Jul / Aug 2018 EliteGen Calgary

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A publication by Sing Tao Media Group July/August


July/August 2018 Vol. 36 Calgary

Christine Kuo: happily ever after


2018 Baselworld


Happily EvEr aftEr 幸福 的時 光

潮流元素 大換畫 Trends: In & Out


Paris Fashion Week FW 2018

Christine Kuo



Masthead 36

A publication by Sing Tao Media Group July/August


July/August 2018 Vol. 36 Calgary

Christine Kuo: happily ever after

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 總裁 President 副社長 Associate Publisher


Read Online: EliteGen.singtao.ca App: “EliteGen” in App Store & Google Play


2018 Baselworld

Happily EvEr aftEr 幸 福 的 時 光

潮流元素 大換畫 Trends: In & Out


Paris Fashion Week FW 2018

Christine Kuo



佩嘉露 Carol Peddie 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial

副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief

胡君偉 Kelvin Wu

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加東版 Can East

徐少玲 Iris Chui

編審 Copy Editor 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 參與 Contributors

Ross Hopkins 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk Marc Atchison, Grace Chan, Joanne Chan, Lorne Drury,

Kenson Ho, Gloria Lo, Zoe Mak, Crystal Ng,

Renée S. Suen, Shuk Wa Tsang, George Verdolaga,

Livian Wu, Emilia Ku Yazar, Clarice Yik, Iris Yim

美術部 art

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製作 Production

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鄺翠嬋 Sandy Kwong

Sing Tao Daily Limited

編輯部 Editorial Contact editorial@singtao.ca 營業部 Advertising Contact calsales@singtao.ca / 403-213-6882 Address : #10, 40 Hopewell Way NE, Calgary AB T3J 5H7

coNteNts CAL


Watch story



2018 Baselworld

cover story


苟芸慧 幸福的時光

Christine Kuo happily ever after

FashioN headliNe


巴黎秋冬時裝周 paris fashion weeK fw 2018

Watch NeWs

31 實用藍 Vacheron constantin a BoLt from the BLue

FashioN Feature

38 潮流元素大換畫 trenDs: in & out


46 真我魅力 chaneL coco crush Perfect attraction

MeN’s Picks

50 涼鞋當道 #toes too


52 二次引爆 raf simon’s reinVention

Beauty NeWs

49 全新嫩肌活膚眼霜 Lancôme aDVanceD Génifique eye 55 護膚品中的名釀 Premier cru By cauDaLie Luxurious skincare insPireD By the Greatest VintaGes of BorDeaux 56 高效˙自然˙安全 neW aquaLia By Vichy comBininG Performance, naturaLity anD safety 57 多元化護膚系列 institut estheDerm essentiaLs to PreserVe youthfuL skin

coNteNts CAL





il posto from vanity to essenCe

elite car



audi s5 sportBaCK teChniK 2018 sportBaCK adds utility to audi s5 lineup



海南島的「星」級之選 三亞文華東方度假酒店

mo sanya: the ‘star’ of hainan resorts

Beauty NeWs

63 眾裡尋它 完美之選 GiorGio armani face faBric finD your Perfect fit


78 無限寵幸 the sPa By JW marriott Be PamPereD


58 summer BoDy


64 香水三重奏 marc cain mysteriousLy yours

elite liFe

88 重返咆哮的二十年代 roar Like the ‘20s


66 冷暖相間 灰 • 黃 • 家 they caLL me meLLoW yeLLoW



WiNe Not

76 三級酒莊 一級身價 thirD-GroWth Winery commanDinG first-GroWth VaLues

elite car hi-tech e • stagraM

92 96 98

溫哥華的經典法式美食傳奇 Le crocoDiLe a LeGacy of cLassicaL french cuisine in VancouVer

壯大陣容 auDi s5 sPortBack technik 2018 sPortBack aDDs utiLity to auDi s5 LineuP 全球首部 Leica三鏡頭手機 huaWei P20 Pro smartPhone With triPLe Leica camera Gets us oGLinG 關注星尚iG,緊貼潮流 eLiteGen Goes sociaL

部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 All prices are in CAD unless otherwise specified. 除特別標明外,所有價錢以加幣計算。

層卸妝潔膚水 跟據加拿大 全國統計

皮膚的本質 激發BIODERMA研製 首支含Micelle膠束科技 的深層卸妝潔膚水


跟據加拿大 激發BIODERMA研製 全國統計 首支含Micelle膠束科技 的深層卸妝潔膚水 跟據加拿大 全國統計

無比超高徹底潔膚 及卸妝除污能力 高度耐受性,適合敏感肌膚 Sensiblo H2O之獨特Micelle膠束科技 潔膚配方,與皮膚天然結構非常相近, 能提供超卓的徹底潔淨及卸妝功效。


水溶分子溶解表面油脂污垢,配合 油溶分子吸走毛孔殘留物,促進 Sensiblo H2O之絕佳耐受性。 肌膚經徹底潔淨,感覺紓緩舒適, 並且功效持久。

超高徹底潔膚 不含防腐劑•不含香精 妝除污能力低致敏•不含酒精 無比超高徹底潔膚 耐受性,適合敏感肌膚




lo H2O之獨特Micelle膠束科技 高度耐受性,適合敏感肌膚 方,與皮膚天然結構非常相近, Sensiblo H2O之獨特Micelle膠束科技 超卓的徹底潔淨及卸妝功效。


潔膚配方,與皮膚天然結構非常相近, 子溶解表面油脂污垢,配合 能提供超卓的徹底潔淨及卸妝功效。 無比超高徹底潔膚


子吸走毛孔殘留物,促進 及卸妝除污能力 水溶分子溶解表面油脂污垢,配合 lo H2O之絕佳耐受性。 油溶分子吸走毛孔殘留物,促進 高度耐受性,適合敏感肌膚

Sensiblo H2O之絕佳耐受性。 徹底潔淨,感覺紓緩舒適, Sensiblo H2O之獨特Micelle膠束科技 W I N N 肌膚經徹底潔淨,感覺紓緩舒適, 潔膚配方,與皮膚天然結構非常相近, 效持久。 並且功效持久。 能提供超卓的徹底潔淨及卸妝功效。 水溶分子溶解表面油脂污垢,配合 油溶分子吸走毛孔殘留物,促進 Sensiblo H2O之絕佳耐受性。


W I N N E 調查,至2017年6月底,面部護理皮膚美容化妝類別,52星期。 R 調查,至2017年6月底,面部護理皮膚美容化妝類別,52星期。

皮膚 物物 科科技技 皮學 膚生 學生

肌膚經徹底潔淨,感覺紓緩舒適, 並且功效持久。 調查,至2017年6月底,面部護理皮膚美容化妝類別,52星期。


Dress Code text | 蔡安儀

Lily Lee 自小已經是時裝精,曾修讀時裝設計,並夢想成為時裝設計師,致力宣揚 「飯可以不吃,衣服不可以不買」 的精神。 近年由藝人轉型為Fashionista,在網上撰寫時裝專欄,同時身兼網上節目 《谷乜Trend》 監製及主持,分享時尚及美容資訊。 Born with an eye for fashion and style, becoming a fashion designer was always Lily’s dream. Now that she’s a fashionista, not only does she have her own styling blog, but she also directs and hosts the reality show Music Live Valley , where fashion and beauty trends are explored.

Hot MoMMy

性感 辣媽




古典 油畫



甜美 青春


Dee Hsu

Joey Yung

Cherry Ngan

寶藍色並不是容易駕馭的顏色,但身形苗條的小S 徐熙娣卻完全勝任,上身的透視設計展現性感一 面,泡泡袖則顯得年輕化,再大膽配以黃色眼影, 盡顯心思,極有新鮮感。

祖兒這Off-white花花裙猶如油畫般,古典又傳統, 皺摺做得很美和有層次感,非常立體,配以誇張的 珍珠耳環和白色短靴,更是錦上添花,時尚感即時 倍增。

穿上Monique Lhuillier花裙的顏卓靈,甜美又青春, 粉色調令人看得舒服,由上至下漸變色的層次感更 是討好;簡單襯以裸色高跟鞋和粉色妝容,已令人 眼前一亮。

Royal blue is not for everyone, but it looks perfect on Dee — aka Xiao S. The top part of the dress is sexy and the balloon sleeves make her look young. It is fresh and smart to match the dress with yellow eyeshadow.

Joey’s off-white floral dress is like an oil painting, classic and traditional. The layering of the dress is indicative of how well it is made. It matches nicely with white pearl earrings and white boots.

Cherry looks young and sweet in Monique Lhuillier’s floral dress. The pastel colour is very appealing, and the gradient shade from top down is the highlight. A pair of nude-colour heels and light makeup complete the look perfectly.




CLEAn & SExy

性感 俐落



青春 活力



一身 型格


Ali Lee

Rainie Yang

Hilary Tsui

李佳芯這身採跌膊和露腰設計的套裝,不會有刻意 賣弄性感之餘,更顯得她很年輕,加上一頭乾淨俐 落的髮型,簡約的鑽飾,好看又有型。

很喜歡楊丞琳這身SEA New York連身牛仔褲,簡 單的在袖口位加以ruffles設計,束上馬尾,乾淨俐 落;配上今年Jimmy Choo大熱的膠袋高跟鞋,青 春活力時尚感兼而有之。

很少作如此女性化打扮的徐濠縈,穿上紅色碎花長 裙,配以all back丸子頭和Roger Vivier綁帶紅鞋, 展現出一身型格。

Ali looks young but not sexy in this super-short, off-shoulder suit top. Her hairstyle and simple diamond accessories are quite stylish.

I like Rainie’s Sea New York jean overalls. The ruffle design is simple but catchy, and her choice of a ponytail is great. She looks stylish and energetic in Jimmy Choo’s plastic wrapped pumps.

Hilary isn’t known for her feminine style, but she is definitely stylish in this red floral dress, which matches well with her hair bun and Roger Vivier red-ribbon shoes.





Dress Code



貴氣 搶眼

tHE SExy

性感 層次


華麗 示範

Nicole Kidman

Rebecca Romojn

Charlize Theron

金像影后Nicole Kidman的金色長裙,雖然簡約, 勝在貴氣十足,輕易成為焦點所在。

女星Rebecca Romojn行走江湖多年,性感打扮自 有過人心得。這晚裝固然搶眼花巧,但隱約間的透 視位卻更是性感誘人。

影后Charlize Theron不介意在在電影中以醜妝示 人,現實卻極之高貴,穿上有彩色蝴蝶圖案的黑 裙,華麗而不覺浮誇。

Nicole’s gold dress is simple, but very elegant and shows well under the spotlight.

Rebecca demonstrates a different kind of sexy in this dress. It’s beautiful and eye-catching, with a design that features see-through patches.

Charlize’s look is different on and off screen. This black dress with colourful butterflies is beautifully opulent.

裙 Dress:Michael Kors Collection 首飾 Accessories:Fred Leighton

裙 Dress:Uel Camilo 首飾 Accessories:L'Dezen by Payal Shah

裙 Dress:Christian Dior 首飾 Accessories:Fred Leighton

網評:不著痕跡便作出高手示範。 Comments from netizens: A perfect example of low-key and stylish fashion.

網評:將本來身形隱惡揚善。 Comments from netizens: The dress hides the weaknesses and accentuates the positives.

網評:即使不性感示人也別具風範。 Comments from netizens: She doesn’t need to go sexy to be stylish.








少女 扮熟


中性 示範


有趣 組合

Olivia Cooke

Kaley Cuoco

Mackenzie Davis

《挑戰者1號》 的女主角Olivia Cooke身穿銀石長裙, 雖然略顯成熟,卻也亮麗矚目,不添加首飾亦動 人。

喜劇女星Kaley Cuoco一身打扮很有時尚觸覺,稍 稍oversize的卡其色系中性西裝,看似漫不經心, 實際是經過計算的組合。

Mackenzie Davis饒有創意的一身裝扮,鮮黃色調本 來已搶鏡,加上特別的人造塑膠套裝長裙,不但沒 硬繃繃的感覺,反而讓人看得很舒服。

Olivia, who stars in Steven Spielberg’s sci-fi thriller Ready Player One, is stunning in this silvery gown. She looks stunning, even without any accessories.

Kaley looks stylish in this oversized khaki suit, which is a perfect demonstration of a genderneutral look.

Mackenzie demonstrates a very creative look with this eye-catching bright yellow dress. The plastic style looks unexpectedly comfy.

裙 Dress:Prada

套裝 Suit:Sandro

裙 Dress:Calvin Klein

網評:以此身打扮出席首映禮,很是貼題。 Comments from netizens: It’ s a perfect match for the movie premiere.

網評:現身說法何謂特色配搭。 Comments from netizens: It’ s a unique real-life example of mixing and matching.

網評:黃衣襯綠鞋,有趣的撞色組合。 Comments from netizens: It’ s fun to match a yellow dress with green shoes.








Cover Story

Lanvin puff sleeved long dress $6,795 (farfetch.com)

苟芸慧 Christine Kuo



求婚戒指的照片,甜蜜宣布她與賽車手 陸漢洋的婚訊。且聽她分享對婚禮的看 法、如何走過愛情與事業的低潮,還有 她在百忙之中保持完美狀態的秘訣。

text | Cyris Hung styling | Michelle Chow photo | Kenji Leung makeup | Amy Lee hair | Sue Cheung@Hair Corner location | Blue. Butcher & Meat Specialist





Happily EvEr aftEr A few months ago, Christine Kuo posted a picture of her engagement ring on Instagram, announcing that she and auto racer William Lu were getting married. We talked to Christine recently to learn her views about weddings, how she overcame adversity in both her love life and work life, and her tips on staying beautiful despite a busy schedule.








The Wedding is only a Ceremony

婚禮只是儀式 能成功令女神披上嫁衣,全因陸












吃一餐,雖然很可能是他自己想去食, 而我們已經累得想回酒店休息。」苟芸 慧說時不由得流露出甜絲絲的笑容。

一個愛控制,一個夠隨心,可說 是絕配,然而他們之間也有矛盾。「我 很喜歡小朋友而他很怕,我曾放棄生育










間去準備當爸爸,以及繼續享受當個小 朋友。」

The reason Lu was successful in winning the heart of our beloved Christine is because he had the right combination of boldness and caring. “I like that he is straightforward and responsible, and loves my family,” Kuo says with a smile. “Although he has a rather macho appearance, he is a very detail-oriented person, which is exactly my opposite. “For example, when I travel for work, he will make reservations at a local restaurant, so our team can go to the restaurant after work and enjoy a great meal. It could be because he himself would like to eat there, but we are usually so tired that we’d rather head back to the hotel and rest.” Kuo says she has never has wedding dreams, although admitting “I may have paid some attention to other friends’ weddings.”

Embroidered cotton-blend velvet blazer US$3,440 Embroidered cotton-blend velvet straight-leg pants US$1,415 Snake-print satin-jersey top US$1,065 Rylee cutout leather ankle boots US$1,420 All from Chloé at net-a-porter.com

“But I don’t obsess over them. The wedding itself is only a ceremony. What’s most important is how the two people really work together and live the rest of their lives together.” Strictly speaking, she is not planning the wedding, but rather she is “being planned.” “William is quite a control freak, so everything is handled by him,” she concedes. “The wedding arrangements keeps changing. He says that he will tell me what time to appear on that day and everything will be fine. I think he should do whatever he likes, and just surprise me.” One person likes to control, while the other is easygoing. Does that sound like a perfect match? Well . . . “I really like children, but he is afraid of them,” Kuo says.” I thought about giving up the idea of having children, but I think my life will not be complete without being a mother. So, when he proposed, I said that we needed to have a mutual understanding on this topic. “So, he agreed to have one child, but we would have to wait four years. I thought it would be great to give him four years’ time to prepare for being a dad, while continuing to enjoy being a child himself.”







也出現許多真心好友,並學會如何在低潮時用低能的方法 尋開心,例如我會看姪兒的短片、開一些古靈精怪的拍照







William那樣不理別人看法,覺得『我喜歡便追求』,他 是個很直接的人,這是他的優點,相反我有時會想太多 了。」

入行後經常被外界評頭品足,「初入行時看不懂新 聞,沒理會反而很開心,後來看得懂,又被迫要回應便覺 得辛苦。要自己懂得放下和調整,有時評論也是一種推動







回望曾經歷過的 工作不順和健康 問題,「那段日子 能看到別人真實 的一面,過程中

Laughing through the Valleys in Life Kuo acknowledges that she can sometimes

going well, or her health was not the best. “You can really see the real face of people during these difficult times, but there are true friends

seem unapproachable, but says people need to get

who emerge as well,” she says. “At the same, time,

to know her to realize that she is a warm and nice

I learned how to use the low times to find easy


ways to be happy.

“Before, my Cantonese was so bad that I’d

“For instance, I would watch short video clips of

rather not say anything,” she admits. “That makes

my nephew, play with some fun selfie apps, work

it even harder for folks to connect to me. Very few

out, drink coffee, or go to isolated spots to enjoy

people are like William, who doesn’t care about

some ‘me’ time. If you can still laugh through the

what other people think, and pursues whatever he

difficult days, you will be able to face even greater


challenges ahead.”

“He is a very direct person, and this is one of his strengths. I, on the other hand, tend to think too

Since entering show business, Kuo has found herself in a fish bowl.

much.” “I did not understand Chinese news and I was Now that her love life and work life are both going well, she says she sometimes reflects on her

happier to ignore it,” she admits. “Later, I was able to follow some of it and then I had to respond.

life as a single person. “It was quite a challenge, so I needed to know “You need to really enjoy your life as a single

when to let go and when to make adjustments.

person,” she says. “Once you have a significant

Sometimes the comments and criticisms can be

other, there will be fewer hours you will spend by

a driving force to help you improve. I am quite


impressed with the creativity of folks on the Internet, but I also hope to influence them, like telling them

Strange as it may sound, Kuo says she is thankful that there were times when work wasn’t





not to make up nicknames for celebrities, and not to always be so negative in their comments.”


這樣才會有進步。我曾遇到很多好前輩,例如鄧萃 雯、蔡少芬、伍詠薇都是很願意分享的女前輩,男演



















Loewe paisley ruffle dress $6,016 (farfetch.com)

Good Parts Hard to Come By Lately, Kuo has been focusing

acting, I am taking dancing and acting classes in Beijing in order to prepare for future roles. “I need to learn from more experienced actors

on making commercials, which

so I can improve,” she says. “There are so many

take her all over the world. She

experienced actors that I have met, such as

went to New York recently to

Sheren Tang, Ada Choi and Christine Ng. These

appear at an event for a jewelry

are all actresses who are willing to teach me.

brand, then she was off to Thailand to make a skincare commercial. However, she says there’s still something missing in this line of work.

”Among male actors, there are Alex Fong, Wong Cho-Lam and Kevin Cheng, who are helpful to me. I remember when I was filming

Ghetto Justice. I was the supporting actress and

“I want to make an ad for shoes,” she says with a bit of guilt. ”Lord knows, I have so many high heels that I got for work that I’ve arranged them according to colour, and they fill up one whole wall. I even have a pair of eightinch heels!”

the producer was also new, so everyone was quite nervous. If I didn’t have help from Kevin and Myolie [Wu], I don’t think I could have done it by myself.” Even though she’s referred to as a “beautiful goddess”, a goddess in her mind has to be authentic and true to herself.

As for acting, Kuo says she’s waiting for the right role to come

“I admire Brigitte Lin,” she says of the veteran actress. “In those days, there was no photoshop


and she has always been beautiful. Even today, “Some of the

she is beautiful and has her own charm, and she

roles don’t fit with

can play a male character as well as a female

my image,” she

character. That is not for everyone. Her Dongfang

says. “Instead of

Bubai character was quite breathtakingly pretty.”






Learning Makes Life Fuller Kuo says she loves to tackle new challenges and that “learning different things makes my life fuller.” “When I was little, I didn’t treasure learning opportunities,” she says. “Now I finally understand that learning helps me grow and White off shoulder top Silver sequin dress Both from Anteprima

increases my confidence. After awhile, other people can see it. “I learned to practise Muay Thai, but I saw that I looked too muscular, which didn’t look good on camera, so I changed to speed

學習令生活充實 苟芸慧喜歡學習和挑戰新事物。

walking. I also like to dance, especially jazz dancing. I don’t practise in order to perform. It’s just to have fun.”

「學多些不同事物,是令生活更充實的 方式。小時候不懂珍惜學習機會,現在 方體會到學習能令人成長,增強自信, 時間久了別人自然會看到。」

Kuo says she has taken some jewelry design courses, but has not thought about turning this interest into a career. Nevertheless, she truly believes every piece of knowledge gained is


helpful to her acting.

令我看似很健碩,上鏡不好看,所以 現在改為急步行。我也喜歡跳舞,偏

As she prepares for her wedding, and stays


busy with work and classes, she prioritizes


sleeping in order to be in top condition.

把興趣化為事業,但她深信任何知識 都有助演戲。

“Before I turned 20, I didn’t know how to use makeup,” she admits. “Further, because

結婚在即,又忙於工作和學習, 為了保持最佳狀態,她說最重要睡得

the air and water quality in Canada is better, I didn’t need it.

好。「我會選用適合自己的護膚品。20 歲前我不懂化妝,而且加拿大空氣和

“When I first came to Hong Kong, I had to


put on makeup every day and I had to work


late nights, so I began to learn about caring


for my body and my skin. I began to use face masks more frequently and also use makeup remover more diligently.” This attention to detail has certainly held her in good stead.





watch story

2018Baselworld Baselworld展館數目持續下跌,但

Despite having fewer pavilions, Baselworld


remains the premier showcase for leading brands


to promote their complicated watches. Even the


less complicated ones are impressive. text & photo | 金成





B B Blancpain

Villeret Tourbillon Volant Heure Sautante Minute Retrograde


嶲永的氣質。跳時和逆跳秒雖是新嘗試,卻叫人眼前一亮;三項 複雜功能,巧妙地造出8字造型,座落潔白無瑕的琺瑯面上,配直

徑42毫米的鉑金殼。留意錶盤上的字體,是先燒好琺瑯面後再雕 出坑紋,以內填琺瑯技術造成。鉑金約售23.6萬。

The tourbillion, jumping hour and retrograde are lined up neatly in

an 8 shape on the clean-cut grand feu enamel white dial. The brand’s

new attempts at jumping hour and retrograde are rather dazzling. The enamel is crafted by hollowing out parts of the solid gold base, then filling them with multiple layers of enamel before hand-painting. The platinum model, at 42 millimetres, goes for about $236,000.


Classique Tourbillon Extra-Plat Automatique 5367


置於五時位置,加上時分針就此而已,與上一代Ref. 5377相

比,更減去動力儲備顯示,看得人格外舒服。Breguet Grandes Complications首現的大明火琺瑯錶盤更是吸睛搶眼焦點。鉑金款 式約售21.1萬。

Brequet’s tourbillon demonstrates less is more. The dial is clean

and simple, featuring only the tourbillion at 5 o’clock and the hour and

minute hands. Unlike its predecessor Ref. 5377, this version has done away with the power reserve indicator for a better look. It’s the first

time a Breguet Grandes Complications watch has featured a grand feu enamel dial. The watch in platinum costs about $211,000.


Octo Finissimo Minute Repeater Carbon in Carbon Thin Ply



能提高聲量,比鈦金屬殼提升了百分之十。腕錶直徑40毫米,厚 6.85毫米,搭載BVL 362手上鏈機芯(厚3.12毫米),限量五十枚, 定價約20.8萬。 This ultra-thin Bulgari minute repeater weighs only 43 grams, and it does feel light. The case and the dial are fashioned with Carbon Thin Ply, which is hardy and, more importantly, delivers superior sound transmission to amplify sound by 10 per cent, compared to titanium. The case is 40 millimetres in diameter and 6.85 millimetres thick, and houses a hand-winding BVL 362 mechanism at 3.12 millimetres thick. Only 50 pieces are made, at $208,000 each.





C Watch Story


L.U.C All in One 稱得上All in One,當然包羅萬有,功能多多。這枚集萬年曆,陀飛

輪、時間等式、月相、日出日落等功能的L.U.C All in One,是僅次於去年 以水晶製三問部件的第二複雜L.U.C作品,總共有十四項功能顯示,L.U.C 05.01-L機芯由多達516個零件組成,已獲COSC及日內瓦認證。玫瑰金款 式約售45.8萬,鉑金款式約售48.6萬。 It has to have everything to live up to the “All in One” name, and it does —

from perpetual calendar to tourbillon, equation-of-time calculator, moon phase, sunrise and sunset displays and more. Boasting 14 complications all up, it is the second-most complicated L.U.C watch after last year’s crystal minute repeater. The L.U.C 05.01-L mechanism is made up of 516 parts. The watch is COSC and Geneva certified. The rose gold version is going for $458,000 and the platinum for $486,000.



Big Bang Sapphire Tourbillon

Hublot造藍寶石水晶殼已是手到拿來,這次則務求每一個部 件都通透過人。新作除了部分金屬齒輪及螺絲外,無論機芯橋 板、外殼、陀飛輪搭橋等全部零件皆是透明。腕錶殼直徑45毫

米,搭載HUB6016手上鏈機芯,擁有115小時動力儲備,定價約 18.2萬。

Hublot has refined its craft in making sapphire crystal cases. This time, it aims to make every part transparent. Other than some metal

gears and screws, most parts in the new watch are see-through, be it the bridge, the case or the tourbillon bridge. The watch measures 45 millimetres and features an HUB6016 hand-winding movement that

offers 115 hours of power reserve. The price is set at about $182,000.


Lang & Heyne Anton

十年前獨立製錶師Marco Lang覺得市場上太多陀飛輪,不想

隨波逐流。惟去年造了一枚很多人形容「後面比前面更精采」的小 三針Georg後,看着六時位置的小秒針盤,Lang覺得可以放進陀 飛輪,結果花了一年時間,造出品牌首枚陀飛輪作品Anton。玫瑰 金款約售83萬、鉑金約售15.7萬。 A decade ago, independent watchmaker Marco Lang made a

decision not to make a tourbillon, for there already were plenty of them on the market. Last year, he made a small second Georg, a watch that is said to be more interesting at the back than the front. Lang thought he could put a tourbillon at 6 o’clock where the small second was. So he spent a year to create Anton, the brand’s first tourbillon. The rose gold version is going for $136,000 and the platinum for $157,000.







MasterGraff Ultra Flat Tourbillon “Graffiti” 今年Graff集中火力展現錶盤工藝,這款"Graffiti"一共有四 枚,按Japanese Street Art的當代藝術設計,有藝伎及動畫人物 等,色彩鮮豔豐富。向來大明火琺瑯只能燒出三數種色調,這次 為了造出繽紛效果,特意選用低溫琺瑯,僅以180度燒出超過十種 色調。43毫米直徑的玫瑰金、玫瑰金鑲鑽及鉑金外殼,每款都是 只此一枚。 Graff is finessing the dial this year, with four interpretations in the “Graffiti” collection, featuring colourful geisha and anime figures inspired by contemporary Japanese Street Art artworks. Usually, only three colours can be produced for grand feu enamels. In this case, lower temperature at 180oC was used to fire the enamel to produce more than 10 colours. Only one piece is produced for each version, in 43-millimetre rose gold, rose gold with diamonds and platinum.


Harry Winston Project Z12

今年是品牌用鋯合金造錶第十二個年頭,去年以大日曆做主 角,今年回歸至品牌最愛的逆跳功能。在42.2毫米直徑的錶盤中 央有一條紐約曼哈頓大橋橫跨,既代表着品牌發源地,亦清晰地 將上下逆跳時分分離,錶盤外圍還有一個藍寶石水晶製日期圈, 由一個小方格在數字下方轉動,顯示日期,定價約3.3萬。

In its 12th year of using Zalium™ alloy for its watches, Harry

Winston goes back to the brand’s signature retrograde to follow the Big Date of last year. The bridge in the centre of the 42.2-millimetre

dial evokes a Manhattan bridge as a tribute to New York, where Harry

Z Zenith

Winston’s story began. The bridge also demarcates the retrogrades

for the hours and the minutes. A sapphire crystal date disc sits below the dial and a luminescent square moves beneath the numbers to indicate the date. The price is approximately $33,000.

Defy Zero G


和減大而無當。把於2013年曾推出過陀螺儀錶款的原來尺寸減少 三成,化身成Defy Zero G。陀螺儀座落於六時位置,44毫米尺寸, 搭載E l Primero 8812 S手上鏈機芯,玫瑰金版本約售16.6萬。 Since taking charge, Jean-Claude Biver has been on a mission

to trim the price, excessive complication and size. Defy Zero G is a reinterpretation of a 2013 watch featuring Gravity Control and is 30 per cent smaller than the previous version. The Gravity Control is located at 6 o’clock. The watch, at 44 millimetres, is powered by an El Primero 8812 S hand-winding calibre. The rose gold watch is priced at about $166,000.





H C P Watch Story

H. Moser & Cie

Swiss Alp Watch Minute Repeater Tourbillon


燻效果呈馬賽克立體美態,其實是以雷射雕刻技術做出噴砂效 果。搭載C901機芯的腕錶,年產量只有五枚,在會場展示的唯一 一枚,已經被香港客訂了。約售40萬。

For its first minute repeater, Moser uses a flying tourbillon to ramp

it up. Laser etching makes the dial look like a mosaic of blue shades.

It features the C901 calibre, and only five pieces are made each year. The only piece shown at the show was snapped up on the spot by a Hong Kong buyer for a price of approximately $400,000.

Carl F. Bucherer

Manero Tourbillon Double Peripheral

外緣擺陀是Carl F. Bucherer自家特色,今年來個雙外緣陀飛

輪,除了設有一個外緣擺陀為CFB T3000機芯提供動力,另一個 外緣齒輪圈的作用,是減省了陀飛輪搭橋,令它成為一個Floating

Tourbillon,賞心悅目指數直線上升。品牌估計只會生產約一百枚 機芯。約售9.5萬。

Peripheral automatic winding is Carl F. Bucherer’s unique

complication. This one features a double peripheral, one to produce

power for the CFB T3000 calibre and the other to negate the need for a tourbillon bridge and make it a floating tourbillon for a sassier look.

Only 100 mechanisms will be produced a year. The watch is going for $95,000.

Patek Philippe Nautilus Ref. 5740/1G



也比慣常Nautilus淺了一點,更富陽光朝氣。最重要還換上了全新 設計摺扣,不用再擔心一邊扣未扣緊,另一邊會彈開的問題。定 價約14.6萬。

Nautilus gives Aquanaut in the same family a run for its money,

incorporating the most complicated and youthful perpetual calendar. The blue on the dial is lighter than a typical Nautilus to give off a

sunnier feel. The clasp has been updated to make fastening easier. The price is about $146,000.





Watch News 要越洋到外地,能兼備兩地時間功能不是最實用嗎?江詩丹頓的 Overseas Dual Time採全新的Cal. 5110 DT自家自動機芯,以三角箭形 指針標示原居地時間,9時位置的指針,則是家鄉時間的日與夜。在地時 間當然由大三針指示,6點的日期盤也會依照所在地方來指示。 直徑41mm的不鏽鋼錶殼搭配藍色或銀色調漆面錶盤,近年流行藍, 我們就向大家推介這抹深邃如海洋的藍調版本。 此Overseas新一代腕錶設有簡易換錶帶裝置,不用工具不需螺絲 批甚至太長的指甲,只需在錶背的裝置上輕輕一按,便能拆卸及裝上 錶帶,連皮帶上的折疊式錶扣亦可自行更換。買一枚Overseas Dual Time,除了鋼帶,額外多送兩條與錶盤顏色相襯的鱷魚皮及橡膠錶帶, 方便隨時變身適應不同場合。

Isn’t it great to be able to keep track of the time back home while you’re travelling? Vacheron Constantin’s Overseas Dual Time, featuring a new in-house Cal. 5110 DT automatic mechanism, indicates home time with an arrow-shaped hand, and day/night at home with the indicator at 9 o’clock. The three hands of the watch tell the local time, and the date subdial at 6 o’clock marks the local date.

Vacheron constantin 實用藍



from the BlUe Vacheron Constantin近期

The 41-millimetre stainless steel case is set off with a blue or silver lacquered dial. As blue is in, let’s show the version in deep ocean blue. New-generation Overseas come with both alligator skin and rubber straps that can be changed simply by pushing the button on the case back — no screwdriver or fingernails needed to release and clip on alternative straps — making it easy to change the look for different occasions.

大紅的Overseas系列新推 出了兩地時間款式,會是 一個旅行好夥伴。 Vacheron Constantin has introduced two dual-time watches to its popular Overseas collection. They make for great travel companions. text | Ringo photo | Shekpoint Charlie






Fashion Headline



Leading the parade

Paris Fashion Week

巴黎既是公認的時裝之都,且 Paris is recognized as the fashion

看各大品牌在2018巴黎秋冬 capital of the world and the major

時裝周施展的渾身解數,指點 houses pulled out all the stops at Paris 江山於無形,為潮流定位。

Fashion Week 2018 to set style trends. text | Michelle Chow





Louis Vuitton

Racing Stripes 設計師總有能耐將簡約條紋變出不同風格, 就如Thom Browne和Sacai充滿層次感的型格配 搭、Dior混入碎花圖案營造出波希米亞氣息、 Loewe以皮革打造的條紋甚具品牌獨有氣質; Alexander McQueen則將紅白條紋加在精心設計 的剪裁上。 Designers can always create some magic with simple stripes. Thom Browne and Sacai layer them, while Dior mixes in floral patterns for a Bohemian feel. Loewe’s leather stripes Alexander McQueen using red and white stripes




Thom Browne

on a unique silhouette.

Alexander McQueen

are exemplary of the brand’s signature, with




agnes b.

Shiatzy Chen Mulberry

Mad as a hatter 新季不少品牌都設計出引人入勝的玩味 帽飾,像Valentino富童話感的藍帽子造型、 Saint Laurent那讓人遮掉半邊面的紳士帽、 head to toe都成為焦點。 Various brands have created fun head gear for the new season. Valentino goes fairy tale with a blue riding hood style, Saint Laurent


Saint Laurent


produces a top hat that covers half the face and Mulberry goes full bloom with its sun hat.





Fashion Headline


靈氣流露 Spiritual expression Valentino的時裝騷


瀟灑女郎 Dashing girls 新季的Chloé女郎繼


The Chloé girls for the new season


are still dashing. The collection was full


of silk shirt dresses and deconstructed


skirts. The layers were well defined


and thoughtful. Deep natural colours


blended into the contrast of bright


and dark. The brand’s “C” mark was


turned into a silk jacquard, while the


geometric prints evoked the colourful


painted glass of the 1970s. With sexy

或deep V線條,打造出 Chloé女郎酷愛的復古浪

cut-out or deep-V lines, Chloé has


by Chloé girls.




created the retro romantic style loved

Valentino chose large green plants


as a focus at the show’s venue,


generating a comforting warmth under


the sunlight. pierpaolo piccioli adopted

Pierpaolo Piccioli新季以

romanticism as the theme for the


new season. Big floral patterns were


liberally applied to contrast against


a range of colours and refreshing


feminine details, such as fluid tassels


and wavy trimmings. Models wearing


headscarfs were like protected blooms


in a hothouse. romance was definitely


in the air.

Louis Vuitton

經典傳承 Classic continued 創意總監Nicolas Ghesquière在2018秋冬

ghesquière led the brand to reinterpret


French classic style for the 2018 Fall/


Winter collection. the fashion show


in paris was staged at the historic


Louvre. it implied that it wasn’t simply


nostalgic, but linked the past with


the present. the shoulder lines were


in elegant and soft curves to frame


futuristic metal accessories. it was


an indication that luxury style has


continued from the past to the future.

Creative director nicolas


夜夜笙歌 Glamorous nights Clare Waight Keller

Clare Waight Keller presented her

擔任創意總監的第二張成 second report card as creative director 績表,以Givenchy的經 and used Givenchy’s classic elements 典元素,刻劃出8、90年 to depict the wild nightlife of the 1980s 代年輕人的狂放夜生活。 and ’90s. Eyecatching simple lines 奪 目 簡 約 的 線 條 , 交 織 are woven into distinctively layered 出 層 次 分 明 的 造 型 ; 飾 styling. A lacey sleeveless dress and 以喱士的背心裙及分量感 weighty man-made fur brought back 人造皮草,體現昔日的浮 the glamour of the old days. The 華;晚禮服上的珠子刺繡 sequin embroideries and feathers on 和羽毛,則令人聯想起由 couture dresses reminded us of the Hubert de Givenchy所設 classic gowns designed by Hubert de 計的經典晚裝,不禁緬懷 Givenchy. It made us fall in love with 那分瑰麗魅力。

old-time glamour again.





Fashion Headline

Saint Laurent

迷惑眾生 Beguiling imps Saint Laurent的秋

Once again, Saint Laurent’s Fall/

冬騷繼續在巴黎鐵塔對 Winter show was staged in the plaza 面的廣場舉行,仿似一 opposite the Eiffel Tower. It was like a 個大盒子的場地以多盞 big box, combined with a number of 射燈連接組成,氣勢磅 spotlights, to create a show of force. The 礡,系列以聖羅蘭最標 collection used Saint Laurent’s signature 誌的黑色打開序幕,伴 black, accompanied by powerful music. 隨著節奏強勁的音樂, The models in body-hugging dresses 模特兒身穿貼身短裙迷 were beguiling, and their couldn’t-care惑眾生,不屑一顧的神 less look reflected the brand’s rebellious 情呼應了品牌的叛逆態 attitude. The bright-coloured floral print 度,尾段的鮮艷印花短 short dress in the finale was generously 裙,運用了大量的亮片 decorated with sequins. Whether it was 裝飾,配合斜膊或deep in drop-shoulder or deep-V design, it was V剪裁,極華麗又迷幻。

Alexander McQueen 蛻變 Metamorphosis 場地掛起未經漂染

Canvas in natural tones decorated

的麻質帆布,地面鋪上拉 the venue. the floor was covered with 絲 鋁 質 大 圓 片 , 以 呼 應 brushed aluminum wafers to echo Alexander McQueen新季 the metamorphosis theme alexander 的蛻變主題。系列以品牌 McQueen set for the new season. the 的經典西裝為基礎,繫上 collection was built around classic suits. 特大的粉紅色蝴蝶結,令 enlarged pink bows were tied on to 人想起在風中微微顫動的 evoke butterfly wings fluttering in the 蝶翅;誇張的立體輪廓則 wind. exaggerated silhouettes were 巧妙地模仿蠶繭,結合從 made to look like cocoons. tassels 衣襬垂墜而下的流蘇和羽 and feathers hanging down the sleeves 毛,散發出破繭而出前的 appeared to impart a sense of breaking 慵懶氣息,令人聯想到蝴 out of those cocoons to transform into 蝶與飛蛾新生的超然美態。 beautiful butterflies.





just mesmerizing.


永恒優雅 Forever elegant 迷人且美麗,大概是 Hermès的代名詞。2018

synonymous with Hermès. The 2018


Fall/Winter collection has a winter


garden theme. The palette favours


the colours of fall, from burgundy to


bright white, dark blue and mauve.


The silhouette is clean. Silk blouses


are matched with leather skirts for a


chic look. A high-necked top, matched


with an embroidered shirt dress, brings


out an air of confidence. Together with


Hermès leather accessories, the retro


looks exude a woman’s modern charm.

Mesmerising and beautiful: words


亮眼驚喜 Brilliant surprise Olivier Lapidus在Lanvin

Olivier Lapidus gave a brilliant

的最後一個系列交出了耀目 performance at his last show for 成績表,甫開始一系列的大 Lanvin, beginning with a series of 膽撞色令人眼前一亮,明亮 bold colour contrasts. Bright orange 的橙或清新的粉藍令人移不 and refreshing blue captured our 開視線,配合垂墜感強的絲 attention. Body-hugging silk that 綢和修身剪裁,勾勒出女性 hung well flattered feminine curves. 的婀娜身段;而太陽眼鏡和 accessories like sunglasses and 皮手套等配件則為冬日造型 leather gloves made the looks more 注入動感,成功以嶄新細節 dynamic. the novel details continued 延續品牌的經典風格。

the brand’s classic style.





Fashion Feature



In &oUt text | Lucas Tang

大新上位hot trends,善用資 源還是其次,最重要是美得 合時。 Here are the eight hottest trends of 2018. Corset外穿這玩意在Kim Kardashian等名人效應下曾流行一 時,可是新季顯然不復再,解開束 縛,換上的是更為優雅sophisticated 的wrap belt,不論是富和服色彩 的腰帶,或是像Off-White推出的 parachute belt,都能為造型塑造出 迷人線條。


Corsets have been a favourite accessory for Kim Kardashian and

Wrap Belt

other celebrities, but not this season. Replacing the restrictive corset is the more elegant and sophisticated wrap belt. Whether used on the waist in a kimono obi style, or a parachute belt as introduced by Off-White, the wrap belt is key to sculpturing alluring lines.

比起corset,wrap belt 能塑造出較和諧的比例。 Compared to the corset, a wrap belt results in a more balanced look.

Isabel Marant stud-embellished leather wraparound belt USD$468 (matchesfashion.com)





Saint Laurent smoking 5 pleat sequins cummerbund in black $1,316 (ysl.com)

Burberry studded haymarket check double-wrap belt $673 (burberry.com)



去年流行以跌膊來營造不經意的 感覺,但過猶不及,隨時換來「太造 作」的惡評。要打造volume,不妨以 一件puffy上衣取替,個性同樣鮮明 有趣。 Last year, it was trendy to create a casual appearance with an off-theshoulder look, but it seemed a bit too contrived. Using a puffy top to create volume offers the same feel, but is


more eye-catching and whimsical.

strUCtUral pUFF

Stella McCartney puffl sleeved jumper $1,270 (farfetch.com)


A puffy cut gives a couture look of texture.

Diane von Furstenberg keyhold crop cotton blouse $395 (nordstrom.com)

oUt Rejina Pyo Mina blouse $1,024 (farfetch.com)

Carolina Herrera cotton-blend poplin blouse US$1,190 (net-a-porter.com)

oFF the shoUlder ELITEGEN




Fashion Feature

質感誘人的絲絨於新季被更為親 民的牛仔布取代,且流行denim on denim的配搭,不過謹記牛仔布的色 調要相近,這樣配搭起來自然毫無難 度。 Velvet has traditionally been used to enhance a piece’s texture, but this season the denim-on-denim


look is especially hot. However, the combination only works if the colours of the denim are a good match.

denIm on denIm

Denim on denim之間穿插著呢絨、尼龍等材質,層次感倍增。

Adding velvet, nylon and other materials to a denim-on-denim look can instantly increase sophistication through texture.

The Kooples long denim skirt with split

SJYP distressed ribbon sleeve denim jacket $1,069 (farfetch.com)

oUt Bora Aksu two layer jean jacket





Maje jeans


上季波希米亞風格氾濫,也是 時候來點熱帶印圖注入陽光氣息,花 卉之外,樹林、動物圖案等亦大為流 行。 Last year, the Bohemian look dominated. However, this season, print is used to add a more sunny disposition. Floral, forest and animal prints are also popular.

In tropICal prInt

拼圖midi dress看來會是新季的大熱單品。

A patchwork midi-dress appears to be a hot new item this season.

Whistles Mimi tulip silk wrap dress US$439 (whistles.com)

Gucci patchwork scarves kaftan $5,585 (gucci.com) Marimekko blue floral print skirt

Dolce & Gabbana single-breasted jacket in printed wool and silk $3,950 (dolcegabbana.com)






Fashion Feature

去年乘運動風潮而起的bomber jacket,於新季已被trench coat取 代。充滿都會魅力的trench coat輪廓 適合任何身形,配合拼布、ruffle裝 飾等細節,可穿性甚高。 Last year, the bomber jacket was popular, a nod to the popularity of sports. But this season, the trench coat has replaced it as the favourite form of outerwear. It’s cosmopolitan,


fits any figure and, when matched with patchwork, ruffles and other details, is a versatile piece that goes with any




A long trench coat can be worn with anything, especially if it is in khaki or military green. Valentino multi-pocket satin trench coat US$5,000 (matchesfashion.com)

Gucci appliquéd cotton-blend gabardine trench coat US$3,800 (net-a-porter.com)

Atsuro Tayama ruffle trench coat

oUt Sea New York denim overlay trench coat $860 (nordstrom.com)






經Balenciaga、Louis Vuitton 等大品牌推波助瀾,笨重復古的dad sneakers席捲春夏,上季大熱的襪 筒sneakers被打入冷宮。不妨以dad sneakers配上feminine裙裝,強烈反 差感更能擦出火花。 With the help of big names like Balenciaga and Louis Vuitton, the clunky and old-fashioned men’s running shoe has suddenly become


trendy again. Last year’s favourite sneaker is now out of favour. Combining the traditional shoe with

dad sneakers

a feminine dress is a winning look of contrasts.

Stella McCartney Eclypse leopard-print sneakers $875 (farfetch.com)

現今流行的dad sneaker造型比例浮誇,偏就是怪得惹人愛。

The trendy men’s running shoe look is a bit over the top, but it is lovably uncommon.

ASH pink sneaker


Sock SneakerS Céline delivery sneaker in calfskin US$850 (celine.com)

McQ Gishiki low sneaker US$345 (mcq.com)





Fashion Feature

與其說水桶袋被out,倒不如說 是一種變奏升級,新季充斥著各式圓 形輪廓的手袋,從休閒的草織袋,至 以傳統帽盒作靈感的手袋,實用度雖 平平,但勝在精緻小巧,為造型倍添 高貴魅力。 The bucket bag is not really out, but has been upgraded. This season, there are many circular bags on the market. From a casual woven reed


bag, to a bag inspired by the traditional hat box, these bags are not too

CIrCUlar Bag

practical, but they do add elegance to one’s look because of their dainty size.


In addition to circular bags, the semi-circular style is also quite popular.

Alice & Olivia Bonita Staceface circular clutch $655 (aliceandolivia.com)

Charlotte Olympia lantern bag US$2,295 (charlotteolympia.com)

Hillier Bartley tasseled collarbox glossed-leather shoulder bag US$995 (net-a-porter.com)





Saint Laurent circular shoulder bag $4,772 (farfetch.com)


BUCket Bag

飾品焦點從頸上的choker轉至 裝飾感濃的耳環,流蘇、晶石、鏈 飾、logo……包羅萬有的設計襯上 daywear,架上墨鏡,一副時尚烈女 的火辣。 Accessories can cover a wide range of styles — from the long-established choker, to more contemporary decorative earrings, tassels, gemstones, chains and logos.


For example, a pair of sunglasses instantly adds sauciness to one’s

statement earrIngs

favourite everyday look.


An outstanding pair of earrings can add sparkle to an otherwise plain look.

Tory Burch tassel earrings US$178 (toryburch.com)

Fendi gold and silver logo hoops earrings

Chanel clip on earrings

oUt Saint Laurent Marrakech medal earrings in tin and brass $1,785 (ysl.com)






Quilted Motif necklace in 18K beige gold and diamonds $5,550



CoCo Crush Perfect AttrAction Chanel女士講究時尚風格,像品牌代言人

Chanel ladies are always stylish. Keira Knightley, for

Keira Knightley,除了美貌,談吐和打扮

instance, is not only beautiful, but also has her own


distinctive style in speech and appearance. Not only


is she a music lover and an actress, but also a mother,

Coco Crush珠寶系列推崇的時尚態度。

and has the ideal cutting-edge attitude to be the perfect

以高貴金屬和鑲鑽石製成的Coco Crush,

spokesperson for Chanel Coco Crush.


Coco Crush is made with the highest grade metal


and diamonds. The surface has the Chanel signature


hexagonal pattern — a simple but elegant design — and adds a bit of sparkle to the ordinary. text | Chappie photo | Sing Ho model | Michelle A (Quest) make up & hair | Angel Wong





Quilted Motif earrings in 18K white gold and diamonds $6,200 Quilted Motif ring, medium version, in 18K white gold and diamonds - $9,300 Quilted Motif necklace in 18K yellow gold $3,150 Quilted Motif necklace in 18K white gold and diamonds $5,750







Quilted Motif necklace in 18K yellow gold and diamond $5,350 Quilted Motif ring, medium version, in 18K yellow gold and diamonds $8,750 Quilted Motif ring, medium version, in 18K white gold and diamonds $9,300 BOY•FRIEND watch, small version, beige gold and alligator strap $15,500 All available at Chanel.





Beauty News 全新嫩肌活膚眼霜

Lancôme AdvAnced Génifique eye text | Clarice Yik photo | Lancôme


Eyes are the first thing people notice, reflecting a person’s emotions and


giving insight into their personality. However, low natural skin protection,


extreme thinness, significant stress and a muscle-rich environment contribute to increasing the fragility of the eye area, which suffers from dryness, swelling, 然而,眼部肌膚缺乏天然保護,加上

puffiness, dark circles, fine lines and wrinkles.

顯著的壓力,若缺乏適當呵護,便會出現 乾燥、浮腫,黑眼圈和細紋。這些疲勞跡

To help women preserve the vibrant expressiveness of their face, Lancôme


has reinvented its eye contour cream, Advanced Génifique

Lancôme推出全新 嫰肌活膚眼霜Advanced Génifique Eye,內含數百

Eye. It is ultra-concentrated with Advanced Génifique Serum 50ml | $132

millions of probiotic fractions and the iconic active ingredients of


the Advanced Génifique serum


to strengthen the skin and its


defences against external stress in


Advanced Génifique Yeux 15ml | $83


this particularly vulnerable area. Advanced Génifique Eye


awakens the eye area and


visibly combats 10 signs of


aging (texture, imprints, uneven


complexion, firmness, elasticity)


and fatigue (lack of luminosity,


lack of freshness, lack of softness,


dark circles, puffiness). Smoothing


and brightening, its new formula is like a sleep concentrate in a single

Advanced Génifique



The new Light-Smooth


technology forms a veiling, protective film on the surface of the skin. Capable


of capturing water molecules, it has instant moisturizing and restructuring


properties, providing immediate comfort and a softy, silky feel.


Light-Smooth has a fresh, light texture that fully targets the needs of the eye


area, smoothing and softening the skin. Its properties make it an ideal ally for


combating the first signs of fatigue and aging.





Men’s Pick 在變幻莫測的時裝世界,要抱著一顆全然開

In the ever-changing fashion world, one must


keep an open mind, for whatever you choose


to wear may well become a hot item. Even the


casual sandal can be seen on formal occasions,

text | Simon Au | photo | TPK、AS

when the right time comes along.

o o T 道 s 當 e 鞋 涼 o T #

ls da an s i nd Fe

FENDI brown sandals





據說涼鞋起源自埃及,當地人為了避免在沙地上行走 時,因地面乾燥而有損傷,所以用草繩編結成和腳大小相約 的鞋底,以生牛皮把它們固定在腳上。 單穿涼鞋或是配上襪子的風潮蘊釀了好幾年,今季更加 全面入屋,例如Louis Vuitton、Prada、Jil Sander、Dries Van Noten等多個品牌均推出不同特色的涼鞋,配上短褲、 長褲、運動褲或是西褲同樣覺得好看。心水推介Hermès黑 白黃交錯的皮涼鞋,充滿夏日色彩;再大膽一點,Maison Margiela的高達色涼鞋便相當吸睛。至於Boss的藍色帶及 Fendi大玩logo的涼鞋同樣走親民路線,低調地彰顯品味。

Sandals are said to have originated in Egypt, where people used straw macramé to make the soles and rawhide to secure them to the feet. It has been fashionable to wear sandals, with or without socks. This season, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Jil Sander and Dries Van Noten all offer a variety of sandal styles to go with shorts, long pants, sweat pants or dress pants. Our favourite is the Hermès leather sandals in black, white and yellow, which are perfect for the summer. If you prefer a bolder style, Maison Margiela’s brightly coloured sandals are quite eye-catching, while Boss’s blue strap sandals and Fendi’s logo sandals are casual, yet tasteful. Maison Margiela striped Grosgrain sandals $730 (mrporter.com)


BOSS blue sandals

3.1 PHILLIP LIM Hermès sandals in calfskin








Raf Simon’S Reinvention text | 冰汪

相信世上只有Raf Simons,夠膽將自己十五年前用過的橋,再來一次二次創作,主角是Joy Division 及New Order,準確一點,是設計男神Peter Saville為Joy Division及New Order設計的超經典唱片封 套。 Only Raf Simons is audacious enough to bring back a design from 15 years ago. Specifically, he has redesigned the ultra-classic album covers designed by Peter Saville for Joy Division and New Order.

White oversized Joy Division ‘Substance’ shirt $715 (ssense.com)





Black Joy Division printed hood hoodie $1,095 (ssense.com)

Grey check wool oversized blazer

Check detail printed shirt $1,197 (farfetch.com)

今年一月剛度過五十大壽的Raf Simons,眾所周

Simons, who turned 50 in January, is well known to


be an art lover, but he’s equally enamoured with ’80s

Closer系列,將Peter Saville的唱片封套圖案,大規模印

music. His 2003 Fall/Winter Closer Collection took Saville’s

在衛衣及parka jacket之上,一推出便成為No. 1潮物。

album-cover designs and printed them on sweaters and


parkas. The collection immediately became the hottest


item of the season.

列的parka,賣了二萬美金,升值潛力驚人。 These days, Simons has become even more famous 今年春夏,是Raf Simons移師紐約的第二場時裝

and more respected after three years at Dior. With his

騷,以相同手法,再來一碟Raf Simons炒Joy Division

rising celebrity comes rising value. Last year, a web store

New Order。一件《Unknown Pleasures》脈衝星電波圖

sold a set of three Closer Collection parkas for US$20,000

案T恤售近四百美元,是一般band tee的十倍價錢。自然

— appreciated pieces with a hugely “appreciated” value.

有人覺得物非所值,但大家要明白,高級時裝的遊戲, 成本很高,訂價不可能便宜呢!

This Spring/Summer show was Simons’s second since moving to New York. Using the same methods, he

Raf Simons把Peter Saville為Joy Division及New

has remixed Joy Division and New Order. A T-shirt with an


“Unknown Pleasures” pulsar wave pattern sold for nearly


US$400, which is 10 times more than the usual band tee.

是一系列紙燈籠,為了呈現1982年《Blade Runner》的場

Of course, many people would consider these overpriced,


but one needs to remember that production costs are


quite high in high fashion.

White lantern with Joy Divisoin ‘Substance’ print

Red Joy Division ‘Atmosphere’ baseball cap $715 (ssense.com)

Black Joy Divison unknown pleasures ‘substance’ baseball cap $715 (ssense.com)





Runway 大概是貫徹《Blade Runner》氛圍,Raf花上更

Simons has placed the classic album-cover designs on T-shirts, shirts, sweaters, hats and


caps. The most whimsical look at their reveal was a series of JD/NO paper lanterns carried


by models as they walked under bridges in Chinatown, reminiscent of a scene from the 1982


movie Blade Runner.

一般時裝騷的既定框框。 Continuing the Blade Runner theme, Simons had the models carry clear plastic umbrellas 系列中,styling的核心焦點,Raf在衣服使用 大量斜膊,有些T恤本身是斜膊,有些T恤像在胸前

and wear wide-brimmed hats, scarves and plastic boots. Even the lighting made the scene look more like a movie than a fashion show.

一刀被劈開,亦有為數不少是純粹拉低衣服膊頭; 外套剪裁則延續Raf近年的oversized cutting,大大

featuring a cut across the chest. The jackets continue Simon’s recent preference for oversized


cutting and some have short sleeves. These short-sleeve coats seem to be an oxymoron, but


are reflective of the conflicting elements often found in real life.

Beige sleeveless New Order Power, Corruption & Lies ‘Movement’ shirt $1,340 (ssense.com)


The styling focus in the collection includes a lot of tees with slanted shoulders, some





Joy Division cotton jersey t-shirt $537 (luisaviaroma.com)

Red sleeveless couture coat $3,404 (farfetch.com)

Purple trench coat $2,660 (fwrd.com)

Beauty News


Premier Cru

Luxurious skincare inspired by the greatest vintages of bordeaux 葡萄酒有等級之分,被標誌為Premier cru的

In winespeak, Premier cru refers to the highest level


of classified wine from the prestigious Medoc and


Graves appellations in France.

而護膚品中的Premier cru,則是哈佛醫學院

In skincare, Premier cru is the culmination of


innovative scientific research at Harvard Medical


School and French skincare brand Caudalie. PREMIER CRU The Eye Cream 15 ml | $110

PREMIER CRU The Cream and THE RICH CREAM 50 ml | $169

PREMIER CRU The Serum 30 ml | $179


text | Leslie Yip photo | Caudalie

Caudalie跟哈佛醫學院遺傳學教授Dr. David Sinclair過

For the past five years, Caudalie has worked in partnership with


Harvard Medical School Genetics Professor Dr. David Sinclair. They found


that our skin cells produce less and less energy as we age, leading to signs


of aging. The only counteract solution is to restore mitochondrial mass and


energy production. The result is the ground-breaking discovery of Vinergy, a patented complex combining vine resveratrol and betaine of natural origin.

Premier Cru尊貴時光逆轉系列是Caudalie最尊貴的系 列,這專利配方只獨家用於Premier Cru系列的全效精華The

It is exclusively incorporated in The Serum in Premier Cru, Caudalie’s


most luxurious collection, providing visible and long-lasting results in terms

肌膚。這個高效能護膚系列備有眼霜The Eye Cream、適合

of wrinkles, complexion, radiance and firmness. The streamlined collection

所有膚質使用的潤澤露The Cream、專為乾性肌膚而設的滋

features an eye cream, a cream meant for all skin types, a rich cream

養潤澤露The Rich Cream、精華油The Precious Oil及最新

meant for dry skin, a precious oil and its latest addition, The Serum.

的全效精華The Serum。每一款產品都蘊含品牌的三項皇牌 專利成分:具抗氧化功效的葡萄籽多酚、能令肌膚恢復緊緻 的葡萄藤白藜蘆醇以及能擊退色斑的葡萄蔓威尼菲霖。

Each product in the range contains Caudalie’s three signature patented ingredients: grapeseed polyphenols for anti-oxidant effect, Vine Resveratrol for firming and Viniferine for anti-dark spot radiance.

The Serum是整個系列中唯一一項產品加入了全新的 Vinergy複合配方,大幅提升產品功效,有研究發現把The

The Serum is the only product in the collection containing the new


Vinergy complex. It works as an efficacy booster, and research finds that


when used in combination with The Cream, the effectiveness on wrinkle appearance increases seven-fold. 產品適合敏感性肌膚之用,當 中95%的成分皆是全天然。香味帶

Perfectly tolerated by sensitive skin, it contains 95 per cent ingredients


of natural origin. Wine lovers will especially appreciate the delicate


fragrance – it is scented with rose petals infused in an oak barrel.





Beauty News 高 效 • 自



ComBiNiNg performaNCe, Naturality aNd safety text | Clarice Yik

photo | Vichy


Naturality is the biggest growth driver in skincare


and Vichy’s new Aqualia is the perfect compromise


between performance and naturality. Its 97%


natural origin ingredients work in synergy to offer an


enhanced performance: 48 hours of hydration and


fine lines smoothed in a simple and pure formula.


Inspired by the properties of isotonic solutions given to athletes,


and created to compensate for water loss, Vichy developed new


formulas made of a maximum of 20 ingredients with four major

• Vichy火山礦物溫泉水能加強肌膚的防禦能力; • 天然透明質酸令肌膚滋潤飽滿; • 植物甘露糖,有助減少水分流失; • 礦物質刺激天然保濕因子合成。

components: •Vichy Mineralizing Thermal Water to make skin more resistant to aggressions. •Natural origin hyaluronic acid to hydrate and plump the skin.


•Plant mannose to reduce water loss.


•Minerals to stimulate the synthesis of


natural moisturizing factors.

天氣條件下,不同的膚質仍然保持水潤和獲得保護。 On top of being efficient, Aqualia guarantees a safe and pure formula: no parabens, no mineral oil and no silicone. It has been tested on more than one thousand women with different skin types, even under extreme temperature conditions. It keeps the skin hydrated and protected, whatever the conditions: extreme weather, pollution or stress.

Aqualia Serum, 30ml | $42.95





Aqualia Creams, 50ml | $39.95

Beauty News 多元化護膚系列

InstItut EsthEdErm EssEntials to prEsErvE youthful skin


Since its inception in 1978, premium skincare

品牌Institut Esthederm,一直生

brand Institut Esthederm has been offering a wide


range of innovative beauty and age-management

品,旗下的Cellular Water護膚

products. Among them, Cellular Water and


its skincare line support the functions that are


essential to preserve the skin’s youthfulness. text | Clarice Yik

photo | Institut Esthederm

Watery Essence, 125ml | $39

Fresh Moisturizing Gel, 40ml | $39











This product provides perfect hydration

With dynamic hydration and antioxidant

and intensively plumps the skin. The skin’s

1 2

micro-relief is smoothed and cellular energy is reactivated to revive youthful, radiant skin — thanks to its detoxifying action. Apply in the morning and/or evening.

protection, this gel diminishes the signs of aging by providing invisible protection against external aggressors (pollutant particles, urban environment, etc.). Apply morning and/or evening to a clean, dry face and neck. Its fresh and light texture is suitable for all skin types.

Cellular Water Mist 100ml | $29; 200ml | $39 品牌實驗室研發出獨一無二的百分百

Institut Esthederm research laboratories created and patented

仿生水Cellular Water Mist,並成功取得專

the Cellular Water Mist, a unique 100-per-cent biomimetic


water inspired by the skin’s natural moisture. It is enriched with


hyaluronic acid, trace elements and essential minerals.

能滋潤臉部肌膚,回復緊緻和光彩。 這款高效精華液的活性配方,能加強其 他護膚品的保濕效能;產品採用先進的抗氧 化技術,針對各種肌膚老化跡象,並形成真 正的生物屏障。


As powerful as a serum, its active formulation immediately boosts the moisturizing action of the skincare products you apply afterwards. Its advanced antioxidant technology, providing a genuine biological shield, targets the signs of aging. 查詢詳情,請瀏覽網址esthederm.ca。 For more details, visit esthederm.ca.





Beauty 夏日炎炎,少不了穿著背心、短褲,如何以最佳狀 態展現身段成為夏日扮靚重要任務。運動和注意飲 食以外,塑身產品也是得力助手,善用磨砂、精華 油、緊膚乳霜,有助阻止脂肪積聚及排水去腫,塑 造迷人曲線! Summer is the season to show off one’s physical assets with tank tops and shorts. In addition to working out and paying attention to what we eat and drink, body-sculpting products can also help achieve and maintain a healthy figure. Using products that can help prevent fat deposits and bloatedness from water retention — such as body scrub, slimming oil and firming cream — one can sculpt some pretty sexy lines. text | Angel Leung photo | 黄幹文 model | Sana K.(Primo) makeup & hair | Rainbow(Annie G.)





Summer mer Body

a. Dr. Hauschka Blackthorn Toning Body Oil 75ml $28.50 (thebay.com) 身體精油獲有機認證,產品所蘊含的黑刺李花、白樺葉、聖約翰草 油和荷荷巴油,能增強皮膚的彈性和緊緻度。 This body oil is a certified organic product that includes blackthorn flower, birch leaf, St. John’s Wort oil and jojoba oil. It has the effect of increasing the elasticity and firmness of the skin.


b. Nabelle Organic Slimming Oil a

內含有機葵花籽油、有機大豆油、有機紫蘇籽油、有機金盞花油及 人參精華,有助消除蜂窩組織及消除水腫,可直接按摩在皮膚,或 將十滴精油加在水中浸浴。 This product contains sunflower seed oil, organic soybean oil, organic calendula oil and ginseng essence. It can be massaged into the skin, or you can put 10 drops of the oil into the bathwater, to achieve the effect of eliminating cellulite and reducing bloatedness.

c. Melvita L'or Rose Firming Oil 100ml $40 (cosme-de.com) c

主要成分為粉紅胡椒,其脂肪分解功效比咖啡因高出八倍,能突破 脂肪包裹膜,減少橙皮紋問題,配方並糅合沙棘油、黑胡椒油及玫 瑰果油等,能緊緻肌膚。 The main ingredient of this firming oil is pink peppercorn. It is eight times more effective than caffeine in decomposing fat, with the ability of penetrating the film of fatty cells. It can also reduce the appearance of stretch marks. The oil is made from a formula that also includes buckthorn oil, black pepper oil and rosehip oil, and has the effect of firming the skin.

Slimming Oil 精油粒子特別幼細,容易被肌膚吸收。而瘦身 精油能增強肌膚彈性,減少鬆弛情況,可重點塗於 腰部、大腿及手臂等容易積聚脂肪的位置。部分精 油更具滋潤肌膚作用,晚間使用可防止肌膚因開冷 氣導致水分流失。 Essential oils have extra-tiny particles that are easily absorbed by the skin. Slimming oils, in particular, can increase the elasticity of the skin and prevent sagging. You can use it on the waist, thigh and arm areas, where fat tends to accumulate. Some essential oils are moisturizing as well, especially beneficial in an air-conditioned environment.






Firming Cream 多元效能的緊膚乳不但可緊緻肌膚,還能改善微 循環及去水腫,只要揀選適合產品,針對不同部位塗 搽,可改善鬆弛及橙皮脂肪等問題。 There are many multi-functional creams that can firm up the skin, improve blood circulation and reduce bloating. Applying the cream to targeted areas can reduce sagging skin and stretch marks.

a. Collistar High-definition Slimming Cream 150ml $57 (bloomingway.com) 蘊含螺旋藻及礦物質,有助對抗頑強脂肪;其靈芝成分則可緊緻肌膚。 This cream, containing spirulina and a variety of minerals, is highly effective in fighting stubborn fat. It also contains lingzhi, which has the power to firm the skin. b. Apivita Rose Pepper Firming & Reshaping Body Cream 50ml $120 (needsupply.com) 玫瑰胡椒緊緻身體潤膚乳有助緊緻肌膚,能分解腰部、臀部與大腿的脂肪,消除水 腫,刺激微循環及保濕外、還可提升肌膚彈性,重塑身體輪廓線條。 This rose pepper firming and reshaping cream decomposes fat in the waist, hip and thigh areas, reduces bloating and stimulates circulation. Its moisturizing ability increases skin elasticity and helps reshape body lines. d

c. Susanne Kaufmann Anti Cellulite Cream 50ml $120 (needsupply.com) 獨有Pro-Contur配方,能促進脂肪細胞分解,另蘊含咖啡因、老虎草及博爾多等成 分,可促進循環、有助排水、細胞更生及緊緻肌膚。 The unique pro-contour ingredients in this cream can help decompose fat cells. The cream also contains tiger grass and bordo, which help increase circulation and thus help eliminate excess fluids, improve cell regeneration and firm the skin


d. L'Occitane Refining Concentrate 200ml $64 (loccitane.com) 其杏仁精華及咖啡因,有助緊緻肌膚,產品散發杏仁清香兼且不油膩,夏天十分適用。 This product contains almond essence and caffeine, which help to firm the skin. With its almond fragrance and greaseless feel, the concentrate is perfect for summer use.



e. Clarins Body Fit 400ml $85 (clarins.ca) 蘊含有機水薄荷萃取、雞冠花萃取、酒神菊萃取及冠笄花萃取,有效維持肌膚彈性,減慢脂 肪組織擴大強度;歐洲七葉樹萃取則可改善微循環,而咖啡因有助刺激脂肪細胞分解。 With organic mint extract, celosia extract, bacchini extract and crown bloom extract, this cream helps maintain skin elasticity and slows the expansion of fat tissue. The European horse chestnut in the product helps improve micro-circulation, while the caffeine helps stimulate the decomposition of fat cells.


f. amala Firming Body Treatment


含有姚金鑲、海藻及杏仁果實等成分,有助收緊肌膚,具排毒、保濕作用,令肌膚呈現健康 膚色和質感。 This body cream contains gold inlay, seawood and almonds, and has the effect of firming the skin. It also detoxifies, moisturizes and improves skin colour and texture.


g. de Mamiel Revitalising Body Serum 100ml $83 (demamiel.com) h

天然植物及植物精華為主要成分,如向日葵籽油,能深層滋潤乾燥肌膚,帶有細緻光澤和怡 人的香氣,可作曬後護理。 With natural plants and plant essences, such as sunflower seed oil, this product deeply hydrates dry skin. It also provides a delicate shine and a pleasant fragrance, and is perfect for post-sunbathing care. h. Swisskiss Lab Stretch Away Cream 選用阿爾卑斯山泉水、澳洲堅果油、荷荷巴油、乳木果油瑞士錦葵葉提取物、蘆薈和蜂蠟 等。以天然植物成分製造,獲有機認證,可減淡肚紋,適合懷孕及腹部肌膚鬆弛人士使用。 With specially selected ingredients, such as Australian nut oil, jojoba oil, shea oil, Swiss mallow leaf extract, aloe and beeswax, this product is certified organic. It can reduce stretch marks and is perfect for pregnant women and those with sagging abdominal skin.





a. Sisley White Ginger Contouring Oil For Legs 150ml $245 (holtrenfrew.com) 白薑花緊膚纖腿精華油有助減輕雙腳浮腫,由足踝開始塗抹至臀部,按摩即可。 This oil is beneficial in reducing swelling. Use a massage motion and move from the ankle to the hips.


b. Melvita L’or Rose Organic Beautiful Light Legs b

集有機薄荷花水、薄荷油、玫瑰果油,再注入有機粉紅胡椒及黑胡椒精華,有助 促進微循環,紓緩雙腿腫脹。 Adding organic pink peppercorn and black peppercorn essences to organic peppermint water, peppermint oil and rosehip oil, this product helps improve micro-circulation and ease leg swelling.

c. H2O+ Sea Salt Body Butter 230ml $32 (skinstore.com) 蘊含天然杏仁油、可可油及綠茶成分,可深層滋潤皮膚,適合中性至乾性肌膚使用。 Containing natural almond oil, cocoa oil and green tea, this product deeply hydrates the skin and can be used on normal to dry skin.


d. Refa Body Massage Gel


含六胜肽成分,有助緊緻肌膚,增強肌膚彈性,適合用於足部、腰部、臀部及手臂位 置。 With hexapetide as its main ingredient, this gel firms the skin and also improves elasticity. It is best for the feet, waist, hips and arms. e. Rodial Super Fit Tummy Tuck 150ml $101 (selfridges.com)

f d

重點針對小肚腩作燃燒脂肪,同時改善肌膚粗糙問題,收緊腰部線條。 This product focuses on burning fat in the lower abdomen. While it slims the waist, it also helps improve skin smoothness. f. Biotherm Skin Fitness Firming & Recovery Body Emulsion 200ml $43 (biotherm.ca) 乳液有助補充電解質及即時調節皮膚酸鹼度,楔基海帶萃取則有助緊緻肌膚。 This emulsion helps replenish electrolytes and instantly adjusts the skin’s pH level. The kelp extract it contains helps firm the skin.

Light legs 雙腿往往因為血管受壓及肌肉組織缺氧等問題, 令血液循環變得緩慢,難以排走身體多餘水分和毒 素,不妨選擇專為紓緩雙腿而研發的護理產品,令雙 腿回復輕盈。 Because of compressed blood vessels and lack of oxygen to muscle tissue, circulation in the legs can slow down, making it difficult for the body to expel excess water and toxins. Specially developed products can relax the legs and help restore lightness.






a. Innisfree Sea Salt Body Oil Scrub 300g $25 (innisfreeworld.com) b

將磨砂膏的顆粒與精油均勻混合,再取適量塗抹於身體,輕輕按摩後用清水 洗淨,有助去除肌膚角質層。 This product combines a grainy scrub with an oil. To use, apply all over the body, lightly massage and then rinse with water. b. Sabon Body Scrub Gentlement Based on Natural Dead Sea Salt 採用來自死海的海鹽,加入天然潤膚油及維他命E,為肌膚補充水分,海鹽 顆粒能溫和地去除皮膚老化角質。 Using sea salt from the Dead Sea, combined with natural moisturizing oil and vitamin E, this product replenishes the skin’s moisture. The sea salt particles are effective in gently removing dead skin.

c a

c. Jo Malone London Vitamin E Body Treatment Scrub 600g $115 (jomalone.ca) 將堅果仁及玫瑰果研磨成粉末,糅合有機蔗糖,細緻去除皮膚的老化角質及 污垢。另蘊含黑胡椒油及玫瑰果油,能促進皮膚血液的微循環,令肌膚柔軟 細滑。 Grinding nuts and rose hip into a powder and mixing in organic cane sugar, this product delicately removes dirt and dead skin. The product also contains black sesame oil and rose hip oil, which can enhance micro-circulation in blood vessels and result in softer, finer skin. d. Melvita Lór Rose Refining Scrub with Pink Berries & Rose Hip Oil


有機紅胡椒塑身磨砂糅合有機蔗糖成為純天然的磨砂粒子,溫和細緻地去除 表皮的老廢角質及污垢,並有助促進皮膚血液微循環,同時具滋潤效果。 Mixing ground organic red peppercorn with organic cane sugar, this compound delicately removes dirt and dead skin. At the same time, the product, which contains berries and rose hip oil, hydrates by enhancing blood micro-circulation in the skin.

Body Scrub 想令肌膚加速吸收塑身產品,建議每星期做一至 兩次磨砂,去除皮膚老化角質層。首選質感輕盈的植物 及花果磨成粒子製成的磨砂用品,可經常使用。 The best way to ensure that the skin quickly absorbs the slimming products introduced above is to use a body scrub once or twice a week to remove dead skin. Use lightweight scrubs made from ground-up plants and fruit for best results.





Beauty News Created 10 years ago, Giorgio Armani’s FACE FABRIC skin perfector is back in the limelight as the go-to product for women — all day, every Giorgio Armani的粉底液FACE

day. It contains technology


that hugs the skin, creating an


imperceptible veil that blurs


away flaws.

眾裡尋它 完美之選

GiorGio ArmAni FAce FAbric

Find your Perfect fit

40ml | $60

text | Clarice Yik photo | Giorgio Armani




Face Fabric使用“Softlash oil”技術,




色,FACE FABRIC備有12種色調;獨


久、舒適,零負擔。“MicroFil texturizer”







膚立時變得光滑無瑕,效果更自然。 FACE FABRIC blurs away imperfections

When it comes to colour, every lady

Ideal for young skin, the formula is soft to the touch – easy to blend and build for

has a signature denim wash that feels

a foolproof application. Delivering just the

and visible pores, just like a second skin.

just right for them. So too, the 12 FACE

right dose of coverage, the extra matte

The “Softlash oil” technology is mild and

FABRIC shades promise everyone a

finish means the skin looks perfect anytime,

volatile. It delivers a glide-on application with

perfect skin match.

anywhere. It’s so invisible it looks like there’s

comfortable, soft and weightless coverage on the skin surface. 3D elastic “MicroFil

no makeup at all. Combining translucent iron and

texturizer” technology, with a supple,

titanium oxide pigments with organic

stretchy polymer, slim-fits to facial contours,

“lakes”, the formula melts onto the skin,

sculpting them to matte perfection that lasts

instantly fusing with the surface.

all day.






Marc cain 香水三重奏


Yours text | Leslie Yip photo | Marc Cain

第二款香水以零陵香豆、雲呢拿粉和矜 神秘一號香水以其強烈、清新以及充滿東 方色彩見稱。前調含有一種清爽柑橘成分 - 西西里佛手柑油,繼而由更多柑桔、蘋果和一 絲萬壽菊帶出更完美的果味。中調是茉莉花和 玫瑰花的結合,以辛辣的肉桂和甘草味作為點 綴 。最後,以安息香、熏香、零陵香豆、雲 呢拿和麝香作為後調。香水置於粉紅色瓶中, 散發出一種獨特的時尚魅力 。 The Mysteriously No. 1 eau de parfum stands out with its intense, fresh and oriental composition. It opens with top notes of Sicilian bergamot, a refreshing citrus component. The fruity finish is perfected with sweet mandarin, apple and a hint of marigold. Its flowery heart note, a combination of jasmine and rose, is rounded off by spicy cinnamon and liquorice accents. Finally, the base note unites benzoin, incense, tonka bean, vanilla and musk. Housed in a pink bottle, it is an atmospheric elixir with a unique allure and a modern twist.





貴的麝香組合而成。前調含清新、辛辣的佛手 柑油,以及丁香和肉桂香。中調方面,散發出 陣陣由茉莉花、玫瑰、胡椒醛及鈴蘭混合而成 的花香。暖暖的檀香木繼而為這份花香帶出難 以置信的優雅氣質,猶如穿梭於一個神奇、誘 人的東方旅程。神秘二號的顏色是一種平靜的 灰藍 。 The second signature fragrance is based on a composition of tonka bean, powdery vanilla and luxurious musk. A fresh and spicy top note with bergamot, clove and cinnamon opens up the fragrance. In the heart note, floral accords are provided by a mix of jasmine, rose, heliotropin and lily of the valley. Warm sandalwood gives this feminine bouquet an incredible elegance and takes the wearer on a seductive journey through the wonders of the Orient. The signature colour for No. 2 Mysteriously is a calming grayish blue.

Marc Cain同時推出三款香水:神秘一

Marc Cain adds a new, sensual dimension to its


fashion and leather goods labels with the simultaneous

具 系 列 增 添 一 份 全 新 的 感 官 刺 激 。此

introduction of three fragrances: Mysteriously No. 1, No.

系列香水由調香師Corinne Cachen、

2 and No. 3. Created by perfumers Corinne Cachen,

Maarten Schoute和Michel Almairac共

Maarten schoute and Michel Almairac, each one uniquely


reflects the German brand’s DNA of self-confident and


self-willed women.

瑞士香水品牌Lyrique Parfums的首席創

“it is a homage to women surrounded by an aura of

意官Michael Förster說, 「這幾款神秘芬

mystery and who, driven by passion, can achieve


anything they set out to do,” explains Michael Förster,


chief creative officer of swiss fragrance manufacturer


lyrique Parfums.

第三款綠色香水,誘人的檀香木和雪松木合力展現出獨特的深 層次味道 。以新鮮柚子創造出濃郁細膩的香氣,再配合罕有的欖 樹脂香作為前調。後調結合了麝香、零陵香豆、雲呢拿波本酒,在 帶出天鵝絨般柔和的同時,亦恍惚迷失於深沉的感官角度 。 香水有40毫升和80毫升裝,簡約柔和的顏色香水瓶,香水盒 面以豹頭、Marc Cain印章為裝飾,內裡則印有對應各氣味顏色的 豹紋圖案。 The third fragrance, veiled in green, reveals itself as uniquely expressive with unusual depth, thanks to its striking signature – the duo of seductive sandalwood and cedarwood. The top note stands out with tangy fresh grapefruit nuances, as well as incense and the rare tree resin, elemi. In the base note, the combination of musk, tonka bean and vanilla bourbon results in a velvety finish that loses itself in deep sensuality. The eau de parfum is presented in sleek and minimalistic pastelhued 40ml and 80ml bottles. The front of the Collection Box is adorned with a leopard head, Marc Cain’s signet, and the inside features a leopard print that matches the colour of each scent.

護膚系列包括沐浴露 (200毫升) 、潤膚露 (200毫升) 和體香劑 (75毫升) 。 There is a complementary skincare series, consisting of a shower gel (200ml), body lotion (200ml) and roll-on deodorant (75ml). Fragrance 40ml | $75, 80ml | $120, Deodorant 75ml | $30, shower gel 200 ml | $30, Body lotion 200ml | $30








灰 •黃 •家

They CaLL Me MeLLow yeLLow text | Livian Wu photo | provided by Catherine-Lucie Horber


The designer uses white and grey shades to provide


each space with a unique look and feel. The living

比 較 親 和 ; 睡 房 則 用 了「 雲 端 」的 設

room is bright and elegant, the family room warm and


comfortable, the bedroom blissful and free. Natural


light creates a gentle and pleasant living environment.

以特色牆作為壁爐的背景,增添一份簡潔的時尚感。 The fireplace’s faux stone veneer provides a simple and modern look.

像雲端一樣的睡房,是令人放鬆的心靈之所。 The bedroom is blissful and free.








暖舒適的氛圍。周邊設計打破了傳統配置模式, 用白色礁石砌出特色牆,別樹一格。

置於客廳中央、沙發前方的深黃色多用途 沙發櫈最為矚目,富時尚玩味,功能上也變化多 端,既可當作咖啡桌放個托盤盛放茶點,也可充

睡房方面以同樣以白和灰作主調,令人猶如 置身雲端一樣,身心放鬆,一天倦意全消 。

當椅子讓客人坐著閒聊。 Grey, white and yellow tricolours flow through 驟眼看來雖似是差不多的調子,但細看之

the interior, giving off a vibe of joy and peace.

下,每個裝飾品的顏色均相當鮮明。譬如枕頭跟 牆紙的顏色完全相反,層次分明卻又平衡得恰到 好處。

The beige-yellow multi-purpose stool situated in the centre of the living room is modern and playful. It can serve as a sitting stool for your guests, or as


a coffee table to serve tea and snacks. The mixture


of colour tones and décor camouflages nicely


throughout. Yet the cushion comes in a contrasting


colour, which makes it stand out.


牆上帶點「家鄉」味道的獨特畫作, 一的灰及黃,與房間內其他裝飾配置互相呼應。 對屋主來說別具意義。 The unique décor brings out the homeowner’s personality.

I call the family room “mellow yellow”. The walls and sofa are an airy grey colour, whereas the cushions, table lamp and décor are all in consonant yellow. The designer has created a unique piece of art for the British homeowner: a wall piece that displays 15 English landmarks in the same complimentary colour tone, so as to resonate the personality and background of the owner. A fireplace situated between the symmetrical window frames provides a warm and cozy feeling. With floor-to-ceiling faux stone surrounding the fireplace, it truly is a one-of-a-kind concept. The bedroom also uses different shades of white and grey in order to generate a soothing mood of calmness and relaxation.

沙發前方棄用傳統茶几, 改用多用途沙發櫈更為時 尚,圖中為皮質,亦可選 用絨或鱷魚皮質地。 The multi-purpose leather stool delivers a modern and playful vibe to the living room. Fabric options include velvet and crocodile leather.house.

Catherine-Lucie Horber Principal, Royal Interior Design Ltd. royalinteriordesign.ca






歸 田 園 居

Il Posto From VanIty to EssEncE text | Iris Yim


photo | Johnny Liu

Disparate from his previous delicate fine-dining approach,

享負盛譽的名廚Terry Pichor選擇了相距溫市不

award-winning chef Terry Pichor and his wife have settled in the


quiet Vancouver suburb of Ladner, where he aspires to establish

以質樸直接的意大利家庭烹調風味的Il Posto,一改

the best Italian family restaurant in town with Il Posto.

過往精緻細膩fine dining風格。

Ladner Village街上老建築均是不 少電影或電視劇取景熱點。 A number of Ladner Village heritage buildings have become sets for motion pictures and television series.

Il Posto是社區內的家庭餐 廳,一家大小可在此享受 美好時光。 As a local family eatery, folks can enjoy a wonderful and delicious Italian meal anytime.





面積約為三千平方呎, 分成三個餐區的Il Posto。 The three dining sections at Il Posto. (photo:Il Posto)

Il Posto建築外觀充滿上世紀三十 年代早古味。 Large exterior windows with signature red window frames.


Ladner was created as a fishing village on the banks of the Fraser


River. Along with Tsawwassen, its neighbour to the south, they comprise

Massey Tunnel,卻彷彿由繁盛市廛來到平

the unofficial region known as “South Delta”. It takes about 10 minutes

靜鄉居,特別是位於47A Ave.以北的Ladner

to drive from the city of Richmond to the quiet township of Ladner


through the George Massey Tunnel.

當中不少均舊貌改新顏,保留了原建築的外觀 但裡面全部翻修成為區內的個性小店,因而讓

In recent years, Ladner Village (north of 47A Ave.) has become a

Ladner Village的古舊建築,特別是位於中心

hotspot for a number of television series (i.e. Supernatural) and movie

點的The Delta Museum and Archives及街上

sets (i.e. Fifty Shades of Grey) because of its “American Main Street”


style. Traditional and attractive church and heritage buildings, along


with landscapes of farmland, beaches and wetlands, are all within a few kilometres.

Ladner Village剛剛開了家新的意大利餐 廳Il Posto,本來也沒甚麼稀奇。但當知道由曾

A winner of the regional Gold Medal Plates, not once but twice,

兩度獲得Gold Medal Plates地區比賽金獎的大

Pichor unquestionably revolutionized the tastebuds of many. He worked

廚Terry Pichor所開,對老饕來說卻是天大消

as executive chef at Relais & Châteaux’s subsidiary Sonora Boutique


Luxury Resort on Vancouver Island for eight years, and subsequently opened Villa Eyrie Resort’s Summit Restaurant. During his tenure at

Terry Pichor曾在飲食要求極其嚴謹的 Relais & Châteaux專屬酒店Sonora Resort島

Summit, Air Canada’s enRoute inflight magazine shortlisted it as “2017

Best Restaurant in Canada”.

嶼度假村任職十八年;擅於炮製精緻法國菜。 他也曾為溫哥華島Villa Eyrie Resort的Summit

II Posto opened in April and salivating diners have been queuing up


ever since. Location is strategic, for Ladner does not have another well-

enRoute Magazine的2017年度加國最優新餐

known restaurant. With rave reviews and word-of-mouth endorsements,


local foodies are flooding in.

名廚Terry Pichor。 Award-winning chef Terry Pichor. (photo:Il Posto)

Il Posto牆上裝 飾,原來是Chef Terry的心底話。 A lovely message from Terry to his wife, Julie.

Bruschetta意式大蒜包有三款口 味,有自製橄欖醬、調了蜜糖和杏 仁碎的ricotta芝士、及以茄子、洋 蔥、caper、葡萄乾、番茄等煮成的 caponata,想試齊不同風味則可挑 選share plate。 bruschetta – The bruschetta share plate features three different styles: homemade olive tapenade; honey, almond and ricotta cheese; and caponata with tomatoes, onions, capers, eggplant and raisins.





Food Chef Terry和妻子Julie Marcopoulos在鎮上所開的 Il Posto,以意大利家庭風味作主導,當中不無生意考慮: Ladner鎮上沒有很多知名餐廳,只要出品佳有口碑,食客自 然相傳,無怪餐廳自開業短短時日,每天已經有長長的排隊人 龍;走fine dining路線反而不是人人可負擔得起。縱使現時以較 簡單的方式烹調,Chef Terry仍然忠於他的根源,使用來自本 地的高品質新鮮食材。設計餐單時,考慮到了家庭式意大利菜 的代表意義–質樸的、分享的、平易近人、可負擔和新鮮的。 Ladner鎮附近的農場供應季度最新鮮產品,收成後快速送到了Il Posto的廚房。Il Posto的宗旨,正是要創造一個社區裡人人引


以為傲的鄰里餐廳,能經常和家人到此享受美食,共享美好時 光。 面積約三千平方呎,分成三個餐區約共68個座位,一個酒


02•Linguini vongole有大蜆流出的汁 液及白酒為滋味把關,星星點點 的煙肉guanciale加添鹹鮮,似有 還無的辣度醒神而不搶味,是全 碟亮點所在。 The combination of white wine, clams and guanciale delivers a light, yet spicy, flavour.


03•簡單就是美的funghi pizza,將 béchamel sauce、蘑菇、意大利 藍芝士gorgonzola、焦糖洋蔥等一 齊烤香,上面再灑上苦箭菜及芝 士碎。 Funghi pizza baked with béchamel sauce, mushrooms, gorgonzola cheese and carmelized onions, topped with arugula and some shredded cheese.

吧間、一個開放式廚房和30個夏季露台座椅的Il Posto,室內設 計是由多次獲獎的Daniel Meloché負責,以淺色橡木桌椅、意 大利瓷磚及現代化燈具組成的餐間明亮而充滿活力,開放式廚 房裡特別設置了磚砌的意大利薄餅烤爐,食客可清楚看到Chef Terry在廚房的卓越表現。 Il Posto酒單除紅白葡萄酒外,亦有意式雞尾酒的酒單。炎 炎夏日,啖著由意大利酒品如Campari、Vermouth、Prosecco 等調成的雞尾酒,例如Bicicletta、Bellini等都可讓你神清氣 爽,又或來一杯較為濃烈的美式雞尾酒Amaretto Sour,乾一杯 且把炎熱揮走。 精心設計的菜單選項採貴精不貴多原則,大部份菜式是 可以家庭分享的alla famiglia。前菜最熱門的選擇是意式肉丸

01• 這 裡的意式甜品tiramisu浸以白 蘭地及濃縮咖啡,充滿了酒香和 咖啡香,mascarpone cheese炮 製成的慕絲和手指餅一層間一層 地在玻璃杯中填滿,構成漂亮的 圖案,再灑上黑巧克力碎和可可 粉,是非常平實卻又異常可口。 Il Posto’s tiramisu is simple yet delicious. Pichor creates beautiful layers of mousse by combining mascarpone cheese, brandy and coffee, with chocolate and cocoa powder sprinkled on top.

04•Carbonara pizza可說是把egg & bacon carbonara pasta的食材組 合放在薄餅上來完成。 Carbonara pizza is topped with egg and bacon.

和意式大蒜包,肉丸是每個意大利媽媽都會有的自家製配方, 這裡造得非常鬆化可口,秘訣是在肉碎中加入大蒜麵包碎,咬 下去有肉汁及可以品嘗到肉的鮮味,配以自製番茄醬汁及灑上 pecorino芝士碎,叫人百吃不厭。

05•肉汁豐沛、口感鬆化的肉丸。 The juicy meatballs.


意大利薄餅可說是餐廳強項,共有11款不同口味,由經典 的意大利margherita、giardino、funghi、carbonara以至夏威夷 式或紐約Brooklyn風味齊備。對我來說,最好吃的意大利菜必

06•Il Posto酒吧間 Il Posto’s bar area.

然是最簡單的,最經典的薄餅莫過於是意大利國旗紅白綠三色 的margherita pizza,不過要做到自家製番茄醬滋味,優質橄欖 油帶香,新鮮水牛芝士及羅勒提供了最脆嫩及最佳的口感,自 然是每樣細節都講究了。 餐單上的三款麵食皆是意式經典:spaghetti Bolognese裡 的肉醬混和了帕馬芝士parmigiano-reggiano及自製大蒜油, 非常惹味。Fusilli pesto則配以較為另類的青醬,不


05 06

pesto,加入蘑菇、羽衣甘藍和pecorino芝士配 味的螺絲粉裡,一字記之曰香。而以大蜆和白 酒煮成的Linguini vongole也叫人垂涎。 相信Il Posto的出現,是讓你來感受 Ladner Village的另一個理由。 Bicicletta意式雞尾酒以Campari、Vermouth及白酒調成。 Italian cocktail Bicicletta combines white wine, Campari and vermouth.





Il Posto 4866 Delta Street, Delta BC. 604.946.1300 ilpostoresto.com Hours: Tue - Thu, 4:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.; Fri - Sat, 4:30 p.m. - late; Sun, 4:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Pichor and wife Julie Marcopoulos, who is from the area and grew up in the restaurant business, get back to basics and use high-quality and locally produced ingredients to cook in the most simplistic way. They design their ‘alla famiglia’-style menu around some fundamental Italian representations: simple, sharing, approachable and freshness. Local farms provide the freshest in-season products right to their kitchen, which has allowed this “new kid on the block” to become the proud new local restaurant for the community. Decorated interior designer Daniel Meloché has utilized light-coloured oak for Il Posto’s tables and chairs, Italian tiles and modern lighting to energize and brighten up the space. The restaurant is split into three main dining areas, with seating for 68 (30 of those are patio seats). The 3,000-square-foot establishment also features a bar and an open-concept kitchen, complete with a custom-built brick pizza oven. In addition to an excellent wine list, Il Posto also produces Bicicletta and Bellini cocktails with Campari, Prosecco and vermouth. Try the famed American Amaretto Sour. Its sweet-andsour taste will surely relax and chill you down on a hot summer day. What would an Italian restaurant be without pasta? Il Posto’s Spaghetti Bolognese blends minced beef with Parmesan cheese and homemade garlic sauce for an amazing flavour. Fusilli Pesto utilizes arugula and walnuts — rather than the traditional basil and pine nuts — combining them with olive oil, kale, pecorino cheese and mushrooms for a fabulous dish. Not to be missed is the Linguini Vongole, combining clams, guanciale and white wine. It’s to die for. When it comes to meatballs, Pichor incorporates garlic bread crumbs into the ingredients, which makes them extra juicy and fresh. Topped with homemade tomato sauce and shredded pecorino cheese, the taste is addictive. The highlight of the menu is its comprehensive list of 11 oven pizza choices, from classic Italian margherita, giardino, funghi and carbonara to American Hawaiian and New York Brooklyn styles. Il Posto’s margherita pizza is meticulously made, presented in the green, white and red tricolours of Italy. It features high-quality

Ladner觀鳥勝地 Hotspot for birdwatchers 位於Ladner及三角洲菲沙河的河口,由於水產豐富而成為雀鳥 天堂,是觀鳥熱點,不少人遊Ladner必到那裡的雀鳥保護區George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary參觀。該處為全加拿大92個聯邦 候鳥保護棲息地之一,佔地850畝,是由濕地、沼澤與河堤組成。 每年從十月到十二月初,是候鳥從北至南飛的遷徙期,期間可 看到大群水禽如鴨、鵝、天鵝、雪雁等。現時已有290種鳥類被記 錄曾於此停留,從野鴨、加拿大鵝、雪雁到更為罕見的物種,如黑 冠夜鷺等都有。 到了三月至四月,候鳥又開始了牠們的遷徙北征,大部分鴨子 和雪雁向北移動,數以千計的水鳥飛越三角洲向北飛至原來繁衍之 地。由於菲沙河有豐富魚穫,鷹、鸕鶿和其他吃魚的鳥類亦會飛近 河口覓食。四月份也是許多綠頭鴨、加拿 大鵝、sandhill crane在這裡築巢的季節, 並且在夏季養育牠們的下一代。在這裡全 年有大部份時間都是觀賞雀鳥不同生態的 好地方。 The George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary, a hotspot for area birdwatchers, is located on the outskirts of Ladner. It consists of nearly 350 hectares of managed wetlands, natural marshes and low dykes in the heart of the Fraser River Estuary. It is one of 92 federal migratory bird sanctuaries in Canada. From October to early December is the best time to see large flocks of waterfowl (ducks, geese and swans) during southbound migration, as they feed and rest in the estuary and ponds. Highlights include the very friendly George C. Reifel mallards, sandhill cranes and blackMigratory Bird Sanctuary capped chickadees, as well as a diverse assortment of hawks, eagles and owls. The small northern saw-whet owl is a visitor favourite, and great horned owls often begin their winter courtship here, with the pair often seen roosting together in the firs. By March and April, reverse migration is underway, with most of the ducks and the snow geese moving north, along with the passage of thousands of shorebirds through the Fraser Delta. Western sandpipers moving north to Arctic breeding grounds often stop here to feed and roost in the managed shallow ponds of the sanctuary. Many ducks and geese are nesting here by April, and spend the summer rearing their young and moulting and refreshing their feathers. Mallards, gadwalls and Canada geese nest in the quiet grassy areas of the sanctuary.

olive oil, buffalo cheese, basil and homemade sauce that produces a crunchy and textured dish you won’t want to miss.

意式雞尾酒Bicicletta(圖右)和美式雞 尾酒Amaretto Sour。 Italian cocktail Bicicletta vs. American cocktail Amaretto Sour.

雄性的紅翅黑鸝有漂亮的紅翅以吸 引異性,是北美洲最豐富的land bird 之一,由阿拉斯加以至南美都可見 其踪影。 The male red-winged blackbird is a passerine bird found in most of North America and much of Central America. With a red shoulder and yellow wing bar, it helps in courting the nondescript dark-brown female.






除了食物本身之外,客人絕對是這裡的天王巨星。 Apart from the food itself, the customers are definitely the stars.


Le CroCodiLe A LegAcy of cLAssicAL french cuisine in VAncouVer 屢屢被Zagat、Vancouver Magazine和

Le Crocodile has been voted top French restaurant in

Georgia Straight等多家著名刊物評為全

the city for many years by Zagat, Vancouver Magazine

城頂級法國餐廳的Le Crocodile,不僅

and the Georgia Straight, among others. It attracts


movie stars, business moguls and ordinary folk alike,


who all appreciate classic French cuisine. text | Kenson Ho & George Verdolaga photo | Le Crocodile, Kenson Ho






Le Crocodile owner Michel Jacob arrived in Canada in 1977 as a 22-year-old. He comes from a family that owned a casual bistro in the Alsace region, which he was

Le Crocodile的老闆Michel Jacob於1977年

expected to take over. However, Jacob wanted to work in a more elegant setting


and started his restaurant career as a 14-year-old apprentice under Johnny Letzer of


Zimmer in Strasbourg instead.

繼承經營。然而Michel有鴻鵠大志,希望在更高 雅餐廳環境中工作,14歲時便到斯特拉斯堡的

He then worked at the Aux Armes de France in Ammerschwihr before gaining

Zimmer大廚Johnny Letzer旗下作學徒,開始了他

more experience at Ashford Castle in County Mayo, Ireland, which was once owned


by the Guinness family. These were followed by stints in Switzerland, Belgium

Aux Armes de France工作,再到愛爾蘭、曾是健

and Corsica before he stumbled upon an ad for a restaurant staff opening in Old

力士家族擁有的Ashford Castle汲取更多的經驗。


隨後更周遊列國學藝,曾在瑞士、比利時及科西 嘉島工作。某天他偶然發現了在滿地可老城一家

Deciding to try his luck in Canada, Jacob jumped at the chance. After working for


a year in his newly adopted country, he decided to go to Tokyo to learn ice-carving,


except he had to go to Vancouver first to apply for a visa to Japan. It was here that


he met his wife-to-be and ended up staying.

他的未來妻子,最終決定留在溫哥華發展及開創 他的事業。


CONSISTENCY: THE KEY TO SUCCESS Jacob says that while he introduces different specials each week, 60 to 70 per cent of his menu has remained the same since the day he opened Le Crocodile back


in 1983.

但自1983年Le Crocodile開業的那天起,菜單中近 七成的選擇,幾乎是保持不變的。他說:「為免沉

“It’s easy to get bored and to change the menu every few weeks, but it’s much


tougher to cook the same item every day and do it perfectly,” Jacob says. “The


reason I get three generations of Vancouverites coming back to my restaurant is that


they want to eat the same dishes that they enjoyed as a child, and now they want to


pass on that same experience to their children and grandchildren.

食。我們從來不會渴求成為時尚潮人,追隨年輕 客人的喜好。我們並不在乎獲獎或媒體報導。只

“We don’t try to be trendy or hip and chase a younger audience. Although


it’s a nice honour, we don’t care as much about winning awards or getting media


coverage. We just try and serve people good food and give them good customer service. That is why we have been around this long.”

01•侍應們很有禮貌,竭盡全力讓你感覺舒適。 Servers are courteous and do everything in their power to make you feel comfortable.







02•低調的裝修設計,並沒有「嘩眾取寵」的元 素。 The interior is low-key and does not have that ‘wow’ factor associated with other restaurants-of-the-moment. 03•餐聽設計引進了很多自然光線。 The restaurant has brought in a lot of natural light. 04•大廚Michel的成功秘訣就是始終如一的美 食。 The secret to Chef Jacob’s success is consistency. 05•Michel喜歡與客人共享那些快樂的時光。 Chef Jacob likes to be there when the clients are celebrating happy occasions. 06•多年來Michel大廚訓練了很多新一代的廚 師,這位是廚房主管廚師Greg McCallum。 Through the years, Chef Jacob has trained future generations of chefs. Here with Chef de cuisine Greg McCallum.





Restaurant 07•香煎蟹餅配醃洋荵。 Crab cake with basil, Pastis and pickled onion

12•番茄 杜松子酒湯,配韭菜及鮮奶油。 Tomato and gin soup with chives and creme fraiche.

08•大西洋龍蝦沙律。 Salad of Atlantic lobster with bell pepper, fingerling potatoes and saffron.

13•型態獨特的提拉米蘇。 The unique presentation of house-made Tiramisu. 14•Le Crocodile是以Michel大廚家鄉的有名餐廳為名。 Le Crocodile is named after a famous restaurant at Chef Jacob’s home town.

09•香煎帶子配新鮮蔬菜。 Seared scallops with mixed vegetables. 10•香燒馴鹿柳配烤龍蝦。 Grilled caribou tenderloin with roasted lobster and sweet pea couscous. 11•焗太平洋比目魚配龍蝦天婦羅,加藏紅花白汁。 Baked Pacific halibut with lobster tempura and a saffron veloute.

15+16• 每天炮製的鮮果冰糕。 Fresh fruit sorbet made daily (Selection 2).




17•梳乎厘是經典之作。 The perfect soufflé is a masterpiece.








Le Crocodile Suite 100-909 Burrard St. Vancouver 604.669.4298 lecrocodile@telus.net






If you’re planning to go for dinner and are nursing a big appetite, you won’t go wrong by starting off with the Alsatian-Style Onion Tart, or their FoieGras Terrine. For the main course, try the Grilled Veal Medallions with Veal Demi-Glace and Morel Mushrooms, or their popular Sautéed imported Dover Sole served with classic butter sauce. That sole entrée is the very same dish Julia Child enjoyed at her first meal at the famous La Couronne restaurant in Rouen, Normandy after arriving in France to join her diplomat husband Paul. To finish off dinner, try the Chocolate Cake with an Orange Reduction and Nougatine Ice Cream, or their Alsatian-Style Apple Tart, which restaurant patrons have swooned over.

A WARM AND INVITING PLACE While it’s a popular fine-dining restaurant, Le Crocodile is surprisingly not intimidating. Jacob is definitely a small-town boy, and his warm and humble influence is evident. Servers are courteous and do everything in their power 阿爾薩斯洋荵煙肉撻。 Alsatian tartelette with bacon and onion

to make you feel comfortable. The interior is low-key and does not have that “wow” factor associated with many restaurants-of-the-moment. Apart from the food itself, the customers are definitely the stars. Jacob

經典美食推介 如若打算到Le Crocodile享用晚餐,不妨考慮以阿爾薩斯風 格的洋蔥餡餅或是鵝肝凍糕作頭盤,肯定不會失望。主菜方面, 嗜肉者可嘗試他們的香烤小牛肉片,配上小牛肉燒汁及莫雷爾蘑 菇。喜歡吃魚的話,一定要試試多佛龍利魚配經典牛油汁;這道 菜式是名廚Julia Child當年由美國遠赴法國諾曼第魯昂市與外交 大使夫君相會,在第一家餐廳 – 著名的La Couronne進餐時享用 的。要為美味一餐劃上甜蜜句號,可選擇他們的巧克力蛋糕配香 橙濃汁及花生牛軋糖雪糕,或者是他們的阿爾薩斯風格蘋果撻, 同樣令食客傾倒。

盡享歸屬感 以一家受歡迎的高檔餐廳來說,Le Crocodile並沒讓客人感 到有壓迫感。Michel來自法國小城鎮,溫暖和謙遜的特質,在餐 廳內外均顯而易見。侍應們很有禮貌,竭盡全力讓你感覺舒適。 由Vern Foster設計的內部裝潢採低調路線,並沒「嘩眾取寵」的元 素。客人絕對是這裡的天王巨星。Michel希望你帶著整個家庭前 來,年復一年地歡度各項里程碑慶典。Michel熱情友善,全不矯 扭造作,像個人人喜愛的叔叔;亦不在乎你是穿著西裝或是T恤前

wants you to come and bring your entire family to celebrate milestone events year after year, as they invariably do. He is warm and friendly, definitely not pretentious — like a favourite uncle. And he doesn’t care if you come in wearing a suit or a T-shirt, which is why people come back repeatedly. Several well-known names in the culinary world started their careers at Le Crocodile, like Rob Feenie, David Hawksworth and Ned Bell — all of whom have all gone on to successful careers on their own. They all give Jacob credit for giving them their start. In 2013, Jacob celebrated his 30th year by creating a “Mentor’s Series” of dinners and invited several of the city’s top chefs to participate. “Although the hours are long, working in a restaurant is a great job,” says Jacob. “I love doing it because people come here to celebrate something, and I like to be there when they’re happy.” It’s no wonder Le Crocodile has been around 35 years and is still going strong.


培育大廚溫床 業內幾位知名大廚師,如Rob Feenie,David Hawksworth和 Ned Bell均在Le Crocodile起步,現都各自踏上成功路,他們同歸 功於Michel給他們一個很好的開始。2013年,Michel慶祝他的第 30個年頭,創出了Mentor’ s Series《良師系列》晚宴,並邀請城中 幾位頂級大廚參與。Michel說:「雖然工作時間長,但在餐廳工作 是相當精采的。我喜歡我的工作,能夠在這裡與客人分享他們的 快樂時光,實在是愉快的經驗。」35年的成功,絕非偶然。

法式美食其中最重要的元素之一,就是他們的醬汁。 One of the most essential components in French cooking is the sauce.





Wine Not

三級酒莊 一級身價

Third-GrowTh winery commandinG

FirsT-GrowTh values text | Ivan Wong

1855年,拿破崙三世舉行巴 黎世界博覽會,下令給波爾 多酒莊排列等級,這個The Médoc Classification等級制 度,今天法國人依然遵循, 雖則它已無法百分百反映現 況,卻始終是個很具價值(且 仍在增長)的無形資產。 At the 1855 Exposition Universelle de Paris, Napoleon III campaigned for a classification system for Bordeaux wines and the Médoc Classification was born. Though the system conceived more than a century ago no longer fully reflects contemporary standards, it is still being followed and is considered a valuable, intangible asset.

Chateau Palmer戲劇性的Neo-Renaissance古堡建築,是 Margaux村莊中兩大地標之一,另一地標便是散發NeoPalladian式典雅的Chateau Margaux。 Chateau Palmer’ s dramatic Neo-Renaissance chateau is one of two landmark structures in Margaux village. The other one is Neo-Palladian Chateau Margaux.





01•原酒需在橡木桶中醞釀18-21個月,為免受木桶過度影響, Chateau Palmer採用的新舊木桶比例約是各佔一半。 The cru is left to mature in oak barrels for 18 to 21 months. To mitigate the impact of oak on the wine, Chateau Palmer uses half each of new and old barrels.


02•Thomas Duroux於2004年加盟Chateau Palmer,推行酒莊現代 化改革不遺餘力,生物動力自然農耕法便是其得意之作。 Thomas Duroux joined Chateau Palmer in 2004, and has been instrumental in modernizing the winery. Biodynamic farming has been his vital contribution.


In the wine classification system dating back to Napoleon III, there are five growth levels, based upon the wine’s reputation and price. Chateau Palmer Margaux of Médoc, Bordeaux was ranked Third Growth, and it doesn’t seem content to stay there.

在拿破崙三世的酒莊級別版圖中,波爾多Médoc 地區中的Margaux村莊內,擁有三級身份的Chateau Palmer,似乎是近年「被」最不安於本份的一家酒莊。 十年前香港某投資型飲家宣揚其以三級價錢大手購入 一級酒莊(以酒質論)的紅酒;亦多謝他的高調推廣, 今天Chateau Palmer的身價(定價)確與一級酒莊走得 很近。Chateau Palmer的現任CEO及釀酒師Thomas Duroux滿有信心說他們向來自視與一級酒莊並無太大 分別。

to his boast, the value of Chateau Palmer wines is nudging much closer to First Growth. Thomas Duroux, Chateau Palmer’s CEO and winemaster since 2004, says they have always seen themselves on par with First Growth wineries. More than 200 years ago, English General Charles Palmer bought Chateau de Gascq from the Gascq family and renamed it Chateau Palmer. The winery was overhauled and the wines soon became popular among the royals and nobility.

話說二百多年前,英國將軍Charles Palmer從 Gascq家族購入這原名為Chateau de Gascq的酒 莊,改名為Chateau Palmer並大事改革,出品大獲 英國皇室及貴族上流好友青睞,酒莊亦開始向著「能 與Chateau Margaux相提並論」邁步。但奈何將軍財 困,酒莊於1855年前易手。直到今天仍有說 法,稱將軍當年若銀彈充裕可作些「疏通」, Chateau Palmer便不會只是三級云云…… 想知道這家三級酒莊為何能以一級酒 莊價格售出的箇中因由?最實際當是是 問問真金白銀付上鈔票的飲家(或投 資者) 。若你去問Thomas Duroux, 相信他亦會欣然回答酒莊是如何得 天獨厚、在葡萄種植(罕有的波爾 多列級酒莊探用全Biodynamic生 物動力自然農耕法)及釀酒方面的 種種技術發展……

Ten years ago, a Hong Kong wine connoisseur/investor boasted that he had acquired a large quantity of first-class red wines at third-growth prices. Thanks


Sadly, Palmer got into financial troubles and the winery changed hands again before 1855. It’s been speculated that had Palmer had the financial muscle to influence the classification results, Chateau Palmer wouldn’t have been languishing in the Third Growth category. So the story went. What enables this Third Growth winery to command First Growth prices? This is best answered by those who put their money where their palates are. Duroux would probably credit the rich soil, the biodynamic growing methods adopted by Bordeaux wineries and the technological innovations applied to winemaking.


03•Chateau Palmer亦有價格相對較便宜的Alter Ego。 Chateau Palmer also offers a more budget-friendly choice, Alter Ego. 04•以被譽為 「世紀之年」 的2005配以Philippe Onrrico的烤鴿子, 就是不可多得的一級波爾多風味。 The 2005“vintage of the century”delivers full Bordeaux flavours when paired with Philippe Onrrico’ s duck confit.





Choice 無限寵幸

The Spa by JW MarrioTT BE PamPErED 02

Whether you’re feeling tired after a long-haul flight, or stressed from a long, pressure-filled week at work, an exclusive treatment from The Spa by JW Marriott — one of the city’s newest luxury hotel properties — may be just the thing to

無論是長途飛行後感到困倦,抑或 工作壓力導至精神緊張;不妨寵自 己多一點,享受專業的水療療程, 煥發身心,神采飛揚。

refresh both your body and mind. Located on the 17th floor of the recently opened JW Marriott Parq Vancouver, The Spa offers treatments delivering four distinctive results.

text | Kenson Ho & George Verdolaga photo | The Spa by JW Marriott, Vancouver

01• 和伴侶同享全身按摩,是一種愉悅的感受。 Experiencing a full-body couples massage in the private room is a delightful treat. 02• Spa at JW Marriott位於 Parq Vancouver 「 都 市度假村」 。 The Spa at JW Marriott is located at Parq Vancouver “urban resort”.

01 78




03• Spa亦提供修甲服務。 Manicure and pedicure service at The Spa. 04• 休息間擁有開揚景致。 The resting lounge with a spectacular view.


05• 公務繁忙,可選擇短至15分鐘的 按摩療程。 Different types of massages are available, including 15-minute express sessions.



T h e S p a 位 於 新 開 業 P a r q Vancouver的JW Marriott酒店17樓, 擁四大特點:因應配合客人特別需求 而製定療程,讓感官平和恬靜;亦可 選擇讓身體充滿活力的療程,舒緩疲 憊的肌肉和旅途後疲勞;萬千寵愛的 芳香療法能清理心靈呵護身體;而透 過活化技術和按摩精油,則提升身體 健康質素。



能和伴侶在獨立套房一同體驗全身按摩,是一種愉悅的享 受,更可況邊於超近距離欣賞到B.C. Place的壯麗氣派,仿如 漂浮在雲層放鬆,邊由訓練有素的服務員熟練地揉捏背部和肩 部,紓緩緊繃的肌肉。 Spa的接待員會首先詢問你對療程的預 期效果,從而提供按摩、面部或身體護膚等選擇。他們只使用 來自英國Aromatherapy Associates的天然按摩精油產品,這 些產品均採用最純淨的天然元素融合製成物,增強油的固有特 性及產生豐富芬芳的香薰產品,帶來曼妙的效果。

Enjoy a Relaxing Couples Massage Experiencing a full-body private couples massage in a private room is a delightful treat. Not only do you and your partner get to enjoy spectacular up-close views of BC Place, you’ll also feel as though you’re floating high up in the clouds as well-trained staff expertly knead their way through those tightly coiled back and shoulder muscles. Spa attendants will first ask you what you’d like to achieve during your session and will offer you a choice of massage, facial, body and express options.

06• S pa by JW Marriott的尊貴療 程,讓你身心煥發;神采飛揚。 An exclusive treatment from The Spa by JW Marriott may be just the thing to refresh your mind and body. 07• 忙 裏偷閒,也是對自己的一點 寵幸吧! Relax, and relax some more. Pamper yourself.

Only natural oils from England’s Aromatherapy Associates are used. These products are manufactured using only the purest natural ingredients to create blends that enhance the oils’ inherent properties, which result in rich, fragrantly scented offerings that


deliver fantastic results.







08• 戶外的水療浴池。 The outdoor hydrotherapy pool. 09• Spa at JW Marriott位於 Parq Vancouver「都市 度假村」 。 The Spa at JW Marriott is located at Parq Vancouver “urban resort”. 10• 科技先進的按摩椅。 State-of-the-art massage chair. 11• 水療中心同時備有多項先進健身器材。 You can always add exercise to your spa experience.




The Spa同時擁有4,240平方呎的健身中心,提供最先進的 器材,包括多種有助心肺健康的器材和健身阻力設備。健身室還 引入充足自然光線,落地玻璃窗可盡覽溫哥華市中心的壯麗景 色。打算積極進行嚴謹的健體方案的話,專業健身人員可提供度 身設計的健身課程。想進行室外運動,也可以到戶外平台參加瑜 伽或太極拳課程。炎炎夏日,完成肌肉訓練後,可即時跳進水療 浴池降溫,並沉浸在城市的美景中。

Indoor and Outdoor Fitness Options If you’re looking for a workout session, you are definitely in for a treat at the 4,240-square-foot, state-of-the-art fitness centre that offers a wide selection of cardio and resistance equipment. The fitness room is also bathed in abundant natural light, courtesy of floor-to-ceiling glass windows that offer stunning views of downtown Vancouver.

精簡療程 遇上工作繁忙、分秒必爭的客人,水療中心提供15到45 分鐘精簡水療服務,集中只作背部或手部按摩;對需長期對著 電腦、運指如飛在鍵盤上工作的人士,又或是揮桿連連的高爾

Specialized fitness staff are on hand to provide customized fitness routines if you’re looking for a serious workout regimen. If you’d prefer an outdoor workout, step outside to the adjacent terrace and participate in yoga or tai chi sessions. Once you’re done toning your muscles, you can jump into the raised hydrotherapy tub at the edge of the terrace to cool down and soak in the amazing

夫球好手,The Spa的專業按摩師的上乘按摩服務,不僅會幫 助你恢復元氣,也讓你的肌肉放鬆和鬆馳神經。水療中心同時 配備豪華快速按摩椅,其先進軟件可協助客人進入深層冥想狀 態,有助放鬆。

Express Treatment Sessions

views of the city. Express spa treatments are offered to busy guests who only have a small amount of time — anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes. Being fully aware of their clients’ busy schedules, attendants lead you to a luxurious express massage chair equipped with advanced software to promote deep meditation and relaxation. If your hands or forearms are feeling a bit tired from too much keyboard work — or golf — allow The Spa’s expert staff to pamper you with a hand or upper-back massage that will not only help you recover from a hard day’s work (or play), but also allow your muscles to loosen up and relax.

11 80






不管是在等待療程開始前,或是在靜候同伴完成他們的療 程,同樣可以享受寧靜的獨處時間,安坐在一張舒適休閒椅,欣 賞城市美景,靜靜地呷一杯品味非凡的TWG茶。TWG茶葉是一個 成立於2008年、源於新加坡的高端品牌,與世界各地的其他高端 零售店和酒店機構合作,提供獨特而難忘的品茗體驗。

Enjoying Some Tea and Relaxation As you wait for your treatment appointment to start, or your companion’s to conclude, you can spend a bit of “me time” in one of


the lounge chairs that offer amazing views of the city. Why not sip a cup of luxurious TWG tea while you’re at it? This world famous tea, founded in Singapore in 2008, has partnered with high-end retail and hotel establishments around the world to provide unique and unforgettable tea-drinking experiences.

The Glamoury整妝 水療中心內的The Glamoury照顧海外客人需要,讓彼等跟親 友在城中歡聚或出席重要會議前,都可得到化妝和美髮服務,以 最佳狀態示人。理髮化妝師配備齊全,所有服務均是為每個客人 定製。The Glamoury也深受籌備婚禮的準新人們歡迎,為一對新


人和伴郎伴娘團隊在盛大的婚禮慶典做足準備。對於到溫哥華純 粹為參加這類型家庭盛會的客人而言,這項服務實在非常方便。 12• 一杯香濃的TWG名茶,更覺閒適。 While relaxing, you can enjoy a cup of TWG tea. 13• 精緻小點供品嚐。 A little bit of a sinfully sweet treat is never too much. 14• The Glamoury的專業理髮、化妝師,令新郎和新娘以最 美麗的一面迎接人生重要時刻。 The Glamoury staff is fully equipped to assist brides and grooms. 15• The Glamoury 提供專業化妝和整髮服務。 The Glamoury: Professional makeup and blow-dry bar for that last-minute touch-up.

The Glamoury: Blow Dry and Make-Up Bar The spa also includes The Glamoury, a professional makeup and blow-dry bar that caters to out-of-town guests who would like a lastminute touch-up to their appearance before an important meeting or a night on the town. Clients can choose from a collection of set looks from The Glamoury’s menu. The staff is also fully equipped to assist grooms and brides — and their entourages — get ready for wedding celebrations. This can be a huge convenience, especially for guests who fly into Vancouver just to attend a wedding or other family event.









MO Sanya: The ‘sTar’ of hainan resorTs

三亞文華東方酒店經悉心打 理的草地伸延至珊瑚灣,住 客可舒適地躺在吊床上享受 休閒時光。 A young Mandarin Oriental Sanya Resort guest relaxes in a hammock on the property’s manicured lawns that drift off into Coral Bay.


Sanya is often referred to as China’s


Hawaii, and for good reason. Its sugary


beaches, mountain typography, crystal-


clear waters teaming with every variety of

帶雨林亦令我聯想起 Aloha State

fish imaginable and lush tropical vegetation


certainly remind me of the Aloha State.

text | Marc Atchison from TraveLlife

三亞文華東方酒店成為舉行婚宴的熱門場地。 MO Sanya has become a hotspot for wedding ceremonies. 82




每到傍晚,住客都會走到海濱欣賞日落景色。 Guests gather along the shoreline each evening to watch the incredible sunset.

酒店設有無邊際泳池。 The infinity pool at Mo Sanya.

interestingly, it was a movie that first put sanya and hainan island on the tourist map — the 2010 Chinese film if You are The one 2, a romantic comedy starring popular actors Ge You and shu Qi. it revealed this once obscure island’s tropical beauty to millions and a plethora of domestic travellers soon followed. and they keep coming. That’s evident by the forest of highrise condos, apartments and hotels i see lining the road leading 本來默默無聞的三亞及海南島因著

from the airport, all recent additions during a


construction boom in this once sleepy hainan island


town where, according to a recent article in the new


York Times, real estate prices now rival those of




“People from Beijing, shanghai, northern China


and even russia come here to vacation in the


winter (sanya’s average temperature is 25C and


it boasts 300-plus days of sunshine).” Danny, the


drive who picked me up from airport, tells me.


sanya’s enormous popularity has spurred the


building of 25 championship golf courses — more


are on the way — and numerous five-star hotels,

光普照。」 接載我的酒店司機Danny說道。

like the most recent atlantis, a 1,300-plus-room behemoth that has its own enormous aquarium


that can host 6,000 people daily. however, Chinese


movie stars and their families tend to prefer the


seclusion of the Mandarin oriental sanya resort.

中最新落成的是超大型的Atlantis酒店,酒 店提供1,300間客房,更擁有一個可容納 每日6,000入場人次的大型水族館。

“Yes, we do get many movie stars,” nicole Li, Mo sanya’s director of communications, tells me later over a cup of coffee on the property’s stunning

不過華裔影星們及其家人卻鍾情於較 幽靜的三亞文華東方度假酒店。

sunset Bar terrace, where guests gather each evening to watch the glowing orb slowly dip into the calm waters of Coral Bay. “The stars have been

「我們的確招待過不少著名影星。」酒 店傳訊部總監Nicole Li跟我在可欣賞夕陽

coming here for many years. now they come back with their children.”

緩緩地落入珊瑚灣的日落吧邊呷咖啡邊 道。「不少明星都是我們的熟客,現在他 們會帶同小朋友來度假。」

some of the famous Chinese stars who have been seen “hanging out” at the resort’s incredible pool complex include Yao Chen (Time magazine


named this Chinese actress one of its 100 “Most


influential People” in the world), Ma Yili (a leading


lady of many popular Chinese films) and Liu Wei


(star of the classic film The romance of Three








推廣保育 三亞的旅遊業急劇發展,單是剛過去的農曆新年便有接近一 百萬本地旅客湧到當地度假,加上持續不斷的建築開發,令人開 始擔憂島上的生態系統會受到破壞。 為此三亞文華東方酒店致力保護及推廣海南的熱帶環境, 特別設計一系列活動,教育住客明白本地植物生態對環境的重要 性。Nicole指出一群星二代對這些活動大感興趣。「小朋友在學 校經常接觸環保的知識,當然希望來到像三亞這樣的地方親身體 驗。他們更會反過來教父母環保的重要性。」 三亞文華東方酒店範圍內的每一株樹都附名牌,讓住客認識 不同種類的樹木,更可跟著經驗豐富的導遊於附近的山徑登山遠 足。 「我們酒店亦十分重視地球日。」 Nicole笑說。 每一個著名酒店集團都在三亞興建了酒店,而且大多選擇沿 沙灘及海灣興建,如亞龍灣、海棠灣、清水灣及大東海灣等。不 過香港的文華東方集團卻選址鄰近市中心的一個私人灣口珊瑚灣。 三亞文華東方酒店絕對是當地高檔酒店中的星級之選,最適 合明星們享受私密假期。影星們更可能覺得這裡很熟悉,因為酒 店內的伊甸園美得猶如電影場景一樣 我入住的客房十分寬敞,窗外是寧逸的珊瑚灣美景。安頓過 後我走到酒店的花園散步,園內種滿果樹,大如保齡球的大樹菠 蘿重得令樹枝也彎下來。繁花滿佈,柔和的色彩及撲鼻花香,令 酒店充滿生氣。經過悉心打理的草地一直伸延至珊瑚灣,而地上 的少數民族圖畫,則是向島上原居民黎族和苗族致敬的作品。這 裡絕對是人間天堂!

從高空拍下的三亞文華東方度假酒店。 Aerial view of MO Sanya Resort.





三亞文華東方酒店的「星」級住 客特別喜歡參加瑜伽班。 Yoga classes are especially popular with MO Sanya’s movie-star guests.

精通太極及氣功的少林功夫大師 胡師傅,指導住客如何放鬆。 Master Hu, a Shaolin Kung Fu expert who has mastered the disciplines of Tai Chi and Qi Gong, teaches Mo Sanya guests how to relax.

酒店餐廳提供的大部分水果均產自海南,當地最有名的水果 包括超甜的芒果、榴槤、腰果蘋果、菠蘿及椰子。怪不得海南島 有「中國水果籃」之稱。 很多演員亦喜歡前來三亞文華東方酒店禪修。酒店的水療中 心有多位曾接受專業訓練的治療師坐陣,其中一位是少林功夫大 師胡師傅,他同時精曉太極及氣功。他於水療中心的花園演示正 宗禪茶茶道時表示:「少林功夫是鼓勵透過運動及冥想來達至養 生的哲學。」在禪茶護理療程,師傅會講解白茶、綠茶及紅茶的好 處,可讓心靈得以平靜,教人完全放鬆。 胡師傅同時介紹及示範另一養生之道–以大笑結合太極有助 釋放負面情緒的「笑太極」,一邊演示太極動作,一邊瘋狂大笑。 他鼓勵我放膽一試,在我放聲大笑之際,相信胡師傅被我笨拙的 太極姿勢弄得哭笑不得。但他只是微笑道:「只要多加練習便行。」 身型壯健的胡師傅經常代表文華東方酒店前往世界各地展示及宣 傳他的手藝。

從另一角度欣賞酒店的泳池。 酒店的花園種滿色彩斑斕的熱帶植物。 Another view of the pool complex at The gardens at Mo Sanya are filled MO Sanya. with lots of colourful tropical plants.

酒店範圍內可找到一些少數民族藝術 品,特別向島上原居民黎族及苗族致 敬。 The MO Sanya property features lots of native art, a tribute to the Li and Miao people who first settled Hainan.

更多的海岸線美景。 More shoreline views.

environmental friendly activities however, the continuous building boom and surge in tourism —

the grounds. What a paradise!

almost one million domestic tourists descended on sanya for the 2018 Chinese new Year — is beginning to worry those concerned about the island’s delicate ecosystem.

Most of the fruit offered in the hotel’s dining rooms come from hainan, which is famous for its incredibly sweet mangoes, durian, cashew apples, pineapples and coconuts. no wonder the island is

Protecting and highlighting hainan’s tropical environment has

called China’s fruit basket.

become a priority at Mo sanya, which now features programs designed to educate guests on local plant life and its importance to the environment. The movie stars’ kids, according to Li, are big fans.

Mo sanya is also a place actors come to find their Zen. here, they get help from highly-trained therapists who man the resort’s incredible spa, including Master hu, a shaolin Kung fu expert who

“The more kids learn about the environment in school, the more

has mastered the disciplines of Tai Chi and Qi Gong.

they want to come to places like this to experience it first hand,” Li says. “They are the ones now educating their parents on the importance of protecting areas like this.”

“shaolin Kung fu is a wellness philosophy that promotes exercise and meditation,” Master hu tells me during a Zen tea ceremony in the tranquil garden area of Mo sanya’s spa.

To that end, Mo sanya tags trees in and around its property to identify species, and experienced guides lead guests on hikes through the hilly terrain surrounding the upscale resort. “earth Day is very big at our resort,” Li says with a smile.

one of the disciplines Master hu has introduced to Mo guests is Laughing Tai Chi. “Laughing, combined with Tai Chi, allows the release of bad emotions in a pleasant way,” says Master hu, who erupts into wild

every major luxury hotel chain has opened a property in sanya.

laughter while performing his martial art moves.

Most are located along the island’s pristine beaches and bays — Yalong, haitang, Clearwater and Dadonghai — but hong Kong-based

“Try it,” he encourages me.

Mandarin oriental elected to build at Coral Bay, an area tucked near the downtown core.

i get the laughing part down pat, but my clumsy attempt at Tai Chi elicits wild laughter from Master Chi.

Without a doubt, Mo sanya is the star of the high-end hotel scene in sanya — the perfect place for movie stars to escape prying eyes. in

“You need practice,” smiles the master with the rock-hard body

fact, its Garden of eden setting could double as a south seas movie

who travels the world on behalf of Mandarin oriental hotels, displaying


and promoting his craft. after checking into my spacious room with the calming view

The master’s tea ceremony, where he tells you the benefits of

of Coral Bay, i wander the resort’s lush gardens and see fruit trees

drinking white, green and black tea, also serves to get you into a

bending under the weight of jackfruit the size of bowling balls. Tiny

relaxed frame of mind.

flowers, the colour of butter, spice the resort’s air with their delicate fragrance. The manicured lawns drift off into Coral Bay and native art — a homage to the Li and Miao people who first settled hainan — dot

“shaolin Zen tea transports the mind and leaves people feeling completely relaxed,” he tells me.






中藥水療中心 我走到酒店的水療中心,享用了幾個專為時差而設計的療程。



材均全天然及未經加工,含豐富維他命、礦物質及酵素。菜餚 更含豐富纖維及蛋白質、低脂肪及以天然甜味劑取代糖。

這裡亦是海南島唯一領有牌照可提供傳統中藥的水療中心。療 程包括針灸、拔罐及穴位推拿,同時提供各種西式按摩及面部護理


療程。 酒店最受住客歡迎的餐廳是位於海旁的Fresh,提供來自南 治療師跟我進行了一個詳細的評估後,認為我最適合進行東方











珊瑚灣美景的豪華度假別墅。浴室提供富品味的盥洗用品,部 分客房更附設室外淋浴設備。

酒店對身心健康的重視亦體現在其餐飲之中。三亞文華東方跟 著名的法國自然療法醫師Liliane Israel合作,以健康美食理念設計出 Gourmet Healthy Delights有營餐單。


三亞文華東方酒店的尊貴禮遇,令每一位住客都 變身為荷李活紅星。



三亞文華東方酒店的水療中心在亞洲首屈 一指,提供全面護理療程包括中醫藥療程。 The spa at MO Sanya is one of the best in Asia and offers a full line of treatments, including Traditional Chinese Medicine.







三亞文華東方酒店的泳池寧逸恬靜,分為成人專用區及家庭樂區。 The pool area at MO Sanya is tranquil and secluded. One area is devoted to adults only, while another is set up for family fun.

spa treatments offering traditional Chinese medicine afterwards, i head to Mo sanya’s outstanding spa, where i

rooms. Mo sanya has collaborated with acclaimed french

indulge in a series of treatments designed to help rid me of

naturopath Liliane israel to introduce a Gourmet healthy Delights

jet lag. The spa’s garden setting relaxes me as soon as i

menu that’s based on her Wellness Gastronomy concept.

enter the facility, which is ringed by calming waters. Dishes served in the resort’s lovely Pavilion and Yi Yang The spa is the only one on hainan island

Cantonese restaurants are all made from natural, unprocessed

licensed to offer Traditional Chinese Medicine.

ingredients that contain a wealth of vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

Treatments range from acupuncture, cupping and

The dishes are also high in fibre and protein, low in fat and contain

acupressure, to a full menu of Western massages

natural sweeteners instead of sugar.

and facials. The spa’s eight treatment rooms are set in the gardens and each features steam

all are delicious!

showers and outdoor tubs. The most popular restaurant at Mo sanya is the seaside fresh, after a lengthy consultation with a therapist, we decide what i really need is an oriental essence treatment, which is designed specifically for tired travellers and stressed executives and concentrates on the pressure points of the neck and shoulder. The results are sublime.

which, as its name implies, offers seafood straight from the south China sea. its romantic el fresco shoreline setting, especially at sunset, is straight out of a romantic hollywood film. The restaurant’s slow-cooked rock lobster tails and fennel crusted turbot are among the best we’ve ever tasted. While Mo sanya offers many room categories, the one thing they all have in common is elegance. from the entry-level ocean

Li tells me Mo sanya has also launched an holistic wellness

View room, right up to the incredible Coral Bay Deluxe Villa that

program that concentrates “on the five things everyone needs —

comes with two bedrooms, a spectacular garden, infinity pool and

nourishment, movement, stillness, connections and wellbeing.”

uninterrupted views of Coral Bay. The bathrooms are filled with chic toiletry products and some come with outdoor showers.

The spa also offers a Detox retreat program that is specifically designed to restore and rejuvenate the body and mind through a series of Traditional Chinese Medicine philosophies. apparently, this

one thing for sure: Mo sanya makes all guests feel like hollywood elite.

program is very popular with the movie stars. 查詢更多詳情,請瀏覽網址Toureast.com。 The resort’s emphasis on wellness also extends to its dining

For more information, visit Toureast.com.

01•滑進泳池的一刻定必其樂無比。 Guests slide into the pool — a fun time is had by all.

03•水療中心的設計讓人仿如置身伊甸園一樣。 The spa at Mo Sanya is like a Garden of Eden.

02•海景別墅坐擁壯麗的珊瑚灣美景,室內則飾以淺色木製傢具及少數民族藝術品。 The Ocean View Villas looks out on the splendour of Coral Bay and come dressed with lots of soft woods and native art.

04•酒店餐廳提供的海鮮食材,全是來自南中國海的海產。 The seafood served at MO Sanya’s main restaurant Fresh comes straight from the South China Sea.





Elite Life

01 From sassy speakeasies 適 逢「 鍍 金 時 代 」將 近

to Gatsby-esque


mansions, here’s how to

走進地下酒吧,參觀極盡 奢華的莊園大宅,沉浸於 當時的閃爍浮華。

savour the iconic symbols of


the Gilded Age in New York on the eve of its centenary.


RoaR LikE thE ‘20s text | Leslie Yip photo | Leslie Yip, Robin Roemer, The James Hotel, Jedediah Hawkins Inn, The OHEKA Castle





當Justin Timberlake被目睹穿過James Hotel的秘密通道走入

Nowadays, the watering holes have evolved. The Seville, for


instance, pays homage to the former speakeasy suite upstairs in the


beaux-art style building. Located in the same neighbourhood that gave birth to the iconic “Manhattan”, it serves classic cocktails with a twist,


such as a wood-planked Smoked Old Fashioned, served tableside.

於當時售賣及生產酒精飲品屬違法,因此這些酒吧都非常隱蔽, 或利用假牆作掩飾,或隱藏於理髮店、餅店之內,更有傳言指連

Cocktails were a “necessity” at speakeasies then, when fruit


juices were used to mask the rough taste of bathtub gins and raw


moonshine. The Gallow Green at McKittrick Hotel plays along with this tradition to deliver some exceptional drinks.

時至今日,這些酒吧已經不再地下。就好像座落於布雜式建 築風格大樓內的Seville,樓上的單位前身便是一家地下酒吧,而 Seville正正是仿傚地下酒吧來打造。Seville位處的社區,是最早 稱為「曼克頓」的地區,酒吧主打加入全新元素的經典雞尾酒,例 如在客人面前調製的木燻Smoked Old Fashioned。 雞 尾 酒 在 那 個 時 候 的 地 下 酒 吧 是「 必 需 品 」, 由 於 當 時 的 bathtub gins自家浴缸調配而成的gin酒及自釀私酒moonshine等, 無論口感與氣味都難以下咽,因此酒吧便想到在酒中加入果汁。 位於McKittrick 酒店內的Gallow Green酒吧,延續這傳統創製出各 款精彩雞尾酒。 於McKittrick酒店內開演的實境互動戲劇《不眠之夜》口碑載 道,移師至上海公演時更熱爆全中國,而多倫多的劇作Eve of St. George亦以此演出為創作靈感。屋頂酒吧及餐廳Gallow Green就 位於Sleep No More的演出場地之上。淺紫色的Sleep No More以 此劇而命名,雞尾酒加入Absolute elyx伏特加、接骨木花、Dolin Dry苦酒、青檸、豆花及玫瑰蘋果酒調製而成。

This rooftop bar and restaurant is set above the home of Sleep No More, the phenomenal site-specific immersive theatre experience that has a spinoff in Shanghai, China, and inspired Eve of St. George in Toronto. The namesake cocktail of the production is made with Absolut elyx vodka, elderflower, Dolin Dry, lime, pea flower and rosé cider, in a beautiful shade of violet. 01•實境互動戲劇 《Sleep No More》 以莎士比亞作品 《Macbeth》 為創作靈感,但 背景設定為20年代。圖為劇中一幕跳舞場景。 A dance scene from Sleep No More , an immersive theatre production based on Shakespeare’s Macbeth but transported to the ’20s. (Photo:Robin Roemer) 02•Seville的位置非常隱密,有傳聞指Justin Timberlake於今年二月,即酒吧開 幕後一星期便現身於此。 The Seville is only accessible via a secret entrance inside the James Hotel in NoMad, New York City. Justin Timberlake is rumoured to have visited in February 2018, just a week after it opened. jameshotels.com/new-york/nomad 03•隱密花園酒吧Gallow Green位於Chelsea區酒店McKittrick Hotel的頂樓,鄰 近型格的Highline Park。餐廳的crudité bowl紅爆instagram,雖然索價$28 是有點貴,但這道沙律的每一樣食材都非常新鮮,更可以大伙兒分享。記 住一定要試試他們的雞尾酒,就好像侍應捧著的淺紫色的Sleep No More。 The lush garden hideaway atop McKittrick Hotel in the Chelsea district is steps from the trendy Highline Park. Its $28 crudité bowl may sound ludicrous, but the highly-instagrammable vegetable dish is incredulously fresh and tasty and makes for a great sharing dish. Be sure to try its cocktails, like the violet-coloured Sleep No More. mckittrickhotel.com


When Justin Timberlake walked through the James Hotel’s secret entrance to the Seville and started dancing, he unknowingly put a celebrity stamp of coolness on the red-hot growing trend of speakeasies. Speakeasies were where people drank during the Prohibition era of the 1920s. Because the manufacture and sale of alcohol was illegal in the U.S. during this period, these spots needed to be well-hidden. They were found behind fake walls and under trap doors at barber shops, bakeries, and — I am not sure if it’s folklore or real — an ice cream parlour. To enter, one needed to know the password.





Elite Life 雖然地下酒吧屬非法經營,但它們卻有自己的規則。我曾經 在長島北岸一間優雅的精品酒店,邂逅了一家看似與酒店格格不 入的地下酒吧。


長島距離紐約Penn火車站僅一小時車程。怡人的氣候、長 120公里的沙灘以及延綿起伏的田野景色,吸引了美國的富豪貴 胄在這裡興建度假別墅,尤其於1920年代更是巔峰時期,電影 《大亨小傳》對當時的情況有不少著墨。我在這家位於Jedediah Hawkins Inn內的地下酒吧門外,看到張貼著以下一些守則: 「男士不容許接近女士。不准大笑,不准大聲叫囂,不准叫喊 或作出任何嘈吵行為。在離開酒吧前跟友人說再見。離開酒吧時 必須迅速及安靜。在酒吧以外地方不准提及酒吧。滴酒不沾最危 險之處就是過分清醒。」 禁酒令讓地下酒吧賣酒要低調神秘,那富豪們怎麼辦,莫非 Vanderbilt、Roosevelt及Guggenheim等在豪華別墅中開派對時, 都只是只玩不飲? 事實是,這些 「老兄們」 (old sports)絕對可以盡情狂飲。 因為禁酒令只禁止銷售、釀造及運輸酒精飲品,但不禁止擁 有及飲用酒精飲品。富豪權貴早於憲法第18修正案頒布之前,已 大量囤積酒精飲品。加上長島擁有延綿海岸線的地理優勢,簡直 是走私者的天堂,亦有助富豪們輕易從非法途徑購入走私酒。 他們的私人派對確實是奢華極致。我在猶太籍金融家及慈 善家Otto Hermann Kahn的度假別墅Oheka Castle逗留了半天, Taylor Swift曾在這裡拍攝《Blank Space》的MV,而電影《大國 民》一開場的場景亦在這裡拍攝。別墅面積達109,000平方呎, 是美國第二大巨宅。回溯到1920年的全盛時期,意大利著名男


高音Enrico Caruso在這裡獻唱,差利卓別 靈為晚宴的座上客,意大利指揮家Arturo Toscanini的指揮棒揮動悠揚樂章,英國國 王愛德華八世更曾在這裡打高爾夫球。 除此之外,還有其他豪華莊園大宅同 樣值得參觀,包括Old Westbury Gardens (電影《美國黑幫》的拍攝場地) 、Sands Point Preserve (電影《教父》的拍攝場 地)、Vanderbilt’s Eagle’s Nest(電影《鱷 魚先生II》的拍攝場地)以及Roosevelt國 家歷史遺址。

04•怎猜得到,這家位於長島North Fork的優雅莊園式 酒店Jedediah Hawkins Inn,竟然隱藏了一家秘密酒 吧。根據酒店網頁資料顯示,酒店建築物建於1863 年,它曾經是North Fork最高尚的豪宅,後來日久 失修更傳出鬧鬼。不過現已重新翻新成為這家別緻 的精品酒店。 Who would have guessed that there is a secret bar tucked away in the basement of the acclaimed Jedediah Hawkins Inn, an elegant mansion amid a pastoral setting in North Fork, Long Island? Built in 1863, the mansion was one of the finest residences on the North Fork before falling “into disrepair and becoming ‘haunted’”, says its website. It is now fully restored as a luxury boutique hotel with ample historic charm. jedediahhawkinsinn.com 05•Oheka Castle曾被 《紐約時報》 形容為 「美國最高尚的 鄉郊大宅」 ,經翻新現已成為全球最尊貴的婚宴場地 之一。大家可選擇在這裡享用一頓浪漫晚餐 (私人 宴會房間由$1,500起) 。莊園共有32間精心設計的 客房,房價每晚由$395至$1,095。莊園亦歡迎大家 參觀 (導賞遊連午餐$50) 。以上價格為美元。 Once described by the New York Times as the “finest country house in America”, the restored Oheka Castle is now touted as one of the most prestigious wedding and event venues in the world. Enjoy a romantic dinner (private rooms from $1,500), stay the night in one of 32 uniquely decorated rooms ($395 to $1,095 per night), or stop by for a mansion tour (guided tour and lunch for $50). All prices in U.S. funds. oheka.com





住宿推介 Where to Stay

While speakeasies might have been contraband, they still have their own maxims. I happened upon one

典雅的英式莊園The Baker House 位於East Hampton,莊園內有一

in an unlikely place — an elegant boutique hotel in a


historical mansion on the north shore of Long Island.

商店及餐廳如The 1770 House。 The Baker House in East Hampton is

Long Island is just an hour’s train away from

a glorious English-style manor with a

New York City’s Penn Station. Its temperate climate,

beautiful garden and within walking

200-kilometre-long beaches and rolling farmland drew

distance of the beach, shops and

America’s richest and most powerful there to build their majestic summer mansions, especially in the 1920s, as personified in The Great Gatsby. I found the following

amazing restaurants like The 1770

bakerhouse1650.com &1770house.com


rules of conduct posted at the speakeasy at Jedediah Hawkins Inn:

The Parrish Art Museum藝術博物館收藏了長 島東端的珍貴歷史藝術品。博物館每年會舉行4

“Men are not allowed to approach women. No hooting, hollering, shouting or loud behaviour. Say your goodbyes inside. Exit the speakeasy briskly and silently. Do not speak of the speakeasy outside of the speakeasy. The hazard of not drinking is remaining sober.” Speakeasies were meant to be hush-hush, but what about those lavish parties held at the palatial summer homes of the Vanderbilt, Roosevelt and Guggenheim families? Surely those “old sports” would not take it “dry”?

至5場特別展覽,展品每年更替,每次參觀都會 有不同的體驗。 The Parrish Art Museum celebrates the artistic legacy of Long Island’s East End. It has four to five special exhibitions per year, and rotates its collection annually, so every visit is a different experience.


景點推介 What to Do

Merlot,這次亦是美國史上首次在總統 就職典禮上提供紐約餐酒。

transportation of alcohol, but it did not prevent one from owning or drinking it. The rich and powerful would have

The Bedell Cellars in Cutchoque sprang

seen this coming, stockpiling their booze well before

into stardom when their 2009 Merlot was

the 18th Amendment came into effect. Plus, with Long

the only red wine served at President Barack Obama’s 2013

Island’s extensive shoreline — a dream for smugglers

inaugural luncheon, marking the first time in American his-

— they could easily supplement their collection with

tory that a New York wine has been served at a presidential


philanthropist Otto Hermann Kahn. You may have seen it as the backdrop to Taylor Swift’s music video

Blank Space, or in the opening scene of Citizen Kane. At 109,000 square feet, it is the second largest house in the United States. Back in its heyday in the 1920s, Enrico Caruso sang in the ballroom, Charlie Chaplin dined there, Arturo Toscanini lifted his baton to its soaring ceiling and Edward VIII of the United Kingdom played golf. For those of you who want to see more grand mansions, you can also visit the Old Westbury Gardens ( as seen in American Gangster ), Sands Point Preserve (The Godfather ), Vanderbilt’s Eagle’s Nest (Crocodile

Dundee II ) and the Roosevelt national historic site.

酒莊於2013年前美國總統奧巴馬的就 一供應的紅酒就是該酒莊釀製的2009

Prohibition banned the manufacture, sale and

at Oheka Castle, summer home of financier and

位於Cutchoque的The Bedell Cellars 職午餐會舉行後聲名大噪,因此席上唯

No, they didn’t need to.

And the parties were lavish. I spent half a day

必訪推介 What to See

inauguration. bedellcellars.com

由多倫多前往紐約及長島的最快捷的方法 Fastest Way to NYC and Long Island from Toronto 乘坐Porter Airlines由多倫多市中心飛抵新澤西僅需1.5小時。 由紐約市全新裝修的Penn火車站搭乘the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR)便可到 達長島。 Porter Airlines takes you from downtown Toronto to Newark, N.J., in just 1½ hours, then a 30-minute drive to NYC.

flyporter.com From NYC, take the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) from the renovated Penn Station. mea.info With special thanks to NYCGo.com and DiscoverLongIsland.com.





elite car 2018年的Audi S5系列有斜揭背轎跑車Sportback (61,500元起)、雙門跑車和開篷轎車3個車款。圖 中展示的是高檔的Technik (65,600元起)。 The Audi S5 Sportback is one of three variants offered in the Audi S5 lineup for 2018, joining the coupe and the cabriolet. Shown here in upscale Technik trim, the S5 Sportback starts at $61,500, jumping to $65,600 for Technik.


audi S5 Sportback technik 2018

Sportback addS utility to audi S5 lineup text & photo | Lorne Drury of Metroland Media

2018年款的Audi S5 Sportback具備跑車的動力和家庭車的實用性, 試駕後更覺這是一部全能的轎跑車。相信部分打算購買SUV或旅行 車的人士,看過S5 Sportback後可能會轉投這部轎跑車的懷抱。 Audi calls its 2018 S5 Sportback a “no compromise” vehicle that offers the power of a sports car and the practicality of a family sedan. After a few days with one, I couldn’t have said it better myself. This is a sports sedan that really does it all. And for today’s buyer who has his/her eye on an SUV or a wagon, the S5 Sportback is one car that might actually change a few minds and bring people back into the sedan fold.





Audi搶眼的四環標誌就放在鬼面罩的 中央位置。 There’s no mistaking this for anything but an Audi, with the iconic four-ring logo front and centre on the grille.




04 03 01•Technik採用19吋鋁圈輪胎,而Progressiv則是18吋輪胎標準裝置。 These 19-inch aluminum wheels come on the Technik trim, while the Progressiv has standard 18-inch wheels. 02•所有S5系均配備3.0公升渦輪增壓V6引擎,迸發出354匹馬力和369磅/呎扭力。 All S5 variants come with this turbocharged 3.0-litre V6 engine, producing 354 hp and 369 lb/ft of torque. 03• 闊大尾門方便擺放物品,載貨空間為480公升,摺合後排座椅後容量有1,300公 升。 The large hatch on the Sportback offers easy access to the cargo area, which has 480 litres of space behind the rear seats and 1,300 litres with the seats folded.



04•奧迪的虛擬駕駛艙以全數碼熒幕取代傳統的儀錶板,為駕駛者提供所需的信息。 An example of one of screens available in Audi’s Virtual Cockpit that does away with the traditional dials and gauges, replacing them with fully configurable digital screens offering all the information a driver could want. 05•S5 Sportback 設有小巧的換檔桿,設計精良、備有多媒體界面控制器和開關掣 的控制台就在前方。 The Audi S5 Sportback has a compact shift lever and nicely designed console with the multi-media interface controller and switches directly in front. 06•單看車門鑲邊的紅色縫線,就知道S5 Sportback在細節上亦一絲不苟。 One look at the contrasting red stitching on the door trim is just one example of the attention to detail on the S5 Sportback.

S5 Sportback集強勁動力、型格優雅和實用於一身。它的後排座椅可

With the 40/20/40 split rear seat folded flat, the S5 Sportback


offers 1,300 litres of usable cargo space (480 litres behind the back


seat upright) and it does so in an overall package that ticks off three


important Ps — power, panache and practicality.

儘管有人說車頂傾斜會令頭頂空間收窄,但我認為問題不大,只需要 把頭垂低一下,就能夠自如地進出後座車廂。

The swoopy roofline of the S5 provides the perfect design, a sleek-looking, five-door hatchback with the looks of a coupe. And while the sloping roof does limit rear-seat headroom to a certain

過去幾年來,不少人改買SUV。然而在Audi推出A5/S5這款既有雙門跑 車的外觀,也有SUV和旅行車的實用設計後,或會減少豪華房車市場流失

extent, I had no problem accessing the back seat as long as I ducked my head when entering and exiting the cabin.

的情況。 For a few years now, buyers have been exiting the sedan market Audi的S與A車系的最大不同點,是S系更有跑車感和速度快。因此,

in droves, gravitating over to SUVs. But with this design, Audi may


halt some of that exodus in the luxury sedan segment with the A5/

254匹馬力,而S5 Sportback則擁有全新的3公升直噴式V6汽缸雙渦管渦輪

S5 siblings that offer coupe-like looks and the utility of an SUV or a







elite car

Technik採用紅色Nappa真皮內飾,增添豪華觀 感,十分誘人。 As with nearly all Audis, the interior of the S5 Sportback is superb. The red Nappa leather interior of this Technik model adds to the upscale look and feel of the cabin.

全新的S5 Sportback內廂明顯加長了,整體車廂增長17毫米,前 排駕駛者和乘客座位的寬度增加11毫米,而後座的膝部空間也加 多了24毫米。 The new Audi S5 Sportback has grown significantly inside. Its interior length has gained 17 mm, the shoulder room for driver and front passenger up to 11 mm and the rear knee room 24 mm.


Technik的多媒體資訊系統包括有8.2吋熒 幕,圖象和清晰度一流。 Audi’s infotainment system on the S5 Sportback Technik includes this 8.2-inch screen with excellent graphics and clarity.

When it comes to Audis, I like to think of the cars with the ‘S’ designation as


more sporty and speedy. Thus, the S5 is the performance variant of the more


sedate A5 that has a 254-horsepower, turbocharged inline 2.0-litre engine. The


S5 Sportback, on the other hand, boasts a new twin-scroll turbocharged 3.0-litre,

選置的跑車差速器(價值1,900元) ,也可以主動分配後輪之

direct-injection V6, producing 354 horsepower and 369 lb/ft of torque.

間的扭力。 With that kind of power under the hood, the S5 can move out with the best of 在加拿大出售的S5系列有3個車款,除了斜揭背轎跑

them, doing the 0-100 km/h run in 4.8 seconds, according to the manufacturer.

車(Sportback) 之外,還有雙門跑車和開篷車。其實2018年 款的S5是7年前首次推出的A5/S5的第二代,但當時該系列 車並沒有在北美市場發售。

An eight-speed Tiptronic handles the power transmission to the quattro permanent all-wheel drive system, distributing slightly more power to the rear wheels. However, when necessary, it can transfer the majority of power to the

全新Sportback的車廂增加了不少空間,包括後座乘客 有更多的腿部伸展空間,及加闊了駕駛者和前排乘客的寬

axle with the better traction. Our tester had the optional sport differential that also actively distributes torque between the rear wheels.

度。 The Sportback is one of three body styles available in the S5 line, joining the Sportback有兩款級別可供選擇:由61,500元起的

coupe and cabriolet on the Canadian market. In fact, the 2018 version of the S5


is actually the second generation of the A5/S5, which debuted seven years ago,


but wasn’t available in North America at the outset.

所添置的選項計有高級輔助駕駛套餐(價值1,000元),平視 顯示(價值1,100元) 和上文提及過的Quattro跑車差速器。

The new Sportback has grown significantly inside, meaning more legroom for backseat passengers and increased shoulder room for the driver and front-seat



煞車卡鉗要500元,後排座椅電熱功能加350元,以及車廂 內部以碳纖維鑲嵌,價值900元。

The Sportback comes in two trim levels: the Progressiv at $61,500 and the Technik, which has a base price of $65,600. Our Technik tester came in at


$78,035, including a freight charge of $2,095.




Major options included Advanced Driver Assistance Package ($2,100),

pre-sense front前方預警式安全防護系統,讓駕駛者更加安

Dynamic Steering ($1,500), Adaptive Suspension ($1,000), Heads Up Display


($1,100) and the previously mentioned Quattro Sport Differential ($1,900).




Audi S5 SportbAck technik 2018 At-A-glAnce 車身款式:中型豪華五門斜揭背轎跑車 驅動方式:前置引擎,quattro全輪驅動 引擎:3.0公升渦輪增壓引擎 (輸出354匹馬力和369磅/呎扭 力),搭載八前速Tiptronic波箱。 耗油量:(優質汽油) 11.5/8.0/9.9公升/100公里 市內/高速 公路/綜合 行李箱容量:後排座椅後的空間為480公升,摺合後排座椅 後有1,300公升。 售價:65,600元,試駕車售78,035元連運費。 優點:外觀瀟灑別緻,採用揭背式設計實用性高。 缺點:加添選置後,車價會頗高昂。 誘人之處:Audi S5系有雙門跑車、開篷車和揭背式3款設 計可供選擇。

Audi一向以車廂設計、用料和科技超卓聞名,全新的 S5 Sportback亦不負眾望,車廂所用的物料一流,手工出

BODY STYLE: Luxury mid-size, five-door sedan. DRIVE METHOD: Front-engine, quattro all-wheel-drive. ENGINE: Turbocharged 3.0-litre V6 (354 hp, 369 lb/ft of torque) with an eight-speed Tiptronic transmission. FUEL ECONOMY: (Premium) 11.5/8.0/9.9L/100 km city/highway/combined. CARGO CAPACITY: 480 litres behind second-row seats, 1,300 litres with second-row seats folded. WHAT’S BEST: The looks and the practicality of the hatchback design. WHAT’S WORST: It can get pricey when you start checking off the option boxes. WHAT’S INTERESTING: The Audi S5 line now has three variants — a coupe, a cabriolet and this hatchback design. PRICE: $65,600, as tested $78,035 (including $2,095 freight). audi.ca

The Daytona Gray paint added $890, while red brake calipers were $500, heated rear seats $350 and carbon atlas inlays in the cabin $900.

色,高科技的全數碼虛擬駕駛艙更是標準裝置。而所試駕 的車輛採用紅色真皮座椅,十分誘人。

Advanced driver assist is well worth the money, adding adaptive cruise control with stop and go, active lane assist, Audi pre-sense city, traffic

在馬路上,S5 Sportback的性能比其同門A5更加優

congestion assist, traffic sign recognition and Audi pre-sense front.

勝。雖然不能用它來賽車,但踩油門時,就會感受到額外 的動力,越線超前及高速入線時,其突出表現會令你很有 快感。

Audi has always been known for its superb cabins and the new S5 Sportback lives up to that reputation. The materials are first class and the craftsmanship superb. Audi’s high-tech Virtual Cockpit is standard fare and the

對汽車發燒友來說,S5 Sportback的渦輪增壓V6

red-coloured leather upholstery on our tester was most inviting.

引擎所發出的咆哮聲是悅耳的音樂,尤其是在選用動態 (Dynamic) 駕駛模式的時候。老實說,在舒適(Comfort)、自

On the road, the S5 Sportback ratchets up the performance quotient over


its A5 sibling. This won’t be a car you take to track days, but the extra power


shows itself when you punch the throttle and is most welcome in overtaking


manoeuvres and merging into high-speed traffic.


And, oh, the growl of the turbocharged V6 is music to the ears of any car


lover, particularly when you dial in Dynamic drive mode. There are four drive


modes in all — Comfort, Auto, Dynamic and Individual. I found Auto and


Dynamic did the trick for me and never saw the need for the other two. If this is to be an all-season road warrior, the quattro all-wheel-drive feature will be most 打算購買豪華SUV的

welcome in our Canadian winters, particularly for anyone heading up to the ski


slopes. And with the Sportback, there’s plenty of cargo room in back for that

慮這款S5 Sportback。雖

weekend getaway.

然在添加選項後,它可 能會很昂貴,但不要忘 記,這是一部具備良好

So for those sport sedan drivers out there thinking of moving into the luxury SUV territory, think again and give the S5 Sportback a try.

性能和實用性高的瀟灑轎跑 車。

It can be pricey when you start adding in the options, but this is one car that provides performance and practicality in one fine-looking package.






全球首部 LEICA三鏡頭手機 盡顯驚人攝力

OOO Smartphone with triple leica camera getS uS ogling

P20 Pro備有4種顏色,不過發佈會上各人都被迷幻暗彩及金粉紅的炫彩色調所迷倒。 The P20 Pro is available in four colours. The Twilight and Pink Gold stole the show with their almost holographic gradient effect.

text | Leslie Yip photo | Leslie Yip, Pomp & Circumstance

從發佈會場地選擇,或多或少可預估到新品的震撼力。 The choice of venue says it all. 智能手機生產商華為Huawei選址巴黎最具代表性的大皇宮

Smartphone manufacturer Huawei took over the iconic Grand

Grand Palais舉行發佈會,發表令人期待的P20 Pro手機,數天

Palais in Paris, just days after Chanel showcased its 2018 Fall/Winter

前,Chanel亦在同一場地舉行2018 秋冬時裝秀。由1900年舉

collection, to present its much-awaited P20Pro smartphone. From


housing the 1900 Universal Exhibition to being the choice stage for

壯觀的Grand Palais標誌著創意與格調。

the world’s most renowned fashion houses, the steel, stone and glass edifice represents innovation and style.

不約而同,P20 Pro亦盡現創意與格調。 Similarly, the P20 Pro is full of innovation and style. P20 Pro最突破性的功能是其攝影技術的提升。它是世界上 首部配備Leica三鏡頭的手機,為市場上像素最高的智能手機。

The most groundbreaking feature of the P20 Pro is its photo-


taking capability. It features the world’s first Leica triple camera, with

MP RGB傳感器、200萬像素單色傳感器和一個帶長焦鏡頭的

the highest total pixel count of any smartphone on the market. The

800萬像素傳感器組成,還配備3倍遠攝鏡及5倍hybrid zoom。

three lenses are arranged vertically in the upper left corner on the back of the phone. The camera configuration is comprised of a 40 MP RGB

此外,當選擇以Aperture或Pro模式拍攝時,其 f/1.8,f/1.6 和f/2.4寬光圈,可以拍攝出玲瓏細緻的完美清晰畫面

sensor, a 20 MP monochrome sensor and an 8MP sensor with 3x telephoto lens for long-range photography of up to 5x hybrid zoom.


With f/1.8, f/1.6 and f/2.4 wide aperture, accessible manually


through the Aperture or Pro mode, it captures exceptionally crisp

都可拍出高水準自拍照。P20 Pro的人工智能Master AI功能,


帶來專業的攝影體驗。手機採用970處理器,可自動識別19個 組別超過500種不同的場景,並在適當的時刻選擇合適的功能,


Selfie lovers will appreciate the 24 MP front camera, with AI


beautification, 3D portrait lighting and one-touch bokeh effect.Artificial


intelligence is used extensively to provide a “Master AI” photography


experience. Thanks to the Kirin 970 processor, the camera can

P20 Pro結合卓越的人工智能技術,即使是攝影新手都可拍出大

identify more than 500 scenarios in 19 categories and select an


optimum photography mode and camera setting. 4D Predictive Focus




P20 Pro支援4K錄影,但影像的穩定性或會減低。不過以

helps predict the path of moving objects and allows the camera to


focus with extreme efficiency to capture minute details. AI-Assisted


Composition provides intelligent suggestions on how to frame group shots and landscapes. With that much computing power in one’s

機身設計亦型格流麗,還備有2種全新炫彩色調 – 迷幻暗彩

hand, even a novice can create images that look almost professional.

及金粉紅。色彩是通過在玻璃背板下以多層光學鍍膜達成的色彩 效果,當光線落在機身表面,即產生幻彩漸變的特別效果。

The P20 pro can shoot video up to 4K resolution, but one loses image stabilization at 4K. At 1080p, handheld video looks almost as

其他規格參數方面,P20 Pro機身厚度為7.8毫米,配備6.1吋

smooth as ones taken with a gimbal.

OLED機屏。內置4000mAh大容量電池,由無電至完全充電只需 2小時。手機達IP 67級別,防塵、防水。P20 Pro於加國各主要手 機網絡供應商有售。另有次一級版本,配備雙鏡頭的P20供選擇。

Style-wise, the phone comes in two new exclusive gradient colours, Twilight and Pink Gold. Achieved by applying several coatings underneath the glass back, it refracts light to produce a vivid and mesmerizing gradual change of hue. As for the practical side, the phone is 7.8 millimetres thick, with a 6.1-inch OLED Display. The 4000mAh battery can be fast-charged from flat to full in less than two hours. At IP 67, it is quite highly rated for being dust- and water-proof. Available in Canada through major cellular carriers. P20, with dual cameras and lower specs, is also available.

Huawei顧客業務部首席執行官Richard Yu,於巴黎Grand Palais向現場超過 1,000名來自各國的記者發表P20系列手機。 Richard Yu, chief executive officer of Huawei Consumer Business Group, unveiling the P20 series in front of more than 1,000 international journalists at the Grand Palais in Paris.

3D全景拍攝模式讓你從多角度拍攝物件, 然後製成3D照片。 The 3D panorama mode lets you capture an object from multiple angles to create 3D still photos.

P20 Pro的高感光影像感測器可拍 攝低光照片達至ISO 102400,在 燈光昏暗的環境亦可拍攝明亮清 晰的照片。再配合人工智能圖像 穩定功能(AI Image Stabilization ,簡稱AIS),可以穩定手持拍攝 效果,即使沒有三腳架,長曝攝影 也可保持穩定。 The image sensor captures low light photos with up to ISO 102400. Coupled with six-axis AIS (Artificial Image Stabilization), one can do night-time street photography and even long-exposure images without the use of a tripod.





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William Ashley’s new 15,000-square-foot store includes a new café, where one can enjoy @kusmicanada tea, @nespresso.ca coffee while lounging on @jonathanadler furniture. #下午茶新點 Photo by George Pimentel.

Love shoes? Shoes” exh Don’t miss the “Mano lo ibiti by #sexand on at Bata Shoe Mu Blahnik: The Art of seum. Mad thecity and e famous #princessd years of art iana isa @dotheda nship. Until Jan. 6, 20 , it showcases 50 niel #theart 1 9. Photo b ofshoes y

@hunterboots creative director Alasdhair Willis was in Toronto to present the SS Collection to the media. It poured that day, hence the Wellies. Look out for their Exploded Logo collection too! #fangirl #最愛下雨天

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