June ACCTS Newsletter

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ACCTS in action June

O ur M ission :


To assist in the development of Christian leaders in the armed forces of the world and in the establishment and growth of military Christian fellowships.

“Blessed, Revived, and Inspired” by Chaplains Interaction 2010

“I have been blessed, revived, and inspired!” Reverend Mwale of Zambia shared after attending this April’s Chaplains Interaction training program. “This training has helped me to reshape and refocus my calling as a military chaplain.” Chaplains and their spouses from Bangladesh, Chile, Guatemala, Malawi, Sri Lanka, and Zambia attended ACCTS’ annual training program for international chaplains. With sessions focusing on essentials such as military hospital ministry and chaplain-commander relations, the program not only inspired participants but gave them new ideas for ministry in their home nations. As one participant shared, “The training is important for me. I learned how many other countries do their ministry. Many activities are new

which I [learned] from the training, and I will start in our country.” In addition to the teaching sessions, Chaplains Interaction participants networked on many levels with Fort Riley chaplains and the chapel community. The division acting commander opened the training, and participants continued on page 2

Participants Bangladesh: Wing Commander Christopher & Mrs. Rosline Adhikari Chile: CMSgt Alejandro Cuellar Guatemala: COL Luis & Mrs. Jeannette Chinchilla Malawi: Chaplain Major Noah Tsoka Sri Lanka: Rev. Yohan & Mrs. Samudra Heenatigala Zambia: Rev. Major Shadreck & Mrs. Villa Mwale

Blessed, Revived, and Inspired Continued from page 1

Chaplain Noah Tsoka, Malawi

were hosted by Fort Riley military families. They attended multiple chapel services and events, met with Protestant and Catholic Women of the Chapel groups, and went to the field with the First Brigade Combat Team. In the field, Chaplains Interaction participants observed live-fire exercises, followed the soldiers through wooded areas, and saw how closely the unit chaplains and assistants worked with the soldiers. Additionally, four battalion commanders shared with Chaplains Interaction participants the vision they have for their unit chaplains, and they visited the Warrior Transition Battalion. Chaplain Jim Ellis led a classroom session about marriage, and Dell McDonald shares that “his many real-life Chaplains Interaction Sessions: illustrations of marriage joys Universal principles of the chaplaincy and sorrows kept our interest Ministry at military hospitals at a high level and made the Suicide awareness Notification of next-of-kin main points very real.” Chaplain The chaplain as a staff officer Ellis also led a weekend marChaplain-commander relationships riage retreat for participants Inductive Bible study Conversational prayer and addressed the importance Leadership principles of chaplains being prepared to Critical incident stress management assume the leadership mantle, Chaplain code of conduct particularly during times of disPluralism Chaplains’ spousal issues tress.

Col & Mrs Chincilla, Guatemala

Family life ministry Thriving during deployments Para-church ministry

Chaplain Rich Young addressed the issue of chaplain ethics, using powerful examples of unethical chaplain behavior and the negative effects those actions had on military posts and the chaplain’s corps at large.

The international chaplains’ wives took part in separate sessions which included a U.S. wives panel (with both senior and junior chaplains’ wives speaking). They also learned about Family Readiness Group services and MCYM’s ministry, evangelizing children, and the role of a chaplain’s spouse. One participant from Guatemala exclaimed, “The importance for me is the knowledge I received in this Interaction…every lesson I received, I know will be a great blessing in my ministry.” “I was encouraged by the enthusiasm the delegates demonstrated for each subject,” program coordinator Frank Cole shared. As the program ended, he asked that the participants beonremem continued page 2 ACCTS IN ACTION • Page 2 • June 2010

Rev & Mrs Mwale, Zambia

Blessed, Revived, and Inspired

Pastor & Mrs Heenatigala, Sri Lanka

Continued from page 2

bered in our prayers: “Most of all we covet your prayers for our dear brothers and sisters, that the Lord will energize them and build up the military Christian fellowships of each nation represented.” Thank you! Chaplains Interaction wouldn’t have been possible without the help of the following people: ACCTS’ financial supporters; the Fort Riley military chapel community, Installation Chaplain (Col) Norris, and other Fort Riley chaplains and chaplains assistants; ACCTS staff members Frank and Ginny Cole and Dell McDonald, and board member Kristin Goodrich (and her team members Trista Gleason and Sarah Chapman); and the Chaplains Interaction teachers: Chaplain Jim Ellis, Chaplain Rob Stroud, Sgt Maj (Ret.) Michael Weiss, Chaplain Rich Young, and Sandy Young.

Graziers at Graduation

Pastor Cuellar, Chile

Journal of Faith and War The Spring edition of the Journal of Faith & War (http://faithandwar.org) is now online and includes articles on: • Biblical Perspectives on Warfare, by Al Shine, Colonel, U.S. Army, Retired • “Calling” and the Military Professional—Part 1, by Scott G. Frickenstein, Ph.D., Colonel (Select), U.S. Air Force • Influencing Security Operations Across a Cultural Boundary, by Bruce Sidebotham, D.Min, Chaplain (Major), U.S. Army Reserve • Shrinking in Christ: The Power of Selfless Service, by Lee DeRemer, Colonel, U.S. Air Force

ACCTS staff members Vic and Marsha Grazier, who minister to international military students at WrightPatterson AFB, are shown here with an AFIT student from Chile (and his family). Please continue to pray for the Graziers’ ministry, and the international student ministry of Bill and Suzanne Lumpkin in the San Antonio region.

Please visit faithandwar.org, read the articles, and send your comments to the editorial team. Please also help us spread the word about the Journal of Faith and War by sharing its address with others who might be interested.

ACCTS IN ACTION • Page 3 • June 2010

O ur C ore V alues

June Events: • • •

Academy Exploration Asia -- China and Japan trip by ACCTS staff members and U.S. military cadets Ukraine English Language Training Camp -- ACCTS, Olive Branch, and the military Christian fellowship of Ukraine CAST (Chaplain Annual Sustainment Training) conference -- ACCTS staff members participating and manning booth

July Events: • •

Interaction-Rocky Mountain High program, Colorado English Language Training Camp, China -- ACCTS staff members

For more information on these activities or how you can support them through prayer or finances, please contact us.

- Biblically-based - Spirit-led - Prayer-centered - People-focused

ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Association for Christian Conferences Teaching and Service PO Box 27239 Denver, CO 80227-0239 Phone: 1-800-487-8108 Fax: 303-986-4710 Email: accts@accts.org Web: www.accts.org


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