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ACCTS in action O ur M ission :
To assist in the development of Christian leaders in the armed forces of the world and in the establishment and growth of military Christian fellowships.
Prayer Is Primary When General Srilal Weerasooriya was inducted as president of ACCTS’ partner organization, Association of Military Christian Fellowships (AMCF), last year, he gave an inspiring speech to all who attended the event. What follows is a condensation of his speech -- for the full text, please contact us at editor@accts.org. We hope this is helpful in understanding both AMCF’s vision and direction and how ACCTS ministers internationally. Military Christian Fellowships around the world, in my view, fall into three broad categories: firstly, there are those which are strong and well-established; secondly, those which are established but lack official recognition or support; and thirdly, those which are pulsing with life but which are, sadly, subjected to major persecution. The strong, well established MCFs mainly function in countries where Christians are a strong majority. The MCFs which lack official recognition or support are often in developing countries. These MCFs are reasonably well established but are merely tolerated. And finally, the MCFs that are subjected to persecution are usually in nations where national policy does not permit, much less encourage, Christian organisations to function in any form whatsoever.
I come from the second category of nations. This category of nations is mostly those which are newly emerging countries that have been under colonial domination. There is an underlying aversion to all things reminiscent of the colonial power, including religious allegiances of the same tenor. The AMCF has recognized the disparity of opportunities and possibilities in the different categories of MCFs, and, thus, conducts programs of teaching specifically designed to fortify the MCFs of the second and third categories, as described. I would like to congratulate ACCTS, MMI and MSO for the truly mean continued on page 2