Jan / Feb 2020 EliteGen Toronto

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Jan/Feb 2020 Vol. 50 Toronto

ToronTo Jan/feb 2020

luxury living for canada's chinese elite




gifts guides:

chinese new Year & valentine’s day a sing Tao publication



sexy sunglasses, soldier style drama dressing

the legendary journey of the famed jeweller 衝上雲宵

executive class

can a private plane really be cheaper than flying commercial?


周筆暢 隨心而行


Display until FEB 29, 2020


恭賀新禧 強化肌底 鎮靜舒緩 為肌膚煥發水潤透亮光澤 Micro Essence 微精華 每一滴精華都盛載雅詩蘭黛 超過30年精研發酵經驗 體驗高效微精華 還原肌膚穩定強韌 快速滲透深層保濕,層層滋潤修護及強化肌底。 肌膚瞬間顯得更剔透、更柔滑及更水盈飽滿。 全新Micro Essence 櫻花微精華結合高效雙酵母精粹—微量 Bio-Ferment及日本櫻花酵母,能保濕及煥發肌膚活力, 收細毛孔同時塑造水潤透亮櫻花肌。 特別為亞裔女士研製及進行測試。


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KEIRA KNIGHTLEY wears a COCO CRUSH ring and bracelets in white and beige gold with diamonds. chanel.com

A sing tao publicAtion

luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief 胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 編輯 Editor 徐少玲 Iris Chui 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 編輯部 Editorial enquiries elitegen@singtao.ca / 416-861-8168

參與 Contributors Grace Chan, Sidney Chao, Norris McDonald Crystal Ng, Isabelle Ngai, Renée Suen, Shuk Wa Tsang, Emilia Ku Yazar

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan

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營業代表 Sales Representatives Patrick Leung, Emily Lu, Kenneth Wong, Fanny Yeung, Harold Yu, Derek Yuen 營業部 Advertising enquiries elitegen@singtao.ca 905-754-1534

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出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada, affiliated with Torstar 加拿大星島傳媒集團出版,附屬多倫多星報

星尚歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 星尚每年出版六期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 6 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 221 Whitehall Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 9T1

publisher’s letter

恭賀新禧 A ToAsT To The hAppiesT of New YeArs 作為華裔加拿大人,我們盡享其利,當大部分人在感 受絢爛歸於平寂的節日鬱悶之際,我們則在喜氣洋溢地迎 接春節來臨。1月25日便是大年初一了! 今年春節具有特別意義,豬年既盡,又是生肖循環的 起點。鼠作為十二生肖之首,象徵著新的開始,萬象更 新。有位風水大師指點:這將會是吉祥的一年,堅守抱 負、謹慎部署,開拓視野,必得成功。 無獨有偶,本期美容專頁介紹的,正是以環保清潔美 容展開新的一年,這是愈來愈多消費者著重的趨勢,既為 自身健康,也是為保護地球著想,專頁為大家提供大量相 關的優質選擇。 新年計劃總離不開創新方向、慎作決定;不管你是在 計劃一次旅程還是想改變個人風格,讓《eliteGen》為你出 謀獻策好了。從引人注目的衣著,到戰旅格調的時裝,還 是男士專用的型格旅遊配備,我們都有詳細推介。如果你 的「2020年必做清單」內有旅遊一項,那就一定不能錯過本 期旅遊專題,講述一位多倫多人如何在巴巴多斯,把一家 加勒比最老舊的酒店打造為世界級度假屋。 本期封面女郎周筆暢,也在努力探索人生的新方向, 她是首位在6項音樂大獎(包括中國TOP排行榜、十大歌曲 及音樂風雲榜)上勇奪多項殊榮的華人,獎項包括最佳女歌 手、最受歡迎女歌手及最佳專輯等,不願故步自封的她在 力爭更上一層樓。專訪中她解說最新專輯《Lunar》便是關於 重新發現—愛自己,才能擁有力量。相信我︰她不是任何 人的謬斯,她就是她自己。

And this is an important one because we are about to embark on a new 12-year cycle for the Chinese horoscope. The Rat is the first sign of the Chinese zodiac, so it is often considered to be a year of new beginnings and renewal. And a geomancer recently told me that it will be an auspicious year, where aspirations are strong and success will come through careful planning and a good, long-term vision. Not coincidentally, our Beauty pages are all about starting with a clean slate—clean beauty, that is. Whether out of concern for our health or for the planet, consumers are driving this trend, and we’ve got it right here for you. New Year’s resolutions are all about taking new directions and making decisions. Whether it’s planning a journey or even tweaking your style, you can always count on eliteGen for a host of ideas and inspiration. From dressing with drama to military-inspired fashion, not to mention chic travel accessories for men, we’ve got you covered. And if one of the items on your bucket list for 2020 includes travel, check out our story about how a local Toronto man transformed the Caribbean’s oldest hotel into a world-class resort in Barbados. As for our cover girl, Bibi Zhou, let’s just say she is all about exploring new directions. Not one to rest on her laurels as the first Chinese singer to be awarded Best Female Singer, Most Popular Female Artist and Best Album in six major music awards, including the Top Chinese Music Awards, Chinese Top Ten and Music Pioneer Chart, Zhou is constantly striving to do better, telling us that her latest album, Lunar, is all about rediscovering self-love and empowerment. Trust us when we say she is nobody’s muse. Even we at eliteGen are striving to do better with some 2020 aspirations of our own. This year, we are taking our digital experience to a whole new level as we aim to roll out a weekly e-zine with more beauty and fashion news, more local event coverage and—wait for it—more glam giveaways. Part of the plan also includes moving to a bi-monthly print issue, with the Toronto edition continuing to serve eastern Canada, including the GTA and Montreal, and the Vancouver edition still serving western Canada. And, as always, don’t forget to connect with us on Instagram @elitegenmag!

《eliteGen》也決心在2020年做到最好,今年我們要把數 碼體驗推上新的層次,目標是推出e-zine周刊,提供更多 美容時裝資訊、介紹更多本地活動,以及送上更多吸引人 的贈品,大家要密切期待了。由今期開始,印刷版轉成雙 月刊,多倫多版繼續服務加東地區,包括大多倫多地區及 滿地可;溫哥華版仍然服務加西地區,包括大溫哥華地區 及卡加利。

From all of us at eliteGen, here’s to a joyous and jolly Chinese New Year.

請大家繼續通過Instagram @elitegenmag與我們保持 聯繫!

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher



I think as a Chinese-Canadian, we get the best of both worlds. While others may suffer from a post-holidays lull, we are busy gearing up for the Lunar New Year (January 25).

E L I T E G E N. C A




facebook.com/LeslieYip Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911


eliteGen up front 6 團隊 Masthead

8 出版人的話 publisher's letter

14 鎂光燈下 on the red carpet

fashion 16-33 潮流特區 sexy sunglasses, dresses with draMa, Military style, stylish satin & chic checks beauty & scents 34-39 愛美愛地球 clean beauty, dior cny & valentine's guide 40-45 金鼠獻瑞 gifts for those with everything celebrity 46 封面故事 隨心而行 周筆暢 cover girl: bibi zhou


jewellery 54 珠寶之王傳奇旅程 the legend of cartier

38 42







98 72

timepieces 62 亞洲最紅 patek philippe, arnold & son fashion: men 66-75 我要去旅行 suitable suitcases, going undercover with a clockwork orange architecture 76 創意扭紋柴 doing the twist


lifestyle 80 完美搭配 spirits special: the dalMore pairings 84 華麗新派美國菜 dining to tell: louix louis, hy's steakhouse 90 旅遊 travel: barbados aviation 98 私人飛行成趨勢 better business class automobiles 102 極速轎跑 the bentley flying spur tech 106 回到初心 fuji x-pro3 society 108 get out: local events

110 been there: hobnobbing and schMoozing


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12/11/19 10:26 AM

Dress coDe: oN the 'reD' carpet

似有還無 The black nighT

前衞有型 crowning glory

自信滿滿 phaT & fabulous




Miriam Yeung


Lisa Wang

Joyce Cheng

即使暴露指數不高,但跌膊的單袖設計,性感在若 有若無間,楊千嬅選擇晚裝的智慧愈發進步了

對汪明荃來說,穿戴從來沒年齡限制。穿上裙身用 了photo print布料的墨綠色晚裝,配以由大大小小星 星閃石組成的頭飾,高貴又前衞。

誰說只有身型纖秀的人才擔得起衣服?欣宜便身體 力行,示範只要有自信,曉得選擇,一樣可以神采 飛揚,美麗動人。

Stylish asymmetry.

Super sexy septuagenarian.

Confidence is the new chic.

E L I T E G E N. C A



強勢登場 shine on

充滿驚喜 Taking The plunge

鮮色奪人 threadbare

Taylor Swift

Olivia Wilde

Selena Gomez

以Julien Macdonald露腿晚裝登場的Taylor swift,閃 爍的材質和腰間的褶位設計細節,在在顯示其樂壇 一姐地位。

olivia wilde平日慣常優雅,這晚卻以閃紅ralph lauren的Deep V晚裝顯示火辣一面,甚有驚喜。

要成為眾人焦點,衣服的設計和剪裁固然重要, 但顏色同樣不容忽視,selena gomez的熒光綠 Versace連身短裙便是例證。

Good gowns always glitter.

Shimmering in ruby red.

Making us green with envy.





accessories: shades


Michael Kors


2020 Vision sexy sunglasses for the new Year Story | Leslie Yip


E L I T E G E N. C A



rS e k a nt m

e m e t Sta


er exagg 休 d with 人誓不 w 驚 ro c 不 鏡 m the out fro Stand


and a forms


Balenciaga, $685

4 Montcler simone rocha, $834




Dior Breaker, $570 (Dior boutique exclusive)

coach, $245

Burberry Kingdom, $395 ELITEGEN




accessories: shades

Burberry Men’s logo, $290

on i S i v c raphi

Fendi Dawn, $TBD

人注目 均惹 案 , s 圖 m 迷彩 nogra 牌標誌 go mo lo 品 e 是 rg 無論 o la flage t 玄機 camou ted lenses 鏡內有 d n a ls prin ora From fl ds with lasera e h n r u t


Gucci tiger, $830


Michael Kors Dayton, $175 Tiffany & co., $460


E L I T E G E N. C A



Ted Baker Mikalla, $189

e r a u d Sq

n a r i a F

, 歸了 right angles 框架回 p r 的 a h 方 s s or 大方 corner 度 大 unded ck big time 這個季 ro h it ba er w Wheth unglasses are s re a u q s

chanel with 24K gold lens, $820

Tom Ford Katrine, $560 (holt renfrew)

Dior Direction, $525 (holt renfrew)

Gucci, $665







fashion: shoot


the New MelaNcholy the rich dark palette of the great Dutch Masters like Rubens and Rembrandt adds plenty of drama to dressing for big dos Story & Styling | Wans Photography | Simpson Chiu Model | Polina F @ Sun Esee Makeup | Angel Wong Hair | Roy Yan @ Hair Play

Dress, Vivienne Westwood, $TBD Shoes, Simone Rocha, $TBD


E L I T E G E N. C A



Jacket, $3,725 Skirt, $1,950 Necklace, $9,900 Shoes, $1,355 All Dolce & Gabbana ELITEGEN




fashion: shoot

Camisole, $880 Skirt, $TBD Clip, $170 All Simone Rocha 22

E L I T E G E N. C A



Dress, Marc Jacobs, $29,300 Shoes, Dolce & Gabbana, $1,975 ELITEGEN




fashion: shoot

Dress, Alexander McQueen, $TBD Earrings, Louis Vuitton, $505 24

E L I T E G E N. C A



Happy new year! NEOSTRATA® 恭祝大家新年快樂, 萬事如意!


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©NeoStrata Company, Inc., 2020

fashion: women


Soldier Style design directors of luxury fashion houses are breathing new life into military madness Story | Elaine Chung


sPortmax 26

E L I T E G E N. C A




max mara alexander mcqueen

GiorGio armani





fashion: women

claudie Pierlot


Pierre Hardy


E L I T E G E N. C A



claudie Pierlot

claudie Pierlot

rene caovilla





fashion: trends

Sneakers, Giuseppe Zanotti, $750 Cashmere blanket, Hermès, $5,900


CheCking in 格子圖案正式宣布回歸。Prada與Paul Smith將各種色彩,或明或 暗,融合到大小不一的格子圖案;Hermès則加上混染效果等細節。格 子服飾還是一貫的線條鮮明,輪廓挺拔,如修身大衣及A字半截裙等。

Well it’s official. Checks of all kinds are all the rage. From accessories to clothing collections, fashion houses like Prada, Paul Smith and hermès are getting into the checkered craze Story | Stella


Corset belt, Miu Miu, $760

Cross-Body bag, Burberry, $1,220


E L I T E G E N. C A



Silk tie, Gucci, $TBD

Belt, Haider Ackermann, $310


Coat, Paul Smith, $2,270





fashion: trends


Be sheen and Be heard

shiny, stylish satin accessories a boldly beautiful statement for the season

Story | Sum Chan Photography | Shek Po Kwan

Tom Ford, $1,650 32

E L I T E G E N. C A



Malone Souliers, $850

Miu Miu, $1,350

Giorgio Armani, $TBD

色丁,指的是有光澤表面的紡織品。無論是傳奇的Grace Kelly、天橋上的Kate Moss、Naomi Campbell,再到大銀幕的 Gywneth Paltrow等,當年都以satin look散發個性美。 Prada取材九十年代首次推出的復古色丁平面手挽袋,新 設計在袋身中央位置飾以人手製作的立體花,好姊妹Miu Miu也 推出一款亮麗的satin pumps;Tom Ford與Giorgio Armani就直 接帶你時光倒流回到九十年代的黃金風尚;而近年大受名人歡 迎的英國鞋履品牌Malone Souliers,也推出一組色丁系列。 留意,色丁跟絲絨一樣,真正有格調的靈魂女生才能穿出 味道,這也是色丁好玩夠意思的地方。 Prada, $2,064

In case you didn’t know, satins are knits with a shiny surface. Whether the legendary Grace Kelly, or runway queens Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell, or even silver screen darlings like Gwyneth Paltrow, many A-listers have used sexy, shiny satin to express their individual style. This season Prada went with a retro ‘90s flat sheen tote, the new design adding a hand-made raised flower for added flair. Meanwhile sister company Miu Miu also introduced a series of satin pumps while Tim Ford and Giorgio Armani both bring fans right back to the ‘90s. Not to be outdone, the British footwear brand Malone Souliers, highly popular among celebrities, also introduced a new satin series. Satin, like velvet, has always had the connotation of style. And this season, as with every other over the decades, is no different.





the Beauty pages

循環包裝 DOn’t tOss it, refill it 這柔軟而豐富的乳霜,由法國專家精心 提取再注入玫瑰獨特的生命力製成,名為大 玫瑰精華Grand Rose Extracts,有助皮膚在 3周內快速再生,包裝用的可填充膠囊方便 易用,用完乳霜後,以逆時針方向扭開金拉 環,取出空膠囊,裝上新的,再以順時針方 向鎖緊,即可繼續使用。

this rich cream is infused with the unique life power of the rose through sophisticated extraction processes crafted by french experts. named the Grand rose extracts, it helps your skin regenerate in as fast as three weeks. a refillable capsule is available and it is quite easy to replace. Once you finish your cream, release the empty capsule by pinching on the gold tabs; twist counterclockwise to unlock; insert the new capsule; twist clockwise to lock it back in place. Lancôme Absolue Soft Cream, 60ml | $265, 60ml refill | $208


Start the year with a clean Slate Your skincare and beauty regime can be good for you—and the environment Story | Leslie Yip


What is clean beauty?

這個在美容業界廣為人談論的詞彙並沒 有單一定義,所包含的範圍從不殘害動物的研 究生產過程,到環保包裝,再到經過認證的有 機產品;而最常見的指標,是不含有害成分。

While it is the biggest buzzword in the beauty industry, there is no singular definition. it can range from being cruelty-free to eco-friendly packaging to certified organic. but the most common indicator is the absence of harmful ingredients.

眾多品牌都加入這股環保清潔時尚潮 流,Beautycounter有「永不採用」名單,禁止 使用1500種有害或可疑成分;最近被資生堂 收購的Drunk Elephant亦棄用精油、酒精、矽 酮、化學防曬劑、香料及染料,但是在有效及 安全的情況下,仍允許使用合成成分。 也有人將整體性和文化標準納入定義,


E L I T E G E N. C A



and many brands have jumped on the clean bandwagon. beautycounter has “the never list”, a roster of 1,500 harmful or questionable ingredients that it prohibits from its product formulations. Drunk elephant, whose recent acquisition by shiseido, which drew much attention, abstains from essential oils, alcohols, silicones, chemical sunscreens, fragrances and dyes, but allows the use of synthetic ingredients provided they are effective and safe. Others blend holistic and other cultural standards into the definition.

大象醉了 DO nOt Drink this 傳說大象吃了馬魯拉果後變得迷醉,由此啟發成為品牌的名字。馬魯拉果富含抗氧化 劑,果渣的油不含添加劑,幾乎不受任何化學物、天然或合成香料的影響,保持最純淨的 狀態,具有高吸收性,提供深層保濕及滋潤肌膚,能顯著減少細紋、皺紋、紅疹和斑點的 出現,改善肌膚彈性,可局部使用。

there is a myth that elephants become intoxicated by eating marula fruit, hence the name of the brand. the marula fruit is high in critical antioxidants, and this additive-free oil is made from the pip of the fruit, virtually untouched by any chemical or fragrance, natural or synthetic, maintaining its purest form. it is highly absorbable, deeply moisturizing and nourishing to the skin. as a result, there is a noticeable reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, redness, blotchiness and elasticity. (for topical use only.) Drunk Elephant Virgin Marula Antioxidant Face Oil, 30ml | $95

告別瓶子 bye-bye bOttles 如果你意識到洗髮劑瓶子和洗髮劑中含有的刺激性物質對環境 的影響,不妨改用洗髮肥皂。這種肥皂由新西蘭有機農場以手工製 造,無殘害、純植物、全天然,6種成分包括植物油、橄欖油、蓖麻 油、水、氫氧化鈉和有機牡丹根,適合過敏性及痕癢性頭皮,用時直 接在濕髮上搓揉至起泡,按摩頭皮一到兩分鐘,沖洗乾淨即可。

if you are conscious of the impact shampoo bottles and harsh ingredients found in shampoos have on the environment, you may consider switching to a shampoo bar. hand-made on an organic farm in new Zealand, the bar is cruelty-free, vegan and all natural. the six ingredients used are vegetable oils, olive oil, castor oil, water, sodium hydroxide and organic peony root. suitable for sensitive and itchy scalps, rub directly onto wet hair to lather and massage into the scalp for one to two minutes before rinsing. JB Skin Guru The Peoni Regimen Shampoo Bar, $16

譬如Bella Aura將現代科學與從柏柏爾、非洲、中國和地中 海草藥傳統中吸收的古老精神及知識結合。Bella Aura產品 的活性成分已得到Ecocert、COSMOS、Natrue、名古屋和 清真的認證。 零售商在接受清潔護膚品方面也製訂自己的標準,例 如Holt Renfrew,獲得許可的H Project潔膚產品不含BHA/ BHT、甲醛和甲醛供體、氧苯甲酮、對羥基苯甲酸酯、鄰苯 二甲酸酯、硫酸盬(SLS和SLES)或三氯生。Sephora去年夏 季將「Sephota潔淨」計劃禁止成分的清單,增加兩倍到包括 50多個項目,並規定合成香料的濃度不得超過1%。 雖然沒有人對「環保清潔美容」的定義有明確解答,但大 多數人都認同:美容護膚不應該以損害地球及健康為代價。

for example, bella aura combines modern science with the ancient spiritual knowledge drawn from berber, african, chinese and Mediterranean herbal medicine traditions. Most of bella aura’s active ingredients are ecocert, cOsMOs, natrue, nagoya and halal certified. retailers also have their own criteria, in terms of what they deem to be clean skincare. at holt renfrew, for example, the approved clean products by h Project have to be free from bha/bht, formaldehyde and formaldehyde donors, oxybenzone, parabens, phthalates, sulfates (sls and sles) and triclosan. Meanwhile, sephora tripled its “clean at sephora” program list of banned ingredients last summer to include more than 50 items. it is also limiting the concentration of synthetic fragrances to a maximum of one per cent. although no one has the definitive answer as to what constitutes “clean”, one thing that most agree on is that beauty and skincare should not come at the expense of our planet and our health.





the Beauty pages

新鮮出爐 fresh frOM the Oven 赤土鍋創新烘焙工藝,將腮紅霜轉為細膩的胭脂粉。烘焙之前將顏 料混入腮紅中攪拌,每種腮紅各有獨特顏色,烤出來的粉末保留部分濃 稠乳霜的特性,塗抹肌膚上纖滑細膩如絲,這種腮紅獲得認證,天然、 有機、全植物,裝在一個精緻的竹盒子內。

an innovative baking process with terracotta pans transforms a blush cream into a finely textured powder. swirls of colour are added to each individual blush before baking, giving each its own unique colour imprint. the baked powder, which retains some of its thick cream properties, feels weightless, ultra smooth and silky when applied to the skin. certified natural, organic and vegan, it is housed in a beautiful bamboo compact. Antonym Cosmetics Organic Baked Blush in Peach, 8g | $52

嫩滑朱唇 sMOOth sMacker 據說每個女人一生中無意中會吃下2公斤唇膏,所以有必要確保 塗抹的東西對身體有益無害,此潤唇膏的成分,99%取自天然,富含 滋養葡萄籽油和抗氧化葡萄籽多酚,質地迅速融化,不油膩,可持久 保護及紓緩乾燥嘴唇,帶有淡淡香草味和甜橙香味,為朱唇提供一整 天的保護。

it is said that a woman ingests two kilograms of lipstick over her lifetime, so we’d better make sure that what we put on our smackers won’t harm us. ninety-nine per cent of the ingredients of this lip conditioner are of natural origin, and it is enriched with nourishing grapeseed oil and antioxidant grapeseed polyphenols. it melts instantly, with no greasy effect, and protects and soothes dry lips. the sweet orange fragrance, with a hint of vanilla, subtly perfumes the lips for protection all day long. Caudalie Lip Conditioner, 4.5g | $14

全植物面膜 PreservinG yOuth WithOut Preservatives 在滿地可製造,可完全分解的紙面膜,以微生物產生的超細纖維製 成,這種緊貼面膜的無香乳狀精華液含有椰子油和維他命E,敷於面上 感覺尤如第二層皮膚,有保濕、滋潤、修復及保護肌膚作用,不含防腐 劑、無殘害、不含麩質、全植物。

this 100 per cent biodegradable sheet mask is made in Montreal from ultra-fine cellulose fibres produced by micro-organisms. infused in a fragrance-free milky serum containing coconut oil and vitamin e, the tight adhesion mask feels like a second skin and works on hydration, texture, restoration and prevention. it is preservative-free, cruelty-free, gluten-free and vegan. JB Skin Guru Le Masque, Package of 3 | $75


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不要眼袋 Winks, nOt Wrinkles 這種眼部精華液含多達63種有效成分,全天然,不含毒素、補充劑、人造 物、合成物或GMO。鈣化的紅藻專門對付眼下積聚的脂肪,減少眼袋及眼部浮腫 現象,岩玫瑰和永生草有助減少皺紋,保持皮膚緊緻、光滑、有彈性。產品全植物 提煉、無殘害,採用可回收包裝。

this eye serum is packed with a whopping list of 63 potent ingredients and it is 100 per cent natural—no toxins, fillers, artificials, synthetics or GMOs. calcified red algae addresses the accumulation of fat under the eye to help diminish the appearance of under-eye bags and reduce the look of puffiness. Meanwhile, rock rose and immortal grass help diminish the appearance of wrinkles, as well as support natural firmness, smoothness and elasticity. this product is vegan, crueltyfree and comes in recyclable packaging. Tata Harper Elixir Vitae Eye Serum, 15ml | $369



yOu GlOW Girl 這種多功效有色保濕霜,提供輕盈的 保濕效果,有遮瑕作用,SPF20防曬度, 營造明亮的露水光澤,黑加侖子、牡丹花 根精華和維他命C可增加皮膚亮度,透明 質酸鈉能促使皮膚緊緻光滑。可單獨使用 或加在保濕劑上。

this benefit-packed tinted moisturizer delivers lightweight hydration, a hint of sheer coverage, sPf 20 protection and a luminous dewy glow. it also includes black currant, peony flower root extract and vitamin c to enhance skin brightness, and sodium hyaluronate to promote firmer, smoother-looking skin. use alone or on top of moisturizer. Beautycounter Dew Skin Tinted Moisturizer, 40ml | $56

frOM icelanD With lOve 3位冰島科學家花了10年時間,找出用植物複 製人類EGF( 表皮生長因子)的生物工程方法,這種 科技能將訊號傳送到人體細胞,作出修復皮膚、恢 復活力和增殖的反應,促進產生膠原蛋白和彈性蛋 白,增加皮膚的貯水能力。輕盈易吸收的精華具有 微小配方—僅含11種成分(包括純冰島水),但富含 活力成分,能對付特別的皮膚問題。

it took three icelandic scientists 10 years to discover a way to bioengineer a plant-based human replica of eGf (epidermal growth factor), which signals our cells to repair, rejuvenate and proliferate. it helps boost the production of collagen and elastin, and increase the skin’s capacity to store water. this lightweight and fast-absorbing essence may have a tiny formula—only 11 ingredients, including pure icelandic water—but it is packed with active ingredients to combat specific concerns. Bioeffect EGF Essence, 100ml | $135

白銀魔法 silver MaGic 含瑞士生物活性物質的微銀精華素,合8種功效 於一身,它是一種抗菌清潔劑,可活化皮膚、促進 肌膚健康、滋潤皮膚,減少斑點、紓緩乾燥,防止 皮膚受化學元素侵害,並緩解由乾燥引致的痕癢。

this micro silver serum contains swiss bio-actives with a variety of benefits to the skin. it is an antimicrobial cleanser that invigorates to promote a healthier look, hydrates, reduces the appearance of blotches, protects against abuse from the elements and relieves itching due to dryness. Bella Aura Rapid Repair Clarifying Elixir, 30ml | $99






Natalie Portman自2010年以來便是Miss Dior的代言人,穿上Maria Grazia Chiuri設計的 薄紗裙,正是輕鬆、優雅、快樂的Miss Dior。 Natalie Portman is once again the face for Miss Dior, an honour she has held since 2010. For Rose N’Roses, she wears a soft tulle dress created by Maria Grazia Chiuri. 38

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Miss Dior Rose N’Roses, 50ml | $100, 100ml | $142


Not all roses are created equal

dior’s Rose N’Roses is made with one of the sweet hallmark blooms of the French riviera Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Mikael Jansson for Parfums Christian Dior Dior對玫瑰情有獨鍾,繼去年在上海及東京舉辦Miss Dior— Love N’ Roses展覽之後,經過全新詮譯的Miss Dior香水本月華麗 登場,並取名為「Rose N’Roses」。 美國小說家格特魯德•斯泰因的名句︰「玫瑰是一朵玫瑰, 是一朵玫瑰是一朵玫瑰」閃現腦海,很明顯,香水的香氣源於玫 瑰,但何解要加上「and roses」? 原來Rose N’Roses採用的玫瑰不盡相同,香水中最主要的 香氣來自薔薇玫瑰(rosa centifolia),又名普羅旺斯玫瑰、捲心菜 玫瑰或五月玫瑰,因為花開於五月。清徹、甜美和花蜜般的香氣 令其成為香水製造者的寵兒,也是法國里維埃拉一個以花田聞名 的小鎮格拉斯的標誌性花朵之一。 為了加強感覺,Dior的調香創作師François Demachy將五月 玫瑰和保加利亞及土耳其玫瑰的精華和香味融合為一,成為「玫 瑰」與「玫瑰」的完美組合。 Demachy解釋道:「創作Miss Dior Rose N’Roses,我不想 製造一朵玫瑰,而是要大量玫瑰的化身。希望以一種強烈的『自 然』感覺來更新她,就像我孩提時代第一次在五月見到盛放花海 時的感覺。於我而言,玫瑰正是這樣一個奇觀,我要盡可能地靠 近她。」 香薰亦充滿佛手柑和橘子的豐盈果香,帶有薄荷的清爽和天 竺葵的明亮,而麝香則加強花香及持久活力。 Demachy續道:「玫瑰經典恆久,可隨意配搭,極具可塑 性,在這朵全能的玫瑰上印上自己的名字,實在叫人興奮。」

The house of Dior is obsessed with roses. Last summer, it brought a Miss Dior—Love N’Roses exhibition to Shanghai and Tokyo, and this month, it is launching a new interpretation of Miss Dior called Rose N’Roses. Gertrude Stein’s “Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose” comes to mind. It is quite apparent that the new scent is based on the rose, but why the superfluous “and roses” in the name? It turns out that not all roses are the same. The starring flower in the scent is rosa centifolia, also called the Provence rose, the cabbage rose or rose de mai, for it blooms in the month of May. The clear, sweet and honeyed scent makes it a darling for perfume makers, and it is one of the hallmark blooms in Grasse, a French Riviera town known for its flower fields. To heighten sensations and add olfactory facets, Dior perfumer-creator François Demachy blends the essence and absolute of the May rose with Turkish and Bulgarian roses, thus “rose” and “roses”. “With Miss Dior Rose N’Roses, I did not want to create a rose, but rather the incarnation of a floral profusion,” says Demarchy. “I wanted to renew with that powerful feeling of nature, like when I was a child and first saw the fields of flowers blooming in May. The rose, for me, is precisely that wonderment. I wanted to be as close to the flower as possible.” The scent is livened up with the juicy and fruity notes of bergamot and mandarin, and spiced by the minty and incisive note of geranium. A musky base ensures that the radiant floral burst stands strong and maintains its vibrancy. “The rose is a classic that goes with everything and thus offers endless possibilities to shape it,” says Demarchy. “Imprinting one’s signature on this universal flower is an exciting exercise in style.” ELITEGEN




CNY gift guide

Neostrata comprehensive brightening system set, $62 (Shoppers Drug Mart)

Godiva Year of the Rat gift box, $38.88 (godiva.com)


Chinese new Year Gift Guide 鼠是中國傳統十二生肖之首,2020年更是「金生水」,寓意吉祥 的庚子歲次,祝願大家同迎一個幸福、健康、美滿的金鼠年。

Celebrating the year of the rat Lalique Mouse sculpture, price upon request (lalique.com)

Story | Iris Chui

Sulwhasoo First Care activating serum, 120ml | $185 (Holt Renfrew & Nordstrom)


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Davidoff Year of the Rat limited edition, box of 10, price upon request (Cigar Company)

Roger Vivier Flowers Strass satin pumps, $1,965 (Holt Renfrew)

Lego’s Chinese New Year Temple Fair, US$79.99 (lego.com)

Guerlain Météorites pearls limited edition, $77 (Hudson’s Bay & Nordstrom)

Coach 1941 Lunar New Year hoodie, $340 (Coach)

Chanel rhinestone earrings, price upon request (chanel.com)

Estee Lauder Year of the Rat powder compact, $220 (exclusively at esteelauder.ca)

Lancôme Advanced Génifique Youth Activating Concentrate, Lunar New Year Edition, 100ml | $205 (Hudson's Bay, Shoppers Drug Mart)

Clarins CNY Double Serum limited edition, 50ml | $129 (clarins.com)

Chanel Fuchsia sailor bag in suede, price upon request (Chanel)

Givenchy wool cape mini dress, $3,585 (Holt Renfrew) ELITEGEN




Valentine’s day gift guide

Bang & Olufsen wireless headphones, $600 (Holt Renfrew)

Van Cleef and Arpels Perlée signature ring, $3,150 (Birks)

R E H R FO Chopard Happy Hearts shoulder bag, $2,840 (chopard.com)

Estée Lauder Micro Essence Activating treatment lotion fresh with sakura ferment, 150ml | $124 (esteelauder.ca)





Rouge G lipstick case limited edition, $24 (bullet sold separately for $38) (Guerlain) Chanel flats in suede and grosgrain, price upon request (chanel.com)

Van Cleef and Arpels pendant, $13,800 (Birks)

Chanel, price upon request (chanel.com)

Bessy one shoulder bow dress, $189.99 (evernew.ca)

Chopard L’Heure du Diamant rose gold watch, $81,000 (chopard.com)

Christian Louboutin nail colour, $40 (Holt Renfrew)

Fendi Pom-pom charm, $790 (fendi.com)

Kilian Rolling in love Eau de Parfum, $312 (Holt Renfrew) ELITEGEN




Valentine’s day gift guide

B.Zero 1 four-band ring, $2,050 (bulgari.com)

Prada heart keyring, $420 (Holt Renfrew)

Comme des Garçons cardigan, $510 (Holt Renfrew)

Tom Ford Ombre Leather Eau de Parfum, $235 (sephora.ca)

Brompton M6L folding bikes, $2,050 (Curbside Cycle)





Fendi baguette black tech fabric bag, $2,790 (fendi.com)

Paloma Graffiti love & kisses cuff links, $385 (Tiffany & Co.)

Segway Ninebot S-Plus smart self-balancing electric transporter, $779 (segway.com)


Chanel Toronto - 98 Yorkville Ave, 416-925-2577 Vancouver - 737 Dunsmuir St, 604-682-0522

Thom Browne small leather tablet holder, $1,340 (Saks Fifth Avenue)


Birks Toronto - 55 Bloor St W, 416-922-2266 Vancouver - 698 W Hastings St, 604-669-3333 Holt Renfrew Toronto - 50 Bloor St W, 416-922-2333 Vancouver - 737 Dunsmuir St, 604-681-3121 Gucci Toronto - 130 Bloor St W, 416-963-5127 Vancouver - 900 W Georgia St, 604-488-0320 Guerlain Toronto - 100 Bloor St W, 416-929-6114 Tiffany & Co. Toronto - 150 Bloor St W, 416-921-3900 Vancouver - 723 Burrard St, 604-630-1300 Hermès Toronto - 100 Bloor St W, 416-968-8626 Vancouver - 755 Burrard St, 604-681-9965 Cigar Company Toronto (Markham) - 8 Main St N, 905-270-2134 Fendi Toronto - 50 Bloor St W, 416-960-4443 Vancouver - 737 Dunsmuir St, 604-681-1289

Hermès Boucleries Modernes long board, $5,050 (hermes.ca)

Coach Toronto - 131 Bloor St W #102, 416-944-8773 Vancouver - 650 W. 41st Ave. #125, 604-266-1214 Curbside Cycle 412 Bloor St W, Toronto, 1-866-920-4933 Nordstrom Toronto - 260 Yonge St, 416-552-2900 Vancouver - 799 Robson St, 604-699-2100 Saks Fifth Avenue Toronto - 176 Yonge St, 416-507-3100 Vancouver - saksfifthavenue.com Chopard Toronto - chopard.com Vancouver - 925 W Georgia St, 604-684-6515

Marshall, Stanmore II bluetooth speaker, $480 (Holt Renfrew)





cover girl

隨心而行 周筆暢


power self-love


Bibi Zhou’s 11th album, Lunar, makes it clear she’s nobody’s muse Story | 傅圓媛 Photography | 李哲

出生於長沙、成長於廣東深圳,今年34 歲的周筆暢,2005年參加《超級女聲》獲全國 亞軍而出道。截至去年,她共獲得中國內外 240個獎項,成為首位囊括音樂風雲榜、東方 風雲榜、音樂先鋒榜等6大頒獎禮「最佳女歌 手、最受歡迎女歌手、最佳專輯」獎的中國歌 手。 所唱的英文歌《I miss u missing me》被 英國歌手Leona Lewis翻唱,成為首位英文作 品被歐美歌手翻唱的華語歌手。 周筆暢出生於於湖南長沙的一個音樂世 家,其曾外叔公是第一任中國音樂家協會主 席呂驥,外公外婆和媽媽都從事音樂或音樂 教育工作,爸爸也是音樂愛好者。她的父母 希望她長大後能成為作家或記者,所以給她 取名「筆暢」,寓意「文筆流暢」。 入行十四年,周筆暢不諱言最新的第11 張個人專輯《LUNAR》是她最滿意的。在這張 新專輯中,她以正能量的女性視角,給予了 於他人於自己都頗具鼓勵的概念—愛自己, 才能擁有力量!


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Bibi Zhou is a true winner. The 34-year-old singer from Changsha was discovered in 2005 as a runner-up in the national Super Voice Girls singing contest. Fast forward almost 15 years and she has garnered some major kudos not the least of which are a treasure trove of some 240 awards in and outside of China. Zhou was the first Chinese singer to get Best Female Singer, Most Popular Female Artist and Best Album in six major music awards, including the Top Chinese Music Awards, Chinese Top Ten and the Music Pioneer Chart. Leona Lewis did a cover version of her English song “I Miss U Missing Me”, which happened to be the first time a Chinese singer’s English song was sung by a singer in the West. But her singing talent should come as little surprise. Zhou was born into a musical family: Her great-grand uncle was Lu Ji, the first chairman of the Chinese Musicians’ Association, and her maternal grandparents taught music. Her Chinese name means “smooth literary style,” reflecting her parents’ original hope for her to become a writer or journalist. After 14 years in the music industry, Zhou is most happy with her latest album Lunar, her eleventh, where she promotes the idea of loving yourself to find power with a feminist perspective.





cover girl

“Loving yourself is not about making yourself beautiful on the outside. It’s about loving the real you inside, knowing what you want, and having the freedom to exude your own power.”


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拒絕成為 「繆斯」


據悉,「LUNAR」一詞源自Lunatic,象徵「月亮潮汐引起的瘋 狂」,在這裡亦有所暗喻:「屬陰」的月亮,要將隱藏在背後的魅力照 亮。作品中,周筆暢以音樂表態—拒絕成為繆斯,要造就自我本身, 熱愛真正的自己。

The album Lunar was derived from the word “lunatic”, referring to the erratic tidal changes influenced by the moon. The hidden meaning is that the moon, which is yin as opposed to the sun’s yang, has to make its hidden charm shine. In her work, Zhou has no interest in becoming anyone’s muse; she loves being who she wants to be.

《LUNAR》總共收錄了七首新曲,當中會聽到周筆暢的態度,在 《LUNAR》中她唱道︰「我有我的快樂生活」,並對女性身上的獨立與自 信美給予了肯定。如此,以七個視角構成了一個完整的主題,一步步 地闡述了一個關於女性意識覺醒、自「誕生」到「再生」的完整故事,便 是《LUNAR》結構上的巧思。種種設計可見對女性問題的思考,正是周 筆暢渴望用全新音樂作品傳遞的表述。 近年來,周筆暢從新聞報導與身邊的女藝人身上關注到一些現 象:「她們活得(都)有點辛苦,也會遭受來自外界的壓力與質疑。」在 社交軟件上,她亦看到:「當下人們都非常熱衷於一些修圖軟件,塑造 自己在社交軟件上的形象。」這些生活中的所見所聞所感,都引起她對 於女性問題的思考。 專輯籌備階段,周筆暢找到了曾頻繁探討性別問題的填詞人周耀 輝,二人經過幾番溝通與討論,逐步定下了主題的方向與切入角度, 「女力」的概念也因此應運而生。 對於如何更好地「愛自己」,周筆暢自己心中已有答案:「真正的 愛自己,不是說要給自己做多少美容、或者是在外表上面做一些改 變,更重要的是,要去愛那個真正的、最真實的自己,從而去知道自 己要什麼,擁有最自由的意志,才能夠從自身去擁有一些力量。」在她 眼中,獨立與堅韌猶為重要,「女性其實並不是自己想的那麼脆弱,她 們往往可以很堅韌、堅強。」她坦言自己也會有許多「相對脆弱時刻」, 卻也同時鼓勵自己,「這時候,還是需要站起來,往前走。我覺得現 在的我,可能是相對於以前來說,比較清楚自己想要什麼樣的一種狀 態。」

There are seven new songs on the album, including “I Have My Own Happy Life”, each one affirming the beauty of a woman’s independence and self-confidence, every song narrating step by step a complete story of female consciousness, from birth to rebirth. It’s all about the expression of feminist issues through music. “Life is hard for them,” says Zhou, well aware of the challenges women like her face in the world of showbiz. “We face a lot of pressure and self-doubt. Why do you think social media photoenhancing apps are so popular these days?” In preparation for the album, Zhou found lyricist Chow yiufai, who has written a lot about exploring gender issues. They connected to set the theme, direction and perspective, making Lunar all about the power of women. “Loving yourself, “says Zhou, “is not about making yourself beautiful on the outside and the need to keep changing one’s look. It’s about loving the real you inside, knowing what you want and being free to exude your own power.” For Zhou, independence and resilience are two words that have remarkable resonance. Says Zhou: “Women are not as fragile as they might think they are. They are often very resilient and strong.” She admits that she has had lots of challenging times in her life and in her career, but through hardship comes strength. “At those moments, we need to het back up continue on. Now I am much more certain of who I am and what I want than I was before.”





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現實中仍會有「約束感」的周筆暢,在音樂的世界裡, 卻能更加「自由」地做自己。出道14年,周筆暢依舊有著 屬於自己的「小潔癖」,作為創作者,能在一定程度上拋開 市場考量去做「自己喜歡的音樂」是最令她開心的事,但在 職業層面上,她有著更高的堅持,看重「要做有內容的音 樂與好的音樂」,她視之為一份責任:「對我來說,現在做 專輯,就一定會做有內容的東西,因為我會覺得那些經不 起推敲的詞、曲、編曲,做出來也沒有任何意義;好的作 品,都是能夠經得起推敲跟時間的考驗,聽過就忘了的音 樂,就是沒有什麼意義的事情。」

Zhou still feels “restricted” in reality, but in the music world, she can be more “free” to be herself. In the 14 years since she burst onto the scene, she has been a little oCD about herself. As a creator, she’s happiest when making music she likes, not bound by what the market wants. on a professional level, she’s more adamant about, “making good music with substance”. As a matter of fact, Zhou looks at it as her responsibility.

周筆暢希望能夠通過作品給聽眾傳遞更多的信息與理 念,「就是希望大家可以從專輯的內容與表達中,真正地 產生一些思考,慢慢地可以發掘到自己身上的美,或者是 男性朋友也可以去發現身邊女性朋友身上的一些美。」

“To me, making an album must be about doing something substantial. It’s meaningless to have lyrics, music and compositions that don’t stand up to the test of time. Good work should endure. Making forgettable music is pointless. “The hope is to make people think about the content and ideas of the album, and slowly discover their own beauty. Men, too, can discover the beauty of women around them.”





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《LUNAR》當中五首曲目由周筆暢本人參與作 曲,她還擔任了專輯監製,親自編寫和聲、配唱製 作等工作。周筆暢笑稱︰「這是我做得最累的一張 專輯。但自己實則十分享受著這種『累』。那種累是 當你真的用了很多很多的腦細胞去做這件事情的時 候,過後真的會有筋疲力盡的感覺,但那個過程是 很開心的,現在聽這張專輯,也有很大的成就感。」 出道多年,很多人都說周筆暢是一個過於低 調的勞動模範,對於自己身上的明星光環,她這樣 說︰「對我來說,就是工作的一部分。我覺得最重要 的是,既然我的工作是做這個,就還是要做一些有 意義的事情。」能夠在多年光環圍繞時,保持做到不 浮躁,只因她堅守自己的原則和底線。「作為藝人, 無疑會有一定包袱與自覺。也不要只說藝人或明 星,就是自己本身,在生活當中,我覺得還是需要 有一些自覺性。」 她的壓力主要來自「接下來要做甚麼」的懸念。 「因為我不是那種企業家,能夠看得很遠,或是定出 很詳細的步驟。從小我就不是一個很喜歡給自己製 定計劃的人。就像現在這個行業,跟現在很多的事 情,都發展得那麽快,觀眾的喜好變化那麽快,有 可能今天熱烘烘的新聞,大家很快便轉去關注下一 個了,所以需要去尋找和思考。」


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Zhou composed five of the album’s songs. She was also the producer and personally composed the harmony and background tracks. “This was the most tiring album yet,” she says, “but I really enjoyed all the hard work, giving your all to make it work. The process was gratifying. Listening to Lunar now is very rewarding.” Nearing two decades in the business, many think that Zhou is far too low-profile. But it’s not all about star status for her: “To me, it’s all part of the work. Since this is what I do, I might as well do it meaningfully.” And despite the spotlight, Zhou stays grounded, staying true to her own principles and sticking to her bottom line. “Being an artist comes with baggage and self-awareness. Even as a person, whether an artist or not, we should live with a level of self-awareness in life.” And the pressure never lets up as she contemplates the unknown and what she will do next. “I’m not an entrepreneur who can see very far ahead or organize a process. Since I was young I have never been one for planning. In this business many things evolve very rapidly, including the audience’s taste, which is everchanging. This makes exploring and thinking so much more necessary.”

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為時尚名人Maria Felix特別訂製的 Serpent項鏈。 (1968年)

Jeanne Toussaint於1933年至 1970年間擔任卡地亞藝術總監。 Jeanne Toussaint was Cartier’s artistic director from 1933 to 1970.

The Serpent necklace tailor-made for style icon Maria Felix (1968).

以鉑金及黃金鑲嵌鑽石 及紅寶石的Boule指環。 (1964年) The Boule ring in platinum and yellow gold, with diamonds and rubies (1964).


A Gem of A heritAGe iconic jeweller celebrates more than 170 years with the film L'odyssée de Cartier Story | Maisie Lau

卡地亞始創自1847  年,至今擁有逾一個半世紀的悠久 歷史。為令大家進一步認識其今昔創作,品牌特以破格手法 攝製了《L’Odyssée de Cartier》(《卡地亞風格傳奇旅程》)影 片系列,透過四個篇章,以具有象徵意義的人物、動物,以 及對設計帶來重要影響的地方色彩作題材,通過別具一格的 拍攝方式、剪輯及後期製作,利用獨特的影像,當中包括具 有代表性的皇室貴客,充滿英式、俄式與中東風格等元素, 探索經典珍藏,以至現代作品的背後故事。 54

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The Cartier brand is synonymous with luxury. Since 1847 it has been the jeweller to royals and the rich and famous. And now with its new film, L’Odyssée de Cartier, the company can finally tell the story of its legendary journey. Not only do familiar royals and aristocrats talk about their love of jewellery, but the film also serves as a document of the brand’s eclectic collections and it’s diverse influences.

第一章‧美洲豹女士 美 洲 豹 一 直 是 品 牌 的 標 誌 性 象 徵 , 而 J e a n n e  Toussaint(1887-1976)乃卡地亞創意工作坊的創始總監, 更是一手創作美洲豹造型珠寶,使之成為跨世代經典的 靈魂人物。Jeanne具有時尚品味與突出的個人風格,勇 於創新又熱愛嘗試前衛事物,性格果敢跳脫,因而擁有La Panthère的暱稱。她很欣賞卡地亞的珠寶,也是品牌的顧 客,早於第一次世界大戰之前,已認識品牌家族第三代成 員Louis  Cartier,亦即是當時的品牌設計主帥,二人惺惺 相惜,Jeanne在1920年代加入卡地亞工作,展開為品牌譜 寫華麗傳奇的歷程。

多元素、多色彩的寶石拼湊設計,就像此 黃金鑲嵌紫水晶及綠松石項鏈,是Jeanne Toussaint的創作特色。 (1953年) The amethyst and turquoise gold necklace symbolizes Jeanne Toussaint’s style of juxtaposing different elements and colourful gems (1953).

第一章的影片,道出於1933年至1970年間擔任卡地 亞藝術總監的Jeanne  Toussaint,如何以她的Toussaint風 格影響當時的富裕階層女性。中國、波斯及印度的文化藝 術元素,多色彩的寶石配搭、靈動的鱷魚、蛇等動物,均 啓發她的設計靈感。首款以美洲豹為造型的寶石胸針,就 在1948年正式誕生,翌年再創作了為人熟悉的藍寶石美洲 豹胸針,即英國溫莎公爵夫人擁有的那枚標誌性胸針。源 自Jeanne  Toussaint、凸顯自由與動感的珠寶設計風格, 對品牌往後的作品,帶來深遠影響。

Jeanne ToussainT, La PanThère The panther is a time-honoured classic icon synonymous with Cartier. its creator, Jeanne Toussaint (1887-1976), was then the artistic director who guided the Cartier atelier. she was clearly bold, determined and imaginative—her personal style apparent by her unique sense of style. hailed as La Panthère, she met Louis Cartier, the thirdgeneration design chief of the family, before WWi. Their mutual admiration saw her join Cartier in the 1920s to mastermind another glorious chapter of Cartier history. Toussaint’s reign as Cartier’s artistic director (19331970) helped redefine style for the noble classes. Taking inspiration from Chinese, Persian and indian cultures, she juxtaposed colourful gems to vividly depict crocodiles, serpents and other animal motifs. The first La Panthère brooch was unveiled in 1948 and the iconic sapphire Panthère brooch, owned by the Duchess of Windsor, was presented the year after. From there, Toussaint’s dynamic designs set the tone for the brand’s future.

以珊瑚、祖母綠、鑽石、黃金與鉑金製作 的Chimera-head手鐲。 (1961年) The Chimera-head bangle with coral, emeralds, diamonds, gold and platinum (1961).





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可分別用作冠冕或項鏈的現代設計作品, 以鉑金及白金鑲嵌六十八顆共重310.84卡 的巴西祖母綠,另配以蛋面切割珊瑚、縞 瑪瑙及明亮式切割鑽石。 This platinum and white gold tiara, with 68 emeralds of 310.84cts and coral cabochons, onyx and brilliant diamonds, can also be worn around the neck.


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位於倫敦New Bond Street 175至177號的卡地 亞英國旗艦店,於2018年以全新面貌出現。 The London flagship store on New Bond Street reopened with a new look in 2018.

1920年的倫敦New Bond Street 卡地亞英國旗艦店。 Cartier London in 1920.

以黃金及鉑金鑲嵌鑽石,祖母綠,煙燻色石英、 黑色琺瑯及藍色彩陶的Scarab胸針。 (1924年) The gold and platinum scarab brooch is set with diamonds, emeralds and smoky quartz, and decorated with black enamel and blue faience (1924).

第二章 ‧ 英倫風尚  卡地亞與英國皇室淵源甚深,常聽到的「帝皇的 珠寶商,珠寶商的帝皇」(The  Jeweler of Kings and  King  of  Jewelers),正是英皇愛德華七世對品牌的讚 譽。第二章的影片,就是回到二十世紀初,探索這個 法國品牌在英國的發展歷程。

配合旗艦店以全新面貌登場的珠寶系列 作品,凸顯新時代的創意。 The new jewellery collection (pictured above and below) commemorates the store’s new image with the new modern.

自1902年開始,卡地亞的作品已融入英式格調 的設計元素,並於倫敦設有專門店。兩年後,榮獲英 國皇室授予御用珠寶商的保證書。1909年,專門店搬 到匯聚高級奢侈品與時尚品牌的新龐德街(New Bond  Street),當時只有二十二歲的家族成員Jacques  Cartier,他是Alfred  Cartier的兒子,基於父親曾旅居 英國,Jacques亦步其後塵移居倫敦,專責管理當地 業務。年前這家歷史悠久的英倫旗艦店經全新裝修後 再度開業,帶來更豐富的創意珍品。逾百年來,夾雜 幽默與玩味色彩,同時又高貴優雅的英倫風格,均可 在卡地亞作品中找到。

CarTier & The BriTish TouCh Cartier has been closely linked to the British royals and was decreed “Jeweller of Kings and King of Jewellers” by edward Vii. Cartier soon began injecting British style into its designs and opened its first store outside of France on London’s new Burlington street in 1902; two years later it was endorsed as a royal jeweller. in 1909, the store was moved to new Bond street, home to many luxury brands. Jacques Cartier, the 22-year-old scion, followed in his father’s footsteps and moved to London to take charge of the business. in 2018 , the London flagship store was reopened after a complete makeover.

模特兒手上的腕錶,設計源自1967年首度 登場的Crash Watch,不對稱的流線外形, 於當時被視為重大的創意突破。 Inspired by the Crash Watch of 1967, the surreal silhouette was considered a major breakthrough at the time.





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1907年,Pierre Cartier獲俄 國皇室授權成為指定珠寶商。 Pierre Cartier was designated Royal Jeweller by the Russian court in 1907.

以鉑金鑲嵌十五顆共重19卡的梨形切割鑽 石,配以古式圓鑽及天然珍珠的Kokoshnik 冠冕。 (1908年) The platinum Kokoshnik tiara features 15 pear-shaped diamonds of 19cts in total, complemented by antique round diamonds and natural pearls (1908).

Lily-of-the-valley (谷中百合) 擺設,花朵用上搪瓷 玻璃製作,配以珍珠、鍍上綠色搪瓷的金屬莖部 及葉片,並加月光石、瑪瑙、粉紅色石英等寶石 素材,造型栩栩如生。 (1908年) The petals of the Lily-of-the-valley ornament are made of enamelled glass and adorned with pearls. The metal stalks and leaves are vividly depicted with green enamels, moonstones, agates, rose quartz and other gems (1908).


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以粉紅色石英雕刻,眼睛鑲以藍寶 石的小豬飾件。 (1911年) A piglet ornament carved from rose quartz is brought to life with blue sapphire eyes (1911).

第三章 ‧ 俄羅斯浪潮

Queen Marie of Romania跟 多位俄國皇室成員一樣,是 卡地亞歷史中的超級貴客。 Like many Russian royals, Queen Marie of Romania was a Cartier VIP.

1860年,首位來自俄國的客人到訪法 國巴黎的卡地亞,他就是Prince Saltykov。 王子的大駕光臨,令品牌與俄羅斯皇室結 下不解之緣,而狄米崔大公爵的女兒Maria  Paviovna—當時的時尚指標人物,同樣是 卡地亞的貴客。品牌自1904年開始探索俄 國風貌的旅程,當地甚為流行的琺瑯工藝、 民俗色彩頭飾,以及創新又豐富的色彩設計 組合,深深影響了珠寶首飾的創作。直至今天, 不少高級珠寶系列的設計,都有取材自品牌典藏 中的俄風作品。例如於2015年推出的Romanov手 鐲(見右上圖),粗線條設計的鑽石手鐲上,鑲有一 顆重達197.8卡的Cushion  Shaped Rose Cut錫 蘭藍寶石作為極度搶眼球的主石,這顆巨型 藍寶石本來是俄國沙皇亞歷山大三世的皇后 Czarina Maria Feodorovna所擁有,品牌將之 用於高級珠寶系列的全新設計中,成為新時代 的標誌性名作。 而Pierre  Cartier所創作的Whirlwind設計風 格,正是從俄國貴族衣著中的喱士得到啓發,他 早於1800年代首度選用鉑金作為貴金屬素材,打 造成喱士般的瑰麗花樣外觀,以之製作的鑽石或 寶石冠冕,輕盈、精緻、華貴,深受皇室成員鍾 愛。Pierre  Cartier又特意安排工匠學習俄國珠寶 製作的傳統工藝,尤其是寶石雕刻的技術,其後 推出的多款動物造型飾品,就是衍生自這源遠流 長的匠心藝術,大受皇室貴族的歡迎。1907年, Pierre Cartier獲俄羅斯帝國授權成為指定的珠寶供 應商。

The russian inFLuenCe in 1860, Cartier received its first customer from russia. it was Prince saltykov, and the association marked the beginning of the French jewellery house’s liaison with the russian royal family. The Grand Duke Dimitri’s daughter, Maria Paviovna, was the style icon of the era, and a ViP for Cartier. The brand began to explore russian style, especially the russian art of enameling, headdresses and other colourful and exceptionally creative jewellery sets, which soon set the tone for jewellery design of the time. To this day, many high-jewellery designs take inspiration from the russian-influenced works of the Cartier collections. The diamond romanov bracelet of 2015 (pictured top right) has a bold silhouette sporting a whopping 197.8ct cushionshaped, rose-cut Ceylon sapphire. The gem belonged to Czarina Maria Feodorovna, Queen of Czar alexander iii.

原為俄國女伯爵Countess von Hohenfelsen所擁 有的胸針。 (1913年) A brooch in the original collection of Countess von Hohenfelsen of Russia (1913).

Pierre Cartier’s design style was inspired by the many laces used for russian aristocratic fashion. in the 1800s, he fashioned platinum into rose lattices, or used the precious metal in diamond or gem-set tiaras, which were loved for being light, intricate and sophisticated. he also sent artisans to learn the traditional jewellerymaking art of russia, especially gem engraving. This gave rise to various animal pieces that set the brand apart. in 1907, Pierre Cartier was decreed by the russian court as a royal jeweller.


以鉑金鑲嵌不同切割的 鑽石、藍寶石、天然珍 珠、綠松石及翡翠的吊 墜胸針。 (1913年) A platinum brooch pendant with diamonds, sapphires, natural pearls, turquoise and emerald (1913). •




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Jacques Cartier於1911年,首次前往波斯灣搜 購珠寶素材,並探索當地藝術文化。 Jacques Cartier made his maiden visit to the Persian Gulf in 1911 to acquire jewellery supplies and explore local art and culture.

現代設計的吊墜耳環,以白金鑲嵌兩顆 共重32.87卡的Briolette Cut海藍寶,以及 罕有的啡色彩鑽,帶有古波斯風采。 Persian style shows through in the modern pendant white gold earrings set with two Briolette-cut aquamarines and rare brown diamonds.


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糅合抽象、幾何及地方色彩的波斯圖案設計,為珠寶創作帶來更廣闊的想像空間。 Abstract and geometric Persian shapes opened up design horizons for Cartier.

第四章 ‧東方之路

全黃金製作的Muslim(穆 斯 林 )宗 教 禱 告 項 鏈 。 (1970年) A gold necklace inspired by Muslim prayer beads (1970).

Louis  Cartier於二十世紀初,已 經對充滿神秘與獨特魅力的中東領域感 興趣,其中的伊斯蘭藝術,更誘發他探索 異國文化的好奇與熱忱。本身熱愛藝術, 又是不折不扣的收藏家,他經常會到博物 館欣賞藝術品,也從中尋找靈感。一次在 巴黎的Musée des arts Décoratifs參觀, 就被源於中東的Islamic Arts藝術展品所吸 引,那些精細之中帶幾分奧妙的圖案設計, 令Louis Cartier大開眼界。他遂跟弟弟Jacques  Cartier計劃把東方藝術特色融入品牌作品, Jacques於1911年首次前往波斯灣搜購珠寶素 材,積極與當地人士交流,努力地搜集資料, 他以文字、繪圖,甚至利用相片等不同方式, 將所見到的地方藝術盡量記錄下來,以方便回 國後與Louis及設計師團隊分享。在該次旅程 中,Jacques還發掘了優質天然珍珠,造就了品 牌隨之推出更多以珍珠為設計主角的珠寶作品。

充分展現東方美藝風格的多用途珠寶 盒。 (1924年) A multi-functional jewellery box with Middle Eastern influences (1924).

Fatma's Hand胸針以鉑金及黃金鑲嵌鑽 石、紅寶石及祖母綠,其星月圖案,加 上手掌造型,充滿神秘色彩。 (1940年) Fatma's Hand brooch in platinum and gold, with diamonds, rubies and emeralds, looks exotic with the stars and moons design (1940).

從中東地域見識到的建築、室外室內的裝 潢設計,當中採用的圖案、色彩配搭,以至波 斯的針織品設計,一一成為啓發創作靈感的新 穎元素。Louis Cartier跟他的設計團隊亦以開放 大膽的態度,結合東方美藝與現代感的創意, 成功為品牌帶來更豐富又具特色的經典作。

roaD To The MiDDLe easT Louis Cartier was curious about the mysterious and unique charm of the Middle east, and was inspired to explore exotic cultures. an avid art collector, he also frequented museums for inspiration. upon visiting the Musée des arts Décoratifs, he was fascinated by the intriguing designs of the intricate islamic art exhibits. Younger brother Jacques, whom he had encouraged to incorporate oriental art into the brand’s designs, made his maiden visit to the Persian Gulf in 1911 to acquire jewellery supplies. he talked to the locals, did research and recorded everything he saw in words, drawings and photos so he could share his ideas with Louis and the design team. on the journey, Jacques discovered lots of highquality natural pearls, which made their way into future collections. The prints and colours in the architecture and interior design of buildings in the Middle east, as well as Persian knits, all became novel elements of influence and creativity. Louis Cartier and his design team took bold steps and blended an oriental aesthetic with modernism to inject new inspiration into the brand’s design Dna.

以鉑金及黃金鑲嵌鑽石、藍寶石,以 及一顆重達28.07卡的菱形立體切割 藍寶石主石的吊墜胸針。 (1912年) A platinum and gold pendant brooch set with diamonds, sapphires and a 28.07ct diamond-shaped sapphire (1912).







Seeing red The Patek Phillipe Singapore collection uses a celebratory colour as a tribute to its Chinese customers Story | 金成 & Connie Chan Photography | 金成 & Patek Philippe

Patek Philippe舉行大型展覽之際, 均會製作一系列特別版助慶,早前首次選 址在亞洲區新加坡舉行的展覽,也推出多 款特別版,男女款式俱備,有複雜功能也 有簡單基本設計,更不忘向錶迷展示傳統 人手裝飾工藝(Rare Handcrafts),造了大 量只此一枚的工藝懷錶、座檯鐘及腕錶, 設計不獨以新加坡出發,還包含整個東南 亞風情和文化,每一枚特別版都是色彩鮮 艷,以熱情如火的鮮紅色為主調。

At a recent Patek Philippe exhibition in Singapore, a collection of men’s and women’s special editions were revealed. Watch buffs delighted at the artisan pocket watches, table clocks and wrist watches celebrating the brand’s Rare Handicrafts. The designs paid tribute to Singapore by incorporating the symbolic Southeast Asian colour of fiery red. 62

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Ref. 5067A Aquanaut Luce 35.6mm的鋼殼Aquanaut Luce,比男 裝紅得更徹底,整個格紋錶盤以紅莓 色上陣,配同色錶帶,限量300枚。 There are only 300 of this 35.6mm stainless steel edition.

Ref. 5930G World Time Chronograph 同樣配紅面的Ref. 5930G World Time Chronograph,機刻飾紋錶盤本來是深藍 色,現換上漸變鮮紅,配襯39.5mm白金殼 的黑皮帶亦用紅線縫製,限量300枚。 The original blue guilloche dial of this watch fades to red and is framed by a 39.5mm white gold case. This edition is limited to 300 pieces.

Ref. 5167A Aquanaut (pictured left) 在一眾新加坡特別版裡,紅面Ref. 5167A Aquanaut是最搶眼的一枚︰用鮮紅落墨,黑面 紅指針紅刻度,再配紅色橡膠帶,印象中除個 別工藝錶和女裝錶,這是Patek Philippe最紅的 一次。直徑40.8mm鋼殼配324自動機芯,限量 500枚。 The limited edition of 500 in stainless steel measures 40.8mm in diameter and features a 324 automatic mechanism.

Ref. 7234A Calatrava Pilot Travel Time 東南亞文化當然並非一個紅色便能概括,Ref. 7234A女裝 Calatrava軍錶就欽點了灰藍色上陣,這抹藍代表陽光與海灘的熱 帶風情。最特別是那條同色的尼龍纖維錶帶,是Patek Philippe首 次採用這種物料錶帶,感覺特別新鮮,鋼殼直徑37.5mm,限量 400枚。 This military watch comes in blue grey, it’s nylon fabric strap a first for Patek Philippe. The stainless steel case measures 37.5mm and is limited to 400 pieces.



Marine accuracy

arnold & Son has always treated dual time with a particular degree of sophistication. and that includes the iconic DTe and DBG Skeleton models Story | Alan A. Vernon

在航海精密時計誕生前的十八世紀,船 長已可得出其船隻在南北軸上的位置,即其緯 度。可是地球是沿着東西軸自轉的,傳統的參 照點(太陽和星辰)並不能測量出經度。製錶業 解決了這個問題:先在船上放置一個極為精準 的鐘,保持顯示出發地時間,然後航行期間船 長會透過正午來得知身處地時間,透過計算出 發地時間與身處地時間的差異,就可得出航行 的進度。這就是航海精密時計的起源。

Before the 18th century advent of marine chronometers, the captain of a ship was able to determine his position on the sea by the northsouth axis or its latitude. However, as the planet turns on an east-west axis, the traditional points of reference like the sun and the stars could not be used to determine longitude. The problem was solved with watchmaking. A highly accurate clock was taken on board and kept at the time of the starting point. As the ship sailed, the captain measured the time specific to its position by looking for noon. The difference between the local and original times allowed him to assess progress across the seas. The marine chronometer was born. In the wake of these inventions, John Arnold (1736-1799) proved himself to be one of the most inventive watchmakers of his generation and of the golden age of timekeeping. Indeed, Arnold worked ceaselessly to perfect, miniaturize and enhance the reliability of his marine chronometers.

DTE (Double Tourbillon Escapement) Arnold & Son的DTE款式將雙時區與雙陀飛輪結合。在 A&S8513機芯上,它們都與同一個動力系統連接,提供90 小時動力貯存的雙發條鼓。雙發條鼓會為兩組以陀飛輪為終 點的獨立傳動系統提供動力。這兩組各自獨立的零件會指示 時分,並確保時間測量有着超卓的水平。 The DTE is housed in an 18-carat red gold or white gold case with a sapphire crystal case back that reveals the entire decorated movement, the mainplate with its radiating Côtes de Genève finish, and the circular satinfinished wheels. 錶殼 物料 18K白金/18K紅金 直徑 43.50毫米 錶鏡 雙面防反光處理凸面藍寶石 錶背 藍寶石水晶 防水性能 30米/100呎 限量 各28枚


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Case Material: 18-carat white gold Diameter: 43.50 mm Crystal: domed sapphire with an anti-reflective coating on both sides Back: sapphire crystal Water resistance: 30 metres/100 feet Limited edition: 28 pieces


在這些發明誕生後,約翰•亞諾(17361799年)證明了他是18世紀以至精密計時的黃 金年代中最具開創性的製錶師之一,他將航海 精密時計縮小並改善其穩定性。正因他將精密 時計的技術普及,其大名與航海歷史已變得密 不可分。人類得以征服海洋也正是多得雙時區 這概念。 為向其創辦人致敬,Arnold & Son製作的 雙時區顯示向來份外複雜且精準。有別於以 一支中置時針顯示第二時區的常見GMT系統, Arnold & Son選擇分別為兩個時區各特設一個 控速裝置,令人聯想到英國軍艦上的雙重時計 和天文測量法。

By helping to popularize chronometer technology, his name became synonymous with maritime navigation and the conquests made possible by the very concept of dual time. Indeed, in a GMT watch, there is a hierarchy between the two time zones. The local time dominates, while the original time serves as more of a reminder. Due to its influence on the history of marine chronometers, Arnold & Son places the two times on an equal footing. The two are inseparable, as their difference is what indicates a ship’s position on the sea. This functional and historical vocation takes on a contemporary form in these two timepieces to reflect a past that is still alive to this day.

DBG Skeleton (Double Balance GMT) DBG Skeleton款式則採用兩個傳統的控速裝置。它們與DTE一樣,以獨 立運作為建構原則,其A&S1309機芯有兩組完整且獨立的動力系統。兩個 時區各有發條鼓、傳動齒輪系、擒縱和擺輪。它們在同一片基板上互為左 右,共用一支中置大秒針和一個日夜顯示。這個位於12時位的顯示裝有兩 支同心指針,為這枚獨一無二的時計分別指示兩個時區。


Housed in a rose gold case measuring 44 mm in diameter, the entirely skeletonized A&S1309 manufacture calibre is meticulously worked, with chamfered and polished rhodium-finished bridges complete with satin-finished surfaces. 錶殼 物料 18K玫瑰金 (4N) 直徑 44.00毫米 錶鏡 雙面防反光處理凸面藍寶石 錶背 藍寶石水晶 防水性能 30米/100呎 限量 30枚

Case Material: 18-carat rose gold (4N) Diameter: 44.00 mm Crystal: domed sapphire with an antireflective coating on both sides Back: sapphire crystal Water resistance: 30 metres/100 feet Limited edition: 30 pieces







Travel bug

One of these seven suitcase brands may be perfect for your next journey Story | Calvin Wong Photography | Bowy


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Rimowa, $1,597.95

選擇合適的行李箱從來不易,款式、尺寸、材質、間隔和價錢都是 考慮因素,還要配合自己的使用習慣,今次搜羅了七個品牌的行李箱,給 你作選購參考。 挑選行李箱大多從材質上入手,因為不同材質直接影響了耐用度 和重量。市面上大多分為鋁質、皮革、尼龍和PC硬膠。以鋁質來說, Rimowa必定入三甲,因簡潔型格的設計而大受歡迎,近年更與不同品牌 合作,令Rimowa掀起一股熱潮。品牌的鋁質靈感來自於JU52飛機,若以 重量計,Rimowa確實十分輕薄,但鋁質的壞處在於容易受撞擊變形。不 過,旅途中行李箱撞損在所難免。 意大利行李品牌Crash Baggage考慮到這點,故意將外殼做成不規 則的凹痕,極具幽默感和完美掩飾之餘,亦能好好的抵抗撞擊,更重要的 是,價錢相宜。

Crash Baggage, $591

It’s never easy to find the right suitcase. There are so many factors to consider: style, size, materials, compartments, pricing, etc. Check out these options from seven brands. Materials will often determine a suitcase’s durability and weight. Most suitcases are made of aluminum, leather, nylon or hard plastic. Rimowa is among the top three brands for aluminum cases, and its minimalistic styles are quite popular. Its use of aluminum was inspired by the JU52 aircraft. It makes Rimowa cases very light, but also easily dented. Having said that, one can’t be precious about hard knocks to suitcases in journeys. Italian brand Crash Baggage makes dents a special feature of its luggage. It’s fun and effective in disguising dents, and most importantly it’s affordable.





ACCESSORIES: MEn Louis Vuitton無疑是行李箱的專家,當年在鐵達尼號沉沒後 的數十年,人們從海底打撈起一個Louis Vuitton皮箱,內外居然 完好無損。今年品牌為黑色Horizon 55行李箱加入漸變的彩虹圖 案,單是設計已很吸引;而Horizon出名輕巧實用,加寬的外置拉 桿除了拖行時更容易控制,箱內亦因此較為平整,方便收納整理。 同樣從實用性出發,Prada的Saffiano皮革行李箱最為低調, 但細節中卻盡顯奢華︰外部附有大容量隔層方便收納小物,拉鍊 式開關比鎖扣式能裝下更多衣物;更附送行李箱保護套和雜物 袋,此雜物袋可套在拉桿上,方便登機前放置護照錢包等雜物。 還有一個隱藏功能,就是內置藍牙技術,可於40米範圍內追蹤行 李箱位置,甚是細心,唯一缺點是略重。

Louis Vuitton is a true suitcase specialist, evident by the undamaged interior of a Louis Vuitton suitcase retrieved from the Titanic wreckage on the seabed decades after its demise. Its black Horizon 55 suitcase has an alluring gradient rainbow strip this year. Horizon is known for being light and practical, and the widened pull handle makes it much easier to transport. The handle is placed outside the suitcase, leaving a flat space inside for additional contents. Prada’s Saffiano leather case is practical, too. Understated with luxury details, there are small compartments on the outside for slipping in bits and pieces. The zipper closing allows for stuffing more into the case, compared to using locks. It comes with a protective cover and an accessory bag that can be slipped onto the pull handle for easy access to passports and wallets. Another secret is Bluetooth for tracking the suitcase’s location within 40 metres, though the handy feature adds to the weight of the case.

Louis Vuitton, $5,600

Prada, $4,500 68

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Ookonn, $640

Paul Smith x Globe-Trotter, $2,700

若要追求獨特外觀,香港品牌Ookonn可能最合心意,品 牌以圓形行李箱打響名號。創辦人兼設計師Anson Shum當年任 職公關時,經常到歐洲參加時裝周,發現時裝人會花盡心思打 扮,卻對行李箱沒甚要求,故特創立了Ookonn決意作出改變。 圓形行李箱已經夠搶眼,品牌還可定製字母和條紋裝飾,設計 專屬的行李箱;由於製作圓形框架的工序較為複雜,因此在做 工細節和操作設計上仍有改善空間。 Paul Smith與英國老牌Globe-Trotter合作的限量行李箱同 樣出色,以Globe-Trotter經典的白蠟木箱形為基礎,於四角加 入Paul Smith的玩味色彩,充滿上世紀的復古味道。 還有不得不提的Chanel,品牌向來極少推出行李箱,今次 罕有地採用了中性的牛仔布料,表面用粗線縫製出菱格紋和品 牌標誌,皮革手柄上更飾有取自品牌手袋的皮革編織鐵鏈,外 觀上近乎滿分,行李箱不單中看,也很中用,看似加入了不少 細節,卻出奇地輕盈。

For a unique look, try Hong Kong brand Ookonn, known for its round suitcases. Its founder and designer, Anson Shum, used to attend fashion weeks in Europe as a public relations man. He noticed that fashionistas cared about dressing up, but not having sassy suitcases, so he set up Ookonn to change this. The uniquely round suitcases can be personalized with choices of letters and colour strips. Paul Smith collaborated with long-standing British brand Globe-Trotter to produce an exciting limited-edition retro suitcase. It has the DNA of Globe-Trotter’s classic white wax wooden cases and is accented with Paul Smith touches at the four corners. Chanel, which hasn’t been big on suitcases, has unveiled a denim case featuring its signature quilt and logo, and braided leather and chain for the handle. It looks fabulous with lots of detail, works well and is surprisingly light.

Chanel, $6,000






Travel 旅行配件 aCCeSSOrIeS From passport holders to luggage tags, we’ve got you covered Passport holder , Prada, $760

Luggage belts, Rimowa, $350 each


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Passport holder, Miu Miu, $650

Passport holder, $800, Pouch $1,150, Both Thom Browne

Passport holder, Bottega Veneta, $500

Luggage tags, $245 each, Passport holders, $325 each, Both Tiffany & Co.

Passport holders (blue and green), $360, (in taupe), $350, All Valextra

Luggage tags, $100 each, Letter charms, $150 each, Both Rimowa





runway: men

Jacket, $1,875

Valentino edition base printed pyjama, $1,600

A Clockwork Orange Alex Print Coat, $2,250 Boots, $1,100


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2020: A Style OdySSey the late and legendary filmmaker Stanley Kubrick a big inspiration for Undercover designer Story | 冰汪 這 兩 年 , U n d e r c o v e r 主 腦 高 橋 盾(J u n Takahashi)將Stanley Kubrick搬上天橋,SS18 女裝發表了《閃靈》系列,去年秋冬男裝搭上神作 《2001:太空漫遊》,來到2019秋冬,終於輪到《發 條橙》。 《發條橙》主角Alex與同黨無差別姦淫擄掠,以 暴為樂,他們一身白衫白褲白吊帶加黑帽黑士的造 型,數十年來無數人full gear或局部裝束致敬。高橋 盾不只回到電影公映的1971年,還參考十七世紀的 男裝,混合十六世紀意大利畫家Caravaggio的暴力 美學,最後元素是被喻為 「時空行者 (time traveller) 」 的十九世紀美國作家Edgar Allan Poe,高橋盾更破 天荒與Valentino雙翼齊飛,各自利用這主題設計衣 服。一個系列,奢侈地融合多個可塑性甚高的題材。

Undercover founder Jun Takahashi once again brings filmmaker Stanley Kubrick to the runway. His 2018 Spring/Summer women’s collection recalled The Shining, while last year’s Fall/Winter men’s collection drew inspiration from 2001: A Space Odyssey. And the current Fall/Winter collection? The focus is on A Clockwork Orange. Alex, the lead in A Clockwork Orange, played by British actor Malcolm McDowell, indulges in violent rages, rampant rape, kidnapping and robbery with his criminal crew. Outfitted in white shirts, white pants, white suspenders and a black hat, the look became a cinematic symbol of gangster culture of the time.

Hoodie, $525





runway: men

Coat, $3,750

Coat, $3,375 Gloves, $1,690


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圖案方面,他追加了去年《2001》 系列的full print魔法,一系列衣袖化 作銀幕,衣服充滿IMAX電影感,包 括最經典的實驗場面—Alex被金屬架 撐起眼皮被逼看戲一幕。他至愛的貝 多芬,亦粉墨登場現身,延續電影中 性與暴力vs古典優雅的強烈對比。從 電影移花接木的圖案,他借用十七世 紀的男裝silhouette強補,鬆身的束腰 上衣,下身褲腳刻意向外翻,束於小 腿,營造出當時稱為breeches的過膝 短褲形狀,配上長襪及其他小物,將 相距四百年的男裝,毫無違和感地呈 現天橋。高橋盾物盡其用,在服裝中 放入大量subtle細節,如果是電影粉 絲,這是一個處處驚喜的尋寶遊戲。 時 裝 騷 中 後 部 分 ,《 發 條 橙 》暫 時落幕,與Valentino合作的Edgar Allan Poe主題穿越登場,這位奇情作 家所寫的幾本小說,故事情節竟然在 他死後幾十年仔細重現,神準離奇。 耐人尋味的創作背景,高橋盾設計了 一個飛碟圖案,時而單飛,時而與作 家人像collage,並以VU伴碟,V for Valentino。時裝品牌與時裝品牌之間 的合作,十居其九只是印上兩個logo 的產品,像VU這次的深層次交流創作 與規模之大,極罕。

But Takahashi not only returns to the year 1971. He also references 17th century menswear, mixing in the violent aesthetic of 16th century Italian painter Caravaggio. And what collection would be complete without adding 19th century American author Edgar Allan Poe to the macabre mix. Undercover and Valentino got equal billing on the runway at this show, each using the same theme for their designs.

Lounge pants, $1,475

This creative collaboration between the legendary House of Valentino and Undercover is indeed rare, two brands working together to send a common message: style of the silver screen lives on.

Jacket, $1,470 ELITEGEN






Do The TwisT

This architectural marvel is like having a conversation with nature Story | Stella Photography | Laurian Ghinitoiu/ bjarkeingels group and kistefos


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位於挪威南部耶夫納克爾(Jevnaker)的Kistefos Sculpture Park結合美術館與雕塑公園於一身,由收藏 家Christen Sveaas於1996年創立,目前為北歐最大雕 塑公園,多年來展出Anish Kapoor及Marc Quinn等頂 尖藝術家的作品。這次他們邀請以破格設計見稱的建 築事務所BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group(下稱BIG)合作, 在河上完成中心扭曲的美術館The Twist,展現非凡創 意。透過這道極具設計感的橋,不但連繫河流兩端, 也連繫藝術與大自然。

Kistefos Sculpture Park at Jevnaker in southern Norway is an art gallery and sculpture park in one. Set up by collector Christen Sveaas in 1996, it’s now the largest sculpture park in Scandinavia.

面積達10,800平方呎的The Twist,是BIG的首 個挪威建築項目。圍繞一座古老紙漿廠而建,白色的 美術館於中央90度旋轉,仿如一件雕塑般,延伸於 Randselva大河兩岸,在一片茂密森林裡份外耀眼。 The Twist啟用後,參觀者想要遊歷分布兩岸的大師 級作品,變得更方便。它是園區內第二條完成的橋, 也仿如一個大型雕塑,為園區帶來自然延伸之餘,雙 倍增加Kistefos Sculpture Park的室內展覽空間。The Twist包括兩個截然不同的展廳,一個較隱蔽而呈直線 的藝廊,一個較開揚,備有落地玻璃窗的橫向藝廊, 讓河畔景致盡收眼簾。第三個展覽空間,正是來自兩 者交接的地方,即中央扭曲成結之地,這個形狀扭曲 的藝廊為藝術家帶來很大挑戰。然而新銳藝術家如 Hodgkin與Creed,卻把它變奏出無限潛力。

The Twist, encompassing 10,800 square feet and BIG’s first project in Norway, was built around an ancient pulp plant. The white art gallery is twisted by 90 degrees in the middle. It stretches across the Randselva River like a sculpture and stands out in the verdant setting.

The works of Anish Kapoor and Marc Quinn had been exhibited over the years. Now they’ve invited BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group, known for breaking architectural norms, to build an extraordinarily imaginative twisted art gallery on the river, aptly named The Twist. The novel design connects the river banks and bridges both art and nature.

Since its opening, The Twist has made it much easier for visitors to explore art pieces dotting either side of the river. It is the second bridge in the park and provides twice as much indoor space at the park. The Twist has two distinctive exhibition areas: one a relatively hidden vertical art gallery, the other a more open horizontal gallery with floor-to-ceiling glass windows offering expansive river views. Where the two exhibition spaces meet in the twisted middle is the third space. The unusual shape gives artists room to explore possibilities, and up-and-coming artists Howard Hodgkin and Martin Creed are plumbing its potential.






The Twist位於挪威南部Kistefos Sculpture Park裡,連接河畔兩岸。 The Twist connects two river banks at Kistefos Sculpture Park in southern Norway.


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美術館外圍的雙曲線結構,以直身鋁片疊成,造出扇形動態。 The double-curve structure of the art gallery is formed with vertical aluminum plates shaped like a fan.

不論從哪一端穿過展廊,都好像走過相機快門般。 Walking through the twisted gallery, from whichever end, visitors will feel like passing through a camera shutter.

The Twist的建築結構縱然複雜,外貌卻簡約奪目,足以承載周 遭美麗的大自然。近距離欣賞它,會發現這美術館映照出樹木、山丘 及河流的面貌,不斷閃爍,不斷改變,仿如與自然對話。一個簡約的 扭紋讓橋樑從南方地勢低的叢林河畔,提升至北方地勢較高的山丘地 帶。美術館外圍的雙曲線結構,以40厘米闊的直身鋁片仿似一排書本 般疊成,每片角度稍微改變,造出扇形動態。內部同樣透過直身白色 杉木條鋪滿地板,牆壁和天花,幻化出藝術館常見的單色系背景。不 論從哪一端穿過螺旋展廊,參觀者都能獲得走過相機快門般的體驗。

While the structure of The Twist is complex, its outlook is simple and sharp, in tune with the spectacular nature. Up close, the art gallery reflects the scenic greenery, hills and river. The vista is sparkling and ever-changing, and it’s like having a conversation with nature when looking at it.

在美術館北端,藉著落地玻璃幕牆,透現紙漿廠和河畔的壯麗景 致,幕牆捲曲往上,塑造一道25厘米裂縫,引進和煦日光。隨幕牆捲 曲角度不同,日光為三個展廊營造獨特個性:廣闊且被日光照遍,具 有河畔景色的北部展廊;樓底高且幽暗,以電力照明的南部畫廊;中 央的雕塑展廳,則備有一絲從旋轉形天花散落的亮光。不同光線與鋪 排,大大增加Kistefos策劃展覽的靈活性。個人最喜歡連接北部美術館 下層的玻璃樓梯。直身鋁片經旋轉後變成地庫的天花,這邊的落地玻 璃幕牆讓參觀者更貼近河面,讓人遊歷奧斯陸市郊森林時,得到更難 忘體驗。

The interior is paved with vertical white fir blocks for flooring. The wall and ceiling are in a single tone, as seen in most art galleries. While walking through the twisted gallery, from whichever end, visitors will feel like passing through a camera shutter.

The simple twist seamlessly connects the lower end at the south bank with the higher end of the north bank. The curved structure is constructed by stacking 40cm-wide vertical aluminum plates like books. The angle of each plate is altered ever so slightly to form a fan.

At the northern end of the gallery, one can see the breathtaking views of the pulp plant and the river bank through the glass wall. The wall curls upwards to create a 25cm slit for sunlight to flood in. The different angles of the curved wall let in sunlight in different directions to define the unique character of each exhibition space. The northern gallery is spacious and light, connecting with the river views; the southern gallery boasts high ceilings and is dimly lit; the sculpture gallery in the middle has natural light diffused through the spiral ceiling. The lighting and layout accord greater flexibility for Kistefos’s exhibition planning, not to mention a memorable tour to a Norwegian forest.



The design-driven structure not only connects the river banks, but also bridges art and nature.

The glass wall of the northern art gallery shows the breathtaking views of the pulp plant and the river banks. ELITEGEN




spirits: special feature


Perfect Pairings

the Dalmore scotch Whisky at Vancouver’s M8 Bistro & Bar Story & photography | Kenson Ho


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The Dalmore成立於1839年,是蘇格蘭 高地最古老的單一麥芽威士忌之一。 Established in 1839, The Dalmore is one of the oldest single malt whiskies from the Scottish Highland.

以The Dalmore蘇格蘭威士忌系列搭配美食的盛宴。 The five Dalmore expressions for the M8 pairing event.

The Dalmore加拿大品牌大使Louis-Jérôme Doise與M8的東主 Pei Huang。

The Dalmore與M8的威士忌完美配搭盛宴,吸引了很多城中美食家。 The Dalmore and M8 whisky pairing dining event, attracted many connoisseurs in town.

The Dalmore ambassador in Canada, Louis-Jérôme Doise, with the owner of M8, Pei Huang.


The growing populariTy of single malTs

The Dalmore成立於1839年,是蘇格蘭高地最古老的單一麥 芽威士忌之一,位於蘇格蘭高地Inverness以北65公里。單一麥 芽威士忌是指來自同一家蒸溜廠,以發芽大麥為原料來釀製的威 士忌。而調和式威士忌是混合了不同類型的威士忌,有時更加入 了中性榖物酒精、色素和調味料的產品。單一麥芽威士忌日益普 及,可能是由於它有獨特的個性,極受口味挑剔的鑑賞家歡迎。

established in 1839, The Dalmore is one of the oldest single-malt whisky distilleries from the scottish highlands, some 65 kilometres north of inverness. single malts are whiskies made by a single distillery, distilled from fermented mash made exclusively with malted grain.

欣賞有道 The Dalmore釀酒大師Richard Paterson是酒桶管理藝術的先 驅,一直是The Dalmore的創造能量。過去近五十年來,他不斷發 展著木桶管理及提升釀酒藝術,匯聚了最好的年份和加工技術, 首次獻上The Constellation系列。 Richard Paterson建議:「使用正確的玻璃杯 — Copita鼻杯— 非常重要,而且它必須乾淨。如果你對這威士忌認識不多,可以 加幾滴冷水打開。手持玻璃杯的底部(而不是其他地方),將威士 忌在杯中打旋,並吸入香氣數次,開始認識它。品嘗威士忌時, 必須有足夠時間把它留在嘴裏,在舌尖、舌下,再回到舌中細意 欣賞。這樣一來,方可以感受到更多層次的味道。」

Blended whisky is the product of combining different whiskies and sometimes also neutral grain spirits, colouring and flavouring. The growing popularity of single malts can be attributed to its stronger personality, welcomed by connoisseurs with more sophisticated and discerning tastes. here are a few tips from The Dalmore’s master distiller, richard paterson. a pioneer in the art of cask curation, he has been the creative force behind The Dalmore for close to five decades. he brings together the finest vintages and finishes for the first time with The Constellation Collection. “it is very important to use the right glass, the Copita nosing glass, and it has to be clean,” says paterson. “if you are not sure about the whisky, it is fine to add a few drops of cold water to open it up. hold the glass on the base (and not anywhere else), swirl the whisky around and smell it a few times to get to know it. when you taste the whisky, you must appreciate it by holding it long enough in your mouth—at the top of the palate, underneath the palate and back in the middle again. That way, you extract more flavour from this wonderful whisky.”





spirits: special feature

煙熏三文魚—北方魚子醬、海膽白芝士、百合苞,洋蔥油,與The Dalmore 12搭配。 正如Richard Paterson解說: 「這酒釀製12年,不僅是單一麥芽。它包含50%的美國白 橡樹、50%的雪利酒,以及許多誘人的香氣和味道,橘子果醬香料和一點肉桂。真的 很誘人,很美妙、很與眾不同。」

兔肉釀糯米和香腸餡、野蘑菇、奶油Dalmore醬,與The Dalmore 18搭配。 「釀製18 年。這是盛年的奢侈品,在美國白橡木桶中陳釀了14年,餘下4年則在岡薩雷斯由巴斯 馬圖莎林雪利酒釀造 。那是30年長的特別雪利酒。這將帶給你豐富的果醬風味,並有 可愛溫馨的蜂蜜香料,亦首次帶有的甘草味道。」

Smoked Salmon—Northern divine caviar, sea urchin fromage blanc, lily bulb, onion oil, paired with The Dalmore 12.

Rabbit—Sticky rice and sausage filling, wild mushroom, creamy Dalmore sauce, paired with The Dalmore 18.

As The Dalmore master blender Richard Paterson describes, “Aged 12 years, this is not just any single malt. It contains 50 per cent American white oak, 50 per cent sherry and lots of wonderful enticing aromas and flavours: tangerine marmalade spice and that hint of cinnamon. Really enticing, really beautiful, really different.”

“Aged 18 years, this is aged luxury, matured in an American white oak for 14 years, then we mature the rest for four years in Gonzales Byass Matusalem sherry. That’s a special 30-year-old sherry. It’s going to give you a rich marmalade finish with that lovely warmth of honey spice and a hint for the first time of licorice.”

M8五花肉—水果芥末釉、芋絲,與The Dalmore 15搭配。 「釀製15年,這是我的至愛 之一。成熟過程中,包含了西班牙阿莫羅索、阿普斯托蕾絲和馬圖莎林三種風格的雪 利酒。成就暖洋洋、豐富的橘子感性氣息,末段帶有可愛的肉桂蜂蜜的香料餘味,真 的很棒。」

大豆香草冰淇淋加蘇格蘭焦糖醬。全晚的亮點,The Dalmore Constellation 1980這時登 場,木桶編號2140,釀製31年。The Constellation系列是The Dalmore的獨特系列,極限 量生產。The Constellation系列匯聚了1964年至1992年的各種年份,並以手工吹製的水 晶瓶盛載。這個晚上,客人品嘗了1980年份的酒,酒桶號2140,總產量227瓶,瓶號8。

M8 Pork Belly—Fruit mustard glaze, taro root, paired with The Dalmore 15.

Soy vanilla ice cream with Scotch caramel sauce. This is Highlight of the evening. The Dalmore Constellation 1980, Cask number 2140, aged 31 years.

“Aged 15 year, this is one of my favourites. This is matured in three styles of sherry, amoroso, apostoles and Matusalem. The result is a warm, rich sensual hint of tangerine and the aftertaste of cinnamon honey, that lovely spice towards the end. Truly remarkable.”


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The Constellation Collection is a unique range from The Dalmore, and produced in very limited quantities. It brings together a variety of vintages from 1964 to 1992, housed in hand-blown crystal. That evening, the guests tasted the 1980 Vintage, cask number 2140, bottle number 8 of only 227 bottles ever produced.

舉足輕重 The Dalmore的單一麥芽專家,louis-Jérôme Doise 是品牌在加拿大的大使,他說:「加拿大市場一直增長 中,也是The Dalmore首五個最重要的市場。與其他國家 相比,富裕人士的數目是不成比例的高;以人口基數計, 百萬甚至千萬富翁的數目,亦是超乎尋常,溫哥華是The Dalmore在加拿大最重要的市場。」 蘇格蘭威士忌通常被視為祖父級的烈酒,近年卻備受 追捧,年輕和女性飲用者愈來愈喜歡這優質酒品。louisJérôme大膽地說:「蘇格蘭威士忌是潮飲,白蘭地已過時 了。」作為品牌大使,他不斷創造令人難忘的經歷,為人們 提供有關蘇格蘭威士忌的知識。 「每個人都喜歡曼妙的經歷 和精采的故事,我正是要實現這些美好時刻。」 這獨特美好時刻之一,最近便出現在溫哥華的M8 Bistro & Bar舉辦特別的The Dalmore蘇格蘭威士忌配對 活動。 「很多人均以葡萄酒搭配食物,通常待晚飯後才飲用 威士忌。但其實以蘇格蘭威士忌搭配精美食品,正成為一 種新潮流,很多飲家均對此極感興趣。The Dalmore提供 了廣泛的選擇,令最有經驗的鑑賞家及新入門的飲家都感 到滿意。」 當被問及選擇蘇格蘭威士忌的方式時,louis-Jérôme 解釋說:「判斷威士忌,可根據酒桶的調製和香氣個性, 但最重要的還是看個人口味和喜好。這應該是一種享受, 而不是一個任務。有人喜歡濃烈或淡淡的口味,這個晚上 我們會讓客人體驗我們不同特色的佳釀。」

VanCouVer: The mosT imporTanT markeT for The Dalmore louis-Jérôme Doise, The Dalmore’s single malt specialist, is the brand’s true ambassador in Canada. according to him, “Canada remains a growing market and one of the top five and priority markets for The Dalmore. There are a disproportional number of wealthier individuals as compared to other countries and a disproportional number of millionaires and multimillionaires compared to the population base. and Vancouver is the most important market for The Dalmore in Canada.” scotch whisky is often seen as a grandfather drink. however, over the years, it has developed an extreme cult following, with younger and female drinkers appreciating this fine drink. “scotch whisky is in, brandy is out,” says Doise. “everybody loves a wonderful experience and a fabulous story. i’m here to make these enjoyable moments happen.” one of these unique moments occurred recently at The Dalmore scotch pairing event at m8 Bistro & Bar in Vancouver. “whisky is typically an after-dinner drink, and food pairings have been for wine,” Doise told the gathering. “fine-food pairings with scotch whisky is becoming a real trend in scotch consumption, or simply a way to allow exploration—something consumers may not practice at home. The Dalmore offers such a wide range that it will please the most experienced connoisseurs as well as newcomers to the category.” when asked about the way to select a scotch, says Doise: “whisky can be judged on cask curation and aroma profile, but most importantly, on personal taste and preference. it should be a moment of pleasure and not an obligation. some may enjoy peaty scotch and others may enjoy lighter flavours. But tonight, we will let our guests experience our different expressions.”

以蘇格蘭威士忌搭配精美食品,現正成為一種趨勢。 Fine food pairings with Scotch whisky is becoming a real trend in scotch consumption.





dining to tell


Old WOrld revisited Hy’s steakhouse gets facelift after decades of decadence and louix louis shines at the st regis Hotel Story & photography | Renée S. Suen

多倫多的美食可謂百花齊放,雖然 很多城中新貴都以新概念或創意美 食作招徠,但亦有經典老店銳意革 新,全新改造餐牌及裝潢,重新加 入戰場。


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Although many restaurant reveal hot new culinary trends, every once in a while it’s nice to pay tribute to old-school standbys that have been drawing in loyal diners for decades. What was once considered old hat is new and sophisticated all over again.

香草牛油焗田螺配厚法式麵包,是人氣前菜之一。 Popular starters include herb and garlic butter baked escargot, sided with slabs of baguette.

店內提供極罕見的Macallan No. 6 1824 Edition單一麥芽威士忌, 只提供小杯裝。 The rare and elegant single malt Macallan No. 6 1824 Edition is available by the dram.

Hy'S STEAkHoUSE AnD CoCkTAil BAR 由家族經營的Hy’ s Steakhouse已有65年歷史,是加國餐飲 業界的重要一員。名字令人聯想到亞省燒牛肉、手工雞尾酒及一 流的服務水準。位於Adelaide的前址於2018年結業,全新旗艦 店選址金融區Bay夾Richmond重新開業。 佔地18,000平方呎的新店共有三層,裝潢由溫哥華室內 設計公司Elaine Thorsell主理。亮點是一台大型的全人手製莫 桑比克水車、另飾以胡桃木及當代加國藝術品。餐廳以皮革為 設計主調,綴以翠綠色絲絨、大理石及金調,兩層樓高、面向 Richmond街的落地大玻璃亦是焦點所在。全長38呎的黑色大理 石酒吧雄據餐廳主層,亦有舒適的廂座及雞尾酒餐桌;而藏書室 酒吧每逢星期二至六傍晚時分更有現場音樂表演。走上夾樓層可 望到主層的酒吧,餐桌都鋪上Hy’ s的傳統白色桌布,除了主用餐 室外更設有兩個半私人用餐室,以及主要提供威士忌及香檳的酒 吧。而最底層則可找到兩個私人用餐室Richmond及Adelaide, 房間內備有酒吧以及先進的會議室設備。

Celebrating 65 years of operation, Hy’s Steakhouse has been a familyrun Canadian business and an integral part of the country’s hospitality industry. Focused on grilled prime steaks from Alberta, hand-crafted cocktails and timeless hospitality, the brand closed its former Adelaide Street location in late 2018 and reopened its flagship restaurant in the financial district, at the corner of Bay and Richmond. Designed by Vancouver-based Elaine Thorsell, the spectacular new 18,000 sq. ft. space is spread out over three floors. Besides ample hand-crafted Mozambique millwork, burled walnut and contemporary Canadian art, the dining spaces are cloaked in leather, lush green velvet, granite and gold accents, with large two-storey windows overlooking Richmond Street. The main-floor lounge is anchored by a dramatic 38-foot wraparound black marble bar, cozy booths and cocktail tables. A rotating roster of live musicians play nightly, from Tuesday to Saturday. Up on the mezzanine overlooking the lounge, Hy’s intimate and traditional white tablecloth-covered dining room is sandwiched between two semi-private dining spaces, plus a whisky and champagne bar.





dining to tell

除了放滿書藉的落地書櫃,其他設計亮點還包括訂製地毯、全人 手髹油的天花飾板、水車及本國藝術品。 In addition to floor-to-ceiling bookshelves (filled with real books), other eye-catching details include custom carpets, hand-painted ceiling panels, millwork and Canadian art.

22安士的紅屋牛扒 (porterhouse) 是經至少 28日熟成的優質肉扒,即叫即燒,可選配 焗薯、薯條或薯蓉。如想加點配菜,不妨 選擇炭烤檸檬帕馬森芝士蘆筍及楓糖核桃 甘荀,份量足夠跟同伴分享。 The 28-day minimum-aged porterhouse is 22 ounces of prime-grade beef that’s grilled to order and accompanied by a choice of baked potato, hand-cut French fries or mashed potatoes. Pair the main with share-friendly sides, like the charred lemon-Parmesan asparagus and maplepecan carrots.

扒房熟客對餐牌上的經典菜式不會陌生,如大蝦雞尾沙律、招牌芝 士多士及即叫即製的凱撒沙律。資深大廚Saku Velummylum還在餐牌加 上素菜選擇,包括有機素菜沙律、香炸椰菜花及素食肉卷等。店內的牛 扒均以濕式熟成至少28日(店內自家熟成),同時提供去骨加拿大黑安格 斯牛扒及60日乾式熟成加拿大燒牛肉。餐廳更推出全新48安士戰斧牛扒 (Tomahawk cut) 及於平日下午3至6時和晚上9時至關門的延長歡樂時光。 Hy’ s的藏酒量豐富,當中包括深受歡迎的勃艮第及波爾多餐酒、來 自尼亞加拉Big Head酒莊的Raw Chenin白酒以及Coravin的杯裝及優質 餐酒。更提供多款經典、招牌及無酒精雞尾酒,上層的酒吧只提供威士 忌及香檳(餐牌上提供魚子醬作小吃)。

Fans of the brand will recognize classics on the menu, including the jumbo prawn cocktail, signature cheese toast and a made-to-order Caesar salad prepared à la table. However, Hy’s veteran chef, Saku Velummylum, has updated both the weekday lunch and every-day dinner menus with plant-based options, including an organic vegan bowl, cauliflower fritters and vegetarian meatloaf. While most of the steaks are wet-aged a minimum of 28 days (with butchery done in house), the menu also offers a bone-in Canadian Black Angus rib steak and a 60-day, dry-aged Canadian prime rib steak. There’s also a new 48-ounce “tomahawk” cut, and an expanded bar and lounge program that features weekday Happy Hours from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and from 9 p.m. to close. Hy’s extensive wine list includes a bevy of favourites from Burgundy and Bordeaux, delicious surprises from niagara, like the Big Head ‘Raw’ Chenin Blancand, and ample by-the-glass and premium wines by Coravin. There are classic, signature and zero-proof cocktails, and a focus on whiskies and champagne in the upstairs bar that has its own menu—listing caviar as a snack. Hy’s Steakhouse and Cocktail Bar 365 Bay St., 416-364-6600 hyssteakhouse.com 86

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可容納130人,設計特色包括弧形的橡木牆 身、斜面鏡子及香檳色的窗簾。600呎的私 人用餐室可望到酒吧及主用餐室。 The 130-seat space is lined with curved oak walls, bevelled mirrors and champagne-colored drapery, and has a 600 sq. ft. private dining space overlooking the grand bar and restaurant.

loUiX loUiS 位於St. Regis酒店31樓的Louix Louis,貫徹品牌傳 統,呈現豪華尊貴氣派。品牌伙拍Icon Legacy餐飲集團, 主打當代美式菜系,同時著重雞尾酒的體驗,靈感來自20 世紀紐約及巴黎的經典酒吧。

louix louis exudes old World glamour and regal sophistication on the 31st floor of The St. Regis hotel. The partnership with icon legacy Hospitality serves contemporary American cuisine and pays great attention to a cocktail experience that’s inspired by the iconic grand bars of new york and Paris at the turn of the 20th century.

餐廳由DesignAgency設計,取材自多倫多作為全球 其中一個最大釀酒區的傳統,設計更榮獲「餐廳及酒吧設計 大獎」頒發2019年度最佳國際酒店設計大獎。柔和的燈光、 閃爍的水晶吊燈、以及出自本土設計師Madison Van Rijn手 筆、全長60呎名為Bouquet of Whisky的天花壁畫,華麗的 室內設計令樓高兩層的餐廳猶如在水晶酒杯內旋轉的加國 威士忌一樣,叫人目眩神迷。此外,餐廳更有一個室外花 園,以及可望到主用餐室及酒吧的私人用餐室。

Winner of the 2019 Best international Hotel Design Award from the Restaurant & Bar Design Awards, the DesignAgency-designed room was inspired by Toronto’s heritage as one of the world’s largest distillery districts. Anchored by warm lighting, glistening chandeliers and local artist Madison Van Rijn’s impressive 60-foot Bouquet of Whisky custom ceiling mural, the two-storey restaurant’s dramatic interior is meant to mimic the inside of a swirling crystal glass of Canadian whisky. in addition to an outdoor garden, there’s a private dining space overlooking the gleaming dining room and bar.





dining to tell

原隻松露雞是店內其中一道招牌菜,廚師 分別以兩種方法烹調—香烤及香炸,伴菜 有炭烤大蔥、松露濃汁及新鮮松露片。 One of the signature mains is the whole truffle chicken served two ways: roasted and fried, with charred baby leeks, truffle jus and fresh sliced truffles.

以波本酒、檸檬汁及紅酒調製而成的New York Sour,帶有酸味、果香、堅果味、澀味及少 許甜,於1800年末紅極一時。 Dating back to the late 1800s, the New York Sour has become a popular cocktail made with bourbon, lemon juice and red wine that’s acidic, fruity, nutty, dry and semi-sweet. 88

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上菜時才去骨的鱸魚,是另一招牌菜,伴以紫菜鹹牛油。 The Dover sole is another signature main that’s filleted tableside and served with seaweed salted butter.

店內酒藏豐富,更是加國藏有最多黑蒸餾酒的地 方。長18呎的羅馬帝國大理石酒吧後方是巨型銅製酒 櫃,霸氣地展示了多達500瓶佳釀。還有一個專屬酒 櫃,存放客人的私家美酒,只供客人及其賓客享用。 餐廳亦備有多款雞尾酒,如經典的New York Sour及 Hanky Panky等,同時提供包括炸龍蝦球及洛克菲勒 式焗生蠔的酒吧小吃。 Louix Louis的餐牌豐富華麗卻又平易近人,二 人份皇家brunch為你送上多款鹹、甜美點,包括法式 女士三文治(croque madame)、牛扒煎蛋及自家製 煙三文魚。午餐有斯高沙省龍蝦堡或香檸鱸魚配野米 及紫色羽衣甘藍。晚餐當然要吃得華麗,魚子醬、生 蠔及海鮮塔作餐前小吃,接著是魚子忌廉煙帶子配紅 菜頭他他。主菜方面,不妨來一客牛油鱸魚,又或者 原隻松露雞兩吃(香烤及香炸),不能錯過人氣十足的 烤薯條配松露aioli醬及雪利酒忌廉煮磨菇。還要留肚 吃甜品,13層皇帝蛋糕是必食之選,64%瓜亞基爾甘 納許(Guayaquil ganache)跟朱古力海綿蛋糕層層相 間,最後淋上大量朱古力醬。

This is also home to one of Canada’s largest dark spirits collections. Here, 500 bottles are showcased along the sculpted bronze shelving behind louix louis’ 18-foot Roma imperial marble-topped bar. There’s also the exclusive Patron’s Cabinet, where luxury spirit devotees can display their personal bottles that only they and their guests are allowed to tipple from. For mixed drinks, the grand bar offers a deep cocktail list that places emphasis on classics like the new york Sour and Hanky Panky, along with bar bites such as lobster hush puppies and oysters Rockefeller. louix louis’ luxe, yet approachable menu offers a variety of dishes like a royal brunch for two that includes an enticing spread of sweet and savoury plates, such as tasting portions of croque madame, steak and eggs and house-made smoked salmon. At lunch, a nova Scotia lobster Roll or branzino is served with wild rice, preserved lemon and purple kale. Dinner guests may want to start with caviar and its accoutrements, fresh oysters or a grand seafood tower before feasting on appetizers like smoked scallops in a caviar cream with beetroot tartare. But be sure to save room for the tableside-served Dover sole meunière in seaweed salted butter, or the whole truffle chicken that’s served both grilled and fried, plus crowd-pleasing sides like triple-cooked French fries served with truffle aioli, and mushrooms that have been cooked with sherry cream and tarragon. Then there’s the signature 13-layer king’s cake, a towering creation that alternates layers of 64 per cent Guayaquil ganache with chocolate sponge and finishes it with a generous drizzle of chocolate sauce.

louix louis 325 Bay St. 416-637-5550 louixlouis.com 兩層的海鮮塔Grand Plateau包括有生蠔、水煮蝦、吞拿魚方塊、青口及八爪魚沙律。 The Grand Plateau is a two-tiered seafood festival that includes oysters, poached shrimp, tuna poke, mussel escabeche and octopus salad.







Rich in histoRy

A toronto man sold his house 30 years ago and bought a century-old, 18-room railway hotel in Barbados. today, it’s one of the world’s highestranking beachfront resorts and private residences in the caribbean Story | Leslie Yip


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大家或許都取笑過天氣報告的準確性,可是今年 的預測似乎非常準,打從十月開始已經持續寒冷。因 此我格外珍惜現狀:頂頭是和熙的陽光、腳下是微溫 的粉紅細沙、手上拿著醉人的冧酒賓治、還有輕拂過 臉上的一抹加勒比海風。 我正身處巴巴多斯(Barbados)的Crane Beach。 USA Today日報把它捧為「加勒比最佳沙灘」,BBC稱 之為「死前50個必到地方」之一,它更在CNN的「全球 百大沙灘」中排名23。而我則完全沉醉在這裡的美與 歷史,原來250年前,這裡是女士專用的沙灘。 18世紀時,女性不可隨便在公眾地方游泳,但到 了1769年,到沙灘游泳成為熱潮,於是有人在懸崖邊 修築階梯通往海邊,開闢隱密的沙灘。那些梯級現時 仍然可見。

加勒比最古老酒店 屹立在懸崖上的莊園Marine Villa就在那個時候 興建。

This is a much-needed escape from the cold. We may like to mock the general inaccuracy of our weather forecasts, but they seem to have nailed it this year—the cold has been unrelenting since October— which is why I am extra appreciative of the sun warming up my bones, my toes sinking into warm, pink powder sand, a rum punch in my hand and a Caribbean breeze in my face. I am at Crane Beach in Barbados—touted as the Best Caribbean Beach by USA Today, Top 50 Places to Go Before You Die by the BBC and No. 23 in Top 100 Beaches of the World by CNN—and I am basking in its beauty and history. Who knew this used to be a ladies-only beach more than two centuries ago? It was considered improper for ladies to be seen bathing in public in the 18th century, but sea bathing had become so popular by 1769 that a discreet bathing place was constructed here by cutting steps into the sea cliff. The stairs can still be seen today. Crane Beach has been named one of the world’s top beaches by many destination guides. The sixkilometre beach is famous for its clear turquoise waters, fine pink coral sand and dramatic 80-foot cliffs that surround it. A glass-front elevator takes guests from the resort to the beach.

Crane Beach 曾被多本旅遊刊物評為 「全球最佳沙灘」 之一。沙灘全長6公里,清 澈湛綠的海水、幼細的粉紅珊瑚沙及80呎高的巨形懸崖都是沙灘的特色。酒店 住客可乘坐玻璃電梯直達沙灘。 Crane Beach has been named one of the world’s top beaches by many destination guides. The six-kilometre beach is famous for its clear turquoise waters, fine pink coral sand and dramatic 80-foot cliffs that surround it. A glass-front elevator takes guests from the resort to the beach. ELITEGEN





坐落於蜿蜒起伏的大西洋海岸,豪華度假酒店讓你沉醉於島上的文化與歷史。 Nestled along the rugged Atlantic coast of Barbados is a luxurious resort that celebrates the history and culture of the island.

後來,當地建造了鐵路貫穿東岸及巴巴多斯首都Bridgetown,工程師Donald Simpson遂於1886年把莊園擴建並改建成酒店。清涼的海風、溫和的氣候及能夠在海 中暢泳,令酒店成為當時上流社會的避世天堂。鐵路過了44年便停駛,但沙灘仍在, 30年前,一名多倫多男子Paul Doyle把房屋賣掉,跑到巴巴多斯東部購下這幢有百年 歷史、擁有18個房間的鐵道酒店。時至今日,酒店已成為全球其一中間排名最高的海 灘度假酒店及私人住所,據說是加勒比仍然營運的酒店中最古老的一間。 Doyle細說他如何成為酒店大亨。「我以一個十分好的價錢購入酒店。那時是 1988年,我正從事保險業。當我對銀行顧問表示正計劃前往巴巴多斯定居,他便說 當地有一間海邊酒店正在出售。雖說是酒店,其實只是建於40公頃草地上的一家老房 子,但我對它一見鍾情,於是便賣了多倫多的房子,以低價買入酒店。」 昔日的老房子搖身一變成為今日的度假酒店。酒店儼如一個典型的巴巴多斯村 落,裡面有雜貨店、咖啡室、酒吧、5間餐廳及林立的商舖。宴會廳及會議廳更同時 是市政廳。7座獨立莊園環繞中央村莊而建,提供252間套房,外圍是私人住宅。這樣 的一家酒店市值至少數千萬。你可能會想,他口中的「好價」究竟是多少錢?好奇心驅 使,趁著當晚跟Doyle在酒店內的Zen Restaurant品嘗壽司(餐廳被Zagat評為「巴巴多 斯最佳壽司店」),我冒昧地向他問了這個問題。

The OldesT OperATINg hOTel IN The CArIBBeAN perched atop the cliff is the Marine Villa, a mansion built around the same time. It was enlarged and converted into a hotel by civil engineer donald simpson in 1886, when a railway ran along the eastern coast to Bridgetown, the capital of Barbados. It became a favourite hideaway for some of the world’s elite, who were attracted by the cool sea breeze, the temperate climate and the regenerative benefits of sea bathing. The railroad ran for only 44 years and has since retired, but The Crane still stands—it is reportedly the oldest continuously operating resort in the Caribbean—and it is now owned by paul doyle, a fellow Canadian.

'I BOughT IT fOr A Very gOOd prICe' “It was in 1988, and I was working in the insurance sector,” says doyle, recounting the story of how he became a hotelier. “When I told my banker that I was going to Barbados, he told me about this little seaside hotel that was up for sale. It was just an old house sitting on 40 acres of undeveloped grassland, but I fell in love with it; so I sold my Toronto home and bought it for a very good price.” Nowadays, the resort is a lot more than one old house. In fact, it resembles a typical Barbadian village. There is a general store, a cafe, a bar, five restaurants and a handful of shops. There is even a town hall, where the ballroom and conference centre are located.

建於18世紀的Marine Villa至今仍然營業。住客看到的景致跟250年前無異。 The original 18th-century Marine Villa is still in operation. Guests can enjoy the same view as 250 years ago. 92

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A total of 252 suites are housed in seven separate “mansions” clustered around the central village, and more private residences surround the village. It must be worth tens of millions of dollars.

來自多倫多的Paul Doyle跟我們分享了如何在30年間,把Crane由只有18間客房的酒店改建成AAA 四鑽評級的豪華度假酒店。 Originally from Toronto, Paul Doyle shares his story on how he transformed The Crane from an 18-room hotel into a world-class AAA four-diamond luxury resort in 30 years.

Crane是鶴的英文名稱,外型優雅,酒店內到處可見其雕 塑。不過酒店名字是以位於懸崖上的起重機(英文名同為 Crane)來命名,18世紀時,人們就是利用起重機從貨船起 卸貨物。 Sculptures of the elegant crane bird can be found throughout the resort, but the name actually comes from a mechanical crane situated at the top of the cliff, which was used for raising and lowering cargo from ships sailing into the natural harbour in the 18th century.

Doyle答道︰「$260萬。那時多倫多的房子賣了 60萬,餘額便向銀行貸款。」因為資金不多,要把只 有18間客房的酒店改建成頂級度假酒店,他必須要 絞盡腦汁。 「一個早上,一位客人跟我說他希望每年都可 以回來Crane度假,於是我建議他購買部分時間擁 有權。因為是私人出售,不牽涉昂貴的市場推廣費 用,我提出的價格是市價的一半。他即時買了4星 期,下午又帶了另一對夫婦來買了4星期。」之後的 發展大家都猜得到。 解決了資金的問題,下一個挑戰是如何付諸實 行。Doyle曾考慮走中價路線擴大客路,不過他的客 人卻希望把酒店打造成寧謐的度假地點,而不是像 巴巴多斯南部的派對城市。於是,他決心打造一個 「最美好的地方」,同時保留當地的歷史傳統。 為了呈現當地特色,他走遍全島拍照,以鏡頭 紀錄一些具代表性的歷史建築並嘗試在酒店村莊內 複製。他堅持採用優質物料,雖然成本高,他卻認 為合理:「以淋浴間為例,設計師想用每扇$1,000 的加厚玻璃門。聽起來很貴,但以客人在酒店住一 星期來計算,那道門的成本是五十分之一,即少於 $20,過了頭一年之後,成本基本上是零。我就是 抱著這個理念來設計,令每一間客房都極盡奢華。」

酒店內的Zen Restaurant主打亞洲美食,它被Zagat評為 「巴巴多斯最佳食府」 第一位。酒店亦有意 大利餐廳、提供當地美食的沙灘小屋、海濱餐廳以及由18世紀馬車屋改建而成的池畔餐廳。 The resort’s Asian-themed Zen Restaurant is rated the No. 1 dining experience in Barbados by Zagat. There is also an elegant Italian restaurant, a Bajan beach shack, a sea-front restaurant and a pool-side eatery that is actually a converted 18th-century carriage house.

One must wonder: how much did he mean when he said “a very good price”? I know it is rude to ask, but my curiosity got the better of me, so over sushi dinner at the resort’s Zen restaurant (rated No. 1 in Barbados by Zagat), I popped the question. “It was $2.6 million then,” he tells me. “I covered the first $600,000 by selling my house in Toronto; the bank loaned me the balance.” Because he did not come in with a lot of money, he needed ingenuity to get some funds to transform the single 18-room hotel into a world-class resort. “One morning, a guest came to me saying that he would love to return to The Crane every year. so I suggested he take a fractional ownership. since it was an ownerto-guest direct sale, there was no expensive marketing overhead; so I was able to offer it to him at half of what would be the market price. he bought four weeks on the spot, and later that afternoon, he brought another couple, who bought another four weeks.” The rest is history. Armed with money to expand, the next challenge was to decide how. doyle considered going mid-market for the biggest appeal, but his guests told him they wanted the property to be a peaceful getaway, not another party town like south Barbados. so, he revised his design criteria and set his mind to create “the nicest place it can be”, all the while respecting the history of the place and Barbados itself. To ensure authenticity, he went around the island and took photos of iconic historic buildings and tried to replicate them in the village. Quality mattered, and he found a way to justify the extra expenditures. “Take the walk-in shower doors,” says doyle. “My designers wanted to use this extra thick glass, which costs $1,000 per door. It may seem expensive, but for a guest who will be staying here for a week, it works out to be less than 1/50th of the price in the first year for that stay, so less than $20, and then it will practically be free starting the next year. Keeping this mentality in mind, I have been able to design every guest suite with the utmost luxury.”





travel 珊瑚到處可見

A COrAl pArAdIse

客房的設計靈感來自原來的古老酒店,包括高樓底、間隔寬 敞、四柱式大床、托盤形天花、黑色古董傢私及招牌的珊瑚石牆。

Many of the elements in the guest rooms are inspired by the original historic hotel, including the high ceiling, a spacious layout, the four-poster bed, the “timber-tray” ceilings, dark antique reproduction furniture pieces and the signature coral stone walls.

珊瑚在巴巴多斯的地位舉足輕重,離岸約4公里的珊瑚礁,據說 是加勒比海最健康的珊瑚礁。它為成千上萬、色彩繽紛的熱帶魚提 供棲息之所,同時吸引了來自世界各地的潛水愛好者。 島嶼基本上建立於珊瑚之上。有別於其他加勒比海島嶼,巴 巴多斯並非由火山活動形成,而是由珊瑚形成,島上85%的面積被 24至30米厚的珊瑚岩石覆蓋。珊瑚能潔淨地下水,讓島民扭開水龍 頭便有純淨的天然泉水可用。它同時是傳統的建築材料,在Marine Villa,可看到17世紀和18世紀珊瑚石牆並列的有趣情景 前者粗獷 地堆砌出來,後者則砌成整齊方塊,井井有條。為了向傳統致敬, 酒店差不多每一間套房都可找到珊瑚石牆。

巴巴多斯東部—百分百小島風情 酒店位處的東岸讓你體驗巴巴多斯傳統的一面。有別於夜夜 笙歌的南岸及浮誇的西岸,大西洋海岸這一帶是滿滿的文化及傳統 氣息。事實上,早於殖民地時期,東岸島嶼是最先發展旅遊業的地 區,這裡溫和的氣候吸引了當時的歐洲貴族。

寬敞的客房保留了很多原來Marine Villa的設計元素。所以地下層的套 房行出露台就是泳池,而高層套房則可享用私人樓頂平台及泳池。 Many elements of the spacious guest suites pay homage to the original Marine Villa. All ground-floor suites have swim-out pools, while top-floor units have a private rooftop patio and pool.


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The coral is significant to Barbados because its barrier reefs, located approximately four kilometres from shore, are said to be one of the healthiest in the Caribbean. They provide the habitat for thousands of multi-coloured tropical fish, attracting divers from all over the world. Moreover, the coral is literally the foundation of the island— Barbados is not volcanic like most other Caribbean islands, but of coral origin. eighty-five per cent of the island’s surface consists of coralline limestone, 24 to 30 metres thick. It purifies the groundwater so islanders have access to clean, natural spring water straight out of their taps. It is also a traditional building material. In the Marine Villa, you can find an interesting juxtaposition of the original 17th-century stacked rubble coral walls to the neatly hewn blocks of the 18th century. To pay homage to this tradition, you can find a coral stone wall in almost every suite at The Crane. thecrane.com

Bethesda沙灘提供世界級的滑浪體驗。 World-class surfing at Bethesda Beach.

當地98%的海岸線都屬國家公園範圍,可盡情欣賞海岸線美景。想返璞歸真,寧逸 的Bath Beach最適合野餐,而Bathseda beach蔚為奇觀的岩石地貌,則是攝影愛好者的 天堂。景色有點像紐賓士域省的「花瓶島」,但岩石數目更多。沙灘更是世界知名的滑浪 勝地,有「湯碗」的綽號。 如果恰巧在星期三或星期日到訪,不要錯過Atlantis Historic Inn的自助餐。酒店位於 Tent Bay一個小小的漁港,跟Crane一樣在1800年代是一間鐵路酒店。自助餐提供一系列 巴巴多斯及加勒比美食如炸南瓜條、魚餅、原隻烤豬、烤魚、咖哩羊及當地甜品包括椰 子麵包及麵包牛油布丁等。當中我最喜歡炆肉及香椒雜燴pepperpot。

eAsT BArBAdOs—A True IslANd experIeNCe The east coast location of the resort serves as a perfect springboard to explore a more authentic side of Barbados. unlike the intensively developed party town in the south and the glitzy “platinum” west, the Atlantic coast is culturally rich and authentic. In fact, this is where the island’s tourism industry began in the colonial era, when europe’s elite came to enjoy the fine weather. Ninety-eight per cent of the coastline is designated as a national park, and this is where you can enjoy the seascape in all its glory. The peaceful Bath Beach is an idyllic setting for a picnic, while the picturesque Bethesda Beach is a must for budding photographers—numerous breathtaking rock formations line miles of untouched, windswept coastline. They are similar to the “flower pot” we have in New Brunswick, but more numerous in number. Nicknamed the “soup Bowl”, the beach is world famous for its surfing conditions. If you are visiting on a Wednesday or a sunday, be sure to check out the famous buffet at the Atlantis historic Inn in the quaint fishing village of Tent Bay. dating from the 1800s, it was once a railway hotel like The Crane. The buffet includes an array of Bajan and Caribbean appetizers, like pumpkin fritters and fish cakes, whole roasted pig, grilled fish and Madras curry goat; local desserts include coconut bread and bread-and-butter pudding. My favourite was the “pepperpot”, a savoury medley of braised meats with aromatic peppers. atlantishotelbarbados.com ELITEGEN





鍋爐室、釀酒廠、四周的園林及果園都是St. Nicholas莊園的參觀重 點。不要錯過在小教堂放映的短片,由莊園主人的父親親自製作, 介紹1930年代島上的生活點滴。 A visit to St. Nicholas Abbey includes the boiling house, the distillery, the surrounding gardens and the orchards. Don’t miss the film viewing at the property’s chapel, made by the owner’s father. It provides a fascinating glimpse of island life in the 1930s.

飯後可順道參觀已有350年歷史的St. Nicholas莊園,屬詹姆斯一世時期興建的莊 園,同類型建築在西半球只剩下三間,它是其 中之一。莊園保留很多有趣的舊物供參觀。之 後,可前往釀酒廠了解冧酒的製作過程,並試 飲一些特別的陳年冧酒。小朋友可於花園及香 料園玩耍,以及教鸚鵡Lance講「hello」。 臨離開前別忘了到Morgan Lewis磨坊欣賞 無敵海景。想體驗小島風情,同時投入於大自 然及歷史當中,這裡絕對是不二之選。 查詢更多巴巴多斯的旅遊資訊,可瀏覽網 址visitbarbados.com。

st. Nicholas Abbey makes for a wonderful after-lunch visit. Built 350 years ago, it is a historic plantation house, one of only three remaining Jacobean mansions in the Western hemisphere. Besides looking at the wellpreserved artifacts inside the house, you can also learn about rum production at the distillery and, of course, taste some special-aged rum. The little ones will enjoy the flower and herb garden, and trying to make lance the parrot say, “hello”. stnicholasabbey.com

St. Nicholas莊園內這張大班椅於1936年製造,備有可調校書桌、書架、閱讀照明、靠背 及脚凳,是無比方便的神級設計。 The 1936 Gentleman’s Chair at St. Nicholas Abbey. It has built-in adjustable tables, a book holder, a reading lamp and a footrest. Every creature-comfort is at your fingertips.


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Before you leave, pause at the Morgan lewis sugar mill for a panoramic view of the wild sea coast. If you are dreaming of an island escape that lets you connect to nature and history, this is the right place for you. For more info, go to visitbarbados.com.

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以往,或許要「老闆」或CEO級數的人方會乘坐私人飛 機出外公幹。然而,今時不同往日,愈來愈多的商務旅客棄 商業航班而選擇私人飛機,因為這樣有助提升業務效率,省 卻在機場排隊的時間,有更多時間處理業務,這趨勢對業務 發展帶來十分正面的影響。 在考慮應否為公司購置私人飛機時,應該把它看成公司 其中一台機器。連鎖餐廳Jimmy John的創辦人Jimmy John Liautaud在接受《紐約時報》訪問時說:「對我們的業務來 說,飛機是必須的機器,就好像切肉機一樣重要。」

Never before has flying private been so accessible to business travellers. While traditionally thought of as the exclusive domain of a Fortune 500 CEO, the truth is that flying private can positively impact business as a whole, so everyone should be on board. The choice to switch from commercial to private aviation can improve your business efficiency, allowing you to spend more time at home instead of in long lines at commercial airports. When exploring if private aviation is the right move for your business, context is key. Consider it as you would any other type of machinery at your company. As Jimmy John Liautaud, founder of the Jimmy John’s restaurant chain, told the New York Times: “My airplanes are necessary machines, as necessary to this business as our meat slicers.”





travel: executive



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臨時性包機 如果每年的飛行時間少於25-50小時,臨時性包機是最佳選擇。這 是轉用私人飛機的入門方案,無須購買飛機,只在有需要時租用整架飛 機。 對於希望體驗私人飛機的優點,但又不想承擔太多責任的商務旅 客來說,臨時性包機是個一站式的選擇。缺點是彈性較低,必須要在飛 機處於不使用狀態才可租用。

會員制私人飛行 如果每年的飛行時間多於25-50小時,則可考慮會員制私人飛行服 務。要成為航空公司的會員,需要繳付入會費、會員費,以及月費或年 費,之後便可享有幾乎無限次搭乘服務。只要目的地剛好是航機要前往 的相同地點,航空公司便會為你預留座位。

Regardless of the number of miles you fly, there exists myriad ways in which flying private can work for you and your bottom line. If you’re noticing the strains of commercial airline travel on your quality of work and seek a better business solution, consider investigating one of the following options.

ThE Ad hOC ChARTER If you’re flying less than 25-50 hours per year, an ad hoc charter is the way to go. It’s the simplest, nonownership entry point into private flying. It allows you to rent an entire aircraft whenever you need to travel for business, without the obligations of purchasing one.

這些航機有既定航線,飛往北美洲一些人次較少的機場(多為主要 城市的部分二線或三線機場)。這種服務在美國愈來愈受歡迎,因為很 多機場不提供商業航班升降服務,卻開放予私人航機。

Though an ad-hoc charter is a turn-key solution for professionals who want to experience all the benefits of private flying with low commitment and zero responsibility, it offers the least amount of control, for access to these aircraft is largely based on them not being in use by their owners. If you fly more than 25-50 hours per year, then there are options that might be more preferable



如果每年飛行時間介乎25-150小時,可視乎飛行模式,選擇成為 部分擁有權機主。只需要支付一部分固定的飛機維修費用,以及飛行時 飛機的營運開支(按每小時計算)。只要所選擇的機種切合你的需要,這 是最划算的選擇。

some of the most recent aircraft offerings come in the way of membership-based private air travel. Expect to pay an initiation fee, a membership fee and either a monthly or annual fee for mostly unlimited flying with membership airlines. For this, you’re allocated a seat on an airplane, and as long as you need to go to the same destination the aircraft is flying, you can be sure you’ll be well taken care of.

若你經常乘搭單程機,並在目的地停留一段時間,又或者經常需 要前往不同的地區,這個選擇絕對適合你。要注意的是,你的擁有權愈 大,可使用航機的彈性也愈大,一般可在預約後8至72小時內出發。

飛機私有化 每年飛行時間達100-150小時甚至更多,最合經濟原則的,應該是 把飛機私人化。無論是自己駕駛又或者聘請專業機師,這樣可以給予你 最大的控制權、自由度及安全性。而且自己不用時,可以將飛機出租作 包機,補貼飛機開支。 購置一架飛機雖然耗費不菲,然而,無論是飛往紐約、洛杉磯和 多倫多等主要機場,或是一些較少航空公司前往的偏遠城市,乘坐私人 飛機不但更划算,對精神及體能上的壓力亦相對較低,長遠來說是值得 考慮的一項投資。

These aircraft have predetermined routes and fly to less-frequented airports across North America (often secondary or tertiary airports in major markets). These offerings tend to be popular in the U.s. because of the numerous airports not serviced by commercial aircraft that are open to private aircraft.

FRACTIONAL OWNERshIp Fractional ownership is a great option for someone flying as much as 150 hours per year, depending on your flying patterns. You’ll pay for only a portion of the fixed aircraft costs, and be charged an hourly operating cost only when you fly. provided that the fractional operator you’re considering has the right aircraft for your needs, this is a cost-effective way to dip your toes into private aviation. If you’re often hopping on one-way flights, staying at a given destination for extended periods of time, or need access to work teams located in different geographic areas, this option is your best bet. something to note: Aircraft availability guarantees generally range from eight to 72 hours, depending on the size of your ownership interest.

WhOLE AIRCRAFT OWNERshIp If you’re constantly on the go, flying 100-150 hours per year, or more, the options mentioned above can get relatively expensive. Whether you plan to pilot the aircraft yourself or hire a professional flight crew, owning an aircraft affords you the highest level of control, flexibility and security over your travel.

PC-24機艙。 The interior of PC-24.

Owning an entire aircraft also provides the opportunity to offset your fixed costs through chartering: adding your aircraft to a charter pool, to be rented out when you’re not using it. Yes, it’s expensive, but remember it is an investment. Anyone flying, whether to major hubs like NYC, LAX, YYZ, or to smaller cities with less convenient airline access, will benefit financially, mentally and physically by enjoying the comforts of private aviation. so before ruling out private planes as a whole, consider if maybe, in the long run, it could actually be beneficial for business. ELITEGEN


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As perfect As possible the 2020 bentley flying spur offers sports car agility with limousine refinement Story | Norris McDonald

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幾個星期前,我飛往賽車和賭博天堂摩納哥的蒙地卡羅,試駕英國頂尖 豪華車品牌Bentley 2020年款的Flying Spur。途中腦海不禁泛起了加拿大人 John Duff在1924年Le Mans 24小時拉力賽駕駛Bentley奪得冠軍的情景。 Bentley今年慶祝創立100周年,推出第3代Flying Spur,傾盡全力誓要 向業界證明它在各方面,尤其是在設計和科技方面均優勝。廠方稱這款新一 代的大型豪華四門轎跑車堪稱完美,車主想要的設備和性能皆擁有。不過, 車價高達30萬元,又怎能不完美呢? 我有機會在法國南部、摩納哥以北的山丘試駕這款新的Flying Spur,簡 直被它的飛快速度和極度敏捷所折服。廠方稱其擁有的6公升W12 TSI,是 當今世上最先進的12缸引擎,具備兩個噴射系統、雙渦輪增壓器、雙質量飛 輪,以及可變排量壓縮機,與前一代的引擎相比,效率提高了15% 。 若你要在這迂迴曲折的山路上超車,只需輕輕踩一下油門,眨眼之間便 已超越了前車。如你用力踩,恐怕馬上會颷到天邊去,皆因這12缸引擎可輸 出626匹馬力和664磅/呎的扭力。搭配全新設計的雙離合器八速自排系統, 這車在跑車模式下具瞬間換擋功能,並在舒適模式下有精細、無縫的換擋功 能。可以在3.7秒內從零加速至時速100公里,而極速更達時速333公里。 除了速度極快之外,駕駛這款Bentley也是一大樂趣。新一代Flying Spur採用全新的全輪轉向系統,配有48V電子主動式側傾控制系統,減少了 轉向所花的工夫,改善了低速的操作,有更大的敏捷性,從而增強了操控性 和穩定性,轉向簡直不費吹灰之力。 在我未正式駕駛這車之前,幸好有司機在法國尼斯附近的機場接載我, 讓我可從後座仔細打量這輛Flying Spur。

In 1924, Canadian John Duff won the 24 Hours of Le Mans in a Bentley. I was thinking of him a few weeks ago when I flew to Monte Carlo, a neighbourhood in the tiny tax haven called Monaco, to drive the 2020 Bentley Flying Spur. Celebrating its 100th anniversary, Bentley is pulling out all the stops in its quest to prove to the automotive world that it is superior in every way, particularly in design and technology. My verdict? What the automaker calls the third generation of its luxury four-door Grand Tourer is perfect, or as close to perfect as one can get in a car. But here’s the rub (and there’s always one of those, isn’t there?): this car will cost you close to $300,000. For that kind of money, this car—gee, any car—had better be perfect. I had the opportunity to take the Flying Spur for a test drive through the hills of the south of France, and I was amazed at how speedy and agile it was. The company boasts that the 6.0-litre W12 TSI is the most advanced 12-cylinder engine in the world. It has two injection systems, twin-scroll turbochargers, a dual-mass flywheel and variable displacement, which adds up to a 15 per cent improvement in efficiency from previous engines. That might sound like Latin to some, but here’s what it means: if you want to pass a car on those hilly, twisty roads (where Monaco’s Princess Grace met her end, incidentally), all you have to do is press down ever so slightly on the throttle. Do that, and you will shoot past that car in front of you in a blink. If you floor it, you will sail off into eternity. Guaranteed. This is because that 12-cylinder produces 626 horsepower and 664 lb.-ft. of torque. The engine is mated to a dual-clutch, eight-speed transmission that boasts instantaneous shifting in sport mode and refined, seamless shifting in comfort mode. You can go from zero to 100 km/h in 3.7 seconds, with a top speed of 333 km/h. As well as being swift, the Bentley is also a pleasure to drive. New, allwheel steering, reduced steering effort (the power steering could react to a feather), improved low-speed manoeuvring, greater agility and Bentley Dynamic Ride, which is enhanced handling and stability (the world’s first 48V electric anti-roll system guarantees that), all add up to effortless time spent behind the wheel. Before actually getting to drive the car, I had the pleasure of riding in the back seat of one after a chauffeur met me at the airport in nearby Nice, France, and said he’d been assigned to deliver me to the hotel. I accepted his offer with pleasure. But this ride also allowed me to give the car the once-over.



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進入這輛Bentley後,你會被真皮所包圍(除了座位之外,車廂周圍都 採用皮革裝飾),而車內豪華舒適的地毯,即使用在客廳上也毫不失禮。在 中控台上有一個12.3吋大的高清小巧觸控螢幕,而駕駛儀表板上的木質更 是閃亮如鏡。後座位有一部可取下的觸控螢幕平板電腦,讓你隨時選擇多 樣提升乘車享受的選項,如調校溫度,或放下窗簾以遮蔽刺眼的陽光等。 我們到達摩納哥的酒店後,所乘坐的Bentley剛好停泊在一輛法拉利 和另一輛勞斯萊斯之間的專門代客泊車處。這是我頭一趟到摩納哥,感到 有些失望。當地跟我的期望有落差,除了賭錢之外,沒有甚麼可做,幸而 有Bentley的Flying Spur足以彌補我的失望。與我之前使用過的所有車輛比 較,這款車在相同的組合裡,兼具跑車的敏捷性和大型豪華轎車的精緻 。 Bentley在加拿大有四個經銷商,分別在卡加利、溫哥華、滿地可和多 倫多,目前每年只售出250輛,車廠希望能增加銷量。我不能代表加拿大其 他三個城市,但我可以告訴你:除了洛杉磯之外,大多倫多地區確實比北 美其他市場擁有更多高端豪華汽車的買家。這裡有很多有錢人啊! 第3代Flying Spur廠方建議的零售價為240,000元起,視所在地區而 定,但若你要增添選項,再加上銷售稅、運費、行車牌費等等,很快便會 超過30萬元了。該車現正接受訂購,最快可於2020年初夏交付。

Bentley Flying Spur 2020一覽 車身款式:大型豪華四門轎跑車。 驅動方式:靠近中置引擎,主動式全輪驅動。 引擎:6公升W12雙渦輪增壓汽油引擎(626匹馬力, 664磅/呎扭力),搭配八前速雙離合器自動波箱。 最高時速︰每小時333公里 行李箱容量:420公升。 售價:240,000元起,運費及其他稅項另計。 Bentley Flying Spur 2020 Body style: Luxury four-door grand tourer Drive method: Front-engine, active all-wheel drive Engine: 6.0 litre twin turbo-charged W12 engine producing 635 PS & 900 Nm of torque, eight-speed dual-clutch transmission Max Speed: 333 km/h Cargo capacity: 420 litres Price: from $240,000, freight and taxes not included) canada.bentleymotors.com

When you get into the back seat of the Bentley, you sink into the leather, which is everywhere, not just the seats. The plush carpeting is probably better than your living-room rug and the wood on the dash shines like a mirror. There is a 12.3-inch HD touchscreen on the centre console and the back seats have removable touch-screen tablets that let you do all sorts of things to make yourself comfy, like adjusting the temperature or lowering the blinds to keep the sun out of your eyes en route to the Hotel de Paris where I was staying. This car, more than any other I have been in, offers sports-car agility and limousine refinement in the same package. Currently, Bentley only sells about 250 cars each year in Canada at only four dealerships; one in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Montreal. And except for Los Angeles, Toronto’s GTA boasts more high-end luxury-car purchases than any other market in North America. The MSRP, depending on the geographic location, starts at about $240,000, but once you start adding in options, sales taxes, freight, licensing and so-on, you’re soon at more than $300,000. Have I forgotten anything? Oh yes, they’re now taking orders. ELITEGEN


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Digital goes nostalgic Fujifilm’s latest digital camera, the flagship X-Pro3, takes pride in vintage elements Story & photography | Ringo Chan

SPEC 2,610 萬像素 X-Trans CMOS 4感光元件 混合式觀景窗設計 全屏幕相位檢測自動對焦 425 點的混合式對焦系統 6EV AF 感應 30fps 高速連拍 流暢優先觀景器模式 鈦合金機身 (連電池) 重497克

26MP APS-C BSI CMOS sensor Optical/Electronic hybrid viewfinder Full screen phase detection autofocus 425-point hybrid focus system 6EV AF induction 30fps high-speed continuous shooting Smooth priority viewfinder mode Titanium body weighs 497 grams (battery included)

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Fujifilm發布全新數碼機王,看看機背的小小LCD屏幕,顯示著一塊菲林盒 包裝招牌,原來在一片復古風潮下,相機除了外形盡量走懷舊設計,也希望提醒 用家不要忘掉菲林拍攝的初心,把機背大大的LCD收起來,只保留1.28吋細小電 子屏幕,用來顯示品牌以往推出的不同菲林招紙(以往的菲林用家,最愛把當時 拍攝的菲林招紙「攝」在相機背),也可以用來顯示快門、光圈等簡單拍攝資料。 相 機 備 有 多 種「 菲 林 」選 擇 , 能 以 數 碼 模 擬 出 不 同 菲 林 拍 攝 出 來 的 效 果,在舊有的Velvia、Eterna、Monochrome菲林外,新增了Classic Neg和 Monochromatic Color,當中Classic Neg是經典負片摸擬模式,最能模仿在日光 下以彩色負片拍攝的效果。 剛才說「把機背大大的LCD收起來」的意思,是這機背能向下翻,揭出具有 162萬像素的3吋觸控式LCD屏幕,用家可以像從前菲林機般以腰平方式取景; 富士設計師用心良苦,是希望大家盡量少用LCD取景、回復菲林拍攝的初心。沒 LCD可用,就用觀景器好了,X-Pro 3能隨時互換OVF光學觀景器與EVF電子觀景 器,後者能提供369萬像素OLED、1:50000對比度、1500cd/m2亮度。 X-Pro 3內搭26.1MP X-Trans COMS、4 X-Processor 4影像處理器,採用鈦 金屬機殼,全黑的售$2,400,經Duratect硬化處理的銀或黑色版售$2,700。

Looking at the tiny LCD screen at the back of the camera, it displays the packaging of vintage analog films from back in the day. This little 1.28-inch LCD display follows the current retro trend; even the design of this powerful digital camera is nostalgic. The tiny LCD display is an homage to the past, when photographers liked to stick their film labels to the back body. It shows simple data, such as shutter speed and aperture information. X-Pro3 can digitally imitate the effect of different “films”, with options such as Velvia, Eterna and Monochrome, including the latest Classic Neg and Monochromatic Colour, where Classic Neg used to be the most typical retro negative mode to simulate negative effect in colour while filming in daylight. But it doesn’t mean users do not get a proper LCD screen. The most amazing feature of the X-Pro3 is its 1.62-million-dot tilting touchscreen LCD monitor that fits flush on the rear side of the camera body. It can be flipped approximately 180 degrees, allowing users to shoot in various styles from high to low angles. Fuji designers hide this feature to encourage us not to always use LCD display to frame images. X-Pro3 can interchange OVF (optical viewfinder) and EVF (electronic viewfinder) at any time, and the latter can provide 3.69 million pixels OLED, with 1:50000 contrast and 1500cd/m2 brightness. X-Pro3 features a 26.1MP X-Trans COMS, 4 X-Processor 4 image processor with a titanium body. The all-black version goes for $2,400, whereas the silver version with Duratect treatment lists for $2,700.



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get out Hamilton, February 11-May 17, Ed Mirvish Theatre, mirvish.com 以美國開國元勳Alexander Hamilton為骨幹的音樂舞 台劇。他是西印度群島的移民,在革命戰爭期間成為 喬治•華盛頓的得力助手,是美國的第一任財政部長。 《Hamilton》融合了嘻哈 爵士 藍調 說唱 R&B 和百老匯風格,是2016年格林美「最佳音樂劇專輯」得 主。 Hamilton is the story of America's Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, an immigrant from the West Indies who became George Washington's right-hand man during the Revolutionary War and the new nation’s first Treasury Secretary. Featuring a score that blends hip-hop, jazz, blues, rap, R&B, and Broadway, the Hamilton recording received a 2016 Grammy for Best Musical Theatre Album.

Drum Tao 2020, February 27, Meridian Hall, meridianhall.com 享譽國際的日本太鼓樂團Drum Tao以充滿力量的表現,通 過現代服裝,精確的編舞和新穎的視覺效果展示了日本擊 鼓的古老藝術,創造了充滿活力和難忘的體驗。 These internationally-acclaimed percussion artists showcase the ancient art of Japanese drumming with contemporary costumes, precise choreography and innovative visuals for an energetic and unforgettable stage experience.

Illusions: The Art of Magic, February 22-May 17, Art Gallery of Onatrio, ago.ca 讓我們回到昔日魔術師的黃金時代,彼等環遊世界, 以觸目的海報宣傳表演。今次展覽將展出超過55幅、 來自McCord博物館的海報,以及照片 電影 文件 簽名和屬於傳奇魔術師Harry Houdini的物件。 Let’s step back in time to the Golden Age of Magic when magicians travelled the world, promoting their acts with eye-catching posters. The exhibition features more than 55 posters from the Allan Slaight Collection of the McCord Museum, alongside photographs, films, documents, autographs, and objects belonging to the legendary Harry Houdini. Interior Design Show, January 16-19, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, toronto.interiordesignshow.com 一連四天的多倫多室內設計展,每年都有令人注目的 概念和創新產品,雲集業界精英及後起之秀,是加拿 大以至世界性的盛事。 This show celebrates and promotes design in Canada and across the world, bringing together compelling design concepts, innovative products, up and coming talent and key experts in the industry all under one roof.

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Hyprov: Improv under hypnosis, January 24, George Weston Recital Hall, meridianartscentre.com 即興和喜劇傳奇Colin Mochrie及催眠大師Asad Mecci 帶來了嶄新、令人瞠目結舌的表演。參與的還有20位 隨機志願者,他們將被催眠,進入最後階段的五位, 更會在催眠狀態下,跟Colin Mochrie作即席表演,創 造出完全獨特的戲劇體驗。 Comedy legend Colin Mochrie and Master Hypnotist Asad Mecci bring to town a mind-blowing, jawdropping, side-splitting show. Twenty random volunteers from the audience will be put under hypnosis by Mecci. Co-creator Mochrie takes the stage to improvise with the top five participants while they are still under hypnosis, turning the show into an improv extravaganza.

Cat Video Fest , February 22-23, Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema, boxoffice.hotdocs.ca 貓奴大召集!精選了最新和最佳的 貓咪視頻,令你對主子們更是死心 塌地、義無反顧的愛下去。部分票 房收入更會捐到救助貓隻的慈善機 構、動物福利組織和庇護中心。 Celebrate the irresistible cuteness of our feline friends with this screening, featuring a compilation of the latest and best cat videos. A mix of clips curated from submissions as well as viral hit favourites, this joyous communal experience helps raise money for cats in need through partnerships with local charities, animal welfare organizations and shelters across North America.

Lagrime di San Pietro, February 1-2, Koerner Hall, rcmusic.com 被譽為著名舞台導演Peter Sellars最具個性的作品。《Lagrime di San Pietro》 (聖彼得的眼淚) 是文藝復興時期大師Orlando di Lasso的最後一部作品,經Los Angeles Master Chorale清 唱樂團演繹,充滿感染力。 From the creative mind of acclaimed director Peter Sellars comes his most personal work to date. Lagrime di San Pietro (The Tears of St. Peter) is a groundbreaking production of Renaissance master Orlando di Lasso’s final work, sung a cappella by the Los Angeles Master Chorale. ELITEGEN


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Been There 關注星尚,緊貼潮流。潮人潮服,名貴新品,華麗派對,搶先預賞新刊以及讀者回饋活動, 盡在Instagram: @EliteGenMag。Hashtag #EliteGen,你的圖片更有機會登上《星尚》。 Discover inspiring images, new luxury products, the latest fashion and the swankiest parties. Readers are invited to hashtag us for a chance to get featured: #EliteGen. Watch out for sneak previews of future issues and giveaways, too.

The much anticipated opening of Eataly @eatalytoronto had its ribbon cutting (rather pasta cutting) ceremony at Bloor Street’s Manulife Centre last November. The global chain of artisanal Italian foods had lineups in the frigid temps just to sneak a peek at Toronto’s hottest new food emporium. From pasta stations to oven-fired pizzas and cheese stations, it’s all Italian all the time. #意大利美食

Lifestyle label Departo @departo.co celebrated its Canadian launch with a Toronto pop-up at the Hazelton Hotel. The collection by design legends George Yabu and Glenn Pushelberg (of Yabu Pushelberg) and Yuichiro Hori (of StellarWorks) is the world’s first lifestyle label to create Essentials for Global Nomads. Each piece is borne from the same mission: to make covetable, affordable essentials for today’s modern, mobile consumer—without sacrificing quality. Comprised of furniture, ceramics, textiles, metal work and glassware, the resulting collection is a line of versatile and beautiful minimalism. For more info visit the website departo.co. #品味家居

@guerlainspatoronto on the 4th floor @HotelXToronto is #aspawithaview. The 10 treatment rooms, gorgeous pre-andpost stay relaxation rooms and spectacular views overlooking Lake Ontario is a treat for the eyes, while the elixir ritual before every treatment takes us on a “scent journey”. We particularly like the in-spa Beauty Studio–you can get your makeup expertly applied after an indulgent Orchidée Impériale facial. #寵寵自己

Previewing the new #SS2020 collection @hunterboots—they have it all. The freshcoloured camouflage, bright neons and letterblock prints span across the men’s, women’s and kid’s collections. Some notable features for this season include jackets made from 100% recycled plastic water bottles and tote bags that double as a backpack. #hunteroriginal #支持環保 110 E L I T E G E N. C A



A custom TAG Heuer Indycar! It was on display at the opening night of the first @tagheuer Canadian flagship store in Yorkdale. We also tried on the Carrera Heuer Nanograph Tourbillon 02, limited to 500 globally, new green-dial Aquaracers, as well as the iconic Monaco which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. #泰格豪雅

The perfect winter show. The cast of #AnastasiaMusical @anastasiabway put on an unforgettable show at the #EdMirvishTheatre that left the crowd cheering. It is a heartwarming romantic story with impeccable singing and dancing numbers filled with romance and adventure. #真假公主

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