ACCTS January Newsletter

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ACCTS in action January

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To assist in the development of Christian leaders in the armed forces of the world and in the establishment and growth of military Christian fellowships.

The Battle Belongs to the Lord: Report from the AMCF South Asian Regional Conference The November South Asian Regional Conference, hosted by the Sri Lankan military Christian fellowship, was an important opportunity for military Christians from this diverse region to gather for encouragement and learning. Under the conference theme, “The Battle Belongs to the Lord”, attendees from Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan met and discussed military values and education, ethics, discipleship and Bible study methods, and women’s ministry issues. MCF leaders also reported on military ministry within their nations and prayer needs for their MCFs. ACCTS staff members Rick and Melissa Ryles report that the highlight of the conference was the commissioning of two new regional vice presidents -- Commodore (Ret.) Ernie Sacro and Commander (Ret.) Saleem Mathew. Please pray with us for these new leaders, and give thanks for the outstanding ministries of the two outgoing vice presidents, Srilal Weerasooriya and Ruben Ciron.

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Military Christian Fellowships – Lights for Christ World-wide Bulgarian MCF discussions

Australia: The Military Christian Fellowship (MCF) of Australia is sponsoring a 24 March 2012 National Day of Prayer for Defence. Their 2011 Day of Prayer was supported around the nation, and they report that the need for prayer continues: “Australia has experienced unprecedented losses of some of its finest young men fighting in the Middle East…Many families have been impacted by these tragic losses, and we have a duty to support them and uphold them in prayer. Please join with us at this challenging time in Australian history and uplift the Australian Defence Force to God.”

Bulgaria: In November the Bulgarian MCF, Agape Military Ministry, held an important reorganization meeting. Several retired military personnel and pastors gathered in Sofia to consider reorganizing and registering as an indigenous organization with a new vision, constitution, and officers. ACCTS staff members also attended to lend support and insight for these issues. Germany: The European AMCF vice presidents will host a February retreat in Lubbecke for European military Christian fellowship leaders. This annual event is a time to learn from each other, discuss new ideas and visions for ministry, and develop ways to work more closely together. Hungary: Military Christians have outlined plans for

a military-related seminar for 2012 on topics of interest to military people, and the military Christian fellowship and the chaplaincy are hoping to work together more closely on this and other projects.

Ukraine: In January the Ukrainian MCF hosts a reunion for all those who have participated

in English camps in the last few years. They will also be recruiting new participants for this year’s camps, which ACCTS is involved in as well.

USA: In 2011 Officers’ Christian Fellowship expanded

its retreat center at White Sulphur Springs, Pennsylvania significantly in order to accommodate larger groups and meetings. In January the facility will host a U.S. Naval Academy weekend and several military-related church retreats, and in February they will host a ROTC retreat, Quantico men’s retreat, and a U.S. Military Academy retreat.

Bulgarian MCF members and ACCTS staff members Dick Barnes and Earl Casner.

ACCTS IN ACTION • Page 2 • January 2012

AMCF Welcomes Three New Vice Presidents It is our pleasure to announce the appointments of three new Association of Military Christian Fellowships vice presidents: Southern Africa: Brig Gen. (Ret.) Thabo Victor Mohapi South Asia: Comm. (Ret.) Saleem Mathew South East Asia: Col. (Ret.) Ernest Sacro Brig Gen. (Ret.) Mohapi

Comm. (Ret.) Mathew

Col. (Ret.) Sacro

Please pray for these men as they give their time voluntarily to minister to Christian military personnel in their regions, and pray for ACCTS’ staff members who work closely with all AMCF leaders.

Spiritual Readiness by Lt. Col. Todd Plotner, US Army; excerpts from the Oct. 2011 Command magazine, a publication of Officers’ Christian Fellowship (USA).

Christian leader, are you ready for God’s leadership in your life – wherever it takes you? Such spiritual readiness demands more than willingness to serve. It implies a willingness to set aside our agendas, priorities – even our dreams – to join God’s greater work when He calls. God’s timing and ways are perfect. Our intentions and understanding are not. That long, aching wait – what we interpret as God’s negative response – can be His patient work readying us to receive and become agents of His blessing. The Lord uses our circumstances to prepare our hearts, disrupting both the mundane and milestones of life. Such interludes and answers can be surprising – even unwelcome. But our sovereign Lord will not be bound by our meager, self-serving expectations.

Photo courtesy U.S. Army

For military leaders accustomed to defining our lives and circumstances, one of the hardest callings is in sincerely yielding to Him, “Not my will, but Yours be done.” Christian leader, the narrow road of discipleship – a road the Lord travels with us – is full of unexpected, difficult turns. Prepare earnestly, lead well. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. But in our vocation of personal and professional readiness, also remain spiritually ready to embrace God’s greater calling and leadership. “Here am I. Send me!” ACCTS IN ACTION • Page 3 • January 2012


40 Years of God’s Blessings 2012 is ACCTS’ 40th anniversary, and as you can see from these old newsletters our publications have changed quite a bit since they were typed, cut out, and then pasted together for printing! Some things change, but others don’t. Our core ministry is still to the world’s armed forces personnel – a very unique area of ministry, and one which was not covered by traditional Christian organizations, as our founder Cleo “Buck” Buxton stated in 1975: “Mission organizations have stated they do not… have the resources nor the background knowledge to minister specifically to the armed forces and that they therefore welcome and encourage [ACCTS’] ministry.”

- Biblically-based - Spirit-led - Prayer-centered - People-focused

Another thing that has not changed is our need for prayer and financial support. Buck’s words from a 1974 letter echo our thoughts well as we enter 2012: “As you pray, please remember these specific requests: that our base of support for this world-wide ministry may be broadened… and that in every country where there are Christians in positions of leadership, they will be given wisdom and grace for their part in the extension of the Kingdom of God.”

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To God be the Glory!


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January 2012 “O Lord, God of life, who cares for all creation, give us your peace. May our security not come from arms, but from respect. May our force not be of violence, but of love. May our wealth not be in money, but in sharing. May our path not be of ambition, but of justice. May our victory not be from vengeance, but in forgiveness. Open and confident, we want to defend the dignity of all creation, sharing, today and forever, the bread of solidarity and peace. In the name of Jesus, your holy son, our brother, who, as victim of our violence, even from the heights of the cross gave us all forgiveness. Amen.” -- a Brazilian prayer

Note: This prayer reminder is for both ACCTS and our sister organization, Association of Military Christian Fellowships (AMCF). ACCTS staff member names are in bold print.

1 New Year’s Day

The following prayer was adopted by AMCF in 1930 with the suggestion that it be prayed each Sunday: “Heavenly Father, we thank you that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin. Bless the service men and women of all nations, and grant that we who know the joy of being ‘all one in Christ Jesus’ may be filled with your love and pass it on to others through the power of the Holy Spirit until His coming again.”

2 This year marks the start of ACCTS’ 40th year

of ministry to the world’s armed forces. Thank you for your prayer and financial support of the work God has given us, and pray that He will expand our mission as we develop military Christian leaders in the armed forces of our world.

3 As you pray for ACCTS this year, ask that

God will guide us to use new technology (such as social media) to directly encourage those to whom we minister as well as develop contacts with people who don’t yet know about our military ministry.

in South Korea (an ACCTS ministry partner) and its effective ministry to the world’s armed forces. They meet every Thursday morning for prayer – today, please join them in prayer that God will bless their work in 2012. 6 Pray for God to help AMCF President General Lee, Pil Sup continue serving Him with wisdom and love as General Lee leads AMCF’s worldwide military outreach.

7 Pray with Vic and Marsha Grazier as they

continue to reach international students at WrightPatterson AFB through Bible studies, English lessons, and in other practical ways.

8 Pray for the increasingly difficult situations facing U.S. military families and veterans. Ask the Lord to show us how we can best minister to their needs. And today, pray for whatever nation is considered an enemy of your nation. Ask the Lord to show you how to minister to them in the matchless love of Christ. 9 Pray that ACCTS’ leadership will seek God’s

4 Pray for the planning and communications sur-

power in their day-to-day work to impact military men and women for Christ. Pray specifically for Phil Exner, executive director; Bernhard Kaltenbach, deputy director; and Ed Lorenzini, board president.

5 Praise God for Mission Support Organization

10 As ACCTS and indigenous military Christian fellowships develop English language programs for military personnel, pray that the planners, teachers, and volunteers will reflect God’s love and truth to their students. Pray especially for Paul Neu as he coordinates AELT programs while caring for his wife as she battles cancer.

rounding several ACCTS China related trips. With limited resources and an increasing breadth of options, the Lord’s direction is paramount. Pray also for “Didi John” that his Jonah-like experiences would build faith in him, and that his life in China would be a testimony to others.

ACCTS Prayer reminder • January 2012

Creative Commons License, Dvidshub photo,

ACCTS Prayer Reminder

11 Ask God to guide Carson and Wendy Tavenner in their work in China, as well as in their outreach to the chaplains at Everett Naval Station and international students at the University of Washington, so that all involved would respond to the interaction of the Holy Spirit.

12 Today, please pray that the ministries of these AMCF vice presidents will kindle enthusiasm for ministry to the armed forces throughout their regions: Ishaku Komo, West Africa; Thabo Mohapi, Southern Africa; Gaston Gnoumou, Francophone Africa; and David Wakaalo, East Africa. 13 Today a Basic Chaplaincy Course starts in Peru. Pray for God’s guidance on those who are leading and participating in this important course. Also uphold Bob and B.J. Reifsnyder in your prayers and give thanks for their ministry in Latin America. 14 Please ask for God’s continued blessings on ACCTS’ partner organization in the United Kingdom, Military Ministry International, and on their staff members working around the world. 15 Pray that the following AMCF vice presidents will be led by the Holy Spirit as God nourishes and sustains indigenous military Christians in their regions: Saleem Mathew, South Asia; Ernest Sacro, South East Asia; and Lee, Kap Jin, East Asia. 16 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (USA) Pray for military Christians in nations where unity among Christians is an ongoing problem. Ask that the Holy Spirit bring about unity and peace so that these brothers and sisters can focus on what is important to God and His work. 17 Pray with military Christians in Greece who are considering forming a military Christian fellowship. Pray that God will guide them in all their decisionmaking. 18 Pray that 2012 will be a financially solid year for

ACCTS, allowing us to seize new ministry opportunities when they arrive.

19 AMCF President General Lee, Pil Sup has asked military Christian fellowships around the world to financially support the 2014 AMCF World Conference in South Africa. Pray that MCFs will take up this challenge, beginning this year, and be generous in their support of the South African MCF’s planning and preparations for the event. 20 Christians are encouraged by AMCF and ACCTS

leaders to pause at noon each day to pray for nations which do not yet have indigenously-organized military Christian fellowships. Praise God for the 131 nations that do currently have MCFs, and ask God to guide local Christians in other nations to form an MCF in His timing.

21 Pray that the 23-27 national conference of Chile’s military Christian fellowship (the MEU) will bring ACCTS Prayer reminder • January 2012

spiritual growth and encouragement to everyone who attends.

22 Today starts the AMCF Week of Prayer and Fasting for the North American Region (US, Canada, & non-Spanish speaking Caribbean countries). Nestor Ogilvie, the Association of Military Christian Fellowships’ vice president for the region, asks people around the world to pray for this region this week. Today, please pray for Nestor and all military Christian fellowship leaders in this region. 23 Nestor Ogilvie asks for prayer that the North American region’s military personnel will be “transformed by the renewing of our minds . . . [so we] will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - His good, pleasing, and perfect will.” (Rom. 12:2) 24 Today, ask that the North American region’s chaplains will be inspired and led by the Holy Spirit as they preach the Good News of Christ will also counseling military men and women who seek their help. 25 Many North American military personnel, including Canadians and U.S. service people, are stationed in Afghanistan or Iraq and return with injuries to their bodies or minds. Pray that God will guide the various groups that minister to these men and women.

26 Today we ask for prayer support for the families of North America’s armed forces. Please pray that the spouses, children, and extended family of military personnel will look to Christ for their hope and strength. 27 It is often difficult for civilian churches to understand how to minister to military personnel, although they often have the desire to do so. Pray that ACCTS and other organizations will be God-guided as they encourage churches to reach out to service men and women and their families. 28 On this last day of AMCF’s Week of Prayer and Fasting for the North American Region, pray that North American military Christians will live out the two greatest commandments: loving God with all their hearts, souls, and minds and loving others as they love themselves.

29 Pray that AMCF vice presidents North East, Tor-

bjorn Bostrom (North East Europe) and Brian Parker (South Central Europe) will continue to be faithful witnesses for Christ throughout their regions.

30 Please pray that AMCF’s vice president for the Middle East, Samir Haddadin, and the vice president for the Pacific region, Eric Burton, will be upheld by God’s power as they share Christ’s mercy and love with military Christians in their areas of responsibility. 31 Ask that God’s sustaining hand be upon AMCF’s vice president for Central America, Joaquin Maldonado, and the vice president for South America, Omar Larrazabal.

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