ACCTS Prayer Reminder August 2010
With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
Creative Commons photo courtesy of TP,
-- Isaiah 12:2
1 ACCTS’ annual leadership training program for young international officers, Interaction-Rocky Mountain High, occurs this week. Pray that the international participants will learn life lessons from their leaders and apply those lessons to their military careers. Pray also for Emanuela Haien, program coordinator. 2 ACCTS’ sister organization in the UK, Military Ministry International, hosts a sailing retreat this week (1-6 August). Pray that this retreat will be a spiritually and physically invigorating time for the military personnel who participate. 3 Pray with Officers’ Christian Fellowship (USA) as their new director, Dave Warner, transitions this month into the role as executive director of OCF.
4 In July ACCTS conducted an English language program in China. Pray that that program and our other efforts in China will show our love and God’s love for this vast nation. Pray also for Jody Wang and He Gang’s China ministry.
5 ACCTS and the military Christian fellowship
(MCF) of Ukraine hosted English language camps in July, which included spiritual aspects of learning as well as language lessons. Pray that those who attended will continue to grow spiritually from what they learned.
6 A former participant in ACCTS’ Chaplains Interaction program, Chaplain Micael in Madagascar, emailed this joyful news: “Today, 21st June, we begin the distribution and sharing of our camouflage Bible!” Praise God for their ability to distribute God’s Good News, and ask that He will use it in Madagascar’s armed forces.
ACCTS Prayer reminder August 2010
7 From 8-14 August, the Armed Forces Christian Union (a military Christian fellowship in the UK) hosts a summer house party. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give fresh learning to all who attend.
8 Pray for a Lithuanian military chaplain who
is developing Bible study groups at the military academy, and pray for an effective outreach to military Christians of all denominations at the academy and in military units.
9 Although fighting in Kyrgyzstan has calmed
down, there is a great need for forgiveness and reconciliation. Ask the Lord to bring reconciliation to this nation, and to bring to Himself people who need His peace, joy, and hope.
10 Mission Support Organization (MSO), a South Korean sister ministry to ACCTS, held a June event which included participants from 19 nations. Subjects included discipleship training, Christian leadership, and the establishment and growth of military Christian fellowships. Praise God for MSO and ask that their work for Him continue to prosper. 11 Pray that the God of peace will help military Christians in Guatemala faithfully serve Him in one of the world’s most dangerous nations.
12 Praise God for the work that Russian military Christians have done to reorganize their military Christian fellowship, and pray with them as they complete this process. 13 Pray with General Petraeus as he leads US war efforts in Afghanistan, and for all the multinational officers and soldiers serving in that war.
14 Pray for ACCTS’ executive director, Cal Dunlap, and Linda as they are compelled by Christ’s love (2 Cor. 5:14) to share His ministry of reconciliation with military personnel in nations around the globe. 15 The Sri Lankan military Christian fellowship has had a drop in attendance lately; pray that God will reinvigorate this fellowship and its members. 16 Many children of US military personnel (and children in other nations whose military personnel are frequently re-assigned) will start at new schools this autumn. Pray that the transition will go well for them and that they will find spiritually-healthy Photo courtesy USDOD friendships in their new locations. 17 Please pray for God’s direction on ACCTS’ regional staff members, including Gina Rajah (Southern Africa/Brazil), Bob and B.J. Reifsnyder (Latin America), Phil and Sue Exner (E. Europe), and Earl and Sue Casner (Europe). 18 Pray for God’s guidance for the following staff members: Harry Argo (Horn of Africa/Young Officers), Dick and Linda Barnes (Eastern and Central Europe), Russell and Helen Bielenberg (Pacific/ Spain) and Ken and Jonna Carpenter (Bible distribution).
24 Pray with Don Martin as he continues to develop the online ACCTS project, Journal of Faith and War ( 25 Pray that the international military student rela-
tionships which Vic and Marsha Grazier, Bill and Suzanne Lumpkin, and Jim and Mary Jane Ahmann have forged over the years will bring many people around the world to Christ.
26 Praise God for continued ministry opportunities in Ukraine and ask that the Ukrainian military Christian fellowship’s newspaper, Chas Ch (“Be Ready”) will be well-distributed to military units throughout the country. O Lord, support us all the day long, until the shadows lengthen, and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed and the fever of life is over and our work is done. Then in thy mercy, grant us safe lodging, and a holy rest, and peace at the last. -- Book of Common Prayer
19 Please uphold the ministries of ACCTS staff members Frank and Ginny Cole and Rob and Delores Stroud (Chaplains Interaction), Noel and Meryl Dawes (Alpha), and Guy and Ginny Jarratt (East Coast Coordinators). 20 Thank God with us for these staff members and pray for them as well: Brock and Linda Fallon (East Asia/Young Officers), Mike and Leslie Fligg (Discipleship), Jim and Lois Greshel (Conference Coordination), and Pete and Jacki Prindle (Church Coordinators). 21 As we continue praying for ACCTS staff members, lift up these people in prayer: Russ and Bonnie Hammerud (Special Projects), Bernhard and Cheryl Kaltenbach (Comptroller/W. Europe), and Doris Waldrop Mincks (Wives of Warriors Worldwide). 22 Pray for God’s leading on Dickson Ogwang’s reconciliation ministry in Africa and Neil and Jan Lewis’ MCF ministry in Jamaica. ACCTS Prayer reminder •August 2010
23 Pray for Paul Neu and Lois and Norris Webster as they develop ACCTS’ American English Language Training programs. Pray also for staff members Elena Alikova, Craig and Alison Conrad, Chuck and Carol Piersee, Don and Elaine Jukam, and Dell McDonald
27 Pray with ACCTS board committee members as they seek God’s will for ACCTS’ continued ministry to military Christians.
28 An AMCF (Association of Military Christian Fellowships) vice president asks for prayer for growth and strengthening of the MKE (the Hungarian MCF) and its leaders. Pray also for Hungary’s chaplains who are in war zones or serving in Hungary. 29 Pray that ACCTS will finish the month of August on a firm financial footing. Praise God with us for the people who support our work among the armed forces! 30 Praise God for new ACCTS staff members Ed and Sally Ward and the contacts they have made in Mongolia and China (see newsletter for information). Pray as they prepare for an October trip to Mongolia and a November trip to China. 31 Pray with military Christians in Japan as they plan for the 2-4 September AMCF East Asia Regional Conference. Pray also for Rick and Melissa Ryles as they share Christ with international military personnel in this region of the world.