Issue 2
hAPING Tomorrow
Editorial «Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is a success» according to Henry Ford. Yesterday was about teambuilding and creating a proper group. But now that you have cohesion in your team, now that you know how many sisters and brothers have your fellow delegates, you will experience committee work. If we have an advice concerning committee work for you, our EYP-newbies, it would be to dare. Dare expressing yourself, dare pointing out your doubt about the propositions, dare explicit your point of view about the subject. That way, we believe that you will reach higher and enjoy this part of the EYP journey at its finest. Your devoted Editors, Zabeth Wagemann Elodie Métral
THE MEDIA TEAM Journalists Video Editors Editors Nicolas Rubin Maxime Anceau Zabeth Wagemann Görkem Bike Ketene Zelda Martin-Traoré Elodie Métral Harriet Peel Marie Frostin Cyril Pesenti
Contents Editorial
J’aurais peut-etre pas du ...
La mort dans l’air
Hardships of the EYP
Reality of Islam
Qui es-tu ?
International Sessions
Renoir, un lycée mais aussi et surtout ... un peintre !
Ooppppppps ...
The paradox of modern technology
Orgas Les orgas constituent le cœur et l’âme des sessions PEJ, et Harriet Peel a été à leur rencontre …
lèves de première et de terminal du Lycée Renoir, les organisateurs sont facilement reconnaissables par leur pulls couleur vert-herbe. Ils ressemblent à des “leprechauns” irlandais, tout sauf en taille. La première chose à savoir c’est qu’ils sont des sportifs de haut niveau (une spécialité: la course à pied), enfin surtout depuis les derniers jours. En effet, on dirait qu’ils participent à des marathons en permanence. Ils auront bientôt recours à des siestes en mode maternelle. Les qualités indispensables pour être orga varient selon celui auquel je pose la question: il faut être enthousiaste, polyvalent, souriant en permanence, disponible (pour faire du café) et surtout, surtout aimer le saucisson. Plus au sérieux, l’un d’entre eux réussit à résumer le rôle des orgas en un mot: efficacité.
Une énigme reste à être résolue: le fameux hashtag Calzone sur le dos de leurs déguisements de lutin. Qu’est-ce donc ? S’ils ne vous ont pas encore raconté l’anecdote
palpitante, voilà l’explication. En passant devant le jury lors de la 36e Session Nationale à Terrasson, on leur a demandé de choisir cinq mots qui décrivaient le groupe au mieux. Ils commencèrent avec des évidences, plutôt clichées. Par contre arrivé au cinquième, ils ont calé. Heureusement, ils sont unis par un amour ardent pour tout ce qui est comestible, et l’un d’entre eux crit “Calzone!”. Après le choc initial, ils réalisèrent qu’en fait, c’était un coup de génie. En effet, de l’extérieur ils paraissent un peu grossiers, un peu “moches” (c’est eux qui l’ont dit), parfois disjoints, mais ils forment un tout cohérent, et en plus on y trouve un oeuf au milieu. Comme une calzone. Le risque a fini par payer.
En fin de compte les orgas sont comparables à d’autres lutins, ceux du Père Noël: sans eux rien ne serait possible. Cela dit, je pense que nous pouvons tous se mettre d’accord sur le fait que les madeleines sont bien trop petites.
J'aurais peut-etre pas du ... Les goûts et les couleurs ça se discute. Marie Frostin nous confie les mauvaises surprises culinaires européenne vécues par nos chers délégués et officiels.
ommencons notre périple outre-manche, où nos petits anglais et leur “marmite” n’ont pas su convaincre, mais elle est restée dans leur mémoire, enfin pas pour les bonnes raisons. Peu connus culinairement ils se rattrapent en étant le lieu où se désaltérer pour 4h avec l’immense diversité de leurs thés qui en a séduit beaucoup.
ventre ne vous lache pas avant le dessert. On peut leur reprocher leur abondance de fromage mais il n’y a certainement rien à redire sur leur charcuterie, on vous le garanti. Le fromage ne fait apparement pas un tabac auprès des étrangers en slovaquie non plus où il faut être plutot bien accroché pour déguster leur yaourt. En même temps, qui peut faire face au fromage francais, je vous le demande.
Pour finir ce tour d’Europe partons à la rencontre de nos chers sudistes pleins de surprise. Ne vous fiez pas toujours à la beauté élocante des poulpes de Valence (Espagne) car ils peuvent cacher un gout et une odeur assez repoussante. Cependant ne vous fiez pas à l’odeur délicate du “fromage-qui-pue” mayorquais car on m’a confié que c’était un délice une fois fondu Vous êtes juste à l’heure pour no- sur de la viande. tre train qui nous enmène en Bavière, où vous pourrez découvrir les “Knödel”, des Pour les bons pommes terres cuisinés d’une manière que petit plans, n’hésitez personne n’avait encore osé essayer, qui pas à faire un petit tour sont populaires auprès des locaux mais lors de l’Eurovillage par le beaucoup moins à nos palets. Si jamais vous stand Arménien pour les gâteaux ne pouvez passer à cotés de ces “Knödel”, “baklava” et par le stand Belgique pour de accompagnez les d’une bonne bière alle- bonnes gauffres comme la Belgique sait si mande pour un peu de réconfort. bien le faire. Ne passez pas non plus à coté
Une fois l’heure du thé passé, envolons nous pour le Danemark où je vous suggèrerai d’y regarder à deux fois avant de déguster un poisson, car les danois semble régulièrement tester de nouvelles recettes originales de poissons, plus où moins réussies.
de tout les autres stands car l’Europe re Reprenons l’avion en direction de la gorge de délice, plus ou moins reconnus, Croatie, où certaines ravioles au fromage c’est juste qu’il ne faut jamais oublier que sont apparement à éviter si vous que votre l’habit ne fais pas toujours le moine.
La mort dans l'air Après avoir fait de nombreuses sessions du PEJ dont les thèmes abordaient l’environnement, Cyril Pesenti a décidé de s’intéresser d’un peu plus près à la pollution grandissante de notre pays.
des maux de tête et toux intense, quelques signes qui ne trompent pas quant à l’origine des douleurs. Le Monde annonce environ 42 000 morts prématurées par an du fait de la pollution de l’air. Ces chiffres alarmants nous indiquent la marche à suivre, des mesures prisent par l’état dans le but de réduire la pollution aideraient à la réduction du nombre des particules présentes dans l’air environnant certaines villes. Les quelques exemples évoquent une réduction de la vitesse au sein des départements d’Ile-deFrance, moins 20 km/h sur Les médias, in- les autoroutes, routes formés de cette nou- et voies rapides. velle, annonçaient alors une « vague » de pollution touchant l’intégralité du Nord français, il était Sachez-le, vivre à fortement déconseillé de sortir pour Paris est un luxe pour les personnes les plus faibles ( enfants certains mais aussi un enfer et personnes âgés ). Mais quels sont les pour d’autres avertis du fait que la symptômes liés à ce taux anormal de partipollution s’apparente au tabagisme pascules fines dans l’air ? Les médecins décriv- sif dans la capitale ! ent diverses irritations de la peau ou encore l’heure où les questions concernant l’écologie se font de plus en plus menaçantes il nous semble important de nous pencher sur les causes et les effets de la pollution. Mercredi 18 mars, « Airparif », association en charge de la surveillance de la qualité de l’air en Ile-de-France, a mesuré une concentration moyenne de particules au dessus du seuil d’alerte établi à 80 microgrammes par mètre cube.
Hardships of The EYP
There aren’t so many problems as delegates themselves say, however when it comes to speaking English they are a bit nervous, as it is not their mother tongue. The newbie EYPers don’t know what to expect from the session. In general, they also are scared of what they are going to do in the General Assembly.
For the chairs, the struggle is trying to make everyone taking part in the debates, explain themselves better, help them improve themselves and have fun along the way.
The journalists (journos). Everybody thinks that they do nothing and just hang around, but actually they want to get involved, and give everyone the opportunity to keep this session forever as a memory. But between photographing, running between the committees, and writing articles: they are in fear of missing out on something (commonly known as the “FOMO”).
right choice. People may be afraid of them, but they are actually trying to get to the best outcome possible. If they had had the chance, they would choose every delegate in the session. Because of this decision-making, they have an amount of pressure on them. President and the vice presidents: if we are the body, they are basically the head. They lead us through the session, even without we realising it. They are the ones who watch from a far but want this session to be perfect as much as possible, and work on everything in their reach.
Hard-working organisers (orgas) are the people, who literally work day and night to make this Session possible. Of course, their fear is the possibility of something going wrong.
Even though every one of us who takes part in this Session have fears, we all try to do our best for ourselves and the others. I The jury is always trying to make the think, that is what actually maters.
Reality of Islam Especially in the light of the recent events, most of the people in Europe and people in general think that Islam is the religion of terrorists. People think that, Muslims are the people of war, and they would kill others, if those people don’t share the same ideas. For you to have another look at Islam, Görkem Bike Ketene is going to defend her point of view.
eneralising people and calling them evil or terrorists is not right; it is basically being a ‘bigot’. It is not better than being a racist, which everyone (including me) is so against. What is the difference between discriminating against a person based on their appearance and their beliefs? Both are just wrong, there is no grey area.
There may be people who understand and practice religion wrong, but excluding every Muslim in the society, branding Islam as a ‘Religion of Violence’ shouldn’t be the outcome. This is not fair to any other person who is a ‘true’ Muslim. They do feel threatened about extremists, and they are against them as much as a non-Muslim are.
Being a true Muslim requires to be understanding and accepting other religions, love people and respect different opinions. A person who kills in the name of ‘religion’, who hurts others to make his/her point; is not a real Muslim. Why am I the person to write all of these? Because I am a Muslim. I don’t kill people or hate non-Muslims. I don’t think everyone should believe in Islam. What I believe is my and what others believe is their business. Everyone has his or her own truths and opinions. So who am I to judge or discriminate against people according to what they believe? But this goes in both ways; who are other people to judge me because of my religion?
No one; not a Muslim nor a non-Muslim can judge me or any other person for that matter. I can drink alcohol, not eat pork, pray and wear skirts. But also other people can cover their hair, even wear an astronaut costume. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that we don’t effect other people in a bad way and harm them.
As Muslims, we also want to stop the hate towards us and stop the people who are hurting us and others, and destroying the meaning of our religion. We are not so different if we can just try to understand each other. It is not so hard to try. Next time I just want every when you look at a Muslim, try to see who single person to un- they are and not their stereotypical image. derstand that Islam is not an evil concept. People however, choose to use religion as a tool to do what they want. Being an extremist means that taking something to extreme levels. So a normal person who is a true Muslim is not an extremist, nor a terrorist.
Qui es-tu ? Es-tu blonde ?
Si ton chair tombe, tu rigoles ?
Cool Guy
Est-ce que tu as lu le premier journal ?
Tu perds un pari, pourrais-tu courir nu dans le couloir ?
What’s wrong with you guys ?!
Aimes-tu la Media Team ?
Non Non Oui
Tu meurs
L’intello : Vous êtes le délégué savant, vous savez tout sur tout et vous en êtes convaincu(e) ! Vos amis de commission pourront compter sur vous pour appréhender les connaissances demandées par le sujet, vous serez aussi le premier à répondre aux questions posées par la problématique. Probablement tout le monde vous envie et vous déteste, surtout vos parents ! Le clown : Si vous êtes un clown, vous êtes un bon vivant, vous adorez faire des blagues et dès que l’occasion se présente vous serez le premier/la première à essayer de faire rire vos amis délégués ! Pour vous peu importe le contexte tout est propice à la déconnade, les team building et les energizer sont vos moments préférés mais cela-dit vous aimez aussi détendre l’atmosphère en travail de commission avec vos meilleurs numéros ! Le leader : Vous êtes un(e) vrai(e) battant(e), toujours prêt(e) à ramener la balle dans votre camp ( même si vous semblez d’accord avec les idées de vos amis à la base vous pourriez vous contredire afin d’avoir le dernier mot ). On pourrait vous qualifier de « Napoléon » du travail en commission, surtout lorsque vous êtes toujours en mesure de dominer les débats !
Le timide : Certains de vos amis délégués pourraient vous croire invisible à certains moments car vos rares apparitions sont ponctuées d’un « je ne sais pas » ou du fameux « je suis d’accord »... Cela-dit vos idées sont souvent appréciées une fois que vous avez osé les énoncer aux autres délégués alors n’attendez plus, parlez ! Le type cool : Toujours d’accord avec les autres, vous regardez par la fenêtre en attendant que le travail en commission se fasse ! Les autres décident pour vous et cela ne vous gêne pas, la seule chose qui vous inquiète est de savoir, le jour de l’assemblée générale, quelle est le sujet de votre commission ! Vous serez sûrement le premier à mourir dans un film d’horreur car vos amis sont certains du fait que vous accepteriez tout pour eux ! Par Marie Frostin, Görkem Bike Ketene et Cyril Pesenti.
International Sessions As delegates, all of you here today are hoping for the chance of being selected to represent France in the next International Session. Nicolas Rubin is here to tell you more about the particularities of these sessions. The International Session is a very special event that brings together the most active and ambitious young people from all over Europe. International Sessions take place three times a year, with delegations selected from the winners of a National Selection Conference.
The participants draft resolutions on current European issues, which are then debated according to the rules of the European Parliament. Resolutions that are adopted at the General Assembly, on the last day of the session are then sent to the European Parliament for review.
Taking place over a period of 10 days, International Sessions host many import guest speakers, for example recently the President of the European Central Bank Jean-Claude Trichet, and Princess Victoria of Sweden. The first ever international Session of the European Youth Parliament took place in Fontainebleau, near Paris, in 1988. Since then, 76 other Sessions have taken place in all corners of Europe. The delegation selected to represent France from this National Session will be sent to Leipzig, in Germany, in autumn of
this year. The theme of the session will be surrounding “The Fundamental Rights in Europe.” Delegates will be discussing their ideas and visions for a sustainable Europe. International Sessions are very special sessions, which have a profound impact on their participants, leaving them with a host of great memories. Maxime, the video editor of this session, reminisced with a smile about the “party busses” that the delegates had at their disposition at the 71st International Session in Amsterdam. Others particularly enjoyed the fact that since the sessions took place over a longer period of time, participants had the possibility of better enjoying each aspect of the session.
France is proud to be hosting an IS, taking place in July of 2016. The 82nd International Session will have a particular objective of reexploring certain particularities. For the first time ever, the session in Rennes will have three official languages: French, English and German, while aiming for a diversification of the delegate body. It will be the 9th International Session hosted in France, and the second in Rennes. Hopefully we’ll see some of you there!
IRenoir, un lycee mais aussi et surtout... un peintre ! Afin de connaître de manière plus significative la vie d’Auguste Renoir, Cyril Pesenti vous propose d’explorer l’esthétique de ce peintre né à Limoges en 1841.
Figure emblématique du groupe des impressionnistes, génie du portrait et du nu féminin, Auguste Renoir nous a laissé un héritage conséquent à raison de 4000 peintures répertoriées. Poursuivi par la tradition de sa ville natale, Renoir a suivi des cours de l’atelier de porcelaine Lévy Frères et Compagnies à Paris. Très précoce, il développa un vif intérêt pour les arts qui ne constituaient pas son domaine de prédilection principal ( en écoutant de la musique auprès du célèbre compositeur Charles Gounod par exemple ). Mais qu’est-ce donc, l’impressionnisme ? Ce mouvement pictural émerge à la seconde moitié du 19ème siècle sous l’impulsion de certains artistes tels que Monet, Degas et bien-sûr Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Il s’agit pour ces peintres de réduire leur surface de travail en incluant des tableaux plus petits à leurs compositions. Les traits de pinceaux sont le plus souvent visibles, les angles de vue brisent avec les codes de leur époque, l’espace climatique est le plus souvent lumineux et fugitif, ainsi la perception de l’œuvre est une impression propre de l’artiste sur son environnement extérieur.
C’est d’ailleurs le célèbre tableau Impression soleil levant de Claude Monet qui a donné le nom au mouvement.
Intéressé(e) par les œuvres de Renoir ? Voici quelques adresses et musées où vous aurez l’occasion de les contempler : • L’Atelier Renoir à Essoyes en Champagne Ardenne. • Le musée Renoir à Cagnes sur Mer dans les Alpes Maritimes. • Renoir demeure une figure majeure de l’histoire de la peinture et ses tableaux se vendent aujourd’hui à plusieurs millions d’euros pour certaines ( 23 millions de dollars pour Dans les roses ). Une œuvre à ne pas louper ? Le Déjeuner des canotiers, bien-sûr ! « Vous arrivez dans la nature avec des théories, la nature flanque tout par terre ! » Pierre-Auguste Renoir.
Oopppppps ... Embarrassing moments are the one that makes the best memories. Marie Frostin will share with you the best embarrassing moments of your favorite official team. A Session is often described as the place where you can be yourself, and EYPers seems to have a natural tendency to be in embarrassing situations.
a nice range of different delegates but after all, what is really a delegate? We recently found out the definition of a delegate, so I will kindly tell you. A delegate is a special species known for doing things that other people don’t understand most of the time. You don’t believe me? Let me tell you a story, at the last National an activity consisted of eating a banana but you had to “peel” without using our hands. Creativity was required to solve this problem, and originality was found... a delegate ate the all banana, without his hand but with the peel.
First, you should never underestimate the danger of being a chair. One orga, who has been a chair at another Session, can confirm that taking care of a committee while walking are not two compatible things. Especially if you are actually walking backwards with a post behind you. So I would gently ask you, delegate, to careful look after your chair, we need them in one piece at the end of the Session. At National Sessions, you can be hurt but it is also a great place to meet dedicated people that are in the organisation for years. The only embarrassing moment can be when you are an “orga” and you have misunderstood the Regional President for a delegate, and keep continuing to tell him that he should not forget to check-in with his delegation.
A delegation is composed with such
A delegate is also a person known to be passionate about new ideas coming in their heads as they are i n the committee room. Once one of the chairs, back when he was a delegate, became too passionate about his new idea, started an excited and passionate long explanation in French, and then realised that he was at a Regional Session in Poland and that none of the delegate was speaking French. That is what he calls an awkward moment.
Last advice for you delegates, a Session is often the place where races occur to determine which delegates will be the first to have a shower. Be proactive to get the best shower (meaning when the water is still hot) or die stinking. One of your chairs didn’t die stinking but got out of his shower in underwear late in the night (or soon in the morning) thinking that no one will be there, but kind of everyone was there, and the corridor he had to walk through seems longer that previously. If you feel embarrassed during EYP, let me tell you that it is an unavoidable step and that you will always find someone who has a more embarrassing story. Embarrassed in diversity : next EYP motto?
The Paradox Of Modern Technology
As we reach ever more impressive technological heights, Harriet Peel asks us to question what all this means. The day we have all been waiting for has finally arrived. If you’ve been dreaming of owning a watch that calculates how much exercise you haven’t been doing, rejoice, because you can now buy one for only $350, and one made of gold for a cool $17,000. Do we really need yet another piece of glorified plastic and metal, whose least talked-about function is in fact its most important: the ability to tell us what time it is. Will our mobile phones become obsolete now that our fancy watches can keep us up to date instead? I don’t deny the fact that the Apple Watch is an amazing piece of technology. On the contrary, I’ll be first to admit it is more advanced than your average watch on the market and can do some pretty cool stuff. On a broader scale, it is undeniable that some technological advances of the past few decades are ones that none of us would go back upon (namely scientific and medical progress that has helped us solve ageold questions and cure deadly illnesses).
The question I would like to pose is whether new technologies are having a negative effect on us a s a society and whether they are changing us humans as intrinsically sociable beings.
I despair at the sight of children who can’t walk, yet will have unlimited access
to iPads under parents’ insistence that the games they play on these tablets are educational. The ability to be tech savvy is slowly becoming more important than the ability to communicate. However, over-exposure to tech from a young age has been shown to have the unfortunate side effect of isolating children. This finding doesn’t seem to be particularly ground breaking. Why is it surprising that people spending more time with their electronic devices than with other human beings isolates us?
I can’t remember how many times passers by have walked right into me because they couldn’t bear to take their eyes off their phones. I constantly walk into cafés and am confronted with entire tables of people conversing in complete silence. What’s more, technology is spiraling out of control and producing ever more ridiculous items. I dread to think what the next craze will be. My problem is not with the technology itself, but the way in which it is used, or should I say misused, in our dayto-day lives. More and more often it replaces perfectly adequate human traits. Modern technology is pervading every aspect of our lives, and worse, if we don’t conform, we’re the ones treated as freaks of nature (« What, you don’t have an iPhone? »). How far can this go, but more importantly how far will we let it go? The only reason technology is as widespread as it is, is because we are the vehicles for its propagation.
However, far more worrying than all of the above is to imagine what would happen if one day all technology was to disappear. This is the theme of French novelist René Barjavel’s 1943 dystopian novel « Ravage ». In it the citizens of a Paris of the future are suddenly plunged into a terrifying world in which they have to survive without electricity. It all ends well of course, being a fictional story. But just take a moment to think about what you would do if this situation were to become reality…
As one of my fellow journalists helpfully pointed out, why am I writing an article about the dangers of technology on a brand new computer? Fair point, my friend, and I’ll answer by saying that I am offering myself up as a perfect illustration of what I have just described, and will thereby hopefully incite you to question the things you supposedly couldn’t live without.
Have you not been paying attention to what has been going on in pop culture recently? Have no fear, Nicolas Rubin is here to report to you the Ups and Downs of the recent weeks.
Birdman: The black comedy, starring Michael Keaton, and directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu, recently won 4 Oscars at the Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director. Telling the story of an actor famous for portraying an iconic superhero - as he struggles to mount a Broadway play, Birdman is most definitely going up.
Fifty Shades of Grey: The motion picture adaptation of E.L. James’ bestseller created quite the buzz when it was released last Valentine’s Day. The film, described as mediocre at best, tells the story of a masochistic relationship between a college student and a businessman, and all the kinky details in between. We pity the men dragged along by their girlfriends who were forced to sit through the entirety of this film. To Pimp a Butterfly: Kendrick Lamar’s new album, released this week, has known immense success. Streamed more than 9,3 million times on Spotify on the day of release, the album, originally supposed to be a simple mixtape, has absolutely shattered previous records. Check it out, because Kendrick Lamar is going up.
Lang Lang: The famed Chinese concert pianist has come under fire recently from some in the music industry for his reported lack of interest in furthering the genre of contemporary classical music. Indeed, many have claimed that his focus on composing for commercials, notably ADIDAS and Rolex, is a waste of his talent.
Harper Lee: The author of the American classic To Kill A Mockingbird, has taken the world by storm when she recently announced her intentions of publishing a second book, 55 years after she vowed to never publish another. Go Set a Watchman is set to be released on July 14th, 2015. Christine Boutin: The ex Minister of Housing and Urban Development, who is now the leader of the Christian Democratic Party, authored a novel in 2010, entitled “Qu’est-ce que le parti chrétien démocrate ?”. Figures released last January have shown that the politician sold a staggering 38 copies of the novel in 5 years. Going down.