Jul / Aug 2019 Elite Gen Vancouver

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JUL/AUG 2019 Vol. 45 Vancouver

vancouver jul/aug 2019

luxury living for canada's chinese elite



cannes ‘rocks’ the red carpet


wildlife wow: galápagos islands


pages of summer



men and their mini bags

a sing tao publication

顏卓靈 你快樂 所以我快樂

dancer, actor, singer.

Cherry NgaN

is a triple threat elitegen.ca

Display until Aug 31, 2019


A sing tao publicAtion

luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

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參與 Contributors Simon Boucher-Harris, Grace Chan, Lorne Drury, Kenson Ho, Johnny Liu, Crystal Ng, Shuk Wa Tsang, Miranda Tsui, Emilia Ku Yazar, Iris Yim

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publisher’s letter


Summer reading for the patio, the plane or the laSt paradiSe     夏日炎炎,熱未必一定會昏了頭,卻總會讓人有衝 動換個新形象, 嘗嘗新事物,討個清新。亦由於此,今 期《星尚》為你帶來更多時尚潮流篇幅,不管是度假穿 著指南、今季流行的閃閃衣裳、最新的鞋履和包包資 訊……讓你輕輕鬆鬆作潮人。     今期的封面女郎顏卓靈,19歲便憑《狂舞派》獲提 名香港金像獎和台灣金馬獎的最佳女主角,被視為最具 潛力的新一代女演員之一。每次的忘我演出卻也有後遺 症,遺留的角色性格影響著日常生活,唯有學習斷捨 離,才可以騰出空間給自己。這亦是演員邁步向前的必 經階段。     頂級珠寶叫人著迷的,不單在於其令人側目的價 錢,更是高超精湛的工藝和千挑萬選材質的相結合,猶 如傳世的藝術品。不同品牌均有自己的獨門鑲嵌珠寶方 法,在在展現登峰造極的工藝。     朋友總是說我的驛馬星旺,每年或公或私、或近或 遠的外遊不下十次。每個地方都有其特色和吸引人的地 方,但對喜歡動物的我來說,到厄瓜多爾的Galápagos 群島近距離觀賞林林總總的野生動物是多年的心願。事 實上,雖然踏足這個被認為是啟發達爾文「進化論」的小 島要守很多規條;但這都是值得的。看過今期圖文並茂 的介紹,相信你也會很想到此一遊。     被譽為建築界奧斯卡的普利茲克建築獎(Pritzker  Architecture  Prize),2019年的得獎者是來自日本、以 後現代主義建築風格聞名的磯崎新(Arata  Isozaki),所 設計的建築物,包括洛杉磯現代藝術博物館、岐阜的美 濃陶瓷公園、茨城縣的水戶藝術館、巴塞羅那的聖喬治 宮體育館、上海交響樂團音樂廳、卡塔爾國家會議中 心……看來我的驛馬又在蠢蠢欲動了。

The dog days of summer are coming. What will you do: embrace the heat in the city, head out to the countryside, or jet to a bucket-list destination? No matter what you choose, we’re here to help you do it, stylishly, of course: outshine the sun with sparkle (Glitter galore), keep your feet cool with a sexy pair of sandals (Shoe-ins) and sling a new bag over your shoulder (The Bag Bible). Though our cover girl, actor, singer, dancer Cherry Ngan, may not be putting a bag over her shoulder too soon. Inspired by Tidying Up guru Marie Kondo, Ngan just learned how to take the emotional weight of her many movie characters off her shoulders, with one exception: skateboarder. And if you’re ramping up your plans for travel, be sure to check out our wardrobe feature (Chill out). And because you will, undoubtedly, be spending a lot of time outdoors, pay special attention to our feature on sun protection (The Sun Goddess in You). From head to toe, we’ve got you covered. Now, as most of your already know, we always devote plenty of pages to inspire you with travel ideas, but our guide to the Galápagos will have your jaw drop. This last paradise on earth and a key player in Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is a dream come true for nature and adventure lovers (Wow to wildlife). If you prefer a more urban expedition, consider a global scavenger hunt for the modernist work of Japanese architect Arata Isozaki, winner of the 2019 Pritzker Architecture Prize. His work alone will take you to some of the world’s coolest cities, including Los Angeles, Gifu, Barcelona, Shanghai and Qatar (Artchitecture). Whether you bring your copy of eliteGen to the beach, the patio or on the plane, I hope you enjoy our summer issue. Sincerely,

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher facebook.com/LeslieYip Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911


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eliteGen up front 6 團隊 Masthead

8 出版人的話 publisher's letter

14 dress code: on the red carpet

timepieces 18 巧奪天工 art of the dial: piaget, vacheron constantin, herMès

30 54

jewellery 22 頂級工藝 geM artistry: cutting, crafting & setting celebrity 30 封面故事 顏卓靈 你快樂 所以我快樂 cover girl: cherry ngan

22 36



fashion 36-65 潮流特區 runway, colour wheel, glitter galore, shoe-ins & the bag bible beauty & scents 66 防曬秘笈 sun protection, neostrata® & herMès

fashion: men 72 體面男生 Mini bags lifestyle 76 建築大師磯崎新 architect: arata isozaki


80 gin酒之苦 wine not: okinawa gin



82 M8創造中式「融合」美食 RestauRant: CReating Chinese fusion fine dining 86 Vallea luMina夜遊魔幻森林 ignite YouR senses in this natuRe night Walk 90 全新滑雪勝地酒店 the Josie 94 加拉帕哥斯群島攻略 tRaVel: galápagos islands


automobiles 102 動力澎湃 BMW M850i xdRiVe Coupe tech 106 音樂旅途 RiMoWa and Bang & olufsen headphones society 108 Been theRe:

the paRtY CiRCuit

Dress coDe

by Lily Lee

膊頭煞食 haLter ego



乾淨俐落 For whom the beLL toLLs 時尚少女 bonkers For bustier



Kelly Cheung

Anita Yuen

Karena Ng

Jacquemus halter neck這白波點黑裙突出了張曦雯 極具線條美的肩膊和鎖骨,散發陣陣性感美。

袁詠儀個子高挑,性格又硬朗,這身Lanvin黑白間 條套裝,簡單的襯以黑色頸巾,加上all-back髮型, 就是乾淨俐落。

吳千語身形偏瘦加上擁有長腿,穿上silvia tcherassi 吊帶連身褲不但顯得時尚,比例亦覺修長,加上恰 到好處的髮型和妝容,合乎其青春形象。

This bare shoulder silhouette slides seamlessly from day into night.

Monster bell bottoms give a two-piece added wow.

A Gingham pattern adds some country charm to an urban night on the town.

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Dress coDe

醒神型媽 geometry Lesson

凸顯個性 Denim Diva

破格玩意 sun goDDess




Ella Chen


Hilary Tsui

Charmaine Sheh

ella這身Dice kayek套裝打扮,幾何圖案和顏色配搭 新穎,尤其欣賞其剪裁、肩膊跟腰部設計,醒神有 型兼而有之。

徐濠縈今次以單肩閃石上衣配牛仔褲作casual wear 配搭,墊膊造型更突顯個性,充滿潮味。

以塗鴉圖案作設計的moschino晚裝裙,充滿破格玩 味,黃白的色彩組合更讓佘詩曼顯得青春和有朝氣。

A satin suit can be as formal as a ball gown.

Denim on the red carpet may be seen as a no-no, but when accessorized with evening wear it can work.

In splashes of mellow yellow, this asymmetrical shoulder is both sassy and chic.

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face to face the deft use of unexpected materials on watch dials showcases the artistic prowess of these luxury timepieces Story | Chappie

琺瑯微繪 琺瑯微繪是最常見於高級腕錶的工藝,對工匠的專業技藝和精 細操作要求極高,攝氏800至900度的高溫燒製稍有差池,錶盤就毀 於一旦。微繪大師在方寸錶盤上運用琺瑯彩釉繪畫畫作,透過反覆燒 製上色,每個工序製作需時,盡顯大師功架,完成品都是珍貴限量。

EnamEl micro painting it’s a demanding and unrivaled skill for artisans. a single misstep in the firing process in 800-900°c heat could wipe out hours of labour. micro-painting artists first finish their masterpieces with enamel paint on the tiny dial. the dials are alternately painted and then fired.


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Arceau Baobab Cat 珠寶腕錶微繪縞瑪瑙錶 盤,鑲嵌經微繪與雕刻 的珍珠貝母花朵,全球限 量12 枚。 Arceau Baobab Cat jewellery watch has a micro-painted onyx dial as the backdrop for micro-painted and engraved mother-of-pearl motif. The collection is limited to 12 pieces.

▼Arceau Awooooo琺瑯工藝腕錶白金錶盤上運用微繪琺 瑯工藝,錶盤圖案源自藝術家Alice Shirley為Hermès 設 計的絲巾。全球限量8枚。 Arceau Awooooo white gold watch features micro painting enamelling on the dial. The drawing was originally created by artist Alice Shirley for an Hermès silk scarf. It is limited to just eight pieces globally.

▼工匠首先製作出雙面透白的琺瑯錶盤,精心拋光令表面達到完美平滑,再以 極細的筆刷蘸取各種琺瑯細粉和油混合調配而成的顏料勾勒圖案輪廓。 The artisans first make the double-sided translucent dial. It is polished to ensure a perfectly smooth surface. A super brush is used with the paint made from a mix of enamel powder and oil for the drawing.

動物畫藝 愛馬仕的全新腕錶採用微繪琺瑯工藝製作,將銀色毛皮的狼結合星空背景,令 白金錶殼猶如精緻的畫框,完美烘托細膩生動的微繪景觀。

hErmès animal art this new watch uses enamel art to depict a silver furred wolf against a starry sky. the white gold case is the frame of this remarkable artwork.

Les Cabinotiers閣樓 工匠14天陀飛輪腕錶。 Les Cabinotiers 14day Tourbillon.

▼所謂灰階琺瑯,即先用深棕色釉彩覆蓋金質錶盤,高溫燒製後用 「利摩日白釉(Blanc de Limoges)」灰階琺瑯進行繪製,從而呈現灰色、棕色和白色等色澤和陰影效果。 Grisaille enamel involves coating the gold plate dial with a dark brown layer. After firing in the kiln, white Grand Feu enamel known as “Blanc de Limoges” is applied. It gives the material subtle shades of grey, brown and white to create shading effects.

微繪獅王 品牌Les Cabinotiers閣樓工匠14天陀飛輪腕錶,採用了手工雕刻錶殼和灰階琺 瑯錶盤;為獅子增添了生動迷人的色彩,鮮活生動的猛獸圖案。

VachEron constantin lion king the brand’s les cabinotiers 14-day tourbillion uses a hand-engraved case and a grisaille enamel dial to bring a lion to life in vivid tones. ELITEGEN

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漆鑲蛋殼 Piaget Altiplano 18K玫瑰金腕錶的錶盤,工匠於錶盤噴上清漆後風乾兩周,並 將蛋殼切成小塊,於錶盤上組合圖案,再塗上黑色亮漆及進行噴砂處理,才以彩色亮 漆於蛋殼切片上著色而成。

Egg shEll lacquEr piaget altiplano 18k rose gold watch stands out with an egg shell and lacquered dial. artisans spray on the varnish and then air dry it for two weeks. the egg shells are crushed into tiny pieces and assembled like a mosaic. shiny black lacquer is then applied and then the dial is sandblasted before coloured laquer is painted on.


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細木鑲嵌 Vacheron Constantin的Les Cabinotiers閣樓工匠有著創製獨一無二的時計作品 的傳統。這Wild Panda腕錶的錶盤,是由工藝大師將不同形狀和顏色的小木片經手 工切割後,通過拼接組合,構成生動圖案。

chip off thE block Vacheron constantin les cabinotiers continues a one-of-a-kind tradition. this Wild panda dial is formed by hand-cut wood chips.

皮革鑲嵌 hermès 花了年半時間開發全新的皮革鑲嵌工藝技術,這Arceau Cavales的 Samarcande馬頭圖案錶盤,經加工處理後的小牛皮革僅厚0.5毫米,隨後根據拼貼尺 寸和形狀進行精準切割,將一片片的皮革原片擺放在錶盤的相應位置,構成最終的設 計圖案。

lEathEr luxury hermès spent a year and a half developing its new leather set technique. the samarcande horse head dial of the arceau cavales uses treated calf leather that is just 0.5mm thick. the leather is precisely cut into the right shapes and sizes and then pieced together on the dial. ELITEGEN

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Perfectionist gemologist High-end jewellery brands show off their extraordinary artistry Story | Chappie 所值不菲的高級珠寶與腕錶,既反映珍貴寶石 與貴金屬的相對價值,也因其所運用的超卓工藝, 特別是西方頂級珠寶品牌,歷代傳承,累積百年專 業工藝,就如以下幾款頂級工藝,成就令人神往的 顛峰成品。


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High-end jewellery and watches are treasured not only for their inherent value in precious stones and metals, but also for their superior artistry in crafting genuinely collectible pieces. In fact, premier brands are revered for their long heritage and century-old craftsmanship that exemplify several aspects of high-end jewellery making skills.

Half moon Cut Résonances de Cartier Orbite 18K白色黃金戒指,鑲 嵌了各重5.02卡和4.72卡的半月形鑽石,與紅寶石和 明亮式切割圓鑽形成立體雕塑。 Résonances de Cartier Orbite 18K white gold ring is set with 5.02ct and 4.72ct half-moon diamonds, framed by rubies and brilliant-cut diamonds.

StEp Cut Tiffany & Co.獨有的混合式切割技術,首次推出Tiffany True,鑽石冠部混合了階梯式及明亮式切割,擁有49 或50刻面,讓光線得以充分折射。 Tiffany & Co. debuted Tiffany True, a unique mixed cut to radiate brilliance. The crown is step-cut with 49 to 50 straight and parallel facets, while the bottom part is brilliant-cut.


GEm CuttInG

1950年代開始,鑽石採取4C︰顏色 (Color)、純淨度(Clarity)、切工(Cut)和 重量(Carat Weight)作評級標準。雖然頂 級珠寶品牌主要挑選最為稀有的D、E、 F無色甚至更高等級的鑽石,但為著呈現 寶石與設計的美學,毫不吝嗇地切割鑽 石,創製出矚目驚世的珠寶款式。

Since the 1950s, diamonds have been rated by 4Cs: colour, clarity, cut and carat weight. and top brands use mainly the rarest d, E, f or higher grades of colourless diamonds. It is not about the investment value but more so a medium to show off the perfectionist aesthetics in gemology and jewellery design. and they aren’t shy about cutting a stone any way they like to create stunners.

pEar Cut 歷史悠久的法國珠寶品牌Boucheron,以 梨形切割6.42卡哥倫比亞祖母綠寶石,襯 柱形切割祖母綠寶石和縞瑪瑙,打造此名 為Pluie Art Deco的戒指。 Heritage French brand Boucheron applies a pear-shaped cut to the 6.42ct Columbian emerald and assembles baguette-cut emeralds and onyx on the ring band to fashion this Pluie Art Deco ring.

EmErald Cut

HEart Cut

Harry Winston招牌式的祖母綠型鑽石切 工,傲然而立逾半個多世紀。 Harry Winston’s signature emerald-cut gems have dazzled diamond lovers for more than half a century.

擁有龐大鑽礦的Graff,將頂級D色巨鑽以 「業界認為最浪費鑽 石」 的心形切割,打造這重達42.72卡的鑽戒。 Graff, which has its own massive diamond mine, is not shy about applying what the industry considers as the most wasteful cut—the heart-cut—on a huge D-grade diamond to create a 42.72ct diamond ring. ELITEGEN

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jewellery 寶石鑲嵌 各大珠寶品牌既以科學精算研究最 能令鑽石閃出光芒的鑲托,復以完全隱 密爪托的方式鑲嵌,令寶石呈現生命力。

GEm SEttInG on top of finding out the optimal algorithm to maximise the shine of diamonds, leading jewellers apply expert invisible settings to show off a gem’s life force.

鑲嵌元祖 逾177年來,Tiffany均重視鑽石品質,檢定標準極其嚴謹,只有 0.02%的寶石能符合其評級要求,所選用的鑽石皆採用度身打造的鑲 嵌設計,以全手工鑲造和打磨鑲嵌設計。

tIffany & Co., tHE maStEr of tHE SEttInG for more than 177 years, tiffany has been known for its restrictive selection of diamonds; only 0.02 percent of precious gems meet its high standards. Each diamond is uniquely set by hand and each design is meticulously polished.

早在130年前,品牌創始人Charles Lewos Tiffany推出全球最具標誌性的訂婚鑽戒— ® Tiffany Setting,令鑽石宛如凌空於六爪 鉑金鑲托之上,成為獨有專利。

經驗豐富的鑽石切割工匠收到頂級鑽石後,會根據嚴謹的幾何規劃圖和精密量度,以精確的切 割角度和對稱度,折射出最瑰麗光芒。 Experienced diamond cutters follow defined geometric lines and precision techniques to cut top-grade diamonds. The exact angling and symmetry ensure that diamonds shine their brightest. 24

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The brand’s founder, Charles Lewos Tiffany, pioneered the iconic and patented Tiffany® Setting, in which the six-prong setting virtually disappears, making the diamond appear to be floating.

全新Magical Setting系列的18K白金鑽石戒指,重新演繹17 至18世紀經典的珠寶設計。

Dedicata a Venezia Torcello鉑金戒指,鑲飾1顆明 亮型切割鑽石,鑽石重量0.30卡起。

The 18K white gold diamond ring in the new Magical Setting collection brings back to life classic jewellery designs of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Dedicata a Venezia Torcello solitaire ring in platinum with a round brilliant diamond from 0.30ct.



錦簇鑲嵌技術由逾百年歷史的瑞士品牌Chopard旗下工藝大師 悉心研發,每叢錦簇的中央寶石以幾乎隱匿無形的鑲爪固定,周邊 寶石猶如魔法般牢牢定位,完全隱藏支撐體,無論從正面或上方也 見不到底座。

以威尼斯瀉湖一座小島命名的Dedicata a Venezia Torcello戒 指,靈感源自16世紀初歷史上最早的定情戒;意大利工匠逐一打 磨的四爪鑲嵌,工藝講究;配以單顆明亮式切割鑽石及獨特圓潤 流線戒環,最是適合手指豐滿的女生。

CHopard this floral cluster setting was developed by master artisans of the Swiss jeweller, which boasts more than a century of heritage. Each cluster is centred on a single stone and encircled by smaller stones, all invisibly and firmly held in place as if by magic.

18K玫瑰金手鐲 Berunda 18K bangle in rose gold

BulGarI named after the Venetian island torcello, the dedicata a Venezia torcello ring was inspired by the earliest engagement tokens from the 16th century. Italian artisans polish each prong with expertise, and set a single brilliant-cut solitaire in a curved setting.

Winston Candy鉑金戒 指,主石周圍以cluster 方式鑲嵌梨形切割鑽石 和紫色藍寶石。 Winston Candy platinum ring, with pear-shaped diamonds and purple sapphires



法國頂級珠寶世家Van Cleef & Arpels於1933年為其研創的 Mystery Set隱密式鑲嵌技術申請專利,工匠在鑲嵌過程中巧妙隱藏 貴金屬鑲座,訣竅在於以金屬網格逐顆鑲嵌特別切割的紅寶石,搭 配鑽石、祖母綠及藍寶石。

Harry Winston獨特的Cluster五點式錦簇鑲嵌設計,從各個角 度捕捉水滴形與圓形明亮式切割鑽石,像浮起半空般呈現綺麗美 態,創作出優雅魅力與超然的時尚風格。

Van ClEEf & arpElS

Harry WInSton

the french jewellery house applied for a patent for the mystery set that it developed in 1933. master artisans insert each specially faceted ruby into thin gold rails and set them with diamonds, emeralds and sapphires. artisans have to examine and adjust the position of each stone through a microscope to ensure precision. the stones are set in undulating lines to reflect supreme radiance.

Harry Winston’s iconic five-pronged cluster has pear and round brilliant-cut diamonds set at varying angles to create beautiful sculptural designs that capture light from all directions. the charming and super stylish design appears to be floating.


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jewellery 金屬雕琢 高級珠寶的價值,以手 造工序最為關鍵,除了密鑲 寶石,工匠以人手逐一雕刻紋 理,使鑽石與金質錶殼渾然一 體,盡顯精巧絕倫的傳承工藝。

mEtal CraftInG the value of high jewellery is primarily about craftsmanship. It is as much about gem setting as it is about hand engraving and making stones sit seamlessly on metal to marvel at.


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Band ring系列戒指,中央鑲嵌橢圓形藍寶石,主石周圍環繞 24顆大小各異的圓形閃亮式切割美鑽。 This band ring has an oval sapphire surrounded by 24 round brilliant-cut diamonds of various sizes.

意國國技 1919年,Buccellati於意大利米蘭成立開設首間專門店,一個世 紀以來,品牌堅持採用能夠追溯至意大利文藝復興時期的珠寶雕刻技 藝,以出眾的設計、卓越的手工,呈現如奢華布料、精緻錦緞和威尼 斯蕾絲製品般的細膩質感,深受上流貴族追捧。

BuCCEllatI Buccellati’s first store opened in 1919 in milan. In the past century, the brand used jewellery engraving artistry that dates back to the renaissance. 手工雕刻Extremely Lady 錶帶、錶盤的 「鱗紋」 。 Hand-engraved scales on the Extremely Lady watch bracelet and watch dial.

高雅金光 自1943年成立至今的Piaget, 近年從20世紀60至70年代的珍藏系 列中取得靈感,加上在日內瓦Planles-Ouates的自家廠房與金匠出神 入化的手藝,打造出百餘款各具 特色的金質手鐲,成功還原昔 日的金工技術。

蕾絲工藝 全新Dior Dior Dior高級珠寶系列,延續品牌高級訂製服風格的精 湛技藝,以黃金、玫瑰金與白金進行編織、扭轉、交疊、圖飾花樣的 方式,緊密襯托著各式寶石,呈現宛如織於金色雪紡紗中的效果。

dIor the new dior dior dior collection extends the brand’s haute couture style and artistry. yellow, rose and white golds are woven, twisted, crossed over and patterned to provide a lace-like canvas for displaying precious stones.

pIaGEt piaget, which came into being in 1943, has been taking inspiration from its collections in the 1960s and 1970s, and reimagined more than 100 styles of metal bracelets. artisans in its own factory in plan-les-ouates of Geneva rediscovered the glory of classic metalwork.

Extremely Lady 18K玫 瑰金鑲鑽腕錶。 Extremely Lady 18K diamond watch bracelet in rose gold.

Dior Dior Dior 18K黃金及玫瑰金手 鐲,鑲有鑽石及黃鑽石。 Dior Dior Dior 18K yellow gold and rose gold bracelet adorned with clear diamonds and yellow diamonds.


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on the red carpet 鄭秀妍佩戴Chopard高級珠 寶系列18K白金耳環,鑲嵌 兩顆共重16.1卡梨形鑽石 及鑽石,再襯以高級珠寶 系列18K白金共重68.8卡鑽 石手鏈。 Jessica Jung sashays in these Chopard 18k white gold earrings starring two teardrop diamonds of 16.1cts and an 18k white gold diamond bracelet of 68.8cts.


Bling fest Story | Chappie

康城影展的紅地毯永遠充滿娛樂 性,雖然每年都有不少「白撞嘉 賓」,但搶盡風頭的還是一眾 紅星美人,人紅衫美配上瑰 麗珠寶,令人眼前一亮。 Cannes may be known for its international film festival by the sea but when it rolls out the red carpet it’s also a sea of precious gems


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Anja Rubik佩戴Nature Triomphante 高級珠寶系列的經典Lierre de Paris 白金鋪鑲鑽石問號頸鏈,並配以 Goutte水晶白金鋪鑲鑽石手鐲。 Anja Rubik commands attention in Nature Triomphante’s classic Lierre de Paris question-markshaped white gold pavé diamond necklace, paired with a Goutte crystal white gold pavé diamond bracelet.

Julianne Moore佩戴Chopard高級珠 寶系列18K白金頸鏈,鑲嵌一顆橢 圓形明亮式切割鑽石及圓形鑽石、 Red Carpet系列18K白金耳環,鑲嵌 兩顆共重48.84卡梨形祖母綠,配祖 母綠及鑽石裝飾。 Julianne Moore leaves everyone green with envy in Chopard’s Red Carpet 18k white gold earrings with two teardrop emeralds of 48.84cts, paired with a Chopard 18k white gold necklace featuring oval and brilliant diamonds.

Bella Hadid佩戴Bulgari Diva高級珠 寶系列白金耳環,鑲嵌六枚圓形明 亮式切割鑽石及密鑲鑽石、Serpenti 高級珠寶系列鉑金手鐲,鑲嵌一枚 橢圓形藍寶石、兩枚梨形祖母綠寶 石及密鑲鑽石、高級珠寶系列白金 戒指,鑲嵌一枚欖尖形鑽石及密鑲 鑽石。 Bella Hadid charms in Bulgari Diva white gold earrings set with six round brilliant-cut diamonds and pavé diamonds, Serpenti platinum bracelet with an oval sapphire, two teardrop emeralds and pavé diamonds, and a white gold ring set with an olive-shaped diamond and pavé diamonds.

嵌 昆凌佩戴Boucheron Serpent Boheme垂墜耳環和Serpent Boheme Pompon頸鏈。 Hannah Quinlivan rocks the red carpet in Boucheron Serpent Boheme pendant earrings and Serpent Boheme Pompon necklace.

Selena Gomez佩戴Bulgari高級珠 寶系列Dancing Diamonds頸鏈。 Selena Gomez adds a magical touch with the Bulgari Dancing Diamonds necklace.

Elle Fanning佩戴Chopard Red Carpet系列18K白金耳環,鑲嵌兩顆 共重17.82卡玫瑰形切割鑽石、共重 16.54卡的梨形鑽石及密鑲鑽石。 Elle Fanning rocks the Chopard Red Carpet with 18K white gold earrings with two rose-cut diamonds totalling 17.82cts, framed by 16.54ct teardrop diamonds and pave diamonds.

鞏俐佩戴Boucheron最新 高級珠寶系列白金鑲鑽石 Feuilles d'Acanthe耳環。 Gong Li turns heads in Boucheron's Feuilles d'Acanthe white gold diamond earrings. ELITEGEN

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cover girl

Hoodie, $920 Dress, $2,630 Neck pouch, $535 All Loewe

顏卓靈 妳快樂所以我快樂

out of CharaCter rising star Cherry Ngan learns how to skateboard and separate herself from her movie roles Story | Candy Woo Styling | Lucas Tang Photography | Karl Lam Makeup | Vinci@VinciWinki Hair | Hugo Poon@ii alchemy Location | House of Vans Skatepark


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心思細密,對人對事特別敏感,或許就是演 員的特質。顏卓靈(Cherry)出道以來,演過很多 個「她」,每次總會被「她」觸動,承受「她」在戲中 的喜與悲。 一年前正在演《犯罪現場》嚴肅沉鬱的年輕 督察,那時她像滿懷心事、不苟言笑;最近演網 絡劇《我在香港遇見他》的活潑少女滑板迷,則變 得笑容燦爛,興奮分享與劇組「食好西」趣事。一 年間經歷了兩段人生,不也是藝人生涯的多姿多 采?

三堂成高手 顏卓靈去年12月才首次接觸滑板這玩意,這 天拍以滑板做主題的封面,讓她在室內滑板場大 顯身手,表現活躍機靈的一面,事實上她並不是 愛上街跟大夥比拼的滑板潮童,只學過三堂基本 功,技術只限於拍劇和拍照。 「玩滑板是因為角色需要,片場真的是夢工 場,三堂功夫,就可以將我拍成滑板高手,哈 哈!」Cherry在《我在香港遇見他》的滑板潮人角 色,造型百變誇張,每次花大量時間轉妝轉造 型,還要兼顧踩板,她卻一直說好玩。 「導演將我拍成滑板高手,怎會不過癮?本 來安排了替身拍所有滑板鏡頭,但我堅持要學, 起碼可以應付滑行和上半身的鏡頭,彈跳和滑過 火堆那些高難度動作,才交給替身吧!」 說著學滑板趣事的Cherry,忽然有點似《狂 舞派》的熱血阿花,眼中都有團火。「我記得上完 第一堂,就跟教練來到這個室內滑板場,那晚正 舉行Ladies' night,好多女滑板迷都在互jam, 大家不單只在比拼,還有互相鼓勵,氣氛很是熱 烈,我的滑板替身便是當晚在場的一位小妹妹, 兩個年資較長的師姐,每次都來片場照顧她。」

跌倒中成長 劇組雖已曲終人散,Cherry對滑板世界依然 留戀,「Ladies' night那天,才發現香港原來有 好多女滑板手,見我滑得很慢,又戰戰兢兢的, 不但沒取笑,反而被讚有skater心,那刻以為她 們在說客套話,到後來看她們的IG,全部都用 失手一刻做profile相—原來她們眼中,失手不是 瘀事,跌倒過才會成長,每道傷痕都是進步的印 記,這種精神實在太酷!」她不敢豪言一定會學下 去,卻給自己一個挑戰:「第一次在IG上載踩板 相,人人都問我學懂Ollie沒有?即是最基本的豚 跳,人板同步彈起,我希望可以花點時間,至少 要學懂Ollie!」 劇組令Cherry念念不忘的,還有那些「食好 西」的日子。「這套劇在深圳和香港取景,全是內 地班底,男主角就是《倚天屠龍記》演張無忌的曾 舜晞,男配角、導演、幕後人員等等全都很年 輕,所以整個劇組氣氛很熱鬧。兩個男角埋位前 像小朋友般愛玩愛鬧,我做旁觀者也笑到肚疼, 正好配合劇中角色,我和男配角搞笑戲份多,氣 氛輕鬆,絕對幫到我們入戲。」

Actors have a unique quality in that they sense their surroundings, situations and the people around them in order to successfully play a role. Alas, some take their work home with them. Cherry Ngan is one of those actors who has played a few different women on screen, and can’t help but to take home the emotional baggage of her characters. For example, a year ago, she played a stern and sullen police inspector in the police drama Crime Scene. When shooting stopped, she found it hard to shake off the morose and taciturn nature of the character. A year later, things look brighter with her more recent online drama, The Journey Across the Night. Now, thankfully, she gets to play a bubbly and smiley skateboarder. So when shooting wraps, the infectious personality of her happy-go-lucky character has turned Ngan off-screen into one who can’t wait to share funny foodie stories about hunting for good food with fellow cast members. “The guys loved to eat,” she says. “They planned what to eat for the day before they started the day’s shooting. As soon as lunch time came, they would grab each other and disappear. I was often held back to change my look and had to settle for take-out.” One might think they were shooting a food show because all they talked about between sets was where they were going to eat nearby. “We were shooting mostly in Central, Western and Wanchai. I didn’t know these areas very well. But after the production, I knew where to find yummy dumplings, fish ball noodles, beef brisket noodles, puffy egg pancakes and Thai food. When we shot with Hong Kong crews in the past, everyone had takeaways in order to save time and finish early. No one bothered to look for good food.”

A quICK STudy The series was shot in Shenzhen and Hong Kong by a mainland Chinese production crew. The male lead was Joseph Zeng, who played Zhang Wuji in The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber. The supporting actors, director and crew were all very young, so there was always a youthful vibe. “The actors were always horsing around like kids before the camera rolled. I had my fair share of belly laughs, which was just right for my character. I had a lot of comical scenes with the supporting actor. The atmosphere really helped us get into the right spirit.” It’s hard to believe that Ngan hopped on a skateboard for the first time just last december. She needed to for her new role. She had the opportunity to show off her moves in an indoor skate park for this cover shoot and looked very much in control. Believe it or not, she only needed a few lessons to master the basics for the TV series. “The studio is truly a dream factory,” says Ngan. “In just three lessons, I looked like a capable skater. The director made me an ‘expert’. What’s not fun about that? The plan was to have a stunt double do all the skateboard scenes, but I insisted on learning to do at least the skating and upper body shots. The difficult moves, like jumping and skating over fire, had to be left to the stunt person.”


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cover girl 放飯時間才是重要時刻,「兩個男角很愛吃,開 工之前已想好每日美食,一到吃飯時間就手拉手一齊 衝出片場,不過,我每次都會被梳化服姐姐截停說要 轉妝,兩個大男孩已經跑得無影無蹤,丟下我在吃外 賣。」

性格隨角色轉 明明是拍劇,Cherry卻說像是拍飲食節目。空檔 時總是討論附近有甚麼好吃。 「劇組多在港島中西區、 灣仔拍攝,我本來不熟悉這些地區,拍完這套劇便知 道去哪裡找美味的餃子、魚蛋粉、牛腩麵、雞蛋仔和 泰國菜。平時跟香港劇組拍戲,大家都爭取時間工 作,只吃外賣飯盒,哪有閒情找美食?」 這次訪問,她明顯比一年前更健談,她也承認: 「我好易受角色影響,今次拍的是喜劇,對手合得來 又玩得開心,的確令我性格變得開朗、外放。」顏卓靈 說自己的真性情並不如外表般跳脫活潑,「我的朋友 通常比實際年齡成熟,連帶我的性格都會比較沉實, 絕不小女孩,但演完網劇那個搞笑的『張叉叉』,我仍 然未放下她,她的言行、喜好,依然影響著顏卓靈。」 開朗、外放絕對是顏卓靈的調和劑,以往拒絕 談及男友白只,現在竟然在IG放閃甜蜜合照,「幾個 月沒見面,一起吃到一頓很滿意的Omakaze(廚師發 辦),感覺開心,自然一起合照!朋友看見我的碰杯 emoji,還以為他向我求婚,又猜我們宣布結婚,哈 哈!」廿五歲女孩的戀愛,應該是這樣旁若無人的。

WONderFul WIpeOuTS The production may be done, but Ngan has fond memories of her time skateboarding. “Once, on ladies’ night, I noticed that there were a lot of women skaters in Hong Kong. I was slow and nervous, but they didn’t laugh at me. They patted me on the shoulders for having the heart of a skater. I thought they were just being polite, but then I saw that they all used their wipeout photos as profile pics on their Instagram accounts. They don’t find wipeouts embarrassing. Those are opportunities to grow. every scar is a mark of progress. That is so cool. She’s as passionate about telling us these stories as she was as Fluer in The Way We Dance, her first major onscreen role. “When I posted my first skateboarding photo on IG, everyone asked if I had learned Ollie, which is a basic dolphin jump in which the skater and the board jump at the same time. I hope I can spend a bit more time to at least learn to do that.”

CHANGING Her perSONA Ngan was a lot more talkative in this interview than a year ago. “I’m easily affected by the characters I play,” she says. “I was shooting comedy. I got along very well with my fellow actors and we had a lot of fun together. This really helped me to open up.”

Jacket, $5,820 T-shirt, $2,310 Skirt, $5,020 All Louis Vuitton Sneakers, Vans, $80


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Surprisingly, she admits that she’s really not as cheerful and lively as she might appear. “My friends are usually mature beyond their years so I’m, by association, more down to earth and not girly. But after playing the amusing So So Cheung in the online drama, I still haven’t let go of that persona. Her charisma still inspires me.”

T-shirt, Maje, $155 Jumpsuit, 8 by Yoox, $230 Sneakers, Vans, $115 ELITEGEN

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cover girl 斷捨離清空 有時未能完全抽離角色,也是一宗苦事。入行年 資尚淺的Cherry,也吃過這種苦,「戲接戲,沒時間清 空腦袋,就會儲起好多角色的情緒,有時明明知道自 己不是她,但想法卻跟角色走,就如人格分裂,也頗 辛苦。」 最近她終於找到最有效的抽離法:斷捨離,清空 每部戲每個角色的相關物品,等於將腦袋歸零,重新開 機。「初入行,每演完一個角色,我會保留劇本、有代 表性的戲服、飾物做紀念,但家中的空間愈來愈少, 睡房愈來愈迫,所以決定要斷捨離,要跟每個角色徹 底說再見,只留下影像便足夠。」她將戲服、飾物、品 牌贊助的衣物送給朋友和換物平台,讓它們找個好歸 宿,擴展睡房空間,「空間應該留給活生生的自己,不 是死物。」 未被淘汰的是劇本,正躲在床底下,「有些是電影 的,有些是港台短劇,我對此有分情意結,將來有機 會自己寫劇本,可以用來參考,有時間可能會掃描存 檔,節省儲物空間。」 開展下一個新工作前,既積極斷捨離,同時不忘 製作新歌,更預告將會首次作曲,「其實歌已經寫好, 視乎能否趁這段空檔製作,可以的話,今年就可以面 世。」

She used to refuse to talk about her beau, Michael Ning, but lately she’s been posting romantic pics with him on IG and writing, “Having been apart for months, it was great to enjoy a delightful omakaze meal. Such a joy, we snapped a photo together. Friends saw the emoji of glasses touching and thought he’d proposed, or that we were announcing our wedding. lOl.” That’s the devil-may-care attitude a 25-year-old should show when in love.

OuT WITH THe Old It can be torture sometimes, not being able to extract oneself from an on-screen character. And in her young career, Ngan has already had to deal with this issue on many occasions. “The work was back to back and there was no time to clear my head,” she says. “I stored up a lot of the character’s emotions. I knew I wasn’t that character, but I couldn’t help thinking like the character. It’s like a split personality and it was tough.” But she has finally found a way to extricate herself thanks to the KonMari method started by “Tidying up” guru Marie Kondo. “Before, I would keep the scripts, costumes and accessories of every character I’d played as memorabilia. But there is no room at home, and my bedroom is very cluttered. So I decided to KonMari to end the relationship with every character. It’s enough to keep just the images on screen.” Now the only keepsakes are scripts, kept under her bed. “Some are for movies, some are short dramas for rTHK,” she says. “I would like to write a script one day. These will be useful references. perhaps I will scan them for digital storage to save space.” Aside from cleaning out some clutter before the next acting job, she is planning to record a song and is writing music for the first time. “It’s written. We’ll see if we can get it produced in this window of opportunity. If all works out, the song will be released this year.”


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搶眼點綴 有些時裝不是人人敢穿,然而只要 挑對重點單品,非但能突顯個性,更能 為整體造型加分。趁著難得的假期,不 妨大膽一點,挑戰鮮有嘗試的多彩風格。

EyE-catching fashionista While on holiday be bold and adventurous with plenty of colour.



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fashion: women


新派復古 Vintage永遠令人樂此不 疲。各大品牌的SS19系列, 均透過剪裁、色彩、質料的運 用,在濃厚的年代感當中,又 神奇地讓人感受到跳脫時尚的 現代氣息。


VintagE Vacay a heavy dose of period charm in silhouette, colour and texture.


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fashion: women


恰當微甜 平日再愛幹練的褲裝造 型,難得度假,還是會想穿 得稍微有女人味。精緻的微 甜細節,帶出內心那點少女 情懷,穿搭得宜,甚至可以 帶出恰到好處的性感氛圍。

modEsty modE instead of wearing slacks, rediscover your inner girl with cover-up dresses .


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emporio armani

簡約純白 如果想來想去還是 不習慣穿得色彩斑斕或 是形象大變,那簡約利 落的純白造型就最適合 不過。

LikE a Virgin if colour isn’t your thing, pure and simple white will never let you down.


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fashion: women


glitter galore

From Saint laurent to armani, it’s all about the twinkle Story | Sum Chan Photography | Shek Po Kwan Model | Sia G. at Models International 閃,在女裝世界其實頗受歡迎,各大品牌每隔一兩季總會有幾件「閃」的設計為系列 作提亮效果。閃無疑是一種帶引力的元素,但也很考功力,要閃得來不老套不低俗,才 能為個人衣著風格打個spotlight,贏得喝采。

Sparkles can be cheesy, especially low-end ripoffs straight from designer runways. But in the hands of major fashion houses, there is no mistaking the real thing for a fake.


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Dress, Saint Laurent (by Anthony Vaccarello), $10,150

"Fortuny" dress, Lanvin, $7,550 ELITEGEN

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fashion: women

Blouse, $1,800 Skirt, $1,460 Both Isabel Marant

Talulah, $TBD


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Dress, Giorgio Armani, $TBD


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fashion: women

Dress, Max Mara, $3,900


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Dress, Fabiana Filippi, $1,200

Dress, Victoria (by Victoria Beckham), $710 ELITEGEN

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fashion: women


Colour is the new blaCk watch for hot pinks, psychedelic greens and banana yellows


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Shirt, Prada, $2,150 Pant, $1,770 Hat, $1,415 Both Gucci Shoes, Roger Vivier, $780


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fashion: women

Blouse, $1,070 Pants, $1,610 Both Versace Messenger bag, Gucci, $3,065


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Dress, $8,200 Socks, $235 Both Prada Jacket, $1,391 Earrings, $TBD Both Emporio Armani


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fashion: women

Blazer, $1,790 Dress, $875 Belt, $655 Gloves, $170 All Max Mara Shoes, Prada, $1,160


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Dress, Louis Vuitton, $4,800


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fashion: brag bags



BiBle Story | Michelle Chow

散發懷舊氣息的精緻手挽袋、型格的 crossbody、實用的tote bag,或是優 雅的鏈帶手袋,均是新季擁有高回頭 率的手袋設計。 Whether retro, crossbody, tote or chained, this season’s pretty purses are big on beauty



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handle With Care 各大品牌在今個春夏以新角度演繹懷舊美學,以 classy的top handle手袋為主角,注入羽毛、金屬窩 釘、立體玫瑰花等女性化元素,將流行細節與經典風格 完美結合。


this spring/summer season, big brands are revisiting the retro handle bag by adding feathers, studs and floral elements for a perfect blend of the classic with trendsetting details.


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fashion: brag bags Cross Fit 利用如牛仔布、光滑小牛皮、壓紋皮革等不同物料 打造出不同風格,並綴以華麗水晶或金屬logo綴飾,令 造型簡約輕便的crossbody發揮獨特的時尚魅力。

Using materials such as denim, calfskin and embossed leathers decorated with crystal and metal, the casual crossbody bag suddenly shines with contemporary charm.





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totally tote Tote bag向來以實用作賣點,今季將多種元素組 合,像經典的Chanel字母設計、Dior大受歡迎的刺繡 Book Tote,為實用設計創造衝突性的美感。

its selling point has always been its practicality, but this season the tote is given many stylish upgrades at the houses of Chanel, dior and other luxury brands.



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fashion: brag bags



Chain GanG 富女性魅力的典雅chain bag,加上華麗的閃片或 喱士綴飾,與短手挽帶配合,為鏈帶手袋注入時尚型 格,更添實用性。

it doesn’t get any more classic than this. But adorning these bags with sequins and lace gives this mainstay renewed elegance.



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fashion: shoes



Your feet will be stylin' Story | J

Christian Louboutin, $1,220 60

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Neous 不論是涼鞋、mules還是短靴,Neous全都是極為實 用的百搭單品,特別的鞋跟設計為簡單的款式留下記憶點。

Whether it’s sandals, mules or ankle boots, the unusual heel design is the signature.



ChristiaN LouboutiN 以彩虹色調作為SS19的設計主軸,品牌 今季在用料和造型設計方面均作出多方嘗試, 像是不規則剪裁皮革短靴、拼色格紋鞋踭、各 種各樣的綴飾……充滿玩味的實驗精神。

a colorful array adds a playful experimental spirit for summer.




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fashion: shoes



sergio rossi 說到春夏,總是離不開一片斑斕的奪目色彩, Sergio Rossi今季卻反其道而行,推出了多款黑白設 計,並配上流蘇點綴,效果相當不俗。

it’s all about the fringe for this designer who rejects colour and instead opts for black and white.


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aquazzura 備受Meghan Markle鍾愛的Aquazzura今季大玩 復古,以圖案貫穿系列,重現七、八十年代的時尚風 格,透過條紋和綁繩等經典元素結合多種鞋款,帶來 一個饒富趣味的繽紛夏日。

Loved by meghan markle, aquazzura takes its cues from the 1970s and ’80s with classic stripes and straps.

stuart WeitzmaN Stuart Weitzman的SS19系列推出不少粉調鞋 款,高踭款式相當適合點綴日常的上班著裝,低調而 不失優雅;假日則以平底涼鞋或低筒運動鞋款配搭休 閒造型,舒適又時尚。

Whether square or stiletto heels, the disco era comes to mind in myriad pastel tones. $890



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fashion: shoes

Jimmy Choo SS19系列中有迎合各種喜好與個性的多變鞋款, 像復古可愛的格紋粗踭、平易近人的loafers、大熱之 選mules、型格短靴及性感高踭都一應俱全,不過分 賣弄花巧,卻叫人難忘。

something for everyone in myriad different heel and shoe styles.




roger ViVier Roger Vivier首創的Belle de Jour方釦漆皮鞋,是 無可替代的品牌標誌。現任創意總監Gherardo Felloni 將經典方釦轉移到各款波鞋和涼鞋設計,將經典與街 頭元素融合,展現嶄新面貌。

the square buckle patent leather shoe is a signature of the brand. only for this season creative director gherardo Felloni elevates sports shoes and sandals with the same symbol of shoe luxury.



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giuseppe zaNotti 全新涼鞋系列備有多種鞋踭款式,色調方面亦可 謂一應俱全,高級皮革及綴飾用料盡顯高貴,添加俏 皮又具現代感的有趣設計,令人愛不釋手。

so many colours so little time in every possible sandal imaginable.


$1,930 $1,690


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the Beauty pages


the sun goddess in you Everyone enjoys being in the warm outdoors. But be mindful that leaving your skin unprotected can cause premature aging. Here are a few products that might help to alleviate skin damage while soaking up the rays Dior One Essential City Defense Toxin Shield Pollution & UV Advanced Protection SPF 50 30ml | $74

抗污染防曬霜 今季非常流行具抗污染的防曬霜,提供抗氧 化的功效,對抗色斑及皺紋等問題。

Anti-pollution lotions sunscreen lotions with anti-oxidant powers are very popular as they fight dark spots and wrinkles.

具抗粘連、抗滲透和抗氧化三重抗污染作 用,可過濾強大的UVA/UVB,為皮膚提供8 小時保護。 This invisible revolutionary shield offers unequalled skin protection against toxins. Thanks to a triple anti-pollution formula— anti-adhesion, anti-penetration and antioxidization—plus powerful UVA/UVB filters, your skin is protected for up to eight hours.

Elizabeth Arden Prevage® City Smart Broad Spectrum Sunscreen SPF 50 Lotion 40ml | $85 Clarins UV PLUS Anti-Pollution Sunscreen Multi-Protection Tint SPF 50 50ml | $42 品牌獨特的抗污染複合配方,不含油分,於 肌膚表層築起強效UV隔離屏,全面預防肌 膚暗啞及老化問題,有效對抗紫外線及污染 侵害。有淺、中和深三種色調,配合不同膚 色選擇。 Formulated with Clarins’ Anti-Pollution Complex and Broad Spectrum SPF 50, this silky, oil-free day screen helps lock out skindamaging UVA/UVB rays, pollution and free radicals. It forms an invisible shield that helps protect against dark spots and the risk of early skin aging. Available in three skin-perfecting tints: Light, Medium and Deep.


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首款將防污染和UVA/UVB紫外線功效,結 合伊麗莎白雅頓的DNA酶複合物™的護膚 品,可強化肌膚,有助保持水分,保護和 提升年輕感覺。 This first-of-its-kind skin shield combines pollution and UVA/UVB UV protection with Elizabeth Arden’s DNA Enzyme Complex™ to strengthen skin. Its essential daily formula helps keep skin hydrated, protected and youthful.

防曬打底霜 打好底妝是持久妝容的關鍵,選用質地 輕盈的防曬霜,便不會為肌膚形成負擔。

sunscreen foundAtions A good foundation is key to great makeup. using a sunscreen with a light texture is less heavy on the skin.

Kiehl’s Super Fluid Daily UV Defense Broad Spectrum SPF 50 50ml | $47 質感輕透啞緻的防曬乳,可24小時保濕並呵 護肌膚,有效預防早期的老化痕跡及黑色素形 成。升級配方新增抗污染微粒科技,Mexoryl SXTM及Mexoryl XLTM專利雙重穩定抗UV濾光 分子,隔絕UVB及長短波UVA,發揮最全面高 效的防曬保護。 With broad-spectrum SPF 50+ and pollution protection, Kiehl’s daily facial sunscreen helps defend skin from environmental aggressors and prevents the first signs of aging. This lightweight, non-comedogenic formula absorbs quickly into the skin, leaving a matte finish.

Estée Lauder Perfectionist Pro MultiDefense UV Fluid SPF 45 $58 以100%天然礦物防曬成分製造,蘊含虎百 合萃取和強效抗氧化物。保護肌膚對抗UVA/ UVB,中和室內和室外如臭氧、微塵粒/PM2.5 和紅外線的污染,強化肌膚水分屏障。 This patent-pending, mineral-based sunscreen also features tiger lily extract to help protect the skin against premature aging. It also helps maintain natural skin firmness. Advanced barrier fortifiers help seal in moisture and help protect against infrared rays and other environmental assaults.

Clé de Peau Beauté UV Protective Cream SPF 50+ 50ml | $168 全效修護細胞防曬乳霜,除了包含SPF 50的 高防曬指數外,更有護膚成分,發揮抗衰老功 效,抵禦紫外線和污物,提供即時補濕作用, 保持肌膚光滑和水潤。 A high-performance sunscreen that transcends basic sun protection benefits through state-of-the-art science and an unparalleled skincare formulation. It offers defence against UV rays, dryness and air pollution, while providing a rich moisturizing treatment. It keeps skin comfortably smooth, confidently protected and hydrated.


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the Beauty pages

防曬噴霧 長時間作戶外運動,最好每兩小時 補塗一次才有足夠全面修護。論方便快 捷,自然是噴霧式防曬。

sunscreen sprAys

Bioderma Photoderm Spray SPF 40 200ml | $29.90 採用不導至粉刺配方,預防光損害的保護噴霧 可提供大範圍的防曬和免受環境侵害。超輕、 不油膩的質地同時滋潤皮膚,不留任何白色痕 跡。 With a non-comedogenic formula, this high photo-protection spray offers a large spectrum of protection from damaging rays and environmental aggressors. Its ultra-light, nonoily texture also moisturizes the skin without leaving any white traces.

if you’re planning to play an outdoor sport for an extended period of time, it’s best to apply sunscreen every two hours for comprehensive care. to do this quickly and conveniently, you might consider a sunscreen spray.

Beautycounter Countersun Tinted Mineral Sunscreen Mist SPF 30 177ml | $51 採用非納米氧化鋅和加州罌粟萃取精華的防曬 噴霧,雖然只是SPF30,卻可有效抵檔UVA和 UVB,蘊含的色彩亦有助於掩飾皮膚瑕疵,讓 膚色看上去較均勻。 Formulated with non-nano zinc oxide and California poppy extract, this physical SPF 30 formula provides an effective shield from UVA and UVB rays, while the tint helps camouflage imperfections and even skin tone.

Vichy Idéal Soleil Double Usage After-Sun Care 200ml | $29.95 用於日光浴後,既可護膚又有助保持棕蜜膚色 的噴霧用品,可淋浴時用或噴到濕皮膚上。 蘊含滋養的乳木果油、杏仁油、芫荽籽、黑加 侖種子和富脂肪酸的Viper's Bugloss,有重組 皮膚屏障功效。用後表皮水分流失現象顯著減 少,本來變得乾燥的皮膚回復柔軟,長達48小 時有效。 The first tan beautifying after-sun to be used in-shower or on wet skin. An ideal blend of shea oil and apricot kernel oil, coriander seeds, blackcurrant seeds and Viper’s Bugloss rich in essential fatty acids give the formula strong nourishing properties and has a restructuring effect on the skin barrier. Transepidermal water loss is significantly reduced. Dry skin is softened and nourished for up to 48 hours.


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event: Beauty


master class

你最關注什麼皮膚問題?今年五月,我 們與Neostrata®合作舉辦免費講座。超過40 位讀者與Neostrata®的地區導師和《星尚》副 社長葉子青,邊親身試用產品,邊學皮膚護 理,品牌還特意按排了令人驚喜的贈品。不 想錯過將來的活動,就請即時加入《星尚》的 粉絲團隊:@elitegenmag on Facebook and Instagram。

What are your skin concerns? We teamed up with Neostrata® in May to hold a master class for our readers to address their skin concerns. More than 40 guests had a fun, hands-on and informative afternoon with Jacquie Hutchison, regional trainer for Neostrata®, and Leslie Yip, our associate publisher. If you don’t want to miss out on our future events, be sure to follow @elitegenmag on Facebook and Instagram!


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the beauty pages: scents


The SecreT Garden

hermès ventures to Venice for its floral scent inspiration Story | Leslie Yip


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位於威尼斯市中心南方的Giudecca島上有一座伊甸園,此伊甸 園非聖經中記載的伊甸園,而是英國貴族Frederic Eden看膩了運河 景色,興起在威尼斯市中心建立一座秘密花園的念頭。花園於1884 年建成,是當時威尼斯最大的私人庭園,園內花團錦簇,玫瑰、聖 母百合、天竺葵、海桐及栽種了像橙花及茉莉的花卉,滿園鮮花爭 妍鬥麗。 Eden及其妻子逝世後,庭園先被一位希臘皇帝的遺孀買下, 之後落入知名奧地利藝術家Friedensreich Hundertwasser手中,卻 由得庭園荒廢,在其離世後,庭園由他的基金接管,並無限期關 閉。 這故事觸動了Hermès調香師Christine Nagel。經過多番請 求,基金終於答應讓Christine參觀伊甸園,最終成就了她首款為品 牌花園系列香氛調製的香氣Un Jardin sur la Lagune。 Hermès的花園系列於2003年首度面世,調香師Jean-Claude Ellena的靈感來自突尼斯花園中的無花果樹及地中海柑橘。香氛系 列之後的作品繼續以香氣帶人環遊世界。 部分香氛的靈感花園確實存在,像威尼斯的伊甸園,還有 Hermès位於巴黎24 Faubourg Saint-Honoré大樓頂層的庭園,園內 的蘋果樹、梨樹及新鮮香料的芳香,編織成2011年面世的Un Jardin sur le Toit香氛。 部分則是調香師把幻想中的馥郁庭園為創意靈感,就如尼羅 河畔,祥和的蓮花香及青芒果香造就了2005年的Un Jardin sur le Nil;印度雨季後土地散發的清新香氣是2008年Un Jardin après la Mousson的氣息;而2015年的Le Jardin de Monsieur Li則採用了中 國池塘中的茉莉及柑橘幽香。 Giudecca島伊甸園內恬靜溫暖的木香氣息,融入海洋香氣及海 桐、聖母百合及木蘭花香,交織出Un Jardin sur la Lagune的香氣庭 園。

On the island of Giudecca, just south of Venice’s central islands, hides the Garden of Eden. Not to be confused with the biblical paradise, this villa and grounds are named after Frederic Eden, an English lord who grew tired of the view of the canals and decided to build a walled garden in 1884. At the time, it was Venice’s largest private garden, and featured quintessential English garden staples, like roses, Madonna lilies, geraniums and pittosporums, a cross between an orange blossom and a jasmine. After the deaths of Eden and his wife, the garden was first sold to the widow of a Greek king and then to renowned Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, who let nature take its course, allowing the garden to grow wild. When he passed away, the garden was left to his foundation, quietly locked away. The story of this garden caught the attention of Hermès’ in-house perfumer, Christine Nagel. After repeated requests, the foundation finally opened the gates for her, and the result is Un Jardin sur la Lagune, her first creation for the brand’s garden fragrance collection. The collection was initiated by Jean-Claude Ellena in 2003. The debut scent was inspired by a Tunisian garden dominated by a fig tree and Mediterranean citruses (Un Jardin en Méditerranée). The series continued with a horticultural tour around the world. Some of the gardens are real, like the Garden of Eden in Venice, or the rooftop terrace atop the Hermès building at 24 Faubourg Saint-Honoré in Paris, whose apple and pear trees and overflowing fresh herbs inspired Un Jardin sur le Toit, released in 2011. Others are more impressionistic, like the calming oasis of lotus, green mango and incense along the Nile for Un Jardin sur le Nil (2005), the fresh and spicy Indian plot after a monsoon for Un Jardin après la Mousson (2008), and the aromatic Chinese pond garden filled with jasmine and kumquat for Le Jardin de Monsieur Li (2015). Un Jardin sur la Lagune captures the woody, serene and tender breath of the garden, with hints of the sea mixed with the fresh spiciness of pittosporum, Madonna lilies and magnolia flowers.

Hermès Un Jardin sur la Lagune Eau de Toilette Spray 50ml | $120 Eau de Toilette Spray 100ml | $164 Body Lotion 200ml | $67 Shower Gel 200ml | $56 Soap 100g | $25


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fashion: men G pouch ilbert & Ge org , JW A nders e neck on, $6 75

Phone pouch, $1,221 Shirt, $3,277 Nylon pants, $927 All Bottega Veneta



bag, V ersac

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Embroidery bumbag, Kenzo, $255


Men go Mini

The smaller the bag the better Story | Simon Au & Timothy Lo Photography | Bowy Chan Makeup | Viko Sun Hair | Peter Cheng Model | Bendy at Synergy 男士袋款愈變愈迷你,主因有二︰一是科技 發展因素,大芒手機及耳機的流行,導致適合裝 載貴重科技產品的袋款應運而生;二是時裝品牌 為了靠攏喜歡新鮮、有趣設計的年輕人,特以加 入「玩味」設計系列。其實還有一個原因,就是時 裝設計師漸漸年輕化,自然希望為時裝界帶來新 的變化,往往從最容易的袋款入手。

Men’s bags are getting smaller and smaller.

Can clutch, Ambush, $2,700

And the young designers behind brands like Fendi, Loewe, Louis Vuitton and Bottega Veneta are pushing mini-bag collections to give men more ease, comfort and flexibility with styling.

Neck-strap logo bag, Jacquemus, $550


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fashion: men

大小通吃 當年由Dior前任總監John Galliano設計的Saddle Bag,相信誰也沒想過會成為男裝袋,多得現任主帥Kim Jones的慧眼,去掉女性化的金屬字母裝飾,肩帶也換成 男士袋款較常見的帆布寬肩帶,加上硬挺的廓形與皮質, 只能以有型來形容。相對馬鞍背包、馬鞍腰包,隨性瀟灑 的腰間掛包,更迎合迷你袋的熱潮。

Big And sMALL no one would have thought that the saddle Bag designed by dior’s former creative director John galliano would become a men’s bag. incumbent designer chief Kim Jones had the brilliant idea by removing the feminine metal logo and swapping it for a thick canvas strap more commonly used for men’s bags.

Saddle bag, $3,800 Saddle keyring, $1,300 Both Dior


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迷你袋四式穿搭 Four wAys to go Mini

hoodie, Gieves & hawkes, $1,200 Shirt, hugo Boss, $270 utility harness bag, Louis Vuitton, $2,520

Shirt, Dunhill, $tBD Pants, hugo Boss, $310 Loafers, Ermenegildo Zegna, $tBD Crossbody bag, hermès, $5,950

SPortS ChiC


風褸短褲與立領恤衫還不夠運動休閒,配上扣在胸前的monogram迷你袋才能空 出雙手,足夠瀟灑。

皮革上衣配長褲皮鞋,再揹著簡約斜肩袋,一身藍調盡顯 「less is more」 味道。

Strap on a monogram mini-bag on top of a collarless shirt and a windbreaker and shorts to get a totally chic sporty look.

Leather top, trousers and shoes combined with a simple cross-body bag in different shades of blue says “less is more”.

tank top, Bally, $415 FF logo shorts, Fendi, $965 Sneakers, Stella McCartney, $1,010 Bag tag, Berluti, $500

Jacket, Ports, $405 Pants, hugo Boss, $310 Sneakers, Bally, $845 Saddle keyring, Dior, $1,300

SuMMEr youth




tank-top and printed shorts with chunky sneakers look smart enough, but the neck cardholder adds a fine finishing touch.

A simple jumper paired with trousers and a saddle keyring make for a smart campus look. ELITEGEN

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一直向前走的建築師 -磯崎新


World renowned Arata Isozaki selected for prestigious Pritzker prize Story | Ernus Photography | Courtesy of Pritzker Prize


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每年建築界最高榮譽的普立茲克獎,今年頒發予年屆87歲的日本 建築師磯崎新(Arata Isozaki),成為日本第七名奪得此獎項的建築師。 磯崎新,1931年出生於日本大分縣大分市,23歲畢業於東京大學 工學部建築學科,期後加入著名建築師丹下健三成立的研究室,參與 當時重要的東京建築企劃「東京計劃1960」。32歲時成立個人建築事務 所「磯崎新Atelier」,並在數年後於自己家鄉設計了大分縣立大分圖書 館,強調混凝土的運用,也不追隨過度理性主義的潮流,與過往日本 建築師的風格分別出來,成為他的代表作,開始走上建築師的路。

Arata Isozaki, distinguished Japanese architect, city planner and theorist, has been selected as the 2019 Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, the prestigious award known world-wide as architecture’s highest honour. Isozaki was born in Ōita, on the island of Kyushu, in 1931. At age 23, he graduated from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tokyo before joining the research institute established by renowned architect Kenzo Tanaka. There, he participated in the vital “Tokyo Project 1960”. Isozaki established his own firm, Arata Isozaki & Associates, at the age of 32 and later designed the Oita Prefectural Library in his hometown, emphasizing the use of concrete and not following the trend of excessive rationalism.

群馬當代美術館 MOMA Gunma

卡塔爾國家會議中心 Qatar National Convention Center


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architecture 水戶藝術館 Art Tower Mito


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在意大利的室內体育及音樂會場的Pala Alpitour。 Pala Alpitour in Turin, Italy.

上海交響樂團音樂廳 Shanghai Symphony Orchestra Concert Hall

來到七十年代,他的代表作必定是群馬當代美術館 (MOMA Gunma)。將美術館設計成邊長12米的正立方體, 再將底部挖空,形成一個看來輕巧的架構,室內設計盡量簡 約,採用了大量玻璃窗引入陽光。現今看來簡單的概念在當 時可是十分前衞,充滿後現代主義的味道,跟他的師傅丹下 健三擅長使用的曲線建築產生強烈的分別,創造出獨特的 風格。 八十年代是磯崎新衝出日本,蜚聲國際的日子。首個日 本以外的設計為洛杉磯的MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) ,泥紅色外牆配以半圓拱頂的構思,至今仍然是為人津 津樂道的地標。當大家以為磯崎新的風格就是低調沉靜,他 卻在九十年代設計了水戶藝術館(Art Tower Mito),全館採用 大量自然素材搭建,讓人置身其中也感受到一絲恬靜,抬頭 又突然發現有一個以金屬製造的高塔聳立在藝術館之中,成 為令人難忘的標誌。 來到21世紀,磯崎新並沒有停下來,設計思維繼續與時 並進。2000年左右在意大利建成的Pala Alpitour,在金屬外 殼之中滲出有規律的燈光,遠看近看皆非常矚目,與從前作 品風格迴異,完全是當代建築的代表。2011年在卡塔爾設計 的Qatar National Convention Center,在冷色調的玻璃幕牆 中,加入兩棵「樹木」,為整幢建築物帶來生機,樹幹從建築 裡面延伸至外面,看起來十分壯觀。2013年的上海交響樂團 音樂廳,又一反常態,外形就像磚頭般封閉,巧妙地採用波 浪形的屋頂,令建築物變得有種低調的獨特,大師風範就是 如此建立出來。 普立茲克獎的評審對於磯崎新的評語—「勇於前進,不 複製過去,融合全球化與本地化的需要,是建築界的先驅。」 看過他的作品,相信不會有異議。

A monumental piece of his work is the Museum of Modern Art, (MOMA) Gunma in Takasaki, Japan, which opened in 1974. The gallery is a 12-squaremetre cube with a hollow base. The interior design is simplistic, leveraging natural sunlight with the use of large windows. It was avant-garde at the time, introducing modernism inspired by his master, Kenzō Tange, to generate a distinct, contrasting architectural style. Isozaki gained international acclaim with the design of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, which opened in 1986. By combining a mud-red exterior wall with a semi-circular vault, it became an instant landmark. The Art Tower Mito, in Ibaraki Prefecture, stunned the world in 1990. Isozaki created the entire building with natural materials, imbuing a Zen vibe with a sense of calm. The multimedia centre incorporates a concert hall, theatre and art gallery. The most striking aspect of the complex is the 100-metre-tall steel tower made in a geometric triangular pattern, commemorating the 100th anniversary of Mito becoming an official city. Isozaki continued his architectural innovation with the completion in 2005 of Pala Alpitour, a multi-purpose sports/concert arena in Turin, Italy. The metallic exterior diffuses a charismatic and rhythmic light pattern that anchors a firm representation of contemporary “art-chitecture”. Isozaki also designed the visually astonishing Qatar National Convention Center in Doha, which opened in 2011. A pair of sprawling steel columns create the illusion of two trees in front of the large rectangular glass facade, supporting a roof canopy. The “tree trunks” extend from inside to outside the building. In 2013, he created another unique masterpiece, the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra Concert Hall, with its signature white wavy roof red bricks and, interestingly, no windows. Clearly, Isozaki is one of the most influential figures in contemporary architecture. He has brought together East and West, not through mimicry or as a collage, but through the forging of new design paths.


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wine not?

Gin 酒之苦

Gin yummy Trends aside, exotic gin does have a lucrative niche market Story | Ivan Wong


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琴酒、氈酒、金酒和杜松子酒,英文都叫做Gin。據說 是17世紀時由荷蘭University of Leiden的Franciscus Sylvius 博士,以穀物蒸餾酒加入杜松子及其他香料藥草研發出來的 藥用酒。 17世紀末,英皇威廉三世與法國開戰,下令禁售法國 貨,白蘭地首當其衝被Gin酒所取代,成為當時最流行的烈 酒。那時的威士忌,仍只是蘇格蘭及愛爾蘭的土酒,未入世 人俗眼。 但近十多年,烈酒市場中威士忌、特別是單一純麥芽威 士忌確實一支獨秀,而Gin酒,就只有常常「被寄望」為下一個 爆紅潮流的份兒,卻總是只聞樓梯響…… 或許先不看甚麼大潮流,從小品處著眼,可能發覺Gin 酒更具趣味。日本威士忌的受歡迎程度早已超英趕美,日本 Gin酒近年亦開始嶄露頭角。論話題性,單是用釀造過輕井 澤威士忌橡木陳釀的限量Gin酒,已為飲家們帶來不少Gin酒 話題。日本人造酒,總愛加入他們的地區風格與特色,釀造 Gin酒也不例外,除了用米來做基酒原料外,所用的香料藥 草,也必然帶著強烈的東洋味道,例如,非常本土的柚子、 煎茶或櫻花等等。沖繩盛產泡盛蒸餾酒,有傳統泡盛酒廠便 以此為根基,加入當地土產苦瓜來釀造沖繩Gin酒,2017年 推出以來,有沖著苦瓜而來的飲家嘗過後,嫌酒味不夠苦, 對此,酒廠沒有多說半句,盡在不言中的實情是—與其他材 料如杜松漿果、扁平橘、沖繩胡椒、洛神葵和番石榴葉的平 衡,才是精髓所在,而不是單純尋「苦」。

Gin is said to have its genesis in the 17th century, as a medicinal brew first made with juniper berries and herbs by professor Franciscus Sylvius of the University of Leiden in Holland. At the end of the 17th century, William III of England, himself born in Holland (aka William of Orange), went to war with France and banned French goods. Brandy was replaced with gin as the liquor of choice, with whisky still largely considered “plonk” from Scotland and Ireland. Nowadays, whisky—especially single malt—has become the most popular liquor. Trends aside, gin does have a niche market. Just as Japanese whisky has become a trendy brew, Japanese gin is also catching on. Gin matured in Karuizawa whisky oak barrels is an interesting story. The Japanese love to add regional characteristics when making liquor, and that goes for gin as well. Other than rice as the basic ingredient, the herbs used in the mix are also highly indigenous, such as local grapefruit, brewed tea and cherry blossoms. Producers of Okinawa brew Awamori use local bitter melon to make their gin. Launched in 2017, many drinkers complained it wasn’t bitter enough. The distillery remained mute in wake of the comments. The unspoken truth is that the key in balancing the taste profile involves combining juniper berries, shequasar, Balinese long pepper, roselle and guava leaves. So you see, gin’s fine-tuned flavoring is a lot more complicated than merely being summed up by its level of bitterness.

Okinawa Gin的六種主要材料,包括:沖繩青檸、沖繩胡椒、番石榴葉、沖繩 苦瓜、洛神葵和杜松漿果。 Okinawa Gin has six key ingredients, namely Shequasar, Balinese long pepper, guava leaves, Okinawa bitter melon, roselle and juniper berries.


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外露的混凝土牆和天花板充滿現代工業特色。 The exposed concrete wall and ceiling establish a contemporary industrial character.


創造中式「融合」美食 Creating Chinese fusion fine dining Story | Kenson Ho Photography | M8


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溫哥華的多元文化環境,為胸懷大志的廚師提供了創造嶄 新菜餚的平台。可惜的是,一些鼓吹「融合」的餐廳經常會路向 混亂,既沒有獨特風格,更不時出現「精神分裂」的個性。 《星尚》最近訪問了於2018年啟業、位於北福溪的M8,行 政總廚/東主毛鑫(Frank Mao)強調:「我們不是走中西融合路線 的餐廳。而是提供中式融合美食,擁有自己一套獨特的風格。 在烹調中使用了很多中國元素。保持中式美食的完整性,不會 為改變而改變,而是努力地尋找最佳展示中國菜的方式,滿足 所有顧客的口味。」

豐富經驗 儘管看來年輕,Frank在中西美食方面擁有多年經驗。他來 自中國河南省洛陽,是中國四大古都之一。兒時已密切觀察其 祖父的烹飪風格,亦為他的部分創作提供了不少靈感。 移居溫哥華後,他在Arts Institute完成了烹飪學位課程。第 一份工作是在歷史悠久的CinCin,接觸到繁忙高級意大利餐廳 的背後現實環境,更學會了在高壓、高溫卻高效的細小空間中 工作。而在可容納多至350客人的Jericho網球俱樂部工作,則 提升到他處理高流量及高效率要求。之後回到精緻高級美食, 加入了Cioppino’ s Mediterranean Grill跟隨大師級名廚Pino學 藝。

The multicultural environment of Vancouver has often offered a platform for aspiring chefs to create innovative dishes. Unfortunately, some of the restaurants that boast “fusion” cuisines frequently result in confusion with no distinctive style – just a schizophrenic personality.

餐單上總有時令鮮魚。 There’s always a seasonal fish on the menu.

柳姬菇天婦羅這道菜的靈感來自Frank的祖父。 The Shimeiji Mushroom Tempura is a dish inspired by Mao’s grandfather.

eliteGen recently visited M8, a relatively new restaurant that opened just over a year ago along North False Creek Vancouver’s seawall. “We are a Chinese-fusion restaurant, with our unique M8 style of cuisine,” says executive chef/owner Frank Mao. “We use a lot of Chinese elements in our cooking, and in order to maintain the integrity of Chinese cuisine, we don’t make changes purely for the sake of changing. We are just trying to find the best way to showcase Chinese cuisine to suit the taste of all customers.” Despite his youthful appearance, Mao brings years of experience in both Chinese and Western cuisine to M8. He is originally from Luoyang in Henan province, one of the cradles of Chinese civilization and one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China. As a child, he was a close observer of his grandfather’s cooking style, which has provided inspiration for some of his own creations. After moving to Vancouver, he completed his culinary arts degree and landed his first job at the well-established CinCin, exposing him to the behind-the-scene reality of a busy finedining Italian restaurant. He learned to work in a high-pressure, high-heat and high-efficiency small space. His next stop was Jericho Tennis Club’s 300-350 capacity restaurant, which emphasized volume and efficiency. He then returned to the fine-dining scene at Cioppino’s Mediterranean Grill, under the guidance of master chef Pino.

FIrsT ATTeMPT To sPreAD HIs WINGs He and a partner then opened their own restaurant, MoMA–a bistro offering a good mix of French and Italian cooking. After three years of operation, MoMA closed its doors and Mao took the opportunity to acquire more international cooking experience.


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香炸雞皮是精彩的前菜。 Appetizer – Crispy Chicken Skin.

Frank與拍檔合作開設的餐廳MOMA。小酒館式的 餐廳,提供了法式和意式風味美食。經過三年的營運, MOMA結了業,Frank藉此機會周遊列國汲取更多國際烹 飪經驗。他曾重回中國尋根,到訪了北京、上海、杭州和 香港,繼而是芝加哥,舊金山和紐約,他甚至有機會在這 些地方的世界級廚房工作。回加國後,他開始從事餐飲到 會項目,再重新開啟自己餐廳。

時機成熟 「這是一個更加成熟的時機,因為我對自己的夢想, 有著非常清晰的認悉。」Frank信心滿滿的解釋著M8的誕 生。位於溫哥華的Burrard橋底,落地窗讓客人近觀美麗 的帆船碼頭—溫哥華的完美標誌性景致。餐廳的內部打造 出獨特個性—外露的混凝土牆和天花充滿現代工業特色。 中央的超長木桌非常適合大伙兒進餐。天花板上的中國戲 劇演員畫象,Frank認為是中國文化的象徵。 說到M8(讀作mate)這個名字,原來有多重的含義。 在這裡,你可以和你的夥伴一起享受美食;又或是結識新 朋友,成為夥伴。在廚房裡,他與隊友和諧共處,精雕 細琢地創造出每一道美味佳餚。M8堅持使用優質時令產 品,烹製最受歡迎的菜式。他們不會使用溫室種植或來自 海外的產品,嫌它們缺乏鮮味和吸引力,菜單也會每季都 更改。


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若合時令,蒸鮮蜆便會登場。 When in season, there will be steamed clams.

He started revisiting his Chinese roots in Beijing, shanghai, Hangzhou and Hong Kong, followed by Chicago, san Francisco and New York, where he had the chance to work in some world-class kitchens. Upon his return to Vancouver, he started working on catering projects, before developing his own venture again.

THe TIMe Is rIGHT “This is more mature timing, and I have a very clear vision of my dreams.” Mao says of the birth of M8. Located at the bottom of Burrard Bridge, M8’s floor-to-ceiling windows offer a spectacular view of the marina and the exposed concrete walls establish a contemporary industrial character. on the ceiling are motifs of Chinese opera singers, which Mao feels are symbolic of Chinese culture. The name M8 (pronounced “mate”) has multiple meanings. Here, you can enjoy a lovely meal with your mates. In the kitchen, Mao works harmoniously and meticulously with his teammates to create a variety of delicious dishes. Instead of using greenhouse-grown or internationally-shipped produce that can be lacking in flavour and appeal, M8 uses only the best seasonal produce and, as a result, the menu changes with the seasons. M8 3-1010 Beach Ave., Vancouver 604-620-9586 m8yvr.com

天花板上的中國戲劇演員畫像, Frank認為是中國文化的象徵。 On the ceiling are motifs of Chinese opera singers, which Mao feels are symbolic of Chinese culture.

伴有黃豆、酸芥菜、芹菜根的燒鴨胸。 Duck Breast, with soybean, preserved mustard greens and celery root.


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結他手與小女童的影象多次出現,穿插在整個Vallea Lumina旅程之中。 This couple, a guitarist with a little girl, appears throughout the supernatural journey. 86

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Vallea lumina 夜遊魔幻森林

Story | Iris Yim Photography | Johnny Liu & Vallea Lumina

星夜無塵,月華如銀。 在威士拿Cougar Mountain那渺無人煙的原始森林裡,原來在山 林掩映下隱藏了一條隱密小村莊,那夜,不知為何星河驟然墜落, 灑落漫山遍嶺點點幽光,為崇山的迷濛陰影描畫出隱約的輪廓線。 本就黑黝黝的密林好像被大自然的魔術棒點醒似的,鋪天蓋 地的星塵有如螢火蟲般飛舞抖動,這點點光輝居然把叢林、溪流與 河谷照得明亮。看這邊,老樹怪跟你擠眉弄眼打招呼;瞄那邊,透 出熒光的大磨菇啥時候掛滿了樹梢,山徑上少不了大灰熊發亮的足 跡,剎那間橘黃發亮的三文魚群也把小小溪流都塞得滿滿的了。 林中突然出現了在篝火旁的結他手和小女孩,卻又很快被黑暗 「吞噬」了,在空蕩蕩的林間只餘風聲拍打在樹葉上,若鳴沙也似擂 鼓,偶爾還夾雜了狼嘷吠月似的叫聲。 這些如夢似幻的親身體驗,原來是由威士拿Adventure Group和 滿地可多媒體工作室Moment Factory的合作成果,利用鐳射光及電 腦技術如音效、視頻、舞台配景等組合,將Cougar Mountain幻化成 段段令人難忘的實境實況—Vallea Lumina「夜遊之旅」。 Vallea Lumina不是要展示科技的威力,而是利用了科技效果來 呈現一個個夢幻境界,讓人們比對日間林中探險的感覺與黑夜中潛 行山徑的分別,讓身歷其境的遊人感受童話故事般的場景和氣氛。

Are we in Alice in Wonderland, or at Ent-phobia within Lord of the Rings? Or, are we having a spiritual experience with UFOs? Magical nights await visitors to Whistler at Vallea Lumina, a ground-breaking experience that will bring Cougar Mountain’s old-growth forest to life in past, present and future. The critically acclaimed Lumina night walk series is the esteemed concept of Moment Factory. The awardwinning multimedia entertainment studio, specializing in the production of immersive and mesmerizing environments, previously collaborated on events with Madonna, the NFL, the Sagrada Familia and Arcade Fire, among others. Brought to Whistler by The Adventure Group, Vallea Lumina invites guests into an enchanting universe, inspired by Whistler’s unparalleled natural beauty and local culture. It’s located just eight minutes north of Whistler Village, in the heart of a lush rainforest. The unique night walk uses a universal language, speaking to audiences of all ages and interests and bringing generations together using a combination of emotive lights, videos, soundscape and scenography. Guests are transported to another world, with plenty of opportunities to touch, play, explore and engage with the environment.


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「林中夜遊」意念原來早已出現在魁北克、安大略Kingston、日本 長崎、新加坡等地,Vallea Lumina是Moment Factory打造的第八個探 索之旅,亦是加西地區的首個創作。不同地方的表達手法容或不同, 卻都建基於兩個概念︰一是故事源自當地文化,二是獨特的森林場景。 群山環抱的Cougar Mountain距威士拿約八分鐘車程,要待天色 全黑才能上演Vallea Lumina這齣好戲。主辦單位提供免費穿梭巴士在 Whistler Valley接載參加者,行山徑約長1.5公里,整個行程包括交通時 間約需兩小時。Cougar Mountain森林夜間多蚊,請自備驅蚊劑;場地 由於有部分頗為陡斜的樓梯,需小心留意。歡迎拍照,但禁用閃光燈。 從此,每個仲夏夜,威士拿的密林深處,都會上演這個嶄新的夜 遊體驗,讓遊人徜徉在夢幻般的童話故事中。

The concept has already proven to be very popular in Quebec, Kingston, Ont., Nagasaki and Singapore. Vallea Lumina is Moment Factory’s eighth night adventure tour. With a stunning backdrop of mountain and valley views, the setting lends a mystical atmosphere to the experience. Bring along your bug spray, for mosquitos are everywhere during the evening. Be aware of steps, as certain sections are fairly steep. And lastly, no flashlights please. vallealumina.com


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The Josie是Red Mountain的全新滑 雪勝地酒店。 The Josie is a new hotel at the Red Mountain ski resort.


The Josie A new hotel At the Red MountAin ski ResoRt Story | Kenson Ho Photography | The Josie


對好些溫哥華人來說,滑雪是生活中不可或缺的一部 分。談到滑雪勝地,很多人即時聯想到威士拿、松雞山或西 摩山。大家稍為陌生的Red Mountain,其實是北美最悠久的 滑雪山峰之一,歷史可追溯至20世紀初的Red Mountain滑雪 會。位於美國邊境以北的Monashee山脈,與卑詩省內陸的其 他滑雪場一樣,以輕、乾的粉狀雪質而聞名,每年降雪量為 750厘米。

Skiing is an essential part of life for many Vancouverites. When it comes to resorts, most will immediately think of Whistler, or even closer, Grouse Mountain or Mount Seymour. What many may not be aware of is Red Mountain, one of the oldest ski hills in North America.

Red Mountain Resort滑雪度假村位於加拿大西部的小 鎮Rossland,這裏曾經是卑詩省東南部West Kootney地區的 金礦鎮,也是加國著名滑雪好手Nancy Greene Raine長居之 地。具挑戰性的專業地形,適合中級至專家級的好手。三個主 要山峰有五條滑雪吊車道、一個T-Bar和一個魔術雪毯,滑雪 人士可在2,682英畝的雪山馳騁於110條特定的跑道。

Red Mountain Resort is a ski resort located in Rossland, a former goldmining town in the West Kootenay region of southeastern B.C., and longtime home of legendary Canadian skier Nancy Greene Raine. It is known for having a variety of challenging terrains best suited for intermediate- and expert-level skiers and riders. Its three main summits are serviced by five chairlifts, a T-bar and a magic carpet to access nearly 1,100 hectares of skiable terrain on 110 named runs.


ONly 41 STepS fROM The ChAIRlIfT

提供106間客房和套房的全新The Josie酒店剛於2018年 11月28日開業,位於被稱為最後一個仍未受污染的滑雪勝地 Red Mountain ,是在山腰斜坡側的精品酒店,距離滑雪吊車 僅是41步之遙。滑雪季節之外,遊人亦可於夏日遠足,或是 騎越野自行車穿越最有名的Seven Summit徑。酒店還是進行

Now you can experience the true exhilaration of living for today at The Josie hotel, which opened this past November. It is a boutique, slopeside hotel located right at the base of Red Mountain Resort (4306 Red Mountain Rd.). Just steps – 41 to be exact – from the chairlifts, the location also offers easy access to summer adventures, like riding the famed Seven Summit Trail – the crown jewel of mountain bike trails.

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With a history dating back to the creation of the Red Mountain Ski Club (RMSC) in the first decade of the 1900s, and located just north of the U.S. border in the Monashee mountain range, it has a reputation for light, dry powder and a yearly snowfall of some 750 centimetres.

大堂裡的三座位椅子是現已停產的滑 雪椅。 The three-seater chairs in the lobby were the original ski chairs, which are not in production anymore.

優雅寬敞的貴賓廳。 The elegant and spacious function room is perfect for private dinners.

遠足小徑上,可鳥瞰Rossland全景。 A bird’s-eye view of Rossland from the hiking trail.

急流筏、飛釣、單槳衝浪、公路自行車、騎馬和高爾夫球場的 理想地方。住客亦可感受戶外火爐、頂級健身及水療中心,體 驗真正的Red Mountain探險之旅和獨特的Rossland精神。

滑雪禮賓服務 「滑雪禮賓服務的宗旨,是客人無需自行攜帶他們的滑雪 板,我們會將他們的滑雪板和滑雪杖放置到滑雪坡上,客人 輕鬆到達即可展開愉快的滑雪之旅。」The Josie的營銷經理Liz Day解釋說。 酒店的裝潢有別傳統的滑雪勝地,顯得格外溫馨和熱 情。Liz介紹道︰「這裡既有都市時尚的現代感,同時也展示了 好些不拘一格的裝飾品,比方是掛牆的繪畫、使用本地木材的 木製品,甚至由Rossland博物館提供的一些歷史作品。大堂 裡的椅子,便是原來載人上山的滑雪椅,現在已經不再製作這 些三座位了。」

頂尖的法國菜 The Josie的The Velvet Restaurant也是度假村的一大亮 點。安坐其中,欣賞山腰美景和玻璃牆廚房,品嘗行政總廚 Marc-Andre Choquette的法式時令菜單和當地風味的飲品, 令旅程更覺圓滿。

Beyond the extensive network of biking and hiking trails, the hotel serves as the ideal basecamp for whitewater rafting, fly fishing, paddleboarding and horseback riding. There are also some gorgeous golf courses in the area. With 106 guest rooms and suites, crackling firepits, a premier spa and fitness room, The Josie offers an authentic Red Mountain adventure, along with the distinct spirit of Rossland.

SKI VAleT CONCIeRGe “The whole concept of a ski valet concierge is that the guests will never have to carry their skis,” explains The Josie’s marketing manager, liz Day. “We will set their skis and poles on the ski slope, all ready to go, and the guests just need to arrive.” The hotel’s décor is very warm and welcoming, nothing like a traditional ski resort. As Day puts it: “There’s an urban chic modern feel, with a few eclectic pieces displayed, such as paintings, art pieces by a local carpenter using local wood, and even some historical pieces supplied by the Rossland Museum. The chair in the lobby was an original ski chair – they don’t make three-seaters anymore.”

fReNCh CUISINe AT The TOp After an exhilarating day on the mountain, The Josie’s Velvet Restaurant & lounge offers an equally soul-enriching dining experience. Take a seat in the dining room, complete with inspiring views of both the mountainside and the glass-walled kitchen, and enjoy executive chef Marc-Andre Choquette’s french-influenced seasonal menu, as well as some locally-inspired drinks.


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Marc-Andre於一個小村莊長大,曾在滿地可和法國 諾曼第受過訓練,之後在多家著名餐廳如Lumiere、Sooke Harbour House、West、Tableau at Loden Hotel、Homer Street Café和Hawksworth等工作過,對目前在Rossland生活 感到十分親切自在。The Velvet是一家法國風味的餐廳,大量 使用當地食材,供應時令休閒精緻美食。每日特選新鮮菜單 提供5或6道菜式。最受客人歡迎的是法式洋蔥湯、牛排和薯 條。他們亦引入了一個新的概念,提供更大份量的肉塊,如 26安士的牛柳、雙豬排和羊肉架等,供4或5人共享。

Trained in Montreal and Normandy, france, Choquette worked at lumiere, Sooke harbour house, West, Tableau at loden hotel, homer Street Café and hawksworth, to name a few. he grew up in a small village, so he feels right at home in Rossland.



The Josie的SpaTerre水療中心和世界級健身中心,皆以 和諧平衡為尊,提供多種感官健康護理服務,讓住客無論是提 升狀態或鬆弛身心均得其所,恢復元氣。值得推介的是水療中 心使用來自意大利的Comfort Zone Skincare產品,該公司首 創的「Tranquility Pro-Sleep(安寧推動睡眠式按摩)」,讓缺乏睡 眠的人士得以安眠。

Rejuvenation comes in many forms and SpaTerre offers a relaxing escape or post-adventure pampering with a curated menu of sensorial wellness treatments. Visit this world-class fitness centre for a little self-improvement, or visit the restorative spa for a lot of self-indulgence. It’s all about balance and harmony at The Josie. The product they use is Comfort Zone Skincare from Italy, and the company has developed a unique relaxing “Tranquility pro-Sleep massage”, perfect relaxation for those who are sleep deprived.

The daily feature sheet offers five or six dish choices and Choquette tries to use local ingredients as much as possible. As well, there are alltime favourites, like french Onion Soup and Steak & frites. Choquette has introduced larger pieces of meat, such as an 26-ounce strip loin. Along with a double pork chop and rack of lamb, some entrées are meant to be shared by up to five people.

The Josie 4306 Red Mountain Road, Rossland thejosie.com

在Rossland博物館,可看到早期中國移民的照片和遺物。 Rossland Museum features photos and exhibits of the earlier Chinese settlers.

一天戶外活動後,把酒談 天,樂也融融。 A fine drink with cold cuts after a day of skiing or other outdoor activity.


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SpaTerre除了讓你縱容自己之 餘,更令你精神振奮。 The restorative spa is a place for a lot of self-indulgence.



滑雪以外,沿著多個小徑散步和騎自行車,可以欣賞到 Rossland的全景。亦可悠閒漫步小鎮的市中心,當地人是非 常友善的。

Around here, every day is another opportunity for adventure. Other than skiing, hiking and biking along some of the many trails will give you a top view of Rossland. you can also take a leisure stroll through town. The locals are very friendly.

Rossland Museum (Junction of Highways 3B and 22) 探索Rossland由古至今的歷史。了解Ross Thompson如 何把一個小型採礦社區,變為現今充滿活力的小城。還可以在 Rossland看到早期中國移民的照片和日常物品。 The Gold Rush Bookstore (2063 Washington St.) 他們提供一系列新書,包括最暢銷的流派、本地作家和 Kootenay區特有的書籍。找尋實惠價的購物者,還可以折扣 價找到二手書籍。 Seven Summits (1807 Columbia Ave.) 他們以生產高品質咖啡,符合道德標準,永遠是新鮮烘 焙的的產品而自豪。

explore the history of Rossland from incorporation to today. learn about Ross Thompson and his efforts to turn a small mining community into the vibrant city it is today. you can also see photos and belongings of the earlier Chinese settlers in Rossland. This store offers an array of new books from a cross-section of bestselling genres, as well as some by local authors and books unique to the Kootenays. for the bargain shoppers, gently-used books are also available at a discounted price. This store, coffee provider to The Josie, takes pride in producing a highquality, ethically-sourced product that is always freshly roasted.

Idgie’s (1999 Second Ave.) Idgie's自1999年以來一直是Rossland最受歡迎的輕鬆優 雅餐廳之一。

Idgie’s provides casual yet elegant dining and has been one of Rossland’s favourites since 1999.



•在B.C.省公路3B找到RED Mountain Resort:從溫哥華出 發,沿著Highway 1,轉至Highway 3,然後轉到3B。

• You will find Red Mountain Resort on BC Hwy. 3B. From Vancouver, take hwy. 1, changing to hwy. 3, then 3B.

•Trail機場(YZZ)和West Kootenay地區機場(YCG) :每個中心 都提供來自溫哥華、卡加里和其他加拿大城市的航班。

• Small airports nearby include Trail Airport (YZZ) and West Kootenay Regional Airport (yCG). each offers flights from Vancouver, Calgary and other Canadian cities.


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WoW for Wildlife The natural beauty of the Galápagos islands will make your jaw drop Story | Leslie Yip and Simon Boucher-Harris Photography | Simon Boucher-Harris


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如果有看過David Attenborough主持的自然生態 節目,又或者讀過《國家地理》雜誌,相信都會夢想前 往加拉帕哥斯群島(Galápagos Islands)朝聖,追隨達 爾文的足跡,親睹進化論的活證。

For many people, a visit to the Galápagos Islands is the fulfilment of a long-held dream—fuelled by numerous hours of watching David Attenborough’s nature programs and reading National Geographic. To follow in Charles Darwin’s footsteps and see living proof of his theory of evolution is truly amazing!

加拉帕哥斯群島位於南非大陸以西約1,000公 里,由18個主要島嶼組成。它遺世獨立於太平洋上, 島上找不到來自其他陸地的植物及動物,事實上,島 上有很多僅只在此發現的物種。

The Galápagos is a Pacific Ocean archipelago comprising 18 main islands and numerous islets, about 1,000 kilometres off the coast of Equador. The isolated location means there is no natural movement of flora and fauna from other lands. Indeed, the islands are known for the large number of endemic species, with some specific to one single island.

達爾文於1835年乘坐小獵太號(HMS Beagle)登 上加拉帕哥斯群島,他發現每個島上都有不同品種的 烏龜及知更鳥,全因島嶼各自有其獨特的地質形態, 為不同物種製造適合的生存環境。這個發現激發了進 化論的誕生。 時至今日,旅客要到此一遊已經容易得多,但 群島謎一般的過去及偏遠的地理位置,仍然令它蒙上 神秘面紗。今期我希望為大家解答旅遊拉帕哥斯群島 的各種疑問,例如何時是最佳旅遊季節,選擇陸地旅 遊還是遊輪旅遊等。我們更邀請到專業攝影師Simon Boucher-Harris分享他的攝影秘訣,讓你盡情捕捉島 上的自然風光。


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When Darwin visited the islands aboard the HMS Beagle in 1835, he noticed that tortoises and mockingbirds varied from island to island, with special features that allowed them to thrive in particular environments. This discovery was monumental to the development of his theory of evolution. The rest is history. Nowadays, the Galápagos is more accessible than ever, but there seems to be a shroud of mystery due to its fabled history and remoteness. For this reason, we want to answer your most pressing questions about travelling to the islands, such as when is the best time to visit, and whether to choose a land-based or ship-based tour. And since most travellers want to capture memories of their journey through photographs, we asked professional photographer Simon Boucher-Harris to share some tips.


When to go

什麼時候是最佳旅遊季節?這是很多人的第一個問題,因為要探索加拉帕哥 斯群島的自然美景,必定會以陸路及海路出發,天氣是十分重要的因素。不過答 案很簡單—任何時候都適合。

When is the best time to visit? this is usually one of the very first questions people ask, and it is totally understandable. A trip to the galápagos entails exploring nature by land and sea, so weather is an important consideration. the short answer? Anytime.

加拉帕哥斯群島只有兩個季節,溫差約10至15度,屬赤道氣候,因而受洪 堡海潮影響。來自大西洋的冷水含豐富養分,不僅影響群島的氣溫,更對海洋生 態,特別是該處海洋動物及魚類品種的生命周期有決定性影響。 由6月至10月,東南貿易風帶來海潮,令海水變冷,較難蒸發成雲,結果令 雨水減少。日間溫度為20至24度,十分舒適。而晚間則降至10多度。雖然冷流間 中會帶來濛濛細雨,當地人稱作garúa,但仍屬於乾季。一般由7月開始可看到鰹 鳥及軍艦鳥的孵化過程;約一個月後,則是熔岩蜥蝪一年一度的求偶期,牠們會 做「掌上壓」吸引異性。海底世界亦同樣熱鬧,座頭鯨、海豚及企鵝等在遷徙途中 紛紛路經群島,海獅亦在這個時候生產,此時更是觀賞鯨鯊的最佳時候。 而到了11月至5月期間,貿易風減弱,海潮隨之減褪,中美洲的暖流湧至, 標誌著夏季的開始,溫度攀升至25至30度。濕度同樣上升,群島處處翠綠盎然。 野生動物亦活躍起來,巨型海龜於12至4月期間孵蛋、雄性軍艦鳥的喉囊會脹起並 變成鮮艷的緋紅色,用以吸引異性、藍腳鰹鳥亦會在4月跳起求愛舞求偶。 由於每種動物的求偶期及繁殖期都不一樣,因此無論任何時候到訪都不會中 空寶。何時到訪就取決於個人的興趣及選擇。

there are two distinct seasons in the galápagos, which straddle the equator, with temperatures varying between 10°C and 15°C. the climate is mainly regulated by the humboldt Current. the icy but nutrient-rich water from the Antarctic doesn’t just affect the temperature of the islands. It also affects marine life, which in turn determines the life cycle of species that live off marine animals and fish. From June to october, the southeast trade winds bring about an increase in the current, making the ocean water cooler. As a result, the water is less likely to vapourize into clouds, meaning less rain. even though the cold current sometimes brings a light misty drizzle called garúa, it is still considered the dry season. this is the time to see baby boobies and frigates (both seabirds) hatching, which begins in July. Approximately a month later, lava lizards start their annual workout, where males perform push-ups to impress females. At sea, things are bustling too: humpback whales, dolphins and penguins migrate though the islands, sea lions give birth, and it’s also a good time to see whale sharks. From november to May, the trade winds diminish and so does the current, allowing warmer water from Central America to reach the archipelago. these changes bring the hot season, when temperatures hover between 25 and 30°C. humidity rises and the islands turn a vivid shade of green. Wildlife activities increase: giant tortoise eggs hatch between December and April, male frigates inflate their dazzling red throat sacs to attract mates in March and blue-footed boobies do their silly courtship dances in April. So you can see, animals are always at different stages of courtship and offspring-rearing throughout the year, so there is always something to see no matter when you visit. the best time to go depends on what you are most interested in seeing.


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Travel LAnD oR CRuISe? the next question for visitors is: which mode of travel is better, a land-based trip or a sea voyage? Both camps have their merits. Again, it depends on what you want to see. If you choose to stay on land, you can base yourself on one of the four inhabited islands out of 18. the majority of accommodation is on Santa Cruz, the island closest to Baltra airport. San Cristobal also has an airport and is quite popular, while Floreana and Isabela offer more limited choices. no matter which island you choose, you will see breathtaking flora and fauna. But to get a sense of the bio-diversity of the region, you need to visit multiple islands. the galápagos is quite different from the archipelagos in Southeast Asia or the Caribbean, where individual islands pretty much share the same geological and climatic features. here, the landscape of each island ranges from the Martian-like red sands on Rábida and the solid-black lava on Fernandina to the prickly pear cactus forest of Santa Fe and the salt-water crater lagoon on Isabela. ninety-seven per cent of these islands are protected national Park land, with strict conservation rules. All visitors must be accompanied by a licensed guide, who provides invaluable information about the area and is incredibly adept at spotting animals. they are also there to remind you to keep to defined trails and maintain a two-metre distance from the animals. they also check to make sure you are not bringing food along, although you may carry water in reusable bottles. Plastic ones are frowned upon.

陸路還是海路? 第二個常見問題是以哪一種途徑遊覽群島,陸路還是海路?事實 上各有千秋,都是同一句:你最想看什麼? 選擇陸路的話,可選擇於18個群島當中,4個有人居住的島上住 宿。大部分酒店坐落於Santa Cruz島,它是有人居住島嶼中最接近 Baltra機場的。San Cristobal島有自己的機場,因此亦十分受歡迎。而 Floreana島及Isabela島的選擇則較少。無論於哪一個島住宿,你都一 定會觀賞到獨特的植物及動物,不過要了解群島生態的多樣化,你必 須要到訪其他島嶼。 東南亞或加勒比的群島,通常每個小島都有相同的地理及氣候特 質。但加拉帕哥斯群島各島嶼的地理環境可以差天共地,像Rábida島 有著火星表面般的紅沙、Fernandina則有深黑色的熔岩、Santa Fe有 一個刺梨仙人掌森林、Isabela可找到一個鹹水環礁湖。 群島97%的面積屬受保護的國家公園土地,受嚴格規管,每次 參觀必須有持牌導遊同行。導遊會沿途提供寶貴資料,更熟悉動物行 蹤,會不時提醒遊客不要偏離既定路線,跟動物保持2米的距離。導遊 亦會確保遊客不會攜帶食物,你可以帶水,不過一定要以可循環再用 的水樽盛載,普通樽裝水則免問。 當地政府對遊客人數及參觀日程亦有嚴格規管,以避免當地動物 及環境因外來訪客過多而受壓。好處是景點不會過分擁擠,可以舒適 地參觀;但亦表示,不可以租一架小艇自行參觀。再者,很多有趣的 島嶼跟有人居住的島嶼距離太遠,不可能即日往返,選擇陸路參觀的 遊客可能無緣到訪。 選擇海路的話,必須留意當地對船隻大小的限制,他們所謂的豪 華遊艇絕非你心目中的十萬噸遊輪。我到訪加拉帕哥斯群島的10日旅 程乘坐MV galápagos Legend,是該區最豪華的船隻。他們提供4種行 程,每個行程為期3至5日,參觀群島的不同部分。你可以把不同的行 程結合,這樣便可遊覽更多島嶼。 船上的導遊對自然生態十分熟悉,就像有David Attenborough做 伴般。他們每晚都會舉行簡介會,講解翌日的行程。設施方面,船上 提供一日三餐自助餐及兩個酒吧,每次遠征回程時,他們都會送上咖 啡、茶及小吃。如果不上岸遊覽,可選擇於沙灘消磨一個下午,又或 者進行水上活動如划透明獨木舟及浮潛等。這種觀光船雖然及不上豪 華郵輪的多姿多釆,但卻是實實在在的一次歷險之旅。


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the government also has very strict regulations regarding the number of tourists permitted. this is to prevent the animals and their environment from being overstressed by human visitors. While it means you will get a more relaxed and personal experience at each site, it also means you cannot just rent a boat and explore the islands on your own. Furthermore, many of the more interesting islands are located too far away from the inhabited islands for a day trip, so it may not be an option for land-based visitors. If I have managed to veer you towards a cruise-based adventure, please note that the vessels are restricted in size. even the more luxurious ones will not be comparable to what you might expect from mega cruise ships. I spent 10 days on board the MV galápagos Legend, which is the height of the luxury class for the region. they have four itineraries to choose from, each ranging from three to five days, exploring different parts of the archipelago. the itineraries can be combined to allow you to visit more islands. the ship provides excellent naturalist guides who act like your personal David Attenborough when you are exploring the islands. they also hold nightly seminars to tell you about your destination the next day. As for creature comforts, there are three buffet meals a day, two bars, a coffee and tea station and snacks upon return from every expedition. When you are not heading off to the islands, there are optional activities—like an afternoon on the beach, glass-bottomed kayak boating, snorkelling and more. there may not be as many bells and whistles as other opulent sea voyages, but you do feel like you are on a real adventure.

如何抵達 群島位於厄瓜多爾大陸以東1,000公里,除非是乘坐 南美西岸郵輪旅遊,否則大部分人都選擇飛抵加拉帕哥斯 群島。加拿大人多半會先飛往當地首都Quito,然後轉機 至Baltra機場或群島上的機場,飛行時間約2小時,包括在 Guayaquil中途停留。 當地有嚴格的旅遊政策用以限制群島的人口。入境時 必須出示內陸來回機票、酒店住宿或郵輪預約證明、或由 加拉帕哥斯群島居民發出的邀請信。旅遊簽證有效期最長 為90日,護照有效期至少為6個月(從厄瓜多爾出發當日開 始計算)。你更需要在出發機場繳付$100的國家公園入場 費,並在抵埗時購買$20的INGALA運輸控制卡(INGALA Transit Control Card),部分收費用於保育用途。 由於群島面臨非當地物種入侵的威脅,因此在機場設 有嚴格檢測以防止遊客攜帶植物或牲畜入境。在Quito機場 有專為群島旅客而設的專用入境櫃檯,行李要經過額外X光 檢查以確保沒有水果及肉類等違禁品。

hoW to get to the gALáPAgoS It is not easy, given the 1,000-kilometre distance from the South American coast, unless you are on an extensive cruise itinerary. Most Canadians fly to Quito, the ecuadorian capital, and then catch a connecting flight to Baltra in the galápagos. It is a two-hour flight with a stopover in guayaquil. there are strict travel policies for population control on the islands. You will need to present a domestic return air ticket, a hotel or cruise reservation, or an invitation letter from a galápagos resident. Your visa will be for a maximum of 90 days, and your passport must be valid for at least six months after your stated departure date from ecuador. You will also need to pay a national Park entrance fee of $100 at your departure airport and purchase an IngALA transit Control Card for $20 upon arrival. Part of the amount is used for conservation purposes. As the islands face a very serious threat from non-native species, there are strict controls at the airport to prevent the importation of plants or livestock. there is a special check-in counter for the islands at the Quito airport, with additional X-ray screening on your entire luggage to check for restricted goods, including fruits and meats.


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WhAt ShouLD I PACk FoR gALáPAgoS?

這是一趟歷險之旅,輕便而且可層疊的衣服最為合 適。當地海風可以冷得刺骨,尤其是晚間;船隻有時亦會 在清早泊岸,氣溫清涼。但在陽光充沛的日子,卻可以脫 去外套。

Pack for an adventure. Lightweight clothing that can be layered is best. the sea breeze can get nippy, especially in the evenings, and sometimes your island docking is bright and early in the morning, when it’s cool. You need to be able to remove those layers when the sun comes up.

能否乘搭小舢舨登上小島,需視乎情況而定。如果當 時有碼頭可停泊,便可以直接上岸。否則,舢舨只可停在 淺灘,旅客要涉水走到岸邊。有人會赤腳涉水,到上岸後 才穿回登山鞋,而我則喜歡穿登山涼鞋。切記你會行走於 不同的地帶,有些島是沙島,有些有泥路,有些卻佈滿布 岩石,下雨時會變得十分濕滑。 為免被赤道的猛烈日光曬傷,帽子是必需品之一,最 好選有縛帶固定的,不怕風大被吹走。其他必需品還包括 一副偏光太陽眼鏡及防曬產品,防曬產品一定要選擇可生 物降解的,那便不會對清澈的海水造成污染。 貨幣方面,厄瓜多爾自2000年起以美元作為官方貨 幣。選擇陸路遊的朋友謹記攜帶現金。在有人居住的島嶼 有互聯網服務,但訊號不太穩定,因此銀行卡或信用卡未 必可以使用。從海路遊覽的話,可於旅程最後一天以信用 卡結帳。機場離境範圍有很多店舖售賣紀念品、厄瓜多爾 巧克力及咖啡等,商店大多接受信用卡。

You will be riding in a dinghy between islands, and depending upon which one you’re visiting, it could be a dry or a wet landing—contingent on whether or not there is a dock for your landing. If it’s the latter, you will need to jump into shallow water and wade to the shore. Some people do it barefoot, and put on their hiking shoes after they reach land. however, I prefer to wear water hiking sandals. Bear in mind that you will be walking on different terrains—some islands are sandy, some have mud paths and some are rocky—so they can get quite slippery when wet. to protect yourself from the equatorial sun, wear a hat—preferably one with straps, so it won’t fly off into the sea—and be sure to bring a good pair of polarized sunglasses. Sunscreen is also a must, but please look for a biodegradable version. You do not want to pollute the pristine waters. As for money, ecuador adopted the uS dollar as its official currency in 2000. Be sure to have some cash on hand if you are going to be land-based. Internet is available in parts of the inhabited islands, but it is not very reliable, so your debit or credit cards might not work. If you are going on a cruise, you can settle your bill by credit at the end of the journey. the departure area at the airport has plenty of shops selling souvenirs, ecuadorian chocolates and coffees, and they usually accept credit cards. For more information, please go to iamigo.ca.

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攝影師言 加拉帕哥斯群島—單是名字已經充滿獵奇味道。跟很多人一樣, 我也是透過David Attenborough主持的節目才知道這個地方,得悉有 機會前往這群島參與攝影工作,二話不說便答應了。 老實說,我確實沒有時間及耐性,穿上一身保護色衣物,在帳幕 內等上一整天來拍動物。但是加拉帕哥斯群島絕對是拍攝野生動物的 迪士尼樂園。群島上90%的野生動物甚少機會接觸人類,所以牠們不 怕人,見到人類不會走開。你可以近距離捕捉牠們的神態(但絕不能太 近,群島有嚴格規定以確保動物及遊客的安全)。有機會親身接觸不同 種類的野生動物絕對是一次畢生難忘的體驗! 多年的旅攝經驗讓我明白到less is more(少即是多)。記得我初入 行時,每次出差都會把所有「架生」帶在身邊,包括所有鏡頭、額外的 閃光燈、三腳架等等。到訪過35個國家、無數次的旅程加上弄傷了的 背部,現在學會盡量把隨身器材的數量減至最少。要是預計某幾個鏡 頭或閃光燈只會用上幾次,建議你不要攜帶。或許會錯過幾個畫面, 但大部分時間你的器材都已經夠用,如果要日日背負20kg的裝備,以 及經常往袋裡翻這找那,你錯過的可能更多。 另一個貼士是出發前先做資料搜集。現時很多地方禁止使用大型 腳架,亦有愈來愈多國家及遺址嚴禁航拍,厄瓜多爾便禁止於加拉帕 哥斯群島使用航拍機!這趟旅程還有幾次要跳下舢舨涉水走到岸邊, 因此一個防水相機袋十分重要。 綜合以上種種,以下便是我的簡便旅攝裝備︰首先是一台輕巧 的相機,要有足夠的像素確保影片質素,但無需過高以防記憶卡被秒 殺。就我的工作而言,240萬像素最恰到好處。我喜歡用富士XH-1, 它的連續快拍功能專為影動態影像而設,而且它的機身大小及重量比 單反相機輕便。每次出差我通常只會帶3個鏡頭,一個16mm*的超廣 角鏡、一個50mm*定焦鏡及一個110mm*人像鏡;這個組合在絕大部 分情況下已經非常足夠,不過在加拉帕哥斯群島或會需用上變焦鏡。 我事前做了功課,知道當地的動物不怕人,於是決定帶上16mm廣 角、50mm定焦及租了一個80-300變焦鏡用來影近鏡。事實證明這個 組合非常完美,讓我在這個難忘的旅程捕捉了無數珍貴畫面,希望你 都會喜歡這些照片! *全片幅相機使用—請向攝影器材專門店查詢適合你相機使用的鏡頭。

tIPS FoR PhotogRAPheRS galápagos. Just the name sounds exotic and adventurous. I first heard about the islands years ago, probably the same way many of you did—camped in front of the tV,watching some incredible David Attenborough-narrated nature show. So, when I had the opportunity to travel to the islands to shoot, I jumped at the chance. to be honest, animal photography isn’t my specialty. (I love it and have been lucky on occasion, but I simply don’t have the time, reactions or patience to dress in camouflage and sit in a tent all day.) however, the galápagos are Disneyland for wildlife photographers, for the very simple reason that 90 per cent of the indigenous wildlife has not been sufficiently exposed to humans to be afraid of us. they don’t run away. this means you can get really close for some amazing images, but not too close. that’s because the galápagos have very strict rules to maintain the safety and environment of the wildlife. the experience of being able to stand so close to such an amazing array of wildlife is absolutely unforgettable—a photographer’s paradise. one thing I’ve learned from years of travelling on professional shoots is that less is more. When I first started, everything came with me—every lens I owned, extra lighting, tripods, etc. Fast-forward 35 countries, countless trips and a damaged back and I keep my gear to a bare minimum. If you’re only going to use a lens or light a few times on a trip, my advice is simply not to take them. You may miss a few shots, but most of the time you can work around it. I guarantee you’ll miss even more shots if you’re exhausted from lugging 20 kilograms of gear or constantly rummaging through your bag. Another tip is to do a little research beforehand. Many places don’t allow large tripods and, in a more recent development, more and more countries and heritage sites are introducing outright drone bans. understandably, ecuador has a complete ban on drone use in the galápagos, so again, another thing to leave at home. For this trip, there were a number of “wet landings,” meaning that where there was no dock available, you jumped out of a dingy and waded to shore. So, a waterproof bag for sensitive electronics is essential on such a trip. keeping all this in mind, my minimalist default travel setup starts with a lightweight camera body with enough megapixels for editable quality, but not so much that you fill memory cards in seconds. For my travel assignments, I find around 24 megapixels to be the perfect range. In my case is a Fuji Xh-1. It has a great burst feature for moving subjects and is smaller and lighter than a usual DSLR camera. I usually only travel with three lenses—a super-wide angle around 16mm*, a fixed 50 mm* prime lens and a portrait lens around 110mm*. I find this combination usually covers the vast majority of my needs. however, for the galápagos, I was a little concerned that I’d need more zoom. After doing some research on how relaxed the animals there are around humans, I decided I’d stick with my 16mm wide and 50mm* and rent a 80-300 zoom for a little more reach. this proved to be the ideal combination and I was delighted to come away from such an unforgettable experience with such memorable and beautiful images. I hope you enjoy them. *on a full-frame camera. (Any camera store will be able to advise on equivalent lenses for your camera.) ELITEGEN

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Pure Power

The 2019 BMw M850i xDrive Coupe is made for the driver enthusiast Story | Lorne Drury Metroland Media 20年沉睡過後,全新寶馬8系再次回歸市場,把兩款 頂級的2019年型號引進加拿大。

After a 20-year hiatus, BMW is back with not one but two range-topping 8 Series models in Canada for 2019.

為大家介紹的是外型性感優雅的M850i xDrive Coupe 雙門轎跑車。這款車曾在2017年意大利科莫湖畔舉行的 Concorso d’ Eleganza Villa d’ Este古董車展中首度亮相, 當時是以概念車的形式出現。另一款進軍加拿大的是同陣 型的開篷跑車。

Tested here is the sexy-looking, two-door M850i xDrive Coupe, first introduced in concept form at the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este in 2017. A cabriolet has also recently joined the model line-up.

擁有修長、優雅,低車身,以及動力強勁的特質,難 怪M850i是BMW陣型中的神級車。不單看起來是一輛飛快 的跑車,速度也確實很快。搭載一具全新的4.4公升V8雙 渦輪增壓引擎,M850i Coupe可以輸出523匹馬力,以及 令人咋舌的553磅/呎扭力,從靜止加速到100公里,只需 3.7秒。擁有它,就可以在賽道上享受這種瞬間進入高速 境界的感覺。 新車配置寶馬xDrive智能全輪驅動系統。引擎動力經 過8前速Steptronic Sport波箱傳到車輪上,駕駛者可在方 向盤上改用手動撥片換檔。 xDrive系統有後輪裝置,根據路面的情況需要,迅速 將不同的扭力分配至前輪及後輪。是否會經常使用這些動 力則是題外話,但是只要在這款M性能車按下Sport +駕駛

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Long, elegant, low-slung and powerful, the M850i is a halo car in the BMW lineup. Not only does it look fast, it really is fast—thanks to a new 4.4-litre V8 engine with twin turbos that produces 523 horsepower and an eye-popping 553 lb/ft of torque. This is pure power, folks, with a 0-100 km/h time in the 3.7-second range. Of course, the only place on this side of the pond one can safely and lawfully enjoy such acceleration and power is at the racetrack. So, would-be buyers might want to consider taking part in track days if they want to add one of these babies to their driveway. Equipped with BMW’s xDrive intelligent all-wheel-drive system that has been specially tuned for this application, power to the wheels is via an eight-speed Steptronic Sport transmission that can be shifted manually with steering-wheel-mounted paddles. The xDrive system has a rear bias and offers rapid and variable distribution of drive torque between the front and rear wheels. But whether you get to actually use all this power on a regular basis is beside the point once you hear the gurgle and burp of the exhaust note when you punch in Sport+ mode on this M performance model.

模式,就會聽到排氣喉隆隆的咆哮聲。這種聲響透過跑車排氣 系統更加洪亮,對熱愛駕駛的人來說,簡直是美妙的音符。 M850i xDrive是一部真正為熱愛駕駛人士而設的車輛。當 中的啟動控制功能從一開始就將力量發揮到淋漓盡致。除了跑 車(Sport) 和跑車+ (Sport +) 的模式之外,在日常駕駛中,可 以選擇其他如節能(Eco Pro) 和舒適 (Comfort) 的設定,減低 聲響和調整加速器的反應。 這部8系跑車比原來的版本要大得多,重量只稍微低於 2,200公斤,是名副其實的高性能豪華轎跑車(GT)。M850i非 常適合在高速公路上行駛,即使在彎彎曲曲的道路上也同樣駕 駛愉快。由於有自動感應懸掛系統的電子控制減震器,急轉彎 時可以輕鬆駕馭。 以大型和重型的汽車來說,M850i算是出奇的靈活。由於 有整合式主動系統,即使在狹窄的路面和需要快速轉線,亦能 應付自如。 我們測試的M850i噴上鮮艷的晚霞橙紅金屬色,選置了輕 便的M碳纖維車頂(3,000元) ,和包括有通風座椅和專業輔助 駕駛系統的行政套件(4,000元)。其中專業輔助駕駛系統包括 有自動啟停功能的主動定速控制系統,以及類似有半自動駕駛 功能的方向盤和行車線輔助操控。

The sound, which is enhanced by the standard flap-controlled sports exhaust system, is exhilarating and music to the ears of any driving enthusiast. The M850i xDrive is truly a car for those who love to drive. There is also a Launch Control function for maximum traction and acceleration from a standing start. But it doesn’t have to be all throaty and noisy as it is in Sport and Sport+ modes. The Driving Experience Control switch on the centre console includes other settings, like Eco Pro and Comfort, that dial down the acoustics and accelerator response. While certainly sporty, this 8 Series model is much bigger than the original version, coming in at just under 2,200 kilograms, making it a true grand touring (GT) vehicle rather than a sports car. The M850i is wonderful to drive on a super highway, but just as enjoyable when the roads get twisty. Push it hard into the corners and the car will delight with its predictable road manners—thanks in part to its adaptive suspension, featuring electronically controlled dampers. For a big, heavy car, it is surprising agile and easy to manoeuvre in tight spaces; and making quick lane changes is a testament to what BMW calls its Integral Active Steering that is electromechanical up front and variable ratio in the rear. Optional on our test car that was dressed in brilliant Sunset Orange Metallic paint was an M carbon-fibre roof ($3,000) and the Executive Package ($4,000), featuring ventilated seats and Driving Assistance Professional.


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automobiles 平視顯示器是M850i的標準裝置,駕駛者可以在擋風 玻璃上看到行車速度、車速限制和超車警示等駕駛資訊。

The latter includes Active Cruise Control with Stop-and-Go function, as well as steering and lane-control assistant, a semi-autonomous driving function, if you will.

座椅採用Merino高級真皮包裹。這裡的一切設施均 以駕駛者為中心,讓他專注於前方路面,享受駕駛樂趣。

Standard on the M850i is BMW’s Head-Up Display, which projects relevant driving information, like vehicle speed, speed limits and overtaking restrictions, onto the windshield.

駕駛艙Live Cockpit Professional擁有最新一代的高 清顯示和操控介面,以及大型虛擬儀錶,顯出濃烈的科技 感。

Slide into the Merino leather-wrapped driver’s sport seat and it’s immediately evident that everything here is driver-centric. It is designed to help the driver focus on the road ahead and enjoy the driving experience. Featuring Live Cockpit Professional, the M850i has the latest-generation display and control concept with a high-resolution, configurable instrument cluster behind with steering wheel.

車廂裝飾瑰麗,中控台特別闊大,配備設有M字樣的 皮革跑車方向盤,具有多功能按鈕及換檔撥片。 這車雖然設有後排座椅,可是太窄,成人實難以入 坐。由於後座採用50:50分離式設計,可以摺起來擺放物 件,擴大原來420公升的行李箱空間。 有16個揚聲器的Harman Kardon環迴音響系統是 標準裝置。也可選置更高檔、有1,375瓦特的Bowers & Wilkins鑽石級音響系統。 這款全新的大型轎跑車售價由123,500元起,而所測 試的車款售130,800元,另加2,245元到岸費。 全新寶馬M850i xDrive轎跑車在SUV雄霸市場的當 下,仍能憑藉其突出的風格,嘆為觀止的動力,以及出色 的路面表現,吸引到真正熱愛駕駛的人士。

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The cabin is beautifully finished with a wide centre console and a leather M sports steering wheel with paddle shifters and multifunction buttons. There is a back seat, but you won’t use it for anything but extra storage because it’s so cramped. However, it has a 50/50 split design that can be folded down to expand the 420-litre trunk. Standard is a 16-speaker Harman Kardon surround-sound system, with a premium Bowers & Wilkins Diamond 1,375-watt system optional. Starting at $123,500, our test car priced out at $130,800, plus $2,245 in destination charges. While certainly a niche vehicle during this time of SUV-mania, BMW’s M850i xDrive Coupe has a lot to offer the true driving enthusiast with its striking styling, breathtaking power numbers and wonderful road presence.

2019 BMW M850i xDrive Coupe一覽

2019 BMW M850i xDrive Coupe at a glance

車身款式:高性能豪華雙門轎跑車。 驅動方式:前置引擎,全輪驅動。 引擎:4.4公升V8雙渦輪增壓引擎(523匹馬力,553磅/呎扭力) ,搭載 8前速自動波箱。 行李箱容量:420公升。 耗油量:13.3/9.2/ 11.5公升/100公里,市內/高速公路/綜合;須採用 優質無鉛汽油。 價格:123,500元,試駕車款售130,800元,另加2,245元到岸費。 優點:動力強勁,款式迷人。 缺點:除了作為額外的載貨空間,後排座位幾乎無大作用。 誘人之處:寶馬8系陣型已加入了開篷跑車。

BODY STYLE: two-door, high-performance luxury sports coupe. DRIVE METHOD: front engine, all-wheel drive. ENGINE: 4.4-litre twin-turbo V8 (523 hp, 553 lb/ft of torque) with an eight-speed automatic transmission. CARGO CAPACITY: 420 litres. FUEL ECONOMY: 13.3/9.2/ll.5 L/100 km city/highway/combined on premium unleaded fuel. WHAT’S BEST: The power and styling is the drawing card here. WHAT’S WORST: The back seat is virtually unusable, except as additional cargo space. WHAT’S INTERESTING: BMW has added a cabriolet model to the 8 Series lineup. PRICE: $123,500, as tested $130,800, plus $2,245 destination charge. bmw.ca


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旅 樂

Music to our ears rimowa and Bang & olufsen collaborate on a new journey in headphones Story | Ringo Photography | Bowy

音樂、旅程,本來就是切肉不離皮的雙 生兒。旅途不能沒有音樂,想到將兩者連成一 線的,有當今兩大界別的表表者:Rimowa與 Bang & Olufsen。 Rimowa的行政總裁Alexandre Arnault 說:「我們都對實用優雅的設計充滿激情。」 B&O的品牌及行銷總裁John Mollanger則認 為:「我們不只做好耳機音樂,還希望透過對音 色、設計和工藝的熱誠去感動人心;Rimowa不 只是一個行李箱品牌,更有能力把旅行變為藝 術。」 於是兩大品牌合力聯乘了限量版頭戴式無 線藍牙耳機,耳機當然由B&O提供,Beoplay H9i是當中的旗艦型號,材料採用最上乘的陽極 氧化鋁材和真皮製造;而鋁鎂合金打造的外盒 則由Rimowa負責,一看就知出自其經典造型。 兩大品牌都擅於使用鋁材質,耳機左右兩 側各刻上品牌的logo。可以想象在機艙內拿出 小型的金屬鋁盒,旁人好奇Rimowa是否推出了 甚麼名酒之類,這時徐徐打開盒蓋,再慢慢把 耳機套上,備有主動降噪功能的Beoplay H9i隔 絕外界聲音……屬於你自己的愉快旅程,正式 開始了。

The headline is the mantra that inspired a collaboration between luggage company Rimowa and Bang & Olufsen, a marriage made in heaven for mobile audiophiles. “We are passionate about purposeful and elegant design,” says Rimowa CEO Alexandre Arnault, while John Mollanger, B&O’s executive VP, adds that “B&O strives to be more than an audio company. ” “We stimulate people’s lives through a passion for sound, design and craftsmanship,” continues Mollanger. “Rimowa is much more than a luggage company. It is a brand that makes travel an art.” The collaboration has resulted in the Rimowa edition of B&O’s flagship Beoplay H9i headphones and exclusive Rimowa carrying case. The headphones are made of long-lasting materials, such as anodized aluminum and genuine leather, housed in a signature Rimowa aluminum case. The look is simple and classic. Imagine the envy of fellow airplane passengers when you open the Rimowa case, put on the headphones and begin an enjoyable journey immersed in your favourite music, as the Beoplay H9i noise cancellation system puts you in a world of your own.


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Make a bright appearance this summer like @RitaOra. The brand ambassador of Escada has chosen her favourite pieces in the @Escadaofficial SPORT SS19 collection. Go grab yours at the new Escada store in Yorkdale before it's gone. #RitaOraxEscada #SS19 #fashionisfun #巨星風範

Yorkdale Mall was immersive art central the past few months. From the 'Infinity Mirrors'-inspired #TiffanyT pop-up, a 2.8-metre tall Sorayama robot @DiorHomme to #DreamSpace by @ricciardipaints, where you can literally immerse – in a bathtub of green back. @yorkdalestyle #thiswasonceadream #文青打卡熱點 108 E L I T E G E N. C A

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Paul & Shark partners with artist @annaritaserramilano (centre right) from Sardinia to raise awareness about ocean garbage. To support this campaign, @paulandshark has created two #savethesea #保護海洋pieces, a cotton T-shirt and a recycled polyester bomber completely derived from plastic bottles collected and processed in Italy, as modelled by @teopilot11 (left) and Ryley L (right). @harryrosen with Mr. Andrea Dini, CEO and president (centre left).

The House of Suntory introduces its new spirits, @suntoryhakuvodka and @suntory_rokugin at a tutored tasting and dinner held at Akira Back in Toronto. In addition to the special tasting, hosted by brand ambassador Matt Jones, guests received the opportunity to try each spirit paired with curated dishes. #隆重登場

Did you know that French celebrity hairstylist @frederickfekkai co-founded a luxuriously natural beauty and lifestyle collection from Aix-en-Provence, France? He was in Toronto earlier to speak about his inspiration for the new Verveine du Sud fragrance @BastideOfficial. With Italian lemons, grapefruit and peppermint, this light and crisp EDT makes the perfect summer scent. #laviebastide #馬鞭草

#熒光回歸 A shot of pink updates the look of leopard prints @marccain. The #fw2019 collections feature intensive statements of colour and contrasts. Fluorescent neon tones appear as flashes of light, especially against neutral winter pastels or nuances of beige. Mixed animal prints, like leopard spots and zebra stripes, add a graphic element to the excitement. This is a look that you can steal in the summer months too.

@MaisonBirks officially launched its flagship 9,000 sq. ft. Bloor Street location in celebration of its 140th anniversary. The lounge area includes books and an area with an espresso machine and sofa seating area, allowing customers or family members to relax while others shop. The store includes a 1,200 sq. ft. @Vancleefarperls boutique and shop-in-stores for brands such as @Cartier, @Chaumetofficial, @Panerai, @Messikajewelry, @Montblanc, @Roberto_Coin and @TagHeuer, as well as @Vhernier, the only point-ofsale for the brand in Canada. #名牌薈萃

Thank you @SpainFoodWineCA for inviting us to @SIALCanada, where chefs Jordi Gimeno Benito and Alvaro Villasante brought an authentic taste of Spain through the most delightful Serrano ham, Manchego cheese, Iberico chorizo, octopus tapas, roast pork and more. It was such a treat to hear the chefs share their childhood food memories, and principle of “provincials” in preparing food – it means to respect the ingredients. #吃在西班牙 (photo by @pigoutpix)

Gildo Zegna, CEO of Ermengildo Zegna, and @larryjrosen, CEO of Harry Rosen (pictured), held a special cocktail party to celebrate the new @zegnaofficial flagship store at 100 Bloor St. W. We were so hoping that @williamchanwaiting #陳偉霆 would attend the party since he was featured in the Zegna XXX Global Collection #zegnamoments

So much newness @Rolex from #baselworld2019 In addition to the new Oyster Perpetual YachtMaster 42, the Sea-Dweller is introduced in yellow Rolesor. The GMT-Master II has a new Jubilee bracelet, the Day-Date 36 is presented with novel dials with decorative stones, while the Datejust 36 and 31 in yellow, white or Everose Rolesor have new, refined dials. It is hard to pick just one. #2019年巴塞爾世界 ELITEGEN

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