Elmfield Activities Sundays Morning Worship Services are held every week from 10.30 am - 12.00 noon. During the service, frequently enhanced by video clips relevant to the theme of the day, we normally celebrate Communion. Any children present leave the service after about 25 minutes for their separate activities in God’z Zone (4+ to 9+) and Revive (for 10+ age). A crèche for pre-school children is also available. Evening services at 6.30pm involve a series of talks under the heading ‘Sacred Space’. On the 1st Sunday the Youth group are responsible for the service arrangements. On the 2nd Sunday of the month we celebrate Communion during this service. We do not meet on a 5th Sunday of a month. Refreshments are served from 6.00 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend any of these services.
Local Community Update
Issue 47: Autumn 2017
Down Your Street
Members of our church family meet together in House Groups to study the Bible, pray and care for one another. They meet at various times each week. For more information call the church office or email: elmfieldchurch26@gmail.com We meet for Prayer every Monday morning at 8.00am and on the second Sunday of the month at 12.30pm. We run two English as a Second Language Courses on Monday mornings. The basic one runs at 9.30am and the one for Intermediate learners starts at 11.15am. Call the Church Office on 020 8866 0813 for more details. Both courses are provided free of charge. We have several activities for Children and Young People. We run two Parent & Toddler groups, on Wednesdays and Fridays, these run from 10.00—11.30am both days. Parents of babies and pre-school children are welcome to bring their children to one of these. Suggested donation £1.00 a session. Please call the Church Office on 0202 8866 0813 to check if there is space or pop in for a taster session. We run Kidz in the Zone on Mondays from 6.00—7.30pm for Primary School children. We also run Reloaded on Tuesdays from 7.30-9.00pm for High School young people up to Year 11. We run activities for our Senior Citizens. On the 2nd Thursday of the month at 12.30pm is the Senior Citizens’ Lunch. Call the Church Office for a place. On the 4th Thursday of the month at 12.30pm: Meeting Point where soup and sandwiches are served with tea or coffee and cake before the background to a favourite hymn is explored. No booking needed - just drop in. On Wednesday there is Extend exercise class for people over 60. Cost £3 per session. Contact Jean on 020 8866 6344 for more details. Alcoholics Anonymous (Harrow Branch) hold their meeting at Elmfield at 8.00pm on Wednesday night. Elmfield Church has a fully operational Child Protection Policy, accredited by the Churches Child Protection Advisory Service.
Back BacktotoChurch ChurchSunday Sunday 10-30am 10-30am– –1212noon noon thth 2424 September September2017 2017
You are invited You are invited to join us at Elmfield Church on the 24th September 2017 at 10.30am. Whether you have been to church recently or not or have never been, Back to Church Sunday is for you. A warm welcome awaits you along with worship accompanied by our worship band, children’s activities, a crèche for the very young and an inspiring Bible message, followed by refreshments. Elmfield Church , 89 Imperial Drive, North Harrow HA2 7DX Every Sunday at 10.30 am. Come and join us in worshipping God together. A full children’s programme is available. For more details ring the church office on 020 8866 0813 or Email: elmfieldchurch26@gmail.com Registered Charity no. 248351
Pastor’s Pitch Did you ever dream of being a great sportsperson, a film star or pop star when you were young? As I write this the new football season is about to start and Paris Saint Germain have just paid about £200 million for Neymar in a deal that will cost the club £450 million. In an interview Neymar has said that it wasn’t the money that drew him to Paris Saint Germain. Was your dream to earn lots of money or to be known as the best in the world or just to be famous? Most of us are not the best in the world, neither are we rich and famous. So where is your dream now? Many years ago church leaders said something that is so true even today; “The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever” (Westminster Confession). The message of the Christian Church is that humanity was created for a relationship with God. God was so enthusiastic about this relationship that even when we broke God’s rules, God sent His Son Jesus to pay the penalty for our sin by dying on the cross. Our purpose on earth is not to be rich and famous but to be in a relationship with God recognizing Him as the true and living God and enjoying our relationship with Him because that was why He created us. If you would like to hear more about having a relationship with God or you want to come and see what church is like, you are welcome any Sunday but especially on ‘Back to Church Sunday’ at 10-30am on Sunday, 24th Sept. Nick Addington, Elmfield Church
FIREWORKS When? Saturday 4th November from 5.30 – 7.15pm Where? Longfield Primary School. Cost? £6 for adults & £3 for children. Family Tickets £14 for 2 adults & up to 3 children. Tickets? Available from 1st October from the Elmfield Church Office. What for? Hot dogs, cold drinks, sweet shop, games & quizzes and a superb firework display, especially suitable for younger children. This event is usually a sell out so don’t delay in getting your tickets from Elmfield Church Office open 9.00am – 1.00pm Monday to Friday.
HOLIDAY AT HOME EXTRA!! How can we pray for you?
Elmfield Church believes in the power of prayer and we pray regularly in church, at special meetings and in our house groups. We believe that bringing our joys, sorrows and problems to God can be a great blessing. If you would like us to pray for you do come into the church (open between 9 and 1 every weekday morning) and ask for prayer or write your requests down and put them through the letterbox.
“That was an amazing experience and I want to come back” “ It is so friendly that I have been coming for over ten years and would not miss it" With such resounding recommendations, why not come to ‘Holiday at Home Extra’ on Thursday 2nd November to see what it is like? The day’s activities, from 10.30am to 5.00pm, which are free of charge, will include an a visit by Feathers & Fur with live birds of prey, a map embroidery demonstration, some craft activities together with a midday meal, mid-morning and afternoon tea & coffee. If you are 60 or over, you can book a place by contacting the Church Office 020 8866 0813.