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• Alessio Valsecchi, an Elk Grove resident is working on an Eagle Scout project by building and supplying the Park with nesting boxes to attract bluebirds, wrens and chickadees. He also built bat boxes and fishing line recycle stations. Thank you Alessio! this project, call us at 847-437-9494.
Active CarouselAudubonAthleticsAthleticsArtAquaticsAdultsLeaguesSkatePark&Jumpsn’ Jiggles EarlyDanceChildhood Fox Run Golf Links Garden Terrace General RentalsRegistrationProgramsPavilionOpenNWSRAPartiesMusicHistoricalInformationMuseumGymFitnessbyAge School Days Off School After Care Sheila Ray Adult Center Special Events Swim Team Teen & TheatreYouth 5352174-750-5149489-10545843-462656174741-4254-561039-4035-3731-34382129-3022-2719-2012-188 What’s Inside Before After
• Planting deep rooted native species to stabilize the shoreline which will also provide a habitat for pollinators and wildlife.
Elk Grove Park District is committed to native conservation. This past year, our efforts have recently been focused on the Morton and Olmsted Parks shoreline restoration project which will attract native species and improve the aesthetics for visitors to this area. Some of the projects in this area have included:
(847) 437-9494 3 Tom Cooke President John Walz Treasurer Scott Carlson Secretary Bill O’Malley Commissioner Bob Biedke Vice President Park District Board of Commissioners Board Meetings The Park Board meets on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month at 7pm. Ways to view: Comcast Channel 6, AT&T Channel 99, Elk Grove Park District Facebook page and Live Stream at EGTV.viebit.com. Registration Begins Resident (R): Thu, Aug 4 Non-Resident (NR): Mon, Aug 8 Commissioners’ Update
• If you have questions or would like more information about
• Clearing weeds and overgrown vegetation through prescribed burns.
• A tiered block wall was made using outcropping stone to stabilize the shoreline and protect it from erosion. This step-like pattern of the stones provides a platform for fishing or simply sitting and enjoying the relaxing view of water and wildlife. It also improves access to the creek for launching canoes or kayaks.

elkgroveparks.org4 Dancing with the Band Join us for an evening of fun and upbeat jazz with the Switch Time Jazz Group. Sit and listen with the crowd, or move to the music on the dance floor at Garden Terrace located in the Pavilion. This event benefits Sheila Ray Adult Center. Light refreshments provided by Jarosch Bakery. Fee: $5 R /$7 NR Pay at the door. Date Time Thu, Sep 1, Oct 6, Nov 3 & Dec 1 7-9pm Tween Campout 4th and 5th graders can experience an overnight campout at Pirates' Cove. Use the climbing wall, enjoy a bonfire, s'mores and a late night movie. Each participant will be provided with their own tent. For any questions please contact the Youth Manager at Location:Fee:847-228-3518.$50R/$63NRPiratesCove Date Time Grades Code Deadline Fri, Sep 16 7pm-7am 4th & 5th 411402-03 Sep 9 New! SPECIAL EVENTS FallAUDITIONS OPEN to ages 7-14yrs Monday, September 12, 4-8pm Code: 410301 SHOW DATES Friday, November 18 at 7pm Saturday, November 19 at 2:30pm & 6:30pm Sunday, November 20 at 2:30pm Spotlight Theatre of the Elk Grove Park District Proudly Presents Please be prepared to dance, sing and read. Participants must register to audition! Please register online or at the Customer Service Counter for an individual audition time slot, by September 2. Participants must prepare a 30 second Monologue and 32 measures of a song that showcases their range. Held at Rainbow Falls Community Center, 200 Reverend Morrison Blvd, Elk Grove Village. For more information on Theatre callbacks and rehearsal commitment see page 53.

Baby & Kids Garage Sale
This is the perfect place to earn extra cash by selling your gently used baby, toddler and kids clothing and gear. Children grow so quickly; clean out the closets and make room for the holidays. Shop bargains for your family and little ones. Vendor space is limited, sign up early to reserve your table. Admission is free to shop. Fee: $35/Vendor Table Location: Pavilion, Garden Terrace Date Time Code Sat, Oct 8 9am-12pm 401610-01 SPECIAL EVENTS H20o0ooo! Join us for crafts, swimming, games and receive a spooky goodie bag on your way out. Adult must register with child. Fee: $8 R /$10 NR per child $5 R /$6 NR per adult
Teen Bonfire Teens come join us for a bonfire with s'mores under the stars as we celebrate the start of Fall. The Elk Grove Youth Committee will sponsor and supervise this FREE event. Refreshments and glow sticks will be sold onsite. *In Case of inclement weather, the Teen Bonfire will be cancelled. Visit elkgroveparks.org or call Customer Service at (847) 437-9494 for updates.
Fee: FREE Admission Pre-registration is required.
Fee: Location:$12 Pavilion Multipurpose Gym Date Time Age Code Deadline Fri, Oct 28 7-9pm Grades 4-5 411402-01 Oct 26
Location: Pavilion Aquatics Center Age: 5-10yrs Date Time Code Fri, Oct 14 6:30-8:30pm 402402-01 (child) 402402-02 (adult) ADMISSIONFREE Come one, come all to the Fall Carnival!! Join us for some Fall family fun! The Fall Carnival will have music, inflatables, face painting, games and more! Purchase a ticket to enter into the Scarecrow Contest! Build your scarecrow at home and bring it to the event. Contest winners will be announced at 3:30pm on event Location:day.Pavilion Grounds/Soccer Field
Fee: Scarecrow Contest entry $5 Entry Deadline: Sep 12 Date Time Sun, Sep 18 12-4pm
Fall Carnival
Doggy Trick or Treat
Location: Olmsted Park Date Time Age Code Deadline Fri, Sep 23 7-9pm 11-14yrs 411401-01 Sep 16
(847) 437-9494 5
Now the whole family can dress up in their Halloween best. Join us for a "howling" good time with the entire family. All dogs will have an opportunity to perform their "tricks" for a chance to win a few "treats" by participating in our obstacle course and other fun games. Participate in our Halloween Parade at the Hattendorf Park for a chance to win the best costume. Weather permitting, this event will be held outside. All families will receive a souvenir picture and a goody bag. Dogs must be leashed at all times; retractable leashes are not allowed. Registration is required before the event, no walk up registrations will be accepted.
Tween Halloween 4th and 5th Graders only! Come to Tween Night dressed in your Halloween Costume and enjoy a night of music, games and refreshments. Prize for the best costume! Pre-registration is required.
Fee: $10 R /$12 NR Location: Al Hattendorf Park Date Time Age Code Deadline Sat, Oct 15 10-11am 17+yrs 407415-01 Oct 14

Vendors from all around bring their talents to showcase in the Garden Terrace. Everything from candle making, woodwork, knitting, holiday decor and more may be available to shop. There is a fee to register as a vendor. Shopping the vendors is free of charge. For any additional information please contact Katherine Loftus 847-228-3517.
Arrrrrr, mateys! It's time to have a shiverin' timbers good time at this pirate themed murder mystery dinner. Create the scene at the Garden Terrace while you participate in the interactive Pirate Themed game "Mutiny & Murder, Curse of the Parrot Island Treasure." Players will receive complete details of their character, including detailed backstory and objectives they must achieve. Dinner will include BBQ chicken, caesar salad and baked potato. A cash bar will be available. Mutiny & Murder Curse of the Parrot Island Treasure is a MyMysteryParty.com game. Need a babysitter? Drop off your little ones at the PAC Lagoon pool for the Parents Night Out event! Fee: $35 R /$42 NR Location: Garden Terrace at the Pavilion Age: 21+yrs Date Time Code Deadline Fri, Nov 11 6-9pm 401421-01 Nov 1
Murder Mystery & Dinner
Vendor Fee: $40 Date Time Code Sat, Nov 12 9am-1pm 401425-01 Friday, October 21, 5-7pm So much to do… Put on your Halloween costume and join us for an evening of Glow in the Dark fun and pumpkins. Halloween Fest includes games, hayrides and rides at Pirate’s Cove. Take a luminary path to the Museum’s Pumpkin Patch to pick out and decorate your pumpkin. Light dinner is included. Tickets can be purchased online or at Pavilion Customer Service. Must be purchased in advanced. No door sale. Location: Pavilion, Museum Campus & Pirates' Cove Fee: $18 per person Ages 3+ must purchase ticket with pumpkinapatch! Glow in the Dark Parents Night Out Need a break? Drop the kids off for an exciting, fun-filled evening at the pool. During this 3 hour event your kids will participate in games, make a craft and swim in our Lagoon pool. Friday, November 11th date is held in conjunction with Murder Mystery Dinner. Fee: $15 R /$18 NR Location: Pavilion Aquatics Center Age: 5-10yrs Date Time Code Deadline Fri, Sep 2 5:30-8:30pm 402404-03 Aug 29 Fri, Oct 7 5:30-8:30pm 402404-04 Oct 4 Fri, Nov 11 6-9pm 402404-05 Nov 8 *Parent must register child (ages 5-12yrs) for Parents Night Out if attending this program. Code: 402404-05
Martinstag Join us for St. Martin's Day, a traditional German celebration. Children will decorate their own lanterns, parade around the Museum grounds and enjoy treats! Pre-registration required. Fee: Location:$10 Museum Campus Date Time Age Code Deadline Fri, Nov 11 6-8pm 6-10yrs 407437-01 Nov 9 Drop off a letter to Santa at the Pavilion North Pole mailbox between December 1-10 and he will write you back! Don’t forget your return address! Letters to Santa Holiday Craft Show
Native American Day
Celebrate Native American Heritage Month and discover the various tribes who lived in Illinois. Play Native American games, and create a beaded necklace and corn husk doll. Pre-registration required. Fee: Location:$5 Museum Campus Date Time Code Deadline Sat, Nov 5 1-3pm 407336-01 Nov 1

4th and 5th Graders only! Put on your Ugly Holiday Sweater and join us for Holiday Singo. Singo is an exciting musical spin on the traditional game of Bingo. Everyone likes to sing along with their favorite song. So grab your friends for a night of fun!
Fee:$18 R /$22 NR per adult $22 R /$26 NR per child
Fee: $10 per person All guests 1yr+ must purchase a ticket.
Doggy Grinchmas
Santa Story Time
Family Noon Year's Eve Party Ring in the New Year with the ones you love most! Enjoy music and dancing, ice cream sundaes, crafts and so much more. Spend your last moments of 2022 making memories that will last a lifetime! Fee: $15 per person Tickets required for ages 3+.
Join us for a trip on The Polar Express Storytime Train! We will meet at the Metra Station in Itasca and board the train for a fun filled adventure to the North Pole (we will ride the train from Itasca to Elgin and back again). Stories will be read, a Santa's favorite snack will be served, and all children will have a chance to visit with Santa himself! Each participant over 12 months old must be individually registered on their designated account and will receive a confirmation letter in the mail prior to the trip. Don't be late! The train leaves on time. All advertised dates and sections are subject to train availability. Don't wait- Registration deadline is November 19!
Fee: Location:$12 Garden Terrace Date Time Age Code Deadline Thu, Dec 22 7-9pm Grades 4-5 411402-02 Dec 20
(847) 437-9494 7
Fee: $10 R /$12 NR Location: Sheila Ray Adult Center Main Room Date Time Code Deadline Sat, Dec 17 10-11am 407424-01 Dec 16
Polar Express Storytime Train
Location: Itasca Metra Train Station, Train Platform Date Time Code Sun, Dec 11 11am-12pm 407414-01 Sun, Dec 11 1-2pm 407414-02
Tween Holiday Singo Bingo!
Fee: $14 R /$17 NR
SPECIAL EVENTS Breakfast with Santa Skip the long lines at the Mall and get your picture taken with the Jolly Ol' Fella and enjoy a hearty breakfast! Each family will receive a photo, breakfast, and a special present from Santa himself for all registered children. This event fills up quickly so make sure to register early! Fee is per person. Children under 2 are free.
Location: Pavilion Date Time Deadline Sat, Dec 31 11am-1pm Dec 30
Santa is coming all the way from the North Pole to share a special story time with the girls and boys of Elk Grove! Make a special souvenir to take home from Santa’s workshop, get your picture taken with the big guy himself and enjoy some hot chocolate while listening to Mrs.Claus read a story.
Location: Pavilion, Garden Terrace Date Time Code Deadline Sat, Dec 17 9-11am 407416-01 Nov 30 SnowflakeeSwim
Pre-registration is required.
Location: Garden Terrace Date Time Age Deadline Fri, Dec 16 5-6pm 3-5yrs Dec 3 Fri, Dec 16 6:15-7:15pm 6-8yrs Dec 3
Fee: $12 R /$14 NR per child $5 R /$6 NR per adult
The Pavilion Aquatics Center will transform into the North Pole for the day your family will always remember! Activities include tie-dye Snowflake Swim t-shirt station and holiday games and prizes. Child fee includes Snowflake Swim t-shirt and goody bag. Adult must register with child.
Location: Pavilion Aquatics Center Age: 5-10yrs Date Time Code Deadline Sat, Dec 10 1-3pm 402404-01 (child) Dec 7 402404-02 (adult) It's that time of year to be jolly. Join us for a "grinchy" good time with the entire family. All dogs will have an opportunity to participate in our obstacle course and other fun games. All families will receive a souvenir picture with the Grinch and a goody bag. Dogs must be leashed; retractable leashes are not allowed. Registration is required before the event, no walk up registrations will be accepted.

Fitzgerald'sTrips Fish Boil - Genoa City, WI
Date Time Code Deadline Weds, Aug 24- Oct 5 6:30-7:30pm 307301-02 Nov 7 Weds, Oct 19/Dec 7 6:30-7:30pm 407301-01 Aug 19 *No classes 11/23
Holiday Lights Trolley Tour, Naperville, IL Ding! Ding! All Aboard the Naperville Trolley for a tour of Naperville's decorated houses for the holidays! We will start with dinner at Portillo's, then hop on our private enclosed trolley for the holiday lights tour from 6:30-7:30. This trip includes tour and transportation. Dinner will be on your own. Fee: $30 M /$33 R NM /$39 NR NM
Fee: $44 M /$48 R NM /$57 NR NM
White Christmas at the Fireside Theater Fort Atkinson, WI Based on the beloved film, this heartwarming stage adaptation features 17 Irving Berlin songs. Two World War II Army veterans with a successful song-and-dance act follow a duo of beautiful singing sisters to their Christmas show at a Vermont lodge. Choose your entree at registration. Choices include: Grilled Pork Tenderloin, Beef Short Rib, Grilled Shrimp or Vegetarian. This trip includes lunch, a show and motorcoach transportation. Fee: $130 M /$143 R NM /$171 NR NM
Depart: Pavilion South Parking Lot: 4:45pm
Fitzgerald's Genoa City Junction serves an all-you-can-eat North Atlantic Cod boiled in traditional outdoor kettles year-round for that one-of-a-kind mouthwatering taste. Lunch will include fish, chicken, boiled potatoes & onions, coleslaw, salted rye bread and apple square for dessert. The rest of the afternoon will be yours to enjoy in Lake Geneva. This trip includes lunch and motor coach transportation.
This course will focus on teaching both handler and dog good communication skills using basic commands. We will go over proper socialization, common behaviors issues, and confidence building. The first class will be handlers only, we'll discuss class expectations, tools needed and answer individual questions on potty training, nipping/ biting and other related topics. Starting on the second week, you will bring your dog to class. We use science based, positive reinforcement training to create a stress-free learning environment. Handler must remain the same throughout the session.
BEGINNERS: Obedience & Manners
Arrival: Pavilion South Parking Lot: 5:00pm
Depart: Pavilion South Parking Lot: 10:30am Arrival: Pavilion South Parking Lot: 6:00pm Date Code Deadline Wed, Sep 28 401501-01 Sep 21 Four Winds Casino, New Buffalo, MI Take part in the Four Winds Casino adventure and try your luck. All bus passengers MUST have a valid Drivers' License or state photo ID to ride the bus and receive the bus package ($15 instant slot credit and up to $10 food credit). This trip includes the bus package and motor coach transportation.
Date Code Deadline Wed, Dec 7 401514-01 Dec 2 Dog Obedience - 12 Weeks and UP
Fee: $175 R /$210 NR Location: Al Hattendorf Center Room #1
Depart: Pavilion South Parking Lot: 10:30am
Depart: Pavilion South Parking Lot: 8:30am Arrival: Pavilion South Parking Lot: 6:30pm Date Code Deadline Wed, Nov 9 401502-01 Oct 12
Arrival: Pavilion South Parking Lot: 8:00pm
Fee: $55 M /$60 R NM /$72 NR NM
Date Age Code Deadline Wed, Oct 12 21+yrs 401507-01 Sep 26

(847) 437-9494 9 Indoor Rental Spaces: Pavilion Aquatics Center Carousel at Jumps n’ Jiggles Pavilion Community Center Al Hattendorf Center Rainbow Falls Community Center Audubon Skate Park Garden Terrace Complete the inquiry form online to begin planning your next celebration For more information, call (847) 437-9494 Bring Your Gatherings Indoor This Fall!

Days: Saturdays & Sundays Fees: $400+
The magical craftsmanship of this large, working carousel is enjoyed by all ages. In addition to 2 hours of unlimited rides on the carousel, children enjoy the indoor playplace with tunnels and slides that promote imaginative play for hours. This is an indoor venue with a capacity of 100 guests. Food and refreshments are welcomed. The carousel does book a year in advance. Ages: 2+ Days: Private Parties, Saturday & Sunday (Pool is open to party only, private party room) Fees: $275 Days: Open Swim Parties , Saturday & Sunday (private room, open swim to public) Fees: $195+
Carousel & Playplace (Jumps n’ Jiggles)
Pavilion Aquatics Center
Days: Various Fees: $110+Ages: All Garden Terrace The Garden Terrace is the perfect setting to gather groups of 20-200 people in a private, indoor space and beautifully landscaped patio. The space has been the setting for weddings, quinceneras, baby showers, graduations, memorials, staff appreciation dinners and more. This is truly a blank slate to help you celebrate. Outside catering and other vendors are welcome, catering and bar packages available. Inquire online for specific quote Days: Various Fees: Various Ages: All
Fun Fall Venues
Make a splash at our indoor Lagoon Pool! Our zero depth Lagoon Pool has a water play structure and 72’ long waterslide. Each party consists of 3 hours in a party room and 2 hours of swimming within that time. Food and refreshments are welcomed within the party room. Packages available for 20, 40, and 60 guests. Ages: 2+ Skate Park Party Anyone who enjoys the thrill of a skate park will appreciate a 2 hour rental of the indoor facility at Audubon Skate Park with an area designated to enjoy food and refreshments. Party package includes admission for up to 20 skaters.

(847) 437-9494 11 Download our app today!for iPhonefor Android Take us with youwherever you go!scan with yourphone to download Holiday Bazaar The Bazaar features treasures such as: jewelry, handcrafted items such as, ceramics, quilted, knitted and crocheted items. Food and $1 Raffle tickets will be available for purchase. All proceeds benefit the Sheila Ray Adult Center. Admission is Free Location: Sheila Ray Adult Center at the Hattendorf 225 E. Elk Grove Blvd (847) 364-7224 Friday Dec 2 & Sat Dec 3 9am-2pm Rummage Sale Fri, Sep 16 & Sat, Sep 17 9am-2pm at Sheila Ray Adult Center 225 E. Elk Grove Blvd Donations for the Rummage Sale will be accepted starting Thursday, August 18th. We accept clean, usable clothing, household items and books. All proceeds benefit the Sheila Ray Adult Center Free Admission design to come Park RummageDistrictSale

AQUATICS 1000 Wellington Ave (847) 593-6248 Annual Closure Information August 13-26 The indoor portion of the facility will be closed for annual maintenance. A closure takes place each year so that we may complete tasks that are necessary to provide the best possible facility for our patrons. In order to best serve our customers’ needs, the outdoor pool will remain open on a revised schedule during this timeframe. Due to the nature of the work being completed during the closure, aquatics programs will not take place. Members of both the Fitness Center and the Pavilion Aquatics Center are invited to use Rainbow Falls at no additional cost for the duration of the closure. Visit our website for more information. Amenities • 8 lane, 25 yard indoor lap pool with diving area • Zero-depth Lagoon Pool with interactive water features and 72 foot water slide • Warm Water Therapy Pool • 6 lane, 25 yard outdoor lap pool (seasonal) • Locker rooms and family changing room • Locker Rental - Day use of lockers is complimentary for members. Members also have the option to rent a permanent locker. When renting a permanent locker a lock will be given to you to use. Permanent Full Size Locker Rental Fees Yearly: $110 Pavilion Aquatics Center Membership A membership can be purchased at any time throughout the year. Members will have access to the Indoor Main Pool, Lagoon Pool, Warm Water Therapy Pool, Steam Room and Whirlpool for 12 months from the original date of purchase. Pass holders will also have access to the Outdoor Pool and sun deck during the summer season. PAC members receive discounted rates on aquatics programs Daily Admission R NR Tots (under 2) Free Free Senior (65+yrs) $6 $8 General Admission $8 $10 Pass Type R NR Senior (65+yrs) $150 $190 Individual $215 $270 Family of 2 $255 $320 Add Family Members +$30pp +$40pp 10 Splash Pass $75 $95 10 Splash Senior Pass $55 $75 elkgroveparks.org12 School Year Hours of Operation Main Pool Hours Mon-Fri 6am-8pm Sat 7am-6pm Sun 8am-5pm (We attempt to provide at least two lanes for lap swimming when possible.) Lagoon Open Swim Hours Fri 4-8pm Sat 3-6pm Sun 3-5pm Warm Water Therapy Pool Open Swim Hours Mon, Wed & Fri 7-10am, 4-8pm Tue & Thu 7-10am, 4-6:45pm Sat 12-6pm Sun 12-5pm Steam Room/Whirlpool Hours Mon-Fri 6am-8pm Sat 7am-6pm Sun 8am-5pm Holiday Thanksgiving,HoursNov 25 6am-12pm Christmas Eve, Dec 24 8am-12pm Christmas Day, Dec 25 Facility Closed New Year’s Eve, Dec 31 8am-12pm New Year’s Day, Jan 1 All8am-2pmschedules are subject to changes based upon programming or facility needs. Check our website elkgroveparks.org for updates on facility closures.

(847) 437-9494 AQUATICS Plan your Aquatics party or group gathering! Complete our information form at elkgroveparks.org to begin planning with us! Have a question about Aquatics Programs or Stingrays? Contact Edith Garcia at (847) 690-1184 egarcia@elkgroveparks.org.or OUR MISSION Safety: Our top priority is safety! This program is designed to teach your child swimming skills and safety in the water. Competitive: While teaching safety skills, we will also have a competitive track. This is where we work with the swimmers in the high levels to help us compete on our swim teamThe Elk Grove Stingrays! OUR GOAL • A relationship exists between instructor, behaviors and student performance. • Students learn in different ways and have different readiness levels. • The focus should be on ability, not disability: achievement, not errors. • Multiple methods of instruction, including “learn by doing” results in higher levels of student performance. • Effective instructional methods can be learned and developed. (847) 437-9494 13

Dipper’s Level 1
Swimmers should already be able to swim freestyle and backstroke 25 yards. Working on their endurance with freestyle and backstroke while incorporating side breathing and continuing to work on flip turns. Introduction of breaststroke kicks. At the end of this level they should be able to kick 25 yards of breast stroke without stopping. Diving will be introduced at this level.
OUR CLASSES elkgroveparks.org14
Swimmers will work on freestyle with side breathing and backstroke. Flip turns will be introduced in this level. Swimmers will be able to swim 10 yards without stopping in both backstroke and freestyle.
Dipper’s Level 2
Dipper’s Level 3
Dipper’s Level 5
Our swimmers will begin to learn flutter kicks on their front and back with the correct body position. With reviewing the back and front float with some assistance, they will submerge their heads to grab objects under water. We will also introduce arm motions for freestyle and streamlining with assistance.
Dipper’s Level 6 Endurance with backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle. Swimmers should be able to swim 50 yards of breast stroke and 100 yards of backstroke and freestyle with turns. Butterfly arms will be introduced and will incorporate arms and legs when ready.
This class utilizes fun songs and games to get your child acclimated to the water. As parents, you will work with your child to master getting them comfortable in the water. We will focus on body positions, floating, blowing bubbles and fundamental safety and aquatics skills.
Swimmers at this level are very comfortable in the water. This class is skill development for beginners. Swimmers will learn how to float on their front and back unassisted, glide, kick, jump off and return to the wall. Introducing freestyle and backstroke skills with arm movements and flutter kicks. Students will also be able to streamline unassisted.
Adult Group Lessons
Adult group lessons (swimmers age 15+) are designed for beginner level swimmers and will also cater to those who have some experience in the water and want to freshen up their skills. Swimmers start with learning the basic safety skills (breath control through the mouth and nose, front and back float, as well as the beginning arm and kicking movements for freestyle) and progress to independent freestyle and develop backstroke technique.
Dipper’s Level 4
Swimmers should be able to swim 50 yards (2 laps) of freestyle and backstroke without stopping while incorporating flip turns. Breast stroke arms will be introduced and will incorporate arms and legs in this level as well. Introduction of butterfly kicks. Swimmers should be able to complete 25 yards of breast stroke. Introduction of diving off the starting block.
Rockin’ Roxy’s Preschool Our preschool swim lessons are an introduction to gaining independence in the water while learning water skills and safety. Swimmers will learn floating with assistance, kicking, basic arm movements, and water comfortability (face, ears, eyes, nose and head submerged in the water).
AQUATICS ELK GROVE SWIM SCHOOL WEEKDAY CLASSES ELK GROVE SWIM SCHOOL WEEKEND CLASSES (847) 437-9494 15 Information •Only 1 class can be rescheduled per session. •You cannot register after the first class of the session has started. • Swim tests will be taken if participants are new to the swim program. Session 1: Sep. 10 - Oct. 16 Deadline: Sep. 5 Session 2: Oct. 22- Dec. 4 Deadline: Oct. 17 Day Sat Sat Sun Sun Time 9:05-9:45am 10-10:40am 9:05-9:45am 10-10:40am Ollie's Parent & Child (Ages 6 months-3yrs) Fee: $37M/ $41R/ $49NR Parent Child 402304-01 402304-02 Parent Child 402304-03 402304-04 Rockin' Roxy Preschool (Ages 3-5yrs) Fee: $48M /$53R /$64NR Preschool 402302-01 402302-02 402302-03 402302-04 Preschool 402302-09 402303-10 402302-11 402302-12 Dipper's Youth Group (Ages 5-14yrs) Fee: $48M /$53R /$64NR Youth 402301-01 402301-02 402301-03 402301-04 Youth 402301-09 402301-10 402301-11 402301-12 Adult Lessons (Ages 15yrs and up) Fee: $48M/ $53R/ $64NR Adults 402314-01 402314-02 Adults 402314-07 402304-08 Weekend Morning Group Lessons * No class 11/26/2022 Thanksgiving Break Session 1: Sep. 12 - Sep. 29 Deadline: Sep. 9 Session 2: Oct. 3 - Oct. 20 Deadline: Sep. 30 Session 3: Oct. 24 - Nov. 10 Deadline: Oct. 21 Day Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Tue/Thu Tue/Thu Time 5:15-5:55pm 6:10-6:50pm 7-7:40pm 5:15-5:55pm 6:10-6:50pm Rockin' Roxy Preschool (Ages 3-5yrs) Fee: $48M /$53R /$64NR Preschool 402302-05 402302-06 402302-07 402302-08 Preschool 402302-13 402302-14 402302-15 402302-16 Preschool 402302-17 402302-18 402302-19 402302-20 Dipper's Youth Group (Ages 5-14yrs) Fee: $48M /$53R /$64NR Youth 402301-05 402301-06 402301-07 402301-08 Youth 402301-13 402301-14 402301-15 402301-16 Youth 402301-17 402301-18 402301-19 402301-20 Adult Lessons (Ages 15yrs and up) Fee: $48M /$53R /$64NR Adults 402314-03 Adults 402314-04 Adults 402314-05 Weekday Evening Group Lessons * No class 10/31/2022 Halloween

AQUATICSPRIVATE AND DIVING LESSONS lessonsacceptingNowmoreprivatepersessions elkgroveparks.org16 Private Swim Lessons (Ages 3yrs & up) Fee: $116 M /$127 R /$152 NR Session 1: Sep. 12 - Sep. 29 Deadline: Sep. 9 Session 2: Oct. 3 - Oct. 20 Deadline: Sep. 30 Session 3: Oct. 24 - Nov. 10 Deadline: Oct. 21 Day Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Tue/Thu Tue/Thu Time 4:20-5pm 7-7:40pm 4:20-5pm 7-7:40pm Session 1 402303-05 402303-06 402303-07 402303-08 Session 2 402303-13 402303-14 402303-15 402303-16 Session 3 402303-17 402303-18 402303-19 402303-20 Weekday Private Lessons Private Swim Lessons (Ages 3yrs & up) Fee: $116 M /$127 R /$152 NR Session 1: Sep. 10 - Oct. 16 Deadline: Sep. 5 Session 2: Oct. 22- Dec. 4 Deadline: Oct. 17 Day Sat Sat Sun Sun Time 8:15-8:55am 11-11:40am 8:15-8:55am 11-11:40am Session 1 402303-01 402303-02 402303-03 402303-04 Session 2 402303-9 402303-10 402303-11 402303-12 Weekend Private Lessons Session 1 - Sep. 11 - Oct. 16 Deadline: Sep. 5 Session 2 - Oct. 23- Dec.4 Deadline: Oct. 17 Day Sun Time 10-10:40am (Ages 8-14yrs) Fee: $48 M /$53 R /$64 NR Session 1 402305-01 Session 2 402305-02 Diving Lesson * No class 11/26/2022 Thanksgiving Break

AQUATICS M = Member R = Resident NR = Non-Resident Twist and shout down our indoor water slide in the Pavilion Lagoon Pool, splash around or relax with family and friends. Hosted pool parties include the use of a party room and swimming for your guests. Splash Parties are held during public open swim hours in the lagoon and the main indoor pool. Private Pool Parties are located in the lagoon pool and closed to the public during swim time. Make your next party a splash! Celebrate your party or group outing at Pavilion Aquatics Center. Call (847) 228-3183 to book your party! Pavilion Aquatics Center Parties & Rentals Party Size (Includes admission to pool for all guests) Splash Parties (with open swim) Private Pool Parties (Lagoon Pool Only) Resident Nonresident Resident Nonresident Up to 25 Guests $195 $234 $275 $325 Up to 40 Guests $295 $369 $375 $455 Up to 60 Guests $420 $539 $500 $620 60+ Guests Add $80 per hr Add $96 per hr Add $80 per hr Add $96 per hr The Stingrays are a team designed for swimmers ages 5-18 looking to develop their stroke mechanics, conditioning, and confidence. Team members ages 5-8 must be able to swim 25 yards (1 lap) without stopping. Swimmers ages 9 and over must be able to swim 50 yards (2 laps) without stopping. Participation in swim meet competitions is encouraged, but is not required. Parents and swimmers are welcomed to join us for an ice cream social to meet your team, the coaches, and learn all of the important Fall/Winter swim team information. GroupAge Days Time Weekly RecommendedPractices Fall 9 weeks Sep 12-Nov 11 Nov14Winterweeks14-Mar 10 Fall & Winter 23 weeks Sep 12-Mar 10 5-10yrs M-F 5-6pm 2-4 M - $180 R - $204 NR - $240 Code: 402201-01 M - $228 R - $258 NR - $306 Code: 402201-03 M - $347 R - $393 NR - $464 Code: 402201-05 11-18yrs M-F 6:15-8pm 3-5 M - $240 R - $264 NR - $312 Code: 402201-02 M - $306 R - $336 NR - $396 Code: 402201-04 M - $464 R - $510 NR - $602 Code: 402201-06 Fall Season: Sep 12-Nov 11 Fall Deadline: Sep 9 Fall & Winter Deadline: Sep 9 Winter Season: Nov 14-Mar 10 Winter Deadline: Nov 11 Elk Grove Stingrays Swim Team

SplashPower DynamicsDeep
Power Splash Shallow water workout focused on cardio strengthening as well as strength training. Splashin’ Seniors A low impact class, concentrating on improvement of stabilization to enhance balance, strength and endurance. Main & Therapy Pools are located in the Pavilion Aquatics Center, 1000 Wellington Ave.
Aqua Kickboxing Combines martial arts techniques and heart pumping cardio. Kickboxing is a high energy workout that will burn calories and fat.
All classes are 1 hour long. Visit elkgroveparks.org for additional information.
Aqua Fusion Participants will use the water and the body’s own muscles to provide the resistance necessary to receive a full-body work out.
H20 Boot Camp Ready for a high intensity workout? Use water resistance to your advantage, while building cardiovascular endurance and muscle strength in a low-impact environment.
7:30am 7:45am 8am 9am 10:15am 11:30am 7pm Mon Splashin’Seniors Foundation Aqua Therapy Tue Flex and Flow Wed DynamicsDeep Splashin’Seniors Foundation Aqua Therapy
Aqua Wellness Scan Pass Aqua Wellness Weekly Class Schedule
Pass Type Individual Resident Non-Resident/ Senior Resident Non-Resident/ Daily Fee $7 R /$9 NR $6 R /$8 NR 10 Scan Pass $43 R /$53 NR $33 R /$43 NR Your pass may be used for all classes listed above. We offer a variety of options, ranging from high intensity cardiovascular training to therapeutic and specialized programs, designed to increase your quality of life. Aqua Wellness classes are for individuals 15 years or older. Scan passes are valid for one year from date of purchase.
MainPool TherapyPool
Thu Aqua Kickboxing FusionAqua Fri SplashPower DynamicsDeep Splashin’Seniors Arthritis Foundation Aqua Therapy Sat H20CampBoot
A warm water exercise program intended to increase joint movement, reduce pain and stiffness and improve overall health. This class is suitable for all fitness levels and encourages social interaction amongst participants.
Flex and Flow A warm water muscle conditioning class where we will combine Aqua Yoga moves with Aqua Pilates and Tai Chi. You will be introduced to a series of exercises focusing on flexibility and range of motion, as well as specific breathing techniques improving core stability and balance.
Arthritis Foundation Aqua Therapy
Deep Dynamics Deep water workout that combines a variety of cardio exercises as well as weight training for a workout that is easy on the joints. Buoyancy belts are available for use. Shallow water adaption available for this class.
Art Lessons Art Adventurers
Fee: $24 R /$29 NR Location: Pavilion, Craft Room Date Time Age Code Deadline Thu, Sep 15 1-2pm 3-5yrs 403304-01 Sep 11 Thu, Oct 20 1-2pm 3-5yrs 403304-02 Oct 16 Thu, Nov 17 1-2pm 3-5yrs 403304-03 Nov 13 Thu, Dec 15 1-2pm 3-5yrs 403304-04 Dec 11 Art Club Want a place where you can create? Then R /$43 Pavilion, Art Time Age Code Deadline Sat, Sep 10-24 9-10am 8-12yrs 403324-01 Sep 6 Sat, Oct 8-22 9-10am 8-12yrs 403324-02 Oct 4 Sat, Nov 5-19 9-10am 8-12yrs 403324-03 Nov 1 Sat, Dec 3-17 9-10am 8-12yrs 403324-04 Nov 29
Fee: $36 R /$43 NR Location: Pavilion, Craft Room Date Time Age Code Deadline Sat, Sep 10-24 9-10am 5-7yrs 403301-01 Sep 6 Sat, Oct 8-22 9-10am 5-7yrs 403301-02 Oct 4 Sat, Nov 5-19 9-10am 5-7yrs 403301-03 Nov 1 Sat, Dec 3-17 9-10am 5-7yrs 403301-04 Nov 29 Storybook Art In Storybook Art, children will begin each class with story time. This will provide the inspiration to complete their own artwork, which will be based on the theme or illustrations of the book. Every week is a new adventure, and there is no repetition of themes from one session to the next.
Children explore their creative side making beautiful artwork! In each class, we will make child-safe projects to take home. Wear old clothes that can handle a small mess.
Room Date
Fee: $30 R /$36 NR Pavilion, Craft Room Date Time Age Code Fri, Sep 9 6-7:30pm 8-12yrs 403401-01 Sep 6 Fri, Oct 14 6-7:30pm 8-12yrs 403401-02 Oct 11 Fri, Nov 11 6-7:30pm 8-12yrs 403401-03 Nov 8 Fri, Dec 9 6-7:30pm 8-12yrs 403401-04 Dec 6
(847) 437-9494 19 ART
here's a club for you! Each session, we will produce artwork using a variety of techniques and materials. We will finish our session with an art show so you can share your creation with friends and family. Please wear clothes that can handle a small mess. Fee: $36
Pizza & Paint Night Join us for a pizza and paint party! Artists will paint a canvas masterpiece and enjoy pizza while having a fun evening with friends!
NR Location:

Youth Pottery Experience the creativity of clay in Youth Pottery class! Children will be introduced to working with the pottery wheel and making fantastic clay creations in this guided class!
Fee: $72 R /$86 NR Location: Pavilion, Art Room Date Time Age Code Deadline Mon, Sep 12-Oct 17 12:30-3:30pm 15+yrs 403318-01 Sep 9 Mon, Oct 24-Nov 28 12:30-3:30pm 15+yrs 403318-02 Oct 21 Mon, Dec 5-Jan 16 12:30-3:30pm 15+yrs 403318-03 Dec 2
Kid's Painting Class Want to try out painting on canvas? In this class, we will design our composition, pick our color palettes and use acrylic paint to produce our interpretation of the subject.
Fee: $130 R /$156 NR Location: Pavilion, Craft Room Date Time Age Code Deadline Mon, Sep 12-Wed, Oct 5 6:15-7:45pm 12-15yrs 403314-01 Sep 9 Mon, Oct 10, Wed, Nov 6:15-7:45pm 12-15yrs 403314-02 Sep 9
Looking for an art experience which will give you an opportunity to make one of a kind decorative item or gifts? Try pottery! Session will teach throwing techniques on the pottery wheel and finish with items that will be ready for use!
Youth Paint Youth Paint explores techniques and mediums on canvas. This class is geared toward youth artists that want to take it to the next level.
Fee: $36 R /$43 NR Location: Pavilion, Craft Room Date Time Age Code Deadline Thu, Sep 15-22 6-7pm 6-8yrs 403325-01 Sep 12 Thu, Oct 13-20 6-7pm 6-8yrs 403325-02 Oct 10 Thu, Nov 10-17 6-7pm 6-8yrs 403325-03 Nov 7
Snapshot Kids Photo Class See the world in the eyes of your child! In this snapshot class participants will take pictures based on the session theme. At the end of the class they will put together their very own photo book!
Photography Class Learn To Creatively Take Pictures (Photography II - Improving Your Picture Taking Skills). This course introduces the creative side photography. Topics include use of color, improving use of texture in the photo, and lighting.
Fee: $36 R /$43
NR Location: Pavilion, Art Room Date Time Age Code Deadline Mon, Nov 14-21 5-5:45pm 6-8yrs 403601-01 Nov 11 Mon, Dec 5-12 5-5:45pm 6-8yrs 403601-02 Dec 2 Craft Workshops Come on your own or with a friend to create a fun seasonal craft for your room, or to give as a gift. Fee: $24 R /$32 NR Location: Pavilion, Craft Room Date Time Age Code Deadline Tue, Sep 13 6-7pm 6-10yrs 403608-01 Sep 9 Tue, Oct 11 6-7pm 6-10yrs 403608-02 Oct 7 Tue, Nov 8 6-7pm 6-10yrs 403608-03 Nov 4 Tue, Dec 6 6-7pm 6-10yrs 403608-04 Dec 2 ART Have a question about Arts, Music & Special Events? Contact Deanna Rafidia at (847) 690-1109 or drafidia@elkgroveparks.org.
Location: Pavilion, Craft Room Date Time Age Code Deadline Tue, Sep 20-27 6:15-7:15pm 8-12yrs 403603-01 Sep 17 Tue, Oct 18-25 6:15-7:15pm 8-12yrs 403603-02 Oct 15 Tue, Nov 15-22 6:15-7:15pm 8-12yrs 403603-03 Nov 12 Tue, Dec 13-20 6:15-7:15pm 8-12yrs 403603-04 Dec 10
Adult Pottery
Fee: $130 R /$156 NR Location: Pavilion, Craft Room Date Time Age Code Deadline Sat, Sep 17-Oct 22 10am-12pm 15+yrs 403315-01 Sep 14
Afternoon Oils A strong emphasis on mixing and using color will be a major part of this class. Join this wonderful group for continued guidance and creative inspiration!
NOTE: Participants must bring a digital camera to class.
Fee: $48 R /$53 NR Location: Pavilion, Art Room Date Time Age Code Deadline Sat, Sep 3-10 2-4pm 16+yrs 403320-01 Aug 31 Mon, Oct 3-10 6-8pm 16+yrs 403320-02 Sep 29 Sat, Nov 5-12 2-4pm 16+yrs 403320-03 Nov 1 Mon, Dec 5-Dec 12 6-8pm 16+yrs 403320-04 Dec 1
Adult Watercolor Workshops These workshops will teach you the basics of watercolor painting. You will learn different techniques to create beautiful paintings on 11x17 canvases with a different theme each session!
Participants will have an opportunity to practice taking pictures during class. If you are looking to improve your picture taking skills, this is one class you won't want to miss.
Fee: $95 R /$114 NR Location: Pavilion, Art Room Date Time Age Code Deadline Mon, Sep 12-Oct 10 6-7pm 15+yrs 403613-01 Sep 9 Tue, Oct 18-Nov 15 6-7pm 15+yrs 403613-02 Oct 15 Tue, Nov 29-Dec 27 6-7pm 15+yrs 403613-03 Nov 26
Fee: $36 R /$43 NR
20 Clay Creations Work with clay in this handbuilding class to make awesome creations!
Fee: $36 R /$43 NR Location: Pavilion, Art Room Date Time Age Code Deadline Thu, Sep 29-Oct 6 6-7pm 9-12yrs 403326-01 Sep 26 Thu, Oct 27-Nov 3 6-7pm 9-12yrs 403326-02 Oct 24 Thu, Dec 1-8 6-7pm 9-12yrs 403326-03 Nov 28

Regular Hours: Daily Admission: $2 R $5 NR Wed & Fri 4-9 pm Sat 1-8 pm Sun 12:30-5 pm Opens Oct 1 open skate • lessons • rentals (pg 8-9)
Skateboarding is an amazing action sport that requires commitment and practice. Our curriculum is designed to develop skateboarding skills. The program’s methodology relies on a “progressive” and “repetitive” approach. Learning is achieved from instruction, practice and reinforcement in a structured environment. The student is taught skills progressively, building upon previously learned skills, and then the student strengthens these skills through repetition in a setting organized for greater support and encouragement. Bring your board and helmet. Fee: $67 R /$84 NR Location: Audubon Indoor Skate Park Date Time Age Code Deadline Tue, Sep 6- Sep 27 5-6pm 6-12yrs 404335-01 Sep 2 Tue, Sep 6- Sept 27 6-7pm 13+yrs 404335-02 Sep 2 Tue, Oct 4- Oct 25 5-6pm 6-12yrs 404335-03 Oct 1 Tue, Oct 4- Oct 25 5-7pm 13+yrs 404335-04 Oct 1 Parent & Child Skate Enjoy Audubon Skate Park in a session just for you! We are hosting a Parent & Child only skate session before the park opens. Note: Helmets must be worn at all times and are available for rental at the skate park office.
Fee: Location:$20 Audubon Indoor Skate Park Date Time Code Deadline Sat, Nov 5 10am-12pm 404411-01 Oct 29
Private Skate Lessons Private skateboarding lessons are available from the Audubon pros! Individualized instruction is based on skill level and progression in a relaxed atmosphere. Beginners will start off learning basic riding skills such as pushing, riding, turning and stopping. Skate park etiquette will also be covered.
Fee: Location:$30 Audubon Indoor Skate Park Date Time Code Sat, Sep 17- Nov 19 11am-12pm 404617-01 Sat, Sep 17- Nov 19 12pm-1pm 404617-02
(847) 437-9494 300 E. Elk Grove (847)audubonskatepark.comBlvd.427-8195
Fee: $2 R /$5 NR Date Time Sun, Nov 13 11am-1pm Skate Jam Come out and show us what you got! The Audubon Skate Jam Competition is open to all skaters and is broken down by age and skill level. Each skater will have 2, one minute runs-best run counts. Winner’s will receive Audubon Skatepark Swag. is required
Skateboarding-Beginners Workshop

/$70 NR Location: Pavilion, Multi-purpose Gym
Fee: $55 R /$66 NR Location: Pavilion Multi-purpose Gym Age: 18mo-3yrs Session I Date Time Code Deadline Wed, Sep 7-Oct 5 6:45-7:15pm 404301-01 Sep 4 Thu, Sep 8-Oct 6 10-10:30am 404301-02 Sep 5 Fri, Sep 9-Oct 7 10-10:30am 404301-03 Sep 6 Sat, Sep 10-Oct 8 9-9:30am 404301-04 Sep 7
Session III Fee: $46 R /$55 NR Wed, Nov 16-Dec 14 4-4:45pm 404302-11 Nov 13 Thu, Nov 17-Dec 15 10:40-11:25am 404302-12 Nov 14 Thu, Nov 17-Dec 15 4-4:45pm 404302-13 Nov 14 Fri, Nov 18-Dec 16 10:40-11:25am 404302-14 Nov 15 Sat, Nov 19-Dec 17 9:40-10:25am 404302-15 Nov 16 *No class Nov 23-26
ATHLETICS Tumbling Times
Revel in this marvelous course as gymnasts will beginning skills on the floor, beam, bars and springboard in a structured environment. R Age: 3-6yrs I Wed, Sep 7-Oct 5 4-4:45pm 404302-01 Sep 4 Thu, Sep 8-Oct 6 10:40-11:25am 404302-02 Sep 5 Thu, Sep 8-Oct 6 4-4:45pm 404302-03 Sep 5 Fri, Sep 9-Oct 7 10:40-11:25am 404302-04 Sep 6 Sat, Sep 10-Oct 8 9:40-10:25am 404302-05 Sep 7 Session II Wed, Oct 12-Nov 9 4-4:45pm 404302-06 Oct 9 Thu, Oct 13-Nov10 10:40-11:25am 404302-07 Oct 10 Thu, Oct 13-Nov 10 4-4:45pm 404302-08 Oct 10 Fri, Oct 14-Nov 11 10:40-11:25am 404302-09 Oct 11 Sat, Oct 15-Nov 12 9:40-10:25am 404302-10 Oct 12
The class serves as an introduction to gymnastics for preschoolers and kindergartners. Fee: $58
Session III Fee: $44 R /$53 NR Wed, Nov 16-Dec 14 6:45-7:15pm 404301-09 Nov 13 Thu, Nov 17-Dec 15 10-10:30am 404301-10 Nov 14 Fri, Nov 18-Dec 16 10-10:30am 404301-11 Nov 15 Sat, Nov 19-Dec 17 9-9:30am 404301-12 Nov 16 *No class Nov 23-26
Parent attends class with child Have a question Adult Softball, Girls Softball, Youth Volleyball, Travel Baseball or Karate? Drew Fisher at (847) 228-3523 or dfisher@elkgroveparks.org. Tiny Times
Date Time Code Deadline
Gymnastics Parent-Tot Parents and kids alike will engage in this joyous class together. The class is mildly structured and focuses on gross motor skills such as balance, swinging and rolling while at the same time introducing beginning gymnastics skills.
Session II Wed, Oct 12-Nov 9 6:45-7:15pm 404301-05 Oct 9 Thu, Oct 13-Nov 10 10-10:30am 404301-06 Oct 10 Fri, Oct 14-Nov 11 10-10:30am 404301-07 Oct 11 Sat, Oct 15-Nov 12 9-9:30am 404301-08 Oct 12

Session II Wed, Oct 12-Nov 9 5:55-6:40pm 404310-03 Oct 9 Thu, Oct 13-Nov 10 5:30-6:15pm 404310-04 Oct 10
Tumbling for Preschoolers Learn beginning tumbling rolls, cartwheels, backbends front back take this class. Fee: $58 R/$70 NR Location: Pavilion, Multipurpose Gym Age: 3-5yrs Session I Time Code Deadline Wed, Sep 7-Oct 5 5:55-6:40pm Sep 4 Thu, Sep 8-Oct 6 5:30-6:15pm 404310-02 Sep 5
Session II Thu, Oct 13-Nov 10 5:30-6:30pm 404305-02 Oct 10 Session III Fee: $48 R /$58 NR Thu, Nov 17-Dec 15 5:30-6:30pm 404305-03 Nov 14
Fee: $58 R /$70 NR Location: Pavilion, Multipurpose Gym Age: 6-14yrs Session I Date Time Code Deadline Thu, Sep 8-Oct 6 5:30-6:15pm 404304-01 Sep 5 Session II Thu, Oct 13-Nov 10 5:30-6:15pm 404304-02 Oct 10 Session III Fee: $46 R /$55 NR Thu, Nov 17-Dec 15 5:30-6:15pm 404304-03 Nov 14
(847) 437-9494 ATHLETICS23Ninja Warrior Gymnastics All participants will gain endurance and strength through our spontaneous and wild obstacles that vary from week to week. Climb, crawl, jump, flip, roll, hang, and swing on your way to becoming a ninja. Fee: $58 R /$70 NR Location: Pavilion, Multipurpose Gym Age: 6-9yrs Session I Date Time Code Deadline Thu, Sep 8-Oct 6 4:50-5:25pm 404309-01 Sep 5 Session II Thu, Oct 13-Nov 10 4:50-5:25pm 404309-03 Oct 10 Session III Fee: $46 R /$55 NR Thu, Nov 17-Dec 15 4:50-5:25pm 404309-05 Nov 14 *No class Nov 24 Tumbling Team/Gymnastics Instructor's consent required prior to registering. This class is for Tumbling Team members only and gymnasts must commit to competing with the Tumbling Team to enroll in this class. Uniforms and competition fees are not included with registration. Location: Pavilion, Multipurpose Gym Age: 4-14yrs Session I Date Time Code Deadline Newcomer Fee: $65 R /$78 NR Thu, Sep 8-Oct 6 6:30-7:30pm 404311-01 Sep 5 Beg/Intermediate Fee: $66 R /$79 NR Thu, Sep 8-Oct 6 6:30-8pm 404311-02 Sep 5 Session NewcomerII Fee: $65 R /$78 NR Thu, Oct 13-Nov 10 6:30-7:30pm 404311-03 Oct 10 Beg/Intermediate Fee: $66 R /$79 NR Thu, Oct 13-Nov 10 6:30-8pm 404311-04 Oct 10 Session NewcomerIII Fee: $52 R /$62 NR Thu, Nov 17-Dec 15 6:30-7:30pm 404311-05 Nov 14 Beg/Intermediate Fee: $53 R /$64 NR Thu, Nov 17-Dec 15 6:30-8PM 404311-06 Nov 14 *No class Nov 24
skills such as
*No class Nov 24
Session I Date Time Code Deadline Wed, Sep 7-Oct 5 4:50-5:50pm 404307-01 Sep 4 Session II Wed, Oct 12-Nov 9 4:50-5:50pm 404307-02 Oct 9 Session III Fee: $48 R /$58 NR Wed, Nov 16-Dec 14 4:50-5:50pm 404307-03 Nov 13
walkovers. No experience necessary to
*No class Nov 24 Gymnastics Beginner I Gymnasts will work on spectacular gymnastics skills on the floor, bars, beam and springboard in this challenging course. The class is usually repeated several times before moving up. Fee: $60 R /$72 NR Location: Pavilion, Multipurpose Gym Age: 7-14yrs
In this entertaining class you'll be able to improve your back handsprings, back tucks, and more. Participants must be able to do a backbend from a stand, a kickover, a cartwheel, a roundoff and a handstand to enroll. Fee: $60 R /$72 NR Location: Pavilion Multi-purpose Gym Age: 6-14yrs Session I Date Time Code Deadline Thu, Sep 8-Oct 6 5:30-6:30pm 404305-01 Sep 5
*No class Nov 23 & 24
Tumbling I: Rolls to Walkovers Experience the wonder of tumbling learning rolls, cartwheels, roundoffs, backbends and front/back walkovers in this captivating class. No experience necessary.
Tumbling II: Back Handsprings to Back Tucks
Session III Fee: $46 R /$55 NR Wed, Nov 16-Dec 14 5:55-6:40pm 404310-05 Nov 13 Thu, Nov 17-Dec 15 5:30-6:15pm 404310-06 Nov 14
*No class Nov 23

Fee: $70 R /$84 NR Location: Pavilion Fieldhouse Gym #2 Date Time Age Code Deadline Thu, Sep 8-Oct 13 6-7pm 8-11yrs 404345-03 Sept 6 Thu, Oct 27-Dec 8 6-7pm 8-11yrs 404345-06 Oct 25 Gametime Basketball One of the best ways to develop your basketball skills is through game play, and in Gametime you do just that. Each week, basketball players are challenged through various games including 1-on-1, 3-on-3, and 5-on-5. Coaches referee and guide the class to enhance the players understanding of the game
Basketball Clinic 102
Fee: $55 R /$66 NR Location: Pavilion, Fieldhouse Gym #2 Date Time Age Code Deadline
*No class Nov 24 Adult Tot Basketball Young children develop motor skills while having fun running and ball handling. Parents and tots work together in this class, learning the basics of basketball. Dribbling, passing, shooting and team work will all be emphasized. A variety of activities will be played each week.
29-Dec 10 9-9:30am 2-4yrs 404348-02 Oct 26 *No class Nov 26 Lil' Dribblers Basketball The Lil' Dribblers Basketball program introduces children to the game of basketball in a safe, fun and exciting environment. Our curriculum uses age appropriate activities and games specifically designed to increase balance, body awareness, motor skills, hand/eye coordination, listening skills and the ability to follow directions. Fee: $55 R /$66 NR Location: Pavilion, Fieldhouse Gym #2 Date Time Age Code Deadline
2-4yrs 404348-01 Sep 7
Parent attends class with child
The next step in basketball instruction, this class will build upon the fundamentals taught in the Basketball 101 class. A slightly faster paced environment will be geared around competitive play, encouraging tactics such as attacking the basket and aggressive defense. Players should have basic knowledge of the rules and be able to dribble comfortably in order to succeed in the class.
Tue Sep 6-Oct 11 3:30-4pm 2-4yrs 404344-01 Sep 2 Tue Oct 25-Dec 6 3:30-4pm 2-4yrs 404344-04 Oct 21
Pee Wee Soccer
Thu, Sep 8-Oct 13 3:30-4pm 4-6yrs Sat, Sep 10-Oct 15 9:30-10:15am 4-6yrs
404349-03 Oct 25
*No class Nov 22
Let your child’s early soccer experience be a great one. The younger player develops their soccer skills and also gains confidence, coordination, motor skills and communication. The program uses age appropriate drills and exercises to teach players kicking, ball control, dribbling, shooting and more.
404349-01 Sep 6
Thu, Oct 27-Dec 8 3:30-4pm 4-6yrs Sat, Oct 29-Dec 9:30-10:15am
404349-02 Sep 7
Fee: $70 R /$84 NR Location: Pavilion, Fieldhouse Gym #2 Date Time Age Code Deadline Thu, Sep 8-Oct 13 5-6pm 10-13yrs 404345-02 Sep 6 Thu, Oct 27-Dec 8 5-6pm 10-13yrs 404345-05 Oct 25
Fee: $60 R /$72 NR Location: Pavilion, Fieldhouse Gym #2 Date Time Age Code Deadline Tue Sep 6-Oct 11 4-4:45pm 4-6yrs 404344-02 Sep 2 Tue Oct 25-Dec 6 4-4:45pm 4-6yrs 404344-05 Oct 21
(847) 437-9494
Tue Sep 6-Oct 11 4:45-5:45pm 7-10yrs 404344-03 Sep 2
Young children develop motor skills while having fun running and kicking. Parents and tots work together in this class, learning the basics of soccer. Dribbling, passing, shooting and kicking will all be emphasized. A variety of activities will be played each week.
Soccer Skills Clinic 101 Players are introduced to the fundamentals of soccer tactics such as passing the ball, offensive moves, defensive moves, keeping/controlling the ball and taking the ball away from the opposing team. Players learn to score and prevent goals. Physical endurance and fitness are emphasized while touching the ball. At this age, the focus starts to change from simple games to organized, tactical, competitive games.
Tue Oct 25-Dec 6 4:45-5:45pm 7-10yrs 404344-06 Oct 21 No class Nov 22 Basketball Clinic 101 Develop early basketball skills such as shooting, dribbling and passing, along with the basic rules of the game. All instruction is game/drill oriented with mini games and scrimmages played every week. This class is for the basketball beginner looking to understand the game, learn new skills, and have fun!
Adult/Tot Soccer
*No class Nov 22
*No class Nov 24
Fee: $70 R /$84 NR Location: Pavilion Fieldhouse Gym #2 Date Time Age Code Deadline
4-6yrs 404349-04 Oct 26 *No class Nov 24 & 26 New!
Fee: $70 R /$84 NR Location: Pavilion Fieldhouse Gym #2 Date Time Age Code Deadline Thu, Sep 8-Oct 13 4-5pm 7-9yrs 404345-01 Sept 6 Thu, Oct 27-Dec 8 4-5pm 7-9yrs 404345-04 Oct 25
Fee: $55 R /$66 NR Location: Pavilion, Fieldhouse Gym #2 Date Time Age Code Deadline Sat, Sep 10-Oct 15 9-9:30am Sat, Oct

WedMonSun Sep 4-Nov 30 9am-12pm3-8pm3-8pm Pickleball WedMonFri Sep 2-Nov 30 9am-12pm9am-12pm6-8pm Volleyball MonSun Sep 4-Nov 27 9am-12pm4-8:30pm Sep 10-Oct 404346-01 Sep 7 Sat, Oct 29-Dec 10 4-6yrs 404346-02 Oct 26
Sports and More Children are introduced to the fundamentals of sports including basketball, floor hockey, football, kickball, soccer, t-ball and other sports and group games. The program provides an opportunity for each child to develop motor skills and nurture his/her growth socially and emotionally through teamwork and good sportsmanship. Fee: $60 R /$72 NR Location: Pavilion, Fieldhouse Gym #2 Date Time Age Code Deadline Sat,
Location: Pavilion Fieldhouse Gym Date Time Age Code Deadline Mon-Fri, Dec 26-30 1-4pm 5-7yrs 404105-05 Dec 22 Mon-Fri, Jan 2-6 1-4pm 5-7yrs 404105-06 Dec 29 Mon-Fri, Dec 26-30 1-4pm 8-11yrs 404105-07 Dec 22 Mon-Fri, Jan 2-6 1-4pm 8-11yrs 404105-08 Dec 29
Fee: $130 R /$156 NR
Total Sports Camp
Fee: Daily Admission $4 R /$10 NR 10 Scan $35 R /$42 NR Passes expire 6 months from date of purchase. Day Dates Time BasketballLunchtime
Basketball Skills Camp Campers improve their basketball fundamentals, learn advanced skills, and enhance their teamwork. Dribbling, passing, rebounding, shooting and defense skills are developed. Campers are divided into groups based on age, size and ability. Campers should bring a snack and water bottle each day. Every camper will receive a t-shirt and daily prizes.
This camp features a new sport each day. Some of the sports taught and played include basketball, floor hockey, football, kickball, soccer, and baseball. In addition, participants play many popular running and group games. Children have the opportunity to acquire new skills and develop confidence in games they have played in previous classes Campers should bring a snack and water bottle each day. Every camper will receive a t-shirt and daily prizes.
Location: Pavilion Fieldhouse Gym Date Time Age Code Deadline
15 10:15-11am 4-6yrs
elkgroveparks.org26 Have a question about Tumbling Times, Hot Shots Sports, Outdoor Pickleball, Tennis, House Baseball, Football, Cheer or Soccer? Contact Jason Pilecki at (847) 228-3522 or jpilecki@elkgroveparks.org.
Sports and More Camp
This camp focuses on a variety of sports including flag football, basketball, baseball, kickball, soccer, capture the flag, and other group games. Each day campers focus on skill development and fundamentals for each respective sport, followed by game play. Coaches ensure a fun and energetic atmosphere while promoting teamwork and good sportsmanship. Campers should bring a snack and water bottle each day. Every camper will receive a t-shirt and daily prizes.
WedMonFri Sep 2-Nov 30 11:30am-1pm Basketball
*No class Nov 26
Fee: $130 R /$156 NR Location: Pavilion Fieldhouse Gym Date Time Age Code Deadline Mon-Fri, Dec 26-30 9am-12pm 7-11yrs 404105-03 Dec 22 Mon-Fri, Jan 2-6 9am-12pm 7-11yrs 404105-04 Dec 29 ` Open Gym All programs are held in the Fieldhouse or Multi-purpose gym unless otherwise noted. A minimum of one court will be available. Pavilion Fitness members may participate in all programs at no additional charge.
*Under 10yrs of age must be accompanied by adult.
Fee: $130 R /$156 NR
Mon-Fri, Dec 26-30 9am-12pm 4-6yrs 404105-01 Dec 22 Mon-Fri, Jan 2-6 9am-12pm 4-6yrs 404105-02 Dec 29

to still play the
Volleyball Prep Clinic
Location: Pavilion, Fieldhouse Gym Date Time Grade Code
Sat, Dec 5-Mar 9am-3pm 1st Coed 404209-01 Sat, Dec 5-Mar 9am-3pm Coed 404209-02 Sat, Dec 5-Mar 9am-3pm 3rd Boys 404209-03 Sat, Dec 5-Mar 18 9am-3pm 4th Boys 404209-04 Oct 1 Sat, Dec 5-Mar 18 9am-3pm 5th Boys 404209-05 Oct 1 Sat, Dec 5-Mar 18 9am-3pm 6th Boys 404209-06 Oct 1 Sat, Dec 5-Mar 18 9am-3pm 7th Boys 404209-07 Oct 1 Sat, Dec 5-Mar 18 9am-3pm 8th Boys 404209-08 Oct 1 Sat, Dec 5-Mar 18 9am-3pm 3rd Girls 404209-09 Oct 1 Sat, Dec 5-Mar 18 9am-3pm 4th Girls 404209-10 Oct 1 Sat, Dec 5-Mar 18 9am-3pm 5th Girls 404209-11 Oct 1 Sat, Dec 5-Mar 18 9am-3pm 6th Girls 404209-12 Oct 1 Sat, Dec 5-Mar 18 9am-3pm 7th Girls 404209-13 Oct 1 Sat, Dec 5-Mar 18 9am-3pm 8th Girls 404209-14 Oct 1 School Basketball League high school league is a great chance game of basketball in a fun setting for all individuals who are not on any high school team roster. There will be 8 games and playoffs for teams that Fee:qualify.$600R /$650 NR Location: Pavilion, Fieldhouse Gym Date Time Age Code Deadline Sun, Dec 4-Mar 12 12:30-5pm H.S Only 404218-01 Nov 23
Intermediate Pickleball Clinic
Oct 1
Fee: $80 R /$96 NR Location: Pavilion, Fieldhouse Gym #1
This class is for players who have some experience and want to move at a faster pace to improve their basic shots and strategies. Players will participate in challenging drills to work on consistency in forehand and backhand shots, serving, volleying, dinks and lobs.
Date Time Age Code Deadline Tue,Thu, Nov 29-Dec 22 7-8pm 9-11yrs 404605-05 Nov 25 Tue,Thu, Nov 29-Dec 22 8-9pm 12-14yrs 404605-06 Nov 25
Fee: $72 R /$86 NR Location: Johnson Pond Date Time Code Deadline Thur Sep 8-29 5-6pm 404620-01 Sep 5 Thur Oct 6-27 5-6pm 404620-02 Oct 3
Fee: $100 R /$120 NR Non Competitive $110 R /$132 NR Competitive
Fee: $35 R/$42 NR Location: Rainbow Fall Waterpark, Pickleball Courts Date Time Age Code Deadline Mon, Sep 12-26 6:30pm-8pm 21+ 404618-01 Sep 9
Date Time Age Code Deadline Mon, Oct 3-17 6:30pm-8pm 21+ 404618-02 Sep 30
Get Hooked: Basics of Fishing This class will teach you the basics of tying knots, casting, unhooking fish and baiting the hook. All equipment is provided, participants 6 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
Oct 1
These prep clinic will teach you the skills you will need to compete at the highest level. These camps stress the importance of fundamentals and enjoying the wonderful game of volleyball. This clinic aims to improve athletes basic skills. Athletes will further develop their mechanical skills, as well as learn how to aggressively contact a ball.
(847) 437-9494 27 Adult Basketball League Join us for our adult basketball fall season starting in September. There will be 8 games and playoffs for teams that qualify. This league is for both recreational and competitive teams. For more information, email Drew at dfisher@elkgroveparks.org Fee: $600 R /$650 NR Location: Pavilion Fieldhouse Gym Date Time Age Code Deadline Men Mon, Sep 12-Nov 21 6-10pm 18+yrs 404205-01 Sep 1 Women Tue, Sep 13-Nov 22 6-10pm 18+yrs 404205-02 Sep 1 Adult Bags League Join us for another season of bags at the Elk Grove Park District. Teams consist of 2 players with the option to have 3 alternate subs on your roster. If there is enough interest, we will have a competitive division and a recreational division. Fee: $75 R /$90 NR Location: Fox Run Date Time Age Code Deadline Wed, Sep 28-Dec 14 6-10pm 21+yrs 404206-01 Sep 21 Wed, Sep 28-Dec 14 6-10pm 21+yrs 404206-02 Sep 21 Youth Basketball League Elk Grove Youth Basketball League register by current grade. Practices begin week of December 5th. Games begin early January. Depending on grade level, games may be Friday evenings or Saturday mornings/afternoons. Dates, times, and location may not match the program description listed. Actual schedules will be provided at the beginning of the season. In the event of low enrollment, grades may be combined and/or that level may participate in a combined league with nearby park districts. If the league combines externally, you will be notified of the change.
Oct 1
Beginner Pickleball Clinic
Fee: $35 R/$42 NR Location: Rainbow Fall Waterpark, Pickleball Courts
Athletics Leagues House Soccer League House soccer is the introductory level of soccer offered by the Elk Grove Park District and the Elk Grove Soccer Club, with the help of volunteer coaches and guidance from our Director of Coaching. Players will be offered one game a week, typically on Saturday, and one practice a week. An additional weekly clinic is offered with a professional trainer. Fee: $115 R /$138 NR Uniform included in fee. Registration: Open until September 2 Practice Start: Week of August 22 Games Begin: September 10 Grade Code Pre K 404208-01 Kindergarten 404208-02 1st Grade 404208-03 2nd Grade 404208-04 3rd Grade 404208-05 Grade Code 4th Grade 404208-06 5th Grade 404208-07 6th Grade 404208-08 7th Grade 404208-09 8th Grade 404208-10
Pickleball has arrived! This instructional and game play clinic features a new pickleball skill each week, followed by doubles game play. Sign up early; spots are limited due to space! We will provide balls and a limited number of paddles. Please bring your paddle if you choose.
elkgroveparks.org28 Family Value Neighborhood Place Pizza Italian Beef Wings Proud Sponsor of Elk Grove Youth Sports &EventsCommunityfor24Years Anniversary24thYear NW Corner of Biesterfield & Arlington Hts Rds Free Pizza Party Deliveries to ALL Park District Locations 25 Years 25th Room GymnasiumandRentals The Elk Grove Park District Pavilion is the perfect venue for gym and room rentals. Rentals can be booked for practice space, meeting space or sports themed parties. Please call (847) 228-3183 for current information and to book.AdvertiserBrochureSeasonalourfrommessageAAdvertiserBrochureSeasonalourfrommessageA

(847) 437-9494 it all starts here. elk grove park district youth sports leagues (847) 437-949429 Find all the details at egvsports.com Football & SOFTBALLSOCCERCheer travelbasketballbaseballbaseballSeason: Aug to Dec Age: (as of Aug 1, 2022) Flag Football 5-7yrs Tackle 8-14yrs (No HS) Flag Cheer 5-7yrs Sideline Competition 8-14yrs (No HS) Age: 1st Grade-8th Grade Season: Dec to Mar Registration: Jul 17-Oct 1 Age: 8U-14U Season: Aug 2022- July 2023 Age: 5-Grade 8 Spring Season: Apr-Jul Fall Season: Aug-Oct House Softball Age: PreK-High School Spring Season: Apr-Jul Fire Program PT Travel Age: 10U-14U Season: Jul-Aug Recreational Soccer Age: 2+yrs Spring Season: Apr to Jun Fall Season: Aug-Nov Indoor Season: Jan-Mar Fall Season: Aug-Oct

30 Registration opens in July • Season runs December to March YOUTHINDOORBASKETBALL1st-8thGRADE Contact president@egvyouthbasketball.com f or more information Elk Grove Youth Basketball League Elk Grove Youth Basketball Facebook

Winter Recitals, held at the Elk Grove High School Theater, will take place early February. Recital dancers will perform once in one of our three Winter recitals, there are no dress rehearsals for Winter Recitals. More information on Winter Recital will be given late fall. Our 2023 annual Spring Recitals, will take place mid June at the Harper College Performing Arts Center in Palatine. Classes will be broken into specific recitals in a manner that seeks to best balance and present a variety of ages and dance styles. Each recital will have a mandatory “all day technical rehearsal” in the theater prior to the show dates. Technical rehearsal is for the safety of all parties backstage and is mandatory. It gives students an opportunity to dance on the stage with lights and sound, practice safe entrances and exits during blackouts and rehearse proper spacing. More information on technical rehearsal and recital times for Spring Recitals will be given during the spring of 2023.
Featured in action are our nationally awarded 2020-2021 Ignite Company dancers! 31
About the Recital Program
The Pavilion Dance Centre recital program offers dancers an opportunity to perform in both Winter and Spring recitals! Exact Winter and Spring recital dates and spring “all day technical rehearsal” are to be determined for 2023. Recital class tuition rates cover the entire recital season (September 2022-June 2023) and includes a $75 costume fee for preschool through level 1 classes and an $85 costume fee for level 2, junior, teen and adult classes. Costume fees are non-refundable for any reason after December 1, 2022. Recital students are required to register only one time per year and begin classes in September, after Labor Day. Class placement is based on age, technical level and experience. Our instructors are highly trained professionals who work hard to ensure proper level placement of our students during the first month of classes in order to maximize the experience for each student. The PDC program is designed to develop well rounded dancers as we offer both recreational combination classes in addition to the option of taking individual disciplines. Each style of dance is unique and offers advantages to a dancer’s training. Core disciplines such as; ballet, modern/contemporary, jazz and tap are
We feel the education that dancers receive from the art of dance is unmatched. The satisfaction we get from watching so many amazing kids grow up and learn to love and appreciate dance is immeasurable! We want to provide unique opportunities for our dancers, and help them to experience many disciplines of dance. We want our dancers to strive for and achieve high goals, while at the same time having fun! We want the experience dancers have here to be a lasting part of growing up… it is our hope that the lessons they learn, their love for dance and the friendships they make at the Pavilion Dance Centre will last a lifetime! strongly recommended. PDC instructors will focus the first few months on introducing and practicing new dance vocabulary and technique, followed by learning choreography for both winter and spring recitals.
Welcome To The Pavilion Dance Centre!
Recital Participation

Registration Resident registration begins August 4, 2022 at 9am Non-Resident registration begins August 8, 2022 at 9am. For your convenience, dance registration may be done online by visiting elkgroveparks.org.
The Pavilion Dance Centre’s non-recital program is divided into 3 sessions throughout the year: fall session, winter session and spring session. Registration is required at the start of each session. Our non-recital sessions are a shorter time commitment that does not include a recital performance or costume fee. Our non-recital sessions are a great way for a new or beginning level student to experience dance on a short term basis or for our recital students to supplement their dance training. Parents are welcome to view their non-recital student’s progress during the last week of each session.
About the Non-Recital Program
*All online and scheduled payments will be Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT). To opt-out of EFT payments, classes must be paid in full at the time of registration. As always, the customer service staff at the Pavilion are happy to assist you with any of your registration needs (847) 437-9494. When registering, please ensure that ALL contact information (name, phone number, home address and email) are accurate. This will allow us to contact you in case of emergency cancellation of dance classes, as well as include you in our dance communications for important program updates and reminders.
Performance and Competition Companies Mini Company – This super talented group of dancers, ages 6+, will shine on stage with their high energy and continually inspire audiences with their contagious enthusiasm performing at community events, local dance competitions and year end recitals. Mini Company dancers take a mandatory ballet and jazz class and attend a 60 minute weekly rehearsal. Junior & Teen Performance Companies – This dedicated and passionate group for dancers 9+ has an eagerness to learn and a desire to perform and grow as a dancer. They will have multiple performance opportunities throughout the year including community events, local dance competitions and will be featured as special performers in year-end recitals. Junior and Teen level Company students take a mandatory ballet class, one additional elective class and attend a weekly 60 min. rehearsal.
Ignite – Our Nationally Award Winning, high level competition company, offered at both Junior and Senior levels, is made up of dancers with distinguished technique, performance quality and style. Ignite will represent the Pavilion Dance Centre at 4+ dance competitions, dance conventions, local dance performances and may compete Nationally. Ignite dancers are expected to fully commit themselves to dance as their number one extracurricular activity. Ignite rehearses up to three times a week and will experience unique performance, competition and training opportunities throughout the year. Dancers in this Company are required to take ballet, jazz, and modern/contemporary classes, in conjunction with their bi-weekly, rehearsals. Thrive – This advanced level performing Company will consist of talented, well-rounded dancers that represent the PDC at both competitions as well as community performances. Dance, whether here at the PDC or at your high school, should be your first priority in order to maintain the level of Thrive. Thrive dancers will be at the PDC a minimum of two days a week taking a 60 min. rehearsal as well as a Thrive only 60 min. Dance Theories and Techniques class. Thrive will focus on educating our more experienced dancers with the real world, pre-professional world of dance and what that might look like for an aspiring dancer, choreographer, dance teacher, artistic director or dance collaborator. Thrive dancers will have real life, hands on experiences with what a future in dance might look like! (847) 228-3519
See the Comprehensive 2022-2023 Dance Handbook for information on all the PDC has to offer this Fall!

Adv. Ballet Technique Srength & Conditioning Non-Recital(9+yrs)Ballet/Jazz Diamonds Baton & Pom Team Code:Ms.7-8:30pmShannon405312-06$538R/$588NR
Pointe Solo Beg.-Adv. Baton Private Lessons Code:Ms.8:30-9:15pmShannon405312-07$355R/$405NR 8:15-9:15pmMs.Rachel Call dance office to schedule MONDAY Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 3 Parent/Child Movement Exploration (18-24 Code:Ms.2:30-3pmmonths)Ashley405301-01$33R/$38NR (5 & 4 week Code:Code:LeapsNon-Recitalsessions)&Bounds(2-3yrs)3-3:30pmMs.Ashley405338-01$65R/$75NRBoogieBabies(3-4yrs)3:30-4:15pmMs.Ashley405302-01$355R/$405NR Solo Ballet 2 (7-10yrs) 4:30-5:30pmMs.Jaclyn $395Code:4:15-5:15pmMs.Ashley405311-03R/$445NR Ignite RehearsalJr. Mini Company Acrodance
Jr. Modern/Contemporary(9-13yrs) Jazz/Hip Hop 1 (6-9yrs) Int. Baton & Pom (5-12yrs) Code:Ms.6-7pmShannon405310-03$415R/$465NR
Code:Ms.4:15-5pmShannon405306-01$355R/$405NRIgniteJr.Ballet Code:5:30-6:15pmMs.Rachel405305-01$355R/$405NR Code:Ms.5:15-6pmStephanie405332-01$100R/$115NR Code:6:15-7:15pmMs.Rachel405309-01$395R/$445NR Code:Ms.6-6:45pmStephanie405332-02$100R/$115NR Code:7:15-8:15pmMs.Rachel405326-01$100R/$115NR Code:Ms.6:45-7:45pmStephanie405332-03$130R/$150NR (9-13yrs)
Ignite Sr. Rehearsal Thrive Theories and Techniques Jr. Ballet (9-13yrs) $1213Code:Ms.7-8:30pmJaclyn405343-02R/$1263NR Code:7:30-8:30pmMs.Rachel405602-01$415R/$465NR Code:7:30-8:30pmMs.Breana405312-01$415R/$465NR Solo Solo Teen Ballet (13+yrs) 8:30-9:00pmMs.Jaclyn 8:30-9:30pmMs.Rachel elkgroveparks.org/pavilion_dance_centreCode:8:30-9:30pmMs.Breana405312-09$415R/$465NR Baton & Pom 10 week session from 9/20 - 11/29 (no class 11/22) Instructors subject to change Dance Schedule by Day 33
TUESDAY Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 3 Kinder-Ballet (4-6yrs)
$950Code:Ms.5:30-7pmJaclyn405343-01R/$1,000NR Code:5:30-6:30pmMs.Rachel405322-01$415R/$465NR Code:5:15-6:15pmMs.Ashley405335-01$415R/$465NR Jr. Company Code:6:30-7:30pmMs.Rachel405320-02$415R/$465NR Code:6:30-7:30pmMs.Breana405310-02$395R/$445NR
Teeny Boppers (4-6yrs) Beg. Baton & Pom (5-12yrs) Code:Ms.5-6pmShannon405312-08$415R/$465NR

Mini Broadway Jazz (4-6yrs) Tap 1/2 (5-8yrs)
Ignite Sr. Jazz Jr./Teen Tap (9+yrs) Code:7:30-8:30pmTBD405314-04$415R/$465NR Code:7:30-8:30pmMr.Tre405315-05$415R/$465NR
6:15-7:15pmMs.Jaclyn Code:Ms.6:15-7:15pmShannon405310-07$415R/$465NR Code:6:30-7:30pmMs.Megan405309-03$415R/$465NR RehearsalSr. Teen ContemporaryModern/(13+yrs) Non-Recital Adult Ballet Light & Easy (18+yrs)
7:15-8:45pmMs.Jaclyn Code:Ms.7:15-8:15pmShannon405310-04$415R/$465NR Code:7:30-8:30pmMs.Megan405342-01$100R/$115NR TeenRehearsalCompany Solo Code:8:45-9:45pmMs.Jaclyn405346-01$415R/$465NR Code:Ms.8:15-9:15pmShannon405320-03$415R/$465NR 8:30-9:30pmMs.Megan week of Sept. 12,
Recital fees reflect a 33 week dance year and costume fee. Non-recital fees reflect a 10 week Fall session.
2022 Resident Registration begins August 4 ● Non-Resident Registration begins August 8 (847) 228-3519
Ignite Jr. Jazz Jr. Hip Hop (9-13yrs) Code:6:30-7:30pmTBD405314-05$415R/$465NR Code:6:30-7:30pmMr.Tre405313-01$415R/$465NR
Teen Jazz Leaps & Turns (13+yrs) Adult Tap (18+yrs) Code:8:30-9:30pmTBD405314-03$415R/$465NR
THURSDAY Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 3 Ignite Jr. ContemporaryModern/ Kiddydance (4-6yrs) Code:Ms.4:15-5:15pmShannon405310-06$415R/$465NR Code:4:30-5:30pmMs.Megan405304-01$395R/$445NR Ignite RehearsalJr. ContemporaryModern/ 2 (7-10yrs) Ballet 1 (6-9yrs) 5:15-6:15pmMs.Jaclyn Code:Ms.5:15-6:15pmShannon405310-05$415R/$465NR Code:5:30-6:30pmMs.Megan405311-01$395R/$445NR Solo Ignite Sr. ContemporaryModern/ Jazz/Hip Hop 2 (7-10yrs)
SATURDAY Instructors subject to change Classes begin the
34 Studio 1
Code:4:30-5:30pmTBD405321-01$395R/$445NR Code:4:30-5:30pmMr.Tre405315-03$395R/$445NR Jr. Jazz (9-13yrs) Boys Hip (5-9yrs)Hop Code:5:30-6:30pmTBD405314-01$415R/$465NR Code:5:30-6:30pmMr.Tre405313-03$395R/$445NR

Preschool Year 2022-2023
• Proof of residency – valid driver’s license/photo ID and a utility bill or tax bill or a copy of a lease or mortgage
- F MM,T,W,RT,W,R,FF 9:15-11:45am9-11:30am9-11:30am9:15-11:45am $366 / $408 $366 / $408 $299 / $352 $299 / $352 4 Year M-F (Flex) M - F* 12:45-3:15pm $21 per day R $23 per day NR 3 Year Age 3 by Sep 1, 2022 R,FR,FM,T,WM,T,W 9:15-11:45am9-11:30am9:15-11:45am9-11:30am $266 / $272 $266 / $272 $150 / $180 $150 / $180 Over 51 Years of Making a Difference! *Minimum 2 days. You may choose your patterned scheduled for this class at the time of registration. You may enroll your child in a combination of classes. 225 E. Elk Grove Blvd (847) 690-1138 ● preschooloffice@elkgroveparks.org All children must be fully toilet trained and tend to their own bathroom needs. No diapers or pull-ups are allowed Call (847) 690-1138 or email preschooloffice@elkgroveparks.org for more information!
Preschool Age Date Time Fee perR/NRmonth 4 Year Age 4 by Sep 1, 2022 M
• Proof of child’s age – show a birth certificate, passport or baptismal certificate
(847) 437-9494 35
For over 51 years, our preschool has had the pleasure of providing an outstanding early childhood education for the families of the community. Our curriculum is based on the Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards and focuses on the growth of the whole child. We have an integrated curriculum that incorporates music and gym.
A Family Data Account must be established prior to Preschool Registration. Requirements at time of registration:
• Vacancies during the school year are filled from the waiting list.
2022 Preschool Registration Registration is in process and is by appointment only. Please visit our website www.elkgroveparks.org/preschool to register. After you submit your pre-registration, the Preschool Office will contact you to schedule an in-person appointment with Customer Service to process and confirm your child’s enrollment. Last day to enroll is November 30.
• A $75 non-refundable, non-transferable registration fee per child
• One month’s tuition payable only by Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT). An EFT is an automatic deduction that is set up through a checking or savings account or a credit card.

Fee: $14 R /$17 NR Location: Al Hattendorf Center Multi-purpose Room Date Time Code Mon-Fri 7:30-Classtime 406322-11
National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA) has congratulated the Elk Grove Park District Preschool for its continued commitment of high quality early childhood education for the 2022-23 school year! Visit NECPA.net for more information.
Location: Al Hattendorf Center Multi-purpose Room/Gym Date Time Code Mon-Fri 11:45am-1pm 406323-11
This program enables your morning preschooler in a 3 or 4 year old class to stay for lunch until 1:00 pm, or your afternoon preschooler may come for lunch at 11:45 am and be escorted to their Preschool class. Children should bring a nut-free lunch. Before or after lunch, children have organized large and small motor activities and play.
36 Preschool Options/ExtraAdditionalCare EARLY
Early Childhood Programs or Preschool? Contact Jennifer LoBosco at (847) 690-1138 or preschooloffice@elkgroveparks.org.
Fee: $17 R /$21 NR Location: Al Hattendorf Center Room Date Time Code Mon-Fri 3:15-5:30pm 406326-12 We follow the Get Set for School Pre-K curriculum! Visit getsetforschool.com for more information.
By combining Preschool with the programs listed below, 3 and 4 year old children are able to spend all day (7:30am-5:30pm) with us here at the Elk Grove Park District Preschool. Registrations for additional preschool programs must be on a permanent monthly basis. Extra Care payments are billed September through May as these programs bill for actual days of attendance. You may choose your patterned schedule for these classes at the time of registration. Call (847) 690-1138 with any questions.
The Elk Grove Park District Preschool is fully accredited by the National Early Childhood Program Accreditation We(NECPA).arepart of a national and international group of early childhood care and education programs that have been awarded this honor. This professional achievement acknowledges the high quality care of our children and certifies that we maintain the best practices in the field of early childhood education.
Early Birds
Do you need early morning care for your preschooler, before their AM class? We are offering supervised playtime starting at 7:30 am Monday-Friday at the Al Hattendorf Center. Children may bring their own nut-free breakfast.
Fee: $8 R /$11 NR
Extended Enrichment Extend your child's preschool day by giving them extra experiences in a preschool classroom. This program is designed for those children needing a full school day. Children are escorted to lunch, have a rest time, and are engaged in instruction and discoveries. Children should bring a nut-free lunch. All children in a morning preschool class are eligible for this program. Please note: Rest time is optional for Pre-Kindergarten students only. Fee: $28 R /$34 NR Location: Al Hattendorf Center Date Time Age Code Mon-Fri 11:45am-3:15pm 3yrs 406325-11 Mon-Fri 11:45am-3:15pm 4yrs 406325-12
Late Pick-up Continue the fun! Late pick-up is available for children in afternoon preschool classes and Extended Day at the Al Hattendorf Center. Children should bring a nut-free snack.

"I just want to say thank to the team and teachers at Elk Grove Park District Preschool. I transferred my daughter in the middle of the year because she was not adapting. Once she started at EGVPD, she enjoyed school and was excited to go. I am so glad we made the "Ourswitch!"babydaughter
2's School Does your toddler want to go to school too? This class will be perfect for them! Children will learn socialization skills and the joy of play. Stories, crafts and plenty of free play will make this class fun for everyone! Diapers and pull-ups are welcomed. Fee: $380 R /$400 NR
Mon, Sep 12-Nov 14 10-11:15am 2-3yrs 406339-01 Sep 6 No class Oct 10
Alexiana P. was loved and adored by the best preschool that has ever existed. How can we ever say thank you to the care that the Al Hattendorf preschool staff showed to our baby this impossible school year. Her teachers provided excellent care and guidance for my 3 year old. Alexiana learned more from them than her 6 year old sister ever has."
"I would like to thank the whole staff at the Hattendorf preschool for giving my daughter the best year. She always felt safe and welcome and learned more then we could ever teach her. I would like to thank her teachers. They were wonderful and we will miss them this summer. Please let them know how much they are appreciated."
Location: Al Hattendorf Center, Meeting Room 3 Date Time Age Code Deadline
Date Time Age Code Deadline
What our parents are saying...
Location: Al Hattendorf Center, Meeting Room 3
*Tue,Wed, Sep 13-Nov 16 10-11:15am 2-3yrs 406317-01 Sep 6 Thu,Fri, Sep 15-Nov 18 10-11:15am 2-3yrs 406317-02 Sep 6
(847) 437-9494 37
*No class Nov 8 Off 2 School One of the most important aspects of early development is becoming comfortable with separation, encouraging independence and fostering communication skills. Children will learn socialization skills, early cognitive learning skills and enhancement of fine and gross motor skills through circle time, songs, story, projects and free play. Diapers and pull-ups are welcomed. Fee: $170 R /$190 NR

Oct, 6 2022 ● 4-7pm: Costume at the Carousel. Come enjoy the first date of fall evening hours. We invite children to come in their favorite costume attire. admission Mon-Fri from 10am-2pm Oct 6-Dec 29 Thurs 4pm-7pm (in $5 R /$6 children ages 2-13 years. Pass: $45 R /$55 year at (847) 228-3183 visit elkgroveparks.org $400 R /$450 NR 12-23
Evening Hours
addition to regular hours) Admission:
Experience a playland filled with activities centered around "The Big Top". Adults and children will enjoy unlimited rides on the Carousel which stands 28 ft. high and features 18 hand painted horses and a swan chariot. The indoor play area is equipped with a maze of tunnels, a spiral slide and smaller play equipment for toddlers. The indoor play area is recommended for children ages 8 and younger.
November 24th-Thanksgiving Holiday elkgroveparks.org38 Complete the inquiry form online to begin planning your next celebration.
from issue. Call us
NR 10 visits Expires after one
NR Paid admission is required for
applies. No registration necessary Hours:
Closed for annual cleaning: September
for information on private parties and rentals. Currently booking through 2023. Fee:

Location: Museum Campus Age: 8-12 Max: 10 Deadlines: One day before – Th. Sep 8, Oct 27, Nov 17, Dec 15 Date Time Theme Code Fri, Sep 9 5-6:30pm Game Making 407606-01 Fri, Oct 28 5-6:30pm Halloween 407606-02 Fri, Nov 18 5-6:30pm Native American Games 407606-03 Fri, Dec 16 5-6:30pm Medieval Times 407606-04
Kids Programs
Children will decorate their own lanterns, parade around the Museum grounds and enjoy treats! Pre-registration required, no walk-ins accepted. Fee: Location:$10 Museum Campus Age: 6-10 Max: 20 Date Time Code Deadline Fri, Nov 11 6-8pm 407437-01 Nov 9 Elk Grove Historical Museum Presents ADMISSIONFREE Saturday, September 17 Experience12:30-3:30pmLivingHistory! Join us for a fun-filled afternoon of: ● Historical Crafts ● A Scavenger Hunt ● Reenactments and Historical Demonstrations ● Petting Zoo ● ActivitiesGameswill take place at the Museum grounds, 399 Biesterfield Road. Call (847) 439-3994 for more information or visit us at elkgroveparks.org/museum or our facebook beandPavilionParkingfacebook.com/EGHistoricalMuseumatwillbeavailableatthe(1000WellingtonAve.)handicappedparkingwilllocatedattheAdministration offices (499 Biesterfield Rd.) Registration not required. This event is sponsored by The Elk Grove Historical Society HISTORICAL MUSEUM
42 Cemetery Sleuths Embark on a guided tour of the Elk Grove Cemetery! Find out about some of the early Yankee and German families that resided in the area long ago. Discover the meaning behind headstone symbols and information about funerary customs. Pre-registration required, no walk-ins accepted.
Hollow Earth Role Playing Game
Fee: $3 Members/$5 Non-Members Max: 20 Location: Meet at the Elk Grove Cemetery. The cemetery is positioned on Cemetery Lane which is located off of Arlington Heights Road, south of Algonquin Road/Rt. 62 and in between the entrance ramps to Tollway 90. Date Time Age Code Deadline Sat, Oct 8 2-4pm Adults 401606-01 Oct 5
Museum Lectures Meet the staff at the Elk Grove Historical Museum and learn about our collections and various cultural events throughout history. Pre-registration required, no walk-ins accepted. Fee: Location:FreeMuseum Campus Age: Deadline:14yrs+One day before – Thu. Sep 29 & Dec 8 Date Time Theme Code Fri, Sep 30 6-7:30pm Pullman Strike 401618-01 Fri, Dec 9 6-7:30pm Native American HST of Illinois 401618-02 Martinstag Join us for St. Martin's Day, a traditional German celebration.
Join our Dungeon Master as he descends into the Hollow Earth. Do you have what it takes to protect the world from a top secret organization? The RPG is a tabletop role playing game that has been tailored to all players age 12yrs+ regardless of prior playing experience. Pre-registration required, no walk-ins accepted. For more information on the campaign contact the Museum at (847) 439-3994. Fee: Location:Free Museum Campus Date Time Age Code Deadline Fri, Nov 4 6-8pm 12+yrs 401620-01 Nov 3 Fri, Dec 2 6-8pm 12+yrs 401620-02 Dec 1
The Kids Programs at the Elk Grove Historical Museum offers children opportunities for hands-on learning. Our in-person kids programs will give children a chance to take part in various outdoor activities! Pre-registration required, no walk-ins accepted. Fee: Free members/$5 per child (adult attendance is free)
(847) 437-9494 43 FITNESSPAVILION 1000 Wellington Ave (847) 228-3494 pavilionfitness.com Membership Types Individual - 26 years of age or older; 14 years of age or older if not currently enrolled in school. Student - 14 - 25 years of age and currently enrolled in school; no additional members may be added. Senior - 65 or older; no additional members may be added. Household - Consists of up to two adults and dependent children under 26 years of age who reside at the same address. Silver Sneaker Program and Renew Active/One Pass - We are a Silver Sneaker and Renew Active/One Pass facility for active adults. We will verify your eligibility before enrolling you as a member. Learn more about Silver Sneakers and Renew Active at www.silversneakers.com and partner.uhcrenewactive.com. Hours of Operation Mon-Fri: 5am-9pm Sat: Sun:7am-6pm8am-5pm Holiday Hours Thanksgiving 6am-1pm Christmas Eve 8am-1pm Christmas Day Closed New Year's Eve 8am-1pm New Year's Day 8am-2pm MembershipType ResidentMonthlyEFTPlan ResidentAnnual Non-ResidentMonthlyEFTPlan Non-ResidentAnnual EnrollmentFee Individual $41/month $440 $47/month $517 $79 Household of 2 $67/month $786 $77/month $918 $138 Household of 3 $86/month $1,017 $96/month $1,149 $150 Student $27/month $300 $34/month $381 $49 Senior $27/month $300 $34/month $381 $49 *All members on an EFT membership plan or annual paid-in-full memberships receive two complimentary guest passes per membership year. Prices subject to change. Stay Connected! Join our mailing list! Stay up-to-date with all things Pavilion Fitness. Text PAVFIT to 22828 to get started! Check our website at pavilionfitness.com and follow us on social!

elkgroveparks.org FITNESS44Membership Advantages The Pavilion Fitness facility has a community atmosphere and features certified staff that can help customize a fitness program to meet your personal goals. • Group Exercise and Yoga classes • Over 75 cardio machines • NEW Precor machines • A variety of equipment including Matrix, Precor and Freemotion brand cardio machines • Indoor and outdoor Pavilion pools (see Aquatics for open lap swim) • Extensive equipment area with over 50 weight stations • Expansive free weight area • Suspended indoor running track • ADA Equipment available • Open Gym • Boxing areas, speed and heavy bag • Keyless lockers • Floor supervision Track Pass Resident Non-Resident Daily $3 $5 10 Scan $20 $40 Membership $105 $165 Over 65 Track Pass Resident Non-Resident Daily Free $4 10 Scan N/A $30 Membership Free $140 Daily Guest Pass Guest Passes/Daily Fees are available at the Fitness check-in desk. All guests/daily users must be 14 years of age or older. A photo ID is required for all Guest/Daily Fee users. $10 per Daily Pass Track Pass Take advantage of the Pavilion Fitness indoor suspended track with a track pass! Ten laps equal one mile. Individuals 14 years and older can purchase a track pass. Children 10-13 years are able to purchase a track pass if accompanied by a paying adult on the track at all times. Contact Austin Guerriero at (847) 640-2193 or aguerriero@elkgroveparks.org. Have questiona about Pavilion Membership?Fitness Refer a friend to Pavilion Fitness, and receive ONE month FREE! Ask at Pavilion Fitness Front Desk for more details. Term Fees Payment Plan Full Locker 1 year 6 months $132$72 $12/month Half (MenLockeronly) 1 year 6 months $72$36 N/A Locker Rental Need a locker to reduce the weight of your gym bag? We can help. Locker rentals available! Corporate Memberships are available for purchase! Contact Austin Guerriero at (847) 640-2193 for more details. Racquetball & Wallyball For reservations, please call the Fitness Front Desk at (847) 228-3494. Reservations may be made 2 weeks in advance. Due to programming and special events, court may become unavailable. *Under 10yrs of age must be accompanied by adult. Racquetball Member Fee: Free NonMember Fee: $12 Wallyball Member Fee: Free NonMember Fee: $16

One-on-One Private Yoga Instruction Private Yoga sessions give you the advantage of learning better form, modifications if needed, and how to get the most from your practice. Private sessions, just like personal training, gives you the advantage of learning what works best for you as an individual. Our trainers are registered Yoga trainers and are certified to work with those ranging in all abilities including Chair Yoga. Pilates Reformer
Teens in Training Four 1-hour sessions for ages 10-13yrs prior to joining the gym. Fee: $220 R Master Trainer /$175 R Personal Trainer Partner Training Have a person you enjoy working out with that has the same goals? Our trainers are happy to assist.
The Pilates Reformer is an all body workout using a unique spring based apparatus to counteract “the harmful inherent conditions associated with modern civilization.” (J. Pilates) Our instructors have the training, experience and certification to train clients at any level. Whether you are post rehab or looking to increase performance, our instructors are here to help.
Performance Enhancing Specialty Training Personal Training Offers you a personalized program, including exercise, nutrition information, and more; all key performance factors in reaching your own personal goals. To get started, pick up a personal training request form and health questionnaire from the front desk or at pavilionfitness.com
Group Exercise Pass Passes are available for purchase at the Customer Service Desk at the Pavilion and the Al Hattendorf Center. Group Exercise Passes expire 6 months after the date of purchase. Visit pavilionfitness.com to view the Group Exercise Schedule.
Group Exercise Group Exercise classes are included in your membership Non-members may purchase a Group Exercise Pass; proof of residency is required. Participation is allowed at age 14.
TRX Advanced Training
A variety of 8 week sessions of
TRX Circuits, TRX Yoga Fusion and high intensity Bells & Ropes. Check our website at pavilionfitness.com for details. Group Fitness Pass Resident Non-Resident Daily Scan $7 $9 10 Scan $60 $77 AdvertiserBrochureSeasonalourfrommessageA Junior Fitness MixxedFit Class Enjoy a MixxedFit Class specifically designed for youth/teens. Grab your friends and have fun! Ages 10-14 years MixxedFit is a mixed fitness program that combines explosive hip-hop inspired dance moves with bootcamp style toning all set to today's hits and yesterday's favorites! Fee: $40 R /$45 NR Location: Pavilion, Group Fitness Studio Date Time Age Code Fri, Sep 16-Oct 14 5:30-6:15pm 10-14yrs 408328-01 Fri, Oct 21-Nov 18 5:30-6:15pm 10-14yrs 408328-02 Have a question about Group Exercise or Personal Training? Contact Aileen Tischauser at (847) 690-1175 or atischauser@elkgroveparks.org.
(847) 437-9494
Check-in is required at Pavilion Fitness front desk. Participation at all levels is welcomed. All Group Exercise instructors are nationally certified. Pavilion Fitness reserves the right to cancel classes due to low attendance, maintenance, or instructor availability. Prices are subject to change. Before beginning any exercise program, it is advised that you consult your physician.

Yoga Nidra Yoga Nidra is a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation.
Fee: $10 R /$12 NR Location: Pavilion, Group Fitness Studio Date Time Age Code Deadline Mon, Sep 12 6:45-8pm All 408406-01 Sep 9
elkgroveparks.org46 Month National Mind, Body & Spirit Check pavilionfitness.com for schedule Yoga Fitness Pass Passes are available for purchase at the customer service desks. Yoga Fitness Passes expire 6 months after the date of purchase. Type Member Non-Member Non-Resident Daily Scan $8 $9 $10 10 Scan $70 $77 $84 YogaKids is the world's leader in providing yoga for children around the world. Our mission is to promote peace, healthy lifestyle, self empowerment and a fun effective way of learning to children. Join certified YogaKids Teacher Jennifer Malone.
Trigger Point Therapy & Yoga Join our Trigger Point Therapy workshop for chronic and recurring pain. You will learn the basics on how to use a racquetball to release knots, then at least 15 minutes of light yoga and guided relaxation. Racquetballs will be provided.
is a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation.
$7 R /$8 NR Location: Pavilion, Group Fitness Studio
R /$5 NR
Wed, Wed, 1:1
Date Time Age Code Deadline Thu, Sep 8 6-7pm All 408419-01 Sep 6
Fee: $14 R /$16 NR Location: Pavilion, Garden Terrace Date Time Age Code Deadline Fri, Sep 23 6-7:30pm All 408612-01 Sep 21
17-Nov 21 4:15-5pm 5-12yrs 408308-02
12-Oct 10 4:15-5pm 5-12yrs 408308-01
Fee: $4 Location: Pavilion Gazebo
Fee: $7 R /$8 NR Location: Pavilion, Group Fitness Studio Date Time Age Code Deadline Wed, Sep 14 7:45-8:45pm All 308424-03 Sep 12
Arm Balance and Inversion Clinic
Oct 12 7:45-8:45pm All 408424-01 Oct 11
$45 hr special Outdoor Chair Yoga Enjoy our Chair Yoga Class outdoors in the Gazebo in front of the Pavilion. Chairs and any equipment will be provided.
Nov 9 7:45-8:45pm All 408424-02 Nov 8 Private
September is
Yoga Nidra
Age Code Deadline
Tai-Chi This beginner Tai-Chi program will teach the student the correct way to practice and learn Tai-Chi. This is the perfect mind & body exercise for all ages with therapeutic benefits for the aging, arthritic, and blood pressure; Tai-Chi is a preventative as well as a curative.
Fee: $90 R /$108 NR Location: Al Hattendorf Center, Main Room Date Time Age Code Tue, Oct 25-Dec 13 6:30-7:30pm 14+yrs 408301-01 Sep 15
Fee: Mon, Sep Mon, Oct
This workshop will focus on the key aspects of arm balances and inversions. We will learn fundamental concepts so participants can apply knowledge to future practice. If you want to take your practice to another level be sure to join us. All equipment will be provided but feel free to bring your own mat. Pre-registration is required.
Fee: $14 R /$16 NR Location: Pavilion, Group Fitness Studio Date Time Age Code Deadline Sat, Sep 17 12-1:30pm All 408611-01 Musical Yoga & Trivia Enjoy a yoga class to great music from the 50’s & 60’s. When class is over, Peggy will have a fun trivia game. Bring your own music and see if you can stump her! Have a fun musical evening.
$40 R/$45 NR Location: Pavilion, Group Fitness Studio Date Time Age Code
Yoga Nidra
Date Time

(847) 437-9494 47 Private Music Lessons Get one-on-one professional instruction in Piano, Guitar, Drums or Voice! Expand your musical education and let your creativity soar with Elk Grove Park District's AMAZING Music teaching staff. Our instructors will help foster a love for music, learn and strengthen skills, and help students progress towards their musical goals. Check online or call the Pavilion Front Desk for available time slots! Piano: Students may be required to purchase lesson books. Guitar: Students are required to bring their own instrument. Drums: Students are required to bring their own drum sticks. Vocal: Students may be required to provide their own vocal music or Location:Fee:accompaniment.$276R/$331NRPavilionPrivate Music Studios MUSICHaveaquestionabout Arts, Music & Special Events? Contact Deanna Rafidia at (847) 690-1109 or drafidia@elkgroveparks.org. Would you like to rent a Music Room by the hour? Complete our information form at elkgroveparks.org to begin planning with us! Days/Dates Age Instructor Lesson Type Code Deadline SepMonday12-Nov 14 6+yrs Dan Gillogly Piano, Drums,Guitar,Voice 409307 Sep 8 SepTuesday13-Nov 15 6+yrs Dan Gillogly Piano, Drums,Guitar,Voice 409308 Sep 9 SepWednesday14-Nov16 6+yrs Julie Kocsinski Piano 409309 Sep 10 SepWednesday14-Nov16 6+yrs Verne Duddles Drums 409309 Sep 10

Date Code Deadline Mon, Sep 26 411309-30 Sep 22 Wed, Oct 5 411309-31 Oct 1 Thu, Oct 13 411309-32 Oct 10 Fri, Oct 14 411309-32 Oct 10 Mon, Oct 17 411309-32 Oct 10 Tue, Nov 8 411309-33 Nov 3 Mon, Nov 21 411309-34 Nov 17 Tue, Nov 22 411309-34 Nov 17 Wed, Nov 23 411309-34 Nov 17 Fri, Dec 23 411309-35 Dec 16 Tue, Dec 27 411309-35 Dec 16 Wed, Dec 28 411309-35 Dec 16 Thu, Dec 29 411309-35 Dec 16 Fri, Dec 30 411309-35 Dec 16 Mon, Jan 2 411309-35 Dec 16 Tue, Jan 3 411309-35 Dec 16 Wed,Jan 4 411309-35 Dec 16 Thu, Jan 5 411309-35 Dec 16 Fri, Jan 6 411309-35 Dec 16
Date Code Deadline Mon, Sep 26 411309-20 Sep 22 Wed,Oct 5 411309-21 Oct 1 Thu, Oct 13 411309-22 Oct 10 Fri, Oct 14 411309-22 Oct 10 Mon, Oct 17 411309-22 Oct 10 Tue, Nov 8 411309-23 Nov 3 Mon, Nov 21 411309-24 Nov 17 Tue, Nov 22 411309-24 Nov 17 Wed, Nov 23 411309-24 Nov 17 Fri, Dec 23 411309-25 Dec 16 Tue, Dec 27 411309-25 Dec 16 Wed, Dec 28 411309-25 Dec 16 Thu, Dec 29 411309-25 Dec 16 Fri, Dec 30 411309-25 Dec 16 Mon, Jan 2 411309-25 Dec 16 Tue, Jan 3 411309-25 Dec 16 Wed,Jan 4 411309-25 Dec 16 Thu, Jan 5 411309-25 Dec 16 Fri, Jan 6 411309-25 Dec 16
elkgroveparks.org48 School Days Off is a program held during the school year for children grades K-5 when School District 59 has a scheduled day off due to a holiday, break, or an institute day. Children should wear comfortable clothing and bring two snacks and a sack lunch with a drink to all activities. All participants are expected to be in attendance by 9am. Participants can choose either a full day or school day option, depending on their Age:Location:needs.Pavilion5-10yrs Grade School Days Off DAYSSCHOOLOFF 1000 Wellington Ave (847) 228-3494
FULL DAY (7am-6pm) Fee per day:$55R / $66NR SCHOOL DAY (9am-3:30pm) Fee per day:$35R / $44NR

Activities included in your annual Sheila Ray Membership dues: 225 E. Elk Grove Blvd (847) 364-7224 Adult Center Hours: 8:30am-4pm at the Hattendorf R = Resident M = Member R NM = Resident Non-Member NR NM = Non-Resident Non-Member Membership for the Adult Center Join today - You’ll be glad you did! Member Dues: $30 R/ $40 NR per year, Jan-Dec 2022 Membership includes: • Daily admission to SRAC, Mon-Fri • Discount on programs, events, trips & exercise classes • Over 20 weekly & bi-weekly activities Good programs, good people and good times. Ambassadors Choir Group Bags BuncoBridgeBocceBingoBilliardsBaseballBall CeramicsCanasta Chair Exercise Chat with a Lawyer Craft CurrentGroupEvents Forum Darts HistoryDominoesComes Alive Forum Knitting & PolicePokerPinochleMah-JonggCrochet&SeniorTogether Forum Quilting & SeniorRummikubSewingShanghaiRummyTriviaWiiBowlingYahtzee SHEILA RAY ADULT CENTER 225 E Elk Grove Blvd (847) Hours:364-72248:30am-4pm Have a question about Sheila Ray Adult Center? Contact Gina Acino at (847) 228-3842 or gacino@elkgroveparks.org. BUZZtheCheckoutourNewsletterformoreactivities!elkgroveparks.org elkgroveparks.org50

Virtual History of Italy: Sistine Chapel Join Tiffany DeLuca for a virtual presentation of the fascinating history of Rome’s Sistine Chapel and the troubled mastermind behind it all: Michelangelo. Sit back, enjoy an Italian dessert and learn the secrets of this famous masterpiece, along with stories of power, revenge and sacrifice that produced the singular most renowned and influential work of art in Western history. Fee: $6M /$7 R NM /$9 NR NM
Special Interests Chair Yoga (Seated or Standing) Improve your strength, flexibility and mobility through standing or seated yoga poses specifically adapted for seniors at any level of health and fitness. Incorporate breathing techniques, gradual stretching and relaxation in this class. Yoga reduces stress, improves circulation and builds community connections. It also positively addresses chronic health conditions.
Date Time Code Fri, Sep 30 1-3pm 401304-01
Location: Sheila Ray Adult Center - Main Room
Show! Come watch our very own Sheila Ray Members show off their talents with a show created entirely on their own! Entertainment will consist of a talent show in addition to a unique fashion show with some surprises along the way. You won't want to miss these very special performances. Lunch will include cheese stuffed shells, caesar salad, fruit and dessert.
Location: Sheila Ray Adult Center Date Time Code Deadline Mon, Sep 12 1-3pm 401303-01 Sep 6 Mon, Nov 14 1-3pm 401303-02 Nov 7 P.A.S.T Elk Grove Village Police Officer, Ted Malek wants to personally invite you to the Police And Seniors Together meetings. Each meeting will touch base about the Elk Grove Police Department, and what is going on in our community. Fee: Fee: $0 M /$2 R NR /$4 NR NM
Dancing with the Band - Live Music Night
Location: Sheila Ray Adult Center Main Room
Date Time Code Wed, Oct 19 1pm 301612-01
Rules of the Road This class is offered by the Illinois Secretary of the State to help seniors review for their driving test. Officers from the Elk Grove Police Department will be conducting the course. Registrants must show their driver's license. Fee: $0 M /$2 R NR /$4 NR NM
Themed Bingo Days Non members may pay the daily rate to participate $2 NM R/$4 NM NR Halloween Bingo Join us if you dare for a fun day of Bingo and a Halloween Costume Contest! Wear your favorite Halloween costume for a chance to win a prize! 1st & 2nd place winners will be announced at the end of Thu,Bingo.Oct 27 12pm Ugly Sweater Holiday Bingo Wear your holiday sweater to bingo. There will be a contest for the ugliest and silliest holiday sweater. 1st & 2nd place winners will be announced at the end of Bingo. Thu, Dec 22 12pm All participants must register for cards and/or pizza prior to bingo day Fee: $3 / 6 cards - 10 games $1.50 / 3 cards - 10 games Food: Pizza & Beverage (must be ordered by 2pm on Wed) Pizza is served at 11:30am RAY ADULT
Location: Sheila Ray Adult Center - Main Room Date Time Code Deadline Wed, Sep 21 11:30am 301405-06 Sep 16
Location: Sheila Ray Adult Center - Main Room Date Time Code Deadline Mon, Oct 3-Nov 7 10:45-11:30am 405318-01 Oct 2 Mon, Nov 14-Dec 19 10:45-11:30am 405318-02 Dec 18
Fee: 10 Scans $40 M /$48 NM
Fee: $30 M /$33 R NM /$39 NR NM
Location: Sheila Ray Adult Center - Main Room Date Time Code Deadline Wed, Nov 16 11:30am-2pm 401405-03 Nov 11
Fee: $14 M /$15 R NM /$17 NR NM
Location: Sheila Ray Adult Center Main Room
New Years Eve Party
Location: Sheila Ray Adult Center Main Room
Celebrate this special time at Chandler's Banquets where excellent entertainment will be provided by Diva Montell. Share your holiday cheer while enjoying a delicious lunch including Chicken Vesuvio, Roasted Sirloin of Beef, sides will include salad, yukon gold whipped potatoes, broccoli & cauliflower in garlic butter and ice cream for dessert. Advanced table reservations will be available at the time of registration. Transportation is available for up to 14 people on the Sheila Ray Adult Center Bus. Seat reservation is required prior to the trip. Sign up at customer service. The bus will leave the Al Hattendorf Center parking lot at 10:45am Fee: $30 M /$33 R NM /$39 NR NM
Thank You, Veterans! We will be celebrating the men and women who have served our country. All Veterans will receive a free lunch! Our feast includes sliced roasted turkey breast with gravy, mashed potatoes, homemade bread stuffing, green beans and a dessert. This luncheon is sponsored by the Joan Chase memorial fund. Entertainment will be provided by Maureen Christine.
Fee: $14 M /$15 R NM /$17 NR NM
Line Dancing If you like line dancing or want to learn the moves, join instructor Peggy for this high energy fitness class. Line dance to a wide variety of music from the 40's, 50's, 60's & 70's. Easy to follow dance steps to the tunes of yesteryears.
Join us as we celebrate New Years Eve and kick off 2023! Let's celebrate together with friends as we welcome in the New Year! Light appetizers and sparkling cider will be provided. Fee: $10 M /$11 R NM /$13 NR NM
Date Time Code Deadline Fri, Dec 30 11:30am-12:30pm 401415-01 Dec 26
Holiday Party
Join us for an evening of fun and upbeat jazz with the Switch Time Jazz Group. Sit and listen with the crowd, or move to the music on the dance floor at Garden Terrace located in the Pavilion. This event benefits Sheila Ray Adult Center. Light refreshments provided by Jarosch Bakery. Pay at the door.
Fee: $5 R /$7 NR Thursday, Sep 1, Oct 6, Nov 3, Dec1 7:00 – 9:00pm
Instructor: Jen Malone Tuesdays & Thursdays 9-9:45am
Location: Chandler's Banquets - 401 Roselle Rd., Schaumburg Date Time Code Deadline Wed, Dec 14 11:30am-2pm 401405-04 Dec 1
This class will help you land babysitting jobs and make you feel confident to babysit. This medically accurate babysitting training program is designed for young adolescents to prepare them for the responsibilities of nurturing and protecting children. The class includes: Babysitting as a Business, Child Care Essentials, Preventing Problem Behavior and Care of Choking Child/Infant. You will take a written exam and a test that demonstrates acceptable skills in care of a choking child. Fee includes: Safe Sitter student manual with completion card. Participants should bring a sack lunch and drink.
Fee: $67 R /$80 NR
Safe Sitter Babysitting Class
Tween Nights Tween Halloween 4th and 5th Graders only! Come to Tween Night dressed in your Halloween Costume and enjoy a night of music, games and refreshments. Prize for the best costume! Pre-registration is required.
Pavilion Multi-purpose Gym Date Time Age Code Deadline Fri, Oct 28 7-9pm Grades 4-5 411402-01 Oct 26
Location: Garden Terrace Date Time Age Code Deadline Sat, Oct 1 9am-2:30pm 11-15yrs 411307-01 Sep 25
Magic Class Children are guaranteed to have a great time as they learn fascinating tricks from a professional magician! Amaze family and friends with tricks that involve cards, ropes, coins, mind reading, and much more! All materials are provided and each child receives a magic kit to take home. Children always learn tricks that are appropriate for their age and they can sign up for this class again and again since brand new tricks are taught at each session.
Date Time Age Code Deadline Mon, Oct 24 4-4:55pm 5-12yrs 411301-01 Oct 20 Tue, Dec 20 5-5:55pm 5-12yrs 411301-02 Dec 13
Location: Olmsted Park Date Time Age Code Deadline Fri, Sep 23 7-9pm 11-14yrs 411401-01 Sep 16
Tween Holiday Singo Bingo 4th and 5th Graders only! Put on your Ugly Holiday Sweater and join us for Holiday Singo. Singo is an exciting musical spin on the traditional game of Bingo. Everyone likes to sing along with their favorite song. So grab your friends for a night of fun! Pre-registration is required. Fee: Location:$12
Fee: FREE Pre-registration is required.
Tween Trip to Richardson Farm Tweens will walk through the ‘World's Largest Corn Maze”, enjoy a wagon ride, watch pig races and more at the Richardson Farm! Fee includes maze admission, transportation and supervision. Participants should bring money to purchase lunch at the farm. Fee: $35 R /$44 NR
Youth or Teen Programs? Contact Irene Faciano at (847) 228-3518 or ifaciano@elkgroveparks.org.
Note: This class takes place at Itasca Park District. Fee: $20 R /$24 NR
Garden Terrace
Location: Pavilion Lobby Date Time Age Code Deadline Fri, Oct 14 9:00am-2pm Grades 4-5 411511-01 Oct 7
Date Time Age Code Deadline Thu, Dec 22 7-9pm Grades 4-5 411402-02 Dec 20 Teen Bonfire Teens come join us for a bonfire with s'mores under the stars as we celebrate the start of Fall. The Elk Grove Youth Committee will sponsor and supervise this FREE event. Refreshments and glow sticks will be sold onsite. *In Case of Inclement weather, the Teen Bonfire will be cancelled. Visit elkgroveparks.org or call Customer Service at (847)437-9494 for updates.
Location: Itasca Rec Center (350 E. Irving Park Rd)

CALLBACKS Wednesday, Wednesday, September 14
Rising Stars of Spotlight Theatre is a non-audition class geared toward our youngest stars. Students will meet for one hour each week to learn songs and dances from our upcoming musical Descendants! This is a great start for our younger cast members to be a part of the production without the long tedious rehearsal hours and get them ready for their chance to audition for a role when they are 7 years old.
Date Time Age Code Deadline Sat, Sep 24-Nov 20 9:30-10:30am 5-6yrs 410301-06 Sep 19
Please note that Tech Week rehearsals are 4 hours long. Have your child bring a water bottle and snack.
Location: Rainbow Falls Community Center
Auditions and Callbacks are held at Rainbow Falls Community Center Participants will be notified if they will be needed for this callback.
Mandatory Tech Week: November 14-17, 2022, Monday-Thursday, 4:30-8:30pm
Please be prepared to dance, sing and read. Participants must register to audition! Please register online or at the Customer Service Counter for an individual audition time slot, by September 2. Participants must prepare a 30 second Monologue and 32 measures of a song that showcases their range. Held at Rainbow Falls Community Center, 200 Reverend Morrison Blvd, Elk Grove Village.
Mandatory Tech: November 14-17 4:30-8:30pm Shows: Friday, November 18 at 7pm, Saturday, November 19 at 2:30 & 6:30pm and Sunday, November 20 at 2:30pm. Tech and shows take place at Prairie Lakes Theatre in Des Plaines. Fee: $150 R /$180 NR (Fee includes music, costumes and prop pieces)
Participation Fees: $207 R /$227 NR Spotlight Theatre of the Elk Grove Park District Proudly Presents
(847) 437-9494
Rising Stars of Spotlight Theatre Does your kiddo have a whole lot of energy and personality? Do they love to sing and dance? The Rising Stars program may be just what they need! Join our Spotlight Theatre cast on stage for Descendants!
September 19 Mondays & Wednesdays, 4:30-7:30pm Saturdays, 9:30am-12:30pm
AUDITIONS OPEN to ages 7-14yrs Monday, September 12, 4-8 pm Code: 410301 SHOW DATES Friday, November 18 at 7pm Saturday, November 19 at 2:30pm & 6:30pm Sunday, November 20 at 2:30pm

information. Customer Service Front Desk Hours Pavilion 1000 Wellington Ave. (847) 437-9494 Mon-Fri 9am-6pm Sat 9am-1pm Sun Closed Al Hattendorf Center 225 E. Elk Grove Blvd. (847) 364-7224 Mon-Fri 9am-4pm WaysRegistrationtoRegister 1. In person at the Pavilion or Hattendorf 2. Establish a WebTrac account on our website and register online at http://webtrac.elkgroveparks.org 3. Call (847) 437-9494 or (847) 364-7224 Payment Options The Elk Grove Park District accepts cash, checks, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. A fee will be assessed on returned checks. For explanation on the following registration policies, check our website at elkgroveparks.org or call the Customer Service Desks. Returning Users Creating a New User Household Account Household Account Definition Residency Non-ResidentRequirementsHousehold Memberships Business Owner Rates Registration Deadlines Waitlist Confirmations Program Deadline Dates Withdrawal & Refund Policy Photo & Video Disclaimer Brochure CustomerChangesSatisfaction
Director of Business Services - Brad Sholes Director of Leisure Services - Tiffany Greene Director of Marketing & Communications - Kelly Carbon Director of Parks and Planning - Mark Kosbab
To provide safe and innovative parks and recreational opportunities. Administrative Staff Executive Director - Ben Curcio
General Manager of Fox Run Golf Links - Alex Chapple
Human Resources & Benefits Manager - Christy King Superintendent of I.T. - Dustin Sneath Superintendent of Parks - Brian Kimbrough Superintendent of Recreation Facilities - Jeff Collier Superintendent of Recreation Programs - Doug Sieder Risk Manager - Britney Gillespie Manager of Marketing & Communications - Lily Medina Elk Grove FoundationParks
elkgroveparks.org54 INFORMATIONGENERAL
The Elk Grove Parks Foundation is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization created to support parks and recreation activities within Elk Grove Village. The Foundation provides funding to programs and activities not typically supported by property taxes. Parks and recreation is an important asset to the community. It is well documented that communities with an excellent park district have lower adolescent crime rates and increased property values. Individuals and corporations are invited to support the Foundation through monetary donations or in-kind gifts. Your donation of any amount is gladly accepted at our customer services desks at the Pavilion & Hattendorf Center. You can mail check to: Elk Grove Parks Foundation, 499 Biesterfield Road, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007. Please contact Kelly at (847) 228-3548 for more

A Waiver and Release of All Claims Form must be signed when registering yourself or your minor child for Elk Grove Park District programs. Your registration is not valid without a signed waiver. To ensure enrollment, please use our online or in person registration options.
University, Vera, Vermont Drive 4 digit numbers, and Yale) and employees of Elk Grove businesses have the opportunity to receive resident rates. *Proof is required. The annual membership is $70 per family. To register for the Non-Resident Household Membership, please visit the customer service desk at the Pavilion or the Al Hattendorf Center. Registration Deadline Don’t let a good class cancel! A good class might be canceled if you wait until the last minute to sign up. At some point we must make a decision as to whether a program or activity will take place. If that class has not registered a minimum number of participants it will be cancelled. So remember, save a class and register by the program registration deadline. Please refer to the Elk Grove Park District brochure for program registration deadlines. Adults (Over 18) Dependent Children under 26 • Current resident utility bill within the last month • Property tax bill • Current drivers’ license or government issued ID • Passport • Birth certificate • Health insurance card listing the minors • Passport Thank you to our Fall Brochure Advertisers. Please tell them you saw their ad in our publication! GENERAL INFORMATION Elk Grove Village Realty Coach’s AmericanCornerFamily Insurance Friends of Cycling First ElkMeijerDivineStudentSignsGroveVillage Sewer & Plumbing Ascension Alexian Brothers inside front cover insidepg.pg.pg.pg.pg.28pg.2845575757 back cover back cover
Waiver and Release Form
All Elk Grove Village residents may not be residents of the Elk Grove Park District. Residents that support Elk Grove Park District through property taxes are defined as Elk Grove Park District residents. The Elk Grove Park District is not a part of the Village of Elk Grove Government. The Elk Grove Park District is a stand-alone tax supported agency. You may have an Elk Grove Village address, but not pay taxes to the Elk Grove Park District. The quickest way to determine your Park District resident status is to check your resident tax bill. The park district you pay taxes to will be listed. If you reside in Elk Grove Village, but do not pay taxes to the Elk Grove Park District, you are eligible for the Non-Resident Household Membership. (See definition below) District residents will have priority registration as the dates of registration are listed in the seasonal brochures. Resident and non-resident fees are listed with the program information. When establishing a new household account with the Elk Grove Park District, and including an online account, each resident is required to prove residency in person. This is a matter of data verification to make sure we have the most updated information in our new system. Once completed, we will activate the online portion. Please bring one of the following items for each household member with you to set up your account:
Elk Grove Business owners, who reside outside the Elk Grove Park District, but who pay Elk Grove Park District taxes, are eligible to receive a discounted business rate on Park District programs. The business owner rate is equivalent to the listed resident rate, and business owners may register during the resident registration period. However, the participant is still considered a non-resident in terms of residency status. Business owners must prove ownership prior to registration.
Non-Resident Household Membership
Business Owner Rate
Elk Grove Village residents living in Elk Grove Village but outside the Elk Grove Park District boundaries (Bluejay, Cardinal, Cutter, Dierking, Doral, Fox Run Drive, Galleon, Gibson Drive #1500-1571, Greensboro Court, Hawk, Inverness, Lee, Longboat, Oriole, Pebble Beach Circle, Red Fox, Richard, Roppolo, Sara Court, Schooner, Sell,
(847) 437-9494 55 Household Account This account consists of up to two adults and dependent children, less than 26 years of age who reside at the same address. If there are two or more families living at the same address, where there are more than two adults over the age of 26, then two or more accounts must exist.

For a complete listing of parks and facilities, download our mobile app.
Recreational activities/programs are intended to challenge and engage the physical, mental, and emotional resources of each participant. Despite careful and proper preparation, instruction, medical advice, conditioning, and equipment, there is still a risk of serious injury when participating in any recreational activity/program. Understandably, not all hazards and dangers can be foreseen. Depending on the particular activity, participants must understand that certain risks, dangers, and injuries due to inclement weather, slipping, falling, poor skill level or conditioning, carelessness, horseplay, unsportsmanlike conduct, premises defects, inadequate or defective equipment, inadequate supervision, instruction or officiating, and all other circumstances inherent to indoor and outdoor recreational activities/programs exist. In this regard, it must be recognized that it is impossible for the Elk Grove Park District to guarantee absolute safety. A Waiver and Release of All Claims Form must be signed when registering yourself or your minor child for Elk Grove Park District programs. Accident Insurance The Park District does not carry medical or accident insurance for program participants. Participants should review their personal insurance before registering for Park District programs to be certain of adequate coverage. Code of Conduct Users shall abide by all rules and regulations and shall conduct themselves in a safe, considerate, and reasonable manner so as not to cause disturbance or to damage equipment or property. Users will display respect, consideration and courtesy to all members, participants, staff, and Park District property. The Park District reserves the right to discontinue an individual’s use or membership because of disruptive or unsafe behavior. and Severe Weather
Warning of Risk
Alert System A solid tone horn and strobe lights indicate you should seek shelter. Three short horns and no strobe indicate weather threat has subsided. Administration Office 499 Biesterfield Rd. (847) Mon-Fri690-11908:30am-5pm Al Hattendorf Office 225 E. Elk Grove Blvd. (847) Mon-Fri364-72249am-4pm Audubon Skate Park 300 E. Elk Grove Blvd. (847) 427-8195 Elk Grove Historical Museum 399 Biesterfield Rd. (847) 439-3994 Fox Run Golf Links 333 Plum Grove Rd. (847) 228-3544 Garden Terrace 1000 Wellington Ave. (847) 228-3524 Pavilion Aquatics Center 1000 Wellington Ave. (847) 593-6248 Pavilion Fitness 1000 Wellington Ave. (847) 228-3494 *Pavilion Office 1000 Wellington Ave. (847) Sat:Mon-Fri:437-94949am-6pm9am-1pm Pirates’ Cove Theme Park 901 Leicester Rd. (847) 439-2683 Preschool Office 225 E Elk Grove Blvd. (847) 690-1138 Rainbow Falls Waterpark 180 Lions Dr. (847) 228-2860 Sheila Ray Adult Center 225 E Elk Grove Blvd. (847) 228-3616 * Questions regarding registration call (847) 437-9494 Northwest Special Recreation Association Learn More about NWSRA For more information on NWSRA programs and to register online, visit www.nwsra.org. Brochures containing information on NWSRA programs are available at the Administration Center or from NWSRA at Park Central, 3000 W. Central Road, Rolling Meadows. Contact NWSRA at (847) 392-2848 (voice); (847) 392-2855 (TTY); or (847) 392-2870 (FAX). Leaders Needed NWSRA is looking for energetic individuals looking to enrich the lives of NWSRA participants. If you are interested in working with NWSRA, please call (847) 392-2848 or visit nwsra.org/jobs. To volunteer, visit nwsra.org/volunteer. elkgroveparks.org56
The Elk Grove Park District is a member of a 17 park district cooperative which forms the Northwest Special Recreation Association (NWSRA). The NWSRA team of full-time Therapeutic Recreation professionals and trained part-time staff offer quality year-round recreation for individuals of all ages with disabilities. NWSRA activities provide opportunities for children and adults with disabilities to have fun, make friends, be included, learn new things, go new places and celebrate their lives. After school, evening and weekend programs feature sports, games, arts and crafts, fitness, cooking, drama and more. Camps, trips and special events are planned throughout the year. Inclusion Assistance NWSRA provides assistance to individuals who wish to participate in their local park district programs. Indicate on the registration form if any accommodations are needed to successfully participate in the program. The Park District staff will contact NWSRA for assistance.
Staff Directory Facility Rules No Smoking Ordinance Observers Behavior Services for Individuals with Disabilities
Policies For a full description of the following policies and procedures please go to elkgroveparks.org.

AGE PROGRAM SECTION PAGE PROGRAMS BY AGE Fall elkgroveparks.org58 6m-Adults Swim Lessons Aquatics 14-16 18m-14yrs Tumbling Athletics 22-23 2-3yrs Early Childhood Classes Early Child 37 2-13yrs Hot Shot Sports Athletics 25-26 2-14yrs Athletic Leagues Athletics 29-30 3+yrs Dance Lessons Dance 31-34 3+yrs Art Workshops Art 19 3-4yrs Preschool Early Childhood 35-36 5+yrs H2OOOOOO Aquatics 5 5+yrs Theater Theater 53 5-10yrs School Days Off Youth 48 5-10yrs Aquatics Parent's Night Out Special Events 6 5-10yrs Snowflake Swim Special Events 7 5-12yrs Yoga Kids Fitness 46 5-12yrs Magic Class Teen & Youth 52 5-18yrs Swim Team Aquatics 17 6+yrs Art Workshops Art 20 6+yrs Music Lessons Music 47 6+yrs Skateboard Lessons Audubon Skate Park 21 6-10yrs Museum Event Museum 42 8-12yrs Kids Programs at the Museum Museum 42 9-14yrs Volleyball Prep Clinic Athletics 27 10-14yrs Junior Fitness Fitness 45 11-14yrs Teen Bonfire Teen & Youth 52 11-15yrs Safe Sitter Class Teen & Youth 52 12+yrs Historical Role Play Museum 42 14+yrs Pavilion Fitness Membership Fitness 43-44 14+yrs Tai Chi Fitness 46 14+yrs Photography Classes Art 20 14+yrs Yoga Fitness 46 15+yrs Aqua Wellness Classes Aquatics 18 15+yrs Art Classes Art 20 18+yrs Adult Basketball League Athletics 27 21+yrs Adult Bags League Athletics 27 21+yrs Adult Bags League Athletics 27 21+yrs Adult Pickle Ball Athletics 27 21+yrs Day Trips Active Adults 8 21+yrs Murder Mystery Dinner Special Events 6 21+yrs Dancing With The Band Special Events 4 & 51 21+yrs Line Dancing Sheila Ray 51 55+yrs Adult Center Membership Sheila Ray 50 55+yrs Variety Show Active Adults 51 1-8GR Youth Basketball League Athletics 27 4-5GR Tween Pirates' Cove Campout Special Events 4 4-5GR Tween Nights Teen & Youth 52 4-5GR Trip to Richardson Farm Teen & Youth 52 All Ages Yoga Month Fitness 46 All Ages Doggy Trick or Treat Special Events 5 All Ages Fall Carnival Special Events 5 All Ages Baby and Kids Garage Sale Special Events 5 All Ages Native American Day Special Events 6 All Ages Pioneer Day Special Events 42 All Ages Holiday Craft Show Special Events 6 All Ages Fishing Lessons Special Events 27 All Ages Breakfast with Santa Special Events 7 All Ages Family Noon Year's Eve Party Special Events 7 All Ages Holiday Bazaar Special Events 11 All Ages Halloweenfest Special Events 6

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