January 2013 Newsletter

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Fanning the Flame of Faith in Military Personnel Worldwide

ACCTS 2012

Annual Annual Report 2012 Report Fanning the Flame of Faith in Military Personnel Worldwide “... fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you.� 2 Timothy 1:6

Photo courtesy USDOD Association for Christian Conferences, Teaching and Service

PO Box 27239 Association for Christian Conferences, Teaching and Service Denver, CO 80227-0239 USA (800) 487-8108 www.accts.org Please contact us for more copies of this report uuu accts@accts.org

2012 in review Assisting Indigenous Military Christian Fellowships: “In the Central American region there is a rapid growth of the Christian faith amongst the military and police force. Without their support [of military ministries like ACCTS] for the Central American region of AMCF, this would be almost impossible.” Col. J. Maldonado ACCTS’ English language programs, held in conjunction with military Christian fellowships in Ukraine and Peru, were jointly led by ACCTS staff members and MCF leaders who taught English to military personnel and their families while also giving English Bible study lessons focusing on Jesus’ sayings. Because English is a valuable skill for military personnel and their children, these programs are always popular - and we are thankful for God using them to build spiritual faith in the lives of participants. February’s program in Peru included beginning and intermediate-level English classes, and as one staff member reported, “The Lord has blessed us with really super students. All were adults except for eight young students (9 to 16 years old). Students have been quite excited about both the Bible study and the English work [and] are begging us to do this again next year.” The summer program, held in conjunction with the MCF of Ukraine, also helped many military and civilian people come closer to Christ, as reported by an ACCTS staff mem-

China English program

ber on his return to the U.S.: “One young man told his Bible class [at the camp] that he would never become a Christian. On Friday evening he went forward with several others to publicly commit to Christ’s lordship!” ACCTS was also able to host an English training program in China, although that program was solely English lessons and did not include Bible studies. However, the program was a way to build friendships that are invaluable. In addition to our programs, our staff members encourage indigenous leaders in countless ways. They maintain close contact with them by email, phone, or Skype, and they work closely with partner military ministries such as Military Ministries International (MMI) in the United Kingdom, Mission Support Organization (MSO) in South Korea, and the Association of Military Christian Fellowship (AMCF). ACCTS produces newsletters and prayer bulletins to encourage MCF members worldwide, maintains an email prayer network, and produces an online ethics site, “Journal of Faith and War.” We also hosted several military-related prayer events in 2012, including the week-long North American Prayer Week, and the AMCF presidential turnover ceremony to usher in the new AMCF president, General Weerasooriya of Sri Lanka.

Ukrainian English camp participant with Bible

Polish soldiers at an MCF event

Swaziland MCF conference participants

ACCTS staff and African military Christians

ACCTS staff members took ministry t following countries in 2012:

Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Central Africa China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, El Salvador, Finland, F Hungary, Jamaica, Japan, Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia, Romania, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, U ACCTS ANNUAL REPORT 2012 • Page 2

Leadership Development: “Where you cannot go, we can go for you.” -A Liberian participant in ACCTS’ Chaplains Interaction

In April ACCTS hosted our annual leadership training program for international chaplains. The Chaplains Interaction program included our first participant from a Middle Eastern nation - Jordan - as well as participants from Liberia, Guinea Bissau, and Uganda. Training topics included principals of chaplaincy, hospital ministry, unit organization, and stress management. The summer leadership program, Interaction-Rocky Mountain High, was aimed at young international military officers and included participants from Dominica, Madagascar, Mauritius, and the U.S. Activities such as mountain climbing and rappelling, combined with Bible study and leadership training, helped bring these young men and women closer to Christ and prepare them for expanded roles in the MCFs in their countries. At the end of the event, the participant from Madagascar reflected, “This was certainly the best two weeks of my life. I got to grow spiritually and I got drawn closer to God. Thank you for the great tools you have given all the participants.”

trips to the

a Republic, France, Germany, Peru, Poland, UK, USA

Staff members also taught at leadership seminars in both China and Mongolia in the summer of 2012, and U.S. military cadets and midshipmen participated in our Academy Exploration Asia trips to China and Japan.


Throughout the year, staff members helped lead international MCF events such as the Lithuanian International Christian Conference of Young Officers and Cadets, which was sponsored by the Lithuanian chief chaplain, the Lithuanian MOD, and our partner in the UK, MMI. They participated in MCF conferences in nations such as Poland, Bulgaria, and Hungary and led sessions at a Military Evangelism Observation event in South Korea that taught MCF ministry fundamentals to Christians from nations that do not yet have an MCF. Staff members’ roles at these events vary, depending on the needs of the local hosting organizations. They are often seminar speakers or discussion leaders on topics such as ethics, Christianity military leadership in a secularized society, and military service and family compatibly.

2012 BOARD MEMBERS CAPT (USA, Ret.) Curt and Addie Belohlavek CDR (USN, Ret.) Bryan and Sherri Burt Ward and Jody Bursley Capt (ANG) David Chang Col (USMC, Ret.) Phil Exner CDR (USN) Steve and Molly Hoffman Sue Huggler COL (USA, Ret.) Phil and Rosa Lewis LtCol (USAF, Ret.) Ed and Elizabeth Lorenzini LtCol (USAF, Ret.) Dean and Deena Mills* * joined staff in September 2012 COL (USA,) Tony and Julia Pfaff Ira and Jody Savoie LTG (USA, Ret.) Gary and Cathy Speer

2012 STAFF MEMBERS LTC (USA, Ret.) Harry Argo LTC (USA, Ret.) Dick and Linda Barnes LtCol (Australian Army, Ret) Russell and Helen Bielenberg Chaplain (COL, USA, Ret.) Ken and Jonna Carpenter COL (USA, Ret.) Earl and Sue Casner CDR (USCG, Ret.) Frank and Ginny Cole LtCol (British Army, Ret.) Noel and Meryl Dawes LCDR (USN, Ret.) Cal and Linda Dunlap Col (USMC, Ret.) Phil and LtCol (USMC, Ret.) Sue Exner LTC (USA, Ret.) Brock and Linda Fallon COL (USA, Ret.) Mike and Leslie Fligg Maj (USAF, Ret.) Vic and Marsha Grazier LtCol (USAF, Ret.) Jim and Lois Greshel Emanuela Kalemi Haien

Chaplain’s events in the U.S. and with our partner IAEC in nations like El Salvador and Central Africa Republic also taught Christian leadership principles to further prepare military Christians for ministry. At these conferences, ACCTS staff members taught on spiritual preparedness, Bible study methods, and ministering to soldiers and families under a variety of circumstances.

Maj (USAF, Ret.) Russ and Bonnie Hammerud He, Gang and Jodie Wang Elizabeth Humphrey CDR (CHAP, USN, Ret.) Don and Elaine Jukam Bernhard and Cheryl Kaltenbach Mike and Joyce Knefley COL (USA, Ret.) Bill and Suzanne Lumpkin COL (USA, Ret.) Don and Karen Martin CAPT (USCG, Ret.) Stan and Doris Waldrop Mincks LtCol (USAF, Ret.) Dell McDonald CAPT (CHAP, USNR) Steve Morgan LtCol (USAF, Ret.) Paul and Suzy Neu Dickson Ogwang CAPT (USCG, Ret.) Pete and Jacki Prindle Gina Rajah

In addition to participating in conferences personally, many staff members helped plan and organize MCF events that they weren’t able to attend. This help included writing training materials and producing leadership materials (such as PDF files and PowerPoint presentations).

LTC (USA, Ret.) Bob and BJ Reifsnyder COL (USA, Ret.) Rick and Melissa Ryles Leslie Santee Chaplain (LtCol, USAF, Ret.) Rob and Delores Stroud Maj (USAF, Ret.) Carson and Wendy Tavenner Col (USAF, Ret.) Ed and Sally Ward LTC (USA, Ret.) Harry and Linda Waters CHAP (COL, USA, Ret.) Norris and Dr. Lois Webster

From the Director’s Desk Dear ACCTS Friends,

“ACCTS invests in building strong, life-long relationships with Christian military leaders around the world, since we believe they are the key to spreading the Gospel and transforming their nations.”

ACCTS celebrated 40 years of ministry in 2012 with a calendar that was packed with opportunities to share Christ. More importantly, however, the year was filled with people - military men and women from nations around the world who wanted to learn how to share Jesus with their coworkers, start a military Christian fellowship (MCF) in their nation, begin a Bible study in their unit, or be a military leader with Christ-like ethics. It’s a tremendous blessing to be involved in Christ’s work, and ACCTS carries out this work thanks to the generosity of our faithful donors. In 2012 ACCTS’ staff were involved in the training of international military chaplains both in the U.S. and abroad. Young officers and soldiers received Christian leadership training at Interaction-Rocky Mountain High, and our English language programs, held in conjunction with indigenous MCFs in Ukraine and Peru, helped MCF members and their families learn English and grow in the Gospel through Bible study. ACCTS staff also helped plan, organize, and conduct leadership and military ministry events in places like China, South Africa, Mongolia, Germany, Australia, Brazil and South Korea. Friendship outreach continued in China through English programs and medical missions, while in the U.S., staff members befriended international military students who are studying here. ACCTS staff also organized and attended international military events and produced materials such as handouts and presentations for MCF-hosted conferences.

Despite these many blessings, 2012 was also a difficult year. We lost two beloved staff members to cancer - Linda Dunlap and Suzy Neu. Both of these ladies were true women of God who had devoted their lives in service to Christ. They were a great blessing and example to all of the staff and board and to everyone in the places where they ministered. They are sorely missed. As we look forward to a new year of ministry, we ask you to not only continue praying and supporting ACCTS’ work, but to prayerfully consider other ways you can get involved. You could teach English in Ukraine or China, show hospitality to international military personnel studying in the U.S., travel with staff members as they minister among MCFs overseas, become an ACCTS associate staff, or share information about ACCTS with friends, family, chapel attendees or Bible study members. We hope to have teams of cadets and midshipmen from all four U.S. military academies visit their counterparts in other countries over their Spring Break, and we plan to expand the number of participants in Interaction-Rocky Mountain High. We have a record number of nominees for Chaplains Interaction, and our staff is planning trips to MCFs in many countries. Additionally, we are very busy time preparing for the 2014 AMCF Global Interaction (formerly called AMCF World Conference), where we hope to gather military Christians from over 150 nations. We’d love to hear from you if you are interested in becoming more involved with ACCTS over the course of this year. In Christ,

Although ACCTS is involved in many activities, our fundamental ministry focus remains the same as when it was founded over 40 years ago: ACCTS invests in building strong, life-long relationships with Christian military leaders around the world, since we believe they are the key to spreading the Gospel and transforming their nations. ACCTS ANNUAL REPORT 2012 • Page 4

Phil Exner COL (USMC, Ret.) Executive Director

2012: The Unbounded Grace of God at Work Bernhard Kaltenbach teaching at MEO’s training event accts.org

God poured out His limitless grace on ACCTS in 2012, despite the continued impact of a down-turned economy and donations. As you read this annual report, we pray that you’ll be blessed knowing that your financial and prayer support helped us affect and encourage so many military lives around the world this past year.

“So once again we express our gratitude toward God and to you for being a partner throughout these past 40 years of outreach.”

Each year our financial goal is to seek God’s wisdom and wisely use the resources He gives us through the generosity of His people. We are blessed with a board of directors who guide us in this area. Our annual audit was completed in November, and we were once again given the highest grade an auditor can give to a not-for-profit organization. As you will see by the financial chart, we were able to keep our overhead under 7% this past year even though some costs, like health insurance, are rising. Although I have been with ACCTS for 31 years, asking for donations is never easy. Yet author Henri Nouwen has encouraged me with what he has to say on the topic: “Fundraising is a way of announcing our vision and inviting other people into our mission.

To raise funds is to offer people the chance to invest what they have in the work of God. Whether they have much or little is not as important as the possibility of making their money available to God. God’s Kingdom is a place of abundance where every generous act overflows its original bounds and becomes part of the unbounded grace of God at work in the world.” Thank you for letting ACCTS “announce our vision” to you and invite you to come alongside us in this important ministry to international military personnel. We know that our donors have many options concerning how they use their money, and there are many worthwhile organizations to support -- many that are much better known than our small organization. So once again we express our gratitude toward God and to you for being a partner throughout these past 40 years of outreach. In Christ,

Bernhard Kaltenbach Director of Finance

Publications Fundraising and Overhead





International Ministries







O ur C ore V alues : wBiblically-based wSpirit-led wPrayer-centered wPeople-focused The Weerasooriyas at Interaction

The Development of MCF Leaders This year a new leader took the helm of ACCTS’ partner organization, Association of Military Christian Fellowships (AMCF). In his address at the AMCF presidential turnover ceremony (which ACCTS hosted), General Srilal Weerasooriya of Sri Lanka encouraged ACCTS and AMCF’s other partner ministries to continue working with AMCF to build up international MCFs - those that are strong and well established, those that are established but lack the needed recognition or support, and those that are “pulsing with life but which are, sadly, subjected to major persecution in their home countries.” General Weerasooriya also spoke on ACCTS’ role in his life, from the 1980s ministry trip to Sri Lanka by two ACCTS staff members (who were “a great encouragement”), to his and his wife’s participation in our leadership training program, Interaction: “Dilhani and I were able to attend the Interaction at White Sulphur Springs, Pennsylvania. This served to motivate and inspire us even further to share the

Word of God in the context of the military in Sri Lanka.” Through the years, God has used ACCTS’ leadership programs such as Interaction to raise up godly men and women who serve Him faithfully in their own nations. Many of those military personnel, like General Weerasooriya, used the knowledge they gained in these programs to have a significant impact on the General and Mrs. Weerasooriya at armed forces of their nations. ACCTS’ September 2012 staff meeting These programs have been funded primarily by individual ACCTS donors who believe in our mission to develop military Christian leaders and promote the growth of military Christian fellowships. Thank you so much for your support through the years and in the years to come.


Association for Christian Conferences, Teaching and Service PO Box 27239 Denver, CO 80227-0239 Phone: 1-800-487-8108 Fax: 303-986-4710 Email: accts@accts.org Web: www.accts.org


ACCTS Prayer Reminder January 2013

“How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!” -- Psalm 133:1

1 New Year’s Day Thank you for starting this new year by praying for ministry to the world’s armed forces personnel! We’re honored to have your support in this way. As you pray through this bulletin, please also give thanks for our staff members as you pray for them – many of them make great personal sacrifices in terms of time and money in order to encourage military men and women around the globe. ACCTS is blessed to have them! 2 The 2014 AMCF World Conference has been renamed “Global Interaction” to better signify its purpose of providing interaction, fellowship, and leadership training for international Christian military leaders. Pray for the conference planners, including Capt. Klaas Steyn, and ask that God raise up people to provide financial scholarships for military Christian leaders who would benefit by attending. 3 In November Phil Exner and Bernhard Kaltenbach helped lead a “Warrior Training” session for South African military Christians, many of whom will be involved as leaders in the 2014 Global Interaction. Pray that God will continue to build up those men and women in their faith and leadership skills during the coming years. 4 Please ask for wisdom and enabling for the military Christian fellowship of Spain as they seek to identify and engage new members for the work within their military and build each other up in their lives and ministries. 5 Please pray for Norris and Lois Webster as they prepare for this year’s ACCTS American English Language programs, and pray that God will continue to use these programs to bring people to Himself. 6 Ed and Sally Ward are involved in ACCTS’ long-term friendship ministry in China, and they also teacher leadership to military personnel in Mongolia. Pray with them as they seek to conduct themselves with “holiACCTS prayer reminder • January 2013

ness and sincerity” from God (2 Cor. 1:12). 7 Dick and Linda Barnes disciple military Christian leaders in Ukraine and other Eastern and Central European nations. Pray with them as they help these men and women “бльше не живу для Нього, а для себе” (Ukrainian for “live no longer for themselves but for Him” -- 2 Cor. 5:15). 8 Thank God for the faithful service Billie Jean and Bob Reifsnyder have given to military Christians in Latin America! Pray that their continued discipleship and friendship with military leaders will, “mediante la clara exposición de la verdad” (Spanish for “by clear exposition of the truth” -- 2 Cor. 4:2), bring glory to God and His work in this region. 9 Pray that Suzanne and Bill Lumpkin’s ministry to international military students in the San Antonio area will be used by God to “fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel” (Eph. 6:19). 10 Meryl and Noel Dawes’ work in caring for and supporting soldiers with post-traumatic stress disorder has been used to bring healing to many over the past several years. Pray for God’s continued blessing on their ministry. 11 Uphold Paul Neu as he provides information technology support in the ACCTS office while also leading our annual English language camp in Ukraine and our English programs around the world. 12 Several ACCTS staff members are preparing for this spring’s Chaplains Interaction. Ask for God’s wisdom as Ginny and Frank Cole, Dell McDonald, and Jacki and Pete Prindle prepare the sessions which will help international chaplains be “imitators of God” (Eph. 5:1). 13 Pray with Bernhard and Cheryl Kaltenbach’s ministry with ACCTS as they seek to “um gutes zu tun für

alle Menschen, vor allem für diejenigen, die zu der Familie der Gläubigen gehörenn“ (German for “do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers” -- Gal. 6:10).

throughout the North American region. Pray that the leaders and members will put into practice all that God has taught them to further His work. 22 Please pray for guidance for all who are planning the AMCF Caribbean Military Christian Leaders Conference in Surinam from 9-13 April 2013.

14 Pray for Christian officers and soldiers in Mali as they seek God’s revelation for proceeding in light of the current political crisis, rebel occupation of half the country, and pervasive presence of hostile fundamentalists. 15 Pray that Gina Rajah’s discipleship and mentoring to military Christians in Brazil will be used to “o avanço do evangelho” (Portuguese for “advance the gospel” – Phil. 1:12).

23 Today please pray as God leads you for soldiers, sailors, officers, and police in Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, and Belize.

“Community is essential. Scripture knows nothing of the solitary Christian. People of faith are always members of a community. Creation itself was not complete until there was community. Adam needing Eve before humanity was whole. God never works with individuals in isolation, but always with people in community.”

24 Today please pray as God leads you for soldiers, sailors, officers, and police in Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, and Jamaica.

16 Give thanks for Jodie 25 Today please pray as Wang and He Gang’s God leads you for solongoing outreach to their -- Eugene Peterson, A Long Obedience diers, sailors, officers, and native country of China, police St. Vincent and the and pray for them as they develop relationships with Grenadines, Suriname, St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, people who can help ACCTS share the knowledge and Trinidad and Tobago. that “nothing can separate them from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus” – Rom. 8:39. 26 Today please pray as God leads you for soldiers, sailors, officers, and police in Canada and the U.S. 17 Pray that Don Martin’s work on ACCTS’ Journal of Faith and War (faithandwar.org) will help all those who 27 Pray for Melissa and Rick Ryles as they have moved read it to “act justly and to love mercy and to walk back to the U.S. from Japan and are beginning to minhumbly” with God (Micah 6:8). ister to international military students studying here. 18 Praise God for Vic and Marsha Grazier, who reach out to international military students at Wright-Patterson AFB. Pray that their ministry will continue to be a work that gives joy to those to whom they minister (1 Cor. 1:24). 19 Pray with ACCTS’ newest staff members, Deena and Dean Mills, as they prepare for this year’s Academy Exploration programs. Pray that their involvement with the young cadets and mids who participate will inspire those men and women to consider Christ and His role in the world and in their lives. 20 Nestor Ogilvie, AMCF’s vice president for the North American region, has asked that we dedicate this week to prayer for this region of the world. Today, please pray that the military and police leaders as well as political leaders will seek to provide Bible-based leadership and laws throughout the region. 21 Today, please pray for strengthening and empowering of military Christian fellowships and their members ACCTS prayer reminder • January 2013

28 Praise God for, and pray with, Wendy and Carson Tavenner as they seek to be a blessing to those they meet in China during this year’s outreach visits. 29 Uphold Jim and Lois Greshel as they help coordinate conferences and events around the world. 30 Please uphold Sue and Phil Exner as they work together in Christ’s strength throughout 2013 to reach more military personnel for Christ. 31 Pray with Emanuela Haien as she prepares for this year’s Interaction Rocky Mountain High while also developing a new ACCTS website and doing other vital work in the office. Pray that her work for Christ will be a “një parfum erëmirë, një fli i pranueshëm, i pëlqyeshëm nga Perëndia” (Albanian for “fragrant offering, pleasing to God” -- Phil. 4:18).

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