Nov 2017 Elite Gen Vancouver

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A publication by Sing Tao Media Group November


November 2017 Vol. 30 Vancouver

Life is good : gaiLe Lok

百年盛名 Cartier tank

celebrating a century of success

Hermès 手袋的迷思

The obsession with Hermès bags

Life美滿人生 is good


Chaumet The Art of Nobility


G a i l e

L o k


masthead 30

A publication by Sing Tao Media Group November


November 2017 Vol. 30 Vancouver

Life is good : gaiLe Lok

百年盛名 Cartier tank

celebrating a century of success

Hermès 手袋的迷思

The obsession with Hermès bags

Life美滿人生 is good


Chaumet The Art of Nobility


Read Online: App: “EliteGen” in App Store & Google Play

G a i l e

L o k


EliteGen030_Cover_final.indd 2

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 總裁 President 副社長 Associate Publisher

25/10/2017 0:11:13

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Ross Hopkins 易珮華 Clarice Yik Grace Chan, Joanne Chan, Lorne Drury,

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contents NOV


cover story


美滿人生 樂基兒

Life is good: gaiLe Lok

Watch story



Celebrating a Century of suCCess

Brand story



tHe obsession witH Hermès bags

Watch neWs

40 戀上楓葉國 Hublot loves Canada



42 貴族藝術 CHaumet tHe art of nobility

76 在波姬小絲與Calvins之間的raf simons between brooke sHields and Her Calvins, tHere is raf simons

Men’s picks

80 酒紅色的心 burgundy rHaPsody

Fashion headline

52 winter Coat style guide

ladies’ picks

74 手袋換季 a Handbag for every season

Fashion neWs

82 自由'70s tHe free '70s


84 愛馬仕大扭轉 Hermès twilly twist

contents NOV


elite liFe


墨西哥Puerto vallarta grand velas riviera nayarit

elite car



Mercedes-benz e43 4Matic sedan 2017 Less is quite enougH




bose sMaLL but powerfuL


86 energize your skin


90 後園的冬日浪漫 romatiC winter baCkyard


92 讓居所化成夢想家園 make your residenCe a dream Home


96 日本鎮上的魁北克 - st. lawrenCe a taste of QuebeC in vanCouver’s JaPan town


100 城堡裡的享樂時光 fun times at fairmont CHateau wHistler

Wine not

104 熱得可耐 some like it Hot

e • stagraM

118 關注星尚ig,緊貼潮流 elitegen goes soCial

部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 All prices are in CAD unless otherwise specified. 除特別標明外,所有價錢以加幣計算。

意 大 利 手 工 藝 豪 華 設 計 來 自 Jordans Interiors

Dress Code text | 蔡安儀

Lily Lee 自小已經是時裝精,曾修讀時裝設計,並夢想成為時裝設計師,致力宣揚 「飯可以不吃,衣服不可以不買」 的精神。 近年由藝人轉型為Fashionista,在網上撰寫時裝專欄,同時身兼網上節目 《谷乜Trend》 監制及主持,分享時尚及美容資訊。 Born with an eye for fashion and style, becoming a fashion designer was always Lily’s dream. Now that she’s a fashionista, not only does she have her own styling blog, but she also directs and hosts the reality show Music Live Valley, where fashion and beauty trends are explored.


清新 油畫



social Butterfly

立體 蝴蝶


retro elegance

復古 優雅


Joey Yung

Rosamund Kwan

Charlene Choi

容祖兒的Valentino花花長裙,款式清新,不同深淺 度的藍色花花配搭,猶如似一幅油畫般,加上深藍 色喱士邊,造就層次感,令人眼前一亮。

很多人選閃片或鮮色系服裝來搶鏡,關之琳則以黑 白花花和蝴蝶圖案做焦點,同樣吸睛,特別是吊帶 領口位的立體蝴蝶設計,配長形吊墜耳環,花巧得 來又不會over。

阿Sa這搶眼的N°21紅色長裙一反平時的年輕活力 路線,格外有女人味,配以懷舊味濃的卷髮,充滿 優雅復古感。

Joey Yung’s long Valentino floral dress is refreshing. With blue flowers of varying shades all over, this dress is like a painting. Especially eye-catching is the dark blue lace trim, which adds texture to the dress.

What an attention-grabbing design! The threedimensional butterflies on the spaghetti straps, as well as the long dangling earrings, look fancy but not over the top.

This N°21 long red dress worn by Charlene Choi – a.k.a. Ah Sa – makes her look especially feminine and is a departure from her usual young look. With her retro-style curls, she looks like an elegant, classic beauty.




Dress Code


突破 新鮮



t-Back highlights

T-back 亮點


the power of youth

青春 無敵


Karena Lam

Karen Mok

Karen Ng

林嘉欣平時為了修飾身形缺點,衣款式有時會顯 得累贅,但今次的Tibi裙反而顯瘦。最欣賞她以窩 釘高跟鞋配襯,有新鮮感之餘,亦富潮味。

以莫文蔚的標準身形,即使是白恤衫加貼身牛仔 褲,也不會差到哪裏去。雖然不是所有人都接受到 其Replay牛仔褲的T-back彩色珠片設計,但的確是 搶眼又特別。

簡約打扮同樣可以搶鏡。吳千語這身黑色上衣配長 裙,很有青春氣息,裙擺的黑白不同層次剪裁,既 特別又有潮味,掩蓋了不合腳鞋子的小瑕疵。

To hide the imperfections in her figure, Karena Lam sometimes wears clothing that seems a bit bulky. However, this Tibi dress makes her look slim and the strappy heels look refreshingly trendy.

Karen Mok’s perfect figure looks good in everything, including a white shirt and tightfitting jeans. The Replay jeans’ bright-coloured T-back sequins may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Nevertheless, they are eye-catching and unique.

A simple look can still be eye-catching. Karen Ng’s black top and long skirt have a youthful look. The different layers of black-and-white cutting at the hem is an unexpected touch. We almost did not notice that her shoes were too big!




Dress Code

the advantage of Being tall and slim


高瘦 優勢

lesson from the expert

師姐 造型

douBle shot

雙招 出動

Stella Maxwell

Sarah Jessica Parker

Grace Van Patten

索模Stella Maxwell身形高瘦,配以曳地女神模樣 長裙,再輕露美腿,演繹可謂永不過時的性感。

作為公開活動常客及一代時尚界師姐,Sarah Jessica Parker的裝扮很少叫人失望。像這身藍色 閃亮晚裝,細節位精緻,加上搖曳生姿的流蘇,煞 是好看。

既然要搶鏡,自然要搶到盡。性感的Grace深明此 理,挑選的晚裝不但是超搶眼的桃紅色,還要是超 低V,看得人目不轉睛。

Beautiful model Stella Maxwell is tall and slim. In this goddess-like maxi-dress, her long legs radiate a timeless sexiness.

With her frequent public appearances and as a leader in the fashion world, Sarah Jessica Parker seldom disappoints. This sparkling blue evening gown has delicate details and alluring swaying fringes.

The sexy Grace Van Patten is an expert at stealing the spotlight. In this plum red evening gown, with its plunging neckline, she is certainly an attention-grabber.

裙 Dress:Twinset 鞋 Shoes:Salvatore Ferragamo

裙 Dress:Monse

裙 Dress:Sachin & Babi

網評:略欠驚喜,卻勝在養眼! Comments from netizens: Not too surprising, but equally appealing.

網評:氣勢、星味俱備,誰與爭鋒? Comments from netizens : It's hard to compete with her star power.

網評:出落得既性感又有型! Comments from netizens : Sexy and stylish.







Dress Code

rocking ’60s


飛女 正傳

the ultimate expert

絕世 高手

chip off the Block

天賦 氣質

Selena Gomez

Cindy Crawford

Kaia Gerber

小天后Selena Gomez形象成熟化,穿著六十年代 經典的飛女皮褸和喇叭褲,相當old school,但同 時又帶出現代感覺。

Cindy Crawford可沒枉擔了超模銜頭,這身街頭造 型看似隨意,其實落足心思,搶眼的黃色print恤配 窄腳黑褲,盡顯其時裝觸覺!

Cindy Crawford的女兒Kaia,遺傳了媽媽的模特兒 氣質,同樣高挑有型,完全駕馭到這身皮褸襯連身 裙。

Singing queen Selena Gomez is trending more mature. This ’60s classic leather jacket and bellbottom pants are old school and contemporary.

Cindy Crawford is the ultimate supermodel. This street look seems casual, but she must have put considerable thought into it. The eye-catching yellow print shirt, coupled with narrow black pants, show off her impeccable fashion sense.

Cindy Crawford’s daughter, Kaia, has inherited her mother’s model quality. This leather jacket and dress combination shows off her long legs.

衫 Tee:Coach 褲 Pants:Coach 外套 Jacket :Coach


裙Dress :Alice McCall 褲 Pants:Alice McCall 外套 Jacket:Laer 鞋 Shoes:Salvador

網評:古老當時興! Comments from netizens : Whatever goes around, comes around.

網評:行家一出手,便知有沒有! Comments from netizens : The best of the best!

網評:非一般的名模氣質。 Comments from netizens : More elegant that the average supermodel.







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Cover Story

Life is good 美滿人生

樂基兒 Gaile Lok

Blugirl jungle print twill dress $790 (


E L I T E G E N •• NNO OV V• •2 021071 7


It was two weeks after Gaile Lok’s California wedding


when this interview took place. So why California?


“Because I wanted to have my wedding overseas,” says

wedding planner籌備,最後選定這個加

the 37-year-old Hong Kong model/actress. “We had a


wedding planner, and decided on the California vineyard


because of the 360-degree open views.


“We fell in love with the location when we visited it in


December. We could already picture beautiful blue skies


in California in August, so the decision was made.”


Most of Lok’s family members live in the United States, so California was a natural choice.

text | Candy Woo Styling / Lucas Tang photo | Terence Man makeup | Wendy S. Lee @ Wendy's Workshop hair | Hin Wan @ IL COLPO location | Gateway Hotel


“Family and close friends, some of them with children in tow, travelled for


hours to the wedding to wish me well. I was very touched by that. I didn’t


have any preconceived ideas about a dream wedding, but that day will stay

賀我,我覺得好感動,我其實沒有甚麼dream wedding

with me for a lifetime.”

的想法,但這個場面已經讓我一生難忘。」 It was 40 degrees Celsius on the big day and the heat kept the outdoor 因為酷熱,在戶外舉行的宣誓儀式只有短短幾分

vow exchange ceremony short. To the bride and her groom, organic food


entrepreneur Ian Chu, those minutes were precious. Would they have another


celebration in Hong Kong?

她解釋因為婚禮是屬於自己的,不是為其他人而辦 的, 「我不想再為籌備婚禮,而讓自己很stressed。」

“Definitely not,” she replied without hesitation, because she believes the wedding was for her and her husband, not other people. “I don’t want to

分享健康 記得一年前,Gaile說過:「我和男朋友無結婚計

stress myself with another wedding.”

Health tips

劃,我曾結婚,如果不是為生兒育女,又何必再試 呢?」一年後,她決定再相信婚姻,與Ian結成夫婦,

Lok gave no impression last year that nuptials were in the foreseeable


future, saying: “My boyfriend and I have no plans of getting married. I was


married once. If it’s not about having children, why go through that again?”

作風說:「順其自然,我隨時都ready,if it happens, it's ok,不過我們無特別計劃,我仍然想先專注工作。」 說起工作,Gaile神色也隨即變得從容,滔滔不絕

What a difference a year makes. So why the change of heart? “I’m not going into that,” she says with a smile, but what about children?


“Whatever will be will be. I’m always ready. If it happens, it’s OK, but we have


no specific plans. I still want to focus on work first.”

一起,宣揚怎樣吃得健康,卻不沉悶,或者選擇適合 自己的運動,減肥要減得健康,不是拼命減幾十磅, 瘦不等如健康。」

Lok is visibly relaxed when the chat turns to work, and she gushes about the healthy-living personal website she’s working on.






Blumarine lurex jersey dress $1,565





Bluegirl velvet belt $275

Both available at

COVER STORY 她是過來人,初出道當model時,也曾經為

“It will be online in January next year at the earliest,” she says. “The general


direction is about integrating lifestyle, health and trends. It will promote healthy


eating that is not boring, and choosing the right form of exercise for healthy weight


control, and not drastically shedding the pounds because slim doesn’t necessarily


mean healthy.”

就不會三分鐘熱度,持久得多。」 She’s been there. At the beginning of her modelling career, she admits to taking 能夠參透,因為她花了不少時間鑽研瑜伽,

some wrong turns with respect to dieting.

上過不少瑜伽教練培訓課程,又去過多次瑜伽修 煉,在峇里認識用有機食材烹調美食的名廚, 「我想將自己學過、見過的,和大家分享,一同 活得健康。」

“I thought running and going to the gym to sweat it out meant slimming down fast. That’s why I chose bikram yoga when I first got into yoga, thinking doing yoga in heat would get the weight off quickly. I came to realize later that if you do what

瑜伽改變我 想到將至愛的瑜伽變成事業,因為瑜伽精 神對她影響極深,「瑜伽令我學到think what you can do,but not what you cannot do,在瑜伽 墊上會更了解自己。練習瑜伽之後,令我性格改 變,以前沒耐性,做甚麼事都要快,但現在卻學 會放慢速度,以前練完一個式子,立即要轉第二 個,老師會叫我慢慢呼吸,hold住動作,我將這 種慢活態度,放入日常生活,心境自然比以前變

you enjoy, then you will naturally be motivated. There will be no pressure, and it will be more sustainable.” The realization came as she spent time studying yoga and took numerous yoga instructor courses. She also went to a number of yoga retreats and met chefs in Bali, who used organic ingredients to make delicious food. “I want to share what I have learned and seen, so we can enjoy healthy living.”

“Feel more peaceful”

得更加平靜。」 The intention of integrating yoga into her career reveals the deep impact this 不單心情改變,她連生活習慣都有大轉變,

spiritual discipline has had on her.

「以前作息不定時,現在早睡早起,因為我喜歡 一早上瑜伽課,然後才開始一天的工作,更加精 神爽利。」

“Yoga has helped me learn to think what you can do, not what you cannot do,” she says. “You get to know yourself better on the yoga mat. After picking up yoga, my personality has changed. I was impatient and wanted to do everything quickly.


Now I’ve learned to slow down.

「我仍然很愛吃乾炒牛河,偶然跟朋友聚餐,依 然會吃重口味食物,不過最近兩年,我已盡量吃

“In the past, I would want to move onto another pose as soon as I finished


one pose. The teacher would tell me to breathe slowly and hold the pose. I have


adapted this slow-living attitude in life and feel much more peaceful.”


The change is apparent, not only in how she feels but also how she lives.

想先建立一個personal guidance的網站,下一個 階段是希望舉辦瑜伽分享會,邀請世界各地的瑜

“My schedule was a bit erratic before. Now I wake up early and go to sleep early


because I like taking yoga lessons in the morning before starting work. It makes me


feel more refreshed.”

而且我已經有合作夥伴幫忙。」擁有教練資格的 Gaile,會親自開班授徒嗎?「完全沒考慮過,

She insists clean, healthy living has not become an obsession, saying: “I still eat

Rosemary有叫過我替她代課,但我say no,我

fried beef rice noodles. I still get together with friends occasionally for a meal and


eat rich food. However, in the past two years, I’ve been trying to stick to a lighter diet and cut out red meat because it affects my yoga performance.” She’s going to share such insights on her website and is also thinking of setting up a personal guidance website first. “In the next stage, I plan to organize yoga-sharing events in Hong Kong and invite yoga enthusiasts from around the world to exercise together.” Lok possesses yoga instructor qualifications, and while she has been asked to fill in at classes, ”I’m not interested in being an instructor.”





Blumarine tulle dress with embroidery $3,065 (






Blugirl long chiffon dress with embroider $1,115


Blumarine floral print knit dress $1,530 Both available at

Beautiful cooking

聽說Ian也是瑜伽高手,Gaile說:「如果我 是高級班,他便是深造班,他比我更強。」兩人 間中也會在家互相切磋,「他要上班,我又喜歡 一班人上堂,所以未必每天一起練。」她說喜歡 小組上堂,因為瑜伽是一個community,不只是 個人,一起做可以互相幫助,進步成長⋯⋯(下 刪一百字)總之,老公之外,瑜伽便是她的生活 重心。

Lok says her 50-year-old husband is also an avid yoga enthusiast. “If I am at the advanced level, he is at the expert level. He is much stronger than me. He has to work, so we don’t practise together every day.” She says she enjoys group sessions more, because yoga is more of a communal activity than a personal one. Lok is also an avid cook and posts food pictures on Instagram, along with

她除了是瑜伽達人,還是廚神。看看她的 Ig,除了高難度瑜伽甫士,便是美食。她分享前 一晚跟老公的二人晚餐:「昨晚主題是中菜,有 鮮鮑魚冬菇燜雞、白灼蝦和魚湯。」連廚藝也是 高級班,絕對符合做賢妻的條件。 「只要掌握到煮食的程序,一小時都可以 做四道菜的晚餐,有沙律、湯、意粉和肉類主 菜。」美女廚房的心得是:「沙律和湯,可以一早 準備,同時處理主菜的調味,到晚餐前一小時, 將醃好的肉放入焗爐,並開始煮意粉,完成的時 候,主菜亦剛好焗完,大功告成!」 她說必須贏在起跑線,早在設計菜單時,便 要精明配合,「只有一個焗爐,就要避免同時做 兩款需要焗的食物,工序複雜的,就要配合容易 處理的,懂得分先後,每件事才配合得宜。」

some of her tricky yoga poses. The night before this interview, she says she had a cosy dinner with her husband. “It was Chinese last night. We had braised abalone and chicken, steamed prawns and fish soup. As long as you get the cooking process right, you can easily make a four-course dinner within an hour, complete with salad, soup, pasta and meat entrée. “Salad and soup can be prepared ahead of time, and the main can also be marinated ahead of time. An hour before dinner, put the meat in the oven and start on the pasta. When it’s finished, the main will be ready. Voila!” The trick, she says, is to choose a workable menu, and “since there is only one oven, avoid doing two baked dishes. Complicated dishes should be matched with easy ones, then prioritize them and everything can be easily worked out.” It looks like her culinary accomplishments, much like her other endeavours, have reached the advanced level too!





Watch Story


Cartier tank celebrating a century of success text | 金成





有甚麼時計可以流行一百年?Cartier Tank是極

What timepieces stay in vogue for 100 years? Cartier’s Tank is one of those very

少數之一。今年是Tank 100周年,年初錶展沒有看

few. Currently celebrating its centenary, Tank was glaringly absent at the major watch


shows early this year, but they’ve certainly showed up now as 2017 draws to a close.


What a suspense!


For centuries, a round shape has been mainstream for both pocket and wrist


watches, but Tank bucked the trend 100 years ago by going rectangular. It was bold


to challenge the norm, as angular watches have more design constraints than round



DNA,包括羅馬字和鐵路分鐘軌道,跟長方錶殼出 奇地配襯,成就了Tank獨一無二的優雅和奢華,男 女皆宜。

Yet Tank stands out with its unique DNA of Roman numerals and railroad-track minute markers. They work perfectly with the rectangular shape and mark Tank with a unique, elegant and luxurious appeal that has captured the imagination of men and


women alike.

仍然以坦克長方車體兩旁履帶作為錶殼藍本,再 配上自家製機芯,充分顯示品牌設計經得起百年考

A numbered limited-edition Tank has been released this year, still taking inspiration


from tank treads and powered by an in-house calibre to underscore the brand’s


century-old watchmaking capabilities.





Watch Story


the tank : four ClassiC traits


Why call it Tank? The then third-generation head of the


brand, Louis Cartier, was inspired by the shape of tanks as seen


from above and he adopted the tanks’ rectangular shape for the


watch. The lugs on either side of the case resemble tank treads.

錶的錶身像坦克的長方形車體,錶耳連 接錶殼兩側,就像坦克履帶的縮影。第一 款Tank沒有公開發售,反而贈予一次大戰名

The first Tank wasn’t sold, but was gifted to First World War hero General John Pershing in 1918. It began being marketed two years later.

將General Pershing,之後兩年才推出市場。 Tank’s classic traits have remained for 100 years. The watch 要「辨認」一枚Tank相當簡單,因為它的設計元素 百年不變,稱得上是一代經典。它的設計特色可分為四 點:一)工整而繞著錶盤轉動的羅馬數字時刻;二)刻烙於錶 盤中央、一格一格「軌道式」分鐘刻度;三)錶殼跟錶耳融為一

has four distinctive characteristics: the neat Roman numerals around the dial, the minute markers reminiscent of railroad tracks, the integrated vertical case and lugs inspired by tank treads, and the blue sapphire-adorned cabochon crown.

體的垂直設計,正正是參考了坦克履帶的精妙處;四)圓珠形錶 冠鑲上一枚藍色的藍寶石。

Tank was intended for men, but has found increasing favour with women over the years, and the silhouette keeps


evolving. There are six lines in the series: Tank Anglaise with the

Elizabeth Taylor、Andy Warhol、甚至戴安娜王妃等名人演繹,造型

crown enclosed within the bezel and band; the elongated Tank


Américaine; the slim and classy Tank Louis Cartier; the Tank

方面,主要分成6個流派:裝載嵌入錶殼式錶冠的Tank Anglaise、錶

Française, noted for its bracelet; the versatile Tank Solo with

身修長的Tank Américaine、斯文纖薄的Tank Louis Cartier、專配手

straight lines; and Tank MC, introduced four years ago with the

鐲式鏈帶的Tank Française、線條直率又配搭多變的Tank Solo,以

MC denoting “Manufacture Cartier”..

及4年前推出、有「Manufacture Cartier」縮寫意思的Tank MC,標誌 見證著品牌有能力製作自家機芯,具玄門正宗的真本領。

On the special occasion of its 100th anniversary, Tank has been a show of force during the second half of the year,

藉著百歲大壽好日子,Tank將全力開動,派出Tank Louis

complete with Tank Louis Cartier, Tank Américaine, Tank

Cartier、Tank Américaine、Tank Française及鏤空上陣的Tank

Française and the skeletonized Tank Cintrée. They have made


their way around the world from France, to wherever there are fans.





Watch Story

Tank Louis CarTier 最能體現Tank的垂直錶耳、俐落線條、圓 潤邊角等特色的,是於1922年面世的Tank Louis Cartier系列。今年的全新款式,不論 大小皆搭載8971MC型手上鏈機芯;變化多 端的Tank Louis Cartier具18K玫瑰金及白色 黃金錶殼選擇,亦有鑲嵌鑽石的款式。 Tank Louis Cartier, unveiled in 1922, bears all the Tank features — from the lugs to the silhouette and rounded corners. Available in two sizes (25.5x33.7x6.6mm and 22.0x29.5x6.8mm), they are powered by the 8971MC movement. The collection comes with an 18-karat rose gold or white gold case, with optional diamonds.

Tank Française 接近千禧年代誕生的Tank Française,條線切割變化更多,增添 現代氣息。垂直錶殼連錶耳設計依舊,不過錶耳的四角經斜面 切割,跟內凹彎曲的錶鏈構成另一片幾何風光,為長方矩形的 傳統美添上點點特別細節。新款Tank Française分有小、中型 號,錶殼左右兩旁鑲嵌了圓形明亮式切割鑽石,叫不少女士為 之傾心。 Tank Française, which arrived on the scene around the turn of the century, plays with lines and angles to amplify the contemporary touch. While it still features the classic vertical case with integrated lugs, the lugs with angle corners form an interesting geometry against the bracelet with angled corners — a subtle update of the tradition. It comes in small (25.2x20.3x6.5) and medium (30.4x25.0x6.7) sizes, in 18-karat yellow and rose gold and stainless steel. The brilliant diamonds lining either side of the case will surely capture the heart of many ladies.





Watch Story

Tank amériCaine 修長的身形,叫人一眼就認出它是Tank Américaine 的代表。推出於1989年的Tank Américaine,除了 更窈窕,錶耳也更圓潤,為配合手腕,採用略為彎 曲的造型設計,感覺更為舒適,配備大、中、小尺 碼,以切合男女用家需要,備有全新的摺疊錶扣和 防水功能。 Long and slender are the hallmarks of Tank Américaine. Introduced in 1989, Tank Américaine dazzles with its slim lines and rounded lugs, and the slightly curved watch case fits snugly around the wrist. It comes in large (26.6x45.1x9.6), medium (22.6x41.6x9.6) and small (19.0x34.8x7.1) sizes, in 18-karat rose gold or, for the first time, stainless steel. There’s a right model for men and women alike. It also features a new foldable clasp and is water resistant.

Tank CinTrée 屬於很早期設計的Tank Cintrée,誕生於1921年,特別修 長的錶身,奠定日後Tank Américaine的設計根基。今年新 作採用了鏤空設計,是Tank一百周年的重點作品;雖然 「犧 牲」了標誌式的羅馬時刻,但沒有錶盤的設計,能把內裡的 9917MC型手動機芯視透得一清二楚。18K玫瑰金版本和鉑 金版本,均限量發售100枚。 Tank Cintrée was among the first Tanks, debuting in 1921. Its elongated case inspired the Tank Américaine that came after it. This year’s skeletonized new version is a star in the centenary collection. Although the skeletonized dial has no room for the archetypal Roman numerals, it offers a window into the 9917MC calibre. The 18-karat rose gold and platinum versions (46.3x23.0x7.9) are both limited to 100 pieces.





Watch Story

Tank's Lovers 歷年來真心喜歡Tank的名人罄竹難書,當

The list of Tank lovers is long. The most notable


one is probably legendary pop artist Andy Warhol.

物Andy Warhol。在訪問中被記者提問為何腕

When asked why the time on his watch was off, he


said he had never wound a watch. “I wear a Tank


because it’s the watch to wear.”

Andy Warhol的寶麗萊自拍照。 Andy Warhol’s Polaroid selfie.

時裝設計大師Yves Saint Laurent也是Tank的粉絲。 Fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent was also a Tank fan.

Tank第一次登上大銀幕,由Rudolf Valentino於1916 年演出 《The Son of Sheik》 全程佩戴。 Tank appeared on the silver screen for the first time when Rudolf Valentino wore one in the 1916 movie The Son of Sheik.





曾獲贈首款Tank的一次大戰名將General 這樣的不經意,戴安娜王妃就「戴」出了 Pershing。 U.S. General John Pershing was gifted with Tank的韻味來。 the very first Tank. A casual move by Princess Diana was enough to show off Tank’s charm.

兩層高 哥華專 A nigh Hublot two-st Vanco boutiq

Watch News


瑞士名錶品牌宇舶Hublot剛於温哥華開 設加拿大首間專門店。為隆重其事,品

Hublot loves Canada text & photos | Hublot





牌特別推出三十隻限量版Classic Fusion Chronograph Canada腕錶,供新專門店獨 家發售。 When travelling to Vancouver, here’s one more stop to include in your itinerary. Swiss watchmaker Hublot opened its first Canadian boutique in Vancouver in September and, to commemorate the grand opening, it houses the limited-edition Classic Fusion Chronograph Canada.

兩層高的Hublot溫 哥華專門店。 A night view of Hublot’s new two-storey Vancouver boutique.

鋼琴家郎朗與品牌高層出席剪綵儀式。 Lang Lang (Hublot brand ambassador and piano virtuoso) and senior Hublot executives attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

為慶祝首間專門店開幕,Hublot特別推出限量 版Classic Fusion Chronograph Canada腕錶。 The limited-edition Hublot Classic Fusion Chronograph Canada is exclusive to the Vancouver boutique.


賓客出席專門店開幕酒會的盛況。 Guests mingled inside the boutique during the cocktail reception.

World renowned pianist and brand ambassador Lang Lang was in


attendance at the grand opening. The talented performer has collaborated


with leading orchestras in the United States, Europe and China. His pioneering


spirit and pursuit of excellence make him the perfect ambassador for Hublot.

精神,與Hublot品牌理念同出一轍,因此獲委任為品牌 大使。

Located on Alberni Street, in Vancouver’s “mink mile”, the new boutique boasts two floors with an

全新的溫哥華專門店坐落於 名店街Alberni Street,樓高兩

upstairs lounge and floor-to-ceiling windows that fully open for guests to enjoy the fresh air.

層,二樓的落地大玻璃更可在需 要時打開,讓顧客呼吸一下新鮮 空氣。

The Classic Fusion Chronograph Canada is a special edition timepiece exclusive to the Canadian market, limited to 30 pieces. It features red detailing

Classic Fusion Chronograph

on the bezel, dial and alligator strap in honour of


Canada’s iconic flag, while the case back features a


maple leaf engraved on polished ceramic. The watch


is presented in a custom maplewood box.

綴,錶背刻上陶瓷製楓葉圖案, 配以楓本製錶盒,充份表達出對 加拿大的心意。

全新的Hublot專門店坐落於溫哥華名店街Alberni Street。 The new Hublot Vancouver boutique is situated on Alberni Street in Vancouver’s “mink mile”.






見證法國皇室歷史的Chaumet,今回以四個 國際城市及其代表樂曲為基礎,創作出結合 新派創意與傳統工藝於一身的est une fête高 級珠寶系列,成就精采臻品。

Chaumet The ArT of NobiliTy text | Chappie

Chaumet has seen the ups and downs of French imperial history. Its est une fête high jewelry collection is based on four international cities and their representative songs. It combines contemporary creativity and traditional craftsmanship to create a spectacular collection.





以曼克頓上西區尊貴的代表建築 —紐約大都

Using New York’s Metropolitan Opera House as its theme, the

會歌劇院為題材的Rhapsodie Transatlantique系

Rhapsodie transatlantique collection features a necklace made


with white and yellow gold. It is set with: a 29.77-carat, pillow-


cut morganite; a 23.28-carat, oval-cut chrysoberyl; a 12.87-carat,


oval-cut imperial topaz; a 12.21-carat, oval-cut pink tourmaline; a


10.67-carat, pillow-cut tanzaninte, and a 2.12-carat, pear-shaped



30顆界乎0.55卡至0.71卡的鑽石、以及來自翁巴 的圓形石榴石、圓形香檳色鑽石,及圓形和長梯

There are also 30 pieces of diamond, ranging from 0.55 to


0.71 carats, as well as a round Umba garnet, round champagne


diamonds, and round and baguette-cut diamonds. The resulting colourful symphony is very fitting for the modern city of New York.

為迎合歡樂主題,Chaumet於巴黎舉辦盛宴展示est une fête高級珠寶系列,以炫美場景及典雅珠寶,向巴黎風情的品味和魅力致敬。 To match the joyful theme, Chaumet hosted a grand banquet in Paris to showcase its est une fête high jewelry collection. The party featured beautiful scenery and elegant jewelry with typical Parisian charm.






Aria Passionata戒指,以玫瑰金和漆製成,鑲嵌上1顆 產自莫桑比克、重6.02卡的枕形切割鴿血紅寶石、2 顆蛋面切割紅寶石,各重2.2卡和1.5卡、1顆2.5卡的 橢圓形切割鐵鎂鋁榴石,並由鐵鎂鋁榴石、長梯形切 割紅寶石與明亮式切割鑽石砌成圖案。 Aria Passionata ring is made with rose gold and lacquer, set with a 6.02-carat, pillow-cut Pigeon’s Blood ruby, two cabochon-cut rubies of 2.2 carats and 1.5 carats, one 2.5-carat, oval-cut rhodolite garnet, and motifs of rhodolite garnet, baguettecuts rubies and brilliant-cut diamonds.

Aria Passionata胸針,以玫瑰金和漆製成,鑲嵌上1顆22.51卡的 橢圓形切割鐵鎂鋁榴石、主石為兩顆蛋面切割紅寶石,分別為 5.55卡和3.86卡,並由鐵鎂鋁榴石、長梯形切割紅寶石與明亮式 切割鑽石砌成圖案。 Aria Passionata brooch is made with rose gold and lacquer, set with a 22.51-carat, oval-cut rhodolite, with two cabochoncut rubies that are 5.55 carats and 3.86 carats, respectively. There are also rhodolite, baguette-cut rubies and brilliant-cut diamonds that together form an encircling pattern.





Aria Passionata耳環,以玫瑰金和漆製成,鑲嵌上2顆19.39卡和 19.37卡的紅碧璽、2顆7.15卡和6.34卡的橢圓形切割鐵鎂鋁榴 石、4顆共重7.62卡的蛋面切割紅寶石、並由鐵鎂鋁榴石、長梯 形切割紅寶石與明亮式切割鑽石砌成圖案。 Aria Passionata earrings are made with rose gold and lacquer, set with 19.39-carat and 19.37-carat red tourmalines, two oval-cut rhodolite garnets of 7.15 carats and 6.34 carats, four cabochon-cut rubies weighing a total of 7.62 carats, and motifs of rhodolite garnets, baguette-cut rubies and brilliantcut diamonds.


Passionate oPera 歌 劇 激 情 以米蘭斯卡拉歌劇院(La Scala)

Using the Aria Passionata in Milan’s


La Scala opera house as its theme,

Aria Passionata,運用大量熾熱炫

the ruby collection Aria Passionata


uses red-hot rubies, rose gold and red


lacquer to symbolize the iconic charm

Maria Callas熠熠生輝的魅力。

of soprano extraordinaire Maria Callas.

01 01•Aria Passionata可轉換頸鏈,以玫瑰金和漆製成,鑲嵌上3顆橢圓形切割 鐵鎂鋁榴石,分別為16.28卡、14.25卡和10.96卡、3顆來自東非的蛋面切 割紅寶石,分別是6.25卡、4.89卡和3.15卡,並由鐵鎂鋁榴石、長梯形切 割紅寶石、紅寶石珠、縞瑪瑙珠與明亮式切割鑽石砌成圖案。 Aria Passionata transformable necklace is made with rose gold and lacquer, set with three round-cut rhodolite (16.28 carats, 14.25 carats, and 10.96 carats), three East-African cabochon-cut rubies (6.25 carats, 4.89 carats, and 3.15 carats), with baguette-cut rubies, ruby beads, onyx and brilliant-cut diamonds. 02•頸鏈後面部分可拆開,作另一種佩戴方式,拆開的部分則可作胸針佩 戴。製作中最高難度的是工匠要挑選大小相若、色澤均等的天然紅寶石 珠,逐一串成頸鏈。 The back of the necklace can be opened up. The removable part can be worn separately as a brooch. The technical challenge in the making of this necklace is that the craftsman needs to select natural ruby beads that are about the same size and colour, and string them together as a necklace.







Pastorale anglaise 英 式 田 園 Pastorale Anglaise系列的設計靈感,源自英國上流社 會階層聚集的Glyndebourne節慶。取材自Tartans格紋圖 案,採細膩的扭索設計,設計師巧妙運用象徵綠田園的祖 母綠為作品的主石,另配合紅寶石、藍寶石、黃色藍寶石 及鑽石,創作出可拆式設計的大型頸鏈,以及可作完美配 套的胸針、耳環、戒指和腕錶,在在彰顯品牌超凡鑲嵌工 藝。 The Pastorale Anglaise collection is inspired by the elite Glyndebourne Festival in East Sussex, England. Deftly using Scottish tartan patterns with a twist, the designer uses the pastoral emerald as the main stone, and matches it with rubies, blue sapphires and yellow sapphires, and diamonds to create large transformable necklaces, as well as brooches, earrings, rings and watches. The process showcases the brand’s superior mosaic craftsmanship.

Pastorale Anglaise胸 針,以白金和漆製成, 鑲嵌了祖母綠與圓形紅 寶石、長梯形切割藍寶 石與黃色藍寶石,以及 明亮式切割鑽石。 Pastorale Anglaise brooch is made with white gold and lacquer, set with emeralds and round rubies, baguette-cut blue and yellow sapphires and brilliant-cut diamonds.


03•Pastorale Anglaise耳環,以白金、黃金和漆製成,鑲嵌上2顆來自哥 倫比亞Muzo礦場、重3.44和3.25卡的枕形切割祖母綠、2顆來自贊比 亞、每顆重2.68卡的蛋面切割祖母綠、圓形紅寶石與祖母綠、長梯形 切割藍寶石與黃色藍寶石,以及明亮式切割鑽石。 Pastorale Anglaise earrings are made with white gold, yellow gold and lacquer, set with two pillow-cut emeralds of 3.44 and 3.25 carats from Colombia’s Muzo Mine, two 2.68-carat, cabochoncut emeralds, round rubies and emeralds, baguette-cut blue and yellow sapphires and brilliant-cut diamonds. 04•Pastorale Anglaise可轉換頸鏈,以白金、黃金和漆製成,鑲嵌上1顆 產自哥倫比亞Muzo礦場,以祖母綠切割的28.98卡祖母綠、39顆來自 贊比亞的蛋面切割祖母綠、圓形紅寶石與祖母綠、長梯形切割藍寶石 與黃色藍寶石,以及明亮式切割鑽石。頸鏈下半部分可拆開,作另一 種佩戴方式。 Pastorale Anglaise transformable necklace is made with white and yellow gold and lacquer, set with a 28.98-carat, emeraldcut emerald from the Muzo Mine in Colombia, 29 cabochon-cut emeralds from Zambia, round rubies and emeralds, baguette-cut blue and yellow sapphires and brilliant-cut diamonds. The bottom part of the necklace can be removed for an alternative way of wearing the necklace. 05•Chaumet巴黎芳登廣場總部內,特別擺放巨型絲帶雕塑,以襯托本系 列。 A large ribbon sculpture at Chaumet’s headquarters at Place Vendôme is the perfect backdrop for this collection. 06•Pastorale Anglaise腕錶,以白金和漆製成,鑲嵌祖母綠和圓形紅寶 石、長梯形切割藍寶石和黃色藍寶石,以及明亮式切割鑽石。 Pastorale Anglaise watch is made with white gold and lacquer, set with emeralds and round rubies, baguette-cut blue and yellow sapphires and brilliant-cut diamonds.





03 05





07•Valses d'hiver白金冠冕,工匠將冠冕雕琢出極致 鏤空效果,再鑲嵌鑽石,為Chaumet的招牌冠冕 系列再添傑作。 Valses d’hiver white gold tiara is made with highly skilled hollow carving, and then set with diamonds. This is another masterpiece to add to Chaumet’s signature tiara collection.


08•珠寶猶如在劇院舞台演出。 The jewelry comes alive, as if performing on stage. 09•Valses d'hiver可轉換式白金頸鏈,主要鑲嵌上了 1顆重2.01卡的梨形美鑽、天然珍珠和明亮式切 割鑽石。頸鏈下半部分可拆開,作短頸鏈佩戴, 而分拆部分則可作胸針佩戴。 Valses d’hiver transformable white gold necklace is set with a 2.01-carat, pearshaped diamond, natural pearls and brilliantcut diamonds. The bottom half of the necklace can be removed and worn as a short necklace. The remaining piece can be worn as a brooch.

Valses d'hiver白金戒指,主要鑲嵌1 顆重3.63卡梨形美鑽。 Valses d’hiver white gold ring, set with a 3.63-carat, pear-shaped diamond.

Valses d’hiVer 冬 日 華 爾 茲 名為Valses d'hiver的系列,靈感來自奧地利首都維也納那些 層次式建築物所反射的銀白光影。透過鑲嵌高淨度白鑽及亮白珍 珠,結合精準的鏤空雕琢工藝,呈現出品牌對典雅和不凡的極致 追求。

Valses d'hiver白金戒指,主要鑲嵌1顆約重 2.01卡明亮式切割美鑽和1顆直徑10毫米的 白色南洋珍珠。 Valses d’hiver white gold ring, set with a 2.01-carat, brilliant-cut diamond and a 10-millimetre white South Pacific pearl.

The name of this collection is inspired by the silver-white lights reflected by the layered buildings in Vienna. Using a mosaic of highpurity white diamond and bright white pearls, and incorporating the impeccable craftsmanship of hollow carving, these pieces represent the epitome of elegance and skill.

Valses d'hiver白金胸針,鑲嵌了1顆重 1.7卡梨形美鑽、天然珍珠和明亮式切 割鑽石。 Valses d’hiver white gold brooch, set with a 1.7-carat, pear-shaped diamond, natural pearls and brilliantcut diamonds.

Valses d'hiver白金戒 指,主要鑲嵌1顆重 5.18卡DIF級橢圓形切 割美鑽。 Valses d’hiver white gold ring, set with a 5.18-carat, DIF-grade oval-cut diamond.

Valses d'hiver白金耳環,鑲嵌了2顆分別 重1.31卡和1.3卡明亮式切割美鑽、2顆 直徑10毫米白色南洋珍珠、2顆直徑5毫 米白色Akoya珍珠,耳環可分拆成簡潔 款式。 Valses d’hiver white gold earrings, set with two 1.3-carat, brilliant-cut diamonds, two 10-millimetre white South Pacific pearls, and two fivemillimetre white Akoya pearls. The earrings can be taken apart to create a simpler style.





Fashion Headline

wINTER coaT STYLE GUIDE from runway to realway text | Michelle Chow photo | Sing Ho (Monsoon Wai)

承接天橋餘威,西裝褸、長褸和trench coat均 有不少新款推出,今期找來3位fashionista, 與大家分享配襯心得及流行褸款配搭。 Three fashionistas share tips for wearing and matching this season’s blazers and coats.

Vincci Yang Founder of ShinyGlamour Studio

Tibi oversized blazer Theory black turtleneck top $518 ( Rag & Bone jeans $300 ( Chanel sunglasses





ClassiC blazer EliteGen:今季推介哪個品牌的西裝褸? Vincci: 「今季喜歡Tibi的西裝褸,簡約線條配以大熱的格子紋,長青又經典, 易於配襯。」 EliteGen:選擇西裝褸的心得? Vincci: 「我喜歡中長款的,長度剛好在臀部左右,配合修腰剪裁,不會太過 formal。加上今季流行boyfriend款式,選擇oversize有墊肩的,增添 復古感覺。」 EliteGen:有甚麼配襯貼士? Vincci: 「秋冬我喜歡襯以貼身高領冷衫,可以突出頸部線條,簡單優雅,下 半身則會嘗試配搭皮褲,以對比質料,拼湊出時尚造型。」

Blazé Milano contrast lapels blazer $3,142 (

Balenciaga hourglass checked wool-blend blazer US$2,400 (

Vincci: 「這件Tibi的西裝褸是我今季best pick,boyfriend 剪裁中 性有型,加上百搭的灰色格紋,方便配襯不同造型。」 Vincci: This Tibi blazer is my best pick this season. The “boyfriend” style features a gender-neutral cut. With a versatile grey plaid, this blazer can be worn to achieve many diverse looks.




EliteGen: Which brand of blazers do you recommend this season? Vincci:

This season, I like the blazer by Tibi. It has simple lines, matched with the trendy plaid. Very classic and never goes out of style. Easy to match with anything.

EliteGen: Do you have any tips for choosing a blazer? Vincci:

I like them medium in length. They are perfect if they end at the hips and are slim at the waist. That way it is not too formal. This season, the “boyfriend” style is in vogue, so you can choose an oversized style with shoulder pads for a retro look.

EliteGen: Are there any tips for how to wear a blazer? Vincci:

For the Fall/Winter season, I like to match it with a tight-fitting, highcollar sweater to simply and elegantly accentuate the neckline. I

Club Monaco Abbegale jacket $429 (

ba&sh black and red velvet blazer $TBD

would match it with leather pants for a contrast in texture and a more stylish look.





Fashion Headline

Ztory by Ziztar flraol print coat Karen Walker Rebellion Crazy Tort sunglasses $290 ( Vivetta collar dress Kate Spade ooh la la dollface clutch US$398 ( Dior shoes

Mayo Wo Blogger





Fashion Headline

long Coat EliteGen:選擇大衣的心得? Mayo: 「剪裁最為重要,冬天只要穿上一件剪 裁出色的大衣已是一個造型,如果大衣 有特別的細節,如別緻的鈕釦或領口設 計也會加分。冬天人易累,所以我會盡 量選質料較輕的大衣。」 EliteGen:你喜歡甚麼款式的大衣? Mayo: 「秋冬大家都傾向穿比較深沉的顏色, 但我一向喜愛浪漫色調,所以會推介糖 果色調,並保留如花卉綴飾等的春夏元 素,看上去比較精神。」 EliteGen: What is your advice for choosing a long coat? Mayo:

The cutting is the most important part. In the

Acne Studios Landi oversized wool and cashmere-blend coat US$1,150 ( Thom Browne frayed button up coat $4,320 (

winter, all you need is a nicely tailored long coat and it is already a great look. If the coat has special details, such as a decorative button or some design on the collar, it is outstanding. Also in the winter, one gets tired easily, so choosing a lighter weight coat helps one feel less burdened. EliteGen: What style of long coat do you like the most? Mayo:

For the Fall/Winter season, most people like to wear darker colours. But I have always preferred romantic colours, so I would use candy colours and use Spring/Summer elements, such as flowers, as decorations

Scotch & Soda nude coat $TBD

so it looks more upbeat.

Harris Wharf London magenta coat $TBD

Ijiit orange and brown coat $TBD

Mayo: 「黑色長褸容易令人看上去不夠精神,所以我愛穿淺色或 粉色設計,加上有細節點綴的collar款就最perfect。」 Mayo: Long black coats can look dreary, so I like a light colour or a pastel. With a bit of detail decorating the collar, it looks quite perfect.







Miu Miu

Fashion Headline

Amelie Street trench coat Rockstud mini backpack Rockstud flats Both from Valentino

Monsoon Wai Founder of Amelie Street





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Fashion Headline Monsoon: 「我被身上這件trench coat的海浪圖案所吸引,很漂亮,加 上自然垂墜的滑身面料很舒適,適合不太冷的日子穿著」 Monsoon: I was attracted to the wave patterns on this trench coat. Not only is it very pretty, but the draping and the smooth fabric are also very comfortable, and fit for days that are not too cold.




modern trenCh Coat EliteGen: 今季推介哪個品牌的trench coat?

EliteGen: What type of trench coat is most important this season?


Monsoon: This season, my top choice is Céline. This is different from the


traditional all-season trench coat. It has a bit of wild impudence.


Also, it is in a light blue, which makes the look even more youthful.

EliteGen: 購trench coat時會注意甚麼?

EliteGen: What do you need to pay attention to when buying a trench coat?


Monsoon: I would pay special attention to the waistband and pockets. If the


waist is too high, the coat will not fit well. If it is too low, you will look


shorter, so it is important to try a trench coat on before purchasing.

EliteGen: 有甚麼配襯建議?


Monsoon:「Trench coat簡約有型,只需簡單襯以lace

Monsoon: The trench coat is simple and stylish. You only need a lace top and


Valentino rockstud untitled trench coat $4,450 (





Bazar Deluxe checked trench coat $2,108 (

Are there any tips for accessories? pointy-toed shoes and it already is an elegant look.

Proenza Schouler double-breasted cotton-twill trench coat US$1,950 (

Tom Ford patent-leather trench coat US$5,690 (

Brand Story


The obsession wiTh hermès bags text | Chappie photo | Harrison Tsui

Hermès ,單以"奢華、上流、星級"形容也不夠貼切。今次便從著名拍賣行 Christie’s、當紅水貨訂購專頁,以至收藏Birkin及Kelly的時裝達人Faye Tsui三 個不同角度,去感受這令全球女士著迷的品牌吧! Luxurious. Sophisticated. Star quality. Hermès is much more than that. Let’s look at this worldwide phenomenon of a brand from three perspectives – that of fashion blogger Faye Tsui, a keen collector of Birkin and Kelly bags, popular e-commerce site Dondi and auction house Christie’s.






hand-me-down hermès 時尚達人Faye Tsui與母親之間的親密關係,都是由Hermès手袋串連而成。 Fashion blogger Faye Tsui and her mother bond over Hermès bags.

EG: 多少歲第一次認識Hermès? Faye:「記憶之中,經常看見媽媽用Her mès手袋。直 到十多歲時到澳洲唸書,與媽媽見面時經常聽 她說最近買了新手袋,當提到去歐洲旅行買到 Birkin時,更表現得特別雀躍,那時候開始知道 Hermès、Birkin和Kelly都是讓媽媽快樂的東西。 不過她從來沒有帶我去專門店買手袋,每次都只 是分享『買後感』,直到畢業回來才正式開始了解 ⋯⋯」 EG: 你人生的第一個Hermès,是媽媽送的嗎? Faye:「也算⋯⋯是吧,不過某程度上是我硬搶回來的,


一來她知道我比較喜歡Kelly,二來見我經常出Trip 『拋頭露面』,於是送給我第一個Hermès手袋 ─ 是一個橙色Kelly,不過在她的collection之中,我 最喜歡是一個金釦墨綠色Kelly,外形十分經典。」 EG: 你和媽媽之間有沒有一些有關Hermès的趣事? Faye:「有呀!現在看見她的手袋,都依然記得當時她的 雀躍表情,一邊說很開心,一邊解釋這次的Birkin 或Kelly款式,跟上次的有甚麼分別,現在她已 經沒有從前般反應熱烈,反而變成我出埠後買了 Hermès手袋回來,興奮地跟她分享,然後她的反 應就像從前的我一樣 『嗯⋯⋯』 感覺很奇妙。」 EG: 媽媽的收藏對你有甚麼影響? Faye:「媽媽除了比較喜歡Birkin和Kelly之外,也有用 Hermès其他袋款,如Lindy和Victoria等,設計 boxy或有拉鏈的,她對每款手袋的了解,都預先 讓我認識到品牌的價值。」 EG: 可以分享一下購買Hermès手袋的經驗嗎? Faye:「那是一次非常幸運的經歷,去年我到巴黎,大 膽的早上10時去Hermès門前排隊,成功拿到籌 之後,按時在店內問手袋款,我第一個問題就是 有沒有小size鮮色birkin,誰知店員竟然拿出橙色 Birkin 30,大約一萬元,這就是我第一個Birkin手 袋。」

02 01 每年聖誕節都會用Hermès盒砌聖誕樹布置家居。 Hermès boxes are stacked to form a Christmas tree every year. 02 Faye說在媽媽的珍藏中最喜歡這個金釦Kelly,現在都經常向媽媽借 用。 This Kelly with gold hardware, part of her mother’s collection, is Faye’s favourite, and she often borrows it these days.






Brand Story


At what age were you introduced to Hermès?


“I used to see my mother with a Hermès bag all the time. After I went to Australia to study in my teen years, she would come to see me and tell me excitedly that she had bought a new bag and the amazing shopping trips for Birkin in Europe. It was clear that Hermès Birkin and Kelly were very much a part of her life. She had never taken me on those shopping trips, but only told me the stories. When I returned home after my studies, I got to find out. ...”


Was your first Hermès a gift from your mother?


“More or less … but it was more like I took it from her. She knew I liked Kelly, and she wanted to give me a Hermès bag, as I was always travelling and meeting people. It was an orange Kelly, but it was dark green Kelly with golden hardware in her collection that I liked the most. It looks really classic.”


Any interesting stories about Hermès between you and your mother?


“For sure. I can still see her talking excitedly about how happy she was and how different this Birkin or Kelly was from the other ones. She is not as excitable now. Instead, I’m the one who tells her my stories of buying Hermès overseas. She says ‘uh-huh’ to my stories, in the same way I responded to her stories. It’s odd.”


How did your mother’s collection affect you?


“My mother prefers Birkin and Kelly, but she also uses


other Hermès bags, like boxy or zipper Lindy and Victoria. Her knowledge of every bag gives me insights into the brand’s value.” EG:

Tell us an experience of buying Hermès bags.


“I had a lucky break in Paris last year. I joined the queue outside the Hermès store at 10 a.m., got my appointment ticket and went into the store for a bag at the appointed time. My first question was if they had a small bright-coloured Birkin. Lo and behold, the store assistant brought out an orange Birkin 30, for less than $10,000. That was my first Birkin.”

03 Faye的媽媽說當年買一個Kelly只須約5千元,如今已升價不少。 Faye’s mother paid around $5,000 for a Kelly in the old days. They are worth much more now. 04 Faye人生第一個Hermès手袋是這個橙色Kelly。 The orange Kelly is her very first Hermès bag. 05 她去年在巴黎專門店排隊購得的金釦Birkin,簡直像中彩票。 Getting the Birkin with gold hardware in the Paris store last year is like winning the lottery.






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Brand Story


Formidable online shopping agenT dondi 買Hermès手袋要「過五關、斬六將」之餘,還要靠運氣,於是造就了不 少代購和平行進口店。其中擁有8萬粉絲的代購專門店Dondi,有香港正貨 商標,月賣逾30個Birkin手袋。Dondi創辦人原本是Hermès手袋迷,向專門 店年月進貢,有天忽發奇想自立門戶做代購,由2011年以Dondi部落格之名 開業,至今創Facebook的代購專頁,已有8萬粉絲。 Buying Hermès bags requires not only strategic planning, but also a huge dose of luck. This has created opportunities for middlemen or parallel importers. Dondi, as one of those, has 80,000 online followers and a Hong Kong “No Fake Pledge” label. It sells more than 30 Birkin bags a month. Dondi’s founder is a Hermès bag fan regularly buying from the stores. One day, she thought of starting a business as a buying agent. She started Dondi in 2011.





Brand Story


EG: 買Hermès手袋為甚麼要找代購,而不在專門店購買? Dondi:「Dondi的手袋都是以平行進口價出售,但依然有市 場,主要原因是想購買愛馬仕的人太多,而真正買到 的人極少,我有能力找到特別及經典款式,如金釦黑 色Birkin 25、大熱小Constance等,加上我會提供一對 一Whatsapp服務,專人解答客人查詢,同時會提供專 車交收,齊備原裝packing,因此客人願花多點錢去買 心儀款式,比花時間去專門店碰運氣、或購買大量時 裝、珠寶和腕錶,才換得一個買手袋的機會來得強。」 EG: 購買Hermès手袋有潛規則嗎? Dondi:「雖然沒有公開的VIP制,可是如果消費力驚人、特別 是購買高級珠寶首飾的客人,肯定會獲得特別照顧, 例如在巴黎店使用VIP房、還有參觀廠房等等;明星名 人當然也有機會得到特別對待,可是我也親眼見過某 黑人國際女明星、還有韓國某團體男神在店裡要求買 Birkin但被拒絕⋯⋯在每個售貨員心目中,肯定都有消 費力強的VIP清單。」 EG: 有沒有特別方法讓售貨員願意賣袋給你? Dondi:「我有以下經驗:


1. 人靠衣裝,手持愛馬仕包包、甚至穿著愛馬仕衣 服,能表現出你不是單為了一個Birkin而來,而是對 品牌有深入認知,印象會加分; 2. 願意花費在男女服飾或貴價手錶首飾之上(不是說 兩萬塊的普通錶款或是銀製首飾,必須是鑲鑽石款 式) ; 3. 不是第一次去,有購買紀錄、尤其是非手袋類別 的; 4. 非亞洲人面孔; 5. 緣分,這點最重要。人與人之間也要看眼緣,想買 的人太多,貨品卻太少。 不過,就算齊備以上條件,最後卻買不到Birkin的大 有人在,消費若干萬元後換來一句『沒有貨後天再來 吧』從不乏人,所以千萬不要為了一個袋而影響旅遊好 心情。售貨員也不會輕易給你想要的顏色尺寸,就如 當你要黑色,卻跟你說只有紅色時,就證明你消費不 夠。」

08 06 這Birkin 25Alligator顏 色bleu paon,售價港 幣40萬。 The Birkin 25 Alligator in bleu paon was sold for $50,000.





EG: Vintage Hermès最值錢嗎? Dondi:「也不是,除非一些已停產的,如『大耳朵Kelly』等, 總會有粉絲在找,可是愛馬仕不同其他牌子,就算是 二手的或用舊了,也有再售的價值,只要是正品都值 錢,如經典黑色金扣永遠受追捧,價格高企。粉紅色 也是永遠有公主客人排隊購買,這些顏色產量小,需 求卻非常大。」 07 愛馬仕在控制產量和售賣地區分配有著非常堅持的策 略,對質量有極高要求,每個Kelly需要一個工匠48工時 縫製,Birkin有時候甚至需要雙倍時間。 Hermès has a strict strategy in controlling production and distribution, as well as maintaining superior quality. It takes an artisan 48 hours to make a Kelly, and sometimes twice as long to make a Birkin.

08 鱷魚皮分三級制: □ 方形符號代表來自短吻鱷 ‧‧ 兩點符號代表來自尼羅河鱷魚 ^ 倒V符號代表最頂級來自身形最大的灣鱷 The leather marks: Square for Alligator □ • • Two dots for Niloticus Crocodile ^ Inverted V for Porosus Crocodile

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Brand Story


Why do we need a middleman to buy Hermès bags, instead of going to the stores ourselves?

Dondi: “Dondi bags are sold at parallel import prices and there is a market for it, mainly because there are too many people wanting to buy Hermès and very few who could actually get their hands on one. I am able to find unique and classic items, such as the black Birkin 25 with gold hardware and the red-hot small Constance. I also provide one-on-one Whatsapp customer service, dedicated courier service and the original packing. That’s why customers are willing to spend a little more to get their favourite pieces, rather than taking the time to try their luck at stores, where they may feel obliged to buy a lot of clothes, jewelry and watches in exchange for the privilege of buying a bag.” EG:

Are there any unspoken rules for buying Hermès bags?

Dondi: “While there are no stated VIP arrangements, the big-spenders, especially high jewelry customers, for sure will get special treatment, such as using the VIP room in the Paris store or visits to the factories. Showbiz celebrities, of course, will get privileges, though I have seen an African-American A-list actress and a Korean heartthrob turned away when they asked for a Birkin in the store. … I’m sure there is a list of big-spending VIPs every salesperson keeps private.” EG:

Are there any tricks to get a salesperson to sell you a bag?



Dondi: “Here’s my observation: 1. Appearance is key. Carry a Hermès bag or wear Hermès. It shows you are there, not only for a Birkin bag, but that you know the brand. It creates a good impression. 2. Show you are eager to spend on men’s or women’s clothes, or high-value watches or accessories. 3. You are not there for the first time. There is a purchase record of


yours, not only of bags. 4. Non-Asian face. 5. It comes down to fate — if the salesperson connects with you, because there are simply too many people and too few bags to go around. Having said that, there are plenty of people with all of the above, who still can’t get hold of a Birkin. Plenty of people might have spent significant sum at the store and are then told ‘Sorry, we are out of stock. Please come back the day after tomorrow.’ It’s important not to let the disappointment ruin your trip. The salesperson may not give you the colour or size you want. If you want a black one, and the salesperson says there is only red, it implies you haven’t spent enough yet.” EG:

Are vintage Hermès the most valuable?

Dondi: “Not necessarily, unless the production has stopped, such as the high-handle Kelly. There are always fans looking for them. Hermès is unlike other brands in this regard – even second-hand bags have resell value, as long as the originals are valuable. The classic black with gold hardware is always in demand, at high values. The pink also has a waiting list of princess-like customers. These colours were small in production and the demand for them is always high.”





09 Constance 24顏色Bleu Zanzibar,約$16,000。 Constance 24 Bleu Zanzibar, approx. $16,000 10 Mini Kelly顏色blue paon,約$9,800。 Mini Kelly in blue paon, approx. $9,800 即是舊款大手挽kelly。 11 「大耳朵Kelly」 Vintage high-handle Kelly 12 OL至愛!Lindy 26顏色Terra Battue,約$9,000。 OLs’ favourite Lindy 26 Terra Battue, approx. $9,000

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Brand Story

不只是奢華 not only about luxury


hermès is always seTTing new aucTion records

Christie's拍賣Hermès手袋歷史悠久,愈來 愈備受注目,驚人交易紀錄獲經濟專家形容 為 「投資Hermès手袋比股票還要保值」 。 Christie’s has a long history of hosting Hermès bag auctions, which are increasingly becoming attention-grabbers. Economic experts even concede that “Hermès bags are better investments than stocks”, judging from the stunning prices at the auctions.

精品手袋近年在拍賣市場非常蓬勃,著名拍賣行佳士得 Christie's每年的5或6月,都會在香港舉行手袋及配飾拍賣會, 當中最受歡迎、競投最激烈的,非Hermès手袋莫屬,款式極罕 的更屢屢創下 「史上最貴」 成交紀錄,成為全球熱話。 Bags have been hot auction items in recent years. Renowned auction house Christie’s holds an auction of bags and accessories every May or June. The items drawing the most bids are none other than Hermès bags. Rare designs often set auction records and draw global attention.

Christie's手袋及配飾部主管Matthew Rubinger, 自小研究二手名貴手袋的市場價值,十年來在拍 賣行為Hermès手袋的狀況評級,熟悉每一款的 市場行情。 Matthew Rubinger, head of Christie’s bags and accessories auctions, has been studying the market value of high-end, second-hand bags from a young age. He has been grading Hermès bags for the auction house for a decade and knows the market for every bag.

袋王 「Himalaya CroCoDile」

The ulTimaTe “himalaya crocodile”

Himalaya Crocodile 是Hermès自家高難度傑作之一,漸 變雪白灰色鱷魚皮製作難度高,每年專門店出貨一個起 兩個止,成為近年拍賣會的袋王。2014年出產Himalaya Crocodile Birkin 30鈀金釦款,2015年以超出估值兩倍, 約20萬成交!今年5月,一個2008年出產的Himalaya Crocodile Birkin 30白金鑲鑽石版,以破紀錄最貴約38萬 成交,成為高回報的手袋王。 Himalaya Crocodile in white and grey and is among the most difficult to master in the Hermès family. Only one or two are made every year, which is why is it has become the ultimate bag at auction. The Matt Himalaya Niloticus Crocodile Birkin 30, with palladium hardware, changed hands in 2015 for more than $200,000, more than double the valuation. In May this year, a 2008 Himalaya Crocodile Birkin 30 white gold and diamond achieved a record bid of approx. $380,000, making it the bag with the highest return.

初代barénia 皮革

early barénia leaTher

Hermès最早使用來做手袋的Barénia自然色馬 鞍皮革,耐磨防水,這手袋代表品牌馬具世家 歷史,極具收藏價值。這2007年出產的Fauve Barénia Birkin 40鈀金釦,今年拍賣估值約1.02 萬至1.2萬,最終成交價約$1.6萬。 Barénia, Hermès original saddle leather, is hardy and waterproof. This bag is a hallmark of the family’s history in equestrian and hence highly collectable. This 2007 Fauve Barénia Birkin 40 with palladium hardware was valued at between $10,200 and $12,000, and sold for approx. $16,000.





神級「so blaCk」

diVine “so black”

2010年Hermès推出唯一啞黑鱷魚皮Birkin 35, 盒子不是橙色、而是純黑色,曾於2015年拍賣 中出現,即使二手評級只有Grade 3,2015年估 值約6.5萬至8.2萬,最終以約8.2萬估價上限成 交! The only black alligator Birkin 35 made by Hermès in 2010 came in a black box, not orange. It surfaced in an auction in 2015. Though rated only Grade 3 for a used bag, the value for 2015 was established at between $65,000 and $82,000. It sold for that latter figure.

罕有 「鮮黃mimosa」

rare “yellow mimosa”

代表稀有鮮黃色Mimosa,是保值金蛋之一。 2012年出產,霧面Mimosa色短吻鱷魚皮Kelly Pochette金釦。估值1.5萬至2.5萬,2015年最 終以約6.5萬成交! The rare yellow Mimosa is a golden egg for investment. Circa 2012, the matte Mimosa Alligator Kelly Pochette with gold hardware was valued at between $15,000 and $25,000 and sold for approx. $65,000 at a 2015 auction.

ViP 特別訂製版

Vip cusTom ediTions

由於VIP專享訂製服務已經暫停,所以只限訂製 的併色手袋只會買少見少。像這2014年出產, Bordeaux酒紅色的鱷魚皮Birkin 25襯海軍藍內 裡,鈀金屬釦,估值約4.05萬至4.9萬,2015年最 終摸頂以約12萬成交! As VIP custom service has been suspended, custom bi-colour bags will be increasingly rare. This 2014 Custom Shiny Bordeaux & Bleu Marine Niloticus Crocodile Birkin 35 with palladium hardware was valued at between $40,500 and $49,000, and sold for approx. $120,000 in 2015.

10個比股票更保 的Hermès

The 10 hermès ThaT are beTTer inVesTmenTs Than sTocks Hermès手袋的保值程度,關鍵不只是Birkin與Kelly,而是尺碼、金釦或鈀金釦、皮革等級、染色難度而影響的年產量,甚至 是已停產款式等都有講究,以上的組合分別可以令手袋價值逆市倍升,有錢又識投資的話,幾萬變幾十萬絕不稀奇。 The value of Hermès bags is not simply associated with whether or not it is a Birkin or Kelly. Various other factors are highly relevant, such as size, whether it has gold or palladium hardware, the grade of the leather, the difficulty in dyeing which affects the production size and if the line has been terminated. A combination of these factors can jack up the price of a bag exponentially. Those who have the money and knowledge to invest in these bags could turn a five-figure bag into six-figure windfall.

頂級「Porosus CroCoDile」

soughT-aFTer “porosus crocodile”

今年紐約拍賣會上一個2015年限量出產,Grade 1 評級,採用亮面和啞面的最頂級婆羅州鱷魚皮 Porosus crocodile製作的Birkin 35,拍賣估值約 6.4萬至7.6萬,最終成交價高達約10.3萬,證明 罕有藍色與皮革花邊細節是升值關鍵。 A limited-edition 2015 Birkin 35, in top-of-therange shiny and matt Porosus crocodile, was rated Grade 1 and valued at between $64,000 and $76,000 at a New York auction this year. The winning bid was approx. $100,300, proving that the rare Blue Colvert with leather details will keep its price high.


lizard skin leap-Frogging

近年Ombré Lizard漸變色蜥蜴皮手袋逐漸減 產,尤其是Kelly款,在Christie's近5年來才出 現一次,這2011年出產的Ombré Lizard Sellier Kelly,2017年拍賣估值2.5萬至3.3萬,最終成交 價高達約15.3萬。 The production of Ombré Lizard bags has been shrinking in recent years, especially in the Kelly line. It has surfaced at Christie’s auctions only once in the last five years. This 2011 Ombré Salvator Lizard Sellier Kelly was valued at between $25,000 and $33,000, and sold for a whopping approx. $153,000.

競投新星「ConstanCe 18」

new aucTion sTar “consTance 18”

1950年才面世的Constance手袋以設計師女 兒命名,近年成為收藏家新目標,特別是尺 寸愈細愈值錢,如這2014年出產三色拼皮限 量版,今年拍賣估值3.9萬至4.9萬,最終成 交價約6.1萬,可見競投激烈。 Constance, first made in 1950, was named after the designer’s daughter. It has become collectors’ new targets in recent years: the smaller the size, the more valuable. This 2014 limited-edition shiny Cassis, Bleu Tempête & Bleu Izmir Niloticus Crocodile Constance 18 was valued at between $39,000 and $49,000 for this year’s auction, and was bid to approx. $61,000.

停產寶 「初代mini kelly 20」

“early mini kelly 20” reVisiTed

90年代停產的Sellier Mini Kelly 20,直至近年重 新推出第二代之後更見珍貴,如這1990年出產的 亮藍色鱷魚皮金釦款,估值2.5萬至3.3萬,2015 年最終以約7萬成交! Sellier Mini Kelly 20 was stopped in the 1990s. Its Mark 2, introduced in recent years, has made the vintage version all the more sought after. This 1990 Shiny Bleu Saphir Alligator with gold hardware was valued at between $25,000 and $33,000, and sold in 2015 for approx. $70,000.

黃金「Pink 5P」

gold “pink 5p”

Constance手袋除了愈小愈名貴之外,橫 放長方形Élan都是收藏級別,再加上一 直被追捧的極罕有粉紅色 「Pink 5P 」 ,配 蜥蜴皮及金釦的最強升值組合,必定打破 估值。這2010年出產的Pink 5PSalvator Lizard Constance Élan金釦款,今年拍賣 估值1.3萬至1.6萬,最終成交價高達約5.7 萬。 The smaller a Constance is, the higher the value. Rectangular Élan is also a collector’s item. The value goes up yet again if it’s a rare Pink 5P with lizard skin and gold hardware. This 2010 Pink 5P Salvator Lizard Constance Élan with gold hardware was valued at between $13,000 and $16,000, and sold for approx. $57,000.





Ladies’ Picks 手袋換季

A hAndbAg for every seAson text | Lisa photo | TPK

衣服要換季,手袋亦然。作為衣裝以外最大的吸睛位,手袋的地位不容忽視。各 大時裝品牌深明此道,今季的手袋融入羊毛、麖皮、絲絨等秋冬系列常見質料, 與溫暖厚重的衣服配成一套,塑造極致total look。 Let wool, suede, velvet and other cozy materials warm up your Fall / Winter look.

Orsett small paperchain shearling fur top handle bag US$1,695 (, US only) / Pink coat Both from Anya Hindmarch





Bag / Dress

Bag / Top & Skirt

Both from Bottega Veneta

All from Vivienne Westwood


Vivienne Westwood’s blue velvet chain handbag and


Giorgio Armani’s bluish-green velvet handbag both show off the


elegance of the fabric, and are good matches with evening wear.


Anya Hindmarch puts wool on top of a suede bag and then adds


a colourful round shoulder strap for a warm and whimsical look. Meanwhile, Bally adds horse hair to the bag.

Vivienne Westwood的藍絲絨鏈條手袋和 Giorgio Armani的藍綠雙色絲絨手袋等,完全

Bottega Veneta is known for its craftsmanship. Adding a layer


of plaid suede on the outer layer of a snakeskin clutch is a great


combination. Salvatore Ferragamo and Lanvin chose to match


suede with snakeskin and a chain to preserve the warm touch of


suede, while making the look more contemporary. At the same


time, Praada uses its signature waterproof canvas to go with

入新意。Bottega Veneta向來手工為尚,在蛇皮

leather and a furry shoulder strap, mixing practical with fancy.

clutch上再鋪一層格仔麖皮,秋冬質料融和得宜。 Salvatore Ferragamo和Lanvin以麖皮融合蛇皮

These different materials, colours and patterns mix together


to infuse creativity and liveliness into the bags. Each brand uses


its creative powers to mix in different materials to fit the Fall/


Winter feel.


While buying new clothes and new handbags this season,


the consumer may well use the same standard, demanding both

準則,要漂亮也要溫暖,這樣的total look準沒錯。

an attractiveness and warmth to create a true and total look.

Lanvin Lien small suede shoulder bag $1,730 (

B Turn Medium calf leather handbag US$2,295 (, US only) / Top Both from Bally

Giorgio Armani crossbody with logo $TBD/small crossbody $TBD

Salvatore Ferragamo medium soft Sofia bag $2,560 (

Prada Eqttiqette bag $2,850 ( shearling top handle $880 (





Runway 在波姬小絲與Calvins之間的 Raf simons

Between Brooke ShieldS and her CalvinS, there iS raf SimonS 如果看得懂這標題,大抵有一定資歷,或者對時 裝歷史略有認識。 Calvin Klein weclomes its new chief creative director. text | 冰汪

Calvin Klein牛仔褲面世短短 兩年的1980年,十五歲的波姬小絲 為CK拍攝一系列電視廣告,把skinny jeans性感化,她在廣告中的名言"You want to know what comes between me and my Calvins? Nothing."惹來無限遐想,結 果被ABC及CBS禁播。 三十七年後,Raf Simons接手CK主帥一職,銜 頭是首席創意總監,傳聞年薪是天價一千八百萬美金。 新人事新作風,由系列名稱開始。天橋系列命名 CALVIN KLEIN205W39NYC,那是CK總部地址;牛仔系列叫 做CALVIN KLEIN JEANS ESTABLISHED 1978;還有年初率先 發布的Made-to-Measure系列Calvin Klein By Appointment。





In 1980, only two years after the debut of Calvin Klein’s denim jeans, 15-year-old Brooke Shields starred

chief creative director. Rumour’s place his annual salary at $18 million.

in a series of TV commercials for CK, adding a sexy face to the skinny jeans. Her famous line in the commercial,

With a new boss comes change, and it starts with the

“You want to know what comes between me and my

naming of the collection — Calvin Klein 205W39NYC.

Calvins? Nothing.” Well, some people’s imaginations led

This is the address of CK’s headquarters. The jeans

to a raunchy conclusion and that led to a ban by ABC

collection is called Calvin Klein Jeans Established 1978.

and CBS.

There is also the made-to-measure collection, Calvin Klein By Appointment, introduced at the beginning of this

Now 37 years later, Raf Simons takes over as CK’s







Simons’ CK debut show was held at company headquarters. Inside, a large number of iconic American items were on display

signature turtleneck shirt inside. There are also whimsical details, such as a line of red thread, or a leather label, or the embossed lettering with CK Jean’s founding history.

with a fashion twist, such as fabricwrapped baseball bats, traffic lights

Another iconic move was to turn the classic

and signature undergarments — a

1980 Brooke Shields commercial, with her

different version of the American

balancing her body with her hands and left foot


while kicking the right foot up, into a cut-out silhouette. It has been embroidered onto

Raf’s touch of Americana also included the padded-shoulder

the back of the jean jacket and on the jeans. Simons的CK處男秀在

power suit that dominated 1980s Wall Street, police uniforms and

at the show and may well have

featuring the American flag. Like

been surprised that the

the American habit of leaving the

commercial that made her

protective plastic wrap on new

famous would appear

sofas, he introduced a checkered

again in such fashion

coat in plastic.

nearly 40 years

國及品牌傳統元素物品,譬如用 布包的棒球棍、交通燈及招牌內衣 等等,好一場American dream。 Raf的美式材料包括八十年代橫行華 爾街的power suit大肩膊、警察制服、西部




Denim products are prized assets of the CK brand. Simons


Shields was a front-row guest

the CKBA collection of dresses


chose his characteristic modern simplicity style, using denim


from top to bottom, with his

的摩登簡約,由頭到腳的牛仔衫褲,裡面是其招牌樽領。 至於細節,可能是逢上紅線,或者在衣服上加上皮革招牌, 壓字印上CK Jeans的創辦歷史,甚具玩味。另一款更具代表 性的,就是把1980年波姬小絲的經典廣告,即是她用雙手及左

Wool Prince of Wales coat with PVC cover $6,275 (

腳支撐身體,右腳伸長向上踢的姿態,變成一幅剪影圖案,醒目 地縫在牛仔褸及牛仔褲背後。獲邀請坐在前排的波姬小絲,可能沒想 到自己的成名作,會在三十多年後出土,變成生招牌吧﹖

Indigo western denim shirt with red topstitching

Wool twill top with contrasting flap $1,029 (





Contrastdetailed wool shirt US$695 (

Black leather uniform shirt


Men’s picks 有一類曖昧的色調,永遠徘徊於簡單與 複雜間,酒紅,就是其中之一。 Transition into winter in wineinspired tones.


Jacket Pants Booties $970 ( All from Prada

Burgundy rhapsody text | Sum Chan photo | Karlson Tsang makeup | Angel Mok hair | Kolen But model | AMBER AT PRIMO

Jacket Top Pants All from Hermès





The burgundy hue is named after the red wine produced in the French Burgundy region. Even though it belongs to the same colour series as bright pink or bright red, there is a great difference with this dark tone. It is neither dull nor bright; not warm or cold. Bottega Veneta Dark Barolo organic wool coat $4,566 (

It somewhat symbolizes the mysteriousness of the changing seasons, from fall to winter — when winter chill begins to set in. It cannot be captured, nor can it be understood. If you pay close attention, you will notice that demure stars, such as the late Leslie Cheung or Jacky Cheung, are frequently captured wearing red tones. Many men’s fashion collections this Fall/Winter season prominently feature burgundy — be it Hermès full velvet set, Bottega Veneta’s wool coat, Bally’s long plaid coat, or Prada’s leather jacket, straightlegged pants and shoes.

Bally Coat

酒紅色,洋名Burgundy, 來自法國的勃根地,因與當地盛產 的紅酒顏色相似而得名。這種暗紅色 調,雖與鮮明的粉紅或大紅屬同一色系, 卻有著天淵之別:不沉亦不亮;說不上熱情 又談不到冷靜;乍暖還寒間帶著一種神秘感,捉 不到也看不透。代表人物有張國榮與張學友,細心 留意一下,你會發現兩人都常穿酒紅。 承接上季SS17與來季SS18的colour trend,今季FW17不 少品牌的男裝系列,都早有預備地出現了大片酒紅,好像Hermès 的全套velvet set、Bottega Veneta的羊毛大褸、Bally的格子紋西裝長 褸與Prada的皮革外套、直腳西褲與皮鞋,教人迷醉。



Fashion News


The Free ’70s 近年最明顯的時裝大勢可說是’70s。Gucci式復 古長做長有,Prada與Miu Miu持續幾季的毛毛釘 珠,Marni一向鮮明的懷舊元素,還有RRL與Kent & Curwen的retro設計等等。不論是音樂舞台、運 動學院、藝術街頭還是嬉皮民族,無所不在的透視 著屬於七十年代的社會文化與時代氣息–青春、好 玩、熱鬧! The most obvious fashion trend of late has been the return of ’70s styles. Gucci’s long flair pants, Prada and Miu Miu’s furry sequins, Marni’s nostalgic elements and RRL and Kent & Curwen’s retro designs are all reminiscent of times past. Whether it’s musical theatre, sports academy, street art or hippies, the youthfulness and playfulness of the ’70s are reflected.

text | Sum Chan





Gucci FW17 suits $TBD

Prada Virgin Shetland wool scarf $775 (

RRL chimayo shawl-collar cotton, linen and silk-blend jacquard cardigan $890 (

Raf Simons Adidas Spirit canvas sneakers $370 (

Isabel Marant silver-tone crystal earrings US$390 (

Valentino FW coat $TBD

Miu Miu checked wool sweater US$580 (

Gucci embroidered denim flare pants $2,365 (

Balenciaga printed silk-twill bracelet US$495

Fear of God military nylon high-top sneakers $1,340 (

Kingsman Daekin & Francis statesman gold-plated lapel pin US$145 (

Dolce & Gabbana embellished velvet-trimmed sequined Mary Jane pumps US$1,495 (









Twilly TwisT How do you wear your Twilly? all over! 三款Twilly d’Hermès淡香精容量: 30毫升(售價:$76)、50毫升(售 價:$107) 、85 毫升 (售價:$147) Twilly d’Hermès is available in three sizes: 30ml/$76, 50ml/$107 and 85ml/$147.

text | Leslie Yip photos | Hermès

你喜歡如何佩戴Twilly 長絲巾?任意配搭都可! 愛馬仕推出以絲巾系列命名的香 水,向品牌的皇牌產品致敬。

Hermès pays homage to the little sister of its iconic silk scarves with a new namesake perfume.






Whether worn around the neck in fancy knots, tied around the hair or


decorating a handbag, Hermès silk scarves have adorned royalties and


Hollywood stars, cultivating a devoted following among those who have sought a touch of French sophistication since its introduction in 1937.


Its cult status is rejuvenated with the Twilly, whose narrow proportions


allow for more playful and versatile styling. This playfulness inspired

Christine Nagel的靈感,創造出充滿自由氣息的香味 。

perfumer-designer Christine Nagel to craft a new scent to reflect the carefree fun.

香水包含三種原料 : 生薑、晚香玉及檀香木。各種成

The scent features just three notes: ginger, tuberose and sandalwood.


Each ingredient seems to embrace a different facet of the younger woman,


at times bold and mischievousness, at times tender and gentle, but always


sensual and intuitive. The ginger opens with a spicy-citrus kick, contrasting


with the soft and creamy tuberose mid-notes. Silky sandalwood rounds out the scent with a flirtatious wink.


The presentation of the perfume is full of light-hearted charm. The stubby


square bottle, with its chunky black stopper, looks like a squatty Tsum Tsum


wearing an oversized bowler hat. The narrow printed silk spaghetti ribbon at


the nape resembles the effortless style of a French girl with a twilly around her neck.

Twilly d'Hermès無論在視覺或嗅覺上,都皆必為年輕

Whether for the young, or the young at heart, the sight and scent of


香水的包裝重新演繹了Françoise Faconnet設計的Astrologie絲 巾系列。繽紛大膽的圖案反映 出淘氣調皮的香味。Astrologie Nouvelle絲巾包含三種顏色:橙、 藍灰、鮮綠;尺寸為86 x 5厘米 (售價:$225)。另有七款其他顏 色組合,及最大尺寸的220 x 20厘 米巨巾 (售價:$440) 。

Twilly d’Hermès will surely bring a smile.

The packaging of the perfume is based on a reinterpretation of Françoise Faconnet’s design Astrologie. The bright colours and bold motif echo the playfulness of the scent. Astrologie Nouvelle twilly in rose, coral and fluo green, 86 x 5 cm, $225. Also available in seven other colour combinations and in 220 x 20 cm maxi-twilly size, $440.

Twilly d’ Hermès淡香精還推 出自家免費應用程式。只要 把智能手機的鏡頭對準香水 包裝盒或樽頂,便可看到意 想不到的動畫。

A free self-titled augmented reality app accompanies the launch of Twilly d’Hermès. When you point the camera of your smartphone towards the perfume box, or the peaks of the twilly, a whimsical animation appears.






ENERGIZE YOUR SKIN text | 張琬雯 photo | 黃幹文 model | Raquel T(Primo)makeup & hair | Yan Leung wardrobe | Ted Baker

缺乏充足休息,加上面對壓力及污染等因素所帶 來的侵害,身心以至肌膚均很容易出現疲態,令 臉容看起來更顯暗黃、蒼老。要喚醒了無生氣的 倦容,便得借助有效護膚產品,以激活肌膚細 胞,強化其天然防禦力,持之以恆,膚質定能恢 復健康活力。 Without adequate rest, and with the impact of stress and pollution, one’s body and soul become tired. The exhaustion shows up quickly on one’s face, making it look sallow and aged. Consistent use of effective skin products can stimulate tired skin cells and strengthen the skin’s natural protective abilities.





RegeneRative Masks 更生面膜

想於短時間內拯救疲憊不堪的肌膚,可選用具更生及淨化功能的面膜產 品。敷上臉後,不但有助清除污垢與雜質,更可發揮活化肌膚的作用。 To re-energize one’s weary skin, a regenerative and cleansing mask is perfect. It helps remove the skin’s impurities and invigorate it.

a. Caudalie instant Detox Mask 75ml $47 ( 蘊含99.3%天然軟泥配方的葡萄籽速效排毒面膜,既有效清除雜質和毒素,亦有助 改善膚質,讓膚色回復亮白均勻。 Combining 99.3% natural grape marc, this mask detoxifies and clears impurities and toxins, returning the skin to its bright and even tone. b. Valmont Prime Renewing Pack 50ml $250 ( 面膜既包括RNA微脂囊及真皮層逆時空複合成分,同時加入了薄荷酸及二氧化鈦 等,用後不僅有助抗皺及修復受損細胞,更可喚醒肌膚細胞,收活膚效用。 This mask contains RNA liposome and a complex that restores the dermis and, at the same time, infusing mint acid and titanium dioxide. Not only does it combat wrinkles, but it also restores damaged cells and invigorates them. c. Givenchy D-tox Skincare Duo-shot Masks 8x5ml $76 ( 產品由兩款面膜配方所組成。淺綠色的淨化面膜配方,主要利用StoPollution複合 物及AHAs果酸成分,以清除污染微粒及淨化表皮層。至於粉紅色的面膜配方,則 帶有Vax'in For Youth複合物,用後能令肌膚重現活力。 This product consists of two masks. The light green cleansing mask uses StoPollution compounds and AHAs acids to cleanse micro-impurities and clear the skin’ s surface. The pink mask contains Vax'in For Youth compounds, which have the ability to revitalize the skin.





Beauty a. academie 8H Radiance Serum $TBD 質地清爽的8H活力亮采精華,內含高濃度杏桃萃取,有助瞬間喚醒肌膚, 讓膚質重拾亮澤剔透。高濃度天然植物保濕因子、透明質酸及抗污染活性 成分,則具有長效保濕及強化肌膚保護網的作用。 The 8H Radiance Serum has a light texture, but contains a high-density apricot extract. It is wonderful for reinvigorating the skin, resulting in a bright and clear texture. The high-density natural plant hydrating factor, hyaluronic acid and active anti-pollutant ingredients all help hydrate and strengthen the skin’ s protective shield. b. Karuna Vitamin C+ Pearls $58 ( 產品由一支維他命C激活精華及一瓶珍珠所組成,使用時須把兩者混合及推 開,當中採用Flash Freeze科技,將一粒粒達79%的高濃度維他命C精華封 存於珍珠內,可有效促進細胞更新及亮白肌膚,擊退膚色暗啞及疲倦。 This product contains a tube of vitamin C invigorating essence and a bottle of pearls, or capsules. To use, combine the two and spread the resulting paste onto the skin. Vitamin C tends to oxidize and become unstable over time, but Karuna’ s flash-freeze technology seals the 79-per-cent, high-density vitamin C essence in the pearls. The serum enhances cell regeneration, brightens the skin and reduces dullness and weariness.



Wake Up Call 喚醒亮肌

都市女性經常捱更抵夜,長期缺乏休息下,往往 令面容變得憔悴,久而久之,更會觸發乾燥、暗啞及 細紋等老化現象。要改善問題,便得選用能改善肌膚 疲態的修護產品,喚醒明亮柔嫩的膚質。 Without sufficient rest, weariness starts showing on the face. Over time, the face becomes dry and dull-looking, and fine lines begin to show. To alleviate these problems, routine use of skin-repair products can reawaken the skin’s bright and smooth texture.





stRengthening the pRoteCtive shield 鞏固屏障

要抵禦外來環境的侵害,不能單靠抗氧化保養品,還須加強防護,為 肌膚築起堅固的防禦屏障,讓細胞擁有更強力量,隔絕種種污染物。 To combat environmental factors, not only does one have to rely on anti-oxidating nourishment, but prevention is also important. With protective products, one can build up a solid shield to strengthen skin cells and pose a barrier to impurities.

b a. Clarins Double Serum 30ml $89 ( 第八代賦活雙精華加入了二十種水溶性及一種油溶性高效抗老植物萃取,既促 進肌膚細胞發揮保濕、滋養及抗氧等修護功能,同時可增強肌膚防禦力。 This eighth-generation double serum incorporates 20 water-soluble and one oilsoluble anti-aging plant extract. It provides nourishment and anti-oxidation, and can improve skin protection. b. Viliv Protect Your Skin, Cell Defence Serum $110 ( 精華素的高效成分PCT Argan包含了摩洛哥堅果樹幹細胞,能有助刺激皮膚細 胞再生及提升防禦力,另可發揮抗氧化及抗污染的功效。 The serum’ s highly effective PhytoCellTec-Argan ingredient contains Moroccan nut tree cells. It can stimulate the regeneration of cells and combat the effects of oxidation and pollution. c. Innisfree Soybean Energy Essence 150ml $52 ( 以濟州大豆原物發酵而成的精華液,能活細胞間的訊號,讓細胞間形成緊緻的 保護膜,提高肌膚的防禦力;另含天然抗氧化物質,有助均勻膚色及改善倦容。 Brewed from Australian soybean essence, this extract can stimulate signals between cells to form a protective shield. It also contains natural anti-oxidizing ingredients that can help even skin tone and reduce the look of weariness.






Living 冬季可能令人感到蕭瑟寒冷,下大雪出門時寸步難行。希望留在家享受又怕 太局促的話,不如把後園來個美麗改造。那麼,即使在一年中最黑暗、寒冷 的時候,都可以感受到冬日那分獨特的大自然浪漫。 Icy winters are not a good time for venturing out, yet being cooped up at home is maddening. How about a backyard makeover to enjoy nature and forget the snowstorm blowing around?


Romantic winteR backyaRd

text | Livian Wu

沒有圍欄的涼棚,也有劃 分區域的功能。 Pergolas serve to define spaces, even without fencing.





觀賞草植物的頂部於寒冬中仍能保持良好狀態,令冬日景觀豐富。 The tips of ornamental plants retain their shape in winter and add interesting visuals to the winter garden scene.

添置一個壁爐、 點燃一簇火焰, 能增加冬日溫暖 感。 A flickering fire in the fireplace will surely keep you warm.

夜色中但見燈火熠熠,讓後園格外浪漫迷人。 Lighting helps create a romantic atmosphere in the garden.

設計師Dave Maciulis認為冬天的後園應多種植觀賞植物,

Designer Dave Maciulis suggests landscaping the garden with


ornamental plants. The likes of Miscanthus are robust in spring, summer

長得好,即使在冬天葉子乾枯變色後仍不凋落 。周邊的樹木

and autumn and survive through winter. Honey locust trees with unique


branch formations look simply breathtaking when atmospheric lighting


highlights the snow covering the branches.


Lighting — be it string lights, wall lamps or ground spotlights —


adds depth to the landscape. Wall lights can be arranged along the wall,


the French doors or the fence, and subtle spotlights can be hidden on


the ground or the deck to create interesting effects. String lights add a rustic feel too.

寒冷的日子裏,戶外壁爐帶來的溫暖感實在令人難以抗 拒。晚上在壁爐旁用餐,或圍坐望著跳動的火焰把酒閒談,都

Outdoor fireplaces bring irresistible warmth on cold nights.


Having dinner or simply relaxing around the fireplace is what life is


all about. Wood-burning outdoor fireplaces have been outlawed in


many jurisdictions for safety reasons, so the designer suggests using

瓷磚或大理石 DIY組裝成具個人風格的壁爐。

minimalistic natural fireplaces, which look like a coffee table when not lit during the day, or make your own with bricks, tiles and marble.

如果想進一步打造溫暖舒適的空間,可用涼棚來劃分戶外 客廳、廚房或餐飲區域等。再加上裝飾物如太陽篷、屏幕或戶

Pergolas can be used to define sitting, kitchen and dining areas.


Awnings, screens and outdoor blinds also deliver greater privacy

上色一次;或可選用流行印有木紋的鋁框架,更方便耐用 。

and give timber pergolas added protection. Timber ones need to be painted once every three years, while aluminium frames with wood grain patterns are more convenient and last longer.

landscape designer Dave Maciulis co-owner of Natural Landscape Group Inc






Make your residence

a dream home 讓居所化成夢想家園

維多利亞女王酒店皇家套房 Royal Suite, Empress Hotel, Victoria text | Kenson Ho photo | Kreel Creative Design


So what constitutes your ideal home? Is


it the location, size, view or something

具個性和個人風格的超級「夢想家園」, 可 以 怎 麼 辦 ?《 星 尚 》最 近 就 與 K r e e l Creative Design Consultants. Inc. 總裁Franc Ranieri進行深 入的知性交流。 Kreel Creative Design Consultants總裁Franc Ranieri Franc Ranieri, Principal, Kreel





else? Regardless of what your requirements might be, your dream home should reflect your personality and style. How do you ensure that? EliteGen recently had an insightful and informative conversation with Franc Ranieri, principal of Kreel Creative Design Consultants. Inc.

Kreel簡約整潔的辦公室 Kreel Office – clean space, and uncluttered interiors





How have interior design trends changed over the years?



高豪港私人住宅 Private Residence, Coal Harbour

維多利亞女王酒店皇家套房 Royal Suite, Empress Hotel, Victoria

新趨勢是面積更大、並以人流滙聚為設計重心。較少出現「正 統」的獨立餐廳和客廳,改而強調舒適、休閒和隨意的「家庭 室」 。 儘管裝潢、傢具風格、顏色潮來去如風,但優質設計總是永 恆的。以10至20年前的美學風格作出的設計,如今要翻新亦

維多利亞女王酒店皇家套房 Royal Suite, Empress Hotel, Victoria

不困難。 A

The layout of residential units has definitely changed, and how we address these new dynamics is vital. We’ve seen a trend towards much larger and more circulation-oriented kitchens, and less emphasis on formal dining and living rooms. Instead, comfortable, almost casual, family rooms are in.





What is the common mistake homeowners make when it comes to home décor?


開始時未能掌握一致的元素。把不協調的組件胡亂拼湊,最 終可能造成不連貫的氛圍。 我通常是從房屋入口如地毯等基本元素開始,逐步發展出整 個設計。 尊重房屋所在背景也很重要。你在設計的,是一幢都市化的

耶魯鎮頂層豪宅裝修 Penthouse Renovation – Yaletown






What is the current style?


簡約風格絕對是當前的室內設計焦點,我看到很多淺色組合 的出現,另一些地區則較流行饒富情調的溫暖色調。如今的 傢具設計多以實用為主。


一般人設計家居時,通常都愛堅持己見,然而有時個人喜好 可能不適用於相關環境。「中世紀式現代設計」可不是四海通 行的。 A

Not embracing a consistent element at the beginning, failed attempts at placing pieces with unmatched styles together, can create incoherent design. I usually start with the basic elements at the entrance — area rugs, for example — and then unfold the whole design. It is also very important to respect the neighbourhood of a home.

Clean and uncluttered space is definitely a current focus of interior

Are you designing a downtown penthouse in a very urban,

design. I see a lot of lighter colour palettes being expressed.

modern building, or a rustic vacation home in Whistler? People

Given the different geographic regions of projects, moodier and

often have strong opinions about the designs of their homes,

warmer tones are sometimes applied too. Practicality reigns

but sometimes personal preferences may not match with the

supreme these days when it comes to furniture.

surroundings. ‘Mid-century modern’ doesn’t work everywhere.






威士拿私人住宅 Private Residence, Whistler

威士拿私人住宅 Country Retreat, Whistler





Why should homeowners work with interior designers?





來聊聊你的背景吧 !


Tell us about your background.


80年代末,我完成室內設計專上課程後,在卡加里開始設計 工作。後來遷居到溫哥華,當了一陣子自由工作者,之後在 一間大型企業發展商工作了兩年,卻知道那不是我理想的事 業發展方向。


至90年代中期,我非常尊敬的設計師 Robert Ledingham的


設計公司僱用了我,我在這裡獲得近18年的非凡住宅設計經 驗。我很榮幸能與Ledingham先生及許多傑出、嚴謹而優秀



目順利進行。室內設計師會預先作好安排,避免問題發生 在工程後期。例如,由於空間大小不同,「現貨」家具未必






設計師同時會助你有效地作決策,協助你選擇布料、木 材、金屬、電器、地板等。



I started my design career in Calgary in the late ’80s after completing post-secondary courses in interior design. After moving to Vancouver and accepting freelance design jobs for

It is always prudent to include an interior designer in a home-

a while, I spent the better part of two years working for a large

building or renovation project. Otherwise, you will find yourself

corporate developer and discovered that it was not the career

struggling with the contractor and subcontractors on your

path I preferred.

own, trying to work out a feasible plan, which can be very uncomfortable and can lead to unsatisfactory results.

Then, in the mid-‘90s, I was hired by Robert Ledingham’s office. He was a designer I greatly respected. The result was almost

Working with a design professional, who has a clear vison

18 years of extraordinary residential design experience. I was

that you share from the start, is essential. It enables the

lucky enough to be able to work with some of the distinguished,

whole project to progress smoothly. The interior designer will

discerning and sophisticated clientele that Mr. Ledingham

plan everything ahead to avoid issues from arising at a later

had nurtured for many years, and have my design skills and

stage. For example, off-the-shelf furniture may not always

sensibilities refined.

be preferable, given the parameters of different units, so sometimes a custom approach is necessary. A designer can

Four years ago, I launched my own firm after the sad passing

have it planned well before the work is started.

of Mr. Ledingham. At this stage in my career, I can assess the needs of a client with great confidence in no time, and provide

A designer can help you effectively navigate through the decision-making process, providing advice in choosing fabrics, woods, metals, appliances, flooring, etc.





innovative solutions that fit their unique requirements.

高豪港私人住宅 Private Residence, Coal Harbour


威士拿渡假居停 Country Retreat, Whistler




Can you share with us some of the recent works you’ve done?


到目前為止,最令我滿意的作品,是兩個在2014年開始、極 其珍稀的「空中項目」。一個是最近完成的本地項目,另一個 位於美國加州,工程仍在進行中。這兩個大型公寓豪宅都高 聳入雲、擁有壯麗景緻。它們特別之處,在於我從建築物仍 在興建時已開始參與,能精準發揮我的願景、徹底配合客戶 需求。項目中的一切內容,由家具和到完成裝飾,都是訂製 的。

威士拿私人住宅 Private Residence, Whistler


一個完美的家不啻是個安樂窩。憑藉真正專家的規劃和指 引,你可避開所有常見錯誤,把居所打造成夢想家園。


To date, the most satisfying Kreel Creative experiences have been two extremely ‘rarefied air’ projects that both commenced in 2014. One, which is local, was recently completed, while the




Where do you find inspiration?



views. They have a special place in my heart because I have


been involved from the very beginning, while the buildings were


still under construction. My vision and the client’s needs are


articulated thoroughly. Everything in these projects, down to the

Travel, life experiences, cultural trends and paying attention to key

final stages of furnishings and décor, is customized.


design hubs — Los Angeles, Chicago and New York, for example — helps fuel my creativity. A lot of my inspiration also comes from daily life experiences, by constantly examining how awkward or non-functional designs can be improved.

other, located in California, is still in process. These two large, high-rise apartments both have stunning

A perfect home is your haven. With proper planning and guidance from a true professional, you can avoid all the common mistakes, and make your residence a dream home.







St. Lawrence A TAsTe of Quebec in VAncouVer’s JApAnTown text | Kenson Ho photos | St. Lawrence

魁北克是加拿大人口第二多的省份,僅次於安省;也是國內唯一以法 語為第一語言和官方語言的省份。大多數居民生活在位於滿地可和首 都魁北克市之間、沿聖羅倫斯河附近的城市地區。 Quebec is Canada’s second-most populous province and predominantly French-speaking. Most inhabitants live in urban areas along the shores of the St. Lawrence River, between Montreal and Quebec City.

St. Lawrence為你呈獻的盡是法國風味。 St. Lawrence, presents all the traditional French flavours.





大廚JC Poirier正在炮製甜點。 Chef JC Poirier working on a dessert dish.

大廚JC Poirier及總經理Michael Ziff。 Chef JC Poirier and General Manager Michael Ziff.

根據維基百科,「傳統」魁北克菜的歷史源自毛皮貿易時期,許多菜式都含高脂肪。從17世紀初開始, 法國移民為適應北美新生活的氣候和環境,對這種飲食方向產生興趣。他們和Acadia亞卡迪亞(早期在北 美東北部法國殖民地)前來的新移民需要相同的營養,所以飲食風格甚為相似。除了加拿大原住民的飲食 風格外,魁北克菜亦深受法國和愛爾蘭影響。 想在溫哥華找一間魁北克風餐廳?St. Lawrence是理想的選擇。餐廳名字與盛載魁省歷史的著名河流 相同,位於日本鎮的269 Powell Street,前身為肉店,東主花了半年時間徹底翻新。《星尚》最近訪問了St. Lawrence的總經理Michael Ziff,他說:「整個地方完全清拆,原有裝修一件不留。」St. Lawrence的裝潢, 就像帶你走過時光隧道,回到多個世紀前的魁北克。 It’s commonly accepted that “traditional” Quebec cuisine can be traced back to the days of the fur trade, with many dishes having a high fat content. From the early 17th century, French settlers sought a cuisine to combat a harsh climate and to meet the needs arising from the work of colonization. Mindful of the same nutritional needs as settlers in Acadia, it has many similarities with Acadian cuisine. Quebec’s cuisine has a strong French and Irish influence, although many aspects of aboriginal culture have also had a significant impact on Quebec cuisine. So what better name to give a Quebec-style restaurant in Vancouver? The obvious choice was “St. Lawrence”, the famous river integral to the history of that province. Located at 269 Powell St. in Japantown, it took the owner six months to carry out the major renovations needed to transform


former butcher shop. EliteGen recently spoke with Michael Ziff, general manager of St. Lawrence, who said “The entire place was totally gutted and we took everything out.” As a result, it’s as if St. Lawrence transports you back in time, to life in Quebec centuries ago. 烤鴨肉、香脆薯餅及楓木醬汁 Ballotine de canard, pomme dauphine & sauce à l’érable - Duck ballotine, & crisp potato puffs & maple sauce.









揉合經典法國美食和魁北克的靈感,St. Lawrence提供最頂級的田園風味 菜色。大廚JC Poirier以自己的童年回憶創作農村風味餐單,在活潑又親密的氛 圍中重塑經典。大廚期望創造具代表性的魁北克區域風味美食,演繹其眼中的 法國傳統、探索經典菜式和醬汁,創作出齊備經典組合的菜單。 St. Lawrence法國和魁省美食和餐酒文化背後都大有文章,客人會被每道 菜式和美酒的典故所吸引。Michael解釋說:「我們希望提供完整的法國體驗, 所以只提供法國餐酒,雞尾酒也是以干邑為基調。我們提供魁北克啤酒,法國 干邑和法式開胃酒,創作經典飲食龍鳳配。」 操法語的Michael出生於滿地可,在魁北克市長大。Michael補充:「我很


高興能經營這種歷史悠久的菜式。」他曾在溫哥華飲食業工作20年,曾與大廚 JC在另一間餐廳共事。「我相當敬佩他,而且非常欣賞他的手藝和才華。」 大廚JC亦是來自魁北克,曾在滿地可最著名的獲獎餐廳Toqué!學藝,也 曾在著名餐廳Lumière工作,後來加入Kitchen Table Group飲食集團。在St. Lawrence前,是人氣食肆Ask for Luigi的大廚。「我一向都希望提供靈魂美食: 鄉村田園風味菜式,量多、質樸,最適合與親朋好友一起享用。簡約就是終極 優雅。」大廚解釋說。

餐廳菜單不斷推陳出新,供應經典菜式: Coquilles St. Jacques(奶油醬蘑菇帶子) 電視著名廚藝節目主持人Anthony Bourdain回憶說:「這道菜的香味,永 遠讓我回憶起對法國的最初印象。」 Vol-au-vent aux champignons&sauce Mornay(酥皮盒白汁蘑菇) 是一道非常傳統和受歡迎的前菜。 Morue en papillote & sauce Bercy(鱈魚、時蔬和白酒醬汁) 用羊皮紙包裹烤焗的鮮魚。






Classic French cuisine with Québecois inspiration, St. Lawrence is haute country cooking at its finest. With a rustic menu created from childhood memories, chef JC Poirier dusts off and reimagines the classics in a vibrant and intimate setting. St. Lawrence is filled with stories surrounding both traditional French and Québecois food and wine cultures, and guests will be captivated by these stories with every plate and glass. “We want to provide a complete French experience,” Ziff says. “We only serve French wine. The cocktails are cognac-based. We serve Québecois beer, French cognac and French aperitifs. “It’s a classic marriage of food and wine. For me, it’s a pleasure to work with this kind of food,


because of its long history. It’s been a lot of fun.” Having been in Vancouver for 20 years, predominantly in the restaurant business, Ziff worked previously with Poirier at another restaurant. “I have a lot of respect for the chef and have enjoyed his technique and talent.” Like Ziff, Poirier is originally from Quebec, where he worked at Toqué!, an award-winning Montreal restaurant. In Vancouver, he worked previously at Lumière and joined Kitchen Table Group. His last position was as chef of the very popular Ask for Luigi, another restaurant in that group. “This is always something I’ve wanted to do,” Poirier says of his passion to establish a Québecois restaurant. “Cuisine de champagne (country-style cooking) is rustic, generous and

01•傳統白糖甜批。 Tarte au sucre – Sugar pie 02•醃製的三文魚,蕎麥麵和 奶油餡餅。 Saumon mariné, crêpes au sarrasin & crème fraîche - Marinated salmon, & buckwheat crêpes & crème fraîche 03•傳統鹿肉批。 Tourtière de ville au cerf Venison traditional meat pie 04•奶油醬蘑菇帶子。 Coquilles St. Jacques (Scallops with Mushrooms in Cream Sauce)

honest, to be enjoyed with family and friends. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” The ever-changing menu at St. Lawrence includes such classic dishes as: Coquilles St. Jacques (scallops with mushrooms in a cream sauce) a dish American chef and TV personality Anthony Bourdain says he “will always associate with my first images of France.” Vol-au-vent aux champignons & sauce Mornay (mushrooms in a white sauce with a puff-pastry shell) a very traditional and popular appetizer. Morue en papillote & sauce Bercy (ling cod and seasonal vegetables in a white wine sauce) a fish dish baked in a parchment paper “envelope”.

05•紅炆羊肩配雜菜及巴黎式 粉團。 Braised lamb shoulder with vegetables & Parisian gnocchi 06•聖 羅 倫 斯 燒 牛 扒 配 牛 骨 髓、田螺及炸薯條。 Steak St. Lawrence Grilled hanger steak, bone marrow, escargôts & frites

St. Lawrence Restaurant 269 Powell street, Vancouver Tel: 604.620.3800 opens Tuesday to Saturday 5:30pm - 11pm

飯前享用一杯餐前酒。 Enjoy an aperitif before dinner





Food 外觀彷如城堡的Fairmont Chateau Whistler度假酒 店,坐落於威斯勒黑梳山 (Blackcomb Mountain)的山 腳位置,擁有五百多間豪華 客房、三萬多平方呎的會議 空間、提供全方位服務的水 療中心、屢獲殊榮的高爾夫 球場,以及風格各異的餐飲 場所。 Fairmont Chateau Whistler 群山環抱,有如城堡的Fairmont Chateau Whistler。(攝影:Brandon Barre) Fairmount Chateau Whistler is a castle surrounded by mountains. (Photography: Brandon Barre)

城堡裡的享樂時光 Fun Times aT

Fairmont Chateau Whistler text | Iris Yim photo | Johnny Liu & Fairmont Chateau Whistler

is a resort hotel that looks like a castle. Located at the foot of Blackcomb Mountain, the property has more than 500 luxury rooms, over 30,000 square feet of meeting space, a full-service spa, an award-winning golf course and several types of restaurants.





Chef's Table Luncheon是 Cornucopia活動的重頭戲之一,於 神秘的私人豪宅內由名廚為賓客烹 調美食。 Chef's Table Luncheon is one of the highlights of Cornucopia. This event is staged at mystery private mansions, with an on-site meal prepared by a famous chef.

我獨愛於十一月到訪威斯勒,既為欣賞詩意盡顯的秋 色;也為十一月中旬於此地舉行、加西最大型的美酒美食 節Cornucopia。Fairmont Chateau Whistler是參與活動的 餐廳之一,吃過以美酒配搭佳餚的winery dinner後往往已 是夜深時份,順道下榻Fairmont Chateau Whistler就更見 便利。 Fairmont Chateau Whistler的食肆非常多元化,包括 有家庭風味的The Wild Flower Restaurant、供應高級美食 的The Grill Room及酒廊The Mallard Lounge。 我曾在The Wild Flower Restaurant享用過一頓只在 周末及假日供應的早午餐自助餐Bubbles and Brunch, 印象難忘。除有香檳以外,還供應多款高級冷盤,如黃 麖肉carpaccio、野味凍糕、松露沙律、斑點蝦、皇帝蟹 腳、生蠔、三文魚;熱葷包括黑魚配warm clam & chorizo vinagrette及自製的薯茸糰子gnocchi及鹿柳配炒野菌等等。 The best time to visit Whistler is November. Not only are the marvellous fall colours everywhere, but western

Cornucopia美食節本月進行 已有二十年歷史的Cornucopia Food & Drink Festival今年11月 9-19日於威斯勒舉行,活動包括多個酒品講座、試酒會、廚藝示範、酒 餚配午餐和晚餐等。 其中最有趣的節目是Chef's Table Luncheon。參加者由專車接送 前往威斯勒不同的神秘私人豪宅莊邸,享用名廚即場烹製的菜式,並 有美酒佐膳。今年會由獲提名The Best New Restaurant of Canada的 Botanist Dining、The Salted Vine和Summit Restaurant,以及溫哥華 知名餐廳Boulevard Kitchen提供到會服務。 Winery dinner是在參與活動的各威斯勒知名餐廳內,以酒莊佳釀

Canada’s largest food and wine festival, Cornucopia, also


takes place there in mid-November.

妙之處。現場更有釀酒師或伺酒師講解,從風土氣候到好年份、好收成 都詳盡講解。今年The Grill Room共舉辦四場winery dinner,重頭戲當

Fairmont Chateau Whistler is a festival participant, and

推Quails' Gate及Blasted Church酒莊的酒肴宴。

since luxury wining and dining can extend late into the evening, the hotel provides a convenient place to spent the night.

至於最大型的品酒會Crush Grand Tasting,則有來自世界各 地的酒莊及本國著名酒莊參與,當中很多都是得獎佳釀。網址:。

The Chateau Whistler offers a diversity of eateries, including family-style dining at The Wild Flower Restaurant, gourmet food at The Grill Room and innovative cocktails, plus nightly entertainment, at the Mallard Lounge bar. The Bubbles and Brunch, a brunch buffet offered on weekends and holidays at The Wild Flower Restaurant, is quite impressive. In addition to champagne, there are also many high-end cold platters, such as yellow deer carpaccio, cold game cake, truffle salad, spotted prawns, king crab legs, raw oysters and salmon. Hot entrees include blackened fish with warm clams and chorizo vinaigrette, homemade potato gnocchi and deer fillet with stir-fried wild mushrooms.

Cornucopia Food Festival takes place this month The Cornucopia Food & Drink Festival, which began 20 years ago, takes place Nov. 9 -19 this year in Whistler. Activities include many wine lectures, wine tastings, cooking demonstrations and wine pairings with lunch and dinner. The most interesting event is the Chef’s Table Luncheon. Participants are taken by limousine to various mystery private mansions in Whistler to enjoy food prepared on-site by famous chefs, with accompanying wine. This year, the event includes dining at Botanist, named one of The Best New Restaurants of Canada, as well as The Salted Vine and Summit Restaurant. There is also catering by the famous Vancouver restaurant Boulevard Kitchen. Winery Dinner includes food and wine pairings at different participating Whistler restaurants. From appetizer, to entrée, to dessert, each dish is served with an accompanying wine, allowing guests to enjoy how food and wine can complement each another. A winemaker or a sommelier is on hand to explain each wine in detail — from climate, to year, to harvest. This year, The Grill Room offers four Winery Dinners, highlighting Quails’ Gate and Blasted Church wineries. The largest wine-tasting party is Crush Grand Tasting, which attracts famous wineries from Canada and around the world, offering many prize-

坐擁雪山和庭園景觀的露天座位。(攝影:Brandon Barre) The outdoor seating offers a beautiful view of the snowy mountains and the impeccably maintained yard. (Photography: Brandon Barre)

winning wines.





Food The Grill Room是威斯勒唯一取得AAA/CAA四鑽評級的餐

The Grill Room is Whistler’s only AAA/CAA four-diamond


restaurant, renowned for its grilled steaks. With cherrywood wine


cabinets all around and a fireplace in the middle, the dining room is full of warmth.

熟龍蝦尾半隻及烤蘆筍,sauce béarnaise醬汁裡的蛋汁、白 酒和香草,令牛柳更是錦上添花。


Cooked to Order Executive chef Isabel Chung, who hails from Calgary, has designed a number of dishes, including tomato bisque and beef

來自阿省卡加里的行政總廚Isabel Chung設計的菜式,如蕃 茄濃湯及韃靼牛肉,都是由侍應推出放滿食材及廚具的餐車,在

tartare, that are prepared tableside to guests’ preferences. This is a perfect example of custom-made haute cuisine.

餐桌旁邊即席炮製,口味隨客人要求調配,成為量身訂製的Haute Couture Cuisine。

The most dramatic presentation is when the server brings out a cart with a Pemberton Meadows dry-aged rib-eye steak, or the even

論到最有戲劇效果和臨場感的,首推點選如Pemberton Meadows乾式熟成肉眼扒、或更高級別的Brant Lake和牛肉眼扒

higher-grade Brant Lake Wagyu rib-eye. These steaks are shown to guests, then cut into requested portions.

等頂級牛扒時,服務員會推出餐車,展示這兩款牛脂如雪花般分 佈的牛扒,然後在桌邊切出客人要的分量。大概熟能生巧,我們

We ordered a 10-ounce steak and watched the server quickly


and smoothly cut a thick piece of rib-eye and put it on the scale.


It weighed exactly 10 ounces, demonstrating the server’s superior


cutting skills. The steak was then sent back to the kitchen to grill on high heat.

Pemberton Meadows飼養的安格斯牛是在草甸上放養,以無 添加劑的本地乾草、燕麥和大麥作飼料。屠宰後要經過廿五天至

The Angus beef from Pemberton Meadows is raised on grass


and fed with local hay, oats and wheat without any added chemicals.


After butchering, the meat is aged for 25 to 45 days to allow natural enzymes to break down muscle tissue. The aged steak has a lower

在The Grill Room的廚房裡,Chef Isabel的秘密武器是 Montague Broiler,讓以海鹽胡椒調味的肉眼扒,能在幾秒間鎖

moisture content, and its delicate texture and rich taste are especially enjoyable.

住肉汁,同時讓脂肪部分瞬即溶化,滋潤著瘦肉部分,達至外面 微焦而裡面半生的最佳狀態。總廚認為來自天然的原汁原味已足 夠,只以燒蘆筍伴碟。

In the kitchen of The Grill Room, Chef Isabel has a secret weapon — the Montague broiler. In mere seconds, broiling locks in the juices of the rib-eye that’s been seasoned with sea salt and pepper and,

OceanWise海鮮也是The Grill Room的主要菜式。集海陸最

at the same time, melts the grease to moisten the lean parts of the

佳食材的Surf & Turf。菜式計有六安士嫩牛柳、以牛油汆熟的龍蝦

meat. The steak was slightly seared on the outside, but was still

尾半隻及烤蘆筍,sauce béarnaise醬汁裡的蛋汁、白酒和香草,

medium-rare on the inside. With its natural flavour, no additional


seasoning is needed, and the steak was served with accompanying asparagus. Ocean Wise seafood is another mainstay at The Grill Room. The surf ’n’ turf is a collection of the best ingredients of land and sea, and features a tender six-ounce beef fillet and a half lobster tail boiled in butter. The steak is served with a béarnaise sauce, rich with egg,

01 02 03

white wine and herbs, for an exceptionally complex flavour.

01•在客人桌邊作cut table-side服務。圖右為Pemberton Meadows乾式熟成肉 眼扒,圖左為更多脂肪分佈的和牛肉眼扒Brant Lake和牛肉眼扒。 The Cut Table-Side service cuts the meat to the requested size right in front of the guest. On the right is the Pemberton dry-aged rib-eye; on the left is the more fatty Brant Lake Wagyu rib-eye. 02•Pemberton Meadows熟成肉眼扒 Pemberton Meadows Dry-Aged Beef Rib-Eye Steak. 03•甜品BC blueberries有blueberry crumble、lemon syrup及藍莓雪葩。 The BC blueberry desserts include blueberry crumble and blueberry sorbet.





Fairmont免費導賞團 Fairmont Chateau Whistler的貼心服 務,還包括以專車及嚮導免費帶住客在威 斯勒郊遊,行程包括Rainbow Falls Loop Hike、Lost Lake Trail Ride和Train Wreck Hike等,全程約兩小時。很多路線更是鮮 為人知的當地景點,值得推介。

Fairmont Free Guided Tours Fairmont Chateau Whistler’s impeccable service also features guided tours of Whistler in private buses. Tours include Rainbow Falls Loop Hike, Lost Lake Trail Ride and Train The Mallard Lounge

Wreck Hike. Each lasts about two hours and includes many lesser-known scenic spots.

多姿多采 酒廊The Mallard Lounge的招牌雞尾酒是馬天尼和Bee's Knees。Bee's Knees和甜品rooftop honey tasting都是採用酒店屋頂蜂箱採收的蜜糖為食材, 是名副其實的 「吃在當地」 。 記得在The Mallard Lounge體驗過一次有趣的Cornucopia美食節活動– MAR-TEA-NI Party。顧名思義,Mar-Tea-Ni Party除有酒店精選各地茶品,更 有調酒師精心調製的創意馬丁尼。派對更仿效英式下午茶,讓參加者戴上可愛 逗趣的帽子來助慶,大家在現場鋼琴伴奏下,一面享受美食,一面競逐設計心 思;就連侍應也戴上帽子來增加現場氣氛。 在Fairmont Chateau Whistler,總是如此多姿多采。

An Unusual Tea Party The Mallard Lounge’s signature cocktails are the martini and the bee’s knees. Both the bee’s knees and the Rooftop Honey Tasting desserts use honey harvested from the hotel’s rooftop beehives, for an ultra-local eating experience. During Cornucopia, there is a Mar-Tea-Ni party held at the lounge. This party collects the best teas from around the world to pair with creative martinis mixed by the hotel’s bartender. The party is an English-style tea party, at which participants are encouraged to wear cute whimsical hats to add to the atmosphere. With light piano music in the background and wonderful tea-party food, patrons and staff alike can show off their creativity in hat designs to add variety to an otherwise stodgy English tea party.

Fairmont Chateau Whistler的Train Wreck Trail 導賞團,途經Cheakamus River和Train Wreck Suspension Bridge,沿途更有七個於五十多年 前因為運貨火車超載出軌而撞得扭曲的火車卡, 它們遭棄置後被塗鴉,如今靜靜散落在原始森林 中,顯得份外奇幻。 Fairmont Chateau Whistler’s Train Wreck Trail guided tour includes Cheakamus River and Train Wreck Suspension Bridge, as well as seven twisted rail cars that were the result of a crash of an over-loaded cargo train 50 years ago. These train cars were abandoned and, over the years, have become covered with graffiti and are scattered in a natural wood forest, resulting in an eerie and mysterious scene.

At Fairmont Chateau Whistler, there is never a dull moment.

Fairmont Chateau Whistler 4599 Chateau Boulevard, Whistler, BC 604.938.8000





Wine Not 不少自封為葡萄酒專家也很少喝的意大利 Tuscan Vermentino,被視為意大利最具潛

Piermario Meletti Cavallari於1977年在Bolgheri這個山丘 上,建立了佔地50公頃的Grattamacco酒莊。葡萄園只佔其 中25公頃,另5公頃用作種植橄欖,其餘則是自然生長的樹林。 Piermario Meletti Cavallari established a 50-hectare Grattamacco winery in the Bolgheri hills in 1977. The vineyard covers 25 hectares. Five hectares are used for growing olives and the rest is left to natural vegetation.

力的葡萄酒品種,懂得欣賞的肯定別具 品味與遠見。


Some like it hot text | Ivan Wong

The Vermentino vareital is garnering to become the hottest varietal in Italy.







01•說到Grattamacco,總不能不提這 瓶於1982年面世的Cabernet主調的 super-Tuscan紅酒。當年Piermario Meletti Cavallar緊隨Sassicaia的反 傳統步伐,比Antinori的Ornellaia (另一瓶於1985年推出的superTuscan) 走得更前。 Speaking of Grattamacco, and the 1982 super-Tuscan red Cabernet comes to mind. Piermario Meletti Cavallari followed Sassicaia’s non-traditional approach, and was ahead of Antinori’s Ornellaia (another 1985 vintage of superTuscan). 02•於Bolgheri山丘上乾燥炎熱的地中海 氣候成長的Vermentino,蘊含更多 糖分及鹽分,而初秋從地中海吹來 的清涼海風,則有助葡萄皮蘊釀獨 特香氣。試想像一下,這樣的味道 組合如何從酒中散發出來吧! Vermentino, grown in the dry and hot Mediterranean climate of the Bolgheri hills, contains relatively high sugar and salt content. The cool autumn breeze from the Mediterranean helps the grape skin develop a unique aroma, which comes through in the wine.

單看圖片,也能感受Vermentino在Bolgheri山丘要抵抗的熱力。 One can tell how hot it is for Vermentino at Bolgheri Hill from the picture.


Notable Tuscan winemaker Piermario Meletti Cavallari

巨擘Piermario Meletti Cavallari

once observed that Vermentino is a heat-resistant white grape


species that loves the coastal climate. This makes the Bolgheri


wine region along the Tuscany coast an ideal location for



沿海的Bolgheri產區,便成為 Vermentino其中一個理想家鄉。

Among Cavallari’s wines, the Vermentino is the most

Piermario Meletti Cavallari的作

celebrated, other than his super-Tuscan. Those who


have tasted it describe it as “refreshing, like the sea


breeze of the Mediterranean.” Compared to the


more familiar Pinot Grigio, Vermentino is a very


uncommon choice, partly due to its small


production. However, many Italian


winemakers, who boast good taste

Grigio,Tuscan Vermentino確是

and greater foresight, believe


that Tuscan Vermentino,


with its unique character,


is the rising star

的個性,Tuscan Vermentino將是

of Italian white







Elite Life 墨西哥Puerto Vallarta

Luxurious Grand VeLas riViera nayarit


text | Andrew Lai photo | Grand Velas Resorts, Andrew Lai

墨西哥旅遊熱點Puerto Vallarta位於哈利斯科州(Jalisco)太平洋沿岸, 全年平均氣温約27℃,相比墨西哥另一旅遊熱點坎昆(Cancun),有著 更加濃厚的歷史文化氣息。 Puerto Vallarta, Mexico’s popular tourism area on the Pacific coast, averages 27˚C throughout the year and exudes a deeper feel of heritage than another favourite Mexico hotspot, Cancun.





客人亦可在浪濤聲相伴下晉晚餐。 Dining at the sound of waves.

泡著暖水按摩池欣賞夕陽西下美景,別有一番滋味。 A great way to enjoy sunset, immersed in a warm Jacuzzi. 度假村房間均可飽覽美景。 Each room in the resort offers spectacular views.

Puerto Vallarta名牌渡假酒店林立,要突圍而出一定要花點

Any hotel brands worth their name have a presence in Puerto

心思。當地發展商Juan Vela及Eduardo Vela Ruiz兄弟卻有一個

Vallarta, so it takes some creative thinking to stand out. Juan


Vela and Eduardo Vela Ruiz, local developers and brothers, had a

1989年創立了Velas Vallarta,其後再在附近的Nuevo Vallarta

vision of developing a boutique resort brand. Since establishing

建成了Grand Velas Riviera Nayarit Resorts酒店,發展至今單

Velas Vallarta in 1989, they have amassed three resorts in Puerto

是在Puerto Vallarta已有3家度假村酒店,連同在Riviera Maya和

Vallarta, plus one each in Riviera Maya and Los Cabos.

Los Cabos的,現共有5家度假村酒店。 The Vela brothers are actually accidental resort developers. Velas兄弟的度假村酒店集團,原來是無心插柳而成就的一

One of them, an architect, was going to build a residential


building, but the property market collapsed during the global


financial tsunami. They then shifted their focus to building a hotel

Puerto Vallarta是熱門旅遊城市而轉型改建成酒店,之後愈做愈

to capitalize on the Puerto Vallarta tourism appeal. The rest is







Elite Life

貼心周到 要打造星級度假村酒店品牌,Velas 兄弟堅持每個細節都要做到最好。今次入 住的Grand Velas Riviera Nayarit Resorts 有300多間套房,但由歡迎賓客的雞尾 酒、繡了客人名字的枕頭套,和每晚睡前 的朱古力和Tequila酒,都顯出了酒店的 貼心服務。Grand Velas每間套房最少有 1000呎,每位客人有三名員工款待。他們 的囗號是"Beyond All Inclusive, Beyond All Compare"–即使是所有費用已包括在 房價內,客人都會感受到無以尚之的服務 和享受。 也不是沒試過造訪全包式的度假村酒 店,卻感覺這裏格外整潔和美觀。每次外 出過後,發覺房間都有專人整理好,即使 是稍稍用過的抹手巾,也已換過新的,給 人體貼周到的貼心感受。 這次大部分時間也留在度假村中, 悠閒的在泳池邊徜徉,或是參加烹飪班, 學學如何弄甜品和煎魚,全情投入放假模 式,渾忘繁囂。

雖同是Tequila,卻有不 同味道和品嘗方法。 Tequila offers diverse taste profiles and can be as complex as wine-tasting.





在對著浩瀚汪洋的泳池消磨整天,日光浴、享受美食,絲亳不覺悶。 The pool overlooking the endless ocean is the place to be for sunbathing or dining.

thouGhtfuL serVice In building a world-class resort brand, the Vela brothers have attended to detail. The Grand Velas Riviera Nayarit Resort we stayed at this time has 300-plus suites. From the welcome cocktail, to pillowcases embroidered with guest names and the“good-night” chocolates and tequila, considerable thought has gone into every small detail. Every suite at Grand Velas measures at least 1,000 square feet, and each guest is served by three staff. They live up to their motto “Beyond All Inclusive. Beyond All Compare” and deliver ultimate service and luxury with their all-inclusive stays. We have seen our fair share of all-inclusive resorts, but this place stands out with its extraordinary cleanliness and aesthetics. Every time we returned to the room, we found it had been tidied up. Even a lightly used towel had been replaced, a hallmark of exceptional attentiveness. We remained at the resort most of the time, lazing around the pool or taking part in cooking classes, making desserts and fried fish.





Elite Life

Grand Velas有5間餐廳,其中三間是

Grand Velas features five restaurants. Three of them are

fine dinning。包括Piaf法國餐廳、Lucca

fine-dining establishments: Piaf, serving French cuisine; Lucca,


specializing in Italian menus; and Frida, reimaging Mexican

其他All Inclusive度假酒店不同,廚師可

dining. Unlike other all-inclusive resorts, chefs will customize


five-course dinner for guests, complete with wine pairing, to

作wine pairing,每晚品嚐不同菜式。另

deliver gastronomic surprises with every meal. The resort also

外酒店亦提供Tequila tasting ,專人介紹

holds tequila tastings with a professional discourse on tequila-


making and how to distinguish tequila vintages.

級Tequila佳釀。 Grand Velas has been designated as a “Most Excellent Spa Grand Velas曾經被Condé Nast

Hotel” by Condé Nast, reflecting its impeccable reputation for

雜誌選為"Most Excellent Spa Hotel

revitalization. There are more than 20 forms of treatment on the


resort’s spa menu, ranging from massages to exfoliation, body


wraps, hydrotherapy, and facial, hand and foot care. All-natural


skincare products featuring “Earth Check” certification are used


for the treatments.

護 膚 品 , 及 有「 E a r t h C h e c k 」認 證 。 Grand Velas對品質的追求,及貼身的

The pursuit of excellence and personalized service make


Grand Velas synonymous with luxury. It was listed among the

贏取了Forbes Travel Guide的"12 Top

“12 Top Destinations of 2017” by Forbes Travel Guide and as a

Destination of 2017",Travel + Leisure

Travel + Leisure “Best All-inclusive Resorts” in 2016 and 2017.

"Best All Inclusive" 2016與2017, Trip

As well, it has made Trip Advisor’s “10 Best All-Inclusive Hotels

Advisor "10 Best All-Inclusive Hotels in

in the World” and CNN’s “12 Top Getaways in Mexico and the

the world",另外CNN亦把Grand Velas


評為"12 Top Getaway in Mexico and Caribbean",去年集團新增了Grand Velas

Last year, the group added Grand Velas Los Cabos to

Los Cabos豪華酒店,邀請了米芝蓮星級

its portfolio and invited a Michelin-star chef to create culinary


adventures, further amping up the resort’s star power.





Piaf造型別緻的甜品。 Piaf’s creative chocolate moelleux with seasonal fruit compote and pistachio sauce.


PLaya deL amor 度假村有多種的一日遊供選擇,值得推介的是到Playa Del Amor

美味龍蝦湯。 Mouth-watering lobster bisque.

沙灘。 距離Puerto Vallarta約1小時船程的Marieta島,當中的Playa Del Amor沙灘被《國家地理雜誌》許為全世界最佳21沙灘之一。 Playa Del Amor意指「愛之沙灘」,不但令人有一見鍾情的魅力, 還考驗遊人的愛意究竟有幾深。因為要一睹此天然美景,便得先經 考驗:由在外圍的Sea of Cortez,以划舟或是自行游泳經過天然形 成、高於水平線6呎的通道,才能到達這愛之沙灘。 從隧道出來,便明白「別有洞天」的意思。燦爛的陽光從渾然 天成的大圓窟蒼照到幼滑白沙之上,海水是翠綠色,雖然面積不算 大,卻是不能錯過的景點。

Piaf的烤牛柳。 Grilled beef tenderloin, sautéed mushrooms, dauphinois potato gratin, glazed spring onions and salad at Piaf.

This resort offers a range of day tours. A trip to Playa del Amor beach on Marieta Island is highly recommended. An hour’s boat ride from Puerto Vallarta, it has been named one of the 21 best beaches in the world by National Geographic. Playa del Amor, which means “beach of love”, captures your imagination at first sight. It also tests how keen you are, because it takes commitment to get there in order to enjoy the breathtaking view. It involves rowing a boat or swimming through a tunnel two metres above sea level to get there. The magic is obvious after clearing the tunnel. You will be greeted by the spectacular sight of an enormous cave-like opening, where sunlight streams through to make the white sand and the turquoise sea sparkle. It’s not very large, but you simply can’t miss it.





Elite Car

Mercedes-Benz e43 4MAtic sedAn 2017


Less is quite enough

有些人總嫌自己座駕的馬力不足,認為愈大愈好;也 有駕駛者安於馬力較少,只要在有需要的時候才發揮 超卓性能的汽車。隨著年紀日增,我發覺自己愈來愈 像後者,而平治汽車及其著名的AMG系列正正屬於這 類型汽車。 Some drivers are never satisfied when it comes to horsepower. The more the better, they say. text & photos | Lorne Drury Metroland Media

AMG E43 4MATIC是E級AMG高性能車系列的入門版。除了引擎、懸掛系 統和自動波箱有些少改動外,還有一些款式上的變動,令它有別於標準的E 級車系。 The AMG E43 4MATIC is the entry model in the E-Class AMG performance lineup. In addition to the engine, suspension and transmission tweaks, there are several styling features that set it apart from the standard E-Class models.





在試駕2017年款AMG E43 4MATIC四門辣車一個星期 後,我覺得它擁有我想要的一切,是動力十足、豪華、高科 技和亮麗的完美結合。 E43搭載V6雙渦輪增壓引擎,輸出396匹馬力和384磅

要是前座位調校至最後位 置,後座的空間會頗窄。 With the front seats in their rearmost positions, back-seat room in the E43 is fairly tight.

/呎扭力,若與高檔次的E63由雙渦輪增壓V8引擎迸發出的 603匹馬力相比,E43的動力無疑較為失色,不過在我試駕 的一個星期裡,從未覺得它力有不逮。在我需要加速越線爬 頭、或要在高速行駛期間入線時,它都能切合我的駕駛需 要。 據平治車廠的資料顯示,E43從0加速至時速100公里只 需4.6秒,對我來說已相當足夠。 這些年來,我明白到本地的公路沒有高速路段讓駕駛 人士真正享受駕駛高性能汽車快速飛馳的樂趣。除非參加賽

Yet there are others who can manage quite nicely with less power,


provided the vehicle is tuned for spirited performance when they want it. As I


grow older, I find myself falling in with that crowd more and more.

2017年款的E43售價由79,900元起,比AMG E63四門轎

It’s that way with Mercedes-Benz and its famed AMG lineup. In particular,


after spending a week with the 2017 AMG E43 4MATIC sedan, I was left


with the feeling that it has everything I could want — a great combination of power, luxury, technology and good looks.

AGM是平治車廠的高性能車系,在德國的Affalterbach 製造。該車廠出產全球最受歡迎的汽車,從雙門轎跑、四門

With 396 horsepower and 384 lb/ft of torque from its bi-turbo V6 engine,

轎跑,以至SUV都有。E43 4MATIC以全新的第10代E級四

the power of the E43 pales in comparison with its E63 sibling that generates

門轎車為基礎,卻在性能上作出改良,把E400 4MATIC轎車

603 horsepower from its thundering V8 with dual twin-scroll turbochargers.

的增壓渦輪V6引擎迸發的329匹馬力提高。它採用四驅駕駛 系統,配搭9速自動波箱,換檔速度更快。動力自動分配,

Yet during my time with the E43, I never was left feeling shortchanged


on get-up-and-go. When I needed acceleration to pass or merge into high-


speed traffic, it was there in spades. Mercedes-Benz says it will do the 0-100 km/h run in 4.6 seconds, plenty quick enough in my books.

辣版的E43擁有AMG的特質,前後防撞桿與普通版的E 級轎車不同,並有四個排氣喉,而車尾箱蓋上有定風翼,還

Over the years, I’ve come to realize that on this side of the pond,


where you don’t have high-speed sections of autobahn to really enjoy a


performance car, your vehicle’s capabilities are wasted a good percentage of


your driving time.


And with a starting price of $79,900 for the 2017 model, $35K below that


of the E63, the E43 provides buyers with an entrance into the AMG lineup at


a much more reasonable price.

控台。 Most readers will know all about AMG, but for the uninitiated, it is the 車廂內飾豪華,座椅選用黑色Nappa皮革,配以紅線縫

performance arm of Mercedes-Benz, based in Affalterbach, Germany. They


build some of the most sought-after cars in the world, with models ranging


from coupes to sedans and even SUVs.


Based on the all-new 10th-generation E-Class sedan, the E43 4MATIC


gets the AMG treatment with a host of performance tweaks that take the


twin-turbo V6 up from the 329 horsepower as found in the E400 4MATIC




With its 4MATIC all-wheel drive system and nine-speed automatic


transmission, the E43 has been tweaked to offer quicker shifts, with about


70 per cent of the power going to the rear axle. ELITEGEN




Elite Car

也具備同樣的功能。不過,無論使用那一項 設施,相信都要花上不少時間去了解和反覆 練習,才能駕馭這個複雜的系統。

The AMG treatment also gives it different front and rear bumpers from the regular E-Class sedan, quad exhaust tips, a trunk-lid spoiler and additional AMG badging. Inside, there is a distinctive leather-wrapped steering wheel, red stitching on the seats, door

駕駛E43 4MATIC確是件賞心樂事。稍 作改良的渦輪增壓引擎反應快,透過喇叭發

panels and dash and a few other clues that this is something different from the ordinary sedan.

出雄亮的咆哮聲,令人興奮。除此之外,車 廂內其實很寧靜,皆因廣泛採用了隔聲物 料。

Standard fare includes the AMG Dynamic Select drive system that features five modes, activated via a toggle switch on the centre console. Sport and Sport+ modes are designed for high vehicle dynamics and Comfort, ECO and Individual round out the five available



動波箱,無縫轉檔,輕鬆流暢。如想以人手 換檔,可使用安裝在方向盤上的換檔撥片。

The cabin has the look and feel of luxury, with rich black Nappa leather upholstery and contrasting red stitching. The seats themselves are a work of art, offering everything from

AMG稍稍改良過「跑車」的懸掛系統, Air Body Control氣壓避震,即使駛過急彎

massage features to active side bolsters that keep you firmly supported in tight corners, or when navigating roundabouts that are becoming so popular these days.

也幾乎不會有左搖右擺的感覺,加上採用更 新的全輪驅動系統,駕駛就更為穩定。駕駛 這車讓你有跑車的感覺多於「舒適」,尤其是

Another striking feature is the dashboard, with its man-made black Artico leather, again with contrasting red stitching.

當你採用時髦的20吋AMG多輪輻的低扁平 輪胎。

Family members over the Thanksgiving weekend were totally taken by the interior, particularly the LED ambient lighting that offers an amazing 64 colours and the massive

我們試駕的E43有多項添置,包括優 質組合(價值6,200元) ,新科技組合(價值

12.3-inch infotainment display screen with super-clear graphics that sits at the top of the centre stack.

2,600元),及AMG駕駛者組合(價值1,000 元),車價總值為89,700元。

Front and centre for the driver is a customizable high-resolution, widescreen digital instrument cluster with a pair of tube-style round dials flanking a screen providing all kinds


of relevant information.

駕駛人士會選擇AMG E63車型。然而,對 於想跨進AMG系列,又不安於標準E系所提

New for 2017 on the E-Class is a touch-sensitive control button on the steering wheel

供的性能的人士,較為溫馴的E43 4MATIC

that responds to horizontal or vertical swiping motions, similar to a smartphone interface.


This allows the driver to control the entire infotainment system from the steering wheel.

AMG E43 4MATIC配搭3公升雙渦輪V6引擎, 迸發出396匹馬力和384磅/呎扭力) , 基本的E級車型配備4缸渦輪增壓引擎,而頂級的AMG E63則採用雙渦輪V8引擎。 The AMG E43 4MATIC features a 3.0-litre bi-turbo V6 that generates 396 hp and 384 lb/ft of torque. The base E-Class models have turbocharged fourcylinder engines, while the chart-topping AMG E63 has a V8 with twin turbos.





車尾箱蓋的連片式定風翼和鍍鉻的排氣喉口是AMG車系獨有。 The deck-lid spoiler and chrome-tipped tailpipes are unique to the AMG models.

鑽石型鬼面罩有電鍍小粒, 保險桿也與基本的E級轎 車不同。 The front grille and bumper on the AMG E43 are different from the basic E-Class sedans.

A mouse-like touchpad apparatus on the centre console will also accomplish the same trick. Either way, the system is a complex one that takes a lot of time and practice to master. On the road, the E43 4MATIC is a delight to drive. The turbocharged engine is quick and responsive with a melodious exhaust note that is enhanced through the speaker system. Otherwise, the cabin is library-quiet, thanks to the use of extensive sounddeadening material. The nine-speed automatic is a slick piece of equipment, changing gears virtually seamlessly. Steering wheel-mounted paddles are there for those that crave the need to shift manually. 車廂裝飾豪華,座椅採用名貴Nappa皮革包裹。 The interior is luxuriously finished with sumptuous Nappa leather upholstery.

The AMG-tweaked sport suspension with Air Body Control offers precise body control with little perceptible roll on tight corners, enhanced by the updated all-wheel-drive system. The ride is more on the sporty than comfort side, particularly with the low-profile tires on the snazzy 20-inch AMG multi-spoke wheels. Our tester was enhanced with the Premium Package ($6,200), Technology Package ($2,600) and AMG Driver’s Package ($1,000) taking the as-tested price to $89,700. Drivers with deep pockets and the burning desire to go fast will undoubtedly opt for the AMG E63 model. However, the tamer E43 4MATIC may be the perfect choice for many buyers who want to break into the AMG lineup and up the performance quotient over the standard E-Class offerings.

平治2017年款AMG E43 4MATIC轎跑車一覽

Mercedes-Benz AMG E43 4MATIC Sedan 2017 at a glance: 車身款式 | 可乘載5人的四門轎跑車。

BODY STYLE | five passenger, four-door performance sedan.

驅動方式 | 前置引擎,全輪驅動。

DRIVE METHOD | front-engine, all-wheel drive.

引擎 | 3公升雙渦輪V6引擎(396匹馬力,384磅/呎扭力),配

ENGINE | 3.0-litre V6 bi-turbo (396 hp, 384 lb/ft of torque) with a nine-

搭9前速自動波箱,手動換檔撥片安裝在方向盤上。 行李箱容量 | 540公升。 耗油量 | 市內:12.4公升/100公里;高速公路:9.4公升/100 公里。

speed automatic transmission and steering wheel-mounted paddle shifters. CARGO VOLUME | 540 litres. FUEL ECONOMY | 12.4L/100 km city, 9.4L/100 km highway.

價格 | 79,900元;試駕的車售89,700元

PRICE | $79,900, as tested $89,700.

優點 | E43 4MATIC是內外兼顧,擁有經改良AMG化的高性

WHAT’S BEST | The E43 4MATIC is a nicely-balanced car with AMG-


inspired performance tweaks.

缺點 | 著重跑車性能多於舒適。

WHAT’S WORST | The ride is more on the sporty than comfort side.

誘人之處 | 比更強勁的E63少付3.5萬元,便能擁有AMG的

WHAT’S INTERESTING | The E43 gets buyers into the AMG lineup for


$35K less than the more powerful E63 sibling. WEB SITE |







text | Ringo


Small but powerful 向來知道Bose音響組合好,想象不到 的是這粒只有9.5x9.5cm的SoundLink Micro喇叭,卻擁有不成比例的雄渾厚 聲。內置的定製感測器及微型被動共 振雙膜,加上喇叭背後設有一個低音 喇叭,沉實聲響源出於此。

There’s never been any doubt that Bose produces quality sound, and this compact SoundLink Micro, measuring just 9.5x9.5 centimetres, produces sound incongruous with its size. The custom transducer and dual-opposing passive radiators, together with the bass port on the underside, deliver impressive deep low notes.





SPECS Dimensions/weight Speaker: 9.83 cm H x 9.83 cm W x 3.48 cm D (290.3 g) Inputs and outputs Micro-B USB port Additional details Wireless range up to 9 m (30 ft) Battery life up to 6 hours WHAT’S IN THE BOX SoundLink® Micro Bluetooth® speaker USB charging cable

低音喇叭配備矽製膠帶,方便大家把SoundLink Micro 掛 在背囊、單車上,一起挑戰各種戶外嚴峻環境;值得一提的

黑、藍、橙色三種選擇。 black, blue, orange, $139.99

是喇叭還具有IPX7 防水認證。 fitted with a silicone strap on the bass port, it can be conveniently attached to backpacks and bikes to keep you company in the outdoors. the IpX7-rated water resistance of the speaker will put your mind at ease, even in wet conditions.





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