3983 agoria metaal 2010

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Belgian metalworking suppliers - Business guide 2010

2010 Business Guide

Belgische toeleveranciers metaalbewerking Sous-traitants belges de la transformation du mĂŠtal Belgian metalworking suppliers www.agoria.be




2010 Business Guide

Belgische toeleveranciers metaalbewerking Sous-traitants belges de la transformation du mĂŠtal Belgian metalworking suppliers www.agoria.be

Manufacturer of composite pressure vessels for water treatment (STRUCTURAL), as also filters and pumps for the swimming pool industry (STARITE, PENTAIR POOL PRODUCTS) and filtration for the point of use. Company of the American Pentair Inc. water technologies division, supplier for all essential components for the transport and treatment of water, wastewater and fluids ‘SAFE, CLEAN WATER’. Manufacturer for food sector filtration systems (EVERPURE) and Industrial Filtration systems (PENTEK, AFL).

Industriepark Wolfstee Toekomstlaan 30, 2200 Herentals T: +32 (0) 14 25 09 11 - F: +32 (0) 14 25 99 75


Solid partner, competitive solutions EEN BREED ASSORTIMENT



LASERPLATEN TOT 25 MM S 235 - S 355 MC - S 420 MC - S 700 mc


Industrielaan 4 • B-8501 Kortrijk-Heule, België • Tel. +32 (0)56 35 42 00 • Fax +32 (0)56 35 64 31 • E-mail: info@SaeySteel.com • Website: www.SaeySteel.com

Agoria_metaal_15122009.indd 1

16/12/09 10:09

Contents Metalworking suppliers at a glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Products & services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 List of companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Inhoudstafel Toeleveranciers metaalbewerking in een oogopslag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Producten & diensten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Lijst van ondernemingen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Agoria, kruispunt voor zakendoen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120

Table des matières Les sous-traitants de la transformation du métal à portée de main . . . . . . . . 8 Produits & services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Liste des entreprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Agoria, carrefour du business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


METALWORKING SUPPLIERS AT A GLANCE Are you looking for a supplier in casting, high-pressure casting, metal cutting, sheet metal, surface treatment, thermal and/or chemical treatment and/or assembly? Or maybe a supplier specialised in mechanical engineering, pressure equipment, construction products, automotive, aerospace, etc.?

Perhaps you need a partner who can take over as many of your tasks as possible in the field of production, assembly, supply chain management and logistics. Or rather a partner who can support you by supplying sub-modules and modules. Or even a partner who can help you to engineer new products…

In the Business Guide of the metalworking sector you will discover at a glance a unique list of more than 250 suppliers who are all Agoria members. You will surely find what you need since these companies offer solutions to virtually every economic sector. And today it is more and more about offering total solutions (products, modules and sub-modules and/or services) adaptable to the client’s needs.

Besides all the contact details, this guide offers you a detailed overview of the production possibilities of the various suppliers.

We wish you much success finding suitable business partners and realising your projects!


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

For additional copies of the business guide: Céline Van Tendeloo T: +32 2 706 79 77 F: +32 2 706 79 66 celine.vantendeloo@agoria.be Agoria Metalworking Diamant Building, A. Reyerslaan 80 B-1030 Brussel

Up to date! For continuously updated information about Agoria’s member companies and their products & services visit www.agoria.be/members

Your contacts:

Peter Perremans

Sandra Giaquinto

T +32 2 706 89 04

T. +32 2 706 89 06

M. +32 498 91 94 74

M. +32 492 58 84 72

F. +32 2 706 79 66

F. +32 2 706 79 66

peter.perremans@agoria.be sandra.giaquinto@agoria.be

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


TOELEVERANCIERS METAALBEWERKING IN EEN OOGOPSLAG Zoekt u een toeleverancier op gebied van gieten, hogedrukgieten, verspaning, plaatwerk, oppervlaktebehandeling, thermische en/of chemische behandeling en/ of assemblage? Of een toeleverancier gespecialiseerd op gebied van machinebouw, drukapparaten, bouwproducten, automotive, aerospace,...?

Of bent u eerder op zoek naar een partner die zoveel mogelijk taken van u overneemt op gebied van productie, assemblage, aansturen van toeleveranciers en de logistiek in de keten? Of naar een partner die u ondersteunt door het aanleveren van (sub)modules? Of naar een partner die u kan ondersteunen bij de engineering van nieuwe producten?

In deze Business Guide van de sector metaal bewerking vindt u in een oogopslag een uniek aanbod van meer dan 250 toeleveranciers die lid zijn van Agoria. U vindt er zeker wat u zoekt: deze ondernemingen bieden namelijk oplossingen aan voor vrijwel alle economische sectoren. Het gaat daarbij steeds vaker om totaaloplossingen (producten, (sub)modules en/of diensten) die aangepast zijn aan de noden van de klant.

In deze gids vindt u naast alle contactgegevens ook een gedetailleerd overzicht van de productiemogelijkheden van de verschillende toeleveranciers.

We wensen u veel succes bij het vinden van de geschikte zakenpartner ĂŠn bij de realisatie van uw projecten!


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Voor extra exemplaren van deze business guide: CĂŠline Van Tendeloo T: +32 2 706 79 77 F: +32 2 706 79 66 celine.vantendeloo@agoria.be Agoria Metaalbewerking Diamant Building, A. Reyerslaan 80 B-1030 Brussel

Up to date! Voor permanent geactualiseerde informatie over de lidbedrijven van Agoria, hun producten en diensten, raadpleeg www.agoria.be/leden

Uw contactpersonen:

Peter Perremans

Sandra Giaquinto

T +32 2 706 89 04

T. +32 2 706 89 06

M. +32 498 91 94 74

M. +32 492 58 84 72

F. +32 2 706 79 66

F. +32 2 706 79 66

peter.perremans@agoria.be sandra.giaquinto@agoria.be

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


LES SOUS-TRAITANTS DE LA TRANSFORMATION DU METAL A PORTEE DE MAIN Vous recherchez un sous-traitant dans le domaine de la fonderie, du moulage sous pression, de l’usinage, de la tôlerie, du traitement de surface, du traitement thermique et/ou chimique et/ou de l’assemblage ? Ou un sous-traitant spécialisé dans le domaine de la construction mécanique, des équipements sous pression, des produits de construction, de l’automobile, de l’aérospatiale, … ?

Ou vous êtes plutôt à la recherche d’un partenaire qui prend en charge un maximum de tâches dans les domaines de la production, de l’assemblage, de la gestion des sous-traitants et de la logistique dans la chaîne ? Ou un partenaire qui vous épaule en vous fournissant des (sous-)modules ? Ou encore un partenaire qui peut vous soutenir dans le développement de nouveaux produits ?

Dans le Business Guide du secteur de la transformation du métal, vous trouverez en un clin d’œil une offre unique de plus de 250 sous-traitants qui sont membres d’Agoria. Vous y trouverez certainement votre bonheur : ces entreprises offrent en effet des solutions pour quasiment tous les secteurs économiques. A cet égard, il s’agit de plus en plus souvent de solutions totales (produits, (sous-)modules et/ou services) qui sont adaptées aux besoins du client.

Dans ce guide, vous trouverez, outre toutes les coordonnées, un aperçu détaillé des possibilités de production des différents sous-traitants.

Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de succès dans votre recherche du bon partenaire et dans la réalisation de vos projets !


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Pour des exemplaires supplementaires de ce business guide: Céline Van Tendeloo T: +32 2 706 79 77 F: +32 2 706 79 66 celine.vantendeloo@agoria.be Agoria Transformation du métal Diamant Building, A. Reyerslaan 80 B-1030 Brussel

Up to date! Pour obtenir des informations actualisées en permanence sur les entreprises membres d’Agoria, leurs produits et services, rendez-vous sur www.agoria.be/membres

Vos contacts:

Peter Perremans

Sandra Giaquinto

T +32 2 706 89 04

T. +32 2 706 89 06

M. +32 498 91 94 74

M. +32 492 58 84 72

F. +32 2 706 79 66

F. +32 2 706 79 66

peter.perremans@agoria.be sandra.giaquinto@agoria.be

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members



One word, one proposal, AVD is at your disposal AVD was established in 1982 by a group of engineers with more than 20 years experience in heavy industry and railway industry. As one of our customers, you therefore stand to benefit from our extensive know-how in research and retailing of industrial drive components and of composite insulation materials for electrical and thermal engineering and industrial plain bearings.

AVD werd in 1982 opgericht door een groep ingenieurs met meer dan 20 jaar ervaring in zware industrie en spoorwegmateriaal. Zo profiteert u als klant nog steeds van onze uitgebreide knowhow in de studie en de verkoop van industriële aandrijfcomponenten, van composietisolatiematerialen voor de industrie in het algemeen (waaronder elektrotechniek en industriële glijlagermaterialen). AVD heeft bovendien de “beste fabrikanten” geselecteerd voor alle onderdelen uit ons gamma op dat is van een grondige ander. AVD biedt u een klantenservice die 24 uur per dag ter plaatse ter beschikking staat van haar klanten. U merkt dat, AVD resoluut kiest voor een klantgerichte aanpak, waarin service en kwaliteit centraal staan. Omdat wij ervan overtuigd zijn dat alleen met tevreden klanten een boeiende en bestendige relatie kan worden opgebouwd. Eén woord, één gebaar en AVD staat klaar !

AVD a été créée en 1982 par un groupe d’ingénieurs ayant plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans les secteurs de l’industrie lourde et du matériel de transport ferroviaire. Vous bénéficiez, en tant que client, encore directement de cette expérience dans l’étude et la vente d’organes de transmission industrielle, de matériaux composites d’isolation pour l’industrie en général. AVD a l’avantage d’avoir réussi à réunir les meilleurs fabricants pour tous les composants de sa gamme. Nous vous garantissons une qualité optimale. AVD, à l’écoute et au service de sa clientèle, a créé un service après-vente capable d’intervenir sur site 24h/24h. Vous le remarquerez, AVD opte résolument pouxr une démarche où service et qualité sont au centre de ses préoccupations. Parce que nous sommes convaincus que seuls des clients satisfaits créent des relations passionnantes et durables. Un mot, un geste, AVD fait le reste.

Furthermore, following extensive research, we have selected only the best manufacturers for all the components in our range. Therefore we can guarantee you the highest possible quality. AVD offers you an after-sales service that is at your disposal 24 hours a day. You will see that AVD is the best choice for a client-oriented approach where both service and quality are of paramount importance. Because we are convinced that only satisfied customers based on a long-term relationship can build a mutual prosperous future. One word, one proposal, AVD is at your disposal !

Rue du Bosquet 35 - Z.I. Nivelles Sud II B-1402 Nivelles T: +32 (0)67 49 37 40 F: +32 (0)67 44 25 34


3M stelt nieuw assortiMent Power tools voor! 3M Power Tools voor Metaalbewerking De Pneumatische Mini Haakse Slijper heeft een werkhoek van 97°. Door de smalle kop van de machine heeft de gebruiker altijd optimaal zich op het werkstuk. Ze zijn speciaal geschikt voor gebruik in combinatie met het Roloc snel-wissel-systeem van 3M. De Pneumatische Rechte Slijper is speciaal geschikt om te gebruiken met 3M wielen en borstels op stift of met een 3M™ Roloc+™ aansluiting. De rechte 3M, Scotch, Post-it, Scotchgard, Thinsulate en Scotch-Brite zijn handelsmerken van 3M Company.

slijper is speciaal ontwikkeld voor uw polijst-, ontbraam- en reinigingswerkzaamheden.

3M Power Tools


De 3M Power Tools hebben sinds hun

Zodra u het pneumatische schuursysteem

introductie in snel tempo de markt

van 3M gebruikt voelt u het verschil. Elk

De Pneumatische Doorslijpmachines.

veroverd. Het assortiment wordt constant

onderdeel is zo ontworpen en optimaal

Alle modellen hebben een krachtige 1pk

verder uitgebreid. De volgende toestellen

afgestemd waardoor u op praktisch elk

motor om de snijprestatie te optimali-

zijn nu beschikbaar op de markt.

oppervlak een beter resultaat bereikt.

seren van de 3M Cut-off Wheels. Het

Deze machines zijn beschikbaar in drie

compacte design en de ingebouwde

3M PneuMaTische

verschillende uitvoeringen: zonder stof-

veiligheidskenmerken maken


afzuiging, centrale stofafzuiging en geïn-

deze toestellen ideaal voor elke taak.


tegreerde stofafzuiging. In verschillende

3M™ Greptile™ zorgt voor een veili-

afmetingen: Diameter 76mm, 127mm en

gere en stevigere houvast. De draaibare


150mm of 76mm x 102mm

uitlaat zorgt voor een luchtuitstroom in

Het nieuwe gamma van pneumatische

En met 3 verschillende uitslagen: 2,5mm

de richting die u verkiest. De 3M™ Air-

excentrische schuurmachines is ontwor-

voor fijne afwerking, 5mm voor alge-

Powered Cut-off Wheel Tool (76mm en

pen met een indrukwekkende kracht/ge-

mene toepassingen en 8 mm agressiever

105mm) is speciaal ontworpen voor

wicht ratio voor uitstekende schuurpres-

of voor grote oppervlakken.

gebruik met de nieuwe 3M™ Green

taties en biedt meer gebruiksgemak, een

Om de toepassingsmogelijkheden

Corps™ doorslijpsschijven. Bovendien

preciezere hantering, superieur comfort

van het systeem maximaal te maken,

beschikt u over de kracht en performan-

en veiligheid voor de gebruiker.

biedt 3M een uitgebreid assortiment

tie om uw werk sneller af te krijgen met

schuurschijven voor een groot aantal

een beter resultaat!


toepassingen. 3M biedt hiermee een zeer

De verhoogde prestaties van de 3M

compleet, professioneel schuursysteem,

schuurmaterialen in samenwerking

waarvan alle onderdelen perfect op

met de kracht en de duurzaamheid van

elkaar zijn afgestemd. Met deze uitge-

een pneumatisch excentrisch roterende

kiende, ijzersterke totaaloplossing kun-

3M Belgium N.V./S.A.

3M schuurmachine resulteren tot een

nen de beste schuurresultaten behaald

Abrasive Systems Division

gladde, consistente finish, een duurzamer

worden alsook een hogere productiviteit

Hermeslaan 7 - 1831 Diegem

schuurresultaat, met als gevolg een

en dit op een veilige en comfortabele

Tel. 02 722 51 22 - Fax 02 722 50 12

verhoogde productiviteit.




Precision Measuring solutions manufacturing equipment. ADE-Microsense sensors provide sub-nanometer resolution at a fraction of the cost of distance measuring interferometers. High vacuum compatible capacitance sensors are ideal for linear position sensing in scanning electron microscope (SEM) and focused ion beam (FIB) systems.

MARTEK bvba is “the “ specialist importer company for precision sensors, linear and angular encoders, inspection instrumentation, digital readouts and probing systems for machinetools. The company was founded in Brussels in february 1979. At MARTEK you will find high precision and industrial dimensional sensors: from millimetre to sub-nanometre resolution. We supply to the widest range of industrial and high-tech companies as well as universities in BENELUX. SOME OF OUR PRODUCTS: ACUITY (USA) Laser distance measurement sensors & line scanner. Acuity develops advanced CCD laser distance sensors and measurement systems for industrial applications. The capabilities include range measurements from meters to microns. ADE (USA) - Microsense High resolution capacitance gauges & sensors, also for vacuum. ADE-Microsense capacitance sensors are ideal for linear position sensing and ultra-high resolution servo system feedback as in waferlithography systems, auto-focus mechanisms, nanopositioning stages, metrology tools and flat panel display

AMO (AT) Inductive linear & rotary encoders. This new generation is used in applications involving precision indexing tables, swivel axes or generally as a motor feedback system in connection with direct drives and is suitable for high speeds. Z-Theta encoders are customized for your hightech applications. FEINMESS DRESDEN (DE) Precision linear & rotary stages. The product group Positioning Systems covers products designed for users in the semi- conductor industry, gauging and measuring engineering industry, machine engineering, optical industry, R&D. The product line includes linear units upto 515 mm of travel, as well as rotating units upto 500 mm in diameter. m&h INPROCESS MESSTECHNIK (DE) Precision spindle probes with radiowave or infrared transmission. m&h is among the most technically advanced companies in the machine tool metrology industry. World class companies depend on the accuracy of m&h probes to maintain quality in production. The patented high precision measuring mechanism uses a “half ball” principle. Because of this we are able to maintain absolute repeatability of the zero position of the stylus guaranteeing equal trigger characteristics in all directions and superior measuring results. Due to the superior accuracy of the zero position, high speed one touch probing is standard.

MICROE SYSTEMS (USA) Reflective high resolution compact optical encoders. The Mercury encoder family of programmable, digital, analog and vacuum models has developed to the most advanced small encoder product line on the market. Every encoder shares a miniature sensor for dramatic space savings and Smart-Precision electronics for 30-second alignment and setup. There are resolution ranges for every application and all encoders are available in linear or rotary styles with many glass scale choices as well as the new precision tape to complete your design. NüSSlER PRECISION (CH) Development & production of styli for CMM & machinetool probes. The expertise in stylus development and production ensures tailored solutions to customer specific measuring applications. Standards are from stock and specials can be manufactured in very short time. TR-ElECTRONIC (DE) Industrial absolute rotary & linear encoders. TR-Electronic is a world leader for absolute encoders, providing a total range of programmable encoders with several types of outputs. Absolute and incremental rotary encoders are the industrial standard for position measurement. Linear absolute position sensors know absolutely the machine position, from microns to kilometers.

MARTEK sprl Avenue René Comhaire 82 1082 Brussels - Belgium T: +32 2 467 00 40 - F: + 32 2 467 00 49 www.martek.be - info@martek.be


we catalyse your growth

You are continually updating your product range, and at the same time you keep costs strictly under control. That’s how you reinforce your market position - and that’s how you grow. And this is where OCAS can help you. We are the most innovative research centre in Europe, specialising in applications for steel and other metals. Whether you manufacture machines or steel furniture, domestic appliances or profiles, motors or generators, we can help you maintain that leading edge and forge ahead of the competition. Take our Rapid Prototyping service for example. From a CAD drawing to a finished prototype in the metal of your choice, in just a few hours. And at a very affordable price. That is a typical example of our service: we offer advanced technological research and solutions that really help you get ahead. We catalyse your growth. Tailor-made R&D services Our customer-oriented approach leads to advanced research for value creation and cost reduction through innovative solutions. OCAS has a vast experience

in optimising process efficiency, developing alloys, improving in-use properties, enhance aesthetics of coatings and designs or enriching applications by introducing surface functionalities in various markets.

• •

Typical examples Our experts in metal processing and metal applications offer smart and competitive solutions for the most challenging needs. Some examples of recent projects: • Prediction and reduction of thermal warping of a baking tray • Modelling and solving vortex induced vibrations of sub-marine pipelines • Improvement of electric motor efficiency thanks to the development of low loss grades • Rapid prototyping of a refrigerator back panel to shorten customer’s time-to-market • Implementation of an environmentally friendly passivation pre-treatment • Cost-reducing re-design of an electrical cabinet

OCAS is a joint venture of ArcelorMittal and the Flemish Region.

Risk assessment of welding fumes Weight reduction thanks to redesign of an agri-tipper Smart use of high strength steel to reduce the weight of a spare wheel carrier

Phone or e-mail us for further information or an appointment.

OCAS Pres. J.F. Kennedylaan 3, 9060 Zelzate T: +32(9)345.12.11 www.ocas.be - services@ocas.be


MAZOUT, ABSOLUUT DE WARMSTE! MAZOUT, CHALEUR ABSOLUE! acteur majeur à l’échelle mondiale, assurant par conséquent une garantie totale, tant en quantité qu’en qualité. AGORIA a conclu un accord particulier avec Q8 CALPAM pour offrir aux membres de la fédération des conditions préférentielles pour l’achat de Gasoil Chauffage, Gasoil Extra et Diesel, pour vous et votre personnel. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour connaître vos conditions “sur mesure”. Een Q8 Calpam tankwagen - un camion-citerne de Q8 Calpam

Al meer dan 30 jaar draagt Q8 CALPAM bij tot het comfort van duizenden gezinnen, instellingen en industriële ondernemingen door hun bevoorrading van huisbrandolie, diesel en andere brandstoffen van hoge kwaliteit te garanderen. Q8 CALPAM is een volwaardig filiaal van KUWAIT PETROLEUM, een wereldwijd opererend olieconcern, dat een totale garantie, zowel qua kwaliteit als qua kwantiteit verzekert. AGORIA heeft met Q8 CALPAM een exclusieve partnerovereenkomst aangegaan waarbij u als lid kan genieten van voordelige voorwaarden op de aankoop van brandstoffen in bulkleveringen zoals Gasolie Verwarming, Gasolie Extra en Diesel, voor u en uw personeel. Contacteer ons vandaag om uw voorwaarden ‘op maat’ te kennen. U heeft een voorkeur voor geavanceerde technologieën? Kies voor HiQ Mazout! Voortaan hebben onze klanten de

keuze tussen traditionele stookolie en HiQ Mazout (HiQ staat voor High Quality), een product dat dankzij exclusieve additieven kwaliteitsvolle voordelen biedt: - betere en milieuvriendelijkere verbranding; - beter rendement en dus een lagere consumptie; - betere bescherming van uw installatie en van het milieu; - meer comfort dankzij een frisse en aangename geur. Natuurlijk is HiQ Mazout compatibel met alle conventionele installaties en kan het zonder probleem vermengd worden met standaardstookolie.

Vous êtes fan de technologies de pointe? Optez pour le mazout HiQ! Désormais, nos clients ont le choix entre mazout traditionnel et mazout HiQ –High Quality– présentant, grâce à des additifs exclusifs, des avantages hautement qualitatifs : - une combustion plus complète et plus propre - un meilleur rendement et donc une consommation réduite - une meilleure protection de votre installation et de l’environnement - plus de confort grâce à une odeur fraîche et agréable. Notre mazout HiQ est compatible avec toutes les installations conventionnelles et peut être mélangé sans problème à du mazout standard.

Depuis plus de 30 ans, Q8 CALPAM contribue au bien-être de milliers de ménages, de collectivités et d’entreprises industrielles en assurant leur approvisionnement en gasoil de chauffage, diesel routier et autres carburants de haute qualité.

M. Velghe Wim 310 Vilvoordselaan /Avenue de Vilvorde 1130 Bruxelles/Brussel T: 02/268 10 16 - F: 02/268 73 44 GSM 0498 58 11 97

Q8 CALPAM est une filiale à part entière de KUWAIT PETROLEUM,

sales.brussels@calpam.be www.calpam.be

Think Aluminium Think BOAL Extrusie, nabewerking en oppervlaktebehandeling Wij regelen alles voor U! Boal-Belgium Drieslaan 29 8560 Moorsele T:+32 (0)56 43 84 40 F:+32 (0)56 41 52 44 salesBB@boalgroup.com www.boalgroup.com

With APC Back-UPS, your digital life goes on... even when the power goes off.

Keep your electronics up and your energy use down!

Netherlands Lange Dreef 15e, 4131 NJ Vianen +31 (0)800 0232509 Belgium Paepsem Business Park Blvd Paepsemlaan 18, Anderlecht B-1070 +32 (0)800 40677 Germany Elsenheimerstrasse 47a, 80687 MĂźnchen and Hermann-Klammt-Strasse 7, D-41460 Neuss +49 (0)800 1010067

Allard-Europe nv Veedijk 51 • B-2300 Turnhout tel.: +32 14 42 11 11 fax: +32 14 42 52 00 info@allard-europe.com www.allard-europe.com

2010 Business Guide

Belgische toeleveranciers metaalbewerking Sous-traitants belges de la transformation du mĂŠtal Belgian metalworking suppliers www.agoria.be



Transport & logistics

✓ ✓

Other process industry (Iron &steel, wood, paper, glass, ... )

Textile Industry

✓ ✓

Other equipment industry ( machine tools,heavy machinery, ... )


Paper, rubber, plastics & fibre processing

Oil & Gas

Medical / Health care


Infrastructure projects

Food processing

✓ ✓

Environmental market


✓ ✓


Consumer goods

Aluwiel, NV

✓ ✓



Allard-Europe, NV

Chemical industry

3M Belgium

Aerospace & avionics

1. Markets

Amo-Bihl, NV

Ampco Metal, SA

Aro Welding Technologies, SA

ATVE Signalling, SA

✓ ✓

Beerse Metaalwerken, NV

Bekaert Advanced Coatings, NV

Belgcast, SA

Bermeca Maintenance, SA

Betafence, NV BMTech Kortrijk, NV

✓ ✓

BMTech, NV

Britte, SA

Buyse Decolletage, NV

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

Callens Willy, NV ✓

Carbone +, SA

Citybel, NV

✓ ✓

Claeys Alidor (Gieterijen en Werkhuizen), NV

✓ ✓

Cloostermans-Huwaert D., NV

✓ ✓

Close, Division Gainair, SA


Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénierie, SA Continental Tank Contractors, NV

✓ ✓

CSN Chrome, SA

✓ ✓

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Crosby Europe, NV


Carwall, SA

Clayton of Belgium, NV

By-Cast, NV Capaul, SA

✓ ✓

Decloedt-Decov, NV


Other process industry (Iron &steel, wood, paper, glass, ... )

Other equipment industry ( machine tools,heavy machinery, ... )

Transport & logistics

Textile Industry


Paper, rubber, plastics & fibre processing

Oil & Gas


Medical / Health care

Food processing

De Meyer M. & Mergan J., SPRL

Infrastructure projects

Culobel, NV

Environmental market



Consumer goods

Chemical industry



Aerospace & avionics

1. Markets

Degamétal, SPRL

Demarbre (Ateliers), SA

Deprest Armand (Werkhuizen), NV Donaldson Europe, BVBA

✓ ✓

Dovre, NV

Europlasma, NV

Europtubes Inox, SA

Fabricom Maintenance, NV

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Falimeca, SA

Fallais G. (Fonderie), SA

Ferromatrix, NV

Fidomatic, BVBA FLR Industrielle, SA

Forges et Estampage Meuse, SCRL

François (Etabl.), SPRL

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Galva Power Group, NV

✓ ✓

Gemaco, SA ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Galvanisation du Condroz

Greif Belgium, BVBA

✓ ✓

G & G International, NV

Gondrexon Industrie, NV

✓ ✓ ✓

Freyssinet Belgium, NV

Graux Ateliers, SA

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

Fabriressort, SA

Europtubes, SA ✓

✓ ✓

Fabricom Industrie Sud, SA

EscoTurbine Technologies-Belgium, SPRL

✓ ✓

EMG Tilco, NV

✓ ✓

Duroc, NV

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Haver Belgium, SA

Hertel Industrial Sealings, NV

Holvrieka, NV Imeco, SA

✓ ✓

Iso-Calor, SA

Jaegerson, NV

Jonckheere Subcontracting, NV Kanigen Works Benelux, NV

✓ ✓

Komec Helsen, NV LayerWise, NV

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

LCMC, Low Cost Manufacturing Company, NV

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Magotteaux Liège, SA

✓ ✓

Malmar, NV

Marc-Gérard, SA

✓ ✓

Magolux, SA Malex, SA

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Mecacier Biebuyck Lessines, SA

Mécamold, SA

Mecanelec Industries, SA Mekanische Konstruktie Baudoin, NV

Mertens & Verhulsel (Etabl.), SPRL


✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Metalen Huysmans, NV

➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

✓ ✓

Métal Déployé Belge, SA

Belgian metalworking suppliers

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

Metaalbewerking Het Zuiden België, NV Metafor, NV

Matec, NV Mazzéo (Ets.), SA

✓ ✓

Limburgse Galvanisatie en Electro-Beton, NV Longrée (Nouvelles Forges), SA

✓ ✓

Levin Henri (Etabl.), BVBA LGTB, NV


Other process industry (Iron &steel, wood, paper, glass, ... )

Other equipment industry ( machine tools,heavy machinery, ... )

Transport & logistics

Textile Industry


Paper, rubber, plastics & fibre processing

Oil & Gas

Medical / Health care


Infrastructure projects

Environmental market



Consumer goods

Chemical industry


Food processing

Hainaut-Carlier (Société Nouvelle), SA


Aerospace & avionics

1. Markets

✓ ✓

Mitracowall, GIE

Mustad (Etabl.), SA

NedCoat Ninove, NV

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

News de Saint Moulin, SPRL

No-Leak, NV Oerlikon Balzers Coating Benelux, NV-SA

✓ ✓

Omco International, NV Ortmans


Other process industry (Iron &steel, wood, paper, glass, ... )

Other equipment industry ( machine tools,heavy machinery, ... )

Transport & logistics

Textile Industry

Meuse (Les Aciéries de la), SA


Paper, rubber, plastics & fibre processing

Oil & Gas


Food processing

Medical / Health care

Environmental market

Infrastructure projects



Consumer goods

Chemical industry


Métaux Emboutis, SA


Aerospace & avionics

1. Markets

✓ ✓

Parts & Components, NV

Pedeo, NV Penne, NV

✓ ✓

Peruweld, SA

PI Components, NV

Pommee, SA

✓ ✓

Poperinge Metal Construction, NV

Pour Demain, ASBL

Precical, SA

Précimétal, Fonderie de Précision, SA

✓ ✓ ✓

Provan, BVBA

Punch Metals, NV

✓ ✓

Saey, NV

Shapes Subcontracting, NV

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Slabinck Laser Products, NV Sogex-Erem, SA

Sertip Charleroi, SA

Shur-Lok International, SA

✓ ✓

Rem. B (Remanufacturing Beerse), NV

Settas, Société Européenne des Technologies du Titane et des Alliages Spéciaux, SA

✓ ✓

Profilsteel, SA

Riskin (Gieterijen), NV

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Steel Service Center Bree, NV

Surface Treatment Company, BVBA


Tamco, SPRL

✓ ✓

Temeka, SPRL

Timmerman (Gebroeders), NV

Tools & Dies, NV

Trailer Construction Grobbendonk, NV

Trislot, NV

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Union (Usine), SA

✓ ✓

Union Electric Steel, BVBA

✓ ✓

Vadeb-Witzenmann, NV

Valmetal, SA

van Londen Gieterij, NV

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Verbruggen G. (Constructiewerkhuizen), NV

Vergalle, NV Visserie Guerry, SA-NV

Vlassenroot, NV

Vossen A. & Schaus S. (Ateliers de Constructions Métalliques), SPRL

Vyncke Energietechniek, NV

✓ ✓

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Weweler-Colaert, NV

Welders, NV


Other process industry (Iron &steel, wood, paper, glass, ... )

Struyf, NV

Wema, NV

Other equipment industry ( machine tools,heavy machinery, ... )

Transport & logistics

Textile Industry


Paper, rubber, plastics & fibre processing

Oil & Gas


Medical / Health care

Infrastructure projects

Food processing

Environmental market



Consumer goods

Chemical industry

Steelandt (Toeleveringsbedrijf), NV Stewal, NV-SA



Aerospace & avionics

1. Markets

✓ ✓ ✓


Ampco Metal, SA

Aro Welding Technologies, SA

ATVE Signalling, SA

Beerse Metaalwerken, NV

Bermeca Maintenance, SA BMTech Kortrijk, NV

Citybel, NV

Cloostermans-Huwaert D., NV

Close, Division Gainair, SA Constructiewerkhuizen G. Verbruggen, NV

✓ ✓ ✓

Degamétal, SPRL

Duroc, NV

EMG Tilco, NV

Etabl. François, SPRL

Etabl. Mertens & Verhulsel, SPRL

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Fabriressort, SA

✓ ✓

Ferromatrix, NV FLR Industrielle, SA

✓ ✓

Europtubes, SA Fabricom Industrie Sud, SA

CSN Chrome, SA

Europtubes Inox, SA

Capaul, SA

Culobel, NV

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Buyse Decolletage, NV Callens Willy, NV

Logistic services

Services - coordination network of suppliers

Maintenance and repair


3M Belgium Advanced Coating, SA





2. Position in supply chain

✓ ✓

Fonderie G. Fallais, SA Freyssinet Belgium, NV

Galva Power Group, NV

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Imeco, SA

Logistic services

Services - coordination network of suppliers

Maintenance and repair


✓ ✓


Gebroeders Timmerman, NV General Tank Cleaning, BVBA Iso-Calor, SA

Jonckheere Subcontracting, NV

Komec Helsen, NV

LayerWise, NV


Limburgse Galvanisatie en Electro-Beton, NV

✓ ✓

Malcourant Mécanique, SA

Malmar, NV

Mecacier Biebuyck Lessines, SA

✓ ✓

Mecanelec Industries, SA

Mecaproducts, SA

Mekanische Konstruktie Baudoin, NV

Metafor, NV

Metal Aarschot, NV

Métaux Emboutis, SA

Multi Services Découpe, SA

Mustad, SA-NV

No-Leak, NV

Oerlikon Balzers Coating Benelux, NV-SA

Omco International, NV

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Précimétal, SA

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

✓ ✓

Pommee, SA

Saey, NV

✓ ✓

Polyvision, NV ✓

✓ ✓

Provan, BVBA

Peruweld, SA

Precical, SA

Parts & Components, NV Pedeo, NV

Ortmans, SA





2. Position in supply chain

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Slabinck Laser Products, NV

Société Nouvelle Hainaut-Carlier, SA

Maintenance and repair


✓ ✓ ✓

Steel Service Center Bree, NV

Logistic services

Services - coordination network of suppliers

Sertip Charleroi, SA Shapes Subcontracting, NV





2. Position in supply chain

Stewal, NV-SA

Struyf, NV

✓ ✓

Tamco, SPRL

Temeka, SPRL

Tools & Dies, NV

Trailer Construction Grobbendonk, NV

Vadeb-Witzenmann, NV

Vlassenroot, NV Welders, NV

Wema, NV

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Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Advanced Coating, SA


✓ ✓

Aro Welding Technologies, SA

Bermeca Maintenance, SA BMTech Kortrijk, NV

Capaul, SA

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Fabriressort, SA

Ferromatrix, NV FLR Industrielle, SA Fonderie G. Fallais, SA

Freyssinet Belgium, NV

✓ ✓

Special alloys (eg for nuclear, aviation,…applications)

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

General Tank Cleaning, BVBA

➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Gebroeders Timmerman, NV

Belgian metalworking suppliers

✓ ✓

Fabricom Industrie Sud, SA

Europtubes, SA

✓ ✓

Culobel, NV

✓ ✓

Europtubes Inox, SA

✓ ✓

Etabl. Mertens & Verhulsel, SPRL

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Etabl. François, SPRL


✓ ✓

Copper and alloys

✓ ✓

Aluminium and alloys

✓ ✓

EMG Tilco, NV

✓ ✓

Constructiewerkhuizen G. Verbruggen, NV

Duroc, NV

✓ ✓

CSN Chrome, SA Degamétal, SPRL

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

Citybel, NV ✓

Stainless steel

Treatable steel ✓

Close, Division Gainair, SA


Ordinary steel ✓

Callens Willy, NV

Cloostermans-Huwaert D., NV

Buyse Decolletage, NV


ATVE Signalling, SA

over 5000 pieces

Ampco Metal, SA

Beerse Metaalwerken, NV

from 1000 to 5000 pieces

from 100 to 1000 pieces

from 1 to 100 pieces

per unit


3. Applicable Series and Materials

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Jonckheere Subcontracting, NV

LayerWise, NV


✓ ✓

Malcourant Mécanique, SA

Malmar, NV

✓ ✓

Special alloys (eg for nuclear, aviation,…applications)


✓ ✓

Copper and alloys

Aluminium and alloys

Stainless steel

Treatable steel

✓ ✓

Komec Helsen, NV

Limburgse Galvanisatie en Electro-Beton, NV


over 5000 pieces

from 1000 to 5000 pieces

from 100 to 1000 pieces

from 1 to 100 pieces

per unit ✓

Iso-Calor, SA

Ordinary steel

Imeco, SA


3. Applicable Series and Materials

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Mecacier Biebuyck Lessines, SA

Mecanelec Industries, SA

Mecaproducts, SA

Mekanische Konstruktie Baudoin, NV

Metafor, NV

✓ ✓

Metal Aarschot, NV

Métaux Emboutis, SA

✓ ✓

Multi Services Découpe, SA Mustad, SA-NV No-Leak, NV Oerlikon Balzers Coating Benelux, NV-SA

Omco International, NV Ortmans, SA

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Pedeo, NV ✓

Pommee, SA

Precical, SA

Polyvision, NV

✓ ✓

Précimétal, SA Provan, BVBA

Saey, NV

Sertip Charleroi, SA

Parts & Components, NV Peruweld, SA

✓ ✓

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Société Nouvelle Hainaut-Carlier, SA Steel Service Center Bree, NV Stewal, NV-SA

Struyf, NV

Tamco, SPRL

✓ ✓

Tools & Dies, NV

✓ ✓

Vlassenroot, NV Wema, NV


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Visserie Guerry, SA-NV Welders, NV

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Vadeb-Witzenmann, NV

Temeka, SPRL Trailer Construction Grobbendonk, NV

Special alloys (eg for nuclear, aviation,…applications)


Stainless steel

Copper and alloys

Treatable steel

Aluminium and alloys

over 5000 pieces

Ordinary steel

from 1000 to 5000 pieces

Slabinck Laser Products, NV


from 1 to 100 pieces ✓

Shapes Subcontracting, NV

from 100 to 1000 pieces

per unit


3. Applicable Series and Materials

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

3M Belgium


ISO/TS 16949 (automotive)


ISO 9001


weight over 20 tons

weight between 1 and 20 tons

weight below 1 ton


largest dimension > 3 m

largest dimension from 1 m to 3 m

largest dimension from 100 mm to 1 m

largest dimension < 100 mm


4. Dimensions Weight Quality

Advanced Coating, SA


Ampco Metal, SA

Aro Welding Technologies, SA

ATVE Signalling, SA

✓ ✓

Beerse Metaalwerken, NV ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

Callens Willy, NV

Capaul, SA

✓ ✓

Cloostermans-Huwaert D., NV

Close, Division Gainair, SA

Citybel, NV

Buyse Decolletage, NV

✓ ✓

BMTech Kortrijk, NV

✓ ✓

Bermeca Maintenance, SA

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Constructiewerkhuizen G. Verbruggen, NV

CSN Chrome, SA

Culobel, NV

Degamétal, SPRL

✓ ✓

Duroc, NV

✓ ✓

Etabl. François, SPRL

EMG Tilco, NV

Etabl. Mertens & Verhulsel, SPRL

Europtubes Inox, SA

Europtubes, SA

Fabricom Industrie Sud, SA

Fabriressort, SA

Ferromatrix, NV

FLR Industrielle, SA

Fonderie G. Fallais, SA Freyssinet Belgium, NV Galva Power Group, NV

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Gebroeders Timmerman, NV

Imeco, SA

Iso-Calor, SA

Komec Helsen, NV

LayerWise, NV


Malcourant Mécanique, SA

✓ ✓

Mekanische Konstruktie Baudoin, NV

✓ ✓

Multi Services Découpe, SA

Mustad, SA-NV

No-Leak, NV

Oerlikon Balzers Coating Benelux, NV-SA


ISO/TS 16949 (automotive)

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Peruweld, SA

Polyvision, NV

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Precical, SA

Précimétal, SA

Provan, BVBA

➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Parts & Components, NV

Belgian metalworking suppliers

Ortmans, SA

Saey, NV

Métaux Emboutis, SA

Sertip Charleroi, SA


ISO 9001 ✓

Omco International, NV


Pommee, SA

✓ ✓

Mecanelec Industries, SA

Pedeo, NV

Mecaproducts, SA

Metal Aarschot, NV

Metafor, NV

✓ ✓

Malmar, NV Mecacier Biebuyck Lessines, SA

weight over 20 tons

weight between 1 and 20 tons

weight below 1 ton


General Tank Cleaning, BVBA

Jonckheere Subcontracting, NV


largest dimension > 3 m

largest dimension from 1 m to 3 m

largest dimension from 100 mm to 1 m

largest dimension < 100 mm


4. Dimensions Weight Quality

Shapes Subcontracting, NV ✓

Struyf, NV

✓ ✓

Trailer Construction Grobbendonk, NV

Visserie Guerry, SA-NV

Vlassenroot, NV

Welders, NV ✓


ISO/TS 16949 (automotive)


ISO 9001


weight over 20 tons

weight between 1 and 20 tons

✓ ✓

Tools & Dies, NV Vadeb-Witzenmann, NV

weight below 1 ton ✓

✓ ✓

Tamco, SPRL ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Wema, NV

Stewal, NV-SA


✓ ✓

Steel Service Center Bree, NV

Temeka, SPRL

largest dimension > 3 m

Slabinck Laser Products, NV Société Nouvelle Hainaut-Carlier, SA

largest dimension from 1 m to 3 m

largest dimension from 100 mm to 1 m

largest dimension < 100 mm


4. Dimensions Weight Quality

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Belgcast, SA

By-Cast, NV

Citybel, NV

Gieterijen en Werkhuizen Alidor Claeys, NV

Ijzer & Metaalgieterij De Sweemer, NV

Decloedt-Decov, NV


Dovre, NV


EscoTurbine Technologies-Belgium, SPRL

Fonderie G. Fallais, SA

Ferromatrix, NV

Magolux, SA

Magotteaux Liège, SA

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Fonderies J. Marichal Ketin & Cie, SA

✓ ✓

Mécamold, SA Les Aciéries de la Meuse, SA

✓ ✓

Omco International, NV

Aciéries Somville, SA

van Londen Gieterij, NV

✓ ✓

Gieterijen Riskin, NV

✓ ✓

Settas, SA

Walcast, SA


✓ ✓

Savimétal A.G., SA

Pedeo, NV Précimétal, SA

Mg, Ni, Sn, Pb, etc.





Aluwiel, NV

Nonferrous foundries

Other cast iron grades

Vermicular cast iron

Alloyed cast iron

White cast iron

Other cast steel grades

Spheroidal graphite cast iron (nodular, ductile, SG)

Cast low alloy steel (less than 6% alloy content)

Grey lamellate cast iron

High alloy cast steel (over 6% alloy content)

Iron foundries

High Mn alloy cast steel, wear resitant

Allard-Europe, NV

Standard carbon cast steel (not alloyed)

Steel Foundries

5. Foundries

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

✓ ✓

Akers Belgium, SA

Armasteel, SA

Betafence, NV

Con-Pac, BVBA

Corus Packaging Plus Belgium, NV

Crosby Europe, NV

De Meyer M. & Mergan J., SPRL

Fabriressort, SA


Flowell International, SA

FLR Industrielle, SA

Forges et Estampage Meuse, SCRL

Gantois Belgium, SA

Gondrexon Industrie, NV

Société Nouvelle Hainaut-Carlier, SA

Haver Belgium, SA

Hexcel Composites, SPRL

✓ ✓

Nouvelles Forges Longrée, SA

Longtain, SA Marc-Gérard, SA

✓ ✓

Métal Déployé Belge, SA

Mosacier, SA

No-Leak, NV

✓ ✓

Profilsteel, SA

Saey, NV Shur-Lok International, SA

Gemaco, SA

Etabl. Levin Henri, BVBA

Tubes, sections and strip products


Bolts and nuts

Die Forging


Finishing of steel products

Wire cloth and wire netting, screens, fences and steel for concrete

Nails, screws and rivets

6. Forgings Bolts Nuts Springs

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


TubeMeuse-Industries, SA-NV

Union Electric Steel, BVBA

Vergalle, NV Visserie Guerry, SA-NV Vlassenroot, NV Weweler-Colaert, NV


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Tubes, sections and strip products


Bolts and nuts

Die Forging


Finishing of steel products

Wire cloth and wire netting, screens, fences and steel for concrete

Nails, screws and rivets

6. Forgings Bolts Nuts Springs

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓


Amo-Bihl, NV

Anbuma, NV

Britte, SA

By-Cast, NV

Callens Willy, NV

Carbone +, SA

Ateliers Caucheteux, SPRL

Gieterijen en Werkhuizen Alidor Claeys, NV

Clayton of Belgium, NV

Cloostermans-Huwaert D., NV


Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénierie, SA

Construction & Maintenance de Liège, SA

Continental Tank Contractors, NV

Culobel, NV

Danheux & Maroye - Travaux Publics et Privés, SA

De Meyer M. & Mergan J., SPRL

Werkhuizen Deprest Armand, NV

Entreprise Boraine de Mécanique, SA

Europtubes, SA

Europtubes Inox, SA

Fabricom Industrie Sud, SA

Fabricom Maintenance, NV

Fabriressort, SA

FBM Industrial Services, BVBA

FLR Industrielle, SA

Forges et Estampage Meuse, SCRL

G & G International, NV

Geldof Metaalconstructie, NV

General Tank Cleaning, BVBA Greif Belgium, BVBA

Miscellaneous metal articles

Household articles

Light metal packagings and containers


Boilers, pressure vessels and piping

Drums and heavy metal containers

7. Metal Products

✓ ✓

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Constructiebedrijf Ivens, NV

Las en Constructiewerken Ivens, NV

LayerWise, NV

Light metal packagings and containers

Miscellaneous metal articles

Imeco, SA

Household articles

Holvrieka, NV


Boilers, pressure vessels and piping

Drums and heavy metal containers

7. Metal Products

Etabl. Levin Henri, BVBA Matec, NV

Ets. Mazzéo, SA

Mecacier Biebuyck Lessines, SA

Mécamold, SA

Etabl. Mertens & Verhulsel, SPRL

Metafor, NV

Metagra, NV Métalfûts, SA

✓ ✓

Métaux Emboutis, SA

Metlec, SA

Mustad, SA-NV

Nitruration Moderne, SA

Oerlikon Balzers Coating Benelux, NV-SA

Omco International, NV

Optitherm, SA-NV

Ortmans, SA

Penne, NV Peruweld, SA

✓ ✓

PI Components, NV

Pommee, SA

Prakto, Theo Laureys, NV

Precical, SA Sertip Charleroi, SA

✓ ✓

Slabinck Laser Products, NV

Stewal, NV-SA Struyf, NV


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

✓ ✓

Gebroeders Timmerman, NV

Miscellaneous metal articles

Household articles

Tools & Dies, NV

Trislot, NV

TubeMeuse-Industries, SA-NV

Tuyauteries & Constructions Mosanes, SA

Usine Union, SA Vadeb-Witzenmann, NV

Light metal packagings and containers


Boilers, pressure vessels and piping

Drums and heavy metal containers

7. Metal Products

✓ ✓

Constructiewerkhuizen G. Verbruggen, NV

✓ ✓

Visserie Guerry, SA-NV

Vlassenroot, NV

ACM Vossen A. & Schaus S., SPRL

Vyncke Energietechniek, NV

Weber België, NV

Welders, NV

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


8. Machining 3M Belgium Advanced Coating, SA AMC, NV Ampco Metal, SA ATVE Signalling, SA Beerse Metaalwerken, NV Bermeca Maintenance, SA Buyse Decolletage, NV Callens Willy, NV Capaul, SA Citybel, NV Cloostermans-Huwaert D., NV CSN Chrome, SA Fabricom Industrie Sud, SA Fabricom Maintenance, NV Fabriressort, SA Fonderie G. Fallais, SA Société Nouvelle Hainaut-Carlier, SA Imeco, SA Jonckheere Subcontracting, NV Komec Helsen, NV LayerWise, NV Malcourant Mécanique, SA Malmar, NV Mecacier Biebuyck Lessines, SA Mecanelec Industries, SA Mecaproducts, SA Mekanische Konstruktie Baudoin, NV Metal Aarschot, NV Métaux Emboutis, SA Mustad, SA-NV No-Leak, NV


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

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✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

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✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

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✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

5-axis milling High speed milling Deep hole drilling

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Wire EDM

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Belgian metalworking suppliers

Gear manufacturing


Honing and lapping

Centerless grinding

Internal grinding

Cylindrical grinding

Surface grinding




4-axis milling

Maximum heigth > 1 m

Maximum heigth between 600 mm and 1 m

Maximum heigth < 600 mm

Maximum width > 1 m

Maximum width between 600 mm and 1 m

Maximum width < 600 mm

Maximum length > 1 m

Maximum length between 600 mm and 1 m

Maximum length < 600 mm


Bar turning

Turning - vertical

Turning - horizontal

Maximum length > 1 m

Maximum length between 500 mm and 1 m

Maximum length < 500 mm

Maximum diameter > 500 mm

Maximum diameter between 100 mm and 500 mm

Maximum diameter < 100 mm


3-axis milling

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓


8. Machining Omco International, NV Precical, SA Slabinck Laser Products, NV Steel Service Center Bree, NV Stewal, NV-SA Struyf, NV Tools & Dies, NV Constructiewerkhuizen G. Verbruggen, NV Vlassenroot, NV Wema, NV


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Maximum diameter between 100 mm and 500 mm

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

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✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓


Deep hole drilling ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Belgian metalworking suppliers ✓

Gear manufacturing


Honing and lapping

Centerless grinding

Internal grinding

Cylindrical grinding

Surface grinding


Wire EDM


High speed milling

5-axis milling

4-axis milling

3-axis milling

Maximum heigth > 1 m

Maximum heigth between 600 mm and 1 m

Maximum heigth < 600 mm

Maximum width > 1 m

Maximum width between 600 mm and 1 m

Maximum width < 600 mm

Maximum length > 1 m

Maximum length between 600 mm and 1 m

Maximum length < 600 mm


Bar turning

Turning - vertical

Turning - horizontal

Maximum length > 1 m

Maximum length between 500 mm and 1 m ✓

Maximum length < 500 mm

Maximum diameter > 500 mm

Maximum diameter < 100 mm

Turning ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓


9. Sheet Metal Work AMC, NV Beerse Metaalwerken, NV BMTech Kortrijk, NV Callens Willy, NV Citybel, NV Cloostermans-Huwaert D., NV Close, Division Gainair, SA Culobel, NV Degamétal, SPRL EMG Tilco, NV Europtubes, SA Fabricom Industrie Sud, SA Fabricom Maintenance, NV Fabriressort, SA FLR Industrielle, SA Etabl. François, SPRL Freyssinet Belgium, NV Société Nouvelle Hainaut-Carlier, SA Iso-Calor, SA Jonckheere Subcontracting, NV Komec Helsen, NV LayerWise, NV Malmar, NV Mecacier Biebuyck Lessines, SA Mekanische Konstruktie Baudoin, NV Etabl. Mertens & Verhulsel, SPRL Metafor, NV Métaux Emboutis, SA


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

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✓ ✓

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✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Laser cutting



Maximum diameter > 100 mm

Maximum diameter < 100 mm

Tube work

Water jet cutting

Laser cutting

Plasma cutting

Deep drawing

Metal spinning

Maximum thickness > 10 mm

Maximum thickness between 3 mm and 10 mm

Maximum thickness < 3 mm

Maximum width > 3 m

Maximum width between 1,5 m and 3 m

Maximum width < 1,5 m

Cutting by oxy-acetylene

Maximum length > 4 m

Maximum length between 2 m and 4 m

Maximum length < 2 m

Sheet work


✓ Bending

✓ ✓

➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Belgian metalworking suppliers


9. Sheet Metal Work Multi Services Découpe, SA Oerlikon Balzers Coating Benelux, NV-SA Ortmans, SA Parts & Components, NV Peruweld, SA Pommee, SA Provan, BVBA Saey, NV Shapes Subcontracting, NV Slabinck Laser Products, NV Steel Service Center Bree, NV Struyf, NV Tamco, SPRL Temeka, SPRL Gebroeders Timmerman, NV Trailer Construction Grobbendonk, NV Vadeb-Witzenmann, NV Vlassenroot, NV Welders, NV


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

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✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Belgian metalworking suppliers


Laser cutting



Maximum diameter > 100 mm

Maximum diameter < 100 mm

Tube work

Water jet cutting

Laser cutting

Plasma cutting

Cutting by oxy-acetylene



Deep drawing

Metal spinning

Maximum thickness > 10 mm

Maximum thickness between 3 mm and 10 mm

Maximum thickness < 3 mm

Maximum width > 3 m

Maximum width between 1,5 m and 3 m

Maximum width < 1,5 m

Maximum length > 4 m

Maximum length between 2 m and 4 m

Maximum length < 2 m

Sheet work

10. Surface Treatment 3M Belgium Advanced Coating, SA AMC, NV ATVE Signalling, SA Callens Willy, NV Citybel, NV Constructiewerkhuizen G. Verbruggen, NV CSN Chrome, SA Duroc, NV Etabl. François, SPRL Fabricom Maintenance, NV FLR Industrielle, SA Fonderie G. Fallais, SA Galva Power Group, NV Galvaco, SA Jonckheere Subcontracting, NV Kanigen Works Benelux, NV LayerWise, NV LGTB, NV Limburgse Galvanisatie en Electro-Beton, NV Malmar, NV Mecaproducts, SA Mekanische Konstruktie Baudoin, NV NedCoat Ninove, NV Oerlikon Balzers Coating Benelux, NV-SA Omco International, NV Parts & Components, NV Polyvision, NV Saey, NV Slabinck Laser Products, NV Société Nouvelle Hainaut-Carlier, SA Steel Service Center Bree, NV Stewal, NV-SA Vlassenroot, NV Wema, NV


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Chemical/electrochemical cleaning Polishing, etching and deburring

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ Other Pre-treatment

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

PVD evaporation (zinc, aluminum, etc)

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓


Powder coating



PVD sputtering

Hot dip galvanizing

Mechanical galvanizing (tribo)


Electrical wire spraying


Flame spraying


Nickel-plate (Ni-P; Ni-B)


Copper electroforming

Tin and alloys obtained by electrolysis

Chromium obtained by electrolysis

Nickel and alloys obtained by electrolysis

Zinc and alloys obtained by electrolysis

Phosphating: Mn

Phosphating: Zn

Phosphating: Fe

Colouring and patine


Anodizing of titanium

Anodizing of aluminum: hard anodizing

Anodizing of aluminum: colour anodizing

Anodizing of aluminum: blank anodizing

Paint stripping

Shot peening

Mechanical cleaning

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Belgian metalworking suppliers


Ferromatrix, NV

FLR Industrielle, SA

Société Nouvelle Hainaut-Carlier, SA

Jonckheere Subcontracting, NV

Kanigen Works Benelux, NV

LayerWise, NV

✓ ✓

Polyvision, NV

Wema, NV

➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Flame hardening

Surface hardening

Belgian metalworking suppliers

Hardening by press

Vacuum hardening

Hardening, austempering

Fonderie G. Fallais, SA

Mekanische Konstruktie Baudoin, NV


Hardening, martempering

Fabricom Maintenance, NV


Heat treatment

Citybel, NV


11. Heat Treatment

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Sherardizing (Zn-diffusion) Borium diffusion Siliconizing (Si-diffusion) Molybdenum diffusion Sulphurising (S-diffusion)

✓ Calorizing, alitizing (Al-diffusion)

✓ Chromizing (Cr-diffusion)

✓ Other diffusion processes



Gas carbonitriding

Carbonitriding in bath with hardening (Cyanizing)

Carbonitriding in bath without hardening (Tenifer)


Vacuum nitriding

Salt bath nitriding

Ion nitriding

Ammonia gas nitriding


Gas carburizing

Salt bath carburizing

Powder carburizing


Thermal-chemical treatments

Normalizing annealing


Precipitation hardening (Dispersion hardening)



Hardening by electron beam

Hardening by laser

Induction hardening

Softening annealing

✓ Tension free annealing

✓ Equalizing annealing

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Belgian metalworking suppliers



Aro Welding Technologies, SA ATVE Signalling, SA BMTech Kortrijk, NV ✓

Capaul, SA

Citybel, NV

Cloostermans-Huwaert D., NV

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Degamétal, SPRL

✓ ✓

EMG Tilco, NV ✓

✓ ✓

Etabl. Mertens & Verhulsel, SPRL

✓ ✓

Europtubes, SA

Fabricom Industrie Sud, SA

Fabricom Maintenance, NV

Fabriressort, SA

Fonderie G. Fallais, SA

Freyssinet Belgium, NV

✓ ✓ ✓

General Tank Cleaning, BVBA ✓

Jonckheere Subcontracting, NV

Komec Helsen, NV

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

LayerWise, NV


Culobel, NV

Imeco, SA

Callens Willy, NV

Europtubes Inox, SA

Beerse Metaalwerken, NV

Etabl. François, SPRL

✓ ✓

Mechanical (rivetting,…)

Ultrasonic welding

Shrink and expansion joining

Laser beam welding

Adhesive joining of metal to rubber

Submerged electric arc welding, under powder

Adhesive joining of metal to plastic


Adhesive joining of metal to metal


Adhesive joining

Welding with covered electrode

3M Belgium AMC, NV


Oxygen-acetylene welding


12 . Assembly

Malmar, NV

Mecacier Biebuyck Lessines, SA

Mecanelec Industries, SA

Mekanische Konstruktie Baudoin, NV

Metal Aarschot, NV

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Ultrasonic welding



Ortmans, SA

Parts & Components, NV Peruweld, SA

Provan, BVBA

Sertip Charleroi, SA

Shapes Subcontracting, NV

Slabinck Laser Products, NV

Société Nouvelle Hainaut-Carlier, SA

✓ ✓

Stewal, NV-SA

✓ ✓

Vadeb-Witzenmann, NV

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Tamco, SPRL Trailer Construction Grobbendonk, NV

✓ ✓

Pommee, SA

Struyf, NV

✓ ✓

Polyvision, NV

Steel Service Center Bree, NV

Mechanical (rivetting,…)

Laser beam welding

Mustad, SA-NV

Shrink and expansion joining

Submerged electric arc welding, under powder

Adhesive joining of metal to rubber


Adhesive joining of metal to plastic


Adhesive joining of metal to metal

Welding with covered electrode

Adhesive joining

Oxygen-acetylene welding

Métaux Emboutis, SA


12 . Assembly

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Vlassenroot, NV

Wema, NV

✓ ✓

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members





ONDERDELEN VOOR VERPAKKING ACCESSOIRES POUR EMBALLAGES o.a. spanringen in verschillende diameters, hengsels, sluitingen, enz. e.a. cercles pour fûts différents diamètres, anses, fermetures, etc. Port Arthurlaan 33, B-9000 Gent - België T: +32-9-251 32 42 - F: +32-9-373 97 52 henri.levin@telenet.be

Uw aluminium “One Stop Shop” Onze kennis maakt ideeën waar

Hydro Aluminium Raeren is uw partner vanaf ontwerp tot gereed product van uw geanodiseerde, gelakte, geïsoleerde, gecoate of nabewerkte profielen waarbij een permanente kwaliteitscontrole wordt toegepast op uw producten, zodat deze volledig aan uw eisen zullen voldoen. Wij staan voor u klaar voor vele profielmaten in de meest voorkomende legeringen. Wij leveren aluminium-profielen aan de meeste industriële sectoren o.a. bouw, zonwering, serre-bouw, transport, auto-mobielindustrie, meubel-industrie, verlichting, elektrische en elektronische toestellen, machinebouw, wegsignalisatie,... en vele andere. Binnen een gebied waar de toepassingen even talrijk als gevarieerd zijn, zien wij het als onze opdracht u een totaal-oplossing te bieden, die een reële toegevoegde waarde geeft aan uw productie-proces. Hydro Aluminium Raeren Waldstrasse 91, B-4730 Raeren T: +32 (0)87 859 211 - F: +32 (0)87 859 259 www.hydro-aluminium.be

2010 Business Guide

Belgische toeleveranciers metaalbewerking Sous-traitants belges de la transformation du mĂŠtal Belgian metalworking suppliers www.agoria.be

3M Belgium, NV www.3m.be Contact: Peeters Wendy - abrasives.be@mmm.com Hermeslaan 7, 1831 DIEGEM T: +32 (0)2 722 54 81 - F: +32 (0)2 722 50 37 Employees: 527 - Turnover (keuro): 223.641 3M develops, manufactures and sells over 50.000 products for industry, construction and building maintenance, office, electrical, electronics and telecommunications, personal and environmental protection, the automotive industry, traffic, health, pharmaceuticals, communications, ...

ACD, NV www.acdnv.be Contact: Early Benedict - benedict.early@acdnv.be Postbaan 73, 2910 ESSEN T: +32 (0)3 667 47 43 - F: +32 (0)3 667 72 15 Employees: 54 - Turnover (keuro): 2.799 Maintenance, repairs and reconditioning of rotating equipment.

Aciéries Somville, SA Contact: Somville Thierry - Thierry.somville@busmail.net rue de la Gare 43, 6250 AISEAU (AISEAU-PRESLES) T: +32 (0)71 77 13 56 - F: +32 (0)71 74 15 78 Employees: 32 - Turnover (keuro): 1.921 Brake modules ; complete chassis ; pressed / stamped parts.

ACM Vossen A. & Schaus S., SPRL Contact: Gille Thierry - vossen.schaus@scarlet.be rue Bêchuron 24, 4051 VAUX-SOUS-CHÈVREMONT (CHAUDFONTAINE) T: +32 (0)4 365 19 22 - F: +32 (0)4 367 17 06 Employees: 12 - Turnover (keuro): 852 Metal construction, small and medium sheet metal work, stainless steel, aluminium, shearing, coiling, bending: 3000 x 10. Hoisting 20 tonnes.


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Adesko, NV www.adesko.com Contact: Doornaert Frank - frank.doornaert@adesko.com Schans 4, 2480 DESSEL T: +32 (0)14 38 93 90 - F: +32 (0)14 38 93 91 Employees: 16 - Turnover (keuro): 2.140

Advanced Coating, SA www.advanced-coating.com Contact: Visot Laurent - l.visot@advanced-coating.com rue de l’Avouerie 7, 4000 SCLESSIN (LIÈGE) T: +32 (0)4 254 50 11 - F: +32 (0)4 254 50 10 Employees: 14 - Turnover (keuro): 1.840

AJK, NV www.ajk.eu Contact: Theunissen Jos - jos.theunissen@ajk.eu Kettingbrugweg 38, 3950 KAULILLE (BOCHOLT) T: +32 (0)11 44 04 00 - F: +32 (0)11 62 17 84 Employees: 165 - Turnover (keuro): 25.821 Compactors, containers, container systems, trailers, tippers, semi-trailers, tanks.

Akers Belgium, SA Contact: Gérard Nathalie - nathalie.gerard@akersrolls.com rue de la Barrière 40, 4100 SERAING T: +32 (0)4 338 81 18 - F: +32 (0)4 338 81 88 Employees: 217 - Turnover (keuro): 5.973

Allard-Europe, NV www.allard-europe.com Contact: Dijckmans Jef - jef.dijckmans@allard-europe.com Veedijk 51, 2300 TURNHOUT T: +32 (0)14 44 54 64 - F: +32 (0)14 42 52 00 Employees: 113 - Turnover (keuro): 18.066 Manufacturer of castings, made to customer specifications. Production of over 100 different materials, ranging from a few kilograms up to 35+ tonnes. Our in-house heat treatment facilities and our workshop with CNC machines provide us with the capability to finish everything to the highest quality standards under our own control.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Almepro-Alumco, NV Contact: Van Wayenberge Peter - almepro@skynet.be Okegembaan 113, 9400 NINOVE T: +32 (0)54 33 60 60 - F: +32 (0)54 32 65 44 Employees: 15 - Turnover (keuro): 1.130

Alural Belgium, NV www.alural.be Contact: Lowies Chris - chris.lowies@alural.be Jozef De Blockstraat 69, 2830 WILLEBROEK T: +32 (0)3 860 72 00 - F: +32 (0)3 886 06 34 Employees: 129 - Turnover (keuro): 10.351

Alural Lummen, NV www.alural.be Contact: Verhaert Martine - martine.verhaert@alural.be Dellestraat 16, 3560 LUMMEN T: +32 (0)13 35 85 86 - F: +32 (0)13 52 10 42 Employees: 144 - Turnover (keuro): 17.812

Aluwiel, NV www.aluwiel.be Contact: Everaert Hendrik - henk.everaert@aluwiel.be Ter Stratenweg 5, 2520 RANST T: +32 (0)3 475 01 75 - F: +32 (0)3 475 01 73 Employees: 16 - Turnover (keuro): 3.200 Aluminium foundry.

AMB, SA www.ecosteryl.be Contact: Dufrasne Philippe - amebo@skynet.be avenue Wilson 622, 7012 JEMAPPES (MONS) T: +32 (0)65 82 26 81 - F: +32 (0)65 82 47 98 Employees: 13 - Turnover (keuro): 275 Mechanical, mechanical welding, metallic and sheet metal working. Development of new equipment and machinery to be used for recycling, recovering and processing of metals and waste in general. Machinery for decontamination of hospital hazardous waste. 56

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

AMC, NV www.amc.be Contact: Claessens Wim - claessenswim@amc.be Rechtstraat 428, 9160 EKSAARDE (LOKEREN) T: +32 (0)9 353 80 56 - F: +32 (0)9 353 80 53 Employees: 46 - Turnover (keuro): 7.457 Engineering, manufacturing and erection of heavy steelstructures, belt conveyors, tanks and tubes.

Amo-Bihl, NV www.amo-bihl.be Contact: Timmerman Carine - carine.timmerman@timmerman-nv.be Industrielaan 26, 9900 EEKLO T: +32 (0)9 376 77 81 - F: +32 (0)9 377 99 79 Employees: 19 - Turnover (keuro): 1.982 Manufacture of reactors, heat exchangers, distillation columns and pressure vessels in steel, stainless steel, aluminium, copper, boiler and standard grade steel. All built to fulfil stringent customer requirements.

Ampco Metal, SA www.ampcometal.com Contact: Dekkers Erik - dekkers@ampcometal.com avenue Jean Hans 132, 4030 GRIVEGNÉE (LIÈGE) T: +32 (0)4 340 44 61 - F: +32 (0)4 342 30 17 Employees: 17 - Turnover (keuro): 4.789 Bronze and copper alloys manufacturer and distributor; all production types, all executions.

Anciens Ateliers Moury Lucien, SA Contact: Gregorini Antonio - moury@honet.be rue de la Résistance 6, 7600 PÉRUWELZ T: +32 (0)69 77 22 28 - F: +32 (0)69 77 55 92 Employees: 18 - Turnover (keuro): 686

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Armasteel, SA Contact: Frederickx J.M. - jmfrederickx@armasteel.be chaussĂŠe de Bruxelles 321, 1300 WAVRE T: +32 (0)10 24 11 06 - F: +32 (0)10 24 11 24 Employees: 47 - Turnover (keuro): 25.856

Aro Welding Technologies, SA www.arotechnologies.com Contact: Lambrechts Nadine - nadine.lambrechts@arotechnologies.com Internationale laan 55/15b, 1070 BRUSSEL T: +32 (0)2 555 07 50 - F: +32 (0)2 523 20 24 Employees: 18 - Turnover (keuro): 10.675 Welding guns, electrodes, welding arms production, resistance welding.

Asco Industries, SA-NV www.asco.be Contact: Pardon Christine - christine.pardon@asco.be Weiveldlaan 2, 1930 ZAVENTEM T: +32 (0)2 716 06 08 - F: +32 (0)2 716 07 77 Employees: 894 - Turnover (keuro): 204.114 Asco is a proven specialist in the co-development, design, precision machining, processing and certified assembly of complex high-strength aircraft components (flaps and slats mechanisms, engine mounts, landing gear components, etc.).

Ateliers Bonte, BVBA www.bonteateliers.be Contact: Bonte Didier - didier@bonteateliers.be Diestsevest 57-59, 3000 LEUVEN T: +32 (0)16 22 51 29 - F: +32 (0)16 22 10 32 Employees: 15 - Turnover (keuro): 1.075 General engineering (turning, milling, welding), cylindrical grinding and reserrating grinding rolls, sale of ball bearings.


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Ateliers Caucheteux, SPRL www.caucheteux.com Contact: Caucheteux Jean-Marie - direction@caucheteux.com rue Paul Pastur 83, 7500 TOURNAI T: +32 (0)69 22 29 23 - F: +32 (0)69 21 11 19 Employees: 12 - Turnover (keuro): 1.168 Metal and mechanical structures.

Ateliers Demarbre, SA www.demarbre.be Contact: Piron Jean-Pierre - contact@demarbre.be rue du Ponsart 27a, 7600 PÉRUWELZ T: +32 (0)69 77 20 80 - F: +32 (0)69 77 53 75 Employees: 12 - Turnover (keuro): 835 Archimedes screws transport systems - design, manufacture and maintenance Plasma HP cutting.

ATVE Signalling, SA www.groupegmm.com Contact: Wasterlain Pascal - pascal.wasterlain@groupegmm.com rue de la Maîtrise 3, 1400 NIVELLES T: +32 (0)67 44 24 54 - F: +32 (0)67 33 33 62 Employees: 17 Machine tools.

Beerse Metaalwerken, NV www.beerse-metaalwerken.be Contact: Verguts Dirk - dirk.verguts@beerse-metaalwerken.be Lilsedijk 17, Industriepark Zuid, 2340 BEERSE T: +32 (0)14 62 24 36 - F: +32 (0)14 61 50 47 Employees: 39 Special steel constructions, mechanical parts and mechanical services, tailored to the client’s prescriptions.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Bekaert Advanced Coatings, NV www.bekaert.com/bac Contact: Vanhuysse Boudewijn - boudewijn.vanhuysse@bekaert.com E3 Laan 75, 9800 DEINZE T: +32 (0)9 381 61 61 - F: +32 (0)9 380 06 67 Employees: 106 - Turnover (keuro): 35.006 Sputter targets used in the sputtering of complex coatings on various substrates and enabling sputter hardware for architectural glass applications, photovoltaics and displays; sputtered soft magnetic layers (Atalante) that are used as the active soft magnetic layer in anti-theft labels; other metallic coatings that are used in holograms for security applications.

Belgcast, SA www.belgcast.be Contact: Richard Thierry - thierry.richard@belgcast.be rue Grand’rue, Zoning Industriel de Trooz, 4870 TROOZ T: +32 (4) 351 74 31 - F: +32 (0)4 351 77 69 Employees: 15 - Turnover (keuro): 1.400 Pressure die casting of non-ferrous metals (Aluminium alloys and Zamak).

Bergobride, SA Contact: Berger Françoise - sales@bergobride.be rue le Campinaire, Cour de la Gare, 6240 FARCIENNES T: +32 (0)71 38 04 01 - F: +32 (0)71 39 55 96 Employees: 20 Components for industrial piping.

Bermeca Maintenance, SA Contact: Bertrand Michel - bertrand.m@bermeca.com rue Louis Pierard 31, 7040 BOUGNIES (QUÉVY) T: +32 (0)65 56 89 10 - F: +32 (0)65 56 89 10 Employees: 4 - Turnover (keuro): 298 Engineering, design offices and lead contractors.


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Betafence, NV www.betafence.com Contact: Thiers Jurgen - jurgen.thiers@betafence.com Deerlijkstraat 58a, 8550 ZWEVEGEM T: +32 (0)56 73 46 01 - F: +32 (0)56 73 45 45 Employees: 485 - Turnover (keuro): 191.092 Total solution provider for outdoor perimeter protection: fencing systems, access control and detection.

BEVO, NV www.lsc-belgium.com Contact: Cramer Edwin - edwin.cramer@lsc-belgium.com Kanaal Noord 1417, Industrieterrein, 3960 BREE T: +32 (0)89 71 19 03 - F: +32 (0)89 71 19 03 Employees: 12 - Turnover (keuro): 1.536

BMTech Kortrijk, NV www.bmtech.be Contact: Dhont Yves - yves.dhont@bmtech.be Ringlaan 17, 8501 HEULE (KORTRIJK) T: +32 (0)56 37 50 00 - F: +32 (0)56 37 50 67 Employees: 101 - Turnover (keuro): 11.402 (Sub)-contractor for CNC Turning , CNC Milling and sheet metal parts with surface treatment . Assembly of electro-mechanical assemblies .

BMTech, NV www.bmtech.be Contact: Logist Peter - patrick.logist@bmtech.be Molenlei 62, 2530 BOECHOUT T: +32 (0)3 460 08 05 - F: +32 (0)3 460 08 41 Employees: 196 - Turnover (keuro): 40.341 Sheet metalworking.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Britte, SA www.britte.be Contact: Emonts-Gast Yves - yves.emonts@britte.be rue de Cheratte 27, 4683 VIVEGNIS (OUPEYE) T: +32 (0)4 256 90 87 - F: +32 (0)4 264 28 82 Employees: 69 - Turnover (keuro): 5.845 Development and manufacturing of high-precision mechanical components and systems for the Aeronautic, Defence, Space sectors, etc.

Buyse Decolletage, NV www.buyse.be Contact: Buyse Coen - coen@buyse.be Venecolaan 11-13, 9880 AALTER T: +32 (0)9 374 17 57 - F: +32 (0)9 374 17 58 Employees: 72 - Turnover (keuro): 11.160 Supplier of machined pieces (unique ones and series) of steel, aluminium, messing, stainless steel and plastic. CNC turning, CNC milling and CNC grinding (3 to 160 mm). More than 45 CNC turning centers (5/8 axes).

By-Cast, NV www.by-cast.com Contact: Vrancken Carlo - c.vrancken@by-cast.com Kanaalweg 77, 3980 TESSENDERLO T: +32 (0)13 66 26 51 - F: +32 (0)13 66 73 53 Employees: 37 - Turnover (keuro): 10.075 Engineering and production of heat exchangers for industrial applications in cast iron and glass.

Callens Willy, NV www.callens-emk.be Contact: Moerman Windy - windy.moerman@callens-emk.be Industrielaan 21, 8790 WAREGEM T: +32 (0)56 72 08 46 - F: +32 (0)56 70 54 02 Employees: 60 - Turnover (keuro): 17.784 Study, sell, rent, installation, maintenance and service of -Steam boilers new and revised -Thermal oil boilers new and revised -Industrial central heating boilers. Service 24h on 24, 7d on 7. The installation of industrial piping -Steel, stainles. 62

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Capaul, SA www.capaul.be Contact: Henkes Ludwig - direction@capaul.be Industriestrasse 39, 4700 EUPEN T: +32 (0)87 59 55 60 - F: +32 (0)87 74 04 68 Employees: 60 - Turnover (keuro): 8.837 Machining of mechanical components for aeronautics, car industry, railways, medical and textile industry, petrochemicals. Our high-tech facilities turn, mill, grind, abrade and control your parts according to drawings (CAD, CNC plant, air-conditioned measurement department).

Carax, NV Contact: Van De Ven Axel - axelvandeven@geens-metanax.be Toekomstlaan 36, 2200 HERENTALS T: +32 (0)14 21 63 00 - F: +32 (0)14 21 61 37 Employees: 13

Carbone +, SA www.carboneplus.be Contact: Carton Etienne - etienne.carton@carboneplus.be rue de la Grande Couture 1B, Zoning Industriel de Tournai-Ouest, 7522 MARQUAIN (TOURNAI) T: +32 (0)69 84 17 17 - F: +32 (0)69 84 17 18 Employees: 14 - Turnover (keuro): 3.974 Distribution of safety equipment and workwear (harness, gloves, ...). Design and manufacturing of: made-to-measure removable thermal insulation Decamt®; flexible removable fire protection system Pytec®.

Carwall, SA www.carwall.com Contact: Noel Alain - anoel@carwall.com rue de la Spinette 44, 5140 SOMBREFFE T: +32 (0)71 82 24 06 - F: +32 (0)71 81 69 04 Employees: 344 - Turnover (keuro): 131.909 Manufacturing and assembly of cabins for earth-moving machines.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Cast Iron, NV www.CastIron.be Contact: Wynen Annemie - annemie@CastIron.be Lilsedijk 15, 2340 BEERSE T: +32 (0)14 61 13 49 - F: +32 (0)14 61 66 99 Employees: 19 - Turnover (keuro): 2.933 Producer of lamellar, nodular, fire and acid-resistant, wear-resistant cast iron, etc.

Citybel, NV www.citybel.net Contact: Demortier-Desbeck Sonia - sonia.desbeck@desbeck.com Overijsesteenweg 74, 1560 HOEILAART T: +32 (0)2 658 08 90 - F: +32 (0)2 657 36 00 Employees: 23 - Turnover (keuro): 359 Foundries - all products and instruments for water conducts - street furniture.

Clayton of Belgium, NV www.clayton.be Contact: Demeuter Chantal - chantal.demeuter@clayton.be Rijksweg 30, 2880 BORNEM T: +32 (0)3 890 57 38 - F: +32 (0)3 890 57 01 Employees: 101 - Turnover (keuro): 15.195 Manufacturer of steam generators and heat recovery boilers for Europe, Middle East & Africa with branch offices, agents and distributors throughout the region.

Cloostermans-Huwaert D., NV www.cloostermans.com Contact: Cloostermans-Huwaert Désiré - cloostermans.d@cloostermans.com Kanunnik de Meyerlaan 23, 9220 HAMME T: +32 (0)52 47 01 19 - F: +32 (0)52 47 36 07 Employees: 19 - Turnover (keuro): 15.635 Cloostermans is specialised in customised and innovative turnkey project solutions. Machines are Engineered to order. All project aspects can be provided in house : mechanical and electrical engineering, manufacturing, assembly and integration.


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Close, Division Gainair, SA www.close.be Contact: Résimont Sylvie - resimont.sylvie@close.be Rue de la Hé Copin 9, Parc Artisanal de Harzé, 4920 AYWAILLE T: +32 (0)4 384 53 90 - F: +32 (0)4 384 66 34 Employees: 12 - Turnover (keuro): 36.026 Manufacturing air conditioning sleeves.

CMI Maintenance Hainaut, SA www.cmigroupe.com Contact: Mertens Geert - geert.mertens@cmigroupe.com avenue Georges Pirson 12 - BP 3B, 7170 BOIS-D’HAINE (MANAGE) T: +32 (0)485 60 98 04 - F: +32 (0)64 55 58 00 Employees: 82 - Turnover (keuro): 9.230 Mechanical maintenance workshop (repairs) and on-site machining of medium and large sizes. Supplier of Hanrez butterfly valves.

CMTF, SA www.cmtf.be Contact: Renwart André - a.renwart@cmtf.be rue de Tilleur 23, 4101 JEMEPPE-SUR-MEUSE (SERAING) T: +32 (0)4 233 97 66 - F: +32 (0)4 233 20 48 Employees: 11 - Turnover (keuro): 1.710 Metal structures; boilermaking; industrial piping (carbon steel, stainless steel, plastics).

Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénierie, SA www.cmigroupe.com Contact: Levaux Jean-François - jean-francois.levaux@cmigroupe.com avenue Greiner 1, 4100 SERAING T: +32 (0)4 330 22 40 - F: +32 (0)4 330 21 13 Employees: 1070 - Turnover (keuro): 506.943 CMI is specialized in engineering and maintenance in three sectors: Energy, Defence and Industry. The Group employs 2450 persons located in 39 business units mainly located in Belgium, in France, in Germany, in the Netherlands but also in China, in the United-States, in Brazil and in Thailand.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Con-Pac, BVBA www.con-pac.be Contact: Salber Werner - salber@pueschmann.de Kanaalstraat 9, 9060 ZELZATE T: +32 (0)9 347 39 40 - F: +32 (0)9 345 65 32 Employees: 16 - Turnover (keuro): 4.067 Packaging steel products; delivering packaging products, logistical services.

Constructiebedrijf Ivens, NV www.ivens-cb.be Contact: Jochems Jan - j.jochems@ivens-cb.be Noorderlaan 710, 2040 ANTWERPEN T: +32 (0)3 568 81 28 - F: +32 (0)3 568 81 38 Employees: 54 - Turnover (keuro): 45.594 Boiler works, pressure vessels, piping, ...

Constructiewerkhuizen G. Verbruggen, NV www.verbruggen.be Contact: Van Dun Stephan - stephan.vandun@verbruggen.be Jan De Malschelaan 2, 9140 TEMSE T: +32 (0)3 711 19 97 - F: +32 (0)3 771 54 90 Employees: 49 - Turnover (keuro): 5.923 Design and manufacturing of flat dies and coextrusion equipment for for plastic film and sheet extrusion.

Construction & Maintenance de Liège, SA Contact: Salvador Lucien - lucien.salvador@newccd.be Allée Marie-Louise 8, 4121 NEUVILLE-EN-CONDROZ (NEUPRÉ) T: +32 (0)71 24 38 78 - F: +32 (0)71 39 40 08 Employees: 15 - Turnover (keuro): 7.307

Constructions Métalliques Urbain Maton G., SPRL Contact: Urbain Christian - urbain.maton@skynet.be rue de Pâturages 55, 7390 QUAREGNON T: +32 (0)65 67 15 75 - F: +32 (0)65 66 26 09 Employees: 9 - Turnover (keuro): 255


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Continental Tank Contractors, NV www.ctc-nv.be Contact: Vanherck Kristel - k.vanherck@ctc-nv.be Heulentakstraat 2, 3650 STOKKEM (DILSEN) T: +32 (0)89 79 03 24 - F: +32 (0)89 79 03 21 Employees: 10 - Turnover (keuro): 2.791 Manufacturing of storage tanks.

Corus Packaging Plus Belgium, NV Contact: Callaert Kristine - kristine.callaert@corusgroup.com Walemstraat 38, 2570 DUFFEL T: +32 (0)15 74 50 21 - F: +32 (0)15 30 26 82 Employees: 21 - Turnover (keuro): 33.714 Plastic coating for packing steel.

Cravero, BVBA www.cravero.eu Contact: Decraemer Monique - monique.de.craemer@cravero.eu Poortakkerstraat 43, 9051 SINT-DENIJS-WESTREM (GENT) T: +32 (0)9 230 05 69 - F: +32 (0)9 230 09 96 Employees: 15 Machining.

Crosby Europe, NV www.thecrosbygroup.com Contact: Poesen Mathieu - mpoesen@crosbyeurope.com Industriepark Zone B, 26, 2220 HEIST-OP-DEN-BERG T: +32 (0)15 76 88 95 - F: +32 (0)15 75 29 56 Employees: 67 - Turnover (keuro): 22.718 Production and sales of fittings for wire rope and chain.

CSN Chrome, SA Contact: Denis Jacques - csnchrome@cybernet.be rue de l’Avouerie 9, 4000 LIÈGE T: +32 (0)4 254 55 65 - F: +32 (0)4 254 55 60 Employees: 9 - Turnover (keuro): 1.483 Hard chromium plating (work rolls and mechanical parts).

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Culobel Assembly, NV www.culobel.com Contact: Verbrugge Bart - bart.verbrugge@culobel.com Hekkestraat 16, 9308 HOFSTADE (AALST) T: +32 (0)53 77 78 88 - F: +32 (0)53 78 38 25 Employees: 18 - Turnover (keuro): 6.393

Culobel, NV www.culobel.be Contact: Verbrugge Bart - bart.verbrugge@culobel.be Hekkestraat 16, Industriezone Noord II, 9308 HOFSTADE (AALST) T: +32 (0)53 77 78 88 - F: +32 (0)53 78 38 25 Employees: 81 - Turnover (keuro): 17.593 Sheet metal subcontracting to any industry in series tailored to your specific needs. We specialise in deepdrawing (800T), stamping (500T) and forming of all kinds of metal by means of company-made dies. Production of pressure vessels for cooling, pneumatic or hydraulic applications.

Danheux & Maroye - Travaux Publics et Privés, SA www.danheux-maroye.be Contact: Daloze Jacques - info@danheux-maroye.be rue des Frères Taymans 32, 1480 TUBIZE T: +32 (0)2 355 77 00 - F: +32 (0)2 355 51 09 Employees: 223 - Turnover (keuro): 47.361

De Meyer M. & Mergan J., SPRL Contact: Smets Christophe - christophe@demeyer-mergan.be Wemmelse Steenweg 24, 1090 BRUSSEL T: +32 (0)2 426 69 96 - F: +32 (0)2 426 56 55 Employees: 5 - Turnover (keuro): 158 Cutting and stamping advertising items (primarily for breweries), nickel-plating parts – air-conditioning items.


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Decloedt-Decov, NV www.decloedt-decov.be Contact: Degraeve Sabine - sdegraeve@decloedt-decov.be Koning Albertstraat 173, 8210 VELDEGEM (ZEDELGEM) T: +32 (0)50 27 93 89 - F: +32 (0)50 27 51 07 Employees: 11 Iron foundry.

Decoprec, SPRL decoprec.be Contact: Dehard Rudi - decoprec@skynet.be rue de Wonck 57, 4682 HOUTAIN-SAINT-SIMÉON (OUPEYE) T: +32 (0)476 69 23 95 - F: +32 (0)4 259 47 84 Employees: 1 - Turnover (keuro): 49 Turning, precision turning.

Dedecker Precision Mechanics, SA www.dedecker.com Contact: Dedecker Patrice - dedecker.pa@dedecker.com boulevard Industriel 104, 7700 MOESKROEN T: +32 (0)56 85 75 26 - F: +32 (0)56 85 75 27 Employees: 43

Degamétal, SPRL www.degallaix.be Contact: Degallaix Bernard - degallaix.b@swing.be rue du Champ Delmée 4, 7608 WIERS (PÉRUWELZ) T: +32 (0)69 77 47 92 - F: +32 (0)69 77 56 31 Employees: 3 - Turnover (keuro): 313

Devilca Belgium, SA www.devilca-belgium.com Contact: Wagner Robert - dirrwagner@wagner-groupe.com avenue Jean Mermoz 29, 6041 GOSSELIES (CHARLEROI) T: +32 (0)71 25 92 59 - F: +32 (0)71 34 38 65 Employees: 88 - Turnover (keuro): 15.052 Stamping, mechanized welding, machining, plasma cutting, folding, bending, surface treatments.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Devray Walther et Enfants, SPRL Contact: Devray Albert - sprl.w.devray@skynet.be Quai Donat Casterman 65 A, Port Fluvial, 7500 TOURNAI T: +32 (0)69 22 19 95 - F: +32 (0)69 23 44 13 Employees: 7 - Turnover (keuro): 893

Diametal, NV www.diametal.be Contact: Beertens Rudi - rudi.beertens@diametal.be Gareelmakersstraat 10, 2200 HERENTALS T: +32 (0)14 24 99 80 - F: +32 (0)14 23 12 40 Employees: 14 Diametal is specialized in the machining of metals, engineering plastics and composites on CNC lathes and milling machines. Based on plans, manual sketches, surveys by our staff or examples, Diametal can manufacture a product according to the requirements of the client and the required quality.

Donaldson Europe, BVBA www.donaldson.com Contact: Rombouts Linda - linda.rombouts@emea.donaldson.com Interleuvenlaan 1, Research Park Zone 1, 3001 HEVERLEE (LEUVEN) T: +32 (0)16 38 37 74 - F: +32 (0)16 40 00 77 Employees: 368 - Turnover (keuro): 63.442 Provider of filtration systems and replacement parts, serving customers in the industrial and engine markets including in-plant air cleaning, compressed air and gas purification, power generation, specialty filtration, off-road equipment and trucks.

Dovre, NV www.dovre.be Contact: Maex Marcel - marcel.maex@dovre.be Nijverheidsstraat 18, 2381 WEELDE (RAVELS) T: +32 (0)14 65 49 80 - F: +32 (0)14 65 90 09 Employees: 221 - Turnover (keuro): 28.559 Manufacturer of cast iron fireplaces and stoves. Cast iron foundry.


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Drafil, SA-NV www.drafil.com Contact: Vuylsteke Joseph - francois.vuylsteke@drafil.com Carrière des Allumoirs 10, 7700 LUINGNE (MOUSCRON) T: +32 (0)56 85 93 93 - F: +32 (0)56 85 93 90 Employees: 90 - Turnover (keuro): 13.192 Handling containers, wire goods according to drawings, equipment for store installations, PLV material, deep fry baskets.

Durant Frères, SA Contact: Tedesco Maria-Cristina - sa.durant.meca@skynet.be rue Parmentier 35, 7100 LA LOUVIÈRE T: +32 (0)64 22 14 52 - F: +32 (0)64 22 49 68 Employees: 23 - Turnover (keuro): 1.771

Duroc, NV www.duroc.be Contact: Brewaeys Michel - mb@duroc.be Moerelei 149, 2610 WILRIJK (ANTWERPEN) T: +32 (0)3 821 01 50 - F: +32 (0)3 821 01 60 Employees: 26 - Turnover (keuro): 4.232 Specialist in the following surface treatments: - Zinc plating Cr6+ free Zinc-lamella systems (P1000 - Delta MKS and Magni).

EMG Tilco, NV www.emgtilco.be Contact: Bylemans Ward - ward.bylemans@emgtilco.be Kruineikestraat 99, 3150 TILDONK (HAACHT) T: +32 (0)16 61 87 21 - F: +32 (0)16 60 35 03 Employees: 29 - Turnover (keuro): 2.494 Subcontractor for sheet metalwork, stainless steel assemblies, specialisation brushed finish - small series. Subcontractor for welding constructions for the food industry (SS + alu).

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


ENDECO, SPRL www.endecompany.be Contact: Pasteel Guy - guy.pasteel@endecompany.be rue de Bruxelles 355, 1480 TUBIZE T: +32 (0)2 355 23 97 - F: +32 (0)2 355 27 87 Employees: 7 Machining of mechanical parts

Entreprise Boraine de Mécanique, SA www.ebm-sa.be Contact: Miodezky André - amiodezky@ebm-sa.be rue de la Frontière 39, 7380 QUIÉVRAIN T: +32 (0)65 43 08 95 - F: +32 (0)65 43 12 06 Employees: 28 - Turnover (keuro): 1.125 Metalworking.

EscoTurbine Technologies-Belgium, SPRL www.escocorp.com Contact: Verhaegen Paul - paul.verhaegen@escocorp.com Parc Industriel des Hauts Sarts - 1ère Avenue, 4040 HERSTAL T: +32 (0)485 88 18 84 - F: +32 (0)4 248 10 43 Employees: 154 - Turnover (keuro): 30.672 Lost wax vacuum casting of superalloys.

Etabl. Biebuyck, SA www.biebuyck.com Contact: Rochez Georges - dirfin@biebuyck.com chaussée Paul Houtart 160, 7110 HOUDENG-GOEGNIES (LA LOUVIÈRE) T: +32 (0)64 23 92 22 - F: +32 (0)64 23 92 10 Employees: 36 - Turnover (keuro): 6.006 Glass machines manufacturer, precision mechanics.


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Etabl. François, SPRL Contact: Adam Bernard - adam.francois@skynet.be rue des Commères 10, 6536 THUILLIES (THUIN) T: +32 (0)71 53 31 49 - F: +32 (0)71 53 31 61 Employees: 4 - Turnover (keuro): 563 Industrial subcontracting in sheet metal work, boilerwork, mechanically welded units, conveyor and handling machines, automation.

Etabl. Levin Henri, BVBA Contact: Jordaan Eddy - eddyjordaan@msn.com Port Arthurlaan 33, 9000 GENT T: +32 (0)9 251 32 42 - F: +32 (0)9 373 97 52 Employees: 6 - Turnover (keuro): 182

Etabl. Mertens & Verhulsel, SPRL Contact: Verhulsel Jean-Jacques - mertensverhulsel@scarlet.be Orchideeënstraat 8-12, 1070 BRUSSEL T: +32 (0)2 521 54 25 - F: +32 (0)2 522 85 54 Employees: 7 - Turnover (keuro): 326 Boiler works according to drawings.

Ets. Mazzéo, SA www.mazzeo.be Contact: Maffucci Daniela - dmaffucci@mazzeo.be Rue Théophile Massart 11, 7170 LA HESTRE (MANAGE) T: +32 (0)64 22 84 74 - F: +32 (0)64 55 68 90 Employees: 9 - Turnover (keuro): 1.115 Design and Construction of Moulds

Europlasma, NV www.europlasma.be Contact: Martens Peter - peter.martens@europlasma.be Industriepark De Bruwaan 5d, 9700 OUDENAARDE T: +32 (0)55 30 32 05 - F: +32 (0)55 31 87 53 Employees: 14 - Turnover (keuro): 3.806 Constructor of plasma treatment equipment, customised.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Europtubes Inox, SA www.europtubes.be Contact: Nicodème Vincent - v.nicodeme@europtubes.be rue de la Poire d’Or 32, 7033 CUESMES (MONS) T: +32 (0)65 40 09 50 - F: +32 (0)65 56 54 15 EUROPTUBES INOX S.A., sister company of EUROPTUBES S.A., supplies services in industrial/process piping (from small piping to turnkey projects including design, assembly in workshop and erection on site). EUROPTUBES INOX S.A. has expertise in activity fields such as chemistry, petro-chemistry, bio-diesel, and also gaz, steel, cement, or glass industries and even in such areas as paper work, HVAC and water treatment. Since 2010, EUROPTUBES INOX is reinforcing its position in pharmaceutical, cosmetical, agri-food and food industries.

Europtubes, SA www.europtubes.be Contact: Lenoir Yves - y.lenoir@europtubes.be rue de la Poire d’Or, 32, 7033 CUESMES (MONS) T: +32 (0)65 40 09 82 - F: +32 (0)65 56 54 15 Employees: 26 - Turnover (keuro): 3.441

Fabricom Industrie Sud, SA www.fabricom-gdfsuez.com Contact: Tambuyser Luc - Luc.Tambuyser@fabricom-gdfsuez.com Chaussée de Gilly 263, 6220 FLEURUS T: +32 (0)71 24 28 63 - F: +32 (0)71 39 34 31 Employees: 710 - Turnover (keuro): 105.357 Technical installations and services for the industrial and infrastructure markets. Our expertise covers different technical aspects, such as electrical, mechanical, piping, automation, maintenance and specialised services. Thanks to our proximity network in Belgium and subsidiaries in Europe, we are able to offer our clients customised solutions, including for multi-technical and multi-site projects. Furthermore, we are highly experienced in international major project management.


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Fabricom Maintenance, NV industrie-service.be Contact: Francken Eddy - Eddy.francken@fabricom-gdfsuez.com Eikenlei 161, 2960 SINT-JOB-IN-’T-GOOR (BRECHT) T: +32 (0)3 663 65 60 - F: +32 (0)3 663 20 99 Employees: 32 - Turnover (keuro): 7.096 Mechanical workshop: turning, milling, grinding, metal-spraying, revision of pumps, gear-box, turbines, compressors, rotating equipment. On site services.

Fabriressort, SA www.fabriressort.com Contact: Antoine Karine - ka@fabriressort.com avenue Lavoisier 35, Zoning Nord, 1300 WAVRE T: +32 (0)10 22 98 00 - F: +32 (0)10 22 98 98 Employees: 13 - Turnover (keuro): 961 Clips, stamped, cambered and pressed parts from strip coil, bars and wire. Compression-, extension-, torsion- springs, blade’s springs. Accurate stamping and bending of all materials. In house tools workshop.

Falimeca, SA Contact: Bertrand Michel - francoiseborbouse@bermeca.com Rue Saint Roch, 86 b, 5060 FALISOLLE (SAMBREVILLE) T: +32 (0)71 77 50 07 - F: +32 (0)71 77 26 23 Employees: 2 - Turnover (keuro): 406 Subcontracting and services, machining components, assembly. Precision mechanical construction. Machining of big pieces.

FBM Industrial Services, BVBA Contact: Tanghe Roger - roger.tanghe@fbm-gent.be Langerbruggekaai 1, 9000 GENT T: +32 (0)9 253 11 15 - F: +32 (0)92 53 97 90 Employees: 13 - Turnover (keuro): 2.248 General steel constructions.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


FCC MSI-5, SA www.mecastamp.fr Contact: Mastain Agnés - sv@mecastamp.fr rue du Progrès 50, 6180 COURCELLES T: 00 33 321774014 - F: +32 (0)71 46 80 60 Employees: 29 - Turnover (keuro): 10.611 Stamping and heat treatment.

Femont, NV www.femont.com Contact: Fémont Peter - peter.femont@femont.com Koningin Astridlaan 14, 2830 WILLEBROEK T: +32 (0)3 886 58 15 - F: +32 (0)3 886 22 61 Employees: 65 - Turnover (keuro): 10.096 Engineering, manufacturing, installation, testing and commissioning of low to highly automated, process integrated and customised lifting and handling equipment.

Ferromatrix, NV www.vandewiele.com Contact: Vandendriessche Wim - wvdd@ferromatrix.com Michel Vandewielestraat 7, 8510 MARKE (KORTRIJK) T: +32 (0)56 24 32 94 - F: +32 (0)56 24 35 08 Employees: 133 - Turnover (keuro): 24.826 Foundry for high-quality cast iron.

Fidomatic, BVBA www.fidomatic.be Contact: Espeel Peter - p.espeel@fidomatic.be ‘T Lindeke 4, 8880 SINT-ELOOIS-WINKEL (LEDEGEM) T: +32 (0)56 54 01 00 - F: +32 (0)56 54 01 01 Employees: 8 Welding and construction, subcontracting, automation, machinery construction, construction of prototypes, tailor made machinery,...


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Fleurinvest, SA Contact: Argento Franco - franco.argento@fleurinvest.be chaussée de Gilly 299, 6220 FLEURUS T: +32 (0)71 28 61 61 - F: +32 (0)71 28 60 09 Employees: 32 - Turnover (keuro): 9.805

Flowell International, SA www.flowell.be Contact: Slabbaert Xavier - xavier.slabbaert@flowell.be rue du Château 95, 1470 BOUSVAL (GENAPPE) T: +32 (0)10 61 47 41 - F: +32 (0)10 61 47 37 Employees: 17 - Turnover (keuro): 9.927 Specialised in corrosion resistant alloys. Stainless steel to ASTME/ANSI standards. High nickel alloys.

FLR Industrielle, SA www.flr.be Contact: Wattiaux Olivier - o.wattiaux@flr.be rue d’Elmer 102, 4020 WANDRE (LIÈGE) T: +32 (0)4 362 79 79 - F: +32 (0)4 362 00 33 Employees: 42 - Turnover (keuro): 2.127 Design, manufacture and marketing of springs and various metal parts made from wire 0.2 to 12mm (Compression-Tension-Torsion springs- Bendings) or from strip (Clips & bent parts 0.15 to 5 mm thickness and up to 200mm width). Speciality: Augers (with axle or not) up to 45mm in diameter & 2 m in length.

Fonderie G. Fallais, SA www.fonderiefallais.be Contact: Poot Joris - j.poot@fonderiefallais.be rue de Waremme 123, 4530 VILLERS-LE-BOUILLET T: +32 (0)472 83 14 74 - F: +32 (0)85 23 50 10 Employees: 67 - Turnover (keuro): 6.777 Aluminium alloys foundry: sand, gravity and pressure die castings, heat treatments, machining shop, magnesium foundry with a Thixomolding machine for producing parts with a high precision.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Fonderies J. Marichal Ketin & Cie, SA www.mkb.be Contact: Jungblut André - rolls@mkb.be rue Ernest Solvay 372, 4000 LIÈGE T: +32 (0)4 234 72 26 - F: +32 (0)4 234 72 51 Employees: 144 - Turnover (keuro): 30.573 Manufacturing of hot strip mill rolls from 5 tons up to 40 tons.

Forges et Estampage Meuse, SCRL www.be-fem.com Contact: Müller Gabriel - fem@skypro.be rue Bastin 188, 4020 WANDRE (LIÈGE) T: +32 (0)4 362 62 87 - F: +32 (0)4 362 41 74 Employees: 13 - Turnover (keuro): 1.038 Stamping, pressing, forging, metal forming, stamping, powder metallurgy. Open die forging. Welding, brazing. Heat treatments.

Freyssinet Belgium, NV www.freyssinet.be Contact: Vermeulen Pascal - pvermeulen@freyssinet.be Harensesteenweg 299, 1800 VILVOORDE T: +32 (0)2 252 07 40 - F: +32 (0)2 252 24 43 Employees: 38 - Turnover (keuro): 6.430 The Freyssinet Group works on the construction, improvement and long-term durability of structures for all uses: public infrastructure (bridges, tunnels), industrial infrastructure (silos, reservoirs, offshore platforms). In addition to prestressing and structural cables, the Group’s know-how includes construction methods, fitting out structures, geotechnical projects, and all services involved in the repair, servicing and maintenance of buildings.

Full Metal Services, SA www.mecasyst.com Contact: Devos Jean-Marie - mecasyst@mecasyst.be avenue de l’Artisanat 12, 1420 BRAINE-L’ALLEUD T: +32 (0)2 384 17 53 - F: +32 (0)2 384 81 47 Employees: 5


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G & G International, NV www.ggi.be Contact: Verhamme Eva - eva.verhamme@geldof.be Molenweg 109, 2830 WILLEBROEK T: +32 (0)56 73 21 21 - F: +32 (0)3 886 58 04 Employees: 128 - Turnover (keuro): 56.038 World leader in the engineering and fabrication of large pressure vessels: columns, reactors, drums, gas storage bullets and spheres, etc. in carbon and stainless steel and special alloys up to 200 mm thickness. Items up to 20 m diameter, 2.000 tons can be shipped, in one piece, worldwide.

Galva Power Group, NV www.galvapower.com Contact: Goderniaux Jean-Louis - jlgoderniaux@galvapower.com Centrum Zuid 2037, 3530 HOUTHALEN (HOUTHALEN-HELCHTEREN) T: +32 (0)11 51 02 34 - F: +32 (0)11 51 02 30 Employees: 308 - Turnover (keuro): 63.026 Hot dip galvanizing, surface treatment, wet painting and powder coating

Galvaco, SA www.weertgroep.nl Contact: Boland Guy - guy.boland@weertgroep.be Pele-Bois 2, Parc Artisanal, 4590 OUFFET T: +32 (0)86 36 65 11 - F: +32 (0)86 36 66 03 Employees: 20 - Turnover (keuro): 3.175 Hot galvanising.

Galvani, BVBA Contact: Van Trigt Eduard - galvani.bvba@pandora.be Binnenweg 259, KMO Zone Itterbeek, 2570 DUFFEL T: +32 (0)3 480 22 70 - F: +32 (0)3 489 35 74 Employees: 1

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GAM, NV www.gam-nv.be Contact: Gabriëls Hubert - hubert.gabriels@gam-nv.be Weg naar Zwartberg 185, 3660 OPGLABBEEK T: +32 (0)89 81 97 30 - F: +32 (0)89 85 57 76 Employees: 26 - Turnover (keuro): 1.385 Automation projects, conveying equipment, welding and construction work.

Gantois Belgium, SA www.gantois-belgium.be Contact: Charlier Jean - j.charlier@gantois-belgium.be rue du Casino 21, 4850 PLOMBIÈRES T: +32 (0)87 78 60 16 - F: +32 (0)87 78 57 61 Employees: 8 Perforated plates, woven wire cloth.

Garnimetal, SA www.garnimetal.com Contact: Celis Nathalie - nathalie.celis@garnimetal.com rue de la Wastinne 24, 1301 BIERGES (WAVRE) T: +32 (0)10 41 79 04 - F: +32 (0)10 41 66 53 Employees: 31 - Turnover (keuro): 3.056 Subcontracting work in sheet-metal forming in steel, galvanised steel, aluminium, and stainless steel. Research and development services up to complete manufacturing for delivering final products. Manufacturing of street furnitures.

Gebroeders Timmerman, NV www.timmerman-nv.be Contact: Timmerman Michel - michel.timmerman@timmerman-nv.be Slachthuisstraat 14, 9900 EEKLO T: +32 (0)9 376 77 91 - F: +32 (0)9 377 99 79 Employees: 72 - Turnover (keuro): 7.898 Industrial piping and ancillary accessory parts. Air batteries. Heat exchangers.


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Geldof Metaalconstructie, NV www.geldof.be Contact: Deschuymer Eddy - eddy.deschuymer@geldof.be Broelstraat 20, 8530 HARELBEKE T: +32 (0)56 73 21 21 - F: +32 (0)56 73 40 40 Employees: 119 - Turnover (keuro): 72.013 Engineering and fabrication of components and turnkey projects for the storage, handling and processing of gasses, liquids and bulk solids: Storage tanks: shop built or site erected - Pressure vessels: reactors, columns, drums, bullets, spheres, etc. Bulk solids storage & handling solutions: silo’s, conveyers, (un)loading systems, etc. and other custom-designed realisations.

Gemaco, SA www.gemac.com Contact: Sluyters Jean-Marc - ms@gemac.com rue de Hermée 245, Z.I. des Hauts-Sarts, 4040 HERSTAL T: +32 (0)4 370 99 70 - F: +32 (0)4 370 99 71 Employees: 21 - Turnover (keuro): 6.384 Gemaco specializes in supplying and processing special stainless steels for highly corrosive environments, heat resisting, nickel alloys and alloy steels for high and low temperatures.

General Tank Cleaning, BVBA www.lonvil.be Contact: Claes Rudy - info@lonvil.be Haven 83, Longueville, 2030 ANTWERPEN 3 T: +32 (0)3 546 79 70 - F: +32 (0)3 542 60 63 Employees: 21 - Turnover (keuro): 2.434 Industrial and chemical cleaning; piping and construction; mechanical works (shut down); engineering.

GGM, SA www.groupefontin.com Contact: Foubert Luc - foubert@fontin.be rue de Nazareth 11, 4651 BATTICE (HERVE) T: +32 (0)87 32 11 80 - F: +32 (0)87 66 12 83 Employees: 18

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Gieterijen en Werkhuizen Alidor Claeys, NV Contact: Claeys Rik - rclaeys@al-claeys.be Ruddervoordsestraat 38, 8210 ZEDELGEM T: +32 (0)50 20 99 94 - F: +32 (0)50 20 11 96 Employees: 48 - Turnover (keuro): 6.992 Foundry iron for grey and nodular cast iron, related services, models, painting, cutting, thermal treatment, etc.

Gieterijen Riskin, NV www.riskin.com Contact: Riskin Jean Victor - johny@riskin.com Luikersteenweg 579, 3700 TONGEREN T: +32 (0)12 39 05 75 - F: +32 (0)12 39 09 71 Employees: 21 - Turnover (keuro): 2.068 High-pressure moulding of technical aluminium alloy components.

Girboux Frères Fonderies, SA Contact: Girboux Philippe - fonderies.girboux@skynet.be chaussée de Charleroi 50, 1471 LOUPOIGNE (GENAPPE) T: +32 (0)67 77 20 47 - F: +32 (0)67 77 36 86 Employees: 9 - Turnover (keuro): 830 Metal foundry.

Gondrexon Industrie, NV www.gondrexon.com Contact: Bremer Jean-Louis - jl.bremer@gondrexon.com Azalealaan 22, 1930 ZAVENTEM T: +32 (0)2 714 11 89 - F: +32 (0)2 725 08 05 Employees: 62 - Turnover (keuro): 6.153 Realisation, production, repair and supply of woven wire screens, wedge wire screens, self tracking belts, perforated plates, other separation and filtration media and their related components.


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Graux Ateliers, SA www.graux.be Contact: Lefour Christelle - c.lefour@graux.be ZI Plantis des Aisements 3, 6590 MOMIGNIES T: +32 (0)60 51 25 85 - F: +32 (0)60 51 25 90 Employees: 29 - Turnover (keuro): 1.273 Machine construction and prototypes for industrial processes Mechanical construction and manufacturing of industrial equipments Boiler works and mechanised welding.

Greif Belgium, BVBA www.greif.com Contact: Van den Broeck Filip - filip.vandenbroeck@greif.com Bollaarstraat 6, 2500 LIER T: +32 (0)3 491 06 55 - F: +32 (0)3 480 35 12 Employees: 173 - Turnover (keuro): 42.979 Industrial packaging: the production and selling of steel and plastic drums.

H. Dereu & Zoon, NV www.gieterijdereu.be Contact: Dereu Jean-Marie - dereu.jm@gmail.com Westkerkestraat 165, 8480 EERNEGEM (ICHTEGEM) T: +32 (0)477 42 61 78 - F: +32 (0)59 29 92 88 Employees: 7 Production of grey and ductile cast iron to 80 kg, capacity up to 120 tons/month. Small, medium and large serial work.

Haver Belgium, SA www.haverbelgium.com Contact: Scholz Torsten - hbsa@cybernet.be rue des Gaillettes 9, 4651 BATTICE (HERVE) T: +32 (0)87 69 29 60 - F: +32 (0)87 69 29 61 Employees: 14 - Turnover (keuro): 1.653 Weaving wire nets and screen cloths. Sale of laboratory equipment.

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Hertel Industrial Sealings, NV www.hertel.be Contact: Desloovere Johan - Johan.Desloovere@hertel.be Bijkhoevelaan 16, 2110 WIJNEGEM T: +32 (0)3 360 61 00 - F: +32 (0)3 326 21 47 Employees: 30 - Turnover (keuro): 8.277 Manufacturing of metal and plastic sealings for special purposes.

Hexcel Composites, SPRL www.hexcelcomposites.com Contact: Soccal Georges - georges.soccal@hexcel.com rue des Trois Bourdons 54, Parc Industriel, 4840 WELKENRAEDT T: +32 (0)87 30 74 65 - F: +32 (0)87 88 28 95 Employees: 191 - Turnover (keuro): 21.754 Manufacturer of composites materials (carbon fiber - fabrics - prepregs - adhesives - flat and machined honeycombs).

Holvrieka, NV Contact: Deceuninck Walter - w.deceuninck@holvrieka.be Wervikstraat 350, 8930 MENEN T: +32 (0)56 51 42 51 - F: +32 (0)56 51 07 28 Employees: 57 - Turnover (keuro): 17.855 Tanks (for powdery products, for liquids, for LPG) for lorries and trailers.

HTMS, NV www.htms.be Contact: Lebeau Francis - francis.l@htms.be Blarenberglaan 5, 2800 MECHELEN T: +32 (0)15 22 02 81 - F: +32 (0)15 22 05 81 Employees: 16 - Turnover (keuro): 1.513 High Tech Metal Seals, short HTMS designs and manufactures elastic or resilient metal seals. Resilient Metal Seals are used in a wide variety of applications where normal seals cannot handle extremes of temperature, pressure, medium or combinations there off.


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Ijzer & Metaalgieterij De Sweemer, NV Contact: Verbiest Arlette - arlette@dspc.be Industrielaan 38, 9900 EEKLO T: +32 (0)9 218 09 00 - F: +32 (0)9 218 09 09 Employees: 15 Precicast : a sand/ceramic foundry process for complex aluminium parts, specially developed for small series like prototyping, pre-production and “niche-market” production series. By using the same design as for diecasting, production in a few weeks of core intensive parts with thin walls; high pins & fins and deep pockets.

Imeco, SA www.imeco.be Contact: Maertens Stéphan - s.maertens@imeco.be rue de l’Avenir 63, Parc Industriel, 4460 GRÂCE-HOLLOGNE T: +32 (0)4 263 19 55 - F: +32 (0)4 246 16 34 Employees: 64 - Turnover (keuro): 7.673 Project global management (from study to final mounting, reconditioning or modernisation) of industrial equipment, mechanical assembly construction and reparation in workshop or onsite, plant maintenance, special tooling design - any mechanical work.

Iris, SA-NV www.iris.be Contact: Jacobs Corinne - corinne.jacobs@iris.be Bazellaan 5, 1140 BRUSSEL T: +32 (0)2 204 03 79 - F: +32 (0)2 201 11 66 Employees: 338 - Turnover (keuro): 26.819 Anticorrosion treatment and related maintenance services.

Iso-Calor, SA Contact: Dalla-Vecchia Diego - isocalor@busmail.net rue Nicolas Defrêcheux 15, 4040 HERSTAL T: +32 (0)4 264 21 57 - F: +32 (0)4 264 70 79 Employees: 17 - Turnover (keuro): 1.958 Ventilation.

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Jaegerson, NV www.jaegerson.be Contact: Jaques Henk - henk.jaques@jaegerson.be Hulstlo 27, Industriepark, 8730 BEERNEM T: +32 (0)50 79 97 21 - F: +32 (0)50 79 11 36 Employees: 72 - Turnover (keuro): 15.819 Subcontracting metalworking: laser cutting, punching, bending. Welding: manual and robot.

JONCKHEERE subcontracting, NV www.jonckheeresub.com Contact: Schodts Paul J.A. - paul.schodts@jonckheeresub.com Henri Jonckheerestraat 5, 8800 ROESELARE T: +32 (0)51 23 28 05 - F: +32 (0)51 23 28 90 Employees: 197 - Turnover (keuro): 64.136 Welded-machined assemblies, sheet metal parts and assembly operations.

Kanigen Works Benelux, NV www.kanigen.be Contact: Decker Mark - mark.decker@kanigen.be Wolfsbergstraat 57, 3600 GENK T: +32 (0)89 38 01 26 - F: +32 (0)89 38 04 32 Employees: 31 - Turnover (keuro): 1.416 Surface treatment: electroless nickel plating according to the Kanigen process.

Komec Helsen, NV www.komec.be Contact: Helsen Werner - werner.helsen@komec.be Kernenergiestraat 79, 2610 WILRIJK (ANTWERPEN) T: +32 (0)3 828 31 38 - F: +32 (0)3 828 24 77 Employees: 41 - Turnover (keuro): 14.324 Mechanical workshop - supplier - machine construction. The company business consists of manufacturing very high quality mechanical components using the latest technologies for different materials such as ferrous and non-ferrous metals as well as plastics. These components can be fitted together and/or assembled into subassemblies or complete tested machinery. All manufacturing, assembling and design are done at Komec. 86

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La Mécanique Mosane, SA www.groupefontin.com Contact: Foubert Luc - foubert@fontin.be rue du Dossay 5, 4020 WANDRE (LIÈGE) T: +32 (0)4 380 22 84 - F: +32 (0)4 362 25 10 Employees: 20

Las en Constructiewerken Ivens, NV www.ivens-cb.be Contact: Jochems Jan - j.jochems@ivens-cb.be Noorderlaan 710, 2040 ANTWERPEN T: +32 (0)3 561 03 72 - F: +32 (0)3 568 81 38 Employees: 68 - Turnover (keuro): 6.536 Boiler works, pressure vessels, piping, ...

LayerWise, NV www.layerwise.com Contact: De Bruyne Tom - tom.debruyne@layerwise.com Kapeldreef 60, 3001 HEVERLEE (LEUVEN) T: +32 (0)16 29 84 20 - F: +32 (0)16 29 83 19 Employees: 7 Engineering and production services for Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Manufacturing of industrial and medical components.

LCMC, NV www.lcmc.be Contact: Bonne Antoon - info@lcmc.be Rozendaalstraat 107, 8900 IEPER T: +32 (0)57 21 99 16 - F: +32 (0)57 21 99 08 Employees: 40 - Turnover (keuro): 14.887 Supplier of machine components: milling and drilling castings with CNC-controlled machines. Part of Cormetallis group.

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L’Entraide par le Travail, ASBL www.eta-entraide.be Contact: Peeters Anne - a.peters@eta-entraide.be rue Saint-Sébastien 8, 1420 Braine-l’Alleud T: +32 (0)2 387 55 47 - F: +32 (0)2 387 55 43

Les Aciéries de la Meuse, SA Contact: Bollen Marcel - acieriesdelameuse@skynet.be rue Mathieu Steenebrugen 3, 4602 CHERATTE (VISÉ) T: +32 (0)4 362 79 43 - F: +32 (0)4 362 10 12 Employees: 20 Steel foundry, mainly manganese steel for railways and tramways equipment, wear parts for crushing, milling and dredging equipment. In addition, we produce stainless steel lingots and large castings in carbon or low-alloy steels.

Les Ateliers de la Meuse, SA www.alm.be Contact: Limbort Fred - fred.limbort@alm.be rue Ernest Solvay 107, 4000 SCLESSIN (LIÈGE) T: +32 (0)4 252 00 30 - F: +32 (0)4 252 00 35 Employees: 73 - Turnover (keuro): 8.974 Energy, boiler works, general mechanical engineering, mechanically operated assemblies, maintenance of mechanical equipment, scientific equipment for ground based and space experiments.

LGTB, NV www.lgtb.be Contact: Heylen Guy - guy.heylen@lgtb.be Albertkanaalstraat 139, 3511 KURINGEN (HASSELT) T: +32 (0)11 85 04 00 - F: +32 (0)11 85 04 09 Employees: 42 - Turnover (keuro): 3.790 Surface treatment of metals; electrolytic zinc plating, tin-plating, nickel-chrome, zinc iron, KTL varnishing, polishing, blasting, etc; both in rack and drum.


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Limburgse Galvanisatie en Electro-Beton, NV Contact: Lenssen Lambert - lgeb@limgalva.be Slakweidestraat 8, Industrieterrein Oude Bunders, 3630 MAASMECHELEN T: +32 (0)89 76 46 01 - F: +32 (0)89 76 54 14 Employees: 41 - Turnover (keuro): 7.181 Hot dip galvanizing.

Longtain, SA www.longtain.com Contact: Mitrovic Zoran - zoran.mitrovic@longtain.com rue Emile Vandervelde 1-3, 7170 BOIS-D’HAINE (MANAGE) T: +32 (0)64 27 35 54 - F: +32 (0)64 26 59 24 Employees: 116 - Turnover (keuro): 67.723 Manufacture of welded steel tubes.

Maes Metal, NV www.maesmetal.com Contact: Devos Olivier - info@maesmetal.com Ellestraat 83, 8550 ZWEVEGEM T: +32 (0)56 75 52 49 - F: +32 (0)56 75 94 10 Employees: 20 - Turnover (keuro): 732 Wire processing, (frying)baskets and products for industrial applications; mild steel; galva and/or stainless; subcontracting.

Magolux, SA Contact: Jacob William - william.jacob@magotteaux.com rue de la Hart 1, Parc Industriel, 6780 MESSANCY T: +32 (0)63 38 28 16 - F: +32 (0)63 38 84 11 Employees: 139 - Turnover (keuro): 28.980 Foundry specialised in wear-resistant castings. High-tech products aimed at cement manufacturers and the sludging industry.

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Magotteaux Liège, SA www.magotteaux.com Contact: Viseur Patrick - patrick.viseur@magotteaux.com rue Prés de la Tour 55, 4051 VAUX-SOUS-CHÈVREMONT (CHAUDFONTAINE) T: +32 (0)4 361 76 17 - F: +32 (0)4 361 72 60 Employees: 395 - Turnover (keuro): 97.617 Foundry specialising in the design, manufacture and provision of internal equipment for crushers, grinders and furnaces designed for cement works, mines, quarries, chemical and petrochemical industries, power plants, recycling industries and plumbing fixtures. This internal equipment comprises special steel parts that are resistant to wear, shocks, corrosion and high temperatures.

Malcourant Mécanique, SA www.malcourant-mecanique.be Contact: Powis Patrick - ppowis@malcourant-mecanique.be rue de la Marcelle 1-3, 5030 GEMBLOUX T: +32 (0)81 62 65 00 - F: +32 (0)81 61 09 41 Employees: 12 Mechanical subcontractor Technical Engineering.

Malex, SA www.malex.be Contact: Vivone Mario - malex@swing.be rue Edmond Focquet 15, 6030 MARCHIENNE-AU-PONT (CHARLEROI) T: +32 (0)71 33 40 90 - F: +32 (0)71 33 41 85 Employees: 14 - Turnover (keuro): 803 Metal materials; general mechanics and design office.

Malmar, NV www.cormetallis.com Contact: Desimpelaere Koen - koen.desimpelaere@cormetallis.com Eddastraat 41, Skaldenpark, 9042 GENT (ZEEHAVEN) T: +32 (0)9 255 51 11 - F: +32 (0)9 255 51 12 Employees: 15 - Turnover (keuro): 2.828 Malmar NV is specialized into sheet metal parts & assemblies as e.g. rivetting of cross members, assembly of towing members, welded supports and brackets. Extra added value for the customer is the in-house paintshop. Part of Cormetallis group. 90

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Marcel Verfaillie-Leroy, BVBA www.verfaillie-leroy.be Contact: Verfaillie Marcel - marcel@verfaillie-leroy.be Werviksestraat 94, 8902 ZILLEBEKE (IEPER) T: +32 (0)57 20 23 49 - F: +32 (0)57 21 97 56 Employees: 23 - Turnover (keuro): 604 Production of modern road signalling systems. Construction of vertical signalling products, such as road signs, traffic lights; road marking activities; electrostatic powder-paint activities; chemical and mechanical treatment of metals.

Marc-Gérard, SA www.Marc-Gerard.be Contact: Baes Eric - eric.baes@marc-gerard.be rue d’Othée 105, 4430 ANS T: +32 (0)4 247 96 82 - F: +32 (0)4 246 33 88 Employees: 25 - Turnover (keuro): 6.318 Fastening products for industry with logistical support.

Matec, NV www.matec.be Contact: Vyncke Bart - bart.vyncke@matec.be Stoomtuigstraat 28, 8830 GITS (HOOGLEDE) T: +32 (0)51 24 53 53 - F: +32 (0)51 24 53 53 Employees: 74 - Turnover (keuro): 7.691 Mould construction for aluminium extrusion.

Matrio-Group, SA www.matrio.com Contact: - info@matrio.com rue des Alouettes 1, Z.I. des Hauts-Sarts (zone3), 4042 LIERS (HERSTAL) T: +32 (0)4 278 96 88 - F: +32 (0)4 278 96 80 Employees: 23 - Turnover (keuro): 699

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Mecacier Biebuyck Lessines, SA Contact: Pupillo Oronzo - dnc.mbl@skynet.be rue Baume Marpent 1, 7100 HAINE-SAINT-PIERRE (LA LOUVIÈRE) T: +32 (0)64 84 74 41 - F: +32 (0)64 84 74 42 Employees: 14 - Turnover (keuro): 3.397

Mecaconnect, SPRL Contact: Argento Franco - franco.argento@fleurinvest.be avenue du Spirou 32, 6220 FLEURUS T: +32 (0)71 24 38 78 - F: +32 (0)71 39 40 08 Employees: 20 - Turnover (keuro): 963

Mécamold, SA www.mecamold.com Contact: Ferrari Pierrot - pierrot.ferrari@bridgestone.eu rue de Hermée 195, Parc Industriel des Hauts-Sarts, 4040 HERSTAL T: +32 (0)4 248 58 58 - F: +32 (0)4 248 20 30 Employees: 210 - Turnover (keuro): 26.480 Tyre moulds

Mecanelec Industries, SA www.mecanelec.be Contact: Libeau Pascale - pascale.libeau@mecanelec.be rue Champeau 28 (Z.I.), 6061 MONTIGNIES-SUR-SAMBRE (CHARLEROI) T: +32 (0)71 30 89 80 - F: +32 (0)71 30 89 81 Employees: 12 - Turnover (keuro): 1.118 General mechanics and precision workshop.

Mécanoutil, SA users.skynet.be/mecanoutil Contact: Devilers Michel - marie.louise@skynet.be rue A. Trigaux 8, 7170 FAYT-LEZ-MANAGE (MANAGE) T: +32 (0)64 54 12 21 - F: +32 (0)64 54 99 35 Employees: 35 Machining work and general mechanical engineering. Deep drilling; hard chrome plating.


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Mecaproducts, SA Contact: Devilers Michel - marie.louise@skynet.be rue Trigaux 8, 7170 FAYT-LEZ-MANAGE (MANAGE) T: +32 (0)64 54 12 21 - F: +32 (0)64 54 99 35 Employees: 28 - Turnover (keuro): 1.703 Machining. General engineering. Deep drilling. Hydraulic cylinders.

Mekanische Konstruktie Baudoin, NV www.eriksbaudoin.be Contact: Poorters Liesbeth - liesbeth.poorters@baudoin.be Ambachtsstraat 10, 2400 MOL T: +32 (0)14 34 64 34 - F: +32 (0)14 31 98 88 Employees: 70 - Turnover (keuro): 7.405 Repair and maintenance of accessories or machines.

Merytherm, SA www.merytherm.be Contact: Duchesne Niels - secretariat@merytherm.be Allée des Artisans 26, Parc Artisanal du Monceau, 4130 ESNEUX T: +32 (0)4 388 12 70 - F: +32 (0)4 388 26 21 Employees: 3 - Turnover (keuro): 200 Subcontractor providing heat treatment for the mechanical industry. Green electricity generator with two hydropower plants. Consulting in hydro power plants projects.

Metaalbewerking Het Zuiden België, NV www.crossline-int.com Contact: Overman Lodewijk - L.overman@crossline-int.com Lammerdries 24, 2250 OLEN T: +32 (0)14 25 40 25 - F: +32 (0)14 23 25 08 Employees: 38 - Turnover (keuro): 13.762

Metaalwerken Pamo, NV Contact: Pollet Frederic - info@metaalwerkenpamo.be Kamerstraat 87, 9255 BUGGENHOUT T: +32 (0)52 33 28 98 - F: +32 (0)52 33 36 98 Employees: 20 - Turnover (keuro): 1.797 Metal structures.

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Metafor, NV www.metafor.be Contact: De Schepper Eddy - eddy.deschepper@metafor.be Plataan 45, 9820 MERELBEKE T: +32 (0)9 210 56 60 - F: +32 (0)9 210 56 69 Employees: 26 - Turnover (keuro): 4.700 Supplier of metal parts by presswork, lasercutting, bending, welding. Own toolshop.

Metagra, NV www.metagra.be Contact: Van Acker Marc - vanacker@metagra.be Industriepark - Drongen 11, 9031 DRONGEN (GENT) T: +32 (0)9 280 93 22 - F: +32 (0)9 282 27 95 Employees: 48 - Turnover (keuro): 4.474 Manufacturer of printed plastic and metallic fronts and panels, name and identification plates, membrane keyboards, metallic housings, labels, advertising signs, etc.

Metal Aarschot, NV www.metal-aarschot.be Contact: Thys Tom - tom.thys@metal-aarschot.be Dubbeekstraat 112, 3200 AARSCHOT T: +32 (0)16 56 98 21 - F: +32 (0)16 56 73 55 Employees: 3 Manufacturing precision mechanics and mechatronical assemblies. Because of our competences combined with those of our partners, we are a strategic and reliable business partner to you.

Métal Déployé Belge, SA www.mdb.eu Contact: Dawance Michel - m.dawance@mdb.eu Quai Vercour 98, 4000 SCLESSIN (LIÈGE) T: +32 (0)4 254 42 63 - F: +32 (0)4 252 11 03 Employees: 31 - Turnover (keuro): 9.708 Production of angle beads for plasterworks and production of expanded metal. Sales of joint compound and paper tapes for plaster boards.


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Metal Forming, SA Contact: Henssen Adolphe - metal.forming@skynet.be Parc Industriel d’Ivoz-Ramet 1, 4400 FLÉMALLE T: +32 (0)4 337 79 62 - F: +32 (0)4 338 10 03 Employees: 9 - Turnover (keuro): 427

Metalen Huysmans, NV www.huysmansmetalen.be Contact: Huysmans Christel - christel.huysmans@huysmansmetalen.be Toekomstlaan 115-117, 2900 SCHOTEN T: +32 (0)3 645 84 74 - F: +32 (0)3 646 91 59 Employees: 27 - Turnover (keuro): 4.607 Supplier of general sheet metal working: trimming, laser cutting, punching, folding and welding. Wholesale equipment for flue gas discharge.

Métalfûts, SA Contact: Winant Eric - eric.winant@metalfuts.be rue Prés Champs 13, Zoning Industriel, 4671 BARCHON (BLÉGNY) T: +32 (0)4 387 49 04 - F: +32 (0)4 387 66 47 Employees: 17

Métaux Emboutis, SA www.metauxemboutis.be Contact: Rosemboom André - andre.rosemboom@metauxemboutis.be rue Haute Marexhe 176-182, 4040 HERSTAL T: +32 (0)4 248 08 28 - F: +32 (0)4 240 24 88 Employees: 25 Own tooling shop; offers full integration of sheet rolling techniques from drawings and files.

Metlec, SA Contact: Leynaert Raymond - r.leynaert@wanadoo.fr rue de la Fontaine 155, 7301 HORNU (BOUSSU) T: +32 (0)65 79 55 55 - F: +32 (0)65 79 45 80 Employees: 22 - Turnover (keuro): 1.252 Industrial subcontracting, mechanical welding and mounting of scaffolding.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Mitracowall, GIE www.mitracowall.be Contact: Petit Jean-Jacques - jj.petit@mitraco.be Place de la Station, 5, 6041 GOSSELIES (CHARLEROI) T: +32 (0)494 50 76 66 - F: +32 (0)71 35 33 71 Surface treatment, industrial paint stripping, delacquering, sand-blasting, pressure jet propulsion (for aeronautics), pyrolise,chemjet,Co2.

Mockel, SCA www.mockel-precision.be Contact: Ehlert Rolf - r.ehlert@mockel-precision.be rue du Développement 9, Zoning Industriel Eupen-Baelen, 4837 BAELEN (LG.) T: +32 (0)87 59 39 52 - F: +32 (0)87 59 39 50 Employees: 28 Precision mechanical machining; machining on 3,4 & 5-axle, blade and pendulum manufacturing centres; manufacturing on CN lathing centres (2 to 8 axles); assembly of mechanical sub-assemblies; correction, running in, mortising, grooving; electronic engraving; surface treatments; heat treatments.

Mosacier, SA www.mosacier.be Contact: Vanderwaeren Jean - jean.vanderwaeren@arcelormittal.com rue Ernest Solvay 376, 4000 SCLESSIN (LIÈGE) T: +32 (0)4 235 91 19 - F: +32 (0)4 233 19 39 Employees: 125 - Turnover (keuro): 96.373 Production and selling of steel products

Multi Services Découpe, SA www.msdecoupe.com Contact: Libert Jean-François - Jfl@msdecoupe.com rue des Fauldeurs 6, 6530 THUIN T: +32 (0)71 59 75 75 - F: +32 (0)71 59 75 76 Employees: 14 - Turnover (keuro): 3.000 Metal manufacturing.


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MultiTech, NV Contact: Gerard Paul - multitech-oostende@skynet.be Esplanadestraat z/n, 8400 OOSTENDE T: +32 (0)59 34 07 41 - F: +32 (0)59 34 07 40 Employees: 11 - Turnover (keuro): 776 Surface treatment.

Mustad, SA-NV www.mustad.be Contact: Defechereux Pierre - defechereux@mustad.be Industriestrasse 30, 4700 EUPEN T: +32 (0)87 63 98 96 - F: +32 (0)87 63 98 98 Employees: 49 - Turnover (keuro): 5.541 Producing medium and large-volume precision engineering components for the machining industry: free cutting, milling, grinding, transfer machines.

NedCoat Ninove, NV www.nedcoat.be Contact: Callewaert Carlos - c.callewaert@nedcoat.be Pamelstraat-Oost 500, 9400 NINOVE T: +32 (0)54 31 92 91 - F: +32 (0)54 32 61 76 Employees: 58 - Turnover (keuro): 11.497 Provider on the Benelux market of protective coatings for steel products, such as hot-dip galvanizing, powder coating, wet coating, anodising of aluminium parts and Dacromet® of small parts.

News de Saint Moulin, SPRL ndsm.be Contact: Henry Jean-François - jean-francois.henry@ndsm.be rue Pageot 22/1, 5190 SPY (JEMEPPE-SUR-SAMBRE) T: +32 (0)71 51 75 22 - F: +32 (0)71 51 97 99 Employees: 31 - Turnover (keuro): 699 Processing metals, rollers, general engineering, site subcontracting.

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Nitruration Moderne, SA www.lanitruration.be Contact: Mossiat Francis - francis.mossiat@lanitruration.be rue Gilles Galler 22-24, 4000 SCLESSIN (LIÈGE) T: +32 (0)4 235 47 20 - F: +32 (0)4 231 04 33 Employees: 17 - Turnover (keuro): 1.242

No-Leak, NV www.no-leak.be Contact: Kerkhofs Jaak - j.kerkhofs@no-leak.be Industrieweg 8, 2280 GROBBENDONK T: +32 (0)14 50 81 80 - F: +32 (0)14 51 40 03 Employees: 34 - Turnover (keuro): 4.740 Production of brass and copper fittings for sanitation facilities and production of brass parts on a subcontracting basis.

Nouvelles Forges Longrée, SA www.forges-longree.be Contact: Billen Ludwig - billen@forges-longree.be rue Marihaye 20, 4400 FLÉMALLE-GRANDE (FLÉMALLE) T: +32 (0)4 234 32 94 - F: +32 (0)4 234 46 36 Employees: 12 - Turnover (keuro): 1.638 Free forging and machining

Oerlikon Balzers Coating Benelux, NV-SA www.oerlikon.com/balzers/be Contact: Desmet Mathieu - mathieu.desmet@oerlikon.com Schurhovenveld 4050, 3800 SINT-TRUIDEN T: +32 (0)11 69 30 40 - F: +32 (0)11 69 29 45 Employees: 36 - Turnover (keuro): 7.714 Development of coatings and coating processes, markets systems and production equipment. The coatings, marketed under the BALINIT® brand name, are extremely thin, harder than steel and lead to a decisive reduction in friction and wear.


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Omco International, NV www.omcomould.com Contact: Seynaeve Jean-Christophe - jcs@omcomould.com Venecolaan 10, Industriepark Lakeland, 9880 AALTER T: +32 (0)9 325 78 35 - F: +32 (0)9 374 34 69 Employees: 216 - Turnover (keuro): 50.093 Glass moulds Production of mould equipment & related accessories for the glass industry.

Omco Metals, NV www.omcometals.com Contact: De Cock Michaël - michael.decock@omcometals.com Zwaarveld 20, Industrieterrein Zwaarveld, 9220 Hamme T: +32 (0)52 49 93 30 - F: +32 (0)52 49 93 31 Foundries Mechanical castings in cast iron & bronze.

Optitherm, SA-NV Contact: Hertay Natacha - natacha.hertay@optitherm.be rue des Trois Entités 8, Zoning industriel des Plénesses, 4890 THIMISTERCLERMONT T: +32 (0)87 31 60 16 - F: +32 (0)87 31 60 02 Employees: 5 - Turnover (keuro): 498 Specialist of heating room management.

Ortmans, SA www.ortmans.be Contact: Ortmans Denis - denis.ortmans@ortmans.be Bois La Dame 2, Zi Plenesses, 4890 THIMISTER-CLERMONT T: +32 (0)87 32 28 11 - F: +32 (0)87 31 59 98 Employees: 50 - Turnover (keuro): 5.412 Stainless steel and super alloys pressure vessels manufacturer. Boilermaking. Welded stainless steel and precious metal structures. Welded products-stainlesssuper alloys.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Parts & Components, NV www.parts-components.be Contact: Van de Vijver Veerle - veerle.vandevijver@parts-components.be Dammestraat 80, 8800 ROESELARE T: +32 (0)51 26 72 72 - F: +32 (0)51 22 63 44 Employees: 133 - Turnover (keuro): 38.828 First tier supplier of sheet metal components and pre-assembled units for industries, such as truck and off road. Products in steel and aluminium: fuel and hydraulic tanks, catwalks, cross members, dimpled star plates, ...

Pedeo, NV www.pedeo.be Contact: De Croo Hans - hdc@pedeo.be Westerring 25, 9700 OUDENAARDE T: +32 (0)55 33 58 80 - F: +32 (0)55 33 58 90 Employees: 81 - Turnover (keuro): 8.878 Full Service Diecasting - Subcontracting. Die casting expert specialised in finished and assembled zinc and aluminium die castings up to 2 dm² and 500 g, in mediumsized and large series.

Penne, NV www.penne.be Contact: Penne Frans - frans.penne@penne.be Wijngaardveld 32, Industriepark Noord V, 9300 AALST T: +32 (0)53 21 44 19 - F: +32 (0)53 77 35 52 Employees: 85 - Turnover (keuro): 22.745 Supplier for metal press works (progressive tools), plastic injection moulding and die manufacture, specialising in progressive tooling for metal press works.


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Peruweld, SA www.peruweld.be Contact: Tassignon Georges - g.tassignon@peruweld.be rue de la Verte Reine 3, 7600 PÉRUWELZ T: +32 (0)69 59 05 34 - F: +32 (0)69 77 60 51 Employees: 60 - Turnover (keuro): 9.819 Boiler making; construction of silos, pressure vessels, ducts, chimneys, hoppers, etc. in steel, stainless steel and coated steel/up to a diameter of 7.5 metres and a maximum 60 tons in workshop.

PI Components, NV www.picseals.com Contact: Van Tricht Geert - geert.van-tricht@picomponents.net Griffinstraat 4-6, 2170 MERKSEM (ANTWERPEN) T: +32 (0)3 641 68 40 - F: +32 (0)3 641 68 69 Employees: 37 - Turnover (keuro): 5.894 Production of separation membranes for the process industry.

Polyvision, NV www.polyvision.com Contact: Thomas Benny - benny.thomas@polyvision.be Zuiderring 56, 3600 GENK T: +32 (0)89 32 31 30 - F: +32 (0)89 32 31 31 Employees: 123 - Turnover (keuro): 23.941 Producer of Ceramic Steel for writing surfaces and tunnel covering.

Pommee, SA www.pommee.be Contact: Fettweis Jean-Bruno - sogepom@pommee.be Troisième avenue 15, Zoning Industriel des Hauts Sarts, 4040 HERSTAL T: +32 (0)4 256 90 00 - F: +32 (0)4 256 90 09 Employees: 14 - Turnover (keuro): 1.039 Design and construction of welded tailor-made equipment. ISO9001 certified. Specialist in pressure vessels for human occupancy, in compliance with PED 97/23/ EC.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Poperinge Metal Construction, NV Contact: Sys Gerard - gerard.sys@jonckheeresub.com Provenseweg 64, 8970 POPERINGE T: +32 (0)57 34 61 32 - F: +32 (0)57 33 89 58 Employees: 71 - Turnover (keuro): 5.874 Sheet metal working.

Pour Demain, ASBL Contact: Delmotte Thierry - thierry.delmotte@valdugeer.be rue de la Grotte 8, Administration, 4690 BASSENGE T: +32 (0)4 286 91 14 - F: +32 (0)4 286 37 91 Employees: 69 Articles and supply of small trade work and sheet metal work. Sheet metal work and workshop realisation of mechanically welded, including painting.

Prakto, Theo Laureys, NV Contact: Laureys Freddy - info@prakto.be Langestraat 104, 9280 LEBBEKE T: +32 (0)52 41 05 17 - F: +32 (0)52 41 39 17 Employees: 11 - Turnover (keuro): 780 Production of LPG-tanks (liquid and vapour take off) for vehicles, forklifts etc. LPG tanks are according regulation UNO67R01 and following european directives (T)PED. Production of all kind of tanks under pressure. Accessories and valves for LPG tanks.

Precical, SA www.precical.be Contact: Troupin Alain - troupin.alain@precical.be rue du Tilleul 33, 4681 HERMALLE-SOUS-ARGENTEAU (OUPEYE) T: +32 (4)3 749 37 0 - F: +32 (0)4 374 93 74 Employees: 17 Design and production of high precision injection matrixes for industry. Thermoplastics, aluminium, zamac, Mg injection, design and production of high precision injection moulds for industrial purpose. Thermo-plastic injection, aluminium, zamac and Mg injection.


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Précimétal, SA www.precimetal.be Contact: Rabendzki Edward - edward.rabendzki@precimetal.be chaussée de Mons 89, Parc Industriel, 7180 SENEFFE T: +32 (0)64 52 20 03 - F: +32 (0)64 52 20 10 Employees: 143 - Turnover (keuro): 14.343 Production of investment casting parts (lost wax process) from 1g to 50 kg in steel, stainless steel, copper, cobalt and nickel alloys for all industrial sectors: general engineering, aeronautics, defence, building, engines, pumps and turbines, ...

Press & Plat, NV www.ppb.be Contact: Westphalen Didier - dw@ppb.be Heersterveldweg 6, 3700 TONGEREN T: +32 (0)12 39 19 19 - F: +32 (0)12 39 19 20 Employees: 127 - Turnover (keuro): 23.394 Pressing, bending and deep drawing of high strength steel, gauge 2 to 12 mm. Robot welding, manual and automated riveting of assemblies. Manufacturing of chassis-related components, such as cross members, various brackets and assemblies for truck application.

Proferro, NV www.proferro.be Contact: Defoor Kathy - kdfr@picanol.be Ter Waarde 50, 8900 IEPER T: +32 (0)57 22 22 13 - F: +32 (0)57 21 90 24 Employees: 274 - Turnover (keuro): 46.394 Proferro delivers grey and nodular iron castings to its customers. It provides support to its customers with co-engineering, assembly and logistics to reduce total cost of ownership.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Profiel Service, NV www.profielservice.be Contact: Min Jordi - jordi.min@profielservice.be Slakweidestraat 40, Ind. Oude Bunders 2046, 3630 MAASMECHELEN T: +32 (0)89 77 04 62 - F: +32 (0)89 77 04 69 Employees: 19 Profiel Service is synonymous with all-round steel service centre helping you constructing the future. By concentrating successive production phases, shearing, cutting, automatic drilling, bending, welding and surface treatment-at one location we save you time and money. Our management will ensure quality of a consistently high standard and the greatest possible degree of flexibility, efficiency and capacity from design to assembly.

Profilsteel, SA www.profilsteel.be Contact: Bakker Huub - huub.bakker@profilsteel.be avenue Paul Pastur 400, 6200 BOUFFIOULX (CHÂTELET) T: +32 (0)71 50 99 41 - F: +32 (0)71 50 99 21 Employees: 23 - Turnover (keuro): 13.710 Manufacture and sale of cold-formed sections.

Provan, BVBA www.provan.be Contact: Mantels Sonja - sonja@provan.be Troisdorflaan 22, 3600 GENK T: +32 (0)89 30 77 12 - F: +32 (0)89 30 77 07 Employees: 33 Provan is a subcontractor in metal works since 1998. We are specialized in lasercutting and sheet metal works, welding and assembly. We respect the industrial criteria as availability, speed and flexibility.

Punch Metals, NV Contact: Gesquière Diane - diane.gesquiere@punchmetals.com Nobelstraat 2, 3930 HAMONT-ACHEL T: +32 (0)11 39 93 11 - F: +32 (0)11 39 93 50 Employees: 98 - Turnover (keuro): 32.226


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Raytech, BVBA www.raytech.be Contact: Raymaekers Paul - paul@raytech.be Dirk Martensstraat 3a, Industriezone Waggelwater, 8200 SINT-ANDRIES (BRUGGE) T: +32 (0)50 45 44 00 - F: +32 (0)50 45 44 09 Employees: 15 - Turnover (keuro): 3.231 Subcontracting in laser- and waterjetcutting of metals and plastics. Laser micromachining for industry (cutting, welding, milling and engraving).

Remanufacturing Beerse Rem. B, NV www.remb.be Contact: Van Den Broeck Noëlla - noella.van.den.broeck@remb.be Vaartstraat 69, 2340 BEERSE T: +32 (0)14 62 28 64 - F: +32 (0)14 60 97 87 Employees: 47 - Turnover (keuro): 11.430 Repair and reviewing of hydraulic installations and components (cylinders, valves, pumps, etc.). System building and installation maintenance. Sale of components (Enerpac, Rexroth, Vickers).

Saey, NV www.saeysteel.com Contact: Van Acker Jean-Christophe - jeanchristophe.vanacker@saey.com Industrielaan 4, 8501 HEULE (KORTRIJK) T: +32 (0)56 36 24 75 - F: +32 (0)56 35 64 31 Employees: 59 - Turnover (keuro): 98.840 Service centre and wholesale business in steel and steel processing: folding, sawing and laser cutting.

Savimétal A.G., SA www.savimetal.be Contact: Stoffels Herbert - info@savimetal.be Prümer Strasse 44, 4780 SANKT-VITH T: +32 (0)80 28 01 60 - F: +32 (0)80 22 87 60 Employees: 71 - Turnover (keuro): 17.474 Foundry for steels, high alloyed steels and alloyed cast iron.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Secopra, SA www.secopra.be Contact: Hubaut Guy - guy.hubaut@secopra.be rue de l’Industrie 38, 1400 NIVELLES T: +32 (0)67 21 85 35 - F: +32 (0)67 21 01 81 Employees: 11 - Turnover (keuro): 843 Design and manufacturing of thermoplastic injection tools, high precision mechanical parts and mechanical assemblies (aeronautics, medical and nuclear).

Sertip Charleroi, SA Contact: AHN Jean-Marie - jm.ahn@sertip.net Avenue Centrale 55, Zoning Industriel de Jumet, 6040 JUMET (CHARLEROI) T: +32 (0)71 34 54 18 - F: +32 (0)71 34 55 02 Employees: 14 - Turnover (keuro): 3.017 Industrial plumbing, sheet metal workshop – worksite.

Settas, SA Contact: Luckow Axel - aluckow@doncasters.com Allée Centrale - Zone Industrielle, 6040 JUMET (CHARLEROI) T: +32 (0)71 25 75 40 - F: +32 (0)71 34 56 11 Employees: 73 - Turnover (keuro): 10.686 We manufacture titanium and zirconium foundry parts. We are a European company specialised in titanium and special alloy technology.

Shapes Subcontracting, NV www.shapessubcontracting.be Contact: D’Hondt Noël - ndh@shapessubcontracting.be Moorseelsesteenweg 22, 8800 RUMBEKE (ROESELARE) T: +32 (0)51 26 51 00 - F: +32 (0)51 26 51 01 Employees: 28 Shapes Subcontracting produces custom-made racks, containers and dollies and is also a high quality supplier for machinery builders and designers.


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Shur-Lok International, SA www.shur-lok.com Contact: FORET Bertrand - bforet@shur-lok.eu Rue des Biolleux, 4800 PETIT-RECHAIN (VERVIERS) T: +32 (0)87 32 07 75 - F: +32 (0)87 32 07 12 Employees: 89 - Turnover (keuro): 13.604 Fastenings for the aeronautics and space industry.

Sitomeca-Sobermeca, SA www.sitomeca.com Contact: Bertholet Serge - sitomeca@sitomeca.com Alphonse Vandenpeereboomstraat 58-60, 1080 BRUSSEL T: +32 (0)2 410 07 16 - F: +32 (0)2 410 25 68 Employees: 48 - Turnover (keuro): 5.074 Sitomeca-Sobermeca is specialized in the development and production of flat, corrugated and curved insert steel sheets, to be used as interleaves in the production of fibre- and wood-cement panels. These again are used for roofing, siding, insulation and decoration.

Slabinck Laser Products, NV www.slabinck.be Contact: Slabinck Luc - luc@slabinck.be Ten Briele 2, 8200 SINT-MICHIELS (BRUGGE) T: +32 (0)50 40 88 40 - F: +32 (0)50 40 88 41 Employees: 38 - Turnover (keuro): 5.411 Sheet work, machining, painting.

Société Nouvelle Hainaut-Carlier, SA users.skynet.be/hainaut.carlier Contact: Lefévère Eric - e.lefevere@skynet.be Par Delà l’Eau 20, 6120 JAMIOULX (HAM-SUR-HEURE) T: +32 (0)71 22 08 04 - F: +32 (0)71 21 45 08 Employees: 20 - Turnover (keuro): 2.647 Spare parts for agricultural machinery, welded assemblies, high resistance parts, forged and stamped parts, machined parts.

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Sogex-Erem, SA www.erem.be Contact: Helbois Xavier - xa.helbois@erem.be rue des Forgerons 29, 6001 MARCINELLE (CHARLEROI) T: +32 (0)71 36 62 54 - F: +32 (0)71 43 94 62 Employees: 9 - Turnover (keuro): 1.505 Mechatronics and electromechanical units, industrial resistors (for setting and heating), precision mechanical machining, machining of parts and structures made of composite materials.

Soudobeam, SA Contact: Thomas Jacques - j.thomas@metalinject.com rue Vaçale 5, 4140 SPRIMONT T: +32 (0)4 382 14 65 - F: +32 (0)4 382 16 96 Employees: 17 - Turnover (keuro): 1.381

Steel Service Center Bree, NV www.sscb.be Contact: Spooren Luc - luc.spooren@sscb.be Industrieterrein Vostert 1002, 3960 BREE T: +32 (0)89 46 07 35 - F: +32 (0)89 47 38 24 Employees: 75 - Turnover (keuro): 11.577 Main supplier for metal parts for machine construction.

Stewal, NV-SA www.stewal.com Contact: Steenhoudt Sofie - st@stewal.com Industriepark Klein Frankrijk 37, 9600 RONSE T: +32 (0)55 23 71 02 - F: +32 (0)55 21 00 73 Employees: 30 Development and manufacture of precise custom made tools and parts, such as prototypes, plastic injection moulds, cams, mechanical components, machine adaptations, surgical instruments and prostheses...


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Struyf, NV www.struyf.biz Contact: Struyf Pierre - pierre@struyf.biz Ter Stratenweg 22, Industriezone Hof Ter Straat, 2520 OELEGEM (RANST) T: +32 (0)3 470 10 21 - F: +32 (0)3 470 10 39 Employees: 35 - Turnover (keuro): 2.442 Design and manufacturing of SHELL & TUBE Heat Exchangers.

Surface Treatment Company, BVBA Contact: Vandewiele Bernard - bernard.vandewiele@vcst.be Schurhovenveld 4077, Industriezone, 3800 SINT-TRUIDEN T: +32 (0)11 67 33 93 - F: +32 (0)11 67 33 93 Employees: 138 - Turnover (keuro): 13.896 Heattreatment :carburising-nitriding-induction-vacuum surface treatment : hardanodising-Manganese phosphatation.

Tamco, SPRL Contact: Gevers Hubert - gevers.h@tamco.be avenue Frère A. M. Gochet, 16, 5060 TAMINES (SAMBREVILLE) T: +32 (0)71 74 40 03 - F: +32 (0)71 77 00 62 Employees: 2 - Turnover (keuro): 422 Metal construction.

Temeka, SPRL www.temeka.be Contact: Meskens-Keller Karin - info@temeka.be Engelsdorferstrasse 3, 4780 RECHT (SANKT-VITH) T: +32 (0)80 57 04 56 - F: +32 (0)80 57 03 41 Employees: 13 - Turnover (keuro): 1.350 Metal sheet working. Tube working.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


ThyssenKrupp Materials Belgium, NV-SA www.thyssenkruppmaterials.be Contact: Keris Benoît - benoit.keris@thyssenkrupp.com square des Conduites d’Eau 7-8, Parc d’Affaires Zénobe Gramme, Bât. H, 4020 LIÈGE T: +32 (0)4 239 79 28 - F: +32 (0)4 263 66 03 Employees: 35 - Turnover (keuro): 94.909

Toeleveringsbedrijf Steelandt, NV www.steelandt.com Contact: Steelandt Johan - johan.steelandt@steelandt.com Gistelsesteenweg 171, 8460 OUDENBURG T: +32 (0)59 25 56 56 - F: +32 (0)59 25 56 63 Employees: 80 - Turnover (keuro): 13.007 Steelandt produces a whole range of semi-finished products in thin metal sheets from 0.5 mm up to 8.0 mm, offering the following treatments Punching & Laser cutting; Pressing (up to 350 ton) & Bending; (Spot)Welding; Painting, including pretreatment with zinc phosphate and Assembling. We offer Flexibility & Short lead times, Quality & Tailor made solutions and one -stop-shopping: a broad range of possible metal work within Metalinc Group.

Tools & Dies, NV www.toolsanddies.be Contact: Van den Ouweland Henricus - rik.vandenouweland@toolsanddies.be Eikenlei 157, 2960 SINT-JOB-IN-‘T-GOOR (BRECHT) T: +32 (0)3 633 99 70 - F: +32 (0)3 633 99 71 Employees: 33 - Turnover (keuro): 3.395 Combined, blanking, follow-on and drawing dies, die-casting mould, precision parts, machine and structural components. Prototypes, starting and series, own press department. Own research and design office.


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Trailer Construction Grobbendonk, NV www.tcq.be Contact: Van Est Petra - petra.vanest@tcg.be Bouwelven 11, 2280 GROBBENDONK T: +32 (0)14 23 10 81 - F: +32 (0)14 23 26 80 Employees: 35 - Turnover (keuro): 5.416 Engineering and manufacturing of trailers and handling solutions. Internal transportation and handling solutions for manufacturing, warehousing and logistics. Airport baggage and cargo handling.

Trislot, NV www.trislot.be Contact: Gheysen Nico - ngh@trislot.be Roterijstraat 134, 8790 WAREGEM T: +32 (0)56 62 72 22 - F: +32 (0)56 62 72 62 Employees: 93 - Turnover (keuro): 19.143 Production of filter parts and components of filter parts made from stainless steel.

Tube City IMS Belgium, BVBA www.tubecityims.com Contact: De Vuyst Jeanine - jdevuyst@tubecityims.com J. Kennedylaan 51, 9042 GENT (ZEEHAVEN) T: +32 (0)9 349 63 09 - F: +32 (0)9 349 64 09 Employees: 19 - Turnover (keuro): 2.511

TubeMeuse-Industries, SA-NV www.tubemeuse.com Contact: Heirman GĂŠrald - gheirman@tubemeuse.com Boulevard 21 bus 30, Manhattan Building, 1210 BRUSSEL T: +32 (0)2 205 02 50 - F: +32 (0)2 203 33 80 Employees: 5 - Turnover (keuro): 154 Supply of spirally welded steel pipes for water and gas pipelines and piles for civil engineering projects (tunnel, bridge, quay wall). The supply range is between 50 mm up to 2500mm in various steel qualities and wall thickness upto 25,4 mm. TubeMeuse Industries is part of the turkish group Umran Steel Pipe Inc. since 1996.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Tuyauteries & Constructions Mosanes, SA tcmstork.be Contact: Heine Stéphane - stephane.heine@tcmstork.be Quai d’Arona 31, 4500 TIHANGE (HUY) T: +32 (0)85 23 31 52 - F: +32 (0)85 23 51 78 Employees: 22 - Turnover (keuro): 2.087 Assembly and modification of all piping and equipment. Small metal frames, maintenance of installations.

Union Electric Steel, BVBA www.uniones.com Contact: De Winne John - jdewinne@ues.be Bosstraat 54, 3560 LUMMEN T: +32 (0)13 67 08 06 - F: +32 (0)13 67 08 05 Employees: 5 - Turnover (keuro): 932 Sales and after-sales service of cast and forged steel rolls produced in manufacturing plants in the UK and the USA.

United Anodisers, NV-SA www.coil.be Contact: Hutton Timothy - coil@coil.be Roosveld 5, Industriezone, 3400 LANDEN T: +32 (0)11 88 01 88 - F: +32 (0)11 83 19 20 Employees: 99 - Turnover (keuro): 20.562 Surface treatment: continuous anodizing of aluminium.

Usine Union, SA www.union.be Contact: Lagneau Marie-Jeanne - mjl@union.be Brits Tweedelegerlaan 20, 1190 BRUSSEL T: +32 (0)2 344 19 90 - F: +32 (0)2 343 68 69 Employees: 24 - Turnover (keuro): 2.441 Small metal accessories, such as eyelets, rivets, buckles, press-buttons, round and D-rings, hooks, ... used in for civil and military products. Setting machine, automatic, semi-automatic, treadle and manual ones, tools.


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Vadeb-Witzenmann, NV www.vadeb-witzenmann.be Contact: Van den Bogaert Lucas - lucas.vandenbogaert@vadeb-witzenmann.be Ter Stratenweg 13, 2520 OELEGEM (RANST) T: +32 (0)3 470 11 28 - F: +32 (0)3 470 11 22 Employees: 107 - Turnover (keuro): 17.402 Manufacture of rigid and flexible piping.

Valmetal, SA www.valmetal.be Contact: Valentinetti François-Paul - frpv@valmetal.be rue de la Station 72, 4340 AWANS T: +32 (0)4 263 45 58 - F: +32 (0)4 263 81 15 Employees: 7 - Turnover (keuro): 1.500 General precision mechanics; manufacturing machines, machining, milling, turning; surface treatment and coating; manufacture of towers for car parks.

van Londen Gieterij, NV Contact: Van Vaerenberg Erik - vanlonden.gieterij@scarlet.be Biezeweg 9, Industriepark Kwatrecht, 9230 WETTEREN T: +32 (0)9 252 18 45 - F: +32 (0)9 252 21 84 Employees: 36 Iron and steel foundry.

Vandenhende Ursmar, SA Contact: Vandenhende Pol - marc.vandenhende2@yucom.be rue de Bascoup 84, 7170 FAYT-LEZ-MANAGE (MANAGE) T: +32 (0)64 54 11 11 - F: +32 (0)64 55 46 42 Employees: 17 - Turnover (keuro): 655 Metal constructions.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Ventec, NV www.ventec.be Contact: Maertens Dany - dany.maertens@matec.be Stoomtuigstraat 28, 8830 GITS (HOOGLEDE) T: +32 (0)51 23 88 62 - F: +32 (0)56 40 41 66 Employees: 19 - Turnover (keuro): 2.542 Steel hardening shop.

Vergalle, NV www.vergalle.be Contact: Vergalle Frank - frank.vergalle@vergalle.be Berchemweg 75, 9700 OUDENAARDE T: +32 (0)55 33 15 50 - F: +32 (0)55 31 62 51 Employees: 42 - Turnover (keuro): 113.388 The business would be described as a Steel Service Center with a product offering of slit coil, steel sheet, cut to length precision blanks and other semi-finished products from coil which are used in the building industry, the white goods industry and storage systems.

Vergo Galva, NV www.vergogalva.be Contact: De Potter Heidy - heidy.depotter@vergogalva.be Industriezone 16, 9770 KRUISHOUTEM T: +32 (0)9 388 65 11 - F: +32 (0)9 388 59 05 Employees: 21 - Turnover (keuro): 3.993 Handles among others the thermal zinc plating of products, such as industrial cable ladders and accessories. This is one of the few zinc plating plants in Europe that can boast such a high level of know-how as regards zinc plating of cable carrying systems.

Vermoere, NV Contact: Dutron Jacqueline - vermoere@skynet.be Ninovestraat 86, 9600 RONSE T: +32 (0)55 33 99 99 - F: +32 (0)55 21 05 93 Employees: 34


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Verzinkerij Lenssen, NV Contact: Lenssen Georges - georges@lenssen.be H. Fordlaan 29, 3600 GENK T: +32 (0)89 61 34 29 - F: +32 (0)89 61 34 22 Employees: 43 - Turnover (keuro): 10.022 Hot-dip galvanizing of iron and steel. The main areas of application for this process are agriculture, horticulture and industrial construction. The bath dimensions are: 13m long, 1.6m wide and 3.5m deep.

Visserie Guerry, SA-NV www.visserieguerry.be Contact: Guerry Alain - visserie.guerry@online.be avenue de la Corniche 28, 1420 BRAINE-L’ALLEUD T: +32 (0)2 361 28 00 - F: +32 (0)2 361 25 90 Employees: 25 - Turnover (keuro): 3.313 Manufacture of screws, bolts, according to drawing and specifications.

Vlassenroot, NV www.vlassenroot.com Contact: Wibo Jean-Charles - management@jcwibo.com Noordkustlaan 12-14, 1702 GROOT-BIJGAARDEN (DILBEEK) T: +32 (0)2 467 62 20 - F: +32 (0)2 467 62 29 Employees: 113 - Turnover (keuro): 74.248 Production of full welded boom sections for different types of cranes; subcontractor for the delivery of sheared, bended and/or welded profiles for all kinds of heavy steel constructions.

Vyncke Energietechniek, NV www.vyncke.com Contact: Callens Johan - jca@vyncke.com Gentsesteenweg 224, 8530 HARELBEKE T: +32 (0)56 73 06 31 - F: +32 (0)56 70 41 60 Employees: 94 - Turnover (keuro): 36.718 Engineering, construction, assembling and commissioning of biomass fired boilers, turning biomass into clean energy through the media of hot water, steam, thermal oil, hot gasses or a combinations of these media.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Walcast, SA wwww.walcast.be Contact: Ortogni Joseph - info@walcast.be rue du Chemin de Fer 19, 6041 GOSSELIES (CHARLEROI) T: +32 (0)71 34 32 11 - F: +32 (0)71 34 43 75 Employees: 10 - Turnover (keuro): 1.724 Precision casting. Mould for glass industry. Design development and rapid prototyping. Art casting with very fine decors with stainless steel and special alloy.

Weber BelgiĂŤ, NV www.weber-belgie.be Contact: Henz Leo - weber.belgie@skynet.be Keetberglaan 6, 9120 MELSELE (BEVEREN) T: +32 (0)3 253 21 35 - F: +32 (0)3 254 04 67 Employees: 62 - Turnover (keuro): 12.176

Wegra, NV www.wegra.com Contact: Vandijck Evi - evandijck@wegra.be Lieven Gevaertlaan 8, Nolimpark 1016, 3900 OVERPELT T: +32 (0)11 80 88 80 - F: +32 (0)11 80 88 81 Employees: 20 - Turnover (keuro): 928 Machine construction, fine sheet-metal working, mechanical working, infrared applications and special equipment.

Welders, NV www.welders.be Contact: Vertongen Tanja - tvertongen@welders.be Wijngaardveld 5, Industriezone Noord V, 9300 AALST T: +32 (0)53 72 93 04 - F: +32 (0)53 77 37 97 Employees: 47 - Turnover (keuro): 7.437 Specialist fabricator of process equipment (reactors, vessels, tanks, columns, heat exchangers, burners, pipework, internals) in superaustenitic stainless steels, Nickel base alloys (Inconel, Monel, Incoloy, Hastelloy), Titanium, Zirconium, Tantalum.


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Wema, NV www.wema.be Contact: De Smedt Filip - filip.de.smedt@wema.be De Arend 14, 8210 ZEDELGEM T: +32 (0)50 50 20 49 - F: +32 (0)50 50 21 30 Employees: 195 - Turnover (keuro): 21.092 WEMA NV, is an ISO 2001 / 14001 certified manufacturer / subcontractor of mechanical & hydraulic high precision metal components & assemblies, supplying worldwide to the leading OEM’s of machines and equipment for earth moving, agriculture, hydraulics, off-highway and automotive industries. (For details look at our website www.wema.be). With a team of 200 highly qualified co-workers WEMA NV realizes a turnover of more than 20,5 millions Euro.

Werkhuizen Deprest Armand, NV www.deprest.be Contact: Deprest Luc - luc.deprest@deprest.be Nieuwe Baan 90, 9150 BAZEL (KRUIBEKE) T: +32 (0)3 774 26 24 - F: +32 (0)3 744 31 02 Employees: 19 - Turnover (keuro): 2.743 Design, manufacture of process plant machinery and equipment for the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries.

Weweler-Colaert, NV www.colaert.be Contact: Colaert Jacques - j.colaert@colaert.be Beneluxlaan 1-3, 8970 POPERINGE T: +32 (0)57 34 62 05 - F: +32 (0)57 34 62 08 Employees: 99 - Turnover (keuro): 23.131 Production & distribution of leaf and parabolic springs for truck and trailer industry, suspension parts and related products.

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


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2010 Business Guide

Belgische toeleveranciers metaalbewerking Sous-traitants belges de la transformation du mĂŠtal Belgian metalworking suppliers www.agoria.be

AGORIA, KRUISPUNT VOOR ZAKENDOEN 13 sectoren, meer dan 1600 ondernemingen Agoria groepeert en verdedigt ondernemingen die niet alleen technologie gebruiken, maar ook technologie ontwikkelen. De federatie zet zich in voor de toekomst van deze ondernemingen en de bijna 300.000 mensen die er werken. Zo is Agoria de belangrijkste zakenpartner van meer dan 1500 ondernemingen (waarvan 900 kmo’s), verdeeld over 13 technologische sectoren: automobiel, bouwproducten, contracting & maintenance, elektrotechniek, industriële automatisering, ICT, kunststoffen, luchten ruimtevaart, mechatronica, metaalbewerking, metalen & materialen, montage & kranen en veiligheid & defensie.

De technologische industrie staat voor... - 300.000 werknemers (10% van de werkgelegenheid in België) - een omzet van meer dan 69,2 miljard euro - 1/3 van de totale Belgische export

Dicht bij de leden Wij staan ter beschikking van de leden in onze Vlaamse, Brusselse en Waalse gewestelijke afdeling en in onze regionale verenigingen (Agoria Antwerpen-Limburg, Agoria Oost- en West-Vlaanderen, Agoria Brabant, Agoria Hainaut-Namur en Agoria Liège-Luxembourg). We zijn gemakkelijk bereikbaar en zijn perfect op de hoogte van de omgeving waarin de ondernemingen actief zijn.


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Een uniek netwerk Agoria maakt deel uit van een netwerk van sectorfederaties en gewestelijke, federale en Europese intersectorale organisaties. Daarnaast werken de dertien sectoren van Agoria in een netwerk van een zestigtal Europese sectorcomitĂŠs.

Agoria wordt ook nog omringd door tal van organisaties zoals Sirris (collectief onderzoekscentrum van de technologische industrie), Attentia (sociaal secretariaat, kinderbijslag, preventie en bescherming, sociale verzekeringen), Isis-Consult (adviesbureau voor internationale sociale vragen), Congemetal (vakantiekas) en paritaire opleidingsfondsen (bijv. INOM)

Agoria Online Uw businessinfomatie op maat Elke dag op de hoogte zijn van de onderwerpen die essentieel zijn voor kaderleden en bedrijfsleiders: dat kan dankzij Agoria Online, het elektronisch informatiecentrum van de leden van Agoria. Agoria Online bestrijkt volgende domeinen: human resources, finances & administration, recht, milieu & energie, marketing & sales, international business, R&D, productie. Agoria Online is voorbehouden voor de lidbedrijven. Toegang is gratis voor alle medewerkers van de lidbedrijven! Gratis toegang krijgen tot Agoria Online is heel eenvoudig: surf naar www.agoria.be/abonnement of bel naar de Abonnementendienst (T: +32 2 706 84 85)

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


TREED TOE TOT HET AGORIA NETWERK Met Agoria kunt u de problemen van vandaag de baas en profiteert u van de kansen die zich morgen aanbieden:

Meer omzet - Hoe doe ik zaken in Oost-Europa? - Ik wil vooruit met mijn onderneming. Maar ik heb geen zicht op de markt. - De technologische ontwikkelingen in de sector gaan snel. Mijn personeel heeft dringend nood aan bijscholing. Kan Agoria helpen? - Kunt u een consultant in China aanbevelen, gespecialiseerd in automotive en gereedschapsmachines?

Met Agoria kunt u een grotere omzet genereren. Dankzij ons groot netwerk brengen we u in contact met zakenpartners en klanten.

Meer besparingen - Ik zou graag een contract aangaan met een nieuwe klant. Kan Agoria de algemene aankoopvoorwaarden van de klant nazien? - Hoeveel kan ik precies besparen op mijn energiefactuur als ik lid word? - Hoe kunnen we de BTW recupereren op horecakosten in het buitenland? - Ik zoek een modelcontract voor agentuurovereenkomsten in onze Europese afzetmarkten: Duitsland, ItaliĂŤ en Frankrijk. - Ik regel veel van mijn fiscale zaken zelf. Kan Agoria mij hierbij helpen?

Agoria helpt om uw kosten terug te dringen. Bespaar op bijkomend, gespecialiseerd personeel. Bespaar op eerstelijnsadvies van dure advocaten en fiscalisten. Agoria biedt een waaier van gratis advies en diensten die uw onderneming onmiddellijk kosten doen besparen. En dan hadden we het nog niet over onze ledenvoordelen ...

Gratis advies - Hoe blijf ik op de hoogte van de sociale wetgeving? - Mag ik de e-mail en het surfgedrag van mijn werknemers controleren? - Waar en hoe vind ik een preventieadviseur? - Twijfel bij de nieuwe wetgeving? - Op zoek naar correcte algemene voorwaarden, of een modelcontract?

Een eenvoudig telefoontje naar uw Agoria-contactpersoon, of een blik op Agoria Online lossen snel uw vragen op.


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Sectorinformatie - Hoe zet ik mijn eerste stappen in het buitenland? - Kan mijn onderneming succes boeken in China? - Wat is de terugnameplicht? En moet ik er als fabrikant rekening mee houden? - Wat is de geluidswetgeving voor compressoren?

Agoria kent uw sector van binnenuit. We geven u heet-van-de-naald nieuws over de regels die uw onderneming aanbelangen. En zetten ons in om onze leden te vertegenwoordigen op de diverse beslissingsniveaus – van hoog tot laag.

Meer informatie? www.agoria.be/aansluiting Luc De Vocht, directeur Marketing, T: +32 2 706 81 25, luc.devocht@agoria.be

Ledenvoordelen: gegarandeerd een besparing De ledenvoordelen zijn akkoorden die Agoria heeft gesloten met de beste partners op het domein van arbeidsongevallenverzekering, mobiliteit en elektriciteit. Daarnaast gaat het ook om een BA-verzekering voor bestuurders, kredietverzekering, debiteurenbeheer, zakenreizen, recrutering, beroepsinformatie, opleiding en zalenverhuur. Het aantal ledenvoordelen groeit voortdurend en wordt regelmatig herzien op basis van de marktsituatie. Resultaat: uitzonderlijke kortingen voor onze leden op tal van prestaties. Informatie: Agoria Online, rubriek ‘ledenvoordelen’ of Isabelle Lefebvre, T: +32 2 706 79 15, isabelle.lefebvre@agoria.be

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


AGORIA, CARREFOUR DU BUSINESS 13 secteurs, plus de 1600 entreprises Agoria rassemble et défend des entreprises grandes consommatrices et productrices de technologies. La fédération s’engage pour le futur de ces entreprises et des quelque 300.000 personnes qui y travaillent. Agoria est ainsi le premier partenaire d’affaires de plus de 1500 entreprises (dont 900 PME’s), réparties en 13 secteurs technologiques: aéronautique et aérospatiale, automatisation industrielle, automobile, contracting & maintenance, électrotechnique, mécatronique, métaux & matériaux, montage & grues, plastiques, produits de construction, sécurité & défense, TIC et transformation du métal.

L’industrie technologique, c’est... - 300.000 personnes employées (10% de l’emploi privé en Belgique) - un chiffre d’affaires de plus de 69,2 milliards d’euros - 1/3 des exportations belges

Proche des membres Nous nous tenons au service des membres dans nos directions wallonne, bruxelloise et flamande ainsi que dans nos associations régionales (Agoria Antwerpen-Limburg, Agoria Oost- en West-Vlaanderen, Agoria Brabant, Agoria Hainaut-Namur en Agoria Liège-Luxembourg). Facilement accessibles et parfaitement au courant de l’environment dans lequel les entreprises opérent.


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members

Un réseau unique Agoria fait partie d’un réseau de fédérations sectorielles et régionales ainsi que d’organisations fédérales et européennes intersectorielles. Les treize secteurs d’Agoria opèrent en outre dans un réseau d’une soixantaine de comités sectoriels européens.

De nombreuses organisations gravitent également autour d’Agoria, telles que Sirris (centre de recherche collective de l’industrie technologique), Attentia (secrétariat social, allocations familiales, prévention et protection, assurances sociales), IsisConsult (bureau-conseil pour des questions sociales internationales), Congémétal (caisse de vacances) et des fonds de formation paritaires (IFPM par exemple).

Agoria Online Votre info business sur mesure Etre informé chaque jour sur les sujets essentiels pour les cadres et dirigeants: c’est possible grâce à Agoria Online, le centre d’information électronique des membres d’Agoria. Agoria Online couvre notamment les domaines suivants: resources humaines, finances & administration, droit, environment & énergie, marketing & sales, international business, R&D, production. Agoria Online est réservé aux entreprises membres. Son accès est gratuit pour tous les collaborateurs des entreprises membres! Pour recevoir un accès gratuit à Agoria Online, rien de plus simple: surfez sur www.agoria.be/abonnement ou appelez le service Abonnement (T: +32 2 706 84 85)

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


REJOIGNEZ LE RÉSEAU AGORIA Avec Agoria vous êtes prêt à faire face au problèmes d’aujourd’hui et à profiter des opportunités de demain:

Plus de chiffre d’affaires - Comment développer mes affaires en Europe orientale? - Je veux aller de l’avant avec mon entreprise.

Mais je n’ai pas de vue d’ensemble du marché.

- Les développements technologiques dans le secteur évoluent rapidement.

Mon personnel doit se recycler d’urgence. Agoria peut-elle m’aider?

- Pouvez-vous conseiller un consultant en Chine, spécialisé dans l’automobile et les machines-outils ?

Avec Agoria vous générez un chiffre d’affaires plus important. Notre large réseau vous met en contact avec des partenaires d’affaires et des clients.

Plus d’économies - Je souhaiterais conclure un contrat avec un nouveau client.

Agoria peut-elle vérifier les conditions générales d’achat du client?

- Combien exactement puis-je économiser sur ma facture énergétique en m’affiliant? - Comment pouvons-nous récupérer la TVA sur des frais horeca à l’étranger? - Je cherche un contrat type d’agence commerciale pour nos débouchés européens: Allemagne, Italie et France. - Je règle beaucoup de questions fiscales moi-même.

Agoria peut-elle m’aider dans ce domaine?

Agoria vous aide à réduire vos coûts. Economisez sur du personnel spécialisé supplémentaire. Economisez sur les conseils de première ligne des avocats et fiscalistes onéreux. Agoria déploie un éventail de conseils et de services gratuits qui permettent à votre entreprise de réduire directement ses coûts. Et nous n’avons pas encore parlé de nos avantages membres...

Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members


Conseils gratuits - Comment rester au courant de la législation sociale? - Puis-je contrôler le courrier électronique et la navigation Internet de mes collaborateurs? - Où et comment puis-je trouver un conseiller en prévention? - Vous avez des doutes sur les nouvelles législations? - Vous cherchez des conditions générales valables ou un contrat type?

Un simple coup de fil à votre personne de contact chez Agoria ou un clic sur Agoria Online et vos questions trouvent rapidement une réponse.

Informations sectorielles - Comment faire mes premiers pas à l’étranger ? - Mon entreprise a-t-elle des chances de réussir en Chine? - Qu’est-ce que l’obligation de reprise ?

Dois-je en tenir compte en tant que fabricant ?

- Quelle est la législation en matière d’émissions sonores pour les compresseurs ?

Agoria connaît parfaitement votre secteur. Nous vous communiquons des nouvelles toutes fraîches, des règles qui intéressent votre entreprise. Et nous avons à cœur de défendre nos membres à tous les niveaux de décision – de haut en bas.

Plus d’information? www.agoria.be/affiliation Luc De Vocht, directeur Marketing, T: +32 2 706 81 25, luc.devocht@agoria.be

Avantages Membres: économies garanties Les avantages membres sont des accords conclus par Agoria avec des partenaires de tout premier plan notamment dans les secteurs de l’assurance accidents de travail, de la mobilité, de l’électricité. Sans oublier l’assurance RC des administrateurs, l’assurance-crédit, la gestion des débiteurs, les voyages d’affaires, le recrutement, l’information professionnelle, la formation et la location des salles. Le nombre d’avantages membres est sans cesse étendu et revu en fonction des conditions du marché. En conclusion, des réductions exceptionnelles à nos membres sur de multiples prestations. Informations: Agoria Online, rubrique ‘Avantages Membres’ ou Isabelle Lefebvre, T: +32 2 706 79 15, isabelle.lefebvre@agoria.be


Belgian metalworking suppliers ➜ Additional information on our members: www.agoria.be/members



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