Portfolio September 2015

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September 2015 edition 3



September 2015 edition 3


September 2015 edition 3



September 2015 edition 3

PortFolio Co Front Cover by Bamboo Barnes 'Eternal Dreams'

over Photo’s Inside Cover by Loverdag 'Train Station Beguile'

The Editor's Letter & Info


Cover Photo winners


Lessthen Zero

Anna Gibby


Kira Balestra

Polly Elan

Interview with...Bamboo...

Ric Applewrite





Intense Soul

Yann Whoa

Interview with Loverdag...

contents September 2015 edition 3


The Editor’s Letter,

September, Edition 3 Issue is finally arrived to your screen. That’s what I thought in my mind when we started to made this edition I said to myself; ” I can’t believe this is already the third edition.”.

To be honest, I never think that it would be a favorite until I saw people’s enthusiasm. I am Indonesian and I never though that people from all over the world read and saw it: From countries like Japan, French, USA and many more, now I can’t count how many people from which countries know about our publication. Like what I always said from the beginning of the first edition: “keep on dreaming and continue to be creative more and more”. Speaking about expansion, we are now added several persons that I love and I believe on their skills to join the Portfolio family to be their home, to create and grow together. It is getting bigger, yep, we plan on something but shhhh… for now. Surely I will share it with my lovely readers, after I and the Portfolio staff is ready. What I think about Portfolio at the first time is, that I want to give people a platform to be creative and be proud what they can create. I saw great pictures on our flickr groups (+30 and +40 favorites) and awesome photographers with their skills and ideas, it successfully blown my mind.

September 2015 edition 3

Every month I give to a photographer the honor to show their work on the cover to give them the recognition for their work, but in this issue it went a little bit different. Thanks to the staff: MiShell Ares, Lessthen Zero, Autumn and Laura Lar. also Tamara Artist (my favorite photographer) and Tan te Crazyboi (former Suede Magazine’s Owner) who helped me to chose which is the best picture of this edition of Portfolio. (by the way I also wait on Tamara’s pictures... hint, hint, I will wait till I eat my shoe..... lol). Back to our photographer of the month winner, finally we took two winners. Yep, two, why? We could n’t decide which one is the best. You see why we choose for both so we present you two covers. The winning photographers are Bamboo Barnes and Loverdag. Congrats to the both winners! For our readers, I hope you enjoy the September ‘Portfolio edition 3’ issue as much as I do. Peace and Love. Head editorial Director Elleonna Seraphine

PORTFOLIO INFO Hello +30 and +40 favorite members, nice to know you and your amazing pics. By the way.... +40 and +30 groups making a lookbook called Portfolio. In order to showcase pics from our groups members. And all member can join and showcase their pics for EVERY MONTH. Just send your information with details in a form with above format and send your pics (2pics) every month, before 23th every month. The picts have to be selected from +40 fav or +30 fav and follow the conditions. Contact Elleonna Resident inworld for our release in nc and im. Also email at elleonnaseraphine@yahoo.co.id Form Name : email : Blog : Flickr: Experience : Category : Additional info :

Conditions: No porn or should be able for 15years old above limit and have fav 30 or more or 40 more (our +30 fav and +40 fav member) Max.

Technical specs for photo’s must be: 36cm high (potrait size) or 62cm long (landscape) =14.174 inch (potrait) 24.41 inch (Landscape) 3515pixels X 2041pixels and 144 pixels per inch. For more info: contact Inworld MiShell Ares for a PSD template Here are the links to our groups:

www.flickr.com/groups/secondlife30/ & www.flickr.com/groups/secondlife40/

lauralar resident Experience: RL and SL photography, decorating, black & white photography. Category: Art photography / portraits, erotic, sensuality / buildings / black&white / unique style. Email: by Flickr email Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/123839917@N06/ Blog: http://asurprisepackageinthekinkdepartment.blogspot.nl Additional info: I’m trying to show good quality pictures on the subject of the D/s world. Pictures which are unique and show a feeling/mood instead of pornography. I’m also showing fetishes - not necessarily mine - to show people, this doesn’t have to be cheap, but can be artistically beautiful too. The Lovegasm exhibit has opened on August 3 at Dathuil. It shows works by Mr S and me. It will be open till the end of August. Clothes on the pictures shown are the Babydommedress from Stockholm & Lima and from Azoury the Epiphany heels and clutch and the Perception Sunglasses.

3 o. N . 4 o le: 2 N Tit . o le: 1 N Tit . o le: N Tit le: Tit

September 2015 edition 3

September 2015 edition 3


September 2015 edition 3

September 2015 edition 3

September 2015 edition 3



Experience: N/A Category: N/A Email: N/A Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/dream_edition/ Additional info: Description by photo’s

el' ' ng na on 'A ' e l e l le: n ' E gai Tit r ' o le: M ' tah Tit e e le: 'L Tit le: Tit

September 2015 edition 3

September 2015 edition 3



when you do portrait in sl sometime you search a lot make feel the romance or some special pose. The clients want into the picture feel the love and you loose time and energy finding the perfect couple animations. I tend to go differently about it, searching for a right pose/personality and after matching. I like that portrait for the simplicity and sensuality its from it.

September 2015 edition 3

One of my first victim of my new series of portraits I would say classical way. Â Elleonna is a beauty luminous and soft, I have notice it from first I saw her. Pose standing 3/4 profile style. she have very great look reddish short hair dark eyes, that make her exceptional. I wanted to let it glow so its why I have choose dark background.


September 2015 edition 3

‘Morgaine’ I wanted to explore, that kind of particular style of portrait. I enjoy doing it: head shot, background flat for keep all the attention on the model. Simple way for lets the beauty shine. That need to have some special faces with character. In that portrait it is the super model Morgaine Muse you may recognize her, she have very strong look. I asked her to not wear anything fashion item or extravagant accessory, for find her essence and her natural beauty as it possible. and yes i was intimidated photograph that day, but she is so nice!

September 2015 edition 3

Leetah is one of my oldest friend in sl, she is amazing and always care of making her avatar one of the best I may have see in sl always “’a la page” you need fashion advice? She is there, she is strong smart and wonderful. Have her posing for me was as always a challenge for me doing my best. She is red hair and sun tan and I got that idea about making her shiny so its why the B/W effect was just right for her portrait.


Bamboo Barnes Experience: N/A Category: Secondlife Installation art by Haveit Neox Category: Secondlife art and avatar Category: Secondlife Installation art by Livio Korobase AAC: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ACC%20 Alpha/64/116/33 & Centaurs’ LEA: https://honourmcmillan.wordpress.com/2014/07/15/ whenaphotoofartbecomesartinsecondlife/ Email: N/A Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bamboobarnes/ Blog: N/A Additional info: Description of the Photo’s

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Bamboo Barnes

September 2015 edition 3

I basically have almost none interest in avatars, rather take it sarcastic subject as reflection of stereo type value.

‘Nightmare of tiny woman’

An Interview.......... Elleonna: Where are you from? - Japan. Elleonna: What is your current occupation in rl? - Unemployed. Elleonna: What is your occupation in sl? - Invisible artist, literally I am totally invisible wearing alpha mask all over me. Elleonna: Do you have any training or formal education in the field of art you work in, at SL or are autodidact? - Art schoolage 18 but gave up after a few month. Elleonna: What people, books, films, etc.. inspire you the most? -Very hard to choose the MOST, inspiring films (& changed myself) are / The Killing Fields People / who are fighting for discriminations & the rights & peace. Books / Toxic Parents / Susan Forward Elleonna: What kind of elements on your artwork? -Sadness, discrimination, hopeless, peace, love, despair, agony or irrational. Elleonna: What things you like to work with? - Out of ordinary scene. Elleonna: Do you have special effect on your artwork ? What is that? - No. Elleonna: When you began to create your masterpiece or artwork ? -When I stopped to take avatar photos. Elleonna: What pieces, projects, or collaborations are you currently working on ? - Nothing at this moment but anytime immediately I see something interesting Elleonna: What music do you listen to while working ? - Mostly Peter Gabriel & Leonard Cohen. Often Spanish guitar, Flamenco, gypsy music or Blues. Elleonna: Where do you like to work ? - In my tiny closed room. Elleonna: What do you do to find inspiration for your next artwork, or project or collabration? - I am not good at find inspiration &not the type who start working on it with ideas

I take hundreds of photos at the place I like, then throw them in Photoshop to start editing with talking to photos, It just happen like a magic on my Photoshop and if not it is nothing happen after few hours they are rubbish to delete. Elleonna: What is one of your earliest memories of making art? - Impressed by Secondlife installation arts “ Rusted Development” in LEA which I never had seen like it before even I was in SL since 2007 They were all different than anything I ever seen inworld or in real life, strange, passionate, craziness, I never forget the moment of rapture with every single shot I take. Elleonna: Do you make exhibition for your artwork, when and where? - Unfourtunatley not right now , on November I have a plan at Windlight gallery. Elleonna: Where to find your artwork? - In ACC Alpha http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ACC%20Alpha/64/116/33 & Centaurs’ Hall on the Verdigris sim. ( The sims of Mr. Haveit Neox ), there’re room for my artworks I cannot thanks enough for his generosity for such great support, I am really really a lucky one. Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/bamboobarnes/ Elleonna: What is your favorite color? - Red Elleonna: What was your first experience in showcasing your artwork? And how is the feedback? - Avenue magazine http://issuu.com/avenue/docs/avenue.april2013 , - No feedbacks. Elleonna: How you come to SL ? - 2006, 1 documentary program on tv about SL, one of furry couple was talking about SL and how they spending time together inworld which made me laugh but also curiouse, so made account on 2007. At the time my Mac was not good enough to run SL but as soon as I learned how to TP I became possesed by SL. Elleonna: How long was it before you made an effort to be active in art and try to take in as much or contribute as much as you could? - End of 2012. Elleonna: Do you get a special feedback and how is it and what is it? - Sevral artists ( from SL and RL ) put my images on their home page with very kind compliments Our Interview continues after the selected Photo of this Edition...........

September 2015 edition 3

with Bamboo Barnes

September 2015 edition 3

His world is always with some spiritual message for love and hope, which we do need in our real life, too.

‘Eternal Dreams’

An Interview.......... Mr. Livio Korobase gave me a place to exhibit my work in his installation area in LEA https://honourmcmillan.wordpress.com/2014/07/15/whenaphotoofartbecomesartinsecondlife/ Mr. Haveit Neox keep a place to exhibit my work nearly 2 years in his sim ACC Alpha, also some my work has been displayed in Centaurs’ Hall since this Spring. Elleonna: When did you start working with your art in SL? - My very 1st try was May 2012. Elleonna: What did you learn from your experience in art at SL? - I am different and dosen’t make sense to play as everybody else anymore. Found my way in SL, no more clubbing or try mixed to senseless chatting people and I like how I am at last. Elleonna: How have you been able to manage your time enough to do all of this, whil also being a RL people? - Lost my job 5 years ago for my illness, I have got whole time for myself, no family of my own to take care daily bases, just use my time for art as much as I want when I am not depressed. Elleonna: At what point did you take what you were doing really seriously? After my 1st exhibition at Rose Theater gallery Spring of 2013 Elleonna: Are there projects you want to start or work on, but that you don’t have the time or money for right now? - My own 3d art work but 5 years out of job, cannot afford those cost of LL demands also too hard to understand how to use blender, but someday I do wish I could do that. Elleonna: How do you feel the sl has impacted the way we look at art? - This is tough question, for people who has interesting in art in any way, SL could give them so much more opportunity of excellent artworks which we cannot find them in real life, however virtual world only exist in your screen even how hard SL artists are creating contents they are still not exsiting in real. You maybe come by to some inworld exhibition at galleries, you can find your favorites and you think it is an art , no matter what the subjects are. as avi, landscape,installation art because you are inside of the virtual world through the screen so it is real for you. If we want to show those SL art to outside of Secondlife, sadly it is very limited to give impact to

with Bamboo Barnes people, especially when it was 2D they won’t recognized them as art & categorized “screenshot” most of time which is depolarble situation. I do believe SL materials are able to turn to very much of art, especially 3D works have so much potential however they have been underestimated from SL & RL both, you may know those talented artists creating amazing artworks as Haveit Neox, Livio Korobase, Bryn Oh, Cherry Manga, JadeYu Fhang, Rebeca Bashly, Rose Brochovski, Giovanna Cerise, Cica Ghost, Elif Ayiter, Mistero Hifeng, Sina Souza, Meilo Minotaur, Eupalinos Ugajin and many more. We photographer doing what we like to do to make our own art but if we do the work to show those amazing artworks to real life people in more effective way, SL art going to open bigger its value to the real life art scene with new experience & impact as well. I think it is my goal as SL photographer/painter. Elleonna: What is your wishlist for future? - Understand Photoshop better, learn how to build learn how to make mesh object and be better photographer/painter. Elleonna: Do you have desire to take this to RL? - I do. Elleonna: Do you have a RL project that using your art ability? - No. :(

Interview by: Elleona Seraphine.

September 2015 edition 3

Thank you Elleonna. We thanks Bamboo Barnes for this Interview.

September 2015 edition 3

‘Yellow Town’

September 2015 edition 3

His world is always with some spiritual message for love and hope, which we do need in our real life, too.

‘Life On Edge’

Loverdag Experience: N/A Category: No info Email: N/A Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/loverdag Blog: http://loverdag.com No additional info.

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September 2015 edition 3

September 2015 edition 3



September 2015 edition 3

‘Chateau Village’

September 2015 edition 3

An Interview.......... Elleonna: Where are you from? - Czech republic Elleonna: What is your occupation in sl? - Explorer and photographer. Elleonna: Do you have any training or formal education in the field of art you work in, at sl or are you self taught? - Self taught. I create something, then I delete it because I don’t like it, then I do it again in a different way, then I delete it again, because I still don’t like it . . . Elleonna: What people, books, films, etc.. inspire you the most? - All good fantasy and sci-fi. In general I can say - everything what we dont have in real life, what we can only imagine and dream about. And RL nature. Elleonna: What things you like to work with? - Realistic looking meshes and new materials - it makes SL nicer and unedited photography is more easy than before. Elleonna: Do you have special effect on your artwork? What is that? - Yes, I use HUd with black stripes as “cinematic” frame for my screenshots. Elleonna: When you began to create your masterpiece or artwork? - I hope that my real masterpiece is still waiting for me somewhere in my future :) Elleonna: What pieces, projects, or collaborations are you currently working on? - My recent “project” is working with the application ReShade - I try to learn how to use it in an optimal way for my SL screenshots. Elleonna: What music do you listen to while working? - My personal favorites for this summer are Oh Wonder and Kendra Morris. Elleonna: Where do you like to work? - In SL I always travel, so “everywhere”. In RL - where I can got a big black coffee. Elleonna: What do you do to find inspiration for your next artwork, or project or colla­­­­­­­boration? - As “a traveller with a camera” I simply visit a new location, I don’t need more. Elleonna: What is one of your earliest memories of making art? - All my old SL photos are still on my Flickr, I never deleted my beginner’s work from 2012. And I’m

with Loverdag not sure where during my “creative evolution” it changed from “screenshots” to “art”. Elleonna: Do you make exhibition for your artwork ? When and where? - ATM no. Elleonna: Where to find your artwork? - On my blog (loverdag.com) and my Flickr (www.flickr.com/photos/loverdag) Elleonna: What is your favorite color? - Black. Elleonna: What was your first experience in showcasing your artwork ? and how is the feedback? - Some time ago I was invited to have an exhibition in a gallery on the Czech sim Educatica. For opening party I chose to wear tiger avatar and I told to all guests that if they didnt like my work I will eat them. Feedback was great, nobody said that they didn’t like my pictures. Elleonna: How you come to SL? - I was always a gamer and though I dont see SL as game, it was related - one day I wanted to try it and this “trying” now run 4th year. Elleonna: Do you get a special feedback an how is it and what is it about? - Sometimes I do exploring or shopping and I get IMs from avis around that they know my work and like it. It is always very nice from them. And, of course, I very appreciate all nice comments on Flickr and my blog. I think that it is the best feedback what SL photographer can get. Elleonna: When did you start working with your art in SL? - Well, I’m not sure if I create real “art” :) Elleonna: What did you learn from your experience in art at SL? - That we always can learn something new and be better. This road never ends. Elleonna: How have you been able to manage your time enough to do all of this, while also being a rl people? - I dont need much time. One set with 8-10 photos takes about 60-120 minutes. It is not hard to find it in my RL. Elleonna: At what point did you take what you were doing really seriously? - I hope I’m still not taking it really seriously :) Our Interview continues after the selected Photo of this Edition...........

September 2015 edition 3

‘Train Station Beguile’

An Interview.......... Elleonna: Are there projects you want to start or work on, but that you don’t have the time or money for right now? - No. I’m happy with what I’m doing. Elleonna: How do you feel the sl has impacted the way we look at art? - SL is another space where we can create. And it makes us more open for alternatives, for non-RL art. Elleonna: What is your wishlist for future? - I have only one wish that I mentioned above - still move on, still learn something new and not be “frozen” on one place. Elleonna: Do you have desire to take this to RL? - I am doing both SL and RL photography. SL is ATM more important for me though. Elleonna: Do you have a rl project that using your art ability? - No. Thank you Elleonna We thanks Loverdag for this Interview.

September 2015 edition 3

Interview by: Elleona Seraphine.

with Loverdag

September 2015 edition 3


‘Pict. 02’

Anna Gibby Experience: N/A Category: N/A Email: N/A Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/annagibby/ Blog: N/A No additional info.

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September 2015 edition 3

September 2015 edition 3

Anna Gibby

‘Come Back’

Until you come back to me Music: Aretha Franklin

(Waiting on You) Future Islands

September 2015 edition 3

Music - Seasons

‘Waiting on You’

September 2015 edition 3

‘Thirsty’ Music - Thirsty Ainara LeGardon Every secret has its price. Which one will you bring me this time? Every secret has its price. Which one will you bring me this time? Sometimes I find I get just excited about the music as I do a picture. To me this song was spot on with what I was thinking when I took this picture, this girl has many secrets. When I saw Ionic gacha at The Chapter Four I was like this addicted gambler you see that keeps pulling down on the slot machine, my first thought was oh this can tell so many stories and I always get thrilled when an something on SL sparks some RL memories.

Music -Woodkid

September 2015 edition 3

Iron I love blogging for Byrne and totally blown away when she extended me an invite! I think her work is always so unique and then her post she has such a style about her so anytime I am sent something from her, well first I get really nervous and then my head races with thoughts of what can I do that she might like, what can I do that will make her happy. I have to say blogging for Byrne really makes my the wheels in my brain start to spin, I have never been a gamer and only not a RP on here so her creations really pushes me to use my imagination. I can listen and watch the Iron video over and over as I just think it is so creative and powerful and I chose that video cause in the picture in my head she was calling upon nature as she headed towards a battle.

‘Fight and Fate’

Anu Experience: N/A Category: N/A Email: N/A Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/129788901@N02 Blog: N/A No additional info.

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September 2015 edition 3


‘Let Them Eat Cake’

September 2015 edition 3

‘Helplessly Hoping’

September 2015 edition 3

‘Kwan Yin’

September 2015 edition 3

‘The Heart Asks Pleasure First’

Ric Applewrite Experience: I’ve been creating SL pictures for over two years Category: N/A Email: ricapplewhyte@gmail.com Blog: N/A Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ric_applewhyte/ Additional info: Description of the Photo’s

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Ric Applewrite

September 2015 edition 3

Picture of my wife and I. We’re both protecting each other in this picture. I really feel it captures us.

‘Love Story’

September 2015 edition 3

‘Lana Pile, Guardian of the Realm’

At the point I created this picture, I hadn’t created a picture in awhile. I adore Lana Quicksands work. I started pile up’s with a green screen she put out just to see if I could. So, whenever she puts a pile up out I like to do it.

September 2015 edition 3

I was created for my wife’s alt. Its a movie we watched together in RL and i wanted to create something around that kind of theme.

‘Into the woods’

September 2015 edition 3


I love this movie, and I love fantasy.... so I created a picture around it.

Diamantine Ruby Experience: Blogger and photographer since January 2013 Category: Art, Fashion & Unique Style Email: slfreephilosophy@gmail.com Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/mafyflux Blog: http://secondlifefreelosophy.blogspot.it Additional info: I always add a quote to my pictures.

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September 2015 edition 3

September 2015 edition 3



“Life itself is a most wonderful fairytale” H.C. Andersen

September 2015 edition 3

“I sat in a field of red poppies listening to the sound of the silence as long as in my heart I heard your voice…”


September 2015 edition 3


“…Extraterrestrial, take me away, I want a star to be all mine, extraterrestrial, come and look for me, I want a planet to start all over again…” E. Finardi

September 2015 edition 3

“Escape the reality to catch your dream”


IntenseSoul Resident Experience: Fashion Designer , Graphic Designer and Photographer. Category: Fashion or Unique Style,Landscape, Family Photo, Art Photo or Other category. Email: N/A Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/intensesoul Blog: N/A Additional info: I have 6 years experience in fashion design. I am passionate about photography and design. My creativity has no limits.

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September 2015 edition 3

September 2015 edition 3

Intense Soul

‘Windwept Dream Place’

September 2015 edition 3


September 2015 edition 3

‘Black Basalt Beach’

Kira Balestra Experience: Since June 2013 Email: kirablogsl@gmail.com Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kira_balestra/ Blog: http://kirablogsl.blogspot.com.es/ Category: Fashion Photo, Unique Style or Art Photo I don’t know :S Additional info: I am a passionate blogger, I love what I do and I love to learn and improve myself even more. I would like to be a great photographer. Two years ago I knew nothing about photoshop, I learned by watching video tutorials and practiced a lot and I’m still learning new things. I find it hard to add a title or description, I’m not good with words, even in my own language which is Spanish, let alone in English.

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September 2015 edition 3

September 2015 edition 3

Kira Balestra

‘Madame Pamplemousse’

In general, I like to show various types of themes, like “Nature” which I love, it brings peace and relaxation to me, almost magical, which I show in the pictures; ‘Madame Pamplemousse’ and ‘Mimetic Day’

September 2015 edition 3

‘Mimetic Day’

September 2015 edition 3

‘Welcome to The Strange’

“Woman with strong character” I like to get into my role of the tough girl, I like to show femininity and at the same time a strong and a bit dark character, without being “gothic”. I like the strong energies that inspire me when I hear music (Metal)

September 2015 edition 3

On the theme “Class and elegance” I always try my outfits, whatever they are and try to maintain both characteristics, I try to be elegant and classy, but always naturally, such as this photo ‘In my Skin .. .’

‘In my Skin ...’

Polly Elan Experience: Started as an advisor in photo studio then decided to study art and photography Category: Art photo, unique style photo Email: polinadvorcova@yandex.ru Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/68961742@N03/17991727643/ in/dateposted-public/ Blog: polinamagic.wordpress.com Additional info: Descriptions about the pictures

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September 2015 edition 3

September 2015 edition 3

Polly Elan

‘Summer culling’

This picture was done for my mom shes my summer and always shelter. Smiling and warming me.

September 2015 edition 3

‘My butterfly’

My butterfly, I was inspired by elvin look of the avatar . I want to tell the forest story wild and pure

September 2015 edition 3

I want to represent the doll look of both male and female light and etheral

‘The whisper’

Romyka Mars Experience: Never enough Email : N/A Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/romykamars/ Blog : Romyka Mars Category : Addict Photo additional info: Descriptions about the pictures

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m' rea

September 2015 edition 3

September 2015 edition 3

Romyka Mars

‘Perceptions of Beauty’

There is beauty in the most common things to those who have eyes to see

September 2015 edition 3

I’m a music lover; as soon as I hear song, I’m transported to a particular time or place. My taste varies wildly.

‘How can we hang on to a dream ’

September 2015 edition 3

Express yourself ! Never be afraid to show your happiness and don’t mind about what other people say. Cause in the end it is you, not them.

‘Behind the shades’

September 2015 edition 3

I like to let my imagination show me the way

‘Unravel Mind’

Eternatentacion Resident Experience: Beginner, because always i like to learn new things. Category: Freestyle Photography. Email: N/A Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/126798343@N04/ Blog: N/A


Additional info: N/A

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r ou dy an

September 2015 edition 3

September 2015 edition 3


‘Dance with the water’

September 2015 edition 3

‘In my way’

September 2015 edition 3

‘Your arms are my castle and your heart is my sky’

September 2015 edition 3


Yannick Whoa Experience: taking pictures RL and SL, doing client works from time to time, first of all random Paparazzo Category: Close ups Email: yann.whoa@gmx.de Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/119686977@N08/ Blog: N/A Additional info: my pictures are usually made without planning it. When I see someone somewhere and I feel like “wow... such a stunning look!” or “...” (can’t get my mouth shut from gazing) I ask them if it’s ok to bring their picture up in my flickr. I’s hard to say what makes me go for that. Sometimes its the quality of someone’s look, sometimes it’s their AO or the way it all fits together. However, what you see is the way I see these people and how I want to present them.

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September 2015 edition 3

September 2015 edition 3

Yannick Whoa


September 2015 edition 3


September 2015 edition 3


September 2015 edition 3



September 2015 edition 3 Head Editorial Director Elleonna Saphire • Artistic Director & Graphic Designer MiShell Ares • Flickr Manager Laura Lar Thanks the Photgraphers

Till next edition...... • Head Editorial Director Elleonna Saphire • • Artistic & Graphic Designer MiShell Ares • • Flickr Manager Laura Lar •

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