Sep / Oct 2020 EliteGen Vancouver

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luxury living for cAnAdA'S chineSe elite

September/October 2020 Vol. 53 Vancouver

VancouVer Sept/oct 2020

變幻多重個性‧ 趙薇

ViCki Zhao has the power

簡約優雅‧ 章子怡

sixTh anniversary issue

一將功成 ‧ 唐嘉壕

Chase tang

has good timing

Zhang Ziyi for Chopard

走在更成熟的路上 ‧ 迪麗熱巴 A sing tao publicAtion

dilraba a-list influenCer


Celebrity + Chanel, Dior, hermès

Display until Oct 30, 2020



A sing tao publicAtion

luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief 胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 編輯 Editor 李彩 Connie Li 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 編輯部 Editorial enquiries / 604-321-1111

參與 Contributors Sidney Chao, Michelle Demaree, Kenson Ho, Crystal Ng, Isabelle Ngai, Truc Nguyen, Shuk Wa Tsang, Emilia Ku Yazar, Iris Yim

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan / 王碧琪 Becky Wong

美術部 production & design 美術及製作經理 Production Manager / Art Direction 邱卓庭 Cliff Yau 美術助理 Graphic Art Assistant 陸凱茵 Gloria Luk

廣告及市場部 Advertising sales & marketing 副總裁 Vice President of Sales & Marketing 周潔華 Tina Chow 總經理 General Manager 黎家盛 Andrew Lai 營業及市務總監 Director of Sales & Marketing 梁素珊 Lelia Leung 高級市場推廣 Senior Marketing Executive 黃嘉瑩 Kay Wong

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出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada, affiliated with Torstar 加拿大星島傳媒集團出版,附屬多倫多星報

星尚歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 星尚每年出版六期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 6 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 8508 Ash Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V6P 3M2

publisher’s letter

「珍惜昨天 ,憧憬未來 ,享受當下」 “Cherish yesterday, dream tomorrow, live today” 這個月我們迎來了《星尚》創刊6周年,真是令人興 奮。生日常常會勾起人們對過往的回憶,而今時不同往 年,相信每個人都會有些特別不同的感受。讓我們用美 國作家李查•巴哈的寓言性小說《天地一沙鷗》中的一句 話來概括:「珍惜昨天,憧憬未來,享受當下」。 新冠肺炎病毒全球肆虐,我們社會的每個群體都因 此受到重創,讓我們認識到人類是那麽的脆弱,那些被 我們看作恆常的東西是那麽的瞬息萬變。但感恩和信念 絕不會就此溟滅。對昨天的回憶與對未來的嚮往,就是 帶動我們走向美好明天的動力。 好了,嚴肅的思辨到此為止,讓我們開始生日派對 的狂歡。這次有很多明星來為我們添熱鬧—迪麗熱巴與 我們分享生日的感悟,章子怡戴著蕭邦珠寶靚麗登場, 趙薇芬迪伴身笑語盈盈,好萊塢新星唐嘉壕透露他爭演 熱門美劇角色的幕後秘事。另外,我還要和大家分享一 件喜事,《星尚》上期封面的美新娘倪晨曦馬上就要升級 當媽媽了! 我們的生日派對更重要的是要有你們—和我們一起 追逐時尚的朋友們來參加。我邀請你們一起去到時尚之 都巴黎,走進製造香奈兒傳奇的神秘夢工場;一起去瞭 解江詩丹頓手錶的製造工藝;一起用愛馬仕絢爛絲巾把 自己裝扮起來。喜歡美食的朋友更要接受我的邀請,走 遍台灣的米芝蓮餐廳和小吃夜市;或者就算不出遠門, 也隨我到本地的熱鬧商場去邊買邊吃邊逛。

We are very proud to bring you our sixth anniversary issue. While birthdays always induce a bit of nostalgia, this year the sentiment is especially strong. And those feelings can be summed up quite nicely by Richard Bach, author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull: “Cherish yesterday, dream tomorrow, live today.” The dreaded coronavirus has struck so many communities, and our hearts go out to all who are affected. It showed us how vulnerable we can be, and how everything we knew about our world can change on a dime. Yet, amidst this pandemic, many have newfound gratitude for what we have, and we never lost faith that things will be better tomorrow. The most important thing is to embrace the present, and let our memories and dreams provide comfort as we move gingerly towards a new normal. But enough about reminiscing, let’s get the birthday party started with a star-studded roster. Our two-time cover girl Dilraba Dilmurat shares her birthday thoughts (we are not the only sentimental ones), Zhang Ziyi shows off her happy spirit with Chopard, Vicki Zhao looking very alluring in Fendi, and Chase Tang spills the beans about the rumoured rivalry between him and Simu Liu. Oh, and please allow me to give a shoutout to Elva Ni, our last cover girl. She is going to be a first-time mother later this year. Congrats to her. For luxury lovers, we take you to Paris to visit the skilled artists behind Chanel's runway looks, decipher the design symbolism of the latest Vacheron Constantin, and show you clever ways to wear Hermès silk scarves. Our foodie friends will delight in a gastro-tour of Taiwan as well as our low down on gourmet groceries closer to home. And finally, let’s pop the cork—some vintage champagne is in order as we celebrate another year. If we can only have one wish, we wish everyone good health. God bless. Sincerely,

最後,生日派對的開香檳時刻到了—讓香檳泡泡飛 起來,我們一起舉杯,慶祝我們過往一起分享的每一 天,更一起祝願我們未來有健康快樂的每一天! Leslie Yip Associate Publisher Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911


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置 身 於 SUB-ZERO 及 WOLF的 陳 列 室 , 就 仿 如 佳 餚 美 食 當 前 , 牽 動 你的感官味蕾!

歡迎親臨切身感受,揀選合適你廚房的品味之列,無論是初試設施 以至大廚級的要求,定能令你的感官得到全新體驗!





up front 6 團隊 Masthead

8 出版人的話 publisher's letter


12 鎂光燈下 on the red carpet

fashion 14-31 潮流特區 chanel, dior, herMès, & Vicki Zhao for fendi beauty & scents 32-37 捍衛肌膚 skin shield, Marc Jacobs celebrity 38 封面故事 迪麗熱巴•走在更成熟的路上 coVer girl: dilraba 60 唐嘉壕 • 一將功成 chase tang is hot




90 jewellery 46-55 簡約優雅 Zhang Ziyi for chopard, tiffany, bulgari timepieces 56 皺褶紋凸顯柔美輪廓 Vacheron constantin fashion: men 68 低調的奢華 herMès lifestyle 72 旅遊:台灣美食地圖 traVel & food: taiwan 78 稚氣工作間 architecture: lego headquarters 82 周詳計劃你們的大日子 eVent: planning your special day well 84 獨一無二的晚餐 dining to tell: no. 1 gaoler’s Mews 86 蒸餾傳奇 wine not: odd society spirits 90 耳目一新 autoMobiles: audi q7



Dress coDe: oN the 'reD' carpet

熱情如火 flirty in flounces

紅裝驚艷 red hot

品味不凡 shadow play




Irene Wan 溫碧霞穿著這條熒光橙色低胸one piece裙好搶眼, 少少性感,很有熱情如火的感覺。





Seohyun 韓國女團「少女時代」成員徐玄一身紅裝高貴火辣兼 備,精緻的裁剪凸顯她的玲瓏曲綫。

Han So Hee 凴超人氣韓劇《夫妻的世界》上位的韓素希,一襲公 主露肩晚裝造型,黑紗在淺底的映襯下綫條錯落, 品味不凡。

短搭養眼 romper rad

清涼甜蜜 mint choc-chip

低調高貴 rockinG chinoiserie




Park Shin-hye 對於朴信惠這樣的長腿美女,紅色而花紋長青的 chanel連身褲,搭配以裸色為主調的Gianvito rossi 高跟鞋,絕對是養眼又典雅的聰明選擇。

Song Ji Hyo 韓國人氣女星宋智孝這條雙色長裙薄荷綠襯朱古力 黑,好似雪糕口味。清涼又甜蜜,玩出fashion新 花樣。

Seo Ji-hye 以saint laurent晚裝出席活動的韓星徐智慧,選擇黑 底金色花紋圖案,低調之中顯高貴,只是一雙金色 「雨靴」 有些不明所以。





fashion : chanel


Behind the seamstress Story | Leslie Yip

Chanel秋冬Ready-to-Wear時裝秀於巴黎大劇 院圓滿結束後,翌日,我很榮幸有機會拜訪幾 位工藝師,他們憑藉精湛的手藝,成就天橋上 一個又一個的完美造型。 It is the day after Chanel’s 2020 Fall/ Winter Ready-to-Wear show at Le Grand Palais in Paris, and I am very privileged to visit with the artists who’ve spent hours crafting the looks.

剛剛行畢今季時裝展,人稱東方小仙女的中國 新生代超模賀聰,在後台由著名攝影師Inez & Vinoodh留影。 Chinese supermodel He Cong backstage at the Fall/Winter 2020 Chanel Ready-to-Wear show. (Photo credit: Inez & Vinoodh) 14

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Lesage的檔案室收藏了75,000年刺繡樣本,全世界時裝刺繡藏量最豐富,提供了無窮無盡的靈感及啟發。 The archives at Maison Lesage hold 75,000 samples. It is the largest collection of couture embroidery in the world, providing an inexhaustible source of inspiration.

平凡的大廈,不起眼的入口,但灰色鋼門後面,卻匯聚了巴黎最頂尖的工藝師。 連慈禧太后都為之動心的精緻刺繡?精巧的羽毛工藝可媲美挪威女神Freya的羽 毛大衣?能獲埃及艷后賞識的珠寶鑄造廠?要尋找巧奪天工之精品,絕對只此一家。 這就是Paraffection,Chanel旗下的子公司,它由十多個獨立的精品工藝坊組 成。每一個都有獨特手藝,包括刺繡、帽藝、針織、羽飾、鞋履、鈕扣、人造花飾、 金匠、手套、褶飾等等。他們利用精巧的工藝把時裝推至另一層次,成就了高級訂造 服的出現。 這些工藝坊很多早於19世紀已經成立,部份於1950年代開始跟Chanel創辦人 Coco Chanel合作。可是,這些精湛的手藝一度面臨失傳的危機,有估計過半數的法 國傳統工藝師找不到接班人,而他們的工藝可能在少於一個世代後便會失傳。為保護 這些傳統工藝並讓手藝得以傳承下去,品牌收購了這些工藝坊。而除了Chanel之外, 他們更可以自由地跟其它品牌合作,為的是確保藝術的革新、創意及獨立性。

The entrance is inconspicuous. The building, non-descript. But behind these steel grey doors toil some of Paris’s most skilled craftspeople. Intricate embroidery that would impress the Empress Dowager Cixi? Check. Decadent featherwork fit for Freya’s coat? You bet. A jewellery foundry that would have been on Cleopatra’s speed dial? You have come to the right place. The place is called Paraffection, a subsidiary of Chanel, comprised of a dozen independent ateliers. Each has a specialty: embroidery, millinery, knitwear, feathers, shoemaking, buttons, artificial flowers, gold-smithing, glove-making, pleat-making and more. Together, they put the haute in couture, elevating fashion with their handcraftsmanship. Many of these ateliers were established as early as the 19th century, and some worked directly with Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel since the 1950s. Unfortunately, their hallowed heritage is threatened. Some estimate that more than half of France’s traditional craftsmen have no successors, and their art could be lost in as little as one generation. In order to sustain and protect these ateliers, the fashion house has taken them under its wings. Moreover, in the spirit of fostering innovation, creativity and independence, they are free to work for rival brands as well.





fashion : chanel

在Lesage,設計靈感或來自品牌的藝術總監,又或者透過旅遊及世界各地的博物館而來。這個圖案的靈感來自奧地利皇后兼匈牙利王后的Sissi。 At Lesage, design inspiration can come from the art directors at fashion houses, or from travels and museums around the world. This pattern is inspired by Sissi, Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary.

這個安排實在完美不過,但也導致了每年巴黎時裝周 舉行之前,這裡就如戰場一樣。因為很多手工坊都同時跟多 個品牌合作,而死線全部都迫在同一星期內。聽過不少傳聞 說,模特兒在踏上天橋前一刻,鈕扣及飾品才被縫上。幸 好,參觀當日是時裝周的最後一天,氣氛輕鬆很多。不過大 家都知道這只是暴風雨前夕的寧靜,當訂單一到,又會再次 進入緊張狀態。 當時裝周結束後,Chanel各專門店都只有一星期時間落 單,而決定權就落在每間專門店的買手當中,因為他們最清 楚自己店裡顧客的喜好。這就解釋了為什麼在rue de Cambon 有2間Chanel專門店,一間位於19號而另一間位於31號,由於 店內產品風格各異,提供截然不同的購物體驗。(順帶一提, 31號是全世界唯一一間使用白色禮盒及購物袋的專門店。) 接到訂單後,工匠們要立即投入工作。秋冬時裝周於3 月初舉行,而各專門店會於9月收到秋冬季新品。你可能會覺 得6個月時間尚算充裕,但試著想象:今個系列中look 47造 型的頸飾及臂環便用上了100米長的繩絨線及超過16,000小 玻璃管,並利用古老法國的 Lunéville編織技巧製成。Maison Lesage刺繡坊(專門於刺繡及呢絨編織)的工藝師要花上180 小時才能完成,以每周工作40小時計算,即差不多一個月 才完工。別忘記,他們都是小型手工坊而非大型工廠。而 Lesage只有75位刺繡工藝師,Chanel的專門店在全球卻有多 達205間。


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This may sound like a beautiful arrangement, but it also means things can get quite intense leading up to Paris Fashion Week—multiple houses may commission work from the same group of artists, and the deadlines are all within the same week. Tales abound when buttons and trimmings are still being sewn on as the model steps onto the catwalk. Luckily for me, today is the last day of fashion week and the atmosphere is decidedly more leisurely. However, they know this is the calm before the next storm —when the orders come in. For Chanel, boutiques have only one week after the show to place their orders. The buying decision is left up to the buyer for each boutique, who should know what would appeal to its particular clientele. This explains why there are two Chanel boutiques on rue de Cambon—one at No. 19 and another at No. 31. The merchandise is curated differently, offering two different shopping experiences. (On a sidenote: No. 31 is the only place in the world where your shopping comes in white boxes and bags.) Once the order is received, the artists get to work immediately. The fall/ winter show is in early March, and items are in stores by September. You may think six months seems plenty, but consider this: the yoke and armband for “look 47” in this collection is composed of 100 metres of chenille and more than 16,000 cuvettes attached, using the ancestral French technique of Lunéville crochet. It takes the skilled artisans at Maison Lesage, which specializes in embroidery and creating elaborate tweed weaves, 180 hours to complete their work. That’s more or less a whole month based on a 40-hour work week. And don’t forget, these are small workshops, not big factories. To put things into scale, there are only 75 embroiderers at Lesage, and there are 205 Chanel boutiques around the world.

軟呢絨原本應於男裝上,Lesage刺繡坊把這粗布配 搭不同的物料,為Chanel帶來驚喜的設計。無論配搭 皮革、塑膠、絲帶及拉鍊,每一塊布料都以人手編織 及完成。單是準備好織布機已花上一整天時間,編織 一塊8x8吋的布料可能需要超過15分鐘才可完成。 Borrowed from menswear, the original woolen fabric takes flight in every imaginable material at the house of Lesage for Chanel. Whether in leather, plastic, ribbon or zipper, each piece of fabric is woven and finished by hand. It takes a full day just to set up the loom, and an eight-by-eightinch piece could take more than 15 minutes to produce.

Chanel軟呢絨背後的故事 Coco Chanel跟軟呢絨的愛情故事始於1920年代。 為了令業務更多元化,François Lesage於1996年成立了 刺繡坊。2年後,他向Chanel提議把軟呢絨面料用於其 Ready-to-Wear系列,而自2008年起,Lesage刺繡坊一 直為品牌的高級訂製服系列設計新穎的軟呢絨面料。一針 一線都反映背後的精湛工藝。

BEHIND CHANEL’S ICONIC TWEED The love story between Coco Chanel and tweed began in the 1920s. In 1996, led by a desire to diversify the activities of the House, François Lesage established a textile atelier. Two years later, he started proposing tweeds to Chanel for its ready-to-wear collections. Since 2008, the house of Lesage has been inventing new tweeds for the Haute Couture. These sophisticated assemblies of the most diverse threads reflect an extraordinary savoir-faire.

在2020/21秋冬時裝秀,Lesage刺繡坊把軟呢絨搭配金屬線絲 絨及透明硬紗絲帶,低調地突顯不同材質的對比。這件軟呢絨短 外套使用了黑色繩絨線,其光滑柔順的質感跟閃亮的線飾形成對 比。 For the Fall/Winter 2020/21 Ready-to-Wear runway show, the tweeds woven by Maison Lesage combine velvet with metallic threads and organza ribbons in a subtle play of contrasts between materials and textures. This tweed jacket is composed of black chenille, whose velvety texture is in contrast to shiny fringes. (Photo credit: Benoit Peverelli)





fashion : chanel

除了花飾外,羽毛是Lemarié的另一專長。這 件外套(look 60)的袖子以人造毛搭配鴕鳥毛絨 球及絲雪紡製成,製作時間長達199小時。在 參觀工作坊之前,我以為這些複雜的工序只 會見於高訂服,不知道原來亦會用於成衣單 品上。 In addition to crafting flowers, Lemarié also does featherwork. The sleeves on this outfit (look 60) are made of faux fur with ostrich feather pompoms and silk chiffon, and take nearly 200 hours to make. Before visiting the ateliers, I did not realize that the laborious craftmanship associated with haute couture is also used on ready-towear items. (Photo credit: Benoit Peverelli)


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當Lemarié羽毛花飾坊於1880年由Palmyre Coyette創立時,全巴黎有300名羽毛工藝師。但 時至今日已寥寥無幾,他們便是世界上少數的羽 毛工藝師之一。 When the House of Lemarié was established in 1880 by Palmyre Coyette, it was one of 300 plumassiers in Paris at the time. Now, they are one of the last feather workers in the world.

Lesage隔鄰的是Maison Lemarié羽毛花飾坊。於1880年 成立,是世界上少數仍然運作的羽毛及花飾手工坊,工藝師們 亦精於為時裝縫製褶襇。忠實擁躉對於Chanel標誌性的山茶 花絕對不會陌生。你或許沒有想過它是怎樣製造出來,但當親 身見過工藝師先塑型,然後利用工具把葉子一片一片卷曲,然 後逐層堆疊成花,你會對這朵白色小花多了幾分敬意。 刺繡坊亦會縫製褶襇、鑲嵌及製作複雜的波紋飾邊。在 最新系列中,焦點是一件淡褐色的軟呢絨外套,寬闊的兩袖飾 以羽毛,襯衫的領位用上府綢,搭配羽毛及雪紡絲緞。如果你 認為刺繡難度高,羽毛工藝更需要耐性及精巧的手藝。

以製作Chanel的山茶花而聞 名,每年大概生產25,000朵。 這朵在2020/21秋冬Ready-toWear時裝秀出現的灰色軟呢 絨山茶花,工藝師花了3小時 製作,而製作經典的16瓣山 茶花一般需時1.5小時。 Maison Lemarié is famous for creating every single Chanel camellia flower, averaging 25,000 a year. The bejewelled grey tweed camellia adorning this look at the Fall-Winter 2020/21 Ready-to-Wear show takes three hours for the artisans to make, while the classic camellia with 16 petals typically takes half the time.

Next door Maison Lesage is Maison Lemarié. Founded in 1880, it is one of the last plumassiers (feather-workers) and florists in the world, and they are also experts in couture pleating and smocking. Chanel fans will surely recognize the camellia, one of their most representative products. One may not think much about how they come to be, but after watching an artist stamp out the form, curl each petal with a balling tool and assemble it layer upon layer, there is a newfound respect for that little white flower. The house also creates smocks, pleats, inlays and sophisticated ruffles. For the latest collection, the highlight is a jacket in ecru tweed with majestic sleeves trimmed with feathers, a neckline of a blouse in poplin, combining feathers with thin strips of chiffon and silk charmeuse. If you think embroidery is difficult, wait till you visit the feather workshop. It is a test of patience with the need for a delicate touch.





fashion : chanel

有人會認為服飾珠寶的手工比不上高 級珠寶,Goosens對此並不贊同。事實 上,很多工匠均來自Chanel高級珠寶工 坊,他們把製作高級珠寶的精湛手藝來 製作服飾珠寶。就好像這件2020/21秋冬 Ready-to-Wear系列的24卡鍍金項鍊, 飾有十字架、色彩繽紛的水晶及珍珠。 While some people might think that costume baubles are not as finely crafted as high-end jewellery, the artisans at Goosens will beg to differ. In fact, many of them came from Chanel’s high jewellery workshop, where they honed their classical jewellery-making skills, and are now applying their savoir-faire to make more expressive pieces, like this necklace with a 24-carat gold-plated cross with coloured crystals and pearl cabochons for the Fall-Winter 2020/21 Ready-to-Wear collection.


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19M大樓,標誌著Chanel將繼續保存及發展高級手工藝。這個由1985年起展開的項目,已經收購了超過30個高級 手工坊,約5,000名員工,為Chanel及其它時裝品牌創作極致的精品。 With Le 19M, Chanel continues to preserve and develop the savoir-faire of the Métiers d’art that began in 1985, with the acquisition of more than 30 Maisons d’art and manufactories that represent about 5,000 employees, serving creation at Chanel and other major names in fashion.

Chanel系列除了時裝外,配飾同樣重要。為了一睹今季服 飾珠寶配件的製作過程,我特地訪問了工作坊位於大樓南面的 Patrick Goosens。他的先父Robert Goosens跟Coco Chanel交 情匪淺,並擅長將銅、晶石、木材及玻璃鑄造成精緻的珠寶、 飾品及配件。

Chanel’s collections are as much about clothes as accessories. To see how the season’s costume jewellery line is produced, I pay a visit to Patrick Goosens at the southern end of the complex. He is the son of the late Robert Goosens—who had a close relationship with Coco Chanel—having used his expertise in transforming bronze, rock crystal, wood and glass paste into exceptional jewels, adornments and decorative objects.

他的設計理念跟Coco Chanel在很多方面都非常合拍。例 如,他勇於把高檔與平價配件混搭:Chanel認為服飾珠寶配件 可以成為造型的主角,更可隨意搭配家中的古董配件,這概念 改變了女士對配飾的看法。他更無懼將矜貴的寶石如綠寶石鑲 嵌於鍍金配飾上。此外,Coco Chanel希望珠寶配件可以跟服飾 起到相輔相成的作用,而Goosens能把古董珠寶、拜占庭風格 與古埃及風格珠寶重新詮釋並鑄造成一件件永不過時的精品。

His design philosophy “clicked” with that of Coco Chanel in many ways. For example, there is no fear of mixing “high and low.”Chanel revolutionized how ladies accessorize their outfits by making costume jewellery a fashion statement that can be mixed with heirloom pieces, and Goosens was not afraid to set precious gems like emeralds in silver or gold-plated pieces.

Patrick Goosens為我介紹如何以人手模製各件天橋上的服 飾珠寶配件,之後他帶我來到一間更大的工作坊,三名金匠正 在將一件大型的黃銅花環裝到鏡子上。除了珠寶外,他亦有出 產家居擺設,而剛才提到的鏡子將會放於Chanel位於巴黎的全 新高級珠寶店。鏡子飾以天然晶石花飾及鍍金麥穗,就好像一 件為牆壁而設計的巨型飾品。 Lesage、LeMarié及Gossens只是眾多工藝坊的其中三 家,他們都是法國最奢華極致時裝系列背後的魔法師。其它工 藝坊還有Lesage Intérieurs及其刺繡藝術學院École de broderie d’art 、 Montex 鉤針刺繡坊及其MTX裝飾部門、Massaro鞋履 坊、Maison Michel製帽坊、Lognon褶飾坊、布藝坊Paloma及 生產內衣及泳衣的Eres。 為了讓各手工坊聚集一堂,互相激發創意,創製極致精 品,Chanel正在興建一座名為19M的全新大樓,坐落於Porte d’Aubervilliers的大樓佔地25,000平方米,竣工後將會成為品牌 旗下12家手工坊,600名工藝師的辦公室。 大樓名字中的「m」字有多重意思:法文字mains是手的意 思,亦代表時裝(mode)、工藝(métier)、時裝屋(maisons) 及工廠(manufactures)。19則代表大樓位於的郡,同時亦是 Chanel其中一個極具代表性的數字:Coco Chanel的生日是8月 19日。結構工程於去年10月已經完成,預計各工藝師可於明年 7月進駐,新大樓不單距離Chanel的設計工作室更近,亦更接近 其它品牌的工作室,方便交流。

Moreover, Coco Chanel wanted the costume jewellery to complement fashion, and Goosens relished the opportunity to reinterpret jewellery inspired by Antiquity, Byzance and ancient Egypt into timeless, modern pieces. After showing me how each costume jewellery piece for the runway collection is molded by hand, Goosens leads me to a larger workshop, where three goldsmiths are setting a giant brass wreath on top of a convex mirror. In addition to jewellery, he also produces decorative furniture pieces, and this particular work is destined for the new Chanel high jewellery store in Paris. With natural rock crystal flowers and gold-plated sheaths of wheat, it will be like a huge piece of jewellery for the wall. Lesage, LeMarié and Gossens are just three of the many métiers houses behind France’s most prestigious runway collections. There is also Lesage Intérieurs and its École de broderie d’art, the Montex atelier and MTX, its decoration department, the shoemaker Massaro, the hatter and milliner Maison Michel, the pleater Lognon, the grand flou atelier Paloma and the lingerie and swimwear maker Eres. In order to provide a hub for creativity and an ideal setting for the creation of their masterpieces, Chanel is building Le 19M, a 25,000 squaremetre complex at the Porte d’Aubervilliers to house some 600 artisans from the 12 ateliers. The “M” in the name stands for many things: the French word mains for hands, mode for fashion, métier for craftsmanship, maisons for houses and manufactures for factories. The numeral 19 stands for the Parisian arrondissement where Chanel is situated, and it is, of course, one of Chanel’s emblematic numbers. It celebrates the birthdate of Coco Chanel, which was Aug. 19. Structural work was completed last October, and the artisans are expected to move in next July, where they can be close to the creation studio at Chanel, as well as the other fashion houses that rely on their skills.





fashion: dior


The magic of alchemy Dior haute couture for fall/Winter 20-21 a psychic dream


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Leonora Carrington說過︰「煉金術是一種魔法,因此藝術中畫像 或身體的轉變對夢境/精神物質會起作用。」 Dior女士服裝系列的創意總監Maria Grazia Chiuri談論品牌20/21 秋冬季高級時裝系列時也說︰「超現實主義的畫像使本身不可見的東西 呈現於我們眼前。我對神秘學和魔法很感興趣,它們也是消除未來不確 定性的一種途徑。」 在當前這個史無前例的居家抗疫時期,Maria Grazia Chiuri選擇專 注於Lee Miller、Dora Maar和Jacqueline Lamba等藝術家的作品。彼 等超越了最初被貶低的「繆思女神」角色,在生活和超現實主義作品中展 現不同的魅力。 全新系列散發著這種氣息:與自然融為一體,和諧共處。部份作 品展示了壯觀的紅色漸變,仿如在微光中搖曳的珊瑚礁。在這些作品 中,Leonora Carrington和Dorothea Tanning的繪畫透過發光的色彩和 夢幻世界變得栩栩如生。

“Surrealist images manage to make visible what is in itself invisible,” says Maria Grazia Chiuri of Dior’s fall winter collection. “I’m interested in mystery and magic, which are also a way of exorcising uncertainty about the future.” During this unprecedented period, Chiuri, the Creative Director of Dior women’s collections, chose to focus on the work of artists like Lee Miller, Dora Maar and Jacqueline Lamba, who transcended the role of “muses” to which their beauty had initially relegated them in order to champion—in their lives and surrealist works—a different kind of femininity. The new collection is imbued with that attitude: one that is connected, attuned to nature and transformation. Certain pieces display spectacular gradations of red, like a coral reef swaying in the glimmer of the ocean. The colors of paintings by Leonora Carrington and Dorothea Tanning live on in these creations through luminous hues and dreamworlds.





fashion: dior 超現實主義的人體線條也讓人聯想到迷你人體 模型,在高級時裝世界中心有著詩意象徵。在化作 魔法行李箱的30 Avenue Montaigne,亦即是Dior當 年的大本營,這季的高級時裝系列開始全球巡迴演 出,呼應了Dior先生於1945年二次大戰結束時參與的 Théâtre de la Mode傳奇之旅,那時候他製作眾多迷 你高級訂製服,希望將法國時裝推廣至歐美各地,同 時亦激發大眾在捱過艱難歲月後對時尚和美的嚮往, 一襲襲華衣美服成為交織情感與夢想的故事,也是詩 歌和生活樂趣的永恆象徵。Maria Grazia Chiuri以創 意能量之名延續創新精神,精選37款高級時裝製作成 微型模型,展現Dior Atelier的精湛工藝。 從高級時裝的「日常造型」開始,採用了具有非凡 結構風格的男士布料西裝,演繹了製作精巧迷你創作 的精湛技藝。大衣呈現皺褶層次,垂墜細節令人想到 古老雕像;發光物料昇華了灰色和金黃色的色調,散 發耀眼光彩。這些迷你模型身上的褶皺全手工製造, 秉承創意姿態的美感。以透過迷你時裝玩偶的獨特角 度,重新演譯女性身材,譜出高級時裝設計的非凡故 事,最是適合不過。

The surrealists’ female body also conjures up a reinterpretation of the miniature mannequin, a poetic emblem at the heart of the couture universe. The artist Cindy Sherman appropriates this almost magical object into one of her first video projects, which oscillates between the history of fashion and the possibility of a new representation; today, these miniatures make it possible to invent a different ritual. And so, in a magical trunk, one that embodies 30 Avenue Montaigne, the haute couture collection embarks on its world tour. Evoking Monsieur Dior’s own odyssey, it echoes the Théâtre de la Mode, a roving exhibition of styles by French couturiers that travelled between Europe and the U.S. right after the war. The Dior ateliers also played a major role in that adventure. Starting with haute couture “day looks,” with suits in men’s fabrics of exceptional architecture representing a virtuoso feat, that of a perfectlycrafted, miniature creation. A coat reveals pleated layers; draping evokes antique statues; luminescence sublimates the gray and golden yellow tones, offering a dazzling brilliance. Produced entirely by hand, the folds dressing these miniatures celebrate the beauty of the creative gesture, which is the essence of couture. For the grand finale, and in keeping with tradition, the wedding gown, a symbol forgotten over time. In this way, it feels only natural to recount the story of extraordinary haute couture silhouettes by reinterpreting the female body through the singular prism of the fashion doll.


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fashion: hermès


H is for haute Hermès scarves are in as high demand as its bags

Story | Maisie Lau

品牌的絲巾一向可作多用途穿 戴,圖中模特兒就用上兩件分別 是Calèche Élastique及La Source de Pégase圖案設計的90×180cm 絲巾拼合成特大圍巾。 Hermès scarves are versatile. Two 90x180cm Calèche Élastique and La Source de Pégase designs are tied together for a super-sized version. 26




穿 別 e m


一個H字母,加上標誌性的 橙色包裝,便足以叫無數女士雙 眼瞬間發亮的Hermès(愛馬仕), 吸引大家的招牌作品,除了手 袋,絲巾也深受歡迎。 品牌於1837年開始為顧客 製造第一件馬具,1928年開始 生產馬鞍,也開始把眼光轉向服 飾,1929年 Hermès 推出第一件 皮革成衣,隨之也有浴袍等服飾 面世。到1935年, Hermès 發佈 了一款「馬鞍」包,這就是日後大 名鼎鼎的凱莉包,此後不久, Hermès絲巾再次颳起時尚旋風。

Instantly recognized as a status symbol, the Hermès H and it’s distinctive orange have always turned heads. But today even its scarf collection is as sought-after as its legendary “it” bags. Having started out by making horse harnesses and bridles in 1837, the company later expanded in 1928 to include saddles. In 1929, Hermès turned to apparel, including bathing suits; it introduced the “sac” in 1935, which became known as the legendary Kelly bag. Shortly thereafter, they embarked on making scarves as fashionable accessories.

將一件La Folle Parade 90×90cm的 方形絲巾巧妙配搭金屬Scarf Ring, 就可變身成充滿個性的項飾。 Combining three 90x90cm Brides de Gala Shadow scarves in different colours is a unique look.





fashion: hermès

罕見的25×205cm流穗長絲巾,將四件絲巾拼搭在一起,足以令舉手投足都滿有動感。 Four of these rare 25x205cm tasselled scarves combine to give every step some sashay. 28




雙面印花的Della Cavalleria Favolosa 90×90cm絲巾,簡單配上一條皮帶,就可為一襲白衣 裙添上亮眼特色。 The double-sided 90x90cm Della Cavalleria Favolosa strapped onto a white dress with a leather belt gives layering new meaning.

將一件La Folle Parade 90×90cm的方形絲巾巧妙配搭金屬Scarf Ring, 就可變身成充滿個性的項飾。 Clip a metal ring on a 90x90cm La Folle Parade and it becomes an original neck accessory.

上世紀20年代末,時裝界興起利用絲巾作為彰顯時尚 女性品味的象徵配飾,Hermès於1928年開始出售絲巾。後 來高品質絲巾供不應求,管理層決定聘請專業人才,並成立 由品牌家族成員Robert Dumas親自領導的專屬設計部門, 負責創作自家絲巾,並於1937年創製出第一款 Hermès 絲 巾。為確保絲巾製造過程及產品的質素,品牌亦於里昂自設 工作坊,實行以一條龍方式生產自家製品。

Hermès每年推出兩大系列,設計主要依據當年的年題 為大方向,而設計師再個別發揮其創意。2020年的愛馬仕 年題是Innovation in the Making,顧名思義,就是指製作中 的創新。 As its scarves flew off the shelves, family member Robert Dumas got the bright idea to set up a design department specifically for the creation of scarves. And the first creation was unveiled in 1937. Later, an atelier opened in Lyon, France to control the entire process of scarf production from start to finish. Honoring this tradition, every year, Hermès produces two scarf collections. For 2020, the theme is Innovation in the Making.

同款不同色的兩件The Savana Dance 140×140cm方形絲巾,只需略花心思,即可化身成實 用的手提袋。 The 140x140cm Savana Dance in two colours can be deftly turned into handy tote bags. ELITEGEN




fashion: fendi


Vicki Zhao

ThE NEW FacE oF FENDi 說到趙薇,我們的腦海會浮現出她演繹的 多個不同影視形象—古靈精怪的小燕子、鏗鏘 不屈的花木蘭、質樸執著的李紅琴……。 就在前不久,趙薇成為芬迪大中華區代言 人,在她身上變幻出的多重個性,與品牌的追 求達到高度契合。

Vicki Zhao created numerous classic roles on screen: the mischievous girl Xiaoyanzi, the unyielding General Mulan and the persistent mother Li Hongqin. With that face attached to such memorable performances, it’s no surprise that Fendi recently announced Vicki Zhao as the brand’s spokesperson in China. She and her screen roles symbolize an image of female power that aligns perfectly with the house of Fendi.

Bucket Hat, $790 Roma Joshua Vides cotton shirt, $1,550





Peekaboo purse, $5,800





the Beauty pages


Skin Shield Story | Leslie Yip 每當提到如何抵禦環境對皮膚的侵害,不期然就會 想起這句金句:「預防勝於治療」。

When it comes to battling environmental damage to your skin, the old adage rings true: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure




As eAsy As ABC

floWeR poWeR

A poWeRful ComBo

這款啫喱狀面膜加入了茉莉花花瓣、適應原 及抗污染的活躍成份。配方針對長期受外來壓力 損害的皮膚而設,能有助修復肌膚。無論是疲勞 肌膚、乾性、油性、敏感肌及成熟膚質,如果經 常面對外來壓力如極端氣候、極乾的空氣、紫外 線、環境污染及藍光等,都適合使用。如果你長 時間面對電腦屏幕,這款面膜對你來說就再適合 不過。

研究指出,臭氧層(O3)污染會令肌膚提早衰 老,而外用的抗氧化物能防止皮膚受臭氧侵害。 這款備受追捧的產品蘊含維他命C,眾所周知, 維他命C能有效抵禦環境侵害,加上維他命E及 阿魏酸(ferulic acid),令抗氧化效能大大提升。 一旦被皮膚吸收,會為皮膚產生至少72小時的 保護。最新研究顯示,產品能將氧化的損害減低 41%。

This soothing gel mask is infused with real jasmine petals, potent adaptogenic and antipollution actives. specifically formulated to help skin recover from constant exposure to skin-damaging external stressors, it is suitable for fatigued, dry, oily, sensitive and mature skin exposed to skin-damaging external stressors, such as harsh climates, extremely dry air, uV radiation, environmental pollution and blue light. If you spend long hours in front of a digital screen, this mask is for you.

Ground-level ozone (o3) pollution is shown to cause signs of premature aging. Thankfully, topical antioxidant use can help prevent the impact of ozone damage to skin. This cult product contains vitamin C, widely known as a powerhouse against environmental damage, plus vitamin e and ferulic acid to further enhance its anti-oxidant benefits. once absorbed, the serum remains effective for a minimum of 72 hours. The latest study cites a 41 per cent reduction in combined oxidative damage.

Pour Moi Secret Jasmine Flower Mask, 50ml | $55

Skinceuticals C E Ferulic, 30ml | $185

這瓶乳霜蘊含由密羅木提煉出來的 Reviscentalis非洲再生植物精華,這種植物具有 神奇復活力量,只需一滴水分便能起死回生。其 功效可概括為A、B及C。A—激活(activate)肌膚 細胞的抗氧化功能,為肌膚形成保護屏障。B— 促進(boost)細胞的排毒進程,刺激肌膚再生。 C—改善(correct)及控制皮膚的修護能力,讓肌 膚由內至外重拾光彩。此外,高濃度的乙醇酸 (glycolic acid)有助去角質,加速細胞再生從而 令膚色更均勻。

This treatment lotion contains extract from Reviscentalis, a miracle resurrection plant that is capable of coming back to life with just one drop of water. Its efficacy is as simple as A, B and C. A: It activates cell antioxidant capacity to create a protective shield. B: It boosts the cell detoxification process to regenerate vital energy. C: It corrects and controls the skin’s resilience to revive skin from deep within. A high concentration of glycolic acid gently exfoliates, encouraging cellular renewal for a more even complexion. Armani Beauty Cream Nera Aqua Reviscentalis, 150 ml | $200


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HATs off

douBle TRouBle

puT IT To sleep

薄荷醇及桿腦有助紓緩頭皮的痕癢,產品 亦蘊含豌豆萃取,用以對抗環境對頭皮的損害, 亦有滋潤作用,即時緩解不適。不黏膩配方可替 代乾洗髮劑,不會堵塞頭皮。其它成份包括二氧 化矽用以吸走髮根過多的油脂、水楊酸能溫和地 去除積聚於頭髮的髮型產品及疏通毛囊。產品更 可減少油脂形成,頭髮更清爽,那就不用日日洗 頭。

表皮生長因子(Epidermal Growth Factor, 簡稱EGF)對人體皮膚是說是一種天然的蛋白 質,它有效促進骨膠原及彈力蛋白的生長,塑 造健康、緊緻及年輕的肌膚。獲獎無數的EGF Serum能令肌膚的飽滿度增加60%,而緊密度增 加30%,這樣肌膚就更能抵禦種種外來壓力的侵 害。為慶祝成立10周年,來自冰島的品牌推出特 別版精華素,加入黑麥萃取及雙倍濃度配方,護 膚功效加倍提升。

揮發性有機化合物、懸浮微粒、臭氧、氣 候轉變……,無論室內及室外都充滿污染物,它 們會產生自由基破壞氧化作用,令皮膚出現衰老 的痕跡。這款晚安精華會趁你在睡眠時中和皮膚 在日間受到的侵害,同時增強肌膚的抵禦能力。 參與調查者在使用四星期後,100 %認為肌膚變 得更透亮光澤及柔軟,而且明顯充滿水分及更緊 緻。

Infused with menthol and camphor to soothe irritated scalps, this tonic contains pea extract to shield against environmental aggressors and boosts moisture levels for instant comfort. This non-sticky formula is an alternative to dry shampoo and won’t clog your scalp. silicia absorbs excess oil at the roots, while salicylic acid gently exfoliates to remove product buildup and unblock hair follicles. It helps to reduce greasiness and visibly refreshes hair to extend the period in-between washes. Omorovicza Scalp Reviver, 50 ml | $115

eGf (epidermal Growth factor) is a protein natural to human skin that boosts the production of collagen and elastin to maintain healthy, dense and youthful skin. The original awardwinning eGf serum plumps the skin with a 60 per cent increase in skin thickness and 30 per cent increase in skin density, so it can better withstand external stressors. To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the iconic Icelandic brand is launching a special edition with extracts from a special crop of black barley and double the concentration, taking it to a new level. Bioeffect 10th Anniversary Special Edition, 50 ml | $650

Volatile organic compounds, particulate matter, ozone, climate… pollutants exist indoors and out, and they can generate free radicals that cause oxidative damage, leading to visible signs of aging. put daily damage to sleep with this overnight treatment that neutralizes the day’s damage and fortifies your skin while you sleep. After four weeks of nightly use, 100 per cent of the survey participants noted their skin had better clarity, radiance and a soft velvety feel— and that their skin felt intensely hydrated and firmer. NEOSTRATA Overnight Anti-Pollution Treatment, 50 ml | $58





the Beauty pages


don’t forget the SPf 不論季節,紫外線年中無休地對我們皮膚造成損害,它更具穿透 力,可穿過玻璃包括窗門。雖然氣溫開始下降,但仍然不能忽略防曬 的重要性。

skin-aging uVA is present year round, regardless of the weather, and it can penetrate through glass—including windows. That is why sun protection is essential, even as the mercury starts to drop




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AsIAn WIsdom

這款帶有珍珠光彩的液體防曬稱得上是萬 能,它提供廣譜UVA/UVB保護,同時能減低HEV 光線(又稱藍光)、紅外線及污染對皮膚的損害。 它更是「海洋友善」防曬產品,既可單獨使用,亦 可加入數滴於保濕產品或粉底之中。

This pearlescent liquid is said to be able to do it all: provide broad spectrum uVA/uVB protection, plus help to mitigate the effects of HeV light (aka blue light), infra-red radiation and pollution. moreover, you can use this reeffriendly formula alone, or mix a few drops into your moisturizer or foundation. Coola Full Spectrum 360° Sun Silk Drops Organic Face Sunscreen SPF 30, $30 ml | $62

四合一的有色潤膚霜看似化妝品,但實際 是護膚品。成份包括藍莓萃取為肌膚帶來光澤及 抗衰老,乳木果油令質地輕盈,同時滋擾保濕。 廣譜SPF 30能抵擋紫外線及吸收紅光線,而肌肽 (carnosine)則可明顯減低陽光的侵害。備有10 種顏色供選擇。

This 4-in-1 tinted moisturizer looks like makeup, but acts like skincare. Blueberry extract helps brighten and combat signs of aging, while shea butter provides a feather-light feel on the skin for all-day moisturization. The broad spectrum spf 30 sunscreen protects against uV rays and absorbs infrared light, while the carnosine works to visibly reduce sun damage. Available in 10 shades. Rodan + Fields Radiant Defense Perfecting Liquid, 50ml | $76


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這款多用途防曬霜蘊含多種亞洲植物性成 份,保護皮膚免受陽光侵害之餘,讓你重拾年輕 光彩。備有加入竹樹液、蓮花及綠茶的輕盈配 方,特別適合敏感肌使用。

This product is a multi-purpose sunscreen that uses Asian botanicals to protect against the sun, while providing a youthful glow. It has a lightweight formula that uses bamboo sap, lotus flower and green tea that is great for sensitive skin. Amorepacific Moisture Sun Protector Broad Spectrum SPF 35 Sunscreen/Cream, 60ml | $86

瓶中的陽光 sunsHIne In A BoTTle 不曬太陽又如何吸收足夠的維他命D?這款有機以及適合素食者的 維他命D補充劑,含1000 IUs提取自Portobello菇的植物性維他命D2,加 上含豐富鎂質的藜麥及具抗氧化功效的菠菜,令成份更易被人體吸收。

How do you get enough vitamin d as you try to stay out of the sun? This organic and vegan supplement contains 1000 Ius of plant-based vitamin d2 derived from portobello mushrooms and made more absorbable with magnesium-rich quinoa and anti-oxidant-rich spinach. Well Told Health Botanicals Vitamin-D, 62 capsules | $34





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這款防曬乳霜迅速被皮膚吸收,肌膚感覺乾 爽同時滋潤。配方不易引起過敏、不帶香氣、不 含防腐劑、用後不易長粉刺而且質地不油膩,適 用於面部及身體。提供SPF 30及50。

如果你想避開化學性防曬,但對物理性防 曬又充滿疑問,現在有更好的選擇。備有無色及 有色兩種配方,這款質地柔滑透薄的物理性防曬 為肌膚築起最強的保護屏障,令皮膚散發健康光 澤。另有水潤啞色配方及輕盈透明配方。

據說,如果每天早上都使用SPF防曬霜,能 預防90%的皮膚傷害及老化問題。這款質感輕盈 的面部防曬提供SPF 50+防曬強度,有助抵擋紫 外線及保護肌膚免受污染及自由基的侵害。配方 不易長粉刺,迅速被皮膚吸收而且感覺清爽,適 合每日使用。

This melt-in lotion is quickly absorbed, leaving the skin matte yet moisturized. Hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, paraben-free, non-comedogenic and non-greasy, it is suitable for use on the face and the body. Available in spf 30 and 50. Vichy Idéal Soleil Melt-in Lotion Clean Skin Feel SPF 30 & 50, 200ml | $29.95

for those who want to avoid chemical sunscreens but are wary about the tell-tale white cast of physical sunblocks, better options are available. In untinted and versatile tinted formulas, this silky and sheer physical sunscreen provides powerful broad-spectrum protection and a healthy glow. A moisture matte tinted version and a lighter weight clear-shield version is also available. AlumierMD Sheer Hydration Broad Spectrum SPF 40 Sunscreen, 60ml | $48

It is said that if you use spf every morning, you can prevent 90 per cent of skin damage and aging. This lightweight facial sunscreen with spf 50+ helps defend against uV rays and protects the skin from pollution and free radicals. This daily-use formula is non-comedogenic, absorbs quickly and leaves a matte finish. Kiehl’s Super Fluid UV Defense SPF 50+, 50 ml | $47, 125 ml | $77







Perfectly Playful New Marc Jacobs scent suits any personality Story | Leslie Yip

Marc Jacobs Perfect Eau de Parfum, 50ml | $115, 100ml | $145





Perfect Body Wash, 150ml | $45 Perfect Body Lotion, 150ml | $48

大家知道嗎?原來Marc Jacobs在手腕紋了英文perfect(完美) 一字。 「我已經非常完美」這是設計大師的真言。「這個紋身提醒我, 每當我希望自己可以再強大一點,或者在某個範疇做得更好一些的 時候,我可以跟自己說不,因為我已經做到我想做的。已經非常完 美。」Jacobs解釋到。 他的最新香水亦取名為Perfect。品牌邀得超模Kate Moss的女 兒Lila Moss擔任代言人,廣告詮釋了香水的背後意念,就是擁抱及 表達真我。香水瓶身綴以多個掛飾,意味著一個人可以流露多種不 同的情感。 當中有一顆閃耀的銀色星星,它是品牌最暢銷的飾物單品。還 有Marc最愛的粉藍蝴蝶結。另有粉紅色的男裝鞋、紫色高跟鞋、 黑白色排九、水晶玩具磚、一隻去了皮的香蕉、車厘子及一隻躲在 背後的可愛小白猫。掛飾的配搭雖然沒有主題,但全部都是Marc Jacobs親自挑選的。 瓶塞的設計如夢似幻,瓶身突顯階級優越感,鍍金的領子、優 雅的兩肩、琢磨過的角位及厚重的玻璃瓶底。粉紅調的香水既經典 又出奇不意。品牌把香氣形容為「慰藉人心的花香」。前調是大黃及 水仙花香,接著杏仁奶香氣撫慰心靈。最後由雪松及喀什米爾香調 作後調。 香水以Perfect為名實在很難再挑剔,不過相信很多人都會認 同,位於荊塞的小猫應該置於中前位置而非藏於背後。

Did you know that Marc Jacobs has the word “perfect” tattooed on his wrist? “I am perfect as I am.” This is the designer’s mantra. “I put it there,” he says, “to remind me that when I am looking at myself and wishing that I could be stronger in this way, or better at that thing, I can just say, ‘No’. I am exactly how I need to be right now. So, perfect.” Perfect is also the name of the designer’s latest fragrance. The campaign features Lila Moss, daughter of supermodel Kate Moss, and it suggests that the scent is about embracing and expressing one’s true self. Judging from the eclectic collection of charms that crown the bottle, there can be many different expressions of one’s own self. There is a shiny silver star, said to be the brand’s best-selling jewellery item. There is a big bow in baby blue—Jacobs’ favourite fashion accessory. There is also a pink men’s shoe, a purple ladies’ heel, a black-and-white domino tile, some clear crystal toy blocks, a peeled banana, some suggestive cherries and a cute white kitten, hiding at the back. There seems to be no underlying theme behind the irreverent mix, except that each charm has been selected by the designer himself. And while the stopper is all about whimsy, the bottle itself exudes classicism, with a gilded collar, graceful domed shoulders, faceted corners and a weighted glass base. Inside, the pink juice is also a play between the classic and the unexpected. “Comforting florals” is how the brand describes it. It opens with juicy rhubarb and bright daffodils, and then unfurls to reveal a comforting heart of almond milk. At the base, cedar and cashmeran dries down for a cocooning finish. It is hard to find fault with a perfume that calls itself Perfect, but many may agree with me that the little kitten on the stopper should be front and centre, instead of hiding in the back.







A-list influencer Dilraba Dilmurat has evolved from young starlet to cultural icon Story | Qian Liu 《三生三世十里桃花》裏的「鳳九」可愛、天 真、活潑,到《三生三世枕上書》,變得膽怯、 成熟、懂事。「鳳九」在成長,迪麗熱巴也隨著 這個角色不斷發力,在影視、綜藝、時尚領域 全面開花,從90後小花蛻變成炙手可熱的頂流 明星。 一部可謂家喻戶曉的電視劇《三生三世十裏 桃花》2016年取得網絡總播放量500億的成績, 讓 在 其 中 飾 演「 鳳 九 」的 迪 麗 熱 巴 人 氣 大 漲 。 2018年,她又憑藉電視劇《漂亮的李慧珍》, 獲得中國電視最高獎金鷹獎的最具人氣女演員 及觀眾喜愛的女演員獎,成為最年輕的金鷹視 后,更是金鷹節史上首個於同一屆拿下金杯、 水晶杯及金鷹女神的藝人。


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How many people can claim character traits like adorable, innocent, cheerful, intuitive, audacious yet somewhat timid, and mature. Dilraba Dilmurat can. Well, at least her onscreen characters can. Famous from her work in movies and TV, and now as a fashion icon, Dilraba Dilmurat seems to have it all. A household name ever since Eternal Love became the first mainland China TV series to chalk up 50 billion hits online. Playing Feng Jiu, she became an overnight sensation. She was named Most Popular Actress and the Audience’s Choice for Actress at the 2018 China TV Golden Eagle Award ceremonies for her performance in Pretty Li Hui Zhen, the youngest Best Actress winner in the awards’ history, and the first to claim the Golden Trophy, the Crystal Trophy and the Golden Eagle Goddess trifecta.







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熱巴的成長在隨後兩年不但沒有停止,反而是 在增速。她先後主演了古裝傳奇愛情劇《秦時麗人明 月心》、現代奇幻電影《解憂雜貨店》、古裝仙俠言情 劇《烈火如歌》、現代愛情劇《一千零一夜》等等。截 至《三生三世枕上書》收官時,迪麗熱巴連續30天登 頂電視劇藝人新媒體指數的榜首,話題熱度居高不 下。該劇拿下了網絡播放量76.2億的成績。出道這 幾年,迪麗熱巴從「小花」逐漸向演技派「大女主」的 方向發展。

率真可愛得人氣 「率真、癡情、俏皮、萌萌噠」是鳳九的標配, 而在作品之外,迪麗熱巴得以迅速圈粉,很大程度 上也是依靠自身表露的性格,她的粉絲們評價她「優 秀、低調、不張揚、善解人意、多才多藝」。迪麗熱 巴曾參加2019年央視春晚的演出,在彩排現場候場 時,正巧從一家媒體的現場報道鏡頭前走過,她面 帶微笑做了一個勝利手勢搞笑入鏡。她的這段不經 意流露出的有趣視頻,一時在網絡走紅,讓網友們 感受到她俏皮可愛的個性。

Not one to rest on her laurels, Dilmurat took her career to the next level in the romantic adventure series The King’s Woman, the fantasy movie The Miracles of the Namiya General Store, the martial arts romantic series The Flame’s Daughter and the contemporary love flick Sweet Dreams. By the time Eternal Love: The Pillow Book, attracting 7.62 billion online hits, Dilmurat was already riding the wave of stardom—and on everyone who’s anyone’s A-list.

CHEEky AND CoNFiDANT Dilmurat has won over hordes of fans with her personality, described by one as “brilliant, low key, empathetic and multi-talented.” Rehearsing for the CCTV New year’s Gala in 2019, she walked past the camera of a local media outlet doing a live update, and photobombed the broadcast with a smile and a V sign. The candid shot made a big splash on social media, and netizens had a good glimpse of Dilmurat’s cheeky side.






The gracefulness of age is something that comes with life experience... It’s not something you can make happen. It occurs naturally.


E L I T E G E N. C A



在 《三生三世枕上書》 中迪麗熱巴扮演的鳳九。 Dilmurat played Feng Jiu in Eternal Love: The Pillow Book.

熱巴的天生麗質和戲外自稱「普通女孩」的心態,獲得了不少的 觀眾緣和網友緣。她在評說自己的情緒波動時說:「我是一個正常 人,都會有心情好、心情不好、脾氣好、有時會生氣的時候,畢竟 是一個正常人嘛,還沒有修仙。我生氣的時候,很多時候選擇不說 話,有時候生氣說出來的話會更多傷害到別人,也會傷害到自己。 如果我對一件事有自己的看法或者是生氣的時候,我會先選擇不說 話為主,就害怕自己會說出一些不經過思考、只是任由情緒信號發 出的話。」

A natural beauty, her self-effacing image of being, in her words, just an “ordinary girl” makes her even more adorable to her slew of followers. “i’m a normal person,” she says. “i have good moods and bad moods just like everyone else. Mostly, i am even-tempered, but i can get angry, too. After all, i’m not a saint. Sometimes the things we say when we are angry are hurtful to others and to ourselves. When i have a strong point of view about something, or when i’m upset, i tend to be quiet, for fear of saying something not well thought through.”


Despite her superstar status, it is perhaps this kind of honesty that made her Feng Jiu character such an icon. in 2019, she was invited to host such popular variety shows as Go Fighting, Produce Camp and The Better Life.

也許正是這種在明星光環下依然坦率表露自我的特質,讓青春 靚麗的「鳳九」人氣一路高漲,單是在2019年,從《極限挑戰》到《創 造營》再到《漫遊全世界》,熱門綜藝的邀約和錄制一個接著一個。 時尚界和商圈自然也不會對這位耀眼的明星視而不見。中國國 內某電商平台曾發表2018年度數據報告,迪麗熱巴憑借超強的商業 影響力,在帶貨能力明星榜上高居第二,她曾代言的品牌涉及頂奢 珠寶、知名美妝、潮流服飾、食品日化、高科遊戲等多個領域。 且不說,她登上過中國版《Vogue》、《時尚芭莎Bazaar》、 《Ellemen》、《時尚Cosmo》的封面,為禦木本珠寶Mikimoto、 Dolce&Gabbana、YSL聖羅蘭美妝香水、雅詩蘭黛、Bulgari珠寶等 品牌作中國形象代言,處處散發出她強大的氣場和迷人的女人味, 就是包括Balenciaga羽絨服、棒球帽,Chanel、Chloe的手袋, Gucci球鞋、羊毛衫,Givenchy Acetate運動褲等在內的時尚單 品,只要穿、戴在她的身上,便引來無數追捧者,說她是時尚界和 商圈的寵兒一點也不為過。

隨時間自然成長 如同「鳳九」從小女配到大女主的蛻變,成長給迪麗熱巴帶來的 不僅僅是塑造出豐滿而有穿透力的銀幕形象,更多的是讓她有和大 女主鳳九一樣強大的內心,對自身有著清醒而成熟的認識。


Fashion brands, too, have been also attracted to her star status. in 2018, a mainland China e-commerce platform put Dilmurat in second place as a commercial influencer. She has been asked to be the face of so many brands, from luxury jewellers and beauty products to fashion, food and even high-tech games. She has graced the covers of the Chinese editions of Vogue, Bazaar, Ellemen and Cosmo, and is the style maven for Mikimoto, Dolce&Gabbana, ySL beauty products and perfume, Estée Lauder and Bulgari jewellery. Her star power and feminine allure is now such a magnet that all she has to do is wear something to make it an instant trend. She is the ultimate influencer; if she’s seen in public wearing a Balenciaga down jacket and baseball cap or sporting a Chanel or Chloe handbag, or Gucci sneakers and a Givenchy sport pant, everyone will want it. She’s the darling of luxury fashion brands.

EMBRACiNG CHANGE Just like the progression of the character she plays in the Eternal Love series, Dilmurat herself has matured along with her character. Today she has the same inner strength as Feng Jiu; as conscious of her maturity as her self-awareness.






迪麗熱巴以她的可愛個性贏得了衆多粉絲。 Even children are mesmerized by Dilmurat's personality.

曾有人問她有沒有想過可愛之外,有一天也可以走一下嫵媚女人味 的路線。她回答:嫵媚路線不是我想嫵媚就能馬上嫵媚,生活不是戲。這 種東西會隨著年齡、隨著時間慢慢變化。也不是一定要在什麽時間做一個 什麽樣的角色,不管是可愛的、嫵媚的還是性感的,都是慢慢會變化的。 這個路線不是走出來的,是自然而然發生的。 今年28歲的迪麗熱巴曾談到過她的生日,她說:「我好像很沒有現實 感,感覺自己還在18歲的階段。我對現階段自己取得的成績還不太滿意, 希望自己努力變得更好吧。」 讓自己變得更好,迪麗熱巴的成長還在繼續。


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When asked about playing such a girly role and whether she wanted more mature roles, she says: “The gracefulness of age is not something one makes happen. This is something that comes with life experience. it’s not about what kind of role to pursue, whether it is adorable, alluring or sexy. This all happens over time. it’s not something you can make happen. it occurs naturally.” Dilmurat, who turned 28 earlier this year, says this of her recent birthday: “i don’t seem to have a sense of reality. i still feel 18. But i am still not totally happy with where i am at this stage in my life. i still need to work hard and be better.”

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jewellery: Chopard


E L I T E G E N. C A




Simply elegant Chopard global ambassador Zhang Ziyi a rare mix of talent, beauty and grace Chopard去年宣佈章子怡出任該品牌 新一任全球形象大使。作為在國際上享有 盛譽的中國女演員,章子怡成功地將自己 的演藝才華與優雅魅力完美融合。章子怡 21年來在國際影壇有許多傲人的作品與表 現,包括《臥虎藏龍》、《十面埋伏》和《藝伎 回憶錄》等。 「蕭邦是我的靈感之源」,章子怡說: 「品牌自2018年7月以來一直使用道德認證 黃金來創作,這堅持觸動到我。能夠成為 品牌的華麗時計和珠寶的代言人,我深感 榮幸。」

Last year Chopard announced the identity of its new Global Ambassador: Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi. The accomplished artist, who gracefully combines talent and beauty with charm, is celebrating more than two decades as an international movie star with cinematic successes that include Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers and Memoirs of a Geisha, to name a few. “Chopard is such an inspiration to me,” says Ziyi. “I’m touched by its commitment to using only ethical gold for its creations and I am deeply honoured to have been chosen as the ambassador for its magnificent timepieces and jewellery.”

Red Carpet Collection earrings Chopard Haute Joaillerie ring





jewellery: Chopard

Green agate earring, $4,240

拍攝這輯圖片,她戴上Chopard Happy Sport腕錶及Happy Diamonds珠 寶系列,配合Haute Joaillerie系列高級珠 寶,由著名攝影師Benoît Peverelli操刀, 展現出高貴大氣又不失俏皮的多重氣質。

Captured through the lens of renowned photographer Benoît Peverelli, Zhang Ziyi is shown wearing the Happy Sport watch, and pieces from the Happy Diamonds jewellery collections. Not to mention Chopard Haute Joaillerie creations. Happy Diamonds earrings, $6,690 Happy Sport Watch, $17,500 Haute Joaillerie ring 48

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Happy Hearts sautoir necklace, $11,400 Happy Hearts Wings Ring, $2,700

作為多年的好友,Chopard總裁兼藝術 總監Caroline Scheufele表示 「非常欣賞她 那自然又光彩照人的特質。她戴上我們的手 表首飾,兩者相互映襯出無比的簡約典雅。」

Being a personal friend of Zhang Ziyi, Caroline Scheufele, Co-President and Artistic Director of the famed jewellery house says: “I admire her natural appearance and glamorous beauty. She wears our watches and jewellery with a subtle blend of simplicity and elegance.”

L'Heure du Diamant, $75,600





jewellery: tiffany

18K yellow gold T1 narrow diamond ring, $2,000

18K white gold T1 wide diamond ring, $6,600

18K rose gold T1 wide diamond ring, $6,600

18K rose gold T1 narrow diamond higed bangle, $11,900

18K rose gold T1 narrow diamond ring, $2,000

簡約鑽飾 獨樹一幟

‘I am the one’ the tiffany t1 collection celebrates the unique power and character of women Story | Maisie Lau





「I am the one」,簡單鮮明的一句訊息, 賦予Tiffany T1標誌女性堅毅獨立個性的現代氣 息。 Tiffany & Co.又有吸睛新作面世,今回 的Tiffany T1系列,是出自品牌創作總監Reed Krakoff手筆的時尚珠寶系列,直接利用一個「T」 字,再加上「1」字,象徵Tiffany及個人的連繫, 寓意每個人各自都掌握著與眾不同的力量,蘊 藏獨特的個性。 整個系列一方面希望頌揚歷史悠久的經典 「T」字圖案,另一方面採用簡潔的線條、斜邊、 菱角,以及多面的飾面創作,創製出外形結構 摩登又型格的時尚珠寶首飾。系列項目主打手 鐲與指環,用上18K玫瑰金,配以有或沒有鑽 石鑲嵌的款式,帶來多變又豐富的選擇,亦方 便穿戴者作出不同的造型配搭。

Charlize Theron全新詮釋 「I am the one」 的品牌理念。 Charlize Theron wears a necklace from the T1 Collection.

The iconic “T” is a Tiffany signature, but with the addition of the number “1” by creative director Reed Krakoff, the luxury jewellery brand is making it all about the individual, recognizing that every woman has her own unique power and character. The new collection not only celebrates the heritage of the Tiffany “T”, but modernizes it with multi-dimensional designs and clean lines. The collection of bracelets and rings in 18K rose gold, with or without diamonds, offers an array of choice.

從草圖已可見新作設計的流麗線條與立體結構,均極其細緻。 The drawing illustrates the construction of the new design.





jewellery: Bulgari

為慶祝二十周年而新推的特別版B.Zero1 系列指環,加入白色陶瓷物料$3,600。 The B.Zero1 special edition for celebrating the collection’s 20th Anniversary incorporates white ceramic in the designs, $3,600.


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經典珠寶 搖滾新型格

A ring thAt


the Bulgari B.Zero1 collection is audacious enough to attract a younger market Story | Maisie Lau 用「標志性」這個詞來形容Bulgari(寶格麗) B.Zero1珠寶系列是再確切不過的了。這不僅是因 為數十年來,它獨特的環狀線條,配以品牌標記刻 字,已成為經典設計,而且還因為它已經出售了數 百萬計的戒指,成就了一代人的新審美。

Iconic might be a good word to use to describe the Bulgari B.Zero1 ring. Not only because the jewellery house has, for decades, been known for its striking signature pieces, but also because it has sold millions of rings.

寶格麗品牌大使、 《蜘蛛俠:決戰千里》 女主角Zendaya。 Bulgari ambassador Zendaya. ELITEGEN




jewellery: Bulgari

B.Zero1系列於1999年發佈,自身携帶著新世紀的光環, 受到意大利著名文化遺產古跡羅馬競技場的圓環造型的啓示, 設計融合兩大象徵—衍生自傳統煤氣管Tubogas的創作題材, 及「BVLGARI」的品牌商標。

The collection was first introduced in 1999 in anticipation of the beginning of the new millennium (hence the zero1; the B is, of course, for Bulgari) and is said to be inspired by the Colosseum in Rome.

▲上/B.Zero1 Rock黃金四螺旋鉚釘外緣鑲鑽指環$9,750、下/同 系列玫瑰金配黑色陶瓷雙螺旋鉚釘指環$2,690。 Top: B.Zero1 Rock four-band studded ring edged with pavé diamonds, $9,750; Below: the two-band version, $2,690.

食指B.Zero1 Rock玫瑰金配黑色陶瓷雙螺旋鉚釘指環$2,690、 無名指同系列玫瑰金配黑色陶瓷四螺旋鉚釘指環$3,150、手腕 B.Zero1 Rock玫瑰金配黑色陶瓷螺旋手鐲$8,450。 Index finger: B.Zero1 Rock double-band studded ring in rose gold and black ceramic, $2,690; Ring finger: four-band studded ring in rose gold and black ceramic, $3,150; Wrist: B.Zero1 Rock bangle in rose gold and black ceramic, $8,450.

玫瑰金配黑色陶瓷螺旋鉚釘耳環$3,250。 Earrings with studded spirals in rose gold and black ceramic, $3,250. 54

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食指/B.Zero1 Rock黃金雙螺旋外緣鑲鑽鉚釘指環$9,000、無名指/同系列黃金四螺旋鉚釘 外緣鑲鑽指環$9,750。手腕/上及下/B.Zero1 Rock黃金螺旋鉚釘外緣鑲鑽手鐲$19,800、 中/ B.Zero1玫瑰金配黑色陶瓷手鐲$8,450。 Index finger: B.Zero1 Rock double-band ring in yellow gold edged with pavé diamonds, $9,000; ring finger: the four-band version, $9,750. Wrist, top and bottom: B.Zero1 Rock studded bangle in yellow gold edged with pavé diamonds, $19,800; middle: B.Zero1 bangle in rose gold and black ceramic, $8,450.

上至下: B.Zero1玫瑰金四環指環$2,890、B.Zero1 Rock玫瑰金配黑色陶瓷雙螺 旋鉚釘指環$2,690、同系列玫瑰金配黑色陶瓷四螺旋鉚釘指環$3,600、B.Zero1 玫瑰金四環鑲鑽指環$13,500、B.Zero1 Rock玫瑰金配黑色陶瓷四螺旋鉚釘指環 $3,600。 From top: B.Zero1 four-band ring in rose gold, $2,890; B.Zero1 Rock studded double-band ring in rose gold and black ceramic, $2,690; the four-band version, $3,600; B.Zero1 four-band diamond ring in rose gold, $13,500; B.Zero1 Rock four-band studded ring in rose gold and black ceramic, $3,600.

經典系列的最新作品因B.Zero1 Rock之名,添入濃濃的搖滾色 彩。立體感突出的鉚釘配合原來的螺旋線條及品牌名字「BVLGARI」的 鐫刻雙標誌,伸延這個簽名式系列的獨特DNA。新系列青春洋溢,包 括白金、黃金及玫瑰金製作,以及雙螺旋或四螺旋型號,亦有拼搭黑 色陶瓷,又或密鑲鑽石的設計版本。無論耳環、指環、手鐲還是吊墜 項鏈,尤其適合自由組合不同的款式同時穿戴,藉以營造隨意且百變 的個人風格,誓要吸引新新人類的購買欲望,將這個有著136年歷史的 品牌發揚光大。

The latest line to be added to the B.Zero1 family is the Rock, an updated and more youthful collection of bracelets, pendants and earrings—and, of course, rings, with gold studs, ushering in a more gutsy and unapologetic style to attract younger buyers at a price point that is also more accessible to that demographic. It’s an audacious move for the 136-year-old Roman jeweller, but one that already seems to be rock solid.

一張草圖,說明了這個經典系列的創作靈感,同時融入羅馬競技場的建築美學。 This sketch illustrates how the classic collection was inspired by the silhouette of the Roman Colosseum and its architecture.







Fit For a queen

Vacheron Constantin new watch collection a testament to its regal past Story | 伍旋卓 江詩丹頓(Vacheron Constantin)曾身為多國帝王的 時計製造商,肩負著光榮歷史。品牌今年出人意料地推 出新款女裝系列,把不同層次圓形造成完美組合,加上 仿織錦工藝的金屬處理,造出華麗的皺褶紋飾,展現女 士織物的精美,可隨時配搭不同季度的時裝。


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Throughout its history Vacheron Constantin has been revered as the jewellery maker for kings and queens. Notably, the women’s watch collection, introduced this year, is a nod to the century-long heritage of its regal European brand.

Égérie密鑲鑽石月相 機芯:1088 L自動上鏈 物料:18K金 Égérie Moon Phase Reference: 1088 L self-winding Material: 18K gold and diamonds Price upon request






Égérie貝母月相 機芯:1088 L自動上鏈 物料:18K金 Égérie Moon Phase Reference: 1088 L self-winding Material: 18K gold and mother of pearl $43,100


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新 Égérie 系列的名字來自古羅馬神話女 神Egeria,是以不對稱美學,傳承品牌過去百 年的歐洲皇族鐘表作品。表面的經典「皺褶」設 計與十八世紀皇后晚宴禮服相似,但加入了當 代女性喜愛的起伏及繁複交織紋理,令腕表看 來像一件織錦飾物,可隨時配搭不同季度的時 裝。在鑲嵌鑽石時,特地營造一種纖細編織物 紋理,在光源下出現「光暈」的柔美輪廓,細膩 描繪出現代女性相同特質。

Égérie自動日期 機芯:1088 L自動上鏈 物料:精鋼 Égérie self-winding with date Reference: 1088 L Self-winding Material: stainless steel and diamonds $26,600

Named after the Roman mythical goddess Egeria, The Égérie is a tribute to Vacheron Constantin’s history of haute horology. Pleats in the dial are inspired by 18th century gowns worn by royals of that era, with diamonds adding mesmerizing brilliance.







Good timinG

Chase tang left the corporate world to follow his dream. Hollywood hotshot here he comes Story | Iris Chui


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時勢造英雄,抑或英雄造時勢?還不是看 一將能否功成。唐嘉壕此刻可能只是銀河繁星之 一,然而荷里活從來是夢工場,出生於台灣、 成長於新斯高沙省、剛拍過Netflix的《Jupiter’s Legacy》、盛傳是《黑豹2》主角之一的唐嘉壕, 即將發光發亮,且立此存照。 eG : 由2017年首次拍《Suit》時的小角色,到 在快將推出的Netflix劇集《Jupiter’s Legacy》擔 任要角而漸為人知,有何轉變?最想達到怎麼樣 的目標? Tang : 這個世界有許多掙扎和不愉快的事, 我很希望透過自己在生活、工作上的努力和經 歷,不但對我的家人和朋友,還可以啟發到不同 階層和背景的人,觸動到他們,同樣為生活和工 作積極付出,嘗到甘美的成果。 作為藝人,知名度高了,多了機會聯繫到有 助事業發展的單位。過往八個月,我被邀出席不 少在荷里活和亞洲舉行的特別活動,結識到以前 從未想過可以遇到的人物。

Chase Tang is a name you might be hearing a lot about. He is currently starring in one of Netflix’s latest superhero shows, Jupiter’s Legacy, and is now rumoured to be in the running for a role as one of the protagonists in the upcoming film Black Panther 2. eliteGen recently caught up with Tang, a one-time corporate executive, who was born in Taiwan but raised in Bedford, Nova Scotia, to talk about his rising star in Hollywood. eG: With your important role in Netflix’s Jupiter’s Legacy, and the newfound fame and popularity that comes with it, how has your life changed? Tang: “My goal is to be an inspiration for people from all walks of life. There is a lot of struggle and unhappiness in the world. I hope others can see what I have done with my life, my career, and get inspired to take the necessary steps into making their lives both personally and professionally as amazing as possible.“






eG : 你曾經為Marvel的動漫電影《Shang-Chi》試 鏡,但最終由劉思慕得到男主角的角色;你當時感覺 為何?為否以他作為自己在荷里活的假想敵? Tang : 我知道很多人都愛將我和他作比較。事實 上,約於2012年開展演藝事業的Simu,無論是基礎 和發展都肯定比我好。我不會視他為競爭對手,因為 大家都是同坐一條船,為亞裔藝人爭取多元化發展。 事實上我很替Simu高興,他努力了這許些年,終於 有很大的突破。當然我也為未能得到《Shang-Chi》的 角色而失望,因為事前為試鏡進行了密集的訓練和準 備,自覺這是自己表現最好的試鏡之一,即場的反應 也很好,所以期望是蠻大的。但等了三星期也沒收到 消息,直至見到Simu的IG才知角色落在他身上,那一 刻還是禁不住有點妒忌。然而我還是衷心祝福Simu, 希望電影上映時有好成績。 eG : 傳言你會在《黑豹2》飾演主角之一的Namor McKenzie? Tang : 自去年十月開始,我每星期也會收到 好幾個這樣的查詢。可能是因為漫畫裏的Namor McKenzie有亞裔背景,也可能是大家留意到我在 Fan-Casting的照片;但一切都要待Marvel作實和公 佈。 作為一個藝人,一定要靈活抓緊每一個機會。所 以荷里活和亞洲同樣是我的發展重心,計劃每年平均 各花四至五個月。

eG: You auditioned for Shang-Chi, but the role went to Simu Liu. Has anyone ever said the two of you have lots in common? Do you consider him a major competitor? How did you feel when you learned he got the role? Tang: “Yeah, many people make the comparison. His career is definitely much further ahead than mine is, but I believe he started acting around 2012. I don’t consider Simu Liu a competitor because we are both in the same boat, fighting for diversity and representation as Asian actors on the big screen. “I was very happy for Simu Liu. I know he has worked hard for many years and this was his big break. I was disappointed not getting the role because I prepared very intensely for my audition and it was, hands down, one of the best auditions I have ever had. I felt very good and got amazing feedback, but didn’t hear anything for three weeks. Then I saw Simu‘s post on Instagram that he had got the role. I was so jealous. But honestly, there is nobody more deserving of it than him. I wish him nothing but the very best with Marvel’s Shang-Chi once the film hits theatres.” eG: Any major movies in the works? There are reports that you will be part of Black Panther 2. Tang: “Since October 2019, I’ve gotten at least a couple of messages every week, asking me about Marvel’s Black Panther 2. The main character is Namor McKenzie and I believe in the original comic he is of Asian descent. I’ve been fortunate to get a lot of attention from fan casting, but nothing is official until Marvel signs off and approves it. 他是聯合國主辦活動「#World Is In Our Hands」 支持眾星之一, 其餘參與的 名人包括Joaquin Phoenix、Nikolaj Coster-Waldau、Susan Sarandon、 Neve Campbell、Rosario Dawson、Alec Baldwin和Antonio Banderas。 Tang is part of a high-profile United Nations environment campaign called #WorldIsInOurHands, Among celebrities taking part are Joaquin Phoenix, Susan Sarandon, Neve Campbell, Rosario Dawson, Alec Baldwin, Antonio Banderas and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. 62

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My goal is to be an inspiration for people from all walks of life. I hope others can see what I have done with my life, my career, and get inspired to take the necessary steps into making their lives both personally and professionally as amazing as possible.





celebrity eG : 大學畢業後,你由一個年薪超過六位數字的行政人 員,重新起步踏入充滿未知數的娛樂圈。當中的心路歷程?如何 裝備自己?經過多少次試鏡才於2017年得到第一個演出機會? 有甚麼難忘的經歷? Tang : 雖然有一定成績,但我並不熱衷行政人員的工作, 純粹是為經濟考慮。反而對電影和電視、幾乎所有跟荷里活和娛 樂圈有關的事都有莫名好奇和吸引。正因為這熱愛,這不再是單 純的工作,而是想全心全意發展的事業。 我浪費了生命中美好的五至八年,走別人覺得我應該走的 路。如果可以,但願能夠早些踏上演員路。我的信念是︰不管年 齡多大,時間都掌握在自己手中,沒有人可以寫你的故事,筆是 在自己手中。 我看了大量的報導和相關資料,盡量認識和了解這行業︰ 如何運作、選角總監、經理人和製作模式。參加了數不清的演員 課程,也嘗試不同衣著和造型,務求突出自己,以亞裔演員身分 爭取到最佳機會。 我算頗幸運,無需經過很多次試鏡已得到第一次演出機 會,反而花了好些時間才找到經理人。入行後,遇到不少作品伴 著自己長大的著名演員,感覺很奇妙和難忘。 eG : 演員路上充滿未知數,會否感到失落和挑戰? Tang : 作為新人,即使是基本如怎樣記熟對白、劇情分析 也不甚了了,但部分演技導師不但沒鼓勵,反而毫不留情地尖銳 批評,那一刻真的懷疑自己。幸好2018年時遇到好些傑出演技 導師,那種信任和支持,帶來截然不同的感覺。 對大部份從事演藝工作的人來說,如何讓公眾認識,吸引 媒體訪問,建立知名度和形象都是很大挑戰。我出道的時機算 好,《我的超豪男友》、處境喜劇《金氏便利店》和《Shang-Chi》 等,令亞裔演員在荷里活得到更多注意和機會。而來自台灣、成 長於新斯高沙省和冰棍球方面的背景,亦讓我在相關圈子有一定 知名度。 此刻最大的挑戰是如何在許多的未知和名氣中找到平衡, 這行的起伏實在很大,這星期可能忙個不了,來到下星期卻又可 能被動地在等工作機會,擔憂停滯的事業。這種不確定狀態可以 很驚恐的。


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eG: You were once a corporate executive with a large annual income. How did you prepare yourself for the transition to become an actor? How many auditions did you go on before getting your first role in 2017? Any unforgettable incidents? Tang: “When I started working in the corporate world, I wasn’t very passionate about it, but it was a means to acquire financial stability. I had a successful career in the corporate world, but I always had an underlying curiosity and obsession for movies and TV shows—pretty much anything to do with Hollywood and the entertainment industry. And since I enjoyed it so much, it would never be considered work. I figured that if I committed myself, I could make a career out of it. “I probably wasted a good five to eight years of my life listening to people telling me who I was. What I’m doing now, I probably could’ve done earlier. No matter how young or old you are, you always have time. Nobody has the right to tell your story—the pen is in your hands. So I researched, trying to understand everything about the industry— how the business side of things worked, casting directors, agencies, film sets. I also experimented with a lot of different looks as I wanted to stand out and figure out which ones would give me the best chance of succeeding as an Asian actor in Toronto. “I was very fortunate. I didn’t have to audition too many times before landing my first role. But it took a while before I got an agent as I was enrolled in so many acting classes. I have many unforgettable experiences, especially meeting famous actors and actresses I had watched on TV growing up.” eG: You must have had some struggles. Tang: “One of the biggest struggles was the harsh criticism from acting coaches. As a new actor, I didn’t understand the basics, like memorizing lines or script analysis, and the acting coaches who were supposed to be encouraging were instead very critical. Fortunately, I met some amazing coaches in 2018 who believed in me. “One of the hardest aspects that most entertainers face is making a name for themselves, such as being featured in newspaper stories and building any sort of fame or name recognition. Being from Taiwan, growing up in Nova Scotia and playing hockey at a high level was a blessing, as it helped me become very well known in Taiwan, Nova Scotia and within the hockey community. My timing right now is good. Crazy Rich Asians, Marvel and Shang-Chi, Kim’s Convenience: this is what you call good timing. “I think the most challenging thing right now is to embrace both uncertainty and fame. Careers are full of ups and downs. One week, you may be busy and another week you are waiting around for things to happen and feeling worried that your career is not progressing. For some, that uncertainty can be very scary so it’s not the type of career for them.”






唐嘉壕自信可以抽離角色,不會 影響其現實生活。 After endless trial-and-error mental imagery work, emotional exercises and character analysis, Tang says he is quite able to separate his acting career from his personal life. 66

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中學時代被視為冰棍球明日之星,卻因意外受 在荷里活的巨型標誌下,成功求婚。 傷而希望幻滅。 Tang proposed to his long-time girlfriend in March under the His dream of being a hockey star vanished famous Hollywood sign overlooking Los Angeles. after an accident.

由曾經一度的 「肥仔」 ,透過嚴格控制飲食和運 動,減掉近40磅,成就此刻的健碩身形。 Strict diet and exercise helped Tang to shed more than 40 pounds and become super fit.

eG : 如何透過嚴格控制飲食和運動,減掉近40 磅,成就此刻的健碩身形?

eG: You are on a very strict diet and you exercise regularly. You have shed more than 40 pounds and become super fit. What is your diet and workout regimen?

Tang : 剛開始做演員的三年間,還不是怎樣忙, 日程較易安排,會每星期做10至15次運動,每24小時 鍛練2次;每星期至少3至4次進行游泳、長距離跑步、 快速短跑等有氧和無氧運動。同時亦會做針對操練肌 肉的舉重,之後再做大量伸展運動作結束,總體運動 量很大。

Tang: “I will start with my exercise routine. From 2016 to 2019, when my career was not as busy and my schedule was more predictable, I would sometimes train twice a day and would work out a total of 10 to 15 times per week. I like to do cardio (swimming/jogging/HITT/sprints) and anaerobic activities (heavy isolation weightlifting one body part at a time, ending every session with intense stretching) at least three or four times per week.

飲食方面,主要視乎那期間的拍攝或試鏡安排, 星期日至四主要會遵照︰50%蔬菜、30%瘦肉和蛋白 質、15%脂肪和5%碳水化合物的比例來進食。戒糖、 戒水果、戒防腐劑和加工食品;星期五和六則可以破 戒,吃一些不健康的食物︰許多的糖果、煎炸食品和 壽司等美味東西。 eG : 是否自小已經很受女孩子歡迎?聽說你最近 訂婚了。 Tang : 高中和大學時代我已愛打扮,總是把頭 髮弄得很有型地出現,的確有不少女孩子會被吸引過 來,不過當她們和我進一步談話時,會嫌我太過「乖」 和遵規蹈矩,那年紀的女孩子大概會喜歡富挑戰性的 不羈男朋友類型,所以她們大都把我歸納為「好朋友」 而不是「男朋友」範圍,我的感情生活並沒有想象中多 姿多采。 今年三月我在荷里活標誌下跟和我拍了五年拖 的女朋友求婚,她也答允了。她不僅美麗,還十分聰 慧、甜蜜和有愛心,伴我度過生命中各種起落,是我 最好的朋友和畢生摯愛。我認識她時,她還是滑鐵盧 大學三年級學生,現在是多倫多金融區工作的高級精 算師。她對影視行業亦很感興趣,有一天也可能會轉 型成為演員。

“As for diet, from Sunday to Thursday, I have a very strict diet that follows my auditioning and shooting schedule. What I typically eat during these days are: 50 per cent veggies, 30 per cent lean meats and proteins,15 per cent fats, five per cent carbs, zero sugars, zero fruits, zero preservatives and zero processed foods. On Fridays and Saturdays, l take it easy and eat more unhealthy foods, like sweets, deep-fried items, sushi and various other tasty items.” eG: Have you had lots of secret admirers? I understand you are newly engaged. What is that like? Tang: “I was always very athletic in high school and university, and I always liked to dress well and style my hair, but I was awfully shy and not confident at all. I had a lot of girls who may have taken an interest in me based on physical appearance, but after speaking with me, I think they found my personality to be too nice or too predictable and not quite ‘boyfriend’ material. “Girls at a younger age often want the ‘bad boy,’ and I was too shy to be one. So, I didn’t really have many admirers and didn’t date too much. Getting a girlfriend was a struggle. I was definitely placed in the friend zone by many girls. “I’m delighted to share my personal life for this article. I proposed to my girlfriend of more than five years in March under the famous Hollywood sign overlooking Los Angeles. She’s not only beautiful, but a very intelligent, sweet and caring individual who has stuck with me throughout all of life’s ups and downs. She’s definitely my best friend and the love of my life. “I met her when she was in third year at Waterloo University; I just recall a very motivated and focussed student. Today, she has a successful career working on Bay Street in the Financial District in Toronto as a senior actuary associate for Price Waterhouse Coopers. She’s also very passionate about the film and television industry, so one day she hopes to transition into an actress or something within the industry.”





fashion: hermès men


timeless and casual Hermès 2021春夏男裝系列以簡單 低調作標識,但並不缺少高端與奢 華。簡約輪廓勾勒出永不過時的休 閑造型,流露輕盈、簡潔與灑脫。

Hermès spring/summer 2021 is a carefree expression of lightness and streamlined simplicity


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fashion: hermès men


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Gastronomic Haven eating well in taiwan is easy Story & Photography | Renée S. Suen


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有寶島之稱的台灣不但充滿生氣,而且山明水 秀,景色怡人。過去數月,台灣的抗疫成效超著, 獲國際肯定,而同樣獲讚譽的當然還包括當地無可 抗拒的美食。饒河夜市及士林夜市是遊台灣必到景 點,不過台灣的飲食文化又豈止夜市,原住民及樸 實的家常美食、米芝蓮星級餐廳、全亞洲50大最佳 餐廳及獨特的本土產物,全都是台灣飲食文化的重 要元素。 台灣到處都是美食。一早起來,先到阜杭豆漿 品嚐著名的蛋餅及鹹豆漿。微熱山丘的鳳梨酥全部 均以當地土產鳳梨製成,是最有地道風味的小吃, 再來一杯春水堂的珍珠奶就更為滿足。老字號如林 東芳牛肉麵及經常大排長龍天津蔥抓餅都是必吃之 選,晚餐不妨火鍋,當地的火鍋店多不勝數,由中 價至商檔任君選擇。

As a vibrant and beautiful island bursting with green space, Taiwan is being praised for its unparalleled casual food scene. It’s an emerging paradise for food lovers, boasting night markets like Raohe and Shilin, as well as a culinary culture that’s bolstered by aboriginal and home-style foods, courtesy of a brigade of restaurants recognized by the Michelin Guide and World’s 50 Best Restaurants (Asia). Eating well in Taipei is easy. Start the day at Fu Hang Dou Jiang for their signature egg shao bing, washed down with a bowl of savoury soy milk. Take a tea break with SunnyHills’ finger-sized pineapple cake made from locally grown sun-dried seasonal pineapples and Chun Shui Tang Teahouse’s pearl milk tea. Visit stalwarts like Lin Dong Fan for chili-infused, oil-slicked beef noodle soup, or join a building-wrapping queue for ethereal scallion pancakes at Tianjin in Da’an, before practising hot pot on elaborate mid-range to high-end sophisticated spreads.

從信義區的象山可眺望台灣的天隙線美景,包括台北101大樓。 Taipei’s skyline includes the iconic Taipei 101 building as seen from Xinyi District’s Elephant Mountain.






參加位於台東富里的吉拉米代部落生態遊,體驗阿美族人的部落生 活,以及品嚐利用在地食材製作的部落風味餐。 Participate in an immersive Cilamitay experience in Fuli Township spending a day with the Amis people. Enjoy a thoughtful meal or two prepared with regional ingredients by the hosts.


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參觀位於宜蘭的知名酒廠金車噶瑪蘭酒廠,學習混酒 技巧及在威士忌吧品嚐各種單一麥芽威士忌。 Tour world-famous Kavalan’s distillery in Yilan and learn how to blend your own booze before sitting down at its whisky bar to taste from the various barrels of single malt whisky.

台灣料理經常被歸類為中菜的一種,但多年來台灣料理已經演化出 其獨特性。台灣菜深受歷史背景影響,稱得上是料理美食文化大熔爐。米 芝蓮兩星食府Taïrroir的主廚何順凱(Kai Ho)指出,這是由於台灣曾經由荷 蘭、西班牙、日本及中國管治,而不同年代亦有不同的飲食潮流。近年掀 起日式料理風潮,一些菜館如位於陽明山公園的松園禪林,既提供日本刺 身同時兼備廣東及老台灣特色菜。2019年的台灣美食展,匯取數百個參展 攤位展示穆斯林菜、台灣原住民菜、素菜、精品菜式及創意美食,充分體 現台灣料理的多元性。 何順凱指出,原住民的部落飲食在200多年前地位舉足輕重。想了解 更多,不妨前往台東富里參加吉拉米代部落的生態遊。在這裡可以體驗阿 美族人的部落生活,還有機會親自撒網捕魚並在大自然的美景下品嚐部落 風味午餐,欣賞如畫般的水梯田及有過百年歷史的古老灌溉系統。 如果到訪金山,一定要試試當地名產蕃薯及薑,那裡的溫泉亦十分有 名。九份老街及茶樓亦值得一遊,日本動畫《神隱少女》其中一幕經典場景 的創作靈感亦來自此地。說到宜蘭的必訪景點,非金車噶瑪蘭酒廠莫屬, 酒廠獲國際葡萄酒暨烈酒大賽2017年年度酒莊。除了美酒,當地的櫻桃烤 鴨亦不可錯過。經過車站別忘了買一份鐵路便當,部分便當帶著車站所屬 地區的特色,如池上車站的便當便用上該區出產的稻米。 返回台北,為的是一頓華麗的盛宴。何順凱及他的團隊以傳統的原 住民部落食材如青竹筍結合新派風味,把經典重新演繹。Taïrroir的創意餐 牌名為Qiu Lu Cai(台語「手路菜」),以法式烹調手藝呈現出一道道驚喜菜 式,當中包括以嶄新面貌出現的經典街頭小吃蚵仔煎。另一道菜是釀入原 隻飽魚的炆釀雞翼,開胃菜用上來自台灣谷關的beluga caviar鱘魚子醬, 旁邊放了蛤蜊、豆芽及木魚片,上菜時在客人面前加入熱騰騰的法式清燉 肉湯,無論色、香、味都令人無法抗拒。最後由糕餅師Angela Lai呈上各 款精緻的甜品,如夾著山茶花油忌廉及鳳梨味雪葩的鹹蛋黃曲奇餅,可說 是鳳梨酥的變奏版。

Taïrroir用普洱茶滷煮雞蛋,把蛋煮成溏心蛋,並置於蕃薯軟蓉,蛋上覆 蓋一層冰花脆餅,最後將熱騰騰的雞粥淋在茶葉蛋上。 At Taïrroir, the supplemental course features a silkie soft boiled egg with Pu’er tea that’s served on a sweet potato fondant, topped with crispy pain dentelle and finished with a tableside pour of congee.

Often categorized under Chinese food, Taiwanese cuisine is emerging as its own. The melting pot cuisine takes influence from its past: twoMichelin starred Taïrroir’s head chef Kai Ho attributes that to Taiwan’s colonization by the Dutch, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese, but also notes the cuisine is generation-dependent. In contrast to the preference for Chinese cuisines two decades ago, there’s a current interest in Japanese. You’ll find items like sashimi existing in harmony with Cantonese and Taiwanese flavours on menus across the island. The diversity of Taiwan’s cuisine was showcased at the 2019 Taiwan Culinary Exhibition through hundreds of vendors serving Muslim, indigenous, vegetarian, gourmet and innovative foods. According to Ho, the dominant cuisine from 200-plus years ago was indigenous. To learn more, head out to mountainous Taitung for Fuli’s Cilamitay Tribe eco-tour, where preserved aborigine traditions successfully integrate with modern culture. Spend the day with the Amis people, meeting the rice farmers and fishermen on a guided tour of their village. Attempt to net fish before partaking in a farm-to-table lunch above picturesque, still functioning, terraced rice fields with 100-year-old irrigation systems, and appreciate why the island was named Formosa by Portuguese sailors back in the 16th century.

Taïrroir的蚵仔煎採用口感柔滑的澎湖鮮蚵,並覆蓋上酥脆的炒鴨蛋,再 淋上鮮蠔奄列醬。 Taïrroir’s version of ô-á-tsian (oyster omelette) features a silky poached Penghu oyster blanketed by crispy fried "scrambled" duck egg shreds that’s drizzled with oyster omelette sauce.

Try sweet potatoes and ginger when in Jinshan. Visit a teahouse and admire the old streets of Jiufen, which inspired the animated film Spirited Away. You can’t travel to Yilan without stopping for a tour of Kavalan, the International Wine and Spirit Competition 2017’s Distiller of the Year, before feasting on the region’s famed Cherry Valley roasted duck. Just make sure to try a train bian dang (bento) on your travels. They’re so popular that the Taiwan Railways Administration stations sell more than 10-million bentos annually, with some station’s version becoming the village’s main attraction, like Chishang, which uses the region’s rice. Back in Taipei over a splendid meal of reimagined culinary classics prepared by Ho and his team, I experience the way tradition and preservation of indigenous ingredients integrates with the contemporary palate. Interpreted through refined French techniques, Taïrroir’s innovative “Qiu Lu Cai” menu serves whimsical courses. Here, silky poached Penghu oyster hides under a messy cap of fried “scrambled” duck egg that’s drizzled with oyster omelette sauce. Another course features a juicy braised abalone-stuffed chicken wing, while a quenelle of farmed Beluga caviar from Guguan. It’s excellent, captivating all senses with its aromatic and deep flavours.

糕餅師Angela Lai精心創製的甜品選擇眾多,幾乎你想象到的都有。 Pastry chef Angela Lai’s mignardises trolley at Taïrroir is filled with every imaginable treat. ELITEGEN





Pine Garden位於士林區的松園禪林,八道菜的餐單採用時令食材,如前菜沙律便分別展現甜、苦、辣、酸及鹹五味。 Pine Garden in Shilin District. Its eight-course menu employs seasonal ingredients like a starting salad spread featuring sweet, bitter, sour and savoury dishes.

松園禪林把日式及台式風味完美融和,夏日 「原心」 套餐提供鮑魚枸杞蕎麥冷麵。 Pine Garden’s summer “Original Intention” menu featured a delicious cold wolfberry soba noodle course with marinated abalone.

被問及如何定義台灣料理,土生土長的何順凱表示,主要受福建 及日本影響。不過他認為現在的食客較注重食材及烹調手法,這表示 像Taïrroir這類餐廳將會愈來愈被大眾接受。「到街上走一轉就會知道何 謂台灣料理,牛肉麵、鹵肉飯、小籠包、炸雞……」他補充說。「不過 我自己仍然在探索中!定位依然模糊。」台灣料理不斷演變,絕不局限 於一道菜或一個定義。你要親身試過才能體會。

Pastry chef Angela Lai’s delightful final courses continue the impressive narrative with mildly sweet creations, such as pineapple cake-inspired salted egg cookies sandwiching camellia oil crémeux with pineapple sorbet, and a trolley brimming with mignardises. Asked to define Taiwanese cuisine, Ho (born and raised there) believes it’s mainly Fujian with Japanese influences. He notes, however, that present-day diners care more about the ingredients and their preparation, which means they’re more receptive to restaurants like Taïrroir. Ever evolving, Taiwanese cuisine goes beyond one dish or definition. You just have to taste it for yourself. 76

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天津手抓餅有原味或加入雞蛋、火腿或粟米,小攤檔旁邊永遠都見到長長的人 龍但不用等太久。 Served plain or stuffed with a combination of egg, ham or corn, the queue for scallion pancakes at Tianjin might be long but moves quickly.

往返交通 長榮航空提供航班往返台北及多倫多和溫哥華。

住宿推介 鄰近台北中央車站的Palais de Chine是豪華之選。酒 店提供優質的客房、餐廳及適合一家大小的設施,更可直達 台北地下街。而四星級精品酒店宿之酒店則走新派風格,寬 敞的客房能眺望淡水河景,更提供Hermès的洗漱用品。

活動推介 設於台灣總統府主層的常設展《府-Power to the People》,可見證台灣的歷史進程。到訪中正紀念堂參觀換 兵儀式。國立故宮博物院內的藏品包括毛公鼎、肉形石、白 玉錦荔枝及硬玉雕刻等,值得花上一天時間慢慢欣賞。

HOW TO GET THERE Eva Air flies to Taipei from Toronto and Vancouver.

WHERE TO STAY For glamour located close to the MRT Taipei Main, luxury hotel Palais de Chine boasts of refined guests room, on-site restaurants, family-friendly facilities and is directly connected to Taipei City Mall. For contemporary comforts, four-star boutique hotel Suz & Catorze offers spacious guestrooms overlooking Tamsui River and it’s stocked with Hermès toiletries.

THInGS TO DO Learn about Taiwan’s historical progress through the Power of the People exhibition at the Presidential Office Building. Visit the national Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, timing it with the changing of the guard. And make sure to carve out a day to explore national treasures, including the tripod Mao Gong ding, vegetable- and meat-shaped nephrite or jadeite jade carvings at the national Palace Museum.

台北地標式建築台北101大樓附近就是古老的四四南村。這裡是當時聯勤 第44兵工廠的廠工居住的地方,現已被保育並成為文化及歷史古蹟。 Taipei 101 rises high above the historic Forty Four South, a former military village that’s been preserved as a cultural and historic site. ELITEGEN





稚氣工作間 LEGO Campus

‘Kidult’ style denmark’s latest lego headquarters aims to wash away typical office burnout Story | Ern Photography | Courtesy of Lego

天台搭上黃色大LEGO磚。 The gigantic Lego brick rooftop. 78

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在外牆鋪上灰色LEGO磚。 Grey exterior in Lego bricks.

說起LEGO,毫無疑問是童年回憶,總會提醒我們那靜好歲月。 LEGO Campus是LEGO在發源地丹麥麥中部比隆(Billund)最新 建造的大型企劃,佔地約54,000平方米,預計於2021年完全竣工, 現時已落成的是其中的辦公室總部。比隆除了是Legoland所在之地, 全球有90% 的LEGO磚是在這裡的工廠生產,連當地的機場也是由 LEGO於六十年代出資興建,可見LEGO與比隆的緊密相連。 辦公室總部找來建築師CF Møller負責設計,銳意將LEGO的六大 理念—imagination、creativity、fun、learning、caring及quality貫徹 其中,從外觀到內部設計,均與這六大理念息息相關。它沒有像同樣 在比隆由BIG設計的LEGO House般色彩繽紛,除了透過不同設計將 兩者區分;也因為辦公室的性質始終要沉穩一些。整幢辦公室採用大 量落地玻璃建成,也是近年以採光為目標的大趨勢,玻璃之間加入了 灰色的LEGO磚,遠看彷彿融入建築底部的灰色牆之中,近看才見到 當中的心思及樂趣,也就知道這是LEGO辦公室,童叟無欺。以灰色 為主調的建築之上,設計了一個黃色的「僭建物」,原來也是一塊大型 LEGO磚,頓時為建築注入歡樂的元素,與LEGO的理念一脈相承。 辦公室總部內部氣氛比較輕鬆,四處都是以LEGO砌成的大小裝 置,也設有不少開揚的公共空間,其中一條連接數層的樓梯採用鮮綠 色,並且設計成搶眼的螺旋狀,令人甫踏進建築物就留下深刻印象。 屋頂的黃色LEGO磚是開放予公眾的部份,不但可以透過窗戶欣賞城 市景色,也可購買最新的LEGO套裝。 近年大家關注的可持續元素,可見於屋頂所鋪上的4,150塊太陽 能電池板,足以提供整幢建築物所需電力的一半;天台亦種植了大量 植物,用以吸收雨水並將它重用在澆灌總部的公園植物,非常環保。 最令人期待的,是LEGO Campus在2021年竣工以後,會提供大講 堂、健身中心、藝術工作坊、咖啡店等設施,上班原來可以好開心。


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為員工設計一些 「靜坐位」 ,讓員工專心工作。 A bench for employees to sit and think.

Lego has played a vital role in childhood development for decades. It’s the source of many vivid memories for children and parents alike. So it comes as no surprise that the toy company’s new campus in Billund, Denmark will be equally memorable. When finished next year, it will encompass more than half-a-million square feet. Without a doubt, Lego is an integral part of Billund. In addition to being home to the legendary Legoland, Billund also produces 90 per cent of all Lego bricks globally. Even the local airport was financed by Lego in the 1960s. Architect CF Møller has incorporated Lego’s six main elements— imagination, creativity, fun, learning, caring and quality—into both the exterior and interior design of the main office. It differs from the Lego House, designed by the Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), which is quite colourful. The intention with the new development was to illustrate the difference between the work nature of the main office and the experience concept of the campus. The entire office building uses floor-to-ceiling windows, which aligns with current architectural trends towards brighter interiors. Grey-tone Lego bricks separate the gigantic windows. In contrast to the building’s dominant grey tone is an overhanging yellow brick that appears to have been “snapped” onto the top of the building in true Lego form and function. Inside, Lego displays are assembled in varying sizes throughout multiple open spaces. And there is an eye-catching green spiral staircase connecting the four floors. The magnificent yellow brick cube at the top is open to the public where visitors can enjoy amazing city views as well as shop for the latest in Lego. In terms of being eco-friendly, Lego installed 4,150 solar panels on the roof to produce half of the building’s electricity. And a planted rooftop greenery will absorb and collect rain water for irrigation reuse. When fully completed, the employee campus will include a large lecture hall, a fitness centre and an artist workshop.

悉心設計的色調貫徹LEGO宗旨。 A thoroughly curated colour tone is a Lego theme.

室內樓梯用上大膽的鮮綠色。 The interior spiral staircase. ELITEGEN





決定婚禮顏色主題前, 首先要認知自己的喜惡。 Before deciding on the colour scheme, you have to know your likes and dislikes.


Planning your sPecial day well Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Aly Armstrong

遇上了完美的伴侶,決定共諧連理,一起邁向人生的新階段,擇了良 辰吉日,便要開始籌劃婚禮了。 eliteGen最近會見了Fleur Luxury Wedding Show婚禮展的始創和製作 人Aly Armstrong,她給了準新人一些很好的建議。 eG:一對準新人在與你會面前,應該如何做好準備? AA:第一次會面是準新人與婚禮策劃團隊互相認識的機會。講他們 自己的愛情故事無疑會幫助策劃團隊確定婚禮的佈置主題美學和氛圍。提 供一些他們可能擁有或喜好的任何靈感圖像及某些不可或缺的傳統元素, 總客人人數和預算範圍,都有助策劃人推薦最合適的場地和供應商。 eG:新人最慣常犯的錯誤是什麼?如何避免? AA:在確定來賓名單前已選擇場地,是可以避免的錯誤。預算是一 個重要的考慮因素,如果準新人選擇採用私人住宅或場所,應先計算出付 租用和改造場地的費用。私人場所的總體費用會較低是一個慣常的誤解。





You’ve met your perfect soulmate. You’ve decided to tie the knot and move forward to the next stage of your lives together. Now it’s time to start planning your wedding. eliteGen recently met with Aly Armstrong, founder and producer of the prestigious FLEUR Luxury Wedding Show. eG: How should a couple prepare themselves before meeting you? AA: The first meeting provides an opportunity for the couple and wedding planners to get to know each other. A couple tell their love stories, which will no doubt influence the wedding aesthetic and vibe. Any inspirational images they may have, what are their non-negotiables and traditional elements that must be included, guest count and budget range – all of these will help wedding planners when suggesting venues and appropriate vendor teams.

今年年初,Fleur婚禮展,帶來精采的婚紗時裝表演。 Earlier this year, Fleur Luxury Wedding Show presented a variety of stunning wedding gowns.

eG:新人應該提前多少時間開始計劃? AA:平均12個月是不錯的時間。準新人如果需在特定 日期或地點舉行婚禮,最好盡可能提前預訂。 eG:新冠狀疫情對婚禮業務運作方式有何影響? AA:因為COVID-19,大多數婚禮已延遲至2021年,而 一些客戶則選擇將客人人數減少到50人以下,以符合省政府 的指引。在這種情況下,一定會有周密的安排確保婚禮期間 所有人的安全。

eG: What are the most common mistakes couples make and how can they avoid them? AA: Selecting a venue before finalizing the guest list is an avoidable mistake. Budget is also an important consideration. If a couple chooses a private residence or venue, ensure they have worked out all rental and renovation costs. It’s a common misconception that a private venue will cost less overall.

近年婚禮盛行的法國馬卡龍。 The French Macaron is a popular wedding item in recent years.

eG: How much time ahead should the wedding couple start to plan? AA: Twelve months is a good average amount of time. If a couple is set on a specific date or venue, booking as far in advance as possible is a good choice. eG: How has COVID-19 affected your business? AA: Due to COVID-19, most weddings have been postponed to 2021, hile some clients have opted to reduce guest counts to under 50 to stay within the provincial guidelines. In these cases, safety event plans will be implemented to keep guests and staff safe during the event. Visit for more information

Aly Armstrong 本人混身散發著夢幻婚禮的氛圍。 Aly Armstrong exudes a fairy-tale wedding ambience. ELITEGEN




dining to tell

No.1 Gaoler’ s Mews的團隊。 The No. 1 Gaoler’s Mews team.

拍賣 勁 投 No. 1 Gaoler’s Mews 獨一 無 二 的 晚餐 An Auctioned one of A kind dinner At no. 1 GAoler’s Mews Story | Kenson Ho Photography | No. 1 Gaoler’ s Mews 屢獲殊榮的法國風味西岸美食餐廳L'Abattoir坐落在歷史悠 久的Gaoler’ s Mews和Blood Alley之間。該建築始建於19世紀, 是溫哥華第一監獄的所在地。


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L’Abattoir is an award-winning, French-influenced restaurant serving up wonderful West Coast fare in the heart of Gastown. Located between historic Gaoler’s Mews and Blood Alley, the restaurant is housed in a building constructed in the 19th century behind what was Vancouver’s first jail.

No. 1 Gaoler’ s Mews的獨一無二晚餐,為你帶來一生只此一次的體驗。 No. 1 Gaoler’s Mews dinner, takes you to a once-in-a-lifetime dining experience.

來自標誌餐廳The Pear Tree的 Scott Jaeger大廚將會是11月13 日菜單的客席廚師。 Chef Scott Jaeger, owner of the iconic restaurant The Pear Tree will be the guest chef for the November 13 edition.

每道菜都是大廚從新創製的。 Every dish is chef’s new special creation.

2014年,餐廳接管了位於其後方的建築物,並重新進行內部裝 修,以創建先進的開放式廚房和私人宴會用餐廳。從2017年開始, 更以 「餐廳中的餐廳」 概念,提供No. 1 Gaoler’ s Mews獨一無二的晚 餐。8套座位在就餐日之前一個月就被全部拍出。餐單由廚師老闆 Lee Cooper及他邀請的客座厨師共同完成。

In 2014, the restaurant took over the building and completely re-did the interior to create a state of-the-art, open-concept kitchen and private dining room. In 2017, they introduced the “No. 1 Gaoler’s Mews dinner series,” where the eight seats are auctioned off the month prior to the dinner. The menus are the co-creation of chef/owner Lee Cooper and a guest chef.

廚師老闆Lee Cooper解釋說:「無束縛無限制的烹飪和創作, 實在是一個充滿激情的項目。從2017年到2019年,我為每個晚餐創 建菜單,並從季節時令提供的農作物和產品中汲取靈感,為每個晚 餐版本都創造了令人難以置信的特別美食。

“It was a passion project for myself and my team to be able to cook and create without boundaries,” Cooper explains. “In 2017 through to 2019, I created the menu for each dinner, and drew from the season and produce and products available to me, to create something incredibly special for each edition.

「在2019年,我們與BC酒店業基金會合作,現在將門票拍賣收 益的100%捐贈給該組織,而他們通過提供教育獎學金,以及向基 金會提供資金,來幫助我們的酒店業內因醫療狀況或問題而面臨財 務困難的人。 「至於No. 1 Gaoler's Mews獨一無二晚餐,我們會嘗試使用在 慣常餐廳的菜單上找不到的獨特食材和烹調流程,配合無法從酒舖 中購買的特別葡萄酒和飲料,使客人能享有一個無與倫比的體驗。」

僅提供8套門票 今年的No. 1 Gaoler's Mews晚宴將於11月13日舉行,特邀厨 師是Scott Jaeger, 桃樹餐廳(The Pear Tree)的主厨。 門票將於10月12日至17日,在No. 1 Gaoler's Mews網站 (拍賣出售,每套兩張門票的起拍價為400元, 僅售出8套座位(每套提供二人)。

“In 2019, we partnered with the BC Hospitality Foundation and now take 100 per cent of the proceeds from the ticket auction and donate them to this organization, which helps take care of our hospitality industry through educational scholarships, as well as providing funds to those who are experiencing financial hardship due to a medical condition or issue. “For our ‘No. 1 Gaoler’s Mews dinners’, we don’t need a lot of the products used, so we try to use unique ingredients and processes that you won’t find on a regular restaurant menu, and special wines and beverages that you can’t buy off the shelf. As a result, we can create a one-of-a-kind dinner for our guests to experience.” The next edition will be held on Nov. 13, with Scott Jaeger, the guest chef (The Pear Tree restaurant). Tickets will be sold through an online auction at, Oct. 12-17, and the starting bid is $400 for each set of two tickets.





wine not?

以德國製銅壺蒸餾器和伏特加酒柱 作蒸餾步驟,使酒液醇滑柔順。 The German-made copper pot and vodka column distillation combination makes the alcohol silky and smooth.

蒸餾傳奇 Odd SOciety SpiritS

Old WOrld Charm meets NeW WOrld INgredIeNts Story | Iris Yim Photography | Odd Society Spirits Canadian Artisan Spirit Competition(CASC)是由Artisan Distillers Canada(籌辦的加拿大全國蒸餾烈酒大賽,合資 格的釀酒廠向大會提交酒品,再由專家小組蒙瓶試飲,並在味道、口 感、成品和品質四方面作出評分,選出金、銀、銅獎。 今年的CASC,溫哥華東區蒸餾酒廠Odd Society Spirits取得亮麗 成績表,獲得7金1銀及Best in Class和Excellence in Terroir等多項榮 譽,同時在包裝類別中取得2金2銀的賽果。


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A commitment to marrying tradition with experimentation has proved to be a rewarding experience for Odd Society Spirits. The East Vancouver small-batch craft distillery was a multiple medal-winner earlier this year at the Canadian Artisan Spirits Competition, capturing seven gold in Best in Class Spirits categories and two more in the Branding category. Presented by Artisan Distillers Canada, it’s Canada’s national artisan spirits competition. Qualified distillers submit their best products to a tasting team, which evaluates nose, palate, finish and overall quality.

酒柱 。 t


Odd Society Spirits今年在CASC比賽中取得14個獎項。 Old Society Spirits won a grand total of 14 awards at this year’s CASC competition.

以小批量生產為釀酒宗旨的Odd Society Spirits,致力將傳統蒸餾 技術與本土食材和獨創性相結合,創造一系列引人入勝的烈酒,如伏 特加、杜松子酒、苦艾酒、威士忌和歐式利口酒等。

絕對本土 Odd Society Spirits的釀酒師Gordon Glanz對能代表西海岸及卑 詩省贏得全國性獎項感到非常自豪。 自2013年起始,卑詩省規定了手工蒸餾烈酒的條例,要求認證的 手工釀酒廠全部食材必須採用百份百本省生產的穀物和植物,然後在 自家蒸餾廠進行發酵、蒸餾和熟成等全部工序。作小批量蒸餾和使用 傳統方法生產也是Odd Society Spirits酒品吸引的原因之一,透過釀 酒廠試酒間的玻璃門,你可以見到酒坊生產線的最核心設備:德國製 Arnold Holstein的美麗銅壺蒸餾器和15呎高的伏特加酒柱。在蒸餾器 和冷凝器之間還添加了不銹鋼製的gin basket來放置釀酒所需的植物或 草藥,這可確保植物不會在蒸餾過程中被煮沸,而是浸入蒸氣中溫和 地萃取植物油和香氣,因而不會破壞這些植物的細緻風味。 伏特加酒柱可去除蒸餾提純液中的大部分雜質,以產生純淨的酒 液,同時仍保留穀物的醇厚本味。

Located on Powell Street, Odd Society is dedicated to combining old world distilling traditions with new world ingredients and ingenuity to create a family of spirits, including whisky, vodka, gin and liqueurs. Odd Society is about experimentation, embracing change and celebrating individual and collective oddities.

ABSOLuTELy LOCAL In 2013, British Columbia standardized artisan distillers, requiring that they all use grains and plants produced exclusively in the province, as well as all processes of fermentation, distillation and aging. For Odd Society Spirits, small-batch distillation and production using traditional methods is their very own unique proposition. Through the glass door of the tasting room, you can see the core equipment of the production line – the beautiful German-made Arnold Holstein copper distillation pot and the five-metre-high vodka column, which can remove most of the impurities in the distillation process, while retaining the mellow taste of the grain.





wine not?

Odd Society Spirits試酒間牆上畫作是溫哥華東區本地畫家Shwa Keirstead作品,野獸和烈酒的組合,隱喻了Odd Society Spirits在釀酒方面天馬行空和不拘泥的特性。 The wall inside the tasting room features a display by East Vancouver painter Shwa Keirstead. The beasts-and-spirits combo reflects Odd Society Spirits’ basic character—unrestrained and unpretentious.

一般蒸餾酒廠在蒸餾過程中往往浪費數千公升的食水,Odd Society Spirits設置水循環系統以回收卻大大減少了浪費。用水均通過 屋頂的大型冷卻塔進行冷卻和回收,先從冷凝器中抽出熱水,然後將 水穿過一組氣冷盤管,再將其管道輸送回建築物的水箱中儲存備用。 保留優良的傳統歐洲蒸餾技術,配以本土食材及釀製過程中節能 減耗,這都是Odd Society Spirits堅守的宗旨。

Founder and chief distiller Gordon Glanz added a stainless steel gin basket for plants and herbs between the distiller and condenser, in order to make sure not to boil it during the distillation process. Instead, it penetrates the steam, so as to gently fuse and extract the oil and aroma, without destroying the delicate, natural flavour. To avoid wasting thousands of litres of water during the distillation process, Odd Society Spirits has set up a circulation system to reuse and recycle water. The cooling tower on the roof is being used for recycling. From the condenser, they extract hot water, which then passes through a set of air-cooling coils to the water tank for storage. By preserving traditional European distillation methods, and combining them with local ingredients and an energy-saving strategy, it gives a sense of purpose to Odd Society Spirits’ ultimate theme. Odd Society Spirits 1725 Powell St., Vancouver 604-559-6745


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Odd Society Spirits工作團隊,左起: Fraser Pick、Christian Brandt、Gordon Glanz和Joel McNichol。 The Odd Society Spirits team (left to right): Fraser Pick, Christian Brandt, Gordon Glanz and Joel McNichol.


Salal Gin在Gin(contemporary) 類別中掄元金獎及Excellencein Terroir榮譽。為要彰顯本地食材這 一先決條件,酒廠創始人兼釀酒師 Gordon Glanz捨棄了傳統採用的苦 味黑刺李漿果(blackthorn berry), 而是選用在本省Sunshine Coast、 Cortez Island和Haida Gwaii中找 到的漿果salal berry,於酒廠的 Wallflower Gin中浸泡多個月,創造 出了一款全新口味的英式利口酒, 味道兼具甜美、酸甜味及草本香, 並帶有牛荎香草的天然香氣。

得到Amaro/Vermouth類別金 獎及Best in Class榮譽的苦艾酒 Bittersweet Vermouth,既有苦味 又同時可以品嘗到甜味,是建基於 在古董筆記本中發現的意大利古老 甜味苦艾酒配方,由釀酒師重新結 合了25種本土植物和草藥及優質 的卑詩葡萄酒,並以酒廠的malted barley spirit來強化,豐富而濃郁 的獨特風味,為雞尾酒增添複雜韻 味,亦可作為開胃酒單獨飲用。

Salal Gin won gold and honoured Excellence in Terroir status in the Contemporary Gin category. Glanz opted not to utilize the traditional bitter blackthorn berry. Instead, he used the salal berry that can be found in places along the Sunshine Coast, Cortez Island and Haida Gwaii. After soaking them in the winery’s Wallflower Gin for months, Glanz created a completely new British liqueur flavour–a muddled taste of sweet and sour and herbs, along with the aroma of oregano.

Bittersweet Vermouth won gold and honoured Best in Class in the Amaro or Vermouth category. The recipe is based on an ancient Italian sweet vermouth formula found in an antique notebook. Glanz and his team mixed 25 native plants, herbs and high-quality B.C. wines, enhanced by the winery’s strong malted barley spirit. It has a rich and intense taste, adding a layer of old world charm and complexity to a cocktail, or treated as an aperitif by itself.

Salal Gin 375ml | $30

Bittersweet Vermouth 375ml | $22

East Van Vodka是以百分 百在Prince George種植的麥芽 (malted barley)在小批量銅鍋蒸 餾器中蒸餾而成,然後稍稍過濾 並與純淨的溫哥華水混合而成。 有異於大多數伏特加酒,得到 Branding類別金獎的East Van Vodka略帶香氣、甜味和令人難 以置信的柔滑感。

在Whisky(single malt) 類別中得到金獎的 Commodore Single Malt Whisky,口感精緻細膩, 秉承蘇格蘭傳統,這款以 單一麥芽精釀烈酒與百 分百卑詩的發芽大麥一起 蒸餾,具有獨特的胡椒甜 味、深色水果和煙草香氣。

East Van Vodka won gold in the Branding category. It was distilled in a copper pot, using 100-per-cent malted barley grown in Prince George. unlike many vodkas, it is smooth, aromatic and sweet.

Commodore Single Malt Whisky captured gold in the Single Malt Whisky category. It has a unique sweet-pepper, dark-fruited and tobacco taste, with a delicate and exquisite aftertaste.

East Van Vodka 375ml | $20, 750ml | $36

Commodore Whisky 375ml | $38







EfficiEnt and EnvironmEntally-friEndly the updated audi Q7 is an on-road vehicle with off-road capabilities Story | Norris McDonald





2020年款的奧迪Q7實在太棒了。去年底我在愛爾蘭用它 走了一轉環海公路Ring of Kerry,深深體會到它的厲害。 第二代Q7是同時可擁有5人與7人設定的三排座位跨界 車,於2014年開始發售,今年推出中期改款。新款車長5,063 毫米,比舊款長11毫米,但軸距(2,994毫米)、車身寬度(1970 毫米)和高度(1,741毫米)則維持不變。 在加拿大售賣的Q7有兩款引擎供選擇,分別是2.0TFS1和 3.0TFS1。後者採用3公升渦輪增壓引擎,取代了舊款的3公升 機械增壓引擎,可輸出340匹馬力和368磅/呎扭力,由靜止加 速至時速100公里僅僅需要5.9秒。Q7還提供一個48伏特輕混 動力系統,最大輸出功率為250kW。 廠方形容Q7是輛「具備越野能力的公路車」,有3種懸掛系 統供選購,分別是:標準的鋼製彈簧懸掛、可購置的氣壓懸掛 和運動型氣壓懸掛,並配備7種Audi Drive Select駕駛模式,當 中有兩種屬於越野,讓駕駛者依照個人駕駛習慣自行選用。

The 2020 Audi Q7 is one terrific car. I learned all about it during a drive around Ireland’s fabled Ring of Kerry. This second-generation, three-row crossover has been updated and tweaked. For instance, the new model is 5,063mm long, which is 11mm longer than previous models. The wheelbase (2,994mm), width (1970mm) and height (1,741mm) remain unchanged. Engines earmarked for Canada are the 2.0 TFS1 and the 3.0 TFS1, which is a 3.0-litre turbocharged engine that replaces the 3.0-L supercharged and produces 340 horsepower and 368 lb/ft of torque (zero to 100 km/h in 5.9 seconds). There is also a mild hybrid system of 48 volts that injects up to 250 kW into the mix. Add a belt-driven alternator-starter to capture kinetic energy from braking, and a system whereupon the engine will shut down when the car is coasting, and you have one highly efficient, environmentally friendly automobile. Described as an “on-road vehicle with off-road capabilities,” the Q7 offers a choice of three suspensions: the standard steel spring suspension and optional air suspension and air suspension sport. There are seven Audi Drive Select driving modes, including two for off-road.










2020年改款的Q7提供30多套輔助駕駛系統,包括遠程雷達、定速巡 航輔助和拖車輔助系統等等,使行車更加安全、省油及舒適。

Okay, let’s go inside. The driver, once settled, sees two pop-up monitors: the top one is for infotainment and navigation; the bottom one is for climate control and other things, such as writing down a location for the navigation system. There’s Wi-Fi and an Amazon Alexa voice-recognition system. You can look at a map and keep an eye on the speedometer, both of which are right behind the steering wheel in a 12.3-inch-wide virtual cockpit. Very functional and friendly. There are also more than 30 driver-assistance systems, ranging from long-range radar to active cruise assist and trailer assist.

奧迪在本國推出Komfort、Progressiv和Technik三個Q7的款式,售價 從Komfort的67,200元到Progressiv的82,900元不等。

The Q7 comes in three trim lines (Komfort, Progressiv and Technik) and pricing ranges from $67,200 for the Komfort to $82,900 for the Progressiv.

無論你稱奧迪Q7為經過改良的全新車、修正版,還是更新版,它都是 極品。我和我的試車夥伴(Driving.ca的Peter Bleakney)對這車的印象十分 好,我肯定你的看法也會一樣。

The new-and-improved, refreshed, updated—whatever you want to call it—Audi Q7 is a gem. My driving partner (Peter Bleakney of and I were both impressed. I’m sure you will be, too.

新款Q7的屏幕科技感十足。中控台有兩個屏幕,上面的一個闊10.1 吋,提供娛樂資訊和導航信息;下面的屏幕控制車內溫度,更可用來記下 位置供導航系統使用,並裝有Wi-Fi和Amazon Alexa語音識別系統。在方 向盤的正後方有一個12.3吋闊的平視顯示器,你可以一邊看地圖,一邊留 意車速計,非常實用和方便。






規格 引擎:3.0TFS1(3.0公升渦輪增壓),48伏特輕混動力系統 輸出:340匹馬力,368磅/呎扭力 (0 -100公里/小時加速為5.9秒;極速為249公里/小時) 變速箱:8前速自動變速箱 耗油量:需用優質汽油,市內:13.8公升/100公里;高速公路:11.4公升/100公里; 綜合:12.7公升/100公里 亮點:座位舒適、駕駛艙寬敞 可以不理:任何與越野駕駛有關的事 FACT BOX Engine: 3.0 TFS1 (3.0-litre turbocharged), 48-volt mild hybrid Output: 340 hp, 368 lb.-ft. of torque (zero to 100 km/h in 5.9 seconds; top speed 249 km/h). Transmission: eight-speed automatic. Fuel economy, premium: (city) 13.8 l/100kms; (hwy) 11.4; (combined) 12.7. We liked: Seats are plush; cockpit is roomy. We could do without: Anything having to do with off-road driving





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