Soar Magazine, January | Winter 2016 Issue 7

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Issue 7: January 2016 Issue

The Power

3 Ways

To Develop Your Healthy Lifestyle Mindset

of IF Living a Life of

Possibilities Is It Time

For You

To Dream Again?

Coach Cheryl Wood

From Secretary to Stadium Speaker

Find Inside Table of Contents



LISTING OF OFFICERS, Mission Statement


Voice It! Let’s face it





How to Bring Your A-Ga me In Business


3 Way s To Develop Your Healthy Lifestyle Mindset

Publisher’s Notes Welcome to SOAR!


Possibilities from a Beauty Perspective


What “If” we don’t survive this...


Imagine Fest


Aun ahora, a pesar de los “si tan solo”


Living My Life with Purpose


Is It Time For You To Dream Again?


Answering ‘What if…’


Love Is Easier Than You Think


A Fierce Woman Soaring





An Excerpt from Stoking the Fire of Your Dreams

SOAR is a now a publication of Fierce Life Solutions, a lifestyle empowerment and coaching company for women, a division of Passion for Purpose International, LLC. Soar is a member of

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Listing of Officers Soar Editorial Advisory Board

Rev. Enid Rios Rivera Executive Pastor, Primitive Christian Church,

Rev. Dr. Toni G. Alvarado Grace Church International, CoPastor, My Sister’s Keeper Foundation for Women, CEO, Targeted Living Coaching & Consulting, President

Shae Brynes Passionate Storyteller, Teacher, Activator, and Co-Founder of Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur.

Dr. Sheila Cornea Pastor of Leadership, Dwelling Place Church International, and Leadership Coach & Consultant, Gutsy Grace Resources

Soar Team

Silva Perez Arvelo, Contributing Writer

Sandra Almonte Contributing Writer

Rosalind Humphreys Perez Contributing Writer

Candace Sheppard Contributing Writer

Maria Gonzalez Contributing Writer

Mission Soar Magazine is a digital publication of Fierce Life Solutions, a lifestyle empowerment and coaching company for women. The mission of Soar Magazine is to help fierce women soar by helping their dreams take flight. Soar equips women to find the fierce within themselves and recognize, utilize and maximize their unique gifts and skills as dreamers who are doers seeking to impact this world.


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VOiCE IT! Tell us what you think, what you really, really think! Yes we want to hear what you think about Soar, what you would like to see in the future and how it is impacting you in any way! We want to be a blessing to the community of women that open up our pages.


Share your voice in the following places:

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Word from the Publisher If is a Powerful Word. If is said to be the most powerful word in the English language and in the bible. If, is a conjunction word, essentially, a word that holds other words and phrases together. But it can also be used as a noun. Without getting into an English lesson, the power of IF is that it is a condition alert and perspective shifter. For example, If I do dye my hair, my greys will be gone or even if no one believes in me, I will believe in me. Dr. Liz Rios, Founder & Publisher

SOAR Magazine is about and for women, just like you, who believe that God has more for them. If an article touched your heart or ministered to you (or didn’t), if there is something you’d like for SOAR to cover in the future, please let me know at

Please read this issue and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart. How has IF played in part in keeping you in the same place year after year? Write down those areas and then find yourself a girlfriend, coach, or mentor to discuss how your If can go from fear to faith in 2016!

If reminds us that outcomes are only changed if actions are initiated. Change and results are conditional based on individual acts. If is a one word reminder for the insanity we display when we keep doing the same thing over and over again but expect different results. We want to see change. We pray for different outcomes. We wonder what our life would look like, feel like, if only we…..(fill in the blank). But the view of life from that side is where fear rules. That if, keeps some people stuck. That if, keeps people living lonely, sad, unfulfilled lives. That if, keeps you from God’s best. In 2016, we want to leave that stinking thinking behind! This issue is dedicated to the other side of if. The side that looks at the possibilities of life instead of the problems. The side that believes if can work for us not against us. My deepest desire is that this issue will encourage you to reset your mindset and reconsider this powerful word, IF, because the possibilities are endless and God is not done with you yet.


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The Friendship Corner

What “If” we don’t survive this... By Silvia Arvelo

»» What if our friendship will not survive this? »» What if she just doesn’t care? »» What if she doesn’t love me anymore? If we allow it, our “ifs” can stop us dead in your tracks, usually at the most important crossroads in a relationship. When we are not careful, we can even to allow the “ifs” in life to dictate our decisions, when the “ifs” is really one option from several different paths that we can choose from.

“… it’s your ifs that open doors of opportunity for others, most whom you won’t meet on this side of eternity”. (Excerpt from the book IF by Mark Batterson ) As much as I love my female friendships and the joy they each bring into my life, these relationships can at times hit a dry patch or a stumbling rock in the road. There are moments that we may feel that the friendship may not survive another hit and soon after the “ifs” begin to enter our train of thought. Thoughts like… »» What if she doesn’t validate my hurt or feelings? »» What if she doesn’t understand my points? »» What if she doesn’t see what my true intentions?


Recently, I experienced a shift in my friendship with a very dear friend. I felt that the friendship was valuable enough to have the hard conversation about the shift that I was experiencing for several months. The conversation was respectful, but I sensed that it unfortunately caused a bigger rift between us. After finding the courage to share my heart and expose my feelings, I was met with almost a week of silence. No words, no explanation, no resistance or even a go fly a kite response. Or even a, I don’t want to speak to you ever again. Nothing, nada, zilch, just awful silence! At this point, the “ifs” in my mind went into overdrive during this period of silence. I questioned and reviewed every word shared that evening along with my decision to open up and be honest about what I was sensing. I started to even question the validity of what I was

feeling; had I overreacted and now lost a wonderful person in my life. I allowed my imagination of how this should have played out to dictate my every thought and cause a plethora of “ifs” to flood into my mind. It turned out that my friend needed her space to process a very loaded package that I had planted on her that evening. You see, I had months to craft it, develop it, re-write it and play it out. However, I was expecting her to process it in an instant and give me her feedback so we can move on together. Here are some of the things that I learned from this experience: 1. Things are not usually how they seem 2. Yes, my feelings are valid but so are hers… 3. Not everyone handles information in the same way or speed. Allow the person time to process without hovering over them like a helicopter or becoming overly dramatic. 4. Pay attention to your monthly cycle. Yes, your hormones play an important role in how we process and deliver information. 5. Don’t believe all your thoughts or “ifs” 6. Pray, pray and pray some more; both before the conversation and after. I am happy to report that our friendship did survive this hurdle and I promise that I am getting better with my “ifs” but I still have long ways to go.

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Aun ahora, a pesar de los “si tan solo” By Wendy Bello

“Señor, si tan solo hubieras…”, y puedes completar la frase con cualquier cosa que Dios pudiera haber cambiado o hecho realidad, pero no fue así. Si tan solo mi matrimonio no se hubiera roto. Si tan solo hubiera tenido hijos. Si tan solo hubiera terminado la universidad. Si tan solo te hubiera conocido antes y no hubiera malgastado mis años. Si tan solo, si tan solo, si tan solo… Es una frase que muchas veces hemos pronunciado, o pensado. Una frase que nos paraliza, nos nubla la vista. ¿Y sabes?, creo que Dios está preparado para escucharla. De hecho, Jesús la escuchó de boca de una persona muy querida para él, alguien que formó parte de su círculo de amigos en la Tierra. Lee este fragmento: “Señor, si tan solo hubieras estado aquí, mi hermano no habría muerto.” Esas fueron las palabras de Marta cuando se encontró con Jesús quien, según la perspectiva de esta mujer de carne y hueso como tú y yo, había llegado tarde. Si él hubiera estado presente, las circunstancias que ahora provocaban tanto dolor en su familia habrían cambiado.

Sin embargo, la segunda parte de su declaración es la que realmente me impacta: “…pero aun ahora, yo sé que Dios te dará todo lo que pidas” (Juan 11:22, cursivas de la autora). Para Marta, Jesús no llegó a tiempo, su demora produjo una pérdida. No obstante, en medio de todo, ella no se quedó en el “si tan solo” sino que le dijo “aun ahora”. Es decir, a pesar de que no llegaste a tiempo, a pesar de que no cambiaste las circunstancias, a pesar de que no respondiste a la petición que María y yo te hicimos, aun ahora puedes hacer algo. En medio de mi dolor puedes hacer algo. Eso era básicamente lo que Marta estaba diciendo. Permíteme aclarar algo. Dios nunca llega tarde... según su reloj. El problema es que nosotros lo medimos todo según el nuestro y por tanto cuando las cosas no suceden cuándo, cómo y dónde queremos o imaginamos, nos parece que Dios ha llegado tarde, que el sueño murió, que la situación está decidida, que no se pueden cambiar las cosas. Sin embargo, necesitamos aprender de Marta, a ir más allá del “si tan solo” al “pero aun ahora”. Aun ahora, cuando mi matrimonio se terminó, aun ahora

cuando siento que no los sueños no se han logrado, aun ahora que no tengo el título que quería tener, aun ahora que ya tengo X años y la vida se me ha ido, ¡aun ahora, Dios! Marta misma declaró: “Siempre he creído que tú eres el Mesías, el Hijo de Dios, el que ha venido de Dios al mundo”. Dicho de otra manera: “Yo no sé qué se puede hacer, pero tú eres el Mesías, el Hijo de Dios que vino al mundo, y siempre puedes hacer algo, ¡aun ahora!”. Quiero proponerte algo, mi querida lectora: No nos quedemos en el “si tan solo…” ¡Claro que puedes llegar a Dios con confianza y abrirle tu corazón, y contarle de todos tus si tan solo! No obstante, después tenemos que hacer como Marta y declarar: “pero aun ahora…porque tú eres el Hijo de Dios”. El si tan solo nos amarra al pasado; el aun ahora nos trae al presente y nos enfoca en el futuro. Nosotros sabemos el final de la historia, pero cuando Marta tuvo esta conversación con Jesús, no lo sabía. Así que, incluso cuando desconozcamos el desenlace de la historia o esta no tenga el final que esperamos, atrevámonos a decir junto con ella “aun ahora”…y como Marta, veremos la gloria de Dios.

About the Author A woman, wife and mother, Wendy’s passion is to help women discover the full and abundant life that God intended for them. Her teaching abounds in applying God’s Word to everyday situations that women face, and to encourage them in the midst of their challenges. Wendy Bello is of Cuban origin, but she lives in Miami with her husband of 20 years and two school-aged children. She is the author of the book “Una mujer sabia”, and a contributing writer for several online publications such as, Crosswalk. com, Whole Magazine in Spanish and “El versículo del día”. You can visit her at


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By Shae Bynes

Is It Time For You To Dream Again? “It’s time for you to dream again.” Those are the seven simple words I heard from the Holy Spirit one day while journaling and seeking God about plans for the new year. Frankly I was surprised to hear those words because the previous two years had been such a wild adventure of hearing His voice and following His instructions that I’d often receive during my personal prayer and worship time. There were things I started doing, stopped doing, paused temporarily from doing...all in response to His voice and often times when it didn’t make much sense to me or pulled me way out of my comfort zone. “It’s time for you to dream again.” There was something about those loving words that indicated a shift for me, but I didn’t quite understand it or fully receive it immediately. It took a number of months to peel back the layers and gain revelation of a powerful truth: Through my time of intimacy, God’s heartbeat had become my heartbeat and with that knowledge of His heart, the possibilities in life were now limitless. Suddenly the following scriptures gave me new life:


“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart” (Psalms 37:4). “If you abide in Me, and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” (John 15:7)

“If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” (John 14:14) Even the lyrics to Israel Houghton’s worship song “I Am a Friend of God” had a whole new level of meaning -- He truly calls me friend! Jesus told the disciples “No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from my Father I have made known to you.” (John 15:15) Our spiritual maturity may progress in different stages and timing, but the truth is that we are His friends, He shares His secrets with us, and He takes pleasure in giving us access to Heaven’s resources and strategies! Do you desire to dream with God and see the desires of your heart fulfilled? Here are 3 steps: Make Intimacy Your #1 Priority: Acknowledging the presence of an infinitely loving Father, yielding to the purging and refinement from His fire, and

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Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart (Psalms 37:4).

spending time simply loving on Him and allowing Him love on us are key to growing in relationship and finding our true identity in Christ. It’s through that intimacy, prayer, and through personal encounters with God that we’re able to embrace the freedom to dream the impossible. Stop Acting Your Age: Spiritual maturity does not mean the same thing as “acting your age.” In fact, a sign of spiritual maturity is our ability to remain child-like. We should imagine life without limits, envision the dreams the Father puts on our hearts, and be bold to declare our desired end fully expecting to see the results. We should embrace love and forgiveness the way children do and live our lives with joy and hope even in challenging situations. Smile, laugh, have fun! Jesus told the disciples that unless they changed and be-

came more like children they would never enter the Kingdom. Ignite Your Faith: Faith is an action word, so demonstrate your trust in God by taking action on the desire of your heart. When you have a big dream, it helps to break it down into shorter term goals and actions. Create 90 days goals and action plans to achieve those goals as a starting point. Share your dream with someone who will hold you accountable and get to work. It’s 2016 and a brand new year. There’s no time like the present to dream bigger and trust God more than ever before in both your personal and vocational/business life. Say this with me: “Life with God should be a wild, crazy, and amazing adventure!” Is it time for YOU to dream again?

About the Author Shae Bynes is a passionate storyteller, best-selling author, engaging teacher, and activator. She enjoys the response she receives when she tells people that she is a Firestarter, igniting fires in the marketplace and in the bedrooms around the world. Shae has authored several books on the topics of God-centered and Spirit-led business and marriage and is the Co-Founder of Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur. Visit to learn more.


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Love Is Easier Than You Think By Steph Stanford

It’s possible to live a life filled with love. But when I talk to women, most don’t believe that. Why? There are many reasons, but usually it’s because life has kicked them a few times so they believe that men are difficult to find and that if your relationship takes a down turn that it’s never going to change. Beliefs can be formed by what someone said or did or how they treated you, but you also have the power to change that in an instant. Beliefs influence your life in ways you can’t even imagine. When I first moved to Florida I moved to a retirement community where grumpy seniors ran into me with grocery carts at the store and pressed the “close door” button in the elevator when I ran to it with full arms, because they didn’t want to wait. I began to think that everyone in Florida was just mean. It became my belief. As a result, I pulled in and stopped being kind, so in return more people were rude and unkind to me. One day as I sat depressed in my home I had a thought. I was living in a city of two million people. There must be at least one nice person out there. So I decided to ACTIVELY look for just one person who was kind and I found one. The next day I found another. In just a few short weeks I made friends with some fun seniors who invited me up for dinner. My entire life shifted in days because I looked for examples of what I wanted to see. I began using this technique in my love life. As a single woman, I was absolutely convinced that there were no good guys left, until I started searching for examples of what I wanted to see. I actively looked for men who were loyal, ambitious, funny and kind. I didn’t try to date them, I just needed some proof that they were out there, because

I wasn’t so sure this was going to work. Honey, hot men who were loyal with jobs started showing up at the grocery store, gas station and gym. My life was always filled with possibilities; my perspective gave me the ability to see them. Now that I’m married, I still use this technique. Every girl knows that when you’ve been with someone for a while, things change. You have to work to keep it feeling good. So when I catch myself feeling frustrated, I ask what beliefs I’ve been focusing on. Have I been searching for what’s wrong or what’s right with him? Then I actively look for examples of what I want to see in him. I notice that he takes out the trash, he comes home at night. He forgives easily and makes me laugh. I feel and show more love and things shift because he feels it, too. There is so much goodness waiting for you. All things are possible. What you believe you receive. Ask and you shall be given. These aren’t new concepts, but here are a couple easy steps to empower you to change your beliefs. 1. Notice what you are telling yourself, what you say, what you think, what you believe. 2. Decide what you want to believe instead. What would you like to see more of? 3. Actively look for one example per day of what you want to see more of. 4. Notice when you see it and realize that your beliefs are shifting. 5. Repeat daily; the more you do it, the easier it gets. Remember this. You already have everything you need. Love is easier than you think. Pay attention to positive and let that be your new belief.

About the Author Steph Stanford is The Love Empowerment Coach. She’s a published author, a highly sought-after speaker, and a life-ologist who has been featured on over 50 stages and shows. She has helped hundreds of women get their love lives on track by teaching them to embrace self-love, relationship love and life love. Find out more at


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From Secretary to Stadium Speaker

How to Bring Your A-Game In Business

Yep, you read it right. In a matter of six short years I totally shifted the trajectory of my life. I transitioned from a legal secretary (a job I had held for 15 years) to an international, stadium speaker who travels the globe empowering women to breathe life into their dreams. But I didn’t achieve that lofty goal by imagining it. Nope, I worked for it, harder than I’ve ever worked for anything in my life. And, every day for the past six years I’ve had to remind myself that I’m only as good as my last performance, thus, I have to bring my A-game every single day. Now, if you’re anything like me, undoubtedly when you first started your business, you had no problem bringing you’re A-game. It was a given. You were excited about this new venture and all the possibilities that it offered. You woke up early thinking about it, went to bed late at night thinking about it, and you


probably even dreamed about it. There was nothing you wouldn’t do to get closer to what you had visualized as success. You were enthusiastic, excited, and energized to bring your very best to every client and every opportunity, every day. In fact, maybe you felt strong coming out of the gate knowing that you were destined to win big in your business. But, perhaps over time, you lost some steam. Maybe the clients you thought were going to be paying clients were only looking for freebies that left you broke and disgusted. Maybe a joint venture or collaboration went sour. Or maybe you didn’t reach your goal for a targeted number of attendees you wanted in the room for an event you hosted. The reality is almost every entrepreneur I know starts out with an extraordinary amount of excitement about their possibilities but few entrepreneurs maintain the momentum. Many cave in to the challenges, obstacles, and setbacks

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that come and knock them off their feet. But the single most important question any entrepreneur can ask in the face of such challenges is: How quickly am I willing to get up, dust off, and move forward? You see, bringing you’re A-game isn’t just about being your best when things are going smoothly in your business. In fact, it’s more about putting your best foot forward when things are in array and look bleak. When you’re in the “valley” of your business venture, which every business experiences, are you still willing to dig deep and muster up the same level of excitement and tenacity in order to turn lemons into lemonade? I will never forget the emotional rollercoaster I experienced when I first stepped foot into the entrepreneurial arena in 2009. I was clueless about who I really was, what I really wanted to do, and how I was going to achieve my vision of success. The one thing I did know was that my years of shuffling papers as a legal secretary (although a very well paying gig) was no longer enough. As a wife and mother of three, at the time I had become so disconnected from life and from my role as a mom. My spirit was torn as the reality of my children being in childcare for 12 hours a day settled into my heart. While I continued to choose a paycheck over discovering my purpose, I gave the best parts of me to a job that didn’t make me feel fulfilled, didn’t position me to create a legacy, and didn’t allow me to create generational wealth, while giving my husband and children the broken parts of me.


So, in 2009 I had my wakeup call and with sheer enthusiasm I set-out on my venture to conquer to create the reality I wanted. That year, I started a t-shirt business called Moms R The Best. I created an inspirational line of t-shirts to celebrate women and moms. For 18-months I continued working my full-time job while exploring this new venture with the t-shirt business. Although it was exciting in the start-up phase, that excitement wore thin when I realized how hard it was to find paying customers. Of course, a lot of that was because I didn’t value what I brought to the table and that makes it impossible to magnetize the people who will value your products and services. At times, my A-game started to dwindle to a B and C game, and I had to constantly remind myself that “I am only as good as my last performance.” You never know who is observing and who can potentially open a door of opportunity for you. Low and behold, 18 months into selling the t-shirts I got a call that would change my life. The call was from someone at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland calling to ask more about my t-shirt business and to offer me an opportunity to speak at their annual W.O.M.E.N. Conference. My initial thought was that they had dialed the wrong number. I wasn’t a speaker and had no intention of pursuing speaking. Yet, here was an opportunity to walk through a new door, so I accepted. From the moment I spoke at that conference, I knew I was born to speak

and pour into the lives of women and moms globally with a message of hope, empowerment, and telling our stories to impact other people’s lives. That one opportunity detoured me to where I am today as an international stadium speaker, author and business coach. But I only got that phone call because I was intentional about always bringing my A-game and operating in a spirit of excellence. Below are 7 tips to support you in bringing your A-Game this year: 1. Take time to discover something new about yourself that allows you to add something new to your business. 2. Remain a student. Don’t ever stop learning and mastering your craft. 3. Take bigger risks than you took last year. 4. Don’t allow yourself to get comfortable or complacent. Keep stretching yourself. 5. Eliminate complaining and comparing. 6. Acknowledge where you need to make improvements and make them immediately. 7. Don’t just make a dollar, make a difference in people’s lives. “You are the architect of your own destiny; you are the master of your own fate; you are behind the steering wheel of your life. There are no limitations to what you can do, have, or be.” (Brian Tracy, Speaker & Author). Keep bringing your A-game so you become positioned to win big in life and in your business!

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3 Ways To Develop Your Healthy Lifestyle Mindset By Sandra Almonte

When you hear the words “healthy lifestyle”, you might think of clean eating and exercising. But what if I told you that you were missing something? Well, what you’d be missing is your mindset. The habits you’ve formed on how you think. Believe it or not, your mindset sets the tone for your overall wellness. That being said, your mind needs the right kind of exercise so you can get from where you are to where you want to be. What you think on plays a major role in your failures or successes. Even the Scriptures tell us to be mindful of what we think. (Rom 12:2 and Phil 4:8) Just like an exercise routine, you need to form what I call habits of right thinking. There are three things to consider if you want a mindset geared toward success: 1. Right thinking needs to be intentional This is the first step. You won’t get far if you let your mind decide when it’s going to think the way it should. It never will. Being intentional in this area can be compared to the muscle memory your mus-

cles get when you consistently exercise. Do enough proper squats and you don’t have to think about it. So in the same way your muscles “remember” how to do an exercise like the squat, your mind also has a “memory” pattern of thinking. Start with a clean piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of the page. On the left side, write out all your negative thoughts. An example could be, “I’m not pretty”. Continue this until you’ve written all of your negative thoughts. On the right side, write out the positive side of those thoughts. For our example, we can write “I’m beautiful”. Write out a positive thought for every negative one. Keep the piece of paper by you so that when you start thinking the negative thought you can quickly correct yourself with the positive one. 2. Align your thoughts with your goals If your fitness goal is competing in a weightlifting contest, you wouldn’t spend most of your time running. You’d spend it doing weightlifting exercises. Same goes for your thoughts. Why spend a lot of time thinking negative thoughts that don’t get you anywhere but the place you don’t want to be?

For this mind exercise, visualize what you want or where you want to be as if you’ve already achieved it. What does it look like? How are you feeling? Who are you with? Write that down as well. This exercise will help you keep moving forward when you feel stuck. Try to read your visualized goals every day. This will help you keep focused on your goals instead of other things. And if the negative thoughts start coming at you, read the positive ones you’ve written down and let the positive thoughts take over. 3. Consistency is key Just like exercising your body, your “thinking memory” routine should be consistent. You can’t expect to get better at it if you only do it once every so often. If it’s intentional, it should be a daily thing. It’s also best to start the right mindset in the morning. That will help set the day ahead of you. But if you forget or don’t have time, that’s OK. Just pick up whenever you can during the day. This isn’t a fail or pass test. It’s a matter of replacing an old habit with a new one.

You have to ‘be’ before you can ‘do’ and do before you can ‘have’ –Zig Ziglar


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a m o r f s e i t i l i b i s s o P ive

t c e p s r e P y t u Bea

By Candace Sheppard


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Do it afraid... and wear Red Lipstick. Make. Your. Mark. Beauty & style are limitless, boundless even. The first thing we are comfortable telling a woman we barely even know - or for that matter have had time to say Hi to - goes a little something like this… “Oh my gosh that lipstick is gorgeous. I could never wear a color like that! Another frequent one I’ve heard is “Your skin looks amazing! Doesn’t matter what I use I could never get my skin to be that nice.” The worst yet? “I’ll never be able to do that. I know I’ll look like was a disaster before I even try... I’m not like you.” How unfortunate that we are comfortable cutting ourselves off and putting ourselves down before we’ve even given ourselves a chance to dream. We don’t even beginning with acknowledging that something different is worth trying just because it may be fun. We are ready at a moment’s notice to stick to all of which comes easy to us. You know what I’m talking about, that same lipstick you’ve been buying for the last 20 years. That you haven’t changed no matter how much your daughter tells you it’s not for flattering. It’s easy because you’re used to it. So you equate it to comfortable even though there are moments you wish to try new things. We tend to be the same way in our life and with God. We think it’s easier to stay in “our world” of the superficial because it’ just too much to hope. Can you imagine what waking up every day and freely asking, hoping and waiting for the answers to come to us? No holds barred. Believing in the possibilities just as quickly as you swipe on your same old lipstick. No effort, no problems, it just works. What a thought! Many of us prefer to begin with “That’s not possible.” Why is that? Rare is the one who comes along and says “What if?” and decides I’m going to try! Just because they can. As an artist, I revel in the chance to try new things because I believe in the possibility of finding something that will empower me. Brick Red lipstick? Yes please! Blue eyeshadow? Why not?! Let’s do it. Fear is more about how you think people will perceive you


and less about giving yourself a chance to open up to change. Why not decide, in spite of being intimidated, to wear that bold lipstick and allow it to empower you to think differently of yourself? You are worthy of every opportunity to try, try and try again. Believe in the possibilities just as much as you believe in what you know always works. I have countless women who consult with me and always begin by listing the thousands of reasons they hate their features before I’ve had a chance to begin. I’m always exhilarated when someone says do whatever you want. Not because they’re giving me freedom but because I know they understand that who they are and how they look is not found in their makeup. They are free to try new things because they are not afraid to love themselves. They also are free enough to let others express themselves freely too. That’s a woman that lives a life full of possibility! What if… she was you? There are plenty of limits that go around for us all in this world. Why not give yourself a chance to do the things you’re afraid of and to be bold about it. No expectations, not worried about your limitations, just filled with the hope of what could possibly come out of it. Do it afraid… and wear Red Lipstick. Make. Your. Mark. The right motivation leads us to do “crazy” (new) things. Many said that following Christ is crazy, but those of us who have built an authentic relationship with Him have been changed. He has helped us to recognize that who we are and what we are capable of is filled with infinite opportunity & possibilities. Key is we have to allow Him to open us up to life. The pain and the pretty. Through Him, we can focus on the kind of Beauty that lives OUTside the Box.

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Imagine Fest God wants us to live in His safety. Not our own. God never called us to be safe, to live safe or to do life safely. As a matter of fact, if you are truly living the way that God wants you to, you are most likely on the edge. You are looking down or out towards the unknown. You are a risk taker. You are a faith walker. You live in anticipation and expectation. For some of you, this has already become an uncomfortable read, because you thrive on routine. God loves routine, also, when it propels you into your next season and assignment. Focus is required to accomplish great things for God, and routine is what maintains focus. However, routine can also keep you in complacency. To be complacent is to be satisfied with the status quo, and that is not how the kingdom operates. We have the responsibility to dive into the power of “if” in our lives. Here’s the catch, it does not include the negatives. It is only focused on the positives, the things that will enrich the lives of others and thrust you in an assignment that absolutely takes your breath away. The exploration of the positives “if” challenges you to dream, to imagine things that are so big, it forces dependency on God. This is what the Father has always wanted. Daddy God wants you to know who you are and what you’re capable of. Women have been robbed by the devil of their voice, their identity, their sexuality, their role, their


uniqueness. The list can go on and on. It’s unacceptable for you to remain passive, to remain stagnant or to remain in captivity. You have been called to become and walk in greatness. It doesn’t matter what has happened in your past, what your bank account looks like at this moment or whether you’re partnered or not with a loving husband. God is not interested in your opinions, in your feelings or your thoughts of yourself. Why do I say that? Women have fallen into the trap of seeing themselves incorrectly, and God will not entertain bad thinking. He has settled in His mind that you are an awesome, supernatural being, known as His Daughter. Therefore, if you are His Daughter, you are responsible for living based on His standards and not the substandard one you have set for yourself. It’s so important to get the right picture in your eye’s mind (imagination) and in your inner, spirit-gal’s mind. You are the child of the creator of the Universe. Close your eyes and just imagine yourself as you walk into heaven. When you walk by an angel, they bow. I know this may be hard for some of you…but stay with me. Inside of you is the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. It says in scripture that you can do ALL things, through Christ. Soooooooo…. What if, those cookies you bake that people love become a household name? Impossible you say. Good. That is a God dream.

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What if, that book you’ve been writing for years finally gets published and becomes a bestseller. Impossible you say, because no one knows me. Good. That is a God dream. What if, you’re at that crossroad to make a decision that will change your entire life, and will thrust you into the place where you’re absolutely certain God wants you. Good! That is a God dream. None of the above may be you. Perhaps, you’re the one who is comfortable serving at church as a greeter, a teacher or parking lot attendant or you just have a regular job. Though that is quite honorable, God wants more for you. God wants you to live a life that is fulfilled, and a life that is abundant. You can’t get to that place unless you dabble into the “what if of possibilities.” The “What If of Possibilities” looks like this. 1. This year will not resemble last year. It’s not a repeat. 2. You will accomplish all the goals you’ve set on paper, reviewed every day with plans and steps toward each goal. 3. Procrastination and laziness is not part of your plan. 4. You will find accountability to keep you on track. WHAT!? Back up Roz. You haven’t told me what to do to get to that point.

Okay here you go. For those of you who are doubtful, but let me assure you that it is possible. All you have to do is invite God to your imagination fest. Call it Imagine Fest! I don’t know where preachers began to tell you that imagination was wrong, but it’s not. Imagination is a wonderful thing, and God wants you to camp out on it. Imagine yourself doing what you love, what you are passionate about, what makes you have righteous indignation that makes you think, “I need to do something about this.” Those are treasures that are deposited in your heart as the hints of what you were designed for. As you camp out in your imagination, begin to write in a notebook, what you see yourself doing. Bring those things up to the Lord. Eventually, the things that you should be doing will burn in your heart. They will ignite a spark that nobody can put out. The “what ifs” of your Imagine Fests will become bigger and bigger, until they become God dreams. When you become curious and tenacious and pursue your next step, your next season, the power of if propels you into living a life of endless possibilities. Don’t make this year another repeat. Imagine, write it down, present it to God, write those goals down, make the plan, get an accountability partner and repeat. Keep the Imagine Fest going and live your God dreams.

About the Author Roz Humphreys is a author and motivational speaker. For over 30 years, Roz has encouraged women of all ages to recognize their value and potential. Her no-nonsense attitude laced with Latin love, has steered and encouraged women towards wholeness. Her educational resources and women’s forums continue to motivate women to pursue their passion and purpose.


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Living My Life with Purpose By Elizabeth King, LCSW

As I reflect back on my life, I ask myself a lot of “what ifs”. The fact of the matter is that I am now able to say with certainty that I would not trade my journey for anything. Don’t get me wrong, it has been a hard road, but I am sure that it is what has helped me live my life with purpose. Almost 10 years ago, I was faced with my biggest “What if” moment of my life. What if I had decided to give up and become a victim of my own health issues? What if I had opted to live a life bedridden and defeated? Surviving polio as a child and the subsequent 36 surgeries that followed had taken a massive toll on me. My doctors said they had done all they could and I was left to believe that all hope was lost and that MY possibility was that I might never walk again. My body seemed to be telling me, after all I had been through, that this might be an insurmountable hurdle. I was in so much emotional and physical pain. I couldn’t believe that this was really happening to me. I had fought all my life to be independent and now I was completely incapacitated to the point that my husband had to carry me to the bathroom. It was one of my doctors that suggested that I try holistic medicine to reduce the pain that kept me bedridden for 2 years. Even though I was skeptical, I decided to try it when he looked me in the eyes and asked me, “what do you have to lose?”. That question may have changed the course of my life. That was a defi-

nitely defining moment for me. Within 4 months of using holistic treatments, I was out of the wheelchair and walking again. Then and there, I vowed to not only live a life free of pain but also to teach this school of thought to others. After 20 plus years spent in the Broward County school system, I felt I could better serve by educating others on the principles of alternative medicine. In 2007, I founded the International Holistic Center in an effort to help others take a more (w)holistic approach to their health to address the problems at the core level. As a licensed psychotherapist, I quickly began to notice a concerning trend among my female patients especially. I noticed an elevated level of stress in these women. Stress brought on, it seemed, by the pressures of juggling career and personal life. As I continued to observe this struggle of keeping up the balancing act, I became increasingly inspired to help them understand the importance of taking care of themselves, mind, body and spirit, so they could be at their best. Together with my colleague, we decided to host a conference for women. With very little time and resources, we worked tirelessly to pull off what seemed impossible. But after everything I had gone through in my life to get to where I was today, “impossible” was unacceptable. Conference day arrived and it was better than we could

have ever imagined. Suits, Stilettos and Lipstick (SSL) was born. We welcomed over 250 women to our event and the feedback that we received validated our efforts. These women had excitedly invested in an opportunity that allowed them to learn and grow and develop personally as well as professionally. And it was beautiful to watch this shift in mindset and to know that we had been catalysts for change. The mission that I had set out to accomplish was in motion and there was no stopping it now. The movement had begun. SSL exists to promote a new standard of sisterhood. We wanted to make sure that women were made to understand the importance of using their voice, their strength and their talents to become a driving force in their homes, careers and in their communities. We now have a database of over 4,000 women and offer year round programs for empowerment and leadership. This summer, SSL opened up membership and expanded to a national level. Plans for the future include going global. I could have easily become stalled by the obstacles and challenges I was facing or I could have taken those challenges and used them to make me stronger. Thankfully, I chose the latter, and that decision helped not only me but the countless women that I hear from every day. Women, who otherwise might not have harnessed their own power of “What if” to create endless possibilities in their own lives.

About the Author

Dr. Elizabeth King, “the Holistic Psychotherapist”, is the founder and CEO of 3 companies: Suits, Stilettos and Lipstick, Lipstick Foundation and the International Holistic Center. She is internationally recognized as a wellness expert, author, radio personality and motivational speaker. She is also connected to our Publisher as Hispanic Women of Distinction awardees, an award given to Latina women in the South Florida area for their community work. You can find more about her and her work at


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Answering ‘What if…’ Even the strongest optimist can be dissuaded by the “What if…?” questions that arise when considering new ideas. “What if…” is rarely followed by a positive assurance of a good effect. Instead it fills the mind with insecurity, and if you allow it the simple phrase can stop you in your tracks. But what if you could turn its voice of doubt around and use it as an asset? Here’s how you can counter these six familiar questions If may ask you in 2016: 1. What if it doesn’t work out? “We know that trouble produces endurance, endurance brings God’s approval, and his approval creates hope.” Romans 5:4 GNTD Acknowledging that every risk has the potential of not working out can actually help you succeed. Go beyond and ask, “If this were to fail, what would be the reasons?” Identifying potential pitfalls can help you create a stronger success strategy and often produces tenacity, spurs creative thinking, and informs future endeavors. 2. What if no one supports me? “If God is for us who can be against us?” Romans 8:31 GW


Friends that ‘have your back’ certainly can make the journey easier and be a great benefit to you (John 14:13). However in leadership, you often must stand alone in your convictions. You will not always have a band of supporters cheering you on. But, frankly, to succeed you don’t need a fan club; you need fortitude. You don’t need supporters when God Himself is on your side! 3. What if it costs too much? “What profit is there for you to gain the whole world and lose yourself in the process?” Mark 8:36 VOICE It is wise to count the costs before embarking on a new endeavor. (Luke 14:28) At times as a leader you have to confidently proclaim that you are willing to go all in at whatever the cost. Big decisions often require big sacrifices, but can also return big dividends. When weighing the costs, become comfortable with what you may have to concede temporarily to achieve long-term success. Also, know the non-negotiables that you certainly will not compromise because the cost is too high, and do not betray them.

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4. What if it gets too hard? “If your faith is as big as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. All things will be possible for you.” Matthew 17:20 NCV Hard is just another word for an obstacle that you can conquer with dedication and discipline. Remember that often when things feel “hard” it is simply because you are strengthening your skills or developing new ones. When a child rides a bicycle for the first time it usually has training wheels. After time, it becomes so easy for them that their training wheels rarely touch the ground. As soon as those side wheels are removed, the ride goes from fast and easy to shaky and challenging again…but soon, the easy freedom of riding with no hands will be the reward. Leadership is no different. With every new level, you strengthen yourself. Believe in yourself even if you feel shaky, keep the faith, put prayer behind your efforts, and you will conquer the hard things. 5. What if I get in over my head? “If you don’t have all the wisdom needed for this journey, then all you have to do is ask God for it; and God will grant all that you need. He gives lavishly and never scolds you for asking.” James 1:5 VOICE If you live on the leading edge, my friend, you will most likely get in over your head at times. You can’t deep dive in shallow waters. But launching into the deep (Luke 5:4) can intimidate you to greatness if you allow it. When you tackle a new initiative this year in

life or leadership, embrace the discomfort of uncertainty. You don’t have to be the most skilled, be the best on the team, or know it all before you start. Be brave; have faith; ask for wisdom. Experiencing the new depths will be worth the dive. 6. What if I’m not ready? “Be strong and courageous, and do the work.” 1 Chron. 28:20 NIV One of the most insinuating questions “If” likes to ask is whether you’re ready. It implies that you may not be capable by proof of experience. But don’t let “If” deter you. Being ready means that the result is possible by your potential and promise. Are you willing to take a risk, even if you have to stand on your own? Do you have enough faith in yourself, in your cause or in your Maker to deep dive into a new season? In the words of Erin Hansen, “There is freedom waiting for you, On the breezes of the sky, And you ask “What if I fall?” Oh but my darling, What if you fly?” The new year is full of possibilities for you! When you feel that “what if” question arising, don’t ignore it, reframe it. If doubt asks you that dreaded question, answer it with faith… faith in yourself, faith in your calling, and faith in your Creator. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and he will show you the right way.” (Proverbs 3:56 GNTD)

About the Author Dr. Sheila Cornea is a leadership coach for ladies. As an author and speaker, her mission is to empower leaders to thrive with excellence, ease and enjoyment. Sheila offers free courses, coaching and community for ladies who lead at www.


Issue 7: January 2016 Issue | Page 26

The Soar Interview with Angie Rose

A Fierce Woman Soaring Dr. Liz first met Angie a PK (preacher’s kid) at the 2015 Flavorfest conference in Tampa, FL hosted by Crossover Church and was impressed with the her sense of purpose as a young Latina. Angela Rosario is a 25 year old Puerto-Rican from the Bronx, NYC with a big personality. She captivates audiences with her aggressive and energetic performance style. Born and raised in the Bronx. New York Native Angie Rose is no newcomer to the sound of hip-hop. Raised in an era where pioneers like Tupac, Big Pun and B.I.G where radically influencing the youth she felt at home with the sound of her streets. As she grew up she became a part of her environment and learned from her big brother to take music and make it tell her story. Raised by a culture that radically promotes violence she says “it is only by Gods grace and a praying family that my music promotes positivity. I remember standing in the staircases of my building everyday watching my brother and all his friends rap for hours, and every night watching my parents pray I had no choice but to fall in love with God and hip-hop; so why not bring ‘em together in my music?” In November, Dr. Liz had a chance to speak to her on the theme of this issue.


SOAR: Hey Angie. Thanks for taking the time to speak with me today! AR: I’m honored to have been asked. Thanks. SOAR: So what comes to mind when you reflect on our new year theme The Power of IF: Living a Life of Possibilities? AR: Hmm. It’s a good theme (laughter). I would have to say, that God can take you from anywhere and take you everywhere. As a Bronx girl, what some might refer to as a modern-day Nazareth, I feel especially proud to have risen from there to give God glory through my music. I serve a God of possibilities and great things can come from serving a God who makes anything possible if you put yourself in His hands. SOAR: So has that word IF ever been a friend or a foe. A catalyst or a barrier for you? AR: The word IF has been both all of that to me. I’ve been on both sides. There were many times in my life when I didn’t think I could do certain things, it kept me from pursuing what I had in my heart. But eventually, I grabbed on to the other side of IF, the side that believed in the possibility of something happening. I definitely have been on both sides of that word and seeing possibility become reality, I never want to allow my thinking to go back to the barrier

side. The foe made me want to hide. The friend made me want to run … toward everything God had for me. SOAR: How did you push through when you wanted to hide? AR: I just believe God more than my fears. SOAR: What prompted you to write the song Unstoppable which I feel is a great anthem song for all dreamers who seek to be doers! AR: Well basically there has been so much that the enemy has used to make me want to stop. So writing this song was like a declaration. Even though I was a bit hesitant to release it because I wanted it to be true when it came out. I wanted to believe I was unstoppable for real. Not just a motivational speech for people. Now, it’s not about hating on people but realizing that the enemy uses them to make you question yourself. I realized that no matter what people tried,

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they would ultimately fail because God had a plan for my life. SOAR: Has faith been a big part of you doing what you do? AR: Absolutely! It’s huge. Faith is belief in what you don’t see and that is a big thing for me because it was faith that helped me to believe in things for my career and my life when I didn’t really see anything, I

just saw in faith. I wouldn’t be where I am today, emerging in the Christian rap music field without it. SOAR: What is your greatest challenge right now? AR: I want to live my lyrics. I don’t just want to write and sing. I want to remember to believe in what I sing. Daily. SOAR: What would you tell our

readers that don’t feel unstoppable? That feel life is not full of possibilities? AR: I would tell them to look further than their current situation. When we start believing that lie because we feel defeated, we are stuck. Look up what God says about you and your future then believe in that. When God is on your side, you are certainly unstoppable!

Find her on facebook at or find her on the web at Even if you are not into rap music, support this rising young woman by leaving a note on her Facebook page! She’s a fierce woman soaring! Know a fierce woman soaring we should highlight? Visit us at and let us know on our contact page.


Issue 7: January 2016 Issue | Page 28

Rethinking Possible

An Excerpt from Stoking the Fire of Your Dreams By. Dr. Toni G Alvarado

Lately I’ve been taking the time to sit and ponder possibilities. I imagine that every great invention came from a thought of what could be possible. I happen to own an AT&T cell phone and the company slogan “Rethink Possible” speaks to me every time I see or hear it. Even as I write this message, I am thinking about possibilities related to what I want to be doing in the next five to ten years.


One of the coaching exercises that I use with my clients is an exercise called Dreaming for Pragmatic People. This exercise assists clients in taking the lid off and encourages them to dream big. For many who may be practical this may be a daunting task. Many people talk themselves out of believing in their dreams supposing that they are too old or limited by money or people resources.

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Try answering these important coaching questions: • What would happen if you were to “re-think” the possibilities of accomplishing a big dream? • What opportunity are you forfeiting because you won’t allow yourself to think freely? • What would happen if you saw your challenges as an opportunity to create an innovative solution to a problem? • What would happen if you thought, I can, rather than it’s too difficult for me to imagine? Our world is shaped by the thoughts we think. Thoughts become actions and if re-shape our thinking to believe in ourselves, we can accomplish more than we ever imagined if we re-think the possibilities!

Coaching Moment: Take a moment to imagine the possibilities of your dream and answer the questions above as you go into this New Year!


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