Janji: Indonesia 2014 and Beyond

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Introduction Lesley Alway, Director, Asialink Arts

Asialink Arts is a multidisciplinary arts organisation that operates nationally and internationally to generate new models and platforms for cultural exchange. Partnering with organisations throughout Asia and Australia, we undertake touring projects, residencies, symposia and research. Indonesia is a major priority of Asialink Arts cultural exchange programs. In addition to its close geographic proximity, Indonesia has a richness of cultural traditions as well as an exciting contemporary art scene. Building on Asialink Arts’ history of exchange with Indonesia over the last 23 years, during 2014 we initiated and partnered in a series of projects based on strengthening existing IndonesianAustralian cultural relationships and creating new opportunities to develop knowledge, networks and partnerships for the future. All of these projects have involved Asialink Arts working in collaboration with a variety of organisations including BLINDSIDE, the Emerging Writers’ Festival and Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA), as well as numerous colleagues at partner organisations at the University of Melbourne. In particular, it has been stimulating and productive to work with staff from the Asia Institute, the Victorian College of the Arts as well as the Faculty of Arts as part of the program for visiting fellows from Indonesia and Timor Leste. A number of the projects built on relationships that have been established through reciprocal visits over a number of years. For instance we first met Yogyakarta based curator Alia Swastika when she visited Australia in 2012 and developed the relationship and eventual project with MUMA, So Long as You Move, through various meetings and discussions at subsequent events in Indonesia and Australia. This example reinforces the research findings from the Asialink Arts report, ‘On the Ground and in the Know’, that stressed the importance of building consistent and persistent person to person relationships to build trust, knowledge and networks.

The purpose of this publication is to profile the diversity and depth of both the Indonesian and Australian partnerships and foreground some of the outcomes and ongoing projects that will ensue from these collaborations. The program has had support from many other partners and funders including the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Australia Council for the Arts, Arts Victoria, Arts NSW, Arts NT, Arts Tasmania, and the Australia International Cultural Council. Asialink Arts looks forward to continuing our relationships with our Indonesian partners and strengthening the Australian arts sectors’ relationship to the country’s vibrant arts scene through professional development opportunities and future projects. Asialink Arts adalah sebuah organisasi seni multidisiplin yang bergerak dalam skala nasional dan internasional untuk menghasilkan model dan platform baru untuk pertukaran budaya. Bermitra dengan organisasiorganisasi di seluruh Asia dan Australia, kami menyelenggarakan proyek-proyek keliling, residensi, simposium dan penelitian. Indonesia merupakan prioritas penting program pertukaran budaya Asialink Arts. Selain karena kedekatan letaknya, Indonesia memiliki kekayaan tradisi budaya dan ranah seni kontemporer. Berdasarkan pada sejarah pertukaran dengan Indonesia dalam 23 tahun terakhir ini, selama tahun 2014 kami memulai dan bermitra dengan dalam serangkaian proyek berdasarkan pada penguatan hubungan antarbudaya Indonesia-Australia yang telah ada dan menciptakan peluang-peluang baru untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan, jejaring dan kemitraan di masa depan. Semua proyek ini telah melibatkan Asialink Arts dalam kerja sama dengan beragam organisasi termasuk BLINDSIDE, Emerging Writers’ Festival dan Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA), serta berbagai rekan sejawat di organisasi-organisasi mitra di University

of Melbourne. Secara khusus, merupakan hal yang menyemangati dan produktif dapat bekerja dengan staf dari Asia Institute, Victorian College of the Arts dan Faculty of Arts sebagai bagian dari program untuk para penerima beasiswa yang berkunjung dari Indonesia dan Timor Leste. Sejumlah proyek didasarkan pada hubungan yang telah terjalin melalui kunjungan balasan selama beberapa tahun. Sebagai contoh, kami pertama kali bertemu kurator berbasis di Yogyakarta Alia Swastika saat dia berkunjung ke Australia di tahun 2012 dan mengembangkan hubungan dan proyek dengan MUMA, So Long as You Move, melalui beragam pertemuan dan diskusi di acara selanjutnya di Indonesia dan Australia. Contoh ini memperkuat temuan-temuan penelitian dari laporan Asialink Arts, ‘On the Ground and in the Know’, yang menekankan pada pentingnya membangun hubungan antar-pribadi yang konsisten dan berkesinambungan untuk membangun rasa percaya, pengetahuan dan jejaring. Tujuan dari penerbitan ini adalah untuk menampilkan keberagaman dan kedalaman dari kemitraan Indonesia dan Australia dan menyajikan latar depan untuk beberapa hasil dan proyek berkelanjutan yang akan terjadi dari kolaborasi-kolaborasi ini. Program ini telah mendapatkan dukungan dari banyak mitra dan penyandang dana termasuk Departemen Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan, Australia Council for the Arts, Arts Victoria, Arts NSW dan Australia International Cultural Council. Asialink Arts menantikan untuk melanjutkan hubungan kami dengan mitra-mitra Indonesia dan memperkuat hubungan sektor-sektor seni Australia dengan ranah seni yang hidup dari negara ini melalui peluang-peluang pengembangan profesional dan proyek-proyek di masa depan.



Vertigo at Galeri Soemardja The Asialink Arts and BLINDSIDE exhibition Vertigo launched its three country tour at Galeri Soemardja, Bandung Institute of Technology. The exhibition featured neon, video, installation, drawing and painting by ten Australian contemporary artists: Boe-lin Bastian, Cate Consandine, Simon Finn, Justine Khamara, Bonnie Lane, Kristin McIver, Kiron Robinson, Tania Smith, Kate Shaw and Alice Wormald. Engaging with the local students, Vertigo was accompanied by a series of artistic and curatorial workshops run by exhibiting artist Kiron Robinson and exhibition curator Claire Anna Watson. Pameran Vertigo dari Asialink Arts dan BLINDSIDE meluncurkan tur tiga negaranya di GaleriSoemardja, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Pameran ini menampilkan karya neon, video, instalasi, gambar dan lukisan oleh sepuluh seniman kontemporer Australia: Boe-lin Bastian, Cate Consandine, Simon Finn, Justine Khamara, Bonnie Lane, Kristin McIver, Kiron Robinson, Tania Smith, Kate Shaw dan Alice Wormald. Dengan melibatkan mahasiswa-mahasiswa setempat, Vertigo disertai serangkaian workshop mengenai seni dan kegiatan kurator yang diselenggarakan oleh seniman yang berpameran Kiron Robinson dan kurator pameran Claire Anna Watson.

Australian Arts Residencies to Indonesia In 2014, Asialink Arts awarded five Australian practitioners residencies to Indonesia in conjunction with hosts located in Yogyakarta and West Sumatra: Katie Lee, hosted by Hyphen; Joshua Lowe, hosted by Institut Seni Indonesia; Keg de Souza, hosted by KUNCI Cultural Studies Centre; Michael Hornblow, hosted by Wayang Ukur; and Lucas Abela, hosted by Yes/No Klub. Asialink Arts will also partner with The University of Melbourne Global Mobility program and Faculty of Arts to pilot the New Colombo Plan. This will enable two undergraduate students to travel to Indonesia in 2015. Pada tahun 2014, Asialink Arts memberi lima praktisi Australia program residensi di Indonesia berkaitan dengan tuan rumah yang berada di Yogyakarta dan Sumatera Barat: Katie Lee, dengan tuan rumah Hyphen; Joshua Lowe, dengan tuan rumah Institut Seni Indonesia; Keg de Souza, dengan tuan rumah KUNCI Cultural Studies Centre; Michael Hornblow, dengan tuan rumah WayangUkur; dan Lucas Abela, dengan tuan rumah Yes/No Klub.

Dates: 20 March – 15 April 2014 Venue: Galeri Soemardja, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia.

Asialink Arts juga bermitra dengan The University of Melbourne Global Mobility untuk memulai progam New Colombo Plan, yang mendanai dua mahasiswa pascasarjana untuk pergi ke Indonesia di tahun 2015.

Partners: BLINDSIDE and Asialink Arts. Supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy.

Dates: 27 February – 15 February 2015

Image: Installation view of Vertigo, 2014, Galeri SoemardjaBandung Institute of Technology, Bandung

Partners: Asialink Arts supported through the Australia Council for the Arts, Arts Victoria and Arts NSW, Arts TAS. Image: Keg de Souza, If There’s Something Strange In Your Neighbourhood... Production Still, Visual Arts Residency, Indonesia, 2014


Kerjasama Residency Exchange

Island to Island

Instrument Builders Project

Asialink Arts, in partnership with Artback NT: Arts Development and Touring and Cemeti Art House Yogyakarta, piloted a new Indigenous and Regional focused residency model Kerjasama, meaning ‘Collaboration.’ The exchange featured Australian Indigenous artist Reko Rennie, who travelled to Yogyakarta, and Indonesian artist Akiq Abdul Wahid, who travelled to Alice Springs. Following the success of his Kerjasama residency exhibition in Alice Springs, Akiq Abdul Wahid also exhibited at Chan Contemporary Art Space, Darwin during Trading Ideas, a conference celebrating cultural investment between the NT and Asia Pacific.

Island to Island was a roving writing residency undertaken by Australian writers Gillian Terzis and André Dao, and Indonesian writers Maggie Tiojakin and Ninda Daianti. Managed by the Emerging Writers’ Festival, the project took place in multiple locations across Indonesia during September and October 2014. The participants followed an itinerary driven by creative and professional interests, before featuring in the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival program.

Instrument Builders Project (IBP) is an ongoing collaboration between Australian and Indonesian artists and musicians. Asialink Arts supported both the second and third iterations of IBP in Yogyakarta and at the National Gallery of Victoria Studio. The Melbourne based project centres on an evolving combined studio and gallery space, public programs and periods of experimentation. Participants include Tintin Wulia (IND/AUS), Dale Gorfinkel (AUS), Wukir Suryadi (IND), Andreas Siagian (IND), Pia Van Gelder (AUS), Michael Candy (AUS), Pak Asep Nata (IND)

Asialink Arts, dalam kemitraan dengan Artback NT: Arts Development and Touring dan Cemeti Art House Yogyakarta, memulai sebuah model residensi , Kerjasama, yang berfokus pada Pribumi dan Daerah. Pertukaran ini melibatkan seniman Pribumi Australia Reko Rennie, yang datang ke Yogyakarta, dan seniman Indonesia Akiq Abdul Wahid, yang berkunjung ke Alice Springs. Setelah keberhasilan pameran residensi Kerjasama-nya di Alice Springs, Akiq Abdul Wahid juga akan menggelar pameran di Chan Contemporary Art Space, Darwin selama Trading Ideas, sebuah konferensi yang merayakan investasi budaya dia antara Wilayah Utara dan Asia Pasifik. Dates: 1 April – 31 December 2014 Partners: Supported by Asialink Arts, Arts NT and The Australian Government through The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander program, an initiative of The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Image: Akiq AW, Parking Lot, 2014, digital image

Island to Island adalah sebuah program residensi keliling yang dilakukan oleh penulis-penulis Gillian Terzis dan André Dao, dan penulis-penulis Indonesia Maggie Tiojakin dan Ninda Daianti. Dikelola oleh Emerging Writers’ Festival, proyek ini dilaksanakan di berbagai tempat di seluruh Indonesia dari bulan September hingga bulan Oktober 2014. Para peserta mengikuti jadwal kegiatan yang digerakkan oleh minat kreatif dan profesional, sebelum muncul di program Ubud Writers & Readers Festival program. Dates: 26 September – 12 October 2014 Venue: Ubud Writers & Readers Festival and locations across Indonesia Partner: Emerging Writers’ Festival supported by Asialink Arts through Arts Victoria. Image: Island to Island documentation. Photo: Connor Tomas O’Brien

Instrument Builders Project (IBP) adalah sebuah kolaborasi berkelanjutan antara seniman dan musisi Australia dan Indonesia. Asialink Arts mendukung pelaksanaan kedua dan ketiga IBP di Yogyakarta dan di National Gallery of Victoria Studio. Proyek berbasis di Melbourne ini berpusat pada pengembangan paduan studio dan ruang galeri, program-program public dan periode-periode eksperimentasi. Para pesertanya meliputi Tintin Wulia (IND/AUS), Dale Gorfinkel (AUS), Wukir Suryadi (IND), Andreas Siagian (IND), Pia Van Gelder (AUS), Michael Candy (AUS), Pak Asep Nata (IND) Dates: 1 – 23 November 2014 Venue: NGV Studio, Melbourne, Australia Partners: National Gallery of Victoria and Instrument Builders Project, supported by Asialink Arts through the Australia International Cultural Council and Arts Victoria. Image: Dale Gorfinkel, Instrument Builders Project, 2014, Indonesia


So Long as You Move

Put Up a Signal Publication

Asian Art Worlds Symposium

Asialink Arts and MUMA collaborated to produce the video exhibition So Long as You Move, featuring the work of Australian artists Daniel Crooks, Shaun Gladwell, Bianca Hester and David Rosetzky. Co-curated by Indonesian curator Alia Swastika (Ark Galerie) and Australian Patrice Sharkey (MUMA), the exhibition considered the influence of performativity on Australian video art. So Long as You Move was accompanied by a bilingual catalogue, a forum and a series of public programs.

In 2013 Asialink Arts partnered with Bus Projects (AU) and Ruang MES 56 (IN) on Put Up a Signal, an initiative exploring the possibilities of international collaboration through online exchange. In 2014 a bilingual project publication was launched, featuring essays from members of the curatorium, and experts on screen cultures in Australia and Indonesia. The publication reflected ideas developed during the projects’ first iteration, which included multiple screenings at Federation Square, a forum and an exhibition at Bus Projects.

Asialink Arts dan MUMA berkolaborasi untuk memproduksi pameran video So Long as You Move, yang menampilkan karya senimanseniman Australia Daniel Crooks, Shaun Gladwell, Bianca Hester dan David Rosetzky. Ditangani bersama oleh kurator Indonesia Alia Swastika (Ark Galerie) dan kurator Australia Patrice Sharkey (MUMA), pameran ini mempertimbangkan pengaruh performativitas pada senia video Australia. So Long as You Move disertai katalog dwibahasa, sebuah forum dan serangkaian program publik.

Pada tahun 2013 Asialink Arts bermitra dengan Bus Projects (AU) dan Ruang MES 56 (IN) dalam Put Up a Signal, sebuah proyek yang menggali peluang kolaborasi internasional melalui pertukaran daring. Pada tahun 2014 sebuah penerbitan proyek dwibahasa diluncurkan, dengan menampilkan esai-esai dari para anggota dewan kurator, dan para pakar budaya layar di Australia dan Indonesia. Penerbitan ini merefleksikan ide-ide yang berkembang selama pelaksanaan pertama dari proyek-proyek ini, yang mencakup berbagai penayangan di Federation Square, sebuah forum dan pameran di Bus Projects.

On September 9, 2014, the Asia Institute and Asialink Arts presented Asian Art Worlds: Collectors, Curators & Critics. The symposium explored the critical infrastructure of the Asian art world, with a focus on Indonesia and Timor Leste. Speakers included Australia Award fellows from Indonesia and Timor Leste visiting Australia as part of a University of Melbourne initiated program on Reconciliation and Cultural Recovery. Asialink Arts hosted a roundtable discussion on October 2, 2014 with the nine fellows to highlight future opportunities for partnerships and collaboration.

Dates: 15 August – 15 September 2014 Venue: Ark Galerie, Yogyakarta. Partners: Ark Galerie, MUMA and Asialink Arts supported by the Australia Council for the Arts, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Arts Victoria. Image: David Rosetzky, Half Brother, 2013, digital video still

Partners: Bus Projects and Ruang MES 56 Image: Put up a Signal publication

Pada bulan September 9, 2014, Asia Institute dan Asialink Arts menampilkan Asian Art Worlds: Collectors, Curators & Critics. Simposium ini mengeksplorasi infrastruktur penting dari dunia seni Asia, dengan berfokus pada Indonesia dan Timor Leste. Para pembicara meliputi para penerima beasiswa Australia Award dari Indonesia dan Timor Leste yang mengunjungi Australia sebagai bagian dari program yang dimulai oleh University of Melbourne mengenai Rekonsiliasi dan Pemulihan Budaya. Asialink Arts menjadi tuan rumah sebuah diskusi meja bundar pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2014 dengan sembilan penerima beasiswa menyoroti peluang-peluang di masa depan untuk kemitraan dan kolaborasi. Date: Tuesday 9 September 2014 Venue: Yasuko Hiraoka Myer room, The University of Melbourne. Partners: The Asia Institute and Asialink Arts, supported by Arts Victoria. Australia Awards Fellows supported by The University of Melbourne and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Image: Session one presenters Ms Chui Fun Ho, Mr Aminudin TH Siregar, Ms Rosalia Madeira Soares, Ms Jacky Ximenes, 2014. Image Fotogroup.

Asialink Arts Level 4, Sidney Myer Asia Centre The University of Melbourne Victoria 3010 Australia Phone: +61 3 8344 4800 www.asialink.unimelb.edu.au/arts facebook.com/asialinkarts.au Twitter: @AsialinkArts Publication editor Jessica O’Brien Design Famous Visual Services

Front, back and inner fold images by Connor Tomas O’Brien. Taken during Island to Island, a partnership between the Emerging Writers’ Festival and Asialink Arts.

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