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ACCTS in action To assist in the development of Christian leaders in the armed forces of the world and in the establishment and growth of military Christian fellowships.
United Before God’s Throne: ACCTS and AMCF Day of Prayer 15 September, 2012
Please join AMCF and ACCTS-related military and civilian Christians around the world on 15 September as we pray for the needs of military Christian ministry. We also invite you to pray the following prayer, which was adopted by AMCF in 1930: “Heavenly Father, we thank you that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin. Bless the service men and women of all nations, and grant that we who know the joy of being ‘all one in Christ Jesus’ may be filled with your love and pass it on to others through the power of the Holy Spirit until His coming again.”
Prayer and praise items: AMCF Presidency: In September General Lee, Pil Sup of South Korea will hand over the AMCF presidency to General Srilal Weerasooriya of Sri Lanka. General Weerasooriya had a 37 year military career and was appointed the commander of the Sri Lanka army in 1998. He retired in August 2000 as a four-star general. He was appointed AMCF vice president for South Asia in 1997 and currently serves as an elder and lay pastor in his church. His wife Dilhani has ministered by his side. The AMCF presidency is a volunteer position, and we praise God for the inspired leadership given to AMCF by General Lee during his tenure and ask for your prayers for General Weerasooriya as he seeks God’s will in leading this association of indigenous fellowships. AMCF Vice President with God: Please pray for the family of Brig. General Samir Haddadin of Jordan, who was AMCF’s vice president for the Middle East, as they adjust to life after General Haddadin’s death in July. Please pray especially for his wife, Alia. MCFs: Please pray for the approximately 50 nations around the world that do not have a military Christian fellowship. Many of these nations are difficult-access countries where forming a Christian fellowship group is difficult.
General Lee, Pil Sup of South Korea will officially hand over the AMCF presidency to General Srilal Weerasooriya of Sri Lanka in September. Please give thanks with us for General Lee’s unselfish service to God through AMCF and pray for wisdom for General Weerasooriya as he assumes the mantle of leadership.
Day of Prayer and Praise 2012
AMCF Vice Presidents: Please pray for wisdom and guidance for AMCF’s vice presidents as they serve their region and follow God’s will: Brigadier David Wakaalo, East Africa; Colonel Gaston Gnoumo, French-speaking Africa; Brig Gen Thabo Victor Mohapi , Southern Africa; Air Commodore Ishaku Komo, West Africa; LtCol Nestor Ogilvie, North America; Colonel Joaquín Maldonado, Central America; Colonel Omar Larrazabal, South America; Comm. Saleem Mathew, South Asia; Colonel Ernest Sacro, South East Asia; Lt. General Lee, Kap Jin, East Asia; Colonel Torbjorn Bostrom, North East Europe; Comm. Brian Parker, South Europe; and Principal Chaplain Eric Burton, Pacific. Support Organizations: Please pray for God’s leading of the leaders and staff of AMCF’s three support organizations – ACCTS (USA), Military Ministry International (UK), and Mission Support Organization (S. Korea). Afghanistan: Pray for strong indigenous political and military leadership in this war-torn nation. Pray that the tiny number of Christians will stay strong in their faith and continue trusting in God. Argentina: Pray with military Christians as they serve their country while bringing Christ’s peace and justice to their coworkers. Australia: Pray that this year’s AMCF Pacific Regional Conference and Interaction (1-8 Oct.) will bless, teach, and inspire all military Christians who attend. Praise God for this strong, outreach-oriented MCF! Bangladesh: Pray that the small number of military Christians will bring Christ’s hope and love to this overpopulated and impoverished nation. ACCTS IN ACTION • Page 2 • September 2012
Bhutan: Praise God and pray for a new group of Christians who are fellowshipping together. Brazil: Pray that the large number of military Christians in this influential and prosperous nation will not grow weary in sharing the good news of Christ. Canada: As Christianity’s influence declines in Canada, pray that the presence of military Christians will be keenly felt as they share Christ’s peace wherever they are stationed. Cape Verde: Pray that this small military Christian fellowship (MCF) will grow both numerically and spiritually. China: Praise God for the large number of Christians in this nation, and pray that they will be a blessing to their nation as it grows in power and size. Colombia: Pray growth for the MCF in Colombia and that they will trust in the Lord for all things. Congo: Pray for military and civilian Christians who serving Christ in this, one of the poorest nations in the world. Croatia: Ask God to lead and guide military Christians in ways that they can effectively share Christ with others. Democratic Rep. of Congo: Pray for peace and stability in the DRC and that God will reconcile the DRC and Rwanda. Equatorial Guinea: Pray for victory against fear and intimidation by those who oppose Christianity, and that military Christians will establish a national MCF. Gambia: Pray that this small fellowship will be strengthened in the Lord; praise
Day of Prayer and Praise 2012
God for religious tolerance in this nation, which is predominately Muslim, with ethnic religions and Christianity (about 4% of the population) also being followed. France: Pray for unity among believers in France so that all Christians can work together for God’s kingdom. Germany: Pray for revitalization and refreshing from the Holy Spirit for this MCF. Ghana: Ghana’s national president died in late July; pray that Ghana will have stability and peace at this time, and pray that military Christians will continue to share Christ’s hope with their families and coworkers. Guatemala: Ask that God guide all those who lead or participate in this November’s Basic Military Chaplaincy Course in Guatemala.
Haiti: Praise God for the enthusiasm of military Christians in Haiti as they serve Him despite challenges. Pray that they exhibit the fruits of the Spirit to all they encounter. Honduras: Pray for wisdom as Honduran MCF members share Christ with their coworkers from all socio-economic levels in this nation where poverty is still endemic. India: Pray for a new fellowship initiative in the Assam region of India. Unrest in the region is increasing. Indonesia: Give praise for the faith of military Christians here, and pray that they will stay robust in their faith despite ongoing oppression.
Iraq: Pray that soldiers in this nation will be drawn to Christ and His love for them. Pray for peace in this and other war-torn Guinea Bissau: Pray “If there are two persons praying, nations. there are three. If three meet to for this small MCF as pray, there are four praying. There is they work to meet always one more than you can see.” – Jordan: Pray for the spiritual needs of -- S.D. Gordon strength and wisdom their fellow military for military Christians personnel. in this nation as they have recently experienced the death of a Guyana: Ask that Christians not comprostrong military Christian leader, General mise but stand firm in their faith and that Haddadin. decision makers and those in leadership (political and otherwise) will seek God’s Kenya: Pray against terrorism in the East will. Africa region, particularly in Kenya, and
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Day of Prayer and Praise 2012
pray that military Christians will stand strong again systemic corruption. Praise Him for their faithfulness! Japan: Pray that this MCF’s leadership will find ways to help it thrive in a nation where Christians are only a small proportion of the population.
North Korea: Pray that doors for ministry will be opened in this closed nation. Pakistan: Pray for success for military Christians who are hosting discipleship courses.
Mali: Pray for military Christians in this nation, which has undergone great violence and a resurgence of militant Islam.
Papua New Guinea: Pray that permission will be granted to allow this strong MCF to extend beyond the capital city and across more denominations. Pray for future leaders.
Mauritius: Ask God to mobilize Christians to fellowship together and bring the Great Commission to others. Pray for the MCF as it seeks official recognition, which would free it to expand more quickly.
Philippines: Praise God for the faithful endurance of military Christians, and pray that their spirits will be encouraged as they share Christ in this very large Asian nation.
Mexico: Praise God for the steady growth of Christianity in Mexico, and pray that this growth will be reflected in the armed and police forces as well.
Poland: Praise God for the 15 years of military ministry of Poland’s MCF, and pray for God’s guidance as they plan future ministry.
Moldova: Pray for MCF leaders as they assist members who have lost their jobs. Pray that their counsel would be relevant, and that these events would strengthen the Christians’ faith in Jesus.
Romania: Pray for broader and deeper ministry among military Christians and ask for wisdom as they share Christ’s relevancy.
Nepal: Pray that military Christians will be able to use MMI’s biblical service course as a tool to share with other Christians in Nepal’s military. Niger: Praise God for a new MCF in Niger! Pray for military Christians in the Sahel region as they face chronic drought and some political instability. Nigeria: Pray that the Nigerian MCF will be able to host a long-desired AMCF West Africa Leaders Retreat in 2013. Thank God for the initiative to start another AMCF support organization based in Nigeria. Pray for safety of Christians – 16 were murdered in a church in August. ACCTS IN ACTION • Page 4 • September 2012
Russia: Pray for military Christians to grow and spread throughout this diverse country, the largest on earth. Sierra Leone: Praise God for this small MCF, and pray that it will grow in Christ and in membership. Somalia: Pray for the mission success and force protection for international troops (from Burundi, Uganda, Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia) in this nation. South Africa: Pray for the MCF of South Africa as it hosts “Warrior Training” leadership events and prepares for the 2014 AMCF World Conference. Pray for wisdom and resources for all involved.
Day of Prayer and Praise 2012
South Asia: Give praise and pray for a recently formed MCF in South Asia! Pray for their growth and for wisdom in a country where Christians are not yet allowed to meet publicly. Pray for wisdom regarding the two remaining countries without a MCF and pray for efforts to use an MMI discipleship course in this country. South Korea: Praise God for this vision and outreachPhoto courtesy USMC oriented MCF! Praise God for a leadership event, MEO, which led to the formation of six MCFs. Pray that those MCFs will be protected. Sudan/South Sudan: Call upon God to reconcile the Sudan and South Sudan states that are involved in a border conflict around the oil producing Abyei region. Syria: Pray for resolution to the ongoing violence in this nation.
United Kingdom: Pray for MMI and other U.K. based military ministries as they strive to be culturally relevant in a multi-cultural nation. Praise God for their MCF and its outreach. United States of America: Pray for wisdom for military ministries as they share Christ in an increasingly secularized nation whose military forces are stretched thin. Uganda: Pray that the unity and love seen in MCF of Uganda members will draw many to Christ and to the fellowship group.
“Prayer is the human response to the perpetual outpouring of love by which God lays siege to every soul. When our reply to God is most direct of all, it is called adoration. Adoration is the spontaneous yearning of the heart to worship, honour, magnify, and bless God. We ask nothing but to cherish him. We seek nothing but his exaltation. We focus on nothing but his goodness.” -- Richard J. Foster
Venezuela: Pray that MCF leaders and members will turn to Christ for daily wisdom in sharing Christ with their peers. Zimbabwe: Ask that military Christians catch a vision for military ministry in their nation.
Thailand: This nation has been shaped by its Buddhist religious heritage, the monarchy, and the military. Pray for military Christians as they bring Christ to a place of greater prominence in their civilian population and armed forces. Ukraine: Pray for wisdom and resources as military Christians spread knowledge of the gospel through their nation, the second largest in Europe. ACCTS IN ACTION • Page 5 • September 2012
O ur C ore Values : wBiblically-based wSpirit-led wPrayer-centered
“Reading is good, hearing is good, conversation and meditation are good; but then, they are only good at times and occasions… but the spirit of prayer is for all times and occasions; it is a lamp that is to be always burning, a light to be ever shining: everything calls for it; everything is to be done in it and governed by it, because it is and means and wills nothing else but the totality of the soul -- not doing this or that, but wholly...given up to God to be where and what and how He pleases.” -- William Law
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PO Box 27239 Denver, CO 80227-0239 Phone: 1-800-487-8108 Fax: 303-986-4710 Email: accts@accts.org Web: www.accts.org
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Association for Christian Conferences Teaching and Service
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