Jan / Feb 2018 EliteGen Calgary

Page 1


A publication by Sing Tao Media Group January/February


January/February 2018 Vol. 32 Calgary


Fashion Headline

Boots Redefined

秋季新袋特集 Fall bags are here


Watch Story

Lexus Goes Upmarket With Hybrids



Diving Watches

Richard Mille Bright Diamonds


Elite Car


Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio 2017

Angel Blessed



Leanne Li 李亞男 CAN$4.99

Masthead 32

A publication by Sing Tao Media Group January/February


January/February 2018 Vol. 32 Calgary


Fashion Headline

Boots Redefined

秋季新袋特集 Fall bags are here


Watch Story

Lexus Goes Upmarket With Hybrids



Diving Watches

Richard Mille Bright Diamonds


Read Online: EliteGen.singtao.ca

Angel Blessed


App: “EliteGen”in App Store & Google Play

Elite Car


Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio 2017


Leanne Li 李亞男 CAN$4.99

EG032_Cover_hires_final.indd 3

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer

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29/12/2017 4:38:27

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Ross Hopkins 易珮華 Clarice Yik Marc Atchison, Grace Chan, Joanne Chan, Lorne Drury, Kenson Ho, Gloria Lo, Zoe Mak, Crystal Ng, Monessa Ng, Renée S. Suen, Shuk Wa Tsang, George Verdolaga, Livian Wu, Iris Yim, Miranda Yiu

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contents JAN


Watch stoRy

28 鑽光

RichARd Mille BRight diAMonds

coveR stoRy


萬千寵愛的天使 李亞男



Blessed Angel: leAnne li


VAn cleef & ARpels MAgic KingdoM

Watch neWs

34 Panerai狗年生肖錶 One fOr the dOg

Men’s Picks

54 針織男孩 knit BOys

Fashion headline

42 4大流行靴款 BOOts redefined


56 百花齊放 gucci BlOOm

Fashion neWs

48 喜氣洋洋迎狗年 red fOr lOve gOld fOr luck

Beauty neWs

58 綻放煥膚力量 lancôme let the rOse glOw

53 金光閃閃喜迎春 have a gOld and sParkly chinese new year RunWay

50 色即是hOmme ami true cOlOurs By hOmme

59 極速提升肌膚緊緻度 estée lauder raPid lift

contents JAN




2018 家居潮

2018 hoMe decoRAting tRends

elite caR



lexus lc 500h lexus goes upMARKet with hyBRids



1886 - 溫哥華高級食府新成員 1886: VAncouVeR’s newest fine dining RestAuRAnt opens


60 凍齡術 hOw tO stay ageless

elite liFe

86 茶馬古道 the tea exPlOrer


66 揭開hammam土耳其浴室神秘面紗 unleash the mystiQue Of Peace and serenity at miraJ hammam sPa


94 讓音樂半透明 B&O BeOPlay e8 half-transParent music


74 美味魔法 araxi restaurant a taste Of magic


96 「滙豐卓越理財◆尚玉」計劃 Jade By hsBc: a luxury exPerience

Wine not

78 元祖風味 nOstalgic arOma

e • staGRaM

98 關注星尚ig,緊貼潮流 elitegen gOes sOcial


80 東京綠洲 tOkyO's Only 5-star traditiOnal inn

部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 All prices are in CAD unless otherwise specified. 除特別標明外,所有價錢以加幣計算。

Dress Code Lily Lee 自小已經是時裝精,曾修讀時裝設計,並夢想成為時裝設計師,致力宣揚 「飯可以不吃,衣服不可以不買」 的精神。 近年由藝人轉型為Fashionista,在網上撰寫時裝專欄,同時身兼網上節目 《谷乜Trend》 監制及主持,分享時尚及美容資訊。 Born with an eye for fashion and style, becoming a fashion designer was always Lily’s dream. Now that she’s a fashionista, not only does she have her own styling blog, but she also directs and hosts the reality show Music Live Valley, where fashion and beauty trends are explored.

ClassiCal Beauty

復古 典雅



Feminine Charm

女人 味濃


youthFul exuBeranCe

活潑 朝氣


Nancy Wu

Priscilla Wong

Joey Yung

胡定欣的紅色高領長袖晚裝裙雖然密實,但相當復 古優雅,貼身設計也讓其佼好身型展露無遺,肩膊 位的鑽石鈕和腰間的心形腰帶扣更是畫龍點睛,簡 約中見高貴。

黃翠如這PAUL & JOE晚裝裙,顯出少有的女人 味,再以金色耳環和高跟鞋,時尚度大增,令人耳 目一新。

Fausto Puglisi這襲黑裙雖然簡單,但標緻的刺繡圖 案,加上容祖兒配搭一對Jimmy Choo帥氣長靴, 倍添玩味,最喜歡她所選的紅白色手袋,更覺朝氣 十足。

Nancy Wu’s red high-collar, long-sleeve evening gown seems conservative, but is a great example of graceful elegance. The tight-fitting design shows off her perfect figure. Particularly eye-catching are the simple, yet elegant, diamond buttons on the shoulder and the heartshaped belt buckle.

Priscilla Wong’s Paul and Joe evening gown is very fem. With gold earrings and heels, the look is refreshingly trendy.

This Fausto Puglisi dress seems simple, but the attractive embroidery, the trendy Jimmy Choo long boots and the red-and-white handbag make this look playful and youthful.




Dress Code

Flying Colours

神采 飛揚



hurray For houndstooth

甜美 千鳥


Folksy harmony

懷舊 和諧


Yumiko Cheng

Janice Man

Stefanie Sun

Yumiko身型高挑,穿上套裝格外好看,加上紅色 Acne Studios西裝款式新潮,配以Stella McCartney 絲帶領口的白色恤衫,益覺神采飛揚。

JM這身Moncler打扮,打破沉悶的冬日衣著色彩, 即使以橫條上衣配千鳥格,仍不覺眼花繚亂,反 而甜蜜和諧,再以粉紅色高跟鞋配白襪,充滿少女 味。

孫燕姿這以深藍和淺藍的粗幼間條拼砌的大褸,不 但不覺繚亂,反而甚是和諧,配以黑色短靴,很有 七十年代懷舊感覺。如若能配上簡潔髮型,將會更 加俐落。

Yumiko Cheng is tall and slim, which makes her look good in suits. This red Acne Studios suit has a trendy look. Matched with a white Stella McCartney shirt with a ribbon collar, the look is quite energizing.

JM’s Moncler look breaks away from the usual boring winter wear. The striped shirt with an island look doesn’t seem too gawdy, but looks sweet and harmonious. With the pink heels and white socks, the look is quite youthful.

This coat with dark and light blue stripes does not look busy, but rather seems well coordinated. With a pair of short black boots, the look is quite retro ’70s. She would have an even cleaner look if she had a simple hairstyle.




instant FoCal Point

即時 搶鏡

demure Florals

收起 性感

my Fair lady

典雅 淑女

Angelina Jolie

Margot Robbie

Jennifer Garner

Angelina Jolie的銀色長裙看上去其實頗像浴袍,但 那又如何?依然輕易成為焦點,最強級數的女星, 正正有這種魅力!

新晉性感女神Margot Robbie這次不以性感示人, 露兩邊膊位的花花長裙加了黑布做裝飾,相當有特 色,帶出罕有的清新感。

作為典型美式淑女,Jennifer Garner向來很有個人 風格,這次身穿酒紅色單膊長裙,由內到外都典雅 無比。

Angelina Jolie’s silver dress looks rather like a bathrobe. Still, a superstar like her has the ability to turn it into a focal point.

Sexy star Margot Robbie is trying not to be sexy this time. This look is surprisingly refreshing, with a sleeveless floral dress decorated with black ribbons.

American beauty Jennifer Garner has a very strong personal style. This burgundy off-theshoulder dress is elegant inside and out.

裙 Dress:Jenny Packham 鞋 Shoes:Charlotte Olympia 首飾 Accessories:Tiffany & Co.

裙 Dress:Louis Vuitton 首飾 Accessories:Cartier

裙 Dress:Johanna Ortiz

網評:一洗早前的疲態,狀態回勇。 Comments from netizens: Returning to her usual strong presentations.

網評:依然非常吸引。 Comments from netizens: Still very attractive.

網評:也要有她鍛練得這樣好的身形,才能 駕馭得到這裙。 Comments from netizens: Jennifer's superfit body is a perfect fit for the dress.








Cover Story

Navy blue print blazer Navy blue print trousers Both from Marc Cain

Blessed Angel 萬千寵愛的天使

Leanne Li 李亞男

text | Candy Woo styling | Lucas Tang photo | Terence Man hair | Eas Fu @ Fifth Salon makeup | Christy Lam location | 香港芬名酒店 (The Fleming Hong Kong





拍封面照這天,和李亞男相處了一個上午,發現1 米75女神外表之下,原來是溫室小 花,小時候有父母寵愛,育成又純又真的選美冠軍,是王祖藍眼中「掉進凡間的天 使」 ,兩年前有情人終於修成正果,外間的風雨,由內心強大的祖藍去擋,天使 只需要繼續被寵,最大的煩惱,只是今晚吃什麼菜,怎不讓人羨慕? After spending a morning with Leanne Li on the day of the cover shoot, we found that her five-foot-nine frame hides a “greenhouse flower”. She was protected by her parents growing up, and became a beauty queen with refreshing innocence. Her other half, Wong Cho-lam, thinks of her as “angel on earth”. Since their love was sealed two years ago, Wong and his powerful personality have been her shield, and the angel only needs to enjoy the love around her, worrying only about what she needs to

Learning to understand Since Leanne Li and Wong Cho-lam tied

cook for dinner. Isn’t

the knot, they have built an intimate world for

that blissful?

themselves. When hubby ventured into China, his career took off. Soon, rumours emerged that Li was suffering from depression, but she was quick to clear the air, saying: “I was just a little depressed and unhappy at times. It wasn’t depression.” Downcast is not the same as being depressed.

學習體諒 李亞男與王祖藍婚後,甜蜜經營二人世界。祖

But why would this blessed new bride feel gloomy at all? “My expectation of married life was too high,”


she concedes. “The Bible says marriage is two


persons becoming one, so I thought that we would


be doing everything together after getting married.


But he had to work in China for three months just


after we got married and I was left alone at home.


When I felt lonely, I asked myself: ‘Why do I feel


as alone as before getting married?’ I had a hard


time getting used to it.” Fortunately, she has since


learned to understand her emotions and has not let


a low spirit descend into depression.

獨的呢?』這段日子好難適應。」慶幸她學懂體諒, 壞情緒才沒有惡化成抑鬱。

“Before our marriage, we weren’t together a lot either. I was doing many things on my own. After


getting married, I gave up jobs that required shooting


in China for months on end in order to look after my


husband. I have since come to terms that Cho-lam is


the boss of his company and needs to look after all


his staff, not just me. I must be understanding.”






鑽研廚藝 她沒開口投訴,但祖藍很細心,察覺端倪,自發抽時間陪伴太太, 「以前他工作太忙,會乾脆在公司留宿,但現在會盡量回家陪伴我,只 待我回加拿大探親時,才在公司OT,我也當過藝人,明白他的工作有 多繁重,他已經推掉好多中國剪綵、綜藝節目,盡量留港,最近他開始 籌備第一部自編自導自演電影,又要拍福祿壽十周年特輯,留港時間會 更多。」 丈夫體貼陪伴,亞男便以美食回饋,近年努力鑽研廚藝,拜訪她的 Ig,一半是食物照片,成績似乎相當不俗,「丈夫喜歡在家開party,感 覺比較舒服,又有多點私隱,他約家人、朋友聚會,我就做大廚。」 亞男廚房專門出品美味中菜,二十人派對也應付自如,不過令她 苦惱的是:「有時說只有八個客人,結果來了十幾二十人,幸好家中儲 備充足,才可以臨時加菜,不過為維持出品質素,十個人就最理想不 過!」 現在烹調美食,已讓她十分忙碌,生活充實了,但她謙稱廚藝不 精,仍停留在trial and error階段,「我沒有正式上過烹飪班,想做甚麼 菜,就上youtube看示範短片,第一次試做成功,已經好開心。」她自抖 糗事:「結婚前,我的廚藝是地獄級,煲雜菜湯會傻得加雞精,祖藍飲 完口渴得要狂飲水,完全沒天分。」

Erdem Kuni pleated metallic jacquard dress $1,357 (theoutnet.com)














女性,不要做家庭 『煮』 婦。」

人。」祖藍熟悉太太性格,所以為她構想了藝人以外的另一個發展 路向。

在李媽媽心目中,亞男是公主,在家十指不沾陽春水,備受 呵護。「小時候媽媽管得很嚴,同學打電話找我,媽媽一定會問是 誰來電,外出更加要她批准,所以我變得文靜內向,一心只想大 學畢業後跟爸爸一樣從事藝術工作,或者當個平面設計師。」

廚房創作 丈夫兼老闆見證她的廚藝大躍進,為表欣賞,於是提議幫她 出食譜,亞男聲明自己不是鼎爺級專業,食譜只是紀錄她的廚藝







代表溫哥華到香港參選華裔小姐,得到冠軍,然後跟TVB簽約, 媽媽緊張得寸步不離。

Honing cooking skills While she hasn’t complained, Wong understands what’s going on and makes time for her. “He used to spend the night in the office when work was


to the recipes quickly. However, I think the quality will be at its best for groups of about 10 people.” Li says cooking has enriched her life, but feels she’s still in the trial-and-error stage when it comes to her culinary talents. “I have never taken proper cooking classes. I go on YouTube

hectic,” Li says. “Now he will make a point of coming home. He

to watch how certain dishes are done. If it works in the first try, I’ll

only stays in the office to work when I go back to Canada for visits.

be very happy. “Before getting married, my cooking was inedible. I would add chicken stock into minestrone. Cho-lam had to gulp

“I am an artist too, so I know how demanding his work can be. He has already turned down a number of jobs at ribbon-cuttings and on variety shows in China to stay in Hong Kong as much as possible. He is working on a script for a project that he will direct and play the lead. At the same time, he is involved in the 10th anniversary show of Fuk Luk Sou (TVB’s comedy trio). He will be spending more time in Hong Kong.” Li has been honing her culinary skills, and when her husband is at home, she rewards him with good home-cooked meals. She’s also quite happy to be in the kitchen and prepare for larger gatherings.

relaxing and private. He brings together his family and friends, and I’ll be the cook.” Li is great with Chinese cuisine, and she can handle a party of 20 people with aplomb. “Sometimes we plan for eight people, but end up with 10, 20 people. Fortunately, we are well stocked at home, and I can add



Protected species Part of her cooking knowledge came from watching her mother, who would prepare a different dish every day of the week. But Li remained unconvinced that cooking was for her. “In my younger days, I thought cooking in the kitchen was old-fashioned. I wanted to be a career woman, not a home cook.” As mentioned earlier, Li had a protective upbringing and, she says, “My mother was very strict when I was little. When my classmates called, she would interrogate who it was. If I were to go out, I

“My husband loves to have parties at home because it’s more


water after drinking the soup. I showed no talent for it at all.”


needed her permission. “I was quite reserved because of that. My plan was to have a career in art after graduation, like my father, or become a graphic designer.” At the age of 12, her mother sent Li to a modelling agency to learn the manners of a lady. “Beauty pageants might have been an unfulfilled wish of mother’s. At church, a lot of people urged me to take part in the

女友,第一次食她的慢煮牛排,簡直一試難忘,她好厲害,只要說得出,她都能煮到, 全靠她很有耐性教我,令我發掘到自己也有點烹飪天分。」 大學時她主修藝術,常常一個人在家中的畫室創作,現在她移師到廚房創作,也是 一門藝術,「現在玩cooking art,享受一個人切切煮煮,丈夫問我要不要請工人,我也 say no,人多就會分心。」 她不需要助手,只希望認真進修廚藝,第一個選擇,當然是世界聞名的法國藍帶廚 藝學校,「問過毛姐(毛舜筠),她沒有去法國,只報讀在東京開辦的課程,雖然日本機 程只是幾小時,但要上九個月課,我跟丈夫協議過,不能分開超過三個月,所以惟有擱 置這個念頭,改為考慮香港的廚藝學校。」 Marc Cain navy blue print blouse


Nocturne shell necklace

備,不斷向媽媽級朋友取經,希望出書過後,可以安心調理身體,用輕鬆心情實行BB 計劃。」 剛33歲的亞男,時間還多着呢!

beauty pageant in Vancouver. Mother didn’t resist the idea.” Li, who was born in Shanghai but emigrated with her family to Canada at a young age, represented Vancouver in TVB’s Miss Chinese International Pageant in 2005 at the age of 20 and took the crown. She then signed a contract with TVB, and her attentive mother was always by her side. “Mother didn’t want to leave me alone in Hong Kong. She thought I was too innocent and honest, and I might be taken advantage of in showbiz, so she stayed to keep me company and watch the people around me. “She would remind me, ‘Leanne, this person is sarcastic. Watch out.’ Haha, I’m still simple in my ways, and don’t know how to curry favour to move ahead. Perhaps I’m not cut out for showbiz.”






Carving a culinary path As her entrepreneurial husband has witnessed her making tremendous progress with her culinary skills, he has

“I’m playing with cooking art at the moment, and enjoy the process of cutting and chopping alone. My husband asked if I wanted to have a domestic helper. I said ‘no’, because it can be distracting to have more hands.”

suggested publishing a recipe book for her. Li maintains she is not at the level of her namesake, Steve Li, who is currently

She doesn’t need an assistant, but wants to learn more

running his own cooking show and private kitchen. The

about culinary art. Her first thought was to take a Cordon Bleu

recipe book is seen more as a means of charting her culinary


progress. “I asked Teresa (Mo). She didn’t go to France for that, “The thinking at the moment is to demonstrate each dish

but took classes in Tokyo. Though Japan is only a few hours

and tell the story and the missteps behind it to encourage girls

away, the course will take nine months. I have an agreement

who don’t cook: ‘If I can, you shouldn’t give up!’ Hopefully, it

with my husband that we can’t be apart for longer than

will be ready before Chinese New Year.”

three months, so I’ve set aside that idea for now, and am considering studying at a Hong Kong cooking school.” Li says

There is one person she credits with inspiring her and for turning cooking into a career. “It was the girlfriend of Louis Yuen (one of the Fuk, Luk,

the recipe book is her top priority for 2018 and that plans for a baby are on hold. “I am well ready though, and have been getting tips from

Sau comedians),” she says. “Her slow-cooked steak was

friends who are mothers,” she says. “Hopefully, after the book

unforgettable. She is really good, and is able to make anything

is published, I can get my body ready for having a baby, with

you can name. Thanks to her patient guidance, I have

an open and relaxed mind.”

uncovered a little cooking talent.” The former fine arts major at the University of British Columbia often paints in her home workshop, as well as bringing her artistic talent to the kitchen.





Having just celebrated her 33rd birthday, Li still has plenty of time.



Watch Story


Bright diamonds RichaRd Mille text | Ringo photo | Zuak


Richard Mille的陽剛不用多解釋,世界頂

Luxury Swiss watchmaker Richard Mille’s timepieces


are renowned for their masculinity and worn by world-


class tennis players, sprinters, car racers and martial

Richard Mille同樣照顧周到,纖薄的、閃

art stars. What about the soft feminine side? It’s there


in Richard Mille too. There are slim-lined, sparkly and


blossoming choices for the sophisticated.




RM 67-01 Automatic Extra Flat 在Richard Mille的世界,輕和薄都手到拿來。 當年為拿度製造了連錶帶也僅重19克的RM27-01,成為全球最輕機 械錶;以品牌的靈魂形狀 — 酒桶出場的RM67-01,心臟部分CRMA6自 動機芯只厚3.6mm,連錶殼厚度只有7.75mm,18K玫瑰金錶殼的尺寸為 38.7×47.52mm。Openworked錶盤可透視機芯運作。除了薄,還不能忽視 美感。功能選擇顯示設於2時位置,5時位置是垂直的日期視窗。錶盤上的數 字時刻以實心金屬鍛造,安裝於一對相連、直接附屬於機芯的鈦合金軌道, 再填上Luminova夜光材料,視覺效果驟然而提升。如把腕錶試戴上手,你 會體驗到品牌前所未有的輕盈貼服,還隱藏一股低調氣派。(約24萬元) in the Richard Mille world, light and slim are readily available. The RM27-01, tailor-made for Rafael Nadal, weighs a mere 19 grams and lays claim to the honour as the world’s lightest mechanical watch. Meanwhile, the RM67-01, in the brand’s defining tonneau shape, is powered by a cRMa6 automatic calibre only 3.6 millimetres thick, giving the watch a very slim profile of 7.75 millimetres in an 18-karat case measuring 38.7×47.52 millimetres. The open-worked dial shows the calibre in all its glory. Other than being slim, aesthetics count too. at 2 o’clock is the function indicator, and at 5 o’clock is the vertical date window. The hour markers, coated in luminova, are satin solid metal and mounted on a pair of titanium rails fixed on to the movement to enhance the visual appeal. it hugs the wrist with unprecedented lightness and gives off understated sophistication. ($240,000 approx.)





Watch Story

RM 037 Ladies Richard Mille約5年前推出的RM 037 Ladies腕

Richard Mille introduced the RM 037 Ladies about five years ago. The


52.63×34.4-millimetre, tonneau-shaped case is more slender than the men’s


version. The brand’s signature skeletonized dial is applied here too. Diamonds


form a tonneau inside the tonneau case.




The functions are practical ¬– big date at 12 o’clock, function selection


at 3 o’clock and a pusher at 4 o’clock to set the crown for winding or time


adjustment. A bracelet version has been introduced, which takes 65 hours of


cutting and polishing to achieve the red gold effect and the fit. It is a reflection


of Richard Mille’s meticulous craftsmanship. The watch is powered by a


CRMA1 automatic calibre with power reserve of 50 hours. ($460,000 approx.)




RM 07-01 Open Link RM 07-01自動上鏈腕錶是兩種機械工藝的完美融合,在酒桶 形錶殼設計的婀娜線條下,其核心是品牌自主設計的新款CRMA2 機芯。這款自動上鏈機芯採用高鏤空設計專為RM 07-01打造,機 芯承載可變慣性擺輪,以便在長期使用中保持精確性能。一貫的 酒桶形錶殼設計,中心鑲嵌寶石的錶盤讓人過目不忘,水滴形的 時間刻度與機芯的線條互相輝映。腕錶早期配襯同色調鏈帶,翌 年新增了鏈環,之後再推出鑲鑽鏈環款式,45.66×31.4mm的紅 金及白金錶殼和鏈環,密鑲璀璨奪目的鑽石。(約38萬元) The RM 07-01 automatic-winding watch integrates two forms of mechanical watchmaking craftsmanship. inside the alluring tonneau shape is the brand’s proprietary new cRMa2 movement. its skeletonized design is fashioned specifically for RM 07-01. The movement featuring a rotor with variable inertia, which enables the watch to maintain precision over long-term use. The iconic tonneau case, with a gem-set dial, makes an impression. The waterdrop-shaped hour markers echo the streamlined shape of the watch. an earlier version of the watch came with a bracelet of the same tone. The updated version introduced a year later added a chain bracelet, followed by a diamond-set chain bracelet. The 45.66×31.4-millimetre red and white gold case and chain bracelet sparkle with paved diamonds. ($380,000 approx.)





Watch Story

RM 033 Extra Flat Automatic Richard Mille於2007年突破性地推出長方形錶殼;並於2011

Richard Mille broke with tradition and introduced a rectangular


watch in 2007. He played again with shapes in 2011, with a round


RM033 boasting an even flatter case. As the RMXPI calibre uses a


micro-rotor, the thickness has been reduced drastically. Together


with the 45.7-millimetre case, it is just 6.3 millimetres thick, 20 per


cent flatter than its predecessors.

能。 (約22萬元) To compensate for lower efficiency in winding with a micro-rotor, heftier platinum is used to enhance its inertia and performance. ($220,000 approx.)





RM 016 Extra Flat Automatic RM 016的尺碼是49.8 x 38mm,尺寸跟一般Richard

The RM 016 measures 49.8x38 millimetres, similar to typical Richard Mille


watches. however, its profile at 8.25 millimetres is significantly thinner than its


peers. it is the brand’s first square watch, which took 400 hours to research,


develop and sketch, and 18 days to adjust production machinery.

400小時,調校生產的機器更要花上18天,然後再經過202 個不同的生產步驟,才能完成一個錶殼。錶殼分鈦金屬、

it takes 202 steps to finish a case, which comes in titanium, 18-karat red


and white gold and the diamond version as pictured, with diamonds scattered


in geometric shapes around the dial. The centre is decorated with the brand’s


signature screw.

腕錶搭載RM 005-S自動機芯,除了時分功能,在7時位 置還設有日期小窗,動力儲存則有55小時。 (約16萬元)

The watch is powered by the RM 005-S automatic calibre, featuring a date window at 7 o’clock. it has power reserve of 55 hours. ($160,000 approx.)





Watch News 第「狗」 ……,不,第十枚生肖錶

PANERAI One fOr the dOg

Panerai生肖腕錶,由09年開始打造,到2018年的狗年是第十枚了。 The 2018 Year of the Dog watch is the 10th member of Panerai’s Chinese zodiac collection that began in 2009. text | Ringo photo | TPK






If you have been collecting these gems since the Year of the Ox, and


have already acquired Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey

年Luminor 1950 Sealand 3 Days Automatic Acciaio

and Rooster, then you better take action to stake your claim to one of the

Year of Dog腕錶,就要及早預訂了,再過兩年購 入豬、鼠版本,十二年的儲物工程便大功告 成。

88 pieces of Luminor 1950 Sealand 3 Days Automatic Acciaio Year of the Dog. Get your hands on the Pig and the Rat versions over the next two years and the 12-year-long collection will be complete.

Panerai狗年腕錶由品牌手藝高超的雕 刻工匠,以古老技藝Sparsello,雕琢

Panerai’s Year of the Dog watch utilizes the ancient


technique of Sparsello practised by the brand’s skilful

屏幕上,看到工匠把精鋼錶蓋上一刀 一刀雕刻上凹槽,看到何謂揮灑自 如,看到一雙巧手如何心神合一地 在錶蓋飛舞。之後的步驟是把錶

artisans, who expertly cut grooves into the steel. The case is then polished and inlaid with gold threads in multiple layers that are beaten until they fill the grooves.

蓋打磨,再嵌入多層平行金絲, 繼而拷錘修飾,令金絲好好填滿

Stating the obvious, one slip of the


carving knife will ruin this intricate piece of


craftmanship. Having had the privilege of


watching the Sparsello process in person,


we realized what a treasure this watch is.

一塊錶蓋如何得來不易。 Lift the lid, and the dial with hours, minutes, 翻開錶蓋看到顯示時、分、秒

seconds and date window appears, along with


the words Panerai and Luminor Sealand. Its P.9000

Panerai名字,還有Luminor Sealand字

automatic mechanism offers three days power reserve.

樣;由能提供3日動力的P.9000自動上鏈機 芯驅動,44mm錶殼以316L磨砂精鋼製,防 水深度達100米。 (限量88枚,約$30,000)

The 44-millimetre case, made of 316L brushed steel, is water resistant to 100 metres. (Limited edition of 88 pieces, priced at approximately $30,000 per piece)





Jewelry 擁有逾百年歷史的法國殿堂級珠寶世家品牌Van Cleef & Arpels, 每個高級珠寶系列背後,皆有專屬的主題故事,今回要訴說的,就 是「秘密」。品牌創作團隊妙用出色的珠寶製作工藝,讓每件新作均 隱藏着獨特的小玩意,或叫人意想不到的有趣細節,使這個名為Le Secret的新系列,倍顯出類拔萃。


Van Cleef & arpels



ingdom text | Maisie Lau photos | provided by Van Cleef & Arpels

For more than a century, Van Cleef & Arpels has had a theme for each high jewelry collection. We are going to share with you its new “secret”. The brand’s creative team has deftly put a unique feature or interesting detail into each piece, making the “Le Secret” collection even more spectacular than the fabled brand’s already high-quality work.

Fun Set Le Secret 趣意盎意Le Secret

「秘密」,其實一直是品牌的創作精髓與魅力所在,就 像為人熟悉的隱密式鑲嵌 (Mystery Set) 。製作新系列的作 品時,設計師花盡心思,運用形形色色的創作點子,把充 滿趣味的意念,加注於首飾的細節或小機關之中。趣意盎 然的設計,不僅帶來視覺上的刺激及新鮮感,更可藉着猶 如Hide and Seek的探索過程,傳達不同的情感。 The “secret” collection shows off the brand’s creativity and skills. Just like the more famous “mystery set”, the designers have put a lot of thought into their use of whimsical concepts in the jewelry’s details and features for a fresh and visually stimulating appearance.





message des Hirondelles necklace Message des Hirondelles頸鏈

以18K白金及玫瑰金,鑲嵌五十二顆分別以枕形、三 角弧形及橢圓形切割、共重142.1卡的馬達加斯加淡 紫色藍寶石,另配鑽石、彩色藍寶石、珊瑚及紅色琺 瑯。頸鏈的珠寶搭扣內藏 「秘密」 ,只要把附有一雙小 燕子的絲帶結打開,即可見一個以紅色心形琺瑯密封 的玫瑰金小信封,寓意重拾快樂的希望。 Set with 18-karat white and rose gold, this piece features 52 pieces of pillow-cut, fancy-cut, and oval-cut Madagascaran mauve sapphires weighing a total of 142.1 carats, plus diamonds, multi-coloured sapphires, coral and red enamel. The necklace’s clasp holds a “secret”. Once your untie the ribbon with a pair of swallows on it, you will see a small rose gold envelope sealed with a red enamel heart, which symbolizes hope and joy.






Sending a message through jewelry 借彩寶傳情達意

天然寶石本身蘊藏各種含意,同時流露不同風格。Le Secret高級珠寶系列正選用了豐富的色彩寶石作為主要素 材,再配合不可或缺的鑽石,以及不同色調的貴金屬,創 製出變化多端的精緻瑰寶。 Natural gemstones have unique meanings and can show off different styles. “Le Secret” high jewelry collection uses these richly colourful gems as main ingredients, and matches them with diamonds or precious metals to create colourful and beautiful pieces of art.





Papillon Secret Watch Papillon Secret腕錶

以18K白金鑲嵌一顆重達14.57卡的祖母綠切割哥倫比亞祖母 綠,另配以鑽石、祖母綠、黑色尖晶石、縞瑪瑙及白色珍珠 貝母。腕錶採用手動上鏈機械機芯。蝴蝶造型設計的高級珠 寶隱密腕錶,早於一九二○年代開始,已成為品牌的其中一 項招牌創作。佩戴者只要以指尖移動蝴蝶的後翅,即可露出 隱藏其後的珍珠貝母錶盤。這枚祖母綠蝴蝶腕錶,亦具有呈 現生命之美好的意思。 Symbolizing life, this emerald butterfly watch contains a 14.57-carat emerald-cut Colombian emerald, set with 18-karat white gold, diamonds, black spinel, onyx and white mother of pearl. This watch has a hand-winding movement and its butterfly shape has been a signature design of Van Cleef and Arpels since the 1920s. The wearer needs to move the butterfly’s back wing with the fingertip to reveal the hidden mother-of-pearl dial.

Pétale de Papillon Brooch Pétale de Papillon胸針

以18K黃金及白金,鑲嵌鑽石、黃色及淡紫色藍寶石、 祖母綠、錳鋁榴石及沙弗萊石、縞瑪瑙及舒俱徠石。此 款可轉換式胸針,採用花朵造型設計,花冠中央藏有一 隻蝴蝶,其色彩與花色融為一體。「機關」就是將其中一 片花瓣拉下,即可見一隻栩栩如生的蝴蝶。綠葉部分鑲 嵌祖母綠及沙弗萊石,與鑲嵌了黃色及淡紫色藍寶石的 花瓣互相輝映。胸針結構如真正花卉般微垂半開,花莖 底部還鑲嵌了一顆梨形切割鑽石。 Made with 18-karat yellow and white gold, diamonds, yellow and light purple sapphires, emeralds, almandine, chaflexite, onyx and schreskstrasse, this brooch is transformable. The flower hides a butterfly in the middle, which has the same colour as the flower. The trick is to pull down one of the petals to reveal a life-like butterfly. The green leaves contain emeralds and tsavorite, which contrasts with the petals bearing yellow and light purple petals. The brooch is half-open like a real flower, with a pear-cut diamond on the floral stem.






Exquisite patented techniques 專有技術巧奪天工


To use different gems to make details and special designs with


hidden secrets, the artisan’s technical skills must be superior. During

序上,當中少不了運用品牌的簽名式技術,如隱密式鑲嵌 (Mystery Set) 及黃金之手 (Mains D’or) 等。正因為品牌團

the setting process, there are many signature techniques used, such

隊在各方面的完美配合,我們方可欣賞到完全把金屬部分 隱藏,如散發寶石璀璨光芒的Colombe Mystérieuse飛鴿

that in the Colombe Mystérieuse flying dove brooch, where the metal

造型胸針、頂部可轉動的Fleur Bleue戒指、部分花瓣可轉 動而呈現出文字信息的Marguerite D’Amour胸針、鳥翼可 打開而見內裏另有迷你雛鳥的Sous Son Aile鸚鵡造型胸

Bleue ring, the top can be turned, while with the Marguerite D’Amour

針,還有錶盤隱藏於蝴蝶翅膀背後的Papillon Secret腕表

bird inside. Finally, the Papillon Secret watch has a dial hidden behind


butterfly wings.

as Mystery Set and Mains D’or. With expert execution, we can see part is completely hidden, showing only sparkling gems. In the Fleur Brooch, some of the petals can turn to reveal letters. The Sous Son Aile parrot brooch features wings, which can open to reveal a baby

The Sous Son aile Brooch Sous Son Aile胸針

以18K白金及玫瑰金鑲嵌紅寶石、粉紅色及黃色藍寶石、錳鋁榴石、黑 色尖晶石、珊瑚、縞瑪瑙、灰色珍珠貝母及鑽石。作品充分演繹出Van Cleef & Arpels的經典風格,皆因它將品牌的兩項著名設計,包括相思 鳥,以及誕生於一九五○年代的專利鑲嵌技術Mystery Set (罌粟花) 完美 地結合在一起。鸚鵡將雛鳥保護在羽翼之下,展現母愛天性。輕輕打開 胸針右翼,便可看見依偎着母親的雛鳥,造型栩栩如生。 Made with 18-karat white and rose gold and set with rubies, pink and yellow sapphires, almandine, black spinel, coral, onyx, grey mother of pearl and diamonds, this piece is a perfect embodiment of Van Cleef and Arpels’ classic style. It is set using the Mystery Set technique developed in 1950. Opening the mother parrot’s right wing reveals a baby parrot.

The making of ... 利用細緻的爪鑲工藝,鑲嵌色澤柔和的淡紫色藍寶石。 Using the detailed claw setting technique, the craftsman sets the softly hued light purple sapphire.





métamorphose du cygne Brooch Métamorphose du Cygne胸針

以18K黃金及白金、鑲嵌彩色藍寶石、錳鋁榴石、黑色尖 晶石、縞瑪瑙及鑽石。設計靈感源自普希金(Alexandre Pouchkine) 的詩歌,以戲劇方式重現公主被施法而變成天鵝 的一幕。轉動胸針的背面,少女的婀娜身形便會消失,並幻 化成浮游於水面的優雅天鵝。一顆玫瑰式切割鑽石,就是少 女的俏臉,色調和諧漸變的藍寶石部分,分別用上淺藍至淡 紫的色彩選擇。 Made of 18-karat yellow and white gold, with multicoloured sapphires, almandine, black spinel, onyx and diamond inlays, this brooch takes its inspiration from Alexander Pushkin’s poem, and theatrically re-enacts the scene in which the princess is turned into a swan by sorcery. Turning this brooch to the back makes the girl figure disappear and become an elegant swan. The girl’s beautiful face is made with a rose-cut diamond. The colours in the sapphire change slowly and steadily into light blue and light purple.

marguerite d’amour Brooch Marguerite D’Amour胸針

以18K白金及黃金,鑲嵌鑽石及橙粉色尖晶石。設計靈感沿自著名占卜玩意: 將雛菊花瓣一片片地剝下,從而得知愛人的心意。當中的黃金鑲鑽石花瓣,均 裝置了隱秘的機關,只要細心轉動花瓣,即可見刻於花瓣背後的信息,分別為 Tendrement (溫柔) 、Passionnement (熱情) 、Eternellement (永恆) 、Infiniment (無盡) 及A la Folie (愛戀) 。每道信息更綴以一顆星形鑲嵌的幸運鑽石。 Made with 18-karat white and yellow gold, and set with diamond and orange-pink spinel, this piece draws its inspiration from the popular fortunetelling game, which pulls off the petals of a daisy one by one to predict the lover’s wish. The yellow fold petal with diamond inlay all carry secret messages. Turning each petal reveals a different message: tendrement, passionnement, eternellement, infinitement and à la folie. Each message is decorated by a diamond.




01•Colombe Mystérieuse造型胸針的紅寶石 「情書」 ,用上品牌享負盛名的Mystery Set技術鑲嵌精製而成。 The Colombe Mystérieuse brooch contains a ruby “love letter”, which is set using the brand’s famous Mystery Set technique. 02•惟有資深工匠,才可靈巧地運用專屬工具來鑲嵌每一顆寶石,以呈現最璀璨的光芒。 Only the most experienced craftsman can deftly use specialized tools to set each gemstone for optimal brilliance. 03•以極幼細纖維編織的棉線,是進行拋光打磨工序的重要工具之一。 The craftsman uses finely woven cotton thread to polish the piece.

(所有珠寶均個別定價) (All pieces are individually priced)





Fashion Headline 終於迎來屬於皮靴的時尚季度,看畢各大品牌在 天橋展示的潮流趨勢,自當明白時尚造型不離4 大流行靴款。 The season for putting on stylish boots is finally here! Taking cues from the runway, we have discerned four major designs for the coming season.

Boots Redefined text & styling | Jay photo | Issac model | Sophie J. @Model Genesis makeup | Becky Kwan hair | Taky Chung@ Fifth Salon

Prada draped satin gown US$2,990 (net-a-porter.com) Dior necklace Fendi red leather cuissard boots $1,710 (fendi.com)





Over-the-knee Boots Trendy or everyday? 女王氣場

今個冬季,過膝長靴再度掀起熱潮。從經典的黑色皮革款到創新 的玩味設計,簡單配搭牛仔褲或短裙,就能散發出時尚感;又或是配 搭質料輕薄的長裙打造出層次感,將難以駕馭的浮誇靴款,融入日常 穿搭之中。 Expect boots to rise above the knees this winter. Be they classic black leather or ones with innovative designs, simply pair them with jeans or shorts for a trendy look. Or, you can layer on a light long dress to tone them down for an everyday look.










01•Stuart Weitzman The Tiemodel boots snow plunge nappa $1,098 (stuartweitzman.ca) 02•Giuseppe Zanotti Molly black nappa cuissard boots $1,290 (giuseppezanotti.com) 03•Stuart Weitzman grey over the knee boots $TBD 04•Giuseppe Zanotti Felicity black fabric cuissard booties with glitter $1,194 (giuseppezanotti.com) 05•Balenciaga black sock thigh-high boots $1,995 (ssense.com) 06•Prada black & gold square over-the-knee boots $1,340 (ssense.com) 07•Stella Luna ‘Stella XXL’ turnlock buckle leather thigh high boots $1,195 (lanecrawford.com) 08•Off-White tartan textured-knit over-the-knee boots US$1,929 (net-a-porter.com) 09•Saint Laurent Jodie 105 boots in black patent leather $2,638 (ysl.com)





Fashion Headline

Sock Boots new Love 時尚新寵


今季最流行的必備靴款一定非sock boots莫屬。貼腳的彈性剪裁能突顯腿部線條, 讓整體造型更簡潔俐落,時尚感與實用性兼備,難怪被一眾潮牌力捧。 This season’s hottest footwear — sock boots — are must-haves. The flexible, anklehugging silhouette accentuates the curves extending from the heels for a sleek and fluid look. They are as stylish as they are practical. What’s not to like about them?









01•Giuseppe Zanotti Josephine black glitter fabric boots with maxi bow $1,032 (giuseppezanotti.com) 02•Stuart Weitzman The Cling booties scarlet dark red suede $725 (stuartweitzman.ca) 03•Saint Laurent Opyum 85 ankle boots black patent leather and chrome $2,197 (ysl.com) 04•Jimmy Choo Tesler 100 black suede booties with bottle green fox fur pom poms US$1,250 (jimmychoo.com) 05•Jimmy Choo Brandon 85 white nappa leather and stretch fabric sock ankle boots US$895 (jimmychoo.com) 06•René Caovilla strass pavé heel velvet ankle boots $1,840 (lanecrawford.com) 07•Gucci dragon hibiscus red satin mid-heel ankle boots $3,750 (gucci.com) 08•Louis Vuitton Rockabily ankle boots $2,120 (louisvuitton.com) 09•Maison Margiela satin boots US$1,175 (net-a-porter.com)





Fendi embellished print silk wrap-effect dress US$2,345 (net-a-porter.com) Stuart Weitzman red Clingy booties





Fashion Headline

Military boots rebeLLious ChiC 叛逆型格

Military boots粗獷型格的設計早成為punk rock與「叛逆」的標誌,今季不妨大膽挑戰襯以 feminine造型,塑造出強烈的風格反差感。 Hard-edged military boots have been symbols of rebelliousness and synonymous with punk rock. Challenge that stereotype this winter and make a counterstatement by creating a feminine look.

Gucci black leather ankle boots with Sylvie web $1,170 (gucci.com)

Zadig & Voltaire black boots with buckles $TBD

Zadig & Voltaire black boots with laces $TBD

Prada combat boots $1,170 (nordstrom.com)

Nina Ricci printed flared dress $4,054 (farfetch.com) Jimmy Choo black military boots with buckles





今季的ankle boots有著一系列獨特設

Ankle Boots

計,不妨迎合流行趨勢,選一雙綴以彩色亮 片或流行格紋等有趣組合的跳脫款式吧!

breaking The norm

Ankle boots come in unique varieties this


season. Go with the trend and have fun with those decorated with colourful sequins, or in trendy tweeds.

Dior dark blue gown Dior black ankle booties with bow Salvatore Ferragamo sunglasses

Gianvito Rossi crystal mesh lace-up booties $4,850 (saksfifthavenue.com)

Marni calfskin leather ankle boots $1,866 (lanecrawford.com)

Valentino booties with screw heel $1,470 (valentino.com)

Chloé Susanna studded fil coupé velvet ankle boots US$1,330 (net-a-porter.com)





Fashion News 喜氣洋洋迎狗年

red for love gold for luck text | Iris photos | provided by Holt Renfrew

Christian Louboutin Rouge Louboutin Metalissime Loubilaque Lip Lacquer $120 G i o rg i o A r m a n i Chinese New Year Palette $118

Sanayi 313 $1595 Miu Miu Heels $805

金和紅 色彷彿是 農曆新年的指 定色彩,即使是 人淡如菊,總會樂於 從俗的抹上一點紅、一點


Gold and red are colours we expect to see during Chinese New Year and Valentines. Even folks with the most subdued personality will still add a little red and a little gold to their usual low-key style.

Proenza Schouler bag $1275





Giorgio Armani Rouge Ecstasy lipstick $44

Derek Lam 10 Crosby dress $800

Kenzo sweatshirt $350

Kenzo 為迎接狗年來臨,KENZO把品牌標誌性的 老虎和眼睛配上中國特色元素,採用金色、紅色 的立體刺繡或印花圖案,推出數款套頭衛衣、裙 和TEE的限量款式,讓新年伊始已是一派虎虎生


威、傲視四方氣象。 To welcome the Year of the Dog, Kenzo has


added some Chinese-themed elements to its iconic tiger. Using 3-D embroidery and print in gold and


red, Kenzo introduces several different style shirts, skirts and tees in limited edition, symbolizing a proud and confident start to the new year.

Kenzo sweatshirt $350

Kenzo Dress $530 Cle de Peau Lunar New Year Set $465

﹙All items available at Holt Renfrew ) ELITEGEN






AMI True Colours by Homme Colour is a main theme of Homme’s winter

menswear collection, and the Ami Paris line is a fine example. 色即是Homme,是今冬男裝的主旋律之 一。來自巴黎的Ami,便把萬紫千黃綠共冶 一爐。 text | 冰汪


Of all the European menswear brands over the past five years, the Ami Paris


collection has exhibited the most distinctive style and personality. At first glance,


Alexandre Mattiussi’s designs may seem like ordinary casual wear. However, there’s


also a bit of French street style that makes it easy to mix and match, and look stylish at the same time.

今季,他的天橋時裝騷很有八十年代的MTV 味道。打頭陣的數款衣物,都是當年風行的毛衣

This season’s runway show had a strong ’80s MTV flavour. The first few pieces


were so ’80s, featuring a shirt and pullover sweater. The variations are slight, like


pulling out the shirttail on one side.


The bright colours are quite eye-catching. Combining a yellow coat with a brown


top and a pink shirt are not your regular winter colours, but here they are not at all


garish. The coat is a wool blend (10 per cent cashmere) and without lining, so it’s quite

了10% cashmere,穿起來甚為舒服。同一塊布

comfortable to wear. There is also an oversized long coat in the same material, which


looks a little like a Céline coat.

Céline感覺。唯一意外的是系列幾件羊毛夾克, 產地出奇地換成中國,大概是 Mattiussi希望降低 生產成本吧!




Surprisingly, the coats are made in China, which may mean Mattiussi was trying to lower production costs.



Many brands have used ’80s-style designs to attract attention, but


the results have not all been positive. However, Mattiussi has combined


his keen sense of observation and expert skills at mixing to create a


refreshing look with wide appeal.

Zipper collar overshirt $560

Ami x Eastpak backpack $310

Single-breasted coats oversized coat $1,710

Lightweight purple zipper jacket $TBD





Runway 系列色彩紛陳,軍綠色固然是男士永恆選擇,較為刺激 的則有螢光粉紅與豔紫色。這件豔紫夾克,由一身漂亮古銅 色皮膚的黑人男模示範,煞是好看。他亦聰明地準備了黑色 plan B,為不喜鮮艷色彩的黑衣人服務。 一如以往,可愛的鬍鬚小胖子在時裝騷加入女裝模特 兒。有別於男模的街頭型人look,三位女模特兒都穿上較斯 文的smart casual衣服,不論是trench coat,還是樽領衫配 孖襟西裝,英姿颯颯,如果與另一半身型不是相差太遠,一 件衣服兩人穿,蠻羅曼蒂克呢!

Yellow buttoned jacket patch packets $1,320

While traditional colours like military green are present, the Rain coat $1,130

collection is full of bright and exciting hues, including neon pink and bright purple. This bright purple jacket is shown off by a model with beautiful dark skin. The designer also offers a Plan B for those who prefer black over a bright colour. The three female models employed by Mattiussi wore smart, casual clothes in contrast to the more rugged look of the male models. The smart trench-coat look and turtleneck, or

Sleeveless down jacket $880

‘A’ patch shirt $370

the double-breasted jacket, can easily be worn by men or women, or how about a couple seeking that romantic look?

Purple zipped sweatshirt $430





Pink felted ribbed wool oversized turtleneck sweater $720 ﹙All available at amiparis.com﹚

Fashion News Haider Ackermann metallic cropped bomber jacket $4,553 (farfetch.com)

Anya Hindmarch keepsake medium printed metallic textured-leather jewelry case US$480 (net-a-porter.com)

金色從來不易carry,一個不小心便很容易落得有點俗 氣;但農曆年期間穿戴金色衣飾,卻反而顯得喜氣洋洋。 要將金色適當地融入造型,不妨由細節入手,個人特別推介一 些金光閃閃的小飾物,例如戒指和clutch bag等。


Have a

Gold and Sparkly CHineSe new year text | Snowy Chan

Gold can be tricky when it comes to fashion. At times, it

Attico metallic leather ankle straps US$335 (net-a-porter.com)

can be in poor taste. However, during Chinese New Year, wearing gold can bring renewal and happiness. When incorporating gold into your outfit, start with sparkly accessories, like a ring and clutch bag. Maison Margiela engraved gold-plated ring $598 (mrporter.com) Stuart Weitzman pure metallic leather ankle boots US$535 (net-a-porter.com)

Lanvin gold-tone cufflinks $180 (mrporter.com)

Marc Jacobs sequinembellished wool and cashmere-blend sweater US$470 (net-a-porter.com)

Linda Farrow gold round sunglasses $TBD





Men’s Picks


Knit boys 針織男裝已好幾年不見驚喜,今季多個男裝品牌不約而同 打破針織的困局,為knitwear帶來boyhood的新鮮感。 There have been few surprises when it comes to men’s knitwear in recent years. This season, several brands have decided to do something about that, bringing new life and a fresh look to this segment of men’s fashion. text | Sum Chan photo | Karlson Tsang assisted by Arwell Cheng makeup | Angel Mok hair | Heitai Cheung model : Adams Z.@Model Genesis

Stella McCartney red crewneck Kristoff sweater $1,175 (stellamccartney.com) Comme de Garcons pink knit socks $50 (ssense.com) Saint Laurent Military cross-over belted trouser in anthracite grey flannel $1,457 (ysl.com)





Gucci wool knitted sweater with Chiroptera appliqué $2,020 (gucci.com)

Prada Shetland wool sweater $2,020 (mrporter.com) Giorgio Armani hat $TBD

J.W. Anderson for Uniqlo $TBD

Fendi pullover $TBD Prada beaded scarf $1,080 (farfetch.com) Dior Homme sweater $TBD

Stella McCartney Harlequin sweater vest $1,005 (stellamccartney.com)

Lanvin ‘Nothing’ wool scarf US$320 (barneys.com)

Giorgio Armani scarf $TBD

Lanvin fisherman’s rib turtleneck jumper $1,140 (farfetch. com) Gucci interlocking G cotton socks $120 (gucci.com)

就如Comme des Garcons與Gucci既精美又古怪的衣襪,Fendi、Stella McCartney、Dior Homme與Lanvin有型兼具細節的衣飾,還有Prada與 Giorgio Armani那獨有的意國針織格調;全都比以往的設計更清新亮眼。當然 也要感謝Uniqlo and J.W. Anderson系列的彩間大力推一把,讓織物又重新成 為時尚焦點。 同時不得不提六大品牌:Vivienne Westwood繼續以針織宣揚punk is not dead,Dries Van Noten活化針織在八、九十年代的光輝,Kenzo喚醒時裝界 對針織的親切感,Raf Simons重塑針織的現代輪廓,J.W. Anderson與Loewe 則以蘇格蘭民族元素為針織加持,將knitwear變young。 Comme des Garçons and Gucci both feature fun and trendy socks, while Fendi, Stella McCartney, Dior Homme and Lanvin have stylish and delicate pullovers. You can also find unique Italian knitwear from Prada and Giorgio Armani. Vivienne Westwood keeps using knitwear to advocate “punk is not dead”, while Dries Van Noten revives the status knitwear enjoyed in the ’80s and ’90s. Kenzo brings back the familiarity of knitwear to the fashion world and Raf Simons helps redefine modern-day knitwear. We can thank J.W. Anderson and Loewe for reintroducing Scottish tartans to knitwear. Of course, credit for this renaissance goes to Uniqlo and J.W. Anderson for pushing colourful stripe patterns and putting knitwear under the spotlight again. RAF SIMONS






Scents Gucci Bloom Eau de Parfum 30ml | $90, 50 ml | $114, 100 ml | $154


Gucci Bloom 花團錦簇的設計,除滿載農曆新年的祝福,也能在浪漫的情人 節,向佳人表達愛意。 Whether it’s a symbol of prosperity for Chinese New Year, or a representation of love for Valentine’s Day, it is difficult to resist this bouquet of abundance. text | Leslie Yip photos | Gucci





這款由藝術總監Alessandro Michele掛帥、首席調香 師Alberto Morillas親自操刀的女士香氛,流露英倫花園風 情。不要被古早味濃的粉紅色搪瓷香氛瓶轉移重點,香氛 瀰漫馥郁花香、洋溢翠綠的田園氣息,絕對充滿驚喜。 「我希望營造清新、爽朗、翠綠的感覺,讓香氣把人 帶到繁花盛放、生機勃發的花園。園內色彩紛陳、無拘無 束而且變化多端,如同女士們的真我性情。」Alessandro Michele道。

Blended by master perfumer Alberto Morillas, the first Gucci fragrance developed wholly under creative director Alessandro Michele, is like an English garden on steroids. Don’t let the retro porcelain bottle in vintage powder pink fool you – the scent is a fantastical riot of verdant plants. “I wanted a green fragrance, a courageous scent that transports you to a vast garden filled with many flowers and plants – a bouquet of abundance,” said Michele. “The garden is as beautiful as women are: colourful, wild, diverse, where there is everything.”

Gucci Bloom以高純度的天然材料提煉,呈現出 層次豐富的花香。 印度的天然晚香玉與茉莉花精華,交替散發醉人 芳香。透過獨特方式精鍊而成的茉莉花精華,在肌膚 上散發出清新怡人的香氣。 首次用於香氛製作,產自南印度的使君子,開香 氛創作的全新境界。使君子含苞初綻時,花瓣會由白 色轉為粉紅色,盛放時則呈現紅色,完全表現出女性 嫵媚多變的魅力。

Floral scents abound, and Gucci Bloom stands out with its highly-concentrated natural ingredients. Tuberose absolute harvested from India is interlaced with jasmine absolute. Jasmine bud extract, obtained through an exclusive method of co-extraction, imparts a fresh green and petal scent on the skin. It also features notes of a plant that is used for the first time in perfume-making, the Rangoon creeper. Discovered in south India, the Rangoon Creeper embodies the new scent’s concept and name. Redolent with a slightly powdery feminine floral perfume, the flowers change colour from white, gradually darkening 系列亦備有潤膚露 (200ml | $65)及沐浴露(200ml | $53) 。 A body lotion (200ml | $65) and shower gel (200ml | $53) are also available.

to pink, then finally to red when it blooms.





Beauty news 綻放煥膚力量




Since 1965, Lancôme has derived Absolue from the rose, a


product that has an unparalleled ability to regenerate skin. The


latest Absolue Precious Cells Rose Drop peel-in-oil formulation


nourishes the skin while performing exfoliation, with a


pleasant scent. It is divided into Rose and Gold phases, easily


identifiable by their colour and housed in the same bottle. text & photo | provided by Lancôme

玫瑰紅精華 • 去角質層

Rose phase (the peel)

金色精華 • 神奇煥膚

Gold phase (miracle oil)

配方中有高達七成的玫瑰紅精華,當中蘊含高活性成 分,能均勻去除死皮,重喚肌膚再生,廣為皮膚科及整 形醫生使用。

以摩洛哥堅果油及玫瑰油,整合成配方中餘下的三成,有舒 緩及保濕作用,令皮膚綻放神采。

The Rose phase comprises 70 per cent of the formula’s content and is enriched with active ingredients that feature peeling properties often used by dermatologists. It penetrates into the skin, evenly removes dead cells and supports cellular renewal.

The Gold phase, which consists of argan and rose oil, makes up the remaining 30 per cent of the formula and provides the skin with comfort, moisture and radiance.

To use, simply shake the peel and oily phases to obtain a homogeneous formula. Then apply a few drops

應用方法簡單,先將兩色精華油搖 勻,取出幾滴,以打圈方法塗勻面部,並

into your skin. Combine it with your night cream if you


want to incorporate the peel and nourishment into your


nightly routine. Hoping for an instant result? Try adding two


drops to your sheet mask before application. If you have


blemishes to get rid of, place a few drops on a cotton pad


to target the problem areas.


One caution: like any skin peel process, remember


to apply skincare with at least an SPF15 rating the next



Lancôme Absolue Precious Cells Rose Drop Night Peeling Concentrate $110


to your entire face, using a circular motion, and then pat




Beauty news 受到美容和皮膚科專家所採用的全方位、多靶向的方法啟 發,雅詩蘭黛積極鑽研,推出了全新的完美極速緊緻+提升 修護液(Perfectionist Pro Rapid Firm + Lift Treatment Acetyl Hexapeptide-8)。


EstéE LaudEr rapid Lift

PERfECTIONIST PRO RAPID fIRm + LIfT TREATmENT ACETyL HExAPEPTIDE-8 Inspired by the holistic, multi-targeted approach used by experts in cosmetic and dermatological procedures, Estée Lauder introduces Perfectionist Pro Rapid Firm + Lift Treatment Acetyl Hexapeptide-8. text & photo | provided by Estée Lauder

Perfectionist Pro Rapid Firm + Lift Treatment 30 ml/$100, 50ml/$145

這款抗 衰老修護液主力

This treatment firms and lifts facial skin, including three critical zones – cheeks, jawline and nasolabial


folds. Based on 10 years of internal research on more


than 25 interconnected skin “pathways”, it addresses


the visible loss of elasticity with a powerful blend of active


ingredients to resurface, rebuild and refill the look of facial



物重現、重塑和重新填滿臉部輪廓。 Pleasantly scented with the energizing and floral notes of 修護液散發柑橘、蜜瓜、茉莉花、玫瑰花和青

mandarin, melon, jasmine, rose and cucumber, the treatment


is to be applied to clean skin before moisturizer twice a day.


Designed to provide high-performance, rapid and visible results,


skin is more hydrated and radiant in just one day. Within three


days, skin is resurfaced and looks more plumped. In just 14


days, skin feels firmer, and facial contours, including jawline and


cheeks, look more lifted and defined.






凍 齡 術


How to Stay text | 張琬雯 photo | 黃幹文 model | Aneta O.(Sun Esee) makeup & hair | Yan Leung

隨着年紀增長,女士們無可避免 受到衰老問題所困擾。要成功令

肌膚時刻處於「保鮮」狀態,預防 皺紋、鬆弛及暗啞等癥狀,首要 任務就是做好各種凍齡措施。 To keep the skin constantly “fresh” and to prevent lines, sagging and dullness, precautionary steps are in order.






Comprehensive Repair 女士過了二十五歲以後,肌膚容易出現老化跡象,應 趁問題未加劇前,利用具延緩老化功效的面霜、精華素或面 膜,強化肌膚活力及自我修復能力,重塑年輕美肌。 After age 25, many women’s skin experiences aging symptoms. The best prevention is to use facial creams, serums and masks that are effective in slowing down the aging process before the problems get worse. These products can recreate beautiful, youthful skin by enhancing the vitality and regenerative powers of the skin.

a. Philosophy Ultimate Miracle Worker Pads 60pads $95 (thebay.com) 初次使用前,先把精華液倒進容器內,將所有棉片浸透,每晚潔面後 可取出一片棉片擦拭面部及頸部,透過精華液中的純維他命A、天然仿維 他命A複合物及超級食物萃取油成分,抵抗肌膚老化,改善紋理、膚色不均 及鬆弛等問題。 Before first use, place the serum in the container provided and soak all the cotton pads. Every night after cleansing the face, take one cotton pad out and wipe all over the face and neck. The pure vitamin A and super-food extract oil in the serum reduces aging, and improves problems with wrinkles, uneven colour and sagging.


b. Dior Prestige La Micro-Huile de Rose 30ml $325 (thebay.com) 全新玫瑰花蜜活養精華油所蘊含的玫瑰微珍珠粒子配方,以微囊包裹着新脂性微 量營養素,塗搽時,微珍珠粒子能將養分釋放到肌膚底層,重整肌膚細胞節奏, 令肌膚回復柔滑、緊緻。 The new rose honey active essential oil contains rose micro-pearls in microencapsulations of the oil-based micro-nutrients. When applied, the micropearls release the nutrients into the base layer of the skin and have the ability to reorganize the rhythm of the skin cells to return the skin to smoothness and firmness.

b c

c. TEN SCIENCE Agestellar Extra Intense Anti-age Youth Cream $TBD 質地滋潤的面霜,糅合火箭葉萃取、冰川藻提取物、乳木果油及活性複合物等, 可延緩細胞衰老、減淡紋理、緊緻肌膚及提升亮澤度等,全方位修正老化現象。 This hydrating face cream combines rocket leaf extract, glacial algae extract, shea butter and active compounds. It has the effect of slowing down the aging of skin cells: reducing wrinkles, tightening and brightening the skin, and comprehensively reducing signs of aging.



d. Jurlique Nutri-Define with Biosome 5 Rejuvenating Overnight Cream $TBD 晚霜既採用了天然抗衰老技術Biosome 5,同時蘊含古布阿蘇油及朝鮮薊葉萃 取,可集中修護如皺紋、鬆弛及粗糙等老化問題。 This night cream uses natural anti-aging Biosome 5, and also contains cupuacu butter and Korean artichoke leaf extract. It focuses on repairing signs of wrinkles, sagging and roughness. e. Innisfree Jeju Lava Seawater Deep Essence 50ml $46 (innisfreeworld.com) 濟州溶岩海水是精華素主要成分,保濕之餘更有助提升細胞能量,另混入神經醯 胺膠囊及PCA衍生物,能加強抵抗衰老,使肌膚保持柔軟、彈性及緊緻。 The main ingredient of this essense is Jeju Java seawater. In addition to hydration, the essence also increases the capacity of the cells. It also contains nerve amine capsules and PCA derivatives, which can increase the anti-aging powers of the product, keeping the skin soft, supple and firm.








Smoothing wrinkles



響肌膚的彈性,更會加速皺紋的形成。如能善用抗皺修護產品,可預防皺紋及 淡化面上的紋理。


With age and long-term attacks by UV rays, the skin loses collagen. This not only affects the elasticity of the skin, but also increases wrinkles. Use of anti-wrinkle repair products prevents wrinkles and reduces lines on the face. a. Eve Lom Time Retreat intensive Night Cream 50ml US$140 (barneys.com) 高效抗皺晚霜結合A醇脂質微球體、野生靛藍籽 精華及三胜肽,能集中撫平及預防皺紋,另可促 進肌膚自我修復,減少敏感現象。 This highly effective anti-wrinkle night cream combines liposome encapsulated retinol, wild indigo seed extract and tripeptide. It is effective in smoothing and preventing wrinkles, and can increase the self-restorative powers of the skin and reduce hypersensitivity.

b. Lancome Renergie Lift Multi-Action Firming Moisturizing Cream 50ml $125 (lancome.ca) 全新面霜蘊含強效的亞麻籽萃取物成分,能有效 緊緻肌膚,同時改善皺紋問題,另添加了美白亮 肌衍生物,能提升肌膚亮白度。 This new face cream contains strong flaxseed extract ingredients and is effective in firming the skin and reducing wrinkles. The product also contains brightening derivatives, which can brighten the skin.

c. Bioliq 45+ Fiming and Smoothering Night Cream $TBD 晚霜混入印度千日菊萃取及四肽複合物,能令肌 膚重拾飽滿、平滑,同時有效淡化紋理。 This night cream mixes in Indian chrysanthemum extract and tetrapeptide compounds, and can restore suppleness and smoothness, while reducing lines.


Reducing Dullness


修護產品,可以改善膚色均勻度,自然重現健康光芒。 Without adequate rest, the skin looks dark and dull. Using brightening products helps even skin tone and provide a healthy glow. a. Payot My Payot Jour Gelee 50ml $70 (strawberrynet.com) 活膚亮肌保濕啫喱霜既蘊含杞子果及 巴西莓兩大超級水果成分,另加入了 維他命C及葡萄柚AHA,可發揮亮膚 及保濕功效,亦可促進細胞再生。 This active brightening and hydrating gel contains two super-fruits (wolfberry and raspberry) and has added vitamin C and grapefruit AHA. It both brightens and hydrates, and allows the regeneration of cells. b. Innisfree Black Green Tea Cream $TBD 面霜主要成分為濟州黑綠茶,因經過 多次發酵而內含更高的沒食子酸,可 發揮更出色抗氧化功效,配方亦加入 乳木果油,用後肌膚倍顯亮白、幼滑。 The main ingredient of this face cream is Jeju black green tea, which contains higher gallic acid after repeated fermentation. It also has a higher antioxidant effect. The cream also contains shea butter, which helps the skin become brighter and smoother.




c. Giorgio Armani Crema Bianca Supreme Brightening Concentrate 30ml $325 (thebay.com) 極緻再生煥白精華結合了具亮白作用的白曇花,以及有助對抗色斑的月白複合因 子,持續使用,膚色更見均勻明亮。成分同時包括非洲再生復活精華 ,亦能延緩 肌膚老化。 This concentrate combines the brightening white epiphyllum and the anti-dark-spot moon white complex. Used continually, it has the effect of evening and brightening skin tone. Ingredients include African rejuvenation essence, which helps slow down skin aging.






Restoring Firmness





升面形輪廓的修護產品,可令面部線條回復立體緊緻。 With the passing of time, the metabolic rate and regenerative powers of the skin slow. Thus, the skin can become swollen and sagging. Using repair products that focus on restoring the firmness of the skin and increasing the contour of the face will make the skin firm and fine again. a. Anissa Skin Repair R03 Time Reversing Firming Essence $TBD 逆轉時光緊緻精華中的燕麥萃取多醣成分,能發揮即時緊膚功效,加上 類肉毒桿菌六胜肽及蜂毒胜肽,用後可預防皺紋形成及刺激肌膚膠原蛋 白增生。 To reverse the effects of time, this Firming Essence uses the polysaccharides in oat extract to firm up the skin immediately. There are also botulinum hexapeptides and bee venom peptides that have the dual effect of preventing wrinkles and invigorating collagen growth. b. Rodial Rose Gold Serum 30ml US$230 (rodial.co.uk) 玫瑰金緊緻精華主要透過24金技術、肌膚緊緻複合物及專利成分 PROGELINE,進一步收緊肌膚及提升面形輪廓,配方中的白玫瑰細 胞,能令肌膚保持亮澤。 The rose gold firming serum mainly uses 24-karat gold technology, skin-firming compounds and the patented Progeline. It has the effect of firming the skin and enhancing the facial contour. The formula contains white rose cells that can keep the skin bright.

c d


c. Innisfree Jeju Lava Seawater Cream 50ml $46 (innisfreeworld.com) 面霜質感水潤、快吸收,成分包括濟州熔岩海 水、神經醯胺顆粒膠囊及天然植物角鯊烷油, 防止肌膚水份流失之餘,亦加強肌膚的緊緻 度。 This face cream has a moisturizing texture and is easy for the skin to absorb. Ingredients include Jeju lava seawater, nerve amine capsule and natural plant squalene oil. Not only can the cream prevent loss of skin moisture, but it can also increase firmness. d. MTM Custom-Blended 3D CollaMoist Cream $TBD 面霜當中加入萃取自深海魚類的三重海洋膠原 蛋白庫成分,以及高效抗氧化的輔酶Q10,能 全面提升及緊緻輪廓,另有助對抗皺紋。 This face cream contains triple marine collagen extracted from deep-sea fish, as well as the highly efficient antioxidant coenzyme Q10. It can comprehensively enhance and firm facial contours, and also prevents wrinkles. e. Thalgo Lifting Correcting Night Cream 50ml US$104 (thalgousa.com) 主要成分為海洋矽複合物的晚霜,用後有效維 持細胞外間質的建構,並修復鬆弛及下垂現 象,配方亦添加了荷荷巴油及透明質酸,令肌 膚保持水潤。 The main ingredient of this night cream is a marine silicon compound, which has the effect of maintaining the exterior structure of the cells, as well as repairing sagging. The formula also includes jojoba oil and hyaluronic acid, which keep the skin hydrated.





Living 狀 •色 2018家居潮


ColourS: 2018 Home Decorating trenDs

踏入2018年,新年新氣象,想家居來個時尚變革?來看看設計師Jeffrey A. Douglas預測本年度流行的室內設計風格吧! Might you be thinking of ushering in the New Year with a home makeover? Award-winning interior designer Jeffrey A. Douglas shares his insights on home-decorating trends for 2018. text | Livian Wu

破格的紅色廚房,配搭出獨特時尚感。 A bright red kitchen is uniquely trendy.






tHree main trenDs in 2018

1 2 3


White on White


裝飾從雪白背景中凸顯出來。簡約設計令人百看不厭, 亦可提高空間的整體格調。 Using different shades, textures and patterns to

highlight white decorations on white backgrounds results in a simple, classy design that never gets boring.


Dark anD mooDy

如果不想勞師動眾把家居翻天覆地來跟上潮流,不妨從細節入手,例如 換上地氈或沙發上的絨毛坐墊。 If you don’t want to disrupt the household with a wholesale makeover, consider more moderate changes, such as the carpet or velvet seating on a sofa. Simple alterations can still make big impacts into the space.


秘且新潮的藝術感覺。 The dark, moody and subtle design creates a stylish,

mysterious and artsy feel.


Bright anD Colorful 運用不同顏色、圖案、質地營造強烈對比,激發出


自然採光瞬間為深沉格調的空間帶來生機。 Natural lighting brings life to an otherwise dull space.

The strong contrast of different colours, patterns and

textures brings a lively sparkle to the family space.


石膏板、現代化的簡約線條在2018年將大受歡迎;亦可利用黃銅的裝飾 為空間注入金屬型格品味。布料方面,天鵝絨、羊毛或蓬鬆的質地,以 及鯊魚皮都是大熱。 On top of the three basic styles, consider adding a curved sofa or a fourposter bed, as well as some brass decorations. In terms of fabric, velvet, wool and other fluffy textures, as well as sharkskin, will all be red-hot this year.


colour of tHe Year 著名油漆品牌Benjamin Moore選出的年度顏色為紅色(Caliente AF290) 。金黃色、橄欖綠、翡翠綠同樣是大熱顏色;亦可多利用呼應對比的 補色如藍和橙、綠和紫等組合。 Benjamin Moore’s choice as colour of the year is red (Caliente AF-290).

新穎的金屬燈飾搭配造型特別的椅子,激發出不一樣的火花。 A modern metal light fixture, matched with an unsually shaped chair, gives extra creative flair.

DeSigner Jeffrey A. Douglas Douglas Design Studio douglasdesignstudio.com

Goldenrod, olive green and emerald green are also extremely popular. Popular colour combinations are blue and orange, green and purple.







UNLEASH THE MYSTIQUE OF PEACE AND SERENITY AT MIRAJ HAMMAM SPA text | Kenson Ho & George Verdolaga photos | Sam Leung

在這分秒必爭的世界中,若能有個地方可以讓你放下憂慮和困擾, 安定心神,鬆弛身心,享受獨一無二的呵護,釋放日常壓力…… In a world that seems to be moving quicker and quicker, you’ll be pleased to know that there’s a place where you can leave your worries and concerns behind and calm your mind. You may find this sanctuary unlike anything you have experienced before and one that promises a very delightful hour of relaxation and exclusive pampering.

The word ‘Hammam’ means spreader of warmth. Hammam一詞意思是溫暖的傳播者。













是店主Surinder Bains讓人放鬆的殷勤招



幸而我結識了Nat Bosa,他接受這個主









讓人興奮不已。 Surinder強調:「我原本沒想過開設健

Surinder Bains是Miraj的創辦人。 Surinder Bains, creator of Miraj Hammam Spa.











La Mosquee喝茶時,告訴我那裡的著名








When you enter the Miraj Hammam

“It was the kind of spa treatment

Spa, you will feel like you’re entering a

that I wanted to introduce to Vancouver.

different world and time, where everything

Therefore, I conducted research into

is slowing down. Perhaps it’s the soothing

Hammams for the next couple of years

music, or the cool ceramic tiles, the

before opening my own. No landlord in the

Moorish arched doorways, or the rustic

city was interested in accommodating a

painted walls.

business that would generate steam within its premises, but I never gave up.

Or maybe it’s the reassuring demeanor of the owner, Surinder Bains, or the

“Eventually, I got introduced to Nat

welcoming smile from one of her spa

Bosa, who was open to the idea and offered

attendants who always make sure each

to lease the 1,900-square-foot space that

guest is carefully taken care of. You don’t

Miraj currently occupies. Although the

have to rush — just be excited and prepare

space was much smaller than I preferred,

yourself for a truly unique experience at

I grabbed it. It’s this space that essentially

Vancouver’s first Turkish bath.

found me.”

“I was busy working on my (Vancouver)

“When I established Miraj in Vancouver

travel agency business when I decided to

in 2000, it was a first of its kind. Vancouver

move to Paris,” Bains recalls. “I always

was not as sophisticated then as it is now,

knew since I was young that I would end

so it was an exciting time to open the shop.

up living there and I finally made the move

It was a big leap of faith. I wasn’t sure

in 1986.

how people would respond to it, although I was certain that it would eventually be a

“I was first introduced to a Hammam on


a date with a gentleman who brought me to the tea room La Mosquee, which had a

“After 17 years in business, I am doing

Hammam within the famed Muslim complex

very well and have become so well-known

in the 5th arrondissement. After trying that

that the Shangri-La Hotel in Toronto asked

Hammam for the first time in Paris, I got

me in 2012 to establish a Hammam there.”







澡身浴德 「Hammam的意思是溫暖傳播者,」Surinder解釋。 「這類公共浴 室,最初是由富人在清真寺旁邊建造,方便信徒在崇拜前進行清 潔,也許這就是古語『澡身浴德』的起源。其後城中眾人每星期都會去 Hammam土耳其浴室聚集和社交。女性甚至可以在那裡聚會,為他 們的兒子尋找合適的未來媳婦。」 Miraj這詞則有「只應天上有」的意思,進入Miraj Hammam時要為 這個超然體驗作好準備。首先由服務員帶進更衣室穿上圍布。然後到 充滿桉樹芬芳的大理石蒸汽浴室(Hammam),進行15至20分鐘蒸汽 浴,再用特別進口的黑色摩洛哥香皂(Gommage)進行全身去角質。 用冷水沖身後,可選擇推油(15至90分鐘)或美容護理。完成後再前



往備有天鵝絨床和絲綢枕頭的蘇丹娜休息室小憩,讓Miraj的客人在回 到現實世界前,輕輕鬆鬆喝一口印度香茶和品嘗甜點。

WHAT TO EXPECT Bains points out that Hammam means “spreader of warmth” and that “these public baths were first built by the rich next to mosques to allow believers to cleanse themselves before worshipping — hence the origin of the old saying ‘cleanliness is next to Godliness’. “As a result, all the people in the city would go to Hammams to


congregate and socialize. Women would even get together and look for potential wives for their sons.”

01/03• 土耳其浴室裡,放滿Bains從世界各地搜羅的珍藏。 The Hammam is filled with Bains’s private collection from all over the world. 02•Miraj的每一個細節,均來自Bains的巧思。 Every single detail of Miraj is meticulously conceptualized by Bains.

The word Miraj means “heavenly ascension”. Be ready for just that when you enter the Miraj Hammam Spa and change into a sarong in the locker room. You are then led to a eucalyptus-infused marble steam room (Hammam) for 15 to 20 minutes, followed by a full-body exfoliation using an imported black Moroccan soap (Gommage). After rinsing your body with cool water, you can choose between an oil massage (which can last for 15 to 90 minutes) or a facial treatment. After that, you will be guided to the Sultana Lounge, which features velvet day beds and silk pillows. There, you can relax and enjoy tea and desserts before returning to reality.

04• 輕鬆地喝一口印度香茶,吃一些甜點,令整個過程 更覺圓滿。 While relaxing, you’ll be serve chai tea and sweet cake. 05• Miraj使用特別進口的黑色摩洛哥香皂 (Gommage) 為客人去除全身角質。 Enjoy a full body exfoliation using a specially imported black Moroccan soap (Gommage).

04 06

06•Miraj讓你猶如身處另一世界,時間彷彿也放慢了 步伐。 When you enter Miraj, you feel you’re in a different world and time has slowed down.

05 68




07• Miraj意指 「只應天上有」 的體驗。 The word Miraj means “heavenly ascension”.




品質第一 Surinder說,「我的土耳其浴室融匯新舊世界的精粹。我盡 量保持它的原貌,再加入美容護理等西方元素。我們的客戶來自 四方八面,既有家庭主婦,也有透過電影業界人士的口碑、或酒 店禮賓服務的介紹而認識我們的星級名人。我每天只接待20至

08• 每件珍品背後,都有一個故事。 Behind every collectible, Bains has a story. 09• 這裡出售的盡是優質產品。 The many quality products for sale.

10•精緻的裝飾上方懸放了Bains母親的肖像。 On top of the exquisite décor is a photo of Bains’s late mother, who is “guarding” the Hammam for her. 11• 你可在治療室享受推油。 You can enjoy an oil massage in one of their three treatment rooms. 12• 蘇丹娜休息室備有天鵝絨床和絲綢枕頭,讓你盡情鬆弛。 You can relax in the Sultana Lounge, with velvet day beds and silk pillows.



22名賓客,因為我特別關注質素,盡量不讓客戶感到匆忙。大多 數Miraj的客人不只享受到按摩服務,也獲得完整的文化體驗。他 們都說身在我的土耳其浴室時,彷如置身異鄉。」 Miraj Hammam提供女賓、男賓和團體服務。每人平均消費


$145。如果你想舒緩工作或家庭壓力,土耳其浴可能正是你放 鬆和充電的忘憂好去處。

“My Hammam incorporates the best essences from both the traditional and the modern worlds,” Bains boasts. “I try to keep it as authentic as possible, but have added Western elements, like facial treatments. My guests come from all walks of life — from stay-at-home moms, to A-list celebrities who hear about us from the film industry, to out-of-town guests who are introduced to us by hotel concierges. “I only serve 20 to 22 guests a day, as I prefer to focus on quality and try not to make them feel rushed. Most of the Miraj’s guests not only enjoy the massage, but also the entire cultural experience. They say that it’s almost like being transported to somewhere out of Vancouver whenever they are in my Hammam.” The Miraj Hammam is open to women, men and groups. Average cost of treatment is about $145 per person. If you want

Miraj Hammam Address: 1495 West 6th Avenue (at Granville Street) Vancouver Phone: 604.733. 5151 info@mirajhammam.com

to untangle those knotted muscles caused by daily pressures, a Turkish bath might be just the thing to relax and re-engage you with the fast-paced world.








VancouVer’s newest Fine Dining restaurant opens 想物色非凡的場地來慶祝特別日子?與遠方訪客共享難忘的美食體 驗?要尋找菜式上乘,同時散發低調奢華的餐廳,1886正是完美之選。 Looking for a unique venue to celebrate special occasions? Want to create an unforgettable fine-dining experience for out-of-town guests? Looking forward to a place that serves high-quality food in an understated luxurious atmosphere? text | Kenson Ho & George Verdolaga photos | provided by 1886

1886位於溫哥華市中心6.4億元大型發展高端博彩和 飲食總匯Parq Vancouver,是美國餐飲企業家Elizabeth Blau和丈夫兼商業夥伴Kim Canteenwalla的心血結晶。獨 一無二的溫哥華勝地餐廳以1886命名,反映本市華人社區 的歷史。這個社區自131年前正式成立以來,一直持續增 長。早期紮根該區的華人大概只有90人,住在曾經被稱為 「上海巷」的地區,大多是興建連接加拿大東西兩岸的太平 洋鐵路的工人。從那時起,華埠不斷擴大,華人社區亦成 為本市最有影響力的經濟支柱之一。

裝潢恬靜優雅 為求觸發更多創意靈感,Paragon Gaming主席Diana Bennett和行政總裁Scott Menke特別前往中國、香港、澳 門和新加坡取經。他們想打造一間能反映溫哥華獨特都會 個性的高級中菜餐廳。 1886 offers a commanding view of the Cambie bridge and False Creek. 在1886,客人可欣賞到甘比橋和福溪的美景。

1886餐廳的設計,出自著名酒店設計師Vincent Celano的手筆。他出生於多倫多,在紐約布魯克林長 大,並在當地成立了自己的設計、建築和品牌公司。他 是行內灸手可熱的明星設計師,拉斯維加斯的W Hotel、 Marriott、Aria酒店和The Venetian酒店都是他的作品之一。





Well, 1886 is your perfect choice. 1886 is the brainchild of American restaurateur Elizabeth Blau and her husband and business partner, Kim Canteenwalla. They have developed a highend gaming and dining complex in downtown Vancouver, Parq Vancouver, at a cost of $640 million.

A UNIQUELY VANCOUVER DESTINATION The restaurant was named 1866 to commemorate Vancouver’s Chinese community, which was established in the city in that year and has continued to grow and blossom ever since.At the beginning, around 90 Chinese lived and gathered in Shanghai Alley, most of them working for the Canadian Pacific Railway, which was responsible for connecting the East and West coasts of Canada. From then on, Chinatown has continued to expand and the Chinese community has become one of the most influential economic pillars of the city.

1886的侍茶師能為你介紹 一系列的名茶。 The tea sommelier of 1886 can introduce you to a wide array of tea.

QUIET ELEGANT INTERIORS The developers of Blau and Parq, chairperson Diana Bennett and chief executive Scott Menke of Paragon Gaming visited

Elizabeth Blau與主廚陳辰朗。 Elizabeth Blau with Main Chef Richard Chen.

China, Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore for inspiration. They wanted to create a Chinese fine-dining restaurant that would reflect Vancouver and it’s cosmopolitan nature in a unique manner. The restaurant was designed by Vincent Celano, who was born in Toronto and raised in Brooklyn, N.Y. Celano is a well-known hospitality designer and the owner of a design, architecture and branding firm in New York. He has been part of many famous projects, including W Hotels, Marriott, Aria and the Venetian in Las Vegas.The interior of the restaurant is a 1920s Shanghai-meets-Gatsby style. The 128 seats are located under high ceilings and beside large picture windows that offer a commanding view of the Cambie Bridge and False Creek.

1886位於三樓,在高賭注博彩樓層盡頭。 1886 is located on the far end of the high roller table floor (3/F).





Restaurant 01•在1886可上有關茶葉的速成課。 You can have a quick lesson on tea at 1886.



02•斯高沙省龍蝦,製法可選薑蔥、避風塘或XO醬爆。 Nova Scotia Lobster, choice of: ginger & scallion, sampan style, or wok tossed x.o sauce. 03•XO醬龍蝦餃鮑魚墨汁燒賣。 XO Crystal lobster pan fried dumpling and Abalone, scallop mousse, squid ink dumpling.







最新的時令晚市套餐$78,頭盤是1886 Sampler特色拼盤(包括鮮








米露。另一款北京片皮鴨套餐$ 88(至少2人),除了有片皮鴨,還 有北京鴨沙律,鴨絲羹。主菜有韭荵露筍炒鴨脯和鴨絲炒麵,最



廳氣氛優雅雋逸,同時親切友善。優質高效服務,由專業和友善 的服務團隊提供。領班Jesse Lo曾任職於知名餐廳Glowbal,她和

1886位於Parq Vancouver的三樓,該處是高賭注博彩樓層。

團隊定能推薦最適合賓客的好菜色。1886的侍茶師Kathy Chan,















菜譜精心設計 參與設計1886餐廳菜譜 的陳辰朗,本是拉斯維加斯 Wynn酒店「永利軒」的行政總 廚。他創作的食譜以粵菜為 主,加添四川、上海和湖南菜





提供廣東點心和其他選擇。 You can find signature of Cantonese dim sim and other creative choices.

Your eyes will immediately be drawn to the blue, green and gold

Their $78 Autumn Menu dinner starts with an ‘1886 Sampler’

agate panels that complement the rich purple carpets and deep

(chilled sliced abalone, marinated jellyfish, crispy prawn & cuttlefish

blue velvet banquettes. The gold accents, dark wood panelling

and Iberico barbecue pork) followed by a choice of either Peking

and richly textured alcove ceilings all contribute to an aesthetically

Duck Salad or Seafood Hot & Sour Soup.

pleasing atmosphere that makes you feel at home – albeit an affluent one – and encourages you to linger for as long as possible.

For the main course, select from Szechuan Chili Prawn, Steamed Chilean Sea Bass Fillet, Three-Cup Chicken Clay Pot or

It is a sublime space that’s appropriate for high-powered lunches, yet still cozy enough for intimate dinners. It is unmistakably

Hunan Spicy Braised Beef Short Rib. You can finish this off with of a dessert of Tropical Fruit Sago.

chic without trying too hard, at the same time friendly and welcoming.

The $88 Peking Duck menu (minimum 2 persons) features a


table-carved roasted duck with Peking Duck salad. A double-boiled shredded duck bouillon soup course comes next. For the main course, we have wok-fried duck and a pan-fried shredded crispy

The genteel and efficient service is provided by a team of friendly and knowledgeable servers, headed by Jesse Lo, who once worked at Vancouver’s esteemed Glowbal restaurant. He will recommend dishes suited to your preference. Kathy Chan, the tea sommelier at 1886, offers a great selection

noodle course. A wonderful dining experience cannot be complete without the Tropical Fruit Sago for dessert.

AND MORE 1886 is on the third floor of Parq Vancouver, which is also the

of teas that can be served tableside, ranging from $6 to $52 per

gaming floor accepting high stakes. Dim sum is served during lunch

person. The choices include Golden Beautiful Eyebrow ($8), Iron

hours (some of them are also available at dinner time if you have a

Goddess Of Mercy ($20) and Silver Needle ($24). You may want

craving). Cocktails and noodles are available at the lounge.

to try the Yellow Tea Buds, one of the most expensive teas in the world, at $52 per person.


There are several private rooms that can accommodate 12 people (minimum charge $1,500) and six people (minimum charge $1,000). As 1886 is located next to the high-stakes gambling floor, guests dining here must be at least 19 years of age.

Chef Richard Chen, former executive chef at Wing Lei (the Chinese restaurant at the Wynn in Las Vegas), has been involved in designing the menu of 1886. He created a Cantonese-focused

1886 – Parq Vancouver

menu with elements of Sichuan, Shanghainese and Hunan cuisines.

3/F 39 Smithe Street, Vancouver

Opt for their lunch dim sum if you want to enjoy a fast or a light

604.683.7277 extension 8500

meal. But if you prefer something more laid back and intimate, you

營業時間 Hours: Dim sum — 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.; Dinner — 5 p.m.-10 p.m. (10:30 p.m. weekends); Overnight (VIP) — 10 p.m.– 5 a.m. 1886@parqvancouver.com

can go for the dinner and choose between two set menus.

北京片皮鴨。 Table carved roasted duck.






Dungeness蟹餅配玉米莎莎。 Dungeness crab cakes with corn salsa.


ArAxi restAurAnt A tAste of mAgic text | Iris Yim photo | Johnny Liu, Araxi Restaurant





Fine wine. Luxurious ambiance. Intimate

務,是fine dining的首要條件。在Whistler

service. Araxi Restaurant & Oyster Bar at

Village的Araxi Restaurant享用晚餐,你會完

Whistler Village exhibits all of these, the

全領略到fine dining極致之美。

epitome of fine dining.


Araxi Restaurant已連續十多年獲Vancouver Magazine

Araxi has been recognized as the area’s best restaurant by

Restaurant Award評選為區內最佳餐廳;在Araxi服務二十年

Vancouver Magazine for more than 10 years. James Walt, who has been

的行政總廚James Walt,曾獲選為‘Best Chef in Whistler’ ;

with the restaurant for 20 years, has also been recognized as the “Best

酒務經理Samantha Rahn亦曾榮獲‘Sommelier of the Year’

Chef in Whistler,” while wine director Samantha Rahn has pocketed

與 ‘Premier Crew Service Award’ 等美譽和獎項。

“Sommelier of the Year” and “Premier Crew Service Award” titles.

Chef James Walt去年更上一層樓,榮升集團位於

Last year, Walt was made executive chef of the group’s new Whistler

Whistler的新餐廳Il Caminetto的行政總廚,更負責旗下Araxi

restaurant, Il Caminetto, while remaining in charge of both the Araxi

及Bar Oso的出品。原本於溫哥華West Restaurant任行政總

and Bar Oso brands. Quang Dang, who was executive chef of West

廚的Quang Dang,則帶著他的自行車和滑雪板高興赴任,成

Restaurant in Vancouver, became Araxi’s executive chef, bringing along


his bike and snowboard.

Araxi的藏酒窖The cellar by Araxi亦正式投入運作,這

The Cellar by Araxi, an extension of the famed restaurant, has been


designed for wine enjoyment, with seating for 50 people. It is a great

pairing dinner的最佳場地。

space for private parties, or a wine-pairing dinner.

Chef Quang延續Araxi的優良傳統,經常和當地不同的農

Chef Quang continues the refined traditions of Araxi and collaborates

牧業合作,如Root Down Organics、Riverlands Organics、

with local growers, such as Root Down Organics, Riverlands Organics,

Sloping Hills、Pemberton Meadows Natural Beef等的優質食

Sloping Hills and Pemberton Meadows Natural Beef, to access premium


fresh ingredients. Araxi位於Whistler Village心臟地帶,這裡 的露天雅座是欣賞村內景致的最佳位置。 The al fresco dining area of Araxi, at the heart of Whistler Village, is the best place to enjoy the village’s views.

The Cellar by Araxi設有五十個座位,是舉 行私人派對和wine-pairing dinner的好地方。 The Cellar by Araxi, with seating for 50 people, is a great place for private wine-paring dinner parties.


PleAsAnt wine-PAiring surPrises

總廚擅於施展廚藝魔法,細緻、講究配襯和對比,無論 是質感、味道以至色彩配搭,都為食客帶來意外驚喜。 如果說菜式是主角的話,Samantha Rahn為菜式配酒則

The executive chef is celebrated for applying his culinary magic to create exquisite dishes with stunning texture, taste and colours. The wine that Rahn recommends for each course is invariably


impeccable and elevates the gastronomic experience. I have many fond

朝拜Araxi Restaurant的美味記憶中,妙到毫巔的酒餚配可謂

memories of the wine pairing from numerous visits to Araxi.

不勝枚舉。 The executive chef has a penchant for squash blossom and teams 總廚愛以squash blossom來展示玩味。我吃過一道簡

it with heirloom tomatoes for a simple and delicate appetizer There

單精緻而美味的頭盤:local squash blossom and heirloom

is mashed potatoes stuffed in Italian cucumbers, or the blossoms of

tomatoes,把意大利青瓜或patty pan squash的花卉在還未

patty pan squash (before they turn into a fruit) and tempura fried. The


mellow smooth mash is wrapped inside light crispy batter. The sliced


ripe heirloom tomatoes and shredded Italian cucumbers are drizzled with


a gazpacho-like reduction, olive oil and vinegar, and decorated with a


couple of young nasturtium leaves. They combine to add the right degree


of acidity to whet one’s appetite.





Food 試問誰不愛鵝肝松露?吃在Araxi Restaurant,別忘記嘗 嘗shaved Alba truffles & buffalo ricotta ravioli的美味。Buffalo ricotta ravioli灑上大量黑白松露,香味濃郁,深吸一口氣,儼然嗅 到天堂的氣息! 以水牛芝士作餡料的意式雲吞也妙,切開後流出未凝固的半 溏心蛋汁,蛋汁加松露,誠為天下絕配。Samantha為菜式配以 Fontanafredda‘La Rosa’Barolo 2005, Piemonte, Italy,是典 BC heritage beef cheek and crisp pork jowl的牛面頰肉和豬頸肉,襯以亮橙 色的紅蘿蔔茸,慢燉熬成的淺褐色醬汁,以及酥爛牛面頰的黑巧克力色組 合,加入焗脆芫荽的米蘭式配味gremolata,彷如秋日林中的深淺色階。 BC heritage beef cheek and crisp pork jowl is served with bright orange carrot mash. A light-brown reduction on the dark chocolate-coloured tender jowl, and Milanese gremolata with coriander crisp, form a picture with different shades of autumn colours.

型的意大利紅酒Barolo,以辛辣的煙草和礦物味來呈現意大利酒 風格。 愛吃海鮮的話,煙燻黑魚會是我的極上推介。總廚先醃好黑 魚,然後不經火只用煙燻,以保存肉汁,油澤潤滑,樸實天然更 存真味,入口如絲般滑溜。配以有陣陣煙燻香的西西里Planeta Chardonnay 2008,經法國橡木桶窖藏的Planeta Chardonnay, 甫喝下,無花果、桃李、云呢拿以至玫瑰香繞繚而至,入喉但覺 質感絲滑,和煙燻黑魚是絕佳配對。 野味的肌肉纖維緊實,容易變韌,但這裡的pepper crusted Rangeland elk tenderloin鹿柳嫩而無渣,肉汁充沛,細嫩肉質和 豐盈肉汁互相混和。和鹿柳作對襯的是慢煮ox cheek,燉得酥爛 至起膠,入口即化,一剛一柔的口感互相對比。中間的薯茸芝士

Yakima Valley Lamb Rack羊架嫩煎,配以意大利的salsa verde葷肉汁。這 款青醬內有芫荽、蒜茸和洋蔥,香醋加酸豆和橄欖茸增添鹹味,佐味後羊 架和羊脂份外香羶惹味。 Yakima Valley Lamb Rack, gently fried and served with Italian salsa verde made with coriander, garlic and onions. The vinegar, tamarind and mashed olives add salty sour tastes to bring out the lamb’s unique taste.

球可真有趣,內餡煙韌,充滿薯香糯及芝士溶開後的拉勁,外層 非常香脆,無數對比見於方寸之內。 Araxi的佳釀美饌在舌尖上留下的美妙記憶,令人難忘。

Who doesn’t like truffles and fois gras? At Araxi, shaved Alba truffles and buffalo ricotta ravioli is a must-try. Black and white truffles are generously sprinkled on the ravioli, producing a rich and memorable aroma. The ravioli oozes runny egg yolk, which makes for a perfect match with the truffles. Rahn pairs it with Fontanafredda ‘La Rosa’ Barolo 2005 from Piemonte, Italy, a classic Italian red characterized by spicy tobacco and mineral tones. A top choice for seafood lovers is the house-smoked Haida Gwaii sablefish. It’s marinated, then smoked, to seal in the juices and give it a glossy sheen and silky-smooth texture. Paired with smoky Planeta Chardonnay 2008 from Sicily that’s aged in French oak casks, the smooth texture and hints of fig, peach, vanilla and rose bring out the best of the smoked sablefish. Game can be a bit chewy if not done right, but the pepper-crusted Rangeland elk tenderloin is amazingly juicy and tender. The accompanying ox cheek is slow-cooked and melts in your mouth, creating a rich contrast with the firmer elk. The mashed potato cheese balls are intriguing: crunchy on the outside, soft and fragrant on the inside. They create an even more remarkable contrast on one single plate. Araxi truly is an unforgettable experience. Araxi Restaurant & Oysters Bar #110-4222 Village Square, Whistler, BC 604.932.4540 araxi.com





烤牛肉配鷹咀豆燉菜和金蓮花松子青醬的食譜曾收於James Walt的著作‘Araxi : Roots to Shoots’ 內,以當地各式紅菜頭烤 焗,配鷹嘴豆及金盞花青醬,簡單質樸、滋味雋永。 The recipe of roasted beets with chickpea caponata and nasturtium pesto has been included in James Walt’s cookbook Araxi: Roots to Shoots. It is a simple, rustic and classic combination.

squash blossoms釀芝士。 Squash blossoms stuffed with cheese.

long tAble Dining 百份百從農場到餐桌 100% from farm to table

Araxi每年八月都會舉行 Long Table Dining Series,在一個山環水抱的 地點擺開長蛇陣,奉上豐盛的田園作物及海陸時鮮,由James Watt帶領麾下 精英,如集團旗下餐廳Blue Water Cafe、CinCin、West、Tierry Cafe、Bar Oso等名廚,為與會者烹製充滿田園風味的菜式。 區內的農場North Arm Farm、或湖山環抱的風景區如Lost Lake、以至 溫哥華Vanier Park都曾是Long Table Dining Series的舉行地,Chef James 這位from farm to table的先驅者,會精選農場裡當日最佳收成來設計餐單, 新鮮時蔬上桌時還帶著田野間的露珠,讓人品味到有機時蔬的天然真味。 在有驟雨的時節,長桌上會架起帳幕,為客人遮風擋雨,侍應及工作 人員則要在臨時 廚房及長桌兩邊 奔波。有一年老 天爺開了小小玩 笑,雖然西邊出 太陽,但東邊卻 下起大雨來,侍 應們得一人打傘 一人奉餐呢! 今年八月, 請留意Araxi長桌 之約。

長桌上觥籌交錯,就算互不相識也很快成為知己。 The Long Table series is a great occasion for camaraderie. New acquaintances become friends in no time.

Araxi hosts the Long Table Dining Series every August, setting up a long 煙煄黑魚。 House-smoked Haida Gwaii sablefish.

table in the picturesque location to serve up the bounties from land and sea. James Walt leads his team of elite chefs, including chefs from the group’s Blue Water Café, CinCin, West, Tierry Café and Bar Oso, to serve up a feast full of country flavours. The series has been held at North Arm Farm, scenic Lost Lake, as well as Vanier Park in Vancouver. As a pioneer of “from farm to table”, chef Walt plans the menu around newly harvested produce. The vegetables are so fresh you can almost taste the dew on them, making it a unique opportunity to discover the goodness of organic produce. In the season of occasional showers, marquees will be set up on top of the long tables to keep diners dry, while the waiting staff in the make-shift kitchen serve on either side of the long table. One year, the weather was so odd the west side of the table was sunny, while the east side was raining, so waiters had to carry umbrellas as they served. Mark your calendar for the Araxi Long Table dining experience for this August.

‘Rossini’牛柳是傳統的法國菜,烤牛柳配上一大片香煎鵝 肝,總廚以peppercorn glaze配對,更灑上片片松露。最妙是 切出的鵝肝變成牛柳的佐味 「醬汁」 ,咀嚼時擠出的鵝肝油脂 與牛柳混合,甘香豐厚。 Beef Tenderloin ‘Rossini’ is a traditional French dish of roast tenderloin and a generous serving of fois gras, served with a peppercorn glaze and a sizeable piece of truffle. The fat of the fois gras seeps into the tenderloin and doubles up as a “gravy” to render the meat so much richer.

North Arm Farm、Lost Lake及Vanier Park 都曾是Long Table Dining Series的舉行地。 North Arm Farm, Lost Lake and Vanier Park have all been venues for the Long Table Dining Series.





Wine Not 元祖風味

Nostalgic aroma text | Ivan Wong

世上葡萄酒產區何其多,法國Loire Valley名莊Henri Bourgeois的現任莊主Jean-Marie Bourgeois,就認為當中的Sancerre地區是最被低估、同時又最全面的原初風味產區。 There are plenty of wine regions in the world, but Jean-Marie Bourgeois, the current owner of the Henri Bourgeois winery in France’s Loire Valley, believes Sancerre is overlooked and one that offers the most complete, original flavour. 01•Sancerre的葡萄園大都在山丘,擁有像香檳區的 氣候,冬天較寒冷,無論是Sauvignon Blanc或是 Pinot Noir都能茁壯成長。 Sancerre’s vineyards are mostly on hills, where winter is as cold as the Champagne region. Both the Sauvignon Blanc and the Pinot Noir grapes grow robustly there. 02•Jean-Marie Bourgeois對他們的Pinot Noir甚具信 心,不難想像他選擇以之配合酸子炒蟹那向高難 度挑戰的用心。 Jean-Marie Bourgeois is very sure of the winery’s Pinot Noir. It’s understandable why he paired it with the Tamarind fried crab. 03•Sancerre的Pinot Noir粉紅酒常會帶點厚實重量 感,Henri Bourgeois便是典型例子。 Sancerre’s Pinot Noir Rosé can be bold, and this one from Henri Bourgeois is a case in point.

01 在舊世界產區傳承著本土釀酒傳

Most vineyard owners in old-world regions


invariably view the land where they were born and


grew up as invaluable, and devote their lives to


growing the best grapes and making the best wines.

的葡萄、釀出最好的美酒? Bourgeois shows ageless energy in promoting 年逾古稀的Jean-Marie

his own products. When sharing the Sancerre and


Pouilly-Fumé select white wines from his winery, we


found out what the septuagenarian means by the


most original taste of French Sauvignon Blanc.

法國「最古早Sauvignon Blanc風味」。 雖則過去這十年間新西蘭的Sauvignon


Although the young and vibrant Sauvignon Blancs


of New Zealand have taken some of the shine off


older wineries, such as Sancerre and Pouilly-Fumé,


during the past decade, the unique acidity, bouquet


and fruitiness from the old-world wines simply don’t


exist in the younger vintages.






這瓶Jadis是Henri Bourgeois的Sauvignon Blanc 旗艦作,酒身圓潤之外,還帶有一般Sauvignon Blanc不常見的香料味道。 This Jadis is Henri Bourgeois’s flagship Sauvignon Blanc. It is smooth, with a hint of unusual aroma rare in a Sauvignon Blanc.

Sancerre雖只佔Loire Valley一

Sancerre, which occupies some 2,000 hectares in the

隅的2千多公頃(全Loire Valley為7萬

70,000-hectare Loire Valley, produces excellent dry and


aromatic Pinot Noir Rosé, Sauvignon Blanc white and Pinot

Noir粉紅酒、Sauvignon Blanc白酒及

Noir red — something to match up with a variety of cuisines.

Pinot Noir紅酒,由乾爽清香到硬朗豐 富的風味都一應俱全,完美配合味道

Bourgeois treated us to some Vietnamese dishes to prove


the versatility of Sancerre and Pouilly-Fumé. There is no


dispute that Sauvignon Blanc is a great match for Vietnamese


cuisine, and it’s good to know that Sancerre Pinot Noir is

多面向風味,Sauvignon Blanc與越南

fantastic with Tamarind fried crab.

菜,是眾所周知的必然配對,但原來 Sancerre的Pinot Noir與酸子炒蟹也非

While we savoured the wonderful food and fabulous


wine, the joy of having proven himself was written all over


Bourgeois’s face. He had done justice to what the land had


gifted to him.

古早風味的Sauvignon Blanc,除了葡萄本身的性 格外,其深度或多或少來自釀酒的法國橡木桶。 Classic Sauvignon Blanc acquires its character from French oak casks, as well as the grapes.







RYOCAN REFINED Tokyo's only 5-sTar TradiTional inn

東京最新落成的星野酒店,和諧結合日本的傳統和現代文化。 HOSHINOYA Tokyo is where Japan’s ancient and modern cultures co-exist in harmonious splendour.





text & photos | Marc Atchison from TraveLife

當抵達東京最新落成的星野酒店(HOSHINOYA Tokyo)時 ,正正 是舉國同慶文化傳統的日本文化日前夕。甫踏出計程車,立即感覺身 處於日本新、舊文化的十字路口,街道一邊是日本皇室居住的皇宮, 另一邊卻是新型商業大廈林立的大手町金融商業區。 星野酒店定位為都市溫泉旅館,時尚豪華的酒店主打逐漸被淘汰 的日本旅館文化(多建於溫泉附近的傳統旅館) 。一位穿著羽織外套的 年輕接待人員在玄關相迎,客人必須按照傳統把鞋子脫下。玄關位置 的和式花卉擺設、紙製滑門及日本香木,令我對酒店留下極佳的第一 印象。 星野酒店是日本著名度假酒店集團Hoshino Resort Co.旗下酒店 之一,亦是城中唯一的5星級溫泉旅館。酒店樓高17層,每層只有6 間客房,私隱度極高。乘搭鋪上榻榻米地板的電梯,轉瞬間便抵達9 樓,電梯門一打開,樓層管家Tomoko小姐禮貌地向我躹躬問好並領 我到房間。酒店每層樓均設有供該層住客共用的休息室「茶之間」,讓 住客可交流溝通,由每層的管家打理。

I arrive at the entrance of the HOSHINOYA Tokyo, the biggest city’s newest hotel, on the eve of Bunka no Hi (Culture Day), when the nation celebrates its deeply rooted customs and traditions. As I step out of the cab, I feel like I’ve arrived at the cultural crossroads of Japan. On one side of the street I see the Imperial Palace grounds, the venerable home to Japan’s revered Emperor and his family; on the other side stands the gleaming glass and steel office towers that make up Tokyo’s prestigious Otemachi business district. HOSHINOYA Tokyo appears perfectly juxtaposed. That’s because this amazing property, whose concept is based on preserving Japan’s threatened ryokan culture v(traditional inns that date back centuries that are normally built near Onsen hot springs) is located in one of Tokyo’s newest buildings. A young man wearing an haori jacket welcomes me to the hotel’s genkan — a traditional entrance where shoes are normally removed. I’m instantly impressed with the arrangement of seasonal flowers, sliding paper screens and aromatic Japanese wood featured at the entrance. “We’ve been expecting you,” says the attendant as he leads me to an elevator with the tatami flooring. A few seconds later we step off on the ninth floor of the 17-storey property and a young woman manning the ochanoma (lounge) — each floor has one — bows and welcomes me again. “Please follow me,” says Tomoko as she leads me down a dimly-lit hallway to the entrance of my room — there are just six guest rooms on each floor of HOSHINOYA Tokyo, the city’s only 5-star ryokan, which is operated by Japan’s famed Hoshino Resort Co.. 星野東京座落於東京最優越的大手町金融商業區。 HOSHINOYA Tokyo is located in the capital’s Tokyo’s prestigious Otemachi business district.





Travel 星野東京的前台,展現了現代及傳統和式的設計特色。 The reception desk at HOSHINOYA Tokyo reflects a combination of modern and traditional Japanese designs.

As I cross the threshold, I feel

cleaning toilet that

like I’m being transported back to

look like they were

ancient Japan.

designed by NASA. The posh toiletries,

A glorious light streaming through

specifically made for

some shoji screens highlights the


room’s traditional trappings — futon

are fit for the Emperor’s wife. 一踏入房間,我彷彿回到古時的日本。明

beds raised on a platform anchor one end of the L-shaped suite,

The young attendant then pulls


which is wrapped in lots of warm

out a drawer filled with traditional

式居室美學 – L型客房末端的高台放上了舒適

blonde wood and bamboo. The

Japanese garb.

的卧榻,周圍飾以清雅的暖木及竹。榻榻米天 花的棋盤式格局設計與地板互相呼應,房間亦

room, whose checkerboard-designed tatami ceiling mirrors the flooring

“We encourage guests to wear


perfectly, also includes a dining table

these kimonos (for dinner and


and a cozy low back sofa with lots of

elsewhere in the hotel) and pyjamas


pillows. The room’s furnishings were

(modern cotton jersey outfits) when


custom-crafted by the renowned

they are walking around their floor so

Hinoki-Kogei woodwork factory and

they can have the complete ryokan

the room’s lanterns were designed

experience,” Tomoko tells me.

每間客房均精心設計,而當中的亮點就是 浴室。寬敞的浴室備有木桶及小凳,可來個傳 統澡堂式洗浴。同時備有高科技的淋浴設備、

by the legendary Masanobu Takeishi. Walls are painted in colourfully-rich

The room is also bathed in a


adzuki-bean purples or matcha-tea

magical kimono motif effect, which


greens. Very pleasing to the eye.

is created by the light filtering


Tomoko is anxious to show me the

through the stylish black metal


bathroom, the highlight of Hoshino’s

lattice work which wraps around the

5-star HOSHINOYA properties — the

HOSHINOYA Tokyo tower.

winning resorts in Kyoto, Karuizawa, Okinawa and Bali.

衣櫃內裡是傳統的和式著裝。管家說:「我 們鼓勵客人在酒店走動時,穿上這些和服(進行

company operates similar award“Every kimono has a hidden interior design and the architect

晚餐及在酒店其他地方)及睡衣(棉質運動衣) , 從而充分體驗旅館的住宿文化。」

(Rie Azuma) used the Edo Komon The spacious bathroom comes

pattern on the exterior of the


complete with a wooden bucket and

building because it is considered


stool for those who prefer to bathe

good fortune. It also means


in the traditional Japanese style.

‘four directions’, so it welcomes

However, the bathroom area also

guests from everywhere,” Tomoko

includes a state of the art shower,


a stylish square bathtub and a self-

「每款和服都有其含意,酒店建築師東利惠 設計外牆時選用了象徵幸運的江戶小紋圖案, 同時亦有四個方向的意思,寓意歡迎從四方八 面前來的客人。」Tomoko解釋道。

酒店的溫泉泉水,是來自酒店底下海床的天然礦物泉水。 The hotel’s Onsen hot spring spa gets its mineral rich water from the seabed below the hotel.





明亮的天然光穿透日本屏風式窗戶進入客房,是客 房設計的一大特色。而高台上放有舒適的卧榻。 A glorious light streams through the shoji screens that are one of the highlights of the rooms, which feature futon beds raised on a platform.

Later, I join Tomoko in the ochanoma where she prepares me a cup of seasonal tea and treats me

客人來到酒店的玄關,必須按照傳統把鞋子脫下, 這裡更飾以竹等日本木材。 The hotel’s genkan — a traditional entrance where shoes are normally removed - is bathed in lots of light Japanese wood like bamboo.

experience under a glorious nighttime sky. Just as relaxing is the hotel spa,

to some nigiri rice balls. The lounge

manned by exceptional therapists

also serves sake and Japanese

like Naoyo Iwsaki, who administers

wines (surprisingly good!) in the

massage treatments using traditional

evening and was created by Azuma

techniques meant to meet the health

to encourage guests to mingle.

needs of guests.

One of the biggest challenges

Naoyo insists I perform a pre-

Azuma and her team from Azuma

massage workout which includes


Architect & Associates faced when

stretching and dips in the hot spring


it came to creating this modern

so “I can check the level of tension

ryokan tower was staying true to an

and pain in your body.”



authentic onsen experience, which


required finding a natural hot spring


in the heart of Japan’s magnificent

treatment rooms — more soothing



blonde woods and bamboo — get

The understated elegance of the

you into a relaxed frame of mind very 「建築工程開展前,酒店現址向地底挖掘

“Before construction even began,



they drilled 1,500 metres under the


ground where HOSHINOYA Tokyo


now stands and found a thermal

enjoyed in the ochanoma with


hot spring in the seabed (Otemachi

other guests or delivered to your

district is built on reclaimed land).

room. Guests have two choices: a)

Morning breakfast can be

酒 店的大手町溫泉絕對是繁囂都市中的綠

That water is now pumped up to our

complimentary rice ball and miso


17th floor where our hot spring baths

soup meal at the ochanoma lounge


are located. Our hot spring is very

or b) a full in-room Japanese or

different, though — it’s salty because

Western breakfast.

由水療治療師Naoyo Iwasaki主理的酒店spa

it’s fed from the sea.”


In the hotel’s stylish lobby,

人調理身體 。Naoyo建議我在按摩前先進行伸展

The hotel’s Otemachi Onsen


Hot Spring is an oasis of relaxation

performances, which break


in one of the world’s busiest cities.

out regularly.

guests are treated to traditional

Guests, many of whom are business 療程室以柔和的暖木及竹為設計重點,展現 低調優雅,讓人輕易放鬆身心。

executives, soak in curative waters in rooms with open roofs — providing a magical

早餐方面,住客可選擇於茶之間享用免費飯 糰及味噌湯,或於客房享用全套和式及西式早餐 (另收費)。

酒店每一層都設有休息室茶之間,穿上傳統服飾的管 家會在這裡為住客泡茶。 An attendant wearing traditional clothes, makes guests tea in the ochanoma, a central lounge featured on each floor of the hotel.





Travel 大廚浜田用筷子把餐碟上的法日料理精心地擺列,猶 如創作藝術品一樣。 Chef Hamada uses chop sticks to painstakingly arrange his delicate French/Japanese cuisine on a white plate canvas until a culinary masterpiece appears.

Michelin star restaurant One of the biggest attractions at HOSHINOYA Tokyo is its Michelin star restaurant manned by celebrated Japanese Chef Noriyuki Hamada.

星級美食 酒店的型格大堂會定時進行傳統民間藝術表

Like a painter uses a brush, Chef Hamada uses chop sticks to painstakingly arrange his delicate French/Japanese cuisine on a white

演。而由日本名廚浜田統之主理的米芝蓮星級餐 廳,是星野東京其中一大賣點。

plate canvas until a culinary masterpiece appears. The visual delight is only surpassed by the taste of his gourmet creations — each bite an explosion of flavour that creates an orgasmic taste experience for the diner.

大廚浜田手上的一雙筷子猶如畫家的畫筆, 把餐碟上的法日料理精心設計擺放,過程就像創 作藝術品一樣。視覺效果固然出色,但味道更勝

An introduction to Chef Hamada’s gourmet cuisine quickly makes you


realize why he was tapped by Hoshino Resorts Group to oversee the kitchen of their new HOSHINOYA Tokyo restaurant, which sits in the bowels of the ultra-modern property in the heart of Tokyo’s business district. Of course, the Hoshino company was well aware of Hamada — his chic 24-table restaurant at their Bleston Court Hotel property in Karuizawa was the talk of Japan. That came after Chef Hamada rocketed to fame after his third place finish in the 2013 Bocuse d’Or competition — the biennial culinary Olympics held in Lyon, France — thus becoming the first Asian chef to ever achieve such an honour.

當你看過大廚浜田的簡歷,就會明白星野度 假酒店集團為什麼會把旗下東京新館的星野東京 餐廳交托在他手上。大廚浜田本來於集團另一酒 店 - 輕井沢Bleston Court Hotel任職,由他主理 的24座位型格餐廳更於日本成為一時熱話。 在此之前,他曾在2013年於法國里昂參加 每兩年舉行一次的烹飪界奧林匹克Bocuse d’Or competition中贏得第三名,是首位亞洲廚師獲得

Hamada was given to task of creating a ryokan menu using his signature techniques, which incorporates French and Japanese cooking styles and ingredients.

這個殊榮。 浜田上任後的任務,是要結合法 式及日式烹調技巧及食材,設計

One bite tells me he’s surpassed all expectations.

出日式旅館餐單。 只要品嚐過他的美 食,就知道他不負所 托,任務超額完成。

大廚浜田以滑石端上其精心炮製的美食。 Chef Hamada uses polished stones to serve his delicate culinary treats.

星野東京酒店內米芝蓮星級餐廳的入口。 The grotto-style entrance at HOSHINOYA Tokyo’s Michelin star restaurant.





這間只容納10枱客人的餐廳瞬間成為東京的 人氣食府,預約源源不絕。除了美食,餐廳別出 心裁的洞穴式入口設計亦令人印象深刻。 甫坐下,我的服務員Iano為我送上餐牌, 我即時被那些玩味十足的菜名所吸引:“Five flavours of delight” ,“This is, an apple?” ,“I fall for autumn”,“Let’ s take a dip”,“Oh so golden”, “Juicy harvest”以及他的招牌菜“Precious little things”。 蘋果去芯後釀入毛蟹肉及海膽,將蘋果拿 起,底部空心部分釀入的蘋果蓉,為這道菜劃上 完美句號。 主菜 “Let’ s take a dip” 是美味的栗子蓉湯, 接著廚師安排端上香煎高湯西班牙鯖魚,是極致 的味覺享受! 而“Oh so golden”是和牛卷,外表是豆奶 皮,再綴以可食用花朵。在品嚐過多道主打日 本梨的“Juicy harvest”菜式後,廚師最後帶來 tapas式的小食,更會根據食材而放上冷凍過或

住客可選擇在房間內享用傳統的和式早餐。 Guests have the option of having a traditional Japanese breakfast served right in their room.

燒熱了的石頭上。 浜田及其6人團隊為客人炮製精彩美食。而 食客們個個都穿上傳統和服,令美食體驗更為難 忘。他跟星野東京可謂絕配,他們絕對配得上更 多的米芝蓮星星。

Hamada’s 10-table restaurant is the most sought after reservation in Tokyo and it immediately impresses with its unique grotto-style entrance. Once seated, my delightful server Iano arrives with a series of dishes with


some playful titles: “Five flavours of delight”, followed by “This is, an apple?”, “I fall for autumn”, “Let’s take a dip”, “Oh so golden”, Juicy harvest” and his signature finale “Precious little things”. The cored apple is stuffed with hairy crab and sea urchin and when you lift it up, the hollowed bottom contains an apple puree that finishes the dish perfectly.

由日本名廚浜田統之主理的米芝蓮 星級餐廳,是酒店內其中一個賣 點。 One of the biggest attractions at HOSHINOYA Tokyo is its Michelin star restaurant governed by celebrated Japanese Chef Noriyuki Hamada.

The “Let’s take a dip” entree is a soup of pureed chestnut — yummy! — and chef follows that with a dish of Spanish mackerel, which has been pan fried and infused with chicken broth. Such intense tastes! The “Oh so golden” dish features a Wagu beef roll wrapped in soya milk skin and topped with eatable flowers. After consuming every morsel of the “juicy harvest” dish — it features Japanese pears — chef ends our incredible dining experience with tapas style treats served atop polished rocks that have either been frozen or heated, depending on the corresponding offering. Chef rules over a six-person kitchen staff and diners are expected to wear traditional kimono-style clothing, which truly enhances the experience. Chef Hamada and HOSHINOYA Tokyo were made for each other — and well deserving of many more Michelin stars. For more details, please visit toureast.com.





Elite Life 茶馬古道

The Tea Explorer 因為一份對茶的鍾愛,帶領一位加拿大人深入中國,甚至攀越西藏山區。 One Canadian man’s love of tea has led him deep into China and high up into the Tibetan mountains. text | Leslie Yip photos | Jeff Fuchs



Between China’s Sichuan Province and Tibet’s capital city of Lhasa


stretches a 2,250-kilometre trail, where traders exchange Pu’er tea for Tibetan


ponies, which were used as war horses in the Song Dynasty. Coined the Tea


Horse Road, it connects mountainous Yunnan through the sweltering Sichuan


Basin to treacherous Himalayan passes. The journey would take three long


months and is said to be one of the harshest trails in Asia.





Most of the trail is gone now — the Chinese moved into Tibet and closed it down in the 1950s. So are the original traders who braved that trail. They are


nearing the end of the journey that is their own life. But thanks to a tea-loving


Ottawa native, the legacy of this thousand-year trade route is now accessible to


the Western world.

個上千年的貿易古道重新為西方國家知曉。 Meet Jeff Fuchs, self-proclaimed tea junkie, explorer and mountaineer. He Jeff Fuchs是一名茶道愛好者、探險家和攀山

is the first Westerner to trek the entire Yunnan-Tibet Ancient Tea Horse Road.


He documented his adventure 10 years ago in the book The Ancient Tea Horse


Road: Travels with the Last of the Himalayan Muleteers and, more recently, in a

Ancient Tea Horse Road: Travels with the Last of the

CBC documentary entitled The Tea Explorer.

Himalayan Muleteers。近年更參予CBC 紀錄片The Tea Explorer的製作。

Fuchs’s early love of tea may be a trait passed down from his father, whom he described as “food and drink-obsessed”. But it was a casual date in Taiwan

對於茶的熱情,Jeff Fuchs形容可能遺傳自老饗

that got him hooked.

的爸爸,但在台灣一次無心插柳之下,卻跟茶道結下 不解之緣。 「那夜我參加了一個由晚上直至凌晨,長達

“I was introduced to a tea ‘family’ of sorts and one particular night, there


was a Chinese tea ceremony that lasted seven hours and went on to sunrise.


Everyone present had brought teas, pots and their huge love of tea. It was then


and there that I chose to have the precious leaf for my daily life.”


First, he went to Yunnan, the birthplace of tea, where he spent 10 years


learning the culture and tradition. Then, he embarked on an epic journey


across the Himalayas to retrace the steps of the Chinese tea traders. “I think


the Tea Horse Road journey is one of the reasons why tea is the second-most


consumed fluid on the planet,” Fuchs says.


The resulting documentary is visually stunning: roadways with challenging


climbs, deep gorges and awe-inspiring vistas. But the most striking footages


are of Fuchs’s meeting with some of the surviving tea traders who recall their


own journeys on the Tea Horse Road. It is a way of life that is disappearing, and


it is a fascinating look at a culture that is virtually unknown outside of China.

像這樣用來運茶、鹽、銅及羊毛的販賣車已經所餘無幾,但是現今仍然有用騾作 為運輸工具,把貨物運送到仍然未開發的偏遠地區。 Few caravans like this exist anymore, but there are some that still use mules to carry supplies to remote communities. It was caravans such as these that took tea, salt, copper and wool to all points of the compass.





Elite Life

Tea Talk 道

(L: Leslie Yip, J: Jeff Fuchs)



L: What is your favourite tea?



J: It is a raw ‘Sheng’ Pu’er from old trees, made in a gai wan, no matter where


I am. This is my tea of choice and has been for years. It travels with me


everywhere. Though I’ve tried to change up what I drink when, it remains my mate.





L: How often do you enjoy tea?


J: Every single morning, I boil water and make tea. I’ll often make a thermos of


tea for the day, or simply make an afternoon tea from scratch. If I’m with tea


friends, or in the tea regions sourcing for my tea company, I’m drinking tea


pretty much from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. every single day. Those are very good days indeed!





L: How did tea travel change your life?


J: Tea has always been about the importance of time for me. The Tea Horse


Road has shown me how a single medicinal leaf can link people together,


creating a warmth that is seldom known among strangers. I don’t know of


any other plant matter that can do so. Regardless of where the tea is grown, it has this bonding power and its ability to clarify. It is kind of the ultimate





panacea in my mind.

經是個充滿活力的人,喝過幾杯茶後更會滔滔 不絕,笑起來時發出很趣怪的聲音。我們每天 也很期待他再喝「醉」一次,實在帶給我們太多 歡樂。

L: What was the most hilarious moment when you were shooting the documentary? J: Watching our sound man get ‘drunk’ on tea. He was already full of energy, but when he drank too much tea, he would begin to talk even more, worry more and laugh in a small squeal of a voice. It was hysterical and I wanted





him to do it once a day to keep us all laughing.


L: What advice do you have for budding tea enthusiasts?


J: Taste all of the tea you can and particularly the traditional varieties. Don’t be afraid of a little astringency or ‘bitterness’ in a tea. The closer to the source


of a tea that you can get a tea, the better.

掘也是當中的樂趣之一,每次對茶下判斷之 前要再三試味。一位得高望重的大師曾經對

Drinking tea is a slow and wonderful learning journey. Part of the enjoyment


is to take the time to explore. Taste, and taste again before judging. As a tea


master said to me once, knowledge was only going to educate so far, and


that I needed to understand tea by simply sipping and not worrying so much


about the words to describe it, or the price, or the instruments, or the pots.

01•一直以來,品茶都有著聯繫人際關係的魔力,讓 人們一邊聊天一邊茗茶;當然獨賞亦有另一番風 味。 One of tea’s underrated abilities and purposes is to bring people together, like a kind of social glue. Still now, it is one of the only commodities that can be enjoyed free of charge in as much quantity as one pleases, all the while enjoying conversation … though it can also be enjoyed in total solitary. 02•Jeff Fuchs正和老村民懷緬往昔從四川及雲南搜 羅茶葉販賣的美好時光。從前,茶葉是興奮劑 的一種且具藥用價值,現在喝茶已經成為生活習 慣。 Jeff Fuchs with an old villager who spoke about the days of the tea caravans and the tea that would come from Sichuan and Yunnan provinces. Tea is viewed as a stimulant, a medicine here, and now it is an economic commodity like few others.







The Tea Explorer由Andrew Gregg導演、監製及拍 攝,並由Geoff Matheson進行剪接。該片曾於2017年9 月於CBC的紀錄頻道、美國AWE聯網以及各大電影節播 放。詳情請參閱90thparallel.ca/site2016/portfolio/the-teaexplorer/.

The Tea Explorer is produced, directed, written and photographed by Andrew Gregg and edited by Geoff Matheson. It was released on CBC’s documentary Channel in September 2017, the AWE network in the U.S. and is in film festivals around the world. It can still be viewed on CBC’s documentary Channel. For more information, please visit 90thparallel.ca/ site2016/portfolio/the-tea-explorer/.

一位傣族女人正於雲南省的西南部思茅區以人手篩選茶葉。直到現 在,茶葉從收割、炒茶到壓縮等工序仍得倚重人手處理。 A Dai woman sorts through tea leaves by hand near Jing Mai in southwestern Yunnan Province. Tea is very much still something linked to the hands and the most coveted Pu’er in the world are still processed entirely by hand from the cultivation to the fry and to the final compressed shape.





Elite Car 500h是凌志全新LC豪華雙門轎跑車系列中的油 電雙動能版本。 The 500h is the gas-electric hybrid version of Lexus’s new LC line of luxury coupes.


Lexus LC 500h Lexus goes upmarket with hybrids text & photos | Lorne Drury Metroland Media



Toyota has been the industry leader


in gas-electric hybrid vehicles since


introducing the Prius to the world at the


turn of the new century.


Now with six hybrids in the Toyota lineup and five


more with Lexus, the Japanese automaker has gone


all-in when it comes to this form of propulsion, and not


just at the lower end of the price scale.




豐田的混能汽車科技有多高,看看凌志2018年款 的旗艦轎跑車LC 500h便可知曉。LC 500搭配5公升V8汽 油引擎,而LC 500h則搭配3.5公升V6混能科技引擎。 凌志這些年在全球賣出超過20萬輛雙動能汽車,革命性的LC 500h,引入專為高性能汽車設計的全新多段式變速混合動力系統,動力 核心來自3.5公升V6引擎、兩個電動馬達和一組1.1千瓦時的鋰離子電池, 搭載無段自動波箱(CVT) 和四前速自動傳輸,可做出媲美十前速手自排波箱 的順暢、直接和持續的效果。 聽起來好像很複雜,然而實際操作起來卻是天衣無縫。駕駛者不會覺 得正在操控一輛有兩個波箱、一台汽油引擎、兩個電動馬達和一組大型電 池的車輛。LC 500h重2,130 公斤 (4,435磅) ,單使用汽油引擎可輸出295匹 馬力,若結合電動馬達,淨輸出可達354匹馬力,不用5秒便能從零加速至 時速100 公里,僅稍遜於V8引擎版本。

LC 500h採用3.5公升V6引擎搭配兩 個電動馬達和一組1.1千瓦時的 鋰離子電池。

The LC 500h has a 3.5-litre V6 engine combined with two electric motors and a 1.1 kWh lithium-ion battery.

從外型來看,LC 500和500h可算是凌志第一款「日常用」超級跑車。LC 500h的外觀設計非常奪目,即使是那極富爭議性的標誌性鬼面罩,放在這 輛高性能的雙門跑車上也出奇匹配。

The prime example of how far Toyota has taken its hybrid

LC 500h的設計靈感源自LF-LC雙門概念跑車。這款汽車2012年於底特 律舉行的北美國際汽車展覽中首度亮相,好評如潮。一般來說,概念車甚 少達到生產階段,即使最終可以成為量產車,通常也會經過大幅改動,然 而LC 500/500h就是以原型設計為藍圖的全新轎跑車,反映出原設計本身 就是一件藝術傑作。 當然,情人眼裡出西施,不一定所有人都和我一樣,認定


耗油量為8.9公升/100公里,而 在高速公路的數字更低至7公 升。與同類型跑車比較, 這些數字委實驚人。

Lexus has sold more than 200,000 hybrids worldwide

The LC 500h is revolutionary, in that it introduces an all-new Lexus multi-stage hybrid powertrain designed specifically for high-performance


部的數據顯示,LC 500h在市內的

engine in LC 500 form, or a 3.5-litre V6 with

over the years, so it knows a thing or two about building them.


慮混能的LC 500h。據加拿大自然資源

— offered with either a 5.0-litre V8 gasoline hybrid technology in the LC 500h.

LC 500h是經濟實惠的超級跑車 — 強勁、省油、舒適和易於

能強勁的LC 500,想省油的準車主則會考

technology is the 2018 LC 500h, the flagship coupe in the Lexus lineup

vehicles. It is based around the 3.5-litre V6 engine, two electric motors and a 1.1 kWh lithium-ion battery, and is mated with continuously variable transmission (CVT), as well as a four-speed automatic transmission. The outcome is a system that gives drivers who want to shift manually the opportunity to select from 10 speed steps. It sounds complicated and it is, but in the real world it all works seamlessly. You would never know that you’re operating a vehicle with two transmissions, a gasoline engine, two electric motors and a huge battery. The gasoline engine itself produces 295 horsepower, but combined with the electric motor, there is a net output of 354 horses — enough to power the 2,130-kilogram (4,435-pound) LC 500h to a 0-100 km/h time of under five seconds, just slightly slower than the V8 version. From a styling standpoint, the LC 500 and 500h provide Lexus with what might be considered its first ‘everyday’ supercars. The exterior design of the LC 500h is spectacular, and even the much-debated Lexus signature spindle grille works wonderfully on this performance sports coupe. The car is inspired by the LF-LC concept that was greeted with rave reviews when it debuted in 2012 at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. Concepts seldom reach the production stage. Even when they do, they’re often changed considerably: not the LC 500/500h, which is a work of art that mirrors the original design.





Elite Car

01•LC 500h車頭擁有凌志的獨特大型鬼面罩,配上左右兩邊各3顆長 形LED組成的頭燈和明顯的尖銳線條,氣勢十足。 The LC 500h has a distinctive Lexus look with the massive spindle grille, a triple LED headlight unit and sharp lines upfront.

從任何角度觀看都十分吸 引。LC 500h的設計來自於 2012年在底特律舉行的北美 國際車展中首次亮相的LF-LC概 念車,車身修長貼地。 Attractive from any angle, the LC 500h has a long, low-to-the-ground profile, based on the LF-LC concept unveiled in 2012 at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit.

02•轎跑車的內飾與凌志品牌的豪華細緻看齊。前座椅採用高級人造麖 皮和豪華舒適的Alcantera皮革。 The Lexus attention to detail is evident in the luxury interior. The front seats feature plush Alcantera leather with suede inserts. 03•凌志強調,儀錶板所顯示的信息是經過悉心研究的,按重要性 排序擺放在駕駛者的視線內。 Lexus says all information displays on the LC 500h have been carefully arranged in order of importance by their proximity to the driver’s sightline. 04•中控台配有輕觸式平板控制器,操控凌志的資 訊娛樂系統。左邊是換檔桿,推至M槽即透 過安裝在盤的鎂合金撥片式換檔器進行 手動換檔。 The centre console has a touchpad controller for the Lexus infotainment package. To the left is the shift lever with the ‘M’ slot for manual shift mode via steeringwheel-mounted magnesium alloy paddle shifters.

在加拿大汽車記者協會(AJAC) 選舉年度汽車的試 車期間,我試駕這部雙門轎跑車的時間不長,但它卻讓我 留下深刻印象。在我評選兩天裡所測試過的30多部新車中, 以它最為突出。 駕駛LC 500h樂趣無窮。這輛時尚的跑車採用全新的後輪驅動模 式,軸距長達2,870毫米,車架寬闊、扎實且貼地。操控感亦一流。車身前 後配重比例為前51後49,近乎完美,而全新的極短前後懸掛令操控靈巧,扭 精準且手感出奇地良好。 眾所周知,凌志以豪華聞名,而LC 500h的內裝也貫徹了品牌形象。它與人手打造的

LFA超級跑車在同一廠房製造,車廂典雅又現代化。座椅採用豪華舒適的Alcantera皮革和高 級人造麖皮包裹,更添貴氣。官方雖說這是2+2的跑車,但後座其實十分狹窄,只適宜用來放置 物品。 豐田產品素來著重安全,當然亦高度重視LC 500h的安全性。它採用標準的凌志安全系統+,這是一套 新開發的主動安全科技,旨在防止碰撞或減輕碰撞的嚴重性。LC 500h的預防碰撞安全系統結合鏡頭和雷達 技術,具備偵測行人、應變式巡航系統、防止偏離行車線輔助系統,以及自動高燈控制系統等功能。 LC 500h設備齊全,一律售118,750元。儘管純汽油推動的LC轎跑車會是大多數買家的首選,然而混能 的車型不單非常省油,同時集豪華、高性能和時尚尖端的型格於一身,是不俗選擇。






But beauty is in the eye of the

handling, and steering is precise with surprisingly good feel.

beholder, so not everyone will necessarily see what I see in the LC 500h — an affordable supercar that is powerful, fuel efficient, comfortable and easy to live with as a daily driver. And it hits the market in Canada for under $120K, a bargain for what you

Lexus is known for luxury, and the interior of the LC 500h lives up to that reputation. Built in the same plant that produces the handcrafted LFA supercar, the LC 500h has an elegant, modern-looking cabin.

get with this fully-loaded luxury performance package. Plush Alcantera leather with suede inserts give the seats an While the majority of buyers will likely opt for the 5.0-litre V8 model because of its uptick in performance, others will consider the

upscale appearance. Although it is officially a 2+2 coupe, the rear seat is extremely tight and best used as additional cargo space.

fuel economy of the hybrid that has a Natural Resources Canada rating of 8.9 L/100 km city and 7.0 highway. These are pretty amazing numbers for a car of this ilk.

Being a Toyota product, safety gets a high priority in the LC 500h with the standard Lexus Safety System+, a newly developed suite of active safety technologies aimed at either preventing or mitigating

I only had a bring fling behind the wheel during testing for the


Automobile Journalists Association of Canada (AJAC) Car of the Year, so I don’t have extensive seat time. However, I came away extremely

Combining camera and radar-based technology, the LC 500h has

impressed — so much so that, to me, it was far and away the highlight

a pre-crash safety system with pedestrian detection, adaptive cruise

of my two days of testing 30-plus new vehicles.

control, lane-keeping assist and automatic high-beam control. If an LC 500h appeals to you, it’s available in only one fully-loaded

The LC 500h is simply a delight to drive. A grand-touring coupe

package, priced at $118,750.

of the grandest fashion, the car is built on a new rear-wheel-drive platform. It has a long 2,870-millimetre wheelbase and a broad, muscular, low-to-the-ground stance.

As previously stated, the gasoline-only variant of the LC coupe will likely be the vehicle of choice for the majority of buyers. However, the hybrid version provides great fuel economy, while offering a

Handling is superb, thanks to a near-perfect 51:49 front-to-rear weight ratio. New front and rear suspensions help contribute to agile

high-class package of luxury, performance and cutting-edge styling.

01 02 03

Lexus LC 500h 2018 at a glance

04 凌志2018年款LC 500h一覽

BODY STYLE: premium 2+2 coupe. 車身款式:2 + 2雙門頂級混能轎跑車 驅動方式:前置引擎、後輪驅動 DRIVE METHOD: front engine, rear-wheel drive. 引擎:3 .5公升V6引擎,搭配兩個電動馬達和一組鋰離子電池(354 ENGINE: 3.5-litre V6 with two electric motors and a lithium-ion battery (354 net 匹馬力),搭載多段式變速混能系統和四前速自動波箱。 horsepower), with a multi-stage hybrid system and four-speed automatic transmission. 行李箱容量:137公升 耗油量:市內:8.9公升/100公里;高速公路:7.0公升 CARGO CAPACITY: 137 litres. /100公里 FUEL ECONOMY: 8.9 L/100 km city, 7.0 L/100 km highway. 售價:118,750元 WHAT’S BEST: The LC 500h adds styling excitement to the Lexus lineup. 優點:LC 500h把時尚型格帶進凌志的車隊。 缺點:後排座位太窄,基本上不能載客,只宜 WHAT’S WORST: The back seat is virtually unusable, except for additional storage. 放置物品。 WHAT’S INTERESTING: The new Lexus hybrid drive is a marvel of engineering. 誘人之處:這款全新的混能車堪稱工程 學的奇蹟。 PRICE: $118,750. WEBSITE: lexus.ca







B&O BeOplay e8 Half-transparent music text | Ringo





入手三大理由: 3 reasons to buy :

外形設計幾乎沒失過手的B&O,由設計師Jakob Wagner操刀的 Beoplay E8的確比AirPods好看有型,貼耳設計也算舒適;雖不設 任何按鈕,但憑著按壓左右不同耳機,便可操控所有音量調校、 歌曲選取、電話接聽、耳機連接、啟動「透明模式」等。防濺水及 防塵設計是bonus,4小時續航力也相當不俗。

B&O首次推出真無線耳機Beoplay E8,最吸引的是設有「透明模式」,

B&O is known for product design. The Beoplay E8, masterminded


by designer Jakob Wagner, are decidedly more stylish than AirPods


and have a very comfortable fit. Despite the lack of buttons, it’s


easy enough to control volume, song choice, call pickup, connect to phone and active transparency mode, simply by tapping on the

Beoplay E8 are the first true

left or the right earbud. The water-proof and dust-proof design is a

wireless earbuds by B&O and their

bonus, as is the four-hour battery life per charge.

transparency mode is fascinating. Tap the left earbud to let through ambient sound, and tap again to shut out the noise around you. 個人十分喜愛由真皮製造的充電保護盒,手感及 高貴感都無可挑剔。實際用途上它能提供兩次額 外完全充電,即是前前後後12小時,基本上可以 應付一個短期旅程用。 The leather case looks and feels impeccable, but its real value is the fact it serves as a charger. It can give the earbuds two more charges to extend usage to 12 hours in all, long enough for a minijourney.

令人卻步的原因: 1 reason not to buy : $399的索價確是讓人有點猶疑。尤其試戴 了兩三天,它內置的5.7mm動圈式揚聲器 音色表現雖然很不錯,但跟手機連接的穩 定性,的確不及用慣了的AirPods。 The price of $399 is a deterrent. After trying it out for a few days, the verdict is that the internal 5.7-millimetre electrodynamic driver speaker performs well, but connectivity stability with cellphones still doesn’t rival the Airpods.

Dimensions | 23 mm x 20 mm x 25 mm/13 g Headphone Type | Truly wireless, in-ear Colours | Black, Charcoal Sand Connection | Wireless Bluetooth 4.2 with DSP Frequency Range | 20 - 20,000 Hz Driver | 5.7 mm electro-dynamic Remote | Touch functionality on earbuds Materials | Aluminum, textile, polymer, silicone, foam, leather Microphone | Omnidirectional





Events 「滙豐卓越理財◆尚玉」計劃

貽豐易尚 玉堂滙萃 Jade by HSbC:

A luxury experience text | Leslie Yip photos | provided by HSBC


Jade has been a symbol of nobility throughout


history. As well, it is said to offer peace and


protection against evil spirits. Today, jade also


signifies status in a brand new way.

A $4,500 jade pendant was raffled off that evening. 晚宴當晚即席抽獎送出價值 超過$4,500的玉吊墜。





01 Larry Tomei 介紹全金屬的HSBC Jade World Elite® Mastercard®。 HSBC executive Larry Tomei introduced the all-metal HSBC Jade World Elite® Mastercard® 02 郭劍民分享了尚玉隨時候命的實際事 例。 David Kuo shared an example of Jade by HSBC’s attentive, timely service.





03 熊萬莊介紹 「滙豐卓越理財◆尚玉」 計 劃,為客戶提供非一般的銀行服務。 Jocelyn Hsiung introduced the Jade by HSBC financial management program, which offers unique banking services to its clients.

HSBC Canada hosted high-end dinners in Toronto and Vancouver,


at which guests not only had an opportunity to watch a fantastic


performance by violinist Susanne Hou, but also witnessed the


introduction of a new credit card appropriate for their high status.

卡。 Jade by HSBC has been piloted for several months and has 加拿大滙豐銀行的尚玉計劃已經試行了數月,得到極佳迴

received resoundingly positive feedback. Membership is offered free of


charge to investment clients with more than $1 million in investments.


According to Larry Tomei, HSBC Canada’s Executive Vice-President


for Retail Banking and Wealth Management, “Many clients told us that


the unique, high-touch service offered by Jade by HSBC is exactly what they have been looking for.”

計劃不單涵蓋金融投資和財務管理,更能提供獨特的禮賓服 務。「如為客戶搜尋已售罄的活動門票,或者私人聯誼晚會邀請

The program not only includes investment and financial


management, but it also offers a unique concierge service. Jocelyn


Hsiung, British Columbia Regional Head of Branch Network, said: “We can search for tickets to sold-out events, or private-event invitations

尚玉的服務範圍還無遠弗屆,在全球發生的特殊情況皆照顧 得宜。加拿大滙豐銀行安省分行網路主管郭劍民舉例稱,一位尚

for our clients, and can also offer a customized itinerary, as well as customized home management services.”

玉的會員帶着全家20多人享受遊輪假期途中,獲通知目的地的旅 館發生火警,客人透過尚玉的服務,重新訂到附近的旅館。「客

Jade by HSBC is all encompassing, and even takes care of special


emergencies around the world. David Kuo, Ontario Regional Head of


Branch Network, offered an example of HSBC’s excellent service. A


Jade by HSBC member took his family of more than 20 on a vacation


cruise and learned while at sea that the hotel at their final destination had been damaged by fire. Jade by HSBC’s Guests Services was able


to re-book the group at a nearby hotel.

信用卡,可以享用世界各地機場的貴賓室等多種福利。 “By the time the guests arrived on shore, everything has been 《星尚雜誌》 副社長葉子青Leslie Yip應邀主持於多市及溫市舉 行的派對。晚宴更即席抽獎,送出價值超過$4,500的玉吊墜。每

completely arranged,” Kuo said. “Even the room rates were the same. It is very useful to have someone ready to help at any moment.”

位賓客均獲贈當晚表演嘉賓小提琴家侯以嘉的簽名唱片及個人相 片、翡翠綠手工朱古力及先睹最新金屬信用 卡的禮遇。

Jade by HSBC’s mobile app and 24-hour hotline make services readily accessible, and they can be accessed in multiple languages. HSBC Canada also introduced its first metal credit card with no annual fee and many benefits, including the use of the VIP lounge at airports worldwide. Leslie Yip, Associate Publisher of EliteGen Magazine, was invited to MC the events in Toronto and Vancouver. The dinner raffle offered a jade pendant valued at more than $4,500. Every guest received violinist Susanne Hou’s autographed CD

小提琴家侯以嘉於晚宴上表演娛賓。 Violinist Susanne Hou performed at the dinner.

and picture, a handcrafted box of emerald green chocolate and the opportunity to be one of the first Canadians to see the new metal credit card.





E · stagram EliteGenMag 關注星尚,緊貼潮流。潮人潮服,名貴新品, 華麗派對,搶先預賞新刊以及讀者回饋活 動,盡在Instagram: @EliteGenMag。Hashtag #EliteGen,你的圖片更有機會登上 《星尚》 。 Discover inspiring images, new luxury products, the latest fashion and the swankiest parties. Readers are invited to hashtag us for a change to get featured: #EliteGen. Watch out for sneak previews of future issues and giveaways too!

lours”. med it “eau de ve zy when they na ls, with uz ta df pe an se m ro ar ty #w be velve for You knew it would @BottegaVeneta centres around ch at m ct sensory e at think it’s the perfe The new perfum e W s. te no se its ba leather as one of 蝶家 Knot Clutch. #葆 your Gigolo Red

EliteGen w travel co elcomes #旅遊 lumnist! 達人Ma rc H traveller, who has e is a veteran jo Atchison as ou r new urnalist look forw been to an m ard to # seethew ore than 100 c d seasoned orld with ountries . We him!

Party in style – Chinese style, that is. The third annual @fetechinoise transformed century-old Chinese celebrations into artistic translations with beautiful results, and 100 per cent of ticket proceeds were donated to the Markham Stouffville Hospital Foundation and fuGen Theatre Company. More than $82K was raised! #中國 風 #善心最美 98




No, these are not Crocs. They are leather slippers from #GucciCruise18, adorned with gold stars and the Gucci bee from their archives. OK, even with the horse bits, they still look like crocs. #arosebyanyothername

Our associate publisher takes an #elevatorselfie at what is touted as the most instagrammable elevator in Vancouver. Are we the only ones who think that this #infinitymirror elevator @thedouglas_van @ParqVancouverBC looks like a #timemachine? #自拍游樂園

Light up your Valentine’s Day with the Bain de Roses teascented candle from @twgteaca. The luxury tea company just celebrated its first anniversary in Canada, and this rose-scented candle is spiced with a secret bouquet of black tea, white sandalwood, warm vanilla and fresh grapefruit. #tealover #romance #玫瑰茶香

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