Sep 2018 EliteGen Toronto

Page 1

September 2018 Vol. 37 Toronto

ToronTo September 2018


Natalie Tong 成后之路

A sing Tao publicAtion


‘Vintage’ timepieces 漫遊80年代



the s are back



Jewellery fit for a queen 英屬處女群島 龍蝦之旅




Lotsa lobsters in the Caribbean 走訪德國汽車博物館

A day at the museum: BMW, Porsche Mercedes-Benz

GABRIELLE_DP_EliteGeneration.indd All Pages



B® CHANEL S. de R.L.

18-07-11 11:50

喚 醒 動 人 的 雙 眸 賦予青春活力及提亮眼周肌膚

publisher’s letter


New season, new look


s you flip through the September issue of eliteGen, you may have noticed a few tweaks to our magazine. Well maybe more than just a few tweaks.

當你打開今期的《星尚》,會發現不少新轉變,亦能感 受到裡面包含的每點心思。     踏入五周年,設計團隊重新考量每個細節,無論是封 面書名的設計至每個版面的結耩,《星尚》處處都呈現新生 命新觸覺。     然而絲毫未變的,是我們的核心價值。高品味的新 品、優質生活,充分地迎合讀者對高格調生活的追求。我 相信不是每本雜誌內都可找到售價可高達13萬5千、內裏 載有稀世名酒或配合高端科技製成的限量版名錶;又或是 豪華名車、品牌時裝等介紹,圖文並茂的以中、英文刊 載,接觸更廣泛的讀者群。     由創刊至今,我們都是以吸引有品味和講求生活質 素、在加拿大生活的華人為目標,他們自信、獨立、有不 同的成就,清楚明白自己所要追求的是什麼 - 甚至不太 計較代價。這亦是我們希望做到的:為他們度身訂造,一 本尋找更美好生活的指南。     以全新形象出現的《星尚》代表了我們汲取過往的經 驗,銳意做得更好。要達到這目的,您們的意見最是重要 和寶貴,我們熱切期待您的回應和意見。     我衷心希望《星尚》的新方向,真真正正能符合您心中 所尋。多謝各位一直的支持,請繼續多多給予意見,能與 您們交流,是我們最感激的事。     謹祝各位閱讀愜意-當然,還有購物愉快!

In celebration of our fourth anniversary, our creative team went back to the drawing board and redesigned everything from the cover logo to the templates for each and every page. You might say that eliteGen has reinvented itself. Of course, the eliteGen mandate remains the same, that is, to be a vital publication for the discerning consumer of luxury brand goods. But new layouts that are more in line with today’s editorial graphic trends give us a stronger competitive edge when reporting on the high-end marketplace for A-listers like yourself. I mean how many other publications can you read about limited edition watches with liquids built right into their movements, costing upwards of $135,000? Or find the latest in spare-no-expense fashion finds and prestige motorcars, all delivered in both Chinese and English. From the very first issue of eliteGen, our goal was to attract elite Chinese Canadians, members of society with unparalleled independence, confidence and success, people who know what they want and go after it—no matter what the cost. And therein lies our raison d’être: to be your exclusive guide when seeking out those posh purchases. The rebirth of eliteGen is exciting for a slew of reasons. It’s a time to reflect on our successes and learn from our past mistakes. But most importantly, this journey to be the best we can be is one we will go on together, the impetus of which was giving serious thought to the invaluable comments we received from you, our loyal following of readers. Yes, we listened. I sincerely hope you like the new direction eliteGen is embarking on. And as always, thanks for all your support and keep the comments coming. It is so greatly appreciated. Happy reading—and, of course, happy shopping. Sincerely,

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911


E L I T E G E N. C A



A sing tao publicAtion

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 佩嘉露 Carol Peddie 總裁 President 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A Vernon 副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief 胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 加東版 Canada East Editor 徐少玲 Iris Chui 加西版 Canada West Editor 張萬青 Katherine Cheung 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編輯部 Editorial enquiries / 416-861-8168

參與 Contributors Marc Atchison, Grace Chan, Lorne Drury, Kenson Ho, Zoe Mak, Alan Ng, Crystal Ng, Renée S. Suen, Shuk Wa Tsang, George Verdolaga, Livian Wu, Emilia Ku Yazar, Clarice Yik

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan

美術部 production & design 美術及製作經理 Production Manager/Art Direction 邱卓庭 Cliff Yau 美術助理 Graphic Art Assistant 陸凱茵 Gloria Luk

廣告及市場部 Advertising sales & marketing 高級副總裁 Senior Vice President 袁樹燊 Johnson Yuen 營業總監 Director of Advertising Sales 李啟治 Redmond Lee 助理經理 (活動宣傳及傳訊) Assistant Manager (Event Marketing and Communication) 盧凱菁 Gloria Lo

營業代表 Sales Representatives Eric Chan, Patrick Leung, Gary Liu, Emily Lu, Gerald Ngan, Kenneth Wong, Fanny Yeung, Harold Yu, Derek Yuen 營業部 Advertising enquiries 905-754-1534

發行部 Circulation & Distribution 副總裁 Vice President 黎文華 Raphael Lai 發行助理 Circulation Officer 胡智豪 Tony Aw, 陳鳳 Tiffany Chen / 905-752-0133

出版 Publishing Sing Tao Daily Limited, a division of Toronto Star Media Group 星島日報,多倫多星報傳媒集團轄下機構

EliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. EliteGen is printed 9 times a year. Entire contents are property of EliteGen. Address: 221 Whitehall Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 9T1


eliteGen 24



62 In front 8 出版人的話 publisher's letter 10 團隊 Masthead

CelebrIty 16 dress code: on the red carpet 24 封面故事 唐詩詠 成后之路 cover story: star-by-chance natalie tong

fashIon: women 34 旅遊裝備精讀 travel in style 42 絢麗精致 spotlight: Marc cain 44 秋季戰衣 coMbat clothes

52 耳 • 綴 accessories: earrings

54 比利時皮革世家 heritage: delvaux handbags

72 jewellery 58 珍稀共鳴 cartier: fit for queen

tImepIeCes 62 酒進腕錶 Watch out : liquid tiMe

68 neWs: oMega, chauMet

fashIon: men 70 恤衫玩清新 the graphic shirt is back 72 漫遊80年代 runWay: prada

Double Serum 蘊含21種植物精華,仍是至今嬌韻詩最高效的抗老精華。 7天之後:肌膚瞬間呈現亮麗神采,有效收緊毛孔及撫平細紋,更顯青春氣息。

W i n ne r

*滿意度測試 - 多族裔小組 - 362位女士


It’s all about you

eliteGen 42





speCIal beauty supplement 75 neWs: lancôMe, caudalie, clarins

94 英屬處女群島龍蝦之旅 travel: british virgin islands

80 尊貴活顏 skin science

104 高端萬用 spotlight: range rover sport svr

78 天生一對 gucci: absolutely fabulous

automobIles 98 走訪德國大汽車博物館 a visit to bMW, porsche, Mercedes-benz MuseuMs

lIfestyle 84 火燒旺地 Wine not: napa valley

teCh 108 蜻蜓航拍

86 獨當一面的餐廳 dining to tell: constantine/akira back 92 巨星專屬錄音室 studio: sonic chic

parrot anafi drone Get out 110 parties & events

支含Micelle膠束科技 深層卸妝潔膚水 跟據加拿大 全國統計

皮膚的本質 激發BIODERMA研製 首支含Micelle膠束科技 的深層卸妝潔膚水


跟據加拿大 激發BIODERMA研製 全國統計 首支含Micelle膠束科技 的深層卸妝潔膚水

根據加拿大 全國統計

無比超高徹底潔膚 及卸妝除污能力 高度耐受性,適合敏感肌膚 Sensibio H2O之獨特Micelle膠束科技 潔膚配方,與皮膚天然結構非常相近, 能提供超卓的徹底潔淨及卸妝功效。


水溶分子溶解表面油脂污垢,配合 油溶分子吸走毛孔殘留物,促進 Sensibio H2O之絕佳耐受性。 肌膚經徹底潔淨,感覺紓緩舒適, 並且功效持久。

超高徹底潔膚 不含防腐劑•不含香精 妝除污能力低致敏•不含酒精 無比超高徹底潔膚 耐受性,適合敏感肌膚




blo H2O之獨特Micelle膠束科技 高度耐受性,適合敏感肌膚 配方,與皮膚天然結構非常相近, Sensiblo H2O之獨特Micelle膠束科技 供超卓的徹底潔淨及卸妝功效。

潔膚配方,與皮膚天然結構非常相近, 分子溶解表面油脂污垢,配合 能提供超卓的徹底潔淨及卸妝功效。 無比超高徹底潔膚


分子吸走毛孔殘留物,促進 及卸妝除污能力 水溶分子溶解表面油脂污垢,配合 blo H2O之絕佳耐受性。 油溶分子吸走毛孔殘留物,促進 高度耐受性,適合敏感肌膚

Sensiblo H2O之絕佳耐受性。 經徹底潔淨,感覺紓緩舒適, Sensiblo H2O之獨特Micelle膠束科技 肌膚經徹底潔淨,感覺紓緩舒適, 潔膚配方,與皮膚天然結構非常相近, 功效持久。 並且功效持久。 能提供超卓的徹底潔淨及卸妝功效。 水溶分子溶解表面油脂污垢,配合 油溶分子吸走毛孔殘留物,促進 Sensiblo H2O之絕佳耐受性。

W I N N E 調查,至2017年6月底,面部護理皮膚美容化妝類別,52星期。 R 調查,至2017年6月底,面部護理皮膚美容化妝類別,52星期。

將生物科技應用於皮膚醫學上 皮膚學生物科技

肌膚經徹底潔淨,感覺紓緩舒適, 並且功效持久。 調查,至2017年6月底,面部護理皮膚美容化妝類別,52星期。


Dress coDe

Lily Lee 自小已經是時裝精,曾修讀時裝設計,並夢想成為時裝設計師,致力宣揚 「飯可以不吃,衣服不可以不買」 的精神。 近年由藝人轉型為Fashionista,在網上撰寫時裝專欄,同時身兼網上節目 《谷乜Trend》監製及主持,分享時尚及美容資訊。 Born with an eye for fashion and style, becoming a fashion designer was always Lee's dream. Now that she’s a fashionista, not only does she have her own styling blog, she also directs and hosts the reality show Music Live Valley, where fashion and beauty trends are explored.


華麗天后 Glam

有型潮人 Hipster

搶眼時尚 eye-catcHinG




Miriam Yeung

Sammi Cheng

向來都覺楊千嬅穿簡約晚裝最是好看。就像這次的 Joyce晚裝,既巧妙隱藏身形缺點,將下身顯得格 外修長;背後的紗質披肩,富華麗感,又突顯天后 風範。

Givenchy這左右紅黑色極端對比的連身裙,在領口 和手袖邊加了皮革圍邊,即時顯得型格十足,正好 反映Sammi的潮人形象。

莫文蔚這漸變紫色珠片裙本來相當簡約,但加上 不規則的流蘇,時尚感大增;再襯以閃閃ankle boots,變得相當搶眼。

Miriam Yeung is always stunning in a simple evening gown. This design by Joyce hides imperfections perfectly, while lengthening the overall silhouette. A sexy see-through back adds an elegant flow.

This Givenchy maxi-length dress has a luxurious leather trimmed collar and sleeves, reflecting Cheng’s cutting-edge image to a tee.

The gradient purple of this sequined gown is accented with trendy tassels while sparkling ankle boots make a night on the town even more eyecatching.

E L I T E G E N. C A



Karen Mok

爽朗英氣 superHero

高手出招 in tHe Driver's seat

神采飛揚 fasHion forwarD




Christine Ng

Kelly Chan

Tracy Chu

伍詠薇這通花裙設計特別,很有立體感,披風式設 計更有增添英氣,配以腳上的紗質短靴和金色頭 飾,更能凸顯她的爽朗性格。

Emporio Armani這彩色間條套裝,既有直紋又有橫 紋,駕馭不來即予人眼花繚亂的俗氣感覺,然而穿 在Kelly身上,卻散發一種時尚感,充分演繹何謂 「人 穿衣」 。

朱千雪這Echtego jumpsuit顏色鮮艷,甚是奪目,配 以時尚的La Francoise白色西裝褸,更覺神采飛揚。

This two-tiered lace dress with built-in cape gets a boost of superhero chic. Mesh ankle boots and gold accessories only magnify Ng’s star power.

One might have thought that two-directional rainbow stripes would be dizzying and distracting. Instead, this Emporio Armani suit means business and demonstrates that Chan is in the driver’s seat.

Jumpsuits are showing up on runways everywhere. And this bright red homage to the '80s by Echtego paired with a stylish La Francoise jacket shows Chu is not afraid to be fashion forward.





Dress coDe 星光閃熠 star power

花多不眼亂 feminine florals

剛柔並濟 sHine on

Tina Fey

Carey Mulligan

Amber Heard

Tina Fey不但有喜劇頭腦,外型也頗可人,難得是 打扮從來恰如其份,卻又不失巨星氣派。這身銀色 晚裝造型,正是今夜星光燦爛。

Carey Mulligan身穿碎花裙站到大花背景圖案前卻依 然突出,得力於裙的圖案夠細緻,不但清楚分明, 更切合其清純形象!

Amber Heard本身是大美人,即使是中性的閃片西 裝也駕馭自如,柔情之中見硬朗,又是另一番引人 味道。

The famed comedian in this silver evening gown with ostrich feather flounce is a regular on the gala circuit. No surprise she always wows on the red carpet.

Even standing in front of a floral background, Carey Mulligan’s floral-patterned hostess gown stands out. Its fine, intricate pattern and soft flowing lines fits with Mulligan’s clean, girlish image.

Amber Heard’s understated power play shines through in a gender-neutral sequin suit.

Designer:Thom Browne

Designer:Giambattista Valli

Designer:Michael Kors

網評:更能襯托出濃郁女人味! Webbuzz: Full of feminity. (

網評:不走性感路線也可搶眼! Webbuzz: You don’t need to use sex to sell. (

網評:以中性西裝示人,很有新鮮感。 Webbuzz: The gender-neutral look is quite refreshing. ( continued on page 20


E L I T E G E N. C A



Dress coDe 火紅珍珠 on fire

得天獨厚 HavinG it all

配搭得宜 mix‘n’matcH

Naomi Campbell

Olivia Munn

Kim Kardashian

Olivia Munn不但集美貌、性感、型格、魅力於一 身,更是打扮高手,身上這墨綠色jumpsuit正是當 中代表作。

Kim Kardashian的超級葫蘆身形無人不知,卻也同 時局限其打扮風格,類似裝扮屢見不鮮,猶幸在髮 型和鞋的配搭上顯出心思,才不致乏善足陳。

The daring décolleté neckline of this jewel tone jumpsuit is sleek, sexy, stylish and seductive.

Kim Kardashian’s signature sexy-shape is no secret. But her Rubenesque figure does limit the types of dresses she can wear. Fortunately, the beauty is a pro at mixing and matching similar silhouettes with myriad hair and shoe styles for added variety.

Designer:Calvin Klein


Designer:Atelier Versace

網評:剪裁若能再貼身些會更好。 Webbuzz: This looks even better with its close-fitted tailoring. (

網評:更是突出其玲瓏身段! Webbuzz: Showing off her perfect figure. (

網評:髮型最是有特色。 Webbuzz: The hairstyle is the most creative part of this look. (

不愧是超模,Naomi Campbell這身火紅色閃爍流蘇 長裙,便是顯功力之作。 The supermodel in a fiery multi-textured red dress with sparkling tassels is nothing short of spectacular.


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Cheongidan Radiant Rejuvenating Balancer $117 | 150ml

Cheongidan Radiant Rejuvenating Emulsion $139 | 110ml

天氣丹     最精煉的優質抗衰老系列,採用皇 家宮廷秘方御用的中草藥。憑藉野山參 和鹿茸的功效,天氣丹讓肌膚回復年 輕,同時減褪黑斑和瑕疪。

肌膚容光煥發:野山參之奧秘     在韓國美容傳統中,人參的煥膚、

美髮和保健效果,早已備受推崇。 珍貴稀有的野山參,能刺激血液循 環、為肌膚排毒,從根源減少黑斑,讓 肌膚散發健康光澤。這種秘密成分能促 進膠原蛋白生長,使真皮層豐滿緊緻, 逆轉衰老跡象。野山參亦可加快肌膚細 胞再生,改善皮膚的自我修復能力,回 復彈性。隨著年齡增長,肌膚無可避免會 流失水分、膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白,可幸 仍有方法延緩這個過程。

Cheongidan Radiant Rejuvenating Cream $347 | 60ml

Cheongidan Radiant Rejuvenating Eye Cream $231 | 25ml

Cheongidan The most refined premium anti-aging collection infused with medicinal oriental herbs from the secret recipes of royal court. With the power of Wild Ginseng and Nokyong, Cheongidan will deliver youth-enhancing benefits whilst fading away dark sports and imperfections. Achieving radiant skin : The magic of Wild Ginseng With years of history in traditional Korean beauty rituals, ginseng has gained its reputation as a superior ingredient for beautiful skin, hair and body. Rare and exquisite, wild ginseng is excellent for stimulating blood circulation and detoxifying the skin, which can radically diminish dark spots and provide the skin a healthy glow. This secret ingredient promotes collagen production, which plumps and firms up the skin’s dermis to reverse the signs of aging. Wild Ginseng can also boost the rate of skin cell regeneration, improving the skin’s ability to heal itself, as well as restoring elasticity. As we age, loss of moisture, collagen and elastin is inevitable, but thankfully, there are ways to slow down this process. 資料由客戶提供 Information provided by Nature Collection Canada


cover girl

I am a huge fan of Grey’s Anatomy and have been following it for 14 seasons. Now it’s my turn to play a doctor.

Story | Candy Woo Styling | Lucas Tang Photography | Kenji Leung Makeup | Jessica Chan Hair | Eve Chiu


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成后 之路 - 唐詩詠 -


Natalie Tong’s TV career may have all been left to chance, but she says friends are a big part of her success

stardom 唐詩詠由廣告模特兒變身視后之路, 一切都是機緣巧合。 「當年做模特兒、拍廣 告、入TVB,都不是我精心計劃的,全部 都是緣份。」 然而視后名銜卻莫名其妙成了魔咒, 負評接踵而來:十五年戲齡,竟被揶揄演 技不入流;絕世好女友則變為「唐姨」 ;傳 聞岑麗香跟TVB解約,也怪罪於唐詩詠搶 做女主角……

The path that took Natalie Tong from model to the TVB Anniversary Award winner for Best Actress in 2017 is saturated with serendipity. But that kind of success can also be a curse. Negative criticism quickly ensued, and despite a 15-year acting career, the feedback wasn’t always kind. Her acting abilities were now being questioned and her reputation as a bachelorette moved to less eligible “auntie” status. Even when popular actress Eliza Sam chose not to renew her contract with TVB, Tong was blamed for her departure.





cover girl 儘管贏得視后以來負評不絕,唐詩詠仍 然覺得是開心事,「八年前得到『飛躍進步女藝 員』,當時媽媽已經離世,不能和她分享,今 年贏得視后,最開心是爸爸能見證到。因為獎 項不可預期,只有等,等得到而人仍在,才最 珍貴。」 訪問當日,她正忙於拍攝榮登視后後的首 部新劇《白色強人》,飾演她夢寐以求的急症室 醫生。「我是《Grey's Anatomy 》的超級fans, 已經追了十四季,今次輪到自己演醫生,早有 參考,所以不難投入。」明白別人對自己的要求 會提高,她也不敢鬆懈,將壓力變成動力。 「以 前只要導演說ok便可,但現在看playback覺得 自己演得不夠好的話,我會即時提出可以再多 拍一個take。」

Dolce & Gabbana tulle dress $5,060 ( APM Monaco yellow silver dream catcher earrings $553 (

開拍《白色強人》前九個月,唐詩詠已收 到完整劇本,監製亦有清晰指引,讓她一早做 足準備,「我和馬國明演離婚夫妻,角色比較 成熟,講述大家重遇之後再復合,不過劇本較 少交代兩人之前的關係,所以我要花一段時間 研究角色之間的感情,其實每次拍劇,我都要 知道很多背景相關資料,才可以投入。在這方 面,我是挺有要求的。」

Despite all the criticism thrown her way, Natalie Tong’s star still shines bright. “Eight years ago, I won ‘The Most Improved Actress Award’,” Tong recalls. “By that time, my mother had already passed away, so I could not share the award with her. With the Best Actress award, I was happy that my father was able to witness it. If a special someone is there when your turn is up, it is the most precious.” On the day we interview Tong, she is busy filming her latest TV drama, The Big White Duel, where she plays an emergency-room physician. “I am a huge fan of Grey’s Anatomy and have been following it for 14 seasons,” Tong says. “This time, it’s my turn to play a doctor. But since I have been watching and learning for a while, it wasn’t too hard.” But the pressure is on. Tong totally understands that expectations are high, so she is careful not to relax, turning the added pressure into a motivating force. “Before, as long as the director said ‘OK’, I was fine with it,” says Tong. “Now I will immediately request another take if I think that I wasn’t good enough when I watch the playback.” Nine months before shooting began on The Big White Duel, Tong received the script with clear instructions from the producer. So she had plenty of time to prepare. Says Tong: “Kenneth Ma and I play a divorced couple. The roles are more mature. In the story, the two meet up again and get back together. However, the script didn’t fully explain the relationship the couple had before, so I had to spend some time figuring out the relationship between the two. “Actually, every time I take a role, I need to know quite a bit about the character’s background in order to fully immerse myself in the role. In this regard, I have very high expectations.” continued on page 28


E L I T E G E N. C A



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cover girl

「其實每次拍劇,我都 要知道很多背景相關 資料,才可以投入。 在這方面,我是挺有 要求的。」

Fendi plaid flared midi dress $3,590 ( Saf Safu Eden Love earrings $300 ( Manolo Blahnik Chaos pearly ankle strap sandals


E L I T E G E N. C A



災難的課堂 她擅長演繹愛情故事,甚至有報道說,唐詩詠刻意為演 《不懂撒嬌的女人》中Cherry一角而找老師增進演技。她笑說: 「沒這回事,學戲只是即興,又是一個機緣,當時差不多一年 沒拍劇,朋友見我空閒,於是介紹我到馬來西亞進修。」 那五天課堂,她形容為:「災難一場!」嚴師的批評,令她 自信全失,「好難受,但直接批評,起碼讓我知道自己水平多 不濟。」 那時她碰巧遇上來探望老師的甄詠蓓,立即向對方求 救:「我返香港前已whatsapp她,說要跟她上堂。我未讀過訓 練班,只是自學,或者向前輩討教,可能自己悟性不高,所以 一直都想改進,絕不是為拿獎。」 她跟甄詠蓓上了十堂演技課,「她不會教我演戲,也沒有 幫我分析劇本,課堂只是一道門,幫我看清楚自己的優點、 缺點,才會懂怎樣去演好一個角色……我只知道她幫我釋放 了些,再注入一點,不能說是脫胎換骨,但我覺得自己有成 長。」

ClASSrOOM DISASTEr Tong is a pro at interpreting love stories. It was reported that prior to playing the part of Cherry in My Unfair Lady, she hired a teacher to help improve her acting skills. She says that’s not the case. “I took acting classes for fun,” Tong insists. “It was just another serendipitous occasion. At that time, I hadn’t been in a show for almost a year. My friend saw that I had the time, so she referred me to an acting program in Malaysia.” Tong describes the five days of acting classes as a “disaster”, saying the stern criticism she received from the coach took her confidence away. “I felt so bad. But direct critique was helpful, because it let me know how bad I was.” Then she met Olivia Yan, who was visiting her teacher, and asked her to help. “Before I returned to Hong Kong, I messaged Olivia on Whatsapp, saying that I would like to take lessons with her. I learned everything myself and asked for help from more experienced actors as I went along. Maybe I’m not a fast learner, but I always want to improve. It’s not at all because I want to get an award.” After 10 acting lessons with Yan, Tong walked away with a deeper understanding of her strengths and weaknesses. “She helped me to let go a little and to focus. It wasn’t a transformative experience, but I feel I have grown.”

Claudie Pierlot striped cotton bow dress $355 (





cover girl

兩段親密關係 今年初的視后得獎感言,大家才知唐詩詠和田 蕊妮的感情好至親密同床。「跟阿田認識,是多年前 合作拍過兩齣劇,但為甚麼會合拍?也是一種緣份 吧!」實情是她的不恥下問,造就了這段友情,「她演 戲比我有經驗,所以成為我的討教對象,我問她很 多問題,又會觀察她怎樣演,幸好她也不嫌其煩的 答我,亦會很直接的說:『你這裏做得不好。』娛樂圈 中,奉承容易,真心話卻難求,所以我很珍惜她,鼓 勵她隨便批評我,也由此開始了這段『關係』。」 除了切磋交流,無聲守候也能造就友情,唐詩詠 跟黃翠如的緣份,正是這樣。「我跟翠如,工作上從未 合作過,相識只因為一個共同朋友。」不用猜,也知道 這位「朋友」是洪永城。「跟她最深刻的相處,是去年 在我情緒最低落的時候,她連續幾日即使是凌晨才收 工,也立刻趕來我家陪伴,安靜地坐在我身邊,聽我 傾訴,或者看著我哭,直到天亮。她的關懷,令我知 道無論發生甚麼事,她都會在我身邊。」

ClOSE rElATIONSHIpS From Tong’s speech at the TVB Anniversary Awards ceremony, we learn that Tong is so close to fellow actress Krystal Tin that the two have shared a bed. Come again? “Tin and I worked on two TV series together a few years ago,” says Tong. “Even working together was another case of serendipity.” Truth be told, it was because she was not embarrassed to ask questions that made the friendship possible. “She is more experienced in acting than I, so I would ask her for advice,” Tong says. “I asked lots of questions and observed how she acts. Fortunately, she was very patient with me, and she would also directly say, ‘You didn’t do well here.’ “In show business, it is easy to just tell people what you think they want to hear. It’s hard to have a real, authentic conversation. So I really treasure her and encourage her to feel free to criticize me. That’s how we started our ‘relationship.’” Tong’s other friendship with priscilla Wong is also a treasured one. “priscilla and I have never worked together. We met because of a mutual friend, Tony Hung. We became close while I was feeling down last year. For several days in a row, even though she had to work until early morning, she would come to my home right after work to be with me. She would just quietly sit by my side to listen, or to watch me cry, until daybreak. Her concern convinced me that whatever happens, she will be by my side.


E L I T E G E N. C A



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在沙漠地區包頭巾,可避免弄得一頭都是沙。 Wearing headscarves in desert regions is helpful in combatting the sand.

Joanne Cheuk

Online Travel Host and Blogger 旅遊撰稿人及節目主持

不想手臂曬成兩 截色,最好穿長 袖衣服。 Modest tops with long sleeves allow you to avoid sunburn while also honouring certain cultures.

這是標準的披頭巾方式。 The standard hijab style comes in handy in many Middle Eastern countries.


Globetrotting in style Story | Kim Photography | Simpson Chiu Makeup | Alva Chung

旅行雖是人生一大樂事,但不同目的 地在天氣、文化方面均各有要求,準備行 李時需要多加注意。     且看幾位從事時裝、美容與旅遊工作 的朋友,分享她們到沙漠地區、印度、南 美洲與北歐極光之旅的經驗。


E L I T E G E N. C A



Who doesn’t love to travel and explore exotic sites? But doing some research on your planned destination can mean the difference between an enjoyable holiday and a tiresome trip. So we enlisted the help of four world travellers to get some helpful hints and words of wisdom on everything from the varying weather patterns to respecting different dress codes in different countries.

曬成兩 好穿長

Chan Lulu fringedtie-dyed cashmere and silk-blend scarf US$245 (

J.W. Anderson Latch crossbody bag

Claudie Pierlot striped top

Vince Levins flat leather mules $350 (

eves avoid e also rtain

Chloe sunglasses $550 (

45R wide leg pants

Roksanda Arneau striped satin trousers US$1,040 (


Iran and desert regIon

Joanne Cheuk主持網絡旅遊節目,曾到訪75個國家及地區,是 朋友間的「旅遊資料庫」。到訪過伊朗及其他伊斯蘭國家的Joanne, 表示不同地方對女性的衣著要求各有不同,做足資料搜集最重要。

as an online travel host, Joanne Cheuk has visited 75 countries and regions and is labelled by friends as the travel expert. she says it’s essential to do plenty of research before visiting Islamic countries, including Iran—especially for women, as the dress code varies widely.

eliteGen:伊朗當地對女性有衣著要求嗎? Cheuk:到訪伊斯蘭國家的女性,要穿有袖上衣,最好是長至 腳踝的褲或裙,要避免任何顯露身材、比方是貼身剪裁的衣服。 記得去伊朗時,當飛機差不多抵達德黑蘭的時候,機艙服務員會 提醒女乘客於下機前披上頭巾,由頭頂一直遮蓋到肩膀才算合標準。 沒有披上頭巾的女性,有機會被拒入境。 而進入清真寺參觀前,所有女性均要披上頭巾,褲或裙子必須長 至腳踝;若沒有相關服飾,亦可以從寺內借圍巾遮著下半身。 eG:天氣方面有甚麼要注意? Cheuk:早晚有溫差,尤其沙漠地區溫差會比較大,日間氣溫 高達攝氏40度,晚上卻可能跌至18度,需要帶一件外套。 雖然天氣熱,但最好還是穿長袖衣服,不是因為民風保守,而是 避免手臂曬成兩截色。

eliteGen: Is there a specific dress code for women in Iran? Cheuk: Women visiting Islamic countries should wear tops with sleeves, in addition to long pants or ankle-length dresses. avoid tightfitting clothing that might accentuate your figure. I recall once while travelling to tehran, a flight attendant did a reminder announcement, telling us to put on headscarves (hijabs) before leaving the plane. It is a standard for women to cover from head to shoulder. If you fail to do so, you can be refused entry. In addition, all women need to wear hijabs, with ankle-length dresses or pants in order to enter mosques. Many mosques will provide hijabs to tourists. eG: Is there anything that requires special attention when it comes to weather? Cheuk: there is a huge temperature variance throughout the day in desert regions. It can go up to 40C during the day, and drop to 18C at night. as such, it is always a good idea to bring along a coat. additionally, it is wise to wear long sleeves, not just to respect the culture, but to avoid sunburn.


「我認為穿密頭鞋比較好,最重要是穿一雙易脫易穿的鞋,因為每次出入清真寺都要脫鞋,當你一天參觀四、五座寺的時候,你會感謝自己帶 了一雙易穿的鞋。不妨多帶幾條圍巾,因為每天都要披上,加上天氣熱汗多,頭巾每一兩天便得清洗;況且由頭至肩都被圍巾覆蓋,幾乎是全身焦 點,有多幾款顏色的頭巾,可配襯不同造型,拍照也好看得多。」

Essential Travel Tips

“Wear flats. Your feet will thank you. When you visit four to five mosques a day, it is important to have something easy and comfortable for your feet, as you need to remove your shoes when entering any mosques. Bring along scarves in different colours, styles and sizes. This is for practical reasons, since you need to use them to cover your head. They will get sweaty in such hot weather and need to be washed within a couple of days. For fashionistas, you’ll be Instagram ready.”





Fashion Lucienne Leung-Davies

Content and Communication Strategist 內容及傳訊策略


trekkIng through IndIa

Lucienne的印度之旅是蜜月旅行,二人選擇到印度中 部Indore一座前身是皇室堡壘的酒店度假。先到孟買轉機, 再坐火車去中部,回程時亦去了新德里。

It was an adventurous honeymoon trip to India for Lucienne Leungdavies. the couple landed in Mumbai, then took a train and stayed at a former royal castle in Indore. upon returning, they also touched base in new delhi.

eliteGen:在印度的衣著有甚麼守則嗎? Leung-Davies:其實並沒有明文規定女遊客要作甚麼 打扮,不過當地女性衣著十分保守,所以最好避免穿任何展 露身形的衣服,熱褲、吊帶背心與貼身設計等可免則免。 由於我住的酒店附近沒有商店及餐廳,一日三餐幾乎 都在酒店進食。酒店由一位王子經營,每晚均在堡壘不同地 方設宴,為了可以打扮得宜出席,所以要準備一些晚宴服 飾。 eG:天氣方面有甚麼要注意? Leung-Davies:我到印度時是12月,中部氣候比較 溫和,溫差不大,日間大約攝氏三十度,晚上約二十度,穿 一件薄外套已足夠。 這趟旅程途經了印度不同海拔的城市,某些地區日夜 溫差頗大。有次我們於凌晨轉火車,冷得我把所有衣服都穿 上身,所以要多帶一點可以layering的衣物,如樽領上衣、 薄針織衫、外套、披肩與leggings等。


E L I T E G E N. C A



eliteGen: Is there a particular dress code in India? Leung-Davies: there is no official dress code for female tourists, but local women dress fairly conservative. therefore, it’s best to avoid such things as camisoles, hot pants or tight-fitting clothing. there were absolutely no restaurants near the hotel so we had all our meals in the hotel. and since the hotel is managed by a prince, every evening he would host a banquet at different spots within the chateau. as a result, I was prepared with a few evening gowns so as to dress appropriately each night. eG: and the weather? Leung-Davies: I was there in december. the weather is mild near Indore, and temperature variance is manageable. during the day, it was about 30C and around 20C in the evening. a blouse is good enough. We travelled through different cities at a variety of altitudes and, as a result, experienced huge temperature differences. once we had a commuter train transfer at midnight. I was so cold I wore every single piece of clothing I had brought to keep myself warm. a good idea is to bring clothing you can layer, such as turtlenecks, shawls, sweaters, coats and leggings.

Gucci Linea Cestino striped raffia tote US$1,290 (

Annie Costello Brown Pom Pom geometric chandelier earrings $380 (

Katerina Makriyianni mini fan earrings with purple triangle studs $440 (

Alice + Olivia Katz floral striped pleated maxi skirt $600 (

Valentino pink sandals Brock Collection Trixie floral-print cotton and silk-blend top US$1,313 (

Valentino printed crepe de chine wideleg pants US$2,250 (


「由於想造型更多變化,我會帶幾件上衣、半截裙及褲,配襯起來更有彈性,亦可以帶少一些衣服。配飾是很重要的,同一件上衣,日間配長褲 去市集,晚上配長裙,再加一對大耳環,感覺已完全不同。」

Essential Travel Tips

“I want to style myself carefree, but also bring fewer clothes. Therefore, I had a few tops, skirts and pants in my luggage for easy mix-and-matching. Simple accessories can create dramatic styling. With the same top, you can match it with long pants during the day to visit a market, and switch to a long dress in the evening with big earrings. What a difference.”






看極光時,導遊公司會安排保暖 連身衣,不用擔心不夠暖。 The tour company provided winter jumpsuits to keep us warm.

Alva Chung Makeup Artist 化妝師

零下寒冷天氣,只能 「層層叠」 地穿衣。 Dressing in layers is a great way to insulate you from the cold.

The North Face jacket Moncler fitted gilet $740 ( Columbia hiking shoes


nordIC FInLand

經常參與時尚拍攝工作的Alva,熱愛旅行,早前Alva與一班朋友選 擇到北歐芬蘭一睹大自然的奇幻極光。

alva Chung loves fashion and beauty, and regularly works on fashion photoshoots. But nothing compares to her passion for travelling. she and some friends recently journeyed to Finland to explore its northern nature and the spectacular aurora.

eliteGen:在冰天雪地的北歐,要怎樣保暖? Chung:我到芬蘭時是二月,室外溫度幾乎都是攝氏零度以下, 而且長時間在戶外,所以保暖十分重要。在寒冷地區,應該一層一層 地穿衣,最底層是保暖內衣,之後是衛衣及抓毛薄外套,再穿羽絨, 面層是防水防風的GORE-TEX外套(如羽絨褸本身防水便可不穿GORETEX)。下身則是雪褲,裡面加穿leggings。鞋子必須防水,除了穿保暖 襪,我特別在網上買了毛毛鞋墊,比只穿襪暖得多,不過依然試過冷得 我要在腳底貼暖貼。最後就是冷帽、頸巾與手套,戶外活動一定必備。


E L I T E G E N. C A



eliteGen: how did you keep warm in northern europe? Chung: I was there in February and it was constantly below 0C, but with lots of outdoor activities. hence, dressing in layers is crucial in order to maintain body temperature. the entire wardrobe should start with thermal underwear, then overlay with a sweater or fleece and then a water- and wind-proof down outer layer, such as goretex, for insulation. Make sure that you wear leggings underneath your snow pants. Finally, make sure you have waterproof winter boots, a scarf, gloves and a hat.

Acne Studios Kelowna embroidered two-tone felt scarf US$305 (net-a-porter. com)

Bernstock Speirs hat

Diane von Furstenberg long sleeved V-neck colourblock pullover $559 (garmentquarter. com)

The North Face mittens

Toni Sailer Ethel slimleg technical ski trousers US$636 (

Aigle Gore-Tex parka

Nobis down parka

Moncler Fanny shearlingpaneled glittered suede snow boots US$480 (net-a-porter. com)


「穿太多衣服,難免顯得臃腫!我帶了一些好看但不夠保暖的冷帽,只要在冷帽底下再戴一頂抓毛帽,就能做到既好看又保暖!」 「室外雖然寒冷,但室內有暖氣,只要一進入室內,我便會立即脫掉雪褲,所以裡面的leggings也不能太隨便。」 「天氣太冷會令電子儀器失靈,所以相機與電話也要保暖!市面上有相機保暖套,值得一試。」 「當地十分乾燥,加上戶外大風,皮膚乾到極點,我會帶『雪花膏』質地的面霜,厚厚地塗上,一下子便會吸收掉。由於每天都戴帽及圍巾,整張 臉只會露出眼睛,化妝與否也沒多大分別,只要略化眼妝便可。」

Essential Travel Tips

“Obviously I won’t look too stylish with this dress code, but to retain my fashion sense I added an extra wool layer underneath my trendy, but unwarm, winter hat.” “There is always heat indoors. As a result, you will always need to take off your snow pants once you get inside, so make sure that your leggings are presentable, and not your mom’s pajamas. “Electronics, like smartphones and cameras, can malfunction due to low temperatures, so be sure to check out heater packages for their protection prior to your trip. “The weather is extremely dry and windy, so remember to bring thick winter lotions and face cream for your dry skin. It will get absorbed in no time. And since you are often wearing scarves and hats, forget about makeup.”






玻利維亞的天空鏡子,現場其實沒有 照片好看。 Believe it or not, the legendary Sky Mirror in Bolivia isn't as impressive as this photo. 智利的El Calafate,有令人感動的景色。 Natural beauty in Chile's El Calafate. 玻利維亞的沙漠地區。 Bolivia's desert region.


Kim Au

Writer & Fashion Stylist 時裝造型師及撰稿

經常隻身走遍各地的Kim,一直想去南美,終於有日在沒有太多計劃 下出發,輕度遊秘魯、玻利維亞、智利、巴西與阿根廷。 eliteGen:南美幾個國家氣候如何? Au:南美一年之中分雨季及旱季,我是三月出發的,屬雨季尾聲。 各地氣溫、海拔都不同,秘魯的利馬與庫斯科的溫差已很大。海拔高 的地方比較凍,我曾到玻利維亞Lake Titicaca中一個小島過一晚,那裡差 不多四千米海拔,島上沒有電,晚上只得三、四度,冷得我要戴著冷帽才 可以入睡。 整個旅程基本上經歷了四季,由沙漠到冰川,由天空之鏡到 Patagonia,由攝氏三十多度至零度,準備行李頗令人頭痛。 eG:行李中怎樣包含四季衣服? Au:由於事前沒有詳細計劃行程,以下是我的行裝:保暖內衣、短 袖T恤、薄長褲、抓毛厚長褲、保暖leggings、用作內搭的薄羽絨外套、 自以為充滿沙漠風情的薄外套、GORE-TEX薄大衣、冷帽、太陽帽、絲 巾、一對防水靴。 由於我們是邊玩邊計劃下一站目的地,於是當我和同行友人決定去冰 川時,已知道手上衣物不夠;幸好,當地有雪褸出租(反正就是最醜的九 十年代款式),可是我不想花幾千元買新衣,醜就醜吧,這是事前不計劃 的報應。

south aMerICan rIM at last, frequent flier kim au had a chance to experience Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Brazil and argentina without an agenda. eliteGen: how was the weather in those south american countries? Au: In south america, the weather mainly splits into rainy and dry seasons. It was the end of the rainy season when I visited back in March. altitudes and temperatures vary widely across regions, especially between Lima and Cusco in Peru. I stayed overnight on a small island at Lake titicaca in Bolivia. It is 4,000 metres above sea level, and there was no electricity. It was so cold overnight that I needed to wear a hat in order to keep warm and sleep through the night. We basically went through the four seasons during the trip. From desert to glacier, and from the sky mirror of Patagonia, it was quite a headache to prepare outfits to deal with temperatures ranging from 30C to the freezing point. eG: how do you pack for four seasons? Au: here is the list of clothing I brought with me: thermal underwear, a short-sleeved t-shirt, thin and wool pants, warm leggings, thin down jacket, gore-tex coat, winter hat and summer cap, a silk scarf, and lastly a pair of waterproof boots. We planned our spots along the way, and realized that we did not have enough clothing after we decided to visit the glacier. We were lucky that we found a place that rents old winter coats from the ’90s without breaking the bank. We all dressed like a goose because of our lack of planning.


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Matthew Williamson sunglasses

45R denim hat

Acne Studios pansy applique ribbed wool-blend beanie US$165 (

Canada Goose HyBridge knit jacket $695 (

Snow Peak rain & wind resistant poncho US$400 (

Arc’teryx women’s Bora leather GTx hiking boots $360 ( Aigle Gore-tex trench Adidas by Stella McCartney graphic print gym backpack $223 (


「南美其實也有很好的餐廳,可能的話,帶一條像樣的裙子應付即興的fine dining。」 「行山鞋以外,不妨多帶一對便鞋或涼鞋,方便在城市活動。去天空之鏡穿水靴最好,又或者索性穿拖鞋,因為我的靴浸完鹽水後已差不多報銷 了。」 「太陽帽十分重要!因為南美的陽光實在惡毒。布帽子方便收藏,亦不怕變形,適合粗心大意的人。」

Essential Travel Tips

“There are lots of nice fine-dining restaurants in South America. Bring along a decent dress for any ad hoc elegant feasts. “You should have a pair of comfortable shoes for urban areas. It is best to use rain boots at sky mirror, or simply just wear flip-flops so that the salt water there will not corrode your boots.” “The sun is really strong in South America, so make sure you bring along a proper sunhat.”





runway: women

F/W 2018 collection


Easy to wear luxury

The 1980s a big influence in Marc Cain’s Fall/ Winter 18 and Spring/Summer 19 collections Marc Cain的2018年秋冬系列,或是2019年春夏系列,皆可見到濃濃的80年代風。 Story | Clarice Yik 德國高級服裝品牌Marc Cain今年的秋 連帽設計營造休閒感,蝴蝶結和珠片細節是 冬系列充滿強烈的色彩和全新的大膽色調。 女人味來源,在舒適與精緻之間取得完美平 粉紅色、橙色、珊瑚色和煙熏藍色的組合, 衡。 色彩繽紛,充滿活力,帶來一場視覺盛宴。 剛在柏林時裝周登場的2019春夏系 設計師以大型的豹,獅子、以及型格十 列,則以黑白配營造新動感,又以平靜、樸 足的蛇類等動物作圖案,裝飾長袍、褲子, 實的色調搭配大膽色彩來突出吸晴焦點。赤 連身裙和外套;還有以條紋,圓點和花朵圖 陶、劍麻、砂色、鮮綠色、藍色,鮮豔的黃 案增添玩味。肩膊位寬闊、陽剛味十足的威 色和活潑的粉彩色,為各式華衣增添特色。 爾斯格紋西裝,今季再以「潮服」姿態重出江 圖案靈感既源自不同動植物,也包括不 湖,但俏皮的運動服依然健在。針織物料和 同文化和種族的元素。鮮花、動物圖案、橫


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紋,微縮圖案設計和人字形針織互相搭配, 成為眾人矚目的焦點。 物料方面,品牌選用如茄士咩、亞麻、 皮革、絲綢、山羊皮和科技纖維等優質衣 料,製作孖襟西裝、卡夫坦長袍,圖案裙子 和連衣裙等。 Marc Cain向以注重細節和精緻飾物聞 名,在2019的春夏系列,大耳環、頭巾、彩 色頭帶,精美包包和超輕的厚底優閒鞋,肆 意散發夏日氣息。

S/S 2019 collection

What does luxury German womenswear designer Marc Cain have in store for Fall fashionistas? Forget about all black. He swapped that out for strong accentuating colours and new electrifying tones, which are the focus of his autumn winter collection. His daring colour cocktail combines pink, orange, coral with smoky blue, giving off a daring air of confidence. Other exciting patterns include a host of large scale animal prints like leopards and lions and stylized snakes, all of which adorn tunics, trousers, dresses and coats, while stripes, polka dots and flowers add a feminine playfulness to his cooler weather wardrobe. Also this season, masculine glen-plaid suits with ‘80s-influenced wide shoulders celebrate their fashionable comeback, but the brand also kept playful tracksuits in the mix for those who want comfort on the go. Knits and hoodies give every outfit a laid-back feel, while bowties and sequins

add a dressed-up element—a balance between ease and sophistication. Looking ahead to Cain’s Spring/ Summer 2019 collection, presented at Berlin Fashion Week, expect a more toned-down theme, such as the combination of blacks and whites next to more calm, earthy tones like terracotta, sisal and sand with a splash of bolder hues like green, blue, yellow and vivid pastels for added focal interest. Prints and patterns were strongly inspired by flora and fauna, but also by the influence of different global cultures with its combos of flowers, animal prints, horizontal stripes, miniature graphics and chevron knits, all back in the limelight. High-end cashmere, linen, leather, silk, goat velour and technical materials make up the fabrics of his tailored double-breasted suits, caftans, skirts and dresses. Topping it off, the brand’s signature for details and accessories that includes over-sized earrings, turbans and colourful headbands.





Fashion: Fall

Ready for...     在城市生活猶如在戰場的時代, 時裝就是軍裝戰衣的變奏,無論是西 裝外套,抑或連身裙子都很重視袋子 的設計,這個小細節,不僅是風格上 的重點元素,更令繁瑣的生活變得流 暢無阻。 The life of an urbanite is a rushed one. So much so that at times city life can feel like living in a battlefield. So it’s essentail that fashion is as functional as a military uniform. Whether it’s a suit jacket or a one-piece skirt, every detail matters to ensure portability and comfort. We have enough obstacles to tackle every day. Clothes shouldnt be one of them.

Story | Mary Jane Photography | Sing Ho Model | Irina J Hair | Ziv Lau Makeup | San Chan

Khaki pullover & brown print shirt both Chloé Céline light khaki pleated wool gabardine skirt US$3050 ( Ambush earrings

44 E L I T E G E N. C A




Stella McCartney zig-zag long sleeved maxi dress US$2,161 ( Céline single-breasted jacket in cow and lambskin patchwork US$5,400 (



2 0 1 8 45

Fashion: Fall

Céline two-toned high neck top in technical cotton US$1,450 (

46 E L I T E G E N. C A



See what is within reach, dream a little, and let Tour East walk alongside you in creating that perfect journey.

Fashion: Fall

Prada long sleeved slim fit shirt $610 ( JW Anderson moss green, patch pocket, belted cotton poplin shirt dress $1,315 (

48 E L I T E G E N. C A






多倫多保時捷中心 Porsche Centre North Toronto

Opening Spring 2017.

“一開始,當我環顧四周,却始終無法找到我的夢想之車 ─ Conveniently located at the northeast corner of Highway 401 and Highway 404, 一款小型、輕盈、高效的跑車時,我決定自己親手打造一輛。” Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche Porsche Centre North Toronto will be a state-of-the-art facility featuring a 28 car showroom and 17 service bays designed to meet the needs of Porsche

全新多倫多保時捷中心現已開業 customers. Driven by the desire to exceed customer expectations, our goal is to provide an extraordinary and memorable Porsche experience like no other for the years to come.

Now accepting pre-orders for Spring delivery. Jerry Liu

銷售顧問 電話: 647.554.7268

Leslie Wong

銷售顧問 電話: 647.376.7269

Rany Chen

銷售顧問 電話: 647.529.4668

Owen Xu

銷售顧問 電話: 647.325.7268

Porsche Centre North Toronto 多倫多保時捷中心 Porsche Centre North Toronto


251 Consumers Rd Suite 1406 (temporary address)

404 401


165 Yorkland Blvd. Toronto, ON M2J 4R2 Toronto, ON M2J 4R3 (416)494-4911 電話: Tel: (416) 494-4911 @PorscheNorthToronto

Erica Zhao

銷售顧問 電話: 647.355.7268

Fashion: Fall

Pants $2,125 Chanel Ambush purple windbreaker Boots Givenchy

50 E L I T E G E N. C A






耳環在飾物當中有著不一樣 的位置,體積可大可小,介 乎於當眼與若隱若現之間, 卻在一個女人的打扮上有著 難以言喻的主導性。 Earrings may be one of the most ancient types of body adornment, but there are style standards to follow when it comes to adorning your lobes. Story | Sum Chan Photography | Shek Po Kwan Makeup | Deep Choi Hair | King Lee at Queen's Private I Salon Model | Nastya G.

Saint Laurent

正如Audrey Hepburn的一句話:「You can always tell what kind of a person a man really thinks you are by the earrings he gives you.」鏈狀的大方、環狀的型格、 寶石的高貴、不規則的有趣又充滿藝術感。 耳環的設計與佩戴方式,一定程度反映穿戴者的 風格、氣質,以至個性。配搭上,一雙俐落的耳環比手 鏈、頸鏈、戒指都要可取,亦易見點睛之效。名模劉 雯曾經說過:「一對別致的耳環是一身造型的finishing touch。」個人特別欣賞法國女人的飾物配戴習慣,有耳 環就不加項鏈,有手鐲就不見耳環,一得,其他就要捨。


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Audrey Hepburn once said: “You can always tell what kind of a person a man really thinks you are by the earrings he gives you.” The design of earrings and the way they are worn can reflect the wearer’s style, class and personality. A pair of distinctive earrings will make a more resounding style statement than bracelets, necklaces or rings. Says supermodel Liu Wen: “A pair of unique earrings adds the finishing touch to styling. If you are not sure, follow these French women’s jewellery rules: either earrings or a necklace—not both. And no earrings if you wear bracelets. It’s a give and take.

Oscar de la Renta silver signature earrings $540 (

Burberry gold and palladiumplated link drop earrings $630 (

“You can always tell what kind of a person a man really thinks you are by the earrings he gives you.” —the late Hollywood legend Audrey Hepburn

Fendi Logo hoop earrings $680 (


Aris Gelois from HARVEY NICHOLS

Swarovski by Jason Wu mosaic long drop clip earrings US$349 (, US only)

Valentino earrings $590 (

Ports 1961






往昔的工作室。 Arhcival photo of an early design studio presentation.


Unconventional luxury Heritage handbag maker Delvaux honours craftsmanship while conveying grandeur. And it has the world’s fashion cognoscenti on high alert Story | Kenson Ho & George Verdolaga

Delvaux是世界上歷史最悠久的皮革製造商。 Delvaux is the oldest fine-leather goods manufacturer in the world.


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限量個人珍藏版 的精製鱷皮手袋,在溫哥華綜合醫院的 善之光勁投中以$47,000成功拍賣出。 Monogrammed Delvaux’s Tempête Mini Alligator Feuille D’Or , used as VGH’s Time to Shine Fundraising event. Successful bid: $47,000 在比利時布魯塞爾的Delvaux。 Brussels Atelier

Delvaux是世界上歷史最悠久的皮革品牌,1829年由創辦人 Charles Delvaux在布魯塞爾創立,是比利時皇家法院的官方供應商。 Delvaux現由First Heritage Brands擁有,積極發展業務到世界各地。 堅守公司價值觀及製造最優質手袋的同時,有著近200年悠長歷史 的Delvaux致力創新設計,結合最優秀的工藝傳統,傳承比利時文化的 典雅堂皇和標誌象徵。在其超過3,000種設計的檔案中,最經典的作品 是「Le Brillant」 (1958)、「Le Tempête」 (1967)、「Le Pin」 (1972)和「Le Madame」(1977),以及最新的「Cool Box」(2018)。這些標誌性的手 袋設計,奠定了Delvaux的成功和品牌地位,歴久不衰。


Delvaux深受獨立、優雅、大膽、自由奔放的時代女性歡迎,她們 欣賞Delvaux並不是以之來炫耀地位或財富,而是欣賞產品的細緻工藝 及經典永恆。無論是品牌設計,以及製造過程中所使用的先進技術方 法,每個工序皆採最高標準:精心以人手細挑皮革,創出獨特的袋子襯 裹,成為品牌獨有的商標。Beyonce、Lady Gaga、Julianne Moore、 Olivia Palermo和比利時的Mathilde皇后等時尚女性均是品牌支持者。 Delvaux是獨特和含蓄優雅著稱的時尚世家,秉承比利時的超現實

品牌於1908年首次申請手袋專利權。上圖為sac Princesse手袋。 Delvaux filed its first patents for handbags in 1908. Pictured above is the sac Princesse.

Does Delvaux ring any bells? If not you may want to pay special attention to this luxury handbag maker that’s about to break out big time. Currently owned by First Heritage Brands, Delvaux is the oldest fine-leather goods manufacturer in the world. Founded by Charles Delvaux in Brussels in 1829, it holds the title as Official Supplier to the Belgian Royal Court. Delvaux has established a loyal following by remaining true to its values and its commitment to making bags of the utmost quality. Since its inception, the house of Delvaux has always strived to be avant-garde while honoring the finest traditions of craftsmanship as it conveys the grandeur, heritage and symbols of Belgian culture. Among its archives of more than 3,000 designs, Delvaux’s most iconic creations are the signature handbags known as Le Brillant (designed for the Brussels Worlds Fair in 1958), Le Tempête (1967), Le Pin (1972) and Le Madame (1977)—and the latest creation, the Cool Box (2018). These bags helped bring tremendous success and recognition to the house of Delvaux and built generations of fans among the world’s fashion cognoscenti.

THE DELVAUX CULTURE PHILOSOPHY Delvaux clients are people who value history, tradition and craftsmanship. They also look for something unique and special, and appreciate the company’s timeless designs, and its use of innovative and technically advanced methods. Delvaux products are almost architectural, sculptural pieces built to the highest standards. Striving for perfection, the company handpicks all its leathers. Even its linings have become a trademark. Each leather product is painstakingly built over many hours, resulting in highly-coveted accessories that are often handed down to future generations. Delvaux leather goods are instant classics that stand the test of time.

限量個人珍藏版的Tempête精製鱷皮手袋,在溫哥華綜合 醫院的善之光競投中以$47,000成功拍賣。 Monogrammed Delvaux’s Tempête Mini Alligator Feuille D’Or, auctioned off at Vancouver General Hospital’s Time to Shine Fundraising gala. Successful bid: $47,000.

Delvaux clients tend to be independent, elegant and bold, but all are fashion leaders rather than followers. Brand ambassadors/style icons include an A-list who’s who, including Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Julianne Moore, Olivia Palermo and Queen Mathilde of Belgium.






比利 Bri Qu wit

Delvaux的製作中心。 Inside the Delvaux production centre. 氣派不凡的Delvaux布魯塞爾旗艦店。 The elegant interior of Brussels Store.

主義精神,為所有作品帶來風趣的態度,每一款設計都以驚喜且非傳統奢華體現 出來。所有手袋都有獨特的D型標籤,這個帶有金屬「D」字的小配件,放置在每個 手袋的手柄上。手袋的內襯更加經特別設計,觸感非常柔軟奢華。 自2013年起,Delvaux開始拓展品牌的國際業務,在歷史和文化氛圍濃 厚的地方,開設更多全球性的大型旗艦店,方便不同地區的顧客。時至今天, Delvaux在全球擁有近40家精品店,並於2015年9月在溫哥華市中心Nordstrom內 開設首家北美精品店。而Delvaux在倫敦的分店,已搬遷至New Bond Street的 新地點,並已在Sloane Street開設了另一間精品店。Delvaux於米蘭歷史悠久的 Palazzo Reina開設了其第一間精品店,到2018年底,Delvaux亦會在紐約市中心 開設第一間美國旗艦店。

Delvaux在溫哥華Nordstrom百貨公司內的專門店。 The Delvaux Vancouver store at Nordstrom. 56

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比利時的Mathilde皇后挽著 Brillant Mini手袋。 Queen Mathilde of Belgium with her Brilliant Mini bag.

Brilliant Divas in red & black

Brilliant Diva Alligator bag

Since 2013, Delvaux has embarked on an international campaign of expansion to cement its strong reputation in the marketplace. Today, Delvaux has almost 40 boutiques worldwide with plans to open more global flagship stores around the world. As part of this ambitious strategy, Delvaux opened its first North American boutique in Vancouver in September 2015. In London, Delvaux has moved to a new location on New Bond Street and opened another boutique on Sloane Street. In Milan, Delvaux opened its first boutique in the historical Palazzo Reina and by the end of 2018, Delvaux will open its first U.S. flagship boutique in the heart of New York City.

DARE TO BE DIFFERENT Delvaux clients are part of an exclusive club who dare to be different, and don’t feel the need to get approval or validation from anyone but themselves. They buy Delvaux less so for status and more for their classic appeal that’s made to last. Steeped in the spirit of Belgian surrealism, Delvaux brings a witty approach to its creations, imbuing each design with a strikingly unconventional take on luxury, all with the distinctive metallic D-tag.

Le Brillant 60周年限量版手袋 LIMITED EDITION MARKS MILESTONE Delvaux於1958年設計的經典款式「Le Brillant」,是專誠為1958年布魯 塞爾世界博覽會而設計,乃品牌最受歡迎的款式之一。手袋造型破格創新,獨 特的「D」扣和精心挑選的皮革,構成一件引人注目的工藝品。為了慶祝面世 60周年,「Le Brillant」來一個改良復刻版,並取名為「Diva」。除了幾種獨 特的猩紅色及黑色外,還將發布限量版的閃亮黑色鱷魚皮Brillant Diva,上面 印有「Brillant 60周年紀念」的記號,標誌這特別的慶典。 To celebrate its 60th anniversary, Le Brillant has received a makeover with the introduction of the new Brillant Diva. In addition to the scarlet red and black design, a limited edition Diva comes in shiny black alligator embossed with“Brillant 60th Anniversary” .







Fit for a queen Story | Ringo Chan

Photography | TPK

法文Résonances意指「共鳴」,有綿長餘韻、持續共鳴的意 思,卡地亞以此為靈感,打造Résonances de Cartier系列。通 過寶石獨特的色彩與光澤,利用線條、對比、幾何美學等設計手 法,展現每一件作品在佩戴者身上引致的情感和共鳴,盡顯品牌 崇尚珍稀寶石的無盡熱情。


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Résonance is a term often used to describe a deep and reverberating sound. But it can also be used to connote the power to evoke enduring images, memories and emotions. Taking the latter as its inspiration, Cartier created the Résonances de Cartier collection.

Résonances de Cartier Écume necklace/pendant 三顆共重74.24克拉的VS1級水滴形切割彩黃鑽/淡彩黃 鑽,橢圓形鑽石,水滴形切割鑽石,天然珍珠,玫瑰式切 割鑽石,明亮式切割圓鑽。 With 3 VSI-grade drop-cut yellow and pale yellow diamonds, oval diamonds, drop-cut diamonds, natural pearls, rose-cut diamonds and brilliant-cut round diamonds.

Résonances de Cartier Hyperbole necklace/tiara 以一顆重140.21卡的方形凸面哥 倫比亞祖母綠寶石為中心,向 左右對稱延伸的幾何造型,中央 晶透,外圍深邃,更可作冠冕配 戴。 A 140.21-carat square convex Columbian emerald is used in the centre with geometrical shapes on both sides. The centre is translucent with a surrounding wide band. The necklace can also be worn as a tiara.

Résonances de Cartier Moires necklace 18K白色黃金,一顆重19.79卡的枕形錫蘭藍寶石,玫 瑰式切割鑽石,明亮式切割圓鑽。 A 19.79-carat pillow-cut Sri Lankan blue sapphire, rose-cut diamonds and brilliant-cut round diamonds in 18-karat white gold.

為了讓製作團隊可以在悠閒而平靜的環境裡發掘及展現珍 稀寶石的魅力和獨特的個性,卡地亞在巴黎市中心特別設立了 一個保密的創作工作室,「設計師」會根據珍稀寶石的來源、價 值和顏色分類,然後在一幅又一幅的水彩畫上描繪作品,最後 只有一幅被保留和記錄下來。 To provide a quiet and peaceful environment for the production team to discover the charm and personality of each unique and colourful gemstone, Cartier custom-built a secret studio in the heart of Paris. Designers first categorize the gemstones according to origin, valuation and colour. For each piece, they create one watercolour drawing after another, until one design is selected.






Résonances de Cartier Murmure necklace 18K白色黃金,一顆重40.33卡的水滴形切割紅碧璽,紅碧 璽圓珠,凸圓形切割紅碧璽,黑色真漆,明亮式切割圓鑽。 A 40.33-carat drop-cut red tourmaline, round tourmaline beads, convex-cut red tourmaline, black lacquer and brilliant-cut round diamonds in 18-karat white gold.

Résonances de Cartier Retba necklace 白金項鏈配以梨形鑽石、欖形鑽石和明亮式切割鑽石。 A 91.15-carat and 18.33-carat pear-shaped red tourmaline set in 18-karat white gold with pink and white brilliant-cut round diamonds. The necklace can be worn in numerous ways.

Résonances de Cartier Harmonie necklace 白金項鏈配以梨形鑽石、欖形鑽石和明亮式切割鑽石。 Platinum necklace with pear-shaped diamonds, marquiseshaped diamonds and brilliant-cut diamonds.


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Résonances de Cartier系列以鮮明活潑的設計,時而採 自由奔放的線條,時而以強烈的對比手法,突顯寶石的力量 與個性。 The Résonances de Cartier collection is all about rare and precious stones transformed into haute jewellery that showcases the unique personality of each gemstone.

Watch OUT


Toasting timepieces In the last century, water was the enemy of watchmakers. Not any more—sort of Story | Ringo Chan


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Photography | TPK

液體和機械從來水火不容, 多得來自波蘭的藝術及洋酒代理 商:Wealth Solutions忽發奇想, 把多年來在世界各地找到或投得 的陳年名酒留下某些數量,將它 們「再次陳釀」於腕錶裡!他們更 找到三個鐘錶商Armin Strom、 Louis Moinet及Speake-Marin, 都願意為這「神之水滴」延續更長 的神話。

Horologists used to pull out all the stops to keep liquid out of their precision movements. But some of the latest most innovative watchmakers now boast their ability to blend the two. Liquids and mechanical works don’t typically mix, but Polish art and liquor dealer Wealth Solutions figured out a way to blend alcohol with watchmaking. Teaming up with three watchmakers—Speake-Marin, Armin Strom and Louis Moinet—the company literally incorporated drops of precious vintages from around the world to create these three “vintage” timepieces.

Speake-Marin ruM Watch 誕生於1780年、合共59瓶、全球最古老的Harewood Rum 酒,於2011年被意外地發現,輾轉流入Wealth Solution手中,然 後一滴滴地留存在這枚Rum Watch的11時位置裡;負責緊緊鎖 住這滴rum酒的,是一個藍寶石水晶容器。 選擇11時位置,是因為當年英國海軍出海作戰,每到約11 時,水手便會大叫「Stand Fast the Holy Ghost」(這口號同時雕 刻在錶殼中),然後分發rum酒給各船員;品牌希望將歷史融入腕 錶。腕錶只設有一指同時代表小時及分鐘的指針,也是呼應當年 航海指南針的設計。 3款合作腕錶中,這枚的酒液形態來得最清晰動感。SpeakeMarin Rum Watch設有男女裝,直徑分42及38mm,搭載 Vaucher 3002機芯,配合當年被發掘的59瓶酒,現限量發售59 枚腕錶,鈦及不鏽鋼佔49枚,餘下10枚以黃金製。(鈦金屬版約 售22,800元)

Harewood Rum, which dates back to 1780 and with only 59 bottles produced, was uncovered by sheer luck in 2011. Wealth Solutions got hold of some and has preserved a few precious drops in a sapphire capsule at 11 o’clock on the face. And the positioning of the capsule is no accident: it is linked to the Royal Navy’s wartime tradition, when the crew would cry, “Stand Fast the Holy Ghost” at 11 o’clock for their daily rum ration. In a nod to this tradition, the phrase is even etched on the watch case. Reminiscent of a traditional sea compass, the watch has a single hand to indicate both the hour and the minute. The watch is powered by the Vaucher 3002 mechanism and comes in a 42-mm men’s version and a 38-mm women’s edition. To echo the number of bottles uncovered, it is a limited collection of 59 pieces—49 in titanium and stainless steel and 10 in yellow gold. (Approx. $22,800 for the titanium model.) 在Speake-Marin Rum手錶內,蘊藏著數 滴來自18世紀的Harewood Rum酒。 A few drops of this rare 18th century Harewood Rum were added to the Speake-Marin Watch





Watch OUT arMin StroM cognac Watch Wealth Solution第一個找來的合作夥伴,是來自 1967年的瑞士獨立製錶匠Armin Strom,而5時位置 存藏的神之水滴,是全球最古老的Gautier干邑! 被封存的Gautier干邑,來自1762年,是 Wealth Solution於2014年在紐約舉辦的Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers以巨額投得;今天被融入在 鏤空的AMW11型手動上鏈機芯內,有點像混入鐵 鏽的水分,是歷史時光的見證。腕錶錶殼直徑分40及 43mm,有不鏽鋼、鈦及18K玫瑰金版,共限量40枚。 (玫瑰金版限量8枚,約售$47,000) Armin Strom, an independent Swiss watchmaker established in 1967, was the first of Wealth Solutions’ partners in this peculiar project. The Cognac Watch pays tribute to the world’s oldest Gautier Cognac, preserved at 5 o’clock on the watch face. Wealth Solutions paid top dollar in bidding for the 1762 Gautier at the 2014 Bonhams Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers auction in New York. Integrated in the open-worked AMW11 hand-winding mechanism, the cognac gives the watch a deep heritage feel. The limited collection of 40 pieces features 40- and 43-mm editions in stainless steel, titanium or 18-karat rose gold. (The rose gold is limited to eight pieces; approx. $47,000 each.)

LouiS Moinet WhiSky Watch 現存最古老的威士忌乃1862年的Glenlivet蘇格蘭威士 忌,由英國收藏家Sukhinder Singh擁有。他原先不想割愛, 但最終想到古老威士忌能給更多年輕一代認識,決定跟Wealth Solutions合作推出Whisky Watch。 這回當橋樑的是曾首創計時製置、來自十九世紀的Louis Moinet,它把威士忌容器置於3時位置,跟9時位的小秒針來 個相對,錶盤的Goutte de Rosee時分針極富古典味,內搭 的LM45自動機芯提供48小時能量儲存。43.2mm錶殼以 不鏽鋼或18K玫瑰金打造,前者限量40枚,後者限10 枚。(不鏽鋼約售$24,500。) The 1862 Glenlivet may be the oldest scotch still around, and was lovingly acquired by British collector Sukhinder Singh. He didn’t want to part with it at first, but then decided to team with Wealth Solutions to create the Whisky Watch and acquaint the younger generation with vintage scotch. England’s Industrial Revolution during the1800s brought the world steam turbines and steampropelled trains and boats. It boggles the mind that a whisky made during that same era can still be enjoyed today. Louis Moinet, also dating back to the 19th century and known for pioneering chronographs, has established another link with history by putting a whisky capsule at 3 o’clock. The LM45 self-winding mechanism offers 48 hours of power reserve. The 43.2-mm watch case comes in stainless steel, limited to 40 pieces, or 18-karat rose gold, limited to 10 pieces. (Approx. $24,500 for the stainless steel model.)


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... More Liquid tiMe teLLing

液體看時間 hyt h 20 上世紀的錶匠千方百計把水分遠離機械腕 錶,以免產生水氣及鏽蝕,HYT則誓要把液體帶 回機芯內!HYT本身就有Hydro Technology液體 科技意思,它們成立了液體實驗室Preciflex,也 請來醫學專家Helbling Technik幫助,共同研發 液體如何能順暢地於機芯內流動。第一枚H1作品 於2012年挾著7項機械與1項設計專利誕生,品牌 CEO Vincent Perriard難掩喜悅表示:「我們完成 了只有在夢境才能完成的事情──用液體來顯示 時間。」 機芯內藏兩個風箱形壓脹儲液裝置(以航天工 程合金製),一個儲著熒光液體,另一個裝載透明 液體,兩者以德國製造的導管連繫著,而液體能 透過活塞驅動進或退;當熒光液體的貯液裝置受 壓縮,液體便會於導管內伸延流走,相反另一方 的透明液體會「節節後退」,重回到儲液裝置內。 熒光液體流動的軌跡,便是當下的小時時間了。 今年HYT於SIHH新推出的H 2 0,錶側增加 了立體夜光數字時刻,無論在錶面還是錶側都可 清晰看到熒光綠色液體如何由左走向右以標示時 間。腕錶的藍寶石錶鏡的錶線條比舊作H0更圓 渾,即使直徑達51mm、厚19.95mm,亦不覺得 太累贅。備有藍配白和綠配黑兩個款式,各限量 25枚。(約售$124,000)

In the last century, watchmakers went to great lengths to keep water out of their movements. Yet HYT (aka Hydro Technology) endeavours to put liquid back into their mechanism. It teamed with Zurich-based medical expert Helbling Technik and its Preciflex liquid laboratory to work out how to make liquid flow smoothly in a timepiece. The first H1 piece was born in 2012 with seven technical patents and one design patent. Company CEO Vincent Perriard was ecstatic. “We have accomplished something that we could only dream of—using liquid to indicate time, says Perriard.” The mechanism has two bellows made of aerospace alloy, one containing luminescent liquid and the other clear liquid. The two are connected with a Germanmade pipe. The liquid is pushed and pulled by valve movement. When the bellow for the coloured liquid is compressed, the liquid in the pipe will flow on to indicate the hour, and clear liquid is pushed back into the bellow. The H20, unveiled at Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie this year, has added 3D luminescent hour markers. The flow of coloured liquid from left to right to indicate time can be seen clearly from the dial or the side. The silhouette of the sapphire crystal is rounder than the H0 and doesn’t feel chunky, despite its 51-mm diameter and 19.95-mm thickness. It comes in blue and white, or green and black. Each style consists of 25 pieces. (Approx. $124,000.)





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瞬間看豹頭 cartier révéLation d’une panthère 在卡地亞的創意世界裡,把特製的油性液體裝存於腕 錶內的最大作用是彰顯品牌鬼斧神工的「珠粒工藝」,讓這頭 美洲豹得以優雅地展現。 Revelation D'une Panthere腕錶藏有900顆金珠,看似 是自由流動,實際以美洲豹頭圖案作軌跡,只要金珠流過上 面,便會展現出來,快慢除了依靠佩戴者的手腕郁動,還有 賴內裡特製的油性物料控制速度,欠缺這些油,美洲豹圖案 會一閃即瞬。以上兩項皆是品牌耗時4年研發出來的獨家專 利技術。 腕錶共分有3個版本,真漆錶盤分綠、紅及黑色,前兩 者共鑲有87顆共重2.07卡鑽石,錶冠分別置有祖母綠及紅寶 石,各限量100枚;黑色款則鑲有88顆共重2.15卡 鑽石,不 設限量。全都搭載430MC機芯,玫瑰金錶殼直徑37mm。(約 售$136,000) Cartier’s own innovation uses liquid to allow gold beads to flow on the dial of this mesmerizing watch. Between the dial and the sapphire glass of the Révélation d’une Panthère are 900 gold beads flowing in an oil-based liquid. As the beads flow on the dial, the silhouette of a panther is revealed. The choreography of the beads is controlled by the wearer, and the viscosity of the liquid slows the flow for maximum impact. The two patented traits were developed over four years. The lacquered dial comes in green, red or black. The former two are set with 87 diamonds totalling 2.07 carats. The crowns feature an emerald and a ruby respectively, and each version is limited to 100 pieces. The black dial model has 88 diamonds totalling 2.15 carats and is an unlimited edition. They are powered by a 430MC calibre. The rose-gold case measures 37 mm in diameter. (Approx. $136,000.)







History reborn

Omega uses heritage time technology for its First Omega Wrist-Chronograph Limited Edition

Story | Iris Chui

歐米茄的First Omega Wrist-Chronograph限量 版腕錶, 僅發售18枚,每枚腕錶均配備經品牌Atelier Tourbillon專家以專門工藝重塑、1913年製造的18令 CHRO經典獲獎機芯。 First Omega Wrist-Chronograph限量版系列得以面 世,全賴歐米茄博物館提供18枚來自珍藏古董腕錶的18 令CHRO機芯。全新腕錶的設計亦以1913年歐米茄計時 腕錶作藍本,47.5mm直徑的腕錶設有多項典雅的裝飾細 節,例如鑲有鉚釘的皮革錶帶、綴有藍色Empire指針和 鏤空阿拉伯數字的白色搪瓷錶面。第一次世界大戰期間, 很多軍人均對此款式情有獨鍾,清晰簡約的錶面設計和 15分鐘計時盤最受空軍飛行員歡迎,當時英國皇家飛行 隊便曾大量訂購這款腕錶。

全新限量版腕錶亦加入18K白金錶殼和18K Sedna 金錶冠及按鈕。經典的錶背採用可揭式設計,打開便可觀 賞藍寶石水晶鏡面下充滿韻味的翻新機芯。

Omega has reintroduced a real piece of time technology from its past. The First Omega Wrist-Chronograph Limited Edition is an ambitious collection comprising just 18 watches, each one housing an original 18’’ CHRO calibre from 1913.

First Omega WristChronograph限量版腕 錶以時尚造型配搭1913 年生產的原創機芯。 Omega took 18 original movements from the early 20th century and refurbished them for this truly special collection.

The Omega Museum played a significant role in supplying the 18 original 18’’ CHRO calibres, which were retrieved from heritage timepieces within their vaults to make the first Omega Wrist-Chronograph Limited Edition project work. For the outside design of the 47.5-millimetre timepieces, Omega followed the look of an Omega wrist-chronograph from 1913 with classic details, such as the riveted leather strap and the white enamel dial with blue Empire hands and hollow Arabic numerals. This design was a favourite amongst military personnel during WWI. Aviators, especially, were drawn to the easy-toread dial design and 15-minute counters, which were ideal for the most challenging missions. Modern materials have also been included, such as 18-karat white gold for the case, and 18-karat Sedna™ gold for the crown and pusher. The classic design also features a hatched case back, which can be flipped open to reveal the refurbished movement positioned behind the sapphire crystal.

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約售15萬 Approx $150,000



Pie in the sky Chaumet shortlisted for Grand Prix d'Horlogerie de Genève Story | Delia Shum Photography | Zuak

去年曾入圍GPHG最佳女裝複雜錶的Chaumet Complication Creative Colombes,錶盤上的藍天白雲與白 鴿,飛舞中展示時間的流逝並代表著愛情的相遇相知,即 使未能贏得獎項,卻無損此錶的優雅動人。 在以大明火琺瑯及機刻圖案的深藍色天空與白雲上, 兩隻白鴿各口銜一個圓環,圓環的位置便是當下的時間, 外圍那隻顯示的是分鐘,而內圍那隻是小時。兩隻白鴿 的圓環每小時都有一次機會貼近在一起,從而形成一個 「8」字,代表著永恆的愛意。腕錶以鍍銠白金製殼,直徑 41mm,錶殼側面及錶底均刻有天空及白鴿圖案,除了錶圈 鑲有鑽石外,錶冠更鑲有一顆藍寶石(重0.29卡),300顆鑽 石共重2.54卡。腕錶搭載的是專為品牌研製的自動機芯, 僅限量12枚。 Chaumet’s Complication Créative Colombes was shortlisted for the GPHG’s best women’s complicated watches last year. Although it didn’t win any prizes, the watch is no less mesmerizing. In a romantic setting, time is told with a grand feu dial where diamond encrusted doves fly across a blue sky dotted by white clouds. And symbolizing eternal love, every hour the ring-carrying doves intersect to form the number 8. The white gold case measures 41mm and is engraved with sky and dove motifs on the side and the case back. The bezel is adorned with diamonds, and the crown features a 0.29-carat sapphire. It boasts 300 diamonds of 2.54 carats in total, and is powered by an in-house, self-winding mechanism. Only 12 pieces are available.

錶殼:鍍銠白金 Case: White gold 直徑:41mm Diameter: 41 millimetres 機芯:自動 Movement: Self-winding 功能:時、分 Functions: Hours, minutes 動力儲備:40小時Power reserve: 40 hours 防水:30米 Water resistance: 30 metres 限量:12枚 Collection: 12 pieces 約售:$179,000 Price: Approx. $179,000





fashion: Men

Comic print shirt $1,230 ( Inner stripe shirt Black pants All from Prada


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Warning: Graphic Content Story | Simon Au Photography | Ray Tang Makeup & Hair | Viko Sun Model | Sean MC at Primo 穿慣了簡單的恤衫,也想轉轉口 味,今季的恤衫款式多了一份清新與玩 味。Prada的漫畫風恤衫告訴大家男人可 以青春不老;Maison Kitsuné的鸚鵡, 讓人放下工作包袱,走進沿海景致消遣 玩樂; 而Givenchy與Bally則以密鋪的自

Bally monogram shirt Givenchy black & khaki four “G” logo shirt $1,205 (

Maison Kitsuné jacquard cotton parrot shirt US$261 (matchesfashion. com)/Black pants Lanvin

家logo營造不羈的氣勢,說到底,既然 要穿上一輩子的恤衫,何不加點調味色 素,讓人生不至於悶到一潭死水般。 Most men stay clear of loud and busy when it comes to their dress shirt patterns, opting more for safe than showy. Yet surprisingly, the retro and whimsical graphics for this season’s designer labels are more plentiful than there are Marvel comic characters. Prada’s comic-style shirt is playful, while Fendi’s banana shirt and Maison Kitsuné’s parrot shirt will have you dreaming about your next trip to the tropics. Givenchy and Bally may tear a page out of a 1970s fashion mag with its repeated logos, but the classic monogrammed logo look is still a tried and tested statement of style. The staple dress shirt just got a lot less boring.





Runway: MEn


Say yeS to the jumpsuit The 1980s are back with a vengeance. Well, maybe not the mullet hairstyle Prada整個設計概念從八十年代出發,卻刻意滲入一 點未來元素,創作出一片新舊共融的美麗天空。 Story | 冰汪 在Muccia Prada的天空下,大量jumpsuit密集穿梭。當中只有幾套 淨色jumpsuits,其餘大部分疑似連身衣,原來只是按官方指示把短袖恤 衫及外套套入褲頭,加上腰包腰帶等掩飾,看上去便猶如jumpsuit。不 管是真假jumpsuit,衣領統統豎得筆直,加上雙袖摺高至上手臂,是當 年的標準新潮型人打扮。 In Muccia Prada’s world, it’s all about the jumpsuit. The collection is also rife with ‘80s influences like turned-up-collars, rolled up short-sleeved shirts and jackets tucked into pants replete with fanny packs.


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Printed calf leather men’s bag US$2,490 (

Black nylon fanny pack $890

Comic-print patch-detail track pants US$874 ( Monkey-print cashmere jumper US$982 (

Comic-print striped cottonpoplin shirt US$594 (





Runway: MEn

至於覆蓋系列的漫畫,Mrs. Prada 欽點了比利時漫畫家Ollie Schrauwen及

Comic print jacket $2,050 (

美籍台裔畫家James Jean,創作一個結 合虛擬實境、科技與人性的動漫空間, 她表示「一方面是虛擬真實,另一方面是 人類正在面對的現實」。場地佈置成一個 漫畫展覽廳,由場外到場內,統統貼滿 二人作品。濃烈的日本漫畫畫風,有點 末世抽象,充滿想像空間。她利用兩種 處理,包括在淨色布料印上其中一幅漫 畫,或者把衣服飾物當繪本,密密印上 連環圖,部分clutch bag還刻意加入窩釘 Black denim comic print patch zip jacket

Zipped jacket $2,380 (

Comic-strip standcollar jacket US$1,379 (


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High-top cotton sneakers US$725 (

搭帶,為產品賦予虛擬世界的冰冷。 As for the use of comic prints in this collection, Prada herself hand-picked Belgian artist Ollie Shrauwen and Taiwanese-American artist James Jean to create a space that combines realistic fiction, technology and humanist elements. Prada uses two treatment types: printing a single-frame comic on a singlecoloured fabric, or printing a series of comic frames on a piece of clothing or an accessory. Says Prada: “It is realistic fiction on the one hand and on the other shows what people are actually facing.”

the Beauty pages


Skin-Loving Probiotics Story | Clarice Yik

存在於大自然的微生物益生菌,為健康帶來數之不盡的好處。 每一滴Lancôme升級版嫰肌活膚精華肌底液及眼部 精華露,均注入數以百萬計的益生菌。    Lancôme於2009年率先在嫰肌活膚精華肌底液,加入益生菌成分,並在2013進化為升級版。     精華肌底液和眼部精華露的核心成分,是從雙歧桿菌和酵母精心提煉的特殊益生菌組合。       •雙歧桿菌提取物,能改善表皮的結構和分化功能,加強皮膚的屏障功能,極致提升肌膚抵禦外界影響的能力;       •酵母能在真皮結構上發揮作用,促進基質基本成分的合成,使皮膚更加緊緻,豐盈。     憑藉這種獨家益生菌配對,嫰肌活膚二重奏有助增加皮膚彈性、煥發健康肌膚的年輕神采,同時消除眼部區域的 疲勞跡象,減少眼部輪廓老化跡象,讓女性散發非凡動人光彩。

Probiotics, those fascinating, naturally occurring micro-organisms, have been known for their many health virtues since ancient times. Lancôme infuses millions of them into every drop of Glow Duo’s Advanced Génifique Serum and Génifique Yeux eye cream.

Since 2009, Lancôme has been a pioneer in the industry by incorporating probiotic fractions into its Génifique serum, which became Advanced Génifique in 2013.   At the heart of the formula for this iconic serum is an exceptional pairing of carefully selected probiotic fractions obtained from a bifidobacteria (bifidobacterium longum) and a yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae)—also the active ingredients in the Génifique Yeux eye cream.   With this exclusive probiotic pairing, these two products help achieve a more resilient skin that glows with youthfulness, while awakening the eye area by eliminating the signs of fatigue and reducing the first signs of aging. First, the bifidobacteria extract optimizes the structure and the differentiation of the epidermis, boosting the skin’s barrier function so that the skin can perform its role as a protective barrier. Second, the yeast acts on the structure of the dermis itself to promote the synthesis of the fundamental elements of the matrix, resulting in firmer, plumper skin. Glow Duo’s extraordinary aura and efficacy with women is almost certainly linked to the mysterious active ingredients it contains.

Lancôme Advanced Génifique Serum 50ml l $132

Lancôme Advanced Génifique Yeux Eye Cream 15ml l $83





the Beauty pages


Simply radiant Caudalie’s Vinoperfect line combines French wisdom with Korean know-how Story | Leslie Yip Caudalie的VINOPERFECT產品,結合法國古老智慧及韓國的美肌奧秘。 昔日的葡萄園,年輕女士們會把葡萄蔓汁液塗抹於面上,用以淡化黑斑,令膚色均勻透亮。 Caudalie的科研人員循這法國的古老智慧進行研究,成功從葡萄蔓汁液中萃取天然的亮肌因子 Viniferine。 測試發現,Viniferine的淡斑及亮肌效果比維他C高出62倍。它透過抑制酪氨酸黑色素生成的過 程,減淡色斑及均勻膚色,且無需採用過多的化學物質,最重要的是,它不會引起光敏性皮膚問題。 當Caudalie創辦人Mathilde Thomas發現Viniferine的美肌功效後,反覆研究如何把它應用於產 品之中。為此,她決定到訪韓國,了解當地女性對追求白皙水潤、無瑕如透明般美肌的奧秘。 結果,她研發了全新VINOPERFECT Concentrated Brightening Essence 美白精華露,以配合人氣產品VINOPERFECT Radiance Serum精華液一同使 用。全新的VINOPERFECT Concentrated Brightening Essence美白精華露質 地水潤易推,配合精華液一同使用更可達至雙倍潤白淡斑效果。 早晚潔膚後,用化妝綿或於手心取用精華露,之後塗上精華液。適用於各 種黑斑及膚質,敏感肌膚亦合用。 In the vineyards of yesteryear, young girls would smear grapevine sap on their face to reduce dark spots and clarify their complexion. Turns out these girls were on to something. Researchers at Caudalie acted on this old French folk wisdom and succeeded in isolating Viniferine, a natural brightening ingredient. In vitro tests found that Viniferine is 62 times more effective than Vitamin C in inhibiting the action on tyrosinase, the enzyme that catalyzes the production of melanin and other pigments. It decreases the look of dark spots and brightens skin tone without the use of harsh chemicals, and more importantly, it does not cause photosensitivity. It was not enough for Caudalie founder Mathilde Thomas to discover Viniferine. She wanted to find the best way to apply it. Her research took her to Korea, she says, “where women cultivate the art of beauty with rare refinement, in pursuit of the eternal desire for translucent skin, as though suffused with water. Skin that is smooth, firm, moisturized and plump; porcelain skin with no dark spots.” As a result, she formulated Radiance Essence, a complementary product for the radically successful Radiance Serum. The essence is an essential step in the famous layering technique of Asian skincare. Aqueous yet rich, the radiance duo’s effectiveness is twice as great as that of the serum on its own. Just apply the essence after cleansing with a cotton pad or with your fingertips and follow with the Radiance Serum. This duo is effective on all kinds of dark spots and for all skin types, even the most sensitive.

Caudalie VINOPERFECT Concentrated Brightening Essence 150 ml | $50


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Caudalie VINOPERFECT Radiance Serum 30ml | $89

the Beauty pages


Double whammy

Clarins’ most powerful age-control concentrate—ever Story | Crystal Ng

Clarins的Double Serum以獨有雙配方把水溶性及油溶性的活性抗氧化成份結合,全面激活肌 膚5大控齡修復關鍵:保濕、滋養、活氧、防禦及再生。     大自然為我們提供功能超卓的天然資源,必須善待並予以尊重。Clarins十分重視植物科研,竭 力從植物中萃取天然精華,產品盡可能採用最天然的配方及選用公平貿易的有機原材料。Double  Serum是非一般的精華,所採用的高效能抗衰老配方,正是蘊含21種高效植物精華, 包括具豐富抗衰老物質的薑黃萃取,為年輕肌密解碼,擊退肌膚老化的種種問題。     自1985年面世以來,Double Serum至今仍然是Clarins最高效的抗 老精華,有效撫平細紋、收緊毛孔、令肌膚更緊緻及提升光澤。結 合兩種高效抗衰老精華於一身,難怪成為女士們保持年輕美肌不 可或缺的產品。 Two serums in one have been the unrivalled force behind Double Serum since 1985. Its unique double formula combines the best water-soluble and oil-soluble active anti-aging ingredients to stimulate the skin’s five vital functions: hydration, nutrition, oxygenation, protection and regeneration. To observe nature and take inspiration from it, is one of the secrets of Clarins Research. Clarins Laboratories selected the turmeric extract to decode the language of youth and address all visible signs of skin aging. Double Serum is an intensive anti-aging treatment that contains 21 powerful plant extracts, including turmeric – distinguished for its exceptional antiaging properties. Double Serum helps to reduce wrinkles, tighten pores, promote skin firmness and boost radiance. No wonder why it has quickly become the complete age-control concentrate women can’t live without! Nature is a continual source of inspiration and efficacy for Clarins. Plants are precious and must be treated with the utmost care and respect. Therefore, Clarins created the most natural formula possible, which includes organic ingredients that, whenever possible, are sourced from fair-trade regions. It is Clarins’ most powerful age-control concentrate ever: more plant extracts, more efficient, more sustainable and more high-tech.

Clarins Double Serum 50ml l $120



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Absolutely fAbulous Story | Leslie Yip Gucci Guilty系列自2010年面世以來,一直推出男女配對版香水,今年的新作Absolute Pour Femme,正是面世剛好一年的「男版」的完美伴侶。 Gucci創作總監Alessandro Michele以野生森林黑莓的香氣為Absolute Pour Femme定 調。品牌首席調香師Alberto Morillas,加進濃郁辛辣的保加利亞玫瑰、佛手柑,廣藿香和龍 涎香,再混合男版同樣採用的黃金木,調配出系列最新香薰。這瓶香薰散發西番蓮果香,以 漿果味為基調,與男版的樸實木香相輔相承。打開Guilty Absolute Pour Homme的瓶蓋,皮 革前調撲鼻而來,中調是Vetiver和Nootka柏木香,基調則由三種廣藿香油調配而成。兩種 香薰可以單獨使用,也可以混合使用。 Gucci’s Guilty collection has always paired scents for men and women since its debut in 2010. This year, we see the launch of Absolute Pour Femme, created to complement the men’s version introduced a year ago. Gucci creative director Alessandro Michele’s vision for Guilty Absolute Pour Femme began with one note: the fragrance of blackberries in a wild forest. Maître perfumer Alberto Morillas added rich and spicy Bulgarian rose, bergamot, patchouli and ambergris, and blended it with goldenwood, the shared backbone of the two scents. The berry-toned chypre-fruity perfume nicely complements the ultra-dry woodsiness of its masculine counterpart Guilty Absolute Pour Homme, which opens with top notes of leather, supported by Vetiver and Nootka cypress, anchored with a base of three forms of patchouli oils. The two scents work well on their own, as well as mixed with each other.

Gucci Guilty Absolute Pour Femme Eau de Parfum 90ml | $140


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Gucci Guilty Absolute Pour Homme Eau de Toilette 90ml | $109

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Skin science

成熟肌經常面對皮膚鬆 弛、角質層過厚等煩惱,適 時選用蘊含珍貴成分的護理 產品,自然能帶來更佳的美 肌效果。 We all know that as skin matures, it starts to lose its elasticity. This can cause everything from wrinkles and sagging to the thickening of nail cuticles. But there are myriad skincare products with valuable revitalizing ingredients to help slow down the inevitable aging process. Story | Angel Leung Photography | Julio Miguel Model | Maryna G at Primo Makeup & Hair | Mimi Lau

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Jurlique Rosewater Balancing Mist Intense Deluxe Edition 200ml $90 ( 品糅合從四種珍貴的玫瑰及朱槿花中萃取 產 出的植物混合液,具出色的保濕及修復作 用。清幽的花香,令身心同得紓緩。 This product combines extracts from four rose varieties plus hibiscus, and is highly effective in hydrating and repairing the skin. The faint floral fragrance adds some aromatherapy to relax body and mind.

Dior Prestige La Lotion Essence de Rose 150ml $165 ( 由格蘭玫瑰花瓣調製而成的玫瑰花蜜精華化妝 水,有助促進細胞之間的循環,加強肌膚新陳 代謝功能。 Using rose honey essence made from Rose de Granville petals, this product enhances circulation between cells and strengthens the metabolic function of the skin.

Dior Prestige La Mousse Micellaire 120ml $115 ( 玫瑰花蜜淨肌泡沫蘊含玫瑰精華,潔淨肌膚的 同時,亦具有高效保濕作用,大大提升肌膚的 剔透度。 This bubbly cleanser is made with rose honey and contains rose essence. It cleanses and hydrates, making the skin more translucent. Sisley Cleansing Milk With White Lily 250ml $170 ( 質地滋潤的香花潔膚乳,能徹底溶解面上彩 妝,當中的百合花精華,可令肌膚回復柔軟、 富彈性,改善亮澤度。 This floral cleansing milk has a smooth and hydrating texture, and is effective in thoroughly melting away makeup. It contains lily extract, which restores softness and suppleness to the skin for a more youthful glow.

珍稀成分 修護肌膚 為了加快皮膚的修復功能,不少品牌均利 用高效且稀珍的成分調配產品。基本護理建 議由潔面做起,選用蘊含高效修護成分的卸 妝乳,潔淨肌膚之餘,亦讓肌膚底層得到徹 底滋潤,之後再塗搽爽膚水、面霜及精華素 等護膚品,進一步提升吸收力,令膚色即時 回復細緻柔滑。

RaRe IngRedIents To help speed up skin repair, many product lines use highly-effective and sometimes rare ingredients. Of course, basic skincare starts with regular cleansing. But other products like makeup remover not only clean the skin, but also provide complete hydration. And applying toner and moisturizer after cleansing further enhances absorption resulting in more youthful looking skin.

Dior Prestige Le Sucre De Gommage 150ml $150 ( 產品蘊含玫瑰微晶糖霜,能溫和去除角質,另可作面膜使用,有助重塑幼 滑細緻的膚質。 This product contains rose micro-sugars, which gently removes cuticles. It can also be used as a face mask for a finer and smoother skin texture. Dior Prestige Le Baume Demaquillant 150ml $125 ( 含玫瑰淨肌蜜蠟的輕柔卸妝乳霜接觸水分後,瞬間轉化成柔滑的潔膚 蘊 油,既能輕易卸除彩妝,亦不會令皮膚感到乾燥。 This light rose cleansing balm is a gentle makeup remover. It turns instantly into a smooth cleansing solution when mixed with water, and can easily remove makeup while preventing the skin from getting too dry.



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緊緻面霜 激活細胞 具緊緻成分的面霜能改善肌膚鬆弛問題,如黃金 魚子精華、玫瑰精華,皆有激活肌膚細胞功能,滋養 疲乏的底層皮膚。當肌膚脂質倍增後,自會變得飽 滿,展現年輕活力。

InvIgoRate a tIRed and saggy complexIon

La Prairie White Caviar Creme Extraordinaire 60ml $770 ( 配方所蘊含的黃金魚子精華,能發揮出色的緊緻作用;另注入專利活細 胞複合物,可進一步活化細胞及改善暗啞問題,令肌膚回復淨透無瑕。 This formula contains gold caviar essence and is highly effective in tightening the skin. It also includes a patented cell invigorating compound, which further invigorates the skin and eliminates dullness, resulting in a clean and flawless complexion.

Some lotions contain ingredients that aim at tightening the skin. Ingredients such as gold caviar essence and rose essence—both with the ability to invigorate skin cells and hydrate that tired basal layer of the skin— increase skin lipids, resulting in younger looking skin.

La Mer The Moisturizing Cool Gel Cream 30ml $230 ( 清涼啫喱配方滿載高濃度Miracle Brot活膚精華,深層保濕之餘,亦有亮 澤肌膚之效。 This refreshingly cool gel includes a concentrated amount of Miracle Brot skin revitalization essence. It is deeply hydrating and gives the skin a natural, youthful glow. Dior Prestige La Creme Texture Legere 50ml $400 ( 玫瑰花蜜活顏輕柔乳霜以孕育於法國盧爾河谷豐沃穩定土壤之珍貴格蘭 玫瑰為主要成分,具出色的護膚功效。配方亦加入了玫瑰微珍珠粒子, 可協助激活肌膚細胞,及提高肌膚的抗炎能力。 This light rose honey lotion is made with Rose de Granville, which is grown in the rich soil of France’s Loire Valley. Not only does the product nourish the skin, but it also contains rose microbeads that help invigorate the skin and improve immunity.

Eurobeaute Bio-Cellulose Ultra Boost Mask 採用納米生物3D纖維面膜剪裁設計,完整細密網狀結構仿似肌膚紋理,更加貼 面和透氣。內含的膠原重塑因子,有助激活沉睡肌底能量,修復受損肌膚細胞。 This 3D cellulose mask is designed using nano-biology technology. Its perfect finemesh breathable structure imitates the lines of the skin so it clings perfectly to the face. It contains collagen remodelling factors that help invigorate the skin from its core and repair damaged cells. SK-II Overnight Miracle Mask $150 ( 間修護賦活面膜蘊含經典成分PITERA,以及被古瑪雅族冠稱為肌膚之樹的天 夜 然睡木萃取,於睡前敷上,翌日醒來,即可重現晶瑩剔透肌感。 This overnight mask repairs and refreshes. Containing the classic ingredient Pitera, as well as sleeping tree extract, you can put on the mask when you sleep and wake up to crystal clear skin.

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POLA White Shot CXS 25ml $173 ( 雙效祛斑煥白精華液蘊含活性亮白成 分Rucinol,其獨有的黑色素鎖定機制 有助提升肌膚白晳度,持續使用,令 皮膚保持水潤柔滑。 This product contains Rucinol, which both lightens dark spots and brightens the skin. Its unique ability to lock in melanin increases the skin’s lightness and brightness. When used regularly, the skin becomes soft and hydrated. Dior Prestige La Micro-Huile De Rose 30ml $325 ( 先利用雙重萃取技術,提取格蘭玫瑰 所有微量營養素,並透過低溫冷凍分 餾法調配出玫瑰花蜜活養精華油,用 後能發揮出色的修護功效。 Using a double-extraction technique to extract micro-nutrients from the Rose de Granville and then using a low-temperature frozen fractionation technique to manufacture the rose honey essential oil, this product is exceptional in its ability to repair and revitalize the skin.

Bioeffect EGF+2A Daily Treatment 2x15ml $320 ( 其王牌成分為生長因子及透明質酸,可提升肌膚的抗禦能力,大麥成分則 具紓緩肌膚的作用。 The star ingredients in this product are the EGF growth factor and hyaluronic acid, which increases skin immunity. It also contains soothing barley to relax the skin.

活性精華 缺水補給 美容品牌的新科研成分往往針對美白保濕這兩 大美肌範疇,如魯米諾以這極致濃縮活性精華,除 有亮白肌膚作用,亦能增強肌膚儲水功能,一次過 改善暗啞及缺水肌膚,特別適合成熟肌。

actIvely hydRate

Newly developed beauty product ingredients usually aim at either brightening or hydrating. For instance, Lumino uses a highly concentrated extract that brightens the skin and strengthens its ability to store moisture. It can improve both the dullness and dryness of the skin, especially for more mature skin.

眼部護理 胜肽去紋 眼部肌膚特別脆弱,選用相關護理產品時更須份外謹慎,胜 肽成分能促進肌膚的膠原蛋白增生,有助皮膚回復彈性,故成熟 肌人士,不妨選用蘊含胜肽成分的護眼補品。

Reduce wRInkles

The skin around the eyes is especially delicate tissue, so you must be extra careful when using skincare products in this area. Those with peptides can improve the growth of collagen in the skin and improve elasticity. Those with mature skin should choose skincare products with peptides to protect the area around their eyes.

Erno Laszlo Multi-Task Eye Serum Mask 6x4.5g $46 ( 主要成分之一的積雪草,不但能鎮定緊張肌膚及改善循環, 同時可減少肌膚過敏而引起的浮腫現象,亦有助肌膚抗禦外 來污染物的能力,為雙眼提升全面的保護。 Centella is the main ingredient in this mask, which calms stressed-out skin and improves circulation, while reducing sensitivity and puffiness. It can also help the skin fight environmental impurities.

ReVive Intensite Complete AntiAging Eye Serum 15ml $400 ( 眼部精華素蘊含胜肽混合物成分,既 可減淡細紋和皺紋,亦能促進天然膠 原蛋白增生,使皮膚更細緻。 This eye serum contains peptide compounds and can both reduce fine lines and wrinkles, plus increase the growth of natural collagen that results in finer looking skin.



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Wine not?


A silver lining? My wine-loving buddies often toy with this question: Is wine of the element metal, wood, water, fire or earth? Well, the Napa Valley wildfires of 2017 left it choking on fire. But one vineyard says it might be a blessing in disguise

身邊愛喝酒的人們,摸著酒杯底時,最常問的問題: 到底葡萄酒在金、木、水、火、土五行中屬哪一行? Story | Ivan Wong

去年大火時葡萄已開始進行發酵程序,但火災導致的大 停電就讓好些壓搾後的汁液無法正常發酵而要報廢。 The power failure caused by the fire crippled the fermentation process that had already started, and a whole batch of juice from the grapes had to be discarded at the Bond Estate at Oakville. 84

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水與土,都是製造葡萄酒所要強調的terroir(風土氣 候)中主要元素,是葡萄酒風味的主要命脈。但堪輿學問 反映的是中國人的價值觀念,對於紅酒,著眼點在於它的 顏色與特質及給人的觀感,有說一切含酒精的飲料就都屬 火,紅色屬火,喝了紅酒後又多會面紅耳亦,就更是火上 加火了。 「火旺」之地加州葡萄酒產區Napa Valley,去年秋天 便經歷了一次規模龐大的山火,幸好葡萄在災前早已收 成,要不然,不少酒莊便沒有2017這個年份了。在今次山 火中,相對好些酒莊全部窖藏付之一炬隨煙飛而言,植根 Napa Valley的Oakville地區專產單一酒莊(single vineyard) 精品的Bond Estate,酒莊主管Scott Gould說大概是1217%吧,主要是因為在發酵過程中停電所引致。他說大 火後帶有各種金屬礦物的灰燼會滲進土壤裡,土壤成分將 有所改變;但又未必是壞事,好些金屬礦物是對土壤有利 的,一切還有待日後觀察與研究。 但可以肯定的是,本來價格和受歡迎程度已等同波爾 多一級酒莊的Napa Valley頂級出品,經此火一燒後,2017 年份市價應又將會被搶至另一高峰了。 Water and earth are the key elements that determine the quintessential terroir of a wine. The five elements belong to a school of traditional Chinese wisdom. Red wine, for example, is said to be of the fire element, given its colour and how it turns one’s face red, akin to stoking the fire, as in the case of all alcoholic beverages. California’s Napa Valley must be a land choking with the fire element. Last autumn, a major hill fire devastated the region. Thankfully, the grapes were harvested before the catastrophe, or a number of wineries would have gone without any 2017 vintage.

Bond主攻100% Cabernet Sauvignon,單一葡萄園出品分別是Melbury、St. Eden、Quella、Vecina及Pluribus,年產量平均約2,500箱,2017年份要醞釀 至2020年才裝瓶。 Bond mainly produces 100% Cabernet Sauvignon. The single vineyards in the region also include Melbury, St. Eden, Quella, Vecina and Pluribus. They produce an average of 2,500 cases annually. The 2017 production will be bottled in 2020.

到底山火灰燼滲進這片得天獨厚土壤後,影響敦好敦壞?還有待研究。 It remains to be seen whether the fire turns out to be a blessing in disguise for the soil.

Some Napa wineries lost everything in their cellars in that fire. Bond Estate, a boutique winery in Oakville—an area known for single vineyards—lost upwards of 17 per cent of its collection, as the power failure caused by the fire affected fermentation. Bond director Scott Gould says the fire caused ashes containing all types of minerals and metal to penetrate the soil and affect its composition. But it may not be a bad thing, as certain metallic minerals are beneficial for the soil. We shall wait and see if it’s a blessing in disguise. What is certain is that the value of the 2017 vintage of premium Napa Valley products, ones that rival top-tier Bordeaux production, will be pushed to a new height, no thanks to the fire.

Oakville山中一隅的Bond Estate,難以想像如 此美景被山火蹂躪當下的天昏地暗。 It’s frightening to imagine what the fire has done to such spectacular scenery at the Bond Estate at Oakville.





dining to tell


Not just for tourists Toronto hotels are fast becoming some of the most visited dining destinations by locals, breaking away in a big way from the stereotypical hotel dining experience of the past

Story & photography | Renée S. Suen


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酒店餐廳向來以給住客提供方便行 先,餐牌傾向大眾化,予人驚喜欠奉的印 象。幸好城中部分新近冒起的酒店決意打 破大眾對酒店餐廳的偏見,在餐單、服務 及藏酒等方面力求突破,讓食客耳目一新。 要數箇中代表,得數圖中所見、位於 The Anndore House內的Constantine,以 及在Bisha Hotel內的Akira Back。兩者均 突破了酒店餐廳的固有框框,為饕餮帶來 非一般的盛宴。

There’s often been a stigma when it comes to locals dining in hotel restaurants. In the past, hotel fare was considered a convenient service for guests because of their in-house location, offering familiar comfort food. Fortunately for us that stigma has died as some Toronto hotels are some of the most visited dining destinations by locals. They include Akira Back at the Bisha Hotel and Constantine (pictured on this page) at The Anndore House, both restaurants breaking away in a big way from the stereotypical hotel dining experience with cutting edge fare for true foodies. ELITEGEN




dining to tell

Constantine’s executive chef Rob LeClair (right) and chef de cuisine Morgan Bellis.

Clockwise from top left: Branzino on a bed of bulgur, currants and pistachios; burrata with fresh peas, asparagus, fava, mint pesto and almonds; wood-fired oven-baked pear and walnut pizza topped with speck, arugula and a drizzle of honey; ahi tuna crudo topped with garnishes of green chickpeas, chilies, cornflower petals and wild asparagus.

在Bloor-Yorkville區全新精品酒店The Anndore House 內的Constantine,為酒店住客及城中食家提供舒適的用餐 享受。餐廳以及相連的咖啡店Scarlet Door同屬AlterEgo 集團(由行政總廚Craig Harding、Alexandra Hutchison及 Mercatto 團隊主理)旗下,集團旗下餐廳還包括城中人氣食 府La Palma。Constantine由早餐營業至深夜,亦提供家庭 式餐牌,由廚師發辦炮製驚喜美饌。

Located inside The Anndore House, Constantine has created an inviting space in the tiny Bloor-Yorkville area for the newly opened boutique hotel’s guests and locals alike.

餐廳由Studio Munge設計,開揚的佈局令開放式廚房 更突出,尤其是當中的燒木烤爐及特級薄餅烤爐。可容納 145人的空間分為兩個用餐區,以褐紅色絲絨為設計主調, 如果安坐於擁有18個座位的Chef’ s Bar,更可欣賞廚房的備 餐過程。 Constantine的餐牌被形容為「和諧地結合意大利至中東 菜的獨特風味」,大膽的調味、以食材為主導的菜式,集傳 統及創意於一身。精彩美食包括各式手打意大利粉及米飯菜 餚,如以熟成印度香米、扁豆、西芹根及芫荽製成的黎巴嫩 Dirty Rice;以燒木烤爐製、材料可包括羊肉腸、芫荽及中 東乳酪labneh的羅馬式薄餅。餐廳更將常見菜式來個大變 奏,例如最「治癒」的漢堡包用上Beverly Creek Farms羊肉 漢堡,麵包是自家烘焙的牛奶麵包,再伴以薯條及harissa aioli辣醬。海鮮方面有木燒原條海鯛,更貼心地去骨,伴以 小酸豆capers及希臘橄欖油。店內亦提供多款素菜,而且全 部用上新鮮時令食材,如紅菜頭或露荀配burrata芝士、香 烤番薯及新鮮無花果配山羊芝士、香蔥及辣椒。 Constantine的The Bar亦肯定為愛酒之人帶來驚喜。可 容納50人的酒吧位於用餐區之外,暖木色地板、古銅色鑲嵌 裝飾、藍色及橄欖綠色的絲絨座椅,突顯舒適雅致的氛圍。 大家亦可選擇安坐於酒吧,品嚐各款經典及創新的雞尾酒, 包括加入bourbon威士忌調製而成的Barakah,或加入Lillet Blanc、Dillon’ s Cherry Gin酒及Pare Balta Cava葡萄酒調 製而成的Lavandula。

The restaurant, lounge and bar, plus the adjoining Scarlet Door casual café, are all owned by AlterEgo (comprised of executive chef Craig Harding, Alexandra Hutchison and the Mercatto team). That’s the same restaurant group that’s behind La Palma. Opened from breakfast into the wee hours of the night, there’s even a familystyle dining menu available for those who want to leave their meal in the hands of the kitchen. The 145-seat Studio Munge-designed interior lavishly dressed in a maroon velvet draws on the comforts of home, but with a wide open layout that features an open-concept kitchen complete with a wood-fire grill and premium-grade pizza oven. The 18 seats at the Chef’s Bar provide guests with a real theatrical experience. Described as a “soulful blend of diverse and distinct flavours from Italy to the Middle East,” the bold-flavoured, ingredient-driven menu is populated with traditional and innovative dishes. From handspun pastas and grain dishes, such as Lebanese dirty rice with aged basmati, beluga lentils, celery root and coriander to delicious Roman-style pizza baked in the wood-burning oven that might be topped with lamb merguez, coriander and labneh. Guests can even enjoy spins on comfort dishes, including a Beverly Creek Farms lamb burger in a house-baked pain au lait bun served with fries and harissa aioli. Or, how about a whole woodfire-grilled sea bream that’s deboned and finished with capers and Greek olive oil? There’s a heavy emphasis on vegetables, including the season’s freshest, like beets or asparagus that’s topped with creamy burrata or roasted sweet potatoes and fresh figs paired with goat cheese, scallions and chilies. The Bar at Constantine, a 50-seat lounge, sits just outside the main dining room. Lined with walnut wood floors, bronze inlays, and sapphire and olive-green velvet upholstered custom seating, it’s ideal for intimate tête-à-têtes. Or, you might prefer to belly up to the amber and silver-specked, granite bar to sample from myriad classic and creative cocktails, like a bourbon-forward Barakah or Lavandula, featuring Lillet Blanc, Dillon’s Cherry Gin and Pare Balta Cava. Constantine: 15 Charles St. E., 647-475-4436,


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“Akira Back brings a different culinary experience to the city. What you will get here, you will get nowhere else. At least half the menu is unique to his concept and roots.” —Owner Charles Khabouth, CEO and founder of INK Entertainment

From left: A real theatrical experience, can be had at the six-seat sushi bar at the rear of Akira Back; sushi chef Kihyun Kim came to Toronto from ABSTEAK by Akira Back in Jakarta; the watercoloured ceiling of the main dinning room was inspired by the artwork of Back’s mother.

多倫多Bisha Hotel是行政顧問總廚Akira Back首個加拿大的 「家」。這位韓裔名廚來頭不少,他位於韓國首爾的餐廳DOSA獲米 芝蓮一星評級,旗下的14間餐廳遍佈全世界,包括曼谷、美國達 拉斯、杜拜、耶加達、河內、拉斯維加斯、新德里及新加坡。他今 次跟INK Entertainment的CEO兼創辦人Charles Khabouth合作, 將其獨特創意美食帶來多城。 穿過精緻瑰麗的酒店大堂,走上二樓便是可容納140人的Akira Back。餐廳由Studio Munge精心打造,設有可容納32人的私人餐 室,主餐房兩旁靠牆位置採取凹室式設計,營造舒適自在感,置中 的座位由聚光燈照明,後方的發光壽司吧亦十分搶眼。而餐廳亮點 是飾以水漾圖案的圓拱形天花,靈感源自Akira母親的畫作。餐廳 更憑簡潔時尚的設計入圍2018年餐廳及酒吧設計大獎。

Calling Bisha Hotel Toronto his first Canadian home, executive consulting chef Akira Back introduces the city to the tastes that garnered him a Michelin star at DOSA, his restaurant in Seoul. Owner Charles Khabouth, CEO and founder of INK Entertainment, says he wanted to “bring something that was special and unique to the city,” finding in Akira Back “a brand with a global name (including 14 restaurants located in Dubai, Bangkok, Jakarta, Hanoi, Singapore, New Delhi, Dallas and Las Vegas).” Step into the hotel’s slick, polished entrance and ascend to the second floor of the Studio Munge-designed 140-seat room. Options include 32-seat private dining, a glowing sushi bar, or in one of the main room’s cozy spot-lit tables under a curved watercoloured ceiling inspired by the artwork of Back’s mother. It’s so impressive the design has been shortlisted for the 2018 Restaurant & Bar Design Awards.






Clockwise from top left: truffle ‘Bomb’ croquettes topped with marinated sweet shrimp, sea urchin and caviar; hirame (flounder) enhanced with serrano peppers and tomatillo soy; signature pizza features a crispy baked tortilla crust topped with slices of tuna and finished with micro shiso, truffle oil and Maldon sea salt; 48-hour Wagyu short rib in a sweet soy and roasted garlic glaze garnished with a soft-boiled quail egg, carrot and potato.

至於食物方面,Khabouth表示,Akira Back帶來與別不同的美 食體驗。「店內的美食只此一家,在別的店不會找到。事實上餐牌中 至少一半的菜式都源自Akira的烹飪理念及他的根。」

In terms of food, “Back brings a different culinary experience to the city,” says Khabouth. “What you will get here, you will get nowhere else. At least half the menu is unique to his concept and roots.”

多倫多的Akira Back由DOSA主廚Sung Won Hwang及耶加達 ABSTEAK by Akira Back的壽司師傅Kihyun Kim掌舵,主打混合韓 國食材及風味的新派日本料理。星級名廚為餐牌帶來多道有趣的招 牌菜,而且適合多人一齊享用,如吞拿魚薄餅及AB和牛taco ,更用 上矜貴食材包括鵝肝、魚子及松露醬等來炮製傳統壽司、魚生及卷 物。當然少不了特別向加拿大致敬的菜式,就好像前菜的香煎吞拿 魚配脆米片,特色是最後灑上的茄汁粉(靈感來自只在加拿大限定供 應的茄汁脆片),還有分量十足的主菜(14安士加拿大肉眼扒配芥末 根牛油)以及韓國泡菜及煙肉炒飯等配菜。

At the helm is head chef Sung Won Hwang from DOSA and sushi chef Kihyun Kim from ABSTEAK by Akira Back in Jakarta, serving up contemporary Japanese cuisine using Korean ingredients and flavours. The share-friendly menu features some of the celebrated chef’s playful signatures like the tuna pizza and AB wagyu tacos, a liberal dusting of luxe ingredients—from foie gras to caviar to truffle paste—among traditional preparations of sushi, sashimi and maki. There are also playful nods to Canadiana fare, including ketchup powder (inspired by available-only-in-Canada ketchup chips) on the seared tuna and crispy rice appetizer, as well as more substantial mains—like a 14-ounce Canadian prime ribeye with Kizami wasabi butter—and sides like kimchi and bacon fried rice.

為配合精彩的美食,餐廳提供多款優質清酒、啤酒及各國餐 酒。酒藏亦可找到多款頂級烈酒,以及8款特色雞尾酒。

To complement Back’s menu, the beverage program features premium sakes, beers and an international list of wines. There’s a back bar stocked with premium spirits and a tempting shortlist of eight original infusion-based cocktails. Akira Back: 2nd Floor, 80 Blue Jays Way, 437-800-5967,


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慶 祝 開 業


只此一家: 1177 Caledonia Road, Toronto 地板的藝術品, 由我們的紡織機到您的房間

多 種 款 式 選 擇 及 可 特別訂制不同顏色及超大尺寸地毯

數 之不盡的精緻和創意款式

安 裝住宅樓房大型地毯及樓梯地毯

星期一至星期三 星期四及星期五 星期六 星期日



入口處加上大型的藝術作品,錦上添花。 The artsy painting at the entrance creates a focal point in the main corridor.


Sonic chic

In addition to building a private mansion in Toronto’s opulent Bridle Path enclave, rap superstar Drake partnered with Cash Money Records and interior designer Martha Huk to build a professional, top-tracks recording studio that’s pumped out smash hits like Started from the Bottom here in the GTA Story | Livian Wu Photography | Kamran Hameed—Qvision Photography, Milton

化妝間安裝了大理石檯面和磨砂鏡。 The dressing room contains marble countertops and frosted mirrors.





儲存區可存放達一千磅的重型設 備,低調但時尚。 The storage area can handle heavy equipment up to 450 kilograms. It is both stylish and low-key.

酒吧採用本土製造的黃銅作為層 架,木質牆身則增加了層次感 。 Locally-made brass shelves are used with wood panelling to create a layering effect.

樂壇巨星Drake除在多倫多豪宅區興建大宅,更伙拍製作公司Cash Money Records及室內設計師Martha Huk,打造擁頂級設備的錄音室,在大多市炮製出 如 〈Started from the bottom〉 等熱門金曲。一入正門,視覺上的衝擊已把你帶進耀 眼的音樂時空。走廊利用雙層石膏板作為牆身,加上不規則的LED燈條,可預先設 置及調節理想氛圍。設計師將黃銅鑲嵌於地板瓷磚,營造出經典的視覺效果。 這個私人錄音工作室主要劃分為四個區域: 眩目的入口、三層玻璃隔音的錄 音室、化妝間及休息區。休息區酒吧檯以花崗岩石皮邊作為點綴,木條設計成牆 身締造完美音質的吸音效果,天鵝絨大沙發及流行色彩,營造出嫵媚與豪華的空 間。 而錄音室利用了三層的玻璃結構來隔絕外間的聲音,避免樂手在錄音時聲浪 影響到其他區域。 The main entrance is an instant ambush, transporting you into a dazzling new musical dimension. The corridor uses double-layer plasterboards and non-symmetrical, moodadjustable LED strips that can produce various lighting tones. Brass inlays between the delicate two-toned floor tiles with sharp borders that add architectural angles. The private recording complex is divided into four main areas: the star-gazing entrance, a noise-cancelling triple-layered glass recording studio, a makeup and dressing room, and a custom rest area with a granite bar designed to manage and control audio frequencies and sound-absorption for acoustic excellence. With large velvet sofas and trendy colours, the space is both seductive and posh while keeping with an artsy vibe. Martha Huk Founder of Hedgeford & Berkley







Lotsa lobsters

Anegada島距離英屬處女群島首府Tortola約35公 里,是群島火山鏈中唯一的珊瑚島。和暖的水溫、淺 水的環境,加上養分充足的珊瑚礁,盛產肉質鮮甜的 龍蝦,並以島嶼為名,定名為Anegada龍蝦。 Indulge in the king of seafood in British Virgin Islands, the lobster capital of the Caribbean Story | Leslie Yip   Photography | Leslie Yip, Jordana Wright, BVI Tourism


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Anegada龍蝦屬刺龍蝦,跟常見的大西洋鹹水龍 蝦(又稱波士頓龍蝦)不同,沒有平滑的甲殼,反而長 滿了尖刺,雖沒有大箝,卻有肉質豐厚的龍蝦尾,口 感更鮮甜,更有咬勁。 由於Anegada龍蝦鮮甜味美、產量豐富加上供應 期長 – 由11月至6月底共8個月,令英屬處女群島成為 加勒比地區的龍蝦首府,是到訪當地的必吃美食。

地道秘製食譜 烹調龍蝦最常見的方法就是燒烤,而當地廚師則 各有自家秘技。 來自Scrub島Caravela餐廳的Chef Lascell Stone,崇尚簡單的烹飪哲學。他說:「龍蝦必定要新 鮮,我們的龍蝦供應商是兩位擁有超過40年經驗的本 地漁民,龍蝦於養殖場飼養直至烹調前才會從龍蝦籠 內取出。」 「調味方面愈簡單愈好。只需以鹽、鮮磨胡椒及牛 油來帶出龍蝦本身的鮮甜,然後以錫紙包裹燒烤至半 熟,除去錫紙繼續烤直至微焦便成,上菜時伴以檸檬 及醮已煮溶的牛油。」 至於Tortola的Long Bay上Tropical Fusion餐廳的 Chef Kenneth Molyneaux是該國國家烹飪隊的前隊 長,去年贏得年度廚師的殊榮,名字更被列入邁亞密 年度加勒比美食大賽的名人堂。他的烹調心得則是: 「首先把龍蝦尾開邊,並在龍蝦肉每隔一吋橫向切割。 然後在煲中加入約一吋高的水並放入龍蝦(龍蝦殼向 下),再加入洋蔥粒、蒜、牛油、白酒、青檸汁及原粒 黑胡椒,煮至龍蝦殼轉為紅色,肉身脹起。然後將龍 蝦取出起肉。龍蝦肉混入蒜蓉、洋蔥、芫荽及煮溶牛 油,以大火燒烤約一分鐘。最後把肉放回殼內,加入 少許牛油便成。」

Thirty-five kilometres from Tortola, the capital of the British Virgin Islands, is a lone coral island amidst a massive stretch of volcanic archipelago. The warm shallow water flats and nutrient-rich reefs produce lobsters so succulent and sweet, locals name them after the area—Anegada lobsters. Anegada lobsters are of the spiny variety. They differ from their Atlantic counterparts, often called Boston lobsters. Instead of a smooth shell, they are covered with large spines. They also lack large claws—they are prized just for their meaty tails. Tastewise, they are often said to be sweeter and more tender. Due to the deliciousness, abundance and long season—spanning eight months from November to the end of June—the BVIs are known as the lobster capital of the Caribbean. A visit their is not complete without indulging at least once.

LoCAL Chefs shAre seCreT reCIpes The most classic way to prepare the lobsters is to grill them, and local chefs have their own trick up their sleeves. Chef Lascell stone from Caravela restaurant on scrub Island swears by simplicity: “The lobster must be fresh. We get ours from two local fishermen who have been in business for more than 40 years; we keep them alive and kicking in a lobster cage at our marina until we are ready to cook them. “for seasoning, the simpler the better. Accentuate its natural sweetness with a sprinkle of salt and freshly ground black pepper, top with butter, wrap in foil and grill until the meat is partially cooked. Then, remove the foil and grill the meat until it is slightly charred. serve immediately with half a lemon and some melted butter for dipping.” Chef Kenneth of Tropical fusion restaurant in Long Bay, Tortola has a different take. former captain of the BVI Culinary Team, he brought great excitement to the Islands last year by winning Chef of the Year and being inducted into the hall of fame in Miami’s annual Taste of the Caribbean Competition. “first of all, butterfly the lobster tail and make horizontal incisions in the meat, one inch apart,” says Molyneaux. “Lay shell-side down in a pot with an inch of water. Add chopped onions, garlic, butter, white wine, lime juice and whole black peppercorns on top, and boil until the shell turns red and the meat puffs up. “Next, remove from water and separate the meat from the shell. Mix the meat with minced garlic, onion, cilantro and melted butter, and grill for about a minute over high heat. return meat to the shell, and serve with another dollop of butter.”


How to pick a lobster

為什麼要懂得分辨公龍蝦及母龍蝦? 分辨方法主要看靠色澤,母龍蝦的韻色 較淡,而且近嘴部的爪上會多一隻 「手指」 。 Chef Molyneaux說燒烤的話,他較喜歡 母龍蝦。因為母龍蝦生長速度較快,換殼次 數較頻密,如果剛好在脫殼後捕捉到,肉質 最是有咬勁。

How do you tell the difference between a male and a female lobster? And why does it matter? Chef Molyneaux says that he prefers female lobsters for grilling because they grow faster and change their shells more often, and if you catch them right after they molt, you get the most tender meat. They are distinguished by being slightly paler in colour, with an extra “finger” on the claw closest to the mouth.

Chef Molyneaux







CurrY LoBsTer: A LoCAL fAVourITe

Chef Molyneaux說兩磅半至四磅重的龍蝦最適合用來燒烤。 大隻的龍蝦肉質較韌,用來做脆炸龍蝦lobster fritters或龍蝦咖喱 就最適合不過。當地有很多有著印度及特立尼達島(Trinidadian) 血統的居民,龍蝦咖喱更是當地人的最愛。 「把龍蝦肉炒至剛剛熟,然後加入微辣的咖喱汁,並混入西芹

Chef Molyneaux says the best lobsters for grilling weigh between 2½ and four pounds. Larger lobsters can be tough, but are perfect for making lobster fritters or lobster curry, favourites that harken back to the Indian and Trinidadian roots of the locals. “sauté the meat ’til it is al dente, then fold into a mild curry sauce made chunky with chopped celery, carrots and onions,” says Molyneaux.


Molyneaux serves the dish with a balsamic vinegar and mango salsa, which may seem an unlikely pairing, but the sweetness and fruitiness does a magical trick to tame the fire in the curry.




每間餐廳都有其特色龍蝦菜,一年一度的Anegada龍蝦節則 可讓你嚐遍所有餐廳。多位當地廚師如Molyneaux及Stone等於一 連兩日的節慶中大顯身手,帶來多款創意龍蝦美食。每道菜的試 食價只需$5,如果沒能試勻全部美食,似乎有點說不過去。 將於今年11月24及25日舉行的Anegada龍蝦節,是英屬處女 群島美食節其中一個重要環節。以龍蝦作主題的「喝通關」(bar crawl)將於活動前一天舉行,參加者將乘坐吉普車或以滑板車, 盡情探索這個美食小島。

With so many restaurants serving lobsters in so many ways, it’s no easy feat to try them all in one visit to these islands, but the annual Anegada Lobster festival lets you come close. Local chefs like Molyneaux and stone showcase their creativity in this two-day extravaganza to create the most delicious crustacean creation. At $5 a plate, there’s just no excuse not to sample everything. An integral part of the annual BVI food fete, it takes place this year on the weekend of November 24. There is a lobster-themed bar crawl the day before, where attendees embark on a culinary island adventure in a safari jeep or a scooter. For more info, visit



Ginger, Beef, Salt and...Virgins?

英屬處女群島由60個島嶼及岩礁組成,當中很多島嶼的名字都跟 其產物有關。比方薑島 (Ginger Island) 因盛產薑而得名,牛肉島 (Beef Island) 顧名思義是專門飼養牛隻的島,而專門生產rum酒酒桶的島就索 性名為Cooper Island,鹽島 (Salt Island) 上果真有三個鹽湖。

The British Virgin Islands are made up of 60 islands and cays, many of which are named after their historic function. Thus, Ginger Island was where ginger was farmed, Beef Island was where cattle was raised, Cooper Island was where casks were made for rum production, and Salt Island was named after its three salt ponds.

至於英屬處女群島英文名字中的virgin一字,則要多得航海家哥倫 布。當他在1493年第二次前往美國時,他發現了這群島火山鏈,並起 名Santa Ursula y las Once Mil Vírgenes (即聖女烏蘇拉及她的11,000名 童貞女) 來紀念聖女烏蘇拉的傳奇。後來名字縮短為Las Vírgenes (即 The Virgins).

As for the reference to “virgin” in Virgin Islands, Christopher Columbus takes the credit. When he discovered this volcanic archipelago in 1493 on his second voyage to the Americas, he named them Santa Ursula y las Once Mil Vírgenes (Saint Ursula and her 11,000 Virgins) after the legend of Saint Ursula. It was later shortened to Las Vírgenes (The Virgins).

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住宿推介 我入住的Scrub Island度假酒店座落於私人小島上, 是Marriot Autograph系列酒店的成員之一。酒店去年遭受 颶風Irma及Maria襲擊而嚴重損毀,不過現已修復重建並 定於今年10月重開。 寬敞的客房鋪上天然石地板,並飾以木製家具及豪 華布藝,住客可於偌大的陽台欣賞質樸宜人的海景。人多 的話可考慮人住私人度假別墅,4睡房的Reef House別墅 擁有私人無邊際泳池,分層客廳及豪華廚房。 島上設施應有盡有,可找到餐廳、水療中心、泳池 及健行徑。還有潛水中心及航海學校,適合好動的朋友。

Where to Stay I stayed at Scrub Island Resort, a Marriot Autograph Collection hotel on a private island. The property suffered damage from hurricanes Irma and Maria last year, but is now restored and a grand reopening is slated for this October. Here you will find spacious suites finished with natural stone flooring, exotic woods and luxurious fabrics, with an expansive veranda letting you enjoy the idyllic sea view. Larger parties can book into one of their private villas— the four-bedroom Reef House has a beautiful private infinity pool, split-level living area and a gourmet kitchen. On the island, you will find restaurants, a spa, pools and walking trails. If you are feeling active, there is a dive shop and a sailing school, too. For more info, visit

好玩推介 乘船出海是探索群島的最佳方法。Aristocat Charters 提供雙體船一天租用套餐,包括浮潛、槳板、自助午餐 及飲品全包 ( 。如想享受更長的海 上假期,可考慮租艘遊艇玩上一星期!詳情可瀏覽網址。

What to do The best way to tour the islands is by sailing. Get a taste by chartering a catamaran for a day through Aristocat Charters. The package includes snorkeling, paddle-boarding, buffet lunch and unlimited drinks ( For those with more confidence in your sea legs, take the plunge and book a yacht for a week. For more info, visit

如何抵達 美國或加拿大沒有直航機前往英屬處女群島,但於 St. Maarten、Antigua、St. Thomas、波多黎各或St. Kitts 轉機亦十分方便。另有輪船由St. Thomas及美屬處女群島 往返英屬處女群島。 前往Anegada島可選擇於Tortola及Virgin Gola乘搭小 型包機達抵Auguste George機場 (NGD) ,或每星期三個 班次的小輪服務或私人遊艇。

GettinG there Although there are no direct flights to the BVIs from Canada or the U.S., you can easily connect through St. Maarten, Antigua, St. Thomas, Puerto Rico or St. Kitts. Ferry service is also available from St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. Access to Anegada Island is via charter flights from Tortola and Virgin Gola to the small Auguste George Airport (NGD), or go by sea on thrice-weekly ferries or private boat.





special travel supplement


Germany's 'Motown'

Take a drive with us to visit BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Porsche museums Story | Marc Atchison from TraveLife

汽車工業在德國舉足 輕重,位於德國西南部的 Stuttgart被稱為德國汽車城 (Motown),  平治、保時捷和 寶馬三大品牌單是在Stuttgart 及慕尼黑已有多達50萬名員 工。在Stuttgart,不管是路 牌、廣場、公共建築物、銀行 及球隊,都可見到汽車品牌 的名字。事實上,當你步出 Stuttgart的中央車站,首先見 到的就是車站鐘樓上的巨型平 治品牌標誌。 The importance of the car industry in Germany cannot be understated, especially in Stuttgart and Munich where the three brands above employ about 500,000 people. Volkswagen, the largest of the German brands, which also owns Porsche and Audi, employs another 500,000 Germans. No wonder Stuttgart is called Germany’s “Motown.” You see the car company names everywhere in Stuttgart—on street signs, squares, public buildings, banks and sports teams. In fact, the first thing you see when you leave Stuttgart’s main rail station is a giant Mercedes-Benz emblem on top of the station’s clock tower. “Many people think the Mercedes-Benz logo is Stuttgart’s coat of arms,” says local guide Elisabeth Mohr.

座落於 Stu 刻彷彿 ttgVart的保 時 要 The en 衝上雲霄。 捷博物館, 門外三 tr 台保時 an elab ance to the 捷汽車 P shootinorate design orsche Mus 雕 , with th eum in g into outer s S re pace. e Porsches tuttgart featu seemin res gly 98

E L I T E G E N. C A



豪華的德國汽車品牌已成為中國中產階層的身份 象徵,因此博物館吸引了不少年輕的華裔才俊及富二 代慕名前來參觀,每日都由一車車的巴士接載到訪。 保時捷的高科技博物館於2009年在Stuttgart開幕。由 Stuttgart中央車站乘S6路線,約20分鐘車程便到達 Porscheplatz。保時捷的總部便座落於此,對面則是 壯觀的保時捷博物館。


保時捷博物館面積60,000平方呎,雖較平治博 物館小,但精彩程度絕不遜色。博物館由一家維也納 建築公司打造,設計體現保時捷的開放性和親切感, 建築物以玻璃作外牆,並由三個V字型柱子支撐,看 上去彷彿一塊巨石懸浮於空中。完美展現保時捷的魅 力。博物館外三個正在衝上雲霄的保時捷跑車雕塑, 亦非常吸睛。

Young, affluent Chinese tourists are especially drawn to the museums and arrive by the busloads each day. The luxury German brands have become status symbols among China’s growing middle class. The first stop is the Porsche museum. So I board the S6 train at Stuttgart’s main rail station and, 20 minutes later, arrive at Porscheplatz—a square dominated by the legendary race car company’s head office and plant, with its gleaming museum on the opposite side. Porsche, refusing to take a back seat to Mercedes-Benz, opened it’s own high-tech museum in Stuttgart in 2009. While much smaller than the MercedesBenz Museum—this one is just 60,000 sq. ft.—the Porsche Museum is no less impressive. Designed by a Viennese architecture firm to reflect Porsche’s philosophy of approachability, the glazed-glass building, thanks to its three V-shaped supporting columns, looks like it’s floating above the ground like a monolith. So Porsche. An exterior sculpture of three Porsche models shooting into the sky is also eye-catching. Inside, more than 80 vehicles, some dating back to Ferdinand Porsche’s first prototype in 1948, are displayed in a bright, airy environment.

明亮、寬敞的博物館展出了超過80台汽車,部 分更是品牌創辦人Ferdinand Porsche於1948年研發 的原型車。

Porsche, which celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2018, is the most profitable car brand in the world, and a display case filled with trophies lets museum visitors know it’s also one of the most decorated.

於今年慶祝成立70周年的保時捷,是全球最賺 錢的汽車品牌,而館內展示的一個個獎盃亦提醒大 家,它同時是獲獎最多的汽車品牌之一。

When I reach the exhibition floor, I’m greeted by a Porsche 356 No. 1 Roadster representing the origins of the sports car. Close by is an artfully designed Porsche Mission E electric car, the first purely electrically powered Porsche, which makes its market debut in 2019.

走進展廳,迎接我的是一台保時捷356 No.1 Roadster,它代表著最早期的跑車。不遠處展示著一 台充滿藝術感的保時捷Mission E電動車,它是品牌 首台全電能驅動的汽車,預計於2019正式出台。

There’s plenty of 911 models, too—it’s Porsche’s biggest seller—including an Irish Green Coupé, the one-millionth unit that rolled off the assembly line in 2017.

場內當然少不了保時捷最熱賣的911,當中包括 於2017年出廠的第一百萬輛911–車身顏色為愛爾蘭 綠的硬頂911。

The Porsche Museum is a short ride on the S6 train from Stuttgart’s main rail station in the direction of Porscheplatz.

全長12呎的互動巨型觸摸屏Porsche Touchwall 透過多媒體技術讓參觀者搜索公司的發展史。

A 12-metre-long interactive “Porsche Touchwall” invites users to research the company’s history using multimedia technology. Very cool.

For more info, visit

保時捷的電動車將於明年在歐洲正式面世,參觀者可在博 物館內先睹為快。 Porsche’s new electric car makes its debut on the roads of Europe next year.

保時捷跟賽車有很深的淵源,尤其是耐力賽。 Porsche has had a long tradition in endurance racing.

於2017年出廠的第一百萬架保時捷。 The one-millionth Porsche 911 that rolled off the assembly line in 2017.

保時捷其中一台最早期的跑車。 One of the earliest Porsche racing cars.





special travel supplement 位於Stuttgart的平治博物館, 設計充滿未來感覺,館內的螺 旋式坡道貫穿8層樓各展廳。 The futuristic Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart features a spiral interior walkway that reaches eight storeys high.


平治博物館去年便招待了接近一百萬名遊客入場參 觀。我懷著既期待又興奮的心情, 「首名衝線」 買得入場票。

面積達16,500平方呎的平治博物館共展出了160輛汽 車,包括最早期的汽車、古董車、經典跑車、概念車及引 擎,還展出了平治特別為已故教宗保祿二世設計的外訪用 專車。從中可以看到創辦人Karl Benz研發汽車的歷程,以 及平治車輛的演變。8樓的展廳更帶我穿越到1886年,當 時Karl Benz正式為其研發的汽油驅動汽車申請專利,有助 觀眾了解品牌的基本理念。 平治博物館的室內佈局採用螺旋式設計,展廳按時間

My heart is revving so fast I think it’s about to jump out of my chest as I anticipate what awaits me inside the Mercedes-Benz Museum. When the doors finally open, my legs kick into overdrive and I’m the first to buy a ticket.

A few seconds later, I’m at the starting line of this state-of-the-art auto museum in Stuttgart, Germany that welcomed almost one million visitors last year. “Go,” says the attendant, and I rush to a futuristic pod that carries me eight storeys (34 metres) above the circular museum entrance. I step off into a lovely exhibition hall where I begin to learn how Karl Benz invented the world’s first gas-powered automobile and how the Mercedes-Benz brand has evolved over the decades. The eight-floor exhibit transports me back in time—to 1886 when Benz applied for a patent on his “gas-powered vehicle” and the roots of Mercedes-Benz took hold.

配備翼門的1955 300 SL Coupe,是5樓展廳焦點 在VIP展廳可找到為已故教宗保祿二世設計的專車。 所在。 A Mercedes-Benz 1955 300SL Coupe with A Popemobile built by Mercedes-Benz for Pope winged doors is a showstopper. John Paul II.

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你可以在博物館內買到原廠復修的平治老爺車,這個專 區是華裔遊客的必到熱點。 You can buy vintage Mercedes-Benz models in a special area of the museum, a hotspot with Chinese visitors.


先後次序排列,入場人士無須走樓梯,可沿坡道觀看最早期的汽 車至最新式汽車的演變。沿途更掛滿圖片,介紹平治歷年參與過 的重要活動。 館內12個展廳各有驚喜。在7樓的Birth of the Brand展廳見 到平治最早期的汽車,旁邊的Gallery of Voyagers則介紹了品牌 於1895年生產的電動巴士。 4樓的展廳則展出了多輛平治為VIP貴賓特別設計的汽車。 教宗專車以外,更可找到由影星Nicolas Cage擁有的1993年平治 190E 2.3;還有一輛是前德國國王威廉二世被流放到荷蘭時使用 過、1930年代的770 Grand Mercedes cabriolet F。我最愛的則 是品牌為1993年荷李活巨片《侏羅紀公園》而設計的汽車。 平治自1934起已積極參與賽車領域,2樓的賽車專區以賽車 跑道設計,展出多款戰車,包括經典款式及最新的Silver Arrow戰 車。 博物館最底層是精品館及餐廳所在。All Time Stars專區亦位 於這一層,提供多款原廠復修的古董車供車迷參觀及選購。我看 中了一架平治F1跑車的模型,排隊付款時便見到幾名華裔參觀者 正在議價,目標是一輛價值數十萬元的經典老爺車。 平治博物館位於100 Mercedesstrasse,毗鄰面積達60,000 平方呎的平治運動場,是德甲球隊Stuttgart隊訓練的場地。

“The Chinese spend hours here taking photographs of the cars and learning our (Mercedes-Benz) history,” an attendant tells me. There’s plenty to see in the vast, 180,000 square-foot Mercedes-Benz Museum, which is crammed with more than 160 vehicles, including the earliest forms of transportation, vintage models, legendary race cars, concept cars, engines and even a Popemobile, which was specially designed by Mercedes-Benz for overseas trips taken by Pope John Paul II. The unique spiral design of the Mercedes-Benz museum allows visitors to go on a chronological tour using ramps instead of stairs. The ramps’ walls are lined with pictures of historic events in which the automobile has played an important role. Each of the museum’s 12 galleries offer some special surprises. On the seventh floor, the “Birth of the Brand” gallery showcases MercedesBenz’s earliest models and the “Gallery of Voyagers” next to it traces the company’s foray into mass transit, with the introduction of the motorized bus in 1895. When I reach the fifth floor, I see dozens of people huddled around a classic cream-coloured 1955 300 SL Coupe. “This car really gets a lot of attention,” an attendant guarding the museum gem tells me. The museum’s fourth floor houses a gallery featuring cars made specifically by Mercedes-Benz for VIPs. Besides the Popemobile, the collection includes a 1993 Mercedes-Benz 190 E 2.3 owned by actor Nicolas Cage, a 1930s 770 Grand Mercedes cabriolet F once owned by former German Emperor Wilhelm II during his exile in the Netherlands and, my favourite, a vehicle made specifically for the 1993 Hollywood blockbuster Jurassic Park. On the third floor, I get a glimpse into Mercedes’ future. That’s where its electric-car technology is showcased. Race car fans will love the second floor, where the company’s long involvement in racing—it started in 1934 —is celebrated with an exciting racetrack display of vintage and most recent “Silver Arrow” models. My Mercedes-Benz tour ends when I reach the museum’s lower level, where a giant gift shop and restaurant are located. The floor also features an “All Time Stars” section, where people can purchase vintage models. While I line up to buy a miniature of a Mercedes-Benz Formula 1 race car, several Chinese visitors are negotiating the purchase of one of the classic cars, worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Mercedes-Benz Museum is located at 100 Mercedesstrasse, next to the 60,000-seat Mercedes-Benz Arena where Stuttgart’s soccer team in the premier Bundesliga plays.

For more info,

平治展示全新的電動汽車。 Mercedes-Benz showcases its new entries into the electric-car market near the end of the museum tour.

Stuttgart中央車站的鐘樓上,豎有巨形平治品牌標誌。 The clock tower at Stuttgart rail station.



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special travel supplement

計 新 穎 的 B M W  設 World及BMW博物 館,毗鄰1972慕尼黑 奧林匹克運動場。 The futuristic BMW Welt and BMW Museum complex sits next to the 1972 Munich Olympic Park.

位於慕尼黑的寶馬博物館,是三者中最令人難忘。 BMW博物館及BMW Welt (BMW世界)距離集團全球總 部只有一街之隔,在BMW Welt你可以深入認識品牌的概念 車及最新型號,更可以在偌大的場館內試駕品牌的全新電 動車。內裡更有一間米芝蓮兩星餐廳EssZimmer,由德籍 名廚Bobby Bräuer主理,主打帶地中海及地區色彩的法式 美食,據說這裡一檯難求,成功訂位頗有難度。 不少加國車主在新車出廠後,更會專程飛抵當地取 車。「我們每星期約有3至6位加國車主前來取車,之後他們 可以駕著新車暢遊歐洲,兩至三星期後交還後,我們便會 把車運到加拿大。」BMW Genius (品牌產品專家) Matthias Kremer在BMW Welt大樓向我說道。

Then, there’s the BMW Museum in Munich. I drop my bags at the chic Ruby Lilly Hotel near the historic quarter and jump on the “U” (Underground) in the direction of BMW Welt, located next to the city’s 1972 Olympic Stadium. The BMW Museum and BMW Welt (World), where Canadian customers regularly pick up their newly made BMW in person—manufactured at the company’s global headquarters across the street—was the most impressive of the three, and for good reason. BMW Welt even has a two-star Michelin restaurant on site. “We get between three and six Canadians a week who pick up their car, go on a two- or three-week driving trip around Europe before returning the car here and we ship it to Canada for them,” says BMW representative Matthias Kremer. I suggest you visit the BMW Welt facility before going to the museum across the street. BMW Welt lets you kick the tires, so to speak, on concept cars and new models. It’s so big you can actually drive one of the company’s new electric cars around the gigantic showroom floor.

BMW i8絕對是全場焦點。 The BMW i8 is a show stopper. The company promises to have 25 electric models by the year 2025.

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在博物館的低層展廳可認識BMW在研發電單車的悠久歷史。 BMW’s long motorcycle history is celebrated in the lower part of the multi-tiered museum.

以碳纖維零件製造的BMW電動車–小巧的I-3及超快的 I-8,同樣是焦點所在,Kremer更透露到了2025年,BMW將提 供多達25電動車供選擇。 由於BMW同時擁有Mini及勞斯萊斯,場來亦展出了不少車 款,各款Mini更深受女士們歡迎。 於1973年開幕的BMW博物館,室內設計跟平治博物館十分 相似,參觀者可沿室內坡道認識品牌的歷史。多個展廳都可欣 賞到古董BMW汽車,更特別介紹其電單車發展的輝煌歷史。 BMW Welt位於1 Am Olympiapark,有行人天橋連接BMW 博物館。

As soon as I enter, a sleek Z4 Roadster catches my eye. “The Z4 will debut next year,” BMW’s Kremer tells me of the brand’s return to the Roadster category, which it abandoned a few years ago. The Chinese are salivating over this car with the shark-shaped front and a grill that’s much different than the company’s signature vertical design. “The new grill is what’s really getting a lot of attention,” Kremer says. “Our Chinese customers want to take it home with them.” BMW’s electric cars, the compact I-3 and the super-fast I-8, both built with carbon-fibre parts, also get a lot of attention and Kremer tells me that by 2025, BMW will be offering 25 electrically-powered models. Because BMW also owns Mini and Rolls-Royce, there’s lots of those models on display. The Minis seem to be the car of choice for BMW Welt’s female visitors. The Michelin-recognized EssZimmer restaurant sits perched above the BMW Welt showroom and features French cuisine with Mediterranean and regional influences. Noted German chef Bobby Bräuer oversees the EssZimmer kitchen and getting a table here is harder than buying a Z4 concept car. The BMW Museum, which opened in 1973, is similar in design to the Mercedes-Benz facility in Stuttgart where visitors are transported through the company’s proud history on long ramps. Vintage BMWs fill the museum’s many galleries and the company pays special tribute to its proud motorcycle history. BMW Welt is located at 1 Am Olympiapark and is connected to the BMW Museum by a stylish walking overpass.

For more info, visit

BMW於數年前購入Mini及勞斯萊斯,BMW Welt 展出了其中一台最早期的Mini。 One of the earliest Mini cars is displayed at BMW Welt. BMW bought Mini and Rolls Royce a few years ago.

色彩繽紛的1934 BMW 315車款。 Colourful 1934 BMW 315 model.

這台1936 BMW 328在引擎蓋上飾有條紋。 This 1936 BMW 328 model features straps on the hood.

Z4將重新投產,參觀者對這輛概念車十分感興趣。 The Z4 marks BMW’s re-entry into the roadster category. 查詢更多詳情,請瀏覽網址。 For more information, visit



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Ticket to ride Have it all with the Range Rover Sport SVR Story & Photography | Lorne Drury (Metroland Media) 想擁有一部包羅萬有的汽車?2018年款的Range Rover Sport SVR或許合你心意。Land Rovers與Range Rovers的SUV一向以耐用、優雅和無往不至見稱,主打高 端市場。這部SVR把Range Rover Sport升了級,加強了性 能,搭載5.0公升V8增壓引擎,具備575匹馬力和516磅/呎 扭力。按廠方的說法,重量達2,310公斤(5,082磅) 的Range Rover Sport SVR,從靜止飆至時速100公里只需4.5秒,並 且可拖曳重達3,000 公斤(6,600磅)的物件如船隻、旅行拖 車等。 SVR是Range Rover Sport系列的旗艦車,擁有多款不 同級別的產品,配備V6和V8汽油引擎。另外還有一款是3 公升柴油車,可以輸出234匹馬力和443磅扭力。 Range Rover Sport SE車型售價由78,800元起,最高 檔的SVR售132,000元,連同選置設備,我們所試駕的SVR 價格為154,770元。 現在一般人並不真正需要一輛可在賽道上馳騁的汽車 如Range Rover SVR,不過,這麽大馬力的車仍有市場, 即使林寶堅尼的牛王Urus和賓尼的Bentayga也來湊熱鬧。

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For the buyer who must have it all, the 2018 Range Rover Sport SVR is it. Land Rovers and Range Rovers have long been known as durable, classy, go-anywhere SUVs aimed at the high-end market, but the SVR model ratchets things up a notch on the Range Rover Sport, particularly when it comes to performance and its supercharged 5.0-litre V8 engine that puts out 575 horsepower and 516 lb/ft of torque. That’s enough power to propel the 2,310-kilogram Range Rover Sport SVR from 0-100 km/h in a very quick 4.5 seconds, according to the manufacturer. And for those who want to take a boat or trailer up to vacation country, the SVR will haul up to 3,000 kilograms. The SVR is the flagship of the Range Rover Sport lineup, which boasts a number of trim levels, featuring supercharged V6 and V8 gasoline engines. There’s also a 3.0-litre diesel offering that generates 254 horsepower and a whole lot of grunt — 443 lb/ft of torque to be exact. Starting at $78,800 for the Range Rover Sport SE model, the top-shelf SVR trim comes in at $132,000. Options can add up quickly, though, as our SVR tester priced out at $154,770.

生產商Jaguar Land Rover在引擎上作了些改動,把2018年的 SVR馬力增加了25匹,令最高時速可達283公里。不過,除非你要 賽車,否則這個速度對你的意義並不大,用來誇耀一下倒也無妨。 Range Rover Sport由英國設計和製造,自2004年開售至今, 全球售出達73.2萬輛。2018年款的Sport外型更有動感、更時尚, 採用LED車頭燈,配以重新設計的進氣格柵。車廂也進行了現代化 更新,採用全新的專業輕觸雙屏幕資訊娛樂系統,在中心控制區設 置兩個10吋輕觸式屏幕。上面的屏幕顯示導航資訊,可以傾斜角 度以避免陽光反射和提高能見度;下面的屏幕則是固定的,有調節 氣溫、座位及車輛設置,以及連接媒體和電話等功能。

Now, no one really needs a racetrack-ready sport ute like the Range Rover SVR, but these days there is a ready market for high-powered vehicles like it. Even Lamborghini and Bentley are into the act with their Urus and Bentayga models respectively. Jaguar Land Rover has tweaked the engine to up the horsepower by 25 for 2018 on the SVR with a quoted top speed of 283 km/h. Unless you belong to a club and do lap days at a racetrack, a speed like that is irrelevant, but it does give one bragging rights when talking all things automotive with the boys on the golf course. The British-designed and built Range Rover Sport has been around since 2004 and has achieved sales of 732,000 units worldwide since then.

司機位正前方是一個直觀設計的12吋高解象度儀錶殼板,並 有一個新款的平視顯示器,讓駕駛者視線不用離開正前方,便可看 到駕駛信息。車廂布局清新、簡約、舒適,坐5個人也很充足。

For 2018, the exterior has a more dynamic, modern look with LED headlights up front, sitting alongside a redesigned grille. The cabin has also been modernized with a new Touch Pro Duo infotainment system, featuring two user-friendly 10-inch touchscreens on the centre stack.

性能方面,Jaguar Land Rover改良了SVR的底盤,以提供更 多動態操控而不會影響車輛的舒適度。車廠的工程師致力於研究在 猛力加速和緊急煞掣時車內乘客前俯後仰的情況,改良了阻尼系 統,從而改善轉彎、抓地和車身控制的情況。

Navigation information is displayed on the top screen, which can be angled to counter glare and improve visibility. The lower screen is fixed and manages functional tasks like climate control, seat and vehicle settings, and media and phone connectivity.



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車廂布局清新、簡約、舒適,坐5個人也很充足。 The interior of the SVR is clean, uncluttered and comfortable with room for five people.

SVR不光是行駛的速度快,單是聽其聲響也覺得 快。車尾兩排排氣喉發出轟的咆哮聲充滿活力,令 人興奮莫名。 踏上油門,這部SVR就像一支箭般狂飆。它可以 急速煞停和快速轉彎,輕鬆自如。在郊野路上,由於 有四輪驅動系統和眾多駕駛模式如草地/礫石/雪地、泥 濘地面/車轍地、沙地、岩石爬行、環保及動態等適合 在不同的情況下駕駛,Range Rover的行車表現都很 出色。備有低牽引力起步系統,有助於在低摩擦力的 路面如濕草地、雪地和碎石路上起步。 全新Range RoverSport的懸掛系統可以調校高 度,而氣壓式懸掛系統更是全線車系的標準裝置。 SVR甚具台型,一看便知是高檔的SUV,再選置 碳纖維套裝(價值10,000元) ,更易讓人看出它的與眾 不同!車身使用大量碳纖維材質,車頭蓋中央位置配 上織紋,並有獨特的集成冷卻風口,而邊鏡、進氣格 柵的周圍和兩側風口都採用碳纖維製造。 21吋合金輪圈是Range Rover Sport SVR的標準 裝置,試駕的SVR選置了有巨型5輻條的22吋亮黑色輪 圈(價值3,670元)。 其他特別裝置還有司機上車時即亮起的踏板、鋁 質的運動油門踏版,以及既輕便支撐性又強的超級運 動座椅。

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Directly in front of the driver is a 12-inch high-resolution vehicle display with dual dial, single dial and extended mode views. A new generation display puts information within easy sightlines for the driver. All in all, the interior is clean, uncluttered and comfortable with room for five people. On the performance front, Jaguar Land Rover’s Special Vehicle Operations has enhanced the chassis of the SVR to deliver more dynamic handling without sacrificing comfort. The engineers focused on controlling pitch under heavy acceleration and braking and tweaks to the damping system hardware have improved turn-in, grip and body control. Not only does the SVR go fast, but it also sounds fast with an exhaust growl from the dualies on the rear that is simply electrifying for performance enthusiasts like this writer. Punch the throttle and the SVR takes off like a shot. With such power under the hood, it also has to stop fast and turn quickly and it does both of these with aplomb. ln fact, a vehicle this heavy has no right handling as well as this one does, both on road and off. This is a Range Rover, so yes it does off-road with the best of them, thanks to a four-wheel

drive system and a selection of driving modes such as Grass/Gravel/Snow, Mud/Ruts, Sand, Rock Crawl, Eco and Dynamic. It also has what JLR calls a Low Traction Launch System, which helps take off on low-friction surfaces like wet grass, snow and loose gravel. The suspension is height adjustable with an air suspension standard across the board. Style-wise, the SVR looks the part of an upscale SUV, particularly with options like the Carbon Fibre Package ($10,000) that lets everyone know this is one special Range Rover. As part of this package, the weave is left exposed on the centre section of the vehicle’s carbon fibre composite hood that also has unique integrated cooling vents. The package also includes carbon fibre finishes elsewhere, such as the side mirrors, the grille surround and side vents. Standard are 21-inch alloy wheels, but ours came with huge five-spoke, 22-inch glossy black wheels, a $3,670 option. Other special touches include SVR treadplates that illuminate when the driver climbs onboard, as well as aluminum sport pedals and special Supersport seats that are lightweight and supportive at the same time.

資訊娛樂系統設在中央位置, 由兩個10吋的觸控式屏幕操控。 The infotainment system includes two user-friendly 10-inch touchscreens located on the centre stack.

2018年款Range Rover Sport SVR 車身款式:豪華四門五座位SUV。 驅動方式:前置引擎,四輪驅動。 引擎:5.0公升V8增壓引擎 (輸出575匹馬力和516磅/呎扭力) ,搭載八前速自動波箱。 行李箱容量:780公升,摺疊後排座椅後空間達1,686公升。 拖曳重量:3,000公升(6,600磅) 。 耗油量:16.2/12/14.3公升/100公里 市內/高速公路/綜合。 售價:132,000元,試駕車售154,770元,包括1,600元運費。 優點:Range Rover Sport SVR是擁有轎跑車靈魂的大型SUV。 缺點:選置項目加起來售價會很昂貴。 誘人之處:2019年的Range Rover Sport車系,將會加入插電式混合動能車型。

Range Rover Sport SVR 2018 at a glance:

可選置碳纖維套裝,採用輕巧堅硬的材質。 Carbon-fibre touches like this are part of an optional package on the SVR.

BODY STYLE: Four-door, five-passenger luxury SUV DRIVE METHOD: Front-engine, four-wheel drive ENGINE: Supercharged 5.0-litre V8 (575 hp, 516 lb/ft of torque) with an eight-speed automatic transmission CARGO CAPACITY: 780 litres, 1,686 with rear seats folded TOW RATING: 3,000 kg FUEL CONSUMPTION: 16.2/12/14.3 L/100 km city/highway/combined WHAT’S BEST: The Range Rover Sport SVR is a big SUV with the soul of a sports sedan WHAT’S WORST: The cost of options can add up very quickly WHAT’S INTERESTING: A plug-in hybrid model is joining the Range Rover Sport lineup for 2019 PRICE: Base $132,000; as tested $154,770, including $1,600 delivery charge

For more info, visit ELITEGEN


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e n 拍 o r 航 d 蜻蜓 -inspired y fl n o g a r d A

似 afi酷 n A 是 拍機 t新航 特 色 , 更 r o r r a 具 P ume 型別 法國 Cons 和外     的 計 ,設  HDR攝錄 蜻蜓 4K 支援 首部 。 拍機 by 級航 drone ot, looks w e n r , the y Par t Anafi compan is the firs h t I Frenc ragonfly. rone to d d like a er-grade lming. fi m u cons t 4K HDR r o supp n Ng

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108 E L I T E G E N. C A



戲機手 點像遊 掣 手掣有起手機夾手 掣 , 拉 啟。 開 ke a 便自動ntroller is li at h o t c le The g conso the gamin ated when er ld iv t o c ne h is a e pho mobil . d e is lift

Anafi機身輕巧,只有320克重,長條形機身加上「X」 形的機臂,官方稱之為「昆蟲仿生Insect Bioinspired」設 計,毋須轉出機臂,只要拉出前後兩邊的機臂即可,開合 極為方便。

拍攝4K HDR影片 Anafi內置解像度5,344×4,016的21MP CCD,能攝錄 4K影片,4K攝錄時可做到1.4倍無損變焦;還另設有一個 Film Mode讓用戶自行設定移動、轉向等速度的功能,就算 推盡遙桿也不會突然加速,令拍攝畫面更暢順;加上Dolly Zoom滑動變焦效果,可拍出更具電影感的畫面。 Anafi完全外露的鏡頭特別用上跟機身不同的白色,以 便飛行時易於分辨機頭、機尾,而且鏡頭可作180度由上至 下的俯仰式(即負90度至正90度)旋轉,能拍到航拍機上方 的影像,適合於一些山崖吊橋之類的環境拍攝,是同級機 種中首見。

充電極方便 Anafi的抗風能力達50km/hr,圖傳最遠為4公里;至於 手掣,只要向上拉出手機夾便自動開啟手掣,掣上只有「自 動返航」及「升降」鍵,食指位左右各有快捷鍵(鏡頭回中及 拍攝)及撥掣(鏡頭上下轉向及變焦),但就不能自定功能。 Anafi飛行時間最長25分鐘,電池用上USB-C插頭, 並支援PD(Power Delivery),可直接裝在機身充電,亦可 拆出只充電池;手掣也是用USB-C ,如使用新款Android Smartphone便可一線多用。

總結 由於試機當日下著大雨,所以只能在部分露天的位置 下短暫試飛,在有點風的下雨天環境,機身也算穩定,由 於飛行時的天色較暗,未能真正看到HDR的威力,但初步 看畫質不錯,至於1.4×無損變焦雖不算多,但必要時也有 點用;值得一讚是飛行時噪音明顯較低。開機及收機也覺 輕鬆,收機時只要一手拿起便可收起機臂。 只是手掣有點像遊戲機手掣,感覺有點大;另鏡頭雖 可作180°旋轉拍出更多不同角度的畫面,但對鏡頭的保護 性也相對減低,飛行時要留意。

Anafi is very lightweight, at just 320 grams. Its elongated body and crossed arms are “insect bio-inspired”. It’s foldable, so it’s easy to pick up and launch anytime, anywhere.

4K HDR sHoots Fitted with 21MP CCD with 5,344×4,016 resolution and a 1.4x lossless digital zoom, Anafi is equipped to shoot 4K video. It has a Film Mode, which lets the user set the speed for moving and changing direction. It means that even when the controller is pushed to the max, the pictures will look smooth. the Dolly Zoom function delivers pictures of cinematic quality. It’s easy to tell where the white lens is pointing because of the contrasting black body. Another novelty is that the lens can tilt +90o or -90o vertically. shooting images above the drone, such as a cliff or a drawbridge, is now possible.

HAnDy ReCHARgIng Anafi has wind resistance of up to 50km/hr and a maximum transmission range of four kilometres. the controller is automatically activated when the mobile phone holder is lifted. the controller offers controls for “return to home” and moving up and down. At the index finger position, there is a speed button (for centring the lens and shooting) and a tilt button (for tilting the lens and adjusting focus). the controller doesn’t offer user settings, however. Anafi has a battery life of 25 minutes. It features a UsB-C charging port and supports PD (power delivery). the battery can be charged either attached or detached from the drone. the controller also has a UsB-C port. this means you only need to have the latest cable for Android smartphones to work with this drone.

sUMMARy Despite the rain and breeze on test day, the drone was relatively stable. It was quite a dark day as well, so the full potential of HDR wasn’t apparent. still, the quality of the video was good. the 1.4x lossless digital zoom is not much, but it is handy nonetheless. the upside is the low-noise operation, and launching and putting away is a simple one-hand operation. the controller is like a gaming console and feels a little bulky. As the lens can tilt 180o, it means it is exposed to harm, and this is worth bearing in mind.

SPECS 感光元件 Image Sensor: 21MP 1/2.4"CMOS 鏡頭 Lens: ASPH非球面鏡片 (Low-dispersion aspherical lens) 光圈 Aperture: f/2.4 快門 Shutter speed: 1/10,000s 焦距 Focal length: (相當於35mm)(35mm format equivalent): 23-69mm(相片) (photo), 26-78mm (影片)(video) ISO: 100-3,200 移動範圍 Tilt:-90° to +90° 影像穩定器 Stabilization: 3-axis hybrid 最長飛行時間 Battery life: 25min 最大抗風能力 Wind resistance: 50km/h 最高飛行高度 Max. altitude: 150m 最遠傳送範圍 Max. transmission range: 4km 電池 Battery: 2,700mAh 連接 Charging port: USB-C (folded), 體積 Size: 244×67×65mm (摺合後) 175×240×65mm (unfolded) (打開後) 重量 Weight: 320g

$899.99 只要單手拿着中間位置機臂的 交叉位,便可收起機臂拿走, 相當方便。 It folds away when picked up in the mid-section.

For more info, visit



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