Dec 2019 EliteGen Vancouver

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XmaS gift guide inside

DECEMBER 2019 Vol. 49 Vancouver

vancouver deceMBer 2019

luxury living for canada's chinese elite


the power of parkas

Coats for the cold 秘魯探秘 a sing tao puBlication

tr avel

off to peru 陽光設計


patio posh by spain’s diabla


Eliza Sam

from instagram marvel to mom

巴黎/米蘭/ 倫敦/紐約時裝周

Paris, Milan, london & new York fashion week: what you’ll be wearing in 2020

Display until DEC 31, 2019


A sing tao publicAtion

luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief 胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 編輯 Editor 徐少玲 Iris Chui 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 編輯部 Editorial enquiries / 604-321-1111

參與 Contributors Grace Chan, Sidney Chao, Kenson Ho, Norris McDonald Crystal Ng, Renée S. Suen, Yvonne Tang, Shuk Wa Tsang, Emilia Ku Yazar, Iris Yim

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan / 蕭潔璇 Phyllis Siu 數碼市場推廣 Digital Marketing Executive 黎敏然 Eunis Lai

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營業代表 Sales Representatives Connie Chim, Emily Ho, Andrew Lee, Denise Lee, Ken Li, Patrick Lo, Phyllis Siu, Amanda Wong, Kevin Wong 營業部 Advertising enquiries / 604-321-1111

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出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada, affiliated with Torstar 加拿大星島傳媒集團出版,附屬多倫多星報

星尚歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 星尚每年出版九期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 9 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 8508 Ash Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V6P 3M2

publisher’s letter

抱緊溫馨 Let’s snuggLe up together Like two birds of a feather… 佳節將臨,四處的叮噹鈴聲已清晰可聞。聖誕節也 是《eliteGen》最愛的節日,每年我們都滿懷喜悅準備一 年一度的禮品指南,今年當然也不例外。從有Happy 2020字樣的化妝品,到Tiffany特別版電單車,每一頁都 注滿靈感。

With the holidays just around the corner, I’m sure you’re starting to hear sleigh bells jingling everywhere. It's no secret that Christmas is our favourite season here at eliteGen. So each year we take a lot of pleasure in preparing our annual gift guide: from the most festive makeup “2020” palette and a Tiffany-edition motorbike to an outlandish Advent calendar and a pricey ping pong table, our pages are brimming with gift-giving inspiration.

西方傳說︰聖誕老人會在頑皮孩子的聖誕襪裡放一 塊炭;然而,如果你在聖誕禮襪內找到炭,先不要失 望,原來含炭護膚品具有排毒功效,最適合過度吸收的 時節,今期的美容專欄便推介從頭呵護到腳的多款含炭 產品。

And don’t despair if you find a lump of ”coal” in your Xmas stocking because charcoal-based skincare products are great for detoxification—an essential step in this season of excess. Check out our beauty pages for products that will pamper you from head to toe.

氣溫下降,保暖為重,大家找到今冬理想的禦寒外 套沒有?加拿大人最是懂得冬天,今期特意介紹5個加 國本土出色外套品牌的最新設計,助你漂亮舒服地安度 寒冬。還會引領大家將視線穿越漫長冬日,一睹巴黎、 倫敦、米蘭和紐約四大時裝展的的2020年春夏新裝。 誠摯歡迎汽車專欄作家、備受業界尊崇的Norris McDonald加入我們的團隊。作為前Toronto Star Wheels編輯,Norris的作品獲得過無數獎項及被引用, 是首位進入加拿大汽車運動名人堂的傳媒人。他出席了 保時捷首輛電動汽車Taycan的揭幕活動,甚至將其中一 輛開上德國著名的無限速高速公路,想知道他的第一身 駕駛感受?自然不能錯過今期的汽車專欄。 封面女郎岑麗香的寶寶己經8個月大了,她認為急促 步伐的演藝事業,為她轉換到母親角色做足準備;粉絲 們大概急於知道她會不會像我們的九月封面女郎鍾嘉欣 般,在原居地溫哥華相夫教子,且聽她細細道來。

As the mercury drops, no doubt you’ll want to bundle up. And since no one knows Canadian winters like we Canadians do, we turned to five of our country’s most prominent outerwear designers for the latest parkas to keep us nice and toasty all winter long. And to help you look past the snowy days ahead, we even bring you the Spring/ Summer 2020 collections from Paris, London, Milan and New York. I would also like to take a moment to personally welcome esteemed auto journalist Norris McDonald to our roster of writers. The former editor of Toronto Star Wheels has received numerous awards and citations for his work, and is the first journalist to be inducted into the Canadian Motorsport Hall of Fame. He was present at the unveiling of the Porsche Taycan, the German automaker’s first electric car—he even took one out for a spin on the Autobahn. The verdict? Check out his debut column. Also, discover why Cover Girl Eliza Sam thinks that her career in showbiz provided the perfect preparation for her new role as a mom. Her fans are fretting about whether she will settle down in her former hometown in Vancouver like our September Cover Girl Linda Chung did. Will she or won't she? Well, let her tell you herself. I hope you enjoy our holiday issue. And from all of us at eliteGen, we wish you a safe, warm and wonderful festive season. Sincerely,

希望大家喜歡我們的聖誕特刊,更祝讀者朋友們盡 享節日歡樂! Leslie Yip Associate Publisher Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911 10

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up front 8 團隊 Masthead

10 出版人的話 publisher's letter

16 鎂光燈下 dress code: on the red carpet

fashion 20-42 潮流特區 coats for the cold, fashion week runways beauty & scents 44-49 美中識炭 cool charcoal, toM ford XMas guide 52 聖誕禮品巡禮 gifts for those with everything celebrity 58 封面故事 岑麗香 三人新世界 cover girl: eliza saM

jewellery 64 添一分神采 froM Medieval and Metropolitan to crystals and chains







tiMepieces 68 致敬新密碼 breMont, audeMars piguet fashion: Men 72 時代視野 dior lifestyle 76 陽光設計 patio power 82 原住民藝術展 indigenous art and culture 86 皇味十足 wine not: the dalMore 88 體驗共享之樂 restaurant: the Mackenzie rooM 92 開創加拿大本土茶文化 creation of a hoMegrown canadian tea culture 96 秘魯探秘 travel: peru autoMobiles 102 全電動保時捷 electric porsche taycan

100 86

tech 106 細代革命 insta360 caM society 108 been there:

hobnobbing and schMoozing




92 102


Dress coDe

by Lily Lee


玩味色彩 sweLL sweateR

翩翩佳公子 tony tux

修長美腿 wondeRfuL wRap




Sammi Cheng

JJ Lin

Chrissie Chau

鄭秀文一向擅長配搭顏色,上身的湖水綠毛衣,編 織上有很多細節位,下身則以款式簡約的西褲來平 衡,加上橙色皮帶和紅色高跟鞋,充滿玩味。

穿上Ralph Lauren颯爽白西裝的林俊杰,一派翩翩 佳公子模樣,原來男生也可讓人眼前一亮。

周秀娜擁有既修長、腳形又美的雙腿,以珠片短褲 配黑色不規則剪裁西裝,既不會太隆重,亦不覺俗 氣,很是討好。

Working it in chic separates.

Tone on tone always elegant.

Awing in an obi.




Dress coDe


灰色層次 gRay matteRs

潮童現身 staR spLatteR

「膽」「色」俱備 dÉColleTÉ drama


Timothée Chalamet

Emilia Clarke

歌影視壇新貴Zendaya以peter do的中性灰調西服作 為戰衣,成功在首映禮突圍。Le silla白色高跟鞋更 令成個造型更有層次。

在Timothée Chalamet身上完全感受到何謂 「年青真 好」 。穿上近年時興、來自洛杉磯、只在網上銷售的 潮服s.R. studIo. La. Ca.,便甚有模特兒風範。

要把如此低胸坦蕩的Valentino晚裝穿得自然大方 有美感,不但講究本身條件,更要有信心,emilia Clarke是最佳演繹。

Layered in 50 shades of gray.

Overhauled in painted overalls.

Plunging and posh in midnight blue.




fashion: parka power


We the North Canadians know about winter. So perhaps we know a thing or two about making the right coats for the cold Story | Leslie Yip

加拿大人對冬天再了解不過,對製造禦寒 外套自然更有心得。

Jonas, $1800


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Nora, $1,200

KanuK Kanuk的故事從50年前滿地可 市中心一個小型工廠開始,一個製造 成衣家庭的兒子當時還是少年,已致 力研究如何以衣物抵禦加國的極度嚴 寒。他精心設計的外套大受朋友和家 人好評,未幾成為滿地可漫長寒冬的 街頭服飾之選。 外套帶有保暖程度的清晰指示, K4外套可抵禦-30℃的嚴寒。

The story of Kanuk began about 50 years ago in a small factory in the heart of Montreal. When the teenaged son of a garment family experimented on how to fend off the extreme Canadian cold, he came up with meticulously structured coats that quickly caught on with friends and family. Soon after they became the street wear of choice during Montreal’s long, harsh winters.

Misto, $1,000

The coats are marked by clear indicators of the level of warmth, with the K4 coats rated for -30°C.





fashion: parka power

Oliver, $1,095

nobiS 有12年歷史的品牌,加拿大設計,用 百分百符合人道方法獲得的加拿大白鴨絨 毛製造。雖然創立不久,但已進軍40多個 國家。聯合創始人及副總裁Robin Yates說 自己的使命是設計實用時尚的冬季外套。 外套的獨有特點包括磁性拉鏈口蓋、可以 在家洗滌,無需專門送到乾洗店。 品牌今季全新推出一系列雙面厚外 套。顏色方面,2019年將流行濃烈色彩, 有強烈大自然及礦物元素,例如苔綠色、 野鴨藍色、暖灰色和墨黑色,還有與加拿 大秋天誘人景緻緊密相連的朱紅色。

Designed in Canada with 100 per cent ethically sourced Canadian white duck down, the 12-year old brand may be young, but it has already built a presence in more than 40 countries. Co-Founder and Vice-President Robin Yates has made designing functional and stylish winter coats his mission, with distinguishing features such as magnetic fastening flaps and jackets that can be laundered at home.

Ingrid, $850 Oliver, $1,095

new this year is a collection of fully reversible puffer jackets. For 2019, colours are densely pigmented with a rich organic and mineral intensity, featuring moss greens, mallard blues, warm grays and inky blacks, combined with punches of vermillion intrinsically tied to Canada’s alluring fall landscapes.

Viola, $995

photography by Matt Alibiani and styled by Gregory Wein 22

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fashion: parka power CanaDa GooSe 名字既含有「加拿大」,加拿大鵝 大概是全球最為人知曉的加拿大冬天服 裝。品牌於60多年前由Sam Tick在多倫 多一個小型貨倉創立。本月加拿大鵝將 推出取名為Toronto Jacket的外套,向 起源地致敬。這款外套特別之處是袖上 有放公車票的口袋、適合城市街道的反 光細節及背面的帶子。 另一新推出的Branta系列,靈感 來自畫家Diane Burko創作的抽象畫 Glacial Shift(冰川移動),藍色是水的 顏色,亮白則代表冰雪。

With Canada in its name, Canada Goose may be the most recognized Canadian winter wear brand internationally. Founded by Sam Tick in a small Toronto warehouse more than 60 years ago, it pays homage to its roots by unveiling the Toronto Jacket this month. it is marked by a TTC pass pocket on the sleeve, reflective detailing for city streets and a special grab strap in the back. For Fall/Winter 2019, the branta collection takes inspiration from Glacial Shift, an abstract work of art by artist Diane burko. The blue hues are said to reflect the colour of water and the sharp white represents ice and snow.

Berendon, $1,495

Atavist, $2,395

Toronto Jacket, $1,495 24

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fashion: parka power

MaCKaGe 品牌創辦人、滿地可兩位時裝設計師 Eran Elfassy和Elisa Dahan打從小學已經是 朋友,二人的時裝合作事業從製作時尚皮革 服飾開始,當他們的產品系列擴展到羊毛和 羽絨外套,迅速聲名鵲起。 Mackage外套的設計特色是修身苖 條,還有心形的領口。很多名人都對之情有 所鍾,包括英國的薩塞克斯公爵夫人梅根 (Meghan Markle)。今冬的熱門之選是泡泡 外套,無論短還是長身皆盡領潮流。

Montreal designer duo eran elfassy and elisa Dahan have been friends since elementary school. Their fashion venture began with contemporary leather designs, but their fame skyrocketed when they expanded to wool and down outerwear. Known for its slim silhouette and the signature heart-shaped collar, many celebrities have been spotted in Mackage, including the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle. This winter the puffer coat reigns supreme, whether in a bomber or in a maxi length.

Madalyn, $590

photography by Sebastian Faena


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Moritz, $1,790

Adali, $990

Miya, $790 Kendrick, $850 ELITEGEN




fashion: parka power MooSe KnuCKleS 由滿地可一個家庭於1921 年創立的品牌,外套特別適合 加拿大的冬天。名字與加拿大 兩種標誌物有關—麋鹿和交鋒 的冰球。品牌標誌是雪地裡的 麋鹿腳印,蹄代表銅鏈。 今季品牌推出金色系列, 外套有金色襯邊,加上「24K」 金打造的細節,Seven Deadly Sins capsule系列有多種厚羽 絨、大衣和圓領外套款式。

Since 1921, the Montreal-based family behind the brand has been producing outerwear for Canadian winters. The curious name refers to two things perfectly Canadian: the moose and an ice hockey fight. The logo is a moose footprint in the snow with the hooves representing brass knuckles. This season, look for the Gold Collection where the coats are lined in gold and finished with “24 karat” gold detailing; the Seven Deadly Sins capsule collection has a range of puffers, parkas, crewnecks and more.

Minnentonka, $1,224

Grand Métis, $1,224

photograpy by Baby House New York 28

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Stag Lake, $1,224

Grand Metis, $1,224

Errington jacket, $824





runway: paris


FASHION WEEK 2020 It might be just the beginning of winter, but it's never too early to start planning for spring/summer—right from the runways of Paris, Milan, London and New York

新季新氣象,且看巴黎、米蘭、倫敦和紐約四大時裝展 的2020春夏新裝精選。

Louis Vuitton


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runway: paris



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runway: milan



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runway: milan

max mara


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runway: milan



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runway: london



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simone rocHa





runway: new york



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marc JacoBs





the Beauty pages


A Lump of 'CoAL' Story | Leslie Yip 西洋傳說,頑皮的小朋友不會收到聖誕老人的禮物,只會得到一 枚炭。然而,若你在聖誕禮襪袋內發現這黑色物體,請先別詑異 失望,原來含炭的護膚美容產品,不但可淨化肌膚,還能去除身 體毒素,徹底清潔頭髮和頭皮。 You’d better not pout if you find the black stuff in your Christmas stocking—charcoal-infused products can do wonders by purifying your skin, detoxifying your body and deep-cleansing your hair and scalp.

潔 淨 身 軀 BODY NécESSairE 同時採用化學及物理方法去除角質死皮、軟化更新皮膚。柔和的 AHA/BHA組合,包含乙二醇、乳酸和水楊酸,去除死皮細胞;浮石 岩和竹炭能軟化皮膚,而不引起刺激。

Two methods of exfoliation—chemical and physical—work synergistically to exfoliate, soften and renew skin. a gentle aHa/BHa trio of glycolic, lactic and salicylic acids help remove dead skin cells, while pumice and bamboo charcoal soften skin without irritation. Nécessaire The Body Exfoliator, 200ml | $41.73

Jack Black 多用途肥皂含有祖祖巴及海藻精華,清潔皮膚,去除角質,氣味 清香,獨特質感更能按摩肌肉、紓緩緊張。

This multi-tasking body bar with jojoba and seaweed extract cleanses, exfoliates and deodorizes the skin, while the unique texture massages muscles and relieves tension. Jack Black Charcoal Body Bar Massaging Soap, $20

Goop 以冰川海泥、活性炭加上5種鹽—藥用級的埃普索姆鹽、喜瑪拉 雅粉紅鹽、死海鹽、新西蘭太陽鹽和炭酸氫納,製成這種氣味芳香、 令肌膚嫩滑的沐浴鹽,一池暖水也變得悅目賞心。

Glacial marine clay and activated charcoal are mixed with baking soda and four salts—pharmaceutical-grade Epsom salt, Himalayan pink salt, Dead Sea salt and New Zealand solar salt—for a fragrant and skin-smoothing soak. However, be careful: it may stain lightcoloured bathtubs. Goop G.Tox 5 Salt Detox Bath Soak, 680g | $48.68


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呵 護 秀 髮 HAIR DryBar 砂糖加上活性炭,能輕柔地去除頭皮角質、消除毒素、潔淨頭皮, 令秀髮更健康。

This sugar scrub with activated charcoal gently exfoliates, detoxifies and cleanses the scalp to promote healthier hair. Drybar On the Rocks Charcoal Scalp Scrub, 147ml | $44.50

iGk 高效能免沖洗髮噴霧,當中的排毒炭粉吸 收油脂和汗液,去除塵污及聚積物,白茶粉有 鎮定緩和功能,緩解頭皮,強化毛囊,炭粉有 吸油吸味作用,再油膩的頭髮和頭皮都能迅速 變得乾淨。

This heavy-duty dry shampoo allows you to go even longer between washes, even after workouts. Detoxifying charcoal powder lifts dirt and buildup while absorbing oil and sweat. cooling, calming white tea powder calms the scalp and strengthens hair follicles. it cleanses even the most oily hair and scalp with oil-erasing, odour-eliminating charcoal powder. IGK First Class Charcoal Detox Dry Shampoo, 307ml | $35

BrioGEo 備長炭從頭皮及毛囊中提取油垢,加強頭皮健康,取自植物的微細 去角質物清除死皮細胞及積聚的雜質,令頭皮潔淨、均衡、健康。薄荷 和留蘭香油可減少頭皮痕癢,茶樹油減少頭皮刺激,椰子油滋潤頭皮髮 根,泛酰醇所含的豐富維他命提供必須營養,強化髮根及秀髮。

Binchotan charcoal draws impurities from the scalp and hair follicles, providing the foundation for optimal scalp health. Vegetable-derived micro-exfoliators remove dead skin cells and product buildup to support a clean, balanced and healthy scalp. peppermint and spearmint oils reduce scalp itchiness while tea tree oil reduces scalp irritation. coconut oil delivers superior moisturization and super-vitamin panthenol provides essential nutrients to strengthen the hair’s roots and shaft.

HuSH 兩種產品的組合,去除頭上積聚的污垢 得心應手。Clean Sweep的潔淨啫哩配方, 在髮間形成豐富泡沫,Scalp Sweeper是個 類似日本刷的毛刷,兩者配合,擦走頭皮及 頭髮上的污垢、聚積物、皮脂及引致氣味的 物質。感覺尤如頭皮接受了一次舒服徹底的 深層按摩。

Break up the buildup using these two cultworthy cleansers. clean Sweep is a clarifying gel formula that blooms into a rich lather to get between strands, while the soft-yetpointy bristles of the Scalp Sweeper, which is inspired by similar scrubbers from Japan, breaks up dirt, product residue, sebum and odour-causing particles. Bonus: it feels like the most indulgent scalp massage. Hush Gunk Remover Kit, $40

Briogeo Scalp Renewal Charcoal+Coconut Oil Micro-exfoliating Shampoo, 236ml | $55





the Beauty pages


CLEANsERs WylD 純天然柔和去角質潔面棉,主要材料為富含維他命的蒟 蒻根,混合有抗菌功效的竹炭,能除毒、清潔、殺菌及去除 皮膚角質,但無損肌膚的健康油分。

This gentle exfoliating all-natural face sponge is made from the vitamin-rich konjac root. infused with antibacterial bamboo charcoal, it works to detoxify and cleanse, as well as remove bacteria and dead skin cells without stripping away healthy oils. Wyld Charcoal Konjac Facial Cleansing Sponge, $15

oDaciTé 清新、帶有薄荷味的潔面啫哩含有活性炭及哈娑黏土,能有效 吸走毛孔深層的污垢物,蘊含茶樹、薄荷及迷迭香葉精華,氣味醒 神舒暢。

This ultra-fresh, minty gel is formulated with activated charcoal and rhassoul clay—a powerful duo that helps to suck out dirt, grime and pollution from deep within the pores. The invigorating tea tree, peppermint and rosemary leaf extracts make for an addictive scent. Odacité Black Mint Cleanser, $100 ml | $53

NaNETTE DE GaSpé 成分中的竹、火山泥精華、活性 炭和乙二醇酸,去除皮膚角質細胞之餘 還可以收縮毛孔,用後皮膚幼滑、清 爽、滋潤。含有7.5% AHA(羥基酸)和 0.05% BHA(水楊酸),取自木瓜和醇 的合成物,滲透到皮膚各層,釋放並去 除角質細胞,對抗沉積的色素,平衡皮 膚酸鹼值、收縮毛孔,令肌膚柔軟有光 澤。

Bamboo, volcanic sand extracts, activated charcoal and glycolic acid work collectively to aid in the removal of dead skin cells while also refining pores. Skin is left feeling smooth, fresh and hydrated. With a 7.5% concentration of aHa and 0.05% BHa, a papaya and enzyme complex penetrates the multiple layers of your skin with ease to loosen and remove dead skin cells. it even treats hyperpigmentation, naturally balances pH and refines pores, revealing softer and more radiant skin. Nannette de Gaspé Essence Noir Facial Polish Scrub, 200ml | $95


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ErNo laSZlo 每天以此改良配方的清潔液給肌 膚作深層清潔,當中的黑炭能抽取毛孔 中的塵垢雜質,果酶成分則能去除表層 的殘餘物。

For those whose skin needs deep, daily cleansing, this innovative formula does double duty. Black charcoal draws dirt and impurities from pores, while a blend of super-fruit enzymes takes care of surface buildup. Erno Laszlo Pore Refining Detox Double Cleanse, 100ml | $76.50



cliNiquE 炭粉帶走深藏的污垢,潔淨 毛孔;礦物泥吸收多餘油分。這種 不含油、有控油效果的面膜,適合 混合或油性肌膚。

BoScia 富含礦物質的面膜混合了活性炭、 松木精華和維他命D,能促進皮膚潔 淨、加強彈性及收縮毛孔,敷上厚厚的 一層,25分鐘之後去掉。用後塗上再生 滋養啫哩(Revitalizing Black Hydration Gel)效果更顯著。

charcoal powder draws out deepseated debris to purify pores while mineral clays soak up excess oil. This oil-free, mattifying mask is suitable for dry to oily skin types. Clinique Pore Refining Solutions Charcoal Mask, 100ml | $38

The original black mask is still a reigning fan favourite. This mineral-rich mask is infused with activated charcoal, pine bark extract and vitamin c to boost skin clarity, promote skin elasticity and minimize the appearance of pores. Simply apply a thick layer, leave on for 25 minutes and then peel off. optional: follow up with the revitalizing Black Hydration Gel. boscia Luminizing Black Mask, 80g | $45

Mac 混合竹炭粉、含有豐富礦物質的白 色陶泥面膜,能深入潔淨毛孔,去除雜 質及多餘油脂,用後肌膚感覺幼滑,上 妝更貼服自然。

infused with bamboo charcoal powder and a mineral-rich white clay, this mask penetrates deeply to purify pores and eliminate impurities while sweeping away excess oil. Skin is left with a clearer appearance and smoother feel, and makeup glides on seamlessly. MAC Mineralize Reset & Revive Charcoal Mask, 100ml | $36

BEauTyGarDE 含炭排毒面膜,有紅茶和菠菜成分,能促進血液向面 部流動,針對暗啞、疲乏、乾燥皮膚,短短20分鐘,即令肌 膚紅潤有光彩。面膜以黏性聚脂製造,混合納米銀離子及竹 炭,有抗氧化功效。

Here is a detoxifying charcoal-infused sheet mask with black tea and spinach that encourages blood flow to the face. it helps banish dull, tired and dehydrated skin, leaving you with a dewy, rosy glow in just 20 minutes. The mask is made from viscose polyester and is infused with nano-silver ions and bamboo charcoal to deliver antioxidant benefits in addition to those of the serum. Beautygarde Hangover Hero Sheet Mask, 5 x 25g | $33.38

VicHy 木炭面膜所含的高嶺土,吸收能力 高卻不會使皮膚乾燥。配方中的維生素 E,螺旋藻提取物和專有的熱礦泉水,則 具有治療和抗氧化功能。

This charcoal mask includes kaolin clay, which has high absorption capacity but does not dry out skin. Vitamin E, spirulina extract and proprietary thermal mineral water are also included in the formula for healing and antioxidant capabilities. Vichy Purete Thermale Charcoal mask, 75ml | $34







The cherry on Top Tom Ford scent this year’s Fragrance Foundation Women’s Luxury perfume of the year Story | Leslie Yip Tom Ford的私密調香系列一直是香水界的奇葩—2007年同 時發布10種不同的香水,到10年後大膽起用有異世俗的字眼作 名稱,很明顯,就是拒絕接受常規束縛。 當《Lost Cherry》於2018年發布時,瞬間吸引了無數逐香之 輩的注目。櫻桃是含糖飲料和針對年輕女孩的大眾市場中最受歡 迎的味道,那高級香水又如何呢?事實證明,櫻桃亦是贏家— 在被譽為是香水業界奧斯卡的Fragrance Foundation中,奪得 「女士奢侈品」類別中的「2019 年度香水」榮譽。 Louise Turner是調製出這種誘人馥郁芳香的調香師,她運 用獨門秘技避免令香氣甜得發膩。以一開瓶散發出黑櫻桃的味 道作為前調,中調是櫻桃甜酒混和苦杏仁。接著是令人心蕩神 馳的格賴英特櫻桃糖漿、土耳其玫瑰和桑巴茉莉,後調煥發出 烘焙零陵香豆、秘魯香脂和雪松木的煙熏木質柔軟感。儘管櫻 桃的特性貫徹在整個香調中,但香氣卻是複雜多變而感性。 瓶身的設計散發出香水對甜美和誘人世界的探索。漆上透 明櫻桃紅色的塞蓋式玻璃瓶身上,勾勒透視出標誌性的私密調 香系列剪影,原來這設計靈感源自滑亮的國際象棋外觀。

Tom Ford’s Private Blend has always been an oddball in the perfume world. From launching 10 different scents at the same time in 2007 to using an expletive in the name 10 years later, it’s clear the brand isn’t bound by convention. When Lost Cherry was announced last year it raised a number of eyebrows. The cherry is a favourite flavour in sugary drinks and mass-market scents targeting young girls—but a luxury perfume? Turns out it is a winner, literally capturing the 2019 Fragrance Foundation Perfume of the Year in the Women’s Luxury category. These awards are considered the Oscars of the fragrance industry. The nose behind this full-bodied gourmand scent is Louise Turner. She must have had a few tricks up her sleeve to prevent this scent from being sickly sweet. It starts with a pop of tart cherries, but it’s instantly warmed by a dash of cherry liqueur and bitter almond. The heart of griotte syrup, Turkish rose and sambac jasmine then emerge, finally evolving into the smoky softness of roasted tonka beans, Peru balm and cedar. While the characteristics of the cherry are unmistakeable, the scent is both sophisticated and sensuous. The bottle design draws on the fragrance’s exploration of worlds, both sweet and seductive. The translucent pink flacon is lacquered from the inside in cherry red, outlining the signature Private Blend silhouette inspired by a chess piece.


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Eau de Parfum 50ml | $405, 100ml | $535





Christmas speCial supplement

RODEO JEWELLERS Gucci gold Dionysus bracelet, $10,800

BLUBIRD Fornasetti Flora Candle, notes of Lily, Jasmine, Tuberose & Sandalwood, $265

WEEKEND MAX MARA Plaid flared skirt in a double layer wool, $495

CRATE & BARREL Christmas Tree serving bowls, $46.95

走入濃情聖誕 Shifting into holiday mode with

Oakridge Centre 在溫哥華選購時尚的聖誕禮物,擁有超過100家商店的Oakridge Centre 自是首選之—,雲集熱門的時尚潮流品牌,包括Judith & Charles、Tiffany & Co.、Max Mara、Weekend Max Mara、Blubird、Harry Rosen、Marc Cain、Stuart Weitzman、Lego、Crate & Barrel和La Maison Valmont……還 有更多待您探索。 關注微信(Oakridge Shopping Centre)有機會贏取$5至$100面值的 Oakridge禮品卡。 今個節日,Oakridge Centre舉辦雪花與槲寄生聖誕裝飾文化展—透過觀 賞傾聽本地合唱團、豎琴家、鋼琴演奏家、爵士樂三重奏、歌劇獨唱表演以 及由Goh芭蕾舞團預演的《胡桃夾子》等等的精彩表演,與摯愛親朋結伴融入 濃濃的節日氣氛。 Oakridge禮品卡是最理想的送禮佳品。顧客可於恆常的商場營業時間 內,來到位於樂高玩具店對面的禮賓服務台購買面額由$20至$500元的禮品 卡,並於Oakridge Centre參與活動的商店中使用。若是企業訂購,請聯繫禮 賓部,就讓員工稱你為「年度最佳老闆」吧!

With over 100 stores, Oakridge Centre offers one of Vancouver’s most stylish shopping experience. It delivers a cache of coveted labels including, Judith & Charles, Tiffany & Co., Max Mara, Weekend Max Mara, Blubird, Harry Rosen, Marc Cain, Stuart Weitzman, Lego, Crate & Barrel, La Maison Valmont and more. Follow Oakridge Shopping Centre on WeChat, and be entered to win one of 5 - $100 Oakridge Gift Cards! Get into the holiday spirit with festive Snow & Mistletoe Cultural Showcase performances by local choir groups, concert pianists, opera soloists, jazz trios, a Nutcracker preview by Goh Ballet, harpists and much more. Oakridge Gift Cards are the perfect gift—cards may be purchased at the Concierge Desk, located across from the Lego store, during regular centre hours. They are available in any denominations from $20 to $500 and can be used at participating Oakridge Centre retailers. For corporate orders, please contact the Concierge Desk and you may be on your way to become the “Boss Of The Year”.

COACH Red Troupe Tote, $894

HARRY ROSEN Salvatore Ferragamo men’s silk scarf, $450

SWAROVSKI The iconic, Hello Kitty, $739

與聖誕老人合照 Photos with Santa December 2 - December 23 Monday to Saturday: 11:00am - 1:00pm / 2:00pm - 5:00pm / 6:00pm - 8:00pm Sunday: 11:00am - 1:00pm / 2:00pm - 5:00pm December 24 11:00am -2:00pm 節日期間營業時間 Holiday Shopping Hours: December 2 - December 23 Monday - Saturday: 9:30am - 9:00pm Sunday: 10:00am - 7:00pm Christmas Eve, December 24 9:30am - 5:00pm Christmas Day, December 25 Closed Boxing Day, December 26 8:00am - 9:00pm

MAX MARA Lilia Coat, hand sewn, wraparound in double-layer pure cashmere, $6,350 LA MAISON VALMONT Rosso I perfume, Floral Oriental, $395

shopping: gift guide

Dior 5 Couleurs Happy 2020 Couture eyeshadow palette ,$74 (Holt Renfrew/Hudson’s Bay)

Chanel 19 Maxi Flap bag, $6,375 (Chanel)


Chaumet Bee My Love rose gold and diamond bracelet, $13,300 (Birks)

shopaholic fantasy Van Cleef & Arpels Frivole between the finger ring, $6,950 (Maison Birks)

’tis the season for giving. and nothing says love and devotion more than stuffing some of these trinkets into your Xmas stockings Story | Iris Chui Baume & Mercier Classima watch, $4,050 (Berani)

Fendi metallic gold Baguette, $3,750 (Fendi)

Chanel N°5 Eau de Parfum Coffret Theater, $195 (Chanel) 52

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for her

Tiffany & Co. Advent calendar, starts at USD$112,000 (Tiffany & Co.)

Michael Kors Whitney leather shoulder bag, $995 (Michael Kors)

Smythe sequin side slit dress, $595 (Andrews at Bayview Village)

Piaget Possession watch, price upon request (Royal De Versailles Jewellers)

Escada crystalembellished sandals, $925 (Escada)

Armani Beauty Advent calendar, $350 ( ELITEGEN




shopping: gift guide

Moncler striped wool scarf, $345 (Moncler)

Louis Vuitton Andrews golf kit, $995 (Louis Vuitton)

Bottega Veneta Intrecciato leather belt, $670 (Holt Renfrew)

David Yurman Cable Cigar Band cufflinks with 14K gold, $850 (David Yurman)

One-of-a-kind custom Tiffany Blue Indian scout motorcycle, price upon request (Tiffany’s & Co.)


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for him

Coach NY men’s Red Pacer tall backpack, $495 (Coach)

Burton GORE-TEX 3L Hover mitten, $249.99 (Burton)

Burberry Kenworthy monogram logo tape bomber, $1,910 (Saks Fifth Avenue)

BOSS slipper, $198 (Harry Rosen)

Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Selfwinding chronograph, price upon request (Royal De Versailles Jewellers)

Montblanc wallet, $200 (Small) $410 (Big) (Harry Rosen)

Tiffany 1837 Makers I.D. chain bracelet in 18k gold, $9,900 (Tiffany & Co.)

Yves Saint Laurent Y Live Eau de Toilette Intense, $125 (

Prada Cloudbust Thunder knit sneakers, $1,090 (Holt Renfrew)







shopping: gift guide

District Eight ping pong table, $ 5,999.99 (Hudson’s Bay)

Swarovski gingerbread snowman couple ornament, $139 (Swarovski)

Fendi Pequin travel trunk, $6,700 (Fendi)

Pour Sortir change tray, $680 (Hermès)

for Home

Dolce and Gabbana by Smeg two-slice toaster, $799, (Hudson’s Bay)

Hermès Adage whiskey carafe in crystal, $1,275 (Hermès) Macallan Double Cask 12 Years Old, $99.95 ( Diptyque Advent calendar, $575 (Holt Renfrew) 56

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Burberry vintage check and leather high top sneakers, $280 (Burberry)

Cuddle+Kind knit doll, $84 (Holt Renfrew)

+kids wHere to buy

Burton small camber snowboard, $349.99 (Burton) Bonpoint cherry shoulder bag, $260 (

Moschino sequin embroidered ballerina shoes, $410 (

Gucci GG embroidered tulle dress, $2,198 ( FAO Schwarz ride-on roadster, $340 (Hudson’s Bay)

Chanel Toronto - 98 Yorkville Ave, 416-925-2577 Vancouver - 737 Dunsmuir St, 604-682-0522 Tiffany & Co. Toronto - 150 Bloor St W, 416-921-3900 Vancouver - 723 Burrard St, 604-630-1300 Harry Rosen Toronto - 82 Bloor St W, 416-972-0556 Vancouver - Oakridge Centre, 604-266-1172 Birks Toronto - 55 Bloor St W, 416-922-2266 Vancouver - 698 W Hastings St, 604-669-3333 Berani Jewellers Toronto - 2901 Bayview Ave, 416-227-9200 Vancouver - Royal De Versailles Jewellers 101 Bloor St W, 416-967-7201 Michael Kors Toronto - Yorkdale Shopping Centre, 416-907-7871 Vancouver - 650 West 41st Ave, 604-629-0286 Andrews at Bayview Village Toronto - 2901 Bayview Ave, 416-225-0049 Holt Renfrew Toronto - 50 Bloor St W, 416-922-2333 Vancouver - 737 Dunsmuir St, 604-681-3121 Hermès Toronto - 100 Bloor St W, 416-968-8626 Vancouver - 755 Burrard St, 604-681-9965 Louis Vuitton Toronto - 150 Bloor St W, 416-968-3993 Vancouver - 730 Burrard St, 604-696-9404 Saks Fifth Avenue Toronto - 176 Yonge St, 416-507-3100 Vancouver - Moncler Toronto - 131 Bloor St West, 647-350-7400 Vancouver - 748 Thurlow St, 604-673-9111 Fendi Toronto - Yorkdale Shopping Centre, 416-789-6626 Vancouver - 737 Dunsmuir St, 604-681-1289 David Yurman Toronto - Yorkdale Shopping Centre, 416-780-9598 Vancouver - 737 Dunsmuir St, 604-681-3121 Burton Toronto - 98 Ossington Ave, 647-361-4400 Vancouver - Coach Toronto - 131 Bloor St W, 416-944-8773 Vancouver - 755 Burrard St, 604-694-1772 Escada Toronto - 131 Bloor St W, 416-964-2265 Vancouver - 710 Thurlow St, 604-688-8558 Burberry Toronto - 144 Bloor St W, 416-920-7717 Vancouver - CF Pacific Centre, 604-681-3121 Swarovski Toronto - 100 King St W, 416-642-0392 Vancouver - Oakridge Centre, 604-269-9949 Hudson's Bay Toronto - 176 Yonge St, 416-861-9111 Vancouver - 674 Granville St, 604-681-6211 ELITEGEN




cover girl


... And then there were

岑 麗 香 ‧ 三 人 新 世 界 Instagram phenom eliza Sam speaks candidly about being a first-time mom Story | Candy Woo Makeup | Zoe Fan

Dress, Halston Heritage, $ 820


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Styling | Lucas Tang Hair | Matt Chau

Dress, Marine Serre, $TBD Earrings, Venna, $370

岑麗香是2010年國際中華小姐及2009年溫哥華華裔 小姐的冠軍。因為其主演劇集《巴不得媽媽》的「香香公主」 角色大受歡迎而被傳媒稱為「香香」。憑其甜美笑容及不造 作的性格深受觀眾歡迎,是2013年「飛躍進步女藝員」的得 主。

Eliza Sam began her showbiz career with two shining crowns on her head: one was as Miss Chinese Vancouver in 2009 and the other for Miss Chinese International in 2010. And there was her role in Divas in Distress that made her hugely popular. She also bagged the 2013 TVB Anniversary Award for Most Improved Female Artist just three years after her screen debut.

自榮升媽媽後,香香的受歡迎程度依然有增無減, Instagram追蹤人數更破了一百萬大關。

But the actress has been busy playing another role these days, probably her most important one yet. And that is being a first-time mom.

在天下媽媽眼中,BB的一舉一動,都是刻骨銘心 的,岑麗香也不例外,她心目中的感動時刻,盡是小情小 趣,「Jacob只有幾個月大,雖然未識行路,未懂說話,但 他每日都在成長,由飯糰般,慢慢變成一個小人兒,開始 認識自己的手手腳腳,看見他的成長,感覺好奇妙。」 香香邊說邊拿起手機,展示她放上IG的BB生活記趣 片段,「你看,BB被自己的聲音嚇倒,好cute呀!」BB的 每個第一次,都是媽媽的美好回憶,「BB初出生時很脆 弱,我好想保護他,他第一次捉實我的手指,第一次眼定 定望著我,第一次對我笑,第一次笑到咭咭聲,而且愈來 愈多表情,每一件都是難忘又感動的回憶。」

“Jacob is just a few months old and is not walking or talking yet,” says Sam, “but he’s getting bigger every day—from the size of a rice ball to a small person. He’s discovering his hands and feet. It’s amazing to watch him grow.” The 35-year-old Vancouver native proudly shows off snippets of baby Jacob posted on her Instagram, which has now surpassed one million followers: “Look here, he was scared by the sound he made. So cute. He looked so fragile at birth. I wanted to protect him. When he grabbed my fingers for the first time, stared, smiled or chuckled for the first time, all the while showing more and more expressions, every single moment was unforgettable and moving.”





cover girl 曾經有新手媽媽級藝人分享:「拍戲練成捱更抵夜的本領,所以 湊B一點也難不倒我。」香香也經歷過此艱辛訓練,卻有不同看法︰「我 覺得是兩回事啊!拍劇現場有商有量,給我五分鐘補補妝,也不是難 事,但BB半夜要換片、要餵奶,哪會遷就?遲五秒也沒商量呢,哈 哈!」

成長大躍進 一個小人兒,為香香的生活帶來了巨變,揹上媽媽這個身份後, 她的心態也來個大躍進。 「由小到大,我都是一個頗care free的人,做人做事都不會想得太 多,喜歡順其自然,外出也不會帶雨傘防身,出門前半小時才施施然 開始化妝,心裡想:『遲到少少,沒甚麼關係啦!』但自從Jacob出世 之後,就不能再這樣care free,帶他外出前一晚,我會寫好check list ,收拾好袋子,害怕遲到或是忘記帶BB的必需品。」重新學習,為時未 晚,何況旁邊還有強強這個軍師丈夫督促。 「丈夫性格跟我相反,他做事很有條理,以前他花許多時間等我, 現在我終於學懂了準時,哈哈!」她丈夫更加將照顧孩子任務當作商業 項目,兩夫婦變成合夥人,兩人各自投入的努力,不止是50%,而是 100%。「他說這是互相包底的概念,各自付出100%,一旦其中一個太 累或者病倒,力量跌watt,另一人可以補充,無時無刻都有超越100% 的表現,維持實力,嘩!很像打仗!」 這個照顧孩子攻略,由強強表姐傳授,香香的媽媽負責實戰,變 成最寵BB 的婆婆。「BB一哭,媽咪便第一時間衝上去抱抱,那個眼 神,令我好surprise。」在孫兒面前,婆婆流露出罕見的溫柔,「小時候 公公最疼我,甚麼也遷就我,媽咪只會在旁邊碌大雙眼怒視我,她的 溫柔,只獨家限定給baby Jacob,現在輪到我做嚴厲媽媽了。」

One showbiz mom once suggested that staying up late at night on the set was good training for staying up to care for her baby. Sam has been through this baptism by fire, too, but she has a slightly different take. “It’s different,” she says. “On set, there were discussions and touch-up breaks. It’s not that challenging. But babies need to have nappies changed and be fed in the middle of the night. There is no negotiation. You can’t ‘take five’ first.”

GrOWInG BY LEApS And BOundS This tiny tot has brought big changes to Sam’s life. Her mindset has taken a somersault after becoming a mom. “I have been rather carefree most of my life. I didn’t overthink and would let things take their course. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t have an umbrella in the bag. I put on makeup half an hour before heading out, because it’s alright being a little late. “Since Jacob arrived, though, carefree doesn’t work anymore. The night before taking him out, I have to prepare a checklist and pack the baby bag, in case we run behind schedule, or I forget any baby necessities.” It’s not too late to learn, plus she has help from her loving husband, Joshua ngo. “He is very different from me, very organized,” says Sam. “He used to spend a lot of time waiting for me. now I have finally learned to be on time.” ngo has approached parenthood like a business project, the two of them having become partners. “He describes it as having each other’s back,” says Sam. “We give our all, and if one of us is too tired or falls sick, then the other fills in. It means there will always be more than 100 per cent. It’s like a battle.” This childcare strategy was passed on by ngo’s cousin, and Sam’s mother is there to help with the real work. She has become an indulgent grandma. “When the baby cries, my mom will rush forward to pick him up. I’m very surprised by the earnest look in her eyes. When I was small, my grandpa doted on me, and mom would shoot me a stern look. Her gentleness is for baby Jacob alone. now it’s my turn to be the stern mom.”


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Dress, $1,380 Girdle, $1,380 Both from Loewe Earrings, Venna, $300



新手媽媽忙得團團轉,並沒有冷卻她對工作的熱情。 由停工準備生孩子至復工,香香暫別工作八個月,復工心 情既興奮又忐忑,「第一次出席品牌宣傳活動,心情極之 複雜,好期待,好緊張,但又捨不得BB,家中有個得意 人仔,怎會捨得出門?最後要丈夫催促我,提醒我不要遲 到。」

Being a new mother is hectic, but her enthusiasm towards work has not diminished. After eight months of maternity leave, she was initially apprehensive about returning. “When I attended a brand event for the first time after maternity leave, it was a complicated feeling. I looked forward to it, but was also nervous, and didn’t want to leave my baby. Why would you want to leave home when there is an adorable little pumpkin at home.”

不過,與合作夥伴重聚,那股工作氣氛,又重燃她心 中的那團火,「原來投入工作,能給我另一股能量,成就更 好的自己。」她將工作時間視為me time,每一次me time, 都有助她提升為更好的媽媽,「間中抽離一下,其實是一個 喘息機會,思考怎樣為BB做得更好。」 做媽媽以後,所有可能影響BB利益的舉措,也一律 說不。「現在不能過度節食,令BB缺糧;想有效修身,一 定要靠運動,跳跳鄭多燕健康舞、練練瑜伽,保持身心健 康,這樣最適合自己。第一次出活動雖然有keep fit壓力, 但我已盡了力,哈哈!」 香香自從今年3月誕下兒子Jacob後,便全職相夫教 子,要到十一個月底才復出拍劇:「現在感覺有點忐忑,因 為可以做回自己喜歡的工作,但同時間又很緊張,因為可 能要長時間工作,又要重新學習背讀劇本和演戲。然而即 使有很多功課要做,但真的很期待。」

upon reuniting with work partners, her enthusiasm for work was re-ignited. For her, “getting back to work generated another form of energy and made me better.” She looks at the time at work as “me time” and she believes every moment of it helps to make her a better mother. “It’s good to take a breather from time to time, and think about how to be better for the baby.” Having a baby has affected her life choices. “I can’t diet too much because I’m nursing. I have to exercise to stay fit, doing the Jung da-yeon dance or yoga. This suits me better. There was pressure to keep fit for attending the first event after my leave of absence. I did my best.” Sam wants to make the most of her star-turned-mom status before fully returning to showbiz. She says she will “take on low-pressure and short stints initially. It will take good co-ordination to take on a TV series again.” Yet Sam has already begun filming a new TV drama last month. “It feels great to return to the work I have always loved. Yet, at the same time, I am a little bit nervous. I think I will need some time to re-adjust to the long hours and feel comfortable in front of the camera again, but I look forward to all of it.”





cover girl

“ It feels great

to return to the work I have always loved. Yet, at the same time, I am a little bit nervous. I think I will need some time to readjust to the long hours and feel comfortable in front of the camera again, but I look forward to all of it.


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Best friend丈夫 香香的顧慮,並不是丈夫下了禁制令,他反而一直鼓勵太 太放膽嘗試,「每次我跟同事通電話,都是開了揚聲器,所以他 知道我因為照顧BB,推卻好些機會,我們由初相識到現在,都 是無所不談的好朋友,他很明白我的忐忑心情。」 強強說過的幾句話,令香香得到最大的安慰:「他說︰『想 做就放心去做吧!嘗試過才知道自己真正的想法,BB還有我和 家人照顧。』」這份尊重和承諾,是最寶貴的禮物。「好多謝他給 我一百分安全感。」岑麗香從來都是感性的人,說著說著,她鼻 子開始發紅,像快要掉下淚來,「我以前已經是喊包,生BB之後 荷爾蒙更澎湃,復工日做訪問講老公和BB,也幾乎哭出來,哈 哈!」 轉眼間小Jacob已經九個多月大,但香香仍未有囝囝教育計 劃,「香港競爭的確好厲害,我只希望他健康、快樂、善良,有 抗逆能力和懂得跟別人相處,考試幾多分,不是最重要。」 她坦言有想過舉家回流加拿大,但不是短期內的事,「我仍 然很享受工作,未打算做全職媽媽。」不少粉絲擔心她效法鍾嘉 欣回流,「多謝粉絲的關心,其實現在透過社交平台也可隨時連 繫,加港兩邊飛也很快,想見面,隨時也可以。」

BEST FrIEnd And HuSBAnd Her trepidation about committing to work was, by no means, due to any influence from her husband. “I talked to colleagues on speaker phone, so he knew I had turned away many jobs because I wanted to put the baby first. We have been the best of friends since the moment we met. He knew I was struggling with the idea of returning to work. “He said go ahead if I wanted and that I had to try it before I knew what I really wanted. He assured me that the baby would be cared for by him and the family. Such regard and commitment is the biggest gift for me. I’m very thankful that he makes me feel absolutely secure.” Always the emotional one, Sam was choking back tears, admitting that she “cried easily in the past. The post-natal hormones made me even more emotional. I almost cried when I was doing the interview about my husband and baby on the day I returned to work.” Although baby Jacob is only nine months old, Sam is already thinking of what schools her son should go to. “The competition in Hong kong is brutal. I hope he grows up healthy, happy, kind, resilient and personable. Scores don’t matter a bit.” She admits they have thought about moving back to Canada, but it won’t happen in the near future. “I still enjoy working and am not planning to be a full-time mom yet,” she says. Her fans are concerned that she might move back to Canada, like her good friend Linda Chung. “I’m very touched by my fans’ concern,” says Sam. “Social media these days provide good platforms for staying connected. We can always make quick journeys between Hong kong and Canada. We can always see each other when we want to catch up.”

Dress, Marine Serre, $TBD Shoes, Christian Louboutin, $1,200 Earrings, Venna, $370







sprinkled with sparkle 未必是價值連城的珠寶,但時裝 品牌推出的時尚首飾系列,配合 冬季系列,畫龍點睛般,將方興 未艾的復古風韻帶到現在,透視 女性的多元魅力。 They may not contain rare gems or precious metals but fashion jewellery always makes a bold statement. From medieval and metropolitan to crystals and chains, these luxury brands got ya covered Story | Chappie






chaneL $TBD



Louis VuiTTon











$590 $1,050



Gucci 66





sainT LaurenT















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The new code Audemars Piguet always a showcase of extraordinary artistry Story | 伍旋卓 Photography | 陳鐵剛 Audemars Piguet今年推出全新Code 11.59腕錶,品牌CEO Francois-Henry Bennahmias說Code 11.59不是賺錢產品,它結合不同系 列DNA。「很多用家是從小朋友年代接觸AP,過程中,品牌要建立不同形 象,要煉製一枚經典腕錶,過程很漫長。」翻查資料,AP去年的銷售額已 達十億瑞士法郎,所以Code 11.59系列是不用背負商業元素的新成員,純 粹展示品牌大膽創新工藝。外圓內八角形的Code 11.59腕錶,錶身看似簡 單,原來是把兩個不同形狀錶身接合而成,當中錶耳又涉及複雜的鏤空工 藝,有強烈立體視覺,突破工藝極限。Code 11.59有很多個不同錶款,包 括簡約三針及計時版,當中焦點必定是三問報時版本。

According to CEO Francois-Henry Bennahmias, Audemars Piguet’s latest Code 11.59 was made as a celebration of its history as a luxury watchmaker, combining the DNA of many different collections into one masterpiece movement. And the company’s success, which sold in excess of a billion Swiss Francs last year, made it possible for them to create a watch without thinking whether it would make them lots of money. So with the Code 11.59, AP only meant to showcase extraordinary artistry without worrying about the bottom line.

搭載2953機芯,擁有品牌Supersonnerie超級三問技術的Code 11.59 三問報時錶,音質極好,亦有高度防水能耐,配合保護機制,能隨時調校 日期。Supersonnerie概念源自2006年,當時AP與洛桑聯邦理工學院EPFL 合作研發三問錶聲學,又邀來樂器工匠、音響工程師等參與,其成品最終 於2019年推出。賣相絕不高調的三問錶,看似簡約大三針,但留意到九時 位置的滑桿,是與弧形錶面及錶身成為同一曲線。2953機芯特別之處是複 雜及創新的三問系統,包括專利音簧、調速器及共鳴錶底。錶內有平板形 的共鳴裝置,令報時聲由錶底側面傳出,就算佩戴在手腕上,也沒有影響 其聲量。內裏安全機制更是突破三問錶規限,包括自調報時分鐘誤差,以 及防止「當機」系統,即用家於三問報時中,仍可自由調校時間,不會影響 齒輪運算。

The collection features a time-only model, a chronograph and a show-stopping Minute Repeater Supersonnerie, the latter of which is fitted with a 2953 calibre (pictured left). The Supersonnerie concept was conceived in 2006 when AP and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne researched and developed the technology for minute repeaters. They invited musical instrument experts and sound engineers to join the project. It is comprised of patented gongs, a regulator and a sound board.








Air Force precision

The ALT1-ZT/51 is crystal coated with nine layers of anti-reflective materials specifically designed for flying Story | 伍旋卓 Photography | 蔡建新 & Bremont 英國的Bremont歷史並不簡單。首先,品牌名字並不是來自家族, 而是一位法國老農民Antonie Bremont。原來一九九○年,創辦人兩兄 弟Giles和Nick駕駛一台一九三○年的雙翼飛機飛越法國上空,途中遇 上英倫海峽的極端天氣,需要緊急着陸。為免驚動法國政府,他們透過 飛機上的無綫電與附近一位法國農民Antonie聯絡,協助降落在農田。 Antonie把飛機放於穀倉維修,並邀請Giles和Nick到家中休息。原來 Antonie是「二戰」飛行員,退役後專攻鐘錶維修,從而啟發了兄弟倆對鐘 錶的熱情。兩人為紀念這位老農民的救命之恩,遂以Bremont為品牌名 字,及後生產的每款腕錶,堅持要飛行功能為先,例如品牌去年推出的 ALT1-ZT/51,錶鏡有九層防反光物料,全是為飛行用途而設。 去年美國波音公司一百周年紀念,便與Bremont合作推出Boeing 100腕錶,錶身的Ti 6-4鈦金屬物料更是取材自飛機零件。今年品牌又與 英國國防部合作,生產及設計了Armed Forces系列,經過多重實戰測 試,是少有性能上能達到軍事級標準的腕錶。 與英國軍方合作設計給飛行員使用的Armed Forces Arrow,外觀來 自「二戰」英軍Dirty Dozen錶款。採用BE-51AE自動上鏈機芯,錶身抗磨 度是軍用級別的精鋼,測試過程包括抗衡強力磁場、高空超低氣壓、濕 度、鹽霧、腐蝕及彈射撞擊等,所以錶底皇家御用認證標記是一個身份 的象微,並不是單純聯乘合作。BE-51AE機芯經過仔細的改裝,性能針 對高空時的極限環境。

Bremont from England has an illustrious past. It was not named after the founder’s family, but an elderly French farmer Antonie Bremont. The story was that the founding brothers Giles and Nick flew a 1930 biplane to France, but met with extreme weather across the English Channel. They needed to make an emergency landing but didn’t want to alert the French government. So they sent out radio signals and connected with nearby Antonie Bremont, landing on his farmland. Antonie hid the plane in his barn for repair and invited Giles and Nick to rest at his home. It turned out that Antonie was a pilot himself during WWII. After decommissioning from the Air Force, he took up watch repair. He made the brothers fall in love with horology. To show their thanks, the duo named their brand Bremont, and each watch produced since then was primarily designed for flying. The ALT1-ZT/51 introduced last year is crystal coated with nine layers of anti-reflective materials specifically designed for flying. As Boeing marked its centenary last year, it partnered with Bremont to introduce the Boeing 100 watch. The Ti 6-4 titanium used for the case is typically used for making aircraft parts. This year, the brand partnered with UK’s Ministry of Defense to design and produce the Armed Forces collection, which has undergone vigorous field testing to prove their superior specs as military-grade timepieces. The engraving of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces Heraldic Badges on the caseback is a badge of honour, far more significant in connotation than the collaboration itself. The BE-51AE calibre has been meticulously remodelled to perform accurately even in high-pressure conditions in the sky. $6,100


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fashion: men


ExpErimEntal ElEgancE Dior blends urban street with couture Story | 冰汪 剛踏入四十歲的Dior主帥Kim Jones,身懷英國紳士風度翩翩的 DNA,後天卻瘋狂迷戀街頭文化,夏秋兩季先後夥拍街頭大師KAWS 及日本傳奇藝術家空山基合作,完美結合街頭藝術與高級時裝。來到 2019冬季系列,他請來美國藝術家Raymond Pettibon獻技,貫徹他為 Sonic Youth及Black Flag等經典唱片封套繪畫的美式黑白漫畫風格, 為Dior畫了幾幅新作。超級焦點是二次創作的蒙羅麗莎,或者一系列 動物圖案,即使是簡單一個Dior字款,看似隨隨便便寫就,也覺格外 好看。 只要細心留意Kim Jones的衣服,自會發現他在每個系列,都會 作出不同實驗,嘗試顛覆男裝傳統。今季他從Mr. Dior在1955年的舊 作獲得靈感,在多套西裝之內,僭建了一條可拆除的長長絲巾。作為 西裝之伸延。絲巾是由三粒鈕扣在西裝肩膀內相連,斜斜繞過模特兒 上身,再靠一招單手插袋,聰明地把絲巾往下牽引。絲巾闊度,相當 於傳統男士禮服的腰封,打破tuxedo的長年困局。 系列中,另一焦點是外在僭建一件軍事味濃郁的背心。Kim Jones說乃是看到巴黎市內的歷史人物雕塑,不少均穿上背心盔甲,便 將此法國英雄豪傑的形象,搬到Dior天橋。他更刻意在時裝騷上,搭 建一條七十六米長的輸送帶,運送全體男模,像雕塑一樣企著出場。

Dior’s Kim Jones is 40, yet he’s still madly in love with urban street culture. Beautifully blended with the elegance of the English gentleman, Jones previously partnered with streetwear master Kaws and legendary Japanese artist Hajime Sorayama for a daring mix of street art with couture. Continuing in that avant garde direction, his Fall/Winter 2019/2020 collection includes the monochrome comic-strip style of American artist Raymond Pettibon. Attention is on a reimagined Mona Lisa and a series of animal prints. Even the seemingly effortlessly renewed typography of the Dior logo is a delight. Jones experiments endlessly to put a new spin on menswear. For this season, he also referenced the 1955 works of Christian Dior himself and added a detachable long scarf to a classic suit. Another highlight is the vest-on-jacket, a military look inspired by French statues in armour.

Shirt, $2,000 Gloves, $2,200 Belt, $900 Shoes, $1,500 72

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Jacket, $5,000 Shirt, $1,450 Pants, $1,300 Brooch, $620

Jacket, $3,100 Shirt, $1,250 Pants, $1,300 Case, $2,900

Sweater, $2,700 Pants, $TBD Boots, $1,500 ELITEGEN




fashion: men

Shirt, $950 Pants, $1,300 Gloves, $2,200 Belt, $900 Coat, $5,600 Knit, $1,450 Boots, $1,500 Brooch, $620

Jacket, $4,300 Shirt, $1,350 Boots, $1,500


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Vest, $17,000 Jacket, $3,500 Pants, $1,300

Coat, $3,500 Pants, $TBD Boots, $1,500 Bag, $2,000







patio power Spanish décor brand Diabla recreates the Valencia seaside with its outdoor furniture Story | 袓慧 Photography | courtesy of Diabla


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戶外防曬防水唇膏椅。 The Lipstick armchair by José Antonio Gandía-Blasco Canales is made for the outdoors and is sunlight and water resistant.

見到西班牙戶外家具設計品牌Diabla的檯椅沙發茶几照片,陽光燦爛大量泳 衣漂亮女模,感受華倫西亞地中海風情,領悟陽光設計生活,一洗戶外家具總是 粗糙的印象。

Ibiza的紅血球狠勁 Diabla的老闆兼藝術總監José Antonio Gandía-Blasco Canales生於華倫西 亞。華倫西亞大學法律系畢業後,加入了家族企業。90年代時,他擁有自己夢寐 以求的Ibiza夏日行宮,卻覺得市面的戶外家具醜到不能,醜到他要跟設計師合作 生產滿足自己品味的戶外家具,最後更索性將家族生意轉型。Gandia Blasco這 個有型有款戶外品牌今日已經世界聞名,其後再下一成,成立Gan Rugs,生產最 夢幻手工又密集的家居紡織品;來到Diabla,已經是這位老闆的第三個品牌。 Diabla用最明亮最直接的方法設計當代戶外生活。就如宣傳照般—紅、火 紅、爆紅。名為Lipstick的戶外椅,由老闆親自主理,設計強烈直接好玩,靈感 來自日常見慣的唇膏,唇膏的橢圓形狀剛好用來做椅背,有丁點玩味又不會太滑 稽,同時令人聯想到女性的優雅氣質。這Lipstick戶外椅以100%循環再造塑膠製 造,適合日曬雨淋風吹天氣。Diabla認為戶外生活不限於熱辣辣的夏天,因此椅 子設計預了位置添加軟墊或毛毯,四季通行。

Diabla owner and art director José Antonio Gandía-Blasco Canales was born in Valencia. After graduating with a law degree from the University of Valencia, he joined the family’s blanket manufacturing business. In the 1990s, he acquired his own dream summer retreat in Ibiza, but felt that existing outdoor furniture didn’t meet his refined aesthetic. So Canales set out to work with designers to create his own outdoor decor— that became the driving force behind the evolution of the family business. His outdoor brand Gandia Blasco has gained global recognition. Another brand, Gan Rugs, came next, specializing in exquisite household linen. Diabla is his third venture. Diabla的紅,是西班牙華倫西亞的紅。 The red of Diabla is the red of Valencia. ELITEGEN





倚在356躺椅上可以感受50年代的空氣動力學原理。 356” by Pablo Gironés & José Antonio Gandía-Blasco Canales: These outdoor loungers are a nod to the Porsche 356.

設計師認為,有型不單是人的權利,寵物也要住得有型。 Touffu by Manel Jiménez Ibáñez & Violeta Alcaide Weishaupt: Pets get to live in style, too.


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像疊石頭的戶外燈飾,室內同樣合用。 Esferas by Pablo Gironés: The outdoor light resembling a stack of rocks is also good for indoor use.

保時捷上曬太陽 相對母公司Gandia Blasco,Diabla就是比較年 輕放任,不過年輕並不代表粗糙無品味,例如戶外 躺椅356雖是新設計,內裡靈魂卻是半個世紀前的經 典。356所指的正是保時捷356系列,這款經典跑車 在50年代用了空氣動力學來勾勒出車款流麗線條。 老闆跟設計師Pablo Gironés將這種線條注入戶外家 具。356本就搶鏡,品牌還建議挑大紅或粉紅以達至 更佳效果。 年輕建築師Manel Jiménez Ibáñez跟Violeta Alcaide Weishaupt同樣來自華倫西亞大學,他們設 計了一間名為Touffu的狗屋。有經典三角屋頂狗屋造 型的Touffu用夾板製作,有flat-packed結構,砌建時 不用任何工具與螺釘,自會互相卡著。

將戶外吧櫈的繁文褥節盡除。 Air by Héctor Serrano: Doing away with details for a bar stool.

Touffu有不同呎吋,照顧不同大小的貓狗,內裡 當然有可以拆開清洗的咕𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸 在室內,寒冷天氣下擺近暖爐,內裡的貓狗應該舒服 得不願出來。

The new fiery red line redefines contemporary outdoor living with the brightest and the boldest outdoor furniture. His personal inspiration are the chairs titled Lipstick, inspired by an actual tube of lipstick, made of 100 per cent recycled materials capable of withstanding harsh weather conditions.

TAnnInG on A PoRSCHe? The “356” outdoor lounger is a nod to the Porsche 356 series, the 1950s classic car celebrated for its aerodynamic silhouette. Working with designer Pablo Gironés, Canales adopted that silhouette for the outdoor pieces and made them bright red so they scream for attention. And they even have something for your pooch to enjoy. Young architects Manel Jiménez Ibáñez and Violeta Alcaide Weishaupt designed a dog house named Touffu, featuring a classic triangular splint roof. It’s a flat-packed design, with each piece easily slotted together, requiring no tools for assembly. Touffu comes in different sizes to suit big or small pets. And they are fitted with an easily removable cushion for washing.






看看Jonathan Lawes的畫作加上真正swimming pool blue的美絕效果。 Abstrakt Mona pink table by Jonathan Lawes: Lawes’ painting brings out the blue of the swimming pool.


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老闆為自己品牌設計的代表作,可隨意砌出day bed躺椅或者戶外沙發。 Clip by José Antonio Gandía-Blasco Canales: This signature design can be transformed into a day bed or an outdoor sofa.

D12是建築師Marià Castelló為自己新居設計的家具。 D12 is a table that designer Marià Castelló made for her own home.

將 「挽手袋」 這個動作變成燈具。 Plisy by Alejandra Gandía-Blasco Lloret: This light can be carried around like a handbag.

Jonathan Lawes是英國年輕畫家/設計師,本業是設計印 刷品或者布料圖案。他的畫風就是研究色彩配搭,再用大量幾 何圖案,簡簡單單將不同色調併合。Diabla針對年輕人市場, Jonathan Lawes自然是理想合作對象。他們的合作方法一樣 年輕:品牌在Jonathan Lawes的Instagram當了一段follower 之後,就私訊這位年輕設計師提出合作。在Mona Table印上 Jonathan Lawes的畫作,一深一淺粉紅或大紅色調,映襯灧藍 的游泳池,教人驚艷。 看見設計師Alejandra Gandía-Blasco Lloret的名字,就知 她是老闆José Antonio Gandía-Blasco Canales的家人。她用一 個甚具女性特質的Plisy燈粉飾當代戶外生活。Plisy是現在大熱 的充電式「燈籠」燈,有USB充電,充足電可以放光十小時。還 有專用燈座,一掛起就變地燈。Plisy有扶手,設計師說挽著它 走到戶外,猶如挽著一個發光的手袋般。

Diabla appeals primarily to a younger market. So young designer Jonathan Lawes, a British painter/designer who originally worked on graphic and fabric designs with liberal use of geometric prints, was the ideal partner. The brand followed his Instragram account for a while before reaching out to him to propose a collaboration. The Mona table features Lawes’s painting with different pastel shades to create a stunning contrast against the blue of pool water. And designer Alejandra Gandía-Blasco Lloret is also part of the family design business. Her feminine Plisy light is USB rechargeable and can work for 10 hours when fully charged. It comes with a dedicated stand to transform it into a floor lamp and also has a handle, so it can be carried like a handbag.






當代太平洋地區原住民藝術展 A CelebrAtion of indigenous Art And Culture Story | Iris Yim Photography | Vancouver Art Gallery

To Explore, To Travel by Canoe by T’uy’t’tanat Cease Wyss, 2018


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The Way by Chantal Fraser, 2018

Wedding by Natalie Ball, 2019

溫 哥華美術館自2 0 1 2 年開始舉辦有關原住民藝術的「Beat Nation」展覽,今年再接再勵,和澳洲布里斯班現代藝術研究所合 作主辦「Transits and Returns」大型展覽,邀請了二十一位來自太平 洋地區的原住民藝術家,包括本地原住民、阿拉斯加Alutiiq地區及 毛利人社區的藝術家等,以不同的現代藝術形式,如攝影、裝置藝 術、編織、雕塑、視頻等,來探討與原住民切身有關的話題,如身 分認同、社會議題、領土、血緣等,審視他們如何深深扎根於其土 地和追溯祖裔文化的根源,以至利用藝術來探索和全球文化的聯繫 軌跡。

Vancouver Art Gallery has been hosting the aboriginal art exhibit Beat Nation since 2012. This year, the partnership continues with Brisbane, Australia’s Institute of Modern Art and its Transits and Returns exhibit, featuring works from 21 indigenous artists in the Pacific region, the Alutiiq region of Alaska, plus the Māori lands.

對這些藝術家來說,創作成為了一種創造主權的活動,它擴 大或否定政治和社會認可的局限性,以自己的方式確認原住民的 存在,從而表達他們複雜、動態和鮮活的現實以及面向未來的想像 力。 在參展的藝術家Edith Amituanai、Mariquita“ Micki”Davis、 Marianne Nicolson和T'uy't'tanat-Cease Wyss眼中,移動的模式, 諸如通勤、遷徙、過境、到訪、移居等刻劃了一系列地域和文化之 間的關係,他們分析了回歸或為遠離故土的人們提供回家的複雜性。 這些作品指出了帝國主義和資本主義等在全球範圍內推動流離失所 和遷徙的情況,同時指出了殖民邊界以外世界的廣闊發展。

The exhibition includes works in photography, installation, weaving, sculpture, video and much more. It offers a magnitude of ideas around movement, territory, kinship and representation, which give way to highly specific, yet parallel, dialogues on indigeneity. Creation has become a sovereignty activity that helps these artists to expand or deny their limitations of political and social recognition. It helps to recognize the existence of the aboriginals in their own way, and expresses their complex, dynamic and energetic lifestyle and imagination of their future. Patterns of movement – commuting, migrating, visiting, dwelling – inscribe a range of relationships to place and culture. Artists Edith Amituanai, Mariquita “Micki” Davis, Marianne Nicolson and T’uy’t’tanatCease Wyss parse the complexities of “return”, or homecoming, for those living away from their ancestral territories. Their works identify the forces that drive displacement and migration globally, such as imperialism and capitalism, while pointing to the expansiveness of worlds beyond colonial borders.






Futcha Ancient by Hannah Brontë, 2018

Qvùtix by Bracken Hanuse Corlett, 2018


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Skin Country by Carol McGregor, 2018

Carrying Fish Traps by Elisa Jane Carmichael, 2018-2019

Elisa Jane Carmichael、Maureen Gruben、Carol McGregor 和Debra Sparrow以紡織品呈現了領土的實質體現,是與精神、文 化、物質、政治、歷史與環境的聯繫紐帶。藝術家以編織、縫合和 拉伸的作品,將參觀者吸引到特定的地理位置,並尊重與當代環境 相關的知識和技能。 親屬關係既存在於家族關係中,也存在於家族關係之外,對於 歸屬感的定義至關重要。藝術家Hannah Brontë、Bracken Hanuse Corlett、Lisa Hilli、Taloi Havini和Louisa Afoa等通過藝術品的製作 過程和創作目的,旨在喚起這些動態的社會關係。 C h r i s t o p h e r A n d o 、 N a t a l i e B a l l 、 D r e w K a h u' i n a Broderick、N pali Aluli Souza、Chantal Fraser和Ahilapalapa Rands等以視覺藝術形式探討了代表制的可能性和問題。通過他們 的作品,這些藝術家利用自我表現和抵抗的策略來批判及想像出另 一個不一樣的世界。 「Transits and Returns」 展期由即日起至2020年2月23日,詳情 可瀏覽。

The fibre- and textile-based practices of Elisa Jane Carmichael, Maureen Gruben, Carol McGregor and Debra Sparrow represent material embodiments of “territory” as a connector to spiritual, cultural, physical, political and historical relationships with the environment. Woven, stitched and stretched, works by these artists anchor visitors to specific geographies and honour the knowledge, skills and materials connected to those places in contemporary contexts. Kinship, which exists both within familial relationships and beyond, is central to defining a sense of belonging. Hannah Brontë, Bracken Hanuse Corlett, Lisa Hilli, Taloi Havini and Louisa Afoa evoke these dynamic social relationships through the production and purpose of their artworks. Christopher Ando, Natalie Ball, Drew Kahuʻāina Broderick with Nāpali Aluli Souza, Chantal Fraser and Ahilapalapa Rands address the possibilities and problems of representation in its visual, political and artistic forms. Through their work, these artists utilize strategies of selfrepresentation, as well as resistance, in order to critique and imagine alternate worlds. The Transit and Returns exhibit runs until Feb. 23, 2020. For details, go to





spirits: special feature


The Dalmore The largest collection of precious aged single malts in the world Story | Alan A. Vernon

The Dalmore酒廠由Alexander Matheson創辦,自1839年 便矗立在蘇格蘭克羅馬蒂峽灣之畔,令品牌引以為傲的,是代代 傳承的精湛工藝及高瞻遠見。 歷經150多年,The Dalmore已經為其他威士忌製造商樹立 了標準:包括酒桶的精心管理、世代相傳的專業知識,以及每個 參與製作優質單一麥芽威士忌過程的人員的全情投入。

皇家封賞 The Dalmore的歷史可以追溯回1263年,當時Mackenzie 氏族的首領、Kintail地區的Colin,無懼一隻盛怒的雄鹿威脅, 拯救了國王亞歷山大三世的性命,為了表彰此功績,國王授予 Mackenzie氏族在盾形紋章上使用12尖角鹿徽標誌的權利。氏族 後人在1867年成為The Dalmore釀酒廠東主後,皇家雄鹿即成為 認可標記,至今一直傲然鎸刻在酒廠生產的每瓶酒上。

釀酒廠今天所在。 The Dalmore Distillery today.

Founded by Alexander Matheson, The Dalmore distillery has been operating on the banks of the Cromarty Firth since 1839 and prides itself on an unbroken chain of visionary and influential craftsmen. For more than 150 years, The Dalmore has set the standards that many other whisky makers follow today: the personal curating of casks, the expertise handed down over generations and the obsession of everyone involved in the making of a luxury single malt whisky.

RoyAl RooTs The Dalmore’s heritage dates back to 1263, the year Colin of Kintail, Chief of the Clan Mackenzie, saved King Alexander III from the fury of a charging stag. In recognition of this noble act the King granted the Mackenzie Clan the right to use the 12 pointed stag emblem on their coat of arms. When descendants of the clan became owners of The Dalmore distillery in 1867, the Royal stag became the recognizable icon that today proudly adorns each bottle.

有30年歷史的珍罕Gonzalez Byass Matusalem木 桶,是蘊釀The Dalmore威士忌的關鍵。 Rare, 30-year-old Gonzalez Byass Matusalem casks aging The Dalmore whisky.

酒廠內的銅製蒸餾裝置。 The Dalmore copper stills.

Richard Paterson是The Dalmore成功背後的釀酒大師。 Richard Paterson, The Dalmore Master Distiller.


The ConsTellATIon ColleCTIon

要延續佳釀仰賴神聖酒桶的悠久傳統,珍藏佳釀的木桶,全 部由釀酒大師Richard Paterson親手挑選,全部來自全球最好的酒 窖和專用酒廠。每一種威士忌都經過手工嚴格挑選以確保品質,以 及能釋放出自然的強度和顏色,不經冷凍過濾,令純度、質感和風 味均達極緻。

Continuing an age old heritage that treasures the sanctity of the cask, the precious spirit is matured in casks that are hand selected by Master Distiller Richard Paterson and sourced from the world’s finest bodegas and exclusive wineries. And each whisky, hand selected for its quality and released at natural strength and natural colour, is non-chill filtered, allowing for the purity, texture and flavour profile to shine through.


MAsTeRPIeCes by The MAsTeR

Richard Paterson是酒桶管理藝術的先驅,也是The Dalmore 背後的創作動力。他持之以恆地堅守酒桶管理藝術崗位近半個世 紀,並首次將最好的年份精品集成The Constellation Collection珍 藏系列。

A pioneer in the art of cask curation, Master Distiller Richard Paterson has been the creative force behind The Dalmore. Continually evolving the art of cask curation and finishing for nearly five decades, he brings together the finest vintages and finishes for the first time with The Constellation Collection.

The Dalmore擁有蘇格蘭最稀有和最古老的威士忌珍藏, Paterson在建立The Constellation Collection珍藏系列過程中,細 細品味及品嚐了數以百計獨特的威士忌,才能作出最終的選擇。他 表示:「這些單桶威士忌都是非凡的工藝,展現了酒和桶之間持久 而深厚的關係。威士忌需要時間成熟,我也需要時間親自管理最後 21個酒桶,以締造The Constellation Collection珍藏系列。」

The Dalmore holds some of the rarest and oldest whisky stocks in scotland. While creating The Constellation Collection, Paterson had to meticulously nose and taste hundreds of distinctive whiskies in order to make his final selection. says Paterson: “These single cask whiskies are truly a remarkable piece of craftsmanship that showcases the enduring and bountiful relationship between the spirit and the cask. Just as the whisky took time to mature, it also took me time to personally curate the final 21 casks which would form The Constellation Collection.”


餐聽適合舉辦大派對。 The menu at The Mackenzie Room is designed for sharing, so if you have a large party, they will just put the tables together.

The Mackenzie rooM 體驗共享之樂

ExpEriEncE thE joy of sharing Story | Kenson Ho Photography | The Mackenzie Room


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Sean大廚在溫哥華出生,能在家鄉開設 The Mackenzie Room,感到相當興奮。 Chef Sean was excited to return to his birthplace of Vancouver to open The Mackenzie Room

冷熏香腸加魷魚絲和藍玉米蓉。 Cold smoked sausage and seared squid ribbons, blue cornmeal polenta.

The Mackenzie Room位於市中心東區,近年被人稱為Railtown地 帶,盡擁太平洋西北地區的豐盛食材風味,是一間由農場到餐桌,菜單 隨季節而變化的家庭式餐廳。 這家餐廳由大廚Sean Reeve領軍,他的廚藝忠於傳統嚴格技巧 上,通過現代思維來演繹,為其美食帶來完美的平衡。 Sean生於溫哥華,在多倫多長大。15歲時,年紀輕輕的他在一間 南方風味燒烤式餐館擔任兼職洗碗工作。不久,他就適應了這個混亂而 節奏急速的廚房環境,認為這是一個可以發揮創造力的平台。高中畢業 後,他在George Brown烹飪學校就讀了為期兩年的法國基礎烹飪課程。 完成後,Sean在一間高檔意大利餐廳習藝,也因此愛上了這個國家的 美食。於是,他決定重回同一所烹飪學校,再攻讀兩年並只專注於意大 利烹飪的課程。在那兒,他了解到意大利醉人的美食、歷史、藝術和文 化。他還學習了意大利語,因為部分培訓是在意大利進行,在那裏他認 識了地區特色烹飪和葡萄酒,以及所有令人驚歎的當地食材。Sean更 留在意大利,在不少知名餐廳學習廚藝。Sean笑說:「意大利美食當然 不只是意大利粉和比薩!」

Located in the heart of the Downtown Eastside, in recent years more commonly known as Railtown, The Mackenzie Room celebrates the abundant Pacific Northwest. It is a contemporary farm-to-table restaurant offering a family-style menu that changes with the seasons. The restaurant is steered by chef Sean Reeve, whose culinary roots are firmly planted in the techniques of the old world and interpreted through a modern voice that brings a beautiful balance to his cuisine. Born in Vancouver, Reeve grew up in Toronto. At the age of 15, he started working part-time as a dishwasher in a southern barbeque restaurant. It didn’t take him long to feel right at home with the chaotic and fast-paced environment of the kitchen, and the arena for creativity. After graduating from high school, instead of going to university, he attended a two-year culinary program on French fundamentals at George Brown College’s culinary school in Toronto. Upon completion, Reeve became an apprentice at a high-end Italian restaurant and he fell in love with the cuisine. That led to his decision to pursue another two-year program at the same culinary school, focusing this time on Italian cuisine.






香煎鱒魚伴以玉米奶油汁、 玉米蔗糖和茴香。 Seared steelhead trout, corn sabayon, corn succotash, fennel.

尊重本地食材 居住在滿地可、多倫多、帕爾馬、都靈和巴塞 隆拿多年後,大約4年前,Sean興奮的重回卑詩省創 業,開設The Mackenzie Room。他能夠在兒時熟悉 的西岸新鮮口味中,活用地方色彩的廚藝技考,創出 帶來驚喜的美食。 Sean非常注重原料,專注於可持續發展,並與 當地農民、尋覓稀有食材者和供應商所組成的社區有 緊密接觸,讓他可以在季節性菜單上,創造出一些受 人讚歎的菜餚。 「在所提供的食物中,最主要是展示食 材最精采的一面,但也希望挑戰自己對食物風味、技 巧和對比的了解。在整個創作過程中,很希望能感動 食客、勾起記憶,帶起對話。」 他大力支持與當地夥伴合作,經常舉辦以BC葡 萄酒、工藝雞尾酒和溫哥華啤酒為特色的活動。最 近,在餐廳舉行了一個特別設計的午餐會,介紹由來 自Cowichan山谷、屢獲殊榮的Ampersand Distilling 所提供的原創雞尾酒和杜松子酒/伏特加酒,搭配著專 門創作的菜單,為獨特用餐體驗帶來了全新的定義。

共享的樂趣 Sean喜歡共享的用餐方式:「通過分享美食,我 們可以交流,無論是有關正在品嘗的食物,還是天南 地北,說不盡的話題自然湧現。放下拘謹,在餐桌上 建立持久的人際關係和難忘時刻。」 餐廳提供具家庭風格的菜單就寫在粉筆板上,隨 著季節而變化。每個時令菜單都提供12款菜餚,盡顯


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There, he learned about the fascinating food, history, art and culture of Italy. He also learned the language because part of his training took place in Italy, where he was introduced to the cooking style, ingredients and wines of different regions. He remained in Italy and learned his craft at various prestigious restaurants. “It’s way more than pasta and pizza!” he asserts.

BACk HoME AND HoNoURING LoCAL INGREDIENTS After living in Montreal, Toronto, Parma, Turino and Barcelona, Reeve was excited to return to B.C. and open The Mackenzie Room about four years ago. Here he’s been able to apply regional techniques and ideas about what food can be to the fresh West Coast flavours he knew as a kid. Becoming very ingredient driven and focusing on sustainability and a community of local farmers, foragers and purveyors, Reeve offers diners some very exciting dishes on his seasonal menu. “My primary focus with the food we serve is to honour the ingredients we showcase, and to challenge what I know about flavour profiles, technique and contrast,” he says. “Through my creative process, I hope to stir up an emotion, evoke a memory, or start a conversation.” Reeve believes in supporting local partners. He often holds events that feature B.C. wine, craft cocktails and Vancouver beer. Recently, a specially designed luncheon was held at the restaurant to introduce original cocktails and gin/vodka provided by the award-winning Ampersand Distilling Company from Cowichan Valley. While paired with the specially created menu, it brought a whole new meaning to the term “unique dining experience”.

IT’S ALL ABoUT SHARING on the style of dining, Reeve explains, “With the simple gesture of sharing food, we connect and conversations find us, whether about the food we’re experiencing or our experiences with the world at large. A rigidness is removed and it allows us to create those moments of human connection and memories with friends and family around the table that last a lifetime.”

The Dude Abides雞尾酒 The Dude Abides – Walnut ice cream, nocino, vodka, cream, yolks, walnut.

這裡的提拉米蘇,別有獨特個性。 Pick me up (dessert) – the tiramisu here has its own personality.

七彩繽紛的Showstopper salad,是餐廳招牌選擇。 The Showstopper salad is an anchor dish on the chalkboard.

當地豐盛食材和文化影響力,令食肉獸和素食者都興 奮莫明。 「想盡嘗黑板上所有美食嗎?我們就獻上給你。」 Sean欣然地說。每位客人收費$ 58(4人一桌),包括 甜品的5道菜。大家便可以點齊整個黑板上列有的美 食,一起分享,充滿家庭風格。若只是二人世界,廚 師和葡萄酒總監將悉心策劃,將美食和飲品搭配成天 衣無縫的5道菜,每桌$100,另加每人$50的葡萄酒 搭配費。 「我們因應農場的時令食材及季節而變化。客人 可能在一季內見到多達18種完全不同的菜餚。最受 歡迎、一直保留著的,是菜單上的前三項菜式。包 括︰花園蔬菜(Bagna Cauda是一種用蒜頭和西洋 咸魚製成的熱醬汁,起源於意大利的皮埃蒙特。)、 Showstopper沙律(以大約20至30種最新鮮的精選 蔬菜,配農夫芝士,開心果香醋汁。)和名為Chicken of the sea,以海膽醬、黑汁蛋卷、榛子和香梨調製 的名菜。

創意靈感 想像力無窮的Sean認為過往周遊列國的經歷、 入廚經驗和遇過的導師,都有助他在創作、技巧和對 味道的追求。且看他以創新手法處理的金槍魚菜式, 便是最佳例子,當中配料包含:普羅旺斯風格的法國 橄欖醬;起源於俄羅斯及中亞、現已被廣泛使用的克 非爾奶油;源自南加州,由甜椒和意大利公羊角胡椒 結合而成的吉卜賽胡椒。 教人意想不到的組合,這就是令人難忘的美食。

The restaurant offers a chalkboard menu featuring family-style meals. Each seasonal menu offers 12 dishes that feature an abundance of local ingredients and cultural influences that excite carnivores and vegetarians alike. “You want it all, and that’s what we’re going to give you.” Reeve says with a chuckle. For $58 per guest (table of four), customers can dine on a five-course meal. If there are only the two of you, the chef and wine director will curate an experience that pairs food and drinks in a seamless five-course meal for $100 per table and an additional $50 per person with wine pairings. “We follow our farmers’ leads and change with the seasons,” Reeve says. “Within a season, you may see up to 18 completely different dishes. The popular and anchor mainstays are the first three items on the menu.” Those three dishes are: Veggies from the Garden (Bagna Cauda) – a hot dip made from garlic and anchovies, originating in Piedmont, Italy. The Showstopper Salad – about 20-30 freshest picks, farmer’s cheese, pistachio vinaigrette. Chicken of the Sea – Sea urchin paté, ink brioche, hazelnut, pear.

oN HIS CREATIoNS Reeve’s imagination fuels his creations. His techniques and flavour combinations are drawn from his travels and experiences, as well as his mentors. He once came up with a new tuna dish composed of: a Provencal-style French tapenade; kefir, which has roots in Russia and Central Asia, but is used by many cultures; gypsy peppers, which were developed in southern California by combining a bell pepper with a sweet Italian rams-horn pepper and … tuna. And that is what memorable dining is all about. The Mackenzie Room 415 Powell St., Vancouver 604-253-0705






Margit希望從世界各地的品茶文化中汲取靈感。 Margit looks to tea cultures throughout the world for inspiration. Enjoying tea is a very sensory experience.

Westholme 開創加拿大本土茶文化

creation of a homegrown canadian tea culture Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Westholme Tea 茶是繼水之後,世界上最廣泛飲用的飲料。茶葉這 種常綠植物一般都在熱帶和亞熱帶氣候中種植,令人驚 訝的是,在溫哥華島Cowichan山谷的中心地帶,竟然 有一個特色茶園Westholme,為愛茗茶人士提供獨特茶 葉。《eliteGen》最近到訪這茶園,並與聯合創辦人兼夫 妻檔Victor Vesely和Margit Nellemann暢談愈來愈受加 拿大人注重的茶藝世界。

After water, tea is the most widely consumed drink in the world. Typically, this evergreen plant is grown in tropical and subtropical climates. Surprisingly, there is a specialty tea farm in the heart of Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, producing exclusive teas for those with discerning palettes. eliteGen recently paid a visit to Westholme Tea Farm and met with the co-founders – the husband/wife team of Victor Vesely and Margit Nellemann.


The property kind of evolved into a Tea+Food+Art concept, based on the founders’ shared passion for all three elements. The art likely came first, in that after moving here, they converted the old dairy barn into a clay studio for Nellemann. And after the completion of the renovations, they opened the studio space to visitors.

由農莊逐步演變成「茶+美食+藝術」概念,是基於 創辦人對這三個元素的熱誠。首先出現的可能是藝術, Victor Vesely和Margit Nellemann搬到這裏之後,將舊 的乳牛牛欄改建為Margit的陶藝工作室。裝修完成後, 開放工作室給到訪者參觀。Margit回憶著說:「牛欄下 面的一塊田地,是我們的第一個菜園,種了馬鈴薯、番 薯、香瓜和其他各種蔬菜;上面的田地則種了薰衣草, 將莊園改為薰衣草農場是我們最初的構思。同時,我一 直製作茶壺,也愛品茶,在種植和收成薰衣草兩年後, 因為對茶的熱情,使我們認識到山茶樹會是一種更有意


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IT All begAN WITh AN experIMeNT

“One of the fields below the barn became our first vegetable garden,” Nellemann recalls with fondness. “We grew potatoes, yams, cantaloupes and a variety of other vegetables. In the upper field, we planted lavender, as one of our original ideas was to convert the property into a lavender farm. “In the meantime, I kept making teapots and we kept drinking tea, so a couple of years into growing and harvesting lavender, we realized that a more interesting crop would be camellia sinensis, since we were both very passionate about tea. It was an experiment and a leap of faith, as no one here had been growing tea commercially before.”

Westholme Tea的聯合創辦人兼夫妻檔Victor Vesely和Margit Nellemann。 The husband/wife co-founders of Westholme Tea, Victor Vesely and Margit Nellemann.

思的農作物。這是一次實驗,也是憑著信心搏一搏,因 為這裏從來沒有人將種茶商業化。」Margit說山茶樹雖更 喜歡溫帶氣候,卻非常耐寒。她坦言,種茶的歷程開始 時充滿挑戰,但如今已接近十年,這些茶樹長得健康又 美麗。

願景與理念 Margit繼續說:「Westholme的更大願景是成為加 拿大品茶文化之家。我們既致力保存茶道世界中錯綜複 雜的古老品茶傳統,同時也嘗試混合不同味道、氣味和 品種的茶葉,以創出新穎獨特的茶。將不同的茶葉和香 草混合,就像烹調一頓特別的飯菜,融合了許多不同成 分和份量,帶來全新的外觀、浸泡方法和風味。我們希 望能沏出一杯人們喜愛和渾然天成的優質調配茶。」 無論是自家種植的茶,還是進口和調配茶, Westholme均會從世界各地的品茶文化中汲取靈感,因 為他們深明這些品茶文化的重要性。「我們還預計在西 岸會出現更多茶葉種植場,相信這是我們參與撰寫加拿 大本土品茶文化的第一章,觀摩世界各他的專業知識和 靈感,並加入西岸風情,創造出真正的Westholme品茶 體驗。 「創造出自家獨特調配茶的靈感,是源自我們有機 茶產地的傳統和故事,以及我們在加工和種植中所獲得 的經驗。無論那是甜茶、香料茶、香醇茶還是煙燻茶, 我們致力創作,確保那將是一次美味的體驗。」

Margit的作品全是使用自由形態創造,以人手製作。 All Margit’s work is handmade and created using free form.

Nellemann explains the tea plant is native to mountainous areas in China and while there is an Indian variety that thrives in warmer and more humid climates, the camellia sinensis is fairly hardy and actually prefers more of a temperate climate. She admits that the journey was not without challenges in the beginning, but now approaching Year 10, the plants are healthy and beautiful.

VISION ANd phIlOSOphY “The bigger vision for Westholme is to be the home for tea culture in Canada,” she continues. “We aim both to preserve the intricate and age-old tea traditions of the tea world, while also experimenting with countless tastes, smells and types of tea to create something new and unique. “Combining different teas and herbs for a blend is much like creating a special meal – the right amount of many different ingredients will result in a whole new look, steep and flavour profile. We are passionate about producing great blends that naturally combine into a delightful cup. “both for our farm-grown teas, as well as our imported and blended teas, we draw inspiration from tea cultures around the world. We realize that without these tea cultures, we wouldn’t be here doing what we are doing. At the same time, we also expect more tea growing to start happening on the South Coast. We believe we are part of writing the first chapter in the creation of a homegrown Canadian tea culture. We look to the rest of the world for expertise and inspiration and add a touch of West Coast to create a true Westholme tea experience. “We have let our imaginations truly wander to every corner of the globe in order to create our unique tea blends. They have all been inspired by the regions where our organic teas are from – their traditions and their stories – as well as our own tea experiences in the processing and cultivation of this magnificent plant. be it sweet or spiced, smooth or smoked, we aim to share every aspect of our insight and excitement in these creations, making sure it will be a delicious venture.”






小店及品茶室 The shop and sample room.


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Margit認為每一杯茶都蘊含種茶土壤的滋味。 According to Margit, every cup of tea contains the flavour of the terroir in which it was grown.



Margit亦是製作陶藝能手,其黏土作品均使用自由形態創造,全 手工製作。她非常喜歡製作茶具,儘管當中包含大量細節和許多不同 的組件,製作過程甚為棘手,但茶具在茶藝世界扮演著重要角色,即 使是一項挑戰,她也喜歡在設計上添加一點態度。「每一個茶杯都是仔 細考慮過茶本身和喝茶者的情況下創作,從世界各地的品茶文化中汲 取靈感。品茶是一種非常感官的體驗,需要顧及浸泡過程中散發曼妙 的香氣,喝過茶的空杯所留下的香氣,杯子是否有容易和舒適地手握 的外部釉彩……我會用白色和棕色的粗陶器,內部則採用淺色的釉, 以便更恰當地展示茶色,而外部的圖案和釉則會變化多端。簡而言 之,我就是喜歡為曼妙的飲料創作曼妙的容器。」

All of Nellemann’s work is hand-built, created using free form. She really enjoys making teapots despite the fact that they are one of the trickiest pieces to create with the amount of detail and the many different components. She sees them as homes for tea and with an important role to play. Teapots are a challenge and that may explain why she likes to add a bit of attitude to their designs.

為了得到最佳的體驗,Westholme Tea Company特別提供茶園導 覽團和以茶搭配的菜單。因為Margit有飲食業的經驗,所以為了某種 茶而創造搭配菜單,並從各種風味的組合,來決定如何改善茶和甜品 或奶酪等。

Nellemann shares her journey, saying: “each and every cup is created with the tea and the tea drinker in mind. I look to tea cultures throughout the world for inspiration. enjoying tea is a very sensory experience. I keep in mind the beautiful fragrance released during the steep, the aroma that often lingers in an empty cup, the glaze on the outside of the cup making it easier and more comfortable to hold. “I work with both white and brown stoneware. I like the glaze on the inside to be a light colour to properly showcase the liquor of the tea, while the patterns and glaze on the outside vary quite a bit. In essence, creating beautiful vessels for a beautiful beverage is what I enjoy doing.” For the best experience, Westholme Tea Company offers Tea garden Tours and tea pairing menus. Nellemann has a background in food and hospitality. The couple creates their pairing menu with the tea in mind and look to see how the combination of flavours will enhance both the tea and the sweets, or cheese, etc. Westholme Tea Company 8350 richards Trail, Westholme, b.C. 1-855-748-3811

Margit相信創造不完美的歡樂、美麗和輝煌。 Margit believes in creating imperfect moments of joy, beauty and splendour.







Flora and Fawning Explora Valle Sagrado offers the best of all worlds for active explorers and food lovers Story & Photography | Renée S. Suen

想遊覽馬丘比丘,只需另繳附加費,Explora Valle Sagrado 便代為安排火車、許可證及交通接送。 A visit to iconic Machu Picchu is also possible for a supplementary charge through Explora Valle Sagrado. Train rides, permit and transfers are all taken care of. 96

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登上秘魯的Andean Highlands,除了可以一睹馬丘比丘(Machu Picchu)舉世聞名的印加遺跡外,還有更多精彩收穫。當中包括全天然 的地形及多不勝數的登山徑,更可體驗大自然賦予的28種微氣候。 住宿於Explora Valle Sagrado度假酒店,更可一嘗由世界名廚 Virgilio Martínez以當地的獨特食材烹調的各款美食。 延綿60公里的秘魯安第斯山脈,除了著名的庫斯科(Cusco)及馬 丘比丘,還有位處於兩者中間、標誌印加帝國中心的Sacred Valley of the Incas。除了雄偉的雪山、肥沃的農地及蜿蜒的河谷,亦可找到西 班牙殖民地時期的村莊如Pisac及Ollantaytambo,還有印加帝國之前 的布藝,以及至今仍然運作的Maras鹽礦。 驅車經過一段顛簸的山路向Urquillos方向走,便會見到位於山腳 的Explora Valle Sagrado。這座位於偏遠山區的度假酒店於2017年興 建,前身是一個古老的玉米農場。為了不破壞印加遺址,秘魯考古學 院亦有份參與整個興建過程。整座豪華度假莊園以木系為設計主軸, 完全融入四周寧謐的地理環境。

A trek to Peru’s Andean highlands has more rewards than its aweinspiring Incan ruins, including noteworthy Machu Picchu. In addition to untouched landscapes and endless trails, there are 28 microclimates that Mother Nature has spread her bounty over. Not to be overlooked, especially for food lovers, is a stay at Explora Valle Sagrado with cuisine created by one of the world’s top chefs, Virgilio Martínez who uses unique ingredients from the region. Located in a 60km stretch of the Peruvian Andes between popular Cusco and Machu Picchu, the Sacred Valley of the Incas formed the heart of the Inca Empire. Besides landscapes punctuated by snow-dusted mountains, fertile farmland and valleys with zig-zagging rivers, there are Spanish colonial villages like Pisac and Ollantaytambo, plus the glistening patchwork of the pre-Inca era—and still functional—Maras Salt Mines. In the foothills of this diverse terrain, on a bumpy drive into Urquillos, lies Explora Valle Sagrado, a remote adventure lodge built in 2017 on an ancient corn plantation and constructed in collaboration with the Peruvian Institute of Archeology. Due to the Incan ruins that were uncovered during the building process, the luxury hacienda is clad in arresting woodwork that blends well with the serene landscape.






Explora Valle Sagrado主樓及水療中心後方是藜麥田。 The quinoa field behind Explora Valle Sagrado’s main building and the spa.

每日出發前都有簡介會,向登山者介紹該區的地理環境及相關資料。 Hikers on daily excursions get an in-house briefing before setting off on their adventure.

酒店共有50間寬敞客房(當中6間是套房),環境寧靜 清幽,客人經過一整天旅程,得以徹底放鬆和好好休息。 房間設計匠心獨運,拱形天花、牆身有大型的木製工藝, 更可透過巨形的窗戶欣賞群山及藜麥田的自然美景。 服務更是一絲不苟,客房不設電視、迷你酒吧及Wi-Fi (只於公用空間提供),好讓客人暫時遠離外界繁囂,好好 享受假期。 酒店提供超過30個全日或半日的行程,以步行、踏單 車或乘車方式欣賞當地獨一無二的地理環境、考古遺址及 接觸人民。每項行程最多8位參加者,提供交通接駁服務及 野餐(只限全日登山行程),並由通曉英文或西班牙文的導 遊帶領。 行程包括認識蓋楚瓦族(Quechua)文化,探索令人驚 嘆的自然地理環境、河谷、高原及峻嶺。到訪隱世古鎮、 古老歷史遺址及5個位於雪山山腳的絕美環礁湖。

The property’s 50 generously sized rooms (including six suites) offers silence and privacy that help guests achieve the rest needed after a long day of exploration. The anything-but-standard refuge sports vaulted ceilings, wall-to-wall woodwork and oversized windows with views of mountains and quinoa fields. Expect refined service and care, but not an in-room TV, minibar or Wi-Fi (only available in the common areas); the exclusion is meant to encourage guests to disconnect from the outside world. Inspired by the area’s unique geography, archeological sites and its charismatic and resilient people, the lodge offers more than 30 full-day or half-day excursions on foot, by bicycle or overland. With no more than eight adventurers per group, the stress-free customized adventures are completely organized, include transfers and picnic meals (for full-day treks), and are led by expert guides in English or Spanish. Learn about the Quechua culture while revelling in the awe-inspiring landscape and its many valleys, plateaus and mountains. Visit traditional towns barely touched by the outside world, preserved ancient ruins and picturesque lagoons—five of them—at the foot of snow-covered mountains.

而透過只向Explora住客開放的私人小徑前往Moray 鎮。於最佳位置無遮擋地欣賞圓形梯田,了解印加文明於 農耕研究的智慧。

Visit the Moray archeological site via a private path accessed by Explora’s guests that’s not open to the general public. The marvellous vantage point allows for unobstructed views of the pre-Colombian circular terraces that are believed to have been used as an agricultural research lab by the Inca.

踏單車沿著Urubamba河流可參觀考古遺址Pisac及 Ollantaytambo,又或者到訪織布工的社區。想自我挑戰的 話,又可登上庫斯科區內的重要山脈Mt. Veronica,攀上 山頂或參觀較少遊客到訪如Pumamarca的廢墟遺址。

Take a bike ride along the Urubamba River, tour archaeological sites like Pisac and Ollantaytambo or visit weaver communities. Challenge yourself with a trek up snowy Mt. Veronica, an important mountain in the Cusco region, or visit many of the other mountain peaks or ruins, like the Pumamarca, not commonly visited by tourists.

更可從Saqsaywaman要塞俯瞰庫斯科的美景,然後 走進中央廣場的San Pedro市集購買柔軟的羊駝毛披肩。

Explore Cusco, beginning with a bird’s-eye view of the city from the fortress of Saqsaywaman before venturing to the main square. Stroll through the stalls of San Pedro Market for silky-soft baby alpaca shawls.

不管是哪一個行程,最好採層疊式穿著;酒店提供登 山杖租借服務,登山用品店也可買到其他所需用具及配件。 打算前往參觀馬丘比丘的旅客,無論有否選擇參加Inti Punku或Sun Gate的2公里登山行程,只需繳附加費,酒店 會代為安排行程所需文件、訂購火車票及接駁交通到這印 加要塞。 98

在馬丘比丘經常會見到羊駝,到訪遺址時要小心牠們不時出沒。 It’s not rare to be photobombed by one of Machu Picchu’s resident llamas or alpacas. Just be cautious about what might be around the next corner when you visit the ruins.

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Packing is a cinch, since all you’ll have to worry about are the layers you’ll need for the excursions. The hotel has loaner hiking poles and an on-site gear shop for all other tools or accessories. For an additional fee, those who are moved to visit Machu Picchu—with or without the optional two kilometre hike to Inti Punku or the Sun Gate—can do so through Explora. They will take care of the paperwork, train tickets and transfers to the ancient Inca citadel.

秘魯考古學院有份參與酒店建築。酒店的室內設計以木為 主調,舒適度是豪華酒店的水平。 Constructed in collaboration with the Peruvian Institute of Archeology, the adventure lodge’s interiors are clad in woodwork finishes and have all the comforts expected of a luxury hotel.

Explora Valle Sagrado度假酒店屬全包式,客人可 於主餐廳品嘗秘魯菜及多國美食。豐富的自助早餐提供包 點、新鮮生果、肉類、芝士及即叫即製的藜麥麵粉熱香餅。 大堂亦提供自助小吃,水果、果仁、自家製果籽棒、 朱古力棒、可可葉(有助減輕高山反應)、芒果乾及黃金 莓等。酒吧提供各式雞尾酒如pisco sour或chilcano(以 ginger ale及秘魯白蘭地pisco調製而成,最後綴以黃金 莓)。

Staying on site also has its perks. The all-inclusive property’s culinary program serves all meals—both Peruvian-influenced and international—in the main dining room. An ample breakfast buffet includes pastries, fresh fruits, meats and cheeses, and made-to-order items like quinoa-flour pancakes. There’s also the lobby’s snack buffet that features fresh fruit, nuts, homemade seed bars, chocolate bars, coca leaves (to combat altitude sickness), dried mangos and golden berries. As well, a capable bar slings every iteration of pisco sour or chilcano (try the refreshing ginger ale and pisco-base cocktail in mildly sweet golden berry).

經典的三道菜午餐及晚餐以湯或沙律打頭陣,主菜既 可能是以當地魚穫製成的醃海鮮、黃辣椒醬嫩雞、又或是 炭燒牛扒配飯等。更可選配南美出產的美酒佐餐。

Their classic three-course lunch and dinner might feature a daily soup or salad, followed by mains like ceviche using fish from the valley, chicken in a mildly spicy yellow aji amarillo sauce, or charcoal-grilled beef tenderloin on rice that’s matched by a wine list, which skews predominantly South American.

酒店最近與秘魯名廚Virgilio Martínez合作推出精彩美 食,相信會讓客人食指大動。Martínez最拿手炮製新派安 第斯菜,他那位於利馬的旗艦餐廳Central於2019年全球最 佳餐廳選舉中名列第六位。餐廳提供的Novoandia Alturas Mater menu(即品嘗餐單)亦深受Sacred Valley影響。

Gustatory travellers would delight in Explora’s recent culinary partnership with Virgilio Martínez, chef/owner of the sixth-best restaurant in the world, according to The World’s Best Restaurants 2019 survey. The renowned Peruvian chef is celebrated for modernized Andean cuisine. In fact, the Sacred Valley played an important role in inspiring the Novoandia Alturas Mater menu served at Central, his flagship restaurant in Lima.

鄰近Moray的印加鹽礦Maras以出產粉紅鹽而聞名。鹽礦 的梯田及淺水池至今仍然運作。 Known for their pink salt, the Inca salt mines of Maras near Moray feature a series of cascading, shallow pools that are still in use today.





travel Martínez透過創新的菜式呈現秘魯食物的多樣性。他的另 一間餐廳Mil距離Explora僅30分鐘,Mil既是餐廳亦是他的美食 研究所,主打高山美食,更是專門探索當地天然食物資源的非 牟利組織Mater Iniciativa的總部。 結合高山地區多樣化的產品、產自Sacred Valley的本土 食材及傳統的烹調方法,Martínez讓食客體驗何謂「吃在地」。 不論Central或Mil,預約總是排得滿滿的,不過在Explora,你 不用費周章便可輕鬆地品嘗由Martínez設計的午餐及晚餐。 Nuestra Cocina的菜式包括本地芝士配人手採集的Maras 粉紅鹽,以及安第斯薯仔,這款當地出產的混種薯仔無論在抗 氧化成分及養分均十分豐富。客人更有機會品嘗由酒店種植的 各款玉米及紫藜麥。 餐牌亦有一些較少見的食材如球狀水藻cushuro、好像帶 刺啤梨的airampo仙人掌又或者莖狀植物mashwa。也有提供 羊駝肉意粉,本地產番茄製成的醬汁,事先更以秘魯聖木煙 燻。 安第斯的Chapla麵包以紫玉米及piscorontu玉米做成,放 上烤焦的玉米粒及炭烤南瓜,亦可配以牛肋排肉及香炸秘魯黑 薄荷葉huacatay。 不妨一試以aji panca紅椒醬汁煮的tarwi豆及牛肋骨,可 加入雜菌ceviche,又或者加入以黑藜麥、免治鴨肉及醃洋蔥 製成的ceviche。 主菜有牛油果醬紅鱒魚,綴以由Huatata薯仔做成的花形 脆片。又或者紫玉米濃汁煮蜜椒豬頸肉,伴以根莖植物沙律及 紫薯。

Martínez showcases the country’s biodiversity over every altitude through a series of innovative courses. Closer still, about 30 minutes from Explora, is Mil, his restaurant/food lab. There, they focus exclusively on high-altitude cuisine and it’s also home to Mater Iniciativa, which investigates the Andes’ natural food resources.

Martínez不時走進廚房巡查,甚至會即興下廚,就好像這道在客人面前完成的豬頸肉。 Martínez frequently checks in on the kitchen and might even be on hand to finish your dish, like the pork neck, tableside.

Drawing from the diversity of high-altitude products and ancestral traditions used to prepare the array of indigenous ingredients from producers within the Sacred Valley, Martínez has developed an immersive experience that connects the guest’s palate to the land. Simpler than the tasting experiences at Central or Mil, the rotating lunch and dinner menus were created exclusively for Explora, meaning guests are privy to Martínez’s food without the need of a hard-to-come-by reservation. His Nuestra Cocina menu may feature pink hand-harvested Maras salt to local cheeses and native Andean potatoes that have been cultivated and crossbred to increase their antioxidant and nutrient levels. Guests might even sample special varieties of corn and purple quinoa from the property itself.

Nuestra Cocina菜單或會提供鴨肉ceviche伴tarwi豆及Sacred Valley出產的黑藜麥。 Martínez’s Nuestra Cocina menu might feature a delightful duck ceviche with tarwi and Sacred Valley black quinoa.

Relatively unknown ingredients, like cushuro (orb-like algae), prickly pear-like airampo cactus or mashwa (a type of tuber), may appear on a menu also offering mildly gamey alpaca and pasta tossed in a sauce made from locally grown tomatoes that have been smoked with palo santo wood. There’s Andean Chapla bread made with purple and piscorontu corns that might be topped with burnt corn and charcoal-grilled pumpkin one night and juicy pulled rib steak that’s christened with a deep-fried huacatay leaf (Peruvian black mint) on another. Try protein-rich tarwi (bean) with short ribs in a red berry-like smoky aji panca sauce, as a cream in a burnt mushroom ceviche or as part of an excellent and delicate ceviche with black quinoa, finely minced duck and pickled onions. Enjoy hearty chunks of cured trout and spiced avocado puree blanketed with uber crispy flower-shaped chips made from Huatata-grown potatoes. Or, try pork neck with honey and chili peppers that’s sauced by a purple corn reduction and served with a pleasing pickled tuber and root salad, and dish of purple potatoes. 100 E L I T E G E N. C A



薯片以當地出產的薯仔製成,以尾穗莧(Kiwicha) 及huacatay薄荷葉作裝飾。 Made from native potatoes, chips in the papas nativas appetizer with kiwicha and huacatay look like flowers.

Explora的住客可從私人路徑前往Moray鎮,暢遊考古遺址。 View of Moray as seen by Explora guests, who have exclusive access to the archeological site via a different route than most visitors.

其他不可錯過的美食還有當地水果如釋迦果cherimoya, 以及吞拿魚配秘魯黑薄荷葉及脆藜麥。安坐於酒店餐廳,望著 壯麗的山景,邊品嘗美食,邊呷一口新鮮薄荷茶 muña ,是何 等寫意。 甜品同樣精彩,Quillabamba朱古力蛋糕是好選擇。看似 簡單的咖啡、乳酪及接骨木果甜品,味道及口感都十分出色, 好吃得一點也不想放過。 這裡更提供多款兒童餐,薄餅、炸雞塊等應有盡有。小朋 友可以吃到由名廚親自炮製的芝士意大利雲吞及雜菜,絕對值 得炫耀一番。 酒店的Pumacahua Bath House本來是一間建於17世 紀殖民地時期的房子,後來在秘魯考古學院協助下進行修復 並改建成水療中心。名字以1814年帶領庫斯科叛亂的Mateo Pumacahua來命名,房子建於曾經是印加帝國的土地,亦是 這位秘魯獨立運動英雄的家。享受過專業按摩師的服務,又可 前往隔鄰的暖水泳池及熱水池浸沿,讓勞累的雙腳得以紓緩。 如果我家有齊這些配套服務就好了。

Sample Andean fruits, like cherimoya, and tuna tossed together with loose huacatay ice and crispy quinoa as you relax with a cup of fresh muña (Andean mint) tea under the gaze of mountains in the open dining room. Cap off the meal with a chocolate cake covered in Quillabamba chocolate ganache. Even the simple-sounding coffee, yoghurt and elderberry dessert is a cacophony of flavours and stunning textures that teases the satiated to lap the dish clean of its crisp shards, sweet caramel, cool dairy, delicate flowers and loose, moist cake. There’s even a kids menu with all the favourites, like pizza Americana and chicken fingers. It’s not often you can boast that your littles ones had cheese ravioli and vegetables from one of the world’s top chefs. If a full belly doesn’t lull you to sleep, book an appointment at the Pumacahua Bath House, a 17th-century colonial house-turned-spa that’s been restored with help from the Archaeology Institute of Peru. Named after Mateo Pumacahua, who led the Cusco Rebellion in 1814, the structure is built on the same Inca-era foundation the Peruvian independence hero called home. Allow those knots and any stress to melt away at the hands of your masseuse or head next door to the sanctuary’s heated pool and hot tubs to relieve those well-trodden feet. One thing is certain: this is no place like home.



飛抵庫斯科的Alejandro Velasco Astete國際機場,開車 90分鐘便可到達Explora Valle Sagrado酒店。亦可坐火車前往 Ollantaytambo,再驅車45分鐘便可抵達酒店。

Fly into Alejandro Velasco Astete International in Cusco, about a 90-minute drive from the hotel, or take a train to Ollantaytambo, about a 45-minute drive from the hotel.

酒店屬全包式,淡季期間普通客房收費為每人每晚$473 美元,至少住兩晚,提供機場接送。遊覽馬丘比丘需另加$350 美元。

All-inclusive rates start from US$473 per night per person in a standard room during low season, with a minimum stay of two nights, and includes airport transfers. Machu Picchu requires a US$350 supplement. Explora Valle Sagrado 1-800-838-9120, ELITEGEN


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Need for speed

The all-electric porsche Taycan will satisfy the racer in you—and with a zero Co2 footprint Story | Norris McDonald

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我老遠到丹麥哥本哈根試駕保時捷2020年款的全電動跑車 Taycan,得出的結論是—電動車真實可行,會有其市埸。至於電 動車何時才能成為主流車輛,就要看政府及有關機構是否願意投資 數以億元計的金錢在基礎設施,以支援駕駛人士使用電動車。 由發布Taycan及其隨後首次亮相所用的時間,可說是汽車營 銷和公關史上最長的,箇中情況讓我一一道來。 今年8月中,我飛到阿特蘭大的保時捷體驗中心出席這款車的 兩個型號,即Turbo和Turbo S的技術簡介會。它讓我認識到這車的 方方面面,而最重要的是,它怎樣做到二氧化碳零排放。 Taycan搭載了起跑控制(Launch Control) 功能,旗艦型號 Turbo S可迸發出最高560千瓦(750匹馬力) ,而Turbo則可輸出最 高達500千瓦(670 匹馬力) 。Taycan Turbo S在2.8 秒內便可從靜 止狀態加速到時速100公里,而Turbo也只是需要3.2秒,它們的最 高時速同樣是270公里。 成就這個驕人速度,靠的就是純電力推動,不會污染大氣層或 破壞寧靜的環境。 四個星期之後,這款電車就在尼亞加拉大瀑布—首個引進公共 水力發電到加拿大的城市—正式亮相,我特意駕車到大瀑布參加了 這項活動。與此同時,廠方也在柏林附近的一個太陽能發電場和中 國平潭島的一個風力發電場為這款全電動車舉行揭幕儀式。 再兩個星期後,我飛到哥本哈根登上這台全球首輛全電動跑 車。經過兩天的試駕,我毫無懸念地給它一個讚。

I’ve come to Copenhagen, Denmark to drive the 2020 all-electric Porsche Taycan and I’ve reached a number of conclusions: Electric cars are real and here to stay; how quickly they become mainstream will depend on how willing governments and others are to spend the billions necessary to build infrastructure to support them; and the unveiling, and subsequent debut, of the Taycan (pronounced Tie-can, by the way) had to have been the longest in the history of automotive marketing and public relations. Allow me to explain. In mid-August, I flew to Atlanta to attend a technical briefing about the car—which has two models, the Turbo and the Turbo S—at the Porsche Experience Centre. While in class, I learned virtually everything there was to know about the car. About how—and this is most important—it would leave no—zero—CO2 footprint. I also learned that the flagship Turbo S can generate up to 560 kW (750 hp) with Launch Control and the Taycan Turbo up to 500 kW (670 hp). The Taycan Turbo S accelerates from zero to 100 km/h in 2.8 seconds while the Taycan Turbo completes this sprint in 3.2 seconds. The top speed of both is 270 km/h. All that without polluting the atmosphere or disrupting the tranquility of the environment. Four weeks later, I drove to Niagara Falls where the whole car was officially unveiled in the city where public hydroelectric power was introduced to Canada. There were simultaneous unveilings on a solar farm near Berlin and a wind farm on Pingtan Island in China. Six weeks after going to Atlanta and two after Niagara, I flew to Copenhagen to actually climb aboard and strap into the world’s first all-electric sports car. All I have to say after our two-day drive is that I still have a big smile on my face.



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我和駕車搭檔Michael Bettencourt想找出Turbo S究 竟可以開得多快,於是在無上限高速公路作實地測試。我 們直接駛向左,走外圍,在快線行車,並試圖把車開至不 能再加速的地步。我們曾超越時速265公里,但由於前面 有一輛車正以時速約225公里「爬行」,為免與它碰撞,我 們惟有減速。事實上,在我們放棄探索極速紀錄當刻,它 仍在毫不費力地加速。 不過,要進出這輛車並不容易。與所有跑車一樣, 它的外型低矮,約4.5呎高(Turbo S有4.52呎,而Turbo則 稍高一點點,有4.53呎) 。我可以擠進前座位,但沒有打 算嘗試鑽進後座,因為車頂線向下傾斜,後座的高度空間 很小。 然而,一旦進入了前面的座位,即體驗到它真的很 舒服。除了轉動方向盤駕車之外,還可以在方向盤上進行 很多操作(如調高收音機的音量、選取駕駛模式等等) 。儀 表板則從司機位伸展至乘客的座位前,而周圍有很多安全 氣囊,以防萬一出現的意外。

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My driving partner, Michael Bettencourt, and I were keen to check out a couple of things about that Porsche. For instance, how fast would it really go? We were on a no-speed-limit section of the Autobahn, so we went directly to the left, outside, fast lane and tried to get to the point where the Turbo S could go no faster. We passed 265 km/h, but then Bettencourt had to slow down because somebody was crawling along in our lane at about 225. But the car was still accelerating effortlessly when we had to abandon our land speedrecord attempt. For anyone worried about personal mobility issues, this car is not exactly easy to get in or out of. It is a lowslung sports car (the Turbo S is 1,378mm high; the Turbo is 1,381mm), measuring about 4.5 feet high. I was able to squeeze into the front seat, but I didn’t even try to squeeze into the back as the roofline slants downward. Once inside, the car is really comfortable, almost cocoon like. And the dash spreads across the entire front of the car from the driver’s side to the passenger’s. And there are plenty of airbags in case anything goes wrong.

這不是說Taycan全無缺點,若真的要在雞蛋裡挑 骨頭的話,我就發現了一點點。在儀表板之下有一個 10.9吋的資訊娛樂顯示屏伸延至中控台,駕駛者如我 般,若伸手觸摸顯示屏,例如轉電台,就很容易會掃到 顯示屏,把暖氣或空調開啟了。這確是有點討厭,保時 捷應該留意一下。 保時捷表示Taycan是首部支援800伏特電壓(大部 分電動車採用400伏特電壓)的量產車,大大縮短了充電 時間。我們所試駕的跑車只需22分鐘便能充滿電。它所 搭載的鋰離子電池總容量為93.4kWh,供應電力給兩個 分別設在前後軸的電動引擎,並採用安裝在後軸的兩速 波箱,驅動所有四個車輪,加速和控制車速。 廠方稱Taycan打開了保時捷史上新的一章,特別 是在性能、續航力和技術方面,並強調Taycan既是一輛 不折不扣的跑車,同是也可以作日常代步。 我非常喜歡這台車,但就懷疑它的可行性,因為目 前的基建仍未能配合。不過我深信這個日子毫無疑問一 定會降臨。 兩款保時捷Taycan,Turbo S和Turbo現接受訂 購,售價分別是213,900元和173,900 元。

This may be nitpicking, but a 10.9-inch infotainment display comes down from the dash onto the centre console. I reached to touch the screen to change the radio station and accidentally brushed the infotainment display, which turned on one of the heating/air conditioning fans in the process. This is more annoying than anything else, but it is something Porsche should look at. Porsche says the Taycan is the first production vehicle with a system voltage of 800 volts (most electric cars have 400). This significantly reduces the charging period—ours took about 22 minutes to charge up. The overall capacity of the lithium ion battery is 93.4 kWh. It supplies power to two electric motors, one on the front axle and the other on the rear. A two-speed transmission is used on the rear axle to drive all four wheels plus drive the car’s acceleration and speed. The company is calling this a new chapter in its history with a focus on performance, range and technology. They say the Taycan is a pure sports car that can also be driven every day. I am crazy about this car, but is it feasible? Maybe not quite because the infrastructure is just not there yet. But it will come. There is no doubt about that. The Porsche Taycan Turbo S and Porsche Taycan Turbo are now available to order with pricing starting at $213,900 and $173,900, respectively.



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The World’s smallesT sTabilized Camera insta360 Go good to capture every-day life and share precious moments Story | PC Market

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Insta360的新相機GO,機身一如官方所言可「藏在拇指後」,只得49.4× 21.4毫米,重量更只得18.3克,體積比GoPro、OSMO Action等action camera 還要小。但Insta360卻不想將GO列入純action camera類別,反而以「The world’s smallest stabilized camera」來形容GO,新機重點是一部「內置穩定器 功能的相機」,所以也適合拍攝運動、移動畫面的影片。

配件大大提升拍攝彈性 測試時發覺GO拍片時有超高穩定性,全因其內置了六軸陀螺儀的 FlowState防震技術,即使高速移動中,仍能拍到穩定的畫面;另外,由於機身 有磁石,可以配合多種配件如附送的磁吸頸繩、轉向底座、磁吸機夾及磁吸面 板等使用,可將GO穩妥地安裝在不同位置進行拍攝,適用於多種情形。 受惠於FlowState技術,使用磁石作磁吸時,機身橫或直放皆可,因GO會 根據重力自動判斷鏡頭的上下左右,不用擔心出現畫面倒轉、直度轉橫度等問 題,方便後製。 它內置了一個3,040×3,040高解像度的感光元件,屬1:1的正方形規格, 方便用戶「先拍後製」 ;亦可透過專用app《Insta360Go》後製裁出16:9、9:16或 4:3比例的內容,適合將影片或相片分享至不同尺寸要求的社交平台。 GO亦不是全無弱點,由於感光元件較細,拍出的影像不算銳利,四角也 有明顯變形及模糊情況,若裁至16:9比例,會有裁走四角的問題;但作為一般 用作社交平台分享,或作日常生活的記錄而言,畫質是絕對可接受。對於只想 輕鬆分享最精彩片段的用戶,會是個不錯的選擇。

The latest Insta360 GO is the Ant-Man of cameras. Weighing a mere 18.3 grams (0.65 ounces) in 49.4mm × 21.4mm, it is even smaller than other action cameras such as GoPro or OSMO Action. That said, Insta360 GO prefers to be the “world’s smallest stabilized camera” and not just a tiny wearable camera. It features Insta360’s signature FlowState stabilization to best capture sports and motion related images and videos.

NeW FeATureS PrOvIde FlexIbIlITy during our test, Insta360 GO’s six-axis gyroscope built-in FlowState antishock technology delivers superior stability that exceeds our expectation. We were able to capture solid frames even in high speed situations. In addition, due to its magnetic body, it works amazingly well with a variety of accessories that came with the package, including a magnetic necklace, steering base, magnetic clip and panel for a variety of shooting situations. Thanks to the powerful FlowState technology, the lens position of Insta360 GO can go in any direction as it will automatically adjust the settings based on gravity. This feature provides peace of mind for post-editing, especially for amateur users. Insta360 GO has a built-in 3,040 ×3,040 high-resolution sensor in a 1:1 square, which makes it convenient for post-editing. It can also be converted into 16:9, 9:16 or 4:3 frame sizes through the exclusive Insta360Go app. The output makes it easy to accommodate different resolution ratio content and requirements on various social media platforms. due to the light sensor’s size limitation, images taken from Insta360 GO are not quite sharp enough; edges and corners are visually deformed or blurry. There are also issues while trimming in the 16:9 aspect ratio. However, if the aim is to capture every-day life and share precious moments on social media, the image quality is absolutely acceptable. For those who want to easily share the most exciting clips, Insta360 GO is an optimal choice.

規格︰ 感光元件︰CMOS 像素︰9.29MP 解像度︰3,040×3,040 鏡頭光︰f/2.1 影片模式︰標準、間隔拍攝、延時拍攝、 移動延時拍攝、慢動作 相片模式︰標準、間隔拍攝 儲存容量︰8GB 連接︰Bluetooth、micro USB、Lightning 其他︰FlowState (內置六軸陀螺儀) 、IPX4 體積︰49.4×21.4×14.85mm 重量︰18.3g

SpecificationS: photo sensor: cMoS pixel: 9.29 Mp Resolution: 3,040 x 3,040 Lens aperture: f/2.1 Movie mode: standard, interval shooting, time-lapse shooting, moving time-lapse shooting, slow motion photo mode: standard, interval shooting Storage capacity: 8GB connectivity: bluetooth, micro USB, lightning other features: flowState (built-in sixaxis gyroscope), ipX4 Dimension: 49.4 × 21.4 × 14.85 mm Weight: 18.3 g $279.99



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Congratulations to Celine Tadrissi on the opening of @hammamspa at Bayview Village. We are totally smitten by the signature hammam Turkish bath ritual, which includes the use of the beautiful 765 sq. ft. steam room, and a full-body exfoliation atop the heated marble table followed by a bubble and Moroccan black soap treatment. Our birthday suit hasn’t felt so soft and pampered for a long time. And we couldn’t resist the final touch—having warm tea in the serene lounge with baklava and Turkish delight. #土耳其浴

Guests gathered in Walker Court @agotoronto to celebrate 25 years of @cathaypacific non-stop flights between the hub cities of Hong Kong and Toronto, connecting Canadian travellers with over 30 destinations throughout Asia, and the airline’s award-winning Service Straight from the Heart philosophy. Amazing food and great bartenders, too. #國泰多倫多香港直航銀禧 (Pictured from left: Zoheir Hasanbhai, Philippe Lacamp, Senior VP of Americas at Cathay Pacific, and Peter Yeung.)

Welcome to Toronto, winemaker Gonzalo Bertelsen @vinacasablanca @charton_hobbs_on. The delicious Sauvignon Blanc and elegant Cabernet Sauvignon from this boutique winery showed us why Casablanca Valley is one of the 10 most renowned wine regions in the world, and it is very deserving of the 90-score by @james. suckling. #智利葡萄酒

The wait is over. @Furla’s first Canadian flagship store is open in Yorkdale. Although Carole Teitelbaum, president of Halcyon brands, and Furla Canada were mum about speculation on future expansions at the celebration cocktail reception, rumour has it that a second store is slated for downtown Toronto, and more stores may open in Montreal, Vancouver and Calgary. #陸續登場

@Fendi gave fans two reasons to celebrate at the same time—the opening of its new store inside @holtrenfrew in Yorkdale, as well as the global drop of the #FendiPrintsOn capsule collection—a collaboration between international artist @nickiminaj and FENDI’s Creative Director Silvia Venturini Fendi. We even got to groove to Minaj’s new song with @pnbrock and @murdabeatz #芬迪 #FF 108 E L I T E G E N. C A



Chefs from around the world descended on Toronto to donate their time and talent for a fundraising event in support of the Sinai Health Foundation. The first annual #Foodball at the Liberty Grand featured 40 top chefs from across Canada and around the globe, including the Amalfi Coast, Tel Aviv, Paris, Copenhagen, Stockholm, New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago and Miami, showcasing their personal culinary style. The event also featured a selection of top wineries from Italy and California, and signature cocktail tastings, including thousanddollar bottles of bourbon. The inaugural event raised more than $750,000. Next year’s event is already well underway. (Pictured: Claudio Aprile (left) and Demon Chef Alvin Leung.) #為慈善也為美食

@laprairie recently unveiled its Skin Caviar Eye Lift at the Museum of Contemporary Art, the first eye-opening serum for the whole eye area. The potent combination of two formulas enriched with Caviar Premier and La Prairie’s Exclusive Cellular Complex uses cuttingedge biotechnological research to give new life and energy back to the very cells where beauty is born. Guests were treated to a lavish tasting menu and a tour of the museum’s most recent exhibit: #ageofyou #魚子精華

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