Mar 2018 EliteGen Calgary

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A publication by Sing Tao Media Group March


March 2018 Vol. 33 Calgary

Fashion Headline

秋季新袋特集 Fall bags are here

Watch Story 春夏時裝指南

2018 Spring/Summer 潛行錶間

Diving WatchesGuide Fashion

Enchanting JaninE chang

新作曝發 SIHH 2018

Innovations galore

可持續鑽石之旅 Tiffany & Co.

A tour of sustainable diamonds


Enchanting Janine Chang 張鈞甯


Masthead 33

A publication by Sing Tao Media Group March


March 2018 Vol. 33 Calgary

Fashion Headline

秋季新袋特集 Fall bags are here

Watch Story 春夏時裝指南

2018 Spring/Summer 潛行錶間

Diving WatchesGuide Fashion

Enchanting JaninE chang

可持續鑽石之旅 Tiffany & Co.

A tour of sustainable diamonds


Read Online:

Enchanting Janine Chang 張鈞甯

App: “EliteGen”in App Store & Google Play

新作曝發 SIHH 2018

Innovations galore


EG033_Cover_V2.indd 3

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer

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30/1/2018 23:53:36

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張萬青 Katherine Cheung

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Ross Hopkins 易珮華 Clarice Yik Marc Atchison, Grace Chan, Joanne Chan, Lorne Drury, Kenson Ho, Gloria Lo, Zoe Mak, Crystal Ng, Monessa Ng, Renée S. Suen, Shuk Wa Tsang, George Verdolaga, Livian Wu, Iris Yim, Miranda Yiu

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contents MAR


watch story



SIHH 2018 InnovatIonS galore

cover story

Brand story

美麗魔法 張鈞甯




mykiTa german pioneering eyewear

enChanTing Janine Chang


30 可 持續鑽石之旅 Tiffany & Co. a Tour of susTainable diamonds

Fashion headline 42 春夏時裝指南 2018 spring/summer fashion guide Fashion news

50 開季充電 marC Cain power up The spring

Men’s Picks

52 一寸長一寸強 long CoaTs have Their advanTages


54 拼貼思維 saCai: layering up

Beauty news

57 女人四十 Clarins exTra-firming Jour & nuiT Cream spring baCk aT 40

58 月之魔法 moon magiC


60 御「膚」攻略 afTer parTy skin remedies


contents MAR




誰讓八爪魚吃掉 自己的觸鬚? takaSHI MurakaMI: tHe oCtoPuS eatS ItS own leg



tHIerry Mugler aura 散發愛的氣息

薈萃精彩美食的 新派扒房


66 寶石色調大熱回歸 The Jewel Tone Craze


72 溫哥華本地定製跑車建造商 inTermeCCaniCa vanCouver’s own CusTom sporTsCar builder

travel 86 享受世界級豪華spa體驗 曼谷文華東方酒店 finding your ComforT zone in bangkok

wine not

80 永遠懷念 margaux 2015 unforgeTTable

elite liFe




M CoMMe aIMe

夢幻皇室婚禮 happily ever afTer wed in royal fashion aT london’s milesTone hoTel

vICtor at Parq vanCouver

elite car

92 alfa romeo首款休旅車sTelvio sTelvio puTs alfa romeo in The premium suv markeT


96 加拿大萬人迷shawn mendes星級加持 Canadian hearTThrob shawn mendes lends his sTar power To emporio armani ConneCTed

e • stagraM

98 關注星尚ig,緊貼潮流 eliTegen goes soCial 部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 All prices are in CAD unless otherwise specified. 除特別標明外,所有價錢以加幣計算。

Dress Code Lily Lee 自小已經是時裝精,曾修讀時裝設計,並夢想成為時裝設計師,致力宣揚 「飯可以不吃,衣服不可以不買」 的精神。 近年由藝人轉型為Fashionista,在網上撰寫時裝專欄,同時身兼網上節目 《谷乜Trend》 監制及主持,分享時尚及美容資訊。 Born with an eye for fashion and style, becoming a fashion designer was always Lily’s dream. Now that she’s a fashionista, not only does she have her own styling blog, but she also directs and hosts the reality show Music Live Valley, where fashion and beauty trends are explored.

Regal ChaRm

復古 典雅



gReek goddess

希臘 女神


hidden details

暗藏 細節


Cathy Tsui

Tiffany Ann Hsu

Rainie Yang

徐子淇這Temperley London長裙,高領和手袖設 計均很是復古優雅,充滿外國六、七十年代貴族感 覺,配上少女化髮型,擺脫她一貫的成熟風格。

許瑋甯穿著的Reem Acra晚裝,上身別緻的釘珠圖 案,配以透視設計,性感得來不落低俗,特別喜歡 希臘女神感覺的袖子,高貴又優雅。

楊丞琳的裝扮暗藏細節,比方是袖子縷空的鈕扣及 腰間cut out設計,均為本來黑實的造型添上特色, 配襯銀耳環和all back髮型,貫徹簡約型格味道。

The high neckline and sleeve design of the Temperley London gown worn by Cathy epitomizes vintage elegance and evokes the noble charm of the ’60s and ’70s. The youthful hairstyle takes years off her usual mature styling.

The Reem Acra gown on Tiffany Ann stands out with a sexy, but not crass, beaded nude bodice. The classy, chic sleeves add a Greek goddess accent.

See-through buttoned sleeves and a cut-out waist make this black number suddenly more interesting. The silver earrings and the slickedback hair complete Raine’s minimalistic look.




sex appeal

有型 性感


good balanCe

剛柔 並重


simple ChiC

簡約 型格


Jade Leung

Gigi Lai

Stephy Tang

高挑的雷頌德太太這Alice + Olivia紅色短裙,點睛 之作是背後添加的披肩,展示白滑長腿,再配以淺 金色綁帶高跟鞋,時尚和女人味兼得。

以白色西裝外套襯jumpsuit的黎姿,配以all back髮 型,看上去乾淨俐落。質地輕柔的jumpsuit,跟堅 挺的外套肩膊線條,正好配合她剛柔並重的成功女 性形象。

Stephy這身Johanna Ortiz打扮,前短後長的白色上 衣,略帶禮服款式,簡單的襯以黑色長褲和銀色高 跟鞋,已流露單膊型格的韻味。

The master touch to Jade’s Alice + Olivia red dress is the red scarf. Her slim legs are on full display and further lengthened by the soft gold heels. It’s a picture of style and sophistication.

A white clean-cut jacket with strong shoulder lines set off the softness of the white jumpsuit underneath and reflect Gigi’s transformation into a successful businesswoman. The all-back hair styling keeps the look clean too.

The asymmetrical hemline of the Johanna Ortiz tuxedo-like white top worn by Stephy looks perfectly simple paired with black pants and silver heels to amply set off the charming oneshoulder look.





Dress Code

suRe winneR


無需 新意

tRue ColouR

奇幻 風味


雙重 搶鏡

Brittany Snow

Jessica Chastain

Karen Gillan

出席大型活動,很多女星不求造型破格,以穩陣好 看行先。Brittany Snow黑色Deep V長裙,既性感 又優雅,正是示範佳作。

有時選色也反映到女星的品味和實力,假如Jessica Chastain這晚裝是深藍色,便覺平平無奇,現在所 選的淺藍系色調雖不易駕馭,卻讓她成功襯托出奇 幻風味。

《逃出魔幻紀》 女主角Karen Gillan不但有美麗臉龐, 身形還十分高挑,穿上極搶眼的金色晚裝,閃而不 俗,瞬間成為焦點。

Why be outlandish when you can never go wrong with the tried-and-tested on the red carpet? This black deep-V gown worn by Brittany does it all — sexy and classy.

Colour choice is a true test of an actress’s taste. If this gown on Jessica had been navy, she would have been lost in the crowd. The lightblue choice is not easy to carry off, but she manages to do it and show her true colour.

Karen is blessed with a beautiful face and a tall, slender shape. This gold number on the star of Jumanji is dazzling but not gaudy, and definitely puts her in the spotlight.

裙 Dress:Monique Lhuillier 首飾 Accessories:Marli

裙 Dress:Elie Saab 首飾 Accessories:Piaget

裙 Dress:Reem Acra

網評:裙身的花朵圖案不失玩味! Comments from netizens: The floral prints on the dress are great fun.

網評:白晰肌膚和紅長髮,也是得分功臣! Comments from netizens: Her fair skin and long red hair helped too!

網評:美女總是有睇頭。 Comments from netizens: Pretty girls always look good.







stylish tattoos

紋身 更型

Just Right

恰到 好處

youthful sophistiCation

嫩模 品味

Ruby Rose

Alexis Knapp


短髮的Ruby Rose有著跟其他女星不一樣的味道, 用上不同色系和漸變效果的晚裝雖然好看,但怎樣 也不及她雙臂紋身所加添的punk味那樣有神采!

Alexis一身搶眼紅裳,胸前的cut out設計和展示長 腿的裙子長度,性感得恰到好處。

青春偶像Zendaya的衣著品味並未局限於少女風 格,今次穿上斜紋條子上衣配七彩短裙,懷舊又成 熟,很是特別。

Ruby is in a class of her own with her signature short hair. The ombre dress looks good, but it’s no rival to the punk tattoos on her arms.

The striking red dress on Alexis provides just the right degree of sex appeal, with the demure cutout in front and just the right length to show off her long legs.

Young idol Zendaya doesn’t limit herself to teen looks. She looks remarkable in this striped top and colourful calf-length skirt that is retro and sophisticated at the same time.

裙 Dress:Elie Saab

裙 Dress:Mugler 鞋 Shoes:Giuseppe Zanotti

套裝 Suits:Stella Jean

網評:整個造型配合得天衣無縫! Comments from netizens: A seamless look!

網評:這紅裙真的很搶眼! Comments from netizens: This red dress is really eye-catching!degree of sex appeal, with the demure cut-out in front and just the right length to show off her long legs.

網評:難得她有好身形,穿出跨年齡的韻味! Comments from netizens: Statuesque Zendaya really commands attention and sets her apart. good on Daisy.








Cover Story 過去兩年,仙氣女神張鈞甯一 直忙工作,穿梭中、港、台、 英國、德國,日程幾乎沒有 「放假」兩字,卻藉著喜愛的工 作取得養分,只須輕鬆運動、 稍稍保養,膚質與體態依然維 持高水平。且看氣質美女如何 施展這道美麗魔法。

Angelic Janine Chang has been absorbed in work the past two years, shuttling between China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the UK and Germany. No holiday has been pencilled in. But the busier she is, the more she thrives. With a little exercise and a little care for herself, she stays fit and radiant. How does she do it?

美麗魔法 Enchanting

張鈞甯 Jannie cnang text | Candy Woo styling | Lucas Tang photo | Kenji Leung hair | Ethan Yao 姚介堃 @ hc hair culture makeup | Jenny Lin @藍奇工作室





奔波於拍攝電視劇、出席廣告代言活動、雜誌訪問和封面拍攝、還有電視劇宣傳的 張鈞甯,給人來去如風的感覺。她自己也承認:「我肯定是工作狂,但都是自找的,因 為我很愛我的工作,不能怨別人。」 她真心享受工作,人生也因工作而有轉變,「工作帶給我很多不同的感覺和改變, 譬如當運動品牌代言人,我便開始做運動;飾演反派角色,讓我感受不同的心情轉折。」


張鈞甯的保養貼士,當然不只一個,「因工作經常要出差,在乾燥的機艙,最重要 是保濕,每次坐長途機,我都在睡覺前敷精華面膜,補充水份,然後搽上保濕肌底液。」 她認為內在保養也很重要,雖然忙工作,也不會忽略運動,「今天一早就開始拍攝 工作,但我也堅持早起去游泳,工作時就能精神飽滿。」 游泳、跑步、瑜伽和打坐已成為 她的日常運動。她亦分享了食療進補秘方,「拍戲的時候,我會帶備電鍋來煲湯,例如 紅豆蓮子伏苓湯、白木耳紅棗黃芪湯,都是補氣血的好配搭。這都是朋友試過覺得好, 介紹給我的。」 多管齊下,連一直困擾她的皮膚敏感問題,也得到改善,「我自小對眼淚過敏,皮 膚一接觸到眼淚就會發紅,現在過敏反應已減輕了,但當演員難免要流淚,唯有趕快抹 掉,便不會刺激皮膚。」

workaholic, but I did ask for it because I love to work, so there’s no blaming anyone else. “Work brings me different feelings and changes. As a spokesperson for a sports brand, for example, I began to work out. To portray a bad person, my persona changed too.” Such a hectic and demanding schedule has inevitably taken its toll. Chang admits she doesn’ t sleep enough and says constantly wearing makeup has had

c h a n g

Rushing from TV shoots to brand promotions to magazine cover shoots, Chang lives a whirlwind life, which she readily admits:“I must be a confirmed

J a n i n E

像張鈞甯這樣太忙太累,狀態總會受影響,她說自己睡眠不足,加上經常化妝,健 康和皮膚都會變差。「演員是一個很傷心的職業,角色的情緒起伏很大,有時候會覺得 心跳得人很累。」 皮膚長時間被化妝品遮蓋,也熬出問題來, 「我的膚質偏乾,經常化妝 令我更乾,而且片場燈光有強烈紫外線,照得多會曬黑,由今年開始,我每日都喝補充 劑,為皮膚注入膠原蛋白,乾燥問題已有改善。」

an impact on her complexion. “Acting is hazardous to the heart, an emotional roller-coaster. My skin became dry from wearing cosmetics all the time and the UV lighting in the studio darkens the skin. Since the beginning of this year, I’ve been taking supplements daily to replenish collagen and I can see the improvements.”






Hydration is essential Chang has more than one trick up her sleeve when it comes to taking care of Ecru cardigan $5,450 Ecru skirt $2,500 Bangle All from Chanel

herself.“As I travel very often, I find it vital to stay hydrated when flying,” she says. “On every long flight, I will rehydrate with a serum mask and hydrating moisturizer before going to sleep.” Skincare is important and so is exercise, her hectic schedule notwithstanding. Swimming, jogging, yoga and meditation are all part of her daily routine.“Today’s shooting started very early,’ she says, “but I still got up early for a swim to get an energy boost for work.” Chang says nutrition also plays a big part. “I will bring an electric pot to locations for making soup like red bean lotus seed poria, or white fungus red date huang qi. Both are good combinations for boosting energy and circulation. Friends gave me the recipes after they found them effective.” The multi-level approach is working, and Chang says her lingering allergies have improved too.“I have dealt with allergy tears since I was small. My skin would turn red instantly when touched by tears. Now the reaction has been muted somewhat. It’s hard to avoid shedding tears as an actor. I have to dry them instantly to avoid irritating my skin.”





An enchanting goddess Chang rose to stellar heights in the 2014 hit series The Empress


of China. Her angelic look won her hordes of fans. On hearing the

2014年張鈞甯憑 《武媚娘傳奇》 人氣急升,仙氣十足的 外形,更吸納了萬千粉絲。聽到被稱為「女神」,她立刻笑 說: 「太感謝了!其實我不覺得自己是女神……我相信,只 要找到自己喜歡做的事,每個女生都會變得迷人。」

myself as a goddess. I believe that every girl is enchanting when she is

她心目中的「女神」,光環是來自活得精彩,「我有一 位德國朋友,她的夢想是做家庭主婦,每天到菜市場買食 物,或者收割親手種的蔬菜,為家人準備早、午、晚餐, 做家務,閒時做做木雕,製作餐具,這些全都是她喜歡做 的事,丈夫也很支持她,日子過得開心,她臉上常常散發 著迷人光彩,是我心目中的真女神。」 當演員是她最喜愛的事,所以每談到工作,她眼裡也 閃現著神彩,「噢!我真的非常愛我的工作。剛出道時, 純粹覺得這行業很有趣,讓我去到不同地方,認識不同的 人,演繹不同的角色,打開我心中很多框框。」

“goddess” label, she chuckled: “Thank you very much! I don’t think of doing something she enjoys. “I have a German friend whose dream was to become a housewife: to go to the market to buy food every day; to harvest vegetables she grows herself; to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner for her family; to do housework, and then take time out for wood carving. These are all the things she enjoys doing. Her husband is very supportive of her, and they lead a very happy life. She always looks exuberant and, to me, she is a real goddess.” Acting is what Chang enjoys most, so when we talked about her work, her eyes lit up. “Oh, I really love working. When I first started, I simply felt that this line of work was very interesting. It took me to different places and I

出道十五年,她早已習慣面對群眾,但小時候的張鈞 甯卻是內向、害羞,連跟老師說話也不敢,要姐姐傳話。 「小時候不單不愛表演,連跟別人說話也害怕,明明背得滾 瓜爛熟的課文,但老師一叫我的名字,人便很緊張,腦中 一片空白,沒法思考。」 出眾外表,讓她在街頭被星探發掘,當上廣告模特 兒,開始時試鏡常常失準,曾經令她很氣餒。「每一次我 都緊張得很,失敗了三、四十次後,忽然醒覺: 『觀眾想看 到的,是我很自在、自然的模樣,只要專注表演,不要多 想,就不會緊張。』 結果,我成功了!」

got to know different people and interpret different roles. It opened up my horizons.” After 15 years in the business, she is now used to facing people. It’s a big change from her younger days when she was reserved and shy, so much so that she needed her sister to talk to teachers on her behalf. “In those days, I didn’t like performing. I was intimidated by speaking with other people. No matter how well I recited a passage, as soon as the teacher called my name, I was so nervous that I

完美主義 由廣告女主角,晉身電視、電影女主角,張鈞甯每 次都全力以赴,但這位生於9月4日的處女座,凡事追求完 美,坦言初當演員時,總是覺得表現未如理想, 「以前一直 在摸索演戲是甚麼一回事,直至到中國拍劇,才漸漸感受 到箇中樂趣,我會為新角色、新作品而興奮期待。」 說到演繹最滿意的角色,她的完美主義又作祟: 「只有 大家比較喜歡或者欣賞的,但暫時仍未有最滿意。」她一直 渴望挑戰更高難度,演繹層次豐富的角色。 「人性很複雜, 沒有一個人是百分百好人或者壞人,我正在期待一個能表 現人性,複雜又多層次的角色。」 她熱愛運動,自恃體能不弱,想挑戰動作片, 「我沒有 認真學過武打,不過常常拍古裝,也學過一些功架,有機 會也希望嘗試做打女,我不怕曬黑啊!」

blanked out.” Chang’s good looks caught the attention of a talent scout on the street, and she soon became an advertising model. In the early auditions, things often went amiss, which was disheartening. “I was so nervous every time. After failing 30 to 40 times, I came to realize this: ‘The audience wants to see me as who I am. As long as I focus on acting, and not think too much, then I won’t be nervous.’ It

今天的張鈞甯,很清楚自己想要甚麼, 「我學懂說不, 選擇適合自己的工作,不要浪費時間,人的精力有限,應 該養精蓄銳,以最佳狀態去打一場有意義的仗。」

worked in the end!”






A perfectionist She then moved on from commercials to star in television series and movies, giving it her all at every turn. This Virgo, born on Sept. 4, is a perfectionist who always feels she could have performed better. “In the past, I was always in search of what it meant to be an actor. I discovered the fun of it only when I went to Mainland China for TV series. I would look forward to new roles and new works.” When asked which role she was most satisfied with, the perfectionist in her emerged again, saying: “I can only name the roles that people quite liked or enjoyed. I can’t yet say which is the one I’m most satisfied with. “Human nature is very complex. There isn’t a single person who is a 100-per-cent good person or bad person. I am hoping for a role that expresses the complexities of human nature.” An exercise buff, Chang says she would love to use her fitness in tackling action movies. “I haven’t really been trained in martial arts, but I have learned some moves from acting in period dramas. I would like to attempt warrior roles. I’m not worried about getting a bit of sun.” Chang knows what she wants and isn’t averse to expressing it. “I have learned to say ‘no’, and choose work that suits me, rather Black felt hat Dress J’ adior woven bracelet All from Dior

than wasting time, for there is a limit to energy and we should channel our energy to take on meaningful battles in tip-top conditions.”





Watch Story


SIHH 2018 InnovatIons galore text | Ringo




SIHH 2018依然熱鬧,18個品牌、

SIHH 2018 was as dazzling as ever,


with 18 brands and 17 independent


watchmakers unveiling their latest


creations, each a unique work of art.



C CartIer Rotonde de Cartier Mysterious Day & Night

卡地亞有兩項最矚目的複雜製錶功能,分別是為Model A神秘

鐘而造的神秘機芯,以及出現在Comet彗星座鐘身上的日夜顯示 功能。今年破天荒出現兩者的crossover,代表日的太陽和代表夜

的月亮,會在透明錶盤上慢慢由左邊走到右邊,好像懸浮在半空 中。同一時間,月亮和太陽又發揮著指針的角色,在「半空」走過

的時候,指示出小時。至於錶盤的下方,則是逆跳分鐘。粉紅金 或白金殼直徑40mm,搭載自家手上鏈機芯。

Cartier has two notable complications – the mystery mechanism of

the Model a Mystery Clock and the day/night indicator of the Comet Clock. For the first time, the two complications are brought together in a crossover — the sun

depicting day and the moon

depicting night, floating from left to right on the see-

through upper dial to indicate the hour. the bottom half of the dial shows minutes in

retrograde. the 40-millimetre timepiece comes in pink or

white gold, with an in-house hand-winding calibre.

CartIer Rotonde de Cartier Skeleton

Mysterious Double Tourbillon 複雜的Mysterious Double Tourbillon,用神秘的方

式展示陀飛輪的舞姿。陀飛輪棲身在透明轉碟上,而機 芯部件都給埋藏在透明轉碟以外。今次更將機芯鏤通給 大家看過夠,面層搭橋依舊鏤空成iconic的羅馬數字小 時,成就一場雙重透視的好戲。鉑金殼直徑45mm,限 量30枚。

the tourbillon floats in a “mysterious” way in the

Mysterious Double tourbillon. the tourbillon is housed in the see-through plate with some parts hidden outside of the plate. the skeletonized dial offers full views of the movement, and the open-worked roman numerals on top offer more glimpses of the inner beauty. the platinum case measures 45 millimetres. only 30 pieces have been produced.






Watch Story

MontblanC TimeWalker Manufacture Chronograph



名為Manufacture的是重點推介。43mm不鏽鋼錶殼外刻印著測速 計的陶瓷錶圈,黑白分明的「Panda」式計時小盤,與經典賽車上的

儀錶板類同。紅色秒針尖端採用了Minerva特有的箭頭標誌設計作 致敬。搭載的是自家製MB 25.10自動機芯,防水100米,小牛皮錶 帶款約售$7,500,不鏽鋼鏈帶款約售$8,000。

as Montblanc’s integral Minerva manufacture marks its 160th

anniversary, several Minerva-inspired timepieces have been unveiled.

among them is this “Manufacture” model. the 43-millimetre stainless steel case is framed by a ceramic tachymeter scale bezel. the

chronograph sub-dials form a “Panda-style” black-and-white contrast, reminiscent of the dashboards of classic race cars.

the red seconds hand features the iconic Minerva arrow as a

tribute to the manufacture. It is powered by the in-house MB 25.10

automatic movement, water-resistant to 100 metres. the calf leather

strap version goes for $7,500, while the stainless steel bracelet version retails for $8,000

bauMe & MerCIer The Clifton Club, Burt Munro Tribute Limited Edition


Motorcycle締結獨家夥伴關係,首先推出這款計時腕錶,以紀 念賽車界傳奇人物Burt Munro於50年前創下的陸地車速紀錄。 這款腕錶僅有1,967枚,搭載自動機芯,44mm的不鏽鋼錶殼

中央,代表Munro幸運號碼的黃色數字「35」搶眼之餘還是小秒 盤;計時秒針採用了Indian的「I」作設計;測速計上還特別強調 了「184 mph」這個紀錄。 as part of its exclusive partnership with north america’s

first motorcycle company, Indian Motorcycle, Baume & Mercier presents this automatic-movement chronograph to pay tribute to the record ground speed achieved by motorcycle racing legend Burt Munro some 50 years ago. Prominent on the 44-millimetre stainless steel case is Munro’s lucky number “35” in a yellow sub-dial for seconds. the “I”shaped chronograph seconds hand is a nod to “Indian”, while the record “184 mph” speed is marked on the tachymeter. this watch is limited to 1,967 pieces.





MI IWC Tribute to Pallweber Edition "150 Years"

IWC的digital display新作演變自一枚1884年出產的袋錶。跳

時 、 跳 分 、 小 秒 由 上 至 下 排 列 , 前 兩 者 視 窗 外 更 刻 上「 H o u r s 」和

「Minutes」 ,讀時方式直接簡單。機芯蘊含了3塊數字轉盤,分別代表位 數分鐘、十位數分鐘和小時。製錶師生怕跳字模式影響走時的穩定或動 力,所以一分鐘轉碟配備獨立發條鼓的輪系系統,即使每隔60秒推進 一格,也不會對走時構成問題。腕錶採用45mm紅金錶殼,配備黑字藍 針白色漆面錶盤,內藏Cal. 94200手上鏈機芯,動力儲備可達60小時, 限量250枚。

IWC’s new digital display creation evolves from an 1884 pocket watch.

the jumping hour, jumping second and small second are aligned from

top down, with “Hours” and “Minutes” denoting the respective dials. the

mechanism is formed of three number discs, one for the hour and two for minutes in one and two digits.

to negate the effect of the jumping displays on precision and power,

the one-minute disc is fitted with its own barrel and gear trains, so that

accuracy is maintained even if it jumps every 60 seconds. the 45-milimetre red gold case, and the white lacquered dial, look clean with black numerals and blue hands. limited to 250 pieces, it is powered by the hand-winding Cal. 94200, offering 60 hours of power reserve.

a. lange & SöHne

1815 "Homage to Walter Lange"

朗格創辦人的曾孫Walter Lange於1990年重新建立Lange Uhren GmbH錶廠,帶領品牌進佔當今舉足輕重的地位;為 了紀念去年離世的他,品牌製作了這款擁有停秒功能的1815 "Homage to Walter Lange"中央跳秒腕錶,備有白金、玫瑰 金、黃金和不鏽鋼共4個款式,各限量145、90、27和1枚。數 字代表了朗格於1845年創立145年後,亦即1990年由Walter Lange重建、並在27年後的今天推出全新錶款。採用黑色琺瑯 錶盤的不鏽鋼款式只此一枚,將作慈善拍賣。 Walter lange, the great-grandson of a. lange & söhne’s founder, rebuilt the lange Uhren gmbH manufacture in 1990 and took the brand to new heights. to commemorate his passing last year, the brand has created this 1815 “Homage to Walter lange”, featuring a stoppable jumping seconds hand. the limited edition is available in white gold (145 pieces), rose gold (90 pieces), yellow gold (27 pieces) and stainless steel (one piece). the respective number of the pieces point to lange being restructured by Walter lange 145 years after its establishment in 1845, and the new watch was debuted 27 years after the restructuring. the one stainless steel watch, with a black enamel dial, will be auctioned for charities.





G Watch Story

gIrard Perregaux Laureato Skeleton Ceramic Laureato是芝柏2017年的主打,今年繼續擔大旗,

有鏤空錶也有鏤空陀飛輪,更有這枚黑色陶瓷鏤空錶。陶 瓷錶面以拋光和髮絲紋拋光互相交替,一直延伸至陶瓷錶

帶,對比效果強烈。鏤空了的機芯錶面經過黑色PVD處 理,感覺更一氣呵成。

laureato, a flagship collection of girard Perregaux’s in

2017, will continue to loom large this year. alongside the

lineup of the skeletonized watches is this skeleton Ceramic. the ceramic case is polished and satin-brushed, as is the


ceramic bracelet. the bridges of the skeletonized movement are black PvD treated to match the tone of the case.


Arceau Chrono Titane

作為首年加入SIHH的品牌,的確令人特別期待。愛馬仕的 Arceau腕錶系列,沿用由Henri d’origny’s於1978年設計、圓形錶

殼配以不對稱錶耳的馬鐙式標誌設計。這次推出的全新Arceau腕 錶,為了加強運動風格,採用經噴砂處理的鈦金屬錶殼配上碳黑

色錶盤,突出鮮紅色的中央計時秒針及3時位置小秒針。腕錶共 有兩個款式及顏色的錶帶作配襯,分別是啡色的Barenia小牛皮 錶帶及黑色壓紋Barenia小牛皮錶帶,兩者都是按馬鞍製作來設 計。腕錶直徑41mm,搭載自動機芯。

In its much-anticipated debut at sIHH, Hermès introduced the

arceau collection, adopting Henri d’origny’s design of 1978 —

notable for the asymmetrical lugs inspired by stirrups on the round

case. this new arceau looks sportier with a bead-blasted finish for the titanium case and galvanic black for the dial to accentuate the

red second hand and the small second hand at 3 o’clock. It comes with two saddle-inspired strap options — a classic natural Barenia

calfskin and a black embossed Barenia calfskin. the case measures 41 millimetres and is powered by an automatic calibre.






V A VaCHeron ConStantIn Overseas Dual Time



和9時位置則用作日期和晝夜顯示。Cal. 5110DT是品牌自家的自動機芯,動力儲備達 60小時,並獲日內瓦印記認證。隨錶附送3條錶帶,可自行輕鬆更換。

“overseas” has been drawing attention the past two years. a dual time is added to the

2018 edition. the watch, with a 41-millimetre stainless steel case, features a blue lacquered

dial. the arrow hand indicates home time. Date and day/night are shown at 6 o’clock and 9

o’clock. the CosC-certified Cal. 5110Dt within is an in-house automatic calibre offering 60 hours of power reserve. It comes with three bracelets/straps for interchanging.

audeMarS PIguet Royal Oak Offshore Tourbillon Chronograph


覽無遺。這次25周年的特別版,所有搭橋都換了新造型,令層次感更加豐富。同 時貫徹Royal Oak Offshore特色,配搭不同物料,計時按鈕和錶冠不再是金屬和 橡膠而是陶瓷。直徑45mm的錶殼有不鏽鋼和粉紅金兩種選擇。

the innovative offshore tourbillon by audemars Piguet

has an even more open dial, offering full views of the

hand-winding calibre within. this 25th- anniversary special edition features new looks for the bridges, in greater

sense of dimensions. the characteristics of royal oak

offshore are carried through here, juxtapositioning different materials, with ceramics instead of metal and rubber for

the chronograph pusher and the crown. the 45-millimetre


Bugatti Type 390

case comes in stainless steel or pink gold.

Bugatti Type 390的設計源自Bugatti最新超跑Chiron,花4年時間研發,特色包括同軸

氣缸式結構、首次搭載飛行陀飛輪,以及可移12度角度的活動錶殼。錶盤比Type 370更平 更薄,擁有藍寶石筒形動力儲備顯示,以兩個串聯的發條鼓提供80小時動力儲備。腕錶備 有3個版本,玫瑰金和白金版約售$365,000,各限量10枚;鈦金屬版約售$340,000。

Bugatti type 390 is inspired by Bugatti’s latest supercar, the Chiron, and took four years to develop. the barrels, gear train and regulating mechanism are mounted on the same axial, and it features a flying tourbillon for the first time, as well as a movable case that can pivot 12 degrees. the dial is flatter and thinner than the type 370. It has a sapphire barrel-shaped power reserve indicator and two series-mounted barrels to offer 80 hours of power reserve. It comes in three versions: the rose gold and the white gold are priced at around $365,000 and are limited to 10 pieces; the titanium version goes for about $340,000.





HR Watch Story

H. MoSer & CIe. Endeavour Tourbillon Concept


度,但單憑那仿若混然天成的漸變色錶盤和柳葉形指針,依 然可以一眼看出,這就是Moser出品的Concept概念錶。今 次推出的Endeavour Tourbillon Concept比舊作更複雜,在6

時位置開了一個視窗,將HMC 804自動機芯的陀飛輪顯露無

遺。腕錶採用42mm白金錶殼配電光藍色放射錶盤,3天動力 儲備,限量20枚。

Despite the lack of brand name, logo or hour markers on

the dial, the watch can be instantly identified by the fumée dial and the leaf-shaped hands. this is Moser’s concept watch.

the endeavour tourbillon Concept is more complicated than its

predecessor. the window at 6 o’clock showcases the tourbillon of the HMC 804 in full glory. this 42-millimetre watch, limited to

20 pieces, features a white gold case with electric blue fumée dial and three days of power reserve.

Van Cleef & arPelS

Lady Arpels Planetarium Poetic Complications

2014年品牌製作了把整個銀河收攏於錶盤的Midnight Planetarium男裝腕

錶,今年以相同概念創作這款女裝腕錶:砂金石錶盤、黃金太陽、鍍銠金流 星、粉紅珍珠貝母水星、綠色琺瑯金星、綠松石地球及鑽石月球,一切都依 照各自軌道排列及按實際速度來運行,水星在錶盤運行一圈要88天、金星是

224天、地球當然要365天,鑽石月亮則按照天文月相而運行,圍繞地球一周 需時29.5天,只有流星肩負起報時的重任。 Following up on the 2014 Midnight Planetarium, which puts the entire galaxy

on the dial of the gorgeous masculine watch, that concept is now applied to a female version. the dial is in aventurine, the sun in yellow gold, the shooting star in rhodium-plated gold, Mercury in pink mother-of-pearl, venus in green enamel, earth in turquoise and the Moon in diamond. every heavenly element orbits around the dial at its actual speed. Mercury completes one revolution in 88 days, venus in 224 days and earth in 365 days. the diamond Moon rotates around the earth in 29.5 days. the shooting star indicates the hour.





R roger dubuIS Excalibur Aventador S


堅尼賽車部門合作造錶,一點也不令人意外,只有8枚的橙色版 Excalibur Aventador S瞬間售罄,另有88枚黃色版。既然反應熱 列,品牌當然乘勝追擊,另推粉紅金錶圈款式。鏤通機芯上的兩 組擺輪依舊處於斜角位置,帶懸浮效果。直徑45mm的錶殼由多 層碳纖維製成,具跳秒功能,限量28枚。

the skeletonized design of excalibur proves that it’s no surprise

roger Dubuis collaborates with lamborghini’s design studio to make watches. the eight pieces of excalibur aventador s in orange were sold out instantly, but there are still 88 pieces in yellow. In answer to popular demand, the brand followed up with a pink gold bezel version.


the two balance wheels of the skeletonized mechanism are still

slanted at 45 degrees to appear as it they are floating and it also

features jumping seconds. limited to 28 pieces, the 45-millimetre case is made of multi-layered carbon.

ulySSe nardIn

Marine Torpilleur Military


枚以十九世紀末到二十世紀初期的船長所擁有的懷錶作藍本的腕 錶,搭載著品牌錶廠獨家創作的矽質錨式擒縱裝置,並同時擁有

COSC認證和雅典錶認證的UN-118自動機芯,簡約的小三針功 能,性能卻極強。不鏽鋼錶殼直徑為44mm,錶底印有一艘魚雷 艇。腕錶備有象牙色及黑色錶盤,限量300枚。

once again, Ulysse nardin presents high-performance watches of

great value, including this piece, which is based on the pocket watch owned by ship captains at the turn of the 20th century. It is powered by the brand’s proprietary silicium anchor escapement, and its Un-

118 automatic calibre has both CosC and Ulysse nardin certification.

the small second hand appears simple, but works excellently. the

stainless steel case measures 44 millimetres, and the case back is

adorned with a military torpilleur boat. limited to 300 pieces, there are ivory or black dials to choose from.







Tiffany & Co. A tour of sustAinAble diAmonds

美國高級珠寶殿堂品牌 Tiffany & Co.,早於上世紀 已開始進行連串可持續發展 企劃,在保護環境生態,以至保


Revered American highjewelry brand Tiffany & Co. has been undertaking a sustainable development program


since the last century to protect the environment and


the rights of workers in developing countries. They


have results to show for it.


Our diamond tour to Antwerp, Belgium and Mauritius

對Tiffany Diamond的了解。

delivered more insights on Tiffany Diamond.




位於毛里裘斯的珊瑚與海洋保護領域,是蒂芙尼 公司基金會支持的其中一個自然資源保護項目。 The coral and marine conservation area in Mauritius is one of the natural resources conservation programs of the Tiffany & Co. Foundation.

text | Maisie Lau photos | Maisie Lau、provided by Tiffany & Co.

Tiffany & Co.早年已積極履行企業責任,為了進一步

Committed to corporate social responsibilities, Tiffany & Co. has been


at the forefront of promoting sustainable development for the diamond

Laurelton Diamonds ,嘗試監控鑽石的供應鏈。

and jewelry industries. The brand has been striving to take ownership of the diamond supply chain by setting up a wholly-owned subsidiary,


Laurelton Diamonds.

Tiffany & Co.鑽石及珠寶供應部的高級副總裁Andrew W.

Performing CSR

Hart,正是開創Laurelton Diamonds的幕後主腦。Andrew 稱:「我們希望可進一步提升質素,以及更清楚生產過程,作

Andrew W. Hart, Tiffany’s senior vice-president of diamond and


jewelry supply, and founder of Laurelton Diamonds, explains: “We hope


to further improve quality and be clear on the production process. As an international brand, we must care about the factory environment and


workers’ benefits. The idea of the subsidiary arose from this.”

鑽石及寶石,六成都是自家生 產,四成向合作多時的供應商

It is understood that 60 per cent of the diamonds and gemstones


selected by the brand are produced in-house, while the remaining 40 per


cent are procured from long-standing supplier partners. Gold and silver

礦」 (Responsible Mining)方

are purchased from another long-term partner mine that subscribes to


“responsible mining”.

Andrew期待在鑽石以外,品牌未來可發展其他寶石的 生產供應鏈。 Laurelton Diamonds founder Andrew Hart hopes the brand will expand and develop supply chains for gemstones other than diamonds.







02 06

打造自家供應鏈 位於安特衛普的Tiffany & Co.全資附屬公司Laurelton Diamonds Belgium BVBA,二○○二年成立,主要業務是負責鑽 石的供應鏈,從採購原石,分級、切割,以至打磨拋光等工序, 以「一條龍」的模式營運,確保每顆鑽石均達品牌標準,目前約有 100名員工。

Building own supply chains Laurelton Diamonds Belgium BVBA, with headquarters in Antwerp, was set up in 2002 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tiffany & Co. It maintains a one-stop operation of the diamond supply chain, from mining raw diamonds to grading, cutting and polishing, to ensuring each and every diamond meets the brand’s exacting standards. About 100 people work at the headquarters.

01•在毛里裘斯廠房工作的員工,現時約有275人。 The Mauritius factory has 275 workers 02•鑽石分級 (Grading) 的首個步驟是Fluo,即利用熒光燈分出鑽石的透白亮度。 The first step of diamond grading is Fluo, using fluorescent lamps to ascertain a diamond’s translucency. 03•在電腦熒光幕可見,一顆鑽石在進行切割前,是如何構思及規劃。 A computer screen shows how the cutting of a diamond is conceived and planned. 04•每顆蒂芙尼鑽石,從篩選直至完成整個加工程序,期間必須經過不少於1,300次的品質 監控。 Each Tiffany & Co. diamond, from selection to final polishing, has to go through a rigorous quality process with 1,300 checks. 05•鑽石的打磨工序,須配合專用的機械及精巧的人手工藝。 The diamond polishing process requires specialized machines and deft craftsmanship. 06•取自大自然的鑽石,經多項嚴謹工序的篩選及加工,方可成為閃爍耀眼的瑰寶。 A diamond mined from nature has to go through stringent selection and processing before it becomes a dazzling piece to treasure. 07•位於毛里裘斯的LDM。 LDM in Mauritius


E L I T E G E N •M A R


03 毛里裘斯的LDM


設於毛里裘斯的Laurelton Diamonds Mauritius(簡稱LDM)廠房, 據悉是品牌把一所年前購入的舊工廠改建而成,現時約僱有275名員 工,主要工作是把鑽石打磨和拋光,並設有強大的品質監控團隊。一如 Laurelton Diamonds其他廠房的營運理念,工廠都是由本土員工擔任管 理工作,為員工的安全與健康著想,廠內特設提供免費午餐的飯堂、以 及員工休憩康樂設施。

LDM in Mauritius The Laurelton Diamonds Mauritius (LDM) facility is an old plant the brand converted some years ago. It currently houses 275 employees, who work mainly on polishing diamonds. There is a strong quality control team in place and, in line with the operational ethos of other Laurelton Diamonds’s factories, the plant’s management is made up of locals to ensure workers’ safety and well-being. Free lunch is available to staff in the factory’s canteen, and recreational facilities are also provided.

05 07






員工分享成果 品牌一直強調在發展中國家設廠,除了是商業計劃,同時亦 希望能惠及當地人民。資深工匠Sohan(右圖左)加入LDM之前是 漁民,當初為了改善生活而轉行。他直言這份工作換來豐足穩定 的生活,更可為家人興建舒適家園。年資較淺的Jeet(右圖中), 由於工作表現出色,很短時間已獲晉升,他稱自己十分喜愛現時 的工作,更在這裡覓得賢妻。

Sharing benefits with employees The brand believes strongly that, in addition to a business plan, running a factory in a developing country must generate benefits for the community. Veteran craftsman Sohan (left) was a fisherman before joining LDM. He changed careers to improve his living standards and was delighted that the current job provides a stable lifestyle, as well as a comfortable home for his family. Jeet (centre) is relatively new to the team, but he was promoted within a short time for good performance. He says he loves his work and is blessed to have met his wife in the factory.


E L I T E G E N •M A R


08•廠房員工主要負責鑽石的打磨拋光及品質監控等工作。 The factory’s workers take charge of diamond polishing and quality control. 09•新入職員工均須接受為期一年的專業培訓,課程獲政府資助,期間 廠方亦會支薪。 All new employees have to undergo a year-long professional training program subsidized by the local government. They are also salaried during the training period. 10•為實踐保育珊瑚的承諾,品牌早於二○○二年開始已完全停止採用 珊瑚製作珠寶。 To fulfill its commitment to conserving coral, the brand stopped using it in 2002.



Tiffany & Co. Foundation 蒂芙尼公司基金會成立於二○○○年,藉着推行各項環境計劃,為保護大 自然環境作出貢獻。基金會更致力支持「責任採礦」與珊瑚及海洋保護領域管理 的組織。透過土地保護及制定標準,促進負責任的採礦業務發展。此外,亦會 對珊瑚保育作出重點研究及推廣教育的工作。 Tiffany & Co. Foundation was established in 2000, with the mission of contributing to environmental protection through various conservation schemes. The foundation also supports “responsible


mining” and organizations that manage coral and marine conservation. As well, it contributes to focused studies and educational promotions related to coral conservation.

Anisa Kamadoli Costa既是品牌首席持續發展項目 總裁,亦是Tiffany & Co.基金會主席暨總裁。 Anisa Kamadoli Costa is the brand’s chief sustainability officer and the foundation’s chairman and president.







Brand Story


pioneerinG eyewear

M y k i ta

品味一族近年對手工製眼鏡、特別是結合新科技與創意的設計情有獨鍾。 來自德國的Mykita,品牌創辦人兼設計師團隊對追求新創意的熱忱, 令他們成為新一代高級眼鏡品牌的人氣代表。 Artisan eyewear is in, especially those innovative and smart designs. Mykita from Germany, with its passionate founders and design team, stands out as a new-generation luxury eyewear brand. text | Maisie Lau photo | 陳鐵剛、Mykita

Mykita創辦人兼設計師之一Moritz Krüger。 Moritz Krüger is a Mykita co-founder and one of the brand’s designers.





當傳統工藝遇上新科技 德國製造的視光學產品,又豈僅限於鏡片的 範疇?由Harald Gottschling、Daniel Haffmans、 Philipp Haffmans及Moritz Krüger於二○○三年在 德國柏林創立的Mykita,就是一個銳意突破傳統框 架,以創新物料與科技,配合精細手藝製作的時尚 眼鏡品牌,極致簡約的風格,是其一大賣點。 品牌創辦人兼設計師之一的Moritz Krüger這樣 看近年的眼鏡潮流及發展:「我們很留意、亦甚欣 賞韓國眼鏡品牌的產品,其設計及製作技術都具有 很高質素,更有點artistic approach,受歡迎是無 可厚非的。其實日本、意大利及法國等地的眼鏡設 計及工藝,都各具優點,我們希望在傳統的眼鏡市 場中,提供另類選擇。我們會吸收及了解市場最新 的流行元素,但不會為迎合潮流而創作。傳統工藝 的精髓,也是一種啟發。」

品牌其中一個招牌設計,展示出超薄金屬與零螺絲製作的獨 門技術。 Ultra-thin metal and no screws are the brand's signatures.

2018新季多款主打眼鏡款式,當中包括一系列跟時裝品牌合力 打造的聯乘作品。 The 2018 collections feature a series of cross-over creations with fashion brands.

When traditional craftsmanship meets new technology Founded in 2003 in Berlin, Mykita is an optical brand committed to breaking traditional confines and using innovative materials and technology, together with exquisite artistry, to create fashionable eyewear. It’s notable for its minimalistic approach. Co-founder and designer Moritz Krüger has this to say about the current eyewear trends and developments: “We like Korean eyewear brands. Their design and production skills are great, somewhat like an artistic approach, which is why they are popular. Japan, Italy and France also have their unique attributes in eyewear design and artistry. We hope to offer alternatives in the traditional eyewear market. We will take in the trendiest elements in the market, but will not create only to fit into trends. We take inspiration from the essence of traditional artistry too.”

太陽眼鏡Nino的飛行員鏡片造型別具特 色,搭配纖幼的不鏽鋼框架和高雙橋設 計,輕盈純淨。 Nino sunglasses, with aviator lenses in thin stainless steel frames and double bridges, are lightweight with clean lines.





Brand Story 跟偏鋒時裝設計師D a m i r D o m a合作的N i t a太陽眼 鏡,以塗鴉為創作概念,鏡 架採用不鏽鋼物料製作。


The Nita sunglasses, in collaboration with alternative fashion designer Damir Doma, were inspired by graffiti. The frame is stainless steel.


Mykita的眼鏡設計特點,在於鏡框毋須使用任 輕,卻完全不影響臂架的固定性及靈活度。品牌 亦開發了一種創新技術,使不鏽鋼厚度僅有0.5毫 米,令金屬鏡框達到極輕的無重感,減輕鼻樑及 耳朵的負擔。「我本身很喜愛物料,更享受嘗試及 組合不同素材的過程。從最初採用的金屬,到後來 的Acetate,以至近年研發的Mylon(通過Selective Laser Sintering,簡稱為SLS的3D Printing技術 製造的不鏽鋼物料),均令我們的創作空間不斷伸

鏡片與鏡框採用雙層式設 計,營造與別不同的型格視 效。


The lenses are stacked on top of the frames to create a different perspective.

經過十多年的發展,不少單位指定要找Mykita 合作。正如Moritz所言:「市場上不少掛上國際時 裝品牌名號的眼鏡產品,其設計與本身的時裝系列 彷彿互不相關,部份品牌的眼鏡都是交由大型眼鏡 企業創製。因此一些品牌設計師會來找我們合作, 希望創作特別的作品。」即將上架的Collaboration Collections之中,便有早前於巴黎時裝周曝 光的Maison Margiela新作,以及與Bernhard Willhelm、Damir Doma等偏鋒時裝設計師合作的 Mykita跟Bernhard Willhelm攜 手創作的兩個獨特新款,分別 為採用高科技M y l o n材料製 作,結合底部偏重設計的 Blaze,以及屬航海家型號 Hybrid昇華版的Wolfi。


Mykita and Bernhard Willhelm collaborated to create two unique eyewear pieces. Blaze features high-tech Mylon materials with a bottomheavy design, while Wolfi is an upgraded version of the sailor model Hybrid.

配以圓形鏡片設計的太陽眼鏡型號Thunder,細心留意,會 發現鏡款採用高橋設計,鏡臂位置亦充滿建築線條美 感,更顯型格時尚。

The Thunder sunglasses collection uses round lenses. Note the high bridge design. The arms look architectural, streamlined and stylish.

雙色鏡架乃近幾季的流行設計,加上鏡臂的流 暢線條,外形更具時尚感。

Two-colour frames have been in vogue in recent seasons. The silhouette of the arms adds to the stylishness.





跟Maison Margiela合作推出的2018春夏系列,Moritz稱跟品牌創作總監John Galliano合作愉快,細心了解時裝作品的設計概念後,最終順利創製出大家均 感滿意的作品。

Krüger says it was a pleasure to work with Maison Margiela’s creative director, John Galliano, on the 2018 Spring/Summer collection, creating a collection that both are very happy with after taking the time to understand the philosophy of the fashion brand.

An affinity with materials Mykita eyewear is known for its screw-free frames, thus minimizing the weight without affecting the stability and flexibility of the metal frames. The brand has also found a way to produce 0.5-millimetre-thick stainless steel to render the metal frame almost weightless. “I love materials, and enjoy trying out different combinations of elements,” Krüger says. “From using metal in the early days and progressing to Acetate and lately to the newly developed Mylon (a stainless steel material made with a 3D printing technique called Selective

與Maison Margiela聯手打造的MMMONO001型 號太陽眼鏡,鮮明的六角形形狀,配以奪目的色 彩,令人聯想到上世六十年代的單色風格。

The bright hue of the hexagonal MMMONO001 sunglasses in the Mykita + Maison Margiela collection evokes the block colour style of the 1960s.

Laser Sintering), our creative possibilities keep expanding.” After more than a decade, potential partners are lining up to work with Mykita. “Their designs show no cohesion with the fashion collections, because they were made for the brands by major eyewear manufacturers,” Krüger says. “That’s why brand designers partner with us to create unique products.” The Collaboration Collections on shelves now are new creations for Maison Margiela, debuted not long ago at Paris Fashion Week, as well as collaborative works with such alternative fashion designers as Bernhard Willhelm and Damir Doma.

同隸屬於Mykita與Maison Margiela的聯乘系 列,MMRAW007造型簡潔易襯,其中獨特的斜 邊處理凸顯出未經修飾Raw的設計概念。

The minimalistic MMRAW007, also in the Mykita + Maison Margiela collection, features a unique convex construction highlighting the no-additive RAW concept.





Brand Story 2018年主打系列之一的全新Luava系列,以復古風格為設計主調。 The all-new Luava collection, a highlight for 2018, goes for a retro look.

屬大尺寸飛行員眼鏡型號的Meri,為新一代混 合材料型號的最新成員,當中用上醋酸纖維及 不鏽鋼製作而成,可用作近視或太陽眼鏡鏡架。 Large-sized aviator frame Meri is the latest addition that uses new-generation hybrid materials, combing acetate with stainless steel. It can be used for regular glasses or sunglasses.

屬姊妹 款式的 S v e a 及 Mette,尺寸略大,呈現出上世 紀六十年代的經典眉形風格。 “Sister”models Svea and Mette are relatively bigger, featuring the classic eyebrow shapes of the ’60s.

Mykita Decades系列的材質為不鏽鋼,屬於風 格大膽的女性眼鏡系列,新季增設兩個新款 式,包括採用雙層頂線及精密雙色漆設計的 Kendall,以及呈六角形形狀的Felicia。 The Mykita Decades collection uses stainless steel to create a bold collection for women. Two more designs have been added for the new season: Kendall, notable for the double lines on top of the frame and the two-tone design, and the hexagonal Felicia.

Aimi屬於圓蝶形太陽鏡型 號,至於錐形鋼製鏡臂的加長 末端,特別選用透明醋酸纖維 製成,能優化眼鏡的重量平 衡。 Panto-shaped Aimi sunglasses have stainless steel arms with extended pointed ends in acetate to enhance weight distribution.

MVO數碼度身訂製服務 品牌去年在指定眼鏡店增設My Very Own(簡稱MVO)


MVO digital bespoke service The brand introduced a My Very Own (MVO) bespoke service in selected


optical stores last year, integrating 3D scanning technology, parametric design


and 3D printing to produce custom-made eyewear tailored to an individual’s


face. Through 3D scanning of a face and parametric calculations, taking into


account ergonomics and structural data, one-of-a-kind personalized frames


are created.




位於柏林的Mykita總部大樓,其前身設有一所幼稚園。 The Mykita headquarters in Berlin was once used by a kindergarten.


Design and production are based at the Berlin headquarters Mykita名字中的「Kita」,來自德語Kindertagesstätte,品牌名字背後的意思,也就是「我的幼稚園」,顧名思義,無限創意皆源自 一顆天真無邪的初心。品牌成立於2003年,翌年將總部遷至位於柏林的新大樓,其前身正設有幼稚園。品牌所有產品均標榜Made in Germany,而從創作、物料研發、製作樣辦,以至生產,皆在大樓內進行。 The “kita” of “Mykita” comes from the German word Kindertagesstätte, and the name refers to “my kindergarten”, implying limitless creativity driven by innocence. The brand was established in 2003 and moved its base to a new building in Berlin, which was once used by a kindergarten. All of its products are “Made in Germany”, and the entire production process, from material R&D to prototyping and production, is carried out in the building. 1-4 除了善用科技如3D打印技術,鏡架的結構細 節、焊接、打磨及鏡片鑲嵌等工序,都必須 交由資深工匠人手製作。 1-4 Other than putting such technology as 3D printing to good use, all the construction details of the frames, such as welding, polishing and fitting the lenses, are also personally executed by experienced artisans.









Fashion Headline



2018 Spring/Summer

FaShion guide 不要以為只有模特兒方能駕馭天橋 上的時裝潮流,「凡人」只有看的份 兒。其實,只要掌握到搭配重點, 這個春夏時裝潮流元素,一樣可以 是你那杯茶。 Many people think it’s only the runway models who are capable of taking advantage of the fashions on display and that we “regular folk” are simply audience participants. Yet, in fact, if you can master the skill of mixing and matching, you too can Pink blazer

enjoy this Spring/Summer season’s

Silver brooch

fashion trends.

Purple top Yellow skirt Black soft ballet ankle boot in nappa lambskin US$1,100 (, US only) All from Céline





text & styling | Kim Au coordinate | Michelle Chow photo | Sing Ho hair | King Lee@Queen's Private i makeup | Shirley Choi model | Malak B.@Model Genesis

paStel FantaSy 猶如雪葩般的粉色一向是春夏季時裝潮流的常客,Chanel、Alexander McQueen及Nina Ricci等都傾向採用單一色調。怕full gear單色造型難度太 高的話,不妨試試將粉色混搭穿著,打造出層次感。 This sherbet pink is a favourite this Spring/Summer season. Chanel, Alexander McQueen and Nine Ricci all tend to use a single palette in their clothing. If you think a single colour is too challenging, consider using pink to add layer and colour.



Pink lace top Yellow lace skirt Orange and grey tights


White sandals All from Miu Miu

05 01•柔和的粉色配搭,充滿春日感覺。 A soft pink combination is very springy. 02•不規則剪裁為粉綠色造型注入型格元素。 An irregularly cut pastel green adds a stylish element. 03•Max Mara purple coat $TBD 04•Roksanda Duana shirred silk-crepe midi dress US$1,660 ( 05•Longchamp blue Le Pliage Cuir with paw print $TBD





Fashion Headline 01

Fil Coupe trench coat in faith blue $7,800 ( Pussy bow dress $2,120 ( Both from Fendi Céline glove boots stretch in stretch nappa lambskin US$1,190 (, US only)






trendy trench Trench coat在2018春夏終於一嘗主角滋味。今季不少設計師 均將風衣作裙穿,各具特色,穿搭時可束上腰帶來強調腰線,或以 oversize鬆身款式露出一雙長腿,滲出女人味之餘,又能平衡身形 比例。 The trench coat is finally enjoying a mainstage presence this Spring/Summer season, with several designers using it as a dress. Some use a belt to emphasize the waistline, while others use an oversized look to emphasize a pair of long legs. Not only is it very feminine, but it can also balance the figure.

01•新鮮用色為經典trench coat 帶來新感覺。 A fresh colour adds a fresh feel to the classic trench coat. 02•配以白tee、牛仔褲打造casual chic造型。 A white tee and blue jeans with a trench coat is a casual chic look. 03•Whistless khaki trench coat $TBD 04•Burberry print cotton Gabardine trench coat $3,095 ( 05•MAX & Co. blue plaid trench coat $TBD 06•Sandro khaki trench coat $TBD




06 Burberry laminated checked trench coat in neo pink $3,295 ( Sleeveless button-front cotton mini dress with ruffled hem $2,300 ( Clear heels Both from Givenchy Gold plated earrings Gold plated bangles Both from BC Joaillerie





Fashion Headline 01

Denim shirt Oliva voluminous denim pants $1,090 ( Brown wedges All from Stella McCartney BC Joaillerie gold plated pearl ring






denim on denim 今個春夏流行以未經洗水的原色牛仔布配搭深色牛仔布,塑 造顯瘦效果。 Trendy this Spring/Summer season is an unfinished denim matched with a dark denim, which is very slim-looking.

01•穿上涼鞋露出腳踝位置,令牛仔造型變輕盈。 Soften up the denim look by highlighting the ankle with a pair of open-toed shoes. 02•以高領上衣配合lace up細節,打造出層次感。 The lace-up accent on the high-collar shirt creates a layered look. 03•Alexander Wang oversized distressed denim jacket $1,573 ( 04•Stella McCartney slouchy denim boots $1,315 ( 05•Carven asymmetric denim mini dress $769 (

03 Denim shirt Wide leg denim pants Both from Valentino Prada colorblock leather slingback pumps $1,295 (

05 04





Fashion Headline 01

Printed top Printed skirt Belt Glove boots stretch in stretch nappa lambskin US$1,190 (, US only) All from Céline






arty printS 今季藝術風的圖案大放異彩—— 由畢加索到Andy Warhol到 Keith Haring到漫畫。不希望穿得像流動美術館?選一款低調點的 抽象圖案就是了。 This season’s artistic direction is trending towards pop art. Designer favourites include artwork by Picasso, Andy Warhol and Keith Haring, as well as comic book-style illustrations. If you find these too loud, opt for more subdued abstract patterns instead to get the look.

01•以鮮艷色彩和豐富圖案撞出火花。 Bright colours and rich patterns create sparkle. 02•搶眼的人像圖案充滿藝術色彩。 Creating art with an eye-catching human figure. 03•Phase Eight black and white dress $TBD 04•Dior multicolour scarf $TBD 05•Marc Jacobs printed skirt $TBD 06•Whistles mix and match spot print dress $430 (



06 Green printed dress Sleeveless shirt-dress $1,544 ( Grey logo knee-high socks $240 ( Colorblock leather slingback pumps $1,295 ( All from Prada





Ladies’ Picks text & styling | Snowy photo | Shekpokwan assisted by Arwell Cheng direction | Sum Chan makeup | Deep Choi hair | Heitai Cheung model | Marta S. @Model Genesis


White WASh In recent seasons,


white has been a


prominent colour


for several brands.


However, some


people don’t wear


white because it


makes them look fat, gets dirty easily and is too plain. But is white really that bad?





Céline big bag bucket in supple grained calfskin US$1,950 (





08 05


綜觀各品牌的「白作」,Givenchy最大膽,一白到 底,利用lace與tulle等輕身布料,成功為total white look


進級升格;愈戰愈勇的JACQUEMUS就以誇張的打摺細 節,將與時尚沾不上邊的老套米白色連身套裝,化身成 別具看頭的正裝造型;而Burberry同樣以白襯衫著手, 將領巾與襯衫融為一體,感覺有趣獨特。 至於配飾方面,Céline最新力推的米白色big bag bucket,繼續主打品牌實用簡約的風格,設計時尚又百 搭,配襯以上任何一套白色look均可,不枉為每季手袋 系列的人氣王。 Givenchy has the most thorough take. It takes a total white look to the next level by using light textiles, such as lace and tulle. Jacquemus brings old-fashioned suits of shirt and skirt to the forefront with a one-of-a-kind fashion statement by implementing exaggerated folds.Burberry has incorporated a scarf into white shirt with unique results.

01•Givenchy white tulle trousers $2,480 ( Stuart Weitzman The Clinger boots $725 ( 02• Jacquemus Seville asymmetric pleated crepe skirt US$745 ( 03•Givenchy white lace trousers $TBD Stuart Weitzman beige heels $TBD

When it comes to accessories, Céline’s white big bucket bag is minimalist, practical and stylish, and can easily be mixed and matched — a perfect all-season handbag.

04•Simone Rocha frill detail shirt dress $1,126 ( 05•Miu Miu white sandals $TBD 06•Burberry Herringbone cotton tie-neck riding shirt $895 ( 07•Givenchy white chiffon trench coat $TBD 08• Prada feather-embellished cotton shirtdress US$1,560 (





Men’s Picks


Long coats have their advantages

即使沒有6呎高,但 「一寸長一寸強」 , 長褸不但保暖,還能彰顯氣勢。 Even if you’re not six feet tall, wearing a long coat can give you a more imposing stature.

Comics zip up long jacket Logo print striped shirt $1,145 ( Both from Prada Y/Project layered effect jeans $983 ( Gucci loafer

text & styling | Simon Au | photo | KILYA R | makeup & hair | Viko Sun@Yola Hung makeup studio | model | Enzo B.@Model Genesis





Gucci Eco cashmere coat with web $6,540 ( Sweatshirt Checkered trousers $1,965 ( Both from Lanvin Givenchy brogue derby with mink

穿長褸耐看的男人,香港代表人物只能想起周潤發一 個,《英雄本色》後,一切長褸統一稱為「Mark哥褸」。 縱然不是每個人都像周潤發那樣高大,但「一寸長一寸 強」,長褸,始終能夠彰顯氣勢。以韓國品牌Wooyoungmi 的駝色大褸為例,簡單俐落又容易配襯;Bally的絨毛領 子、Hermès的千島格紋雙扣設計、Gucci的紅白巨型直紋 都是抵禦寒流的上乘選擇。Prada與藝術家James Jean合 作的漫畫圖案長褸,讓大男孩走入科幻世界之餘,還勝在 夠薄身,適合乍暖還寒的日子穿上。 Hong Kong icon Chow Yun-fat wore a long coat nicely as Mark in the 1986 blockbuster A Better Tomorrow, and that style of coat has been known as “Brother Mark’s coat” for decades since. Even if you’re not as tall and suave as Chow, length still matters. A long coat enhances one’s stature by shaping an imposing figure. Great examples include: Korean brand Wooyoungmi’s camel-coloured coat, which is simple and easy to match with anything; Bally’s felt collar; Hermès’s

Ernest coat Sharp sweater $1,635 Both from Hermès at

houndstooth double-breasted design, and Gucci’s red-andwhite oversized vertical stripes. Are all great choices for the winter months. At the same time, Prada’s collaboration with artist James Jean has yielded a comic-pattern long coat, which can bring out the little boy in any man. However, this coat is somewhat lightweight, so it’s best suited for days that are cool but not supremely cold.

Bally coat Printed shirt Slogan jeans Both from Dior Homme Lanvin grey sneakers

Wooyoungmi brown long wool coat Saint Laurent pique plastron yves collar shirt in white cotton poplin $1,067 ( Long sleeves sweater Blue trousers Both from Giorgio Armani





Runway 喜歡阿部千登勢(Chitose Abe)的


Sacai,十之八九是欣賞她偏向街 頭的設計與配搭,不是傳統高級時

Sacai: Layering up 裝那種過分完美的工整。

If you like designer Chitose Abe’s

work, you undoubtedly appreciate

her Sacai label’s street-style design and matching, which is not your traditional haute couture wear.

text | 冰汪





Oversized hooded coat $3,586 (

阿部千登勢擅長layering,因此秋冬往往比春夏精彩刺激。秋冬系 列主題是「Cut up」,在品牌與生俱來的剪碎與解剖中作出新嘗試,把拼 貼思維由布料伸延到衣服款式,比方在綠色尼龍MA-1軍褸內,僭建一 層灰絨西裝的前幅,以兩幅布扮西裝layering,幾可亂真。 Cut up是品牌拿手好戲,這次大量衣服支解後重組,其中一件外 套,輪廓是一件中長度軍褸,主體是白色毛毛,衣袖是碳灰色人字絨, 帽子lining是藍色絲絨,餘下的衫身圍邊piping,就是軍綠色斜布,亂中 卻有序。 Abe is an expert in layering. Thus, the Fall/Winter collection is often more exciting than the Spring/Summer one. This Fall/Winter collection’s theme is “Cut Up”, which attempts to translate Sacai’s signature mix-and-match style

Checked cotton-flannel shirt US$455 (

in a new way, extending the concept from the fabric to the style. For example, Abe has incorporated a grey velvet suit panel into a green nylon MA-1 military jacket — a clever use of two contrasting fabrics. “Cut Up” is a signature display of the brand. This time, a large number of pieces have been dissected and reconstructed. One example is a mediumlength military jacket with white fur. The sleeves contain a charcoal grey herringbone pattern, while the piping around the coat is a military green cloth, which ties the whole project to the military motif. Drawstring hem bomber jacket $1,892 (

CUT up tshirt $373 (

Dual layer nylon bomber jacket $2,232 (





Runway Suede and velvet-trimmed wool-blend tweed jacket US$1,010 (

Charcoal grey cotton-velour down jacket $TBD

Velvet padded gilget $3,395 (

系列中的核心焦點,當然是與The North Face合作的外套。不過,可能是要顧 及衣服功能性,創作起來有點縛手縛腳。如 果沒有Sacai的標誌,實在難以看出她的招 Herringbone contrast sleeve coat $3,969 (

牌風格。 創立品牌接近二十年,阿部千登勢的 silhouette從不規範自己。或者,因為官方 配搭攻略欠奉,反而容許客人發揮天馬行空 的配搭小宇宙。某程度上,這是一種極民主 的設計哲學,沒有對與錯,只要自己喜歡便 可,相比起講求完美搭配的total look,似乎 這才是時裝的現在與未來。 The jacket is the focus of the collection, a collaboration with North Force. Since the jacket appears to focus on functionality, it does not seem too creative. If not for the Sacai logo,

Colour blocked hoodie $1,099 (

Abe’s signature style would be absent from this piece. Since founding the brand nearly 20 years ago, Abe has never limited herself. She is always pushing the envelope, for there is no right or wrong in design. In contrast to the most perfectionist “total look” philosophy, Abe’s creativity has great appeal.





beauty news



Spring back Clarins Extra-Firming at Jour & nuit CrEam

text | Gloria Lo photos | provided by Clarins


At age 40, your life may be at its peak, but oops … not necessarily your skin. Fine


lines at the corners of your eyes, a less-defined facial oval and signs of slackening — all

紋、趨圓的臉型及開始鬆弛的皮膚,在在提醒 你 — 是時候愛惜自己,為肌膚再添青春。

of these remind you it’s time to pamper yourself, and to put some spring into your skin. Since the creation of its Extra-Firming line in 1978, Clarins has been developing


better formulas to help combat skin ageing and to regain firmness and youthfulness.

直力臻完美,不斷研發讓熟齡肌膚回復彈性, 青春再現的抗衰老配方。剛於2018年推出的

This year, Clarins has introduced Extra-Firming Jour & Nuit (Day & Night) creams


with kangaroo flower extract, which promotes skin elasticity. Now your face can be


as expressive and wrinkle-free as you’d like it.

會留下歲月痕跡,盡情地展露歡顏﹗ Ethnobotanists travelled to Australia to study the kangaroo Clarins的植物學家遠赴澳洲研究袋鼠花,

flower, in particular the cluster of flowers at the tip of its stem.


This unique-looking inflorescence increases the flower’s


regeneration capacity by attracting pollinating birds, just as the


cluster of young cells allows the skin to regenerate itself.

細胞隨著年歲減少,亦無礙其煥顏能力。 The new expert firming duo will give you visibly firmer全新的煥顏緊緻日霜及夜霜,能助你重

looking skin and a longer anti-wrinkle, firming and lifting


effect, with a more even skin tone. So go head, live your


life with spring! Clarins Extra-Firming Jour & Nuit creams 50ml | $88 & $93 產品於Hudson's Bay、Shoppers Drug Mart 及 有售。 Available at Hudson's Bay, Shoppers Drug Mart and on





Beauty News


Moon Magic 倫敦著名整容醫生Dr. Yannis Alexandrides

以月亮周期為概念,研發了一個為期28日的 換膚療程。 London’s renowned Harley Street cosmetic surgeon Dr. Yannis Alexandrides formulates a 28-day skin renewal program that mimics the cycle of the moon. text | Leslie Yip photos | Simon Boucher-Harris

這個為期4星期的療程以一個月相周期 的時間令肌膚重現光澤。 This four-week program is designed to transform your skin between the wax and wane of the moon.


2 1 3

第一周:酵素撫平精華 Week 1: Enzymatic Resurfacing Serum

第二周:中強度亮膚 Week 2: Moderate Brightening Treatment

第三周:高效亮膚 Week 3: Intensive Brightening Treatment

以高濃度活性Exfolactive EL去除死皮,並以 Allantoin舒緩、撫平及保養肌膚。療程第三 天,男同事說我看起來容光煥發,問我最近 是否睡得很好。

以高濃度的retinoid等亮白成分集中擊退黑斑、收細毛孔及減淡 細紋。我感覺到皮膚一天比一天光亮,尤其是那次當我要出席節 日派對而塗上粉底時,發現肌膚幼滑亮麗得有近乎真人版美圖後 的效果!

以透明質酸鎖住水分,強化亮白效果。期 間我需要兩天內來回到溫哥華公幹,行程 雖然緊密,皮膚竟然絲毫未見疲態。

A highly-active concentrate of Exfolactive EL gently peels the skin, combined with Allantoin to soothe and protect whilst helping to resurface the complexion. On Day 3, a male colleague casually mentions that I must be sleeping well, as I look radiant.

The beginning of the illuminating process. High levels of a unique retinoid and a cocktail of brightening actives work in harmony to target age spots, minimize pores and clear away fine lines. I do think that my skin is looking brighter every day, but it’s not until I put foundation on one evening — I was attending a holiday party — that I found my skin looking so smooth and luminous. It seemed photo-shopped in real life!




Brightening is intensified, with hyaluronic acid added to help retain moisture. I had to make a two-day return trip to Vancouver to host a client party, and my skin showed zero signs of fatigue from the travelling.



當知道Dr. Yannis Alexandrides跟太空科學家合

It was a eureka moment for me when I first heard about Dr. Yannis Alexandrides


and his collaboration with space scientists to create 111SKIN. Of course, astronauts


need special care to protect them from the perils of space. If the potions are good


enough for them, what could it do for us humble earthlings?


And last fall, when I was selected as one of four lucky Canadian journalists to try


his 28-day skin renewal program, my first reaction was to look to the sky and thank


my lucky stars. 噢,今次應該向月亮致謝才對﹗ 111SKIN推出的Lunar 28療程是以月相盈虧作為

Or, in this case, the moon. 111SKIN’s Lunar 28 is inspired by the moon’s cycle to brighten skin tones,


correct pigmentation and refine the surface of the skin. It starts with exfoliating and


correcting the skin’s surface with a mild enzyme peel in the first week, followed by


two weeks of brightening and hydrating treatment in progressing formulas. The last


seven days focus on the repair process, rehydrating and restoring elasticity.

在親身體驗此療程之前,Dr. Alexandrides在

Before I embarked on this beautifying regime, I was privileged to have a private

Bloor Street的Holt Renfrew總部為我進行了一對一的

consultation with Dr. Alexandrides at Holt Renfrew’s headquarters on Bloor Street.

咨詢。 Q: Why is the program set for 28 days? 問:為什麼療程為期28日? A: Skin cells are renewed every 28 days. The moon’s cycle is 28 days. It is the 答:肌膚每28日更新一次,月亮圓缺亦是以28日為一

biological cycle — nature is synchronized like that. Apart from mimicking this


cycle, we also want to give the skin enough time to reap the maximum benefit of


the products.

時間吸收產品中的成分。 Q: The program consists of four different sets of bottles, one for each week. 問:此療程每周各有不同產品,用法如何?

How do I use it?


A: Once a night, every night, after cleansing. The dosage of each week’s regime


is pre-measured for optimal results. It is gentle enough not to cause irritation


like some other cosmeceutical products. You don’t need to use anything else


after you have applied the serums, but I do recommend that you use sunscreen


during the day to protect your “new” skin. One treatment cycle should be enough


once a year for younger users, perhaps twice for more mature ones if they want


perfection all the time.

聽起來好像很簡單,讓我來親身體驗這價值 $2,160 的測試。


第四周:修復及保護精華 Week 4: Restorative and Protective Serum 最後七天是補充水分及鞏固更生肌膚。療程完成後,我 繼續以Dr. Alexandrides 的太空科學美容系列中、含有為 (詳情 肌膚細胞補充抗養化劑NAC Y2 的產品延續效果。 另見E-Stagram介紹) The final stage is a seven-day “sealing” process that replenishes moisture while protecting the “new” skin. At the end of the cycle, I continue with Dr. Alexandrides’ space science beauty line enriched with NAC Y², a powerful intracellular antioxidant (see the products on our E-Stagram page).

Sounds simple enough. Now it is time for me to put this $2,160 program to the test.

到了兩個月後的今天……你明白 「重新做人」 的意思 嗎?這正好來形容我完成療程兩個月後的感覺,經 過一輪節日狂歡及零下三十度寒風的洗禮,我的皮 膚仍然充滿彈性,光彩由肌膚內散發出來,雀斑、 疤痕及其他瑕疵已經遠我而去。

111SKIN’s Lunar 28-Day System, $2,160 Holt Renfrew 有售 Available at Holt Renfrew

And now, two months later… Do you know the expression “I can get used to this”? This is how I feel now, two months after completing the program. My skin has become so resilient, despite the holidays and the minus-30 wind chill. The luminosity seems to come from within, and freckles, scars and other imperfections have faded into oblivion.






After PArty 御 「膚」 攻略

After Party skin remedies

經過農曆新年馬拉松式的慶祝活動,肌膚往往因為缺乏足夠休息而轉差,引發浮腫、粗 糙、暗黃及黑眼圈等各種節日後遺症。快快做好急救保養工夫,令肌膚重回狀態。 The Lunar New Year’s marathon of festive activities inevitably takes its toll on one’s complexion. Hectic activities and lack of rest can make skin appear puffy, rough and dull, and exacerbate the dark circles under your eyes. Take immediate remedial measures to return your skin to pre-festivity glory. text | 張琬雯 photo | 黃幹文 model | Olga B.(Sun Esee) makeup & hair | Yan Leung wardrobe | Ted Baker

Giorgio Armani limited edition Crema Nera Supreme Reviving Cream 50ml $455 (

Dior One Essential Skin Boosting Super Serum 50ml $162 (

踢走倦容  No more tired look

速效注養  Detox booster














If you have a number of engagements planned, we highly recommend Dior’s

“First-aid” skincare products with repair and brightening properties can quickly reawake that tired look. Giorgio

extracted from English roses, including omega-3, amino acids and vitamins.

Armani’s signature anti-aging Crema Nera Extrema, with its

Each bottle has 10,000 rose micro-pearls that can revitalize and recharge

patented African plant extract Reviscentalis, combines with

your skin instantly. After toner, nourish your skin with Prestige La Micro-Huile De

four minerals to promote repair and regeneration. It promises

Rose. You can also mix two drops into your foundation to make it more natural

to uncover radiant skin and smooth out lines. The effects are

and long-lasting.

immediately apparent.


Prestige La Micro-Huile De Rose. It contains more than 20 micro-nutrients









注養面膜  Replenishing masks

強化修復  Strong repairs









Late nights and regular use of cosmetics will inevitably make the

Lack of sleep will damage cell vitality and metabolism. To radically

skin dull and dry, even sensitive and patchy. The best way to repair

improve skin appearance on a deeper level, facial masks alone are not

the damage instantly is to use hydrating facial masks full of goodness

enough. It takes care products effective in strengthening cell repair

and recharging components.

functions to speed up restoration and regain healthy complexion. a. Natura Bisse NB Ceutical Skin Protectant S.O.S. Instant Rescue Intensive Recovery Serum 30ml $160 ( 精華素配方包含超級金盞花精萃、山金車萃取及蜂膠精華等多種強效紓緩 修復成分,可緩和各種敏感現象,同時能增強肌膚的防禦屏障及修復能 力,令膚質維持健康狀態。


The serum formulated with powerful reparative ingredients, such as Phytocutan® (calendula), Arnica Montana and Propolis extract, is able to provide instant relief for skin sensitivity and strengthen its protective barrier. Stronger skin will be healthier skin.


b. Apivita Bee Radiant Age Defense Illuminating Serum $TBD 以96%天然成分調製的亮肌抗皺修護精華,當中包括香橙幹細胞、維他命 C、輔酶Q10及番茄紅素等成分,能激活肌膚細胞活力及修復力量,改善 膚質。

Comprisng 96 per cent natural ingredients, the illuminating serum incorporates orange stem cells, Vitamin C, Bilberry, Q10 and Lycopene to rejuvenate skin cells.

c. The Body Shop Drops Of Youth Youth Concentrate 30ml $40 ( 升級版植物幹細胞活肌精華蘊含雪絨花、海濱刺芹及海茴香,同時結合了 革命性植物幹細胞科技,能集中激活肌膚細胞再生及修復能力。

The upgraded active skin serum contains Leontopodium Alpinum Meristem Cell Culture, Eryngium Maritimum Extract and Crithmum Maritimum Callus Culture Filtrate. Combined with revolutionary plant stem-cell technology, it concentrates on stimulating cell regeneration and recovery.

d c

d. The History of Whoo Cheongidan Radiant Regenerating Gold Concentrate $TBD 質地呈啫喱狀的華炫黃金精華,配方包含了天氣丹宮廷秘方、天然野山參 及野生桑樹桑黃,結合現代科技研製而成。可密集式修復受損肌膚,改善 所有肌膚問題。

The Gold Concentrate in gel form contains Whoo’s secret royal formula, natural wild ginseng and wild Mulberry Phellinus Linteus. It is developed with modern technology and designed to carry out deep repair. a. Rodial Dragon's Blood Hyaluronic Mask 50ml $60 ( 主要成分為血竭的乳霜狀面膜,另添加了有機硅彈性體,能迅速為肌膚補 充水分、減淡細紋及改善暗啞膚色,重塑健康明亮肌膚。

The cream mask rehydrates and corrects fine lines and dull appearance with its key ingredients: dragon’s blood complex, silicone elastomer and gransil. It will make the skin firmer and brighter for a healthier look.


b. Giorgio Armani Crema Nera Extrema Terra Pantelleria Supreme Renewing Mask 150ml $115 ( 極緻再生淨肌煥采面膜除了蘊含王牌成分Reviscentalis,另糅合高嶺土護 膚泥、仙人掌花及火山岩粉末,具抗老修護作用,亦可溫和去除面上污垢 及雜質,令肌膚回復柔滑潔淨。


This mask contains the brand’s signature ingredient, Reviscentalis, as well as kaoling clay, Barbary fig flower and volcanic ashes. It works wonders with anti-aging repair and deep-cleansing properties. The face, rid of pore-clogging impurities, becomes much softer.

c. Innisfree Black Green-Tea Mask $TBD 面膜加入了黑綠茶成分,同時採用了Water-Holding Network技術,敷上面 後,可即時防止肌膚水分流失,同時能淡化細紋及軟化膚質。

Infused with black green tea and made with Water-Holding Network technology, it is effective in countering skin dehydration, reducing the appearance of lines and making the skin more supple. d. Gemology Youth Diamond Mask 50ml US$92 ( 鑽石凝時全能面膜蘊含電氣石、三胜肽及鑽石成分,只要敷上短短十分 鐘,便可促進血液循環及有效深層滋養肌膚,瞬間回復水嫩飽滿。

Enriched with tourmaline, Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5 and diamond, the mask helps to stimulate blood circulation and provide deep rehydration.







重點去痘  Breakout control

喚醒倦眼  Awaking tired eyes









Fried and greasy food can’t be avoided over Chinese New Year, and

Slower blood circulation due to insufficient rest will aggravate

indulgence will inevitably cause active oil secretion. Improper cosmetics

dark circles around the eyes, eye bags or lines. A highly nourishing

removal may also lead to clogged pores and breakouts. Acne control

eye repair product is vital to save the delicate eye area and make

and anti-inflammatory products will be handy for clearing spots.

your eye zone illuminating again. a. Clarins Enhancing Eye Lift Serum 20ml $65 ( 眼部精華先利用紅球薑及有機燕麥糖成分,促進血液循環及改善眼肌浮 腫;另混入歐洲七葉樹、甜菜鹼及雨衣草屬,有助擊退黑眼圈及暗啞問題。

The serum has a mix of zerumbet ginger extract, organic oat polyoses and kaki extract to promote circulation and alleviate puffiness. It also uses the combined action of lady’s mantle extract and escin from horse chestnuts to beat dark circles and make the eyes brighter. b. Kiehl’ s Powerful Wrinkle Reducing Eye 15ml $55 ( 眼霜集PCA銅、PCA鈣及咖啡因三大成分於一身,用後不僅有效紓緩眼周 浮腫現象,更能穩定肌膚的膠原蛋白和彈性纖維,改善肌膚彈性。

The combination of Copper PCA and Calcium PCA and Caffeine in the product helps to relieve puffiness and stabilize collagen and elastin fibres in the skin to maintain elasticity.


c. Fresh Rose Hydrating Eye Gel Cream 15ml $52 ( 玫瑰保濕水凝眼霜以紅景天根部萃取、琉璃醣碳基酸及班巴拉花生萃取為 主打成分,為眼周肌膚提供深層滋潤,也能迅速為肌膚注入水分。

The eye cream features golden root extract, hyaluronic acid and Bambara groundnut extract as star ingredients to offer deep hydration and give the skin a burst of moisture.



d. Giorgio Armani Crema Nera Extrema Light Reviving Eye Cream 15ml $235 ( 針對乾紋、黑眼圈及浮腫等眼肌問題,極緻再生煥采修護眼霜加入了 Reviscentalis非洲再生植物精華及Haloxyl亮白多胜肽複合因子,能激活肌 膚再生機制,並發揮緊緻及提亮作用。

The eye cream targets dry lines, dark circles and puffiness with its unique combination of Reviscentalis and Haloxyl, designed to enhance skin regeneration and achieve tightening and illuminating effects.

a a. Innisfree Bija Cica Balm 40ml $33 ( 濟州島香榧去印除疤膏蘊含由積雪草萃取物、羥基積雪草苷酸、積雪草苷 及積雪草酸四種主要成分組合而成的積雪草4X,不但能去除暗瘡疤痕,添 加了的榧子果油,更提升肌膚保護力,預防暗瘡形成。

T h e C e n t e l l a A s i a t i c a 4 X i n a c n e b a l m f ro m J e j u c o n t a i n s madecassoside, madecassic acid, asiaticoside and asiatic acid to provide powerful acne care and help lighten acne scars. The Bija oil in the formula will also help to reinforce the skin’s barrier to prevent spots from forming.

c b

b. Belif Problem Solution Essence 40ml $33 ( 由於抗痘精華內含茶樹萃取成分及Napiers’Trouble Formula,可有效解 決暗瘡及粉刺問題,其溫和保濕精華配方,用後令肌膚保持水潤。

The tea tree extract and Napiers’ Trouble Formula of the essence will alleviate pimple and acne issues. The mild hydrating formula will keep skin moisturized. c. Topicrem AC Active Care $TBD 粉刺祛痘毛孔調節乳主要透過葡萄糖酸鋅、AHA酯、甘油及尿囊素等成 分,重點紓緩粉刺及暗瘡問題,同時能有效調節油脂分泌。

The active care zeroes in on spots and blackheads with the combination of zinc gluconate, glyceryl caprylate, glycerin and allantoin, for effective sebo-correction.






Scents Mugler似乎對A字情有獨鍾,1992年推出香水Angel, 此後踏上他的香氛之旅。粉藍色的星形瓶身,蘊含巧 克力甜香的Angel在當時的香水市場絕對是突破傳統 之作,然而那時的市場是以八十年代的華麗香水為王 道。相比Opium、Obsession及Shalimar,Angel絕 非主流。惟其甜品般的香氣開闢了一個全新的香水類 別,現今稱為美食調。 Mugler seems to have an affinity for the letter “A”. His fragrance odyssey began with the launch of Angel in 1992. The baby blue star-shaped bvottle with the chocolatey scent was a pioneer — the market then was dominated by the grand perfumes of the ’80s. Compared to Opium, Obsession and Shalimar, Angel was an outlier. Indeed, the dessertlike concoction sparked the creation of a new fragrance category, now known as Gourmand.


散發愛的氣息 Thierry Mugler AurA

M COMME AIME text | Leslie Yip photos | provided by Mugler





男士版本的Angel於4年後面世。A*Men繼續以巧克力為基調, 糅合焦糖、咖啡、雲呢拿及蜜糖成就美食調的誕生,甫推出便熱 賣,受歡迎程度跟女士版不相伯仲。 13年後的2005年,Mugler為大家帶來Alien香水,充滿神秘感 的紫晶瓶身,盛載矜貴的茉莉花香。每1公升香氛要用上800萬朵雙 瓣茉莉花才能製作出來,花香濃郁豐饒,難怪能觸動女士們的心靈。 再過了13年,Mugler今年又為大家帶來驚喜。最新作品名為 Aura,名字同樣以A為字首,但瓶身設計靈感卻來自另一個字母。 Mugler娓娓道出他的靈感來源:「我一直尋找一個可代表所有生 物的象徵,展現生命中野性又神秘的力量,這M字的心形香水瓶是 最佳代表。M comme Aime (意謂:M就是愛) !這是生命中的魔幻

01• AURA Eau de Parfum分別有90、50及 30ml可再添加噴霧瓶裝。亦提供保濕乳液 及沐浴乳。 AURA Eau de Parfum comes in 90, 50 and 30ml refillable sprays. A body lotion and shower milk is also available. 02• 適 逢Angel面世25周年,Mugler跟La Maison du Chocolate合作,以香水為靈感 設計出一系列4款的巧克力。 On the 25th anniversary of the launch of Angel, Mugler teamed up with La Maison du Chocolate to develop a collection of four chocolates inspired by its scent. 03• Thierry Mugler為慶祝Alien面世10周年, 推出瓶身形狀像護身符的特別版香水。 Thierry Mugler celebrates 10 years of the “Alien” fragrance with a talisman bottle.

核心,只要能感受當中的魔力,肯定會迷倒。」 香氣和諧地結合了東方、植物及肉慾元素。虎蔓代表「躍動的 心」、大黃葉及橙花代表「植物的心」、而香草及狼萴則代表「動物之 心」 。 瓶身設計亦是藝術結晶。幾何形狀及多面切割的造型,據說是


Thierry Mugler的主意,綠寶石般的玻璃心形瓶身猶如雕塑藝術品, 而金屬製的M字及閃亮效果令設計更添夢幻。 A men’s version of Angel was introduced four years later. A*Men was still based on the scent of chocolate, with caramel, coffee, vanilla and honey added to the pot. Just like its female counterpart, it was an instant success. Thirteen years later, in 2005, Mugler gave us Alien, a precious jasmine held in an other-wordly amethyst glass bottle. Eight million sambac jasmine flowers are required to create one kilogram of absolute, and its boldness invaded many women’s hearts. Another 13 years have since passed, and Mugler is on the move again. This time, it is called Aura, again beginning in A, but the design of the bottle is based on another letter of the alphabet. “I looked for a universal symbol common to all living things,” Thierry Mugler muses. “The animalistic and mystic power of life. This M-shaped heart imposed itself. M comme Aime! The magic heart of life. You need only feel its magic to become magnetic.” The scent is a masterful orchestration of oriental, botanical and


carnal elements. It features tiger liana as “the beating heart”, rhubarb leaf and orange blossom as “the botanical heart”, bourbon vanilla and wolfwood as “the animal heart”. The bottle design resembles a work of art. The geometrical silhouette and faceted profile is said to have been proposed by Mugler himself, and the eventual chiselled emerald glass heart is artist-sculpted. The metal “M” and luminous finish give it a surreal presence.






淺色的裝飾品映襯碳炭色牆身,形象 鮮明。 A light-coloured decoration, contrasted with a dark grey cabinet, is extra-sharp. photo : Gillian Jackson Photography

這張桌子為空間帶出大自然、 原始的感覺。 This table evokes a feeling of nature and rawness. photo : Arnal Photography


The Jewel Tone craze text | Livian Wu

太單調的色調使人感覺沉悶,如能增添時尚色彩,頓 時令家居空間變得與眾不同。 今年寶石色調大熱,設計師Jane Lockhart建議把不同 寶石色調混合使用,創造出豐富的空間感。 Monotonous colours result in humdrum living spaces, but by adding some trendy colours, an immediate transformation can occur. Jewel tones are the craze this year. Designer Jane Lockart suggests mixing different jewel tones to create a rich space.

Jane Lockhart, B.A.A.I.D. The principal designer at Jane Lockhart Interior Design.





玫瑰是今年的流行元素之一。無論是淡淡的 桃紅色還是濃烈的酒紅色,都顯得有型有格。 Rose is a popular element this year. Whether a light rose or a deep burgundy, the rose hue is quite stylish. photo : Gillian Jackson Photography

房間中多樣具質感的物料如牆紙、油畫與咕 𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸𠱸。 Multiple textures of wallpaper, paint and cushions make the room quite contemporary. photo : Gillian Jackson Photography


卧室採用了皇家紫為主要色調,再以酒紅和綠 色作點綴。 Multiple textures of wallpaper, paint and cushions make the room quite contemporary. photo : Gillian Jackson Photography

Jewel tones create a warm and alluring atmosphere. The most popular


jewel tones today are amethyst, emerald, gold, burgundy, rose, navy, black,


olive and coral green.


Charcoal and white are still popular, but to avoid being too bland, they


work best when combined with other colours or design elements. While

深色元素 。

furniture should remain light in colour, a darker background colour is essential.

木地板方面,潮流時興較淺的色調而非過去相對深沉的顏 色。空間中多利用玫瑰色或酒紅色來點綴,可帶來新鮮觀感。 設計師提醒,無論選擇什麼顏色,先要考慮燈光方面的配 合。因為不同光線令顏色出現很大變化,於實際空間中產生截

For wood floors, lighter tones are trending. To add a fresh look, use more rose or burgundy in the space. Regardless of the colour chosen, co-ordination with the lighting source is essential, because colours appear differently in varying types of lighting.

然不同的效果。 For a prominent three-dimensional look, pay close attention to the use 希望室內環境顯得更立體和突出,設計師建議著眼於牆紙

of textures and patterns in the wallpaper and tiles. For furniture, it’s best to


mix different shapes. For example, combine a natural wood coffee table with


furniture that’s full of interesting lines.

添加多一點色彩令家居空間豐富有趣。 Adding a bit of colour makes the spaces richer and more interesting. photo : Brandon Barre Photography





Art Show

01 Takashi Murakami 727, 1996 acrylic on canvas mounted on board The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Gift of David Teiger, 2003, 251.2003.a-c © 1996 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Photo: Tom Powell Imaging


02 Takashi Murakami Magic Ball II, 1999 acrylic on canvas Collection of Julie and Larry Bernstein © 1999 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Photo: Nathan Keay

03 T akashi Murakami Kansei Gold, 2008 acrylic and gold leaf on canvas Private Collection © 2008 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Photo: Joshua White/, Courtesy of the Artist and Blum & Poe, Los Angeles/New York/Tokyo

Takashi MurakaMi:

The OctOpus Eats


Own Leg

text | Iris Yim photos | provided by The Vancouver Art Gallery



誰讓八爪魚吃掉 自己的觸鬚?

溫哥華美術館(The Vancouver Art Gallery)

The “Takashi Murakami: The Octopus Eats Its Own

由現在至5月6日舉辦的 《Takashi Murakami:

Leg” exhibition is on at the Vancouver Art Gallery

The Octopus Eats Its Own Leg》,是日本

until May 6. It is the first retrospective show in


Canada by renowned contemporary Japanese artist


Takashi Murakami, and it features 55 originals by the


innovative artist, some of them created specifically


for this event.





《Takashi Murakami: The Octopus Eats Its Own





The exhibition traces Murakami’s artistic journey over the past three decades


and the direction he pursued, shedding light on the key elements and cultural


exploration that characterize his works.

索。 On show are his earliest works, as well as recent major projects, including 展覽涵蓋村上最早期的作品、以至最近的大型項

a new five-metre-tall sculpture and two sets of works created especially for the


Vancouver show. Through the elaborate range of works, visitors get insights


into the key issues that he is keen to explore: traditional Japanese paintings


and the influence of Buddhist folklore on his works; how he took inspiration


from traditional artistry and materials; and his satirical reflection on Japan’s


contemporary multi-media culture, globalization and nuclear energy threats.

和核電威脅等的諷刺與反思。從村上的創作過程中, 可以看到藝術家如何在這個複雜的全球化世界中、對日

Through his creative process, we see an artist who has taken a critical and


thoughtful look at Japan in the complex globalized world, in his conflicting roles


as both cultural creator and critic.

04 Takashi Murakami Klein’s Pot A, 1994-97 acrylic on canvas mounted on board in plexiglass box (optional) Colección Pérez Simón, Mexico © 1994-97 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Photo: Yoshitaka Uchida

05 T akashi Murakami Tan Tan Bo Puking - a.k.a. Gero Tan, 2002 acrylic on canvas mounted on board Private Collection, Courtesy of Galerie Perrotin © 2002 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Photo: Adam Reich

06 T akashi Murakami Flowers, Flowers, Flowers, 2010 acrylic and platinum leaf on canvas mounted on aluminum frame Collection of the Chang family, Taiwan © 2010 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

07 T akashi Murakami DOB’s March, 1995 acrylic on canvas mounted on board Collection of Javier and Monica Mora, Miami © 1995 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Photo: Norihiro Ueno

E L I T E G E N •M A R



Art Show


O2 O4



With a PhD from the Tokyo University of the Arts, the 56-year-old Murakami is currently at the peak of his creative career, straddling multiple artistic media, such as painting, sculpture, lifestyle commercial products, animation, film and TV animation series, right down to operating a gallery.

村上隆在東京藝術大學美術學院畢業,更獲得博士學 位,現年56歲的他正屆創作高峰期,在多個藝術領域,如繪

Murakami, who majored in traditional Japanese painting, expertly


applies traditional Japanese artistry, flat concept and animation styles to


his creations. He repackages what is normally considered “low-brow”, or sub-culture, and puts them into “high-brow” markets.

主打日本傳統繪畫風格的村上,擅於利用傳統的日本工 藝技巧、平塗概念及動漫畫風來創作,他重新包裝那些通常

His works appear as brilliantly coloured as animation. Looking carefully


past the vibrant pictures, one will discover unsettling grotesque and


distorted details. He uses extreme disharmony to express his grievances


towards society.

安,以極端的不和諧來演繹他對社會的控訴。 In 2000, Murakami published his “Superflat” theory in the catalogue of 2000年,村上隆為洛杉磯當代藝術博物館策劃的集體展


a multi-artists exhibition that he curated for the Museum of Contemporary


Art of Los Angeles. He theorizes that manga and amine have two-

漫畫和動畫中有來自日本藝術史的平面二維圖像。 「Superflat」

dimensional images taken from Japan’s art history. Superflat is also how


he describes post-war Japan. He thinks that the differentiation between


social class and popular taste has flattened and the difference between


high-brow and low-brow is small.





Murakami is a rebel loved by fashion brands. His collaborations with

與路易威登(Louis Vuitton)、VANS、植村秀、三宅一生

Louis Vuitton, VANS, Shu Uemera, Issey Miyake, Lucien Pellat-Finet,

(Issey Miyake)、Lucien Pellat-Finet、Roppongi Hills、

Roppongi Hills and ComplexCon have all been well received, and he has


found a successful niche navigating between commercial, pop culture

行文化和高級藝術之間,融合無間;亦曾因與Kanye West

and high-brow art, and blending them. He is also known for working with

和Pharrell Williams等音樂人合作,令名聲更上一層樓。

musicians like Kanye West and Pharrell Williams.


Commercially astute, Murakami founded Kaikai Kiki, an art production

司Kaikai Kiki,打造和生產村上流時尚物品、經營畫廊業務

and management company, to create and produce artist-related


merchandise, as well as running a gallery and producing movies. In 2013, he


released his first reality movie, Jellyfish Eyes. He is working on a sequel, as

《Six Hearts Princess》 。 2008年被Time Magazine評為「世上百大影響力人士」

well as a TV animation series, Six Hearts Princess. Named one of “The 100 Most Influential People” by Time Magazine in


2008, Murakami is also committed to using his influence to support budding


artists. From 2012 to 2014, he staged the “GEISAI” art event in Japan,


Taipei, Miami and other cities to showcase and develop new artists. More


than 20,000 artists have taken part in the events. After the 2011 Tohoku


earthquake, he established the Newday charity to stage annual events and


help the region slowly recover from the devastation.

01 Takashi Murakami Dragon In Clouds—Indigo Blue, 2010 acrylic on canvas mounted on board Collection of Larry Gagosian © 2010 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Photo: Gavin Ashworth

02 Takashi Murakami Release Chakra’s gate at this instant, 2008 acrylic and platinum leaf on canvas mounted on wood panel Private Collection © 2008 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Photo: Courtesy of the Artist and Blum & Poe, Los Angeles/New York/Tokyo

03 Takashi Murakami From the perceived debris of the universe, we are still yet unable to reach the stage of nirvana., 2008 acrylic and platinum leaf on canvas mounted on wood panel / signage in gold leaf Collection of Cari and Michael J. Sacks © 2008 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Photo: Courtesy of the Artist and Blum & Poe, Los Angeles/New York/Tokyo Takashi Murakami: 04 Takashi Murakami Embodiment of “A”, 2014 FRP, stainless steel, zelkova wood, and acrylic Courtesy of the Artist and Blum & Poe, Los Angeles/ New York/Tokyo © 2014 Takashi Murakami/ Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved Photo: Andrea Rossetti

The Octopus Eats Its Own Leg 展館Venue:The Vancouver Art Gallery 地址Address:750 Hornby Street, Vancouver 開放時間Hours: Daily, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Tues 10 a.m.-9 p.m) 展期Dates:即日起至5月6日 Now until May 6 網址 電話Tel. 604.662.4700

05 Takashi Murakami Embodiment of “Um”, 2014 FRP, stainless steel, zelkova wood, and acrylic Courtesy of the Artist and Blum & Poe, Los Angeles/New York/Tokyo © 2014 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Photo: Andrea Rossetti






駕駛Kubelwagen軍用車穿 梭大街小巷,最酷不過。 Kubelwagen is one of the coolest car to drive around town with.


IntermeccanIca VancouVer’s own custom sportscar Builder text | Kenson Ho & George Verdolaga photos | provided by Intermeccanica



Many people dream of buying a vintage car, but are leery of


the problems that come along with owning one. Most classic


car owners won’t take a member of their treasured collections


out on the road, for fear of adding more miles to the odometer,


or damaging them. Meet the bespoke car company from


Vancouver that enables car owners to own classic cars without


having to be too careful about them.





01•四種車型之一的Intermeccanica “S” 。 One of the four models: Intermeccanica “S” 02•Intermeccanica“S”採用傳統氣冷引 擎。 Intermeccanica “S” uses traditional air cooled engine.




1959年,加拿大人Frank和Paula Reisner在都靈度假





包括:(1)Intermeccanica“ S”,(2)Intermeccanica Pre A“S”(3)


Intermeccanica Roadster“D”和(4)Kubelwagen。前三款因外形被戲稱




165 HP 3氣冷式手動排檔引擎;水冷式正常進氣170HP引擎或250HP

業,並把新公司命名為Automobil Intermeccanica,繼續

渦輪增壓Subaru引擎;或993氣冷式270 HP保時捷引擎。如果你注重

創造極受世界各地的收藏家歡迎的保時捷356 speedster




04 03 Bespoke Car Manufacturer Born in Italy and Bred in Canada

03•Intermeccanica車輛品質超卓,在 任何地方都引來艷羡目光。 The level of build quality of Intermeccanica vehicles is such that they never fail to draw attention. 04•每輛Intermeccanica汽車都是手工 製造。 Every Intermeccanica is handbuilt.

Air-cooled, water-cooled or electrified Intermeccanica - now currently managed by Paul’s son Henry - is a

Intermeccanica is a car manufacturing firm started by

boutique operation that produces only 2 cars a month. Currently, they

Canadians Frank and Paula Reisner while on holiday in Turin in

make only four models: (1) Intermeccanica “S”, (2) Intermeccanica Pre

1959. Both fell in love with the city and decided to stay, establishing

A “S” (3) Intermeccanica Roadster “D” and the (4) Kubelwagen. The first

a business selling speed equipment kits in the meantime. As time

three cars are more commonly referred to as the “bathtub” Porsches

went by, they got into selling engines and then eventually race

because of their shape and are very lovely to look at indeed.

cars. The couple built a series of highly desirable and commercially successful cars like the Apollo, Italia and the Indra.

You have a choice of a 100-, 145-, or 165-horsepower, three aircooled manual transmission engine manufactured in California; a liquid-

Frank and Paula moved their business to the States, where it

cooled normally aspirated 170-horsepower engine or a 250-horsepower,

became successful for a few years before hitting a few snags. At

turbocharged Subaru engine; a 993 air-cooled 270-horsepower Porsche

that point, the couple decided to set up shop in Vancouver in 1976,

engine; or if you’re more environmentally conscious and prefer an

where they named their new company Automobil Intermeccanica. It

automatic transmission, you can also order an Intermeccanica vehicle

would go on to create the highly desirable Porsche 356 speedster

that has an electric motor with a projected range of 200 kilometres.

replica, coveted by collectors around the world.






















駕駛Kubelwagen,享受那份英雄氣勢。 Driving an air-cooled Kubelwagen, and enjoy the glory as a hero.

Electra Meccanica Solo電能車,前瞻性十足。 The forward-looking Electra Meccanica Solo electric vehicle.

Vintage On the Outside: Modern On the Inside.

Being Part of A Truly Unique International Club Intermeccanica owners are a passionate breed of sports car aficionados

Unlike your typical vintage automobile that can be a huge headache to maintain, Intermeccanica vehicles

tastemakers and innovators who want cars that are radically different from

have none of the usual old-car problems like rust, a

what everyone else already owns. Their Intermeccanica cars are usually

lack of available parts, underpowered engines, frequent

their third or fourth vehicle, which they are proud to display at car shows

breakdowns, zero safety equipment and sky-high

or at annual get-togethers organized by the owners themselves, or by


Intermeccanica itself.

Intermeccanica sports cars are meant to be driven in


who mostly come from the U.K., Japan, the U.S. and Canada. They are

The level of build quality of Intermeccanica vehicles is such that they never

real-world conditions, not hidden in a garage to be admired

fail to draw attention wherever they are driven and are prone to getting pulled

and then handled gently. Maintenance is never an issue

out of parking lots of classic car events and invited to join the actual car shows

since the bodies and the engines are new and, therefore,

themselves. A few Intermeccanica car owners have even reported winning

much easier to look after so you won’t have to worry about

awards at Porsche vintage car shows due to the high level of craftsmanship

the tremendous upkeep required by old cars.

and detail that goes into making these cars.




低調品牌 放眼未來 Intermeccanica燃油版汽車價格由$70,000至$100,000不等,電 動版價格會貴$30,000。擁有自行定製的創作品,能惹來途人的艷羨 目光和激節讚賞,卻又亦不會如德國汽車般,被「因妒成恨」的變態者 刻意損壞,或像已太普及的德國或意大利超級跑車一樣,悶得讓旁觀 者呵欠連連。你不僅可高枕無憂,同時因你對汽車的高超鑑賞力和品 味,而備受認可和尊崇。Intermeccanica不僅為本地製作而深感自豪, 它還身懷賽車血統,參與在德國紐博格林賽道(Nurburgring)的比賽, 公司早期還在都靈時,已曾在在比賽中擊敗了意大利阿巴特(Abarth) 車廠的名車。然而公司不會墨守成規,即將推出的Electra Meccanica Solo電動車前瞻性十足,定必締造歷史,值 得考慮。 要擁有一輛人手製造的Intermeccanica 汽車,需時6至12個月。如果你想開始 收藏汽車,何不到Intermeccanica

01•Intermeccanica跑車不但有 炫麗外表,更適合於現實世界 駕駛。Intermeccanica sports cars are meant to be driven in real world conditions.

購買這種每天可以陳列的全新 流動藝術品?有興趣的話, 可致電604-872-4747預

02•擁有親身定製的愛車,定必惹來路人激節讚賞。 You’ll be the owner of a custom creation that gets admiring looks and enthusiastic thumbs-ups from passers-by.


Intermeccanica的車主 們,主要是來自英國、日 本、美國和加拿大的跑車 愛好者。 Intermeccanica owners are a passionate breed of sports car aficionados who mostly come from the U.K., Japan, the U.S. and Canada.

01 02 A Brand That Doesn’t Generate Car Envy & Has Its Eye On the Future

Intermeccanica 的第二代Henry Reisner, 延續家族傳奇。 Henry Reisner is the second generation of the Intermeccanica Legacy.

It’s about to make history as it introduces the forward-looking Electra Meccanica Solo electric vehicle, which you may want to consider as well.

Intermeccanica vehicles go from $70,000 to $100,000 for the gasoline models and $30,000 more if you want an electric version. You’ll be the owner of a custom creation that gets admiring looks and enthusiastic thumbs-ups from passers-by. And you won’t get the dings and scratches that German vehicles seem to attract due to ‘car envy’ or the yawns elicited by now-too-common German or Italian supercars. Instead, you’ll enjoy peace of mind and even get pats on the back as a result of your car connoisseurship. Not only is Intermeccanica proudly local, it’s got a racing pedigree — the company has competed at

How to be a customer There is currently a wait time of 6 to 12 months to get a car custom built for you and there’s no better place to start shopping for a new rolling piece of art that you can drive everyday than at Intermeccanica.Call 604-872-4747 for an appointment.

Nurburgring in Germany and has even beat Abarth in competitions back when it was still based in Turin. The company is not just fixated on the past, however.





Restaurant 薈萃精彩美食的新派扒房

Victor at Parq VancouVer

New aNd excitiNg Steak & Seafood eatery text | Kenson Ho & George Verdolaga photos | provided by Victor at Parq Vancouver

特色甜品﹕法式焦糖燉 蛋油炸圈餅、楓糖棉 花糖、雲尼拿吉士醬。 Crème Brulee Donuts: maple cotton candy, vanilla custard

餐館由夫妻檔 Elizabeth Blau及Kim Canteenvalla 經營。 Restaurant operated by Elizabeth Blau and her husband Kim Canteenvalla.


If you’ve been searching for a steak and seafood


restaurant that’s different from anything you’ve ever



experienced, then Victor may be the answer. This


latest addition to Vancouver’s dining scene, which opened


just three months ago, is the brainchild of restaurateur


Elizabeth Blau and her husband and business partner, Kim

和飲食總匯Parq Vancouver第七家

Canteenwalla. They are also responsible for Chinese fine-

食府,由夫妻檔Elizabeth Blau及

dining establishment 1886 and casual dining restaurant

Kim Canteenwalla經營,他倆亦是高

Honey Salt. Victor is the seventh dining establishment


at Parq Vancouver, the $640 million shiny new hotel and


casino complex located next to BC Place Stadium.




勝者為王 「選擇以Victor為餐廳命名,因為它代表著力量

“There’s a play of masculine and feminine going on,” Blau says with regards to the restaurant’s name. “We chose Victor because it connotes the idea of strength and winning — or victory — which is the masculine part. We


also wanted to show a female side and reference Queen Victoria, as well as to


pay homage to the province of B.C., which has a British history.”

圍的卑詩省致敬。」 Blau解釋說。


A HOUSE THAT’S ANYTHING BUT COMMON Blau worked with SixteenFifty Creative Intelligence, a La Jolla, Calif.-based branding and design team. The first thing that catches your eye once you

Victor的室內裝潢由Blau與加州聖地牙哥La Jolla

enter the space is the striking parliamentary green colour found in the British

的設計團隊SixteenFifty Creative Intelligence一起創

House of Commons. It’s a bold choice that adds panache to an already eye-


catching interior that has a residential feel to it, but with a bit of a twist.

議會綠色吸引。這個大膽選擇,令本已極為吸晴的室 內裝飾錦上添花,既有家的感覺,卻又不失巧思。

To showcase Vancouver’s diversity, 12 styles of chairs were used and then covered in various upholstery fabrics and hues, from regal tufted chesterfield


sofas to 1950s-style diner seating. This delightfully eclectic state of affairs is


complemented by exuberantly patterned wallpaper that features bumblebees


against a riot of pink and black colours and a strikingly organic accent carpet


that reminds one of the trees at Stanley Park.

紅和黑色背景突顯出大黃蜂圖案;極具原野風情的地 毯,令人想起史丹利公園的茂密叢林。每個洗手間都

The washrooms, which are each equipped with their own individual


sinks, are wallpapered in a playful kitchen utensil-inspired motif. The result


is a “prohibition era speakeasy meets 21st-century luxury” vibe that is


sophisticated and fun at the same time.

01 03

01• 以唐辛子調味的藍鰭,略略煎炙後放在喜馬拉雅鹽磚上奉客,伴以橘子白蘿蔔汁。 Togarashi-spiced Blue Fin: seared & served on a Himalayan salt block, ponzu-daikon sauce


02• 原條煎鱸魚配什錦蔬菜,茴香絲和松籽沙律。 Whole Branzino caponata, shaved fennel, pine nut salad 03• 酒吧氛圍優雅,提供雞尾酒,香檳和精選本地和進口餐酒。 Elegant bar offers cocktails, champagne and a good selection of local and imported wines.






奪目的蜜蜂作圖案牆紙,是餐廳裝潢特色之一。 Exuberantly patterned wallpaper that features bumblebees against a riot of pink and black colours

THE PLACE TO GO FOR SPECTACULAR CITY VIEWS To access the restaurant, take the elevator to the 6th floor of the Douglas Hotel and then walk across an open-air “urban


park” to the Victor. It can be a little chilly in winter, so remember to bring a coat or a shawl. It is a covered pathway, so umbrellas


aren’t necessary.

過半露天的「城市公園」。嚴冬時你或會感到絲絲寒意,緊記要添衣 或披上披肩,以免著涼。這裡的有蓋通道能阻擋雨水,無須攜帶雨

Once you reach the restaurant, you’ll notice an elegant


bar on the right that offers cocktails, champagne and a good


selection of local and imported wines. Large picture windows


at the rear of the restaurant offer abundant light and dramatic

到,這裡放有目前加拿大最大的Enomatic 餐酒機。

views of False Creek. On the way to your table, you might notice


the Enomatic® wine dispenser, currently the largest in Canada. 教人意外的是,這間餐廳沒有為時髦而時髦。相反地,它感 覺成熟、毫不矯情,適合用來招待商業客戶、與朋友工餘共聚、或

Contrary to possible expectations, the space is not at all


hipstery. Instead, it feels grown-up and unpretentious, which


means that you can entertain business clients, get together


with friends to just chill after work, or simply enjoy a good


meal with someone special in an environment that exudes an unmistakable energy. There is a private dining room that can accommodate 20 people.


01• 極受歡迎的45安士戰斧牛排,最適合好友共享。 The popular Tomahawk Steak: 45ox Angus Reserve is meant for sharing. 02• 壽司大廚Kevin和團隊在壽司和海鮮吧台用心工作,為食客炮製美食。 Sushi Chef Kevin and team behind the sushi & raw bar 03• 豐富的海鮮拼盤,包括鮮帶子、鮮蠔、蒸蜆、鮮蝦、溫哥華蟹、皇帝 蟹和龍蝦。 Pink bay scallop ceviche, oysters, steamed clams, peel & eat shrimp, dungenness crab, king crab, lobster. 04• 以五種芝士當餡料的芝士華夫餅。 Mac & Cheese Waffle: five-cheese blend, cheese fondue





Victor – Parq Vancouver 6/F 39 Smithe Street, Vancouver 778.370.8600 營業時間Hours: Sunday – Thursday: 5PM – 10:30PM Friday – Saturday: 5PM – 11PM

行政主廚Valerio Pescetelli。 Executive Chef Valerio Pescetelli.

各自各精彩 Victor的菜單為食肉獸提供豐盛的蛋白質大餐,由10安士西冷,到極受歡迎、 供眾人共享的45安士戰斧牛排,都是熱門選擇。海鮮愛好者可在海鮮吧品嘗Kusshi 鮮蠔、海膽多士、新省龍蝦或西岸大肉蟹。一定要試試的是菜單上Surf & Turf類 別的北海道帶子。茹素人士則可以品嘗炭燒意大利西蘭花、烤蘑菇或奶油甘藍。 Victor精心設計的菜單中,各適其式,各有各精采。餐廳免費供應的招牌麵包,非 常類似日本牛奶麵包,風味獨特,不容錯過。 Kim Canteenwalla最近宣佈,春節過後每逢周末將供應早午餐。這裡亦設有私 人貴賓房,可容納20人。

VICTOR ACHIEVES A DELICATE BALANCE Victor manages to be elegant and relaxed, yet lively and exciting. It’s a delicate


balance that Blau and her design team has managed to achieve with bravura. And unlike steakhouses of yore, the servers are there to serve you well, instead of serving attitude. Victor’s menu offers a delicious protein fix for meat lovers, from their 10-ounce sirloin all the way to their popular 45-ounce tomahawk steak that’s meant to be shared. Seafood aficionados can visit their exposed raw seafood bar to sample the kusshi oysters, uni toast, Nova Scotia lobster or Dungeness crab. A definite must-try is their Hokkaido scallops from the Surf & Turf section of the menu. Veggie lovers should sample their charred broccolini, roasted mushrooms or creamed kale. There is definitely something for everyone in Victor’s finely balanced


menu. The restaurant’s free signature bread, which closely resembles Japanese milk bread, has a unique flavour — well worth trying.

壽司拼盤。 Sushi platter





Wine Not

能夠讓陽光穿透天篷的試酒室 (尤其那張tasting table) ,完全 流露出大師的筆觸。 The skylight allows sunlight to flood the winemaking facility, especially the tasting table: a real master touch. (photo: Nigel Young)


為紀念Paul Pontallier而設計的Château Margaux Grand Vin 2015,酒招上有 Norman Foster為酒莊於同年建成的 Nouveau Chai新酒窖。 Château Margaux Grand Vin 2015, a tribute to Paul Pontallier, features an image of the Nouveau Chai building designed by Norman Foster in the same year on the bottle label. (photo: G. de Beauchene)

Margaux 2015 Unforgettable text | Ivan Wong

波爾多釀酒巨匠Paul Pontallier雖不是酒莊主人, 但卻是人所共知的Château Margaux代表人物。 打從上世紀八十年代加入Château Margaux以來, 在他手底下釀造過不知多少個世紀年份極品,如 1986、2000、2005或是2010,但叫人永遠懷念 的,就必然是他的臨別之作:2015。 Although Bordeaux winemaker Paul Pontallier didn’t own it, he was the face of Château Margaux. Joining the winery in 1983, he created numerous exquisite vintages. Those of 1986, 2000, 2005 and 2010 are unforgettable. However, his legacy vintage is 2015 — one we will never forget.





驟眼看上去真不像一座新的Château Margaux 建築物, 更遑論是大師Norman Foster的作品。 At first glance, the new wine facility doesn’t look like a new structure for Château Margaux, and even less as one of Norman Foster’s works. (photo: Nigel Young)

Paul Pontallier於1983年承蒙「恩師」Émile Peynaud引薦 加入Margaux後,直至去世之時,其釀酒之心可說從未離開過 Margaux。

Recommended by mentor Émile Peynaud in 1983, Paul Pontallier’s winemaking spirit remained with Margaux until his death

Paul Pontallier的伯樂,還有當年獨具慧眼的年輕女莊主

in 2016.

Corinne Mentzelopoulos,膽敢聘請這個年僅27、只抱著精闢的 波爾多釀酒大學博士論文而全無 「實戰」 經驗的年輕人。

Château Margaux owner Corinne Mentzelopoulos was another of Pontallier’s mentors. She spotted talent in the then 27-year-old

經過了2011-2014四個強差人意的「壞」年份,波爾多的2015 確實讓人有否極泰來之感。縱使隨後出現過高達攝氏41度的熱

greenhorn who had no hands-on experience, but only a superb PhD thesis on Bordeaux winemaking to go by.

浪,幸好在雨季中得到充足的滋潤及養分,九月份的乾旱狀況又 正好平衡葡萄的糖分及酸度,從而讓單寧更柔順酒香更豐富—在

After four unremarkable years from 2011 to 2014, Bordeaux’s


2015 production was the light at the end of the tunnel. Despite an


extended heat wave of 40oC, the rainy season delivered welcomed relief, and the dry patch of September contributed to balancing the

2015同時也是Château Margaux紀念性的一年,在這瓶特別

sugar content and acidity of the grapes to deliver a vintage with

向Paul Pontallier致敬的Château Margaux Grand Vin 2015的瓶身 上,除了看到 「Hommage à Paul Pontallier」字眼外,酒招構成的一

rich aroma and smooth tannins. In the 2015 Margaux, we can taste

大部分更是建築大師Norman Foster為酒莊創建的作品—Nouveau

elegance that is unique to the left bank of Bordeaux.

light yet complex tannins, the epitome of Margaux-style feminine

Chai酒窖、酒庫及研發中心,在酒莊原有的Neo-Palladien建築群 (於1946年已被列為歷史遺產)中作現代演繹,以樹幹形態的石屎

2015 was a milestone year for Château Margaux. Château


Margaux Grand Vin 2015 denotes “Hommage à Paul Pontallier” on


the label. The star of the label, though, is the Nouveau Chai wine


production building and research centre designed by celebrated architect Norman Foster. It adds contemporary interpretation to the Château’s original neo-Palladien castle that has beevn listed

建築大師Norman Foster雖說想做到像Bernard Rudofsky所提 出的 「沒有建築師的建築物」 ,但魔鬼仍在細節中。 Celebrated architect Norman Foster was inspired by Bernard Rudofsky’s concept of “architecture without architects”, but the devil is in the detail. (photo: Mathieu Anglada)

as a heritage building since 1946. Concrete pillars fashioned into tree trunks prop up a giant terracotta pitched roof, in harmony with the terracotta roof of the castle and its natural surroundings. Contemporary elements are subtly added in tune with the subdued creative approach.





Elite Life It’s hard to imagine a more romantic or regal setting for your special day – you can now exchange vows across from Kensington Palace and Gardens, home to Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge, and soon-to-be-married Prince



如 能 在 威廉王子和 凱特王妃,以 及即將共諧連理 的哈利王子和未婚 妻梅根馬克爾居住的

夢幻 皇室婚禮 text | Leslie Yip photos | The Milestone Hotel

肯辛頓宮和花園對面,許 下婚姻承諾 — 實在浪漫不 過!

Happily EvEr aftEr WEd in royal fasHion at london’s MilEstonE HotEl







01 The Milestone酒店是全球領先酒店聯盟的會員之一,於業界 屢獲殊榮,包括倫敦最佳酒店第二,入選全球100間最佳旅遊 大獎,排名56。

The Milestone Hotel is a member of the Leading Hotels of the World, and has a long list of industry accolades, including No. 2 Best Hotels in London and No. 56 in the Top 100 Hotels in the World in the Travel + Leisure “World’s Best Awards”

The Milestone酒店跟肯辛頓宮確實有相似的


The Milestone Hotel has quite a few commonalities with the palace.


In addition to being situated opposite each other in one of London’s most


prestigious locales, their history began at the same time. The original


dwelling at this address was built in 1689, the year when William of Orange

共同繼承君主之位時,同時購入The Milestone酒

and Queen Mary II assumed the throne as joint monarchs and acquired


the mansion across the road as their new royal residence. In fact, they

期的海關總監Foot Onslow,而大宅則改名為肯辛

once shared the same name – it was named Kensington House by its first


resident, Foot Onslow, a Commissioner of Excise under William III.


Two centuries later, it was replaced by the two houses that stand


there today. Throughout history, it has been inhabited by many prominent


occupants. Ambassadors and barons who rubbed shoulders with the Royal


family, a speaker of the House of Commons and even one of Shakespeare’s


grandsons all called it home until it was converted into a hotel in the 1920s.

球共有17家由家族持有、遍佈英國、愛爾蘭、南 非、瑞士及美國,並且獲獎無數的精品酒店;而 酒店亦重現昔日原來建築風貌。

In October 1998, it became part of Red Carnation, a collection of 17 family-run, award-winning boutique hotels in the UK, Ireland, South Africa, Switzerland and the USA, and was restored to its original architectural

The Milestone酒店共提供兩個婚宴場地


Oratory和Windsor Suite,前者更被喻為全倫敦最 迷你婚嫁場所。

The hotel boasts two wedding spaces, including what is considered the smallest wedding venue in London.

1880年代,Oratory前身是建築物附屬的教 堂,現在仍然保留了原來的教堂設計,卻化成能

Dating back to the 1880s, the Oratory can host up to eight guests,


including the wedding couple. This unique space was once the building’s


chapel and is steeped in history. The design remains just as it was originally intended, lending itself ideally to an intimately romantic and exclusively

充滿皇家氣派的Windsor Suite,場地相對較

private wedding celebration.

大,能容納40位嘉賓晚膳、或50位客人的酒會。 華麗的吊燈、暖暖的壁爐,配合一室貴氣的裝

For larger wedding parties, the Windsor Suite will surely add a royal


touch. It can accommodate 40 seated guests, or 50 for a standing


reception. The beautifully decorated room features a chandelier and fireplace


— a perfect backdrop to exchange vows — and can be transformed for


wedding receptions with tables adorned with crisp table clothes, fresh-cut flowers, crystal glasses and a host of stylish touches.

另外,酒店亦有不同主題的房間方便賓客留 宿,藝術佈置、古董擺設、度身設計的傢俬應有 盡有;用餐方面,可選擇到充滿高貴英倫風味的 Cheneston’s 餐廳,又或到Park Lounge悠閑地品 嘗獲獎的下午茶。酒店可因應安排,以兩名員工 照顧一位客人,妥貼稱心無微不至的服務,令人 賓至如歸。

Guests who choose to stay at the hotel can enjoy the recently reopened selection of suites with fresh furnishings, remarkable art, antiques and custom-designed furniture. Indulge in fine British dining in Cheneston’s Restaurant, or relax in the Park Lounge with the award-winning Afternoon Tea service. Impeccable service can be expected, for there are roughly two staff for every guest.





Elite LIFE


If you want a royal flair for your special day, the Milestone offers an exclusive

酒 店 提 供 的「 皇 家 肯 辛 頓 婚 宴 」套 餐 , 每 位

package entitled the “Royal Kensington Wedding”. Based on a minimum of 10


guests at £220 per person, the package includes exclusive use of the venue, a


sabrage ceremony with a glass of Champagne per guest on arrival, six canapés


per guest, a bespoke three-course meal, half a bottle of sommelier-chosen wine


per guest, name placecards and personalized menus, and a complimentary


romantic turndown for the wedding couple.

人化的餐單目錄及名牌;而一對新人亦獲安 排黃昏房間就寢服務 (turndown service)。如

If the party is worth £3000 or more, one complimentary night for the bride


and groom in a suite will be provided. If the party is worth £5000 or more, one


complimentary night for the bride and groom in a Grand Master Suite will be




For more information, please visit



Harry and MEagHan


如果你也選了今年5月 19日為大喜日子,或 許你能見到同日在對 面肯辛頓宮舉行大婚 的哈利王子和梅根馬 克爾呢!


If you pick the same wedding day as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle (May 19), you may be able to capture the royal procession coming out of Kensington for your own wedding pictures!



Oratory昔日是建築物內附屬教堂,今日則變身成為能容下8位人客、可舉行民事 儀式、且極具歷史價值的婚宴場地。

被列為二級歷史建築物物的The Milestone酒店剛獲認可舉行民事 儀式,最適合進行傳統英式風格及要求體面禮遇的活動。酒店位處 肯辛頓宮和花園正對面,絕對是在倫敦舉行婚宴及希望一賭哈利王 子和梅根馬克爾大婚遊行風采的最佳位置。

Originally the building’s chapel, the Oratory houses eight and is London’s most intimate historic wedding venue.

03 以高貴及浪漫的維多利亞式設計的Windsor Suite,是舉行華麗婚禮的不二之選。

The elegant and romantic Victorian magnificence of the Windsor Suite lends itself superbly to beautiful wedding celebrations.

04 Prince Albert Suite以維多利亞女皇丈夫的名字命名,陽台外可飽覽肯辛頓花園 的美景。

Having just been licensed for civil ceremonies, the historic Grade II Listed Milestone Hotel & Residences provides the perfect venue for an intimate celebration with traditional British style and unrivalled service. Situated directly opposite Kensington Palace and Gardens, wedding parties and royal watchers will have one of the best spots in London to view the royal wedding procession on Prince Harry and Meghan’s wedding day.


Named after the husband of Queen Victoria, the Prince Albert Suite offers views of Kensington Gardens from the balcony.

05 The Milestone酒店的下午茶榮獲2016及2017年的 「最值得推介下午茶大獎」 ,可 於酒店內的Cheneston’ s餐廳、Park Lounge 以及Conservatory 品嘗。

Milestone’s Afternoon Tea Service captured the highly commended Afternoon Tea Awards in 2016 and 2017. It is served in Cheneston’s Restaurant, the Park Lounge or the Conservatory.

06 酒店體貼地設有招待寵物服務,隨主人入住的寵物更會獲贈零食及玩具禮物 籃、「請勿打擾/寵物休息中」通知卡,以及備有幾款特別訂造的寵物床以供選 擇。酒店亦設有寵物照顧、散步及美容服務。

Even the royal Corgis will feel at home with the hotel’s pet services. Furry guests receive a welcome hamper with treats and toys, a “Do Not Disturb/Pet Sleeping” card and a choice of custom-made pet bed. Dog-sitting, walking and grooming services are also offered.






Travel 曼谷文華東方酒店


Finding your comFort zone in Bangkok 過去140年,文華東方為曼

For more than 140 years, Chic Mandarin


Oriental Bangkok Hotel has made a visit


to Bangkok feel that much better, and it all


starts at its world renowned spa. text & photos | Marc Atchison (Travelife)


The Mandarin Oriental Bangkok’s award-winning lobby is the talk of the hotel industry, seamlessly combining Thailand’s traditional and modern elements. 86




酒店外圍是一個熱帶花 園,每朝早員工都會在 這裡採摘新鮮花卉送到 客人的房間。

The Mandarin Oriental Bangkok is surrounded by lush tropical gardens, where staff gather flowers each morning that later make their way into guest rooms.



幻之旅。小艇泊岸後,沿小徑走向熱帶花園,濕潤 的空氣中透出絲絲花香,叫人精神一振。前方不遠



環境,更被紐約時報及Condé Nast雜誌許為全球最


頂級的spa。旅客體驗過曼谷繁忙的都市節拍和精 彩的夜生活後,最適合於這個鬧市綠洲放鬆身心。

我不斷提醒自己這並非夢境,事實上,每位來 酒店是一座擁有過百年歷史的建築物,這裡

到曼谷文華東方酒店、享受這裡著名的水療服務的 人士,都會獲得貴賓式招待。

的世界級水療中心雲集了全亞洲最頂尖的水療治療 師。

曼谷文華東方酒店於1876年開業,多位19 世紀傳奇作家、如Somerset Maugham、Noël


Coward、Graham Greene、John le Carré 及James


A. Michener等相繼入住,因而聲名大噪。他們當時




的spa studio所在地,可說是酒店內主要水療中心


My “journey into ecstasy” begins with a short ride on a teakwood boat from one side of the hectic Chao

miniature version of the main spa, where guests can enjoy less time-consuming treatments.

Phraya River to the other. After the tiny craft deposits me at a dock, I follow a path that drifts off into a

The Oriental’s main spa, which has been

tropical garden paradise, where the dewy air is spiced

singled out by the New York Times and Condé Nast

with the scent of exotic flowers. In the distance, a

magazine, among others, for its industry-leading

young woman in a kebaya (a traditional Thai dress) is

treatments and ambience, is really an oasis of calm

waiting to welcome me with a cup of lemongrass tea.

for those visiting Bangkok — a city known for its fastpaced lifestyle and naughty nightlife.

I have to keep reminding myself that this is not a dream sequence. Rather, it’s what all guests

If the Thais didn’t invent spa treatments, they’ve

experience when they arrive for a treatment at the

certainly perfected them, and the best of the best

famed Mandarin Oriental Bangkok Hotel’s spa, the

therapists in Asia are employed by the Mandarin

best of its kind in the world.

Oriental Bangkok, which is housed in a restored century-old teakwood building.

Known simply as the Oriental since opening in 1876, the historic hotel was made famous by

As I take my last sip of tea, an attendant appears

legendary 19th-century writers, like Somerset

for a private consultation. She notes my individual

Maugham, Noël Coward, Graham Greene, John le

needs and shares the information with my therapist

Carré and James A. Michener — all of whom stayed

so she can tailor the treatments to get the best results

in the original building. It still exists today and is

for me. Time to surrender my jet-lagged body to the

known as the totally refurbished Garden Wing, which

Mandarin Oriental spa specialists for a few days of

incidentally houses the hotel’s new “spa studio.” It’s a

tender loving care.







The solitary experience of a spa treatment at Mandarin Oriental Bangkok is something that has to be experienced to be truly appreciated.


The therapist leads me to a treatment room bathed in natural light. Tatami-


style mats are spread out on the floor with a view of the garden — the Thais like to


bring nature into play during treatments.

治療室均設有獨立浴室及蒸汽浴室,客人無需更 衣便可享受多種療程。

Each treatment room also has a separate bathroom and steam room, so guests can enjoy multiple treatments without getting dressed. The antique decor

所有治療室均以古董擺設作裝飾,流露經典 的暹羅美學,讓客人悠然享受閒適心情。 文華東方的水療中心孕育了不少頂尖的治療

featured in each treatment room is reminiscent of classic Siamese aesthetics, which quickly puts you into a relaxed frame of mind. The Oriental spa has served as a laboratory of sorts, where many pioneering


therapies have been developed. Holistic philosophy is a high priority here, and


achieving good health through meditation and with the use of natural herbal remedies is what the Oriental spa is noted for.

治療師告訴我,按摩治療在泰國文化中的地 位,跟飲食文化不相伯仲,泰國不少廟宇亦可找 到刻有按摩治療師及身體穴位的古代雕刻品。

The therapist tells me massage treatments are as much a part of Thai culture as food is and that in many temples around Thailand, ancient carvings display massage therapists and the body’s pressure points. In fact, she says, spa therapy


is a religion in Thailand.

是專為乘坐長途機後的客人而設,為他們驅走脫 水及疲勞等問題。治療師採用特別設計的按摩動

My first treatment is the “Jetlag,” which is designed to banish the dehydration,


fatigue and sluggishness associated with flying long distances. The movements


are designed to stimulate and invigorate. A special oil is used, followed by stimulating leg gel with cypress oil and menthol that leave me feeling renewed.

接著是為身體排毒的The Oriental Organic Journey療程。治療師先以混合椰子蓉、綠豆、


Next is the “Oriental Organic Journey,” which detoxifies the body using a


combination of methods. The therapist starts by scrubbing my body with a grated


coconut, green bean, jasmine rice and coconut oil mixture before massaging my


head with a special product containing natural herbal ingredients. That’s followed


by a rejuvenating massage with rice milk cream and, finally, a refreshing shower.




翌日早上,我再到水療中心進行the Oriental Signature Treatment。這個皇牌療程採 用不同植物萃取精油,紓緩肌膚疲勞。治療師結合了泰式及歐洲的按摩技術,讓繃緊的肌 肉得以放鬆,而指壓按摩及伸展則可令身體重拾活力。療程的最後一個步驟是以香茅、黃 薑粉及泰國薑參plai熱敷肩膀及脊椎。 全新的spa studio設有四間治療房,提供多種需時較短的療程,包括面部保養、熱蠟 脫毛、足部、肩膊及頭部按摩等。酒店表示,這個概念最適合繁忙的客人在短時間完成保 養護理療程。 The following morning, I’m back at the spa for the “Oriental Signature Treatment,” which features a signature massage with a concentrated blend of essential oils extracted from plants, which release their soothing properties into the skin. The therapist combines Thai and European techniques that ease muscle tension and energize the body with acupressure movements and stretching. The experience ends with a localized shoulder and spinal herbal compress containing lemongrass, turmeric and plai. For the record, the new spa studio comprises four private rooms and offers a range of express treatments, from facials to waxings, to foot, shoulder and head messages. The hotel says the concept is “ideal for guests who want to make the most of their time.”


Mandarin Oriental Bangkok’s spa is regularly voted among the very best in the world. Treatment rooms are large and come bathed in natural light and rich Thai decor.






客人可在酒店內的Terrace Restaurant享用早、午、晚三餐,晚上湄南河上的派對船隻 五光十色,景色份外迷人。

Guests gather at the Mandarin Oriental Bangkok’s Terrace Restaurant for breakfast, lunch and romantic dinners. It’ s especially beautiful at night, when neon party boats fill the Chao Phraya River.


The fabulous Mandarin Oriental Bangkok quickly becomes my comfort zone

的comfort zone。不過酒店除了spa之外,驚喜陸

during my stay at the world renowned property that offers guests so many wonderful


experiences. To wit:

美食薈萃 Food

瘋狂血拼 Shopping

每天早上,我都喜歡在酒店的Riverside Terrace,一邊享用熱





球名店,而曼谷最高檔的購物商場Siam Paragon亦近在咫尺,

介則包括:海鮮餐廳Lord Jim’s主打鮮魚及海鮮,更可遠望湄南河 霓虹閃爍的夜景;Le Normandie為食客帶來融入泰國元素的法式

由酒店乘的士或tuk-tuk車不消一會便可到達。從酒店亦可步行至 Skytrain站,從這裡可前往多個主要購物區,方便旅客瘋狂血拼。

料理;而與水療中心一樣位於河畔同一側的Sala Rim Naam,除 可讓你在充滿泰國風情的環境下品嚐泰國料理,更提供傳統的泰 國舞蹈表演。

The Oriental features some exclusive boutique shops off the main lobby — the best lobby entrance in the hotel industry, by the way

我更有機會在酒店的烹飪學校,學習烹調傳統的泰國美食。 課程由名廚親授,為住客講解泰式烹飪藝術及各種材料的重要性。 I spend mornings eating exotic fruits and freshly-baked breads and pastry on the hotel’s Riverside Terrace, while watching massive barges and small longtail boats jockey for space on the murky, reed-filled Chao Phraya River.

— and a new shopping mall is currently under construction across the river from the hotel, which will soon be offering lots of high-end designer shops for guests to explore. Siam Paragon, Bangkok’s high-end shopping centre, is just a quick cab or tuk-tuk ride from the Oriental. The city’s Skytrain, which makes stops at all the main shopping districts, is also just a short walk from the hotel.

In the evenings, I have several fine-dining options: Lord Jim’s, a seafood restaurant featuring the freshest of fish and seafood with neon night views of the river; Le Normandie, a French restaurant whose classic gourmet offerings – with a Thai twist – would not look out of place in Paris; and Sala Rim Naam, a themed room on the same side of the river as the spa, which features Thai specialties that you eat while enjoying a traditional show with costumed dancers.

樣貌 Rim 精彩

I also get the chance to make some traditional Thai dishes at the hotel’s excellent culinary school where guests, under the watchful eye of a celebrated chef, are taught the art of Thai cooking and the importance of the ingredients used to achieve the unique tastes.





位於水療中心側的Sala Rim Naam,為客人帶來傳統的泰國料理及泰國舞蹈表演。

Guests at the Mandarin Oriental Bangkok are treated to traditional meals and entertainment at the popular Sala Rim Naam restaurant, which sits just outside the hotel’s world-renowned spa.

Som dan nig dan Ori Rim

酒店內大部分客房都可望到湄南河的景色,日間但見小 艇穿梭河上,晚上則霓虹閃爍,各有特色。

市內觀光 Sightseeing

愈夜愈精彩 nightlife





極盡奢華的前泰王皇宮the Grand Palace;以

完成翻新工程的Bamboo Bar,不少名

尖頂建築而聞名的地標鄭王廟Wat Arum;以

人如柯德莉夏萍、Mick Jagger 及Louis

及泰國最著名佛寺的玉佛寺Wat Phra Kaew,




Most rooms at the fabulous Mandarin Oriental Bangkok look out on the Chao Phraya River, filled with barges by day and neon party boats by night.

的著名雞尾酒。 水上市場是遊泰必到景點,我請酒店員工 安排參觀附近的水上市場。在酒店碼頭乘坐長






梭於曼谷的運河(曼谷曾有東方威尼斯之稱) ,









優雅客房 accommodation

客房及套房的設計,均結合優雅的泰式 Because of its strategic location along the Chao Phraya River, the Mandarin Oriental

風格與迷人的現代風情,各具特色。大 There’s no need to leave the Mandarin


Bangkok is close to all of Bangkok’s major tourist

Oriental Bangkok if you are looking for some


attractions via water taxi, including: the Grand

great entertainment and a cool place to hang


Palace, the opulent former residence of Thai

out. You’ll find all that at the hotel’s recently

kings that’s filled with golden temples; Wat Arum,

renovated Bamboo Bar, where the likes of

As part of the Mandarin Oriental

the riverside temple with the landmark spire; and

Audrey Hepburn, Mick Jagger and Louis

Bangkok’s renovations, every room has

Wat Phra Kaew, home of the reclining Buddha.

Armstrong, to name just a few, have been

been completely updated and made

It’s regarded as the most sacred Buddhist temple

seen sipping the Bamboo’s famed cocktails

better than before — no easy feat

in Thailand.

and listening to some sultry jazz and blues

considering the Oriental’s 386 rooms were

late into the night.

already the talk of the hotel industry. Every

On my last visit to the Oriental, I asked the hotel staff to arrange a visit to one of the

room and suite features an elegant Thai As part of the massive reno the hotel

style with seductive modern touches, and

nearby floating markets — a must when visiting

underwent a few years ago, the bar’s original

each displays its own distinct character.

Bangkok. Staff arranged for a longtail boat —

black rattan armchairs have been restored

Most of the rooms offer views of the river

they’re the ones that look like a long canoe and

and replicas of rattan seating shown in early

and if you have a chance to secure a

are powered by a truck-size engine — to pick

20th-century photos have been created. An

room in the Garden Wing, don’t hesitate.

me up at the hotel dock. From there we travelled

aged leather chesterfield-style banquette

It’s an experience you won’t soon forget.

through Bangkok’s extensive canal system —

and colonial-style wingback armchairs are

the city was once known as the Venice of the

additional period furnishings that have been

East — to reach a nearby floating market that

included in the refurbished Bamboo Bar, and

supplied me with many great memories and

tiger-skin prints have been retained on bar

some fabulous food.

stools and some armchairs.

查詢更多詳情,請瀏覽網址。 For more information, visit

被當地人稱為The Oriental的文華東方曼谷酒 店,座落於湄南河畔已有140年歷史。

Mandarin Oriental Bangkok, or“The Oriental”as it is known locally, has been a fixture on the banks of the Chao Phraya River for more than 140 years.

樣貌標緻的舞蹈員,於Sala Rim Naam餐廳內為客人帶來 精彩的傳統泰國舞蹈表演。

Some of the beautiful dancers who take part nightly in a traditional Thai dance show at Mandarin Oriental Bangkok’ s Sala Rim Naam restaurant.

於Sala Rim Naam餐廳內表演的舞蹈員。

More traditional dancers who perform at the Mandarin Oriental Bangkok’s Sala Rim Naam restaurant.





Elite Car 高檔跨界SUV市場愈來愈熱鬧,多間 車廠都想分一杯羹,當中包括意大利車廠

The premium crossover market is a bit more crowded these days with iconic Italian automaker Alfa Romeo adding its new Stelvio model to the mix.

Alfa Romeo,憑藉首款SUV休旅車Stelvio 正式加入戰場。

Named after an historic Italian mountain road considered to be one of the best driving routes in the world, the Stelvio joins a growing market segment that is red hot,

車款以意大利最險峻的山路Stelvio命 名,這山路被稱為世上最美的山路之一。

competing against the likes of the Jaguar F-Pace, Porsche Macan, Audi Q5, BMW X3 and Mercedes-Benz GLC among others.

在競爭激烈的市場中,Stelvio的對手包括 Jaguar F-Pace、Porsche Macan、Audi

While Alfa Romeo is a latecomer to this particular party, the Stelvio should have

Q5、BMW X3及Mercedes-Benz GLC等。

an immediate impact on the firm’s sales numbers, just as the F-Pace did for Jaguar

Alfa Romeo雖然起步較遲,但預期Stelvio

| Lorne Drury Metroland Media when it text debuted.


It’s an undisputed fact that the majority of buyers these days prefer crossovers


to sedans, so it was an opportune time for Alfa Romeo to bring its first SUV to Canada, following on the heels of the 4C and Giulia models.

Alfa Romeo是Fiat Chrysler Automobiles集團的成員之一,品牌目前在

Alfa Romeo, part of the Fiat Chrysler family, is a niche player in the Canadian


market because of its limited number of dealerships. At present, there are less than


20 across the country, all located in major cities.

喜歡SUV多於轎車,因此Alfa Romeo繼4C 及Giulia後於加拿大引入首款SUV,絕對是 最佳時機。

Nevertheless, if the F-Pace pattern repeats itself, the Stelvio is destined to be Alfa Romeo’s sales leader on this side of the pond.

AlfA Romeo首款高級休旅車 Stelvio putS AlfA Romeo in the pRemium Suv mARket

text | Lorne Drury Metroland Media






What makes it appealing, to this reviewer at least, is the Alfa Romeo DNA and

是Alfa Romeo這百年品牌的盛譽、及其開

its more than 100-year history of automotive manufacturing, specializing in high-


performance and racing automobiles.


Our tester was the 2018 Stelvio Ti Sport AWD, the mid-range offering in a three-


trim lineup that starts with the base Stelvio at $53,395. The Ti model is priced at


$54,995, although our test vehicle had a number of optional features taking the as-

2018 Stelvio Ti Sport AWD,由於添置了附

tested price to $67,502.

加設備,車價為$67,502。 At the top of the food chain will be the Stelvio Quadrifoglio, slated to hit the 頂級型號為Stelvio Quadrifoglio,預計

North American market later this year and with quite a reputation already.This fire-


breathing, 505-horsepower halo model of the lineup is the world’s fastest production


SUV, according to the manufacturer, doing the 0-60 mph sprint in 3.9 seconds, with a


top speed of 177 mph.

177km/h的實力,廠方表示是全世界最快 的SUV。Stelvio Quadrifoglio在操控方面亦

In addition, the Stelvio Quadrifoglio performs as well on the turns as the


straightaways, taming the famed Nurburgring circuit in seven minutes, 51 seconds —


the fastest time ever for a production SUV.

秒的單圈成績,創下SUV的最快紀錄。 But back to the Ti model as tested here. It features a direct-injection, 2.0-litre 說回今次試駕的Ti型號,搭載2.0升直

turbocharged engine, generating 280 horsepower and 306 lb/ft of torque, that’s


mated to an eight-speed automatic transmission with paddle shifters that shift in


less than 100 milliseconds. There are three drive modes — Dynamic, Natural and


Advanced Efficiency — selected via a dial on the centre console.

50:50重量平衡分佈,提高汽車的速度及 靈敏度。就算在極度嚴寒的氣溫下駕駛, Stelvio的操控亦得心應手。

Handling is superb, thanks in part to near 50:50 weight distribution. Driving the Stelvio during a period of extreme winter weather, it proved to be equal to the task. We were so happy to have the Q4 all-wheel-drive system during a white-knuckle


drive along Hwy 402 between London and Sarnia in southwestern Ontario.

間的一段402公路試駕,當時刮著大風雪, 路面情況十分惡劣。幸好Stelvio配備Q4四

Plodding along in near-blizzard conditions, the Stelvio was stable and well


controlled as the wind howled and the snow swirled across the road in all directions.


This system operates on demand and transfers up to 60 per cent of the torque to the


front wheels as required.

開始駕駛時,Stelvio Ti顯得有點乏 力,不過當turbo發揮作用,加速性能瞬間 大大提高。事實上,Alfa Romeo能造就出 0~100km/h加速僅需5.5秒,這加速速度一

When first behind the wheel, the Stelvio Ti felt slightly under-powered, but once the turbos kicked in, there was push aplenty. In fact, Alfa Romeo lists a 0-100 km/h time of about 5.5 seconds, a time one would expect more from a sports sedan than a mid-size crossover SUV.

般見於運動型轎車而非中型跨界SUV。 The steering and handling is extra special, particularly for a crossover and 置於中控台的撥號盤,可選擇駕駛模 式–分別為Dynamic(動態)、Normal(正常)

exactly what one would expect from an automaker that has built its reputation on high-performance sports cars and in the world of auto racing.

及Advanced Efficiency(高效能) 。以一台跨 界SUV來說,Stelvio的轉向及操控性能有

The Stelvio is a handsome vehicle. I particularly like the front-end design with its


distinctive grille, just different enough from most other mid-size sport“utes”to make


it stand out from the crowd.





Elite Car Stelvio外觀造型非常吸引,筆者尤其喜歡其車頭設計及家族化鬼 面罩,絕對能突圍而出,抓住你的目光。 以中價定位的SUV來說,Stelvio在內裝方面稍嫌簡單,不過簡約 中帶優雅。它沒有Audi或BMW的活潑,卻舒適自在,備有平底方向 盤,而引擎開關按鈕則置於方向盤的左方。 我們試駕的型號加入多項附加設備,包括Harman Kardon高級音 響系統($1,200)、雙窗格天窗($1,595)、擁有電動運動座椅及20吋輪 圈等的sport package運動套裝($2,500) 。

2018 AlfA Romeo Stelvio 車身款式:中型運動型豪華SUV

Stelvio基本型號配備18吋輪圈,而Ti則為19吋,另配搭木製飾板 及8.4吋顯示屏。

驅動方式:前置引擎,全輪驅動,8速半自動波箱 引擎:2.0公升直列四缸渦輪直噴引擎 (280 匹馬力,306 磅/呎扭力) 行李箱容量:後座後面,525 公升;摺疊後排座位,完全1,677 公升

Stelvio的車廂載物空間十分寬敞,放下後排座位後為1,677公 升,平時則為525公升。Stelvio的拖力則為1,361 kg (3,000 磅) 。安全 性能方面,它配置前方碰撞預警系統(Forward Collision Warning)、車 距控制巡航系統(Adaptive Cruise Control)、盲點偵測系統(Blind Spot Monitoring)、後輪橫向行駛識別器(Rear Cross Path detection)及前、 後泊車輔助感應器。 由於經銷商數量有限,Alfa Romeo的Stelvio在市場上屬於少眾車 款。不過我們十分歡迎Stelvio加入中型跨界SUV的戰場,亦肯定它會 吸引買家們的垂青。 Inside, the look is rather basic for a vehicle in its price class. The simple, yet elegant, cabin doesn’ t have the pizzazz of an Audi or a BMW, but it is comfortable and easy to live with. It features a neatlooking, flat-bottom steering wheel, with the start/stop button on the left-hand side. Among the other options on our test vehicle was a Harman Kardon premium audio system ($1,200), a dual-pane sunroof ($1,595) and a sport package ($2,500) featuring sport seats with power adjustable seat bolsters, 20-inch aluminum wheels and more. The base Stelvio comes with 18-inch aluminum wheels, while

耗油量:(優質無鉛汽油) 市內:10.8公升/100公里;高速公路:8.3公升/100 公里 售價:Stelvio 52,995元;Stelvio Ti 54,995元。 試駕型號67,502 元包括1,795元目的地收費。 優點 Stelvio是具備轎車性能的跨界SUV。 缺點 內裝簡約精煉,相比其他同級品牌稍嫌遜色。 誘人之處 熱切期待馬力505匹的Stelvio Quadrifoglio今年下半年登陸加國。

BODY STYLE:Mid-size sports luxury SUV. DRIVE METHOD:Front-engine, all-wheel-drive, eight-speed automatic transmission with paddle shifters. ENGINE:2.0-litre, SOHC twin-scroll turbo inline four-cylinder (280 hp, 306 lb/ft of torque). CARGO:525 litres behind second-row seats; 1,677 litres with second row folded. TOW RATING:1,361 kg (3,000 lb). FUEL CONSUMPTION:(Premium) 10.8/8.3L/100 km city/ highway. PRICE:Stelvio, $52,995; Stelvio Ti, $54,995. As tested $67,502 including $1,795 destination charge. WHAT'S BEST

The Stelvio is a crossover SUV with the soul of a performance sedan.

the Ti has 19-inchers with added features, like wood interior accents


and an 8.4-inch display screen.

The interior is simple and refined, but not up to the standards of some other luxury brands.

Cargo room is generous, with 525 litres behind the second-row seats and 1,677 litres with the second-row seats folded. The Stelvio has a tow rating of 1,361 kg (3,000 lb). Among the safety features available are Forward Collision Warning, Adaptive Cruise Control and Lane Departure Warning, Blind Spot Monitoring, Rear Cross Path detection and front and rear park assist sensors. As mentioned earlier, the Stelvio will be a niche vehicle in the market, due to the limited dealer numbers. However, it is a welcome addition to the mid-size premium crossover market and one which select buyers are sure to find appealing.


拖力:1,361 千克 (3,000磅)





We can't wait for the 505-horsepower Stelvio Quadrifoglio model to arrive in Canada later this year.

擁有過百年製車技術的Alfa Romeo,以 Stelvio加入運動型SUV市場。

After more than 100 years of automobile manufacturing, Alfa Romeo has entered the sport utility market with the Stelvio.


﹛Rear﹜ ﹛Front﹜ Stelvio的鬼面罩獨樹一幟,輕易在一眾中 型高檔SUV中突圍而出。

The Stelvio has a distinctive front grille that makes it stand out from the mid-size premium SUV crowd.

﹛Rear﹜ 車尾雙尾喉令Stelvio的車尾造型更活潑。



With its twin chrome pipes at the rear, the Stelvio's rear styling is quite interesting.

﹛Interior﹜ Stelvioh的內裝未必及得上其他同級SUV般 精彩,卻簡約實用。

Although not as sharp and refined as some premium SUV interiors, the Stelvio cabin is both simple and functional.

﹛Sunroof﹜ 雙格天窗是Stelvio的可選擇附加設備。

﹛Drive mode selector﹜

﹛Steering wheel﹜

A twin-pane sunroof is an available option on the Stelvio. (Drive mode selector)

﹛Drive mode selector﹜ 撥號盤可讓駕駛者選用不同的駕駛模 式,D y n a m i c (動態)、N o r m a l (正常)及 Advanced Efficiency(高效能) 。

This drive-mode selector allows drivers to choose between Dynamic, Normal or Advance Efficiency.

﹛Steering wheel﹜ ﹛Stelvio Pass﹜

平底方向盤造型獨特,紅色的引擎開關按 鈕置於方向盤的左方。

This unique flat-bottom steering wheel has the red stop/start button on the left.

﹛Stelvio Pass﹜ Stelvio以意大利最高的山路Stelvio Pass來 命名。山路隱藏於意大利阿爾卑斯山脈之 中,全長12公里的路段共有48個彎位,被 喻為世界上最佳駕駛路段之一。

The Stelvio is named after the Stelvio Pass, the highest mountain pass in Italy. Nestled in the Italian Alps, the 20-kilometre road that crosses it boasts more than 48 curves and is considered one of the greatest driving roads in the world.






環顧現今智能腕錶主場,豈只是 「雨後春筍」 所 能形容?大家都在找特色、找賣點、找一條別 與不同的新血路;Android wear是自由開放平 台,惹來一眾時尚品牌搶一杯羹。當中,只有 Armani有膽識又有實力請來被《時代》雜誌選 為 「最具影響力青少年」 的加拿大萬人迷Shawn Mendes,擔當旗下智能錶的形象大使。 Smart watches are a dime a dozen these days, so much so that brands have to find a point of difference to set themselves apart. Android Wear, as an open platform, is a fertile ground for fashion brands to claim a toehold in the market. In a show of force, Armani has won over Canadian heartthrob Shawn Mendes, one of the “Most Influential Teens” named by Time Magazine, to be its smart watch icon.

Canadian heartthrob Shawn MendeS lendS hiS Star power to

Emporio ArmAni ConnECtEd 加拿大萬人迷Shawn MendeS星級加持 text | Ringo





作為EA旗下首款搭載Android Wear OS、支援全屏幕觸控的智慧 手錶,Emporio Armani Connected的錶殼、鋼帶及皮帶的finishing都 造得相當不俗,打磨下了苦功,質素媲美傳統瑞士品牌。 Emporio Armani Connected可與iOS及Android手機相容,一般計 算步數、健身目標、看天氣看指示看地圖固然輕而易舉,一旦接駁上 Google Play,無數應用程式可把腕錶的實用性無限提升。腕錶備有8 款不同錶盤及11款不同錶帶可供選擇。(約售$600起)

Emporio Armani Connected, the brand’s first smart watch, is powered by Android Wear OS and features full-screen touch control. With wellfinished cases and bands, their slick look is comparable to classic Swiss watch brands. Emporio Armani Connected is compatible with iOS and Android mobile phones. Typical functions, such as pedometer and fitness tracker, or checking the weather or the map are all there. When connected to Google Play, the access to boundless apps expands the watch’s functionality exponentially. It comes in eight dial designs and 11 band choices. (Priced from about $600 approxi.)





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el’s oul (2017), Chan on (2015) and Se idst much star nd Lo in rs te ap l ch am After its successfu ” exhibition landed in Hong Kong ellePrive ivé ertyy. #Mademois nc co @ g on W “Mademoiselle Pr an ym W ru gu style power, including 到 riveHK #香奈兒駕 #MademoiselleP

You do not have to be Chris Hadfield to need protection from space. London-based 111SKIN uses space science to protect your skin against environmental damage at high altitude, varying temperatures and the polluted urban setting. Don’t miss our review of #LUNAR28, a 28-day treatment that will set you back two grand. #medicalskincare #cultbeauty #英國知名





Fast and delicious – that’s the motto of @tachi_toronto by @chefjackielin , Canada’s first traditional stand-up sushi restaurant that serves a $45 omakase menu in less than 30 mins. It is literally #standingroomonly – there are only 8 spaces! #立食壽司

Toronto Fa entire cit shion Week Fa ll/ y buzzin g with th Winter 2018 ha Canadia e d n back, in designers. This season’s talente the partners year, the d roster h @fashio ntalkspo ip with @cafaw speaker series of is ards dcast. # fashionlo vers rejo ice!

Tag, you are it! Tagged with whimsical #oneofakind doodles, the playful capsule collection features three limited-edition nail lacquers in addition to accessories and footwear. #expressionistart #CL紅底鞋

Whether for collection, celebration or gift-giving, we are digging the CNY-inspired limited edition @martellcognac #cordonbleu designed by paper-cutting artist @SabrinaTransiskus. The boxes come with a QR code to send a personalized #MartellWish video and voice memo! #藍帶馬爹利 #干邑傳奇

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