The ELSA Malta Academic Questionnaire AnalysisReport 2020-2021
Following last yearʼs successful questionnaire, the academic office at ELSA Malta has once again decided to put forward an academic questionnaire for the students of the law course as an opportunity to voice their opinion about the course as well as the Faculty itself. Several of the previous yearsʼ responses were implemented by the faculty, with the Faculty extending their opening hours as well as the publication of examination timetables being done earlier than previous years. ELSA Malta reiterates its commitment in helping all law students in any difficulty that they may encounter. The following report is a compilation of the data acquired through this yearʼs Questionnaire. The total amount of responses adds up to 80 (100%).
Contact details academic@mt.elsa.org/academicactivities@mt.elsa.org
SECTION1: General Questions 1. What isyour currentyear of studies?
LL.BI: 35 LL.BII: 19 LL.BIII: 19 LL.BIV: 4 M.Adv: 2 M.Not St: 1 H.DipLPI: 0 H.DipLPII: 0 M.Adv (Prep): 0
1. How would you rate your academic experience in the law course from 1-10(1 being the least positive and 10beingthe most) overall this year?
2. Give reasonsfor your rating. Given the current situation, the most commonreasons pertained to online learning. A number of students shed light on the fact that though most lecturers are trying their best to maximise the interactivity of online lectures, they are considerably harder to follow and tend to be more tedious than physical lectures. A number of respondents also pointed out the fact that a number of lecturers, though being experts in their fields, lack the proper teaching skillsto offer students an optimal academic experience. There were also some commentspertaining to the unclarity of certain syllabi. A numberof respondentsbroughtup late assignmenttitles given and uncertainty on guidelinesand structures which hindered adequate preparation. The general sense of students is that due to online learning and the situation at hand, they are largely unmotivated. 3. How would you rate your personal experience when dealing with Facultyʼs Administrative Staff from 1-10(1being the least positive and 10being the most)?
4. Doyouhaveany suggestionsonhow this canimprove?
The feedback generally revolved around better responsivenessin a timely manner.A numberof students broughtup the fact that very often, certain decisions are madeat the last minute and departmental staff are given deadline extensions, however students do not get the same commodity. However, the feedback was generally positive and a number of respondents understood the fact that certain administrative bureaucracies stem from problems within Central University Adminand not the Faculty itself. 5. Please answer this question only if you are in your secondyear or above. Doyoufeel that your university experience has improved as you have been promoted from one year to another or has your experience diminished? Give reasonsfor your answer. The majority of respondents noted that their experience generally diminished, mostly owingto the Pandemic andonline learning. A considerable chunkof students noted that their experience remained the same and a few noted that it improved. Thoughthe majority of answers in this question were relatively negative, it is important to note that it seemsthat the maincontributor to this was the pandemic.Students feel as thougheven the lecturers themselves are fed up with the situation and are puttinglesseffort into their lecturing. 6. Do you think there is enough information to make an informed choice when choosing your electives? 7. If you respondedʻNoʼ, do you haveany suggestionsonhow to improve this?
The general feedback with regards to question 8 pertained to more time being allowed for students to decide which electives they would like to take and more extensive descriptions on the Study Unit Description. Given that the majority of respondents answered ʻyesʼ, there werenʼt any major suggestions. 8. Do you think you are advised appropriately and within reasonable time when there are any changesor cancellation of lectures? 9. Give reasonsfor your answer.
The general consensus was that more often than not, students only find out lectures are cancelled 15 minutes after it was meantto beginas the lecturer would not turn up,leadingto a situation where the ClassRep would have to contact Faculty to contact the respective lecturer to confirm the cancellation. Most respondents, however, noted that this was more common when we had physical lectures and the situation has improved with online learning. A
considerable number of respondents also commended the administrative staffʼs efficiency at informingstudents as quickly as they can and confirmingcancellations in the case of a no-show. 10. Do you think that a clearer and more structured syllabus would help you in better understandingthe concept of the respective topics and makestudyingeasier?
Section 2: Tutorials 1.Do you find tutorials/seminars helpful to your studies?
2. Give a reason for your answer. Generally, the feedback received regarding tutorials was a positive one. A prevailing theme regardingtutorials was the aspect of more individual attention that can occur in sucha learning environment, which is to be expected in such a large course as that of law where at times one may feel just part of a crowd. Stemming from the last aspect, a recurring comment was that tutorials help with dealing with a particular difficulty that the student may have which can be tackled on a more personal basis. It was also noted that those who answered in the negative said that they do not find them helpful if the tutorial is moredirected to beingan extensionof a topic rather than helpingthe students clear any queries that they mighthave had. 3.Kindly indicate if there shouldbe other studyunits that makeuseof tutorials/seminars. The responses from this question were varied, but a strong occurrence was that of a proportionality between the amount of credits a unit holds with the amountof tutorials, if any for the units with lesser credits. It was also noted and pointed out that too many tutorials in addition to the lectures mightbe too muchto handle at times.
4.Would you changeanythingabout the way tutorials are conducted?
A strong emphasis in the answers to this question was placed onthe amount of interaction that should be present. A great number of students also showed a desire for tutorials to be conducted in a physical manner. Another strong point which emergedwas that tutorials should be usedas a meansof clarification on certain topics, somegoingas far to say that after a topic is complete that a tutorial shouldtake place as a formof recapitulation.
Give reasonsfor your answer Throughthe questionnaire it emerged that due to the fact that tutorials are smaller groups,the more interactive nature that they offer, encouragesthe student to take less of a passiverole as one does in the normal lectures where they may be flushed out by the large number of students, and a rather more active role which encourages them to take interest in the given subject. A positive aspect which recurred was that tutorials that are topic specific help in understanding it better. A strong hindrance is seen through the effect of the pandemic with interaction being reduced, and more screen time being seen as harmful to the wellbeing of the student.
Section 3: AssessmentMethods Generally speaking, is the ʻUpload Areaʼ for assignmentson VLE opened in adequate time before the due date?
This question is for second years or above. Generally speaking are there study units which should see a change in their method of assessment?
If you answeredʻYesʼ, how can their method of assessmentbe improved? A strong emphasis in the answers to this question was placed on the students preference for a more assignment based assessment which allows for thorough research. Additionally, many students emphasised the lack of options presented to them when having a compulsory question. Some of the students suggested opting for more presentation skills assessments namely seminars, moot courts and symposiumwhilst others suggesteda 50% assignment based assessment and 50% exam. Moreover, a suggestion to have an exam spanning over multiple
days to allow for research was made. Some of the students suggested having continuous assessments. Law of obligations -should devote a higher percentage to assignmentrather than 10% as many expressedthat independent research and applied questions require better knowledge and skill rather than learning an abundanceof casesand legislation byheart. Law of Property -numerous students felt that the examshould be assessedin both semester 1 and 2 Administrative law -some students felt that the three fold method of assessmentwas excessive and suggestedto have one examand an assignment/seminar What isyour preferred methodof assessment;assignment,grouppresentation, written exam, or oral exam?
Due to COVID-19,written examsswitched to an Open-BookFormat Did you feel adequately prepared for sucha changein format?
Give reason for your answer Themajority of the studentsmentioned that they were advised andprepared througha test run on how the platform works and such a system was not hard to operate. Some remarked that they found the studyingprocesseasily adaptable to the format of an open bookexamaccording to advice given to them. Additionally, some students mentioned that lecturers advised them to understand the principles of the topic at hand rather than learning it by heart. Some first year students stress out that they were never exposedto sucha format and thus didnot know what to expect. A recurring issue was that lecturers did not focuson what they would expectthrough the new format and thus it was unclear. Some students remarked that the standardswhich are expected by the examinersin an open book exambecame muchhigher whilst the time allotted to the examreduced. Do you prefer the Open-BookSystem and do you think it should remain implemented even after COVID-19? The overwhelming majority of the students prefer the Open-Booksystem and wish to see it be implemented even after covid-19.Many commented that the open book system tested the students and is a very beneficial tool to focus on learning and understandingthe topic rather than learn everything by heart. Some also raised the issue that after 3 examination sessions using such format, reverting to the prior format could prove to be detrimental. Some of the students also pointed out that additional clarity was needed namely the regulations students are expected to adhere to during the examination and what the examinersexpect fromstudents given the different format of the exam.Numerousstudents were concerned that the open-book systemwould eventually lead to muchhigher expectations fromthe examiners.
Do you have any comments/suggestionsyou would like to passon to Faulty with regardsto methods of assessmentcurrently in use?
An overwhelming number of students emphasizedthe significance of having stricter timeframes with assessorsin order to have deadlines which are adhered to. Many stressed the need for a longer time frame when having an open-bookformat. Themajority of the students pointed out the need to shift and move on fromexamassessedunits to more assignmentbased units and to have the mode and the length of assessment proportionate to the number of ECTS. Some suggested changing the way assignment titles are given when divided into groups. Numerous students pointed out the unfairness in havinga groupassessmentas often the workload falls on certain students whilst others do not contribute as much.Presentations and groupassignments were amongst these unfair group assessments mentioned. Others mentioned that the assignmenttitles shouldbe given earlier on.
Section 4-The Impact of COVID-19
Didyoufeel academically impacted byCOVID-19?
Give reasonsforyour answer. The reasons outlined by those who felt that COVID-19had an impact on their academic performance centred around the psychological toll which resulted from the complete lack of social interaction which characterises online lecturing. It is very worrying to note that many respondents complained of immensestress, complete lack of motivation and focus, andin some circumstances, even depressionand anxiety.Others madereference to the augmenteddifficulty in participating during online lectures, and to the many distractions broughtabout by technical difficulties which some lecturers repeatedly faced when delivering online lectures. A numberof respondents also complained of the fact that despite the notable psychologicalimpact which online learning has clearly left on students, lecturers seem not to have taken this into account, expecting instead the same performance from students as in previous years. A clear solution which one could outline in this regard is having the holiday periods respected by lecturers, instead of having some lecturers schedule sessions during such recess periods. On the other hand, some respondents, albeit a minority, outlined positive aspects which the pandemic has had on their academic performance. A number of respondents argued that the material being taught has not changed, and that they even found this new method of lecturing morebalanced and structured, not to mention the time usually spenttravelling to University which cannow be employedotherwise.
Are Online Lectures of a better or worse standardthan physical lectures?
Give Reasonsfor your answer Analogousto the reasonsoutlined in the responsesto the previous question. Are all lecturers of the samestandardonline?
What methodof online learning doyou prefer?
Give reasonsforyour answer. Those who prefer Zoom lectures make reference to the level of interaction which they were accustomed to during lectures on campus, which interaction is at least maintained in someway or another through Zoom. On the other hand, those who favour recorded lectures noted the flexibility of this method, particularly the ability to pause, slow down andre-listento important parts of the lecture, and this at any time of day which is most convenient to them. One particular respondentoffered a solution which would incorporate the benefits of both methods; having live Zoom lectures recorded and subsequently posted on VLE. Such an arrangement shoulddefinitely be considered. Thisquestion isfor First YearStudents only. Howdid the current situation impact how you settled into University? Themain issuesoutlined by the respondents were the very short time-periodbetween A-Levels and the start of the academic year at University, the lack of any sort of social interaction, as well as lack of guidancefrom the Faculty's end. All in all, mostrespondentsfelt that their university experience hasnʼt yet commencedat all. A possiblesolution would be to have an online session in which everyone can introduce themselvesto their peers, perhapseven with the involvement of lecturers and Faculty staff. Thisquestion isfor first years only. Did youfind adequate help settling in despite University beingonline?
If yes, where did you find suchhelp? Law-studentorganisations andFaculty staff proved helpful in this regard.
Howhelpful have faculty been in general throughthe transition from physicalto online University?
Give reasonsforyour answer. Thegeneral responsewas that, while the Faculty did not leave any queries unanswered, announcements and decisionsgenerally took too long to be communicatedto students, and this to the detriment of the students.
Section 5-Changesin the LawCourseandGeneral Remarks Is there anythingin particular which you wouldlike to see introduced by Faculty or student organisationsthat would be beneficial to your studies?
The suggestions were wide-ranging, and include assessments on non-examinablework, a more balanced-out gradingsystem comprising of more assignments and less exams,more information on ERASMUS, the possibility of having an individual progress report issued annually with feedback on improvements which can be made from the assignments and exam scripts submitted, the possibility of having a study-unit on Maltese legal jargon and not merely a DegreePlus option, Faculty-organised moot courts in addition to those held by the student organisations, having model assignments issued regularly by the lecturers themselves, and finally a rather bold suggestionof having a more specialised law course, with the possibility of choosingparticular fields of law to focuson over others. Is there anythingin particular which you wouldlike to see removedfrom the law course?
If you answered'Yes', kindly specifywhat you would like to see removed. Respondents complained of outdated and irrelevant compulsory study-units, which take up time which could be dedicated to elective units which are of interest to the student but which cannot be taken up due to the limit of one elective per year. Others suggestedthat written examinations should not be reintroduced after the pandemic is behind us. First year students complainedthat the Library TourReport is rather uselessand shouldbe done away with. What wasthe biggestissueyou faced this year? Hasit been solved? 15 minutes of additional time afforded for submission of online examinations were deemed insufficient by a number of respondents. Others complained of lack of timely communication between the Faculty and the students. Somecomplainedof unresponsivetutors with respect to their dissertation.