Issue 1 - Shaping Tomorrow

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hAPING Tomorrow Issue 1

Editorial Dear delegates We hope that you had a good trip and you arrived safe and sound. You all came here because you believe into the future ... And we believe in you as well, and your power into «Shaping Tomorrow». According to semiology, the arrow represents the determination we have; because an arrow never stops before reaching to its aim. And this is what you will experience during the next few days. EYP is discovering new things we thought we would never be able to achieve. Education is usually seen as something restrictive and boring. But is that the only way to approach it? Education is a key to understand our society. Education is a help to develop our personality. Education permits you to have critical opinions. Education is shaping tomorrow. You are the future. Youth is beautiful. Your devoted Editors, Zabeth Wagemann Elodie Métral

THE MEDIA TEAM Journalists Video Editors Editors Nicolas Rubin Maxime Anceau Zabeth Wagemann Görkem Bike Ketene Zelda Martin-Traoré Elodie Métral Harriet Peel Marie Frostin Cyril Pesenti

Contents Editorial






La musique : Une éducation choisie ?


Madame la Présidente


Limoges ! Pardon, vous-avez dit ?


EU Foreign Policy: A divided front




Distance parcourue


Don’t be scared of English at sessions


Rape in India: Is a cultural change underway?


Le Board, les orgas qui annonce la meilleure couleur ?


How to survive a session?



Foreign As a Turkish citizen living in Vienna, our journalist Görkem Bike Ketene explains what happens when you decide to setlle down in a European country.


here are immigrants all over the world, and especially in Europe. There are lots of reasons why people immigrate, move to another country. Some go so that they can have a better education, some can’t earn enough money i n their own countries and they have to move, some run away from war or other conflicts...


cery shopping? There comes the dormitory as a solution but it is nearly impossible to get a room right away. Even if you get on it is more likely as the size of a plane toilet, and you also have to live with someone of whom you know nothing. The language is an issue altogether. Trying to communicate with people without knowing what to say; not being able to answer questions, sometimes even saying that ‘you are a potato’ because you got excited to the question ‘ What is your name?’.

are many hardships along The paperwork is a nightmare from the way to reside in a different hell. Just getting the documents takes a country. lot of time, and the government has some strict rules when it comes to immigration First of all, there are the cultural dif- (for example for students, even giving ferences. As humans, we are not likely to couple of credits less than the abandon our habits. However in another wanted amount will result country, it is nearly impossible to do the in not getting the visa). same things we are used to doing. The most common example of this is food. In most of countries (especially the ones situated in t is not the middle east) the food culture is so difonly a problem for ferent. Another example would be kissing the immigrants to live in in public; to Europeans it is a natural way Europe, but it is not easy either of showing affection but to religious peofor the Europeans,. Think about it; ple it can be seen as an indecent behaviour. that, you have your own rules and way of living, and then a person who knows noth Finding places where to stay is also ing about it comes, acts totally different really hard. Most of the time young people than you are accustomed to react. This will live as two or three people in a flat. But how make people anxious. Not knowing is one is it possible to find someone to live with, of the scariest things for a human being. when you don’t even know where to go gro-



The stereotypical image of immihe key grants is most of the time pretty bad. Of here is to undercourse and with reasons, people believe stand each other. If peothese stereotypes. But not every person is ple understand each other, the same. There is good and bad in every and try to put themselves in others’ culture, country, and religious; there is in shoes; everything will turn out just fine. every person. But not all people are there yet. Let alone I can understand the people who understanding others, most are unable to don’t want immigrants. The feeling of los- understand themselves and act in irrationing something solely belongs to you and al behaviours. people coming and taking it from you. But The biggest reason to that is, because that doesn’t mean that it is right. they are uneducated. Education is not only maths or biology, it is so much more; it is We all want to just live together hap- learning how to live with others, learning pily. Not all immigrants want to destroy the what makes others and us happy; it is figuring out what we want from life. Without an country or rules. education, it is not possible to accept people for who they are and love them. We want to co-exist, learn the culture, the language and love your country like you do. Of course we are not going to abandon our own culture or beliefs, but we are going to adapt.

We all just want to belong. The borders on maps mean nothing in reality. We are all humans, who can change and accept. Let us not forget how to be humane and fair.


La musique : Une

La musique et son apprentissage sont le fruit d’une éducation à part entière. Cyril Pesenti s’intéresse à ce domaine de l’éducation.

Il s’agit, dans un cursus classique,

plan théorique que pratique - se découpe en trois cycles couronnés par l’obtention d’un diplôme de fin d’études musicales ou DEM. Il est important de ne pas exclure les personnes s’exerçant de manière autodidacte ; le chemin emprunté à l’école de musique ou au conservatoire décourage beaucoup de jeunes musiciens préférant poursuivre l’apprentissage de la musique de manière personnelle.

d’apprendre et de maîtriser les bases de la théorie musicale liées au solfège et à la pratique instrumentale. Les conservateurs s’attardent à dire qu’il est indispensable de débuter la musique à un âge précoce afin de pouvoir un jour prétendre à être reconnu, mais combien de grands compositeurs ont commencé la musique à un âge peu conventionnel ? Richard Wagner, compositeur allemand de la période romantique, Afin de comprendre comment la mudébuta autour de l’âge de quinze ans. sique peut jouer un rôle important et/ou capital dans l’éducation d’un enfant, il nous Dans la tradition actuelle, un cursus faut étudier son environnement social. d’apprentissage musical - aussi bien sur le

Education choisie ? La musique dite classique est sou-

vent associée à un milieu aisé dans lequel on pratique ce médium de manière transgénérationnelle. C’est un art de vivre qui correspond à l’idée de bourgeoisie bien loin de l’émergence des musiciens libres et indépendants. Le parcours du conservatoire est la voie royale dans ce milieu où il est nécessaire de franchir les étapes avec la plus haute distinction. L’enfant qui pratique la musique se retrouve parfois sous la contrainte d’un instrument qu’il n’a pas choisi et dans le pire des cas, la musique n’est pas la voie qu’il désirait suivre. Les grands musiciens émergent à force de passion et de travail acharné ; la question légitime à se poser est celle de l’apport de cette pratique pour un enfant n’ayant eu aucun plaisir à s’exercer pendant des heures... À l’inverse, certains musiciens se sont affirmés alors que leur environnement social n’était pas du tout enthousiaste à l’étude de la musique. Citons Schubert, destiné à devenir professeur ou encore Stravinsky, fortement encouragé par son père dans des études de droit qui n’ont pourtant pas eu raison de sa passion envers la musique.


demeure évident que la meilleure manière d’enseigner la musique à quelqu’un vient de la propre capacité de l’élève

à développer un vif intérêt pour celle-ci. Au delà de la musique, l’apprentissage est universel et se construit autour de la curiosité. Il est important de laisser chacun choisir sa passion, c’est la liberté d’entreprendre !

Offrir la possibilité de découvrir un instrument et ses fonctionnalités à un enfant lui permet d’appréhender de manière concrète son envie plus ou moins mesurée afin de débuter l’apprentissage d’une certaine pratique instrumentale. Être libre en musique est une condition du plaisir qui se développe de manière différente selon les attentes de chacun. Il faut se connaître et connaître ses ambitions, chaque voie est noble dans la mesure où elle émane d’un désir sincère. C’est ici reprendre le concept profond des romantiques qui vivaient la musique au plus profond d’eux. Liszt nous l’affirme encore : « La musique n’a pour ainsi dire point de réalité, elle n’imite pas, elle exprime. La musique est à la fois une science comme l’algèbre, et un langage psychologique auquel les habitudes poétiques peuvent seules faire trouver un sens. » Un médium est une voie et/ou une pratique artistique auxquelles nous aspirons par le biais d’une certaine technique (propre à chaque pratique).


Madame la prEsidente Un personnage clé de toute session du PEJ, le/la président(e) est souvent enveloppé(e) de mystère et de rumeurs. Ainsi, Harriet Peel a approché Giada Benfatto à moitié excitée comme une puce, à moitié effrayée.

Notre présidente commença sa carrière PEJ impressionnante en… Bon, à vrai dire elle a participé à tant de sessions qu’elle ne se souvient même pas de la première. Nous avons la chance d’avoir une présidente polyglotte : elle parle français, anglais, allemand et italien. Super douée. Elle n’a pas d’experience PEJ préférée, mais c’est plutôt l’ensemble des sessions qui l’ont marquée. Le PEJ représente pour elle une énorme courbe d’apprentissage. En effet, au tout début son rêve était d’un jour, devenir chair. Aujourd’hui, elle se retrouve Présidente pour la deuxième fois. Par contre, elle avoue toujours avoir peur de faire des discours. On sent bien qu’elle est extrêmement dévouée aux valeurs du PEJ. Quand je lui demande ce qu’elle espère accomplir à Limoges, elle me dit que tout ce qu’elle souhaite, c’est que les délégués puissent en


retirer une experience inoubliable et qu’ils puissent évoluer tout autant sur le plan personnel qu’éducatif. Quand je lui demande si elle a déjà été à l’Oktoberfest de Munich, où elle était étudiante, elle répond sans trace d’hésitation qui oui bien sûr. Elle sait que sont les priorités dans la vie. Sa série préférée est Games of Thrones. Malheureusement, je n’aime pas trop cette série, du coup je passe à la prochaine question. Giada est très fière de son pantalon jaune. Vous le verrez surement à un moment donné au cours de la session. Elle a commencé à porter le jaune en Allemagne, pour éviter de déprimer, parce qu’apparemment, il pleut plus qu’en Angleterre. Elle révèle un secret bien gardé en disant qu’il existe même au sein du PEJ un “club des pantalons jaunes”… En tant que personnage de “Friends”, elle s’identifie avec Phoebe : tête en l’air e t aventureuse, ce qu’elle aime le plus, c’est de découvrir des choses nouvelles. La voilà enfin dévoilée.

Limoges ! Pardon, vous avez-dit ? Cyril Pesenti se demande : Avez-vous déjà entendu votre professeur d’histoire s’écrier « Paris et le désert français ! La diagonale du vide qui englobe Limoges, symbole du trou perdu français ! »

ges est entrée dans le dictionnaire, combien d’employé(e)s ont entendu un jour dans leur carrière « Vous êtes limogé(e) ! ». Comme vous l’aurez peut-être compris, si un jour vous entendez cette phrase, inquiétez-vous, vous êtes potentiellement muté(e) à Limoges ! Vous aurez peut-être la malheur de ne pas bénéficier du réseau téléphonique habituellement disponible en France métropolitaine, profitez-en pour vous ressourcer afin de vous déconnecter de vos réseaux sociaux ! Enfin qu’importe, Limoges est une belle ville, qui offre à ses passants l’une des plus belles gare d’Europe, avec son célèbre clocher aux couleurs chatoyantes. Profitez de cette session pour dire bonjour aux vaches qui représentent fièrement la race des Limousines !

Lorsque l’on parle de Limoges, le premier mot qui nous vient à l’esprit est bien-sûr... « porcelaine ! ». Mais pourtant, cette vieille vaisselle que notre grand-mère garde bien précieusement au fond d’un placard n’est plus du tout « cheap » ! A l’heure de la mode « vintage » et du bon chic bon genre « hipster » ces priceless « cup of tea » s’imposent de nouveau dans les friperies ! La ville, qui reste cela-dit très mal desservie par les réseaux de transports, compte deux ou trois trains d’inter-cité par jour, et notons qu’il en est de même en ce qui concerne les vols proposés par l’aéroport. Soyez les bienvenus Les transports en commun sont seulement à Limoges, soyez l’incarassurés par les quelques bus présents dans nation de cette société qui dit le centre-ville, ce qui indique la marche à non aux clichés nationaux et brisez suivre pour les Limougeauds, du sport, du avec l’idée que vous aviez de Limoges avant sport ! d’y mettre un sabot ! Il est important de savoir que Limo-

EU Foreign Policy: Europe’s (“common”) foreign policy is at a crossroads: Harriet Peel delves into the world of European foreign policy to take a closer look at the current situation.


urope is experiencing disparities in its foreign policy. An ongoing example of this is Germany’s emergence as the ‘diplomat of Europe’ concerning Russia, while other heads of state linger in the background. Since the Second World War, Germany has been able to take a back seat when dealing with foreign poli-cy, using its turbulent Nazi history as an excuse. This, however, now seems to be changing, and perhaps quicker than Angela Merkel would like. Should Member States be letting Germany take the lead? If Europe wants to show a united front towards foreign affairs, so close to home they are, then no. But the three biggest European powers still want to consolidate their currently waning world influence. If the UK was to leave the EU as a result of a referendum, France would essentially being playing second fiddle to a more diplomatically assertive Germany, especially seeing as the postwar period France was a great power is now long gone. Indeed, the EU as a whole holds a smaller and smaller share of the global distribution of power.

The EU has

been criticised both for its lack of influence over events in Syria, and in the midst

of the Ukraine crisis in the summer of 2014, it was reproached for is lengthy decision making process, and rightly so. The problem, it seems, was coming to an agreement on a common European policy. Indeed, the European External Action Service (Europe’s diplomatic and foreign policy corps) depends on the consensus of 28 Member States, and with different countries having di-verging views and interests, this makes them perhaps unwilling to compromise. And when interests of big Member States differ, foreign policy stalls. Another issue is that diplomacy has slid down the agenda in recent years, falling prey to national economic and social matters.


t a time when the stability of Europe’s close neighbors is volatile, the EU is facing various obstacles. Firstly, with the US hoping that Europe will handle the current situation in Ukraine, it has been down to the big European powers to pull together, but so called ceasefire negotiations have so far proved fruitless. With heads of state taking center stage when it comes to negotiations with Rus-sia, their success rests upon their personal relationships with president M. Putin.

A Divided FronT Another problem facing the EU’s foreign policy could be Greece’s stance follow-ing the election of Alexis Tsipras, who has been reluctant to mention Russian ag-gression in the Ukraine conflict. He was also critical of EU sanctions on Russia in 2014 (Russia was Greece’s biggest trading partner, therefore sanctions would only worsen Greece’s economy). Another point to consider is that since worldwide and European markets have become so intertwined, it is difficult to stay impartial when dealing with foreign policy. Indeed, last year’s Crimea crisis negotiations were partly driven by Europe’s concerns for the future of its energy supply. In addition, more often than not Member States are lead by national agendas (the UK for example, has recently decided to send military advisors to Ukraine), compromising the weight of the EU’s foreign policy as a whole. All this at a time when defense cuts and lack of military expansion in Europe are being criticised by the NATO, who has stressed that threats such as an advancement of the Islamic State are growing, which will only worsen the problem of EU foreign policy.

The EU’s

tried and tested diplomacy model of verbal

condemnation and financial sanctions are beginning to appear futile. Russia does not seem to be taking the EU seriously with regards to its foreign policy measures. This raises the question of whether Europe’s tradition of soft power needs to project a stronger front, and evolve into hard power. The question is under what circumstances should words be turned into actions? What the EU needs is not a totally common foreign policy (which is unrealistic), but more flexibility when confronted with unexpected events. Countries such as Turkey and Ukraine, which border on unstable states, should be dealt with stra-tegically (with the use of means such as trade and border control). Greater co-operation between Member States and merging of strategies would also not only speed up decision-making, but also benefit the EU and its Member States’ image and make their voices heard amongst American and German diplomatic domi-nance. The EU’s style of diplomacy and its foreign policy are outdated. It needs to empower both its diplomatic and military forces to react quickly and efficient-ly to crises when they occur, using Member States’ resources as one, but without weakening member states’ sovereignty. Europe, it’s time to wake up and take foreign policy a bit more seriously.




of elementary schools built in France since 2008 are not handicap accessible.


20 000

En France, enfants handicapés se trouveraient sans solution de scolarisation.


Each minute,


Every day, species of life on Earth become extinct.


we lose acres of rainforest to deforestation, which is almost twice Paris. Between 1975 and 2000, the arctic ice had thinned by



Sur les 10 pays les plus connectes à internet, sont Européens, selon l’Union Internationale des Télécommunications


In Estonia, more than


of the population lives at more than 60 minutes away from the nearest university.


Les actes islamophobiques sont en hausse de

70% 5 000

depuis les attentats de janvier dernier.

Depuis 2008, personnes ont participé à un dialogue inter religieux en France, dont 2 000


1 000

mitees CULT I

Even though 2/3 of the world has abolished the death penalty, 1,591 people were knowingly executed in 2006 Ap p r o x i m a t e l y alone. The real figures of executions are likely much higher,



million people are of currently enslaved these penalties took in the human place in China, trafficking trade Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan, and the U.S. around the world.


There are approximately million child laborers worldwide.

Le meilleur symbole de l’Europe selon les Français serait :

54% 15%



9% 4%



Pour des Français, l’euro représente «ce qui rapproche le plus les habitants des différents pays de l’UE». Vous sentez vous citoyen Européen ?





CULT III En moyenne dans l’UE, plus de

la moitié des élèves du secondaire utilisent les ordinateurs de bureau au moins une fois par semaine.


of nine year olds do not study at a «highly digitally-equipped school»


of secondary students have never or almost never used a computer in their school lessons.

In the 2012-13 academic year,

268 143

students went to another European country to study train. The Erasmus + budget for 2014-2020 is



Since 2011, the total number of fully English-taught Masters in Europe has increased by

42 %



Distance parcourue par Nicolas Rubin

Don’t be scared of

As you will understand, Shakespeare’s language is a huge issue in the EYP world. Marie Frostin is here to help you jump and experience another way of debating and discussing : doing it in English.

English is the common language used

for communication by officials and delegates during most Sessions of the European Youth Parliament (EYP). It seems natural for first time delegates to be intimidated about speaking in English in front of people or just about following instructions and activities in English. However, by the end of this article, you will find out why you should no longer be scared of English at sessions.

The first thing

that can scare you about English at session is people who are not scared about it. However, do not be afraid, the only reason why they are not, is because they have understood something important that you have missed, otherwise they are just English native speakers (they do not count).

English at Sessions What are their secrets? They know that there will always be someone who speaks better than they do but that no one is there to judge them anyway. Be aware of this is the first step to help you relax about the whole thing. Remember that Sessions gather a large range of people coming from diverse backgrounds and countries, and as we are pretty much all humans, we are all making mistakes while speaking a foreign language, (or even our native one). However, every friendly EYPers (and there are a lot of really friendly ones, but I guess you have already noticed it) is there for you for any needed translation or help. EYP is all about helping each other, so your level of English should be the last thing you should be scared of (you should be more worried about the fact that time at EYP sessions flies too quickly).

are not in “Un diner presque parfait”). So here we are, in EYP and at every single Session, no one will judge you based on your level of perfection in English because like cooking, English speaking is a skill among many others, and like not making perfect cookies do not make you a less valuable person, not fluently speaking English will not make you an uninteresting delegate. Let’s forget English (and cookies) for a while, and discuss about French. Would you judge someone, if he had made efforts to communicate with you in French, even in an approximate one? No, you won’t because at least he tried. The second important thing to remember is to try. In the Olympics, it’s not the winning; it’s the taking part that counts, well in EYP we could say that it’s not the perfect English, it’s to try that counts.

If I didn’t con-

vince you yet, please, keep reading, you will then. I understand it can be hard to convince yourself that English will just be your mean of communication, to talk with others delegates and officials and not something that will determine who you are or what you worth. Think about it, English is like cookies, people will not judge you based on how good your cookies are. (Well, as long as you


but not least, I must say that you should never be ashamed of our accent, above all if it is a French one because it has been recognized as one of the cutest in the world and it has proved its efficiency on pretty much any foreign lady or gentleman (just saying).


Rape in India: Is a Cultural Change Underway? How is India dealing with this situation? Nicolas Rubin analyses one of today’s preeminent problem in the world’s biggest democracy. On the night of the 16th of December, a 23-year-old Indian woman, Nirbhaya Singh, and her friend, were viciously attacked by 6 men on a Delhi bus. The victims were severely beaten, and Jyoti, as she was then to be known by the media when her name had not yet been released to the public, who was physiotherapy intern, was brutally raped and then murdered by the assailants. Her friend a software engineer from the city of Gorakphur suffered multiple broken bones.

ing victims of such crimes, and many fail to therefor report their attacks, the real number is considered to be much higher. Only a few days ago, on the 13th of March, a 71 year old nun was brutally gang-raped in the eastern part of the country, while attempting to stop a burglary at the missionary school where she worked.

After the death of Jyoti on December 28th, protests that had been taking place since information of the attack was made public grew, with major crowds gathering in cities all over the country, even internationally, from places like Salt Lake City, to Paris, where protesters gathered in front of the Indian Embassy. Public outcry was met by a strong response from political leadership of the country, with many representatives calling for harsher laws against perpetrators of such attacks. The then Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh, equally condemned the attack, and symbolically canceled all planned New Years celebrations.

This incident provoked major protests throughout India, and then the world, due to the growing concern that Indian society didn’t do enough to protect its women. Indeed, rape is a major issue in India, a highly patriarchal country, where many believe societal conditioning constructs a culture where men are to be aggressive, and women submissive. Sex crimes in the world’s second most populated country are all too common, where registered cases of rape have gone up 900% in the past 40 years, and a sexual assault is committed every 20 minutes. For a country where women are often shamed for be-

The widespread outpour of anger and grief, as well as

politicians’ willingness to capitalize on the tragedy, secured the passing of many new laws with for focus sexual assault. Perpetrators of such crimes are to be more severely punished, and 6 new courts have been set up to deal solely with such cases. However, many fear that for the issue of rape in India to be really combatted head on, it is society first, that needs to change.

arrested by Indian police for defying the ban, and holding screenings of the censored film. Others have once again taken to the streets, to demonstrate their outrage over the censorship. In protest, NDTV, the station that was supposed to air the film, went dark during its allotted time. It seems the government’s effort has been in vain. Since the ban, the film has widely circulated over the Internet, having been watched by tens On March 4th 2015, a BBC documen- of millions around the world. tary, entitled India’s Daughter, about the 2012 rape, was released in the UK. Expect- Many in India are hopeful that ed to be released in India the next week, change has finally come. Indeed, the social the government shocked the world by ban- response to these tragic events has grown ning the airing of the film, citing legality stronger and stronger over the years. Since surrounding the appeals of the assailants, 2012, many of India’s top newspapers have still taking place. All over the world, celeb- thoroughly covered each and every sexrities, including international blockbuster ual assault case reported in the country, Slumdog Millonaire star Freida Pinand are now openly criticizing the governto, have come out against the ment’s decision to ban India’s Daughter. ban, calling for the immeWhen asked about his thoughts on the film, diate release of the Jyoti’s father, Bandhar Singh, said it “holds documentary. up a mirror to society.” Is it time for India to finally look itself in the face ? Activists, such as Ketan Dixit, have been


Le Board, les Orgas qui annonce la meilleure couleur? Limoges n’aura jamais été si fashion. Marie Frostin a suivit ces derniers jours un flot de conseils de mode sur Facebook, venus de la planosphère pejiste à l’approche de cette session rythmée par des activités qui demande une certaine fashion élegance mais heureusement, le Board est là pour nous.

orga” dans le paysage. Cependant le Board réplique d’audace avec un assortiment de pantalons jaune, une fashion tendance qui s’est d’ailleurs rapidement répandu. En effet notre pimpante chair Maya, a choisit son camp et a opté pour le jaune et a laissé le “vert orga” au placard. Je voudrais citer notre très chère vice-présidente, Laure, pour le titre de la punchline de cette fashion overview des tendances de la session avec “What is the point of EYP if not dressing fancy and getting amazing profile pictures?” Laure, a su trouver les mots justes pour décrire l’incroyable travail des journalistes qui réussiront à capter votre beauté que vous soyez en jaune ou en vert pour vous réaliser la meilleure photo de profil que votre facebook pouvait rêver.

Petit tip pour l’AG: Le Board recommande aux messieurs d’associer leur plus beau costume gris avec de charmantes chaussures noires, exceptés si vous êtes adeptes de la chemine blanche, des marrons se mariront mieux avec celles ci. Dernière petite astuce entendu dans les alentours par une de nos fashionistas, la couleur de votre cravate devra impérativemetn s’assortir soit à la couleur de votre costume où de vos chaussures. #just saying Pour quelque chose de plus casual deux écoles s’affrontent, le Board et les Orgas. Les Orgas, plus nombreux en nombre, on réussit à faire s’imposer le sweat “vert

Le match est donc lancé, quel camp choissirez vous? Où créerezvous votre propre camp?

How To Survive A Session? Every session is unique in its own way, but there is also some basic stuff that never changes. A session simply consists of Teambuilding, Committee Work, General Assembly and Coffee Breaks (plus parties but I think what to do there is pretty obvious). I am Görkem Bike Ketene and I will give you some tips.

The Committe Work is all about getting down to the bussiness, talking about the topic, finding solutions, and at the end, writing a resolution. The first thing you should do is to read the booklet, and search about the topic. During this period, don’t talk all the time and listen to people. This is a team work, it is not you as the leading singer and your band having a performance. Also, do not hesitate to ask questions (not Why did I call it like asking what EYP stands for). surviving? It is really hard to get through The General Assembly is the part, for a session, while you are going which you work so hard for days; so that through so many physically and at the end, your resolution can pass. The mentally tiring activities. The purpose of key here is being calm. You wouldn’t want this article is giving you guys (especially to stand up and babble, because afterwards the newbies) some tips. the people are going to make fun of you for the rest of the session, maybe even longer, The Teambuilding is, as you can way longer after that... understand from the name itself, building a team from the individuals who got together Lastly, having enough sleep is realfor the first time. The purpose of this is, so ly important (most of the time only for 4 that delegates have a more comfortable en- hours). Also don’t forget to eat well too. vironment while debating. The tip here is There isn’t going to be food lying in every really easy, don’t talk about yourself all the corner. More importantly have an unforgettime, try to get to know people and don’t table session, and have lots of fun. cause anyone to injure themselves, and you are good to go.


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