May / Jun 2019 EliteGen Vancouver

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MAY/JUNE 2019 Vol. 44 Vancouver

VancouVer MAY/June 2019

A sing tao publicAtion

THE 巴黎/米蘭秋冬時裝周 coLLEcTIons: PariS & Milan

反差魅力 張曦雯

KELLy cHEung Beauty Queen to TV Star

THE BRIDAL IssuE 全方位 婚禮特刊

Display until June 30, 2019


50+ inspiring ideas From carats to cakes and everything in between...

A sing tao publicAtion

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 佩嘉露 Carol Peddie 總裁 President 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief 胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 加東版 Canada East Editor 徐少玲 Iris Chui 加西版 Canada West Editor 張萬青 Katherine Cheung 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編輯部 Editorial enquiries / 604-321-1111

參與 Contributors Marc Atchison, Simon Boucher-Harris, Grace Chan, Sidney Chao, Lorne Drury, Kenson Ho, Johnny Liu, Crystal Ng, Shuk Wa Tsang, Miranda Tsui, Livian Wu, Emilia Ku Yazar, Iris Yim

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan / 蕭潔璇 Phyllis Siu

美術部 production & design 美術及製作經理 Production Manager/Art Direction 邱卓庭 Cliff Yau 美術助理 Graphic Art Assistant 陸凱茵 Gloria Luk

廣告及市場部 Advertising sales & marketing 高級副總裁 Senior Vice President 袁樹燊 Johnson Yuen 總經理 General Manager 黎家盛 Andrew Lai 營業及市務總監 Director of Sales & Marketing 梁素珊 Lelia Leung

營業代表 Sales Representatives Connie Chim, Emily Ho, Andrew Lee, Denise Lee, Ken Li, Patrick Lo, Phyllis Siu, Amanda Wong, Kevin Wong 營業部 Advertising enquiries / 604-321-1111

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出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada, affiliated with Torstar 加拿大星島傳媒集團出版,附屬多倫多星報

星尚歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 星尚每年出版九期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 9 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 8508 Ash Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V6P 3M2

publisher’s letter

感激我遇見 “For they say when you marry in June, you’re a bride all your liFe. and the bridegroom who marries in June, gets a sweetheart For a wiFe.” —"June bride" lyrics from the movie Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.     張愛玲語曾經說過︰「於千萬年之中,時間的無 涯荒野裏,沒有早一步,也沒有晚一步,剛巧趕上 了……」     是的,能夠情投意合,執子之手,邁向人生新階 段,是絕對值得感恩和高興的喜事。六月是傳統最受歡 迎的結婚月份,一般相信June(六月)源自天帝宙斯的皇 后Juno的名字,在這個月結婚便可得到天后的祝福,帶 來富庶喜樂的生活。     如何令這個大日子盡善盡美,留下美好印記,卻也 得花上好些心思。今期《星尚》的婚禮專輯,搜羅名師設 計的婚紗、不可或缺的鑽戒、「品味女王」郭志怡的別緻 姞婚蛋糕、婚禮場地、婚前護膚,甚至是舉行海外婚禮 和蜜月熱點Los Cabos,定能為準新人提供不少靈感。     剛完結的的巴黎和米蘭時裝周雖已曲終人散,但對 一眾時尚達人來說,卻是潮流指標,且看我們精選的各 大品牌代表作,確是美不勝收,令人目不暇給。配合 「春夏鞋履百科」展示的最新潮鞋,穿出獨一無二的時尚 風格。     童年由香港移民至美國,再因參選「國際華裔小姐」 成為冠軍而回流香港發展的張曦雯,是新一代的女神級 代表人物。高挑的身段、姣好的臉容固然吸引,但最令 觀眾留下印象的是她的真情流露,特別是打電玩時的投 入忘我。始終,這是一個講求個性的年代。     製作每一期的內容雖然充滿挑戰性,但能夠為摯愛 的讀者們送呈精彩的內容,成為推動我們不住向前的動 力,衷心希望你感受到這份熱誠,愈讀愈愛愈有共鳴。

Historically, June has been the most popular month for weddings. Perhaps it’s because the month of June derives its name from Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage, who would bless new couples with prosperity and happiness. And so what better time to bring you our inaugural Bridal Guide than in our May/June issue. We hope our hefty 28-page special weddings feature is as much a delight for you to read as it was for our editorial team to create. We began with a frantic search for dress trends, fretted over rings and other jewelled things, and slathered on lotions and potions that promise that elusive glow. But that’s not all: we also searched for the most inspiring cake designs, the sweetest of scents and, of course, the best places to say, “I do”. When it all got a bit overwhelming, we joked about eloping—to Los Cabos, a desert-and-sea paradise by the Pacific Ocean, recently awarded Travvy’s Best Luxury Destination in Mexico. Now, after months of planning and preparation, the big day is finally here. And we can’t wait for our guests to arrive—and by that we mean you, our readers. And because all our brides-to-be are fashionistas but not all our fashionistas are brides-to-be, in addition to featuring the wow factor of weddings, we still found the time to bring you the latest from the runways of Paris and Milan. Our style file has the leading looks for Fall/Winter 2019 plus our curated footwear trends for the summer season. On the subject of fashionistas, our Cover Girl is not afraid of stepping up to the game. Video game, that is. Miss Chinese International, Kelly Cheung, shares her story on how she overcame being camera-shy, and how video gaming may have prepared her for her first action scene. Her path may have been a trifle bit unorthodox, but ingenuity is got when thinking outside the box. We hope you are inspired by this issue as much as we were creating it. After all, every issue of eliteGen is about inspiration. And shopping, of course. Sincerely,

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911 10

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milan: 42



up front 8 團隊 masthead

10 出版人的話 Publisher's letter celebrity 16 鎂光燈下 on the red carPet

timepieces 20 破格時計 bulgari, hublot, Jacob & co., tag heuer and francK muller

Paris: 32



celebrity 26 封面故事 張曦雯 反差魅力 cover girl: Kelly cheung


fashion 32-58 潮流特區 Paris & milan, the shoe guide, lv for men



60 82 bridal guide 60-87 全方位婚禮特刊 the dress, the ring , the caKe, the glow & the triP lifestyle 88 鋼筋森林的金色酷居 interior design: brooKlyn oasis 92 善款創新高 time to shine gala soars to new heights 96 特色日系秘魯菜 ancora ambleside


100 東西融和 wine not: a boffo bourbon 102 琉璃童夢 chihuly garden and glass 106 旅遊 travel: munich

automobiles 112 豪華多用途車 infiniti QX 50 society 116 有請

the Party circuit

Dress coDe

by Lily Lee

時尚有型 Buttercup BABy


玩味取勝 in the red

必先利其器 Angel white



Amanda S.

Kelly Chan


Maria grachvogel這檸檬黃襯淺灰色長裙,顏色配 搭討好又舒服,不規則剪裁亦覺特別,讓一頭清爽 短髮的Amanda S.份外有型。

Kelly以平底波鞋而不是慣見的高跟鞋來襯Moschino 紅白套裝,玩味濃之餘,看上去更是青春。

Baby以一身全白套裝造型出現,本來嬌小的伊,顯 得甚是修長,實在要多得暗藏的高跟鞋。

Springing out in yellow.

Strokes of urban chic.

Panting over this pantsuit.

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Dress coDe

蝴蝶亮點 ScArf it up

反叛少女 rodeo rAdiAnt

盡顯優點 leAther And lAce




Kay Tse


Hannah Quinlivan

Ali Lee

3.1 phillip lim的絲巾裙,兩邊膊頭的蝴蝶結是設計 亮點,穿在謝安琪身上,甚是討好。

碎花充滿少女感覺,兩子之母的昆凌穿上這coach 領口有幾條長流蘇的碎花裙,配以黑色小皮褸,很 有反叛少女的味道。

李佳芯曉得以claudie pierlot皮製畫家帽和腰帶來配 襯黑色longchamp連身裙,時尚度大增,粗腰帶也 突出其纖腰。

The return of silk scarves.

Stepping out on the fringes.

Bold accessories always catch the eye.

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Spotlight worthy 每年1月的SIHH固然是錶壇焦點所在,但在日內瓦核心 的外圍,同樣有不少腕錶品牌在施展渾身解數,核心外 圍的核心作品,正式爆發!

Brands like Bulgari, hublot, Jacob & Co., tag heuer and Franck Muller are technical marvels Story | Ringo Chan Spiral / Photography | Gavin


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Bulgari gérald genta 50th anniversary Watch Bulgari在2000年收購創立於1969年的 gérald genta ,收歸旗下後作品雖只列出 「Bulgari」名字,但仍不乏gérald genta的設 計韻味。 Bulgari今年向 gérald genta 50周年致 敬,推出紀念腕錶,錶面只剩 gérald genta 的大名和標誌。那個大師引以為傲的Arena 圓形錶殼、那個難忘的球面錶冠,還有那個 極具代表性的雙逆跳機制,令人感到 gérald genta真的再世重生。腕錶採用41mm白金錶 殼,藍色漆面錶盤,12時位置設有跳時窗, 另有角度極廣闊的分鐘和日期雙逆跳顯示。 內裡的BVL 300自動機芯備有42小時動力儲 備,上鏈擺陀可雙向旋轉,在透明錶底可看 得一清二楚。約售$78,000。

although Bulgari acquired gérald genta in 2000, the unique flair of the original brand, founded in 1969, still shines through. Bulgari is celebrating gérald genta’s 50th anniversary this year with a commemorative creation that prominently features genta’s original name and logo on the dial. its signature characteristics, including the round arena case, the notable sphere crown and the double retrograde, are reborn. The watch, with a 41-mm platinum case and blue lacquered dial, has jumping hours at 12 o’clock, as well as two extra-wide retrogrades for minutes and date. The BVl 300 automatic calibre offers 42 hours of power reserve. The bidirectional winding mechanism is visible through the transparent case back. (approx. $78,000)

Octo Finissimo Tourbillon Carbon Bulgari今年將碳纖維薄膜引入自動陀飛輪腕錶,搭載世上最薄 陀飛輪機芯BVL 288,受惠於外緣式上鏈擺陀,厚度只有1.95mm, 動力儲備可達52小時,重量方面是嚇人的48克,輕薄得叫人忘了自 己原來戴上手錶。限量50枚,約售$172,000。

Bulgari has adopted a multi-layer carbon fibre case for a tourbillon this year. it is powered by the BVl 288, the world’s thinnest tourbillon mechanism, at just 1.95-mm, thanks to the use of a peripheral rotor. it has a power reserve of 52 hours. The weight is an astonishingly light 48 grams, which makes it feel almost weightless on the wrist. There are only 50 pieces in the collection. (approx. $172,000)


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timeworthy Tag Heuer Carerra Calibre Heuer 02T Tourbillon Nanograph 有誰會想到碳可以造游絲?碳不是又硬又脆的嗎?Tag Heuer經長達 四、五年研發,發現碳纖維複合物造的游絲既輕且硬,密度低又防磁,防撞 表現甚至比矽游絲更優勝。他們曾在實驗室替腕錶進行5,000G(重力加速度) 的撞擊測試,結果是金屬游絲彎曲了、矽游絲會碎裂,碳游絲則完好無缺。 這條以碳複合物造成的游絲,形狀上能做到更精準,有助提升準確度;加上 在製作時本身已備有夾頭,不像金屬游絲般需另外組裝,避免過程中有機會 因連接不理想而影響準確度。 腕錶設計亦以黑色為主,45mm黑色PVD鈦金屬錶殼配碳纖維錶圈, openwork錶盤下可看到機芯夾板滿布六角形圖案,背後擺陀亦以這個主題 設計。選用六角形皆因納米碳游絲的形狀正是六角形。鋁製陀飛輪搭橋和計 時指針末端用霓虹黃點綴。碳游絲應用在有65小時動力儲備的02T自動機芯 裡,計時功能結合陀飛輪。約售$35,000。

is carbon too stiff and brittle to make a hairspring? Tag Heuer worked on the technology for about five years to prove that hairsprings made with carbon composite are light and strong, with low density and better antimagnetic and shock-proof performance than silicon hairsprings. in a 5,000g laboratory test (weight and speed), metal hairsprings bent and silicon hairsprings broke, while carbon hairsprings were unscathed. Better still, the shaping of carbon hairsprings can be much more precise to enhance accuracy. They already have the collet included, so there is no need for additional assembly, as required for metal hairsprings. This helps ensure accuracy. The watch is predominantly black, with a 45-mm black PVD titanium metal case and carbon bezel. a hexagonal pattern is visible through the open-work dial and the case back. The pattern symbolizes the nanoscopic pattern of the hairspring’s material. Neon highlights are applied to the tourbillon column wheel and the tip of the chronograph hands. The carbon hairspring is integrated in the 02T automatic calibre that offers 65 hours of power reserve, a chronograph and a tourbillon. (approx. $35,000)

HuBlOT Spirit of Big Bang Yellow Sapphire 42mm Hublot今次套用在Spirit of Big Bang計時錶款的黃色藍 寶石錶殼,混合了銅和氧化鋁而成,與一般藍寶石一樣擁有 達9級維氏硬度,而且只重107克,輕盈如鈦金屬卻擁有極佳 的耐刮性能。腕錶直徑42mm,搭載HUB4700自動機芯,鏤 空錶盤上有不同的黃色在點綴,包括品牌logo、時分及計時 秒針、3個小副盤的刻度及指針等,另外還有一個黃色日期窗 設於4點半位置。限量100枚,約售$135,000。

The yellow sapphire case used for the Spirit of Big Bang chronograph by Hublot is a fusion of copper and aluminum oxide. its hardness measures 9 on the Mohs scale, on par with sapphire. The 42-mm watch features the HuB4700 automatic calibre. Yellow accents on the open-work dial make the brand logo, hands and markers, and the hands of the three subdials pop. The date window between four and five o’clock also sports a yellow frame. There are 100 pieces in the limited edition. (approx. $135,000)


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FraNCk Muller Vanguard Skeleton Sapphire Franck Muller這枚腕錶的錶殼、錶圈、錶背均由單一 藍寶石水晶研磨而成,從製作到最後的拋光工序,需要兩 個月方能完成,絕對是心機之作,稱得上是通透無瑕。一 覽無遺的鏤通機芯亦是此錶重點,內搭的FM 2001手上鏈 機芯經過黑色PVD處理,與透明外殼形成強烈對比。腕錶 尺寸為44×53.7mm,6時位置有帶著FM logo的陀飛輪在 不停轉動。約售$476,000。

The entire case, along with the bezel and the case back, of this Franck Muller timepiece is fashioned from a single piece of sapphire. each took two months to make and polish—a hallmark of dedication to perfection. The see-through FM2001 hand-winding calibre is another drawing card. it is treated with black PVD to form a strong contrast against the 4×53.7-mm case. The tourbillon bearing the FM logo at 6 o’clock is constantly moving. (approx. $476,000)

JaCOB & CO. astronomia Solar Jewellery: Planets-Zodiac 品牌近幾年特別鍾情於星際運行的美景,Astronomia Solar系列今年又增添新成員,名為「Planets-Zodiac」。除了 一如以往在中央有1.5卡黃水晶、會自轉的飛行陀飛輪及地 球儀外,還增加了紫晶、托帕石及翠綠橄欖石成為星系的一 部分,配合具有十二星座作為錶盤的時分盤,以10分鐘一圈 的速度凌空飛舞。與此同時,下層錶盤鑲嵌著七大行星(7種 寶石),與上層相同的速度反方向運行,達至最美的星空景 像。腕錶以玫瑰金及藍寶石水晶造殼,直徑43.4mm,搭載 JCAM19手上鏈機芯,備有砂金石錶盤及full pave長方形鑽 石款式,前者限量101枚,後者則限量18枚。砂金石款約售 $541,000、全鑽款約售$1,170,000。

in recent years, Jacob & Co. has introduced one mesmerising astronomy watch after another. This PlanetsZodiac is the latest addition to the astronomia Solar collection.The 1.5-carat citrine crystal in the middle symbolizes the sun, and the globe and flying tourbillon rotate on their own axis. The latest creation has added more planets with amethyst, topaz and peridot stones. The collection of jewels completes one full revolution on the zodiac dial every 10 minutes. The dial base, set with seven types of precious stones to symbolize seven planets, makes a complete revolution counter-clockwise every 10 minutes to depict the beautiful movements of the planetary system. The 43.4-mm case in rose gold and sapphire crystal houses a JCaM19 hand-winding calibre. The version with an aventurine dial is limited to 101 pieces (approx. $540,000) and the version with a baguette diamond-paved dial to 18 pieces. (approx. $1,170,000) 24

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Cover Girl

張曦雯 反差魅力

AccidentAl Actress

Poised and polished Kelly cheung surprised by her own success Story | Cyris Hung Photography | Kenji Leung Styling | Lucas Tang Makeup | Janice Lam@Glow Academy Hair | Eas Fu@Fifth Salon

Sequin jacket, silk shirt, denim shorts, All The Kooples


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張曦雯(Kelly)由外國回流,操流利中英語,擁有高挑模特兒身形和大 方得體的氣質。但條件雖好,跟她聊天卻發覺她也會緊張,會缺乏自信— 自謙當主持不夠急才,當演員未夠經驗。 對她來說,打電玩和烹飪是減壓良方,「專注一件事的時候,能夠忘記 煩惱;打電玩又好些,因為不用洗碗。」種種教人意外的反差,更是增添她 作為演員的魅力和可塑性。

大開眼界 模特兒出身的張曦雯,經選美入行,簽約無綫後成為主持,四年後才 轉型當演員,星途稱不上曲折,卻也未算平坦。她在香港出生,諗書至四 年級才跟家人移民美國。「芝加哥那邊不太流行華人模特兒,所以我返港發 展,當了一年多模特兒。期間我經常回美國,每次待2、3個月,趁有時間 便在芝加哥參加了一場選美,那時只是想得到名銜有助模特兒方面發展, 沒想過要加入電視台,因為我不喜歡說話,性格比較靜。之後回港參加 2012年的華裔小姐競選,還得了冠軍,但因為擔心自己做得不好,所以猶 豫了一年才決定簽約TVB。」 說得一口流利英語,外形又大方,順理成章被指派為明珠台的節目主 持人,「我覺得自己當主持不夠好,因為我思考時會用英文,有時用廣東話 又會表達得不好,欠缺急才,唯一是身形夠高,看上去讓人有信心。」她坦 言當主持容易賺錢,不過日子久了便覺得變化不大,進步空間不多,「主 持《三日兩夜》比較自由,可以說出自己想說的,但若要主持比較正式的活 動,我自問做得不夠出色。」 近年張曦雯開始拍劇,她直言更喜歡做演員:「我真的很喜歡當演員, 每次演出都不相同,覺得自己還有許多進步空間,每天都學到很多新事 物,大開眼界,十分好玩。」

From being so nervous in front of the camera that the soundman could pick up the thump of her fast-beating heart, to playing a svelte British spy who could throw a mean punch, Kelly Cheung has come a long way. The tall, slim model in front of me seems polished and poised, but she admits there is always a sense of insecurity deep in her psyche. Luckily, she has found two outlets to help her decompress and gain more confidence— cooking and video-gaming. Cheung began her career as a model before hitting the small screen as a beauty pageant winner. Born in Hong Kong, she immigrated with her family to Chicago when she was 10. “The market for a Chinese model in Chicago is small,” she says, “so I returned to Hong Kong in search of more opportunities. I continued modelling for over a year, but during that time I would frequently return to the U.S. and stay for two or even three months at a time.”

BeaUTy PageanT ProvIdeS LaUnCHIng Pad “I had some free time during this lull, so I entered a beauty pageant in Chicago,” says Cheung. “I thought the experience would help my modelling career. after that pageant, I participated in the 2012 Miss Chinese International Pageant in Hong Kong and, to my surprise, I won.” Traditionally, the Tv station would offer a contract to the winner of the pageant, but Cheung said it was never her intention to work in television. after almost a year of careful consideration, she finally decided to give it a try. as someone who grew up in the United States, she is fluent in english. So she was assigned to host a program on TvB Pearl, Hong Kong’s foremost english-language station. “It was a big challenge for me, especially when they began assigning Chinese shows to me,” she says. “I tend to think in english, so when I need to speak Cantonese, I worry that I am not able to express myself well enough, and my reaction time in Chinese is quite slow. Luckily, my height gives me a lot of stage presence, so I’m still able to project confidence.” While program hosting was an easy way to make a living, she didn’t feel it offered the variety she sought. “I had more autonomy hosting Fun Abroad and could say whatever I wanted,” she says.” But hosting formal events were a totally different story. I really like being an actress. every performance is different. I learn many new things every day, and I know I can expand my horizons. Plus, it is also a lot of fun.”


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Cover Girl LearnIng To reLax

學習放鬆 以往一直當主持的她,說最初演戲時不 太懂得投入感情。「一roll機我就很緊張,曾有 收音師說收到我心跳的聲音。之前跟郭晉安合 作,他很大方地分享他的經驗,也明白我遇上 甚麼問題,會提醒我要呼吸和放鬆。馬德鐘亦 幫了我很多,教我去感受和聽對手的對白。我 沒學過演戲,沒有很多技巧,不像有些演員懂 得控制面部肌肉,我只懂用心感受。演戲對我 來說很好玩,就像生活一樣,活出一個故事。 我覺得當演員最難的是放鬆和專注,我很容易 分心,但現場往往有20、30人在你身邊,要學 會集中精神,專心跟對手演戲。」

她平日喜歡睇戲偷師,「我打算待自己有 更多演出經驗後才去上課,那樣才能更明白 老師說些甚麼。 不用開工的時候 我就窩在家裡看 戲,最喜歡看 變態的恐怖片和 驚悚片。近來也 常看音樂劇,例 如《 一 個 巨 星 的 誕生》、《大娛樂 家》,還有我最喜 歡 的《 情 陷 紅 磨 坊》。」

Cheung says shifting from program hosting to acting was not easy. “as soon as the camera rolled, I became very nervous. a sound engineer once said he was able to pick up the sound of my thumping heartbeat. “Luckily, I had a lot of mentors. When I worked with roger Kwok, he generously shared his experience. He also understood my problems and would remind me to breathe and relax. Joe Ma also helped me a lot. He taught me to feel and hear the lines of my scene partner. “I never attended acting school, so I did not know the standard techniques, and I have yet to master how to control my facial muscles. But I can use my heart to feel for my character. I really enjoy acting, especially when I can live out someone else’s story.” Cheung says the most difficult thing for an actor to do is to relax and focus. She used to get distracted easily by the film crew, who could number 20 to 30, so she had to learn how to ignore them. Her favourite shows are twisted horror movies and thrillers, but recently she added musicals to her list like A Star is Born, The Great Showman and her most favourite, Moulin Rouge.

I realize my words and actions can inspire others; I feel quite special to be in this position.

用心感受 去年是張曦雯的豐收年,她憑《跳躍生命 線》中阿Man一角備受關注和讚賞,她說每次 演戲都會愛上角色,更試過煞科後因為不捨得 而哭起來,說到最喜歡的角色,她說暫時還是 阿Man,「此劇之前我有兩年沒拍劇,對上一 部是《律政強人》,那時甚麼都不懂,要求也沒 那麼高。阿Man的角色寫得太好了,第一次考 驗我演技,我盡力做到最好,用自己的性格去 演繹,用心去感受。」 碰面時她剛拍完《飛虎之雷霆極戰》,劇 中她飾演一位英國特工,跟黃宗澤和荷李活演 員Lee Pace最多對手戲,「這是我第一次以英 文演戲,角色以鬥智、美色為主,動作場面不 多,只有一場武打戲,我覺得很好玩,武指也 很好,將來有機會想多拍打戲。」學過打拳,又 有運動習慣的她形容自己四肢協調,感覺不會 太花拳繡腿,「我鍾意打電玩和看動作片,潛 移默化下,拍攝效果不錯。」她亦有興趣演搞笑 或者乞人憎的角色,「我覺得佘詩曼很優秀, 郭晉安和馬德鐘都曾大讚她,若有機會跟她合 作就好了。」


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“I’ve always thought that my singing technique wasn’t very good,” she says, “but Siu Hau taught me a lot, and I am much more confident now. She is really talented. I know I will probably never be as good as her, but singing helps me open up a new side of me, and it is a liberating experience to be able to express myself this way.”

近一年她因 登台需要跟鄧小 巧學唱歌,「我一 直覺得自己唱歌技巧很差,可是小巧給了我信 心,教了我很多東西。當然唱歌是她的天份, 我大概不能達到她的水平,不過唱歌是關乎心 理,放膽去唱便是。」

It is customary for actresses to be invited to sing on stage at parties, and Cheung has been taking singing lessons from Tang Siu Hau for the past year.

FeeLIng WITH THe HearT years of hard work seem to be paying off and Cheung has begun to reap the benefits. Ah Man, her character in Life on the Line, has received critical acclaim. She says she felt so attached to the character that she cried after the show ended. “Before this show, I didn’t act for two years. The one before that was Law dis-Order. at that time, I was still starting off, and didn’t have high expectations. Ah Man’s character was well written, and really tested my acting skills. I did my best by using my own personality to interpret the role.” at the time of our interview, Cheung had just finished Flyer Tiger II, in which she plays a British secret agent. She had many scenes with Bosco Wong and Hollywood actor Lee Pace. “This was the first time I acted in english,” she says. “The character is smart and beautiful, and there was even an action scene. The martial arts director was excellent, and I had lots of fun. In fact, I may be a little addicted now: I would love to do more of this in the future.” This isn’t surprising as Cheung is into boxing and has always been physically active. But there is one more reason for her penchant for action roles: “I like to play video games and watch action movies, so perhaps I am already living that role subconsciously, ha ha.” But Cheung also expresses an interest in playing a comedic character, or a mean antagonist: “I really look up to Charmaine Sheh because she is so versatile. roger Kwok and Joe Ma both have high praise for her. I think it would be great if I could have the opportunity to work with her.”

貼地親民 知名度愈來愈高,張曦雯說有好有壞, 「我發現我的言行能啟發別人,這份影響力很 難得,雖然也有令我不開心的地方,為何我做 正常人做的事情會被批評?買車和搬家會惹人 議論?為何我出街要掛著笑臉,不笑便被指黑 面?我惟有跟自己說這是工作一部分,有話題 性才代表我成功。」 提到曾被網民選為「最不討厭女藝人」,她 第一個反應是疑惑:「真的?我還以為有很多 人討厭我。入行以來我都想做自己,不希望被 這行的花花世界影響到。我不多朋友,身邊的 密友都是認識多年的,我常跟他們說,若果有 天我變了,記得要提醒我。我知自己的形象給 與人很高高在上的感覺,不笑的話又很惡,所 以有時都想讓大家多見到我真實、貼地的另一 面。」 她不時上網直播打電玩過程,「我自小已 常跟小我五年的弟弟一起打電玩,我很男仔 頭,喜歡較暴力的遊戲,感覺很痛快,你不覺 得打機很治癒嗎?我不開心的時候,第一件 想做的事便是打電玩,專注時會忘記其他事 情。不斷練習、射槍愈準,便可以升level、打 boss,很有成功感。」早前她在Youtube上直播 玩近期大熱的《Biohazard RE:2》,期間被喪屍 嚇到眼突突兼心跳加速,邊直播邊玩邊求教攻 略,吸引了數百網友追睇和熱心提供答案。 她也喜歡下廚,「在美國時,跟住在附近 的親戚們經常有聚會,我常為家人焗曲奇、煮 意粉,煮食是另一種治癒過程,焗完食物心情 都會變好!」在第三季《美女廚房》中,她就以大 熱的姿態兼近乎滿分的分數贏得了終極美女廚 神的獎項,她所烹調的菜色,令一眾嘉賓評判 食不停口。


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Cover Girl geTTIng CLoSe To THe PUBLIC There is no doubt that Cheung’s popularity is growing quickly and for her, that isn’t always a good thing. “I realize my words and actions can inspire others,” she says. “I feel quite special to be in this position, but fame also means my everyday life is scrutinized by the public. “I would get criticized doing things that ordinary people do, like buying a car or moving to a new home. and when I am caught on the street not smiling, people say I am mean and arrogant. I need to remind myself that this is part of my work. Being the centre of attention means people care about me.” as dubious an honour as it sounds, Cheung being voted “The Least Hated actress” is actually a good thing. Her first reaction was one of puzzlement: “really? I thought many people hated me. Since I entered this business, I’ve always wanted to be myself. I don’t want to be influenced by the fluff in this business. “I don’t have many friends, and my close friends are all ones that I have known for a long time. I always tell them if some day I become a different person, they have to tell me. I know that my appearance makes people think that I am aloof. and when I don’t smile, I look stern. I just want everyone to see my authentic, down-to-earth self, like when I am doing what I love best: video-gaming.” Cheung often livestreams herself playing video games, something she began doing with her brother, who is five years younger, when they were kids. “I am quite the tomboy, favouring games that are more violent,” she says. “I feel very happy when I am playing these games. don’t you think playing video games can be therapeutic? When I am upset, the first thing I want to do is to play games. When I concentrate on the game, I forget everything else.” She recalls livestreaming while playing the hot new game Biohazard RE:2 on youTube. She says she was so frightened by the zombies and desperate to beat them. Luckily, hundreds of web fans offered tips and advice. Cheung says cooking is her other favourite hobby. “When I was in the U.S., there were often gatherings at relatives’ homes nearby. I was always baking cookies, making pasta, etc. For me, cooking is another therapeutic process. My mood always improves when the food begins to come out of the oven.” In the third season of Cooking Beauties, she entered as the favourite and posted an almost perfect score in winning the title. The dishes were so good, the guest judges couldn’t get enough. That could well be said for her screen fans, too.

Shirt, pants, boots All Giorgio Armani


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Runway: paRis


PARIS: Fall/Winter 2019 秋冬巴黎的舞台是壯觀,是包容,是純 粹。回歸根本似是不少品牌的主題,熟 悉的輪廓細看之下卻是全新演繹,潮 流雖然褪去又重返,但從不會是重疊 的影子。 Right from the runways, luxury brands go back to their roots with a spectacular staging of style Story | Lucas Tang


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Dior飛女正傳 女權主義似乎已成為Maria Grazia Chiuri對Dior的詮釋。新季以Teddy Girl 為題,活用50年代英倫次文化,tartan 格紋、皮褸、漁夫帽配合Bar Jacket、 雪紡裙等品牌基因,擦出活力火花。

Feminism defines Dior under Maria Grazia Chiuri. Titled Teddy Girl, the collection evokes the english culture of the 1950s, rich in tartans, leather and chiffon.

Chanel 最後告別 品 牌 在 開 騷 前 為 K a r l Lagerfeld默哀一分鐘。隨著鐘聲 響起,女模踏雪帥氣出場,先是瀟 灑方格軟呢褲裝,繼而是民族風針 織,復古鮮色調的滑雪裝,並以純 白套裝作完場,Penelope Cruz穿 著毛毛短裙現身T 台,風采依舊。

Class, elegance and status are the style statements from this house. And, of course, a moment of silence in memory of Karl Lagerfeld.


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Runway: paRis Louis Vuitton 文化熔爐 Nicolas Ghesquière把巴黎Beaubourg區新舊交融的 文化氣息注入秋冬。80年代花俏印花拼湊立體ruffle,棉被 般大褸會襯tartan格紋,還有反叛biker的皮革單品,錯綜 複雜的碰撞,打造出引人入勝的新穎輪廓。 Nicolas Ghesquière injects a bit of the old and a bit of the new with Tartan coats and leather biker looks for a bit of rebellion.


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Runway: paRis ALexAnder McQueen 兒時回憶

新季靈感來自設計師成長的英國北 部,那裡設有不少紗廠,系列部分布料 也是來自當地,藉此宣揚英倫的製布工 業。造型上一貫的暗黑浪漫,精準剪裁 的西裝綴有不規則的下襬或金屬鏈飾, 繁花盛放的晚裝靈感則來自紗廠中的布 料堆。

Inspired by northern Britain’s textile mills, this collection is a celebration of the English fabric industry. From meticulously trimmed hemlines with metal chains to puffy evening gowns, the style signature is a strong one.


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自選喜愛的樂曲 歡度雞尾酒快樂時光 現場音樂表演(星期二至六)

Runway: paRis

chLoé 自由精神 嚮往自由的 Chloé 女生從神秘的領 域尋找靈感,系列包含了各種元素,英 姿勃勃的馬術及海軍制服配合格紋層 次,賦予現代節奏。解構剪裁粗織毛衣 與波希米亞式花裙成為了品牌新標記, 配合chunky首飾與方頭皮靴,形象格外 清新。

Free spirit is the inspiration for this season. The collection is rich with diverse elements from the suave uniform and deconstructed cable knits to Bohemian florals.


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Runway: paRis VALentino 詩心 Pierpaolo Piccioli把Valentino 幻化成一本浪漫詩集,將四位當代 詩人的詩句融入設計。新系列集結 高訂服的優雅與街頭元素,如將與 高橋盾合作的玫瑰圖案印於大褸、 帽衣及裙裝,綴上羽毛細節的雪紡 裙以現代色彩演繹,品牌浪漫猶 在,且更見貼地。

Pierpaolo Piccioli turns to romantic poetry to define his season’s style, infusing his latest collection with the elegance of couture blended with urban street smarts.


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Runway: Milan


MILAN: Fall/Winter 2019 Story | Lucas Tang

米蘭時裝大膽卻不嘩眾取寵,自由且造 工超凡,縱然相比起巴黎、倫敦激進之 地,驚喜上或有所欠奉,但那親切的風 格及奢華細膩的觸感,有時更合民心。 Milan fashion is always bold but never gimmicky. The collections seamlessly balance the classic with innovative interpretations that exude elegance with a splash of street-style rebel


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gucci面具背後 主帥Alessandro Michele看到面 具的雙重意義,有時躲在面具背後, 情感才得以赤裸呈現。新季品牌依舊 maximal,oversized西裝、怪誕校園 風、街頭配件、disco diva金屬色短 裙……配合鉚釘皮革面具,釋放原始 魅力。

Alessandro Michele goes for the max with the oversized suit, college campus style, street accessories and disco diva.

fendi似是故人來 Karl Lagerfeld雖已離世,但他 為Fendi建立的鮮明形象始終揮之不 去。線條硬朗的孖襟西裝及大褸、幾 何裝飾連身裙、透視雪紡裙和雷射切 割通花皮衣等……最搶眼的還是老佛 爺81年設計的Karligraphy logo,遍布 每個造型,是對大師的終極致敬。

Karl Lagerfeld has passed on, but his strong influence on this house lives on. The most eye-catching detail of all is the Karligraphy logo from 1981, which is carried through every element as the ultimate tribute to the late designer.


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Runway: Milan Bottega Veneta 新勢力 曾效力Celine、Maison Margiela的Daniel Lee接棒, 為這經典品牌注入了無比活力。活用多年傳承的皮革知識 及織皮藝術,以褶襇、夾棉等不同手法處理皮革,或是放 大Intreccio織皮,營造全新觀感,配合簡約性感的剪裁及 粗身金鏈點綴,緊貼年輕脈搏。

Daniel Lee, who was with Celine and Maison Margiela, took over this house this year to inject new energy into the classic luxury brand. Simple and sexy silhouettes with bold gold chain detailing aim for added urban appeal.


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Runway: Milan

Moschino 遊戲之夜 Jeremy Scott將大眾文化注入 Moschino,以電視遊戲節目為主題 的秋冬騷,五光十色堆砌出金錢味的 美國夢。女模的game show女郎妝容 配搭懷舊貼身鏤空裙,還有美鈔、雜 貨label、Troll doll印圖,以及狐狸飾 物人造皮草,誇張得徹底。

From game-show girl styling and the US greenback as icon, Jeremy Scott takes exaggeration to an extreme this season, satirically paying homage to the American dream.


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Runway: Milan Dolce & gaBBana 回到初衷

今季沒有大主題,系列當中 全屬品牌簽名式的風格,從男裝女 著、50年代性感睡衣、豹紋、印 花、西西里島的黑調……一幕幕經 典重溫,雖驚喜不大,但每件手工 繁多,依然令人讚嘆不已。

This house plays it safe this season with leopard and floral prints. No big surprise that every piece is a stunning work of art.


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Jil sanDer 流麗 由Lucie與Luke Meier夫妻檔領 軍的Jil Sander,新系列線條流暢柔 美,恤衫長裙配闊褲、拼布長裙、 毛毯tunic等造型,採用高級物料打 造,強調輪廓與質感。新季手袋亦 非常搶鏡,oversized tote、化妝 盒袋,以及結合皮盒與索繩袋的新 作,趣怪又耐看。

Designers Lucie and Luke Meier deliver a new collection full of fluidity. Dress shirts with oversized pants, jumpsuits and blanket tunics are all styled with advanced materials to accentuate shape and texture.


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fashion: the shoe


Spring in your Step Story | E

來到2019春夏,鞋履設計流行拼以 PVC透明物料、粗踭、搭帶或綴有羽 毛和閃石等女性化細節的款式,既可 大膽玩味,亦可選擇高貴優雅,穿出 獨一無二的時尚風格。 PVC is a favourite for spring and summer. So are block heels, straps, feathers and crystals—all bold choices to add the finishing touches to unique warm-weather stylin’

Marc Jacobs


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Miu Miu $1,080

Dior $1,700

rry lbe




Being TransparenT 由上年春夏延續下來的透視熱潮,連雙腳也要來一點性感 透視!今季不少鞋履設計注入年輕大膽的透明PVC物料,加添富 未來感的時尚元素。

seeing through to a sexy new perspective, pVC adds a touch of futuristic fashion to this season’s footwear.





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fashion: the shoe eF tor lva Sa o am ag err 0 ,70 $1 Kenzo $550


arChiTeCTural DigesT 怕駕馭不到「斗零踭」,但又難以抗拒高踭鞋的魅力?如積 木般穩健的粗踭鞋必定是最佳選擇!就如Chloé的民族感木製粗 踭鞋,既型格又能給你滿滿安全感。

Blocks are not just for kids. large, structural chunky heels are stomping their way in this spring and summer.

Givenchy $1,300


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fashion: the shoe Louis Vuitton $1,400

Hermès $1,100

wrap iT up 今季流行的搭帶扣環及綁帶款式同樣令人穿得 安心,能把鞋子扣緊,更展現大膽個性。如 Balenciaga般多層扣環的款式更是散發搖滾型格的 個性。 Ankle straps are a tried and true classic. so be bold with bondage.

Balenciaga Marni


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aTTenTion geTTers 羽毛、閃石、襉褶和窩釘等細節均能為雙腳增 添注目亮點。今季Max Mara綴襉褶的高踭鞋設計簡 潔又不失少女味,為沉悶的上班服注入高貴又時尚 的藝術色彩。

Feathers, minerals, pleats and studs are this season’s eye-catching details for the well-heeled.

Versace $2,310

Max Mara

Bally $1,180

Midnight 00 $1,210


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runway: louis vuitton


Street Style louis Vuitton reinterprets its menswear image under Virgil Abloh— and millennials can’t get enough Story | 冰汪 以往,很難想像頂級品牌會由一位沒有經過正統時裝 訓練,只有hip-hop及街頭背景的設計師領導。但今時今 日,只要夠紅,得到網絡世代追捧,誰都有機會,正如去 年上任Louis Vuitton男裝藝術總監的Virgil Abloh。 Virgil在美國出生,父母是加納移民,望子成龍下, Virgil乖乖在大學主修土木工程,畢業後再完成建築碩士課 程。但他心繫街頭,醉心DJ與滑板等街頭文化,並開始他 的時裝部落。有人把他推薦給hip-hop天王Kanye West, 二人一拍即合,Virgil很快便成為天王團隊創作總監。 累積了名氣,在2012年,Virgil創立了個人品牌Pyrex Vision,有Kanye West及A$AP Rocky等潮流巨星力捧, 爆紅易如反掌。Virgil乘勝追擊,翌年正式成立更具規模 和視野的Off-White。短短五年,憑著混合街頭與工業的風 格,Off-White氣勢一時無兩。在Kim Jones離開LV之時, 品牌石破天驚地邀請Virgil Abloh為男裝藝術總監。 視Raf Simons為偶像的Virgil,設計哲學亦帶點Raf的 實驗風格,不按高級時裝章法出招。首場時裝騷,他在巴 黎第一區的Palais Royale公園內,鋪設了一條彩虹天橋發 表以「We Are The World」為題的LV男裝系列。重燃八十年 代Michael Jackson、Lionel Richie的黑人火炬,聰明地套 用互聯網的世界觀,以時裝呈現四海之內皆兄弟。率先出 場的十七套衫,黑人男模清一色全白;之後,紅橙黃綠青 藍紫及各式圖案排隊出場。衣服輪廓方面,既有四四正正 的西裝大褸,同場不停穿插他的招牌工業系設計,在衣服 及長褲僭建了不同形狀的口袋,甚至製作了幾件多袋式腰 帶與疑似槍袋的配件小物。

It was once unthinkable that a hip-hop, street-style designer, with no orthodox fashion design training, could lead a premium brand. No longer. Meet Virgil Abloh—a red-hot talent with a strong online following—the artistic director of Louis Vuitton’s menswear collection. Born in the U.S. in 1980 to Ghanian immigrants, Abloh received a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering then a Master of Architecture. But his heart was with street culture: he loved DJ-ing and skateboards, so he started a fashion blog. He was discovered and recommended to the king of hiphop, Kanye West, and the two hit it off. Abloh soon became West’s creative director. His ensuing fame gave him the impetus to set up his personal brand, Pyrex Vision, in 2012. With West and A$AP Rocky among his fans, Abloh became an overnight sensation. The following year, he capitalized on the momentum to launch Off-white, a bigger and broader brand. Within just five years, the line took the world by storm with its hybrid streetand industrial-style. So when Kim Jones left LV, the brand made the stunning move of inviting Abloh to the house of LV.


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Knitted crewneck, $6,400

Windbreaker, $8,050 Pants, $1,300

Chain links necklace, $1,960 T-shirt, $1,230 Cargo pants, $1,810

Lambskin pants, $8,050 ELITEGEN

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runway: louis vuitton 彩虹天橋上,他設計了數之不盡的袋款及小 物,最吸睛是那個PVC幻彩旅行袋,完全不是過去 百多年的貴族款式,卻是今時今日千禧世代直豎 拇指的LV。深具生意頭腦的Virgil,當然明白客人 的需要,亦會以最傳統的monogram設計產品,僅 僅改變一下形狀,或者變成monotone,再加入工 業風的鐵鏈style裝飾,這正是他在show note所說 的3%twist,就可以將經典改頭換面。

Abloh holds Raf Simons as a role model, so his design philosophy bears some semblance to the latter’s experimental style, which goes against the norm of high fashion. In his debut show, Abloh launched his “We Are The World” collection on a rainbow catwalk set up at the Palais Royale in Paris. It rekindled the torch carried by African Americans of the 1980s like Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie. Applying the power of the online world, he cleverly used fashion to send a message about how the world could come together. The first 17 sets of the collection had dark-skinned models wearing all-white, followed by designs with all the colours of a rainbow in various prints and motifs. The most eye-catching of his accessories is an iridescent PVC travel bag, as far removed from the centuryold aristocratic designs of the brand as possible. It won the thumbs-up from today’s millennials. With a good business mind, Abloh knows what customers want. He reinterprets monogram designs with different shapes, or turns them monotonal and trims it with industrial-style chains. With, in his own words, a three percent twist, Abloh has given this classic luxury brand a bold new direction.

Cut away vest, $3,150 Pocket shirt, $1,300

Double breasted jacket, $3,800


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Utility gilet, $4,100

bridal guide: the dress


White Wedding 婚紗一般為白色的傳統可追溯至1840年英國 維多利亞女皇的婚禮,當時女皇穿著拖尾長達 18呎的白色婚紗,準新娘們爭相倣效並一直 流傳至今。來到今時今日,款式和風格當然是 百花齊放,多姿多采得多了。

From traditional to modern, today's bridal gowns run the gamut from sexy, body-hugging bold to feminine floral fantasy For more information, visit:

Oscar de la renta


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lela rOse, White tOrOntO


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bridal guide: the dress

ViktOr & rOlF


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Mira ZWillinger


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bridal guide: the dress

ViktOr & rOlF


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galia lahaV (caMilla), White tOrOntO


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bridal guide: the dress

Zuhair Murad (passia With Veil)


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Mira ZWillinger (lulu)


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bridal guide: the dress

reeM acra, White tOrOntO


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berta bridal, White tOrOntO


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bridal guide: the ring

Tiffany True Engagement Ring with a cushion-cut yellow diamond in 18k yellow gold, from $15,900


SymbolS of love The true value of an engagement ring eclipses its monetary worth Story | Chappie


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Tiffany & Co. Tiffany & Co.的六爪鑲嵌鑽戒原來已有 133年歷史,當年首創將鑽石以凸起方式鑲嵌 在指環外。所選用的均是萬中選一的高品質鑽 石,有著「眾裏尋它」的意義。 今年推出的全新Tiffany True訂婚鑽戒, 則呼應新世代的愛情觀,正如其藝術總監 Reed Krakoff表示:「現代愛情是非常個人 的,兩人相處的每分每秒創造出真摯的親密關 係。」Tiffany True訂婚戒指以線條俐落分明的 將英文字母「T」融入設計,展現品牌獨有的超 卓工藝與時尚現化風格。

Tiffany & Co.’s diamond-ring setting has been around for 133 years. it was the first jeweller to set the diamond high above the band. But there is nothing old School about the Tiffany True Engagement Ring introduced this year to echo the trends of the current generation. Says artistic director Reed Krakoff: “Love is the intimate relationship that is authentically created minute by minute when two people are together.”

Tiffany T True diamond link ring in 18k white gold/rose gold/yellow gold, each $1,650

Tiffany T True 18k ring in rose gold/ white gold/yellow gold, each $1,850


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bridal guide: the ring BuLgaRi Bulgari的Incontro d’ Amore 戒指上有兩道細緻的鉑金扭紋, 象徵永恆緊緊擁抱。中央圓形明 亮式切割鑽石可自選0.2卡或以 上,兩旁有碎鑽簇擁。

The incontro d’amore ring has two twists to symbolize a loving embrace. This ring is in platinum with a round brilliant cut diamond and pavé diamonds. available from 0.20 ct.

Van CLEEf & aRpELS 19世紀末,寶石商人的年青女兒Estelle Arpels遇上 寶石工匠的兒子Alfred Van Cleef,開展的不只是一段愛 情故事,更是經典珠寶品牌的誕生。出品的婚戒也瀰漫 著兩人的濃情蜜意和不變初心。

in the late 19th Century, the young daughter of a jewellery merchant, Estelle arpels, met the son of a jewellery craftsman, alfred Van Cleef. That fateful meeting resulted in not only a love story, but also the birth of the classic jewellery brand. The wedding ring that was produced as a result was, of course, full of sweet romance and unwavering love.


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ChaumET Chaumet當年是拿破崙的御用珠寶商,經常為他至 愛的約瑟芬皇后訂造珠寶,見證著他們的真摯愛情。後 來製作的Josephine系列,也特別採用冠冕線條,呼應 不朽的誓約。

Chaumet was napoleon’s own dedicated jewellery merchant, who often created custom-made pieces for his beloved Empress Joséphine. The Josephine Collection used the outline of a crown as a reminder of an unending oath between two.

CaRTiER Cartier Destinée求婚鑽戒中央的是圓形明 亮式切割鑽石,外圍以花冠式鑲嵌小閃鑽,別具 光芒。

The Destinée engagement ring has a round brilliant-cut diamond in the middle surrounded by a halo of smaller diamonds in the shape of a tiara.

RoyaL DE VERSaiLLES 想打造獨一無二的訂情婚戒,大可考慮選配有色寶石,將心思 意念告知設計師,由手工精湛的巧匠化為現實。無論是以四顆紅寶 石伴著GIA認證的圓形明亮鑽石,還是以黃鑽配搭枕形切割的白鑽, 均象徵著獨一無二的愛情。

unlike typical diamonds, colored stones are rare and have a unique story to tell. four perfectly matched rubies enhance a gia certified round brilliant diamond in this hand-crafted ring, symbolizing passionate love. The playful design of the radiant cut fancy yellow diamond paired with a cushion cut white diamond in a halo setting, promises you will always be best friends and lovers.


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bridal guide: the cake


Let them eat Whether tiered, flowered or goldleafed, today's creations are as stylish as the dress Story | Iris Chui Photography courtesy of Wedding, Butterflies: The Sweetest Dreams by Bonnae Gokson, Goff Books


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e 結婚蛋糕象徵著快樂、甜蜜、幸福,但原 來古羅馬時代的婚禮沒有蛋糕,而是在新娘頭 上撕開麵包,讓麵包屑跌到新娘身上和地上, 因為那時的人相信製造麵包的材料—小麥象徵 生育能力,麵包屑則代表著幸運。 這個傳統來到中世紀才有所改變,參加婚 禮的賓客會自攜甜麵包作賀禮,再將所有象徵 幸福的麵包堆起,讓新郎新娘隔著「麵包山」親 吻。之後一個糕點師傅靈機一動,將各種麵包 糕點加在一起,撒上糖霜作為裝飾,就成了現 在美味可口的結婚蛋糕。

Today, the wedding cake is a symbol of sweet joy and all things happily ever after. In ancient Rome, however, cakes did not play a part in weddings. Instead, bread was pulled apart to shower the bride with crumbs because wheat implied fertility and crumbs were blessings. This tradition was changed in the Middle Ages. Wedding guests brought sweet bread as wedding gifts. The bread was piled up into a small mount, over which the bride and groom would seal their love with a kiss. Then, a pastry chef had the brilliant idea of decorating the bread pile with a sprinkling of icing sugar. That aha! moment eventually evolved into the quintessential wedding cakes of today. ELITEGEN

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bridal guide: the cake


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BRIDAL GuIDe: the GLow


Luminous bride 要在大日子以最佳狀態示人,便需從深層清潔、提亮、保濕等多 方面入手,全方位喚醒亮白好氣色。 To look your best on your wedding day, it’s important to awaken the skin’s brightness through a deep cleansing and hydration regimen

潔淨肌膚 提亮膚色 過度潔淨,可能令皮膚應有的油脂都被洗走。建議選擇具 保濕精華成分的潔面用品及爽膚水,既可平衡油脂分泌,亦有 助改善肌膚彈性。

Cleansing to brighten skin repeated cleansing can have the negative result of removing essential oils from the skin, so use cleansing products and toners that contain hydrating ingredients. that way, not only will the naturally secreted oils be in balance, but the skin’s elasticity will also be enhanced.

Estée Lauder Nutritious Super-Pomegranate Radiant Energy 2-in-1 Cleansing Foam 125ml | $42

Chanel Le Blanc Essence Lotion 150ml | $95 全新的3合1亮白美容液含有珍貴的梅花萃取物、梅 花油和維他命 C 衍生物,提升肌膚的自然色調和 質感,煥發亮麗色彩。 Le Blanc Essence Lotion is a new three-in-one fresh and milky brightening lotion that leaves skin radiant and revitalized. Formulated with precious ume flower extract, ume flower oil and a vitamin C derivative, this lotion boosts the skin’s natural tone and texture to make it glow with vitality.


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二合一潔面泡沫蘊含極冷萃紅石榴超級莓果精華, 比舊配方高2倍濃度的紅石榴精華及高效抗氧化超 級苺果精華,能幫助肌膚排出污染物和吸收多餘油 脂分泌。 The precision-crafted super-pomegranate complex now has 2X the pomegranate concentrate. Infused with the pure essence of pomegranate and the antioxidant Super-Berry ferment, this dual-action cleanser can thoroughly detoxify skin of dirt and impurities, as well as purify for a more radiant look.

Lilah B. Aglow Face Mist, 30ml | $64 薰衣草精油滋潤薄霧,富含有益植物成分,包括結 草,無花果和蒲公英,舒緩和緊緻肌膚,抵禦環境 污染,還可用作定妝及煥發膚色。 This lavender-oil-infused hydrating mist is enriched with beneficial botanicals like knot grass, fig and dandelion extracts to soothe and firm the skin and defend against the environment. It can also be used to set makeup and refresh the complexion.

強化肌底 精華保養 面膜有急救缺水肌膚的作用,撕貼式面膜糅合了多種 修護精華成分,能瞬間滲透至肌膚底層;清洗式面膜則較為 方便,塗搽後可進行各類活動,適合生活繁忙的都巿人。選 取合適的面膜作定期保養,必定能預防肌膚乾燥現象。

preserve skin's youthful essenCe facial masks can have the immediate effect of restoring needed moisture. the tear-off mask combines many restorative essences and can instantly permeate the basal layer of the skin. the cleansing mask is more convenient to use. after applying it to the face, you can go about your business. Choosing the appropriate mask and regular skin care will certainly help to prevent dryness.

Neostrata® Hyaluronic Acid Micro Infusion Patches 2pcs | $25 透明質酸(Hyaluronic acid)猶如海綿般具有特殊的鎖水功效,可以改 善皮膚營養代謝,令本來呈現乾紋的皮膚回復平滑。蘊含100%純透 明質酸的貼片,能有效解決前額、眼角和咀角的乾紋問題。 Hyaluronic acid is a natural glycosaminoglycan found in the skin’s support matrix, as a moisture sponge to hydrate, plump and fill fine lines on the skin’s surface. The patches allow targeted application to problem areas like forehead creases, brow furrows, crow's feet and laugh lines.

Guerlain Honey Cataplasm Mask 4pcs | $150

Lancôme Advanced Génifique Yeux Light-Pearl™ Youth Activating Eye & Lash Serum 20ml | $89 Advanced Génifique Eye Light-PearlTM創新 亮眼肌底液是全新眼部及睫毛精華,配備 獨特的360° 環迴冰鑽眼睛和睫毛按摩棒, 能讓您的雙眸亮大及强化眼睫毛,使用一 個月,眼周肌膚更顯緊緻明亮,煥發年輕 神采。 Lancôme's new innovative eye serum with a 360o eye and lash massage applicator helps give you bigger, brighter, smoother eyes and stronger lashes. Now enriched with a Trio-Lash Complex of arginine, madecassoside and citric acid, you can see visible results in just one month.

蜂皇蜂蜜緊敷面膜蘊含高濃度配方,可將大量的活 性成分注入肌膚底層,有效撫平紋理,並擁有出色 的鎖水效果,特別適合乾性或混合性肌膚使用。 The royal honey is a clinging mask with a very dense formula. It can infuse the skin’s basal layer with a multitude of active ingredients and has the effect of smoothing wrinkles, as well as locking in moisture. It is especially good for dry skin.


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BRIDAL GuIDe: the GLow

亮白煥膚 告別暗啞 要回復亮白剔透的膚色,便得選用具提亮或美白作用的 修護產品。

remove dullness to restore the skin’s luminosity, choose a skin repair product that has the effect of brightening and lightening the skin.

Chanel Le Blanc Crème 50g | $160 集美白、滋潤和提亮作用的3合1亮白潤膚霜,能 提升肌膚健康淨澈光彩,為本來乾暗的肌膚注入水 分,快速回復狀態,顯得水潤有光澤。配合Le Blanc Sérum使用,效果更是相得益彰。 This three-in-one cream is an innovative brightening and moisturizing product. Designed with incredible purity, it infuses the skin with moisture and leaves it glowing with reflective radiance. It is also the perfect ally of Le Blanc Sérum, offering instant glow and long-lasting moisture, radiance and comfort.

Shiseido White Lucent Brightening Gel Cream 50ml | $88 質地柔滑的啫喱乳霜,賦予24小時全天候補濕功 效,有效改善色斑及暗啞和不均勻的膚色,讓肌膚 從內至外綻放更亮澤剔透光感。 This gel cream is refreshing, light and smooth. It corrects and preemptively targets the causes of dark spots and discolouration. Skin is left looking bright, vibrant and moisturized.


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Dior Prestige Light-in-White La Solution Lumière 30ml | $530 這款針對亞洲人皮膚的輕盈精華液蘊含Dior白玫瑰及 格蘭玫瑰的賦活再生力量,具有強效亮白功效,同時 有助促進肌膚的自然修復機制,消除肌膚敏感。 Specifically formulated for Asian skin, this lightweight dermo-serum combines the restorative properties of the Dior white rose and rose de Granville, offering powerful brightening action while helping to boost the skin's natural repair mechanisms to eliminate skin sensitivity.

bridal guide: the Scent


Scent-ual bride Story | Leslie Yip

高佻簡約的瓶身、俐落的線條配合剔透的漸變 設計,突顯白茶香薰的清麗。柔和的粉紅色和 溫潤的琥珀色反映每種香薰的個性味道。 Tall, refined bottles with clean lines and a whiteto-clear ombre design convey the simplicity of White Tea, while cream, soft pink and warm amber highlight each fragrance’s namesake scent. Eau de Toilette Spray 100 ml | $65, 50ml | $49 Pure Indulgence Body Cream 400ml | $36

在結婚這大日子,你會如何裝扮自己?從珠寶、鞋 履以至一些帶誘惑魅力的服飾,讓婚嫁顯得別樹一幟的方 式林林總總,然而最具個人特色的,其實是看不見觸不到 的—那便是結婚當日採用的香薰。 因此,很值得花點時間精心挑選婚禮日的香水,那不 僅是你當日散發的氣味,還將連繫到記憶中的味覺印象, 日後一聞到這氣味,便會馬上回想起這特別日子。 如何選擇婚禮日香水?最簡單的方法是從花束入手。 如果你會用帶香氣的花卉,例如玫瑰、山谷百合,或者橙 花,那麼帶有相同氣味的香水是最順理成章的選擇。也可 以因應季節、婚禮場地或者主題顏色等來考慮。關鍵是味 道不宜太濃烈,而且香味須能代表你的個性,令自己倍感 美麗自信。 其中一款廣受新娘喜愛的香水,是伊莉莎白雅頓於 2017年推出的White Tea(白茶)香薰,以清新怡人的花香混 合絲滑的溫柔,彷如呷著第一口新鮮沖泡的清茶。 白茶香薰新近為系列添加兩款新產品:白茶野玫瑰 (White Tea Wild Rose)以保加利亞及士耳其玫瑰配上 鮮梨,合成感性花束;白茶香草蘭花(White Tea Vanilla Orchid),以香草加上檸檬、佛手柑和薔薇。這些香薰固 然可以單獨噴灑身上,但如果想讓香味更獨特持久,最好 先塗上同系列的潤膚霜。

How are you accessorizing for your big day? From jewellery to shoes to something blue, there are so many ways to make your bridal style unique, but one of the most personal touches is actually invisible. It’s the perfume you will wear when exchanging vows. If you haven’t already given it some thought, take some time to choose your wedding-day fragrance. Not only will it add a sensual aura to your bridal attire, because sense of smell is closely linked to memory, a few spritzes of that perfume in the future will immediately evoke memories of your special day. How do you choose your wedding scent? An easy way is to take inspiration from your bouquet. If you are including scented flowers—like roses, lily-ofthe-valley, or mock orange blossoms—a perfume featuring the same scents would be a natural choice. You might also take inspiration from the season, the setting, or the theme colours. The key is not to choose something too overpowering, and the scent should also speak to you personally, making you feel beautiful and confident. One favourite scent for brides is White Tea by Elizabeth Arden. Launched in 2017, it is a refined and uncomplicated essence with crisp and vibrant florals and a lingering silky warmth—like the first sip from a fresh cup of tea. This April, two new editions will be joining the experiential collection. Sweet, delicate White Tea Wild Rose is a sensual bouquet of Bulgarian and Turkish roses crowned with fresh pear, while White Tea Vanilla Orchid is a more opulent indulgence of vanilla infused with bright hints of lemon, bergamot and quince. The scent can be worn individually or, for a more personalized blend, can be layered with the collection’s complementary body creams.


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BRIDAL guIDe: the tRIp


Loving Land and sea Refined resorts and culinary choices makes Los Cabos a Cancun for grown-ups Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Simon Boucher-Harris 在地圖尋找Los Cabos並不難。從北美洲西岸的溫 哥華作起點,向下移經過西雅圖、三藩市及洛杉磯,然 後移至半島的最南端,便是墨西哥的Los Cabos。


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Imagine tracing your finger along the map of North America’s West Coast: We start in Vancouver, moving down past Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles, all the way to the southernmost tip of the peninsula. This is where you’ll find Los Cabos, Mexico.

雙城記 Los Cabos被太平洋及科爾特斯海的海岸線包圍,並由 兩個沿海小鎮San Jose del Cabo及Cabo San Lucas組成, 名字亦因此而來。San Jose del Cabo的鵝卵石路、黏土建 小屋、藍花楹樹及17世紀的廣場,充滿古鎮風情;Cabo San Lucas本來是一個小漁村,時至今日已成為當地最大的 運動垂釣、觀鯨及其他水上活動的碼頭。 兩個城鎮由全長32公里的臨海長廊連接,可找到多間 世界級的度假酒店及冠軍高爾夫球場,成為國內最豪華及 最紅火的度假勝地之一。 其地理位置及氣候絕對是吸引遊客的原因。Los Cabos 是Baja California沙漠的一部分,不像坎昆或佛羅里達州的 熱帶氣候,而是沙漠氣候(換句話說,蚊蟲較少!)。冬天 溫度一般由攝氏14度至26度,非常舒適,而夏天的最高溫 度約30度。加上一連350日都陽光普照,最適合愛日光浴的 朋友。

Twin capes Nestled between the coastlines of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez, the name actually refers to the two cape towns it encompasses: historic San Jose del Cabo, with its cobblestone streets, adobe houses, jacaranda trees and a square that dates from the 17th century; and Cabo San Lucas, which started as a small fisherman’s village and has grown to become the area’s largest marina for sports fishing, whale watching and other water sports. The two towns are linked by a 32km shoreline corridor lined with worldclass resorts and championship golf courses, forming one of the country’s most luxurious and rising-star tourist destinations. Its attraction has much to do with its location and climate. The area is part of the Baja California desert, which means unlike Cancun or Florida, the weather in Los Cabos is not tropical but desert-like (read: less mosquitos). Winter temperatures are a comfortable 14°c to 26°c, and summer highs hover around 30°c. And for those looking to get a tan, there’s sunshine 350 days a year.

Cabo San Lucas的El Arco是Los Cabos最著名的景觀。這座巨型石拱正正位於太平 洋及科爾特斯海 (Sea of Cortez) 的交匯處,又名為Land's End (陸地的盡頭) 。要欣賞 這這座石拱最好當然是坐船,當地有不少觀光團可供選擇,部分更順道遊覽石拱旁的 私人沙灘Lover’ s Beach。 The most distinctive landmark of Los Cabos is El Arco in Cabo San Lucas. The rugged stony outcrops mark where the Pacific Ocean meets the Sea of Cortez. Also known as Land’s End, it is best viewed from a boat. Chartered tours are widely available, and often include free time on the private and secluded Lover’s Beach next to the arch.


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運動垂釣的天堂 由於臨近太平洋及科爾特斯海,Los Cabos有著豐富 的海洋生態。事實上,Los Cabos被稱為全球馬林魚的首 府。爆發力驚人的馬林魚體重由50至300磅不等,對每位 釣手來說十分有挑戰性。每年十月中旬,Cabo San Lucas 都會舉辦全世界最高獎金的馬林魚垂釣大賽Bisbee’ s Black and Blue,優勝者可獲數百萬元的獎金。 當 地 海 域 亦 可 找 到 顄 鰍( M a h i - m a h i , 又 稱 Dorados)、太平洋馬鮫魚(Pacific Sierra,又稱Sierra Spanish Mackerel)及黃鰭吞拿魚。釣到魚的話,當地很多 餐廳都提供catch and cook服務,替你把魚穫煮成美味的 晚餐,酸醃魚生、日式魚生、烤製或香炸都是不錯的烹調 方法。 碼頭有各種漁船出租,最好事先預約,特別是旺季 (由十月至一月)。租金方面,可載二人的23呎船,5小時 收費$200,可承載12人的遊艇則為$5,000。記得問清楚租 金是否包括船員、魚牌、釣魚用具、魚餌、飲食以及酒店 接送。


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A PArAdISe FOr SPOrT FIShINg Flanked by the Sea of Cortez and the Pacific Ocean, the waters surrounding Los Cabos are rich with marine life. In fact, Los Cabos is known as the world’s capital of marlins. These super-charged fishes weigh from 50 to 300 pounds, and are a thrill to catch. every year in mid-October, Cabo San Lucas hosts the world’s highest paying Marlin tournament, the multi-million-dollar Bisbee’s Black and Blue. Mahi-mahi (also called dorados), Pacific Sierra (also called Sierra Spanish Mackerel), and Yellowfin Tuna are also found in abundance. If you are lucky to catch some, many of the restaurants around the marina offer a “catch and cook” service, and will turn your catch into dinner. Think ceviche, sashimi and grilled or fried dishes. A wide range of fishing boats are available for charter at the marina, but it is best to book in advance, especially during the busy season (from October to January). Boats can range from $200 for five hours for a 23-footer for two people to $5,000 yachts that accommodate a dozen. Be sure to check whether boat crew, fishing licence, fishing equipment, live bait, food and drink, and hotel transportation are included in the price.

成年人的坎昆 Los Cabos擁有全球最豪華的酒店。長廊上70多間酒店中,超過 八成屬四星及五星酒店。 在最近舉行、有旅遊業奧斯卡之稱的Travvy Awards頒獎禮上, Los Cabos一口氣囊括5個大獎,包括最佳奢華度假目的地、最佳美 食度假目的地及最佳水療及健體度假酒店等。 Los Cabos到處散發著奢華高檔的氣息,難怪大家把它喚作「成 年人的坎昆」。這個別名指的不單只是鎮上的氛圍,更代表了當地 的美食。午餐,於Blue Marlin Ibiza的池畔,在至潮的音樂下品嚐一 客醃海鮮拼盤或墨西哥taco。晚餐,不妨於Gastro Bar享受出色的 tasting menu,餐廳由名廚Martin Berasategui主理,他旗下的餐廳 共已在米芝蓮摘下10粒星。 該處現有不少酒店進行翻新及整修,亦有不少全新酒店落成開 業。 Nobu Hotel Los Cabos是2019年其中一間令人期待的新酒店, 由影星羅拔迪尼路及名廚Nobu Matsuhisa攜手建成,設計特色是用 上當地本土物料,呈現當代日式簡約風尚。另Vidanta East Cape帶 來全世界最大的鹹水泳池,Villa Valencia則有自己的漂流河,而全新 的四季酒店會為住客提供完善的設施、水療中心及無敵靚景。

CANCuN FOr grOWN-uPS Los Cabos enjoys a reputation for including some of the best and most lavish properties in the world. In fact, 80 per cent of the more than 70 hotels in the Los Cabos tourist corridor are four or five-star properties. In the latest Travvy Awards, the Oscars of the travel industry, Los Cabos scooped five trophies, including Best Luxury destination, Best Culinary destination and Best Spa & Wellness resort. The upscale and sophisticated atmosphere earns it a nickname: Cancun for grown-ups. This moniker refers to both the refined atmosphere at the resorts as well as its culinary calibre. By day, you can enjoy a light seafood ceviche and taco poolside lunch swinging to the coolest tunes at Blue Marlin Ibiza. By night, treat yourself and indulge in a tasting menu experience at gastro Bar by Martin Berasategui, who boasts 10 Michelin stars under his belt. renovations, improvements, and grand openings are happening throughout the rest of the year. Notable 2019 openings include Nobu hotel Los Cabos, a partnership between actor robert de Niro and Chef Nobu Matsuhisa that blends contemporary Japanese minimalism with locally-sourced materials. Vidanta east Cape will feature the world’s largest salt water pool, Villa Valencia has its own lazy river, and the new Four Seasons promises generous amenities, luxurious spa services and marvelous views.


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(photo: Julieta Amezcua )

說聲 「我願意」 半島上獨特的沙漠及海景,加上無與倫比的天氣,令Los Cabos成為婚禮及蜜 月勝地。根據2017年的旅遊業調查指出,當地遊客中每10人就有1人前來結婚或度 蜜月。 每間酒店都各有特色,要揀到最適合自己的一間,最好當然是先視察環境。超 豪全包式海濱度假酒店Paradisus Los Cabos,耗資數百萬元翻新後於2016年重要 開業。酒店專門為正籌劃婚禮的準新人提供Love At First Site套票,讓他們可在婚禮 前先參觀酒店,視察環境及品嚐美食。如果準新人最終決定在酒店舉行婚禮,可獲 回贈用於婚禮上。 酒店去年成為Leading Hotels of the World(世界頂級酒店)成員酒店之一,他 們計劃為酒店增加一些國際知名的藝術品,令文化氣息更濃厚。酒店的浪漫團隊會 協助準新人選擇適合的婚禮組合,包括小至6人的小型派對以至度身設計的大型私 人酒會及晚宴。查詢詳情可電郵至。

SAYINg “I dO” The exotic desert-to-sea setting of the peninsula and its unrivalled weather naturally makes it a prime choice for destination weddings and honeymoons. In fact, according to a 2017 tourism survey, one in 10 visits to Los Cabos was for a wedding or a honeymoon. every resort has something unique to offer, and to ensure that you have made the right choice, the best way is to first pay a visit. Paradisus Los Cabos, an ultraluxe all-inclusive beachfront property that opened in 2016, after a multi-million dollar renovation, has a Love at First Site package for those planning a destination wedding. They recommend you visit the resort, see the locations, taste the menu and feel the vibes prior to the big day. In turn, the wedding couple will receive a credit towards their wedding day. The resort was awarded membership to the prestigious Leading hotels of the World last year, and they are planning on bringing a number of internationally acclaimed art installations to enrich the cultural experience at the resort. They have a dedicated romance Team who help couples choose from packages that range from intimate parties with as few as six guests to elaborate custom celebrations with private cocktail and dinner receptions. For more information, email 86

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Me Cabo酒店內最大及最私密的套房SUITE ME,最適合準新娘或準新郎跟好友舉行告別單身 派對。兩層的雙套房各有king size大床,兩個寬敞 的露台更可欣賞美麗海景。面積達498平方米(接近 5,000平方呎)的套房設計獨特,私人平台上提供hot tub、沙灘椅、可燃點火堆、更有DJ打碟區帶來你 喜歡的音樂。還有彈球遊戲機及桌球檯,保證盡興 而返。

For bachelor/bachelorette parties, Me Cabo’s largest and most exclusive Suite Me comprises two separate king bed units on two levels with two spacious terraces and spectacular ocean views. unique in its category, it measures 498 m2 (almost 5,000 sq. ft.), and its private terraces provide a hot tub, a lounge bed, and a space for a log fire as well as a dJ booth. There is also a pinball machine and pool table to guarantee fun for everyone.


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living: interior design


Oasis in the city Brooklyn apartment with breathtaking views of nyc Story | Livian Wu Photography | Eric Petschek


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Abraham Chan

坐落紐約市布魯克林威廉斯堡中心地帶的大型公 寓裡,設計師Abraham Chan以充滿藝術感的室內設計 概念,在擁擠的紐約市裡騰出一個令人喘息的創意空 間。 公寓為複式單位,面積共5,098平方呎,俯瞰著曼 哈頓河流區,以宏偉的橋樑作為背景,美景如詩似畫。 室內採用大都會風格的設計,滲入低調且優雅的奢華元 素,讓人感覺到家的溫暖。 設計靈感主要來自於鎮區本身新舊融合之特色, 設計師捕捉時代變遷的真實性和藝術文化,妥貼地混搭 到家中成為活生生的設計。

Toronto-based interior designer Abraham Chan brought a calm, airy feel to this roomy apartment in Brooklyn’s hip Williamsburg neighbourhood. With breathtaking views of NYC, it provides a relaxing oasis for a busy lifestyle. This 5,098 sq. ft. duplex offers up the East River and Williamsburg Bridge as a real-time backdrop. Chan injected metropolitan design elements with a low-key luxury tone to enhance the unit’s cosy feel. Inspired by the neighbourhood’s artistic and cultural evolution, Chan brings the district’s modern and traditional concepts to life. One floor blends warm blue and grey textures, tones and shades, which generate a sense of tranquility in the bedroom. The other floor takes on a modern white complexion to accentuate the substantial space of two terraces and open kitchen. Terraces feature Restoration Hardware’s wooden outdoor furniture and a custom-built Jacuzzi. What better way to enjoy a glorious sunset overlooking lower Manhattan’s skyline. ELITEGEN

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living: interior design

真實的大橋和河水作為臥室背景,與室內的藍色配搭得天衣無縫。 A tranquil master bedroom with a backdrop of the East River and Williamsburg Bridge.

現代風格的廚房連接著優雅別緻的飯廳,飯廳的大型 藝術作品大大增加了觀賞性。 The modern kitchen connects with an elegant, stylish dining room.


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公寓下層空間採用了暖灰的紋理和恬靜雅淡的藍,上 層則使用富現代感的純白色調,突顯廚房和兩個露台大方寬 敞的環境。其中一個露台設有按摩浴缸,配搭Restoration Hardware的傢俬,營造出一個閃亮的空間,坐看紐約的壯麗 落霞。 主臥室選用鮮艷的藍色調,與背景中的Williamsburg大 橋互相呼應。臥室背靠著哈德遜河的美麗景色,呈現出柔和 夢幻的寧靜氣氛。一張簡約精緻的睡床、大理石製的床頭 櫃,配搭時尚的白色長座椅,打造成恬靜的休憩空間。 客廳的大型梳化出自設計師Piet Boon手筆,加上由 Frederick Sieck設計的復古椅子、ABC Home品牌的咖啡 桌,配搭粗線條的織物,營造出悠閒氣息,感覺輕鬆舒適。 公寓裡還擺放了不少本土藝術家的當代作品,像飯廳的 大型抽象藝術作品是由Sarah Irvin設計,觀賞性極高。

It’s hard not to imagine this apartment as a real-life replica of Christian Grey’s luxury suite in the movie Fifty Shades of Grey, with the master bedroom’s natural wood bed frames, plus various colour shades in pale blue, brown, beige and white. The fabulous view, plus the elegant white marble bedside tables and geometric monotone paintings create a dreamy atmosphere. The wide and soft grey sofa in the living room was designed by Piet Boon. Along with Frederick Sieck’s retro chairs, ABC Home’s natural wood coffee table and gentle knitted fabric, the space is not just laid-back and bright, it’s warm and welcoming.

於露台一邊浸浴一邊欣賞城市美景,一樂也! Enjoy a fabulous Manhattan sunset in the Jacuzzi.


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「善之光慈善晚宴」善款創新高 Time to Shine Gala soars to new heights Story | Kenson Ho Photography | VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation

2019年 《善之光慈善晚宴》 籌募的善款再破記錄,達到驚人的$5,363,000。 The 2019 Time to Shine Gala broke all records, raising an amazing $5,363,000.


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由溫哥華綜合醫院暨卑詩大學醫院基金會舉辦的第五屆Viva Pharmaceutical「善之光慈善晚宴」,2月9日於Fairmont Pacific Rim 酒店舉行,超過450位賓客都驚艷場館內裝飾之美,眾人齊心作善 舉,籌募得破紀錄的善款。

美夢世界 溫哥華綜合醫院暨卑詩大學醫院基金會的亞洲策略副總監Kitty Cheung說道:「單獨的夢想可能止步於一個夢想,但共同的夢想則 可以將之實現。美夢世界的靈感來自集體的力量。通過『善之光慈善 晚宴』,激發賓客夢想未來,並一起將這個夢想變為現實,一起實現 晚宴的籌款目標。晚宴通過獨特的裝置設計並融入五感,創造了一 種身臨其境的感官體驗。」 2019年度Viva Pharmaceutical「善之光慈善晚宴」籌委會由 Westbank首席運營官Judy Leung擔任主席:「過去兩年裡,我很榮 幸能夠主持最負盛名的城中盛會,因為這是極之鼓舞人心的經歷。 我從來沒有想像過有機會學習和了解醫院的醫療保健需求,以及跟 其他成員一起為卑詩省做出這樣的改變。工作人員、義工、委員會 成員、支持者和捐助者的奉獻精神,令我體會慈善事業的真正意 義。感謝所有實現『外科展望』計劃的人。我密切期待跟團隊在未來 其他項目上一起繼續成功。」

Viva Pharmaceutical’s fifth-annual Time to Shine Gala, in support of the VGH + UBC Hospital Foundation, once again brought glamour to the city. Upon arrival at the Fairmont Pacific Rim ballroom, more than 450 guests marvelled at the stunning beauty of the décor. The Feb. 9 gala was an evening never short on sensational impact, including the raising of record-breaking funds.

DReamSCaPe “a dream you dream alone is only a dream. a dream you dream together is reality. Those are the words of Kitty Cheung, associate director of asian Strategy, VGH + UBC Hospital Foundation, who went on to say: “Dreamscape is inspired by the power of the collective. Through the vision, goals and passion of the guests of the Time to Shine Gala, the fundraising goals can be fulfilled. “By designing unique installations and incorporating the five senses, Dreamscape has created a sensory immersive experience. Time to Shine 2019 will inspire guests to dream of what the future holds and, together, bring that dream into reality.” Westbank COO Judy Leung said it had been an honour to chair the Time to Shine committee for the last two years, calling it “an inspiring experience.”

善之光慈善晚宴。 Welcome to Time to Shine Gala.


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晚宴前有優美芭蕾舞蹈演出。 Pre-dinner ballet performance.

「外科展望」計劃 晚宴收益將用於多階段的「外科展望」計劃,為温哥華綜合醫 院和卑詩大學醫院帶來最好的外科手術之技術和儀器。這包括在 這兩間醫院進行大規模的翻新工程、重建手術室和外圍手術室、 縮短手術輪候時間及優化康復情况。籌得的善款亦會用作支持温 哥華綜合醫院暨卑詩大學醫院基金會最迫切的需求,購買重要儀 器和資助最具影響力的研究工作,以提高對患者的醫療護理質素。 溫哥華綜合醫院暨卑詩大學醫院基金會總裁兼首席執行官 Barbara Grantham表示:「『外科展望』計劃將會打造一個最先進 的外科設施,以加强處理緊急和已排期的外科手術的容量,能夠 更完善地配合患者的需求。感謝各善長的慷慨支持,讓醫療專家 能夠做到他們最擅長的事—拯救和改善生命。」

溫哥華綜合醫院暨卑詩大學醫院基金會總裁兼首席執行官Barbara Grantham。 Barbara Grantham, president and CEO of VGH + UBC Hospital Foundation.

“I appreciate this opportunity to learn so much about the healthcare needs of our hospitals and how we can all contribute to make such a difference to British Columbians. The amazing dedication of the staff, volunteers, committee members, supporters and donors has truly taught me what genuine philanthropy means. Thank you to everyone who has made the Future of Surgery possible. I can’t wait to see what other successes these groups can achieve together.”

THe FUTURe OF SURGeRy CamPaIGn Proceeds from the event will go towards the Future of Surgery campaign, a multi-phased initiative bringing the best surgical technology and equipment to Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) and UBC Hospital. This includes extensive renovation projects at both locations that will revitalize operating rooms and peri-operative spaces, reduce surgical wait times and optimize recovery. Proceeds will also support VGH + UBC Hospital Foundation’s most Urgent needs fund, enabling the purchase of critical equipment and funding of high-impact research to advance patient care.

善之光慈善晚宴籌委會由Westbank首席運營官Judy Leung擔任主席。 Judy Leung, chair of the 2019 Viva Pharmaceutical Time to Shine Gala. 94

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“The Future of Surgery campaign is supporting the creation of state-of-the-art surgical facilities, building capacity to better meet patient demand for both emergency and scheduled surgeries,” said Barbara Grantham, president and CeO of VGH + UBC Hospital Foundation. “Thanks to donor support, we are enabling our medical experts to do what they do best — save and improve lives.”


Exclusive culinary delights

由2位米芝蓮星級廚師—Ryan McCaskey和Fairmont Pacific Rim的行政總廚 Glenn Thompson設計。

Created by Two-Star Michelin chef Ryan McCaskey and Fairmont Pacific Rim’s executive chef, Glenn Thompson, the sumptuous dinner included:

第一道菜:油甘魚配珍寶大蟹 配酒:2017年Gehringer Brother Desert Sun–加拿大奧肯納根 Course #1 – Hamachi and Dungeness Crab Wine: 2017 Gehringer Brother Desert Sun – Okanagan, BC

第二道菜:雉雞意大利雲吞 配酒:2017年Bernard Magrez Douce Vie–法國 Course #2 – Pheasant Ravioli Wine: 2017 Bernard Magrez Douce Vie – France

第三道菜:和牛後腿肉 配酒:2011年Chateau De La Croix–法國波爾多 Course #3 – Wagyu Beef Tri-tip Wine: 2011 Chateau De La Croix – Bordeaux, France

甜點:千層純巧克力配24K金箔 配酒:2005 Tenuta Di Trecciano Vin Santo Del Chianti DOC–意大利 Dessert – Textures of single-origin coverture chocolate with 24 carat gold Wine: 2005 Tenuta Di Trecciano Vin Santo Del Chianti DOC – taly


The Live Auction

1. 雙人到訪位於比利時的La Maison Delvaux,並享用米芝蓮星級食肆盛宴 之旅。成功競投價:$29,000

1. Exclusive access to La Maison Delvaux & Dine Michelin-Star in Belgium for two. Successful bid: $29,000

2. 親身體驗駕駛法拉利之樂,並獲得名貴時尚的法拉利椅子。 成功競投價:$18,000

2. Exclusive Ferrari Experience & Ferrari Chair. Successful bid: $18,000

3. 尊享M8餐廳佳餚和陳年佳釀,兩位成功競投者:$ 60,000x2

3. Exclusive M8 Dining Experience with Vintage Wine. Successful bids (2): $60,000 x 2

4. 尊享名廚David Hawksworth創作的豪華盛宴配以Versace Home 獨家精品餐具。成功競投價:$36,000

4. Versace Home & Private Dining, created by David Hawksworth and an exclusive gift. Successful bid: $36,000

5. 蕭邦限量版女裝鑽石腕錶,成功競投價:$55,000

5. Chopard Limited Ladies Diamond Watch. Successful bid: $55,000







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大廚Ricardo捧著其中一道最受 歡迎的菜式—冰川海鮮拼盤。 Chef Ricardo with Ancora’s alltime favourite—Glacier.

特色日系秘魯菜 AncorA Ambleside 展翅進駐西溫 Ancora spreads its wings to West Vancouver with Ancora Ambleside Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Ancora Ambleside


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蟹肉考薩薯餅,配上糖心雞蛋。 Crab causa topped with a soft-boiled egg.

秘魯是南美洲一個充滿神秘色彩,擁有悠久古文明歷史的國家。 它令人聯想到亞馬遜森林、馬丘比丘,以及前哥倫布時期的遺跡和文 化寶藏。秘魯菜式亦以出類拔萃見稱,近年更獲國際飲食評論家推舉 為全球新興美食。秘魯多個地區都各自有其傳統,擅於採用當地食 材,創製別具風格的菜式。而來自日本、中國、非洲、西班牙和意大 利的移民,亦為當地的飲食文化帶來不少影響。19世紀末,當日本移 民抵達秘魯,Nikkei日系菜式從此誕生。現時的秘魯美食,雖然加入 了不同飲食文化的風格,但仍保留著其傳統。

融入本地元素 三年前,《星尚》訪問了Ancora,首家在溫哥華主打日系秘魯菜的 餐廳,他們把兩種看似風馬牛不相及的菜系和諧地結合,更貼心地加 入了西海岸風味,迎合本地人口味。 經驗豐富的主廚Ricardo Valverde來自盛產海鮮的秘魯首都利 馬,十多年來不斷改進,為Ancora創出獨特美食。多年前,他在列治 文史蒂夫斯頓村的炸魚薯條店工作時,已深深愛上烹飪這個行業,不 但在加拿大著名的Dubrulle Culiniary Institute接受法國烹飪教育,之 後更獲取糕點和麵包文憑。

Peru is a country with a fascinating and colourful history. It evokes visions of the Amazon rainforest and Machu Picchu, along with a rich Inca heritage. It is also a country that represents centuries of people living in harmony with nature. As well, in recent years, international food critics have defined Peruvian fare as an emerging cuisine worldwide. There are many regions in Peru, each with exquisite dishes based upon local traditions and ingredients. The country’s cuisine has also been influenced by immigrants from Japan, China, Spain and Italy. Nikkei fushion cuisine was born with the arrival of Japanese immigrants at the end of the 19th century. Three years ago, eliteGen featured Ancora, the first Vancouver restaurant to fuse Peruvian and Japanese cuisine, while incorporating the bounty of the West Coast. Executive chef Ricardo Valverde is originally from the Peruvian capital of Lima, a city with a rich seafood tradition. He brings more than a decade of progressive culinary experience to Ancora. He got his calling when he started working at a fish’n chips shop in Steveston Village, then went on to receive his culinary education at the prestigious Dubrulle Culiniary Institute of Canada. There, he studied French cooking and then went on to receive a pastry and baking diploma. ELITEGEN

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Valverde為Ancora注入新能量,使之成為溫哥華其中一 家獨特高檔海鮮餐廳。最近,《星尚》在西溫哥華的全新分店 Ancora Ambleside,訪問了大廚Ricardo Valverde。 eliteGen:為甚麼決定在西溫Ambleside開設分店? Valverde:我們在福溪地區的首家餐廳取得成功後, Grosvenor Ambleside與我們接洽,希望把Ancora帶入他們 新的海濱物業。分店自1月開業以來,得到西溫Ambelside社 區大力支持,讓我們感到非常興奮。 eG:請形容一下Ancora Ambleside的裝飾概念。 Valverde:與溫哥華的SmartDesign集團合作設計, Ancora Ambleside設有104個座位,為客人提供寬敞的空 間。沿海風格的空間既寧靜又精緻,以低調的航海圖案設 計,例如模仿漁夫捕網的優雅燈光。柔和的藍色配合,加上 淺木系的觸感,反映著城市與天然海濱的溫暖。設計師亦打 造了一個像劇院般的開放式廚房和酒吧,讓客人與廚師和侍 酒師團隊互動,又通過高高的天花板和窗戶,展現餐廳的全 景空間。 eG:菜單有何特色? Valverde:我們提供與福溪總店餐廳相同的菜單。靈 感均來自傳統的Nikkei日系風格料理,融合了秘魯和日本的 風味和食材。我喜歡把自己的個人風格注入所有菜餚,亦盡 可能使用本地的海鮮和食材。你可以把菜單形容為西岸的日 系風格。

At Ancora, he breathed new life into the restaurant and turned it into one of the best and unique high-end seafood restaurants in Vancouver. Recently, eliteGen visited Chef Ricardo Valverde at the new Ancora in West Vancouver – the Ancora Ambleside. eliteGen: Why was the decision made to open the new branch at Ambleside? Valverde: Following the success of our first False Creek location, we were approached by the Grosvenor Ambleside development to bring the Ancora brand to their new waterfront property. It all started there, and here we are now. We couldn’t be more excited to be in Ambleside, and the West Vancouver community has been so supportive since we opened in January. eG: Please describe the décor concept of Ancora Ambleside. Valverde: Ancora Ambleside offers guests 104 seats in an expansive dining room designed in partnership with Vancouver’s SmartDesign Group. The coastal-inspired space is serene, yet sophisticated, and features subtle nautical motifs throughout, including elegant lighting designed to look like a fisherman’s net. Soft blues are complemented by a neutral colour palette and touches of light wood that reflect the warmth of the city’s natural waterfront. The design team also created a theatre-like open kitchen and bar that invites guests to engage with the chef and sommelier teams and showcases the space’s sweeping panoramic views via high ceilings and windows. eG: How about the menu? Valverde: We are offering the same menu as our False Creek location. It is inspired by traditional Nikkei cuisine, a blend of Peruvian and Japanese flavours and ingredients. I like to put my own personal touch on all of the dishes and use local seafood and ingredients when possible. You could describe the menu as a Nikkei style with a West Coast approach.

Causa考薩薯餅是秘魯地道名菜。 Causa is a classic Peruvian dish.

秘魯組合 – 燒魚、小椰菜頭和炸番薯條。 A Peruvian combination – grilled fish, brussel sprouts and yam fries 98

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高樓底和偌大窗戶,盡情展現室外秀麗景觀。 The interior design showcases the space’s sweeping panoramic views, via high ceilings and windows.

eG:開業以來,Ancora的菜單有否改變? Valverde:開業時,菜單偏向食客較熟悉的西岸路 線。但我們的客人已經變得更大膽嘗試,而且相當喜愛日本 和秘魯風格,所以現在日系菜餚在菜單中佔了主導地位。 eG:有甚麼招牌菜式? Valverde:我們的生肉小食、酸汁醃魚和秘魯考薩薯 餅,都非常受歡迎。特別是包括新鮮的貝類、魚生、酸汁醃 魚和秘魯考薩薯餅的冰川海鮮拼盤。還有蝦和龍蝦燴飯配醃 檸檬和毛豆、秘魯紅椒香煎黑魚配魚湯燉的白蘿蔔和胡麻羽 衣甘藍,以及秘魯經典的鴨肉飯配香辣芝士醬汁。 eG:總店與分店的客戶喜惡,有分別嗎? Valverde:我們提供一個不僅是在溫哥華,而是在加 拿大的獨特用餐體驗。兩間餐廳的客人都很欣賞我們走的路 線,以往北岸的常客要過橋到總店,現在他們很高興沒這必 要,交通更加方便。 eG:談到烹飪,你從哪裏獲得靈感? Valverde:我從多方面汲取靈感,例如閱讀食譜、與 太太一起旅行,以及跟我的團隊交談。

eG: How has the menu of Ancora evolved since its opening? Valverde: When we first opened, the menu had more of a familiar West Coast approach. As our guests have become a little more adventurous and embraced the Japanese-Peruvian style, our Nikkei dishes dominate the menu. eG: What are some of your signature dishes? Valverde: From our crudo bar, ceviche and causa dishes are very popular, as is our Ancora Glacier – our signature seafood platter featuring a range of fresh shellfish, sashimi and ceviche and causa. Other popular dishes include Shrimp and Lobster Risotto with preserved lemon and edamame, Aji Panca Glazed Sablefish with dashi-braised daikon and kale gomae, and Arroz con Pato (a Peruvian classic) with rice and duck and huancaina sauce. eG: Is the clientele different between the two restaurants, in terms of likes and dislikes? Valverde: We offer a very unique dining experience, not only in Vancouver, but in Canada. Guests at both locations appreciate what we’re doing and experience the menu the same way. Some regulars that used to cross the bridge to see us now don’t have to. They’re very happy to have a location closer to home. eG: When it comes to cooking, where do you get your inspiration from? I draw inspiration from a variety of sources — reading cookbooks, trips with my wife and conversations with my team. Ancora Ambleside 1351 Bellevue Ave., West Vancouver 604-926-0287


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wine not? BourBon


East mEEts WEst Legent Bourbon is a first-of-its-kind collaboration between two celebrated whisk(e)y legends Story | Leslie Yip

Legent波本威士忌5月起於加 拿大多個地區有售,卑詩省 則由6月起有售。750ml建議 零售價為$62.95。 Legent Bourbon is available in most of Canada this month and in British Columbia in June. Suggested retail price for 750ml is $62.95.

這晚,紐約公共圖書館一片悄靜,並不是圖書館管理員要大 家噤聲,而是在場二百位衣冠楚楚的賓客都屏息靜氣,等待一睹首 款混合日式釀酒技術的波本威士忌Legent Bourbon的廬山真面目。 這個晚上絕對是Beam Suntory酒廠一個重要的里程碑。2014 年日本威士忌大師Suntory收購位於肯塔基、一直專注釀製波本酒 的Jim Beam釀酒廠,Beam Suntory從而正式成立。兩大酒廠合併 後,一直共同推廣明星產品如Bowmore蘇格蘭威士忌及Suntory角 瓶威士忌(Suntory whisky Kakubin)等,但粉絲等了又等,終於等 到兩大酒廠合力打造的非凡之作。 兩位大師級釀酒匠人包括:美國傳奇威士忌釀酒大師Jim Beam的曾孫Fred Noe,以及日本威士忌釀酒大師福與伸二,後者 便是「山崎」、「白州」及「響」這些日本著名威士忌名字背後的靈魂 人物。(註:日本人跟加拿大及蘇格蘭一樣,把威士忌的英文串成 whisky。)

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There is a different kind of hush inside the New York Public Library tonigh—not the kind enforced by a watchful librarian, but from 200 well-heeled guests collectively holding their breath in anticipation of the unveiling of Legent Bourbon, the world’s first Japanese-blended bourbon. The evening marks a significant milestone for Beam Suntory, created in 2014 when Japan’s pioneer whisky producer, Suntory, acquired Jim Beam distillery, the world leader in bourbon, based in Kentucky. Since the merger, they have been marketing their iconic products, like Bowmore Scotch and Suntory whisky Kakubin under the joint banner, but thirsty fans had to wait until now for a true merging of expertise by the two internationally-acclaimed distilleries. It is a tale of two masters: American Master Distiller Fred Noe, great grandson of legendary whiskey producer Jim Beam, and Master Blender Shinji Fukoyo, the talent behind Yamazaki, Hakushu and Hibiki, the world’s most sought-after Japanese whisky. (Note: in Japan, like in Canada and Scotland, whisky is spelled without the “e”).

在紐約公共圖書館舉行的Legent Bourbon發布會。 Beam Suntory launches Legent Bourbon with a gala event at the New York Public Library .

《星尚》 有幸獲邀出席於紐約公共圖書館舉行的發佈會,同場出 席的貴賓包括前美國駐日本大使Caroline Kennedy。 eliteGen was honoured to be invited to the gala launch at the New York Public Library, together with such prominent guests as Caroline Kennedy, former U.S. ambassador to Japan.

日本釀酒大師福與伸二(左)於2009年獲擁有120年歷史的Suntory選為混酒大師,是這家酒廠 第四位獲此殊榮的釀酒師;Beam釀酒廠的波本威士忌產量佔整個肯塔基的三份之二,而Fred Noe(右)正是Beam釀酒廠家族的第七代釀酒大師。 Shinji Fukoyo (left) was bestowed the title of Master Blender by Suntory in 2009, and is the fourth person to earn this accolade in the company’s 120-year history. Fred Noe (right) is a seventh-generation Beam Family Master Distiller; the Beam family distilleries account for more than two-thirds of all bourbon produced in Kentucky.

融合東西方的釀酒技藝,把兩個文化的差異完美呈現。舉個 例子,波本威士忌一般不會與其他酒混合,並且必須放於炭燒橡木 酒桶內進行熟成。但Legent波本威士忌則以Kentucky Straight波本 酒為基礎,然後在葡萄酒及雪莉酒桶中進一步熟成,最後由福與伸 二施展其精妙的混酒技藝。

This East-meets-West collaboration is meant to celebrate the differences between two cultures. For instance, bourbons are generally not blended and are aged in charred new oak casks, but Legent Bourbon starts as Kentucky Straight Bourbon, which is then aged in wine and sherry casks before Fukoyo steps in to wield his blending magic.

Suntory控股集團首席執行官Takeshi Ninami說道︰ 「Legent是 東、西方文化的完美結晶,向世界展現出創新非凡的頂級佳釀。這 款波本酒秉承Fred及Beam家族值得驕傲的釀酒傳統,同時呈現福 與伸二備受讚譽的調酒藝術。」

“Legent is the perfect articulation of the amazing things that can be achieved when two great cultures come together as one, sharing a unified vision to bring true innovation and best-in-class spirits to the world,” says Takeshi Ninami, CEO of Suntory Holdings. ”This bourbon honours Fred and the Beam family’s proud traditions, while showcasing Shinji’s awardwinning blending capabilities.”

Legent波本威士忌色澤呈暗金色又帶暗紅,有著辛香與煙燻 香氣,而蜜棗及提子乾更賦予甜香。純飲或拌以其他波本雞尾酒亦 可,每一口都是非凡享受。

The rich golden liquid with red undertones has a balanced nose of spiciness and smokiness, sweetened with dates and raisins. It can be enjoyed neat, or mixed into your favourite classic bourbon cocktails.


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Garden of eden dale Chihuly is the ‘darling of Glass’ Story | Iris Yim Photography | Johnny Liu

不少人到西雅圖旅遊,大多數只往Space Needle,其實,Space Needle 下的玻璃展覽館Chihuly Garden & Glass更是不容錯過。

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Chihuly擅於利用玻璃透光的特性,再以射燈聚焦,塑造出舞台效果。 Chihuly exhibit a stage-like experience. 有藍天和Glass House作背景,這黃橙色系的玻 璃樹比真正的秋林來得更斑斕多彩。 A blue sky and glass house are the perfect backdrop for this bright yellow tree.

Chihuly Garden & Glass是展現美國知名當代玻璃雕塑藝 術家Dale Chihuly作品的展覽館,除有十個不同題材的展區,還 有一個高四十呎的玻璃房及花園外的室外展品。Chihuly先後畢 業於西雅圖University of Washington、Madison的University of Wisconsin及Rhode Island的Rhode Island School of Design, 創作的玻璃藝術品曾在世界各地展出並獲超過200間博物館收藏。 Dale Chihuly擅長以玻璃這剛堅的材料來表現流水、花瓣等 柔軟質感,玻璃特質的不可能在他手中成為了許許多多的可能, 把玻璃從作為器皿的固有用途中解放出來,在他與熱溶而充滿可 塑性的玻璃物料周旋的瞬間,在吹打揉揑拉撕折疊的功力下,玻 璃可以是有靱度的、有張力的、流動的,成為了如此可塑可變的 物料。

Chihuly Garden and Glass is a permanent installation of the works of renowned American glass artist Dale Chihuly. The exhibiton displays 10 different journeys, plus a 40-metre glass room and various outdoor garden exhibits. Boasting a strong academic background, Chihuly obtained a BA in interior design from the University of Washington in Seattle, an MS in sculpture from the University of Wisconsin, where he studied glassblowing, and an MFA in ceramics from the Rhode Island School of Design. His pieces have been exhibited around the world, including more than 200 museums. Chihuly’s works feature various free-flowing forms with limitless possibilities. He can skillfully pipet, knead and fold hot fluid glass into masterpieces, which have captivated the art world.


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設置在花叢中的玻璃針葉樹。 Glass conifer in the grove.

光線透過Persian Ceiling折射下來,讓人有如置身海底世界。 An underwater world created by the Persian Ceiling.

設置在花叢中的玻璃針葉樹。 Sculptures grow in the garden.

77歲的Dale Chihuly在太平洋西岸的Tacoma出生和成 長,Puget Sound海底的神秘世界是他的創作源頭;而他母 親燦爛多姿的後花園及清淺池塘中的微型世界,又被他誇 張和組合了,這都是是藝術家對成長記憶的反饋。在展覽 館裡的作品,Mille Flori是叢林伊甸園;Sealife Room裡水 生動植物充滿寧謐神秘;Persian Ceiling的琉璃走廊,利用 頂光透下來,把池塘裡水世界的清清淺淺表露無遺;還有 Ikebana and Float Boat滿載玻璃球和歡樂的童話之旅,每 一個被藝術家放大了的巨形彩色琉璃球,儼然是我們童年 時把玩過的彈珠,剎那間兒時的歡樂記憶也被勾起。以上 的一切一切,全部都是他以玻璃物料,經水和火溶鑄粹鍊 而成的夢幻世界。藝術家更擅於利用光影及聚焦手法,為 觀眾呈現舞台效果般的體驗。 花園外,比樹還要高的琉璃樹成蔭,比松杉還要拔挺 的玻璃針葉樹就隱藏在一排真的針葉叢後,被陽光折射成 如幻似真的樹影,好像在告訴你—「童話世界在這裡」。

視覺味覺雙重享受 Chihuly Garden & Glass展館內的餐廳Collections Cafe也是參觀時必到之點。這家餐廳的裝飾品大部分是 Chihuly的藏品,屋頂上掛滿了手風琴。這裡的每一張桌子 都在玻璃板下布置了各自的主題收藏,這張桌藏的是聖誕 裝飾,那張桌收的是各式舊款手提電話 …… 餐廳牆上的三 十六張大畫更是Chihuly的手筆。

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Sealife Tower的水世界。 A waterworld in the Sealife Tower.

充滿藝術氛圍的餐廳Collections Café。 The Collections Café.

Born and raised in Tacoma, Wash., the 77-year-old Chihuly was inspired by the secret underwater world of Puget Sound. While growing up, he was also fascinated with his mother’s colourful backyard and miniature pond. The exhibition is divided into rooms, all with a completely different experience. For example, the Mille Fiori is like a jungle of Eden; mysterious plant life and water in the Sealife Room; the Persian Ceiling creates a magical underwater experience; and Ikebana and Float Boat are a joyful fairy tale filled with huge, colourful glass balls, reminiscent of childhood marbles. Chihuly has essentially created intriguing journeys through his imagination, presented like a theatrical stage experience.

FooD SEnSE A stop at the Collections Café in the Chihuly Garden and Glass pavilion is a must. Most of the art in the restaurant are from Chihuly’s collection, including 36 large abstract paintings and a roof covered in accordions. Each table has its own decorated theme of collages. Chihuly Garden and Glass 305 Harrison St., Seattle 206-753-4940


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Seal of approval Munich’s exclusive ‘purveyors club’ includes tobacco, food and fashion recognized the world over Story | Marc Atchison | TraveLife magazine

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驟眼看,慕尼黑這家位於皇宮旁的Max Zechbauer Tabakwaren煙草店跟中央廣場附 近其他精緻的建築物沒有兩樣。唯一不同之 處,是這家小店的玻璃門上有著巴伐利亞盾形 紋章(Bavarian Coat of Arms)。這個皇室印章 表示煙草店是當地國家認可的皇室御用供應商 (Königlich Bayerischen Hoflieferanten),是只 有向皇室提供優質貨品的工匠及店舖才獲授的 銜頭。 我才疏學淺,不知道原來德國曾經有皇室。 導遊Werner Hillermann說:「巴伐利亞帝 國曾經由古老貴族Wittelsbachs家族統治,直 至路德維希三世(King Ludwig III)於1918年被 廢除皇位為止。皇室雖然已經不存在,但巴伐 利亞公爵Franz仍然是皇宮的主人。」Werner將 會帶我穿梭於慕尼黑老城如迷宮一樣的橫街窄 巷,尋找這些隱世御用小店。 巴伐利亞帝國於1918年沒落,當時遍佈巴 伐利亞的44家御用店舖中,有14間至今仍屹立 不倒,雖然供應商不再「御用」,店外的皇室印 章繼續閃耀。經歷多個世紀,店家對手藝及質 素仍然執著。

The small tobacco shop standing in the shadow of this city’s fairytale Royal Palace looks like all the other charming buildings surrounding Munich’s main square. The only thing that distinguishes the stylish shop from the rest is the Bavarian Coat of Arms emblazoned on its frosted glass entrance. The royal seal tells passersby that the Max Zechbauer Tabakwaren (tobacconist) is among a select group of Munich stores recognized as Königlich Bayerischen Hoflieferanten (Royal Bavarian Purveyors to the Court). It’s a title bestowed on craftsmen and shops that supply fine goods to the royal household. I didn’t even know Germany had a royal family. “The House of Wittelsbachs ruled the Kingdom of Bavaria until 1918 when King Ludwig III was deposed,” says Werner Hillermann, a local guide who agrees to lead me on a hunt to find the unique “purveyor” shops, which are usually hidden in the labyrinth of small alleyways, passages and narrow streets that dominate Munich’s charming Old Town. “The kingdom is no more but Franz, the Duke of Bavaria, still rules over our Royal Palace,” says Werner. When the Bavarian kingdom ended in 1918, so did the need for the Royal Purveyors. However, most of the “purveyor” stores—there’s 44 scattered throughout Bavaria and 14 still reside in Munich—continue to display the royal seal like a badge of honour. The one thing that has not changed over the centuries, though, is the quality and craftsmanship of the wares offered at those shops.


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Mirko Pettene跟兒子Rico (右) 於歐洲最大的保濕煙室內。Max Zechbauer煙草店仍然由家族經營,客人包括歐洲的皇室貴族。 Mirko Pettene and his son Rico (right), stand in the largest humidor in Europe in the Max Zechbauer tobacco shop, which has been family run for centuries. It still attracts the kings and queens of Europe’s royal court.

導遊推開重重的木門,我們一同走進煙草店,著裝整潔的年輕人 Rico Pettene立即向我們問好。他是家族第七代成員,煙草店於1830 年開業,由1886年起開始向皇室供應上等雪茄、煙斗及威士忌。 過去數個世紀,店內的客人名單全是歐洲各國的皇室貴冑,瑞 典及英國的皇室成員至今仍有光顧。英國皇室亦會向一些當地的優 質商店授予Royal Warrant的皇室認證,准許他們在門外展示刻有By Appointment of Her Majesty The Queen字樣的英女皇盾形紋章。 即將出發來到加拿大入讀大學的Rico及其父親Mirko,興奮地帶我 們走入全歐洲只此一家的步入式的「雪茄盒」。 這個大型雪茄盒是一個保濕煙室,裡面充滿煙草香,層架上放滿 一盒盒名牌手工製雪茄。由Sir Winston Churchill曾經吸食過的大雪 茄,以至看起來像嬰兒手指的迷你雪茄都一應俱全。所有雪茄有一個 共通點,就是價值不菲。 Mirko Pettene說︰「我們最貴的一支雪茄售210歐元(約加幣 $325),數日前才有一位華裔客人買了一整盒。」。他更驕傲表示其店 被業界刊物及雪茄專家一致評為「歐洲最佳的煙草店」。 煙草店吸引了很多華裔富豪及俄羅斯客人,亦有荷李活名人。 Rico說:「阿諾舒華辛力加及摩根費曼也是我們的熟客。著名球會拜仁 慕尼黑的球員間中亦會光顧。」 我以為最優質的雪茄都來自古巴,Mirko立即糾正我。「古巴近年 出現土壤侵蝕問題,現時最優質的雪茄都來自多明尼加共和國及尼加 拉瓜。」 我跟著兩父子走,經過多個酒桶,裡面釀製的是罕見的單一麥芽 威士忌,還有一桶桶冰用來冷凍魚子醬。沿窄窄的樓梯向下走,便來 到展示人手製煙斗的陳列室。 「煙斗又再次成為熱潮,華人對此更特別感興趣。」Mirko拿著一支 造工精緻的煙斗說:「這支售一萬歐元(約加幣$13,500)。」 Rico亦急不及待展示他父親私人珍藏的雪茄盒。這些雪茄盒由來 自美國、被譽為業界搖滾明星的Daniel Marshall設計。

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My guide pushes open the large wooden door guarding the tobacco shop entrance and on the opposite side, a nattily-attired young man named Rico Pettene greets us. He’s the seventh generation of his family to welcome people to the shop, which officially opened in 1830. It started delivering top quality cigars, pipes and whiskies to the royal doorstep in 1886. Over the centuries, a Who’s Who of European royals have crossed the distinguished shop’s threshold and still come today from kingdoms like Sweden and Great Britain. The latter recognizes similar British shops who sell high quality items and awards them a Royal Warrant, permitting them to display the Queen’s Coat of Arms under which is engraved the familiar words: “By Appointment of Her Majesty The Queen.” Rico, who is about to head off to a Canadian university is joined by his father, Mirko. The two excitedly lead us into “the only walk-in humidor in Europe.” The sweet smell of quality cigar tobacco fills the giant humidor whose shelves are crammed with boxes of handmade cigars bearing world famous labels. There’s big ones—the size Sir Winston Churchill once smoked—and small ones that look like stubby baby fingers. All have one thing in common—a high price tag. “Our most expensive cigar sells for 210 euros (about Cdn$325) each and a Chinese customer bought a whole box of those a few days ago,” says Mirko, who proudly proclaims “our shop is regularly voted the best of its kind in Europe” by industry publications and cigar experts. The cigar shop attracts a lot of wealthy Chinese and Russian customers, along with Hollywood royalty. “Arnold Schwarzenegger and Morgan Freeman are regular visitors,” says Rico, who adds that members of the city’s world-renowned soccer club, Bayern Munich, also drop by from time to time. When I presume the best cigars come from Cuba, Mirko quickly corrects me. “Cuba has actually been having a lot of problems with soil erosion in recent years so the best cigars are now produced in places like the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua.” The pair leads me past crates of rare single malt whiskies and giant bowls of ice, where the world’s best caviar is being chilled, to a narrow staircase. In a room below is where the shop’s collection of beautiful handmade pipes are displayed.

「Daniel不僅是熟客,更是我們的朋友,」Mirko邊說邊欣賞手 上的木製雪茄盒,盒蓋設計嵌入一條世界重量級拳王腰帶。「這 是Daniel送給我的禮物。」 店內亦出售設計獨特的巴拿馬草帽,最適合雪茄愛好者在 室外吞雲吐霧時穿戴。 位於附近的Ed Meier鞋店是另一家皇室御用老店,於1596 年開業,是歐洲最歷史悠久的鞋匠作坊,由1895年起成為皇室 御用供應商。 Meier的貴客不單只有巴伐利亞皇室,他們的鞋履更獲柏林 的德國皇帝垂青,因此該店是慕尼黑少數可展示兩個皇室認證的 店舖。 Max Zechbauer亦提供煙斗,深受華裔富豪歡迎,他們每逢到訪慕尼黑都必定光顧。 The Max Zechbauer tobacco shop has a fine collection of pipes popular with the Chinese.

鞋店仍然維持家族式經營,現由Brigitte Meier及其胞弟 Peter Edward掌舵,業務同時伸延至高檔男、女時裝。 「瑞典皇帝不是前兩天才來過嗎?」Werner試圖向Brigitte探 口風,不過Brigitte絕不透露客人名單。 唯一從她口中聽到的名字是阿諾舒華辛力加:「因為他到處 告訴別人自己在這裡買鞋」。 「我們的鞋履及服裝都以品質見稱,不少顧客是家族幾代 人也幫襯我們。」Brigitte邊說邊向我展示鎮店之寶—綠色絲綢襯 裡,姊弟倆更用它設計了有名的呢絨外套。 Meier製作的每一雙皮鞋都是依據客人的腳形製造,不但舒 適而且耐穿一輩子。「正因如此,我們的皮鞋吸引來自世界各地 包括美國、加拿大、英國及歐洲各國的客人。」

Max Zechbauer也有售優質魚子,影星摩根費曼及阿諾舒華辛力加是店內熟客。 The tobacco shop also sells the best caviar and counts actors Morgan Freeman and Arnold Schwarzenegger among their regular clients.

Meier的員工更會舉辦工作坊,教大家為皮鞋打蠟的正確方 法,可見他們對待皮鞋的認真程度。

“Pipes are coming back in style, especially among the Chinese. This one sells for about 10,000 euros ($13,500 Cdn),” says Mirko, while holding a beautifully polished pipe with a unique design. Rico is also anxious to show me his father’s private collection of humidors designed by American Daniel Marshall, the rock star of his trade. “Daniel is not just a regular visitor to our shop, he’s our friend,” says Mirko while running his hands over a beautiful wooden humidor with a world heavyweight boxing title belt embedded in the lid. “Daniel presented me with this as a gift.” The shop also sells expensive, one-of-a-kind Panama straw hats, the perfect attire for cigar smokers, who usually puff outdoors.

煙草店同時有售雪茄愛好者最愛的巴拿馬帽,每頂索價過千元。 Panama hats that cost thousands are also available as they are a favourite of cigar smokers.

Another member of the exclusive purveyor’s club is the nearby Ed Meier shoe shop, Europe’s oldest shoe store—it opened in 1596—and a royal purveyor since 1895. Meier’s was not just a supplier to the Bavarian Royal Family. It also sent shoes to German kings in Berlin and thus is among the few purveyor stores in Munich that can display two royal coats of arms. Still family run by Brigitte Meier and her brother, Peter Edward, the shop has branched out to include high-quality men’s and ladies’ fashions. “Wasn’t the king of Sweden in your shop just a few days ago?” Werner asks Brigitte, who guards her client list quite closely. The only name she’ll surrender is “Arnold Schwarzenegger, because he tells people he shops here.”

Ed Meier鞋匠作坊是歐洲最古老的鞋店,它於1596年開業,自1895年起獲皇室御 用認證。鞋店現時由Brigitte Meier跟弟弟掌舵。他們的皮鞋根據客人的腳形度身製 造,保證舒適。 The Ed Meier shoe shop is Europe’s oldest shoe store—it opened in 1596—and a royal purveyor since 1895. Brigitte Meier (above) now oversees operations with her brother. The shop, it is said, makes the finest shoes in the world.

Generations of families keep coming back to “our store because our shoes and clothing are so well made,” says Brigitte, who proudly shows me the shop’s trademark Kelly green silk lining that goes into the famous tweed jackets that the sister and brother help design. Meier’s shoes are made to fit each person’s foot like a glove and most last a lifetime. “We have regular customers who come from the U.S., Canada, England and all over Europe,” says Brigitte. Shoes are serious business in this shop: Meier’s staff conduct seminars on the proper way to shine the leather masterpieces.


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travel: germany 路德維希二世被稱為「古堡建造者」,因為他在位之時在巴伐利亞興建了多座皇 宮,對室內擺設要求極高的他,是第一位頒發皇室御用印章之人。 其中一家經常為路德維希二世供應精緻配飾的店就是Ludwig Beck Shop,它現時 位於Marienplatz,與結婚蛋糕形狀的市政廳為鄰。 Ludwig Beck於1861年開業,以售賣鈕扣、絲帶及流蘇為主,因為獲路德維希二 世的青睞,於1867年起成為皇室御用供應商。 Ludwig Beck現提供多個高檔設計師品牌,是不少華人最愛的購物熱點。Werner 更告訴我,原來世界上其中一幅最早為人認識的相片,就是從Ludwig Beck的頂樓拍下 Marienplatz的全景。 美食方面,皇室最愛Alois Dallmayr的芝士、蛋糕、肉類、蔬菜及咖啡。當地人把 它簡稱為Dallmayr,餐廳於1700年開業,及後於1870年成為皇室御用供應商,現已是 全歐洲最大的熟食店。 論餐廳大小及食物種類,慕尼黑的Dallmayr絕對可媲美倫敦地標Harrods百貨公司 的美食廣場,無時無刻都人頭湧湧。Dallmayr出售的咖啡亦被喻為「巴伐利亞最佳的咖 啡」,若想光顧,務必要提早訂位。 當年Dallmayr亦同時向柏林的皇室提供美食,因此入口處可見兩個皇室御用認證。

King Ludwig II, known as the “castle maker” because he built so many palaces throughout Bavaria during his reign, was the one who granted the first purveyor seals because he wanted only the best trimmings for his homes. One of the stores he relied on most for elaborate decorations was the Ludwig Beck shop, which still stands next to Munich’s magnificent wedding cake-style City Hall in Marienplatz. Ludwig Beck opened in 1861 selling buttons, ribbons and tassels, and in 1867 was awarded a royal crest because Ludwig II liked the materials they made. Known now for its high-end designer clothing lines, which draws lots of attention from the many well-heeled Chinese tourists, Werner tells me one of the earliest known photographs was taken of the sprawling Marienplatz from Ludwig Beck’s roof. When the royals got hungry, they called on Alois Dallmayr to supply them with the finest cheeses, cakes, meats, vegetables and coffee. Now known simply as Dallmayr, the shop that was awarded its purveyor seal in 1870—it actually opened in 1700—has grown to become the largest delicatessen in Europe. The fashionable Munich store rivals the famous Food Hall at London’s landmark Harrods department store for size and variety, and on most days it’s crowded with locals and tourists. The coffee sold here under the Dallmayr brand is regarded as the best brew in Bavaria, and the onsite restaurant requires reservations to be made well in advance of your visit. Dallmayr also shipped its products to the royal court in Berlin and so, too, proudly displays two coats of arms at its entrance.

慕尼黑的精緻建築物在歐洲數一數二。 Munich is home to some of the most beautiful buildings in all of Europe.

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慕尼黑的市政廳猶如童話世界的建築,佇立於當地主要廣場 Marienplatz,多家皇室御用供應商就在附近。 Munich’s charming Cosy Hall looks like it jumped off the pages of a fairytale. It dominates Marienplatz, the city’s main square where many of the royal purveyor shops are located.

Parfümerie Brückner Bublits在設計香水瓶身時以皇室為藍本。香水店於1893年開業,於1905年獲皇室御 用認證。 Parfümerie Brückner Bublits designs their perfume bottles with the royal family in mind. The perfume shop opened in 1893 but only got its royal seal in 1905.

以下是其他我在慕尼黑到訪過的皇室御用供應商: • 為皇室提供香氛的香水作坊Parfümerie Brückner Bublits。香水店於1893年開業,直至 1905年成為皇室御用供應商,由1903年起便於現址營業至今。 • 皮革作坊Roeckl製作優質皮包、皮手套、銀包及圍巾。Roeckl於1839年開業後不久便 成為皇室御用供應商。他們採用來自南美的皮革來製作皮包及手套,店舖現時仍然由Roeckl 家族掌舵,Annette Roeckl是第六代主帥。俄羅斯遊客對Roeckl的圍巾特別情有獨鍾,相比起 Hermès,Roeckl圍巾的售價十分相宜,據說俄羅斯遊客一買便十條。 • 於1873年開業的Eilles Coffee Shop同年便獲皇家御用認證。路德維希二世最愛店內香 濃的咖啡,至今仍十分出名。Eilles提供12種咖啡,另有茶、熱朱古力、優質餐酒、威士忌、 蛋糕及曲奇。嗜甜的朋友在店內肯定可以大快朵頤。店員Frau Mangold說當地人最喜歡店內 的墨西哥咖啡,不過茶亦愈來愈受歡迎,尤其來自斯里蘭卡及台灣的茶葉。我嘗過檸檬胡椒 茶,清新的果香十分有驚喜。咖啡店的蛋酒亦十分出名,歐洲各地的人聞名前來購買,復活 節期間特別受歡迎。 到訪慕尼黑的皇室御用供應商們,絕對不枉此行。

Other purveyor visited during my Munich stay include: • Parfümerie Brückner Bublits, counted on to make the royals smell good. The perfume shop opened in 1893 but only got its royal seal in 1905. It’s been operating out of the same location since 1903. • Roeckl, maker of fine handbags, leather gloves, wallets and scarves. The shop dates back to 1839 and almost immediately was awarded a royal seal. The leather used in the making of their bags and gloves is imported from South America and the store remains in the hands of the Roeckl family: Annette Roeckl is the sixth generation to head the operation. Russian tourists especially like Roeckl’s scarves, which are surprisingly affordable when compared to Hermès, and have been known to buy 10 at a time. • Eilles Coffee Shop got its royal seal of approval the same year it opened in 1873. Ludwig II liked the store’s strong coffee, which it’s still famous for today. Eilles offers 12 varieties of coffee and has branched out into teas, chocolates, fine wines, whiskies, cakes and cookies. It’s a one-stop shop for your sweet tooth. A staff member, Frau Mangold, tells me her Munich customers like the shop’s Mexican coffee blends the most, but says in recent years teas, especially those from Sri Lanka and Taiwan, have become very popular. People come from all over Europe to buy the shop’s famous eggnog liquor, which is very popular at Easter. One visit to any of Munich’s treasured purveyor shops will no doubt earn your seal of approval. Max Zechbauer Tabakwaren, 10 Residenzstraße, +49 89 29013026 Ed Meier, 10 Brienner Str., +49 89 225002 Roeckl, Theatinerstraße 44, 80333 München, Alois Dallmayr, The Eilles Coffee Shop, 23 Residenzstraße, Parfümerie Brückner Bublits, 8 Marienplatz,

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Quite the signature

Infiniti’s 2019 QX50 Autograph is redesigned from top to bottom with spectacular results Story | Lorne Drury (Metroland Media) 2019年款的Infiniti QX50旗艦車Autograph獲歷史悠久的汽車 雜誌Ward’ s Automotive評選為「全球十大最佳車廂」之一。它的車 廂裝飾豪華,簡直就是一件藝術品──白色棉被般柔軟的真皮加熱 座椅、藍色漂亮麂皮鑲飾的中控台和車門上方門板,以及由啞光楓 木裝飾的儀錶,在在證明它名不虛傳。 Autograph採用全新多色調的設計,靈感來自豪華度假酒店的 外觀和感覺。廠方希望駕駛者每次進入車廂都有豪華的體驗,而他 們確實做到了。 這款流行的中型高級跨界越野車除了多色調,其2019年車款 打從上至下都經過重新設計並獲好評。QX50更獲加拿大汽車專業 記者協會選為「2019年度最佳中型豪華多用途車」。 這款車不但美得引人注目,能在競爭激烈的中型豪華SUV市場 中奇峰突出,亦有賴其全球首創的可變壓縮比渦輪增壓引擎。

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Luxury touches are evident everywhere when you scan the cabin of the 2019 Infiniti QX50 crossover SUV. Named one of the 10 best interiors in the world by Ward’s Automotive, the top-trim Autograph edition is a work of art with its beautiful white, quilted-leather heated seats, blue ultrasuede on the centre console and upper-door panels, and matte-finish maple wood trim on the dashboard. Infiniti says the new multi-tone interior was inspired by the look and feel of luxury resort hotels. The aim was to provide drivers with a luxury experience each time they enter the vehicle and, in my opinion, it’s mission accomplished—and that’s just the start of it. This popular mid-size premium crossover has been redesigned from top to bottom for 2019. When manufacturers do such a revamp, particularly on a popular model like this one, they have to get it right and Infiniti seems to have hit the nail on the proverbial head.

可變壓縮比例是非常複雜的過程,Infiniti的工程師花了超過20 年才研製成功。最終的成果是新引擎比舊款的3.7公升V6引擎效率 高出超過三成,但性能卻沒有顯著下降。

The QX50 was recently voted Best Mid-Size Premium Utility Vehicle for 2019 by the Automobile Journalists Association of Canada, as part of their Car of the Year awards.

全新2.0公升VC-Turbo可變壓縮比引擎透過改變壓縮比例,令 車輛的動力和省油得到最佳效果。它輸出268匹馬力和280磅/呎的 扭力,功率輸出的加速水平足以讓QX50駕馭所有路面情況。

The design, both inside and out, is spectacular. However, what sets the QX50 apart in the competitive mid-size luxury market is its variable compression turbocharged engine, a world’s first for Infiniti.

在我們試駕QX50的一個星期裡,證實它所配備的無段變速波 箱(CVT)能作出敏捷反應和暢順行車。CVT的聲響和性能無疑需要 一些時間去適應,不過這種波箱確實能提供較佳的燃油效率,因此 日產Infiniti的整個車隊都使用CVT。

Variable compression is a complicated process that was more than two decades in the making for Infiniti engineers. The end result is an engine that is more than 30 per cent more efficient than the outgoing 3.7-litre V6, yet without a hugely significant drop in performance.

2019年的QX50建基於一副全新的底盤,採用高強度鋼材,既 可模塑成前所未有的形狀,也減輕了車的重量,還大大提升了車子 的抗扭曲表現,與上一代比較進步了23%。

The new 2.0-litre VC-Turbo engine adjusts its compression ratio to optimize both power and fuel efficiency. It delivers 268 horsepower and 280 lb/ft of torque, a power output high enough to propel the QX50 to acceleration levels suitable for any driving situation.

所有在加拿大出售的車型均以全輪驅動作為標準裝置,以迎 合加拿大這個遼闊的國度和天氣變化的需要。 QX50滿載高科技功能,其中最重要的一個是ProPilot Assist, 距離全自動無人駕駛系統只差一步。它把駕駛輔助技術結合在一 起,可在單車道高速公道上控制加速、煞車和轉向。你只需按下軚 盤上的藍色小掣,這個系統就可以幫你控制座駕多達10秒。

Paired with a continuously variable transmission (CVT), the QX50 proved to be responsive and smooth during our week-long review process. The sound and performance from a CVT takes some getting used to, but these transmissions do provide better fuel efficiency, thus Nissan/Infiniti’s use of CVTs throughout the fleet.


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automobiles 駕駛者可以自由選擇不同的駕駛模式,從正常 (Standard)、節能(Eco)、跑車(Sport),到個人喜好 (Personal),只需在中控台按切換掣便可轉換。雖則 QX50被視為是一款豪華舒適的日常用車,而不是專 為熱愛駕駛的發燒友而設,但我個人仍然偏愛這車的 跑車模式。

The QX50 sits on an all-new platform using high-tensile steel that can be molded into unprecedented shapes, saving weight and increasing the torsional rigidity of the vehicle by more than 23 per cent over the outgoing model.

QX50的操控性相當不錯,容易在狹窄的停車場 操作。這點非常重要,因為現今停車場的空間已愈來 愈小。

The QX50 is loaded with high-tech features, not the least of which is something called ProPilot Assist. A step removed from a fully-autonomous “driverless” system, ProPilot Assist brings together a variety of driver-assist technology items to control acceleration, braking and steering during single-lane highway driving.

雖然車廂豪華十分重要,不過實用性也是任何 SUV都需要考慮的因素。QX50後排座椅可以60/40方 式分開前後滑動,視乎你需要腳部空間還是要載貨而 定。若把椅子摺疊起來,載貨空間高達1,822公升, 否則是881公升。此外,在車尾箱底部還有隱藏的儲 物空間。

It all happens at the push of a small blue button on the steering wheel and works for up to 10 seconds before the driver has to take back control of the steering wheel.

QX50 Luxe售價由44,490元起,試駕的旗艦版 Autograph售57,990元,另加2,045元運費,即共售 60,035元。

All Canadian models come with all-wheel drive as standard fare, a sharp marketing move considering the changeable weather conditions we encounter across this vast country.

Drivers also have the choice of different driving modes, ranging from Standard through Eco, Sport and Personal that can be selected by a toggle switch on the centre console. My preference was Sport, although the QX50 should be thought of as more of a comfortable, luxurious daily drive than a vehicle for the hard-core driving enthusiast. Nevertheless, the QX50 does handle relatively well and is easy to manoeuvre in tight city parking lots—more important than ever these days as parking spaces seem to be shrinking before our very eyes.

Infiniti QX50 Autograph一覽 車身款式:豪華中型5門5座位跨界SUV。 驅動方式:前置引擎,全輪驅動。 引擎:2.0公升可變壓縮比渦輪增壓4缸引擎 (268匹馬力,280磅/呎扭力),搭載Xtronic無段變速波箱。 耗油量:10/7.8/9公升/100公里,市內/高速公路/綜合;須採用優質無鉛汽油。 行李箱容量:後排椅子可作60/40分開摺疊,未摺合時有881公升,摺後有1,822公升。 價格:試駕車款售60,035元,包含2,045元運費。 優點:車艙內飾極迷人,獲Ward’ s Automotive評為 「全球十大最佳車廂」 之一。 缺點:要花些時間去適應無段變速波箱(CVT) 。 誘人之處:可變壓縮比渦輪增壓引擎是重大突破。

Infiniti QX50 Autograph at a glance: BODY STYLE: five-door, five-passenger, premium mid-size crossover SUV. DRIVE METHOD: front engine, all-wheel drive. ENGINE: 2.0-litre turbocharged, variable-compression, four-cylinder engine (268 hp, 280 lb/ft of torque) paired with an Xtronic continuously variable transmission (CVT). CARGO CAPACITY: 881 litres behind 60/40 split second-row bench seat and 1,822 litres with back seat folded down. FUEL ECONOMY: 10/7.8/9 L/100 km city/highway/combined on premium unleaded fuel. WHAT’S BEST: The interior is stunning, one of the world’s 10 best, according to Ward’s Automotive. WHAT’S WORST: The continuously variable transmission (CVT) takes some getting used to WHAT’S INTERESTING: The variable-compression, turbocharged engine is revolutionary. PRICE: $60,035 (as tested), including $2,045 destination charge.

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Autograph車型採用20吋深色鋁合金輪圈,並 裝有豪華汽車應有的設備,例如高級音響組合有16 個Bose頂級揚聲器,打開闊大的全景天窗時車廂明 亮通風。 它的輔助駕駛功能應有盡有,包括:倒車防撞 警示、控制距離輔助、軚盤輔助、智能巡航輔助、倒 車交通警示、車道偏移偵測警示及干預系統、前方偵 測行人緊急煞車系統、盲點警示及干預系統,以及預 測前方碰撞警示。 據加拿大自然資源部的數據顯示,QX50的耗油 量在市區是10公升/100 公里,於高速公路是7.8公 升,綜合則是9公升,這對中型的SUV來說,表現屬 相當不錯。 總括來說,QX50所裝置的科技確實非凡,再加 上它有全球最好的內飾和俊麗帥氣外型,其他對手實 難與匹敵。

While luxury takes centre stage inside the cabin, utility is another important consideration with any SUV. The 60/40 split rear bench seat slides fore and aft to increase leg room or cargo capacity, whatever is needed. With the seats folded flat, there is 1,822 litres of cargo space; 881 litres with the seat upright. There is also underfloor storage. Starting at $44,490 for the QX50 Luxe model, the Autograph edition (as tested) came in at $57,990, plus freight charges of $2,045, taking the as-tested price to $60,035. The Autograph model rides on 20-inch dark tinted aluminum wheels and comes loaded with goodies one would expect on a premium ride such as this. The audio system is a top-shelf, 16-speaker Bose package and the cabin has a light and airy feeling when the sunshade is retracted under the panoramic moonroof. Driver-assist features include backup collision intervention, distance control assist, intelligent cruise control, rear cross-traffic alert, steer assist, lane departure warning and prevention, forward emergency braking with pedestrian detection, blindspot warning and intervention, and predictive forward collision warning. Natural Resources Canada fuel consumption numbers come in at 10.0 L/100 km city, 7.8 highway and 9.0 combined—pretty good for a mid-size SUV like this. The technology on the QX50 is pretty remarkable, but when you add in one of the world’s best interiors and handsome styling outside, this crossover is hard to beat.


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What a thank you party it was. @yeehongfoundation held their #DragonBall #龍宴卅周年 appreciation event @audiuptowncanada to celebrate the success of the ball, and an extra 256 beds for Markham Yee Hong. These efforts do indeed make a difference.

Congratulations to our former cover girl @selenalee #李施嬅 on the nomination for Best Supporting Actress at the #canadianscreenawards. Her eye-catching, highlighter-yellow dress by @toni_maticevski has also made her the unofficial “Best Dressed Award” winner of the night. #最佳衣著獎 #thehighlightergirl

Hey foodies, check out the new Food District in the West Expansion at Square One @shopsquareone. We thought it would just be a bigger food court, but no, we're talking 40,000 sq. ft. of everything food and drink, including an olive oil store, tea shop, wine room and a demo kitchen. #torontoeats #吃貨樂園 116 E L I T E G E N. C A

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What happened to this streetcar? Nature has taken over for the unveiling of @theofficialpandora #PandoraGarden collection. These days, the brand is a lot more than just bracelet charms. Our hearts are set aflutter by the silver and gold butterfly stud. Each side looks like a heart, but when put together, it’s a butterfly. #潘多拉

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