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Please send in current operating information as and when you know it. If a group has recently been updated with new info or we know it is continuing online, you will see it highlighed. To update for the next print edition please email: editor@elyimagazine.com before 14th AUG 2021.


The Arts Society - Ely

The Arts Society continue to meet online. Thursday July 15th at 7.30pm. Rosamund Bartlett is giving a lecture entitled ‘Diaghilev and the Ballets Rousses’. This will look at how Diaghilev working with renowned composers, choreographers and dancers created ballet stagings of genius and revolutionised classic dance. Visitors are welcome at £5 per lecture. If you are interested, please contact our membership secretary for details of how to pay and to receive the links for the lecture – smholgate@outlook.com. For further information, please visit our website www. theartssocietyely.org.uk or visit our Facebook page.

Ely Arts Society

We have suspended all activity until September 2021 and put the Society in“hibernation”. We hope this allows time for the situation to improve and to form a new committee. We hope everyone is keeping well and safe. www.elyartsociety.com email: elyartsociety@gmail.com.

Ely Watercolour Workshop

Contact: Sarah Ruff: 01353 614495

Ely Guild of Woodturners

When we meet again it will be at Little Thetford Hall - TBA. Our members are currently meeting via Zoom and the annual fees to join are £35.00 for adults and £18.00 for juniors. email: publicity@elyguildofwoodturners.org.uk Web: www.elyguildofwoodturners.org.uk and Twitter @ElyWoodturners


East Cambridgeshire Access Group

The East Cambridgeshire Access Group meets on a Wednesday once a fortnight in the council’s offices to make written comments on planning applications, for buildings that the public use, especially for wheelchair access and for those with a visual impairment. These access concerns are added to East Cambridgeshire District Council’s response to the planning application. Everyone is welcome to become a new member of the group. For further details email - getstevecarter@yahoo.co.uk or telephone 07875 222861 Our website:- ely.org. uk/ECAccessGroup/EastCambsAG.htm

Ely City Amnesty Int’ Group

www.amnestyelycity.org.uk email:info@elyamnesty.org.uk Extinction Rebellion Ely

www.facebook.com/extinction.rebellion.ely https://rebellion.global/groups/gb-ely/

CHARITIES (National)

Age UK Cambs and Peterborough

Working with and for older people, providing a wide range of services and support helping older people remain independent in their own homes. Tel: 0300 666 9860, e:informationservices@ageukcap.org.uk, www.ageukcap.org.uk Facebook: /AgeUKCAP


Campaign Amateur Theatre (CAT)

Visit our website at www.cattheatrecompany. co.uk or contact our membership officer Viv Aggett, email: Cat-membership@outlook.com or phone 01353 699379

Ely Amateur Dramatic Society

www.facebook.com/ elyamateurdramatics.org / elyamateurdramatics / @DramaEly

Ely Film Society

contact: 01353 668639 or 01353 656959. Full programme: www.elyfilmsociety.com

Ely Arts Theatre

www.elyartstheatre.org Twitter - @elyartstheatre. www.facebook.com/elyartstheatre

Ely Theatregoers Club

website :www.elytheatregoers.co.uk email:butlersandra085@gmail.com Tel:07887 240483


East Cambs Dancing for Fun

Please contact Peter or June for more info 01353 725774

Ely Playford Dance Group

Contact: enquire@elyplayford.org Tel: 01353 440170

Ely & Littlep't Border Morris Dancers

A group of dancers and musicians performing Border Morris style dances, mainly self choreographed with some traditional dances. We have been meeting for outdoor practices from Friday 9th of April (initially restricted to 6 current members but numbers will increase in accordance with government guidance) Please contact us if you are interested in joining us. Contact - Shelagh, Tel - 01353 777154, email - contact@elriot.co.uk website: www.elriot.co.uk) HAPPY HIAMS LINE DANCE CLUB facebook.com/hiamslinedanceclub Wendy & Bill - 0772 9790 698 or 01353 860187

Sutton Masque

E: squire@suttonmasque.org.uk www.suttonmasque.org.uk


Ely College Community Education

A range of GCSE, A Level & ESOL courses for Adults, please contact us for details on eligibility for full funding on these courses. Contact Community@elycollege.co.uk, telephone 01353 664853 web: elycollege.co.uk/ community

Ely & District U3A

We are Ely and District u3a. “ Live, Learn, Laugh” We are part of a national movement for people no longer in full-time work, providing the opportunity to continue the pleasure of learning and sharing knowledge and activities. We hold a general meeting , usually with a speaker , at 2.30 on the first Tuesday of each month (currently on Zoom and YouTube, otherwise in the Countess of Huntingdon Church, Chapel Street) and we have a considerable range of interest groups from card craft to canasta, from badminton to book groups. New members and visitors are welcome. Annual fee is £8. More information can be found via our website htttp://u3asites. org.uk/ely

Ely Lifelong Learners

Resuming September 2021 Venue: The Countess Free Church, Chapel Street, Ely, CB6 1AD (parking for blue badge holders only) Please contact Anne for info about courses on 01352 662712 or at awarham575@ btinternet.com.


Ely & Dist' NSPCC Fundraising Team

If you would like to get involved or support us, please get in touch with either Johanna on 07912617135 or Wendy on 01353610787.

Ely Dining Club

Contact Sylvia Farmer on Tel: 01353 777373 or Email: sylvia.farmer2@btinternet.com

Ely Community First Responders

Contact Emma Greaves 01353 614794 / Elycfrs@virginmedia.com / Facebook.com/ ElyCommunityFirstResponders/

Ely Hereward Rotary Club

http://rotaryclubely-hereward.org Contact: president@rotaryclubely-hereward.org

Elysian Riding for the Disabled Group

Contact: Viv Seymour on 01353 610164 or Ros James on 01353 969948

Friends of Jubilee Gardens

*NB No experience needed - General tidying up & gardening in Jubilee Gardens. We meet at Jubilee Gardens for Working Parties. We are a friendly, welcoming group who enjoy being outside, tidying and gardening Jubilee Gardens! For more details, contact: The Subscription Secretary Judith Lockyear plockyear@hotmail.co.uk Website https://jubileegardensely.org.uk

The Order of St Etheldreda

Contact: oofSE@elycathedral.org Tel:01353 660363

Inner Wheel Club of Ely

The Inner Wheel Club of Ely has been active in the local area for over 70 years. We are a social group meeting monthly and our objects are to promote true friendship, encourage the ideals of personal service and to foster international understanding. Please contact Mrs Sallis-Browne on 07737341648 for further information.

The Lions Club of Littleport

Contact: David & Jenny Ellis 01353 664318 / 07817 592438 E: lionscluboflittleport@gmail.com www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/littleport Facebook; Littleport Lions Club / Twitter; @LittleportLions www.littleportrotary.org.uk Contact: David Ambrose Smith 01353 861010

Rotary Club of Ely

Contact Mike Axford on 01353 668649 or email mikeaxford@hotmail.com /www.elyrotary.co.uk

Littleport & Ely Time Bank

We are a friendly group of volunteers who exchange time and skills with members for free. Everyone’s time is equal and everyone has something to offer, whether visiting someone for a cup of tea or designing a website. Join us and get to know people in the community and share your passion or skill. We have virtual coffee mornings currently on Thursdays, 101040 am by Zoom. Non members are welcome to join us at coffee morning to find out more. We are also conducting safe time exchanges and social activities within our own bubbles. For further info & Zoom link, please email littleportandelytimebank@btinternet.com or visit Facebook: @LittleportandElyTimebank


Ely Heartbeat Health Walk

www.walkingforhealth.org.uk Yoga Path with Vimala

Classes suitable for all levels and ages including two weekly classes for Seniors. Yoga & Fitness, Meditation & Breathwork. Zoom live stream classes. Hall based classes - (adhering to social distancing & government guidelines) Private 1:1 - (adhering to social distancing & government guidelines) Groups, Workshops and Corporate - (adhering to social distancing & government guidelines) Booking and further information: https://bookwhen.com/yogapathuk Web: www.yogapathuk.co.uk Email: yogapathuk@gmail.com Phone: 07984 582214

Yoga Studio Ely - Meditation Evenings

Yogic Meditation, practice and theory. Chanting, dharma talks, good company. Beautiful designated yoga studio in a peaceful garden setting. We welcome yoga practitioners and anyone else interested in meditation and spiritual practice to these gatherings. Charitable donations accepted. www.yogastudioely.co.uk e: mark@yogastudioely.co.uk t: 01353 698090 Tower Farm, Little Downham CB6 2TD


Ely & District Archaeological Society

Tel: 01353 669326

Cambs Community Archive

This is a web site for old and new photographs of Ely and the immediate area surrounding it. Contribute photos etc by filling in the on line form on the website: www.ccan.co.uk e:ely@ccan.co.uk

Prickwillow Engine Museum

Tel: 01353 688380/720737. www.prickwillowmuseum.com; www.facebook.com/museumatprickwillow

The Stained Glass Museum

For further updates and information please check the museum’s social media and website updates at https://stainedglassmuseum.com/visiting. Contact email: curator@stainedglassmuseum. com Tel: 01353 660355


City of Ely Allot's & Gdns Association


Ely Bridge Club

Barry Lowe: 01353 658356 e: elybridgeclub@gmail.com Ely and District Camra

E: contact@elyanddistrictcamra.com www. elyanddistrictcamra.com Facebook: @ElyandDistrictCamra Twitter:@ElyBeerFestival

City of Ely Flower Club

Further info: Pat Simmonds 01353 661837 psimmonds696@btinternet.com

Fen Folks Fridays

A free monthly zoom meeting for folk who enjoy everything about the fens created by Fascinating fens. A great opportunity to meet up with others to learn more about the fens, hear speakers on fen topics, and discuss fen themes and upcoming events. 30th April: Eels, Fens, Romans, Countrymen: A History of Eels in the Fens. 21st May: Digging the fens. 18th June Celebrate the fens launch. November: Fen biosphere and Lincolnshire wildlife trust. 4th December: Festive fen folks quiz. The events must be booked in advance via our website. If you are a business and would like to sponsor these evenings, please get in touch. www.fascinatingfens.com fascinatingfens@outlook.com Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more updates.

Stuntney & District Gardening Club

Tel: 07775503595

The K9 Community Cafe

www.facebook.com/thek9cafe/ Tel:07552462040

Isle of Ely Philatelic Society

Contact: Chris 01354 659358. Ely Photographic Club

Contact: Nick Bowman Tel: 01353 664085

The Ely & District Model Railway Club

We are a group of individuals who build model railways in a variety of scales and gauges. The club has run an annual model railway exhibition in Ely for over 40 years. The exhibitions in 2020 and 2021 were cancelled due to Covid-19. Club meetings are on hold at the moment. We hope to have more positive news in the mext edition. Information is posted on the club’s Facebook page and on our website www.elymrc.org. uk so please check for the latest situation. Our Secretary David Abbott will be happy to provide any further information. Tel: 01353 721280 email: davidjabbott70@gmail.com

Ely-Ribe Association

e-mail: elyribe.association@ntlworld.com Chairman: Howard McMillan Tel: 01353 667949

Ely Evening Scrabble Club

Not currently meeting. Contact: Sheila on 07879863199 (text or call), email: mail@sheilawillson.plus.com


Ely English Language Cafe

Bob Handley:email: handleybob46@gmail.com Tel: 01353 666367

Ely Library

Contact details for all events and activities are: Ely.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk, 0345 045 5225.

Friends of Ely Library

We are pleased to announce their first coffee morning since March 2020 on July 24th 2021 at 10am until 12.00 noon in the meeting room, covid regulations permitting. Please note that thereafter coffee mornings will be every 3rd Saturday in the month and not as before, twice a month. Hand sanitiser and SD rules will be available. We look forward to seeing old and new customers soon. Please remember HANDS, FACE AND SPACE

Fenprobe Talking News

(for the Blind & Sight Impaired) The local audio compilation of local news papers., published weekly, is available to all those unable to read 12pt (most newspapers) comfortably. If not registered blind or partially sighted, an ophthalmologist or doctor will sign your application form to confirm eligibilty. The service is free and an Mp3 player is available, also free of charge. A volunteer will visit to explain the service and how to operate the player. Secretary: 01353 861153 email: jsmith9306@aol.com

Fen Speak

We are Ely's regular poetry and spoken word open mic night with a friendly and supportive atmosphere. Come along to share your work, or listen to the great variety of talent. Includes an extended headline slot from a guest performer. Usually at the Babylon Gallery, currently running online via Zoom. Third Wednesday of every other month (February, April, June, August, October, and December). Free entry, all welcome. Find out more at https://www.fenlandpoetry.co.uk/ or https://www.facebook.com/groups/fenspeak or contact Stewart on stewart.carswell@hotmail. co.uk


Acoustic Evenings at West End House

Info:- Liam (01353) 659614 or T: 07775094063 E: debrunliam@outlook.com (01353) 662907

City of Ely Military Band

www.elyband.co.uk contact Phil Green, 01353 721782


We are a mixed voice community choir who normally hold concerts in Ely Cathedral and other local venues with professional soloists and orchestras. We hope to begin singing in person from September at 7.30-9.30pm on Monday evenings with our conductor, Andrew Parnell. Our venue is St John’s School, Ely. New members are always welcome. Please check our website for up-to-date details & venue confirmation. Further information contact T: 07970 956401/ E: membership@elychoralsociety.org W: www.elychoralsociety.org You can follow us on Facebook.

Fenland Jam

Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/FJELY/

Ely Folk Club

Contact 01353 740999 or 01353 664706 website: www.elyfolkclub.co.uk

Ely Area Music Centre

Contact Cambridgeshire Music: 01480 373500, Email: cm@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Ely Sinfonia

See page 33 for concert information - July 10th Contact: 01353 721007 www.elysinfonia.co.uk


Come and join us! Everyone is welcome, with no auditions - just enjoy singing pop, rock and songs from the shows and you will be a welcome member of the group. Contact Kathryn on kathryn@singchoirs.com, or through our website www.singchoirs.com All sessions online at the moment, so come and join us for a weekly Zoom and Sing! Please also see a listing in “Support and Care” for information about a local singing group for people living with dementia and their carers.

A community choir for young singers aged 11 and up. There are no auditions and no fees. The group sings a wide range of music styles, from Handel to Hairspray, trained by professional choir director and composer Andrew Parnell. In person rehearsals resumed in April in the Church Rooms at St. Mary’s Church, Ely. For more details, email youth@elychoralsociety.org Find us on Facebook @elyyouthchoir


Ely Wildlife Watch

Contact helen@moorehse.co.uk or look for Ely Wildlife Watch on Facebook

Wildlife Trust BCN Ely Local Group

Discover more about nature both by exploring outdoors and by attending illustrated talks given by experts in their field. The group is run by enthusiastic local volunteers. It is not necessary to be a member of the Wildlife Trust to attend our events. See Wildlife Trust BCN website for more details. Will Burdett, 01353 661339, willburdett@ btinternet.com, see https://www.wildlifebcn.org/ ely-local-group

Willderland Farm

We are a 4.5 acre community farm, based near Haddenham. We established ourselves as a membership organisation in 2015, with the aim of growing food sustainably, supporting wildlife; benefitting members and the wider community. If you would be interested in becoming a member, please email: info@willderland.com or website: www.willderland.com

Ely Wildspace

Our vision is “To protect and enhance the Ely Wildspace environment for the benefit of wildlife and the local community.’ Our aims are to: Defend Ely Wildspace against harmful developments and strengthen its legal protection and status; Promote the enjoyment of the Ely Wildspace environment, in participation with stakeholders, local people, local government and other organisations; Enhance the Ely Wildspace environment through integrated and effective conservation management, in participation with stakeholders, local people, local government and other organisations; Promote Ely Wildspace as a place of education, in participation with local schools and other educational bodies Contact: lpcre@elywildspace.org.uk www.elywildspace.org.uk


Ely Baha’i Community

Every Tuesday evening at 7:30pm we host a virtual zoom meeting entitled “Meaningful Conversations” where we share principles and ideas from the Baha’i perspective on personal and social transformation to which everyone is welcome to join. Zoom ID: 837 3293 7000 A very warm and relaxed group trying to make a difference in our daily life and through acts of service contribute to the betterment of the world. For more info Tel or Text: 07746761519, Email: elybahais@gmail.com FB: Ely Baha’i Community https://www.facebook. com/Ely-Bahai-Community-734901983310678/

Ely Cathedral

The College, Ely. Tel: 01353 667735 www.elycathedral.org

- Ely Cathedral - Mothers’ Union

Contact: Eunice Reddish 01353 661502 www.elycathedral.org worship/mothersunion

- Ely Cathedral - Edward Bear Club

Contact: Angela Jones 01353 665810 ChristChurch, Church of England @Isle of Ely School Loving God, Loving People www.christchurchely.org 01353 659 550

Ely City Church

15a Silver Street. Tel: 01353 662172 www.elycitychurch.co.uk

Countess Free Church

Chapel St. Ely CB6 1AD Tel: 01353 662396 www.countessely.co.uk Countess Free Church

Rich Tea Club

Offering fun, faith and friendship for adults with learning disabilities plus any carers and friends. We meet once a month, usually on the first Sunday each month 3.30-5pm at Countess Free

Church in Ely, for tea and biscuits, and activities including singing, Bible stories, craft and drama. To find out more call Cate on 07938187907 or see www.countessely.co.uk

Jubilee Church Ely

email: office@jubileechurchely.co.uk Tel: 01353 664160. www.jubileechurchely.co.uk

The Lighthouse Fellowship

Lynn Rd, Ely Tel: 01353 662228 email: info@lighthouse-ely.org www.lighthouse-ely.org/whatson

- The Lighthouse Knitters

Delia Wakeling on 01353 861126 or Maria Martin 01353 772 812

Ely Methodist Church

Chapel Street, Ely. Minister: Revd. Catherine Dixon on 01353 662426 https://www. elyandnewmarketmethodists.org.uk/ely.htm

New Connexions @ High Barns

Larkfield Community Centre, High Barns, Ely CB7 4SB Website: newconnexionschurch.org. uk Contact: Elder Russell Grief: russellgrief@ ntlworld.com. Tel 01353 612200 www.newconnexionschurch.org.uk

Ely Quakers

We meet every Sunday at 10.30. Visitors are welcome to join us. We come together in silence and stillness and our Meetings for Worship last about an hour. During the pandemic we are meeting via Zoom. Find out more: https://www. quaker.org.uk/about-quakers/ Contact Sue Brock-Hollinshead, suebhisas@gmail.com

Ely and District Spiritualist Church

Larkfield Community Centre , High Barns, Ely CB7 4SB contact Elizabeth on 07769963850

St Etheldreda’s Catholic Church

Egremont Street, Ely. Tel: 01353 662759 St Mary’s, Church of England A church for all generations. Everyone welcome. www.stmarysely.org 01353 659 550

- St Mary’s Monday Club

Contact: Elizabeth Flood on 01353 662385

- St Mary’s Mothers’ Union

Contact: 01353 659550 www.stmarysely.org/mothers-union.html www.facebook.com/StMarysElyMU/

St Peter-in-Ely, Church of England

www.elystpeterschurch.co.uk & www.facebook. com/elystpeters or tel: 01353 656941


Neighbourhood Watch

We support the local police force in their efforts to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour and thus ensure that we live in a safer and more secure community. Through our many members we endeavour to build friendly and helpful neighbourhoods where residents feel part of their community and can rely on each other for assistance. For further information see our web site: https://sites.google.com/site/ eastcambsnhw/, or contact Kevin Evans: 01353 614892; kevin.g.evans@ntlworld.com

Ely Litter Pickers

We always welcome new members – please find us on Facebook under “Ely Litter Pickers”.


Ely Astronomy Club

Mike Stephens / mike@sulis.demon.co.uk Facebook: Ely Astronomy Club http://sites.google.com/site/elyastroclub/

Ely Humanists

Contact: email: elyhumanistssec@gmail.com or visit http://ely.humanist.org.uk/


Ely and Dist' ex-Round Tablers Club

For people formally in Round Table, a social gathering to grow old gracefully. When we resume meetings, they will be at Ely City Golf Club, Cambridge Road, Ely 7.00 for 7.30 on the 2nd Thursday of the month. Contact: Nigel Davies.01353 721037 e: njdavies1@aol.com

LGBT+ in Ely & Cambridgeshire

Email: lgbtqcambridgeshire@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/LGBTEly https://www.facebook.com/LGBTCambridgeshire

Makers Social at Sew Much to Do

Contact: Sew Much To Do, 7 High Street Passage, Ely Tel: 01353 664000

Ely Branch Royal British Legion

http://counties.britishlegion.org.uk/branches/ely Contact: Brian Crabtree Tel: 07741 143605 E-Mail: CityOfEly.secretary@rbl.community

Ely City Trefoil Guild

Contact: Barbara on bjk17@btinternet.com

Ely Tuesday Group

Contact Pamela Austin 01353 610825

Ely City Women’s Institute

via zoom on the 2nd Monday of the month Email:ruth.g.sindall@btconnect.com Find us on Facebook: / Ely City WI

Ely Family Gaming

Ely Family Gaming is a new group for lighthearted and sociable board gaming suitable for families in the area of Ely. Join either through Meetup (https://www.meetup.com/ely-familygaming/) or Facebook (search groups for Ely Family Gaming)

Ely Northwold Women’s Institute

Currently Ely Northwold WI has no plans to re commence formal meetings. Our meeting venue is currently closed. We look forward to welcoming new members when meetings begin again. For further information please contact Rosemary Green on01353 661508 or email:Rosemary.green5@talktalk.net. We are a support group for women who want to share from the heart and be witnessed in love, support, acceptance and non-judgement. We currently meet on Zoom on the last Tuesday of the month from 7 30 to 8 30 pm. Find us on Facebook ‘Ely Women’s Circle’ or contact Louise at ldecaux@btinternet.com

Ely Probus Ely

Currently meetings are suspended at the Cathedral Centre Palace Green Ely CB7 4EN . For the next seven months (July 2021) we are holding Zoom meetings. New members are welcome to attend and should make contact for log in details, Club contact: Peter Nancollis email: peterandjudy@nancollis.plus.com


Ely Archers

http://www.elyarchers.org.uk General enquiries to: info@elyarchers.co.uk. Membership: membership@elyarchers.org.uk

Ely High Badminton Club

Currently not meeting. Contact: Ron Grant, ron. grant@ntlworld.com. Tel: 01353 610743

Ely Victoria Badminton Club

Contact: elyvicbad@gmail.com www.badmintonely.co.uk / Twitter @ElyVicBad Facebookwww.facebook.com/ elyvictoriaBadminton

East Cambs Basket Ball Club

Contact: contact@eastcambsbasketball.co.uk www.eastcambsbasketball.co.uk

Ely Beet Sport & Social Club

Tennis and Bowls are available NOW! All courts / rinks must be booked in advance. During the “Pub Garden” phase, we will re-open to Members only on 12th April with reduced opening hours. Seating on the patio alongside the Bowls Green. The play area and MUGA court will also be open. Please ensure you have renewed your Membership. From 17th May, the bar will be re-opened to Members & Visitors with amended opening hours. Please see the notice board or contact the Manager for full details. Tel: 01353 662029 / 07376 404495 email: beetsecretary@gmail.com

www.cityofelybowlsclub.org.uk Tel: 01353 665272 Email: cityofelybowlsclub@btconnect.com

City of Ely Cricket Club

www.cityofely.play-cricket.come-mail: cityofely_ cc@hotmail.com

Octagon Cycling Club

www.octagoncycling.com / octagoncyclingclub@gmail.com Contact Robin Jones 07824 486 105

Ely & District Cycling Club

Contact Cliff Loveday on 07823 338615

Ely City Golf Club

Contact: 01353 662751 www.elygolf.co.uk / email: info@elygolf.co.uk

Ely City Hockey Club

www.pitchero.com/clubs/elycityhockey Tel: 07815 905288, Facebook: Ely City Hockey Club, Twitter: @ElyHockeyClub

Ely Vikings Korfball

Contact: http://www.elyvikings.com / elyvikings@ outlook.com

Littleport Lions Korfball

Contact Andy on: andrewdunlop@hotmail.com, website: www.littleport-lions.co.uk

Ely Tang Soo Do Martial Arts Club

Contact: Mr Russell (instructor) on 07732746179 or email robertrussell_4@hotmail.co.uk

City of Ely Netball Club

web: www.cityofelynetball.co.uk email: elycity@hotmail.co.uk

Ely Netball Club

Contact: Victoria Cutforth, elynetball@hotmail. co.uk / 07518 080362

Isle of Ely Rowing Club

Contact: chairman@elyrowingclub.org.uk Web: http://www.elyrowingclub.org.uk/

Riding and Skating Ely (R.A.S.E.)

Advocating for a new skatepark in Ely. Join RASE on Instagram and Facebook. FB/Riding and skating Ely

Ely Rugby Club

Contact email - playrugby4ely@gmail.com Website - https://elytigers.rfu.club/

Ely Runners

Contact: Richard Hill:secretary@elyrunners.co.uk

Ely Sailing Club

www.elysailingclub.org e: training.elysc@gmail.com

ESC Model Yacht Fleet

Tel:01353 662156 www.elysquash.mycourts.co.uk

Ely Table Tennis Club

Prickwillow Village Hall – every Wednesday

7.00pm – 8.25pm and 8.35pm – 10.00pm. Fee per session: £5.00 for adults and £3.00 for under 18’s for a 1.5hr session.

Littleport Leisure Centre – every Thursday

7.00pm – 7.55pm and 8.00pm – 8.55pm. Fee per session: £4.00 adults, £2.00 under 18’s for a 55 minute session. For info on restrictions and group numbers, please contact Club Secretary Karen Byford at elytabletennis@gmail.com or visit the website www.elytabletennis.co.uk (also see page 31)

Ely Tennis Club


The Ely Walking Group

Contact the walk coordinator, Nick, on 07551 158510 or email nickshippaac@gmail.com.

Walking Netball

For more information contact Sophie Edwards, Sophie.Edwards@eastcambs.gov.uk or call 01353 616348


Al-anon Family Support Group

We are a support group for families of alcoholics. We have been meeting in Ely for 30 years. We meet every Monday at Centre 33 at 7.30pm. During these times we are meeting by zoom meetings. For details of the zoom meeting or for help and local contact numbers please call the helpline 0800 0086811. There are no fees for membership. We hope to return to the rooms once the Covid-19 situation eases. email: al-anonuk.org.uk

Cruse Bereavement Care

Cruse Bereavement Care is a charity that has been providing bereavement support to people across the UK for over 60 years, predominately through face-to-face and group sessions. Due to the current situation around Covid-19, Cruse have taken the decision to move all of support to telephone, until it is safe to return to normal working practices. As well as telephone support, there is also helpful information on the Cruse

website at: www.cruse.org.uk The Cruse Wed morning groups in Ely and Cambridge are currently closed. If you would like telephone bereavement support, please contact the Helpline on 01223 633536 (open 9.30am1.30pm weekdays) or the National Helpline on 0808 8081677 (open 9.30-5pm weekdays with extended hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings until 8pm and Weekends 10am-2pm). The service is free of charge and donations welcome.

Sing! Together

A weekly singing and music-making group for people living with dementia, memory loss and their carers, run by registered charity All In Sound. No experience needed just come along to enjoy the singing and music. Sessions are continuing online, and support is offered to help people access the technology, so please do contact Kathryn Rowland at kathryn@allinsound.co.uk or call 01353 662022. www.allinsound.co.uk

Care Network Cambs

Supporting Volunteers, Encouraging Independence, Developing Good neighbour projects. Tel: 01954 211919 email: volunteering@care-network.org.uk Website: www.care-network.org.uk twitter @CareNetworkCamb Facebook: Care Network Cambridgeshire

Cambridge Cruse Bereavement Care.

Contact Mary on 01353 659314 Cambridge Cruse 01223 302662

Ely Death Café

ONLINE on ZOOM - Next is SUN 19th APRIL At a Death Cafe people come together in a relaxed setting to openly talk about death. You set the agenda. All very welcome. Open to public & professionals. If you attend as a professional please leave your work hat at the door - we simply attend as people who will all die one day. Warning: feelings of relief, positivity and unexpected humour may occur. Free, booking essential: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/elydeath-cafe-online-30153110542 Email elydeathcafe@gmail.com Facebook: Ely Death Café Twitter: @Ely_D_Cafe “Like” us on social media for updates.

Ely Dementia Group

Contact Julie Day on Ely 612369 or 07968739406

Ely Foodbank

PLEASE CHECK ONLINE IF OPEN Email:info@ely.foodbank.org.uk www.ely.foodbank.org.uk T: 01353 468626 We have been meeting online via Zoom since lockdown. We still hold meet-ups online on the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 10.30am for around an hour, using ideas and resources from the national charity Action for Happiness. NEW evening Zoom sessions are starting on the final Thursday of each month from 7-8pm and the Zoom links for both morning and evening sessions can be found on our Facebook page @HappyCafeEly. email: hello@ happycafeely.org.uk


Meeting online Please contact: 07565 598193 E: posability3@gmail.com W: www.posability.org

Rich Tea Club

Offering fun, faith and friendship for adults with learning disabilities plus any carers and friends. We meet once a month, usually on the first Sunday each month 3.30-5pm at Countess Free Church in Ely, for tea and biscuits, and activities including singing, Bible stories, craft and drama. To find out more call Cate on 07938187907 or see www.countessely.co.uk


Contact Suzie on 07739638817 email info@touchmyworld.co.uk. www.touchmyworld.co.uk and find us on

Young People’s Support


Natalie Gildersleeve. natalieg@centre33.org.uk / www.centre33.org.uk Tel: 0333 4141 809

Elyi info for Community Groups




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