 張愛玲語曾經說過︰「於千萬年之中,時間的無 涯荒野裏,沒有早一步,也沒有晚一步,剛巧趕上 了……」
Historically, June has been the most popular month for weddings. Perhaps it’s because the month of June derives its name from Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage, who would bless new couples with prosperity and happiness. And so what better time to bring you our inaugural Bridal Guide than in our May/June issue.
是的,能夠情投意合,執子之手,邁向人生新階 段,是絕對值得感恩和高興的喜事。六月是傳統最受歡 迎的結婚月份,一般相信June(六月)源自天帝宙斯的皇 后Juno的名字,在這個月結婚便可得到天后的祝福,帶 來富庶喜樂的生活。
We hope our hefty 33-page special weddings feature is as much a delight for you to read as it was for our editorial team to create. We began with a frantic search for dress trends, fretted over rings and other jewelled things, and slathered on lotions and potions that promise that elusive glow. But that’s not all: we also searched for the most inspiring cake designs, the sweetest of scents and, of course, the best places to say, “I do”.
Renew and fortify
如何令這個大日子盡善盡美,留下美好印記,卻也 得花上好些心思。今期《星尚》的婚禮專輯,搜羅名師設 計的婚紗、不可或缺的鑽戒、「品味女王」郭志怡的別緻 姞婚蛋糕、婚禮場地、婚前護膚,甚至是舉行海外婚禮 和蜜月熱點Los Cabos,定能為準新人提供不少靈感。
剛完結的的巴黎和米蘭時裝周雖已曲終人散,但對 一眾時尚達人來說,卻是潮流指標,且看我們精選的各 大品牌代表作,確是美不勝收,令人目不暇給。配合 「春夏鞋履百科」展示的最新潮鞋,穿出獨一無二的時尚 風格。
When it all got a bit overwhelming, we joked about eloping—to Los Cabos, a desert-and-sea paradise by the Pacific Ocean, recently awarded Travvy’s Best Luxury Destination in Mexico.
Now, after months of planning and preparation, the big day is finally here. And we can’t wait for our guests to arrive—and by that we mean you, our readers. And because all our brides-to-be are fashionistas but not all our fashionistas are brides-to-be, in addition to featuring the wow factor of weddings, we still found the time to bring you the latest from the runways of Paris and Milan. Our style file has the leading looks for Fall/Winter 2019 plus our curated footwear trends for the summer season.
Help prepare your skin from daily assault by the elements with Neostrata Overnight Anti-Pollution Treatment
童年由香港移民至美國,再因參選「國際華裔小姐」 成為冠軍而回流香港發展的張曦雯,是新一代的女神級 代表人物。高挑的身段、姣好的臉容固然吸引,但最令 觀眾留下印象的是她的真情流露,特別是打電玩時的投 入忘我。始終,這是一個講求個性的年代。 製作每一期的內容雖然充滿挑戰性,但能夠為摯愛 的讀者們送呈精彩的內容,成為推動我們不住向前的動 力,衷心希望你感受到這份熱誠,愈讀愈愛愈有共鳴。
On the subject of fashionistas, our Cover Girl is not afraid of stepping up to the game. Video game, that is. Miss Chinese International, Kelly Cheung, shares her story on how she overcame being camera-shy, and how video gaming may have prepared her for her first action scene. Her path may have been a trifle bit unorthodox, but ingenuity is got when thinking outside the box.
We hope you are inspired by this issue as much as we were creating it. After all, every issue of eliteGen is about inspiration. And shopping, of course. Sincerely,
生活在加拿大是種恩賜,我們享受著地球上最潔淨的空氣,然而,四周的污染仍 然無處不在。每晚用乾淨的濕棉巾擦拭面頰,就能看見日間落在臉上的塵埃和污垢。 Leslie Yip
Associate Publisher
污染物以各種形式損害我們的皮膚,產生自由基,氧化損害肌膚,導致皮膚老 化。更糟糕的是,這些損害會日積月累,接觸污染物愈多,身體承受的負面影響愈大。 Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911
E L I T E G E N. C A
M AY / J U N E
Neostrata全新推出的夜間抗污染治療霜,在酣睡的同時修護強化肌膚,令皮膚 有足夠能力對抗翌日空氣環境中的挑戰。治療霜蘊含的PHA能輕柔消除一天的傷害; 丁香植物精華、月見草油和胺基酸則提供抗氧化及保濕元素,為肌膚提前做好準備, 應對第二天的污染侵害。 治療霜透明的凝膠配方觸感輕盈,早上起床時肌膚感覺滋潤,散發清新明亮光 彩。想得到日間全天保護,不妨在塗抹防曬霜之前使用抗氧化防護精華素(Antioxidant Defense Serum),仿若治療霜的輕盈稠度,有助於保護肌膚免受陽光照射引致的細胞 損傷及環境侵擾,中和氧化老化。
We are blessed to be living in Canada, reputed to have some of the cleanest air on Earth. Unfortunately, we still face pollution everywhere. Simply wipe your face at the end of the day with a clean, wet cotton cloth to expose some of the dirt and grime that manages to land on your skin on a daily basis—and that’s just what you can see. Pollution takes many forms and can stress our skin as it generates free radicals that can cause oxidative damage that leads to visible signs of aging. What’s worse, the effect can be cumulative: the more pollutants you are exposed to, the more negative effects you will experience over time. With Neostrata’s new Overnight Anti-Pollution Treatment the premise is simple: repair and fortify your skin at night while you sleep, so it is stronger to face the next day’s challenges. It contains PHA, which gently sloughs off the day’s damage, while lilac plant extracts, evening primrose oils and amino acids provide antioxidant and hydration properties that help prepare your skin for tomorrow’s assault. It comes in a clear gel formula that feels very light to the touch. When you wake up in the morning, your skin feels intensely hydrated and has a clear, fresh radiance. For round-the-clock protection, try the Antioxidant Defense Serum during the day under your sunscreen. It has a similar lightweight consistency that helps protect the skin against sun-induced cellular damage and environmental stressors while neutralizing oxidative aging.
讓睡眠修復日間損傷 一夜之間恢復光彩,醒來還你柔滑潤澤肌膚
Overnight Anti-Pollution Treatment 本款由效果驅動型晚霜含有皮膚科 醫生級成分,有助於: 夜間修復 • 多羥基酸 POlyhydrOxy Acids (8%)
改善皮膚透明度、 光澤度及柔滑感覺 皮膚感覺高度保濕,更加緊致
次日增強肌膚 • 抗氧化丁香植物細胞提取物 • 補水混合物(氨基酸和月見草油)
©NeoStrata Company, Inc., 2020
Dress coDe: oN the 'reD' carpet
隆重登場 flawless flow
自信滿滿 sexy asymmetry
成功轉型 short and sassy
Kay Tse 謝安琪身形雖不算高,但穿上這白色長裙,隆重型 格兼而有之,有心思細節卻又不會過分誇張,配以 中間分界髮型,更覺好看。
E L I T E G E N. C A
M Ay / j u N
Charmaine Sheh 時興露膊皺褶款式,佘詩曼自然不會落後於人,加 上曳地裙擺,倍覺充滿自信氣勢。
Chrissie Chau 周秀娜的衣着造型可塑性甚高,今次這白色一件頭 裙,雖然款式比較簡約,卻感覺高雅,大方得體, 正式告別當日的冶艷。
法式風情 flounCy fun
天網加分 mesh-to-measure
隱形曲線 Curvy ChiC
Lea Seydoux
Hailee Steinfeld
Kim Kardashian
法裔 「邦女郎」 lea seydoux,以簡約的louis vuitton 白色晚裝和妝扮,襯托出獨特法式風情,十分討好。
hailee steinfeld的象牙白色Prada晚裝,看似平平無 奇,但襯上鑽飾網罩,層次感和誘惑度大升,即時 叫人刮目相看。
Kim Kardashian的單膊皺摺晚裝,是alexander mcQueen的早期作品,非但不覺過時,大玩視覺效 果的設計,更巧妙收起平日略嫌誇張的身型。
M ay / j u N
runway: women
Paris: fall/winter 2020 Story | Maisie Lau
縱使新型肺炎突然來襲,2020巴黎秋冬時裝周依 然如常完成,由打頭陣的Dior,到壓軸的Chanel 與Louis Vuitton,不論大寶號,還是潮格品牌,依 然教人眼前一亮,為困乏的低氣壓送上清流。
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Despite growing concerns for COVID-19, 2020 Paris Fashion Week proceeded as planned. From the haberdashery of Dior to the equestrian boots of Chanel and matador jackets of Louis Vuitton, the underlying theme was about strength and fortitude.
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runway: women
Dior 18
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louis Vuitton ELITEGEN
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runway: women
hermès 20
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Valentino ELITEGEN
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runway: women
MILAN: fALL/wINter 2020 Story | Maisie Lau
新型肺炎疫情於意大利突然迅速蔓延,令這一季的 米蘭時裝周出現變 數,然而Show Must Go On, 縱使部分品牌即時停止讓獲邀賓客現場觀賞,改安 排全方位線上直播,無論身處哪一角落,依然可以 積極正面的心態支持時裝界的季度盛事。
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The mood at Milan Fashion Week took a sudden downturn as the new coronavirus hit northern Italy. But the show must go on, even if it meant closing the doors to a live audience and streaming the spectacles online. Cozy silhouettes and tactile materials provide solace for these unsettling times.
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runway: women
Fendi 24
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GiorGio armani ELITEGEN
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runway: women
Gucci 26
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max mara ELITEGEN
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runway: men
some sustainable fashion Story | Eve Lam
隨著全球氣候暖化,2020秋冬米蘭男裝展中, 不少品牌均以環保課題出發,Fendi和Giorgio Armani繼續專注天然物料;Gucci、Prada和 Ermenegildo Zegna則從經典取材,以新研發的 再生面料,創作出全新印花圖案,配搭專屬的象 徵色彩,帶來精采設計。一方面創造可持續發展 的時尚新領域,亦重新定義新世代男性形象。
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At the 2020 Fall/Winter collection at Milan Men’s fashion week, some designers were taking global warming very seriously. While luxury brands Fendi and Giorgio Armani still focus on natural fabrics, other iconic designers like Gucci, Prada and Ermenegildo Zegna are taking their cues from environmental issues, some even using newlydeveloped recycled fabrics in their collections.
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runway: men
ErmEnEGildo ZEGna 30
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runway: men
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runway: men
GiorGio armani 34
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fashion: ‘Doc’ martens at 60
搖滾反叛一甲子 The shoe of innovaTors, rebels, freeThinkers and celebriTies in celebration of its 60th anniversary dr. Martens launches The 1460 Remastered Collection Story | Paige Exell Dr. Martens第一對1460靴款(經典鞋邊黃色縫線、坑 紋鞋底以及後跟黑底黃字的布帶),於1960年4月1日在英 國正式面世,至今已有60年歷史。
It was 60 years ago that Dr. Martens first pair of 1460 boots (with its trademark yellow welt stitch, grooved sole and scripted heel-loop) rolled off the production line in England on April 1, 1960.
8孔靴款原本為工人而設計,是當時市場上最耐用及 最舒適的款式。嶄新的德國製鞋技術加上數十年的英國造 鞋傳統,成就了品牌第一對靴款的誕生。最初,1460靴款 的用家普遍為郵差及工廠工人,1960年初期售價不過2英 磅,深受英國藍領階層歡迎。
Originally built for workers, the eight-holed boots were designed to be tougher and more comfortable than any footwear on the market at the time. The original boot’s design came from the collision of two-worlds: cutting-edge German engineering and decades of British shoemaking heritage. Initially worn by postmen and factory workers, the 1460 boots’ first few years of existence in the early 1960s was very much that of a £2 work-wear boot, selling solid quantities to Britain’s working classes.
往後的十年間,外來的新思想、文化動盪以及社會 運動為英國的藍領階層帶來前所未有的變化。及後,The Who樂隊的Pete Townshend腳踏一對8孔靴款,象徵他以 藍領為傲及其反叛的態度,成為首位穿著該鞋款的名人。 Townshend及一眾形象反叛的音樂人改變了品牌的發展進 程,由原來實用的工作靴變成次文化的象徵,代表突破故 有規條、勇於求變的態度。 直至1980年後期,多得美國及加國的音樂人到英國演 出時均開始穿上8孔靴款,令此鞋款成為叛逆年輕人及音樂 人表達自我的強烈象徵。到了1990年代,Dr. Martens儼然 成為搖滾及音樂節文化的代名詞。 60年後的今天,品牌的靴子對不同人有不同的意義, 但鞋履造工始終如一。簡單的線條方便顧客度身訂製,品 牌著重耐用及舒適,無論是樂隊成員進行演出、用作休閒 鞋履甚至天橋走秀都同樣合適。Dr. Martens的氣墊靴款60 年如一日,依舊採用相同物料、同樣的生產過程甚至由同 一間工廠生產。唯一不同的是穿著的人。一群社會先驅、 反叛分子及崇尚自由的人把原來務實的英國鞋匠,演變成 世界公認的另類品牌。 儘管品牌在過去數十年不斷發展,誕生第一對靴帶的 Northamptonshire工廠至今仍然運作。Dr. Martens的「英國 製造系列」便由工廠內一個小小的團隊專職生產,透過傳統 及獨特的造鞋過程,呈獻無可比擬的鞋履。 為慶祝60周年及迎接下一個10年,Dr. Martens邀得 12個具代表性的品牌及設計師進行聯乘企劃,透過「1460 對你有何意義?」這個問題為靈感,讓他們發揮獨特創 意把1460八孔高筒靴重新演繹。聯乘系列名為The 1460 Remastered Collection,每一款聯乘別注版的1460將反映 獲邀品牌跟Dr. Martens的情誼及品牌的核心DNA。 聯乘系列於2020年陸續登場,打頭陣於一月發佈的是 日本潮牌A Bathing Ape。今次已是Dr. Martens第四度跟 A Bathing Ape合作推出聯乘作品,全新BAPE 1460八孔高 筒靴結合兩個品牌的精髓,加入猿人的標誌性迷彩元素及 BAPE STA星形標記。其他參與聯乘企劃的設計師還包括 Raf Simons及Babylon x Beams等,粉絲們請密切留意。 查詢聯乘系列情報,可瀏覽網址。
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But, something incredible began amid a decade that saw an unprecedented wave of change, new ideas, cultural upheaval and social revolution that proudly championed the British working class style. Shortly after, Pete Townshend of The Who became the first high profile individual to wear them as a symbol of his own working class pride and rebellious attitude. In doing so, Townshend and music rebels altered the course of the brand’s history, changing this functional work-wear boot into a subcultural essential representing the nonconformist attitudes of those who fight for a change and will never accept the status quo. By the end of the 1980s, the boot had become a fierce symbol of self-expression for rebellious youth and musicians alike thanks to Canadian and American musicians beginning to adopt their British counterparts’ “Docs” into their style whenever they toured the UK. Fast-forward to the 1990s, and Dr. Martens became synonymous with grunge and festival culture. Now, 60 years later, the boot means something different to everyone who laces up, while remaining true to its original construction. The simple silhouette allows people to customize each pair; while on a utilitarian level their famous durability and comfort make them ideal footwear for the world of gigs, streetwear and fashion runways. The air-cushioned boots are still made from the same materials using the same process and often in the same factory. The only thing that has changed is the people wearing them. The innovators, rebels and freethinkers who’ve turned a humble british bootmaker into a global alternative brand. Despite the brand’s growth over the years, the Northamptonshire factory where the first boot came to life still exists to this day. Through their Made In England collection, this line is still manufactured by a small, close-knit team who are dedicated to the traditional and unique shoe-making process that makes Dr. Martens like no other shoe on earth. To celebrate their 60th anniversary and kick off a new decade, Dr. Martens has invited twelve iconic brands, labels and designers to rework the original 1460 boot through each brand’s distinct creative lens, encouraging them to take inspiration in design by answering one, open-ended question: “What does the 1460 mean to you?” Named The 1460 Remastered Collection, each one-off edition of the 1460 will reflect the partner’s personal history with Dr. Martens as well as the brand’s core DNA. The boots will be dropping once each month throughout 2020, led by the first January collaboration designed by A Bathing Ape, the streetwear heavyweights known for their distinctive camo prints and premium collections. Creative ties with the Japanese brand run deep: this will be the fourth time Dr. Martens has partnered with the brand for a one-off collaboration. The new BAPE 1460 boots fuses the two brands core markings, including the original BAPE camo print and their prized BAPE STA logo. And we can expect collaborations with Raf Simons and Babylon x Beams to name a few of the iconic designers that are part of The 1460 Remastered Collection. To stay up-to-date and check out the latest dropped collections, visit
Celebrities donning DOCS ELITEGEN
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fashion: ‘Doc’ martens at 60
Kristen Stewart
Ryan Gosling
Kendall Jenner
Justin Theroux 38
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Kourtney Kardashian
Gigi Hadid
David Beckham
Hailey Bieber
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fashion: it bags
beautiful bag-gage
this season is all about shape, size—and straw Story | Elaine Chung
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Salvatore Ferragamo
Stella mccartney
michael KorS
valentino garavani
GraspinG at straws 多個人氣名牌不約而同採用草藤 編織的設計。
big or small the hottest bags whetherWhether big or small, some of the hottest bags of the woven thisare spring are variety. of the woven variety
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Fendi 42
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Mini-Me 體積嬌小的Mini Bag,設計與細 節均主打優雅及別致風格。
small bags make a big impression this season. valentino garavani
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Get in shape 立體幾何設計的手袋熱潮方興 未艾,當中尤以圓形的款式最 受青睞。
You’ll be called square without a round bag.
Stella mccartney
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louiS vuitton ELITEGEN
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cover girl
key influencer elva ni and fiancé Vincent ng postpone wedding to tackle the virus with love Story | Iris Chui
本來是二月舉行的婚禮,因為一場來勢洶洶的新型 冠狀病毒而要延期。但兩情若是久長時,又豈在朝朝暮 暮?倪晨曦仍是期盼著年底的婚禮,是否有確定日子不打 緊,最重要是彼此的心都是踏實的。 看過倪晨曦和未婚夫Vincent去年於有「天空之鏡」稱 號的玻利維亞拍攝的婚照,在鹽湖水天一色的空靈澄明 下,兩人留下愛情的印記,著實教人怦然心動。也不枉她 千辛萬苦把那襲有著熙熙攘攘、層層疊疊裙擺的Nicole + Felicia巨型婚紗放進紅白藍大膠袋,千里迢迢帶到她心嚮 往之的拍婚照地方。「拍攝當日還要又冷又大風,但現在 看回照片,覺得一切都是值得的,這襲婚紗真的好美。」 她說自己向來有留意Nicole + Felicia這個台灣品牌, 也知道很多荷里活紅星也會穿著來行紅地氈。「有一次造 型師借了這牌子的粉紅色晚裝裙給我出席活動,發覺質料 和剪裁都很好,所以便決定以這牌子的婚紗拍婚紗照。」 倪晨曦認為新娘子要知自己的喜好,選擇婚紗時要 配合自己的性格和場地。「拍婚紗照和真正在婚禮時穿的 要求不一樣,好像我們到玻利維亞,背景仿如無邊際般, 婚紗大一點、誇張一點,反而有氣勢和更有效果;實際舉 行婚禮的話,我自己不喜歡太誇張、性感或是太貼身的, 覺得不太自然,所以選了斯文典雅的款式。」
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The onslaught of a novel coronavirus forced Elva Ni and fiancé Vincent Ng to put off their February wedding until the end of the year. It’s all right to put nuptials on hold, provided the betrothed continue to fill each other’s heart with love. The darling couple staged their wedding photo shoot at Bolivia’s Uyuni Salt Flat. The images are brimming with affection, reflected through an expansive and sparkling lake dubbed Mirror of the Sky. It was definitely worth the effort to transport the voluminous layered wedding dress by Nicole + Felicia in a gigantic carrier bag to the special location. It was windy and cold that day, but the photos proved that it was all worth it—”the wedding dress was spectacular,” says Ni. Ni has had the Taiwanese couturier in her sights for a while, knowing it was a popular red-carpet choice of Hollywood celebrities. “A stylist borrowed a pink gown from [Nicole + Felicia] for me to attend an event once,” says the 32-year-old Hong Kong model/actress. “I was taken by the quality of the material and the silhouette, so I picked their wedding dress for the shoot.” Ni thinks a wedding dress must reflect a bride’s personality and the characteristics of the shoot location, but “choosing a dress for a shoot and for a wedding is different,” she says. “Our location in Bolivia looks endless, so the dress can be enormous and exaggerated to set off the magnificence of the site. For the wedding, I prefer something more subtle, less revealing and not too form-fitting. I picked a more sophisticated and elegant design to feel natural.”
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因為事出突然,很多人的婚禮也被迫延期,許多酒 店年底的期都已經排滿了。「準備了這麼久,也想不到會 發生這樣意外的事,我們都很想雙方父母親人見證這重要 時刻,但也不希望他們坐飛機到香港旅程中或逗留期間出 問題,所以無論是註冊和婚筵都延期了,現時仍需和酒店 聯絡跟進。希望疫情早日過去,大家回復正常生活。」 倪晨曦和從事金融業的未婚夫Vincent拍拖四年多, 他的細心和包容最令她感動。「我不是一個細心的人,總 是會遺漏或疏忽某些東西,試過到外地工作期間身體不 適,正在自怨沒帶藥傍身,卻原來他已經把好幾種藥都放 進行李內以防不時之需。平時工作,無論是早是晚,他都 不嫌辛苦接送,更會盛一瓶暖水給我……方方面面都設想 周到。」 她愛將外賣膠盒廢物利用,拿來種植物。由於不時 要到外地工作,照料的重任便得交給未婚夫。「有一次我 要出國工作兩星期,通電話時問他那些花和由種子開始種 的檸檬樹狀況,他傳照片過來,見到很多葉都枯了,禁不 住發脾氣,埋怨他怎麼連植物也照顧不來,雖然他也有反 駁,但之後還是打電話到花店求救,原來我們要換過大些 的花盤,把泥弄鬆。當我回到家,看見他把花盤都換過, 所有植物都一片欣欣向榮的樣子,那一刻真的很感動。」
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The COVID-19 outbreak has forced many couples to postpone their weddings and some hotels are fully booked through the end of the year. “We had made prolonged preparations and then this happened,” says the disheartened actress. “We both wanted to have our parents witness the milestone moment, but we didn’t want them to risk their health flying to Hong Kong and staying here. So we delayed both the registration and the wedding banquet. “We are still following up with the hotel on details. We can only hope that the virus scare will pass soon so that everyone can return to a normal life.” Ni and Ng, who works in the financial industry, have been dating for four years. She was most touched by his attentiveness and understanding. “I’m not detail-oriented and will always miss or overlook something,” admits Ni. “Once when I was working overseas, I was unwell and kicked myself for not bringing medicines with me. And then I found out that he had already slipped a few types into my bags just in case. “Whenever I have jobs, he will drive me around day and night, and prepare a bottle of warm water for me. He is always very thoughtful.” Somewhat of a gardener, Ni relies on Ng to tend to her plants when she’s on overseas jobs. “Once I had to be away for two weeks,” says Ni. “I asked him over the phone how the flowers and the lemon tree, which I grew from a seed, were coming along. He sent me pictures that showed many leaves were dried up. I threw a fit and we had a somewhat heated exchange. But he followed up with a call to a florist to ask for help. All that was needed was to replant in bigger pots with aerated soil. When I returned home, he had repotted all the plants and they looked vibrant. I was very touched.”
交叉點 倪晨曦18歲那年當選多倫多華裔小姐冠軍,2010年從多倫多大學 畢業後,隻身到香港發展演藝事業,開始時以模特兒工作為主,拍廣 告和作雜誌模特兒。「過了三年多,工作進入樽頸位,客戶覺得沒有新 鮮感,喜歡找新人,工作量少了,也不知前路如何。家人提議我不如 修讀戲劇課程,只是我自知不是一個容易放開自我、投入角色的人, 加上廣東話說得不好,要做一個出色演員一點也不容易。反而之前在 拍廣告期間,對燈光和剪接很有興趣,相信自己掌可握得到,而且也 更實在,決定以此作發展方向。」 那時香港仍未有那麼人自己拍片做Youtuber,倪晨曦卻是初生之 犢,即使前路未明,依然勇往直前,也因此成就她成為香港最早期的 KOL之一,現在IG粉絲超過75萬。她出post快且密,手機儲存了超過 五萬多張照片。「大家見到的那一或兩張照片,往往是我拍了數以百計 張照片,從中挑選出最合心意的,再花半個小時修圖,有時甚至用上 三個不同的app來處理。」 她也承認自己很多時都是相機先行。「可能是工作關係,無論是外 出用膳或是遊玩,我都習慣先拍照。未婚夫已經見怪不怪,況且他也 知道如果拍出來的照片不美,我會很不開心、會黑臉,他也會覺好大 壓力,所以他情願盡最大努力在旁邊幫我。」
A TUrNINg pOINT raised in Toronto, Ni was crowned Miss Chinese Toronto at age 18. After she graduated from the University of Toronto in 2010, she flew solo to Hong Kong to get into the entertainment industry—first as a model for commercials and magazines. “After three years, my career was in a bottleneck,” says Ni. “The clients felt they needed fresh faces. My workload was dwindling. I didn’t know where to go. “My family suggested I take acting classes. But I knew I couldn’t open up easily and play different characters on screen. My Cantonese was not very good either, which made it more difficult in acting. When I was doing commercials, I got interested in lighting and editing, and thought ‘I should be able to do this.’ I found those lines of work more solid, so I went for it.” At a time when there weren’t many Hong Kong people making their own YouTube videos, this fearless novice took the leap. She became one of the early KOLs (key opinion leaders) in Hong Kong, and has since garnered 750,000 fans on Instagram. She posts frequently and has more than 50,000 photos on her cellphone. “The one or two photos that go public are usually picked from hundreds,” says Ni, ”and then I spend more than half an hour touching them up, sometimes with more than three different apps.”
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雖然是各大時裝周常客,但每次她都準備充足,仍覺充滿挑戰性。 Elva Ni has such a following she has become a regular at major fashion events.
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倪晨曦的孖生妹妹當年在夏威夷舉行婚禮,她也選擇在此和閨密們來個告別單身派對。 Ni's twin sister got married in Hawaii, where she also hosted her bachelorette party.
現在是各大時裝周常客的倪晨曦,仍清楚 記得第一次受邀是2017年時的Burberry倫敦時裝 秀。「那一刻真的有點受寵若驚,也很高興平時的 美妝分享短片得到品牌留意和回應。很記得那次要 提醒自己不是以記者身分出席,而是Influencer, 要好好計劃和部署:穿甚麼衣服、如何配搭……即 使現在去得多了,依然覺得每次都很有挑戰性。」
新動向 2020年是倪晨曦的大事年,除了結婚,還會 合夥開設瑜伽教室。「那是boutique形式的瑜伽教 室,會有三個房 間,各可容納十個人。」 開始時只希望藉著瑜伽令身形更美,但過程 中讓她卻有更多得著。「練習期間不但身體很放 鬆,連頭腦彷彿也變得聰明了,會湧出新計劃和目 標;同時亦讓我學習到堅持的重要—本來做不到的 某些動作,只要努力不懈,就會做得到。」她著迷 的程度曾經是即使那天要工作,也會早起兩小時做 瑜伽,更報讀了導師訓練班,有瑜伽導師資格。 即使現在公私兩忙,她依然計劃參加瑜伽進 修課程。「瑜伽真的帶給我很多好處,也很想跟大 家分享。特別是現在這樣的疫情環境下,更得保持 健康,這樣才可照顧好身邊人。」
Admitting she now lives life with the camera first, she theorizes: “It might be because of the nature of my work. Whenever I’m out having a meal or having fun, I will take pictures first. My fiancé is used to that, and he knows that I will not be happy if the photos are not beautiful. He feels the pressure, but he is willing to do all he can to support me.” Now a regular at major fashion weeks, Ni recalls her first such experience was at the Burberry show in London in 2017. “I was flattered and happy that the short videos I shared about beauty routines caught the eye of a major brand,” she says. “I remember I had to remind myself I wasn’t attending as a reporter but as an influencer. “I had to plan and prepare what I wore and how to put together ensembles. I still take the challenges seriously every time.” This promises to be a monumental year for Ni because, other than the wedding, she plans to partner in the opening of “a boutique-style yoga studio, with three rooms, each for about 10 people.” At first, she practiced yoga for body contouring, but she soon found the process highly therapeutic. “During the exercise, I feel not only physically relaxed but also mentally inspired, with new plans and goals emerging. I have also learned the importance of perseverance. As long as I keep trying, I will be able to do any pose that might have had me beat in the past.” Ni is now so obsessed that she will wake up two hours early for yoga before her work day. She has also signed up for a course to get her instructor qualifications. “Yoga has brought me a lot of benefits, and I want to share that with others. The current health environment has driven home the importance of staying healthy. Only then can you look after your loved ones.”
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bridal guide: The dress
Bridal Path Wedding dress trends to watch Story | Truc Nguyen 時尚設計、明星效應的近款配飾及現代化剪裁,婚紗趨向 前所未有的大膽和有趣。
Fashion-forward designs. Celebrity-inspired accessories. Modern silhouettes. The world of bridal wear has never looked bolder or been more fun.
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傳統婚紗當然有一定捧場客,但很多新娘子 會選擇在大日子裡,穿上能突顯個性及個人風格 的時尚婚紗及配飾。近年最佳例子莫如Meghan Markle的Givenchy光滑真絲婚紗、Hailey Bieber 的米黃色露肩禮服和Priyanka Chopra的手工刺繡 Ralph Lauren婚紗。今時今日的時尚新娘,都會 選擇獨一無二、可以讓自己充滿自信的婚紗。 要在芸芸傑出設計師作品中找到最完美的 婚紗是件難事,找到與你契合共鳴的剪裁和風 格更是耗費時間。時裝專家、時尚達人、多倫多 及滿地可高級婚紗精品店White的創辦人Andrea Anastasiou介紹2020年的婚紗潮流之餘,亦為各 準新娘提供建議 。
While traditional dress designs will always be a safe option, many brides are now embracing dresses and accessories that reflect their own personality and individual style. From Meghan Markle’s sleek, silk Givenchy gown and Hailey Bieber’s off-the-shoulder dress by Off-White to Priyanka Chopra’s hand-embroidered Ralph Lauren number, today’s stylish brides are choosing unique wedding gowns they can feel confident in. Of course, it can be difficult finding that one perfect dress among so many options. And it can take time before you say yes to the dress. So to kick off the search, we reached out to fashion expert Andrea Anastasiou, a stylist and the founder of White, a luxury bridal boutique with locations in Toronto and Montreal, to find out the top bridal-wear trends for 2020.
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bridal guide: The dress
動人細節 Anastasiou表示今年流行 長袖高領口婚紗,從Monique Lhuillier,、Eisen Stein和Berta的 婚紗系列中均找得到。「留意象 牙色、層層疊疊法國尚蒂伊及阿 郎松針繡蕾絲長裙;或者突出性 感、帶有濃厚維多利亞氣息的凸 花蕾絲婚紗。還有利用塑型及緊 身剪裁,用彈性布料甚至露背的 細節,令婚紗更貼合身型。」
HiGH DRAMA Sheath gowns with long sleeves and high necklines are very popular this year, according to Anastasiou, who spotted the trend in collections by Monique Lhuillier, Eisen Stein and Berta. “Look out for long, ivory gowns in layered French Chantilly and Alençon lace,” says Anastasiou. “Or Guipure-lace gowns with a more Victorian feel. The fit could be updated with formflattering and figure-hugging silhouettes, a stretch fabric, or even an open-back detail that reveals some skin.”
BErta whitE toroto
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MoniquE LhuiLLiEr whitE toronto
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bridal guide: The dress
aCE iVorY
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bridal guide: The dress
Zuhair Murad
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蓬鬆長袖 Anastasiou說時下非常流行 長袖婚紗,設計師們在A型裙和修 身裙上加上女性化的蓬鬆衣袖, 「這個細節來自成衣系列,以浪漫 的方式轉化到新娘禮服上。」
ARM CAnDy Anastasiou says dresses with voluminous sleeves are very chic right now, with designers adding feminine, puffy sleeves to A-line and fitted gowns. “it is a detail that came out of the ready-towear collections and translated well into bridal in a romantic way.”
Zuhair Murad
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bridal guide: The dress
MoniquE LhuiLLiEr
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高衩露腿 「婚紗潮流已經從露背轉為露出美腿。」 Anastasiou表示設計師們和新娘們似乎都很 鍾情於這種潮流,無論是A型裙還是貼身裙, 都會把裙衩開到大腿高度,著名婚紗品牌如 Cushnie,Alex Perry和Galia Lahav均採用這 種大膽的風格。
TOP CuT “Showing off the leg has taken over from open-back gowns,” says Anastasiou. “Designers and brides alike are obsessed with this trend.” you’ll want to look for thighhigh slits on both A-line and fitted skirts. Bridal labels like Cushnie, Alex Perry and Galia Lahav embrace this bold look for 2020.
CushniE whitE toronto
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bridal guide: The dress
從頭開始 在Meghan Markle和Hailey Bieber等名人 新娘帶動下,面紗也成為重頭項目。Anastasiou 說:「長而精緻的面紗一直受到重視,今季更是 重中之重。」最時尚的款式可以很長,或是帶有複 雜立體的珠飾、花卉或者珍珠裝飾。
HEAD START The statement veil is on the rise, thanks to its endorsement by famous brides like Meghan Markle and Hailey Bieber. “Long, embellished veils have never really gone away, but this season they are putting themselves centre stage,” says Anastasiou. The most fashionable styles can be quite long, or feature intricate bead work, floral or pearl embellishments.
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環保婚紗 愈來愈多新娘會將婚紗的可持 續性和耐用性視為重要考慮因素。 Anastasiou表示:「婚紗並不是只 可穿一次,有些女士婚禮過後,會 回來讓我們幫她的婚紗改頭換臉, 例如裁走長長的拖尾,這樣她們就 可以在其他場合再穿了。」
GREEn DAy Sustainability and longevity are increasingly important considerations for many brides. “We tell our brides about gowns that can be worn again,” says Anastasiou. “We have women who come back, and we will cut off the train to allow them to wear their wedding dress again.”
Viktor & roLf
M aY / J U N
Bridal Guide: the rinG Chopard
ice Cube pure ring, $4,630
Green Carpet ring, $TBd
Love through the ages
the wedding ring is a symbol of love, a sign of devotion and an agreement between two parties to love and cherish one another for the rest of their days. It has been so for eons
ChaumeT plume platinum and diamonds ring, starting at $5,440
Story | Iris Chui 將結婚戒指戴在左手的淵源﹐可以追溯到遠古時 代:羅馬人認為左手無名指上的脈絡直接通往人的心 臟,因此稱之為「愛的脈搏」。結婚時把戒指戴在這隻手 指上,是雙方在未來日子裡彼此相愛和珍惜的盟約。
As a matter of fact, a wedding ring worn on the left hand can be traced back to ancient times. The Romans believed that the vein in the ring finger (the fourth finger) on the left hand ran directly to one’s heart and called that vein the “vena amoris” or vein of love.
Tiffany & Co.
T-True wide ring, $1,900 Victoria alternating ring, $20,600
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daVid yurman
Van CLeef & arpeLS
Crossover wedding band with diamonds in 18K gold, $6,500
BirKS estelle platinum wedding band with diamonds, $10,600 Toujours signature etoiles wedding band, $3,600 platinum and 0.77 TWC diamond wedding band with tapered baguettes, $6,150
0.56 TWC diamond and 0.68 TCW sapphire eternity wedding band in platinum, $5,225
CarTier panthère de Cartier ring, small model, 18K white gold, emeralds, onyx, diamonds, $13,900
infinito wedding band in platinum set with diamonds, $3,550 Serpenti wedding band in 18K rose gold, $1,800
Clash de Cartier ring, small model, 18K rose gold, $2,680
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Bridal Guide: the rinG
Gem ShoppinG hiring an 'engagement concierge' could get you the perfect ring Story | Michelle Demaree
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Michelle Demaree的高貴客人紛至沓來,都只為一件 事:婚戒。她是一名婚戒禮賓顧問,專門與鑽石珠寶商合 作,幫助顧客找到最理想的戒指。 《eliteGen》最近找到這位長駐比華利山的顧問,聊聊 她的工作和有關婚戒的問題。 eG:婚戒禮賓顧問是怎麼樣的工作?有沒有課程可 以修讀?有沒有證書?在美國或者全世界有多少人從事這 工作? Demaree:我不太肯定有多少人做這工作。於我而 言,這工作來得很自然。我當時因為女兒快要出生而決定 離開著名的Harry Winston珠寶店,準備留在家裡做個全職 母親。但來自四方八面的顧客來找我,想借助我的專業知 識和在珠寶界的網絡,找到珍稀的珠寶來訂製訂婚戒指, 我只是順水推舟打開這生意之門,用更個人化和更有價值 的方向,為客戶提供最佳服務。 對於想從事類似工作的人,最好是先取得珠寶行業 的服務經驗,那怕是兼職也好,看自己是否真的喜歡珠寶 行業。確定了,再進修美國寶石學院(The Gemological Institute of America)的課程,你對行業的熱愛和熱忱會引 領你通往目標。如果你以顧客的最大利益著想,又有強大 的人脈,無論客人要找什麼,你都會找到的。 eG:您是怎樣開始的? Demaree:我在芝加哥的時候,在半島酒店舉行的 一個活動中,認識了Van Cleef & Arpels的總監,我當時 在為巴黎的高級珠寶店售賣價值數百萬元的珠寶,在奢侈 品銷售方面有較強的經驗,所以交易很順利。而在Harry Winston和Tiffany & Co.這些知名公司工作,大大增強我對 寶石和鑽石的熱愛及知識,我也將這些經驗帶進我的精品 禮賓業務。
Michelle Demaree’s affluent clients come to her for one thing: rings. She is an engagement concierge working with diamond dealers to help her clients get the best ring they could find on Rodeo Drive. eliteGen recently caught up with the Beverly Hills-based ring procurer. eG: I have never heard of a celebrity engagement concierge. Is there really such a thing? Is there a course that you can take, some form of certification? How many are there in the US/the world? Demaree: I’m not quite sure how many there might be, though for me, it came about very organically. I decided to end my time at Harry Winston when I was expecting my daughter and ready to be a stay-at-home mom. Clients from all over would reach out to me for my expertise and jewellery network to acquire rare pieces and put together bespoke engagement rings. The business had started before I thought to create it, and I felt I could better serve my clients in a more personalized and value-driven way. For those wanting to do something similar, the best way to start is to try and get some experience, even part-time, in jewellery and see if you truly love it. If so, then start with courses at the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) and your love and passion will take you where you are meant to go. If you have a client’s best interest in mind and a strong network, whatever they are searching for, you will be successful. eG: How did you get into this line of work? Demaree: When living in Chicago, I met the director of Van Cleef & Arpels at a high-profile event at the Peninsula Hotel. Before I knew it, I was selling million-dollar jewels for the Parisian high-jewellery salon. I had a strong background in luxury sales, so it was a seamless transition. My passion and knowledge for gemstones and diamonds has grown since working at such esteemed houses as Harry Winston and Tiffany & Company, and I have brought that to my boutique concierge business. eG: What is your success rate—as in, how many of the proposals ended in a ‘Yes’?
eG:客人的求婚成功率如何?有多少求婚是以「我願 意」作客案?
Demaree: I’m proud to say a 100 per cent success rate, both in over-the-top ring happiness and the fiancée saying ‘Yes’.
Demaree:我可以很自豪地說成功率是百分之百,無 論是對求婚戒指的喜愛度,還是女方點頭答應說「Yes」。
eG: What are some tips for planning a marriage proposal?
eG:對於準備求婚的人,您有什麼提示? Demaree:把你們共同經歷、成為情侶過程中有意義 的時刻、話語、歌曲、地點或者事物串連起來,令雙方在 求婚過程中情緒高漲;玫瑰和香檳必不可少。要好好建構 女士們翹首期待如此重要時刻的想法和創意,才是真正成 就難忘求婚過程的要訣。 選一個理想的地方:1)她一直想去的;2)對你倆關 係意義重大的地方,例如是初次邂逅;3)你倆都覺得最放 鬆的地方,比方是海灘假期。可以的話,讓朋友和家人見 證,因為這樣的重要時刻對她意義重大。 eG:我應該花更多錢在戒指還是求婚這件事上? Demaree:當然是戒指,那是愛和承諾的永恆象徵, 大部分女士都重視夢寐以求的戒指多過求婚。(如果非要 二選其一的話,當然,我們兩樣都愛)無論你是否在求婚 這件事上耗費巨大,只要是經過精心策劃並投入時間,都 可以富有意義和特別。比方是尋寶,找她最喜歡的花,能 聯想起你倆愛情故事的歌曲、餐廳和地方、鮮花和美食, 以感官來打造別具意義、畢生難忘的愛的告白。無論是在 舒適的家中,還是巴黎鐵塔下,都一樣特別。
Demaree: Tying in your history, and meaningful moments, phrases, songs, places or objects along your journey to becoming a couple is truly what will make your proposal over-the-top emotional. Roses and champagne are a given, but the thought and creativity that goes into this moment that women have been waiting for their entire lives is what will make it an unforgettable proposal. Choosing a destination that is: 1) where she has always wanted to go; or 2) that has significance in your relationship (where you first met?); or 3) where you both feel most relaxed (a beach getaway?) is highly recommended. Finally, including friends and family on this momentous occasion will mean so much to her if it is possible to do so. eG: Should I spend more money on the ring or the experience? Demaree: Definitely the ring. That is the forever symbol of your love and commitment, and most women would rather have the ring of their dreams than an over-the-top proposal. (Of course, we would love both, if we had to choose). Whether you spend a lot on the proposal experience or not, you can make it just as meaningful and special if it is well thought out and time is put into it. A treasure hunt, her favourite flowers, a mix of songs nostalgic to your love story, restaurants and locations, flowers and foods—use the five senses to create a meaningful and memorable statement of the culmination of your love. So, whether it is in the comfort of your home, or under the Eiffel Tower in Paris, it will be equally special.
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BRIDAL GuIDe: The cAke
A piece of planning ahead is always good advice when it comes to choosing your reception’s sweet centerpiece Story | Renée S. Suen
結婚蛋糕是婚宴的焦點之一,有人喜歡現成 款式,有人喜歡加入個人特色,亦有人選擇味道 行先。只要事前好好計劃,定可選到合心意的結 婚蛋糕。 建議最好在婚禮前最少6個月開始跟蛋糕師 傅見面,試食後才決定蛋糕的款式及口味。
由傳統的蛋糕以至奶油糖衣、別致的造型又 或者以芝士塔取代,以下介紹的餅店定可助你輕 鬆選購喜歡的結婚蛋糕。
Inspired, customized or just delicious, the wedding cake is the centerpiece of most receptions. But with careful planning and consideration, choosing one for your special day doesn’t have to be an ordeal. Make arrangements at least six months in advance of the special day, which typically includes meeting with the cake-maker and cake tastings to lock down the style and flavour. From naked cakes to buttercream coating, gilded and sculpted affairs or a no-cake cheese “cake,” here are our picks for purveyors that will help make that process a piece of cake.
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Cocoa Cakery Newmarket, 647.929.8053 蛋糕師Christina McKenzie擅長設計造 型奇特的蛋糕,例如新郎哥一定喜歡的釀酒 桶型蛋糕、各款cupcakes及傳統多層蛋糕。 Cocoa Cakery提供一對一的個人化服務,以 合理價錢提供優質服務。 這間家庭式餅店其中一大特色是突破傳統 的蛋糕口味及質感,如香草chai或Aunt Harriet 的甘筍蛋糕等。三層蛋糕可夾雜巧克力、咖啡 及香草蛋糕伴以Baileys奶油霜。口感較輕盈 的選擇有草莓、檸檬及香草豆蛋糕配香草豆及 檸檬奶油霜層層相間。當中最受歡迎的是結合 巧克力、紅絲絨及草莓口味的蛋糕,外層覆蓋 厚厚的巧克力、鹹味焦糖及香草奶油霜。還有 Earl Grey薰衣草、檸檬及香草蛋糕伴以香草瑞 士蛋白酥奶油霜。店內同時提供無麩質、無果 仁及素食蛋糕。 結婚蛋糕費用視乎設計而定,約為每位 $7至$10( 即100人用的4層蛋糕由$700起)。 必須預約查詢,Cocoa Cakery婚宴套餐至少 80人起,包括試食及諮詢,還會送上巧克力及 香草味cupcake讓你帶回家慢慢品嚐。
Cake artist Christina McKenzie specializes in whimsical homemade cakes that might be a groom’s cake in the shape of a vintage wine cask wrapped in fondant ribbon to cupcakes or a well-constructed traditional tiered cake. But beyond the artistry, Cocoa Cakery is known for its one-on-one service and the ability to deliver quality within a budget. One of the unique features the home baker is able to offer her clients are cakes that have flavours and textures outside the conventional such as an aromatic vanilla chai spice or Aunt Harriet’s famous carrot cake. For example, a three-tiered cake may sandwich chocolate, coffee and vanilla cakes together with Baileys buttercream. A lighter and brighter tasting pairing might combine strawberry, lemon and vanilla bean cakes with layers of vanilla bean or lemon buttercream. A crowd favourite combination features chocolate, red velvet and strawberry cakes that are smothered with chocolate, salted caramel and vanilla buttercreams. There’s even Earl Grey with lavender, lemon and vanilla cake that’s tied together with a lush vanilla Swiss meringue buttercream. Gluten-free, nutfree and vegan options are also available. Depending on the design, wedding cakes range from $7 to $10 per serving (meaning a four-tiered cake for 100 will start at $700). Available by appointment only, there is an 80 guest minimum for Cocoa Cakery’s wedding package, which includes a tasting, consultation, plus chocolate and vanilla cupcakes to take home and enjoy.
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BRIDAL GuIDe: The cAke Bobbette and Belle 1121 Queen St. E., 416.466.8800 位於Leslieville區的Bobbette and Belle 是城中製結婚蛋糕最出名的餅店之一。老 闆Allyson Bobbitt及Sarah Bell設計的精緻 cupcake、馬卡龍塔及訂製蛋糕均深受歡迎。 餅店提供手繪的字母組合曲奇,以至華麗的盒 裝迷你蛋糕,二人設計的一系列結婚蛋糕更是 很多準新人的首選。 產品目錄可找到典雅的多層蛋糕Perfect Peony( 100人用,$1600)、造型新派的Elie Saab(110人用,$1900)、嬌美的Cascading Sequins(90人用,$1500)或飾有瑞士蛋白酥 波浪裙邊的The Ballerina Cake(140人用, $1900)。後者外層的糖衣柔滑如絲,並可選 擇不同口味如榛子巧克力、覆盆子、芒果及熱 情果又或者cookies and cream等經典味道。 蛋糕的口味選擇亦非常多,包括香濃巧克力、 馬達加斯加香草、不含提子的甘筍蛋糕及檸檬 蛋糕等。更提供無麩質蛋糕,奶油的顏色也可 按客人喜好訂製。 Bobbette and Belle提供個人化服務, 收費由$2000起,保證為你設計一個獨一 無二、高達五呎的特色結婚蛋糕,飾有數 以千計的糖花。預約諮詢可致電或電郵至。
A staple on the Toronto wedding cake circuit, Allyson Bobbitt and Sarah Bell create some of the city’s most sought after decorative cupcake or macaron towers and customized cakes from their Leslieville patisserie. From hand-painted, monogrammed cookie favours to boxed luxury mini-cakes, it’s the duo’s signature collection of wedding cakes that have become the go-to for many couples. The catalog includes the elegant multitiered Perfect Peony (for 100 guests, $1,600), modern Elie Saab (for 110, $1,900), pretty Cascading Sequins (for 90, $1,500) or The Ballerina Cake (for 140, $1,900) with its fine ruffled Swiss meringue buttercream skirt. The latter, a light, silky and creamy coating may range from hazelnutty gianduja, fresh and vibrant raspberry or mango and passionfruit, or even classics like cookies and cream. Then there’s the signature cake flavours that include an intense rich and moist chocolate, classic Madagascar vanilla, a raisin-less carrot cake, or lemon that’s brightened with fresh lemon zest. Cakes can be gluten-free and buttercream colours can be customized. For one-of-a-kind designs, Bobbette and Belle offer a personalized experience that ensures your confectionary creation is unlike any other that starts at $2,000. Brimming with details, cakes have included a five foot wonder that was embellished with thousands of sugar flowers. Call or email info@bobbetteandbelle. com to schedule a consultation.
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The Cheese Boutique 45 Ripley Ave., 416.762.6292 一對準新人若是芝士控,The Cheese Boutique的芝士塔蛋糕將是不二之選。過去十 年,超過600對新人選擇這種非傳統的鹹味蛋糕 來慶祝大婚日子,他們從芝士窖多達450至500款 芝士中選擇自己的心頭好,堆砌起屬於二人的芝 士塔蛋糕。 店內顧問會全程提供協助,包括安排試食及 簡介會。店家會根據一對新人對芝士的喜好、婚 禮主題、文化及婚禮主題顏色來度身設計。完美 的芝士塔必需左右對稱,最底層一般是質感硬身 及形狀較大的原個芝士,形狀愈細而且軟滑的芝 士則會放在最上層。芝士塔蛋糕可供100至200人 食用,售價由$700起(400位用,售價則由$2,000 起),芝士選擇包括45公斤的原個Comté芝士、6 年熟成的生乳Gouda芝士、chèvre noir芝士磚、 來自魁北克的Migneron de Charlevoix或2年熟成 的西班牙Zamarano芝士。其他選擇還包括於魁北 克Isle-aux-Grues島出產的三重奶油芝士iopelle de l’Isle、羊奶芝士Garrotxa或Peidmont的La Tur芝 士。如果在最上層選用 Époisses芝士更肯定會成 為亮點(當然要視乎賓客會否欣賞這款微辣的流心 芝士)。還可選配水果、榲桲果醬、巧克力、麵包 及餅乾等作裝飾,令芝士塔更臻完美。
For the cheesiest way to celebrate your nuptials—or at least an excellent addition to your reception’s dessert table—look no further than The Cheese Boutique’s cheese cake. Over the past decade, more than 600 couples have chosen this unconventional and savoury option to commemorate their special day, with the exciting opportunity to build their cake from the gourmet grocer’s cheese-rich vault stocked with 450 to 500 cheeses. An in-store consultation is required to proceed with any order, that’s both a tasting and information session. It’s here that the couple’s preferred cheese style(s), wedding theme, cultural and colour schemes are noted for the customized creation. The resulting arrangement features a perfect symmetry of the finest, most delicious cheeses assembled in tier form with firmer and larger wheels typically dominating the bottom layers and smaller, creamer cheeses stacked above. Cheese cakes feeding 100 to 200 guests start at $700 (for 400 guests, expect the starting price to be $2,000) and could include everything from a 45kg wheel of Comté to a six year-aged raw milk Gouda, bricks of chèvre noir or Migneron de Charlevoix from Quebec, or two year old Zamarano from Spain. Be sure to include the dreamy triple-cream Riopelle de l’Isle from Isle-aux-Grues in Quebec, perhaps a goat’s milk Garrotxa or La Tur from Peidmont. But the pièce de résistance might be an Époisses topper (although the addition might depend on your guests’ palate for pungent runny cheese). Decorated with accompaniments like fruit garnishes, Membrilla quince paste, dark chocolate, breads and crackers, this elaborate setup is sure to make a lasting impression. (Photo: Tara McMullen)
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BRIDAL GuIDe: The cAke DaanGo Cake Lab 3380 Midland Ave, Unit #11, Scarborough, 647.800.0559, 曾參加Masterchef Canada的糕餅師 Christopher Siu,憑著中、西合壁的創意蛋糕及 甜點而廣為人認識。本身是藥劑師的他轉行整 餅,會以經典法式材料如 crémeux ,製成出人意 料的口感如阿華田、抹茶及越南咖啡。他製作的 馬卡龍出名口味眾多而且有不同的卡通造型,創 作造型可愛的蛋糕卻保留熟悉的味道絕對是他的 強項。 無論你有任何要求,餅店都會盡量滿足。其 網站設有結婚蛋糕嚮導程式,讓你輕鬆設計一個 叫人驚艷的蛋糕,更可選擇個人化的糕頂裝飾或 糖花,皇牌口味包括港式奶茶、Mont Blanc及榴 槤。於網上輸入相關資料後會即時收到報價,工 作人員亦會在24小時內跟你聯絡確認細節。蛋糕 收費每位$4至$7,視乎設計而定,餅店不設最低 消費(馬卡龍除外)。 諮詢服務收費$12,包括試食5種皇牌口味 (草莓、抹茶、黑芝麻、奶茶及芒果)以及一種 額外口味。度身訂造試食則為$25,包兩款個別 訂製口味,每加一種口味另加$10。如果時間緊 絀,這家位於士嘉堡的餅店亦可滿足你的需要, 最遲可在婚禮2星期前確認預訂,便會準時把蛋 糕送上。
Masterchef Canada contestant and pastry chef extraordinaire Christopher Siu is recognized by many for cakes and confections he creates with familiar Canadian Chinese flavours. The former pharmacist turned baker’s technically driven treats may incorporate classic French-style components like crémeux, but come in flavours like Ovaltine, matcha and Vietnamese coffee. Known to create macarons in myriad flavours and characters, Siu is also a magician when it comes to creating cute designs with pleasing nostalgic tastes. Able to accommodate most requests, navigate through the business’ online wedding cake wizard that helps you build your own show-stopping cake—maybe even decorated by custom toppers or sugar flowers—in signature flavours like Hong Kong milk tea, Mont Blanc and even durian. A quote is provided upon completion of the program and the team follows up within 24 hours to confirm details. With no minimum order, expect cake prices to range from $4 to $7 per serving depending on the design. (The only exception are macarons that come with a minimum order). Consultations are $12 that include sampling five signature flavours (strawberry, matcha, black sesame, milk tea and mango) and a bonus flavour, while custom tastings are $25 for two custom flavours, with additional flavours for an extra $10 each. The Scarborough-based operation also offers the greatest flexibility for those in a time crunch, with cakes needing to be finalized at least 2 weeks before the big day.
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Yummy Stuff 1660 Queen St. W., 416.531.9732 儘管他們的奶油cupcake無人不知,這 家位於Parkdale區的餅店也有製作傳統口味 的結婚蛋糕,如巧克力、香草、紅絲絨、甘 筍及椰子。店主Morag Cleeveley是一位資深 翻糖藝師,她擅長以糖花膏製作手繪糖花, 以陶立克柱支撐多層蛋糕及為cupcake製作 糖製圖案飾牌。必須於至少6個月前預訂,亦 提供無麩質及素食蛋糕。
Known for its buttercream capped cupcakes, Morag Cleeveley’s Parkdale bakery also makes wedding cakes in traditional flavours such as chocolate, vanilla, red velvet, carrot or coconut. As an experienced fondant artist, Cleeveley has been known to make hand-painted gumpaste flowers, use Doric columns to support cake tiers or print customized logos on sugar plaques for her ever-popular cupcakes. A minimum of six months advance notice is required, with glutenfree and vegan options also available.
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bridal guide: the beauty pages
Karat Power Story | Leslie Yip 鑽石、珍珠和貴金屬既然是女士們的最佳朋友,當然不但只用來作首飾,還可以是美容化妝品的重要成分。
diamonds, pearls and metals are not only precious parts of jewellery. they also possess special properties that deserve a place in your vanity cabinet
P for Platinum… and PePtides
La Prairie今年將會推出全新Platinum Rare Haute-Rejuvenation鉑金珍稀高級再生系列。品牌策 略創新及科學總監Jacqueline Hill博士說研究部門已經 設計出三種肽,作為觸發再生細胞在不同皮膚層中活 動的信號,這些肽附於以自由基清除性能著稱的球形 鉑金顆粒上。鉑金肽一向的主要作用是激活膠原蛋白 的產生,而新的鉑金多肽不僅能激活產生膠原蛋白, 還可以增強皮膚屏障,改善水分平衡,延長細胞壽命。
la Prairie is launching a new Platinum rare Haute-rejuvenation collection later this year that dr. Jacqueline Hill, director of strategic innovation and science, says will feature three peptides designed to act as signals to trigger rejuvenating cellular activity in various skin layers. they are attached to spherical platinum particles, known for their potent free radical scavenging properties. While the previous platinum peptide primarily activates collagen production, the new multi-peptide collection will go beyond mere collagen production to strengthen the skin barrier, improve its moisture balance and enhance cellular longevity. Platinum Rare Haute-Rejuvenation Elixir, 30ml | $1,650 Platinum Rare Haute-Rejuvenation Cream, 30ml | $1,240, 50ml | $1,915 Platinum Rare Haute-Rejuvenation Eye Elixir, 15ml | $1,240 Platinum Rare Haute-Rejuvenation Eye Cream, 20ml | $1,240
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金光閃閃 and tHe golden gloW goes to … 含有24K金和錦緞玫瑰的水凝膠面膜,最初是限量版產品,被超級模特 兒、明星及名人等追捧後,成為111SKIN系列的皇牌產品。膠質金有紓緩炎 症、提亮膚色、為皮膚抗氧化的特性,而六肽則可以緊緻、調整及收緊肌 膚,並促進皮膚產生膠原蛋白。錦緞玫瑰精華提供強力的抗氧化效力,鎮定 炎症並滋潤肌膚,醒神的氣味更深受用家喜愛。
originally created as a limited-edition item, this hydrogel mask containing 24-karat gold and damask rose is touted as the ultimate pre-event mask by supermodels, celebrities and influencers, and now is a permanent fixture in 111sKin collection’s arsenal. Colloidal gold soothes inflammation, brightens and provides the skin with antioxidant properties, while hexapeptide tightens, tones and firms the skin while encouraging collagen production. damask rose extract provides powerful antioxidant properties, while also moisturizing and calming irritation. We love the soothing scent, too. 111SKIN Rose Gold Brightening Facial Treatment Mask, box of 5 | $215
藝伎的秘密 geisHa seCrets 這種多功能美容油的產生,乃是受到有上百年傳承的日本京都藝伎美容心得 啟發。取材自五島列島生長的日本山茶花,將花籽冷壓並提取精油,這種精油富 含抗氧化劑及皮膚需要的脂肪酸,壓碎的23K金箔會在皮膚上留下微妙的光澤。 與金葉按摩器同用︰早上用冷卻的按摩器收緊並喚醒皮膚(稱為〝Asayake〞日出 或晨光儀式),晚上先用一杯熱水加熱按摩器(稱為〝Yuyake〞落日或晚霞儀式), 有助於釋放壓力,通過淋巴排出毒素。
inspired by the centuries-old beauty rituals of Kyoto geishas, this multi-tasking beauty oil is made from Japanese camellias that grow on the goto islands. the seeds are cold-pressed to extract the essential oil, which is naturally rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids. Crushed 23-karat gold flakes leave a subtle gleam on the skin. maximum benefits can be achieved when used in conjunction with the gold-leafed massager. in the morning, use the massager chilled to tighten and awake skin. (it is called the asayake, or “morning glow” ritual.) in the evening, warm the massager in a cup of hot water for Yuyake (or “evening glow”), which helps release tension and detoxify through lymphatic draining. Tatcha Gold Camellia Beauty Oil, 30ml | $123 Tatcha Akari 24-karat Gold Massager, US$195
銀色子彈 tHe silver bullet 妳是否被暗瘡和臉上瑕疵困擾?Omorovicza從銀這種閃亮的白色金屬 找到治療方法。品牌高級面部護理師Adrienne Harsanyi解釋道:「銀有令人 難以置信的抗菌消炎功效,人們利用膠質銀已經有數百年的歷史,在發明抗 生素之前,甚至用銀來抗菌。我們也基於這個原因在產品中使用銀,結合其 他在Omorovicza Silver Collection銀系列中所包含的去瑕成分,如煙酰胺和 水楊酸等,可以有效地去除暗瘡和瑕疵。
are you troubled by breakouts and blemishes? omorovicza finds the cure with shiny white metal. “Colloidal silver has been used for centuries due to its incredible antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties,” explains adrienne Harsanyi, global senior facialist at omorovicza. “before the introduction of antibiotics, it was even used to treat antimicrobial conditions. We use silver in our range because of this, and when it’s combined with other blemish-busting ingredients, such as niacinamide and salicylic acid found in the omorovicza silver Collection, it provides an effective solution for those seeking to minimize the effects of acne, blemishes and imperfections.” Omorovicza Silver Skin Tonic, 100ml | $110 Omorovicza Silver Skin Lotion, 50ml | $165 Omorovicza Silver Skin Saviour, 50ml | $120 ELITEGEN
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電力美顏 PoWer faCial 最新從韓國運到的Franz Dual Face Mask System雙面膜 系列,利用微電流技術將營養輸送到皮膚深層,不需使用插 頭、電池或者電線。系列包含兩張面膜。首先用浸泡在神經酰 胺、透明質酸、膠原蛋白、肽、維他命、生物質及銅等保濕及 抗衰老材料中的「保濕面膜」敷面;然後使用外觀和感覺如同絨 面紙膜的「賦能面膜」,上面嵌有銀色金屬網格,擠壓兩側接受 器上的離子溶液管,然後覆蓋在第一張面膜上,讓微電流發揮 功能20-25分鐘,使用者不會感受到電流流動,但用後皮膚看 起來是意想不到的水潤。
new from south Korea, the franz dual face mask system uses microcurrent technology to deliver nutrients deeper into the skin without plugs, batteries or wires. the system comes with two sheet masks. first, apply the “enriching mask”, which is soaked with such hydrating and anti-aging ingredients as ceramides, hyaluronic acid, collagen, peptides, vitamins, biotin, copper and more. next, activate the second “empowering” mask, which looks and feels like a felt sheet mask, embedded with a silver metal grid pattern, by squeezing the tube of ionic solution provided onto the receptors on either side. then, just overlay on top the first sheet and let the microcurrent do its job over the next 20 to 25 minutes. We did not feel any moving currents, but our skin looked incredibly hydrated afterwards. Franz Premium Dual Face Mask System, set of 2 | $70.07
鑽石鑽石亮晶晶 sHine brigHt liKe a diamond Elizabeth Arden最暢銷的粉底混入真正的鑽石微粉,乳 液狀的質感保濕配方,為肌膚提供12小時中等到全面的遮蓋, 微粉化的鑽石粉末有助於反射及散射光線,令幼紋、毛孔、瑕 疵、疤痕及黑斑不再明顯,皮膚看起來更光滑、色調更均勻, 散發出亮麗及健康的光澤。
elizabeth arden’s best-selling foundation is now infused with real micronized diamond powder. the sponge-on foundation has a creamy texture and moisturizing formula that provides medium to full coverage for 12 hours. micronized diamond powder helps reflect and diffuse light, thereby diminishing the appearance of fine lines, pores, blemishes, scars and dark spots. skin appears smoother and more even in tone, with a luminous and healthy radiance. Elizabeth Arden Flawless Finish Sponge-On Cream Makeup, $49
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如果時光可以倒流 if i Could turn baCK time... 誰不希望皮膚變得年青、耐看?Estee Lauder的re-nutriv ultimate diamond transformative energy Crème鑽石轉化能量面霜,採用先進的葆青春技術,幫助肌膚 自然激活長壽基因。體外測試顯示:使用產品72小時後,皮膚的天然膠原蛋白產量 提高215%,不但有助保存及重整皮膚的密度,還可以修補皮膚的保護屏障,增強對 環境中促使肌膚老化因素的抵抗能力。精鍊的24K金及強力的抗刺激性,令皮膚保持 舒適;南海珍珠成分則能營造即時光亮,令面部容光煥發。提供深層滋潤、令肌膚柔 軟、光滑、觸覺更柔滑,外觀完美無瑕。
What woman doesn’t want her skin to act younger and longer? estee lauder brings advanced youth sustaining technology to its re-nutriv ultimate diamond transformative energy Creme to help support skin’s natural activation of longevity genes. in-vitro testing shows that it helps increase skin’s natural collagen production by 215 per cent after 72 hours. it does more than just help preserve and restore skin’s density. over time, skin’s protective barrier is repaired, increasing its resistance to environmental factors that can accelerate aging. refined 24-karat gold and powerful anti-irritants help ensure skin stays comfortable. meanwhile, south sea pearls instantly help create a lustrous, radiant look. intensely nourished, skin feels soft, smooth and supple to the touch and looks more flawless. Estee Lauder Re-Nutriv Ultimate Diamond Transformative Energy Creme, 50ml | $420
珍珠般亮白 as WHite as Pearl 亞洲人從來都知道珍珠的美白功效,現代科學證實了這種古代的美容智慧─珍 珠粉有助促進皮膚細胞的新陳代謝,加強膠原蛋白量,減少變色,甚至有助於治癒疤 痕。Chanel以梅花精華及營養油混合珍珠蛋白製成精華素,能有效激活、提亮及重現 健康膚色。梅花在冬末綻放,標誌春天到來。這種精華取材自品牌指定範圍種植的優 質品種梅花,在短暫的花期內於清晨以人手採摘花朵,特殊的提取過程充分保存梅花 獨有的亮白肌膚特性。
asians have long known about the whitening power of pearls. modern science confirms this ancient beauty wisdom—pearl powder promotes the regeneration of new skin cells, increases collagen levels, reduces discolouration and can even help with healing scars. Chanel infuses pearl protein with ume flower extract and nourishing oils to create this serum, which promises to revitalize, brighten and restore complexion. the ume flower is the first flower to blossom at the end of winter, signifying the arrival of spring, and this serum uses a premium variety cultivated in fields exclusive to the brand. the flowers are hand-picked only in the morning during the limited blooming season, and a special extraction process harnesses its most exclusive brightening properties. Chanel Le Blanc Serum Healthy Light Creator, 30ml | $170, 50 ml | $240
青春色彩 tHe Colour of YoutH 利用珍珠貝母和玫瑰的力量,重現肌膚的玫瑰色光彩。此產品專為成熟肌膚配 製,其滋養強化配方結合了玫瑰色礦物顏料及珍珠貝母等成分,可融合任何膚色並增 添光澤。來自天然的蜂蠟保護並滋養肌膚,天然的鈣質加強肌膚屏障,有助對抗老 化。產品中還含有水楊酸生物LHA,能加速細胞更新、消除多餘的色素;IGEFYL則能 改善膚質、減少皺紋。這種清新舒適的乳霜能改善蒼白泛黃的肌膚,蘊含57%玫瑰精 華,散發淡雅的玫瑰香氣。
restore rosiness and radiance with mother of pearl and the power of roses. designed for mature skin, this nourishing and fortifying formula combines such ingredients as rosy mineral pigments, balanced with mother of pearl, to fuse seamlessly with any skin tone and add radiance. natural-origin beeswax protects and nourishes skin, while natural calcium boosts the barrier function and fortifies the skin against the passage of time. it also contains lHa, a salicylic acid derivative that speeds up cell renewal and eliminates excess pigmentation, and igefYl to improve skin quality and lessen wrinkles. this fresh, comfortable cream revives the look of pale, sallow skin and invigorates with a delicate rose fragrance that contains 57 per cent pure rose extract. Vichy Neovadiol Rose Platinum, 50ml | $59.95 ELITEGEN
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bridal guide: seeing stars 全新Dior Addict Stellar Halo Shine唇膏以星星作點綴,將珠光色素粒子注入唇 膏中,幸運星的光影色調賦予唇部極致亮澤的嶄新星耀閃爍妝效。 「幸運」 的主 題亦反映在15種色調的名稱中:Be Dior Star,Lucky Star及Pink Star等。輔以 Dior Addict Stellar Gloss唇彩,更能提升閃亮效果;而唇彩的色調專門為配合 唇膏而設計,突出提亮及3D效果。 A shimmering star is infused into the core of the new Dior Addict Stellar Halo Shine. Poured into the lipstick and infused with pearlescent pigments, this “lucky star” highlights the lips with glossy colour and an elegant halo of shimmer. The 15 shades are also cheekily named in keeping with the theme: Be Dior Star, Lucky Star, Pink Star, etc. For an even more vibrant result, layer with Dior Addict Stellar Gloss, whose shades were developed for use together with the lipstick to intensify the shine with a 3D effect. Dior Addict Stellar Halo Shine | $46 Dior Addict Stellar Gloss | $36
Christian Dior視幸 運星為好運的象徵。 Christian Dior was a strong believer of lucky charms.
Lucky stars something old, something new … Whether you subscribe to asian or Western customs, weddings are steeped in a tradition about good luck. But for christian Dior, lucky charms were not just shibboleth—they were an integral part of his life Story | Leslie Yip Photography | courtesy of Parfums Christian Dior 1956年,當時已是世界首屈一指女裝設計師的 Christian Dior被一位美國記者問道:「你認為自己是否迷 信?」 「我十分迷信,」他這樣答道。「你要不要看看我帶在身上 的護身符?」 他隨即從褲袋取出一堆幸運符,如數家珍般逐一介紹這 些可護佑他的護身小物。一個是掛著兩顆心的金色圓章,另 一個則刻有鈴蘭圖案,當然還有一直守護著他的幸運金星。 Christian Dior熱衷於占卜迷信,對命運的安排堅信不移。
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It’s 1956 and Christian Dior, a globally revered couturier, is asked by an American journalist: “Are you superstitious?” “Yes, I’m very superstitious,” he responds. “Would you like to see all the charms I have with me?” He then proceeds to pull a string of lucky charms from his pocket. One by one, he goes through these indispensable talismans he feels protect him. There is a gold medallion bearing two interlinked hearts, another with a spray of lily of the valley and, of course, a golden star that watches over his destiny. Passionately superstitious, Christian Dior lived his life according to the signs of fate.
J’ Adior白色樹脂圓珠和鍍金復古金屬手鍊。 White resin pearl bracelet.
Wax Tarot l’ Etoile 100%茄士咩彩色 喀什米爾披肩。 100% cashmere poncho with l’Etoile tarot card wax-style print.
The Star Tarot Mitzah米白色斜紋絲巾的設計靈感來 自塔羅牌。可按要求繡上金屬字母及圖案。 The Star Tarot Mitzah scarf in an off-white silk twill is inspired by tarot cards. It can be customized with metal letters and symbols.
Lady Dior M珠繡帆布及小牛皮手 袋,配以可裝拆的星形圖案肩帶。 Lady Dior M beaded canvas and calfskin handbag with detachable shoulder strap in stars.
命運之星 在眾多護身符當中,幸運星對Dior來說最具意 義。 1946年4月18日,當時41歲的Dior正在躊躇應否 開展自己的高訂時裝品牌。他走在巴黎街上,猶豫著 如何回覆擁有60間棉花廠、有法國棉花大王之稱的 Marcel Boussac對於他打算以自己名字自創品牌, 會如何反應;正當思前想後、心情忐忑之際,險些被 地上一樣東西絆倒。原來當時巴黎的行人路上都鑲有 一些鑄鐵星形標記,其中一顆鬆脫了的被他踢到。 篤信命運的他認為這是一個重要徵兆,決定相信 這幸運星並創立自家品牌。每當被問到有關這個改變 他一生的時刻,他總會說:「是命運找到了我。」 Dior的金色幸運星已經成為品牌的標誌,不單只 見於設計上,亦用來表彰服務滿10年的員工。幸運星 以美美的絲帶掛在員工的辦公桌上,直至他離開公司 為止。
THe sTAr Of DesTInY The ultimate talisman, the star remains the most meaningful emblem in the Dior galaxy of lucky charms. It all began on April 18, 1946 when, at the age of 41, Dior was uncertain about starting his couture adventure. He was walking the streets of Paris, undecided about what answer to give Marcel Boussac, the “cotton king” of france and overseer of 60 textile mills. Would he act on the suggestion that he open his own couture house? Obviously hesitant, and lost in thought, he tripped and fell at a pedestrian crossing, which, at that time in Paris, was marked out with cast-iron stars. One of them had come loose and was sticking out. As a result of this incident, and always on the lookout for any sign of fate, Dior decided this was a major sign. In that instant, he decided to believe in this lucky star and founded his couture house. “My destiny came to meet me,” he liked to say to those who asked him about that key moment in his life. The Dior star became a brand symbol and was produced in gold, not only for the couturier, but also for employees celebrating 10 years with the house. Hanging on a pretty ribbon over his desk in the creative studio, this lucky charm would accompany him until the end of his days.
即使到今天,品牌不少設計,包括珠寶、香水及 彩妝產品,仍然點綴Dior的幸運之星。
Today, it is still present, strewn throughout the couture—a favourite motif in Dior jewellery, as well as perfume and makeup.
從天而降的幸運星造就了品牌的誕生,Dior的理 念始終不忘初心。
Born under the auspices of a providential star, the House of Dior remains faithful to its origins.
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喜綻滿庭芬芳 Here comes tHe bomb Viktor&rolf’s latest scent is a floriental explosion Story | Leslie Yip Viktor&Rolf用「鮮花露水輕滴肌膚的清新感」來形 容最新面世的Flowerbomb香水家族成員—獨有輕盈、 感性、香氣層次分明的Flowerbomb Dew,猶如薄絲滑 過嬌艷欲滴的肌膚,純淨清新的香氣,彷若漫步春天花 園,又像含羞答答的新娘。
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“Delicate drops of floral dew freshness on nude skin.” This is how Viktor&Rolf describe the latest addition to its Flowerbomb family. Aptly named Flowerbomb Dew, it is a light, sensual yet meticulously layered floriental that silkens over fresh, dewy skin. This pure and sparkling scent complements a walk in a springtime garden just as much as a blushing bride on her big day.
Flowerbomb Dew 50ml | $144 100ml | $200
主要材料「露水攻瑰」,是生長於水中, 混合玫瑰紅及白色花紋的茶玫瑰,用活花技 術採集香氣,即是在花朵最鮮嫩的時候,從 花頂收集氣味分子。與傳統的提取方法相 比,水栽法加上輕柔的採集,合成更新鮮更 多樣的特徵。
The star ingredient is the “Dewy Rose”, a hybrid tea rose tinted with rosy and white striations that is grown in water. Its scent is captured by Living Flower technology, a specialized process that collects odour molecules from the headspace of living flowers at the peak of freshness. The combination of hydroponic culture and gentle extraction yields a much fresher and more complex imprint than that from traditional extraction.
露水玫瑰配合梨和佛手柑的清新香氣, 成為香水的頂調,以女性化的鳶尾屬植物和 杏仁襯托花香,再加上麝香、黃葵籽、天芥 菜和香草等,打造出持久、輕柔、香粉般的 感官享受。
This dewy rose accord is supported by the crisp and succulent notes of pear and bergamot to form the top notes. Feminine orris and almonds complement the floral trail, while a “Second-Skin Accord” with Hedenolide musk, ambrette seeds absolute, heliotrope and vanilla beans form a long-lasting soft, powdery and enveloping sensuality.
珍珠色瓶子與原來的Flowerbomb一 樣,鑽石般棱角的手榴彈形狀,相對原來偏 暗的顏色和迪士高色彩,新瓶顯得輕盈精 緻,完美配合粉黛花香,粉紅色的金屬牌更 為瓶子畫龍點晴。
The pearlescent bottle has the same diamond grenade silhouette as the original Flowerbomb, but instead of the dark and disco palettes of the past, the latest incarnation is light and delicate, perfectly preparing you for the powdery floral bouquet. A pink metal plate completes the bottle.
Dew香水的推出,令Flowerbomb系列 更能發放不同魅力:從Flowerbomb Dew的 淡淡玫瑰艷光、Flowerbomb綻放的花香,以 至Flowerbomb Nectar迸發的強烈醉人花香。
With the launch of the Dew, the Flowerbomb collection now offers a range of intensity: from the delicate glow of a rose with Flowerbomb Dew and the enchanting floral explosion of Flowerbomb to the intense burst of intoxicating flowers of Flowerbomb Nectar.
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bridal guide: whisky
Carved in stone estate celebrates the unrivalled craftsmanship for which the Macallan has been known since 1824 Story | Alan A. Vernon
裝潢華麗的Macallan Estate,禮盒印有酒 廠天然環境,鑲嵌當地石板。 The Macallan Estate is presented in an elegant gift box with an inlay of slate, in homage to the natural stones found on the estate. 750ml | $324.95
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最近剛以150萬英鎊天價,再次打破全球最昂貴威士忌紀 錄的麥卡倫(The Macallan),推出全新「Estate」單一麥芽威士 忌,是含由麥卡倫著名酒莊Easter Elchies Estate本土栽種大麥 蒸餾而成的酒份。 佔地485英畝的Easter Elchies Estate坐落於蘇格蘭傳奇的 斯貝畔區,自1824年起已是麥卡倫製作頂級單一麥芽威士忌之 家。而「Estate」威士忌的難得,在於其含有麥卡倫酒莊以本土 大麥釀製、每年只會利用一星期蒸餾釀造一次的酒份,這難得 的酒份以往只用於麥卡倫最罕有、最備受追捧的系列。 據麥卡倫威士忌釀酒師Sarah Burgess稱:「Easter Elchies Estate酒廠坐落的斯貝畔區,得天獨厚,四周皆是自然美景, 是我們引以為傲的家園。」 Sarah說Estate是一款味道豐盈、充滿層次感的威士忌。味 道蘊含柑橘淺香和溫暖木香,是向孕育麥卡倫的斯貝畔肥沃土 壤致敬,亦彰顯了麥卡倫自1824年已為人稱頌,首屈一指的造 酒工藝。 麥卡倫Estate色澤溫暖,呈甘栗棕色,散發令人愉悅的肉 桂香氣;口感柔軟,溫暖,品嚐時散發木香料和柳橙油香。其 甜味和淺淺的柑橘味道完美配合並平衡麥卡倫單一麥芽一貫的 雪莉木濃厚口感。
Having recently broken its own world record for the most expensive bottle of whisky sold at auction—a staggering £1.5 million ($2.5 million) for a scotch originally distilled in 1926—The Macallan has released Estate, a rich and complex single malt. It was created to celebrate the single malt’s provenance and heritage, and a unique opportunity to experience a spirit made from The Macallan’s home-grown barley. The fields are located on the 200-hectare Easter Elchies estate on the banks of the River Spey, overlooked by The Macallan’s new awardwinning distillery. The harvest takes place just once a year, over the course of a single week. As The Macallan’s whisky maker Sarah Burgess describes it: “Our Easter Elchies estate lies within the legendary Speyside region of Scotland, a place of timeless natural beauty and a place that we are proud to call home. “With its wonderful sweet citrus hints and warming wood spice, Estate is a rich, satisfying and complex spirit that pays homage to the fertile Speyside lands where The Macallan is located and celebrates the unrivalled craftsmanship for which we have been known since 1824.” Displaying a warm conker, chestnut hue, Estate exudes the comforting aroma of cinnamon, opening into dried fruits with a lemon, banana and caramel touch. On the palate, it is soft and warming with wood spice and a developing dry oak flavour spiked with candied raisin and fresh fig. The sweet finish, with a subtle hint of fresh orange, acts as the perfect counterbalance to the traditional sherried richness associated with The Macallan’s distinctive single malts.
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Bridal Guide: the trip
Paradise Found a beauty pilgrimage to Bordeaux leads to a haven of wellness, fine wines and gastronomy Story | Leslie Yip
這是一個美容品牌小粉絲夢想成真的故事。 那年是2001年,我首次踏足法國。在一間不知名的藥 房,我邂逅了磨砂玻璃瓶盛載的Beauty Elixir。 瓶身有這樣的字句:「靈感來自匈牙利女皇Queen Isabelle的青春秘方……」我立即試用—薄荷、玫瑰及迷迭 香的芳香使人精神煥發和安神放鬆,令我即時愛上。 這個品牌當時在加拿大並未有售,所以每次去法國我 都會搜羅品牌的不同產品並且大量入貨,更會向店員諸多 發問,務求多點認識這個品牌。 從他們口中得知,品牌創辦人的父母在波爾多擁有一 座十分有名的城堡。在大學學者的協助下,她發現葡萄藤 蘊含豐富的抗氧化物及其他具護膚功效的元素。店員更告 訴我如果我真的希望了解這個品牌,他們剛在城堡內開設 了一間水療中心……
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This is the story of a “20-something”, devoted to a specific beauty brand, who is blessed with the opportunity to fulfil her dream. The year is 2001, the first time I ever set foot in France. There, at a nameless pharmacy, I pick up a frosted glass bottle labelled Caudalie’s Beauty Elixir. “Inspired by the ‘elixir of youth’ used by Queen Isabelle of Hungary…” the bottle reads. I try the tester. It smells of peppermint, roses and rosemary, and it’s invigorating and soothing at the same time. I’m hooked. At the time, the brand isn’t available in Canada, so on every subsequent visit to France, I stock up, as well as try other products from the line. I also drill storekeepers to learn as much about the company as I can. They tell me that the founder of the brand was the daughter of the owners of a famous wine chateau in Bordeaux. With the help of a university professor, she learned that grapevines contain powerful oxidants and other skinbenefitting elements. I’m told that if I really want to get to know the brand, the answers rest with a spa that has just opened at the chateau.
Caudalie是評定葡萄酒餘香停留在味蕾的時間,以秒為單位,15 caudalies 表示餘香停留在味蕾15秒。 What’s in a name: Caudalie is a unit of measurement for the duration of a wine’s flavour on the palate, in terms of seconds. Thus, if a wine has 15 caudalies, its flavour remains on the palate for 15 seconds.
五星級水療度假酒店Les Sources de Caudalie由6間度假屋組成,共提供40間客房及21 間套房。度假屋的名字及裝潢各有特色,部分帶著濃厚Aquitaine地區色彩,有些則加入 外來元素,包括Atlantic Ocean、Arcachon Bay、著名葡萄園、標誌建築或是當地葡萄 酒權威人士的名字。 Les Sources de Caudalie is a five-star spa resort hotel with 40 rooms and 21 suites housed in six distinctive cottages. They are named and decorated in keeping with different facets of the Aquitaine region, as well as foreign influences: the Atlantic Ocean, the Arcachon Bay, famous vineyards, monumental architecture and local professions, especially wine-related ones.
轉眼十年過去,我終於來到位於波爾多南部的 Les Sources de Caudalie,這裡距離Bordeaux–Mérignac機場、 St. Jean火車站及波爾多市中心僅半小時車程。 這個旅程將會有三重享受︰眼前的美景是擁有800年 歷史的grand cru classé酒莊Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte。 酒莊現時由前奧運滑雪選手 Florence及Daniel Cathiard 擁 有。30年前接手酒莊後,二人把釀酒過程現代化,並採用 有機及生物動力葡萄栽種方法,把葡萄酒推向另一個層次。 他們的大女兒Mathilde Thomas及其丈夫Bertrand,便 是護膚品牌Caudalie及Vinothérapie Spa葡萄酒療中心的創 辦人。而五星級度假酒店Les Sources de Caudalie,則由 小女兒Alice及其丈夫 Jérôme Tourbier經營。他們一家人為 該區引入全新的酒莊旅遊概念—除了參觀酒莊,旅客亦可 以住宿於葡萄園內,享用精彩美饌,同時體驗以葡萄為主 題的水療療程,盡享一站式的全方位享受。
過去20年,Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte的白葡萄酒酒莊一直利用馬匹犁地, 栽種葡萄的方法不但百分百有機,更逐漸趨向採用生物動力自然農法。莊園 榮獲國家有機農業證書外,更是首個法國酒莊入選 「2019年英國世界性最佳 葡萄園」 。 For the past 20 years, horses have been used to plough the whitewine vineyards at Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte. It is part of the chateau’s 100% organic and increasingly biodynamic viniculture. The chateau has proudly received the national Organic Agriculture Certification and is ranked First French Estate in the British World’s Best Vineyards 2019.
Fast-forward one decade and I’m finally there—at Les Sources de Caudalie in southern Bordeaux, some 30 minutes by car from the Bordeaux– Mérignac airport, St. Jean train station and Bordeaux city centre. A trinity of indulgent experiences await. Dominating the landscape is Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte, a grand cru classé winery with a 800-year history that’s currently owned by former Olympic skiers Florence and Daniel Cathiard. Since they took it over 30 years ago, they have propelled the wines to new levels by modernizing the winemaking process and adopting organic and biodynamic viticulture. Their older daughter, Mathilde Thomas, is the founder of the Caudalie skincare brand and Vinothérapie Spa, together with her husband, Bertrand. Meanwhile, the five-star Les Sources de Caudalie hotel is run by younger daughter Alice and her husband, Jérôme Tourbier. Together, they have brought a new concept of wine tourism to the region. In addition to visiting the winery, one can spend the night and enjoy gastronomic cuisine, and indulge in spa treatments based on grape and vine extracts—all in one place.
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Source一字在法文可解作泉水。水療中心及度假酒店泳池的池水是養份十足 的天然泉水,來自540米深的水井。在面積1,500平方呎的水療館中另設有溫 水池及土耳其蒸氣浴室,更可享受只此一家的療程,體驗以葡萄藤及葡萄為 主要成分的產品,例如著名的cabernet葡萄磨砂、葡萄酒蜜糖裹紮療程、酒 桶浴及釀酒師特色按摩。 The word “source” can also mean spring water in French. The pools at the spa and resort are filled with nutritious and naturally warm spring water drawn from a well more than 540 metres deep. There is a separate thermal pool and hammam steam room at the 16,000-square-foot spa pavilion, where you will find exclusive well-being treatments based on vine and grape-based products, such as the famous crushed cabernet scrub, honey and wine wrap, barrel bath and winemaker's massage.
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首間葡萄酒療中心於1999年在法國開幕,當時市場上只有美容院及海水浴 療中心,因此葡萄酒spa絕對是一個新穎的概念。時至今日,全球共有8間 同類型的spa,其中一間位於多倫多。 Pioneer of a concept invented in France a decade ago when only beauty centres and thalassotherapy centres existed, the first Vinothérapie Spa opened in 1999. Now, there are eight around the world, including one in Toronto.
我的首要任務是要深入了解和體驗品牌過人之處,即時在Vinothérapie Spa 預約了一個皇牌面部護理。我的治療師Audrey提議使用品牌中全球最受歡迎的 Vinoperfect,為我打造光彩亮澤的肌膚。 俗語說:「一白遮三醜」,我深表同意。 一個多小時之後,我照照鏡子,通常做完facial皮膚都覺好轉,但今次感覺大 大不同。我的皮膚柔滑透亮,雖沒有化妝,但效果卻好像用了遮瑕或上了底妝一 樣。 Audrey解釋︰「Vinoperfect系列的星級成分是葡萄蔓萃取液。在葡萄園工作 的女士早早就發現,這種汁液能淡化手部及面上的黑斑。Caudalie把當中的分子 擷取、穩定及申請專利,並取名Viniferine。臨床實驗證明,其淡斑亮膚功效比 維他命C高出62倍。系列中所有產品都含有這種成分,包括最新產品Vinoperfect Instant Brightening Moisturizer以及尊貴的Premier Cru系列。」 預約療程可無限次使用溫水池及蒸氣浴。和暖的池水是含豐富養分的地下溫 泉水,讓人盡情放鬆。熱茶及新鮮葡萄無限量供應,令我想起由Mathilde Thomas 撰寫的紐約時報暢銷書《The French Beauty Solution》中提到的「三日葡萄淨化療 程」。 不過現在並非節食的時候。Les Sources de Caudalie美食選擇眾多,有一間 bistro、一間酒吧及米芝蓮兩星級餐廳。節食還是待旅程結束後再說吧。 Caudalie Vinoperfect面部護理療 程是其中一個皇牌療程。以全人 手進行並採用Vinoperfect及其他 系列的多款產品,透過放鬆及收 緊肌膚的按摩技巧,令肌膚回復 光澤及改善膚質。膚色變得均勻 健康,之後數天以素顏示人也不 失嬌美。 The Caudalie Vinoperfect grand facial is one of the signature treatments. Using a combination of products from Vinoperfect and other lines as needed, this entirely manual treatment restores radiance and improves skin texture instantly with relaxing and lifting massage techniques. The skin appears so even-toned and healthy, you will not feel the need to use a makeup foundation for days afterwards.
My first and foremost mission is to experience the brand at its roots, so I spare no time to book a signature facial at the Vinothérapie Spa. Audrey, my therapist, recommends Vinoperfect, the brand’s international best-seller for radiance and brightening skin tone. As the Chinese saying goes, a bright complexion hides multiple flaws, so I agree immediately. A little more than an hour later, I am looking at myself in the mirror. The skin always looks better after a facial, but this is different. There is a creamy luminosity that is usually achieved only with skin correctors or makeup. But no, it is my own skin. Audrey explains that the star ingredient of the Vinoperfect line is a special sap from vine stalks. Women working in the vineyards have known for a long time that the sap fades dark spots on the hands and face. Caudalie was able to identify, stabilize and patent the molecule responsible for this effect, and named it Viniferine. Clinical tests have shown it to be 62 times more effective than vitamin C against skin discolouration. The ingredient can be found in every product of the line, including the new Vinoperfect Instant Brightening Moisturizer, as well as the prestigious Premier Cru line. With the treatment comes unlimited access to the thermal bath and steam room. Take the time to indulge—the pool is filled with naturally warm and nutritious spring water drawn from the ground. Unlimited drainage tea and fresh grapes are provided, reminding me of “the 3-day grape cleanse” suggested in The French Beauty Solution, a New York Times Best Seller by Mathilde Thomas. But now is not the time to diet. With a bistro, a gastro bar and a two-Michelin star restaurant on site, Les Sources de Caudalie is a gastronomic destination. The diet starts when I get home.
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Bridal Guide: the trip
不費周章就可以獲得一流的美食體驗。Chef Nicolas Masse自2009起為La Grand’ Vigne掌廚,翌年首度摘 下米芝蓮一星,於2015再下一城獲得二星評級。每逢 周末他都會舉辦烹飪班,分享入廚心得。 There is no need to venture off the grounds in search of a great dining experience. Chef Nicolas Masse took the helm of the kitchens of La Grand’Vigne in 2009, and proceeded to earn his first Michelin star the next year and a second one in 2015. He also holds cooking classes on Saturdays, where he shares his secret cooking tips and tricks.
當Cathiards夫婦接手城堡時,上手主人沒有給他們留下任何年份酒。二人花了多年透過向私人收藏家叩 門及參加拍賣,獲得一些具收藏價值的葡萄酒。或許這些酒已經不適宜飲用,但卻見證了這個有800年 歷史的酒莊。 When the Cathiards bought the chateau, the previous owner did not leave them with any vintage bottles. They spent years pursuing private collectors and attending auctions to hunt down historic bottles. While the wines may no longer be drinkable, it is an important testimony to the 800-year history of the property.
居於葡萄園又怎能錯過Smith Haut Lafitte的佳釀?酒 莊出產的grand vin在加拿大可找到,不過有兩類酒則 十分少見︰首先是Les Hauts de Smith及Le Petit Haut Lafitte,不要被名字騙到。雖然法文petit解作細小,但 Le Petit Haut Lafitte卻份量十足,在釀製過程中加入了 更多的赤霞珠葡萄;另一是屬於左岸酒。以嫩枝葡萄 釀製的Le Lièvre,意思為野兔。所有類別皆有紅酒及 白酒供選擇。
野兔於葡萄藤上躍過的巨形銅製雕塑名為Hospitality,出自英國藝術家Barry Flanagan手筆。對於 Cathiards家族來說,野兔雕塑不單是一件藝術品,它佇立於城堡外守護最古老的Cabernet Franc葡萄 藤。野兔更可以嚇走葡萄園都不歡迎白兔,因為白兔繁殖力強,小白兔們又喜歡咬嫩葡萄藤。相反,野 兔繁殖力較低,且不會咬食葡萄藤。 A giant bronze sculpture of a hare leaps above the vines. Called Hospitality, it was sculpted by British artist Barry Flanagan. For the Cathiards, this hare is not just a work art: it stands guard over the oldest Cabernet Franc vines in front of the chateau. The hare is important because its presence deter rabbits, and rabbits are not desired in a vineyard because they breed prolifically and baby bunnies love to chew on young vine shoots. Hares, on the other hand, are far less broody, and they don’t eat the vines. 88
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One would be amiss not to taste the wines of Smith Haut Lafitte when staying in its vineyard. While the grand vin is generally available in Canada, the second and third wines are much harder to come by. The second wines are Les Hauts de Smith and Le Petit Haut Lafitte. Don’t be fooled by the names. Although “petit” means small in French, Le Petit Haut Lafitte is actually a bigger wine, as it contains more cabernet sauvignon and is designed to be more of a Left Bank style. The third wine of the chateau, made exclusively with the fruits of young vines, is called Le Lièvre, which means the hare. All come in red and white versions.
環繞葡萄園的Forest of Senses健行徑充滿藝術氣息,在這裡散 步可令人放鬆心神。因為其創意及可提供與別不同的體驗,獲 Great Wine Capitals頒發 「2019年全球最佳酒莊旅遊大獎」 (2019 International Best of Wine Tourism Award) 。 The Forest of Senses trail is an art crawl and multi-sensorial walk in the woods surrounding the vineyards. It received the 2019 International Best of Wine Tourism Award from Great Wine Capitals for its innovative and unique experience.
翌日,我出發到酒莊那邊參加導賞團,領隊是Smith Haut Lafitte的禮賓部經理Alix Ounis。當知道我熱愛Caudalie這個品 牌後,她跟我分享了Mathilde Thomas的一些趣事,包括她會清 晨跑到葡萄園去收集葡萄水,然後賣給當地的藥房。
The next day, I set out to the winery side of the property for a special tour with Alix Ounis, hospitality manager at Smith Haut Lafitte. Upon hearing about my fascination with the Caudalie brand, she shares a few anecdotes about Mathilde Thomas—like how she would go to the vineyard at the crack of dawn to collect grape water to sell to local pharmacies.
而1993年一個周末所發生的事,改變了Thomas的一生。當 時正值葡萄收成季節,她帶隊參觀酒莊,並向參加者解釋如何使 用氣球溫柔地把葡萄汁壓出,以防壓碎葡萄核令酒變苦。
But the definitive moment for Thomas would be that one weekend in 1993 during harvest season. Thomas was leading a winery tour, and explaining how they use a balloon press to gently extract the juice from the grapes, so they don’t crush the seeds and make the wine bitter.
「你知不知道你把寶物都丟掉?」一位參加者這樣問道。他 就是波爾多藥理大學實驗室總監Joseph Vercauteren教授。他跟 Thomas說葡萄核蘊含世界上最有效的抗氧化劑,比維他命E高 出10倍。
“Do you know you are throwing away treasure?”said one visitor. He was Prof. Joseph Vercauteren, laboratory director of the Pharmacy University of Bordeaux. He pointed out to Thomas that grape seeds contain the most powerful antioxidants in the world—10 times more powerful than vitamin E.
自此以後,二人便合作研究如何把葡萄的神奇功效應用於 護膚品中,並為研究成果申請了專利,當中包括具抗氧化及抗皺 功效的葡萄籽多酚(polyphenols),能有放防止75%的肌膚細胞 受到外來侵害;而源自葡萄藤的白藜蘆醇(resveratrol),則有抗 衰老及緊緻肌膚的功效。
Since then, they have worked together to discover how to use the miracle powers in the grape for skincare and have obtained multiple patents, including polyphenols, an anti-oxidant and anti-wrinkle grapeseed extract that can save 75 per cent of our cells from burning out, and resveratrol, an extract from grapevine stalks with anti-aging and firming properties.
品酒是導賞團的最後一個環節,索性直接把抗氧化物飲 下肚。由Daniel Cathiard親自建造的地下酒窖,要打開地板門 並沿著樓梯向下走才到達,甚具007風格,不過他把酒窖名為 Paradise。
The visit concludes with the pleasurable consumption of antioxidants— in the form of wine—in a very special setting: a 007-style secret underground cellar, built by Daniel Cathiard. One needs to open a trap door and descend a flight of stairs to reach what’s been dubbed Paradise.
在這裡就算沒有導遊你一樣會找到人間樂園。馬匹在葡萄 園犁地、欣賞Forest of Senses隱藏的藝術品、沉醉於美酒佳餚 當中,療癒身心靈。 查詢詳情,可瀏覽。
But you don’t require a guide to find paradise here. It can be found in the horse-ploughing in the vineyard, hidden works of art in the Forest of Senses, great wine swirling in the glass, exquisite dishes on the table and a newfound sense of well-being—in both body and mind. For more information, visit ELITEGEN
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Bracelet version $196,000 Strap version $178,000
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Showered in diamondS The Tonda 1950 Double Rainbow Flying Tourbillon is a fine example of how Parmigiani Fleurier marries the skill of watchmaking with the art of jewellery Story | Alan A. Vernon
Tonda 1950雙彩虹飛行陀飛輪腕錶,堪稱是Parmigiani Fleurier結合製錶技術與珠寶藝術的完美典範。 Parmigiani Fleurier於2019年推出Tonda 1950彩虹腕錶, 最近隆重推出同名的新款雙彩虹飛行陀飛輪錶。這款高級時 計,以超薄的PF517機芯驅動,錶面鑲滿白色鑽石,砂金石砌 成的新月裝飾,配以漸變彩色寶石鑲嵌的綑邊。精心挑選及鑲 嵌的寶石,令人聯想到奇妙的大自然景象。 超薄的PF517機芯,由鉑金微型轉子及飛行陀飛輪合成, 經製錶大師積極研究開發而成,為了令機芯盡可能纖薄,遂將 這些部件整合到機芯的主面板上。 錶面7點鐘位置的陀飛輪,是向品牌創辦人Michel Parmigiani致敬,紀念他的出生時間—1950年12月2日 7:08AM。Tonda 1950系列也是對這位製錶人的敬禮,他在石 英錶衝擊的年代,始終堅信精細機械鐘錶製作的價值。他於 1976年開辦一家鐘錶修復工場,研究數十款製錶業傑作。 20年後的1996年,Parmigiani Fleurier這品牌在瑞士Valde-Travers山谷的Fleurier誕生。為了紀念它的起源,品牌仍然 保留一個修復工場,精修各種鐘錶時計,亦為品牌的創作提供 靈感。 超薄機芯是Parmigiani Fleurier的專長之一,修復工場 最近接受委托,修復一隻沙皇尼古拉斯一世的珐瑯金懷錶, 這隻極為罕見的懷錶,可以追溯到1840年,由La Chaux-deFonds的Robert Brandt&Cie製造。驅動懷錶的超薄機芯叫 Bagnolet,即是「倒置」機芯,齒輪在裡面反方向旋轉,讓人 以傳統的方法讀取時間。能夠擔此重任,正好顯示Parmigiani Fleurier的超凡工藝。
Following the launch of the Tonda 1950 Rainbow in 2019, Parmigiani Fleurier is proud to reveal its new Double Rainbow Flying Tourbillon of the same name. This haute horlogerie timepiece features a dial set with white diamonds and also adorned with a crescent of aventurine and a gradient of coloured stones. The careful selection and setting of these stones evoke this natural phenomenon, a result of the most painstaking and meticulous craftsmanship. The ultra-thin PF517 movement, comprised of a platinum micro-rotor and flying tourbillon, was developed following in-depth studies conducted by master watchmakers. To keep the piece as slim as possible, the decision was made to integrate the calibre in the movement’s main plate. The 7 o’clock position of the tourbillon on the dial is a nod to founder Michel Parmigiani, who was born at 7:08am on December 2, 1950. The Tonda 1950 line also pays tribute to a watchmaker who, in the midst of the quartz crisis, maintained a firm belief in the value of the finest mechanical watchmaking. In 1976, Michel Parmigiani opened a restoration workshop, where he studied dozens of past watchmaking masterpieces. Twenty years later, in 1996 in Fleurier, in the Swiss valley of Val-de-Travers, the Parmigiani Fleurier brand was born. In honour of its origins, it still has a restoration workshop that works on all kinds of horological pieces. It also serves as an inspiration for all of the brand’s creations. Ultra-thin movements are one of Parmigiani Fleurier’s areas of expertise. For example, the restoration workshop recently worked on a pocket watch in enamelled gold commissioned by Tsar Nicolas I. This extremely rare watch dates from around 1840 and was made by Robert Brandt & Cie in La Chaux-de-Fonds. The ultra-thin watch movement that drives it is known as a Bagnolet, an “inverted” calibre in which the gears rotate in the opposite direction to allow the time to be read in the conventional way. Parmigiani Fleurier is indeed the labour of a lifetime.
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Garden of eve apartment these rentals in thailand are an architectural dream Story | Ern Photography | Rungkit Charoenwat
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樓梯是HACHI Serviced Apartment其中一個精采設計,多得 出色的燈光設計。 The stairway of a Hachi Serviced Apartment is a master touch, complemented by brilliant lighting design.
睡房用上柔和色調,看來很舒適。 Soft tones are used in the bedrooms for a cozy feel.
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升降機也用上屋子形狀。 Use of the house motif extends even to the elevators.
公共空間同樣簡約優雅。 The public areas are both minimalistic and elegant.
除了是旅遊勝地,近年泰國居住環境愈來愈好,看到HACHI Serviced Apartment,自會明白何謂「室雅何須大」。 當香港九龍約290平方呎的普通服務式住宅,月租約$3,000 加元,曼谷HACHI Serviced Apartment的260平方呎單位則盛惠 9,500泰銖(約$400加元),內內外外卻是更出色的設計及環境。 HACHI Serviced Apartment坐落於曼谷Ladprao商業區,由泰 國建築師Octane Architect & Design設計,樓高五層,提供34個面 積由26至44平方米的單位。租金便宜,地點方便,加上簡約得來卻 又令人留下深刻印象的設計,有機會到曼谷短居的話,大可考慮一 下。 在這裏,見得最多的就是經典的屋子形狀。大廈外牆用上多個 屋形作裝飾,天然的啡木色配搭建築本身的黑色,為HACHI添上住 宅應該有的暖意,這些屋子形狀也成為標誌,巧妙地把單位的露台 半遮掩著,保留一點私隱,令整幢建築看起來更整潔,也在炎熱的 曼谷提供遮陽作用。大小不一的屋子形狀,同時帶來點點有機性, 看上去生機勃勃,毫不死板。 屋子形狀貫穿至室內,建築師採用東方古代的概念,以用途來 區分家中的各個區域,並以這屋子標誌分隔,甚至連大門也用上同 一形狀,配上花心思設計的光暗用色來分別不同區域,置身不同用 途的空間就有截然不同的氣氛。即使需要在家中工作,轉個彎,就 可在另一空間放鬆自己,空間不需大,設計得細心,也令人住得舒 服。室內主要用上木色、白色及黑色,不會眼光繚亂。
As a tourist haven, Thailand offers up a plethora of cultural experiences and breathtaking examples of nature’s beauty. Hachi Serviced Apartments in Thailand proves that beauty can also be abundant in small spaces. A 290 sq. ft. serviced apartment in urban Hong Kong can cost up to CAD$3,000 monthly, but a similar-sized space offered by Bangkok’s Hachi Serviced Apartments goes for just 9,500 baht (CAD$400), with superior design and amenities to boot. Located in Bangkok’s Ladprao commercial district, Hachi’s five-storey facility—a masterpiece by Octane Architect & Design—offers 34 units ranging from 280 to 475 sq. ft. Affordable rent and great location aside, the apartments impress with a minimalistic and impressive design. It is a great choice for a short stay in the Thai capital. Natural timber tones and a contrasting black hue highlight this iconic building, both inside and out. The multiple pointed roof shapes are not the only signature design feature; the architect also came up with a clever plan to cover the balconies to enhance privacy and keep the interior cooler in the tropical climate. The varying sizes of the house-shape motif also give the building more structural vibrancy. This motif pervades the interior as well, with the timber and monochrome palette delivering a calming presence. The architect applied oriental design concepts and defined interior spaces by function, using the house shape as dividers and doorways. Lighting varies from one area to another, imparting the right atmosphere for the various functional areas. Even for people working from home, they can find a separate space around a corner to relax. It shows that it doesn’t take an enormous space to be comfortable, as long as the design is well thought out.
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dining to tell
Chef’ s Counter每晚只做兩轉,每次最多容納16人。 The Chef’s Counter serves up to 16 people at each of its two nightly seatings.
scene, savour & sip Yorkville’s latest restaurant openings include a culinary overhaul and a treat straight from Japan Story & photography | Renée S. Suen
名店、畫廊及餐廳以外,最近進駐 Yorkville的兩間餐廳—Hana和 Holts Café,無論環境、氛圍及食物質素,同 樣可以滿足一眾高要求的品味食客。
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Yorkville is the definitive destination for high-end boutiques, galleries and restaurants. And the area’s newest eateries have all the glitz, glamour and culinary pizzazz to impress even the pickiest of gourmands.
HANA 加國Aburi餐廳東主Seigo Nakamura選址Yorkville帶來全新高 級日式料理店Hana,誓要成為國內最頂級食府之一。 繼人氣爆燈的Miku及迴轉壽司店Tora後,集團首次進軍高級 日式料理,更邀得曾任職京都米芝蓮三星食府Kikunoi的中川龍介 出任Hana的行政總廚。 餐廳由溫哥華的Ste. Marie Design負責設計,底層的用餐區 裝潢雅致,展現京都的簡樸和風。餐廳以Nakamura女兒的名字命 名,Hana在日語亦有花卉、美麗及優雅的意思,出自本地花藝設 計師手筆的傳統插花裝飾,亦充分展現日式美學。 主打京都系懷石料理,傳統的多道菜餚不單味道講究,賣相 亦講求唯美精緻。新鮮時令食材,配合精巧的烹調方法,就連食 器亦只選用日本最具代表性的有田燒(於日本有田出產的日式陶瓷 器皿)。
Aspiring to become one of the country’s top restaurants, Aburi Restaurants Canada owner Seigo Nakamura introduces a brand new Japanese fine-dining experience to the heart of Yorkville. Known for crowd-pleasing Miku Toronto and refined conveyorbelt sushi Tora, the group’s first luxury concept brings Executive Chef Ryusuke Nakagawa, formerly of three Michelin-starred Kikunoi in Kyoto, to helm the discrete location’s kitchen.
行政總廚中川龍介 Executive Chef Ryusuke Nakagawa
Hana’s lower level dining room is clad in refined finishes. Vancouver-based design agency Ste. Marie Design was responsible for the serene interior that was purposefully designed to bring a piece of Kyoto to Toronto. Named after Nakamura’s daughter, Hana also means flower, beauty and elegance in Japanese—further honoured through traditional ikebana (Japanese floral arrangements) by a local floral artist. Focused on the principles of Kyoto-based kaiseki, the traditional multi-course meal is more than food, there’s also a heavy emphasis on art. Here, fresh seasonal ingredients are cooked precisely and presented on exquisite Aritayaki (famed Japanese porcelain plate ware that are handmade in Arita, Japan). Considered the greatest culinary refinement in Japan, Nakagawa employs both modern and traditional techniques for his version of contemporary Kyō-kaiseki, including the use of aburi (flame-searing) for smokiness and enhancing umami. Having trained for 13 years in the craft before branching out on his own, Nakagawa explains that “in traditional Kyoto cuisine, the original taste of vegetables and meat are very important. French and other cuisines may use sauce and spice, but one of the most important components [in kaiseki] is dashi—which I have a unique threeingredient recipe for—and it’s used in multiple courses.” The restaurant offers two menus, each with 15 courses that alternate between creative nigiri and thoughtfully prepared cooked dishes that incorporate some of the finest ingredients procured locally and from Kyoto. Specifically, heirloom vegetables that Nakagawa describes as having a “richer taste,” like the Miyazaki green pepper found on the opening wagyu dish. Coming in summer, there will be hamanasu (Japanese eggplant) that Nakagawa says is unlike any in North America due to its softer skin. Besides a reservation-only Chef’s Counter that serves up to 16 people at each of its two nightly seatings, there are five Kakurega (Japanese for hidden gem) private dining rooms that can accommodate two to eight guests.
兩組菜單均有提供的甘鯛鱗燒Urokayaki,很考手藝,可食用的魚鱗燒得如 水晶般晶瑩,其他食材包括茄子、芹菜根芥末蓉、荷蘭芹油、番茄鰹魚醋、 羽衣甘藍粉及百合。 Both menus serve the Seared Amadai “Urokayaki” that showcases the skill-driven crystalized fish scales (edible) on the cooked skin and flesh with eggplant, celery root karashi puree and finished with parsley oil, tomato bonito vinegar, kale powder and lily root.
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Hana京懷石菜單其中一道菜是北海道海膽配壽司飯,海膽上是大 頭菜漬物,還有旁邊的PEI生蠔,加入紅菜頭醋及莧菜芽。中川 把這兩種貴價食材重新演繹,食客需要把這兩組美食混合,才可 真正領略當中創意。 One of the courses on the Hana Kyō-Kaiseki menu features Hokkaido Uni that’s served on shari (seasoned sushi rice) and topped with kohlrabi tsukemono and sided by a PEI oyster dressed in beet vinaigrette with amaranth sprout. Diners are instructed to mix the two before consuming.
兩組菜單均提供這道柚子胡椒炙燒金目鯛壽司,昆布 以醬油醃製,最後灑上紫菜粉。 Yuzu Kosho Aburi Kinmedai Nigiri appears on both menus on soy marinated konbu and finished with nori powder.
兩組菜單均提供炙燒鰆魚配日本蘿蔔、三葉醋、日本菊花、海帶及 新鮮日本青檸汁。不過Hana菜單的版本會加入新鮮三文魚籽,並 將食物放在一片來自日本的樹葉上,更會以乾冰營造煙霧效果。 Both menus serve Aburi Sawara with daikon and mitsuba vinegar, kiku flower, okajijiki (seaweed) and fresh sudachi juice. The Hana menu, however, embellishes this course with fresh ikura and presents the course on a leaf that’s imported from Japan with a dry ice fog billowing out from below.
京懷石在日本被喻為最精細的烹飪技藝,中川龍介糅合現代及 傳統技巧,創造出充滿其個人風格的新派京懷石料理,比方以炙燒帶 出煙熏香氣,令食材鮮味大大提升。學藝13年後才成為獨當一面的名 廚,中川表示:「傳統的京都料理著重呈現食材的原味。法國及其他菜 系經常用上醬汁及香料調味,但高湯是(懷石料理的)精髓所在,我有 一個以三種材料烹調的秘方,而且會用於不同的菜餚。」 餐廳提供2個菜單供選擇,每款均有15道菜,包括創意手握壽司 及熟食。除了採用本地優質食材,亦有從京都直送的食材,包括中川 形容為「味道濃郁」的祖傳蔬菜,如出現在和牛前菜中、來自宮崎縣的 青椒。今年夏天,食客可品嚐到日本茄子hamanasu,中川表示日本 茄子跟北美洲的不同,外表較為軟身。Chef’ s Counter必須訂座,每 晚只做兩轉,每次最多16人。此外亦提供5間私人用餐室Kakurega(日 文為隱世寶店的意思),分別可容納2至8人。
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兩組菜單的第一道菜都是宮崎和牛,不過Hana菜單的 版本為備長炭燒里脊肉,並伴以黑蒜味噌、烤富士蘋 果及舞茸菇。 Miyazaki Wagyu appears on both opening menus, but the version from the Hana Kyō-Kaiseki features binchotan grilled tenderloin served with black garlic miso, roasted fuji apple and maitake mushroom.
“Typically the kaiseki menu focuses on local food and ingredients,” says Nakagawa, “but now that I’m in Toronto, it doesn’t make sense to do the exact same thing as what was done in Japan. Yes, we’re global and we’re bringing in ingredients from Japan, but it’s local so I don’t just want to focus on Japanese ingredients. I really like Toronto. So this is the only place in the world where you can have this kind of menu and experience.” Changing monthly, the current $195 Aburi Kyō-Kaiseki offers dishes like a silky Quebec foie gras chawanmushi, and seared Amadai urokoyaki that’s a marvel of crispy intact “crystalized” fish scales blanketed over the delicate tilefish’s flesh. The $330 Hana Kyō-Kaiseki dinner lasts between 2 to 2.5 hours and features more premium ingredients from Hokkaio uni to black truffle wagyu nigiri over uni shari (seasoned sushi rice).
餐廳有5間Kakurega私人用餐室,各有專屬配置、餐飲車、花藝擺設及風格簡約的畫作。 Each of the five Kakurega private dining rooms have their own unique configuration, ikebana and minimalist artwork.
中川說道︰「一般來說,懷石料理著重採用本地食材,我們既會 從日本進口食材,不過既然我身處多倫多也很喜歡這裡,不希望忽略 了本地供應。所以在多倫多的Hana,會享受到獨一無二的懷石料理。」 餐牌每月更新,$195的Aburi京懷石菜單包含了多道精緻菜餚, 包括口感柔滑的魁北克鵝肝茶碗蒸以及甘鯛鱗燒,晶瑩脆香的魚鱗跟 嫩滑的魚肉可謂絕配。而$330的Hana京懷石菜單則用上更矜貴的食 材,如北海道海膽及黑松露和牛手握壽司,整頓晚餐需時2至2.5小時 才完成,讓你細意品嚐美饌。 有美食當然少不了佳釀,餐飲總監及侍酒師長Alexander Powell (曾任職Don Alfonso 1890及Michael's on Simcoe)嚴選了多款適合佐 餐的優質餐酒及清酒,大大提升美食體驗。不嗜杯中物的話,店內亦 提供無酒精飲料,而識酒之人則肯定會欣賞那些經拍賣得來的罕見餐 酒及清酒,售價還十分合理。 中川希望令加拿大的飲食業獲得全世界的注視:「我愛日本料 理,但很多時因為價格不算親民而讓人却步,我希望所有人都可以品 嚐得到。日本有很多傳統的懷石料理店,但遊客不大認識這種飲食文 化,亦不知道應該光顧哪一家及點什麼菜。我創作的京懷石料理就好 像試點(因為當中採用了加拿大本土食材)但同時包含了傳統美饌,希 望把這種料理發揚光大。」
To complement the menu, Beverage Director and Head Sommelier Alexander Powell’s (previously of Don Alfonso 1890 and Michael’s on Simcoe) exquisite beverage pairings is amix of carefully selected wines and sakes that includes premium pours. The combination enhances the overall experience of the meal and should not be missed. There are, however, non-alcoholic beverages for teetotalers; and for connoisseurs, a collection of rare, mature and ready to drink wines and sakes that have been secured from auction and available at a fair price. Nakagawa’s other aspiration is to draw international attention to the Canadian food scene, declaring: “I love Japanese cuisine, but it can be quite difficult [to access] because it can be expensive. If I could, I would like everyone to experience it. If you go to Japan, there are a lot of traditional kaiseki restaurants, but it might be hard to understand for visitors not familiar with the custom, where they should go and what to order. I want this type of cuisine to spread, so it may be easier to try my Kyō-Kaiseki like a stepping stone [because it has familiar Canadian ingredients], but it still has traditional dishes.” Lower Level, 102 Yorkville Ave 647-343-8887
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松露蘑菇麵包 (Truffle Mushroom Tartine) 加入羊奶芝士、奶油蘑菇、西 洋菜及松露片 (現時提供Perigord) ,配菜可選擇薯條或沙律。 Served with a choice of fries or salad, the Truffle Mushroom Tartine is topped with chèvre, warm creamed wild and tame mushroom, and finished with watercress and shaved truffle (currently Perigord).
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行政總廚Benjamin Lillico Executive Chef Benjamin Lillico
Lillico主理的這道烤羊腰肉配以多種亞枝、薯仔、白蘿蔔及羽衣甘藍,再淋上馬德拉濃汁。 Lillico’s Roasted Lamb Loin comes with a sunchoke medley, potato, navet (turnip) and kale, then finished with a Madeira jus.
Salade Niçoise的主角是長鰭吞拿魚片,配以醃製青椒、迷你薯仔、青豆、番茄及奶油 萵苣,醬汁是雪莉醋,最後綴以越橘及蛋黃啫喱。 The Salade Niçoise takes a refined spin dressing slices of albacore tuna with marinated peppers, fingerling potatoes, haricots verts, tomato and butter lettuce tossed in sherry vinaigrette, then finished with caperberries and dollops of egg yolk gel.
HOLTS CAFé 全新翻新的 Holts Café 旗艦店,是名牌百貨店Holt Renfrew首次嘗試把時裝及美食結合。長形的用餐室由 Alex Cochrane Architects設計,分成不同的用餐區如主 餐室、酒店、酒廊(設有DJ打碟專櫃)及半私人用餐室, 切合客人需要。餐廳用上白色橡木及黃檀木,20呎高落地 大玻璃採光度十足,同時可欣賞繁華的Bloor街景。其他 設計元素包括飾以黃銅的米白色水磨石,以及寶石顏色的 新派傢私。 餐廳由曾任職The Rich Uncle Tavern及Langdon Hall的行政總廚Benjamin Lillico掌廚。提供午餐外,最 近亦加入晚餐服務。Lillico曾於廚藝奧林匹克隊(Culinary Olympics)中出任領隊,並帶領加拿大隊贏得金牌及銀 牌,他主理的餐牌提供糅合歐洲風味的加國菜系。餐牌 提 供 不 少經典菜式,並採用本地生產的可持續時令食 材,包括BLT及牛扒薯條,同時提供素食及新鮮海鮮。假 日brunch選擇眾多,benedict、黃糖白脫牛奶熱白餅、 duck hash(油封鴨配烤薯及煎鴨蛋)及牛油果多士。客人 若對餐牌有任何問題,餐廳團隊亦樂於提供專業意見。 Holt Café的下午茶在閒日亦有供應,三層架子上放 了傳統三文治、鬆餅及甜點,每位$65。茶品方面可從 多款 Sloane 茶中選擇,亦可升級選擇 prosecco 氣泡酒、 Crémant de Bourgogne有氣玫瑰酒或Moët & Chandon Brut Imperial香檳。
Holt Renfrew’s renewed Holts Café is the luxury retailer’s foray into becoming a dining destination for fashion and food connoisseurs alike. The Alex Cochrane Architects designed room is long and refined with a variety of areas catering to guests’ needs, including a large dining room and bar that’s flanked by a lounge and DJ booth. Outfitted in white oak and rosewood, it is flooded with plenty of natural light thanks to new 20-foot high floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Bloor Street. Finishes include off-white terrazzo with brass accents and a collection of jeweltoned modern furniture. Executive Chef Benjamin Lillico formerly of The Rich Uncle Tavern and Langdon Hall is behind the culinary overhaul. Serving lunch and a new evening dinner service, the menu under the former gold and silver medal winning Canadian team captain for the Culinary Olympics offers contemporary Canadian cuisine prepared with a European influence. Expect classic staples that employ sustainable, quality-driven local and seasonal ingredients, like a BLT salad and steak frites that share the carte with plant-based and fresh seafood options. Weekend brunch offers everything from a benedict and buttermilk pancakes with brown butter and a white chocolate crumble to duck hash (confit with roasted potatoes with a duck egg fried sunny side up) and avocado on toast. Not to mention special curated experiences. Holt Café’s afternoon tea ritual continues on weekdays where guests are treated to a three-tiered set filled with traditional sandwiches, scones and sweets with a contemporary spin for $65. Served with a choice of Sloane tea blends, the experience can be upgraded with either prosecco, Crémant de Bourgogne sparkling rose, or a flute of Moët & Chandon Brut Imperial. 50 Bloor St W 416-355-2832 ELITEGEN
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