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ACCTS in action To assist in the development of Christian leaders in the armed forces of the world and in the establishment and growth of military Christian fellowships.
After-Action Ministry Reports The busy summer of ministry is over, but God is still moving and working in the lives of those who participated in ACCTSrelated events that took place. As you read these After-Action reports, please keep those participants in your prayers.
Interaction - RMH 2012 participants
Interaction-Rocky Mountain High (August): ACCTS’ 2012 training for young international officers included participants from four nations - Dominica, Madagascar, Mauritius, and the USA - who participated in both RMH activities (mountain climbing, rappelling, etc.) and Interaction leadership training. ACCTS’ director, Phil Exner, reports, “On either side of their week at OCF’s Rocky Mountain High held at Spring Canyon, we spent another seven days taking them to a number of places designed to prepare them for future work in their countries’ MCFs and build them up in their personal walks with Christ. In addition to instruction and practice in inductive Bible study and conversational prayer, we introduced them to spiritual journaling, and discussed leadership and ethics, integrating their faith and careers, life goals, and worked on personal testimonies. We are extremely thankful for the privilege of spending time with each one of the RMH-I participants, who are the future of MCFs in their countries. The participants described the time as ‘life changing’.” The participant from Madagascar confirms, “Thank you so much for the opportunity you have given me to participate in Interaction-RMH. That was certainly the best two weeks of my life. I got to grow spiritually and I got drawn closer to God. Thank you for the great tools you have equipped all the participants.May God bless you all and I always include you and the ministry that God has called you for in my prayers.” continued on page 2
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Leadership Training in Brazil (August/September): Brazil’s MCF has some 200,000 members in 21 state MCFs under the umbrella of the national MCF. ACCTS staff Bob and BJ Reifsnyder, Leslie Santee, Phil and Sue Exner, and Gina Rajah, along with AMCF President General Lee Pil Sup, formed a Combined Assistance Training Team (CATT) that traveled to several different Brazilian cities. General Lee participated in the first two CATT programs in Sao Paulo and Brasilia, which gave the CATT team a wonderful chance for fellowship on his last trip to South America as AMCF president. They also held a CATT in the coastal city of Fortaleza, where they met with the national MCF president and vice president, who are planning a national MCF conference for next year. The CATT also participated in church services where several people made decisions for Christ. Finally, in Rio de Janeiro they met with the Navy fellowship leader there and discussed that ministry and its future. The CATT program included military ministry fundamentals, including leadership for military Christians, ethics, chaplain and commander relationships, inductive Bible study, conversational prayer, personal testimony, and how AMCF’s principal supporting organizations (such as ACCTS) can assist military Christians. The trip was also a great opportunity to learn more about the challenges and opportunities God has put before the world’s largest MCF, and to discuss their leaders’ vision for continued growth in numbers and unity. Committed to Christ in Ukraine (July): ACCTS and the military Christian fellowship of Ukraine partnered together to host an English language camp for 63 Ukrainian military personnel and their children. Many of them had little knowledge of the Scriptures, and the camp helped them learn English while also studying the Bible. One of the camp leaders shared, “One young man told his Bible class that he would never become a Christian. On Friday evening he went forward with several others to publicly commit to Christ’s lordship!” They were given bilingual New Testaments and the MCF will be following up with each participant. Please pray that each of the campers will begin attending a solid church and grow in his or her knowledge of God. China Outreach (August): An ACCTS team (He Gang, Ed and Sally Ward, Carson and Wendy Tavenner, Norris and Lois Webster, and Russ Hammerud) trained over 150 Chinese “English as a Foreign Language” teachers this summer in China. Russ reports, “God’s presence and blessing were evident in every aspect of the programs, and our hosts and teacher-students were highly appreciative. Be encouraged that your partnership continues to bear fruit in ways only He fully knows. By joining them for lunch, we came to know them better and were able to interact on a more personal level regarding their joys and trials in and beyond the classroom.” Before the ACCTS group left China, Carson and Ed addressed over 200 local Communist Party officials on the subjects of time management and situational leadership.
ACCTS IN ACTION • Page 2 • October 2012
Pre-Action Reports: Following are some activities planned by our staff for the rest of 2012 - they deeply appreciate your prayers as they seek God’s guidance in their efforts for Him:
Australia: Participating in and teaching international military Christians who attend the AMCF Pacific Regional Conference and Interaction program -- Russell and Helen Bielenberg, Phil and Sue Exner, Rick and Melissa Ryles Fiji: Encouraging military Christians in Fiji (following the Australia conference) -- Phil and Sue Exner Europe: Hosting a Ukrainian military Christian fellowship leader during his three-week Rick and Melissa Ryles visit to the US; planning ministry trips to Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, and Germany -- Dick and Linda Barnes Mongolia/China: Carrying out a mission and friendship trip -- Ed and Sally Ward USA: Continuing Bible study with international military students in the San Antonio region, and link departing international students with their national MCFs -- Bill and Suzanne Lumpkin
International soldier photos courtesy USDOD.
South Africa: Participating in and teaching at a World Conference 2014 training program -- Phil Exner and Bernhard Kaltenbach USA: Hosting a Thanksgiving dinner for AFIT internationals and their families and continuing Bible studies -- Vic and Marsha Grazier USA: Sharing ACCTS’ mission and ministry with chaplains at CAST (Chaplaincy Annual Sustainment Training) conferences -- Pete and Jacki Prindle, Harry and Linda Waters
Vic and Marsha Grazier
Caribbean: Preparing for the Caribbean Military Christian Leaders Conference (CMCLC) planned for April 2013 in Surinam -- Jim and Lois Greshel Ukraine/China: Recruiting teachers for next year’s English programs in Ukraine and China -- Russ Hammerud China: Planning for 2013’s medical mission trip to China -- Cal Dunlap, He Gang/Jodie Wang USA: Continuing “Prayer Mornings” to encourage collective prayer for international military ministry and personal/national revival -- Mike and Leslie Fligg USA: Continuing to send out monthly emails, “Thoughts to Ponder” and other outreach methods to encourage military wives and their families -- Doris Waldrop Mincks Mike and Leslie Fligg
October s November s December ACCTS IN ACTION • Page 3 • October 2012
O ur C ore Values : wBiblically-based wSpirit-led wPrayer-centered
Thank You! The ACCTS board of directors and staff extend their deep thanks and appreciation to two staff couples who are retiring. Russell and Helen Bielenberg of Australia began working with ACCTS in 1991, although they were heavily involved in international military ministry before that time. They were both leaders in the MCF of Australia, mentored military Christian leaders in their region as well as Spain, and worked to strengthen MCFs around the world. Earl and Sue Casner joined ACCTS in 2006, but had also been involved in military ministry and mentoring of military Christians in Europe before then. We thank God for these four individuals’ sacrificial service and pray that God will bless them in the years to come.
Russell and Helen Bielenberg
Earl and Sue Casner
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PO Box 27239 Denver, CO 80227-0239 Phone: 1-800-487-8108 Fax: 303-986-4710 Email: accts@accts.org Web: www.accts.org
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Association for Christian Conferences Teaching and Service
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ACCTS Prayer Reminder October 2012
“I do not appeal to you to screw up your courage and sacrifice for Christ. I appeal to you to renounce all you have to obtain life that satisfies your deepest longings. I appeal to you to count all things as rubbish for the surpassing value of standing in the service of the King of kings. I appeal to you to take off your store-bought rags and put on the garments of God’s ambassadors.” -- John Piper, Desiring God
Note: Staff member names are in bold print. 1 The military Christian fellowship of Australia hosts the AMCF Pacific Region Conference and subsequent Interaction leadership program from 1-8 October. Pray that all the regional military Christians who attend will contribute freely from their own cultural viewpoint, and will gain a scriptural understanding of God’s will for military ministry. 2 Praise God with us for the work which Russell and Helen Bielenberg have done to prepare for the AMCF Pacific Region Conference and pray with them as they retire from serving with ACCTS this month. 3 A staff member with Military Ministry International (UK) will be traveling in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Uganda, and Kenya until 19 October. Pray that all those he meets will be blessed by his encouragement and that together they will be guided by God in their discussions. 4 Interaction starts today in Australia, and runs through 8 October. Russell and Helen Bielenberg, Rick and Melissa Ryles, and Phil and Sue Exner lead it. Give thanks for the 13 Pacific-region delegates who are, God willing, attending and pray that they will be fully equipped to serve Christ in their nations and MCFs. 5 Pray with the new AMCF president, General Weerasooriya, as he identifies and appoints a new vice president for the Middle East, and pray for God’s provision and comfort for General Haddadin’s family as they mourn his death earlier this year. 6 Pray for military chaplains (and those who minister as chaplains), asking the Lord to provide spiritual strength and godly wisdom as they give of themselves in their ministry of presence with their troops.
ACCTS prayer reminder • October 2012
7 In late August and September ACCTS staff helped lead a training event in Brazil in conjunction with the military Christian fellowship. Pray that those who attended that event will continue to use what they learned in their daily lives and military service and to look for ways to share Christ’s good news with their coworkers, family, and friends. 8 Today is the final day of the Interaction leadership training in Australia. Pray for safe journeys home for the attendees. 9 Following the Australian Interaction, Phil and Sue Exner will stop in Fiji to meet with and discuss military ministry with Fijian Christians. Pray for a fruitful visit. 10 Much of ACCTS’ outreach in China is done on a friendship-building relationship, as that is what is culturally appropriate at the current time in China. Pray that God will use our staff members’ ministries and friendships with Chinese civilians and military personnel to inspire them to think about spiritual matters and seek out ways they can add spiritual depth to their lives. Pray particularly for Cal Dunlap, ACCTS’ China director, and He Gang and Jodie Wang. 11 At the September ACCTS staff meeting, General Lee Pil Sup of South Korea handed over the AMCF presidency to General Srilal Weerasooriya of Sri Lanka. Praise God with us for General Lee’s selfless work on behalf of AMCF and the ongoing partnership between AMCF, ACCTS, and other international military ministries. 12 From 12-14 October the Armed Forces Christian Union (AFCU) in the UK hosts a Ladies Weekend retreat. Pray that this weekend will encourage the military and civilian women who participate. 13 Each year ACCTS’ partner organization, Mission Support Organization in Korea, hosts an event to help indigenous military Christians begin MCFs. This year Christians from six
of the seven countries that participated in that event started a national MCF. Please pray that each nation’s MCF will grow in number and spiritual strength. 14 Today, please pray for wisdom and grace for staff members of our partner organization, Military Ministry International in the U.K. 15 Pray that the MCF of Nicaragua will be resuscitated. AMCF’s vice president for Central America, Joaquin Maldonado, will travel with Vicki Maldonado, Chaplain (Captain, U.S. Army) Jesus Perez, and Zulma Perez from 15-21 October in Nicaragua to inspire indigenous Christians to re-start their fellowship group.
24 Praise God with us for the many years of service which Earl and Sue Casner gave to ACCTS and to military Christians around the world. Pray for God’s blessings on them as they step down from their position in European Ministry. 25 Praise God for ACCTS board members Phil and Rosa Lewis (USA), who translate our newsletter (quarterly) into Spanish, and for Elena Alikova (Ukraine) who translates it into Russian. They have all done the translation faithfully for many years and have blessed all those who are able to read the newsletter in their own language. 26 Pray with Frank Cole, Pete Prindle, Dell McDonald, and others who will be choosing delegates to attend ACCTS’ Chaplains Interaction leadership program in the spring of 2013.
16 Please pray with Dick and Linda Barnes as they plan ministry trips to Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, and Germany. The Barneses work closely with MMI staff members, AMCF 27 October 1st was the beginning of a new fiscal year for coworkers, and indigenous military ACCTS. Please pray with Phil Exner, “There is but one God, and they Bernhard Kaltenbach, the finance Christian fellowship leaders in these nations as they plan their future outreach. that serve Him should be one. committee, and others who guide There is nothing that would ACCTS as we distribute the donations of 17 In many French-speaking African supporters to military ministry needs. render the true religion more our countries the military have great political Praise God for our supporters who belovely, or make more proselytes lieve so strongly in the need for Chrispower. Christians can be a small minority. Lord, strengthen the faith of those Af- to it, than to see the profes- tians in the armed forces of the world! rican military Christians who feel isolated sors of it tied together with or afraid. 28 Pray with Rick and Melissa Ryles the heart-strings of love.” as they have moved from Japan back to 18 Pray with Bill and Suzanne Lumpkin -- Thomas Watson, the USA. Ask for God’s guidance in their as they continue in a Bible study with international military ministry and praise A Puritan Golden Treasury international military students in the San Him for their ongoing work with ACCTS. Antonio region. 29 Praise God and pray for ACCTS’ 19 Ed Ward will be ministering to military board members as they guide and lead and civilian Christians in Mongolia and this international ministry. Today, please China this month. Please pray for God’s pray specifically for Ed Lorenzini, board guidance on his trip. president; Sue Huggler, vice president; Ward Bursley, treasurer; and Jody Burs20 Please pray for the knowledge of ley, secretary. Christ and his hope to spread in Turkey, one of the largest unreached nations in 30 The MCF of South Africa is in “full the world. Pray that the Turkish governspeed ahead!” mode for the 2014 AMCF ment will be increasingly open to a multiWorld Conference. In November they cultural and multi-religious nation. are hosting a training program in prepaUkraine English camp participants ration for the conference, and Phil Exner and Bernhard 21 Please ask that the new AMCF president, General Srilal Kaltenbach will be teaching. Pray for this training event Weerasooriya, be given God’s wisdom as he guides AMCF and pray also for other conference preparations. (Have you members toward being “devoted to one another in brotherly considered attending? Please contact us at accts@accts.org love, joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.” for more information!) (Romans 12:10, 12) 31 The military Christian fellowship in Guatemala is hosting 22 This year marks the 50th anniversary of Officers’ Christian a Basic Military Chaplaincy Course from 15-16 November. Fellowship’s retreat center, Spring Canyon, in Colorado, USA. Please pray for all those who are preparing for and leading Praise God for Buck Buxton’s vision to obtain Spring Canyon, this event, including ACCTS staff members Bob and BJ Reifand for the many events - including many ACCTS-sponsored snyder and Don Jukam. Give praise for the MCF’s initiative events - at Spring Canyon which have changed the lives of and desire to serve their nation! military Christians from around the world. 23 Pray with military ministries around the world that are working to help their nations’ soldiers deal with post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. Pray that these MCFs will be given resources and wisdom as they help families through these situations. ACCTS prayer reminder • October 2012