Oct 2017 EliteGen Calgary

Page 1


A publication by Sing Tao Media Group October


October 2017 Vol. 29 Calgary

Fashion Headline

Elite Car


Exceptional Shades Watch Story

Patek PhiliPPe-

Multi-talented goddess : elva ni

the art Of Watches Grand Exhibition New York 2017


Volvo’s V90

luxury wagons continue taking the brand upmarket


Elva Ni



Goddess 千手女神


Masthead 29

A publication by Sing Tao Media Group October


October 2017 Vol. 29 Calgary

Fashion Headline

Elite Car


Exceptional Shades Watch Story

Patek PhiliPPe-

Multi-talented goddess: elva ni

the art Of Watches Grand Exhibition New York 2017


Elva Ni

Read Online: EliteGen.singtao.ca


Goddess 千手女神


App: “EliteGen”in App Store & Google Play


Volvo’s V90

luxury wagons continue taking the brand upmarket


EliteGen029_Cover_final.indd 3

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20/9/2017 1:48:21

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contents OCT


watch story



Patek PhiliPPe the art of Watches Grand exhibition neW York 2017

cover story


千手女神 倪晨曦

Multi-talented goddess: elva ni

Brand story



1926 Montblanc heritaGe a centurY of travel

watch news

25 飛天銅子 Franck Muller copper takes Flight


50 阿飛與公子 berluti wild gentleMen


26 Modern twist on pearl

Fashion headline

36 破格搶鏡精選 exceptional shades

Fashion news

53 異國情調 Miu Miu diverse styles

Fashion Feature

42 初秋花樣浪潮 Fall Florals

Men’s picks

54 「醜」鞋當道 ugly is the new chic

ladies’ picks

48 瀟灑尖頭拖 pointy but soFt


56 鑽石香調 tiFFany & co. scent oF a diaMond


58 night repair

contents OCT




優雅洗練的時尚飛行風 london air service reFined Flying in style

elite liFe



cape town, south aFrica ocean house

elite car



volvo’s v90 luxurY WaGons continue takinG the brand uPMarket


63 專訪加拿大帝國商業銀行財富管理部門主管 bespoke banking a special interview with the head oF cibc wealth ManageMent


78 sidecut蒐羅加國食材 Four seasons resort whistler canada 150: hunt, gather, Fish — a culinary celebration Marking canada’s 150th anniversary


64 華麗天花及牆飾三大趨勢 three Main trends in ceiling and wall decorations

wine not

82 葡萄娘子 a wineMaking trailblazer


68 舊酒˙新 grand Marnier cognac, with a twist


96 極致原音 bowers & wilkins top sound


74 德國高級美食在溫哥華 bauhaus unprecedented Modern gerMan Fine dining in vancouver


98 關注星尚ig,緊貼潮流 elitegen goes social 部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 All prices are in CAD unless otherwise specified. 除特別標明外,所有價錢以加幣計算。

Dress Code text | 蔡安儀

Lily Lee 自小已經是時裝精,曾修讀時裝設計,並夢想成為時裝設計師,致力宣揚 「飯可以不吃,衣服不可以不買」 的精神。 近年由藝人轉型為Fashionista,在網上撰寫時裝專欄,同時身兼網上節目 《谷乜Trend》 監制及主持,分享時尚及美容資訊。 Born with an eye for fashion and style, becoming a fashion designer was always Lily’s dream. Now that she’s a fashionista, not only does she have her own styling blog, but she also directs and hosts the reality show Music Live Valley, where fashion and beauty trends are explored.

Granny Jellyfish

老氣 水母



Trendy ChiC

時尚 格調


lonG and sexy

修長 性感


Yang Mi

Gaile Lock

Lynn Hung

色澤仿如豬肝的紅色晚裝,本來已經顯得老氣,加 上設計保守又密實,下身ruffle更猶如水母般,楊冪 穿上即時顯得老了十多年,是失手的選擇。

樂基兒這Maje長裙看似簡單,其實很具挑戰性, 一來啡紅色容易映襯得皮膚暗啞,況且裙的質料黐 身,稍為肥些也會好顯眼,樂基兒算是穿得不錯, 配以一頭波浪髮型,甚有格調。

中門大開的設計不是人人都可穿得好看,首要條 件需胸型美觀,身材比例均勻。熊黛林穿這Solace London開胸晚裝裙,性感得來又不覺太刻意,腰間 以黑色腰帶點綴,看上去更覺修長。

This intense red evening gown is old-fashioned, and the ruffled bottom makes Yang Mi look like a jellyfish and 10 years older. It’ s definitely a poor choice for her.

The Maje maxi that Gaile Lock is wearing looks simple, but it is actually quite challenging. First, the reddish brown colour can make the model’s skin colour appear dull, and the overall look can be rather matronly. Also, the material clings to the body, which can accentuate any extra pounds. Here, Gaile wears it well, especially with her stylish wavy hair.

A plunging neckline does not suit everyone. First, the breasts have to be perfectly shaped, and the overall body shape has to be well-balanced. Here, Lynn Hung’s Solace London evening gown looks sexy, but not too contrived. The black belt is also a nice touch, providing more length to the look.




reTro BaBy

復古 娃娃


fair lady

白裏 透紅


sexy MaMa

搶眼 潮媽


Huang Cuiru

Kathy Chow

Gigi Leung

大圖案的花裙一向似易實難穿得好看,黃翠如這 Blugirl長裙,企領長袖款式充滿復古味,在她身上 意外地討好,加上妝容和髮型,很有七十年代女性 韻味,就如洋娃娃般甜蜜!

Kathy這Tory Burch長裙跟她很是相襯,一來是皮膚 夠白,顯得白裏透紅,加上性感的低胸露肩設計, 很有女人味。

花裙很易讓人顯得老氣,但Gigi這Needle & Thread款式洋溢青春少女味道,領位細緻美觀,配 以網狀Ankle Boots,充滿潮味。加上粉紅色頭髮, 額外搶眼。

Dresses with large floral patterns can be challenging. Here, Huang Cuiru’s Blugirl maxi dress is full of retro flair, with a high collar and long sleeves. Huang looks like a sweet doll with her ’70s makeup and hairstyle.

Kathy Chow’s Tory Burch maxi dress suits her well. Her fair skin contrasts well with the red of the dress, and the sexy low-cut sleeveless design is particularly feminine.

Floral dresses can make the model look overly mature. But this Needle & Thread dress worn by Gigi Leung looks youthful and lively. Further, the collar is delicate and pretty. Matched with ankle boots and an eye-catching pink hair style, Gigi looks quite attractive.





Dress Code

exTreMe eleGanCe

華麗 之至

Kate Beckinsale


disTinCTive sTyle

獨特 進場

Katy Perry

ChiC in dark & liGhT

黑白 反差

Victoria Justice

一見Kate Beckinsale,可以預期打扮一定高貴大方 性感兼備。這次的透視誘惑較為含蓄,集中在裙擺 部份,一雙長腿若隱若現,成功捕捉觀眾心理。

Katy穿上白色立體不對稱剪裁的晚裝,有型有款, 難得美麗獨特兼備!

向來充滿活力的Victoria,這日忽然變得成熟饒有 韻味,得歸功於一身夏日感覺的膚色,配上白色 jumpsuit,效果更是相得益彰。

Kate Beckinsale always looks elegant and sexy. Here, the see-through part is subtle, mostly in the skirt, revealing her long legs and tantalizing the viewer.

Katy Perry’s white uneven-cut evening gown is stylish and distinctive, while retaining a level of prettiness.

The usually vivacious Victoria Justice suddenly looks mature here. Her summer tan contrasts well with the white jumpsuit for a particularly vibrant look.

裙 Dress:Reem Acra

裙 Dress:Stephane Rolland 首飾 Accessories:Armani、Yeprem

套裝 Jumpsuit:Nicolas Jebran 鞋 Shoes:Stuart Weitzman 首飾 Accessories:John Hardy

網評:她一向掌握穿衣之道。 Comments from netizens: A suave dresser.

網評:出落大方得體!。 Comments from netizens: Elegantly presentable!

網評:形象可以繼續跟從這方向。 Comments from netizens: A positive new direction.







sTylish superGirl

超人 變裝

aCCenTuaTinG The hiGh poinTs

力谷 長處

peaCoCk BeauTy

搶眼 孔雀

Melissa Benoist

Kate Upton

Tyra Banks

電視劇集 「Supergirl」 女主角Melissa一反劇集的英雄 裝扮,改以時尚味十足的全黑打扮,充滿新鮮感, 型格十足,出奇切合她的形象。

索模Kate Upton以豐滿上圍見稱,這次看似略有收 歛,但只要看清楚,不難發現在胸墊烘托下,依然 有洶湧澎湃的效果。

名模Tyra穿的jumpsuit走六、七十年代黑人風格, 雖然只是黑白兩色,但孔雀羽毛圖案花紋都極為搶 眼。

TV’s Supergirl Melissa Benoist sheds her super powers here and is transformed into the girl in black. The result is a fresh new look that’s both stylish and heroic.

Sexy model Kate Upton is known for her ample breasts. Here, they may not initially seem that obvious, but on second look, their full effect is evident under the breast pads.

Famous model Tyra Banks wears a jumpsuit reminiscent of the black style of the ’60s and ’70s. Even though it is a simple black-and-white colour scheme, the peacock feather pattern is quite eye-catching.

裙 Dress:Zeynep Arcay 鞋 Shoes:Giuseppe Zanotti 首飾 Accessories:Anita Ko

裙 Dress:J Mendel 鞋 Shoes:Giuseppe Zanotti

套裝 Jumpsuit:Stello

網評:反而感覺更親切。 Comments from netizens: A more approachable look.

網評:另一種性感味道。 Comments from netizens: A different kind of sexy.

網評:非常有壓場感! Comments from netizens: Quite an attention-grabber!








Cover Story

Elva Ni

Multi-talented 千 手 女 神


倪 晨 曦

Goddess text | KiHa styling | Lucas Tang photo | Killy Sung hair | Carrie Cammy @ Queen's Private i makeup | Kayte Fung

女神,不知從何時開始,從天上落入凡間,舉目皆是。 女神圈會汰弱留強,漂亮之餘,有實力有韌力又勤力的,將更能持久 地發光發亮,像倪晨曦,她就是跑耐力賽的一種。 從社交平台到真人騷,論美貌講美容、勤力周圍飛講旅遊,還擠出時 間教瑜伽,周身刀張張利,最近更自組工作室盤算更多企劃。這位女 神可能是有千對手的。 It’s unclear when goddesses began descending to Earth. Goddesses have to play the survival game too. Those with the right look, coupled with talent, perseverance and work ethic, will endure. Actress Elva Ni is one such individual. She’s in it for the long run. From social media to live shows, she expresses beauty through her good looks. She flies around the world to talk about travel and she still has time to spare to teach yoga. She’s a jack-of-all-trades and a master of all. She is also setting up workshops for more ventures. She must be a goddess with a thousand arms.





IG分享有界線 倪 晨 曦( E l v a )有 I G 女 神 之 名 , 4 9 萬 多 的 followers,YouTube頻道幾年間亦衝破500餘萬瀏 覽,早前她參演了ViuTV的《全職媽媽放大假》,於 節目中的表現又pure又true,盡得觀眾歡心。 Elva視女神之名如浮雲,重視的反而是自己 的做事原則。「女神是讚賞,表示大家都鍾意你, 是很正面的事。好感恩大家對我包容性都好大, 但我不會因這個稱謂而覺得可以走捷徑,做事始 終都要問心無愧。」 在網上出post分享個人生活吸like已像呼吸一 樣平常不過,有原則的Elva卻覺得有些事要留有 隱私空間,「談我的興趣愛好可以,卻不喜歡將私 生活、另一半公開。」30歲的她說。

Drawing a line in Instagram sharing Elva is hailed as an Instagram goddess with a legion of 490,000 followers. Her YouTube channel has chalked up more than half a million views. She appeared in ViuTV’s Full Time Mommy Holidays and came across as pure and true, winning her viewers’ hearts. To Elva, the goddess label is transient. She values her principles more. “The goddess description is a compliment,” she concedes. “It shows that I’m well-liked. It’s a good thing. I’m thankful that everyone is so accommodating of me. I won’t take shortcuts because of this label. Ultimately, I have to answer to myself.” Posting online to garner “likes” is as routine as breathing these days. Principled Elva feels that some things need to be kept private. “It’s all right to talk about my interests, but I don’t like to share my private life, or my other half,” says the 30-year-old actress.






為KOL抱不平 網絡紅人受網民唾棄也時有發生。Elva說:「在網上發 文要真誠,網民會感到那是否真實。是廣告的話,便會寫明 白。」但她亦為KOL不時受攻擊抱不平,「有時見到有些KOL 或者youtuber好有心思,很是有趣,但同時亦會有好多人 踩,我覺得圈子內可以多些互相支持和鼓勵。」 Elva更新IG相當密手,一日一post是基本,有時人在旅 途中更會連環貼相,「有時post一張相,可能是拍了30至50 張才揀到,旁人見到覺得好簡單,甚至不以為然,其實每張 圖片背後也要講意念,預備道具,搵角度,搵景等等。還要 身兼數職,自己做片又要學識剪片,並不是想像中那樣簡 單,要建立到一定支持度實在需要放時間和心機。」

Speaking up for KOLs Even searing hot bloggers get dissed occasionally. Elva puts it this way: “Postings online should be sincere. People who read them know if it’s genuine. If it’s advertising, it should be stated as such.” But she speaks up for key opinion leaders (KOLs) who are under attack, saying: “Sometimes there are creative KOLs or YouTubers who are interesting, but many people dislike them. I think this circle needs more mutual support and encouragement.” Elva updates IG regularly. One post a day is basic. When she’s on trips, she will make serial posts. “Sometimes the picture I post is picked from 30 or 50 shots. Outsiders may think it’s simple and don’t think much of it. In fact, every picture has a concept behind it. You need


to prepare props, find the angle, locate the backdrop and so forth. We have to multi-task too to shoot and edit videos. It’s not as simple as one might think. It takes time and thinking to build a certain level of support.”

Flower-embroidered tulle dress US$1,650 Flower puzzle ballet flat US$470 Both from REDValentino at redvalentino.com






隨遇而安的幸運 Elva出生於盛產美女的蘇州, 之後全家移民加拿大,在多倫多大 學主修經濟,2006年曾經參加國 際華裔小姐,輾轉十年發展,反而 乘網絡興起而闖出一片天,比很多 選美出身、還在公仔箱等機會的, 她的確幸運。「最初很想演戲,但 當時自己好害羞,就算好努力,有 機會時又發揮不到,曾經迷失過, 因為不了解自己。」

Born in Suzhou, China, her family subsequently emigrated to Canada. Elva majored in economics at the University of Toronto before moving to Hong Kong, where she participated in the Miss Chinese International Pageant in 2006. After a decade or so, she has found

後來她接了一些往外地的工 作,同時在IG分享遊歷,「開始有 人搵我做關於旅遊的工作,本身又 好鍾意,逐漸愈做愈多。開始時沒 特別計劃向這方面發展,但隨遇而 安,每次有機會都會100%畀心機 去做。我並沒定立甚麼大目標,覺 得努力耕耘總會有得著,反而提醒 自己不要太執着,有時很多反應都 在控制範圍之外。」或許就是這樂 觀正面態度,令Elva發揮吸引力法 則的力量。

The fortune of going with the flow

herself a niche in the cyber world instead. She is more fortunate than many beauty queen aspirants who are still waiting for showbiz opportunities to knock. “I wanted to act at first, but I was rather shy then. Even if I worked hard, I couldn’t do my best when the time came. I was lost because I didn’t know myself.” She took on some jobs overseas later, and shared her travel experience on IG. “Some people began to offer me travel-related jobs. I liked that kind of job too, and was taking on more and more. I didn’t set out to go down this direction, but I went with the flow. I put in 100 per cent with every opportunity. “I didn’t set lofty goals. I think there will be gains as long as I work hard. I reminded myself not to take it too seriously, as a lot of responses are often beyond our control.”

White lace bodysuit Black skirt Both from Nina Ricci Stuart Weitzman Nudistsong sandal $498 (stuartweitzman.ca) Bottega Veneta earrings





KOL當下大行其道,Elva算是在最佳時機發圍,卻 也不是沒想過終有一天潮流會過。「潮流可能會變,但我 覺得核心價值是長遠的,KOL是人家成就你,自己也要 增值和學習,並不是因為你要紅或是流行才去做,這樣 會很沒意思。」 Elva說自己行動力高,腦內一有想法就會付諸行 動,早前就成立個人工作室。「始終一個人能力有限,想 建立一個團隊,可以再製作多些影片,同時很想建立自 己website,把所有個人喜好:扮靚化妝、旅行、瑜伽等 都放進一個平台,再好好組織起來。」她又計劃出新書, 傳播正面想法。「想講關於正能量,就如《心靈雞湯》般; 又或是有關瑜伽、冥想、甚至是生活小建議那些會有 做yoga、做meditation一些心得,或者係生活小建議那 些。」 With such positive energy, she is living proof of the law of attraction. KOLs are in vogue, and Elva appears to have embarked on it at the right time. But that doesn’t mean she hasn’t contemplated the possibility that the fad may pass one day. “Fads will change, but I think the core value will last. KOLs are made by others. But we have to upgrade ourselves and keep learning. You shouldn’t do it because you are a hit or it’s a trend. That will be rather meaningless.” Elva says she’s a doer. As soon as an idea comes up, she will make it happen. She has set up personal workshops, for example. “There is only so much one person can do,” she says. “I want to set up a team and make more videos. I also want to build my own website and organize nicely on a single platform all my interests, in beauty, travel and yoga.”

Floral-embroidered cady blouse $2,520 Cropped floral-embroidered cady pants $1,775 Both from Chloé at saksfifthavenue.com






結婚未有期 Elva的家人都在多倫多,她一年至少回 家一次。 「最初自己在香港工作都會很思鄉, 到後來香港真的成了自己另一個家,尤其每 次外遊回到香港那刻,以及剛拿到香港身份 證,特別有歸屬感。」 她不時會放上姨甥女合照,加上之前拍 《全職媽媽放大假》又同小朋友打成一片,女 神會否恨做媽媽?「拍節目前以為湊小朋友 很輕鬆容易,但原來好累。我享受和小朋友 相處,但又會很矛盾,很難想象自己生小朋 友。況且生BB之前要先結婚,我此刻又未想 過結婚,我向來也不擅於計劃,所以也不知 何時才會結婚。」 She says she also plans to publish books to share positive thinking because “I want to talk about positive energy, like the ‘Chicken Soup’ series, or perhaps something about yoga, meditation, or tips for life and so forth.”

Marriage not yet on the agenda Elva’s family is in Toronto and she comes home at least once a year. “When I first worked in Hong Kong, I missed home a lot. When Hong Kong became my other home, I felt a sense of belonging, especially when I returned to Hong Kong after a trip, or when I first collected my Hong Kong identity card.” She posts pictures with her niece from time to time, and she had a ball with children when filming Full Time Mommy Holidays. Is our goddess yearning to be a mother? “Before filming for the show, I thought taking care of children was a piece of Print coat $2,645 (moschino.com) Khaki green dress Both from Moschino Stuart Weitzman The Rugged bootie $825 (stuartweitzman.ca) Bottega Veneta earrings

cake, but it is in fact very tiring. I enjoy the company of children, but on the other hand, it’s difficult to imagine having children myself. “What’s more, before having a baby, there has to be a marriage. I haven’t thought about marriage yet, and I’m never good at planning, so I don’t know when I will get married.”





Watch Story


Patek PhiliPPethe art of Watches Grand Exhibition nEw York 2017 text | 金成、Connie photo | 金成

藝術大展已經成為Patek Philippe每兩年一度盛事,上次在倫敦,今年7月 Patek Philippe - The Art of Watches Grand Exhibition選址在美國紐約舉行, 在當地掀起了巨大的熱潮和迴響。 Patek Philippe – The Art of Watches Grand Exhibition is now a flagship biennial event for the storied timepiece manufacturer. New York was the site of this year’s festivities in July, generating enormous enthusiasm for the art of watchmaking.






the american link 在The Art of Watches Grand Exhibition New

Patek Philippe paid tribute to the United States at The Art of

York 2017中,Patek Philippe特別推出九款向美國

Watches Grand Exhibition New York 2017, unveiling nine models


to be sold exclusively in the U.S. The show has a tradition of


highlighting the brand’s link with the host country.

館中美國專區揭示Patek Philippe的Stern家族與美 國的千絲萬縷,自Henri Stern祖孫三代,跟美國有

In the American area of the show pavilion, the intricate

極深厚淵源。現任主席Thierry Stern在年輕時,更

link between Patek Philippe and the Stern family, back three


generations to the days of Henri Stern, was recognized.

事實上Patek Philippe錶迷遍布全球,到目前

While Patek Philippe has fans everywhere, the U.S. remains


its biggest market, so naturally, many of the brand’s rare


treasures can be found there. The watchmaker went to great


lengths to locate precious collector’s items owned by American

時計藏品展館展出。這27枚是從Patek Philippe

celebrities and display them in the U.S. heritage timepieces



列借得的珍品。Patek更拍攝了一條短片,展示了 美國中赫赫有名的錶主,其中包括甘迺迪總統、爵

The 27 pieces on display were on loan from the Patek

士傳奇艾靈頓公爵、棒球明星Joe DiMaggio及著名

Philippe Musuem, the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and

腕錶收藏家Henry Graves Jr.。有點出人意表是,

Museum and many private collections. Patek also made a short


film to showcase some of its famous watch owners, including

是Patek Philippe忠實錶迷。

JFK, jazz legend Duke Ellington, baseball star Joe DiMaggio, Second World War legend General George Patton and renowned

除了把傳統腕錶盡展,Patek Philippe也注重

watch collector Henry Graves Jr.

新穎的表達手法。會場中設立當下炙手可熱的VR 裝置,參觀者只要戴上立體視鏡,便可親睹一枚巨

More than just a watchmaking show of force, the exhibition


also deployed novel installations, such as a virtual reality display.


Visitors were able to put on 3D goggles and view a giant watch


mechanism. Using virtual tools, they were able to fit scattered


parts into the right positions of the mechanism. This enabled visitors to better understand a watch’s inner workings.

畢竟美國是百達翡麗最大的市場,為他們推出 的限量版也特別隆重,以品牌最擅長的技術,專誠

Patek Philippe used the opportunity to introduce its new


complication – World Time Minute Repeater. The star wheel for


reading the hour of the minute repeater mechanism is attached to


the world time wheel. This means when the world time is set for


the hour of a specific time zone, the minute repeater will chime at


the time of the destination, without having to adjust to local time.





Watch Story

ref. 5522a

繼5524之後,百達翡麗的飛行員錶再次出 場,今次功能大為簡化,剔除GMT顯示, 變成純大三針,軍錶模樣更醒神。最意外 的是,竟然用鋼殼上陣,大小依舊42mm, 只有600枚,售價是親切的21,547美元,可 惜只在美國市場發售。 After 5524, the Patek Philippe Pilot watch reappears, albeit as a threehand watch with slimmed-down complications and minus GMT. The aviator look is smart. Surprisingly, it comes in stainless steel. The size is still 42mm. There are 600 pieces in the collection, priced at US$21,547 and available only in the U.S.





ref. 5230G

世界時間腕錶5230,以深淺不同的藍調,勾勒曼 克頓市的面貌,現代感較強烈,配同樣的深藍色錶 帶,限量300枚,售約47,000美元。 World Time Ref 5230G uses different shades of blue to depict Manhattan. It has a strong contemporary appeal, matched with a blue strap. It is limited to 300 pieces. Approx. US$47,000.

ref. 7200

女裝特別版有複雜的三問和世界時間款 式。簡單典雅的設計,錶殼是纖薄的officer 款式,配纖幼垂直錶耳及鑽石刻度,有兩 個款式,藍色貝母錶盤配灰藍色錶帶,白 色貝母錶盤襯藍色錶帶,各限量75枚,售 約29,485美元。 The women’s version of the World Time Minute Repeater Special Edition is simple and classic. The ultra-thin, officer’s-style case is matched with straight lugs and diamond markers. It comes in two looks – blue mother-ofpearl dial with blue-grey strap, or white mother-of-pearl dial with blue strap. Each version is limited to 75 pieces. pieces. Approx. US$29,485.

ref. 7130

世界時間腕錶特別版有男裝之外,亦有女裝版。錶 盤圖案和用色跟男裝5230相同,錶圈鑲有62顆無瑕 白鑽,紅金和白金殼各限量75枚,售約56,702美元。 The Ref. 7130 World Time New York 2017 Special Edition has a female version to accompany the male version. The skyline and the blue dial centre are the same as the Ref. 5230 men’s version. The bezel is set with 62 flawless Wesselton diamonds. The red gold and white gold versions are both limited to 75 pieces. Approx. US$56,702.

ref. 7000

女裝特別版之中亦有複雜之 作,配備三問報時功能,白 金錶殼上的160顆無瑕鑽石, 以自家的flamme setting方法 鑲嵌,鑽光比平時更璀燦, 深藍錶盤以琺瑯製成,限量 3枚,售約447,939美元。 There are complicated watches in the women’s collection as well. The Minute Repeater features a white gold case, adorned with a Flamme® setting of 160 flawless top Wesselton diamonds for greater radiance. The blue dial is enamel. It is limited to only three pieces. Approx. US$447,939.





Watch Story

從來Patek Philippe的三

Patek Philippe’s minute repeaters are usually “for


eyes only” and not for touching. This time, we had

今次有幸親身測試Ref. 5531R

the good fortune to experience a hands-on test of the

World Time Minute Repeater

prototype of Ref. 5531R World Time Minute Repeater.


Though it was just the mechanism, without the


cloisonné enamel dial, it was enough to experience


the impressive complication and its phenomenal



很多媒體拍攝過超過十回三問 報讀聲響,經我們再測試幾

While many media had tested it before us, it still


sounded exceptional when we got our hands on it.


The Ref. 5522 Pilot’s version will, no doubt, be a hit.


Yet, the 5531R New York day and night versions are


limited to only five pieces for each version — rare


treasures indeed! (US$560,000 approx) 現場準備了Ref. 5531R的初版,給大家欣 賞其響亮清脆的打簧聲。 The prototype of Ref. 5531R is available on site for all to appreciate its resounding gongs.

ref. 5531r World time minute rePeater





Watch News 銅錶一向跟海洋扯上關係,Franck Muller的全新Fullback腕錶系列卻要飛上天。 While copper watches are usually associated with the sea, Franck Muller takes its all-new Fullback timepiece to the sky.


Franck Muller Copper takes flight text | Ringo photo | Zuak


The vivid red crown trigger is a bright contrast against the black PVD


titanium case, and the dial resembles a cockpit dashboard. A new addition to


the Vanguard collection, the Fullback arrives on the scene with a bang.

Vanguard系列的新作品,起名為ICON|Fullback, 錶盤依舊,紅色分鐘刻度跟黃色秒鐘刻度同樣給人瞄

The red minute markers and the yellow second markers look like targets.


The fan-shaped date aperture is uniquely placed at the bottom half. The


biggest difference with this piece is the 44×53.7×12.8mm copper case, which


will acquire patina over time.


The watch is powered by automatic FM0800, with 42 hours of power

而為了襯托銅殼,錶帶也改為復古啡色壓紋皮帶。 (亞

reserve. To set off the copper case, the leather strap is vintage brown.


(Limited to 38 pieces in Asia. Approx. $20,000)






Modern TwisT on Pearl text | Chappie photo | Sing Ho

今年珍珠突圍而出,不論高級珠寶或流行品牌,都以之為主題,配合 鑽石及K金,或是融入幾何線條,擺脫成熟形象,煥發青春魅力。 Pearls are in this year, embraced by luxury and popular jewelry brands alike. Paired with diamonds, different shades of gold and geometric silhouettes, pearls of old-world charm have been given a new lease of life.

Mikimoto 18K白金鑲鑽戒指, 中間鑲南洋珍珠。 Ring in 18K White Gold with White South Sea Cultured Pearl and Diamonds $9,200





Mikimoto Coral系列18K白金 及粉紅金吊墜頸鏈,鑲日本 Akoya珍珠和鑽石。 MIKIMOTO Coral Collection, Pendant in 18K White/ Pink Gold with Japanese Akoya Cultured Pearls and Diamonds $3,500

Mikimoto A World of Creativity系列18K白 金吊墜頸鏈,鑲日本Akoya珍珠和鑽石。 A World of Creativity SPLASH, Pendant in 18K White Gold with Japanese Akoya Cultured Pearls and Diamonds $27,000

珍 珠 之 源

The origin of pearls 早於1893年,Mikimoto創辦人御木本幸吉先生成功培育出世 界上第一顆養殖天然珍珠,除了為「養珠」定立嚴格監測準則,包括 珍珠光澤、光滑度、形狀、色澤及尺寸,成為國際認受品質外,更 開發日本專屬的Akoya淡粉紅珍珠,打破珍珠只有成熟的一面。近 年品牌致力為珍珠珠寶注入年輕元素,如Coral系列和A World of Creativity系列,配合鑲嵌鑽石,以細膩活潑方式展示大自然之美。 In 1893, Mikimoto Kokichi gave rise to the world’s first cultured pearls. Since then, the Mikimoto name has set the international standards for cultured pearls in terms of lustre, surface quality, shape and nacre. He also laid claim to inventing Japan’s special Akoya light pink pearls, and cast sophisticated pearls in a different light. In recent years, a touch of youthfulness has been added to diamond-adorned pearl jewelry in its Coral and A World of Creativity collections to vibrantly depict the magnificence of nature.






時 尚 點 睛

a masTer Touch Coco Chanel在時裝界舉足輕重,也為珍珠添上時尚貴 氣。一切源於她愛珍珠,同時將珍珠融入自家經典傑作,包 括Camélia de Plumes系列,昇華珍珠的高貴氣派,也令珍珠 更覺年輕。 Fashion doyen Coco Chanel had a love for pearls and made them a tour de force in fashion. She included pearls in her classic Camélia de Plumes collections, and transcended the essence of pearl elegance with a hint of youthful appeal.

Chanel Perle Plume白金鑽石 戒指,中間鑲嵌一顆珍珠。 Plume ring in 18k white gold, diamonds and cultured pearls $7,450

Chanel CAMÉLIA BRODÉ珍珠頸鏈,中間白 金鑲嵌山茶花造型鑽石 。 CAMÉLIA BRODÉ bouquet necklace in 18k white gold, diamonds and cultured pearls $37,400





雖然細小珍珠沒甚收藏價值,但 可作為日常mix & match之選,以小珍 珠配合幾何簡潔線條,成為誘人的潮 流單品。 Belinda Chang 18K黃金珍珠頸鏈 ‘Fruity’ freshwater pearl segmented wire necklace by Belinda Chang $1,050 (available at lanecrawford.com)

While small pearls have no intrinsic value, they are great for everyday mixing and matching. Using small pearls in clean geometric lines turns them into trendy alluring fashion items.

Mizuki 14K珍珠手鐲。 14-karat gold pearl and diamond cuff $895 (available at Net-A-Porter.com)

APM Monaco Toi et Moi 珍珠手鐲 TOI ET MOI S-shape bangle with pearls $450 (available at apm.mc)

Delfina Delettrez 18K黃金珍珠戒指(From Net-A-Porter) 18-karat gold, diamond and pearl ring $1,280 (available at Net-A-Porter.com)





Brand Story





來自德國的Montblanc貴為男士品味指標,除了經典的書寫工具,近年更 銳意擴展皮具產品。早些時跟隨Montblanc來到意大利佛羅倫斯城一個 靜謐的隱世莊園—Torrigiani Gardens,置身品牌為慶祝1926 Montblanc Heritage皮具系列的發布酒會,皮匠耐心地分享技術、畫師替賓客趕製個 人化彩繪clutch。焦點當然還有Montblanc深入民心的形象大使—荷李活巨 星Hugh Jackman。繞過樹林後但見1926 Montblanc Heritage全新系列, 多款精緻皮具融入充滿軍旅色彩的佈置。令人仿如置身探索異國文化歷險 旅程的帳篷,在杯光斛影下發掘難忘的旅行良伴。

百 年 旅 行 國 度

1926 Montblanc Heritage A Century of trAvel

Montblanc has been a beacon of good taste among men for decades. A pioneer in finely crafted writing instruments, the German brand has since expanded into a number of areas, including watches, accessories, fragrances and leather goods. Montblanc held a reception at Florence’s Torrigiani Gardens earlier this year to unveil its 1926 Montblanc Heritage leather collection. At the reception, the leather craftsmen patiently shared their crafts, and artists created clutches with customized individual paintings on them. Another main attraction was Hollywood star Hugh Jackman, who has stolen the hearts of many as Montblanc’s brand ambassador. text | Sum Chan photo | Montblanc & Sum Chan





Brand Story


The collection, with many exquisite pieces integrating a military-style look,


immediately transports one into a world of exploration and adventure. Its name is a


nod to the year (1926) that Montblanc entered into the world of leather. Every detail,

件、橋架搭扣、與Montblanc Heritage標誌等,

from the metal accessories, to the frame and structure, to the Montblanc Heritage logo,


symbolizes the technical excellence Montblanc has been known for since its founding in 1906.

新系列共二十個皮包、皮夾和皮革配件, 均以深棕銅銹色澤為主調,是品牌首次採用了

The new 20-piece collection includes leather bags, wallets and accessories, with a


deep bronze the principal colour. Montblanc uses organic leather-making techniques


to create vegetable-tanned leather, and utilizes a traditional Tuscan method for further



留皮革的天然外貌和紋理,因此每塊皮革都是 獨一無二。再加入使皮革更豐盈的柔化劑,為

The craftsmen extract plant tannins from bark and other plant tissues to preserve


the leather’s natural look and texture. Then, a softener is added to make the leather


more supple and give it a unique touch and smell. Finally, the lining, with bright red


prints inspired by the colourful fabric worn by the Maasai tribe of Kenya and Tanzania, is added, forming a bright contrast to the leather exterior.

為結合精湛工藝和復古格調,以及照顧 男士日常服飾的配搭所需,特別加入safari、 retro、lifestyle與軍事元素,帶出野性而不失優





As the brand marries the highest level of craftsmenship with a retro style, it is also mindful that the product has to be easy to match with daily wear. Thus, it has added


in safari and military elements to add some wildness without losing its elegance.


The pieces feel friendly and fresh, appropriate for short business trips or leisurely journeys.

功能方面,各款產品都在簡約結構下保持多用 途:雙扣開合設計的公事包具備可調校式肩帶,方便

Each product is simple in structure, but versatile in functionality. The double-


buckle design on the briefcase is equipped with an adjustable shoulder strap,


making it easy to carry documents and hand-held electronic equipment.

適;而大型行李袋的可拆卸前袋就能化身成單獨的手 提包或腰包,為不同場合提供靈活的搭配功能。除了

The dual-compartment casual bag has ample space and many inner pockets,


and can comfortably carry heavy objects. The large duffle bag has a removable


front bag, which can be used as a hand carry-on. All the bags offer different


functionalities for different occasions. Small accessories, such as credit-card and business-card holders, have ample sleeves, while the wallets are capable of Montblanc的每一件高級皮革產品均經認真和嚴

accommodating the varying sizes of paper currency from around the world.

謹的生產過程,由選料到縫紉,數十個工序,產品完 成後再需抽樣接受如耐磨、耐刮擦、耐拉、耐熱等的

Each piece of Montblanc’s leather goods undergoes a rigorous production


cycle. There are several dozen steps, from the selection of materials to the


sewing. After the construction process is complete, random samples are selected


for chemical and material testing for rubbing, scratching, pulling and heat







Brand Story

走一趟佛羅倫斯,親身接觸這個擁有數百年製皮歷史的 古城後,方才領略到「皮具,幾時都係揀Made in Italy。」這奢 華皮具產品永恆不變的定理。1926 Montblanc Heritage系列 擁有源遠流長的意大利精煉製革工藝,背後的設計意念亦教 人難忘:旅行的價值不單在於穿梭往來不同的地方,而是其 中所得到的啟迪,伴旅者走遍世界、經歷風霜的皮具將會成 為每一個寶貴體驗的真實記錄者。 1926 Montblanc Heritage系列現已於全球Montblanc專 門店有售。 The after-sale maintenance and care department is also exemplary. One can’t help but marvel at the skill demonstrated by Montblanc’s experienced craftsmen, who bring new life to products of different ages. After a trip to Florence, and with direct contact with this ancient city’s leather-making history, one can truly appreciate why “Made in Italy” is so important in the world of leather goods. The 1926 Montblanc Heritage collection comes from a long tradition of Italian leather craftsmanship. The design concepts behind the products are also unforgettable. The value of travel is not only in visiting different places, but in the lessons learned from each place. A leather bag that weathers the elements is also witness to these lessons. The 1926 Montblanc Heritage collection is now available at Montblanc boutiques worldwide.







Fashion Headline 破格搶鏡精選

ExcEptional ShadES

要彰顯個人時尚與品味,衣裝穿搭固然要緊貼潮流,若再襯上一副設計出眾的太陽 眼鏡,定能為整體造型加分。現今的太陽眼鏡款式更趨多元化,從鏡框造型、鏡片 配搭以至裝飾細節,都盡見品牌心思,為品味之士帶來破格前衞的搶 「鏡」 法寶。 From the frame, to the matching lenses and decorative details, one can easily find a way to steal the limelight with a chic pair of sunglasses.

text | 張琬雯 photos | 褚樂琪、various brands、Chanel(by Karl Lagerfeld)


crEativE ElEmEnt


Sunglasses not only protect the eyes from


damaging ultra-violet rays, but they can also


be status symbols for the fashionable. Many


brands no longer focus only on the creativity


of the frames, but also on the lenses. For


example, some feature lenses with special


lines or special cuts. Others go even further,


using highly challenging splicing and cut-out


techniques to add visual appeal.

德國眼鏡品牌MYKITA的副 線MYKITA MYLON,推出 了一系列的3D打印太陽眼 鏡,其中主打款式以運動 型太陽眼鏡為創作藍本。 German brand MYKITA’s MYKITA MYLON has introduced a series of 3D print frames, with athletic sunglasses as its blueprint. Mykita mylon sunglasses $TBD

深受明星追捧的DITA,今季新推的其中一款 Endurance 79太陽眼鏡,鏡片表面特別綴有lasercut圖紋。 DITA, a brand favoured by celebrities, introduced the Endurance 79 sunglasses this season with laser-cut patterns on the lenses. Dita Endurance 79 sunglasses US$750 (dita.com)


3d printS

說到鏡框物料方面,現時最常見的素材必定是醋酸纖維板材、 高級樹脂、不鏽鋼,還有質感輕巧的鈦金屬、鋁材質及碳纖維等。近 年3D打印技術火速冒起,陸續有品牌嘗試將此技術運用到眼鏡設計 中,創出3D打印鏡框款式,例如德國著名眼鏡品牌MYKITA旗下副線 MYKITA MYLON,以及丹麥手工眼鏡品牌Blac,3D打印眼鏡隱然成 為未來一大潮流。 The most commonly use materials today for sunglasses frames are cellulose acetate sheet, advanced resin and stainless steel, as well

丹麥手工眼鏡品牌Blac,利用3D打印技術打造太陽眼鏡, 鏡框綴有精密繁複的圖紋,令設計更富立體感。 Danish artisan brand Blac uses 3D print technology to create sunglasses. The frames are decorated with fine complex patterns to enhance the 3D feel of the design. Blac sunglasses $TBD





as lightweight leather, aluminum and carbon fibre. The rapid rise of 3D printing technology has spread to sunglasses, with several brands introducing 3D print frames. The famous German brand MYKITA’s subsidiary line, MYKITA MYLON, as well as the Danish artisan brand Blac, have both introduced 3D print frames, setting the trend for this style.

Chanel metal sunglasses $600 (Chanel)





Fashion Headline




的一環,有的將Cut-out剪裁及拼接技術套用到鏡片上,亦有 部分為鏡片打造出獨特的線條外形。代表作包括有Miu Miu的 Scenique太陽眼鏡,一方面將鏡片外露於超幼光滑金屬鏡框

Prada metallic sunglasses $TBD

外,另一方面亦加入了Cut-out鏤空細節,賣相更加吸引。 It’s the lenses that often show off the creative imagination of the designer, with several using cut-out and splicing techniques. Miu Miu’s Scenique sunglasses are a fine example of this. Their attractive look includes lenses showing outside of the super-fine and smooth metal frames as cut-out, hollowed details.

Miu Miu Scenique sunglasses $TBD

MYKITA x Damir Doma sunglasses $782 (farfetch.com)

日本潮流眼鏡品牌Frency & Mercury利用螺絲把 鏡片與鏡框相連,四周鏤空,使鏡片猶如懸浮於 半空。 Trendy Japanese brand Frency & Mercury uses a screw to connect the lenses to the frame, but is hollowed out everywhere, making the lenses look as if they’re suspended in air. Frency & Mercury sunglasses $TBD

MYKITA旗下MYKITA STUDIO系列的一款金屬粗框鏡大玩 錯視設計,刻意利用斜角線將鏡片劃分成兩部份,效果前 衞奪目。 MYKITA’s MYKITA STUDIO collection has a thick metal frame that creates an optical illusion by deliberately using a diagonal line to divide the lenses into two, resulting in an avant garde and eye-catching effect. Mykita Studio 2.2 shiny gold matte black/gold dark grey sunglasses $740 (luxuryeyesite.com)





由MYKITA聯同東京時尚夫妻檔Verbal & Yoon合力打造的 MYKITA + AMBUSH系列太陽眼鏡,除了巧妙於圓形鏡框 頂部加上奪目頂框裝飾,另採用了凹透鏡設計,倒置的 反光鏡片使鏡面呈現的影像上下倒轉,添加破格玩味。 MYKITA partners with popular husband-and-wife team Verbal and Yoon to create the MYKITA + AMBUSH sunglasses collection. It skillfully adds an eye-popping upper frame on top of the round frames, and turns the image of the lenses upside down, using a concave lens design to create an inverted reflective lens. The result is exceptionally whimsical. Mykita x Ambush gold & red verbal sunglasses $610 (ssense.com)

Elie Saab round sunglasses $1,710 (farfatch.com)

Linda Farrow sunglasses $TBD

MYKITA Studio 1 sunglasses $TBD


rEtro round


升圓形鏡框的欣賞指數,各大品牌在細節處費盡心思。 首選推介有Fendi的新作,初看還以為只是簡單一副圓形 金屬鏡框設計,細心留意之下,便發現鏡面綴滿了波浪

Fendi Waves green sunglasses $TBD

紋圖案,創意十足。 The retro look always occupies a special place in the world of designer glasses. To increase the appeal of round frames, many brands have paid close attention to details. The first to arrive on the market is Fendi’s new design, which at first glance looks like a simple pair of round metal-framed glasses. On closer look, one can see the creativity through the wavy lines on the lenses.

Chrome Hearts round sunglasses $TBD





Fashion Headline


pink Fad


可愛的感覺,各大品牌都盡力注入型 格新點子。如新西蘭時裝品牌Karen Walker全新別注的Eyeshadow,就 以上世紀七十年代的誇張Disco眼妝 為創作靈感,當中特別為經典的飛行

Gucci Hollywood Forever crystal embellished oversized sunglasses $2,020 (farfetch.com)

員鏡及大圓鏡,配上鮮粉紅色的鏡片 及鏡臂,賣相十分搶眼。想更惹人注 目,可考慮Gucci的粉紅新作,鏡框 位置貼滿粉紅色水晶,懷舊味甚濃。 To change the stereotype of pink being only sweet and cute, many major brands are adding stylish polka dots to their pink styles. New Zealand brand Karen Walker’s new signature

Miu Miu Sorbet Square Sunglasses $680 (saksfifthavenue.com)

Eyeshadow line is inspired by the exaggerated Disco eye makeup from the 1970s. Its classic aviator glasses match traditional large, round lenses — these ones pink — with pink arms to creative an eye-catching style. If you want to attract even more attention, try Gucci’s new pink style, which has pink crystals all over the frame: totally retro.

Alexander McQueen aviator-style gold-tone and acetate sunglasses US$675 (net-a-porter.com)

Ha ng ove r pin k Ka ren Wa lke r Lo ve walker.com) ren (ka 0 $26 sunglasses




Gentle Monster red sunglasses $TBD

the fashion world in recent years and


designer glasses are no exception. Gentle


Monster, which is known for its avant


garde style, and VEDI VERO, which only

VEDI VERO,旗下設計獲得一眾品味

started up four years ago, both enjoy


widespread popularity.


Salvatore Ferragamo Gancino sunglasses $TBD





The popular Korean style has swept


Many European and American brands,


such as Salvatore Ferragamo, also


draw their inspiration from Korean-style


sunglasses. They are usually made with a


mixture of metal and plastic materials, and


are flatter in their designs to fit the Asian


face more appropriately.



有 「Mirrored Sunglasses」 之

Mirrored lenses have been around


for decades and, in recent years, have


become trendy in the fashion world again.


In addition to the traditional gold and


silver mercury coating, more eye-catching


reflective lenses in pink, purple and blue


have been introduced to increase the


fashionableness of the glasses.

Chanel 18K round sunglasses $610 (Chanel)

Dior metal sunglasses $770 (lanecrawford.com)

Victoria Backham Aviator Sunglasses $600 (nordstrom.com)




間,要數話題性最高的,有來自Dolce & Gabbana的作品,其 中一副綴有彩色閃片拼貼而成的水果圖案,配合特大的金屬物 料鏡框及綠色鏡片,正好與品牌以意大利南部風情為主題的春 夏女裝設計互相呼應。 Sunglasses traditionally come with creative frames or decoration. Among these, Dolce & Gabbana’s glasses are adorned with coloured sequins in the pattern of fruit and are matched with oversized metal frames and green lenses, inspired by scenes from southern Italy.

韓國品牌VEDI VERO亦來湊湊這股Mirrored Sunglasses 熱潮,今季發表配以鮮藍色反光鏡面的設計,再襯上同 屬當季大熱的淺金色鏡框。 Korean brand VEDI VERO is also joining the mirrored sunglasses trend. It has released a design that combines bright blue reflective lenses with light gold frames. Vedi Vero mirrored sunglasses $TBD

Alice + Olivia Madican cat eye floral embellished sunglasses $780 (harrods.com)

Dolce & Gabbana green sunglasses with fruits in metal frame $TBD





Fashion Feature Embroidered new flora print jersey jacket $2,630 New flora print jogging pant $1,315 Jersey stirrup legging with web $1,065 GG pattern cotton blend socks $140 Gucci Gold sandals $TBD Gucci GG Marmont Matelassé leather belt bag $1,810 (saksfifthavenue.com) All from Gucci and gucci.com

多個國際時尚品牌的初秋系列,不約而同起用各式 各樣悅目圖案作為設計元素,尤以花卉題材的曝光 率最高,其次是條紋、格子及復古圖紋等等,就讓 我們迎接這股花樣浪潮吧! Several international fashion brands are using attractive patterns as the main theme of their early Fall collections. Among these patterns, floral designs seem to be the most popular, followed by stripes, checks and retro designs. So let’s embrace this floral trend with gusto!


Fall Florals text | Elaine Chung、張琬雯





Marc Jacobs flower-embroidered cotton belted dress US$495 (barneys.com)

autumn Garden 一直在春夏系列曝光率高企的花卉圖 案,初秋季度繼續得寵。Gucci、Valentino 及Tory Burch等新作,紛紛採用不同的花卉 為主角,以印花、色彩拼湊及刺繡等演繹。 特別推介Valentino的新作,以高腰設計及寬 鬆剪裁為賣點,再配合Floral Print,流露優 雅復古韻味。 Florals have made frequent appearances in Spring/Summer collections and this year the trend is continuing into the early Fall. Gucci, Valentino, Tory Burch and other brands have all chosen to use different types of florals in their designs. Valentino focuses on a high-waist design and loose cutting. Adding floral prints to this look gives it a retro elegance.


Flower waves double breast pea coat $4,130 Flower waves silk shirt $1,455 Flower waves midi skirt $1,920 (All from Valentino and harrods.com)

01 01•Furla Gioia crossbody bag $667 (farfetch.com) 02•Ports 1961 flower vases photo print shirt $1,153 (farfetch.com)





Fashion Feature



stripes & CheCks 條紋及格紋圖案稱得上是時尚界兩大長青元素。 今個初秋,Ports 1961及Céline等都大玩拼色及物料 拼湊點子,同時展現出Less is More美學精髓。

Tory Burch Rosemary dress US$898 (toryburch.com)

Striped and checkered patterns are forever popular in the fashion world. This early Fall season, Ports 1961 and Céline are among the brands that use contrasting colours and patchwork material to showcase the essence of “less is more.”


05 07

03•Marc Jacobs floral tie neck blouse $986 (farfetch.com) 04•Alice + Olivia Becca V neck midlength pouf dress $720 (aliceandolivia.com) 05•Dior black embroidered ankle boots $TBD 06•Tory Burch floral print tote $456 (farfetch.com) 07•Leonard Paris red floral print bag $TBD





Patchwork dress $1,820 (farfetch.com) White turtleneck top $1,470 (farfetch.com) Trunk clutch in glossy élaphe US$1,690 (marni.com)


Kahki pants $TBD White sandal in calfskin with button US$780 (marni.com) Green earrings $TBD (All from Marni)




08•Furla striped mini Metropolis bag $476 09•Ports 1961 striped oversized shirt $915 10•Céline Nano Luggage bag in red and blue tartan felt $2140 (celine.com) 11•Ports 1961 checked pattern sneakers $799 (All available at farfetch.com)





Fashion Feature

animal kinGdom


除了花卉及昆蟲,各式各樣的動物,同樣給設計師帶來 無窮啟發,衍生出一連串融入動物元素的服飾作品。Tsumori Chisato及Paul Smith將動物化身為主角,打造出彩繪Bilbao Cat 及猴子圖案。入秋的Animal Print設計,賦予女士一份野性韻味。 Besides flowers and insects, many animals are also inspirations for designers. Tsumori Chisato and Paul Smith have chosen to create painted bilbao cat and monkey patterns. The

Bilbao long silk dress US$1,350

early Fall season’s animal print designs creatively bring out a

Paintbrush wedges US$980

woman’s wild side.

Multicolour bangle $TBD (All from Tsumori Chisato and tsumorichisato.com)



15 16

12•Tsumori Chisato “Bilbao Cat” Bag US$1,110 (tsumorichisato.com) 13•Paul Smith monkey print dress $818 (farfetch.com) 14•Kate Spade ma chérie antoine large lane US$328 15•Céline Rancher boots in python $1,995 (celine.com) 16•Roger Vivier Keep it Viv’ clutch in ponyskin-effect leather US$2,650 (rogervivier.com and US only)





18 b

17•Leonard Paris print coat $TBD 18•Salvatore Ferragamo handbag $TBD 19•Longchamp Penelope Arty top handle purple handbag $TBD 20•Coach Kisslock satchel 38 in glovetanned leather with duck print $1,005 (coach.com)

17 a

Haley coat US$658 Devi pant $298 T buckle belt $258 Sandals $TBD (All from Tory Burch and toryburch.com)

19 c



VintaGe style 復古熱潮繼續大放異彩。最佳示範便有Tory Burch 的套裝組合,表面綴有仿如舊式牆紙般的古典圖案,更 顯高貴優雅。至於Longchamp及Coach,則為其袋款 飾上色彩鮮艷的幾何拼圖,以及充滿上世紀二、三十年 代氣息的鴨子圖案,效果同樣矚目。 The retro craze continues. One of the best examples of this style is a short-sleeve set by Tory Burch, which has an elegant pattern resembling a classic-style wallpaper. Longchamp and Coach, on the other hand, offer some eye-catching bags by adding brightly coloured geometric print and duck patterns, reminiscent of the 1920s and ’30s.





Ladies’ Picks

Stella Luna black mules $TBD Acne Studios silver mules $TBD

Sanayi 313 navy mules $1,510/ Burgundy $TBD (neimanmarcus.com) Neous white mules $TBD


Pointy but Soft 懂得穿拖鞋的女人,往往更是吸引。

Ladies’ mules are quite attractive, especially the


pointy-toe kind. They mask the imperfections of the


foot, while accentuating the shape of the calves. Both


high-heeled and flat mules are equally pretty, can be


slipped on quickly and are super-trendy. text | Sum Chan photo | TPK






Several brands are offering attractive choices this season.


Balenciaga’s popular bright-coloured satin top with bow features

選;Acne Studios的真皮平底

a kitten heel, and Acene Studio’s genuine leather soft-heel style


comes in different patterns and colours.

已推出了不同的圖案與顏色; Neous的大圓扣與幾何鞋踭,

Neous’s big round buckle, coupled with geometric shapes on


the heel, is distinctive, while Alberta Feretti’s famous embroidered

刺繡著名的Alberta Ferretti,

styles are feminine and charming.

是比較女性化的款式。 Pointy-toe mules tend to be representative of certain types of 個人覺得尖頭拖代表著

ladies. Three ladies with refined styles — Joyce Ma, Nansun Shi


and Yi Shu — immediately come to mind. Their sophistication,

Joyce Ma、施南生和亦舒。

openness, and cultured and artistic look seem to go well with


these types of shoes.

大氣、坦蕩、文化與藝術氣 息的感覺。夏去秋來,置一

As we transition into fall, it’s a good idea to purchase a pair


of closed-toe slide mules, which suit the temperate weather



Balenciaga green knife mules $TBD

Neous black pointed toe mules $750 (brownsfashion.com)

Attico Monica white mules $TBD

Alberta Ferretti purple mules $TBD/ red mules $TBD

Maryam Nassir Zadeh mules $TBD ELITEGEN




runway 阿飛與公子

Berluti Wild Gentlemen

時裝設計師,除了鬥才華,畢竟是天橋上的明星,也需要觀眾緣。 Fashion designers are the real stars of the runway. Beyond their talent, they are necessary to generate public appeal.

text | 冰汪





Eris Bergen leather boots US$2,080

哥倫比亞浪人Haider Ackermann得到LVMH招手,接替Alessandro Sartori出任Berluti創意總監,於今年一月的FW17男裝周一鳴驚人! 相比起前任Alessandro Sartori塑造的摩登公子,Haider Ackermann不 羈風格依然。他從Berluti招牌的Patina古法染色技術借鏡,再借用暗黑大 師畫家Francis Bacon的色調,放入他最拿手的閃爍布料,構成只此一家的 魅力。整個系列最搶眼的,是那件粉紅色parka風褸,粉紅色satin跟parka 二合為一,原來驚人地美豔。 不羈浪子以男人最無法抗拒的軍裝形象出場。在他手上,MA-1 bomber jacket上半部由尼龍換成satin,下半部玩布料拼貼,採用做西裝用 的高級羊毛布。這種將傳統男裝改頭換面的小心思,比過往的大刀闊斧, 更容易叫好叫座。 LVMH tasked Haider Ackermann with this challenge when it appointed him creative director of Berluti in September 2016. His debut collection with the brand came at the 2017 Fall/Winter Men’s Fashion Week in January and it was incredibly impressive! His predecessor, Alessandro Sartori, created Berluti’s house style, but Ackermann has been able to incorporate his wild style into it. He has referenced Berluti’s signature Patina dyeing technique and Francis Bacon’s favourite colour tone, combining both in his favourite shiny fabric to create a unique fashion line. The catchiest piece is the pink parka jacket. Incorporating pink satin into the parka has created a stunning piece of fashion. He has injected his wild style into the irresistible military line. Under his directorship, the upper part of the MA-1 bomber jacket was changed from nylon to satin, and the lower part became luxury wool, traditionally seen in blazers.

Quilted velvet blouson US$3,350

Python jacket US$10,100





Runway Haider Ackermann的公子軍,今

These flight jackets highlight Ackermann’s line

季重點是一式四款flight jacket,款式

this season. There are four different styles, including


one in black lamb leather and another in violet velvet


with black stain. Both were presented on the runway.


褸,衣領用了shearling,羊毛衣領底 是深紅色鱷魚皮真身,與紅色lining

The black jacket might look ordinary, but it has


an alligator skin under-collar, which goes perfectly

flight jacket領軍,軍褸、冷衫、軍

with its red lining. It is matched with a sweatshirt,

靴,及以軍用duffle bag為藍本的帆

calf leather boots and a nylon bag that is designed


based on the military duffle bag. Ackermann has also


introduced the “BRLT” logo, which has become the


line’s signature for FW17.












01•Unlined hooded parka US$2,860 02•Leather flight jacket US$8,950 03•Mix wool turtleneck sweatshirt US$1,100 04•Unlined supple cashmere & wool jacket US$2,380 05•Wool double breasted jacket US$3,700 06•M a t c h i n g M a t e r i a l b o m b e r US$3,450 07•Bi-Material flight jacket US$3,800 08•Velvet leather backpack US$4,700 (all available at berluti.com, US only)

Fashion News Black and white lace-up 120mm saddle pumps $1,135 (neimanmarcus.com)


Miu Miu

Elle Fanning穿上粉調的羽毛裙 子,流露古典美式風韻。 Elle Fanning in a pink feather dress that shows off a classic style of American beauty.

Diverse styles text | See So

滿腦子充斥着奇想的Miuccia Prada,最新的秋冬系列撮合了美洲的歐 裔及黑人風格,混搭成既華麗又具玩味的復古時尚系列。以高貴優雅 的人造皮草、羽毛與閃爍的珠寶綴飾等細節作為軸心,配 上婀娜的吊帶裙子或針織套裝,更添街頭率性玩味。除了 搶眼的閃石首飾,鞋袋也貫徹奢華韻味,帶出爵士和騷靈 樂手的異國色彩。 Miuccia Prada’s Fall/Winter offerings combine Caucasian and African-American styles to create a retro collection that’s both grand and whimsical. Elegant and graceful faux-fur, feathers and sparkling jewelry detailing is matched with swinging spaghetti-strap dresses and knit suits. The collection is full of the rebelliousness and playfulness of the streets. In addition to eye-catching sparkling stones as adornment, the shoes and bags are also full of luxurious details, bringing out the diverse styles of jazz and soul musicians.

Dangle earrings with Swarovski crystal US$370 (miumiu.com, US only)

由攝影師Alasdair McLellan操刀 的秋冬廣告,企劃請來Kate Moss 擔綱,同時邀請了New Orleans的 Preservation Hall管樂團及眾樂手 聯合演出,兼具復古和前衞氣息。 Photographer Alasdair McLellan is responsible for the Fall/Winter commercial. He plans to have Kate Moss as the lead and has also invited the New Orleans Preservation Hall Jazz Band and other musicians to perform. The show will be a combination of retro- and avant-garde styles.

Anise Madras goat leather and python patch clutch US$2,220 (miumiu.com, US only) Black satin sandals with embellished heels $TBD





Men’s Picks 今季開始,買波鞋記住四字真言:醜、怪、蠢、鈍。 時裝界索性用上ugly sneakers來定義這股潮流。 Ugly sneakers are in vogue this season: ugly, strange,

Ugly is the clumsy and blunt.

「 醜 」鞋 當 道

New ChiC text | Lisa photo | Steven(model) TPK(products) model | Wong Chak Wang

今季最 「醜」 一定是Balenciaga的Triple-S sneakers,刻意 造舊的鈍鈍外形加上三層厚重鞋底,在一月男裝秋冬時裝周 登場即成熱話! Ugly sneakers紛紛出場:Prada今季混合網面、橡 膠、爬山繩等造波鞋,外形笨拙延續其ugly chic始祖風格; Comme de Garcons Homme Plus與Nike聯乘推出Air Force 1,在鞋頭加入像小朋友泥膠的塑膠模;Fendi與BIGBANG的 太陽合作推出"FENDI For Young Bae"別注聯乘系列,鞋後附 上太陽名字標籤;Versace的銀色令面波鞋,更用上Vibram 鞋底;Camper用上形狀怪異的鞋底,紅黑配搭注目度十 足;Dior Homme的搭帶襪套波鞋、Hermès的皮革襪 套波鞋、Tod's的豆豆波鞋及Ermenegildo Zegna的 拼皮白波鞋都表現了品牌少見的運動感。 Valentino在鞋上加搭帶,又或換上墨綠色調加窩 釘;Givenchy在鞋上加可拆式毛毛;Both在半個鞋面 塗上一層膠;Saint Laurent在造舊白布鞋別上扣針、寫上 Smoking Forever;Gucci的標誌Ace白波鞋可自行加上各款 刺繡圖案布章等,均是在一眾ugly sneakers中可穿性較高的 選擇。





Balencia White Triple S sneakers $TBD

When it comes to athletic shoes, Balenciaga’s Triple-S trainers have to be the ugliest — in a fashionable way. Added to the deliberately aged and blunt exterior, featuring mesh, calfskin leather and suede, is a three-layer sole. The shoe immediately became the talk of the town when it was introduced in January at menswear’s Fall/Winter Fashion Week. Other designers have also jumped on the “ugly shoe” bandwagon. Prada continues its ugly chic look this season with a slow-looking sneaker that combines a mesh top, rubber and a climbing rope. Comme de Garcons Homme Plus and Nike’s collaborative Air Force 1 features a play-dough-like plastic mold at the tip. Fendi and Big Bang introduced the “Fendi for Young Bae” Series, which has a tag with Young-Bae’s name on the back of the shoe. Versace’s shiny silver sneaker has a Vibram bottom, Camper uses an oddly shaped bottom which is eye-catching in red and black, and Dior Hommes features strapped high-tops. Hermès’ leather high tops, Tod’s dotted shoes and Ermenegildo Zegna’s patchwork white sneakers are also very fashionable.Valentino has added straps on the shoe top, with an alternative version in dark green with rivets. Givenchy adds removable fur to the shoe, while Both Schoenen brushes on a layer of rubber on half of the shoe top. Saint Laurent adds a safety pin to its white canvas shoe and the writing “Smoking Forever”. Gucci’s signature Ace white sneaker allows the customer to add different embroidery and patches. 01•Both white sneakers $TBD 02•Versace silver reflective greek key formal high-top sneakers $1,325 (ssense. com)





03•Ermenegildo Zegna Tiziano sneakers $1,180 (zegna.ca) 04•Givenchy low top sneakers with fur $1,275 (farfetch. com) 05•Balenciaga sock sneakers $800 (saksfifthavenue.com) 06•Prada grey sneakers $TBD





07•YSL Joe mid top sneakers in used white canvas and ivory suede $1,169 (ysl. com) 08•Valentino green & white garavani fly crew sneakers $810 (ssense.com)





09•Fendi white high-top sneakers $TBD 10•Hermès black and white sneakers $TBD 11•Comme des Garcons x Nike Homme Plus moulded dinosaur Air Force 1 $612 (farfetch.com)





12•Tod’s slip-ons in scuba effect fabric and leather US$725 (tods.com, US only) 13•Dior Homme black sneakers $TBD 14•Gucci Ace sneakers with removable patches $830 (gucci.com) 15•Valentino V-Punk sneakers US$795 (valentino.com) 16•Camper black and red sneakers $TBD





Scents 鑽石香調

SCENT OF A DIAMOND 飾以銀邊的Tiffany blue瓶頸,特別印壓上品牌的T 字圖案,增添鑽石造型瓶身的優雅感。 The silver-rimmed Tiffany blue collar adorning the diamond-shaped bottle is delicately embossed with the house’s signature “T” pattern.

50ml | $120 75ml | $150

自1837年創立而來,Tiffany & Co.的閃 Since 1837, Tiffany & Co. has dazzled the world with 爍鑽飾令世界目眩。單是經典的藍色禮 diamonds of breathtaking brilliance. The sight of its robin’s盒,已叫人怦然心動。如今這個藍色禮 egg blue box always causes the heart to skip a beat. Now, 盒盛載著跟美鑽同樣令人愛不惜手的全 the iconic blue box holds a diamond of a different kind – a 新同名香水 - Tiffany & Co.。

new fragrance, simply named Tiffany & Co. text | Leslie Yip photos | Tiffany & CO.






It is always a special moment, opening the blue box to reveal its treasure.


The best way to open this box is to hold it at waist level with one hand and


slowly raise the lid with the other. There it is, sparkling in the light. I lift its


contents up for a closer look. Surprisingly, the base is not flat but angled


inward, like the pavilion of a real diamond.

Tiffany & Co.香水的玻璃瓶身造型,設計靈感源自品牌

The glass flacon of the Tiffany & Co. fragrance takes inspiration from the


house’s most exemplary diamond cuts, as well as its founder’s obsession

創辦人Charles Lewis Tiffany於1886推出經典的Tiffany六爪

with light. Charles Lewis Tiffany was the one who introduced the six-prong


Tiffany setting in 1886, lifting the diamond above the band and into the light,


bringing out a brilliance that had never been seen before.


The elaborate faceting work at the base references the Tiffany diamond,


that 287.42-carat yellow diamond that was cut into a cushion-shape with


82 facets, letting in so much light that the gem sparkled as if lit by an inner


flame. It set a company precedent to cut for brilliance rather than size, a


standard Tiffany & Co. maintains today.

瓶肩的幾何線條參考品牌的Lucida cut切割方式,在鑽

The geometric lines at the shoulder mirror the step-cut crown and proud,

石冠部以分層切割、四角寬敞。Lucida cut是品牌的專利,

wide corners of the company’s trademarked Lucida cut, named after the


brightest star in a constellation.


Inside the precious bottle is a sparkling floral musk perfume, featuring the


noble iris. Harvested in France during the summer months, it brings a pure,


bright, sensual and long-lasting richness. Vibrant vert de mandarine top


notes open the scent, while sensual patchouli and soothing musks wind up the structure for a refined, feminine and sophisticated fragrance. Tiffany & Co. Eau de Parfum十月一日起於各Tiffany專


Tiffany & Co. Eau de Parfum, available starting Oct. 1 at Tiffany boutiques and selected department stores.

代表著火焰與瑰麗的Tiffany Diamond黃鑽,是香水瓶身造型的設計靈感之一。 A fancy yellow diamond of extraordinary fire and beauty, the Tiffany Diamond is one of the inspirations behind the design of the bottle. 多年來,品牌一直喜歡採用富大自然色彩的圖案,對鳶尾花更是 情有獨鍾,可追索至品牌最早期的設計草圖。一款紅寶及藍寶鳶 尾花襟針,更為品牌贏得1900年巴黎博覽會的全場大獎。 While naturalistic motifs have been a prevalent theme for the house throughout its history, its fondness for iris can be traced from the earliest sketches in its archives. Furthermore, it was a garnet and sapphire iris brooch that earned the company the grand prize at the Paris Exposition in 1900.





Beauty News

Night Repair 晚上是肌膚細胞進行修復的黃金時期, 入睡前做足保養工序,讓肌膚整晚休養 生息,回復最佳狀態。 Night time is prime time for skin cell rejuvenation, a rigorous maintenance regimen before bed is essential, so that skin can repair itself overnight. text | 張琬雯 photo | 黃幹文 model | Nastya Z(Primo) makeup & hair | Yan Leung





晚霜修護 肌膚在日間要面對各種污染物及紫外線的侵害, 趁着入夜時分,肌膚細胞進入更生及修復模式,應好 好利用具加強修復、及有效抗禦環境侵害的晚霜,強 化肌膚的防禦屏障,並預防各種肌膚老化現象。

Repairing Night Cream During the day, the skin is attacked by all sorts of impurities and by ultra-violet light. At night, when the skin cells enter regeneration mode, night creams are essential in repairing the skin and reversing the harm caused by environmental factors.





a Beauty News


a. Rodial Dragon's Blood Hyaluronic Night Cream 50ml $90 (saksfifthavenue.com)


晚霜除蘊含保濕的透明質酸,亦透過維他命A醇、血竭及 亮白活性物,協助撫平皺紋、均勻膚色及促進細胞再生, 並於肌膚表面形成保護膜,對抗環境侵害。 This night cream contains hydrating hyaluronic acid, retinol, dragon’s blood and active brightening compounds. Not only does it help reduce wrinkles, improve skin tone and enhance cell regeneration, but it also forms a protective shield on the surface of the skin to prevent environmental harm.

b. Clarins Mutli-Active Nuit Targets Fine Lines, Revitalizing Night Cream-Normal to Dry Skin 50ml $ 57 (thebay.com) 多元活膚晚霜結合了首創GPS智囊科技,起絨草萃取及品 牌獨家抗污染複合物,可修復氧化細胞,並抵禦紫外線、 污染及自由基的侵害;當中的姜百合萃取,則可對抗因睡 眠問題而造成的初老現象。 This multi-action night cream combines innovative GPS technology, Fuller’s teasel extract, and Clarins’ unique patented anti-pollutant compounds to repair oxidized cells and prevent harm from ultra-violet light, pollution and free radicals. It also contains ginger lily extract, which combats aging signs caused by lack of sleep.

c. Fancl Night Jelly Cream $TBD 限量版亮膚修護啫喱晚霜,推開後瞬即被肌膚所吸收,當 中透過草莓虎耳草精華及活膚酵母精華等成分,集中修復 紫外光所造成的傷害,並有效淡化黑色素,重拾淨白膚 色。 This limited-edition brightening repair night jelly cream is easily absorbed by the skin. It contains strawberry sauteur grass essence, active yeast extract and other ingredients, and can repair harm from ultra-violet light, reduce the appearance of melanin and restore brightness to the skin.





精華進補 想進一步提升肌膚的修復能力,建議塗上晚霜 後,再使用精華素作更深層的修護,改善肌膚水油不 平衡現象。選用具高效保濕功能,又或是質地偏水凝 的精華水,翌日醒來,肌膚即時回復飽滿緊緻。

Restorative Essence To enhance the restorative power of the skin, one can add various essences for a deeper level of repair after applying a night cream. This re-balances the oil and water level of the skin. By choosing essences that have high hydration qualities, the skin can become full and supple overnight.

a. Melvita Nectar Blanc Brightening Concentrate $TBD


呈水漾質感的精華液,能瞬間為肌膚補充水分,當中的有機海百合 精華、百合花油及天然維他命C成分,可有效抑制黑色素增生,使肌 膚重現剔透亮白。 This gel-textured essence can instantly replenish moisture in the skin. It contains organic lily essence, lily oil and vitamin C, and can effectively reduce the appearance of melanin and restore brightness to the skin.



b. Innisfree Black Green-Tea Serum $TBD 精華素的主要成分為濟州黑綠茶,因經過多次發酵而含有更高Gallic Acid,可發揮更高抗氧化功效,配方亦加入植物性角鯊脘,用後肌 膚倍顯亮白幼滑。 Black green tea from Jeju Island contains a high level of gallic acid. As the main ingredient of this serum, the tea is highly effective is combatting oxidation. The serum also contains plant squalene, which helps make the skin exceptionally bright and smooth.

c. Helena Rubinstein Powercell Skinmunity The Serum 50ml $208 (strawberrynet.com) 精華素蘊含海洋冠狀植物幹細胞成分,同時加入由益生元及益生菌 組成的防禦複合物,能有助擊退各種衰老現象,以及提升肌膚抗逆 力。 Stem cells from marine coral plants, prebiotic and protobic compounds help prevent signs of aging and increase the skin’s immunity.





Beauty News


a. Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Recovery Mask-in-Oil 30ml $100 (thebay.com)


運用了能支援肌膚修復循環的品牌獨家基因協調技術的 面膜精油,加上有效抗氧化及提高肌膚天然抵抗力的咖 啡豆精華、維他命C及E,提升肌膚於夜間的天然修復能 力。 This product enhances the skin’s natural night repair powers with its patented factor-balanced face essence that supports the repair cycle of the skin. It also contains coffee extract, which helps prevent oxidation and enhances the natural immunity of the skin, as well as vitamins C and E.

地偏油膩,事實上,經過不斷的 改良及研發,不少新推出的面部 護理油,質感已更輕盈,只要使


用時配合面部按摩,對肌膚零負 擔。大家亦可將一至兩滴護理油 加入面霜之內,混合後再塗搽,




Moisturizing Oils

帶有淡淡幽香,質地滋潤而不油膩的茉莉活膚精華油, 內含品牌於格拉斯獨家培植的茉莉花萃取精華,能增強 肌膚的防禦能力,改善細紋及暗啞問題。 This jasmine revitalizing essence oil is lightly fragrant and has a moisturizing texture that is not greasy. It contains extract from Chanel’s patent-cultivated jasmine in Grasse, and can increase the immunity of the skin, as well as reduce wrinkles and dullness.

Many people are averse to the oiliness of some facial moisturizers. However, after continuous improvements, many new moisturizing creams are

c. Borghese Fango Active Radiance Facial Oil $TBD

lighter in texture. Just add a drop

由甜杏仁、牛油果及葡萄籽油調配而成的面部精華油, 主要作用包括抗氧化、改善肌膚紋理及提升膚色亮澤 度,讓肌膚回復活力健康。 This essence oil contains sweet almonds, avocado and grapeseed oil. It is effective in combatting oxidation, improving skin texture and brightness, and restoring the vitality of the skin.

or two of the moisturizing oil and mix it into a face cream to enhance its reparative powers.


a. Tatcha Violet-C Radiance Mask 50ml $79 (sephora.com)

面膜能迅速改善肌膚狀況,是 讓肌膚於短時間內重拾亮澤剔透膚 質的最佳幫手。

Clarifying Masks Masks can quickly improve the condition of the skin by restoring

b c

以大馬士革玫瑰花水為基礎,並注入品牌 原創有機玫瑰水生精華的面膜,鞏固肌膚 的鎖水屏障,阻止肌膚水分流失,重拾飽 滿及彈性皮膚。 Using Damascus rose water as the base, and adding in Melvita’s original organic rose water essence, this mask strengthens the skin’s ability to lock in moisture and restore its suppleness and elasticity.

c. Natura Bisse C+C Vitamin Souffle Mask US$45 (barneys.com) 擁有柔滑質感的面膜,配方中 的左旋維他命C、苦橙萃取及 Hydro-24複合水分子等成分,有 效對抗游離基、刺激膠原蛋白增 生,改善缺水及色斑等問題。 With ingredients including L-vitamin C, bitter orange extracts, and Hydro-24 complex water molecules, this mask is effective in combatting free radicals and reducing such problems as dehydration and dark spots.



配方有來自七種水果萃取的溫和AHA,另混 入兩種維他命C及日本紫珠,可促進細胞新 陳代謝,並能保護肌膚免受自由基的攻擊, 預防衰老。 This mask is formulated using mild AHA extracts from seven fruits, together with two types of vitamin C and Japanese violet pearls. It can enhance the metabolism of the cells, protect the skin from attacks by free radicals and prevent the effects of aging.

b. Melvita Nectar De Roses Moisturizing Mask 50ml $30 (melvita.com)

brightness and improving clarity.





b. Chanel Huile De Jasmin Revitalizing Facial Oil with Jasmine Extract 50ml US$120 (chanel.com, US only)

d. Eve Lom Moisture Mask 100ml $105 (sephora.com) 糅合了高科技保濕因子、水份複合物及透明質酸納等多 種保濕成分,迅速為肌膚補充水分,改善因缺水而引致 的乾燥及痕癢問題。 Combining moisturizing ingredients, including high-tech hydration factors and hyaluronic acids, this product rapidly replenishes skin moisture, reducing dryness and itchiness caused by dehydration.

Special E EliteGen


L 加拿大帝國商業銀行Wood Gundy及

聽取與加拿大中央銀行或美國聯邦銀行有密切聯繫的財務專家 所作的政策分析;當然還有房地產及稅務專才的精闢意見。我

私人財富管理常務董事及主管Peter Lee

們會為客戶度身安排一隊專屬的個人理財顧問團隊,規劃理財 藍圖,為客戶實現目標。

E 誰是你們的客戶群? L 我們的客戶大致分為企業家、行政人員及專業人士等,當中很 大部份都是我們個人、商業或投資部門的現有客戶。跟大部份

E 這樣人性化的服務,跟現今社會趨向自助化的數碼理財比較,

人一樣,他們每日都處理不同的生活需要,當有需要尋求更專 業的意見分析,例如信用管理、投資、遺產保護或稅務策劃的

更像往昔銀行服務般來得貼心。 L 科技化為我們帶來方便是無可置疑的。事實上,加拿大帝國商


業銀行一直也是創新的先驅。一百多年前,當育空(Yukon)發 現蘊藏黃金時,我們已創先河以蒸汽船、獨木舟和狗拉車隊為

E 服務範圍包括那些?


L 我們著重的是個人化及一站式的服務。首先,我們會先為客戶







多倫多商業區的心臟地帶,聳立著一棟棟高樓大廈,其 中一棟別有特色:懾人的Beaux-Arts新古典主義建築、 以金格子拱形天花展現洛可可風格,這棟名為Commerce Court North的藝術建築,正是專門提供優質理財服務的加 拿大帝國商業銀行私人財富管理總部所在。 Nestled among the towering skyscrapers in the heart of Toronto’s financial district is Commerce Court North, a stunning beaux-arts building with a vaulted gold-coffered ceiling and art-deco styling. The old-world charm befits the sophisticated service offered by CIBC’s Private Wealth Management, which is headquartered here.


BESPOKE BANKING 專訪加拿大帝國商業銀行 財富管理部門主管 A Special Interview with the Head of CIBC Wealth Management

E EliteGen

macroeconomic and political climate, financial experts with close

L Mr. Peter Lee, Managing Director & Head, CIBC Wood Gundy & Private

ties to the Bank of Canada or U.S. Federal Bank for policy insights,

Wealth Management Canada

as well as real-estate and tax experts for specialized counselling. Our clients have access to the finest expertise to realize the full

E Who is your typical client?

evolution of their wealth, a tailor-made personal financial advisory

L The majority of our clients are business owners, executives, as well


as professionals who are current clients of our retail, commercial or capital market service. Just like everyone else, they are in a constant stage of change, and when there is a need for more specialized advice in credit management, investment, estate preservation or tax planning, they are referred to us.

E This level of human touch seems to harken back to old-world style banking, in contrast to the self-serve trends in this age of digital banking. L We all love the convenience of technology. In fact, CIBC has always been a leader in innovation. More than a century ago, when

E What kind of service can one expect?

gold was discovered in the Yukon, we brought banking service to

L A personalized and integrated approach. We begin with a discovery

Dawson City by steamer, canoe and dog team. We were the first

session to create a financial portrait, based on their business and

bank to use a computer to update client’s bankbooks and to bring

family situation, needs and objectives. Next, we enlist subject

the ATM machine to Canada. But technology cannot replace human

experts to help deliver unique vision and strategy. For example,

expertise. The more complex one’s needs are, the more important it

for a client who is considering whether to invest in the real-estate

is to integrate technology and service.

market, we will call upon our senior economics team to analyze the







Three Main Trends in Ceiling and Wall deCorations text | Livian Wu photo | Stanislav Yesep

很多人會為家居整體設計風格、以及傢俬配搭等方面花盡心思,卻 較少留神天花或牆身細節。設計師Stanislav Yesep認為在天花及牆 壁上多花點功夫,可呈現優雅意境;特別是多利用層次及手繪作裝 飾,更能恆久散發經典魅力。 Many people put a lot of thought into the overall design style of their homes, especially how the furniture matches, but few pay similar attention to detail when it comes to ceilings and walls. Designer Stanislav Yesep believes putting more thought into these two areas can enhance a home’s elegance. Use textures and hand paintings to achieve a classic and lasting charm.






設計師Stanislav Yesep介紹天花及牆飾潮流三大趨勢: Designer Stanislav Yesep explains the three main trends in ceiling and wall decorations.

Layered CeiLing 多 層 天 花

透過多種材料為天花製造層次感,如利用 石膏塗層及天花框架創建深度; 再以手繪裝飾 把燈具藏於天花內 部,形成的反射光 源,別有一番情調。 Ceiling light fixtures can create a special atmosphere.

加以點綴,典雅大方;然後把LED燈條融入天 花裝置,營造美麗效果。利用特製的彩繪瓷磚 及大型徽章來襯托水晶吊燈,更能增強整個空 間的視覺效果。 By using multiple materials, such as plaster and frames to create textures, and adding handpainted decorations, this layered look is graceful

在廳中央選用假天花 及宮廷式吊燈,氣派 不凡。 The false ceiling and grand chandelier in the middle of the room create a special air.

and elegant. One can create an even more beautiful effect with the addition of LED lights. Further, adding painted tiles and an oversized seal to decorate the crystal chandelier creates a strong visual effect.

2 3

ConTeMporary WhiTe CeiLing 當 代 白 天 花

天花以白色石膏板或磚瓦作 裝飾,能調和整體感覺。 Use white plasterboard or tiles as decorations to create a harmonious look.

要營造現代風格,為天花設計簡單的磚 瓦圖案,可讓空間變得生氣勃勃。設計師建 議選用白色來保持時代感,而且簡潔的線條 易於跟室內其他物件配搭和諧。 To create a modern look, consider simple tile patterns on the ceiling. The designer suggests using white to impart a contemporary look. The clean lines also match easily with the other objects in the room.

daMask WaLLpaper 大馬士革牆紙


棉編織而成,形態飽滿優雅,近看紋路精緻細膩、 遠觀大方得體,因而深受歡迎。這種牆紙獨立使用 時美觀耐看,與其他裝飾組合起來,則能突出立體 層次。

The Damask print is a famous pattern usually woven

from silk, hemp or cotton. With a full and elegant shape, the print shows delicate and detailed lines close up and looks graceful and sophisticated from afar. This type of wallpaper is very popular. Used alone, the wallpaper is beautiful and inviting. Combined with other decorations, it provides a textured look.

大馬士革圖案奢華大氣,是歐式家居風格中常見的元素。 This Damask print, popular in European homes, is grand and luxurious.


Stanislav Yesep






The Colors of India | From Our Weavers to Your Home

The Colors of India | From Our Weavers to Your Home

斑斕的色彩 由編織開始 text & photos | provided by Jordans



Jordans Rugs Ltd. has been the Western Canada leader in home Jordans began a fine area rug dealer in 1929 furnishings sinceas1929. on Granville Street, back when it was made of

Jordans began as a fine area rug dealer in 1929 on Granville Street cobblestones. Its founder, Edwin Jordan-Knox, acquired back when it was made of cobble stones. high-quality area rugs from around the world and Edwin, our founder, would find only the best area rugs from around the world showcased them in his Vancouver showroom. He would and showcase them in his new Vancouver showroom. Soon he would subsequently open more stores as areas outside the city open more stores as areas outside the city of Vancouver started to of Vancouver started to grow. grow. Jordans has continued to travel the world for 88

years nowfrom — to such places as India, Pakistan, Nepal, Jordans Edwin’s time as president to todays time, has always traveled worldofto only best but the leading trends Egypt and Turkey —the in search thefind finest and the trendiest for the last 88 years. As the 4th generation of Jordans family now run rugs. the Fourth-generation business of 15members flooring,of4the Jordans Interiors, and 3 Jordans Home Jordan family stores. We continue to keep the same ideals that got Jordans the now operate 15 Jordans Floor Coverings, four Jordans reputation as Western Canada’s leader for both quality value! Interiors and three Jordans Home stores, maintaining the

same ideals that have earned Jordans the reputation as Our buyers continue to travel to India, Pakistan, Nepal, Egypt and a Western leader forlatest both quality andare value! Turkey toCanada find what the trends in style.

自1929年起,Jordans Rugs Ltd. 已經是加 拿大西部家居佈置界的翹楚。時至今天,家族 經營的Jordans已傳承至第四代,開設了共15 間地氈專間店、4間室內裝潢中心及3間家居用 品店。然而品牌理念卻始終如一:不惜走遍全 球,務求找到品質至高而且價錢合理的產品, 令Jordans繼續於加西領導群雄。 當Granville大街還是佈滿鵝卵石的年代, 專營優質地氈的Jordans已經在這裡紥根。創辦 人Edwin一直堅持於溫哥華陳列室內,只會擺放 從世界各地搜羅得來的最優質產品。隨著溫哥 華周邊地區的迅速發展,Jordans亦計劃開設更 多門市。而採購隊伍的足跡遍佈印度、巴基斯 坦、尼泊爾、埃及和土耳其,精心發掘最時尚 的潮流精品,滿足有品味客人的要求。




COGNAC, WITH A TWIST 從新認識Grand Marnier text | Leslie Yip, Gloria Lo photos | provided by Grand Marnier

自1880年於法國面世以來,Grand Marnier一直沿用古方至今,以上乘的干邑和 苦橙精華,配製出屹立百年、經歷時代變遷仍能享負盛名的香橙干邑甜酒。每年 生產的干邑都由調製大師Patrick Raguenaud親自主理,可見對手工藝的堅持。 Grand Marnier, a unique combination of the noble cognac and exotic bitter orange essence, has withstood the passage of time. Since its creation in 1880, it has remained very “craft” – thanks today to master blender Patrick Raguenaud.




2 0 1 76

釀酒用的Ugni Blanc提子,均產自位於巴黎西南面

The Ugni Blanc grapes used in its production are harvested exclusively


in the Cognac region, located 450 kilometres southwest of Paris.

區內五個優質葡萄園:Grande及Petite Champagne,

The cognacs come only from the five finest crus: Grande and Petite

Borderies,Fins Bois和Bons Bois。各莊園土地成分不盡

Champagne, Borderies, Fins Bois and Bons Bois, each with its particular


soil type, which impacts the characteristics of the final product.


After double distillation in a copper still, the liquid is aged in oak casks,


absorbing flavours, aromas and tannins. The master blender then blends


the cognacs with the essence of bitter orange.

後再加入苦橙精華。 Grand Marnier uses a particular varietal of oranges, the citrus bigaradia, Grand Marnier一直堅持選用以香氣及味道而聞名的

which is known for its concentrated fragrance and flavour. The oranges are

citrus bigaradia橙,並規定趁果實還未成熟,仍在泛綠但

handpicked while they are still green and at their most aromatic. Then, they


are peeled and dried in the Caribbean sun before being sent to the distillery


in France, where their essence is distilled.

苦橙精華與調配好的干邑結合後,需在橡木酒桶內 待上一至六個月,釀製完成後,方可入樽。

After this essence is added to the cognac, the golden liqueur is allowed to rest in large oak vats for one to six months before being bottled in the iconic bottle.

Grand Marnier香橙干邑甜酒,猶如可放入口品嚐的 藝術品:芬芳的橙香帶著幽幽的甜,與干邑中淡淡的雲呢

The result? A distinctive orange aroma with nuances of candied zests


that is balanced by the slight vanilla, hazelnut and toffee flavours from the


cognac for a long and harmonious finish. Enjoy neat or in a cocktail, such

試這裡介紹的Grand Sidecar雞尾酒。

as the Grand Sidecar.

GrANd SIdeCAr 1.5 安士 Grand Marnier香橙干邑甜酒 1½ oz. Grand Marnier 0.5 安士 干邑 ½ oz. Cognac 0.5 安士 檸檬汁 ½ oz. lemon juice 將所有材料倒入調酒器,加冰搖勻後, 以雞尾酒杯盛載享用。 Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass.

Grand Marnier將成為今年11月舉行的溫哥華電影 節中的獨家烈酒贊助商,屆時將會於四個主要派 對,包括開幕、閉幕、行內及國際派對中提供精 心設計的Welcome Cocktail,並且於附設酒吧中提 供一系列以Grand Marnier調配的特色雞尾酒。 Grand Marnier will be the exclusive spirits sponsor for the Vancouver Asian Film Festival this November. It will be served at the Opening, Closing, Industry and International parties, where the brand will tailor-make a special Welcome Cocktail. A special Grand Marnier cocktail list will also be available at the bars.



2 0 1 76


choice 優雅洗練的時尚飛行風

London Air Service Refined flying in style 溫哥華國際機場是加拿大第二繁忙的機場,每年接待超過2千萬名乘客,處理近28萬次航班升降。而選 乘私人噴射機,可全權控制旅程,節省等待時間,直接上機,準時抵達目的地,能夠盡情休息,到埗 後以最佳狀態示人。對籌劃爭分奪秒的商務行程, 「時間就是金錢」 的商業大亨來說尤其重要。 採用私人飛機旅行時,你毋須等候。你將被直接送往恭候你的租賃私人飛機,並按時前往到達你的目 的地。機內沒有狹窄的座椅空間。飛行時你會得到所有需要的休息。抵埗時,你不僅是神采飛揚,更 是氣派萬千。 Every year, more than 20 million passengers travel through Vancouver International Airport, the second-busiest airport in Canada, handling close to 280,000 takeoffs and landings annually. Travelling on a private jet rather than a commercial aircraft can definitely help you save time and energy. It’s convenient, stress-free and provides you with total control. You’re able to organize spur-of-the-moment trips, something especially essential for business tycoons, for every minute counts and time is money. When travelling on a private jet, there is no waiting. You are taken straight to your plane and reach your destination on time. There are no cramped quarters. You’ll get all the rest you need and arrive in better shape and style. text | Kenson Ho & Mel Tobias photo | provided by London Air Service

01•London Air Services所有機師均符合最嚴格 標準,具備航空業中最高水平的 「航空運輸 飛行員」 評級。 The London Air pilots all hold Airline Transport Pilot Ratings, which is the highest available in aviation. 02•London Air精心挑選每架飛機,全都具備卓 越的航空電子、工程和一流安全功能。 Each aircraft in the London Air Services fleet has been handpicked for its exceptional avionics, engineering and state-of-the-art safety features.

選乘私人飛機,你能夠盡情休息,到埗後以最佳狀態示人。 When travelling on a private jet, you will get all the rest you need. You’ll arrive not only in better shape, but also in style. 70




03•Challenger 605的客艙環境,在同級別的大 型噴射機中最寬敞及最寧靜。 The Challenger 605 offers the widest and quietest cabin environment of any jet in its class. 04•AW139機身堅固流暢,更是同級飛機中最 寧靜的。 One of the quietest rides in its class, the AW139 is sturdy and smooth.

在溫哥華,位於列治文的London Air Services

Here in Vancouver, the Richmond-based london Air services has been providing


executive private jet and helicopter charters to a wide range of clientele — from heads of


state, celebrities and corporate leaders, to private individuals — since 1999.

機包機服務。 in choosing a private jet service, discerning travellers are always concerned with 在選擇私人飛機服務時,精明的旅客總關心安 全、保安和私隱問題。London Air Services承諾致

safety, security and confidentiality. this commitment and dedication pervades every facet of london Air services.


駕駛員 London Air Services所有機師均符合最嚴格標準,具備航空業中最高水平的「航 空運輸飛行員」評級。飛行經驗遍及北美、南美、中美洲、歐洲、中東、非洲和亞 洲,累計飛行時數超過65,000小時。他們更會針對將要駕駛的特定機種,接受製造廠 培訓。每年還會進行飛行模擬訓練和測試,確保能掌握最先進技術。London Air支援 S.M.S. (安全管理體系) ,保持高規格標準。



London Air精心挑選每架飛機,全都具備卓越的航空電子、工程和一流安全功能。 所有飛機由航空電子安全翹楚、在全球以創意和獨特設計聞名的龐巴迪製造。機隊「成 員」 包括Bombardier Learjet 75,它配備了無與倫比的創新航空電子系統,具備Lear安全 記錄,符合FAA標準。龐巴迪Challenger噴射機飛行超過25年,飛行時間超過三百萬小 時。AgustaWestand AW139直升機亦符合最高安全標準,具有CAT-A雙引擎系統,就算 首引擎出現故障,次台引擎仍能提供無間斷的動力。他們的新型AW139採用世界首創的 ice technology冰技術,無論任何天氣,就算遇上冰霜雪霧,仍能繼續飛行。

the Pilots london Air services holds its pilots to the highest standards. they all possess Airline transport Pilot Ratings, which is the highest available in aviation. they have experience flying


throughout north and south America, Central America, europe, the Middle east, Africa and Asia, with total pilot time in excess of 65,000 hours. they also go through factory training for the specific aircraft they will be flying. every year, they also undergo flight simulation training and testing to keep their skills updated. london Air also supports s.M.s. (safety Management system), maintaining their high standards.

the fleet each aircraft in the london Air services fleet has been handpicked for exceptional


avionics, engineering and state-of-the-art safety features. their jets are manufactured by Bombardier, an industry leader in avionics safety and known around the world for its exceptional design and innovative aeronautics. the fleet includes the Bombardier learjet 75, outfitted with an innovative avionics system that is second to none. it builds on the stellar lear safety record, meeting fAA standards. the Bombardier Challenger jets have been flying for more than 25 years, logging more three million flight hours. AgustaWestland AW139 helicopters are constructed to the highest safety standards. they feature a CAt-A twin engine system that provides uninterrupted power from the second engine in the event the first one malfunctions. their new AW139s utilize ice technology — the


first of its kind in the world — giving it the capability to fly in virtually any weather condition, including snow, ice and sleet.








london Aviation Centre Aircraft Maintenance


Well-maintained aircraft are the key to safe, efficient air travel. london Aviation’s full-time, factory-trained maintenance engineers have more than 70 years of combined experience. every two years,


they receive additional training at the manufacturers’ facilities to keep their skills current. All aircraft are maintained to the highest standards, as approved by transport Canada, and are housed in a state-of-theart hangar at the london Aviation Centre.

flight security and Confidentiality

London Aviation Centre飛機維修 飛機保養得宜,是安全、高效航程的關鍵。企業的全職維修 工程師曾接受製造廠培訓,具有70多年的綜合經驗。每兩年,他 們都會前往製造商的設施,進行額外培訓,以確保能掌握最新技 能。所有飛機均經加拿大運輸部認可,符合最高標準,並存放於 London Aviation Centre設備一流的飛機庫中。

through a network of privileged sources, london Air services’ security process reviews all flight aspects and designations to safeguard their customers’ privacy. Approaching nearly two decades of service for executives and ViPs, their confidentiality policy is unparalleled.

飛行保安和私隱 通過特別源頭網絡,London Air Services的保安流程會審查 所有航班和目的地,以保障客戶的私隱。集團擁有接近二十年服

every london Air services employee, from the booking


agent to the pilot, signs ironclad non-disclosure documents and undergoes a background check. no information about the

London Air Services所有員工,從訂票員到飛機師,都簽署

destination of the flights is ever made public or discussed beyond


the work zone. their confidentiality policy extends to client names,


flight details, privileged information discussed in flight, and any


contact information provided, including email addresses.


05•企業的全職維修工程師曾接受製造廠培訓,具有70多年的綜合經驗。 Their full-time, factory-trained maintenance engineers have more than 70 years of combined experience.

07•所有飛機均獲定期保養,並存放於London Aviation Centre設 備一流的飛機庫中。 All aircraft are regularly maintained and housed in London Aviation Centre’s state-of-the-art hangar.

06•London Air Services自1999年以來,一直為世界各地的客戶提供行政 級的私人飛機和直升機包機服務。 London Air Services has been providing executive private jet and helicopter charters to a range of worldwide clientele since 1999.

08•Learjet 75機艙內設備表現卓越,你可以在機上繼續日常工作。 Inside the Learjet 75, you can continue your work day with a cabin built for performance.

Learjet 75的飛行速度接近聲速,在51,000呎的飛行高度上, 較業內競爭對手更高更快,縮短飛行時間。 Flying close to the speed of sound and at 51,000 feet, the Learjet 75 flies higher and faster than its competition, minimizing travel time. 72





09•龐巴迪Challenger 605是專為國際商務旅 行人士而設的頂級商務噴射機 The Bombardier Challenger 605 is the premiere business jet for the international corporate traveller. 10•AgustaWestland AW139直升機符合最高 規格的安全標準。 AgustaWestland AW139 helicopters are constructed to the highest safety standards. 11•London Air直升機的著陸半徑只需100 呎,可載你前往北美洲最偏遠的角落。 With a tiny landing radius of just 30 metres, London Air helicopters can take you to the most confined and remote corners of North America.

some frequently Asked Questions:


Q: Can special catering requests be made?


A: yes. their sister company, sonora Resort, is part of the Relais and

答:可以。他們的姐妹公司Sonora Resort隸屬Relais and

Chateaux luxury hospitality group of hotels and restaurants, and


can accommodate your request. 問:可以帶多少行李? Q: How much luggage can i bring? A: each aircraft has a different baggage capacity. staff will calculate

答:每架飛機的行李盛載量均不同。他們將以乘客人數來計算特 定航班的行李重量上限,並確保過大物品能安放在行李艙內。

the maximum allowable baggage weight for the number of passengers on your particular flight and also ensure oversized items


will fit into the baggage compartment.

答:可以,Challenger可以從溫哥華飛到英國、東京或韓國,中 途僅須短暫停留一站。

Q: Can their planes travel overseas? A: yes, the Challenger jet can fly non-stop from Vancouver to Britain, or to tokyo or Korea with only one quick stop.

問:機上有洗手間設施嗎? 答:所有飛機都設有洗手間,直升機上則沒有。

Q: Are there washroom facilities on board?


A: there are washroom facilities available on all their jets. However,


there are no washroom facilities on the helicopters.


Q: How do we clear international customs? A: your passport information will be requested prior to your flight and will be provided to customs ahead of time. After landing, typical


customs will clear you.






Restaurant 在Bauhaus享受二人世界。 Dinner for two at Bauhaus.

維也納炸小牛排 (前) ,白鮮露筍湯 (後) Wiener schnitzel (front) and white asparagus soup (back).


Bauhaus 紅磚來自原來的建築物,添加的鐵質元素提供了 完美的配搭。 The red brick from the original Gastown building has been retained, with iron added on.

Unprecedented Modern German Fine Dining in Vancouver text | Kenson Ho & Mel Tobias photos | provided by Bauhaus

在溫哥華談及德國食物,自然不離 Schweinshaxe脆皮鹹豬手、Sauerkraut酸椰 菜、維也納炸小牛排及香腸的Oktoberfest十 月節等。但這又是否能夠代表高級的德國餐 飲? In Vancouver, most people undoubtedly associate European fine dining with French or Italian cuisine. You mention German food and images of Schweinshaxe (crispy skin roasted ham hock), sauerkraut, Wiener schnitzel and Oktoberfest, with lots of beer and sausages, emerge immediately. Yes, we have that in town, but is that a good representation of high-end German cuisine?





電影導演Uwe Boll出生於德國的小鎮Wermelskirchen,投資、製

Unimpressed with most of Vancouver’s fine-dining fare,


German-born movie director Uwe Boll took a bold move and


opened his first restaurant. Boll has financed, produced and


directed more than 35 feature films, screened in over 100


countries and at more than 70 international film festivals. However, it is his passion for fine food and wine that has led to


this grand culinary production.

和細緻入微;以將經典德國美食融入當代風格,提供當代的高級餐飲 體驗為理念。

Boll set himself the lofty goal of opening a restaurant that would be one of Vancouver’s best dining establishments and

捕捉Bauhaus精髓 《星尚》最近有機會到訪這家餐廳,並獲同是來自德國、風度翩翩

unlike anything else. The fresh and nuanced flavours of the dishes are built on the philosophy of transforming classic German cuisine into a contemporary form. He sought a

的Bauhaus總經理Daniel Klintworth慇勤接待。「Bauhaus餐廳的名字源

modern fine-dining experience — sophisticated, yet not too


stuffy, and worthy of a Michelin star. He poured $10 million into

最具影響力的運動。餐廳的設計非常符合包浩斯的風格 – 簡約、具體

gutting and renovating an old Gastown bank building.

實在。大量使用黑白兩色,沒有太多閃耀奢華的裝飾,傢具本身就是 室內的藝術品。」所用紅磚來自原來的建築物,配合新增的鐵元素,成 為完美配搭。 受到當代歐洲料理的啟發,Uwe看準機會,將德國風味帶到溫哥

Capturing the spirit of the Bauhaus movement EliteGen had the opportunity to visit Bauhaus recently


and was greeted by Daniel Klintworth, its charming general


manager, who is also from Germany.

精益求精。我很興奮Tim Schulte和David Mueller加入Bauhaus的團 隊。他們都是創意十足和才華洋溢的年輕廚師,毫無疑問具備勇奪米 芝蓮星星的能力!」

“The name of the restaurant — Bauhaus — was originally a German art school,” he explained. “But today, the historical Bauhaus is the most influential movement in the fields of

兩位行政總廚-合作無間 其中一名行政總廚David Mueller是本土人才的典範。出生於卑詩

architecture, art and design. The design of the restaurant is very much in line with the Bauhaus style. It’s minimalistic, it’s concrete and a lot of black and white is used. There is not


much ornate decoration, and the furniture itself is more like art


in the room.”

世。為Bauhaus工作,讓我有機會追尋和了解祖籍的文化。」他認為當 五感平衡時,就最能盡享烹飪的藝術。「我的目標是讓每個在這裡進膳 的客人,透過食物的口感、味道和當中技考,體驗前所未有的感受。」

The building’s original red brick has been retained, and the added iron elements provide perfect complements.

Bauhaus的設計秉承了包浩斯運動的精神。 The restaurant’ s interior has captured the spirit of the original Bauhaus movement. ELITEGEN




Restaurant 另一位行政總廚Tim Schulte,則為加盟 Bauhaus而從德國遠道而來。他在德國的頂級 餐廳工作了十多年,2013年勇奪「年度最佳廚

Bauhaus is a masterpiece in the making Inspired by modern European cuisine, Boll saw an


opportunity to bring the taste of Germany to Vancouver.


Much like his passion for film, Boll is adamant that every

悉尼和新西蘭工作,之後重返溫哥華。 「溫哥

Bauhaus guest enjoy a unique and pleasurable culinary



豐裕優質季節性食材,給予我們無限的創作空 間。我的菜單專注於新鮮農產品:一道菜中包

“My vision for Bauhaus has always been that we


never stand still and move forward, getting better and

的 - 我的烹飪哲學是愈簡單就愈複雜!」

better,” he says. “I am very excited to have both Tim


Schulte and David Mueller join as Bauhaus’s executive team. They are both young, creative and exceptionally


talented chefs. They undoubtedly have the skills to achieve a Michelin star!”

Two Executive Chefs – working in harmony Mueller is a prime example of homegrown talent. Born in British Columbia of German origin, he has honed his skills in Vancouver, working in some of the city’s top restaurants


over the past decade. “My grandfather came over to Canada during the war from Germany,” he says. “Unfortunately, he passed away when I was really young. Working for Bauhaus is Bauhaus團隊(左起):大廚Tim、總經理Daniel、老闆Uwe、 大廚David The Bauhaus team (from left) – executive chef Tim, general manager Daniel, owner Uwe and executive chef David.

a very cool way of acknowledging my heritage. “I truly believe that cooking is an art form that is appreciated best when all five senses are balanced.


My goal is that each guest who dines here experiences


something that they have never experienced before,


through texture, taste or technique.”

身為主廚,要面對壓力和極長的工作時間,現 在我們能夠相互依靠,大家在廚房裏合作得很

Schulte spent more than a decade in


the kitchens of Germany’s top restaurants.


Working in Hamburg in 2013, he was

品嘗菜單 體驗Bauhaus的最佳方式 要在Bauhaus得到最佳體驗,得選擇他們


awarded the distinction of “Best Chef of the Year.” He worked in Vancouver with a stint at Bauhaus before crossing the Pacific to work in Australia and New Zealand before returning to Vancouver.

採用最好和最新鮮食材和配料。每兩個月更改 一次的6道菜之嘗味菜單(tasting menu)。精選

“Vancouver has become an incredible


food city, with so much potential to work with great

鶉、卑詩Cache Creek牛排和新派維也納炸小

locally sourced seasonal ingredients,” he says.


“My menus focus on fresh produce. I love to play


with different textures in my dishes, layering raw,


cooked, crunchy, burned, and juicy. My philosophy is


‘Simplicity is Complexity’”

酒相得益彰。最近他們推出$550的特別葡萄酒 配對晚餐,包括Knipser的2013年Curvee X和 1988年的Lafite拉菲。

Is the kitchen big enough for two executive chefs? Mueller certainly believes it is, saying: “My previous work with Tim Schulte was only a glimpse






into the possibilities that we, together, can


achieve for Bauhaus. Being a head chef is stressful and time consuming, but it’s great that we are able to lean on each other. We work well in the kitchen together and have learned how not to step on each other’s toes. We create new dishes on our own, and fill in the voids together.”

Tasting menu – the best way to experience Bauhaus For the best experience at Bauhaus, there


is the six-course tasting menu that changes every two months, based upon the best and freshest produce and ingredients in season at the time. Fine selections include: green gazpacho, roast local quail, Cache Creek beef strip and a modern twist on Wiener schnitzel, 電影導演Uwe Boll是餐廳老闆。


Bauhaus啟業至今雖只有兩年 多的時間,卻已晉身為「世界50佳餐 館 (The World’ s Best Restaurants) 」 和「加拿大:100佳餐廳(Canada: 100 Best Restaurant)」行列,看來 距離米芝蓮摘星的目標,只有一步 之遙!

Bauhaus Restaurant


1 W Cordova St, Vancouver, BC V6B 2J2 604.974.1147 info@bauhaus-restaurant.com

to name a few. For wine connoisseurs, there are regular wine-pairing events — always with different wine regions or wineries. Recently they had a $550 special wine pairing dinner featuring 2013 Curvee X of Knipser and 1988 Château Lafite Rothschild. Despite being around for just over two years, Bauhaus has already made it to the Diners Club’s “World’s 50 Best Restaurants” and the “Canada: 100 Best Restaurants” lists. Could the Michelin star be next!

Wine pairing dinner – Knipser vs. Lafite.

A. 紅菜頭綠葉沙律,洒上烤松子仁。 Beet salad with seasonal greens and roasted pine nuts. B. 綠色西班牙凍湯,配金槍魚、青瓜及柚子豉油。 Green gazpacho with tuna, cucumber and yuzu-soy. C. 當代化的維也納炸小牛排。 The modernized Wiener Schnitzel D. 三文魚經水煮及以火槍炙面,配以馬鈴薯雪糕的特色頭盤。 Poached and torched salmon with potato ice cream, leek, and trout roe. E. 烤本地鵪鶉,配蘑菇大麥燴飯和蕁麻。 Local Quail with mushroom, barley risotto and nettle. F. 30天熟成卑詩省Cache Creek牛排,配洋荵、香蒜及煙馬鈴薯。 30-day, dry-aged Cache Creek beef strip with onion, garlic and smoked potato. G. 煙羊芝士配紅菜頭、大麥及香草。 Smoked goat cheese with beets, barley and herbs. H. 巧克力及鮮杏 Chocolate and apricot I. 曲奇餅乾在底部,檸檬黃油,山莓醬的甜品。 Cookie dough in the bottom, lemon butter, topped with raspberry coulis.





Food SIDECUT蒐羅加國食材 CanaDa 150餐單為加國慶祝生辰

Four SeaSonS reSort WhiStler

Canada 150: Hunt, GatHer, FisH — a Culinary Celebration markinG Canada’s 150tH anniversary text | Iris Yim photos | Johnny Liu


Whistler is not only the best skiing destination


in Western Canada, but also a wonderful place


to visit year-round. My favourite place to stay is

(Four Seasons Resort Whistler)。除了

Four Seasons Resort Whistler. In addition to the


requisite star-level residential services, the detailed


arrangements are above and beyond expectations.

Four Seasons Resort Whistler讓住客有家的感覺(圖片提供:Four Seasons Resort Whistler)。 Four Seasons Resort Whistler offers guests a home away from home. (Picture provided by Four Seasons Resort Whistler.)





威斯勒四季酒店度假村客房 A guest room at Four Seasons Resort Whistler

登記入住時,服務員已體貼的奉上apple cider。 長駐度假村的阿拉斯加雪橇犬Maola擺尾相迎。酒廊 每天下午四時有wine tasting,由專人介紹及試飲卑 詩省不同酒品。每個周六下午,更有大廚任導師的烹 飪班……種種住客活動完全免費。 每逢周四黃昏,在酒店餐廳SIDECUT Modern Steak + Bar露天庭園上演的Courtyard Thursday BBQ,更是Whistler鎮上盛事,每位所費不過34元, 已可品嘗包括多款海鮮、肉柳、肉眼排、肉腸的燒烤 自助餐。

At check-in, the attendant readily offers apple cider to guests. Then the resident Alaskan sled dog Maola comes up to offer an enthusiastic tail-


wagging welcome.

側的曲線命名。全餐廳最舒適的位置,是正面對著開 放式壁爐的座位,在熊熊爐火及柔柔的暖色燈影映照 下,充滿溫馨暖和的氛圍。

Every day at 4 p.m., there is a wine tasting in the bar, with experts offering samples of different British Columbian wines. There is also a chefled cooking class every Saturday afternoon. All of these are offered without


additional cost to guests.

件:肉質要達Canadian Prime或Black Angus等級 別;必須經40天熟成,令肉質鬆軟;使用溫度可

The Courtyard Thursday BBQ, a popular event for hotel guests and


Whistler residents alike, is offered at the resort’s Sidecut Modern Steak +


Bar. Priced at $34 per person, the barbecue buffet offers many types of

調味料,如Edison’ s Medicine、Herbal Ember、

seafood, fillets, rib-eye steaks and sausages.

Blueberry Hill等獨特的混合香草調料來醃味;上桌時 再輔以red herron、green jimmy、E2 steak sauce或 yuzu wisely等醬汁來調味,就能色香味俱全。

Sidecut exudes a real contemporary vibe. Named for the curve in the side of a ski that allows it to turn more smoothly, the restaurant’s most comfortable seats face the open fireplace. The blazing fire provide a warm


and cozy atmosphere.

Gurgel以本土食材入饌,設計了Canada 150 : Hunt, Gather, Fish的三道菜國慶餐單,網羅本地海陸空食

According to Sidecut’s chef, there are five requirements for a good


steak. First, the meat must be Canadian Prime or Black Angus and it must


be aged for 40 days for tenderization purposes. Using a 1,800°F (982°C) fire, the meat is seared for several seconds to retain its juices. In addition to seasoning with sea salt, the chef also adds his special herbal mix, which includes Edison’s Medicine, Herbal Ember and Blueberry Hill. Finally, the steak must be accompanied by Red Herron, Green Jimmy, E2 Steak Sauce, or YuZu Wisely when brought to the table for the perfect presentation. To celebrate the 150th anniversary of Canada, head chef Eren Guryel used local ingredients to design Canada 150: Hunt, Gather, Fish — three distinctive menus that showcase local ingredients from the seas, land and sky. $49 per person, wine pairings are an additional $49. (through the end of 2017)

不規則的多邊形泳池及按摩池, 是滑雪後鬆弛身心的好去處。 在度假村中庭可圍爐取火燒棉花糖,最容易交朋結友。 The irregular-shaped The barbecue in the central courtyard is a perfect swimming pool and massage place to roast marshmallows and to make friends. pool are perfect for relaxing after skiing.






CanaDa 150特色餐單

Canada 150: hunt, Gather, FiSh menu 頭盤可選的牛舌沙律、碗豆凍湯或是卑詩省生蠔。

The appetizer selections are salada de lingua, chilled pea soup, or fresh shucked Pacific oysters.




02 main CourSeS

01•加了刁草、brioche crouton、忌廉的豌豆凍湯清涼美 味。以豌豆茸製成的薄脆增添口感和對比,高湯裡的豌 豆甜糯,展現簡單就是美的道理。 With dill and brioche croutons on top, the creamy pea soup tastes cool and fresh. The bits of peas give a crisp taste in contrast to the sweet stickiness of the soup, resulting in a simple, but delicious combination. 02•亞省牛是加國重要資源之一,大廚今回以牛舌作沙律配 料。把煮至軟身的牛舌刨成如薄紙片,再以熟透番茄、 沙律菜和salsa verde醬汁作伴碟。意式醬汁裡的芫荽、 香菜、蒜茸、洋蔥茸等的調味,除了帶起沙律的味道之 外,亦為牛舌解膩。 Beef is one of Alberta’s important resources. Here the chef creatively uses beef tongue as a salad ingredient. Slicing the softly cooked beef tongue paper-thin, he adds tomatoes, salad greens and salsa verde. The salsa verde contains coriander, parsley, chopped garlic and chopped onions, and brings out the richness of the tongue.

為切合大廚設計餐單中hunt, gather, fish的初心,食客可

Apropos to the subtitle “Hunt, Gather, Fish,” guests can select seafood main courses at an additional cost. 04•羊頰肉是較少見的食材,以紅酒及肉汁慢火炆煮至酥爛入味 之後配baked celery root,效果有點像炆燉牛肋配薯茸,baked celery root更有營兼美味,羊頰肉的質感亦比牛肋細緻。伴碟 有用玉米造成的soft corn polenta,以及四枚煎得香脆金黃的 珍寶大帶子,脆香軟嫩鮮諸味兼而有之,滿足感百分百。 The lamb cheek is simmered in red wine and broth until soft and the flavours are well melded, and it’s matched with baked celery root. This dish is similar to stewed beef ribs with mashed potatoes. The baked celery root is more nutritious and flavourful, while the lamb cheek is tenderer than beef ribs. Side dishes include soft corn polenta and four pan-seared jumbo sea scallops. This course combines crispness, tenderness, and freshness in one to satisfy the most discerning palette.

04 05



05•另一主菜則選了pan seared snapper 加添三安士燒大蝦。Snapper是俗稱 紅雞魚的鯛魚,厚肉少骨,肉味鮮 甜。將鯛魚煎至金黃色,再加入好 像番茄凍湯味道的tomato gazpacho 醬汁。大蝦的爽脆口感和鯛魚的外 脆內嫩,猶如將人從雪山帶到海洋。 Another main course features pan-seared snapper and roasted shrimp. The snapper is fleshy with very few bones, and has a sweet and fresh flavour. After searing the fish lightly until golden, fresh cold tomato gazpacho is added. The final touch is the fresh jumbo shrimp, which together with the fish’s crispy outside and tender inside, transports the guest instantly from the snowy mountains to the deep seas.

佳餚自然要配美酒,是次Canada 150餐單,侍酒師便泰半以卑詩省 Orofino Winery的紅白葡萄酒來配對,提升味覺享受。 Good food goes best with fine wine. The Canada 150 menu features a number of reds and whites from British Columbia’s Orofino Winery. 06•Orofino Winery位於卑詩省Similkameen Valley,在卑詩省酒谷Okanagan Valley之 南,日照充足,在Similkameen River流域 位置,有河流調節氣溫。其Pinot Gris充滿 melon和茴香的清鮮芳香,入口creamy, 以之配搭碗豆凍湯,味道更甜美。 Orofino Winery is located in British Columbia’s Similkameen Valley, south of the famous Okanagan Valley wine region. There is plenty of sunshine in the valley, and the temperature is regulated by the Similkameen River. Its Pinot Gris is full of the fresh fragrance of melon and fennel, and it goes well with the cold pea soup.


03•卑詩省生蠔肥美甘甜,無論是Pacific Oyster還 是Kusshi品種,佐以少許檸檬汁又或是完全不 加沾醬,入口脆滑鮮爽的快意都讓人回味。 The oysters from British Columbia are full-bodied and sweet. Whether the Pacific oyster or Kusshi oyster, it has a crisp fresh taste, either with a little lemon juice or with no seasoning at all.






07•Riesling, Orofino, Hendsbee, BC屬 非常乾身的酒,酸度可口、口感清 脆,加上青檸和礦物質的味道,蘊 含Similkameen Valley典型的風土 特質,能減輕牛舌沙律的油膩,同 時保留牛肉脂香。 Hendsbee Vinegard Riesling is a very dry wine from Orofino Winery, with a lime and mineral flavour. The wine is full of the distinctive Similkameen Valley flavour and can balance the greasiness of the beef tongue salad while retaining the tongue’s flavour.




兩款甜品分別用了蜜糖、大黃、士多啤梨等食 材,呼應了gather的食材選擇路向。 A pair of dessert choices utilize honey, rhubarb, strawberries and other ingredients in keeping with the “gather” theme.

Almond cake裡有strawberry sorbet、strawberry meringue、 rhubarb compote, The almond cake is filled with strawberry sorbet, strawberry meringue and rhubarb compote. Chocolate mousse 內有細滑的巧克力 慕絲及採收自附近 Lillooet的蜜糖製成 honey cake、salted honey ice cream 等。 The smooth chocolate mousse and honey cake, made with honey from nearby Lillooet, is served with a sated honey ice cream.

設計時尚的SIDECUT Modern Steak + Bar The stylishly decorated Sidecut Modern Steak + Bar

08•Orofino Winery的招牌紅酒Red Bridge Red,主要由Merlot加上Syrah及 Cabernet等葡萄釀成。丹寧柔順,酒格和諧,櫻桃果香之中略帶巧克力香 氣及香草的辛辣,甚有層次感,為主菜羊頰肉和濃味肉汁帶來平衡的效果。 Orofino Winery’s signature Red Bridge Red is a Merlot, Syrah and Cabernet blend. Light in tannin and harmonious in flavours, the wine has a cherry fragrance mixed with a little chocolate and herb to add complexity. It is the best paired with the rich lamb cheek.




09•Orofino Winery的Chardonnay屬於中度酒體,明顯的酸亮度,帶點兒青蘋 果香,最宜配搭海鮮和番茄醬汁。 Orofino Winery’s Chardonnay has a medium but bright body. The wine has a slight green apple flavour and goes best with seafood and tomato gazpacho. 10•Orofino Winery汽泡酒Moscato Frizzante果韻充沛,散發橙花和桃香,是巧 克力慕絲的好拍檔。 Orofino Winery’s fizzy Moscato Frizzante is rich in fruit flavours, including orange blossoms and plums, and goes well with chocolate mousse. SIDECUT Modern Steak + Bar @Four Seasons Resort Whistler 4591 Backcomb Way, Whistler 778-770-1090 www.fourseasons.com/whistler





Wine Not

這個來自阿根廷的女士為 Susanna Balbo。 This Argentinian lady is Susana Balbo.


A WinemAking TrAilblAzer 這個女人,在上世紀八十年代單身挑戰男性主導的釀酒世界,獨力在阿根廷建立了她的

釀酒事業,亦打破阿根廷葡萄酒低質價廉宿命,在研發及釀造阿根廷特產的Torrontés 葡萄酒方面,取得破天荒驕人佳績,贏得 「阿根廷Torrontés女王」 的尊稱。 This special lady has forged a winemaking career spanning four decades, earning herself the title “Argentina’s Queen of Torrontés.” text | Ivan Wong






Born into a winemaking family of Italian descent,


Susana Balbo initially wanted to be a nuclear physicist,


but changed her mind due to her parents’ opposition.


Despite gaining a degree in winemaking, she was unable


to utilize all her skills in the family winery operated by her



果 硬 闖 進 去 ,「 成 功 爭 取 」成 為 首 位 女 釀 酒 師,並竭力鑽研,誓要打破阿根廷葡萄酒只 能是本銷為主的廉價酒宿命。

As a result, she decided to find her own way and successfully became the first female winemaker in Argentina, establishing Susana Balbo Wines in the Lujan

她喜歡阿根廷獨有的Torrontés葡萄,認 為它潛藏著獨特的個性,帶點矛盾的風味又 別具深度,表面看來粗糙無味,

de Cuyo region of Mendoza. She also broke with the tradition of making only low-cost wine suitable for local consumption.

內裡其實蘊藏高雅細緻的韻味, 蘊藏優雅潛質。在她手上,,阿根

She became particularly fond of the


Torrontés grape, unique to Argentina,


for what she describes as its singular


personality — full of conflicts and full of


depth. While it may initially seem rough

深層次清脆與優雅,才是它的精 髓。

and tasteless, anyone who has tasted her wine can attest to the Torrontés sweet fruity aroma, its crispness and its elegance. Susanna Balbo認為自己女性化的一 面,會著眼和關注每一細節,釀造好 酒。這瓶旗艦Malbec,就流露她的女 性特質。 Susana Balbo thinks her feminine side helps her pay attention to every detail in order to make a fine wine. Her flagship Malbec, in particular, exudes a feminine grace.

「女王」的Torrontés白酒完全放棄 skin contact程序,因為葡萄皮會帶 來苦澀的鐵銹味,悉心的木桶發酵 會讓其更高雅,更具 「大酒」 風範。 The “Queen of Torrontés” abandons the skin contact process, avoiding the bitter taste the grape’s skin can impart. Fermented in wooden barrels, this wine is more elegant and “grownup”.


01• 她的親子活動,是在葡萄園中給也是釀酒師的兒 子José Lovaglio傳授畢生釀酒絕學。 One of the parent-child activities she enjoys is sharing her winemaking experience with her son, José Lovaglio, who is also a winemaker. 02• Susanna Balbo在阿根廷產酒重鎮Mendoza育有一 子一女,並擁有一家以自己命名的酒莊。 Susana Balbo lives in the famous winemaking town of Mendoza and owns a winery bearing her name.





Elite Life

南非開普敦 臨海度假別墅

OcEan HOusE Cape Town, SouTh afriCa


Hop aboard a helicopter in Cape Town and fly to

Morukuru Ocean House,於非洲最南端享

eco-friendly Morukuru Ocean House for a few days of


hedonistic bliss at the southern tip of Africa. text & photo | Justin Fox





夕陽時分,客人都喜歡散步至沙丘,一邊欣賞日落,一 邊品嚐美酒小吃。 At sunset, guests often wander into the dunes, where drinks and snacks are served.


Our group of companions was strapped


in tight as we lifted off from a helipad in Cape


Town harbour, the sandstone ramparts of Table


Mountain towering above us. Turning east, we raced towards the Indian Ocean and along the

直昇機沿Overberg海岸線低飛,可見到鯨 魚、鯊魚及古老Khoikhoi部族的捕魚器。當見

coast, bound for what is arguably the most exclusive beach house in South Africa.

到那座紅白色燈塔,就知道已經飛過非洲大陸 最南端的Cape Agulhas。再沿內陸向De Hoop

Swooping low along the Overberg shoreline,


we spotted whales, sharks and ancient Khoikhoi

久的Cape Dutch manor house降落,迎接我們

(hunter-gatherer) fish traps. We passed Cape


Agulhas, the southern tip of the continent, marked by a graceful red-and-white lighthouse. Then

De Hoop是南非風景最美的海岸保育區,

our helicopter banked inland towards De Hoop


Nature Reserve’s Opstal headquarters. We came


to a gentle touchdown beside the old, Cape


Dutch manor house, surrounded by fig trees of


outrageous proportions.


De Hoop is one of southern Africa’s most


beautiful coastal reserves. It encompasses


360 square kilometres and stretches along 50


kilometres of tall sand dunes and white beaches, washed by the warm, turquoise Indian Ocean.


There are limestone cliffs, rock pools teeming with

驅車前往位於保育區中心的Morukuru Ocean

life, marshlands, a wondrous array of indigenous


vegetation and more than 260 species of birds.

建成的度假別墅,它建於海灘之上,能傲視廣 闊美景又同時獨享謐靜。

The reserve is a favourite with hikers,





Elite Life

觀鯨最佳地點 五星級的Morukuru Ocean House是

mountain bikers, birders and whale watchers. The neighbouring marine reserve, which extends five kilometres out to sea, is

De Hoop區內的新成員。由於別墅對開海

among the largest protected marine areas


in Africa.

四睡房的豪華臨海度假別墅成為觀鯨的最 佳地點。每年7月至11月,鯨魚都會遷移 至Overberg淺灘生產。

A game-drive vehicle arrived to ferry us to Morukuru Ocean House, a private concession in the heart of the reserve. A


short drive through the veld brought us to


the villa, built from limestone and set on a


magical spot above the beach.

拂時就更寫意。精緻的美食、私人專屬的 廚師、一流的服務、貼心的管家及溫暖的 火爐,絕對是最頂級的海灘度假別墅。 De Hoop是十分珍貴的自然生態環

Excellent whale-watching spot

沿岸的石池最適合進行浮潛。 Rock pools along the shoreline provide good snorkelling opportunities.

Ocean House is the new kid on the


block in De Hoop, providing five-star luxury


in a private home. The grand, four-bedroom


house offers excellent whale-watching on a


section of coast considered to be Africa’s


largest nursery for southern-right whales.


The blubbery cetaceans migrate to the Overberg shallows for calving from July to


November each year.




The interior design is inspired by


the surrounding vegetation and marine




這臨海度假別墅是最佳觀鯨地點。 The grand four-bedroom house offers excellent whalewatching views.

從開普敦前往別墅 Getting there from Cape Town 別墅距離開普敦約3.5小時車程,可於開普 敦機場租車。亦可選擇乘坐直昇機由開普敦前 往De Hoop。詳情可瀏覽silvercross.co.za。

別墅位處De Hoop自然保育區內一個受保護的小海灣。 Ocean House occupies a beautiful site above a protected cove in De Hoop Nature Reserve.

Road access is 3½ hours by car from Cape Town. Hiring a vehicle at the airport is a good option. Helicopter transfers are provided by Silvercross from Cape Town to De Hoop. It’s a thrilling way to get to Morukuru Ocean House. (silvercross.co.za) 後已重新於屋頂栽種。

environment. There’s an enclosed courtyard with swimming pool and living


area for al fresco dining (especially when


the southeaster is blowing). Excellent


cuisine, a private chef, impeccable


service, a butler and cosy fireplaces: this


is the ultimate beach house.

棘手的問題。 De Hoop is a fragile and precious 這裡的活動可謂多不勝數,如果在

natural environment and any new


development in the park has to adhere


to strict eco guidelines. This house


takes that ethos a step further and is


completely in tune with nature. It’s been


designed with renewable energy and low environmental impact as core objectives,

當地的植被稱為fynbos(南非高山 灌木) ,尤其春季時分處處都是花團錦

別墅下方是岩石嶙峋海岸線景致。 The coastline below Ocean House is characterised by spectacular rocky ledges.

and has a minimal footprint beyond the building.


Its eco design includes solar power

目。我們的領隊兼住宿經理Calvin du

(the back of the house has large banks


of solar panels) and double-glazed


windows. Borehole water is used and


vegetation that was removed during


construction was replanted on the roof


after the house was completed.


In addition, food waste and black


water from the villa are recycled, via a

二樓酒吧旁的陽台,讓人悠閒地看看書,享受日光浴。 An upstairs deck beside the lounge is a perfect place to sunbathe with a good book. ELITEGEN




Elite Life 步,然後戴上面罩及呼叫器進行浮潛,海膽、海星、小丑魚還有

bio-gas tank, to provide methane gas for use in the kitchen. In fact,


the house has been off the grid from Day 1, thereby helping to relieve some of the thorny tourism-versus-sustainability issues, particularly in


such a sensitive natural environment.

面。工作人員已經擺好餐桌,讓我們一邊品嚐美酒,一邊欣賞眼 There are plenty of activities to keep guests busy, should the lure of whale-watching from the rooftop bar-cum-lounge not prove compelling enough. We went mountain biking and hiked the coastal trails, spotting herds of eland, bontebok and Cape mountain zebra, ostriches by the flock and some of the reserve’s other astonishing bird life. The local vegetation, known as fynbos, is magnificent, especially during spring, and we hiked through carpets of flowers. As we walked, our host and lodge manager, Calvin du Plessis, pointed out the various plant species: brown sage, hedgehog lilly, geophytes and buchus. The veld all around us was shrill with sunbirds, weavers and mousebirds kicking up a delightful racket. The shoreline below the villa is fabulously rich in sea life. We wandered along the rock ledges at low tide, then donned masks and snorkels to float above underwater gardens boasting a kaleidoscope 因建築工程而被移除的植被,在別墅完工後已重新於屋頂栽種。 Vegetation that was removed during construction was replanted on the roof after the house was completed.

of urchins, starfish, anemones and crustaceans.


house. A drinks table and chairs had been set up and the views were


to die for. There were sandboards on hand for the more adventurous


in our group to go whizzing (or tumbling) down the slopes. Whales

On our last evening, we climbed the dunes to the west of the

were everywhere. Mothers coddled their calves, some lobtailed, others 我一邊呷著當地出產的Sauvignon Blank,望著夕陽朝Cape

spyhopped and out to sea were a few energetic breachers.

Agulhas徐徐落下,一邊聆聽Calvin介紹這一帶海岸的早期歷史。 這裡的貝丘(古時人類居住的遺址,後來成為古老部族Khoikhoi的 從二樓酒吧可看到別墅兩旁以石灰岩建成的側翼,一直伸延至大海。 The view from the upstairs lounge, with the house’s two limestone wings reaching towards the sea.





Sitting there, watching the sun sink towards Cape Agulhas with

私人泳池位於庭院之內,當東南風輕輕吹拂時,實在寫意非常。 The private swimming pool is set in a courtyard, protected from the breezy southeasters.





四間套房設有落地玻璃門,迷人海景盡入眼簾。 The four suites have glass doors overlooking the ocean.

二樓的酒吧坐擁海岸線的美景,更可觀賞鯨魚。 The upstairs bar and lounge offer stunning views of a shoreline where whales come to calve.

Morukuru Ocean House 的 浴室均可眺望無敵美景。 All bathrooms at Morukuru Ocean House have sumptuous views.





居所)迎著潮漲潮退已經歷數千年。這裡亦可見到古老的 石製捕魚器,乃是近幾個世紀沿岸居民用以在潮退時捕 捉大魚之用。 我腦海裡描繪著人類祖先們搭起石池捕捉海豹及以 魚叉捉魚的景象。海浪猛烈地拍打著懸崖,代表冷峰正 於西面形成。我呼吸著一口夾雜著海水的清爽空氣,結 束了這清新怡人的一日。此時此刻,再沒有甚麼地方更 讓我嚮往。 a glass of local Sauvignon Blanc in hand, I listened to du Plessis recount the early history of the coast. The shell middens on this very dune attested to millennia of survival off the inter-tidal zone, first by early humans and later by Khoikhoi. The stone traps (to catch bigger fish on the outgoing tide) spoke of advanced fishing methods by the coast’s inhabitants in more recent centuries. I imagined our early ancestors ranging the rock pools, perhaps hunting the occasional seal and spearing fish. Waves hammered the base of the cliffs: the first sign of a cold front brewing in the west. It was the end of a clear, crisp spring day. A mountainous swell rolled in, the air salty and invigorated by the pummelling. At that moment, I thought, there was nowhere on earth I’d rather be.

別墅簡介 About the house 這座臨海度假別墅是Morukuru家族七大度假別墅的其 中之一(另有三座別墅位於南非Madikwe國家公園內)。尊 尚奢華的Morukuru Ocean House可接待八名成人及四名 小童。四間套房均設有私人浴室及海景落地玻璃門。 別墅設施包括酒吧、無線上網、圖書館、托兒服務、 私人泳池、管家服務、私人廚師、開放式吉普車及導遊, 當然少不了藏酒量豐富的酒窖。 房價(四位客人)每晚由加元$2,065起。每位成人附加 費為加元$422。 Ocean House is part of the Morukuru Family Collection of seven properties (including three villas in Madikwe National Park, South Africa). Morukuru Ocean House can accommodate eight adults and four children in luxury. The four suites have their own ensuite bathrooms and glass doors overlooking the ocean. Facilities at the house include a bar, wi-fi, a library, babysitting service, a private swimming pool, butler, private chef, game-viewing vehicle and guide, and a well-stocked wine cellar. Minimum house rates (for four guests) start at $2,065 per night. Additional adults pay $422 per person. morukuru.com





Elite Car

V90的車身比Cross Country的低。圖中款式具備最高檔的 Inscription trim。 The V90 has a lower body stance than the Cross Country version. Shown here is the top-level Inscription trim.


VolVo’s V90 luxury wagons continue taking the brand upmarket

這邊廂我們已經深深愛上跨界別車,那邊廂,歐洲的用家仍然迷戀著旅行 車。我成長於60年代,當時北美洲盛行旅行車,我們一家也以它代步。 當年乘坐旅行車去露營、或在夏天出遊的情景,至今仍歷歷在目。 While we have gone crossover crazy on this side of the pond, Europeans still hold a fondness for the station wagon, or estate car as the Brits and other overseas countries would call it. Growing up in the ’60s, when wagons were all the rage in North America, they were the vehicle of choice for our family. I fondly remember many a camping or summer road trip in our station wagon of the day. text and photo | Lorne Drury Metroland Media





V90內飾簡約而高貴,配以柔軟真皮、木質裝 飾及金屬飾面。 The V90 interior is simple, yet elegant, with a mixture of soft-touch materials mixed with wood and metal trim accents.


V60 Cross Country旅行車。它們與奧迪A4 Allroad、福士Golf


Alltrack、富士Outback及平治E-Class Wagon一爭天下,為一度

Cross Country豪華旅


行車幾個星期,如今我敢 說,我對旅行車的鍾愛,從未 像如今般強烈。

V90和V90 Cross Country是2017年的新型號,外型美觀, 為旅行車的市場加溫。







很少在路上出現。然而,看看2017年的新車清單, 旅行車熱潮有可能捲土重來。

今天的V90是富豪汽車90系列中的頂級車款之一,與XC90 SUV及S90房車齊名。中國吉利控股集團旗下的富豪,在這3款

富豪率先推出V60系列,包括有V60,V60 Polestar及

After a couple of weeks test-driving Volvo’s 2017 V90 and V90


The V90 and V90 Cross Country are new for 2017 and

Cross Country wagons, I must say: my love affair with the ‘estate’

they can’t do anything but bolster the cause because they are

is as strong as ever.

downright beautiful.

These Volvos offer the utility of an SUV with the characteristics

The pair are far removed from the boxy wagons we remember

and aerodynamic design of a sleek sports sedan. Who would

from the Swedish automaker, which operated an assembly

have thought that a station wagon could be so beautiful and so

plant in Halifax from 1963 to 1988. Those cars were safe,


reliable and built like tanks, but styling was not their strong suit.

For years now, station wagons have become relatively rare on Canadian roads, as crossover SUVs have taken over. Yet, a

Today’s V90 is one of Volvo’s top-of-

look at the roster for 2017 suggests low wagons may be making a

the-line luxury vehicles in the 90 series,


joining the XC90 SUV and the S90 sedan. The trio is helping move

Volvo leads the way with a lineup already featuring the V60,

Volvo, now under the Chinese

V60 Polestar and V60 Cross Country wagons. Add in the Audi A4

ownership of Geely, further

Allroad, VW Golf Alltrack, Subaru Outback and Mercedes-Benz

into the premium

E-Class Wagon and you have a niche segment of the market that,

segment of the

at one time, seemed destined for the automotive graveyard.

automotive market. V90 Cross Country車底比標準的V90高60毫米 (2吋)。 The V90 Cross Country sits about 60 mm (2 inches) higher than the regular V90.





Elite Car 富豪90系列都是在該公司全新的可擴展

All Volvo’s 90-series vehicles are built


on the company’s new fully modular Scalable


Product Architecture platform.

59,900元起。R-Design的售價由64,500元起, 而T6 Inscription則以66,050元作起點。我們試 駕的車款加上選項,售價為79,323元。

Available in Momentum, R-Design and Inscription trims, the V90 starts at $59,900. The R-Design is priced from $64,500, while the T6 Inscription has an MSRP of $66,050. With

V90 Cross Country專為愛好野外活動人士

options, the price of our test car came in at $79,323.

而設,底部高度升高了60毫米(2吋),全輪驅動 為標準裝置,正好適合登山涉水,是周末到郊 外度假,以及北上旅遊滑雪的最佳選擇。

The V90 Cross Country, meanwhile, is the V90 for the more adventurous buyer. With a ride height that is raised about 60 millimetres (two inches) and standard all-wheel drive, this is the car you can take off-road. It might be the ideal

Cross Country售價由61,900元起,比起

vehicle for cottagers or families heading north to ski country for weekend outings.

V90的基本型號僅高2,000元。我們測試的V90 Cross Country旅行車,配備名貴Nappa真皮跑

Prices start at $61,900 for the Cross Country version, only $2,000 above the base


V90. With three option packages, including sport seats with Nappa leather, a climate


package and a premium package, our V90 Cross Country test wagon priced out at $67,875.

Cross Country的車底明顯高過V90,進氣 格柵和防撞槓略為不同,有經驗的人士才會察

The Cross Country sits noticeably higher than its V90 counterpart. It has a different


grille, bumpers and other minor visual cues that the educated consumer would notice,


but most in the general public might not 1unless the two cars were sitting side-by-side.



01•從車尾看V90 Inscription,富豪旅行車最高檔的型號。 This is a rear look at the V90 Inscription, the top trim level on the Volvo wagon. 02•V90外型流暢雅緻,有空氣動力學設計,後座腳部及頭部空間寬敞。 Despite its sleek, aerodynamic design, there is generous leg- and headroom in the backseat of the V90. 03•20 吋輪圈是V90的選置項目。 These 20-inch wheels are optional on the V90.


Power for both comes from a 2.0-litre inline four-cylinder engine that is


both turbocharged and supercharged to produce 316 hp at 5,700 rpm and


295 lb/ft of torque from 2,200 rpm. It is mated with an eight-seed Geartronic


automatic transmission that sends power to all four wheels.


For years, Volvo’s interiors have been rated at the top of my list and


both of these vehicles live up to expectations. The cabins are downright


beautiful — luxurious and modern, yet simple and elegant, with just the right


Scandinavian touch that includes a nice mixture of leather, wood and metal.




Our Inscription model came with standard features, such as navigation


system, a panoramic sunroof, sumptuous leather upholstery, a 23-centimetre


touchscreen display with voice controls, four-zone electronic climate control

Apple CarPlay功能的Sirius衛星收音機、電動升降尾箱

with cooled glove box, Sirius satellite radio and Apple CarPlay. It also had a


power liftgate, cushion extensions, lumbar supports and front memory seats


that are both heated and cooled.





Being a Volvo, there are safety features galore, such as City Safety low-


and high-speed collision mitigation, lane departure warning, road sign warning,


driver alert and road edge and barrier detection with auto-steer.

測功能。 Ride and handling appeared a touch better in the V90 than the Cross V90在駕駛及控制方面比Cross Country更好,部

Country, in part because of the optional rear air suspension that adds $2,350


to the price tag. It certainly helped smooth things out on a couple of rough,


pothole-lined roads that we encountered.

感覺平穩。 Although small in displacement, the engine was powerful enough for 雖然引擎排氣量較小,但足以在駛進高速公路時

overtaking slower vehicles on the highway, or merging into high-speed


traffic from an on-ramp. Engine noise is evident on hard acceleration,


but the cabin is quiet and serene when the car is at speed.

內依然寧靜。 While many SUV owners love the extra ride height they 很多SUV的用家喜愛高高在上的駕 駛感覺,然而富豪及其他汽車製造商 都認為,仍有不少買家希望要一

provide, Volvo and other automakers are betting there is a significant number of buyers who want a wagon that is more sedan-like and, in Volvo’s case, luxurious.

輛更像轎車的旅行車。對於想 購買豪華旅行車的買家來 說,V90和V90 Cross Country可能是他們 的最佳選擇。

For many of them shopping the luxury segment, the V90 and V90 Cross Country may be just what the doctor ordered.

VolVo V90 / V90 Cross Country 2017 at a glanCe 車身款式:五座位 大型高檔旅行車。 驅動方式:前置引擎, 全輪驅動。 耗油量:V90, 10.8/7.6/9.4 公升/100公里 市內/高速公 路/綜合;V90 Cross Country, Cross Country有車尾防撞滑板,而標 10.7/7.9/9.4。 準的V90則沒有。 引擎:2公升雙增壓渦輪四缸引擎(316匹 The Cross Country has a rear skid 馬力,扭力295磅/呎),八前速Geartronic自 plate that sets it apart from the 動波箱。 regular V90. 行李箱容量:後座椅直立時有560公升(19.8立方 呎),後座椅收起時有1,529公升(54立方呎)。 售價:V90 — 59,900元至66,050元,測試車售價 79,323元;V90 Cross Country — 61,900元,測試車售 67,875元。 網址:www.volvocars.ca 優點:車廂內飾非常精美,配以柔軟真皮、木質裝飾及金屬 飾面。 缺點:大力加油時引擎噪音較大,但在高速行駛時便回復正 常。 有趣之處:V90只是富豪幾款旅行車系列中的一種。

BODY STYLE: Five-passenger, full-size premium station wagon. DRIVE METHOD: Front-engine, all-wheel drive. FUEL ECONOMY: V90, 10.8/7.6/9.4 L/100 km city/ hwy/combined; V90 Cross Country, 10.7/7.9/9.4. ENGINE: 2.0-litre turbocharged and supercharged four-cylinder engine (316 hp, 295 lb/ft) with an eightspeed Geartronic transmission. CARGO CAPACITY: 560 litres (19.8 cu ft) with rear seat up, 1,529 litres (54 cu ft) with rear seats folded. PRICE: V90 — $59,900 to $66,050, as tested $79,323. V90 Cross Country — $61,900, as tested $67,875. WHAT’S BEST: The interior is superbly finished, with a nice mixture of soft touch materials, wood trim and metal accents. WHAT’S WORST: Engine noise is evident on hard acceleration, but settles down at speed. WHAT’S INTERESTING: The V90 is just one of several wagons in the Volvo lineup. WEBSITE: volvocars.ca








Bowers & wilkins Top sound

為慶祝50周年誌慶,Bowers & Wilkins

Celebrating its 50th anniversary, Bowers & Wilkins has


introduced its flagship P9 Signature headphones, delivering

Signature。由旗艦800 D3揚聲器的世界

the best sound yet. Developed by the same world-class


team responsible for the iconic 800 D3 speaker, these


headphones replicate the sound quality of hi-fi speakers. text | lwy





P9 Signature將品牌旗艦高保真揚聲器的頂尖

P9 Signature is the result of applying the pioneering technology of the brand’s


flagship speakers to its headphones. It perfectly blends crystal-clear mid-range


with deep and agile bass and crisp treble.

於傳統耳機一般採用組合振膜,四周環繞獨立懸吊 系統,P9 Signature採用了Hi-Fi揚聲器設計的半活

Unlike traditional headphones that use composite diaphragm and independent


springy suspension, P9 Signature uses a proprietary semi-piston diaphragm


typically found in a hi-fi speaker, designed to resolve the conflict between low


frequency and high compliance. It succeeds in using high frequency to deliver powerful bass and superior sound quality.

在消除失真方面,P9 Signature耳機擁有複合 單元支架結構,透過有限元分析增強及優化單元結

P9 Signature’s earcups are designed as sophisticated acoustic cabinets, using


Finite Element Analysis and composite and aluminum that has the hardness to


push resonance to the inaudible range and render music with total precision. The


transducers are angled so that the stereo sound is more real, much like wearing


surround-sound hi-fi speakers on the ears.

P9 Signature以來自意大利的Saffiano皮革製

P9 Signature features Saffiano leather from Italy. A unique stamping technique


is applied to give the leather a cross-hatch finish. The memory foam not only


contours along the head, but also serves as an effective acoustic. The foldable


aluminum headphone arms significantly enhance durability and headband flexibility.

大大提升耐用性與頭帶彈性。使用Alcantara物料的 便攜盒,典雅的絨面令人一見傾心,便於隨身攜帶 及妥善保存P9 Signature。

The carrying case is in Alcantara material, featuring a fascinating and elegant velvety surface. It’s great for storing and carrying the P9 Signature around.





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d What a stylish an enblanctoronto. us. @ er g din itin @ inv e r fo tim ce us marvello concordcitypla @ ex Ad d #EliteGen had a or nc ing! Thanks Co memorable even 派對 EBTO2017 #白色 #D ial oc concords

#Spotted Jessica Chastain in Toronto for her new film Molly’s Game. #TIFF2017 #redcarpet #多倫多國際電影 節 Repost from @prada





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How do you wear your #TwillydHermes? All over! The iconic @hermes narrow silk scarf is now a perfume, featuring striking ginger and sensual tuberose notes. Loooove that silk ribbon! #perfumelover #tieoneon #愛馬仕之戀

#CandyCrush for adults! The ice cream and lollipop pieces from @Bulgariofficial’s Diva’s Dream collection is sweetness overload. #少女心

DJ Evalicious at the opening party for Toronto Fashion Week, a gathering of models, designers and the Canadian fashion industry in Yorkville. @ tfw #reimagined #TOFW #時裝盛事

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