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Natural world FMP unit13: working with visual arts briefs

criteria •  •  •  •

Independently research ar?sts Use diverse materials and techniques Explore imagena?ve ideas Evaluate development and final outcome

mindmap Animals


Natural world forest


desert rainforest hot


sand brown



Peter watson

Peter watson is a photographer who uses good angles and distances to created his amazing work. He uses bright colours and tones to give his work a emo?ve effect. I am going to use his great range of colour in my own work.

Ansel Adams

Ansel adems is a photographer who uses a black and white filter over the top of photographs to create a emo?ve picture. He was a environmentalist best know for his landscape photographs.

David Benjamin sherry

All MaOerings of Mind Equal One Violet 2011.

This work done by david benjamin sherry is created by using different filters depending on his mood when taking the picture.

Holy Holy 2011

David Benjamin sherry experiments

In these photographs that I have taken. I have added a coloured filter to the sky's and sea using Photoshop. I have used similar styles and techniques to David sherry

Statement of intent In my final major product I am going to explore the theme of natural world, in par?cular landscapes and scenery. I am intrested in documen?ng landscapes and the colours, shapes and tones using photography. So far I have researched three ar?sts, peter watson , adam burton and ansel adams. All of these ar?st use similar techniques, especially photography. All three of these ar?sts create amazing pictures of landscapes with wide skys and flat landscapes. From looking at theses three ar?sts I have been inspired to use bright emo?ve colours to add effect to my pictures. Also they have given me the idea to use different angles and distances in my own work. Throughout my final major project I plan to use mostly photo manipula?on, such as, photoshop and digital photography. Also I plan to use different prin?ng techniques to add a hands on aspect to my project. In this project I am going to improve my presenta?on and my analysis. Also in this prodject I am going to try photography. I also want to improve my photography.

Experiment photos Devon In the next set of photographs I will be using photoshop to edit and enhance my images by adding colour and tones and different filters to my pictures.

David carson David carson is a print maker and a photographer who combines the two together to make his artwork. He was placed in the top 5 graphic designers of all ?me. He also fused old and new techniques together to create some of his well known pieces. I have chosen these images because of there bold bright colours and shadows in the background. Each one of the pictures uses a range of light and dark colours which give the pictures emo?on. Different tones and textures have been added to the foreground of the pictures to give a old and vintage feel. In my own work I have incorporated these techniques and styles to beOer my work. Also the lines and shapes in the background add distance to the photo and gives you areas that automa?cally catch your eye. I also like theses images be of the use of typography. The bold leOering and dark colours against the background make it stand out and eyecatching.

David carson

Evalua?on of prac?cal work

In my final major project, the main mark making technique I have used is photography and will go on to use printmaking as well. I have used photography in order to capture the beauty of nature. In my photos I have explored nature and the force that nature has, as shown in the dark and dull sky. In this photo there are many natural colours that are shown which give the photograph the feeling of force. The lines in the picture are what give it different layers and adds distance to the photograph. They also break the picture up into sec?on. This has given the photograph the desired effect. There are various shades and tones created by the trees and sky, which all create a aggressive and dark picture which shows force within nature. The wide sky shows dark dull tones There is a contrast happening in the foreground and the background of the picture which show two different types of texture. The foreground has a ruff texture created by the stones and rocks in contrast with the oil like texture of the see. In intent to improve my photographs by adding detail using photo shop. Also I am going to incorporate some print making into my pictures.

Final Outcome In my final outcomes I used 2 of my photographs from Devon and edited them using Photoshop. By changing the colour balance and adding a filter I created the pink misty effect on my work. I think that my final outcomes came out good, and looked good in the presenta?on. If I could change anything in my final outcomes I would definitely create more photographs with a range of different colours and shapes. May of my ideas were influenced by the work of Ansel Adams and David Benjamin sherry. The use of landscape and nature in my photographs was influenced by Ansel Adams. Also my colours and filters were influenced by David sherry.

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