ACCTS in action July
O ur M ission :
To assist in the development of Christian leaders in the armed forces of the world and in the establishment and growth of military Christian fellowships.
A Spirit of Joy in Uganda AMCF (Association of Military Christian Fellowships) East Africa Regional Conference – Kampala, Uganda Theme: “Building on a Sure Foundation – Embracing Christian Thinking in Military Leadership” Powerful speakers, instructive workshops, singing, and dancing were trademarks of the May 2010 East Africa Conference, hosted by military Christians in Uganda. Representatives from six African nations attended (Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Rwanda, Seychelles, and Uganda), as did international guests such as AMCF President General Lee, Pil Sup from South Korea. Speakers included Lt. Gen. Elly Tumwine of Uganda, Gen. Srilal Weerasooriya of Sri Lanka, and ACCTS staff member Ginny Cole. Ginny spoke to a group of about 50 people, including chaplains, on the topic of family separations and deployments. Musical performances were also a vital part of the conference and included a local church choir, a children’s drum and dance group, and choirs comprised of active-duty military continued on page 2
General David Waakalo’s AMCF vice presidential commission ceremony
ACCTS staff member Dickson Ogwang (right) with attendee
A Spirit of Joy Continued from page 1
men and women. “These choirs were a key factor in leading worship times,” reports ACCTS staff member Dell McDonald, “and added to the spirit of joy reflected throughout the conference.” “Our final activity was communion led by the Archbishop of Uganda. His message focused on Jesus’ sacrifice, giving his body and blood for us,” staff members Frank Cole and Dell McDonald reflected after the conference. “At the close of that very meaningful event, and after a few closing remarks, the hall quickly emptied and people scattered like the ripples from a stone dropped into a pond. Our prayer is that the influence of this conference will continue to spread.” A Ugandan General, Dell McDonald (l), Frank Cole (r) & two other participants
Participants at Romanian chaplain training program
Romanian Chaplains Training ACCTS staff members Bob and B.J. Reifsnyder and Dell McDonald, along with several chaplains, participated in an IAEC chaplains training event in Romania in May. Workshop leaders addressed aspects of the chaplaincy, including working in a pluralistic society, the biblical view of the military profession, counseling, deployment ministry, suicide awareness and prevention, next-of-kin notification, chaplaincommander relationships, and ethics and professionalism. Participants came from Romania, Latvia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, France, Spain, Portugal, Uganda, and the USA.
ACCTS IN ACTION • Page 2 • July 2010
Caring for Chaplains ACCTS staff members Pete and Jacki Prindle attended a recent Chaplain Annual Sustainment Training (CAST) conference in Missouri where they provided chaplains with free materials, including 60 copies of Giving Ourselves to Prayer and 180 copies of Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. “We were privileged to pray with some of [the chaplains], particularly a young reserve chaplain (captain) about to deploy with his unit to Afghanistan, to whom we gave the better part of a case of Blackaby devotionals as we were packing up,” Pete shares. “He was especially grateful since he has little budget and the needs are great.”
ACCTS/AMCF Calendar July Events: •
31 – 14 August 17-31
Interaction Rocky Mountain High, Colorado – ACCTS’ leadership training program for young international officers and cadets. Led by Emanuela Kalemi Haien. For information or to help with scholarships, contact Emanuela at ACCTS’ English Language Training Camp, China
August Events: • •
1-6 8-14
Military Ministry International’s (MMI, UK) Sailing Retreat Armed Forces Christian Union (AFCU) Summer Houseparty
September Events: • •
2-4 11 23-29
AMCF East Asia Regional Conference, Japan AMCF/ACCTS annual Day of Prayer and Praise, at locations around the world wherever “two or three are gathered” in His name AMCF South American Conference, Bolivia
Treading Water? Or Competing for the Prize? Your donation to ACCTS makes the difference! “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14
Photo: LilGoldWmn,
In the summer, donations to non-profit organizations like ACCTS tend to fall off as donors take summer vacations, move to new locations, or just relax and enjoy themselves. Your gift to us this summer can ensure that we are fully involved in international military ministry opportunities which come our way, rather than just “treading water” financially. And as a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, you can be assured that your gift to ACCTS is used in a responsible and ethical manner. Please pray about donating to ACCTS either by check, online donation at, or through regular monthly deductions. Contact Bernhard at 1-800-487-8108 or at for more information.
Day of Prayer and Praise 11 September 2010 will be the annual AMCF/ACCTS Day of Prayer and Praise, a day when international military Christians gather around Christ’s throne to pray for military prayer requests. International military Christian fellowship leaders, please submit your prayer items to by 21 July for inclusion in the September Day of Prayer Bulletin.
ACCTS IN ACTION • Page 3 • July 2010 Photo: Commander Jay Gold,
Photo courtesy United Nations
O ur C ore V alues
How a Child of the Light Lives
“We as soldiers must always be focused on our purpose as Christians. We are soldiers not for the sake of being a soldier, but so that [our] colleagues can see how a child of the light lives. People must be attracted to the light and not pushed away. Remember, one cannot have an affect on others if the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22) is not evident in our lives and if one does not have love, as described in 1 Corinthians 13. So… work with diligence, shine, be fruitful, but the most important of all is love.”
- Biblically-based - Spirit-led - Prayer-centered - People-focused
– Owen Witbooi, South African MCF
ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Association for Christian Conferences Teaching and Service PO Box 27239 Denver, CO 80227-0239 Phone: 1-800-487-8108 Fax: 303-986-4710 Email: Web: