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Dear Readers, The cover story of this month is EMAL Luxury revolving around jet, cars and glamour as a fancy concoc on. . UAE’s KhalifaSat successfully li s off into space on board H2-A rocket from Japan’s Tanegashima Space Centre. Trade ministers from the U.S., Mexico and Canada have reached a deal to revamp the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Trump administra on announced. We have seen great leaps in digital technology in past the past five years. Smartphones, cloud compu ng, mul -touch tablets, these are all innova ons that revolu onized the way we live and work. Hair color ideas for brune es are so much more nuanced then just light, medium, and dark brown. Whether you're already rocking brown locks and looking to add a bit more dimension, or you've always wondered what brune e life is like, please enjoy some major celebrity hair inspo that you'll surely dye. People are literally obsessed with apple cider vinegar. Just open up Instagram—I challenge you to find someone who isn't drinking it for be er diges on or more impressive weightloss results. The best interior and architectural ideas in our home and decor sec on. There is much more to read in our beauty and care sec on, a list of things by Mr. Larry you must know while traveling to Bucharest. Edvin Maclan Editor EMAL Interna onal Magazine
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to the RealClearPoli cs polling average, which takes the average of nine major polls. That same polling average showed a 52.9 percent disapproval of Trump's handling of the presidency. "I actually have good approval ra ngs, which nobody ever writes," he said.
TRUMP SAYS DECREASING MEDIA FAVORABILITY IS A 'GREAT ACHIEVEMENT' OF HIS PRESIDENCY President Donald Trump's approval rating is at 43.2 percent, according to the Real Clear Politics polling average, which takes the average of nine major polls.
onald Trump said Wednesday that one of his great achievements as president is lowering the media's favorability among Americans, claiming a victory in his crusade against what he considers unfair press coverage at the same me that CNN is suing his administra on to restore one of its reporter's revoked White House creden als. The president, in an interview with the Daily Caller on Wednesday, said he believes Americans are star ng to see many media outlets — Trump named CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC — as "fake news." "You look at what's going on with the fake news and the people get it," the president said. "And you know, they had a very high approval ra ng before I became president and I think it's actually a great achievement of mine." "Their approval ra ng now is down as low as just about anybody," the president con nued. The president has long had a conten ous rela onship with media, o en labeling press coverage he does not like as "fake news." Egged on by the president, supporters at Trump's rallies also heckle reporters, some mes chan ng "CNN sucks." Trump also argued at a press conference last week with CNN's Jim Acosta, refusing to answer the reporter's ques ons in an exchange that prompted the administra on to revoke Acosta's press creden als. CNN has since filed a lawsuit against the president and other top White House officials to have those creden als returned. Fi y-five percent of Americans trust na onal news networks, according to a Poynter Media Trust Survey released in August. In regards to na onal newspapers, 59 percent trust them, with 47 percent trus ng online-only organiza ons. Trump also claimed that media approval ra ng is "much lower than your president." The president's approval ra ng is at 43.2 percent, according
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U.S. REACHES TRADE DEAL WITH CANADA AND MEXICO, PROVIDING TRUMP A CRUCIAL WIN President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada had been at odds over trade.
rade ministers from the U.S., Mexico and Canada have reached a deal to revamp the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Trump administra on announced late Sunday night. The new pact, which is being called the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, is a major step toward comple ng one of Trump's signature campaign promises and gives the president a concrete policy win to tout on the campaign trail this fall. It also sets the stage for what is sure to be a highstakes fight to get the agreement passed by Congress before it can become law. The Trump administra on already formally no fied Congress at the end of August of its plans to sign a new pact and faced a deadline of the end of September to provide a dra of the agreement. U.S. Trade Representa ve Robert Lighthizer said in late August that officials are planning to sign with their Canadian and Mexican counterparts by the end of November — a date that would also sa sfy Mexico, which is eager to have current President Enrique Peña Nieto sign the deal before his successor takes over Dec. 1. “It's a great win for the president and a valida on for his strategy in the area of interna onal trade,” a senior administra on official said on a call with reporters late Sunday. People briefed on the outlines of a revamped deal described changes in language governing dairy imports, dispute resolu on between countries, limits on online shopping that can be done tax free, and limits on the U.S. threat of auto tariffs.
“It's a good day for Canada,” Prime Minister Jus n Trudeau said as he le the office late Sunday night. He said he would save other comments for an official announcement. A formal vote in Congress won't be held un l 2019, and it is s ll an open ques on whether lawmakers — including members of the president's own party who have o en clashed with him on trade — will fall in line to support the deal. Republicans are expected to pay close a en on to the final details regarding dispute se lement and intellectual property issues, while Democrats will likely be looking for stricter labor and environmental standards. Lawmakers from both par es, along with powerful business and industry groups, are also examining whether new provisions, such as stricter automo ve rules, may end up making life more difficult for domes c companies rather than easier. A senior administra on official highlighted the “great result” on dairy issues that was achieved. The pact opens up the Canadian dairy market to U.S. exports at a level higher than the 3.25 percent market share the Obama administra on nego ated under the TransPacific Partnership. The official also said that Canada agreed to eliminate a recent milk-ingredient pricing program that U.S. farmers complained had dried up demand for their exports of the product. In exchange, Canada was able to preserve dispute se lement language. Canada has historically insisted on an interna onal panel to judge whether the U.S. improperly uses du es as a commercial weapon. Canada also agreed to an “accommoda on” to its auto exports in response to tariffs Trump is expected to impose on vehicle imports for na onal security reasons, the senior administra on official said. That arrangement will likely involve Canada agreeing to a side deal that would restrict its auto exports to a level well above the current volume of trade that flows south of the border, sources close to the talks said. Lighthizer had hoped to reach an agreement by the end of 2017, a meline that was extended un l the end of March. The three na ons failed to make that deadline but have been mee ng almost con nuously in Washington since as they sought to reach compromises on issues that have been both technically and poli cally challenging for all three countries.
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KHALIFASAT MAKES HISTORY AS THE FIRST SATELLITE BUILT ON UAE SOIL REACHES SPACE UAE’s KhalifaSat successfully lifts off into space o n b o a r d H 2 - A r o c k e t f r o m J a p a n’ s Tanegashima Space Centre.
h e l a u n c h wa s b ro a d ca st l i ve o n t h e Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre's (MBRSC) website and it showed that GoSat-2 was successfully separated from the rocket and reached the orbit at 8.25am. However, the separa on of KhalifaSat and its arrival on its desired orbit des na on happened in 100 minutes from 8.25am, according to the live stream. A team of 70 Emira engineers from MBRSC built KhalifaSat, which will be the third satellite the centre has launched into space. DubaiSat1 was launched in 2009 and DubaiSat2 in 2013. Commercial and communica on satellites by the UAE - YahSat-1,2 and Thuraya 1,2,3 - have also been launched before. KhalifaSat is a top trend on Twi er in the UAE with more than 2,500 tweets in English and over 15,000 Arabic tweets in just within the first hour of the launch. Millions of viewers were expected to tune in to the live stream on MBRSC's website and it seems their website started crashing as server stopped responding for a while during the launch. However, the live stream on their YouTube channel is working smoothly. KhalifaSat is the most advanced Earth observa on satellite a team of Emira engineers have ever developed. In Dubai, some of the engineers will head to the MBRSC's control room several hours prior to the launch to start tracking the progress leading up to the main event. Mohammed Alabbar, the head of the electrical power unit at the MBRSC, is one of the many engineers that worked on KhalifaSat. He will be at MBRSC's control room four hours ahead of the launch. "It will be a stressful night for all of us, but a very exci ng one. We are confident," Alabbar said.
UPCOMING TECHNOLOGIES THAT MAY CHANGE THE WORLD We have seen great leaps in digital technology in past the past five years. Smartphones, cloud compu ng, mul -touch tablets, these are all innova ons that revolu onized the way we live and work. However, believe it or not, we are just ge ng started. Technology will get even be er. In the future, we could live like how people in science fic on movies did. This month we are talking about the upcoming, real-life products that is set to revolu onize the world as we know it. Get ready to control the desktop and slice Ninja fruits with your eyes. Get ready to print your own crea ve physical product. Get ready to dive into the virtual world, and interact with them. Come unfold the future with us.
$2799. It may sound like a high price but to have the luxury of ge ng producing your own prototypes, that's a reaonable price. Imagine a future where every individual professional has the capability to mass produce their own crea ve physical products without limita on. This is the future where personal produc vity and crea vity are maximized.
Google Glass Augmented Reality has already go en into our life in the forms of simulated experiment and educa on app, but Google is taking it several steps higher with Google Glass. Theore cally, with Google Glass, you are able to view social media feeds, text, Google Maps, as well as navigate with GPS and take photos. You will also get the latest updates while you are on the ground. It's truly what we called vision, and it's absolutely possible given the fact that the Google's co-founder, Sergey Brin has demo'ed the glass with skydivers and crea ves. Currently the device is only available to some developers with the price tag of $1500, but expect other tech companies trying it out and building an affordable consumer version.
Form 1 Just as the term suggests, 3D prin ng is the technology that could forge your digital design into a solid real-life product. It's nothing new for the advanced mechanical industry, but a personal 3D printer is definitely a revolu onary idea. Everybody can create their own physical product based on their custom design, and no approval needed from any giant manufacturer! Even the James Bond's Aston Mar n which was crashed in the movie was a 3D printed product! Form 1 is one such personal 3D printer which can be yours at just
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Oculus Ri Virtual Reality gaming is here in the form of Oculus Ri . This history-defining 3D headset lets you mentally feel that you are actually inside a video game. In the Ri 's virtual world, you could turn your head around with ultra-low latency to view the world in high resolu on display. There are premium products in the market that can do the same, but Ri wants you to enjoy the experience at only $300, and the package even comes as a development kit. This is the beginning of the revolu on for next-genera on gaming. The ming is perfect as the world is currently bombarded with the virtual reality topic that could also be a ributed to Sword Art Online, the anime series featuring the characters playing games in an en rely virtual world. While we're ge ng there, it could take a few more years to reach that level of realism. Oculus Ri is our first step.
Leap Mo on Mul -touch desktop is a (miserably) failed product due to the fact that hands could get very red with prolonged use, but Leap Mo on wants to challenge this dark area again with a more advanced idea. It lets you control the desktop with fingers, but without touching the screen.
It's not your typical mo on sensor, as Leap Mo on allows you to scroll the web page, zoom in the map and photos, sign documentss and even play a first person shooter game with only hand and finger movements. The smooth reac on is the most crucial key point here. More importantly, you can own this future with just $70, a price of a premium PS3 game tle! If this device could completely work with Oculus Ri to simulate a real- me gaming experience, gaming is going to get a major make-over.
Smart Things The current problem that most devices have is that they func on as a standalone being, and it require effort for tech compe tors to actually partner with each other and build products that can truly connect with each other. Smart Things is here to make your every device, digital or nondigital, connect together and benefit you. With SmartThings you can get your smoke alarms, humidity, pressure and vibra on sensors to detect changes in your house and alert you through your smartphone! Imagine the possibili es with this.
You could track who's been inside your house, turn on the lights while you're entering a room, shut windows and doors when you leave the house, all with the help of something that only costs $500! Feel like a tech lord in your castle with this marvel.
Firefox OS iOS and Android are great, but they each have their own rules and policies that certainly inhibit the crea ve efforts of developers. Mozilla has since decided to build a new mobile opera ng system from scratch, one that will focus on true openness, freedom and user choice. It's Firefox OS. Firefox OS is built on Gonk, Gecko and Gaia so ware layers – for the rest of us, it means it is built on open source, and it carries web technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3
Eye Tribe Eye tracking has been ac vely discussed by technology enthusiasts throughout these years, but it's really challenging to implement. But Eye Tribe actually did this. They successfully created the technology to allow you to control your tablet, play flight simulator, and even slice fruits in Fruit Ninja only with your eye movements. It's basically taking the common eye-tracking technology and combining it with a front-facing camera plus some serious computer-vision algorithm, and voila, fruit slicing done with the eyes! A live demo was done in LeWeb this year and we may actually be able to see it in in ac on in mobile devices in 2013. Currently the company is s ll seeking partnership to bring this sci-fi tech into the consumer market but you and I know that this product is simply too awesome to fail.
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Developers can create and debut web apps without the blockade of requirements set by app stores, and users could even customize the OS based on their needs. Currently the OS has made its debut on Android-compa ble phones, and the impression so far, is great.
You can use the OS to do essen al tasks you do on iOS or Android: calling friends, browsing web, taking photos, playing games, they are all possible on Firefox OS, set to rock the smartphone market.
Project Fiona Meet the first genera on of the gaming tablet. Razer's Project Fiona is a serious gaming tablet built for hardcore gaming. Once it's out, it will be the fron er for the future tablets, as tech companies might want to build their own tablets, dedicated towards gaming, but for now Fiona is the only possible one that will debut in 2013.
This beast features next genera on Intel® Core i7 processor geared to render all your favorite PC games, all at the palm of your hands. Crowned as the best gaming accessories manufacturer, Razer clearly knows how to build user experience straight into the tablet, and that means 3-axis gyro, magnetometer, accelerometer and full-screen user interface suppor ng mul -touch. My body and soul are ready.
Parallella Parallella is going to change the way that computers are made, and Adapteva offers you chance to join in on this revolu on. Simply put, it's a supercomputer for everyone. Basically, an energy-efficient computer built for processing complex so ware simultaneously and effec vely. Real- me object tracking, holographic heads-up display, speech recogni on will become even stronger and smarter with Parallella
. The project has been successfully funded so far, with an es mated delivery date of February 2013. For a mini supercomputer, the price seems really promising since it's magically $99! It's not recommended for the nonprogrammer and non-Linux user, but the kit is loaded with development so ware to create your personal projects. I never thought the future of compu ng could be kickstarted with just $99, which is made possible using crowdfunding pla orms.
Google Driverless Car I could s ll remember the day I watch the iRobot as a teen, and being skep cal about my brother's statement that one day, the driverless car will become reality. And it's now a reality, made possible by… a search engine company, Google.
While the data source is s ll a secret recipe, the Google driverless car is powered by ar ficial intelligence that u lizes the input from the video cameras inside the car, a sensor on the vehicle's top, and some radar and posi on sensors a ached to different posi ons of the car. Sounds like a lot of effort to mimic the human intelligence in a car, but so far the system has successfully driven 1609 kilometres without human commands! “You can count on one hand the number of years it will take before ordinary people can experience this.” Google co-founder, Sergey Brin said. However, innova on is an achievement, consumeriza on is the headache, as Google currently face the challenge to forge the system into an affordable gem that every worker with an average salary could benefit from.
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EVERYWHERE IN 2019 While minimalism and rose gold appliances were huge for 2018, the new year is bringing in a few different ideas for your kitchen. If you're planning a kitchen renovate or just want to make sure you're staying on top of what's trendy—you need to know what designers are doing for 2019. We spoke with Los Angeles-based interior designer, Natalie Meyers, to get you the details on what's about to become all the rage.
INCORPORATE STONE Get a li le rus c in the new year and consider incorpora ng more stone. According to Meyers, "people are falling in love with the abstract canvases painted by Mother Nature and using natural stone beyond countertops. Designers are con nuing the stone material to waterfall edges and tall backsplashes." Some mes they carry the stone all the way to the ceiling, and you can even fabricate drawer fronts and hood vent covers out of natural stone.
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MIX IN BEADBOARD ACCENTS Considering adding beadboard accents on drawer fronts, hood vent surrounds, or island fronts. They are an "eyecatching way to add subtle texture to a kitchen," Meyers says.
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GO TWOTONED Mixing two different cabinet colors sounds scary, but it looks seriously gorg. "Seeing wood cabinets paired with painted cabinets—uppers or lowers, you take your pick—is very much a thing," Meyers says.
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MATTE BLACK EVERYTHING If you s ll haven't bought that ma e black Kitchen Aid yet, it's me. "Ma e black ďŹ xtures and hardware are growing in popularity," Meyers says. "What was once a minimal and stark choice in all white modern kitchens is now a fun way to subtly add contrast to wood cabinets and more tradi onal Shaker style kitchens."
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air color ideas for brune es are soooo much more nuanced then just light, medium, and dark brown. Whether you're already rocking brown locks and looking to add a bit more dimension, or you've always wondered what brune e life is like, please enjoy some major celebrity hair inspo that you'll surely dye
ANNE HATHAWAY: RICH, WARM DARK BROWN “With her porcelain skin and large eyes, this hair color plays up the rosiness in Anne’s cheeks,” says Hazan. “It really gives her a natural vibe.”
ALEXA CHUNG: ICED TOFFEE BROWN “The super-beige hue of the highlights extend from root to ends,” explains Paul Cucinello, celebrity stylist and founder of Cucinello Studio NYC. “The reason why these ‘traditional’ (i.e.: not ombre) highlights work so well is because they are only about a shade or two lighter than her cool, light brown base.”
GAL GADOT: WARM AND COOL “Gal Gadot has naturally fair skin that is fairly neutral, so this dark shade looks lovely with her complexion,” says Fitzsimons. “She has a range of subtle warm and cool tones in her hair, so it doesn’t wash her out.”
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CONSTANCE WU: HONEY BROWN “The rich, sun-drenched honey color is so flattering on warm skin tones from deep to fair,” explains Cucinello. “Honey softens the intensity of dark brown eyes and gives them more of a glow.”
“Adding another color to a solid brunette always makes it more interesting," says Cucinello, "and in this case, the auburn highlights not only break up the color but they bring out the warmth in her skin tone and make her hazel eyes look incredible.”
RUBY ROSE: DARK AMBER BROWN “What’s not to drool over?” says Cucinello. “The way the color starts out a bit richer at the roots and then bleeds into a rich, warm, golden amber on the ends.” Cucinello adds that this classic “surfer girl crop” is super easy to wear because it’s simple, sexy and very confident.
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KATIE HOLMES: CHOCOLATE BROWN “This is an example of what I consider the perfect brown: it’s super-neutral, which makes it very wearable, not too dark, not too light, not too red, not too ash...just right,” says Cucinello.
Beauty Benets of Apple Cider Vinegar People are literally obsessed with apple cider vinegar. Just open up Instagram—I challenge you to find someone who isn't drinking it for be er diges on or more impressive weight-loss results. Sure, you might smell kind of like salad
dressing, but there actually are some legit benefits to using apple cider vinegar on your skin and hair, according to New York City-based dermatologic surgeon Dendy Engelman, M.D.
Skin Soother Add eight ounces of ACV to a bathtub filled with warm water and soak in it for 15 minutes. “ACV has an inflammatory proper es that help balance the skin,” says Engelman. “It contains alpha hydroxy acids that chemically exfoliate to remove dead skin buildup and reveal healthy new skin cells.” You'll emerge with smoother, so er skin.
Razor Bump Remedy Because apple cider vinegar helps remove dead skin cells, says Engelman, it can help exfoliate away the skin that traps ingrown hairs—clearing up and preven ng razor bumps.
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Facial Toner ACV is a natural acne-fighter, says Engelman. “It's a potent an bacterial, an fungal, and an viral substance capable of keeping bacteria at bay and pimples from forming,” she says. It removes oils and helps balance skin pH, Engelman adds, keeping your skin from becoming too oily or too dry. Apply ACV using a co on ball over clean, dry skin (no need to rinse it off).
Hair Rinse Mix two tablespoons ACV with one cup water, and douse your hair a er washing. “Massage into scalp, and leave on for about 10 minutes before rinsing,” says Engelman. The ace c acid in ACV will remove residue from product buildup and help you get shiny, lustrous locks. Rinse thoroughly, and follow with a light condi oner.
Bruise Healer Soak a co on ball or pad with undiluted ACV, and secure it with a bandage. Leave on for one hour. “Since bruises are caused by pooled blood under the skin as a result of trauma, the an -inflammatory proper es of ACV help to d i s s i p a t e p o o l e d b l o o d ,” s a y s Engelman—which helps speed up healing and reduce bruising.
Dandruff Treatment Mix together a solu on of equal parts ACV and water. Massage into your scalp before shampooing, recommends Engelman. ACV has natural an -fungal proper es to combat and mi gate dandruff, says Engelman. Plus, its acidic proper es balance pH levels and restore the scalp's protec ve acid mantle layer to ward off further fungal growth.
Remove corns & calluses Corns and calluses are caused by uneven pressure on the feet. in vinegar and tape it over the callus or corn overnight. In There are many ways to remove hard skin and get so feet, one the morning, remove the flannel and the skin should be of which is using apple cider vinegar. much easier to treat. To make corns and calluses easy to remove, soak a small flannel
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Minimize Age & Beauty Spots people across the world have been using onion juice and apple cider vinegar on their age spots. This beauty hack is so c h e a p a n d e a sy, w e ' d d e fi n i te l y recommend giving it a go. Mix equal parts and apply it to your skin using a co on wool pad. Do this daily for a few weeks and you should start to see a difference in your skin.
Foot Deodorizer Mix one cup of apple cider vinegar with four cups water in a basin. Soak feet for 15 minutes, then rinse and dry. ACV's an sep c proper es help to deodorize rank odor and disinfect feet, says Engelman. Plus, its an fungal a ributes prevent and combat fungal condi ons like athlete's foot. “You can also make amazing foot deodorizer wipes by pouring one cup ACV over baby wipes or thick single-use paper towels,” she adds. “Soak the wipes overnight in the fridge, then store in a Zip-lock bag to use as needed.” The same foot deodorizing wipes can also work for your pits in a pinch, says Engelman, since its an sep c powers can work well for sweaty armpits.
Bug Bite Treatment
Moisten a co on ball or pad with undiluted ACV, and dab on bug-bi en skin for instant relief. The acids in the vinegar neutralize the itch, while its an -inflammatories ease swelling and its pH-balancing proper es speed healing.
Sunburn Relief Mix together a half cup of ACV and four cups water. Douse a washcloth with the solu on, and apply to sunburned skin to make the most of its an -inflammatory proper es. If large areas of your body are sunburnt (whoops, guess that SPF was expired?), Engelman suggests trying an apple cider vinegar bath. “A er soaking for 10 minutes, the ACV will have helped restore the skin's pH levels and your skin will feel cool and soothed.”
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INGREDIENTS Cookies, crushed Unsalted bu er, melted Heavy cream Powdered sugar Vanilla extract Cream cheese Brown sugar Ground cinnamon Ground nutmeg Ground ginger Ground cloves Salt Canned pumpkin puree, chilled
18 3 tbsp. 1½ cup 2 tbsp. 2 tsp. 1 (8 oz.) ½ cup 1 tsp. ¼ tsp. ¼ tsp. pinch ¼ tsp. 1 (14 oz)
INSTRUCTIONS In a small bowl combine cookie crumbs and melted bu er, mix un l evenly coated. Press into the bo om of 6 jars or glasses. In the bowl of a stand mixer or a large mixing bowl, whip the heavy cream with 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and the powdered sugar un l s ff. In a separate mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese un l fluffy. Add the brown sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves and salt and beat for 2 minutes. Using a spatula, fold in the pumpkin puree, then ¾ of the whipped cream. Scoop into a ziploc bag, cut the corner and pipe over the cookie base. Add the remaining whipped cream to a ziploc bag, cut the corner and pipe on top (I used a p but you don't have to). Garnish with a sprinkle of cinnamon, nutmeg, white chocolate shavings or caramel. Serve immediately or refrigerate for up to 24 hours
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CHICKEN CORDON BLEU INGREDIENTS Chicken broth Bu er melted Large garlic clove Dry breadcrumbs Grated fresh Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese Paprika skinless Boneless chicken breast Salt Dried oregano Freshly ground black pepper Prosciu o Shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
1/4 cup 5 tsp 1 large minced 1/2 cup 1 tbsp 1 tsp 4 (6-ounce) skinless 1/4 tsp 1/4 tsp 1/4 tsp 4 thin slices 1/4 cup
INSTRUCTIONS Preheat oven to 350°. Place broth in a small microwave-safe bowl; microwave at high 15 seconds or un l warm. S r in bu er and garlic. Combine breadcrumbs, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and paprika in a medium shallow bowl; set aside. Place each chicken breast half between 2 sheets of heavy-duty plas c wrap, and pound each to 1/4-inch thickness using a meat mallet or rolling pin. Sprinkle both sides of chicken with salt, oregano, and pepper. Top each breast half with 1 slice of prosciu o and 1 tablespoon mozzarella. Roll up each breast half jelly-roll fashion. Dip each roll in chicken broth mixture; dredge in breadcrumb mixture. Place rolls, seam side down, in an 8-inch square baking dish coated with cooking spray. Pour remaining broth mixture over chicken. Bake at 350° for 28 minutes or un l juices run clear and tops are golden.
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INGREDIENTS Unsalted bu er Yellow onion Carrot Celery Sweet italian sausage Fresh sage chopped Fresh thyme leaf Plain stuffing mix Chicken stock Skin-on turkey breast Mustard Melted bu er Salt black pepper
4 tbsp 1 cup diced 1 cup diced 1 cup diced 1 lb 2 tbsp 1 chopped 10 oz or 1 box ½ cup 3 lb 2 tbsp 1 tbsp to taste to taste
INSTRUCTIONS Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Melt the bu er in a large pan over medium heat. Add the onion, carrots, and celery, and cook for 8-10 minutes, un l the vegetables have so ened. Add the sausage and cook un l browned, about 8-10 minutes, breaking the meat up into smaller pieces. Season with the sage and thyme. Add the stuffing mix and chicken stock. S r un l the bread is no longer dry. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool. Place the turkey breast on a cu ng board, skin-side down. Cover with plas c wrap and pound with a meat mallet to about ½-inch (1 cm) thick. Brush the turkey breast with the Dijon mustard. Spread the stuffing mixture over the turkey breast in an even layer, about ¼-inch (6 mm) thick. Transfer any extra stuffing to an oven-safe dish. Star ng from a short end, roll the turkey into a log with the skin on the outside. Tuck in any loose bits. Use kitchen twine to e the turkey closed crosswise at 1-inch (2-cm) intervals. Tie once lengthwise to seal the ends. Transfer the trussed turkey to a wire rack set over a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Brush with melted bu er and season all sides generously with salt and pepper. Bake the turkey roulade for 45-60 minutes, un l the internal temperature of the turkey reaches 165°F (75˚C). Bake the le over stuffing for 20-30 minutes, un l lightly browned on top. Let rest for 15 minutes, then remove the twine, slice, and serve.
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THE GRINCH Release on November 9, 2018
The movie The Grinch (2018) tells the story of a cynical grump who goes on a mission to steal Christmas, only to have his heart changed by a young girl’s generous holiday spirit. Funny, heartwarming and visually stunning, it’s a universal story about the spirit of Christmas and the indomitable power of optimism. Academy Award nominee Benedict Cumberbatch lends his voice to the infamous Grinch, who lives a solitary life inside a cave on Mt. Crumpet with only his loyal dog, Max, for company. With a cave rigged with inventions and contraptions for his day-to-day needs, the Grinch only sees his neighbors in Who-ville when he runs out of food.
American Deep State Release on November 2, 2018
American Deep State is about American Politics, Grand Conspiracies and Collusion Within The U.S Government and its Spy Agencies during 2016 US elections. For the first time, American people see the possibility that elected governments have to follow rules set by the Washington bureaucratic institutions. While some are worried about Deep State, others are trying to find out more about the clandestine network of government and spy agencies and officials supposedly controlling U.S. policy and narrative behind the scenes.
Robin Hood Release on November 21, 2018
Robin of Loxley (Taron Egerton) a war-hardened Crusader and his Moorish commander (Jamie Foxx) mount an audacious revolt against the corrupt English crown in a thrilling ac on-adventure packed with gri y ba lefield exploits, mind-blowing fight choreography, and a meless romance. Various other incarna ons of the Bri sh criminal appearing on the big screen include: The 1938 version with Errol Flynn in the tle role. A Walt Disney animated version in 1973. The Prince Of Thieves version, released in 1991 and the most successful Robin Hood movie of all me, with Kevin Costner as Robin Hood.
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THE LITTLEST REINDEER Release on November 30, 2018
In the movie Elliot The Li lest Reindeer, a good-hearted miniature horse (voice of Josh Hutcherson) dreams of pulling Santa’s sleigh. He gets the chance to audi on when a reindeer re res, but troubles on his farm force him to choose between saving Christmas or helping his best friends.
CREED 2 Release on November 21, 2018
In the movie Creed 2, life has become a balancing act for Adonis Creed (Micheal B. Jordan). Between personal obliga ons and training for his next big fight, he is up against the challenge of his life. Facing an opponent with es to his family’s past only intensifies his impending ba le in the ring. Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) is there by his side through it all and, together, Rocky and Adonis will confront their shared legacy, ques on what’s worth figh ng for, and discover that nothing’s more important than family. The Creed sequel is about going back to basics to rediscover what made you a champion in the first place, and remembering that, no ma er where you go, you can’t escape your history.
In the movie Ralph Breaks the Internet Wreck-It Ralph 2, six years a er the events of Wreck-It Ralph, the Sugar Rush arcade cabinet has broken, forcing Ralph and Vanellope (now friends) to travel to the Internet via the newlyinstalled Wi-Fi router in Litwak’s Arcade to retrieve the piece capable of saving the game. Wreck It Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the Internet, is the sequel to the 2012 Disney/Pixar film Wreck It Ralph, which took in $189 million at the U.S. box office. Phil Johnston and Rich Moore co-directed the sequel. Rich Moore directed Zootopia for Disney. This is the first feature length film that Phil Johnston has directed.
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November Horoscope Aries
(Mar. 21 – Apr. 19)
(Apr 20-May 20)
(Mar. 21 – Apr. 19)
This is the time every year when your interactions with others intensify, dear ram, as the Scorpio Sun travels in the part of your chart where you merge your energies with others on every level – psychologically, philosophically, intellectually, financially and sexually.
Normally, you abhor confrontation, you peace-loving, and it may seem that your relationships are egging you on – but the truth is that underneath that desire for peace at any price your soul wants greater intimacy and the only way to have greater intimacy is to be willing to dance in the fire.
As the adaptable, versatile and sometimes scattered and flighty air sign of the zodiac, you’ve been wondering what hit you as life has been fraught with power struggles lately, with Pluto, the planet of power, dancing opposite your Sun in Gemini. And you’ve been learning to surrender, haven’t you?
(Jun 21-July 22)
(July 23-Aug 22)
(Aug 23-Sep 22)
You know now, dear Moon child, that you’re just as capable of abandoning you as anyone else. With Saturn retrograding on the 8th, you’ll have one more opportunity to create those internal structures that truly support who you are now.
This is the time to entertain yourself in the privacy of your home and celebrate the miracle of your inner life. It would be good to undertake a project in your home so that you have a physical outlet for the intense, powerful energy of Mars, the planet of desire and action, in Scorpio.
The message of Mercury in fiery Sagittarius is to lighten up on yourself, dear Virgo. Quit being so anal about everything having to be just so. You can miss the miracle of life if you’re so focused on every little detail.
(Sep 23-Oct 22)
(Oct 23-Nov 21)
(Nov 22-Dec 21)
You’re reaping what you’ve sown over the last 12 years as it appears that everyone is your raving fan. And with Venus, your guardian angel planet, in Libra until the 22nd when she flows into powerful Scorpio, people are coming out of the woodwork to support you in making your dreams come true.
Expect things to really heat up after the 11th as you become one with your passion. And when you’re focused on your heart’s desire, there’s no one more focused, determined and relentless than you. Passion is your middle name and Mars in your sign, which only occurs every two years, just doubles the pleasure and doubles the fun.
Wherever you need clarity and direction in your life, ask for answers in your dreams, especially around the New Moon in Scorpio on the 12th, because while the body sleeps the soul never does. And with Jupiter, your guardian angel planet now in Libra, the sign of teamwork and cooperation..
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19) As the Lord of Karma backtracks in your partnership house, take a long hard look at the quality of your relationships, both personal and business and if they are pulling their weight. This is a great time to set boundaries and ask for what you want. And be prepared that your partners will be letting you know, in no uncertain terms, what they need from you.
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(Jan 20-Feb 18)
(Feb 19-Mar 20)
It’s time for magic in your career this month as the Scorpio planets travel in your 10th house. You feel a powerful sense of mission, especially when Mars cycles into Scorpio on the 11th and the New Moon in Scorpio occurs on the 12th. You are the humanitarian of the zodiac and it’s time to express your uniqueness, originality and inventiveness in your job.
The dazzling planet Uranus puts you at the center of divine change which may also feel like your own personal revolution so that you can discover the real you. Reinvent yourself and revise your personal life itinerary. More than ever before, you need to be you and do what you want to do in your own unique way.