Mar 2019 EliteGen Vancouver

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MARCH 2019 Vol. 42 Vancouver

VancouVer MArch 2019

A sing tao publicAtion



the Bag BiBle:


sPring PreView: exclusive fashion shoot at hotel X toronto

picks to clutch on to 讓時間添上味道


the hottest leather


Anti-pollution remedies for your skin

accessories for men


Lots to smILe about at the

神級高球場 飛繩釣勝地

Iron Chef Rob Feenie on the thrill of the competition

aBaco cluB,

Fiona Sit



chinese cinema’s

talks Fashion, Family, Friends and the Future. is she ready For total stardom ? Also inside


sihh watches jaguar F-Pace Van cleeF & arPels norwegian cognac

A sing tao publicAtion

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 佩嘉露 Carol Peddie 總裁 President 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief 胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 加東版 Canada East Editor 徐少玲 Iris Chui 加西版 Canada West Editor 張萬青 Katherine Cheung 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編輯部 Editorial enquiries / 604-321-1111

參與 Contributors Marc Atchison, Simon Boucher-Harris, Grace Chan, Sidney Chao, Lorne Drury, Lily Gao (Sutherland Models), Kenson Ho, Jukka, Crystal Ng, TS Ngo, Amy Nguyen (Next Models), Plutino Group, Nick Prattas (Hotel X Toronto), Shuk Wa Tsang, Ingrie Williams, Emilia Ku Yazar, Iris Yim

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan / 蕭潔璇 Phyllis Siu

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營業代表 Sales Representatives Connie Chim, Emily Ho, Andrew Lee, Denise Lee, Ken Li, Patrick Lo, Phyllis Siu, Amanda Wong, Kevin Wong 營業部 Advertising enquiries / 604-321-1111

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出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada, affiliated with Torstar 加拿大星島傳媒集團出版,附屬多倫多星報

星尚歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 星尚每年出版九期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 9 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 8508 Ash Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V6P 3M2

publisher’s letter


THE PROMISE OF SPRING     常說加拿大版圖廣闊森羅萬象,於我而言,最能體 會此意境的莫過於每年三月:水仙花和鬱金香正於溫哥 華含苞待放;多倫多卻還在談論打破50年紀錄的降雪 量;卡加利離暖和日子更是遙遙路遠……但不管你身處 何方,我都希望今期《星尚》如和煦陽光般,為你驅走冬 日的沉鬱氣壓。     有誰不愛早日脫去臃腫冬褸,穿上新買回來的俏衣 裳?就讓我們帶你到多倫多市中心的城市綠洲—Hotel  X,看看今個春天的熱門珊瑚色調、闊肩膊和修長的衣服 剪裁。牡丹雖好仍需綠葉扶持,初春手袋大檢閱正好錦 上添花。     Rob  Feenie於2005年挑戰熱門電視節目《Iron  Chef  Am e r ic a 》,成為第一個贏得鐵人料理的加拿大人。 為什麼正享盛名的他,仍會參加剛舉行的《Iron  Chef  Canada》?他會分享再度衛冕成功的心得。     各大電影頒獎禮雖然塵埃已定,紅地毯亦已捲起, 但我親往West  Hollywood走了一轉,發掘眾星在上鏡前 必做的美麗秘技。     旅遊達人們不可錯過SIHH專題所介紹的其中一款名 錶—IWC的Pilot’s Watch Timezoner Spitfire Edition。這 枚又名為「The Longest Flight」的手錶,刻上24個時區的 錶圈,可旋扭錶圈調校時間,同時間24小時和日期顯示 也會同步跳轉,無論身處何方也不會混淆。或許是時候 有人為加拿大的6個時區,設計一款手錶吧!


here is no other time than March when I feel the awe of the vastness of our country. While daffodils and tulips are already unfurling in Vancouver, Toronto is still talking about the record snowfall of the last 50 years, and Calgary is still in the firm grip of winter. No matter where you are right now, I hope this issue of eliteGen will be like a ray of sunshine to ease your winter weariness. First things first: Who doesn’t want to shed those winter layers and try on pretty new things? We take you to Hotel X, an urban oasis on the Toronto waterfront, and test drive some of this Spring’s technicolour trends in our first ever exclusive spring fashion feature. And we bring you the definitive Bag Bible, crammed with the latest arm candy. Plus the sweet success of Rob Feenie as a culinary competitor. Okay, so film awards season has finally rolled up the red carpet, but as we all know the beauty machine never takes a beauty nap. So we flew all the way to West Hollywood to reveal the beauty secrets of the stars in LA LA LAND. For all you jet-setters, check out the IWC Pilot’s Watch Timezone Spitfire in our SIHH Timeworthy feature. Called “The Longest Flight”, its bezel is marked with 24-hour zones, representing cities such as Beijing, Los Angeles and Paris. Perhaps it’s time for someone to design a watch to mark the six time zones in Canada? Just a timely thought. We hope you enjoy our spring issue. And please continue to let us know your thoughts. We love to hear from you. After all, eliteGen always has you in mind when it comes to all things leisure and luxury.


衷心希望你享受今期春季特集的內容,亦期待繼續 能聽到你的聲音,好讓《星尚》能為每位讀者送上更富趣 味和優質的時尚潮流信息。

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911


E L I T E G E N. C A









50 up front 6 團隊 Masthead

8 出版人的話 publisher's letter celebrity 14 dress code: on the red carpet

timepieces 22 最後一屆冬日sihh sihh watch show, daytona jewellery 32 歷久如新 van cleef & arpels Leather jacket, Escada Sport, $1,450, Knit shorts, Hendrixroe, $150,

celebrity 36 封面故事 更好的薛凱琪 cover girl: fiona sit

fashion: women 42 潮流特區 exclusive spring preview, the bag bible, Marc cain beauty & scents 60 向污染說不 anti-pollution skincare




74 62 死侍的香水 ryan reynolds: the new face of arMani code fragrances

fashion: men 64 體面男生 runway: junya watanabe, Musky Manly leather goods lifestyle 74 挪威的干邑? wine not: norwegian cognac


80 從鐵廚廚房到實驗廚房 dining to tell: rob feenie's cactus club cafe

84 旅遊 travel: Mendocino, west hollywood, abaco club, bahaMas automobiles 102 傲然屹立 jaguar f-pace tech

106 原木耳機 十年磨一木 jvc earbuds

108 been there: the party circuit

Dress coDe

by Lily Lee


高貴奪目 Pretty in Peignoir

顛覆傳統 peek-a-boo

耳目一新 red dragon




Bing Bing Li

Kathy Chow

Karena Lam

李冰冰以藍白色鑽石鏈配低胸黑裙,搶眼之餘,亦 盡顯貴格。裙擺一層層的透視設計,減輕累贅感之 餘,腿部更覺修長。

周汶錡Moiselle裙上的釘珠圖案設計,不會過分花 巧,而又增添立體感,配襯的短皮靴,更顛覆傳統 晚裝的隆重感,充滿潮味。

林嘉欣不算纖瘦,難得此Petar Petrov長裙顯得她身 形均勻,樽領和不規則剪裁設計,完全修飾其身形 缺點。

The negligee evening gown.

Sheer and sexy style.

Sophisticated lady in red.

E L I T E G E N. C A



Dress coDe

自然性感 pajama party

不羈有型 Layers of LoveLy

只此一家 green is good




Grace Wong

Shu Qi

Hilary Tsui

王君馨面形夠細,輪廓突出,梳All back馬尾髮型是 相得益彰;以MM6 Maison Margiela跌膊恤衫突出黑 色內衣,加上Stuart Weitzman長靴,更是自然性感。

LV這長靴款式雖特別,但若雙腿不夠修長,會有 「大腳八」的錯覺。不過舒淇身形高挑,襯以不規則 灰調長裙和 「雷鬼頭」 式髮型,展現不羈百變形象。

你未必認同徐濠縈的穿著風格,卻不得不佩服她勇 於嘗試的精神。這翠綠色西裝本已不是尋常選擇, 她卻配以白色透視衫和波鞋,展現瀟灑氣度。

From the bedroom to the boardroom.


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Feminine tailoring a sassy statement.

The emerald power suit.

Dress coDe


巧花心思 peachy keen

紅唇烈焰 fLower chiLd

皇后上身 embroidered eLegance

Vanessa Hudgens

Margot Robbie

Saoirse Ronan

即使沒有耀目貴重首飾,但只要設計獨特富美感, 一樣可以成為目光焦點。Vanessa Hudgens這以 ruffle捲成巨型玫瑰的淡桃色裙便是最佳示範。

同樣深明焦點行先的Margot robbie,直接以白色小 波點晚裝突出腰間的紅玫瑰圖案,冶艷中又帶一點 純真。

Saoirse ronan的樽領長裙充滿宮廷風,白色簡約主 調加入些許色彩配搭,時尚感十足,仿似現代皇后。

This strapless floral is almost sculptural.

The '70s flounce is making a comeback.

Elizabethan-like collar and sheer Victorian-era sleeve are both daring and demure.

Designer:Marc Jacobs


Designer:Carolina Herrera

E L I T E G E N. C A





Times are a changin' 天下分久必合,分開了11年的SIHH與Basel又再宣布「復合」,2020 年兩大瑞士錶展將由4月26日先由SIHH在日內瓦開幕,Baselworld則 於4月30日接力登場。換句話說,2019是最後一屆的冬日SIHH⋯⋯ In 2020, Geneva’s watch show season will combine SIHH (Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie) with Baselworld after more than a decade of being apart. Featured is the final solo SIHH Photography | Douglas(IWC)、Gavin(Montblanc)


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IWC Pilot's Watch Chronograph Spitfire IWC第三度推出銅錶,拿捏出最完美配方—偏青黃的銅殼,深邃 的墨綠色錶盤;41mm新銅殼落戶Spitfire系列,屬IWC第一枚搭載 69000系列計時機芯的pilot watch款式。自家研發的69380自動機芯 配備導柱輪裝置,三個累計盤棲身6至12時位置,另於3時位置加 設日期和星期顯示,動力儲備則有46小時。 The third bronze watch in IWC’s history shows perfect patina against a dark green dial. The 41mm new bronze case is the first IWC to house a 69000 series chronograph in a pilot watch model. The in-house 69380 self-winding calibre has a column wheel and three chronographs at three positions between 6 o’clock and 12 o’clock. A date and week window is placed at 3 o’clock. The power reserve is up to 46 hours.






IWC Pilot's Watch Timezoner Spitfire Edition-"The Longest Flight" 「The Longest Flight」 是一次長征計劃,兩位飛行員Steve Boultbee Brooks和Matt Jones來年將會駕駛一部Silver Spitfire噴火戰機,從 英國出發橫越美國、俄羅斯、中國等地環繞地球一周,實現一次最 長的飛行歷程。刻上24個時區的錶圈身負秘密任務,可旋扭錶圈調 校時間,同時間24小時和日期顯示也會同步跳轉,操作更為方便。 腕錶採用46mm不鏽鋼錶殼,呼應Silver Spitfire的銀色機身。腕錶 內藏82760自動機芯,可儲存60小時動力,限量250枚。 In "The Longest Flight" next year, Steve Boultbee Brooks and Matt Jones will pilot a Silver Spitfire around the globe, setting off from England and crossing over the airspace of United States, Russia, China and other territories along the way. The bezel of the watch marked with 24-hour zones has a secret mission. It rotates to set time, and simultaneously adjusts the 24-hour and date indicators. The 46mm stainless steel case is the same colour as the Silver Spitfire. The watch is powered by the self-winding 82760 mechanism, with 60 hours of power reserve. It is a limited edition of 250 pieces.

CartIer Prive Tonneau Watch Cartier的Prive系列專門將品牌的經典腕錶重新演 繹,今年在SIHH推出的是Tonneau系列。全新Prive Tonneau Watch Skeleton Dual Time Zone腕錶,採用 了9919 MC手上鏈機芯,為了確保腕錶修長造型, 齒輪系統基本上都設於6至和12時之間。因應腕錶弧 形錶殼,機芯結構經過修改而呈現弧形造型,其整 體齒輪在發條鼓和擒縱齒輪上彎曲。備有鉑金及玫 瑰金兩款,各限量100枚。 Cartier’s Prive collection reinvents the brand’s classic Tonneau series at this year’s SIHH. The new Prive Tonneau Watch Skeleton Dual Time Zone uses the 9919 MC hand-winding calibre. To fit in with the watch’s elongated shape, the gear train is aligned between 6 o’clock and 12 o’clock, and angled cutting is applied on the barrel and escapement wheel. The calibre has been reshaped to match the contours of the watch. It is available in platinum or rose gold, with each version limited to 100 pieces.


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PaneraI Submersible Chrono Guillaume Nery Edition Panerai邀請了兩屆自由潛水世界冠軍、4項自由潛水世界紀錄保持 者Guillaume Nery為代言人,並推出以他為設計靈感的Submersible Chrono Guillaume Nery Edition。以鈦金屬錶殼配襯比喻海洋的藍 色陶瓷錶圈,而以藍色計時指針配襯白色時分計和刻度,在功能和 顯示上有更明顯的分野,配襯鯊灰色錶盤亦構成強烈對比,令報時 更清晰,在漆黑環境下清晰可見;錶底還刻有這位潛水王的簽名和 他徒手潛水126米的世界紀錄。搭載品牌自製P.9100自動機芯,具 備飛返計時和3天動力儲備,防水300米。 Panerai invited Guillaume Nery, a two-time world free-diving champion and holder of four free-diving world records, to be a brand ambassador. He was the inspiration for this watch. The platinum case sets off the blue ceramic bezel that evokes the blue of the ocean. The blue of the chronograph hand contrasts against the white of the chronograph and the markers, making all the indicators much easier to read against the shark-grey dial, even in pitch darkness. The case back is autographed by the freediving champion and is marked with his 126-metre world record. It features the brand’s in-house P.9100 self-winding calibre with a flyback chronograph and three days of power reserve. It is water resistant to 300 metres.

audemars PIguet Royal Oak Offshore Chronograph

HermÈs Cape Cod Chaine d'Ancre 特大號 (29×29mm) Cape Cod系列腕錶的潻面 錶盤上,備有以砂金石配黑色尖晶石或白色貝 母配鑽石,及1938年由Robert Dumas設計的 「錨鏈」 圖案。1998年,品牌為Cape Cod系列配 以雙圈錶帶大受歡迎;故此,品牌為這一黑一 白錶款準備了單圈或雙圈的短吻鱷魚皮錶帶, 錶殼更鑲有42顆頂級鑽石,適合女士們於不同 場合佩戴。

品牌去年11月已於杜拜展示過這三款迷彩版的Royal Oak Offshore Chronograph 腕錶。這款44mm的計時腕錶,分別配以啡、藍、綠色陶瓷錶圈,加上同色系 的 「Mega Tapisserie」 超大格紋裝飾錶盤,以及迷彩橡膠帶,新意十足。當中藍 色及綠色版本採用不鏽鋼錶殼,而啡色陶瓷款則首次配搭玫瑰金外殼,將錶圈 襯托得更出色。搭載3126/3840自動機芯,具有50小時動力儲備,除了迷彩橡 膠錶帶,還附有淨色橡膠錶帶。 The three camouflaged Royal Oak Offshore Chronographs were shown at Dubai last November. This 44mm chronograph is fitted with a bezel in brown, blue or green. With the Mega Tapisserie dial in oversized checkered and camouflaged plastic straps, the watch is a fun novelty. The blue and green versions come in stainless steel cases. The brown ceramic style goes with rose gold for the first time, making the bezel stand out even more. The 3126/3840 self-winding calibre offers 50 hours of power reserve. It also comes with a plain rubber strap.

The extra-large Cape Cod (29mm×29mm) has a bold enamel dial decorated with an anchor in aventurine, black spinels and white mother of pearl. The anchor was designed in 1938 by Robert Dumas. In 1998, a double strap was added to the Cape Cod collection. The brand is offering single or double alligator straps for this model that comes in black or white. The case is set with 42 top-grade diamonds.





timeworthy VaCHeron ConstantIn Les Cabinotiers Grand Complication Phoenix 江詩丹頓的Les Cabinotiers Grand Complilcation Phoenix最 吸睛的是雕工,47mm粉紅金錶殼上採用了浮凸雕刻及凹雕 工藝,整個鳳凰展翅共用了300小時雕琢。腕錶本身具備15 項複雜功能,除了陀飛輪及三問外,還包括萬年曆、時間等 式、日出日落時間、星空圖、季節指示、星座、月齡和月 相、恆星時間及動力儲存等。腕錶由著名的2755手上鏈機 芯驅動,屬獨一無二款式。 This watch is remarkable for its engraving. The phoenix wing etching took 300 hours of painstaking work. The watch boasts 15 complications. Other than tourbillon and minute repeater, it also has perpetual calendar, equation of time, sunrise and sunset time, sky chart, age and phases of the moon, side-real hours and minutes, seasons, Zodiac sign and a striking mechanism torque indication. The watch features the outstanding 2755 hand-winding mechanism. And it is the only one in the world.

PIaget Altiplano Tourbillon 伯爵近兩年均有選用隕石作為錶盤材質,但搭配在Altiplano 系列則是首次。隕石表面的獨特線條被稱為Widmanstatten紋 理,是鎳鐵隕石常見的鎳鐵結晶結構,這種隕石估計源於太 陽系形成之初。而品牌為了加強與銀河星宿的連繫,特意將 隕石覆以特殊塗層,使其成為夜色般深藍。這枚直徑41mm的 Altiplano Tourbillon腕錶限量28枚,玫瑰金錶殼上還鑲有一圈 鑽石,再加上只有4.6mm厚的670P超薄手上鏈機芯。 Piaget has been using meteorites to make dials, but this is the first time this material has been used for the Altiplano collection. The unique etching on the meteorites is called Widmanstatten, typical of the crystalized nickel-iron structures found within iron meteorites. Meteorites are thought to date back to the origins of the solar system. To underline the galaxy link, the brand added a coating to the rock to turn it midnight blue. The 41mm Altiplano Tourbillon is limited to 28 pieces. The rose gold case is rimmed with diamonds. It is powered by a super-thin, 4.6mm 670P hand-winding calibre.

roger dubuIs Excalibur Huracan Performante 品牌和林寶堅尼合作關係緊密,這次向Huracan Performante超跑取經, 充滿幾何構圖,錶盤左右兩邊同時參照超跑的六角形進氣格柵,創造了 猶如炯炯雙目的飾件,甚有科幻機械人的影子。全新的RD630自動機 芯,擺輪棲身錶盤12時位置,遠看平平無奇,其實卻傾斜12度安裝,和 上一代Aventador S傾斜呼應。錶殼主要以鈦金屬製成,直徑45mm,限 量88枚。 This brand has long maintained a close partnership with Lamborghini, taking inspiration this time from the Huracan Performante. The watch is full of geometric shapes. The left and right of the dial reference the hexagonal air intakes, appearing like fierce eyes with a futuristic touch. The new RD630 automatic calibre has the balance wheel at 12 o’clock. Look closelyand you will see it is remarkably set at a 12-degree incline, similar to the Aventador S of the last generation. The watch is in titanium, measuring 45mm in diameter and limited to 88 pieces.


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置 身 於 SUB-ZERO 及 WOLF的 陳 列 室 , 就 仿 如 佳 餚 美 食 當 前 , 牽 動 你的感官味蕾!

歡迎親臨切身感受,揀選合適你廚房的品味之列,無論是初試設施 以至大廚級的要求,定能令你的感官得到全新體驗!


timeworthy montblanC Star Legacy Star Legacy系列在今年SIHH作出小改 款,腕錶的設計基本不變,機芯也沒有改 動,只是將已沿用多年的阿拉伯數字刻度 改為幼長的羅馬數字而已。兩款新錶包括 Full Calendar和Automatic Date散發出更濃 厚的古典氣息,與腕錶本身的優雅設計更匹配。 (分別約售6,500元和4,300元) Star Legacy is slightly modified for this year, but the design is basically the same and the mechanism is unchanged. The one major difference is the adoption of Roman numerals instead of Arabic numbers for this version. The two styles include Full Calendar and Automatic Date. The vintage feel accentuates its sophisticated appeal.


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當 Day tona 遇上 Paul newman 錶盤

Daytona meets Paul Newman Story | Ringo Chan Photography | Bowy Chan 勞力士專門店不曾有過這枚Daytona,但 這又的而且確是勞力士的Daytona。看似自相矛 盾,其實只因此乃德國擅長為錶迷度身改裝名 錶的Blaken出品。Blaken找來原型是2016年人 氣錶王Rolex Cosmograph Daytona 116500, 改配Paul Newman錶盤的傑作,正是真作假時 假亦真。 話說2009年時,Blaken的創辦人Hendrik Jurgens在美國Star Island某個盛會中見到富 豪們擁有不少度身訂做物品,就是沒有一枚屬 於自己的腕錶。他回到德國後開始研究tailor made腕錶的工作,首選是全球流行的勞力士。 Blaken堅持不會改造機芯,只會找來全新腕 錶,拆件後進行不同程度的錶殼、錶帶改造, 最後再組裝回機芯,過程需時約2個月。 這次的Blaken版Daytona+Paul Newman 錶盤,便是先找來一枚本身已十分罕有的Rolex Cosmograph Daytona 116500新版Daytona, 換上一塊自己製作的Paul Newman錶盤,上 面的數字、刻度都是自己畫上的,細緻度達到 神級;留意錶側位置,錶冠兩旁的護肩給裁走 了,務求回復當年原裝Paul Newman版的舊有 味道。 Blaken的拿手好戲是「黑化」,方法是用類 鑽碳DLC技術,當中牽涉兩個專利步驟,每個 黑化程序需要16日,部件出來的厚度只會增加 1至2微米(1微米即是100萬分之1米) ;DLC防刮 能力強、硬度比鋼高8倍、也防酸防鹼防敏感, 還能令腕錶更型更酷更獨一無二。Blaken的 DLC錶殼及錶鏈打磨得很光亮很幼滑,觸感相 當討好。 相信很多人會關心:「勞力士方面有意見 嗎?」勞力士雖沒有跟Blaken合作或授權,但也 沒有反對。登入Blaken網站,已先旨聲明,跟 勞力士劃清關係:「Blaken is an independent company and is in no way connected with or licensed by Rolex. We offer modified and customized timepieces.」雖然勞力士不會維修 改裝錶,但Blaken會自行給買家5年免費保養。


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This Daytona can’t be found in any Rolex stores, but it is a bona fide Rolex. It’s a production of Blaken, a German company known for personalizing high-end watches for major watch fans. This Rolex Cosmograph Daytona 116500 is from the popular 2016 collection, fashioned by Blaken with a Paul Newman dial. It’s the real McCoy, yet different. The Blaken story began in 2009, when founder Hendrik Jurgens at a gala event on US Star Island observed that those with a high net worth owned lots of tailor-made luxury itmes, but not bespoke watches. When he returned to Germany, he began exploring tailor-making watches, starting with the highly sought-after Rolex brand. Blaken won’t mess with the mechanisms. Instead he remodels the cases and/or bracelets that wrap the untouched mechanisms. And the whole process takes about two months. This Blaken version uses its proprietary Paul Newman dial on a very rare Daytona from the Rolex Cosmograph Daytona 116500 collection. The numerals and hour indicators are meticulously hand-painted. The crown protector has been removed to give off the original Paul Newman feel. Blaken is best at “blackening”, using diamondlike carbon (DLC) technology with two patents. Each blackening procedure takes 16 days, and the parts measure merely one to two microns (one micron is one millionth of a metre). DLC is highly scratch resistant, eight times harder than steel, corrosion-proof and hypoallergenic. Blaken’s DLC case and bracelet are polished to produce an exquisite touch, making the watch look even more unique. Wouldn’t you wonder what Rolex has to say about this? Rolex is neither collaborating nor authorizing them, but has raised no objections either. The Blaken website also carries a disclaimer: “Blaken is an independent company and is in no way connected with or licensed by Rolex. We offer modified and customized timepieces.” Those watches are not warranted by Rolex, but Blaken does provide a five-year warranty.

Rolex Paul Newman Dayona II, 限量78枚,約售$42,000。 Rolex Paul Newman Daytona II, limited to 78 pieces, approx. $42,000 each.







All that glitters Legendary Van Cleef & Arpels celebrates 50 years of the Alhambra collection Story | Chappie Photography | Simpson 法國頂級珠寶品牌Van Cleef & Arpels自 1896年創立以來,以創製炫目璀璨高級珠寶而聞 名,腕錶更是品牌備受愛戴的傳奇傑作。全新的 Ruban Secret鑽石錶和Snowflake鑽石雪花胸針吊 墜,便是呼應品牌逾百年的精湛工藝。 剛慶祝過50周年紀念的經典四葉草Alhambra 珠寶系列,也添加新意,推出全新款式。

Van Cleef & Arpels has been dazzling high-end jewellery buyers since 1896. Its watches are legendary and the latest Ruban Secret diamond watch and Snowflake diamond pendant brooch exemplify the French brand’s renowned artistry. The emblematic Alhambra collection, which just marked its 50th anniversary, has been enriched with exciting new additions.

Ruban Secret 18K白金鑽石腕錶,鑲嵌共 1,140顆圓鑽,總重約20.66卡。 Ruban Secret 18K white gold diamond watch, embellished with a whopping 1,140 brilliant diamonds of 20.66ct in total. $497,000


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Snowflake鉑金及18K白金胸針和吊墜, 鑲嵌共181顆、共重約12.61卡鑽石。 Snowflake platinum and 18K white gold pendant brooch with 181 diamonds of about 12.61ct in total. $171,000

Snowflake鉑金及18K白金耳環,鑲嵌共 170顆、共重約6.91卡鑽石。 Snowflake platinum and 18K white gold earrings with 170 diamonds of about 6.91ct in total. Price available upon request.






Magic Alhambra 6枚四葉幸運圖騰項 鏈,以18K黃金鑲嵌紅玉髓及虎眼石。 Magic Alhambra 18K yellow gold necklace, with six links of floral motifs in carnelian and tiger eye. $12,800

Magic Alhambra Between the Finger RingTM指間戒,以18K黃金鑲嵌縞瑪 瑙及灰色珍珠貝母。 Magic Alhambra Between the Finger Ring™ in18K yellow gold with onyx and grey mother-of-pearl. $7,700


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Vintage Alhambra 20枚四葉幸運 圖騰長項鏈,以玫瑰金鑲嵌鑽石 及灰色珍珠貝母。 Vintage Alhambra pink gold, mother of pearl, diamond long necklace with 20 motifs $74,000

Vintage Alhambra璣鏤雕 花18K黃金手鏈。 Vintage Alhambra yellow gold bracelet with 5 motifs $6,400





Cover girl


Fiona Sit What’s cooking with

The actress/fashion designer and amateur chef talks candidly about her life, family and how she found happiness after tackling depression Story | Cyris Hung Styling | Lucas Tang Photography | Karl Lam Makeup | Frances Ho @ Jessica Chan Make-up Workshop Hair | Jo lam @ Salon Trinity

曾經有「地獄廚神」稱號的薛凱琪(Fiona),早前參與 中國真人騷《完美的餐廳》,由落田採摘、準備食材、 煎炒煮炸,到接待客人、洗碗拖地都一手包辦。期間 笑料一籮筐,但向來事事追求完美的她,到完成拍攝 時,不但克服了對煮食的恐懼,更學會幾道拿手小 菜,笑言不再擔心「嫁不出」。 After participating on the Chinese reality show The Perfect Restaurant, Fiona Sit earned the nickname “Chef from hell”. There, she did everything—rom picking vegetables in the field and preparing the ingredients to cooking and welcoming guests.

Leather dress Loewe


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地獄式特訓 參加真人騷《完美的餐廳》,Fiona說一切只是由誤會 開始。 「原先我以為不用煮菜,只是負責營運,直至臨近拍 攝,才知道既要煮,又要當服務員,跟客人傾談、湊小朋 友,甚至洗碗拖地。」她不忘自謔:「而令我最擔心的,相信 所有人都一定知道,就是要我煮菜。」 出發拍攝前一天才知要下廚,惟有臨急抱佛腳。「我立 即請教媽咪和她的朋友,臨時學了幾道菜。過程很緊張,只 夠時間抄筆記,沒親自試過,便要在拍攝現場煮出來。」除 了考臨場發揮,更糟的是她學的全是中菜,開拍後才發現節 目開設的原來是西餐廳。「當時晴天霹靂,立即找梁祖堯幫 手,請他傳些食譜給我參考。」

There are many funny moments to recall, but to perfectionist Fiona, completing this show not only helped her overcome her fear of cooking, but it also taught her how to prepare wonderful dishes. After this experience, she jokingly said she no longer has to worry about how to find a husband. Sit agreed to appear on the show, totally unaware of what lay ahead for her. “At first, I thought I didn’t have to cook, and just had to operate a restaurant. It wasn’t until it was almost time to begin shooting that I found out that I had to cook and also act as the server, talking to the guests, keeping the children entertained, and even washing dishes and mopping the floor,” she says, laughing a little at herself. “As you all know, what I am most nervous about is cooking.” Because she only found out the day before filming that she would be called upon to cook, she had to do some serious cramming. “I immediately asked my mom and her friends, and learned a few dishes,” the 37-year-old singer/ actress recalls. “It was a stressful process. I only had time to copy down notes, but didn’t have time to try the dishes out. So, I had to cook on the spot with no preparation.” The worst part of it all was that she learned Chinese dishes, only to discover that the show was about a Westernstyle restaurant. “I was very shocked, and immediately recruited Joey Leung to help, asking him to share some recipes for me to reference.” Despite all the adversity, Sit managed to overcome these difficulties during the month-long filming process. “The film crew thought that since we were supposed to be restaurant owners, we should be able to take care of all aspects of the meal,” says Sit. “So, we had to get up early to plan, go into the field and gather ingredients, and then in the evening cook for ourselves and the crew. “The eight contestants actually did not know how to cook at all, but in the end, everyone produced a unique dish. So, it was a great morale booster for all.”





Cover girl

T-shirt Vivienne Westwood Jacket/pants both Anirac from Secoo


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起初雖然烏龍百出,但她在拍攝的一個月期間不斷 成功克服困難。「劇組連飯都沒有替我們預備,因為他們 認為我們既然是開餐廳的,理應自給自足。於是唯有早上 落田耕種和採摘食材,晚上大家留在餐廳煮給自己和劇組 人員吃。我們八個參賽者本身全部不懂烹飪,到最後每人 都有各自的拿手菜式,是一件很勵志的事情。」

用食物傳遞愛 這次真人騷令Fiona有所領悟。「只要有恒心,沒有 事情是完成不了的。我之前恐懼煮菜,是因為參加了《美 女廚房》,當時年紀小,不懂煮,也沒去學,今次讓我明 白到,只要下過工夫,原來煮出來的東西真的可以吃!我 現時的拿手菜式是雞肉粟米湯,人人吃過都讚不絕口, 還有一款撈麵和不同類型的奶昔,例如榴槤奶昔,很好喝 的!」 她又發現原來為別人下廚,是傳遞愛與關懷的方 式。「現在終於明白,為甚麼一些媽咪和情侶,那麼喜歡 煮東西給人吃。因為這件事其實很辛苦的,由買菜開始, 整個過程很長,但吃著製成品會讓人開心、健康。這種愛 的感覺跟你買禮物,或者單純陪人食飯是兩回事。」 拍完這節目,人未回到香港,Fiona已叫同事幫我買 好食材,打算學以致用。她笑道:「我只得一日在香港, 可是不管多累,都想煮一餐給家人吃。當年媽咪跟我一 起上《美女廚房》,連她吃了我煮的東西都想吐,笑到流 眼淚,是很經典的場面,這次她原本也說『不用了,不要 客氣。』,我沒怪她,見過鬼怕黑很正常。我最後堅持要 煮,還專程送到她家裡,她吃過後十分驚訝,因為竟然好 味道!」

自家時裝賣斷市 雖說對入廚感興趣,但Fiona說沒想過真的要開餐 廳。「現時要打理服裝品牌,沒時間再兼顧多一門生意。 我很緊張的,不是只投資少少錢便算,我真的會去管理, 你所見到的一針一線,或者衣袖如何由窄改闊,我都見證 所有過程,參與其中。即使要再做多一門生意,我想應該 會是跟藝術更相關的。」 自家時裝品牌Spiritunus面世以來,女裝反應良好, 個別款式賣斷市後再返貨,她還未開始宣傳,轉眼間又經 已賣完。品牌今年還會推出更多男女皆宜的中性設計, 「短時間內可以開拓男裝,對一個剛起步不久的品牌來 說,是很大的進步。由於有了這個中性系列,我們推出了 一些尺碼較大的款式。對我來說,每個女仔都是漂亮的, 我希望不同的女生都可以買到我們的服裝,不管你穿大、 中還是細碼。」 回顧2018年,Fiona完成了幾個目標。「第一樣是煮 菜。雖然我是很強的女孩子,典型的事業女性型;但不論 做多大的生意,賺多少錢,結了婚就是一個妻子。以前我 會擔心,男人會否介意我不懂煮菜?現在我不敢說自己煮 得好,只是不再恐懼,至少不怕自己會因此嫁不出去。」 「第二是改善了跟父母的溝通,我花了許多年時間, 而過去一年半做得比較好。有心不怕遲,我現時30多歲, 很享受和他們的溝通,當然並非完美,也有誤解對方的時 候。以前我會忍,會隱藏感覺,現在我會提出來,不會發 脾氣或忟憎。若果我做錯了,那就請告訴我,讓我可以 改。」

SShArIng Love Through FooD The reality show experience taught Sit a valuable lesson: “With persistence, I can do anything.” “I was afraid of cooking before, thanks to Cooking Beauties. I was very young when I participated in that show. I didn’t know how to cook, and didn’t take time to learn. This time, I learned that as long as I worked at it, the dishes I cooked were actually edible. “now my forte is chicken corn soup. everyone who has had it has nothing but praise. I also know how to make lo mein and different kinds of milkshakes, like durian shake. It’s a great drink.” Sit also discovered that cooking for others was a way of sharing love and affection. “now I finally understand why some mothers love cooking for others, and some couples love cooking for each other,” she says. “Cooking is actually quite a difficult task. “You start with buying the ingredients, and the process is very long, but eating the finished product brings happiness and health. So this feeling of love is different from buying a present for someone, or simply sitting down to a meal with someone. “even if I only spend one day in hong Kong, no matter how tired I am, I really want to make a meal for my family. Years ago, when my mom came on Cooking Beauties with me, she almost wanted to throw up after eating what I cooked. It was so funny; we laughed until tears ran down our cheeks. It was such a classic scene. “At first she said, ‘no thanks,’ and I didn’t blame her. It’s normal to not want to try something if you’ve had a bad experience before. But I insisted on cooking and specially delivering it to her home. She ate it and was surprised at how good it tasted.”

FAShIon LABeL SoLD ouT Though cooking now interests Sit, she says she has no interest in opening a restaurant. “I am focusing on my fashion label, so I don’t have time to take care of another business,” she says. “I care very much about it. I don’t want to just invest a little money, but really want to manage the business. every stitch, I watch the whole process and take part in it. And if I want to add another business, I think I want it to be more related to the arts.” her Spiritunus women’s fashion line has been doing well since its debut. Some styles quickly sold out, were restocked and sold out again. This year, she will introduce some gender-neutral designs suitable for both men and women. “Soon I will do menswear,” she says. “For a label that only started recently, this is a big move. In addition to this gender-neutral collection, we will introduce some larger-sized styles. To me, every woman is beautiful. I want to have women of all sizes buy our clothes.”

Do IT BeTTer Looking back at 2018, Sit lists several goals she feels she’s achieved. “The first one is cooking. even though I am a strong woman, a typical career woman, regardless of how large a business I have, and regardless of how much money I make, once I get married I will be a wife. Before I would worry about whether men would mind that I didn’t cook. now I can’t say I am a good cook, but at least I am not afraid to cook. And so I don’t have to worry about not being able to get married because of this. “The second goal I achieved was improving communications with my parents. I spent many years at this. It has gotten better the past year or so—better late than never. I am over 30 now, and I enjoy communicating with them now. of course, it’s not perfect, and there are misunderstandings sometimes. Before, I would remain silent and hide my feelings. now I will raise issues, and don’t lose my temper or get upset. I also ask them to tell me if I did something wrong so I can improve. “The third accomplishment is that I was able to spend a lot of time on charity work. earlier I was with my fans doing garbage sorting on the streets. This is to help everyone because caring for the environment is important. In the past few decades, many animals have become extinct because of environmental damage. Whether you love animals or not, you must remember that humans are also animals, and we will eventually be affected as well. I also visited children in need, so they know that there are many people in this world who care about them.”





Cover girl

「第三是我花了更多時間做慈善工作,之前跟粉絲 一起在街頭做垃圾分類,希望大家多愛惜環境。近數十 年,不少動物因為環境受到破壞而絕種,無論你是否愛 動物,也不要忘記人類也是動物,亦會受到影響。我也 探訪有需要的小朋友,讓他們知道世上還有很多人關心 他們。」 早前被無線裁掉的資深藝人吳博君患了「漸凍人 症」癱瘓入院,即使素不相識,她也默默給予經濟援 助,若不是吳博君主動公開致謝,外間也不知曉。 Fiona也十年前也試過被憂鬱症折磨。她出道時性 格予人樂觀的感覺,但演出舞台劇、失戀,以及突如其 來的家庭重擔,壓力使她一時承受不住。加上她從小認 為「家醜不出外傳」,一直找不到渠道宣洩,最終患上抑 鬱症,體重暴跌至僅85磅,甚至產生輕生念頭。她試 過扣喉、𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹𠝹 痛苦但看不見,不過我看到傷口便感到安心,因為我看 得見。」在失眠最嚴重時,她要一次服用三種不同的安 眠藥才能入睡。但由於藥力太強,要連續睡上20個小 時才能醒來,無法正常工作。 一次的尋死想法,令Fiona意識到自己的問題,感 到十分恐懼。她致電方大同求救,「我想自殺,你可不 可以阻止我?」對方不僅沒以玩笑看待,更語重心長地 勸解她,連掛線時也再次確定她「不會死去」才收線。她 的圈外朋友其後亦輪流陪伴她,鼓勵她看醫生和服藥, 梁祖堯也割愛送贈貓BB,讓她有所寄託。「我跟自己說 既然做了媽媽,便要堅強,得好好照顧牠。」還有許多 其他人的幫助,她的病情於1年後得以好轉,找回愛笑 的自己。「現在要學習適可而止,別挑剔太多,明白到 如果自己不開心,工作做得再好,也不能令身邊的人開 心。」 正如她的歌曲〈Better me〉中的歌詞所說︰「Now I promise to you, and I can swear to you. 為你我一定加 倍愛護我自己,做一個值得你驕傲的Better me。」 Trench coat Spiritunus Macrame earrings Loewe


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When actor ng Pok-kwun, who was laid off a while ago by TvB, became paralyzed and needed hospitalization after contracting Lou gehrig’s disease, Sit sent financial support, even though the two had never met. If ng had not thanked her publicly, no one would know of Sit’s good deed. Sit herself suffered from depression 10 years ago. even though she seemed to be upbeat, falling out of love and a sudden burden from family issues led to unbearable pressure. Added to this was her own upbringing of “not talking about family business with the outside.” She was unable to find a way to express her feelings so Sit fell into a state of depression. her weight dropped to a mere 85 pounds and was even suicidal at one point. She stopped eating and resorted to cutting herself and taking sleeping pills with alcohol. When the insomnia was at its worst, she would take three different kinds of sleeping pills in order to fall asleep. But because the effects were so strong, she would wind up sleeping for 20 hours and was unable to maintain a regular work schedule. once, while she was thinking about ways to commit suicide, she got scared and called Khalli Fong for help, saying, “I want to kill myself. Can you stop me?” Fong took her plea seriously and spent a lot of time on the line, counselling her. he would not let her hang up until she promised “not to die.” Some of her friends from outside the entertainment circle took turns being with her, encouraging her to see a doctor and take medication. Joey Leung even gave her his cat BB, so she would have a companion. Sit recalls thinking: “Since I am now a mother, I need to be strong, so I can take good care of BB.” With the help of many others, the depression finally lifted after about a year and she found herself laughing again. “now I have to learn to be balanced and not be critical. If I know that I am not happy, even if I do the best work, I still can’t make others happy.” As the lyrics in her song Better Me say, “now I promise to you/ And I can swear to you/For you, I will care more for myself/And be a better me that you can be proud of.”





Fashion: spring exclusive

here over t w e h m

b n ow i a R So


揮一揮衣袖,暫別見慣了的黑色, 就讓時尚繽紛色彩走進日與夜。

Take a stand against a fade to black. Worn day or night, colour has your back Photographer | Simon Boucher-Harris Stylist | Ingrie Williams Hair and Makeup | Jukka, Plutino Group

Models | Amy Nguyen, NEXT; Lily Gao, Sutherland Models Shot on location at Hotel X Toronto,


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Firestarter 有美好的身段,自然得盡情展現,眩目一 點又如何。 From colour to cut there’s nothing mellow about this body-con yellow number. Dress, Greta Constantine, $1,445, available at By Tocca, Madeline’s and Maxi Boutique Earrings, Swarovski, $149, Bracelet, Rebekah Price, $115, Shoes, Stuart Weitzman, $490,

Beauty Note: Skin perfecting coverage with instant radiance, like Dior Diorskin Forever Fluid Foundation in Glow Finish, $64, guarantees you’ll be selfie-ready all night long.





Fashion: spring exclusive

Blue Moon 奪目的色彩,不但見諸這圓點衣裳,還有 眉梢眼角。 Ruffles, bows and polka dots–oh my. This airy day dress isn’t light on the details. Dress, Rixo London, $595, Holt Renfrew Bracelet, Rebekah Price Jewellery, $115,

Beauty Note: Let the eyes have it with bold colour. Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium Eau de Parfum Intense Eyeshadow Palette, $71, features a vivid blue that begs to takeover.


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Emerald City 要有個人獨特風格,當然要運用色彩和線 條於股掌之間。 The secret to pushing style boundaries effortlessly? Play with brazen silhouettes in bright and harmonized palettes. Blouse, Escada, $1,095; pants, Escada Sport, $475, Handbag, Coach, $455, at select Coach stores and Belt, Marc Cain, $190 Rings, Swarovski, $79 Earrings, Rebekah Price Jewelry, $139,





Fashion: spring exclusive


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Light my fire 主色調和運動元素,永遠是最佳組合。 Primary shades and athletic elements make for the perfect pair. Blazer, Smythe, $695; pants, Kenzo, $520, Holt Renfrew Shoes, Marc Cain, $710, Marc Cain stores Handbag, MICHAEL Michael Kors, $348,





Fashion: spring exclusive

Petal Pusher 穿上如此這般美麗的外套,當然是目光焦點所在。 Any outerwear that’s this divine deserves the spotlight. Trench coat, Hendrixroe, $400, Necklace, Swarovski, $349,

Beauty Note: Sometimes you need a breathtaking hue that's all about you. Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet in 72 Infrarose, $46, is the perfect lipstick for pucker power. 48

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Tropical Trend 有什麼比花卉圖案更適合春天?心情愉 快,踏著高跟鞋也覺輕鬆。 A suit silhouette gets a fresh floral makeover. Killer heels don’t hurt either. Jacket, $1,875, Pants, $1,075, both Escada, Ring, Swarovski, $139, Shoes, Stuart Weitzman, $525,





fashion: brag bags


bag bible: decisions, decisions Story | Lucas Tang

Mini Lady Dior, $9,100

Dior Dior在Maria Grazia Chiuri領航下, 在在展現出濃厚的手工質感。早春 手袋系列更是充滿民族色彩,彩色 條子刺繡、織皮細節,以及從18世 紀Toile de Jouy布料取材的圖案,交 織出極致的奢華態度。 With Maria Grazia Chiuri at the helm, Dior captures your attention with their rich ethnic influences, colourful embroideries, toiles and woven leathers.

Angelababy亦湊上Saddle bag的復刻熱潮。 Angelababy is caught carrying the retro Saddle Bag. 50

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Small Round Bag, $4,825

Chanel 早春系列品牌以La Pausa號郵輪作 起點,手袋亦用上大量航海元素, 如經典Boy Chanel綴有看似激浪的 圖案,再以深淺藍調點綴,又或是 綴有間紋的復古Vanity Case,滿是 海洋靈感。不過最搶眼還是那個水 泡小手袋。 The La Pausa cruiseliner is the inspiration for spring with plenty of nautical elements.

徐濠縈一身酷型皮裝,身 上的窩釘Twist Bag 更是畫 龍點睛。 Hilary Tsui accessorizes her cool with the Twist Bag.

張鈞甯手上的早春Boy Chanel, 變奏比例感覺煥然一新。 The early spring Boy Chanel carried by Janine Chang.

louis Vuitton Twist Bag的轉鎖設計鮮明搶 眼,新季既有Grace Coddington 加持的貓咪插圖版,又有全新 變種Twist水桶袋,配搭挺立的 Epi皮革,帥氣非凡。新登場的 Dauphine,混搭monogram及 monogram reverse帆布,效果 出色。 The Twist Bag is a stand out this season, which also includes a collaboration with Grace Coddington’s cat motifs.

Twist MM, $4,750 ELITEGEN




fashion: brag bags

The Juno, $1,225

Jimmy Choo 品牌春季向70年代一場以超現實主義為題的名流舞會 致敬,將這份驚艷傳承。全新Callie手袋綴有珠片及 金屬流蘇,魅力無限。而以全新 「CHOO」 logo為亮點 的手袋,尤其是Juno水桶袋,潮味十足。 The brand pays tribute to themed balls of the 1970s with the dazzling new Callie bag in sequins and metal tassels. The new “CHOO” logo is also a highlight of the season.

Double T Shopping Bag, $2,600

toD’s 春季系列除了背囊、水桶袋、肩袋多種款 式,最新的Double-T Shopping手袋,更是 品牌得意之作,袋身大型T字剪裁配搭軟熟 的麖皮襯裡,結構精密細膩,彰顯高端製 皮造工。 The latest Double-T shopper is the brand’s pride and joy this season.


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楊紫瓊用上Double-T Shopping 手袋為其travel look 增添型格。 Michelle Yeoh shows off her travel look with the Double-T.

秦嵐的羽毛clutch為黑色晚禮服 沾上一絲復古韻味。 Qin Lan adds vintage appeal with the feathered clutch.

Rose bracelet clutch, $1,700

roger ViVier 新上任的創意總監Gherardo Felloni喜愛古典文化, 其手袋系列充分反映出這濃厚的古典底蘊。絲質小 背囊配搭標誌方釦,配上珍珠及閃石更富貴氣。主 打的Tres Vivier則大玩比例反差,誇張大釦飾教人 眼前一亮。 New creative director Gherardo Felloni’s collection reflects his penchant for classic, feminine styles.

何超蓮傾心的Tres Vivier 手袋。 Très Vivier is Laurinda Ho’s go-to bag. 王珞丹喜愛簡潔的白色Chloé C手袋。 Wang Luodan sports The C.

ChloÉ Natacha Ramsay-Levi為Chloé奠下波希米亞的基調,形 象鮮明。新季推出全新袋款Chloé C,中央飾有C字金 屬裝飾,配搭壓紋皮革、漆皮或漸變色調;除了正方、 長方造型外,更有腰包、手拿包等不同款式。 From pouches to clutches, Natacha Ramsay-Levi sets a sharp new tone for spring.

Croc effect waist bag, $1,600 ELITEGEN




fashion: brag bags

上山詩鈉與女兒Hilary齊齊用Peekaboo。 Anna Ueyama and daughter Hilary both pose with Peekaboos.

Belt bag, $1,590

FenDi 經典FF logo再度復興,不論是大熱腰包、Mon Tresor水桶袋,又或是全新Peekaboo X Lite 的裡層裝飾,都能見到FF的蹤影。即使沒有 logo,如換上Sellaria皮革的Mon Tresor,一見 也知是Fendi佳作。 The classic FF logo is making a comeback, whether on highly sought-after pouches, the Mon Tresor bucket bag or the new Peekaboo X.

Sidonie shoulder bag, $2,350

PraDa 結合大膽用色與頂級小牛皮的Sidonie系列,是傳統與創 新碰撞下的美妙花火,重生Prada歷代不同特色。包括流 麗的線條及符合人體工學的結構;袋上的金屬細節則借鑑 了創辦人Mario Prada製作行李箱時的傳統。 Applying bold colours and premier Sidonie calfskin, the brand sparks by blending tradition with innovation. Metal details are a nod to the travel cases made by founder Mario Prada.


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名模杜鵑以Sidonie襯搭閃亮晚裝。 Supermodel Du Juan carries a Sidonie.

Niki bag in vintage calfskin decorated with star studs, $4,610

saint laurent Bottega Veneta 以歐普藝術(Optical Art)為主 題,不同配色的織皮設計放在 一起,散發現代藝術氣息。新 系列主打Luna手袋,特色的橢 圓形開合設計,靈感源自品牌 的誕生地—Padova地區的河 谷草地廣場。

品牌的大型鏈袋Nolita與Niki用上 仿舊皮革點綴,又或是鑲上pop 味濃厚的釘珠,增添玩味個性。 以公事包為藍本的Uptown,亦 見輕鬆自在。 The Nolita and Niki chained bags use aged leather and studs for it’s magnetic allure.

With an art theme, the Luna collection features a unique oval shape inspired by the Prato della Valle of the brand’s birthplace, Padova.

Charlize Theron的Reversible Kate手袋可內 外反轉,一袋兩用。 Charlize Theron’s Reversible Kate can be used inside out.

獨立發展的Tiffany Young 以 花裙襯Knot clutch,散發成 熟韻味。 Sophisticated Tiffany Young sports the Knot clutch.

Luna, $3,700

Valentino Valentino春季手袋系列把70年代的羅馬 街頭品味呈現人前,窩釘手袋配搭Art Deco圖案、牛仔布等細節,散發著意大 利人對時裝的熱情。 Valentino’s Garavani spring bag collection reprises the street style of 1970s Rome.

有楊冪加持的Rockstud手袋,相信也 會大受歡迎。 With the endorsement of Yang Mi, this Rockstud is set to make it big. Rockstud, $4,300





runway: Marc cain

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runway: Marc cain


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the Beauty pages


d b

向污染說不 Strengthen your skin’s defences Story | 張琬雯 Photography | Julio Miguel 日復日的環境污染及紫外線侵害,護 膚功夫做得不足,隨時會出現泛紅、 發炎等皮膚敏感癥狀,日久更會加速 肌膚氧化,暗啞、鬆弛、皺紋等浮 現。為了重拾健康美肌,是時候強化 肌膚防禦力,向污染說不﹗ With daily attacks from environmental pollutants and UV rays, skin can become inflamed and show other signs of sensitivity. Over time, expect problems with oxidation, dull colouring, sagging and wrinkles.

a 加強防護 不少美容品牌特別研製出專為抗污染及強 化肌膚防禦能力而設的產品,既可築起強大的保 護屏障,甚至能阻截污染粒子黏附在肌膚表面, 以及中和有毒的氧化物。

IncreasIng ProtectIon Many beauty product brands focus on combatting pollutants and strengthening the skin’s defences. By providing a protective screen, they can prevent pollutant particles from adhering to the skin’s surface and neutralize harmful oxidants.


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a. belif The True Cream Anti-Aging Ultra Bomb 利用雪松醇及蒲公英萃取精華,促進肌膚膠原蛋白合 成及彈性蛋白雙重合成。再加入三重抗氧化配方及 Ceramide神經酰胺來強化肌膚保護屏障及其抗氧化 能力。 Using cedarol and dandelion extracts, this product enhances the synthesis of skin collagen and elastin. Adding to this is a triple anti-oxidant formula and ceramide to strengthen the skin's protective barrier and its antioxidant ability. b.Sampar Oils In One Hydration Corrector Rare Oil | $55 ( 由玫瑰果油、葡萄籽油、澳洲堅果油及椰子油等多種 珍貴植物油調製而成,同時利用先進科技將透明質酸 轉化成親脂性微球,具保濕及抗皺作用,亦可加強肌 膚保護屏障。 This product contains a variety of precious vegetable oils, such as rosehip, grapeseed, macadamia nut and coconut. It also utilizes advanced technology to convert hyaluronic acid into lipophilic microspheres. It has the ability to hydrate the skin, strengthen its protective barrier and help prevent wrinkles.

c. Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme+ Global Anti-Aging Power Soft Emulsion 升級版新生活膚全能輕盈乳液的質地十分水潤,配 方蘊含辣木萃取物、仙人掌幹細胞萃取物及強效抗 氧化物,持續使用,能有助強化肌膚屏障,有助擊 退各種衰老迹象。 This comprehensive lightweight emulsion has a very moist texture. Its formula contains moringa extract, cactus stem-cell extract and powerful antioxidants. Used regularly, this product helps strengthen the skin’ s protective barrier to combat various signs of aging. d. su:m 37° Secret Essence Advanced Sync Program | $81.13 ( 糅合了利用自然生態中原有的微生物,並透過自然 發酵技術提取出來的複方酵母成分,能增強肌膚活 性及防禦能力,讓肌膚保持柔滑細緻。 Combining naturally occurring micro-organisms, and using compound yeast extract with natural fermentation techniques, this product increases the skin’ s vitality and defensive capabilities, making it soft and fine.



環境污染及紫外線均會引發肌膚產生大量自由基,除了會加速肌膚氧 化,更會對肌膚細胞膜造成破壞,繼而削弱細胞的保護屏障及觸發肌膚老 化。建議選用具抗氧化功效的保養產品,抑制自由基,重塑零瑕膚質。

空氣中包含各式各樣的污染物,有機會阻塞毛孔、使肌膚變得粗糙暗 啞,甚至誘發敏感炎症。需借助排毒面膜來清除積聚於皮膚表面的污染物 及毒素,並有效疏通毛孔,淨化肌膚。

FocusIng on antI-oxIdatIon

detoxIFIcatIon and cleansIng

environmental pollutants and uV rays both lead to the skin producing greater quantities of free radicals. this increases the speed of skin oxidation and also damages skin cells. In turn, this weakens the skin’s protective barrier and triggers skin aging. choose skin-care products that have anti-oxidant capacities to control the production of free radicals and make the skin flawless again.

the air contains various pollutants that can clog pores and cause the skin to become rough and dull, and may even lead to allergic symptoms. detoxifying masks are an excellent way to clear away these pollutants and toxins.

i h j k e


g e. Academie Eternal Youth Cream No.260 | $200 ( 限量版恆鑽青春閃耀面霜的瓶蓋特別飾有Swarovski 水晶,賣相極具貴氣。當中結 合了鑽石肽、鑽石微粉末等活性成分,能助肌膚抵禦老化,以及紫外線、壓力及污 染等造成的傷害。 This limited-edition Constant Diamond Youth Shine Cream is decorated with Swarovski crystals. It combines such active ingredients as diamond peptides and diamond micro-powder and has the effect of helping the skin resist aging, as well as addressing damage caused by UV rays, pollution and stress.

i. Malin+Goetz Detox Face Mask | $118 ( 面膜以帶氧潔淨成分取代容易引致乾燥的泥狀面膜,當接觸空氣後便會產生泡沫, 深入毛孔去除污垢及多餘油分。包含的氨基酸及天然杏仁萃取,可溫和地淨化及紓 緩肌膚。 This mask contains oxidating cleansing ingredients instead of the more drying claybased masks. It foams up when in contact with the air and deeply penetrates pores to remove impurities and excess greasiness. It contains amino acids and natural almond extracts to gently purify and soothe the skin.

f. Grown Alchemist Detox Serum Antioxidant +3 Complex | $68 ( 內含三胜肽和抗氧化複合物的面部精華素,具有強效抗氧化作用,還有保濕、排毒 及提亮功效,讓肌膚重現活力、有光澤。 This facial serum contains tripeptide and has a powerful anti-oxidant effect, as well as the ability to moisturize, detoxify and brighten the skin.

j. Caudalie Instant Detox Mask | $47 ( 由99.3%天然軟泥配方組成的葡萄籽速效排毒面膜,蘊含葡萄果渣、粉紅礦泥、咖 啡及木瓜酵素,有效深層清除肌膚表面的雜質和毒素,提亮膚色。 Using a formula that contains 99.3 per cent natural slime, this grapeseed quickacting detoxifying mask contains grape pomace, pink mineral mud, coffee and papaya enzymes. It can effectively remove impurities and toxins, and increase the skin’ s lustre.

g. Apivita Wine Elixir Renewing Lift Night Cream | US$46 ( 紅酒基因再生晚霜所蘊含的聖托里尼葡萄藤多酚成分,能激活五種特定的年輕基因 轉錄因子,提升肌膚抗氧力及自我修復能力。另透過專利蜂膠環糊複合物,有效抵 禦外來環境的侵害。 This regenerative night cream contains Santorini vine polyphenois, which has the ability to activate five specific young gene transcription factors to enhance the skin’ s antioxidant capacity and self-healing ability. The patented propolis ring paste compound can also protect against environmental damage. h. Absolution Le Serum Anti-Soif 高效保濕抗敏精華集蘆薈、接骨木花、露珠草及珍貴的Fucocert 天然植物性多醣成 分等於一身,發揮保濕、紓緩、抗老及抗氧化功能,更可提升肌膚的保護能力。 This highly hydrating and anti-allergic essence combines aloe vera, elderflower, dewdrop grass and fucocert natural botanical polysaccharides to create the capacity for moisturizing and soothing, as well as combat aging and oxidation. At the same time, it enhances the skin's protective abilities.

k. Novexpert Detox Mask With Creamy Pink Clay 紓敏三重柔膚排毒面膜蘊含豐富礦物質的粉紅泥,徹底清除重金屬及化學雜質,能 深層淨化及收細毛孔;而加入植酸、益生乳酸、蘆薈及植物甘油等成分,則可紓緩 肌膚過敏反應及重建表皮水脂保護屏障。 This soothing triple detoxification mask contains mineral-rich pink mud, which thoroughly removes heavy metals and chemical impurities. It can provide a deep cleanse and help shrink pores. With the addition of phytic acid, probiotic lactic acid, aloe vera and glycerin, this product alleviates the skin's allergic reaction and rebuilds the epidmermal protective barrier made of hydrated lipids.





the beauty pages: scents


The modern male Ryan Reynolds the new face of Armani Code fragrances Story | Leslie Yip

且不論Ryan Reynolds的演技是否超群出眾,無庸 置疑的是,這位來自加拿大、憑《死侍 》獲得金球獎提名 和票房佳績的演員兼製片人,是當今荷里活最受歡迎的 男演員之一,更成為Armani Code男士淡香水的代言人。

Whether or not Ryan Reynolds is a superior actor is open to conjecture, but the Golden Globe-nominated Canadian star and producer of the record-breaking film X-Men Origins: Deadpool has gone very far indeed. He is now the face of Armani Code fragrances.

全新男士香水Armani Code Absolu,前調是東方 特色的清香,包括青柑和蘋果;中調是橘花、肉豆蔻和 甘芛籽;基調是絨面革、零陵香豆、香草和木質元素。 宣傳片由憑網絡電視劇《侍女的故事 》贏得艾美獎的導演 Reed Morano執導。

His first campaign is dedicated to Armani Code Absolu, a new extension to the fragrance series. The Oriental spicy scent opens with green mandarin and apple, with orange blossom, nutmeg and carrot seeds as mid-notes. It is rounded off with suede, tonka bean, vanilla and woody notes. The campaign film was directed by Reed Morano, Emmy Award winner for the series The Handmaid’s Tale.

從喜劇《殺手保鏢》到劇情片《綠燈俠》以至恐怖片《陰 宅》,在在證明Ryan Reynolds的多才多藝,還有多部擔 演作品陸續上映,包括棋盤遊戲《Clue》的真實 版、導演Michael Bay為Netflix Film拍攝的《6 Underground》,又會在《名偵探皮卡丘》裡聲演 皮卡丘。 Giorgio Armani表示:「Ryan Reynolds 是實現自我的現代男性典範,完美呈現Armani Code男士的形象—魅力非凡、真實、揮灑自如 和恰到好處的嘲弄。」 Ryan Reynolds代言的不單只是Armani Code Absolu這一「瓶」,2018年2月他斥資購入 著名杜松子酒Aviation Gin,成為其老闆,正好 應驗了《死侍 》裡面的一句話:「有實力就有商 機。」去年聖誕他推出的視像廣告,便曉幽默的 說︰「那些水果都是用Aviation老闆,即是我, Ryan Reynolds的淚水來滋潤。」 當然,他的酒沒在Armani的廣告裡出現。

From the action comedy The Hitman’s Bodyguard to the drama Green Lantern and fright film The Amityville Horror, Reynolds’ body of work has been extremely varied. His upcoming film credits include a live-action adaptation of the board game Clue, Michael Bay’s highly anticipated new Netflix film 6 Underground and voicing Pikachu in the Pokemon movie Detective Pikachu. “With his status of modern male figure of self-fulfillment, Ryan Reynolds perfectly embodies the modern sensuality of the Armani Code man: someone with charisma, authenticity, an effortless style, and the right dose of irony,” says Mr. Giorgio Armani. Armani Code Absolu is not the only bottle Reynolds is endorsing. He is also the proud owner of top-rated Aviation American Gin, which he purchased in February 2018. In the spirit of one of Deadpool’s famous quotes—“with great power comes great merchandising opportunity”—he released a tongue-in-cheek promotion video last Christmas, claiming that, “the citrus fruits are misted using only the tears of Aviation’s owner: me, Ryan Reynolds.” In case you are wondering, the drink did not appear in the Armani video.


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Runway: Junya watanabe


Revolutionary comfort

As always, Junya Watanabe is all about easy to wear, multi functional style Story | Gabriel

來自日本福島的渡邊淳彌(Junya Watanabe)80年代 畢業於文化服裝學院,加入川久保玲旗下的Comme des Gar ç ons,及後更創立個人品牌Junya Watanabe Comme des Garçons。早在1993年登陸巴黎時裝周,向以別樹一格 的設計備受稱譽。

多功能細節加持 Junya Watanabe Man SS19的春夏系列,把工裝混合紳 士風,繼續強調配色的多變性,並以渡邊淳彌穩打穩紮的拼 接手工加持,結合海員、工裝以及紳士風格。從以上各種元 素中拿捏出平衡點,創作出一系列單品。產品以充滿機能感 的設計示人,在背心配色方面亦選用上Royal Blue、黑魂等; 同時大膽加入格仔紋理,為單品注入紳士風格。 小物方面,渡邊淳彌刻意設計出各款斜孭小袋,部分更 融合軍裝,釣魚背心元素,打造出能夠「穿著」的袋款單品。

Born in Fukushima, Japan, Junya Watanabe graduated in 1984 from the Bunka Fashion College in Tokyo and joined Rei Kawakubo’s Comme des Garçons. Initially he was low on the ladder, working as a patternmaker. And in only three years he became chief designer of the Tricot knitwear line. But his career really soared after debuting his own name with the Comme des Garçons label at the 1993 Paris Fashion Week to critical acclaim. Continuing on in the tradition of multi-functional clothing collections using technologically advanced textiles, the Junya Watanabe Man for spring/summer 2019 has gentlemanly flair and comfort in everyday outfits that boast supreme stitching and craftsmanship.


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Runway: Junya watanabe


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fashion: men

讓時間添上味道 Accessories make the

Nothing beats the musky, manly smell of fine leather goods Story | Simon Au & Timothy Lo Photography | Bowy Chan


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MCM 德國品牌MCM多年來堅持手工製 作,每一件產品上有一個銅牌, 上面標有獨一無二的編號。卡片 是男士身份的盾牌,MCM的皮製 卡片套,不單實用,亦以極簡的 壓紋設計彰顯品味。配上這個有 趣Visetos兔子造型鎖匙扣,更覺 好看。 This handcrafted German designer business card holder is not only practical, but really connotes a sense of style. Perfect paired with this Visetos rabbit charm, $350; case $190





fashion: men

DUNHILL Dunhill的海軍藍皮製手鐲由西班牙製 造,同時採用型格的銀色金屬製成,上 面刻有品牌的標誌性長尾徽章,並採用 特殊設計的錶扣固定,外觀吸引耐看。 Dunhill’s navy leather and silver bracelet is made in Spain. $400

AGNÈS B. 想為造型增添顏色,皮革手帶是不錯的選 擇。agnès b.的牛皮手帶備有多種不同顏 色,綴以刻有品牌經典b字標誌的磁石銀 釦,分外率性帥氣。幾條不同顏色的手帶 搭在一起,也能型營造別樣感覺。 Colourful leather bracelets with magnetic clasp quickly spiff up any outfit for the man on the go. Orange leather bracelet, $135; burgundy leather bracelet, $150

BERLUTI Berluti錢夾上的皮革經過特殊鞣製,隨著時間 的推移實現獨特的光澤,彰顯不一樣的味道。 The leather of this money clip is tanned over time to achieve its unique distressed patina. $390,


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THOM BROWNE Thom Browne卡片套的三色標誌和灰色熨金logo 本來已誘人,雙色鵝卵石紋皮革令沉實的灰色異 常搶眼,四個卡位和一個拉鏈中央隔層,可以輕 易存放折疊鈔票和零錢。 The brand’s signature tri-colour grosgrain trim in a pebble-grain leather makes any card holder a stylish one. It features four card slots and a zipped central compartment handy for storing folded bills or loose change. US$490,

FENDI Fendi的FF logo由Karl Lagerfeld於1965年設計,本 有 「Fun Fur」 的意思。今年推出的 「Reloaded」 膠囊系 列便將這個logo強勢回歸,Monogram印花的折疊 式皮製銀包以鮮豔的色彩組成,完美地將高級時裝 與街頭時尚融合起來。 The famed Fendi logo, originally designed by Karl Lagerfeld in 1965, returns in the “Reloaded” capsule collection of this monogrammed billfold. $490,

HERMÈS Hermès今季大玩由當代藝術家David Hockney筆觸的 「Endless Road」 圖騰,以1960年代加州風景為主題,繡製的皮革和顏色 組裝由法國工匠細心製作而成,重質又重量的質感與賣相,相 當討好。 Hermès plays with David Hockney’s “Endless Road” motif this season. Themed after the California scenery of the 1960s, this wallet is handcrafted by French artisans, making it a high-end heavyweight. $3,300,





fashion: men BOTTEGA VENETA 皮革飾物怎能少了皮革世家Bottega Veneta?其織皮格紋深入民心,早已成為 經典中的經典。旅行時拿出這樣一個純色 皮革證件套,低調中見奢華和品味。 Leather goods titan Bottega Veneta is known the world over by its signature intrecciato weaving. This leather passport holder screams understated luxury. US$460,

BALENCIAGA Balenciaga這超長鑰匙鏈,在褶皺皮革上 印上大大隻熒光綠BALENCIAGA,注定 是在漆黑中亦要讓人注視。 This neon toned, lanyard key fob will guarantee you get noticed. $375

VALEXTRA 皮具品牌Valextra以極簡約設計及優質皮革而聞名,被譽 為「意大利愛馬仕」 ;這個由耐用鵝卵石皮革製成的流線 形墨綠色眼鏡盒便發揮品牌從低調散發品味的理念。 Hailed as the Hermès of Italy, Valextra is known for its minimalistic designs and quality leather. This streamlined eyeglass case in pebble-grained leather is a signature of this brand’s low-key style. US$325,


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GUCCI Gucci這個迷你腰包以絎縫皮革作為重點,綴以金屬 雙G 標誌,盡顯復古韻味。 This belt bag in Matelassé leather with GG logo is a must for the man with everything. US$1,100,

ZORRO 裹著手造皮革套的黃銅打火機,雖然 功能和造型簡單,但濃濃的狂野男人 味,大概是最適合煙民的型格配飾。 Dunhill is not the only one that makes a coveted lighter. This brass one wrapped in handcrafted leather is as functional as it is stylish. $60

MONTBLANC 擁有Montblanc品味一流的鋼筆,亦 需要擁有相稱的筆套才算圓滿。這款 「Sartorial」 系列筆套採用交叉紋理皮革製 成,低調得來散發與別不同的氣質。 Everyone knows that a pen as great as any made by Montblanc demands its own pen case in cross-grain leather. $136,

KIKKI K. 筆記本向來是男士必備的工作裝備,套上沉 實的寶藍色皮革外套,更能讓你增添專業 感。黏在電話上的皮革卡片套,把信用卡和 駕駛執照等放置其中,甚至連錢包也可省掉 了吧 ! The stylish navy leather notebook adds a touch of professionalism to any look. The adhesive leather phone pocket can be attached to a phone for holding credit cards or your driver’s licence. It’s all one needs to step out. Notebook, US$49.95, Phone Pocket, US$19.95, both





wine not?


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Cognac from..... Norway? Story | Ivan Wong

稍懂干邑的,都知只有在法國干邑區製造的白蘭地,才 能稱為干邑。但由挪威人Jens Reidar Larsen在法國波爾 多釀製干邑,是否可以稱之為「挪威的干邑」? It’s pretty common knowledge that Cognac can only be branded “Cognac” if it’s produced in that region of France. But would it be fair to describe the dram made by a Norwegian in French Bordeaux as “Cognac from Norway”?





wine not?

釀造干邑的挪威人,名叫Jens Reidar Larsen,典型的挪威名字,也和很多上世紀二十年代的同鄉 年輕人一樣,不太情願在冰天雪地的國土,製作廉價的土產木家具,說要勇闖新世界即坐言起行跳上大 船,義無反顧的踏上遠征亞美利堅創業之路。 就在遠征途中,大船要停在法國波爾多作一段頗長時間的維修,挪威小伙子便趁百無聊賴,稍稍北 上找點工作幫補旅費,從此便改變了小伙子的一生—在以生產優質「生命之水」(eau-de-vie即干邑的原 酒)的小鎮上,他遇上了生命中最重要的人(他的太太),和最愛的工作—釀製干邑。 愛人和干邑,就讓這個挪威人徹底忘卻了亞美利堅。1926年,Larsen干邑正式誕生—Jens Reidar Larsen傳世的造酒秘訣是:以Fins Bois地區的細緻風味及Petite Champagne地區的圓渾風格,引領出 葡萄本身的甜美果香。還有,就是未有言傳、不經意的北歐式簡約。 猶如水墨畫中的留白—「無」,也是一種獨特的優點。沒有令人感覺累贅的太過火乾果、蜂蜜或花香 等味道,這種北歐風干邑反而有獨特的爽朗明快。


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Jens Reidar Larsen, a Norwegian distiller of Cognac, has a classic Nordic name. Typical of his compatriots from the 1920s, who didn’t want to spend their youth making cheap timber furniture in their snowed-in homeland, he jumped on a ship and set sail for new ventures in America. During the journey, the ship had to berth at Bordeaux for repairs. The young Norwegian took the opportunity to head north for casual work to make a bit more travel money. It turned out to be a life-changing decision. It is here, an area known for producing eau-de-vie, where he met the most important person in his life, his wife, and where he discovered the job he loves most—making Cognac. Finding his true love erased any plans of moving to America and, in 1926, Larsen Cognac was born. The key to Larsen’s brandy is the terroir of Fins Bois and the rounded characteristics of the Petite Champagne region, which bring out the fruitiness of the grapes. As well, there is that je ne sais quoi about Norwegian minimalism. In Chinese ink painting, the white space speaks volumes about an idea. Larsen Cognac is very much the same. There are none of those overpowering dry fruit, honey or floral aromas—only refreshing Nordic Cognac charm.

Larsen的維京大木船酒瓶,是其中一個 干邑迷必定收藏的酒瓶。 Larsen’s Viking ship bottle is a collectible for Cognac fans. ELITEGEN




special scotch supplement

歐美頂級橡木桶顛峰結合 Macallan 12 Double Cask The best of two worlds

麥卡倫12年雪莉雙桶單 一麥芽威士忌。 The Macallan 12 Double Cask single-malt whisky.


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威士忌風味八成取決於橡木桶 來自蘇格蘭高地的麥卡倫(Macallan),以單一麥芽釀製 的威士忌領導潮流。麥卡倫12年雪莉雙桶Double Cask單一 麥芽威士忌,更是渾然天成,麥芽酒色來自西班牙與美國橡 木雪莉桶,包含兩地文化、兩款木桶、兩種品味,採用最頂 級的橡木桶,100%完美熟成。橫跨數千哩到蘇格蘭注入最精 華的16%酒心,經過12年的漫長等待,融合兩個世界的香氣 與口感,結合兩種雪梨桶的迷人特質,經典再創新,獻給追 求非凡人生的你。

色香味豐富非凡體驗 麥卡倫12年雪莉雙桶Double Cask單一麥芽威士忌,保 留經典大膽創新,經過12年陳釀顯出金色太陽般的麥芽酒 色,開瓶後倒進杯裏的醇厚質感,在杯中漫舞混和空氣,散 發細緻獨特的氣味,混合香草、太妃糖蘋果、柑橘及橡木。 細滴品嘗威士忌裏的蜂蜜、柑橘、葡萄乾、焦糖及生薑,五 味雜陳的味道互相平衡。一口過後,橡木縈繞加上43%酒 精帶來的溫暖,以及果味帶來的甜美,麥卡倫極致平衡的品 質,絕對是冬天的最好選擇。

最佳美食配搭 「Mac」& Cheese 「Mac」是麥卡倫英文名字Macallan的縮寫,按其官方網 站介紹,麥卡倫12年雪莉雙桶Double Cask單一麥芽威士忌 的最佳配搭食物是曼徹格芝士(Young Manchego),這種豐 富醇厚的羊奶芝士,能突顯出威士忌裏蜂蜜和香草的味道。 此外,意大利綿羊芝士(Pecorino)及法式羊奶芝士,同樣是 12年雪莉雙桶的絕配。今個冬日,無論良朋共聚、派對晚宴 或送禮自用,麥卡倫12年雪莉雙桶Double Cask單一麥芽威 士忌,均是你的不二之選。

A whisky’s chArActeristics Are lArgely determined by the oAk bArrel it mAtures in the macallan 12 double cask, matured in sherry oak kegs, is a single malt made in heaven. the colour is enriched by the combination of spanish and American sherry oaks, imbuing the brew with the flavours of two worlds. the aroma and characteristics of the differing casks give this dram its classic and distinctive character, created for the truly discerning connoisseur.

An extrAordinAry rich experience the macallan 12 double cask single malt is bold and innovative too. it is like pouring sunshine into a glass, with the golden hue of the whisky achieved after 12 years of aging. the beautiful aromas of herbs, toffee apple, citrus and oak impart a balanced mix of honey, tangerine, raisins, caramel and ginger flavours. the warmth of the oak, the 43-per-cent alcohol content and the fruity sweetness make it the perfect winter companion.

best “mAc” & cheese “mac”, short for macallan, officially recommends pairing the double cask 12 with rich sheep cheeses, like spanish manchego and italian pecorino, or with a French goat cheese. this makes the macallan 12 double cask a great choice for winter get-togethers, or as a gift.

「Mac」and Cheese,曼徹格芝士是享受此威士忌的美食絕配。 “Mac” and Cheese are the best combo for this dram.






最拿手的菜式之一The Feenie burger。

另一拿手菜式一Tuna stack。


Success about simplicity Rob Feenie, two-time Iron Chef winner, on the challenge of competition and food exploration Story | Iris Yim Photography | Cactus Club Cafe & Iris Yim


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Rob Feenie

It was 13 years ago that Rob Feenie became the first Canadian to claim the title of Iron Chef, defeating Masaharu Morimoto on Iron Chef America. This past season on Iron Chef Canada, Feenie reasserted his royal bona fides by defeating challenger John Horne, who oversees many restaurants, including Toronto’s Canoe in his role as district executive chef at Oliver & Bonacini Hospitality. eliteGen: You are the Iron Chef in Canada. Why did you compete again after so many years? Feenie: First and foremost, it was an honour to be called back. I was the first Canadian to win Iron Chef America, and I really appreciated the opportunity to participate in the premiere of Iron Chef Canada. I also love the competition format. It’s a rush and a true test of skill. I competed 13 years ago with an independent restaurant, and it was amazing to go back as a representative of Cactus Club Cafe. The great thing about going with a company like Cactus is that I really believe in what we do, and I was able to bring some of Cactus Club Cafe to kitchen stadium, including the Cactus team. It was great to experience it together. eG: What is the biggest challenge of the competition? 2 0 0 5 年 , R o b F e e n i e 挑 戰 熱 門 電 視 節 目《 I r o n C h e f America》的鐵廚Masaharu Morimoto,一舉摘下桂冠,成為第一 個贏得鐵人料理的加拿大人。2018年底再下一城,於《Iron Chef Canada》再度衛冕成功,穩坐鐵人名廚寶座。 eliteGen:既然已有加國第一鐵廚之譽,到底是什麼原因 驅使你再披征袍? Feenie:再度被邀是一種榮幸,十三年後作為Cactus Club Cafe的代表而回歸真是太好了,我很感恩能夠有機會參與《Iron Chef Canada》,亦很喜歡這種比賽的形式,在限定的時間下作 真正的技能測試。能夠將Cactus Club Cafe的團隊帶到廚房競技 場,一起經歷和體驗的感覺真好。 eG:這次廚藝比賽的最大挑戰是什麼? Feenie:最大的挑戰是競爭本身。一旦錄影機開動了便不 會停下來或重來,你只能準備好,全力以赴。能夠勝出比賽使我 明白到,保持專注,跟團隊良好緊密合作,比獲勝更為重要。這 是你可以控制的部分,需要紀律、技能和團隊合作。

Feenie: The biggest challenge is the competition itself. It’s one of the hardest things that any chef will ever have to do. Cooking five dishes in only one hour is extremely difficult, and once those cameras roll, it really is a true hour. They don’t stop and re-roll. You’re either ready or you’re not. For me personally, the pressure from previously competing as a challenger on the American show was also difficult. At times, the knowledge of that win made it all the more important to remember that staying focused and performing well together as a team is more important than the win. That’s the part that you can control, and that takes discipline, skill and teamwork. eG: How do you create and manage dishes on such short notice? Feenie: The time frame is the hard part. Trying to select dishes that are manageable within an hour, while still being impressive, is the challenge. In my opinion, achieving success requires each chef to think logically about the things they want to do, and then balance this realistically with the various skills on the team, and with what is executable in a short time frame.






Cactus Club Cafe位於溫哥華Coal Harbour的旗艦店。

Rob Feenie vs. Ned Nell and John Horne in Iron Chef Canada.

2016年威廉王子和凱特王妃到訪卑詩省,Rob Feenie炮製了以牛尾作餡的意大利雲吞這道 菜,展示其對意大利美食的熱愛。至於選擇牛尾作餡料,是因為他聽說這是威廉王子喜歡的 食物。圖為威廉王子、凱特王妃和當時的卑詩省長簡惠芝品嘗Rob Feenie(圖中背面)的意大 利雲吞。 In 2016, during the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s visit to British Columbia, Rob Feenie made braised Cache Creek oxtail and caramelized onion ravioli to demonstrate his love of Italian cuisine. He particularly selected oxtail, knowing it to be one of Prince William’s favourites. The Cactus Club Cafe team at Iron Chef Canada, featuring (left to right) Tyler O’Connor, Wayne Harris, Rob Feenie and Henry Wong.

eG:《Iron Chef Canada》比賽是要限時及以指定的神秘食 材來構思食譜、分配工作及完成五道菜式,絕非易事。你是如 何和隊友合作分工? Feenie:要了解各成員的廚藝優點和劣勢,隊友擁有多 種技能亦有所幫助,但關鍵是團隊成員彼此互相尊重。在我看 來,取得成功需要每位廚師邏輯地思考他們想要做的事,然後 在現實中發揮各種技能,在短時間內實際執行。 能與另一位才華橫溢的廚師作正面交鋒,加上時間緊迫的 壓力真是終極挑戰。然而對我來說,這是一個機會,可以將在 30年職業生涯中把所學到的知識技能在一小時內完成。無論比 賽是輸是贏,都只會讓你變得更好。《Iron Chef Canada》最棒 的,是它不僅展示了加拿大廚師的烹飪才華,還展示了真正的 加拿大食品和高品質食材。 eG:跟將來的參賽者有何分享? Feenie:把事情簡單化。許多廚師認為要贏得比賽,便需 要每道菜都很複雜或很頂級,但我不以為然。我認為將自己最 熟悉的技能專注地做到最好,便是取得成功的關鍵。當然,你 需要在競爭中突破你的界限,只是不要推得太遠。不要過度思 考,同時不要忽視簡單而美味菜式的力量。


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eG: When you found out you were going up against John Horne, how did you feel? Feenie: I love it. I’m a competitive person, and going head to head with another talented chef, with the added pressure of a time crunch, is the ultimate challenge. For me, it’s an opportunity to take what I’ve learned over the course of a 30-year career and deliver it in an hour. I truly believe these types of competitions don’t make or break the career of a chef, but it’s one of those things that makes you better. Whether you win or lose, the thrill of the competition is amazing. One of the best things about Iron Chef Canada is that it not only showcases Canada’s top culinary talent, but also showcases food and high-quality ingredients that are truly Canadian. eG: What tips can you share with all future Iron Chefs? Feenie: Keep it simple. Many chefs feel that in order to be successful in an Iron Chef competition you need every dish to be complex and over the top, but I don’t believe this to be true. I think that being honest with yourself about what you are most skilled at, and then focusing on delivering that, is one of the most important things if you are to be successful. Of course, you need to push your boundaries in any competition, but just don’t push too far. Don’t overthink it and don’t

這道 喜歡的 的意大

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贏得《鐵人料理》為加國增光之外,Rob Feenie更是溫 哥華人的驕傲,他曾兩度獲Vancouver Gold Medal Plates金 獎、Mobil Travel Guide Four-Stars Designation、AAA Five Diamond Award、Relais Gourmand和Traditions et Qualité Designations等。亦曾被加拿大領事館邀請在紐約James Beard House擔任客席主廚。2016年威廉王子和凱特王妃到 訪卑詩省,包括他在內的本省五大名廚聯手炮製的一頓皇室 盛宴,他正是以拿手的意大利雲吞作御前獻技。 能夠得到廚藝上的進益,Rob Feenie視溫哥華Le Crocodile Restaurant行政總廚Michelle Jacob為導師;年輕 時受Johnny Letzer和Thomas Keller大廚的指導也擴闊了他 的視野。如今大師級的Rob Feenie也成為別人的導師。 Cactus Club Cafe在卑詩省、阿省和安省共有三十間分 店,別以為這是一般的連鎖餐廳,觀乎今次團隊兩度勝出已 可知其水準,而且最獨特之處是集團為統一水準和提高廚藝 水平而特設實驗廚房test kitchen,Rob Feenie正肩負了帶領 實驗廚房和訓練之責。 「我還與一群非常有才華的廚師合作, 幫助我創造和開發新的菜肴。這團隊能確保我們在各個地點 都能以高標準來製作菜式。」 不過,無論是鐵廚廚房還是實驗廚房,無論是煮給操生 殺之權的比賽評審還是王子殿下,Rob Feenie認為都比不上 在自家的廚房裡為家人烹調健康簡單的美食,又或是來個豐 盛的感恩節和聖誕節大餐,這些都是他在廚藝中的至樂。

discount the power of including simple, honest, tasty dishes as part of what you choose to serve.

expeRIMenTAl KITCHen Feenie is indeed more than an Iron Chef. He is a two-time winner of the Vancouver Gold Medal plates competition and has won other prestigious titles, such as Mobil Travel Guide Four-Stars, AAA Five Diamond Award, Relais Gourmand and Traditions et Qualité. In 2016, when prince William and Kate, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, visited British Columbia, Feenie was one of five regional celebrity chefs to prepare a royal feast. There, he expertly presented braised oxtail and caramelized onion ravioli. Feenie has also served as guest chef at the Canadian Consulate in James Beard House new York. Feenie sees Michelle Jacob, executive chef at le Crocodile, as his mentor, with additional inspiration from Johnny letzer and Thomas Keller along the way. Cactus Club Cafe has 30 branches across British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario. To maintain high quality and consistency in cooking practice, they have set up an experimental kitchen where Feenie leads food chemistry experiments and coaching. “I work with a group of extremely talented chefs to create and develop new dishes,” he says. “This team ensures that we can produce dishes at high standards in every single outlet. “All that said, nothing beats cooking for loved ones. On a personal level, cooking Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for my family is impossible to beat. I like wholesome cooking—simple food is best—but I’ll cook anything that brings us together around a table.”

專為多倫多分店而設計的菜式short rib pappardelle。 Only in Toronto.







加州西海岸 風光壯麗 California’s North Coast Spectacular Story | Kenson Ho Photography | TS Ngo


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對大部分溫哥華人來說,前往加州旅遊,大多數是到三藩 市或洛杉磯等地。假如有興趣體驗另一種全新視野,不妨考慮 門多西諾(Mendocino)。 Mendocino市屬於加州Mendocino縣內一個非自治社區。 位於距離三藩市約241公里以北,屬於海岸地域。2010年的 普查統計顯示,當地人口數目約為894人,比對2000年的824 人,十年內增長不算多,是名符其實的小城鎮。城市名字來自 Cape Mendocino岬,由早年西班牙航海家為紀念新西班牙總 督Antonio de Mendoza而命名。意外的是,「Mendoza」一字 其實是寒冷山脈之意。 北海岸歷史悠久,天然資源豐腴,景色優美。在1850 年,巴爾的摩縱帆船Frolic號在Mendocino海岸對開遇海難。 也因此事故,航海家發現比蠶絲更為珍貴的寶藏–無盡高聳的 紅木森林張開懷抱迎接這批探險家,Mendocino 的紅木林木業 從此展開,把這偏遠地區與外面世界連繫起來。

For Vancouverites, visiting California usually means San Francisco or Los Angeles. If you want a change of scene, Mendocino is an excellent alternative. Mendocino is an unincorporated community in Mendocino County, about 240 kilometres north of San Francisco. It is an uncompromisingly small town and has remained so. The 2010 census listed its population at 894, up from 824 in 2000. The town derives its name comes from Cape Mendocino, named by early Spanish navigators in honour of Antonio de Mendoza, Viceroy of New Spain. In turn, the etymology of Mendoza is “cold mountain”. The North Coast of California is rich in history, natural resources and beauty. In 1850, the Baltimore schooner Frolic shipwrecked off Mendocino, and the explorers found riches more valuable than silk–the towering redwood forests that spurred a booming lumber industry and a link between the region and the rest of the world.

小鎮位在懸崖側,吸引不少荷李活在此取景製作。 The cliffs of Mendocino have attracted many Hollywood productions.





travel 市中心的Mendocino酒店在1878年開業。 Mendocino Hotel right in downtown was established in 1878.

在這小鎮中,竟然找到一家「武帝廟」 。 In the midst of this small town, it’s surprising to see a Chinese temple.


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在Van Demme公園內,每一條小橋都編上號碼,教遊人不會迷路。 At Van Demme State Park, every bridge is numbered for hikers to keep track.

看到這些奇石,叫人驚歎大自然的奧妙。 Seeing these unique rock formations, you can’t help but admire the mystery of nature.

驅車暢遊 景致迷人


沿1號公路駕駛,享受沿途鮮明的加州海岸 線,經過放牧山地、高高低低的金黃草坡,以及令 人讚嘆的高山低谷美景。既看到漫山遍野石楠花, 也有不少專門種植青豆的農場。繼續在1號公路蜿 蜒前進,經過不同的石灘和放眼無盡海洋風光後, 便會悄悄地轉入鄉間村落,讓旅客找到落腳點。位 於海岬上,浪漫溫馨的民宿,叫人忍不住停步在陽 台,觀看海景之餘,也想碰運氣,看看會否發現鯨 魚蹤影。村內隱藏著一間接一間的餐館,新鮮漁 穫、有機家禽和牛肉、當地耕種的各類菜蔬香草, 任君選擇。Mendocino海岸不斷向旅客呼喊,邀請 他們吸一口清涼的空氣,在沙灘享受海風,或把黃 金日落緊緊抱在懷裏。

enjoy one of California’s most dramatic and vivid coastal drives as Highway 1 meanders through unhindered dairy lands, rolling golden hills and breathtaking vistas and valleys. It winds up and down rocky coves, past unrestrained ocean views and slips silently through tiny coastal villages that beckon the traveller to stop.

時光倒流 往昔重現 Mendocino把維多利亞時代風貌保存得相當 完善。歷史悠久的建築物變成書店 (沒錯,依舊 營業中)、藝術畫廊和餐館。聳立於Main街上的 Mendocino Presbyterian長老教會,成立於1868年 7月5日,為加州目前仍在服務的最古老基督教長老 教會,亦列為歷史地標。此外,Albion街上有加州 華人供奉古老廟宇之一、約建於1854年的武帝廟, 同樣是加州歷史地標。

戀戀風情荷李活 城鎮位於被太平洋包圍的海岬上,面積細小 卻環境優美極致,造就了Mendocino成為度假者 和藝術家們的心頭好。連綿的海岸線、宏偉的紅樹 林、優美的草原和曠野,這裏處處都充滿電影感。 事實上,不少荷李活經典電影曾在這裏取景。加州 本來就是電影蓬勃之地,這些在Mendocino市拍 攝的經典電影,可謂是集合才華及創作力,電影文 化的影響,再加上優美環境匯聚而成的作品。親身 來到這裏,可以印證一切絕非偶然。隨意一數,在 Mendocino市取景的經典名片包括《East of Eden (蕩母痴兒)》,《Same Time Next Year(明年此 時)》,《Summer of ’ 42(往事如煙)》等;備受矚目 的電視劇則有《Murder, She Wrote(女作家與謀殺 案)》。

悠遊漫步公園中 Mendocino以步行徑數量多而著稱,Van Demme State Park公園內的遠足徑十分值得推 介。這遠足徑可以看到沙灘和岸邊高地,又有Fern Canyon峽谷景色優美的步行徑、Pygmy Forest 樹林和濕地。還可以看到大量臭菘植物skunk cabbage的Cabbage Patch,臭菘花盛放時相當壯 麗。公園遠足徑傍Little River河邊的峽谷,沿路被 蕨齒類植物覆蓋,頗有踏入原始森林的感覺。

romantic bed-and-breakfast inns on the headlands invite walks to the ocean and whale watching from the terrace. Hidden restaurant jewels offer fresh-caught fish, organic poultry and beef, and fresh locally grown vegetables and herbs. The Mendocino coast beckons the adventurer who wants to breathe the salty, fresh ocean air, catch an ocean breeze on the beach and take in lingering golden sunsets.

SoMewHere IN TIMe Mendocino beautifully maintains its Victorian-era ambiance. The historical buildings are now bookstores (yes, they still exist), art galleries and restaurants. Mendocino Presbyterian Church on Main Street, dedicated on July 5, 1868, is one of the oldest continuously used Protestant churches in California and has been designated as a California Historical Landmark. The Temple of Kwan Tai on Albion Street has also earned that landmark recognition. It’s believed to have opened in 1854 and is one of the oldest Chinese houses of worship in California.

oNe oF HoLLywood’S FAVourITeS despite its small size, the town’s scenic location on a headland surrounded by the Pacific ocean has made it extremely popular as an artist colony and with vacationers. As well, some great classic films have been shot in Mendocino. with a gorgeous ocean coastline, magnificent redwood forests and beautiful meadows and wilderness, it has provided a beautiful backdrop for such movies as East of Eden, Same Time Next Year and Summer of ’42, as well as the TV series Murder She Wrote.

A STroLL IN THe PArK The Mendocino area boasts numerous walking trails, several of them in the 740-hectare Van demme State Park: the lush Fern Canyon scenic trail system, the Pygmy Forest and the bog or Cabbage Patch, where skunk cabbage grows in abundance. The park’s trails go along the fern-carpeted canyon of Little river.





travel 在Trillium的意大利湯糰。 Mixed vegetable gnocchi at Trillium.

Café Beaujolais是城中最好的餐廳之一。 Café Beaujolais is one of the best restaurants in town.


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在風和日麗下享用三文魚餅,最好不過。 Salmon cake, best to be consumed under the sun.

Mendocino的市中心。 Downtown Mendocino.

美食佳餚 慢活享受


Café Beaujolais 位於Mendocino海邊小鎮,這餐館前身其實是建於1893 年的維多利亞式農莊。餐館四周被庭院栽種的古典玫瑰、食 用鮮花和其他植物重重包圍,稍不留神便會錯過這隱秘美食 基地。這裏每天供應精美晚餐,食物以有機蔬菜烹調。餐館 提供的肉類、家禽和雞蛋都是自由放養,飼料不添加任何化 學藥品。大部分海鮮均是由本地漁民提供的新鮮漁穫。

Located in an 1893 Victorian farmhouse, Café Beaujolais is surrounded by a large and beautiful garden filled with antique roses, edible flowers and unusual plants. dinner is served nightly. A hallmark of Café Beaujolais’ cooking is the use of organically grown produce. In addition, most of their meat, poultry and eggs come from animals humanely raised in a free-range environment without chemical-supplemented feed. As for the sea’s harvest, their purveyors often provide locally line-caught or farmed seafood. Café Beaujolais 961 ukiah St., Mendocino, 707-937-5614

Trillium Café 位於Mendocino村中央,這餐廳雖小但美好又溫馨,室 內有壁爐,也能看到海景。天氣好的話,餐廳東主會把露天 陽台開放,讓客人盡情享受無敵海景,並欣賞種滿食用鮮花 的庭園。這餐廳提供Mendocino市內最優良的有機食品和材 料,盡可能採用本地農民的耕作成品。餐廳二樓準備了三間 優雅套房,歡迎客人預約住宿。

Trillium Café is located in the centre of the village. The restaurant is beautiful and cozy with a fireplace. weather permitting, the outside deck affords diners wonderful ocean views of Big river Bay and their beautiful culinary flower garden. They serve the best Mendocino has to offer in organic, highquality ingredients and buy from local farmers whenever possible. upstairs, there are three charming rooms for lodging. Trillium Café & Inn 10390 Kasten St., Mendocino, 707-937-3200

路線指引 暢遊Mendocino最宜自駕遊。沿著101公路由三藩市出發只 需三個多小時即可抵達。不過,想盡情飽覽沿路獨特加州海 岸風情以及享受驅車樂趣的話,去時最好還是選擇走1號公 路,即使路程較長,花上更多時間也絕對值得。回程時,則 大可使用101公路以節省時間。

getting Around The best way to experience Mendocino is by car. From San Francisco, it’s about a three-hour drive via Highway 101. However, the drive along Highway 1, while considerably longer, is much more scenic. A suggestion: take Highway 1 to get there and 101 to return.





spa travel

t s e


星級美顏秘技 Beauty Secrets from

La La Land

荷李活紅星有什麼美顏秘技?今期帶大家走訪洛杉 磯的西荷李活,親身體驗紅星追捧的美顏療程,包 括Constance Wu的紅地毯facial、Selena Gomez 喜愛的排汗療程以及Adele的維他命靜脈滴注。

From Constance Wu’s red carpet facial, Selena Gomez’s sweat bed and Adele’s IV vitamin infusions, I head to West Hollywood, LA to get a first-hand experience of Hollywood A-listers’ go-to health and beauty treatments.

Story | Leslie Yip


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每年奧斯卡、東尼獎、金球獎又或是金酸莓獎等頒獎典禮,大家 最關注的可能是各項大獎花落誰家,不過一眾女星在紅地毯上的的盛 裝打扮同樣成為全世界的焦點。我們得悉原來西荷李活是一線女星們 扮靚的朝聖地,特地探個究竟。 西荷李活市位於荷李活山的底部,毗鄰比華利山,當地人把該處 稱為WeHo。WeHo包括三個區,分別為大家熟悉的日落大道、包羅萬 有的Santa Monica大道及西荷李活設計區。

Scoring that Oscar, Tony, Emmy or Razzie is, of course, the ultimate honour, but dazzling the world on the red carpet is also paramount. West Hollywood is where many A-listers go when they want to look their best, so I decide to pay a visit. Located at the base of Hollywood Hills and adjacent to Beverly Hills, the city of West Hollywood (affectionately known by locals as WeHo) is comprised of three main districts: the world-famous Sunset Strip, the eclectic Santa Monica Boulevard and the West Hollywood Design District.





spa travel 重現光澤 位於Sunset Tower酒店內的Joanna Vargas’Spa是我 第一個目的地。她有荷李活護膚女皇之稱,星級客人包括 Julianne Moore、Naomi Watts、Rachel Weisz以及《我的超豪 男友》女星Constance Wu。她的秘密武器就是集合了水晶磨皮 microdermabrasion、微電流療程microcurrent及氧氣療程於一身 的專利皇牌護膚療程Triple Crown Facial。 「如果出席頒獎典禮如艾美獎,我會建議作去角質療程,這 樣女星不用化濃妝,妝容亦更持久。」Joanna解釋。「你看女星們 走上紅地毯時明艷照人,但其實她們只是淡掃娥眉。如果你年過 35歲,化妝品多會停留於臉上的乾紋,因此去角質及保濕十分重 要。」 我以為磨皮一定會帶來刺痛感,但結果完全沒有。美容師解 釋,他們不會使用過激的化學產品或高強度的磨皮技術,因為長 期使用會損害皮膚。療程結束後,我感到肌膚如嬰兒般幼滑及充 滿光澤,亦沒有出現泛紅及過敏反應。 接著是微電流療程,透過通淋巴去水腫,同時收緊肌膚重塑 面形。療程幫助女星重塑完美面型,踏上紅地毯時便無須靠化妝 塑造層次。 當完成左邊面的療程後,美容師為我遞上一面鏡子讓我看看 效果。的確,左邊面頰有明顯改變—下巴收緊了,笑紋亦沒那麼 明顯。效果可以維持多久?突然想起灰姑娘的南瓜車,希望可以 比迪士尼仙女的魔法持久。 壓軸是最高級的純氧療程。療程利用透明質酸及抗氧化綠茶 萃取為肌膚注入大量水分。從竹提煉的維他命A衍生物retinol能激 活骨膠原生成,加速皮膚細胞再生。完成療程後,雖然沒有換上 Constance Wu的天使面孔,但因時差而變得暗啞的皮膚則重現 光澤,感覺煥然一新。

GET THE GLOW My first stop is at The Spa by Joanna Vargas, located at the Sunset Tower Hotel. Known as Hollywood’s facial queen, her celebrity client roster includes Julianne Moore, Naomi Watts and Rachel Weisz, as well as Crazy Rich Asians star Constance Wu. Her secret weapon? The Triple Crown Facial—a proprietary combination of microdermabrasion, microcurrent and oxygen therapy. “For something like the Emmys, I use exfoliation because then you need less makeup and it sits on the skin better,” Vargas explains. “When you see celebrities walking a red carpet, they’re not actually wearing a lot of makeup on their skin. If you’re over the age of 35, makeup tends to sit in lines of dehydration, so you have to be exfoliated and hydrated.” I brace myself for a burning sensation, but don’t even feel a tingle. The beauty technician explains they don’t use intense chemicals or abrasive techniques because they can cause longterm skin damage. Indeed, my face feels baby-smooth and glowing, with no trace of irritation. Next is the microcurrent treatment, which depuffs by draining the lymphatic system and contours by tightening muscles. The rationale is that since the face is already sculpted from within, there is no need to wear contouring makeup on the red carpet. After she finishes work on the left side of my face, I’m given a mirror to check out the effect myself. Indeed, the left cheek looks markedly more lifted, my lower jaw line has tightened and the nasolabial fold is much less pronounced. How long will the effect last, I wonder, with visions of Cinderella’s coach playing in my mind. Longer than a Disney fairy godmother, I hope. Finally, it’s time for some advanced care. Pure oxygen infusion is used to drench the skin with hydrating hyaluronic acid and anti-oxidant green tea extract. Bamboo-derived alternative retinol further boosts collagen levels and helps promote skin cell turnover. The result? I still don’t have Wu’s angelic looks, but I am glowing and fresh-faced despite my jet lag.

Constance Wu


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從日落大道向西南方向走,我來到位於Santa Monica 大道、鄰近名店區的Shape House進行排汗療程。據說 一線女星包括Selena Gomez、Emma Roberts及Demi Moore等都是療程的粉絲,電視節目Ellen Degeneres Show及Keeping Up with the Kardashians都曾經介紹過。

Next, I head southwest from Sunset Boulevard to a sweat session at the Shape House, just off the famous designer and shopping district on Santa Monica Boulevard. Selena Gomez, Emma Roberts and Demi Moore are said to be on its A-list of fans, and it’s been featured on the Ellen DeGeneres Show and Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

我換上中心提供的長袖T恤、長運動褲及襪子後,便 被帶到黑漆漆的房間,房內以黑色布幕分隔成4個單位。 每個單位放置了一張醫院用的病床及平板電視,床頭櫃上 放上一瓶鹼性飲用水。在跟著的55分鐘,我將會被紅外線 裹布包著,一邊看電視,一邊在70° c高溫下焗汗。

I’m given a long-sleeved cotton T-shirt, sweatpants (literally!) and socks, and once changed, ushered into a darkened room, where black curtains have partitioned off four separate units. Each unit features a hospital-style bed that can be elevated at one end, a flat-screen TV on the wall and a side table with a glass bottle of alkalized drinking water. I spend the next 55 minutes cocooned in an infra-red wrap, sweating myself out at 70°C while watching TV.

據稱,排汗療程有排毒、減壓及減肥的作用。在高溫 下人體開始出汗,神奇的事陸續發生。首先,汗水把皮膚 的雜質及體內的毒素一併排走。而頭腦及肌肉在高溫下得 以放鬆,有助改善睡眠質素。最後當然可以減肥消脂。

Sweat sessions are said to detox, de-stress and promote weight loss. The idea is that as you heat up and start sweating, a number of magical things happen. First, your sweat flushes out impurities in your skin and toxins in your body. Secondly, heat relaxes your mind and your muscles, so you can sleep better. Furthermore, you lose weight.

但我質疑排走汗水只是排走水分,當補充水分後, 體重自然打回原形。排汗治療師向我解釋,排汗治療的效 用並非減肥這麼簡單。「在療程中需要消耗能量為身體降 溫,有助提升新陳代謝。有蘋果手錶用者表示,每次療程 平均消耗500至800卡路里,之後的36小時再消耗1,200至 1,600卡路里。」

However, the cynic in me argues that sweat is water weight and once I am rehydrated, it will come back. But the technician explains that the effect of a sweat session goes deeper than simply losing water weight.

我於Netflix選了電影《The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society》,然後展開我的排汗療程。最初 20分鐘眨眼過去,治療師入來查看情況並加水。過了40分 鐘,治療師再進來並在我額頭放上薰衣草香的冰凍毛巾。 此時我感到愈來愈熱,排了大量汗水,感覺猶如在裹布內 游泳。治療師對我說:「堅持著,最後5分鐘最難熬但亦最 有效果。」

I put The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society on Netflix and begin my sweat journey. The first 20 minutes pass quickly. The technician comes in once to check on me and refill my water, and again at the 40-minute mark—this time laying a cold towel infused with lavender water on my forehead. The heat’s becoming real by this time. I’m sweating so much, it feels like I’m swimming in the wrap.

我一開始就決定要完成整個療程,結果我做到了,不 過鄰床那位男士卻未能堅持到最後。我們差不多同一時間 開始,不過他在還剩下只有5分鐘時決定放棄。能夠堅持 完成整個療程,好勝的我暗地裡為自己感到驕傲,事實上 這是個不錯的體驗。或許是加拿大的冬天實在太寒冷,被 包得暖暖的躺著看電視,絕對是無法抗拒的一大樂事。跟 桑拿浴或蒸汽浴不同,你可以要求別包著其中一隻手,方 便機不離手的朋友玩手機。

“Your metabolism is raised during a session because the body needs to expend a lot of energy to try to cool down,” she says. “users with Apple watches find that they typically burn 500 to 800 calories in one session, and another 1,200 to 1,600 in the next 36 hours.”

“Hang in there if you can,” she says. “The last 15 minutes are the toughest, but they also yield the most benefits.” I’m intent on finishing the session, and I do. However, the gentleman next to me, who checked in at around the same time, calls it quits with just five minutes to go. I am secretly proud that I’ve outlasted him—yes, I admit I can be competitive at times—but the experience is so nice! Maybe it’s the Canadian winter, but how can you say ‘no’ to being wrapped in warmth, lying in bed and watching TV? You can even play with your phone if you want—you are allowed to have one arm out of the heat wrap. That’s something you can’t do in a sauna or a steam room.

於加州及紐約共有10間分店的Shape House,通過排汗助你排毒、減壓及減肥。55分鐘試做療程收費$50,亦提供套票。 Now with 10 locations around California and New York City, the Shape House is said to help you detox, de-stress and lose weight. A 55-minute trial session is $50. Packages available.





spa travel

無論你想減肥、增強免疫力、提高體能甚至減輕宿醉症狀,Drip Doctors提供的維他命靜脈滴注、推注及注射等,能照顧到你的各種健康問題。他們亦提供美容療 程如填充物質注射 (derma fillers) 及吸血鬼護膚 (vampire facials) 。滴注療程收費由$89起 (hydroboost) ,而最受歡迎的Limitless費用為$220。中心亦提供月費$300 的會員計劃,每月可享用任何一款靜脈滴注及推注,以及2款活化劑注射。 From weight loss, immunity boosting and sports performance to a hangover cure, the Drip Doctors offer intravenous vitamin drips, pushes and booster shots to address your health concerns. They also perform cosmetic enhancements, like derma fillers and vampire facials. Drip therapies range from $89 for a hydroboost to $220 for the Limitless, their most popular concoction. A $300-per-month membership program is also available, which lets you choose any IV drip and push of your choice, plus two boosters, per month.



離開Santa Monica大道,沿La Cienega向上走,返 回日落大道進行下一個療程。或許你們會覺得一天走三場 似乎太多,我把過程在Facebook分享時,不少朋友的反 應都是驚訝。實不相瞞,我亦有同感,所以曾想過婉拒邀 請,不過回心一想:「入國問禁,入境隨俗」,加上Adele 都是粉絲,於是決定一試。

Leaving Santa Monica Boulevard, I hike up La Cienega, back to Sunset Boulevard for my next appointment. I know some of you might think it a bit extreme — I got many “wowzers” when I posted about it on Facebook. To tell you the truth, I thought so too. Initially, I declined the offer to try it before I got to West Hollywood. But hey, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, and if it is good enough for Adele …

我來到Drip Doctors進行維他命靜脈滴注。想法很簡 單—既然剛才的排汗療程已排清毒素,是時候為身體注入 好東西。 登記時護士問我何有健康問題,我笑說:「你真的想 知?」睡眠不足、壓力、不健康的生活習慣……聽完我5分 鐘的牢騷後,她建議我進行Limitless療程。 這是「混合式」的維他命配方,專門增強體能及神經 系統的功能。配方同時增加免疫能力、排走毒素、讓你 感到活力充沛及煥然一新。配合1公升的保濕配方,含 豐富抗氧化及抗衰老功效,當中包括高劑量的榖胱甘肽 (glutathione)令肌膚重現光澤。 我於注射室的安樂椅上坐下,護士在為我準備價值 $220美元的注射。當時我不知道,原來三年前Adele在洛 杉磯Staples Centre舉行6場演唱會前,也接受了相同的 注射。這裡的靜脈滴注跟其他靜脈滴注沒有分別,當液體 維他命在體內流動時,會感覺凍及僵硬,護士強調這是正 常反應。我翻著雜誌、更新Instagram,不知不覺便完成 注射。整個過程約半小時。 我沒有即時感到精神百倍,相反,或許是時差關 係,很想睡一覺。翌日起床,我覺得休息得比平時足夠, 手背膚色更均勻。回到多倫多的晚上,當我在401公路駕 駛時,奇怪地我發覺眼前景物清晰了。我一向有近視和散 光,看東西總是「矇矇的」,但當晚看到的影像竟出奇地清 晰,更持續了一星期之久。雖然視力變好並非靜脈滴注宣 稱的功效之一,卻沒有其他原因可以解釋這現象。


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This time, it’s an intravenous vitamin shot at Drip Doctors. My rationale is: I sweated out all those toxins in my sweat session; now is the time to put something good in. As I sign in, the nurse asks me what my health concerns are. I laugh and reply: “Are you ready to hear my life story?” Lack of sleep, daily stress, unhealthy lifestyle. ... After listening to my five-minute rant, she recommends the Limitless. It’s described as an “all in one” vitamin concoction that specializes in optimizing your physical performance and neurological functions. It simultaneously expands your immune support, facilitates detox, and keeps you feeling energized and refreshed. Along with one litre of hydration, it is rich in antioxidants and antiaging benefits, including a push of high-dose glutathione for glowing skin. Who could say ‘no’ do that? I sit down in one of the big reclining leather armchairs in the drip lounge as they prepare my uS$220 injection. Little do I know that this is the same injection Adele received when she did her eight-night stint at the Staples Center three years ago. If you have ever received an intravenous injection, this is no different. As the flow begins, I feel a bit cold and stiff, but the nurse assures me this is normal. I flip through a magazine, update my Instagram and, before I know it, I’m done. The whole process takes about half an hour. I don’t feel an immediate energy boost. In fact, I feel just the opposite. I really want a nap. Maybe it’s the jet lag. It’s not until the next morning when I wake up that I realize I feel more rested than normal, and the skin on the back of my hand appears more even-toned. Back in Toronto that evening, travelling in the dark on the 401, I notice something strange: I’m seeing better. I have always been myopic and I suffer from astigmatism, so the world is usually a soft blur. However, my vision was so much sharper that night, and the week that followed. This was definitely not listed as a benefit of the drip, but I have no other explanation for it.

住宿推介 WHERE TO STAY 不用說,當然要住在日落大道。日落大道絕對一個經典的 名字,美國百大電影之一以及Andrew Lloyd Webber的音樂 劇皆以此為名,大道上的結他街亦十分有名。我今次下榻 的Andaz酒店,前身是充滿傳奇的Riot House。酒店擁有全 洛杉磯最高的頂樓泳池,每日於wine hour為客人提供免費 餐酒,mini bar全日免費供應無酒精飲料。一定要到酒廊品 嚐Colette Miller angel wings,拍照放上Instagram一定好多 人like。 On Sunset Boulevard, of course! The iconic address is namesake to one of America’s top 100 movies, an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical and the infamous guitar row. I stayed at the Andaz, where the legendary Riot House used to be. It boasts LA’s highest rooftop pool, a daily wine hour when guests are offered complimentary wine and everything except alcoholic beverages is free in the minibar. Instagrammers must not miss the Colette Miller angel wings at the wine lounge. ANDAz WEST HoLLYWooD

美食推介 WHERE TO EAT 於2018年6月開業的Tesse,坐落於日落大道,La Cienega 以西。餐廳由Chef Raphael Francois掌廚,主打歐陸式法 國料理。必食推介:魚子多士伴紫薯。 Opening its doors in June 2018, Tesse on Sunset Boulevard, just west of La Cienega, is a French restaurant featuring the dynamic, continental-inspired cuisine of Chef Raphael Francois. Must try: caviar toast on purple potatoes.

TESSE CATCH LA是紐約著名食府CATCH於西岸的分店,餐廳位 於樓頂,主打海鮮美食。松露刺身、爐端燒A5日本宮崎和 牛配柚子蒜油,讓你完全沉醉於鮮味之中。 CATCH LA, the West Coast version of the acclaimed New York restaurant CATCH NYC, is a rooftop haven serving great seafood. Start with truffled sashimi and indulge in A5 Japanese Miyazaki Wagyu, served on a tabletop robata with yuzu soy and garlic oil.

CATCH LA 泰國菜館E.P.糅合了中式、斐濟及越式烹調風格,配合加州 出產的新鮮食材,風味別具一格。建議於吧檯用膳,感覺 猶如置身亞洲街頭小店。餐廳的咖哩蟹包份量十足而且一 試難忘。L.P.則是樓頂酒吧,更設有露天影院。 With solid roots in Thai cuisine, E.P. combines overtones of Chinese, Fijian and Vietnamese influences, blending them with the freshest California produce to create an offering unlike any other. Ask for the bar seats by the kitchen, which give you the vibes of sitting in an Asian street food stall. Their fried curry crab buns are filling and so addictive! L.P. is their rooftop lounge, which includes an outdoor cinema. E.P. For more information, check out






神級高球場 飛繩釣勝地

Lots to smile about The Abaco Club has some of the finest golf greens on the planet Story | Marc Atchison | TraveLife magazine 在和熙日光照耀下走進Flippers餐廳,站於酒吧的Theresa端上一 杯醉人的Abaco Smile來歡迎我。 Abaco Smile其實是酒精濃度高的Pina Coloda,以芒果、熱帶果 汁及大量rum酒調製而成。口感帶甜及濃郁,淺嚐一口已叫人打從心 裡發出微笑。 「這杯是我們的招牌雞尾酒。」友善的Theresa說道。她是Flippers 的首席調酒師,亦是島上的原居民。這個外形像回力標的美麗小島, 位處大西洋之上、大巴哈馬群島以東。 Flippers是The Abaco Club的餐廳之一,俱樂部位於偏遠的 Winding Bay。會員及同行的客人有機會品嚐以Theresa為名的雞尾酒 Theresa’ s Punch,材料包括大量白rum酒、椰子rum酒、triple sec橙 皮酒及熱帶果汁,是店內另一人氣之選。 在The Abaco Club工作了11年的Theresa笑說:「我這杯punch同 樣能博得客人的一笑。」The Abaco Club稱得上是度假勝地,吸引了搖 滾巨星、政客、高爾夫球手、藝人及行政人員等到訪。


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I wander into Flippers Restaurant on a glorious sun-drenched Bahamian day and Theresa, the woman standing in the sunken bar, greets me with a truly intoxicating Abaco Smile. If you haven’t already guessed, an Abaco Smile is actually a potent Pina Coloda made with mangos, tropical juices and copious amounts of rum. One sip of the sweet, milky cocktail quickly brings a smile to my face. “It’s our signature drink,” says the delightful Theresa, Flippers’ chief mixologist and a native of this beautiful boomerang-shaped island that juts out of the Atlantic just east of Grand Bahama Island. Another popular cocktail with members and guests of The Abaco Club at the remote Winding Bay, where Flippers is located, is one named after the mixologist—Theresa’s Punch is made with lots of white rum, coconut rum, triple sec and tropical juices, and it packs a real punch. “My punch makes people smile, too,” laughs Theresa, an 11-year veteran of The Abaco Club, which is the vacation home of rock stars, diplomats, golfers, entertainers and business execs.

Abaco Club一望無際的沙灘,水清沙幼且白。 The pristine beaches at the Abaco Club, sugary white and baby-powder soft, stretch as far as the eye can see.

The Abaco Club又豈止特色雞尾酒吸引!這座位於巴哈馬Abaca 群島的度假酒店於2004年開業,擁有加勒比最出色的海濱(即linksstyle)高爾夫球場、不遜於巴黎及紐約等優質食府的the Cliff House、 加勒比海旁的無污染海灘、還有位處高地的豪華花園客房,讓客人盡 情欣賞四周海景。酒店更提供多不勝數的水上活動,保證客人由日出 玩至日落。 The Abaco Club由英國企業家Peter de Savery創辦,選址寧逸 的Winding Bay( 亦是烏龜及鸚鵡的聚居地)來興建只招待會員的The Abaco Club,他更親自走入島上一些受保護的松樹林,為的是尋找最 適合的地方來興建酒店。後來他把酒店賣給Ritz-Carlton,再輾轉售予 現時業主,即來自波士頓的Southworth Development。 The Abaco Club的設施屬世界一流水平,當中包括設計非凡的高 爾夫球場。由著名英國建築師Donald Steel及Tom Mackenzie攜手打 造的高球場,現由來自路易士安納州的高球總監Brian Shaver及他的愛 犬Gumbo管理—Gumbo是一隻德國牧羊太,當Shaver授課時會乖乖 地坐在高球車上守護著練習區。

Exotic cocktails, however, are not the only things that make people smile when they’re at The Abaco Club. The fabulous vacation resort on Grand Abaca Island Bahamas which opened in 2004, also features the best links-style golf course in the Caribbean; a fine dining restaurant, the Cliff House, that would not look out of place in culinary capitals like Paris or New York; and a pristine beach that drifts off into the turquoise Caribbean surf; plus garden luxury accommodation perched high on cliffs so guests can truly appreciate the surrounding seascape. There is also a plethora of aquatic activities that keep guests busy between this island’s spectacular sunrises and sunsets. The Abaco Club was the vision of English entrepreneur Peter de Savery, who hiked through the island’s protected pine forest to find the ideal location for his members-only resort at tranquil Winding Bay, which is famous for its turtle and parrot populations. He later sold the property to Ritz-Carlton, who in turn sold it to the present owners, Boston-based Southworth Development. Everything at The Abaco Club is first class, starting with the remarkable golf course, a collaboration between renowned U.K. architects Donald Steel and Tom Mackenzie, which is now governed by charming golf director Brian Shaver and his faithful dog Gumbo.






高爾夫球場的第17個洞,被評為加勒比海最佳球洞。 The view of the 17th hole at the Abaco Golf Club, rated among the best holes in the Caribbean.

這個高球場最出色的是其優越條件。為了抵抗信風吹襲、海水 的浪花及猛烈陽光等挑戰,設計師特別於球道及起伏的果嶺栽種壯 實的海雀稗草坪,效果令人滿意。當然,球場每年使用約只有4,000 人次,亦有助球場時刻保持在最佳狀態。 雖然這個蘇格蘭式links-style球場不像大西洋對岸的球場深受牛 毛草問題困擾,設計師亦在球道加了多個壺狀沙坑及tee-to-green荒 地沙坑來增加挑戰性。好幾個難度高的洞,如臨海的第5、16、17 及第18個洞,更被喻為世界上最佳的球洞。CNN亦把第5個洞(par 4)評為全球三大最佳球洞之一。 著名愛爾蘭PGA球星Darren Clarke亦稱這個球場非常特別,在 這裡買了一個單位以便他經常前來打球。他更把自己領軍2016年歐 洲Ryder Cup優勝隊伍坐過的高球車贈予The Abaco Club。高球車 現時停放於第一個發球區對開的彩色小屋供大眾欣賞。 Shaver說:「我們不時有PGA球星到訪,Darren非常支持我們 的俱樂部,亦是這裡的常客。」 The Abaco Club高球場差不多每一個洞都有驚喜,很多個球洞 都臨近海濱,對球手的集中力是一大考驗。此外,精準的開球十分 重要,而上果嶺之擊球的最佳落點是接近旗桿,免得落在斜坡上增 加了難度。最後三個球洞位於海濱懸崖的高處,景致壯麗迷人,為 完美的高球體驗寫上圓滿句號。 高球只是The Abaco Club提供的眾多活動之一。度假酒店附近 的礁岩,最適合喜歡潛水及浮潛的朋友。運動垂釣發燒友Clarke更 把The Abaco Club形容為世界上進行飛繩釣(fly fishing)的最佳地點 之一。


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“I’m originally from Louisiana,” says Shaver in a sweet southern drawl, “so Gumbo seemed like a good name for my dog (a handsome white German Shepherd who sits on a golf cart guarding the practice area where the director gives lessons).” The remarkable thing about The Abaco Club’s golf course is its impeccable conditioning. That, despite being under the constant barrage by trade winds, sea spray and the blustering Caribbean sun. To compensate for the challenges, the designers planted sturdy paspalum grass on the rolling fairways and undulating greens. The results must be seen to be appreciated. Of course, the fact there’s only about 4,000 rounds played here annually helps keep the course in tip-top shape. While this Scottish links-style course is void of the troublesome fescue found on the opposite side of the Atlantic, the designers did add plenty of fairway pot bunkers and troublesome tee-to-green waste bunkers to compensate. There’s not a bad hole on this course, but several—the seaside 5th, 16th, 17th and 18th, for example—have been mentioned alongside the best golf holes on the planet. In fact, CNN rates the par-4 5th as one of the top three holes in the world. This course is so special, Ireland’s legendary PGA star Darren Clarke bought a home here just so he can play it on a regular basis. “We get PGA stars here all the time,” says Shaver. “Darren is a big supporter of the club and spends a lot of time here.” Clarke, captain of the winning 2016 European Ryder Cup team, is so proud of his relationship with this golf course, he donated the motorized golf cart he rode on during the 2016 Ryder Cup to The Abaco Club. It now holds a place of honour in a colourful hut off the first tee for all to see.

Flippers Bar供應的The Abaco Smile加入了大量芒 果及rum酒,叫人一喝鍾情。 The Abaco Smile is an intoxicating drink served up at Flippers Bar, consisting of copious amounts of mango and rum.

獨一無二的粉紅色度假屋建於Abaco島的懸崖之上。 Exclusive pink estates cling to the cliffs that dominate Abaco Island. The Abaco Club的工作人員一早已為住客預備好水上活動的用具。 A day at the Abaco Club begins with staff setting out the aquatic gear used by guests to paddle in the blue surf, or explore the coral islands offshore.

「Darren對飛繩釣的熱愛程度甚至超過高爾夫球。」當地飛繩釣導 師Clint Kemp如是說。Kemp的家族於1600年代初期從英國移居Grand Abaco島並落地生根。「當時的英國皇帝把一幅位於巴拿馬的土地贈予 我的家族,自此我們便定居這裡。」

There’s a wow moment on just about every hole at The Abaco Club and the seaside brilliance that runs alongside many of the holes truly tests a player’s concentration. Accurate tee shots are a must at The Abaco Club, and approach shots better land short of the pin because holding the sloped greens is tough.

Kemp表示,飛繩釣已逐漸成為一眾企業高層(不論男性及女性) 的熱門減壓運動。The Abaco Club對開海域是骨魚(bone fish)的聚居 地,牠們既好鬥而且行動迅速。骨魚味道一般,但十分強悍,被捕捉 前甚至可以把一根魚竿截斷。

The last three holes, perched high on sea cliffs, are especially breathtaking and the perfect ending to a perfect golf experience.

Kemp說:「Darren十分適合進行飛繩釣,因為此運動所需的腕力 及上半身動作跟打高爾夫球十分類似。」Abaco Club的會員及同行客人 可參加Kemp舉辦的飛繩釣課程。 會所的富豪級業主們都喜歡開著他們的豪華遊艇前來,並停泊於 俱樂部的碼頭。為了可容納更大型的船隻,碼頭現正進行擴建工程。 巴拿馬的Abacos由數以百計的島嶼及沙洲組成,現已成為富豪 名人的隱密度假勝地。卡里姆國王阿加汗四世(Prince Shah Karim Al Hussaini)在當地擁有的超豪度假府第佔據了Grand Abaco島旁的其中 一個沙洲,加國總理杜魯多亦是那裡的常客。 Abacos亦是航海者的天堂,把遊艇停泊於佈滿岩礁的水域,便可 以潛入水中在色彩斑斕的水底世界跟熱帶魚暢泳。 很多建於沙洲上的村落都為遊艇提供安全的港口,而且各具有趣 歷史。其中最特別的莫過於名為Man-O-War的沙洲,該處在美國革命 戰爭期間,是效忠英國皇室人士的避難所。

Golf is just one of the many sporting activities offered at The Abaco Club. The reefs just off the resort are perfect for divers and snorkelers to explore and avid sport fishers like Clarke rate The Abaco Club as one of the top fly fishing spots in the world. “Darren likes fly fishing as much, maybe more, than golf,” says Clint Kemp, a local fly fishing instructor. Kemp’s family roots on Grand Abaco Island dates back to the early 1600s when they landed here from England. “Our family was granted land in the Bahamas by the English king of the day and we never left.” Kemp says fly fishing is becoming the fastest growing sport among top executives (both male and female) because “it allows them to decompress.” The waters off The Abaco Club are teaming with bone fish, a feisty variety that are very fast and strong. While they may not be good to eat, bone fish apparently put up a helluva fight and can bend a rod in half before being caught and released. “Darren is an excellent fly fisherman because the wrist action and upper body movement we use in our sport is very much like what a golfer uses,” says Kemp, who offers lessons to Abaco Club members and their guests. Many affluent owners arrive at The Abaco Club on their own luxury yachts and park them at the club’s quaint marina, which is being enlarged to accommodate even larger vessels. ELITEGEN





The Cliff House提供多款新鮮的 加勒比海魚類菜式,水準絕不 遜於倫敦及巴黎等美食首府。 The Cliff House dining room, which offers up lots of fresh Caribbean fish dishes, would not look out of place in culinary capitals like London or Paris.

Abaco Club的Cabana套房裝修豪華,帶有加勒比的型格。 The luxurious interiors of the Abaco Club’s cabanas are Caribbean chic.

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The Cliff House由Chef BJ掌廚,炮製 的這道巴哈馬龍蝦尾加入大量rum酒。 Chef BJ, at the helm of the Cliff House fine dining restaurant, serves up a Bahamian lobster tail dinner peppered with lots of rum.

The hundreds of islands, or cays, that make up this area of the Bahamas known as the Abacos, have become hideouts for the rich and famous. Prince Shah Karim Al Hussaini’s—the Aga Khan— sprawling vacation estate, where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a regular visitor, occupies one of those cays just off Grand Abaco Island. The Abacos are also a popular destination for sailors who like to anchor their vessels in the reef-filled waters so they can dive and snorkel with the tropical fish that hang out at the colourful natural wonders. Many of the settlements on the cays offer safe harbour for vessels and have fascinating histories of their own. There’s no better example of that than Man-O-War, a cay that provided safe haven for those who wanted to remain loyal to the British crown during the American Revolutionary War. One of the earliest arrivals on Man-O-War was the Albury family, who became master sail makers. Annie Albury, a fifth generation descendent of those immigrants, spends her day at a sewing machine in a harbour-side shop making colourful bags out of canvas. “We used to make the bags out of old sails,” the ageless wonder tells me. Albury家族是最早抵達Man-O-War的家庭之一,他們後來成為大 帥級製帆工匠。看上去比實際年齡年輕的Annie Albury是第五代移民, 她可以一整天在海旁的店中縫製帆布袋。「以前我們就是利用舊的帆布 來製成手袋。」 古老燈塔引領航海人士穿過Abacos,支配著鄰近Hope Town海 港的水路交通。紅白相間的燈塔是全球最後一座以煤油發電的燈塔, 遊客可爬上塔頂欣賞無敵海景。 經過一天航行後我們返回The Abaco Club,我即時騎上單車前往 距離度假酒店不遠的古老村落Cherokee。另一效忠英國人士跟來自卻 洛奇族(Cherokee)的妻子於1700年代來到這個小村莊定居,村莊亦因 而得名。 晚飯前還有時間讓我到The Abaco Club的水療中心享受一番。 中心由富經驗的治療師主理,提供各種最新式療程。Southworth Development正計劃為The Abaco Club進行現代化翻新工程,包括擴 建位於高級餐廳The Cliff House對面的水療中心 顧名思義,Cliff House座落於winding bay及沙灘之上,浪漫的氛 圍正是其賣點。Chef BJ是餐廳的掌廚,他和團隊在傳統美食加入加勒 比風味。 廚師說:「相信你會喜歡我的巴哈馬式龍蝦尾。」這道龍蝦尾加入 咖哩、rum酒及忌廉,份量剛剛好。餐廳供應的海鮮全部在烹煮前一 小時才從海上撈起,確保新鮮,這亦是廚師的成功秘技。這裡的烤牛 扒亦同樣精彩。 一流的度假體驗收費當然不菲。度假別墅及即將興建的柏文大 廈售價由1百萬美元起,會員費每年$100,000。海外會費則為每年 $15,000,但會員及同行客人每年打高爾夫球的次數只限20次。 位於Winding Bay的The Abaco Club,肯定會讓你樂不思蜀。


Sailors are guided through the Abacos by an ancient lighthouse that dominates nearby Hope Town harbour. The candy cane-coloured lighthouse is the last kerosene-powered beam in the world and visitors can climb to the top for some spectacular seascape views. When we return to The Abaco Club after a day on the water, I jump on a bike and peddle to nearby Cherokee, another historic settlement a short distance from the posh property. The small village gets its name from another Loyalist who arrived here with his Cherokee wife in the 1700s. There’s just enough time before dinner to enjoy a treatment in The Abaco Club’s lovely spa, governed by expert therapists who deliver all the latest treatments. As part of its modernization of The Abaco Club, Southworth Development is planning to enlarge the spa, which sits opposite The Cliff House, The Abaco Club’s fine dining restaurant. As the name implies, the elevated Cliff House sits high above the winding bay and beach and the only thing better than its menu is its romantic setting. Chef BJ rules the kitchen at The Cliff House and he and his staff put a Caribbean twist on many traditional dishes. “I think you’ll like my Bahamian lobster tails,” says chef, who infuses the dish with just the right amounts of curry, rum and cream. The freshness of the seafood, much of which is caught offshore hours before being served, is the secret to chef’s success. However, the grilled steaks featured on The Cliff House menu are equally appetizing. All that The Abaco Club offers comes at a price, of course. Homes and soon-to-be-built lowrise condos start well north of $1 million (U.S.) and membership fees for residents cost $100,000. An international membership will cost you just $15,000, but limits you and your guests to 20 tee times a year. The Abaco Club at Winding Bay sure gives you lots to smile about. For more information, visit



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傲然屹立 winner from the get-go f-Pace sets the pace for Jaguar Story | Lorne Drury | Metroland Media

以出產跑車聞名的保時捷於2002年推出第一款Cayenne豪華 SUV,銷售成績驕人,成為保時捷旗下盈利最高的車型;英國積架 (Jaguar)的中型豪華跨界SUV F-Pace自面世後,也取得相若的成就。 2016年夏天,積架在加拿大推出首台SUV,我有幸以記者身分出 席這2017年款新車在科羅拉多Aspen的亮相活動。當時我已深信這是 積架手上的一張王牌,其後發展一如所料,F-Pace的銷量持續領前, 讓品牌在加拿大發揚光大。 積架跟著擴展其SUV陣型,從小型的E-Pace到全新款的I-Pace ──積架首部全電動性能SUV。不過,F-Pace系列則繼續牽頭,佔積 架整體銷量約一半。 F-Pace能夠吸引年輕一族,部分原因是F-Pace為每個人都提供了 他們所喜愛的東西。除了有著近似F-Type的跑車造型,這輛跑旅採用 與入門轎車XE和較高級轎車XF相同的輕磅鋁合金打造的車架。2019年 款的F-Pace更有6種不同級別供選擇。 我們試駕的是高檔的F-Pace S,配備3.0公升V6引擎,輸出380匹 馬力,搭載整個陣容都使用的八速ZF自動波箱。 F-Pace的標準引擎是247匹馬力、2.0公升渦輪增壓四缸汽油引 擎,另外有重新調校的296匹馬力版本,以及180匹馬力的2.0公升渦 輪增壓柴油引擎供選擇。

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Much like Porsche did when it brought the Cayenne SUV to market, Jaguar has had similar success with its mid-size F-Pace luxury crossover SUV. When it was introduced in the summer of 2016 as a 2017 model and the first SUV in the Jaguar lineup, I happened to be among the journalists attending the launch in Aspen, Colorado. At the time, I thought Jaguar had a winner on its hands and that initial impression has been borne out. For month after month, the F-Pace has led the sales charge and helped Jaguar grow its brand identity in Canada. Since then, Jaguar has expanded its SUV footprint with the E-Pace compact SUV and the new I-Pace, Jaguar’s first all-electric performance SUV. But it’s the F-Pace that continues to lead the way for Jaguar, accounting for approximately half of thebrand’s overall sales. It’s an important vehicle for Jaguar because it helps bring a younger demographic into the showroom, in part because the F-Pace lineup offers something for everyone. Built on the same platform (Lightweight Aluminum Architecture) as the entry-level XE sedan and the more upscale XF sedan, the F-Pace for 2019 is offered in six distinct trim levels. Our tester was the upmarket F-Pace S, featuring a 380-horsepower, 3.0-litre V6 engine, mated with an eight-speed ZF automatic transmission that is used throughout the lineup.

對於那些想要最佳性能的人來說,配備5.0公升V8機械增壓引 擎、迸發出550匹馬力的SVR就是首選的車型。這款車的最高時速為 283公里,從零至時速100公里只需4.3秒。不過,對大多數買家來 說,我們這次所測試的S車型已經可以滿足在性能、豪華和實用性這三 方面的需要。 搭載3.0公升渦輪增壓引擎的F-Pace S,從零加速至時速100公 里約為5.5秒。20吋5輻條合金輪圈加上跑車型的紅色煞車鉗是標準裝 置。看起來每一吋都是跑車格的S車款,有幾種車輪套件供選擇,包括 我試駕的22吋15輻條亮黑色輪圈。 我們試駕的F-Pace S噴上熱情奔放的火紅色(價值13,735元),連 同1,700元的到岸費,將售價推至85,335元。

The standard engine on the F-Pace is the 247-horsepower, 2.0-litre turbocharged four-cylinder gas model, while a retuned 296-horsepower version is also available, along with a 180-horsepower, 2.0-litre turbocharged diesel. And for those who want the ultimate in performance, the SVR trim, with its 550-horsepower, 5.0-litre supercharged V8, is the vehicle of choice. This model has a top speed of 283 km/h and 0-100 km/h acceleration time of just 4.3 seconds. But for most buyers, the S-trim model that was the subject of this test will satisfy the need for performance, luxury and utility. With its 3.0-litre, turbocharged V6, the F-Pace S will go 0-100 km/h in approximately 5.5 seconds.



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automobiles S型別具一格的徽章鑲在車頭和車尾,傲視品牌 其他級別車款。所配備的主動式動態系統(Adaptive Dynamics system),讓駕駛者可以依據路面情況和駕駛 風格來調校車輛的反應。這系統能夠以每秒100次的頻率 監控車身的移位,同時以每秒高達500次的頻率分析轉 向,調節阻尼的避震器以應對路面的情況,讓在較慢車 速時駕駛更舒適,以及採用定速巡航時操控更佳。 F-Pace S的重量雖然達1,861公斤,但車身有80%是 由鋁製成的。在這重量下,車輛轉彎和操控方面都做得 很好。 對真正享受駕駛樂趣的人士來說,今次所測試的 F-Pace S車款就最合心意。與市場上眾多的SUV相比, 它給你的感覺更像是轎車。它的380匹馬力機械增壓V6引 擎能夠在瞬間加速。另外,它的前懸掛系統是由雙A臂、 後一體式多連桿構成。

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Sitting on 20-inch, five-spoke alloy wheels and sporting red brake calipers, the S looks every inch the sporty ride that it is. Several wheel packages are available as options, including the 22-inch, 15-spoke gloss black wheels on our test vehicle. Our tester, painted a brilliant Firenze Red, arrived with $13,735 in options, taking the as-tested price to $85,335, including a $1,700 destination charge. The S-branding on the outside sets this model apart from the other trim levels and the Adaptive Dynamics system allows the driver to modify the response of the vehicle to conditions and driving style. The system monitors body movement 100 times a second and wheel movement 500 times a second. It adjusts the damping to suit the conditions and delivers a more comfortable ride at slower speeds and better handling at cruising speeds. The F-Pace S weighs in at a hefty 1,861 kilograms, but with a body made up of 80 per cent aluminum, it is a manageable weight that allows the vehicle to corner and handle well. For those who really enjoy driving, our F-Pace S model is the one to get. It feels more car-like than many competing SUVs on the market and the supercharged 380-horsepower V6 gets it up to speed in a timely manner.

F-Pace的另一個特點是它的全輪驅動隨需要而使 用。在正常駕駛情況下,系統會把引擎的扭力傳送到後 輪;要是在低摩擦力的表面如草地或爛泥地,扭力會平 均分布,前後輪的比例為50:50。若然情況有變動,扭力 會從後輪適當地分配到前輪。從後輪驅動切換至全輪驅 動僅需0.165秒,十分迅速,駕駛者不會感受到切換的遲 滯。 這車還有一個名為全地面起步輔助系統(All Surface Progress Control) 的功能。它其實就像一個低速啟動控 制,幫助於時速3.5至30公里的時候調整牽引力。 F-Pace的內廂寬敞舒適,前後座位可輕鬆容納5個 人。後座腳部空間充裕,即使如我般有6呎高的乘客坐 上去也感到相當舒適。後排座椅採用40/20/40的比例分 體折疊,載貨的空間高達650公升。若把全排座椅折疊起 來,可多出接近兩倍的空間載貨。 車廂設備現代化,減少了積架傳統的模樣,卻依然 豪華和高檔,甚具跑車的感覺。 根據積架設計總監Ian Callum所說,F-Pace外部 每一吋的造型都深受F-Type跑車影響。它的下盤堅穩扎 實,車身線條優美別致,任何人看到定必會回眸再看。 難怪F-Pace甫推出便成為積架的成功故事。

The front suspension is double wishbone with an integrated link system at the rear. All-wheel drive in the F-Pace is on-demand. The system sends all of the engine’s torque to the rear wheels under normal driving conditions. However, on low-friction surfaces, such as grass or mud, the torque is balanced 50:50 front and rear. When conditions are changeable, torque can be distributed from the rear wheels to the front. The system acts so quickly that the switch from rear- to all-wheel drive is done in 165 milliseconds. The F-Pace also has a feature called All Surface Progress Control, which actually works like a low-speed launch control to help manage traction at speeds between 3.5 and 30 km/h. Inside, the F-Pace is roomy and comfortable, front and back, with space for five people. Legroom in the rear is generous, even for a six-footer like myself. The rear seats are 40/20/40 split folding and they can enlarge the 650 litres of cargo space to 1,740 when lowered. The cabin is outfitted with a more modern, less traditional Jaguar look. The end result, however, is still luxurious and upscale with a sports car feel from a driver’s perspective. Outside, the F-Pace is every inch a Jaguar,with styling that has been influenced by the F-Type sports car, according to Jaguar design director Ian Callum. It has a firm, planted stance and handsome body lines that make it a head-turner in any crowd. No wonder the F-Pace has been a success story for Jaguar from the get-go.

積架2019年款F-Pace S一覽 車身款式:豪華中型跨界SUV 驅動方式:前置引擎,按需要而採用全輪驅動。 引擎:3.0公升機械增壓V6引擎 (380匹馬力,332磅/呎扭力), 搭載八速自動波箱。 行李箱容量:650公升,折疊後排座椅後有1,740公升。 耗油量:資料不詳 價格:69,900元,試駕車款售85,335元。

Jaguar F-Pace S 2019 at a glance: BODY STYLE: mid-size luxury crossover SUV. DRIVE METHOD: front-engine, on-demand all-wheel drive. ENGINE: 3.0-litre supercharged V6 (380 hp, 332 lb/ft of torque) with an eight-speed automatic transmission. CARGO CAPACITY: 650 litres, 1,740 with rear seats folded. FUEL ECONOMY: N/A PRICE: $69,900, as tested $85,335.



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原木耳機 十年磨一木

Timberland JVC’s Wood Dome headphones are a decade in the making Story | Ringo Chan

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十年前,JVC率先採用原木製作振膜單元, 跟木箱喇叭一樣以輸出原音為目標;十年後,HAFW10000紀念版耳機誕生,帶來更厲害的技術及更 令人讚嘆的手藝。最大賣點是一塊只有50微米薄的 直徑11mm炭化振膜單元,原材料是日本樺木,要 利用品牌的薄膜加工技術切割才能成事,帶出清晰 又圓潤的聲音。外殼則是鈦金屬物料,抗震功能更 加強,優點在於振膜邊緣擁有適當的柔軟度之餘, 中間則有良好的剛性,表現力更加細緻準確。 另一個突破,是用了日本德島縣有1,300年歷 史的阿波和紙跟絲棉混合而成的吸音層,把原音的 細緻度緊緊保留在耳機內。紀念版耳機的外殼有不 銹鋼底座,以及同樣來自日本的楓木打造而成的外 殼,連質感及手感都取得高分數。要特別一提的, 是為了讓耳機能像喇叭般擁有靈活的聲學設計空 間,工程師特別精心設計了不鏽鋼支架將MMCX插 座與外殼完全分離,令耳機殼內有更多空間調音。 Hi-end插頭使用極厚的鍍金製成,提供穩定而優秀 的接觸介面。而全新Spiral Dot+ Plus舒適耳膠,就 以擁有與人體皮膚相近的彈力特性的SMP iFit製造。 HA-FW10000紀念版耳機的定價約為$2,200, 等同十部AirPods呢!

Ten years ago, JVC became the first to use timber to make a wood dome diaphragm for headphones, delivering the unique acoustics of wood speakers. A decade has passed and now the HA-FW10000 10th Anniversary headphones show off even more awesome technology and artistry. The biggest selling point is the 11mm Japanese birch wood dome carbon diaphragm, hewn with the brand’s exclusive craftsmanship to achieve crisp resonance. The diaphragm is soft around the edges and hard in the middle to deliver an even more refined sound. The titanium case is great for shock-proofing. In another first, Japanese traditional paper awawashi from the Tokushima Prefecture, boasting a heritage of 1,300 years, and silk are used for sound absorption to maintain superior acoustics within the earphones. The stainless steel terminal and the casing, also made of Japanese birch, score highly in touch and feel. It’s worth noting that the engineers have separated the MMCX terminal and the housing to deliver more room for tuning sound quality, in the same vein as the design of acoustics space in speakers. The Hi-End plug is plated with gold to provide a stable and superior connection. The new Spiral Dot+ Plus earpieces are made of SMP iFit that’s very similar to the feel of human skin. HA-FW10000 10th Anniversary headphones are priced at $2,200, the equivalent of 10 AirPods.

型號 HA-FW10000 型式 動圈 單元 11 mm 原木炭化振膜單元 靈敏度 102dB/1mW 頻率響應 6 Hz-52,000 Hz 阻抗 16Ω 功率處理容量 200mW(IEC*) 導線 1.2 m MMCX連接四芯Hi-Grade OFC真絲線芯耳機線 (Y型) 插頭 3.5 mm Hi-End鍍金插頭 重量 (不含耳機線) 約 21.5 g 附件 Spiral Dot+ Plus 舒適耳膠 (S/MS/M/ML/L) 皮製收納盒 Driver Unit: 11mm wood dome carbon diaphragm driver unit FreqUency response: 6 - 52,000 Hz impeDance: 16 ohms sensitivity: 102 dB/1 mW max. input capability: 200mW(iec) plUg: 3.5mm Hi-end gold plated stereo mini plug corD lengtH: 1.2m y-shape mmcx connector 4 core Hi-grade oFc silk groove cables WeigHt: 21.5g (without cord) accessories: spiral Dot+ plus earpieces, s/ms/m/ml/l, leather carrying case



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Been There 關注星尚,緊貼潮流。潮人潮服,名貴新品,華麗派對,搶先預賞新刊以及讀者回饋活動, 盡在Instagram: @EliteGenMag。Hashtag #EliteGen,你的圖片更有機會登上《星尚》。 Discover inspiring images, new luxury products, the latest fashion and the swankiest parties. Readers are invited to hashtag us for a chance to get featured: #EliteGen. Watch out for sneak previews of future issues and giveaways, too.

Your White Tea has just become a lot more fragrant. @elizabetharden is introducing two new scents this April. Vanilla Orchid is soft as a cashmere blanket, while Wild Rose is a modern take on the Bulgarian and Turkish Rose. If you can't choose between the two, wear them both at the same time. They work really well layered together. #springpreview #白茶 香水

We took over the lobby @hotelxtoronto for our spring fashion shoot. Kudos to our fabulous team: models @lilygao1 and @amynicolenguyen, stylist @ingriewilliams, MUA @jukka333, photographer @boucherhphoto, lighting @tishtish_tish and art director Alan A. Vernon. #bts #春季時裝秀

#時尚穿搭 Marc Cain’s signature leopard print is the way to go to instill some cool girl chic to sweet #livingcoral, 2019 colour of the year. If you see the pure wool leopard print scarf, snatch it. Fifty per cent of the net profit goes to the children’s aid organization Plan International. #doublepleasure #MCtrainstation

Dior's Lolli'Glow is like a lollipop for your eyes, cheeks and lips. @diormakeup The Sugar Shade palette features pastel chocolate/strawberry hues with an icy blue accent, while the Mellow Shade palette offers delicious lemon, pistachio and peach. Which one are you, sweet or mellow? #糖果世界

Strike a pose! eliteGen is a proud sponsor of the CNY gala organized by University of Toronto Chinese Student and Scholars Association and 11 Ontario universities. The show featured A-list performers from China like #袁婭維 #大山 #滿舒 克 #陳宏宇and was livecast to an international audience of more than 30,000. Our fans received complimentary copies of eliteGen, product samples and VIP cards from @neostratacanada and @marccain 108 E L I T E G E N. C A



We are smitten by Philippe @chantecaille, who came to Toronto to introduce the Spring 2019 line, inspired by his recent trip to the North Pole. You can certainly find the aurora borealis in the shimmering Lip Cristals, For every purchase, a tree will be planted in Kenya to fight #climatechange. #北極光系列 they@HoltRenfrew

Escada celebrates the Lunar New Year by inviting a calligrapher to paint guests’ zodiac sign on a red leather notebook. @elitegenmag began in 2014, which makes us a Year of the Horse. We cannot tell you whose book this one belongs to… #shhhhh #年齡永遠是秘密


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