Modern Living Magazine Aug 2021

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U.S. Universities Engage Thousands of Pakistani Students Tips to Raise Your Kids Mentally Strong

6 Latest Interior Design Ideas



Look into biggest interior trends to reinvent and refresh your home sweet home.



15 Foods that Boost Immune System Evs of the Year 2021 Different Electric Vehicles tested to determine the rst EV of the Year, but which of them would you drive?

Feeding your body with certain foods may help keep your immune system strong. Plan your meals to include these 15 powerful immune system boosters.



Creamy Chicken Soup Teriyaki Salmon Classic Chocolate Mousse


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This month we have brought you latest interior design ideas so you could look into biggest interior trends to reinvent and refresh your home. Tips to rise your kids mentally strong and stable as Mental strength doesn't mean that your children should never cry or should be constantly over exer ng themselves. Electric Vehicle’s of 2021 and different Electric Vehicles tested to determine the first EV of the Year, but which of them would you drive? The food that boost the immune system as we all know that how important it is to have strong immune system, feeding your body with certain foods may help keep your immune system strong. Plan your meals to include these 15 powerful immune system boosters. In our beauty and care sec on we will unveil the truth about chemical peeling, its types and benefit and how its proper use can enhance the beauty and life of skin. Latest hairstyle ideas for menand women in the year of 2021 for a new and fresh hot look will leave you astonished.

Is Chemical Peeling Worth It?

Happy Readings

The Truth About Chemical Peels, Their Types and Benets



Men Hairstyles to Look Classy Hottest Hairs Trends for 2021

Engr. M. Waqas ur Rehman Editor in Chief Modern Living Magazine SENIOR EDITOR BEENISH BHATTI



FOR ADVERTISING CONTACT US: 0305 5592950 Published by Muhammad Awais appearing monthly, Office # 09 ,Mazennine Floor United Plaza Blue Area , Islamabad. Printed by Rohani Art Press, 35-E, Chughtai Plaza, Fazal-e-Haq Road, Blue Area, Islamabad The contents of this Magazine may not be reprinted or can not be reused without permission.


Modern Living Magazine


Tips to Raise Your Kids Mentally Strong and Stable


“Mental strength doesn't mean that your children should never cry or should be constantly overexerting themselves”.

There are many paren ng strategies, discipline techniques, and teaching tools that help kids build mental muscle. Tailor your approach to meet the specific needs of your child.


Modern Living Magazine

entally strong kids are prepared for the challenges of the world. To be clear, mental strength isn't about ac ng tough or suppressing emo ons. It's also not about being unkind or ac ng defiant. Instead, mentally strong kids are resilient and they have the courage and confidence to reach their full poten al. As a parent, there are things you can do to help ins ll mental strength in your kids. Specially when children reach the age of 7 or 8, parents will need to be er educate themselves on what their kids will face in today’s society and how they can helpfully guide them.

Ÿ Help them learn to control their

emotions so their emotions don’t control them Ÿ Show them how to take positive

action Ÿ Teach them to replace

negative thoughts with more realistic thoughts Ÿ Cheer them on and

reward them for being brave and tell them that they're a capable kid who can handle stepping outside their comfort zone

by Engr.M Waqas ur Rehman

Talk about feelings Studies show most of the kids were academically prepared for college or school, but not emo onally prepared. Parents should invested more me in teaching them how to deal with uncomfortable feelings,

like disappointment, anxiety, and loneliness. Aside from saying "angry" or "excited," most parents rarely men on feelings. Give respect to their feelings — no ma er how drama c they seem —

Teach Mental Toughness Look for opportuni es to empower your kids to be mentally strong. By working with them in different situa ons you can impart the mental toughness they need to deal with uncomfortable emo ons and handle challenging situa ons. Even though it's tough to watch a child mess up, smart parents turn mistakes into learning opportuni es. Mistakes—and the natural consequences that come from them

— can be life's greatest teacher. Assure your kid that it's okay to fail. Point out ways YOU have failed. Discipline should be about teaching your kids to do be er next me, not m a k i n g t h e m s u ffe r fo r t h e i r mistakes. These skills will help your child learn to behave produc vely, even when they're faced with tempta on, tough circumstances, and difficult setbacks.

Don't calm your child down when they're angry or cheer them up every time they're sad. Instead, teach them how to deal with uncomfortable emotions on their own, so they don't grow to depend on you to regulate their moods. Kids who understand their feelings and know how to deal with them are be er prepared to deal with challenges. Teach your child that mistakes are part of the learning process so they don't feel ashamed or embarrassed about ge ng something wrong. Allow for natural consequences when it's safe to do so and talk about how to avoid repea ng the same mistake next me.

everyday conversa ons. Acknowledge how you're feeling and help your children iden fy how they're feeling. Talk about how those emo ons affect your decisions and proac vely teach them how to manage those emo ons in a healthy way.


are real. Smart parents teach kids that their feelings are OK and it's what they do with those feelings that ma ers. They say things like, “It's OK to feel angry but it's not OK to hit your brother.” Incorporate feeling words into your

Modern Living Magazine

Don’t say things like, "Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal,” A healthier message is to say, "I know you feel scared right now, but I also know you're strong enough to face your fears."

Overindulging your child You might think it's cute to spend exorbitant amounts of money on your child. Or maybe it makes you feel good that you can give your child all of the things you never had growing up. But there's a lot of research that shows just how unhealthy overindulgence is for kids.

If they always get everything they want, they miss out on learning valuable life skills — like selfdiscipline. They'll also be more likely to grow up to be materialis c, which is associated with decreased levels of happiness in adulthood.


Modern Living Magazine

Set limits on what you give your child. Let them know what it's like to experience disappointment, and teach them how to work for things they want to have.

Teach your child how to think realistically When your child expresses self-doubt, excessive selfblame, catastrophic predic ons, or exaggeratedly nega ve thoughts, teach him how to think differently. Show him how to recognize unhelpful thoughts and reframe them in a more realis c way (changing BLUE thoughts to true thoughts is a helpful exercise). Explain that your thoughts aren't always true and that

Children who understand their values are more likely to make healthy choices—even when others may disagree with their actions. some mes it's important to prove your brain wrong. Share how you think some mes too, and show your child that you don't always listen to your brain. Say something like, "I keep thinking I'm going to mess up when I give that presenta on at work. Then, I remind myself that I am prepared and if I work hard, I can do a good job.” One strategy to help your child manage anxiety is learning to replace “anxious” or “worried” thinking with realis c thinking. This involves helping your child learn to see things in a clear and fair way without being overly nega ve. These strategies are aimed at older children or teens because some of these ideas may be more difficult for younger children to understand. However, remember that learning to think realis cally can be difficult at any age, so give your child some me to learn and prac ce.


EVs OF THE Year 2021


ast-charging networks exist, and the world's largest automakers are finally building electric vehicles that you might want to buy not out of guilt or a sense of moral obliga on, but because they're truly desirable. The me has come: Electric vehicles are primed to go mainstream. To make sense of this transi on period, experts rounded up all the EVs so they could get their hands on and put them through instrumented tes ng, subjec ve evalua on, and side-by-side comparisons. They measured real-world

range with 75-mph highway test and plugged in to DC fast-chargers to see how quickly today's EVs can refuel. Experts staged a 1000-mile rally to find out how those two factors would come together on a road trip. Closer to home, they drove back roads and city streets and poked touch screens and dash covers. Then they picked their winner based on the same criteria they use to decide. EV of the Year is an excellent value, fun to drive, and be er at fulfilling its purpose than any other vehicle in its class. To those guiding principles, they added a fourth factor: At


Modern Living Magazine

Different Electric Vehicles tested to determine the rst EV of the Year, but which of them would you drive? this cri cal moment, their EV of the Year should advance the state of the art. That could mean raising the bar on driving range, lowering the price of entry in a segment, or delivering more driver engagement than the compe on. A er tes ng vehicles over three weeks, experts can confirm that automakers are pushing into new territory. In terms of both prac cality and entertainment value, today's best EVs are capable of serving as your only vehicle if you do a li le planning. And one EV is more qualified than all the others.

The People's Other Car: Volkswagen ID.4 Aimed at the heartland, the Volkswagen ID.4 could use a little more heart


SPECIFICATIONS Base/As Tested: $41,190/$45,190 Motor: permanent-magnet synchronous AC, 201 hp, 229 lb-ft Battery Pack: liquid-cooled lithium-ion, 77.0 kWh Onboard Charger: 11.0 kW Transmission: direct-drive Curb Weight: 4700 lb EPA FUEL ECONOMY • Comb: 97 MPGe C/D TEST RESULTS • Range: 250 mi 60 mph: 7.6 sec 1/4-Mile: 16.0 sec @ 86 mph Results above omit 1-ft rollout of 0.3 sec. Top Speed (gov ltd): 101 mph Braking, 70–0 mph: 168 ft Roadholding, 300-ft Skidpad: 0.85 g

olkswagen could have gone full GTI with its ba erypowered ID.4. Instead, it went for mass-market appeal, building a comfortable EV with a 250-mile EPA range and a fair price. Aimed at compact-crossover buyers who want to take the leap to electric, the ID.4 has the size and shape, if not quite the height, of top-selling gas-powered utes such as the Honda CR-V and Toyota RAV4. Look past the slow-for-an-EV accelera on offered by the ID.4's 201-hp motor and you find a good small SUV with prac cality, a smooth ride, and a quiet demeanor. nside, the ID.4 has a familial resemblance to other Volkswagens, but it's sprinkled with enough ultramodern touches to feel special, if a li le annoying. Seriously, VW, you couldn't give the driver dedicated switches for the rear windows? Like the three-row Atlas and the big, sensible Passat, the ID.4 smacks of a German brand trying to sa sfy what it thinks are American tastes. If this leaves you a bit cold, help is on the way. A more powerful ID.4 with a second motor and all-wheel drive is coming soon.

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test: Tesla Model 3 Performance E i t h e r t h e Te s l a M o d e l 3 Performance will get you hyped about EVs or nothing will.

The Model 3 costs less than other high-powered sports sedans such as the BMW M3 and Mercedes-AMG C63 triggers an endorphin rush, but road noise and the electric motors' subdued whir leave your ears wan ng. The EPA es mates the 3 Performance will travel up to 310 miles on a charge. In the 75-mph real-world test, however, Teslas tend to miss their window-s cker numbers by larger margins than most EVs. At an as-tested $66,190, the Model 3 costs less than other high-powered sports sedans such as the BMW M3 and Mercedes-AMG C63. But those gas burners offer a more emo onal, if less quick, experience.


Modern Living Magazine


f Tesla has proved anything, it's that electric cars don't have to be boring. The Model 3 Performance has the power, res, and brakes of a proper sports sedan, and it can set your pulse racing as fast as any gas-powered four-door. Not a believer? Floor it from a stop. Now try a few 30-to-50-mph pulls. This is a car that flirts with 1.00 g both on the skidpad, with a 0.96-g effort, and in its accelera on, where it punches the gut like Tyson in the '80s. It blasts to 60 mph in 3.1 seconds, with an instant response and all-wheel-drive trac on that give it an off-the-line advantage over the 760-hp Ford Mustang Shelby GT500. The Model 3's small-diameter steering wheel is direct and precise, crea ng a sense of lightness that's unusual among EVs. Hustling the 3 Performance down a ribbon of asphalt

SPECIFICATIONS Base/As Tested: $58,190/$66,190 Front Motor: induction AC, 176 hp Rear Motor: permanent-magnet synchronous AC, 255 hp Battery Pack: liquid-cooled lithium-ion, 81.0 kWh (C/D est) Onboard Charger: 11.5 kW Transmissions: direct-drive Curb Weight: 4072 lb EPA FUEL ECONOMY C/D TEST RESULTS • Comb: 116 MPGe 60 mph: 3.1 sec • Range: 310 mi 1/4-Mile: 11.6 sec @ 115 mph Results above omit 1-ft rollout of 0.3 sec. Top Speed (mfr's claim): 162 mph Braking, 70–0 mph: 147 ft Roadholding, 300-ft Skidpad: 0.96 g

The OG EV: Nissan Leaf Plus The Nissan Leaf Plus falls to the competition.


SPECIFICATIONS Base/As Tested: $39,220/$45,705 Motor: permanent-magnet synchronous AC, 214 hp, 250 lb-ft Battery Pack: liquid-cooled lithium-ion, 59.0 kWh (C/D est) Onboard Charger: 6.6 kW Transmission: direct-drive Curb Weight: 3933 lb

C/D TEST RESULTS 60 mph: 6.7 sec 1/4-Mile: 15.4 sec @ 91 mph Results above omit 1-ft rollout of 0.3 sec. Top Speed (gov ltd): 101 mph Braking, 70–0 mph: 184 ft Roadholding, 300-ft Skidpad: 0.78 g EPA FUEL ECONOMY • Comb: 104 MPGe • Range: 215 mi

decade ago, the Nissan Leaf emerged as the first affordable EV of the modern era. Intense compe on has since rendered it more of a relic than a trailblazer. Even a major 2017 redesign that brought more horsepower and range with larger ba ery packs didn't help. With a 215-mile EPA range, the most powerful Leaf falls short of the Chevrolet Bolt, Kia Niro EV, Tesla Model 3, and Volkswagen ID.4, all of which have CCS fast-charging ports. Plugs for the Leaf's CHAdeMO connec on are harder to find in the wild. The system also struggles to restore electrons at the adver sed rate.

The Sleeper: Kia Niro EV More capable than it appears, the Kia Niro EV is too often overlooked.


Modern Living Magazine


SPECIFICATIONS Base/As Tested: $40,265/$47,145 Motor: permanent-magnet synchronous AC, 201 hp, 291 lb-ft Battery Pack: liquidcooled lithium-ion, 64.0 kWh Onboard Charger: 7.2 kW Transmission: direct-drive Curb Weight: 3915 lb C/D TEST RESULTS 60 mph: 6.2 sec

1/4-Mile: 14.9 sec @ 94 mph Results above omit 1-ft rollout of 0.3 sec. Top Speed (gov ltd): 107 mph Braking, 70–0 mph: 176 ft Roadholding, 300-ft Skidpad: 0.88 g EPA FUEL ECONOMY • Comb: 112 MPGe • Range: 239 mi

he Kia Niro EV reinforces some nega ve stereotypes about electric cars. At a glance, its dorky looks make it barely more appealing than a golf cart, and its economy-grade cabin materials don't live up to the price (our loaded EX Premium test car s ckered for $47,145). But unlike in the bad old days of EVs, we have a car whose merits lie in its powertrain, with the Niro sha ering preconceived no ons about small EVs being slow and having limited range. A 201-hp electric motor gets the li le box to 60 mph in a swi 6.2 seconds, and there's enough torque to spin the res. Plus, the car's 64.0-kWh ba ery pack and impressive efficiency allowed it to go 210 miles in our 75-mph highway test, bea ng the range of several more expensive Evs. What the interior lacks in luxury is made up for in prac cality; the infotainment system is easy to use, and the back seat and cargo area are spacious. With the right incen ves or a price closer to the base EX's $40,265, this Kia would be a prime choice in the affordable-EV world.

Transcending Electrons: Porsche Taycan 4S T h e P o r s c h e Ta y c a n 4 S Performance Battery Plus isn't a typical electric vehicle.


umbers don't tell the full story of the Taycan 4S, the midrange model of Porsche's EV. The 3.4-second me to 60 mph from its 562-hp dual-motor, all-wheel-drive setup is quick but hardly stands out next to the 2.4-second run from the 750-hp Taycan Turbo S. Its unique twospeed transmission, it pulled off the impressive feat of nearly matching that number in the real world, covering 220 miles while cruising at 75 mph. Between its talka ve, perfectly weighted helm and the way its controls cocoon the excellent driving posi on, the Taycan's essence revolves around its pilot, bringing a rich sense of overthe-road in macy. Though not insanely rapid, the Taycan 4S is invigora ng and maintains a few welcome es to conven onal sports sedans. The twospeed automa c on the rear axle provides a sa sfying upshi . The bulk

o f t h e ca r ' s re ge n e ra ve braking is ac vated via the brake pedal, rather than from just le ng off the accelerator, which means you exercise the le pedal as you would in an internal-combus on vehicle. Porsche charges handsomely for the 4S's op onal rear-axle steering, ac ve an -roll bars, and carbon-ceramic brakes, but the resul ng sports-car-like grip (1.03 g's) and braking ability (147 feet from 70 mph) are as impressive as the car's unflappable composure and comfortable ride. Beyond the badge on its nose, this is what makes it a Porsche.

SPECIFICATIONS Base/As Tested: $111,730/$143,690 Front Motor: permanent-magnet synchronous AC Rear Motor: permanent-magnet synchronous AC Combined Power: 562 hp Combined Torque: 479 lb-ft Battery Pack: liquid-cooled lithium-ion, 83.7 kWh Onboard Charger: 11.0 kW Transmissions, F/R: direct-drive/2-speed automatic Curb Weight: 5128 lb

EPA FUEL ECONOMY • Comb: 77 MPGe • Range: 227 mi

C/D TEST RESULTS 60 mph: 3.4 sec 1/4-Mile: 11.7 sec @ 120 mph Results above omit 1-ft rollout of 0.2 sec. Top Speed (gov ltd): 155 mph Braking, 70–0 mph: 147 ft Roadholding, 300-ft Skidpad: 1.03 g


6 Latest Interior Design Ideas


Modern Living Magazine

Look into biggest interior trends to reinvent and refresh your home sweet home.

Combine Stripes and Checks Everyone's two favorite pa erns combine for this fun new trend that mixes the classic check and stripe with new-season colors. Mix and match pa erns in different scales to create the right balance. In this bedroom the delicately pa erned cushions and eiderdown so en the effect of the stripes and checks on the wall and bed.

Slide into Sculptural Furniture Carefully curated displays of shapely figures and organic forms take centre stage crea ng quiet drama in neutral spaces. As the striking furnishings and ligh ng in this living room show, sculptural can be beau ful and useful. For those with a love of ceramics, group pieces together behind glass or on a humble window shelf. Curved and shapely furniture and vessels draw the eye, invi ng your gaze to dance across the space.

Be Bold with a Primary Palette We love this considered trend which gives interiors an ar s c edge by using three primary colors against a muted pale e. Here, a statement lamp with big personality is the perfect way to bring color into an exis ng space. And vibrant colors help all pieces to stand out.


Consider the Rus c Vogue interior design style, also known as Modern Rus c. It is similar to Co agecore in that it incorporates natural materials, like wood, ra an, clay, and stone. It differs because it has more modern elements and neutral colors.

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Rustic Vogue – A Sophisticated Take on Cottagecore

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Color in with Yellow & Gray This year, Pantone took the unusual step of naming two colors as their shades of the year: Illumina ng, a zingy yellow, and Ul mate Yellow, a pale gray. 'The selec on of two independent colors highlight how different elements come together to express a message of strength and hopefulness that is both enduring and upli ing, conveying the idea that it’s not about one color or one person, it’s about more than one.

Modern Living Magazine 21

Pay Homepage to Nature with Houseplants Indoor plants fell out of fashion briefly in the 1990s, but we’re happy to report that they’re back – not only are they beau ful, bringing vibrancy and color to our homes, but they also freshen the air, filtering out pollutants and releasing oxygen.


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Modern Living Magazine




aybe you've heard more and more people talking about the benefits of chemical peels. At the same me, there are also plenty of people that complain about this procedure. Either because it hasn't offered them the expected results, or because it has caused them some sort of skin damage. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Chemical peels are o en deemed a good alterna ve to surgery when it comes to an ageing procedures, but as with any kind of facial treatment there are always risks. Meaning the chemical peel can be a great treatment if done correctly. However, it can also have its risks, which you should be aware o f b e fo r e a e m p n g t h i s procedure. Here we explore what is chemical peeling? And

The Truth About Chemical Peels, Their Types and Benets

the different types of chemical peels to help you decide if it's the right choice for you. In the simplest way, chemical peels are peeling of the face using chemical solu ons. These solu ons are different acids that irritate the skin in a controlled way. This irrita on causes the skin to switch to a “repair and renew mode”. The skin starts to peel, resurfacing a healthier layer. This resurfacing is what makes a chemical peel ideal treatment. Generally, people get chemical peels for their face, but you can also get them

for your neck or hands. People who feel their skin is ge ng old, or people who suffer from skin damage can get a chemical peel to get rid of acne or acne scars, to eliminate dark spots, to smooth some of your wrinkles and fine lines, to get rid of freckles, to even out your skin tone, eliminate patches of rough skin or scars, and repair some of the sun damage, even you can also whiten your skin with this procedure. Generally, fair-skinned and lightExfoliation is an essential part of haired pa ents are be er a good skin care routine because candidates for chemical peels. If it effectively sloughs off dead you have darker skin, you may skin cells, debris and bacteria a l s o h a v e g o o d r e s u l t s , depending upon the type of from the skin's surface. problem being treated. But you A buildup of debris on the skin also may be more likely to have can clog pores and lead to a dull an uneven skin tone a er the procedure. complexion.

Types Of Chemical Peels Basically, there are 3 different types of chemical peels; according to their complexity and how effec ve they are going to be, light peel or superficial peel, medium peel, and deep peel. The deeper the peel, the deeper the penetra on of the skin. The price and down me increase accordingly as you move from light to deep peels.

Below are the most common types of superficial peels. Also, the acids in this category are the ones used in skincare products. But with significantly lower concentra ons, of course.

Glycolic Acid Peel Glycolic acid peel is the most common chemical peel. It's the gold standard as it's one of the best-performing chemical exfoliants. Commonly known as AHAs. AHA exfoliates the outer layer of the skin. Glycolic acid peels treat pigmenta on, fade dark spots, clarify the skin, brighten up the texture, so en fine lines and wrinkles and reveal younger-looking skin. Even though glycolic acid peels are ideal for all skin types, they can be irrita ng for dry and sensi ve skin. It's mostly suitable for normal and combina on skin.

Lac c Acid Peel It's another effec ve exfoliant like glycolic acid. This makes it less penetra ng but less irrita ng as well. That's why it's the ideal peel for sensi ve skin types. Lac c acid peel is the gentle exfolia on of the outer layer of the skin. Similar to glycolic acid, it improves complexion by clarifying the skin, evening out the skin tone, shrinking enlarged pores, resurfaces the skin, improves wrinkles, super helpful in revitalizing dull and red skin. Lac c acid peels are ideal for dry and sensi ve skin types as Apart from the an -aging proper es, salicylic acid has an lac c acid is the most gentle acid and isn't aggressive like inflammatory proper es, treat mild acne,congested the other ones. It also has hydra ng effects on the skin. skin,exfoliates the outermost layer of the skin, cleans the debris clogging the pores, removes acne-causing bacteria. Salicylic Acid Peel

It balances out oil produc on, improves enlarged pores, Salicylic acid belongs to beta-hydroxy acids family, and prevents breakouts. Salicylic acid peel is ideal for oily commonly known as BHAs salicylic acid peel works best for and acne-prone skin and can be combined with other acids oily skin. as well.


Light peels are the most gentle form of chemical peels also known as superficial peel. You can get one in a dermatologist's office and it takes about half an hour. It eliminates only the first skin layer, so it is not at all complicated or dangerous in any way. However, at the same me, you shouldn't expect extraordinary results. Usually, this type of peel is used for slight skin discolora on or on areas where the skin is a bit rougher. You can also use it to make your face, neck, or hands look younger and more refreshed. Remember that its effect does not last for so long. So you will have to repeat the procedure every two to five weeks to make sure the effects are long-las ng.

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1.Light Peels

3.Deep Peels If you have deeper facial wrinkles, skin that's damaged by the sun, scars, areas that appear blotchy or even precancerous growths, deep facial chemical peels might be the right choice for you. Your provider will carefully determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment. Deep peels give dras c results but the recovery me is too in mida ng and can be painful. Pa ents typically can return to work and some of your normal ac vi es two weeks a er treatment. Deep chemical facial peels will result in peeling, crus ng, skin redness and discomfort for several days to weeks. Your doctor will provide painkillers to keep you comfortable. Compared to light and medium op ons, deep chemical peels have more long-las ng and drama c results that can last up to 10 years.

2.Medium Peels Modern Living Magazine

A medium peel is more aggressive than a light peel. You usually don't get these during your lunch break. The recovery can take up to 10 days, but irrita on and redness may linger for several months. The most common medium-depth peel is TCA peel. The results of a medium peel can last for 2 to 4 months at a me right from the start and can last 6 months or a li le more a er repeated treatments. You will no ce a visible improvement in your skin a er one peel, but best results are obtained with mul ple treatments over me.

TCA Peel


TCA refers to trichloroace c acid. Depending on the strength and the concentra on of the acid used, TCA can also be classified as a deep peel. TCA, as a medium peel, targets the outermost layer of the skin as well as the upper part of the middle layer.

This causes more irrita on but gives equally drama c results temporarily. It's a great an -aging treatment because the peel promotes collagen growth and skin renewal on a much deeper level. A er your TCA peel, avoid usiung vitamin C serums and moisturizers, re noids and at-home exfolia ng products un l the skin has fully healed as they can damage your fragile skin. A TCA peel reduces the appearance of fine lines, hyper pigmenta on, freckles, age spots, dark patches, melasma, acne scars, sun damage, increasing skin elas city and hydra on, improves skin texture. All skin types are able to tolerate TCA chemical peels, although not necessarily at high concentra ons. Cau on must be taken for those with very light and dark skin to mi gate the risk of permanent skin discolora on or other unwanted side effects. A TCA peel does not require a neutralizing solu on. Very light and darker skin tones have a higher risk of post peel hyper pigmenta on and skin discolora on.

Phenol Peel A phenol peel is the strongest type of chemical peel. This procedure requires a cer fied physician and can only be done once in a life me. They're not common procedures as the recovery me can take up to several months. This means that there's a greater risk of infec on and other complica ons. Among all types of chemical peels, phenol peel gives the most drama c results. The acid used in this peel penetrates deeper layers of the skin and treats advanced signs of aging, very deep-set wrinkles, loose skin, severe sun damage, and pigmenta on. It's more common among people aged 50+. Some deep peels even require seda on.



Men Hairstyles to Look Classy

re you currently interested in finding a stylish men’s necklace or trendy men’s hair cut to update your look? Then you are in the ideal spot, within this guide we’ll assist you in finding a brand new hair style to try out.

Whether you are in a mee ng with your team or giving a sales page, people at work are currently inspec ng the best way to look and present . And the conserva ve business exude a degree of self confidence and elegance your supervisor and CEO will recognize.

Taper Haircut


Modern Living Magazine

The classic taper haircut is a lowmaintenance, high-performance style that’s classic and meless. It’s easy to get, and you can modify it to your personal style. It’s one of those styles for men that simply can’t go wrong. It works well with all face shapes and hair types, and it strikes the balance between casual and professional. The classic taper haircut is a flexible style, Shorter hair will give a more professional, classic appearance, while longer hair will give a more contemporary appearance and will almost look like a quiff in some regards. Layered Quiff

Broken Quiff with Brush Back

This slicked-back quiff uses a classic taper to finish off the sides. The high top and close sides provide a unique, contras ng look that plays on your face shape for a totally new appearance.

It works perfectly with the facial hair, and the swirly part at the top is a much-welcomed addi on.

Layered Push Back with Temple Fade The hair is a li le longer than you’d see in a military hairstyle, the diness gives that same high-value impression.

Classic Taper and Styled Brush Up

The Regulation Cut

A brush up this length definitely needs some product to hold up, so whilst you’re at it experiment with different textures. Here we can see they’ve gone with the finger comb but you could use a brush or a comb to achieve the volume all the same.

What happens when you take a meless staple and update it? In this case, you get a longer take on the regula on cut that allows the hair to flow while s ll having the defini on.

Close Cut Try this close cut on for size. It’s subtle from a distance but becomes more no ceable at a closer look.

Slicked Back Taper

Side-Comb and Classic Taper Pre y standard to pair a good business scissor crop with the elegance of a tapered neckline and sideburns.

Textured Wavy Crop with Classic Taper Having wavy hair pre y much gives you a VIP class to texture and boy does this crop do an awesome job at taking advantage of it! As always consider what kind of hair pa ern you have when choosing a haircut.

Classic Taper and Pompadour An o t h er h igh vo lu m e st yle, t h is contemporary pompadour features clean and defined sides that contrast with the tall ma e pompadour on top.

Side Comb with Undercut Remember to apply some product to keep your look together; even though this hairstyle is pre y short the top could s ll use the support.

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Short but sweet. The trimmed, close-cut Ivy League will fit in at school or work while remaining casual for a er-hours relaxing.

This slicked back taper style is dapper yet conserva ve, toeing the line but keeping the balance. A high contrast cut that doesn’t impose, this style is a great choice for any business se ng.


Elegant Ivy League

Hottest Hairs Trends for 2021


ou may know why you want to change your hairstyle, but sometimes you need some more inspiration before making the final decision. Here are a few of the most popular hairstyles for women right now and some fun ideas on how to style them. If you've

been wanting to make a chop, there are , blunt fringe, and retro styles just waiting to be shorn. We're talking modern updates on vintage bobs, bangs, and long cuts, too. Here are the trendy haircuts and style you'll be seeing everywhere this year.

Wild & Short Shag


Modern Living Magazine

Nothing fla ers a head full of curls like a classic shag. It's definitely the cool girl cut of the bunch.

Texture Layers You can add so much more texture to naturally fine hair using layers, layers, and more layers—focusing midway down the hair to the ends ensures you don't lose too much volume.

Blunt Collarbone Cut A lob that hits right at your collarbone is the most fla ering length.

Choppy Layers

Curtain Bangs

Give your haircut an edgy dose of cool with choppy layers and bangs. It makes a plain lob look so last year.

Perhaps our favorite trend that's been gaining steam, curtain bangs looks super stylish and a li le bit retro all at the same me.

Layered & Long Cut You thought you'd seen the last of this early-to-mid 2000s cut, hm? When everyone else is going short, why not go long?

Cropped Bangs


Modern Living Magazine

Baby bangs are here to stay. It's the perfect accessory to a loud long cut of curls.

A Line Bob This low-maintenance cut is slightly longer in the front than the back, which elongates and fla ers oval and round face shapes to no end.

Blunt Ends If you don't want to go too far above your shoulders, consider ge ng a bluntended lob instead. Best of all, this length fla ers all face shapes and hair types.

Crimped Waves It looks like the 80's is back! Crimped hair is the trend of this season and has brought out styles that we have never seen before.

Modern Living Magazine


Creamy Chicken Soup


Ingredients: Chicken broth Cheddar cheese, shredded Tomatoes, diced Bell pepper, minced Yellow onion, minced Garlic, minced Chicken Heavy whipping cream Salt Ground black pepper

4 cups chicken brot 1 1/2 cups 3 1 large 1/2 large 1 tsp 1 cup 2 cups 1 tsp 1/2 tsp

Directions: Add the chicken broth, cheese, tomatoes, bell pepper, onion, garlic, and chicken to the slow cooker, stirring it all together. Stir the heavy whipping cream into your soup mixture. Next, add and stir in the salt and pepper. Place the lid on your slow cooker, and cook the soup on high for about 4 hours, or on low for about 6 to 8 hours. Serve with all your favorite Tex Mex goodies, like sour cream, guacamole or avocado, more shredded cheese, fresh tomatoes, green onions, etc.

1/4 cup 3 Tbsp 3 Tbsp 3 Tbsp 1 Tbsp 1 Tbsp 1/3 cup 3 medium 2 tsp

Directions: Grease a large rimmed baking sheet (cover with foil and then grease for easier clean-up). Preheat oven to 400˚F. Combine sauce ingredients and stir until brown sugar is dissolved. Place individual salmon slices in a mixing bowl. Pour the sauce over the salmon, cover with plastic wrap and let marinate 20 minutes (at room temp or refrigerated). Transfer salmon to prepared baking sheet (keep the marinade). Bake at 400 for 12-16 min or until salmon is flaky and cooked through, bake times may vary by thickness of salmon. While salmon is baking, transfer remaining marinade to a small sauce pan and bring to a boil then reduce heat to a simmer and cook, stirring occasionally until slightly thickened (3-4 min) then remove from heat. Once salmon is out of the oven, brush with teriyaki syrup, then

sprinkle with chopped green onion and sesame seeds as desired.

Modern Living Magazine

Ingredients: For the Teriyaki Sauce Teriyaki sauce Hoisin sauce Soy sauce White vinegar Sesame oil Light brown sugar Garlic cloves minced Freshly grated ginger


Teriyaki Salmon

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Classic Chocolate Mousse Ingredients: For the Chocolate Mousse: Large eggs Bittersweet chocolate Unsalted butter cubed Utrongly brewed coffee Granulated sugar Vanilla extract For the Toppings: Heavy whipping cream Granulated sugar Vanilla extract Chocolate shavings Raspberries

For the Chocolate Mousse: 4 6 oz broken up 6 oz 1/4 cup 1/2 cup + 1 Tbsp 1 tsp For the Toppings: 1 cup 1 Tbsp 1/2 tsp 1 Tbsp 16

Directions: How to Make Chocolate Mousse: In a medium heat-proof mixing bowl, combine 6 oz chopped chocolate, 6 oz butter, 1/4 cup coffee. Heat a medium saucepan with 2-inches of water to a boil. Place your bowl with chocolate over a saucepan of simmering water so the bowl over the steam and not touching the water. Stir until chocolate is melted and smooth. Remove from heat and set aside. Separate eggs and put 4 yolks in a large heat-proof mixing bowl with 1/2 cup sugar and 1 tsp vanilla extract. Whisk to combine. Place bowl over the saucepan of boiling water, and whisk until thickened, hot to the touch and lightened in color (about 4 minutes). Remove from heat. Use a spatula to stir chocolate mixture into the egg mixture, mixing until blended. Place 4 whites in a third medium bowl. Beat until foamy. Gradually add 1 Tbsp sugar and continue beating until medium peaks form. Fold egg whites into the batter one third at a time, fully incorporating between each addition. Once all egg whites are in, stop folding when mousse is smooth and even in color. Divide mousse between 8 (4oz) ramekins, cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours or ideally overnight. How to Make Whipped Cream and Assembly: In a medium bowl, beat together heavy cream with 1 Tbsp sugar and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract on medium/high speed until soft peaks form. Spoon generous dollops of whipped cream over chilled chocolate mousse cups and top with shaved chocolate and raspberries.


taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)

gemini (May 21-June 20)

You will be a little convalescing from the job you have had these months ago. You need to relax tensions. Economically you will be luxurious. Take advantage of this vacation to indulge yourself. Pay more attention to your partner. He / she deserves more from you and maybe one day it may be too late …

The predictions are very positive. You release energy and vitality. Practice active tourism this summer. Why don’t you take a chance with that business that has been around in your head for a while? It’s the moment! Crises with your partner are permanent and do not seem to have a good ending. If you are single, welcome love.

Go to the physiotherapist to remove those knots from your upper back, you need it. You will receive a significant amount of money from an investment made long ago. If you are single, you will live a summer time full of romances and new loves. If you have a partner, it is the best time to decide important aspects in your relationship.


ancer (June 21-Jul. 22) .

Your headaches will not let you rest well. It is time to see your GP. Learn to control your finances. Don’t overspend. Too many emotional bumps … Why not surprise your partner and surprise her as she deserves?


eo (Jul. 23- Aug.22)

You are strong as an oak tree and you will be looking forward to a t h o u s a n d a d v e n t u re s t h i s summer. Bring out your thrifty side, you will need it. If you have a partner, you are living your best moment, congratulations! If you are single, in August you will meet someone special who will mark your life.


irgo (Aug 23 – Sept. 22)

Stress and anxiety are not good travel companions. Try to put a solution. Your economy needs a break. Stop wasting … You will fall in love with your partner this vacation as if it were the first time. If you are single, your social life will increase, you will meet a lot of new people.


aries (March 21-Apr. 19)

Modern Living Magazine




corpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)


agittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec 21)

Time to get in shape! Put aside excesses, tobacco and alcohol. You are in luck, your economy cannot be more favorable. It is the moment to organize trips and give yourself the odd whim. You will meet the man or woman of your dreams. You will think it is a movie, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Except for your lower back pain, everything is going smoothly. Put a remedy to those annoyances. That promotion you were waiting for so much may be closer than you imagine. If you are single, you do not want ties or complications. If, on the other hand, you have a partner, it is the perfect occasion to prepare a special surprise.

Join a sporting activity! Your health will appreciate it. August is the perfect month to invest in what you have been wanting so much. If you are in a couple, you will live a second honeymoon. If, on the contrary, you are single, why not download that mobile application to meet someone special?




Say goodbye to sedentary life and put aside excess food. Buy yourself that wish you long for. It’s the moment! So many frictions with your partner end up taking their toll … If you are single, your sex appeal will increase this summer. Seize it.

Meditation is ideal for those concerns that worry you so much. Cinema! Invite your friends to a good meal and don’t worry so much about your savings. If you are in a relationship, you will promote complicity and respect. If you are single, you will consolidate that idyllic relationship.

apricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

quarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

isces (Feb. 19 – March )


Modern Living Magazine

ibra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Your skin will be very dry this summer, do not forget to hydrate as much as possible with creams or after sun. Stop thinking so much about your economy, invest more money in quality leisure with your family or friends. Take advantage of your physical attractiveness to conquer or win back that person you love so much.

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