Communications Department Executive Director
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Communications Department Deputy Director
Amy Jo Fields
Marketing Communications Manager
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Communications & Public Relations Manager
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Communications Department 200 South Cascade Avenue | 80903 EPCPIO@ELPASOCO.COM
Communications Department Audio/Visual Team
01 DECEMBER 2023
Contents 04 County Administrator Message 06 Looking Back 12 Nine to Five 18 Viewpoint 19 County Calendar
This year, El Paso County achieved significant milestones. Throughout the year, we have demonstrated our unwavering commitment to collaboration. This commitment extends to accessibility, military support, veterans' services, public safety, and economic development. We updated our Strategic Plan with a flexible framework to aid us in making decisions. We have also significantly enhanced our Citizen Connect app and simplified the voter registration process. Our “Commissioners on the Road” initiative brought our leaders closer to the community. We completed crucial redistricting efforts and unveiled a fully revamped website. Our proudest achievement is likely securing the Space Command presence in our county. We sincerely thank our dedicated partners and sponsors who have made all these endeavors possible. Beginning in 2024, we will transition this publication to a quarterly issue. We sincerely appreciate your continued readership and support in our journey of progress and growth. THE COURIER | PAGE 04
El Paso County has had an exciting and enriching year in 2023. From welcoming newly elected officials into office to maximizing Veteran benefits, we remain committed to government transparency and keeping our residents informed of county projects and initiatives. Along with our commitment to county residents, we have also focused on creating a positive and engaging work environment where our employees can thrive and do what they do best; serve our community and positively impact the lives of everyone who calls El Paso County home. Our dedicated staff has been the driving force behind our success, and we are grateful for their hard work and commitment to excellence. Some of the highlights of our year include: A variety of fun and collaborative activities for our staff, such as team-building exercises, social events, and volunteer opportunities. These activities have helped to build camaraderie and foster a sense of community among our employees. Investing in the professional development of our staff by offering a variety of training opportunities. These trainings have helped our employees to learn new skills and enhance their knowledge. The launching a new internal staff mentor/mentee program to provide our employees with the opportunity to connect with each other and share their knowledge and experience. Participating in several community outreach events throughout the year. These events have allowed us to give back to our community and make a positive impact on the lives of our residents. We are proud of all that we have accomplished in 2023, and we look forward to continuing to serve our community in the years to come.
Honoring The Past El Paso County Surveyor Office commemorated former County Surveyor G. Lawrence Burnett with a prestigious Final Point Marker in recognition of his many years of service to the community. Our current County Surveyor, Richard Mariotti, coworkers, and family and friends of Mr. Burnett gathered at Palmer Park to remember his legacy and his dedication as a public servant.
Serving Each Other Yolanda Smith, Talent Acquisition Specialist, on meetings with peers: “My department has grown so much in the past year. HR is comprised of many different divisions such as Talent Acquisitions, Benefits, Employee Relations, etc. We don’t get to co-mingle on a daily basis. It is always nice to get together, celebrate, and catch up with colleagues that I don’t get to talk with often. Once a month we celebrate each other by having themed potlucks and different gatherings in recognition of our birthdays, and work anniversaries. This is a great way to show each other how much we are each appreciated…and also who doesn’t like Root Beer floats! “
El Paso County Fair Consistently, the El Paso County Fair has been a family-friendly community celebration focused on honoring the County's heritage and culture. For 118 years, the Fair has provided unique entertainment, agriculture awareness, and education. The Fair has also been the home of 4-H and FFA year-end shows, providing opportunities for youth to showcase talents and offer times for fellowship and connection.
Engaging Our Community El Paso County Commissioner Longinos Gonzalez Jr. attended the ¡La Vida! Event in August. The Colorado Springs Hispanic Chamber held the event to celebrate Hispanic heritage. The event was filled with music, great food, and the opportunity to meet many fantastic local businesses.
Giving Back The Pikes Peak Posse members and our El Paso County Commissioners attended the 2023 Colorado State Fair in late August. This collaboration allows elected officials and members to support local 4-H and FFA youth who competed at the Colorado State Fair.
Developing Our Workforce Jorge Mejia, Workforce Technician, Pikes Peak Workforce Center (PPWFC), on what working at the PPWFC has taught him: “All my life I’ve been working with people, helping them in different ways, so I love to work with the Pikes Peak Workforce Center and with an amazing team. We are like a family. As a human being I make mistakes, but my leadership team always supports me to do my best and motivate me to provide excellent customer service to all people who come to our office. There is nothing better than seeing someone express their gratitude when we help to resolve the issues they had.”
Having Some Fun Victoria Dinkel, Interpretive Program Coordinator at the El Paso County Parks & Community Services, on what it was like walking around Bear Creek Nature Center trails as a ghost: “It’s a lot of fun to share the trails with my fellow ghouls! Since I couldn't see, the sounds of the rustling leaves and birds were heightened. My favorite part about posing for the camera was the opportunity to combine my love of nature with my love of spooky season!”
Reaching Milestones Executive Director of Economic Development, Crystal LaTier, on the 30th Anniversary of the El Paso County Housing Authority: “It was an honor to be part of this special celebration. The El Paso County Housing Authority (EPCHA), its programming, and its partnerships in the community have made positive impacts on the quality of life for thousands of residents in our region. It was wonderful to look back on 30 years of impact while also ensuring we have a good pulse on current housing needs and a sustainable vision for ensuring we continue to serve our community effectively.” THE COURIER | PAGE 08
Mentoring El Paso County launched its staff mentorship program which serves as a roadmap for employees to work one-on-one with an experienced and qualified mentor. The mentoring partnership is designed to be rewarding for both the mentor and mentee, personally and professionally. It is an opportunity to develop skills, expand viewpoints, and consider new ways of approaching situations.
April Brandenburg, El Paso County HR Coordinator Team Lead, on her favorite part of working on Halloween: “My favorite part is seeing all the creativity that goes into the costumes and taking the time for all of us who dressed up to get together for a group photo. It was also pretty fun running through the office like I was a bee flying around and having Jen (the beekeeper) chasing me while throwing little bees around the office.”
Celebrating Together
e r o l p Ex
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SCAN CODE TO START WATCHING PAINT MINES INTERPRETIVE PARK Before your next visit, watch our video on Paint Mines etiquette. Please help us preserve this historic open space, which features fantastic geological formations such as spires and hoodoos.
Join our coroner, Dr. Leon Kelly, as he recounts stories of individuals whose lives ended in tragedy and discusses what you can do to stay safe.
The end of the year is nearing, and El Paso County has a lot to celebrate. From awards and accolades to new successful programs, the County has made tremendous strides toward helping residents live healthy and peaceful lives. In this month’s Nine to Five, we want to highlight a few of our departments’ successes and triumphs of the year. Enjoy relevant content from the Public Health, Human Services, and Justice Services Departments.
NINE T FIVE Public Health | Awards & Achievements El Paso County Public Health (EPCPH) is proud to share several key accomplishments with the community, supporting our agency’s mission to promote and protect public health and environmental quality across El Paso County through people, prevention, and partnerships. In 2023, EPCPH received three prestigious awards from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA): Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting, and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. These awards demonstrate Public Health’s commitment to fiscal transparency and accountability while supporting the health and well-being of all El Paso County communities. EPCPH was also recognized by the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) with Project Public Health Ready, an award demonstrating excellence in emergency preparedness. EPCPH is currently the only PPHR-accredited health department in Colorado. EPCPH’s Care Coordination program was also recognized with an Achievement Award from the National Association of Counties (NACo). The Care Coordination program utilizes a collaborative and customized approach to reduce barriers and connect residents to the services they need. These awards reflect the hard work and dedication of EPCPH staff in striving to achieve our vision for all El Paso County residents to live in thriving communities where everyone can achieve optimal health. THE COURIER | PAGE 12
Veterans Services | Comprehensive Response
On August 10, 2022, President Biden enacted the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act, marking a historic expansion of benefits and services for veterans exposed to toxic substances. The El Paso County Veteran Services Office swiftly organized and hosted a series of educational briefings and claims clinics, collaborating with federal agencies such as the Veteran Health Administration (VHA) and the Veteran Benefits Administration (VBA). Throughout the year, they conducted 20 comprehensive briefings specifically for El Paso County's veteran community. These clinics aimed to inform veterans about the new benefits under the PACT Act, while also offering them the chance to file claims, enroll in VA healthcare, and participate in toxic exposure screenings. In August 2023, the El Paso County Veteran Services Office collaborated with federal and state agencies to host an extensive three-day PACT Act Claims Clinic. This event, featuring Veteran Services Officers from the Colorado Division of Veteran Affairs and their counterparts from various counties across the state, drew over 1,200 veterans. Attendees received informative briefings, assistance with claim filing, VA healthcare enrollment, and toxic exposure screenings. Notably, the clinic was enhanced by the deployment of the Veteran Benefits Administration's (VBA) Claims Development Trailers, which provided on-site medical teams, enabling the VBA to expedite the adjudication of numerous claims. The El Paso County Veteran Services Office will continue to file PACT Act claims, in addition to the other services we provide daily. If you have questions or would like to make an appointment for services, please contact our front desk at 719-520-7750.
Justice Services | National Recognition Our team in Pretrial Services proudly honored Laura Jeffries at the National Association of Pretrial Service Agencies (NAPSA) conference. She received the only scholarship in our region, which is within multiple states. We have also been busy working to refer defendants with substance abuse disorders to sober living housing. The Colorado State Correctional Treatment Board issued our funding. We are excited that this grant will continue into the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Our staff in Community Corrections received the National Association of Counties (NACo) 2023 Achievement Award for our work on the Community Corrections Video Victim Impact Statement Project.We worked to create the 4th Judicial District Community Corrections Authority to administer contracts and provide oversight of allocated funds for community corrections in the 4th Judicial District. Our program implemented a quarterly auditing process. The audits help to ensure that local control is maintained while ensuring safety, security, and required program services in compliance with Colorado Community Corrections Standards. We held a Community Corrections Board Retreat in November. Participating board members received training and information on Board responsibilities and outcomes, the referral process for Diversion and Transition clients, a presentation on Trauma Informed Care, and a Q&A session with current community corrections clients. We also upgraded our Justice Services conference room with internet, audio, video, and video call capabilities, which permits the monthly in-person Community Corrections Board meetings to be held on-site starting May 2023. In 2024, we will continue to work collaboratively with agency partners and other judicial district programs to seek ways to increase the efficiency of the Transition and Diversion referral processes. We will explore options for purchasing Community Corrections software that can meet the specific needs of our program and will improve methods and systems for program data tracking. Our team will work with providers to consider options for developing Gender-Specific programs and work to improve access to vocational training, academic programs, and career-orientated employment.
Parks & Community Services | Bear Run
El Paso County Parks & Community Services hosted another successful Bear Fun Run & Walk on Saturday, November 4. The 9th annual event saw more than 463 human participants, 279 new and 184 returning. The fun run and also included bear yoga and a bear costume contest! All proceeds from the event benefit the Friends of El Paso County Nature Centers group, which in turn funds the educational programs and nature camps at Bear Creek and Fountain Creek Nature Centers.
Economic Development | Available Programs New Fox Run Nature Center Announcement: El Paso County Parks will be constructing a community-focused Nature Center in its beloved Fox Run Regional Park. Consider donating to the Fox Run Nature Center through the EZ Program, and earn a state income tax credit for 25% of your generous donation! Visit our website to learn more: Community Outreach Event in December | Come hear program highlights from the Economic Development office. Featured topics include Community Development Block Grants, Fair Housing, and Arts Program Development with the Manitou Art Center. This event is free and open to the public on Friday, December 15, 2023 from 2:00-3:30 pm. The event will be held at the Green Mountain Falls Town Hall, 10615 Green Mountain Falls Rd., Green Mountain Falls, CO 80819. Seating is limited; register at this link: llr=d98hibdbb&oeidk=a07ek2qnyky3c2789c7&oseq= THE COURIER | PAGE 15
Human Services | Ongoing Excellence El Paso County DHS is a leader in building better outcomes for children, youth and families who are involved with the agency. DHS staff are instrumental in implementing improvements which are often duplicated across Colorado. This year has continued trends of excellence and achievement. The Children, Youth, and Family Services (CYFS) division earned even more accolades earlier in 2023, although the process started several years ago. In 2018, DHS was selected by the state for an extended period of intense and impactful regular federal reviews, in addition to and separate from regularly scheduled state reviews. This process is intended to lead to data-driven practice shifts. El Paso County DHS was the largest county participating and had the largest sample size of cases to be reviewed in the process that concluded this year. CYFS was instrumental in removing several items from the formal state review after successfully completing the recommended outcome measures set by the federal Children’s Bureau. Most recently, CYFS staff had a 100 percent performance on one item, which contributed to the entire state of Colorado meeting the goal. El Paso County success raised achievement for the entire state. One of the strengths of DHS employees is the ongoing effort to make changes to better serve populations in need. The Children, Youth, and Family Services (CYFS) division in 2023 launched a comprehensive prevention program for juvenile justiceinvolved youth and families. The wrap-around approach serves adolescents (aged 1218) and their families experiencing complex and co-occurring needs and behaviors. The pilot is focused on youth discharged from residential programs, hospitals, or detention without an appropriate placement due to non-acceptance from providers. The National Association of Counties (NACo) awarded DHS two 2023 Achievement Awards for the successful AND Navigator Program and the Post-TANF Program. In the AND Navigator Program, DHS staff assist clients through the application process for Aid to the Needy Disabled program (AND). The Post-TANF Program is designed to aid TANF recipients to successfully transition off the program as they enter the workforce by providing up to six additional months of a range of supports following a case closure.
ENTERPRISE ZONE (EZ) CONTRIBUTION PROJECT PROGRAM Earn state income tax credits while supporting 40+ nonprofits in the Pikes Peak Region
Partner With Us!
EZ Tax Credit Benefits:
El Paso County Parks will be constructing a community-focused Nature Center in its beloved Fox Run Regional Park.
If you donate to the Fox Run Nature Center through the EZ Program, you may earn a state income tax credit equal to 25% of your generous monetary donation.
Your generous donation will support the construction of the Fox Run Nature Center which aims to inspire future generations and create stewards of the natural environment.
LEARN MORE Visit our website for a listing of all approved Pikes Peak EZ Contribution Projects
For instance, a contribution of $100 can earn a $25 EZ Tax Credit.*
*Any Colorado taxpayer, both businesses and individuals alike, can make charitable contributions through the EZ and take advantage of the EZ state tax credit. Please consult your tax advisor regarding the Colorado EZ tax credit impact on the Federal charitable deduction.
A collection of photos from the region
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NATURE ADVENTURES 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. | Fountain Creek Nature Center Children ages 3-6, with an adult, will enjoy a puppet show or story, a craft, hands-on activities, and discovery time on the trail. $3 per person, including accompanying siblings 2 and over and adults prepaid registration online is required. Online Registration:
NATURE HIKES WITH SANTA Varies: 10:20 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. | Fountain Creek Nature Center Participate in an interactive reading of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" while waiting for Santa to arrive at the Nature Center! Then hike with Santa to see what gifts nature gives us. Enjoy seasonal tunes with the Peppergrass band and make paper snowflakes! Prepaid child registration required. Online Registration:
PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP 10:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. | Pineries Open Space Colorado Springs photographer Mike Pach of 3 Peaks Photography & Design will guide this nighttime photography workshop to capture images during the Geminid Meteor Shower. All skill levels.$20 per person. Prepaid registration required. Online Registration:
KIDS NIGHT OUT 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. | Bear Creek Nature Center Caregivers- Enjoy an evening to yourself while your child spends the evening at Bear Creek hiking, learning about adaptations of animals in winter, and creating a seasonal ornament. Dinner included. Dress for weather and night hike. Online Registration:
GINGERBREAD HABITATS 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. | Bear Creek Nature Center Create Gingerbread Habitats that include animals and flora from Bear Creek habitats! Individuals, friends, and families can enjoy a morning of creative decorating with frosting, candy, and our tasty gingerbread. $20 per kit // $15 per member kit. Online Registration:
SOLSTICE CELEBRATION 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Fountain Creek Nature Center We will investigate old and new ways to celebrate this celestial event and demonstrate traditions to bring home for a family solstice celebration. Online Registration: