A publication by Sing Tao Media Group May/June
May/June 2018 Vol. 35 Calgary
2018 Milan F/W Fashion Week
The Blessed One : Grace chan
Home Special
萬眾矚目 初登場
Rolex GMT-Master II Limelight of Baselworld 2018
Grace Chan 陳凱琳
Masthead 35
A publication by Sing Tao Media Group May/June
May/June 2018 Vol. 35 Calgary
2018 Milan F/W Fashion Week
The Blessed One : Grace chan
行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 總裁 President 副社長 Associate Publisher
萬眾矚目 初登場
Rolex GMT-Master II Limelight of Baselworld 2018
Grace Chan 陳凱琳
Read Online: EliteGen.singtao.ca App: “EliteGen” in App Store & Google Play
Home Special
佩嘉露 Carol Peddie 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 葉子青 Leslie Yip
編輯部 editorial
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胡君偉 Kelvin Wu
加西版 Can West
張萬青 Katherine Cheung
加東版 Can East
徐少玲 Iris Chui
編審 Copy Editor 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 參與 Contributors
Ross Hopkins 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk Marc Atchison, Grace Chan, Joanne Chan, Lorne Drury,
Kenson Ho, Gloria Lo, Zoe Mak, Crystal Ng,
Renée S. Suen, Shuk Wa Tsang, George Verdolaga,
Livian Wu, Emilia Ku Yazar, Clarice Yik, Iris Yim
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Sing Tao Daily Limited
編輯部 Editorial Contact editorial@singtao.ca 營業部 Advertising Contact calsales@singtao.ca / 403-213-6882 Address : #10, 40 Hopewell Way NE, Calgary AB T3J 5H7
ContentS CAL
WatCh Story
萬眾矚目 初登場
rOlex GMT-MasTer II lIMelIGhT Of BaselwOrld 2018
Cover Story
天之驕女 陳凱琳
The Blessed One: Grace chan
FaShion headline
米蘭秋冬時裝周 2018 MIlan f/w fashIOn week
WatCh neWS
26 新錶展鋒芒 chanel aT BaselwOrld 2018
28 冰晶奇緣 chauMeT PrOMenades IMPérIales crysTal clear
ladieS’ piCkS
42 紅粉紅 red w/ PInk
Men’S piCkS
44 回到黑暗 Back In Black
46 舉目盡是BalencIaGa BalencIaGa everywhere
hoMe SpeCial
50 著名設計師專訪 InTervIew wITh renOwn InTerIOr desIGner aBrahaM chan 52 愛馬仕 : 由馬具到家居裝飾 herMès : frOM hOrse harness TO hOMe furnIshInGs 54 永恆的羅馬假期 BuIldInG yOur dreaM hOuse 56 硬碰金屬幾何的軟時尚 hOMe décOr 60 滿室生香 creaTInG cOzIness
ContentS CAL
迪士尼世界的 珍貴時刻
一年一度 蝦歸來
desIGner dIsney
B.c. sPOT Prawn fesTIval – an annual rITual
elite Car
豪華典範 無出其右
Mercedes-Benz s 560 4MaTIc lOnG wheelBase 2018 MercedesBenz s-class sTIll seTs The luxury sTandard Beauty neWS
62 升級版嫩肌活膚精華面膜 lancôMe advanced GénIfIque hydrOGel MelTInG Mask 63 全球每兩秒售出一瓶 BIOderMa sensIBIO h2O sOld every TwO secOnds arOund The wOrld
64 透白 hIGh GlOss
68 善之光晚宴再創新高峰 TIMe TO shIne Gala: sOarInG TO new heIGhTs
Wine not
76 義無反顧造vInTaGe GOInG vInTaGe wITh nO cOMPuncTIOn
elite liFe
78 相約在無分界限的Parallel wInTer OlyMPIc un-Paralleled hOrIzOns
88 與平治Mercedes GullwInGs的終生戀情 frOM sMall-TOwn BOy TO wOrld’s PreMIere resTOrer Of Mercedes GullwInGs
96 真 • 動 • 聽 BOse sOundsPOrT free wIreless headPhOnes The BesT GrIP fOr yOur sPOrTInG lIfe
98 關注星尚IG,緊貼潮流 elITeGen GOes sOcIal
部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 All prices are in CAD unless otherwise specified. 除特別標明外,所有價錢以加幣計算。
Dress Code text | 蔡安儀
Lily Lee 自小已經是時裝精,曾修讀時裝設計,並夢想成為時裝設計師,致力宣揚 「飯可以不吃,衣服不可以不買」 的精神。 近年由藝人轉型為Fashionista,在網上撰寫時裝專欄,同時身兼網上節目 《谷乜Trend》 監製及主持,分享時尚及美容資訊。 Born with an eye for fashion and style, becoming a fashion designer was always Lily’s dream. Now that she’s a fashionista, not only does she have her own styling blog, but she also directs and hosts the reality show Music Live Valley , where fashion and beauty trends are explored.
The eleganT
高貴 優雅
人逢 喜事
The hOUR glaSS
體態 玲瓏
Carina Lau
Gillian Chung
Grace Chan
劉嘉玲示範如何以高貴形式穿著乾濕褸,以Dior全 紅乾濕褸襯one-piece裙和高跟鞋,再添黑色畫家 帽,散發陣陣優雅氣息。
阿嬌皮膚本來就白皙,穿上紅白藍星星大褸,更有 人逢喜事的神采飛揚感。即使褸長及腳踝,卻出奇 地改善身形比例,顯得甚是修長。
陳凱琳這上身跌膊deep V設計晚裝,一反向來身材 無甚瞄頭的印象,不但體態玲瓏,更沒有刻意營造 的突兀感。
This is a good example of how to wear a trench coat in an elegant way. Carina has donned Dior’s red trench coat with a one-piece dress, heels and a painter hat.
Fair-skinned Gillian looks marvellous in a red, white and blue star coat. This coat is very long, making her look taller and slimmer.
This evening dress, with its deep-V design, enhances Grace’s figure in a subtle way.
FRench STyle elegance
法式 優雅
VacaTIOn STyle
度假 風情
One OF a KInD
得天 獨厚
Charlie Young
Qi Qi
Laurinda Ho
黑白色配搭很易顯得沉悶,楊采妮的Dior seethrough裙,美腿若隱若現,襯以黑色畫家帽,充滿 法式優雅氣質,一流。
琦琦這Tory Burch黑白色直間one-piece,充滿度假 風情,看上去已覺非常舒服,再簡單配以白色平底 鞋和黑色帽,更是有型。
何超蓮的粉紅白色直間恤衫裙不算太特別,惹人好 感主要得力於伊的年青貌美和好皮膚,甜美乖巧女 孩味道迫人而來。
Black and white can easily look boring, but Charlie is elegant in this Dior see-through dress. Together with the black painter hat, she expresses a French elegance.
QiQi looks comfy and relaxed in this black and white Tory Burch one-piece. Matching it with a pair of white sneakers and black hat is totally stylish.
This pink striped dress is rather ordinary. What makes it appealing is Laurinda’s youth and beauty.
Dress Code
FanTaSy QUeen
夢幻 女王
PeRFecT examPle
完美 示範
驚艷 初哥
Emily Blunt
Jennifer Garner
Allison Williams
一身雪紡晚裝,配上大熱coral-tone妝容,令Emily Blunt看上去甚具夢幻味道,晚裝的喱士設計,突 出腰、膊線條,令她更是艷光四射。
Jennifer Garner這襲鮮藍色晚裝,令她輕易成為紅 地毯上的焦點,配合她的髮型和濃妝,即使已是三 子女之母,依然仙氣十足。
一齣 《訪.嚇》 ,令廿九歲的Allison Williams登上奧 斯卡大舞台,選擇穩打穩紮的nude色系晚裝,顯現 女性化一面,剪裁亦能展示其上半身線條,甚為驚 艷。
This chiffon evening dress, plus her hot, coraltone makeup, turns Emily Blunt into a fantasy queen. The lace design on the dress highlights her body shape for a stunning look.
Jennifer Garner went under the spotlight in this bright blue evening dress with a hairstyle and makeup that are perfect for her. You’d never know she’s the mother of three.
Get Out star Allison Williams accepts her Oscar in a nude-colour evening dress. The dress’s particular cut highlights her body shape. She is surely a stunning first-timer.
裙 Dress:Schiaparelli 首飾 Accessories:Chopard
裙 Dress:Atelier Versace
裙 Dress:Armani Prive
網評:由髮型、妝容、晚裝都跟她很是 相襯! Comments from netizens: The hairstyle, makeup and evening dress all suit her to a T!
網評:出席大場面的完美示範! Comments from netizens: She is the perfect example for the big event.
網評:平穩中仍不乏驚喜。 Comments from netizens: Steady and stunning.
aFRIcan STyle
非常 風格
跳出 框框
laRa alIVe
活靈 活現
Naomie Harris
Jennifer Lawrence
Alicia Vikander
電影《黑豹》票房大熱,間接帶起非洲風格潮流。 Naomie Harris的黑色透視套裝,畫有非洲部落特 色圖案,是時尚型格之選。
以Jennifer Lawrence當今影壇地位,一襲性感低胸 閃爍晚裝,不但不覺浮誇,反而有恰如其分,很適 合一線巨星的身份!
新一代 「盜墓者羅拉」 Alicia Vikander在首映禮上打扮 既貼題又有特色,東方味混合波希米亞元素,配幾 分懷舊風,切合角色身份。
Black Panther ’s box-office success had led to a rise in African styles, like Naomie Harris’s black see-through piece with its African patterns.
This sexy, shiny evening gown is a perfect choice for superstar Jennifer Lawrence.
Alicia Vikander, the latest Tomb Raider Lara Croft , nailed her look at the premiere. The dress is a mix of oriental and bohemian elements, with a trace of vintage style.
套裝 Suit:Zuhair Murad Couture 首飾 Accessories:De Beers
裙 Dress:Christian Dior 耳環 Earrings:Sara Weinstock
裙 Dress:Louis Vuitton
網評:看來非洲風格方興未艾! Comments from netizens: Looks like the African style is the new trend!
網評:Classic的及肩金色曲髮,相得益彰。 Comments from netizens: Her classic hairstyle matches perfectly with the gown.
網評:即使穿著大牌子出品,依然能保持個 人風格。 Comments from netizens: She maintains her personal style in a luxury dress.
Cover Story
Diane von Furstenberg cropped denim v-neck blouse $619 (farfetch.com) Demylee sleeveless top Jil Sander Navy striped palazzo pants $1,317 (farfetch.com) Tory Burch earrings
入行四年的陳凱琳,演出機會繁多,但最惹人羡 慕的,是得男友鄭嘉穎肯定,高調甜蜜放閃。 Grace憑甚麼得天獨厚?她自信、樂觀、隨遇而 安、生活簡單;新年願望是傻氣的「少食蛋糕、 多食蔬菜」,大家不斷揣測她如何「馴服」鄭嘉 穎,其實正能量就是她的必殺技。
The Blessed One:
Grace chan Four years into her showbiz career, Grace Chan has won her fair share of air time. She is also envied for being the sweetheart of screen heartthrob Kevin Cheng. Why is Grace so blessed? She is confident, upbeat, easy going and leads a simple life. Her New Year resolution was cute – “eat less cake and more vegetables!” We are all speculating how she managed to capture wild Kevin. Her positive energy is perhaps her best weapon.
text | Candy Woo photo | Kenji Leung
styling | Veronica Li @vnikali.com
stylist/assistant | Risa Kamiki
hair | Sue Cheung
makeup | Soey Li
難忘的第一次 過去的2017,她形容是「90%開心」, 在風高浪急的娛樂圈中,實屬難得。 「2017有許多難忘的第一次,包括第 一次親身到意大利看時裝秀;第一次拍網 劇《飛虎極戰》,體驗以拍攝電影的模式拍 劇;第一次參與電影拍攝;第一次到內地 拍電視劇,挑戰以普通話說對白,即使明 知播出時會被配音,但總算是一次磨練。」
She described 2017 as “90% happy”. This is pretty good, considering the turbulent nature of show biz. “There were lots of unforgettable firsts in 2017, including attending a fashion show in Italy in person for the first time; shooting my first-ever online show Flying
Tiger in movie-making style; being in the first movie production; and delivering lines in Putonghua in my first TV show in China, though knowing full well it would be dubbed when it’s aired. But it’s a challenge nonetheless.”
Diane von Furstenberg boat neck midi dress $1,165 (dvf.com) Oscar de la Renta leather earrings
以一個入行只有幾年的新人來說, 能涉足電影界,是大運氣。 「《起底組》是
For a relative new comer who has been in the business for just a few years, it’s tremendous luck to get on the big silver screen.
Keyboard Warriors is my first movie. I am sister with Stephy in the
movie. My character is a carefree gambler who loves to splash out on
luxury goods. There are comedy elements in the movie, but they are
all handled by Yau Hawk-Sau and Lam Yiu-sing. The scenes of Stephy
and I are mostly about sisterhood. She is more experienced. She can
lead me into the right mood by simply tearing up.”
戲。」 Stephy’s acting skills have improved by leaps and bounds recently. Stephy近期常被讚演技脫胎換骨,
Grace was fortunate to learn by example and find the common ground
between making movies and TV series. “Both are about team work,
影 和 電 視 的 共 通 點 ,「 兩 者 都 是 t e a m
and communication is very important. I have built rapport with TV crews
over a period of time. For movies, I need to learn to communicate with
a new team, and coordinate on blocking and angles in order to get
good results.”
好作品。」 Shooting at north of the border is another new challenge. When 北上拍劇,是另一個新挑戰。拍香
making TV series in Hong Kong, she has made lots of good girl pals
and found a boyfriend. In the TV series in China, she has found a
good “big brother”. “I have many scenes with Oscar (Leung Lit-wai).
We have a lot to talk about, and we became friends very quickly. He is
more experienced in productions in China, and he knows country, and
is good at looking after others. When we have dinner together, he will
remember every person’s preference, just like a big brother.”
像一個大哥哥。」 In addition to heading north, Grace has made the bold move of Grace不單北上拍劇,還大膽走去
performing on stage. “I sang for an audience of more than 10,000
people for the first time. I told myself before stepping on stage: ‘Be
confident. Don’t be nervous!’ Fortunately, I didn’t sing off tune. Actually,
I’m bolder when singing to strangers than to people I know. Haha!”
歌,會比對著熟人唱時放膽,哈哈!」 Kevin was very encouraging and taught her how to breathe and 鄭嘉穎一直支持鼓勵,還教她運氣
use her voice. “He taught me some tricks about stage performance.
But it’s scarier to sing for him alone than to sing on stage, because the
better you know someone, the more concerned you are of what he
thinks.” So she dealt with Kevin’s critique with compliant nods. Kevin
didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. Grace explained immediately:
“The more I sang, the better I would become. And then I would get it
Sportmax Code rainbow top Aris Geldis golden necklace
COVER STORY Dice Kayek blue blouse BaubleBar crystal earrings
超現實的期待 她坦言小時候沒立志做藝人,也不覺自己有表演慾,大學 選讀傳理系,也是一心想做記者採訪寫文章,難以想像今天會 演戲唱歌做主持,直至拍過幾部劇集後,她才找到演藝工作的 樂趣,開始明白甚麼是前輩說的 「戲癮」 。 「演過一、兩部劇之後,開始期待下一次演甚麼角色,思 考怎樣演才得到觀眾認同,或者翻看舊作,研究自己有沒有進 步。初入行時,曾經懷疑自己是否適合做藝人,但期待劇集播 出那種興奮心情,令我知道自己真的喜歡演戲。」演戲有趣,因 為能嘗試過另一種人生,所以她最期待的,是現實中不會出現 的情節。 「好想試試警匪、槍戰、綁架這類動作場面,或者像《巨輪 2 》那種情緒起伏很大的角色,演民初、古裝劇,生活在另一個 世界,也很好玩,所以 《張保仔》 玩穿越,拍得好開心。」 說到目標,Grace不敢奢望得獎,只希望有人談論,得到 讚賞, 「像 《平安谷》 有正面評價,有人認同,我已經很滿足。」
Hoping for the surreal She said she had never planned on becoming an actress, and didn’t think she had the desire to perform. She majored in media and communication and planned on becoming a journalist. She wouldn’t have imagined that she would act, sing and be a program host. After involving in a few TV series, she finally found the fun of show biz, and began to understand what the veterans described as “acting thrills”. “After one or two TV series, I began to look forward to the next role, and started thinking how to act to make it resonate with viewers. I would also watch past works and see if I have improved. When I first started in the business, I wondered if I was cut out to be an artist. But the excitement of waiting for the works to air makes me realise that I really enjoy acting.” Acting is fun because it provides an opportunity to live the life of a different person, so she longs for stories that are not likely to happen in real life. “I’d love to try action stories like police stories, gun fights and kidnapping. Something like the emotionally volatile characters of
Brother’s Keeper II. Period dramas are also fun, to live in another world. Time travel in Captain of Destiny was great fun.” When it comes to goals, Grace doesn’t dare to hope for awards yet. She would like to be talked about, and get good reviews. “I’ll settle for positive feedbacks and recognition like those I got for The Forgotten Valley.”
Talitha embroidered high-rise cotton twill shorts US$509 (matchesfashion.com) Emilio Pucci scarf $875 (saksfifthavenue.com) Jimmy Choo Lance sandals $1,332 (farfetch.com)
watch story Rolex GMT-MasTeR II
LimeLight of BaseLworLd 2018
一年一度於瑞士巴塞爾舉行的Baselworld鐘錶珠寶展,Rolex繼續成為焦點所在。 單是GMT-Master II的出現,已令一眾 「勞粉」 喜不自勝。 Rolex remains a perennial focal point at Baselworld text & photo | provided by Rolex
Oyster Perpetual GMT-Master II 今次推出的三款全新GMT-
Rolex is extending its GMT-Master II range
Master II腕錶,搭載全新
with a new Oystersteel version, equipped with
3285型機芯(動力儲備 約70小時)和Jubilee錶
a bi-directional rotatable bezel and a 24-hour graduated two-colour Cerachrom insert in red
and blue ceramic. The lugs and sides of the case
have been redesigned, and the watch is fitted on
a five-link Jubilee bracelet. Two other versions of
the GMT-Master II have been introduced — an
18-carat Everose gold model and an Everose
式錶殼及紀念型 錶帶,雙向旋轉
Rolesor version, combining Oystersteel and 18-carat Everose gold.
外圈則配上紅藍雙色 Cerachrom陶質24小時 刻度字圈。另外兩款全
These new versions are equipped with the next-generation calibre 3285, at the
新GMT-Master II則首次
forefront of watchmaking technology. With 10
patent applications filed over the course of its
development, the movement is equipped with a
Chronergy escapement and guarantees a power reserve of approximately 70 hours.
Oyster Perpetual Datejust 36 新款Oyster Perpetual Datejust
The Oyster Perpetual Datejust 36, with a 36-millimetre
case, comes in Everose Rolesor (Oystersteel and
18-carat Everose gold) and yellow Rolesor (Oystersteel
and 18-carat yellow gold) versions. Both are available
with a large selection of dials.
Datejust 36,直徑36毫米,錶殼經 重新設計,更首次搭載3235型機械機
These watches feature redesigned lugs and sides,
and the calibre 3235 is equipped with a self-winding
module via a perpetual rotor. Thanks to its new barrel
architecture and the escapement’s superior efficiency, the
power reserve extends to approximately 70 hours.
Oyster Perpetual Datejust 31 新一代Oyster Perpetual Datejust 31(蠔式 恒動日誌型 31),配備嶄新設計的錶殼外側 及錶耳。新款備有18ct白色黃金款、18ct 黃金款及18ct永恒玫瑰金款,搭載勞力士
The Oyster Perpetual Datejust 31 has redesigned case sides and lugs. In 18-carat white, yellow or Everose gold, the new versions are equipped with calibre 2236. The self-winding
module via a Perpetual rotor offers a power
reserve of approximately 55 hours.
具有頂級天文台精密時計性能。機芯 配備自動上鏈組件,藉由恒動擺陀為主 發條上鏈,其動力儲備約為55小時。
Amongst the many combinations available, one comes in 18-carat white gold and is fitted with a white mother-of-pearl dial and a diamond-
set bezel. Another, in 18-carat yellow gold and
set with diamonds, features a malachite dial with
VI and IX Roman numerals. An 18-carat Everose
gold version features a diamond-paved dial inlaid
with pink mother-of-pearl butterflies.
Watch Story
Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona
Oyster Perpetual Rolex Deepsea
新款Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona鑲寶石款
新款Oyster Perpetual Rolex Deepsea以蠔式鋼製成,
此,Rolex Glidelock延展系統及蠔式摺扣延展鏈節也經過相
藝製成,散發獨特光澤。搭載4130型自動上鏈機械計時機 芯,藉由恒動擺陀為主發條上鏈,其動力儲備約為72小時。
The Oyster Perpetual Rolex Deepsea in Oystersteel with a D-blue dial comes in a 44-millimetre case, featuring redesigned
The Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona, in 18-carat
lugs and sides. Its broader Oyster bracelet is equipped with
Everose gold, is adorned with gemstones. In lieu of the
a resized Oysterlock folding safety clasp. The Rolex Glidelock
emblematic tachymetric scale, the bezel features 36 baguette-
extension system and the Fliplock extension link have also been
cut sapphires in rainbow hues. Eleven baguette-cut sapphire
adapted accordingly.
hour markers each match the colour of the corresponding gemstone on the bezel. The traditional chronograph counters are in pink gold crystals.
The Rolex Deepsea is equipped with calibre 3235. This movement,
The case is embellished with 56 brilliant-cut diamonds set
at the forefront of
into the lugs and crown guard. It is equipped with calibre 4130,
watchmaking technology,
integrating a blue Parachrom hairspring produced by Rolex in
incorporates the patented
an exclusive paramagnetic alloy, and offering a power reserve of
Chronergy escapement
approximately 72 hours.
and provides a power reserve of approximately 70 hours.
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Tue Apr 03 2018 10:47:59 GMT-0700
Watch News
新錶展鋒芒 CHANEL AT BASELWORLD 2018 在今年的Baselworld, Chanel推出多款新錶,當 中女裝腕錶BOY •FRIEND Caliber 3鏤空腕錶是品牌 第三枚自製機芯款式。品 牌亦用一式12款獨一無二 的新設計,重新詮釋J12系 列,主打陶瓷馬賽克抽象 設計。 This year, Chanel unveils exciting new models at
BOY•FRIEND腕錶於2015年首度發 表,秉持Chanel柔中帶剛,滲入鍾愛的 男裝元素。今年推出的Calibre 3鏤空高 級製錶機芯。懸浮在18K BEIGE米色金 八角造型錶殼,搭配一連串連接垂直輪 系結構。鏡面拋光BEIGE米色金倒角, 凸顯機芯的層次,黑色錶橋展現了機芯 律動之美。
The BOY∙FRIEND Skeleton Chanel takes its first feminine creation,
Baselworld 2018, the
the PREMIÈRE, into masculine territory. The
annual world watch and
from the masculine wardrobe so dear to
jewelry show, including the BOY∙FRIEND Skeleton Caliber 3 — a timepiece housing the brand’s third
BOY∙FRIEND watch twists the elements Mademoiselle Chanel. With its enigmatic name, it doesn’t think twice about shaking up the classic, feminine watchmaking codes. For the first time, the BOY∙FRIEND watch houses a fine- watchmaking skeleton movement, the Calibre 3. Floating
in-house movement. As
in its octagonal beige gold case, it features
well, the J12 is also
a series of interlinked, vertically aligned
reinterpreted in a set of 12
chamfering emphasizes the movement’s
circles. The mirror-polished beige gold
one-of-a-kind watches,
depth. The bridges are at the back,
each decorated with an
abstract ceramic.
BOY•FRIEND Skeleton Calibre 3鏤空腕錶
allowing the watch’s beating heart to stand
J12 2000年面世的J12是首枚將高科技精密陶瓷大膽轉化為 彌足珍貴材質的腕錶。Chanel今年推出一套共12款、獨一無 二的J12腕錶系列,每一款均以高科技精密陶瓷馬賽克鑲嵌 抽象構圖。12款腕錶可結合為由Chanel製錶創意工作室設 計、具延續性概念的組圖。承襲相同的美學概念,另外兩款 黑白J12腕錶,以數字12為靈感,各限量發行1,200枚。 Launched in 2000, the J12 was the first watch to dare transforming high-tech ceramic into a precious material. For 2018, Chanel presents a set of 12 one-of-a-kind watches, each decorated with an abstract composition produced in ceramic marquetry. The 12 pieces together form a polyptych, showcasing a graphic design by Chanel’s Watchmaking Creative Studio. In the same artistic spirit, two J12 watches in black and white, and inspired by the number 12, are being issued in a limited-edition series of 1,200 pieces in each colour.
CODE COCO CODE COCO腕錶於錶面中心的扣環設計, 一如Chanel女士於1955年2月創作的2.55手袋鎖 扣。鎖扣開關之間,時間可被巧妙地隱藏或展 現。一顆鑽石低調地閃耀於黑色的錶盤上,綻 放著珍貴的魅力。柔軟舒適的手鐲,輕盈而不 干擾絲毫動作,是引發菱格紋設計的初衷。 2018年,Chanel更首次推出黑色陶瓷CODE COCO腕錶。 The CODE COCO watch closes with a click like the quilted 2.55 bag created by Mademoiselle Chanel in February 1955, sealing the watch with an exclusive flourish. A diamond subtly shines on a black dial, creating a precious allure. For 2018, Chanel presents the CODE COCO in black ceramic for the first time, a material of predilection for Chanel watchmaking.
MONSIEUR 2018年,Chanel給專為男仕打造的MONSIEUR de Chanel腕 錶系列注入獅子印記,推出兩款MONSIEUR腕錶;還有搭載改良 自Calibre 2的新版CALIBRE 2.2機芯、獨一無二的懷錶及座鐘, 限量發行五座。 For 2018, Chanel welcomes the Lion to its MONSIEUR collection, a watch specially designed for men. There are two versions of the Monsieur watch: a one-of-a-kind pocket watch fitted with a new version of the Calibre 2, and a limited-edition series of five pieces.
Jewelry 冰晶奇緣 為 了 凸 顯 世 間 僅 有 的「 落 日 霞 彩 」色 帕 帕 拉 恰 藍 寶 石,除了成為Les Mondes deChaumet - Promenades Impériales系列的主角,鑲 嵌在吊墜頸鏈,同時也可 分拆作襟針佩戴。 The Padparadscha sapphire has a unique orange-pink hue that evokes dawn or dusk and is the star of a pendant — part of the Promenades Impériales collection — that’s transformable into a brooch.
Promenades Impériales高 級珠寶系列所採用的鑲嵌 方式,可追溯至1914年沙 皇外甥女伊琳娜(Princess Irina Alexandrovna of Russia)所佩戴的「旭日」 (Sun) 鑽冕。 The distinctive setting technique of the Promenades Impériales collection can be traced back to the Sun diamond headpiece worn in 1914 by Princess Irina Alexandrovna of Russia, niece of the Tsar.
Chaumet Promenades ImPérIales Crystal Clear
Les Mondes de Chaumet, the luxury
Mondes de Chaumet高級珠寶系列,以一月、
collection of French high-jewelry brand
Chaumet, plays out in three chapters. The
為首站,名為Promenades Impériales的珠寶系
first stop is Russia, where the collection
captures the beauty of the Siberian winter
as a celebration of the art of jewelry enriched
by different cultures. text | Chappie
Les Mondes de Chaumet - Promenades Impériales 18K白金藍寶石戒指,鑲嵌1顆來自錫 蘭、重5.08卡橢圓形切割藍寶石,以及欖尖形切 割和明亮式切割鑽石。 Les Mondes de Chaumet’s Promenades Impériales 18K white gold sapphire ring with a 5.08ct oval Ceylan sapphire, accentuated by marquise and brilliant diamonds.
Les Mondes de Chaumet – Promenades Impériales 18K白 金藍寶石鑽石胸針,鑲嵌1顆來自錫蘭、重2.45卡枕形切 割藍寶石、1顆重0.70卡的明亮式切割DVVS2級鑽石, 以及欖尖形切割和明亮式切割鑽石。 Les Mondes de Chaumet’s Promenades Impériales 18K white gold sapphire diamond brooch features a 2.45ct cushion-cut Ceylan sapphire and a 0.7ct brilliant-cut DVVS2 diamond, interspersed with marquise and brilliant diamonds.
Les Mondes de Chaumet - Promenades Impériales 18K白金藍寶石鑽石耳環,鑲嵌來自錫 蘭的橢圓形切割藍寶石,分別重4.29卡和4.06卡 明亮式切割E VVS2級鑽石,每顆重0.58卡,以及 欖尖形切割和明亮式切割鑽石。 Les Mondes de Chaumet’s Promenades Impériales 18K white gold sapphire diamond earrings are set with oval Ceylan sapphires of 4.29ct and 4.06ct and brilliant-cut EVVS2 diamonds (each of 0.58ct) interspersed with marquise and brilliant diamonds.
Les Mondes de Chaumet – Promenades Impériales 18K白金藍寶 石戒指,鑲嵌1顆來自錫蘭、重5.01卡 枕形切割藍寶石,以及欖尖形切割和 明亮式切割鑽石。 Les Mondes de Chaumet’s Promenades Impériales 18K white gold sapphire ring with a 5.01ct cushion-cut Ceylan sapphire, interspersed with marquise and brilliant diamonds.
A tribute to An Art nAtion
Chaumet曾為來自俄羅斯皇室的顯赫客人創製過不少 傳奇珠寶。Promenades Impériales這套珠寶包括可變換 的長項鏈、胸針、耳環、戒指和手鏈,主要採用了世 間僅有的橙粉紅色的帕帕拉恰(Padparadscha)藍寶石 和清澈明亮的藍色錫蘭藍寶石,來配合猶如雪花般的 鑲嵌效果,藉以向俄羅斯的裝飾藝術致敬。 Russia is the first stop, to pay homage to a country where Chaumet has had a long-standing link to royalty. The Promenades Impériales collection includes a pendant that can be transformed into a brooch, earrings, a ring and a bracelet. It features peachy Padparadscha sapphires and azure Ceylan sapphires, set amongst ice-crystal-like diamonds to pay tribute to Russian ornamental art.
Les Mondes de Chaumet – Promenades Impériales 18K白金 及玫瑰金可變換項鏈,鑲嵌1顆來自錫蘭,重16.31卡的梨形 「落日霞彩」色帕帕拉恰藍寶石、1顆來自錫蘭,重9.03卡的蛋 面切割帕帕拉恰藍寶石、1顆重1.13卡,橢圓切割D VVS1級鑽 石、1顆重0.45卡DVVS1級明亮式切割鑽石、欖尖形切割和明 亮式切割鑽石。 Les Mondes de Chaumet’s Promenades Impériales 18K white gold and rose gold transformable pendant with a 16.31ct “sunset” Padparadscha sapphire, a 9.03ct Padparadscha cabochon, a 1.13ct oval DVVS1 diamond and a 0.45ct DVVS1 brilliant-cut diamond, interspersed with marquise and brilliant diamonds.
Les Mondes de Chaumet – Promenades Impériales 18K白金及玫瑰金帕帕拉恰藍寶石 鑽石耳環,鑲嵌1顆來自馬達加斯加、重1.71 卡橢圓形切割帕帕拉恰藍寶石;1顆來自錫 蘭、重1.52卡橢圓形切割帕帕拉恰藍寶石、每 顆重0.57卡、明亮式切割E VVS2級鑽石、欖尖 形切割和明亮式切割鑽石。 Les Mondes de Chaumet’s Promenades Impériales 18K white gold and rose gold Padparadscha sapphire earrings, featuring a 1.71ct oval Madagasca Padparadscha sapphire, a 1.52ct oval Ceylanese Padparadscha sapphire and a 0.57ct brilliant-cut EVVS2 diamond, framed by marquise and brilliant diamonds.
(所有貨品尚未定價) (All prices TBD)
Fashion Headline
2018 Milan F/W Fashion Week
text | Michelle Chow
今個米蘭秋冬時裝周有不少令人驚 喜的話題,如Gucci模特兒抱着栩栩 如生的魔龍、Moschino富玩味的真 人芭比造型,以及Dolce & Gabbana 有如節日慶典的finale……均令人留 下深刻印象,在這個講求話題的世 代,令米蘭造就出自己的專屬個性。 Milan’s 2018 Fall/Winter Fashion Week gave us much to talk about. There were the Gucci models carrying baby dragons in their arms, Moschino models playfully styled as Barbies and Dolce & Gabbana’s carnival-like finale. They all left an everlasting impression and made Milan the talk of the town. Fe
Dolce & Gab
Fashion Headline Vivetta
Emporio Armani
Dolce & Gabbana
Call me by your name 現今凡事講branding,彷彿有label才有市場價值。放眼2018秋 冬的時裝舞台,Fendi、Prada、Dolce & Gabbana、Versace等紛紛 將品牌名字搶眼地放在設計之上,令人移不開視線。
Branding is king these days, and labels add tremendous value to a product. On the stage at the 2018 Fall/Winter Fashion Week, the labels of major brands like Fendi, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana and Versace were proudly integrated into their eye-catching designs.
Checkers Game
格仔圖案在秋冬繼續層 出不窮,像Missoni富民族色 彩的針織上衣、Versace帶有 pop art氣息的鮮艷套裝,或 是Anteprima layer on layer 的格仔造型,都賦予幾何圖 案嶄新面貌。 Checks appear in all shapes and forms this Fall/Winter season. Missoni’s ethnic knitwear, Versace’s flamboyant pop-art ensembles and Anteprima’s layer-on-layer checkered look all play with
new interpretations of geometry.
Versace Stella Jean
Jil Sander
Waist Trainer 時裝界永遠是一個循環,像被拋低多時的 Missoni
腰包,在春夏開始躍升為潮人恩物,這股熱潮 更蔓延至秋冬,無論襯以型格皮褸或簡約套裝 均毫無違和感。 The fashion world has a revolving door. Waist bags were out for a while, then returned with a vengeance for the Spring/Summer season. It looks like the fad will continue on to Fall/Winter. They don’t look out of place paired with stylish leather jackets or understated ensembles.
Giorgio Armani
Fashion Headline
Fendi 都會格調 Metropolitanis 剛柔並重的一個秋冬系列,以筆挺的線條和西裝面料帶 出都會女性的幹練氣息。不得不提由英國新媒體藝術家Hey Reilly創作的FENDI/FILA標誌,出現在衞衣或配飾之上,大 方幽了運動品牌一默,誰說二次創作只是毫無內涵的產物?
多元主義 Pluralism Gucci今趟將騷場布置成冰冷的 手術室,散發出「恐懼鬥室」氛圍,一 切源於Alessandro Michele想利用時
The Fall/Winter collection has the right mix of edginess and
femininity. Suit materials are coupled with rigid silhouettes to
underpin the toughness of modern women. The FENDI/FILA logo
created by British new media artist Hey Reilly is played up on
jumpsuits and accessories in a tongue-in-cheek nod to the sports
brand, proving that reinterpretation can be meaningful.
打響頭炮。 Gucci turned the stage into a surgery theatre to evoke spine-chilling scenes from the horror movie Saw. Creative director Alessandro Michele wanted to make people think about pluralism. Brazen knitted balaclavalike caps, weighty crystal details and multifarious sets and print dresses underscored the theme, and had the audience on edge. It was quite an opening for the Milan Fashion Week.
Prada 跳出框架 Outside the box 全黑的時裝騷環境與系列的鮮艷顏色構成強烈對比,大量 的配搭層次以及如霓虹燈的螢光用色將品牌帶到另一層次。向 來熱愛藝術的Miuccia Prada利用時裝拼拼貼貼,遊走於運動 與女性風格之間,或綴以花卉綴飾,或在模特兒頸上繫上偌大 的蝴蝶結,為boxy服飾線條注入女人味。
The pitch-black venue provided a strong contrast to its colourful collections. Layering and neon colours took the brand to a new level. Art buff Miuccia Prada plays collage with sporty and feminine styles, using floral ornaments and tying oversized bows on the models’ necks to add sass to boxy silhouettes.
Dolce & Gabbana 信望愛 Have faith
話題不斷的Dolce & Gabbana,將騷場設計成天主教教堂, 還廣播要求現場來賓關上wi-fi,否則不會開騷,原來安排了多部 航拍機吊著全新手袋打頭陣,贏得全場歡呼聲。今次以「Fashion Devotion」為題,招牌黑色喱士裙、聖十字架裝飾大衣、綴滿閃片 的運動套裝華麗出動,甚有show hand意味。 Always creating something to be talked about, Dolce & Gabbana turned to a Catholic church theme and demanded that guests turn off their wi-fi before the show opened. That was a prelude for the grand entrance of drones carrying its new handbags, which won thunderous applause. The show’s “Fashion Devotion” theme was a tour de force, featuring its signature black lace dress, a coat decorated with a holy cross and a sporty ensemble glamourized with sequins.
Fashion Headline
Max Mara 重塑時尚 Style reinterpreted 經典未必代表守舊,Max Mara新季主張依照女性的個人 風格自由穿搭以展現自我。剪裁考究的teddy bear大衣,配搭 性感的絲質吊帶裙,或簡約的T恤和長褲,展露出女性的不同 面貌;綴流蘇羊毛大衣與隨意垂下的皮革背帶,流露出女性的 不羈魅力,在主流與非主流之間,重塑現代職業女性的服飾造 型。 Classic doesn’t mean old-fashioned. For the new season, Max Mara urges women to show who they are through mixing and
Tod’ s
率性魅力 Spontaneity Tod's新季將意大利人充滿品味的率性主義帶到騷場,由名模 Gigi Hadid打頭陣,卻被手上抱的小狗搶去不少風頭。整個系列以 大地色系作為主調,啡色、米色、泥黃色,煥發舒適愜意感覺, 配合品牌signature的中性剪裁和運動風格,創造出一系列皮革 trench coat和羊毛絨上衣,散發率性魅力。 Tod’s has injected Italian spontaneity into the new season.
Supermodel Gigi Hadid led the show, but it was the little puppy she held that stole the show. Earthy tones pervade the collection, in brown, beige or camel, giving off a sense of comfort. In tune with the brand’s signature unisex cut and sporty style, a collection of trench coats and wool tops show the charm of spontaneity.
matching. The exquisitely tailored teddy-bear coat, matched with a sexy silk slip dress or a simple T-shirt and pants, creates totally different images. Coats with blanket fringing and loose leather straps express a free spirit. They recast career women between the mainstream and the alternative culture.
漫遊波希米亞 Bohemian 新季靈感來自意大利後現代建築風格及掛毯上的大膽圖案, 包羅萬象的藝術印花,用於精緻的外套、斗篷和連身裙上,經過 極其複雜的程序,用3D模型進行手繪,使每一種幾何皺褶、圖形 邊飾和波狀印花圍巾的位置分毫不差。針織品是本季亮點,配搭 不規則剪裁,造型極盡浪漫,散發波希米亞氣息。
The inspiration for the new collection comes from Italian post-
Emilio Pucci Pucci
modernist architectural style and bold tapestries. Extensive artistic
印花以外 Other than prints
complicated 3D modelling process for hand-painting was used to
來到2018秋冬,Emilio Pucci在其經典的印花以外,注 入更多新元素,一切要追溯至50年代流行的運動裝束和女性 內衣,就如瑪麗蓮夢露喜愛的絲質長裙和喱士細節,襯以鬆
prints are applied on delicate coats, capes and dresses. A highly ensure precise positioning for geometric pleats, circular trimmings and wavy prints. Knitwear is this season’s highlight, and the irregular cutting exemplifies deliciously romantic Bohemian styles.
身羊毛外衣或分量感十足的羽絨褸,突顯線條美同時充滿活 力,經典的印花圖案則出現在包頭帽飾之上,將女性魅力與 運動風格合二為一。 For Fall/Winter 2018, Emilio Pucci has injected new elements to complement its classic prints. They can all be traced back to the sports styles and lingerie of the 1950s. It’s like combining Marilyn Monroe’s favourite silk dresses and lacey details with loose wool sweaters and heavy down jackets. They show the beauty of silhouettes and energy at the same time. Classic prints are applied on head wraps to blend feminine charm with sporty style.
Fashion Headline
Blumarine 浪漫態度 Romantic attitude 說浪漫是Blumarine的DNA大概也不為過,整個秋冬系列充斥 著雪紡、喱士、閃片以及荷葉邊,以新穎的混搭理念,給輕盈感 和浪漫感賦予全新視角。品牌標誌的玫瑰,則被運用在意想不到 的材質,像是薄紗上的刺繡,或是喱士上編織出的圖案,結合優 雅與魅惑,充滿女性美。 Romanticism is in Blumarine’s DNA. The entire Fall/Winter collection is filled with new treatments for chiffon, lace, sequins and flounce, offering a new perspective to a romantic lightness of being. The brand’s rose motif is interpreted with surprising treatments, such as embroideries on silk or woven patterns in lace, enriched with elegance and allure.
Moschino 天外來客 Extraterrestrial 時裝頑童Jeremy Scott今次將外星人陰謀論融入時裝主題, 模特兒造型充滿瑪麗蓮夢露和Jackie O影子,全因他懷疑近乎完 美的二人與外星人有關。開場時一系列如複製人般的短裙套裝, 配搭Moschino標誌性的biker jacket,色彩繽紛極致;尾段的晚 禮服則混合了金屬亮片,被剪碎再縫製,喻意傳奇人物重現眼 前,美艷不可方物。 Fashion designer Jeremy Scott played out his conspiracy theory about aliens. The models looked like Marilyn Monroe and Jackie O, reflecting his theory that the two near-perfect women had alien links. The show started with a series of cloned short dress suits, set against Moschino’s iconic biker jackets. The colour palette was simply stunning. The ball gown in the finale was spliced and decorated with shiny sequins as a metaphor that the legendary figures had reconstituted in front of our eyes, and they were still breathtakingly beautiful.
Bulgari 幾何魅力 Geometric charm
會場布置成時光隧道模樣。 The show venue evokes the image of a time tunnel.
點,Bulgari全新推出的配飾與皮具系列,在簡潔線條與俏皮 圖案之間呈現一種完美的平衡,透過一系列大膽鮮明的色彩和 幾何形狀,塑造出對比效果,完美闡釋出品牌的都會自信個 性。 Outside of the show venues, the brand’s own showrooms were also key locations for Milan Fashion Week. Bulgari’s new accessories and leather goods collections show a perfect balance between simple lines and playful prints. Bold colours and geometric shapes form a strong contrast and perfectly narrate the brand’s self-assured cosmopolitan style.
發布會於Bulgari Hotel舉行,鋪天蓋地的條紋布置極之搶眼。 The launch was held at Bulgari Hotel. The extensive striped decorations were eye-catching. Bulgari 巧妙地在 黑色小牛皮上綴 以古銅色與銀色 金屬質感。 Bulgari applies bronze and silver metal texturized highlights on its black calfskin bag.
▲模 特 兒 以 金 屬 感 造 型 配 襯 H222運動鞋。 The model appears in metallic styling to show off the H222 sneakers.
品牌請來超人氣男 星吳亦凡出席活 動,不少華人粉絲 聞風而至。 Hearthrob Kris Wu was invited to the event, enticing many of her fans to attend.
如溜冰鞋的鞋形線條,背面 繡有Hogan字樣。 These shoes take on the silhouette of skates and have “Hogan” embroidered on the back.
Hogan 宇宙歷奇 Galactic adventure Hogan新季以Galaxy Love為題,運動鞋系列大量運用 metallic元素和螢光色系,配合招牌厚底設計,將流行時尚與運 動風格完美融合。 Hogan uses “Galaxy Love” as the theme for the new season. The athletic shoe collection is rich with metallic elements and neon
能繫於手腕或手袋上的長形絲巾。 The long scarf can be tied on the wrist or bag.
colours on the brand’s iconic chunky sole design to integrate fashion with sporty style.
Fashion Headline
Sergio Rossi
復刻風尚 Retro rules 繼成功推出sr1之後,Sergio Rossi在秋冬打造了全新的sr MILANO,並致力將其打造成一個標誌。靈感源自品牌90年代推 出的鞋款,標誌性的方形鞋踭細膩精緻,經改良後更具功能性和 符合現代美學,可以完美配搭高級時裝或運動造型。
Having successfully launched sr1, Sergio Rossi has fashioned sr MILANO for the Fall/Winter season, and aims to turn it into an icon. The collection was inspired by the brand’s shoes of the 1990s. Its
signature stiletto heel is delicate, and more functional and in tune with
modern aesthetics after updating, to be a perfect match for haute couture or sporty looks alike.
Jimmy Choo 回歸典雅 Back to classics 創意總監Sandra Choi倡言要讓時尚回歸精緻典雅,注重外 形輪廓同時又不失裝飾性細節,像水紋絲綢、珍珠配飾、奢華 天鵝絨,以及小巧閃爍的水晶,盡顯這個美好年代的動人時刻。 Creative director Sandra Choi advocates returning fashion to elegant classic styles, with an emphasis on silhouettes. Decorative details with satin, pearls, luxury velvet and dainty shiny crystals are not compromised. They are signs that times are good. a• 現場以圓形金色鏡片作布置。 The venue is decorated with round golden reflective pieces. b• 經典的鏈帶手袋綴以珍珠。 Classic chain handbags are adorned with pearls. c• 麖皮短靴上的精緻羽毛貼花,盡顯藝術時尚做工。 The feather on the suede ankle boot is a hallmark of modern artistry. d• 新季不乏典雅的珍珠綴飾,奢華中不失莊重。 Pearl embellishments are used liberally this season, offering luxury and sophistication at the same time. e• 綴以網紗的高踭鞋,美得有如一件藝術品。 The pumps adorned with black gauze are as exquisite as an art piece.
d e
f• 簡潔線條更見型格。 Simple lines underscore the stylish look.
g• 發布會於米蘭的歷史地 標吉羅拉莫劇院舉行, 巨型水晶洞令人留下深 刻印象。 The launch was staged at Milan’s heritage building Teatro Gerolamo. The giant crystal caves were impressive. h• 綴滿裝飾性的銀色亮片,彰顯了品牌的造鞋工藝。 Embellished with shiny silver plates, the shoe shows the brand’s craftsmanship in full glory. i• 粉紅色閃片配搭線條銳利的鞋踭設計,美輪美奐。 Pink sequins on stilettos are simply gorgeous.
Ladies Picks VALENTINO Garavani Candystud Bag US$2,995 (valentino.com)
CALVIN KLEIN 205W39NYC pocket shirt $1,229 (farfetch.com)
RED W/ PINK 春夏正式開季,發現了不少紅跟粉紅,一派明媚嬌艷。 Spring is finally here, together with the bright and charming colours of red and pink. text | Sum Chan photo | TPK
經典的Giorgio Armani、Valentino與Oscar de la Renta
Giorgio Armani, Valentino and
支持紅與粉紅最是不遺餘力,從手袋、鞋履到total look均
Oscar de la Renta have always been
見這色彩組合。走型格路線的Calvin Klein 205W39NYC、
great fans of red and pink — be it
J.W. Anderson與Marni在天橋與commercial line也甚是
their bags and shoes, or their total-
捧場。一向非黑即白再混合非典型元素的Comme des
look designs. The stylish Calvin
Klein 205W39NYC, J.W. Anderson
and Marni join the trend this season,
有時髦的Sarah Jessica Parker、影后Emma Stone、兩位
both on the runway and in their
樂壇天后Rihanna和甜姐兒Zooey Deschanel。
commercial lines.
GIORGIO ARMANI pvc pointy pumps
MARNI knit skirt
怕red with pink太過搶眼的話,倒過來pink with red又如何?或者試 試配襯低調一點的配飾。紅跟粉紅絕非只有在大時大節才能派上用場; 記著,心情好可以穿亮一點,心情不好更應該穿亮一點。打破悶局,偶 爾來一點視覺刺激,多好! Comme des Garcons has added red and pink to its signature black-and-
white look to enhance the dramatic effect of deconstruction. Lanvin and Delpozo use these colours for their feminized designs, which are also eyecatching. Style icon Sarah Jessica Parker, Oscar winner Emma Stone, pop diva Rihanna and American sweetheart Zooey Deschanel show us how to integrate these sharp colours into our daily lives. If red with pink is too high-profile, how about pink with red instead? Or you can try to match them with simple accessories. Red and pink are colours to wear when you’re in a good mood, but even better if you’re feeling a bit down. How nice it is to have some visual stimulation once in a while.
Emma Stone
Sarah Jessica Parker
Zooey Deschanel
Men’s Pick GIVENCHY devoré black shirt
text & styling | Simon Au photo | TPK
回 到 黑 暗
Sworn brothers of black will always
dress accordingly, regardless of the
season. You’ve got to admire such
commitment to what some might
deem a puritanical styling approach.
SAINT LAURENT black leather bracelet
BERLUTI black long jacket
黑色在今季再次大派用場,好像Berluti少了招 牌的酒紅色,反而見到更多黑色單品,如線條俐落 不突兀的長褸,帶有一種洗練後的型態;Boss黑色 亮面皮鞋,鞋面綴有裝飾性的鞋孔和雕花翼紋,打 破純黑色的壓抑和沉悶;Saint Laurent的黑皮手環 和Givenchy的monogram黑色透視恤衫不失搖滾個 性,最特別是Dior Homme的黑色西裝褲,兩個左右 大袋設計費盡巧思,完美將男士正裝與工人服融為 一體,甚有玩味。 Black comes in handy again this season. Berluti, for example, is parading more black items than its signature burgundy. The streamlined coat with a weathered look is a case in point. Boss’s black patent leather wingtip shoes with decorative holes punctuate the boring and heavy feeling of black. Saint Laurent’s black bracelet and Givenchy’s black see-through shirt with monograms express a rock ’n’ roll spirit. Dior Homme’s black dress pants stand out with two playfully designed big pockets reminiscent of workmen’s overalls. DIOR HOMME black big pocket trousers
BOSS black leather shoes ELITEGEN
Runway 近兩年,Balenciaga爆紅,到處皆見巴黎世家。一對 Speed Trainers,加一對超笨重的Triple S球鞋,紅至 翻版貨也賣到成行成市。以主帥Demna Gvasalia的 二次創作思維,很可能視之為一種成就呢!
Balenciaga everywhere text | 冰汪
For the last two years, Balenciaga has been a sensation, its creations spotted everywhere. The Speed Trainers and the super-bulky Triple S Trainers have been such a hit that knockoffs have popped up all over the world. Balenciaga’s creative director, Demna Gvasalia, may see this recognition as an actual achievement!
Dirty grey dry clean big denim jacket $1,845
All from Balenciaga and available at balenciaga.com
Yellow washed single breasted jacket $2,935
Demna Gvasalia的時裝神話,是神級的天
Being a legend in the fashion world, Gvasalia gains amazingly fruitful
results riding global trends. About four years ago, Normcore, the fashion
philosophy that goes against tradition, was highly touted by the media.
大媽大叔打扮。直到Demna Gvasalia的出現,將
Gvasalia opted to deconstruct the traditional interpretation about fashion, a
對師傅Martin Margiela的解構,結合他幻想的服
movement championed by his mentor, Martin Margiela, and he created his
own brand, Vetements (French word for “clothing”) in 2014. The new brand
became an overnight sensation.
思維以高級時裝手法呈現,以昂貴的方法做最普 通的衣服,反差愈大,效果愈諷刺地有趣。
The next year, he took over the helm of Balenciaga and presented his thoughts through high couture, making daily clothing in expensive ways.
Demna Gvasalia的核心思想,就是要把大家
The greater the contrast, the more ironic and interesting the outcome is.
Gvasalia’s core idea is to create daily wear with unrestrained and vigorous
styles to push the envelope about how the public views fashion.
Purple cotton canvas hooded parka with oversized collar $3,820
Personalized biker $6,915
Striped big denim shirt $1,405
Menthe jersey and poplin oversize polo $730
Oversize t-shirt droopy $585
Paris hoodie $1,025
Triple S Trainers oversized multimaterial sneakers with quilted effect
Cotton twill washed trench coat
The use of “Parenting” as the theme for his Spring/Summer collection took
everyone by surprise. Here’s Gvasalia’s explanation: “Nothing is more beautiful
than the view of young fathers and their kids staying together.”
他常用的模特兒爸爸,帶同小朋友到公園,上演一場 親子時裝騷。更順理成章推出Balenciaga童裝。
The fashion show was held at Bois de Boulogne, Paris, and he invited the male models he often employs to bring along their kids. A parent-child fashion
show was held in the park, at which the brand launched its children’s clothing line.
以是防水雨褸,甚至是有點oversized的rugby shirt及 夏威夷恤,盡是父親輩年青時的新潮戰衣,愈老套愈
The blazers can be worn as waterproof raincoats and match well with jeans.
能見證生活,更索性將西裝及pocket tee的口袋刻意做
There were also oversized rugby shirts and Hawaiian shirts, all of which were
trendy when these “father” models were still teenagers. The outdatedness is indeed the witness of real daily life. The sagginess of the pockets of the jackets
and the tees is an intentional aspect of that look.
心袋,當然,大會細心的給主角預備一個真皮的背心 袋。整個系列,最出人意料的,是官方形容為乾洗膠
The most surprising item was a so-called “dry-clean bag denim jacket”, which
indeed was a laminated denim jacket. The Balenciaga logo was printed on the
chest area of the plastic fabric. Fringing, yellow and wrinkled plastic at the edges
exerted a sense of dark humour.
Home Special 時尚家居特集
Home Special 家是愛、希望和夢想之源, 〈星尚〉 誠意為你送 上首個時尚家居特集。 由香薰蠟燭,以至手工精製的皮革家具,家居特集同時網 羅各式各樣的精緻家品。更邀得世界知名的室內設計師 提供實用佈置貼士,助你提升家居格調。如果你希 望家居可媲美托斯卡尼的莊園,就不要錯過由意
Home is the starting place of love, hope and dreams, and EliteGen is pleased to present our first Home Special.
大利建築大師度身設計的大宅。 且安坐沙發上,泡上一杯香茶,又或 是倒一杯紅酒 ,探索家居佈置新靈 感吧!
From beautifully scented candles to expertly crafted leather furnishings, we have filled the following pages with numerous objets de désir. For practical advice, we asked an international luxury interior designer for tips on upping the luxury quotient in our homes. And if you want your hometo rival a Tuscan villa, check out this custom-built residence by an Italian mastery architect.
So put up your feet, pour yourself a cup of tea (or glass of wine) and be prepared to be inspired.
Home Special
What is Luxury?
International luxury retail and residential designer Abraham
Chan shares his tips on how to bring luxury to our homes.
“Before we define what luxury is, we should look at what
role luxury plays in our life.” text | Leslie Yip photo | ACDO
Abraham Chan是加拿大的年輕華裔室內設計師,曾處理高級
So begins an hour-long chat on home design with Abraham
品牌Pedder Group位於新加坡的零售店、Louis Vuitton在香港的貴
Chan, young Chinese-Canadian interior designer who is making
賓室、北京Waldorf Astoria酒店,以及紐約Oosten頂層豪華公寓及
international headlines for his work for the Pedder Group luxury retail
stores in Singapore, the Louis Vuitton VIP Suites in Hong Kong, the Waldorf Astoria Beijing and the Oosten Penthouse and Showroom in
New York.
不是隨便可以得到的。」Abraham在其光猛的辦公室接受訪問 時說。他的辦公室位於多倫多Junction Triangle,是一個 充滿活力的社區。
“Luxury should help you feel elevated and refined,” he tells me at his light-filled office at the Junction Triangle, one of the most dynamic neighbourhoods in Toronto. “It should feel personal, not
回來。「旅遊激發了我很多設計上的靈感。隨著全球的 空間感縮窄,在裝飾家居時滲入一些本土美學 的感覺相對重要,這亦是我那麼注重本土工
Having just returned from a trip to Hong Kong and Vietnam, Chan seems energized and calm at the same time.
藝的原因。通過著重細節及物件背後的故 事,把真我呈現在設計裡。」
“Travelling inspires a lot of my design. The world has become a much smaller space, and it is important to
install a sense of local sensibility when decorating our
own homes. That is why I value local craftsmanship,
and I try to bring authenticity to my designs by paying
attention to the details and the stories behind objects.”
Born in Hong Kong and raised in Vancouver, Chan received his Masters in Architecture from the Rhode Island School of Design. He founded ACDO after a 10-year
Abraham剛剛完成了北京FANCL充滿未 來主義的概念店項目,目前正為加拿大高盛
tenure with Yabu Pushelberg, an international design firm, with studios in Toronto and New York.
集團行政總裁Jason Rowe精心設計其位於 多倫多Forest Hill的豪宅。今年較早前,他
He now counts many international brands and A-listers among his clients. He just
completed a futuristic FANCL concept store in Beijing and is working on an elaborate,
高檔傢俬店Avenue Road的陳列室,面積達
upscale home in Toronto’s Forest Hill for Jason Rowe, CEO of Goldman Sachs Canada.
Earlier this year, he transformed a 100-year heritage building in Vancouver into a
Kvadrat/Raf Simons系列產品、Apure出產的
12,000-square-foot showroom for high-end home accessories retailer Avenue Road,
where homeowners can find sought-after collections, such as the Kvadrat/Raf Simons
collection, Porsche Design Lighting from Apure and Obumex Custom Kitchens.
The Oosten Penthouse and Showroom in New York
For EliteGen’s inaugural Home Special edition, he offers the following five
tips on how to bring luxury into our homes.
Harmony is key. Limit each room to only two or three architectural
finishes, and balance colder materials like marble with a woollen rug or grainy
wide-plank wood flooring.
More is not always better. Lighting should have a purpose. Just as
restaurants direct lighting onto the food to make it look warm and appetizing,
we should strategically highlight items or areas in the house.
品質 盡量投資在高質量的物料上。挑選耐用、精細和能顯 示工藝的物料。
五官感覺 巧妙地運用物品來誘發五官感覺。例如在洗手間內燃 點香薰蠟燭、在你喜歡的舒適扶手椅上鋪上一張茄士咩毛 氈,並且播放一些切合你心境的音樂。 「豪華應該是有品味的。既要追求細節的完美,也要提 升整個空間的格調。」 這是Abraham的心得。
QUALITY Invest in quality when possible. Look for rich materials that last and custom details that indicate craftsmanship
PROPORTIONS Always select furniture appropriate to the scale of your space.
FIVE SENSES Appeal to all five senses through the artful use of accessories. Light a scented candle in the powder room, throw a cashmere blanket on your favourite armchair, play some music that suits your mood. “Luxury should be tasteful. It should both perfect the details and elevate the entire space.” Abraham Chan Design Office ac-do.com
home special
馬轡形狀設計的掛具,用來掛衣服及配飾。 ‘Groom attelé’, hanger in brick bridle leather, palladium-finish brass and stainless steel.
The Bridle PaTh
hermès : from horse harness To home furnishings text | Leslie Yip photo | Hermès
Let’s start with a riddle.
I am shaped like a flattened birdcage, wrapped in leather, with multiple
dangling straps, some of which end in a belted loop, some with a metal ring,
and one in a mini-stirrup. What am I?
答案是:groom attelé掛具。
The answer: A “groom attelé».
這個掛具是愛馬仕家居用品系列的成品之一, 用來掛衣服及配飾。馬轡形狀的設計、「馬鞍針縫技 法」 的針腳及金屬配件,完美演繹品牌與馬具的淵源。 這件產品可說是品牌回歸製作馬具產品的傳 承。Groom attelé是指小馬伕,而品牌以法國人像及 動物畫家Alfred de Dreux的名作《鞍轡已備,以供乘 騎》(Duc attelé, groom à l’attente)作為品牌標誌。 品牌對於製作馬具的傳統引以為傲,這可見諸
It is a hanger and accessories holder, part of Hermès’ collection for the home. The bridle shape, the saddle stitching and the hardware are all inspired by equestrian accoutrement, the house’s first métier. The name of this piece seems to refer to the very essence of the brand. “Groom attelé” translates to harnessed stable boy, and the inspiration behind the logo of the brand is a painting by French portrait and animal painter Alfred de Dreux — Duc attelé, groom à l’attente (harnessed carriage, waiting attendant). The maison is very proud of its heritage as a harness-maker, as can be
seen in Le Chemin d’Hermès, a manga commissioned by then company chief
(Le Chemin d’Hermès),該漫畫冊由現已成為品牌主
Jean-Louis Dumas and illustrated by Japanese artist Keiko Takemiya that
帥的Jean-Louis Dumas監工,並由日本漫畫家竹宮
was published in Asia in the late ’90s. It recounts the story of Thierry Hermès,
惠子繪製,詳細敘述了品牌創辦人Thierry Hermès的
founder of the house, who rounded the edges of the horses’ bridles to make
them more comfortable for the horse. As a result, horsemen found their steed
a lot calmer and obedient, and this was how the Hermès name first gained
recognition among the elites of Europe. The road of Hermès was essentially the
得到肯定。愛馬仕的成功之路大抵是一條康莊馬道。 為了展現品牌的歷史,家居系列大部份產品都 結合了皮革,包括以皮革裝飾花瓶、塗漆飾盒及托盤 等。更把皮革造成手推車把及竹凳上的椅墊。而絲質 及咖士咩布藝上亦印上品牌的主題圖案。 走入位於多倫多Bloor街的品牌專門店前先要經
path of the bridle. To celebrate this history, many items in its home furnishings collection proudly feature leather in different forms. It harnesses crystal vases, lacquered boxes and serving trays. It wraps the handlebar of a serving trolley. It tops a bamboo stool as a flat cushion. Its motif is printed on silk and cashmere furnishing fabrics. Canadian shoppers will find the home furnishing line in the Toronto Bloor
Street store. The home universe of Hermès is atop the white marble stairs
accented with — you guessed it — a leather handrail.
100 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON hermes.com 多倫多專門店面積達6,000平方呎,家居系列及燈飾佔據了二樓全層。 The home furnishing and lighting line occupies the second floor of the 6,000-square-foot Toronto store.
就好像馬匹戴上馬轡一樣, 水晶花瓶及塗漆飾盒亦飾以 馬轡皮革。 Just as the bridle dresses the horse, it also dresses crystal vases and lacquered boxes.
敘述了品牌成功故事的漫畫冊《愛馬仕之路》 於1997年在日本出版,其後翻譯成中文於台 灣出版。 Originally published in Japan in 1997 and subsequently published in Chinese in Taiwan, the manga Le Chemin d’Hermès tells the story of this legendary house.
Home Special
Under the Canadian BlUe Sky The eTernal roman holiday text | Livian Wu photo | provided by Sergio Galli
Purchase the perfect lot and custom-build a
dream home that will inspire and convey your
己的天地呢?意大利建築師Sergio Galli專門提供
style and imagination. Italian master architect
Sergio Galli can custom-design that dream house. 在私密的後花園建個泳 池,可隨時暢泳或享受 日光浴。 Work on your tan while relaxing at the private backyard pool.
大宅內主要利用白色及簡約線條塑造出現代風格。 Simple styling and a light colour palette are used to project a modern interior design.
建築師會因應客戶喜好和口味而調整設計,為客戶建 造稱心滿意的安樂居。 The architect can tailor your dream space and custom-design your dream house.
這間大宅佔地160 x 200呎,總建築面積達7,500平
The exterior of this estate echoes classic Roman design. Built on a
lot measuring 160x200 feet, this home features five bedrooms and 7,500
square feet of living space. The architect has used a symmetrical layout
to achieve an imperial and paramount sensation. Numerous columns and pieces of custom-carved art add to the craftsmanship.
建築師Sergio Galli認為這種古典風格是永恆的, 室內則可利用當代設計來增加時代感;從外到內就像 穿越時空一樣,效果出奇地好。
Galli believes that combining a classic exterior with a modern, sophisticated interior can create an impressive and extraordinary time-travel effect.
外牆選材方面,石灰石是建材中檔次及造價最高 的,天然而又歷久常新,看上去既奢華且美麗豐富; 其次是預製混凝土及磚,成本最低的是灰泥。
The exterior wall has been built using limestone, a natural and longlasting sedimentary rock that conveys a lavish, charming and luxurious ambience. Other sustainable sources include precast concrete and cost-
effective brick stucco.
引人入勝。前花園則以簡潔線條為主,避免太過複雜 花巧的顏色。
To create an enchanting entrance, the main central canopy is built relatively higher than the gables at both ends of the pitched roof. By using
後花園用了不少落地玻璃的設計,能引進更多 自然光的同時,也可全方位從屋內俯瞰別緻的花園景
floor-to-ceiling glass windows, the interior space is awash in natural sunlight, with an extra expansive view of the elegant garden.
觀。從房間走到露台,更可在一片大自然氣息中呷杯 咖啡,真是人生一大樂事呢!
The terrace affords you the opportunity to sip on a cup of coffee while enjoying the natural beauty of the surrounding area.
如果游泳池不是你的首選,建築師建議築個涼亭 或戶外壁爐,又或是一個戶外廚房,邀請親朋好友開 個燒烤派對就最適合不過了。
Outdoor living space can be both fun and relaxing. Consider an alfresco barbeque kitchen or fireplace to entertain friends and family, or even a recreational pool to anchor a party paradise.
Home special
Tommy Mitchell four-piece medallion installation $7,950 (neimanmarcus.com)
Geometric Heavy Metal for a Soft Touch text | Zoe Mak
時尚室內設計潮流一向以平衡實用、舒適和簡約流暢空間感這三大元素為主。今 年潮流以生活中常見的輕巧傢具、掛畫、陶瓷、燈飾或其它裝飾擺件等軟時尚質 感取勝,利用工業味道的黃銅金屬和永恆時尚的木元素等硬材料打造出主次分明 的現代簡約層次感。為了加強視覺衝擊,再配合幾何和色彩的強烈對比,帶出室 內設計新時尚。 Interior design trends are usually defined by three major elements: comfort, practicality and spaciousness. This year’s trend goes to the soft touch of light furniture, wall art, chinaware, lighting and other decors. The feel of simple, modernized, contrasting layering is created using industrial-like metal and brass, and the evergreen design element, wood. Geometric shapes and colour are also used to further enhance the visual impact.
The Elder Statesman cashmere stuffed cactus $2,963 (farfetch.com)
Carl Hansen & Son CH24 wishbone chair in oiled walnut wood $1,935 (lanecrawford.com)
The Living Room
Gucci Lurex jacquard three panel screen $26,260 (gucci.com)
Gucci Chiavari chair with embroidered cat $3,105 (gucci.com) Saint-Louis crystal Arlequin 18-light chandelier $56,030 (lanecrawford.com)
Cartier green candle holder with art deco motif and scented candle US$790 (cartier.com)
Revo SuperCD compatible with Spotify and internet radio US$820 (monocle.com)
Matteo Cibic Luky dog sculpture $2,805 (lanecrawford.com)
Butler iron & wood bookcase $1,520 (nordstrom.com)
Tom Dixon mass coat stand $3,537 (grshop.com)
Louis Vuitton Box Scott ornamental box $1,080 (louisvuitton.com)
Magis Paradise tree coat stand $1,265 (grshop.com)
AJ2 Bellevue brass floor lamp $2,193 (mjolk.com)
Home special
廚房篇 The Kitchen
日本陶芸大師岩田圭介特別手製的穴窯 茶碗,在燒窯過程中精心加上白色陶瓷 釉為 這件藝術品更添原始風格的層次 感。 Keisuke Iwata, a Japanese ceramics artist, made this bowl using an Anagama kiln. During the process, he added white glaze to the art piece for a layered look. Anagama tea bowl by Keisuke Iwata $2,600 (mjolk.com)
Dolce & Gabbana x SMEG Sicily is My Love juicer $800 (neimanmarcus.com)
Kartell masters stools US$860 (barneys.com)
Ghidini 1961 Florida brass bowl $635 (lanecrawford.com)
Tom Dixon Brew Cafetiere gift set $595 (saksfifthavenue.com)
Georg Jensen Barbry bread knife $210 (saksfifthavenue.com)
Joseph Joseph Totem 60ml stainless steel disposal unit $350 (selfridges.com)
Versace I Love Baroque 3-tier étagère US$625 (versace.com)
The Bathroom 很多人在家裡花最多時間的就是在浴室內,選擇更是輕率不得! People spend considerable time in the bathroom, so we cannot overlook its design.
La Perla Maison stretch-silk robe $1,760 (selfridges.com)
White flower power shower curtain $660 (neimanmarcus.com)
Versace I Love Baroque slippers US$400 (versace.com)
Lalique Anemone crystal perfume bottle $1,390 (selfridges.com)
Czech & Speake 8 piece stone & gold manicure set $830 (harveynichols.com)
Alexander McQueen Tonal Skull beach towel $335 (saksfifthavenue.com)
Décor Walther stone soap dish US$235 (barneys.com)
Elsa Peretti thumbprint water cup $950 (tiffany.ca)
Home special 滿室生香 Creating Coziness 最愛燃點香氛蠟燭,在一室芬芳中泡一杯熱 茶、翻閱喜愛的書籍。讓鍾愛的香氛溢滿居室, 不但營造怡人氛圍,更可滋潤心田,因為家就是我們 的心靈避風港。 A warm cup of tea, a favourite book and a lit candle. Being caressed by a favourite perfume on your skin and in the air. Because your home should be your refuge. text | Leslie Yip photo | Simon Boucher-Harris
Tom Ford Private Blend White Suede Candle $128 Tom Ford White Suede Eau de Parfume 250ml| $657,100ml | $362, 50ml | $262 Available at Holt Renfrew.
在 《The Little Book of Hygge》 一書中,作者Wiking
In The Little Book of Hygge, author Wiking Meik suggests that candles
are essential for a cozy home. Meanwhile, our special interview guest,
中受訪的設計師Abraham Chan亦不約而同表示,香氛
designer Abraham Chan, describes scents as part of a space’s design
Perfume lovers know that a signature scent helps define them,
providing familiarity and comfort. What if we could match the scent of our
home to ourselves?
Candles and perfumes have different mediums, so this feat is easier
said than done. However, Tom Ford has succeeded in infusing candles with
Tom Ford就成功把他最受歡迎的香水製成蠟燭,推出
his most celebrated fragrances in his Private Blend collection.
Private Blend香氛蠟燭系列。 Our favourite is the White Suede, an elegant white musk with a delicate 我們最喜歡的是White Suede,優雅的白麝香糅合
balance between the masculinity of suede leather and a floral palette of
Bulgarian roses, golden saffron, thyme, mate tea and olibanum (the resin from
frankincense trees). Lily-of-the-valley adds a touch of sweetness, while amber
and sandalwood provide warmth.
這款能紓緩心靈的中性香氣跟其名字十分匹配, 讓人沉醉於潔淨的純白氛圍及麂皮的柔軟感性。 「Private blend是我的香氛實驗室,我可以拋開
The resulting blend is a soul-comforting, gender-neutral essence that reflects its name: the purity of whiteness and the softness of suede. “Private blend is my own scent laboratory,” says Ford. “It’s where I have
the ability to create very special original fragrances that are unconstrained
Private blend系列是為真正懂得欣賞香氛的人而設
by the conventions of mainstream scent-making. Private Blend is designed
計。」 Tom Ford說道。
with the true fragrance connoisseur in mind.”
據說麝香是Tom Ford最喜歡的成分,而White
The musk is said to be Ford’s favourite ingredient, and White Suede is
one of four fragrances comprising the White Musk Collection launched in
列共有4款香氛。Private Blend香氛蠟燭以最奢華的成
2009. The Private Blend Candles feature a premium concentration of the
fragrance in a blend of mineral and soy wax with 40 hours of burn time.
The candles’ dark brown glass is inspired by the apothecary bottles
used in perfumers’ workrooms, while the architectural design of the
perfume plays homage to chess pieces. Enhanced by gold accents, they
add a touch of style and sophistication to your home.
Tom Ford Private Blend香氛蠟燭系列:
Other available scents in the Tom Ford Private Blend Candle Collection: NEROLI PORTOFINO
以突尼斯橙花醇、意大利佛手柑、橙花及 琥珀交織而成的閃爍香氛。 A sparkling blend of Tunisian neroli, Italian bergamot, orange flower and amber.
土耳其玫瑰精油和保加利亞玫瑰,調和咖 啡精華、香樹脂、琥珀、檀香、廣藿香、 藏紅花及黑胡椒,散發浪漫香氣。 Turkish rose oil and Bulgarian rose absolute cut with coffee essence, incense resin, amber, sandalwood and patchouli, saffron and black pepper.
粗獷又優雅的經典皮革香氣,糅合藏紅 花、山莓、百里香、乳香、晚上開花的茉 莉及琥珀木。 A raw, yet reserved take on a classic leather scent with saffron, raspberry, thyme, olibanum, night-blooming jasmine and amberwood.
匯聚煙葉、薑及薰草豆的香氣,重塑英式 男士俱樂部裡的滿室辛香及酒香。 Notes of tobacco leaf, ginger and tonka beans fuse together for an aroma reminiscent of an English gentlemen’s club, filled with rich spice and cognacs.
罕有的烏木充滿異國情調,糅合花茉木、 小豆蔻、薰草豆和琥珀,散發迷人深香。 Rare and exotic oud wood fused with rosewood, cardamom, tonka bean and amber.
Beauty News 升級版嫩肌活膚精華面膜
Lancôme advanced Génifique
全球數以百萬計的女士,每天 都會使用Lancôme Advanced Génifique升級版嫩肌活膚精華 肌底液。品牌精益求精,挑戰自 我,研發出升級版嫩肌活膚精華
Hydrogel Melting Mask
text | Clarice Yik photo | Provided by Lancôme
肌底的Bifidus萃取物! 1 full mask | $20 4 full masks | $70
Millions of women around the world have already made Lancôme’s Advanced Génifique serum an essential part of their daily skincare routine. For 2018, Lancôme set itself a new challenge: develop a single sheet mask containing the same amount of Bifidus extracts as a whole bottle of Advanced Génifique!
Voilà — the Hydrogel Melting Mask! This new type of sheet mask delivers
results that are instantly visible on the skin — a perfect response to the needs
of a generation that is always pressed for time.
益生菌萃取物 成就活膚精華面膜
Probiotic Extracts: When Nature Meets Big Science
嫩肌活膚精華面膜蘊含Advanced Génifique
At its core, the Hydrogel Melting Mask contains the star ingredients of
精華肌底液的的星級配方 — 益生菌萃取物,當
the Advanced Génifique serum: probiotic extracts. Of these, Bifidus is the
most concentrated. It not only helps strengthen the skin’s barrier function by
improving its quality and resistance to external stress, but also provides intense
hydration. As a result, this mask is arguably unrivalled in its effectiveness.
擬。 This special, heat-sensitive hydrogel mesh melts into a fluid at skin 獨特的熱感水凝膠網,會在肌膚溫度下融解
temperature, thereby releasing its active ingredients. Upon application, the
mask half-melts into the skin with a soft, pleasant texture that glides across
the face. The mask leaves skin moisturized with a supple, radiant finish. Skin is
neither greasy nor sticky. Because it was designed for use at any time, by busy women needing to
面膜適合於任何時候使用,最能配合忙碌女 士的需要,無論是在繁忙的清早、睡眠不足的日
make every second count, the Hydrogel Melting Mask is perfectly suited for the
variety of situations a woman might encounter during the course of her day —
be it a lack of sleep, a tough morning, or a dip in energy level as the day wears on.
Beauty news
Bioderma SenSiBio H2o Sold every two SecondS around the world text | Clarice Yik photo | Provided by Bioderma
Attentive to sensitive skin,
Laboratoire Bioderma created
膚水。Sensibio H2O作為市場上首
the first micellar water more than
20 years ago. Sensibio H2O is a
受名人愛載,更獲皮膚科醫生 推薦和專業化妝師採用。舒
celebrity favourite, recommended by dermatologists and used
professionally by makeup artists
worldwide. The soothing,
hypoallergenic, lightweight formula, 250ml | $14.9 500ml | $19.9
composed of only 10 ingredients, is totally compatible with all skin types.
Perfect harmony with the skin, its micelles are made up of a dermatological agent that is very similar to the composition of the skin to obtain high tolerance and maximum comfort. Its pure formula, with the right pH balance, guarantees high tolerance. Skin is clean, comfortable and soothed in a lasting way.
Let's talk micellar water. In one simple gesture, micelles capture impurities. Bioderma以非常近似皮膚組織的成分來研發出micellar,配方純 淨、生理pH值適中,不傷皮膚,使用後能保持皮膚潔淨、舒適和平滑。
Their deep and healthy cleansing properties respect the skin’s natural balance. The ability to remove makeup, cleanse and tone without the need to rinse makes this a multi-tasking beauty must-have.
什麼是micellar潔膚水? Micellar能輕易吸收皮膚雜質,只要輕輕塗抹在臉部和眼部四周肌
Laboratoire Bioderma has a micellar water to
treat every skin type. Sensitive or intolerant? Try
Sensibio H2O, specially developed for the most sensitive skin. Lack of hydration? Hydrabio H2O will
provide your skin with a boost of hydration, thanks Bioderma實驗室研發出適合不同膚質的micellar潔膚水:敏感肌可
to its Aquagenium® patent. Oily skin? Sebium H2O
以使用專為最敏感的膚質而設計的Sensibio H 2O;乾性肌膚可以選擇
will address your needs by purifying the skin without
Hydrabio H2O,其專利配方Aquagenium 有效為肌膚保濕。Sebium H2O
drying it out. All of Bioderma’s micellar waters have
been dermatologically tested, and are hypoallergenic,
paraben-free and oil-free.
Beauty text | 黃嘉恆 photo | Julio Miguel model | Michelle A (Quest) makeup & hair | Rainbow (Annie G. Chan)
透 白
HigH gloss
Many women desire
porcelain skin, the
more demanding
ones wanting
even more — UV
skin whitening 美白產品大多以乳霜和精華居多,但今年一些潔淨及爽膚水 產品亦加入了美白成分,從肌底開始加強美白效果。 g
It’s quite common to find whitening agents in face creams or serums. This year, even cleansers and toners are adding whitening
power to start the process sooner.
e. Melvita Nectar Blanc Organic Brightening Duo-Oil & Water 50ml $39.99 (melvita.com) a
高滲透的水油光感導入液,以75:25的水油黃金比例,再注入海百合精華、 百合花油及天然維他命C,減退頑固的黑色素外,亦可預防色斑及改善面肌 的通透度。 Water and oil are combined in the golden ratio of 75:25. White star lily extract and lily oil are added to the formula, fortified with vitamin C. It is easily absorbed to reduce stubborn pigmentation, prevent colour spots and improve skin translucency. f. Fresh Peony Brightening Night Treatment Mask 100ml $99 (sephora.com) 由亮白複合成分、白牡丹和甘草根萃取製造的夜間修護面膜,可迅速改善暗 啞不均膚色,同時增強肌膚亮白感。 The night treatment mask, with a unique brightening complex derived from peony and licorice root extracts, helps even skin tone for a brighter complexion.
a. Melvita Nectar Blanc Organic Brightening Cleansing Gel-In-Oil 三合一潔顏油啫喱配方,由80%天然植物油來研製,啫喱遇水即轉化成細滑 的卸妝油,再變成乳液狀,能徹底清潔面上彩妝,兼可令膚質重現美白。 This three-in-one gel contains 80 per cent natural plant oils. It transforms into a refined cleansing oil when lightly massaged over the skin, then becomes a creamy lotion on contact with water. It will clear out all traces of impurities from makeup for a bright, clean skin. b. Chanel Le Blanc Huile Healthy Light Creator Oil 50ml $140 (holtrenfrew.com) 首次把梅花萃取及梅花精油融合調配而成的淨白護膚油,能有助提升肌膚的 亮澤度,達至由內至外散發透亮肌膚狀態。 Pioneering a formula mixing Ume flower extract and Ume flower oil, this product provides deep nourishment to promote vitality and make the skin look bright from the inside out.
g. MDNA Skin The Reinvention Cream $105 (mdnaskin.com) 多合一的水潤面霜,特為乾燥肌膚而 設,當中有復活草幹細胞精華和三 種復活草精華成分,能迅速滲 入肌膚底層,令膚質更顯亮 白剔透。 Its all-in-one formula, blending stem cells from three resurrection plant extracts and M.T.PARCA Thermal Water, penetrates deep into the skin to enhance radiance.
c. The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang: Seol Radiant White Ultimate Correction Stick 雪透亮淨斑棒能有效去除面上色斑,無論化妝前後均可以塗搽。內裏的宮廷 美白秘方七香八白散及雪甘散,更有效帶來淨白及保濕功效。 This ultimate correction stick, incorporating the brand’s regal chilhyangpalbaeksan and Seolgamsan Complex ingredients, is supermoisturizing and adds clarity to one’s complexion. It can be used before or after applying makeup to cover spots. d. IPSA Metabolizer ME Extra W 新登場的更生活化美白乳液,特別嚴選三種海洋海草藻、兩種海洋礦物及檸 檬萃取精華來製成,有效排走頑固黑色素,也可強化膠原及改善膚質。 Formulated with Algaelumina EX that contains three types of marine algae, two types of marine minerals and lemon extract, the new Metabolizer regulates the skin’s metabolic cycle, inhibits the formulation of melanin and promotes collagen production to create illuminous skin.
Radiant translucency 近幾年市面上不少美白產品也加入透亮效能,集美白、保濕
及亮麗於一身,能一次過滿足女士們所需。 In recent years, a lot of whitening products have claimed to
enhance skin translucency. There are all-in-one masks that serve to whiten, moisturize and brighten all at once, just the thing to meet all
needs in one go.
c. Melvita Organic Lily Extraordinary Water 有機百合美白精華爽膚水,具美白及保濕兩大功效,內含的海百合及冬青樹 精華等美白成分,有助減退黑色素增生及預防色斑形成,令膚質更水漾透明。 The lotion-serum combines the illuminating power of white star lily extract with the plumping power of a hyaluronic acid. It is effective in keeping melanin at bay and preventing colour spots, making the complexion appear brighter. d. L'Occitane Reine Blanche White Infusion Serum
b a
升級版高效亮白精華素,以第二代繡線葡複合物調配而成,瞬間滲透至肌 底,亦特別加入鳶尾草精華,能做到內而外修護,減少色斑及改善膚色的透 徹度。 Enriched with a meadowsweet flower extract from Provence, the serum penetrates instantly. The White Infusion Serum is designed to plump the skin with moisture, reduce dark spots and render the skin translucent and flawless. e. Kiehl's Clearly Corrective Brightening & Soothing Treatment Water 200ml $52 (kiehls.ca) 內含甘草根萃取、白樺樹精華及活性維他命C的柔膚水,有效紓緩緊張肌膚 狀態及加強亮白感。其平衡配方可釋出濃度恰如肌膚 所需的保濕成分,增加吸收度,加強美白效果。 Enriched with licorice root extract, white birch extract and vitamin C, the treatment water provides soothing hydration while giving the skin a soft glow. The balanced formula releases the right concentration of hydrates and nutrients to improve skin clarity.
a. The Body Shop Drops of Light Pure Healthy Brightening Serum 30ml $38 (thebodyshop.com) 煥白亮肌精華結合維他命C衍生物,能抑制及預防色素沉澱。其水潤爽滑的 質感,更可加快滲透,令肌膚持久得到美白功效。 The serum combines vitamin C derivatives to reduce the intensity of dark spots. The lightweight texture makes it easily absorbed into the skin for a brighter and more luminous look. b. Diorsnow Essence of Light Brightening Milk Serum 30ml $185 (saksfiftheavenue.com) 雪凝亮白光肌精華素,以革命性技術從DNA直接發揮作用,激活肌膚深層 光芒,塗後可改善暗啞膚色,更可對抗頑固色斑。 Using revolutionary D-NA Light Reboot Technology* that helps reestablish the skin's natural luminosity, the serum minimizes dull spots and evens out the complexion.
d. Chanel Le Blanc Oil-In-Cream Compact Foundation 霜狀的粉餅具亮白護膚效能,遮蓋瑕疵外,也有美白功效。加上質感薄透、 清爽,即使炎夏選用也不會出現油黏黏的情況。 The Oil-in-Cream offers lasting translucency. It whitens and maintains evenness at the same time. The light and refreshing texture ensures it won’t feel greasy, even during the hot, humid summer.
Even coverage with sun protection
e. Sisley Phyto-Blanc Brightening Anti-Pollution Cushion Foundation SPF30/PA+++
要得到終極美白效果,重點呵護肌膚外,最重要是每天上妝 前,塗上高效防曬霜,才可避免紫外線對肌膚的侵害。 Apart from diligent skincare, the rule of thumb for maintaining porcelain skin is lathering on sunscreen before putting on makeup to keep harmful UV rays at bay.
a. Shiseido White Lucent All Day Brightener N SPF50+/PA+++
抗污染美白氣墊粉底,其粒子由植物提取的卵磷脂包裹着,令粉底可緊貼肌 膚,亦可隨時補妝。 This foundation is enriched with the active ingredients of Phyto-Blanc Daily Defense Fluid, which offers adjustable coverage and is specially designed to be reapplied during the day. f. YSL Beaute Blanc Pur Conture UV Protection SPF50/PA+++ $70 (harrods.com) 淨透研亮高效防曬霜,塗搽後可滋潤肌膚,形成一層保護層,有助抵禦紫外 線及污垢。SPF50 PA+++防曬度亦足以保護肌膚。 It is like putting on a protective veil that deflects UV rays and keeps the skin moisturized. The broad spectrum SPF50 PA+++ helps shield skin from sun damage.
利用櫻花抗斑技術以抵禦色斑形成,塗上後肌膚表面猶如有一層薄紗,確保 日間可全天候做到美白、保濕及防禦三重修護。 The daytime whitening moisturizer works like a second skin mask and offers a time-release whitening effect to brighten, hydrate and protect the skin throughout the day. b. Guerlain Orchidee Imperiale The Brightening & Perfecting UV Protector Cream 全新御庭蘭花亮白美肌防曬霜,具高效紫外線濾光功能,防曬指數更達高效 的SPF50 PA+++,且可免受UVA、UVB的侵害。 Incorporating Orchid Noble Light™ Technology, it offers SPF50/PA+++ protection to prevent UVA/UVB from causing damage to the skin.
c. Clarins White Plus Brightening Emulsion & Emulsion SPF20/PA+++ 75ml $65 (clarins.com) 內含強效天然淨斑成分的西印度櫻桃萃取、紅牛漆姑草萃取及羽衣草屬萃 取,高效保護肌膚免受紫外線刺激至黑色素增長外,也有抗炎、殺菌功效。 The emulsion with extracts of acerola, alchemilla and spergularia provides effective protection against UV light to diminish the appearance of dark spots, with some level of anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial protection.
善之光籌款晚宴最後籌得超過434萬善款。 Time to Shine 2018 successfully raised $4.34 million. 善之光晚宴籌委主席 Judy Leung。 Judy Leung, chair of Time to Shine gala.
TIME TO SHINE GALA: SOArING TO NEw HEIGHTS text | Kenson Ho photo | provided by VGH & UBC foundation
Vancouver’s fourth-annual Time to Shine Gala was once
金會籌款的醉人盛宴–第四屆 「善之
again an evening of glamour and brilliance. The VGH + UBC
Hospital Foundation event, held on Feb. 24 at Fairmont
華Fairmont Pacific Rim酒店舉行,
Pacific Rim Hotel, was nothing short of sensational. Upon
arrival at the ballroom, the 433 guests marvelled at the
décor’s stunning beauty.
「2018年Viva善之光籌款晚宴的構思既豐盛又前衛。 靈感來自俄羅斯Faberge法貝熱之家和長篇電視劇《唐頓莊 園》,色彩和風格融匯了經典和前衛,啟發人心卻又歷久不 衰。」VGH + UBC醫院基金會亞洲策略副總監Kitty Cheung 解釋說:「Faberge代表了一系列高品質和複雜精鍊的細節 作品。是傳統與現代的完美結合,激發設計和色彩意念, 我們使用了相近色調和氣質的孔雀,使整個演示過程,更 顯生動和優雅。」
外科展望計劃活動 溫哥華綜合醫院暨卑詩大學醫院基金會董事及行政總 裁 Barbara Grantham說:「我們從一個小型基金會開始, 一直致力為卑詩省最大規模的專科教學醫院 – 溫哥華綜 合醫院籌募經費。今天,我們全力支持卑詩省最大規模的 衛生局和溫哥華沿岸衛生局,提供最專門的護理,開創性 研究和全新改革的體系。善之光晚宴所籌得的善款,將使 VGH能夠專注於最複雜的手術個案,如創傷、移植手術和 嚴峻的癌症手術。外科展望計劃正在強化VGH和UBC醫 院的資源,讓我們成為一體化、最先進和最高效的手術先 驅。」
帶來驚喜的宣佈 加拿大著名豪華住宅和綜合用途項目發展商Westbank 的首席營運長,Judy Leung今年首度作為晚宴籌委主席。 「透過各善長仁翁對外科展望計劃的支持,縱然政府資源有 限,我們也可幫助最複雜病例的患者,也能獲得最先進的 手術護理,更可以確保我們的醫院能夠為卑詩省提供可持 續的世界級護理。」Judy於晚宴當晚更帶來驚喜:「很榮幸能 代表我的良師Ian Gillespie宣布,Westbank將捐贈150萬元 給外科展望計劃!為我們的籌款活動作啟動!」 作為這次大型籌款慈善活動的籌委主席,Judy當然沒 有令人失望。活動最初希望可以籌集300萬元,最終飛越新 高峰,籌得超過434萬元的創新紀錄,取得空前成功。
令人興奮的現場競投拍賣 當晚最高拍賣價的競投珍品由Delvaux贊助。la Maison Delvaux成立於1829年,是一個真正的比利時品牌,在歐洲 和亞洲享負盛名。他們的第一家北美零售店於去年年底在 溫哥華成立。
“The creative concept for the 2018 Viva Pharmaceutical Time to Shine Gala is opulent avant-garde,” explained Kitty Cheung, VGH + UBC Hospital Foundation’s associate director of Asian strategy. “It is inspired by a unique blend of the House of Faberge and Downton Abbey, the ethos of colour blurring the lines between classic and edgy, between thought-provoking and timeless. “The Faberge represents a range of work in high quality and intricate details. To evoke the designs and colours with perfect blending of heritage and modernity, we use the peacock that showcases the similar colour palette and accent, making the presentation as a whole a lively and elegant approach.”
The Future of Surgery Campaign “We began as a small foundation supporting Vancouver General Hospital, B.C.’s largest specialized teaching hospital,” said Barbara Grantham, president and CEO of VGH + UBC Hospital Foundation. “Today, we support the most specialized care, groundbreaking research and system transformation across Vancouver Coastal Health, B.C.’s largest health authority.” “The money raised this evening will enable VGH to focus on the most complex surgery cases, such as traumas, transplants and complex cancer surgeries. The Future of Surgery campaign is strengthening the resources of both VGH and UBC Hospital to become a single, state-of-the-art, efficient, effective surgical program.”
An Exciting Surprise for the Evening Philanthropist Judy Leung, COO of Westbank, Canada’s leading luxury residential and mixed-use real estate development company, made her debut as the Gala’s chair. “By supporting the Future of Surgery campaign, we can come together to go above and beyond the limits of public funding,” she said. “Together, we can ensure that patients receive the most advanced surgical care for even the most complex cases, and together we can ensure our hospitals can provide sustainable, world-class care for British Columbia.” Leung also brought an exciting surprise to the evening. “To kickstart our fundraising, I have a special announcement,” she said. “On behalf of my mentor Ian Gillespie, I am very proud to announce that Westbank is contributing $1.5 million to the Future of Surgery campaign!” As chair of this significant fundraising charity event, Leung certainly did not disappoint, for the event was a huge success. With an original fundraising target of $3 million, the Gala soared to new heights by raising a record-breaking $4.34 million.
Exciting live auctions The evening’s top auctioned piece was sponsored by Delvaux. Founded in 1829, la Maison Delvaux is a truly Belgian brand that is renowned in Europe and Asia. Their first North America retail store opened in Vancouver late last year.
限量個人珍藏版 –Delvaux精製鱷魚皮手袋及個人漫畫肖像 – 成功競投價:$47,000
Monogrammed Delvaux’s Tempête Mini Alligator Feuille D’Or – Successful bid: $47,000
限量個人珍藏版 – DELVAUX精製鱷魚皮手袋 及個人漫畫肖像。 Monogrammed Delvaux’s Tempête Mini Alligator Feuille D’Or .
你可以擁有全球只有15個、加國獨一無二的限量版時尚Tempête Mini Alligator Feuille D’Or鱷 魚皮手袋。一向以設計精美和精緻手藝見稱的Delvaux,從偉大畫家Klimt的作品《黃金時代》取得 靈感,以光彩奪目寶石色調作設計主題。這限量版手袋會壓印上你的專屬名字,更有比利時著名 漫畫家創作肖像漫畫作私人珍藏。 Take home the only Tempête Mini Alligator Feuille D’Or available in Canada (only 15 in the world). Meticulously crafted by Delvaux, it draws on the brand’s longstanding devotion to the arts and is inspired by Gustav Klimt’s “Golden Phase”, with influences of the dazzling facets of gemstones. Your initials will also be hot-stamped on to the leather. You will also receive a unique cartoon portrait from Delvaux.
尊貴鱘魚國宴 – 成功競投價:$20,000
Other Live Auction Treasures Sturgeon Chinese state banquet – Successful bid: $20,000 20位貴賓共享尊貴非凡的鱘魚國宴,帶來一次舌尖上的終極味覺之旅。中國十大名廚、現任 半島餐飲集團行政總廚及烹飪總監的名廚黃武芬會親身上陣,主理以鱘魚為主打菜式的晚宴。貴 賓將有機會體驗,國家主席為接待貴賓及高官政要的國宴級美饌。 Twenty guests will experience the ultimate VIP banquet with this exceptional sturgeon dinner. Chef Huang Wuhun, executive chef and culinary director of the H.L. Peninsula Catering Group and one of China’s Top 10 chefs, will personally prepare B.C farm sturgeon as the signature dish for this meal. Experience the exacting culinary standards usually reserved for dignitaries attending state dinners 尊貴鱘魚國宴。 Sturgeon Chinese state banquet .
hosted by Chinese President Xi Jinping.
安坐法拉利專用包廂觀看格蘭披治賽事 – 成功競投價:$23,000 Grand Prix VIP Access with Ferrari – Successful bid: $23,000
安坐法拉利專用包廂觀看格蘭披治賽事 。 Canadian Grand Prix VIP Access with Ferrari .
親身感受2018年加拿大格蘭披治大賽一級方程式賽事,比賽將於6月8日至10日舉行。貴賓可 體驗令人振奮的超級快感,在滿地可的Gilles Villeneuve賽道,見證著澎湃激情與終極速度,它以 急賽彎道和難度極高的「冠軍之牆」(Wall of Champions) 而聞名。貴賓將以尊貴氣派出席,安坐由 北美法拉利擁有的貴賓式私用包廂觀看賽事。 Live the exhilarating thrill of Formula 1 racing at the 2018 Canadian Grand Prix June 8-10 in Montreal. Witness all the excitement and speed at Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, renowned for its complex turns and infamous “Wall of Champions”. Attend the race in style with exclusive access to Ferrari North America’s own VIP Hospitality Suite with privileged viewing and meals served throughout the day.
Master Chefs’ Special Dinner 新加坡米芝連二
Chef Julien Royer, co-owner
of Odette, a two-star Michelin
French restaurant in Singapore,
Julien Royer,會與
together with Nathan Brown,
Fairmont Pacific Rim
executive chef at Fairmont
Pacific Rim, are the two master
chefs behind this memorable
頓 4道菜的難忘晚宴。
four-course dinner.
Fairmont Pacific Rim的行 政主廚Nathan Brown Nathan Brown, executive chef, Fairmont Pacific Rim
Odette的東主之一, 大廚Julien Royer Chef Julien Royer, co-owner of Odette 龍皇上殿 Lobster Gourmandise
著名藝術大師水禾田珍藏系列 – 成功競投價:$25,000 Custom Art Collection by Renowned Master Water Poon – Successful bid: $25,000
著名藝術大師水禾田 匠心獨運的珍藏系 列。
Custom Art Collection by Renowned Master Water Poon.
雕塑,雕塑的主題是荷葉庇蔭下在鐵葉子上的一羣鳥兒。來自香港的著名藝術家及學者,水禾田大 師將史無前例親自到訪閣下選擇的地點,精心創作一幅專為配合你品味而繪畫的傑作。 Own a custom design from Master Water Poon, featuring a painting and elegantly sculptured porcelain birds on iron leaves sheltered by a lotus leaf. A renowned artist and scholar from Hong Kong, Master Poon, for the first time ever, will personally visit your preferred location and craft a painting masterpiece specifically tailored to your design.
在Le Crocodile尊享12位用的周日豪華晚宴 – 成功競投價: $38,000 及 $39,000 Exclusive Sunday Gourmet Indulgence for 12 at Le Crocodile – Successful bid: $38,000 and $39,000 一行12位貴賓於廣受好評的Le Crocodile餐廳,尊享一頓別出心裁的私人豪華晚宴,體驗頂級豪華 美食的至高境界。名廚及餐廳東主Michel Jacob將親自為閣下的周日聚會設計一頓精緻獨特的西岸頂 級晚餐。量身定製的菜單將採用最優質的西岸食材來炮製美味法國菜式,並由廚師米歇爾親自精心烹 調,配以私人珍藏的美酒,伴隨著悠揚現場音樂。 Enjoy the ultimate in fine dining with a custom, private banquet for 12 at the acclaimed Le Crocodile 在Le Crocodile享受12位用 的周日豪華晚宴 – 成功競 投價:$38,000 及 $39,000。 Exclusive Sunday Gourmet Indulgence for 12 at Le Crocodile – Successful bids: $38,000 and $39,000.
Restaurant. Celebrity Chef/Owner Michel Jacob will personally design your exclusive dinner. Your tailor-made tasting menu will feature the highest quality West Coast ingredients, artfully crafted as the best of French cuisine, and exquisitely prepared by Chef Michel himself. It will be paired with wine from a private collection, and accompanied by live music.
旅遊香港及品嘗新加坡米芝連星級美食之旅 – 成功競投價:$35,000 Explore Hong Kong & Dine Michelin-Star Like in Singapore – Successful bid: $35,000
香港旅遊及品嘗新加坡米 芝連星級美食之旅 。 Explore Hong Kong & Dine Michelin Star-Like in Singapore.
乘坐國泰航空商務客位飛往香港,入住Island Shangri-La酒店三晚,然後前往新加 坡,在屢獲殊榮的新加坡Fairmont酒店住宿6晚。屆時將品嘗到兩家米芝蓮星級餐廳 Odette和JAAN精緻的佳餚美酒。 Enjoy Cathay Pacific’s Business Class service to Hong Kong for a three-night stay at the Island Shangri-La. Then travel on to Singapore for a six-night stay at the award-winning Fairmont Singapore, where you will savour the exquisite offerings of two Michelin-rated restaurants — Odette and JAAN.
黃金手潛扇貝 Hand-Dived Scallop
和牛牛肉 Wagyu-Beef
濃情蜜意 Chocunuts ELITEGEN
一 年 一 度 蝦 歸 來
B.C. Spot prawn FeStival an annual ritual text | Iris Yim
photo | Johnny Liu
每年踏入初夏,是卑詩省野生斑點蝦的撈捕期。經過一個春天的滋養,斑點蝦長得肥 美鮮甜,因此每年五月,Spot Prawn Festival於溫哥華Granville Island漁人碼頭掀開蝦季 序幕,正式宣告老饕可以大快朵頤的美好時光到臨。參加Spot Prawn Festival的市民年年 遞增,不但可以在漁人碼頭的會場內品嘗到當年首次由漁船即捕即運來、並由本地大廚即 場炮製的斑點蝦外,還有名廚示範斑點蝦食譜及可現購鮮蝦。 The harvest season for wild B.C. spot prawns begins in May each year. To mark the occasion and declare that it’s finally time for gourmet connoisseurs to savour these sweet and succulent crustaceans, the Spot Prawn Festival is held at Vancouver’s False Creek Fishermen’s Wharf. The festival attracts more and more visitors every year. Not only can you taste the fresh, offthe-boat prawns cooked by local chefs, but you can also participate in cooking demonstrations and purchase take-home prawns on site. 法式大廚將開邊蝦極速煎過後再極速入焗 爐,以保留蝦肉爽口又能使鋪面的蒜茸、香 蔥及青醬香氣滲入蝦肉之中。 The French chef cuts up the prawns, fries them, then bakes them quickly in the oven to preserve their firm texture, while allowing the essence of the garlic, chives and green sauce to permeate the flesh.
Spot prawn boil是把汆熟斑點蝦 全部倒在桌上,食客據案大吃, 痛快之極。由於蝦隻是在滋味高 湯中汆煮兩至三分鐘,撈起的蝦 隻尚有餘熱,在遞送過程中把只 有五成熟的蝦燙至六或七成熟, 故蝦肉保持了如刺身般的口感及 甜腴特質。 The spot prawns are boiled in a delicious broth for two to three minutes, for a medium to medium-well doneness, to maintain a sashimi-like texture and sweet taste. Spread the hot prawns on the table and allow diners to dig in.
豉油皇煎蝦是溫哥華最受歡迎的中式煮法。 Pan-fried spot prawns with soy sauce is a popular Chinese dish in Vancouver.
以牛油及白酒汆熟斑點蝦,伴以酸漬葡萄提 鮮。 Poach the spot prawns with butter and white wine, sided by picked grapes to enhance the flavour.
選取最肥腴的珍寶體積斑點蝦,加入 牛油、香草、蒜茸、酸漬檸檬等同 炒,灒酒,猛火使蝦隻在最後階段衝 刺受熱。 Choose the plumpest spot prawns, stir-fry them with butter, herbs, garlic and pickled lemon, sizzle with wine and then turn up the heat to frizzle (crisp) them before serving.
炭燒斑點蝦。 Grilled Spot Prawns.
永續海產 蝦中之皇
Sustainable Seafood: King of Prawns
斑點蝦在亞洲有個更漂亮的名字–牡丹 蝦,以其蝦身紅褐艷麗,色如牡丹而得此美 名。爽口甜美的牡丹蝦,是做刺身的絕佳材 料,每年卑詩省撈捕的斑點蝦雖多達2,450公 噸,但絕大部分銷往日本,如今中國消費市場 強勁,漁獲亦被中國大量採購。斑點蝦的保鮮 難度高,可幸在先進的低溫技術下,將捕獲的 蝦隻即時在漁船上極速保鮮,保持蝦肉的甜度 和爽脆質感。 斑點蝦活躍於北緯45度以北的太平洋40至
Spot pawns are called “botan ebi” in Asia, which literally means “peony prawns”, because of the beautiful reddish-brown colour of their flesh that one might associate with peonies. These sweet prawns make great sashimi, and have long been renowned in Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan.The 2,450 metric tonnes of spot prawns caught in B.C. waters each year have traditionally been marketed in Japan. However, in recent years, the catch has also been heavily sourced by the strong Chinese consumer market. It is not easy to preserve the freshness of spot prawns, but with advanced cryotechnology, they can be caught and instantly frozen at sea to preserve their sweetness and firm texture.
100米的海洋中,由阿拉斯加海岸以至美國聖 地牙哥海域都有,日本海域及韓國沿海亦有踪
Spot prawns inhabit Pacific coastal waters, stretching from Alaska
to San Diego, and can be found at depths of 40 to 100 metres. They
can also be found in smaller numbers in the Sea of Japan and the Korea
Strait.The water between Vancouver Island and the mainland is much
cooler than off the coasts of Oregon and California and, as a result, they
are much firmer in texture than their American counterparts.
更為結實。 With Ocean Wise seafood program certification, spot prawn 為保障海產的可持續性和永續發展,斑點
stocks are a restricted resource in B.C., to ensure their sustainability.
Commercial harvesting is restricted to a six- to eight-week period in early
Wise Program認證,商業撈捕只限夏天作業。
蝦肉作剌身,蝦頭則沾天婦羅薄粉輕炸;一抹墨魚汁調成的伴醬作為鮮 味基調,另加青醬及酸漬三葉。 The prawn flesh is used for sashimi, while the heads are dipped into tempura batter before getting fried. Enhance the flavour with a sauce made with squid ink, green sauce and pickled clover.
法國普羅旺斯式爆炒斑點蝦配麵條。 Sautéed spot prawns, Provence style, with pasta.
01•慢火低溫汆至半生的斑點蝦,在一小段壓縮成 為絲緞狀的大黃 (compressed rhubarb) 的酸 酸甜甜味道烘托下,甜美無比。 Poach the spot prawns at a mediumlow heat. The sweetness of the flesh is strengthened with the sweet-and-sour taste of rhubarb.
斑點蝦的生長過程相當有趣,可以存活 四年,首兩年為雄性,之後變成雌性。成年 的斑點母蝦可長至23公分,是卑詩省商業 捕蝦中個頭最大的品種,外形上非常容易辨 識,其蝦鬚紅白相間,頭部有白色條紋,第 一節和第五節腹殼上有兩對白色斑點,肉質 爽口,味道鮮甜,可說是海蝦之王。 每年五月開始,民眾除了可以在海產
店、大型超市買到新鮮斑點蝦,更可以在 Granville Island漁人碼頭或列治文Steveston 漁人碼頭直接向船家選購。通常這些漁船都 是在溫哥華島附近海域捕得漁獲,便即回航 漁人碼頭泊岸,絕對是最新鮮的收獲及最便 宜的格價,懂門道的都知道——好蝦需向此 中尋! 且挑一家可以欣賞溫市景觀的餐廳,在
那日落黃昏,暮色如金的悠閒晚上,看我城 燈火初亮,那管它是中式還是西式烹調,那 管它是用筷子是用刀义還是用手拿著來吃, 請好好地吃享受這難得的本土美味。因為斑 點蝦料理,賞味有限期。 The lifespan of spot prawns is very interesting. They can live up to four years, spending the first two years as males, before
transforming into females. A female prawn can reach 23 centimetres in length, although the restricted shell-size limit for harvest is only 33 millimetres. They can easily be identified by the red and white legs, white stripes on the head and two pairs of white spots on the abdomen. Starting in May, fresh spot prawns are not only available in seafood shops and
Fishermen’s Wharf, as well as at the Steveston
05•斑點蝦意大利式煮法,先用牛油起鑊,煎香後 加白酒、黑椒佐味。 For this classic Italian dish, place the spot prawns in a heated pan and fry them in butter. Add in white wine and black pepper to enrich the flavour. 06•和斑點蝦同一季節在市場上出現的有番茄和西 瓜,當半汆熟的斑點蝦和稍作醃酸的西瓜粒及 熟透甜極的番茄一相逢,再被帶楓糖香甜的 sherry bourbon glaze包圍,加上香草碎及陳 醋汁,立時激活了味蕾。 These medium spot prawns are combined with slightly-pickled watermelon cubes and ripe, super-sweet tomatoes, and are served together with a maple syrup-sweetened sherry bourbon glaze and topped with chopped herbs and vinaigrette. Your tastebuds are immediately activated.
Blue Water Cafe + Raw Bar 1095 Hamilton St., Vancouver 604.688.8078 bluewatercafe.net
Fishermen’s Wharf in Richmond. The catch is usually harvested in waters close to Vancouver
of prawns” here!
04•生蝦刺身伴碟的綠色圓球原來是羅勒牛油果雪 葩,蝦肉下面的伴碟為一片壓縮泡漬過的醃西 瓜;雪葩在進食過程中漸漸融化,成為太平洋 西岸版本的斑點蝦凍湯! The prawn sashimi is sided with basil avocado sorbet and served atop a slice of dehydrated pickled watermelon, which is exceptionally sweet. The sorbet melts gradually as you eat it, and becomes the West Pacific version of spot prawn gazpacho!
Great places to go in Vancouver to enjoy prawns
directly from fishermen at the False Creek
ones you can get. Come and look for the “king
03•在蠔菇、茴香、蘆筍、風乾番茄、香蒜、芫荽 及醃檸檬簇擁下的主菜,除斑點蝦外尚有當時 得令的哈里拔魚塊和帶子。醬汁甚為考究, port-pastis jus除加酒外,亦用了蝦頭來煮汁。 The main course consists of spot prawns, seasonal Queen Charlotte halibut and scallops, and is sided with oyster mushrooms, fennel, asparagus, dried tomatoes, garlic, coriander and preserved lemon. The port-pastis jus is quite exquisite, made using wine and prawn heads.
supermarkets, but can also be purchased
Island, absolutely the freshest and cheapest
02•雜錦日式魚生及斑點蝦刺身。 Japanese-style sashimi and spot prawn sashimi.
Provence Marinaside Restaurant 1177 Marinaside Cres., Vancouver 604.681.4144 provencemarinaside.ca 皇朝海鮮酒家
Dynasty Seafood Restaurant 777 W. Broadway, Vancouver 604.876.8388 dynasty-restaurant.ca
If you’re in the mood for a relaxing evening, consider a restaurant with a scenic view of Vancouver, where you can admire the golden
Tojo’s Japanese Restaurant 1133 W. Broadway, Vancouver 604.872.8050 tojos.com
sunset while enjoying this local delicacy. It doesn’t matter if you eat spot prawns with chopsticks, a fork or your bare hands: relish them to the fullest, because they really have an expiry date.
Le Crocodile Restaurant #100-909 Burrard St., Vancouver 604.669.4298 lecrocodilerestaurant.com
街頭派對 大啖斑點蝦 由Chefs’ Table Society of BC主辦的 斑點蝦節已屆12周年。十多年前,卑詩省
發起斑點蝦節的幕後 功臣Robert Clark(前排 右)、Steve Johansen(前 排左)和其他Chefs’ Table Society of BC的成 員等。 (圖片提供 BC Spot Prawn Festival) Robert Clark (right, front row), Steve Johansen (left, front row) and other members of the Chefs’ Table Society of British Columbia are the masterminds behind the Spot Prawn Festival. (Photo provided by BC Spot Prawn Festival)
斑點蝦大都出口輸往亞洲,特別是到日本 作為高級刺身,卑詩省民反而較少機會得 嘗。2006年,由本地名廚Chef Robert Clark 和Organic Ocean的Steve Johansen、 OceanWise和Chefs’ Table Society of BC 等成員倡議,一齊發起組織Spot Prawn Festival,讓本地市民也有機會多了解及品 嘗斑點蝦。 每年斑點蝦季開鑼的首個周末,在 Granville Island附近的漁人碼頭False Creek Fishermen's Wharf (1505 West 1st Ave., Vancouver) 均會舉行Spot Prawn Festival。現場除有活蝦發售,還有斑點蝦 廚藝示範及Spot Prawn Boil美食活動,以 街頭派對形式來慶祝蝦季來臨。詳情可瀏覽 spotprawnfestival.com。
肥腴體壯斑點蝦,是卑 詩省珍貴的可持續海產。 Plump spot prawns are among B.C.’s precious sustainable seafoods.
Spot Prawn Festival Dig in to Spot Prawns at the Street Party This year marks the 12th anniversary of the Spot Prawn Festival, organized by the Chefs’ Table Society of British Columbia. A decade ago, nearly all spot prawns harvested in B.C. waters were exported to Asia, primarily Japan,
長碟內除斑點蝦張目揮鬚之外,還有小巧精 緻的豌豆餃子配鹹香煙肉及珍寶帶子。 In addition to the spot prawns with big eyes and long legs, jumbo scallops, salty bacon and exquisite pea dumplings can be found on the long plate.
as the ingredient of high-quality sashimi. People living in B.C. didn’t have much chance to enjoy them. In 2006, however, renowned local chef Robert Clark, Steve Johansen of Organic Ocean Seafood Inc. and members of the Chefs’ Table Society organized the Spot Prawn Festival, giving local citizens the opportunity to taste and learn more about this cherished crustacean. The Spot Prawn Festival is held at False Creek Fishermen's Wharf (1505 West 1st Ave.) near Granville Island on the first weekend of the harvest season each year. It’s a street party featuring the Spot Prawn Boil and cooking
卑詩省蝦季於初夏開鑼,賞蝦正及時。 The harvest season for wild B.C. spot prawns begins in May each year.
demonstrations. Prawns are also available for sale on site. For details, visit spotprawnfestival.
Wine Not
義 無 反顧 造 Vintage
GoinG vintaGe with no compunction 說到vintage年份
Mention vintage
whisky and one is
quickly drawn to
labels bearing a
忌( 如 1 2 年 、 1 8 年
“12 Years” or “18
等 ), 但 對 比 近 兩
Years” identification.
But the “NV”
designation (for
“non-vintage”) has
become increasingly
prevalent in recent
years. text | Ivan Wong
2005年釀酒師的心思全放於美國橡木波本桶,陳釀 11年後,便決定裝瓶讓大家嚐嚐這獨特的香橙與雲 尼拿甘香風味。 The distiller used bourbon barrels exclusively in 2005. After maturing for 11 years, it’s bottled to share the unique taste of orange and vanilla with connoisseurs.
Timing,是Balblair釀造年份威士忌所強調的要素,釀酒師 定時品試木桶醞釀中的原酒,認為到達最佳飲用狀態時便入 瓶,以美國波本桶及西班牙雪莉木桶陳釀13年的這瓶1990 年,便呈現出別具朱古力香味的圓潤特質。 Timing is a key factor that Balblair emphasizes. Distillers taste the cru in the cask regularly. When the taste is deemed to be optimal, it is bottled. This 1990 vintage, aged for 13 years in American bourbon barrels and sherry casks, gives off a round and smooth chocolate aroma.
Balblair於2007年決定於芸芸 Highland酒廠突圍,全心全 意只釀造單一純麥芽vintage whisky,成為此道先鋒。 Balblair decided in 2007 to set itself apart among Highland distilleries by becoming the first to focus on single-malt vintage whisky.
欣賞年份威士忌,就是 看釀酒師對那年份的橡 木桶運用與及熟成取向。 Vintage whisky appreciation is about how a distiller uses the oak casks of the year and the preference for maturity.
If you come across a major whisky brand labelled 1982, don’t get
the wrong impression that it is a 30-year vintage, as per wine. The actual
vintage of the whiskey is 18 years, because it was casked after distilling in
1982, but wasn’t bottled until 2000.
As the whisky market takes off, brands doing good business don’t
tend to bother with vintage whiskies that don’t do much for the bottom
line (super-expensive, limited-edition whisky with superior market value
多時間慢慢在木桶中陳釀。莫說vintage whisky,今天就連標
明陳年年期的12年或18年也漸漸要被NV所取代。 After all, it takes time to make vintage whisky and enterprising distillers 以單一年份標明於酒招上以彰顯其獨特性格的,始於
are not inclined to invest time in letting whisky age in casks. Never mind
vintage — even such labels as 12 Years and 18 Years are slowly being
overtaken by the NV classification.
太大,所以現今奉行這種義無反顧niche概念的蘇格蘭威士忌 廠屈指可數。Balblair便是其中旗幟相當鮮明的一家,酒廠於
When Scottish single-malt whisky became popular in the 1990s, the
year label was introduced to denote a whisky’s character. As this type
家一心一意只生產vintage whisky的造酒先鋒。欣賞年份威士
of whisky doesn’t enjoy the flexibility of blending with vintage cru, the
limitations in production are far too great.
我們要看的,是釀酒師對那年份的橡木桶運用及熟成取向, 從而得出來的那只有該年份才出現的獨特性格。
Not that many Scottish distilleries stick to this niche with no compunction. Balblair stands out among them. The distillery decided to
大麥雖不像葡萄般,每年受生產 地區風土影響而釀造出不同風格 的酒,但採用不同的大麥與製作 麥芽的程序也可影響酒風。 Wheat, unlike grapes, is less affected by climate in determining the resulting product’s character. The process of making malt can make the difference.
focus on a single vintage year in 2007 after much soul-searching. It became the Highlands pioneer in producing vintage whisky single-mindedly. The same approach of enjoying vintage wine applies to vintage whisky. Compare different vintages, then look at how the distillers use the oak casks of a particular year and their inclination towards maturity, and one can deduce the characteristics of a particular vintage.
Elite Life
ParaLLEL WintEr OLymPic Unparalleled Horizons text & photo | Zoe Mak
Out of curiosity, and with my Korean emotional
attachment (plus lots of promotions on
Facebook), I decided to apply
for a volunteer position at
this year’s Winter Olympics in
PyeongChang two weeks prior
to the application deadline.
入候選,經過2次語文 測試和Skype面試,最 終成功被錄取。
因為在電子媒體部門工作,所以有能夠進出各大 場館的許可證,得以觀看多場精彩比賽。最緊張 刺激的就當然是Para Ice Hockey。 I was able to attend the most exciting sledge hockey game with my digital media pass!
01 整個冬季奧運為期3星期,
Although I passed a couple of language
tests and hurdled through a Skype interview, it
was still speculative. With not much anticipation,
but with huge valour, the unexpected happened:
I was accepted! Suddenly, the excitement sank
in. I would be attending a massive global event
for the first time!
逗留2個星期。本以為Paralympic 就是Olympic for the paralyzed殘
The Olympic Games spanned almost a full
month and so, due to previous commitments,
I chose instead to volunteer at the 10-day
Paralympic Games that followed in March. The Games played
out largely along the northeastern coastal region of South Korea, including the PyeongChang, GangNeung and JeongSeon areas.
主辦單位為所有義工提供專為 Paralympic而設的2天基礎訓練,
The two-day training session for volunteers that preceded the
actual Games gave me an understanding of the various sport
disciplines and competitions. It was a real eye-opener!
士的滑雪項目。原來每一位視障滑 雪運動員都由一位視力正常的嚮導
In particular, the alpine skiing
event for the visually impaired
was bold and impressive. Each
visually-impaired athlete would be
accompanied down the course
by a guide. The guides’ helmets
would contain Bluetooth sensors that would allow course directions
and conditions to be transmitted
to the impaired
坦、香港、美國、加拿大和韓國當 地等。很多來自俄羅斯的義工都是
The entire process is truly fascinating. It relies
on tacit human expressions, trust and superior
technology in order to compete and achieve, which
conveys the unity theme of the Olympics.
當過義工,感覺難忘而再來參加。 01•我的工作地點Main Press Centre就是位於奧運期間 Ski jumping Tower的Alpensia。 Main Press Centre, near the ski jumping tower at Alpensia.
02•其中一場Para Ice Hockey加拿大對南韓比賽中,韓 國第一夫人金正淑都有來撐場。 South Korean First Lady Kim Jung-sook, attending the Canada-South Korea sledge hockey match.
Elite Life 主辦單位方面安排我在電子傳媒單位 工作,為官網提供有關比賽、運動員、國 家隊的博文,以及給官網編輯提供資料搜 集和比賽結果的後勤支援。工作地點在位 於平昌山區的Alpensia,雖然Paralympic 期間這裡並沒有舉行任何比賽,不過每天 均感受到江原道的冬季寧靜美。作為第一 次參與大型國際運動會的義務工作,能夠 跟來自不同地方、年齡、背景的人工作和 交流文化,絕對是非常難得和難忘的體 驗,難怪很多人就這樣從倫敦、索契到今
次的平昌,還打算相約下次2020的東京和 2024的北京再見。
The volunteer training ground expanded my outreach to nonCanadians, including Russians, Kazakhstans, British, Hong Kongers, Americans and Koreans. A number of the Russians who volunteered had already had a positive experience doing similar work in their own country, at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. I was assigned the job of digital media liaison to blog about competitions, athletes and various team updates on the official website, as well as provide research and editorial support for official results. This opportunity to work with people from different countries, cultures, backgrounds and life stages was truly
03•每一位義工都有一套8件North Face贊助的 冬季服飾,包括外套、雪褲、手套等。 Each volunteer received eight pieces of winter clothing by North Face, including a jacket, snow pants, gloves, etc.
remarkable. From London, to Sochi and now in PyeongChang, we cherished our experiences.
04•這一次被安排住宿於韓國東海束草市,大部 分義工都會在假期到市內品嚐當地特產-紅 蟹和有海蔘鮑魚和生魚片的海鮮雜錦。 During off hours, many volunteers decided to visit nearby towns, like Sokcho in Gangwon-do province, and explore local seafood specialties, such as sea crabs, jellyfish and abalone.
Who knows? Maybe we’ll reunite in four years’ time — in Beijing.
05 04
05•趁放假期間不少志工都會到鄰近的江陵咖啡 街和安木海邊逛逛,感受一下韓國東海的風 景。 Many of us enjoyed scenic water views along the east coast near Gangneung, in Gangwon-do province. 06•位於江陵的奧運廣場除了有好幾個不同場館 之外,還有聚集專門收集和交換紀念別針的 愛好者。 There were exchange stations for collectible pins near the Gangneung Olympic Square. 07•在今屆Paralympic得到首名金牌盲人滑雪選 手Mac Marcoux的媽媽到場觀看加拿大的 Para Ice Hockey比賽。 Canadian Paralympic gold medallist Mac Marcoux’s mother, enjoying a sledge hockey match.
Travel 迪士尼世界的珍貴時刻 DESIGNER
Magic Kingdom內的灰姑娘城堡每晚均擠滿人群,欣賞璀璨的煙花匯演。 The nightly fireworks display over Cinderella Castle in the Magic Kingdom is a crowd favourite. text | March Atchison from TraveLife
在奧蘭多 - 離遠見到一對亞裔情侶,正雀躍步往迪
ORLANDO — From a distance, I watch a wide-eyed young Asian
士尼世界Magic Kingdom的入口,興奮程度猶如小朋友
couple bound through the entrance to Walt Disney World Resort’s Magic
Kingdom with the energy of kids entering a candy store.
男的腳上穿著Ferragamo,手袋是Gucci,恤衫是Louis Vuitton。女的挽著Chanel鮮藍色手袋,戴著Pucci太陽 眼鏡及穿著Alexander McQueen桃紅上衣,非常搶眼。
Their designer attire makes them stand out from the crowd. His shoes are Ferragamo, his bag Gucci and his shirt Louis Vuitton. She’s sporting a cherry-coloured outfit designed by Alexander McQueen, accessorized
with a small electric blue Chanel handbag and Pucci sunglasses.
師Missoni的出品? Very impressive. 「沒錯!」這對來自北京的年輕情侶現出驚訝表情, 沒想到我會認得出Missoni獨有的布藝設計。
But wait a minute. Are those Minnie Mouse ears she’s wearing really the work of Italian designer Missoni?
「我們在那邊的四季酒店買到這個頭飾(售$120美 元)。」那位男士邊說邊指向迪士尼世界度假酒店的方 向。透過與迪士尼集團的特別合作企劃,加國最具代
“Yes!” the lovely young couple from Beijing exclaims, impressed that I’ve identified Missoni’s signature fabric design.
表性的酒店集團 – 四季酒店集團在園內開設了度假酒 店,我個人認為,它絕對可媲美集團其他5星級酒店。
“We bought the ears (for $120) at Four Seasons over there,” says
01• 迪士尼世界備有一艘16呎長的Sea Ray豪 華遊艇Grand 1,停泊於Grand Floridian Resort & Spa外。遊艇可容納18位乘客, 每小時收費約$700美元。 For about $700 an hour, you can hop aboard the Grand 1, Disney’s luxury 16-metre-long Sea Ray yacht, which is anchored outside the Grand Floridian Resort & Spa. It can hold up to 18 passengers. 02• 迪士尼世界度假區有多個在美國數一數 二的高球場,更曾舉辦多項PGA及LPGA 賽事。 Walt Disney World Resort has some of the best golf courses in the U.S. and has hosted PGA and LPGA tournaments.
03• Uniqlo進駐迪士尼世界最新購物區Disney Springs。 The opening of the Uni Glo store in Disney Springs, Walt Disney World Resort’s new shopping area. 04• 迪士尼世界Grand Floridian酒店內的水療 中心,是業界公認最佳的水療中心之一。 The spa facility at Walt Disney World Resort’s Grand Floridian Hotel is one of the best facilities in the industry.
3 4
the young man, pointing to an area of Walt Disney World Resort where
the iconic Canadian luxury hotel chain, thanks to a special partnership
with the Disney Corporation, has opened an on-property resort. In our
opinion, it rivals anything in Four Season’s five-star inventory.
的餐廳、世界級水療中心、高爾夫球場、私人遊艇以 及包羅各國名牌的全新購物區Disney Springs (前身為
I guess it shouldn’t come as a surprise that in a kingdom ruled by
Downtown Disney) 。不惜腰間錢的話,更可舉行一個
princesses and dominated by a castle, there are many things that appeal
to affluent tastes and budgets.
In fact, Walt Disney World Resort has spared no expense trying to lure
the elite generation, especially from Asia, to its parks. It’s added plenty of
luxury items: five-star accommodations, celebrity chef restaurants, worldclass spas, signature golf courses and a private yacht.
這對年輕情侶為我解開疑團。 There’s also a whole new shopping district — Disney Springs 「我們十分喜歡上海的迪士尼樂園,開幕至今已經
(formerly Downtown Disney) — where high-end labels are in abundance.
Heck, you can even have a Cinderella-style wedding at Walt Disney World
Resort if you have the money.
Travel 當聽到「購物」二字,他的女友即時瞪起雙
However, now that Walt Disney has parks in Hong Kong, Shanghai
and Tokyo, I’m left to wonder why I see so many overseas Asians walking
around Orlando’s Walt Disney World Resort?
飾物出自美國著名設計師Kimberly McDonald 手筆,索價數千元,她的作品跟Tom Ford及
The Chinese couple supplies the answer.
Tory Burch的作品同時於迪士尼四季酒店的精
“We like Shanghai Disney — we’ve been there five times already — but
this Disney is much bigger,” the young man tells me. “More things to see here. Lots of shopping.”
迪士尼世界提供不同的服務切合旅客的需 要,當然包括為擁有奢華品味的貴賓提供多不 勝數的豪華享受,且由餐飲開始逐一介紹。
His girlfriend’s eyes grow as big as Minnie Mouse’s ears at the mere mention of the word “shopping” and she quickly draws my attention to the unique Mickey Mouse jewelry she’s wearing. The quirky elegant
pieces, costing thousands of dollars, were created by noted American
過迪士尼世界的最新餐廳Morimoto Asia。餐
designer Kimberly McDonald, whose work is displayed and sold at the
廳位於Disney Springs的The Landing,由Iron
Four Seasons boutique shop alongside creations from Tom Ford and Tory
廳之一,其正門位置的樓梯設計華麗,可媲美 迪士尼電影中的場景。
Walt Disney World Resort caters to all tastes, including expensive ones. So, if money is no object, there are plenty of luxury options on offer,
starting with dining.
我翌日亦有機會試食。我曾於北京紫禁城附近 的1949品嚐其片皮鴨,我認為Morimoto片皮 鴨的水準絕對不遑多讓。
The young Chinese couple is especially excited to tell me about the Asian meal they enjoyed the evening before at one of Walt Disney World Resort’s newest restaurants — Morimoto Asia, located at The Landing in
Morimoto Asia的開放式廚房設計概念深
Disney Springs. The pan-Asian room, created by chef Masaharu Morimoto
of Iron Chef fame, is one of the most elegant restaurants in the United
States, with a grand staircase entrance right out of a Disney movie set.
The couple compliments Morimoto’s Peking duck, and I must admit,
when I get around to sampling it the next day, I find it comparable to
度假酒店Grand Floridian Resort & Spa內的
the best I’ve had in Beijing — at a restaurant called 1949 next to the
Victoria & Albert' s。
Forbidden City.
1 2 01• 位於Disney Springs內的Morimoto Asia餐廳,其正門位置設計華麗,可媲 美迪士尼電影中的場景。 The grand entrance to Morimoto Asia restaurant in Disney Springs looks like it’s from a Disney movie set. 02• 這些米奇頭形的沙坑,只會在迪士尼世界度假酒店見到。 Many of the bunkers at Walt Disney World Resort are shaped like Mickey Mouse’s head. 03• Morimoto Asia由Iron Chef名廚森本正治主理,他與米奇老鼠相遇肯定會擦 出火花。 Chef Masaharu Morimoto of Iron Chef fame meets Mickey Mouse at the opening of Disney’s Morimoto Asia restaurant in Disney Springs,
Chef Scott Hunnel的大師級廚藝為
Morimoto Asia, whose open-kitchen concept appeals to diners, also features lots
Victoria & Albert's贏得AAA五鑽殊榮,地位
of dim sum and the selections at its second-floor sushi bar and lounge rival anything
in Tokyo.
(包括亞洲)所得來的靈感加入其10道菜的廚 師品味菜單,實行以味覺帶你環遊世界。 位於主餐房側的Queen Victoria Room,即
For those with discerning tastes, there’s lots of appetizing restaurant options at Walt Disney World Resort — some even worthy of Michelin-star status.
使招待女皇亦絕不失禮。全店只設8張檯, 絕對可滿足識飲識食之士。餐廳酒窖收藏
There’s no better example of that than Victoria & Albert’s, the lavish dining room
inside Walt Disney World Resort’s ultra-luxury Grand Floridian Resort & Spa where
vintages,難怪Victoria & Albert's獲Wine
chef Scott Hunnel’s culinary mastery has earned a AAA Five Diamond recognition
— America’s Michelin equivalent. His 10-course Chef’s Dégustation Menu features
of Excellence大獎。
dishes that are inspired by his world travels to places like Asia.
園內更可找到高檔的fine dining餐廳。
The restaurant’s Queen Victoria Room, adjacent to the main dining room, looks
每次我到Epcot World Showcase,一定
like it’s ready to welcome the Queen. With only eight tables, it caters to some
privileged palettes. Here, diners also get to sample the restaurant’s finest vintages
from a cellar that contains more than 4,200 bottles. No wonder Wine Spectator magazine bestowed its coveted “Award of Excellence” on Victoria & Albert’s.
餐廳名字以赫赫有名的法國廚師Paul Bocuse來命名,可惜這位被喻為Chef of
Fine dining even shows up in the parks at Walt Disney World Resort. Every time
the 20th Century(20世紀最佳廚師)的名廚
I go to Epcot World Showcase, for instance, I make a mad dash for the France
pavilion, where the best French food outside Paris is served at the Monsieur Paul
Monsieur Paul主打經典法國菜,菜式來自
Chef Paul位於法國里昂的著名食店,每一
Named after legendary French chef Paul Bocuse — the “Chef of the 20th
Century” sadly died in early 2018 — Monsieur Paul offers a classic French decor and
的steak frit已經令我垂涎。
a menu with dishes he perfected over 38 years at his famous Lyon eatery. The very thought of his steak frit makes me salivate.
位於迪士尼四季酒店頂樓的西班牙餐廳 Capa,已成為園內最新熱話。餐廳主打牛
Capa, the elegant Spanish-themed dining room atop the Four Seasons Hotel
at Disney, is one of the most talked about on the property — and for good reason.
富,Wine Enthusiast雜誌更把它評為「美國
Capa’s menu highlights are steak and tapas, but its extensive wine cellar is why
百大美酒餐廳」 之一。
Wine Enthusiast magazine put it on its list of “Best 100 Wine Restaurants in the U.S.” I’ll drink to that!
遊客可跟不同的迪士 尼動畫角色近距離接 觸,包括愛麗絲夢遊仙 境、小熊維尼及星戰的 Chewbacca 等。 Asian visitors like to interact with Disney characters, like Alice in Wonderland, Winnie The Pooh or Star Wars character Chewbacca.
Morimoto供應多款亞洲美食。 The kitchen at Morimoto Asia in Disney Springs serves up some classic Asian dishes.
Travel 01• 位於迪士尼世界度假區內的四季酒店豪華瑰麗,是首個跟迪士尼合作的連鎖酒店集團。 The Four Seasons at Disney Resort is a spectacular facility and the only hotel chain ever to reach an on-site agreement with Disney. 02• 迪士尼四季酒店的泳池區設有漂浮河流及滑水管,泳池入口更設計如沙灘一樣。 The pool area at the Four Sessons at Disney includes a lazy river and tube slide, as well as a pool with a beach-style entrance. 03• 泳池後方是酒店的主樓。 Another pool shot with the main hotel building in the background.
1 2
至於住宿方面,迪士尼世界提供佛羅里達州 內最佳的酒店選擇,而且全部位於園區內,毋須
When it comes to accommodation, Walt Disney World Resort features some of the best properties in all of Florida, and they’re all gathered in one spot.
四處奔波。 So, if your accountant isn’t telling you to cut back on expenses, make sure 如果預算許可,極力推介Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa或Four Seasons at
you reserve a room at either Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa, or the Four Seasons at Disney — or both! The experiences are unique and priceless.
Disney,或是兩間均住,盡情享受獨特而寶貴的 Disney’s Grand Floridian, for example, is a AAA Four Diamond recipient and
deserving of every Diamond. The resort is huge (867 rooms), but the attentive 以維多利亞式的建築傑作Disney's Grand
service makes it feel like you’re staying at a quaint boutique property — a Victorian
masterpiece with a high level of sophistication. Is this really a Walt Disney World
Resort we’re staying at?
務令你仿如住宿於小巧的精品酒店。 For something totally different, though, may I suggest you consider staying 迪士尼世界的最新酒店Polynesian Villas &
at Walt Disney World Resort’s Polynesian Villas & Bungalows. Part of the Disney
Vacation Club portfolio, the villas are built over the coral blue Seven Seas Lagoon,
Disney Vacation Club的成員之一,一座座獨立
close to the Magic Kingdom. I have Don Ho tunes dancing in my head whenever I
小屋建於蔚藍的Seven Seas Lagoon之上,鄰近
think about this South Pacific-style property.
Magic Kingdom。不知怎的,一想起這座南太平 洋式的酒店,腦中不期然會響起夏威夷歌手Don
While The Four Seasons at Disney may sound a bit too mature for Disneygoers, the hotel is actually very family friendly and features a 7,590-square-foot pool
with a gradually sloping “beach entry” — perfect for young swimmers. There’s also 四季酒店看似過於莊重,卻絕對適合一家大 小,特別是其7,590平方呎的超大泳池及微斜的沙
an underwater audio system in the pool and the laughter coming from the Lazy River tube area tells me that’s appealing to every member of the family.
灘式入口,肯定吸引小朋友。泳池更安裝了水底 音響系統,可聽到從Lazy River Tube滑水管那邊 傳來的笑聲。在酒店前台可購買迪士尼世界的門
You can purchase tickets for the Walt Disney theme parks in the lobby of the Four Seasons and be shuttled between parks from the hotel. Very convenient.
票,更提供接駁巴士往返樂園及酒店,非常方便。 As I continue my walk around the Magic Kingdom, I see many young women 當我繼續在Magic Kingdom閒逛時,沿路見
sporting mouse ears with veils attached. It seems Walt Disney World Resort has
become a popular destination for weddings. A young Japanese bride-to-be and her
wedding party are flirting with Mickey Mouse. Well, she’s not married yet.
一位年輕日本準新娘子及她的伴娘們正在「調戲」 Couples looking for a magical Cinderella-style wedding have come to the right
place because, according to Walt Disney officials, destination weddings have 據迪士尼世界表示,近年目的地婚禮的受歡 迎程度有顯著上升的趨勢。
shown a sharp increase in recent years and business is only expected to get bigger in the years to come.
04• 迪 士 尼 四 季 酒 店 內 的 西 班 牙 餐 廳 Capa,主打西班牙小碟tapas,餐廳更 是其中一個欣賞煙花匯演的最佳位置。 Capa, the Spanish stele tapas restaurant at Four Seasons at Disney, offers guests some of the best vantage spots from which to watch the nightly fireworks display. 05• Capa是佛羅里達州其中一間最佳的西 班牙tapas餐廳,色彩豐富的室內設計 讓你猶如置身巴塞隆納或馬德里。 Capa, the Spanish stele tapas restaurant, is one of the best in Florida and its colourful decor makes you think you’re dining in Barcelona or Madrid rather than Orlando.
5 婚禮開始時,小號手吹著號角,迎接乘著灰
As part of the wedding ceremony, trumpeters herald a bride’s grand
entrance down Main Street, U.S.A., aboard Cinderella’s glass coach, or a
horse-drawn carriage. Ceremonies are usually staged in the morning, just after
the official “rope drop” at the park entrance.
新娘及伴娘們都喜歡在婚禮之前做spa,園內有兩 個美國國內最佳的spa,一個位於迪士尼的Grand
To get ready for their big day, bridal parties often opt for a spa experience,
and Walt Disney World Resort has two of America’s finest on site — one at the
Four Seasons, the other at the Grand Floridian.
The 13,000-square-foot Four Seasons Resort Spa is a sanctuary of
tranquility, offering 18 modern treatment rooms and four couples’ suites —
perfect for a bride and groom. The spa’s contemporary design and indigenous
trappings put you in a relaxed frame of mind from the outset, and you really do leave rejuvenated.
Grand Floridian水療中心的佛州式花園設計, 帶你返回20世紀。在樂園玩了一整天,最適合在這
Not to be outdone, the spa at the Grand Floridian allows you to take a step
back in time, with its Floridian garden setting from the turn of the 20th century.
It’s heavenly and a perfect escape after a hectic day of park walking. Qualified therapists, using traditional and modern techniques, will have you ready to
tackle another Disney park in no time.
富豪尤其鍾情,為了投其所好,迪士尼世界特別 在園內提供多個高水準球場,更曾舉辦多項PGA 及LPGA賽事。老虎活士曾經於1996年及1999 年,在迪士尼世界的Palm and Magnolia
Because golf is recognized as the sport of the elite, especially among Asia’s wealthy, Walt Disney World Resort caters to lovers of that sport with a group of championship courses that have hosted PGA and LPGA events.
球場兩度贏得Walt Disney World Golf
Tiger Woods won the Walt Disney World Golf Classic twice — in
Classic大獎。此外Lake Buena Vista球
1996 and 1999 — at the resort’s Palm and Magnolia courses.
場是佛州最佳球場之一,由Tom Fazio設
Disney’s Lake Buena Vista course is one of Florida’s best and
計的Osprey Ridge亦是經典。
the resort’s Tom Fazio-designed Osprey Ridge is a classic.
迪士尼四季酒店內的The Tranquilo Golf Club高球場亦絕對 符合舉辦PGA賽事的資格,不過球 場只對酒店住客開放,相信我,雖
The Four Seasons Resort also has PGA-worthy 由意大利設計師Missoni設計的米妮耳朵 頭飾於四季酒店內有售,每對$120美元。 Minnie Mouse ears designed by Missoni are sold at the Four Seasons’ boutique for $120 a pair.
course, The Tranquilo Golf Club, but you have to book a room to play there. It’s well worth the money folks. Trust me.
然貴但絕對值得。 Walt Disney World Resort makes dreams come true 走入如夢似幻的迪士尼世界讓 所有人夢想成真。
for everyone. 查詢更多詳情,請瀏覽網址Toureast.com。 For more information, visit Toureast.com
01•兩輛剛剛全翻新過的平治MB 300 SL (每輛價值近200萬元) ,正等待車主到 取。 Two fully-restored MB 300 SLs (valued at nearly $2M apiece) awaiting delivery to their owners. 02•Rudi甚少翻新平治以外的汽車,這輛 Lamborghini Miura是例外的少數。 Rudi, standing beside a restored Lamborghini Miura, one of the few non-Mercedes cars he works on.
Growing up in an
impoverished area of Toronto,
Rudi Koniczek had a passion for
building model cars. One day, he went to
a hobby shop and offered to work for free.
Instead of taking cash payment, he agreed
to accept hobby kits as compensation for
his services.
與平治Mercedes GullwinGs的終生戀情 From Small-Town Boy To world’S Premiere reSTorer text | Kenson Ho and George Verdolaga photo | Rudi & Co.
Rudi和兩輛精心翻新的平治MB 300SLs -左邊 的是roadster跑車、右邊是gullwing鷗翼跑車。 Rudi, between two carefully restored MB 300SLs (roadster convertible on the left, gullwing coupe on the right).
Rudi駕駛著的平治AMG GT,是平治特別為他而製,並在德國 Sindelfingen的卓越中心頒發,以慶祝彼此合作50年。 Rudi, seen inside a 2017 Mercedes Benz AMG GT specially built for him to mark his 50-year association with Mercedes Benz — presented at MB’s centre of excellence in Sindelfingen, Germany.
Rudi喜歡玩具軌道賽車場,所有玩具賽車都是他自製的平治 車型。Rudi對這些玩具賽車深感自豪,不惜長途跋涉走到加拿大 平治汽車總部,並向當時的總裁Reiner Lange-Mechlin展示其自 製1:32比例的平治玩具賽車,總裁對這位年輕人印象深刻,即時 聘請他作清潔工。Rudi 當年才是15歲。
把握天賦創天下 經過幾個月清潔車間和停車場的工作,Rudi開始了5年的工 廠學徒生涯,更有機會參與翻新舊平治汽車的工作。當同事均喜 歡修理新車時,Rudi反而情有獨鍾,喜歡修理舊車 ,比方是當 時身價仍未暴漲的平治300SLs(還是上世紀60年代)。因此遇上
要維修舊的平治汽車,同事們都會說:「把車交給Rudi吧!」 His finely assembled products were then displayed in the shop’s window and passersby were quick to purchase them. Koniczek wound up making more money than if he had been paid a salary. Eventually, Koniczek gravitated to the slot-car racing scene. All of his cars were Mercedes Benz (MB) models he built himself. He was so proud of his handiwork that he went to the head office of Mercedes Benz Canada and presented his 1:32 scale MB racers to president Reiner Lange-Mechlin. He was so impressed that he offered the young man a job on the spot, as a lot boy. Koniczek was only 15 years old. A few months of cleaning shop floors and parking lots led to a five-year factory apprenticeship, which afforded Koniczek the opportunity to restore older Mercedes Benz vehicles like the 300SL
models, which were not as valuable at the time (this was the 1960s). His co-workers preferred to work on newer cars, so when an older Mercedes came in for repairs, they would simply say, “Give the car to Rudi”.
Encouraged to carve out an independent existence Near the end of his apprenticeship, one of the older mechanics, Josef Dunjko, recognized Koniczek’s natural talent and encouraged him to work for himself and continue restoring vintage Mercedes automobiles
independently. Dunjko told Koniczek: “If you don’t leave this place, you’ll end up like me — sitting on a bench when you’re my age, eating your lunch out of a box and working for a company
即將告別學徒生涯時,一位年長技工Josef Dunjko欣賞Rudi的天 賦,鼓勵他自立門戶,繼續翻新古舊的平治汽車。Dunjko告訴Rudi:
that owns you. You have a natural ability with cars, Rudi. Go out on your own.”
「如果你不離開這個地方,就會像我一樣,年紀老邁時仍為一間不屬於 你的公司工作。你在汽車方面有天賦,Rudi,去為自己創天下吧!」
Given that encouragement, Koniczek decided to move from Toronto to Victoria in February, 1971. At the age of 21,
he started up a race-and-rally preparation and sportscar-
維多利亞,創辦了Pacific Competition Development賽車和集訓活動,
tuning business called Pacific Competition Development. He
would tune a lot of British race cars, mostly owned by so-
called “Remittance Men”, who were typically sons of wealthy
Englishmen with nothing but time on their hands.
Koniczek started marketing his repair and restoration
services by leaving his business card under windshields of
cars parked in lots near university and dental clinics. Soon
after, he received a call from Dr. Martin Scherzer, who became his first client. Scherzer would open the door to two more
Rudi忙於修理平治汽車,不得不退出他的跑車賽事和調校活 動,專注於翻新德國和英國汽車。他把這新的修理和翻新業務改名為 Autohaus。到了80年代中期,Autohaus成為維多利亞最繁忙的歐洲車 輛專門維修店。成功的業務,同時令Rudi精神上感到莫大壓力。也令
referrals and those two referrals would lead to four more, and so on.
Opting for a more defined focus
他決定要專注於自己的激情—翻新古董平治MB 300SL。他創立了一家 名為Victoria Carriage Company的新公司 (其後易名為Rudi and Co.) , 並在市郊Saanich購置倉庫。 03• Rudi坐在平治300 SL鷗翼跑車的寬門 檻上。 Rudi sitting on the wide door sill of the Mercedes Benz 300 SL gullwing coupe. 04•Rudi亦熱愛和擁有多輛保時捷,身旁 的保時捷Carerra GT是其中之一。 Rudi next to a Porsche Carerra GT. (He is also a Porsche fanatic and owns several of them.) 05• R udi和翻新團隊的一半成員在他的 Saanich店外,正準備為這罕見的鋁合 金鷗翼型號進行翻新大工程,完成後 售價可高達700萬元。 Rudi and half of his restoration team standing outside his Saanich, B.C. shop , working on a rare aluminum alloy-bodied gullwing that will eventually sell for $ 7 million once it’s finished.
Business became so brisk that Koniczek decided to forgo his sports-car racing and tuning activities and focus
06• 這輛鋁合金「鷗翼」正在等待翻新,暫 時外放於雪地裡。平治只製造了29輛 同類型號,Rudi已經翻新了其中4輛。 The same aluminum alloy gullwing awaiting the next stage of restoration sits it out in the snow. There were only 29 of these ever made and Rudi has restored four of them. 07• Rudi和他的終極珍藏型號。這輛非常 罕見的鋁合金平治300 SL,是他堅持 不懈地追求了20年,最終得到前車主 同意賣給他的獵物。 Rudi’ s ultimate barn find, an extremely rare aluminum alloy Mercedes Benz 300 SL, which he pursued relentlessly for 20 years, before the owner finally agreed to sell it to him.
exclusively on restoring German and British cars. He named this new repair and restoration business Autohaus. Eventually, Autohaus would become the busiest custom repair shop in Victoria for European vehicles up until the mid-1980s. However, the highly successful business took its toll on Koniczek, mentally and emotionally. At that point, he decided to focus on his original passion — restoring vintage MB 300SLs. He created a new company called Victoria Carriage Company (which would eventually become Rudi and Co.) and purchased some warehouse space in suburban Saanich.
在Rudi一塵不染的店內,陳列著不同 翻新階段的平治300 SL。 Mercedes 300 SLs, in various states of restoration, seen inside Rudy’s spotless shop.
MB gullwings are among the most coveted automobiles in the world. Due to their extreme rarity and beauty, a fully restored MB gullwing can
平治鷗翼MB gullwing可能是世界上最令人垂涎的汽車之
fetch upwards of $2 million. MB 300SLs typically come in two versions: the
roadster convertible and the gullwing coupe. Gullwings are generally more
價值可高達140萬美元。MB 300SL通常有兩種版本:開篷車
coveted — and pricier — due to their visual appeal.
(又稱roadster雙座跑車)和雙門轎跑車(又稱gullwing鷗翼), 後者因其兩邊車門打開時,形似飛行中的海鷗而得名。由於視 覺上極具吸引力,鷗翼一般更令人垂涎,亦更昂貴。
Cars are shipped to Koniczek from all over the world, in varying conditions. A full restoration can take 12 to 18 months and can cost between $300,000
and $450,000. However, customers don’t even bat an eyelash. In fact, they
have to wait in line if they want their cars worked on by Koniczek, who has
a meticulous eye for detail and an ability to turn wrecks into concourse-level
將看上去猶如殘骸轉化蛻變成頂尖瑰寶。汽車收藏世界畢竟 是一個小圈子,在更加細小的平治300SL車主世界裡,Rudi Koniczek的名字就是神。
A business where his name is gold The car-collecting world is a small community and even smaller when it
一家在維多利亞擁有大部分高端奢侈品經銷商的公司 GAIN接觸Rudi,希望收購他的公司。Rudi回憶道:「我決定
comes to Mercedes Benz 300SL owners. To them, Rudi Koniczek’s name is gold.
是時候讓年輕一代員工接棒了。因為我的孩子們都不想接棒, 我亦不想公司前景欠明朗。」教人意外的是,Rudi並沒有把公
Koniczek was approached by GAIN, a company that owns mostly high-
end luxury dealerships in Victoria, about buying his company. Rudi recalls:
“I decided that it was time to back off, let the young guys take over. I didn’t
want to leave them hanging as none of my own kids wanted to take over the business.”
當被問及長期成功和維持國際聲譽的秘訣時,Rudi說: 「顧客因為知道我們對工作充滿激情,才會找我們。翻新汽車
But rather than sell the business to GAIN, Koniczek simply bequeathed
it to them, saying: “We have a lot of apprentices who keep the craft and
heritage of vintage-car restoration alive. It’s never been about the money for
me. It’s always about doing the best type of work in this business.” Asked about the secret to his enduring success and international reputation, Koniczek says: “People seek us out because they know that we’re passionate about what we do. Restoring cars is an art and we’ve developed a strong reputation for that because of our passion and our eye for detail.”
Elite Car 雖然這一代的平治S級只是踏入第4個年頭,但2018年款的S 級已有一項相當重要的更新,就是採用了一系列新引擎及更 新了多個科技先進的功能。 While only into the fourth year of this generation, the Mercedes-Benz S-Class has had a fairly significant makeover for 2018, with a series of new engines and a bevy of advanced technology features.
豪華典範 無出其右
Mercedes-Benz s 560 4MATIc Long WheeLBAse 2018 Mercedes-Benz s-class still sets the luxury standard
For years now, the Mercedes-
Benz S-Class has been
560,我肯定平治S 560確如廠方宣稱,
the car against which
是世界上最好的汽車。事實上,S 560做
all other full-size
luxury sedans are measured.
2018年款的S 560大型房車車頭經過更新。 The full-size S 560 sedan has been refreshed for 2018, with a new front fascia.
平治S級所有材料均是上乘之選,門板以柔軟的羊 皮裝飾,以鍍鉻配襯。 Everything is top shelf on the Mercedes-Benz S-Class. The door panels are finished in supple nappa leather, with contrasting chrome accents.
S 560車廂設計時尚、優雅和舒適。 The S 560’s interior is stylish, elegant and comfortable.
text | Lorne Drury Metroland Media
2018年款的S 560採用了新的4.0公升雙渦輪引擎 (輸出463匹馬力和516磅/呎扭力) 。 One of the new features of the 2018 MercedesBenz S 560 is the 4.0-litre biturbo engine (463 hp, 516 lb/ft of torque).
After a week with the refreshed 2018 version, an S 560 model to
輪驅動。我們試駕的S 560長陣車,搭載全新的4公升雙渦輪V8引
be precise, I see no reason to dispute the Mercedes-Benz claim that
擎,迸發出463匹馬力和360磅/呎扭力。而入門版的S 450短車軸
this is the finest automobile in the world.
版的引擎則為3公升雙渦輪,輸出362匹馬力和360磅/呎扭力。 This S-Class model simply does it all — in fact, more than one 這些型號全都配搭九前速自動波箱,取代過去的七前速波
could ever imagine.
箱。平治廠方聲稱S級的雙渦輪V8引擎從0加速至時速100公里只 需4.6秒,比採用V6引擎的速度快0.3秒。
For 2018, Canadians get three versions of this full-size luxury sedan, all with 4MATIC all-wheel drive. We tested the S 560 long-
如果你愛好高性能的車,可以選擇動力高超的S 63和 S 65房 車。它們分別可把馬力提高至603匹和621匹。雖然你未必需要這
wheelbase variant, featuring a new 4.0-litre biturbo V8 engine that generates 463 horsepower and 516 lb/ft of torque.
麼威猛的動力,但若錢不是考慮因素,那就不用猶豫了! A short wheelbase version of the same car is also offered,
along with the entry-level S 450 4MATIC that has a 3.0-litre biturbo, producing 362 horsepower and 360 lb/ft of torque.
這一代的S級在4年前才首次亮相,2018年款的更新版卻不只 小改動,而是改用了新款引擎和很多新科技,讓它得以繼續保持 領導地位。
S 560的全新LED車頭燈系統是當今市場上最強勁的。 The new LED headlamps on the S 560 are among the strongest in the market.
All three models come with a new nine-speed automatic transmission, replacing the previous seven-speed version.
提供娛樂資訊的大型高清屏幕。 A look at the S 560’s new high-resolution infotainment screen.
入門車S 450 4MATIC的價格由106,400元起,而我們試駕 的S 560基本售價為124,400元,經過增添多項選置後,售價為
可選置20吋的多輻條輪圈,價值1,250元。 These 20-inch, multi-spoke wheels are a $1,250 option on the S 560.
Mercedes-Benz says the twin-turbo V8 version will do the 0-100 km/h run in 4.6 seconds — 0.3 seconds faster than their V6 counterpart.
141,450元。 For the performance enthusiast in the crowd, Canadians can also 廠方稱S 560的全新4公升雙渦輪引擎是V8引擎中最省油的,
choose from a pair of AMG-inspired, high-powered S-Class sedans
— the S 63 and S 65. These two up the power quotient considerably,
boasting 603 and 621 horsepower, respectively.
時候,例如在高速公路巡航時,會關閉4個氣缸。 That is probably more power than most of us will ever need, but if 新款的S級外觀變化不大,只有保險桿是新設計的,還有改 良過的頭燈系統和其他微小的更新。是科技方面讓新款的S級處 於領先位置,舉例說:駕駛者可用多種方式操控行車和車內的裝 置,例如在盤和輕觸式控制板上都有輕觸式的控制器,以及可
money is no object, then go for it. As some would say, you can never have enough horsepower.
Ahead of the curve
直接按鍵或以語音輸入以獲得娛樂資訊服務。輕觸式控制器猶如 智能電話的屏幕般,可用手指掃撥操作。儀錶板配備了一對全新
This generation of the S-Class debuted four years ago, but the
refresh for 2018 is more than just a minor facelift. There are new
engines and lots of new technology in the mix to keep the model
ahead of the curve.
璃上,方便駕駛者。 Prices start at $106,400 for the S 450 4MATIC. Our tester had a number of options that took the price up to $141,450 from a base price of $124,400.
Elite Car 平治在新版的S級車系朝全自動駕駛方向又邁進一步,這套價值2,300元 的智能駕駛套裝提供不少自動安全駕駛的功能,包括主動車距控制和主動轉向 輔助,讓駕駛者保持適當車距和安全轉向,並且可以利用車內GPS系統的數據 以及路旁的標誌在彎路和馬路交匯處自動調整車速。其中一個有趣的地方是它 會依據所選的駕駛模式來調整速度。例如轉彎時使用Comfort模式,車速比選 用Sport或Sport+時減得更慢。 新版還包括有技術提升了的主動緊急煞車輔助和主動車道轉換輔助。在轉換 行車線輔助系統方面,如果司機想打燈轉線而旁邊的行車線通行無阻時,系統會 自動扭協助車輛轉換行車線;如果旁邊的行車線有車的話,車輛的指揮燈會自 動熄掉,取消轉線。 現在已經這麼厲害了,難以想像平治下一步還會有什麼新突破。然而,這 種種令人讚嘆的先進科技,原來只是S 560部分優越設施之一而已。
輕觸板除了如手機般可以手指來操控娛樂和導航系統,還可用旋 鈕來控制。 This Mercedes-Benz touchpad controller, which includes a rotary knob, can be used to control the entertainment and navigation systems.
S 560的車廂華貴優雅、誘人和舒適。選置價值6,100元的Premium Package,可享受到按摩功能、前排座椅12向電子調校和4向電動腰部支撐調 節兼有電熱及冷卻功能、360度鏡頭、泊車輔助及後窗遮陽捲簾等。 車內寧靜舒適,高貴的柔軟羊皮座位及內飾令人愛不釋手。坐在後面的乘 客如獲帝王式享受,寬敞的腳部空間可以隨意舒服伸展。 如要在周末出埠旅遊,這車的尾箱空間充足,530公升的容量足以擺放行 李雜物。以長途旅行來說,我想不到有哪一款車比它更讓人喜歡。即使車軸長 和重磅,但在小路上仍行走自如,在高速公路上馳騁更是樂趣無窮。 我敢說,在目前的汽車世界裡,這款車是最好的。雖然它的確價值不菲,但 在豪華汽車的領域裡,沒有一款車在舒適度、設計和技術這3方面能與之媲美。
According to Mercedes-Benz, the new 4.0-litre biturbo engine is among the most fuel efficient V8s on the market, consuming up to six per cent less fuel than its
長陣版的S 560在後座位有寬敞的腳部空間。 The long wheelbase version of the S 560 offers extremely generous rear-seat legroom.
predecessor, while offering 14 more horsepower. Some of the fuel savings come from a new cylinder deactivation system, whereby four cylinders shut down when full power is not needed, such as cruising on the highway. Outside, not much has changed. There are new bumpers, a revised headlamp system and other minor updates, but it’s the technology that really moves the new S-Class ahead of the pack. For example, Mercedes-Benz gives the driver several methods of changing various controls. There are touch controls on the steering wheel and touchpad, plus direct access keys or voice input for many infotainment functions. The touch controls respond to swiping motions, like the screen of a smartphone. The dash features a pair of new 12.3-inch, high-resolution display screens that are fully digital, allowing the driver to choose from three different display styles — Classic, Sporty and Progressive. In addition, our tester had the optional head-up display ($1,500) that projects a
即使是後座位的輸氣管,也如藝術品般精緻。 Even the rear-seat air ducts are works of art in the MercedesBenz S 560.
virtual image of important information of the windshield directly in front
a queen with legroom that allows you to stretch out in comfort.
of the driver. For weekend getaways, there’s luggage space galore, with 530 In the new S-Class, Mercedes-Benz takes us a step closer to fully
litres of cargo area in the trunk.
autonomous driving with a bevy of new features, many of which are part of the Intelligent Drive Package — a bargain at $2,300.
Speed adjusted on curves Active Distance Control Distronic and Active Steering Assist now
I can’t think of a car I would enjoy more for a long-distance road trip. Despite its long wheelbase and hefty weight, it handles reasonably well on secondary roads and is pure bliss on the highway. In my opinion, this is as good as it gets in the automotive world.
support the driver in keeping a safe distance and with steering. The car’s
Yes, it’s pricey, but in the world of luxury automobiles, there’s nothing
speed is now automatically adjusted on curves and at road junctions, using
that can match it when it comes to comfort, design and technology.
data mined from the onboard GPS system, as well as roadside signage. One interesting aspect of this is that the speed adjustment varies according to the driving mode selected. For example, Comfort mode will slow the car more on corners than if the car is in Sport or Sport+ mode. Active Emergency Stop Assist and Active Lane Changing Assist are two other driver assistance systems that have been enhanced for 2018. With the lane change system, if the driver signals a lane change and the adjacent lane is clear, the system will steer the car into that lane. If the adjacent lane is occupied, the car will switch off the turn signal and cancel the lane change. What will they think of next? And this only touches the surface on the technological goodies available on the S 560. The cabin area is sumptuous, relaxing and inviting. For the driver, the optional Premium Package ($6,100) provides things like massage features and 12-way electronically adjustable front seats with four-way power lumbar support, heating and cooling. There is also a 360-degree camera, park assist and roller blinds for rear-side windows. Inside, the car is library quiet and oh so comfortable and elegant with its nappa-leather seats and trim. For backseat passengers, you’ll feel like a king or
2018年版本的車尾 也有些微改動。 Just like the front, the rear fascia has also undergone some minor tweaks for 2018.
平治2018年款 S 560 4MATIC長陣車 車身款式:大型豪華四門房車 驅動方式:前置引擎,全輪驅動 引擎:4.0公升雙渦輪引擎 (輸出463匹馬力和516磅/呎扭力) , 搭載九前速自動波箱。 行李箱容量:530公升 耗油量:13.5/8.6/11.3公升/100公里 市內/高速公路/綜合 售價:124,400元,試駕車售141,450元。 優點:S 級傲視同儕,沒有車可與之相比。 缺點:它的科技比較複雜。 誘人之處:它的智能駕駛系統中的自動駕駛功能, 讓你體會到汽車業的科技有多先進。
2018 Mercedes-Benz S 560 4MATIC Long Wheelbase at a glance BODY STYLE : four-door, full-size luxury sedan. DRIVE METHOD : front engine, all-wheel drive. ENGINE : 4.0-litre biturbo (463 hp, 516 lb/ft of torque) with a nine-speed automatic transmission. CARGO CAPACITY : 530 litres. FUEL ECONOMY : 13.5/8.6/11.3 L/100 km city/hwy/combined. WHAT’S BEST : It doesn’t get any better than the S-Class. WHAT’S WORST : The complexity of the technology is such that you almost need an engineering degree to master everything. WHAT’S INTERESTING : The Intelligent Drive system is indicative of how the industry is advancing when it comes to autonomous driving. PRICE : $124,400, as tested $141,450. WEBSITE : mercedes-benz.ca
真 動 聽 •
無線耳機技術發展迅速,市面大部 分產品均可做到日常使用沒有斷線 問題。下一步渴求的,是希望做運
動也能摒棄任何電線。 Bose soundsporT Free wireless HeadpHones
The BesT Grip for Your sporTinG Life
Most wireless earbuds let us absorb all the juicy beats with seamless connectivity. However, while running or exercising, there is always the potential for a “disconnect” — be it because of motion, or from perspiration. What if they fall out during my half marathon? That half a second … text | Ringo photo | TPK, Bose
Bose的Soundsport Free無線
Soundsport Free
Wireless, the latest model
from Bose, provides the solution.
The newest version boosts IPX-4
rated waterproof compatibility and, with
their proprietary StayHear+ ear tips design,
they are certainly hard to shake off.
終點。可能是在冬天跑, 沒有大汗淋漓,遲些夏天
Bose has had a longstanding reputation
for sound quality and this latest addition to the audio family continues to impress,
What’s in the box:
in addition to addressing the needs
SoundSport Free wireless headphones
Portable charging case
frequencies delight, the finest engineering
3 sizes of StayHear+ ear tips
work comes from the low end with amazing
USB cable
of the athlete. While the high and mid
鐘後提供45分鐘播放時間則非常方便。 Soundsport Free Wireless also boasts Bose的Soundsport Free無線耳機
5½ hours of battery longevity. Besides,
也有「Find My Buds」功能,顧名思義為冒失鬼而
you can have 45 minutes of continuous play time with only 15
設,一旦忘了放在哪裡,可以透過Bose Connect
minutes of rapid charging.
程式顯示最近一次的使用時間及位置。 In terms of technology, they also feature “Find My 雖說磁力充電盒能替耳機充滿兩次電,但它 的體積委實太大,外形設計
Buds”, which allows you to locate your misplaced pair via the Bose Connect app.
亦未算討好,個人認為 仍有大量改善空間。 (備黑色、藍配黃、 橙配藍3色選擇, $329.99)
The charging case, despite being somewhat bulky, is quite eyecatching with three colour options (black, blue/yellow and blue/ orange, $329.99).
Additional details: Rechargeable lithium-ion battery Charging time: 2 hours Battery life: 5½ hours per full charge
Specs (dimensions/weight): Headphones: 3.12x2.5x3 cm (15 g each) Case: 3.75x10x4.75 cm (80 g)
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