our mission E LMWOOD F RANKLIN
IS A SCHOOL THAT EMPHASIZES HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT, GOOD STUDY SKILLS AND POSITIVE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. We set high standards for each child with whom we work, then give support to enable him/her to meet these expectations. We expect our students throughout their years here to achieve success in becoming self-motivated and in assuming responsibility for their actions. The early years of education are crucial in an individual’s life. Our role is to provide each student with the basic skills to learn effectively and the fundamental elements of knowledge which will become the foundation of all subsequent learning. Learning how to learn, developing an enthusiasm for acquiring knowledge and cultivating a lively curiosity during these years sets a life-long pattern of sound attitudes. At Elmwood Franklin, we value an atmosphere of genuine respect and courtesy between student and student, adult and student and adult and adult. We not only set a positive tone to support our students but also, we encourage faculty, administration and staff throughout their time at Elmwood Franklin to develop themselves professionally with financial assistance from the school.
In delivering an educational program to further development of the whole child, Elmwood Franklin stresses the following • To be a school in which academic excellence exists in a supportive atmosphere so our students are well prepared for their high school in terms of academic and character growth. • To be a school in which children develop confidence in themselves, demonstrate respect for others, and assume responsibility for their own actions. In pursuit of its main goals through the following objectives, Elmwood Franklin will • Continue a traditional academic program with emphasis on learning how to learn, developing good study and work habits, and fostering creative and independent thinking. • Provide a varied curriculum with extra curricular offerings to enrich the education of all students. • Maintain a cohesive faculty of outstanding professional ability and high personal qualifications to serve as effective teachers and as caring adults. • Communicate frequently with parents to foster a realistic understanding of their children’s academic progress and overall development. • Continue to support the educational program by providing well-maintained, wellequipped facilities. • Enroll a student body that is reflective of our diverse community.
contents our mission
giving says it all
from the head of school
2006/2007 board of trustees
corporation members
admissions report
parent council
alumni council
annual fund committee
annual fund history
annual fund donors
annual fund gifts
grandparent donors
alumni donors
10% club donors
2007 auction
volunteer recognition
efs remembers
Kristin and Scott ’86 Saperston Max ’16 and Rose
A S PA R E N T S Giving to the Elmwood Franklin Annual Fund says that you believe in the value of an Elmwood Franklin education and the difference it makes in our children’s lives.
Rob Drake ’96
AS ALUMNI Giving to the Elmwood Franklin Annual Fund says that you remember your time at Elmwood Franklin and value its impact on your life.
Don and Joan Holzman, grandparents of John Fitch ’13
A S G R A N D PA R E N T S Giving to the Elmwood Franklin Annual Fund says that you care about the future of the next generation.
Phyllis Freeman Siracusa with daughter Tamar ’00
A S F A C U LT Y Giving to the Elmwood Franklin Annual Fund says that you know what a special place Elmwood Franklin really is—for everyone.
Amir ’10, Amit ’12, Emma ’13 and Avani ’14
TO O U R S T U D E N T S Giving to the Elmwood Franklin Annual Fund says that it’s our children—yesterday’s, today’s, and tomorrow’s—that matter most.
Giving says so much. E L M WO O D F R A N K L I N SAYS T H A N K YO U .
head of school TO N Y F E AT H E R S TO N
OUR STUDENTS, TEACHERS, ADMINISTRATION, AND I thank you very much for your support over the past year. It is only because of the continued generosity of many people – parents, alumnae/i, board members, alumni parents, grandparents and other friends of the school – that we can continue to offer the premier educational program for which Elmwood Franklin School is known. Every gift is important.
PARENT PARTICIPATION CONTINUES TO HOVER AROUND 75% AND ALUMNAE/I GIVING REACHED AN ALL TIME high of 21%, making EFS the envy of many fine independent schools across the country. Both statistics are a testament to the community spirit engendered at EFS and a tribute to our teachers – past and present – who continue to create a special learning environment. Every ten years independent schools are required to go through an exhaustive reaccreditation process, including a year-long self-examination; 07-08 is our year. Over the course of the next 12 months, Elmwood Franklin will take stock of every aspect of the school, scrutinizing the current state of things and looking forward to anticipate and plan new initiatives that maintain our present level of excellence and address any necessary improvements. As we begin the selfstudy, there is much good news to report. EFS has for several consecutive years enjoyed full enrollment and demand for admission remains robust. We have an outstanding faculty, passionately committed to our students and to their own professional growth. Our parents demonstrate every day the meaning of community and commitment through their actions in support of our students and teachers. EFS continues to be recognized by the most competitive local high schools for the quality of our students’ academic preparation. Our physical plant has received many upgrades over the past decade, including a new library and theater as well as a renovated and expanded Upper School wing. And our alumni body remains connected and deeply committed to the school. There is, of course, no question of our being reaccredited, but the process is very useful in identifying future needs and the means to meeting them. Some are obvious, while others are more difficult to anticipate. All will take the full engagement of the EFS family to ensure that the school continues to thrive and serve future generations of Buffalonians. We will need to continue improving the physical plant, including renovation and expansion of the outdated Lower School and Prep wing to better serve the needs of our students going forward and the development of a campus master plan that will certainly include the needs of our athletic program, among other things. Reviewing and updating our curriculum and co-curricular programs is ongoing to ensure our students’ continued success but will receive extra attention in this process. Assessing and addressing the needs of our technology program will be critical as we make certain that our students have the skills necessary in an ever-changing educational and employment landscape. We must maintain the highest possible level of experience and expertise in the faculty. EFS will also need to continue to think creatively about alternative revenue streams to help offset rising energy and healthcare costs and to ensure that the school remains as affordable, and thus accessible, to as wide a range of people as possible. As with everything we do at and on behalf of Elmwood Franklin School, our reaccreditation will take a team effort. Again, thank you for being a member of the team – a member of the family really – and for supporting the school. In addition to the lessons our students learn in their classes at Elmwood Franklin, through your financial and volunteer support of the school, you are teaching them valuable lessons about service, commitment, and community.
20 0 6 — 20 07
of trustees
life members
Alice Jacobs, President Philipp L. Rimmler, Vice President James Gately, Treasurer Grace Munschauer ’70, Secretary George Bellows Steven Biltekoff Matthew Enstice Annette Fitch Robert Glenning Arthur Glick ’71 Michael Hogan Alison Keane George Kermis Seymour Knox IV ’69 Andrea Kuettel Madeline Lillie ’64 Eric Lipke Elizabeth Maloney ’70 Gail Mitchell Trini Ross
Jane S. Banta ’61 Steven G. Biltekoff Hazard K. Campbell ’42 Janie Constantine ’62 Holly A. Donaldson ’57 Barbara Hourihan Downing Richard E. Gioia Robert D. Gioia Finley R. Greene, Jr. Amy J. Habib Charles J. Hahn Frederick K. Houston Edwin M. Johnston, Jr. ’47 Michael Joseph Stephen Kellogg ’51 Charles F. Kreiner, Jr. George W. Laub ’42 Madeline Lillie ’64 Gerald S. Lippes Devon Marlette ’67 William E. Mathias II Elizabeth S. Mitchell ’65 Trudy A. Mollenberg ’61 Ruth Niswander ’39 Phyllis Pierce Pamela Righter Robert E. Sadler, Jr. Robin Sadler Anne L. Saldanha Frank M. Spitzmiller II David G. Strachan ’47 Douglas G. Swift ’70 Pamela R. Jacobs Vogt James M. Wadsworth Edward F. Walsh Catherine T. Wettlaufer ’62 E. John White Annette S. Wilton ’48 Leslie H. Zemsky
CORPORATION LUNCHEON As is the tradition every fall, life members of the Elmwood Franklin School Corporation joined together for lunch in the EFS library on November 2, 2006. This year the Corporation welcomed new member Michael Joseph who finished his term as Board president after the 2005-2006 school year.
admissions report Enrollment remains quite stable, with the school filled to capacity at 376 students. After graduating 36 eighth grade students in 2006, we enrolled 57 new students, keeping the school fully enrolled. Families continue to come to EFS from all over Western New York—some from as far away as Boston, Colden, Derby, Elma, Medina, Strykersville and Wheatfield, while others live as close as across the street from the school.
400 369
362 350
350 337 323
TUITION ASSISTANCE Ninety-eight students received a total of $679,000 in tuition assistance (26% of enrollment). Of the total amount of tuition assistance awarded, $38,000 was given to new students entering the school and the remaining $641,000 was awarded to families already a part of the school community.
parent council
alumni council
The Parent Council serves as a support group to the school and as a resource for all members of the school community. It also plans educational and social events. All parents or guardians of students attending the school are members and are encouraged to participate. At each grade level there are parent representatives who support class activities.
The Alumni Council continued its work to develop, maintain, and strengthen the relationship between Elmwood Franklin School and its alumni.
Through the year the Parent Council sponsors fundraising and community initiatives such as the book fair, box tops sales, the ice cream social, the speakers series, and the fall family picnic. PARENT COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Cathy Alsheimer, President Lisa Hotung, Vice President/Elect Kathleen Monomakhoff Loree, Treasurer Janine Lipke, Secretary Joanne Brannen, Room Rep Coordinator PARENT COUNCIL ROOM REPRESENTATIVES GRADE 8 Lori Bassett, Helen Cappuccino, Alex Johnston GRADE 7 Joan Jacobs, Gena Stephan GRADE 6 Kristan Andersen, Patty Murrett GRADE 5 Vikki Hamill, Joan Whitney GRADE 4 Tina Bialkowski, Mary Jane Zurowski GRADE 3 Edie Dref, Barb Sternberg GRADE 2 Pam Catipovic, Leslie Stube GRADE 1 Kate Foley, Kim Jordan Angela Castlevetere, Kim Schlehr PREP II PREP I Mia Acharya, Vicki Newman
The Alumni Council is creating more and more ways for alums to stay involved — with new endeavors and events that aren’t just about fundraising, but about maintaining meaningful relationships. We at EFS are grateful to these dedicated alumni for their committed efforts on behalf of our school. ALUMNI COUNCIL MEMBERS Stephen Kellogg, Jr. ’77, President
Amy Decillis Bard ’86 Gitti Barrell ’71 Tricia Barrett ’92 Kristin Schoellkopf Borowiak ’82 Rob Drake ’96 Kary Fronk Clark ’91 Charles Hahn ’68 Susie Lenahan Kimberly ’64 Madeline Ambrus Lillie ’64 Kim Rich Lupkin ’80 Elizabeth Duryea Maloney ’70 Howard Saperston III ’85 Mary Franklin Saperston ’60
From L to R: 2006/2007 Annual Fund co-chairs Liz Maloney, Mike Hogan and Jennifer Bronstein.
The message came through loud and clear! This year’s Annual Fund surpassed goal by nearly $19,000, led by the efforts of cochairs Jennifer Bronstein ’74, Mike Hogan, and Liz Maloney ’70 and their hardworking committee of volunteers. We are proud and appreciative to announce this year’s total of $263,914. From our families, from our alumni (who supported Annual Fund at an impressive 21 percent this year!), from all of our many
donors, giving says more than words ever could. Giving says that our children are worth supporting. Giving says that quality independent education is worth supporting. Giving says that Elmwood Franklin is worth supporting. Our most sincere thanks are given to the many individuals listed in this report for their generous donations. Elmwood Franklin would simply not be the school it is without your support.
annual fund committee We are pleased to acknowledge the following Annual Fund volunteers for their diligent efforts in support of Elmwood Franklin School’s mission. ANNUAL FUND CHAIRS
Jennifer Prince Bronstein ’74, P’06, ’11 Michael Hogan P’10, ’11, ’15 Liz Duryea Maloney ’70, P’99, ’05 ANNUAL FUND COMMITTEE
Sarah Ambrus P’14 Kristan Andersen P’09, ’12 Gitti Barrell ’71 Lin Blakely P’96, GP’09, ’14 Kilby Bronstein ’06 Moriah Camp ’05 Mark Cramer P’09, ’11 Shashi Davae P’11 Rob Drake ’96 Annette Fitch P’13, ’09
Archie Glick ’71, P’09, ‘’10 Charles Hahn ’68, P’09 Alison Keane P’11 Stephen Kellogg, Jr. ’77, P’06, ’08 Susan Lenahan Kimberly ’64 Andrea Kuettel P’09, ’11 Robert Liguori P’09 Madeline Ambrus Lillie ’64, P’92, ’96, ’01 Rosemary Marlette ’37 Trudy Mollenberg ’61, P’92, ’93, GP’15 Wende Mollenberg ’93, P’15 Kathleen Monomakhoff Loree P’06, ’08 J. P. Maloney ’99 Will Maloney ’05 Grace Walsh Munschauer ’70, P’01, ’05, ’10 Philipp L. Rimmler P’05, ’11 Mary Franklin Saperston ’60, P’85, ’86, GP’16 Mindy Shine P’13 Linda Szymkowiak P’00, ’04, ’05 Darcy Donaldson Zacher ’84, P’08, ’09, ’16
annual fund history 2006-2007 Number of Donors Annual Fund Total Trustee % Giving Corp. Member % Giving Parent % Giving Alumni % Giving Faculty/Staff % Giving
697 $263,914 100% 97% 71% 21% 100%
No. of Donors
Annual Fund Total
Trustee %
Corporation %
Parent %
Alumni %
Fac/Staff %
donors 26
HEADMASTER ' S SOCIETY Donors of $3,000 or more Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Alf Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Alsheimer Cameron Baird Foundation Elmwood Franklin School Parent Council Dr. Keith W. Frome and Dr. Ermelinda Bonaccio Hahn Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Hahn Mr. Charles J. Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Jacobs, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Johnston, Jr. The JS Ten Trust Mrs. Charles W. Banta Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Keane Seymour H. Knox Foundation Ms. Gracia K. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Hazard K. Campbell and Family Mrs. Marjorie C. Campbell Mrs. Northrup R. Knox and Family Mrs. Seymour H. Knox III and Family Mr. and Mrs. Seymour H. Knox IV La Nova Pizzeria Joseph Todaro and Carla Pantano The Lipke Families Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lipke Mr. and Mrs. Eric Lipke Mrs. Patricia Lipke Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Richard Munro Anne and Phil Rimmler Sadler Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. James Stephen Mrs. John L. Surdam Dr. Laurel M. White FOUNDER ’ S CLUB Donors of $1,500 – $2,999 Keith and Lin Blakely Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brannen Dr. and Mrs. Ketan Davae Dreamcatcher Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Foley Mr. (d) and Mrs. Halim A. Habib Mr. Michael and Dr. Harriette Hogan Donald J. and Joan K. Holzman Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hotung Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Irwin Roberta and Michael Joseph Daniel and Leslie Keane Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kimberly, Jr. Jeff Long and Amy Carter Mr. and Mrs. S. Warren Prince, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William J. Rapaport Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Rich Dr. Keith Stube and Mrs. Leslie Stube
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Telford Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trolli John and Kathryn White Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Wilton Mr. and Mrs. Howard Zemsky KEY SOCIETY Donors of $750 – $1,499 Mrs. Joan Wendt Alford Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Baird Mr. and Mrs. Charles Banta Steve and Ruth Barnes Mr. and Mrs. George F. Bellows Paul and Else Blum Private Foundation Amy Blum Houston and Nancy Blum Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Borowiak, Jr. Bill and Beckie Collins The Connors Family Mr. and Mrs. James Cosbey III Mr. and Mrs. Tony DiMichele F. E. Munschauer Family Foundation Mr. Anthony Featherston and Dr. Helen Roy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Flickinger James and Susan Gately Kenneth Gayles, MD Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Glick The Gulati Family Frederic K. and Marie S. Houston Fund Dr. Cameron Huckell and Mr. Richard Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Johnston III Mr. Spencer Kellogg II Emily Edwards King The Lux Family Robert J. Liguori Adam F. Lippes Gerald & Sandra Lippes Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Maloney William and Jane Mathias John and Katalin McClure Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lang Miller Trudy and Van Mollenberg Mr. and Mrs. John Munro The Clarke H. Narins Family Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Osinski Penn Schoellkopf Fund Mrs. Charles W. Banta Mrs. Dean Jewitt Susan B. Schoellkopf Mr. and Mrs. George F. Phillips, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Saperston Mrs. Jane M. Schoellkopf Susan B. Schoellkopf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spier David and Cynthia Stark
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Strachan Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Swift Dr. and Mrs. Marc Tetro Mrs. Pamela R. Jacobs Vogt Jim and Michal Wadsworth Wayne R. Waz, MD and Mary Jane Petruzzi, MD Mr. and Mrs. Clinton R. Wyckoff III John and Cindy Zachau BLUE / GRAY CIRCLE Donors of $300 – $749 Mrs. Kristan C. Andersen Ms. Ansie Baird Michael H. Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bibas Dr. and Mrs. Adrian R. Black Todd and Erika Brason Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Bronstein Mr. and Mrs. Cameron S. Brown Drs. Andrew & Helen Cappuccino Mr. and Mrs. Robert Catipovic Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cleary Sally D. and Stephen M. Clement III Michael and Allison Clement Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Constantine Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Decillis Dr. and Mrs. Mazin Dhafir Dr. David Dougherty and Ms. Sharon Coverdale Lee and Peggy Dryden Mrs. George R. Duryea, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Enstice Ms. Betsy Feuerstein Ms. Jami Feuerstein Ms. Marni Feuerstein Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Fitch Mr. Brett J. Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Fix II Carrie and David Frank Angeline K. Fryer Elizabeth and Robert Glenning Sarah Goodyear Dr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Hamill Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hausmann Mr. and Mrs. Edward Healy Mr. and Mrs. David Herer Sung and Yung Hong Mrs. L. Nelson Hopkins, Jr. James and Martha How Siobhan Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Clinton F. Ivins, Jr. Charles, Jill, Eliza, Lauren and Caroline Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kellogg Michael and Andrea Kuettel Bennie and Janice Kyle George T. Laub Mr. and Mrs. George W. Laub
Mr. Christopher Lenahan and Dr. Michelle Lenahan The Lester Family Mr. and Mrs. Todd L. Levin Susan and Edwin Levy The Lillie Family: Christine '92, Sarah '96, Karen '01, Drs. Madeline '64 and David Dr. Thom Loree and Mrs. Kathleen Monomakhoff Loree Mrs. Kimberly R. Lupkin Mr. and Mrs. Willard J. Magavern, Jr. Mrs. Arlene C. Maloney Dr. George Matthews and Ms. Gail Mitchell Carolyn McClure Sybil and Peter McGennis Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyer Paula M. Ciprich and Gregory L. Migdal Dr. Michael C. Moore Doug and Joanne Moreland Brooke (Nussbaumer) and Will Muggia Ruth and Ken Niswander Philip and Donna Niswander Patricia Schweizer and Edward Notarius Gaier Notman Palmisano Mr. and Mrs. Pitt Petri, Jr. Pierce Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Saurin Popat Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Quarantillo Mr. and Mrs. William L. Reich Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rich III Mr. and Mrs. David Rich, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Rifkin Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Roach Francis G. Roell and Mary Ann Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Sabuda The Saldanha Family: Anne, Eric and Mark Drs. Frank and Kimberly Schlehr Trini Ross and Geoffrey Seals Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Z. Shine Mr. and Mrs. David O. Smith Rick and Jen Smith Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Spangenthal Martha and Nick Spofford Suzanne Culliton Stephan Alma and Malcolm Strachan Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toy II Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Walsh Mr. Henry Waters Dr. and Mrs. Peter Winkelstein John L. Yates and R. Lorraine Collins Mr. and Mrs. William R. Zacher PATRON Donors of $150 – $299 Anonymous
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Abell Glen W. and Heidi Dent '68 Arthurs Ms. Stephanie Artis Steven and Maxine Awner David and Deborah Baird Richard W. Bales Norb and Diana Bennett Ms. Rosemarie Beres Mr. and Mrs. Martin K. Bielat Mr. and Mrs. Robert Biltekoff Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Bluemle III Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Brannen Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Broenniman Mr. and Mrs. John Buettner Mr. and Mrs. Gary Burger Roberta Burstein-Markel Trevor Calamel Philip and Joyce Celniker Julia Ladds Clauss Frederick and Maura Cohen Mrs. Mildred Cramer Nina Cascio and Gregory Dalton Mrs. Ruth W. Dean Paul Dell and Carol Christie-Dell Dr. Gurmeet Dhillon and Dr. Lisa A. Hansen Amy and Stephen Downing Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Drake Ms. Debbera Drake-Rogers Thomas and Paula Elsinghorst Dr. Gil Farkash and Dr. Julie Szumigala-Farkash Leslie H. Fox Sarah W. French Mr. and Mrs. Scott Friedman Margaret Perry Garvin Mr. David N. George Lisa Lord Gillespie Margot V. Glick Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Graff Richard and Susan Green Mr. and Mrs. Cutler S. Greene Mr. Finley R. Greene, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Griffa Ms. Jennifer Griffis Dr. and Mrs. Jean George Haar Mrs. Phyllis Hamill Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Hamlett Mrs. Patricia C. Hansen Dr. Nishi Harvey and Mrs. Mia Acharya Mr. David O. Hatcher Patty Haughton and Family Joan and Bill Haws Mr. James P. Hettrick Kevin Hogan and Kate Roach Sandra J. Honney Bonnie and Nick Hopkins Marie Ann Iacona Mary Ellen and Robert Ivers
Mrs. Isabel V. James The Jayson Family: Jennifer '87, Jordan '90, and Jacqueline '91 Darby R. Johnson Kerry and Nicole Jones Dr. David Kaye and Dr. Emily Ets-Hokin Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Kaye George and Marguerite Kermis Jenny (Constantine) and Kevin Keuleman Marty and Bruce Kirchner Frances S. Klingenstein Dr. Michael Lahood and Mrs. Kathleen E. Horohoe Stacey and Gary Lucinski Ernest and Patricia Lukaszewski Mrs. William L. Marcy, Jr. Matt Mariconda Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Marlette, Jr. Scott Miller and Molly Roach Mr. Robert L. Miller and Ms. Laura Mangan Stacey Fell Milne Wende Mollenberg Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moloney Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Munschauer David and Grace Munschauer Mr. and Mrs. John C. Murrett Victoria and James Newman Marcy and Michael Newman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Obletz Mr. and Mrs. Zygmunt Piadlo, Jr. Joseph and Kristen Pinker Nancy Cooley Polk Mimsey Olmsted Potts Dr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Prentice Allison E. Prince Melinda Potts Quigg William and Carole Rainville Mr. and Mrs. William J. Regan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Reich Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Righter Mr. and Mrs. Philipp M. Rimmler John Ringland Mr. Jason Rothschild Anne and Robert Rutland Stephen and Wendy Sanders J. Fred Schoellkopf VI Mr. Timothy Setteducati and Dr. Susan Szimonisz Marilyn Z. Shine Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Sisson James Smith and Colleen Cummings The Sorgi Family Dr. and Mrs. E. Martin Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spitzmiller Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Szymkowiak Dr. Akram Talhouk and Dr. Christine Human
Mary Doolittle Taylor Sheila and Martin Terens Mr. and Mrs. David D. Tiftickjian Joseph and Tiffany Tomasello Nicholas B. Tzetzo Scott Kinsman and Margot Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Viti, Jr. Elizabeth O. Waagen Ms. Mary N. Wadsworth Amy Clifton and Theodore B. K. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. John N. Walsh, Jr. Janet W. Warner Mr. and Mrs. David A. Westbrook Dr. and Mrs. Stewart B. Whitney Henry and Elaine Wick Wendy Willard Ms. Annette P. Wilton Katie Wilton FRIEND Donors up to $149 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Acker Al and Judy Acker Mr. Michael Albrecht and Ms. Suzanne Mellion Jane B. Albrecht Mr. and Mrs. J. Keith Alford Susan Gibbons Alford Mrs. Susan B. Allan Sarah and Julian Ambrus Barry and Donna Appelbaum Mr. and Mrs. James Arnone Jim and Suzanne Badgley Ms. Bridget Baird Cameron Baird Barbara and Douglas Baker Mrs. Gretchen Baldauf Ms. Dordy Bales Dorothy C. Banaszak Mr. and Mrs. Robert Banta Mrs. Claire Barry Ms. Ardith Bausenbach Sue B. Bensman Mr. and Mrs. Irving A. Barrett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Bialkowski Chester and Mary Bialkowski Cecile and Steven Biltekoff Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Blinkoff Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Bloomberg Mrs. Marcia M. Bos Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brady Mrs. Vicki Briesacher Virginia O. Bristol Arthur Bronson and Catherine T. Wettlaufer Ms. Kilby Bronstein Mrs. Sylvia Brown Ms. Kendall Bruzgul
Dr. Jose Buscaglia and Ms. Maria Pesquera Vito and Victoria Buscemi Jo-An Campbell Jane Hopkins Carey Kathleen and Daniel Casacci Richard and Cathy Chamberlin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Chason Mrs. Anne B. Cheney Ms. Shellonnee Chinn Joseph A. and Irene Cianciosa Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cianciosa Joanna M. Cianciosa Polly Cole Clancy Carolyn C. Clark Ms. Deborah J. Clark Teddy and Molly Clauss John and Madelyn Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coburn Mrs. Patricia B. Cody Barbara Jerauld Coffin Mrs. Frances Collins Mrs. Cheryl Colpoys Mr. and Mrs. Neil Connelly Barbara Strebel Conners Miss Christine Cooke Rebecca Cosbey-Bourke Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Cousins Ms. Jane Cramer Ms. Janice Crews-Dearing Louise Zeller Curley Mr. and Mrs. Rhys Curtis Sarah Pettibone Dabney Mr. Christopher L. Davis Mr. David Dearing Ms. Lori Decillis Alice Sullivan Dillon '47 and Bob Dillon '45 Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian DiMarco Ms. Cheryl DiSarno Mr. and Mrs. James Domagalski Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Donaldson Ms. Cynthia K. Doolittle Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Downing Ms. Allison Drake Mr. Robert Drake Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Drew Gordan S. and P.S. Driscoll-White Miss Katharine Dryden Shawn and Victoria Duncan Julia Smith Dutton Ms. Margaret Early Mr. and Mrs. Mark Edson Miss Erin Edson Mr. Matthew Edson Mr. Nicholas Edson Ms. Diane Evans Ms. Dionne L. Fabiatos Mr. Lee Fabiatos
Miss Allie Faitelson Bonnie Barmon Fastiff Mr. and Mrs. Neal V. Fatin III Greg Faust Lucy Featherston Riley Featherston Mrs. Eulah Feier (d) Michael and Loretta Fitzpatrick Ms. Joan P. Fleming Mr. Geoffrey R. Flickinger Ray and Mary Foley Bob Foster Lawrence and Deborah Franco Mary Frank Eliza P. Friedman Julia Friedman Madeline Friedman Ms. Catherine A. Fryer Noel and Cheryl Galluch Mr. and Mrs. Michael Galvin Anita T. Gates Ms. Lynn D. Gates Ms. Judy Gerich Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gibson Melinda Burgwardt Gibson, DVM Mr. John Gilbert and Ms. Joan Good Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gilchrist Ms. Hanna Gisel Mrs. Tricia Glynn Frank and Gaye Godell Michele and Jeffrey Goldfarb Mr. Adam Goldfarb Mr. Ari Goldfarb Ms. Margaret P. Gordon Matthew and Beth Gosch Germain K. Graves Mrs. Varney Greene The Greenes Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gresens Stephen S. Gurney Sally and Dinsh Guzdar Dr. and Mrs. George Haddad Mr. Mehrdad Hadighi and Ms. Shadi Nazarian Holly and Dave Hahn-Baker Gail L. Hamlett Tim and Betsy Hare Elizabeth Barth Harten Ms. Amy Hartman Sarah Smith Hasbrouck Mrs. Johnston Hayward Mrs. Marcia B. Hazel Miss Margaret Healy Mr. and Mrs. David Henry Mrs. H. K. Heussler, Jr. Ms. Christina Hong Mr. Joseph Hong Ms. Melina Hong Mr. Michael Hong
Sonie Urban Hunn Mr. and Mrs. John F. Inglis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jacobi Sally Jarzab Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson Carol K. Johnson Rene F. Jones and Brigid Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jordan Ms. Allison Joseph Ms. Jordan Joseph Mr. Dillon Joseph Mrs. Judy Jurnack Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Jay Karassik Mr. and Mrs. David T. Karzon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tarik Kawi Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Keane Justin Kellogg Mr. Stephen Kellogg III ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kellogg, Jr. Ms. Georgia Kells Mrs. Chris Kent Miss Amelia D. Kermis Miss Rachael Kermis Judith Kieffer Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kilian Marilyn G. Kinsman Meredith Kirchner Louise and Charles F. Kreiner, Jr. Ms. Melissa Kresse Miss Michele Kujawa Elizabeth Kuroski Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Ladds, Jr. Margot Mimmack Lamar Irving A. Laub Mrs. Sandra J. Laub Julie and Eliot Lazar
Fred Lebherz Mrs. Mid Leininger Katherine V. Lipke Peter E. Loree Andrew C. LoTempio Berenice (Hewitt) Lothrop '37 Eliza Hetherington Lowe Wesley Mabee Mrs. Colleen O'Shea Mahoney J. P. Maloney William D. Maloney Mr. Edward Marlette III Mrs. John E. Marlette Mr. Karr Marlette Mr. Michael Mathews and Ms. Abby Schoellkopf Ms. Karen L. Mathews Ms. G. E. Matthews, Jr. Mrs. Eileen McCarthy Miss Lauren McConahy Mary Ellen Daniels McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. McGennis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William McHugh John P. McHugh Madeleine McQueeney Mr. and Mrs. Michael McQueeney Ryan McQueeney Meredith Birkmayr Metcalf Mr. and Mrs. Lester Milbrath Ms. Mariann E. Miller Ms. Sarah Mitchell Countess E. Monomakhoff Mrs. Shirlene Morrow James and Laurie Mourgas Margot Rumsey Mugler Mr. Richard Munschauer Mr. Lyman Munschauer Rebecca Murak
Kathryn Murray Ms. Suzanne A. Murray-Bissonnette Dr. Jan S. Najdzionek and Dr. Kimberly S. Trinidad Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Narins Linda Nihart Mr. John G. Nussbaumer III Mr. Newell L. Nussbaumer Samantha '00 and Andrew Olsen Callie Zeller Ostendorf Shana Siegel Pallette Mr. and Ms. Nicholas Papagni Frederick W. Pearce Mrs. Jane M. Pearce Pete Pedersen Kerry Perese Ms. Patricia Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Piazza Kelli Pirtle Kimberly Pirtle Mr. Adrian Quackenbush Ms. Margaret Quackenbush Ms. Ann B. Quackenbush Ms. Katharine B. Rahn Mr. Steven Rao Mehri Rasmi Julie A. Raynsford Ms. Nichole K. Reese Mr. and Mrs. Eric Reich Mr. Philipp Rimmler Mark Rittling and Amy Habib Rittling Miss Alyssa Roberts Suzanne Spaulding Rockwell Brett Caleb Rogers Roell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roetter Margaret Rogers Mrs. Anne S. Rose Louise Gale Runnells
Jill Hahn Russo Alex Rutland Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan Tom Sabatino and Rose Gardon Miss Trelsie Sadler Mrs. Theodore R. Sanders Diana Mitchell Sanford Emily Santilli Mary and Howard Saperston Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scaffidi Mrs. Beth Schectman-Tubbs Erika K. Schoene Mr. and Mrs. Christian Schwabe Mr. Daniel J. Scully Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Scully Mrs. Alexandra K. Flickinger Secor Celesta Serio Lynne Singer Ms. Phyllis Freeman Siracusa Mr. and Mrs. Martin Slawson Mr. and Mrs. James H. Smith Mr. Leon H. Smith III and Ms. Marilyn Campbell Mr. A. W. Smith, Jr. Robert Solomon Charles and Maryanne Soponski Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spangenthal Esther W. Spaulding Marsha and Philip Stark Miss Abigail Stark Mr. Jacob Stark Ray and Ellyn Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Wade Stevenson Frances Grammer Stevenson Kate Stevenson Braen Meg Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. David G. Strachan, Jr. Mrs. Thomas A. Street
Carolyn Sufrin Mrs. Alice Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Suresh Pamela B. Swales Mr. and Ms. Matthew A. Sweeney Mr. Michael D. Szymkowiak Gloria Lerner Tener Mr. Norman Toy Mr. and Mrs. John Truax Tina Tubbs-Oberheide Mr. Elliott Tubbs Ms. Laura Tubbs Alex and Sally Uhle Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ule Mr. and Mrs. James O. Upchurch Mr. and Mrs. Henry Z. Urban Phillip and Cynthia Vance Mr. and Mrs. John Victor Miss Clare Wagstaff Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker Ruth Walkowski Mr. and Mrs. Nelson S. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Walsh, Jr. Mrs. Mary Jane Waltz Ethel Jean Ward Mr. Andrew Warner Mr. Robert Warner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Watkins Joan G. Howland and William J. Webber Mrs. Lillian Wecksler Mary B. Weedon Raymond Ph. Weil Ms. Marina Welmers Virginia Wettlaufer Ms. Susan E. White Cecile Kelly Whittemore Mr. Paul H. Wick
Mr. Edmund V. Wick Mr. and Mrs. Merrill B. Williams Ms. Kimberly Williams Ms. Vivian L. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Reginald V. Williams, Jr. Mrs. Gretchen G. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Wilton Ann Flynn Wolney Mrs. Elizabeth G. Woods Brad Wyckoff Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yarbrough Laura J. Yerkovich Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Young Mr. David Zemsky Mr. Harry Zemsky Miss Kayla Zemsky MATCHING GIFTS GE Foundation Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.
Please note: In preparation of this report we have tried to avoid errors and omissions. If any are found, please accept our apologies, and report them to the Development office. If your name is not listed as you would prefer it to be, please let us know so that our records may be corrected. If your gift was received after June 30, 2007, your name will appear in the Elmwood Franklin School Annual Report 2007-2008.
gifts A N N UA L F U N D
SPECIAL GIFTS Gertrude M. Wadsworth Endowment Fund for 1st Grade Teachers Ms. Mary N. Wadsworth ’78 Prince Family Lecture Series Mr. and Mrs. Warren S. Prince, Jr. and Family
Duncan Sisson ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Sisson Zemsky Family Patty Haughton and Family
GIFTS IN MEMORY OF All of her wonderful teachers at the Franklin School Mary Doolittle Taylor '36
GIFTS IN HONOR OF Ansie Baird Gloria Lerner Tener ’51
Rebecca Reed Anderson Emily Edwards King '49
Hunter Bielat ’10 Charles and Maryanne Soponski
Theresa Alton Jane Cramer
Jon Carlson Peter E. Loree ’06
Kelly Blumen Mrs. Patricia C. Hansen
Sarah R. Collins ’07 Ethel Jean Ward
Richard J. Culliton III '66 Marion H. Cullliton Richard J. Culliton, Jr. Suzanne Culliton Stephan '62
James Dryden ’07 Lee and Peggy ’66 Dryden Katharine Dryden ’03 Lee and Peggy ’66 Dryden EFS Faculty Susan B. Green ’62 Margaret P. Gordon Dr. ’31 and Mrs. ’37 Theodore C. Prentice
Charles W. Drake in honor of his birthday November 24th Ken and Shelley Drake Debbera Drake-Rogers Ruth W. Drake in honor of her birthday August 12th Ken and Shelley Drake Debbera Drake-Rogers
Susan B. Green ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Irving A. Barrett, Jr.
George R. Duryea, Jr. William D. Maloney '05 Mrs. George R. Duryea, Jr.
James D. Jones ’96 Peter E. Loree ’06
Mrs. Shamsi Ershadi Mehri Rasmi
Eliza Kaye ’08 Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Kaye
George Evans Charles, Jill, Eliza '92, Lauren '95 and Caroline '01 Jacobs
Henry D. Keane ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Keane Stephanie R. Keane ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Keane The Lunch Ladies Dr. Michael Lahood and Mrs. Kathleen E. Horohoe Prep II and Grade 1 Classes Mr. David N. George Jonathan A. Rinaldo ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Lester Milbrath Phyllis Freeman Siracusa The Lux Family Francis G. Roell and Mary Ann Rogers The Sorgi Family
Nikki Galluch '92 Noel and Cheryl Galluch Midge Graves Susan B. Schoellkopf Elizabeth G. Greene '83 The Greene Family L. Nelson Hopkins, Jr. Jane Hopkins Carey '71 Mrs. L. Nelson Hopkins, Jr. Nicole Mariconda '95 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Banta Mrs. Vicki Briesacher Mr. and Mrs. Mark Chason Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Downing Ms. Betsy Feuerstein
Ms. Jami Feuerstein '95 Ms. Marni Feuerstein '92 Richard and Susan '62 Green Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gresens Charles, Jill, Eliza '92, Lauren '95 and Caroline '01 Jacobs Matt Mariconda '92, "In memory of my sister, Nicole Mariconda, who always felt at home at EFS." Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Marlette, Jr. Sybil and Peter McGennis Mr. and Mrs. William McHugh Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mitchell Tom Sabatino and Rose Gardon Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sadler, Jr. Kate Stevenson Braen Meg Stevenson '95 Ray and Ellen Stevenson Mrs. Alice Sullivan Ms. Susan E. White Charles G. McClure, Sr. Carolyn McClure William Miller Charles, Jill, Eliza '92, Lauren '95 and Caroline '01 Jacobs Cally Monetesano '70 David and Grace '70 Munschauer Elizabeth Young Parker '24 Mrs. Theodore R. Sanders Virginia Pundt Charles, Jill, Eliza '92, Lauren '95 and Caroline '01 Jacobs Ramona Ross Trini Ross and Geoffrey Seals Jerry Shine Marilyn Z. Shine Margaret G. Swift Marty and Bruce Kirchner
BEQUESTS Estate of Dorothy Scott ’22
GIFTS IN KIND Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Alsheimer Dr. David Dougherty and Mrs. Sharon Coverdale Dougherty The Hassanali Family Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Jacobs, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Johnston III Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Keane Michael and Andrea Kuettel Mr. and Mrs. John Liberti Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mathias Countess E. Monomakhoff Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newman The Rupp Family Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Swift Mary Jane Waltz John and Cindy Zachau
GREAT- GRANDPARENTS Mrs. Cameron Baird Sam Stark Mrs. Jane M. Schoellkopf Jane Wyckoff Mrs. John L. Surdam Jack and Kristin Borowiak Alison and Leyton Johnston
Keith and Lin Blakely Emily and Jay Yarbrough
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Griffa Natalie Harden
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brannen Evan, Kayla and Marlena Brannen
Dr. and Mrs. Jean George Haar Daniel Scully
Mrs. Sylvia Brown Evan Benjamin and Jason Shine
Mr. Charles J. Hahn Charles Hahn
Richard and Cathy Chamberlin Jason Jarrett
Mrs. Phyllis Hamill Delaney and MacKenzie Hamill
Joseph A. and Irene Cianciosa Joelle Cianciosa
Gail L. Hamlett Lilian and Samuel Hamlett
John and Madelyn Cleary Annabelle and Madeline Cleary
Mrs. Patricia C. Hansen Jayne Appelbaum
Mrs. Frances Collins Emma Collins Yates
Joan and Bill Haws Maya Guzdar
Mrs. Mildred Cramer Colin and Kyle Cramer
Donald J. and Joan K. Holzman John Fitch
Mrs. Ruth W. Dean Anne and Sarah Duncan
Sung and Yung Hong Misa and Grey Buscemi
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Decillis Jake Bard
James and Martha How Peter Said
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Donaldson Sommer, Walter, and Will Zacher
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Inglis Michelle Moreland
Mrs. Eulah Feier (d) Brandon, Colin and Matthew Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Irwin Tyler Lucas
Michael and Loretta Fitzpatrick
Mary Ellen and Robert Ivers Alice Munro
GRANDPARENTS Anonymous Al and Judy Acker Kevin and Lindsay Acker Jane B. Albrecht Joseph and William Albrecht Barry and Donna Appelbaum Jayne Appelbaum Ansie Baird Sam Stark Brent Baird Sam Stark Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Baird Jack Stephen Barbara and Douglas Baker Julia and Taylor Levin Ms. Dordy Bales Evan and Sydney Brason Richard W. Bales Evan and Sydney Brason
Catherine Fitzpatrick
Carol K. Johnson James Johnson
Dorothy C. Banaszak Elissa Lipke
Ms. Joan P. Fleming Allie and Will Viti
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Banta Elizabeth and Jane Wyckoff
Ray and Mary Foley Claire and Stephen Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Johnston, Jr. Jack and Kristin Borowiak Alison and Leyton Johnston Athena Mathews
Sarah W. French Justin and Melissa Jacobs
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Kaye Eliza Kaye
Margot V. Glick Allie and Emily Glick
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Keane Henry and Stephanie Keane
Norb and Diana Bennett Jed, Quinn, and Sage Rifkin Chester and Mary Bialkowski Angelica, Gabriel, Jeremiah and John Bialkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kellogg Andrew Darby Lachlan and Jack Kellogg Marilyn G. Kinsman Kelsey Gosch Jack Kinsman Elizabeth Kuroski Gilbert Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Ladds, Jr. Adelaide Clauss Fred Lebherz Jamie Galvin Mrs. Mid Leininger Alexander and Katie Herer Susan and Edwin Levy Allie and Emily Glick Patricia K. Lipke Elissa, Erica and Kenny Lipke Ernest and Patricia Lukaszewski Tyler Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Willard J. Magavern, Jr. Court Ambrus Mrs. Colleen O'Shea Mahoney Jack and Kristin Borowiak Mrs. William L. Marcy, Jr. Lilian and Samuel Hamlett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Miller Sarah Miller
Robert Solomon Nicholas Rutland
Countess E. Monomakhoff John Loree
Charles and Maryanne Soponski Hunter Bielat
Mrs. Shirleen Morrow Lauren Wilson-Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spangenthal Paige Spangenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Munro Alice Munro
Martha and Nick Spofford Alison and Leyton Johnston
Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Munschauer Grace Louise Munschauer
Marsha and Philip Stark Sam Stark
Linda Nihart Julia Badgley
Sheila and Martin Terens Harleigh and Morgan Awner
Mr. and Mrs. S. Warren Prince, Jr. Ryan Bronstein
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ule Claire, Peter, and William McGennis
William and Carole Rainville Mackenzie Lenahan
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Upchurch Anna and Joseph Westbrook
Mehri Rasmi Dara Hadighi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Vincent Jack Kinsman
Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Reich Zander Metz and William Reich
Mrs. Pamela R. Jacobs Vogt Molly Enstice
Mr. and Mrs. Philipp M. Rimmler Sara Rimmler
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Walsh Grace Louise Munschauer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Roach Caroline and Lindsay Hogan Sarah Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Walsh, Jr. Lucas Walsh
Carolyn McClure Michael McClure
Mrs. Theodore Sanders Grace Clauss Parker Sanders
Sybil and Peter McGennis Claire, Peter, and William McGennis
Mrs. Beth Schectman-Tubbs Jacob Schectman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyer Jacob, Maxwell, and Zachary Schectman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Scully Daniel Scully
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Milbrath Jonathan Rinaldo
Marilyn Z. Shine Evan Benjamin and Jason Shine
Ethel Jean Ward Sarah Collins Mrs. Lillian Wecksler Jayne Appelbaum Mary B. Weedon Ralegh Petri Mr. and Mrs. Reginald V. Williams, Jr. Catherine Williams
donors 2003 Grad Brunch, June 10, 2007
Joan Wendt Alford Barbara Byers Matthews
Julie Smith Dutton Alma Chapin Strachan Malcolm Strachan Henry Waters
Susan Gibbons Alford Margaret Perry Garvin Mary Cooley Polk Bonnie Cornelius Spitzmiller Marina Welmers
1931 Theodore C. Prentice
1934 Mimsey Olmsted Potts Henry Z. Urban
1935 Isabel Vaughan James Cecile Kelly Brown Whittemore
1945 Sarah Pettibone Dabney Alice Sullivan Dillon Robert Dillon Reginald V. Williams, Jr.
1956 Wende Adam Alford Margot Rumsey Banta Callie Zeller Ostendorf David O. Smith
Cynthia Keating Doolittle Thomas R. Flickinger Irving A. Laub George F. Phillips, Jr. Jill Hahn Russo
Anne Backus Cheney Berenice Hewitt Lothrop Rosemary Smith Marlette Mary Kent Jewett Prentice Celesta Serio A. Warren Smith
Gaye Barker Godell
Charles L. Abell Anita Taber Gates Margot Mimmack Lamar Annette Stevens Wilton
1936 Mary Doolittle Taylor
Barbara Strebel Conners
1939 Ruth Fowler Niswander
1940 Germain K. Graves Margot Rumsey Mugler Diana Mitchell Sanford Janet Wendt Warner
Angeline K. Fryer Stephen Gurney Edwin M. Johnston, Jr. David G. Strachan
1949 Barbara Jerauld Coffin Harriette Hunn Heussler Emily Edwards King Pinky Leahy Regan Louis B. Reich Howard T. Saperston, Jr. Esther Spaulding
Holly Augspurger Donaldson Varney Spaulding Greene Bonnie Adam Hopkins
1958 1959 Wade Stevenson
1960 Mary Franklin Saperston Mary Diebold Smith Bettina Tubbs-Oberheide Anne Spaulding Rose Leon H. Smith III Sally Spitzmiller Vincent Wendy Willard
1961 Charles Banta Penny Schoellkopf Banta Trudy Adam Mollenberg
Ann Boocock Coburn Louise Zeller Curley
Janie Urban Constantine Susan Barrett Green Suzanne Culliton Stephan Catherine Talley Wettlaufer
Susan Beck Allan Virginia Ostendorf Bristol Hazard K. Campbell Polly Cole Clancey George W. Laub Evelyn Gurney Miller Suzanne Spaulding Rockwell Louise Gale Runnells
Ansie Silverman Baird Marcia Benton Hazel Stephen Kellogg Gloria Lerner Tener
Deborah Clark Christopher L. Davis
Sarah Smith Hasbrouck Georgia Williams Kells Daney Saperston Klingenstein Frances Grammer Stevenson
1943 William F. Kimberly, Jr. Joan Kahle Smith Holly Salt Walsh Elizabeth Gale Woods
Sarah C. Goodyear
Ardith Bausenbach Lisa Lord Gillespie David Karzon Susan Lenahan Kimberly Madeline Ambrus Lillie Ann B. Quackenbush Katharine B. Rahn Joan Howland Webber
Stephen Clement Kitty Richard Marcy
Florence Urban Hunn Elizabeth Swift Mitchell
1952 Bonnie Barmon Fastiff Mary Ellen Daniels McCormick Clinton R. Wyckoff III
Clarke Narins Gaier Notman Palmisano Susan B. Schoellkopf
1966 Michael H. Bartlett Peggy Wattles Dryden
1967 Julian L. Ambrus Devon Parker Marlette
1968 Heidi Dent Arthurs Charles D. Hahn Robert L. Miller, Jr. Suzanne A. Murray-Bissonnette Norman A. Pedersen III Edward F. Walsh, Jr.
Catherine A. Fryer Christopher L. Hamill Darby R. Johnson Richard Smith III
Cameron Baird Siobhan Hughes Peter W. McGennis, Jr. Josh Nussbaumer Jason Rothschild Eric Saldanha Margot Vincent Katherine Wilton Brad Wyckoff
1976 George T. Laub Frederick W. Pearce Alexandra Flickinger Secor Susan Schoepperle Viti Nelson S. Walsh
1977 Jeremy Jacobs, Jr. Stephen Kellogg, Jr. Meredith Birkmayr Metcalf David G. Strachan, Jr. Paul H. Wick Frank S. Wilton
1986 Scott Saperston
1987 Jenny Constantine Keuleman Heather Rumsey Gibson Jennifer Jayson Dunsby Adam F. Lippes Nicholas B. Tzetzo
Seymour H. Knox IV Philip Niswander Frederick G. Pierce II Theodore B. Walsh
Louis M. Jacobs Stephen Sanders Mary N. Wadsworth
Linda Ambrus Broenniman Melinda Burgwardt Gibson Elizabeth Barth Harten Eliot Lazar Liz Duryea Maloney Barbara Fischer McQueeney Grace Walsh Munschauer Douglas G. Swift Edmund V. Wick
Kimberly Rich Lupkin Brooke Nussbaumer Muggia J. Frederick Schoellkopf VI Annette P. Wilton
Jane Hopkins Carey Neal Fatin Arthur Glick Jennifer Rand Griffis Allison E. Prince Elizabeth O. Waagen
1972 Melissa Kennedy Cleary Jonathan A. Graff James P. Hettrick Laura Yerkovich
Lisa A. Hansen Melinda Potts Quigg Vivian Williams
Bridget Baird Robert Rich III Kimberly Williams
1982 Kristin Schoellkopf Borowiak Carrie M. Hamlett Justin K. Kellogg Newell L. Nussbaumer Amy Habib Rittling
Cutler S. Greene
Jessica Jacobs Enstice Adrian Quackenbush Carolyn Sufrin
1990 Jordan M. Jayson Meredith G. Kirchner Mark Saldanha Shana Siegel
1991 Lori Decillis Jacqueline Jayson Iak
1992 Marni Feuerstein Eliza Jacobs Melissa Marlette Kresse Christine Lillie Matt Mariconda
1993 Wende Mollenberg
Pamela Bradley Swales
Virginia Wettlaufer
Geoffrey R. Flickinger Holly Hahn-Baker Kerime L. Perese
1974 Jennifer Prince Bronstein Molly Sanders Clauss Edwin M. Johnston III Stacey Fell Milne Ann Flynn Wolney
David Baird Deborah McCulle Baird Rebecca Cosbey-Bourke Eliza Hetherington Lowe William L. Reich Theodore W. Rich Darcy Donaldson Zacher
Jami Feuerstein Lauren Jacobs Edward Marlette III Meg Stevenson
1996 Allison Drake Robert Drake Margaret Early
All-Alumni Open House, June 8-9, 2007
Christina Hong Sarah Lillie Emily Santilli Robert Warner
Trevor Calamel Gregory Faust
Nicholas Edson Hanna Gisel Eric Lux Wesley Mabee Kelli Pirtle Elliott Tubbs Andrew Warner
Dionne Fabiatos Karr Marlette
1999 Matthew Edson Lee Fabiatos Joseph Hong J. P. Maloney
2000 Melina Hong Samantha Friedman Olsen Laura Tubbs
2001 Adam Goldfarb Caroline Jacobs Karen Lillie Maddie McQueeney Richard W. Munschauer II Kayla Zemsky
Katharine Dryden Eliza Friedman Meg Healy Amelia Kermis Ryan McQueeney Brett Roell Harry Zemsky
2004 Julia Friedman Michael Hong Rachael Kermis Michele Kujawa Kimberly Pirtle Trelsie Sadler Benjamin Sorgi Abigail Stark
Allie Faitelson Katherine Lipke Will Maloney John McHugh Lyman Munschauer Philipp Rimmler Michael Szymkowiak
2006 Kilby Bronstein Madeline Friedman Ari Goldfarb Allison Joseph Dillon Joseph Jordan Joseph Stephen Kellogg Peter E. Loree Alexander Rutland Hannah Sorgi Jacob Stark Trey Toy David Zemsky
2007 Riley Featherston Erika K. Schoene
2012 Lucy Featherston
Joanna Cianciosa Erin Edson
10 %
donors 42
Anonymous Al and Judy Acker Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Acker Jane B. Albrecht Susan Gibbons Alford Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Alsheimer Sarah and Julian Ambrus Mrs. Kristan C. Andersen Barry and Donna Appelbaum Ms. Stephanie Artis Steven and Maxine Awner Ms. Bridget Baird Cameron Baird David and Deborah Baird Barbara and Douglas Baker Richard W. Bales Steve and Ruth Barnes Michael H. Bartlett Ms. Ardith Bausenbach Mr. and Mrs. George F. Bellows Sue B. Bensman Ms. Rosemarie Beres Chester and Mary Bialkowski Mr. and Mrs. John Bialkowski Robert A. Biltekoff Keith and Lin Blakely Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Blinkoff Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Borowiak, Jr. Mrs. Marcia M. Bos Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brady Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Brannen Todd and Erika Brason Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Bronstein Mrs. Sylvia Brown Trevor Calamel Cameron Baird Foundation Richard and Cathy Chamberlin Ms. Shellonnee Chinn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cianciosa Julia Ladds Clauss Mrs. Patricia B. Cody Bill and Beckie Collins Mr. and Mrs. Rhys Curtis Nina Cascio and Gregory Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Decillis Ms. Lori Decillis Dr. Gurmeet Dhillon and Dr. Lisa A. Hansen Alice Sullivan Dillon '47 and Bob Dillon '45 Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian DiMarco Mr. and Mrs. Tony DiMichele Ms. Cheryl DiSarno Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Downing Mr. Robert Drake Lee and Peggy Dryden Shawn and Victoria Duncan
Thomas and Paula Elsinghorst Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Enstice Ms. Betsy Feuerstein Ms. Jami Feuerstein Ms. Marni Feuerstein Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Fitch Mr. Brett J. Fitzpatrick Ms. Joan P. Fleming Leslie H. Fox Lawrence and Deborah Franco Carrie and David Frank Sarah W. French Dr. Keith W. Frome and Dr. Ermelinda Bonaccio Angeline K. Fryer Tom Sabatino and Rose Gardon James and Susan Gately Anita T. Gates Kenneth Gayles, MD Mr. David N. George Mr. John Gilbert and Ms. Joan Good Elizabeth and Robert Glenning Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Glick Mr. Adam Goldfarb Ms. Margaret P. Gordon Matthew and Beth Gosch Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Graff Susan and Richard Green Mr. and Mrs. Cutler S. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Griffa Ms. Jennifer Griffis Mr. (d) and Mrs. Halim A. Habib Dr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Hamill Mrs. Phyllis Hamill Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Hamlett Elizabeth Barth Harten Dr. Nishi Harvey and Mrs. Mia Acharya Sarah Smith Hasbrouck Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hausmann Miss Margaret Healy Mr. and Mrs. David Henry Mr. James P. Hettrick Mr. Michael Hogan and Dr. Harriette Hogan Sung and Yung Hong Mrs. L. Nelson Hopkins, Jr. James and Martha How Dr. Cameron Huckell and Mr. Richard Clarke Siobhan Hughes Marie Ann Iacona Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Irwin Mary Ellen and Robert Ivers Charles, Jill, Eliza, Lauren and Caroline Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Jacobs, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Jacobs Sally Jarzab The Jayson Family: Jennifer '87, Jordan '90, and Jacqueline '91 Carol K. Johnson Darby R. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson
Kerry and Nicole Jones Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Jay Karassik Mr. and Mrs. David T. Karzon, Jr. Daniel and Leslie Keane Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Keane Mr. Spencer Kellogg II Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kellogg Judith Kieffer Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kilian Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kimberly, Jr. Meredith Kirchner Mr. and Mrs. Seymour H. Knox IV Michael and Andrea Kuettel Bennie and Janice Kyle Margot Mimmack Lamar George T. Laub Mr. and Mrs. Todd L. Levin Robert J. Liguori The Lillie Family: Christine '92, Sarah '96, Karen '01, Drs. Madeline '64, and David The Lipke Families Mr. Jeff Long and Ms. Amy Carter Eliza Hetherington Lowe Mrs. Kimberly R. Lupkin Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Maloney J. P. Maloney William D. Maloney Mrs. William L. Marcy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Marlette, Jr. Ms. Karen L. Mathews Mary Ellen Daniels McCormick Paula M. Ciprich and Gregory L. Migdal Ms. Mariann E. Miller Scott Miller and Molly Roach Stacey Fell Milne Dr. Michael C. Moore Mr. Lyman Munschauer Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Munschauer Rebecca Murak Dr. Jan S. Najdzionek and Dr. Kimberly S. Trinidad Victoria and James Newman Marcy and Michael Newman Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Osinski Callie Zeller Ostendorf Paul and Else Blum Private Foundation Amy Blum Houston and Nancy Blum Mr. and Mrs. Pitt Petri, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Zygmunt Piadlo, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Piazza Allison E. Prince Mr. Adrian Quackenbush Ms. Ann B. Quackenbush Melinda Potts Quigg William and Carole Rainville Dr. and Mrs. William J. Rapaport Julie A. Raynsford
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Reich Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Rifkin Anne and Phil Rimmler John Ringland Mark Rittling and Amy Habib Rittling Suzanne Spaulding Rockwell Brett Caleb Rogers Roell Margaret Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Sabuda The Saldanha Family: Anne, Eric and Mark Mrs. Theodore R. Sanders Emily Santilli Mary and Howard Saperston Mr. and Mrs. Scott Saperston Mrs. Beth Schectman-Tubbs Drs. Frank and Kimberly Schlehr Susan B. Schoellkopf Erika K. Schoene Trini Ross and Geoffrey Seals Mrs. Alexandra K. Flickinger Secor Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Z. Shine Mr. and Mrs. Martin Slawson James Smith and Colleen Cummings Mr. and Mrs. James H. Smith Rick and Jen Smith Robert Solomon Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Spangenthal Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spier Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spitzmiller Miss Abigail Stark Suzanne Culliton Stephan Dr. and Mrs. James Stephen Mr. and Mrs. Wade Stevenson Mrs. John L. Surdam Pamela B. Swales Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Szymkowiak Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Telford Mr. and Mrs. David D. Tiftickjian Joseph and Tiffany Tomasello Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trolli Nicholas B. Tzetzo Mr. and Mrs. Henry Z. Urban Phillip and Cynthia Vance Scott Kinsman and Margot Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Viti, Jr. Mrs. Pamela R. Jacobs Vogt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker Mr. and Mrs. John N. Walsh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Watkins Mary B. Weedon Raymond Ph. Weil Ms. Marina Welmers Dr. and Mrs. Stewart B. Whitney Cecile Kelly Whittemore Mr. and Mrs. Reginald V. Williams, Jr. Ms. Annette P. Wilton Katie Wilton Dr. and Mrs. Peter Winkelstein Brad Wyckoff
Atlantis, the Lost Continent Elmwood Franklin School Auction February 10, 2007
auction 2 0 0 7
OV E RV I E W • Raised $241,479 • Over 600 items/services donated from 421 local companies and families • 332 attendees • 90 advertisers • 100+ volunteers
executive committee Chairs
Sharon Coverdale Dougherty, Marcy Liberti, Cindy Zachau
Chair Liaison
Pam Catipovic
Andrea Kuettel
Allison Clement, Shine Hassanali
Vastye Gillespie
Fabulous Finds
Lisa Bibas, Mindy Shine
Arts & Antiques
Jennifer Bronstein, Kathleen Loree, Lori Stevenson, Sonia Taggart
Live Auction
Joan Jacobs, Rebecca Collins
Jane Cramer
Sports & Leisure
Helen and Andrew Cappuccino
Kate Foley, Kevin Hogan
Kate Foley
Cash Cunningham, Eric Monahan
Board Reservations
Grace Munschauer
Catalog Editor
Leslie Keane
Rich Renaissance
Tom Jordan
Class Gifts
Missy Cleary
Edie & Jim Dref, Joe Cianciosa
Lee Campbell
Data Management
Leslie Keane, Rebecca Murak
Pam Catipovic
Peter Johnson, Kathryn Murray, Jenna Piazza, Alyssa Schwabe
Friday Set-Up – Items
Sue Liptak
Friday Set-Up – Tables
Lori Bassett, Nancy Campbell
Gift Certificates
Lin Blakely
Health Professionals
Dorothy Trubish
Invitation/Catalog Design
Pam Catipovic, Janet DiMichele
Item Cataloging
Amy Downing
Alex Johnston, Darcy Zacher
Silent Auction Announcer
Steve Kellogg, Jr.
CONTRIBUTORS Jane Cramer Dr. and Mrs. Mazin Dhafir EFS Trustees Archie and Patty Glick Mr. (d) and Mrs. Halim A. Habib Karen Healy David and Eva Herer Alice and Jeremy Jacobs La Nova Pizzeria David and Madeline Lillie M&T Bank Charitable Giving Clarke and Michelle Narins Kevin and Jodi Osinksi Jenna Pantano Nick and Colleen Quarantillo Adnan and Josephine Siddiqui Frank and Annette Wilton Windsong Radiology
ALUMNI COUNCIL DONORS Robert C. Drake ’96 Stephen Kellogg Jr. ’77 Susan Lenahan Kimberly ’64 Madeline Ambrus Lillie ’64 Liz Duryea Maloney ’70 Mary Saperston ’60
ATTORNEY DONORS Paula Ciprich William B. Collins Dennis Cleary Terrence Connors Mark Cramer David Earl Dearing James Domagalski Catherine Beltz Foley Stephen Foley Kevin Hogan Kathleen Horohoe John Keavey Leslie Kellogg John Liberti Karen L. Mathews Scott Miller Anne Rimmler Philipp Rimmler Katherine Roach Mary Roach Trini Ross Anne Solomon Rutland Daniel Scully Norm Viti Kendra Winkelstein
HEALTH PROFESSIONAL DONORS Steven Awner Ermelinda Bonaccio Andrew Cappuccino Helen Cappuccino David Dougherty Kenneth Gayles Ashvani Gulati Nishi Harvey Harriette Hogan Michael Kuettel Michael Lahood David Lillie Madeline Ambrus Lillie Daniel Rifkin Frank Schlehr Edward Spangenthal Keith Stube Akram Talhouk Dorothy Trubish Peter Winkelstein
PARENT DONORS TO FABULOUS FINDS CLASS CONTRIBUTIONS Ron and Cathy Alsheimer Kristan Andersen Cary and Cindy Anderson Steve and Maxine Awner Jim and Suzanne Badgley Kingman and Lori Bassett Robert and Darcy Biltekoff Michael and Lisa Brattain Ron and Jennifer Bronstein Kendall Bruzgal John and Patricia Buettner Andrew and Helen Cappuccino Jeff Long and Amy Carter Aaron and Angela Castlevetere Robert and Pam Catipovic Julia Ladds Clauss Dell Family David Dougherty and Sharon Coverdale Tony Featherston and Helen Roy Michael and Gretchen Galvin Vastye Gillespie David and Christine Gorski Charlie and Sandy Hahn Blaine and Suzanne Harris Scott Kinsman and Margot Vincent Michael LaHood and Kathleen Horohoe John and Marcy Liberti
Jeff Long and Amy Carter Thomas and Roberta Markel John and Katalin McClure Patricia McQuillan Greg Migdal and Paula Ciprich Robert Miller and Laura Mangan Douglas and Joanne Moreland Jack and Patty Murrett Nick and Colleen Quarantillo Joseph and Kristen Pinker Danielle Reed Daniel and Laura Rifkin Geoff Seals and Trini Ross Keith and Leslie Stube Joe and Tiffany Tomasello John and Cheri Truax Phillip and Cynthia Vance Thomas and Kathy Wagner Barney Walsh and Amy Clifton Peter and Kendra Winkelstein John and Cindy Zachau Rick and Darcy Zacher Walter and Mary Jane Zurowski
ADVERTISERS ADESA Auctions Alden Evergreen Nursery Allied Mechanical, Inc. Auction Chairs 2006 The Barnes Firm, PC Benson Surgical Supply Buffalo Medical Group Buffalo Seminary Canisius High School ChemMet LLC Collins Maxwell, LLP David Tiftickjian & Sons Delaware North Companies Delaware Pediatric Assoc. Diagna Radiology Dipson Theatres Dopkins & Company, LLP EFX Currency Exchange Eric Mower and Associates Foit-Albert Associates Fox Run Farm George W. Laub & Associates, LLC Gibraltar Industries Glen Campbell Chevrolet Greater Buffalo Savings Bank • Rocco Diina Gurney Becker & Bourne Handyman Network, a division of Kisloski Construction Group, Inc. Harold C. Brown & Co., LLP
Hiscock & Barclay, LLP Hodgson Russ, LLP Hunt Real Estate • Karen Baker Hunt Real Estate • Sharon and Steve Frisicaro International Stone Gallery Jaeckle Fleischman & Mugel, LLP Tarik Kawi Kittinger Gallery Knee Center of Western New York La Nova Pizzeria Legacy Healthcare, LLC M&T Bank M. A. Reich & Co. Main Place Liberty Group Meadow Family Medicine Mercy Flight Merrill Lynch • Lee Abell and Sally Abell Merrill Lynch • Maxine Awner Miller Gesko Mod-Pac Corp. National Air Cargo New England Pension Consultants Niacet Corporation Niagara Cutter Niagara Metals Niagara Transformer Corp. Nichols School NOCO Energy Corp. Northtown Automotive Companies Paradigm Development, Inc. Paul William Beltz, PC Pediatric Dental Care, PC Petit Printing Phillips Lytle, LLP Pinnacle Pitt Petri Plaza Suites Prince Rubber & Plastics Co., Inc. Print Plus RBC Dain Rauscher ROAR Logistics Frank J. Schlehr, M.D., P.C. S.E.H. Metal Fabricating Signature Design Packaging Edward D. Simmons, M.D. Star-Lite Manufacturing Co., Inc. Tanning Bed Tomasello Real Estate Broker Tri-City Rentals UBS Financial Services Inc. Union Concrete Construction Corp. Westminster Early Childhood Programs WillCare The WNY Pediatric Ophthalmology Group Women First Healthcare of WNY
Giving isn’t limited to money—acts of kindness, both small and large, have a value that goes beyond words. In May, Head of School Tony Featherston and Director of Development Julie Raynsford welcomed Elmwood Franklin’s many volunteers to a breakfast reception to give special recognition to a few and heartfelt thanks to all. The Unsung Hero Award, an award that honors those individuals who are “everywhere, doing everything,” was presented to Pam Catipovic, and Julia Ladds Clauss for their attention to detail on the Auction and to Margaret Rogers for her weekly help in the library. Parent Council Service Awards were presented to Kathleen Loree and Alex Johnston, as well as Parent Council President Cathy Alsheimer and the Parent Council Executive Committee: Lisa Hotung, Janine Lipke, Kathleen Loree and Joanne Brannen. Auction 2007 recognition was given to chairs Sharon Coverdale Dougherty, Marcy Liberti and Cindy Zachau. Auction Service Awards were presented to former auction chair Janet DiMichele, silent auction announcer Steve Kellogg, Jr. '77, gift certificate coordinator Lin Blakely, and live auction chairs Beckie Collins and Joan Jacobs. Annual Fund Chairs Jennifer Bronstein, Mike Hogan, and Liz Maloney
were named Annual Fund Service Volunteers of the Year.
Margaret Rogers
Julia Ladds Clauss
Pam Catipovic
Janet DiMichele
Steve Kellogg Kathleen Loree
Jennifer Bronstein
Cathy Alsheimer Joanne Brannen
Lin Blakely
Sharon Coverdale Cindy Zachau
Marci Liberti
Lisa Hotung
remembers E L M WO O D
F R E D E R I C K E . M U N S C H AU E R I I Elmwood Franklin remembers Frederick E. Munschauer II, an alumni parent and grandparent and a benefactor of EFS, who passed away on December 17, 2006. Mr. Munschauer and his late wife, Harriet, sent their two children to Elmwood Franklin; their daughter, Dr. Carol Munschauer Pearson is a 1962 alumna, and their son, Dr. Frederick (Rick) Munschauer III, graduated in 1965. Two of Mr. Munschauer’s grandchildren, Lauren ’99 and Lindsay ’01, are also EFS alumni.
Mr. Munschauer and his family foundation have been generous supporters of Elmwood Franklin School for many years, giving to numerous capital and annual appeals, and the legacy of his family continues to shape our institution.
N I C O L E M A R I C O N DA ’ 95 The Nicole Mariconda ’95 Memorial Fund was established by her family to honor and remember this beloved young woman, who died unexpectedly on July 23, 2006. Donations to the fund have grown to $1,740.
In honor of her vivacious spirit, a seat in the Johnston Theatre has been dedicated in Nicole’s memory. Also, a memorial bench will be built as part of the forthcoming Lower School renovation.
The care and generosity expressed by the EFS community is a meaningful tribute to Nicole, who always thought of Elmwood Franklin as an extended family.
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