Elsaid A. Eldaly C.V. 2013 May

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Zagazig University Faculty of Vet. Medicine Food Control Department

Published Researches Carried out By

Prof.Dr. Elsaid Abozied Eldaly Prof. of Meat Hygiene - Food Control Dept. Faculty of Vet. Medicine – Zagazig University

1- Pfeiffer,G.;Eldaly,E. and Sacher,F.(1985):A comparative examination: rapid analysis methods for fat contents determination. Die Fleischerei.Vol.36, No.7: 514- 517. .‫ا ه ن‬ ‫ ق‬: ‫ر‬ ‫درا‬ 2- Eldaly,E. and Morshdy,A.(1985):Clostridium perfringens in cattle liver. Zagazig Vet.J.Vol.12, No.2:513-518 . ) * ‫" ! أآ د ا‬#$ ! % ‫ا‬ & ‫& وب ا‬ 3- Eldaly,E. (1986):A microbiological investigation of some common spices collected from Egypt and West Germany.Zagazig Vet. J. Vol. 13: 70-78. . ‫ د‬,‫ وأ * أ‬% ‫ ا‬- ‫ ر‬.*/ 0‫ آ‬0%‫ ا ا‬1 / & ‫ا‬2 3‫ا‬ 4- Eldaly,E. (1986 ) : Prevalence of E.coli in food serving establishment. Zagazig Vet. J. Vol. 13 : 90-97 . . * ,‫ أ‬4 ‫ى ! أ آ‬, ‫ آ‬6 6 ,‫ ات أ‬8 /‫ى ا‬ 5- Morshdy, A.; Eldaly, E.; Saleh, E. and El-Atabany, A.(1986):Sanitary status of ready to eat shawerma. Zagazig Vet. J.Vol. XIV No.1: 1-9. .0‫آ‬9 ‫ ور ا * ة‬6 -‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ 6- Eldaly, E.; Morshdy, A. and Saleh, E.(1987):Microbiological quality of Egyptian minced meat loaf "Elhawawshy" Zagazig Vet. J. Vol. XV. No. 1 :172-184. ." )‫ ى "ا او‬3* ‫ ا‬4 -‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ 7- Eldaly, E. and Ibrahim,A.(1987) :Histological studies on some Egyptian meat products. Alex. J. Vet. Sci., Vol. 3, No. 1: 89-99. . -* ‫ ت ا م ا‬# $ 1 % 8 / ‫درا ت ه‬ (1)

8- Eldaly, E. and Ibrahim, I.(1987):Sanitary condition of ready to eat fishes. Alex. J. Vet. Sci., Vol. 3, No. 1: 101-109. . ‫?ك ا=د‬. ? ‫ * ك ا * ة‬9 -‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ 9- Eldaly, E.; Morshdy, A. and Mansour, N.(1988):Prevalence of Clostridium perfringens on the surface of slaughtered animals. Zagazig Vet. J. Vol. XVI, No. 1 : 20-24. .@ %A ‫ ا ت ا‬B @C ‫ أ‬8 "# ! % 4 & ‫ & وب ا‬/‫ى ا‬ 10- Morshdy, A.; Eldaly, E.; El-Atabany,A. and Saleh,E.(1988):Bacterial contaminants of buffalo carcasses slaughtered at Zagazig modern abattoir. Zagazig Vet. J. Vol. XVI, No. 1 :65-73. . D‫ ا‬E ‫ ز‬G" ‫"ر ا‬# ! ‫ س‬# ‫@ ا‬I %A ‫ا ث ا & ى‬ 11- Eldaly, E. and El-Kenawy, A.(1988):E.coli as contaminant of buffalo - calf carcasses from the gut contents at slaughter. Zagazig Vet. J. Vol.16, No.4: 256-264. .@%A ‫ ا‬$8 ‫ت ا= ء‬ ‫ س‬# ‫ ل ا‬#8 @I %A ‫ ت‬M *‫آ‬ ‫ ت ا‬%‫ا * & و‬ 12- Eldaly,E.; Abdel Galil,Y.and Saleh,E.(1988) : Studies on food borne fungi on carcass surface and air in Zagazig abattoir. The Bulletin of the High Institute of Public Health Vol. XVIII , No. 5 :1065-1071. .E ‫ ز‬G" ‫"ر ا‬#*% @I %A ‫@ ا‬C ‫ أ‬8‫ اء و‬. ‫ ت ! ا‬C3 ‫ ا‬8 ‫درا ت‬ 13- Eldaly,E.; Abdel Galil,Y.and Ibrahim, A. (1988) :Prevalence of Escherichia coli in raw minced meat. The Bulletin of the High Institute of Public Health Vol. XVIII, No. 5 : 1115-1121. . 3* ‫! ا م ا‬ ‫ ا * & وب ا‬/‫ى ا‬ 14- Abdel Galil,Y. ; Eldaly,E. and Mansour,N.(1988) :Enteric organisms Prevalent in market fish with special reference to E.coli. The Bulletin of the High Institute of Public Health Vol. XVIII, No. 5 :1123-1130. .‫ ا * & وب ا ازى‬N O‫ = اق و‬% ‫ ة ! ا= * ك ا * او‬I ‫ا‬ * ‫ ت ا‬%‫ا * & و‬ 15- Eldaly, E. ; Saleh, E. and Abdel Galil, Y. (1988) : Prevalence of Bacillus cereus in some meat products. Bull. Fac. Sci. Zagazig. Univ. 10 ( part one ) : 25-30. .‫ ت ا م‬# $ 1 % ! ‫س‬ P ‫ ر & وب ا‬6 ‫ا‬ 16- Mansour, N.; Darwish,A. and Eldaly, E. (1989) : Mycological contamination of some meat additives. Vet. Med. J. Giza, 37, No. 1 : 25-32. .‫ ! ت ا م‬Q‫ ا‬1 / &*‫ا ثا‬


17- Khalafala, F.; Ibrahim,A. and Eldaly, E.(1989) : Enterobacteriaceae in edible offals. Alex. J. Vet. Sci. Vol. 5, No. 1: 287-295. . ‫د‬D‫?ك ا‬. ,‫ ! أ‬R * ‫ ء ا‬6B=‫! ا‬ * ‫ ت ا‬%‫ا * & و‬ 18- Eldaly, E.; Mansour,N. and Saleh,E. (1989) : Occurrence of Enterobacteriaceae in some Egyptian meat products. Alex. J. Vet. Sci. Vol. 5, No. 1: 345-357. . -* ‫ ت ا م ا‬# $ 1 % ! * ‫ ت ا‬%‫ ا * & و‬/‫ى ا‬ 19- Eldaly, E.; El-Ged, A.; Saleh,E. and El-Kelish,H.(1989) : occurrence of enterobacteriaceae on frozen poultry for serving. Alex. J. Vet. Sci. Vol. 5, No. 1 : 359-367. .".#* ‫ ج ا‬/ ‫! ا‬ * ‫ ت ا‬%‫ ا * & و‬/‫ى ا‬ 20- Yassien, N.; Mansour, N.; Eldaly,E. and Darwish, A.(1989) : contamination of slaughtered camel, cattle and their surrounding with moulds in urban abattoir. Alex. J. Vet. Sci. Vol. 5, No. 2: 185-193. . U ‫ زر ا‬# ! ‫ ت‬C3 % 4.% V * ‫ ا‬V ‫* ل وا * ) وا‬# ‫@ ا‬I %‫ث ذ‬ 21- Eldaly,E. (1989) : Incidence of Campylobacter-jejuni in fresh eviscerated chickens. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 4 (3) : 590-594. ." .# ‫ ا‬/‫ز‬ /‫ ا وا‬3‫ ى‬# / ‫ آ‬% *& ‫ ا‬/‫ى ا‬ 22- Ibrahim, A.;Yassien,N.; Eldaly, E. and Hamdy,M.(1989): Salmonella in chicken giblets. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 4 (3) : 673-679. . /‫ ء ا وا‬6B‫ أ‬1 % ! ? * ‫ا‬ 23- Saleh,E. ; Eldaly, E and El-Kelish,H.(1990): Mycological studies on manually dressed poultry. Zagazig Vet. J. Vol. 18, No. 1 : 105-112. . ‫" و‬.#* ‫ ج ا‬/ ‫ ا‬8 C! ‫درا ت‬ 24- Eldaly, E.(1990) : psychrotrophic bacteria in some marketed meat products . Zagazig Vet. J. Vol. 18, No. 3 : 25-31. . G * ‫ ت ا م ا‬# $ 1 % ! ‫ودة‬ * ‫ ت ا‬%‫ا * & و‬ 25- Abu-Zahw,M.; Hegazy,M.; Saleh,E.; Abd El-Kader,M. and Eldaly,E. (1990) : Organochlorine pesticide residues in raw and cooked cattle liver. Zagazig Vet. J. Vol. 18, No. 5: 187-197. .‫ خ‬C* ‫ ء وا‬$ ‫ ! آ ا * ) ا‬$ ‫ ا & ر‬6 ‫ ا * ات ا‬% 26- Eldaly,E. ; El-Atabany,A.; Hafez,A. and Abd-Alla, Waffia (1990) : Erythromycin residues in chicken meat with special reference to the effect of some treatments on its stability. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 5 (7) :180-188. .X M 8 ‫ ا * ?ت‬1 % MY 8 " ‫ ا آ‬Z /‫م ا وا‬ ! ‫ ا=ر [ و‬% (3)

27- Morshdy,A.; Eldaly, E.;Hafez,A. and ElSayed,Y.(1991):Mycological evaluation of some frozen fishes at Sharkia markets. Zagazig Vet. J. Vol. 19, No. 1 : 209-216. . G 6 ‫ اق ا‬% ‫* ة‬#* ‫ ا= * ك ا‬1 ‫ ى‬C3 ‫ ا ث ا‬4 28- Yassien, N.; Darwish,A.; El-Sherif,Amal and Eldaly,E.(1991): Food borne fungi in sparrows. Vet. Med. J. Giza, 39, No.2 :201-207. . !- ‫ما‬ ‫ ت ا * "و‬C3 ‫ا‬ 29- Eldaly, E.; Khalafalla,F. and Darwish,A.(1991) : Sanitary condition of fresh fish fillets. Vet. Med. J. Giza, 39, No.3 : 801-809. . /‫ ز‬C ‫ ا= * ك ا‬3 -‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ 30- Eldaly,E.; Morshdy,A. and Gab-allah,H.(1991) : Sanitary status of some poultry meat products marketed in Sharkia Governorate. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 6 (9) : 448-495. . G 6 ‫* !\ ا‬% G * ‫ ا‬/‫ ت م ا وا‬# $ 1 -‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ 31- Eldaly, E. (1992) : Effect of cooking and cooling of chickens on the existence of Cl. Perfringens. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 7 (2) :32-37. ."$#$ ! % 4 & ‫ ا‬/‫ا‬ 8 /‫ا وا‬ 4M . MY 32- Moussa,M.; Samaha,I.; Eldaly,E. and Saleh,E.(1992) : Occurrence of certain food poisoning organisms in some ready to eat foods. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 7 (2) :21-25. .‫?ك‬. ,‫"ة ا‬.#* ‫ ا= * ا‬1 % ! I‫ا‬A] ‫ أ‬4* ‫ ت ا‬%‫ & و‬1 % /‫ا‬ 33- Samaha,I.; Moussa,M.; Eldaly,E. and Saleh,E.(1992):Microbiological survey of frozen ground beef. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 7 (2) :26-31. . *#* ‫ وم ا ى ا‬3* ‫ ا‬8 / %‫درا ت & و‬ 34- Eldaly,E.; Saleh,E.; Moussa,M. and Samaha,I.(1992) :Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues in raw and cooked chicken tissues and its relation to the public health. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 7 (2) :38-44. . G?8‫ خ و‬C* ‫ ء وا‬$ ‫ ج ا‬/ ‫ ا‬# ‫! أ‬ ‫ روآ‬. ‫ ا‬6 ‫ ا * ات ا‬% . ‫ ا‬- % 35- Eldaly,E.; Hassan,M; Hafez.A.and Morsi,M. (1993) : Some studies on cysticerci infesting slaughtered animals at Ismailia abattoirs. Beni-Suef Vet. Med. Res. Vol. III, No.2 : 284-297. . 8 * ,‫ ! ا‬B %A* ‫ ^ ا ا ت ا‬‫?ت ا‬- ‫ ا‬8 ‫ ا را ت‬1 % 36-Eldaly,E.;Niazi,Zinab ; Gergis,Aida and Abu-Taleb,S.(1997):Sanitary evaluation of slaughtered rabbits. Beni-Suef Vet. Med. Res. Vol.VII No. 1: 284- 294 ..^ ‫ ت ا=را‬B %A* -‫ا‬4 ‫ا‬ (4)

37- Helmy, Nesreen; Eldaly,E.; Saleh,E. and Hammada,A.(2000) : Heavy metal residues in goat tissues in urban and rural areas. The 1st scientific congress for provincial Laboratories May 15-17: 3. 3 ‫ وا‬U ‫ ا‬E $* ‫" ! آ? ا‬8 * ‫ ا‬# ‫ ا * دن ا [ ! أ‬1 % % 38- Sallam,Kh.; Shahat,A. and Eldaly,E. (2000) : Lead, cadmium and copper residues in some crustaceans . 5th Vet. Med. Zag. Conference (12-14 Sept. 2000) Sharm- El-Sheikh. 363-370. .‫ ت‬6 ‫ ا‬1 % ! ‫ س‬$ ‫ ص وا & د م وا‬N ‫ ا‬% 39- Morshdy,A.; Eldaly,E. and Sallam,Kh.(2002) : Sanitary evaluation of some marketed fishes in Sharkia Province . 6th Vet. Med. Zag. Conference (7-9 Sept. 2002) Hurghada: 313-321. . G 6 ‫* !\ ا‬% G * ‫ ا= * ك ا‬1 -‫ا‬4 ‫ا‬ 40- Eldaly,E.; Morshdy,A. and Sallam, Kh.(2002):Improving the sanitary status of broiler carcasses during their processing . 6th Vet. Med. Zag. Conference (7-9 Sept. 2002) Hurghada : 323-333. . ‫ "ه‬.# ‫ ء‬$M‫@ ا ارى أ‬I %A -‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ 41- Eldaly, E.; Lotfy,O. and El-Desoky,K.(2003) :Bacteriological aspects of pigeon carcasses with a trial to improve their sanitary status . Egyptian J. of Biomedical Sciences. Vol.13 (11) :385-395 . . -‫ ا‬. B ‫@ ا * م و و‬I %A / & ‫ا *تا‬ 42- Morshdy,A.; Eldaly,E. and El-Desoky K.(2004) : Some heavy metal residues in fresh water cray fish ( pro- cambarus clarkii ). Zag. Vet. J. Vol. 32, No. 1 : 15-19 . .( %A ‫ ن ا * ` ا‬%‫ )أر‬%A ‫ ت ا * ` ا‬6G ! [ ‫ ا * دن ا‬1 % % 43- Eldaly, E; Saleh,E. and Aref,A. (2004): Incidence of Yersinia enterocolitica in slaughtered food animals and effect of heat treatment on its viability.7th Vet. Med. Zag. Conference (21-23 Juli, 2004 Sharm El-Sheikh. p: 1-14. . . B 8 ‫ ا * ?ت ا ار‬MY ‫@ ا ا ت و‬I %‫ ا وآ & ! ذ‬$ ‫ ا‬/‫ى ا‬ 44- Morshdy, A; Eldaly, E ; El-Sebaey, E. and El-Desoky, K.(2004): Sanitary Status Of Manually Dressed Poultry. 7th Vet. Med. Zag. Conference (21-23 Juli, 2004 Sharm El-Sheikh. p: 15-20. . ‫" و‬.#* ‫ ج ا‬/




45-Eldaly,E. and Neveen H. Abo El-Enaen (2004): Mycological aspects of chicken giblets with a trial to improve their sanitary status. 7th Vet. Med. Zag. Conference (21-23 Juli, 2004 Sharm El-Sheikh. p: 21-27. . B Z ‫د‬D‫?ك ا‬. ? - ‫ ا‬/‫ ت ا وا‬3 R* C3 ‫ا * ت ا‬ . -‫ا‬ 46- Eldaly,E. Morshdy,A. and Neveen H. Abo El-enaen (2004 ): Mycological aspects of salted fish with a trial to improve their sanitary status. 7th Vet. Med. Zag. Conference (21-23 Juli, 2004 Sharm El-Sheikh. p: 28-36. . -‫ ا‬. B ‫ و‬Z ** ‫ * ك ا‬9 C3 ‫ا * ت ا‬ 47- Eldaly,E., Amer,O. and Zaher,T. (2004):Prevalence of Anisakid nematodes among marketed smoked and frozen marine fishes at Sharkia Governorate with special reference to their public health importance.Zagazig University Medical Journal. November 2004. G 6 ‫* !\ ا‬% G * ‫* ة ا‬#* ‫ وا‬$O * ‫ ا ! ا= * ك ا‬C =‫ ا‬P ‫ آ‬,‫ أ‬/‫ى ا‬ . ‫ ا‬- % . G?8‫و‬ 48- Morshdy, A.; Eldaly, E.A.; El-Kelish, H.; Hafez, A. and Darwish, W. (2006): Mycological evaluation of retailed raw edible offal. 8th Sci. Vet. Med. Zag. , Conference ( Aug., 31 – Sept.,3. 2006) Hurghada. c ‫د‬D‫?ك ا‬. ? - ‫ و ا‬/‫ ز‬C ‫ ت ا ا ا‬3 R* ‫ ي‬C3 ‫ ا‬4 ‫ا‬ 49- Eldaly E.A, Hoda E. El-Kelish , El-Gamal,A. and Mohamed,S.S (2006) : Incidence and public health importance of Listeria species in poultry and their products. 8th Sci. Vet. Med. Zag. , Conference ( Aug., 31 – Sept.,3. 2006) Hurghada. . # $ 1 %‫ و‬/‫ ا وا‬c! ‫ ــــ * &ـــ وب ا‬- ‫ـــ وا=ه* ـــ ا‬/‫ــ ي ا‬ 50- Eldaly,E.A., Hoda E. El-Kelish, Ahmed,M.A. and Weam M. Baher (2006): Prevalence of Campylobacter in processed poultry and their products with a trial to reduce its incidence using some organic acids. 8th Sci. Vet. Med. Zag. , Conference ( Aug., 31 – Sept.,3. 2006) Hurghada. 13R


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51-Eldaly,E.A.; Khalid I.Sallam and Nesreen Z.H.Eleiwa(2006): Improvement the shelf life of minced meat at chill temperature using Some antimicrobial agents. 8th Sci. Vet. Med. Zag. , Conference ( Aug., 31 – Sept.,3. 2006) Hurghada. .‫و ت‬

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‫"م ا ! و‬#$ ‫ ا‬%! ‫( ' & ة‬#)

52- Eldaly,E.A and Nesreen Z.H. Eleiwa (2006): Effect of storage temperature and antimicrobials treatment on shelf life of fresh fish. 8th Sci. Vet. Med. Zag. , Conference ( Aug., 31 – Sept.,3. 2006) Hurghada. /‫ ز‬C ‫ ا= * ك ا‬h3B ‫ ! ة‬8 ‫ ت‬%‫ دات ا * & و‬U*% # * ‫ وا‬h3 ‫ ارة ا‬B /‫ در‬MY 53- Sallam.Kh.I.;Ahmed,A.M.; Elgazzar,M.M. and Eldaly,E.A.(2007): Chemical quality and sensory attributes of marinated Pacific saury (cololabis saira) during vacuum-packaged storage at 4oC. Food chemistry (2006): Food Chemistry 102(107) 1061-1070. 54- Eldaly,E.A and Neveen H. Abo El-enaen(2007): Mycological Aspects of Chicken Giblets and Skin with a Trial to Improve Their Sanitary Status.Zag.Vet.J.Vol.35,No.4,1-6. 0

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1! ‫ا ( ت ا‬ #2 ‫ا‬ 55- Morshdy, A., Eldaly, E.A., El-Kelish, H.I., Hafez, A.E.and Hussein. M.A.(2008): Prevalence of Enterobacteriacae on cattle carcasses with

a trial to improve their sanitary status.9thSci.Vet.Med.Zag.,conference (Aug.20-22,2008) port Said. -‫ ا‬. B ‫ و‬Z ) * ‫@ ا‬I %‫@ ذ‬C ‫ أ‬8 * ‫ ت ا‬%‫ ا * & و‬/‫ى ا‬ 56- Morshdy, A., Eldaly, E.A., El-Kelish, H.I., Hafez, A.E.and Hussein. M.A.(2008): Incidence of Enterococci and Staphylococcus aureus on cattle carcasses with trials to improve their sanitary condition. 9th Sci. Vet. Med. Zag., conference (Aug.20-22, 2008) Port Said. ‫ و‬Z ) * ‫@ ا‬I %‫@ ذ‬C ‫ أ‬8 ‫ه‬A ‫ د ا‬$ ‫وا‬ ‫ا‬ * ‫ ت ا‬%‫ ا * & و‬/‫ى ا‬ . -‫ ا‬. B 57- Morshdy, A. M., Eldaly, E.A., El-Kelish, H.I. and EL-ABBASY, M.T . (2008): Mycological aspects of quail Carcasses with a trial to improve their sanitary status. 9th Sci. Vet. Med. Zag., conference (Aug.20-22 , 2008) Port Said. -‫ ا‬. B ‫ و‬Z ‫@ ا * ن‬I %A C3 ‫ا * ت ا‬ 58- Eldaly E.A., El-Kelish, H.I., Amer,O.H and Aref,A.M (2008): Parasites of public health importance among marine and fresh water fishes. 9th Sci. Vet. Med. Zag., conference (Aug.20-22, 2008) Port Said. %A ‫وا‬ * ‫ ! أ * ك ا * ` ا‬- ‫ ت ذات ا=ه* ا‬3C ‫ا‬ 59- ELDALY, E. A., EL-ATABANY, A. I and EL-LEATHY, A. M (2008): Prevalence of parasites of public health importance in some fresh water fishes. 9th Sci. Vet. Med. Zag., conference (Aug.20-22, 2008) Port Said. %A ‫ أ * ك ا * ` ا‬1 % c! - ‫ه* ا‬,‫ ت ذات ا‬3C ‫ ا‬/‫ى ا‬ (7)

60- Eldaly, E.A., Nada .M.S., Farag ,R.N.(2008): The prevalence of Sarcocystis cruzi cysts (zoitocysts) among slaughtered buffaloes 9th Sci. Vet. Med. Zag., conference (Aug.20-22, 2008) Port Said. ‫ "س‬+ ‫ ا‬56 ‫ ذ‬8& ‫ت ا ( رآ" (; آ وزى‬/2 "

‫ى )"ا‬

61- Eldaly, E.A.; Hussein, M.A. and El-Ghareeb, W.R. (2010): Assessment of Hygienic Preparation of Broiler Carcasses and Its Effect on Their Shelf Life at Refrigeration. 10th Sci.Vet. Med. Zag. Conference (10-13 February 2010) Luxor. ‫دة‬ 0<! ‫ & ة‬8$ = >?)‫ ارى ا ( ' و‬56 @ 8#2 ‫ ا‬A 0+ ‫ ا‬B C) 62- Morshdy, A. M., Eldaly, E. A., El-Atabany, A.I. and Mahmoud, A.F.(2010): Prevalence of Enterobacteriacae On Cattle Carcasses With Special Reference To Pathogenic Escherichia Coli. 10th Sci.Vet. Med. Zag. Conference (10-13 February 2010) Luxor. ‫ى‬D"‫ آ‬E E F G H ‫ * أه‬K ‫ ا‬56 ‫ ذ‬51 ‫ أ‬8$ " ‫و ت ا‬ ‫ى )"ا ا‬ L ‫ا‬

63- Eldaly, E.A.; El-Kelish,H; Ibrahim, A.M and Nashwa, M. AbdAllmohseen;(2010): Prevalence and Significance of Yeast in Raw Edible Offal.10th Sci.Vet. Med. Zag. Conference (10-13 February 2010) Luxor. , ‫د‬-‫ك ا‬/0 / # 2 ‫ ا‬M‫ "ا‬# ‫! ت ا‬$

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64- Wageh Sobhy DARWISH;, Yoshinori IKENAKA;, Elsaid Abozeid ELDALY; Marumi OHNO;Kentaro Q. SAKAMOTO; Shoichi FUJITA; and Mayumi ISHIZUKA(2010): Cytochrome P450 1ADependent Activities in Deer, Cattle and Horses. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 72(5): 561–566. 65- W. Darwish, Y. Ikenaka, E. Eldaly, M. Ishizuka (2010): Mutagenic activation and detoxification of benzo[a]pyrene in vitro by hepatic cytochrome P450 1A1 and phase II enzymes in three meat-producing animals. Food and Chemical Toxicology 13 June 2010

66-Wageh S. Darwish; Yoshinori Ikenaka; Marumi Ohno; Elsaid A. Eldaly and Mayumi Ishizuka (2010): Carotenoids as regulators for inter-species difference in cytochrome P450 1A expression and activity in ungulates and rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology 48 (2010) 3201–3208. 67-Eldaly.E,A; Wageh S. Darwish and Mahmoud A.F.(2010): Organochlorine pesticides in local and imported fish at Sharkia province markets, Egypt. 2nd International toxicology symposium in Africa. 9th September 2010.


68- Eldaly,E.A and samya Hassnin(2010): The effect of proplis and frozen storage on the quality of silver carp(hypophthalmichthys Molitrix) Burger.Abbassa Int. J.Aqua. Vol.3 No. (1).317-332 69- MorshdyA.M.; Eldaly,E.A; Saleh,E and El-Abbasy,M.T.(2010): sanitary Improvement of meat served at university hospital. Zag. Vet. J. Vol. 38 No.3. 184-190. 70-Eldaly, E.A; El-dsoky,K and Hussein,M.A.(2011): The prevalence of Yersinia enyerocolitica and other yersinia species in meat and some edible offal of food animals. Zag. Vet. J. Vol. 39 No.1. 66-72. 71-Hussein, M.A. Eldaly, E,A ;Darwish,W.S, and El-Dsoky K.(2011): Lead and Cadmium residues in Egyptian and Brazilian cattle meat .3rd International toxicology symposium in Africa. 8th September 2011. 72-Mahmoud, M.A., Asmaa, M.Ahdy, Eldaly, E.A. and Sallam,Kh.I. (2012): Prevalence,Serotypes and genotypes of diarrheagenic other than shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli isolated from fresh beef,ground beef and beefburger.Zag.Vet.J.Vol.40,No.3 , pp.27-34. 73-Eldaly, E.A., Saleh, E.A., Doaa, El-Matary and Nashwa M. Zaky (2012): Seasonal variation of antibiotic residues in some slaughtered animals .Zag. Vet. J.Vol.40, No.4, pp.77-85. 74- Eldaly, E.A., Saleh, E.A.; El-Gaml,A.M .and Heba,M.El-sherbeny (2012): detection of antibiotic residues in some meat products with special reference to oxytetracycline. Zag. Vet. J.Vol.40, No.4, pp.158-165.

75- Abdallah Fikry A. Mahmoud, Wageh Sobhy Darwish, Alaa Eldin M.A. Morshdy, Elsaid A. Eldaly (2013): Determination of organochlorine pesticides (ocps) in the edible offal of Egyptian buffalo. The 5th international Symposium, Recent advances in research on environmental toxicology by young researchers from African countries and Japan. February,28th 2013

76- Abdallah Fikry A. Mahmoud, Wageh Sobhy Darwish, Alaa Eldin M.A. Morshdy, Elsaid A. Eldaly, Yoshinori Ikenaka and Mayumi Ishizuka, (2013): Determination of organochlorine pesticide (OCPS) in the edible offal of Egyptian buffalo. Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research 61. (9)

77- Darwish W. S., Eldaly E.A, El-Abbasy M., Ikenaka, Y. and Ishizuka M.( 2013): Antibiotic residues in food: African scenario. Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research. 61. 78- Eldaly, E.A., Saleh, E.A.; Moustafa, A.H. and Ola, A.Atya (2013): Prevalence of Listeria organisms in meat and meat products. J.Vol.41, No.1, pp. 57-68.


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