Sep 2017 EliteGen Calgary

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A publication by Sing Tao Media Group September


September 2017 Vol. 28 Calgary

Fashion Headline

秋季新袋特集 Fall bags are here

The besT Time : Linda Chung

最好的時光 鍾嘉欣Linda Chung Watch Story


Diving Watches

Elite Car


Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio 2017


Masthead 28

A publication by Sing Tao Media Group September


September 2017 Vol. 28 Calgary

Fashion Headline

秋季新袋特集 Fall bags are here

The besT Time : Linda Chung

最好的時光 鍾嘉欣Linda Chung

Read Online:

潛行錶間 Elite Car


App: “EliteGen”in App Store & Google Play

Watch Story Diving Watches

Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio 2017


EG028_Cover_hires_V6.indd 3

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer

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總裁 President

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23/8/2017 1:43:44

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徐少玲 Iris Chui

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Ross Hopkins 易珮華 Clarice Yik Grace Chan, Joanne Chan, Lorne Drury, Kenson Ho, Gloria Lo, Zoe Mak, Crystal Ng, Monessa Ng, Renée S. Suen, Mel Tobias, Shuk Wa Tsang, Livian Wu, Miranda Yiu

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編輯部 Editorial Contact 營業部 Advertising Contact / 403-213-6882 Address : #10, 40 Hopewell Way NE, Calgary AB T3J 5H7

contents SEP


watch story



cover story


Immerse In DIvIng Watches

最好的時光 鍾嘉欣 the Best tiMe linda Chung

ladies’ Picks



elegant KItten heels

Fashion headline

32 秋季新袋特集 Best Bags For Fall


40 Van CleeF & arpels the Mystery KingdoM


44 唐老鴨古馳遊 donald duCK tours guCCi

Men’s Picks

48 關鍵兩吋 that essential two inChes


50 gaBrielle: Chanel BeFore CoCo

Beauty news

54 美之成就 – 賦活雙精華第八代 Clarins douBle seruM a BeautiFul suCCess

56 強效精華液 年輕明眸再現 eliZaBeth arden adVanCed CeraMide Capsules daily youth restoring eye seruM

57 成就傳說 肌膚延命再生 shiseido Future solution lX FroM legend to luXury sKinCare

contents SEP





comox valley : a closer relatIonshIp WIth the sea

elite car



alfa romeo gIulIa QuaDrIfoglIo 2017 love at fIrst sIght

elite liFe


napa valley - lIghts, camera, auctIon!


58 ageless sKin


64 完美開放式廚房 the perFeCt open-style KitChen


66 匯聚奢華表現典範 eQuinoX perForManCe is reFering to perForManCe in eXerCise


70 驚喜滿點的當代料理 Botanist – Modern world Cuisine with a happy twist

wine not

80 愈潮愈神秘 Keeping it hip and seCretiVe


94 操控未來 Xperia touCh touCh the Future

e · stagraM

98 關注星尚ig,緊貼潮流 elitegen goes soCial

部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 All prices are in CAD unless otherwise specified. 除特別標明外,所有價錢以加幣計算。

Dress Code text | 蔡安儀

Lily Lee 自小已經是時裝精,曾修讀時裝設計,並夢想成為時裝設計師,致力宣揚 「飯可以不吃,衣服不可以不買」 的精神。 近年由藝人轉型為Fashionista,在網上撰寫時裝專欄,同時身兼網上節目 《谷乜Trend》 監制及主持,分享時尚及美容資訊。 Born with an eye for fashion and style, becoming a fashion designer was always Lily’s dream. Now that she’s a fashionista, not only does she have her own styling blog, but she also directs and hosts the reality show Music Live Valley, where fashion and beauty trends are explored.


神采 飛揚



too matronly

老氣 太太


Hot and cold

一冷 一熱


Anna Heung

Fiona Sit

Hilary Tsui

向海嵐穿着Dorian Ho晚裝,看上去但覺高挑又搶 眼,加上妝容恰到好處,即使是42歲也依然神采飛 揚。只是腰間的透明紗遮擋身段線段,略為美中不 足。

Couturissimo的設計,無論胸部和裙腳的不規則剪 裁均不俗,但壞在布料色澤太沉,雖然看似一幅油 畫,卻很是老氣,和薛凱琪不相襯。

徐濠縈所穿的Saint Laurent皮裙,是很難穿得好看 的款式。幸好她夠骨感,加上all back髮型,再配襯 Balenciaga粉紅色襪連靴,型格十足!

This evening gown by Dorian Ho lengthens Anna’s figure, and is definitely an attentiongrabber. Along with stylish makeup, her look belies her age of 42. One area that could stand improvement is the translucent chiffon veil at her midriff, which hides her curves.

Fiona is wearing a dress by Couturissimo, with eye-catching details created by asymmetric cuts at the bust and hemline. The material’s overly dark tones might make for a nice oil painting, but are too old-fashioned for Fiona’s aura.

Hilary’s leather dress by YSL is usually hard to pull off, but with her thin figure and an allback hairdo, she’s the exception. Paired with Balenciaga fuchsia boots, this outfit screams originality!




acEd it!

性感 甜美


lEgs for milEs

忽然 變高


a Bold statEmEnt

硬朗 個性


Eliza Sam


Candy Lo

岑麗香的June Eleven短裙,即使全是間條,另加複 雜ruffle,但她的纖瘦身型卻完全駕馭得到。加上線 條優美的膊頭和鎖骨位,集性感和甜美於一身。

Angelababy穿着這牛仔褲,雙腳看上去更是修長, 很有超模風範。只是今年崇尚休閒風,這樣的貼身 小喇叭牛仔褲和黑色密頭厚底鞋,未免感覺拘束。

Nina Ricci黑白粗間one piece,仿如乾濕褸設計, 盧巧音的all back髮型和健康膚色,再襯以Stuart Weitzman短靴,加倍突出其鮮明的硬朗個性。

Horizontal stripes and complex ruffles? Eliza aces this hard-carry June Eleven dress with her svelte figure.

In these jeans, Angelababy’s legs are lengthened and produce the look of a supermodel. However, relaxed looks are more trendy these days, so such fitted flapper jeans and black closed-toe platforms seem a bit too conservative.

Candy makes a bold statement with her sweptback hair, a graphic Nina Ricci dress and Stuart Weitzman ankle boots.





Dress Code

translucEnt lurE

透視 誘惑

Shay Mitchell


tHE art of curvEs

真空 聚焦

Iggy Azalea

sHort sHock

短髮 創新

Cara Delevingne

主演 《Pretty Little Liars》 的加拿大女星Shay,一襲 全白透視jumpsuit,胸前deep V恰到好處,簡簡單 單的配上耳環和戒指,清爽怡人。

Rap歌之后Iggy真空穿上度身訂造的貼身粉紅晚 裝,突顯玲瓏浮凸的身段,成功搶盡鋒頭。

短髮很易限制打扮,但型模Cara這髮型顯示創意原 來才最重要,斜斜的留海加頭箍再配全黑打扮以及 頸鏈裝飾,同樣洋溢女人味,十分討好。

Shay's a sheer white jumpsuit with a deep-V neckline accentuates her busty figure. Paired with earrings and a ring, the Canadian star of TV’s Pretty Little Liars manages to pull off a simple and fresh look.

After her rap performance, Iggy appears in a custom-fitted pink braless gown that shows off her curvy figure and steals the crowd’s attention.

Short hair can be limiting, but in Cara’s case, her hairdo is very creative. Her sideswept bangs, headband, choker necklace and black attire from head to toe speaks femininity and is very eye-catching.

連身服 Jumpsuit:August Getty Atelier 鞋 Shoes:Jimmy Choo 手袋 Clutch:Jimmy Choo 首飾 Accessories:XIV Karats、Kenneth Jay Lane

裙 Dress:Christian Cowan

套裝 Suit:Burberry

網評:輕易而舉成為是夜最佳衣著得主! Comments from netizens: easily the best outfit of the night!

網評:髮型和化粧跟晚裝配合得天衣無縫, 是花心思之作! Comments from netizens: What a well thought-out look!

網評:有型又不失女人味的裝扮。 Comments from netizens: Stylish but doesn't lose femininity.







colour pop

一絕 配色

pErsonalizEd ElEgancE

自訂 貴氣


潑墨 登場

Priyanka Chopra

Kate Middleton

Gwyneth Paltrow

印裔美女明星Priyanka是公認的時裝達人,天生一 身蜜色肌膚,穿上式樣剪裁特別的白裙展露長腿, 演繹何謂賞心悅目!

凱蒂王妃的裝扮從未令人掉眼鏡,穿上此度身訂造 的白色晚裝,充滿王室貴氣,加上具時代感的點綴 元素,又一成功示範之作。

桂莉芙身段修長,作中性打扮,全白恤衫西褲以統 一潑墨圖案襯托,甚有藝術感。

Priyanka is widely known as a fashionista. Her honey-coloured skin tone is a perfect canvas for the uniquely side-split white dress. Very eyeopening!

The Duchess of Cambridge nails it again with this custom white evening gown. The linear details add a touch of modern elegance.

Gwyneth Paltrow looks dapper in a head-totoe ensemble featuring an expressionistic splash ink print that seems to be inspired by Oriental art.

裙 Dress:Armani

裙 Dress:Gosia Baczynska

衫 blouse:Prada 褲 pants:Prada

網評:簡單又有品味。 Comments from netizens: simple and classy.

網評:比平時更有型格和活力。 Comments from netizens: more playful than usual.

網評:她的文藝氣質起畫龍點睛之效。 Comments from Netizens:Love the artistic flair!








Cover Story

最好的時光 鍾嘉欣

Vivienne Tam orange embroidered dress






leaps in her identity were joyfully celebrated by


her fans, but with some trepidation. They readily


sent her best wishes, yet were concerned that


perhaps their film sweetheart would retire from




We got a response to this perplexing question


when the 33-year-old actress was back in Hong


Kong: “During my on-screen career for more than


a decade, fans have been a great support for me.


I’m very touched by this. How could I give this up


and just disappear?”

的,應該為她高興。 Her biggest wish was to have a family, be Linda Chung surprised her fans in February

a dedicated mom and a loving wife.

2016 when the screen idol announced she had

She has done that. Meanwhile, her

become someone’s wife. Six months later, she

13-year showbiz career continues.

gave birth to her little darling, Kelly. The big

This is the best time of her life.

text | Candy Woo styling | Lucas Tang photo | Killy Sung makeup | 諺瞳小白 hair | James Lee @ HAiR fw






返回地球 要嘉欣形容充滿驚喜的2016,她說:「好像由太空忽然回到地 球,由夢幻返回現實,感覺自己真正長大了。」當年她選華姐獲得冠 軍,隨即加入TVB,從沒做過別的工作,所以自覺從沒真實生活過。 一段緣分將她拉回地球,不再離地,感動又踏實。她和所有女孩 子一樣,渴望找一個愛惜自己、願意承諾一生相依的男人,「很開心 我找到了,他是神安排給我的人。」 找到對的人,讓她放下香港一切,重回出生地溫哥華,適應當然 不成問題。「記得在婚禮上,哥哥、姐姐、爸爸、媽媽都說很感激老 公Jeremy將我帶回溫哥華,一家人不會再分開。」 過去十三年,她獨留香港為事業作戰,坦言當時缺乏安全感, 「當藝人必須不停追求好角色、好歌曲,但一切卻不在控制之內,讓 我思想好混亂。結婚之後,有伴侶做後盾,聽我傾訴,心會更定,人 也變得安靜。」形象指導也親證,上一次嘉欣拍封面照,是結婚前的 事,當時她蹦蹦跳的停不下來,當上人妻人母後,果然成熟穩重了。

Back to earth This is what she had to say about the year of surprises that was 2016. “It was like returning to Earth from outer space and emerging from fantasy to reality. I felt I’d finally grown up.” She joined TVB after taking the crown in the Miss Chinese International Pageant in 2004. She hadn’t had any other work experience, so she felt she had not really lived. A romance brought her down to Earth and let her experience a touching and real relationship. Like most girls, she yearned to find the one who would treasure her and be prepared to make the “till death do us part” commitment. “I’m so happy I found him. He was sent to me by God.” After finding Mr. Right, chiropractor Jeremy Leung (nephew of TVB chairman Norman Leung), she was ready to set aside everything in Hong Kong and return to her birthplace, Vancouver. There was no question about getting used to it again. “At the wedding, my mom and dad and my older brother and sister all said they were thankful that my husband Jeremy brought me back to Vancouver. The family doesn’t want to live apart again.” After spending 13 years in Hong Kong building her career, she admits there was no sense of security. “As an artist, we are always striving for good parts and good songs, but none of it is within our own control. This made me very confused. After getting married, I now have a partner to support me and listen to me. It is very reassuring. I feel very settled as a result.”





Dolce & Gabbana printed organza dress $6,155 ( Jimmy Choo gold sandals


開心Baby 說起老公和囡囡,嘉欣臉上流露的滿足和喜悅,是名利無法取代的。可 愛女兒是她每天的正能量,為照顧Kelly,她每天只睡兩、三個小時,不過每 當看到囡囡的趣致模樣,再疲累也是小事。 「和Kelly最sweet的時刻,是睡醒時看見她在我身邊睜着圓圓大眼的時 候。每天凌晨4、5點,我會起床餵奶,Kelly吃飽後就和我一起睡,到早上 9、10點睡醒,她會伸伸懶腰,用小手抓住我,想我跟她玩,當我抱着她, 她總會笑嘻嘻的看着我,是個happy baby。」 只得十多個月大的小Kelly,性格 酷似父母, 「囡囡遺傳了我們的內斂、慢熱和害羞的性格,很斯文。」 嘉欣從小就喜歡跟小朋友相處,更立志當老師,「從小 已發覺小朋友特別愛黏着我,啟發我將來要做老師,還相約 兩個小學同學要一起唸教育系。」長大後,參加選美扭轉了她 的命運,到孕育自己的女兒,才有機會發揮她對小孩子的 愛,「她可愛、單純,讓我相信全程照顧她,讓她好好成 長為一個好人,是非常值得的。」 Kelly 媽媽並非緊張大師,以為等囡囡兩歲才 報讀學前班也沒問題,想不到溫哥華也像香港 一樣要爭學位,「朋友提醒我,想讀心儀的學 校,要盡快報名,所以早前便試試遞交報 名表,結果最近我們家又比較出名的那一 間,已經要排waiting list,不過我沒有失 望,神一定會好好安排。」

兼職藝人 嘉欣相信神的安排是最好的, 遇上成熟穩重的Jeremy,便是最 佳例證。「老公給我很多安全感, 會帶我走出comfort zone,讓我 進步,新婚定居溫哥華初期,我 不敢開車到處去,因為十七歲 時曾經撞車,之後便沒再開, 但在溫哥華,不開車便等如坐

Black and red trench coat

牢,不能探家人,也沒法去購 物,所以老公陪我練習,給我

Black and white one shoulder side slit silk blouse $308 (


White pants All from Diane von Furstenberg

Jeremy 原來是非常老 師,用破格手段幫嘉欣衝 破陰影,「他叫我開上高速 公路,當時已懷有Kelly, 三條人命在手上,我怕得 不得了,但他說只要相 信他就無事。他果然教 得好好,指示清晰,令 我有足夠心理準備,又





教我很多竅門,現在我可以自由活動了。」正是這份可以信賴的感 覺,令她覺得找到對的人。 嘉欣自認思想傳統,結婚生女後,照顧家庭是人生最重要的 事,全職主婦、兼職藝人的模式,正合她意,「現在溫哥華和香港 兩邊走,以前做藝人一樣要這樣飛來飛去,照顧女兒難以安睡, 和以前拍劇日程也差不多,有時回港四日,我只睡了十一個小時 呢!」 想她重出江湖再拍劇不難,但有條件,「我好想再拍,但需要 配合時間、地點,假如我們一家人回港度假一個月,又剛好有劇 組找我客串,或者劇組移師溫哥華外景,就無問題啦!」期待嘉欣 全面回歸?粉絲可能要失望了,她坦言:「我不能離家幾個月留港 拍劇,老公也不能放下病人不顧。」但她安撫大家:「我會努力籌備 Kelly mommy頻道,分享育兒心得,到時就可以在網上多見幾面 啦!」 猶幸TVB重頭劇《再創世紀》會到溫哥華取景一個月,正正符 合她事業家庭兩兼顧的要求,粉絲們終於可以快將看到她的演出 了。

Happy Baby

“She is so lovely and pure. It makes me believe that it’s very worthwhile to dedicate myself to caring for her and help her grow

As the conversation turns to her baby, Chung’s face lights up

into a good person.”

with joy and fulfilment — something fame and fortune couldn’t possibly match. Her lovely daughter is her daily source of positive

Chung had no intention of becoming a helicopter mom and

energy. To take care of Kelly, she sleeps only two to three hours

thought she could wait a couple of years before signing Kelly up for

every night, but says all tiredness drains away when she looks

pre-school. She never thought one had to fight for a school place

upon that angelic face.

in Vancouver, as in Hong Kong.

“Waking up, seeing her sparkling big eyes, are the sweetest

“My friends reminded me that if I wanted to put her into my

moments with Kelly. I wake up at around 4 or 5 a.m. to feed her.

preferred school, I should put in an application quickly. It turns out

Kelly will sleep with me after that feed. When we wake at around 9

that the better-known school near our home already has a waiting

or 10 a.m., she will stretch, pull me with her little hands to play with

list, but I’m not losing hope. God will have His arrangements.”

her. When I hold her, she will giggle and look at me. She’s such a happy baby.”

Moving outside her comfort zone

Mom says little Kelly, who celebrated her first birthday last month, is already displaying a personality. “Our little darling has

Chung trusts in divine arrangements, as well as her mature and

inherited our reserved, introverted and shy character. She is very

reliable husband, saying: “My husband makes me feel safe. He will


take me out of my comfort zone and make me better. After settling in Vancouver early in our marriage, I didn’t dare drive to places

Chung has had an affinity for young children for some time,

because I had a car accident at 17 and I hadn’t driven since then.

saying: “In Vancouver, if you don’t drive, you are virtually incapacitated. “I found out long ago that children loved hanging out with me. It inspired me to want to be a teacher. Two primary school

You can’t go visit family or shopping. My husband practised with me and gave me confidence.

classmates and I had planned to go into education together.” “He told me to drive on the highways. I was carrying Kelly But entering that beauty pageant changed the

then. I had three lives in my hands. I was petrified, but he said I

course of her life. The opportunity to show her

would be all right if I trusted him. He really taught me well with

love towards children returned with the arrival of her daughter.

clear instructions and plenty of prep talk. He also taught me a lot of tricks. Now I can get around freely.”






It is this sense of trust that convinced her she had found the right one. Chung admits that she is a traditional girl, and sees taking care of her family as the most important thing in her life. Being a full-time housewife and a part-time actress suits her just fine. “I’m shuttling between Vancouver and Hong Kong at the moment. It’s no different from having to travel all the time as an actress. The sleepless nights for taking care of my little girl is also similar to the schedule of filming. Sometimes I slept only 11 hours in four days when I returned to Hong Kong.” It’s wasn’t difficult to get her back on screen, but it came with conditions. “I really want to be on screen again, but it has to be the right time and the right place. If my family returns to Hong Kong for a month-long vacation and I’m asked to have a guest part in a drama, or if the crew is on location in Vancouver, then it will work out.” If you’re hoping for her full-time return, you’re in for a disappointment. “I can’t possibly leave home for months to be in Hong Kong for shooting. My husband can’t leave his patients unattended. I will work hard on planning the Kelly mommy channel to share parenting insights. We’ll see each other online.” Thankfully, the sequel to TVB’s epic drama series At the Threshold of An Era was shot on location in Vancouver for a month, which made it possible for her to take care of both family and work. Linda’s fans will get to see her on screen again soon enough.





Diane von Furstenberg cropped side tie blouse $308 ( Alice + Olivia printed skirt

Watch Story 潛行錶間

Immerse In DIvIng Watches text | Ringo Chan photo | Zuak

喜歡潛水腕錶的,但真正會去潛水的又有幾多人? 還不是因為穿戴起來有型又實用。Rolex今年復刻 Sea-Dweller更牽起潛水錶熱潮;能夠製造深潛腕 錶,是實力與技術的展現,難怪各大品牌爭相 潛行錶間。 How many lovers of diving watches actually go diving? These watches are loved mostly for their style and practicality. This year, Rolex’s reinterpretation of the Sea-Dweller has fanned the enthusiasm for diving watches, and major brands are joining the fray. Their desire is to show off their watchmaking prowess by manufacturing watches that can go deeper and deeper underwater.






From water-resistance to deep diving

第一個致力鑽研潛水錶的Hans Wilsdorf,正

The first person to focus his research efforts on diving watches was Rolex


founder Hans Wilsdorf. He refined case materials and shapes, crown locking


mechanisms and glass composition to make watches go deeper and stay longer

久。1927年,泳手Mercedes Gleitze佩戴著蠔式

underwater. In 1927, swimmer Mercedes Gleitze wore an Oyster to complete her


15-hour swim across the English Channel, making Rolex’s diving watch famous.

力的潛水錶一舉成名。 In 1932, adventurer Charles William Beebe wore Omega’s Marine when he 1932年,冒險家Charles William Beebe曾

made a 10-metre dive, setting the record at the time for watch water resistance.


During the Second World War, the U.S. Navy adopted the Hamilton watch, while


the Italian Navy went for Panerai. This helped to accelerate the development of


diving watches.

錶的發展。 The real hero in making diving watches popular was Rolex. The Submariner, 把潛水錶變得普及,(當然)又是勞力士!

introduced in 1954, enhanced water resistance to 100 metres and became the


diving watch of its time. In January 1960, Rolex did it again with a prototype of the


Deep Sea Special. It was carried down to a depth of 10,900 metres on the exterior

一城,實驗性的研發了Deep Sea Special,把它

of a U.S. submersible. That watch is now on display at the Smithsonian Institution.

掛在美軍潛艦外直達水底1萬米,創下紀錄。到 1971年Sea-Dweller誕生,具備排氦氣閥,能輕 易突破610米水深。

In 1971, the Sea-Dweller was born. Equipped with a helium release valve, it could easily survive a depth of 610 metres. Four years later, Rolex launched the Sea-Dweller 4000, waterproof to a depth of 1,220 metres.

同時間在競逐的品牌,包括有53年Blancpain 的50 Fathoms( 比Submariner還要早幾個月誕

There was plenty of competition on this front from other brands. Blancpain


introduced 50 Fathoms in 1953 (a few months ahead of Rolex’s Submariner). In


1964, IWC unveiled its Aquatimer and Jaeger-LeCoultre introduced the Polaris.

能深潛2000米的Ocean 2000,這紀綠維持了 近二十年才被Breitling能防水3000米的Avenger Seawolf (2002年) 打破。

In 1982, IWC stunned the timekeeping world with its Ocean 2000, waterresistent to 2,000 metres. Breitling upped the ante 20 years later with the Avenger Seawolf, which took the water-resistance record to 3,000 metres.


The ISO 6425 standard defines a diving watch as one that should be water


resistant to a depth of at least 100 metres and have visible minute markings on the


watch face, as well as five-minute, elapsed-minute markings on the uni-directional


bezel. It should also offer adequate readability within 25 centimetres in total


darkness, be resistant to magnetic forces and shock, and be rust-proof. The strap


and the attached points have to be secured and a battery-powered watch should


have an end-of-life indicator.


Oyster Perpetual Sea-Dweller 新款Sea-Dweller由舊款的40mm

The updated Sea-Dweller is 43 millimetres in diameter,


three more than the the original size. The Cyclops lens for


magnifying the date is a marked new feature. The Sea-


Dweller logo, in a single red line, is prominent.

機芯搭載去年新登場的Cal. 3235機

The Cal. 3235 powering the watch was first introduced


last year and uses the Chronergy escapement, boasting

每日只有+/-2秒,動力儲備由Cal. 3135

a daily variation of just +/-2. The power reserve has been


increased to 70 hours, from the 48 offered by Cal. 3135. It


can be taken down to 1,220 metres. $13,000





Watch Story


Luminor Submersible 1950 BMG-Tech 3 Days Automatic PAM692 Panerai的防水錶Submersible,以全新名字BMG-Tech登場。BMG-Tech顏色呈 淺灰,是一種比鈦金屬更硬淨的金屬玻璃,由Laboratorio Di IDEE創意工坊研發出 來,堅固、耐磨、抗腐蝕、防震抗磁,而且相當輕盈,被用來打造Panerai深潛腕錶 的外殼。外殼固然是賣點,寶藍色的錶盤同樣叫人愛。潛入深海內,這種藍調是最容 易看到的顏色;放諸能深潛300米的Submersible,匹配非常。腕錶搭載P.9010自動上 鏈機芯,動存72小時,Luminor錶殼直徑為47mm。約$13,000

Panerai’s water-resistant Submersible has been reincarnated as the BMG-Tech, so named for the grey bulk metallic glass material used for the case. BMG-Tech, pioneered by Laboratorio Di Idée, is said to be harder than titanium, highly resistant to wear, magnetic forces and corrosion, yet extremely light. Featuring a navy tone dial, the colour most visible in deep ocean, it is water resistent to 300 metres. The P.9010 automatic calibre powering it offers 72 hours of power research. The Luminor case measures 47 millimetres in diameter. Approx. $13,000





Watch Story

10 not-to-Be-mIsseD DIvIng Watches



Tribute to Fifty Fathoms Mil-Spec Blancpain的Fifty Fathoms誕生比Rolex的Submariner更早,絕對是宗師 級。單向旋轉錶圈是它發明的,雙重密封錶冠也是它首創的。今年品牌推出 的五十噚,是復刻自1957至58年面世的Mil-Spec型號,致敬的位置第一眼會 注意到6時位置那半白半橙的小圓盤。它其實是濕度指示計,當顏色由白變 紅,即代表有濕氣入侵腕錶,用家需要把它送回總部檢修了。限量500枚,約 $19,000 Blancpain’s Fifty Fathoms preceded Rolex’s Submariner. It’s in a class of its own, as the first to feature a unidirectional bezel and a double-sealed crown. The Fifty Fathoms unveiled this year is a reinterpretation of the Mil-Spec circa 1957 to 1958. The white and orange circle at 6 o’clock, which is a clear tribute to the predecessor, serves as a humidity indicator. When the white turns red, it’s time to take it in for servicing to check for its water-proof effectiveness. Limited to 500 pieces. Approx. $19,000

Bell & ross BR03-92 Diver

Bell & Ross第一枚潛水錶為保險起見用上圓 殼,今年終於研發出門下首枚方形潛水錶,防水 300米,42mm錶殼以不鏽鋼製成,配襯陽極氧化鋁 單向旋轉錶圈。錶面採大三針格局,橙色時針,分 針及時標均塗上有利黑暗環境下讀時的夜光物料。 約$4,500 Bell & Ross played safe and used a round case for its first diving watch. This year, they found a way to square it up. The 42-millimetre stainless steel watch is water resistant to 300 metres. It sports a unidirectional bezel with a black anodized aluminum inlay. The orange hour hand and white minute and second hands are treated to enhance readability underwater. Approx. $4,500






Seamaster Ploprof 1200m Omega Seamaster Ploprof是深潛分子,動輒能深入千米水底, 這枚配有橙色錶圈的是去年新登場版本,省卻了4點半位置的日期顯 示。這枚Seamaster確保能潛入1,200米水底。錶盤6時位置寫有Master Chronomaster字眼,代表腕錶搭載的是全新Cal. 8912 Master Co-Axial自 動機芯,防磁能力更上一層樓。約$17,000 Omega Seamaster Ploprof, with an orange bezel, first appeared last year. It has done away with the date display at 4:30 and can be taken down to 1,200 metres. The Master Chronomaster mark at 6 o’clock denotes it’s powered by the all-new automatic Cal. 8912 Master Co-Axial calibre that has enhanced anti-magnetic performance. Approx. $17,000


Ocean Star Caliber 80 Titanium 走中價路線的Mido今年有驚喜作品,定價相宜卻沒半分偷工減料,42.5mm錶殼以 鈦金屬製造,有防敏感、輕盈和堅硬的優點;配上橙色橡膠錶帶,跟錶圈上的橙色刻度 和橙色秒針互相呼應。錶盤棄用一般深黑色改用深灰,跟橙色配搭出年輕活力感。腕錶 搭載80小時動力儲備自動機芯,具星期和日曆功能,潛水深度達200米。$1,500 Mido, in the mid-range category, presents a delightful, value-priced quality watch. The 42.5-millimetre titanium case is hypoallergenic, light yet solid. The orange rubber strap echoes the orange of the bezel’s markings and the second hand. The dial is dark grey instead of the traditional solid black, which works with the orange to underscore its youthful energy. Its mechanism boasts 80 hours of power reserve and it displays the day of the week and date. The watch is water-resistant to 200 metres. $1,500


HyperChrome Captain Cook Rado的Caption Cook潛水錶名字來自繪製了上千英里海岸線地圖的十八世紀英國探險家 James Cook船長,品牌於上世紀六十年代以其名推出腕錶致意。五十多年後的今天,Rado 將這款經典型號重現,更將之演變成共3個款式。限量版錶殼直徑37mm、錶圈造型、錶盤設 計以至指針等都幾乎與舊款一模一樣,只是錶圈改用了黑色陶瓷,並搭載擁有80小時動存的 ETA自動機芯,限量1,962枚。約$2,500 Rado debuted the Captain Cook diving watch in the 1960s to pay tribute to 18th-century English explorer James Cook. After some 50 years, Rado has recreated the classic in three styles. The limited-edition, 37-millimetre model features the same bezel shape, dial and hands as the original model, but has been updated with ceramic for the bezel and the automatic ETA calibre that offers 80 hours of power reserve. It is limited to 1,962 pieces. Approx. $2,500





Watch Story

Ulysse narDIn

Marine Chronograph Manufacture Regatta 來自雅典的這枚Regatta配備了先倒數、再正常計時的系統,有這個想法是因為腕錶 是為帆船賽而設。用家只需以10時按鍵設定倒數分鐘(最多為10),之後啟動計時秒針便 會逆時而行,當倒數完畢,計時秒針便會正常順時針走動,而累計的分鐘及小時,則會 顯示於6時小盤。腕錶的44mm錶殼以精鋼打造,動存3天,防水100米。約$21,000 Ulysse Nardin’s Regatta, designed for timing regattas, can be set for countdown and chronograph. The countdown (for 10 minutes at the most) is activated through the pusher at 10 o’clock. When the countdown finishes, the second hand will go counter-clockwise for timing. When the timing is done, the second hand will resume its usual function. The accumulative hours and minutes from the timing will be shown at the 6 o’clock subdial. The stainless steel watch, measuring 44 millimetres in diameter, has three days of power reserve and is water resistant to 100 metres. Approx. $21,000


Heritage Black Bay S&G 全新金鋼版本來自近年大受錶迷歡迎的Heritage Black Bay系列,錶 名「S&G」正正代表「Steel & Gold」,即不鏽鋼及黃金兩種物料。錶面及錶 圈掃上一層黑色,帶來搶眼的黑撞金顏色配搭。腕錶直徑41mm,配備 MT5612自動機芯。約$6,000 This all-new steel and gold version, hence the name S&G, descends from the hugely popular Heritage Black Bay collection. The dial and bezel, coated in black, make for an eye-catching contrast against the gold in the case. It measures 41 millimetres and is powered by the MT5612 automatic calibre. Approx. $6,000

ressence Type 5G

去年首度登場的Type 5G潛水腕錶,今年加添了靈感來自海龜的灰面成員,這錶的 特點是錶盤與錶鏡中間藏有不腦油,以減少光線的折射情況。不過,油不是沒有缺點 的,它的體積容易隨溫度而改變,腕錶特別加設了風箱系統,內裡的7顆小彈弓於油收縮 時,風箱便會增大以填補空間,相反亦然。錶盤上可看見相應的溫度計顯示,設定的上 下限是-5度及+55度,足夠應付日常生活。約$38,000 The Type 5G diving watch, which debuted last year, has added a turtle-inspired grey number this year. It stands out for having a space between the dial and the glass, filled with oil to cancel out internal reflection. To counter the drawback of oil’s changeable volume in different temperatures, a bellow system with seven tiny springs adapts to compensate for the change in oil volume. The temperature gauge on the dial shows a range from -5oC to +55oC, which should be quite enough for everyday use. Approx. $38,000






Eco-Drive Professional Diver 1000m 此錶非常硬淨,擁有巨人級的52.5mm尺碼,錶殼採用品 牌專利硬化技術Duratect處理過的鈦合金,硬度是不鏽鋼的5 倍,重量卻輕了4成。防水安全工夫包括10時位置的氦氣排氣 閥、設有鎖定裝置的單向旋轉錶圈、9時位置的動存顯示、夜 光指針及時標。經進行高水壓防水測試,確保不同水深下的 錶盤色調變化以及夜光顯示的清晰度。約$3,000 At 52.5 millimetres, this is a very solid watch in gigantic proportions. The case is made of super titanium treated with the brand’s proprietary Duratect surface-hardening technique. It is said to be five times harder than stainless steel, yet four times lighter. Water-proofing features include a helium release valve at 10 o’clock, a uni-directional bezel with locking mechanism, a power reserve indicator at 9 o’clock, and luminous hands and markers. It has undergone extensive water-pressure testing to ascertain luminosity and visibility of the dial at different depths. Approx. $3,000

vIctorInox Swiss Army I.N.O.X. Professional Diver

去年品牌推出了I.N.O.X. Professional Diver潛水錶,除了能深入海 底200米,錶身還加設了單向旋轉錶圈、指針及時標塗上夜光物料、新增 可拆卸式防撞墊,能外接放大鏡面,方便潛入水裡時能清晰閱時。今年 品牌又順應民意,知道很多錶迷是鋼帶擁躉,所以又在45mm錶殼外加一 款精鋼帶款式。約$1,000 The I.N.O.X. Professional Diver, first introduced last year, is waterresistant to 200 metres. It features a uni-directional bezel and luminous hands and markers. More notably, it has added a removable bumper for attaching a magnifying glass to enhance the watch’s readability underwater. This year, the brand has also added a 45-millimetre stainless steel bracelet version in answer to fans’ requests. Approx. $1,000





Fashion Headline 秋季新袋特集

Best Bags For Fall

秋天剛至,各大品牌已急不及待換新貨上架,首當其衝的必定是不分 時令的手袋系列,方圓大小,各適其適,總有一款合你意。 Even though September has just arrived, many designer brands have already unveiled their new Fall products. The first to arrive are the non-seasonal handbag collections, which come in all sizes and shapes to satisfy every taste.

louis Vuitton Twist系列推出數

The Twist collection has been


around for several seasons and remains


immensely popular. The early Fall styles are


creative and whimsical, full of luxuriousness


and texture. They include classic


embossed floral patterns, embroidered


sequin borders and print leather buckles.


The bag is square and practical, and by


adding an adjustable length chain strap, it


matches practically everything.



扭 轉 經 典 TwisTed ClassiC 陳慧琳



01• Twist PM olive green handbag $4,950 ( GM blue handbag $TBD 02• Twist Twist PM pink handbag $4,050 (





03• Twist GM monogram signature on the ultra-soft black lambskin $5,300 (

精 煉 蛻 變 Refined TRansfoRmaTion



AmAl Clooney


Fendi’s red-hot Peekaboo handbag line has

出Essential改良版,以「簡單就是美」的 introduced a new and improved version, the 概念,刪去原版部分裝飾細節,盡顯精 Essential. Using “Simplicity Equals Beauty” as its 練優雅。若偏好品牌一貫的裝飾風格, design concept, many adornment details from the 原版Peekaboo可能更合心意,用上民 original version have been eliminated. The result 族風釘珠、印花皮草等粉飾,設計華麗 is a more refined and more elegant bag. If you 極致。

prefer Fendi’s usual decorative style, the original Peekaboo may suit you more. It uses folk-style


beading and furs with prints for an opulent and luxurious design. 05

Essential in blue bag 04• Peekaboo


in patterned fur bag 05• Peekaboo embellished bag 06• Peekaboo All prices to be determined

Dioraddict black studded annage lambskin flap bag

愛 上 癮 addiCTive love


主帥Maria Grazia Chiuri

Aimee SonG

oliviA PAlermo

07• Dioraddict small lockbox bag in smooth black calfskin

As soon as Maria Grazia Chiuri


took over as creative director,


Dior began a revolution within


its handbag collection. The


new Dioraddict series uses alphabet-shaped metal locks


as the focal point. The bag is a handsome black with metal

的Dior women注入強勁的搖

hardware, a studded cannage pattern and guitar straps. It


adds a strong rock ’n’ roll energy to the elegant Dior Women.




08• Dioraddict flap bag 09• Dioraddict handbag All prices to be determined 10

giVenchy 全新Infinity手袋系列

扣扣相連 linking Up

The new Infinity handbag collection

以 金 屬 鏈 飾 作 主 題 , 配 備

has a metal chain as its theme. It comes

Bucket、Hobo、Saddle 及

in four versatile shapes (bucket, hobo,

Flap Bag四款百搭輪廓,並

saddle and flap) and two colours (black


and burgundy). The bag is both strong


and delicate, as well as clean and


energetic. No wonder it’s a favourite of

扮前衞大膽的Lady Gaga都

both the elegant Cheri Chung and the


avant-garde Lady Gaga.





Saddle bag $3,150 ( 10• Infinity small Hobo bag US$2,150 ( 11• Inifinity Flap bag $TBD 12• Infinity





Fashion Headline 楊冪



70’s 情 結 ThRowbaCk 70’s

Faye手袋外形獨特, 圓環扣飾扣上金屬鏈,充滿反叛況味。早秋

系列Faye以70年代為靈感,採用dusty color皮革或幾何拼皮演繹, 別具 Bohemian的率性格調。系列還有新變奏Faye Day,容量特大及採用較輕 身的皮革,更適合上班一族。 Faye handbags are very distinctive. With a ring clasp and metal chain, they have a rebellious look. The early Fall collection is inspired by the 1970s. Using dusty-colour leather or geometrical patchwork, the Faye Day look is bohemian. These extra-large bags are made with a lightweight leather and are best suited for the career lady. 15




Day bag in cloudy blue $TBD 13• Faye 14• Faye striped suede medium shoulder bag in caramel $3,745 ( 15• Faye small leather & suede mini backpack in tan $2,430 ( 16• Faye red small backpack $2,405 (


GG Marmont系列源自

細 袋 世 代 small bUT mighTy The GG Marmont collection


debuted in the 1970s with its signature


double-G clasp and was immediately

方 潮 人 熱 捧 。 早 秋 系 列 G G

popular. The early Fall collection wins


with its small size. This dainty and

chain bag、拉鏈袋以及全新

adorable collection includes a chain


bag, a zipper bag and a waist bag,


each with retro arrow stitching.

17 孔孝真






AlexA ChunG



17• GG Marmont matelassé shoulder bag in white leather $2,020 (

19• GG Marmont matelassé tote in black and white leather $2,855 (

18• GG Marmont matelassé shoulder bag in pink $TBD

20• GG Marmont matelassé leather belt bag $1,255 (

重 金 屬 heavy meTal

Jimmy choo 近季大熱的Lockett Petite,早秋系列盡



釘飾及金色窩釘,袋身的金屬色塗層,配搭 背帶上的銀色流蘇,華麗且富龐克狂野風尚。 The Lockett Petite has been tremendously popular the past few seasons. The early Fall collection is full of dazzling metal elements. The patented clasp design is mixed with star-shaped crystal adornments and gold studs. The gold paint on the body of the bag, and the silver KArlie KloSS


tassels on the straps, all make the bag grand

irene Kim

and punk at the same time.



21•Lockett Petite shoulder bag in vintage rose etched metallic spazzolato US$1,450 ( 22• Lockett Petite shoulder bag in black mix grainy leather with graphic star studded embellishement US$1,750 ( 23• Lockett Petite shoulder bag in brown suede $2,090 (


24• Lockett Petite shoulder bag in platinum metallic grainy leather US$1,750 (

百 獸 出 沒 animal CRossing

BurBerry Burberry不遺餘力以

Burberry continues to come up with


new creative ideas to preserve traditional


British culture. The newly introduced Beasts


collection is inspired by animal illustrations from


medieval English manuscripts. Using abstract


interpretations of cute little animals, decorated


by 3-D patchwork, embroidered patterns,

圖案、exotic skin細節等元

exotic skin details and other elements, the


collection is lively and naïve, but also posh at


the same time.





25•The Small Banner in beasts print leather $2,195 27

26•Green print wallet $TBD 27•Black zip around wallet $TBD 28•The Hedgehog leather and ostrich coin case $1,650 29•The Owl calf suede and snakeskin crossbody bag $5,500 30•The Medium Banner in leather with beasts motif $3,595 All from Burberry at





Ladies’ Picks 優雅貓步

ElEgant KittEn HEEls 不高於兩吋的kitten heels低跟鞋,源於六十年代的,今個春夏因Dior一 雙J'Adior橡筋帶低跟鞋起死回生,成為key shoes之一,大概連品牌新任 創意總監Maria Grazia Chiuri也沒想過會大熱至此。 Low heels, no taller than two inches, are called “kitten heels” — very popular in the ’60s. This Spring/Summer season, they’ve made a comeback with Dior’s J’Adior elastic strap low heels. Their popularity has probably come as a surprise, even to new Dior creative director Maria Grazia Chiuri!

Dior red heels $TBD

text | Lisa photo | TPK assisted by Jaime

Loewe mid-heel loafer sock boots $1,420 (

Anteprima white heels with lace $TBD






Since the introduction of the first collection, once Chiuri took over the helm of Dior,

J'Adior蝴蝶結橡筋帶kitten heels在社交網絡

J’Adior’s ribbon-knot elastic strap kitten heels have been trending on social media.


J’Adior’s heel creates an arch that is full of architectural beauty.

感,尖頭不多不少,露出腳背,蝴蝶結橡筋 帶簡潔優美,配襯層層紗裙,摩登典雅,將 這時裝界文物帶回現代。

The shoe has a tip that is pointed, but not too much, and it shows off the back of the foot perfectly. Finally, the ribbon-knot elastic strap is simple and graceful. Matched with a layered chiffon skirt, the look is both modern and elegant, elevating this vintage

時光倒流至1950年代,當時Roger Vivier

fashion piece to the present day.

為Dior(對,又是Dior!)設計了一對幼跟高 跟鞋,女人穿來婀娜多姿,隨即掀起熱潮。

Going back in time to the 1950s, when Roger Vivier designed for Dior (yes, Dior


again!) came a pair of stiletto high heels. Those shoes made their wearers move with

女,於是便有了改良版的kitten heels,當

swaying style and were immediate hits. However, stilettos might be considered too


sexy and inappropriate for young ladies. Thus, the new and improved kitten heels


were introduced, so that younger girls, who wish to attend important occasions, could still look grown up.

這本來給少艾穿的練習鞋,最後演變 成時代潮流,得歸功於柯德莉夏萍。她在

They were designed for young adults as something of a “training” shoe and


quickly became a fashion trend, thanks to Audrey Hepburn. In the 1957 movie Funny


Face, she wore kitten heels in order not to look too much taller than male lead Fred



也一併大受歡迎。之後她在電影《珠光寶氣》 中同樣穿上低跟鞋演出,有別於當時一眾女

She wore low heels again in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Unlike most stars in those days


who loved to wear high heels to show off their sexy side, Hepburn opted for kitten


heels, which were comfortable and graceful, to let folks know that ladies do not have


to highlight their sexiness, for a casual elegance can be beautiful as well.

Prada heels $1,180 (Holt Renfrew)

Saint Laurent Edie 110 leaf slingback pump in red and black $1,463 (

Jimmy Choo red Vanessa 85 US$750 (

Manolo Blahnik silver and white heels $TBD

Sergio Rossi emerald green Blink US$795 (

Céline olive heels $TBD

Miu Miu silver slingback $TBD

Bally pink heels with ribbon $TBD





Ladies’ Picks

Kitten heels時至今日依然是氣質代名詞。除了黑白配搭,也有大紅漆皮款式,女 人味更重。Manolo Blahnik的kitten heels是品牌標誌之一,連近年大紅潮牌Vetements 也與之聯乘造貓跟,就知其經典程度。品牌將kitten鞋跟結合mary jane搭帶,典雅亦 活潑。Loewe的是kitten boots,還要結合loafers、ankle boots等多種鞋款特點,這 種怪誕美是鬼才J.W Anderson才想得到。Prada、Miu Miu的鞋跟更像一口釘,加上 毛毛、釘珠、運動搭帶等細節,美得如裝飾品。Saint Laurent近年的鞋款以高聞名, 卻也有一雙剛過兩吋的低跟鞋,鞋邊綴以ruffles,更添女人味。Céline延續簡約美, 鞋跟是三角錐鏡面,配襯褲裝俐落有型。Sergio Rossi、Jimmy Choo、Anteprima將 kitten heels結合綁帶,讓人露出腳背至腳踝最美的部分,走路時卻依然舒適。 Bally的蝴蝶結低跟鞋簡單優雅,適合日常上班服配襯。還有Salvatore Ferragamo,其kitten heels根本已是品牌標誌,單單兩吋鞋跟 也有各種高度及款式,屬入門之選。 要穿出kitten heels當中的雅致 感,得靠個人氣質和品味,同來 踏出這優雅貓步吧!

Salvatore Ferragamo beige pointy heels $TBD

Today, kitten heels are still synonymous with charm. In addition to black-and-white combinations, there is also a red patent leather version, which is even more feminine. Manolo Blahnik’s kitten heels are one of the brand’s symbols. Even the red-hot Vetements brand has co-created kitten heels with Manolo Blahnik, affirming its classic status. The brand matches kitten heels with the Mary Jane-style shoe, expressing whimsy while remaining classic. Loewe’s version are kitten boots, adding features from loafers, ankle boots and other styles. This unusual aesthetic can only be imagined by geniuses, such as J.W. Anderson. Prada and Miu Miu’s heels look like a nail, with added details such as fur, sequin and sports laces, resulting in a shoe pretty enough to be a piece of decorative art. Saint Laurent’s shoes in recent years have been known for their height, but it too has a pair of low heels just over two inches. On the side of the shoe are ruffles, adding to the femininity. Céline continues the minimalist beauty with a prism mirror as its heel, which goes smartly with pant suits. Sergio Rossi, Jimmy Choo, and Anteprima use kitten heels and tied straps to show off the more beautiful part of the leg, from the foot to the ankle, but the shoes are still comfortable for walking. Bally’s ribbon-tie low heels are simple and elegant, and suitable for daily careerwear. Finally, Salvatore Ferragamo’s kitten heels are already symbolic of the brand and are great choices for newcomers to the style. Dior heels with prints $1,150 (Holt Renfrew)





To be elegant when wearing kitten heels, one’s personal charm and taste is important. Come, let’s take this graceful kitten step together!

升級 加 節省優惠

Wolf 的 指定型號產品就可獲得即時節省優惠 限時活動

節 省 得 多, 美 味 更 多 。 Wolf 擁有在性能與設計都令人驚艷的煮食爐灶和爐面選擇,種類之多, 更是前所未有。對曾經有考慮過要將你的廚房升級去更好的你,現在就是絕佳時機! Wolf 在指定時間內,對一些最受顧客歡迎的型號產品,提供重大回扣。

節省可與「夢想廚房Dream Kitchen」優惠活動一同使用。

Coast Appliances

Jerome's Appliance Gallery

Trail Appliances

Jewelry Van Cleef & arpels


M ystery Kingdom


珠寶品牌Van Cleef & Arpels,作品閃爍華麗,散發浪漫可愛的感覺。 品牌在巴黎發布的L’Arche de Noé racontée par Van Cleef & Arpels系 列,以挪亞方舟為靈感,創作總共六十多款雙雙對對的動物寶石襟 針,透過鑲嵌各種珍稀寶石,帶出夢幻神秘的光芒。 Jewelry is often an embodiment of history, handiwork and aesthetics. Accordingly, top French jewelry brand Van Cleef & Arpels features pieces that are sparkling and luxurious, yet at the same time exude romanticism and cuteness. The brand recently débuted its L’Arche de Noé racontée par Van Cleef & Arpels collection in Paris. Inspired by Noah’s Ark, the creation features more than 60 pairs of animal brooches made with gemstones, giving off a dreamlike and mysterious brilliance through a mosaic of all sorts of valuable and rare precious stones. text | Chappie photo | Sing

Van Cleef & Arpels Hérons

18K白金、玫瑰金及黃金白鷺造型胸針,共鑲嵌15.88卡圓形鑽石、9.11卡 圓形粉紅色藍寶石、0.39卡紫色藍寶石、0.29卡黃色藍寶石、2.84卡藍色 藍寶石、6.20卡圓形黑色尖晶石、縞瑪瑙和黑色彩漆。 A 18-karat white gold, rose gold and yellow gold brooch in the shape of an egret, with a setting that contains a 15.88-carat round diamond, a 9.1-carat round pink sapphire, a 0.39-carat purple sapphire, a 0.29-carat yellow sapphire, a 2.84-carat blue sapphire, a 6.20-carat round black spinel, striped agate and blue lacquer.





工匠以珊瑚石模仿企鵝 蛋造型,以隱密式鑲嵌 法鑲嵌珊瑚石,栩栩如 生。 The craft technician used coral to create the shape of a penguin’s egg and, employing a technique called “Mystery Setting”, magnificently set the coralite to create a life-like egg.

為了打造白金襟針 的完美鑲托,工匠 不惜花費頗長時間 以人手打磨縞瑪 瑙,達至天衣無縫 境界。 To create the perfect setting, the craft technician spent long hours handpolishing the striped agate to perfection.

Van Cleef & Arpels Pingouins 18k白金及玫瑰金企鵝造型胸針,共鑲嵌9.40卡圓 形鑽石、縞瑪瑙和珊瑚石。 An 18-karat white and rose gold brooch in the shape of a penguin, with a 9.40-carat round diamond, striped agate and coralite inlay.






Van Cleef & Arpels Colibris

18K白金玫瑰金蜂鳥造型胸針,共鑲嵌6.56卡圓形鑽石、1.73卡圓形及 1.14卡長方形切割祖母綠、2.14卡圓形藍色藍寶石、1.88卡圓形及0.82 卡梨形紫色藍寶石和2.84卡圓形沙弗萊石榴石。 An 18-karat white gold and rose gold brooch in the shape of a hummingbird, with a setting that contains a 6.56-carat round diamond, a 1.73-carat round and a 1.14-carat rectangular emerald, a 2.1-carat round blue sapphire, a 1.88-carat round and a 0.82-carat pear-shaped purple sapphire and a 2.84-carat round Shafley garnet.





Van Cleef & Arpels Lapins 18K白金兔子造型胸針,共鑲5.62卡圓形鑽 石、圓頂式及馬眼形切割0.13卡祖母綠、 0.15卡藍寶石和縞瑪瑙。 An 18-karat white gold bunny brooch, with a setting that contains a 5.62-carat round diamond, a domed and horse-eye cut 0.13-carat emerald, a 0.15-carat sapphire and striped agate.

(所有貨品尚未定價) (All prices TBD)





runway 唐老鴨古馳遊

DonalD Duck Tours Gucci text | 冰汪

過去兩年半,Alessandro Michele一 炮而紅,得到全世界粉絲的愛。來 到第五個男裝系列,他的蜜月期能 否繼續延長? In the past 2½ years, Alessandro Michele’s popularity has reached new heights, capturing the love of fans all over the world. Coming up on his fifth men’s collection for Gucci, will his honeymoon period be further extended?





‘Future’ short sleeve t-shirt $460 (

Following last season’s introduction of Snoopy to the runway, Michele’s retro aesthetics have struck again. This time, he’s turned to Donald Duck. Based on his design habits, it doesn’t seem Michele is particularly fond of the famous Disney canard. It’s just that he needs a well-known cartoon character. Donald brought a bit of Disney whimsy to the runway, with his

Storm Print blazer $3,285 (Holt Renfrew)

family of clothes coming onto the runway from all sides: a baseball jacket with embroidered duck head, a patterned knit vest, even a tuxedo with an embroidered Donald Duck.

繼上季在天橋收養Snoopy後,Alessandro Michele的懷

Michele’s treatment of Donald Duck is more skillful and detailed

舊美學繼續出招,這次輪到Donald Duck。觀察他的設計習

than previous works. The beige baseball jacket and the artificially


yellowed leather jacket are both plays on the vintage look. His retro


style is also evidenced by the removal of the Donald Duck emblem originally sewn onto the chest, leaving a duck shape silhouette and


yellow mark. The result is an antiquated, tattered and torn look.

老鴨家族衣服,在天橋分頭行動,有鴨頭刺繡棒球夾克,有 圖案冷背心,連唐老鴨刺繡tuxedo也有。他處理的唐老鴨,

Within the collection, two Japanese-style jacquard jackets


exemplify Michele’s style the best. One is a military jacket, the


other a trench coat. Both are nods to Japanese Ukiyo-e master


Katsushika and weave together patterns from a Japanese garden.

縫承接他的懷舊味。 The cutest Donald Duck element is a time-travel scene, revelling 系列中最具Alessandro風範的,應該是兩件和風緹花

in a Ukiyo-e “Disney moment” and displaying a low-tech comedic

外套,一件是軍外套,一件是trench coat,均是向日本浮世

effect. Similarly, dear old Donald appears in another set of patterned


suits, with a red pattern on a white background, making it possible


for Donald to hide.

Disney Moment,有一種lo-tech的喜劇效果。唐老鴨亦以類 似的手法,潛入另一套圖案西裝,白底的紅色圖案,隱身指 數更高。

Perhaps the popularity of Michele’s patterned clothes mask his acuity and creativity in colour combinations. Looking at his evolution since his first collection, his obsession with colours is quite evident.

大概是Alessandro的圖案衣服鋒芒太盛,完全掩蓋他對 顏色配搭的敏銳與創意。從我們認識他的第一個系列開始,

This Spring/Summer season, his line includes pink and pastel


green pants and baby blue bowtie sheets. One of the favourites is


a lavender suit jacket, matched with pink pants and a bright yellow


turtleneck inside. This look utilizes three frequently seen colours and


delivers an attractive combination.





Runway Leather bomber jacket with Donald Duck appliqué $7,400 (

今季男裝大熱的sweatshirt, Alessandro也來湊下熱鬧。卻會想盡方 法,做到與眾不同。首先,他設計了一 幅紅色印花圖案,印上一條綠色的龍與 海馬混合體,招牌式的古怪動物圖案。 剪裁方面,上身當成恤衫,下身當束腳 運動褲,再加一頂綁繩大帽,略帶嬰兒 的趣緻,cute得愛不釋手,這才是設計師 的設計嘛! This season’s hot menswear item is the sweatshirt. Michele has joined in the

Donald Duck vest $3,405 (Holt Renfrew)

fun, but only after racking his brain to come up with a design that doesn’t make it look like a sweatshirt. First, he designed a red print pattern and then added a

Fuchsia cotton sweatshirt with Gucci print $1,255 (

signature animal print — a green creature that looks like a cross between a dragon and a seahorse — on top of the pattern. As for the cut, the top is styled as a shirt and the bottom is a gathered sport pant. Like any sweatshirt, it has pockets and the traditional central zipper. Adding a big hat with a drawstring provides a bit of babyish cuteness and makes this design a real hit!

Embroidered white hoodie $2,985 (Holt Renfrew)

Wool mohair pant with loop details $1,170 (

Sofot GG Supreme backpack $4,750 (Holt Renfrew)

Horsebit leather lafer with appliqués $1,900 (

Rose velvet slipper with snake $1,170 (





Men’s Picks 關鍵兩吋

ThaT EssEnTial Two inchEs

Belt在平常人心目中功能大於一切,不是很多人會捨得用近千元喜滋滋地買一條皮 帶,一來面積小不覺眼,二來並非經常用到,往往令腰飾淪為雞肋,成為最被忽略 的時尚單品之一。 Most men think of belts as nothing more than a practical clothing accessory. Not many are willing to spend hundreds of dollars for one. As a result, belts can be an afterthought when it’s time to go shopping for clothes.


text | Sum Chan photo | TPK

Loewe belted flare jeans US$1,790 (









01•Loewe belt $TBD 02•Balenciaga belt $TBD 03•Lanvin hand gesture belt US$800 ( com) 04•Dior Homme belt $TBD


05•Saint Laurent monogram passant buckle belt in black textured leather $553 ( 06•Bally B Oblique men’s adjustable leather belt in tobacco US$325 (, US only) 07•Bally belt $TBD 08•Prada fur belt $TBD



09•Emporio Armani black leather belt US$289 ( 10•Emporio Armani brown leather belt $TBD 11•Giorgio Armani belt $TBD




12•Hermès belt $TBD 13•Hermès hop belt $1,175 ( 14•Bottega Veneta belt $TBD



Whether you’re in the market for a simple practical belt, or one





that’s more decorative, it’s important that it help make you look fashionable and stylish. Regardless of what you want, you should choose a belt that is of high quality. Men’s belts from the luxury brands are more sophisticated and durable and they usually feature darker colours, which makes them easy to mix and match. Sometimes, you will see belts with special textures. There is Dior Homme’s white-and-black grained calfskin with a bee logo, Prada’s hair calf belt, Emporio Armani’s belt with running stitches pattern, Giorgio Armani’s woven belt and Balenciaga’s belt with a golden stamped logo.

對男士們來說,為功能或是為點睛也好,自問留意時裝, 講究型格的話,挑選皮帶時,應該選有質量的。各大品牌的男

There are also belts with special designs on the buckles, like


Lanvin’s silver hand, Bally’s huge letter B and Loewe’s golden nose.

爾也見特別的質感,如Dior Homme的黑白荔枝皮紋、Prada

Of course, there are also some classical and traditional belts, such as

的斜間毛毛、Emporio Armani的釘線、Giorgio Armani的織繩

Bally’s black belt with a horseshoe-inspired antique gold belt buckle,


Emporio Armani’s dark green belt with grained calfskin, two Hermès


black belts and Bottega Veneta’s brown belt with its signature pattern


on the buckle.

Emporio Arman的墨綠荔枝紋皮帶、Hermès兩款黑色的永恆優 雅選擇與及Bottega Veneta的織紋銅扣啡皮帶等。

I personally like Saint Laurent’s skinny black belt, which is light and simple, and looks good on both men and women. With a width of less

個人則喜歡帶中性感覺的Saint Laurent全黑幼身款,乾淨

than an inch, it will look good not only on pants, but also wearing it


around your waist on any kind of clothing. Loewe’s actually features a


style of jean with a built-in belt. It works by just tying the knot around


your waist — a time-saver that looks very stylish.


People in the fashion field insist that the overall look is very


important. That one- or two-inch-wide strap around your waist may


seem small, but it can make or break your look. Don’t ignore it.






GABRIELLE: CHANEL BEfoRE CoCo 於Chanel來說,2017是Gabrielle之年。為此先後推出了一款手 袋及一系列共4部份的影片;更即將推出15年以來首款重點香 水,全都以Gabrielle為名。那究竟誰是 Gabrielle? Chanel celebrates 2017 with a handbag, a four-part video series and a perfume named after Gabrielle, the brand’s first pillar fragrance release in 15 years. So who is Gabrielle?

text | Leslie Yip photos | Chanel





在Rue Cambon工作室的首席裁縫及一眾員工都稱呼

Her head seamstresses at Rue Cambon, like the staff of her famous


boutique, referred to her as Mademoiselle. Her close, personal friends called


her Coco. But on the birth certificate of the legendary founder of the House of


Chanel, the name is Gabrielle.

If Coco is meant to be Chanel’s spirit, then Gabrielle is the true incarnation.


01•年輕時Chanel 女士曾經在法國一個偏遠的地方演 唱,她的暱稱Coco其實是從她曾經演唱過的兩首 名曲 《Ko Ko Ri Ko》 及 《Qui qu’ a vu Coco》 而來,她 的真名其實是Gabrielle。 Chanel’s nickname, Coco, comes from her days of performing on stage in remote France as a young, aspiring singer chanting “Ko Ko Ri Ko… Qui qu’a vu Coco”, but her real name is Gabrielle.



02•將於今個月面世的GABRIELLE香水,樽身的設計 靈感,是來自西敏公爵送給Gabrielle Chanel女士 的一個銀色鍍金珠寶盒,此盒仍在法國Chanel女 士的公寓作展覽。 The design of the bottle of GABRIELLE, the new perfume launching this month, is inspired by this gold and vermeil toiletries case given to Gabrielle Chanel by the Duke of Westminster. It is still on display at Chanel’s apartment in Paris. 03•GABRIELLE手袋是平底的包包款,雙鏈肩帶可以 調較成不同長度:單揹、斜揹甚至背揹式,輕鬆 配襯用者的需要、喜好及心情。備有多種顏色及 物料以供選擇,由經典黑羊皮到特式皮革都應有 盡有。 The GABRIELLE handbag is a flat-bottomed neo-hobo with an adjustable double-chain handle that allows it to be worn over one shoulder, across the body or across both shoulders. It is designed to adapt to its wearer’s needs, character and mood. It comes in a variety of colours and materials, from classic black lambskin to exotic leathers.


To let us see for ourselves what this name stands for, the maison launched four videos


that focus on the themes of rebellion, freedom, passion and allure, all values that governed


the life of Gabrielle.

魅力。 The first of the series, Chapter 18: Gabrielle, A Rebel at Heart, is a black-and-white 第一段影片:Chapter 18: Gabrielle, A Rebel at Heart,是一段黑白片,當中以一

short featuring historic photographs, iconography and quotes from the founder about her fearlessness in challenging the status quo.

些極具歷史價值的相片,插圖及Gabrielle的 名句,帶出她敢於挑戰現狀的無畏精神。

By honouring the birth name and the character of its founder, the House of


Chanel may be calling on us to release our


own “Gabrielle” — to embrace the courage

勇敢地 「選擇、追求及完成」 心中所想。

“to choose, to desire and to be”.

叛逆的味道是怎樣的?肯定不會被人忽 略就對了。


And what does a rebellious spirit smell like? Definitely not a wallflower.








If one has to think of a flower that represents


Chanel, it would be the white camellia. Its motif appears

甚至鞋履上,是Gabrielle Chanel女士最心愛的花。

often on packaging, bags, clothing, jewelry and shoes, and it is said to be Gabrielle Chanel’s favourite flower.

所以,當調製GABRIELLE這款香水的時候, 最能代表Chanel 個性的理應是白山茶花的香氣,然 而,白山茶花本身原來根本是沒有香氣的。

If GABRIELLE the perfume is meant to capture the true character of Chanel, one would think it should smell of the camellia, but alas, the camellia flower actually has

調香師Oliver Polge並不認為這是可惜的事,相

no scent.

反更藉著這個機會為這經典的Chanel之花打造專屬 它的香氣。

Rather than viewing this as a setback, perfumer Oliver Polge takes it as an opportunity to craft the smell


of the iconic Chanel flower.

花種:依蘭依蘭、茉莉花、橙花和晚香玉,然後重 新把這些花香調配,為這夢幻之花注入生命。

He begins by drawing upon some of the flowers featured in past Chanel fragrances: ylang-ylang,


jasmine, orange blossom and tuberose. Then, he


recomposes their scents to bring his vision for this


dream flower to life.

昇橙花的清新感。 The intensity of jasmine is increased. White musk 這夢幻花朵的誕生,擺脫所有塵世間的限制:

is added to bring a velvety texture to ylang-ylang.


Tuberose is accentuated with milky sandalwood. The


freshness of orange blossom is boosted with mandarin peel, grapefruit zest and a hint of black currant. The result is the scent of an imaginary flower that rebels against the limitations of earthly varieties: one with an explosive corolla, a whirlwind of petals and a white so vertiginous its light seems to radiate from within.






選擇香水是沒有框架,既可以是投射出用者氣質,或是偶然飄過的一絲氣味。只有當你手握 這瓶香水,感覺才會變得實在。 傳統的奢華產品都喜歡用厚實的玻璃來表現尊貴感,Chanel偏偏反其道而行,GABRIELLE香 水的瓶身以超薄玻璃打造,並由四周向內匯集撐出弧度,使瓶身產生一種燦爛的光線折射。 Some of the delights of choosing a fragrance are intangible. They could be an aspiration to a persona, or a whiff in the air. But when one cradles the bottle in her palms, she has finally made a physical connection. The bottle of GABRIELLE challenges the conventional concept of luxury, where the weight of the glass represents the heft of its prestige. The House of Chanel goes the opposite way, developing a bottle with ultra-thin glass walls that converge towards the centre of the bottle, intensifying the brightness of the perfume within.

Gabrielle Chanel Eau de Parfum, 50ml $129, 100ml $183


9月6日起於各Chanel 專櫃有售。 Available Sept. 6 at all Chanel beauty counters.

04•正方形瓶身的四邊經過拋光,讓光線纖透出 來。 The sides of the striking square bottle seem to fade into the background to let the light shine through. 05•香水藏在包裝盒內,內襯跟瓶身外型一樣的浮 雕設計夾盒,令人聯想起體貼的外套襯裡。


Nestled in an imprint of its silhouette, the bottle is presented in a case with patented embossed interior that reminds one of the perfection of a jacket lining. 06•正方型的標籤大小恰到好處,讓瓶身四面都 能折射出光芒。標籤與瓶蓋顏色一樣,均展 現出金銀色的霧面色澤,顏色取材自Chanel


Heritage部門內裡其中一幅珍藏的高級訂制系 列的布料。 The square label, positioned so that every facet fully reflects the light, is echoed by the silverish gold hue of the matte lamé stopper. The hue is said to be inspired by haute couture fabrics preserved in the Chanel Heritage department.





Beauty News 美之成就--賦活雙精華第八代

Clarins Double serum A BeAutiful SucceSS 1985年,坐落巴黎北部的Clarins實驗室成 功配製出首瓶賦活雙精華。一瓶結合水溶 性和油溶性的最佳成分,創造出革命性「水 +油」雙效配方產品,有效抵抗衰老,同時 激活5大細胞修護功效–再生、活氧、滋 養、保濕及防禦。 In 1985, at the Clarins laboratory just north of Paris, the first Double Serum was formulated. Two serums in one, it combines the best water-soluble and oil-soluble ingredients (Hydric + Lipidic System). It targets signs of aging and helps stimulate the skin’s five vital functions: regeneration, oxygenation, nutrition, hydration and protection. text & photos | provided by Clarins






Double Serum brings together the most powerful anti-aging plant extracts that are


soluble in either water or oil, without the risk of being incompatible or unstable with

否 「共存」 ,能專心選取最優質的成分,配製出

emulsifiers. By developing a double formula, Clarins opened the door to an infinite


choice of ingredients and Double Serum succeeds in doing what no other single formula product can do: provide skin cells with an optimal concentration of the best anti-aging



Courtin-Clarins的創新精神,並持續更新配 方,讓產品無懼時間考驗。

Now, 30 years later, Clarins has taken on the challenge of re-creating the best product in the world, the one that Jacques Courtin-Clarins originally dreamed of.

賦活雙精華的「水+油」雙效配方,亦是科 研和技術的雙重創新傑作,提供全方位修護, 讓肌膚重拾彈性、緊緻、嫩滑及光彩。

Double Serum’s Hydric + Lipidic System is a double innovation: a scientific and technological feat that offers exceptional results on all signs of skin aging, including wrinkles, fine lines, loss of firmness, lack of radiance and visible pores.


The perfect ratio

透過模擬肌膚油分和水分混合的情況, 研發人員製作出一款結合三分之二水溶性和三

Two-thirds of the formula contains water-based ingredients and one-third is oil-based.


This ratio is similar to the skin’s own water and oil content. It is for this reason that Double


Serum is so quickly and easily absorbed.


Natural and organic ingredients


This new formula goes even further. Its star ingredient, turmeric extract, is


highly concentrated in turmerone and was selected for its ability to optimize cellular




The new Double Serum includes nine organic ingredients: Madagascan leaf of life,

括馬達加斯加leaf of life、藜麥、海蓬子萃取

quinoa, Marsh samphire, kiwi, Mary’s thistle, Goji berries, edelweiss, ginger lily and green


banana. Three of these ingredients are fair-trade certified: green banana, leaf of life and

花及綠香蕉。其中leaf of life、薑花及綠香蕉

ginger lily.


改良版雙瓶設計 前代的賦活雙精華在瓶內裝入左右兩個 「小瓶」,分別載有「水」及「油」溶性成份配 方。全新雙瓶設計則採用「瓶中瓶」排

The reinvented double vial bottle The previous versions of Double Serum had two different vials which contained each of the formula phases. The new version houses interlocking vials: the oil-based phase is now housed in the hydric phase. This version introduces a unique double-pump system.

列:水溶性配方小瓶內盛載著油溶 性配方小瓶,外觀更為統一。獨有 的雙泵設計,自動擠出三分之二水 溶性和三分之一油溶性成分的完

To preserve the integrity of the liposoluble and hydrosoluble ingredients, the two phases in the new Double Serum mix together upon application. Its unique push-button system


automatically delivers just the right amount of each phase:


two-thirds water-based ingredients and one-third oil-based ones.


Made-to-measure application.

新設計的瓶頂附有兩種分量 選擇,讓你因應皮膚及氣候的變化 作出相應調節。

The new adjustable push-button system makes it possible to customize the amount of product used, depending on the skin’s needs or the climate/seasons.





Beauty News 強效精華液 年輕明眸再現


金裝時空修護眼部 膠囊60粒裝,售價 77元。 Advanced Ceramide Capsules Daily Youth Restoring Eye Serum, 60 capsules, $77


伊麗莎白雅頓的金裝時空修護膠囊早為用家所愛戴。現在推出的 新一代升級版金裝時空修護膠囊,更是精益求精,把嶄新和經過 改良、有保濕功能的神經酰胺科技用於修護臉部最嬌嫩的部分- - 眼睛。 Earlier this year, Elizabeth Arden revealed the next generation of its iconic ceramide capsules with the launch of Advanced Ceramide Daily Youth Restoring Serum. This technology has been reimagined for the most delicate part of the face – the eyes. text & photo | provided by Elizabeth Arden

輕輕扭動,效果多多 採用超過25年的研究技術,伊麗莎白雅頓改良原 有的配方,添加了9種新成分,為肌膚補充必要的天然 脂質,幫助肌膚自然修復,同時專注對付眼部周圍的老 化跡象,令肌膚平滑緊緻,樣子看來更年輕,眼睛更明 亮。

強效修護靈魂之窗 金裝時空修護眼部膠囊專為保護眼睛四周的嬌嫩肌 膚而配製,特別針對魚尾紋、幼紋和眼袋。它能馬上強 化皮膚的天然保護屏障,增加肌膚的滋潤,以及減少細 紋和皺紋。

使用方法 每一粒黃金膠囊均可生物分解,不含香料和防腐


A lot of action from a little twist Leveraging more than 25 years of research, Elizabeth Arden has updated the existing formula, adding nine new ingredients that not only replenish essential, naturally-occurring lipids, but also help support skin’s natural renewal process. In addition, they target the key signs of aging around the eyes for a younger and brighter look.

Precise. Potent. Targeted for Eyes Advanced Ceramide Eye Capsules are formulated specifically for the delicate skin around the eye and target visible imperfections, such as crow’s feet, crepiness and puffiness. It immediately enhances skin’s natural barrier, increases moisturization and minimizes fine lines and wrinkles.

How To Use Each golden capsule is biodegradable and both fragrance- and preservative-free. Just twist and squeeze out the serum and pat it gently


around the eye area with your ring finger, starting at the outer corner of the


eye and moving inward to the nose, upward to the brow bone and back to


the outer corner of the eyes. Repeat a few times.




Beauty news

成就傳說 肌膚延命再生

ShiSeido Future Solution lX From legend to luxury skincare text | Leslie Yip photos | provided by Shiseido Canada

傳說日本佛教傳奇的弘法大師空 海,曾以一種神奇藥草救治了患病 的旅人,這藥草就是誕生於日本高 野山谷的再生植物 – 延命草。 Hidden amongst the sacred Mount Koya mountains is nature’s gift of longevity – the Enmei herb. According to the Japanese legend of Kukai the Kobo Daishi, the Buddhist monk would offer sick travellers this herb to help them recover.

Shiseido Future Solution LX Total Regenerating Cream , 50 ml $375


These ancient tales inspired researchers at Shiseido to seek out the plant.


With the help of a plant hunter, they acquired a master Enmei herb from the foot


of the very mountain and, with plant longevity research, succeeded in getting this rare 350-year-old tree to blossom again.

科研人員把延命草萃取物結合Skingenecell 1P及Vitamin C Ethyl II,研製成資生堂Future

Scientists pair its extract with Skingenecell 1P and Vitamin C Ethyl II,

Solution LX系列的星級成分 - 肌膚延命安定因子

resulting in SkingenecellEnmei, the star ingredient in the new Shiseido Future

SkingenecellEnmei 。

Solution LX.


In addition to Enmei, extracts of traditional Japanese botanicals, like green


tea from the Uji area of Kyoto, Hokkaido Angelica root and Oshima sakura leaf,


reinforce the anti-aging effect on the skin. The delicate notes of Japanese rose,


cherry and plum blossoms accentuate the skincare experience.

在整個系列中,Total Regenerating Cream E

The Total Regenerating Cream E has the highest amount of the


SkingenecellEnmei Complex among the lineup of the products. With a dense,


creamy texture, it melts in quickly to nurture the skin so it becomes resilient, firm


and radiant, with vibrancy from within. A complementary eye and lip contour

regenerating cream。

regenerating cream is also available.


The package design follows the Japanese concept of itsukushimi. From the


striking reflective gold box, to the wrapper that unfolds like a furoshiki, it is a


skincare experience that will be deeply treasured.






Ageless Skin 每個女性都想肌膚的「保鮮期」能夠延長,要成功為肌齡把 關,便得無間斷為肌膚提供補給滋養,同時借助深層修護產 品,強化肌膚的修復機能,預防及改善各種老化現象,令肌 膚猶如再生,重現活力光采。 Every woman aspires to extending her skin’s “freshness date”, but to be successful, she has to be relentless in providing the skin with nourishment. At the same time, she must rely on deep restorative skincare products to strengthen the skin’s ability to prevent or minimize all sorts of aging symptoms and to restore vigour and brightness.

text | 張琬雯 photo | 黃幹文 model | Anastasia N.(Style) makeup & hair | Yan Leung wardrobe | EQ:IQ、Maryling





細胞訓練凍齡術 處於年輕黃金期的肌膚,總是

Training one’ s cells to be ageless Skin that’s in its prime always looks shiny, full and


flawless. But with aging, UV light and other external


invasions, the skin ages faster and wrinkles, unevenness


and other symptoms start to show up. Thus, it’s essential to


maintain a skincare regimen that both repairs and protects.

是做好內修外護。 Guerlain’s newly introduced Orchidée Impériale Black Guerlain推出全新的Orchidée Impériale Black La Cure御庭蘭花

La Cure skin repair treatment follows the natural metabolic


wrapped bottles contain both concentrated black orchid


extract and the essence of many natural plants. It also


utilizes a patented black orchid immunization technology


that effectively strengthens the skin’s protective mechanism.

cycle of the skin to retrain skin cells. The four individually

物精華,同時利用專利黑蘭免疫科 技,有效強化肌膚防禦系統,同時

The effect is all-around restoration, as well as


improvement of all issues related to aging. We recommend


undergoing this repair treatment two or three times a


year. Each treatment takes four weeks and keeps the skin



Guerlain Orchidée Impériale Black The Treatment 60ml $1,750 (









c b


Elizabeth Arden Advanced Ceramide Capsules Daily Youth Restoring Serum 60 capsules $98 全新升級版配方的黃金導航膠囊,每顆膠囊內含由Ceramide 1、3及6、植物鞘氨醇及山茶花油等組 成的精華成分,以全面擊退紋理、粗糙及暗啞,重塑年輕美肌。 This new enhanced formula contains gold capsules containing extracted ingredients, such as Ceramide 1, 3 and 6, plant sheath ammonia and camellia oil. It has the effect of comprehensively fighting lines, roughness and dullness to recreate beautiful, youthful skin. Jurlique Nutri-Define Superior Retexturising Facial Serum 30ml $164 ( 為有效對抗老化問題,精華素糅合了天然Liposome技術,同時添加了人參、山葵及桑根等草本成 分,能改善鬆弛下垂及粗糙問題。 To combat aging, this serum combines natural liposome technology, and incorporates ginseng, horseradish, mulberry and other herbal ingredients. It can greatly improve sagging and roughness. Cha Ling Infusion Serum $TBD 以徹底抗衡各種衰老現象為目標,精華素加入陳年發酵普洱茶餅及新鮮普洱茶葉兩大活性成分,亦 含高濃度透明質酸及積雪草葉萃取等,用後令肌膚時刻保持年輕活力。 Aimed at combatting all sorts of aging symptoms, this serum combines long-term fermented pu-er tea and fresh pu-er tea as active ingredients with highly condensed hyaluronic acid, centella asiatica extract and other ingredients. It preserves the skin’s youthful energy.

Night-time restoration 肌膚細胞會在晚間時分活躍起來,以修復肌膚日間所受的侵害,若趁

這黃金時間進行修護保養,好好選用有助活膚及促進細胞再生的晚間修護 產品,凍齡美肌功效定必更為顯著。 During the evening, skin cells shift into repair mode to rectify the damage suffered during the day. If you take good advantage of night-time skin repair products to help invigorate the skin and enhance the rejuvenation of the skin cells, you can actually freeze the aging process.


e d e







Guerlain Orchidée Impériale The Night Revitalizing Essence 125ml $260 ( 晚間精華液分為油性及水狀兩層 質感,使用前先搖晃瓶身,將蘊 含強效細胞排毒因子Purifynol及 金蘭花技術的兩種精華混合,為 肌膚排毒,同時重啟肌膚細胞的 更新能力。 This night-time essence contains layers of oil and water. Before using this product, it is important to shake the bottle to mix the potent cell detoxifier Purifynol with an essence that contains golden orchid technology. It expels toxins from the skin, as well as reinvigorate the skin’s rejuvenation powers. Eve Lom Age Defying Smoothing Treatment 90x0.3g $195 ( 專為晚間而設的修護產品,以膠囊密封包裹專利六胜肽及多種抗氧化成分,能針對皺紋、鬆弛及繃 緊肌膚狀態,重塑柔滑的膚質。 This skin repair product is specifically designed for night time. The capsules seal in a patented hexapeptide and many antioxidant ingredients. The treatment combats wrinkles, sagging and tightness to restore a smooth skin quality. La Biosthetique Dermosthetique Anti-Age Traitement Régénérant $TBD 以大豆精華、草綠鹽角草萃取及維他命B3等為主要成分的晚霜,集中利用晚間時間來啟動細胞再生 機制及活化肌膚修復功能,從而加強膠原及彈性蛋白的密度,改善皺紋,乾燥及鬆弛等現象。 This night cream uses soybean essence, green salt grass extract and Vitamin B3 as its main ingredients. It focuses on using the night-time hours to activate the rejuvenation mechanism of skin cells. Through its use, the skin’s collagen density and elasticity is strengthened to combat wrinkles, dryness and sagginess.




Caudalie Premier Cru La Crème Riche 50ml $179 ( 面霜加入了三大獨家專利成分,包括能撫平皺紋的穩定性葡萄藤白黎蘆醇、有效減淡色斑的葡萄藤萃取 液,以及高效抗氧化的葡萄籽多酚,從而延長年輕美肌細胞的壽命,預防肌膚老化。 This face cream incorporates three patented ingredients, including the anti-wrinkle stabilizing grapevine resveratrol, dark-spot-lightening grapevine extract and highly effective antioxidant grapeseed polyphenols. Using this product will help maintain youthful and beautiful skin cells and prevent aging. Natura Blissé Essential Shock Intense Cream 75ml $155 ( 面霜加入了蛋白聚醣複合物及氨基精華複合物,兩者均與皮膚性質極為相近,用後有助回復肌膚天然彈 性,以及具保濕、緊緻及對抗皺紋等效用。 This face cream incorporates proteoglycan complex and amino essence complex. Both bring similar qualities to the skin and help restore its natural elasticity. It also hydrates, firms and fights against wrinkles.

h i


Tatcha Ageless Enriching Renewal Cream 55ml US$185 ( 質感豐盈的乳霜,內含豐富的牡丹、山梔子及艾蒿成分,藉以促進膠原蛋白合成及改善微循環,另加入 沖繩紅藻及透明質酸,可預防皺紋及乾燥。 This milky cream is rich in texture, and contains peony, gardenia and artemisia ingredients. It can enhance the synthesis of collagen and improve microcirculation. Added to this mix is Okinawa red algae and hyaluronic acid, which help prevent wrinkles and dryness.

Comprehensive anti-aging methods 若希望肌齡時刻保持年輕狀態,建議趁皺紋、鬆弛、暗啞以至色斑等老化現象問題 還未出現前,先借助能延緩肌膚老化的面霜及精華素,全面擊退老化痕迹,並強化肌膚 的自我修復能力及防禦機制,雙管齊下,自然能延續肌膚的黃金周期。 In order to keep skin looking young, we recommend using face creams and extracts that slow down the aging process — before wrinkles, sagginess, dullness, dark spots and other aging symptoms appear. It’s important to fight signs of aging, and also strengthen the skin’s self-repair abilities and protective mechanisms. Attacking on both of these fronts at the same time ensures that the skin’s golden period is lengthened.




l m

Guerlain Orchidée Impériale The Longevity Concentrate 30ml $595 ( 精華素除了採用金蘭花技術,另蘊含如黃連木乳 香等植物成分,為肌膚注入豐富養分及能量,協 助擊退老化迹象,對提升膚色均勻度及緊緻度起 正面效用。 This essence not only uses golden orchid technology, but also contains other plant ingredients, including evenwood frankincense. It infuses rich nutrients and energy into the skin to help fight signs of aging and increase skin-tone evenness and firmness.


MDNA SKIN The Serum $TBD 由三種透明質酸、光果甘草根提取物、白藜蘆醇 及蘋果幹細胞等混合而成的多效保濕精華液,能 針對各種肌膚老化問題,持續使用,令肌膚彈 性、光澤度、水潤度及緊緻度均有所改善。 This multi-functional hydrating serum combines three types of hyaluronic acids, light licorice root extract, resveratrol and apple stem cells. It focuses on solving all types of skin problems associated with aging. Regular use makes the skin supple and improves brightness, hydration, and firmness.


Lancome Absolue L’Extrait Regenerating Ultimate Elixir Anti Aging Cream 50ml $380 ( 每瓶極緻再生精華乳霜也薈萃了二百萬顆玫瑰原生幹細胞,既有助強化肌膚的防禦屏障, 亦具有高效活膚功能,配合附設的按摩棒進行按摩,可令肌膚更細滑緊緻。 Each bottle of this regenerating elixir contains extracts from 2 million rose stem cells. Not only does it strengthen the skin’s protective barrier, but it also improves the efficiency of skin function. The product, which comes with a massage stick, can help make the skin finer and firmer.

m Guerlain Orchidée Impériale Black The Cream 50ml $1,360 (

尊貴面霜以黑蘭花精華為主要成分,同時配合黑蘭免疫科技,先強化肌膚自我防禦力量, 再達至活膚效能,以徹底抗禦各種老化現象。 This imperial face cream has black orchid essence as its main ingredient. Combined with the immunization technology of black orchids, this product strengthens the skin’s self-defence mechanisms to fight all sorts of aging symptoms.






Deep-layer care 為了進一步替年輕肌齡把關,不少品牌都會精心研製為期四星期的深層修護療

程,主要借助嶄新科技及高效活性成分,從肌膚底層開始進行徹底的保養及修復,另 針對細胞的修護及加強其更新能力,以減褪及預防衰老的明顯迹象,完成整套療程 後,肌膚便能回復飽滿亮澤、細緻無瑕。 To further preserve the skin’s youthfulness, many brands have developed four-week, deep-layer repair treatments. These treatments combine new technology with highly active ingredients to work on the skin’s basal layer. In addition to their repair qualities, these products also focus on restoring cells and strengthening their metabolism in order to reduce and prevent obvious signs of aging. After a complete treatment, the skin returns to a full, bright, fine and flawless state. Sisley Sisleya Elixir Renewing and Restructuring Intensive Program 4x5ml $465 ( 深層高效修護療程包含四支精華,每支內含白柳葉、白英及麥芽等天然植物精華,另混入海扇藻成 分,連續使用四星期後,有助喚醒肌膚的天然修復機能及促進細胞再生,全面改善皺紋、乾燥及鬆弛 等老化問題。 This highly effective deep-layer repair treatment includes four bottles of serum. Each contains natural plant extracts, including white willow leaf, solanium and malt, which are mixed with scallop algae. After continuous use for four weeks, the skin’s natural restorative powers are awakened and the cells’ ability to regenerate is enhanced. Thus, aging symptoms like wrinkles, dryness and sagging are improved all-around.

Valmont Time Master Intensive Program $1,550 ( 為期二十八天的至臻美肌精華修護露套裝,當中的納米乳液蘊 含了三離子DNA微脂囊、彈性蛋白重生精華及抗皺複合縮氨 酸等高濃度活性成分,具有高效保濕作用,亦有效活化細胞更 新,促進彈性纖維及膠原纖維生長,令肌膚回復健康狀態。 This ultimate skin-repair treatment also lasts 28 days. The nanoemulsion contains three ionic DA microcapsules and highly concentrated active ingredients, such as elastic protein regeneration essence and anti-wrinkle complex peptides. It is highly effective in hydrating and helps active cells replenish themselves. This, in turn, enhances the growth of elasticity and collagen fibres. After use, the skin returns to a healthy state.

Amorepacific Time Response Intensive Skin Renewal Ampoule $730 ( 為期四星期的煥采活膚高效精華療程,配方混入萃取自珍罕 綠茶的Green Tea Peptide,以及由綠茶幹細胞、綠茶皂苷及 EGCG兒茶素等組成的Advanced Time Response Complex成 分,除可發揮高效抗氧化作用,亦能賦活肌膚細胞,促進細胞 的新陳代謝。 Lasting four weeks, this highly effective serum treatment restores vibrant skin. The formula mixes peptides extracted from rare green tea with green tea stem cells, green tea saponin and EGCG catechins to form Advanced Time Response Complex. In addition to being highly antioxidating, it also enhances skin cell metabolism.





n n YSL Or Rouge Mask-in Creme 50ml $300 (



品牌利用蘊含高濃度藏紅花素的藏紅花雌蕊,研製出OR ROUGE GFC複合物,並成為了乳霜狀 面膜的主要成分,敷上後,能鞏固肌膚的自然修護能力,全方位提升膚質。 YSL uses highly concentrated saffron pistil essence to produce the OR Rouge GFC compound and uses it as the main ingredient of this cream-like mask. It strengthens the skin’s natural restorative powers and comprehensively increases skin quality.


Apivita Face Mask with Grape Line Reducing $TBD 結合了97%天然成分的葡萄抗皺緊膚面膜,內含葡萄精華、維他命及葡萄籽油等,不僅能淡化幼 紋及皺紋,更有助回復肌膚彈性。 Consisting of 97 per cent natural ingredients, this anti-wrinkle and firming mask combines grape essence, grapeseed oil and various vitamins. Not only does it lighten fine lines and wrinkles, but it also restores the skin’s elasticity.


Fresh Black Tea Firming Overnight Mask 100ml $112 ( 糅合了專利紅茶複合物、紅茶菌及黑莓葉萃取精華等成分的晚間面膜,重點修復日間環境污染及 壓力對肌膚所造成的損害,同時有助延緩衰老。 Combining a patented kombucha compound with blackberry leaf extract, this night-time mask focuses on repairing the harm caused by daytime environmental pollutants and also aids in slowing down aging.

Face Mask Replenishment 作息不定時同樣會令肌膚狀態逐

With irregular work and rest hours, a person’s skin


condition worsens. Dry lines, puffiness and dullness can occur,


making one look quite a few years older. Face masks are


excellent in providing emergency skin care. Through the high


density of serum, skin quality can be measurably improved.

救,透過內含的高濃度精華成分,有 助改善整體膚質,部分面膜更表明能

Some face masks even boast the ability to fight signs


of aging, such as dark spots, sagginess and wrinkles. One


should select the appropriate face mask product for specific


issues and needs.


r q


Guerlain Orchidée Impériale Brightening The Imperial Radiance Mask 4pcs $355 ( 針對膚色暗啞、皺紋、色斑及毛孔粗大等老化問題,面膜特別結合細胞呼 吸技術及全新蘭光科技,再配合多種亮肌活性成分混合物,可發揮即時亮 白、滋養及緊緻功效。 Focusing on aging problems, such as dullness, wrinkles, age spots and enlarged pores, this face mask combines cell-breathing and orchid radiance technologies. It also adds many compounds with active brightening ingredients in order to brighten, nourish and firm up the skin. ReFa Expression High Tension Mask 4pcs $90 ( 緊緻精華面膜主要透過復活草、海藻醣及四胜肽等成分,為肌膚注入充足 養分,同時促進血液循環及加強緊緻面部肌膚,用後肌膚更明亮剔透。還 採用三層構造薄膜及雙重耳掛式設計,能緊貼肌膚,具提拉作用。 This mask contains a firming essence made from Easter grass, trehalose and quadrapeptides, and it also infuses nutrients into the skin. At the same time, it increases blood circulation and improves skin firmness. Use of this product results in brighter, more translucent skin. The product also uses a three-layer thin membrane and double ear-hooks to cling tightly to the skin for a lifting effect.





Living 自由互動交流區 完美開放式廚房

The PerfecT OPen-STyle KiTchen 開放式廚房近年大行其道,通透又明亮,

Open-style kitchens are the craze these days. Light and


airy, they lead to many creative architectural designs.


Choosing an open-style kitchen, and customizing it with


an island bar, prevents “the chef” from being isolated


from guests. He or she can cook while freely interacting


with family and friends. Thus, the kitchen becomes a


special area for connecting and sharing thoughts.

Brad Boswell設計的這個大廚房,榮獲

Naturally, the larger the space, the more room there

由安省廚房衛浴協會( National Kitchen

is for creativity. Designer Brad Boswell was the Large

& Bath Association (NKBA) Ontario

Kitchen Award winner at the prestigious National

Chapter ) 頒發的2017年度「廚房(大)設

Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA) Ontario Chapter’s

計獎」 。

2017 Design Competition with this creation.

text | Livian Wu photos | Brad Boswell

鎳面的水槽與鍍鉻或拉絲鎳的水龍頭配合 得恰到好處。 The nickel sink can match with chrome or brushed nickel faucets perfectly.

設計師以傳統廚房模式作基礎,刻意加入過渡式風格來點綴 。傳統元素包括標準的櫥櫃框架、門板的鑲嵌框面、楣板的拱型 設計,以至窗飾的配搭,都與櫥櫃相襯匹配。 同時,為了淡化太過傳統的外觀,設計師造出簡約的拱型楣 板線條,另外選用帶有襯墊的樹脂面板,棄用透明或有紋理的玻 璃;玻璃式防濺背牆的設計,同樣具備過渡式風格元素。 本來屬於功能部件的防濺背牆,作用是方便清理;現今卻流 行使用有趣的瓦片來增添裝飾效果,大大改變廚房的整體感覺。 中央島可說是於大廚房中不可或缺的靈魂組合,除了功能多元 化、以及可提高空間的使用效能外,在打造視覺美觀效果方面也 是居功至偉。兼當吧台的餐桌提供額外座位,用來享用早餐、輕 食或喝飲料就最適合不過,在家也能營造居酒屋用餐的情調。 設計師起用再生黑梣木作為中央島的櫃體,與亮麗的桌面形 成對比;石桌面的圍邊裝飾則使用木質地來增加溫暖感,邊緣輪 廓亦較顯圓滑,中央島看起來更是大方得體。





吧台式的中央島、配合寬敞 的工作桌面,能讓三五知己 一起烘培點心,交流廚藝心 得。 The bar-style centre island has a wide working surface, which allows a few friends to bake together and share their culinary skills and advice.

The designer uses a traditional kitchen model, including standard cabinet frames, the mosaic on the door frame, the arch on the fascia board, etc. Even the window trims all match the kitchen cabinets. At the same time, to modify the overly traditional look, the designer makes the lines of the arched fascia board simpler and chooses a resin panel with a liner over a clear or textured glass. The designer does utilize a traditional glass backsplash: its purpose to make cleaning easier. But these days, the trend is to use interesting tiles to add to the decorative effect and help change the overall dynamics of the kitchen. The centre island is the soul of a large kitchen. In addition to being versatile, and being able to increase the usability of the space, it also helps create a beautiful visual effect. Doubling as a bar and a dining table, the island provides additional seating appropriate for breakfast, snacks or drinking, and creates the atmosphere of an izakaya right at home. The designer uses reclaimed black ash for the island cabinets, in stark contrast to the shiny 利用玻璃瓷磚作為防濺背牆,既容易 清理又能帶出清新感覺。 Using glass tiles as a backsplash makes it easy to clean, while giving a refreshing look.

countertop. At the same time, the granite top has wood trim around it to add warmth and smoothness to the outline. This way, the island looks more sophisticated and elegant. Designer : Brad Boswell, owner of Otley Design Company Ltd.





Elite Choice 匯聚奢華表現典範


PERFORMANCE is REFERiNg tO PERFORMANCE iN ExERCisE text | Kenson Ho & Mel Tobias photos | provided by Equinox


Vancouverites have always enjoyed an active and healthy


lifestyle, so it should come as no surprise to learn that


it’s been recognized as one of the healthiest cities in the


world by several international publications, including Time




The robust fitness industry here is huge and growing


yearly. According to Statistics Canada, over a period of


eight years, revenues for “fitness and recreational sports


centres” in BC jumped 160 per cent — to $404 million in


2014, from $250 million in 2007.


The number of health and fitness clubs in Metro Vancouver


exceeded 300 in 2016. A new arrival to the already crowded


scene came late last year in the form of the prestigious


Equinox club. Its $176 monthly fee is the most expensive


ever seen in a large club in Vancouver.

豪華寬敞的環境,讓你發揮最佳表現。 The spacious Equinox provides a luxurious environment for maximum performance.





主健身樓層提供海量跑步機。 Numerous treadmill machines on the main exercise floor.

Equinox位於West Georgia市中心金融區的心

EliteGen recently visited Equinox, located on West Georgia, adjacent to


the luxurious Trump Tower and the prestigious Stefano Ricci men’s shop. The


34,000-square-foot, two-storey facility has a grand and impressive entrance


lobby, with a reception area, fireside lounge, boutique clothing store and


juice bar. We almost felt like we had walked into a high-end contemporary


international hotel with a minimalist chic décor, where we were greeted by an


energetic, tall and fit general manager, Liz Jacobs.

活力四射、身材高挑的總經理Liz Jacobs介紹

“Although Equinox is relatively new in town, we do come with a long


history,” she said. “The company is 25 years young, started by three siblings on


the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York City.

今已25年,首店位於紐約市曼哈頓東北區,10年後 業務開始擴展至加州等美國其他地區。四年前更進

“After 10 years in Manhattan, they started to expand across the U.S. to


California. Four years ago, the expansion continued into the international

2016年11月抵達溫哥華。」 Liz解釋說。

fitness arena – to Toronto and London. And in November 2016, Equinox arrived in Vancouver.”

Liz闡明Equinox的概念:「90年代初期,雖然出 現了不少精品健身室,但健身房畢竟只是健身房,

When asked about the concept of Equinox, she replied: “During the early


’90s, there were a lot of boutique fitness studios. But a gym is a gym, and


not a luxurious club. The three siblings wanted a fabulous environment, both


beautiful and motivational, that members would be proud to go to, but still


maintain a boutique style of quality.


“Equinox is all about the experience. It’s where luxury and performance


meet. We’re very pleased with the way the club has resonated with the city.

部,沒理由不能在溫市取得成功 。」

Vancouver likes fitness and Vancouver likes luxury, so there’s no reason that a luxurious fitness club wouldn’t be a success here.”

Equinox是溫哥華最大的俱樂部之一,擁有6 間健身館、以及設備完善的健身樓層。雖然規模龐

One of the largest clubs in Vancouver, Equinox has six studios and an


enormous full-feature fitness floor. Despite its size, there are fine details in this


posh facility, with perks such as fridges with chilled lavender-scented towels

供應Kiehl’ s的護膚產品。

and complimentary Kiehl’s skincare products in the spa-like locker-rooms.

Equinox位於金融區的心臟地帶West Georgia。 Equinox is located on West Georgia, in the heart of the financial district.

Equinox大堂的火爐休息室。 The fireside lounge in the Equinox lobby.





Elite Choice

如何開始健身? 「最好遵循Equinox的建議,以平衡的 方式健身。我們相信一對一的教練模式,能 帶來最有效的結果。每個人的身體都是不同 的,你的健身方案級數愈高,就愈需要度身 訂製。第一步是接受我們的級別評估,包括 深入的醫療和健康狀況問卷、身體綜合指 數、動作篩查、姿勢分析和代謝率的測量。 個人教練將評估你的狀況和目標,以打造屬 於你的個人路線圖。由於你的需求、目標和 Liz Jacobs與經驗豐富的教練。 Liz Jacobs with Equinox’s very experienced trainers.

生活會不斷改變,與教練之間的緊密聯繫, 是成功與否的關鍵所在。」 Liz在渥太華長大,後來先後遷居 波士頓和紐約。她本身也是健身教練, 最初是Equinox的會員,後來申請成為 Mamaroneck俱樂部的助理總經理,再晉升 至紐約Scarsdale俱樂部的總經理。她搬到 溫哥華,以協助成立分店:「我愛西岸,溫 哥華是個美麗的城市,市民都很熱衷健身, 能夠遇上這麼多志同道合的人,委實充滿親 切感。」 每一個人都可以擁有健美的身型和健

溫哥華人相當熱衷健身。 Vancouverites are definitely into fitness.

康的體魄,在Equinox,你更能以時尚的方 式達到目的。

Equinox強調個人化的訓練, 每個人都有不同的級別。 Equinox emphasizes personal training – a tier for everybody.


每間Equinox普拉提館均配有 正宗的設備。 Every Equinox Pilates Studio features a suite of authentic equipment.

PRECISION RUNNING® PRECISION RUNNING® 「精準跑步」 不必到室外也可開創新路。「精準跑 步」 為跑步機訓練重新定義 – 在切換 段數時,既能激發潛能,也能讓你以 更精明的方法跑步,減少痛楚,同時 燃燒更多脂肪,助你有恆心地持續鍛 練。 You don’t have to go outside to blaze new trails. Precision Running® is redefining treadmill training — run smart, hurt less and burn more as you switch up intervals to ignite potential and keep you in the running zone. PERSONAL TRAINING - A TIER FOR EVERYBODY 度身設計個人訓練 工作人員基於現實 資料,而不是演算法,來為你配對適 合的教練。你的目標、體能狀況,進 度和病歷都至關重要。教練積極站於 技術和科技範疇領導位置,伴你同步 邁進,獲得理想成果。 They use reality, not algorithms, to match you to a trainer. Your goals, fitness level, schedule and medical history are all vital. As you progress, your trainer will too, staying ahead of the curve on trends and technology. Throughout your experience, you’ll get roadmaps that bring results, because results are why you’re there.





How does one start? “What’s best is to follow the Equinox protocol — a balanced approach to fitness,” Jacobs says. “We believe in one-on-one coaching to achieve efficient and effective results. Because no two bodies are the same, the more advanced your training program, the more customized it becomes. “Your first step is the X assessment, which includes an in-depth medical and fitness questionnaire, body composition index, movement screen, postural analysis and metabolic rate measurement. Your personal coach will evaluate your history and objectives to create your personal roadmap. Since needs, goals and lives change, the conversation between you and your coach will play a vital role in your success.” Jacobs grew up in Ottawa and moved to Boston, then New York. She was a fitness instructor herself and started off as an Equinox member. She later applied to become the assistant general manager of their Mamaroneck Club and was then promoted to general manager of their Scarsdale Club in New York. She then moved to Vancouver to help launch the Equinox Club here. “I love the West Coast and Vancouver is a beautiful city. People are into fitness here. It feels right at home, meeting so many like-minded people.” Everyone can be fit and healthy. You can do it with style at Equinox.


STUDIO PILATES普拉提館 每間Equinox普拉提館均配有一套正宗的設備,可進行超過500種動作 組合,每個Pilates Studio一對一的課堂形式多樣化,讓你的身體和心 靈全情投入,不會感到乏味或停滯不前。 Every Equinox Pilates Studio features a suite of authentic equipment. With more than 500 movement combinations available, a one-on-one Studio Pilates session has the variety to keep your body and mind engaged, so you’ll never get bored or hit a plateau. CYCLING STUDIO健身單車館 Equinox的健身單車館是你表演身手的場地。空間設計無懈可擊,讓 你更覺活力十足。而 「連接單車」 會將你的數據從任何一部單車傳送到 你的網上帳戶,以便追縱你的進度,並提升成果。 The cycling studios are performance theatres. The impeccablydesigned spaces will energize you, and Connected Cycling will transmit your stats from any bike to your online account, so you can track your progress and start revving up results. BOXING STUDIO拳擊館 Equinox的高密度拳擊課堂勁度十足。掌握刺拳,直拳和防守的藝 術,或在課堂之間一試自由搏擊。無論你喜歡那一種拳擊,你都會喜 歡這裡的先進器材。 Equinox’s high-intensity boxing classes pack a serious punch. Master the art of jabbing, punching and blocking, or freestyle it on your own between classes. However you hit it, you’ll like the great equipment. BARRE STUDIO健美館 踏入專屬的Barre健美館,在廣闊的空間中加強實踐,鍛煉身心健康。 Step inside the dedicated Barre studio and enhance your practice with sprawling spaces — the perfect atmosphere to take on this intense and invigorating workout, in a stunning setting that inspires.

FEATURES & AMENITIES 設備與設施 THE SPA 水療館 來到THE SPA水療館,技術高超的按摩 治療師和美容師、為你帶來完美的身心 治癒服務。非會員也可以使用。 Make an escape to The Spa, an indulgent hideaway where highly skilled massage therapists and estheticians bring you the ultimate in rejuvenation services. Open to nonmembers.

THE SHOP 商店 在此可選購耐克、Lululemon,Spiritual Gangster和Monrow等時尚品牌的服 飾,隨意往返會所。從必需品到名師設 計的奢華服飾,一應俱全,是健身和時 尚的交匯點。 Move seamlessly to and from the club with chic performance-wear from coveted brands like Nike, Lululemon, Spiritual Gangster and Monrow. From must-have essentials to designer indulgences, this is where fitness and fashion intersect. BODY ENERGY CLUB CAFÉ咖啡館 在駐場營養夥伴Body Energy Café充 電,鍛煉前後來一杯冰沙或果汁。 Refuel right with Body Energy Café, Equinox’s on-site nutrition partner, and enjoy a pre- or post-workout smoothie or juice.

Equinox內的水療館。 The Spa at Equinox.

在The Shop精品店,可找到最時尚的運動 服飾。 You can find the latest fitness fashion at The Shop.





Restaurant 驚喜滿點的當代料理


MODERN WORLD CUISINE WITH A HAPPY TWIST text & photos | Kenson Ho & Mel Tobias

法國名廚Auguste Escoffier說

“Good food is the foundation of happiness.”


Those are the words of renowned chef Auguste Escoffier,

尚》 最近在市中心Fairmont Pacific

whose name is synonymous with classical French cuisine.


EliteGen experienced this “happiness” after discovering an


exciting French-Mexican-Asian culinary adventure with a


beguiling new twist.


The dinner was at Botanist, the relatively new restaurant at


Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel. The renovated restaurant has


evolved with a curvaceous room decorated with giant plants,


softening the modern edge of the previous Oru.

Hector大廚與他的烹飪團隊。 Chef Hector and his kitchen team.





Botanist鬱鬱蔥蔥的花園。 The lush garden at Botanist.

Hector大廚親力親為,務求盡善盡美。 Chef Hector is very hands-on to make sure that everything is done right.

在Botanist每個晚上都有現場音樂演奏。 There’s live music every night at Botanist.

從ORU蛻變為BOTANIST Botanist的總經理Shon Jones-Parry向《星

TrANSITION frOm Oru TO BOTANIST Shon Jones-Parry, Botanist’s general manager, says the

尚》娓娓道來:「酒店經營集團Westbank and

restaurant’s redevelopment began in January and its doors


reopened in late April with four robust components — a dining


room, a cocktail bar and lab, a lush garden and a champagne



域,包括用餐區、雞尾酒吧兼實驗室、蔥翠的花 園和香檳坊。最重要的是,我們想創建一間個性

“But what is important is that we wanted to create a unique


destination restaurant with its own personality, instead of another


standard hotel restaurant,” Jones-Parry told EliteGen.


Botanist is inspired by the principals of botany: the study


of plants. It celebrates the harmony of nature and showcases


the rich and diverse nature of one of the world’s most fertile,


productive and diverse agricultural regions. The moderate


climate of the Pacific Northwest ensures year-round abundance


of stunning ingredients which, in the hands of the culinary team


and beverage masters, becomes the heart and savvy soul of the


vibrant dining experience.








香煎銀鱈魚 – 洋蔥香汁, 發酵蔬菜,木薯泡芙。 SEARED SABLEFISH onion nage, fermented vegetables, puffed tapioca.

孕育Botanist的關鍵人物之一,是行政總廚Hector Laguna,他出生 在墨西哥伊達戈爾,在韋拉克魯斯長大。這個地區以墨西哥混醬mole、 墨西哥玉米肉棕塔馬利和淡水鮮魚馳名。 「家父在墨西哥擁有一個農場, 我們大部分食物,包括玉米、豆類、辣椒、番茄、咖啡和不同種類的水 果,都在那裡種植,也會飼養牛、雞、火雞和豬。因此我一直都是吃着 來自農場的新鮮農產品、肉類和家禽,亦啟發了我採用新鮮時令食材烹 飪,雖然Botanist的菜單不斷推陳出新,但這種風格永遠不變。」 Hector大廚於2000年開始發展烹飪事業,從墨西哥小城遷到舊金 山、邁阿密、後來到多倫多工作,在享譽國際的大師Susur Lee的Lee Restuarant工作,然後成為溫哥華Hawksworth的高級廚師,最後成為 Botanist的行政總廚。他的菜單包含西北太平洋地區豐盛的烹調方法和 植物種類:產自西北土地農作物、以可持續方式採購的海鮮,以及自家 種植的有機作物。Hector說:「Botanist的信念是讓客人第一口已享受到 無上美味,為他們的一天平添樂趣。」

把Botanist的味道帶回家 位於用餐區中心的麵包閣,供應麵包糕點廚師Jeffry Kahle的招牌黃 油餅乾brioche,以及法國東南部普羅旺斯風味的法式Fougasse麵包。 客人可以購買新鮮出爐的麵包,把Botanist的味道帶回家 。 不斷推陳出新的菜單,為客人帶來停不了的驚喜,其中包括: 香烤章魚

配菜包括蘆筍、椰菜花、苤藍,香腸(以墨西哥傳統自 家製香腸食譜製作)


配以青瓜、馬可納杏仁、青葡萄以及阿拉斯加甜蝦 – 作為開胃前菜,清洗味蕾後,展開美食歷險。






配杏仁奶油、巧克力奶油、胡椒醉片、薄荷冰淇淋和白 香醋

手切意大利寬條麵 – 羊肚菌,蘑菇 泥,鬆脆的意大利芝士。 HAND-CUT TAGLIATELLE – morels, mushroom soil, crispy piave.

A key player behind the birth of Botanist is executive chef Hector Laguna, who was born in Hidalgo, Mexico and grew up in Veracruz, Mexico. This region is famous for the mole plant, tamales and freshwater fish. “My father owns a farm in Mexico where they grow most of what they eat,” says Laguna. “This includes corn, beans, chilies, tomatoes, coffee and different kinds of fruits. They also raise their own cows, chickens, turkeys, and pigs. “As a result, I grew up eating very fresh produce, meat and poultry, right from the land they cultivated. This has inspired me to cook with fresh, seasonal ingredients, which is reflected in the always-

中央舞台是麵包站,客人可以購買新鮮出 爐麵包帶回家。 Taking centre is the bread station. Customers can purchase a fresh loaf to bring home.

changing Botanist menu.” Laguna began his professional cooking career after moving to San Francisco in 2000. After a stop in Miami, he wound up in Toronto in 2011, working at Lee Restaurant under Sur Sur Lee. Before taking the reins as Botanist’s executive chef, he served as senior sous chef at Vancouver’s Hawksworth restaurant. His menu depicts the culinary abundance and botany of the Pacific Northwest region, utilizing the organic agricultural methods from local suppliers and sustainably sourced seafood.

香烤章魚 – 蘆筍、椰菜花, 德國籮蔔苤藍,香腸。 CHARRED Octopus – with asparagus, cauliflower, kohlrabi, chorizo 72




草莓甜品 – 杏仁奶油,巧克力奶油, 胡椒花邊,薄荷冰淇淋,白香醋。 STRAWBERRY, almond cream, chocolate cremeux, peppercorn lace, mint ice cream, white balsamic.

The cOckTAIl lAB: A BArTeNder’S ArTISTIc STudIO

雞尾酒實驗室 - 城中首創、獨一無二 佳餚當然要有美酒相伴。「Botanist於餐酒方面的願景,

是匯聚來自世界各地的餐酒,彰顥獨特的風土感。餐酒選擇 主要來自由家族擁有和經營的釀酒廠,他們對環境和餐酒品 質的要求極高。此外,精品餐酒系列中的選擇,更是來自符 合可持續發展,以有機風力和生物動力進行農耕和釀酒過程 的釀酒廠。」餐酒總監Jill Spoor表示。 Botanist酒吧提供耐人尋味,同時玩味十足的雞尾酒,其 中一系列像化學品般的選擇,是來自他們在城中首創、也是 全城唯一一個雞尾酒實驗室cocktail lab。這是一個調酒師的藝 術工作室,以工業廚房設備「度身訂造」,將烹調方法融匯到 雞尾酒設計和製作中。它激發創意自由和精確度,專注提高 飲酒體驗。 總而言之,在Botanist用餐,絕對可以讓你掛上笑臉。在 這城中一流餐廳裡,一遍又一遍的享受到美食帶來的喜悅。 “It’s about watching someone take their first bite, and know that I’ve made their day even a little bit better,” Laguna says. “I bring that to the plate at the Botanist.”

Take home a piece of the Botanist Taking centre stage in the middle of the dining room is the service and bread station, featuring pastry chef Jeffry Kahle’s signature buttery brioche and Provence-inspired fougasse. Customers can take a piece of Botanist home with them with the purchase of fresh-baked loaves to-go. The ever-changing menu will never cease to surprise. It includes: CHARRED OCTOPUS

with asparagus, cauliflower, kohlrabi, house-made chorizo (the sausage’s recipe from Laguna’s grandmother in Mexico)


with cucumber, marcona almonds, green grapes, sidestripe shrimp.

What’s good food without a perfectly paired wine? Botanist wine director Jill Spoor says the restaurant’s wine list “is a collection of mostly family owned and operated wineries, which share a high level of commitment to the environment and quality of wine. Furthermore, the boutique list showcases wineries which practise sustainable, organic wind and biodynamic farming and winemaking.” The Botanist bar also features a list of sophisticated, yet whimsical, cocktails. Several are chemist-like designs from the restaurant’s unique cocktail lab. This is the bartender’s artistic studio, custom-created with industrial kitchen equipment to integrate a culinary-forward approach to their cocktails. It inspires creative freedom and precision, granting the attention required to forge an elevated drinking experience. To sum it all up, dining at Botanist can certainly put a pleasant smile on your face, a happiness that can be repeated and repeated with every visit.

start your meal with this to cleanse your palate for the culinary adventure. HAND-CUT TAGLIATELLE

with morels, mushroom soil, crispy

Botanist城中的第一個、也是唯 一的雞尾酒實驗室。 The unique, first and only cocktail lab at Botanist.

piave cheese. SEARED SABLEFISH

with onion nage, fermented vegetables, puffed tapioca.


with almond cream, chocolate cremeux, peppercorn lace, mint ice cream, white balsamic.

Botanist Restaurant 1038 Canada Place, Vancouver 604.695.5500







商業漁船以Comox Valley為基地,捕 得魚穫立即付運。 Commercial fishing boats use Comox as their base, and export the seafood as soon as it is caught.

Comox Valley : a Closer relationship with the sea 每當有親友來訪卑詩省,好杯中物的,我會帶他到酒谷Okanagan Valley;

嗜吃的,我會帶他到卑詩省海鮮之鄉Comox Valley去。省內所產海鮮多數 來自Comox Valley水域,可以找到過百種的海產。 Whenever relatives visit me in British Columbia, we invariably wind up in one of two spectacular valleys. If they are wine connoisseurs, I take them to the Okanagan Valley. If it’s food they crave, then it’s off to the Comox Valley, where the best seafood in the province can be found. text | Iris Yim photo | Johnny Liu





前往Comox Valley

transportation to Comox Valley 溫哥華前往Comox Valley非常方便,坐渡輪至 Nanaimo後,沿19或19A公路北上,車程只需一小 時。溫市中心亦有水上飛機Harbour Air廿分鐘直抵 Comox。 It is very easy to reach Comox Valley from Vancouver. You can take the car ferry to Nanaimo Comox Valley位處溫哥華島東岸中部,丘陵起伏的低陸平原,與 高聳崢嶸的溫哥華島Vancouver Island Range一左一右,如兩個守護 神般,把太平洋的巨浪,以及從洛磯山脈吹來的迅猛季風一一擋住。

and then drive north on Highway 19 or 19A for about an hour. Or, you can board a Harbour Air seaplane in downtown Vancouver for the 20-minute flight to Comox.

這兒日照特長,水不揚波,造就了有利的海產生長環境,也成為 進行水上活動的樂園。海濱的Marina Park有四個可容五百艘遊艇停 泊的地方。海濱南面的Goose Spit Regional Park是砂洲所在,十九 世紀中期曾是英國皇家海軍戰艦的避風港,如今則是玩滑浪風帆、暢 泳、划船和堆沙的好地方。Comox以至Campbell River一帶是三文魚 活躍的海域,商業捕魚船亦以Comox海濱碼頭為基地,捕撈到三文魚 和斑點蝦等漁穫後馬上出口,最大的買家來自美國和亞洲。 遊人在Comox除了樂水還可以樂山,驅車四十五鐘即可直 抵雪場,早上出海暢泳,下午則可在Forbidden Plateau或Mount Washington雪上馳騁。

食在Comox Valley

eating in Comox Valley the BlaCk Fin puB 面朝海邊的露天座位,可眺望Beaufort Mountain及Comox的漁人碼頭,提供西岸美食及各 式海鮮。 The outdoor seating affords views of Beaufort

Comox Valley is centrally located on the east coast of Vancouver Island. The low plains and rolling hills stand in sharp contrast to the island’s range of tall and stern mountains, which shield the area from

Mountain and the fisherman’s pier at Comox. The restaurant features West Coast cuisine and all sorts of seafood.

the high winds and tall waves of the Pacific, as well as the fierce seasonal storms from the south. Here the daylight hours are extraordinarily long. Further, the seas are very calm. These features create an environment that is especially suited to the growth of seafood, and also suited to the building of water parks. Marina Park, which is on the seashore, has four areas that accommodate 500 yachts. On the south is Goose Spit Regional Park and its wonderful sandbars. This was a British Royal Navy shelter in the mid-19th century. Today it is a favourite venue for windsurfing, swimming, rowing and sandcastle building. The stretch between Comox and Campbell River is a plentiful source of seafood, particularly salmon and prawns. Thus, commercial fishing boats tend to use the pier at Comox as their base. As soon as the seafood is caught, much of it is immediately shipped to the United States and Asia.

以煙肉包著帶子煎至金黃色(The Black Fin Pub菜式)。 Bacon-wrapped scallops pan-fried until golden (a dish from The Black Fin Pub).

the white whale restaurant 擅長炮製本地食材和海鮮等,以16款手工啤酒 及歡樂時光的buck-a-shuck oysters叫好叫座,主 菜如哈里拔魚、甜蝦,甜品如海膽雪糕等都極有水 準。 This restaurant’s strength is its use of local ingredients, including plentiful seafood. It features 16

In addition to enjoying the water, tourists can also enjoy the

craft beers and buck-a-shuck oysters during happy

mountains. A mere 45-minute drive from Comox takes you to the ski

hour. Main courses include halibut and sweet shrimp,

slopes. So, you can bask in the ocean in the morning, then ski on

as well as desserts such as sea urchin ice cream.

Forbidden Plateau or Mount Washington in the afternoon.






Comox Valley由Cumberland、Comox 及Courtenay三個毗鄰鼎足的市鎮組成。

Comox Valley: comprising the towns of Cumberland, Comox and Courtenay.


Cumberland原是煤礦產區,後來礦業沒落, 一度成為鬼城。Comox和Courtenay分別位於

Cumberland was originally a mining area, but after the decline of the

Tsolum River及Puntledge River河口,和陽光海

mining industry, it became a ghost town. Comox and Courtney are located at

岸(Sunshine Coast)的Powell River遙遙相望,

the mouths of the Tsolum and Puntledge rivers, respectively, and face Powell

又得Denman Island與Hornby Island庇蔭,寧靜

River on the mainland’s Sunshine Coast.

的內海加上河口沖積物豐富,非常適合海洋生 物棲息,區內約有四百個海產養殖場。海產養 殖及商業漁穫佔卑詩省海鮮總產量一半。

The area is surrounded by Denman Island and Horny Island, creating a quiet inner harbour, which is also rich with alluvium at the bayou. Thus, it is a perfect place for the growth of marine life. There are about 400 seafood farms

溫哥華島由Nanaimo以北全是盛產海產的 區域,包括Qualicum出產的帶子,Deep Bay、

in the area. The farmed and caught seafood in this area together account for up to half of the seafood production of British Columbia.

Mud Bay、Fanny Bay、Union Bay等小海灣的 生蠔和Comox Valley近岸海域的水產,包括青

The area north of Nanaimo is a bountiful source of seafood. The products


include scallops from Qualicum, oysters from Deep Bay, Mud Bay, Fanny Bay


and Union Bay, and mussels, clams, sea urchins, sea cucumber and spot


prawns, mud crabs and geoduck clams from the coastal waters of Comox


Valley. As well, salmon and halibut are plentiful. The variety is endless. 遊Comox Valley最好的季節是六月及英 文名稱裡有”r”字的月份,因為每年六月是卑

The best time to tour Comox Valley is in June, when the BC Shellfish &

詩海產月(BC Seafood Month),會舉行加西

Seafood Festival is held, and all the months that have an “r” in their names,

最大型的海產節BC Shellfish and Seafood

which is when oysters are the fattest and most ready for harvest.

Festival;而有”r”字的月份,正是生蠔最肥美 的收成期。

The Kusshi oyster found in the area is different from other types of oysters. It is farmed using the floating tray method. The tray moves whenever the river

Comox Valley所產的Kusshi oyster有別於

flows through, so the oysters are always being flipped around. This retards

其他生蠔品種,以浮架(floating tray)養殖,架子

their growth on the outside, while allowing them to mature on the inside. Thus,


the Kusshi looks small, but is very thick and meaty. The meat is quite sweet,


which makes it a favourite among oyster lovers.

其實非常厚身多肉,而且味道甘甜,成為嗜蠔 客的寵兒。

The B.C. geoduck clam is distributed domestically and also exported to Hong Kong and China. Each year, sales total more than $40 million. Fishermen

卑詩象拔蚌出口香港和中國,加上本土 內銷,每年為國家賺取四千五百萬元收入,漁

require a special licence to harvest these clams because they are a limited resource.

人要取得特別的許可證才可以在海中作業。由 於資源有限,為要使象拔蚌繼續成為可持續海

Comox Valley’s Manatee Seafood Farm has successfully imitated the natural


environment to raise geoduck clams and sea cucumbers. The sea cucumbers


feed mainly on decayed plants and can therefore clean up the waste excreted


by the geoduck clams, thus making the seabeds healthier.

01•養殖一年至數年不等的象拔蚌。 Geoduck clams that have been farmed from one year to a few years. 02•卑詩紅海參很受華裔喜愛,也是省內重要水產之一。 B.C.’s red sea cucumber has been a favourite among Chinese Canadians, and is an important segment of the province’s seafood industry. 03•Kusshi oyster甘甜厚身,是蠔中珍品。 Kusshi oysters are sweet and thick, a favourite of oyster lovers.


In order to ensure that these clams continue to be a sustainable organism,

產,Comox Valley的Manatee海產養殖場已





住在Comox Valley

staying in Comox Valley kingFisher oCeanside resort & spa 酒店擁有海濱景觀房間,以及區內最好 的兩家海鮮餐廳AQUA Bistro & Wine Bar和 Ocean7 Restaurant。度假村的水療服務以 仿如地下砂岩洞穴的Pacific Mist Hydropath 最著名,沿著八個不同的水療區,享受按摩 池、瀑布、河流等水療設施。 AQUA Bistro & Wine Bar是紐約風味酒 吧,提供豐富的雞尾酒和各式酒品選擇。在 海景餐廳Ocean7 Restaurant,顧客可欣賞 Sunshine Coast和Tree Island等景色。行 政總廚Nyle Petherbridge是實力雄厚的Red Seal Chef,烹調海鮮最拿手。 Kingfisher Oceanside Resort & Spa features

AQUA Bistro & Wine Bar is a New York-style bar

rooms with full ocean views and two of the best

offering all kinds of cocktails and wines. At Ocean7

seafood restaurants in the area — AQUA Bistro &

Restaurant, one can enjoy views of the Sunshine

Wine Bar and Ocean7 Restaurant. The spa service

Coast and Tree Island, as well as the culinary

is famous for its Pacific Mist Hydropath, which is

offerings of Red Seal Chef Nyle Petherbridge.

an imitation of the underground sandstone caves.

old house hotel & spa 這間共有79個套房和penthouse的酒店,位於 Courtenay River河畔,設計散發太平洋西岸氛圍,酒 店餐廳Locals Restaurant是區內最好的餐廳,並附有 Oh Spa水療服務。 由老宅改建的Locals Restaurant內外設計均古 色古香,主廚Ronald St. Pierre烹調手法雅緻細膩。 Locals是卑詩唯一取得Leaders in Environmentally Aware Food Service Level 3 Certification的餐廳。推 出的Chef Guided Farmers Market Tour,讓食客跟著 大廚去買菜,回到餐廳把食物煮成午餐進食。 This hotel, located on the shore of the Courtenay River, has a total of 79 suites and a penthouse, and is home to Locals Restaurant, one of the best in the area. Spa services are also offered at Oh Spa. Locals Restaurant has old-mansion interior and exterior designs, full of old-world charm. Head chef Locals Restaurant內部裝璜古色古香。 Locals Restaurant’s interior is full of old-world charm. 上雪山下碧海,在Comox Valley樂山也樂水。 Head to the mountains, then descend to the blue sea, enjoying both skiing and water sports in Comox Valley.

Ronald St. Pierre has a delicate and detailed cooking style. Locals is the only restaurant in British Columbia awarded a Leaders in Environmentally Aware Food Service Level 3 Certification. Its Chef-Guided Farmers Market Tour offers guests the opportunity to go shopping for ingredients with the head chef and then have the food cooked for lunch at the restaurant.





Food 要盡情品嘗上文提及的海上鮮,只需要參加海產嘉年華:

10 days and has been held for the past 11 years. The headline

海產節為期十天,共有四十個活動。重頭節目是BC Seafood

programs are BC Seafood Expo, Shellfish Dinner by the Sea and

Expo、Shellfish Dinner by the Sea及Comox by the Sea。活

Comox by the Sea. The festival includes culinary skill exchanges and


cooking demonstrations by renowned chefs from Vancouver. Along

配合當地美酒和海鮮佳餚,名副其實散發from sea to table的魅

with local fine wine, this sea-to-table festival is extremely popular.


Shellfish Dinner by the Sea於Filberg Heritage Lodge and

Shellfish Dinner by the Sea is held at Filberg Heritage Lodge and

Park舉行,公園佔地約九英畝,原本由魁省林木業大亨R. J.

Park. The park was originally owned by lumber tycoon R.J. Filberg.


Upon his death, his descendants donated the estate for the public to

與Filberg Heritage Lodge內裡建築細節都一絲不苟,值得仔細欣

tour. The park’s design and the architectural details in Filberg Heritage


Lodge are all meticulous and worth viewing carefully. 要是錯過了六月的BC Shellfish and Seafood Festival,亦可

If you happen to miss out on the festival, fear not. You can dine

光顧Comox Valley多家著名海鮮餐廳,如Locals Restaurant、

on these seafood morsels at any one of several fine restaurants in

The Black Fin Pub、White Whale Restaurant、AQUA Bistro、

the valley, including Locals Restaurant, The Black Fin Pub, White

Ocean7 Restaurant、Avenue Restaurant等,同是犒賞味蕾的好

Whale Restaurant, AQUA Bistro, Ocean7 Restaurant and Avenue



Comox Valley的K’ omoks原住民早就在這裡安家立寨捕魚

Comox Valley’s K’omoks indigenous people have been catching

捉蟹,Pioneer Memorial Park的圖騰和I-Hos Gallery的The Big

fish and crab for decades. The totem pole in Pioneer Memorial Park,


as well as The Comox Big House I-Hos Gallery, are cultural footprints.


The area receives an average of 1,900 hours of sun per year,


which is wonderful for harvest from the farms and vineyards. Comox

market,而且酒莊處處,酒莊如40 Knots Vineyard & Estate

has the largest, most established farmers market on Vancouver

Winery、WayWard Distillation House佳釀都是劉伶客心目中的的

Island, and also features a number of wineries, including 40 Knots

杯中 「蜜」 。

Vineyard & Estate Winery and WayWard Distillation House.

Filberg Heritage Lodge


The BC Shellfish & Seafood Festival features 40 activities over

BC Shellfish and Seafood Festival。這個已有十一年歷史的




玩在Comox Valley

Comox街上不時 可見以船隻為裝 飾主題的建築。 On the streets of Comox, images of ships decorate many buildings.

playing in Comox Valley BC salmon Farm : 養魚場體驗 experienCing a Fish Farm First-hand BC Salmon Farm Tour坐船出海到三文魚養殖場,參觀設施運作及 生態環境,實地觀看以高科技及可持續發展的科學方法來養殖三文魚,

Comox Valley既能讓你投入大自然的懷抱,洗 滌心塵,也有著城市的品味和魅力。Courtenay市的

費用包括船費及午餐,需向BC Salmon Farm Association預約。 BC Salmon Farm Tour provides an insight into the high-tech and

Fourth Street、Fifth Street、Sixth Street都是帶點老

scientific sustainable method of salmon farming. Price of the tour includes

城風味的購物區。Fifth Street上是充滿自家個性的小

the boat trip and lunch. Advance appointments need to be made with BC


Salmon Farm Association.

Courtenay老區內除了幾條購物街是遊人必到 的地方,不少舊建築物也成為遊覽景點,例如建於 1928年的Native Son’s Hall就非常有格調;集博物 館、郵局及海關機構於一身的紅磚屋亦吸引遊人注 目。Comox城區可見到不少以船隻來為市容作立體 裝飾,在在見證Comox Valley與海洋結下的深厚緣 份。 Not only does Comox Valley allow you to embrace nature and cleanse your soul, it also has the charm

40 knots : 當地最大葡萄酒莊 the largest winery in the area 40 Knots Vineyard & Estate Winery是Comox Valley最大的葡萄酒 莊,產品包括Pinot Noir、Pinot Gris、Whitecaps、Chardonnay和Rose 等,產量及品種雖然不多,但其廿四畝葡萄園是當地最大的葡萄園,面 積在溫哥華島中亦排名第四。 40 Knots Vineyard & Estate

and attractions of urban life. Courtenay’s Fourth Street,

Winery is the largest winery in

Fifth Street and Sixth Street are all old-town shopping

Comox Valley. Its products include

districts. Fifth Street is full of family-style small shops

Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Whitecaps,

and boutiques, and the streets are full of beautiful

Chardonnay and Rosé. Even


though its production is small and varieties are limited, its 9.7-hectare

There are also a number of scenic old buildings,

vineyard is the largest in the area

including Native Son’s Hall, built in 1928. There is also

and fourth-largest on Vancouver

a red brick house that is a museum, post office and


40 Knots Vineyard招牌出品 40 Knots Vineyard’s signature wines

customs office all-in-one. In the city of Comox, one can see many 3-D decorations that have ships as their themes, symbolizing the close relationship between Comox Valley and the ocean.

wayward : 加國首家以蜂蜜蒸餾酒廠 Canada’s First honey wine 加國首家以蜂蜜為酒品主要材料的釀酒廠,Wayward Distillation House採用野生三葉草田蜂蜜、冰川水和天然酵母等材料混合,經蒸 餾而釀成的烈酒,招牌出品有Unruly Gin、Unruly Vodka、Bourbon Barrelled Gin等。 WayWard濃醇的honey liqueur。 WayWard’s rich honey liqueur.

As the first distillery in Canada to use honey as the main ingredient, Wayward Distillation House combines ingredients such as wild clover honey, glacier water and natural yeast, and then distills the mixture into a strong wine. Its signature products also include Unruly Gin, Unruly Vodka and Bourbon Barrelled Gin.





Wine Not 愈潮愈神秘

Keeping it hip, and secretive 法國人製酒很注重每個地區的傳統風格,各產區均設立了品質管轄的權力機關 ,不恪守傳統既定製酒規則的, (Appellation d’origine controlee,簡稱AOC) 一概被拒諸制度之外,不得登大雅之堂。 The French care very much about the uniqueness of each region’s style when it comes to winemaking. Each has its own Appellation d’origine controlee (AOC), and those not abiding by the traditional standards aren’t considered reputable. text | Ivan Wong

02 03

01•Scapa酒廠釀酒師Brian MacAulay形容這瓶Glansa為他們首款帶泥煤風味的單一麥芽威士忌, 入口時果味濃郁,最後以煙燻味作結,活脫是Orkney島兩副面貌的寫照。 Scapa master distiller Brian MacAulay describes Glansa as their first peated single malt whisky, with fruity textures yet a smoky finish, making it the perfect representation of Orkney, an island of contrasts.






02•看這風平浪靜的美景,難以想像此島原來是以變幻莫測的強風和怒濤聞名。 The mesmerizing serenity of this scene belies the island’s temperamental climate and unforgiving sea. 03•蘇格蘭北方小島Orkney只有兩家百年老牌威士忌酒廠,位於Scapa海灣的這家,乾脆以Scapa 命名。 Northern Scottish island Orkney only has two century-old whisky distilleries. This one at Scapa Flow adopts Scapa as its name.

到底Glansa所用的是哪一種泥煤酒桶?還是先 把酒喝下,再摸著杯底慢慢猜度吧! Which peated cask did Glansa actually use? Why not have a drink first and then worry about it?


Scotland, with its cold and harsh climate, is challenged in growing crops. Not


every area can grow barley, a key ingredient of Scotch whisky (northern island


Orkney comes to mind). Perhaps it’s out of imagination driven by the lack of


resources, or perhaps it’s a legacy of making secret brews during the prohibition


era, but the word “standards” doesn’t mean much when it comes to Scotch whisky.

尚「規範」二字。總而言之,以穀物為原材料、並 經橡木桶陳釀不少於三年便可以稱之為Scotch

In general, any brew using grains and stored in oak casks for no less than three


years can be called Scotch whisky. When it comes to the type of oak cask, where


the barley is grown (for single malt whisky), and where the peat comes from, it is


entirely up to the distiller.

變數多,醞釀程序繁簡皆可,益發讓劉伶輩在探 索蘇格蘭威士忌真諦過程中,感到耐人尋味,趣 味盎然。

The distillation method may vary extensively and the brewing process can be complicated or simple. This makes it all the more intriguing for connoisseurs in exploring the essence of Scotch whisky.

「規範」不多,自然各師各法,蘇格蘭威士 忌是釀造秘方最多的烈酒種類。然而威士忌酒瓶

With few “standards”, it’s an open playing field, and Scotch whisky boasts the


highest number of secret recipes in the liquor category. Yet whisky labels carry less


and less product information, except for some colourful descriptives. It is meant to


protect the results of their hard work from being copied, since patents are lacking.

年老牌Orkney酒廠,在重新上路後首推的作品 Scapa Glansa招紙上,只標明採用了美式橡木

That’s why century-old distillery Orkney is giving out only sketchy information


on the label of Scapa Glansa, its first whisky to debut after its repositioning. The


label states that it uses American oak casks, but doesn’t reveal the details of the peated casks in which it matured, or the secret recipe of what vintages are blended.

畢竟,鍾情威士忌的你,縱使面前那杯威士 忌有多「神秘」,還是會先把它喝下,然後再慢慢 研究。

Never mind. Whisky connoisseurs like you will sip first and ask questions later, no matter how “secretive” the whisky is.





Elite Life


電影《教父》導演Francis Coppola(法蘭西斯哥普拉)全家總動員 為納帕谷一年一度的慈善葡萄酒拍賣會抹上幾分荷里活的夢幻。 Francis Coppola and family lends Hollywood magic to Napa Valley’s legendary charity wine auction.


text | Leslie Yip photos | Jason Tinacci and Briana Marie for Napa Valley Vintners, Leslie Yip






屆,自1981年起,共籌得超過1億7千萬。今年的 慈善葡萄酒拍賣會在6月1至4日舉行,而Coppola

Sofia Coppola憑執導Nicole Kidman和Kirsten


Dunst主演的電影《The Beguiled》於今屆的康城影 展勇奪殊榮,成為該影展史上第2位獲頒最佳導演

忙如Coppola一家,跨越3代的5位導演,都 齊齊放下大聲公暫停roll機,離開那權威的導演


櫈,為今次的拍賣會出一分力。 2016年多倫多國際電影節中, Sophia的媽媽Eleanor,亦為她的首部作 品《Paris Can Wait》舉行首映而忙得天昏 地暗。 Sofia的哥哥Roman正埋首製作曾獲 金球獎的電視系列《Mozart in the Jungle》 第四輯,預計於今年12月播出。 而年輕的Gia亦忙於籌備根據一位兒 童書籍作者生平改編的電影。 那總指揮Francis Coppola在忙甚麼 呢?他正在搓馬鈴薯丸子。是的,這一次 令大導演廢寢忘餐的事竟然跟電影無關。 (左起) Gia、Eleanor、Roman和Sofia Coppola為著名莊園Inglenook舉行 他正為籌備納帕谷紅酒拍賣會而忙碌,這 的周五原桶拍賣會,主持開幕儀式。 (from left) Gia, Eleanor, Roman and Sofia Coppola opening

件全美國釀酒界年度盛事,已經踏入第37 the Friday Barrel Auctions at Inglenook. The Coppola family is a busy bunch.

he is doing has nothing to do with films. Rather, it is for Auction Napa Valley, a 37-year tradition in

At this year’s Cannes Film Festival, Sofia Coppola

America’s most famous wine region, raising more

became the second woman ever to win the coveted

than $170 million for the community since 1981. This

Best Director award with the movie The Beguiled,

year, it took place between June 1 and 4, and they

starring Nicole Kidman and Kirsten Dunst.

were the honorary chairs.

Her mother, Eleanor Coppola, just released her

Seldom do you see all five Coppola film

first feature film, Paris Can Wait, which premiered at

directors, spanning three generations, put down their

the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival.

megaphones at the same time. They are also out of their director’s chairs, for everyone has a role to play.

Brother Roman Coppola’s Golden Globe-winning TV series Mozart in the Jungle has been renewed for a fourth season, and will be released this December. The young Gia Coppola is adapting the story of a children’s book author into a feature film. And the revered Francis Coppola? He is rolling gnocchis. Unlike other members of the family, what

Napa慈善葡萄酒拍賣會是一個為期4天的盛事,賓客在享用 美酒佳餚的同時,亦可為Napa的本地慈善團體籌務經費。 活動自1981年起,今年已經踏入第37屆,納帕谷九成莊園 也參加,累積籌得超過1億7千萬美元。 Auction Napa is a four-day food and wine extravaganza raising funds for local charities in the Napa County. Now in its 37th year, nearly nine out of 10 Napa Valley Vintners participated this year. The event has raised more than $170 million since its inception in 1981.





Elite Life


葡萄酒商協會晚宴 主演:

Starring: Sofia Coppola 到納帕谷必做的,就是要在酒莊好好享用一頓美食。凡參 加拍賣的人士如購買《Taste of Auction Napa Valley》套餐(每位 $1,700)、納帕谷全體驗(每位$4,000)或VIP體驗($20,000兩位)均可 獲安排於43間參加的酒莊的其中一間享用晚餐。 No visit to Napa Valley is complete without a gourmet meal by the vineyard. Auction attendees were afforded the “Taste of Auction Napa Valley” package ($1,700 per person), the Complete Auction Napa Valley Experience” ($4,000 per person) or the “VIP Experience ($20,000 per couple). They have the privilege of being hosted for dinner at one of 43 participating wineries.

納帕谷的醉人景致成為葡萄莊園晚宴的迷人佈景。 The stunning vista of Napa Valley makes for a dramatic backdrop for the Vintner’s Dinners.





我在到達Rombauer葡萄園的首晚已經獲得 很窩心的招待。作為一名熱衷於烹飪的人,這趟 旅程根本就像朝聖一樣,因為烹飪界天書《Joy of Cooking》的作者Irma S. Rombauer,正正 就是Rombauer葡萄園主人Koerner Rombauer 的姨婆。而Rombauer酒莊出產的霞多麗,就 是清新和充滿果香的代名詞。如果你喜歡研究 以美酒配佳餚,大可從rombauer.com找到配襯 Rombauer美酒的食譜。 I received a warm welcome at Rombauer Vineyards on the night of my arrival. As a cooking enthusiast, it was like a pilgrimage, for they are the Rombauer of Irma S. Rombauer, who wrote the quintessential Joy of Cooking. The self-published author is the great aunt of Koerner Rombauer, founder of the winery now synonymous with intensely fruity and crisp chardonnays. If you are into food and wine pairings, you will find recipes from the cookbook 由烹飪至品酒,Rombauer酒莊深諳美 酒佳餚之道。 From the joy of cooking to the joy of wine with the Rombauer family.

翌日,我很榮幸被邀請參觀Lokoya位於Spring Mountain

to pair with the wines they make at rombauer. com.

The next day, I was privileged to be invited by Lokoya to their newly renovated


estate on Spring Mountain. The winery specializes in “mountain sauvignons”,

帕谷最為人熟悉的四大山脈為名:Mount Veeder、Howell

making 100 per cent cabernet sauvignon wines from four of Napa Valley’s most

Mountain、Spring Mountain 及Diamond Mountain,釀製

celebrated mountain appellations: Mount Veeder, Howell Mountain, Spring

出100%的純赤霞珠。2013年的Mount Veeder配襯由大廚

Mountain and Diamond Mountain. The 2013 Mount Veeder paired beautifully with

Calvin Moran主理的磨茹馬鈴薯伴羊扒更堪稱一絕。

the lamb loin with mushrooms and confit potato prepared by chef Calvin Moran.


Some participating wineries opted for witty themes. For example, Covert


Estate went for a Vegas theme, with poker and other entertainment. Viader went


for an Argentinian theme, complete with tango lessons. But the most glamourous

戈舞環節。不過最星光熠熠的莫過於由Sofia Coppola特別為

party was the one hosted by Sofia Coppola for the highest bidder from last year’s


auction. I heard through the grapevine (pardon the pun!) that a few Hollywood


stars were present too!

由大廚配襯的精美餐具以至酒莊的珍藏,酒莊主人都出盡法寶,務求令各 位人客都賓至如歸。 From artfully-crafted dishes by noted chefs, to treasured vintages from the cellar, the vintners pull out all the stops to make auction guests feel welcomed.





Elite Life


Starring: ElEanor Coppola 周五舉行的原桶拍賣會是兩大最矚目的拍

The Friday Barrel Auction is one of two main


fundraising events. A total of 108 lots of yet-to-be-


released wines were available for tasting straight from


the barrel, many of them specially crafted for the event.


Only the top 10 bidders for each lot can win a case, so


competition can be fierce among avid collectors and


top-notch restaurants looking to procure something


special for their guests.


It takes place at the historic Inglenook Vineyard,

極具歷史的莊園,主人正是Francis Coppola夫

which Francis and Eleanor Coppola bought in 1975


following the success of The Godfather. For this


event, the lady of the house takes the helm, personally

人Eleanor Coppola掛帥,親自招待現場2,000多

greeting guests and curating the experience for some


2,000 attendees. 01


01•Inglenook是納帕谷最具歷史價值的莊 園之一。Coppola家族花了四十年時間 收回被瓜分的土地,重延它的歷史。 Inglenook is one of Napa Valley’s oldest estates. The Coppola family has spent the last 40 years slowing acquiring the previously-divided grounds and restoring its heritage. 02•參加者可先試飲從原桶中取出的葡萄 酒來決定是否參與競投,而未能親身 出席拍賣會的人士更可利用電子競價 在場外競投。 Attendees can taste from the barrels whether or not they plan to bid. There are also E-Auction Lots for non-attendees to bid on.

納帕谷的葡萄酒每支都極具價值,看看今年售價最高的十個酒莊及每 箱酒的競價便略知一二: Perhaps the name and price of this year’s top-selling barrel auction lots might reflect the investment value for Napa wine collectors?

• The Mascot $73,550

• Cardinale $65,050

• Melka Wines $62,600

• Shafer Vineyards $52,600

• Chappellet Vineyard $41,750

• Joseph Phelps Vineyards $38,700

• Continuum Estate $36,700

• Alpha Omega $35,050

• Paul Hobbs $33,750

• Covert Estate $32,900

(售價為一箱12 支x 750毫升) (Price per case of 12 x 750ml bottles)





所有出價方式都電子化,令你可輕輕鬆 鬆邊聊天邊出價,而酒窖及網站亦會不 停更新每批葡萄酒的實時競價數字。 All bidding is electronic, leaving you free to roam and mingle. Realtime stats for each lot are on display throughout the cellar and on a dedicated website.


“THE MOTHER OF ALL FOOD & WINE EVENTS…” 今屆拍賣會特別增設「美酒佳餚區」,現場提供超 過100款葡萄酒,當中有齊納帕谷本地出產的5種主 要品種包括赤霞珠、霞多麗、梅洛、玫瑰以及長相思 ,再配以精心配搭的美食讓大家享用。 當中幾款小吃是由城中著名餐廳烹調,令人食 指大動,包括Ciccio餐廳的雞肝脆多士、Brasswood 的原隻帶子配紅蘿蔔蓉和Morimoto餐廳的油甘魚薄 餅。只需每位$500,即可享盡現場無限量提供的上 乘美酒與佳餚,人生得此機會,親嚐美酒佳餚的真 諦,夫復可求? New this year is the Wine & Food Pavilions, where guests can taste more than 100 different wines,

美酒佳餚區按照提子種類劃分,方便賓客比較 品質和風味。 The Wine & Foods Pavilions are grouped by grape varietals, so it is easy to compare styles and quality.

日藉大廚Masaharu Morimoto正於長相 思白酒展區製作油甘魚薄餅。 Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto assembling hamachi tacos in the Sauvignon Blanc pavilion.

complemented by cuisine created especially to pair with the six major varietals grown here in Napa Valley, i.e. cabernet sauvignon, chardonnay, merlot, pinot noir, rosé and sauvignon blanc.[RH2] Cue chicken liver toast by Ciccio, whole seared scallops with carrot puree by Brasswood and hamachi tacos by Morimoto. With unlimited food and wine of this calibre, I call this the “mother of all food and wine events”. And at $500 a ticket, it’s a steal.

所有食物都經過精 心設計,配搭不同 種類的葡萄酒。 All the dishes were designed to pair with specific varietals.





Elite Life


主演:《教父》導演法蘭西斯哥普拉演繹主廚、Roman Coppola 演繹拍賣官總監、Gia Coppola演繹會後派對調酒師


The signature event is the Saturday Live Auction Celebration at Meadowood


Napa Valley, the area’s ultra-premier resort, which has been the hosting venue

賣會都會於Meadowood Napa Valley,一

since 1981. Some 900 guests bid on 38 lavish vintner-sponsored lots that include


rare vintages, exotic trips and one-of-a-kind treasures.

集於此,競投由葡萄酒商協會慷慨贊助的 38項物品,當中不乏陳年佳釀、精彩的旅 遊假期、甚至稀世珍品等。

The Coppola family proffered the first lot — the Chairs’ Lot — which included flying in Francis Coppola’s private jet to Palazzo Margherita (their luxury hotel in southern Italy), meals and excursions, plus 126 bottles of wine. The bidding shot

激烈的競投戰一觸即發,首先由籌 辦今屆活動的主席Coppola家族出手,捐

from $20,000 to $460,000 in just four short minutes. Although it already raked in close to half a million dollars, it ranks only fifth among the top lots.

出一份極具吸引力的套餐,包括乘坐私人 飛機到意大利南部,下榻其家族持有的豪 華酒店Palazzo Margherita,免費食宿、

to Tokyo, Hokkaido and Niigata. Aside from lavish dinners, Naoko and Maya


Dalle Valle will also take you to a private tour of the Kusumi Sake Brewery and


Tokachigawa Hot Springs. The lot went for a whopping $720,000.

價已經由2萬飊升至46萬!話雖如此,這 個差不多50萬的成交價,只能於最高競價 榜中位列第五。 全日成交價最高的競投項目,高達 72萬。這個旅遊套餐由Dalla Valle酒莊捐 出,中標者會被邀請到日本東京、北海道 及新潟,除了酒水全包之外,酒莊女主人 Naoko及女兒Maya更會親自同行,安排參 觀久須美清酒廠及到北海道十勝川溫泉享 受日本風情。


The top spot by a single lot is from Dalla Valle, taking the successful bidder




(左起) Gia、Roman、Sofia 和Eleanor Coppola都齊齊現身支持現場拍賣。Gia 捐 出一個挺有趣的拍賣項目:最先出價1 萬的 賓客可帶同一位朋友於會後派對時段進入貴 賓區,一邊呷著Gia 親手調製的雞尾酒,一 邊與派對的星級表演嘉賓Leon Bridges見面。 (From left) Gia, Roman, Sofia and Eleanor Coppola at the Live Auction. Gia offered an “instant gratification” lot, granting the first couples who pay $10,000 to her private circle in the VIP lounge at the after-party where guests can meet Leon Bridges, the star performer of the party, while sipping her signature sangria.

《教父》導演法蘭西斯哥普拉親自主理 拍賣會後的其中一道菜 – 他的拿手好 戲馬鈴薯丸子配番茄羅勒辣椒醬。 Francis Coppola takes a handson role at the al fresco post-auction meal, making his signature gnocchi with pomodoro basilica peperonico sauce.


Another notable lot featured: a


tasting dinner at the Chef’s Table

由名廚Alain Passard開設的米芝蓮三

at Alain Passard’s three Michelin-


starred l’Arpège in Paris; lunch at


Clos du Mesnil, Krug’s legendary


vineyard in Reims; and dinner at

蓮三星餐廳L’Assiette Champenoise

L’Assiette Champenoise, again


triple-starred. It elicited a bidding

捐出這個項目的Colgin 酒窖決定加送

war so fierce that the donor, Colgin


Cellars, decided to let all three


parties win at $700,000 each, thus


raising $2.1 million.


While the feverish paddle-waving for the elaborate lots was


exhilarating, even for a spectator like me, the truly touching moment


was towards the end, when the auctioneer calls for the last $10,000,


$5,000 or even $1,000 — basically straight donations, for there are


no more prizes to be won. You would expect the guests to peter out


after three hours of frenzy, but the paddles were still shooting up with



何回報的玩法,當我以為人群會變得鴉雀無聲,可是現場的反 應卻令我喜出望外,因為拍賣版仍然踴躍地上上落落!

At least half a million dollars must have been pledged in those last few minutes. My eyes were brimming with tears, for this is true


philanthropy, where you give without expecting anything in return.

50萬的捐款!這趟採訪最大的得著,是有機會親身感受到這種 不求回報以及無私的奉獻,讓我心情久久不能平伏。

Some may wonder, the winery owners seem such high rollers. Why are they raising funds? The limelight may be on the celebrities,

你可能會問,納帕谷這片土地酒莊處處,不是個個都是有 錢人嗎?為什麼還要辦籌款活動?不錯,地主當然坐擁可觀身

but don’t forget the supporting cast. The glitzy crowd is not the only one living in Napa Valley.

家,出入酒莊的也不乏達官貴人,卻不要忘記這裡也有平民百 姓和需要幫助的一群。這次活動受惠的25個納帕谷社區受助團

Among the 25 Napa County charities that are benefiting are the St.

體包括:St. Helena 醫院、the Boys & Girls Clubs、2014年納

Helena Hospital, the Boys & Girls Clubs, the victims of the 2014 South


Napa Earthquake and numerous migrant workers. In fact, proceeds


from the Auction support community services that impact more than


100,000 clients annually, serving one in six residents in the county. 你也可以參與這個釀酒界最大型的慈 善拍賣活動,第38屆納帕谷拍賣會 將於2018年5月31日至6月3日舉行, Peter Mondavi Sr. 家族的兩姊妹將 會接棒籌辦。門票將於明年二月初於 有售。 You too can experience the glamour and excitement of what is acclaimed as the world’s most celebrated must-attend charity wine event of the year. The 38th annual Auction Napa Valley will be held May 31-June 3 next year and it will be chaired by the Mondavi Sisters of the Peter Mondavi Sr. Family. Tickets will go on sale in early February at auctionnapavalley. org.





Elite Car 一見傾心

AlfA Romeo GiuliA QuAdRifoGlio 2017 Love at first sight text and photos | Lorne Drury, Metroland Media


It was love at first sight when I was handed the keys to the


brilliant Trofeo white 2017 Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio.


Perhaps it’s just that that sense of intrigue with the legendary


Italian brand is starting to get a foothold in the Canadian


market again after an absence of nearly 20 years.


As a youngster, I remember seeing Alfas on our roads and


thinking to myself how beautiful they looked and sounded. It’s


no different today, for the Giulia Quadrifoglio stands out in


any crowd, drawing glances wherever it goes.


Some people have a presence when they enter a room:

Giulia Quadrifoglio依然鶴立

the Giulia Quadrifoglio has one on the road. For some


admirers, it’s the Quadrifoglio name that adds to the


exotic nature of the new Alfa.

繼以4C Coupe雙門轎 跑車和開篷跑車測試加拿大 的市場後,愛快推出分三級的中型 Giulia轎跑車,包括至尊的Quadrifoglio型號。 After a soft launch back into the Canadian market with the 4C Coupe and Roadster, Alfa Romeo is bringing the mid-size Giulia here with three trim levels, including the halo Quadrifoglio model. 90















寶馬M3、平治AMG C63和卡特力ATS-V,甚或比它們更出色。











起,高一級的Giulia Ti由50,995元起,而頂級的Quadrifoglio





盤,手感極佳,有如戴上合身的手套 ,同時增加摩擦力。這項選





01•19吋鋁合金輪圈,裝有Brembo龐大剎車器配 以鮮紅色剎車卡鉗。 Huge Brembo brakes with bright red calipers show through the 19-inch aluminum wheels.


02•車尾兩邊都有雙排氣喉,更感動力澎湃。 The twin exhausts on each side at the rear of the Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio add to the sense of power.

Quadrifoglio actually means four-leaf clover, hence the green clover symbols that adorn the upper fenders of the car. They have been


03•2017年的愛快Giulia Quadrifoglio採用2.9公升 雙渦輪引擎,迸發出505匹馬力。 The 2017 Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio is powered by a 2.9-litre, twin-turbo V6 engine, boasting 505 hp.

sedan, but something special. Power comes from a 2.9-litre, twinturbo V6, which is essentially a Ferrari V8 minus two cylinders.

included on many of Alfa Romeo’s high-performance models since the 1920s as a symbol of good luck.

But who’s to know, as the unique Alfa power plant pumps out 505 horsepower and 443 lb/ft of torque, enough to accomplish the 0-100

Now you’re not likely to see many Alfa Romeos during your daily commute, as the dealer network in Canada is still relatively small. Fiat

km/h acceleration challenge in 3.9 seconds through an eight-speed automatic gearbox that sends power to the rear wheels.

Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) is starting from scratch again with the Alfa brand in North America. In all, there are just 12 retailers in Canada, stretching from Victoria, BC in the west to Quebec City in the east.

The Quadrifoglio handles the twisties as well or better than any of its competition. That includes the likes of the BMW M3, MercedesBenz AMG C63 and the Cadillac ATS-V.

Alfa Romeo offers three trim levels on this premium mid-size performance sedan, with the Quadrifoglio being the halo vehicle of the bunch.

Crafted at a plant in Frosinone, Italy, the Giulia Quadrifoglio has near-perfect 50:50 weight distribution, segment-leading torsional rigidity and the most direct steering ratio on the

Prices start at $48,995 for the base Giulia, jumping to $50,995 for the Giulia Ti and then $87,995 for the crème de la crème Quadrifiglio

market — thanks, in part, to Giulia’s new rear-wheel drive architecture.

test vehicle. It’s quite a price jump, but when you consider key pieces of the vehicle come from big brother Ferrari, things begin to come into focus.

The 2017 Giulias are the first of a new generation of vehicles using the new platform and the Quadrifoglio, as the halo car, is a testament to the

Drive the Quadrifoglio and you realize this is not just another luxury

motorsports history of the Alfa brand.





Elite Car


Climb into the cabin of the Quadrifoglio and you are greeted by beautiful

擎開關按鈕安放在軚盤上,愛快專屬的DNA Pro

performance leather Alcantara seats and a carbon-fibre Alcantara-wrapped


steering wheel (a $600 option) that fits your hands like a glove. The bright red


engine start button is on the steering wheel, a la Ferrari.

配合所想要的駕駛樂趣。你甚至可以調校至賽車 模式,把控制穩定性和牽引力的功能關上,完全 控制車輛。

One of the first hints that this is a special car is found on the centre console, where the Alfa Romeo DNA Pro drive-mode selector is located. From that selector, you can set the car up to match your driving pleasure.

除了賽車之外,還有日常行車的自然 (Natural)模式;不需要動力時可用超節能

It even boasts a Race mode that turns off stability and traction control, leaving

(Advanced Efficiency)模式,汽缸的運作會從6個

the driver in complete control of the action. Other modes include Natural for


everyday use, Advanced Efficiency that uses cylinder deactivation (from 6 to 4)


when power isn’t required and Dynamic, which delivers performance with nearinstant accelerator response and reduced gearshift times.

感受到車人合一,是Giulia Quadrifoglio受 駕駛者喜愛的原因。它的軚盤重量和手感超好,

Feeling at one with the car is what makes the Giulia Quadrifoglio a driver’s


delight. Steering weight and feel is superb and power seems nearly instantaneous,


with little perceptible turbo lag. 車廂內飾設計優雅,工藝高超,前座舒適。

The cabin is beautifully finished and features very comfortable front-passenger


seats. Pull those seats forward and rear-seat legroom is adequate, as we found


during an evening outing with friends.


Although this is an extremely likeable car, the Giulia is not without its negatives.


The wide doorsills may look nice from a design standpoint, but they are difficult to


climb over when exiting the cabin. (I can imagine the messy pant legs in winter.)



05 06

04•從任何角度看都散發異國情調。Giulia的擾流器會因車速的快慢而上 下擺動。 Exotic looking from any angle, the Giulia has an Active Aero Splitter (spoiler) that actually moves up and down, depending upon the speed. 05•Giulia Quadrifoglio車廂設計簡約高雅,座位以柔軟的碳纖維Alcantara 和真皮製造,椅邊並縫上醒目的紅色線,增添氣派。與法拉利一樣, 紅色的開關按鈕安裝在方向盤上。 The interior of the Giulia Quadrifoglio is simple, yet elegant, and features soft Alcantara leather seating surfaces, highlighted with red stitching. Note the red engine start button on the steering wheel, just like on a Ferrari.





06•Quadrifoglio的車門板設計相當用心,精雕細琢。 Attention to detail is evident on the door panels of the Quadrifoglio. 07•除非把車頭座位推前,否則後座頭部及腿部空間較窄。 Head and legroom in the rear of the mid-size Quadrifoglio sedan is tight unless the front-row seats are moved far forward.

另外,相對於FCA集團本身的Uconnect系統,Quadrifoglio的導航和娛資訊系 統需要花點時間學習使用。 還有,剎車器有一種奇怪的感覺。我發現難以順暢地剎車,總是在低速下震動至 停。或許工多藝熟後會改善吧! 撇除這些小瑕疵,Giulia Quadrifoglio是一輛我想擁有的車輛。結合了標緻款式、卓越性 能和賽車DNA的Giulia Quadrifoglio,是意大利經典的汽車製造商為愛快打造的神級車輛。 The navigation and infotainment system is finicky to use, certainly in comparison to FCA’s own Uconnect system that we encountered in our next test vehicle, a Pacifica Hybrid. Lastly, the brakes have a strange feel and I found it difficult to brake smoothly without coming to a jolting stop at low speeds. Perhaps it’s a case of practice makes perfect on this front. These quibbles aside, the Giulia Quadrifoglio is a car I would love to have parked in my garage. Beautiful styling, superb performance and racecar DNA from an iconic Italian automaker combine to make the Giulia Quadrifoglio a halo car for Alfa Romeo.

AlfA Romeo QuAdRifolGio 2017 At A GlAnce: BODY STYLE:

Four-door, mid-size premium luxury sedan.


Front-engine, rear-wheel drive.


2.9-litre, 24-valve, twin-turbo V6 (505 hp, 443 lb/ft of torque) with an eight-speed automatic transmission with paddle shifters.


339 litres.


13.8/9.6/11.9 L/100 km city/hwy/combined.


$87,995; as tested $97,340, including $2,495 destination charge.



Beautiful styling and over-the-top performance make this a desirable premium sports sedan.


The electromechanical brake system is touchy.

WHAT’S INTERESTING: Four-leaf clovers adorn the upper front fenders as a symbol of good luck. 優點:款式標緻,性能卓越。 缺點:電動機械剎車系統略覺不順暢。 誘人之處:前泥擋上方裝飾了象徵幸運的四葉草標誌。







XPERIA Touch Touch The fuTure text | PC Market

觸控操作已成為現今智能裝置不可或缺的體驗,但以投影 方式作隔空操作,卻是一個全新的意念。Sony Mobile剛 推出的XPERIA Touch ,方方正正盒形,原來已內藏投影 機元件。 Touch control is ubiquitous with smart devices these days. But touch control on projected images? That’s sci-fi stuff turned reality by XPERIA Touch, a compact portable projector recently launched by Sony Mobile.





XPERIA Touch使用超短投設計,內藏SXRD短程投影 單元,可在細小盒中投出一個23吋大、解像度為1,366×768 的影像,配合紅外線列陣感應技術,及每秒60格掃描速度的 鏡頭,將投影出來的23吋畫面,變成可作10點觸控的平面, 適用於任何表面,例如直接將畫面投射到飯桌上。XPERIA Touch還可使用Wall Mode,投出最大至80吋的畫面,但質素 當然沒有細畫面那麼「實淨」。使用U S B-C介面的火牛,線材 有點短,長一點的話,擺位會方便得多。 XPERIA Touch是一部內置Android系統的投影機,運 行Android 7系統,內置Snapdragon 650處理器,配備3GB RAM及32GB ROM,亦可插micro SD卡,更有一個13MP鏡 頭,可說是將一部平板與投影機結合的產品,但操控卻更有虛 擬的感覺。XPERIA Touch具備內置電池,官方指可連續播放 影片約1小時,但實際試用時,操作超過兩小時後仍有一定剩 餘電量。機身尚算輕巧易攜,外出開會作簡報十分有用,甚至 可即時跟客戶進行互動,事半功倍。

可投出一個23吋大、解像度為 1,366×768的影像,更可虛擬 操作。 23-inch projection in resolution of 1,366×768, virtual control enabled.

XPERIA Touch, powered by a SXRD short-throw projection unit, makes 23-inch projection in 1,366×768 resolution. Coupled with infrared light array and 60fps camera, it can turn any flat surface, such as a dining table, into a 23-inch touchscreen enabled for 10-point multi-touch input. In Wall Mode, the XPERIA Touch projection can be expanded to 80 inches, though slightly more pixelated. It can be plugged in with a USB Type-C adaptor, but the cable could be longer to give greater flexibility for positioning the device. XPERIA Touch runs on Android 7. It uses a 1.6GHz Snapdragon 650 chipset and has 3GB of RAM, 32GB of storage, a microSD memory card slot and a 13MP camera. It works like a projector-cum-tablet with virtual control. When fully charged, the XPERIA Touch battery is said to support one-hour continuous video playback. In our test, it worked for two hours straight and still was not drained. The device is light, which is handy for carrying to for presentations and meetings. 機背用防滑膠設計,因可使用Wall Mode,這面 會變成底部,有防滑效果就可放得更穩固。 Anti-slip case back can be turned into a non-slip base when inverted for Wall Mode.

01•可插micro SD,方便儲存影片在XPERIA Touch上播放。 Micro SD card for storing movies and playing movies from XPERIA Touch. 02•內建micro HDMI,接駁其他裝置如Blueray機或其他遊戲機,當投影機使用。 Micro HDMI for connecting external devices, such as Blu-ray devices and other game devices, and serve as a projector. 03•機面備有13MP鏡頭,可用來作視像通話,亦有NFC功能。 13MP camera for face calls; NFC (near field communication) function is also available.






XPERIA Touch多用途

Multi-functional XPERIA Touch 打電玩 Gaming 既然可投出23吋觸控畫面, 最好就是拿XPERIA Touch試打機。筆者用來玩《Fruit Ninja》就十分過癮,甚 至可以雙打氣墊球Game,操作體驗是無可比擬的。甚至 可以利用特有的連接Dual Shock控制器去打電玩,或安 裝Remote Play程式,將遙控的PS4遊戲畫面投射出來。 Using the 23-inch projected touchscreen for games is a no-brainer. It was incomparable when tried for “Fruit Ninja” and air-hockey doubles. Dual Shock controller can also be connected for gaming, or install Remote Play to project PS4 game interfaces.

看視頻 Watch videos 可投影出100流明與4,000:1對比度的畫面,最大至80吋。雖然解像度只 有1,366×768,但當投到牆壁觀看時,亦不會覺得畫面太過鬆散。 The 80-inch projection, at 100 lumen in 4,000:1 contrast ratio, is not as fuzzy as thought, even though the resolution is only 1,366×768.

工作 Work 用Android 系統,自然可以使用Google服務,如Google Doc,拿來嘗試寫 文章,敲打投影於檯上的鍵盤,感覺十分趣怪,由於沒有觸感回饋,其實有點 「空虛」 ,而且如此大的鍵盤,輸入也有點困難! We tried the Android device for Google functions – Google Doc to be exact. It feels a bit strange, and vacant, typing on the oversized projected keyboard.

Conclusion 隔空操作的確新穎及富創 意,尤其是可在大部分表面作 多點觸控,幾個人用XPERIA Touch打電玩和進行互動,都


Memory Storage Operating System Weight Dimensions Connectivity

是蠻有趣的體驗。 Projected touchscreen is novel and creative as it enables any surface for multi-point touch control. It’s curious using it to play games or interact with others using XPERIA Touch.





Connectors Resolution Focus Projection size Brightness Contrast Main camera Controls Sound Power Cost

LPDDR3 3GB eMMC 32GB, microSD™ slot Android™ N 932g 69 x 134 x 143 mm Wi-Fi: 11 a/b/g/n/ac (SISO) Miracast™ sink Bluetooth® 4.2 NFC USB Type-C, HDMI Type-D 1366 x 768 Auto Focus 23”(Touch)- 80”(Wall Mode) 100 lumens 4000*1 13 Megapixels Touch Control using IR sensor, 10 point multi-touch Two-way Stereo Speakers USB Power Delivery 15V approx. $2,000


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r Chanel’s new ured in a video fo the Gabrielle at fe s wa nlw we ain at odel Liu Wen @liu e was spotted ag our current issue. Chinese superm summer, and sh in is el th r an rlie Ch lle ea g rie ba ab Gabrielle hand ad all about #G Re ! ris Pa in rty pa fficial fragrance launch st from @chanelo #劉雯 #超模Repo

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Masterchef Canada judge and celebrity chef Claudio Aprile’s new restaurant @copetinto is open! Fans who miss the innovative cooking at Origin and Colborne Lane, reserve your table soon! #torontoeats #多倫多吃貨

The first Breitling boutique in Canada has opened at Yorkdale, and this is where you can get the Chronoliner B04 Boutique Edition with its dual time zone system, limited to 100 pieces! #jetsettergear #低調奢華

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