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ELY REGULAR GROUPS AND MEETS LISTINGS Please send in current operating information as and when you know it. If a group has recently been updated with new info or we know it is continuing online, you will see it highlighed. To update for the next print edition please email: editor@elyimagazine.com before 14th AUG 2021.

ARTS & CRAFTS The Arts Society - Ely

The Arts Society continue to meet online. Thursday July 15th at 7.30pm. Rosamund Bartlett is giving a lecture entitled ‘Diaghilev and the Ballets Rousses’. This will look at how Diaghilev working with renowned composers, choreographers and dancers created ballet stagings of genius and revolutionised classic dance. Visitors are welcome at £5 per lecture. If you are interested, please contact our membership secretary for details of how to pay and to receive the links for the lecture – smholgate@outlook.com. For further information, please visit our website www. theartssocietyely.org.uk or visit our Facebook page.

Ely Arts Society We have suspended all activity until September 2021 and put the Society in“hibernation”. We hope this allows time for the situation to improve and to form a new committee. We hope everyone is keeping well and safe. www.elyartsociety.com email: elyartsociety@gmail.com.


East Cambridgeshire Access Group The East Cambridgeshire Access Group meets on a Wednesday once a fortnight in the council’s offices to make written comments on planning applications, for buildings that the public use, especially for wheelchair access and for those with a visual impairment. These access concerns are added to East Cambridgeshire District Council’s response to the planning application. Everyone is welcome to become a new member of the group. For further details email - getstevecarter@yahoo.co.uk or telephone 07875 222861 Our website:- ely.org. uk/ECAccessGroup/EastCambsAG.htm

Ely City Amnesty Int’ Group www.amnestyelycity.org.uk email:info@elyamnesty.org.uk

Extinction Rebellion Ely www.facebook.com/extinction.rebellion.ely https://rebellion.global/groups/gb-ely/

Ely Watercolour Workshop Contact: Sarah Ruff: 01353 614495

Ely Guild of Woodturners

CHARITIES (National)

When we meet again it will be at Little Thetford Hall - TBA. Our members are currently meeting via Zoom and the annual fees to join are £35.00 for adults and £18.00 for juniors. email: publicity@elyguildofwoodturners.org.uk Web: www.elyguildofwoodturners.org.uk and Twitter @ElyWoodturners

Working with and for older people, providing a wide range of services and support helping older people remain independent in their own homes. Tel: 0300 666 9860, e:informationservices@ageukcap.org.uk, www.ageukcap.org.uk Facebook: /AgeUKCAP

Age UK Cambs and Peterborough

NSPCC http://www.nspcc.org.uk/ 46 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

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